Secrets of The Secret Place
Secrets of The Secret Place
Secrets of The Secret Place
Bob Sorge
Oasis House
Kansas City, Missouri
Eleventh Printing (2010)
All Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright
1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publisher. Used by permission.
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form,
except for brief quotations in reviews, without written permission from the pub-
Sorge, Bob.
Secrets of the secret place / Bob Sorge.
ISBN 978-0-9704791-0-5 (pbk.)
1. Prayer Christianity Meditations. I. Title.
Chapter Title
There has never been a generation that needs the secret place
more than this one. Bob Sorge gently admonishes us to establish
a place, time and incentive to meet regularly with God. This book
is an enticement, not a guilt projector. The principles he expounds
are timeless, tried and true. I loved the book. It stirred my spirit
to want renewed fellowship with my Lord.
Judson Cornwall
My dear friend Bob Sorges passion for God and His word
reverberates through every line of this wonderful book. If you
already have similar passion, this book will stoke the fires and
fan the flames. If you have little or no passion, this book will
ignite one. So, do yourself a favor and saturate your needy spirit
in these combustible truths. You will join the ranks of those who
are desperate for an intimate relationship with God, the Lover of
our souls, who alone can satisfy and fulfill us.
Joy Dawson
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
Chapter Title
Secrets of the Secret Place
Part I
The Great
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Saying Yes
hris and DeeAnn Abke were feeling overwhelmed by a
looming financial challenge. In desperation, they took
some time late one eveningafter settling their kids into
bedto pray and seek the Lords help. As they sat together on
their living room couch, making their petitions known to God,
suddenly an audible voice began to speak, If you need help, call
9-1-1. If you need help, call 9-1-1.
They heard the voice say this about four or five times, and
then it stopped. Mystified, Chris and DeeAnn just looked at each
The voice seemed to be coming from the garage, so they
cautiously opened the door and flipped on the garage lights, not
sure what they would find. Everything was in its place except
for a small toy ambulance, belonging to their son, that lay by
itself in the center of the garage floor.
Chris picked up the ambulance, pushed a button next to its
emergency lights, and the voice began to speak, If you need help,
call 9-1-1. As they wondered aloud how the toy had activated
of its own accord, suddenly the Holy Spirit seemed to nudge
Chris with these words, If you need help, call 9-1-1Psalm
91:1. Going back to the Scriptures, the verse had an entirely
new meaning to them as they read it together: He who dwells in
Secrets of the Secret Place
the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow
of the Almighty.
Chris and DeeAnn understood this incident to be Gods way
of directing their hearts to a renewed commitment to that se-
cret place relationship with Him. The inference was that God
would direct their steps related to their financial needs as they
gave themselves to the intimacy of abiding in the presence of
the Almighty.
The Secret of Saying Yes
Secrets of the Secret Place
with God. The eruption of fruitfulness from his life must have
caught even him off guard!
Many of you reading this book have a call to neighborhoods,
to cities, and also to nations. As you devote yourself to the secret
place with God, He will birth something within you that will
spread, in His time, to the four corners of your sphere. Its an
awesome secret: The call of God burning in your breast will be
uncontainable and unstoppable as you devote yourself to the fiery
passion of intimate communion with the Lover of your soul.
Wont you join me in pressing forward into new dimensions
of kingdom power and glory? The face of Christianity is changed,
generation after generation, by those who discover the power of
the secret place. I pray that with the reading of every page you
will join me in saying Yes! to the secret of the centuries.
What is this secret? someone might ask.
The secret place is the secret!
Chapter Title
The Secret of the Shut Door
But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you
have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret
place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you
openly (Matthew 6:6).
esus Himself spoke these blessed words. All Scripture is
God-breathed, but followers of Jesus always find special
delight in giving particular attention the words Jesus
Himself gave us. When Jesus taught on prayer, He gave primary
emphasis to the secret place. In fact, the first thing He taught
concerning prayer was the primacy of the secret place. In the
verses following, He would teach us how to pray, but first He
teaches where to pray.
Matthew 6:6 contains a powerful secret regarding the where
of prayer, but before I share it let me ask a question. Do you
struggle frequently with feeling disconnected from God? Do
you strain to feel Gods presence when you pray? Does He seem
distant to you? Do you long to know that He is with you, right
now, drawing near to you?
If your answer to any of those questions is, Yes, then I have
some wonderful news for you. There is a guaranteed way to get
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of the Shut Door
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Listening
hen God brought the people of Israel from Egypt,
through the Red Sea, to Mount Sinai, He appeared to
the nation as a visible fire on the mountain and spoke
to them with a thundering audible voice. The experience was
so awesome it totally overpowered the Israelites, who asked that
Moses go instead and speak to God by himself on their behalf.
The psalmist described this scene with a most unusual phrase:
I answered you in the secret place of thunder (Psalm 81:7). God
viewed the convocation with His people on Mt. Sinai as a secret
place encounter with His people. He called them aside to a
deserted mountain in order to speak with them and give them
His commandments.
God has always designed that the secret place be a place where
He answers us and speaks to us. Sometimes, He even apprehends
us by thundering to us with His awesome voice. There is nothing
more glorious in all of life than hearing His voice! God has always
longed to have the kind of intimate relationship with His people
wherein they hear His voice and respond accordingly. We close the
door to our secret place so that we might shut out all distracting
voices and tune our hearts to the one voice which we long to hear.
The secret place of thunderwhat an awesome description of
The Secret of Listening
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Listening
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Radical Obedience
earing God in the secret place is one of the greatest keys
to the overcoming Christian life. However, it must be
linked with its corollary: radical obedience. We hear,
and then we do. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving yourselves (James 1:22).
By radical obedience, I mean immediate obedience that ful-
fills the commandment to its fullest measure. Radical obedience
does not seek to comply to the minimal standards but pursues
extravagant, lavish fulfillment. If Jesus says, Sell all, then we
sell all! Immediately.
The New Testament word for obedience, hupakoe, is a com-
pound word of two Greek words, hupo, under, and akouo, to
hear. So to obey is to hear under. Obedience involves listen-
ing attentively with a heart of compliant submission and, then,
obeying His word.
Implicit obedience starts, for every one of us, not in doing
good works but in sitting at His feet and hearing His word. Devo-
tion to the secret place is the saints first great act of obedience.
Jesus revealed this:
The Secret of Radical Obedience
The will of God in that moment was for the people to sit at
Jesus feet and hear His word. Until you attend to this respon-
sibility first, you will be constantly frustrated in your inability
to uncover the joys of radical obedience. Works of service gain
their spiritual energy from the furnace of a fiery love relationship
at Jesus feet. The true fulfillment of serving Jesus is discovered
when we get first things first: First we sit and listen, and then
we go and do.
My friend, Steve Peglow, once told me he thought some people
were common law Christians. By that he meant they want the
benefits of living with Jesus without making the commitment.
But even as the full joy of living together is found only within the
context of the commitment of marriage, so too the joy of follow-
ing Jesus is found only in abandoning oneself to every word that
proceeds from His mouth.
Some people put their best energies into creative thinking.
However, God has a way of negating the plans of men: The Lord
brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the
plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands
forever (Psalm 33:10-11). Instead of focusing on being creative,
focus on being obedient. Give your best energies to waiting on
God in His presence, listening for His voice, and then moving out
in action only when He has spoken. Theres no sense in coming
up with your own ideas when its only Gods counsel that will
stand! Im saying it several different ways: The key is in hearing
and obeying.
Oh what joy to hear His word and do it! The benefits are
profound (I will mention only a few among many):
Secrets of the Secret Place
God looks with special interest and affection upon the one
who is devoted to obedience. He said it this say, But on this one
will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who
trembles at My word (Isaiah 66:2). Its fantastic to just imag-
ine it: Youre in the secret place with His word before you, and
youre trembling at the prospect of His speaking to you; He sees
your willing spirit and conceives of ways to honor your devotion.
Wow! To tremble at His word means firstly that we long for Him
to speak, and secondly that we tremble with ready diligence to
act upon the word that comes. When we tremble for His word
with this kind of keen anticipation, He fastens His gaze upon us
in order to do good on our behalf.
The Secret of Radical Obedience
You will notice that the storm comes both to those who do
Jesus sayings and those who dont do them. No one is exempt.
Storms are most certainly headed your way. The only question
is, will you survive? Will your foundations be strong enough to
sustain the winds and floods? Those who walk in radical obedi-
ence have made themselves ready for the storm, and they will
overcome. Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then
your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness
like the waves of the sea (Isaiah 48:18). The greater the winds
that assault the obedient, the more his righteousness rises up like
mighty breakers, crashing on the shore in majestic thunderings
of fragrance to God.
Of course, there are many other benefits of obedience beyond
these four just cited. But Im trying to keep our chapters in this
book short! Consider just two other brief thoughts yet, regard-
ing obedience. The first comes to us through Mary, the mother
of Jesus.
Mary gave us one of the greatest summations of obedience:
Whatever He says to you, do it (John 2:5). True servants are
found sitting at Jesus feet (Where I am, there My servant will
be also, John 12:26). Then, when He speaks, they just do it.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Servants dont try to give the Master a better idea; servants dont
complain that they think the task is stupid; servants dont try to
decide if theyre in the mood to do it right now; servants dont
decide if the task is within their dignity to perform it. They just
do it. So likewise you, when you have done all those things which
you are commanded, say, We are unprofitable servants. We have
done what was our duty to do (Luke 17:10).
The closer you get to God, the more obedient you must be.
Some choose the level of obedience whereby they endeavor to
avoid sin and choose righteousness. That was the level where the
children of Israel, who knew Gods acts, lived. Moses, however,
knew Gods ways. So Moses level of obedience was of necessity
much higher. The issue for Moses was no longer simply, Is this
action right or wrong? The issue was, What is Gods command?
For example, when Moses was on the fiery mountain the com-
mand was, Stay behind the cleft of the rock. Because if you come
out from behind the protective rock and see My face, youll die.
Youre so close to Me right now, Moses, that if you make a wrong
move youll see My face and have a cardiac arrest on the spot.
Now, is there anything wrong or sinful about stepping out from
behind a wall of rock? No. But when youre that close to God,
its imperative you follow His instructions to the letter and stay
where Hes putting you. It bears repeating: The closer you get
to God, the more obedient you must be.
Chapter Title
The Secret of Rapid Repentance
ight times the Scriptures enjoin us, Take heed to your
selves (Exodus 19:12; Deuteronomy 4:23; 11:16; Jeremiah
17:21; Luke 17:3; 21:34; Acts 5:35; 20:28). Two of those
times the words are spoken by Jesus Himself. This taking heed
to oneself is a primary function of the secret place. Prayer is the
constant calibration of the soul. It is a lifestyle of stopping and
taking candid spiritual inventory. This is not spiritual paranoia,
but rather the exercise of one who has a healthy fear of God and
a sublime desire for glorious heights of intimacy with God. The
devout is constantly testing himself for spiritual fervor, alertness,
faithfulness, purity, love, obedience, growth in grace, etc.
It is in the secret place that I find my spirit makes diligent
search (Psalm 77:6). I so very much long to please Him and to
know His will, so my spirit diligently searches the recesses of my
heart to see if there might be anything in me for which I need to
repent. I want nothing of my self-life to hinder my relationship
with Him or His purposes for us together. I feel like Im pan-
ning for goldthe finds are few and not as weighty as I would
Heres some excellent counsel: Become a good repenter. The
only way to move forward in God is through repentance. If your
Secrets of the Secret Place
pride hinders you from repenting, get over it. Youre a wretch.
You need mercy so badly its scarey. Wise up and master the art
of repentance. Call your sin in its worst possible terms. Grovel.
Eat dust.
I remember the day I awakened to the reality that I live far
below Gods glory. I saw it in the story of Jesus multiplying the
loaves and fish for the five thousand: Then Jesus lifted up His
eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said
to Philip, Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat? But this
He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do (John
6:5-6). Jesus was testing Philip, to see if Philip was living in the
glory zone. Philip would have to live in another dimension to
know the answer to the test, which was simply, Lord, just break
open these loaves and fish and multiply them for the multitude.
Philip failed the test because his thoughts were a universe below
those of Jesus (Isaiah 55:9). Then I saw it so clearly: I am failing
the Philip test virtually every day! I am so earthbound in my per-
spectives that I am almost oblivious to the dimension of glory in
which Jesus lives. Its safe to assume that apart from Gods grace
I am constantly falling short of the excellence of Gods glory. Do
I need to repent continually? You bet!
Beloved, I pray you might gain the secret of radical, rapid
repentance. Ready repentance opens the channels for intimate
communion with God. When youre in the secret place, be quick
to confess your unbelief and hardness of heart. Dont make Him
talk you into it. Agree quickly with Him in the way.
When I speak of repentance in this chapter, I am not thinking
of repenting from sins like lying, fornication, stealing, cursing,
pornography, hatred, drunkenness, or not tithing. Those sins are
so obvious that you dont even need the conviction of the Holy
Spirit to know youre in disobedience. Gods word regarding those
sins is blatantly clear. Sincerity and a clear conscience doesnt
even begin until we deal with these kinds of outward sins.
No, I am not talking about obvious sins; in this chapter, I am
talking about repenting from our iniquities. Iniquities are the
hidden faults that we dont see, the wicked residue of our fallen
nature that discolors the fabric of our thoughts, motives, feelings,
The Secret of Rapid Repentance
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Sowing
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Sowing
does not lose heart. He who tills his land will be satisfied with
bread (Proverbs 12:11). To have a harvest, you must till (prepare)
the soil of your heart and then implant Gods word into your
heart. Gods word is powerful seed which will eventually produce
a mighty harvest if the soil of our hearts is right.
Every moment you spend in the secret place is an investment.
You are investing into eternal realities. God makes note of your
labors and considers how He will honor your devotion. And seeds
are being planted in your heart that will bring forth a harvest in
your own heartif you continue to persevere in faith and love.
So whatever you do, dont quit! When you feel ineffectual, get
stubborn and invest even more. The word being sown into your
heart today is going to germinate, sprout, send roots downward
and branches upward, and produce fruit. Catch the secret: He
who sows will most assuredly reap!
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Refuge
You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from
the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion
from the strife of tongues (Psalm 31:20).
The Secret of Refuge
God in the sanctuary when he was running for his life from King
Saul? He was totally isolated, a political fugitive hiding in the
wildernessand he was there for several years! He had no access
to the sanctuary where the ark resided, so he was obviously not
speaking of that sanctuary. Any attempt to get near that sanctu-
ary would have cost him his life. So what sanctuary had David
found? I believe David was referring to his secret life with God.
Even though he couldnt worship before the ark, he discovered
the secret place to be a shelter from the swirl of emotions and
troubles that constantly bombarded his soul. Here he could vent
his anxious thoughts; here he could be renewed in Gods love as
he gazed on His beauty; here he could be quieted by the assur-
ances of His heavenly Fathers protection; here he was healed
from the wounds of mans rejection; here he regained strength
for the journey; here he was safe.
The secret place is like the eye of a storm. While all is storming
about us, we find an inner sanctuary of rest and peace. Theres
something of a paradox here because we are experiencing both
storm and peace simultaneously. When we retreat to the secret
place, the storm doesnt stop. In fact, sometimes it seems that
when we run into the Lord for help the storm escalates in in-
Many Christians have been offended by the fact that when
they began to devote themselves to the secret place, the warfare
around their lives actually accelerated. Instead of finding refuge,
they found turbulence. This can be mystifying and so deserves
some comment.
While the place of prayer is a place of immunity, it is also one
of Satans favorite places to attack the devout. When seeking to
destroy Daniel, the only chink his enemies could find in his armor
was his prayer life. So they attacked him in the place of prayer. The
only way Judas knew to hand Jesus over to the chief priests was by
betraying Him in the place of prayer. So the secret place is both a
place of sanctuary and also of the enemys strategic attacks. The
assurance to the believer, however, is that when he is attacked in
the place of prayer the Father is exercising sovereign jurisdiction
over the entire affair. Nothing can happen to you in the secret
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Refuge
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Decision Making
The Secret of Decision Making
James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; Judas
the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor
(Luke 6:12-16).
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like
the mule, which have no understanding, which must be har-
nessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you
(Psalm 32:8-9).
The key phrase in these verses is, Else they will not come
near you. The horse and mule, so says the Scripture, must be
harnessed with bit and bridle if you are to get them to come close.
They do not draw close of their own accord.
The Lord is saying, I dont want to guide you from a
distance. I dont want to have to put a bit in your mouth and
jerk you around in order to get your attention and get you on
course. I want you to draw close to Mescootch up close to My
heartand allow Me to direct your life from a place of intimacy
and communion.
Notice the Lord says the horse and mule have no understand-
ing, and thats why they dont come near. They dont understand
that proximity to the Master will incur for them the greatest
benefits. A mule constantly wants to go off and wander in its
own way, but in so doing the beast becomes totally unprofitable
and unfruitful.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Some people are mulish. They just dont get it. They pull
away (in ignorant independence) from their very source of life and
care and feeding. It hasnt penetrated their thick skulls that the
smartest place in the universe to beand to stayis right next to
God. Psalm 14:2 clearly says that the evidence of understanding
is that one seeks God. The wisest thing youll ever do in this life
is to draw close to God and to seek Him with all your heart.
When you pursue this intimacy, you will begin to unlock the
greatest secrets of life. Its here He guides you with His eye and
directs your heart with His heart. Sometimes we tend to make life
decisions based upon our appraisal of surrounding circumstances
and conditions. However, the Lord doesnt want us getting our
direction from looking outward but from looking upward. He
wants us receiving life direction by beholding His beauty, enjoying
His majesty and splendor, and then being guided by the gaze of
His eye. So much can be communicated in the expressions and
focus of the eye! Gaze upon His mouth until He speaks to you.
Look into His eye until His glance directs the way in which you
should walk.
Those who make decisions based upon external data become
thermometers of society: Their lives reflect the natural forces that
shape their destiny. But those who make their decisions based
upon what they see in God become thermostats of society: They
influence their world through the forcefulness of bringing divinely
received initiatives to bear upon this earthly sphere.
Intimacy precedes insight. Passion precedes purpose. First
comes the secret place, then comes divine guidance. God doesnt
simply want to get you on the right path, He wants to enjoy you
throughout the journey. He doesnt want you to find His will and
then take off running, leaving Him in the dust. Gods primary
desire for your life is not that you discover His will and walk in
it; His primary desire is that you draw near to Him and come to
know Him. God wants to be known! And then He desires that
from that knowing relationship there come a tender walking
together in His purposes.
Pursuing a knowing relationship with God in the secret place
The Secret of Decision Making
is not only the smartest thing youll ever do, its also one of the
greatest keys to discovering your highest destiny in God. So stop
right here. No need to read the next chapter just yet. Set this book
down, and find a quiet corner with your Friend. Enjoy!
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of No Plan B
ne of the greatest secrets to intimacy with God is to come
to Him as your only source of help and hope. Lord, in
this situation I have no Plan Bno other options to
default to if You dont come through. You are the only one who
can help me! He loves it when you look to Him alone for deliver-
ance. And the inverse is also true: His jealousy is kindled when
we entertain other saviors.
The Lord scoffed at the idolatry of the children of Israel by
pointing to the vain hope that a block of wood offered:
He cuts down cedars for himself, and takes the cypress and the
oak; he secures it for himself among the trees of the forest. He
plants a pine, and the rain nourishes it. Then it shall be for
a man to burn, for he will take some of it and warm himself;
yes, he kindles it and bakes bread; indeed he makes a god and
worships it; he makes it a carved image, and falls down to it.
He burns half of it in the fire; with this half he eats meat; he
roasts a roast, and is satisfied. He even warms himself and
says, Ah! I am warm, I have seen the fire. And the rest of it
he makes into a god, his carved image. He falls down before it
and worships it, prays to it and says, Deliver me, for you are
The Secret of No Plan B
Health insurance
Medical treatment/prescriptions
Social Security
Retirement plans and IRAs
Credit cards/consolidation loans
Friends (to deliver us from loneliness)
Filing bankruptcy
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of No Plan B
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Burning
ts the secret place that lights our fire, that sets us burning.
Im talking about a white-hot, fiery zeal for the face of Jesus
and for the concerns of His kingdom. Jesus came to kindle a
fire on earth (Luke 12:49) by which He intended to set us ablaze
with His very own passions and desires. To maintain its intensity,
this fire must be constantly stoked by the intimate passions of
the secret place.
You are destined for fire. You will burn for all eternitythe
only question is where. The longing of your breast is to be a liv-
ing flame, ignited with the exhilaration of beholding His beauty,
worshiping Him with uninhibited abandon, and deployed into
the world with self-controlled, calculated zeal that does not love
its own life even unto death. You have something to live for be-
cause you have something to die for. You long to be a firebrand
of holiness, which is why youll never be satisfied with status quo
Gods word is a fire (Jeremiah 23:29), and His presence is
totally engulfed in fire (Ezekiel 1:4, 27; Daniel 7:9). When you
approach God, you are drawing near to the great blazing inferno
of the ages. To be set on fire, you must get close to God. When
you feel cold, distant, and out of it spiritually, its time to re-
The Secret of Burning
treat to the closet, place yourself before the fireplace of His word,
and allow the intensity of His face to restore your fervency. The
secret to staying ablaze for Jesus is not in responding to altar
calls (as good as those are); its not in having someone lay hands
on you and pray for you (as valid as that is); its not in listening
to a good teaching tape or the latest worship CD; the only sure
source for staying white-hot is in devoting yourself consistently
to the place-of-the-shut-door. Its the place where the spirit of
burning (Isaiah 4:4) ignites your soul as you gaze upon His glory
with an unveiled face (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Do you desire a greater compulsion for the secret place? Invite
the Burning One, the Holy Spirit, to ignite the eternal flame of
His fiery jealousy in your life. The Scripture says, The Spirit
who dwells in us yearns jealously (James 4:5). The agenda of
this yearning jealousy is that Christs bride might be set ablaze
with an exclusive and fiery passion for her Beloved. You can pray
nothing more dangerously sublime than to say, Holy Spirit, let
Your burning jealousy have its consuming way in my life, until
every competing affection and false god is completely burned away
and until one raging, all-consuming passion fills my entire be-
inglove for the altogether Lovely One, the Man Christ Jesus!
The book of Revelation describes the Holy Spirit in this way:
Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are
the seven Spirits of God (Revelation 4:5). I have asked the Lord
that the same might be said of me, that I might be described as
burning before the throne!
As a man who longs to burn for God, I have looked at Prov-
erbs 6:27-28 differently from the typical approach. Primarily
those verses are describing the harmful effects of adultery, but
its secondary application is actually descriptive of the secret place
with God:
Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be
burned? Can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be seared?
(Proverbs 6:27-28).
When you draw close to the fire of Gods word, you are actu-
ally taking fire into your bosomand the leprous, filthy clothes
Secrets of the Secret Place
of your old life are being burned away. As you step into the fiery
presence of His secret place, you are walking on hot coalsand
your feet are being seared to walk in the way of holiness and
righteousness and obedience. The answer to these questions is,
No! Take the fire of God into your being and everything about
your life will be different! Its impossible to embrace this living
fire and not be changed! Oh Lord, I pull Your fire to my bosom
with fearful delight.
John the Baptist was a man who burned for God! God took
John into the solitude of the wilderness in order to kindle a heav-
enly fire within him. When he was finally released into ministry,
he was a living flame. Notice that in the following verses thrice
Jesus asked, What did you go out to see?
Chapter Title
The Secret of Violence
he term spiritual violence captures the intensity with
which the last days generation will pursue God. They will
seek God with their entire being, denying themselves and
throwing off all entangling sins, in order to run the race with pas-
sion, purity, and perseverance. The kingdom of heaven suffers
violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).
This is the hour to seek God with violent abandonment! The
signs of the times are clear; Christs return is imminent; we sense
an urgency in the Spirit; its time to awaken from our slumber
and chase down the kingdom of God like never before.
Genuine faith seeks God earnestly. But without faith it is
impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe
that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek
Him (Hebrews 11:6). True faith understands not only that God
exists, but that He rewards us according to the intensity of our
pursuit of Him. God chasers reveal their faith by the way they run.
Men and women of faith cannot be distracted or detoured from
their objective because they firmly believe that God is going to
reward their pursuit. And theyre right!
Spiritual violence begins in the secret place. It all starts with
how you apply yourself to the disciplines of prayeradoration,
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Violence
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Violence
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Humility
ur violent pursuit of God must be wedded to a gentle
and humble spirit. Humility is the foundation of all
prayer. Humility says, Lord, I am empty without Your
fullness; I am broken without Your wholeness; I am helpless
without Your strength; I am clueless without your wisdom. Apart
from You I am nothing. I need You! I need You so desperately that
I am pouring myself out to You here in the secret place.
Prayerlessness is the first sign of prideful independence. We
begin to trim back on our secret time with God when were feeling
great about ourselves, energetic and optimistic about our future,
and confident about the path were taking. Its the first sign that
were getting full of ourselves.
This morning, even before I knew I would be writing this chap-
ter today, I was enjoying the words of Agur, who wrote, Surely I
am more stupid than any man, and do not have the understanding
of a man. I neither learned wisdom nor have knowledge of the
Holy One (Proverbs 30:2-3). The wisdom of Agur was in having
a proper self-assessment of his own stupidity. Would to God that
we all owned that same awareness! It would drive us back to our
knees, back to the source of all wisdom, back to the only wise
God. If He alone is wise, where does that place us?
The Secret of Humility
Once you see His greatness and your bankruptcy, there comes
great joy in humbling yourself before the Lord. With what delight
the elders cast their crowns at the foot of the throne! They take
what represents the aggregate compilation of all their achieve-
ments and throw it all down at the feet of Him from whom it all
proceeded in the first place. He gave it to us that we might give
it all back to Him. None of this was our idea, it all started with
Him and it all ends with Him. He is everything, and as we are
joined to Him the poverty of our personal identity is lost in the
fullness of His eternal greatness.
David wrote, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and
give praise, even with my glory (Psalm 108:1). We know He is
referring in this verse to his secret place because his term my
heart is steadfast was always used of his personal commitment
to being alone with his God. He abandoned his heart to God, so
he said, with my glory. What was Davids glory? It was the sum
total of his attainments. David had the glory of a kingwealth,
honor, prestige, dignity, splendor, and power. He also had the
glory of being a psalmist and a prophet. He took the total of all
God had given him and made him, and presented it to God in
song and praise. The greater his prestige, the greater the joy he
had in surrendering that to the majesty of God. What a privilege
to lay all our life attainments at His feet in profound awareness
of His all-surpassing greatness! The greater I am, the more joy
I have in taking that greatness and bowing it before Him. And
the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it (Rev-
elation 21:24).
He dignifies us that we might have something to lay before
Him in humility and devotion. God dignifies uswith sonship,
glory, acceptance, royalty, purpose, significance, wealth, honor,
salvation, wisdom, revelation, understanding, status, character,
holiness, victoriesso that we might enjoy the highest privilege
of casting it all at His feet. What a holy privilege is ours, to come
into the throneroom of His presence and empty ourselves of all
dignity by prostrating ourselves before Him, worshiping Him
with our entire being.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Intercession
Secrets of the Secret Place
dont pray, Gods purposes will happen, but they will not happen
sooner. They will be delayed.
See here the infinite power of God to accelerate things on
earth and bring world events to their culmination. He can wrap
this whole thing up whenever He wants to, but Hes looking for
a generation that refuses to be bypasseda generation thats so
desperate to be included that theyre giving themselves to inces-
sant, violent prayer.
One of the most profound ways you can love someone is by
praying for them. Intercession does something very powerful in
the intercessor: It joins the heart of the intercessor to the heart
of the one being prayed for. In intercession, you are investing
yourself in another persons life. Its one of the secrets of the secret
place. Our intercessory prayers thus become cords of affection
which bind the hearts of believers to one another, joining the body
of Christ together in the greatest of all virtueslove.
It wasnt enough for Paul to be convinced in himself that
he loved other saints. He wanted them to be clearly aware of his
love for themthat you might know the love which I have so
abundantly for you (2 Corinthians 2:4). That our care for you
in the sight of God might appear to you (2 Corinthians 7:12).
Therefore, after loving someone enough to intercede for them,
why not find a way to assure them of your prayers? When they
know youve been praying for them, they will feel and know your
love for them.
The body of Christ doesnt work properly without the mem-
bers praying for each other. Prayer is the immunity system of the
body of Christ. Through prayer, we fight off the invasive forces
that seek to disease and afflict the body of Christ.
Prayerlessness in the body of Christ is akin to leprosy. I learned
some things about leprosy from Paul Brand, a surgeon to lepers.
He says that in leprosy the nerves stop functioning properly, no
longer sending signals of pain to the brain. Lepers will begin to
lose fingers and toes in accidents because they cannot feel pain
when they are hurting themselves.
Drawing a spiritual analogy from that, when the church does
not feel pain with other suffering believers, it indicates the pres-
The Secret of Intercession
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Watching
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels
in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch
and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man
going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to
his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the door-
keeper to watch. Watch therefore, for you do not know when
the master of the house is comingin the evening, at midnight,
at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morninglest, coming
suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to
all: Watch! (Mark 13:32-37).
The Secret of Watching
Secrets of the Secret Place
Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you
yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will
return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they
may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom
the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say
to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat,
and will come and serve them. And if he should come in the
second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so,
blessed are those servants. But know this, that if the master
of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he
would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken
into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming
at an hour you do not expect (Luke 12:35-40).
Part II
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Radiation Therapy
ll of us struggle to overcome sin. The Bible describes this
struggle as striving against sin (Hebrews 12:4). Some
struggle more than others, partly because their history of
worldly living has caused the roots of sin to become more deeply
entrenched in their being. Regardless of the intensity of our own
personal struggle, each of us has wished at times that we could
gain victory more completely over sinful patterns.
The pathway to victory over habitual sins is multifaceted and
includes repentance, renouncing of old patterns, prayers of agree-
ment, accountability, forgiveness, self-denial, etc. However, I want
to focus in this chapter on one secret to overcoming sin that is
sometimes overlooked or forgotten. I call it, exposing yourself
to the radiation of Gods presence and word.
Sin is like a cancer; Gods presence is like radiation on that
cancer. The longer youre in His presence, soaking in His word
and basking in His love, the more power youre ingesting into
the very fiber of your being.
The only way we change is when we come close to the Lord.
His presence is the place of change. Distancing ourselves from
God always produces spiritual regression; proximity to God
always produces spiritual progression. The purpose of the voice
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Radiation Therapy
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Time
friend recently told me, The secret place has been the
point of greatest frustration and attack in my personal
walk. I know hes not alone. Since the secret place holds
the keys to authentic kingdom overcoming, the enemy will
cause his strongest assaults to bear upon this single point of a
Christians life.
Our enemy will do anything to get us to curtail the amount of
time we devote to the secret place with God. He will push, distract,
harass, incite, oppress, entice, weary, lie, intimidatewhatever
it takes. Make no mistake, when you devote yourself to knowing
God, all of hell seems to resurrect against you.
The full potential of the secret place with God requires one
great overarching element: time. Lots of it. The more exclusive
time you devote to Him, the more meaningful the relationship
becomes. The principle of 2 Corinthians 9:6 really does apply here,
But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly,
and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. The more
time that you sow into the secret place, the greater the bounty
you will enjoy.
There is a threshold to cross in terms of uncovering the full
joy of the secret place. Until you find the threshold, you will find
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Time
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Retreats
othing equals or replaces a daily, consistent secret life
with God. However, prayer retreats can be highly sig-
nificant in our spiritual journey to augment and comple-
ment our daily disciplines.
Here are just a few of the ways I have found personal prayer
retreats to serve me:
Secrets of the Secret Place
only to convince you, but to motivate you to fit them into your
A friend of mine, Kelly Jenness, has the practice of schedul-
ing a prayer retreat once a year. He usually reserves a room at a
Christian retreat facility or a hotel, and tries to time it in such
a way that he can spend three full days alone with God. Either
he selects a long holiday weekend, or he takes a Friday off from
his secular job in order to lengthen the weekend. These retreats
have become so fruitful in his walk with God that he is completely
sold on them. I have watched many other Christians behold his
consecration, admire the fruit in his life, but never become so
convinced of the significance of his retreats as to adopt the practice
themselves. This leaves me sad and not just a little perplexed.
Effective retreats will wisely include four elements: solitude,
no entertainment, fasting, and the Gospels.
The Secret of Retreats
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Journaling
am fiercely committed to maintaining a spiritual journal,
and its for one all-encompassing reason: Those who retain
what God gives them will be given more. Jesus said it this way,
For whoever has, to him more will be given (Mark 4:25).
I dont trust my brain. My memory is like a sieve. If I dont
write it down, theres a 99% chance that Ill forget it. So when
God reveals something valuable to me from His word, I dont trust
myself to remember it. I write it down. He was kind enough to
enlighten me with His truth, and now I must be a careful stew-
ard of that entrustment by retaining it, meditating upon it, and
considering how that truth must impact how I live.
I keep a journal for one simple reason: I am desperate for
more! And I know more wont be given to me unless I have
properly managed what He has already given me. The only way
I can keep returning to the things Hes given me in the past is
by writing them down in a journal in such a way that I can refer
back to them in the future.
So when I speak of a journal, Im not talking about a per-
sonal diary. Im not talking about making entries like, Today,
Susan came over to visit. We had breakfast together and then
went to the mall. No, Im talking of something far more
Secrets of the Secret Place
Then He said to them, Take heed what you hear. With the
same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you
who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more
will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has
will be taken away from him (Mark 4:24-25).
The Secret of Journaling
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Meditating
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but
you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe
to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will
make your way prosperous, and then you will have good suc-
cess (Joshua 1:8).
hat does it mean to meditate in Gods word? It means
to slow way down the reading pace, and to contem-
plate every word and phrase, looking for deeper and
fuller meanings. Its through meditation that we unlock the hid-
den riches of Gods word. Gods word is like a mountain range with
vast pockets of jewels and veins of gold. The secret place is our
time to dig. We uncover various layers of rich understanding as
we go deeper and deeper, pondering each word, and turning the
phrases over and over. I always assume that every verse has more
significance to it than I have yet discovered. Meditation is the art
of digging out the most that we can from each and every word.
The written word of God is revealed by the Living Word,
through the power of the Holy Spirit. From His mouth come
knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6). The source of illu-
mination is Gods mouth. He must speak to us. So as we meditate
The Secret of Meditating
in His word, we get in the Spirit and then cry from our hearts,
Lord, talk to me! We realize that without His help we will never
unlock the riches of His magnificent word.
Each word of Scripture can sustain the intensity of careful
questioning. This focused intensity is seen in Psalm 77:6, I
meditate within my heart, and my spirit makes diligent search.
As we meditate in the word, our spirit is diligently searching for
fresh insights.
There is so much more depth to Scripture than what readily
meets the eye at the first reading. Some truths will never be found
until you take the time to sit and stare at the text, carefully con-
sidering its contents and implications. Apparent contradictions
sometimes contain the greatest truths. Some portions have much
more than just one application. They actually contain layers of
truth that are uncovered almost like the peeling of an onion.
One of the best ways to meditate in Gods word is by asking
questions of the text. Some of the most commonly asked questions
are: Who is the writer, and to whom is he speaking? What does the
verse say, and why? What does it mean? Does the verse contain a
spiritual principle? How does this truth apply to my life?
In time, you will develop your own personal way of asking
questions of the text. One of the most important questions Ive
come to ask of a verse is: Why did the Holy Spirit ordain that it
be worded this way? I question why it says it the way it does, why
certain phrases were used, and why other words werent used.
When a sentence or phrase appears to make no apparent contribu-
tion to the passage, I will gaze upon it to consider why the Holy
Spirit included it. When a verse seems to be purposely oblique
or mysterious, my curiosity gets aroused. When a verse appears
to be blatantly obvious, I become suspicious that there may be
depths of truth therein that I could all too easily overlook.
Here are some other ways to ask questions as you meditate.
A phrase or verse is almost always understood better by
looking carefully at the verses that precede and follow it.
How do the previous verses set a backdrop for this verse?
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Meditating
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Simultaneous Reading
ible reading, done in a spirit of prayerful submission to
God, is dramatically life-transforming. Gods word has
the power to change us! Revelation 1:3 pronounces a
blessing upon he who readsthose things which are written in
it. All you have to do to be blessed is just read the book. Those
who understand this truth are personally committed to daily
Bible reading.
Additionally, we are assured that, All Scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is profitable (2 Timothy 3:16). In other
words, every portion of the Bible is profitable to the reader. No
portion of Scripture should be bypassed or overlooked by those
who are anxious to be conformed to the image of Christ. He is
the Living Word, and His glory is to be found on every page of
the Bible.
Therefore, it behooves us to make a point of reading the Bible
in its entirety. I have had a practice for many years now of read-
ing through the Bible, and am firmly committed to this practice
for one compelling reason: I want every single portion of Gods
inspired word to have a chance at my heart. I dont want a single
issue in my soul to remain unmoved because I wasnt careful to
expose myself to the full breadth of His wisdom and revelation. I
The Secret of Simultaneous Reading
expect God to surprise me with insight from what I might have
thought to be the most unlikely portions of His word. I want the
full package, so I read the full package.
So Bible reading for me is much more than simply the ful-
filling of a daily quota. Whew, Im finally finished with todays
reading; now I can get on with life. No, its nothing like that for
me. Time in the word is the place of change, and I jealousy yearn
to expose my heart consistently and routinely to every living,
breathing, inspired portion of Scripture.
Someone once said that the most read book of the Bible is
Genesis. Thats because thousands of people annually adopt a
New Years resolution to read through the Bible, they launch
with the book of Genesis, and then they lose all their momentum
somewhere between Exodus and Leviticus. Many get bogged
down because they do not understand the secret I am about to
share with you.
One of the greatest keys to maintaining momentum in your
daily Bible reading, in my opinion, is the secret of simultaneous
reading. What I mean by that is, instead of reading several chapters
in one book of the Bible, read shorter portions in four different
Bible books on the same day. Although there are many ways this
could be done, let me illustrate by explaining my personal regi-
men of Bible reading.
I divide my reading into four sections:
I mark the places Im reading with four paper clips. The first
paper clip marks my Old Testament reading. Since my hope is to
get through the Old Testament books in a year, I divide the number
of pages in the Old Testament by the number of days in the year,
and come up with how many pages I want to read each day. For
my size Bible, if I read four pages a day I will easily read the Old
Testament in a year. The next paper clip marks my reading in the
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Simultaneous Reading
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Praying the Scriptures
he Bible is one massive Prayer Book. Virtually every page
contains prayer prompts. As you take time to soak in His
word, not only is your meditation sweet, but you find
yourself spontaneously expressing your heart back to God in
response to the text.
Praying Gods word back to Him is powerful for several rea-
The Secret of Praying the Scriptures
Secrets of the Secret Place
minutes on each verse, and pray the themes of that verse back to
the Lord. Try it. Work your way through some of these verses
right now; lets get a feel for this thing.
(As an example, I will pray that verse onto this page, printing
in bold the words from my prayer that are connecting to verse 1:
Oh Lord, how lovely You are! Wherever You live is lovely because
You are lovely! You make everything that surrounds You lovely.
Oh, how I long to dwell in Your habitation, Lord. I just want to
be with You, enjoying You, and being made lovely by You. I would
rather be with You than anywhere else. The panorama of Your
tabernacle is altogether lovely to me, too. I consider the angels, the
seraphim, the living creatures, the twenty-four elders, all gathered
around Your throne and fixated upon You. Little wonderYou are
unsurpassed in beauty and splendor! O Lord of hosts, O mighty
champion of heaven, O great warrior of glory, I bow before Your
majesty and greatness today. With great joy I appear before You.
Thank you for the blood of Christ that grants me this boldness
to Your throneroom! How eternally blessed I am, here with You.
I worship You, O mighty God!)
My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; my
heart and my flesh cry out for the living God (Psalm 84:2).
Express to Him how much you yearn and long for Him.
Let Him see the emotions of your soul at this very mo-
The Secret of Praying the Scriptures
Realize that you stand in the courts of the great King;
express to Him that you stand at attention before Him,
totally available to Him.
With all your heart and also, literally, with your flesh, cry
out to the living God.
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for
herself, where she may lay her youngeven Your altars, O LORD
of hosts, my King and my God (Psalm 84:3).
Tell Him how much you want to be with Him, continu-
allyto the point of being envious of a bird that can make
its home in the altars of God.
Tell Him that your heart finds its home in Him.
Worship Him as your King.
Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be prais-
Secrets of the Secret Place
O God, behold our shield, and look upon the face of Your
anointed (Psalm 84:9).
The shield may be a reference to loss of reputation because
of unanswered prayers; cry out to God to restore your
fortunes and vindicate you.
Realizing that you have an anointing from above, beseech
God to look upon you and have mercy on you.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD will give grace
and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk
uprightly (Psalm 84:11).
As your sun, tell Him how He is the light of your life, your
radiance, your source of warmth, the one who lights your
Worship your shieldthe Lord your protector.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Finishing
ometimes our secret place is interrupted by forces beyond
our control. Emergencies happen. And sometimes the
days agenda demands we depart in order to fulfill a com-
mitment in our calendarlike going to work.
Occasionally we feel like, Im not finished yet! Lord, I want
more time with You! I am definitely going to come back to this
same place with You before this day is over. I need to pick up where
were leaving off and finish my business with You.
The Lord understands when the demands of life pull us away
from the secret place. He is not condemning or displeased. In fact,
He loves to behold the sincerity of your heart when you honestly
wish you could take longer in His presence.
Having made that disclaimer, I want to suggest there is an
element to the secret place some havent found yet. Its the mat-
ter of finishing your time with God before moving on to the
affairs of the day.
Each visit to the secret place is an event in itself. Many have
understood the need to break throughto keep pressing in until
you cross a threshold in your own spirit, until you find freedom
in your heart and a connectedness in your spirit. Weve known
there is a warm-up time, and then there is a time of intimacy
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of the Morning
What I mean is, dont skip this chapter. Its tempting
to look at the title of this chapter and think, Im not even
going to go there. Im not a morning person, and I dont want to
read about how the morning is the optimum time for the secret
place. Ive tried it, and it doesnt work for me. Im a night person,
and thats my best time.
Thats great! If night is your best time, give God your best! I
dont believe everyones secret life with God is identical. We are
highly unique, and the Lord loves the particular spice that comes
from the fragrance of your own individuality. So give Him the
portion of your day that works best for your personality.
For most of us, the morning represents our best. Its the
time when, for the majority, our minds are clearest and most
alert. It can also be the most valuable time in the sense that
many demands want to grab our attention in the morning. Now,
I recognize many of my readers work midnight shifts or keep a
variety of waking hours. Therefore, as I refer to the morning in
the remainder of this chapter, please understand that I am really
referring to the best and most valuable time of your day.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Some of my friends are night people, but even they have told
me that morning is their best time for the secret place. One friend
said to me, I am not a morning person, but early morning is the
time that produces the greatest rewards for me.
Another friend said, I am not a morning person, but then she
added, I noticed that when I have my devotions in the morning
His word is more fresh to me and I am more obedient to His word.
So I have started to discipline myself to have my quiet time with
God in the morning. I notice that I am more equipped to handle
what gets thrown at me in the course of the day. However, she
also added that she uses the night time for Bible reading.
Ive heard from more than one person that it is helpful to
them to have a set time and set place for meeting with God. By
establishing consistency in both the time and place, they are able
to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.
It is supposed by some that when God came to commune
with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8), it was
a reference to the morning. Is the morning Gods first choice?
Its difficult to be dogmatic. Isaac used the quiet of the evening to
meditate with his God (Genesis 24:63). Daniel prayed morning,
evening, and mid-day. Both David and our Lord Jesus, however,
modelled an early morning secret life with God.
David wrote, Early will I seek You (Psalm 63:1). The word
early means at least three things to me:
The Secret of the Morning
zeal for seeking God was unabated and consistently hot. Even as
Gods love toward David was steadfast, Davids love for God was
steadfast. He performed his daily vows (Psalm 61:8) by stead-
fastly committing himself to seeking God in the early morning
hours, the time when he would awaken the dawn.
Jesus also modeled a pattern of rising early to pray. Now in
the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went
out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed (Mark
1:35). The context of that statement is fascinating. Its referring
to Sunday morning; the day before had been an extremely busy
Sabbath. He had taught in the synagogue, healed Peters mother-
in-law, visited with the group over dinner, and then after 6:00
p.m. on Saturday evening (at the close of the Sabbath) Jesus
was suddenly bombarded with a multitude of people who were
swarming Him for a healing touch. Once the Sabbath expired,
Jesus was instantly mobbed. He healed their sick and ministered
to them, and were not told how far into the night the meeting
went. All we know is that the next morning, rising a long while
before daylight, Jesus took off for the secret place. Could it be
that the intensity of the previous evenings ministry gave Him an
even greater urgency to be with His Father in the morning? One
thing seems clear: It wasnt an especially long night.
Even when His body craved more sleep, Jesus knew His true
source of revitalization would not be on His back but on His face.
Jesus commitment to the secret place was profoundly prophesied
by David in Psalm 110:3, In the beauties of holiness, from the
womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. The secret
place was Jesus womb of the morning. It was the place where
life incubated, where creativity germinated, where inspiration
gestated, where power percolated. When Jesus burst forth from
this womb of happy holiness, He was revitalized and energized in
the dew of Your youth. He emerged from the secret place feeling
young all over again and ready to fulfill the Fathers mandate.
Thus, Psalm 110:3 describes the three-fold nature of Jesus
secret place relationship with His Father:
Secrets of the Secret Place
In the beauties of holiness indicates proximity of pres-
From the womb of the morning points to procreative
power that produces life.
You have the dew of Your youth speaks of revitalization
and renewal of strength.
Chapter Title
The Secret of Getting Dressed
atan reserves some of his most vehement attacks for that
moment when we step into the secret placebecause he
hates what happens when saints connect with their God.
Suddenly our sins, failures, and shortcomings begin to play before
our eyes like a technicolor video. Many believers subconsciously
avoid the secret place because they dont want to face the barrage
of shame and guilt that the enemy typically hits them with in
the place of prayer. So one of the first things we must do in the
morning is clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. When
clothed with Christ, no accusation can touch us.
The Scriptures have warned us that its Satans style to accuse
us before our God day and night (Revelation 12:10). He doesnt
accuse when were contemplating compromise; but he does accuse
us when were preparing to come before God. So the first step to
overcoming the hurdle of accusation is to realize that its par for
the course. The accuser tries to pull this one on all of us. Its an
occupational hazard of the secret place.
Satans accusations function on at least four levels:
Secrets of the Secret Place
Each one of us will find our own unique way of dealing with
the enemys accusations, but here are some fairly standard means
of defusing his lies.
The Secret of Getting Dressed
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts
of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the
whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the
evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having
girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of
righteousness, and having shod your feet with the prepara-
tion of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith
with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the
wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all
prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this
end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints
(Ephesians 6:11-18).
Secrets of the Secret Place
Getting dressed all starts with the belt of truth. The truth of
Gods word is the thing that will enable you to gird up your waist,
to prepare you to run. Satans assault is comprised of lies and
half-truths. Speak the word of truth; win the battle for the truth!
Stand with confidence in the truth of who you are in God.
See yourself clothed in His breastplate of righteousness. You
are the righteousness of God in Christ! Put on each piece of the
armor, one at a timethe shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the
helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit.
Notice that the passage calls us to stand. You dont have to
go looking for a fight; just step into the secret place and the fight
will come to you! Suddenly youre thrown into a wrestling match.
This is the time to stand firm. Stand upon the truth, come under
the blood, and fight the good fight. Stand firm until the enemy
admits defeat and leaves you for a time.
When you put on the armor of God, heres what youre actu-
ally doing: youre putting on Christ. But put on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts
(Romans 13:14). Jesus is your every article of clothing; you are
clothed with Christ. When the Father looks at you, He sees Jesus.
And you are stunningly attractive to Him! He favors, yes, He even
prefers you! He is so pleased to have you in His embrace. The
secret place is where we celebrate the fact that He killed Himself
to win our hearts to Himself.
Our clothing in Christ is now tender mercies, kindness,
humility, meekness, longsuffering,love (Colossians 3:12,14).
This is how we become clothed in the white garments of Revela-
tion 3:5. Heres the secret: When we realize were clothed in the
very garments of Christ, our confidence level before God soars
to the heavens. Satans accusations cannot lodge within us, and
they just bounce off our shield of faith. We are accepted by the
Father, and now we can enjoy the peaceful dialogue of intimacy
with Jesus.
Hit with accusations? Get dressed!
Chapter Title
The Secret of Self-Denial
ome might think Jesus is saying, Since I have to suffer so
much to procure your salvation, I want you guys to suffer,
too. But Jesus did not intend this as a morbid invitation to
pain; He meant it as a glorious invitation to intimacy with Him.
If you really want to be close to Me, Hes telling us, then
let Me give you the key. Deny yourself, take up your cross, and
follow Me. Its an invitation to the highest intimacy, but yet we
often avoid it because we think the pricetag is too steep. What
we havent understood, though, is what were buying. Its like
someone offering us a brand-new Mercedes for $20, and us be-
moaning the fact that theyre trying to extract $20 from us! Next
to what were buying, the cost is nothing! Similarly, self-denial
is such a small price to pay for the incredible delights of loving
communion with our Lord.
If you can receive it, heres the secret: Self-denial can serve as
a catalyst to help propel you forward into greater joys of intimacy
in the secret place. Self-denial and intimacy go hand in hand.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Self-denial awakens the flow of life and love in the secret place.
Denying oneself is not the same as taking up ones cross. To
take up the cross, at least in one sense, is to crucify the sinful pas-
sions of the flesh. The cross has to do with the death of the flesh,
the carnal man. Self-denial, however, has to do with good and
healthy passions. Self-denial is the deliberate curtailing of healthy
passions and desires for the sake of pursuing Jesus harder.
To clarify, heres just a sampling of the many ways self-denial
can be invoked:
Clearer Perspective
The more you deny yourself, the more the scales fall from
your eyes. You will begin to see the world for what it is (we
naturally get desensitized to the filth of the world system that
surrounds us). The world denies itself nothing, so when you
The Secret of Self-Denial
Accelerated Change
When you begin to see how worldliness has infected your
lifestyle, grace is released for embracing personal change. The
simple truth is that the Lord Jesus honors self-denial. He loves the
passionate resolve and humility of those who willingly embrace
self-denial, so He rewards it with grace to gain personal purity
and true holiness. He gives grace to the humble.
In speaking of fasting, Jesus said, And no one puts new wine
into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the
wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must
be put into new wineskins (Mark 2:22). Jesus clearly taught
that fasting plays a critical role in preparing old wineskins to
once again receive new wine. Self-denial has a powerful shaping
effect upon the soul, preparing us for the new wine of Gods fresh
moving among us.
Secrets of the Secret Place
the good and normal in order to have a voice into the excessive
and imbalanced.
Those who carry a prophetic message to the body of Christ
usually will embrace self-denial on almost a daily basis. Strategic
forms of self-denial qualify us to be stewards of a prophetic mes-
sage to the body of Christ.
The Secret of Self-Denial
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Boredom
The Secret of Boredom
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Jesus spoke those words
directly related to prayer, Matthew 26:41).
So, what should we do when were bored? Do it anyway. Per-
severe. Do the time. Grind it out. Bite the bullet.
Allow nothing to dissuade or detour you, boredom included.
Sometime along the way, we need to make a determined life de-
cision: I am devoting myself by Gods grace to the secret place,
come rain or shine, good days or bad days, when I feel like it or
when I dont feel like it, when its easy and when its hard. When
you figure in Gods grace, you can do all things through Christ
who strengthens you.
The Lord responds to sincere cries of, Help! When we are
feeling especially weak, thats the time to reach out to Him for
the abundance of His grace. Likewise the Spirit also helps in
our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as
we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with
groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26). Jesus called
the Holy Spirit the Helper (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7), because
He was given to us to help us in our times of weakness and need.
Call on your Helper! Holy Spirit, I need You right now. Help!
He will come to your aid because He loves to help us pray.
When I fall asleep in the secret place, I dont allow the enemy
to use that against me. I just see myself as His little child, curled
up in His lap, so at peace with Him that I am resting in childlike
simplicity in His arms. I imagine the Lord using that time to gaze
upon me and enjoy the warmth of our nearness. I could have fallen
asleep elsewhere, but I chose to do it in His arms.
I am writing this chapter primarily to defuse the enemys
scheme to burden you with guilt and shame as regards your
secret life with God. He tries to tell you that youre a failure or a
hypocrite when, in reality, youre walking the same pilgrimage
that the greatest saints of history have traversed before you. To
put it bluntly, sometimes prayer is boring and Bible reading is
like eating sawdust.
But heres the good part: One day of exhilaration in the Holy
Spirit is worth a thousand days of struggle! For a day in Your
courts is better than a thousand (Psalm 84:10). Its really true.
Once God touches you with His Spirit and energizes you with
Secrets of the Secret Place
His word, youre hopelessly hooked. You dont care how long this
desert might last, youre going to keep walking because you know
on the other side is an oasis of heavenly delights.
Now heres even better news: The more you persevere in the
secret place, the very nature of your relationship with the Lord
begins to changeand the bad days get fewer and further in
between! Theres a threshold to cross in which, once you cross
it, the thrill of the secret place grabs your spirit and you gain
unparalleled momentum in connecting with God.
The point is, if you stay with it, eventually youll hit pay dirt.
Eventually the breakthrough will come. There may be a lot of
boring hours between here and there, but dont quit. The great-
est things in lifethose things that carry eternal valuealways
come at the steepest price.
Boredom? Small price to pay!
Chapter Title
The Secret of Feeling
Attractive to God
hen you come before God, how does He look at you?
Your answer to that question is vitally important to
the success of your secret life with God, and the accuser
knows it. The accuser wants you to see a Father who is harsh,
demanding, never satisfied with your performance, mostly disap-
pointed with you, and frustrated with the rate of your spiritual
If that caricature of your heavenly Father is even close to the
image you carry on the inside, that false idea of how God views
you will begin to drive your emotional responses to Him. You will
be wearied with trying to please Him, and your spirit will not soar
in the liberty of loving adoration that He has designed for you.
Nothing is deadlier to the secret place than a false idea of how
God views you; and nothing is more powerfully energizing than
when your mind is renewed in the word of God and you come
to understand how He looks on you. When you gain ownership
of the fact that God is smiling on you, that He is desiring your
company, and that He longs to be intimate with you, then the
truth of that reality starts to touch your emotional chemistry, and
you actually begin to feel attractive to God! This attainment has
the power to change everything about how you relate to God.
Secrets of the Secret Place
It all starts with understanding how God feels about the cross
of Christ. Revelation 5:6 describes Jesus as a Lamb standing before
the eternal throne as though it had been slain. In other words,
the death of Christ is as fresh to Gods mind as the day it happened.
Time will never erase from before Gods eyes the immediacy of the
horror of Calvary, and the powerful atoning work of the blood of
Christ. God is eternally and infinitely passionate about His Sons
cross! Those who place their faith in this great demonstration of
love come under the intense favor of God Almighty. Your faith in
Christs sacrifice unlocks the infinite passions and delights of an
exuberant God who yearns to be joined to your heart in eternal
affection. Because you have set your love upon the One whom
the Father has set His love upon, you now have an automatic in
with God. Youre His child; youre family.
When you know youre attractive to God, you come into His
presence with boldness. You come into His presence the way He
wants you to, with a lifted face, with expectant eyes, with a de-
lighted smile, with an eager voice, and with a burning heart.
He doesnt enjoy you any less because you struggle. He knows
your weakness, He sees your failures, but yet He owns you as His
child and enjoys you even when you fall! He loves it when you
pick yourself up and keep stepping forward again into His arms.
How comforting to know we can bring the entire package of our
inadequacies and shortcomings into His presence and know that
He lovingly embraces us and delights in us! He enjoys us at every
stage of the maturity process.
Psalm 45:11 tells us how our beloved Lord feels when He looks
at us: So the King will greatly desire your beauty. This is how
the King looks at His bride who has left everything in order to
be joined to her Husband. You are stunningly beautiful to Jesus!
When He looks upon your beauty, He longs to have you and hold
you, for ever and ever. When you come to the secret place, you
are coming into the chambers of the King who finds you both
beautiful and desirable. Not only do you long for His presence,
He longs for yours!
Maybe we could call this the secret of appeal. Its the secret
of understanding that He finds us appealing. This understanding
The Secret of Feeling Attractive to God
Secrets of the Secret Place
They said of Jacob that his life is bound up in the lads life.
Jacob represents your heavenly Father. Your Fathers life is also
bound up in the life of His beloved children. He lives when He
sees that you live; He thrills when He sees you fulfilled; He rejoices
when you are liberated; He is content when you are at rest. He con-
strued this awesome thing called redemption because His heart
is bound up in yours. You are the center of Gods universe!
Jesus testified to this truth when He prayed to the Father,
That the world may know that Youhave loved them as You
have loved Me (John 17:23). Think of it! God loves us just as
much as He loves His only begotten Son! He feels the same way
about us that He feels about His holy, spotless, selfless Son.
God feels much more deeply and passionately about me than I
do about Him. Even when my passions are burning hot and bright
for Him, they do not approach the intensity of His love for me.
Heres one way Ive noticed this to be true. The intensity of my
love is very limited because I can only think upon one thing at a
time. So when I work or go about the duties of the day, cognitive
thoughts of God actually disappear totally from my mind. My
mind will return to the Lord a few hours later, but for certain
periods of time Im not even thinking about Him. But He never
stops thinking about me. His eyes are constantly riveted on me,
and His mind is incessantly focused on who I am and who He is
making me to be. When I return to thoughts of Him, the immedi-
ate witness of the Spirit is, Ive been here all along, waiting for
you. I love you so much!
He waits for you to come to Him! He waits all night long,
watching over you, waiting for you to rise, hoping that He might
be the first thought of your morning. You dont have to wonder if
He wants you to come into the secret place. He has been waiting
for you, and Hell continue to wait for as long as necessarybe-
cause His heart is bound up in your life.
May you have grace from above to truly own the reality of
The Secret of Feeling Attractive to God
this powerful secret: God finds you attractive! Lord, may I never
again withhold myself from Your embrace!
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
Part III
Setting A
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Desperation
or many years I was very disciplined in my devotional life,
determined to spend time daily in the word and prayer. I
would read through the entire Bible in a different trans-
lation every year. I would worship the Lord in song and would
pray through a long list of people. However, I never discovered
the highest joys of the secret place until the Lord took me on
an unplanned journey. He allowed a calamity to hit my life that
traumatized me. My life careened out of control, and my very
survival (spiritually) was at stake. Frantically, I began to claw and
push my way into Gods heart, scouring the Bible cover to cover
to understand His ways. It felt like I was fighting for air like a
drowning man. To put it simply, I had been made desperate. It
was in this desperate pursuit of God that the secret place began
to blossom for me like a desert flower. What made the difference
in my own journey? In one word, it was desperation.
Desperation will turn you into a different person. A drowning
man has only one thought on his mindhow to get air. Nothing
else matters to him. Lifes priorities become very simple. The
hemorrhaging woman of Mark 5:25 was willing to press her way
through the crowd because the only thing that mattered was
touching Jesus. Desperation produces tunnel vision. When God
Secrets of the Secret Place
chased away the Syrian army from the city of Samaria, the Isra-
elites in Samaria had become so desperate from hunger during
the siege that they trampled to death the officer at the gate in
their rush for food (see 2 Kings 6-7).
When you are made desperate for God, your pursuit of God
takes on a different quality. When its personal survival thats at
stake, you begin to seek Jesus in a different way. You get a look
in your eye that appears half-crazed to others. Youre willing to
go anywhere or do anything. No pricetag is too high. You look at
other people and think, I love you, I respect you, I think youre
a very nice personbut if you dont get out of my way Im going
to run you over. Because I have got to touch Jesus!
Banal sources of entertainment, such as television and movies,
have to go. Invitations to parties are spurned. Others start to pull
away because youre not as much fun as you used to be. But its
irrelevant to you because youre desperate for God. Nothing else
matters right now except touching the hem of Jesus garment.
Desperate people dont struggle with the same distractions and
hindrances as the general population. A desperate person would
never say, I struggle to find time for the secret place. Or, I
get easily distracted by everyday demands. Such petty distrac-
tions could never hinder someone who is desperate. The normal
hindrances of life dont even faze a desperate one because of the
single-focused intensity of the pursuit.
When you begin to seek God with this kind of desperation,
powerful spiritual winds begin to blow around your life. Youre
setting off a storm! Things begin to change inside you at an
unprecedented rate. Angelic activity (both good and evil) sur-
rounding your life becomes intense, even though you may not
be aware of it. You gain the attention of heaven and hell. Issues
that simmered on low for many years suddenly come to a head,
screaming for resolve. You find yourself surrounded by suspicion
and reproach. God has you in His accelerated class, and the speed
of change and transition surrounding your life is dizzying.
And whats happening on the inside? Youre coming alive to
the word of God! His word is feeding and sustaining you. New
insights are electrifying and carrying you. The closeness of His
The Secret of Desperation
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Manna Gathering
hen youre desperate for God, you become dependent
upon the daily sustaining power of His word. Your
source of survival is your daily mannafeeding on the
word of God. We know the manna of the wilderness was good for
only one day; if kept over into the next day, it would rot (Exodus
16:12-31). Its still true that yesterdays feeding in the word will
never sustain us for today. One of the primary functions of the
secret place is to be fed afresh each day in His word.
Proverbs 16:26 says, The person who labors, labors for
himself, for his hungry mouth drives him on. Its our hunger
for the word that drives us into the secret place. When we are
hungry spiritually, we are energized to labor in the word. A lack
of hunger is a danger sign. When someone is sick, often the first
symptom of their sickness is a loss of hunger. Those who lose
their spiritual hunger need a medical exam, spiritually speak-
ing. Is a cancerous sin destroying their spiritual vitality? What is
true in the natural is also true in the spiritual. By drinking lots
of water (the Holy Spirit), getting plenty of rest (ceasing from
our own works), exercising ourselves in the word, avoiding junk
foods (lousy replacements), often our spiritual appetite can be
restored. Spiritual hunger is absolutely essential to spiritual
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Manna Gathering
Jesus said, But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give
him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will
become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting
life (John 4:14). The Holy Spirit is like the water that helps us
swallow the manna of the word. Feeding in the word must always
be complemented with drinking of the Spirit.
Secrets of the Secret Place
support others, a place where the vision for our collective body is
articulated, a place where our unity is built, a place of corporate
prayer, a place where the young and weak are strengthened and
encouraged, and a place where seekers can come to Christ.
Just one more quick thought. I remember the days when I, as
a pastor, would glean the word daily for potential sermon material.
I was always looking for truths that would feed my congregation.
But then the Lord arrested me and changed how I come to the
word. Now, I read the Bible just for me. Im so hungry for Him
that every day I must be sustained by fresh manna from the word.
If I dont get my manna for the day, I get a little bit on the cranky
side. So now I gather manna just for me. But heres what Ive
found: When I share with others the manna that has nurtured me,
it feeds them as well! In fact, Ive discovered that others appear
much more fed when I share with them that which first sustained
me. The secret is: Learn to gather your own manna. Then youll
have something to share.
Chapter Title
The Secret of Enduring
Secrets of the Secret Place
Its easy to endure in the good times. Its when the hard
times hit that our endurance is proven. When times get tough,
its tempting to neglect the secret place. Jesus, however, mani-
fested precisely the opposite tendency. When He was hurting, He
sought out the place of prayer. His time in Gethsemane is a great
example of this, of which it was recorded, And being in agony,
He prayed more earnestly (Luke 22:44). When Jesus was hurt-
ing, He prayed. When He hurt real hard, He prayed even harder.
This was Jesus secret to enduring the horror of His sufferings.
He prepared Himself through prayer to endure the pain. If we
respond properly, distress can actually be a gift. Pain can provide
tremendous impetus to prayif we will allow it to catapult us
into Gods face instead of polarizing us away from Him.
Paul prayed the Colossian believers would be strengthened
with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience
and longsuffering with joy (Colossians 1:11). One of the greatest
challenges, in the place of hardship, is to suffer a long time with
joy. Its not possible in human strength! Which is why Paul prayed
that they might be strengthened with all might, for it takes the
might of God to rejoice through long durations of painful hard-
ship. Being joyful in suffering is a godly quality, for God Himself
is patience and longsuffering with joy. Consider how much
God suffers as He shares the grief of the world and for how long
He has thus suffered! And yet although His suffering is stronger
than any of us realize, He is also filled with great joy. Only God
can suffer so much with such joy.
When we are called to endure with joy, it is imperative we
find the solace of the secret place. Here it is that we are filled and
strengthened with all might that we might suffer long. Simply
put, godly endurance is impossible apart from a well-nurtured
secret life with God.
Hardship can be embraced with joy, in my opinion, only when
we understand Gods purpose in the pain. My brethren, count it
all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing
of your faith produces patience (James 1:2-3). The only way to
be joyful in trials is through knowingknowing Gods purpose
in it. How do we learn Gods purposes in our sufferings? The
The Secret of Enduring
Secrets of the Secret Place
The longer the irritant resides within the oysters shell, the
more valuable the pearl becomes. Therefore, the formative value
of tribulation is sometimes directly proportional to the duration
of the crucible. The longer the distress, the more valuable the
pearl. It is the confidence of this reality which empowers us to
persevere with joy. When we endure in love through hardship,
we qualify to enter the gates of pearlfor the only way to enter
the eternal city is through the pearly gates of treasure perfected
in hardship.
The apostle John provides a gripping example of the reward of
enduring in the secret place, even in the face of hardship. In his
old age, John was exiled to the island that is called Patmos for
the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation
1:9). There can be no question that he struggled in his 90-year-old
frame with the rigors of an island prison. He suffered in his body,
felt the pangs of loneliness, and inevitably felt like he was ending
out his days in pointless futility. Merely existing on this island
was not his idea of a strong finish in the race. However, instead
of succumbing to self-preoccupation or discouragement, he was
in the Spirit on the Lords Day (Revelation 1:10). In other words,
he was proactively enduring the hardship by devoting himself to
his secret place love relationship with his Beloved.
What was Gods response to Johns endurance and patience?
God honored him by granting him an unparalleled revelation of
the beauty and glory of Christ Jesus (I am referring to the Book
of Revelation). It was as though God was saying, I honor those
who give their love to Me in the secret place while persevering
in the fire of hardship and suffering. I reward them by empower-
ing them to behold the light of the knowledge of the glory of My
majesty that is found in the face of My wonderful Son.
Dont ever give up! Today may be the day when He rewards
your devotion with a sublime revelation of the eternal glory of the
Man, Christ Jesus our Lord! Through the might of Gods Spirit,
any hardship can be endured with joy for the extravagance of
such a reward.
Chapter Title
The Secret of Confinement
ike John on the isle of Patmos, some saints are finding
themselves in places of restriction in this hour, and are
struggling with all the emotional trappings that attend
imprisonment and confinement. Feelings such as hopelessness,
uselessness, despair, abandonment, rejection, reproach, lack of
understanding, loneliness, vulnerability, etc. With such a host of
emotions assaulting the prisoners equilibrium, its difficult to
maintain an unswerving confidence in the simple secret of this
chapter: When youre in confinement, God is closer to you than
you realize.
The Lord assures the afflicted soul, I will be with him in
trouble (Psalm 91:15). When youve been troubled by circum-
stances that twist and press your soul, be assured that your Lord
is closer to you than ever!
David said of the Lord, He made darkness His secret place
(Psalm 18:11). When the lights of understanding go out and youre
plunged into emotional darkness, you are actually being issued
an invitation into Gods secret place. Its in the darkness where
God meets in secret with His chosen ones.
The Lords prison is generally characterized by social isola-
tion and loneliness. Friends drift away, and relationships that
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Confinement
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Waiting
he secret place is a time machine, transporting us from
our time zone to His. Here we step into the eternal and
begin to view all of life from the perspective of the Age-
less One who is without beginning or ending of days. From this
vantage, waiting on God takes on an entirely different hue.
The closer you get to God, the more you realize Hes in no
hurry. There is no frenetic hurrying in heaven, only calculated
purpose. Whoever believes will not act hastily (Isaiah 28:16).
Those who step into Gods time zone will not allow urgent matters
to press them into acting too quickly and getting ahead of God.
Lord, help me to write about the powerful secret of waiting
on You!
Many of us approach our secret place with a checklist of activi-
ties, and we check them off mentally once theyre completed:
Confession of sins
Worship, praise, thanksgiving
Bible Reading
The Secret of Waiting
Secrets of the Secret Place
Jesus could have just as easily waited until He was ninety to begin
His ministry because the presence and affection of His Father
made Him complete.
Some of the greatest assurances of Scripture are offered to
those who wait on God.
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor
perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You,
who acts for the one who waits for Him (Isaiah 64:4).
The Secret of Waiting
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Tears
ne of the greatest gifts you can bring to your King is the
gift of absolute sincerity. Im talking about a purity of
heart that says, Lord, Im coming to You because You
really are the center of my universe. You truly are all that I live
for. My heart is totally and fully set upon You. Nothing surpasses
the delight of being able to sing songs of total consecration with
absolute abandon.
Feelings of sincerity are quickly defused when we allow the
flesh to defile our conscience. No earthly pleasure is worth a de-
filed conscience. Feelings of guilt arise when we feel hypocritical
before Godwhen weve spurned His overtures in order to gratify
the desires of the flesh. Oh what delight when we can come boldly
before His throne with a clean conscience! Even though were not
yet perfected and even though we struggle with weakness, our
hearts reach for Him with impassioned desire.
I call this sweet sincerity. This sincerity of heart has settled
the issue once and for all: Jesus truly is the great love of my heart.
This sincerity is sweet because when you know youre totally
sincere in coming to God, you feel the sweetness of His recipro-
cating love. This is when love [is] without hypocrisy (Romans
12:9). I have personally found my awareness of His presence to
The Secret of Tears
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Holiness
Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand
in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully
(Psalm 24:3-4).
othing compares with the quintessential privilege of
standing before the throne of God. It is the greatest of all
honors and the highest of all delights. Demons envy the
favor you have with God, and angels gape in wonder at your status
in Gods presence. And its all because you have embraced His call
to holiness! You have purified your heart, cleansed your hands,
sprinkled your conscience with His blood, and have made yourself
ready with white robes of righteous deeds.
The Lord has said, He who walks in a perfect way, he shall
serve me (Psalm 101:6). This is not referring to sinless perfection,
but rather to a blameless lifestyle that is not subject to reproach
or criticism by those who live closest to you. The reward of this
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Holiness
big coverup campaign to hide his sin. But during his season of
denial, something terrible happened to himthe Spirit of God
lifted off his life. He was accustomed to having songs of the Spirit
flow from within, but the flow stopped. His prayer life became
trite and unfulfilling. He knew something was terribly wrong.
Then, along came Nathan the prophet who pointedly told David
of his sin. When David repented, he acknowledged he had missed
the presence of Gods Spirit which had become so precious and
so fulfilling to him. Yearning for a return to the former intimacy
with God, David pled, Do not cast me away from Your presence,
and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me (Psalm 51:11). This
was the desperate cry of a man who learned from personal experi-
ence that the Spirit of God, above all else, is holy. He dwells only
with those whose hearts are directed toward holiness. Holy men
live in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Once youve known this
intimacy, you realize that nothing is worth losing it!
Holiness is much more than simply clean living. Holiness is a
life lived before the throne of God. The Scripture says of John the
Baptist that Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and
holy man (Mark 6:20). John was not simply just (clean). He was
much more than that; he was also holy. He was set apart to God,
carrying the presence of God, a man of heaven living on earth.
John lived in the presence of Godwhich is why Jesus called him
the burning and shining lamp (John 5:35). Just and holy men
cause kings to fear. Theyre not just pure; they also burn with the
flame that emanates from their fiery abode around the throne.
Holiness is to prayer as fire is to gasoline. When a holy man or
woman prays, explosive things happen. We dont pursue holiness
for the sake of power, we pursue holiness for the sake of love. But
those who pursue holiness out of affection for Jesus become very
influential in the courts of heaven. James 5:16 links holiness and
prayer: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails
much. Things change on earth when a holy man or woman, with
a cultivated secret life in God, prays with passion and urgency to
the Lord he or she has come to know and love.
God is so committed to bringing us into this holiness that
He is willing to do whatever it takes to get us there. The Bible
Secrets of the Secret Place
points out that the main purpose of Gods chastening in our lives
is primarily that we may be partakers of His holiness (Hebrews
12:10). If we will respond properly to His disciplines, they will
inevitably lead us via the pathway of repentance to true holiness.
When the chastening first comes, it feels like God is trying to
kill us. But if we will persevere in love, crucifixion and burial is
followed by resurrection!
I want to close this chapter with this powerful truth: Holi-
ness produces resurrection. As certainly as chastening produces
infirmity and brokenness, holiness produces resurrection, deliv-
erance, and healing.
It says that the Lord Jesus was declared to be the Son of God
with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection
from the dead (Romans 1:4). In other words, it was Christs holi-
ness that precipitated His resurrection. This truth was prophesied
in David, For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You
allow Your Holy One to see corruption (Psalm 16:10). That verse
applies initially to David, who was chastened by God almost to the
point of death, but then was resurrected because of his holiness.
But this is actually the Holy Spirit speaking of Christ Jesus, who
did not see corruption. Jesus body experienced rigor mortis, but it
never experienced corruption because He rose before decay set in.
It was true of David and of Christ, and its also true of you!
You cant keep holiness buried forever. Even if you feel dead and
buried under the weight of Gods disciplining hand, devote your-
self to His holy presence. Regardless of your shattered dreams
and deferred hopes, live in the secret place of the Most High. It is
the secret of your redemption. As you love Him from your grave,
you are setting powerful spiritual forces into motion. Joseph
was buried in prison, but because of his holiness they couldnt
keep him buried forever. The longer you try to keep a holy man
buried, the more force must be exerted to keep him there; and
the more force thats exerted to keep him buried, the higher his
resurrection will eventually be. Keep Joseph buried too long, and
hell rise to the heights of the palace.
The grave could hold the Holy One only until the beginning
The Secret of Holiness
of the third day. Deaths grip gave way, and Holiness rose to the
highest place:
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the
name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on
earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Buying Gold
I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you
may be rich (Revelation 3:18).
hat is this gold that enriches us? Its the gold of au-
t h e n t i c a l l y - p r o d u c e d g o d l y c h a r a c t e r ; i t s
Christlikeness. We all want to be conformed more and
more into the likeness of Jesus, but there is no cheap way to be-
come more Christlike. Godly character is not given to us; we buy
it. We buy it without earthly money but yet at a steep price.
To de-mystify this thing, let me describe very clearly the pro-
cess whereby we buy gold refined in the fire. First comes the fire.
By fire, I am talking about tribulation or affliction or distress or
calamity or persecution. In the last days there is coming a great
escalation of fire. You dont have to wonder or imagine whether
youre in the fire. When the fire hits your life, you will know it!
You will lose control, your pain levels will skyrocket, and your
desperation for God will intensify. Your flesh will want to collapse
and give up, but since your spirit is alive to the beauties of Christ,
the fire will be used of God to drive you into the face of Christ
like never before. Instead of giving up, youll run even harder!
Your primary source of sanity in the midst of the fire will be your
The Secret of Buying Gold
secret place, where the Spirit will soothe your tortured soul and
the word will sustain your hope and faith.
As you press into the word while in the fire, the word will
begin to read your mail. It will locate you. It will draw a plumb
line in your life, and you will begin to see areas of your heart and
soul that have been out of alignment with Gods ways and will. As
you see those things, you are so desperate for God you gladly and
diligently do business with Him, repenting and considering deeply
how to change and adopt new patterns of thought, behavior, and
motive. As you embrace the changes that Gods Spirit inspires
within you, you are actually becoming more like Jesus. Or to put
it another way, youre buying gold in the fire.
It says we buy this gold because the pricetag is steep. The
price is endurance. If we continue to press into God in the secret
placewhen our legs are crying out that they cannot take another
step and when our lungs are screaming at us to relax the pace
then we will buy this gold. We will be changed into the image of
Christ in the midst of the fire. We will lose things in the process,
but what we gain will be so precious that we will consider all that
we lost to be rubbish (Philippians 3:8).
When youre in the fire, its important how you come to the
word. Before the fire hit my life, I would come to the word to find
good fodder to feed the flock I was pastoring; after the fire hit my
life, I came to the word to be fed myself.
James 1:22-25 likens Gods word to a mirror. We are using
Gods word properly when we come to it and allow it to mirror
back to us the things we need to see and change within ourselves.
The word was never intended for us to come to it for a third party.
It was written that we might look into it for ourselves, see the
standards of Christ reflected back to us, and embrace Spirit-
empowered change.
The fire has a way of making you a doer of the word and not
just a hearer only. You become desperate for a word from God, and
then when it comes, you cling to it like its your very life source.
When the fire hits your life, your concern is not whether your
neighbor is looking into the mirror of the word and then forget-
ting about it; your concern is primarily that you look into the word
Secrets of the Secret Place
and not forget. But then something amazing happens. When you
share with others how the word mirrored your own shortcomings
and how you became a doer of the word in the midst of the fire,
your witness will have a profound effect upon your hearers. They
will be fed by your witness of what has fed you.
The secret place is the only way youll survive the fire. And
the secret of the thing is, Gods word flowing into you will not
only enable you to survive, it will empower you to overcome and
buy eternal treasure. The secret place is Gods ATM, the place
where you gain access to the coffers of heaven. God has great
understanding into this powerful little secret, which is why He
is merciful enough to send the fire in answer to your prayers. If
you will cry to Him from the depths of your being, He will send
exactly the right kind of fire you need at this moment in your
journey. This fire will press you into the mirror of His word that
you might begin to buy the gold of refined character.
Just your diligence to carefully read this book is doing some-
thing within you. You are being filled with hope and energized
with fresh purpose. You are gaining renewed impetus to press into
God. Your weakened knees and limp hands are gaining strength,
and youre acquiring new momentum in your pursuit of God.
Youre getting it. Youre running into the secret place!
Chapter Title
The Secret of Inviting His Gaze
od scrutinizes mankind with focused intensity. He cares
intensely for us and about us. He studies our responses
and weighs our attitudes. He is vitally concerned over
our welfare and is committed to judging us justly for every word
and deed.
We can do nothing to avoid His gaze; however, it is possible
to invite Him to an even greater attentiveness of our lives. Why
would we want to do such a thing? Simply because His gaze is
reflective of His favor. When, in the above passage, it says, His
countenance beholds the upright, you can replace the word
countenance with favor (see Psalm 44:3). He looks with fa-
vor upon the upright. To put it another way, if He likes you, He
looks at you.
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Lord has said to us, But on this one will I look: on him
who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word
(Isaiah 66:2). When I read those words my heart moves within
me, Thats me, Lord, Im poor and contrite, and I tremble at Your
word. Oh, that You would look upon me in this way!
God is on a holy search. For the eyes of the LORD run to
and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on
behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9).
God is looking for the perfect and loyal heart, and when He finds
it, His eyes cease their searching, and they bore down with great
fascination and excitement upon the one who loves Him so de-
voutly. Those who come under such intense scrutiny gain great
favor from the Lord. He releases abundant portions of mercy, faith,
grace, compassion, revelation, wisdom, might, and deliverance
to those whose heart is loyal to Him.
Wise believersthose who have come to value the true
treasures of the kingdomwill pant for this kind of attention.
Theyll stand and wave and cry, Here, Lord, Im over here! Come,
Lord, and set Your gaze upon me! Reclusing to the secret place
is like painting a huge bulls eye on yourself. Youre making a
statement to heaven, Lord, here I am. Have mercy upon me,
and visit me. Lift up the light of Your countenance and look upon
me, O Lord!
Now heres the tricky part: with His favor comes His fire. When
He looks upon you for good, it is with eyes ablaze. His fiery eyes
cant but test you. Gods fire is heartwarming and impassioning,
but its also calculatedly volatile and dangerously consuming.
When Gods fire explodes in your life, you can rest assured He is
beholding you very closely. He is squinting at you, searching you
with His eyelids, testing your every response. He is testing you to
see if your heart will remain loyal to Him through the scrutiny. If
you persevere, He designs to show Himself strong on your behalf
(2 Chronicles 16:9).
The saint who is walking this thing out with God can appear
rather ambivalent. At first he is crying out, Search me, O God, and
know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties (Psalm 139:23).
But then Gods fire hitswhooooooossh! Quickly the saint
The Secret of Inviting His Gaze
changes his tune, and his prayer sounds more like that of Job:
What is man, that You should exalt him, that You should set
Your heart on him, that You should visit him every morning,
and test him every moment? How long? Will You not look
away from me, and let me alone till I swallow my saliva? Have I
sinned? What have I done to You, O watcher of men? Why have
You set me as Your target, so that I am a burden to myself?
(Job 7:17-20).
We desire His gaze, but then when we get it, we dont want
it anymore! Will You not look away from me, and let me alone
till I swallow my saliva? The Lord is patient with us, however,
and He gives us time to process and adjust. Over time, the saint
slowly begins to realize that the alternative is far worse.
Oh, the horror of God turning His eyes away from us! It was an
awful declaration of judgment when God said, I will hide My face
from them (Deuteronomy 32:20). Lord, we cannot even begin to
imagine such darkness! No, Lord, do not turn away from us! Even
though it means the fire of Your eyes, look upon us for good. Our
hearts are returning to our first prayer which we really meant all
along. Look on us, visit us, come to us, O consuming fire!
I have had such sweet meditation in considering the intense
concentration of Gods attention upon our lives. He is more fo-
cused on me, even though I am one among billions, than I could
ever be capable of reciprocating. When my mind wanders from a
conscious focus upon the Lord, and I am distracted by the affairs
of everyday life, upon returning to Christ in my thoughts comes
this awesome realization: He was there all along, waiting for my
thoughts to return to Him! He is never disconnected or distracted
away from me, not even for a split second. The moment my mind
turns to Him, His Spirit immediately connects with my spirit and
our fellowship continues, unbroken. I am in awe of this truth:
He never stops thinking about me! His thoughts are more than
the sands of the seashore (Psalm 139:18), and He knows that
every one of them is for a peaceful and hopeful future (Jeremiah
29:11). Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.
Secrets of the Secret Place
For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them
back to this land; I will build them and not pull them down, and
I will plant them and not pluck them up (Jeremiah 24:6).
What can I say to such kindness, Lord? Here is my simple
prayer: Look upon me and be merciful to me, as Your custom is
toward those who love Your name (Psalm 119:132).
There is a place of rich affection where, in the quiet of our
garden, we invoke the gaze of our Beloved. (The secret of this
chapter is tucked away right here.) We have knowledge, we un-
derstand what were saying, but we say it anyways. Fix Your eyes
on me, altogether Lovely One! Such a resolute heart gains His
extravagant response, You have ravished My heart, My sister, My
spouse; you have ravished My heart with one look of your eyes
(Song of Solomon 4:9). Eyes locked, hearts burningthis is the
secret place.
Chapter Title
The Secret of the Cross
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of the Cross
While your agony is fresh and raw, the Lord assures you
that your name is written in heaven, and for this alone you can
rejoice. The assurance of His eternal companionship carries you
in this moment.
When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom
He loved standing by, He said to His mother, Woman, behold
your son! Then He said to the disciple, Behold your mother!
(John 19:26-27).
Secrets of the Secret Place
Rather than cursing God in your darkness, you thirst for Him
and long for Him more than ever! You have come through the
crucifixion and you stand at the end of it and say, I still want
You, Lord! You are my very life!
This is the moment youve been longing for, that time when
Jesus would indicate that the trial is completed, finished. The
work of God intended in the crucible is finally complete.
The Secret of the Cross
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Rest
he journey gets long for all of us. Every one of us, without
exception, needs to find that place of coming aside to be
refreshed in the place of rest.
Jesus said that He came to give us rest (Matthew 11:28), and
yet we Christians are some of the most worn out people on the
planet. Hebrews 4 clearly states there is a rest that remains for
Gods people, but its very possible to miss it. Gods rest is avail-
able but not guaranteed. Theres something we must do to enter
this rest (Hebrews 4:11).
Those who neglect the secret place always seem to struggle
with stress and demands. Their lives tend toward a constant flurry
of incessant activity. Jesus designed that there be a portion of our
day when we just STOP. Stop the frenetic pace, get off the merry-
go-round, and calm our hearts in the love of God.
Gods rest is uncovered through a diligent pursuit of the secret
place. The rest of God can be found only in ceasing from all our
own works and learning to just be in the presence of the Lord
The Secret of Rest
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
Part IV
Seeking A
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Pursuing True Riches
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Pursuing True Riches
and knowledge. So the true riches of Luke 16:11 are the wisdom
and knowledge of Christ.
Jesus disdains earthly riches. But He extols the true eternal
riches of knowing God. When we are faithful with unrighteous
money, we qualify for the revelation of the beauty of the glorious
Son of God, the Man Christ Jesus.
True riches are the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If we have
even a modicum of sense within us, we will pursue the knowledge
of God with abandonment. And thats where the secret place comes
in! Its herewith the word open before us, with hearts tenderized
by the Spirit, and with a spiritual appetite that pants for the food
of heaventhat we peer into the beauties of holiness in order to
see Him more clearly and know His ways. Our souls echo the cry
of Moses of long ago, Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace
in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and
that I may find grace in Your sight (Exodus 33:13).
The Lords kindness has promised, I will give you the trea-
sures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may
know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, am the God
of Israel (Isaiah 45:3). Originally, this was a promise to Cyrus
that he would uncover the hidden treasures that were buried in
Egypts pyramids. Applied to us today, this is the Lords assurance
that there are great riches to be mined in the secret places of the
Most High. Ferret out the nuggets hidden in the dark recesses of
Gods richly-laden word!
Lord, help us to value the treasures that are hidden in You,
and grant us the appetite to seek You accordingly. Give us the
spirit of wisdom and revelation, that the eyes of our understand-
ing might be enlightened, that we might know You!
Therefore I alsodo not cease to give thanks for you, mak-
ing mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your under-
standing being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope
of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance
in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power
toward us who believe (Ephesians 1:15-19).
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Beholding Jesus
The Secret of Beholding Jesus
beauty of His face. They got hung up, however, on dogma and
creed and missed the living relationship that God longed to have
with them.
Jesus words to the Pharisees raise a frightening possibility:
We can read the Bible avidly and never get to know the Lord.
Even though Jesus is pointed to on almost every single page, its
possible to read the words and never develop a burning-heart
relationship with Him. Jesus was saying we ought not come to
the Scriptures to gain knowledge about a Book; rather, we ought
to come to the Scriptures to gain knowledge about a Person. The
Living Word desires to meet us in the Written Word, if we will
but come to Him in the reading.
Heres the secret: Your reading in the word can be a dynamic
and living encounter with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Dont come to the word out of a sense of rote duty to knock off
your daily quota of chapters; dont come merely to master spiri-
tual principles or to glean clever insights; come to gaze upon
the majesty and mystery of the altogether Lovely One, the One
who has captured your heart! He waits for you behind the veil,
watching to reward those who pant and yearn for Him as for
springs of living water. Come with a cry in your heart to see Him
and know Him. With a tiny breath of His Spirit on a single word
of Scripture, He can set your heart racing with fresh revelation
of His power and glory.
When Jesus joined up with the two disciples on the road to
Emmaus after His resurrection, He began to explain to them how
He was the central theme of the Scriptures. Imagine the glory of
this encounterJesus revealing Jesus to the human spirit from
the written word! Little wonder that those disciples later recalled,
Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the
road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us? (Luke 24:32).
Its the opening of the Scriptures concerning Christ to the thirsty
soul, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that gives the burning
heart. This is the great pursuit of the secret place!
Jesus chided the Sadducees with this indictment, You are
mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God
(Matthew 22:29). This suggestions three sad possibilities:
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Standing
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Standing
I speak to you, then you can move out in response. But until I
speak, just stand there.
So like the Levites of old (Deuteronomy 10:8), I bear His pres-
ence on my shoulders, I stand before Him to minister to Him, and
I bless others in His name as He strengthens me. I have set the
LORD always before me (Psalm 16:8). So I will stand before Him,
gaze upon His beauty, and bless Him while I have my breath.
To stand before God in this way, we can learn something from
the angels. For example, look at Gabriel. When the angel Gabriel
came to tell Zecharias that he would father John the Baptist, it
was Gabriels second appearance in Scripture. Actually, Gabriel
is seen three times in the Bible. He appeared the first time to
Daniel, and then almost 600 years later he visited Zecharias, and
then he came to Mary six months later to announce her impreg-
nation by the Holy Spirit. When Gabriel came to Zecharias with
Gods message, Zecharias did not believe his words. In response
to Zechariass unbelief, Gabriel rose up to reinforce the certainty
of his message by declaring, I am Gabriel, who stands in the
presence of God (Luke 1:19).
So what do you do, Gabriel? we might ask.
I stand in the presence of God.
Yes, we understand that, but what do you do?
Actually, I stand in the presence of God.
Yes, yes, Gabriel, we understand that! But what were asking
is, what do you do??
Gabriel would say, Thats what I do! I stand in the presence of
God. I stand there, beholding His majesty and splendor, burning
with His holy flame, and wait upon Him until He speaks. If He
says nothing, I just stand there. When He gives me a word, then
I move out to fulfill it. But mostly what I do is I just stand before
God and wait on Him.
Between Daniel and Zecharias is a 600-year period during
which we hear nothing from Gabriel; then between Zecharias and
Mary was a 6-month period. That was the busy season! What did
Gabriel do between assignments? He just stood there.
Ive discovered that sometimes God is wasteful. He watches
Secrets of the Secret Place
while you cultivate your gifts and talents and ministry abilities,
until you become a finely tuned piece of ministry potential. Youre
ready to do exploits! And then He takes the well-oiled ministry
machine that youve become and places you on the shelfand
He says, Just stand there.
This is what God did with Elijah. Elijah had this expression,
As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand (1 Kings
17:1). Elijah claimed, I stand before God, thats what I do. So
the Lord decided to test his claim by putting him under house
arrest for three years. In the widows home during the famine,
he couldnt stick his head out the door because every nation on
earth was looking for him. He was stuck in this hot, stuffy, bleak
little house. No friends, no visiting prophets, no other voices
to comfort or give him perspective. And the food? Frycakes for
breakfast, frycakes for lunch, and more of the same for supper.
I can imagine Elijah thinking, Lord, why do You have all this
ministry potential holed up in this widows house? I mean, in the
last three years I could have raised up a whole graduating class in
the School Of The Prophets. We would be taking the nations by
force! But no, here I stand and rot! But Elijah didnt respond that
way because God had already taught him to stand before Him. So
when the time of testing came, Elijah was able to persevere and
just stand before His God and minister to Him.
The Scriptures show us that God has mighty angels who
stand in His presence, in some cases for hundreds of years, and
wait for His bidding. With all their strength and might, God just
has them standing around the throne and waiting on Him! If it
were a matter of strength, God has all the strength in heaven He
needs! And then the Holy Spirit whispered to me, I dont need
your strength. It wasnt the strength of the eternal Son that
bought our redemption; it was the fact that He was crucified
in weakness that brought us salvation. God doesnt need our
strength; He needs our availability. Hes just looking for us to
stand in His presence, gaze upon Him, love Him, and fulfill His
word when He speaks.
Are you between assignments? Then just stand before Him,
enjoy Him, and let Him enjoy you!
Chapter Title
The Secret of Bodily Light
e know that Jesus came to give us light in our spirit,
soul, and understanding. Please consider with me,
though, the truth that He also came to give us light in
our body. Heres where Jesus talked about it:
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Bodily Light
you spending time gazing into the word of God that you might
fill your body with light?
When our eye is bad, we can come to Gods word and still not
see anything. We must do more than stop looking at the wrong
thingswe must put salve on our eyes so that we might see the
right things. Anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see
(Revelation 3:18). What is this eye salve? I believe the salve Jesus
referred to is the application of the spiritual disciplines in our
livesfasting, prayer, study of Scripture, almsgiving, forgiveness,
etc. The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the
eyes (Psalm 19:8). As we apply ourselves to Gods word in a dis-
ciplined, focused way, our eye will slowly begin to heal and clear
up and will begin to allow the light of Christ into our bodies.
But victory over sin is not the greatest reward of a body filled
with light. Of far greater significance is the intimacy we find with
Christ! When our body is filled with light, our body has come
into full alignment with Gods kingdom and purposes. There is
nothing within our bodies that is resisting His will. This dimen-
sion of cooperation with Gods purposes greatly strengthens our
sense of sweet sincerity before the Lord, and the soul gains great
confidence in the Lords embrace. Without impediment, you are
now a clear channel of grace.
When you come to worship the Lord with a body full of light,
you dont need a warm up period before you finally engage with
God. No, you are on constant hot; you are continually fervent
in spirit (Romans 12:11); you are ready at a moments notice to
soar in the Spirit with your Beloved.
The Lord began the teaching on bodily light by stating how
He handles those whose bodies are filled with light. He said, No
one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under
a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see
the light (Luke 11:33). Jesus was saying when our eye is good
and our whole body is full of light, we begin to shine with a radi-
ance beyond what we may even realize. Were ablaze with truth,
like a shining lamp! The Lord says when He has set you on fire
with that kind of light, He will not bury your life in a place of
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Just Loving Him
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Just Loving Him
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Being Known
omeone once asked, Do you know God? But theres a
question that is far more important: Does God know you?
The issue on the great day of judgment will not be whether
you know God but whether God knows you.
Many will claim to know God in the day of judgment. They will
say to Him, Lord, Lord, I know You! I have prophesied in Your
name, cast out demons in Your name and done many wonders
in Your name. I ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught
in our streets. I swear I do know You!
But to some of them He will reply, I dont know you, and I
dont know where youre from. In fact, I never knew you. Depart
from Me, you who practice lawlessness! (See Matthew 7:21-23
and Luke 13:25-27.)
No words could possibly be more terrifying to hear! How hor-
rifying to think you know God, only to discover that He doesnt
know you! The issues at risk here are of eternal consequence.
There can be no more fundamentally important question than
this: What must I do to be known by God?
The answer has everything to do with my secret life with
God. He wants me to enter the secret place, sit before Him, re-
move every faade and mask of pretense, and reveal to Him the
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Being Known
Secrets of the Secret Place
rebuked for it. Jesus both knew them implicitly and loved them
unconditionally. Oh, the blessedness of being known by God!
How can we be known by God? The answer is given to us
most simply in 1 Corinthians 8:3, But if anyone loves God, this
one is known by Him. When we open our hearts to Him in lov-
ing abandonment, He embraces us and knows us. What a joyful
privilegeto have a knowing relationship with God Almighty!
Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of the secret place where we can
give each other this love.
Chapter Title
The Secret of Intimacy First
he first thing is the greatest thing: to love God with all
ones being. Its the greatest commandment (Matthew
22:37-38), and its the first thing in our lives (Revelation
2:4). Intimacy with God must be our first priority before anything
else, even before our works of service. The second commandment
(loving others, which are our works of service) is like the first
commandment, according to Jesus, and yet Jesus clearly called
it second (Matthew 22:39). Its an extremely close second and
difficult to separate from the first, and yet it is second.
Its vitally important that we keep first things first. When our
love for God gets our first and best attention, then we will function
in the spiritual wholeness necessary to execute the second com-
mandment. When our priorities become inverted and we begin
placing more emphasis on loving others than loving God, we are
headed for certain burnout. The only way to avoid an eventual
collapse is to keep returning to our first love.
The Holy Spirit is profoundly committed to restoring the first
commandment to first place in our lives. We must be established
in our primary identity before God. Its so important to be able
to say, This is who I am. I am not primarily a worker for God;
I am first and foremost a lover of God. The Holy Spirit is visiting
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Intimacy First
Secrets of the Secret Place
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Bridal Identity
ne day as I was driving down the highway at about 50
m.p.h., I noticed two turtledoves standing in the road
ahead of me. (Turtledoves usually are seen in pairs as they
mate for life.) I thought to myself, Those birds better get off the
road or Ill hit them. Sure enough, by the time they started to
move it was too late, and THWAP!! There were feathers every-
where. I hit them both. I thought to myself, Stupid birds. They
should have moved sooner. It was later I learned something about
doves: they have no peripheral vision. They can only see straight
ahead. The poor birds didnt even see me coming! By the time
they saw me, it was too late.
The heavenly Bridegroom likens us to a dove when He says,
You have doves eyes (Song of Solomon 1:15). To Him, we are
a like a turtledove that lacks peripheral vision. So heres what
your Lord says to you, His bride: You have doves eyes. You have
tunnel vision for Me only. Youre not distracted with other affec-
tions and desires to the right or the left. Your gaze is upon Me
only, and I love that! You are His bride, and you have eyes for
One only, your Beloved.
Here are two of the many places where the Bible refers to
Gods people as a bride:
The Secret of Bridal Identity
Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down
out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her
husband (Revelation 21:2).
Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled
with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me,
saying, Come, I will show you the bride, the Lambs wife
(Revelation 21:9).
Secrets of the Secret Place
The secret place is the kings chamber (Song of Solomon 1:4), the
place where we nurture our growing love relationship.
This is where He speaks over us, declaring how beautiful and
fair we are in His sight. We respond by opening our hearts to Him
with greater abandonment, praising the glorious attributes of His
beauty and character, and receiving the lavish affections of His
heart. Oh, the exchange of love in the secret place is most glori-
ous! He sure knows how to capture a heart and keep it!
Jesus didnt die to marry amazon woman, a battle axe of
a bride that is so tough that she intimidates with her hulking
strength and imposing demeanor. Nor did He die to marry a
workhorse who will tirelessly labor to fulfill His household chores
and glean His fields. He died for love. He died to marry a beautiful
bride who will walk with Him, talk with Him, dream with Him,
laugh with Him, strategize with Him, and rule with Him.
When my bride came walking down the aisle toward me many
years ago, all dressed in white, with a glow about her face, let me
tell you what I was not thinking. I was not thinking, Shes got
good teeth. She bakes a mean pie. She cooks great food. Shell do
my laundry for me. Shell change the diapers for my kids. Shell
keep my house clean. Heres what I was thinking: Here comes
my lover! Yes, when we got married, Marci knew that she would
manage our home and rear our children and prepare meals and
do laundry; but we didnt get married for any of those reasons.
We got married for love.
Its true that were soldiers, and we are involved in high-level
strategic warfare, and the Lord is depending on us to fight the
good fight of faith. And its true that were laborers in His vine-
yard, working assiduously in the harvest fields to bring all of the
wheat into His barn. But Jesus didnt die to win for Himself an
army or a labor force; He died for a bride. We dont come to the
secret place as a soldier looking for battle plans, even though He
will unfold His plans to us while were there; nor do we come as
laborers looking to gain strength for the days labors, even though
He will strengthen us for the tasks before us. We come primarily
as His bride, to enjoy His embrace and to lavish upon Him our
love. The secret place is a celebration of our highest identityHis
The Secret of Bridal Identity
Secrets of the Secret Place
longing of our soul. When were able to be with Him, were over-
joyed; when other tasks pull us away from that companionship,
we feel only a sense of loss and frustration. And an even keener
anticipation of our next time together! The secret place is not
where we perform our sacred duty as a believer but where we
revel in the delight of being with the One our soul loves.
Look with me at how the bride of Christ is described in her
fullness: And he who talked with me had a gold reed to measure
the city, its gates, and its wall. The city is laid out as a square; its
length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with
the reed: twelve thousand furlongs. Its length, breadth, and height
are equal (Revelation 21:15-16). This passage is to be connected
with Ephesians 3:17-19 where Paul speaks of the length, breadth,
and height of Christs love. John sees the Lambs wife as having
the same dimensions of love as the Bridegrooma love that is
equally full and complete in length, breadth, and height.
Even as Christs love plunged to the depths of mans sin,
this brides love reaches down to the lowest reaches of
humanity to lift them up to glory. No length is spared
to express the intensity of this Christlike love. She will
not love her life, even unto death, for the sake of the
Even as Christs love reaches across every strata and divi-
sion of mankind to encompass people of every language,
color, background, etc., so this love of Christ through the
bride touches all peoples. Her heart is so enflamed as to
embrace every person for whom Christ died.
Here are the glorious heights of her perfected lovethe
unspotted affections of a dazzling bride for her Beloved
who is exalted above every other name. The purity and
glory of her passions rise as a majestic mountain of regal
The Secret of Bridal Identity
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Clinging
s the weaker vessel, one of the things we feel deeply as
the bride of Christ is our helplessness and vulnerability
apart from Him. Especially in times of difficulty or trouble,
when we really feel our need for Him, we will cling to Him as a
person who cant swim might cling to a life vest.
During crisis seasons, the secret place becomes our source
of survival as we come aside to cling to Him and cry out for
help. There are times when Im especially clingy. Ive wondered,
Lord, are you displeased that I am clinging to you so desperately
right now? The answer Ive sensed is, No, I love it when you
depend on Me. Without Me you can do nothing, but you dont
always own that reality. I love it when it finally sinks in that you
need Me more than your very breath, and you cling to Me with
all your might.
There are times when my soul is being blown about with
winds, and I dont even understand the nature of the warfare. If
I knew where the warfare was coming from, or if I knew how to
defend myself, it would be a lot easier. But Ill find myself caught
The Secret of Clinging
Secrets of the Secret Place
were capable builders for God. But despite their expertise, they
rejected the very stone God established as the chief cornerstone.
The same temptation faces leaders today. Its possible for us, after
all our training and experience, to reject the very thing God has
determined to use in a central way in this hour. Attention all
builders: We need to maintain a constant awareness of our own
ineptitude. Apart from a clinging relationship to the Lord, we
can easily miss the stone of truth God is establishing among His
people today.
Something else I cling to in the secret place: His word. I
clutch His word to my breast as though it is my very life. I cling
to Your testimonies; O LORD, do not put me to shame! (Psalm
119:31). I think that testimonies point, in part, to the stories of
Gods mighty acts of intervention on behalf of the saints of his-
toryhow He parted the waters; how He fed them with manna;
how He leveled the walls of Jericho; how He raised the dead to
life. These are His testimonies, and they reflect His wayshow
He handles His devout ones who love Him. I cling to the stories
of Gods power revealed because they encourage me that He still
works in the same magnificent ways today. I cling to His testi-
monies for I need that same miraculous power to be released in
my own life. O LORD, do not put me to shame!
After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared first to Mary
Magdalene (intentionally so). You see, Mary was the last one at
the tomb on the day of His burial, and she was the first one at
the tomb on the morning of the third day. When nobody else
was there, Mary was. So Jesus revealed Himself first to the one
who loved and missed Him most! When Mary saw Him, she was
overcome with joy, and wrapped her arms around his feet. Jesus
said to her, Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to
My Father (John 20:17). He was not rebuking her as though
He thought she shouldnt have clung to Him like that. He was
simply meaning, Its not time yet. I know the purity of your
heart, Mary, that you long to be joined in love to Me. But I have
to ascend to the Father first before we cling to each other in the
kingdom of God.
In clinging to Jesus, Mary Magdalene was a representation
The Secret of Clinging
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Walking With God
The Secret of Walking With God
Enoch was the first man in the Bible who walked with God:
Even though men began to call upon the name of the Lord in
the early days (Genesis 4:26), Enoch was the first man to uncover
the true delight of walking with God. He found something even
Adam didnt experience. He pressed into God until he learned how
to commune with God through every facet of life. To find that
dimension of relationship certainly required an intense spiritual
pursuit, and then when he found it the Lord made a graphic
statement by catching him up to heaven.
By taking Enoch up to glory, God wasnt trying to get us
impressed with Enochs piety. Nor was God saying, If you get to
be as spiritual as Enoch, youll get translated up to heaven, too.
This was a unique experience God used to emphasize a specific
point. Gods point was, I love to walk with man! Enoch was the
first man to truly walk with Me, so I decided to highlight His
example by doing something extraordinary with him. I took Him
up to paradise to underscore how much I value and desire a daily
walking relationship with My chosen ones. Enochs example
continues to witness to all generations of the great zeal God has
to walk with man.
When the zeal of God captures you, it will ignite you with a
great passion to walk with God and to be His friend. Imagine being
Enoch and living 365 yearsand having this growing relationship
with God! One can only wonder what glorious depths of intimacy
Enoch uncovered. Perhaps Enochs heart longed so deeply for
more of God that God grew weary of withholding Himself. Maybe
Gods heart was saying, Enoch, you love Me with such a pure and
sweet passion, I dont want to say no to you anymore. Im going
to answer your prayer and show you My face. Come on up!
As you draw close to God, He will not likely take you up to
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Walking With God
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Buying Oil
il in the Bible is often representative of the Holy Spirit,
so to have oil in our lamps means to have the indwelling
presence of the Holy Spirit illuminating our lives with His
zeal and glory. Without the oil of the Holy Spirit, our lives become
lifeless, and our light is extinguished. The secret place is where
we buy oil. As we come aside to commune with our Lord, we are
renewed in the Holy Spirit, and our oil levels are replenished.
The idea of buying oil derives from the parable of the ten
virgins, so lets look at that passage and take special note of how
the word oil appears in the parable. Jesus is speaking:
Secrets of the Secret Place
saying, No, lest there should not be enough for us and you;
but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. And
while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who
were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was
shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, Lord, Lord,
open to us! But he answered and said, Assuredly, I say to you,
I do not know you. Watch therefore, for you know neither the
day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming (Mat-
thew 25:1-13).
The Secret of Buying Oil
It doesnt cost much to get oil for ministry, but it will cost you
a lot to get the oil of an intimate relationship with Jesus. Then,
when the ministry time is over, youre still a burning love-flame
for Him.
The oil of authentic relationship is bought at the cost of
investing time and energy in the secret place. The foolish will
allow urgent matters of the moment to pull them away from the
secret place after having a minimal filling. The wise will stay and
continue to be filled with oil until their hearts are energized by
their love relationship with Jesus.
When their foolishness becomes obvious, the foolish will turn
to the wise and say, Give us some of your oil. They will recognize
the wise have a depth in God that they never took the time and
energy to cultivate. They will say, Give us some of your author-
ity in ministry, but the wise will understand that there are no
shortcuts to ministry authority. You cant derive the authority
of anointing from another person; you have to get it yourself in
the secret place.
When the bridegroom delays His return, the virgins are
overtaken with heartsickness because of deferred hope (Prov-
erbs 13:12). Heartsickness will cause them to sleep from sorrow
(Luke 22:45). The bridegrooms delay has a way of distinguish-
ing between the foolish and the wise. It reveals those who had
developed their own personal history of a living relationship with
the bridegroom. Those who persevere in love through the heart-
sickness of deferred hopes will be entrusted with the authority to
minister deliverance to the captives. The wise will become mighty
deliverers in the end.
We will need a reservoir in the Spirit if we are to sustain
through the hour of trial that is to come upon the entire earth
(Revelation 3:10). The point of the parable isbuy oil! Devote
yourself to the secret place until your heart is overflowing with
love and zeal for your Beloved. Then, make it the first priority of
your day to keep that oil replenished. The secret is right here: The
secret place is the threshold for resourcing the replenishment you
need to sustain through the dark night of Christs delays.
Buy oil!
Chapter Title
The Secret of Constant Supply
od has made available the opportunity to tap into a cease-
less supply of the Spirit. We dont ever have to become
depleted spiritually, if we could but learn to access the
constant supply of the indwelling Spirit. In the secret place, we
enlarge our capacity to draw upon His grace, and then we live out
our days in the strength of His eternal resources.
The imagery of constant supply is painted most vividly in
Zechariah 4. Please open your Bible to Zechariah 4 right now,
and read it first before moving ahead with me.
Zechariah was shown a lampstand with seven oil-fed lamps
on it. He saw a bowl full of oil above the lampstand, with pipes
feeding down from the bowl into each lamp. The bowl acted as a
reservoir of oil, and was itself fed by two olive trees which stood
on the left and right of the lampstand. The olive trees dripped
oil constantly into two receptacles, which fed the oil down into
the bowl. The trees fed the bowl; the bowl fed the lamps. The
supply was constant, and the fires in the lamps burned without
What I am about to share is not the only way to view Zechariah
4. There are many valid interpretations for prophetic passages
such as this, and so my interpretation is only one among several
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Constant Supply
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Constant Supply
and the Spirit. Its the place where we open our spirits to Him so
that a greater flow of His oil might make its way to our lamps.
What we really want is wider pipes. The pipes that carry the oil
from the bowl to the seven lamps are critical to the degree of light
emitted by the lampstand. If the pipes are open and unclogged, oil
will flow freely to the flames of our hearts. When this admixture
of oil (the word and the Spirit) flows into our hearts and sets us
ablaze for Him, the kingdom will advance in and through our
lives in staggering proportions. The issue is not, Work harder!
The issue is, Get oil! The secret is: Apply yourself to enlarging
your connection to the source of divine oil. The more this oil
flows into your inner being, the brighter your lamps will blaze
before God and men.
Nothing is more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than
a man or woman who has found the unceasing wellspring of
heavens life. When the servant of the Lord is fed from this inner
flow of oil and his seven lamps are veritable torches of flaming
zeal for his Beloved, then no force of hell can extinguish this
flame. Even if hell tries to douse this flame with the floods of the
dragons mouth, this fire is fed by an internal source. Nothing
external can quench it. Oh what a marvelous secret I am trying
to describe! John Wesley said it something like this, Get on fire
for God and let people come and watch you burn.
Come with me to the next chapter, I want to emphasize this
truth with yet another scriptural image that portrays a constant
supply of divine life.
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Abiding In Christ
here is a huge question that has been asked by all of the
greatest saints throughout history in their pursuit of God.
We saw in our previous chapter that this question was
asked three times by Zechariah. It is the common quest of the
diligent soul. It is the shared question of all generations, for all
time. The question is very simply, How do I abide in Christ?
The question is simple, but the answer profound. And few there
be that find it.
Many of us feel like we move in and out of Gods throneroom.
We have times of great connectedness, and then we suffer peri-
ods of disconnectedness. We cant always analyze exactly why a
distance has developed in our hearts toward the Lord, but most
of us feel like our relationship with Christ is a roller coaster ride
of feeling close, then far, then close, then far, then close again. In
and out. And we hate it. We were created for constant intimacy,
and anything less drives us crazy on the inside.
In my opinion, these are some of the most glorious words
of Christ in the entire Bible: If you abide in Me, and My words
abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done
for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit;
so you will be My disciples (John 15:7-8). The if of the passage
The Secret of Abiding In Christ
almost drives me insane with holy desire. If! The great condition
to answered prayer is an abiding relationship with Christ and His
words. This attainment is not guaranteed. It is available, but rarely
experienced in fullness. I know that I do not abide in Christ in this
way because the things I desire are not yet done for me. So I seek
this dimension of holy living with great spiritual appetitewith
what I call holy heartburn. I must gain Christ!
A Christian magazine that featured Hudson Taylor in one of
its issues referred to how Taylor struggled for a closer walk with
God. Although he is considered one of the greatest missionary
champions of church history, he longed for a more intimate re-
lationship with Christ. I prayed, agonized, fasted, strove, made
resolutions, read the word more diligently, sought more time for
retirement and meditationbut all was without effect, he pined.
I knew that if I would abide in Christ all would be well, but I
could not. Taylor reached a turning point in his life when he
received a letter from a colleague. This simple message unlocked
the door: Friendship with God comes not from striving after
faith but from resting in the faithful one. Those simple words
were somehow precisely what Hudson Taylor needed to help him
cross a threshold in his relationship with Christ. He was able to
cease striving and to embrace Christs nearness and power and
life. I refer to Taylors experience, not as though its a formula
for learning to abide in Christ, but rather to show that the most
eminent of saints have wrestled with this very issue.
How you come to abide in Christ will be different from all
others. We all abide differently because we are all unique creations
of God. Your relationship with Christ will never be like mine, and
mine will never be like yours. Thats why youll never learn to
abide in Christ by reading the stories of others. You wont learn
to abide by reading the right book or listening to a great sermon.
No one can mentor you into an abiding relationship with Christ.
A mentor might be able to help to a limited degree, but in the
final analysis we all have to find our own way to abiding in Christ.
When all is said and done, we must shut the door, get into the
secret place with God, and discover what an abiding relationship
with Christ will look like for ourselves.
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Abiding In Christ
Secrets of the Secret Place
Chapter Title
The Secret of Union With God
here is a profound cry, deep in the heart of man, for a
heart connection with God. You were created to abide in
Christ! It is this cry for intimacy with God that has driven
you to read this book. It was that same cry for a connection with
God that filled the heart of the Samaritan woman in John 4, even
though she didnt even know how to articulate her longings. She
had looked for love in all the wrong places, but the Master saw
her heart and He knew how to draw it out.
When Jesus spoke with this woman at Jacobs well and she
realized that Jesus was a prophet, she immediately put forward her
number one question: Our fathers worshiped on this mountain,
and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought
to worship (John 4:20). Her question was, Whats the right way
to connect with Godhere on this mountain or in Jerusalem?
Above all else, the longing of her heart was for a meaningful con-
nection with Gods heart. The issue of where had been argued so
much in her day that she had despaired of ever connecting with
God, and had succumbed to a lifestyle of flagrant sin. But despite
her sinful lifestyle and sense of hopelessness at ever finding it,
her heart still ached for a connection with God! Jesus response
must have amazed her. She learned even though she was seeking
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Union With God
Secrets of the Secret Place
The Secret of Union With God
Description of the Secrets Curriculum
This book, Secrets of the Secret Place, is supported by
a packet of materials that equips small groups to study this
book together in an effective and life-changing way.
The DVD course on the secret place, taught by Bob Sorge,
is divided into twelve 30-minute sessions, making it useful for
small groups and college classes to study this book together.
The DVD series will add interest to your group study and will
strengthen the message of the book. (Its also available in CD
or MP3 format.)
The Leaders Manual will help anyone leading a small
group through this book. In addition to suggesting guide-
lines for leading the group, the Leaders Manual also includes
handouts that accompany the DVD series. The leader makes
photocopies of the handouts, and then each person completes
the handout (fill-in-the-blank format) while watching the
DVDs. The Leaders Manual is available in booklet form, or
may be downloaded for free at
The Companion Study Guide is useful for personal
study and group discussion, especially if a group is not us-
ing the DVD Course. Each person in the group will want to
get their own copy of both Secrets of the Secret Place and
the Companion Study Guide.
The Secrets of the Secret Place Curriculum is an unparal-
leled tool for equipping believers in the necessity and mag-
nificence of a secret place relationship with Jesus. This is an
imperative study for your small group!
Description Of Resources On The Next Page