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Chapter 6

Continuous-Time System Analysis

Using the Laplace Transform

Ha Hoang Kha, Ph.D.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

1. Laplace transform
2. Laplace Transform Properties
3. Inverse Laplace Transform
4. Solution of Differential and Integro-Differential Equations
5. Analysis of electrical Networks
6. Block Diagram
7. System Realization

Laplace Transform 2 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


B. P. Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems,

Berkeley-Cambridge Press, 1998.
Mohamed Bingabr, Continuous-Time System Analysis
Using The Laplace Transform, Slides, University of Central

Laplace Transform 3 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

1. The Laplace Transform

The response of an LTI system with impulse response h(t) to

a complex exponential input, f(t)=est, is
y(t ) H (s)e st

where s is a complex number and H ( s) h(t )e dt

When s=jw is purely imaginary, this is the Fourier

transform, H(jw)
When s is complex, H(s) is the Laplace transform of h(t),
The (bilateral/two sided) Laplace transform of a general
signal f(t) is:

F (s) f (t )e st dt

and is usually expressed as: f (t ) F (s)

Laplace Transform 4 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Laplace and Fourier Transform

The Fourier transform is the Laplace transform when s is

purely imaginary:
F (s) s jw F f (t )
An alternative way of expressing this is when s = s+jw

F (s jw ) f (t )e (s jw ) t
dt f (t )e s t e jwt dt

f '(t )e jwt dt F{ f '(t )}

The Laplace transform is the Fourier transform of the

transformed signal f(t) = f(t)e-st. Depending on whether s
is positive/negative this represents a growing/negative

Laplace Transform 5 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 1: Laplace Transform

Consider the signal f ( t ) e at u ( t )

The Fourier transform F(jw) converges for a>0:
F ( j w)
at j wt at j wt
e u ( t )e dt e e dt , a 0
j w a
The Laplace transform is:

e ( s a )t e j wt dt
at st ( s a )t
F (s ) e u ( t )e dt e dt
0 0

which is the Fourier Transform of e-(s+a)tu(t)

F (s j w) , s a 0
Or (s a ) j w
L 1
e u (t ) X ( s) , Re{s} a
If a is negative or zero, the Laplace Transform still exists
Laplace Transform 6 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
Example 2: Laplace Transform

Consider the signal f ( t ) e at u ( t )

The Laplace transform is:

F ( s ) e at e st u ( t )dt at
L 1

e u (t ) X (s) , Re{s} a
0 1 sa
e ( s a )t dt

s a
Convergence requires that Re{s+a}<0 or Re{s}<-a.
The Laplace transform expression is identical to Example 1
(similar but different signals), however the regions of
convergence of s are mutually exclusive (non-intersecting).
For a Laplace transform, we need both the expression and
the Region Of Convergence (ROC).

Laplace Transform 7 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Illustration: Regions of Convergence

Signals e-atu(t) and eatu(-t) have the same Laplace

transform but different region of convergence.

Laplace Transform 8 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 3: sin(wt)u(t)

The Laplace transform of the signal f(t) = sin(wt)u(t) is:

j wt
F (s ) 1
e e j wt u ( t )e st dt
2 j

( s j w )t
e dt 1
e ( s j w )t dt
0 0

( s j w )t ( s j w )t

1 e
2j ( s j w ) (s j w) 0
1 1
Re{s} 0
(s j w) (s j w)

2jw w
2 Re{s} 0
s w s 2
w 2

Laplace Transform 9 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Fourier Transform does not Converge
It is worthwhile reflecting that the Fourier transform does
not exist for a fairly wide class of signals, such as the
response of an unstable, first order system, the Fourier
transform does not exist/converge
E.g. f(t) = eatu(t), a>0

F ( j w)
e at e j wt dt

does not exist (is infinite) because the signals energy is

This is because we multiply f(t) by a complex sinusoidal
signal which has unit magnitude for all t and integrate for
all time. Therefore, as the Dirichlet convergence
conditions say, the Fourier transform exists for most
signals with finite energy

Laplace Transform 10 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Region of Convergence
The Region Of Convergence (ROC) of the Laplace
transform is the set of values for s (=s+jw) for which the
Fourier transform of x(t)e-st converges (exists).
The ROC is generally displayed by drawing separating
line/curve in the complex plane, as illustrated below for
Examples 1 and 2, respectively.
Im Re{s} a Re{s} a Im

-a Re -a Re

The shaded regions denote the ROC for the Laplace

Laplace Transform 11 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
Example 4: Laplace Transform

Consider a signal that is the sum of two real exponentials:

f ( t ) 3e 2 t u ( t ) 2e t u ( t )
The Laplace transform is then:
3e 2 t u ( t ) 2e t u ( t ) e st dt
F (s )

3 e 2 t
u ( t )e st
dt 2 e t u ( t )e st dt

Using Example 1, each expression can be evaluated as:
3 2
F (s )
s 2 s 1
The ROC associated with these terms are Re{s}>-1 and
Re{s}>-2. Therefore, both will converge for Re{s}>-1, and
the Laplace transform: s 1
F (s )
s 2 3s 2

Laplace Transform 12 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Unilateral Laplace Transform

Unilateral Laplace transform is a special case of the

bilateral Laplace transform where all signals are restricted
to be causal.

The unilateral Laplace transform F(s) of a signal f(t) is


F (s)
f (t ) e st dt

Laplace Transform 13 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Table of Unilateral Laplace Tranform

Laplace Transform 14 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Table of Unilateral Laplace Tranform

Laplace Transform 15 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

2. Laplace Transform Properties

Equivalent to the Fourier transform when s=jw

F (s )
f ( t )e st dt Laplace transform
1 sj
f (t )
2 j s j
F ( s )e st ds Inverse Laplace transform

f (t ) F (s )
Associated region of convergence for which the integral is
Used to understand the frequency characteristics of a
signal (system)
Used to solve ODEs because of their convenient calculus
and convolution properties.

Laplace Transform 16 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Laplace Transform Properties

Laplace Transform 17 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Laplace Transform Properties

Laplace Transform 18 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example: Linear and Time Shift

Consider the signal (linear sum of

two time shifted sinusoids)
f ( t ) 2f1( t 2.5 ) 0.5f1( t 4)
where f1(t) = sin(w0t)u(t).
Using the sin() Laplace transform
F1( s ) Re{ s } 0
s w 2 2
Then using the linearity and time
shift Laplace transform properties

F ( s ) 2e 2.5 s
0.5e 4 s
s 2
w 2
Re{ s } 0

Laplace Transform 19 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


The Laplace transform also has the multiplication property,

i.e. L
f (t ) F (s ) ROC=R1 h(t ) H ( s) ROC=R2
f ( t ) * h ( t ) F ( s )H ( s ) ROCR1R2

Proof is identical to the Fourier transform convolution

Note that pole-zero cancellation may occur between H(s)
and F(s) which extends the ROC
s 1
F (s ) { s } 2
s 2
s 2
H (s ) { s } 1
s 1
F ( s )H ( s ) 1 { s }
Laplace Transform 20 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
Example 1: 1st Order Input & First
Order System Impulse Response
Consider the Laplace transform of the output of a first order
system when the input is an exponential (decay?)
f ( t ) e at u ( t ) Solved with Fourier
h ( t ) e bt u ( t ) transforms when a,b>0

Taking Laplace transforms

F (s ) Re{ s } a
s a
Laplace transform of the output is
F (s ) , Re{ s } b
s b
1 1
Y ( s) Re{s} max{ a,b}
sa sb

Laplace Transform 21 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 1: Contd..

Splitting into partial fractions

1 1 1
Y ( s) Re{s} max{ a,b}
b a s a s b

and using the inverse Laplace transform

y(t ) b1a e atu(t ) ebtu(t )
Note that this is the same as was obtained earlier, expect it
is valid for all a & b, i.e. we can use the Laplace
transforms to solve ODEs of LTI systems, using the
systems impulse response
h(t ) H ( s)

Laplace Transform 22 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 2: Sinusoidal Input
Consider the 1st order (possible unstable) system response
with input f(t) h ( t ) e at u ( t )
f ( t ) cos( w0t )u ( t )
Taking Laplace transforms s
1 F (s ) Re{ s } 0
H ( s) Re{s} a s w
2 2
sa 0

The Laplace transform of the output of the system is

therefore s 1
Y ( s) Re{s} max{ 0,a}
s w s a
2 2

1 as w02 a 1
2 2
a w 0 s w 0 a w0 s a

and the inverse Laplace transform is

y(t )
u (t )
a w0
2 2

a sin(w0t ) w0 cos(w0t ) ae at
Laplace Transform 23 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
3. Inverse Laplace Transform

Equivalent to the Fourier transform when s=jw


F (s )
f ( t )e st dt f (t ) F (s )

There is an associated region of convergence for s where

the (transformed) signal has finite energy. The Laplace
transform is only defined for these values
Laplace transform is linear (easy!)
Examples for the Laplace transforms include
L 1
e u (t ) , Re{s} a
2t t
L s 1
3e u (t ) 2e u (t ) 2 , Re{s} 1
s 3s 2

Laplace Transform 24 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Ratio of Polynomials

In each of these examples, the Laplace transform is rational, i.e. it is a

ratio of polynomials in the complex variable s.
N (s ) where N and D are the numerator and
F (s )
D (s ) denominator polynomial respectively.
In fact, X(s) will be rational whenever x(t) is a linear combination of real
or complex exponentials. Rational transforms also arise when we
consider LTI systems specified in terms of linear, constant
coefficient differential equations.
We can mark the roots of N and D in the s-plane along with the ROC
Example 3:
Im s-plane

roots of N(s)
x x
-2 -1 1 Re x roots of D(s)

Laplace Transform 25 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Poles and Zeros

The roots of N(s) are known as the zeros. For these

values of s, F(s) is zero.
The roots of D(s) are known as the poles. For these
values of s, F(s) is infinite, the Region of Convergence for
the Laplace transform cannot contain any poles, because
the corresponding integral is infinite
The set of poles and zeros completely characterise F(s) to
within a scale factor (+ ROC for Laplace transform)
i ( s zi )
F ( s)
j (s p j )
The graphical representation of F(s) through its poles and
zeros in the s-plane is referred to as the pole-zero plot of
Laplace Transform 26 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
Example: Poles and Zeros

Consider the signal:

4 t 1 2t
f (t ) (t ) e u (t ) e u (t )
3 3
By linearity we can evaluate the second and third terms
The Laplace transform of the impulse function is:

L{ (t )} (t )e st dt 1

which is valid for any s. Therefore,
4 1 1 1 Im
F ( s) 1
3 s 1 3 s 2
( s 1) 2 x x
, Re{s} 2 -1 1 2 Re
( s 1)( s 2)

Laplace Transform 27 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

ROC Properties for Laplace Transform

Property 1: The ROC of F(s) consists of strips parallel to

the jw-axis in the s-plane
Because the Laplace transform consists of s for which f(t)e-st
converges, which only depends on Re{s} = s
Property 2: For rational Laplace transforms, the ROC does
not contain any poles
Because F(s) is infinite at a pole, the integral must not
Property 3: if f(t) is finite duration and is absolutely
integrable then the ROC is the entire s-plane.
Because x(t) is magnitude bounded, multiplication by any
exponential over a finite interval is also bounded. Therefore
the Laplace integral converges for any s.

Laplace Transform 28 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Inverse Laplace Transform

The Laplace transform of a signal f(t) is:

F (s jw ) { f (t )e s t
} f (t )es t e jwt dt

We can invert this relationship using the inverse Fourier

f (t )e {F (s jw )}
s t 1
F(s jw ) e jwt

Multiplying both sides by est:

f (t )

F (s jw )e(s jw )t dw

Therefore, we can recover f(t) from F(s), where the real

component is fixed and we integrate over the imaginary
part, noting that ds = jdw
1 s j
f (t )
F ( s ) e ds
2 j s j

Laplace Transform 29 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Inverse Laplace Transform Interpretation
1 s j

2 j s j
f (t ) F ( s)e st ds

Just about all real-valued signals, f(t), can be represented

as a weighted, F(s), integral of complex exponentials, est.
The contour of integration is a straight line (in the complex
plane) from s-j to s+j
We can choose any s for this integration line, as long as
the integral converges
For the class of rational Laplace transforms, we can
express F(s) as partial fractions to determine the inverse
Fourier transform. a t
Ai e i
u (t ) Re{s} ai
Ai L { Ai /( s ai )}
F ( s) Ai e ait u(t ) Re{s} ai
i 1 s ai

Laplace Transform 30 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 1: Inverting the Laplace
Consider when
F ( s) ( s) 1
( s 1)( s 2)
Like the inverse Fourier transform, expand as partial fractions
1 A B 1 1
F ( s)
( s 1)( s 2) ( s 1) ( s 2) ( s 1) ( s 2)
Pole-zero plots and ROC for combined & individual terms

L 1
e u (t ) , Re{s} 1
Im s 1
2 t
L 1
e u (t ) , Re{s} 2
x x s2
-2 -1 Re t 2 t
L 1
f (t ) (e e )u (t ) , Re{s} 1
( s 1)( s 2)

Laplace Transform 31 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Example 2
Consider when
X ( s) Re{s} 2
( s 1)(s 2)
Like the inverse Fourier transform, expand as partial
1 A B 1 1
X ( s)
( s 1)(s 2) ( s 1) ( s 2) ( s 1) ( s 2)
Pole-zero plots and ROC for combined & individual terms
L 1
Im e u (t ) , Re{s} 1
s 1
L 1
x x e u (t ) , Re{s} 2
-2 -1 Re s2
t 2t
L 1
x(t ) (e e )u (t ) , Re{s} 2
( s 1)( s 2)
Laplace Transform 32 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.
4. Solution of Differential and
Integro-Differential Equations

Use the time-differentiation property

Find Y(s) and then tale the inverse Laplace transform of

Y(s) to find the desired solution y(t).

Laplace Transform 33 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 34 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 35 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 36 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Zero-input and zero-state
components of response

Laplace Transform 37 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 38 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 39 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 40 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 41 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Zero-State Response of LTIC System

Laplace Transform 42 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

5. Analysis of electrical Networks



Laplace Transform 43 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 44 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 45 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 46 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 47 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 48 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 49 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Analysis of Active Circuits

Ideal op amp: i+=i-=0; v+=v-.


Laplace Transform 50 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Consider the Sallen-Key circuit which is frequently used in

the filter design. Find the transfer function

Laplace Transform 51 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Equivalent circuit

Write KCL at node a and b

Laplace Transform 52 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Remind Cramers Rule

Solve the linear equations

Laplace Transform 53 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 54 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

6. Block Diagram

It is convenient to
represent a system
by suitably Cascade
subsystems, each of
which can be readily Parallel


Laplace Transform 55 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

7. System Realization

There is no unique way to realizing a system.

Typical ways of realization: canonical, cascade and parallel
Consider an LTIC system with a transfer function

For practical systems, m n

The system realization uses the basic elements: scalar
multipliers, integrators, and summers.

Laplace Transform 56 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Canonical or Direct-Form Realization

There is no unique way to realizing a system.


Laplace Transform 57 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Canonical or Direct-Form Realization

Laplace Transform 58 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Canonical or Direct-Form Realization

Laplace Transform 59 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Cascade and Parallel Realization

Cascade: express the n-th order transfer function as a

product of n first-order transfer functions.
Parallel: express the n-th order transfer function as a sum
of n first-order transfer functions.

Laplace Transform 60 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

System Realization Using Op Amp

Use Op Amp to realize scalar multipliers, integrators, and

summers (adders).
A basic inverting amplifier circuit

By properly chosing Z(s) and Zf(s) we can obtain a variety

of transfer functions

Laplace Transform 61 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Scalar Multiplier

Laplace Transform 62 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 63 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

Summer (Adder)

Laplace Transform 64 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 65 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 66 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 67 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Laplace Transform 68 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.


Problems: 6.1-1, 6.1-3, 6.3-1, 6.3-4, 6.3-5

Problems: 6.4-2, 6.4-4, 6.4-5, 6.4-8, 6.4-9, 6.4-10

Laplace Transform 69 H. H. Kha, Ph.D.

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