Nadi Jyotisha Book Vol 1 PDF
Nadi Jyotisha Book Vol 1 PDF
Nadi Jyotisha Book Vol 1 PDF
Nadi Jyotisha
Vol - 1
Astrological Researches Group
Jitender Kumar
Respected my AstroFriends !
EBook Edition: 2017 July. For the benefit of all the Astrology friends who are
interested in learning this wonderful ancient knowledge I have not fixed any
price to this Ebook!
But for learning a system, a Guru Dakshina is required! Hence you can pay ANY
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Nadi Jyotisha
If you have genuine technical query, I will try my best to reply, but I cannot
make any promise in this regard. Also, personal queries will not be
Jitender Kumar
6. Chapter: 4 ~ Retrogression () 21
2. For Meena Nadi, follow the Navamsa method and other rules strictly as
per Book. Later on, advanced students can do experiments with other
3. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi& concerned Texts (as made available by Late Shri R G
Rao) are sufficient for beginners. In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, each Planets
Karktavas (Significations) are given utmost importance. Also, Progression
& some additional featureswhich are the basic Rulesthat I have already
shared and discussed (PDF Files, Audio & Video Lectures) in my discussion
with learners.
5. Next, Nadi Jyotisha basically uses the natal position of each planet/sign
wise along their exact degrees.
At advance level and also to cast horoscope ascendant is the Key and
necessity to understand Nadi Jyotisha.
Follow the basic Lagna chart calculation as per Parashari System and Note
down each Planets:
Now, arrange all Planets in their respective Directions as per Sign Occupied
by them in Natal Chart.Now Proceed with Progression for analysis of
Chart.In upcoming Chapters, above said points will be discussed in detailed,
with supportive examples and charts.
Vol - 1
Nadi Astrology
For example: In case of Twin Birth, both natives have almost similar
Horoscopes, but if we consider Karkatvas, then it becomes very easy to
analyse horoscopes for both Natives. In case of twin male natives, Jupiter
remains Jeeva Karka, but to further differentiate among Elder and Younger
nativity, we consider:
Elder as: Jupiter (Jeeva i.e. Life) + Saturn (Karka of Elder Brother).
Younger as: Jupiter (Jeeva i.e. Life) + Mars (Karka of Younger
5. Jupiter Jeeva Karka for Male Nativity (i.e. Self), Guru, Guide,
Eminent Person (), 2nd Husband,
1. Venus, Moon*, Mercury*, Saturn* & Rahu* are considered for Female
Nativities...but each one governs different type of Female Nativity....
depending upon (R~BAY Rule**) with Native. Note: Venus is
unconditional Female Planet.
2. Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Ketu*, Saturn* & Mercury* are considered for Male
Nativity but each one different type of male nativity.... depending
upon (R~BAY Rule**) with native.
5. Saturn & Mercury are known as Eunuch but, in real, they are not
Eunuch. Look at boths age and medical conditions. Further, under
which age cycle both are running, also need attention. Ketu is also
known as Eunuch but that also conditional.
6. Rahu & Ketu also behave according to their Condition in Natal Chart.
Both have dual nature and further react to the surrounding situation
and modify their behaviour according to adjacent Planet as per BPHS
7. Ketu has special influence on nativity & will discuss in detail in next
Sample Chart: 1
Sample Chart: 2
Gender of 12 Signs:
Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn ~ these four Planets are considered as Male for
above said Gender based divisions of Signs. Venus, Moon, & Mercury ~
these are considered as Female Planets.
Further, except unconditional Male & Female Planets (i.e. Male: Sun, Mars &
Jupiter and Female: Venus)... other Planets: Saturn, Mercury, Moon, Rahu &
Ketu, in alone, also adopts the masculine/feminine quality of the Sign
occupied by them in natal Chart but this feature does not remain permanent
and further get modified as per Cyclic Progression.
Leo (Sun ~ Male) ~ Aquarius (Saturn ~ Male). So, how Birth can have? Who
will be Female among Sun & Saturn? Here, Aquarius Sign symbolise an
empty Pot! Inside Pot, there is Darkness or Shadow (or i.e. 2nd wife of
Sun). Saturn was born from Sun & Chhaya.
Further, these Five Female Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo & Libra are
termed as PanchaKanya.
1 Aspect ~
2 Conjunction ~
3 Mutual Placement ~
The 12 Signs are connected in a closed Chain Cycle like as shown on below
picture. Further, these 12 Signs are also categorized on Direction basis.Its
the Mutual Placement of Signs along with Direction of Signs & Direction
Motion of Planets which need to be checked to analyse the Influence of
Planets on each other.
1. Adjacent Houses/Signs
2. Planet/s in 7th House/Sign
3. Sign-Exchange
4. Trine House
5. The 6th-8th Placement (i.e. ).*
* The 6th-8 th Placement (i.e. ) is not a direct feature
of Nadi Astrology. But, it holds importance.
All the Planets are arranged according to Directions as per above said 2 nd
Chart to analyse a Horoscope with Nadi Rules. Its helpful to easily judge
the mutual impact of Planets.
Chapter: 4 ~ Retrogression ()
In FalitJyotish, some topics are much debatable, out of such topics ~
Retrogression () is one such. Astronomically, all Planets move in a
fixed Direction on their fixed path around the Sun. But, when we see from
Earth, visualization shows some different views also. Same way,
Retrogression of Planets (as seen from Earth) is not an actual occurrence,
but only an apparent phenomenon (/ ), where the
Retrograde Planet/s appear to be Moving Backward.
As per BPHS:
~ . , . , . , . , . , . , .
. ~
~ -
- .
~ .
~ ( )
What is Sign-Exchange?
When we look on Sign-Exchange, merely there seem two Planets are going to
their own Signs. Further, we know, in Nadi Astrology, instead of houses, each
planets karkatvas have been given utmost importance. So, a special attention
should be given to Karkatavas to the Planets involved in Sign-Exchange. Sign
Exchange indicates some very Strong connectivity between both Planets
Karkatvas by means of Karmic Bondage
Sample chart: 1
Example Chart: 3
Points to note: Mars joins Jupiter, a benefic, in its own Sign~ Aries. So,
Mars gains and become more Powerful in own Sign under Jupiters
benefic influence. Now, Sun joins Rahu in Leo Sign but here Sun loses
his Exaltation Status and also comes under Rahus influence.
What is Progression?
*This rule can also be applied to all Planets. This will be discussed in
Advance Classes.
I will start with Progression of Jeeva Karka (i.e. Life governing) Planets,
because without Life/Longevity, every other Calculation would be
Inattentive ( ). As per Nadi Astrology, Jupiter
is Karka of Male Nativity and Venus is Karka of Female Nativity.
Note: Venus is Karka of Female Nativity and its Progression per Cycle is also
of 12 Years duration.
2. At Micro Level:
See below Chart ~ 2 for Micro Level Progression for 1st Cycle of Jupiter.
Sample Chart: 1
Rahu governs all kind of Material deeds, interest & growth in them and
Ending of Material world Life.
2. Micro Level
Rahus Progression per Sign (or 30 Degs.) for 18 Years duration per Cycle
of Progression start from Age Group:
The 1st Cycle: This cycle governs age period from 1st Day to age of
18th Years.
The 2nd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 19th Year to
36th Year.
The 3rd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 37th to 54th
Year & so on.
Further, Macro Progression of 1st Cycle (First 18 Years age span) will
continue up to next 30 Degs (in back Sign as Rahu always Transit Retro).
In 2nd Cycle i.e. age span (19th year to 36th year)..... Macro Progression
will get shifted into next Sign (or next 30 Degs) & so on.
1. Within Same Sign: Within same Sign (or 30 Deg) of Each Cycle for 18
Years duration. Rahu is Progressed 1 Deg 40 Min per Year for total
duration of 18 Years i.e. 1 Deg 40 Min * 18 = 30 Degs. Here,
Progression impact on Natal Planet/s present within Sign (30 Degs)
should be judged carefully.
2. For other Signs/Houses: Rahu is Progressed for 1 & years
duration in each Signs/Houses (i.e. 12 Signs/Houses) with respect to
its Current Cycle position i.e. 1 & Years per Sign * 12 Signs = 18
Years. This method should be used only after a good practice else
avoid this.
2. Micro Level
Ketus Progression per Sign (or 30 Degs.) for 18 Years duration per Cycle of
Progression start from Age Group:
The 1st Cycle: This cycle governs age period from 1st Day to age of
18th Years.
The 2nd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 19th Year to
36th Year.
The 3rd Cycle: This cycle will govern age period from 37th to 54th
Year & so on.
Further, Macro Progression of 1st Cycle (First 18 Years age span) will
continue up to next 30 Degs (in back Sign as Rahu always Transit Retro).
In 2nd Cycle i.e. age span (19th year to 36th year)..... Macro Progression
will get shifted into next Sign (or next 30 Degs) & so on.
3. Within Same Sign: Within same Sign (or 30 Deg) of Each Cycle for 18
Years duration. Ketu is Progressed 1 Deg 40 Min per Year for total
duration of 18 Years i.e. 1 Deg 40 Min * 18 = 30 Degs. Here,
Progression impact on Natal Planet/s present within Sign (30 Degs)
should be judged carefully.
4. For other Signs/Houses: Ketu is Progressed for 1 & years duration
in each Signs/Houses (i.e. 12 Signs/Houses) with respect to its
Current Cycle position i.e. 1 & Years per Sign * 12 Signs = 18 Years.
This method should be used only after a good practice else avoid this.
Sample Chart: 1
Astrological Researches
Sexual debility
Knee replacement
Job or Business
Age to start earning
Gauging financial position of Native
BhagyaUday at native or somewere else?
Is there promise of wealth
For what combination Astrology predicts that the persons luck
will open up after Marriage?
Which transitions show change in job/career/ location??
Hidden Treasure
Help from wifes side (Dowry)
IstaDevta / Kuldevta
Black Magic
Combination to learn astrology
KaalSarp Dosh
Pitru Dosh
Curses from past life
Use of Ascendant in Nadi Astrology