Estimating and Costing Engineering
Estimating and Costing Engineering
Estimating and Costing Engineering
This subject covers the various aspects of estimating of quantities of items of
works involved in buildings, water supply and sanitary works, road works and irrigation
works. This also covers the rate analysis, valuation of properties and preparation of
reports for estimation of various items. At the end of this course the student shall be able
to estimate the material quantities, prepare a bill of quantities, make specifications and
prepare tender documents. Student should also be able to prepare value estimates.
1. Dutta, B.N., Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering, UBS Publishers &
Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2003
2. Kohli, D.D and Kohli, R.C., A Text Book of Estimating and Costing (Civil),
S.Chand & Company Ltd., 2004
1. PWD Data Book.
What is the purpose and necessity of studying this subject? This is the first
question which arises in mind. The answer lies in the following questions:-
(a) Has one got enough money to spend on the construction ?
(b) Has one got ample time that one can wait for the completion of the
construction ?
(c) Has one got resources that one can arrange any amount of desired
material to be used in construction ?
If the answer is YES, then the study of this subject is useless. But if the answer is
NO, then the question arises, which are the factors necessitating the study of this
subject. Any person indulged in the Civil Engineering profession can clearly think of
these factors i.e. set amount of funds, costly labour ( skilled and unskilled), difficulty in
getting good building materials, particularly cement and day to day rising cost of steel,
bricks, timber etc. Also economy and standard of the construction are two important
things required. Standard of construction can be achieved by careful supervision and
selecting proper specifications whereas for Economy, planning is a must. The total
quantity of various materials used in construction, if known before hand, can help the
planning towards economy.
The estimates may be divided in to the following catagories:-
(1) Preliminary or Approximate estimate.
(2) Rough cost estimate based on plinth area.
(3) Rough cost estimate based on cubic contents.
(4) Detailed estimate.
(5) Annual repair estimate.
(6) Special repair estimate.
(7) Revised estimate
(8) Supplementary estimate.
1. Preliminary or Approximate estimate
This estimate is prepared to decide financial aspect, policy and to give idea of the
cost of the proposal to the competent sanctioning authority. It should clearly show the
necessity of the proposal and how the cost has been arrived at
The calculations for approximate estimate can be done with the following data.
The data can be had from a similar construction already complete in the nearby area,
excuted by the department.
For example: To calculate approximate estimate for a Hospital, per bed cost is
calculated from the recent campleted hospital and is multiplied with the number of beds
required. Similarly for a house, per square metre plinth area is calculated and is
multiplied with the proposed covered area. The specifications should also be same. For a
road, expenditure of per kilometer length is taken, width also plays the role.
The following documents should be attached with it.
(a) Detailed report
(b) Site plan of the proposal
(c) It should also clearly mention about the acquisition of land, Provision of
electric and water supply etc.
2. Plinth area Estimate (Based on Rough Cost)
Plinth area of a building means Length x Breadth ( roofed portion only )
excluding plinth offsets. The estimates are prepared on the basis of plinth areas of the
various buildings proposed to be constructed. The rates are being arrived at the dividing
the total cost of construction with its plinth area. For example if total cost of a building is
Rs. 2 lac and its plinth area is 50 sq. m. then plinth area rate =2,00,000 = Rs.4000/- per
sq.m. Using this rate as basis of the next construction, approximate or rough cost of the
proposal can be arrived at by multiplying the plinth area of the proposed building with
this plinth area rate.
The following documents are attached with the estimate.
(a) Line plan with brief specifications.
(b) Cost of various services added i.e. electric and water supply etc.
(c) North line should be shown clearly on line plan.
3. Cubic Contents Estimate (Based on Rough Cost)
The cubic contents of a building means plinth area x height of the building. The
height is taken from top of floor level to top of roof.
The cubic contents of the proposed building are multiplied with cubic rates
arrived at for the similar construction i.e. total cost of construction divided by cubic
contents = cost per cubic metre.
Documents attached are as in No. 2
(Administrative approval is granted on rough cost estimate)
4. Detailed Estimate
After getting Administrative approval on rough cost estimate, detailed estimates
are prepared.
In this, the estimate is divided in to sub-heads and quantities of various items are
calculated individually.
In the end of the detailed quantities, an abstract of cost giving quantities of each
item and rate of every item according to the sanctioned schedule of rates shall be
attached. In case of non-schedule rates i.e. rates which are not given in the sanctioned
schedule of rates, proper analysis of rates shall be attached. If however the work
proposed to be constructed is located in a remote place, the provision for the carriage of
the material shall be added in the estimate to avoid any excess over the administratively
approved estimate later on. Detailed specifications & report should also be attached with
the estimate. Technical sanction is given on detailed estimate.
The detailed estimate shall also provide for the cost of approach road, water supply,
In order to keep building and roads in perfect condition, annual repairs should be carried
out as follow:-
windows, cement plaster repairs (inside & outside), repairs of floors etc. In no
case this annual repair amount should increase more that 11/2% to 2% of the
If the work cannot be carried out of the annual repair funds due to certain reasons
resulting in the genuine increase in cost, then special repairs estimate is to be prepard.
walls etc.
(ii) In case of roads-if the whole surface is full of corrugation & patches, then the
7. Revised estimate
When the sanctioned estimate exceeds by 5% either due to the rate being found
insufficient or due to some other reasons, a fresh estimate is prepared which is called a
Revised Estimate. A comparative statement on the last page of the estimate is attached
giving there in the reasons of the increase of cost in case of each item.
8. Supplementary Estimate
paepared when additional works are deemed necessary during the progress of a work to
supplement the original works. The abstact of cost should show the amount of the
sanctioned estimate as well as the supplementary amount for which sanction is required.
estimates. The application of an individual method depends upon the design and shape of
2. Crossing method.
4. Bay method.
This method is suitable only if the offsets are symmetrical and the building is
more or less rectangular in shape. The centre line of the building is determined
carefully after doing deductions for repeated measurements (as explained in the next
problem). This centre line acts as length for the complete calculations of the estimate.
If the deduction is not cared for the results of estimates may be wrong. All the walls
2. Crossing Method
In this method, lengths and breadths of the masonry walls at plinth level are
taken (internal dimension of the room + thickness of the walls) for calculating
quantities. The symmetrical offsets are a must as in the case of centerline method.
followed in the P.W.D. for computing the quantities of various items. The
4. Bay Method
several bays. The cost of the one class room is worked out and then multiplied by
the number of bays in that building. The extra cost of the end walls and
correct cost.
This method is followed in cases such as school building where there are so
many class rooms. The cost of one class room us worked out and then
Hospitals, the service unit is a bed, in case of Water Tank, it is a litre and in
Calculate the quantities of the following items from the given figure, 3.12 upto
G.L., using
Detail of Work No. Contents
Detail of Work No. Contents
3 rd step 1 5.30 0.40 0.20 0.42
Short Walls 1 st step 2 3.60 0.60 0.20 0.86
2 nd. Step 2 3.60 0.50 0.20 0.72
3 . step 2 3.60 0.40 0.20 0.58
Total cub. m. 12.83
As already discussed, in this method, the length of centre line is fixed once for all and
this is used or calculating quantities of various items. The only requirement for the uses
for this method is that the section of walls should be symmetrical throughout.
The Centre line of the given plain marked and centre to centre distances of walls are
added. Refer given figure 3.12, the total length of centre line, room-wise is as under from
this portion is part of both the lines meeting at rt. Angle to each other. So this portion is
1. At L-junction Walls
At L-junction, two squares P & R are formed. The hatched portion R comes
twice, whereas portion P does not come even once. So P is compensated with
2. At L-junction Walls.
In this case, the hatched rectangular portion Q comes twice. So the deduction in
2. At Cross Walls.
In this case also, the hatched square portion S comes twice. So, for correct
calculations, it is to be added only once. Thus for a cross wall, the deducaiton is
thickness of wall.
Form above lines we have found out this conclusion that to get the correct length
All the quantities shall be calculated using 42.80m. as length of centre line.
We have learnt from the previous chapter, the methods of calculating various quantities.
In this chapter, estimates of buildings have dealt in details, complete with Report,
Specifications, Abstract of cost and Material statement. The rates applied for calculating
the abstract of cost are the approved ones, as are in schedule or rates of Punjab &
Haryana. The current premium above C.S.R. has also been incorporated in the rate.
Before starting with Detailing, the few important points about estimating which should
be known are as under: these points are common for any type of civil engineering
(a) Before starting any estimate of building, road and bridge, it should be seen that
the plans are fully dimensioned , inner and outer dimensions should be checked
(b) The estimate should be drawn sub-head-wise, to avoid omission of any item.
(c) The nomenclature of every item should be according to the sanctioned schedule
(d) All items should be calculated in units, according to which the payment is to to
(e) A detailed report according to the sub-heads should be attached. This should be
(g) Detailed specifications of every item should be attached so that the work should
be carried out accordingly & the specifications should be according to the latest
(h) In order to make the estimate a comprehensive one, provision of electric & water
(i) In the end of estimate, an abstract of cost giving cost of every sub-head and total
(j) The rate per sq. metre should be worked out & it should be given in the end of
(k) In case of Road estimate, rate per Km. should also be worked out.
(l) The road estimate should mention the special features of the alignment so
followed & also whether the soling is of bricks or of stone, should be mentioned
(m) In case of bridges & culverts, rate per metre (width) to be worked out.
(n) Current applicable premium above C.S.R. should be added before finding out the
1. Complete and fully dimensioned plans & sections of the work of question.
2. Detailed specifications, giving the nature and class of work and material to be used.
3. Rates for calculating abstract of cost. These should be approved ones. Premium
above C.S.R., as prevailing at the time of finding cost should also be added.
Calculate the following items from the plan and section given in the fig.3.13 using
5.20+ 4.40 + 4.40 + 4.40 +2.12 + 2.12 +2.12+2.20+2.20 = 20.44 say 20.50m.
Detail of Work No. Contents
1. Excavation for foundations 1 20.50 1.10 1.10 24.80
Total cub. m. = 24.80
2. Cement. Concrete in foundation 1 20.50 1.10 .30 6.80
Total cub. m. = 6.80
3. Brick work in Cement mortar ( 1:6 )
in foundation and plinth
1 st. step 1 20.50 .80 0.20 3.28
2 nd.step 1 20.50 .70 0.20 2.87
3 rd.step 1 20.50 .60 0.20 2.46
4 th. step 1 20.50 .50 0.20 6.15
Total cub. m. SAY = 14.80
Prepare a detailed estimate of a shop shown in fig and calculate its cost with approved
rates. Also find out the plinth area rate of the shop.
Detail of Work No. Measurements Qty. Remarks
Refer Fig. 4.1
1. Excavation for foundations
Long walls 2 6.20 .90 1.0 11.16 5.60+.60=6.20
Short walls 2 3.40 .90 1.0 6.12 4.0-.60=3.40
Steps in front of door 1 1.30 .75 .15 .15 1+.30=1.30
Total cub. m. say =17.50
2. Cement Concrete in foundations
Long walls 2 6.20 .90 .30 3.35
Short walls 2 3.40 .90 .30 1.84
Steps 1 1.30 .75 .15 .15
Total cub. m. =5.34
3. Reinforced Cement Concrete
Door (1.0 m. x 2.10 m.) 1 1.30 .30 .15 .06 A = .24 sq.m.
Windows (1.0 m. x 1.5 m.) 3 1.30 .30 .15 .18 Bearing 15 cm.
Door 1 1.30 .38 .12 .06 .15+.10
Window 3 1.30 .38 .12 .18 2
Roof Slab: B.F. cub. m. 0.48
Room 1 5.90 4.90 .15 4.33 5.0+.60+.15+.15
____ =5.90
Total cub. m. 4.81 =4.81
sq.m. = 0.35
8. Deodar wood doors and windows 1 1.00 2.1 2.1
Door 3 1.00 1.5 4.5
Windows ____
sq.m. 6.6 = 6.6
SUB-HEAD VI FINISHING 1 18.00 3.5 63.00 5+5+4+4= 18.00
9. Cement plaster 1.25 cm. thick
(1:6) 1 20.40 4.10 83.64 5.60+5.60+4.60+4.6
Inside 0=20.40 m.
Room _____
Outside 146.64
Net Total
10. Chocolate painting to Doors and
Twice the quantity of doors and
windows ( item 8 ) 2x 6.6x 1.30=
*Refer Page 23 of
Total = 17.16
Sub-Heads of Work Quantity Unit payment Rate Cost
1 Excavation for foundations 17.50 % cub 292.00 17.50
cub. m.
2 Cement concrete in foundations 5.34 cub.m. 229.00 1222.86
(1:6:18). cub.m.
3 Reinforced cement concrete
( 1:2:4) lintels, slabs including 4.81 cub.m. 1301.00 6257.81
reinforcement upto 90 kg/cub.m. of cub.m.
4 Damp proof course of cemnt
concrete (1:2:4), 4 cm. thick with 2
coats of bitumen, 20/30 penetration 6.50 sq.m. 28.00 182.00
at 1.65 kg/sq.m. laid hot and sq.m.
5 B.B. in mud mortar in foundations 11.00 cub.m. 289.00 3179.00
and plinth. cub.m.
6 B.B. in mud mortar in 18.00 cub.m. 302.00 5436.00
superstructure. cub.m.
7 Conglomerate flooring, 4 cm. thick 20.00 sq.m. 51.00 1020.00
over 10 cm. thick cement concrete sq.m.
(1:6:18) 10 cm. thick sand.
General specifications give the idea and class of work in general terms and are
generally attached with the rough cost and detailed estimates.
Foundation and Pliath :- Shall be of first class burnt bricks in lime or cement
mortar(1:6)over a bed of cement concrete. (1:6:12 or 1:8:16)
Superstructure:- Shall be of first class burnt brick work in lime or cement
mortar (1:6)
Damp Proof Course:- Shall be of a cm thick cement concrete (1:2:4) with on-layer of
bitumen laid hot or any other specified water proof material.
Roofing:- Shall be of R.C.C. slabs (1:2:4) covered with two coats of bitumen
lalid hot and a layer of lime or cement concrete 8 cm. thick over it with a tile flooring
with cement flush with cement flush pointed on the top.
Flooring:- Shall be of TERRAZO in drawing, dining, bath and W.C., 4 cm thick
plain conglomerate polished floors in bed rooms and in other rooms.
Doors and Windows:- Doors and windows shall be of teak wood, paneled or
paneled and glazed with gauze shutters to outer doors and fixed wire gauze to windows
and ventilators Fittings shall preferably of brass or good quality metal.
Finishing:- The inside and outside walls shall have 1.25 cm. thick cement
plaster. Drawing, dining and bed rooms inside of walls shall have 2 coats of distemper
and other rooms shall have three coats of white washing. The outside of the wall shall
have two coats of colour washing over one coat of white washing.
Painting:- Doors and windows shall be given three coats of white lead where
exposed and white zinc or cream or grey silicate paint elsewhere.
First class buildings shall be provided with first class sanitary and water supply
fittings and electrical installations. A plinth protection 1.50 m. wide of bricks sloped
away from the building shall be provided all round the building.
Plinth Area Rate
Rs. 4500.00 to Rs. 5,500 per sq. meter. (Rates variable)
Foundation and Plinth:- All walls shall be built of first class burnt bricks laid in
mud mortar over a bed of lime concrete or cement concrete. Top course of the
plinth shall be laid in cement motar(1:6)
Superstructure: - All walls shall be built of first class burnt bricks laid in mud
The Following portions to be built in cement mortar (1:6.)
(a) Shills of windows, C. windows and almirahs.
(b) Back of almirahs.
(c) Top course of parapet.
(d) Jambs of doors, windows, C. windows and almirahs.
(e) Drip course, cornice and weather course etc.
(f) Two courses below the R.C.C. slab and roof battens.
Foundations and Plinth: - All walls shall be built of second class burnt laid in
mud mortar over bed on lime concrete.
Superstructure: - All walls shall be built of seconds class burnt bricks laid in
mud mortar.
Roofing:- All rooms shall have second class mud roof and the verandahs shall
have G.I. sheet roof.
Floors:- Floors everywhere shall be of brick over mid concrete and cement
Doors and Windows: - Doors and windows shall be of kail, Chir, Mango or any
other soft wood, ledged, battened and braced type.
Finishing: - Interior surface of walls shall be mud plastered and covered with
three coats of white washing. The outside surface shall be flush lime pointed.
Painting: - Doors and windows shall be give two coats of ordinary chocolate
Plinth Area Rate: - Rs. 1500.00 to Rs. 1800.00 per sq.m.
Foundation and Plinth:- All walls shall be built of se3cond class brick work laid
in mud mortar.
Superstructure: - All walls shall be built of sand molded sun dried bricks laid in
mud mortar with the exception of the following which shall be built in second class brick
work in mud.
1. Two courses underneath the roof battens.
2. Jambs of doors and windows.
3. Pillars under the roof beams.
4. Sills of windows, C. windows and almirahs.
Detailed specifications give the method of constructions and specify the nature of work.
Earth used for filling shall be free from saltpeter and white ants and only foamy
and clayey soil free from clods shall be used. It shall be laid in 15 cm layers and
each layer shall be well watered and rammed with iron rammers. In case of high
embankments, the layers shall not exceed 30 cm depth and the settlement
allowances shall be made @ 10% of the height of uncomapacted fills.
3. Concrete in foundations
Lime, Surkhi, Sand, Brick ballast or stone ballast and water.
3.1.1. Lime
Lime is always used as putty lime of class B [semi hydraulic or quick lime
form] and
Class C [Non- hydraulic in hydrated or quick lime form], shall be used as directed
by the Executive Engineer.
The hydrated lime used should be thoroughly mixed with water in suitable
container. It shall then be stirred into thick consistency and left undistributed for not
less than 36 hours. Extra water should be drained out and putty should be bused.
Similarly quick lime should be converted into putty. The volume of lime putty shall
be taken as equal to the volume of dry slaked lime.
3.1.2 surkhi
Surkhi shall be obtained by pounding fully bricks or bats. It shall be free from
admixture of claly, dust or foreign matter. No un burnt bricks or bats shall, be used
for grinding in to surkhi.
3.1.3 Aggregate
The brick aggregate shall be broken from first class or second class bricks or their
bats, or from dense over burnt bricks. The gauge of the ballast shall be 2 cm to 4 cm.
The stone aggregate shall consist of good hard tough broken stone, gravel or
shingle of the gauge specified. It shall free from dirt, leaves or any other organic, or
admixture of soft or decayed stone.
3.1.4 Water
Water used in construction shall be clean, free earthly, vegetable or organic
impurities, like alkalis, salts etc. which cause efflorescence and affect setting time of
4. Mixing And Laying
The aggregate previously well soaked, shall be measured and laid on a clean
platform of brickscyut 555 or wood. The platform shall be sufficient size to give
ample room for mixing 23 to 28 cub.m. of concrete. Lime and surkhi shall be
measured and laid on the aggregate. The whole dry and wet mix is then turned over
three or four times so that it shall be thoroughly mixed concrete shall be laid slowly
and gently in layer of 15 cm (not thrown from a height) and thoroughly consolidated
with 5.5 kg. Rammers shall be used for consolidating the edges.
5. Tests
The concrete shall be kept wet for a period of at least ten days no brick work
masonry shall be laid on the concrete for at least seven days after laying.
SOIL Lonnes per sq.m.
Ordinary earth 5.46
.. 5.46
Make up ground, well consolidated 5.46 to 10.93
8.20 to 16.40
Soft clay 16.40 to 21.86
Loamy soils and sand mixed clay 32.80 to 43.70
Ordinary clay
Solid clay
Very hard clay
8.1 Ingredients
Cement, sand, brick or stone aggregate, gravel or shingle and water
8.1.1 Cement
Cement shall be Portland cement of the Indian standard Specifications as perIS:
269. All cement shall be brought to the site of work in bags with the seals in tack.
Fresh and from moisture. All cement shall be gauged by weight and shall be added at
the mixture in whole 50kg.bags.
8.1.2 Fine Aggregate (Sand)
It shall consist of clean, hard, uncoated grains of natural sand or crushed stone
sand rushed gravel sand or combination of any of these free clay, loam, silt, organic
or other deleterious substances. The sand shall be washed before using Fig.8.1 shous
the trough for washing sand.
Coarse aggregate (bajri or grit ) shall consist of good hard tough and clear water
worn bajri obtained from natural streams. The girl shall be free from dirt, clay, leaves
or other organic matter and soft or decayed
stone and shall be of the gauge specified according to the nature of the work.
8.1.4 WATER
Water used in construction shall be clean, free from earthly, vegetable or organic
impurities: like alkalis, salts etc. which cause efflorescence and affect setting time of
In all proportions of cement concrete except 1:1 :3, 1:2:4 and 1:3:6, the
measured quantity of cement is to be placed on top of the measured quantity of the
aggregate (fine and coarse) and the whole mass mixed three or four times so that it
shall be thoroughly incorporated. The required quantity of water (clean, rather
drinking water) shall then be added and the entire wet mass shall be turned over unto
the homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained.
Concrete shall be handed from the mixing platform to the place of final deposit as
rapidly as possible. It shall be laid slowly and gently in layers of 15cm (not thrown from
a height) and thoroughly consolidated with 5.5 kg. Rammers.
The two ingredients i.e. cement and sand shall be hand mixed dry, three or more
times until the mix comes to a uniform colour. The measured quantity of coarse
aggregate shall then be added to the mixture and whole mixed dry thoroughly. The
required quantity of water shall then be added with a
13. Reinforcement
Round steel bars as far as possible shall be used in preference to square bars. The
bars shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale and of coatings that might destroy
or reduce bond. The ends of all bars shall be properly hooked and bends shall be
made as per drawing and design supplied. In case of joints in reinforcement an
overlay of not less than 40 diameters shall be given for tension member.
Figs.8.3,8.4 and 8.5 show the method of bending and overlapping the steel bars.
The two ingredients i.e. cement and sand shall be mixed dry, three or more times
until the mix comes to a uniform colour. The measured quantity of coarse
aggregate shall than be added to the mixture and whole mixed dry thoroughly.
The required quantity of water shall then be added with a rose.
Concrete shall be handled from the mixing platform to the final deposit as rapidly
as possible. After depositing, the concrete is to be ridded, vibrated, tamped or
worked to ensure that no hollow places are left.
Forms wherever required shall be sufficiently rigid and strong to withstand the
weight placing and putting of concrete and the movement of labor, material and
plant. Forms shall be sufficiently water right to prevent leakage of mortar. Forms
shall be supported or fixed by wedges of the load being eased and the forms
removed without sock to the work and without hammering.
The concrete when laid shall be carefully protected from the extremes of weather
and temperature and from unequal or too repaid drying. It shall be thoroughly
kept wet for at least 15 days.
In every long lengths of slab work, expansion joints shall be provided at intervals
of about 9 m. to 12m.
The bearing of slabs not be less than the thickness of the slab with a minimum of
In order to prevent water absorption form the soil and thus causing dampness in
the walls, a continuous layer of an impervious material is provided. Such a
material is known as a horizontal damp proof course. It consists of cement
concrete 1:2:4, I part cement washed sand and 4 parts shingle (gauge 6mm to
20mm,) Unless and otherwise specified, the damp proof course shall consist of 4
cm, thickness of cement concrete with one coat of bitumen laid hot @ 1 kg. per
square meter of Damp proof course and be sanded immediately.
The Damp proof course shall extend to the full width of the superstructure walls
except in the case of outer walls where it shall not be carried across doorways
and verandah openings and similar openings.
Vertical D.P.C. shall consist of 12mm or 18mm thick 1:3 cement plaster with two
layer of bitumen laid hot. Bitumen shall be blown bitumen grade 85/25, having
application temperature 177 to 204 c.
Brick work consists of first class bricks laid in the mortar specified.
23.1 Bricks
Shall be first class made from good brick free from saline deposits and shall be
sand molded thoroughly burnt without being vitrified, of good colour, shall be regular
and uniform in shape & size with sharp and square arises and parallel faces. Emits a clear
ringing sound when struck, shall be free from flaws, cracks etc. should not absorb more
than 20% of water by weight after being soaked in water for 24 hours.
23.2 Mud mortar
Mud mortar shall be prepared from stiff clay, broken up into powder and free
grass, stones, kankar, roots and other matter. The clay shall then be worked up with
water by mens feet and PHOWRATHS on a clean platform.
23.3 Joints
The thickness of the joints shall be 6mm and in no case exceeds 10mm. All brick
work shall be taken truly plumb, laid in English bond.
24.1 Bricks
Same specifications as per para 23.
II.Soling coat
2. Soling shall always be provided under the wearing coat except when the road is
founded on a very hard natural surface such as on rock.
3. Width
The width of the soling shall always be 30 cms. More than the proposed
width of the carriage way. For instance, if the carriageway is 3.60 m., the
width of soling shall be 3.90 m. In case where bricj on end edging is provided
the width of soling shall be same as that of the width of carriageway.
The rates quoted by a contractor in response to tender call are called
quotations ,
It is defined as an offer in writing to execute a specified work or supply.
In this offer, some specific articles are required by the department mentioning
approximate rate, under certain conditions of contract. An agreement between the
contractor and the department is executed, fixation of is the main clause, for the
completion of the job.
Earnest money
It is a guarantee is the shape of money, gives by the contractor along with
their tenders, confirming their willingness to work for the department. Mode of money to
be is informed by the department 2% of the total estimate.
In case, if the tender of the contractor is not accepted. The money is refunded
Security money
This is the money which the contractor has to deposit with the department
when the contract is allotted to him. It is 10% of the total estimate. This money also
includes earnest money already deposited by the contractor. This deposit is kept as a
check so that the conditions of the contract agreed upon are fulfilled and the work is the
progress and quality of the work is not satisfactory.
Classification of contracts
The contracts can be classified as under:
(a) Scheduled contract or item rate contract
(b) Lump sum contract
(c) Combination of both
Notice Inviting Tenders (N.I.T.)
It is prepared by the administrative wing after all the above mentioned formalities are
complete including administrative approval, technical sanction,funds,land acquisition
etc. sealed tenders are invited by giving advertisement in leading newspapers, by sending
letters to reputed contractors and displaying notice on notice board of the department.
The date of issue of the notice should 4 weeks before the receipt of tenders. Mode to
send the earnest money should be mentioned clearly.
Time, date and place where the drawings can be seen, should also be mentioned
in the advertisement. Cost of tender from and its availability should be mentioned.
Incomplete tender forms are likely to be rejected as per conditions mentioned.
Opening of tenders
The tenders are opened at the place mentioned in the tender form i.e. in the office
of executive engineer, on the due date and time mentioned. Executive engineer,
divisional accountant and office superintendent represent the department on one side and
contractors or their representatives are on the other side. The lock of the box in which
sealed tenders are dropped by the contractors is opened in the presence of all. After
checking the seals of the tender covers, these are opened and are signed by both the
parties. Comparative statement is prepared item wise and the worm is allotted to the
lowest bidder. The competent authority has powers to reject the tender of the lowest
bidder, but he has to give reasons and confidential remarks, financial position and
reputation of the contractor is also considered. Earnest money to the bidders of rejected
tenders is retuned. Signature of each contractor is taken as a token of certificate that
tenders were opened in their presence and the allotment has been done to the right
Contract agreement
It is a contact deed between the government and the contractor. Divisional engineer signs
on behalf of government. He is responsible for correct preparation and execution of the
The condition of the different departments varies for the preparation of the contract
agreement. Preferably these be between the framework of manual of order.
Subject: reference No. ______________, construction of panchayat bhawah at
Reference your tender No._______________. Dated
Dear Sir,
On behalf of governor of Punjab, I am accepting your tender for the above mentioned
Please attend divisional office (south) immediately, for instructions regarding taking
over the site and commencement of the work.
Please attend this office on ________________________to complete your contract
The number allotted to this contract is SE-N /PTA-4/2003. This number should be
quoted for future correspondence.
A copy of each of the following is forwarded here with:
(i) Schedule I and II
(ii) Particular specifications
(iii)Complete set of drawings (duly signed by both the parties)
You are requested to return the copy of this letter duly signed as a token of
Yours faithfully,
engineering structure project (Govt. or private), at present days rates. The value
structure. For example, a house having a number of rooms but smaller in size will
fetch less value than a house, may be smaller in area but having well planned and
Necessity of Valuation
(v) For various taxes to be given and fixed, by the Municipal Committee.
Roll of an Engineer
(b) To be divide
(i) Locality:-
market, schools and is located on road side. The Orientation of the building is
according to Engineering rules. It will fetch more cost than a building which is in
(ii) Structure:-
maintained, it will fetch more cost than the building in a neglected form with poor
First Class
Third Class
Fourth Class
Cost: Original cost of construction. It is used to find out the loss of value of
Gross Income : Total amount of the income received form a property during the
Net income: An amount left at the end of the year after deducting all usual
Out goings:- These are expenses which are incurred on a building so that it may
(i) Taxes:- These are annual taxes paid by the owner, such as wealth tax,
property tax and municipal taxes (varies from 10% to 25% of net
(ii) Management:- Upto 10% of the gross revenue is kept aside for this
(iii) Repairs:- For this 1 % of the total construction is set aside for annual
repairs of the building. These repairs are must to maintain the building.
(iv) Sinking fund:- This is also taken as outgoings (For details see
(vi) Loss of Rent:- This is also an outgoing in case a building in not fully
Obsolescence:- The value of property decreases if its style and design are
outdated i.e. rooms not properly set, thick walls, poor ventilation etc. the reasons
comfort etc.
owner is known as free hold property. The owner can use the property in an way
by the free holder, then the property is called lease hold property and the person
who take s the property is called Lease-holder. In case of building, the lease is for
99 years to 9 years.
(i) Facility of running water and sewer pipes through others land.
The owner who gives facilities is known as Servant owner and who enjoys
facilities is called
Dominant owner.
Scrap Value:- If a building is to be dismantled after the period of its utility
is over, some amount can be fetched from the sale of old materials. The amount is
In case where Wood & Steel are available, the scrap value is more than as
R.C.C structure, as in the latter case, the material has less reuse value.
Salvage Value:- If property after being discarded at the end of the utility
period is sold without being broken into pieces, the amount thus realized by sale is
For example, railway sleepers can be re-used as posts and even old iron
A building cost index indicates the increase and decrease of the cost above
the cost above the cost at a certain base year and is expressed by a percentage rise
& fall. For instance taking 1960 as abase year, the present 1980 as Building Cost
Index may be taken 1.25% to 150% above the cost during the year 1960
interest at the highest prevailing rate will be equal to the net income received from
rate of interest prevailing on such properties and net income form the property.
reconstruct the property after the expiry of the period of utility is known as
sinking Fund. The sinking funds may be found out by taking a sinking fund
policy with any insurance company or depositing some amount in the bank.
Generally while calculating the sinking fund, life of the building is considered.
90% of cost of construction is used for calculations & 10% is left out as scrap
The forumula used to find out the annual sin king fund is I
(1 i)n 1
Assuming the life of the machine as 20 years. Calculate the amount of annual
5% compound interest.
Si 30000 x.05
I Rs.906.30
(1 i) 1 (1 .05)20 1
100 rd
The owner will have to deposit Rs. 906.30 per year in 5% compound
into be deducted from the amount spent so as to calculate the amount of Sinking
person as a cost of Rs. 20000/-. Work out the amount of annual sinking fund
(1 i)n 1
18000 x.03
= Rs.971.20
(1 .03)15 1
Find the amount of Annual Sinking found @ 3% to give Re1/- at the end of
10 years.
Annual Sinking fund
(1 i)n 1
I = Rate of interest = 3% = 0.03
N = number of years = 10
(1 .03)10 1
of years)
3% 4% 5% 6% 7%
4% 5% 6%
Calculate the amount available at the end 50 years for Re. 1/- invest @ 4%
N = number of years
I = rates of interest
6% 8% 10%
present value of rupeein ' n ' years
(1 .06)n
present value of Re1/ in 50 years @ 6% Rs.0.054
(1 .06)60
Years Purchase. It may be defined as the figure which when multiplied by the
100 1
Rs.20 / or Rs.20 /
5 .05
For 6%int erest Y .Ps ' Rs.16.67
To get 5% or Rs. 5/- as interest, one will have to deposit Rs. 100/- in the
bank and to get Re 1/- per year as interest one will have to deposit.
And so on.
(monthly, quarterly, half yearly & yearly) for a fixed number of years is known as
Market Value:
It is defined as the value which a property can fetch when sold out in open
market. This value is variable, depending upon the will to buy or sell.
Book Value:
A structure, after sometimes gradually losses some of its value due to its
100 rd
P = Present Value
Rd = Fixed percentage of deprecation
P = Present Value
The present value of building can be found out using any of the following
This method has already been health with in details in the previous
rates, sub-head-wise. The current rates are taken from schedule of rates and
The value of the total construction is found out from the records entered in
the measurement book. In this method, old cost is noted and is multiplied by the
Experience has also shown that the time passes, due to constant use, wear and
tear, the cost of the building depreciates. This depreciation increases with the
50 = 2
25 = 4
20 = 5
A = Life of Structure
Experience has also shown that well contracted structure can last upto 100
years. This life depends upon the durability of various materials used. Thus by
seeing specification the life of a structure can be found out. The following chart
In this method, the structure is divided into four parts for calculating depreciation:
i) Walls
ii) Roofs
iii) Floors
rates. Life of each portion is found out using Table A. to find out depreciated
100 rd
This value does not in clued cost of land, water supply, sanitary fitting,
The cost of above items are added to get the total valuation of property.
n and rd.
Table C
1 1.3 2 4 5
20 .818 .770 .668 .442 .358
The estimated cost of a building is Rs. 20,000. It is 20 years old & well
maintained. The life of the structure is assumed to be 80 years. Work out the cost
100 rd
100 1
D = 2000 = Rs.16400/-
Problem II
A plot measures 500 sq.m. The built up area is 300 sq.m. The plinth area
rate of this 1st class building is Rs.600/- per sw/metre. This rates includes cost of
water supply, sanitary and electric installation. The age of the building is 40 years.
100 2
1,80, 000
Second Method
Assuming that a property loses its value by same amount every year, the
D= , where D=Depreciated value
considering its scrap value as 10% of the cost and life as 80 years. Find out
38000 3800
D Rs.428 / per year
= Rs.29440/-
b) Valuation based on cost
In this method, the actual cost of the construction is found out and
valuation is done after considering depreciations and also caring for type of
Under this sub-head, valuation of cinemas, theatres, hotels, banks, big shop
etc. Located at sui9table places is done where profit is of capitalized value. The
capitalized value is calculated by multiplying years purchase with net profit. The
net profit is worked out after deducting all possible outgoings and expenditures
from the gross income. In such cases the cost will be too high as compared with
This method is also used for working out the value of a building. In certain
cases, some additions, alterations and improvements are carried out which
increases the cost of the building. The valuator should be careful while doing
In cases, when the building is still under development. In this case the
future development of the building and profits from it should be anticipated while
this method the net income by the war of way of rent is found out after deducting
all out goings from the gross income. A suitable rate of interest prevailing in the
market is also to be assumed of such type of buildings. Based on the above rate of
capitalized value.
Every govt official occupying govt. accommodation has to pay rent which
is called standard rent or 10% of his pay, whichever is less. The practice in
is attached with the estimate, which will give the calculations of rent to be fixed.
The total expenditure incurred on the construction i.e., cost of the building, cost of
water supply, sanitary and electric installations etc. are calculated @6% interest
and divided it by 12, which will give rent per month. This is also known as
Standard Rent.
Note: If a land is purchased for the construction of the building, its cost should
In case of private properties, the Net income is worked out by dividing the
capitalized value by a proper figure or years purchase. To get the gross rent,
outgoings such as annual repairs, municipal which will give rent per month. This
property used for Hotel, Cinema, Bank or Shop, located in the main market will
Problem I
The present value of a property is 20,000/-, Calculate the standard rent. The
20, 000 6
Annual rent @ 6%
Rs.1200 /
Standard rent per month Rs.100 /
Problem II
class specifications. Also add for services @30% of the total cost. The water
Covered area = 30% of 600 sq.m. = 180 sq.m.
Rough cost estimate = 180 x 500 = Rs.90,000/-
(Rs.500-Rate per sq.m)
Add for services @ 30% = Rs.27,000/-
Total = 90,000 + 27,000 = Rs.1,17,000/-
Cost of Cost of Rent @ Rent to be
Salary of Total Rent @ 6%
Building Service 10% charged
the tenant
Rs. 1200.00 Rs. Rs. Rs. 1,17, 000 6 1200 Standard rent or
100 10
per month 90,000/- 27,000/- 1,17,000 10% of the Salary,
Rs.7020/- =Rs.120/-
whichever is less.
standard rent =
In this case
= Rs. 585/- Rs.120/-
Problem III
An R.C.C framed structure building having estimated future life of 80
years, fetches a gross annual rent of Rs.2200/- per month. Work out its capitalized
value on the basis of 6% net yield. The rate of compound interest for sinking fund
may be 4%. The plot measures 400 sq.m. & cost of land may be taken as Rs.120/-
i) Repair & maintenance = of gross income
The plinth area of the building is 800 sq.m. & cost per sq.m. may be taken
Out goings:
i) Repair & maintenance = 26400 = Rs. 2200/-
ii) Municipal Taxes 26400 = Rs. 6600/-
iii) Management & Miscellaneous 26400 = Rs. 1848/-
= Rs. 15021/-
Where Ys P. = 6%
Capitalized value 15021 = Rs. 250350
Problem IV
6% on building
Annual repairs are expected to be 0.8% of the cost construction and other
out goings will be 25% of the gross rent. There is no proposal to set up a sinking
5800+640=.75 x
x x= =Rs.8586 per annum
Rent per month = Rs. 715.50
Problem V
the accounts of their department as strictly as they supervise the works. They must
case of any fault on the part the officers, there is no rule to absolve them of their
Cash includes all legal tender coins, currency notes, recognized by Reserve
Bank of India, demand drafts, cheques, payable on demand, revenue stamps etc.
Cash Book
book has record of all transactions i.e. all receipts and payments of the
machine numbered. Such page has receipt side on the left and payment side on the
taking place, day by day, are recorded in register P.W.A.I. Its pages are machine
numbered. Each page has receipt side on the left having 5 columns and payment
side on the right having 7 columns. The points to be kept in mind are as under:
2. All entries in the cash book must be made day by day in the concise and
clear manner and transactions invariably recorded at the time and on the
date on which they actually occur and strictly in order of their occurrence.
5. The S.D.E. should see that no line is left blank and also between two
entries. The same blank space should be cancelled with diagonal lines.
6. On payment side, there are two money columns, column 9 is meant for cast
(P.W.A. 3). After checking both sides accounts, dated initials should be put
10. When a new cheque is issued against a Time barred or lost cheque, the
entry in red ink is made in column 8 only. The amount of the cheque is not
12. If an officer issues a cheque on tour he should enter the payment as soon as
he reaches the head quarters, in column 1, the entry is made as date of entry
ink. The amount is not entered in column 9 as it still forms the part of cash.
14. Balancing: The cash book should be balanced on the date prescribed for
15. The details of actual cash found at the monthly counting should be
balance with the actual one recorded below the closing entries of the
16. Whenever it is found that cash in the chest is not as per balance of the cash
book, it should unless the error can be detected, be set right at once, be
17. The actual balance of cash in each chest should be counted on the last
18. The details of actual balance should be recorded and a certificate of the
count of cash specifying both in the words and figures, the actual cash
balance so counted with the book balance should be recorded below the
19. The cash book should always be kept under lock and key.
maintained in Subsidiary cash book. The cash related to this cash book is kept
Debit and any amount which the government receives from others is called
Common Irregularities In Writing A Cash Book
When any construction made for maintaining a particular book e.g. Cash
be of minor nature, but their impact may nor be that minor. The common
It is maintained on form P.W.A. 3 It is a fixed sum if money given to a
subordinate to enable him to make patty payments for the work done for
authority, with the understanding that no prior sanction is necessary for making
amount is taken during the month, it is also entered in the same way.
3. Vouchers for payments should be kept as a proof of payment and a
4. For keeping record of imprest, no other advance should be mixed with the
imprest amount.
5. The column 3 of the form is meant for full description of the work done or
supplies made and name of the work for which purchase has been done.
cash book.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Temporary Advance
This is an advance given to a subordinate by the disbursing officer to
enable him to make certain specific payments, such as payment to labour engaged
Treasury Challans
Any payment to be made to any govt. department is deposited in
department. For this purpose, challan form 32-A is filled in triplicate. The form
shows name and address of the depositor, full particulars for which the deposit is
done, Head of account and orders to the bank. One cop duly signed by Treasury
presented to officer incharge, who makes an entry in receipt side in his cash book.
The second copy is required in the treasury. The third one is sent to the
Cash Balance Reports
As soon as the cash book of the month has been closed, the S.D.E. should
sent the following balance report or Divisional Engineer. The points to be sent
ii) That temporary advances are cleared before the close of the month
iii) That the amount of interest with officers or subordinates, is not excess
of requiriement.
Cancellation of Cheques
The following reasons result in cancellation of a cheque
i) Timebarred cheques
When a new cheques is issued in place of a cancelled cheque. A red ink entry
on the payment sid of the cash book is done. It is also very important to write this