Sine Gordon
Sine Gordon
Sine Gordon
Sine-Gordon Equation
utt uxx + u = 0 ,
Let us look for travelling wave solutions of the sine-Gordon equation (5.1) of the
u( ) := u(x ct) ,
(1 c2) u = sin u .
1 2
u (1 c2) = cosu + c1 , (5.2)
where c1 is an arbitrary constant of integration. Notice that we look for solutions for
which u 0 and u 0 when , so c1 = 1. Now we can rewrite the last
equation as
du 2
u = d. (5.3)
sin 2 1 c2
Integrating Eq. (5.3) yields
2 u
( 0 ) = 2 ln tan ,
1 c2 4
u( ) = 4 arctan exp .
1 c2
That is, the solution of Eq. (5.1) becomes
x x0 ct
u(x, t) = 4 arctan exp . (5.4)
1 c2
Equation (5.4) represents a localized solitary wave, travelling at any velocity |c| < 1.
The signs correspond to localized solutions which are called kink and antikink,
respectively. For the mechanical transmission line, when c increases from to +
the pendlums rotate from 0 to 2 for the kink and from 0 to 2 for the antikink.
(see Fig. 5.1)
One can show [14, 21], that Eq. (5.1) admits more solutions of the form
u(x, t) = 4 arctan .
Fig. 5.2 The kink-kink col- u
lision, calculated at three
different times: At t = 7 4
where F and G are arbitrary functions. Namely, one distinguishes the kink-kink and
the kink-antikink collisions as well as the breather solution. The kink-kink collision
solution reads
c sinh x
u(x,t) = 4 arctan (5.5)
cosh ct
and describes the collision between two kinks with respective velocities c and c
and approaching the origin from t and moving away from it with velocities
c for t (see Fig. 5.2). In a similar way, one can construct solution, corre-
sponding to the kink-antikink collision. The solution has the form:
sinh ct
1c 2
u(x,t) = 4 arctan (5.6)
c cosh x
The breather soliton solution, which is also called a breather mode or breather
soliton [21], is given by
1 2 sin( t)
uB (x,t) = 4 arctan (5.7)
cosh( 1 2 x)
which is periodic for frequencies < 1 and decays exponentially when moving
away from x = 0. Now we are in the good position to look for numerical solutions
Fig. 5.3 The breather so-
lution, oscillating with the x
of Eq. (5.1).
5.2 Numerical treatment
A numerical scheme
= 0.
x x=a, b
Let us try to apply a simple explicit scheme (4.9) to Eq. (5.1). The discretization
scheme reads
u1i u1
ut (xi , 0) = g(xi ) = i
+ O(t 2) .
Hence, one can rewrite the last expression as
u1 1 2
i = ui 2tg(xi ) + O(t ) ,
1 t 2
u1i = t g(xi )+ (1 2) f (xi )+ 2 ( f (xi1 )+ f (xi+1 )) sin( f (xi )) . (5.10)
2 2
In addition, no-flux boundary conditions lead to the following expressions for two
j j
virtual space points u1 and uM+1 :
u u1j u1
j j
= 0 = 0 u1 = u1 ,
x x=a 2x
j j
u uM uM+1
j j
= 0 = 0 uM+1 = uM .
x x=b 2x
One can try to rewrite the differential scheme to more general matrix form. In matrix
notation the second time-row is given by
t 2
u1 = t 1 + Au0 1 , (5.11)
1 = g(a), g(x1 ), g(x2 ), . . . , g(xM1 ), g(b) and
1 = sin(u00 ), sin(u01 ), . . . , sin(u0M1 ), sin(u0M )
0 ... 2 1 2
The boxed elements indicate the influence of boundary conditions. Other time rows
can also be written in the matrix form as
u j+1 = u j1 + B u j t 2 , j = 1, . . . , T 1 (5.12)
j T
= sin(u0j ), sin(u1j ), . . . , sin(uM1
), sin(uM )
is a M + 1-dimensional vector and B is a square matrix, defined by an equation
B = 2A.
Now we can apply the explicit scheme (5.9) described above to Eq. (5.1). Let us
solve it on the interval [L, L] with no-flux boundary conditions using the following
parameters set:
Space interval L=20
Space discretization step x = 0.1
Time discretization step t = 0.05
Amount of time steps T = 1800
Velocity of the kink c = 0.2
We start with the numerical representation of kink and antikink solutions. The initial
condition for the kink is
f (x) = 4 arctan exp ,
1 c2
c x
g(x) = 2 sech .
1 c2 1 c2
Figure 5.4 (a) shows the space-time plot of the numerical kink solution. For the
antikink the initial condition reads
f (x) = 4 arctan exp ,
1 c2
c x
g(x) = 2 sech .
1 c2 1 c2
Numerical solutions is shown on Fig. 5.4 (b).
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.4 Numerical solution of Eq. (5.1), calculated with the scheme (5.9) for the case of (a) the
kink and (b) antikink solitons, moving with the velocity c = 0.2. Space-time information is shown.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.5 Space-time representation of the numerical solution of Eq. (5.1) for (a) kink-kink collision
and (b) kink-antikink collision.
f (x) = 0 ,
p p
g(x) = 4 1 c2 sech x 1 c2 .