receipt of a customer's purchase order. A sales order should record the customer's originating purchase
order which is an external and legal biding document.
In inoERP, sales order may be created with reference to a preceding document such as a quotation, old
sales order, and then all the initial data from the preceding document is copied to the new sales order.
A sales order can be fulfilled in various ways, and depending on your business environment you can
select any of the below fulfillment strategies
Selection of a fulfillment strategy depends on many factors but primary influenced by item processing
lead times and customer expected lead times.
SO Header Id:
A unique system generated number. You cant modify this number.
BU Name:
Select the business organization name. You can default the business organization name from the
business organization profile.
Document Type:
Select the Sales Order Type. System defaults the value to standard external.
SO Number:
A unique number assigned to each SO and referred in all documents/transactions. You can manually
enter a unique number before saving the SO record. If you leave this field blank, system auto-generates a
unique SO number.
Status field shows the current status of a Sales Order.
You can change the status of the SO through action field. Few statuses are auto-changed by system and
cant be modified SO action field.
Customer Name:
Enter customer name.
Customer Number:
Customer number defaults from the customer name.
Customer Site:
Select customer site.
Enter any comment /remark in the description field.
Sales Person:
Enter a sales person name if required as per your business process.
Finance Tab
Payment Term:
Payment term defaults from the supplier & supplier site. System allows you to manually override the
default values.
The sales order releases against the Blanket Agreement can only be created during these dates. All the
Blanket Agreements should have a start date; however, the Blanket Agreement may not have an end
date. If the Blanket Agreement does not have an end date, the Blanket Agreement may never expire. You
can, however, enter the end date to the Blanket Agreement at any point when its active.
Document Currency:
Document (or Doc.) currency is the currency of the sales order. It is the currency with which customer
prefers to communicate. The value in this field defaults from customer and customer site but system
allows you to manually change the doc currency value.
Currency field shows the primary currency of the business unit where the sales order is created. The
currency value defaults from the primary ledger of the business unit. You cannot and should not try to
change the value in this field.
Select a ship to and bill to address for the sales order. The ship to and bill to address defaults from the
customer but system allows you to manually override the default values.
Line Level Information
You can create one or more sales order line for each sales order header. SO line contains the item and
shipping inventory org related information.
Sequence Number:
Sequence number is a read-only field. System auto-populates a unique sequence number for all the lines
across all the tabs for easy viewing of data of a single line in different tabs.
Line Id:
Line id is a read-only field. Line id is an auto increased, primary key of the sd_so_line table.
Line Number:
Line number is a unique number to represent different lines in the sales order. System auto-populates a
number to this field but allows you to override that value.
Shipping Org:
Select the inventory organization name from where the item will be shipped. System defaults the
inventory organization from organization default profile.
Line Type:
Select the SO Line Type. System defaults the value to standard external.
Item Information:
Enter the item number in the item number field. You can enter the item number in different ways
i. Enter 2 consecutive characters from any part of the item number in the item
number field and system will show you a list of items containing the text entered
in that field. You can select the item number from the suggestion list.
ii. If you know the complete item numbers then enter it in the item number field.
iii. If you want to search items, then click on item number field. System will show
you a search icon next to the item field. Click on the search icon to search &
select item.
System should auto populate item id, item description and unit of measure field from item number value.
Press tab to move to the revision field. If the item is revision controlled, then system will show all the
available revisions in the revision field. Select the revision of the item.
Enter the number of quantity to be shipped.
Line Status:
Line status is a read-only field that shows the current status of the sales order line.
Price List:
Select a slae price list to default the price of the item from the price list.
Price Date:
System uses price list with price date to find the price of the entered line item. If kept empty, system uses
the SYSDATE as price date.
Unit Price:
System defaults the unit sales price for the line item from price list. You can manually override the value.
Line Price:
Line price shows the total price for the line. System auto calculates this value by multiplying the unit price
with the line quantity.
Tax Code:
System defaults tax code from the sales control of the business unit. If required, you can manually
override the tax code.
Tax Amount:
System auto calculates the tax amount from the line price and selected tax code.
GL Line Price:
GL Line Price is a read-only field. This field shows the total line price as per the ledger currency. System
auto calculates this value by multiplying the line price with the exchange rate.
GL Tax Amount:
GL Tax Amount is a read-only field. This field shows the total tax amount as per the ledger currency.
System auto calculates this value by multiplying the line tax amount with the exchange rate.
Dates Tab
Requested Date:
The customer requested shipment date.
Promise Date:
The date promised by the sales/planning team to the customer.
This field is for tracking purposes only. It may be defaulted from the schedule ship date or the schedule
arrival date
Enter any comment /remark in the description field.
Hold Check Box:
Hold check box field shows if the line is on hold or not.
Item Configuration:
For configured items, you can click on this link to configure the item.
Reference Number:
System auto-populates this value depending on various business processes.