Wwi Debate Rubric
Wwi Debate Rubric
Wwi Debate Rubric
5 4 3 2 1
Argumentation The position The position is The position The position established The position
established is established established is is confusing and established has little
convincingly persuasively generally supported largely unrelated to the or no relationship to
supported by supported by by appropriately arguments. The the arguments. The
judiciously chosen purposely chosen and chosen and developed argumentation is argumentation is
and developed developed arguments. arguments. The repetitive, irrelevant and
arguments. The The argumentation is argumentation is contradictory, illogical.
argumentation is logical and capably straightforward and simplistic, and based
consistent and developed, conventional, on uninformed belief.
compelling, demonstrating a demonstrating an
demonstrating an sound understanding adequate
insightful of the assignment. understanding of the
understanding of the assignment.
Evidence Evidence is Evidence is specific Evidence is Evidence is potentially Evidence is irrelevant
sophisticated and and purposeful. conventional and relevant but is and inaccurate. The
deliberately chosen. Evidence may contain straightforward. The unfocused and evidence contains
The relative absence of some minor errors. A evidence may contain incompletely major and revealing
error is impressive. A capable and adept errors and a mixture developed. The errors. A minimal or
thorough and discussion of evidence of relevant and evidence contains scant discussion
comprehensive reveals a solid extraneous inaccuracies and reveals a lack of
discussion of evidence understanding of social information. A extraneous detail. The understanding of
reveals an insightful studies knowledge and generalized and basic discussion reveals a social studies
understanding of social its application to the discussion reveals an superficial and knowledge and its
studies knowledge and assignment. acceptable confused application to the
its application to the understanding of social understanding of social assignment.
assignment. studies knowledge and studies knowledge and
its application to the its application to the
assignment. assignment.