Regreasable Traction Motor Bearing Units: Next Generation Tmbus
Regreasable Traction Motor Bearing Units: Next Generation Tmbus
Regreasable Traction Motor Bearing Units: Next Generation Tmbus
bearing units
Next generation TMBUs
Customer benefits
Reduced life cycle costs
Extended service life, up to 18 years
Auxiliary free volume protects against
Fully interchangeable with existing
More than 10 years of TMBU field
The traction motor bearing unit (TMBU) is a Product features Grease distribution in the regreasable
shielded and factory pre-lubricated bearing TMBU after replenishment
unit, principally designed for flange Relubrication interval and amount of
mounting on the motor housing. The design grease adjusted according application
enables extended service intervals. This needs Baffle plate
solution is based on a very compact and Overheating avoided by auxiliary
space-saving design. This TMBU can be volume for excessive grease
considered as a subsystem of the traction Reliable electrical insulation (hybrid
motor, as the bearing unit incorporates and INSOCOAT variants)
several features, such as grease, sealing and Lubrication feature close to the rolling
electrical insulation. The electrical insulation contact enables proper supply of new
is realized by using either an INSOCOAT grease
coating or a hybrid design with ceramic Polymer (PEEK) and brass (M) cage
rolling elements. execution
For additional information about the Integrated labyrinth seals
TMBU concept, refer to the Railway Optimized internal design
technical handbook, Volume 2, Drive Exact quantity of grease can be
systems (PUB 42/P7 13085 EN). supplied through the SKF grease Auxiliary volume for Factory filled
Compared to the design features of the meter (LAGM E) excessive grease grease
current TMBU, the subsystem life of the new Optional integrated sensor possible New grease
regreasable TMBU can be extended from
the present 6 years to 18 years, because of
the regreasing feature.
The regreasable TMBU is designed to
accommodate an additional amount of
grease when replenishing and to avoid
The bearing unit service life and grease
life are calculated separately, because they
depend on the application conditions and
need to correspond to customer needs.
Comparison of bearing, grease and service life for current TMBU and regreasable TMBU
Bearing life
Grease life
Service life
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