Broken Famil1
Broken Famil1
Broken Famil1
Broken Family
Members of broken family are inspired to make a better family because of their past
experiences such us having a separated parents and having a rebel sibling/s.
In today's society, broken family is a major problem that should be given enough
attention. The behavior of family set up affects the social economics and political aspects of
country. It should always be remembered to keep the family away from the thoughts of
separation. One in Three children life with a single parent rather with step mom or dad,
researchers found that there are 3.8 million children, the great majority of them in a single parent
families. 30 per cent of the countrys children and their numbers up by nearly a fifth over the past
decade, according to a study by the Office of National Statistics published last June 2010.
According also to ONS analysis of data from its monthly Labour Force Survey of 60,000
households, 3.8million children live with only one of their biological parents because they a lone
mother or their father or mother has left home. And there are 2.7million who live with a single
mother and 200,000 with a lone father. There are causes why there are broken families. Some of
these are because of the wrong choice in marriage. Disagreement is the only language they
understand. In this kind of situation, hatred unfaithfulness, fighting, anger, suspicioned cheating
becomes the order of the day and break up is the end result.
Family is immeasurably important. It is not just that families are important to our
personal life. Family is where people learn to be good citizens, to take responsibility, to live in
harmony with others. Families are building blocks of a strong, cohesive society. When parents
have bad relationship, their child is more likely to live in poverty, fail to school, end up in prison,
be unemployed later in life. Broken family can be describing as a broken home; this is where a
child does not have both parents at home. The husband and wife are legally or illegally separated.
Sometimes, death of one member of the family can lead to broken family, or else, family is
incomplete. However, no matter how ideal a family in the term of their relationship, there are still
hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. All of us, our family is not
perfect. Misunderstanding starts from a single domestic quarrel that grows impertinently
damaging the long-forged relationship between the family members. The most common dispute
between a husband and wife is the financial issue.
Most of the teenagers who belongs to a broken family did not graduate. They even suffer
emotional stress and depression which usually leads to suicide. But there are members of a
broken family who were successful because their past experiences inspired then to make a better
family someday unlike the family they had before.