Trans Conductance Amp Tutorial
Trans Conductance Amp Tutorial
Trans Conductance Amp Tutorial
The circuit of Fig. 3c acts as a scaled VVR. Higher A floating impedance inverter is shown in Fig. 3e. Note
impedances are possible than with the simple structure of that it is necessary to match gm2 and gm3 for proper
Fig. 3a, at the expense of the additional resistors. operation. The circuit of Fig. 3f serves as an impedance
A voltage variable impedance inverter is shown in Fig. 3d. multiplier. That of Fig. 3g behaves as a super inductor and
Note the doubling of the adjustment range of this circuit, as that of Fig. 3h as a FDNR.
with the amplifier of Fig. 2g. Of special interest is the case
where this circuit is loaded with a capacitor. In this case, a First-Order Filter Structures
synthetic inductor is obtained. The doubling of the
adjustment range is particularly attractive for the synthetic A voltage variable integrator structure with a differential
inductor since cutoff frequencies in active filter structures input is shown in Fig. 4a. The integrator serves as the basic
generally involve inductor values raised to the 1/2 power. building block in many filter structures. Two different lossy
By making gm1 = gm2 and adjusting both simultaneously, integrators (first-order lowpass filters) are shown in Figs.
first-order rather than quadratic control of cutoff 4b and 4c. The
frequencies is possible.
The 3dB cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter of Fig. 5a
is given by the expression
f 3 dB = (3a)
2π C
Linear adjustment of f3dB with gm is attainable with this
circuit while maintaining a unity dc frequency gain. The
structure of Fig. 5b has a fixed pole location and adjustable
dc gain with the transconductance gain gm . If the resistor in
this circuit is replaced with the controlled resistor of Fig.
3a, the circuit would have independently adjustable gain and
break frequency. The highpass structure of Fig. 5c also has
a 3dB cutoff frequency given by
f 3 dB = (3b)
2π C
g m1 g m 2
ωo =
C1 C 2
1 C 2 g m1
Q= (8)
g m 3 R C1 g m 2
g m1 g m 2
ωo = (9)
C1 C 2
C 2 g m1 g m 2
Q =
g (10)
C 1 m3
VC C1 C 2 s 2 + VB g m 3 sC1 + g m1 g m 2 VA
Vo 4 = (11)
s 2 C1 C 2 + sC1 g m 3 + g m1 g m 2
Practical Considerations