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Index PDF
Index PDF
Approval of the thesis:
Signature :
Day, Songl
M.Sc., in Building Science, Department of Architecture
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias Ozkan
covered swimming pool building in Ankara was selected as a case study for
analyzing project scheduling and the delays therein. The Time Impact Analysis
Method (TIA) was applied to the case study project using PRIMAVERA
software in order to determine the construction schedule delays; to measure the
impacts of these delays on the project completion duration; and to allocate
responsibility amongst the project participants for preventing delay claims.
After the application of the delay analysis it was observed that the delays in the
critical activities extended the project duration by 57 days in total i.e. by 15.4 %
of the estimated construction period. Fines should have been paid by the
contractor because of 31-days non-excusable delays. Also, the contractor should
have been given a time extension of 26-days due to 22-days excusable
compensable delays and 4-days excusable non-compensable delays which were
beyond the control of the contractor. These delays were caused due to
organizational deficiencies of the owner, the bureaucracy of the provincial
municipality, the lack of detail drawings during the municipality application, the
lack of experience of the contractor, problems in material procurement,
unforeseeable weather conditions and shortages of qualified employees of the
subcontractors. It was observed that of these all except one correspond to the
important causes of delays as reported in literature concerning public projects in
Day, Songl
Yksek Lisans, Yap Bilimleri, Mimarlk Blm
Tez Yneticisi: Do. Dr. Soofia Tahira Elias zkan
Bir yapnn inaatna balamadan nce baz n almalarn yetersiz veya eksik
yaplmas, inaat aamasnda nemli sorunlarn domasna neden olabilmektedir.
rnein, proje detaylarnn eksik hazrlanmas, antiye organizasyonunun dzgn
yaplmamas veya inaat i programnn detayl ve dzgn hazrlanmamas inaat
srasnda eitli sorunlar gndeme getirmektedir. Sonuta inaatn maliyeti
gereksiz bir ekilde artmakta, iin gerekleme sresi uzamakta ve yapnn kalitesi
olumsuz ynde etkilenmektedir.
rnek alma olarak seildi. Zaman Etkisi Analiz yntemi (TIA)
PRIMAVERA bilgisayar program kullanlarak rnek proje zerinde uyguland.
naat i program gecikmelerini aratrp ortaya karmak, bu gecikmelerin proje
biti sresi zerindeki etkilerini lmek ayn zamanda proje katlmclar arasnda
gecikmelerin sorumluluunu paylatrmak elde edilmek istenen amalardr.
To my late father,
and to my husband,
and our dearest son;
with love
I would especially like to thank my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Soofia Tahira Elias
Ozkan, for her guidance, criticism, unforgettable helpfulness, encouragement and
valuable insight during the entire study. It has been a great pleasure and honor to
work with her.
I would also like to thank the examining committee members, for their invaluable
Thanks to my friends Glen Dili and Elvan Odaba for their continual support
during this study. I am also deeply thankful to all my friends for their motivation,
interest and love.
I would like to thank my most-beloved parents, Merref and Mehmet Ali Bal,
and my sisters Vahide Bal and Birgl Yldz for their endless support, great
sacrifices, never-ending love and encouragement not only during my thesis study,
but also throughout my life.
I gratefully thank my husband and my best friend, Ahmet Day, for his endless
support, immeasurable assistance, patience and love.
Finally, special thanks are for my one year old son, Adnan Yusuf, for letting
mommy work on her thesis.
1.1. Argument.....1
1.2. Objectives........3
1.3. Procedure.....3
1.4. Disposition.......4
2.1. Construction Project Planning.........6
2.2. Project Scheduling...........8
2.3. The Objectives of Project Scheduling .....9
2.4. Construction Schedule Delays............10
2.4.1. Causes of Construction Delays....11
2.4.2. Types of Construction Delays......17 versus Noncritical Delays.....................20 versus Non-excusable Delays...........21 versus Non-compensable Delays.....23 Delays..........24
2.4.3. Schedule Delay Analysis..........27 to Quantify Delay Impacts...27
a) Bar Charts...27
b) Critical Path Method......28
x Delay Analysis Techniques........29
a) As-planned versus as-built method.............32
b) Impacted as-planned method...........................33
c) Collapsed as-built method...........33
d) Window analysis method............34
e) Time impact analysis method..........................38
2.4.4. Other Techniques of Schedule Delay Analysis................39
2.4.5. Main Principles for Analyzing Schedule Delays.....................40
2.4.6. Float and Criticality in Project Schedules45
2.4.7. Selection of Delay Analysis Methodology..46
3.1. Material ..........48
3.2. Methodology...........50
3.2.1. Collection of Information and Data ....51
3.2.2. Determination of Causes, Types and Liability of Delays ...51
3.2.3. Conducting the Schedule Delay Analysis with TIA....54
4.1. Determination of Delays ........56
4.2. Allocation of Liability to Parties and Determining Types of Delays..59
4.3. Schedule Delay Analysis with TIA ....61
4.4. Concluding Remarks...63
Table 2.1 Ten most significant causes of delays in the UAE construction
Table 2.2 Summary of previous studies on causes of delay
Table 2.3 Divergent and inconsistent perspectives on concurrent delays
Table 2.4 Names of existing delay analysis methodologies (DAMs)
Table 2.5 As-Planned Schedule
Table 2.6 As-Built Schedule
Table 2.7 10 Day Extended Duration of Activity A
Table 2.8 5 Day Late Start of Activity B
Table 2.9 10 Day Delay Due to Interruptions to Activity C
Table 2.10 No Delay to Activity D
Table 2.11 As-Planned vs As-Built Schedule
Table 2.12 Summary of Delays
Table 4.1 Summary of Delay Identification
Table 4.2 Summary of Allocation of Liability to Parties and Delay Types
Table 4.3 Matrix of Construction Delays According to the Compensability
Table 4.4 Results of Primavera Software Application
Table 4.5 Allocation of Project Delays to Parties
Table 4.6 Summary of Project Delays According to Compensability
are presented the literature survey with the following headings.
In this chapter the argument for and the objectives of the study are presented,
together with a brief overview of its procedure. The chapter is concluded with the
disposition of the various chapters within the thesis.
1.1 Argument
Planning and control of resources within the framework of a project is the main
target of construction management. Construction management procedures guide
managers about how the resources can be best used during construction process
and aims for the timely and efficient application of the resources in construction
projects. Many issues should be carefully thought in order to conduct a project
successfully (Halpin, Woodhead, 1998). Construction site activities are only the
second part of the whole construction process. The first part is comprised of all
kinds of office work. The planning, designing, estimating, negotiating,
purchasing, scheduling, controlling, accounting, etc. should be done carefully in
the office before the work starts on the site to accomplish the objective of a
quality project within budget and on schedule.
Construction delays are widespread in most projects around the world. Some
delays may happen in the preconstruction phase which is defined as the period
beginning from the initial conception of the project to the signing of the contract
between the owner and the contractor; however some of them may happen in the
construction phase that is the period when actual construction is under way.
Project schedules are consistently dynamic and uncertain. Several controllable and
uncontrollable factors can adversely affect the project schedule and cause delays.
These delays definitely create negative impacts on project performance. Schedule
delay in the completion of a construction project may be a major difficulty for
contractors leading to costly disputes and adverse relationships between project
participants. The challenge is to measure the net impact of construction delays
accurately. Otherwise, there may appear delay claims between all parties involved
in the construction process. The method of schedule delay analysis technique
should be acceptable to all participants through the project.
There are many studies on construction schedule delays and several techniques
are proposed for analyzing schedule delays. Schedule delay analysis is used in
order to identify delays and to measure the net impacts of delays on a project.
Basic tools which are used in the schedule analysis are known as bar chart
schedules and critical path method (CPM) schedules. As stated before, many
articles have presented common schedule analysis techniques and some of them
also have proposed new methodologies to the construction industry. However,
there is no single method used for all kind of delay claims that is applicable in all
kind of projects since each of the technique has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Common methodologies covered in the literature are; As-planned
versus as-built, Impacted as-planned, Collapsed as-built, Window analysis, and
Time impact analysis. These methods were studied and one of them was applied
to the case study project.
project participants. Therefore, the identification, quantification and analysis of
delays become essential. Contractors are prone to see most of the delays in the
responsibility of the owner, while owners usually want to put the blame on the
contractor or third parties. Consequently, it is necessary to analyze schedule
delays and research the most significant causes of delay in construction projects to
avoid or minimize their adverse impacts on the project and project participants.
1.2 Objectives
The main objective of this research was to apply the most appropriate schedule
delay analysis technique to the case study project in order to analyze the net
impacts of construction delays on project completion duration and to allocate
responsibility amongst the project participants for such delays. The other
objectives of the study were:
1.3 Procedure
The study was designed to apply the most appropriate schedule delay analysis
technique on the case study project. At first a literature survey was carried out on
pertinent topics based on theses, books in libraries, scientific papers, articles and
web sources. This literature survey was carried out on construction schedule
delays, causes of schedule delays, their types, and schedule delay analysis
techniques and was used to understand the difference between the concepts of
project planning and project scheduling, and also to determine the objectives of
project scheduling.
The Time Impact Analysis method (TIA) was selected for analyzing construction
schedule delays on completion construction works of a covered swimming pool
building complex in Ankara since the method could be used both in forward and
retrospective analysis applications by adding impacts into the as-planned
schedules. The necessary data and documents were obtained from the related
construction and consulting companies.
1.4 Disposition
The study is presented in five chapters, of which this introduction is the first. In
the first chapter, the argument, objectives and methodology of the study are
introduced. It includes also disposition of the chapters and their contents.
In the third chapter, the case study project which is completion construction works
of a covered swimming pool building complex in Ankara is presented in the
material section. And, the procedure followed for analyzing schedule delays is
introduced in the section of methodology.
In the fourth chapter, a discussion on the results obtained from the application of
the delay analysis technique is presented.
In the fifth and last chapter, the conclusion of this study with findings and their
interpretations is given.
are presented the literature survey with the following headings.
In this chapter are presented the literature survey with the following headings.
Project planning has been also defined as the process of selecting the one method
and order of work to be used on a project from among all the various methods and
sequences in which it could be done (Callahan, Quackenbush, and Rowings
1992). The authors also note that this process supplies detailed information used
for time estimation and schedule; besides a baseline for project control.
Mubarak (2005) states that project planning works for several functions such as:
cost estimating, scheduling, project control, safety management, etc. According to
Arkan and Dikmen (2004) the main purpose of planning is to provide the primary
duties of the manager, namely, direction and control. The second objective of
planning is to organize all the relationships and information systems among the
many parties involved in the construction project. The authors further describe the
third function of planning as enabling project control and forecasting.
10. Accountability of people, defined responsibility/ authority.
11. Clear understanding of who does what, when, and how much.
12. Integration of all work to ensure a quality project for the owner.
The terms of project planning and scheduling are often mistakenly thought of as
synonymous. However, as Mubarak (2005) indicates scheduling concentrates on
the timing and sequence of operations in the project planning effort. Therefore,
while project planning covers the issues of what is going to be done?, where?,
how? and when?, the term of project scheduling covers only the issue of when?.
Trauner, Manginelli, Lowe, Nagata and Furniss (2009) agree with Mubarak and
define project schedule as a written or graphical representation of the
Contractors plan for completing a construction project that emphasizes the
elements of time and sequence. According to the Trauner, et al. (2009), the
project schedule should display all the construction tasks from the beginning of
the project through completion, the time periods for each tasks, and the sequence
of these tasks in a logical order.
Oxley and Poskitt (1996) define project scheduling as the process of determining
the actual time periods during which the activities are planned to take place: that
is, start and finish dates for each activity. In order to determine the construction
activities and their time periods, project planning should have been done before
project scheduling. Oberlender (2000) claims that a successful project planning is
more difficult to organize than scheduling. If the activities are identified in project
planning, then scheduling the project will become relatively easy.
2.3 The Objectives of Project Scheduling
After a successful planning process, the schedule of the project is prepared. There
are major objectives that are expected from good project scheduling. According to
Mubarak (2005) there are eight important objectives of scheduling as noted
Callahan et al. (1992) claim that the probabilities of on-time, on-budget, dispute-
free completion may be increased by means of a schedule and the purpose of the
schedules is specified by the individual using the schedule. The authors further
explain that the purpose to predict project completion for contractors is that they
can arrange crew sizes, shifts or equipment to speed or slow progress. While, for
architects or engineers the purpose is to determine how long design and
construction will take for completion of the project. The authors add that
subcontractors use the information of specific activities start and finish times to
predict when they are needed at the site. Also, the activity completion dates are
used by owners in order to decide when to deliver owner-furnished equipment and
to coordinate partial occupancy. Another purpose of scheduling for contractors is
to reveal and resolve conflicts between firms or subcontractors. Both for
contractors and owners schedules are used to plan cash flow.
Callahan et al. (1992) also indicate that schedules are used for measuring delay
and time extensions. If the schedules are regularly updated including work
sequences, unanticipated delays, actual activity completion dates and change
orders, then the owner and contractor can measure the affect of additional works
and unanticipated delays, thus avoiding disputes. The causes and different types
of schedule delays are given in the following paragraphs.
2.4.1 Causes of Construction Delays
Mansfield, Ugwu, and Doran (1994) discussed the causes of delay and cost
overruns by examining data relating to construction projects in Nigeria. Assaf, Al-
Khalil, and Al-Hazmi (1995) studied the main causes of delay in large building
projects in Saudi Arabia and their relative importance. In the study undertaken by
Assaf, et al. (1995), the largest number of causes of delay (56 causes) was listed
and the respondents were asked to point out their degree of importance. The
authors grouped the delay factors into nine major groups: financing, materials,
contractual relationships, project changes, government relations, manpower,
scheduling and control, equipment, and environmental factors. The financing
group of delay factors was selected as the most significant delay factor by all
parties and that environment group was selected as least significant. In another
observation, Odeh and Battaineh (2002) carried out a study to determine the most
significant causes of construction delays with traditional type of contracts with
regard to contractors and consultants. According to the results of the study, owner
interference, inadequate contractor experience, financing and payments, labor
productivity, slow decision making, improper planning, and subcontractors are
among the top ten most significant causes of delays.
Another study was by Kaliba, Muya, and Mumba (2009) which aimed to
determine the causes and effects of cost escalation and schedule delays in road
construction projects in Zambia. The authors compile the main causes of delays in
road construction projects which are determined according to their survey, as in
the following: delayed payments, financial processes and difficulties on the part of
contractors and clients, contract modification, economic problems, materials
procurement, changes in drawings, staffing problems, equipment unavailability,
poor supervision, construction mistakes, poor coordination on site, changes in
specifications and labour disputes and strikes. In another research, Frimpong,
Oluwoye, and Crawford (2003) carried out a study to determine and assess the
relative importance of causes of delays and cost overruns in Ghana groundwater
construction projects. The research showed that monthly payment difficulties
from agencies, poor contractor management, material procurement, poor technical
performances, and escalation of material prices were the main causes in the study.
Inexperienced personnel
Insufficient number of staffs
Deficiency in project coordination
Spend some time to find sub-contractors company who is appropriate for
each task
Often changing Sub-contractors Company
Inadequate, and old equipment
Lack of high-technology equipment
Harvest time
Arditi, Akan, and Gurdamar (1985) examined a large number of public projects in
Turkey in order to determine and grade the level of importance of the causes of
construction delays in such projects. According to the results of their research, the
most important reasons of these delays and their average weights were as follows:
methodology of construction, experience, coordination, weather, construction site,
and the degree of completeness of design project.
Table 2.1: Ten most significant causes of delays in the UAE construction industry
(Source: Faridi and El-Sayegh, 2006)
construction mistakes, design changes, foundation conditions, permits, shop
drawings, sample approvals, building codes, subcontractors, contracts,
jurisdictional disputes, and inspections. The study of Lo, Fung, and Tung (2006)
covering the issue of construction delays in Hong Kong civil engineering projects,
was conducted on mainly compiling the perceptions of civil construction
practitioners on how important are the causes of delay. Lo, et al. (2006),
therefore, summarized previous studies some of which are also stated above, on
causes of delay in construction, as in the Table 2.2.
Table 2.2: Continued
Delays caused by the contractor or the contractors agents
Delays caused by the owner or the owners agents: In another study,
Trauner et al. (2009) exemplify the causes of delays to a project caused
by the owner such as; a change in the design, an error or omission in the
contract documents, a differing site condition, failure to make approvals
on time, failure to respond to requested information required to progress
the work, or even stop work orders.
Delays caused by force majeure or acts of God
Critical or noncritical
Excusable or non-excusable
Compensable or non-compensable
Concurrent or non-concurrent
The diagram displayed in Figure 2.1 presents a general overview of how the
construction delays can be categorized. Firstly, if the delay is critical or
noncritical and concurrent or non-concurrent should be determined in the process
of analyzing delay effects on the project. All construction delays are either
excusable or non-excusable as shown in the figure. Then, excusable delays are
classified into compensable or non-compensable delays. This figure presents only
one interpretation, since excusability and compensability of delays can change
according to the contract.
In the study of Yang, Yin, and Kao (2007) delay classification is given in a
different manner (Figure 2.2), but similar to the concept of Trauner et al. In
another study, Kartam (1999) classified project delays into three main groups in
terms of their origin, timing and compensability as shown in Figure 2.3. These
groups are as given in the following:
Delays classified by their origin: Owner caused delays (OCD), contractor
caused delays (CCD), third party caused delays (TPCD)
Delays classified by their timing: These are concurrent delays (CD) and
non-concurrent delays (NCD).
Delays classified by their compensability: These are excusable delays
(ED) which are also classified in itself as excusable compensable delays
(ECD) and excusable non-compensable delays (ENCD), and non-
excusable delays (NED).
While several authors (Mubarak, 2005; Kelleher, 2005; Levy, 2006) categorize
delays into three groups as Excusable and Non-excusable, Compensable and Non-
compensable and Concurrent and Non-concurrent; certain authors (Trauner et al.,
2009; Callahan et al., 1992) add one more category to these three groups which is
Critical and Noncritical delays.
According to Trauner et al., (2009) and Callahan et al., (1992), the primary focus
in any study of delays in a project is to see if the delay affects the progress of the
entire project or the project completion date. The authors further state that delays
which result in extended project completion are considered critical delays, and
delays that do not affect the project completion date are known as noncritical
delays. Trauner et al. (2009) further claim that the issue of critical delays emerges
from the Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling. All projects have a critical path
and if these critical activities on the path are delayed than the completion date of
the project will be extended. The criteria determining the project completion date
are as follows (Trauner et al., 2009):
General labor strikes,
Acts of God,
Owner-directed changes,
Errors and omissions in the plans and specifications,
Differing site conditions or concealed conditions,
Unusually severe weather,
Intervention by outside agencies,
Lack of action by government bodies, such as building inspection.
In another study, Levy (2006) adds two more excusable delays to the above list
Illness or death of one or more of the contractors,
Transportation delays over which the contractor has no control.
Moreover, Kelleher (2005) supplies the above list with two more delays as:
Quarantine restrictions.
Mubarak (2005) defines non-excusable delays as delays that are either caused by
the contractor or not caused by the contractor but should have been foreseen by
the contractor. He also points out that a non-excusable delay does not entitle the
contractor to either a time extension or monetary compensation. Trauner et al.
(2009) enumerate some examples of non-excusable delays as follows:
Late performance of subcontractors,
Untimely performance by suppliers,
Faulty workmanship by the contractor or subcontractors,
A project-specific labor strike caused by the contractors unwillingness to
meet with labor representatives or by unfair labor practices.
In another observation, Mubarak (2005) adds other examples to the above list as:
Contractor cash-flow problems,
Accidents on the site caused by the contractors negligence or lack of
Late delivery of the contractors furnished materials and equipment.
As stated in the excusable delays, again, the contract is the determinant whether or
not a delay is considered non-excusable. Therefore, Trauner et al. (2009) warn
contractors that before signing the contract it should be clearly understood which
delays are defined as excusable and which as non-excusable.
In some studies, Callahan et al. (1992), Kartam (1999) and Mubarak (2005) claim
that an excusable delay can be classified as excusable compensable and
excusable non-compensable. As Mubarak (2005) states compensable delays are
caused by the owner or the designer (engineer or architect). The contractor is
typically entitled to a time extension or recovery of the costs related with the
delay, or both. Factors which are specified in the contract resulting in delays such
as differing site conditions, changes in the work, access to the site are some
examples of compensable delays. According to Trauner et al. (2009) only
excusable delays may be compensable.
The authors further explain non-compensable delays as those which despite being
excusable do not entitle the contractor to any compensation. Many authors such as
Barrie and Paulson (1992) and Mubarak (2005), point out that excusable non-
compensable delays are normally beyond the control of either owner or contractor
such as unusual weather conditions, natural disasters, wars, national crises, floods,
fires or labor strikes. They add that usually the contractor is entitled to a time
extension, but not additional compensation.
Trauner et al. (2009) emphasize that if a delay is compensable or non-
compensable basically depends on the issues of the contract. The contract
determines the types of delays in detail and for which delay the contractor is
entitled to time extension or monetary compensation.
Levy (2006) further indicates that concurrent delays may be generated by the
contractor or by the owner, but if it happens that both parties are responsible, and
these delays overlap then neither party can be able to retrieve damages.
Figure 2.4 shows the possible critical delay interactions among three parties:
owner (O), contractor (C) and third party (N). The Venn diagram representation
and the use of set theory to show concurrent delays are proposed as new concepts
by the study of Mbabazi, Hegazy, and Saccomanno (2005) and they are very
useful in apportioning delays. The diagram presents all types of critical delay
combinations. Based on these critical delay types, time and cost compensation can
be determined accurately for each of the seven segments in the Venn diagram.
The diagram covers three intersecting sets of (O), (C) and (N). Using uppercase
letters is to emphasize that all delays are critical delays. For example, OCN
represents a one-party delay meaning only owner caused delay but not contractor
or third-party caused delay. Similarly, OCN is an example of a two-party
concurrent delay that is the owner and the contractor caused delays but not third
party caused delay. Using set theorems, the right side is just a mathematical
representation by seven variables a, b, c, d, e, f, and g of the values on the left side
shown by each segment.
Table 2.3 concludes the different perspectives on concurrent delays from previous
studies. Concurrent delay analysis brings about many issues, since both owners
and contractors view concurrent delays as a strong defense tool against each other.
For example, owners use them to preserve their interest in order to get liquidated
damages, however contractors use them to neutralize their inexcusable delays and
avoid damage entitlement. Courts, practitioners, researchers are generally
inconsistent in the subjects of definition and apportionment of concurrent delays.
All kinds of practitioners, especially contractors, contract administrators, and
claims consultants have divergent opinions on concurrent delays. (Nguyen, 2007)
As shown in the Table 2.3, general views regard concurrent delays as being
similar to excusable delays. That means contractors are entitled only time
2.4.3 Schedule Delay Analysis
Schedule analysis is used in order to identify delays and to measure the net
impacts of delays on a project. Basic tools which are used in the schedule analysis
are known as bar chart schedules and critical path method schedules.
a) Bar Charts
However, bar charts have many limitations. Wickwire, Driscoll, Hurlbut, and
Hillman (2003) give a detailed list of disadvantages of this tool:
Size limits a bar chart in what it can graphically present
Bar charts do not show the interrelationships or interdependencies of one
bar to another
Bar charts do not show the available float or contingency time, nor can
they show the delay impact of one bar on another
Bar charts are not capable of accurately distributing or controlling
manpower and project costs.
Adding more detail to the bar chart makes it harder to read, understand,
and maintain.
Consequently, bar charts cannot show the logical relationships among activities.
When there are continuous relationships between many activities, a bar chart
becomes difficult to prepare schedule correctly (Callahan et al. 1992).
28 Schedule Delay Analysis Techniques
As Nguyen, and Ibbs (2008) stated, there is a variety of schedule delay analysis
techniques in construction industry. Many articles have researched these common
techniques and some of them also have proposed new methodologies to the
construction industry. The different methods of schedule delay analysis will be
mentioned as some other techniques in the following part. However, in this part
common current methods of schedule delay analysis will have been explained in
detail. In the study of Nguyen (2007), the term reliability defines the result of a
forensic schedule analysis that correctly presents and shows the facts. According
to the research, main techniques presented herein are as follows:
In the research of Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon (2008), a chronological analysis
was built up to see the ratios of the usage of common schedule delay methods in a
diagram as showed in Figure 2.6. This diagram includes the years of 1989 up to
2005. From the diagram it is understood that time impact analysis method is most
preferred since it has become easier due to developed computer technologies; on
the other hand impact as-planned analysis method has not become popular
currently because this method is not accepted in courts as reliable any more.
Table 2.4 concludes the common delay analysis methodologies (DAMs) classified
from the literature and their different names. Following methodologies are the
most commented upon in literature; they are also given in detail in the following
As-planned versus as-built,
Impacted as-planned,
Collapsed as-built,
Window analysis, and
Time impact analysis.
Table 2.4: Names of existing delay analysis methodologies (DAMs)
(Source: Ndekugri, Braimah, Gameson, 2008)
a) As-planned versus as-built (Total time) method
Basically, the main concept is that the as-planned versus as-built method
compares two schedules, which is why it is also called the total time method or
net impact method. In this method the assumption is that one party (contractor)
causes no delays and other party (owner) causes all delays. In this manner, the
method displays the net impact of all claimed delays on projects finish date
(Nguyen, 2007). Figure 2.7 illustrates the as-planned versus as-built method
where the as-planned schedule takes 10 days and as-built schedule takes 15 days.
The difference between the two is 5 days which is total amount of delays
recoverable. In other words, the difference between the two is regarded as delay to
which a contractor is entitled to an extension of time as a means of an excusable
delay activity.
According to Ndekugri et al. (2008), the main advantage of this method is that it
is inexpensive, simple and easy to use or understand, on the other hand its
disadvantages are failure to consider changes in the critical path and incapability
of managing complex construction delays.
b) Impacted as-planned (What-if) method
Trauner et al. (2009) point out the major weaknesses of this method as follows:
firstly the impacted schedule does not show the project activities as they occurred,
secondly the decision of placing which changes or impacts into the schedule is
greatly subjective, and finally, and also most significantly, it does not reflect the
dynamic nature of construction project and the critical path. The authors also add
that some analysts like this approach because of being simple and clean, however,
this method is greatly inaccurate. According to the authors by using the first
schedule, this method freezes the critical path at the beginning of the project, thus
the real changes in the critical path will not be identified. Nonetheless, Nguyen
(2007) claims that the what-if method is more reliable than the total time method
since this method distinguishes between the types of delays.
Another method of analysis is the collapsed as-built method, also called the
subtractive as-built or but-for method. In this method, the analyst studies all
contemporaneous project documentation and prepares a detailed as-built schedule
instead of an as-planned schedule as mentioned in the what-if method. The analyst
subtracts or removes activities which affected the project from the as-built
schedule (Trauner et al. 2009). The authors point out that if subtracting activities
from the as-built schedule has an impact on the new schedules end date, then the
difference in time between the as-built and the collapsed as-built end dates is
thought to be the delay caused by the subtracted or removed activities. In the
study of Trauner et al. (2009) two different variations of this method are
explained such as unit subtractive as-built and gross subtractive as-built
Finally, according to the authors, this method has many serious problems and their
three primary weaknesses are explained as follows:
Window analysis method is also called the contemporaneous period analysis and
snapshot method. In contrast to previous methods which analyze construction
delays by taking into consideration the whole project, window analysis method
analyzes delays within certain time periods individually (Nguyen, 2007). This
technique is based on CPM scheduling. In this method, the basic concept is that
the total project duration of CPM schedule is divided into digestible time periods
or windows (e.g., monthly) and the delays that occurred in each windows of time
are analyzed successively by focusing on the critical paths (Hegazy and Zhang,
2005). The authors indicate that the selection of boundaries of window sizes is
specified with major project milestones, significant modifications in the critical
path, occurrence of major delay events and dates for the issue of schedule
revisions. These factors identify the number of windows and boundaries of these
windows for the entire project.
The study of Kaoa and Yangb (2009) compares windows-based delay analysis
methods to determine their advantages and limitations. The differences in terms of
the perspectives of use prerequisite, functional capability, analytical process and
accuracy of analysis results are reviewed in terms of a simulated case.
Windows-based delay analysis methods are grouped in the study of Kaoa and
Yangb as follows:
1. Windows analysis
2. Modified windows analysis
3. Delay analysis method using delay section
4. Daily windows delay analysis
Figure 2.8 shows an example summary of the results in the window schedule
Figure 2.8: Summary of Windows Schedule Analysis Results
(Source:, accessed
In the research of Hegazy and Zhang (2005, p506), the major drawbacks of
traditional windows analysis are summarized below:
First drawback: While the as-built is the key to accurate delay
analysis, it is widely recognized that it is manually done after
the fact (after the project ends) and not as the events evolve,
due to the difficulty in site-data recording. Accordingly, the as-
built schedule may be subjected to errors and omissions that
hinder accurate delay analysis.
On the other hand, the authors evaluate the above drawbacks as the desired
objectives of their proposed method which is called the daily windows delay
analysis. According to the authors, the proposed method views the fluctuation
day-by-day in critical path and so reaches correct and repeatable results to allocate
project delays between the parties involved. The authors claim that this proposed
method is a simple and practical alternative with its automated and computerized
nature compared to a traditional window analysis which demands extensive effort.
In another study of Hegazy and Menesi (2008), the authors proposed a different
variation of delay analysis called delay analysis under multiple baseline
updates. This model which is based on a daily window size considers multiple
baseline updates in order to accurately apportion delays and accelerations among
project parties.
Opposite to Hegazy and Zhang (2005), Ndekugri, Braimah, and Gameson (2008)
argue that the main strength of window analysis method is its capacity to take care
of the dynamic nature of critical path scheduling. According to the authors, this
method is used successively for each of the windows to specify the impacts of all
other delays on project completion. Nguyen (2007) also claims that many
researchers, experts, courts as well as boards generally approve window analysis
method as the most suitable choice.
Nguyen (2007) indicates that the time impact analysis method (TIA) is one of the
most reliable techniques presently. Alkass, Mazerolle, and Harris (1996) state that
this method is a variation of the window analysis technique, also in this method,
the analyst focuses on a specific delay or delay activity, whereas in the window
analysis the analyst focuses on time periods (also known as window or snapshot).
This method analyzes the impacts of delays chronologically, starting with the first
delay, by incorporating each delay (sometimes using a fragnet- or subnet-works)
into an updated CPM schedule. The analyst determines the amount of project
delay resulted from each of the delaying activity successively by calculating the
difference between the project completion date of the schedule after the addition
of each delay and that prior to the addition (Ndekugri, Braimah, and Gameson,
Alkass et al. (1996) note that this method is incapable of analyzing potential
concurrent delays. The effect of concurrent delays is not immediately dealt with in
this method since delaying events are analyzed separately. According to
Ndekugri, Braimah, and Gameson (2008), another drawback of the method is that
it is time consuming and costly to operate, especially in situations with many
delaying activities.
However, in order to apply this method successfully, the daily records and diaries
should be noted very meticulously and accurately. Otherwise, the analysis will not
give correct results.
The study of Nguyen, et al. (2008) presented a new schedule delay analysis
technique named as FLORA which could control the dynamics of float, logic,
and resource allocation in the analyses. The authors further indicate that this
method examines both the direct impact of delay and also its secondary effect. On
the other hand, Alkass et al. (1996) conducted a study to discuss different delay
analysis techniques which are currently being used in the construction industry.
The authors also presented a new delay analysis method called the Isolated Delay
Type (IDT). According to the authors, this new technique can be used as a
standalone module for delay analysis or can be integrated within a computer
system for delay analysis and construction claims preparation called
Computerized Delay Claims Analysis (CDCA). In another field observation,
Kim, Y., Kim, K., and Shin, (2005) made a study of delay analysis methods and
introduced a new method called the delay analysis method using delay section
(DAMUDS) in order to eliminate inadequate accounting of concurrent delay and
time-shortened activities.
In the research of Oliveros, and Fayek (2005), the fuzzy logic model which
combines daily site reporting of activity progress and delays with a schedule
updating and forecasting system for project monitoring and control is introduced.
Another research of Lee, Ryu, Yu, and Kim (2005) proposed a method for
analyzing construction schedule delay in terms of lost productivity. They
emphasize the necessity of a logical method for analyzing delays occurred by lost
productivity in order to measure the delay time correctly. In the study of Shi,
Cheung, and Arditi (2001), a different method which is not established on critical
path analyses is proposed for computing activity delays. The authors define this
technique as Construction Delay Computation Method and add that this method
may be combined with any delay analysis system in order to advance the process
of delay analysis.
Kartam (1999) has presented a generic methodology for analyzing and resolving
delay claims which has been developed and successfully used by the author. The
developed methodology has brought into question of while several techniques for
analyzing delay claims there are, how much adequate these techniques.
In conclusion, there are many schedule analysis techniques: some of them are
really simple to understand and apply, while some are perhaps more difficult and
more complicated to analyze delay activities. Some of them are old, while some
of them are quite recent. Even so, each of the technique has its own advantages
and disadvantages. In analyzing the delay activities of the schedule, the analysis
method should be selected according to the appropriateness of the technique.
However, determinants in selection of the technique depend on the availability of
possible as-built information such as: project daily reports and diaries, meeting
minutes, pay requests/estimates, inspection reports by the designer or owner,
official correspondences, memos in the files, construction photographs taken at
the site, and etc. The skill level of the analyst, relevant contract clauses, the nature
of the schedule delays and the available time are the other determinants for
choosing a delay analysis method.
project should be available (Table 2.5). Then, an as-built schedule to determine
the changes on the project will be created (Table 2.6).
Table 2.7: 10 Day Extended Duration of Activity A (Source: Trauner et al. 2009)
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
4 Activity D 5 days
4 Activity D 5 days
Next, it is required to update our schedule in order to see the effect of Activity A
to the remaining construction activities. The planned start of Activity B is moved
later because it depends on the finish of Activity A. Now, the as-planned schedule
for the actual performance of Activity A is updated. Activity B should be
analyzed to see the effects on completion of the project. It is seen in Table 2.8 that
Activity B started 5 days later than it should have because of a late start.
Table 2.8: 5 Day Late Start of Activity B (Source: Trauner et al. 2009)
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days 5day Late Start
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
4 Activity D 5 days
4 Activity D 5 days
For each activity, this process should be repeated and the schedule should be
updated. Again, the planned start of Activity C is moved later since it depends on
the finish of Activity B. Now, Activity C of the as-built schedule will be analyzed
based on the two previous activities. As seen in Table 2.9, Activity C is delayed
for 10 days due to some interruptions. It is understood that in two periods, the
work was not performed on Activity C. So, the activity finished 10 days later.
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days
10 Day Delay
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
4 Activity D 5 days
4 Activity D 5 days
Finally, the remaining activities and their impacts on the duration of the project
will be examined. In Table 2.10, it is commented that the last activity caused no
delay to the project. Therefore, there is no difference in the as-planned and as-
built schedules of the activity D.
Table 2.10: No Delay to Activity D (Source: Trauner et al. 2009)
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
25 day delay
4 Activity D 5 days
4 Activity D 5 days
Table 2.12: Summary of Delays (Source: Trauner et al. 2009)
2 Activity B 10 days
2 Activity B 10 days 5day Late Start
10 Day Delay
3 Activity C 10 days
3 Activity C 10 days
Trauner et al. (2009) points out that the term float appeared when the Critical
Path Method was introduced. The authors describe float as the amount of time an
activity can be delayed before it begins to delay the project. If the available float
of an activity is used up, then the activity will be critical that means any other
delay on the activity may extend the project duration. Callahan et al. (1992) note
that float is measured by detracting the early finish time from the late finish time
or detracting the early start time from the late start time. The early start and finish
times mean the earliest time that an activity can start or finish depending on the
activity durations in the project schedule and logical relationships between the
activities. According to the authors, the float is a measure of schedule flexibility
and an indicator of the ability of a given activity to have its performance time
extended without affecting the project duration.
critical path; and activities which are on the critical path are called critical
activities. Any kind of project has at least one critical path in its schedule. The
concept that while some activities are critical (their total float is zero) some other
activities have float is very useful in appropriately analyzing the impacts of
delaying events as a management tool in project schedules.
In this stage, the decision of selecting TIA or IAP method will be determined. TIA
method is more reliable and more acceptable than IAP method. As it is understood
from the research of Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon (2008), TIA method is most
preferred presently because it has become easier due to developed computer
technologies; however IAP analysis method has not become popular currently
because this method is not accepted in courts as reliable any more. The Society of
Construction Law Delay and Disruption Protocol recommend TIA method at the
same time. Therefore, TIA seems to be one of the best techniques for applying in
this study.
are presented the literature
The material and the research methodology of the study are presented in this
chapter. The survey material includes the case study of completion construction
works of a covered swimming pool building in Ankara. This part gives general
information about the project. The methodology part presents the evaluation
processes of the material.
3.1 Material
This study was conducted for analyzing construction schedule delays in order to
recommend steps to eliminate or minimize their negative effects on construction
completion duration and to apportion responsibility of delays amongst all project
participants. A delay analysis was carried out on an under-construction project of
a covered swimming pool building in Ankara, which had suffered many delays
during its construction. Information on the case study project is presented in more
detail in the following paragraphs.
This work consisted of the completion of unfinished construction works that had
been abandoned by the previous contractor. The reason for choosing this project
was that all the related data and materials like as-planned schedule of the project,
project reports and diaries, official correspondences, project change orders, time
extension requests, the construction contract and all other related bid documents
could be easily obtained from the related construction and consulting companies.
Also, this project suffered many delays caused by the owner and the contractor, as
well as by the project architects and the project consultant. Consequently, the as-
planned schedule of the project was revised many times. Details on the identity of
the project participants and the project are not given in this thesis for ethical
In the context of this project, a FIDIC based contract was signed between the
contractor and the owner. The owner had assigned a consulting company to
oversee the project and deal with the contractor. The scope of work consisted of
the completion of the unfinished covered swimming pool building as per the
activities determined in the as-planned schedule, in compliance with the technical
specifications of the contract. This as-planned schedule was attached to the FIDIC
based contract. The working diagram of the case study project is presented in
Figure 3.1.
The completion of construction works of the case study project consisted of two
main stages: construction of the buildings structure and the finishing works. The
original as-planned schedule was prepared according to this division of work
items. According to this schedule, the construction works were to be carried out in
4 months from 9 October 2009 to 16 February 2010; and the finishing works were
to be carried out in 8 months from 16 February 2010 to 16 October 2010.
However, some disputes, delays and failures occurred which prevented adherence
to the as-planned schedule.
3.2. Methodology
The Time Impact Analysis method (TIA) was selected to analyze the construction
delays in the work-schedule of the case-study construction project in order to
determine the delays and apportion the responsibility of such delays amongst all
parties. The aim was to identify construction delays, to quantify their net impacts
on the project completion date and to allocate responsibility to all parties.
Accurate allocation of liability is very important in schedule delay analyses in
order to prevent delay claims amongst project parties. From the literature survey it
was seen that the TIA would be the most appropriate technique to be used in this
study. Therefore, for the successful application of this method, the daily records
and diaries had been noted meticulously during the construction process.
This study was conducted in three stages; which are explained in detail in the
following sections.
3.2.1 Collection of Information and Data
First of all, the construction site and the related companies were visited. Next,
information on the specific problems and the delayed events of the covered
swimming pool building were gathered through informal interviews carried out
with the site supervisor; the project manager; the controller of the payments and
bills; as well as the architects of the construction and consulting companies.
Secondly, the related data such as official correspondence between the contractor
and the consultant, time extension requests of the contractor, project change
orders of the owner during the construction period, old photographs of the
construction works and as-planned schedule of the case study project were
collected from the related department of the construction and consulting
companies and analyzed carefully in order to have comprehensive knowledge
about the construction process of the project. These data were compiled in
tabulated form.
The application of the selected method started with the research and identification
of delays. The accuracy of the schedule delay analysis depends on determining
project delays and causes of such delays clearly. The causes of delays were
determined by analyzing the official correspondence between consultant and
contractor, time extension requests of the contractor, payment bills and project
change orders by the owner during the construction period. These causes were
studied to understand which party was responsible for their occurrences. The
causes of delays and the liable parties for such delays were compiled in a table
form. Finally, the delay types according to their compensability were determined
and presented alongside.
In this case study project, there were a total of 13 instances of delayed events
including both critical and non-critical delays. 5 of them occurred in critical
activities while 8 of these delays occurred in noncritical activities. In the context
of this case study selection of delays was done according to the critical path
method of the project as presented in Figure 3.2 and, therefore, in the delay
analysis delays in non-critical activities were not included.
The delays in critical activities which were included in the Time Impact Analysis
method are as follows:
1. Late start of handing over of construction site
2. Getting work permits late from municipality
3. Problems in concreting the ground floor
4. Unforeseeable weather conditions in concreting activities
5. Problems in masonry works
The delays in non-critical activities which were not included in the Time Impact
Analysis method are as follows:
6. Delays in choice of material and, consequently, the subcontractor for the
7. Delays in choice of material and, consequently, the subcontractor for
paving tiles of the pool area,
8. Delays in the approval for gas connection by the gas company,
9. Uneven settling of floor area in one of the rooms, which had to be
10. Access route to the site had to be changed,
11. Extra work load in steel roof, (Incomplete works like welding, painting,
assembly and also repair work such as cleaning rusted steel surfaces. Also
testing for integrity of the welded-joints of steel sections in the roof had to
be repeated, resulting in delay in steel works.)
12. Delays in the approval of aluminum cladding wall subcontractor because
of slow decision-making mechanism of the consulting company,
13. Change in system details of generator room according to field orders by
the owner.
The reason these delays were not included in the analysis was because they did
not extend the total construction period. For instance, the choice of material and
the related subcontractor for the fenestration and for paving tiles of the pool area
which delayed their installation did not cause delays in any other activities. In the
same way problems in the steel roof, delays in approval of aluminum cladding
wall subcontractor or change in system details of generator room caused some
delays in the completion of these activities however the project duration did not
Figure 3.2: Critical Path Method of the Case Study Project
As stated before, the Time Impact Analysis (TIA) method was selected for the
application of schedule delay analysis on the case study. The as-planned schedule,
which had been added to the contract documents, was obtained in order to start
the delay analysis. After identification of construction delays and allocation of
liabilities to parties, the delay analysis method was applied. In this study
PRIMAVERA software was used since the as-planned schedule of the project
was originally prepared in this computer programme. Although the costs,
resources and durations of the activities were calculated in the as-planned
schedule of the project, in the context of this research only durations were
The first delayed activity which was late handing over of construction site was
entered into the as-planned schedule and a 1st Revised Schedule was prepared
and the new completion duration of the project was determined as 386 days. This
1st Revised Schedule was taken as the baseline for the next delayed activity of
getting work permits late from municipality and this delayed activity was entered
to make the 2nd Revised Schedule. Thus 2nd Revised Schedule was formed
and new project completion duration was obtained as 392. These revisions and
calculations were repeated for the remaining 3 delayed events, consequently new
revised schedules and new project completion durations were obtained. After
adding the last delayed event, the final revised schedule was generated in the end.
Impacts of construction schedule delays on the duration of the case study project
were analyzed by the help of Time Impact Analysis method. The results of
application of the selected method and the discussions are given in this section
under respective headings, presented with figures and tables.
In application of the TIA method, the accuracy of records which were used in the
delay analysis was very important. To provide reliability of schedule delay
analysis, inaccurate and unreliable records should not be used during the analysis
process. Project changes, changing site conditions, official correspondences
between project participants, time extension requests of the contractor were
approved under the control of parties. Therefore, these records did not require any
reliability control.
In this study, only approved records were collected and analyzed, as well
interviews with the project parties were conducted at the construction site. After
these steps, it was noticed that there had been many problems during the whole
construction process inevitably resulting in delays in the as-planned schedule. The
results of this delay analysis are presented in the following sections.
1) Handing over of construction site
In this project, handing over of construction site (A1010) was a critical activity
which affected subsequent activities in the schedule because of its total float being
zero. According to the as-planned schedule A1010 activity should have been
finished on 10 October, however the owner had some problems at that time
because of organizational deficiencies. And this activity was finished on 26
October. Unless the handing over of construction site was finished, the following
activities could not be started. There occurred 16-days delay in the as-planned
schedule caused by the owner.
In this project, getting work permits from municipality (A1040) was again a
critical activity which affected subsequent activities in the schedule because of its
total float being zero. The work permits should have been taken until 16
November in regard to the revised 1st schedule; however the activity could not be
finished until 8 December. Although the contractor performed his own tasks on
time, there occurred delay caused by project architects as well as the provincial
During the application process for getting work permits, project architect
presented related drawings to the municipality very late. On the other hand, the
main responsibility lay with the provincial municipality in this delayed event,
since the municipality misinformed the project architect about necessary
documents at the beginning of the application. Therefore, this delayed event was a
result of external factors.
3) Problems in Concreting the Ground Floor
Activity of concreting the ground floor (A1070) was again on the critical path as
seen in Figure 3.2. Because of the delays on the previous activities, this activity
was moved later as the all other activities had been postponed. This activity
should have been finished on 23 February according to the revised 2nd schedule;
however this activity was finished on 4 March. Some technical disputes and
material procurement delays caused by the contractor occurred in this activity.
Problems in organizing concrete subcontractors and concrete plant and delays in
material procurement were main causes of these delays.
5) Problems in Masonry
There were some problems in the activity of block masonry works (A1440). For
these activities, architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings were not
superposed appropriately. Because of the defective work of the mechanical and
electrical subcontractors in terms of superposing system drawings, there occurred
some delays in the block masonry works. This activity should have been finished
on 16 June according to the revised 4th schedule; however this activity was
finished on 7 July. This delay was caused by the subcontractors, but the contractor
is the responsible party for all failures and delays caused by subcontractors.
From related records, the causes of delays were researched and determined in the
first step. These are also listed in the second column of Table 4.2 below. Then,
types of delay factors were determined and given in the fourth column of the
below table. Next, liabilities for delays were allocated between project
participants and this can be seen in the fifth column with their ID Code given in
the sixth column of the below Table. After allocation of liabilities to parties, types
of delays according to their compensability were determined and the results are
presented in the seventh column of the Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Summary of Allocation of Liability to Parties and Delay Types
No Causes of Delay IAC Type of Delay Liable Party Delay ID Types of Delay
Factors Code
1 Late start of handing over of A1010 Delay (Access to Owner Related OR1 Excusable
construction site site) Compensable
2 Getting work permits late A1040 3 rd Party Actions External Factor EF1 Excusable
from municipality (Local Permits) (Provincial Compensable
Project Architect)
3 Problems in concreting the A1070 Delay (Procurement) Contractor Related CR1 Non-excusable
ground floor Technical Disputes
4 Unforeseeable weather A1080 Unanticipated Events External Factor EF2 Excusable Non-
conditions (Force Majeure) compensable
Types of delays according to their compensability are presented in Table 4.2. A
matrix showing the compensability of construction delays was formed and is
presented below in Table 4.3. In this matrix, the distribution of the construction
delays according to the degree of compensability can be seen.
Compensable Non-compensable
Excusable EF1
Non-excusable Not applicable CR2
As explained in section 3.2.3, the delayed activities were entered one by one and
the schedule was updated to determine the project finish date. The results of the
revisions of the schedules are presented in Table 4.4. The As-planned Schedule
and other Revised Schedules are given in Appendix B.
In the schedule delay analysis of the case study it was seen that the project
duration was changed when the activities on the critical path were delayed.
Therefore, delays which affect the project completion are called critical delays
and delays which do not affect the project completion are considered as non-
critical delays, as noted in the literature review. For instance, the late start of
handing over of construction site by owner and problems in concreting the ground
floor caused by contractor extended the project duration because these delayed
events were on the critical path or in other words these activities (A1010, A1070)
had zero float as seen in the critical path method of the project (Figure 3.2).
Table 4.4: Results of Primavera Software Application
No Schedule Causes of Delay Delay IAC Date of Project Finish Completion Project
Name ID (Critical Revision Date Duration Delay
Code Activities)
1 As-planned ----- ----- ---- ----- 16.10.2010 370 ----
2 Revised Late start of handing over OR1 A1010 27.10.2009 01.11.2010 386 16 day
Schedule 1 of construction site
3 Revised Getting work permits late EF1 A1040 10.12.2009 07.11.2010 392 6 day
Schedule 2 from municipality
4 Revised Problems in concreting the CR1 A1070 08.01.2010 17.11.2010 402 10 day
Schedule 3 ground floor
While the project duration was extended because of construction schedule delays
in the critical activities, inevitably cost and resources of the project were impacted
from these delayed events. However, these impacted issues were not evaluated in
this delay analysis.
Results of allocation of project delays among the parties are presented in Table
4.5. As it can be seen from this table, the owner caused delays extended the
project by 16 day; while contractor caused delays were 31 day in totality. Also,
there had been 10 day delays caused by external factors such as unforeseeable
weather conditions, provincial municipality and project architects.
Consequently, the project finish date was postponed from 16 October 2010 to 12
December 2010; i.e. the project was delayed by 57 days due to these five
construction delays. This means that the project duration was extended by 15.4 %
or in other words more than 1/6 of the estimated construction period.
These delays can further be categorized as 22-days excusable compensable delays,
31-days non-excusable delays and 4-days excusable non-compensable delays;
which can be seen in Table 4.6.
Consequently, fines should have been paid by the contractor according to the
related clauses of the contract because of 31-days non-excusable delays. On the
other hand, the contractor should have been given a time extension of 26-days due
to 22-days excusable compensable delays and 4-days excusable non-compensable
delays which were beyond the control of the contractor.
The delayed events of this case study which extended the project duration were
caused due to organizational deficiencies of the owner, the bureaucracy of the
provincial municipality, the lack of detail drawings during the municipality
application, the lack of experience of the contractor, problems in material
procurement, unforeseeable weather conditions and shortages of qualified
employees of the subcontractors. It was observed that of these all except one
correspond to the important causes of delays as reported by Arditi et al. (1985) in
public projects of Turkish construction industry (see Chapter 2 of this thesis).
in public projects of Turkish
In the case of the project analyzed in this study, the causes of the delayed events
can be listed as follows:
9. Uneven settling of floor area in one of the rooms, which had to be re-
10. Change in access route to the site,
11. Extra work load in steel roof,
12. Delays in the approval of aluminum cladding wall subcontractor,
13. Change in system details of generator room.
These were 13 delays caused due to both critical and non-critical activities. Of
these all except one correspond to the causes of delays mentioned by Arditi et al.
(1985) in the previous sections. The fourth one was due to force majeure and
therefore beyond the control of all parties.
According to the TIA schedule delay analysis the delays due to the critical
activities extended the project duration by 57 days in totality i.e. by 15.4 % of the
estimated construction period. On the other hand, the delays due to the noncritical
activities did not impact the total duration.
The reason for selecting the Time Impact Analysis (TIA) method was that it can
display the progress of construction works step by step with the help of
PRIMAVERA software. The main advantage of this method is that the situation
of construction on the updated dates could be pictured clearly. It is important for
the delay analysis to be able to reflect the actual process of the construction in
order to reach an accurate analysis of construction schedule delays. The delayed
events are entered into the as-planned schedule respectively to see the changes on
the project. Therefore, this analysis method is the most realistic. On the other
hand, the most important constraint of TIA method is that the available records,
related data and as-planned schedule should be accurate in order to obtain
accurate and clear results; otherwise, the analysis will be incorrect. Another
drawback of the method is that the analysis of concurrent delays is difficult in
terms of understanding the net portion of the liability. Despite these drawbacks,
this selected method is the most reliable as recommended by many researchers
and the best technique for determining amount of time extension caused by
construction schedule delays.
Based on this study, some general recommendations are presented here, which
could also have been useful in minimizing or avoiding the impacts of the
construction delays in the project analyzed.
The design of the project should be finalized with all details before
tendering the work so as to avoid change orders by the owners.
Owner should allocate sufficient time and adequate finances for the design
stage of the project.
The selection of the contractor should be done through a pre-qualification
of the firms.
The owners should mobilize all resources and get the necessary
permissions before signing the contract.
The contract should include clauses of incentive for early completion.
The schedule should be prepared and agreed over by both the contractors
and the consulting companies.
The contractor should employ qualified work teams and provide in-house
worker training in order to improve managerial and technical skills.
The contractor should also have a project manager in his team to check the
progress of work and ensure timely delivery of materials.
The last but most important issue is to establish a healthy communication
between all parties in order to solve problems in a timely manner.
in public projects of Turkish
10. Callahan, M. T., D. G. Quackenbush, and J. E. Rowings (1992)
Construction Project Scheduling, McGraw-Hill, USA.
12. Frimpong, Y., J. Oluwoye, and L. Crawford (2003) Causes of delay and
cost overruns in construction of groundwater projects in a developing
countries; Ghana as a case study, International Journal of Project
Management, Vol. 21, Issue 5, pp 321-326.
14. Hegazy, T., and W. Menesi (2008) Delay Analysis under Multiple
Baseline Updates, Journal of Construction Engineering and
Management, Vol. 134, No. 8 pp. 575-582.
15. Hegazy, T., and K. Zhang (2005) Daily Windows Delay Analysis,
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 131, No. 5 pp.
17. Kaliba, C., M. Muya, and K. Mumba (2009) Cost escalation and
schedule delays in road construction projects in Zambia, International
Journal of Project Management, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp 522-531.
20. Kelleher, T. J. (2005) Smith, Currie & Hancock LLP's common sense
construction law : a practical guide for the construction Professional,
John Wiley, New Jersey, USA.
21. Kim, Y., K. Kim, and D. Shin (2005) Delay Analysis Method Using
Delay Section, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,
Vol. 131, No. 11 pp. 1155-1164.
22. Lee, H., H. Ryu, J. Yu, and J. Kim (2005) Method for Calculating
Schedule Delay Considering Lost Productivity, Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, Vol. 131, No. 11 pp. 1147-1154.
25. Mansfield, N. R., O. O. Ugwu, and T. Doran (1994) Causes of delay and
cost overruns in Nigerian construction projects, International Journal of
Project Management, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 254-260.
28. Ndekugri, I., N. Braimah, and R. Gameson (2008) Delay Analysis within
Construction Contracting Organizations, Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, Vol. 134, No. 9, pp.692-700.
31. Oberlender, G. D. (2000) Project Management for Engineering and
Constrcution, McGraw-Hill, Singapore.
41. Wickwire, J.M., T.J. Driscoll, S.B. Hurlbut, and S. B. Hillman (2003)
Construction Scheduling: Preparation, Liability, and Claims
Construction Library Law, 2nd ed., Aspen Publishers, USA.
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT As-Planned Schedule - 09.10.2009 08-Jan-11 13:17
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Total
Duration Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1870 Excavation works 35 01-Apr-10* 05-May-10 76 Excavation works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 06-May-10 19-Jun-10 76 Retaining wall work
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 06-May-10 20-Jul-10 82 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 06-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 82 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 06-May-10 20-May-10 106 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 20-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 76 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 12-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 76 Sodding and planting works
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 21-May-10 10-Jun-10 127 Environmental luminance works
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 17-Jul-10 15-Aug-10 62 Testing of mechanical system
A2010 Testing of electrical system 30 29-Aug-10 27-Sep-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 18-Sep-10 24-Sep-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 21 25-Sep-10 15-Oct-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 16-Oct-10 16-Oct-10 0 End of the project
A1000 Signing contract 1 09-Oct-09 09-Oct-09 0 Signing contract
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 10-Oct-09 10-Oct-09 0 Handing over of construction site
A1020 Mobilization work 21 01-Nov-09 21-Nov-09 0 Mobilization work
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 10-Oct-09 30-Oct-09 22 Approval of key staff
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 11-Oct-09 31-Oct-09 0 Getting work permits (municipality)
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 22-Nov-09 22-Nov-09 0 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site
ELECTRICAL WORKS 210 31-Jan-10 29-Aug-10 48 29-Aug-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Construction works 19 31-Jan-10 18-Feb-10 239 18-Feb-10, Context of Construction works
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 01-Feb-10 15-Feb-10 64 Electrical conduit piping
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 31-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 251 Installation of roof heater wire
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 07-Feb-10 18-Feb-10 239 Installation of lightning conductor
Context of Finishing works 203 07-Feb-10 29-Aug-10 48 29-Aug-10, Context of Finishing works
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 16-Feb-10 01-Apr-10 74 Installation of power current cable trays
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 16-Feb-10 01-Apr-10 64 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 02-Apr-10 06-May-10 74 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 19-Aug-10 29-Aug-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 02-Apr-10 06-May-10 74 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1720 Outlet installation 15 15-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 79 Outlet installation
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 02-Apr-10 06-May-10 74 Laying of weak current cables
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 15-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 79 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 02-Apr-10 06-May-10 74 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 15-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 79 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 02-Apr-10 16-May-10 64 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 15-Jul-10 04-Aug-10 73 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 07-Feb-10 13-Feb-10 244 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 17-May-10 06-Jun-10 64 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 07-Jun-10 22-Jul-10 64 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 23-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 64 Installation of transformer
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 30-Jul-10 13-Aug-10 64 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1840 Installation of generators 60 02-Jun-10 01-Aug-10 76 Installation of generators
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 18-Apr-10 01-Jun-10 71 Approval of Elevator Company
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 02-Jun-10 06-Aug-10 71 Installation of Elevators
MECHANICAL WORKS 196 17-Jan-10 01-Aug-10 76 01-Aug-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Construction works 21 17-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 251 06-Feb-10, Context of Construction works
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 17-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 251 Installation of flushing system
Context of Finishing works 165 17-Feb-10 01-Aug-10 76 01-Aug-10, Context of Finishing works
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 17-Feb-10 17-Apr-10 62 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 14-Mar-10 12-May-10 62 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 13-Apr-10 26-Jun-10 90 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 27-Jun-10 18-Jul-10 90 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 27-Jun-10 18-Jul-10 90 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 01-Jul-10 22-Jul-10 86 Installation of radiator and convector
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 18-May-10 01-Jul-10 62 Installation of ventilation duct
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 02-Jul-10 09-Jul-10 62 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 10-Jul-10 16-Jul-10 62 Installation of air conditioning plant
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 02-Jul-10 17-Jul-10 91 Installation of ventilation flap
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 12-Jun-10 02-Jul-10 96 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 12-Jun-10 12-Jul-10 96 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT As-Planned Schedule - 09.10.2009 08-Jan-11 13:17
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish Total
Duration Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 02-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 76 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
Basement Floor Finishing Works 145 17-Feb-10 12-Jul-10 96 12-Jul-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 17-Feb-10 02-Mar-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1210 Block masonry works 35 17-Feb-10 23-Mar-10 0 Block masonry works
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 24-Mar-10 07-Apr-10 37 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1230 Plastering 10 03-Mar-10 12-Mar-10 217 Plastering
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 08-Apr-10 12-May-10 37 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 28-Apr-10 01-Jun-10 37 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 26-May-10 01-Jun-10 136 Installation of door and joinery
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 02-Jun-10 12-Jul-10 37 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Ground Floor Finishing Works 137 03-Mar-10 18-Jul-10 90 18-Jul-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 02-Jun-10 26-Jun-10 31 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 28-Apr-10 12-May-10 31 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 12-Jun-10 26-Jun-10 111 Installation of door and joinery
A1310 Plastering 10 17-Mar-10 26-Mar-10 203 Plastering
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 27-Jun-10 18-Jul-10 31 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 03-Mar-10 16-Mar-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1340 Block masonry works 35 24-Mar-10 27-Apr-10 0 Block masonry works
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 13-May-10 26-Jun-10 31 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 13-May-10 16-Jun-10 121 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
First Floor Finishing Works 154 17-Mar-10 18-Aug-10 59 18-Aug-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 16-Jun-10 14-Jul-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 12-May-10 26-May-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 29-Jun-10 14-Jul-10 94 Installation of door and joinery
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 27-May-10 20-Jun-10 117 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1410 Plastering 10 31-Mar-10 09-Apr-10 189 Plastering
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 15-Jul-10 18-Aug-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 17-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1440 Block masonry works 14 28-Apr-10 11-May-10 0 Block masonry works
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 27-May-10 30-Jun-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
Other Finishing Works 226 08-Feb-10 22-Sep-10 24 22-Sep-10, Other Finishing Works
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 03-Apr-10 07-May-10 161 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 19-Aug-10 08-Sep-10 38 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 19-Aug-10 22-Sep-10 24 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 19-Mar-10 02-Apr-10 161 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 17-Feb-10 09-Mar-10 220 Insulation of terrace
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 09-Mar-10 06-Aug-10 71 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 23-Feb-10 17-Jun-10 120 Aluminum Cladding Wall
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 08-Feb-10* 22-Feb-10 120 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 106 01-Nov-09 16-Feb-10 241 16-Feb-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 84 23-Nov-09 16-Feb-10 0 16-Feb-10, Pouring Concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 28 23-Nov-09 20-Dec-09 0 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works)
A1070 Ground Floor 56 05-Dec-09 31-Jan-10 0 Ground Floor
A1080 First Floor 37 20-Dec-09 27-Jan-10 0 First Floor
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 28-Jan-10 16-Feb-10 0 Cladding concrete
Steel Works 35 13-Jan-10 16-Feb-10 241 16-Feb-10, Steel Works
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 17-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 251 Construction of staircase carried by steel column
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 13-Jan-10 16-Feb-10 71 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 18-Jan-10 14-Feb-10 149 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 13-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 71 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 23-Jan-10 06-Feb-10
and composite panel) 71 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 23-Jan-10 06-Feb-10 71 Installation of aluminum plates
Infrastructure Works 90 01-Nov-09 31-Jan-10 257 31-Jan-10, Infrastructure Works
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 01-Nov-09 15-Dec-09 277 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 26-Nov-09 11-Jan-10 277 Sewerage and road gully work
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 01-Nov-09 15-Dec-09 257 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 21 16-Dec-09 07-Jan-10 281 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 45 16-Dec-09 31-Jan-10 257 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 1 - 27.10.2009 08-Jan-11 14:24
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 0% 0% 12-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 92 Sodding and planting works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 0% 0% 06-May-10 19-Jun-10 92 Retaining wall work
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 0% 0% 20-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 92 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-May-10 122 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 0% 0% 06-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 98 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1870 Excavation works 35 0% 0% 01-Apr-10* 05-May-10 92 Excavation works
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 0% 0% 21-May-10 10-Jun-10 143 Environmental luminance works
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-Jul-10 98 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 0% 0% 02-Aug-10 31-Aug-10 62 Testing of mechanical system
A2010 Testing of electrical system 30 0% 0% 14-Sep-10 13-Oct-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 0% 0% 04-Oct-10 10-Oct-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 21 0% 0% 11-Oct-10 31-Oct-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 0% 0% 01-Nov-10 01-Nov-10 0 End of the project
A1000 Signing contract 1 100% 100% 09-Oct-09 A 09-Oct-09 A
A1020 Mobilization work 21 0% 0% 17-Nov-09 07-Dec-09 0 Mobilization work
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 100% 100% 26-Oct-09 A 26-Oct-09 A
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 0% 0% 27-Oct-09 16-Nov-09 0 Getting work permits (municipality)
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 0% 0% 08-Dec-09 08-Dec-09 0 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 0% 0% 27-Oct-09 16-Nov-09 21 Approval of key staff
ELECTRICAL WORKS 210 0% 16-Feb-10 14-Sep-10 48 14-Sep-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 203 0% 23-Feb-10 14-Sep-10 48 14-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1720 Outlet installation 15 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 14-Aug-10 79 Outlet installation
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 22-May-10 74 Laying of weak current cables
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 22-May-10 74 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 22-May-10 74 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 01-Jun-10 64 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 22-May-10 74 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 0% 0% 04-Mar-10 17-Apr-10 64 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 14-Aug-10 79 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 14-Aug-10 79 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 0% 0% 02-Jun-10 22-Jun-10 64 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 0% 0% 08-Aug-10 14-Aug-10 64 Installation of transformer
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 0% 0% 04-Mar-10 17-Apr-10 74 Installation of power current cable trays
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 0% 0% 15-Aug-10 29-Aug-10 64 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 0% 0% 04-Sep-10 14-Sep-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
A1840 Installation of generators 60 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 17-Aug-10 76 Installation of generators
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 20-Aug-10 73 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 22-Aug-10 71 Installation of Elevators
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 0% 0% 23-Jun-10 07-Aug-10 64 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 244 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 0% 0% 04-May-10 17-Jun-10 71 Approval of Elevator Company
Context of Construction works 19 0% 16-Feb-10 06-Mar-10 239 06-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 0% 0% 16-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 251 Installation of roof heater wire
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 06-Mar-10 239 Installation of lightning conductor
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 0% 0% 17-Feb-10 03-Mar-10 64 Electrical conduit piping
MECHANICAL WORKS 196 0% 02-Feb-10 17-Aug-10 76 17-Aug-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 165 0% 05-Mar-10 17-Aug-10 76 17-Aug-10, Context of Finishing works
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 0% 0% 29-Apr-10 13-Jul-10 90 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 0% 0% 05-Mar-10 03-May-10 62 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 0% 0% 19-Jul-10 02-Aug-10 91 Installation of ventilation flap
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 0% 0% 03-Jun-10 18-Jul-10 62 Installation of ventilation duct
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 0% 0% 18-Jul-10 07-Aug-10 86 Installation of radiator and convector
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 0% 0% 28-Jun-10 19-Jul-10 96 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 0% 0% 19-Jul-10 17-Aug-10 76 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 0% 0% 28-Jun-10 28-Jul-10 96 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 0% 0% 14-Jul-10 03-Aug-10 90 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 0% 0% 30-Mar-10 28-May-10 62 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 0% 0% 19-Jul-10 25-Jul-10 62 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 0% 0% 14-Jul-10 03-Aug-10 90 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 0% 0% 26-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 62 Installation of air conditioning plant
Context of Construction works 21 0% 02-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 251 22-Feb-10, Context of Construction works
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 1 - 27.10.2009 08-Jan-11 14:24
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 0% 0% 02-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 251 Installation of flushing system
Basement Floor Finishing Works 145 0% 05-Mar-10 28-Jul-10 96 28-Jul-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 0% 0% 14-May-10 17-Jun-10 37 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 09-Apr-10 23-Apr-10 37 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1230 Plastering 10 0% 0% 19-Mar-10 28-Mar-10 217 Plastering
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 0% 0% 11-Jun-10 17-Jun-10 136 Installation of door and joinery
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 28-May-10 37 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 28-Jul-10 37 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 05-Mar-10 18-Mar-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1210 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 05-Mar-10 08-Apr-10 0 Block masonry works
Ground Floor Finishing Works 137 0% 19-Mar-10 03-Aug-10 90 03-Aug-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 13-Jul-10 31 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 14-May-10 28-May-10 31 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1310 Plastering 10 0% 0% 02-Apr-10 11-Apr-10 203 Plastering
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 28-Jun-10 13-Jul-10 111 Installation of door and joinery
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 0% 0% 29-May-10 13-Jul-10 31 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 0% 0% 29-May-10 02-Jul-10 121 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 0% 0% 14-Jul-10 03-Aug-10 31 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 19-Mar-10 01-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1340 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 09-Apr-10 13-May-10 0 Block masonry works
First Floor Finishing Works 154 0% 02-Apr-10 03-Sep-10 59 03-Sep-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 0% 0% 02-Jul-10 30-Jul-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 28-May-10 11-Jun-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1410 Plastering 10 0% 0% 16-Apr-10 25-Apr-10 189 Plastering
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 16-Jul-10 30-Jul-10 94 Installation of door and joinery
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 0% 0% 12-Jun-10 17-Jul-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 0% 0% 12-Jun-10 07-Jul-10 117 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 03-Sep-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 02-Apr-10 15-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1440 Block masonry works 14 0% 0% 14-May-10 27-May-10 0 Block masonry works
Other Finishing Works 242 0% 08-Feb-10 08-Oct-10 24 08-Oct-10, Other Finishing Works
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 0% 0% 25-Mar-10 22-Aug-10 71 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 0% 0% 04-Sep-10 08-Oct-10 24 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 0% 0% 05-Mar-10 25-Mar-10 220 Insulation of terrace
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 0% 0% 19-Apr-10 23-May-10 161 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 0% 0% 04-Sep-10 24-Sep-10 38 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 0% 0% 04-Apr-10 18-Apr-10 161 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 0% 0% 08-Feb-10* 22-Feb-10 136 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 17-Jun-10 136 Aluminum Cladding Wall
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 106 0% 17-Nov-09 04-Mar-10 241 04-Mar-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 84 0% 09-Dec-09 04-Mar-10 0 04-Mar-10, Pouring Concrete
A1070 Ground Floor 56 0% 0% 21-Dec-09 16-Feb-10 0 Ground Floor
A1080 First Floor 37 0% 0% 07-Jan-10 12-Feb-10 0 First Floor
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 0% 0% 13-Feb-10 04-Mar-10 0 Cladding concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 28 0% 0% 09-Dec-09 07-Jan-10 0 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works)
Steel Works 35 0% 29-Jan-10 04-Mar-10 241 04-Mar-10, Steel Works
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 0% 0% 29-Jan-10 22-Feb-10 71 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 0% 0% 29-Jan-10 04-Mar-10 71 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 0% 0% 08-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 71 Installation of aluminum plates
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 0% 0% 02-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 251 Construction of staircase carried by steel column
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 0% 0% 03-Feb-10 02-Mar-10 149 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 0%
and composite
0% panel)
08-Feb-10 22-Feb-10 71 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
Infrastructure Works 90 0% 17-Nov-09 16-Feb-10 257 16-Feb-10, Infrastructure Works
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 0% 0% 12-Dec-09 27-Jan-10 277 Sewerage and road gully work
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 0% 0% 17-Nov-09 02-Jan-10 277 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 45 0% 0% 03-Jan-10 16-Feb-10 257 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 21 0% 0% 03-Jan-10 23-Jan-10 281 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 0% 0% 17-Nov-09 02-Jan-10 257 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 2 - 10.12.2009. 08-Jan-11 14:46
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1870 Excavation works 35 0% 0% 01-Apr-10* 05-May-10 98 Excavation works
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-May-10 128 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 0% 0% 21-May-10 10-Jun-10 149 Environmental luminance works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 0% 0% 06-May-10 19-Jun-10 98 Retaining wall work
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 0% 0% 20-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 98 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-Jul-10 104 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 0% 0% 06-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 104 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 0% 0% 12-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 98 Sodding and planting works
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 0% 0% 08-Aug-10 06-Sep-10 62 Testing of mechanical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 0% 0% 10-Oct-10 16-Oct-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2010 Testing of electrical system 30 0% 0% 20-Sep-10 19-Oct-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 21 0% 0% 17-Oct-10 06-Nov-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 0% 0% 07-Nov-10 07-Nov-10 0 End of the project
A1000 Signing contract 1 100% 100% 09-Oct-09 A 09-Oct-09 A
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 100% 100% 26-Oct-09 A 26-Oct-09 A
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 17-Nov-09 A
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 08-Dec-09 A
A1020 Mobilization work 21 100% 75% 17-Nov-09 A 15-Dec-09 0 Mobilization work
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 100% 100% 09-Dec-09 A 09-Dec-09 A
ELECTRICAL WORKS 210 0% 22-Feb-10 20-Sep-10 48 20-Sep-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 203 0% 01-Mar-10 20-Sep-10 48 20-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 0% 0% 01-Mar-10 08-Mar-10 244 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 0% 0% 10-Mar-10 24-Apr-10 74 Installation of power current cable trays
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 0% 0% 10-Mar-10 24-Apr-10 64 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 29-May-10 74 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 29-May-10 74 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 29-May-10 74 Laying of weak current cables
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 29-May-10 74 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 0% 0% 24-Apr-10 08-Jun-10 64 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 0% 0% 10-May-10 23-Jun-10 71 Approval of Elevator Company
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 0% 0% 08-Jun-10 29-Jun-10 64 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 0% 0% 29-Jun-10 14-Aug-10 64 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 20-Aug-10 79 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1720 Outlet installation 15 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 20-Aug-10 79 Outlet installation
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 20-Aug-10 79 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 0% 0% 14-Aug-10 21-Aug-10 64 Installation of transformer
A1840 Installation of generators 60 0% 0% 24-Jun-10 23-Aug-10 76 Installation of generators
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 26-Aug-10 73 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 0% 0% 24-Jun-10 28-Aug-10 71 Installation of Elevators
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 0% 0% 21-Aug-10 05-Sep-10 64 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 0% 0% 10-Sep-10 20-Sep-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
Context of Construction works 19 0% 22-Feb-10 13-Mar-10 239 13-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 0% 0% 22-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 251 Installation of roof heater wire
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 64 Electrical conduit piping
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 0% 0% 01-Mar-10 13-Mar-10 239 Installation of lightning conductor
MECHANICAL WORKS 196 0% 08-Feb-10 23-Aug-10 76 23-Aug-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 165 0% 11-Mar-10 23-Aug-10 76 23-Aug-10, Context of Finishing works
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 09-May-10 62 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 0% 0% 05-Apr-10 03-Jun-10 62 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 0% 0% 05-May-10 19-Jul-10 90 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 0% 0% 09-Jun-10 24-Jul-10 62 Installation of ventilation duct
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 25-Jul-10 96 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 0% 0% 25-Jul-10 31-Jul-10 62 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 03-Aug-10 96 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 0% 0% 01-Aug-10 07-Aug-10 62 Installation of air conditioning plant
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 0% 0% 25-Jul-10 08-Aug-10 91 Installation of ventilation flap
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 0% 0% 20-Jul-10 09-Aug-10 90 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 0% 0% 20-Jul-10 09-Aug-10 90 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 0% 0% 24-Jul-10 13-Aug-10 86 Installation of radiator and convector
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 0% 0% 25-Jul-10 23-Aug-10 76 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
Context of Construction works 21 0% 08-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 251 01-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 2 - 10.12.2009. 08-Jan-11 14:46
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 0% 0% 08-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 251 Installation of flushing system
Basement Floor Finishing Works 145 0% 11-Mar-10 03-Aug-10 96 03-Aug-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 24-Mar-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1230 Plastering 10 0% 0% 25-Mar-10 03-Apr-10 217 Plastering
A1210 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 14-Apr-10 0 Block masonry works
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 15-Apr-10 29-Apr-10 37 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 0% 0% 30-Apr-10 03-Jun-10 37 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 0% 0% 17-Jun-10 23-Jun-10 136 Installation of door and joinery
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 0% 0% 20-May-10 23-Jun-10 37 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 0% 0% 24-Jun-10 03-Aug-10 37 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Ground Floor Finishing Works 137 0% 25-Mar-10 09-Aug-10 90 09-Aug-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 25-Mar-10 07-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1310 Plastering 10 0% 0% 08-Apr-10 17-Apr-10 203 Plastering
A1340 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 15-Apr-10 19-May-10 0 Block masonry works
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 20-May-10 03-Jun-10 31 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 0% 0% 04-Jun-10 09-Jul-10 121 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 19-Jul-10 111 Installation of door and joinery
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 0% 0% 04-Jun-10 19-Jul-10 31 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 0% 0% 24-Jun-10 19-Jul-10 31 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 0% 0% 20-Jul-10 09-Aug-10 31 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
First Floor Finishing Works 154 0% 08-Apr-10 09-Sep-10 59 09-Sep-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 08-Apr-10 21-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1410 Plastering 10 0% 0% 22-Apr-10 01-May-10 189 Plastering
A1440 Block masonry works 14 0% 0% 20-May-10 02-Jun-10 0 Block masonry works
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 03-Jun-10 17-Jun-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 13-Jul-10 117 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 23-Jul-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 22-Jul-10 05-Aug-10 94 Installation of door and joinery
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 0% 0% 09-Jul-10 05-Aug-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 09-Sep-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Other Finishing Works 248 0% 08-Feb-10 14-Oct-10 24 14-Oct-10, Other Finishing Works
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 0% 0% 08-Feb-10* 22-Feb-10 142 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 31-Mar-10 220 Insulation of terrace
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 0% 0% 10-Apr-10 24-Apr-10 161 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 0% 0% 25-Apr-10 29-May-10 161 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 17-Jun-10 142 Aluminum Cladding Wall
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 0% 0% 31-Mar-10 29-Aug-10 71 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 0% 0% 10-Sep-10 30-Sep-10 38 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 0% 0% 10-Sep-10 14-Oct-10 24 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 101 0% 10-Dec-09 A 22-Mar-10 229 22-Mar-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 84 0% 15-Dec-09 A 10-Mar-10 0 10-Mar-10, Pouring Concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 29 0% 0% 15-Dec-09 A 14-Jan-10 0 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works)
A1080 First Floor 37 0% 0% 13-Jan-10 19-Feb-10 0 First Floor
A1070 Ground Floor 56 0% 0% 28-Dec-09 23-Feb-10 0 Ground Floor
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 0% 0% 19-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 0 Cladding concrete
Steel Works 35 0% 04-Feb-10 11-Mar-10 241 11-Mar-10, Steel Works
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 0% 0% 04-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 71 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 0%
and composite
0% panel)
14-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 71 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 0% 0% 08-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 251 Construction of staircase carried by steel column
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 0% 0% 14-Feb-10 01-Mar-10 71 Installation of aluminum plates
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 0% 0% 09-Feb-10 09-Mar-10 149 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 0% 0% 04-Feb-10 11-Mar-10 71 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
Infrastructure Works 101 0% 10-Dec-09 22-Mar-10 229 22-Mar-10, Infrastructure Works
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 0% 0% 10-Dec-09 25-Jan-10 229 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 0% 0% 10-Dec-09 25-Jan-10 260 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 0% 0% 06-Jan-10 19-Feb-10 260 Sewerage and road gully work
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 28 0% 0% 26-Jan-10 22-Feb-10 229 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 28 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 22-Mar-10 229 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 3 - 08.01.2010 08-Jan-11 15:03
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1870 Excavation works 35 0% 0% 01-Apr-10* 05-May-10 108 Excavation works
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-May-10 138 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 0% 0% 21-May-10 10-Jun-10 159 Environmental luminance works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 0% 0% 06-May-10 19-Jun-10 108 Retaining wall work
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 0% 0% 20-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 108 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-Jul-10 114 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 0% 0% 06-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 114 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 0% 0% 12-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 108 Sodding and planting works
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 0% 0% 18-Aug-10 16-Sep-10 62 Testing of mechanical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 0% 0% 20-Oct-10 26-Oct-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2010 Testing of electrical system 30 0% 0% 30-Sep-10 29-Oct-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 21 0% 0% 27-Oct-10 16-Nov-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 0% 0% 17-Nov-10 17-Nov-10 0 End of the project
A1000 Signing contract 1 100% 100% 09-Oct-09 A 09-Oct-09 A
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 100% 100% 26-Oct-09 A 26-Oct-09 A
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 17-Nov-09 A
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 08-Dec-09 A
A1020 Mobilization work 21 100% 100% 17-Nov-09 A 07-Dec-09 A
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 100% 100% 09-Dec-09 A 09-Dec-09 A
ELECTRICAL WORKS 210 0% 04-Mar-10 30-Sep-10 48 30-Sep-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 203 0% 11-Mar-10 30-Sep-10 48 30-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 17-Mar-10 244 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 0% 0% 20-Mar-10 03-May-10 74 Installation of power current cable trays
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 0% 0% 20-Mar-10 03-May-10 64 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 0% 0% 04-May-10 07-Jun-10 74 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 0% 0% 04-May-10 07-Jun-10 74 Laying of weak current cables
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 0% 0% 04-May-10 07-Jun-10 74 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 0% 0% 04-May-10 07-Jun-10 74 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 0% 0% 04-May-10 17-Jun-10 64 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 0% 0% 20-May-10 03-Jul-10 71 Approval of Elevator Company
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 0% 0% 18-Jun-10 09-Jul-10 64 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 0% 0% 10-Jul-10 23-Aug-10 64 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 0% 0% 16-Aug-10 30-Aug-10 79 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1720 Outlet installation 15 0% 0% 16-Aug-10 30-Aug-10 79 Outlet installation
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 0% 0% 16-Aug-10 30-Aug-10 79 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 0% 0% 24-Aug-10 30-Aug-10 64 Installation of transformer
A1840 Installation of generators 60 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 02-Sep-10 76 Installation of generators
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 0% 0% 16-Aug-10 05-Sep-10 73 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 07-Sep-10 71 Installation of Elevators
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 0% 0% 31-Aug-10 14-Sep-10 64 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 0% 0% 20-Sep-10 30-Sep-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
Context of Construction works 19 0% 04-Mar-10 22-Mar-10 239 22-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 0% 0% 04-Mar-10 10-Mar-10 251 Installation of roof heater wire
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 0% 0% 05-Mar-10 19-Mar-10 64 Electrical conduit piping
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 0% 0% 11-Mar-10 22-Mar-10 239 Installation of lightning conductor
MECHANICAL WORKS 196 0% 18-Feb-10 02-Sep-10 76 02-Sep-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 165 0% 21-Mar-10 02-Sep-10 76 02-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 0% 0% 21-Mar-10 19-May-10 62 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 0% 0% 15-Apr-10 13-Jun-10 62 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 0% 0% 15-May-10 29-Jul-10 90 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 0% 0% 19-Jun-10 03-Aug-10 62 Installation of ventilation duct
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 0% 0% 15-Jul-10 04-Aug-10 96 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 10-Aug-10 62 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 0% 0% 15-Jul-10 13-Aug-10 96 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 0% 0% 11-Aug-10 17-Aug-10 62 Installation of air conditioning plant
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 18-Aug-10 91 Installation of ventilation flap
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 0% 0% 30-Jul-10 19-Aug-10 90 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 0% 0% 30-Jul-10 19-Aug-10 90 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 0% 0% 03-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 86 Installation of radiator and convector
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 02-Sep-10 76 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
Context of Construction works 21 0% 18-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 251 10-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 3 - 08.01.2010 08-Jan-11 15:03
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 0% 0% 18-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 251 Installation of flushing system
Basement Floor Finishing Works 145 0% 21-Mar-10 13-Aug-10 96 13-Aug-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 21-Mar-10 03-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1230 Plastering 10 0% 0% 04-Apr-10 13-Apr-10 217 Plastering
A1210 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 21-Mar-10 24-Apr-10 0 Block masonry works
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 25-Apr-10 09-May-10 37 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 0% 0% 10-May-10 13-Jun-10 37 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 0% 0% 27-Jun-10 03-Jul-10 136 Installation of door and joinery
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 0% 0% 30-May-10 03-Jul-10 37 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 13-Aug-10 37 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Ground Floor Finishing Works 137 0% 04-Apr-10 19-Aug-10 90 19-Aug-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 04-Apr-10 17-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1310 Plastering 10 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 27-Apr-10 203 Plastering
A1340 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 25-Apr-10 29-May-10 0 Block masonry works
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 30-May-10 13-Jun-10 31 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 0% 0% 14-Jun-10 19-Jul-10 121 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 15-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 111 Installation of door and joinery
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 0% 0% 14-Jun-10 29-Jul-10 31 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 0% 0% 04-Jul-10 29-Jul-10 31 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 0% 0% 30-Jul-10 19-Aug-10 31 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
First Floor Finishing Works 154 0% 18-Apr-10 19-Sep-10 59 19-Sep-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 01-May-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1410 Plastering 10 0% 0% 02-May-10 11-May-10 189 Plastering
A1440 Block masonry works 14 0% 0% 30-May-10 12-Jun-10 0 Block masonry works
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 13-Jun-10 27-Jun-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 0% 0% 28-Jun-10 23-Jul-10 117 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 0% 0% 28-Jun-10 02-Aug-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 01-Aug-10 15-Aug-10 94 Installation of door and joinery
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 0% 0% 19-Jul-10 15-Aug-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 0% 0% 16-Aug-10 19-Sep-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Other Finishing Works 258 0% 08-Feb-10 24-Oct-10 24 24-Oct-10, Other Finishing Works
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 0% 0% 08-Feb-10* 22-Feb-10 152 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 0% 0% 21-Mar-10 10-Apr-10 220 Insulation of terrace
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 0% 0% 20-Apr-10 04-May-10 161 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 0% 0% 05-May-10 08-Jun-10 161 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 0% 0% 23-Feb-10 17-Jun-10 152 Aluminum Cladding Wall
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 0% 0% 10-Apr-10 07-Sep-10 71 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 0% 0% 20-Sep-10 10-Oct-10 38 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 0% 0% 20-Sep-10 24-Oct-10 24 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 117 0% 10-Dec-09 A 07-Apr-10 223 07-Apr-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 94 0% 15-Dec-09 A 20-Mar-10 0 20-Mar-10, Pouring Concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 28 77.68% 35% 15-Dec-09 A 26-Jan-10 0 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works)
A1080 First Floor 37 0% 0% 13-Jan-10 A 28-Feb-10 0 First Floor
A1070 Ground Floor 56 0% 0% 08-Jan-10 04-Mar-10 0 Ground Floor
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 0% 0% 01-Mar-10 20-Mar-10 0 Cladding concrete
Steel Works 35 0% 14-Feb-10 20-Mar-10 241 20-Mar-10, Steel Works
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 0% 0% 18-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 251 Construction of staircase carried by steel column
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 0% 0% 24-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 71 Installation of aluminum plates
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 0% 0% 14-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 71 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 0%
and composite
0% panel)
24-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 71 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 0% 0% 19-Feb-10 18-Mar-10 149 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 0% 0% 14-Feb-10 20-Mar-10 71 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
Infrastructure Works 117 0% 10-Dec-09 A 07-Apr-10 223 07-Apr-10, Infrastructure Works
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 60% 25% 10-Dec-09 A 10-Feb-10 223 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 60% 25% 10-Dec-09 A 10-Feb-10 269 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 4.44% 2% 06-Jan-10 A 21-Feb-10 269 Sewerage and road gully work
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 28 0% 0% 10-Feb-10 10-Mar-10 223 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 28 0% 0% 10-Mar-10 07-Apr-10 223 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 4 - 16.02.2010 08-Jan-11 15:19
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1870 Excavation works 35 0% 0% 01-Apr-10* 05-May-10 112 Excavation works
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-May-10 142 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 0% 0% 21-May-10 10-Jun-10 163 Environmental luminance works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 0% 0% 06-May-10 19-Jun-10 112 Retaining wall work
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 0% 0% 20-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 112 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 0% 0% 06-May-10 20-Jul-10 118 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 0% 0% 06-Jul-10 26-Jul-10 118 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 0% 0% 12-Jul-10 01-Aug-10 112 Sodding and planting works
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 0% 0% 21-Aug-10 20-Sep-10 62 Testing of mechanical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 0% 0% 23-Oct-10 30-Oct-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2010 Testing of electrical system 30 0% 0% 03-Oct-10 02-Nov-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 21 0% 0% 30-Oct-10 20-Nov-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 0% 0% 20-Nov-10 21-Nov-10 0 End of the project
A1000 Signing contract 1 100% 100% 09-Oct-09 A 09-Oct-09 A
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 100% 100% 26-Oct-09 A 26-Oct-09 A
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 17-Nov-09 A
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 08-Dec-09 A
A1020 Mobilization work 21 100% 100% 17-Nov-09 A 07-Dec-09 A
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 100% 100% 09-Dec-09 A 09-Dec-09 A
ELECTRICAL WORKS 203 0% 15-Mar-10 04-Oct-10 48 04-Oct-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 196 0% 22-Mar-10 04-Oct-10 48 04-Oct-10, Context of Finishing works
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 0% 0% 22-Mar-10 28-Mar-10 237 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 0% 0% 31-Mar-10 14-May-10 67 Installation of power current cable trays
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 0% 0% 31-Mar-10 14-May-10 57 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 0% 0% 15-May-10 18-Jun-10 67 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 0% 0% 15-May-10 18-Jun-10 67 Laying of weak current cables
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 0% 0% 15-May-10 18-Jun-10 67 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 0% 0% 15-May-10 18-Jun-10 67 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 0% 0% 15-May-10 28-Jun-10 57 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 0% 0% 23-May-10 08-Jul-10 71 Approval of Elevator Company
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 0% 0% 29-Jun-10 20-Jul-10 57 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1720 Outlet installation 15 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 03-Sep-10 79 Outlet installation
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 03-Sep-10 79 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 03-Sep-10 79 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 0% 0% 21-Jul-10 03-Sep-10 57 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1840 Installation of generators 60 0% 0% 08-Jul-10 06-Sep-10 76 Installation of generators
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 09-Sep-10 73 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 0% 0% 04-Sep-10 10-Sep-10 57 Installation of transformer
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 0% 0% 08-Jul-10 11-Sep-10 71 Installation of Elevators
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 0% 0% 11-Sep-10 25-Sep-10 57 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 0% 0% 23-Sep-10 04-Oct-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
Context of Construction works 19 0% 15-Mar-10 02-Apr-10 232 02-Apr-10, Context of Construction works
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 0% 0% 15-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 244 Installation of roof heater wire
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 0% 0% 16-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 57 Electrical conduit piping
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 0% 0% 22-Mar-10 02-Apr-10 232 Installation of lightning conductor
MECHANICAL WORKS 189 0% 01-Mar-10 06-Sep-10 76 06-Sep-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 165 0% 24-Mar-10 06-Sep-10 76 06-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 0% 0% 24-Mar-10 23-May-10 62 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 0% 0% 18-Apr-10 17-Jun-10 62 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 0% 0% 18-May-10 02-Aug-10 90 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 0% 0% 22-Jun-10 07-Aug-10 62 Installation of ventilation duct
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 0% 0% 18-Jul-10 08-Aug-10 96 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 0% 0% 07-Aug-10 14-Aug-10 62 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 0% 0% 18-Jul-10 17-Aug-10 96 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 0% 0% 14-Aug-10 21-Aug-10 62 Installation of air conditioning plant
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 0% 0% 07-Aug-10 22-Aug-10 91 Installation of ventilation flap
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 0% 0% 02-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 90 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 0% 0% 02-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 90 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 0% 0% 06-Aug-10 27-Aug-10 86 Installation of radiator and convector
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 0% 0% 07-Aug-10 06-Sep-10 76 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
Context of Construction works 21 0% 01-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 244 21-Mar-10, Context of Construction works
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 4 - 16.02.2010 08-Jan-11 15:19
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 0% 0% 01-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 244 Installation of flushing system
Basement Floor Finishing Works 145 0% 24-Mar-10 17-Aug-10 96 17-Aug-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 24-Mar-10 07-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1230 Plastering 10 0% 0% 07-Apr-10 17-Apr-10 217 Plastering
A1210 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 24-Mar-10 28-Apr-10 0 Block masonry works
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 28-Apr-10 13-May-10 37 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 0% 0% 13-May-10 17-Jun-10 37 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 0% 0% 02-Jun-10 08-Jul-10 37 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 0% 0% 30-Jun-10 08-Jul-10 136 Installation of door and joinery
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 0% 0% 08-Jul-10 17-Aug-10 37 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Ground Floor Finishing Works 137 0% 07-Apr-10 23-Aug-10 90 23-Aug-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 07-Apr-10 21-Apr-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1310 Plastering 10 0% 0% 21-Apr-10 01-May-10 203 Plastering
A1340 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 28-Apr-10 02-Jun-10 0 Block masonry works
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 02-Jun-10 17-Jun-10 31 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 0% 0% 17-Jun-10 23-Jul-10 121 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 0% 0% 17-Jun-10 02-Aug-10 31 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 0% 0% 08-Jul-10 02-Aug-10 31 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 18-Jul-10 02-Aug-10 111 Installation of door and joinery
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 0% 0% 02-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 31 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
First Floor Finishing Works 154 0% 21-Apr-10 23-Sep-10 59 23-Sep-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 0% 0% 21-Apr-10 05-May-10 189 Brick masonry works
A1410 Plastering 10 0% 0% 05-May-10 15-May-10 189 Plastering
A1440 Block masonry works 14 0% 0% 02-Jun-10 16-Jun-10 0 Block masonry works
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 16-Jun-10 01-Jul-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 0% 0% 01-Jul-10 27-Jul-10 117 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 0% 0% 01-Jul-10 06-Aug-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 0% 0% 22-Jul-10 19-Aug-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 19-Aug-10 94 Installation of door and joinery
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 23-Sep-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
Other Finishing Works 254 0% 16-Feb-10 28-Oct-10 24 28-Oct-10, Other Finishing Works
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 0% 0% 16-Feb-10* 02-Mar-10 148 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 0% 0% 24-Mar-10 14-Apr-10 220 Insulation of terrace
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 0% 0% 23-Apr-10 08-May-10 161 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 0% 0% 08-May-10 12-Jun-10 161 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 0% 0% 03-Mar-10 25-Jun-10 148 Aluminum Cladding Wall
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 0% 0% 21-Apr-10 18-Sep-10 64 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 0% 0% 23-Sep-10 14-Oct-10 38 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 0% 0% 23-Sep-10 28-Oct-10 24 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 139 0% 10-Dec-09 A 29-Apr-10 205 29-Apr-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 97 0% 15-Dec-09 A 24-Mar-10 0 24-Mar-10, Pouring Concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 28 100% 85% 15-Dec-09 A 20-Feb-10 0 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works)
A1080 First Floor 37 91.22% 55% 13-Jan-10 A 04-Mar-10 0 First Floor
A1070 Ground Floor 56 69.64% 50% 08-Jan-10 A 15-Mar-10 0 Ground Floor
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 0% 0% 04-Mar-10 A 24-Mar-10 0 Cladding concrete
Steel Works 35 0% 25-Feb-10 31-Mar-10 234 31-Mar-10, Steel Works
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 0% 0% 01-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 244 Construction of staircase carried by steel column
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 0% 0% 07-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 64 Installation of aluminum plates
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 0% 0% 25-Feb-10 21-Mar-10 64 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 0%
and composite
0% panel)
07-Mar-10 21-Mar-10 64 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 0% 0% 02-Mar-10 29-Mar-10 142 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 0% 0% 25-Feb-10 31-Mar-10 64 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
Infrastructure Works 139 0% 10-Dec-09 A 29-Apr-10 205 29-Apr-10, Infrastructure Works
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 100% 50% 10-Dec-09 A 10-Mar-10 255 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 91.11% 50% 06-Jan-10 A 10-Mar-10 255 Sewerage and road gully work
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 0% 0% 16-Feb-10 01-Apr-10 205 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 28 0% 0% 02-Apr-10 29-Apr-10 205 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 28 0% 0% 02-Apr-10 29-Apr-10 205 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 5 - 01.05.2010. 08-Jan-11 16:23
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1870 Excavation works 35 85.71% 15% 01-Apr-10 A 30-May-10 108 Excavation works
A1930 Retaining wall work 45 0% 0% 30-May-10 15-Jul-10 108 Retaining wall work
A1970 Installation of garden irrigation system 21 0% 0% 15-Jul-10 05-Aug-10 108 Installation of garden irrigation system
A1980 Sodding and planting works 21 0% 0% 05-Aug-10 26-Aug-10 108 Sodding and planting works
A1940 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement 75 0% 0% 30-May-10 14-Aug-10 114 Asphalt and granite stone block pavement
A1950 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena 21 0% 0% 30-Jul-10 20-Aug-10 114 Flooring and fittings installation in sports arena
A1960 Infill work and kerbstone paving 15 0% 0% 30-May-10 14-Jun-10 138 Infill work and kerbstone paving
A1990 Environmental luminance works 21 0% 0% 14-Jun-10 06-Jul-10 159 Environmental luminance works
A2010 Testing of electrical system 31 0% 0% 23-Oct-10 23-Nov-10 0 Testing of electrical system
A2020 Provisional Acceptance 7 0% 0% 12-Nov-10 19-Nov-10 0 Provisional Acceptance
A2030 Finishing of incomplete works 22 0% 0% 19-Nov-10 11-Dec-10 0 Finishing of incomplete works
A2040 End of the project 1 0% 0% 11-Dec-10 12-Dec-10 0 End of the project
A2000 Testing of mechanical system 30 0% 0% 07-Sep-10 07-Oct-10 66 Testing of mechanical system
A1000 Signing contract 1 100% 100% 09-Oct-09 A 09-Oct-09 A
A1010 Handing over of construction site 1 100% 100% 26-Oct-09 A 26-Oct-09 A
A1020 Mobilization work 21 100% 100% 17-Nov-09 A 07-Dec-09 A
A1030 Approval of key staff 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 17-Nov-09 A
A1040 Getting work permits (municipality) 21 100% 100% 27-Oct-09 A 08-Dec-09 A
A1050 Getting consultant permits to work in construction site 1 100% 100% 09-Dec-09 A 09-Dec-09 A
ELECTRICAL WORKS 233 0% 16-Mar-10 A 04-Nov-10 38 04-Nov-10, ELECTRICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 218 0% 31-Mar-10 A 04-Nov-10 38 04-Nov-10, Context of Finishing works
A1700 Installation of lighting armatures and switches 11 0% 0% 13-Oct-10 24-Oct-10 0 Installation of lighting armatures and switches
A1850 Approval of Elevator Company 45 0% 0% 18-Jul-10 31-Aug-10 38 Approval of Elevator Company
A1860 Installation of Elevators 65 0% 0% 01-Sep-10 04-Nov-10 38 Installation of Elevators
A1680 Installation of weak current cable trays 45 68.89% 55% 31-Mar-10 A 21-May-10 71 Installation of weak current cable trays
A1770 Laying of fire detection system cables 45 0% 0% 21-May-10 06-Jul-10 71 Laying of fire detection system cables
A1800 Installation of trunk line and supply cables 21 0% 0% 06-Jul-10 27-Jul-10 71 Installation of trunk line and supply cables
A1810 Installation of A.G wire and screens 45 0% 0% 27-Jul-10 10-Sep-10 71 Installation of A.G wire and screens
A1820 Installation of transformer 7 0% 0% 10-Sep-10 17-Sep-10 71 Installation of transformer
A1830 Installation of O.G store equipment 15 0% 0% 17-Sep-10 02-Oct-10 71 Installation of O.G store equipment
A1780 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system 21 0% 0% 08-Sep-10 29-Sep-10 74 Installation of fire warning, fire alarm and detection system
A1840 Installation of generators 60 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 29-Sep-10 74 Installation of generators
A1720 Outlet installation 15 0% 0% 08-Sep-10 23-Sep-10 80 Outlet installation
A1740 Installation of wall speakers and camera 15 0% 0% 08-Sep-10 23-Sep-10 80 Installation of wall speakers and camera
A1760 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets 15 0% 0% 08-Sep-10 23-Sep-10 80 Installation of TV, Telephone, and Data outlets
A1670 Installation of power current cable trays 45 68.89% 55% 31-Mar-10 A 21-May-10 81 Installation of power current cable trays
A1690 Laying indoor lighting cable 35 0% 0% 21-May-10 25-Jun-10 81 Laying indoor lighting cable
A1710 Laying of outlets and power cables 35 0% 0% 21-May-10 25-Jun-10 81 Laying of outlets and power cables
A1730 Laying of weak current cables 35 0% 0% 21-May-10 25-Jun-10 81 Laying of weak current cables
A1750 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables 35 0% 0% 21-May-10 25-Jun-10 81 Laying of TV, Telephone, Data cables
A1790 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections 7 0% 0% 26-May-10 01-Jun-10 193 Grounding and installation of lightning conductor and grounding connections
Context of Construction works 83 0% 16-Mar-10 A 06-Jun-10 188 06-Jun-10, Context of Construction works
A1190 Installation of lightning conductor 12 0% 0% 26-May-10 06-Jun-10 188 Installation of lightning conductor
A1180 Installation of roof heater wire 7 0% 0% 19-May-10 25-May-10 200 Installation of roof heater wire
A1170 Electrical conduit piping 15 100% 100% 16-Mar-10 A 30-Mar-10 A
MECHANICAL WORKS 206 0% 01-Mar-10 A 23-Sep-10 80 23-Sep-10, MECHANICAL WORKS
Context of Finishing works 182 0% 24-Mar-10 A 23-Sep-10 80 23-Sep-10, Context of Finishing works
A1540 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing 60 62.25% 50% 24-Mar-10 A 16-Jun-10 66 Installation of waste and clean water plumbing
A1550 Installation of fire system plumbing 60 20.58% 15% 18-Apr-10 A 08-Jul-10 66 Installation of fire system plumbing
A1600 Installation of ventilation duct 45 0% 0% 10-Jul-10 24-Aug-10 66 Installation of ventilation duct
A1610 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator) 7 0% 0% 24-Aug-10 31-Aug-10 66 Installation of exhaust fan (aspirator)
A1620 Installation of air conditioning plant 7 0% 0% 31-Aug-10 07-Sep-10 66 Installation of air conditioning plant
A1660 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings 30 0% 0% 24-Aug-10 23-Sep-10 80 Installation of kitchen equipment and fittings
A1590 Installation of radiator and convector 21 0% 0% 26-Aug-10 16-Sep-10 87 Installation of radiator and convector
A1560 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments 75 0% 0% 04-Jun-10 19-Aug-10 94 Plumbing of heating and cooling equipments
A1570 Installation of chiller unit and equipment 21 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 09-Sep-10 94 Installation of chiller unit and equipment
A1580 Installation of heating boilers and equipments 21 0% 0% 19-Aug-10 09-Sep-10 94 Installation of heating boilers and equipments
A1630 Installation of ventilation flap 15 0% 0% 24-Aug-10 08-Sep-10 95 Installation of ventilation flap
A1640 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 21 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 25-Aug-10 100 Installation of outdoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
A1650 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment 30 0% 0% 04-Aug-10 03-Sep-10 100 Installation of indoor swimming pool plumbing and equipment
Context of Construction works 21 0% 01-Mar-10 A 21-Mar-10 A 21-Mar-10 A, Context of Construction works
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 1 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities
COVERED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Revised Schedule 5 - 01.05.2010. 08-Jan-11 16:23
Activity ID Activity Name Original Schedule Activity Start Finish Total
Duration % % Float 2009 2010 2011 2012
Complete Complete Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
A1160 Installation of flushing system 21 100% 100% 01-Mar-10 A 21-Mar-10 A
Basement Floor Finishing Works 168 0% 24-Mar-10 A 09-Sep-10 94 09-Sep-10, Basement Floor Finishing Works
A1210 Block masonry works 35 100% 90% 24-Mar-10 A 21-May-10 0 Block masonry works
A1220 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 21-May-10 05-Jun-10 34 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1240 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.) 35 0% 0% 05-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 34 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, travertine, etc.)
A1250 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 35 0% 0% 25-Jun-10 31-Jul-10 34 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1270 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 40 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 09-Sep-10 34 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1260 Installation of door and joinery 7 0% 0% 24-Jul-10 31-Jul-10 134 Installation of door and joinery
A1200 Brick masonry works 14 100% 90% 24-Mar-10 A 19-May-10 190 Brick masonry works
A1230 Plastering 10 100% 50% 07-Apr-10 A 24-May-10 201 Plastering
Ground Floor Finishing Works 160 0% 07-Apr-10 A 15-Sep-10 88 15-Sep-10, Ground Floor Finishing Works
A1340 Block masonry works 35 0% 0% 21-May-10 25-Jun-10 0 Block masonry works
A1290 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 25-Jun-10 11-Jul-10 28 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1350 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 45 0% 0% 11-Jul-10 25-Aug-10 28 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1280 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 25 0% 0% 31-Jul-10 25-Aug-10 28 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1320 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 21 0% 0% 25-Aug-10 15-Sep-10 28 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1300 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 10-Aug-10 25-Aug-10 109 Installation of door and joinery
A1360 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)35 0% 0% 11-Jul-10 15-Aug-10 119 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1330 Brick masonry works 14 100% 90% 07-Apr-10 A 20-May-10 190 Brick masonry works
A1310 Plastering 10 93.5% 65% 21-Apr-10 A 24-May-10 201 Plastering
First Floor Finishing Works 184 0% 12-Apr-10 A 13-Oct-10 60 13-Oct-10, First Floor Finishing Works
A1440 Block masonry works 14 100% 20% 12-Apr-10 A 07-Jul-10 0 Block masonry works
A1380 Screed with mesh reinforcement 15 0% 0% 07-Jul-10 22-Jul-10 0 Screed with mesh reinforcement
A1450 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.) 35 0% 0% 22-Jul-10 26-Aug-10 0 Flooring (Ceramic coating, parquet, etc.)
A1370 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.) 28 0% 0% 11-Aug-10 08-Sep-10 0 Wall cladding (Ceramic coating, epoxy resin coating, etc.)
A1420 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works 35 0% 0% 08-Sep-10 13-Oct-10 0 Ceiling and suspended ceiling works
A1390 Installation of door and joinery 15 0% 0% 24-Aug-10 08-Sep-10 95 Installation of door and joinery
A1400 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)25 0% 0% 22-Jul-10 16-Aug-10 118 Constructive partition walls (Wooden, plasterboard, compact laminate, glass etc.)
A1430 Brick masonry works 14 66.79% 55% 21-Apr-10 A 27-May-10 190 Brick masonry works
A1410 Plastering 10 100% 15% 18-Apr-10 A 04-Jun-10 190 Plastering
Other Finishing Works 242 0% 24-Mar-10 A 22-Nov-10 20 22-Nov-10, Other Finishing Works
A1510 IPE wooden cladding of terrace 150 0% 0% 25-Jun-10 22-Nov-10 20 IPE wooden cladding of terrace
A1480 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor 35 0% 0% 13-Oct-10 17-Nov-10 25 IPE wooden cladding of ground floor
A1470 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool 21 0% 0% 13-Oct-10 03-Nov-10 39 Insulation and cladding of indoor swimming pool
A1520 Aluminum Cladding Wall 115 0% 0% 16-May-10 08-Sep-10 95 Aluminum Cladding Wall
A1530 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor 15 0% 0% 01-May-10* 15-May-10 95 Approval of Aluminum Cladding Wall Subcontractor
A1460 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool 35 0% 0% 26-Jun-10 01-Aug-10 133 Insulation and cladding of outdoor swimming pool
A1490 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool 15 49% 35% 23-Apr-10 A 26-Jun-10 133 Infill work around the outdoor swimming pool
A1500 Insulation of terrace 21 100% 100% 24-Mar-10 A 14-Apr-10 A
CONSTRUCTION WORKS 173 0% 10-Dec-09 A 02-Jun-10 192 02-Jun-10, CONSTRUCTION WORKS
Pouring Concrete 97 0% 15-Dec-09 A 17-May-10 0 17-May-10, Pouring Concrete
A1150 Cladding concrete 20 100% 15% 04-Mar-10 A 17-May-10 0 Cladding concrete
A1060 Basement Floor (Insulation, lean concrete and reinforced concrete works) 28 100% 100% 15-Dec-09 A 23-Feb-10 A
A1070 Ground Floor 56 100% 100% 08-Jan-10 A 23-Mar-10 A
A1080 First Floor 37 100% 100% 13-Jan-10 A 20-Apr-10 A
Steel Works 98 0% 25-Feb-10 A 02-Jun-10 192 02-Jun-10, Steel Works
A1100 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof 35 100% 50% 25-Feb-10 A 18-May-10 20 Installation of U and L steel sections in the roof
A1120 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.) 25 0% 0% 01-May-10 25-May-10 20 Roof cladding (Trapeze, rock wool, EPDM, etc.)
A1130 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing
15 0%
and composite
0% panel)
11-May-10 25-May-10 20 Cladding of eaves ends in the steel roof (Galvanised sheet, Rock wool, EPDM, waterproofing and composite panel)
A1140 Installation of aluminum plates 15 0% 0% 11-May-10 25-May-10 20 Installation of aluminum plates
A1110 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections 28 0% 0% 06-May-10 02-Jun-10 97 Construction of eaves ends and steel sections
A1090 Construction of staircase carried by steel column 21 100% 100% 01-Mar-10 A 20-Apr-10 A
Infrastructure Works 139 0% 10-Dec-09 A 13-May-10 212 13-May-10, Infrastructure Works
A1900 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling 45 100% 85% 16-Feb-10 A 07-May-10 212 Finishing of incomplete reinforced concrete works of existing tunneling
A1910 Fire-protection water system and water supply system 28 100% 80% 02-Apr-10 A 13-May-10 212 Fire-protection water system and water supply system
A1920 Laying electrical cables and cable trays 28 100% 80% 02-Apr-10 A 13-May-10 212 Laying electrical cables and cable trays
A1880 Sewerage and rain water saver systems 45 100% 90% 10-Dec-09 A 05-May-10 220 Sewerage and rain water saver systems
A1890 Sewerage and road gully work 45 100% 90% 06-Jan-10 A 05-May-10 220 Sewerage and road gully work
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 TASK filter: All Activities