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Recent Researches in Modern Medicine

Theory of Carbon Signaling. Negentropy vs Entropy - Emergence of Self

Propagated Biological Systems
Independent researcher Biology department
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400133 Garrett Hall Charlottesville, VA 22904-4133

Abstract: - How can we model the causative force of reversible covalent modifications? DNA provides information
for synthesizing proteins which in term drive metabolic processes. Understanding basic metabolic processes currently
do not help explain regulative forces controlling gene expression. Rather it is claimed that the chromatin state
determined by DNA and histone modifications regulate gene expression. We now know that chemistry underlines and
explains biological phenomena. However, understanding dynamic chemistry in large space such as a cell has been
difficult through conventional models capturing structural changes of metabolites in spatially defined motifs where
active sites determine change of mass. How do we expand in space? We certainly need to implement defined physical
concepts and to elaborate on set of principles in order to construct emergent principles. The results from sequencing
technology have posed new questions that require alternative approaches of system analysis. The functions of non-
coding RNAs have linked gene expression with the smallest covalent modifications, methylation and acetylation. The
smallest and the largest molecules such as protein complexes are the most difficult to study in biological systems
because of their transient characteristics. Hierarchical time scale differences additionally complicate computational
models as open systems tend to be difficult to analyze due to environmental, transport, irreversible, or regulatory
constrains. Building a dynamic model of multiple dimensional composite functions at each moment by approximating
negativity as a function of mass change is what may be necessary for discovering the causative force underlying
oscillations in concentrations and states of small molecules and therefore populations. Is there a mechanism to define
species variability through the physics of small molecules relative to the origin of carbon signaling?

Key Words: - acetylation, methylation, epigenetics, carbon signaling, asymmetric redox systems, non-coding RNA,
heterochromatin, euchromatin, negentropy

1. Introduction:

Resonance theory, as widely accepted method for established due to its relative functionality as a function
understanding electron negativity fluctuations theorized of given conditions. [4, 5] Therefore it can act either as
by Linus Pauling and the establishment of uncertainty electrophile or nucleophile relative to its interference
principle by Heisenberg, allows us to capture possible with given set of amino acids and/or other molecules as
intermediates over the course of a given reaction. a function of space. Others focuses on modern analysis
Chemical quantum mechanisms are good for possible carbon metabolites and green house gases
approximations for determining reactants if role in primordial atmosphere [2,3] In 1950 Edmons
endogenously produced intermediates. What were the Mary, Adelaide Delluva, and Wright Wilson published
first organic molecules giving rise to biological the metabolism of purines and pyrimidines by growing
primitive systems in the RNA world? What other yeast where lactate was incorporated into pyrimidines.
cluster of elements played crucial role for evolving However, accurate mechanism following quantum
complex biological systems? One group of researchers chemical theory was lacking. As a result it was easily
suggests that urea must have been present [1, 3]. Ureas composed that aspartic acid and carbamyl phosphate
density functional properties have not been well (never observed intermediate), precursor of carbamoyl

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phosphate, formed orotic acid when orotic aciduria was provide information on reasons for U and T synthesis
discovered as a disease causing excess excretion of evolutionary mechanism and they lack explanation on
orotate. In 1964 McCarty Kenneth et al suggested integrating it with key metabolite fluxes, protein
arginine as a precursor of pyrimidine synthesis. [6] If conformations and macromolecule dynamics. In this
pyrimidine synthesis is the origin of carbon signaling, paper U and T are considered being synthesized at the
then methylome dynamics will be directly linked to same source under different regulatory forces. The role
mutation dynamics and redox coupled systems causing of glucose on differentiation has been an object for
glyoxylate asymmetric topological changes. The continuous investigation [11]. Parallel to it, studies on
biological relevant properties of carbon containing branched amino acids has shown interesting clinical
molecules are a long standing problem that must results inferring the importance of modern approaches
consider life as inevitable consequence of expanding in revealing the dependent and independent axis
biological space. between carbon and nitrogen interference. [12, 13] Is it
possible that the most primitive pathway is the missing
2. Problem Formulation: link in biophysical chemistry expansion as a function of
carbon signaling systems? Even today, carbons
Metabolism has been problematic due to physical property continues to surprise us with its
topological constrains and loss of electrons in water potential capacity conductance and subatomic quasi
molecules. Because regulatory mechanisms are related particle behavior. What are the biological relevant
to reversible covalent modifications, metabolism re- properties of carbon containing molecules is a long
emerged as a flux based constrains. standing problem that needs to be explored in a novel
CAD has been a long standing problem in biochemistry approach considering life as inevitable consequence of
where carbene mechanism transient formation has expanding biological space.
shown to be nearest to biochemical free energy
calculations. [7, 8, 9] It appears that the most proficient
enzyme, ODCase catalyzes different substrates as recent 3. Problem Solution:
mutations combined with high resolution
crystallography indicate formation of reversible
covalent bond on K72 and C-6 of pyrimidine ring. 3.1 Arginase and its centrality in nitrogen
Cyanide group was shown to be a leaving negative metabolism
group in opposition to neutral carbon dioxide leaving
negative destabilized C-6. [10] What if there is It was believed that Arginase was an enzyme expressed
something fundamentally wrong with the entire only in liver cells eliminating nitrogen end products,
pathway proposal in regard of substrates? Orotate amonia. It is now well documented that ARGase is
synthesis mechanism is proposed in Fig. 2 Refutation of expressed in any cell entering S phase.[14] It was
the regulatory role mediated by the multi protein known confirmed that Arginase expression is linked to cellular
as CAD in mammals, consisted of CPSase, ACTase, signaling and differentiation [15, 16] Moreover the
ODCase and DHOase mechanisms, one of the most existence of such empirical data sheds light on nitrogen
proficient enzymes ever known, is the base for metabolism and its role in mitochondria - cytosol
paradigm shift in understanding the causative force for relationship of glucose oxidation and urea synthesis. It
mutation rate, dynamics of reversible covalent is confirmed that oxygen tension has direct effect on
modifications and unifying network, free radical, arginase expression [17]. Oxidative glycolysis is a
mutation and redox theory through implementing the paradox important for understanding how small
principle of mass compressibility relative to quantum molecule signaling and turnover of biomass happens.
chemistry and general relativity. Arginase expression in immune cell response has been
Understanding life dynamics as a function of space/time an object for investigating differentiation effects on
requires introducing the principle of compressibility of genome expression [18]. It is the electromagnetic forces
carbon molecules. Linux Paulig proposed the existence formed by resonance that allows strong nucleophilic
of hydranion, but in this work it will be accepted that properties of nitrogen [19]. NO (nitric oxide) synthesis
only carbon anions are functionally relevant for evolved as competitive form for nitrogen regulation as
dynamic redox systems as composite functions of arginine substrate serving to both urea and NO
negativity in expanded space. Current models do not production. How cell differentiates which pathways are

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activated is a function of genomic fluctuation upon scenarios of asymmetric oxidation are considered in the
external and internal signaling relative to carbon derivation of carbon interference PDE. (See derivation)
interference. Thus, lactate can be formed even when pyruvate is used
for pyrimidine synthesis. This is essential in bending
3.2 Lactate and its centrality in redox coupled symmetry amplified biological systems. There is no
systems. ATP problem as quantity for nucleotide synthesis would
provide necessary ATP for kinase, however, cancerous
The biologically relevant form of lactic acid is L which cells are independent greedy creatures. Note that it is
suggests that proteins were derived through lactic acid the same carbon atoms of pyruvate which ends up on
reduction generating S-S coupled dynamic changes by histones. Same carbon is in interference and usage for
using pyrimidine synthesis and methylation dynamics. signaling of asymmetric redox independent mass
If pyruvate is reduced, negative methyl from C-S will amplified spaces between compartments, which implies
attack alpha C+ and give off electrons to reduce carbon that phases of electrons are amplified due to
from +2 to +1 generating positive methyl group pulling interference overlapping bouncing off from DNA.
electrons form cysteine coupled systems of co-enzyme
Q coupled to DHO. Moreover this suggests that 3.3 Mechanism for pyrimidine synthesis
aspartate/malate shuttle is functionally dependent on
methyl transferring systems. This predicts that carbon- The mechanism for pyrimidine synthesis is presented in
carbon bonds are highly transient in the world of Fig 1. Note that methyl formation may occur at
biology and the driving force is entanglement of different conformational changes of the protein
negativity within methyl bound states relative to sulfur ACTase, thus proposing that allosteric regulation is a
containing amino acids, C or M. It is reasonable to function of methyl inducing sulfur bond transient
assume indirect interference of hydrogen peroxide, formation. Note that bonds are a language to represent
highly linked to sulfur bridge dynamics [20, 21, 22]. distant relationship between atoms with different
LDH mechanism is refuted as better accuracy is properties. However, is there an emergent system of
presented with the involvement of Cysteine coupled particles that cause spatial fluctuations of matter? How
systems. This explains the existence of methylated can we expand off functional groups to describe
lysine residues on dehydrogenases. How do we measure chained space of sub-atomic particle interference? The
potential in expanded space? smaller a defined mass is, the larger the defined energy
The spatial localization of LDH and its centrality in relative to space has been determined through the
cancerogenesis related to genomic instability and principle of mass compressibility relative to carbon
mutations have been object of investigation for decades. properties. The abundance of methionines in ACTase
LDH can be seen as a transformer in classic physical has never been attributed as dynamic consequence of
perception, therefore if transformer changes capacitor carbon signaling. It suggests that PEP regulation is
(heterochromatin) state will change as well. Vit. B12 essential for electro-negativity derivation through
has been known to participate in single carbon carbon-sulfur bond dynamics. CPS1 was compared to
transferring reactions [23] therefore directly involved in aldolases giving E value of 0.5 (data not published)
proliferation/differentiation dynamics by regulating the suggesting that the formation of C-C bond is a function
synthesis of M. Furthermore the central enzyme of nitrogen metabolism and substitution mechanism is
regulating one carbon transferring to uracil has been not sufficient to determine glyoxylate enzymes
now observed to be non locally dependent on M [24]. It similarity to CAD as well as the origin of methyl group
appears that spatially separated structures interfere synthesis.
through so called allosteric regulation. What is the force
behind it and how can we compute Warburg paradox of 3.4 Computation of pyruvate/acetate Oscillator
lactate increase as a function of carbon signaling by
conformational changes composed of partial carbon JDesigner biochemistry introduction program was used
fluxes? What is the cause for protein and DNA by implementing a mesh of indirectly dependent carbon
fluctuations? Methylome genomic fluctuations are seen molecules Fig 3. Equation (5) was derived.
as a function of carbon signaling. It is reasonable to dAcetate/dt = + J0 - J2 - J3 + J4 - J21 ; The rate of
assume that negative methyl reduces glyoxylate acetate formation equals the sum of pyruvate
forming lactate via -SS-C-N coupled systems. All of the decarboxylation and histone deacetylation minus the

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sum of the rate of biomass synthesis and the rate of better visualization and a partial functional
malate and oxaloacetate formation and equation (6) characterization. The generator is the site for pyrimidine
dPyruvate/dt = + J2 - J4 - J5 + J12 - J13 + J22 ; The synthesis, capacitors are heterochromatinized regions of
rate of pyruvate formation is directly proportional to the DNA, C-C and C-N bond formation, resistors are
sum of glucose uptake, malate synthase and OAA euchromatine regions as they will regulate generator
decarboxylation minus the sum of the rate of pyruvate output, semiconductors are S-C, LDH complex and Fe-
decarboxylation and pyrimidine synthesis. Aging has S [26] negativity transferring systems which coupled to
been attributed to NADH dependent deacetylases [25] proteins are well known in oxidation organelle systems
as well as other transcription factors, mainly histone seen as transformers while kinases/phosphatases
methylases as well as traditionally coupled redox systems are transistors amplifying carbon signaling It is
system perturbation studies. It is important for us to important to realize that all these biological functionally
determine the cause for cytosolic protein acetylation in defined parts are working as an entire unit, cell,
order to understand the existence of kinase/phosphatase composing emergent propeller of amplified
coupled systems. Kinases motifs are propagated entropy/negentropy potential psi, as space expands due
diamond network forward motifs due to the amplifying to mass compression, reducing carbon mass. The
character of phosphate signaling systems. The principle of space expansion (compressibility) is taken
symmetry is broken as phosphatases much lesser from general relativity theory and modified as a
quantity causes higher negentropy vs enetropy function of compressing mass. Thus the smaller carbon
magnitude. How does cross coupling of signaling molecules are, the larger the energetic space they
systems happen? Understanding the evolution of forces occupy because the faster they travel, so time will slow
determining acetyl/ methyl fluxes may explain entropy down as a function of negativity (electron re-
in an alternative problem solving way, accounting for localization) How can we measure and define the
redox systems amplifications by including water as a variables that can describe the function of an entire cell?
reflection of energy availability psi. Thus, oxidation Can atom by atom method solve the problem?
(using waters activated oxygen) is assumed to be
entropic force. This can be achieved when, first, carbon 3.3.1 Unidirectional flaw of matter in open systems
and nitrogen metabolism take principles requiring
unidirectional flaw of biomass production in terms of Pyruvate decarboxylation as an irreversible step in
pyrimidine synthesis and second, C-C bond breakage on carbon catabolism plays a key role in determining
C-5 is perceived as a function of redox opposing forces oxidative state of the cellular metabolism. Classically
as demethylated Cytosine would require input of acetate has been assigned as molecule entering Krebs
electrons on C-6 from S to preserve the electronic cycle, but during past decade acetate has been attributed
structure of the pyrimidine ring. The electron pair is to cytoplasmic and nuclear protein reversible covalent
essentially the same one coming from methyl-sulfur- modifications linked to nitrogen oxidation. Cystene
sulfur interference. As positive methyl groups are redox systems have been investigated [27] as a possible
transferred to K and R on histones. This indicates that mechanism for regulating immune response. However,
increase of so called junk DNA and variability of what is the cause for sulfur dynamics? How can one
introns is a consequence of C-S-N interference driven account indirectly of sulfur and determine evolutionary
by acetate/pyruvate oscillator. How computing as well as differentiation dynamics? In this paper,
methylome as a function of cellular state is possible? oxidation is relative only to electrons on carbon and the
Transcription factors differentiate species. Oxygen state first principle introduced is no hydranion formation in
is a reflection of negentropy (synthetic reactions). NAD dependent reactions. It is rather the relative S-C
Therefore, when perceiving space we can use well that delivers electrons. In organic chemistry study in
established physical concepts in order to determine late 70s it was unable to determine absolutism on
functionality of chemical resonates in expanded space. methyl radicals [28]. Carbon transfers electrons to
The five parts used to describe functional meaning of Sulfur in the Generator space. This is coupled to
biological structures in physical parts are generator, glyoxylate oxidation to oxalate in which electrons are
resistors, capacitor, semiconductors and transformer also transferred to methyl groups breaking S-S bridges
Fig. 5 divided on various scale according to magnitude and formation of homocysteins. Oxalate has overall
for permissive negative potential flow and switchers strong negative charge, thus readily converted to
that are key regulatory units. Thus, it is in favor of oxaloacetate. Therefore, understanding forces behind

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the shift from oxidative phosphorilation to glycolitic paper I will not define negativity as this may pose
phosphorilation can be seen outside of the light of further implications to theoretical physics which will be
traditional energy metabolism if one accounts for an attempt to further justification of subatomic particles.
distinctive axis of metabolite mass flaw. I have
independently proposed that glyoxalate and acetate are 3.4.1 The link between oxygen consumption and
substrate of an enzyme forming malate [29] which in lactate
turn can be oxidized to pyruvate. My model accounts
for this distinct axis independently of a group of If peroxide is used for oxidative processes and
systems biologist at Stanford and MIT [30, 31] activating oxygen of water molecules by serine
Pyruvate/Acetate oscillator Fig. 3 predicted the reasons proteases in degradation pathways, I assume increase of
driving the existence of such interaction between entropy due to loss of thermal energy during bond
glyoxalate cycle, Krebs cycle and glycolysis because breakage. The physiological capacity of oxygen
carbon metabolism cannot be understood outside the consumption is proportional to turnover of methyl flux
light of nitrogen metabolism and the role of ever and glyoxylate oxidation. Quanta of emitted infrared
growing sulfur containing amino acids, Cys and Met, as waves will be absorbed by carbon in its negative
a consequence of evolution confirmed by sequence assigned number exiting electrons during travel within
technology data (not published). Guo and Tugarinov S-C semiconductors, affecting transformers capability
identified carbon derived from glycolysis to be found to reduce oxygen molecules to peroxides. Excitation of
on M by NMR studies. [32] Systems biology electrons will be re-emitting amplified quanta,
evolutionary dynamics confirmed that there is suggesting that higher oxygen consumption correlates
correlation between certain amino acids (M, C and R with increase of capacitors state. This may suggests
and K) in evolutionary dynamics. It is reasonable to why mammals evolved as a function of oxygen
define properties that may predict this notion of availability. Then acetate, as a central intermediate of
evolutionary dynamics. catabolic/anabolic processes is actually a signaling
molecule involved in shifting local genome from
3.4 Shifting from inductive to deductive biological hetero to euchromatin and the expression of caspase
chemistry systems for degrading matter. Then increase of
cytosolic acetate by HDAC would cause increase of
Understanding dynamic chemistry in deductive manner glyoxylate synthesis. This implies for reasons of
of spatial jumps from cell-cell signaling to cell to chromatin packing and histone dynamics during S
compartments to transient protein complexes, to phase. As glyoxalate synthesis is parallel to pyrimidine
synthetic/degradation to reversible covalent synthesis, and methylation is an opposing force of
modification interactions leading to properties that can acetylation, repression by HDAC requires methyl
explain protein fluxes, conformational rearrangements synthesis, which is also a by-product of pyrimidine
and motif selections is the ultimate goal of Theory of synthesis pathway. Therefore, TCS model accounts for
Carbon Signaling ( PDE life equations). The oscillator integrating metabolomic dynamics with gene expression
periods, amplitudes and frequencies are dependent on through differentials of metabolism using basic physical
Arginase expression, metabolic balance shifts of redox concepts to separate biochemical functions in expanded
states, as well as rate of glyoxylate production, the space of omics.
origin of asymmetric biological oxidation. According to Another interesting aspect is the effect of urea
TCS model glyoxylate is a byproduct of pyrimidine formation on period of each oscillator cycle. This
synthesis, (see mechanism) indicating that for the first suggests that nitrogen intake determines lifespan of
time I have demonstrated direct causative force for organisms and high protein food should be taken only to
malate-pyruvate axis as a result of genes building block build lean mass or during growth of an organism
synthesis, or more simply determined by entropy besides intake of essential amino acids. Increase of this
decrease as synthetic processes can be seen as substrate would increase the period of each oscillatory
negentropy force, thus increasing the availability of cycle and possibly shift the phase. Then more glucose
potential energy stored in the hydrogen-oxygen enters glycolysis the more pyruvate would be produced
transient bonds. It is now known that hydrogen speeding up nucleotide capacitors potential to
resonates between oxygens and mass change is accommodate methyl groups. Then time is determined
determined as a function of negativity travel. In this by controlling the travel of methyl groups from

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membrane (outer mitochondrial) to membrane (inner 4. Use 1 to input mass change relative to larger space,
side of nuclear) Thus a prediction of TCS model is thus construct composite functions as a function of
increase of Arginase expression must correlate with time/space.
increase of glycolysis and deacetylation favoring gene
reduction, methylation. The importance of covalent 5. Derive explicitly and cancel out negativity
modifications has rose to an extend where we must represented as numbers where possible to catch time
differentiate genomic dynamics through integrative independently.
approach of various small molecules as a base of mass
change in space and vector determination for biological 6. Negativity can be a number representing ratios of
processes as a function of entropy shifts because mass and their change.
signaling peptide sequences are subject to reversible
modifications. However, life cannot be integrated 7. If you make a mistake, dont worry, we have multiple
without first being differentiated. Water has been systems so it is ok to emerge in different system, thus
traditionally considered as the molecule of life in classic by n-time we allow mistakes to be taken care by other
biology due to its observable properties relative to parts.
hydrogen bonding. Can we solve problem of oxygen?
The nature of the bond seems to evaporate as a function 8. Introduce natural log to compress mass (numbers)
of space as negativity loss in carbon. Many studies have and expand in space.
confirmed the change of differentiation as a function of
time as input of biomass appears to be important in the 9. Define the space as open carbon signaling system.
compensatory mechanism accommodating for internal
energy availability. [33, 34, 35, 36 ] What in essence is Thus, targeting well understood transferases coupled to
biomass and how can we measure compensatory transporters of hub metabolites involved in regulative
mechanism? How can we predict the outcome of forces of functional motif formation is important aspect
chained redox system defining spatial fluctuations as of medicine development and the emergence of
mass change due to negativity loss through carbon regenerative medicine. When would regeneration be
containing metabolites? It is eminent that pieces of possible?
expressible DNA have cumulative effect, and a gene
itself is not a functional biological unit, but rather an 3.5 Carbon Signaling- from origin to implications.
element necessary for a proper cellular state at a Theory of Carbon Signaling.
given stage in linage development. It rather gives some
information onto how metabolic mass changes in Integration of five partial systems spanning in
particular compartment or series of compartments if functional space has been introduced that appear to
deactivated. It is a reflection of methyl/negativity have discontinuous interactive domains. Theoretical and
discontinuous flux within boundaries, membranes. computational methods were used to define the
However, this does not imply that membranes are following postulates.
absolute boundaries as cells are open systems.
1. Modified Integration of metabolic fluxes reduced to
3.4.2 Rules for deriving biological carbon PDE. dynamics of hub intermediates of carbon and nitrogen
metabolism, pyruvate, malate, acetate, glyoxalate, and
1. Break time into n-dimensional systems relative to urea determining precursor quantity for signaling
mass compression of carbon molecules oxidation states through covalent reversible modifications. Dynamics of
Fig. 6 covalent bonds as electron negativity force is
determined by carbon-sulfur interaction in space
2. Approximate change of mass as a function of coupled to nitrogen-carbon dynamics from evolutionary
negativity (entropy vs. negentropy) metabolomic perspective. Relative oxidation state of
carbon is assigned as a chained function of metabolic
3. Take limit towards 0 and invert trig function to work fluxes.
with it better.
2. Defining global genomic stability by using
intermediate functional carbon group properties

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propagation in space determining protein-small kinase which is likely to participate in a complex with
molecule interference by assessment of entropy as a malate synthase and OAA decarboxylase. The
function of chained oxidation systems. Thus, highly formation of pyruvate as a product of decarboxylation
differentiated tissues must have highest rate of relative re-enters the pyrimidine pathway formed by
oxidation state of carbon containing metabolites multicomplex CAD, thus self amplifying the synthesis
according to PDE as highest rate of oxygen reduction is of methyl donors (see mechanism), allowing the
observed. methylation of deacetylated histones in order to
compact deacetylated chromatine. CAD is multi protein
3. Cys/Met evolutionary dynamics determined by consisted of Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase, ACTase
methyl/acetyl transferring systems coupled to ROS and DHOase. This is the site where nitrogen and carbon
(hydrogen peroxide synthesis and degradation), and metabolism interfere in a fascinated manner as the rate
electron negativity shifts in carbon, determining of urea and pyruvate formation determines the rate of
synthesis/degradation of macromolecules. pyrimidine synthesis, methyl donor formation and
glyoxylate asymmetric oxidation which is the causative
4. Water synthesis and degradation is an effect of force for HADPH hydrogen peroxide formation and
negentropic and entropic cause in defined functional malate synthase. Therefore, the production of
space. The role of enzymes in the mechanics of entropy glyoxylate drives its own synthesis indirectly. This is
oscillation is to resist capacitors, miRNA and siRNA. managed by opposing forces entropy and negentropy.
Viruses escape when capacitance is diminished as a
function of decreased entropy. Oncogenes are . HIF expression and GSSG (glutathione synthesis) are
interfering with histone acetylases amplifying their regulatory forces triggering negentropy. HIF factor,
expression. Tumor suppressors are methyltransferases. helix loop helix is a transcription factor that may be
involved in deacetylating and most likely participates
5. Electron negativity originates from carbon anion with complexes regulating genome stability by
reducing one sulfur of S-S bridges, oxidizing the second methylation, repressing genes involved in degradations.
forming another S-S bridge, or/and reducing Fe, thus This implies that as the rate of oxygen consumption
reducing oxygen is negentropic force. Nucleoiphilic decreases, hydrogen peroxide increases, (-CH3) will
Sulfur strips off methyl groups from nitrogen, reducing increase, therefore favoring transitional by the energy
nitrogen, causing expression. Thus, in this paper reader input at given momentum. C to T transition requires
must consider redox systems relative to carbon atoms. deamination by water attack on C-4. Then negantropy
Thus carbon reduction happens when keto group is forces the transition of G to A, neutralizing entropy.
converted to hydroxyl group as carbon negative donates Thus CG to AT transition is an outcome of two forces
electrons through sulfur coupled systems. Cofactors are opposing in their action. The core entropic step is
transient mediator of electron negativity. No decarboxylation, complete oxidation. This postulates
transferring of hydrogen anion involved. that genetic repeats are an effect of system comprising
inter-compartmental cross talk, an emergent property
3.5.1Moving from a cyclic to an oscillation model. describing functional space through physical properties
Fig. 4 of given metabolites and proteins involved in a chain of
composite carbon signaling metabolites. Therefore,
Histone deacetylases (NAD dependent, and Zn ion small molecule-protein interaction determines
binding activating transfer of Acetyl group bounded K evolutionary force, as mutations targeting promoters
side chain to ADP ribose moiety) transporting Ac to the where gene expression is selected is not random but
cytosol, where transient complex formation with Malate rather determined by environmental constrains.
synthase occurs, which catalyzes the aldol condensation Mutations are determined in a dt moment when input
of glyoxylate with acetyl-CoA to form malate. Malate for genomic stability is the output of environmental
synthase is a protein of 530 to 570 amino acids whose factors transformed through a chain of resistors. The
sequence is highly conserved across species. following three equations predict genomic fluctuations
Malate dehydrogenase converts the NAD to NADH of carbon signaling molecules as a function of
forming oxaloacetate which is decarboxylated requiring oxidation, Note: 1=(C-N) + (C-S), thus computing C-N
prosthetic group for decarboxylation of side chain because C-C of meC in cytoplasm: (see LIFE Equation)
carboxyl group. This reaction is dependent on pyruvate Relationship between oxalate, acetate and methylome.

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disorder (the case of cancer) However, because disorder
1) 1 - [-CH3]= Ln 1 - [Acetate] oxalate / Ln(O2 ) KO2
is caused by super-order at dt, the initial critical step is

negentropic, hypermethylation of tumor suppressors
Relationship between lactate and methylome
(the case of p53) Cancer is an outcome of
antievolutionary force.
3. Calcium is an entropy force that arose as an antiforce
2) 1 - [- CH3 ] = ([- Ln(1 - [lactate])] / Ln(O2 )) - KO2 of phosphorilation in higher organisms, or it happened
Relationship between glyoxylate and methylome when the first glyoxylate was oxidized to oxalate, thus
oxalate (readily metabolized or excreted) and calcium
3) 1 - [- CH 3 ] = ([Ln(glyoxytate)] / Ln(O2 )) - KO 2 must be separated in space. If not pathogenesis occur, or
In every case, TF(transcription factors) affect either complete spatial disorder by formation of crystal
reductive pathways for lactate and glyoxylate and structures.
oxidative for acetate and glyoxylate.
4. The first base that ever came into existence was C-5
methylated pyrimidine. Sulfur containing molecules
coupled to metal ions (Fe) interfered with spatial
localization of one carbon signaling molecules.
Final conclusions:
5. Negentropy force is the formation of C-N bonds. The
1. Evolution is an outcome of ever competing forces: formation of S-C bonds is the emergent force of
negentropy and entropy. Adaptation is an effect of these negentropy and entropy interference.
forces in the origin of carbon interference and natural
selection is an effect of negentropy. Negantropy can be 6. Negentropy and Entropy are directionality of
defined as shifting redox systems toward reduction or antimatter fluxes which are discontinuous as leptons
synthetic forces. Phosphorilation is an opposing fluctuation determines gluon bosonic forces to be
entropic force. Deacetylation is an entropic force. Then asymmetric, thus predicting that carbon has different
acetylation is negantropic force (increase of gene frequency of gluon forces relative to its oxidation state
expression in general). as methyl, negentropic, will have higher frequency of
the bosonic wave, while carbon dioxide higher lambda
2. As differentiation takes place smaller amount of (period).
genes are expressed, as negentropy increase cause
stronger entropy. Entropy increases demethylation
increases, causing stronger negentropy and genomic

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Fig. 2

Fig. 3

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Fig 4


// Differential Equations: 6) dPyruvate/dt = + J2 - J4 - J5 + J12 - J13 +

5) dAcetate/dt = + J0 - J2 - J3 + J4 - J21 J22

Fig 5

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Fig 6

A2 B2
= 1 , A, B 2
4 4
Based on Resonance theory and Redox systems, assume that e- reduce H2O2
[ CH 3 ]2 [H 2 O2 ]2 = 1 ;if tanxcotx=1
4 4
[ CH 3 ]2 [H 2 O2 ]2 = tan( glu cos e) ( CH 3 ) cot(oxidant )
4 4
[glycolate] = 1
[glyoxylate] malate
. cos( glyoxidate )
[ CH 3 ] 2
[H 2 O 2 ]

= tan e [O 2 ](
[ CH 3 ]
) cos( Ac )
=> * .
4 glyoxylate
if [H2O2]=[glycolate]-1 and [-CH3]=[lactate], as S-CH3(cytosol)=>lactate

Rule: inverse functions are used as mass inverses electron negativity.

Rearrange the equation to express the DECORBOXYLATION step on one side the
equation as a function of entropy, thus calculating the relationship between Mitochondria
/Cytosol/ Nucleous (intercompartment partial carbon fluxes) as a composite redox system
of negentropy (synthesis) and arrive at a final equation for explicit differentiation:

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sin 1 .
[lactate]2 1 glycolate . 1
glycolate tan (e
a2 CH3
) 4 cos [glyoxylate] cos [ Acetate]
1 1

1 1 1
. . .
glyoxylate [ CH ] 1 CH 3 [ [ ] ]
1 glyoxylate
O2 2 O 2
1 3
1 + [ E ]

[ 2
[lactate ] + [glycolate ] 2[lactate ] 2[glycolate ] 4
2 1

= 1 [ Acetate ]
2 2
Use [lactate] -[glycolate] as a hole (0) to jump to another system (see graph 1) then,
rearrange the function again

glyoxylate [glycolate]
1 = =>
glycolate [glycolate glyoxylate]
2[lactate]+ [glyoxylate]

glycolate 1
. .
[glycolate glyoxylate] [CH 3 ]+ (+CH 3
+ O2[ CH 3 1] O2 1
)(1 + e ) 4[ glyoxylate]

1 [ Acetate]2
we approximate the ratio:
[ glycolate]
= Oxalate
[ glycolate glyoxydate]
1 [CH 3 ] + [ glyoxylate]
[oxalate]. O2[ CH 3 1]
[CH 3 ] + (+CH 3 )(1 + e02 ) 1 2[ glyoxylate]
1 [ Acetate] 2
( 1 [ Acetate] ) ( [oxalate] ) = [CH ] + (+ CH1

O 2 CH 3 1
)(1 + e 0 2 1
3 3

1 + ( [ CH 3 + glyoxylate])
2[ glyoxylate]
1 [CH 3 ]1 + (1 + E O2 )
1 [ Acetate]2 [oxalate] =
(+ CH 3
O2CH 3 1
) .

ISBN: 978-960-474-278-3 109

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[glyoxylate][( glyoxylate]1 [ CH 3 ][glyoxylate]1 + 1)

*Note: 2*X is not X+X, 2 is rather 1+1 or

[ CH 3 ]2 + [H 2 O2 ]2 = twice the path of an electron pair traveling from: S-CH to
1 [ Acetate] oxalate =

1 + e o2
. [glyoxylate]

[ CH 3 ] + CH O2 CH 3 1 2 2([ CH 3 ] + [glyoxylate])

1 [ Acetate]
oxalate =

* remove[ CH 3 ] >
1 1
1 + 1 + e .

[ CH 3 ] O2 3 2 2[CH 3 ] + 2[glyxylate]
CH 1
1 [ Acetate] 2 oxalate =
1 +
1 + e O2
. 2
1 +
CH 3 1
[ CH 3 ] O2

[ CH 3 ] [ CH 3 ]
1 [ Acetate] 2 oxalate =
1 +
1 + e O2
. 2
1 +
[ CH 3 ] O2 3 [ CH 3 ]
CH 1
[ CH 3 ]
*2 is mass in negativity, so despite breaking an algebraic rule, for example:
2 e t + x + y
= 0 as the electrons move from CH3 and glyoxylate to O2
2 e t ( z + d )
1 [ Acetate]2 oxalate =
1 [ CH 3 ][glyoxylate] e O2
[ CH 3 ] 1 [ CH 3 + glyoxylate] O2 CH 3 1
1 [ Acetate]2 oxalate =
e O2 [glyoxylate]

O CH 3 1 .[1 lactate]

1 [ Acetate] oxalate (1 [lactate]) / t

e O2 / t ( )
[glyoxylate] / t CH 1
O2 3 / t ( )

ISBN: 978-960-474-278-3 110

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1 [ Acetate] oxalate (1 [lactate]) / t

= Ln e
Ln / t
[glyoxylate]/ t
CH 3 1

( )

Ln 1 [ Acetate] oxalate + Ln(1 [lactate]) Ln[glyoxylate] = O2 Ln O2 3
2 CH 1


Ln 1 [ Acetate] oxalate + Ln(1 [lactate]) Ln[glyoxylate] + [ CH 3 1]Ln(O2 ) = O2


1 [CH 3 ] = Ln 1 [ Acetate] ocalate Ln(1 [lactate]) + Ln([glyoxylate]) [Ln(O2 )] [O2 ]


1) 1 - [-CH3] = Ln 1 - [Acetate] oxalate / Ln(O2 ) KO2

2) 1 - [- CH3 ] = ([- Ln(1 - [lactate])] / Ln(O2 )) - KO2
3) 1 - [- CH 3 ] = ([Ln(glyoxytate)] / Ln(O2 )) - KO 2

Urea-acetylene dicarboxylic acid

reaction: a likely pathway for
prebiotic uracil formation. Orig
Life. 1980 Dec; 10(4): 343-7. Jul.
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