The Nectar of Book Distribution

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The Nectar of

Book Distribution

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the sacred memory of
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda
who went to America with books

and to

his followers in ISKCON

whose staunch faith in the order of rla Prabhupda
and tireless dedication to book distribution
keep him vividly present among us.
Preface xix


Introduction to Part One 3

1 / Book Distribution:
Our Most Important Activity" 5
1.1 Three premises 5

1.2 Sakrtana and book distribution 7

Congregational chanting: the spiritual process for this age 7
Sakrtana includes chanting and preaching 11
Books as a means to propagate the yuga-dharma, sakrtana 14

1.3 Bhad-mdaga 14
Sales of literature, that is our great sakrtana" 14
For wider krtana, book distribution is better" 15
Book distribution is the immediate important business" 17
The necessity of going to the people 20
Book distribution cannot be stopped 22

1.4 The best preaching: let !rla Prabhupda preach 24

rla Prabhupda's desire to preach 24
We have to see how books are being distributed" 26
Earning rla Prabhupda's mercy 27

1.5 Book distribution is the basis of all preaching 28

Realizations: Book distribution is the best preaching 29
Realizations: Books prepare the preaching field 32
Festivals: Do you sell many books there?" 35
Books go everywhere 36
1.6 !rla Prabhupda's books make devotees 36
Prabhupda's guarantee 36
Examples of books making devotees 37
Why don't more people join? 39

1.7 Book distribution is the foundation of the house

in which the whole world can live 42
Book distribution: the basis of a big plan 42
Ours is a cooperative movement" 43
Prabhupda, what pleases you the most?" 47
Devotional service is absolute, but . . ." 49
See to it that the trains are always running" 51
Please assist me to your best capacity" 53
Conclusion 54

2 / Sakrtana Philosophy 55
2.1 The Mercy of !r Caitanya Mahprabhu 55
No one is more merciful than r Caitanya Mahprabhu 56
r Caitanya Mahprabhu's mission 56
Starting another person's devotional service 58
Greatest welfare work 60
Make all the unfortunate fortunate" 61

2.2 The glories of !rla Prabhupda's books 62

Prabhupda's books are the words of bhagavn and bhgavata 62
rla Prabhupda's emotional ecstasies 64
Prabhupda's books contain the Absolute Truth 67
As good as Deities 72
Books sanctify us, our preaching, and human society 73

2.3 Prabhupda's books are nondifferent from the Lord 78

The transcendental nature of Prabhupda's books 78
The Lord's sound incarnation 79
Spoken krtans" 80

2.4 Book distribution is a transcendental activity 81

Are reading and distributing books activities for neophytes? 81
Book sakrtana and the sakrtana-yaja 83
Sakrtana: both the means and the end 84
Imported from Goloka: books for all seasons 86
The sakrtana movement: Ka's present incarnation 86
By book distribution Ka appears in human society 87
Prabhupda's books purify the atmosphere 88
The confidential understanding of sakrtana 89

2.5 Selling books: the work of vai"yas or brhmaas? 93

Book distribution and var"rama 93
No business begging" 94
On making propaganda 95

2.6 Distribution influenced by the modes of nature 97

2.7 Conclusion 102

3 / Qualities of a Book Distributor 105

3.1 What is a book distributor? 105
Preachers render the best service 106
Realizations 108

3.2 Books are distributed by spiritual potency 111

The importance of pure consciousness and motivation 112
Spiritual qualities make a devotee attractive 114

3.3 The qualities of a devotee 118

Verses describing a devotee's qualities 118
The primary quality and secondary qualities of devotees 119

3.4 Book distribution is a practical

symptom of surrender 121
The six symptoms of surrender 121
Accepting what's favorable, rejecting what's unfavorable 122
Firmly believing that the Lord protects His devotees 124
Accepting the Lord as one's maintainer and master 126
Having no desire other than the Lord's desire 127
Always feeling meek and humble 128

3.5 Faith in the order of guru and Ka 131

What does it mean to have faith? 131
rla Prabhupda's mission: his guru's mission 132
Faith in guru and Ka is the secret of success 133
The greatest opportunity to please guru and Ka 136
Intense association with the spiritual master 137
Are book distributors fanatics? 139

3.6 Energy, enthusiasm, and enlivenment 141

The five factors of action 141
Meditating on the Supercause 143
Desire as the crucial factor 144
Positive thinking 146

3.7 Divine austerity 147

Tolerating difficulties 148
A means to purify and restrain the mind 150
Forced surrender 151
An opportunity to make the quickest advancement 154

3.8 Sources of inspiration 156

rla Prabhupda made book distribution the top priority 156
Encouragement from the authorities 157
Reading rla Prabhupda's books 159
Enjoying book distribution 161
The example and association of other book distributors 162

Introduction to Part Two 167

4 / The Mass Distribution of

!rla Prabhupda's Books 169
4.1 !rla Prabhupda on mass distribution 169
rla Prabhupda wanted mass distribution 170
Aggression 172
Books should not be given free 173

4.2 Devotee clothing , Western clothing 174

Statements (in chronological order) by rla Prabhupda 174
Statements from Bhaktivedanta purports 176
Advantages of distributing books in Western clothing 177
Advantages of devotee clothing 179

4.3 Quantity and quality 180

4.4 Sakrtana transcends mundane salesmanship 182

The limits of mundane salesmanship 182
Techniques aren't the most important thing 184

4.5 Practical techniques of mass distribution 185

Preaching while distributing 186
The psychology of mass distribution 188
Techniques vary according to time and place 191
The stack method 192
How to approach people in public 193
Asking for donations 199
Giving many books at once 201
Preaching to the faithless the ninth offense 202

4.6 Unlimited ways to praise !rla Prabhupda's books 203

Flattering people 209
Handling special situations 210

4.7 Learning from past mistakes 214

Misconceptions that sneaked in 215
The end justifies the means but where does it end? 216
Don't leave negative impressions 218
Beware of offending the conditioned souls 219
Why not apologize? 220
The role of managers 220
The call to purity and responsibility 221

4.8 What !rla Prabhupda really said 222

On cheating" 223
By hook or by crook" in context 226
The end justifies the means" in context 227
Instructions on quality, quantity, and honesty 228
First impressions are lasting" 231
Stop disturbing, but don't stop distributing 231

5 / Other Forms of Distributing

!rla Prabhupda's Books 235
5.1 !rla Prabhupda on selling sets to universities 235

5.2 The history of set distribution 238

5.3 Methods of set distribution 239

The BBT Library Party 239
Contract sales 241
Follow-up programs 241
Single books and sets combined 242
Selling sets door to door 242
The nmahaa model 243

5.4 Distributing door to door 243

Visiting private offices, shops, and homes 243
Distributing in offices 246
5.5 Industries 249

5.6 Book tables 250

5.7 Harinma sakrtana by bus or padaytr 251

5.8 Magazine distribution 253

5.9 Mail order 260

General strategy of a mail order service 261
Further aspects of mail order 262
Successful advertising 265

5.10 Follow-up or contact" sakrtana 265

Cultivating the people we meet 265
Not everyone will live in our temples 266
How many people can we reach? 268

5.11 Bringing the books to the top ranks 270

Getting top-ranking men to read my books is real preaching" 270
Getting the support of everyone, not just a select few" 270

6 / Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 273

6.1 What does lifetime" mean? 273
Who really distributes for a lifetime? 273
Staying connected to book distribution 275
What it takes to continue for a lifetime 276
Capacity and quantity 280
Responsibility to rla Prabhupda 282

6.2 Book distribution is a constant challenge 283

Every day means new surrender 283
Taking shelter in book distribution 285
Stopping full-time book distribution 287

6.3 Overcoming problems in spiritual life 288

False ego and fruitive mentality 289
Self-centeredness 292
Discouragement due to bad propaganda 293
Mental rebellion 295
Lust 298
Doubts 301
Accepting glorification 301
Other services: diversity or diversion? 303

6.4 Psychological dimensions of book distribution 305

Considering the individual's needs 305
Being properly situated 308
Social pressure 310
The highest ideal and the gradual process of reaching it 311
Var"rama: individual and collective progress 313

6.5 Sdhu-saga 314

Association with devotees as the life of spiritual life 315
Preaching: giving our association, not taking theirs 317
The only difficulty is the fighting" 318

6.6 Spiritual life for a lifetime 319

Importance of sdhana 320
Proper chanting and hearing 322
Daily reading of Prabhupda's books 323
Not that we are simply meant for selling books" 325

6.7 Bhgavata-mrga and pcartrika-vidhi 326

Running on parallel lines 327
Bhgavata-mrga is more important" 328
Balanced life 329

Introduction to Part Three 335

7 / Managing and Supporting

Book Distribution 337
7.1 !rla Prabhupda's books can be
distributed everywhere 337
Temples, books, and chanting in every town and village 338
Where there's a will, there's a way 340
Book distribution must be cultivated 340

7.2 Harmony between devotees 341

rla Prabhupda on cooperation 341
Creating a team spirit 342
Serving the sakrtana devotees 344
Special treatment for book distributors 346

7.3 Temple and sakrtana organization 347

Each temple independent 348
Temple management 349
Inventory and bookkeeping 350

7.4 How to deal with civil authorities 352

Legalizing book distribution 352
Official accounting 354
Dealing with the police 355
Dealing with customers' complaints 356
When people want to give back books 357
Complaints by phone or mail 358

7.5 Temple economics based on book distribution 359

How temples began to rely on book distribution 359
Book distribution is the safest economic basis 360
We will always have customers" 364
Preach and the money will come 364
Deal adequately with all facilities offered by the Lord" 366

7.6 ISKCON and the BBT 367

What is the BBT? 367
ISKCON and the BBT separate entities 368
The BBT protects rla Prabhupda's copyrights 368
BBT, a transcendental collection agency 369
More books at a lower price" 370
The price formula: double the BBT price 371

7.7 The dangers of immoderate financial management 373

Books are the best paraphernalia 374
Expanding beyond our means 376
The paraphernalia trap 377
Business should support the preaching 378

8 / Sakrtana Strategies 381

8.1 Preaching and book distribution from the temple 381
rla Prabhupda on the temple's purpose 381
The temple as a base for book distribution 382
Harinma chanting parties 383
Public programs and festivals 384
Preaching in higher circles 385
Preaching to the congregation 387

8.2 Going out with books 388

8.3 Traveling sakrtana 390

Traveling sakrtana pleased rla Prabhupda 391
Advantages of traveling sakrtana 392

8.4 The practical side of traveling sakrtana 394

Don't be attached to facilities 395
Groups and division of duties 395
Vehicles 396
Sakrtana schedule 398
Choosing where to distribute 399
Deities on traveling sakrtana 401
8.5 Book distribution by ghasthas living outside 402
The preaching potential 402
Finances 405

8.6 Distributing books and prasdam 406

8.7 Which books to distribute 408

Every book is meant for everyone" 409
Variety according to time, place, and circumstance 409
rla Prabhupda on small books, leaflets, and pamphlets 412

8.8 Sakrtana meetings 413

Regular meetings 413
rla Prabhupda on sakrtana newsletters and reports 415
Suggestions for sakrtana meetings 416

8.9 Maintaining health 417

Dealing with disease 417
Taking rest 418
Eating 419
Back problems 420
Transcending the body 421

9 / Marathons 427
9.1 Every devotee should experience
book distribution 427
Once a week and during marathons 427
Book distribution part of a devotee's training 429

9.2 The importance of everyone going out 431

Why it's important for one's spiritual life 432
Why it's important for ISKCON 433

9.3 Marathons mean extra endeavor 434

9.4 Competition 438

rla Prabhupda on transcendental competition 439
rla Prabhupda himself took part in competitions 441
Realizations about competition 443
A case history of a marathon competition 455

9.5 Quotas 446

Quotas as stepping-stones to extraordinary feats 450

9.6 How to organize marathons 452

When and how often? 452
How to create the marathon mood 454

9.7 Marathon meditations 456


Introduction to Part Four 465

10 / Training New Book Distributors 467

10.1 Importance of the mood of the temple 467
The sakrtana spirit 467
The sign of a healthy temple is people joining 468

10.2 Importance of the leaders' mood 470

Pushing the priority 471

10.3 Example is better than precept 472

10.4 The bhakta program 475

Ka consciousness is not sentimental or impersonal 475
Proper training 476
Preparation for sakrtana 478

10.5 Points to know before going out 481

Basic book distribution techniques 481
Basic sales psychology 482

10.6 Joining a sakrtana party 483

The first days on sakrtana 483
Distributing books with older book distributors 486

10.7 Lessons to improve the distribution 487

Never quit 487
Quantity rests upon quality 487
Avoid indifference it's a battle of wills 488
Determination 488
Avoid small talk 488
Impersonalists 489
Be concise 489
Don't talk over people's heads 489
Be aggressive, but . . . 489
Let Ka help 490
Every person is an individual 490
Be personal 491

10.8 Dealing with weakness 491

10.9 Dealing with hostile people 492

10.10 First realizations of a higher taste 494

10.11 Becoming steady 497

Purifying our motivation 497
Tests are Ka's mercy 498
Overcoming dualities and fighting the mind 499
Realizing your dependence on guru and Ka 500
Ka trains the devotees on sakrtana 502

11 / The Stage of Determined,

Successful Book Distribution 505
11.1 Transcending the mental platform 505
From intelligence to action 505
Distributing without mental discrimination 507
Satisfaction in service 510
You're never alone 512

11.2 Beyond attachment and false ego 513

Please distribute books" the spiritual master's order 514
Endeavoring to fulfill the order, although we are powerless 514
Realizing that Ka is the controller 516
When Ka begins to drive His devotee's chariot 518

11.3 How to become empowered 521

How Lord Brahm became empowered 522
Agreeing to become Ka's instrument 526
Depend on the mercy of guru and Ka 530
Seeing people change in front of you 532
The ecstasy of unlimited book distribution 533

11.4 Sakrtana meditations 537

12 / A World Revolution
Through Book Distribution 545
12.1 Prominent within the next ten thousand years" 545

12.2 On the threshold of the Golden Age 549

The only hope is this Hare Ka movement" 550
Ka consciousness is the highest consciousness 552

12.3 Our movement cannot be stopped 553

An historical example 554
Our humble methods will save us and the world 555
We succeed against all odds 555
`Hare Ka' has become a household phrase" 557

12.4 A change of consciousness 558

The change begins subtly 559
Global changes 560
It starts with a small percentage 561
It takes spiritual strength 562
The example of the CIS 563
Revolution in the land of dharma 565
The mass of people can become enlightened from within 569
Unifying the world under Ka's banner 571

12.5 Appreciating what we are part of 572

We can explain what God is" 575
Book distributors are transcendental teachers and soldiers 576
Concluding words 579

Contributors 581
Footnotes 585

Manuals on many topics are entering the ISKCON market: cooking,

teaching, communications, yurveda, home schooling, Deity worship, tulas
care, the !ramas, the dhmas, studying !stra, Ratha-cart construction.
Now, also, a manual is available that will help devotees become proficient
in the art of distributing books: The Nectar of Book Distribution. This book
consists mainly of statements by pioneers, leaders, and other experienced
devotees in the field of book distribution. Fearing that the wisdom of their
years of experience might be lost, we compiled this book as a service for
the present and future generations of ISKCON devotees. It systematically
presents for the first time both philosophical explanations of the mission of
book distribution and practical guidelines.
ISKCON has only a few books about book distribution. Distribute
Books, Distribute Books, Distribute Books, by Satsvarpa Dsa Goswami,
gives inspiring accounts of the early years of book distribution, the develop-
ment of large-scale book distribution, rla Prabhupda's great pleasure in
seeing book distribution increase, and the invention of the Christmas mara-
thon (now called the Prabhupda marathon). If You Want to Please Me is
a compilation of rla Prabhupda's statements on book distribution and
publication. And several other books mention book distribution, for ex-
ample, Prabhupda "ikmta, "rla Prabhupda-llmta, Preaching Is the
Essence, ISKCON in the 1970s, Servant of the Servant and A Transcendental
Because the books just mentioned already recount the history of book
distribution and reproduce every one of rla Prabhupda's statements on
the topic, The Nectar of Book Distribution has another purpose to serve.
First of all, space limited our selection of Prabhupda's statements to pas-
sages relevant to the context. (Whoever desires to read the complete quo-
tations can do so easily nowadays with the available source material.) In
selecting statements, we were on guard not to present a one-sided view of
rla Prabhupda's preaching mission. Rather, the statements we used show
how rla Prabhupda taught that all of ISKCON benefits from successful
book distribution. Therefore this publication is important not only for book
distributors but for ISKCON at large.
Second, book distribution has unlimited aspects, so we had to be se-
lective, and thus this book does not cover all the possible topics in detail.
The Nectar of Book Distribution is simply meant to be an outline of basic
points, illustrated by a selection of statements by rla Prabhupda and his

xx The Nectar of Book Distribution

followers on the philosophy and practice of book distribution. Because it

is a limited, basic outline, not all of ISKCON's authorities in the preach-
ing field could be quoted, and we apologize for that deficiency and trust
it won't be misunderstood. Another reason for that deficiency is that the
book was compiled in the North European BBT zone, and that naturally
entailed quoting devotees from North Europe, one of the leading areas
in book distribution, and including excerpts from lectures given here. But
this is definitely not the last book about book distribution. More books
will be published under the new BBT imprint, BBT Sankirtan Books, and
therefore in the books to come, devotees not interviewed for this volume,
or quoted only briefly, can continue addressing the growing league of book
distributors world-wide.
Usually book distributors don't like to talk about themselves because
they follow Ka's motto: Those who are actually heroes do not talk
much; they prove their prowess by a practical exhibition of chivalrous acti-
vities." But for this book they took the time to answer many questions, and
therefore this book is unique. It records in detail what they said about their
realizations, techniques, secret ecstasies on the street, and methods of over-
coming difficulties on the paths of preaching and spiritual progress.
I am grateful to all the devotees who helped with this book. I am
especially indebted to rla Harikea Swami, my spiritual master, whose
initiative and organization brought the book about. Although I am most
unqualified and have only brief, direct experience of book distribution, he
mercifully engaged me in the purifying service of compiling The Nectar of
Book Distribution and continually inspired me and helped me to complete
it. I thank rla Dsa for preparing much of the interview material; Tattva-
vit Dsa, who put a lot of energy into editing the manuscript; Cetanrahita
Dsa for reading the first draft and offering his advice; Ramknta Dsa for
proofreading the Sanskrit; and Raecara Dsa and Bhakta Miro for their
help in the computer department. We hope that the words of rla Prabhu-
pda, who inaugurated the world-wide mission of book distribution, and the
words of the great souls dedicated to his mission will inspire all devotees to
think about book distribution and to continue distributing books if that is
their service, to distribute books as often as possible if they have other ser-
vices, or to join the mission wholeheartedly if they are newcomers and wish
to taste what's described in this book the nectar of book distribution.

Zurich tma-tattva Dsa



The Eastern Side of the Nectar Ocean of Book Distribution

My first concern is that all my books shall be published and distributed

profusely all over the world. Practically, books are the basis
of our movement. Without our books, our preaching will have no effect." 1
rla Prabhupda
Introduction to Part One
If there are ample books," rla Prabhupda said, everything else will
succeed. Practically our Society is built on books." 2 He often said books
are the basis, and The Nectar of Book Distribution is dedicated to elaborat-
ing on that point. Part One explains how books are the basis of preaching,
ISKCON, and a devotee's spiritual life.
Chapter One reminds the reader that rla Prabhupda called book
distribution ISKCON's most important activity." This chapter explains
that book distribution is intrinsically part of the sakrtana-yaja, because
it engages the largest number of people in active devotional service and
thereby introduces the yuga-dharma on individual and global levels. rla
Prabhupda said, Wherever our books are being distributed, our move-
ment is established on a firm basis. Therefore I came to your country with
books." 3
Chapter Two discusses book distribution philosophically: why it is a
transcendental activity, a direct manifestation of Lord Caitanya's mercy
upon all conditioned souls, and why it is also called sakrtana.
rla Prabhupda's books contain the words of Ka and Ka's pure
devotees, and therefore whoever comes in contact with them benefits eter-
nally. But the benefits are especially reaped by the devotees who distribute
these books. Chapter Three explains that by accepting book distribution
as the basis of their spiritual life, devotees become most dear to guru and
Ka and thus are blessed with spiritual realizations and qualities.

Editor's note:
All the statements taken from rla Prabhupda's lectures, letters, and
conversations are footnoted. The excerpts from Bhaktivedanta purports are
labeled p" after the text reference number.
Devotees are identified by country or city the first time they are quot-
ed, and information about them is given in a glossary. Sannyss and gurus
aren't identified like that because they are well known and are active inter-

Book Distribution:
Our Most Important Activity"
There is no doubt about it: to distribute books is our most important acti-
vity. The temple is not a place for eating and sleeping, but a base from which
we send out our soldiers to fight with my. `Fight with my' means to drop
thousands and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls. Just
like during war time the bombs are raining from the sky like anything." 4

1.1 Three premises

Book distribution refers to disseminating the transcendental knowledge
of Ka consciousness and delivering the conditioned souls from ne-
science. Specifically rla Prabhupda's books have within them all of the
information and understanding necessary to lead everyone throughout the
world to Lord Ka's devotional service; his books will relieve people of
material suffering and guide them back to Godhead, back to their constitu-
tional position and ultimate happiness in an eternal life of bliss and knowl-
edge. Consequently book distribution refers above all to distributing the
books of rla Prabhupda, who is empowered to fulfill the prediction of
r Caitanya Mahprabhu that the Lord's holy name will be known in ev-
ery town and village world-wide.
There is no doubt about it: To distribute books is our most impor-
tant activity." rla Prabhupda made this point unmistakably clear by his
spoken instructions, his practical management, his lectures, and especially
his letters. Because book distribution is the top priority, rla Prabhupda
wanted every member of ISKCON to be taught how to distribute books:

I like your program of sending out your best book distribu-

tors to teach the others. That is the actual process of Ka
consciousness: to train others. Continue this program so that

6 The Nectar of Book Distribution

in the future every devotee in our movement will know the

art of distributing books. 5

rla Prabhupda's mission of writing books, establishing ISKCON, and

saving the conditioned souls presents a great challenge to his followers: to
apply the instructions in his books for our own advancement and to make
his instructions available to others. Thus preaching and distributing books
are ISKCON's prime duties.
Preaching is the best way to save ourselves and others, and distribut-
ing rla Prabhupda's books is the best preaching. Therefore this book is
based on the following three premises:

1. Preaching Ka consciousness is the prime mission of ISKCON;

2. Book distribution is the best and most important preaching;
3. Prabhupda wanted every devotee to know the art of distributing books.

Anyone who tries sincerely to present Bhagavad-gt as it is will ad-

vance in devotional activities and reach the pure devotional state of life.
As a result of such pure devotion, he is sure to go back home, back to
Godhead" (Bg. 18.68 p). This definitely applies to book distribution. Ka
says that His instructions may never be explained to those who are not
austere or devoted, nor to one who is envious of Him. According to these
conditions, most of the people that book distributors encounter are not
fit candidates for Ka consciousness. But Lord Caitanya does not take
into account these conditions, and His devotees are so merciful that they
give everyone many opportunities to engage in devotional service. Eventu-
ally some of those people become purified enough to accept Ka as the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and become devotees, and finding those
devotees makes the book distributors most dear to Ka. For one who ex-
plains this supreme secret to the devotees, pure devotional service is guar-
anteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. There is no servant in the
world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear" (Bg.
18.68 69). Ka's declaration that preachers are His dearmost servants was
emphasized by rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura and rla Prabhu-
pda, who taught that preaching especially distributing transcendental
literature is the fundamental duty of the sakrtana movement.
Preaching is a devotee's duty, and distributing rla Prabhupda's books
is the best preaching. How any devotee can do that according to his particu-
lar capacity will be his best preaching, whether he does it directly as a book
distributor or indirectly by performing the other activities of the Ka
consciousness movement. Although all devotional service is transcendental
Our Most Important Activity" 7

and absolute, naturally this book advocates that devotees distribute books
full-time, part-time, or any time. It is most desirable that somehow or other
all members of ISKCON individually taste the unique nectar of distributing
rla Prabhupda's books. Let the devotees go out more often with increas-
ing enthusiasm, knowledge and expertise! Let the transcendental distribu-
tion of rla Prabhupda's books expand all over the world!

1.2 Sakrtana and book distribution

Congregational chanting: the spiritual process for this age
O son of Mahrja Nanda, I am Your eternal servitor, yet somehow or
other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death. Please pick me up
from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms at Your lotus
feet." (#ikakam 5)

In this verse Lord Caitanya hints at the real purpose of the material world:
It's created to give the fallen souls a place to reform. That's why r Ka
descends and why He sends His representatives and why the scriptures
are there: to show the way back to Godhead. Lord Caitanya descended to
introduce the yuga-dharma, the process of spiritual life for this age, which
is the sakrtana-yaja, the congregational chanting of the holy names of
the Lord. This will now be illustrated with statements by rla Prabhupda;
and additional statements will demonstrate that book distribution is the
means to establish the yuga-dharma. All this will serve to explain why rla
Prabhupda called book distribution our most important activity."
Let us invoke auspiciousness by reading the words of rla Prabhupda,
the founder-crya of ISKCON, which convey the ideal mood of book dis-
tribution and provide a common ground for deepening our meditation on
accomplishing Lord Caitanya's sakrtana mission.

(a) Purpose of the material world

#rmad-Bhgavatam 3.5.24 p: The Lord wanted to create the cosmic mani-
festation to give another chance to the conditioned souls who were dor-
mant in forgetfulness. The cosmic manifestation gives the conditioned souls
a chance to go back home, back to Godhead, and that is its main purpose.
The Lord is so kind that in the absence of such a manifestation He feels
something wanting, and thus the creation takes place. . . . The whole pro-
cess is to enliven the sleeping conditioned souls to the real life of spiritual
consciousness so that they may thus become as perfect as the ever-liberated
souls in the Vaikuhalokas. Since the Lord is sac-cid-nanda-vigraha, He
8 The Nectar of Book Distribution

likes every part and parcel of His different potencies to take part in the
blissful rasa because participation with the Lord in His eternal rsa-ll is
the highest living condition, perfect in spiritual bliss and eternal knowledge.

(b) Why the Lord descends

#rmad-Bhgavatam 1.2.34 p: There are innumerable material universes,
and in each and every universe there are innumerable planets inhabited by
different grades of living entities in different modes of nature. The Lord
(Viu) incarnates Himself in each and every one of them and in each
and every type of living society. He manifests His transcendental pastimes
among them just to create the desire to go back to Godhead. The Lord
does not change His original transcendental position, but He appears to
be differently manifested according to the particular time, circumstances
and society. Sometimes He incarnates Himself or empowers a suitable liv-
ing being to act for Him, but in either case the purpose is the same: The
Lord wants the suffering living being to go back home, back to Godhead.
The happiness which the living beings are hankering for is not to be found
within any corner of the innumerable universes and material planets. The
eternal happiness which the living being wants is obtainable in the kingdom
of God, but the forgetful living beings under the influence of the material
modes have no information of the kingdom of God. The Lord, therefore,
comes to propagate the message of the kingdom of God, either personally
as an incarnation or through His bona fide representative as the good son
of God. Such incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for
going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also
going on in all types of societies, among demigods and those other than hu-
man beings.

(c) Importance of the scriptures

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 20.122: The conditioned soul cannot re-
vive his Ka consciousness by his own effort. But out of causeless mercy,
Lord Ka compiled the Vedic literature and its supplements, the Puras.
Purport: A conditioned soul is bewildered by the Lord's illusory energy
(my). My's business is to keep the conditioned soul forgetful of his re-
al relationship with Ka. Thus the living entity forgets his real identity
as spirit soul, Brahman, and instead of realizing his factual position thinks
himself the product of the material energy. . . . Out of His causeless mercy
and compassion, Ka has compiled various Vedic literatures in His incar-
nation as Vysadeva. Vysadeva is a $aktyve$a-avatra of Lord Ka. He
Our Most Important Activity" 9

has very kindly presented these literatures to awaken the conditioned soul
to his senses. Unfortunately, at the present moment the conditioned souls
are guided by demons who do not care to read the Vedic literatures. Al-
though there is an immense treasure house of knowledge, people are en-
gaged in reading useless literature that will give them no information on
how to get out of the clutches of my. The purpose of the Vedic literatures
is explained in the following verses.
Text 123: The forgetful conditioned soul is educated by Ka through the
Vedic literatures, the realized spiritual master, and the Supersoul. Through
these, he can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is,
and he can understand that Lord Ka is his eternal master and deliverer
from the clutches of my. In this way one can acquire real knowledge of
his conditioned life and can come to understand how to attain liberation.
Purport: Being forgetful of his real position, the conditioned soul may take
help from $stra, guru, and the Supersoul within his heart. Ka is situ-
ated within everyone's heart as the Supersoul. . . . As the $aktyve$a-avatra
Vysadeva, Ka teaches the conditioned soul through Vedic literatures.
Ka externally appears as the spiritual master and trains the conditioned
soul to come to Ka consciousness. When his original Ka conscious-
ness is revived, the conditioned soul is delivered from the material clutches.
Thus a conditioned soul is always helped by the Supreme Personality of
Godhead in three ways: by the scriptures, the spiritual master and the
Supersoul within the heart. The Lord is the deliverer of the conditioned
soul and is accepted as the Supreme Lord of all living entities.

(d) Lord Caitanya's descent

#rmad-Bhgavatam 1.3.9 p: The Lord is very kind to the forgetful souls. He
therefore comes Himself and leaves behind necessary instructions and also
sends His good sons as representatives to call all the conditioned souls back
to Godhead. Recently, within the memory of everyone, Lord Caitanya also
appeared for the same purpose: to show special favor to fallen souls of this
age of iron industry.

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 3.223 226: Advaita crya was always ab-

sorbed in thoughts of how to deliver the fallen souls of the entire world.
The entire world is full of nondevotees," He thought. How will they be
delivered?" Determined to deliver all the fallen souls, Advaita crya de-
cided to cause Ka to descend. With this vow, He began to offer Ganges
water and tulas leaves to worship the Lord. Similarly, Haridsa hkura
chanted in his cave on the bank of the Ganges with the intention to cause
10 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Ka's descent. Because of the devotional service of these two persons,

Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu descended as an incarnation. Thus He
preached the holy name of the Lord and ecstatic love of Ka to deliver
the entire world.

(e) Sakrtana is the yuga-dharma

ka-vara tvika sgopgstra-pradam
yajai sakrtana-pryair yajanti hi sumedhasa

In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting

to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name
of Ka. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Ka Himself.
He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential
companions." (#rmad-Bhgavatam 11.5.32 and Caitanya-caritmta, di-
ll 3.52)

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 3.19 29: I shall personally inaugurate the

yuga-dharma, the religion of the age: nma-sakrtana, the congregational
chanting of the holy name. I shall make the world dance in ecstasy, realiz-
ing the four mellows of loving devotional service. I shall accept the role of
a devotee, and I shall teach devotional service by practicing it Myself. Un-
less one practices devotional service himself, he cannot teach it to others.
This conclusion is indeed confirmed throughout the Gt and Bhgavatam.
`Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descen-
dant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion, at that time I descend
Myself. To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to
reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after mil-
lennium. If I did not show the proper principles of religion, all these worlds
would fall into ruin. I would be a cause of unwanted population and would
spoil all these living beings. Whatever actions a great man performs, com-
mon people follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all
the world pursues.' My plenary portions can establish the principles of reli-
gion for each age. No one but Me, however, can bestow the kind of loving
service performed by the residents of Vraja. `There may be many all-auspi-
cious incarnations of the Personality of Godhead, but who other than Lord
r Ka can bestow love of God upon the surrendered souls?' Therefore
in the company of My devotees I shall appear on earth and perform various
colorful pastimes." Thinking thus, the Personality of Godhead, r Ka
Himself, descended at Nadia early in the age of Kali.
Our Most Important Activity" 11

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 3.40: (kali-yuge yuga-dharma nmera prac-

ra) The religious practice for the age of Kali is to broadcast the glories of
the holy name. Only for this purpose has the Lord, in a yellow color, de-
scended as Lord Caitanya.
Purport: In this age of Kali the practical system of religion for everyone is
the chanting of the name of Godhead. This was introduced in this age by
Lord Caitanya. Bhakti-yoga actually begins with the chanting of the holy
name, as confirmed by Madhvcrya in his commentary on the Muaka
Upaniad: In the Dvpara-yuga people should worship Lord Viu only by
the regulative principles of the Nrada-pacartra and other such author-
ized books. In the age of Kali, however, people should simply chant the holy
names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead." The Hare Ka mantra is
specifically mentioned in many Upaniads, such as the Kali-santaraa Upa-
niad, where it is said:

hare ka hare ka ka hare hare

hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
iti oa$aka nmn kali-kalmaa-n$ana
nta parataropya sarva-vedeu d$yate

After searching through all the Vedic literature one cannot find a method
of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of Hare Ka."

Sakrtana includes chanting and preaching

Krtana is practiced in all four yugas, but in Kali-yuga, krtana is the
yuga-dharma not only solitary chanting or ritualistic chanting but sakr-
tana, congregational chanting for all classes of people, with no hard and
fast rules. Therefore sakrtana includes preaching, because without invit-
ing people to take part, there is no question of congregational chanting. It
is the duty of every follower of r Caitanya Mahprabhu to preach or sup-
port the preaching, because preaching is an integral part of the sakrtana-

(a) Sakrtana is a special concession for Kali-yuga

Elevation to Ka Consciousness (Ch. 6): According to #rmad-Bhgava-
tam, there are different processes for different ages, but the principle of
each process remains valid in all ages. It is not that the chanting of Hare
Ka is effective in this age and not in Satya-yuga. Nor is it that the people
12 The Nectar of Book Distribution

were not chanting the holy names of Ka in Satya-yuga. In Satya-yuga

meditation was the main process, and great munis meditated for periods
extending upwards of 60,000 years. But in this age perfection by that means
of meditation is not possible because we are so short-lived. Consequently
in this age it is especially recommended that we all sit down together and
chant Hare Ka (sakrtana). There is no necessity of education, nor are
any previous qualifications required. Caitanya Mahprabhu introduced the
chanting of Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare, Hare Rma,
Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare as a great means of propaganda for
spreading love of God. It is not that it is recommended only for Kali-yuga.
Actually it is recommended for every age. There have always been many
devotees who have chanted and reached perfection in all ages. That is the
beauty of this Ka consciousness movement. It is not simply for one age,
or for one country, or for one class of people. Hare Ka can be chanted
by any man in any social position, in any country and in any age, for Ka
is the Supreme Lord of all people in all social positions, in all countries, in
all ages.

(b) No hard and fast rules: everyone can chant

#ikakam 2: O my Lord, in Your holy name there is all good fortune for
the living entity, and therefore You have many names, such as Ka and
Govinda, by which You expand Yourself. You have invested all Your poten-
cies in those names, and there are no hard and fast rules for remembering

Caitanya-bhgavata, Madhya 23.76 77:

hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare

hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare
prabhu kahe kahilan ei mahmantra
iha japa giya sabe kariya nirbandha
iha haite sarva-siddhi haibe sabara
sarva-kaa bala'ithe bidhi nhi ra

Lord Caitanya said: I am giving you this mah-mantra: Hare Ka, Hare
Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma,
Hare Hare. Go and chant with sincere enthusiasm. By chanting this mantra
you receive all the perfections of life, so chant incessantly, for there are no
rules or regulations for chanting the mah-mantra."
Our Most Important Activity" 13

(c) The chanting must be spread by preaching

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.25 26: The flood of love of Godhead swelled
in all directions, and thus young men, old men, women and children were
all immersed in that inundation. The Ka consciousness movement will
inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentle-
man, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind.
Purport: When the contents of the storehouse of love of Godhead are thus
distributed, there is a powerful inundation which covers the entire land. In
rdhma Mypur there is sometimes a great flood after the rainy season.
This is an indication that from the birthplace of Lord Caitanya the inunda-
tion of love of Godhead should be spread all over the world, for this will
help everyone, including old men, young men, women and children. The
Ka consciousness movement of r Caitanya Mahprabhu is so powerful
that it can inundate the entire world and interest all classes of men in the
subject of love of Godhead.

#rmad-Bhgavatam 9.11.25 p: Many of the Lord's devotees residing in

Vndvana have taken the vow not to leave Vndvana to preach Ka
consciousness. But the Lord says that Ka consciousness should be spread
all over the world, in every village and every town. This is the open order
of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu: pthivte che yata nagardi grma sarvatra
pracra haibe mora nma. A pure devotee, therefore, must execute the or-
der of the Lord and must not gratify his senses by remaining stagnant in
one place, falsely proud, thinking that because he does not leave Vndvana
but chants in a solitary place he has become a great devotee. A devotee
must carry out the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Caitanya
Mahprabhu said, yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade$a. Every devotee,
therefore, should spread Ka consciousness by preaching, asking whom-
ever he meets to accept the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The Lord says, sarva-dharmn parityajya mm eka $araa vraja: Aban-
don all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me." This is the order
of the Lord, who speaks as the supreme emperor. Everyone should be in-
duced to accept this order, for this is victory (dig-vijaya). And it is the duty
of the soldier, the devotee, to impress upon everyone this philosophy of life.

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 16.64 p: Spreading Ka consciousness is

r Caitanya Mahprabhu's mission; therefore His sincere devotees must
carry out His desire.
14 The Nectar of Book Distribution

pthivte che yata nagardi grma

sarvatra pracra haibe mora nma

The devotees of Lord Caitanya must preach Ka consciousness in every

village and town in the world. That will satisfy the Lord. It is not that one
should act whimsically for his own personal satisfaction. This order comes
down through the parampar system, and the spiritual master presents
these orders to the disciple so that he can spread the message of r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu. It is the duty of every disciple to carry out the order of
the bona fide spiritual master and spread Lord Caitanya's message all over
the world.

Books as a means to propagate the yuga-dharma, sakrtana

Sakrtana, or congregational chanting, can't be separated from preach-
ing, as shown by Lord Caitanya and His followers. Preaching means engag-
ing others in the sakrtana-yaja of hearing and chanting the holy name or
rendering service (knowingly or unknowingly). The most effective means
of spreading the yuga-dharma is book distribution. Why this is so will now
be explained in rla Prabhupda's own words.

1.3 Bhad-mdaga
Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at
large? My Guru Mahrja used to say that the printing press
is the bhad-mdaga. Bhat means bigger, at large, bigger
mdaga. Just like we are playing mdaga. This mdaga
can be vibrated in the neighboring quarter, but our mdaga,
Back to Godhead, that will go far, far away. So therefore this
press was considered by my Guru Mahrja as bhad-mda-
ga. . . . So this press propaganda, this literary propaganda,
is required because Ka consciousness is not sentiment. It
is not that some sentimental people have gathered here and
are dancing and chanting. No. There is background. There is
philosophical background. There is theological understand-
ing. 6

Sales of literature, that is our great sakrtana"

After Prabhupda planted the seeds of bhakti and founded ISKCON,
increasing numbers of devotees went out, directed by rla Prabhupda to
Our Most Important Activity" 15

perform harinma sakrtana in parks and streets. Soon, as an addition to

the chanting party, they began selling magazines. Later, when book distri-
bution started, the book distributors went out without the chanting party.
But still the book distribution was called going on sakrtana."
In this way sakrtana in ISKCON became practically synonymous with
book distribution. But this was nothing new to the parampar. Prabhu-
pda's spiritual master, rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, had in-
troduced the production and distribution of spiritual literature under the
name bhat-krtana, or bhad-mdaga, and rla Prabhupda continued us-
ing that expression as seen in the following quotations.

Please increase the sales of literature. That is our great sa-

krtana bhad-mdaga. 7

So the books are selling and we are expanding. This book

distribution is the bhad-mdaga. 8

My Guru Mahrja used to say that these literatures are the

bhad-mdaga, that is to say, the big mdaga, because like
the mdaga which can be heard from a long distance, sim-
ply a few words can have a tremendous effect on millions of
people if they are propagated widely. So it is our duty above
all to print these words for the general benefit of mankind.
Therefore if you can assist me in this manner then that will
be the greatest service. 9

Oh, your intense love for me. I am living for you. All over
the world everything is going on. Money is coming and be-
ing spent, and I don't have to worry. I am so much indebted.
And I am taking much service from you all. That is a bhad-
mdaga; I am beating from this room and the sound goes
ten thousand miles away. 10

For wider krtana, book distribution is better"

The following excerpts from letters compare the congregational chant-
ing with book distribution:

Regarding sakrtana and book distribution, both should go

on, but book distribution is more important. It is bhat-kr-
tana. In Tokyo airport one boy had come up to me asking if
16 The Nectar of Book Distribution

he could speak with me. I said yes, and then he asked me:
Swamiji, where do you get all that knowledge in your books?
Of course it is Ka's knowledge, not mine. But the effect is
there. So for wider krtana book distribution is better. Book
distribution is also krtana. 11

Sakrtana, if it is not possible, never mind. Try to organize

a meeting and impress upon the people #rmad-Bhgavatam
philosophy by explaining. This is also sakrtana although
not singing. So where sakrtana is hampered, we can go on
with krtana and distributing magazines; that is more impor-
tant than sakrtana. That is bhad-mdaga. 12

Here at Mypur my Guru Mahrja was printing one pa-

per. It was selling for only a few paise. Sometimes when-
ever one brahmacr would go to Navadvpa and sell even
a few copies, I would see my Guru Mahrja become very
much pleased. Even if the brahmacr was not a very impor-
tant member, my Guru Mahrja would become very, very
pleased with him. He personally instructed me that books are
more important than big temples. At Rdh-kua he told
me that since constructing the big marble temple at Bagh-
bazar, there had been so many difficulties. Our men were
envious over who would live in which room. I think it would
be better to take off all the marbles and sell them and print
books, he told me personally. So I am always emphasizing
book distribution. It is the better krtana. It is better than
chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book dist-
ribution is the best krtana. 13

The following letter (seen by rla Prabhupda) was written by one of

Prabhupda's secretaries and circulated in ISKCON to clarify some mis-

There have been two letters from GBC men to rla Prabhupda regard-
ing street chanting and book distribution . . . rla Prabhupda has said that
book distribution is more important than street chanting. Book distribution
is bhat-krtana. It is literally krtana in the sense that the books are spoken
and therefore, anyone who reads a book is hearing. Because his books are
recorded and transcribed rla Prabhupda calls his books spoken krtanas,
Our Most Important Activity" 17

or recorded chanting. So book distribution is also krtana and should not be

considered less than krtana. The reason book distribution is greater than
chanting is because the effect is wider. A purchased book goes into a per-
son's home and will be read by others, whereas street krtana benefits only
those in the vicinity who hear. . . . In Portugal one boy, who is only 11 years
old, has become a devotee. He offers prasdam and is translating Bhagavad-
gt As It Is into Portuguese with the help of his mother. He got several of
our books at a bookstore in Lisbon and has asked his father who is just now
coming to the USA to get him all available #rmad-Bhgavatams. Prabhu-
pda remarks that our books went there to Portugal but we did not, but still
he has become a devotee. . . . So by comparative study, book selling is more
important. rla Prabhupda also pointed out that in the West sometimes
the street chanting is considered a farce. Also in India. At first street chant-
ing was tried, but it met with mostly derogatory reaction. Therefore there is
mostly life membership preaching in India, which is of course book distri-
bution. But on no account should street chanting be stopped. Prabhupda
has never said that street chanting should be stopped. The chanting can go
on for a little while, and when a crowd is drawn, books can be distributed.
When I mentioned to rla Prabhupda that in Los Angeles there was the
system of book distribution all week long and on weekend nights full street
krtanas, he said that was a good system. Regarding the claim that devotees
have difficulties maintaining Ka consciousness by doing only book sell-
ing with not enough street chanting, Prabhupda remarked that if things
deteriorate that is another thing, but it is not the fault of book distribution.
Book distribution must not be neglected. 14

Book distribution is the immediate important business"

Because book distribution spreads transcendental knowledge and
engages people in devotional service, it is part of the sakrtana-yaja.
Through book distribution Ka consciousness will be established.
Now a question may be raised, Why don't rla Prabhupda's purports
mention book distribution as often as preaching, chanting, and harinma
First of all, Prabhupda does mention book distribution in his purports.
For example, In our Ka consciousness movement, all our activities are
concentrated upon distributing Ka literature. That is very important"
(SB 10.2.37 p).
Furthermore, in his books rla Prabhupda is preaching to generations
of humanity for ten thousand years to come, who will see a renaissance of
18 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Vedic civilization based on the $stras that Prabhupda translated and com-
mented upon. He said in a conversation:

Literatures are selling. The learned circles are appreciating.

It takes some time, but if we stick to our principles and do
not make any compromise, and push on in this way I have
given you instruction, it will never stop; it will go on. It will
never stop. At least for ten thousand years it will go on. 15
[Exciting documentation of this prediction is given in Ch. 12,
Sec. 1]

Concerning the next ten thousand years, the chanting and the message
will continue as they have for thousands of years. Chanting and preaching
are the Vaiavas' essential activities, especially now, as they are the yuga-
dharma. That's why rla Prabhupda emphasizes them in his purports.
Concerning the development of book distribution over the next ten
thousand years, although its form will change according to time, place, and
circumstances, Prabhupda made it clear that large-scale book distribution
is the best means of preaching and the most powerful way of establishing
the yuga-dharma immediately. He said, The immediate important business
is how to distribute these books all over the world . . . quickly distribute
all the books as soon as they are received." 16 In the following statements
Prabhupda further stresses rescuing humanity through world-wide book

Ka consciousness is the absolute need of the present-day

society, and there are many people who will come to join us
if we simply make these teachings of Bhagavad-gt and the
rest of the Vedic literature available to them. 17

These books and magazines are our most important propa-

ganda weapons to defeat the ignorance of my's army, and
the more we produce such literature and sell it profusely all
over the world, the more we shall deliver the world from its
suicide course. So your work is the most important preach-
ing work. May Ka bless you more and more. Thank you
for helping me in this way. 18

I am very glad to hear how the book distribution is increas-

ing more and more. This is our greatest weapon. The more
Our Most Important Activity" 19

the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age
of Kali will be smashed. The world is feeling the weight of
this Hare Ka movement, especially in your country. We
have to increase this book distribution work more and more
to firmly establish this movement, which is the only hope for
the suffering living entities. 19

There's a great plan behind ISKCON's book distribution mission: the

establishment of a God-centered society directed and protected by the Vai-
avas. Already Vaiavas are preparing to enact this plan. Their main duty
now is the distribution of rla Prabhupda's books.

Harike"a Swami: Vaiava brhmaas have a great responsibility to people

suffering in the forest fire of material existence. They must disseminate
transcendental knowledge to give people the impetus and understanding to
reconnect with the Supreme. The most important method for disseminat-
ing transcendental knowledge is distributing original texts of Vedic spiritual
knowledge. In the present period of the earth's history, the books of His Di-
vine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupda are the absolute foun-
dation upon which all individual and collective spiritual progress depends.
. . . Therefore the profuse distribution far and wide of these transcendental
books is now the primary and essential activity of the Vaiava brhmaas.*

In summary, book distribution is an urgent need. rla Prabhupda

stressed it, and the perilous situation of the world demands it. So we should
recognize the importance of distributing books now. And now means today,
without delay. Why procrastinate? Why wait? The world won't improve by
itself. At every moment people die and miss the chance of getting a book.
What is their fate?

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 3.255 p: A yuga, or mah-yuga, consists of

4,320,000 years, and one thousand such mah-yugas constitute one kalpa.

*This statement continues: Coupled with the distribution of spiritual literature,

a simultaneous effort must be made to increase the number of Vaiava brh-
maas throughout the world. When people have understood their real position
in relation with the Supreme, then automatically they will become disenchanted
with their present demonic social systems that are organized by atheists dedi-
cated to destroying spiritual principles. Thus more and more people will enter
the Vaiava fold, until gradually enough enlightened people exist to form a
var$rama society." (From Var$rama Manifesto for Social Sanity, p. 132)
20 The Nectar of Book Distribution

The author of #r Caitanya-caritmta says that if one does not take advan-
tage of the Ka consciousness movement of r Caitanya Mahprabhu,
he cannot be delivered for millions of such kalpas.

The necessity of going to the people

Caitanya Mahprabhu says, andi bahirmukha jva svata
ka nahi jna. We are so foolish, influenced by the mate-
rial energy, that automatically we cannot understand Ka.
Therefore Ka conscious propaganda is required. Not that
automatically they will come to Ka consciousness. There
is need of spreading. If you are actually benevolent to your
countrymen, to your society, to human society, you must
spread and preach this Ka consciousness, otherwise they
are going away, carried away by the influence of my.
Therefore the most valuable, important welfare activity is
to spread this Ka consciousness movement all over the
world. 20

People won't come to the Ka consciousness movement on their own.

Therefore the devotees have to go to them not only once, but again
and again and gradually bring them to the point of accepting Lord Cai-
tanya's mercy. Devotees do this by directly approaching the people with
rla Prabhupda's books. This contact does not depend on their interest
or invitation. At the very least they make their first contact with sdhu (a
devotee), $stra (scriptures), and guru (rla Prabhupda), which is ajta-
sukti they unknowingly come into the possession of good fortune lead-
ing to devotional service. Some day they will do more devotional service.
So just imagine the benefit they receive if they agree to buy Prabhupda's
books and respectfully keep them on a shelf in their home. This is why rla
Prabhupda stressed book distribution so much, even more than street kr-
tana and temple worship. People are dull and materialistic, and most of
them would never want to chant in a krtana or visit a temple. So our sell-
ing them a book is the quickest, most direct way to engage such unwilling
human beings in the sakrtana-yaja.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa (Germany): Bhadbhnu Prabhu met one man in Dres-

den who had had an accident and had his head smashed and cracked. Some-
how it was repaired, and he had screws all over his skull, and he walked like
Frankenstein. Bhadbhnu thought he'd definitely be frustrated and take
books; he'd understand that life is problematic. But the man said, I'm fine.
Our Most Important Activity" 21

I have no problems. I'm satisfied." He was content with his life even though
he was in such horrible circumstances.

Bhadbhnu Dsa (Germany): People are quite lazy and foolish as far as
understanding philosophy goes. Who's interested in philosophy nowadays?
If we hold a public program and invite people to hear the philosophy of
Ka consciousness, who will come? Who's a candidate? Maybe not even
5% of the people we ask. So what do we do with the rest, the 95% who
can't be approached philosophically, who aren't capable of directly taking
to Ka consciousness? They can be approached with books, prasdam,
and the holy name. And if they accept, they are actually saved from the
worst. Especially if they can take a book, that's best, because it means they
actively render devotional service. And that's glorious. They talk to a dev-
otee, surrender to him, and do what he asks them to do. They give a dona-
tion. Most people will have a hard time listening to the philosophy of Ka
consciousness and grasping it well enough to come to the point of doing
devotional service. But if they are approached by a devotee who sincerely
presents rla Prabhupda's books, they immediately get a chance to do de-
votional service even though (or because) they aren't aware of it.

I myself was aggressive in coming to your country. No one

invited me. Even you boys and girls did not invite me. But I
came and I preached aggressively, and therefore you are now
my disciples. 21

When approaching people disinclined towards spiritual life, a devotee

may encounter difficulties. Still a devotee will continue distributing rla
Prabhupda's books because our business is to satisfy the cryas and
Ka," as rla Prabhupda said in the following letter (of May 16, 1977)
to the devotees in Germany, who faced many problems because of police
repression and bad propaganda.

I know that over the past years you have suffered so many
tribulations to push forward Ka consciousness in Germa-
ny. But this has not stopped you from your determination
to serve the cause of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu. A devo-
tee is pleased when there is difficulty, for in these difficul-
ties he is forced to remember Ka. We cannot expect that
the people of Kali-yuga will welcome our attempt to spread
Ka consciousness. It is just like a lunatic asylum: The pa-
tients are running around madly and when the doctor tries
22 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to give them treatment, they insist that they are not crazy.
Sometimes the patient even strikes the doctor. So our task
is like that. We cannot stand to see people suffering from
ignorance. What is that ignorance? They do not know that
they are not their body. This Ka consciousness movement
is meant to deliver people to the proper understanding that
they are not their body, that they are pure spirit soul. We
may or may not be appreciated, that is not our concern. We
must execute the order of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, which

yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade$a

mra jya guru ha tra' ei de$a

Whomever you meet, instruct them to follow the orders of

r Ka as they are given in the Bhagavad-gt and #rmad-
Bhgavatam. In this way by My order become a spiritual
master and try to liberate everyone in this land."
So our business is to satisfy the cryas and Ka. If they
are pleased, then we know our work is successful. Go on
spreading the sakrtana movement more and more. I am
only one person, but because all of you have kindly cooper-
ated with me, this movement has now become a success all
over the world. Be assured that there is no more direct way
to preach than to distribute Ka conscious books. Whoever
gets a book is benefited. If he reads the book he is benefited
still more, or if he gives the book to someone else to read,
both he and the other person are benefited. Even if one does
not read the book but simply holds it and sees it, he is bene-
fited. If he simply gives a small donation towards the work
of Ka consciousness, he is benefited. And anyone who
distributes this transcendental literature is also benefited.
Therefore sakrtana is the prime benediction for the age
ka-vara tvika sgopgstra-pradam yajai
sakrtana-pryair yajanti hi su-medhasa.

Book distribution cannot be stopped

rla Prabhupda often reassured the devotees that nothing and nobody
could stop book distribution. The external form may change according to
time and circumstance, but the devotees will always preach and distribute
Our Most Important Activity" 23

Do not worry, in spite of war, #rmad-Bhgavatam will be

distributed. We don't care for war. Our preaching business
will go on. 22

This rumor that within a few years there will be police re-
pression and people will have no more money to buy books
and sakrtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told
you that is a rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that.
Rather the sakrtana movement will expand, continuing so
long as we are sincere. When I came in the beginning I began
to expand it, and it is now going on and there is no question
of it stopping. Therefore go on with your lifetime plans se-
cure in distributing books. There is no cessation. This move-
ment is eternal. 23

Our first business is this book distribution. There is no need

of any other business. If this book distribution is managed
properly, pushed on with great enthusiasm and determina-
tion, and at the same time if our men keep spiritually strong,
then the whole world will become Ka conscious. 24

These books are specifically meant for the intellectual class

of people in your country, and I have great hope in the re-
sults of this preaching at the universities. I received one ru-
mor that the sakrtana parties in the US would soon be
stopped by political repression and lack of money by the
people. Some so-called devotee was thinking like that, but
you can assure all your men that I have great hope for Ka
consciousness in America, more than in any other place. And
there is no question of repression provided we go on sincere-
ly. 25

You have asked whether nuclear devastation on this planet

would affect the sakrtana movement. No, there is nothing
that can stop the sakrtana movement because it is the will
of God Himself, Lord Caitanya, that His holy name be heard
in every town and village. Neither can the demons devastate
this planet independent of the will of Ka. Nothing hap-
pens without His sanction. If Ka wants to kill someone no
one can save Him, and if Ka wants to save someone no
one can kill him. For our parts we should just be determined
24 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to carry out our mission against all opposition, demons, nu-

clear war, whatever. The whole universe is finally subject to
certain annihilation by the will of Ka, but devotional ser-
vice is eternal and is the only certain way one can save him-
self from devastation. We can preach all over the world that
the only way to be saved from collective and individual dev-
astation is to take to the chanting of Hare Ka. In short,
this material world is a very precarious place, therefore we
should always chant Hare Ka and seek Ka's protec-
tion. 26

Some day people will come to understand what valuable

knowledge they have received. It is transcendental literature.
Nobody can challenge it. It is done so nicely, without any
spot, the spotless Pura. Please continue like this, to print
books in all the languages for the benefit of suffering, mis-
directed humanity. 27

1.4 The best preaching: let "rla Prabhupda preach

"rla Prabhupda's desire to preach
My special mission is to complete the #rmad-Bhgavatam in
sixty volumes, so the most important thing on the part of the
International Society is to organize the sales propaganda. 28

Our book distribution program is most important work.

Anyone reading our Ka book, TLC, NOD, and Bhaga-
vad-gt As It Is, is sure to become a Ka conscious person.
Therefore somehow or other we must push on this literature
distribution program, either through schools, colleges, librar-
ies, life membership programs or ordinary sales. 29

That is the real preaching: selling books. Who can speak bet-
ter than the books? At least whoever buys, he will look over.
If you have to sell books, do it by hook or by crook. The
real preaching is selling books. You should know the tac-
tic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do
for three minutes? But if he reads one page his life may be
turned. We don't want to irritate anyone however. If he goes
Our Most Important Activity" 25

away by your aggressive tactics, then you are nonsense and

it is your failure. Neither you could sell a book, neither he
would remain. But if he buys a book, that is the real success-
ful preaching. That is the certificate of my Guru Mahrja.
If some brahmacr would sell a one-paise magazine, a few
copies, he would be very, very glad and say, Oh, you are so
nice!" So distribution of literature is our real preaching. 30

Make this your important task: to print our books in French

and other languages and distribute widely, and that will
please my Guru Mahrja. Never mind it takes a little time
to make progress. Our process is slow but sure, and we are
confident that if we continue in this way we shall go one day
back to home, back to Godhead. 31

Yes, that is nice that you are distributing many books. I do

not want money, or buildings or anything else. I simply want
to see that my books are being distributed, and because you
are doing that I am quite happy. 32

We are preaching internationalism. Everyone is welcome.

Come to Ka consciousness. Here is Ka consciousness.
Here is Christian, Hindu; here is African, Muhammadan
everything. That is real United Nations. If my students were
thinking that they are American, then why are they after
a poor Indian man? Indians are known outside of India as
poverty stricken. And that's a fact. But actually we are not
poverty stricken. If we cultivate our own standard of knowl-
edge, Bhagavad-gt, then we are the richest. We can give the
whole world these gifts. 33

The statements above are a few examples of how preachers and book
distributors were instructed by rla Prabhupda to spread Ka cons-
ciousness: by their sincere endeavors to sell books on the order of the spiri-
tual master, their preaching would be efficacious.
But our realizations are not without shortcomings; that has to be ad-
mitted. When we distribute books, however, we give people rla Prabhu-
pda's realizations, which are inconceivably higher than our own. Usually
the people we meet don't have much time or aren't in a frame of mind to
receive Ka consciousness, but when they buy books, and later in some
26 The Nectar of Book Distribution

quiet moment begin to read them, they directly hear rla Prabhupda, and
that changes their lives.
What will your three-minutes preaching do?" is not a prohibition on
preaching. By this statement rla Prabhupda is obviously referring to the
front-line book distribution that prepares the field for others to follow. It
does not refer to the situation of book distributors meeting people who
have questions, or to preachers visiting favorable people who already read
rla Prabhupda's books. In those cases, preaching in person has to be
done, as rla Prabhupda demonstrated when visitors came for his dar$ana
or when he and his disciples visited life members. But compared with the
billions of people we must reach, how many sincere people are inquiring
from us or inviting us into their homes?

We have to see how books are being distributed"

In scores of letters rla Prabhupda defined ISKCON's most impor-
tant activity as book distribution.

Distribution of books and magazines is our most important

activity. Without books, our preaching has no solid basis. 34

There is no doubt about it: To distribute books is our most

important activity. The temple is a place not for eating and
sleeping, but a base from which we send out our soldiers to
fight with my. Fight with my" means to drop thousands
and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls. 35

Let us continue in the rented house and see how things de-
velop. If local people come and join, and take initiation,
then we can consider developing. Simply lip-sympathy will
not do. They must be regular disciples, following the regula-
tive principles, and they will develop it themselves. Besides
that, book distribution and preaching is our most important
activity. Opening temples is subordinate. We have to see
how books are being distributed and how people are joining
wholeheartedly. That is actual development. 36

Distribution of my books is the most important thing. . . . I

want that my books be distributed in huge quantities, and
thus we will be able to thoroughly convince the majority of
the population especially there in America. 37
Our Most Important Activity" 27

A consideration for thoughtful devotees: Prabhupda wanted that ev-

ery devotee in our movement will know the art of distributing books." We
pose this as a point for contemplation, as an appeal to devotees to ask
themselves, What keeps Prabhupda's desire from becoming a fact? What
is my role in this mission?"
We are supposed to have faith in the words of the spiritual master. Thus
the question for a disciple is not, Shall I distribute books?" but How can
I distribute books?"
Faith in the spiritual master's words and the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is the secret of success [see Ch. 3, Sec. 5]. That was rla Prabhu-
pda's success formula:
Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.95 96 p: We believed in the words of our spir-
itual master and started in a humble way in a helpless way but due to
the spiritual force of the supreme authority, this movement has become suc-
So to perform our most important activity" of distributing books, first
we must understand the most important and essential" principle of Ka
consciousness acryopsanam, the principle of accepting a spiritual mas-
ter (Bg. 13.8 p).
The spiritual generations of devotees following rla Prabhupda are
receiving the same order from guru and Gaurga that Lord Caitanya re-
ceived from His spiritual master, vara Pur, and rla Prabhupda received
from his spiritual master. The guru's order challenges us internally (to over-
come our doubts and attachments) and externally (to practically engage in
the sakrtana mission). The strength to meet those challenges especially
depends on our faith in Ka and the spiritual master, as the testimonies
of faithful and successful sakrtana devotees will verify.

Earning "rla Prabhupda's mercy

It's up to the leaders, like capable generals, to decide on what fronts to
fight my and where to administer supplies and help: festivals, Food for
Life, preaching programs at schools and colleges, life membership, Pada-
ytr, and other fronts. All devotees, members, and Friends of Lord Ka
can use their talents to distribute books and spread Ka consciousness.
But the central thrust of the Ka consciousness movement must be book
distribution. This understanding will unite everyone, and that unity of pur-
pose will bring about all success, both in everyone's spiritual life and in the
preaching work, as the following letters indicate.
28 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Satisfaction of the spiritual master is the secret of advance-

ment in spiritual life. The Lord is the original spiritual mas-
ter, and a person in the disciplic succession can convey the
message of the Lord as it is to his sincere disciple. We cannot
manufacture our own process, therefore mental speculation
does not at all help us in spiritual life. One simply has to sur-
render himself to his guru, and everything will be revealed to
him. 38

After all, following the instructions of the spiritual master will please
him, and his pleasure is the key to his mercy. And, as we sing daily, by his
mercy one receives the benediction of Ka. Without the grace of the spir-
itual master, one cannot make any advancement yasya prasdd bhaga-
vat-prasdo yasyprasdn na gati kuto 'pi."

We will conquer Europe with these books. I can only thank

you again and again in sincere gratitude for producing this
literature, and pray to Ka to bless you with all spiritual
advancement. 39

You have taken seriously the publishing and also the distri-
bution of these books, and that is the success of our mis-
sion. You have taken seriously this work, and I know that my
Guru Mahrja is pleased with you because he wanted this.
So by this endeavor you will all go back home, back to God-
head. 40

You are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord

Ka's lotus feet, and thus my Guru Mahrja will be so
pleased upon you. Certainly my Guru Mahrja will bestow
His blessings a thousand times more than me, and that is my
satisfaction. All glories to the assembled devotees! N.B. Ev-
ery one should go with the sakrtana party as soon as possi-
ble. 41

1.5 Book distribution is the basis of all preaching

Book distribution is the best preaching because it allows Prabhupda
to preach. A book is substantial. Buying books is devotional service. It re-
wards the buyer with true spiritual progress. Apart from that the books
Our Most Important Activity" 29

are very beautiful and impressive; more and more people will appreciate
ISKCON's translating and printing such wonderful classics.
By book distribution many, many people can be reached who by them-
selves would never endeavor to know Ka. There will be sincere souls
among them who begin devotional service. Thus book distribution acts like
a very powerful magnet to attract new devotees in this iron age.
Book distribution is the basis of all preaching because it plants the seeds
of Ka consciousness, and then it waters the seeds. The more books are
distributed, the more an auspicious atmosphere is created. Book distribu-
tion cultivates receptive audiences for all other preaching programs. Book
distribution itself is preaching, and it simultaneously prepares the way for
other steps in the preaching strategy, especially the construction of My-
pur. Above all, book distribution pleases rla Prabhupda, and pleasing
rla Prabhupda is the real basis of success.
Those were the main points mentioned by book distributors when asked
why book distribution is the best preaching. What follows are some of the
statements of rla Prabhupda and the book distributors.

Realizations: Book distribution is the best preaching

Our literatures are unique in the world . . . and someday the
world will realize and appreciate these transcendental litera-
tures. 42

My first concern is that my books shall be published and dis-

tributed profusely all over the world. Practically books are
the basis of our Movement. Without our books, our preach-
ing will have no effect. 43

I was just writing to our European centers that for so many

years they have been there and nothing has been printed in
European languages. This is not a very good sign. How can
there be preaching without books? 44

Your plans for increasing book distribution are very good.

. . . Distribution of all these books is making a firm basis for
our movement. 45

This quote by the head of their religion department of Ober-

lin is very important: I think the best feature of the Hare
30 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Ka Movement is that it is providing scholars with author-

ized translations of the rarest books on ka-bhakti." 46

Rohisuta Dsa: Preaching is successful if we can give people books. Then

when they get back home, they will feel they had a nice experience with
the devotee they met. They will feel that the person who approached them
was completely special and never forget that impression even if many years
pass and they don't read the books. The devotees are so fully inspired by
Lord Caitanya's influence and the spiritual master's blessings that people
also become inspired and enlivened by our enthusiasm. But as soon as we
leave them they forget everything. My comes to them with sense grati-
fication, and when they are at home, they forget whatever we told them.
But at least they have the books as a souvenir. They always remember the
encounter they had with the devotee. They have never seen such a special
person. Then one day, Ka, who is in their hearts, will give them inspira-
tion to read the books. After many years maybe, the Supersoul will dictate
their thoughts: Oh, I remember that person who gave me this book; may-
be I should read the book now." They feel an impulse in the heart. So the
point is that they will remember our preaching whenever they look at the
shelf and see the book there. And then our preaching has had its effect.
Otherwise we can be so nice, but if there is no book, then they will forget
us and whatever we said.

Indranlamai Dev Ds (USA): In preaching the most important thing

is to see the books as the basis. A temple is not required for preaching.
Prabhupda was ordered by his spiritual master to write and publish books,
not to build temples. But when devotees started joining, he needed to create
a society. By distributing books, he created a need for other programs: tem-
ples, farms and var$rama-dharma, but he always made book distribution
the foundation. The temple is meant to support and expand the preaching,
and all other forms of preaching aim at helping increase book distribution,
which is the most permanent and far-reaching preaching.

Sarvtm Dsa (USA): Book distribution purifies both the audience and
the book distributor. What could be a better form of preaching than that?
No sound is as sweet as the sound of one's own voice, and when one is dis-
tributing books, he has no choice but to listen to himself talking. And the
more he speaks about Ka, the more he becomes purified. By distribut-
ing books, he becomes enthusiastic. Just like a cow seeking its food. A cow
doesn't need to be fed. If you let a cow loose in a field, she will feed her-
Our Most Important Activity" 31

self and produce milk. In the same way, book distribution will nourish the
devotee who does it and motivate him to continue doing it. And the re-
sult is fantastic. You can see that the period when most books were distri-
buted was the period when most devotees were made and most devotees
remained in the movement. When they were doing book distribution, the
index of blooping was very low. But when we changed engagements, then
the statistics changed dramatically. What could be better preaching than
Prabhupda's own words?

#akara-paita Dsa (USA): Without book distribution what is the mean-

ing of preaching? Preaching means presenting the siddhnta. Therefore first
we have to make the $stra available. Of the three authorities, guru, sdhu,
and $stra, $stra is considered the most important. Every preaching effort
must be based on Prabhupda's books. Books are the basis.

Llvatra Dsa (Italy): Distributing rla Prabhupda's books is definitely

the best preaching because Prabhupda is Ka's pure devotee, and his
books are authorized, sacred, and nondifferent from Ka. They're meant
to elevate the consciousness of the conditioned souls to bhakti-yoga, the
path that leads to love of Ka. The translation and purports of a pure
devotee are essential for understanding the Absolute Truth, for it is only
through a pure devotee that we can realize God. The pure devotee is the
best preacher, and through his books one can be in touch with him constant-
ly. In the books there is so much wisdom that no other form of preaching
compares to them. That huge labor of translating and commenting on thou-
sands of verses can't be synthesized in a few minutes or hours of preaching.
A book has no admission hours and never gets tired.

Jva Dsa (Germany): Book distribution is a transcendental activity that

bestows special mercy because it especially pleases Ka. Unless you've
distributed books, that may be a little difficult to accept. But Ka states
as the conclusion of Bhagavad-gt that a devotee who preaches His mes-
sage is most dear to Him and never will anyone be more dear. And rla
Prabhupda confirmed it again and again. Also, Prabhupda's books will
be seen and read by other people besides the purchaser. So that is doubling,
tripling, and quadrupling the preaching connected with distributing books.
rla Prabhupda also stressed that these books are not just his words;
they are the words of Ka and all His associates and unalloyed devotees.
Devotional service begins with hearing, and hearing from pure devotees is
the most powerful way to advance. The ultimate value of our preaching is
32 The Nectar of Book Distribution

how much we can convince others to accept these words in their hearts, not
just in their hands. But first things first get the books into their hands and

Realizations: Books prepare the preaching field

I am encouraged to see your report of books sold, because
it proves that you consider it your responsibility to see that
more and more people are reading our literature. Actually
this is the solid basis for our preaching work no other
movement has got such profuse authority for preaching, and
if someone reads our Ka philosophy he becomes con-
vinced. So try to increase the effect of preaching by distrib-
uting many books and magazines, and this is the basis of all
your success. 47

I am very much pleased to hear from you that you sold 100
sets of paperback Ka book in one day and that you have
reordered from Dai Nippon. Gradually we shall replace the
literature which is currently popular with our own style of
transcendental literature. I have tried it: any page you open,
that is wonderful reading matter. My ambition is to spread
these books far and wide all over the world so that every-
one shall read at least one of our books, and that will change
his life. If only 1% become devotees, that will change the
world. 48

I am especially happy to hear from you about the huge dis-

tribution of books in the Canada Zone. That is the most aus-
picious sign. You are making good progress, that I can un-
derstand. As soon as I see that there is such increased book
distribution figures, I take that to mean that all other pro-
grams are successful as well. 49

It is very good that our books are being appreciated by the

learned circles. If our books are distributed more and more
in this way, there will be unlimited scope for spreading this
movement of Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu all over the
world. And personally I become very much encouraged
when I get the report of my books being distributed. 50
Our Most Important Activity" 33

Whatever progress we have made, it is simply due to distrib-

uting these books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for
a moment from this. 51

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: It is book distribution which makes our

movement grow quickly, which brings many new devotees, which makes
and maintains the temples and which therefore creates engagements for all
kinds of people. Prabhupda said to sell books, and then everything would
come. We simply have to have faith in Prabhupda's order: Just preach,
don't worry about money!" We don't have the policy: Go out and make
money, and preaching will automatically follow. That's a material formu-
la, and Prabhupda criticized us for material formulas. Prabhupda gave us
the spiritual formula: Go out and preach, and Ka will supply! That's a
spiritual formula. What does it mean to practice Ka consciousness, if not
to learn how to depend on Ka? Otherwise we don't get anything. Var-
$rama is revolutionary if it's part of a powerful preaching movement. By
itself, it's impotent. By itself, it's called Hinduism. Var$rama linked to a
powerful Ka consciousness movement is revolutionary. Without power-
ful preaching and book distribution, it is just Hinduism. Hinduism isn't go-
ing to change the world or start a spiritual revolution.

Rohisuta Dsa: rla Prabhupda used the temples to spread Ka con-

sciousness. People could visit them and hear about Ka. Devotees can be
trained in temples to become soldiers who fight my and destroy the de-
moniac, materialistic mentality by distributing books. Temples are places to
hold ecstatic krtanas and teach devotees to think about Ka, hear about
Ka, speak about Ka, and preach Ka consciousness. Then devotees
go out and bring people to the temples through their preaching and the dis-
tribution of books, prasdam, and the holy names. So the people come to
the temples. The temples are trthas. Prabhupda made a trtha out of ev-
ery place. Trtha-kurvanti trthn: pure devotees are themselves places of
pilgrimage because they purify even places of pilgrimage. But although we
have many nice temples, or trthas, not many people come. Most of the peo-
ple are now in my. Therefore we go out and bring people books to help
them establish a trtha in their flats and homes. When they don't come to
the temple, we bring Prabhupda to their houses. That is our duty.

Harinmnanda Dsa (Switzerland): The more that books go out, the more
the Ka consciousness movement will influence society. The people will
become less interested in illicit sex, meat-eating, and intoxication. Many
34 The Nectar of Book Distribution

people are becoming frustrated with this materialistic society, and if they
read Prabhupda's books they'll appreciate them very much. By the influ-
ence of the sakrtana movement, people hear about transcendental knowl-
edge and get a chance to practice spiritual life. That can be achieved only
by constantly giving out Prabhupda's books every day, every week, every
month, and every year, until the influence of the books pervades the whole
society. If we distribute Prabhupda's books, Prabhupda is preaching to
millions of people. Ka in book form is everywhere, and everything be-
comes more auspicious. Everything becomes purified, and Prabhupda is
able to preach like anything.
And there are a lot of by-products of book distribution. Here in Switzer-
land, where over the last fifteen or eighteen years books have gone out
without interruption, many other preaching successes started to manifest.
For example, Swiss TV invested sixty thousand francs to film our temple
here in Zurich and made an hour-long production that will be shown the
week before our Christmas marathon. On several TV programs in Germany
millions of people saw devotees on stage with Boy George and heard the
mah-mantra. Ka is becoming more and more famous. And in the East
European countries suddenly the books are going out by the millions. On
radio and TV there we can preach to 150 million people simultaneously.
These are successes for the sakrtana movement, and many devotees are
required to perform these services. But as book distributors, we have to
know that this is all Ka's reciprocation for the auspicious atmosphere
that has been created by book distribution. This point has to be stressed:
book distribution is extraordinary and transcendental because it means we
are letting Ka appear in society. We give Ka to human society. This
is a very intimate service, and nobody else can or will do the service ex-
cept the devotees. Therefore Ka reciprocates, and helps and inspires the
devotees. (From a national sakrtana meeting in Zurich on September 29,

Guru-caraa Dsa (Italy): Pure souls want to preach and glorify Ka. The
more advanced we are, the more we will want to preach. We won't be able
to live without preaching. The more purified we are, the more we will enjoy
giving rla Prabhupda's books to people. If we are Ka conscious, then
it doesn't matter where we are. I've seen a good sakrtana devotee preach
everywhere, and not only during the hours he was out. When he buys gaso-
line, he preaches; when he is on a bus or going to see a doctor; everywhere;
on the road, in the house, in the shop; he brings books with him and tries
to distribute them. You are always preaching. On Saturday and Sunday,
Our Most Important Activity" 35

not only when you go on sakrtana. You speak about Ka naturally in

any condition, and Prabhupda's books are the life-giving force in all your
preaching efforts.

Festivals: Do you sell many books there?"

Preaching takes many forms, but rla Prabhupda stressed that preach-
ing must be linked to distributing his books and inspiring people to read

I am especially glad that you are having so many festivals

in the colleges and schools. Do you sell many books there?
That is the success of your festival if people buy many
books. At our Delhi Festival we sold more than twelve thou-
sand BTGs. 52

It is very encouraging to note that the work on our BTG and

other books is going on. Actually producing and distributing
books is our most important engagement. All other engage-
ments culminate in this one end: distribution of books. 53

It is so much encouraging to hear how you are introducing

this Ka consciousness movement in the schools and col-
leges there. Especially this is an ideal opportunity for dis-
tributing our books also, so you should make all serious en-
deavor in this connection. These books are so potent that
anyone who reads them is sure to become Ka conscious.
So it is a very valuable service to distribute our books. 54

I am very pleased to hear that you are increasing your distri-

bution of our books and magazines. This is a good sign that
your preaching work is also strong. The more you increase
your strength in preaching, the more you will go on selling
books. I want especially that my books be distributed wide-
ly. 55

Wherever there is preaching strength, there is also success,

no matter it may be pal show, or making members, trav-
eling sakrtana party, whatever it may be just maintain
our strong position of purity of routine work, and preach and
distribute literature, that's all. 56
36 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Books go everywhere
Rohisuta Dsa: These books and this mantra go everywhere. We simply
have to be their servants. They can push themselves into places we can-
not even imagine going. When we go through the streets, the sound of the
Hare Ka mah-mantra goes into offices and private apartments where
we could never enter, and people hear it. The books also go to all kinds of
places. They remain here and there, and they find people to read them. The
books and the Hare Ka mantra are nondifferent from Ka. They are
persons. They have intelligence. They will find their customers, their devo-
tees. If we want to become instruments, we should have faith in Ka's
name and Ka's books. #rmad-Bhgavatam and Bhagavad-gt are non-
different from Ka. And when we realize that, we become purified. Then
we can say there's faith, $raddh. Without $raddh, there's no progress. So
the first thing we need is $raddh, faith in the instructions of Ka and the
spiritual master, faith in the power of their words, faith in the power of the
books. Above all, preachers must have that faith in all circumstances.

1.6 "rla Prabhupda's books make devotees

Prabhupda's guarantee
Please try to popularize this book throughout England as
much as possible, because if these books are read, there is no
doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join
you in your work for Ka. So please try to sell these books.
It shall be considered the greatest service. 57

If anyone simply reads our Ka book, TLC, NOD, or Bha-

gavad-gt As It Is, he is sure to become a Ka conscious
person. So somehow or other, either through the schools
or colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary
sales, we must push this literature distribution program. It is
so important, and a most valuable service to Ka. 58

So these books will supply a clear idea of God. Not only that,
but anyone who reads this Ka book, Nectar of Devotion,
and if possible Teachings of Lord Caitanya, I'm sure he can-
not go away from becoming a devotee of Ka. 59
Our Most Important Activity" 37

These books are so potent that anyone who reads them is

sure to become Ka conscious. So it is a very valuable ser-
vice to distribute our books. 60

Ka consciousness is the absolute need of the present-day

society, and there are many people who will come to join us
if we simply make these teachings of Bhagavad-gt and the
rest of the Vedic literature available to them. 61

Distributing the books will make devotees. To make a dev-

otee means to make someone purified. Reading the books
will purify the intelligence. A purified heart and mind means
Ka consciousness. 62

Examples of books making devotees

Sarvtm Dsa: A devotee who passed away recently, Kalpataru Dsa, from
Guatemala, distributed books for many years. Here's the story of how he
joined: He became disinterested in material life and went to Ecuador to live
in the Andes. He built a cabin far away from trails and people, and he ate
berries and leaves like a yog for almost a year. Meanwhile one hiker going
to Ecuador through the Miami airport got a Ka book, and by Ka's ar-
rangement he started climbing where Kalpataru was living and discovered
him there in the wilderness. So they became friends. When the hiker left,
he wanted to leave a present, so he left the Ka book with Kalpataru,
who read the book and came down the mountain and looked for a temple
to join.

Harinmnanda Dsa: One boy was watching me distribute books. When

I approached him, he said, I have these books. I wondered where these
books came from." He worked for the municipal public works, and a friend
of his who collected garbage found some of our books in a garbage con-
tainer and brought them to the public works hall, where this boy had found
them. Being curious, he took them home and started reading the picture
captions and then the books themselves. He told me his story and was
happy to meet me. He was seventeen years old. He bought ten books on the
spot. I invited him to come to visit our temple, said goodbye, and walked
away. But somehow or other I was not yet satisfied (Paramtm!). Suddenly
I realized, He could be a book distributor." I turned around and called the
boy back. Hey, what are you doing tonight? Because it's Saturday, I will
38 The Nectar of Book Distribution

go to the temple tonight." We made an appointment for the evening, and

when I came, he was there waiting for me, with his sleeping bag, all ready
to stay for the weekend. He became a regular visitor, and now he is a full-
time book distributor. His name is Jagadvasu, and he's gone out steadily
for the last five or six years. Very often he travels with me, and he custom-
builds the interiors of our sakrtana vans, which are equipped with mini-
kitchens, hot-water tanks, and huge book-storage compartments. Simply by
distributing books, we get such valuable men.

Ujjvala-nlamai Dsa (Switzerland): In 1977 we were on a marathon be-

cause rla Prabhupda was very sick, and we knew that he derived the
greatest pleasure from hearing the book distribution scores. One day I was
distributing in the subway in Lucerne. A young boy, about fifteen years old,
who looked like a student came by and was quite interested, but he didn't
buy a book because he had to do some shopping first and didn't know how
much money he needed. But he promised to come back. I thought, One
of those guys again," and since it was the afternoon I soon took my break.
Then two days later, I was going door to door in some village. At the first
door I knocked this same boy opened the door and exclaimed, Oh, here
you are! I came back but could not find you." That morning one of his
teachers was ill, he told me, and that's why he was still at home. He gladly
took a book, The Nectar of Devotion, which had just appeared in German.
I was struck by Ka's amazing timing.
Three years later I met him again in the temple! We came back from
sakrtana one weekend, and there he was. He immediately recognized me
and said, The book you gave me marked a turning point in my life. Sud-
denly the devotees and the mah-mantra started crossing my path again and
again." After three years, he had decided to visit the temple. He immedi-
ately left high school and came back the same week to join. And now he's
the devotee compiling this sakrtana book, tma-tattva. Ka's arrange-
ments for getting Prabhupda's books to the conditioned souls are intricate
and beyond our control. The time will come when thousands of people will
show up at the temples, just like that boy, because they got a book and the
association of rla Prabhupda, who is the purest and most patient preach-
er. We simply must have faith in the books and distribute them.

Nirgua Dsa (USA): One person was driving his car and ran over some-
thing. He stopped to see what it was, and when he opened his door, he saw
a book there, and he picked it up. It was a Ka book, and he became a
Our Most Important Activity" 39

Another time, when we returned from book distribution, a carpenter

was working in the temple. He saw the ecstasy on the faces of the returning
devotees, and he began wondering what we were doing out there. So he de-
veloped a desire to go out with us, and he actually became a book distribu-
tor. The first day he did huge. So I think that this enthusiasm is the best way
to make new devotees. Bring them out on book distribution. Discuss book
distribution, which is so much nectar that it feels exhilarating. Every book
that goes out is like a big punch of ecstasy. It's really wonderful, what to
speak of how purified you feel at the end of the day. It's by preaching about
the nectar of book distribution that we create an atmosphere that naturally
attracts new devotees.

Why don't more people join?

Perhaps the most nagging doubt is: If book distribution is the most im-
portant activity, actually the best preaching, why don't more people join?
Who really reads our books?
r Ka says, Out of many thousands among men, one may en-
deavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly
one knows Me in truth." He said that in Dvpara-yuga, so what can we ex-
pect in Kali-yuga? In this iron age of Kali, men have but short lives. They
are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always disturbed"
(SB 1.1.10). In other words, it is always just a few people who achieve Ka
consciousness, and nowadays people are most disqualified. But thanks to
Lord Caitanya, devotional service is manifest in this Kali-yuga, and His em-
powered representative, rla Prabhupda, attributed his success in making
devotees to book distribution: Whatever progress we have made, it is sim-
ply because of distributing these books. So go on, and do not divert your
mind for a moment from this." 63
Without book distribution, who would join ISKCON at all? What other
methods of preaching would be more successful? According to rla
Prabhupda and history: none. Therefore if we feel dissatisfied with the
number of new devotees joining, the practical solution is to distribute more
books. After all, in most countries we haven't yet distributed that many
books. Doubting the efficacy of book distribution on the grounds that it
doesn't produce more devotees is (1) to not see the results achieved already,
(2) to forget that no other programs would yield comparable results, (3) to
not understand what the further results of book distribution will be, and (4)
to lack faith in rla Prabhupda, who had the vision to see the future of
book distribution and therefore stressed it repeatedly.
40 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Harike"a Swami: Sometimes the sakrtana devotees become fruitive, and

they ask, We've distributed so many books, so why isn't the place filled
with devotees?" The answer is because that's not the way it works. The way
it works is that you have given a book about Ka to a completely condi-
tioned soul who has been wrapped in ignorance since time immemorial, and
he's given you a donation and his spiritual life has started. But he may not
complete it in his lifetime. In the beginning people should understand they
are committing sinful activities. That is the first stage. They should at least
understand that they are doing something wrong. They don't even under-
stand that. They think that slaughtering animals, eating them, and getting
drunk is fine. They are steeped in ignorance. They don't know what is right
and what is wrong. But once they get in touch with Ka consciousness,
their spiritual lives will gradually begin. They'll start to understand they
have to make a change. They'll understand that the material world isn't a
nice place to live. Maybe they will visit Ka's temple. But guaranteed in
the next life or some lifetime, they'll again do something Ka conscious
and gradually advance further. Even if it takes one hundred lifetimes, this is
nothing compared to the millions and millions of lifetimes they have under-
gone searching for Ka. They don't know they are searching for Ka,
but that's what they are doing. Therefore sakrtana is glorious because it
gradually attaches all these people to the process of Ka consciousness.
Maybe they will take it now, maybe they will not. We cannot say. But what
we can say is, they will become devotees some time, whereas before we met
them and gave them a book they had no chance. Book distribution is a
long-range program to bring all conditioned souls back to Godhead. (From
a class in Germany on June 30, 1990)

Rohisuta Dsa: Some people say the books are too difficult to read. I tell
them that's quite true; otherwise they would have joined already. You can't
understand rla Prabhupda's books deeply if you don't chant Hare Ka
and render devotional service. Only devotees can understand the books in
truth. The books require the association of devotees. Therefore the duty of
the preacher is to visit people who are nice, to see them again and again,
and that will encourage them to read our books. In Kali-yuga what do
people read except literature for crows? So it's already a miracle that they
buy the books. That's the only thing many people can do. They'd never
visit the temple, and even if they did, they'd hardly understand anything.
They're all suffering, but it takes a little good intelligence to learn from suf-
fering. Animals are also suffering, and they cannot end it. So if those with
some good intelligence meet devotees, they'll understand that to stop suf-
Our Most Important Activity" 41

fering, the only solution is surrendering to Ka. For all others, we should
be very happy if they can buy a book. That is already something wonderful.

Llvatra Dsa: The first distribution of transcendental literature in Italy

took place in 1973 74, and 1977 marked a big step forward in distribution
because devotees began selling 80 to a 100 big books a day. Fifteen years
have passed since then, and we've distributed many, many more books.
Many times we were on a marathon for four months in the winter and two
months during the summer. Because of that distribution we expanded our
movement in Italy. We increased the number of devotees and created a fa-
vorable public image. People understood that we study these books, which
are profound, holy, and pure. Religious and political leaders often men-
tioned our books. The character of rla Prabhupda awakened the inter-
est of scholars in Italy. Now many people read our books, more than we
imagine. Some chant without ever having been to a temple. Schools use our
books, and some students write a thesis on them. It's impossible to describe
the great effect of rla Prabhupda's books. Sakrtana is changing people
world-wide, and a Golden Age is arriving in Kali-yuga that will manifest
peace and harmony between people.

Harike"a Swami: Who can assert, We have distributed lots of books, but
the people don't read them"? Can we say for sure that no one reads the
books? At least according to my experience that statement is patently false.
People are reading the books and appreciating them as well. The Swiss
devotees, for example, say that people on the street are commenting on
the books and buying more books. This is also happening in other coun-
tries. Maybe it has something to do with the way the books are distributed.
The distributors are preaching about the books, and people are becoming
attracted to the books. They bring the books home. They don't throw them
away. People accept the books when they buy them from devotees who are
trained how to sell the books by preaching about them. They should feel
that they are paying for the book. That will help them become attached to
it. Donating for a charity or the like does not foster attachment to a book.
Changing the attitude of the book distributors may decrease the immediate
results, but it will increase the long-term results. People will be more in-
clined to read a book they purchased.
As for not sowing new seeds, that's impractical. Every year you have
to sow seeds in the fields. After the planting there should be care for the
fields, so that they produce. Similarly, the book distribution should continue
forever, more and more. But there should also be programs to encourage
42 The Nectar of Book Distribution

people to study the books and make a spiritual change in their lives. Nma-
haa centers should be started, and people should be cultivated through the
mail. All these programs are required simultaneously, but on no account at
the cost of book distribution.

1.7 Book distribution is the foundation of the house in

which the whole world can live
The most important aspect of our preaching is krtana. In-
duce the people to chant, that is the only thing. Then every-
thing else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and
books. Both are required. Distributing the books will make
devotees. 64

The first business should be to preach to the devotees. It is

better to maintain a devotee than to try to convince others
to become devotees. . . . Your first job should be to make
sure that every one of the devotees in your zone of manage-
ment is regularly reading our books and discussing the sub-
ject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and that
they are somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of the
Ka consciousness philosophy. If they are fully educated in
our philosophy and if they can get all of the knowledge and
study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will per-
form tapasya or renunciation and that will be their advance-
ment in Ka consciousness. . . . What good are many, many
devotees if none of them are knowledgeable? 65

Book distribution: the basis of a big plan

adbhuta mandire eka haibe prak$a
gaurgera nitya-sev haibe vik$a

Nitynanda Prabhu predicted, In the future r Mypur will again appear,

and the devotees will build an astounding temple from which the preaching
of the sakrtana movement of Lord Gaurga will be spread everywhere."
(#r Navadvpa-dhma Mhtmya)

Harike"a Swami: When we analyze rla Prabhupda's plan for spreading

this movement world-wide, we can see his wonderful, transcendental vi-
sion. The first phase is to produce his books in all languages, and book pro-
Our Most Important Activity" 43

duction is going on thanks to his sincere disciples and granddisciples who

accept this work as their life and soul. The next stage is book distribution.
By rla Prabhupda's mercy that is also going on thanks to his sincere and
determined disciples and granddisciples who distribute his books with great
enthusiasm. Now it is also going on throughout the Eastern Bloc, although
just a few years ago we thought it would never happen. There seems to be
no limit to the number of books that can be distributed in the world, and
this mission satisfies the heart and soul and makes us want to serve Prabhu-
pda more and more. The third stage is to build a transcendental city in
Mypur based around a wonderful temple. The project is now going on,
and it is sure to gain momentum. Although we are in the first stages of
planning, by Prabhupda's blessings we shall be able to complete the initial
plans and then begin the construction of the temple and city. Now we are
building housing and guesthouses, and this makes us eager to begin work
on the main temple. May rla Prabhupda bless us to accomplish this stage
of his plan so that we will have this great legacy to hand down to the gene-
rations of devotees to come. All devotees should want to be part of these
historic efforts.

Ours is a cooperative movement"

Ours is a cooperative movement, with Ka and the ad-
vancement of Ka's movement at the center. We must con-
tinue to sell as many books as possible, but discuss every-
thing among yourselves and do it nicely without irritating
anyone, that is the art. 66

Because I am stressing one thing (book distribution) espe-

cially, does that mean that everything else is not important?
No. Everything must go on. Please consult with your temple
president or your GBC for direction as to what is your best
engagement. 67

It is this sakrtana which is the life and soul of our move-

ment. Sakrtana and book distribution should go on to-
gether side by side. I am always glad when these activities
are increasing, and my pleasure is always increasing. 68

Caku Dsa (Austria): I can say frankly that whatever results I'm getting
are coming only by the mercy of the other devotees, because they support
us and free us from having to worry about this or that problem. We can
44 The Nectar of Book Distribution

just go out with a clear mind. If I had to go out and my mind was dwelling
on what's not working or what's going wrong because the devotees in the
temple don't care, then I wouldn't have the power to convince people, be-
cause I would not really be convinced about the beauty and the power of
Ka consciousness and how nice it is to be in the association of devotees.
But because devotees all work together there is a dynamic spirit both in the
temple and among the book distributors. Strong cooperation makes it easy
to be convincing. And that's what the people feel when you're on the street:
This guy is convinced."

Nirgua Dsa: Book distribution spreads Ka consciousness, and the

other departments both benefit from it and support it. It all works together,
but there has to be responsible management and cooperation among the
devotees. For instance, if the temple isn't kept clean and devotees aren't
following the program, then it's practically hypocrisy to go out and preach
an ideal lifestyle or invite people to the temple. It's not enlivening or en-
couraging to live and work in such a situation. Everything must be first
class, and the emphasis on book distribution has to be there from the top
manager on down. If book distribution is the focus of the temple, it will
bring everything to fruition. Everything will be balanced, and there will be
no problem of book distribution acting against all the other things we have
to do.

Harike"a Swami: I see my role in the book distribution mission as making

sure that all the activities of the Ka consciousness movement in all the
temples are directed towards getting out as many books as possible and
making sure that all the devotees understand that this is the main goal:
we have to bring more and more people to Ka consciousness by giv-
ing them Prabhupda's books. To do this we have to create an atmosphere
in which book distribution is seen as very, very important work. Actually,
from the material point of view, nobody wants to go out and sell books.
It is strenuous. It is difficult meeting adverse conditions and people. This
is an important consideration. Unless one is Ka conscious, he will want
to do things according to his material inclinations more than anything else.
Therefore inspiring the devotees to go out isn't easy if the atmosphere in the
temples is unfavorable to book distribution. If all the devotees are busily
engaged according to their propensities, a potential book distributor might
think, Why should I struggle to distribute books?" Therefore one has to
create an atmosphere in which everyone can understand with his transcen-
dental intelligence that book distribution is the most important activity, that
Our Most Important Activity" 45

it's going to get the supreme results and please rla Prabhupda and bring
us all back to Godhead. It's the primary purpose of the Ka consciousness
movement, and Prabhupda said that enough times so that everyone can
understand it. Yet it's important to preach in such a way that devotees who
don't distribute books can feel they are connected to book distribution. Our
managers have to help everybody understand this. For example, the p%jr
department worships the Deity and assure us of the Lord's mercy, and we
aspire to please the Deities and want to distribute the books for Their satis-
faction. Therefore at the end of the week we read our book scores to Them.
And the cooks prepare prasdam to give everybody strength and enthu-
siasm. Especially in December practically all of us simply engage in book
distribution just to make sure we keep up the spirit of understanding what
the topmost part of the preaching is.

Navna-nrada Dsa (Switzerland): The cutting edge of the Ka cons-

ciousness movement is book distribution. There are big tankers in the Arc-
tic Sea that are ice-breakers, and they have a very sharp edge in the front.
Similarly, book distribution is the front edge, the cutting edge, of the Ka
consciousness movement, and the power of the preaching and all other ar-
rangements depends on it. If there's no cutting edge in front, you can't cut
through the ignorance, the materialistic vibrations that cover this planet. So
there has to be continuous book distribution and harinma sakrtana and
prasdam distribution to break through the massive ignorance of people;
otherwise we won't reach their hearts. If we're not purifying ourselves by
the process of sakrtana, we will not have the force of purity behind our

Maidhra Dsa (Sweden): Sometimes management and sakrtana seem

to be like two worlds. One is here, the other is over there. I think that's a se-
rious problem. If we want to keep our preaching spirit, we have to connect
the two very strongly. Actually, managing means pushing the cause of book
distribution. We are supposed to achieve good results in the field of book
distribution, and therefore it has to be our priority. Otherwise it will be
de-emphasized. Things merge, and we lose the main point, like myvds
who say that Ka is everywhere and you don't need to go to the temple.
But if Ka is everywhere, then He's in the temple too, and actually He
is especially there. Sometimes we end up saying, Prabhupda gave us so
many instructions; Prabhupda is everywhere." So we intimate that he's not
in sakrtana. It's a indirect, subtle thing. But if he is everywhere, he must
be in sakrtana too, and actually, as he said again and again, he is especially
46 The Nectar of Book Distribution

there. If someone is qualified to perform another service he should do that.

But he shouldn't declare his service as the all-in-all or something better than
book distribution and use that against book distribution.

Rohisuta Dsa: In Ka consciousness everything is important. That in-

cludes book distribution. So we don't forget it, we emphasize it. Otherwise
we say, Everything is important but book distribution." Then who per-
forms book distribution? The tendency is always to go the easy way, the way
of the least surrender. In book distribution there is no personal enjoyment.
When you are surrendered, you get enjoyment, but in the beginning when
you're not surrendered, it is the most difficult thing to do. Sakrtana makes
you or breaks you. It makes you advance, or it breaks your false ego. On
book distribution you can't be static. You cannot avoid the advancement,
and that is good. You may perform other activities in Ka consciousness,
but they are not as obviously purifying as book distribution, which is like a
rocket taking you back to Godhead. It is guaranteed perfection. Nowadays
you can do many activities in Ka consciousness, but often you cannot see
your false ego. Sometimes it isn't apparent, and you begin to think you're
advanced. But on book distribution when you have that mentality, it's sure
that you'll immediately get a reaction. Immediately. And then you realize
once more where you actually are. That's the challenge of book distribu-
tion: it forces you to give up your false ego.
Book distribution is stressed for other reasons, too. rla Prabhupda
said books are the basis. In the beginning devotees chanted and distributed
prasdam because they had no books. But when they produced some books,
rla Prabhupda told them, Distribute the books. It is more important."
Of course, we still do harinma-sakrtana and prasdam distribution and
invite people to the temple. And because the books are distributed, hari-
nma and prasdam distribution become very useful. These programs are
useful even without books, but if many people have books, then prasdam
distribution and harinma have special power because they purify the peo-
ple and remind them to read the books. The people will think, These are
the same people who gave me that book I have at home, and now they're
singing and dancing on the sidewalk and distributing nice sweets. They are
bright and happy." Thus they become curious about the book and the phi-
losophy of Ka consciousness. Therefore rla Prabhupda said to do ev-
erything simultaneously if we have the manpower. But without book distri-
bution, preaching will not be as successful. When book distribution is going
on and the devotees who distribute the books become convinced about its
importance and don't deviate to other activities, then the other devotees
Our Most Important Activity" 47

can go out on harinma and prasdam distribution. We also need preach-

ers. We need so many things. It is a movement. But this movement is based
on book distribution. The foundation is the most important part of the
building. The foundation workers have the most important duty, but they
shouldn't be proud. They should be humble and work together with the
other workers. A servant of Ka is never proud. As soon as you become
proud you cannot distribute books, and you become powerless. Therefore
Ka gives special mercy to the sakrtana devotees. He makes them hum-
ble. Because Ka wants the books distributed, He helps cut down our
pride. Ka always arranges new lessons that enable us to go on distribut-
ing books.

Prabhupda, what pleases you the most?"

Go on preaching and making life members and distribut-
ing books as much as possible. This is exactly the meaning
of Lord Caitanya's teaching, and by carrying it out, surely
you will receive His blessings, which are to achieve love of
Ka. 69

rla Prabhupda never stressed book distribution to the diminution of

other services. Stressing the priority of book distribution with unbalanced
argumentation is counterproductive: the other devotees feel offended and
lose enthusiasm for book distribution. Sometimes it has provoked a subtle
rebellion against book distribution or thrown book distribution into ques-
tion. Therefore one has to be careful not to prove a right thing with wrong
arguments and spoil the right thing. Book distribution is our most important
activity, because it is our broadest preaching instrument for accomplishing
our goals of establishing the yuga-dharma, engaging people in devotional
service, and awakening the Ka consciousness of the conditioned souls. In
that light, all devotional services become fully potent and inspiring, and all
the members of the sakrtana movement will naturally derive encourage-
ment from hearing about book distribution and develop a desire to taste
the nectar of book distribution themselves. The following exchanges with
rla Prabhupda impressively illustrate this.

Nirantara Dsa (USA): In the spring of 1975 all the American sakrtana
devotees had gathered around rla Prabhupda in Atlanta: the Rdh-
Dmodara devotees, the airport distributors, and sakrtana parties from
around the States. The atmosphere was intensely surcharged with the mood
48 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of book distribution. One morning [March 2nd], towards the end of the
lecture, I felt impelled to ask Prabhupda a question, which I didn't know
would go down in history; you can listen to it on the BBT tape. I asked,
Prabhupda, what pleases you the most?" I anticipated Prabhupda an-
swering, If you distribute books," to encourage all of us book distributors.
Prabhupda paused thoughtfully, then said, If you love Ka."

Instead of wanting to know what really pleased Prabhupda, devotees

sometimes held preconceived ideas of what they wanted to hear. Prabhu-
pda's responses in these cases caught devotees off guard, but they could
see that Prabhupda was catching them. Prabhupda could understand
what his disciples were driving at by trying to put words in his mouth, and
he left no room for anyone to maintain false pride: if you'd learn to love
Ka by distributing books, that would please Prabhupda the most. Still,
rla Prabhupda made it clear that if you did distribute his books sincerely
you were dear to Ka and his Guru Mahrja, and your love for Ka
would grow.

#ivarma Swami: rla Prabhupda stressed book distribution, and I like to

do it, and I push it. But we should not forget that he also stressed other pro-
grams. Once, when rla Prabhupda was in Montreal, I asked him what
was most important book distribution, harinma, or prasdam distribu-
tion. I was a zealous book distributor and wanted him to say book distri-
bution. rla Prabhupda said, They are all equally important." I thought
that rla Prabhupda was just emphasizing each of them but was not re-
ally answering my question. So when I had another opportunity some time
later, I put the question to him again. This time I made some introductory
statements to induce him to say book distribution, but he did not do that.
He said that book distribution, harinma, and prasdam distribution are
equally important. This is one of the few instructions that rla Prabhupda
directly gave me, and I clearly remember it. So rla Prabhupda did stress
book distribution more, but not to the exclusion of other programs.

Maidhra Dsa: When rla Prabhupda made his last visit to London in
1977, he called the whole German yatra into his room. We were all thinking
it was because Germany had become famous for big sakrtana results, and
we were thinking, Now he is rewarding us: `You can come.' And now we
are coming the Germans! Here we are, Prabhupda! You called for us,
and here we are!" We all dashed into his room and paid daavats, and rla
Prabhupda sat in the corner completely silent. It became very quiet, and
everyone cooled down. rla Prabhupda said, You are distributing books
Our Most Important Activity" 49

very nicely, but do you know our philosophy?" It was the last thing anyone
expected. He repeated, Do you know the philosophy?" Everyone looked
desperate and bewildered. Nobody said anything for three minutes. What
is the essence of our philosophy?" Prabhupda asked again. Some devotees
shyly answered, yre dekha, tra kaha and sarva-dharmn parityajya, but we
could understand that those weren't the points Prabhupda wanted to hear.
Then he said: The essence of our philosophy is that we are eternal. That is
Ka's instruction." Shortly afterward, we left his room. We all bolted out
again, the whole crew, completely puzzled. What was that? He just asked
if we know the philosophy. He didn't say anything about our sakrtana re-
sults." It was very instructive, because Prabhupda knew that the Germans
are known as hard workers. There was no lack of enthusiasm, hard work,
and dedication. But philosophically something was missing in those days.
So in this way, and through realizations I got on the street over the years,
I have learned that unless I have a good foundation of knowledge, I won't
last on sakrtana.

Devotional service is absolute, but . . . "

Ka becomes more and more pleased by the increment of
book distribution. Devotional service is absolute, but Ka
is especially pleased to see someone preaching His glories. 70

Here Prabhupda says devotional service is absolute, and in the follow-

ing letter he says the same in the words: In Ka's service, there is no in-
ferior and superior." But because Ka is especially pleased to see some-
one preaching His glories," book distribution is most important, and it is
emphasized by Prabhupda:

Regarding your question about the controversial talks going

on, this kind of talk is not befitting my advanced students.
This is childish. In Ka's service, there is no inferior and
superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribu-
tion. It is not material. It is mentioned in the Bhgavatam:

$ravaa krtana vio smaraa pda-sevanam

arcana vandana dsya sakhyam tma-nivedanam

#ravaa krtanam is the beginning to chant and hear.

Book distribution is under this category of $ravaa kr-
tanam. The next item is smaraam. If somebody simply re-
members the Supreme Lord, that is as good as $ravaa and
50 The Nectar of Book Distribution

krtanam. Then there is arcanam. That is also as good as the

others, but one who simply becomes engaged in arcanam and
does nothing of $ravaa krtanam, his position becomes in
the material field. Any one of the nine processes is as good
as the other. There is no question of inferior or superior. But
out of all of them $ravaa krtanam is very important. r
Caitanya Mahprabhu while instructing rla Rpa Gosvm
has said how the seed of devotional service sprouts and in-
creases by watering the root by the process of $ravaa kr-
tanam. So these two items are very important in devotional
service, but that does not mean that the other items are in-
ferior. rla Jva Gosvm has stressed krtanam especially in
the age of Kali. Even if there is arcanam for sanctifying the
contaminated mind, it must be accompanied by $ravaa
So, you are all advanced students. You should understand
the importance of each and every item of devotional service.
Do not make any misunderstanding by devaluating any of
the spiritual activities. You are one of the advanced students.
One who distinguishes a particular type of service as infe-
rior or superior, he does not know the value of devotional
service. It is all transcendental. Whatever item is suitable,
that is accepted as very elevated. Just like Mahrja Parkit.
He simply listened to ukadeva Gosvm. That is $ravaam.
And ukadeva Gosvm simply narrated #rmad-Bhgava-
tam. This is krtanam. Prahlda Mahrja simply contem-
plated smaraam. Pthu Mahrja simply did Deity wor-
ship arcanam. Arjuna only remained as friend of Ka
sakhyam. Hanumn remained only engaged in carrying out
the order of Lord Rmacandra dsyam. And Bali Mah-
rja surrendered everything to Ka tma-nivedanam. So
any devotee executing any one of the nine is transcenden-
tally glorious. One devotee may be proud that his process of
service is the best. That is not inglorious. This is called tran-
scendental competition. Everyone should feel proud of his
particular type of devotional service, but that does not mean
that other types of service are inferior. Everyone should feel
proud of becoming a sincere servant of Ka, but the pure
devotee never minimizes the importance of other devotees.
Ka is the enjoyer of varieties of service. It is not stuck
up with any particular type of service. Ka takes pleasure
Our Most Important Activity" 51

with devotees even by fighting service. When Grandfather

Bhma was trying to injure the body of Ka by sharp-
ened arrows, in full devotion in the mellow of chivalry, Ka
was feeling the piercing of the arrows as good as worshiping
him with soft rose flowers. The conclusion is that everyone
should be very, very sincere. There is no more the question
of inferior or superior. 71

#rmad-Bhgavatam 7.14.39 p: In Satya-yuga, every person was spiritually

advanced, and there was no envy between great personalities. . . . but af-
ter Satya-yuga there were symptoms of disrespectful dealings among Vai-
avas. . . . When great saintly persons saw this contamination, they intro-
duced worship of the Deity in the temple. This began in Tret-yuga and
was especially prominent in Dvpara-yuga. But in Kali-yuga, worship of the
Deity is being neglected. Therefore chanting of the Hare Ka mantra is
more powerful than Deity worship. Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu set a prac-
tical example in that He did not establish any temples or Deities, but He
profusely introduced the sakrtana movement. Therefore Ka conscious-
ness preachers should give more stress to the sakrtana movement, espe-
cially by distributing transcendental literature more and more. This helps
the sakrtana movement. Whenever there is a possibility to worship the
Deity, we may establish many centers, but generally we should give more
stress to the distribution of transcendental literature, for this will be more
effective in converting people to Ka consciousness.

Distribution of my books is the highest kind of preaching,

and thus the best engagement. 72

See to it that the trains are always running"

Regarding printing our books and literatures, I may inform
you in this connection that I saw one bulletin of Indian Rail-
ways in which it was specifically advised that every railway
servant must see to it that the wheels of the carriages or vehi-
cles should always be moving, which means that the railway
is going nicely. Similarly, all of us should see that our litera-
tures are profusely distributed. That means that our mission-
ary work is going on nicely. Otherwise we are simply sleep-
ing and eating. 73

This is our most important work. All the leaders should tax
their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have
52 The Nectar of Book Distribution

always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our

needs will be met. 74

#rmad-Bhgavatam 10.2.37 p: In our Ka consciousness movement, all

our activities are concentrated upon distributing Ka literature. This is
very important. One may approach any person and induce him to read
Ka literature so that in the future he also may become a devotee.

Caku Dsa: If nothing is going on but book distribution, the other services
will come. But if all the other things go on except book distribution, they
will not go on for long and everything will decrease. We have seen it. If
there are enough people to distribute books, then we can have the other
programs. But if the devotees are doing everything else but book distribu-
tion, they should reconsider what the basis is and go on book distribution.
That is the main thing. That always has to go on. That can't be neglected.

#aii Dev Ds (Germany): If we go on traveling sakrtana, we develop a

lot of appreciation for the temple devotees dedicating their lives to Ka.
We feel like a family. There's always this example of war: some are at the
front fighting; some are in the back providing everything for the soldiers at
the front and taking care of the wounded. We're one army, the army against
materialistic, conditioned life. One shouldn't be a separatist. One should
have a broad vision and understand how everything works, because we all
have the same goal. As an army we're all dependent on each other. And
just like in a war, the ones who go to the front will get the honors, medals
and awards. Fighting face to face with my isn't easy. You have to confront
Kali-yuga's influence. You are much safer in the temple serving the Deities
in a spiritual and calm atmosphere. But we are all one family working hand
in hand. If we try to see things like that, then there will be no problem hav-
ing some relationship to the different services and there will be no envy or

Harike"a Swami: The Ka consciousness movement is so nice that how-

ever you serve the sakrtana mission, you get the benefit. The whole move-
ment is a sakrtana mission. We have our front lines and our back lines.
The book distributors are going to the front lines, delivering Ka cons-
ciousness to the people face to face. And devotees in the back lines are
supporting them, enabling them to do more and more preaching. You may
be in the front lines or the back lines, or you may work at the top of the
line, but whatever you do, always understand the bottom line, which is to
serve Ka with love and devotion. That is the best way to go back home,
Our Most Important Activity" 53

back to Godhead, the best way to bring others with you, the best way to
serve Ka, the best way to be happy. (From a class in Zurich on August
29, 1991)

Please assist me to your best capacity"

We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one
of the most important being the production and distribution
of our Ka conscious literature for the upliftment of man-
kind. My Guru Mahrja particularly gave me this assign-
ment, so please assist me to your best capacity in this re-
gard. 75

More than anything I want that my students should distrib-

ute my books and literatures profusely all over the world,
and this should be our foremost concern, how to do it prop-
erly. 76

In Caitanya Mahprabhu's movement everyone is a preach-

er, whether man or woman, it doesn't matter. . . . Everyone
should go out. 77

Actually it is a fact that ultimately everyone should preach

and distribute books if they want to please me in the best
way. Book distribution must be given stress always. . . . If you
do this sincerely, it is a fact that Ka will supply everything
else required. 78

Let us humbly remember rla Prabhupda and always make his books
the basis of ISKCON's activities and our individual spiritual lives. Prabhu-
pda wanted his movement to be pushed on many fronts, one of the most
important being the production and distribution" of books. Of course, not
everyone can be or is qualified to be engaged in book production. Similar-
ly, not everyone can distribute books full-time. We all have different servic-
es, responsibilities, and inclinations. But as a practical and reasonable con-
clusion to all these clear instructions of rla Prabhupda, the members of
ISKCON should take time whenever they can, either regularly or at least
once a year during the Prabhupda marathon, to distribute rla Prabhu-
pda's books. (This point is elaborated upon in Ch. 9, Sec. 1.) The more
good examples we have of that, the more book distribution will become
a tradition, and the more Ka consciousness will spread as it did when
Prabhupda was physically present.
54 The Nectar of Book Distribution

To construct a house in which the whole world can live, a strong, perma-
nent foundation is required. Therefore every temple needs book distribu-
tion. To dedicate themselves to this pioneering work, the book distributors
need encouragement, support, and the faith that theirs is the most impor-
tant service. Book distribution is a permanent necessity, just as the foun-
dation of a house is always needed to support the superstructure. Nobody
says, The house is standing. Now we don't need the foundation anymore."
Book distribution as the topmost priority not only has to be acknowledged
and established but also maintained and expanded. By our faithful execu-
tion of this order of rla Prabhupda, everything else will come.

Yes, try to encourage book distribution as much as possible.

Books are the basis of our movement. Whatever apprecia-
tion we are getting on account of our books, it is because we
are following the path chalked out by exalted devotees. 79
Sakrtana Philosophy
Prahlda Mahrja said, May there be good fortune throughout the uni-
verse, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities be-
come calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service
they will think of each other's welfare. Therefore let us engage in the service
of the supreme transcendence, Lord "r Ka, and always remain absorbed
in thought of Him." (rmad-Bhgavatam 5.18.9)

2.1 The mercy of !r Caitanya Mahprabhu

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 1.2, 4: I offer my respectful obeisances unto
r Ka Caitanya and Lord Nitynanda, who are like the sun and moon.
They have arisen simultaneously on the horizon of Gaua to dissipate the
darkness of ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow benediction upon all.
. . . May that Lord, who is known as the son of rmat acdev, be transcen-
dentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent
with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the age of Kali by
His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation ever offered before: the
most sublime and radiant spiritual knowledge of the mellow taste of His

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 1.85 89: r Ka and Balarma, the Person-

alities of Godhead, who formerly appeared in Vndvana and were mil-
lions of times more effulgent than the sun and moon, have arisen over the
eastern horizon of Gauadea, being compassionate for the fallen state of
the world. The appearance of r Ka Caitanya and Prabhu Nitynanda
has surcharged the world with happiness. As the sun and moon drive away
darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything, these two
brothers dissipate the darkness of the living beings' ignorance and enlighten
them with knowledge of the Absolute Truth.

56 The Nectar of Book Distribution

No one is more merciful than !r Caitanya Mahprabhu

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 25.268 270: All sane men within these
three worlds certainly accept the conclusion that no one is more merciful
(kplu) and magnanimous (vadnya) than r Caitanya Mahprabhu and
that no one is as kind to His devotees (bhakta-vatsala). All devotees should
hear about r Caitanya Mahprabhu's pastimes with faith and love. By the
grace of the Lord, one can thus attain shelter at His lotus feet. By under-
standing the pastimes of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, one can understand the
truth about Ka. By understanding Ka, one can understand the limit
of all knowledge described in various revealed scriptures.

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 19.51 53: r Caitanya Mahprabhu em-

braced Rpa Gosvm and r Vallabha, and out of His causeless mercy He
placed His feet on their heads. After receiving the Lord's causeless mercy,
the brothers folded their hands and in great humility offered the Lord the
following prayer.

namo mah-vadnyya ka-prema-pradya te

kya ka-caitanya-nmne gaura-tvie nama

O most munificent incarnation! You are Ka Himself appearing as r

Ka Caitanya Mahprabhu. You have assumed the golden color of r-
mat Rdhr, and You are widely distributing pure love of Ka. We
offer our respectful obeisances unto You."

!r Caitanya Mahprabhu's mission

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 14.16 p: r Caitanya Mahprabhu's mercy
is so powerful that it acts automatically. If a person renders loving service
to Ka, it never goes in vain. It is recorded in a spiritual account, and in
due time it will fructify. This is confirmed by Bhagavad-gt (2.40). Sv-alpam
apy asya dharmasya tryate mahato bhayt: In this endeavor there is no
loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one
from the most dangerous type of fear." r Caitanya Mahprabhu has par-
ticularly bestowed upon all fallen souls in this age the most potent method
of devotional service, and whoever takes to it through the mercy of r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu is immediately elevated to the transcendental position.
. . . Even a little of r Caitanya Mahprabhu's mercy serves as a great asset
for spiritual advancement. Therefore the Ka consciousness movement
must be spread through the mercy of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. . . . r Cai-
Sakrtana Philosophy 57

tanya Mahprabhu's special mission is the deliverance of all fallen souls in

Kali-yuga. Devotees of Ka must persistently seek the favor and mercy of
r Caitanya Mahprabhu to become fit to return home, back to Godhead.

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 5.88: The activities of r Caitanya Mah-

prabhu are just like an ocean of nectar. Even a drop of this ocean can inun-
date all the three worlds.
Purport: To inundate the three worlds with nectar is the purpose of the
pastimes of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. How this could be possible was
exhibited by rla Raghuntha Gosvm and later by hkura Narottama
Dsa and ymnanda Gosvm, who all represented the mercy of r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu. Now that same mercy is overflooding the entire world
through the Ka consciousness movement. The present Ka conscious-
ness movement is nondifferent from the pastimes performed by r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu when He was personally present, for the same princi-
ples are being followed and the same actions performed without fail.

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 20.6 p: To release a conditioned soul from

material bondage is very difficult because the spell of my is so strong.
Even when the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself descends to de-
liver conditioned souls, asking them to surrender unto Him, the condi-
tioned souls do not agree to the Lord's proposals. Therefore r Santana
Gosvm said, Somehow or other, if one helps another gain release from
the bondage of my, he is certainly recognized immediately by the Su-
preme Personality of Godhead." . . . The greatest service one can render to
the Lord is to try to infuse devotional service into the heart of the condi-
tioned soul so that the conditioned soul may be released from conditional
life. rla Bhaktivinoda hkura has said that a Vaiava is recognized by
his preaching work that is, by convincing the conditioned soul about his
eternal position. It is the living entity's eternal position to serve the Lord;
therefore to help one get release from material bondage is to awaken one
to the dormant understanding that he is the eternal servant of Ka, jvera
`svar#pa' haya kera `nitya-dsa'.

In the following letter rla Prabhupda explains how devotees can

serve the Lord's mission and gain His appreciation.

As a father is always sorry for the son who is out of home,

similarly Ka is not very happy on account of so many
58 The Nectar of Book Distribution

bewildered fallen souls in the material world. He therefore

comes personally to ask them to surrender again to Him. But
the conditioned soul is so much illusioned that it is very hard
to make him surrender to Ka. Therefore each and every
one of us, if we can give service to Ka by making another
man surrender to Ka, then He will very much appreciate
that service, and that is our gain. 1

!acnandana Swami: In the spiritual world everything is present but one

thing: the pleasure of saving the conditioned souls through sakrtana.
Therefore even Ka descends, in the form of Lord Caitanya, to perform
sakrtana and taste this pleasure. So who can doubt that sakrtana is
the real source of our joy and happiness? We must be happy to perform
sakrtana. Happy means that we have no doubts about Ka conscious-
ness and about spreading it. Prabhupda writes in this connection, The
cause of distress of a living entity is forgetfulness of his relationship with
God. And the cause of happiness is knowing Ka. Because one in Ka
consciousness is happy, he tries to distribute the knowledge of Ka every-
where. He is the best philanthropist in the world, and he is the dearest ser-
vitor of the Lord" (Bg. 6.32 p).

Starting another person's devotional service

Regarding your questions: Is there any particular reason why
some spirit souls become directed towards Ka conscious-
ness in the first place? How does one get on the progressive
path of elevation to Ka consciousness? The answer is that
it is by the mercy of the Lord that one comes in contact with
a spiritual master who can revive the dormant Ka con-
sciousness of the conditioned soul. Ka is always merciful,
and He comes Himself, He leaves behind the Bhagavad-gt,
and He sends His representative, the spiritual master. In this
way the merciful propaganda is going on.
Every individual soul has got the power of discrimination.
So those who are pious take advantage of this opportunity of
the mercy of the Lord. But both pious and impious souls are
being convinced by this Ka consciousness movement. The
human being is supposed to be more intelligent than the ani-
mals, so intelligent persons or pious persons come in contact
with Ka consciousness. 2
Sakrtana Philosophy 59

In Harinma-cintmai (Ch. 7), rla Haridsa hkura explains the ef-

fect of serving Vaiavas: My-dev forces atheists to perform sinful activ-
ities and in this way deprives them of the nectar of chanting the holy name.
But if she becomes appeased by an atheist's rendering service to saintly
Vaiavas, she showers him with her grace and connects him to the Lord's
lotus feet." 3 Buying books from book distributors is definitely rendering
service to saintly Vaiavas." Even touching a transcendental book or sac-
rificing a few seconds to hear the words of a devotee is considered devo-
tional service. A materialist's life will change even if he doesn't immediate-
ly do more devotional service but remains under my's spell, because he
has begun appeasing My-dev, who will inspire him to surrender more to
God. Her inspiration may manifest initially as continued or increased suf-
fering, but it is no longer merely a karmic reaction. Rather, it is karma ad-
ministered in such a way that the materialist becomes disillusioned. Thus in
the beginning he experiences Ka's mercy through my. Now it is just a
question of time before he comes into contact with devotional service again
and makes further progress. The end of his material suffering has come into

Harike"a Swami: By the extraordinary mercy of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead the conditioned souls get the seed of bhakti-yoga: guru-ka-pra-
sde pya bhakti-lat-bja. How fortunate such souls are, we cannot imag-
ine especially nowadays when we're distributing so many books. We give
the seed of bhakti-yoga to someone after he has been in the material world
for millions of lifetimes. He may not know it, and even we may not know
it, but when he agrees to take a book about Ka, for him the whole pro-
cess of bhakti-yoga begins. The seed is planted. We don't even think about
it when we distribute books, because it's just too amazing it's the most
wonderful thing. The book distributors are the most magnanimous souls
because they plant the seed of bhakti-yoga in the hearts all sorts of people
who otherwise never would have a chance of going back to Godhead. To-
tally unfortunate souls become totally fortunate by the mercy of the sakr-
tana devotees. (From a class in Germany on June 30, 1990)

Nirgua Dsa: Some of these people may never get another chance to be-
come Ka conscious. Of course, we don't take that to the extent of dis-
tributing books in a disturbing way. But in a genuinely pleasing way we try
our best to reach everyone. Sometimes we can't take a break because peo-
ple are dashing in and out of the parking lots, and we have to give them
books because it may be their last chance. That enthusiasm is always there.
60 The Nectar of Book Distribution

For many people, books will be their only link with this movement for a
long time or throughout their lifetime. We know many people who received
books and have since died.

Greatest welfare work

"rmad-Bhgavatam 5.8.9 p: When a person is advanced in spiritual con-
sciousness or Ka consciousness, he naturally becomes very sympathetic
towards all living entities suffering in the material world. Naturally such an
advanced person thinks of the suffering of the people in general. However,
if one does not know of the material sufferings of fallen souls and becomes
sympathetic because of bodily comforts, as in the case of Bharata Mah-
rja, such sympathy or compassion is the cause of one's falldown. If one is
actually sympathetic to fallen, suffering humanity, he should try to elevate
people from material consciousness to spiritual consciousness. . . . As far as
the material body is concerned, we cannot do anything for anyone. How-
ever, by the grace of Ka, we may raise a person to spiritual conscious-
ness if we ourselves follow the rules and regulations. If we give up our own
spiritual activities and simply become concerned with the bodily comforts
of others, we will fall into a dangerous position.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.5.11 p: Anyone who misunderstands this perishable

body to be the self and who works for it in the name of sociology, poli-
tics, philanthropy, altruism, nationalism or internationalism, under the false
plea of the bodily conception of life, is certainly a fool and does not know
the implications of reality and unreality. . . . Unless people are attracted by
ka-kath, they will never be liberated from the bondage of material exis-
tence. Ka-kath is the only remedy for all people of the world because it
can situate one in pure consciousness of the self and liberate one from ma-
terial bondage. To preach ka-kath all over the world, as recommended
by Lord Caitanya, is the greatest missionary activity, and all sensible men
and women of the world may join in this great movement started by Lord

In order to change this materialistic society and prevent peo-

ple from gliding to hell, the first thing is to educate them. All
decent men want to give service to humanity, but the only
thing is that they do not have information what that service
really is. Hospitals, feeding the poor, Red Cross these are
service to the body only, not to the man. Service to humanity
Sakrtana Philosophy 61

means jna. By giving people knowledge, jna, we render

the highest service to humanity. So we are performing the ac-
tual welfare work for society by informing everyone through
our literatures who is God, who they are, and what the re-
lationship is. In this way everyone who hears our message
gets the opportunity to fulfill his actual position as a human
entity and become delivered from the clutches of my. So
you may understand it that by disseminating our Ka con-
sciousness propaganda anywhere and everywhere by selling
books, by making publicity in the newspapers and on tele-
vision there are so many ways to spread Ka conscious
information by utilizing our energy in this way to give ev-
eryone access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real under-
standing of the desire to serve humanity. 4

Make all the unfortunate fortunate"

Devotee: Prabhupda, before this movement came here we were caught up
in sinful activities. How were we so fortunate to get the benediction of this
great Hare Ka movement?
!rla Prabhupda: It is Ka's mercy. Caitanya Mahprabhu wanted to
give you Ka consciousness. Take advantage of it. Caitanya Mahprabhu
is kind to everyone. He has no discrimination that this cult should be spread
only in India or among the Hindus or among the brhmaas. No. He wanted
to spread this movement to all living beings. Never mind. Pthivte che yata
nagardi. That is Caitanya Mahprabhu's mission. So now He has come.
If you want, accept Caitanya Mahprabhu's order: Simply chant Hare
Ka." That is sufficient. But if you want to know more, through philoso-
phy, through science, we have already got thirty or fifty books. Read them.
Everything is there. Either you accept it directly, or if you want to accept it
through science, through philosophy, through knowledge, there are books.
Both ways, Caitanya Mahprabhu is ready to help you. Now you take ad-
vantage of it. And we are glad that you are taking advantage. . . . The sooner
you take advantage of it, the better. 5

By Lord Caitanya's mercy, the unfortunate have become most fortu-

nate. That good fortune was brought by rla Prabhupda and his move-
ment. Therefore rla Prabhupda said that the devotees, in turn, as a sign
of gratitude and responsibility, should make the rest of the unfortunate for-
62 The Nectar of Book Distribution

This is our duty: to make all these unfortunate creatures for-

tunate. That is our mission. Therefore we go in the street
and chant. Although they say, Can't," we go on chanting.
That is our business. And somehow or other we push some
literature into his hand. He's becoming fortunate. He would
have spoiled his hard-earned money in so many nasty, sin-
ful ways, and if he purchases one book never mind what is
the price his money is properly utilized. The beginning of
Ka consciousness is there. Because he is giving some of
his hard-earned money for this Ka consciousness move-
ment he is getting some spiritual profit. He is not losing.
He is getting some spiritual profit. Therefore our business
is, somehow or other, bringing everyone to this Ka con-
sciousness movement. 6

We are making them fortunate. We are giving them service

so they become fortunate. We are spending our blood, gal-
lons of blood, to make them fortunate. This is the sacrifice
of the devotee. Suppose you are poor and some rich man
comes and says, Oh, all right, take one million dollars from
me." You become rich immediately. So it is by the devotee's
sacrifice that they are becoming fortunate. 7

2.2 The glories of !rla Prabhupda's books

We can say that all these big so-called philosophers are sim-
ply m#has. Perhaps I am the first to do it. Our philosophy is
perfect, and we cannot be defeated by anyone. So it is up to
you to learn it and be able to present it nicely. Now you have
everything: respect, philosophy, money, temples, books all
these things I have given but I am an old man, and my no-
tice is already there. Now it is up to you how to manage it.
If you cannot increase it, you should at least maintain what I
have given you. You cannot accuse me that I have not given
you anything. So it is a great responsibility you now have. 8

Prabhupda's books are the words of bhagavn and bhgavata

Never was the mercy of Ka as easily accessible as it is now through
the sakrtana movement, and never was there as merciful a way to attain
Sakrtana Philosophy 63

Ka consciousness as by distributing it in the form of rla Prabhupda's

books. This is because the words contained in rla Prabhupda's books are
the transcendental words of bhagavn (God) and bhgavata (God's devo-
tee). The very appearance of his books was mystical it happened in such
a short time that it surpassed the limits of ordinary writing and publishing
a mystical, direct manifestation of the entire guru-parampar's knowledge,
power, and will.

Caitanya-caritmta, Concluding Words: Although according to material vi-

sion His Divine Grace rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura Prabhu-
pda passed away from this material world on the last day of December
1936, I still consider His Divine Grace to be always present with me by his
v, his words. There are two ways of association by v and by vapu.
V means words, and vapu means physical presence. Physical presence
is sometimes appreciable and sometimes not, but v continues to exist
eternally. Therefore we must take advantage of the v, not the physical
presence. Bhagavad-gt, for example, is the v of Lord Ka. Although
Ka was personally present five thousand years ago and is no longer phys-
ically present from the materialistic point of view, Bhagavad-gt continues.
In this connection we may call to memory the time when I was fortu-
nate enough to meet His Divine Grace rla Prabhupda, sometime in the
year 1922. rla Prabhupda had come to Calcutta from rdhma Mypur
to start the missionary activities of the Gauya Maha. He was sitting in a
house at Ulta Danga when through the inducement of an intimate friend,
the late rman Narendrantha Mallika, I had the opportunity to meet His
Divine Grace for the first time. I do not remember the actual date of the
meeting, but at that time I was one of the managers of Dr. Bose's labora-
tory in Calcutta. I was a newly married young man, addicted to Gandhi's
movement and dressed in khadi. Fortunately, even at our first meeting, His
Divine Grace advised me to preach the cult of r Caitanya Mahprabhu in
English in the Western countries. Because at that time I was a complete na-
tionalist, a follower of Mahatma Gandhi, I submitted to His Divine Grace
that unless our country were freed from foreign subjugation, no one would
hear the message of r Caitanya Mahprabhu seriously. Of course, we had
some argument on this subject, but at last I was defeated and convinced that
r Caitanya Mahprabhu's message is the only panacea for suffering hu-
manity. I was also convinced that the message of r Caitanya Mahprabhu
was then in the hands of a very expert devotee and that surely the mes-
sage of r Caitanya Mahprabhu would spread all over the world. I could
not, however, immediately take up his instructions to preach, but I took his
64 The Nectar of Book Distribution

words very seriously and was always thinking of how to execute his order,
although I was quite unfit to do so.
In this way I passed my life as a householder until 1950, when I retired
from family life as a vnaprastha. With no companion, I loitered here and
there until 1958, when I took sannysa. Then I was completely ready to dis-
charge the order of my spiritual master. Previously, in 1936, just before His
Divine Grace passed away at Jaganntha Pur, I wrote him a letter asking
what I could do to serve him. In reply, he wrote me a letter, dated Decem-
ber 13, 1936, ordering me, in the same way, to preach in English the cult of
r Caitanya Mahprabhu as I had heard it from him.
After he passed away, I started the fortnightly magazine Back to God-
head sometime in 1944 and tried to spread the cult of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu through this magazine. After I took sannysa, a well-wishing friend
suggested that I write books instead of magazines. Magazines, he said,
might be thrown away, but books remain perpetually. Then I attempted to
write "rmad-Bhgavatam. Before that, when I was a householder, I had
written on "rmad Bhagavad-gt and had completed about eleven hundred
pages, but somehow or other the manuscript was stolen. In any case, when I
had published "rmad-Bhgavatam, First Canto, in three volumes in India,
I thought of going to the U.S.A. By the mercy of His Divine Grace, I was
able to come to New York on September 17, 1965. Since then, I have trans-
lated many books, including "rmad-Bhgavatam, Bhakti-rasmta-sindhu,
Teachings of Lord Caitanya and many others.

!rla Prabhupda's emotional ecstasies

We read the scriptures again and again, and it is still fresh.
When there is time, I go on reading my own books. 9

Taml Krishna Goswami: rla Prabhupda once said to me, My books are
better than me, because the best of me is in the books. I sit there, and every
word that comes out is the very best of me." (From a class in Belgium on
August 1, 1989)

Harike"a Swami: rla Prabhupda's day began sometime between 12:30

and 1:30 after he inexplicably rose from bed without assistance. There was
no alarm clock, and certainly no one went in to remind him that it was time
to rise, but almost as if he were never asleep he rose of his own accord to
sit behind his desk and chant the holy name. Perhaps one hour or more
later after sitting peacefully without moving, chanting in complete concen-
tration, he opened his books, the red Bengali Bhgavatam and the green
Sakrtana Philosophy 65

one from Varanasi with the Sanskrit commentaries by the great cryas. He
turned on the dictaphone, picked up the microphone, and began dictating:
"rmad-Bhgavatam, Seventh Canto, Third Chapter, verse fifteen, purport
continued." And then with great care and deliberation he chose each and
every word as if the whole creation depended upon the perfection of his
word selection.
Factually it did, for he knew that for the next ten thousand years these
books would be the standard of knowledge. rla Prabhupda understood
his audiences perfectly well, although he might be in Bombay, Sydney,
Rome, Tokyo, Hawaii, Los Angeles, or New York. Sometimes those places
and audiences were very small (only three or four devotees and a few mem-
bers), and sometimes very large thousands all waiting anxiously to hear
him speak even a drop of nectar. He never disappointed them, giving them
a full share of his mercy. People would come to his room all day and even
all night, but he would never neglect them. Often he would chastise me,
Why do you prevent them from coming? Let them come."
But in the wee morning hours, no one could even think of rising, what
to speak of going to his room and bothering him. rla Prabhupda could
read the minds, feel the hearts, and see the faces of the people he was writ-
ing for, and with great compassion and mercy he chose each word most de-
liberately, to persuade the reader to discard his material desires and enter
into the spiritual realm of devotional service. One day perhaps he would do
two verses, and another day perhaps twenty it depended on his own tran-
scendental desire. Sometimes two verses took longer than twenty to com-
pose, for this was not a material occupation bound by a mundane schedule.
Often we tried to inspire him to translate more. We thought that he
needed our encouragement to go faster, but he would chastise us for that:
Do you think this is an ordinary activity? It is not simply moving the fin-
gers on the typewriter. I have to compose these words with great delibera-
tion. This is the "rmad-Bhgavatam. It is not an ordinary activity." And so
we would feel like fools for trying to interfere with the transcendental, emo-
tional outpouring of rla Prabhupda's ecstasies into his purports. He told
us his purports were his emotional ecstasies. So filled was he with pure love
of God that his love in these purports remains ever fresh. Anyone can have
direct contact with rla Prabhupda by reading his purports and accepting
the instructions in them as his life and soul. If people read only one line,
even one word, he told us, they can experience a complete change of heart
and become eligible to go back to Godhead. If they even touch a book
or see it, their lives are changed, he said. Who could have imagined these
wonderful, magnificent opulences of rla Prabhupda's books, and who
could have conceived that during the wee morning hours he would write
66 The Nectar of Book Distribution

his books, day in and day out? Although sometimes he was extremely sick,
he still managed to write. It is certainly a modern wonder that rla Prabhu-
pda wrote more books in ten years than anyone else in history, and now
they are appearing in many different languages. But the materialists are so
bewildered that they can't understand what Prabhupda has done. Later
they will understand, when the seeds of these books become fully manifest.
Now they are simply seeds a few have sprouted to become creepers
but when the seeds become fully manifest as trees, people will understand
what he did. Millions of these seeds are everywhere, and they are the un-
breakable, indestructible, eternal assets of human society. How that mani-
festation of mercy will appear in the future only he knows. We can't say. We
have very little idea of what can develop simply from massive book distri-
After two, three, or even four hours of the most intensely concentrat-
ed writing in history, rla Prabhupda somehow decided to come to an
end. The translating ended, even in the middle of a sentence sometimes
inexplicably. No one understood where the nectar flowed from or why it
stopped. Now the flow and tide of his ecstasies were being channeled into
other directions. If no one disturbed him, he might take a twenty-minute
nap and recover from the great mental strain of writing. Then the time
just before dawn would come, and all the sannyss, temple presidents, and
other important devotees would assemble at his door, breathlessly await-
ing his departure from his room. His servant hurried to organize the morn-
ing clean-up: who would change the sheets, sweep the floor, wash whatever
they could, and replace the flowers. The servant carefully placed Prabhu-
pda's sweater and chadar over his shoulders, his cap on his head, his lotus
feet firmly and softly within his shoes, and his cane directly into his hand
without making Prabhupda break his stride. The perfection was to do it in
one sweeping motion, while holding the door open, so that rla Prabhu-
pda wouldn't need to waste one precious moment as he strode out of
his room, having just solved all the problems of the world within the lines
of "rmad-Bhgavatam. The devotees immediately offered daavats, and
rla Prabhupda stood patiently as he was duly garlanded and praised with
nice words. He laughed or looked at us sternly according to his desire, and
then off he would march on his morning walk to once again tear to pieces
the rascal scientists and foolish atheists of the world while constantly show-
ering his most merciful compassion upon all of his devotees.

rla Prabhupda considered book-writing his most important activity

and wished to retire from the work of managing ISKCON just to concen-
Sakrtana Philosophy 67

trate on completing "rmad-Bhgavatam. He says in the following letter to

the GBC that the Bhgavatam would be the greatest contribution . . . our
lasting contribution to the world."

Over the past ten years I have given the framework, and now
we have become more than the British Empire. They had
only a portion of the world, and we have not completed ex-
panding. We must expand more and more unlimitedly. But I
must now remind you that I have to complete the translation
of the "rmad-Bhgavatam. This is the greatest contribution;
our books have given us a respectable position. People have
no faith in this church or temple worship. Those days are
gone. Of course, we have to maintain the temples, as it is
necessary to keep our spirits high. Simply intellectualism will
not do. There must be practical purification. So I request you
to relieve me of management responsibilities more and more
so that I can complete the "rmad-Bhgavatam translation. If
I am always having to manage, then I cannot do my work on
the books. It is a document. I have to choose each word very
soberly, and if I have to think of management, then I cannot
do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present some men-
tal concoction to cheat the public. So this task will not be
finished without the cooperation of my appointed assistants,
the GBC, temple presidents, and sannyss. . . . So please as-
sist me in the management so that I can be free to finish the
"rmad-Bhgavatam, which will be our lasting contribution
to the world. 10

Prabhupda's books contain the Absolute Truth

"rmad-Bhgavatam 1.1.2 p: The impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth is
not the highest. Above the impersonal feature is the Paramtm feature,
and above this is the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, or Bhagavn.
"rmad-Bhgavatam gives information about the Absolute Truth in His per-
sonal feature. It is higher than impersonalist literatures and higher than the
jna-ka divisions of the Vedas . . . because it aims at the Supreme Truth
which is the substance or the root of all categories. From "rmad-Bhgava-
tam one can come to know the substance as well as the categories. The sub-
stance is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord, and all emanations are rel-
ative forms of energy.
68 The Nectar of Book Distribution

(a) Defining the Absolute Truth

In Kali-yuga demonic and myvda propaganda has infiltrated the
field of philosophical inquiry and made the world bereft of the most im-
portant topic of human thought, the inquiry into the Absolute Truth. Prac-
tically all philosophers in the West do not treat or do not dare to treat
the topic because to do so would be to invite the ridicule of their colleagues,
if not suspicion and threats of expulsion from professional circles. At the
least, they would have great difficulty finding an audience. Due to demonic
influences, people are averse to inquiring into the Absolute Truth. Even the
liberal-minded philosophers from the esoteric and New Age groups, who
like to talk about cosmic consciousness and self-realization, frown at the
mention of the absolute truth." The "rmad-Bhgavatam says: Those who
are averse to Transcendence realize the Absolute Truth differently through
speculative sense perception, and therefore, because of mistaken specula-
tion, everything appears to them to be relative" (SB 3.32.38). A modern
ideology goes: Everything is relative. What is true for you is true for you,
but never try to convert others. Who are you to claim that what you con-
sider true is true for everyone? Nothing is absolute. Everyone has to find
his own truth." Thus people firmly believe that everything is relative; but
their belief itself is a negative, incomplete form of absolute truth.
So people always accept an absolute truth in some incomplete, relative
form, or as a theistic truth, or as an atheistic dogma like agnosticism that
declares that nobody knows what the absolute truth is. Therefore the issue
is not Is there an absolute truth?" but What is the absolute truth?" And
that question is going unasked. But that's where rla Prabhupda's books
start. Aththo brahma-jijs: Now, having obtained the human form of
life, one should inquire into the Absolute Truth" (Vednta-s#tra, 1.1.1). This
is the most important question of life, because only by knowledge of the
Absolute Truth does our relative existence gain value and meaning.
rla Prabhupda's books are the only current source of serious inquiry
into the Absolute Truth, which they conclusively explain as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Therefore rla Prabhupda's preaching is glori-
fied in the words nirvi%ea-%#nyavdi-p%ctya-de%a-trie: he delivers the
world from impersonalism and voidism. That is the mission he inherited
from rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, and he expressed it in his
famous Vysa-pj poem of 1935: Absolute is sentient, thou hast proved.
Impersonal calamity thou hast moved." rla Prabhupda called the abso-
lute truth" not it," but by His name, Ka, and thus he challenged all the
fools, rascals, demons, and speculators, who cause calamities by their pro-
Sakrtana Philosophy 69

paganda. rla Prabhupda, in India and the West, attacked whoever dis-
torted or covered the Absolute Truth, and he wanted the world-wide distri-
bution of his books to replace their literature.

When one book is published I think I have conquered an

empire. So try to publish as many books as possible, and
that will enhance the beauty and prestige of our society. The
Ramakrishna mission has nothing substantial to say, but be-
cause they have money and have published so many rubbish
literatures, they have become very cheaply popular. You can
just imagine how powerful our society will become when we
have as many substantial literatures published. We should
not only publish in English but in other important languages
such as French and German. 11

Many fanatical spiritual movements have come and gone,

but without the flawless philosophy of Ka, they cannot
stand. Therefore I want especially that my books should be
distributed profusely. This is our substance real philosoph-
ical information, not some weak sentiments. So try for this
to give all men this Ka philosophy and many real devo-
tees will come with us back to home, back to Godhead. 12

I am very much pleased to hear of your increased book dis-

tribution, and it gives me great pleasure to hear of your in-
creased eagerness to distribute my literature. Through the
distribution of this literature we can completely annihilate
all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure.
Therefore there is no need for us to directly attack these
charlatans, but simply by this distribution of books the sun-
light of Ka consciousness will prevail. 13

(b) Undefeatable, flawless science

We can challenge any nonsense philosophy: Socrates, Plato,
Kant, Darwin all of them so many mental speculators
and word jugglers who have misled so many people. Now it
is your task to find them out and expose them, so that people
may appreciate the real philosophy. We must now become
very serious to save the people of the world from this very
70 The Nectar of Book Distribution

dangerous situation. Become very convinced yourself of our

philosophy and then your preaching will act. And try to sell
as many books as possible at all the schools and colleges.
This is scholarly information, flawless science. Kindly assist
me in this great work, and know it for certain that by your
sincerely working in this way, you shall very soon go back to
home, back to Godhead. 14

Let our philosophy be challenged by anyone, and we shall

defeat them. I want that you distribute our books widely, as
many as possible, then people will get the right information.
We show people by the results: so many centers, happy devo-
tees, big books, strong conviction like that. Let people
judge who is better by the results. 15

I do not know how you are selling so many books. There is

no instance in history where religious books were sold with
such enthusiasm and success. Is there any such history? The
Christians have spread their teachings all over the world,
and they have only one book. We have already got forty big
books published in English. Therefore if we distribute as you
are distributing, we cannot even imagine the result. 16

Practically speaking there is no religion in the world. The

only true religion is bhgavata-dharma. That is the origi-
nal religion of the human society. Whatever else there may
be passing as religion has come after Vedic literature. The
whole world is in darkness, so we are bringing it light in the
shape of the "rmad-Bhgavatam. Therefore this is the best
service one can render to the human society, to give knowl-
edge how to go back to home, back to Godhead. 17

We are not afraid to challenge every mundane philosopher

and defeat them because they are simply operating on the
mental platform, which is constantly changing, so they can-
not have any real authority. But because we are hearing from
the source of all knowledge, Ka, through His representa-
tives, the saints and cryas in disciplic succession, we have
got a solid basis for understanding. If we are very much con-
vinced to preach in this way, the intelligent class of men will
Sakrtana Philosophy 71

respect and join us, and this will be your success in Germany.
If a Marx can change so many men's minds to follow his im-
perfect philosophy, what can Ka, the Supreme Perfect, ac-
complish! If we remain pure and teach others purely, then we
will achieve all success and the whole world will listen to us
and be delivered from its very dangerous condition. Thank
you very much for assisting me in this great endeavor. 18

(c) Books for the benefit of the people in general

"rmad-Bhgavatam 10.12.7 p: The secret of success is unknown to people
in general, and therefore rla Vysadeva, being compassionate towards the
poor souls in this material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given us
the "rmad-Bhgavatam. "rmad-bhgavata puram amala yad vaia-
vn priyam (SB 12.13.18). For Vaiavas who are somewhat advanced,
or who are fully aware of the glories and potencies of the Lord, "rmad-
Bhgavatam is a beloved Vedic literature. After all, we have to change
this body (tath dehntara-prpti). If we do not care about Bhagavad-gt
and "rmad-Bhgavatam, we do not know what the next body will be. But
if one adheres to these two books Bhagavad-gt and "rmad-Bhgava-
tam one is sure to obtain the association of Ka in the next life (tyak-
tv deha punar janma naiti mm eti so 'rjuna). Therefore, distribution of
"rmad-Bhgavatam all over the world is a great welfare activity for theo-
logians, philosophers, transcendentalists and yogs (yoginm api sarve%m),
as well as for people in general.

I'm especially pleased to hear that your distribution of our

books and magazines has increased. Go on in this way, in-
creasing more and more. Each time someone reads some
solid information about Ka, his life becomes changed in
some way. These literatures are the solid ground upon which
our preaching stands, so I want that they should be available
to everyone, as many as possible. So please try for this. 19

I am very glad to hear all the good news, especially that you
want to sell books more and more. That is the best preach-
ing work. Each book sold means there is some practical ef-
fect of preaching. There is some tangible progress. So try to
sell books as many as possible in your country. . . . We are
the only movement in the world which is preaching the real
72 The Nectar of Book Distribution

fact or secret of success, and outside our movement every-

thing else will fail. So try to convince people to join us and
be successful in their lives. That will be to your credit. 20

Rohisuta Dsa: Only after many, many lifetimes a rare person comes to
the point of surrendering to Ka and serving Him. It's rare because that's
exactly what the conditioned soul doesn't want to do. Therefore he comes
to the material world. So being a devotee is the culmination of a long trans-
migration through many species of life many lifetimes on many planets
since time immemorial. If someone surrenders to Ka and then comes up
to the point of going out on sakrtana to distribute the mercy, it is gua-
ranteed that he will go back home, back to Godhead. rla Prabhupda
confirmed it many times. Book distribution is not an ordinary activity. We
should not take it for granted.

As good as Deities
Formerly there was no press. These important %stras, Vedic
literature, were kept in handwriting. I copy from your book.
My other friend copies from my book in this way, those
who were interested. The literatures were not so cheap. Only
highly qualified brhmaas used to keep handwritten books.
. . . And it was worshiped in the temple as a Deity, %stra,
not that it is available everywhere. Now the press has made
it cheaper. But we should always understand that grantha, or
the scripture, should be worshiped as God. It is the sound in-
carnation of God. It should not be neglected. Don't neglect
Bhagavad-gt or Bhgavatam as ordinary books. You must
be very careful. As you take care of the Deities, you should
take care of the books also. 21

Taml Krishna Goswami: Ka acts for the benefit of others, and it is

stated that human beings are also meant to benefit others. The human body
is valuable because it can be used to promote one back to Godhead, and at
the same time it can be used to help others also go back to Godhead. And
this is also Ka's mission. What business does Ka have coming within
this world? He is self-satisfied and absorbed in His eternal pastimes with
His spiritual potencies. Therefore when He comes, He comes only to ben-
efit others. For this reason the Deity form of the Lord appears. Thus it is
said that anyone who sees the Deity as stone or wood is possessed of a hell-
ish mentality. Similarly, anyone who sees rla Prabhupda's books as or-
Sakrtana Philosophy 73

dinary has no understanding of transcendence, because his books are wor-

shipable Deities. Deity worship requires adhering to many rules, but what
possibility is there, for those who have no training, to worship Deities in
this age? Ordinary materialists have no idea of the Deity's existence, and
they don't come to the temple to offer obeisances and certainly cannot per-
form the worship. Therefore rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura and
rla Prabhupda made transcendental literature the most accessible wor-
shipable Deity. Books don't require that people come to them like temple
Deities do; the books go to the people. They can go everywhere. They can
be passed from person to person. They can enter the hands of scholars who
ordinarily may reject Ka consciousness as sentimental. They can enter
the hands of materialists absorbed in sense enjoyment. They can enter the
hands of someone who has no idea at all of spiritual life a housewife, a
schoolboy, anyone. Practically anyone can get a book. So these books are
Deities who can be appreciated by all. And the simple method of worship is
that people simply have to pay something in return, just as when someone
goes inside a temple and drops a few coins in the Deity's donation box. By
paying something and taking home books and putting them on their book-
shelves, people have begun to worship these Deities. If these books are kept
respectfully in the home it is considered as good as seeing the transcenden-
tal form of the Deity in the temple. (From a class in Zurich on December 4,

Books sanctify us, our preaching, and human society

Books are the foundation stone of our movement. Whatever
we are is resting on these books. Reading them and distrib-
uting them this should be our only motto. 22

rla Prabhupda said that Ka consciousness will become a predomi-

nant influence within the next ten thousand years of Kali-yuga. Then his
books will be standard knowledge in the fields of religion, culture, educa-
tion, justice, and so on. For as long as devotees practice Ka conscious-
ness, rla Prabhupda's books will establish the spiritual standards, guide
the devotees' lives, and serve as a basis and impetus for scholarship. Above
all, his books are the sum and substance of spiritual activity, the source of
inspiration and illumination for all sincere souls desiring to hear and chant
about the Absolute Truth, Lord Ka, and go back to Godhead.
The three following sections discuss these glories of rla Prabhupda's
books in the context of the devotees' individual lives, their preaching, and
the respiritualization of human society.
74 The Nectar of Book Distribution

(a) Books are the basis of the devotees' spiritual lives

Bhagavad-gt 4.38 p: When we speak of transcendental knowledge, we do
so in terms of spiritual understanding. As such, there is nothing so sublime
and pure as transcendental knowledge. Ignorance is the cause of our bond-
age, and knowledge is the cause of our liberation. This knowledge is the
mature fruit of devotional service, and when one is situated in transcen-
dental knowledge, he need not search for peace elsewhere, for he enjoys
peace within himself. In other words, this knowledge and peace culminate
in Ka consciousness. That is the last word in the Bhagavad-gt.

The books are being written specifically for my students,

and I am so glad to learn that you read them so carefully.
The words are ambrosial because they are not my personal
words, they are instructions of my predecessors, and I am just
trying to administer them to the best of my knowledge. That
is the way of the parampar system. We manufacture nothing
but simply carry the message as a faithful peon. That will be
effective. One should be very sincere to his spiritual master
and Ka simultaneously. Then everything comes out suc-
cessful. That is the verdict of the Vedas and Lord Caitanya. 23

I am very much stressing at this point that all of my students

shall be very much conversant with the philosophy of Ka
consciousness and that they should read our books very dil-
igently at least one or two hours daily and try to understand
the subject matter from varieties of angles. 24

Our advancement in Ka consciousness is made possible in

two ways, by knowledge and renunciation, jna and tyga,
or tapasya. The more we become renounced from this ma-
terial world, the more we advance in Ka consciousness.
But we are able to make such sacrifices and perform tapa-
sya only if we have got knowledge. So the first thing is to
become knowledgeable in Ka consciousness, then the ta-
pasya, or voluntary life of austerity, will result automatically.
So I am requesting all of my students to read my books very
seriously every day without fail. In this way, if your mind be-
comes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the tran-
scendental subject matter of "rmad-Bhgavatam, Bhagavad-
Sakrtana Philosophy 75

gt, and other books, then very easily you will make your
advancement in Ka consciousness. It is not a matter of
changing our engagement or adjusting this or that material
condition in order to find our real happiness. Ka con-
sciousness is not like that. It can be performed under any va-
riety of material conditions or with any type of engagement.
. . . When you are working and you cannot read, then listen
to the tapes of my lectures and hear in that way. And never
neglect to chant your sixteen rounds of beads daily, rise early
without fail, attend magala rati, take bath, and follow the
other regulative principles, and everything will come out
very successfully, you can rest assured of that. 25

(b) Books are the basis of ISKCON's preaching

The spiritual lives of many devotees began by hearing the chanting of
Hare Ka or tasting prasdam or reading a book or BTG. Those same
devotees progressed further by chanting Hare Ka and studying rla
Prabhupda's books in the association of other devotees. When they be-
came convinced enough to invite newcomers to chant, read books and do
other things, the process had gone full cycle: rla Prabhupda's books
providing a spiritual education empowering people with transcendental

We shall base our preaching work on Lord Caitanya's for-

mula: sakrtana. After all, He is God, and if He recom-
mends, what is the question of failure? That is not possible.
If we simply stick to this program as I have done it since the
beginning, namely, krtana, preaching, krtana, distribution
of prasdam if you do like this only, that will be sufficient.
Of course, you may make the krtana as nice as possible,
with dancing, many drums, karatlas, and conches, and if you
preach sincerely, anyone will listen and become convinced.
The potency of the Ka consciousness movement does not
come from some outward show. No. It is the transcendental
sound vibration of the Hare Ka mantra and the words of
Bhagavad-gt and "rmad-Bhgavatam. So now go on and
develop the things in this spirit. That will be nice. We are not
interested in attracting millions of men to see some show.
Better we attract one sincere soul to join us in ecstatic chant-
76 The Nectar of Book Distribution

ing and hearing. That will be of real value. And distribute

books, as many as possible. If anyone hears some philosophy
from us that will help him, but if he purchases one book that
may turn his life. So selling books is the best preaching activ-
ity. Sell books, hold the krtana in public places like schools
and colleges, preach if you practice these things and try to
improve them more and more, simply by your practicing sin-
cerely, that simple program will please Ka the most, and
you will see that very soon. 26

I especially appreciate your attitude towards increasing more

and more the selling of our books. That will sanctify all oth-
er activities of preaching, because preaching means selling
books. . . . Why not go from town to town throughout your
entire area, even they may be small villages only, and hold
such programs? This is real sakrtana. Because you are
making so many new devotees and distributing so many
books and magazines, I can understand that your routine
work is being kept to the highest standard and that preach-
ing work is going on well. This I can very much appreciate.
Now never let it slacken, and never neglect our regular pro-
gram, and always you will be successful in spreading this sub-
lime movement of Lord Caitanya's and very soon you will
approach the supreme perfection of life. 27

So that is the real preaching, selling books. Who can speak

better than the books? 28

We cannot be convincing preachers without being fixed-up in Ka

consciousness, and there's no question of our being Ka conscious with-
out rla Prabhupda's books. They contain his complete message, as he
said himself:

Whatever I know, I have explained in my books. Beyond

that I have no knowledge. 29

So there is nothing new to be said. Whatever I have to speak,

I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and
continue your endeavor. Whether I am present or not pres-
ent, it doesn't matter. As Ka is living eternally, similarly,
the living being also lives eternally but krtir yasya sa jva-
Sakrtana Philosophy 77

ti: One who has done service to the Lord lives forever." So
you have been taught to serve Ka, and with Ka we'll
live eternally. 30

So Prabhupda's books are essential at every stage of the devotees'

lives. A devotee starts spiritual life by receiving a book and reading it.
Then he studies the books in the association of other devotees, becomes
convinced, and develops the desire to share the knowledge by distributing
books. Books are thus the basis of spiritual life and education, empowering
devotees with transcendental knowledge, and ultimately all humanity ben-
efits, because without a spiritually educated class of men, there would be no
preaching in human society.

You cannot ask everyone to understand Ka consciousness.

That is not possible. It is not so easy. Manuy sahasre-
u ka%cid yatati siddhaye yatatm api siddhn ka%cin m
vetti tattvata. It is very, very difficult. But at least there must
be one section of people who understand Ka so that peo-
ple may take advantage of their position. 31

(c) Books are the basis of the respiritualization of society

"rmad-Bhgavatam, Vol. 1, Introduction to the First Edition (1962): It is
admitted even in the higher circles that, in fact, the whole root and back-
ground of Indian culture is wrapped in the Sanskrit language. And we
know that the foreign invaders of India could break some of the monumen-
tal architectural work in India but they were unable to break up the perfect
ideals of human civilization so far kept hidden within the Sanskrit language
of Vedic wisdom. "rmad-Bhgavatam is the mature ripened fruit of the
tree of Vedic literature. We have just begun to give it rendered into English
with broader outlook, and it is the duty of the leading Indians to spread the
culture all over the world at this momentous hour of need.

"rmad-Bhgavatam, Preface: Human society, at the present moment, is not

in the darkness of oblivion. It has made rapid progress in the field of ma-
terial comforts, education and economic development throughout the en-
tire world. But there is a pinprick somewhere in the social body at large,
and therefore there are large-scale quarrels, even over less important is-
sues. There is need of a clue as to how humanity can become one in peace,
friendship and prosperity with a common cause. "rmad-Bhgavatam will
fill this need, for it is a cultural presentation for the respiritualization of the
entire human society.
78 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I am so much enthused to understand how nicely you are dis-

tributing our books. Actually these two books, Ka book
and Nectar of Devotion are revolutionary to your country
not only your country, but all over the world. Nobody has
any clear idea of God. In hopelessness they declare that God
is dead. So these books will supply a clear idea of God. . . .
Try to push our books, especially Bhagavad-gt As It Is,
TLC, Ka, and NOD, backed by a regular supply of our
magazines and regular performance of sakrtana. Then I'm
sure Ka consciousness movement will go forward without
any hindrance. 32

These books are the life of human society. . . . We are putting

these books for deliberation before the topmost thinkers of
human society. Therefore I have to see that in all languages
all of our books are published. If we strain, and if some-
one takes one book home, some day people will come to
understand what valuable knowledge they have received. It
is transcendental literature. Nobody can challenge it. It is
done so nicely, without any spot, the spotless Pura. Please
continue to print books in all the languages for the benefit of
suffering, misdirected humanity. 33

2.3 Prabhupda's books are nondifferent from the Lord

"vat sva-kath ka: Ka's words are given by
Ka Bhagavad-gt. Sva-kath means His own words.
"rmad-Bhgavatam is also sva-kath. The Puras also,
because all these books are given by Vysadeva. Vysadeva
is an incarnation of Ka. We have to hear about Ka
what is given by Ka. And the method is taught by Ka
Caitanya Prabhu. So everything is Ka's: Ka directly,
Ka as Vysadeva, Ka as Caitanya Mahprabhu dev-
otee. 34

The transcendental nature of Prabhupda's books

Navna-nrada Dsa: We especially realize that rla Prabhupda's books
are transcendental when we distribute them to conditioned souls because
that's when Lord Caitanya begins to reveal to us their transcendental na-
Sakrtana Philosophy 79

ture. They're conscious, like persons, but not ordinary persons like the
Supreme Person, Ka, because they are nondifferent from Him. We're
carrying Ka, distributing Ka, and serving Ka, which is our con-
stitutional position. It's a confidential service giving Ka to others and
changing their lives from the worst to the best. We always have to remem-
ber that we're Ka's servants and therefore the servants of rla Prabhu-
pda's books as well. That's the right attitude to have while distributing.
Then book distribution becomes the most blissful activity. Actually, I be-
come more absorbed in Ka consciousness while distributing books than
I do while I'm chanting. In the conditioned state, one sees a difference be-
tween distributing the holy name in the form of books and chanting the
holy name. But the more absorbed we are in Ka through book distri-
bution, the better our chanting becomes. Nma-cintmai-ka% caitanya-
rasa-vigraha p#ra %uddho nitya-mukto 'bhinnatvn nma-nmino: the
holy name of Ka is Ka Himself it isn't material it's complete,
pure, and eternally liberated. And the same applies to the books.
It's evident when we distribute the books whoever gets them also be-
comes spiritually enlivened. And we affect others by our enthusiasm. Peo-
ple take books without any material cause. It's causeless mercy. People
take books because the books are spiritual and directly reach the soul. The
soul is hankering for this nectar, but my has made him forget. Seeing our
books, the soul has a natural reflex to take them, and the book distributor
encourages him. Afterward, when the people are alone again, the cover-
ing of the mind returns, and their immediate interest may become covered
again. They may wonder why they bought the books. But now they will
have the association of Prabhupda and Ka, and they'll become purified
rather quickly. We simply have to be thankful to be the servants of the book
distribution mission.

Rohisuta Dsa: In 1981, while we produced the Tenth Canto in German,

one man employed by the printer, who visited us to pick up and deliver
packages, had to come several times to show us the samples of the picture
section because there was always something wrong with it. When he came
for maybe the third time, there was still some mistake, and our produc-
tion manager demanded that he take the whole thing back again. This man
became so frustrated that he angrily threw the pictures on the floor and
stepped on them the pictures of the Tenth Canto! Nevertheless, the man
had to go back and inform his company. While driving back he had an ac-
cident and smashed the company's car. His boss became furious, especially
after hearing about the man's bad behavior, and he was fired immediately.
80 The Nectar of Book Distribution

The moral is obvious: Don't commit offenses against the books. They are
Ka and as powerful as Ka.

The Lord's sound incarnation

kali-kle nma-r#pe ka-avatra
nma haite haya sarva jagat-nistra

In this age of Kali, the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Ka mah-man-
tra, is the incarnation of Lord Ka. Simply by chanting the holy name,
one associates with the Lord directly. Anyone who does this is certainly de-
livered." (Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 17.22)

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 25.266 267: r Caitanya Mahprabhu

has personally preached the transcendental truths and mellows of the
"rmad-Bhgavatam. "rmad-Bhgavatam and the Supreme Personality of
Godhead are identical, for "rmad-Bhgavatam is the sound incarnation
of r Ka. r Caitanya Mahprabhu broadcast the purpose of "rmad-
Bhgavatam. He sometimes spoke for the benefit of His devotees and
sometimes empowered one of His devotees to speak while He listened.

Spoken krtans"
Regarding sakrtana and book distribution, book distribu-
tion is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books is also
chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and
book distribution? These books I have recorded and chant-
ed, and they are transcribed. It is spoken krtans. So book
distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It
is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book
distribution must not be neglected. 35

In Harinma-cintmai (Ch. 2), Haridsa hkura says, Lord Ka

and His holy name are identical; They are one and the same Absolute
Truth, the all-inclusive yet supremely independent form of dynamic spiri-
tuality, full of emotion, without beginning or end. Always situated in pure
goodness, the holy name in the shape of letters descends to this world as
the complete incarnation and embodiment of the highest sweetness, rasa."

Letters of the alphabet that explain the holy name are as spiritual as the
holy name Himself. And regarding increasing the number of people who
chant the holy name, book distribution is more important than sakrtana.
Sakrtana Philosophy 81

(Regarding sakrtana and book distribution, both should go on, but book
distribution is more important. It is bhat-krtana. For wider krtana, book
distribution is better.") Spoken krtans the books preach and explain
the holy name. And they can be heard anytime and anywhere.

Harinmnanda Dsa: We have to understand that we have the greatest

gift for humanity and the highest knowledge to offer. And we have the
holy name to offer. Each book of rla Prabhupda is simply a purport to
the holy name, an explanation why we have to chant. We have the teaching
that can give people the highest benefit of life, so I try to give to people as
many books as possible. I try to develop this technique. I pray that I can
give more and more books to people who are a little intelligent, interested,
and still sane in this Kali-yuga.

2.4 Book distribution is a transcendental activity

"rmad-Bhgavatam 10.2.37 p: The word kriysu, meaning by manual la-
bor" or by work," is important in this verse. One should engage in practical
service to the Lord. In our Ka consciousness movement, all our activities
are concentrated upon distributing Ka literature. This is very important.
One may approach any person and induce him to read Ka literature so
that in the future he may also become a devotee. Such activities are recom-
mended in this verse. Such activities will always remind the devotees of the
Lord's lotus feet. By fully concentrating on distributing books for Ka,
one is fully absorbed in Ka. This is samdhi.

Are reading and distributing books activities for neophytes?

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 19.132 p: In Vndvana there are prkta-
sahajiys who say that writing books or even touching books is taboo. For
them, devotional service means being relieved from these activities. When-
ever they are asked to hear a recitation of Vedic literature, they refuse,
saying, What business do we have reading or hearing transcendental lit-
eratures? They are meant for neophytes." They pose themselves to be too
elevated to exert energy for reading, writing and hearing. However, pure
devotees under the guidance of rla Rpa Gosvm reject this sahajiy phi-
losophy. It is certainly not good to write literature for money or reputation,
but to write books and publish them for the enlightenment of the general
populace is real service to the Lord. That was rla Bhaktisiddhnta Saras-
vat's opinion, and he specifically told his disciples to write books. He actu-
ally preferred to publish books rather than establish temples. Temple con-
82 The Nectar of Book Distribution

struction is meant for the general populace and neophyte devotees, but the
business of advanced and empowered devotees is to write books, publish
them and distribute them widely. According to Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat
hkura, distributing literature is like playing on a great mdaga. Conse-
quently we always request members of the International Society for Ka
Consciousness to publish as many books as possible and distribute them
widely throughout the world. By thus following in the footsteps of rla
Rpa Gosvm, one can become a r#pnuga devotee.

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 12.8 p: One must judge every action by its re-
sult. The members of the self-appointed crya's party who occupied the
property of the Gauya Maha are satisfied, but they could make no prog-
ress in preaching. Therefore by the result of their actions one should know
that they are asra, or useless, whereas the success of the ISKCON par-
ty, the International Society for Ka Consciousness, which strictly follows
guru and Gaurga, is increasing daily all over the world. rla Bhaktisid-
dhnta Sarasvat hkura wanted to print as many books as possible and
distribute them all over the world. We have tried our best in this connec-
tion, and we are getting results beyond our expectations.

Jayapatka Swami: rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura wrote in Vai-

ava ke that pure devotees of Ka compassionately preach to uplift the
fallen souls and don't desire distinction because they are totally sold out to
Ka. Ultimately nirjana-bhajana, or internal worship, is achieved by ab-
sorbing oneself in a serving mood. The mood of serving Caitanya Mah-
prabhu is to preach His sakrtana movement. If one takes up sakrtana
in that service attitude, one can realize his internal relationship with r
Caitanya Mahprabhu and Ka and be accepted as an eternal associate
of Rdhr. rla Prabhupda said, Work now, samdhi later." Preach
now, samdhi later. By preaching, automatically one will be in samdhi.
If someone tries to enter into the internal mood of Caitanya Mahprabhu
without serving Him, that is sahajiy. It is approaching the internal pur-
pose of Caitanya Mahprabhu with an enjoying spirit (bhog-bhva) in-
stead of a serving mood (sev-bhva). What qualification do we have to as-
sist Caitanya Mahprabhu in His internal ll? That He already did in His
gambhra-ll in Nlcala with His most intimate associates. But He gave us
the order to perform His external pastime, which means to spread the ecs-
tasy of the sakrtana movement everywhere, and by doing that we can be
brought to the internal or confidential platform. Caitanya-caritmta says
that devotees preaching on behalf of Caitanya Mahprabhu are His confi-
dential devotees. You shouldn't think, Preaching is the external purpose.
Sakrtana Philosophy 83

Better I go and imitate the Gosvms." We can't do that. We should carry

out His order to us to spread the sakrtana movement, and that will bring
us to the platform of samdhi, or internal worship. Then we will understand
Caitanya Mahprabhu's internal purpose. We will get a taste for it while we
are preaching. (From a class in Mypur on March 7, 1985)

Maidhra Dsa: Some of Prabhupda's Godbrothers and even some of his

disciples made the criticism that he preached to the mass of people but not
to the high class of devotees. Thus he kept his books simple and repeated
basic instructions, they say, and higher realizations mdhurya-rasa, gop-
bhva weren't explained. Such critics don't even know Prabhupda's
books, because in Caitanya-caritmta, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and
The Nectar of Devotion rla Prabhupda explains these topics, and they
don't know the process of entering into the Lord's intimate pastimes. It's
not done through esoteric knowledge or imagination. It is only by satisfying
the spiritual master in parampar that one gains perfection. nuk#lyena
knu-%lana bhaktir uttam: only by favorable devotional service do
we achieve the causeless mercy of the Lord and His devotees. Book
distributors therefore can experience ever-increasing realization and en-
livenment. We can constantly get a higher taste and develop detachment
from gross and subtle sense gratification. Otherwise we will not be able to
continue book distribution. It isn't a matter of argument; it is a matter of
tasting. And the proof manifests in two ways: by the development of di-
vine qualities and by contributions to the expansion of Ka consciousness
world-wide. Both are proven by rla Prabhupda and his followers. nan-
dmbudhi-vardhanam transcendental life is ever-increasing, and that is
the best evidence of ISKCON's purely spiritual nature. In summation,
Prabhupda's books not only describe the highest stages of bhakti but
actually grant access to these stages. And that is the unique quality of his
books, even compared to other spiritual literature. For rla Prabhupda
was empowered to condense the %akti of all previous cryas in his own
writing. So there is no lack of anything in rla Prabhupda's books.

Book sakrtana and the sakrtana-yaja

rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura says in his purport to the first
verse of the ikaka prayers that the word sakrtana means complete
krtana, for it is unnecessary to perform any other devotional activities if
one performs sakrtana." He explains that partial or imperfect krtana of
Lord Ka's holy name is not the same as sakrtana," which he defines as
the complete and perfect chanting of Ka's holy name." 36
84 The Nectar of Book Distribution

In that sense, book distribution can also be called sakrtana, complete

krtana, because it includes individual perfection, it engages others on the
path of perfection, and it enlists as paraphernalia the complete material
energy of Ka. Even material objects not designated as traditional yaja
paraphernalia can be used, purified, and spiritualized in the sakrtana-
yaja. Therefore in a philosophical sense it is proper to call bhat-krtana,
or book distribution, sakrtana, for it practically embodies the complete
and perfect mercy of Lord Caitanya's sakrtana-yaja.
Ka, the Supreme Person, is nondifferent from the process of yaja
(aha kratur aha yaja, Bg. 9.16). The quality of Ka that is most glo-
rified by all devotees is His mercy. That quality becomes manifest through
the sakrtana-yaja, the complete yaja, more than through any other
Vedic yaja: A person who is fully absorbed in Ka consciousness (brah-
ma-karma-samdhin) is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his
full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is abso-
lute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature" Bhagavad-gt
In his purport rla Prabhupda explains the meaning of spiritualiza-
tion." The materially absorbed conditioned soul can be cured by Ka
consciousness as set forth here in the Gt. This process is generally known
as yaja, or activities (sacrifices) simply meant for the satisfaction of Viu,
or Ka. The more activities of the material world are performed in Ka
consciousness, or for Viu only, the more the atmosphere becomes spiri-
tualized by complete absorption. . . . The Absolute Truth covered by my
is called matter. Matter dovetailed for the cause of the Absolute Truth re-
gains its spiritual quality. Ka consciousness is the process of converting
the illusory consciousness into Brahman, or the Supreme. When the mind
is fully absorbed in Ka consciousness, it is said to be in samdhi, or
trance. Anything done in such transcendental consciousness is called yaja,
or sacrifice for the Absolute. In that condition of spiritual consciousness,
the contributor, the contribution, the consumption, the performer or leader
of the performance, and the result or ultimate gain everything becomes
one in the Absolute, the Supreme Brahman. That is the method of Ka
No Vedic yaja compares to Ka consciousness, or the sakrtana-
yaja. According to Lord Caitanya, there are no hard and fast rules for
sakrtana (neither for chanting nor for spreading the chanting). That's why
this yaja is all-merciful. The contributors (the ordinary, unqualified people
of Kali-yuga), the contributions (the dirty money of a demonic financial
system), the consumption (the buying and selling of books), the perform-
ers and leaders of the performance (the book distributors who before
Sakrtana Philosophy 85

their contact with the sakrtana-yaja were also ordinary and unqualified
people), the place (the whole planet but especially homes where our books
are kept respectfully on a shelf), and the result or gain (not karma or jna
but bhakti) all these material factors when dovetailed for the cause of
the Absolute Truth" become one in the Absolute."

Sakrtana: both the means and the end

In Harinma-cintmai (Ch. 11), Haridsa hkura explains why chant-
ing the holy name is the religion of this age: In Kali-yuga all other pro-
cesses except the holy name are incapable of redeeming the fallen souls.
Therefore the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is the most efficient
religious practice in all the ages. In Kali-yuga, unlike other ages, there is
no other religion available; thus the holy name appears as the only religion
that can redeem the fallen souls. . . . The holy name is the repository of per-
fect bliss; He has descended to the material world to become the means by
which the summum bonum of bhakti is attained. The scriptures praise His
divine glories, for Ka's name is both the means and the end. Accord-
ing to the individual jva's degree of spiritual perfection, he considers the
Lord's name to be either the means or the end. As long as he has not at-
tained self-realization, the holy name is the means to reach this goal."
Sakrtana, as already mentioned, engages others in krtana. But ob-
viously not everybody buying a book starts to chant immediately it's
only the beginning of his path in that direction. Thus for persons buying a
book, book distribution is a means to chanting. But for devotees absorbed
in chanting and book distribution (the two main, mutually nourishing ac-
tivities of sakrtana), the means and the end become identical. Both are
transcendental, as Haridsa hkura says: The path that directs one to the
goal is the actual means, and what is gained by the execution of the means
or process is the final destination. Receiving the Lord's mercy is the goal of
human life. But karma and jna are not the preeminent means to achieve
that highest goal, because although they bring one close to the destination,
in the end they suddenly reach a dead end and disappear. However, the
process of chanting the holy name is not like that. The Lord's holy name is
always present; therefore it is the most efficient process. When the means
become the end, the process becomes identical to the objective, and thus it
is easy for the jvas to attain liberation by Your mercy."

Ya"od-dulla Dsa (Sweden): The chanting of the holy name is the yuga-
dharma. It is called the sakrtana-yaja. The yaja includes reading and
distributing Prabhupda's books. Ka says in Bhagavad-gt that men and
86 The Nectar of Book Distribution

demigods should be happy by yaja, or sacrifice for Viu, because it be-

stows everything desirable for living happily and achieving liberation. Ev-
erything we need to know about Ka consciousness is in Prabhupda's
books, and everything will come from reading and distributing his books.
We will become Ka conscious. The world will become Ka conscious.
People will start chanting the holy name, and everything will change. Un-
less we have this understanding, we may become discouraged sometimes.
We are small, small people in a huge ocean of ignorance. What can we do
against the superior power of my and Kali-yuga? But we have the yuga-
dharma. As we go out day after day, as more and more books go out, grad-
ually the atmosphere becomes purified. With this understanding, we will
not become discouraged.

Imported from Goloka: books for all seasons

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 8.60: r Caitanya Mahprabhu belonged
to the spiritual world, and His methods for propagating the sakrtana
movement were also imported from the spiritual world. rla Narottama
dsa hkura has sung: golokera prema-dhana, hari-nma-sakrtana, rati
n janmila kene tya. This states that the sakrtana movement has nothing
to do with this material world. It is imported from the spiritual world, Go-
loka Vndvana. Narottama dsa hkura laments that mundane people
do not take this sakrtana movement seriously.

As Ka is eternal, His name is also eternal: p#ra %uddho

nitya-mukto 'bhinnatvn nma-nmina because They are
not different. As Ka is everywhere, similarly, Bhagavad-
gt can be appreciated in every country, every season, every
circumstance. . . . Narottama dsa hkura says, golokera
prema-dhana, hari-nma sakrtana, rati n janmila kena
tya. The medicine is Hari, Ka, Ka's teachings, Ka's
names, Ka's glorification but we have no attraction for
these things. We try simply to counteract the suffering, and
we accept this counteraction as enjoying. If we actually want
to enjoy life, then we should take Ka's instruction, the
Bhagavad-gt, and chant the Hare Ka mantra. That will
give us relief. 37

The sakrtana movement: Ka's present incarnation

"rmad-Bhgavatam 10.2.21 p: Ka has taken birth or taken shelter with-
in the womb of the Ka consciousness movement. Men of Kasa's class,
Sakrtana Philosophy 87

therefore, are very much afraid and are busy trying to stop this movement,
especially in the Western countries. One politician has remarked that the
Ka consciousness movement is spreading like an epidemic and that if not
checked immediately, within ten years it may capture governmental power.
There is, of course, such potency in the Ka consciousness movement. As
stated by authorities (Cc. di 17.22), kali-kle nma-r#pe ka-avatra: in
this age, Ka has appeared in the Hare Ka mah-mantra. The Ka
consciousness movement is spreading like wildfire all over the world, and
it will go on doing so. Men who are like Kasa are very much afraid of
the movement's progress and acceptance by the younger generation, but as
Ka could not be killed by Kasa, this movement cannot be checked by
men of Kasa's class. The movement will go on increasing more and more,
provided the leaders of the movement remain firmly Ka conscious by
following the regulative principles and the primary activities of chanting the
Hare Ka mantra regularly.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 10.3.22 p: Ka appears in this world for two purposes,

paritrya sdh#n vin%ya ca duktm to protect the innocent, re-
ligious devotees of the Lord and to annihilate all the uneducated, uncul-
tured asuras, who unnecessarily bark like dogs and fight among themselves
for political power. It is said, kali-kle nma-r#pe ka avatra. The Hare
Ka movement is also an incarnation of Ka in the form of the holy
name (nma-r#pe). Every one of us who is actually afraid of the asuric rul-
ers and politicians must welcome this incarnation of Ka: Hare Ka,
Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma
Rma, Hare Hare.

This is a very important verse. Yad yad hi dharmasya gl-

nir bhavati bhrata, abhyutthnam adharmasya tadtmna
sjmy aham. When God or His representative comes, or His
servant comes, or His son comes, there is some necessity. Be-
cause it is God's kingdom, as soon as there is too much viola-
tion of the laws of God, there will be an appearance of God.
So in the present age, Ka has descended at the present
moment in the incarnation of His holy name. In other ages
God comes to kill the demons. . . . Of course, at last, Kalki
will come, long, long after. But at the present moment, God
is compassionate. Taking consideration of the people's most
fallen condition, there is no process of killing, but a process
of reclaiming them simply by chanting. We should take it se-
riously that this Ka consciousness movement is also an in-
88 The Nectar of Book Distribution

carnation of God in the simple form of the holy name, and

people may take advantage of it simply by chanting. 38

By book distribution Ka appears in human society

"rmad-Bhgavatam 1.3.43 p: The Personality of Godhead r Ka ap-
peared before us just a little prior to the beginning of Kali-yuga, and He re-
turned to His eternal home practically at the commencement of Kali-yuga.
While He was present, He exhibited everything by His different activities.
He spoke the Bhagavad-gt specifically and eradicated all pretentious prin-
ciples of religiosity. And prior to His departure from this material world,
He empowered r Vysadeva through Nrada to compile the messages of
the "rmad-Bhgavatam, and thus both the Bhagavad-gt and the "rmad-
Bhgavatam are like torch bearers for the blind people of this age. In other
words, if men in this age of Kali want to see the real light of life, they must
take to these two books only, and their aim of life will be fulfilled. The
Bhagavad-gt is the preliminary study of the Bhgavatam. And "rmad-
Bhgavatam is the summum bonum of life, Lord r Ka personified. We
must therefore accept "rmad-Bhgavatam as the direct representation of
Lord Ka. One who can see "rmad-Bhgavatam can see also Lord r
Ka in person. They are identical.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Ka manifests through these books. He wants to

manifest through them because that's how He is going to appear in the
present society. Yad yad hi dharmasya glnir bhavati bhrata. Obviously
this verse also refers to the present day. Sometimes people ask why Ka
doesn't appear in this time of war, cruelty and injustice. But Ka is ap-
pearing in front of our eyes in the form of these books. There is no
doubt about it: book distribution is Ka's appearance in these days, no
less powerful than the appearance of Lord Nsihadeva, or Lord Ka,
or Lord Caitanya. The same effect is there: paritrya sdh#n vin%ya
ca dukt dharma-sasthpanrthya. rla Prabhupda's books are es-
tablishing the true dharma. The sdhus are pleased and relieved and gladly
engaged in distributing books under Ka's personal protection, but the
demons, the miscreants, flip out because they are becoming exposed and
their plans are baffled more and more. Therefore all these sham religions,
theologians, scientists, atheists, and m#has are attacking us. But that's
nothing new. Whenever Ka appears the demons are opposing. This is
simply natural, and it is the proof that book distribution is Ka's mani-
fest appearance. It is pushing. It is provocative, like Nrada Muni's going
to Kasa, pushing him, saying, You know that the child who will kill you
Sakrtana Philosophy 89

is going to take birth soon." Kasa tried to defend himself by making de-
monic arrangements, but that only accelerated Ka's appearance.

Prabhupda's books purify the atmosphere

"rmad-Bhgavatam 2.8.5: The sound incarnation of Lord Ka, the Su-
preme Soul ["rmad-Bhgavatam], enters into the heart of a self-realized
devotee, sits on the lotus flower of his loving relationship, and thus cleanses
the dust of material association, such as lust, anger and hankering. Thus it
acts like autumnal rains upon pools of muddy water.

Book distributors responded in many ways to our question, What is the

spiritual influence of book distribution? The following is a summary of their
answers. (This topic is dealt with extensively in Ch. 12.)
Book distribution, preaching, and harinma purify the atmosphere.
Sound is manifested in the ether pervading the universe. Spiritual sound
vibration transcends material limits. It rises through the universe directly to
the spiritual world. The demigods on the higher planets are well aware of
spiritual developments on earth, and they appreciate the sakrtana move-
ment so much that they want to take part in it. The millions of demigods in
charge of the universe are all devotees viu-bhakta smto daiva (Pad-
ma Pura). They definitely support the devotees, as they supported the
The sakrtana-yaja bestows auspiciousness upon everyone in the uni-
verse. The more people know about Ka, the more they will speak about
Ka, and the more the ether will become pervaded and purified by spiri-
tual sound vibrations. By our preaching and chanting, spiritual vibrations
are going into the ether, and there they combat the material sound vibra-
tions. Chanting never goes in vain, especially when the devotees assemble
in the holy dhmas, Vraja or Navadvpa: the sound vibrations of chanting
in the dhmas are pervading the entire universe. From this point of view,
also, books are most powerful because they are permanent sound vibra-
tions, recorded krtana." They stay in people's homes and radiate spiritual
energy. In this way the sakrtana movement is purifying the planet and the

The confidential understanding of sakrtana

The explanation given by Rmevara that sakrtana is Lord
Caitanya's ll, which he compares to the gops trying to
engage others in Ka's service, is the correct understand-
ing. 39
90 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Taml Krishna Goswami: The Lord enjoys the bliss of His spiritual energy,
so what can He gain by our performance of offerings to Him? People ask,
If God is self-sufficient, why is He anxious for us to serve Him?" The
answer is that we benefit by serving Him, and it is due to His love for us that
He encourages us to serve Him. The supreme father loves everyone. Just
as a father becomes especially pleased when his children's happiness in-
creases, so the Lord becomes pleased when He sees His loved ones pleased.
The Lord's pleasure is increased when He sees the pleasure of His devo-
tees increase. This is the most wonderful feature of God bhaktavatsala
He is very kind to His devotees. Actually, the Lord's experience of happi-
ness is made possible by the love of His devotees. In fact, He says He can-
not live without the association of His devotees. He says that He most likes
to hear the sweet words or even the chastising words of His associates in
Caitanya Mahprabhu came especially to relish those loving mellows
and to offer them to others: moods of natural, spontaneous love for Ka,
free of awe and reverence. So although Ka does without the karma-
ka offerings of priests, Caitanya Mahprabhu cannot do without the
sakrtana-yaja. When the yaja brhmaas were asked by Ka's friends
for some food, they turned their backs on Ka, and He didn't care for
them either. But Caitanya Mahprabhu came to taste the sakrtana yaja
and cannot stop Himself from taking part in it. Caitanya-caritmta says
He came to break open the storehouse of love of Godhead. The more
He sang and danced, the more He wanted to sing and dance. That sing-
ing and dancing and beating on the mdaga has been explained by rla
Prabhupda: When the glories of the Lord are vibrated, the whole world
becomes submerged in a great flood that sweeps away all material de-
sires. rla Prabhupda wrote in one letter that for expanding the krtana,
book distribution is required. Book distribution is therefore called bhad-
mdaga. When krtana expands, the great devotees of the Lord Nrada
Muni, Lord Brahm, and Lord iva lose themselves in ecstatic devo-
tion. All the members of the disciplic succession fall into trance when the
big mdaga is beating loudly. Prabhupda wrote to Harikea Mahrja in
1977, when The Nectar of Devotion came out in German, I think that you
are the most important grandson of rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat h-
kura." Why? Because the heart and soul of rla Bhaktisiddhnta Saras-
vat hkura was book distribution. Prabhupda, as a sincere disciple of his
Guru Mahrja, took this order as his life's mission. And therefore when
his disciple understood this order completely and dedicated his life to ful-
filling it, Prabhupda said that surely Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura
Sakrtana Philosophy 91

was seeing him as the most important grandson. So following in the foot-
steps of such great personalities, if we embrace this order we can also taste
the benediction coming through the disciplic succession. Ka is not diffe-
rent from devotional service to Ka, and the sakrtana-yaja is unlimi-
ted, blissful existence.
Rohisuta Prabhu gave me some indication of the blissfulness that
comes from sakrtana. He described a mtj in the Ural Mountains who
had set up her book table in a market selling foodstuffs. She had sets of all
of Prabhupda's books in Russian on display. She told everyone, Now line
up and have your money ready. Unless you have your money ready, I will
not sell any books to you. And no one will be able to take more than one set
of books because too many people want these books." So the people eager-
ly took out their money and got in a long line and began to buy one set of
books at a time. She sold more than two hundred books in one hour. Then
he described another devotee at a big fair, but at that fair nothing was for
sale. Everything was exhibited, but nobody could buy anything. The devo-
tee had his books on a big table, and he was the only person selling. Every-
body had come with money, but there was nothing they could buy except
our books. So in two hours he sold five hundred books. Then he described
another devotee who approached a man in Moscow that had just bought a
big sausage. The devotee said to him, You must not have read our books.
Don't you know what happens when you buy a sausage?" Then the devo-
tee opened a book and showed him that you will go to hell for eating meat
and suffer in many ways. So the man walked away very depressed because
he had spent his last money for the sausage. But about thirty minutes later,
he came back and said, I've sold the sausage, and here is the money," and
he took the book.
These activities in which sakrtana devotees are becoming empowered
to transform people's lives are an indication of the unlimited mercy of r-
mat Rdhr in the form of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. Ka has come
in the mood of Rdhr to distribute love of God to everyone. This is
Rdhr's right alone, because it is She who has the greatest love for
Ka. In Vndvana everyone is Her follower. All the pastimes there are
meant to bring Rdh and Ka unlimited pleasure. She is the personified
pleasure potency of Ka. Without Rdhr, Ka cannot be happy. So
it is She who gives the greatest pleasure to Ka.
In order to distribute the ability to give pleasure to Ka, Rdhr
has come as Caitanya Mahprabhu. Ka wants to know the mood of
Rdhr. Indirectly, it is Rdhr's desire to see Ka more satisfied.
The more pure devotees there are, the more pleasure will come to Ka,
92 The Nectar of Book Distribution

and Rdhr wants to please Ka. Therefore Ka comes in the mood

of Rdhr to bestow love of Godhead upon the conditioned souls. And
Caitanya Mahprabhu's sakrtana movement is meant for fulfilling that
desire of rmat Rdhr. So the sakrtana devotees are performing the
most confidential service to rmat Rdhr. They are actually giving
pleasure to all of the members of the disciplic succession and to rmat
Rdhr and Lord Ka. The result will be that the pleasure potency
of rmat Rdhr will expand more and more. The opulences of Ka
and Rdhr and Her associates are expanding unlimitedly. Therefore
the expansion of book distribution is a direct manifestation of the increase
of the unlimited opulences of rmat Rdhr. These books are Her po-
tencies, because they are bhakti-%stras. She is Bhakti-dev, so Her potency
is in these books. When the books are increasingly distributed, Her potency
is increasingly going out.
And what will be the result? Anyone who touches these books, anyone
who sees these books, comes in contact with rmat Rdhr. And what
does that mean? They begin to desire to serve Ka. Unless one is blessed
by Rdhr he cannot get the idea of how to serve Ka. The books ful-
fill this purpose in a way that nothing else can do.
When you distribute books, you should be meditating on doing the bid-
ding of rmat Rdhr. This is the purpose of the disciplic succession.
These mah-bhgavatas all come with the idea of being maidservants of
rmat Rdhr. We are praying to Vnd-dev only for that purpose. We
are chanting Hare Ka with that attitude. And the sakrtana mood is not
different. It is coming through Caitanya Mahprabhu. It is directly the way
to enter into the service of Rdh and Ka. It is nothing else but that.
So karma-ka persons have no idea of all these things. They are sim-
ply praying for material results, and this is the same business going on in all
the religions of the world today. But our cryas are praying to remain in
a very humble, meager position. Let us pray only that we become the fol-
lowers in disciplic succession of rmat Rdhr. And let us understand
that going out on sakrtana is the best way to show rmat Rdhr and
all the members of the disciplic succession the sincerity of our desire. We
go out and work hard to make sure that our words are genuine and real.
Prabhupda said that he didn't like it if someone simply says something but
does nothing. Prabhupda did not sit in India and simply think, Caitanya
Mahprabhu said that this message will spread to every town and village."
He went out, and he carried the message to every town and village. The
proof of our love will be shown by how selflessly we go out and spread this
sakrtana movement. That will be the proof to Rdh and Ka, to r
Caitanya Mahprabhu, and to our spiritual master that we are trying sin-
Sakrtana Philosophy 93

cerely to get some drop of mercy from all of them. The marathon is a won-
derful opportunity to pull out all the stops. If sometimes we are a little care-
ful Well, I better get a little extra sleep or eat a little more or take a day
off" now is the time we don't watch any of these things. And as the mara-
thon progresses, we take a little more risk and a little more risk until we are
practically risking our lives for Ka. And when that happens, Caitanya
Mahprabhu takes you and He embraces you in His arms, and you will not
be the same anymore. (From a class in Zurich on December 3, 1991)

2.5 Selling books: the work of vai$yas or brhmaas?

Devotee: When we are distributing books, rla Prabhupda, and we are
not doing so well, and we are in anxiety, is that also spiritual?
Prabhupda: For selling books, anxiety is Ka anxiety. If you become
very anxious how to sell more books, that is Ka anxiety. That is not trade
anxiety; that is Ka anxiety. 40

Your school programs and other programs are very good. As

long as preaching work is going on, somehow or other, that is
a first-class program. One thing, you say that literature distri-
bution is low; actually, the test of the strength of our preach-
ing work is that we sell many books and magazines. So what
is the difficulty? Simply preach very sincerely to anyone and
everyone, and go on in this way preaching more and more,
and the demand for our books will increase. 41

Hari-"auri: He's asking how our sakrtana activities relate to God con-
sciousness selling books and collecting donations.
Prabhupda: So if I sell a book to you, you read it because you have paid
for it. Then you'll get the benefit.
Interviewer: How does it benefit the person who does the selling?
Prabhupda: He is giving service to Ka. He's not charging anything. If
we appoint some bookseller, we have to pay him. But we haven't got to pay.
Out of his love for Ka he's doing that. Spiritual realization means the
more you give service to God, the more you become spiritually profited. 42

Book distribution and var$rama

Harike"a Swami: Is book distribution a vai%ya activity? That is nonsense. It
may be, if somebody goes out and says, I collect for the little ants in Meso-
potamia." Then it turns into a vai%ya activity, because you cheat somebody
to get some money and then throw a book at him. But when you distribute
94 The Nectar of Book Distribution

books the way you are supposed to you hold the book in your hand, you
present the book: My dear sir, this book says this and that. And it is good
for you because of this and that. Please take one and give a donation"
that is brahminical activity; straight preaching and giving people the book.
That's the way it should be done. Of course, Prabhupda said by hook or
by crook. That implies you can also do it in a vai%ya mentality. If you are
strong enough, you can sell the book on its merits by speaking philosophi-
cally. That's very good. But if you can't do that, and you start some hook-
ing or crooking, then a vai%ya mentality may enter into it. If you are actu-
ally selling books on the basis of the books, it is a brahminical activity, and
if you are doing it to make money, it may be a vai%ya activity. But book
distribution itself is a purely Vaiava activity.

Nirgua Dsa: Book distribution is beyond var%rama, and simultaneously

it produces var%rama. Ka says, I am the source of all the modes of
material nature, yet I am beyond the modes." This is also the transcenden-
tal position of book distribution, which is Ka. It is Lord Caitanya and His
sakrtana movement, so it is beyond var%rama. It isn't only for vai%yas,
certainly not. Book distribution is a brahminical activity. At the same time
it can be done by devotees with the nature of vai%yas. A devotee is trans-
cendental, but he acts in one of the four varas and %ramas. Book distri-
bution can also be a katriya activity because you fight the my covering
people in this wacky society. Ultimately it is beyond var%rama, but the
var%rama system will be brought about by book distribution. As for who
can distribute books anyone sincere and surrendered enough to please
rla Prabhupda.

No business begging"
Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 8.39: It is the general practice of all saintly
people to deliver the fallen. Therefore they go to people's houses, although
they have no personal business there.
Purport: A sannys is supposed to beg from door to door. He does not
beg simply because he is hungry. His real purpose is to enlighten the oc-
cupant of every house by preaching Ka consciousness. A sannys does
not abandon his superior position and become a beggar just for the sake
of begging. Similarly, a person in householder life may be very important,
but he may also voluntarily take to the mendicant way of life. Rpa Go-
svm and Santana Gosvm were ministers, but they voluntarily accepted
the mendicant's life in order to humbly preach r Caitanya Mahprabhu's
message. It is said about them: tyaktv t#ram a%ea-maala-pati-%re
Sakrtana Philosophy 95

sad tucchavat bh#tv dna-gae%akau karuay kaupna-kanth%ritau. Al-

though the Gosvms were very aristocratic, they became mendicants just
to deliver the fallen souls according to the order of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu. One should also consider that those who engage in the missionary
activities of Ka consciousness are under the guidance of r Caitanya
Mahprabhu. They are not actually beggars; their real business is to deliver
fallen souls. Therefore they may go from door to door just to introduce
a book about Ka consciousness so that people can become enlightened
by reading. Formerly brahmacrs and sannyss used to beg from door to
door. At the present moment, especially in the Western countries, a person
may be handed over to the police if he begs from door to door. In Western
countries, begging is considered criminal. Members of the Ka conscious-
ness movement have no business begging. Instead, they work very hard to
introduce some literatures about Ka consciousness so that people can
read them and be benefited. However, if one gives some contribution to a
Ka conscious man, he never refuses it.

On making propaganda
Both materialists and myvds tend to criticize the Vaiavas' mis-
sionary work. Materialists consider it an imposing impertinence, and my-
vds an act of immature transcendentalists who don't realize that all paths
lead to the same goal. But Vaiavas understand that such arguments
against preaching, which are spread by subtle, atheistic propaganda, ur-
gently necessitate preaching. It is a Vaiava's legitimate right to make spir-
itual propaganda, because that is everyone's means of spreading his ideas.
Devotees should not yield to atheistic or myvda propaganda and think
that there is anything materialistic about sakrtana.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 1.5.11 p: Systematically there is propaganda by a sec-

tion of people to stop glorification of the name and fame of the Supreme
Lord. Therefore, there is a great need for disseminating the message of the
"rmad-Bhgavatam all over the world. It is the duty of every responsible
Indian to broadcast the transcendental message of "rmad-Bhgavatam
throughout the world to do all the supermost good as well as to bring
about the desired peace in the world. Because India has failed in her duty
by neglecting this responsible work, there is so much quarrel and trouble
all over the world. We are confident that if the transcendental message of
"rmad-Bhgavatam is received only by the leading men of the world, cer-
tainly there will be a change of heart, and naturally the people in general
will follow them. The mass of people in general are tools in the hands of
96 The Nectar of Book Distribution

the modern politicians and leaders of the people. If there is a change of

heart of the leaders only, certainly there will be a radical change in the at-
mosphere of the world. . . . The atmosphere is already polluted with corrup-
tion of all description, and everyone knows it well. There are so many un-
wanted literatures full of materialistic ideas of sense gratification. In many
countries there are bodies appointed by the state to detect and censor obs-
cene literature. This means that neither the government nor the responsible
leaders of the public want such literature, yet it is in the marketplace be-
cause the people want it for sense gratification. The people in general want
to read (that is a natural instinct), but because their minds are polluted they
want such literatures. Under the circumstances, transcendental literature
like "rmad-Bhgavatam will not only diminish the activities of the corrupt
mind of the people in general, but also it will supply food for their hanker-
ing after reading some interesting literature. In the beginning they may not
like it because one suffering from jaundice is reluctant to take sugar candy,
but we should know that sugar candy is the only remedy for jaundice. Si-
milarly, let there be systematic propaganda for popularizing reading of the
Bhagavad-gt and the "rmad-Bhgavatam, which will act like sugar candy
for the jaundicelike condition of sense gratification. When men have a taste
for this literature, the other literatures, which are catering poison to society,
will then automatically cease.

These books and magazines are our most important propa-

ganda weapons to defeat the ignorance of my's army, and
the more we produce such literature and sell it profusely all
over the world, the more we shall deliver the world from its
suicide course. So your work is the most important preach-
ing work. May Ka bless you more and more. Thank you
for helping me in this way. 43

Regarding the book distribution, apart from our books, the

Communist Party has become popular simply by distributing
their literature. I know in Calcutta the Communist agents
were inviting friends and reading Communist literature. The
Russians never came to India, but by distributing literature
in every language they get a pretty good number of follow-
ers. So if it possible for ordinary third-class mundane liter-
ature, why should our transcendental literature not create
devotees all over the world? I see practically how our books
and magazines are becoming popular in your country. So
there is good potential for pushing literature very vigorous-
Sakrtana Philosophy 97

ly. Organize this propaganda work very carefully. Our move-

ment will become very much successful by introducing liter-
ature from village to village. Lord Caitanya wants this, so
carry out His order. 44

We must make a large propaganda program for Ka con-

sciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over
the world. Just like the communists they are very expert in
distributing their literature, their propaganda. At the present
moment they are distributing their literature here in India in
nine different languages, and it is quite effective. Therefore
we must print hundreds and thousands of books and distrib-
ute them at the same speed, and thus we will have a great
effect on the mass population of Europe and America. If we
can get the masses in the Western countries like Europe and
America to become Ka conscious, then all the rest of the
world will follow. That is a fact. So please, I beg you, con-
tinue distributing my books in this way, and Ka will pour
His blessings upon you all. 45

Rme"vara: They say that if we claim our members are gentlemen, then
why is it they go to the airport and bother so many people?
Prabhupda: They are not bothering. They are educating. When a thief is
advised, Kindly do not become a thief," he takes it as botheration. But it
is good advice.
Rme"vara: They say that it is an invasion of privacy. Every man has the
right to think the way he wants.
Prabhupda: Yes, therefore I have got the right to think like this and sell
Rme"vara: But if I do not want to hear your philosophy, then why do you
impose it?
Prabhupda: It is not imposing. It is good philosophy. We are canvassing:
Take it. You will be benefited." And they are being benefited. Those who
are reading, they are being benefited. And why are you advertising big,
big signboards: Please come and purchase." Why you are imposing your
so-called goodness on us? Why are you doing that? 46

2.6 Distribution influenced by the modes of nature

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.29.10 p: Pure devotional service as described by Rpa
Gosvm is free from all material desires. Anybhilit-%#nyam. There can
98 The Nectar of Book Distribution

be no excuse for personal or material interest. Devotional activities should

be transcendental to fruitive activities and empiric philosophical specula-
tion. Pure devotional service is transcendental to all material qualities. De-
votional service in the modes of ignorance, passion and goodness can be di-
vided into eighty-one categories. There are different devotional activities,
such as hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, offering prayer, ren-
dering service and surrendering everything, and each of them can be di-
vided into three qualitative categories. There is hearing in the mode of pas-
sion, in the mode of ignorance and in the mode of goodness. Similarly, there
is chanting in the mode of ignorance, passion and goodness. Three multi-
plied by nine equals twenty-seven, and when again multiplied by three it
becomes eighty-one. One has to transcend all such mixed materialistic de-
votional service in order to reach the standard of pure devotional service.

Rohisuta Dsa: r Kapiladeva describes how devotional service is per-

formed under the three modes of material nature. This also applies to sa-
krtana. You can perform sakrtana in ignorance, passion, goodness, or
transcendental ecstasy.
The modes are always mixed. The impurities of one mode mix with
those of another to form combinations, just as there are mixtures of the
three primary colors red, yellow, and blue. By mixtures we get an unlim-
ited spectrum of colors. According to the variations you can get eighty-one
forms of devotional service within the modes of material nature.
Knowledge, duty and activity can be analyzed according to the modes.
Knowledge by which one is attached to a certain kind of work as the all-in-
all is knowledge in the mode of ignorance. Duty performed in a lazy, stub-
born way is duty in the mode of ignorance. Activities performed under illu-
sion, without considering the scriptural injunctions and without caring for
the future reactions, is action in the mode of ignorance. We can also iden-
tify these qualities in devotional service. Sometimes we don't act according
to the %stras, and we maintain material desires and habits. We remain at-
tached to sense objects and detached from devotional service. Or we dis-
tribute books to fulfill material desires, not to please the spiritual master
and Ka. For example, there is the desire to become unique, distinct, or
famous. This is pride, and it leads to envy. These are all symptoms of the
mode of ignorance. We try to fulfill our desires by hook or by crook, and
we do whatever we want to give people the books. We create our own sa-
krtana philosophy to justify our way of acting. Sometimes we cheat peo-
ple. Or we cheat the devotees and say we distributed more than we did just
to become famous. While cheating and lying are normal techniques among
salesmen, the devotees should not do that. Someone who is in ignorance
Sakrtana Philosophy 99

or attached to the result will do it. But every week he will have a problem
with the police or get into fights with people or have heavy arguments. The
books he sells are sent back to the temple with complaints. Those are symp-
toms that a book distributor is influenced by his false ego and attached to
the result.
Under the influence of the mode of ignorance, a devotee offends and in-
sults others: These karms are attached and useless." As soon as he meets
somebody he doesn't like, he offends him, and if the other person is also
in tamo-gua, then cursing and countercursing will go on. Devotees should
avoid that in all circumstances. Lord Kapila says that a devotee must learn
how to see all living entities spiritually. One who doesn't see spiritually can
be lethargic one day and attached to achieving immediate results the next,
and then once again lazy sleeping all day in the van. Such a person be-
comes morose, whimsical, and hesitant in his activities: Shall I go out?
Shall I not go out?" He can't get any bliss or satisfaction. Such a devotee is
always attached in one way or another. He is not really fixed. On this plat-
form you cannot perform real devotional service. It doesn't please Ka,
the devotees or the other living entities. It is the mode of ignorance.
Someone who thinks his service is the best, because he's doing it, is also
in the mode of ignorance. For example, a devotee who thinks that book
distribution is the only service that exists and everything else is my is in
the mode of ignorance. To arrogantly think that my service is the only one
that counts and I can disregard all others is in the mode of ignorance.
Someone who is in the mode of goodness or on the transcendental plat-
form is always humble, and he doesn't think he is performing the greatest
service. He always thinks that it is due only to the mercy of the Vaiavas
and the spiritual master that he can perform his service and be a part of
this glorious mission. He always thinks that everybody does better service
than he does, and he never thinks he is great. And he makes arrangements
for others to come to Ka and perform devotional service. He inspires all
other devotees in their services. He's inspiring everybody. This is a real sa-
krtana devotee. Once a Christian said to Prabhupda, Swamiji, I give you
the benediction that you will become a lover of God." Prabhupda said,
Thank you very much for this benediction." One shouldn't think, What
do you know about God? You cow-eating hypocrite! You don't know any-
thing." No, Prabhupda was genuinely polite and grateful. So a devotee will
try to see the good even in persons who lack purity or goodness. And what
to speak of his dealings with other devotees engaged in Ka's service!
He finds something good everywhere. One sannys came to the house
of a ghamedh. When the woman saw this mendicant, she became very en-
vious. She went to the fire and picked up some ashes and brought them to
100 The Nectar of Book Distribution

the mendicant. Here, that's our donation for persons like you," she said.
The sannys replied, Thank you very much. I bless you that this shall
be the beginning of your devotional service." That's the attitude of a non-
envious devotee who wants to see the good in everyone. A preacher has
to learn to understand the platform of the conditioned souls, and he has to
know how to elevate them to a higher platform. First we should try to in-
spire everyone to chant Hare Ka, and all the rules and regulations will
come later. We can see this in Prabhupda's life. And he served everyone.
He didn't expect service for himself. We can learn from his example how to
help the conditioned souls by inspiring them to practice Ka conscious-
ness. Seeing the love and devotion of Prabhupda, people accepted him.
And then they also accepted the rules and regulations, the do's and don't's,
which they wouldn't have accepted in the beginning. So one shouldn't be
proud of his position, even if he has an important position like a sakrtana
leader. One should always try to be a humble servant of the servant of the
servant of Ka's servant. In this way one can render service to Ka
without interruption.
Then there is the mode of passion: The knowledge by which one sees
all beings as separate living entities is knowledge in the mode of passion.
Activities which are performed with a lot of endeavor, out of false ego, are
under the influence of passion. Those persons attached to the fruits of their
activities, who are greedy and unclean, are in the mode of passion. A devo-
tee in the mode of passion may be a good sakrtana devotee for some time.
He is attached to achieving a certain position, or he may even be attached
to pleasing the spiritual master for the sake of being recognized. But only if
he is worshiped by others will he continue to act like that. He may perform
a lot of service and get a certain result, but if he doesn't transcend this plat-
form, he may come down again and do very little because he is attached
to the results. Such a devotee is in danger. He may become overwhelmed
by attachment, greed, and envy. He begins seeing the books as a means
to achieve results, money or worship. One doesn't see the people as spirit
souls. That's why his results will be unsteady, always up and down.
Then goodness: Activities that are regulated and performed without
attachment, without hate or lust, are activities in the mode of goodness.
Someone performing his duty without false ego, with great determination
and enthusiasm, who is steady in success or failure he is in the mode of
goodness. Someone in the mode of goodness is dutiful and is attached to
sdhana. He is not influenced by false ego, and he never gives up his duty.
He knows the goal of life, Ka, who is the origin of everything. He knows
the scriptures, and although he may not have fully realized the knowledge,
Sakrtana Philosophy 101

he knows how to act according to the injunctions. He performs his duty

as a service to his spiritual master. This is the platform for a successful
sakrtana devotee. One has to at least act on the platform of duty without
being indifferent, lethargic, proud, unsteady, and influenced by happiness
or distress.
One problem with the mode of goodness is that those in goodness can
distribute books only in places where they think, Here are nice people.
They can understand the books." He preaches only to a certain type of
people who also tend towards goodness. He is attached to being blissful,
to being satisfied in his service. He experiences a certain bliss by going out
dutifully, and that is a nice platform. But if some problems arise he is
challenged or it doesn't go as it should he will become uncertain whether
or not to go somewhere better or stay where he is. He always looks for a
nice place. He avoids the difficult places because he prefers the mode of
Someone in goodness may also become attracted by material welfare
work. Thus illusioned, one no longer understands that spreading Ka con-
sciousness is the best and only welfare work that is really helping everyone.
Ka consciousness is meant to connect the spirit soul with Ka. Welfare
work is inferior to devotional service, or it is a by-product of devotional ser-
vice. Welfare work is not the main purpose of a devotee. His main goal is to
perform his duty based on the instruction of his spiritual master.
If a devotee reaches the transcendental platform, he will act out of
spontaneous attraction to Ka, therefore he will no longer be influenced
by duality. Free of attachment and lamentation, he is steady in his service,
independent of his likes or dislikes. Lord Caitanya prays, Except Ka,
I have no other Lord. He is my Lord forever. He may break my heart
or embrace me, He can do whatever He likes, but He will always be my
Lord, whatever happens." That is the transcendental platform. Ka may
give me pain or pleasure it may go well or not but I will never deviate
from His service. There may be so-called hellish places or heavenly places,
but we will go anywhere and everywhere and give Ka consciousness to
everybody without discriminating. A book distributor is just going to every-
body. He sees everybody as spirit soul and tries to give everybody Ka
in the form of Prabhupda's books. He is very enthusiastic and very deter-
mined to reach this goal and flood the world with Prabhupda's transcen-
dental books. Even in his dreams, even while standing under the shower,
during the program, if he takes prasdam his thinking, feeling, and will-
ing are always engaged in books, books, books. He never forgets the mis-
sion of his spiritual master for a minute. Not that he is remembering one
102 The Nectar of Book Distribution

minute and forgetting the next. He experiences spontaneous desire to go

out and give the people books. Nobody needs to push him. In the beginning
the sakrtana leader or temple president will have to push us, and whether
we like it or not, we have to go out. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we
don't. Sometimes we just have to surrender. That's all right, because in
the beginning nobody has a taste. But if we surrender to our authorities
and develop some faith in them and engage in devotional service and read
Prabhupda's books and chant Hare Ka in the association of advanced
devotees who already have a taste for devotional service, then we can also
come to a higher platform.
We must have the association of those who are enthusiastic and tran-
scendental and follow them. If you want to come to the transcendental
spontaneous platform of sakrtana, just follow in the footsteps of the tran-
scendental sakrtana devotees. Act as they act, hear from them, see their
example, meditate on them, pray to them, and you can also become like
them. This we should do. One should not think, I meditate only on Ka
and my spiritual master." We should also meditate on devotees constantly
engaged in sakrtana. If it is our service to perform sakrtana, we should
meditate on the sakrtana devotees. First we meditate on the spiritual
master, because he is the best sakrtana devotee, and everything comes
from him. We should always meditate on him, pray to him, and hear about
him and the previous spiritual masters, who are all eternal sakrtana devo-
tees rnivsa crya, Narottama dsa hkura, ymnanda, Bhakti-
vinoda hkura, Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, the six Gosvms,
Nrada Muni. We should always meditate on all these great liberated souls
and pray to them for their mercy. And if we see some living example of an
advanced sakrtana devotee, we should not have a grudge against him or
envy him, or try to pull him down to our platform. We should try to follow
him and serve him and become like him. If you see that somebody is suc-
cessful in his service to the spiritual master, then you should try to become
like him. In this way, you will also become successful and make advance-
ment in Ka consciousness. (From a sakrtana class in Zurich on Sep-
tember 28, 1991)

2.7 Conclusion
All these books are the ultimate source of knowledge. If
you simply reproduce what I have tried to explain in these
books, surely you will come out victorious, even in the midst
of so many great mundane scholars. The descriptions given
Sakrtana Philosophy 103

in these books are not mundane speculations, but they are

authorized versions of liberated souls, presented by our
humble self. So the strength is not in us, but the strength is
in the Supreme Lord. And we simply have to present them
without any adulteration, in a humble service spirit. That is
the secret of success. 47
Qualities of a Book Distributor

"r Caitanya Mahprabhu appeared five hundred years ago, but it cannot be
said that now the potency of the Hare Ka mah-mantra is less powerful
than it was in His presence. By hearing "r Caitanya Mahprabhu through
the parampar system, one can be purified. . . . It is not that everyone is
able to see Ka or "r Ka Caitanya Mahprabhu physically, but if one
hears about Him through books like r Caitanya-caritmta and through
the parampar system of pure Vaiavas, there is no difficulty in becoming a
pure Vaiava, free from mundane desires and personal motivations." (Cai-
tanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 17.51 p)

3.1 What is a book distributor?

There are goynand and bhajannand. A bhajannand is
interested in his own welfare, or he thinks that he is not
competent enough to preach. Therefore he does not go for
preaching work. Sva-vimukti-km: let me look after my own
affairs. Oil your own machine." The other stage is a devo-
tee taking all risk preaching for the benefit of the whole hu-
man society. He is called goynand, increasing the num-
ber of devotees. That is preferred by Ka. Bhagavad-gt
says, ya ida parama guhya mad-bhaktev abhidhsya-
ti: Anyone engaged in preaching this confidential science is
most dear to Me." So if you want recognition by Ka very
quickly, go on preaching Ka consciousness. Even if it's
imperfectly done because you are sincere, whatever capa-
city you have got, if you preach, then Ka will be very
much pleased. I have seen practically. In my Guru Mah-
rja's day the paper, Dayinika Nadiya Prakash, was pub-

106 The Nectar of Book Distribution

lished daily, just like I was later publishing Back to God-

head, and if a small brahmacr would go to Navadvpa and
sell a few copies, one paisa a copy, that would be taken as
great preaching by Guru Mahrja: Oh, you have sold five
copies? Very good."
Because people are so reluctant they are not at all in-
terested in Ka consciousness therefore we become very
much gladdened when we see that some of our books are
sold. They will read and be benefited. This is the mission
of a high-class Vaiava how to preach Ka conscious-
ness among the suffering humanity. That is the purport of
this verse [SB 7.9.44] spoken by Prahlda Mahrja, and we
are following in the footprints of Prahlda Mahrja. Never
mind. Even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the or-
ders of Caitanya Mahprabhu: yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-
upade#a. I may not be expert in delivering the message of
Ka, but my duty is to try my best to distribute this knowl-
edge to humanity. 1

Preachers render the best service

We have to learn some toleration although there will be
some pain. That is called titikava. At the same time you have
to become kruik, compassionate on the fallen souls. You
have to go from country to country, town to town, city to
city, village to village, to enlighten them to become Ka
conscious. That is a sdhu's duty. Those who are preachers
are better sdhus than those who have gone to the Hima-
layas. The sdhu who has gone to the Himalayas for his per-
sonal benefit is also good. But sdhus who are preaching and
facing many opposing elements are better sdhus. They are
fighting for Ka's sake because they are more compassion-
ate. One sdhu has gone to the Himalayas and sits there in
a secluded place not to be bothered by any asdhus, or non-
devotees. That is also nice, but that is personal interest. But
those sdhus who have not gone to the Himalayas, and have
left the easy life of Vndvana and gone to fight with the
world, they are better sdhus. That is the opinion of Ka:
ya ida parama guhya mad-bhaktev abhidhsyati na ca
tasmn manuyeu ka#cin me priya-kttama. Those who are
Qualities of a Book Distributor 107

preaching the message of Bhagavad-gt, facing many diffi-

culties Ka says, Nobody is dearer to Me than he." So if
you want to become very quickly recognized by Ka, then
every one of you become a preacher of Ka consciousness.
It is such an important movement. We should take it very se-
riously and try to spread it all over the world. That will be
the best service to human society. 2

If your stomach is supplied nutritious food and is clear of all

disturbances, then you keep good health. And if you pour
water on the root of the tree, then you take care of all the
branches, leaves, flowers, and twigs automatically. So if you
take care of Ka, then you do the best service to all others
automatically. These boys are going on the sakrtana party
because they are Ka conscious. It is not that they are sit-
ting idly in this temple. They are going outside preaching
this philosophy so that others may take advantage of it. A
Ka conscious person cannot sit idly. He thinks, Such a
nice philosophy of life why should it not be distributed?"
That is his mission. A yog may be satisfied with his own
elevation to transcendental life. That is his personal con-
cern. But a devotee is not satisfied simply elevating him-
self. We offer our respect to the Vaiavas: vcha-kalpa-
tarubhya# ca kp-sindhubhya eva ca patitn pvanebhyo
vaiavebhyo namo nama. A devotee is very compassion-
ate to the conditioned souls. Kp means `mercy" and sin-
dhu means ocean." A devotee is an ocean of mercy. He
wants to distribute the mercy. Just like Lord Jesus Christ
he was God conscious, Ka conscious, but he was not sa-
tisfied in himself. If he would have continued his God con-
sciousness alone, he would not have met crucifixion. But he
wanted to take care of others also and make them God con-
scious, Ka conscious. He was forbidden by the king to do
that, and at the risk of his life he did it. That is the nature of a
devotee. Therefore a preacher is the dearmost devotee of the
Lord. They go outside, they preach, they meet opposing ele-
ments, sometimes they are defeated, sometimes disappoint-
ed, sometimes able to convince. Not that every devotee is
well-equipped. There are three classes of devotees. But that
endeavor to preach Ka consciousness is the best service
108 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to the Lord, because they are trying against opposition to el-

evate people to the highest standard of self-realization. One
who has seen, who is in the trance of self-realization, cannot
sit idly. He must come out. 3

You can go to the forest. That is in your interest. But if

you try to distribute Ka's name, that is more valuable
work. Ka wants you to take interest in others also. That
is greater service. Just like a soldier is a patriot, and another
man is a patriot. But the soldier who goes forward to fight
for the state his service is greater because he has to face
so many dangers for the country. Therefore during a time of
war, the government takes care of the soldiers first, and the
civilians' eating supply is controlled. But a soldier's supply is
never controlled because he gives better service to the state.
So you can go to the forest for your own interest. That is
also good. But better work is to push forward Ka's name.
That will please Ka. Na ca tasmn manuyeu ka#cin me
priya-kttama: those who are in the preaching work are
very much recognized by Ka. He says, Nobody is dearer
than he who is preaching." Those who have stopped preach-
ing work easy-going imitation bhajannands that is not
very good. How far has he advanced? He goes to the forest,
and he'll think of women and money. What is the use? By his
action it will be proved. The same way, taking rest, sleeping,
and doing everything whimsically. So Ka knows every-
thing. How can you cheat Ka by so-called forest-going?
Your enemies, your senses, have gone with you. You can-
not escape these enemies. They'll force you again to perform
material activities. So what is the use of going to the forest?
It is simply a show. It has no value. 4

Rohisuta Dsa: A book distributor has to be transcendental all around.
He has brahminical qualities. He's learned, religious, clean, regulated
#amo damas tapa #aucam. And a few katriya qualities determined,
sometimes a little aggressive to make the people take the books. And a sa-
krtana devotee has to be a little bit of a salesman, and he has to be practi-
cal. But that doesn't mean that he belongs to these categories. He is tran-
scendental. He performs his activities for Ka's satisfaction.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 109

Nirgua Dsa: Being a book distributor means first of all to understand the
mission of book distribution how important it is and to give yourself to
that mission. It means taking every opportunity to distribute books and en-
deavoring to perfect your book distribution. It means being attentive to the
details of that service by your regulation, resting, rising, sdhana, chanting,
praying, eating, studying everything that goes on. It means to cultivate
the qualities of determination, humility, steadfastness. It means to distrib-
ute as many books as possible in the best possible way. It means how to
learn how to do it better and to endeavor to do it better.

Vijaya Dsa (USA): A book distributor most importantly has to be tol-

erant and compassionate. And these qualities gradually become manifest
because after many years of going on sakrtana, Ka becomes pleased
and these qualities eventually develop within the devotee. One way to de-
velop these qualities is by reading rla Prabhupda's books, because he
possessed all the qualities of a Vaiava, and he transmitted them through
his books. Simply by hearing about Ka every day from Bhagavad-gt,
"rmad-Bhgavatam, and Caitanya-caritmta every day these qualities
become manifest.

Ya!od-dulla Dsa: The most important quality of book distributors is that

they are linked with their spiritual master. The devotees who continue year
after year are those who feel that they are doing the service to please their
spiritual master. Therefore when people take books, the devotees become
happy. By that desire of pleasing the spiritual master, automatically a devo-
tee manifests all other good qualities yasysti bhaktir bhagavaty akican
sarvair guais tatra samsate sur. It's quite appropriate to apply this verse
to sakrtana. The desire to please the spiritual master, to center their de-
sires around his, is the active principle of fixed-up book distributors. When
it's not there, the other qualities they have will not make it. But if they are
intimately connected with the spiritual master's desires, they will always be
in a dependent position and feel meek and humble and as insignificant as a
beggar, a beggar for the spiritual master's mercy. To achieve that goal, de-
termination is important. To please the spiritual master, book distributors
cannot be lazy. He is not pleased if we stop distributing books because of
bad weather, difficult circumstances, weakness, or other things. Determina-
tion comes naturally if we try to have the attitude, I want to do this for his
pleasure." This is the most important quality.

Gta-govinda Ds (Japan): rla Prabhupda said: By serving the servants

of the Lord, one gradually gets the quality of such servants, and thus one
110 The Nectar of Book Distribution

becomes qualified to hear the glories of God. The eagerness to hear about
God is the first qualification of the devotee eligible for entering the king-
dom of God" (SB 1.2.16 p). The most important quality is to dedicate our
whole life to the mission of rla Prabhupda with great determination. If
we can absorb ourselves in his mission with firm faith in our hearts, making
his mission our life and soul, then we can serve as instruments of guru and
Ka. But if we are envious and on the mental platform, then we can never
become empowered. Ka-#akti vin nahe tra pravartana: we cannot dis-
tribute books without being empowered by guru and Ka. The power
comes from following the regulative principles and the guru's instructions
and from reading rla Prabhupda's books regularly. In that situation we
can take shelter of the Hare Ka mah-mantra properly. We have to cry
to guru and Ka. There's no other way. When we take shelter in this way,
mercy is always available.

Premrava Dsa (Sweden): To become a book distributor you have to be-

come empowered by Ka or get the mercy of Ka by surrendering to
a spiritual master. The most important quality is that you fully surrender
to your spiritual master. From your spiritual master you will get all the
power to continue distributing books. Everyone knows that Prabhupda's
mission is to produce and distribute as many books as possible. Many other
things are related to that mission, but the basis is book distribution. Book
distributors have to be fully surrendered to the spiritual master, and by that
surrender you will get all the mercy and #akti you need to distribute books.
Just by distributing books you gradually purify your consciousness more
and more. To go on despite all difficulties you must desire both to please
the spiritual master and to try to deliver the conditioned souls from illusion.
Material qualities can be used in book distribution, but a person may not be
materially qualified. Yet if he is surrendered to his spiritual master, he will
definitely be able to distribute books.

Caku Dsa: Being a book distributor means having a strong desire to dis-
tribute rla Prabhupda's books. That doesn't necessarily mean one goes
out himself. If the spiritual master has no time to go on book distribution,
it doesn't mean he's not a book distributor. Or the BBT devotees, who are
busy producing books they're book distributors in some sense. They play
a vital role in book distribution. Everybody who has the desire to distribute
books, even though he may not have the ability, is a book distributor. One
can quite easily see and feel whether or not a person is a book distributor.
If he's not able to distribute books, he will assist the sakrtana devotees by
asking them for service or by doing whatever is necessary. And just by his
Qualities of a Book Distributor 111

appreciation for their service, he will get the same spiritual results as book

Harike!a Swami: Is it unfavorable to identify yourself as a sakrtana dev-

otee? I don't think so. It's a lot better than identifying yourself as a brh-
maa or a ghastha or a this or a that. We are all sakrtana devotees in
Lord Caitanya's eternal sakrtana party. To identify yourself like that is
quite good. But, of course, if you become proud and think other devotees
are something else more lowly, then you fall down from the platform of pu-
rification and become contaminated. Proud devotees usually fall away from
the sakrtana mission and can't do it for a long time.
But one who knows, I'm a sakrtana devotee, and I had better stay a
sakrtana devotee," and who therefore prays, Ka, please give me Your
mercy so I can remain a sakrtana devotee, and all you devotees, please
bless me so that I can perform this service all my life" then it is a good
identification, because that makes one humble.
Being a sakrtana devotee means being a servant of all people. It
doesn't mean you are something great, glorious, and wonderful. Of course,
the sakrtana devotees are glorified on the weekends. Someone will get
all the roars and rahhhs from all the devotees. Rahhh! You're the great-
est! You're number one! Pound the drums! Pound the floor! This guy's the
greatest!" Of course, five minutes later everyone forgets it. But, at the time,
one is thinking himself the greatest. That is an identification which also
destroys everything. You're not the greatest, you're not the smallest. You
are just Ka's humble servant. You are supposed to go out and distribute
the books and not get hung up on all these things. In a humble state of mind
one can perform sakrtana continually. But as far as the identification it-
self, it's quite good to identify yourself as a sakrtana devotee. It is better
than any other identification. But ultimately we know we are just Ka's
servants. We are nothing but the servants of the servants of the servants of
the gops. Lord Caitanya taught us this, and He is the supreme sakrtana
crya. So we should follow in His footsteps.

3.2 Books are distributed by spiritual potency

With great happiness I have read your figures of the amounts
of books sold during the three-day period, December 22 24,
1972. It is scarcely believable that more than 17,100 books
could have been sold by one temple in three days. That indi-
cates to me that people are at last becoming a little serious
about this Ka consciousness movement in your country.
112 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Otherwise why should they buy our books? But they can see
that our boys and girls, devotees, are so much sincere and se-
rious to distribute the message of Ka consciousness. They
are at once struck by seeing them and therefore they appre-
ciate and purchase. This is unique in the world. Perhaps we
are the only sincere persons on this whole planet. At least
our books are not to be seen anywhere else. 5

The importance of pure consciousness and motivation

If you really have learned the essence of Vedic knowledge,
automatically you will be inclined to preach it. "ravaam
means to receive the knowledge, and krtana means to dis-
tribute or describe the knowledge. "rmad-Bhgavatam is
just like the lamp to see Ka in the darkness. And for
whom is it meant? "rmad-Bhgavatam is not meant for the
street boys accustomed to reading so many nonsense books.
They want to waste their time. They have no engagement.
They purchase some fictitious book and read it not only
them, even elderly men. But this book is different from those
books. It is meant for persons desiring to get out of this world
of ignorance, those who are actually serious to go from dark-
ness to light for them this is the lamp. In darkness you are
helped with a lamp: Please come this way. Come this way,
so you can come out of the darkness." Similarly, for those
who want to get liberation from this material darkness, "r-
mad-Bhgavatam is given by ukadeva Gosvm. This is the
business of saintly persons. They are very much compassion-
ate to these materialistic men. 6

Prahldnanda Swami: There's no way to be purely motivated without spir-

itual knowledge. One has to follow the directions of Ka and Prabhu-
pda. But one needs training to evaluate and understand circumstances and
constantly check whether one is in Ka consciousness or material con-
sciousness. And one has to be willing to sacrifice material desires for spiri-
tual desires. The results we get aren't as important as our developing Ka
consciousness. When we realize that Ka is the doer, we can just be His
servants. I like doing sakrtana because there's so much spiritual realiza-
tion to be gained. We develop our Ka consciousness by doing sakr-
tana. Book distribution has to be seen as a service that helps us go back to
the spiritual world. That means it has to be done with ever-increasing spiri-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 113

tual knowledge and constant endeavors to improve the way we're doing it,
so that Ka is more and more pleased. If Ka gives us realization about
what we are doing and why we are doing it, then things become much sim-
pler to understand. But then we can't become complacent and think we
know everything. Nor can we just wait until Ka gives us realization. We
have to try very hard and try to understand what we are doing what the
mission of Ka consciousness is, why we are doing it, and how to improve
what we're doing. If we're serious about our service and our spiritual moti-
vation simply trying to please guru and Ka then they will encourage
us by giving us realization and bliss. And it is through this advancement that
devotees will become more and more apt to continue distributing books.

Rohisuta Dsa: Purity is the force, and purity comes from chanting. We
have to be very attentive while chanting our rounds. We should follow the
regulative principles, read rla Prabhupda's books every day, and acquire
knowledge in this way. Then we can go out with great conviction. We have
to represent rla Prabhupda and the whole disciplic succession and r r
Gaura-Niti. We are emissaries of the spiritual world.

Harinmnanda Dsa: To make book distribution one's life and soul and to
surrender to book distribution as a servant of the "rmad-Bhgavatam one
has to develop the desire to preach continually. To distribute "rmad-Bhg-
avatam for a long time one has to learn the philosophy of Ka conscious-
ness and realize it. This works best by understanding that we are coming
from the lowest level we've been not only yavanas and mlecchas but also
cow-eaters, simply the foulest kind of persons. And we have been taken out
of that swamp only by the grace of guru and Ka and rla Prabhupda's
books. We should always consider this and compare what we would be if
we had not gotten the opportunity to engage in Ka consciousness. For
example, I would have continued working like an ass as a mechanic in a
workshop with other #%dras and would have destroyed my body and mind,
and in the end I would have died like an animal and at the maximum be-
come an animal. That is the fate of everyone who does not become Ka
conscious. One always should keep this in mind. If we were in the material
world we would simply work for a materialistic boss, slave like an ass, and
just become ruined. Now we can work for the spiritual master and gain the
highest benefit. We should always consider how, because of this causeless
mercy, we can now become happy and achieve an eternal life of knowledge
and bliss by leaving materially conditioned life forever. Therefore I say to
myself, Why shouldn't I sacrifice my life and my body to book distribution
for the pleasure of my spiritual master and Ka?" I understand that at
114 The Nectar of Book Distribution

least in my case, there's no possibility of being engaged in Ka conscious-

ness other than by hard physical work. And every day I am inspired by
that to go out for as many hours as possible, to meet as many people as
possible, to leave a friendly impression on them whether or not they take
the books, to take up the renunciation of tolerating the many difficulties of
going out even if I'm not so fired-up mentally or physically. One has to go
out as a matter of duty, with the vow, I will do this forever, for as long as
Ka gives me the opportunity to do it and for as long as my spiritual mas-
ter wants me to do it." This is the proper motivation simply meditating
on the order of the spiritual master. Then we can continue. Because in the
order, the power to execute it is included.

Gta-govinda Ds: When the sunshine is reflected on a clean mirror, the

power of the sun is brightly reflected. But if the mirror is covered with dust,
the reflection of sunlight is not as effulgent. It's only weak. Similarly, if our
hearts are contaminated, we are weak in power. But if we are pure, then we
reflect the power of the pure devotee.

"aii Dev Ds: The main factor is that we are Ka conscious and con-
vinced about what we are doing. In the beginning, when you are not strong
in Ka consciousness, you have faith in the process and see that it works
because others are doing it, and you just try it. And the fact that Ka
wants it is enough. If we don't do it, someone else will. It is supposed to
happen, because Lord Caitanya said it would happen. We're just tools.

Spiritual qualities make a devotee attractive

I understand from your letter that people have been well im-
pressed. So this is a good opportunity for advancing our mis-
sionary activities. Actually we are creating the most peaceful
persons in the world. Ka is so nice that anyone who takes
to Him becomes a first-class peaceful man. You can know
from the example of Arjuna how much peaceful he was.
He did not mind foregoing his claim, and he remained non-
violent and peaceful. Personally he was not in favor of fight-
ing, and whatever he did was only to satisfy Ka. 7

Prahldnanda Swami: The more we can teach devotees to distribute books

with an intense desire to please Ka and Prabhupda, the more people
will become attracted. Who else works with sincere determination like that
in the material world? If there are people who work with that kind of de-
termination, they are generally successful. Similarly, if devotees work with
Qualities of a Book Distributor 115

full determination to distribute Prabhupda's books, they will be the most


Gaur Dev Ds: Book distribution has nothing to do with material qual-
ities. Over the years I've seen many different kinds of persons enter into
sakrtana and become expert and deeply committed. I'm convinced that it
has absolutely nothing to do with material qualities. I don't even think in the
beginning it has anything to do with that. Ka may give big results in the
beginning or tiny results. He's got His plans. He's controlling everything.
He's controlling every moment. Who knows what all His reasons are? He
has so many reasons for doing everything. And you see it on sakrtana so
often that it's really impossible to understand why one devotee will do huge
and another devotee won't. But that's really not important. What matters
is that the devotees have the confidential desire to have a relationship with
Lord Caitanya and the spiritual master.
I'm sure it is hard to believe, because I talk to people a lot now, and I'm
outgoing now, but before I never was. I was introverted, and it was horribly
difficult for me to approach people. I couldn't even speak loud enough for
them to hear me. When I was a child, no one could ever hear what I said.
When I started doing sakrtana, it was a grim duty to approach people be-
cause I was in a bodily conception of life. Composing myself to approach
somebody was almost like closing my eyes and counting to ten and just
doing it out of sheer determination, but I didn't have the slightest desire or
determination or understanding. It was the most painful thing in the world.
And I had no ability to smile or be charming or in any way give up my
false ego. My false ego made my personality heavy, morose, serious, grave,
intellectual, and just about everything that was completely the wrong way
to be with people to get them to stop. So what of speak of carrying on
a light conversation, which is what you need to do to talk about nothing
for a couple of seconds before shaking their hand. To get somebody to stop
you have to be nonthreatening. You really have to be completely light. The
presentation cannot threaten them. It's like a good doctor administering
medicine. He knows just how to insert a hypodermic needle in such a way
that you feel the slightest amount of pain. In the beginning it was like I was
just jabbing the needle in. I didn't want to do it, and they didn't want me
coming after them, and I knew I was hurting them, and they knew I was
hurting them, and the whole thing was horrible. But I kept on doing it, be-
cause I saw the other devotees. What kept me going was seeing that some
of the other devotees were getting a real taste. And they weren't having the
same problem I was having at all. I never considered that a material thing.
I knew it was coming from Ka. Ka was helping them. So I figured if
116 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Ka will help them, Ka will help me; somehow or other, I just have to
get Ka's help.
One particular day was a turning point in my sakrtana career just a few
months after I'd started sakrtana. I suddenly found it easy to approach
people and smile and be completely free of my heavy, clouded personality.
And it's not that I became free from it entirely. I kept it, and the minute
I went back to the temple I was immediately into it again. But when I ap-
proached conditioned souls, I was always free of it after that. Ka gave
me that benediction. After that I never had the slightest bit of trouble ap-
proaching anybody and talking to anybody. I knew that on that particular
day Lord Caitanya had blessed me. For some reason I couldn't understand,
He had given me a benediction to do this. I really knew that. And from that
point on I never had the slightest trouble meeting anybody, talking about
anything, or being lighthearted and jolly and friendly and actually meaning
One thing I learned was that even if you don't feel like it, if you feel sick
and you just want to stay home and sleep there were many times I felt
like that, for many years I learned quickly that if I just approached peo-
ple, if I could just bring myself to the point of starting to approach them,
after a half hour or so, whatever it was that bothered me, whatever it was
that hurt in my body, would be gone. I remember Prabhupda saying again
and again that if you just do sakrtana, it cures everything. I firmly believe
that, and I can see how it works. But you have to do sakrtana, and that
means you have to give your heart and soul to doing it. You can't just do it
mechanically. That's why book distribution is wonderful, because it forces
you to give everything you can. And the more you do it, the more you can
give. You become more and more surrendered, more deeply aware of who
you are and where you're at. Then you can give more and more to the
conditioned souls, and then there's more love coming from you, and Ka
is able to use you and give you more cleverness. You can be much more
quick-witted. The dullest stone can become the most brilliant poet and phi-
losopher and joker. You can be a complete comic. Anything can happen on
sakrtana. It's amazing.

Vijaya Dsa: If a devotee has developed some spiritual qualities, the peo-
ple he meets will automatically respect and appreciate that and reciprocate
with the devotee presenting Ka consciousness to them. People want to
hear from someone who has the qualities of God consciousness. The more
we develop our Ka consciousness, the more people will want to receive
books from us. The more intense our desire to spread Ka consciousness,
the more Ka will send people to receive Ka consciousness. But if we
Qualities of a Book Distributor 117

have material desires, then He will give us difficulties to purify us. That is
also His mercy. We become purified, and we change our desire just to the
desire to serve Ka. Then Ka can send us more and more people to
receive Ka consciousness.

Gta-govinda Ds: We have to preach from the heart. Of course, it is possi-

ble simply to be engaged on the bodily level. But then it remains a mechan-
ical service, and we won't get a taste for book distribution. In that way one
can't go on for long. If we have a fruitive mentality, we will push people
around. We will be like mundane salesmen. But if we are enlivened from
the heart, people will recognize it. If our heart is enlivened there's no need
for artificial things like psychological techniques. Guru and Ka will en-
liven our hearts naturally. We can affect people by our purity. If we're pure,
we can be empowered by guru and Ka, and we will be able to serve them
as their instrument. Ka distributes the books through such devotees.

Sarvtm Dsa: Book distributors should strive to be strong, determined,

enthusiastic, and at the same time, patient and gentle so people can ac-
tually trust us. Book distributors are teaching people. Therefore we should
impart the feeling to everyone that if they want spiritual advice, then we're
the people they should come to, because we are trustworthy.

Persons with spiritual qualities are rare and uniquely attractive. Out of
the many thousands of people a person meets, a devotee is striking, and
he may create an unforgettable impression, as the following example illus-

"acnandana Swami: People we visit in their homes say they always re-
member the sakrtana devotees. Meeting them was like meeting a shin-
ing person from another dimension. I have a strong impression of this from
my own experience. When I was thirteen, I saw Taml Krishna Goswami
chanting on the street in Hamburg. I was in Hamburg with my mother, but
then I lost her while shopping in a department store. I went to the store's
entrance, and there I met the devotees who chanted in the street and dist-
ributed magazines. I immediately became interested and went closer. Then
Taml Krishna came toward me. I asked him what they were doing, and
he said they were singing the holy names of God. As children we visualize
many things before we go to sleep, and for months I would see the shining
face of Taml Krishna Goswami like a full moon within my dark life. I saw
him in my mind when I watched horror films, when I felt perplexed, when
I heard doors opening and shutting in my house, and when I was thinking
118 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of Frankenstein. When I was completely fearful, I simply remembered his

moonlike face and always became pacified. So the sakrtana devotees who
are meeting people for the first time are important. Maybe you underesti-
mate it, but people remember it for a long time. (From a talk in Zurich on
January 1, 1991)

3.3 The qualities of a devotee

Ka Consciousness The Topmost Yoga System (Ch. 7): Arjuna surren-
ders: So far we have been talking as friends, but now I accept You as my
spiritual master." Anyone following the principle in this line accepts the
guru as Ka, and the student must represent Arjuna. Ka is speaking as
the spiritual master of Arjuna, and Arjuna says, Whatever You are saying
I accept." Read it like that not: I like this, so I accept it; this I don't like,
and so I reject it." Such reading is useless nonsense. The teacher must be
a representative of Ka, a devotee, and the student must be like Arjuna.
. . . In the Upaniads it is stated: To one who has firm faith in God, and
similar faith in God's representative, all the imports of Vedic language will
be revealed." We must have the qualification of being a devotee. Become
dear to God. My spiritual master used to say, Don't try to see God. Act in
such a way that God will see you." We have to qualify ourselves. By your
qualification God Himself will come and see you.

Verses describing a devotee's qualities

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 22.78 80: Devotees are always merciful,
humble, truthful, equal to all, faultless, magnanimous, mild and clean. They
are without material possessions, and they perform welfare work for every-
one. They are peaceful, surrendered to Ka and desireless. They are in-
different to material acquisitions and are fixed in devotional service. They
completely control the six bad qualities lust, anger, greed and so forth.
They eat only as much as required, and they are not inebriated. They are re-
spectful, grave, compassionate and without false prestige. They are friendly,
poetic, expert and silent.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.25.21: The symptoms of a sdhu are that he is tol-

erant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is
peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.

The Nectar of Instruction 1: A sober person who can tolerate the urge
to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the
tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 119

Bhagavad-gt 13.8 12: Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance;

simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadi-
ness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification; absence
of false ego; the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and di-
sease; detachment; freedom from entanglement with children, wife, home
and the rest; even-mindedness amid pleasant and unpleasant events; con-
stant and unalloyed devotion to Me; aspiring to live in a solitary place;
detachment from the general mass of people; accepting the importance
of self-realization; and philosophical search for the Absolute Truth all
these I declare to be knowledge, and besides this whatever there may be is

Bhagavad-gt 16.1 3: Fearlessness; purification of one's existence; cultiva-

tion of spiritual knowledge; charity; self-control; performance of sacrifice;
study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; nonviolence; truthfulness; free-
dom from anger; renunciation; tranquillity; aversion to faultfinding; com-
passion for all living entities; freedom from covetousness; gentleness; mod-
esty; steady determination; vigor; forgiveness; fortitude; cleanliness; and
freedom from envy and from the passion for honor these transcenden-
tal qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine

The Nectar of Devotion (Ch. 18): Rpa Gosvm next describes the charac-
teristics of a person who has actually developed his ecstatic love for Ka.
The characteristics are as follows:
(1) He is always anxious to use his time in the devotional service of the
Lord. He does not like to be idle. He wants service always, twenty-four
hours a day, without deviation.
(2) He is always reserved and perseverant.
(3) He is always detached from all material attraction.
(4) He does not long for any material respect in return for his activities.
(5) He is always certain that Ka will bestow His mercy upon him.
(6) He is always eager to serve the Lord faithfully.
(7) He is very much attached to the chanting of the holy names of the Lord.
(8) He is always eager to describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord.
(9) He is very pleased to live in a place where the Lord's pastimes are per-
formed, for example, Mathur, Vndvana or Dvrak.

The primary quality and secondary qualities of devotees

"rmad-Bhgavatam 5.18.12: All the demigods and their exalted qualities,
such as religion, knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body
120 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of one who has developed unalloyed devotion (bhaktir bhagavaty akican)

for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vsudeva. On the other hand, a
person devoid of devotional service and engaged in material activities has
no good qualities. Even if he is adept at the practice of mystic yoga or the
honest endeavor of maintaining his family and relatives, he must be driven
by his own mental speculations and must engage in the service of the Lord's
external energy. How can there be any good qualities in such a man?

Harinma-cintmai (Ch. 4): The sdhu's qualities are as follows: he is mer-

ciful, tolerant, and equal to all; he performs penances without excessively
inflicting injury on the body; he is truthful, pure-hearted, compassionate,
free from lusty intelligence, and is the master of his senses; he voluntarily
accepts material impoverishment; he is gentle, clean, regulated in eating,
peaceful, apathetic to materialism, patient, and steady; he takes Lord Ka
as his only shelter; he is free from illusion and grave; he conquers hunger,
thirst, lamentation, envy and old age; he does not expect honor from others;
he offers all respects to others; he is expert; he is not a cheater; and he is
These qualities can be divided into two categories: svar%pa-lakaa, or
the direct and indigenous qualities, and taastha-lakaa, qualities that are
ornamental. The sdhu's acceptance of Lord Ka as his only shelter is
his svar%pa-lakaa, and all the other qualities are taastha. . . . One who
has taken complete shelter of the pure devotional process is considered a
pure Vaiava. Four faults (low caste, accidental falldown, the last traces
of previous sins, or his sinful activities prior to his surrendering to Lord
Ka) may be present in him, but he is totally free from all the other short-
comings. Hence criticizing him spells doom for the offender. The glories of
the holy name are propagated by this Vaiava; Lord Ka does not toler-
ate any criticism against him. One may discard all other activities like relig-
iosity, yoga, sacrifices, fruitive activities, empirical knowledge and so on; if
one simply chants the holy name [what to speak of spreading it] that is the
quintessence of spiritual culture.

rla hkura Haridsa explains (in the same chapter) that a devotee
dedicating his life to chanting and spreading the holy name is not acting
just for his own benefit. Rather, he also has the potency to elevate others
to devotional service. Someone who gets the association of a Vaiava for
some time can feel Ka's potency exuding from this person. This potency
enters the heart of a faithful person and impregnates it with bhakti. Thus he
experiences immediate ecstasy. Just by a moment's association with a Vai-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 121

ava, bhakti is invoked in the heart of a pious person. Immediately he'll be

inspired to chant Lord Ka's name; and gradually the holy name will of-
fer him all the spiritual qualities."
In light of this description by the nmcrya, the glories of book distrib-
utors are further elucidated. Most people we meet on book distribution are
not even aware that the book distributor is a Vaiava, a honorable sdhu
dedicated to spreading the holy name. Still, by the mercy of the book distri-
bution mission, such unfortunate souls can begin their devotional service,
which gradually will offer them all the spiritual qualities."
While those who buy the books are benefited, the mercy showers down
even more on the book distributors. The four above-mentioned faults in-
herited from previous sinful lives and low births may still be present in
them, and the stage of pure devotional service in unalloyed absorption
may not have yet been reached. But because the glories of the holy name
are propagated by this Vaiava," he becomes so dear to Lord Ka that
Ka does not tolerate any criticism against him." That is the glory of
sakrtana: even imperfect people can be engaged in this perfect activity.
Accepting this engagement is the book distributor's primary sign of surren-
der (svar%pa-lakaa, devotion and surrender to Ka's mission). By this
one quality (bhaktir bhagavaty akican), he is supplied all other good qua-
lities by Ka's mercy.

3.4 Book distribution is a practical symptom of surrender

Secondary qualities develop from a book distributor's primary quality
of surrender to Ka's mission. Surrender to Ka is generally character-
ized by six symptoms, and it is a dynamic process that is spiritually absolute,
or nondifferent from the goal. Thus an imperfect person can surrender to
distributing books, an activity that is absolute, and perfect himself. Distrib-
uting books means surrender, and that is a book distributor's primary qual-
ity, from which all secondary qualities manifest. Simply staying in the book
distribution mission guarantees this perfection. There are six symptoms of
surrender and many secondary qualities related to each of the six symp-
toms. Several secondary qualities will be highlighted along with each symp-
tom of surrender in each of the following sections.

The six symptoms of surrender

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 20.100: The six divisions of surrender are
the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection
122 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of unfavorable things, the conviction that Ka will give protection, the

acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender and
Purport: One who is fully surrendered is qualified with the six following
characteristics. (1) The devotee has to accept everything that is favorable
for the rendering of transcendental loving service to the Lord. (2) He must
reject everything unfavorable to the Lord's service. This is also called re-
nunciation. (3) A devotee must be firmly convinced that Ka will give him
protection. No one else can actually give one protection, and being firmly
convinced of this is called faith. This kind of faith is different from the faith
of an impersonalist who wants to merge into the Brahman effulgence in or-
der to benefit by cessation of repeated birth and death. A devotee wants to
remain always in the Lord's service. In this way, Ka is merciful to His
devotee and gives him all protection from the dangers found on the path
of devotional service. (4) The devotee should accept Ka as his supreme
maintainer and master. He should not think that he is being protected by a
demigod. He should depend only on Ka, considering Him the only pro-
tector. The devotee must be firmly convinced that within the three worlds
he has no protector or maintainer other than Ka. (5) Self-surrender
means remembering that one's activities and desires are not independent.
The devotee is completely dependent on Ka, and he acts and thinks as
Ka desires. (6) The devotee is meek and humble.

These six symptoms are also listed in the preface of Caitanya-caritmta,

where rla Prabhupda describes them as follows: A pure devotee is a
soul who is forever surrendered to the Lord, just as a child is surrendered
to his parents or an animal to its master. In the surrendering process, one
should: (1) accept things favorable for discharging devotional service, (2)
reject things unfavorable, (3) believe firmly in the Lord's protection, (4)
feel exclusively dependent on the mercy of the Lord, (5) have no interest
separate from the interest of the Lord, and (6) always feel oneself meek
and humble."

Accepting what's favorable, rejecting what's unfavorable

Being steady, not whimsical; remaining faithful and perseverant
"rmad-Bhgavatam 2.8.21 p: The Lord in His form of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu wanted the cult of devotional service to the Lord to be preached all
over the world, in every nook and corner, and therefore a pure devotee's
duty is to discharge this order as far as possible. Every devotee should be
Qualities of a Book Distributor 123

very enthusiastic, not only in performing his daily rituals of devotional ser-
vice, but in trying to preach the cult peacefully by following in the footsteps
by Lord Caitanya. If he is not superficially successful in such an attempt, he
should not be deterred from the discharge of his duty. Success or failure has
no meaning for a pure devotee because he is a soldier in the field. Preach-
ing the cult of devotional service is something like declaring war against
materialistic life.

Harike!a Swami: Steadiness is most important for every devotee in our

movement. Prabhupda always wanted devotees to be steady so that they
could be trained and become expert in a particular service. That way they
start to have very nice results. If they are changing from this to that, then
nothing can be done properly. Imagine if you had different cooks every
day they'd never learn how to cook. The preaching department also re-
quires steadiness. Because book distribution is a difficult service, it requires
the maximum steadiness. (From a class in New York on June 17, 1990)

Gaur Dev Ds: The first time I distributed a lot of books it was incon-
ceivable to me. So many people took the books. That day I began to realize
that it could happen every day if I just had enough desire. I had that crystal-
clear realization: Ka could do it any day because Ka is doing it now.
Ka is all-opulent. This is just a drop of Ka's opulence. But I don't
have the desire. I just happen to have the desire today." I could see how
unlimitedly opulent Ka is and how puny we are and how we could be
doing so much more service for Ka if we had more desire. It's not easy.
What makes it hard is that we're impure and conditioned and distracted by
material things. But it's just a question of becoming determined to under-
go the process of purification every day chanting, following the sdhana,
and going out and trying to do sakrtana faithfully.

Llvatra Dsa: Book distributors need steadiness in their service and in

their spiritual program. Even if the mind is creating some difficulties, one
always has to go out on sakrtana. The practice of going out every day is
training us to control the mind and to subject it to the directives of spiritual
intelligence. We have to take this activity as a mission and duty even if there
are difficulties created by the body and mind. To reach high levels of book
distribution we have to be sober, profound, serious, and moderate in eating
and sleeping. We have to lead the lives of yogs; otherwise we will not last.

Caku Dsa: Our service is our duty. We accept or reject things according
to the demands of our service. This is yukta-vairgya, real renunciation.
124 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Devotees don't exploit material objects for their sense gratification like
the materialists, and they don't reject them as false like the Buddhists or
myvds. Ka consciousness is a golden middle way in which we accept
all things for the service of the Lord. Devotees never act whimsically. Their
minds are always absorbed in their duties. Therefore in all circumstances
they know exactly what to do.

Yadunandana Dsa (Spain): Traditionally, sdhus, is, yogs, and devotees

never mix with karms or materialistic people. Yet on the order of r Cai-
tanya and rla Prabhupda, we are in the cities to distribute books and
preach, and we encounter all the sense objects we wanted to renounce. The
danger is that they might influence us again. But a devotee is protected
daiv praktim #rit. In clear Ka consciousness a devotee knows how
to deal with material sense objects without being deviated. He accepts
things only for devotional service and in that way remains steady, neither
jubilant if he gets something nice, nor depressed if things don't go the way
he wants. A devotee simply continues looking for nectar, like a bee. A bee
is a good example. He is always in contact with nectar, but he doesn't enjoy
it himself; he simply brings it to the hive. Bees are famous as steady, diligent
workers who simply accept nectar and reject all flowers that are useless or
already occupied by other bees.

Harinmnanda Dsa: By steadily going out on book distribution we can

become empowered. In the beginning we get a certain result, and we can-
not imagine doing more. Just to give out ten or twenty books is a big strug-
gle. But if we persevere then Ka sees we are sincere and not fruitive.
In this way we can gain the faith of Ka. If Ka can actually trust us
not to misuse anything we get, He will give us unlimited results. He gave
rla Prabhupda many disciples and temples and so much fame, influence,
and money. But because he never even thought of enjoying those things for
himself, Ka gave him more and more. So if we become more and more
purified by book distribution and don't become puffed-up or complacent
by big results, then Ka will give us more and more results, because what-
ever we get we will simply use for glorifying Ka even more.

Firmly believing that the Lord protects His devotees

Detached; fearless
The peaceful devotees are disturbed by the demons, but the
devotees are always victorious by the grace of Ka. In
Bhagavad-gt Ka ordered Arjuna to declare to the whole
Qualities of a Book Distributor 125

world that His devotees would never be vanquished. And

in the last verse of the Gt, Sajaya says wherever there is
Ka and Arjuna there will also be opulence, victory, ex-
traordinary power and morality. But because we are engaged
in warfare with the forces of my, there will be casualties.
Even Arjuna's son Abhimanyu, a sixteen-year-old boy, was
killed in the Battle of Kuruketra. We should be prepared
to protect the Deities and always expect Ka's mercy, be-
cause we are always dependent on Him and we cannot do
anything on our own without Him. 8

"acnandana Swami: rla Prabhupda's name is Abhaya Cararavinda,

he who is fearless, having taken shelter of the Lord's lotus feet. If we take
shelter of rla Prabhupda's lotus feet, we can also become fearless.

Guru-caraa Dsa: In the list of divine qualities in Bhagavad-gt, the first

quality is abhaya, fearlessness. This applies perfectly to a book distribu-
tor. So often a sakrtana devotee finds himself protected, and he realizes,
That was Ka!" By practical experience of Ka's protection, the devo-
tee becomes convinced that Ka exists and is the supreme, omnipresent,
and omniscient Personality of Godhead. Ka is the protector of His devo-
tees, so we have to be devotees, devoted to Ka. When we surrender to
Him and agree to execute His mission, we can practically realize the protec-
tion of Ka's divine energy, and that makes us fearless. Unless we faith-
fully depend on Ka, which is the basis of fearlessness, we cannot succeed
in book distribution.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Lust, anger, and greed are the three doors to hell, and
they serve to distract the mind from Ka and devotional service. The ad-
dition of lust, anger, or greed to devotional service turns it into frustrational
service, just as milk touched by the lips of a serpent becomes poisonous. We
must be detached, really look at the person, accept what he is able to give
to Ka lakm, only a smile, or a breath and offer it to Ka.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds (Germany): Material life is always full of problems.

At every step there's danger. We always need the special protection of
Ka. Therefore it is nice on sakrtana. You always get the opportunity
to realize these points every day, because you are face to face with material
nature. You see people suffering. You see people struggling and working
hard for a little bit of money and sense enjoyment. If you see this, then you
accept the austerity of sakrtana, you surrender to Ka, and you depend
126 The Nectar of Book Distribution

on Ka's protection and mercy. Then there is no more risk or special aus-
terity. Because if you keep these points in your heart, you know that these
books are the solution for all their problems. Then Ka will take away
all fear. Then you no longer see danger at every step but Ka's mercy at
every step.

Accepting the Lord as one's maintainer and master

Merciful; compassionate
"rmad-Bhgavatam 4.12.36: The self-effulgent Vaikuha planets . . . can-
not be reached by those who are not merciful to other living entities. Only
persons who constantly engage in welfare activities for other living entities
can reach the Vaikuha planets.

Maidhra Dsa: The pure devotee, the spiritual master, is full of compas-
sion for all the fallen souls. I remember one day on sakrtana. In the morn-
ing I was listening to a tape of rla Prabhupda lecturing on the appearance
of Lord Nsihadeva. When the Lord put His paws on Prahlda's head, He
said to him, My dear Prahlda, don't worry. The demon is finished. I am
now here. Everything is all right. You are protected." As I heard Prabhu-
pda say that, I was eating breakfast prasdam and looking at the karms
outside. I suddenly felt the kind of protection this movement is offering
to the conditioned souls. Prabhupda, with his gentle, deep voice, was say-
ing, My dear son, don't worry. Everything is all right. The demons are fi-
nished." I became so affected that I started to cry like a kid, and I went out
on sakrtana fully determined that I was just going to give out his books
whatever happened. I simply remembered rla Prabhupda saying, My
dear son, everything is all right. I am here. The demon is finished." So it is
a matter of having confidence and faith in the order of the spiritual master.

Jva Dsa: We cannot just walk into a situation and distribute mechanical-
ly. We have to be sensitive. These are conditioned souls who are suffering
in the material world. If you observe them you'll see that 99% of them are
completely frustrated. We can help them only by offering them a book. As
soon as we approach someone we can see his heart, his hands. We see what
kind of person he is big hands, one finger missing. We watch his face
very old although he is only thirty. You see how people suffer. You see their
problems written on their faces. You ask them what they do and what their
problems are. It's not easy for people to exist in the material world. We
have to present them with an alternative the books of rla Prabhupda.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 127

It's natural that people will accept the books. If you give them something
nicer than what they have, something that is not causing more entangle-
ment or suffering, they accept it. We have to cultivate this desire simply to
help others by offering them something nice. Then we will never stop. We
will never even think of stopping.

Having no desire other than the Lord's desire

Determined; convinced
Bhagavad-gt 2.56 p: For the service of the Lord, he is always daring and ac-
tive and is not influenced by attachment or aversion. Attachment means ac-
cepting something for one's own sense gratification, and detachment is the
absence of such sensual attachment. But one fixed in Ka consciousness
has neither attachment nor detachment because his life is dedicated to the
service of the Lord. Consequently he is not angry even when his attempts
are unsuccessful. A Ka conscious person is always steady in his determi-

Rohisuta Dsa: Determination is what is lacking in the material world.

Faith in something that people don't have. Someone who is wishy-washy,
spongy whose determination is sucked-up by material desires cannot
have single-minded determination. Therefore, when you go to people with
full determination in Ka consciousness, you can convince them to take
books even though they don't want them. If you have purely motivated de-
termination, you can pierce through their layers of ignorance and convince
them to take the books.

"acnandana Swami: rla Prabhupda said that without determination it

will not be not possible to maintain one's life of Ka consciousness. That's
how important determination is. A moving passage in Caitanya-caritmta
wonderfully describes the kind of determination that will win us the mercy
of the Lord. It is the description of Mahrja Pratparudra, the King of
Orissa. Determined to get the association of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, al-
though he knew that Lord Caitanya had a strict rule not to see any wo-
men or materialistic persons, Mahrja Pratparudra said, If r Caitanya
Mahprabhu is determined not to see me, then I am determined to give up
my life." In the purport rla Prabhupda writes, A devotee with Mah-
rja Pratparudra's determination will certainly be victorious in advanc-
ing in Ka consciousness. Thus Mahrja Pratparudra's determination
is very exalted, and it is called dha-vrat. Because of this determination,
128 The Nectar of Book Distribution

he was finally able to receive Lord Caitanya's direct mercy." This is a very
deep understanding. If we do not become successful in this lifetime, we will
again have to enter the womb of a mother, go to school, fall in love, cry out
in pain, and so on. We should avoid this trouble. We should be determined
to get the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Prabhupda said
that a devotee should make it a point to go back home to Ka in this one
lifetime. We should be encouraged by the prospect that we can go back in
this lifetime.
When the associates of Caitanya Mahprabhu saw that Mahrja Prat-
parudra was prepared to renounce everything for the Lord's mercy, they
were amazed. Srvabhauma Bhacrya was particularly astonished, be-
cause such determination is impossible for a worldly man attached to mate-
rial enjoyment. When one engages in devotional service, he must maintain
this firm determination. Then Ka will be pleased with his service. The
spiritual master can show the path of devotional service. If the disciple fol-
lows the principles without deviating, he will certainly receive the mercy of
Ka. The formula for everyone determined to make his life fully success-
ful is understanding that devotional service is the only thing we really need,
because by executing devotional service we can please the spiritual master
and Ka. Then we can be really determined. (From a lecture in Zurich on
January 2, 1992)

Rohisuta Dsa: tma-nikepa means full surrender. I've seen that as soon
as you sincerely pray, Ka, I belong to you," or, as a sakrtana devotee,
Please, Ka, engage me in Your sakrtana mission for my whole life,"
then from that day on sakrtana becomes nectar. If we continue to think,
I could also do this or that," we will never become fixed. We should be-
come expert in our activity. As soon as we surrender to Ka in a certain
way and pray, Ka, I want to do this service my whole life," then one
becomes fixed, and devotional service becomes ecstatic. And people will
feel it. A devotee is a happy, satisfied person, and therefore people take the

Always feeling meek and humble

Humility; tolerance
"rmad-Bhgavatam 6.5.43 p: One should chant the holy name of the Lord
in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the
street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false
prestige and should be ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state
Qualities of a Book Distributor 129

of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly." Following
the orders of r Caitanya Mahprabhu, one who preaches the glories of
the Lord all over the world or all over the universe should be humbler than
grass and more tolerant than a tree because a preacher cannot live an easy-
going life. Indeed, a preacher must face many impediments. Not only is he
sometimes cursed, but sometimes he must also suffer personal injury.

All conditioned souls are under illusion. Suppose a doctor

goes to a patient who is having convulsions and talking non-
sense. That does not mean he'll refuse to treat him. He treats
him as a friend, although the patient calls him ill names. Still
he gives him the medicine. Just like Lord Jesus Christ said,
You hate the sin, not the sinner." Not the sinner. This is very
nice. Because the sinner is in illusion. He's mad. If you hate
him, then how can you deliver him? Therefore those who are
devotees, those who are really servants of God, they have no
hate for anyone. Lord Jesus Christ, when he was being cru-
cified, he requested, My Lord, please excuse them, they do
not know what they are doing." This is the position of the
devotee. Because they are mad after the materialistic way
of thinking, they cannot be happy anyone. So this Ka
consciousness movement is so nice that there is no question
of hating. Everyone is welcome. Please come here. Chant
Hare Ka. Take Ka prasdam. And hear some philoso-
phy from Bhagavad-gt. And try to rectify your conditioned
life." This is the program, Ka consciousness. Lord Cai-
tanya introduced this, yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade#a:
Whomever you meet, wherever you meet him, simply try
to teach him Ka consciousness, ka-kath, words from
Lord Ka." You'll be happy, and they'll be happy. 9

"acnandana Swami: We are praying to the spiritual master with the words
nama o viu-pdya ka-prehya bh%-tale. The word nama has an
interesting literal meaning. The syllable ma refers to the false ego, and na
is a negation. So the word nama indicates abandonment of our false ego.
Offering obeisances to the spiritual master means putting aside our false
sense of independence, and humility means accepting whatever he orders.
Jva Gosvm explains that this is the meaning of tma-nivedanam. Aban-
doning the false ego and offering one's life to the mission of the spiritual
master signifies the acceptance of the Lord as master, as the supreme goal
130 The Nectar of Book Distribution

in one's life. Thus one can truly become meek and humble, which makes a
Vaiava attractive.

Caku Dsa: A book distributor cannot engage in too many things, other-
wise his intelligence becomes bahu-#kh, many branched. He has to fix his
concentration, but at the same time he isn't narrow-minded. Book distrib-
utors should have a great appreciation for the other services going on in
ISKCON. If we don't appreciate them, we will lose the mercy of the other
devotees. And by that we will lose the ability to go on sakrtana. By their
mercy we can go out and distribute books. If we were just on our own,
we wouldn't be able to distribute books. For example, I cannot produce a
book, I cannot translate a book, and working in a temple all day is out of
the question. So I depend on the other devotees performing those services.
It is important to have a high appreciation for the other devotees and their

Yadunandana Dsa: We have to avoid false pride and envy: I distribute

books because it is the best service, and I am very proud of it. I undergo
much austerity, and the others don't. Why don't they go out?" Like this an
immature book distributor may criticize others. But the truth is that if we
look deep into the heart of that person, we see the anartha of wanting to
have the easy life that he thinks others have. If someone is envious of oth-
ers who are not doing full-time sakrtana and criticizes others unnecessar-
ily, then that person will have difficulty doing sakrtana in the future. Why
is it important to be humble if one is doing this important service of book
distribution? Because if one is not humble, Ka will smash him. Obvious-
ly, to continue doing book distribution is a great privilege, for we see that
just a few devotees do it for many years; the privilege to continue distribut-
ing books can be received only by the mercy of Ka. So it is important to
be humble

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Because the service is great, one starts to think of

himself as great. This is a danger and an austerity of book distribution
that one is often the center of attention. This is a trick of my to stop us.
It is the exact opposite of humility, the very quality absolutely necessary to
continue book distribution. Amnin mnadena krtanya sad hari. One
could also say: sakrtanya sad hari.

Gta-govinda Ds: Our tolerance changes people's hearts. We have to be

nice even to the people who are nasty to us. They never forget our nice at-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 131

titude. I experienced many times that someone who didn't accept a book
accepted it later because they changed. We have to be friendly to all living
entities. If we don't have this quality, people won't take books. Without this
quality we tend to push people around too much and force people to take
books. But if you are friends, everything comes naturally. If you have a re-
lationship in which there is no suspicion, people exchange things happily.

3.5 Faith in the order of guru and Ka

"rmad-Bhgavatam 7.5.32 p: One may ask why highly educated persons do
not take to Ka consciousness. The reason is that unless one takes shelter
of a bona fide, fully Ka conscious spiritual master, there is no chance of
understanding Ka. The educators, scholars and big political leaders wor-
shiped by millions of people cannot understand the goal of life and take to
Ka consciousness, for they have not accepted a bona fide spiritual mas-
ter and the Vedas. Therefore in the Muaka Upaniad (3.2.3) it is said, n-
yam tm pravacanena labhyo na medhay na bahun #rutena: one cannot
become self-realized simply by having an academic education, by present-
ing lectures in an erudite way (pravacanena labhya), or by being an intel-
ligent scientist who discovers many wonderful things. One cannot under-
stand Ka unless one is graced by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Only one who has surrendered to a pure devotee of Ka and taken the
dust of his lotus feet can understand Ka. First one must understand how
to get out of the clutches of my. The only means is to become Ka con-
scious. And to become Ka conscious very easily, one must take shelter
of a realized soul a mahat, or mahtm whose only interest is to engage
in the service of the Supreme Lord.

What does it mean to have faith?

Bhagavad-gt 4.39 p: Knowledge in Ka consciousness can be achieved
by a faithful person who believes firmly in Ka. One is called a faithful
man who thinks that simply by acting in Ka consciousness he can at-
tain the highest perfection. This faith is attained by the discharge of devo-
tional service, and by chanting Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka, Hare
Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare, which cleanses
one's heart of all material dirt. Over and above this, one should control the
senses. A person who is faithful to Ka and who controls the senses can
easily attain perfection in the knowledge of Ka consciousness without
132 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 12.8 p: We took up the mission of Bhakti-

siddhnta Sarasvat hkura and Bhaktivinoda hkura to preach the cult
of Caitanya Mahprabhu all over the world, under the protection of all the
predecessor cryas, and we find that our humble attempt has been suc-
cessful. We followed the principles especially explained by rla Vivantha
Cakravart hkura in his commentary on the Bhagavad-gt verse vyava-
sytmik buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana. According to this instruction of
Vivantha Cakravart hkura, it is the duty of a disciple to follow strictly
the orders of his spiritual master. The secret of success in advancement in
spiritual life is the firm faith of the disciple in the orders of his spiritual
master. The Vedas confirm this yasya deve par bhaktir yath deve tath
gurau, tasyaite kathit hy arth prak#ante mahtmana: To one who has
staunch faith in the words of the spiritual master and the words of the Su-
preme Personality of Godhead the secret of success in Vedic knowledge
is revealed." The Ka consciousness movement is being propagated ac-
cording to this principle, and therefore our preaching work is going on suc-
cessfully, in spite of the many impediments offered by antagonistic demons,
because we are getting positive help from our previous cryas. One must
judge every action by its result. The members of the self-appointed crya's
party who occupied the property of the Gauiya Maha are satisfied, but
they could make no progress in preaching. Therefore by the result of their
actions one should know that they are asra, or useless, whereas the success
of the ISKCON party, the International Society for Ka Consciousness,
which strictly follows guru and Gaurga, is increasing daily all over the
world. rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura wanted to print as many
books as possible and distribute them all over the world. We have tried our
best in this connection, and we are getting results beyond our expectations.

!rla Prabhupda's mission: his guru's mission

Somehow or other it has begun by the blessings of Bhakti-
siddhnta hkura . . . I am not very expert, educated, or
anything extraordinary. But the only thing is that I believed
in his words. You can say that is my qualification: I believed
cent percent in his words. So whatever success is there is
due to my firm faith in his instruction. I am trying to follow.
And by his grace, you are helping me. . . . When I first came
to Boston, I was thinking, Who will accept these Vaiava
rules and regulations? These people are after meat and wine
and illicit sex. How will they accept it?" And I was hope-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 133

less how they would chant. So by the grace of Lord Caitanya

Mahprabhu at least I am hopeful this movement can be ac-
cepted by anyone. It is not as hopeless as I thought. 10

This book distribution was my Guru Mahrja's purpose. He

said, I have got so many temples, and now in Calcutta I have
got a marble temple, but I wish that by selling the marbles
I could publish and distribute books." Now by the mercy of
His Divine Grace r rmad Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat Go-
svm Mahrja Prabhupda I am doing both by the cooper-
ation of my American disciples. I am constructing so many
marble temples, and I am distributing so many books on
Ka consciousness. This does not mean that I am excelling
my Guru Mahrja. But it is the mercy of my Guru Mahrja
that he is giving me the facility for doing both. 11

The report of the book printing is both encouraging and

surprising. Every time I see this I remember the words of
my Guru Mahrja when he told me that if there was ever
money it should be used to print books, not that we shall
have big, big temples and then fight in the court. He asked
me to do this, and I am trying my little bit, that's all. It is all
by his blessings, for without his blessings this wonderful thing
would not have happened. He said personally to me, If I
could sell this Gauiya Maha building, that would be bet-
ter." He predicted that there would be fire within the walls.
So I took it, His Divine Grace wants some books." So I ac-
cepted it, Yes, I shall do it." It is all by his blessings. M%-
ka karoti vcla pagu laghayate girim: by his mercy
a dumb man can speak and a lame man can cross a moun-
tain. 12

Faith in guru and Ka is the secret of success

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.95 96 p: Believing in the words of His spiri-
tual master, Lord Caitanya introduced the sakrtana movement, just as the
present Ka consciousness movement was started with belief in the words
of our spiritual master. He wanted to preach, we believed in his words and
tried somehow or other to fulfill them, and now this movement has become
successful all over the world. Therefore faith in the words of the spiritual
134 The Nectar of Book Distribution

master and in the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the secret of success.

r Caitanya Mahprabhu never disobeyed the orders of his spiritual master
and stopped propagating the sakrtana movement. . . . We believed in the
words of our spiritual master and started in a humble way in a helpless
way but due to the spiritual force of the supreme authority, this move-
ment has become successful.

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 12.10: The order of the spiritual master is the

active principle of spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spir-
itual master immediately becomes useless.

Taml Krishna Goswami: Our life's goal is serving our spiritual master in
unalloyed devotion eternally. What does that mean? It means that now we
serve him with this body, and if one day we are fortunate enough to attain
the kingdom of God, then our spiritual master will be there in his eternal
form, and we will have our eternal forms, and we will go on rendering ser-
vice with his guidance. So the service we are doing now is directly con-
nected to eternity. Through our service we will become near and dear to
our spiritual master. We will be able to understand his heart understand
which things are dear to him. As far as the spiritual master is concerned,
things are dear to him which make him dear to his spiritual master. And
Prabhupda made it abundantly clear that the thing most dear to his spiri-
tual master was this book business: producing books, printing them, and
distributing them. So if we assist our spiritual master in the service to his
spiritual master, then we get the mercy of the entire parampar. And this is
all going into our eternal spiritual account in the spiritual world. Therefore
do not think that the distribution of books is less a part of our sdhana than
chanting our rounds or worshiping the Deity. It is in every way the most
vital part of our sdhana, because it is that part which directly touches the
heart of our spiritual master and invokes his blessings upon us. And it is by
his blessings that we are able to make advancement in spiritual life. (From
a class in Zurich on December 4, 1991)

Harike!a Swami: We have to please the spiritual master perfectly. rla

Prabhupda told us many times that we will please him by going out and
distributing his books, and we know that we should preach and bring new
people to the Ka consciousness movement. But, above all, Prabhupda
wanted us to become pure, to love Ka, whatever activity we perform. Of
course, we become pure lovers of Ka by engaging ourselves fully in the
service that our spiritual master gives us, whatever it may be. Not every-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 135

body is able to go out on full-time sakrtana, but if those engaged in other

services perform their services perfectly, with love and devotion, they will
please their spiritual master, and he will bestow his blessings upon them
more and more. Then we can attain Ka, because when the spiritual mas-
ter is satisfied, everything is perfect. (From a class in Zurich on July 10,

Rohisuta Dsa: Lord Caitanya gives the knowledge how to perform

bhakti-yoga. No other incarnation of the Lord has made it as simple. The
process became easy by the mercy of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. But we
have to have faith. Without faith we cannot claim even to be kaniha adhi-
krs. We should understand that Ka is the Supreme Personality of God-
head and have full faith in Him and in rla Prabhupda, who is Ka's
pure representative, and we should have faith in rla Prabhupda's books.
And we need to have faith in the spiritual master's instruction. Book dist-
ribution doesn't mean I always have to do it the same way. rla Prabhu-
pda or the spiritual master gives us an instruction but doesn't say how to
do it down to the last detail. We have to take the first steps and go into
action. And we have to use our intelligence and simultaneously depend on
the spiritual master's mercy and Ka's mercy. Then they will give us real
power and the intelligence to go to all kinds of places and always distribute
more and more books. Often the spiritual master gives some instruction,
but he doesn't specify how to do it. That we have to find out. Ka and
guru will give us the power and the intelligence to do it. But if you always
run to the spiritual master for help, then he has to go out with you and tell
you everything. The power is in the instruction. It is not a material thing.
Maybe the spiritual master will show you how to do it, but if you have no
faith in his instruction you will fail, even though he is showing you every-
thing. Therefore, become convinced about the power within his instruction.
Then you become successful.

Anirde!ya-vapu Dsa (CIS): The spiritual master is distributing the books.

The spiritual master is praying to Paramtm so that He acts through his
disciples. I think that this is the way it happens. Paramtm is driving the
chariot of the body, and He directs you to the proper person. The distribu-
tor is fully dependent on the spiritual master. Even the simple fact that we
are getting inspired we know who is inspiring us. We are simply listen-
ing to the lectures of the spiritual master, and the spiritual master is giving
us realization, strength, and enthusiasm. Otherwise we could not go on day
after day.
136 The Nectar of Book Distribution

The greatest opportunity to please guru and Ka

I thank you for following the order of your spiritual master.
This is the motto of our spiritual life: yasya prasdd bhaga-
vat-prasdo. My other Godbrothers are concerned with liti-
gations, politics, and diplomacy. . . . As far as I am concerned
I have the blessings of my Guru Mahrja. I do not need
anything else. That is how I went to your country, just to try
to carry out his order. By his blessings it has come out suc-
cessful. 13

You have been my student for some time, and I consider

that you are one of the big men who are assisting me in this
vast work, so I am naturally concerned for your well-being.
I want that you should give up this idea of living and work-
ing outside and regard it only as a temporary trick of my.
I need such strong men as yourself to stick with me, and to-
gether we shall go back home, back to Godhead. If you have
no other engagement, I would be greatly pleased if you could
take up this work of selling my books everywhere, as many
as possible. 14

You have asked me what I feel is the best engagement for

you at this time, and in response I kindly request you to con-
tinue distributing my books full-time. You are very expert in
this matter, and you can also teach others how to do it. At the
present moment the plays are not as important as our book
distribution. So my desire is that you increase your book dis-
tribution more and more and be blessed by Lord Caitanya
Mahprabhu. 15

Yes! Your present engagement is more important, and man-

aging Calcutta temple is not as important. I am pleased that
you are selling my books. This is the superior engagement,
so please continue and increase it more and more. 16

Please offer all the devotees my blessings. Their enthusiasm

for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only
will I be pleased, but my Guru Mahrja will also be pleased,
and they will all be blessed. This is very good news. Pthi-
vte che yata nagardi-grma sarvatra pracra haibe mora
Qualities of a Book Distributor 137

nma this is the way of preaching, to spread the news of

Ka in every town and village all over the world. Thank
you very much. 17

Your letters are a great pleasure for me to read. You are al-
ways broadcasting the glories of the sakrtana movement
in the shape of ISKCON's book distribution, and surely you
will be recognized by Lord Caitanya for your unbounded en-
thusiasm and expertise in seeing that my books are distrib-
uted all over the world. 18

I was very happy to receive the new edition of Bhagavad-

gt. The make-up is very nice. Every time I see a new pub-
lication of my books it gives me so much enthusiasm that my
life is increased by one hundred years. Thank you for help-
ing me so much. 19

I beg to acknowledge the new publication in Swedish. Of

course, I cannot read Swedish, but looking through this book
has given me unlimited bliss. After all, this is my prime duty,
to publish books on Ka consciousness. The printing of the
book appears excellent, and that you are profusely distribut-
ing the book all over Sweden is the crowning success of our
movement. We will conquer Europe with these books. I can
only thank you again and again in sincere gratitude for pro-
ducing this literature and pray to Ka to bless you with all
spiritual advancement. 20

Intense association with the spiritual master

I wish to remain with all my disciples together, but we have
to do preaching work and therefore have to remain separate.
But actually there is no question of separation for one en-
gaged in Lord Ka's service. 21

Svavsa Dsa (USA): Once, I was with Prabhupda on a morning walk

in Detroit, Michigan. Wherever Prabhupda went there were many devo-
tees hundreds would come. At this time, in 1975, I was doing book distri-
bution at the Chicago airport. On the morning walk many devotees were
asking Prabhupda questions about the gops and Ka. Prabhupda
would answer, but he wouldn't elaborate. This went on for half an hour, and
138 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda didn't seem to want to discuss it a lot. Then we turned around,

and we went back towards our cars. I was thinking, `There's no way I can
be on this walk with rla Prabhupda and not say something to please
him." Everyone around me was thinking the same way. We were walking,
and we could see the car waiting for Prabhupda, and I was getting ner-
vous. I was starting to sweat, and I couldn't figure out what to say to show
some appreciation for Prabhupda. I was scared and shy, but in my eager-
ness, I finally screamed, Prabhupda!" I was so eager that I didn't consider
how loud I was speaking. Everybody stopped like Wow, who's this mad-
man?" Then Prabhupda stopped and turned around, and when he looked
at me, suddenly, I think all the blood in my body ended up in my ears. I
think I had elephant's ears, and my face turned red, and I couldn't say any-
thing. Prabhupda was just looking at me. Then Prabhupda said, Yes?"
And I said real loud, Prabhupda, we are distributing a lot of books for
you in the Chicago airport. We all want to do a hundred books a day each
just to please you. Please help us." Prabhupda looked at me, but he didn't
say anything. And I was staring at Prabhupda as if to say, Please say
something." Then Prabhupda smiled and said, Just see, this is my real dis-
ciple. My real disciple is always thinking how to please the spiritual master,
and he realizes that the way to please me is by distributing my books. He is
my real disciple." When Prabhupda said that, my heart was pounding and
I felt overwhelmed by ecstasy. Then I went back to Chicago and distributed
one hundred books just to please him. I couldn't do it every day, but on the
weekends sometimes.

Maidhra Dsa: rla Prabhupda said that by reading the sakrtana re-
sults he felt like a young man. When we heard the reports of how ecstatic
rla Prabhupda would be hearing the book scores, book distribution be-
came our life. I saw rla Prabhupda only three times, and each time only
briefly. I experienced my relationship with rla Prabhupda more on the
street. But the third time I saw rla Prabhupda, which was the last time he
came to the West, I got a vivid impression of what book distribution meant
to him. One morning a few of us book distributors were in Prabhupda's
room, and Taml Krishna Mahrja was opening letters, showing Prabhu-
pda the mail and pictures of Ratha-ytr. rla Prabhupda was in an in-
credible trance, far beyond our ability to comprehend. He was departing
from the world at that time and was displaying inconceivable ecstasy. One
envelope contained a Spanish TLC, or something like that, a softbound
book. Prabhupda took the book, and his eyes widened. He put it on his
lap. He was so moved seeing this book that within those few seconds it be-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 139

came obvious to us that his real ecstasy was his books. As book distributors,
we got a lasting impression from this.

Navna-nrada Dsa: I feel very close to my spiritual master when I'm dis-
tributing books and getting others to distribute books. Of course, when
there is an opportunity to be in his presence, only a fool or a madman would
miss it to hear his classes, to get some personal association, or to fight
for the mah-mah-prasda. But it's not that we're always knocking on his
door to ask him petty questions. We should just try to serve his mission and
live up to his desires. If we always try to be around the spiritual master, we
will only become an annoyance. Rather, we should understand his mission
by hearing from him, and then carry it out.

Harinmnanda Dsa: To become a humble servant of this mission and

make book distribution my life and soul, it's very important that I strictly
follow my spiritual master, hear from him, become inspired by him, and
strictly carry out his orders without speculation. I hope that all the devotees
give me their blessings to do that.

Are book distributors fanatics?

I blindly follow my Guru Mahrja. I do not know what is
the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribu-
tion. He told me this personally. 22

Harike!a Swami: A sakrtana fanatic is one who dedicates his whole life
to the sakrtana mission. He is totally immersed in sakrtana and has no
desire to perform any other activity. He rejects the thought of changing his
service and considers the sakrtana mission to be the life and soul of rla
Prabhupda, ISKCON, and the whole disciplic succession. He has given up
the thought of trying to enjoy the material world, and he accepts only the
bliss derived from sakrtana. As for elitism in the minds of the sakrtana
devotees, this can be seen from two points of view. From the viewpoint
of the temple devotees, the sakrtana devotees are the elite group on the
front lines in the war against my. They are taking the most risks to preach
Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu's message on the streets, and therefore they
are glorified by other devotees who are honest. Other devotees should be
happy seeing sakrtana fanatics and consider their enthusiasm and deter-
mination a blessed relief from the troubled consciousness of the material
world. They should pray to get the mercy of such devotees. But the book
distributors will naturally feel humble and not want special treatment if
140 The Nectar of Book Distribution

they are performing their service without desire for name and fame. They
respect all devotees and all living entities, but for themselves they want only
to perform sakrtana. There might be a tinge of feeling special in their
hearts, but one should feel some pride in his service, for that helps him to
maintain over a long period of time. But false pride is certainly a bad thing,
for it will cause disturbances in one's spiritual life and will lead to an offen-
sive mentality towards devotees who don't achieve big results in their ser-
vices. And Ka will personally cut down that pride of His devotees when
it is detrimental to their spiritual advancement.

Vijaya Dsa: To be a sakrtana fanatic means thinking that for the rest of
my life I want to distribute books it's my service. And the other devotees
should appreciate that such people are still around, because it's clearly such
determination for book distribution that pleases rla Prabhupda the most.

Pur#rav Dsa (Finland): It's good if a book distributor knows how to do

other things. Not that a full-time book distributor has to become expert in
performing fire yajas, but knowing how to give classes, sing bhajans, and
worship the Deity will help him establish nice relationships with the other
devotees and enable him to cultivate a mature determination for book
distribution. If someone is a sakrtana fanatic and never wants to do any
other activities, it could also mean he is lazy and using sakrtana as an ex-
cuse. Or sometimes someone thinks that other services are my. So that is
false fanaticism.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa (Prague): Fanatic. Although the word can mean an
enthusiast, from the objective viewpoint of an outsider, fanatic usually
means something negative: a person possessed of excessive or irrational
zeal. Actually, rla Prabhupda always uses this word in a negative con-
text.* If there ever was a necessity for such a term, I think it arose out of the
need to protect a book distributor's identity in an ISKCON environment of
decreasing book distribution. But if distributing books becomes the norm,
what is the need of sakrtana fanaticism in the sense of elitism? If such fa-

*The science of learning a subject matter seriously is different from the senti-
ments of fanatics" ("rmad-Bhgavatam 2.7.53p). Your position is first class,
but you have to maintain it. Otherwise they will say `religious fanatics.' " 23 The
whole world is full of fanatics and atheist classes of men, so sometimes we have
to face difficulties." 24 There are some religious fanatics, but they do not under-
stand what religion is." 25
Qualities of a Book Distributor 141

natics project a negative impression of book distribution to other devotees

or the general public, it would be better they continue book distribution
in a more inconspicuous fashion. In the long run such fanatics are seen to
go from one extreme to the other and stop book distribution or stop being
devotees altogether.
Young devotees who distribute books should be protected from the
false pride that may induce them to think they are important: Yes, I de-
serve all the honor and distinction the other devotees are giving me. And
who are those senior devotees who don't go out compared to me?" This is
another danger. But if it is properly understood, it is a desirable quality. We
like fanatics, those who go out every day with full determination, who try
to win the war on my and who think of nothing but the spiritual master's
instruction. We may call that fanatical, or ekeha, faithful, advanced. To be
like that is the goal. To achieve it, a book distributor always has to cultivate
transcendental knowledge along with distributing it to others. Thus he will
see himself as the humble instrument of a cooperative mission and avoid
hampering the overall sakrtana mission, which includes congregational
chanting and all types of preaching.

3.6 Energy, enthusiasm, and enlivenment

Our success is our enthusiasm. So everything we do should
be done with enthusiasm: the chanting, reading, and follow-
ing the rules and regulations. 26

In our Ka consciousness movement the first qualification

required by the devotees is enthusiasm. Then work out the
process patiently and with conviction that it will surely be
done. But at the same time we must be very, very strict in fol-
lowing the regulative principles and completing the sixteen
rounds chanting. Our dealings should be very clear with oth-
ers, and we must always keep company with devotees. 27

The five factors of action

Bhagavad-gt 18.14 16: The place of action [the body], the performer, the
various senses, the many different kinds of endeavor, and ultimately the
Supersoul these are the five factors of action. Whatever right or wrong
action a man performs by body, mind or speech is caused by these five fac-
tors. Therefore one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the
142 The Nectar of Book Distribution

five factors, is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they

Bhagavad-gt 18.14 p, 16 p: He who is acting in Ka consciousness under

the direction of the Supersoul situated within the heart is naturally not
bound by any activity. Those in complete Ka consciousness are not ul-
timately responsible for their actions. Everything is dependent on the su-
preme will, the Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. . . . A fool-
ish person cannot understand that the Supersoul is sitting as a friend within
and conducting his actions. Although the material causes are the place, the
worker, the endeavor and the senses, the final cause is the Supreme, the
Personality of Godhead. Therefore, one should see not only the four ma-
terial causes but the supreme efficient cause as well. One who does not see
the Supreme thinks himself to be the doer.

The more a book distributor realizes he is not the doer, the more he
can do, the more he becomes empowered. Being empowered depends on
a devotee's desire and enthusiasm inasmuch as that induces the Supersoul
to be responsible for the other factors of action so as to fulfill a devotee's
pure desire. (Ch. 11 thoroughly presents this point; here only an introduc-
tory understanding is given.)

Regarding your question, Should we become detached

from the results of our activities, or should we simply be-
come attached to the lotus feet of Ka?" the answer is that
both of these philosophies are right. One should not be at-
tached to his personal achievement. But if one is attached in
order to please his spiritual master, then it is all right. Un-
attached to my benefit, attached to Ka's benefit Ka
consciousness means attachment for Ka and detachment
for personal benefit, that's all. 28

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: What's the difference between an ignorant person, or

a materialist, and a devotee? A devotee is supposed to know the Supreme
and surrender to Him. A devotee has full faith in the Supersoul and de-
pends on Him in every action, especially on book distribution. A devotee
is guided by the Supersoul provided he does not maintain material or ego-
centric desires. If a book distributor has a pure Ka conscious attitude,
then he no longer depends on material factors, and the Supersoul can use
the book distributor as a tool to do things that materially speaking are com-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 143

pletely extraordinary. I remember a Christmas marathon in Basel. I was

distributing with Rohisuta at a Christmas concert at the Opera House,
because it was evening and the streets were almost empty. There he was,
with his big bag of sixty hardcover books, wearing a woolen cap, old shoes,
and wrinkled jeans, when suddenly the doors opened and the people came
out. All of them looked puffed-up, dressed in the most expensive and so-
phisticated clothes. Just imagine! You go to a high-class Christmas concert
at the Opera, then you come out, it's already dark, and here's a guy sell-
ing you a book about Indian philosophy on the day before Christmas Eve.
It was one of the most unusual situations, but Rohisuta transcendentally
transformed the entire place. Hardly anyone refused a book, and within no
time his book bag was empty. In this situation even I could realize that this
had been a transcendental performance by the supreme concert master, the

Navna-nrada Dsa: The Supersoul, obviously, is the most important fac-

tor. But if someone doesn't take a book, you cannot blame the Supersoul,
because the other factors are there, and we have to see all of them in con-
nection with Ka, especially our endeavor and desire. Our desire to give
a person a book has to be stronger than a person's desire to refuse it or his
desire for sense gratification. If we are cultivating this strong desire, push-
ing ourselves and not the people, then the Supersoul will help us convince
them. Therefore, although we are not the doer, we, as the instrument, are
an important factor, because success depends on our understanding that we
are not the doer. Only then can we give up our false ego and depend on the
Lord within the heart.

Meditating on the Supercause

Bhagavad-gt 6.29 31: A true yog observes Me in all beings and also sees
every being in Me. Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Su-
preme Lord, everywhere. For one who sees Me everywhere and sees ev-
erything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me. Such a yog, who
engages in the worshipful service of the Supersoul, knowing that I and the
Supersoul are one, remains always in Me in all circumstances.

Jadur Dev Ds: Not only are we giving people Ka, but also when
we approach people, we are in one sense approaching Ka. We are going
from Ka to Ka to Ka, because the Supersoul is within them. How
are we going to relate to Ka at that time? Am I going to see that the
144 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Supersoul is really there? Am I going to be respectful to Him and humble?

Or will I just see the body of the person I'm talking to? When we go out,
we don't think that we are going out to meet bodies. We think we are going
out to meet Ka. And when we say we met one hundred people that day,
that means we got one hundred opportunities to relate to Ka in a Ka
conscious way. And if I cannot relate to Him properly (when I approach
one person) because of lack of strength in Ka consciousness, then I get
a chance the next minute to relate to Ka in a more proper way (in the
heart of the next person). So this is a great opportunity to develop Ka
Also, there's the meditation Ka describes in Bhagavad-gt that
the soul is dwelling within the body. By this meditation one will not be
afraid of the particular material conditioning of the person: Oh, this per-
son is a big businessman. He's in a better position than me. He's just going
to look down on me and make me nervous and afraid." If we just see a tiny
soul and the Supersoul, or Ka, and that's all we are dealing with, then
we become enthusiastic rather than afraid.
It's not a question of having to become advanced to see this in the
mind's eye. It's just a question of making a graphic impression in the mind.
If I ask you right now to think of a tree, you can think of a tree. If I ask you
to think of a little spark, it just means putting the impression in the mind.
This does not mean we are actually seeing the soul. That will be revealed
to us not by our own mind's picture. It is revealed by the Lord's mercy
when He is pleased. But this is practice. We can think of whatever picture
of Ka or the Supersoul we like best from Prabhupda's books. Just put
that in the mind. Or you can think of your Deities. And then you can pic-
ture surrounding the soul a mountain of pus and globs of blood and bones
and all those other things that the scriptures say the body is made of. It can
be a good exercise, and it is not difficult to do. That's how we're supposed
to see anyway. Bhagavad-gt says that one who sees in all bodies the soul
and the Supersoul does not degrade himself by his mind, and he achieves
the supreme destination. This is an order from Ka to see like that. So
book distribution is a good opportunity to follow Ka's instructions in
many different ways.

Desire as the crucial factor

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.27.37 p: By the grace of the Lord, a devotee can a-
chieve wonderful success simply by willing, but a real devotee does not like
that. Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu has taught that one should not desire ma-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 145

terial opulence or material reputation, nor should one try to enjoy material
beauty; one should simply aspire to be absorbed in the devotional service
of the Lord, even if one does not get liberation but has to continue the pro-
cess of birth and death unlimitedly. Actually, however, to one who engages
in Ka consciousness, liberation is already guaranteed.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 5.19.7 p: Those who are puffed up by a high birth,

wealth, education, and personal beauty (janmai#varya-#ruta-#r) unfortu-
nately do not care for developing Ka consciousness, nor does the Su-
preme Personality of Godhead care about all these material qualifications.
The Supreme Lord is achieved by devotion (bhakty mam abhijnti).
One's devotion and sincere desire to serve the Supreme Personality of
Godhead are the only qualifications. Rpa Gosvm has also said that the
price for achieving God's favor is simply one's sincere eagerness to have it
(laulyam eka m%lyam).

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 8.70: Pure devotional service in Ka

consciousness cannot be had even by pious activity in hundreds and thou-
sands of lives. It can be attained only by paying one price that is, intense
greed to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must purchase it with-
out delay.

Prahldnanda Swami: The more books one distributes and the more one
absorbs himself in that service, the more Ka will give him the intelli-
gence to do it nicer and nicer. The more he concentrates on what he's doing
for Ka, the better he wants to do it, and Ka will give him more and
more intelligence. The whole material world moves on desire. According to
the desires we have, Ka makes arrangements. So if we desire to please
Ka and Prabhupda by preaching and distributing books, then they be-
come very merciful and give us all the intelligence we need.

Rohisuta Dsa: Wherever an endeavor is made, the result will also be

there. rla Prabhupda said that in a letter to Maidhra and me, and he
quoted the verse, ye yath m prapadyante ts tathaiva bhajmy aham.
Ka likes to see His glories spread. Therefore devotees cooperating with
that desire of Ka who try to become one with Ka's desire and en-
deavor in that way their desire will be fulfilled by Ka. In whatever way
a human being desires, Ka reciprocates. As we surrender, Ka will re-
veal Himself accordingly. This is the secret. We connect ourselves with the
desire of Ka and the spiritual master. The desire of Ka is that His
146 The Nectar of Book Distribution

message of Bhagavad-gt be spread. Therefore someone performing this

activity becomes most dear to Ka, and never will anyone be more dear
to Him than such a devotee. Those who are fixed on this goal of spreading
Ka consciousness everywhere become very dear to Ka. Ka cannot
be conquered with material things; you cannot bribe Ka. But devotees
know the method of conquering Ka through devotional service. rla
Prabhupda said there is nothing higher in this world than preaching Ka
consciousness. This has to be understood. It is higher than temple worship
or other services higher even than personal service to Ka. No other
service is higher than going out voluntarily and spreading His glories all
over the world. (From a class at the marathon festival in Zurich on January
1, 1991)

Nirgua Dsa: A book distributor has to be really determined to distribute

the book. He really has to want the person to take it. He may sometimes
pray to Ka that the person take a book. We've heard that if the devotee
who is trying to distribute has this desire, and if his desire is stronger than
the person's desire not to take the book, then Ka will inspire the person
to take it. So the most important factor of all is our desire. If a devotee is
completely desirous, then everything else will be taken care of. Ultimately
it's the consciousness that is higher than everything. We realize that the
person is a spirit soul, he needs Ka's mercy, he is lost in the darkness of
ignorance, he needs to get this book somehow or other. All the intricacies,
what to say, how to react, how to deal with the person's doubts, what he
needs to hear, what you shouldn't say this will all be taught during sakr-
tana. But it begins with desire. One has to be attentive. One can't be slow
or sleepy. One has to be very sharp and alert. One has to understand things
with spiritual vision at every moment. Above all, one shouldn't see the per-
son materially. The devotee has to see the person as a spirit soul.

Positive thinking
My request to you is to go on in this way with more enthusi-
asm. This is the key. Always remain enthusiastic and inspire
others, and your life will be glorious, and at the end you are
sure to go back to home, back to Godhead. 29

Long, long ago when I was alone, I was thinking of printing

like this, but there was no way to do it. Now you American
boys and girls are helping me, so I thank you in this regard.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 147

I pray to Ka for your continued enthusiasm in spreading

Ka consciousness. 30

Harike!a Swami: Fearlessly, enthusiastically, and optimistically one should

go about his devotional service. I have seen that these qualities are suf-
ficient to completely transform a place. When I first came to Germany
[1976], all the devotees would walk around the temple, saying, It's hope-
less. What's the use? It's finished." Then I made a campaign, simply walk-
ing around the temple, saying: It's hopeful. It's definitely good and getting
better. It's excellent." And then I got one or two others to make the same
propaganda, and after a while the devotees began to think, It's not so bad.
Actually, it's pretty good." Then they started distributing ten times more
than anybody in the world simply because they started thinking that it was
quite possible.
If you spread Ka consciousness, everything becomes auspicious,
everything can work, everything becomes blissful. It's a question of positive
thinking. Simply by thinking like that, wonderful things are done. And if
you think you're finished, then you're finished. Sometimes a devotee goes
to a bogus astrologer and gets some chart. Then he is informed that he
will be in a lot of difficulties at one point. So when that point comes, the
devotee arranges his life in such a way that he will have many troubles. It's
called a self-fulfilling prophecy. But even if it were true, an intelligent devo-
tee would arrange his life to make sure it didn't happen.
Therefore we have to have some positive thinking. If you think you can
do it, then you can do it. If you think you can distribute a thousand books
a day, somehow you'll figure out how to do it. A thousand books is about
thirty full sets a day. That means you just have to meet thirty people who
take a full set. If you think about it, it's quite possible. You might be able
to do that. At least if you think that way, then maybe you'll start doing five
hundred books a day. And that's not so bad either. It is simply a question of
having the right attitude. And that means that one depends on Ka. If He
wants you to do nicely, then you will. Therefore we are requesting every-
body to think positively. In other words, have some faith in Ka! It isn't
too much to ask. (From a class in Zurich on October 23, 1984)

3.7 Divine austerity

"rmad-Bhgavatam 5.5.1: Lord abhadeva told His sons: My dear boys,
of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world,
one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and
148 The Nectar of Book Distribution

night simply for sense gratification, which is available even for dogs and
hogs that eat stool. One should engage in penance and austerity to attain
the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one's heart is
purified, and when one attains this position, he attains eternal, blissful life,
which is transcendental to material happiness and which continues forever.
Purport: Human life is meant for tapasya, austerity and penance. By tapa-
sya, one can get out of the material clutches. When one is situated in Ka
consciousness, devotional service, his happiness is guaranteed eternally. By
taking to bhakti-yoga, devotional service, one's existence is purified. The
living entity is seeking happiness life after life, but he can make a solution
to all his problems simply by practicing bhakti-yoga. Then he immediately
becomes eligible to return home, back to Godhead.

Bhagavad-gt 17.14 17: Austerity of the body consists in worship of the

Supreme Lord, the brhmaas, the spiritual master, and superiors like the
father and mother, and in cleanliness, simplicity, celibacy and nonviolence.
Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing,
beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting Vedic
literature. And satisfaction, simplicity, gravity, self-control and purification
of one's existence are the austerities of the mind. This threefold austerity,
performed with transcendental faith by men not expecting material benefits
but engaged only for the sake of the Supreme, is called austerity in good-

Tolerating difficulties
I am so much pleased upon all of the boys and girls in Los
Angeles and all over the world who are understanding and
appreciating the unique quality of our transcendental litera-
ture and voluntarily going out to distribute books despite all
circumstances of difficulty. By this effort alone they are as-
sured to go back to home, back to Godhead. 31

Haridsa hkura Dsa (Austria): Austerities are both physical and men-
tal. It is a great austerity to go out in the freezing cold or the blazing heat, or
when it snows or rains. Weather conditions create a lot of austerity for book
distributors. And regarding mental austerities, the people are sometimes
dull and stupid. I think the greatest austerity is tolerating the foolishness
of the people. And, of course, we have to tolerate our own minds. There is
also the austerity of tolerating bodily pain, because as we go on distributing
Qualities of a Book Distributor 149

books, it strains the body, and we get pains in the back and feet. In the be-
ginning all this austerity appears difficult just like poison, Bhagavad-gt
says but because we are going out on the order of the spiritual master,
out of duty, by doing it we can please the spiritual master, which awakens
many Ka conscious realizations. In this way we can understand that all
this austerity is meant for our purification, for our own benefit, and at the
same time many other conditioned souls benefit from this merciful sakr-
tana mission.

Pur#rav Dsa: On book distribution one has to surrender every day. In

some other services, one may do something mechanically. Of course, Ka
is not as pleased, but at least one has done it. But on book distribution, if
one wants to give out the books, he has to surrender. So the special austeri-
ty and special bliss is that he has to surrender every day. He has to give
up the concept every day that he is the enjoyer and the controller, and he
just has to surrender to Ka. Also, on the physical platform it is austere,
especially in Scandinavia, where it is very cold. In Norway it is always rain-
ing. Elsewhere it is sometimes too hot. Sometimes a devotee meets nasty
demons who want to beat him up. But the physical austerity, compared with
farm work, is not as great, and he has quite a few opportunities for comfort
in one sense. So the austerity is that he has to control his mind and senses
and be tolerant when he meets all kinds of foolish or nasty people. He has
to be humble. Those are special austerities, but there are also special re-
wards in the form of special mercy from the spiritual master. Because it is
such a difficult service and one has to surrender a great deal, the spiritual
master is always pleased with a disciple who is doing that service nicely.

Tapas Dsa (Norway): Even if someone is nasty you have to be detached:

Okay! Maybe next time." This is tapasya you're always nice, even if
other people are not. Prabhupda explains in the purport to the verse ti-
tikava kruik suhda sarva-dehinm that the devotee has the thank-
less task of giving people what they don't want. But that is also what makes
sakrtana ecstatic and funny. If you are really into it, you can feel that it is
Lord Caitanya who wants to give them what they don't want. He wants to
give it anyway, and you are just an instrument. And it is ecstatic to do the
impossible on behalf of the spiritual master. But if you get puffed up, then
you cannot do anything.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: I think it is more austere to stay in the temple all day
because you are attacked by my in subtle ways. There is much more of
150 The Nectar of Book Distribution

a danger. If I were in a temple all day, I could fall into my and not know
about it. But on the street you know about everything straightaway. So
that's the wonderful thing about sakrtana.

A means to purify and restrain the mind

Bhagavad-gt 6.5 p: In the yoga system . . . the mind should be trained so
that it will not be attracted by the glitter of material nature, and in this way
the conditioned soul may be saved. One should not degrade oneself by at-
traction to sense objects. The more one is attracted by sense objects, the
more one becomes entangled in material existence. The best way to dis-
entangle oneself is to always engage the mind in Ka consciousness. . . .
The mind which is always engaged in Ka consciousness is the cause of
supreme liberation.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: The Bhgavatam says, First the mind should be en-
gaged at the lotus feet of Ka very steadily and naturally. Because the
mind is the master of the senses, when the mind is engaged, all the senses
are engaged. That is bhakti yoga. Yoga means controlling the senses" (SB
3.25.44). When we do not control our senses, lust agitates the senses and
mind. When lust develops, intelligence is lost, and we fall from devotional
service into my and suffer. From that point we must drag ourselves up
again, which is tough work that may take some time. Easier is to forgo all
the suffering and just meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord, your service
of book distribution, the goals of Ka consciousness, and the comparative
worth of all other activities.

Llvatra Dsa: Book distribution is a transcendental activity full of un-

ending nectar. A neophyte devotee will see it as an austerity because he
has not yet qualified himself for this divine activity, but the expert devotee
is feeling a great continuous joy. He would never want to stop doing sa-
krtana. Ka is arranging tasty and mystical experiences that tie the book
distributor to this activity in a lasting way. Sometimes, before going out, the
mind is still our enemy, but as soon as we distribute the first books, every-
thing becomes easy and auspicious, so much so that in the evening the dev-
otee does not want to stop, so high is the taste. We must try to do sakrta-
na until everything becomes easy and joyful. We must always work on our
consciousness, on our own standard, in order to be fully absorbed while dis-
tributing. The mind has to be in a position of constant prayer, and then one
will no longer see it as an austerity.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 151

Haripda Dsa (Spain): The austerities in spiritual life are nectar compared
with the austerities of the material world. Some of the special austerities
are having to take cold showers sometimes, maybe taking prasdam on the
highway, and not having much time to yourself. There are subtle austerities,
too: you have to control your mind, fix your attention. This is explained in
Bhagavad-gt. In the beginning Ka consciousness is like poison for the
attached mind, but then it becomes nectar. I always relate this understand-
ing to sakrtana. Every day the mind tries to play tricks on us so that we
don't go out or go out late. Everything except going out the mind avoids
that like poison. But as soon as you go out, you realize it's nectar, and by
experiencing it every day, you stop paying attention to the protesting mind,
and you just do it. And you know from the very beginning that it will be
nectar, and then the mind loses its fears, and sakrtana becomes natural
and blissful.

Vijaya Dsa: It becomes austere for us only when we get on the material
platform; otherwise it's no austerity. Therefore the austerity is controlling
the mind. When we understand that we are the soul within the body, ser-
vants of Ka, then there is no austerity. But because we are conditioned
souls, controlling the mind by fixing it on the desire of Ka is the auste-
rity. Eventually it becomes blissful to control the mind and bring it back to

Forced surrender
Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 22.113: One may sell books or enlist life
members or render some other service, but these duties are not ordinary
duties. These duties serve as an impetus for remembering Ka. When one
goes with a sakrtana party or sells books, he naturally remembers that he
is going to sell Ka's books. In this way, he is remembering Ka. When
one goes to enlist a life member, he talks about Ka and thereby remem-
bers Him. Smartavya satata viur vismartavyo na jtucit: the conclusion
is that one must act in such a way that he will always remember Ka, and
one must refrain from doing things that make him forget Ka. These two
principles form the basic background of Ka consciousness.

The special quality of book distribution is that it forces one to think

of Ka. One can't forget Ka for a long time and keep on distribut-
ing, what to speak of continuing the service for years or a lifetime. This
steadiness (nih) is more than the external execution of duties. It is a
152 The Nectar of Book Distribution

constant meditation on Ka that is possible only when one's heart has

been cleansed of anarthas (anartha-nivtti). If one is not on that platform,
the sakrtana-yaja is a means of bringing him to that platform, because
the means and the end are nondifferent. The process of remembering Ka
is meditation, and he becomes purified by it:

o apavitra pavitro v
sarvvasth gato 'pi v
ya smaret puarkka
sa bhybhyantara #uci

Whether pure or impure, or having passed through all conditions of life,

if one can remember the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead, he becomes
clean externally and internally" (Garua Pura). This mantra is tradition-
ally chanted at Vedic fire ceremonies (yajas). How applicable then it must
be to the sakrtana-yaja of book distribution, which demands one's active
participation on all levels on sakrtana one has to think of Ka, or he
cannot go on.

Gaur Dev Ds: Sometimes sakrtana devotees become entrapped by a

false complacency, but Ka is always working to show us that this is not
what He wants. I could have been complacent. I had just won all the awards,
and I got a little citation for being a nice devotee. Then Ka told me I had
two months to live. Ka is taking care of all of us in one way or another
just to make sure we really take life seriously and understand what we're
doing here. We're fallen, and we have to work very hard to become purified.
We may think we're doing great preaching and doing a lot of service, but
we always have to be reminded how insignificant we are. Ka could make
the whole planet Ka conscious in a minute if He had wanted to, just as
He could have killed everybody in the Battle of Kuruketra if He wanted
to. But He used Arjuna. And He's using us. He wants to give us the oppor-
tunity to become purified by engaging in service to Him. Our getting the
opportunity to distribute books is Ka's causeless mercy upon us. Some-
times we may get a big result, sometimes we won't. If we get a big result,
we should understand even better that we should really examine our hearts
and be sure that we're appreciating how opulent Ka is and that He has
actually done it. He's giving us the credit for some ridiculous reason just
to see how puffed-up we are going to get over it. Imagine you go out and
distribute one or two hundred books a day. It is a big test. Definitely you
think you're the doer for a while. But after a short time it dawns on you that
Qualities of a Book Distributor 153

Ka had something to do with it. However He deals with us is just His

mercy to help us come to our senses and realize who we are the humble,
menial servants. We can't do the slightest thing on our own. Whatever we
do is to Ka's credit. You may then think, Well, what's the point? What
am I doing it for?" Because all a materialist wants is name and fame, honor
and distinction, and society, friendship, and love. So, if you're not work-
ing for that, what are you working for? Every devotee, sooner or later, will
reach the point where he really has to cut himself off from that motivation
and gradually transfer his energy to a much deeper motivation. Deepening
our motivation can come from experiencing the nectar of book distribution,
which means relishing the spiritual relationships you have, both with condi-
tioned souls, which is really exciting, and with Lord Caitanya. This can free
you so much from the desire to be number one or to be anybody. You're
satisfied just getting a higher taste, and you want to do as many books as
you can and engage as many conditioned souls as you can. But it's in a very
detached, natural manner, like a surgeon. When he performs an operation,
he wants to do a good job. He doesn't want the patient to die. Similarly, we
know that book distribution is our service to Ka, and naturally we want
to be first class.

Jva Dsa: Being a book distributor means that one wants to be a sincere
devotee or disciple of his spiritual master. Our disciplic succession is rooted
in sakrtana. r Caitanya Mahprabhu and His followers like the six Go-
svms spread Ka consciousness, and they left us this part of the world
to continue their work. We become self-realized by doing this service, we're
purified, we develop love for Ka and deep spiritual understandings, and
others are also benefited. We can change the material society by distribut-
ing rla Prabhupda's books, as the history of our movement shows. The
sakrtana devotees should follow the example of their spiritual masters.
And we should aspire for all the sublime characteristics of a devotee de-
scribed in Caitanya-caritmta. That is not technique. It develops out of de-
votion, and Ka reveals these qualities to us. That's the nice thing about
sakrtana: We have to prove our spiritual motives, our spiritual desires to
go on with book distribution, every day. By simply working on this point,
we attain all other qualities automatically.

Nsihadeva Dsa (Switzerland): Through association with the spiritual

master and all the other empowered sakrtana devotees, one feels so pu-
rified from all material impurities that one takes the vow: I want to satisfy
my spiritual master, even though I have many egoistic desires, even though
154 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I may be a blockhead. But by his mercy, because he enlightens me in Ka

consciousness, I want to give this to others and serve his mission. I want to
try this for the rest of my life." Then one goes out again and again. And one
likes to suffer a little bit for the spiritual master, because one understands
that the difficulties one has to face are actually purification. Sometimes peo-
ple are slamming their doors on us, and we have to force ourselves to the
ultimate degree to continue. These are the purifying moments, because we
want to come to the platform of serving Ka without any selfish motives.

An opportunity to make the quickest advancement

Devotee: We're becoming happy by distributing your books.
Prabhupda: Thank you. It is Ka's book.
Tripurri: Just by distributing your books, we can become self-realized.
Prabhupda: You are already self-realized. Otherwise how can you push
on the books? You love Ka; therefore you are taking so much labor for
pushing on. And that is self-realization. If anyone tries to establish that
Ka is the Supreme Lord, that is self-realization.
Tripurri: Sometimes the devotees ask if they can take birth again distrib-
uting books for you.
Prabhupda: Very good. That is real devotion. Devotees do not want to go
to Vaikuha or get any liberation. They are satisfied with service. That is
pure devotion. And distributing books for the benefit of going to Ka,
that is selfishness. But if one thinks, I simply want to distribute the books
without any remuneration" that is a pure devotee. Just like Prahlda
Mahrja says, I do not wish to go to Vaikuha unless I take all of these
rascals with me." That is a pure devotee. He is always under the protection
of Ka. What is the use of going to Vaikuha? Wherever he stays, that
is Vaikuha. That is pure devotional service. Mama janmani janman#vare
bhavatd bhaktir ahaituk: life after life I may go on with this business I
don't want anything. That is pure devotion. 32

Harinmnanda Dsa: Book distribution is most pleasing to the spiritual

master. It's the quickest way to advance because it demands the most sur-
render. Ka reciprocates with anyone who surrenders in devotional ser-
vice, but book distributors are forced to surrender. Moment by moment,
day by day, they have to be conscientiously determined, whereas in other
services there appears to be a greater allowance to slack off. But on sa-
krtana, any slacking off results in decreased book distribution and painful
kicks from my. Ka lets you know immediately that you're in my and
need to surrender more. Doing so is a sign of sincerity and is most pleas-
Qualities of a Book Distributor 155

ing to the spiritual master. And through his mercy, all perfection can be

I am in due receipt of your weekly Sakrtana Newsletter.

I am always happy to hear of increasing book sales. These
reports are very encouraging to me. Our real business is to
print and distribute books. By doing this business you are all
becoming recognized by Ka. Please try to continue work-
ing so nicely for Ka, following the rules and regulations,
chanting sixteen rounds, and studying my books, and you will
finish your business in this material world in this life and en-
ter into the spiritual world to live with Ka eternally. Don't
become discouraged by any so-called problems. Make your
program simple, that is to say, always make sure that you are
somehow or other engaged in Ka's service, and the best
service is preaching or engaging others in Ka's service. So
continue in this way and be happy. 33

I read your Sakrtana Newsletter with great relish. Europe

and America are in great danger this Hare Ka move-
ment is enveloping them. The sakrtana devotees are very,
very dear to Ka. Because they are doing the field work
of book distribution, Ka has immediately recognized
them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy
or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the
front immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere
effort. So Ka immediately recognizes a preacher of Ka
consciousness who takes all risks to deliver His message. It
is called dha-vrat, determination. These boys and girls
are mahtms. Mahtmnas tu m prtha daiv prak-
tim #rit , bhajanty ananya manaso jtv bh%tdim avya-
yam: O son of Pth, those who are not deluded, the great
souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are
fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me
as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inex-
haustible." This verse is applicable here. If these boys were
under material nature they would not take so much risk.
They are mahtms. They are real mahtms, not that long-
beard-and-saffron-cloth mahtm. They are unswerving in
their determination, dha-vrat. All glories to the Ameri-
can devotees! 34
156 The Nectar of Book Distribution

3.8 Sources of inspiration

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 25.264 p: A Vaiava is especially inter-
ested in para-upakra, doing good to others. Prahlda Mahrja was also
interested in this. He did not want to be delivered alone; rather, he wanted
to deliver all fallen souls, who are bereft of knowledge of bhakti and who
misuse their intelligence for the temporary benefit of the material body. r
Caitanya Mahprabhu also wanted His mission spread all over the world.
Pthivte che yata nagardi grma sarvatra pracra haibe mora nma: In
every town and village, the chanting of My name will be heard." Follow-
ing in His footsteps, we are trying to broadcast His message throughout
the world. By His mercy, people are taking this movement very seriously.
Indeed, our books are extensively distributed in the Western countries,
especially in America and Europe. Even the ecclesiastical orders in these
countries are appreciating the value of this Ka consciousness movement
and are ready to unite for the highest benefit of human society. The follo-
wers of r Caitanya Mahprabhu may therefore take this movement se-
riously and broadcast it throughout the world, from village to village and
from town to town, just as r Caitanya Mahprabhu Himself did.

!rla Prabhupda made book distribution the top priority

Rohisuta Dsa: What has been my inspiration to continue? It is Prabhu-
pda, seeing how Prabhupda took book distribution as his life and soul.
There are so many inspiring letters in which he pushes it you see Prabhu-
pda's life was his books. And he is emphasizing that you go out and dis-
tribute the books. That is the most important thing. All the inspiration
comes from the spiritual master, from Prabhupda. The other thing is read-
ing his books. That is such an inspiration. When you read the philosophy,
you learn that everything is in his books. I read many books before I joined,
many Indian philosophy and yoga books, and when I was in the temple, I
was very attached to all these books, and I had them with me. But as soon
as I threw them away and read Prabhupda's books more and more, I felt
so much advancement. If you actually read Prabhupda's books carefully,
you find whatever good ideas all the bhogs and yogs may have in their
books and much more. In Prabhupda's books everything is in the right
way. Whatever good ideas one may find in the Bible, Buddhism, and Tao-
ism, I found in Prabhupda's books. In the "rmad-Bhgavatam and Bhag-
avad-gt everything is there. Therefore I feel obliged to give these books
to people. Everyone is confused today. They read so many books, but they
just become more confused. Prabhupda's books are the only hope and the
Qualities of a Book Distributor 157

only help, the only philosophy for all seekers and all people. So we have to
give his books to people, and that's a big inspiration.
When you go out with Prabhupda' books to encounter all these people
and to present Ka and Prabhupda, it's such a nice feeling, such a nice
realization, although they may take or not take. Many people, you can see,
change on the spot and become attached to the books. All of a sudden, by
the devotee's inspired words and by touching the books, they become so
enlivened that you can see that they are not the body, but spirit soul. They
are really eager to get these books. They look for these books. They want
Prabhupda's books. Maybe they don't tell you on the spot, but they want
these books. The sakrtana devotee can feel this, and it inspires him fur-
ther to go out every day. He doesn't want to miss one day. Even one day
missed on sakrtana is a big loss and frustration to the sakrtana devotee.
I have seen that when you stop sakrtana for some weeks or months to do
something else, it is so hard to begin again. Therefore it is better never to
stop. Although sometimes it goes well and sometimes it goes bad, you sim-
ply have to continue.

Vijaya Dsa: A great impetus for me to distribute rla Prabhupda's books

comes from my spiritual master. He inspires me to become Ka conscious
and to distribute Prabhupda's books. His purity, his understanding of the
importance of book distribution, his classes, his analogies, and his Ka
consciousness have given me great impetus to remain a devotee as long as I
have and to go out and distribute Prabhupda's books for as long as I have.
rla Prabhupda stressed it as our number-one mission. rla Prabhupda
came to give us Ka consciousness, to help us understand how to serve
Ka, and numerous times he said that the most important service is dis-
tributing his books. So to me that is also important. And I also enjoy doing
book distribution. I go out because it's so nice, and it helps me come to the
spiritual platform and transcend the illusory energy. When we go out and
distribute books, undoubtedly there will be many difficulties. This gives one
impetus to pray to Ka. It helps one become Ka conscious and enjoy

Encouragement from the authorities

"aii Dev Ds: The main point is that the crya is giving this mission.
If it weren't for rla Prabhupda, we wouldn't have the books. And if he
had not told us how important it is to spread Ka consciousness by book
distribution, then we wouldn't do it. And we also have to hear it from our
spiritual master. Then we will be inspired to do it. Because it is not that you
158 The Nectar of Book Distribution

come to the Ka consciousness movement and you immediately under-

stand what the mission is. First you are concerned with your own spiritual
welfare. After a while you understand you should also give it to others. The
spiritual masters give this direction. Then encouragement must come from
the temple authorities. The instruction passes down. There must be a spe-
cial mood of book distribution and preaching in the temple. Then every-
thing else will take place. All of us need this inspiration. Who of us is a book
distributor by nature? None of us. As a matter of fact, before I was a devo-
tee, the worst thing I could ever imagine doing was selling something on the
street or door to door, especially something connected with religion. I was
thinking that this was the lowest type of employment, but now I'm doing it.
The spiritual master and the temple authorities stress this point, and rla
Prabhupda stressed it. If we didn't hear it from the authorities, then maybe
we wouldn't draw it out of the books immediately, because rla Prabhu-
pda explains many different topics in his books. Therefore, if we learn it
in this way, then we can get a very deep understanding of the philosophy,
and that spiritual understanding makes our attitude on book distribution
mature. And book distribution keeps a temple healthy on many different
levels, spiritually and economically.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: For me, the most important inspiration is the order
of the spiritual master. Because he told me to distribute books, I'm doing it.
And the second most important inspiration is the association of other devo-
tees who have dedicated their lives to the book distribution mission and go
out every day. Furthermore, rla Prabhupda always stressed book distri-
bution as our most important mission. When I read this in Prabhupda's
letters, I become very inspired to go out myself and do it. Then reading his
books is inspiring. And the service itself. Sometimes I have the taste and
sometimes I don't, but not having a taste on book distribution is due to my
material desires, not the service itself. The service is always blissful. Some-
times I'm not enjoying this bliss because of my attachment to material na-
ture. But by seeing how book distribution will purify and liberate the world
I become inspired. Just from the practical point of view, this is an intelli-
gent way of getting donations, and from these donations, Mypur will be
built. When I first joined ISKCON and started book distribution, this idea
inspired me very much: by giving knowledge to people, one can earn one's
livelihood and maintain the whole temple. I found this inspiring that just
by giving people knowledge, you can maintain yourself and everything else.

Harinmnanda Dsa: When one joins, one doesn't have direct association
with the spiritual master. One doesn't even know what a spiritual master is.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 159

At least in my case it was like that. But after some time, after some months
of sakrtana, the significance of the spiritual master and of rla Prabhu-
pda gradually became revealed. The real inspiration for continuing on sa-
krtana is the order and the example of the cryas and the spiritual master.
This is what inspires me totally. From the biography of rla Prabhupda
I know how he fought to start the movement at an advanced age and un-
derwent many hardships and struggled to spread Ka consciousness all
over the world. Now to see those who are strictly following him is inspiring
me. For example, my spiritual master's mission is to translate rla Prabhu-
pda's books into all the languages of the world and to produce them and
to organize the distribution so that everyone gets an entire set of books.
For the disciple, it is most inspiring to see the determination of the spiritual
master. If everyone else would give up, he himself would go out to distribute
books. He once said in a lecture that if the BBT went bankrupt, and if ev-
erybody else walked out, then he would go to a construction company and
earn money, and with that money he would again produce books and sell
them himself. We could understand that he meant it, and this again made
us very serious. Seeing this steel-hard determination of the cryas and the
spiritual master is what inspires me the most. When I see my authorities,
who have dedicated their lives entirely to this mission, and who give the ex-
ample how to fight and accept great hardships, then within me some desire
grows to work hard for the book distribution mission and to surrender my

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: rla Prabhupda said, Whoever distributes books

for the rest of their life will go back to Godhead." So I will also have the
chance to go back to Godhead at the end of this life if I distribute books. I
will become free from repeated birth and death.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: I really know that I'm an impractical person, and I

can't think of any other service I could possibly do. It is simply the mercy of
my spiritual master that he is engaging me in this way. That's an inspiration
to stay in this service.

Reading !rla Prabhupda's books

If you read these literatures carefully you will realize the top-
most science of Ka consciousness and be more inspired to
spread the same to all persons as their real welfare benefit. 35

From your letter I can understand that you are reading my

books nicely and understanding our philosophy. This is
160 The Nectar of Book Distribution

wanted. By reading my books carefully you will become en-

couraged to distribute them more and more in greater quan-
tities. If you continue in this way being very much deter-
mined to achieve success in this lifetime, following all the
rules, chanting at least sixteen rounds, and reading my books,
then all of your desires to advance in Ka consciousness
will be fulfilled, and you will surely attain spiritual perfection
and be able to go back to Godhead very soon. 36

Harike!a Swami: In South Africa in 1975, we were in Prabhupda's room,

and he had just been given the Fifth Canto of "rmad-Bhgavatam. He was
very happy to get this book. But as he was looking at the book, and as ev-
erybody left, he said, In America they are thinking these books are for
others, that they are simply for distribution. They don't know that I have
written these books for my disciples to read. Now I am authorizing you to
read my books twenty-four hours a day. I want all my disciples to become
expert in this philosophy and then distribute it with great power and poten-
cy." (From a class in Mypur on March 22, 1982)

Vijaya Dsa: Every day before I go out on book distribution, I read from
Bhagavad-gt. This gives me incredible encouragement to go out.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: To become more inspired it is very important to read

properly. Sometimes if I'm feeling really uninspired on the street, I go back
to the car and read, especially out loud, to make sure the transcendental vi-
bration is really entering my ears and making some vibration in my head.
This is a good way to become inspired.

Anirde!ya-vapu Dsa: By reading, you fill yourself with Ka conscious-

ness. The whole day your consciousness is charged-up, and you can do sa-
krtana without any problems. The consciousness must be fixed on Ka
and on this mission. For me, reading the books is the way to imbibe the
Ka consciousness to do book distribution the whole day.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Especially the Bhgavatam you can go deep into it

and get so much understanding and realization from Prabhupda that af-
ter reading for one or two hours, you cannot stay in the van any longer.
You have to go out and distribute the books. Because that's what it's all
about. Nrada Muni is preaching, and this mahjana is preaching, and iva
is preaching so why I am staying at home? I have to follow in their foot-
steps. Therefore daily reading is important.
Qualities of a Book Distributor 161

Enjoying book distribution

Nirgua Dsa: The nectar of book distribution is acting as a spirit soul, as
a servant of Ka and the spiritual master, as a savior of the fallen living
entities. One is not acting on the material platform. So that is nectar be-
ing removed from the modes of material nature. Another nectarean thing
is seeing Ka act or allowing oneself to act on His behalf. Ka helps the
jvas take the books. Seeing people transformed is also wonderful. This is
their opportunity. Now they have a link.

Gaur Dev Ds: The deepest experience for me was learning to take more
and more shelter of sakrtana to see it as a shelter, as a place where I
was experiencing my relationship with Ka. I was praying to Ka the
whole time or as much of the time as I could remember to pray when I was
out there. Thus it became more and more clear to me that whenever I was
on sakrtana trying to distribute books and preach to people about Ka,
I was safe in the sense that I was with Ka. I could experience that I was
doing the best I could to serve Ka at that point. And another thing that
has made sakrtana enlivening to me and a deeper experience and some-
thing I relish a lot is that I gradually began to experience a real, increas-
ing exchange with the conditioned souls. The more I was praying and try-
ing to become externally steady, the more Ka allowed me to concentrate
and experience a real rapport with conditioned souls. You know, the more
you let go of your material personality and conditioning and you really
try to see where somebody is coming from and you just fully concentrate
on engaging them, you can't help relishing it. The whole experience is so
sweet, you feel some love from the conditioned souls. They are so appre-
ciative. It is the soul itself, whether or not they consciously realize what's
happening to them. But you can see what is happening. And you're feeling
love for the conditioned soul, and you're realizing that this is coming from
Ka. It is not something just from you, although it's your feeling, too. Two
things are happening simultaneously. You are realizing that they're getting
Ka's mercy it is not that you're giving them the mercy independently
of Ka and you're being allowed to witness it and experience this love.
That is what I experience when I distribute books, and it's so relishable that
I always want to go out and do it.

Tapas Dsa: I find it helpful sometimes to write a few lines in the evening. I
just try to recollect the day and find out what happened or what I did wrong.
Then the next day I try to improve on that. Because you are being taught
how to become a devotee while you go on sakrtana. It is an education. Not
162 The Nectar of Book Distribution

that we are being directly instructed by the spiritual master all the time, and
we know everything. We can't often see our spiritual master in Norway. We
are far off, and it is very difficult even to go to Sweden. So we are taught on
the street. And Lord Caitanya tells you where you're at. You think you are
humble one day, but Lord Caitanya knows you are puffed-up. So He will
teach that you are puffed-up. Someone will come and smash your false ego.
Or if you are helpless or desperate, Ka will give you some nectar. In this
way there is a very intense exchange. Therefore those who are on traveling
sakrtana want to stay out. They feel Ka's presence more on the street
than in the temple. Sometimes it is amazing how His presence can be felt.

The example and association of other book distributors

r Caitanya Mahprabhu stressed that the most important thing for a
devotee is the association of other devotees. That association is the source
of all forms of inspiration: from first learning about Ka consciousness, to
learning how to chant and perform devotional service, and to understand-
ing the philosophy, the spiritual master and his mission. Even when we
don't have the direct association of devotees (when we are out alone dis-
tributing books), we know that the strength and inspiration we feel derives
from their association. We can always feel their presence.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: An important source of inspiration is the association of

devotees, not only their direct association but also through meditation. In
the last Prabhupda marathon, for example, Arjuna Prabhu came to the
house where all the devotees stayed during the marathon. He had been en-
tangled with management, and he came to try to enter into the mood of
book distribution. In the sakrtana house he got the association of Jva,
who was distributing 2,500 books a week. This inspired Arjuna so much
that he started meditating on Jva and went to the train station and started
distributing one stack of books after another. It worked immediately. He
just took up the vibration and distributed a lot.


The Southern Side of the Nectar Ocean of Book Distribution

Our unique asset is our purity. No one anywhere can match it.
That will be noticed eventually and appreciated
as long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity
in performing our routine work.
Not that we require to display or announce ourselves
in very clever ways to get attention.
No, our pure standard is enough. Let us stand on that basis." 1
rla Prabhupda
Introduction to Part Two
Book distribution is ISKCON's most important activity. So how does
one practically distribute books? What techniques are there? What are the
personal qualifications needed? Because book distribution is a transcen-
dental activity, both techniques and qualifications depend on purity, as rla
Prabhupda impressed upon his disciples again and again: The standard
of purity that I have introduced in the Ka consciousness movement will
give you the real spiritual strength needed to preach. If you will simply stick
to your principles, you will gain the respect of the whole world and our
preaching work will be successful." 2 Purity is the force, and if the people
in general notice that we are clean both inside and outside that is to our
credit." 3
By virtue of transcendental strength and purity even material tech-
niques become effective means of accomplishing spiritual purposes. Chap-
ter Four describes methods for the mass distribution of rla Prabhupda's
books, especially distributing books while wearing Western clothes. This
has proven to be the most successful method for distributing a large quan-
tity of books, but to match the quantity with quality (purity) demands that
distributors be mature and sensitive. If purity is missing, people feel dis-
turbed and offended. That must be avoided by all means; otherwise book
distribution suffers, as history has shown these negative lessons are in-
cluded in Chapter Four.
Chapter Five mentions a variety of other methods of book distribution:
selling door to door; in shops, offices, and industrial areas; by mail order,
home programs, and other ways.
To fulfill rla Prabhupda's desire to see many books distributed, it
is most important to distribute for a long time. That's why Chapter Six
discusses long-term book distribution: how to continue book distribution
for a lifetime or at least remain connected to the sakrtana mission. rla
Prabhupda especially desired that devotees remain happy and steady in
their services; therefore even beyond achieving big day-to-day results, de-
veloping purity is most important.

The Mass Distribution
Of !rla Prabhupda's Books
We are the only hope for the human society to receive real knowledge, and
our books are the only real thing. It may take some time, but one day all
this rubbish literature, rubbish philosophy, rubbish culture will be replaced.
. . . This is my only ambition that so many people can become enlight-
ened. But they are being deprived of the chance. One day the whole world
will appreciate how we have changed the face of the world from darkness to
light. This year, book distribution must increase more than double. We have
so many plans; we are building Mypur city, so Ka must increase our
books sales more and more. In the future it will be history how the Vedic cul-
ture was introduced in America. We are introducing a new style of life and
civilization. Everything should be ideal. Others have never dreamt of such a
civilization free and happy life, no anxiety, and hope, great hope, that we
are going back home, back to Godhead. By increasing the selling of books,
America, and then the whole world, will become Ka conscious. All the
world is in darkness. The scientists, Darwin, Freud all in darkness. This is
the only institute giving some light. You must be convinced of this in order to
preach effectively." ("rla Prabhupda quoted in Distribute Books, Distrib-
ute Books, Distribute Books, by Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami, p. 107)

4.1 !rla Prabhupda on mass distribution

The mass distribution of books most effectively fulfilled rla Prabhu-
pda's desires that book distribution increase continually. Therefore this
chapter stresses mass distribution, and the next chapter is dedicated to
other forms of book distribution, although many points (especially in the
section Unlimited ways to praise rla Prabhupda's books") also apply to
the other types of book distribution described in the next chapter.

170 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Each book we distribute, regardless of its being part of a large or small

result, has the potential to change the lives of conditioned souls. If we
are empowered, we can give more books to each person and convince
even more persons to take more books. A bigger number of books means
a greater quantity of mercy for the conditioned souls. That's why rla
Prabhupda so much emphasized mass distribution.
In the past the forceful mass distribution of books sometimes increased
in quantity at the expense of quality, as devotees relied on improper and
irresponsible means, which are briefly discussed in this chapter. ISKCON
received bad reactions, and that made devotees suspicious of mass distribu-
tion techniques. But irresponsible mass distribution taught ISKCON a les-
son. It made the point that we cannot maintain quantity without quality.
Ka will not tolerate it.
However, as we have seen recently and in the past, if book distributors
have pure motives to distribute huge quantities of books, Ka empowers
them to do so with high-quality methods. Then people are attracted and
sometimes watch amazed as such book distribution takes place. Why? Be-
cause Ka conscious book distributors are appealing. rla Prabhupda's
plans were so big that he explicitly desired huge quantities of book distri-
bution, and therefore his followers' duty is to find the most pleasing means
to distribute increasing quantities of books for his pleasure.

!rla Prabhupda wanted mass distribution

Somehow or other, we shall overflood the market with Ka
conscious literature. That will create our prestige. And being
cheap distribution, many people will learn our philosophy. 4

We want to flood the world with our books. So go on in this

way and Ka will surely bless you. 5

I want that my books should be very widely distributed, as

many as possible. 6

I'm especially pleased to hear that your distribution of our

books and magazines has increased. Go on in this way, in-
creasing more and more. Each time someone reads some
solid information about Ka his life becomes changed in
some way. These literatures are the solid ground upon which
our preaching stands, so I want that they should be available
to everyone, as many as possible. So please try for this. 7
The Mass Distribution of Books 171

This regular reporting is very encouraging for every one of

our devotees, and I have faith in your words that next year
the figures will be far beyond what they were last year. It is
the nature of the spiritual energy. It is always increasing if we
just apply our energy. 8

Regarding Macmillan: For our missionary work, we want to

distribute more books and at a lower price; if they want to in-
crease the price, then terminate the agreement. . . . Regard-
ing sales figures: Please endeavor in this way. The sales fig-
ures this is the only solace in my life. When I hear that my
books are selling so nicely, I become energetic like a young
man. It is a very good report that the printers are surprised
at our sales figures. 9

Regarding the book distribution, somehow the distribution

must be doubled and tripled as far as possible. Do it. 10

Distribution of my books is the most important thing. These

other things such as selling incense and records are not as
important as this. . . . I want that my books be distributed
in huge quantities, and thus we will be able to thoroughly
convince the majority of the population, especially there in
America. 11

I am in due receipt of your telegram dated Dec. 17, 1974

reading as follows: Great success. Book sales for weekend
of Dec. 13 through 15: Tripurri's BBT Party 1,346 big
books; L.A. 1,002 big books; N.Y. over 950 big books;
Atlanta airport over 650 big books in one day. Distribution
definitely doubling in USA." This kind of wonderful news
is very pleasing to my heart, and I thank you all again and
again. I think this is the first time in history that so many
religious books have sold so popularly. Keep distributing as
many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure.
We must make a large propaganda program for Ka con-
sciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over
the world, just as the communists are very expert in distrib-
uting their literature, their propaganda. At the present mo-
ment they are distributing their literature here in India in
nine different languages, and it is quite effective. Therefore
172 The Nectar of Book Distribution

we must print hundreds and thousands of books and distrib-

ute them at the same speed, and thus we will have a great
effect on the populations of Europe and America. If we can
get the masses in the Western countries to become Ka
conscious, then all the rest of the world will follow. That is a
fact. So please, I beg you, continue distributing my books in
this way, and Ka will pour His blessings upon you all. 12

Your book-sale statistics are astounding. I am so much

pleased. Please continue distributing such nice quantities,
and try to enthuse others more and more. You are sincere,
so Ka will give you all intelligence, strength, and every-
thing else you may need to distribute millions and millions
of books. 13

Please go on every month breaking the records . . . 14

Go on selling books. My Guru Mahrja was very much anx-

ious about selling books and preaching, so you are pleasing
him by this flood of books all over the world. Thank you. 15

The bombastic distribution of Ka trilogies in New York

is wonderful. I have read the report given in the Sakrtana
Newsletter. . . . All the leaders should tax their brains for in-
creasing the sales of our books. I have always said that if we
simply rely on book distribution, all our needs will be met. 16

rla Prabhupda knew well that materialists would feel disturbed by
devotees approaching them, yet he sanctioned being aggressive on sakr-
tana." To Prabhupda that simply meant approaching someone without an
invitation, in no way imposing oneself, harassing anyone, or being callous.

Regarding the problem of how to be aggressive on sakr-

tana and submissive in the temple, my request to you is that
you should go on being aggressive on sakrtana. I myself
was aggressive in coming to your country. No one invited me.
Even you boys and girls did not invite me. But I came, and
I preached aggressively, and therefore you are now my disci-
The Mass Distribution of Books 173

ples. So now you well know you have to approach the men
and women of your country, and it may appear superficially
that you have to disturb them. They are doing their business
peacefully, and you come and disturb them: Please take this
Ka book." Of course, it is good that you are concerned
about being chaste, shy, and submissive among your God-
brothers. Cakya Paita said that every man should see
all other women as his mother, and similarly a woman should
see all men as her sons. So what is your difficulty? If you are
completely aggressive on sakrtana, there should be no ma-
terial aggressiveness and pride remaining. You have to dis-
tinguish between devotees and nondevotees. Aggression for
the cause of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu is pure. If you be-
come completely absorbed in such aggression to spread the
sakrtana movement, there will be no question of wanting
to lord it over in the temple. Preaching purifies us of these
material tendencies for sense gratification. It is simply a mat-
ter of time before you will see this. Do not worry. Ka will
help you. 17

Book distributors must find the proper balance between respecting peo-
ple's free will and inducing them to buy books. Devotees know that by
sometimes applying force, people get the lasting benefit of this one devo-
tional service accepting a book. It is compared to administering medicine,
which helps a patient even though he is forced to take it. The Viudtas
gave that analogy in regard to Ajmila, and people nowadays are more
sinful than Ajmila, who lived his first twenty years as an exemplary brh-
maa: If a person unaware of the effective potency of a certain medicine
takes that medicine or is forced to take it, it will act even without his knowl-
edge because its potency does not depend on the patient's understanding.
Similarly, even though one does not know the value of chanting the holy
name of the Lord, if one chants knowingly or unknowingly, the chanting
will be very effective." (SB 6.3.19 )

Books should not be given free

rla Prabhupda did not want books to be given away, even to libraries
or VIPs, what to speak of people on the street. But he approved of leaflets
and pamphlets being sent free by mail or distributed with books [see Ch. 8,
Sec. 7].
174 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Regarding sending books free to a library: The system you

can adopt is to send the books and tell them to look them
over for one week. If they do not like the book, they should
send it back at our cost. If they like it and want it, then they
can send the money to us. But we cannot give books away
free to anyone. They must be paid for. 18

4.2 Devotee clothing, Western clothing

When the Ka consciousness movement began in America, harinma-
sakrtana was practically the only preaching devotees did, and they
chanted in devotee clothing. When pamphlets and magazines were avail-
able, devotees distributed or sold them to the people gathered around the
harinma group. Hardcover books, also, were first distributed by devotees
dressed in devotee clothing. But the devotees discovered that by changing
into inconspicuous Western clothing, new methods of distributing books
and magazines were possible. Eventually rla Prabhupda approved the
adaptation and pronounced it bona fide even in his purports.

Statements (in chronological order) by !rla Prabhupda

Yes, if it is enhancing our distribution of books to wear warm
clothes like coat and pants in winter, I have no objection, you
may wear them. 19

Regarding our sakrtana party members dressing as hippies

in order to increase book distribution, this is not a very good
plan. . . . this should be stopped we should not give any-
one cause to call us hippies. But the devotees can dress in re-
spectable clothes like ladies and gentlemen to distribute my
books under special circumstances, but even this program
should not become widespread. 20

There is no objection to going in Western clothes to distrib-

ute my books. It is not necessary that we always wear the
robes, but we should always keep $ikh and tilaka. How-
ever, a wig or hat may be worn as you describe. We have to
take whatever is the favorable position for executing Ka
consciousness. Do not forget our principles. But sometimes
we may adapt such means in order to help distribute books.
The Mass Distribution of Books 175

Somehow or other distribute books, and if you can impress

people a little to chant, then it does not matter about your
dress. 21

Regarding selling books in karm clothes: Yes, it may be

done, there is no harm. 22

I am glad to hear of the book distribution success of Tripur-

ri in Chicago. It is reported that he did it dressed in dho-
ti, but Karandhara says that dhoti is an impediment. So if he
can distribute 105 Gts and 105 "r $opaniads in one day
in dhoti in Chicago, why not try for this in other places as
well? 23

Regarding the techniques for book distribution, it is all right

if the devotees dress like the young people they are selling
the books to. The main thing is that the innocent are giv-
en the books and the chance to become Ka conscious by
reading them. You have to see that our book distributors are
also reading my books and following all the regulative prin-
ciples, then it is all right selling in public in that way. 24

It is nice that you are continuing to distribute BTG. If karm

dress is favorable, then go on with karm dress. We have to
execute missionary activities; dress is not fundamental. 25

Letter of November 26, 1976, from Hari-auri Dsa, approved by rla

The following is an extract from a class on SB 5.6.3, deliv-
ered on 25/11/76. rla Prabhupda requested that it be sent
to all temples and G.B.C.
If you pat your subordinates, it will increase their faulty
habits, and if you chastise them, they will improve. There-
fore it is advised that you should always chastise either your
son or disciple never give them leniency; a little leniency,
and immediately many faults will grow. Now for our practi-
cal life we are known all over the world as shaven-headed,
is it not? Now we are becoming hair-headed. We are for-
getting shaving. Because there is a little leniency, immedi-
176 The Nectar of Book Distribution

ately faulty things are creeping in. So we should be known

as shaven-headed, not hair-headed. This is a discrepancy. At
least once a month you must be clearly shaven-headed. On
the bright fortnight, on the day of p#rim, four days after
Ekda, once a month, we must be shaven-headed. It is not
desirable that in grown-up age also you be chastised. That
is not desirable. That is also difficult, because when the dis-
ciple or son is grown up, if he is chastised, then he breaks.
So before being chastised we should be conscious that these
are our rules and regulations which we must observe. . . . So,
with folded hands, I request that you don't become hippies
again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once
a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you I
am an old man, and you are young men."
Conversation after the lecture:
Devotee 1: We usually shave every two weeks because even
after two weeks it looks a little dirty.
Devotee 2: You can get good wigs.
Prabhupda: No. There is no need. That is also mental con-
coction. Nowadays you can go with coat, pants, and shaven
head. No one will criticize. It has become a fashion. Rus-
sians, they use; Krushchev, I have seen shaven head.
[P.S.] Kindly send a copy to each center as soon as possi-
ble. His Divine Grace especially requests that the system of
shaving the head on the fourth day after Ekda, the Pr-
im, be introduced immediately in all centers.

What is the use of a wig? Keep regular gentleman's hair.

There is no need of saffron dress. If by ordinary dress you
can sell more books, there is no need of saffron dress. 26

You can go dressed as a gentleman because it will be easier

to travel in this part of the world. 27

Statements from Bhaktivedanta purports

"rmad-Bhgavatam 7.5.7 p: In our Ka consciousness movement, the tac-
tic of dressing oneself like an ordinary karm is necessary because every-
one in the demoniac kingdom is against the Vaiava teachings. Ka con-
sciousness is not at all to the liking of the demons of the present age. As
The Mass Distribution of Books 177

soon as they see a Vaiava dressed in saffron garments with beads on his
neck and tilaka on his forehead, they are immediately irritated. They criti-
cize the Vaiavas by sarcastically saying Hare Ka, and some people also
chant Hare Ka sincerely. In either case, since Hare Ka is absolute,
whether one chants it jokingly or sincerely, it will have its effect. The Vai-
avas are pleased when the demons chant Hare Ka because this shows
that the Hare Ka movement is taking ground. The greater demons, like
Hirayakaipu, are always prepared to chastise the Vaiavas, and they try
to make arrangements so that Vaiavas will not come to sell their books
and preach Ka consciousness. Thus what was done by Hirayakaipu
long, long ago is still being done. That is the way of materialistic life. De-
mons or materialists do not at all like the advancement of Ka conscious-
ness, and they try to hinder it in many ways. Yet the preachers of Ka con-
sciousness must go forward in their Vaiava dress or any other dress
for the purpose of preaching.

"rmad-Bhgavatam 7.13.9 p: For paramahasas, or sannyss in the Vai-

ava order, preaching is the first duty. To preach, such sannyss may accept
the symbols of sannysa, such as the daa and kamaalu, or sometimes
they may not. Generally the Vaiava sannyss, being paramahasas, are
automatically called bbjs, and they do not carry a kamaalu or da-
a. Such a sannys is free to accept or reject the marks of sannysa. His
only thought is Where is there an opportunity to spread Ka conscious-
ness?" Sometimes the Ka consciousness movement sends its represen-
tative sannyss to foreign countries where the daa and kamaalu are
not very much appreciated. We send our preachers in ordinary dress to in-
troduce our books and philosophy. Our only concern is to attract people
to Ka consciousness. We may do this in the dress of sannyss or in the
regular dress of gentlemen. Our only concern is to spread interest in Ka

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 14.5 p: Sometimes members of the Inter-

national Society for Ka Consciousness especially in the Western coun-
tries find it difficult to approach people to distribute books because peo-
ple are unfamiliar with the traditional saffron robes of the devotees. The
devotees have therefore inquired whether they can wear European and
American dress before the general public. From the instructions given to
King Pratparudra by Srvabhauma Bhacrya, we can understand that
we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service. When our
members change their dress to meet the public or to introduce our books,
178 The Nectar of Book Distribution

they are not breaking the devotional principles. The real principle is to
spread this Ka consciousness movement, and if one has to change into
regular Western dress for this purpose, there should be no objection.

Advantages of distributing books in Western clothing

Harike"a Swami: One may dress in any fashion that facilitates book distri-
bution. If a devotee can do ten books a day in Vaiava dress and thirty
books a day in Western dress, then he should go in Western dress. But if
there is only a slight difference in his results, he should go in Vaiava dress
because that is more conducive to the people's development of Ka con-
sciousness and their appreciation of ISKCON. But in most of the North Eu-
ropean zone it will be difficult in the winter to distribute in Vaiava dress,
which is made for a warm climate. One could wear a dhoti or sari over ther-
mally lined pants, but it looks impractical to the people on the streets. We
judge something by the results.

!akara-paita Dsa: The adoption of Western dress is based on engag-

ing those who are unfamiliar with Vaiava dress. It's an individual matter,
and a book distributor should have the encouragement of others to dress
according to his desire. But while wearing Western dress, devotees should
never deny their identity as Hare Ka devotees. I don't think wigs should
be used because years ago we received many complaints that wigs were
fraudulent. It's better that devotees wear a hat.

Rohisuta Dsa: Wearing karm clothes doesn't mean we're hiding. Such
clothing is practical because we're on the street. Indian clothing is meant
for the temple or chanting in the street. Our wearing karm clothes makes
it easier for the people. Imagine you are talking to a shaven-headed monk
on the street, and your neighbor sees you people have such fears, so we
have to be discreet. But even in karm clothes we can present ourselves
openly. I speak many times about Hare Ka, about the books, about the
philosophy. I open the books and show people the Sanskrit, the pictures,
the index and the glossary. If people ask us whether this is Hare Ka, we
should not deny it. They will find out anyway. Just admit it: Of course, it's
Hare Ka. Do you know Hare Ka? It's a kind of yoga, bhakti-yoga."
Tell them it elevates the consciousness to Ka consciousness and that we
have centers all over the world and one nearby then you can give them
an invitation. Some devotees have picture books that they flip through and
show people our activities and projects. People become impressed. They al-
The Mass Distribution of Books 179

most never read these things in the newspapers. They hear that Hare Ka
is bad. But when they meet an enthusiastic devotee who preaches to them,
they like it. So they take a book and read it.

Navna-nrada Dsa: We should dress in a respectable way. You don't have

to wear a suit and tie. You can dress casually, but your clothes should be
nice. You can't go around in worn-out blue jeans, a half-open shirt with no
buttons, with smudges of tilaka on your forehead, your $ikh sticking out
in some direction, and your brhmaa's thread wrapped around your neck
beads. These things really look ridiculous or even suspicious. People may
give something, but only one or two dollars; maximum five. But your ap-
pearance can be that of a hundred-dollar person. People won't hesitate to
give you a hundred dollars when they think it's your standard, that it's the
right thing for the right person. This is especially important going shop to
shop or office to office or in the airport where you meet many cultured,
high-class people. Your appearance must not be low class. You should have
a personal style. I always dress in usual pants, white socks and a normal
T-shirt, no hat, no wig, just short hair and a $ikh, no tilaka. In this dress
I go everywhere and anywhere, and people like it. I enter big businesses
and offices where they usually throw you out immediately provided they
catch you. If you would come in wearing a dhoti, you would never even be
able to talk to people because the secretaries would throw you out.

Advantages of devotee clothing

Guru-caraa Dsa: When you go out dressed like a karm, you tend to
mix with them a lot. If you start to look at something, nobody is going to
say, What are you doing?" But if you're dressed as a devotee, you cannot
mix with the karms. If you are shaved-up, dressed as a devotee, the ten-
dency is different. Everybody understands you're a monk, and you're ob-
liged to behave accordingly. You cannot look in shop windows or whatever.
On the whole, of course, it depends on the place where you preach and do
sakrtana. We should learn to practice Ka consciousness in any condi-
tion, even if we're obliged to wear karm clothes. But then the danger is
that our consciousness can become contaminated easier. So it's good if the
devotees learn to distribute books while dressed as devotees, especially the
new devotees. Even if they don't distribute as many books dressed as devo-
tees, it makes their distribution pure and convincing, and they will become
nice distributors even if they change to karm clothes in another place, time,
and circumstance.
180 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Llvatra Dsa: Devotees are traveling fast and moving everywhere. If

they are dressed as devotees, millions will see devotees in one day, and
they will see that the Hare Ka movement is alive, and they will help, be-
cause there are many devotees going around with books. In some countries
devotees wear wigs, pants, and jackets just to shop for milk. That is wrong.
There's no problem in going to a store in devotee clothes. Just remember
how the first devotee in Russia was made. ymasundara walked around
Moscow shaven-headed and in a dhoti, and a young Indian and young
Russian saw him and approached him. If ymasundara had gone out in
Western clothes, he would have missed them. And in New York people saw
Prabhupda in sannysa dress, and they were attracted.

Harinmnanda Dsa: It is definitely helpful if the devotees have experi-

ence distributing in a dhoti or a sari. We have introduced the system in
Switzerland that every new distributor must go out for some time in devo-
tee clothes to learn to represent the movement without fear or attachment.
In this way, the devotees can taste different aspects of book distribution and
get many realizations that strengthen their spiritual lives. The basic training
of new book distributors includes dressing in both karm clothes and devo-
tee clothing, and they can decide what suits them better. But in either case
every temple needs a core of devotees fixed on mass book distribution who
will keep up the spirits, support the temple, and fulfill rla Prabhupda's
desires that many books are distributed.

4.3 Quantity and quality

Maidhra Dsa: In the long term, quality is always victorious. Quantity
for a short time we've seen again and again. But the quality is the real test
of sakrtana. Everything depends on our Ka consciousness, long-term
Ka consciousness. If we can have quality and quantity, that's ideal.

Jadur Dev Ds: We don't have much control over the quantity. The re-
sult of our effort is up to Ka. Even the biggest book distributors experi-
ence going for some time without distributing books. There is nothing you
can do. The quantity is not so much under our control, but the quality is.
So it's our responsibility to work on the quality at every moment. For the
result we depend on Ka.

Vijaya Dsa: If the quality of one's service is good, that pleases Ka. But
if the quantity is not big, that is not so important in Ka's eyes. Still, if the
quality is there, generally the quantity is also. Good qualities are immedi-
The Mass Distribution of Books 181

ately sensed by the person we approach. But if a devotee wants a big quan-
tity and is passionate and not really thinking of Ka, then Ka is not as
pleased, and this lack of quality will lead to a decrease in quantity. Ka
doesn't need anything, but when He sees devotion, He very much appre-
ciates that. So quality means devotion. If we perform our service in a very
devotional way, then Ka is pleased. But if we perform our service for our
own gratification, out of false prestige, then Ka isn't much interested. So
we should always meditate on increasing the quality and devotion of our

Gta-govinda Ds: Quality means always remembering who the doer is,
who you are doing it for, and who the enjoyer of the result is. If you always
meditate on book distribution in this way, you will see who the doer is, who
the enjoyer is, and that the results don't belong to us. We go out to satisfy
guru and Ka, not ourselves. Therefore quality means to remember that
you are doing it for Ka always. We shouldn't go out for ourselves. We
go out and distribute books even to those who don't want them. So we
must have the right motive and satisfy guru and Ka. Then quality will
come automatically. For us, being in Ka consciousness doesn't neces-
sarily mean meditation on Ka's pastimes. Rather, it means concentration
on helping the conditioned souls. How can we connect these people with
Ka? We should hand them these books. When we go out with this mo-
tive, Ka will enlighten us from within and give us the right intelligence,
the right words, and the right consciousness. He enlightens us according to
the time, place, circumstance, so that people take books. Quality doesn't
mean distributing less, but more. Quality and quantity run parallel.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: In Bhagavad-gt Ka says, karmay evdhik-

ras te m phaleu kadcana. One should make a big endeavor mentally and
physically. But the big result depends on Ka. So that means one has to
be detached. One is attached to his service, but detached from the result.
The proof of this attitude is that we are not disappointed if the result is not
there we still continue to endeavor.

Harinmnanda Dsa: As shown by the example of Lord Caitanya, Ka

consciousness is for everybody. So if one begins to think, I care only for
special people the rich or cultivated people," then this is a sign that one
is covered with some false concepts, and thus one cannot dive fully into
book distribution. If one really wants to distribute a big number of books or
wants to be engaged in book distribution forever, then one has to learn the
art of presenting rla Prabhupda's books to all people in an attractive and
182 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nice way. In order to keep the taste on sakrtana, one should try to distri-
bute the books on a brahminical platform, presenting the books directly for
what they are, as directly as possible and in a clever and expert way. This
one has to learn. In other words, one should not think that he just has to
raise the quantity, but he should also raise the quality, the way of distribut-
ing. Thus one has to be engaged in the service of book distribution not only
with the body but also with the mind and intelligence. Such dedication,
without false motives, without material desires, is ahaituky apratihat. The
result is yaytm suprasdati: one automatically becomes satisfied and will
never lose the taste for book distribution and preaching.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Personally I believe 100% that the quality of distri-

bution is the most important factor, because when the quality is there, the
quantity will be there automatically. If somebody is burning the people out,
forcing them to take the books, or using dishonest tricks, then that devotee
will suffer the reactions and at some point discontinue his service. If some-
one does big and does it over a long period of time, not just a few years,
you can understand that this is an example of quality and quantity, be-
cause without the quality, he could not continue. Fortunately we have such

4.4 Sakrtana transcends mundane salesmanship

The results show that there is no limit to our book distribu-
tion. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly.
We are not fiction writers. It is a fact that no expert book
salesmen can compete with our men. The librarian has noted
the difference between our men and other publishers' men.
We are working heart and soul, not for money. Such expert
salesmen would have to be paid at least $1,000 per month. 28

The limits of mundane salesmanship

In many places an apprenticeship to a book-seller in a shop lasts two or
three years, and special qualifications and a certain standard of education
are needed. What to speak of becoming the representative of a publishing
house! It takes years of practice and training before someone is able to
sell his publisher's books to the bookstores or door to door, as encyclope-
dia salesmen do. But, in ISKCON, devotees from all backgrounds sell rla
Prabhupda's books to people who ordinarily wouldn't be interested at all
in buying spiritual literature from India. They do this without the support of
The Mass Distribution of Books 183

media advertising and without receiving any training in sales psychology

and they achieve amazing results. What are the secrets of this transcenden-
tal book distribution?

Harike"a Swami: Superficially people don't want these books. Therefore we

are creating their desire to have these books. We get them to want some-
thing they don't want. They don't want our books because they don't want
to surrender to Ka. But we are giving them the books anyway. It's amaz-
ing that you can give a book to a person who doesn't want it. The mun-
dane salesmen can analyze our techniques, but they will not be able to du-
plicate them. Why do people take books they don't want? Because they are
fascinated by the persons distributing them. They're impressed by meeting
a nice person beaming with transcendental consciousness. They are seeing
somebody special, somebody unlike the ordinary people of this world. And
that special person is asking them, Just take one of these books. That's
all." And that's not much to ask. Take one or two or twenty." That's a sim-
ple thing to ask of someone. When they meet a devotee, they start becom-
ing enlivened. All day they meet mundane salesmen with artificial smiles,
which are completely bogus. But a devotee mildly smiles, just like Ka,
because he is confident. He approaches people and knows, I've got some-
thing you really want." He knows that deep down this person really wants
Ka's book; only on the surface he doesn't want it. Because deep down
he wants to be happy, and this is the way to be happy. So the devotee is
confident that people are going to take books even though they don't want
them, and the people surrender and agree. (From a class in Germany on
November 25, 1990)

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: In Austria the devotees once hired one of the best
book salesmen in the country. Many big companies hired him. We asked
him to sell books to the bookstores. We gave him six months to see what
he could do, and after the six months, he was completely embarrassed. He
couldn't distribute a single book. Yet even a new, inexperienced devotee
can distribute one hundred or more books a week, because selling Prabhu-
pda's books is not simply a matter of mundane expertise.

Maidhra Dsa: Sometimes devotees discuss sales techniques but forget

that behind every technique is a person. A person is distributing the books.
People buy books because a person is standing there presenting them. And
that person is encouraging them to take or not. We are playing an impor-
tant role, not as the doers, but as the representatives. What I see again
and again is that people don't respond completely from a rational point of
184 The Nectar of Book Distribution

view. It is more spontaneous and emotional either they like you or not.
I was never convinced that you can increase your distribution by rational
approaches. The more important thing is becoming their friends. That is
a spiritual science. One cannot become a friend on the mundane platform.
That is artificial. That kind of friendship the people know: smiling people
selling them vacuum cleaners or thirty-volume lexicons. They may be in
my, but they know, This is a cheater, and he simply wants money from
me." If a devotee is not materially motivated, then people will trust him. Of
course, if one sees them as their bodies, then immediately they are disgus-
ted because there is no real friendship on the bodily platform.

Techniques aren't the most important thing

Our only technique is to be very devout followers of the rules
and regulations. 29

Prahldnanda Swami: As for techniques, Prabhupda wrote to me, What

do you say? You say the same thing to everyone. This is on the spiritual
platform. Just like an old man and a young boy if they hear a clap of thun-
der, then no one has to explain to them what they heard; they automati-
cally understand. So if you simply repeat what you heard from the bona
fide spiritual master, that will have its effect even if the understanding is
not there at first." In preaching, you only repeat what you've heard in dis-
ciplic succession, and this will act. The sound vibration of Hare Ka and
the bhgavata philosophy will act on everyone, regardless of whether or not
they understand it at first.

Harike"a Swami: Mantras [rote lines] are a crutch if you don't know what
you are doing. Once you know what you are doing, there are no mantras.
For specific types of distribution you need mantras if you go on buses or
subways. But if you are meeting people individually, mantras are practically
worthless, because people immediately know they are just robotic speeches.
It has to be very natural. Then it is much more successful. No big distribu-
tor uses mantras. They may say something similar as a come-on, but they
change in a moment according to the response of the person.

Ya"od-dulla Dsa: Book distribution is completely on the spiritual plat-

form, on the platform of consciousness. Techniques or external factors are
subordinate to the consciousness of the distributor. The point is that one
cannot compensate for low consciousness by good techniques. But when the
distributor is surrendered to Ka and trying his best, Ka from within
The Mass Distribution of Books 185

will give him the inspiration, the right technique, to handle any situation.
Therefore we don't discuss so much the techniques, but we emphasize de-
veloping purer hearing and chanting surrendering to Prabhupda's books
and reading them. In this way we increase, and techniques also develop.

Harinmnanda Dsa: One has to understand that book distribution is un-

limitedly manifold and there are no limits on how to distribute the books
and increase the book distribution. There are so many techniques one can
learn, but only if one actually goes out and tries. When I'm asked to demon-
strate how I distribute the books, usually it's impossible. I cannot artificially
imitate it, because when I am confronted with the actual situation, I feel
myself simply being the instrument through which the message comes and
through which the books are distributed. One can easily realize that one is
not the controller but just the tool. Of course, the endeavor must be there.
But I see that whatever I say is not the deciding factor. Ka is the de-
ciding factor. It's Ka giving me the intelligence to say the right thing at
the right time to the right person. One can realize that these books are the
most important thing for the conditioned soul to get. They must get them,
and I have to give them these books. If one has that desire and goes out
helplessly, just trying to fulfill his duty, then Ka will give all intelligence.
He will give the force, the power, the strength, and the intelligence. And
He sends the right persons to get those books. Sometimes, when we forget
Ka and are attached, people are not at all attracted, and they refuse to
take any books. One hears his own voice, and one starts to listen to his own
voice, and it is simply a material sound vibration. One can hardly stand to
listen to his own voice. But when one is connected with Ka, that same
voice that was material before becomes spiritual again and the words di-
rectly reach the soul. And then Ka reciprocates, and we're just riding on
a wave of ecstasy. Then one is watching all the books simply flying out. No
one can understand how it goes on. It's overwhelming. One understands
that the voice speaking is not me but is Ka talking through me, and I am
simply the instrument. Ka, the Paca-tattva, the entire parampar are
behind me arranging the whole scene. I am simply allowed to watch how
they are distributing the mercy, and I am fervently praying not to be in the
way of this flow of mercy.

4.5 Practical techniques of mass distribution

The fact is that we have to adopt the same tactics as ordinary
salesmen adopt, but the difference is we do it for the satisfac-
tion of Ka, and they do it for sense gratification. 30
186 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Techniques means ways of distributing books to dissimilar people in var-

ious circumstances. The book distributor endeavors in different ways, and
although the techniques aren't the decisive factor, it is enlightening to see
how the conviction of top distributors manifests in action. What are they
saying? How are they presenting the books? Or as Arjuna asked: What
are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is thus merged in transcen-
dence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and
how does he walk?"

Preaching while distributing

Rohisuta Dsa: These books are all-powerful nondifferent from Ka.
We should have full confidence in their power. rla Prabhupda's books
can change the world and the consciousness of people. What we say, our
preaching, should inspire people to take and read the books. That is our
duty. What's the use of preaching for a long time if in the end they say,
Thank you, that was interesting. But I don't want the books. Maybe an-
other time. I want to meditate on what you said. I like speaking more than
reading. I like personal contact. Books I don't like." They say this many
times. A devotee should never make this compromise of just speaking. Our
goal is to make them take the books and associate with rla Prabhupda
directly. That makes the change. If they don't take the book, they're not
serious, and they will forget everything. They've cheated you and wasted
your time. Many people are good at asking a lot of questions and appear-
ing interested, but they simply don't dare to say no right away. When you
realize this at the end, you become frustrated, because you were thinking
you had met an interested person. Therefore our approach in the beginning
is always short and direct. Present the books in a nice way. Then you will
immediately understand how interested they really are. When they have
bought the book and given a donation, then you can preach a little more
and explain how to read the books. Now they are purified, and maybe they
will become so inspired that they take even more. And when they get back
home, they feel they had a nice experience meeting you. They never forget
that impression, even if many years pass. The devotees are inspired because
of the power of Lord Caitanya and the mission and blessings of the spiritual
master. Because of this enthusiasm, people become inspired and enlivened.
But as soon as you go away, they forget everything. My offers them sense
gratification, and they forget whatever you told them. But if they have the
books as a souvenir, they always remember the situation and their encoun-
ter with a devotee. Then one day Ka from within their heart gives them
inspiration to read the books.
The Mass Distribution of Books 187

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: If one is not a mahrath, one can consider preaching
a little to interested people. But if one is a mahrath, if one can distribute a
lot of books, then one shouldn't spend too much time. One should just dis-
tribute books. The books speak for themselves. Because if one is empow-
ered by Ka to distribute hundreds of books a day, Ka will not send
certain types of people. Such a distributor has a deep conviction about dis-
tributing the books has a different kind of $akti and he often just gives
out books, and people don't ask questions. Harinmnanda can give out a
whole set, and the people don't ask any questions. They just take the books,
and they say they've bought the best books in the world. They know it,
they are sure, but they don't ask any questions. But in the case of another
devotee, they ask, What kind of book is this?" and the devotee explains.
There's nothing bad about that either, if we don't spoil the person with our
explanation. We're all individuals. Every devotee has a specific way of dis-
tributing books.

Gaur Dev Ds: I started distributing books in 1971 or '72 in New York
City in the Port Authority bus terminal. We distributed big Bhagavad-
gts directly by approaching people and shaking hands, introducing our-
selves, and presenting the books. It was a pure approach, and we experi-
enced much satisfaction and reciprocation from the conditioned souls. We
learned quickly that not only were people interested but they also became
fascinated by Prabhupda's books when we really began preaching about
them. We soon became so enthusiastic that we kept a big selection of books
in the lockers at Port Authority as well as prasdam, japa beads, and pic-
tures of the temple and the Deities. And we would introduce all these if we
found somebody interested right on sakrtana. We would send people
away with ten books and a bead bag and some prasdam. Everything, all at
once, and they would begin. Many of them later became devotees. We used
to distribute books quickly and efficiently, and when we found somebody
receptive, we would spend much longer preaching.

Harinmnanda Dsa: It's much more satisfying for the distributor if peo-
ple appreciate the books, and therefore we should take the time to explain
to them the importance and the contents of the books. This is important.
After selling the books, if we open the books and talk about them, peo-
ple see that we're not simply interested in selling the books and getting the
money. They think, He wants me to understand these books. He already
has gotten the money. He doesn't need to spend any more of his time with
me, but he's taking the time." So they are positively inspired. They see that
we also read the books, know them, and are convinced. They don't expect
188 The Nectar of Book Distribution

a book salesman to know all of his books so well. This attitude is important
for everyone desiring to distribute books for a long time. In a small country
like Switzerland where one always meets the same people it is especially
important. Then people are not deceived or burned out. Even if the people
aren't interested and don't take a book, we should avoid burning them out.
We should always remain friendly. It is important to come to the platform
of giving people brahminical instruction. I meet many people who have our
books, but they buy again and again. It is mystical. The people become pu-
rified through the association of these books. Ka in the form of these
books does not expect gorgeous worship. The spiritual master explains that
the Lord is satisfied to sit on the shelves of people's apartments. It is better
than lying in a cold storehouse. Thus the books start to diffuse transcenden-
tal radiation, and all those people become purified.

The psychology of mass distribution

Gaur Dev Ds: I don't present Ka consciousness so much as a religion
but as a great science handed down through thousands and thousands of
years and totally unknown in the materialistic West. And people become
interested. Here they are in the midst of their material work, working hard
for the most part. Most people are passionate workers, totally fruitive, to-
tally absorbed, running to get to their jobs or running somewhere to do
something, simply making money and maintaining their family members
and paying their bills. They are wound-up in their situations just like in co-
coons. When we meet them, we have to concentrate and present our books
in such a way that for a minute they forget all their entanglements on the
mental platform. All these things worry them: I have an appointment, and
this money is going for this and that, and I haven't got time in the first place,
and who the heck are you anyway, what are your credentials, and what is
this you're giving me?"
Question: Where do you get the intelligence to cut through all that and
present Ka in a way that they become attracted?
Gaur: Most of it comes from having an intense desire, eagerness, and en-
thusiasm. I think that the principal difficulty the younger devotees have is
learning how to be intense enough to stop somebody and how to concen-
trate and be clear-headed enough to engage each individual soul, because
everybody is completely different. You can't do this mechanically at all. You
have to analyze the person and see in a few seconds what his situation is.
What modes of nature are influencing him? Through experience you know
immediately and instinctively and through Ka's revealing it to you
The Mass Distribution of Books 189

how you can deal with such a person and attract them. A book distributor
attracts a person in many different ways. First, try to attract them to the
book, because the first thing you do is hand them a book: Here, sir, this is
a special book we're giving out in the neighborhood today, and I'd like to
have you take a look at it." Then if the guy says, Listen, I'm not into reli-
gion," you have to try some other platform. What are you doing, sir? Do
you have a family?" Start over from another angle completely, until he's
totally forgotten that he's still holding the book. And then you come back
to the book. You have to do many things with each person. But it doesn't
have anything to do with how uninterested they are or how much they're in
my or how far away they are from Ka consciousness. At least 99% of
the people I talk to are so far away that they couldn't be any further away
if they tried. They couldn't be more forgetful of Ka if they wanted to be.
So it's really the devotee's intense desire and enthusiasm that count.

Maidhra Dsa: An empowered devotee is able in a few seconds to cross

the barrier of false ego and defensiveness that people always maintain.
Every karm is like a fortress, with a full-defense system, and there is the
conditioned soul somewhere at the bottom of his heart covered by mate-
rial elements and a false ego. If a sakrtana devotee is empowered, he can
cross the defense system, break into the fortress, and approach the soul.
They are entrapped in two ways by the gross body and subtle body. So a
sakrtana devotee, being a scientist, tries to engage their senses and mind
simultaneously. First the senses: they have the book in their hands. It's prac-
tical. By the spiritual power one gets on sakrtana, a book distributor can
engage a person completely it's like a space bubble so that he forgets
everything else. His eyes are looking at you, and you are like a sense object
for him. This is the gross platform. Then one has to be spiritually strong
enough to engage his mind, which is flickering, always spinning around.
This is done mainly by speaking sound is very important. If the devo-
tee is spiritually inspired, the sound vibration whatever he says can be
charged with spiritual energy. Then a person stops thinking about his sense
gratification, and he just thinks about you. Then it becomes even more
subtle, as his sneaky intelligence plans excuses not to take the book. All
these obstacles must be overcome in a few seconds. This is done by having a
strong desire and by understanding that one has a big support from within,
the Supersoul. Even the most ridiculous people take books. Their decision,
Okay, I am going to take it," is something completely spiritual. Because of
material conditioning, they would never take a book. There's no material
reason why we distribute these books. They have no reason to take books
190 The Nectar of Book Distribution

really. But they take them anyway, and that is because of Lord Caitanya's

Navna-nrada Dsa: A devotee should learn how to distribute books in all

situations so that he masters the art. He must be able to deal with all kinds
of circumstances. For example, even while going door to door, it may hap-
pen that he has an opportunity to ask someone in a car. Then there are
shops, offices, industries. Generally, devotees should concentrate on one
thing and think, Today I'm distributing on the street, and I'm not going
to switch." Otherwise one gets mental about the place and will change all
the time. But every book distributor should learn how to work in different
situations. Sometimes it's good to change the style of distribution to get
new points of view. The devotee has to know how to be brief and to the
point without allowing the other person to deviate his attention, and how
to explain the contents of the books in an attractive, convincing way. But
whatever the situation, from the first eye contact up to the point of shak-
ing hands at the end, everything has to be in the right place, every sentence
properly said, so that the person feels good about it. Otherwise we'll leave
doubts in his mind, and then he'll begin feeling unsure about the whole
thing and lose his inspiration to take the books. Then people make excuses:
We have no time, no interest, no money, and so many people pass by here
asking for donations. These excuses don't arise in the minds of people be-
ing dealt with nicely by an inspired sakrtana devotee. These people will
be caught up in Ka consciousness by the mercy of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu and enjoy the wonderful spirit of sakrtana. They'll just smile, and
their lives will be changed, just like gloves turned inside out.

Indranlamai Dev Ds: More important than the words I say is that I for-
get the rest of the world. Drocrya asked his students as they were aim-
ing their arrows at a bird target, Tell me, what do you see now?" One said,
The sky, the tree, and the bird." Another said, The bird." Arjuna an-
swered, I see just the eye of the bird." Similarly, when I'm talking to some-
one, it is just me and the other spirit soul. I'm not concerned if there are
people watching us or if nicer-looking people walk by. I direct all my energy
to the other person so he can also forget everything else for a few minutes
and concentrate on what I'm saying. It's a personal experience, and they
feel I really care for them. That personal exchange is almost more impor-
tant to them than all the things I'm telling them about the book. At the end
of the conversation what stays with them the most is the devotee's charm
and sincerity. That charm is actually the mercy of guru and Ka coming
The Mass Distribution of Books 191

through the devotee. It's definitely not one's own quality. I've experienced
this. Sometimes I can say the same lines with enthusiasm and get rejected
by one person after another because something is missing. My meditation
is wrong. I'm thinking of the cigarette smoke and seeing material bodies in-
stead of spirit souls and thinking I'd rather be somewhere else because I'm
hungry and my feet and back hurt. I'm forgetting my guru's instructions.
I'm forgetting the Deities. I'm not praying for mercy. I'm not connected to
the disciplic succession. Finally I surrender and begin to think of my spir-
itual master and all the other cryas, what they sacrificed for the preach-
ing mission of r Caitanya Mahprabhu and how I want to be of some ser-
vice to them by helping to bring conditioned souls to the Lord's lotus feet.
I think of the beautiful forms of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nitynanda, the
sakrtana heroes, and I pray to Them to use me as an instrument so that
I may plant unlimited seeds of bhakti in the gardens of people's hearts. As
soon as I become humble and reestablish the connection, the mercy begins
to flow again and people become attracted to rla Prabhupda's books in a
magical way. So it's not really what you say or how you say it. More impor-
tant is one's internal, prayerful mood and one's connection with guru and
Ka. When that connection is there, it becomes a mystical experience,
and then we can begin to realize that book distribution has no limits.

Techniques vary according to time and place

Caku Dsa: The way we distribute books depends on certain practical cir-
cumstances, such as when people are out shopping or in their homes. That's
why rla Prabhupda said we have to tax our brains to find new ways of
bringing the books to people. It's also implied by the verse yajai-sa-
krtana pryair yajanti hi su-medhasa. Good intelligence (su-medhasa) is
needed to make adjustments in our methods of distribution. We consider
the five factors of action. Of course, the spiritual aspect always remains the
same. I mean to say, one's awareness of his dependence on the guru and
Supersoul. That dependence awakens utsha transcendental enthusiasm,
determination, and intelligence. On that basis we can handle the relative
aspects of book distribution, especially time, place, and circumstance.
The circumstances vary from country to country and continent to con-
tinent. I realized that during my recent visit to America in July 1993. The
methods we use in Europe can't be imitated in America, because in Europe
we have different circumstances. For example, the whole set-up of the U.S.
cities is completely spread out, with no real city center or downtown like in
Europe. And the opening times of the shops in America allow people to go
192 The Nectar of Book Distribution

shopping almost around the clock and even on Sundays, which means that
the flow of customers is not as concentrated as in Europe, where people
have to go shopping within a limited period of the day and week. But I
am convinced that the U.S. also has advantages for the mass distribution of
rla Prabhupda's books. We just have to link up with the desire of rla
Prabhupda and pray to Ka that He shows us new ways. To sell rla
Prabhupda's books to materialists is hopeless everywhere, not only in the
U.S., but by trying with full faith, we attract Ka's special mercy. rla
Prabhupda said that the situation is always unfavorable, but by preach-
ing, it becomes favorable. Thus the seemingly impossible becomes possible,
as rla Prabhupda explained by the example of the sparrow (Bg. 6.24 p),
wherein he concludes: God helps those who help themselves."

The stack method

Since 1983, Harinmnanda Dsa, and since 1985, Navna-nrada Dsa
have amazed the world with their scores, which for years uninterrupted
were double the results of any distributor in the world. Following the ex-
ample of Rohisuta Dsa, they developed a technique that allowed them
to dive into the nectar of unlimited book distribution whether distributing
in the street or going door to door.

Harinmnanda Dsa: The stack method has proven to be the most suc-
cessful for distributing many books. You can use it everywhere, wherever
there are many people, and even while distributing door to door in flats or
villages. We prepare stacks of seventeen or eighteen big books and two or
three mah-big books, alternating them to have as much variety as possible.
These stacks are all identical. During marathons they are prepared by the
devotees of our temple so that we can pack them right into our van's book
compartments. This makes things simple, and it is easy to count the amount
distributed in the evening. You distribute the whole day without thinking
of numbers, and you count the stacks at night. During the marathons we
are distributing from the van. During the year while going door to door our
stacks are smaller, because there is more distance to walk between the peo-
ple we're meeting. If we are distributing in big blocks of flats, then it's prac-
tically like doing the street. For this kind of distribution we have two-wheel
carts like the postmen and housewives use. But they are specially construct-
ed and can handle up to 150 books. We are going to people with big stacks
of books and trying to give them as many books as possible. So the point is
very simple: If you want to distribute many books, you have to have many
books with you, and then the people become inspired to take many books.
The Mass Distribution of Books 193

Rohisuta Dsa: From the material point of view twenty books are very
heavy. But from the spiritual point of view, those books on your arm are
nondifferent from Ka, and you feel ecstatic. It doesn't matter how old
you are. You can be forty or fifty and take fifteen or twenty books by the
mercy of rla Prabhupda and Gaura-Niti. If we cannot take twenty, we
take ten. We can also have assistance. When new devotees join, they can
help the sakrtana devotees. Many of the successful sakrtana devotees
began as servants of other book distributors. They became so inspired see-
ing the books going out that although in the beginning they did not plan to
distribute books, after two or three weeks during the marathon they got the
desire to go out themselves.
During the marathon I once thought, I will take only half the amount
I usually take. They're too heavy." After some days of constantly carrying
twenty books, it becomes tough. Pain is attacking the back and the muscles,
and the mind is flipping out. So I took just half of the stack because the
car was nearby. But then I distributed only half as many as before. He
who takes half, distributes half. That I have realized. Whether you have ten
books in a stack or twenty, it takes you the same amount of time to distri-
bute the stack. Ka wants to see our endeavor and our surrender. When
I changed back to twenty-one books in a stack, people began to take six or
seven books at a time again. When I was taking only ten, they took only
one or two or maximum three. So the more books we take, the quicker they
go out. This tapasya has to be accepted during the marathon. One should
not try to do it in a lazy way. If you approach people with three or five
books, they might suspect you are criminals who have stolen the books and
are selling them now for a cheap price. But if you come with a big stack,
they are not suspicious anymore. They think, He seems to be authorized.
He has a lot of books. He looks quite systematic." There's a system three
times seven books in the stack. And we tell them, We have seven books
in our collection. You can choose whatever you like or you can take all se-
ven." So we have to take up the burden. People don't buy books; they buy
you. If the devotee is inspired, and if the devotee desires that people take
seven books at once, or even a set, then people will come who take.

How to approach people in public

Rohisuta Dsa: Between each person I chant or sing the Paca-tattva
mantra, the Hare Ka mah-mantra, and other things. Then when I'm
with the people I only think how I can convince them to take a book. First I
always give them a book. Hello. We're distributing these books today. Did
you get one yet?" Then I see their reaction.
194 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Question: What if you want them to take the book, but they don't?
Rohisuta: I just give them the book without forcing them. I look in their
eyes and say, Please, this is for you." I don't look at their hands. If you
look in their faces and speak to them, then they automatically react. These
are nice books about ancient Indian culture and philosophy. We'd like to
make them a little more well known, and that's why we have this special
offer." Special offer (Aktion in German) implies from the beginning that it
is not free. This word makes it clear that it is not the normal price, it is
cheaper than in the store, but still they understand that they will have to
pay something although you never mention money directly. Then I usually
ask some questions about where they're from and what they like to read.
Question: Don't a lot of people hesitate to take the book, or say, I'm not
Rohisuta: Yes, many. But I try two or three times. Maybe you can give
it as a present." Or You can read it later, when you're sick or on holiday."
Or You can keep it for casual reading or reference." These reactions have
to be immediate and spontaneous. You think, This person has to take the
book," and you act at the same time. Immediate action. Thinking and acting
at the same time. This requires strong determination and conviction. But
you have to be sensitive whether or not to insist or just let them go. Some-
times you feel that insisting just once will agitate them and they won't take a
book anyway, so why agitate them? Sometimes people are just superficially
negative, so you need to insist, and then they take. They even forget that
they said no in the beginning. But sometimes devotees don't know when to
stop. They push and push and push until the people become angry. Some-
times it's good for the people's minds to give them a logical reason why we
are there passing out books as a special offer. Often I just tell them we are
having a special book week here in town, and on this occasion we are pass-
ing out these books to make them known. Often you can see that people
accept this kind of logic, because it sounds authorized. It's not problematic,
and it's not wrong. I tell them We are making it," so there is no need of
anything official going on. And nobody ever complained.

Haripda Dsa: In general the mantras, the things we say during the presen-
tation, can be divided into a circle of four parts. The first part is to get the
person's attention. Generally the person wants to know who you are, and
then comes the second part we introduce ourselves. And the third part
is presenting the books. The last part of the circle is the donation. More
or less, these are the guidelines of a mantra, depending on time, place and
circumstance. The sound vibration of the devotee is so important and basic
that we call it a mantra. It's no less effective than the mantras chanted by
The Mass Distribution of Books 195

brhmaas to rejuvenate sacrificial animals. Our words and consciousness

must be as powerful. Then our activity becomes so beneficial that we can
liberate the people we meet through the mercy of rla Prabhupda and his

Harinmnanda Dsa: Basic techniques must be there, but it is important

to know that one cannot imitate the techniques of other devotees. One
must understand that book distribution is completely individualistic and
one should distribute according to one's capacity and nature. In my case the
first point in approaching people is my appearance. I always have a lot of
books on my arm so when the people see me, they immediately know that
something is going on. They realize that we are not a sect with just small
booklets we give away. They see a person carrying an entire encyclopedia.
If we contact the people in that way, they are impressed. They understand
something is going on, and they want to see what. And nobody ever thinks
that it is for free. You don't even have to mention it. They ask, What can
I give you?" I can see that when one is going around timidly, without life
and enthusiasm, then people are not attracted. Although he seems to be
humble and unimposing, no one is attracted. No one is ready to listen to
him. They are not even inspired to stop and listen to him. But if you're
vivaciously representing something and standing behind what you're doing
and saying, then the people are impressed that you know what you're do-
ing. A lame and fearful attitude, without faith and determination, simply
attracts the demons and other envious people, and they will try to stop you
completely. But when there is power and conviction, Ka is very pleased,
and He gives all protection, and one can completely explode and go beyond
When I approach people, I don't make a distinction between people.
I don't distinguish based on the external appearance. Of course, there are
two different cases. While going door to door or shop to shop, one is forced
to approach all the people. The other possibility is that on the street or in
public places, many people are coming at the same time. Then one has to
select whom one wants to approach. If I have to choose between an old
man, a housewife, or a young person who looks sane and together, then I
obviously go to the young person. But if there are only a few people, then
I don't make any distinctions. I approach them all, even the oldest people
and the $#dras. This is important because our philosophy is not to make
As I approach people on the street, I try to surprise them a little. When
I am on an open street or on a parking lot, I try to approach them from
an angle in order to surprise them. I try to avoid being seen from one
196 The Nectar of Book Distribution

hundred meters away, selling something. Otherwise the defense systems in

their minds start to function. One has to be clever and surprise the people,
but not shock them, especially the ladies. In this way, people are confront-
ed with a completely new situation, and the mind is surprised. They don't
know how to classify the new situation. Then one tries to encourage them.
Are you from this city, too?" Yes." So we have something nice for you."
Or No." Then, Oh, nice that you've come because we're passing out these
books today." During that time I hand them two or three books so they
have something to hold. If one can do this with some enthusiasm then the
people themselves become enthusiastic about the whole thing. The most
important point is that people take the book in their hand. I can say from
my experience that 90% of the people who don't take the book in their
hand will not buy it. One doesn't need to invest much time one can im-
mediately go to the next person. One doesn't waste any time with people.
Of course, there are exceptions, and you have to be alert to sense them.
Another point is that whenever one approaches someone, there is some
suspicion due to seeing a stranger. And if you just mechanically hand them
some books and start asking personal questions without establishing a per-
sonal relationship, you will bite on granite. They will always say no. Are
you from this city?" No." Do you have a family?" That's none of your
business." You could take the book for your wife." Get lost!" Or they
say, I don't need your books I buy books at a bookstore." Those re-
actions are natural. As soon as somebody who wants something comes to
them, their reaction is immediately, No! No! No!" So generally I do ask
questions, but not the kind of questions that they can answer with no. One
should not give them the opportunity to say no. One should trick them so
that they have to say yes. One asks simple questions that are easy for them
to answer yes. You get the people to say yes, and continue presenting the
books so that at the end they are open and are ready to take the books. Do
you like these books?" Yes, yes." And then, I should have some contri-
bution for the books." Yes, yes." And then you can continue, Why don't
you take this one also? Take these books also to make the series more com-
plete." Yes." And sometimes you can give them the whole set.
You often meet people who instinctively say no in the beginning. But
there is no need to give up. They are programmed to say no to things they
don't know. So you shouldn't immediately ask them if they are interested
in Indian philosophy or whether they believe in life after death. If these are
the first questions, then all the people will say no, for these are very person-
al questions. People usually have a defensive attitude about this personal
approach. Of course, if the devotee himself is on the platform of false ego,
The Mass Distribution of Books 197

he will not have the humility or patience to counter their arguments. He

will react in a frustrated way and tend to become angry, If you don't like
the book, that's your fault. I feel sorry for you." But one should think, He
is saying no, but that is just his mind talking, which is a complete madman,
programmed by the material energy. Now he is spitting out his frustration,
but afterwards he may be a very nice person when his frustration is gone.
And if all the problems are gone, then the real person comes out." If you
try again, completely humble: Please, take a look; these books aren't ex-
pensive," and if you completely depend on Ka, then sometimes you can
really approach the soul, the living entity himself beyond the mind. That is
the secret of how to convince unwilling people to take the books.
One could say much more about this point. Until now I described only
the externals. But if one analyzes the situation with the philosophy of Ka
consciousness, then one understands in what sense it is that ultimately the
soul decides to take a book and the Supersoul gives the sanction. So the
secret is that one is simply trying to cultivate this attitude and then taking
a stack of books and going out to distribute. Then Ka will give all the in-
telligence. Even if it takes some years, one should not lose patience or faith.
One should understand that this service is the most elevated service and to
execute it is not a cheap thing. Book distribution is unlimited, and all dif-
ferent kinds of transcendental activities are included in this service.

Navna-nrada Dsa: You have to approach people and hand them the
book in a respectful and gentle manner. Sometimes devotees, especially
new devotees, just throw the book at them or push it into their stomach
or chest, which agitates people. But if somebody is friendly with them and
handing them the books, then every gentleman will take the time at least to
look at the book to find out what it is all about. If we are falsely humble,
fearing that we are cheating the people or not doing the right thing, they
will pick up the attitude that you're projecting and also feel unsure. But if
you are completely sure of yourself, sure about the mission and the order
of your spiritual master, sure about the mercy of Ka and Caitanya Mah-
prabhu that is real humility.
When you approach the people, the first thing is, the eye contact. By
this eye contact already so many things are accomplished. You can see what
kind of person he is by looking at his physiognomy. You look in his eyes,
then you see if he wants to avoid you or if he is really brilliant or sharp or if
he is just a lazy person. This you can see from the person's eyes and from his
face. In this way a devotee gets much information. So one should not think
that these things are external, because they tell the distributor what kind of
198 The Nectar of Book Distribution

covering the spirit soul has and how he can conquer over that covering and
get the spirit soul to take Ka consciousness and appreciate it. You have
to look out, because you can say things that are true, but say them at the
wrong moment and completely turn people off or spoil their interest.
You make eye contact, you speak one or two sentences with him, you
give him the books in his hand. You tell him what it's all about, you indicate
that he has to give something, and then you can ask him what he's inter-
ested in and what he likes, and then you let him choose what kind of books
he likes. Or you just give him three books because many people don't have
any special interest. You just give him those three books that he has in his
hand, and you tell him that these are the best books to begin with. Then you
tell the price in such a way that he feels he is getting a good deal. From the
first meeting until you say goodbye, wishing him good reading and a good
day and maybe giving him an invitation card, it's one harmonious, clear
thing. There's a whole structure. And you are completely sure of what you
are doing at every second while you're doing it. This really impresses the
You must give them books at the proper time and at the proper speed.
Don't throw the book at them so that they think it is for free or some-
thing cheap. If you make them think you come from a sect, they will refuse
point blank. You must be fixed in Ka consciousness, then the people will
think, Oh, he wants to give me something? He may be an interesting per-
son to talk to. Let's see what he has." Then you give them the books, and
then you can explain. But then again you can wait too long. You may get
them to stop, you may shake hands, give them a smile, begin to talk to
them and then, after a few minutes, try to give them a book, but it turns
out that they are not at all interested in your books or in reading, and they
say, Well, it was nice to meet you, but, thanks, I'm not interested in buying
these books." There was too much free space for their mind, and they could
already decide internally that they won't buy anything. There are people,
of course, who refuse to take the book some even simply ignore the fact
that you try to hand them a book. This indicates that they will not be will-
ing to make any commitment and give a donation. Still you can try it. You
look like a respectable gentleman. If you are interested in philosophy and
history, please take a look at these books." And if he says, No, thanks,"
then you say, Have a nice day. Maybe next time." So you respect their de-
cision. Some people think they know what's going on, know the trick. Any-
way, you hand everyone the book towards his chest or stomach (never push
it too high, towards his head; more towards his waist or mid-section so that
he can take it comfortably), and when you see his hand is not stretching out
The Mass Distribution of Books 199

to accept the book, then don't push it or try to force them to take it any-
way or make some arrogant statement. You slowly take the book back and
say in a humble and detached way, It's only for people who are interested
and don't mind reading. I don't know if you appreciate books like these."
Whatever you say, you're detached, but still you want to give them another
chance, although they already said no. And then many people immediately
stretch out their hand and say, What did you say it is about? I'm interested.
I like such things. Let me see!" And then you can give the book. So you are
not attached, you don't think you're the doer, and they can see that these
books are something unique. And we also tell them that.

Caku Dsa: I present myself as a brahminical monk and the books with as
much philosophy as possible because the philosophy is nondifferent from
Ka. It's all-attractive. The more the people can understand the philoso-
phy, the more I try to tell them. It is important to see their nature. If some-
one can understand more, we should say as much as possible so that he
becomes attracted by the books. If he appreciates the books, he will pay a
good price for the books. I try to put the books in their hands, but not im-
mediately as the first thing. First I check out whether or not they are inter-
ested. Sometimes people are too skeptical to take the books immediately in
their hands, so I prepare them a bit, just for a few seconds, by one sentence,
one question. Then it is much easier for them to take the books, because
you've already spoken with them and that is the most important contact.
If someone doesn't take the books, there is no need of entangling yourself
much further because usually they will not buy.

Indranlamai Dev Ds: I distribute in Western clothes at the Dallas air-

port. There are lots of restrictions, so I stay in a spot against a wall and
call people over. I make eye contact and say, Excuse me, I want to ask
you something." Intrigued by what I want to tell them, they stop and come
to me. I ask, Where are you from?" As they tell me, I shake their hands
and tell them where I'm from. I say, Look, we're distributing these books.
I want to show you one." As I say this I try to make them take the book.
I always distribute the hardcover Bhagavad-gt first. Then I talk about the
book. People at the airport are always rushing, and under time pressure I
speak fast and keep it brief.

Caku Dsa: I don't even try to stop the really passionate people, and some-
times it's better if you wait a little before you approach the others. If some-
one arrives in his car, you should wait until he has stopped the engine and
200 The Nectar of Book Distribution

gotten out. And if a person doesn't want to stay so anyway, let him go.
What can you do? You cannot force him. Not everyone is interested. That's
why I often just stand in one place, not running after them. I let them come.
The moment you're running to the karm, the karm runs away. You have to
be on the transcendental platform; otherwise they run away. So one thing
that I do sometimes is just stand in one place and call them. They see my
stack of books, and those persons who come are definitely nice.

Asking for donations

Navna-nrada Dsa: You always have to make it clear that books like these
are costly in a shop they cost four or five times more in the shop. We are
giving them out almost at the production price. You must clearly say how
much you expect. People really hate it, after they give their donation, if you
start asking them for more. I think it's better to leave them with just two
or three books and get a bad donation. Let him think that he made a good
deal. Go to the next person and sell the books for a little more. That's bet-
ter than getting entangled and hassling people for a few more coins, because
that is what really burns them out. They thought they were being generous,
and you go, Give more. I want more." They think you're ungrateful and
impertinent, and they may drop the whole deal and want their money back.

Caku Dsa: One thing about the book prices: In the beginning one may be
a little attached and not dare to say clearly that the books cost something.
This hiding is coming from attachment. So we should say it straight: The
books are not presents. We just tell them frankly how much we have to get
for the books. This will also separate the sincere from the insincere. Those
who are not interested will leave immediately, and those who are interested
won't mind because who assumes that such books are for free? Otherwise
they are disturbed: First you said it's for free, and now you want money."
We depend on Ka. Ka lets someone stop, so why shouldn't Ka in-
spire him to give a good donation? We hand them two or three books in the
beginning. Maybe they'll take only one; maybe the entire set why not? So
we better have the set with us. In other words, we hope for everything, but
don't expect anything.

Harinmnanda Dsa: I continue the presentation in such a way as to an-

swer their mostly unspoken doubts: What's it all about? How much does it
cost? Usually I say I'm studying Sanskrit literature with my friends. I ask
them whether they know about Sanskrit or know something about India.
The Mass Distribution of Books 201

Then I say that I'm a student of this subject and that this is the oldest lan-
guage in the world; these books were compiled five thousand years ago.
Usually, I show the picture of rla Prabhupda and tell people that he was
an Indian monk and a great saint. By that I also indicate that he passed on,
because then people tend to have more respect for his accomplishments
and no suspicions about him as a guru. I go on to say he translated these
books into English, and now we're translating them into German. And to-
day there's a special offer. Later on, in the book stores, these books will
cost a lot I mention both the bookstore price of books like these, which
is high, and our price for each book. I mention it clearly so that they know
what minimum price I expect. And I say, Whatever you give above that
supports the translation work." Or I simply say, Whatever more you give
is my earning." People want to know where the money goes. Most of them
are quite fed up giving money to welfare institutions that misuse the money.
They appreciate our honesty in admitting, Yes, it's for me." I don't speak
about our organic farm or this or that. Later, of course, if they show further
interest, I also mention that we have a temple, a farm, and other projects.
But at this point I simply say that the money is covering the production
expenses, and any extra is for me and my friends. Then people are always
generous and no longer fear misuse of the money or some bogus guru in
the background raking it in.

Giving many books at once

Harinmnanda Dsa: I use the same technique everywhere: putting two
or three books in their hands, and when they start looking at a book and
showing just a little interest, immediately showing them more books. And
then I tell them what all these books cost together in the shop and what I'm
expecting. Of course, the people don't always take all of the books, but they
often take two or three, and that's also a success. Everything must be done
with alertness and energy, because people appreciate it if one is natural and
dynamic not artificial.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Giving many books at once doesn't mean giving a per-
son one book, he pays for it, and then you give him another book and let
him pay again, and so on. I always give two or three books as an introduc-
tion, and then I see how they react. I explain what the books are and show
them one or two more. This I do whenever somebody takes the books and
looks at them, before they pay anything. Very quickly you can find out how
much they're interested. If they show some interest, then I give them two
202 The Nectar of Book Distribution

or three books more, and I mention the production price we pay. What I
say is about double the BBT price, which is a good yet reasonable price.
Everyone who knows what books cost in a bookstore can understand that
our prices are fair and cheap. And just when they are about to pull out their
wallet, you can give another two books and say in a detached way, If you
give a little more, then I'll also give you these two books to make things
more complete." Then you see how they respond. And you see what the
donation is. If he is really into giving, then you give one or two books more,
and the person will understand that a further donation is expected. In this
way you can pile up, pile up, and keep inspiring them. From that point it is
not a big step anymore to the set.
When it gets into many books, you have to give people confidence in
what they're buying and assurance about who we are and what we do. Ge-
nerally I'm saying we're bhakti-yoga teachers from Zurich or wherever the
nearest temple is. Then people know that it's a bona fide thing. You can't be
just some idealist from an alternative farm although mentioning the farm
is not bad and then expect that you can get into many books and good
donations. The people sense it immediately when you're not together or
just timid and small-time, having only a few books with you, talking about
a farm or some welfare work. They wonder what this has to do with your
books. People will wonder where you come from and where your books
come from Maybe he's stolen them, and that's why he's timid." They
become suspicious and don't know if it's legal, or what consequences buy-
ing something from you will bring. Or you may just be nice, and they may
think you're nice, but you won't get into distributing many books and get-
ting good donations with that style.

Preaching to the faithless the ninth offense

Kavicandra Swami: There are some people to whom you cannot even men-
tion the idea of God. You must present what they can take. If we present
more than they want to hear, they just become offensive and change their
minds and return the book. This is the immediate reaction to the ninth of-
fense. A book distributor therefore has to be careful in presenting the phi-
losophy. The main point is that they must get the books, and we should not
spoil that by our overdose of preaching. rla Prabhupda was convinced
about Ka and expert in dealing with people. When you listen to the tapes
of rla Prabhupda preaching to people, many times they start out saying
they don't believe this and that. They are doubtful, suspicious, and critical,
but at the end they say, Thank you very much. I'm glad I met you." rla
The Mass Distribution of Books 203

Prabhupda wasn't arguing with them. He had compassion for these peo-
ple and wanted to give them Ka. And they would change in his associ-
ation. We aren't as expert. We sometimes get angry and impatient because
they don't immediately see things the way we want. Our immature preach-
ing can turn off people and stop them from buying the book, so we have to
learn to say only as much as they can take. For most people, taking a book
is all they take of the Absolute Truth.

Rohisuta Dsa: Someone asked, Is it offensive to preach without distinc-

tion or give books to the atheistic?" We have to understand that only a dev-
otee can read these books. A demon or atheist will throw them away. Gen-
erally he won't even buy them. Sometimes an atheistic person may take one
because he is curious, and then he becomes purified. So there is no offense.
But still he doesn't really understand what it's all about. rla Prabhupda
says that although Ka states that this knowledge is only for devotees,
the spiritual master and the devotees of the Lord are more merciful than
the Lord, because they also approach the nondevotees and try to give them
Ka consciousness in the palatable form of books. That is the devotees'

4.6 Unlimited ways to praise !rla Prabhupda's books

These books are so nice that anyone who reads them is sure
to become Ka conscious. You can show them Ka books
and ask them to read any part, and if they like what they
have read, they should purchase, and if not, you will walk
away. Who could resist? Ka book is so nice that everyone
will like it, either as a story book or history or philosophy or
whatever. They are sure to be attracted. Simply it depends on
your presentation. So do it nicely and Ka will help you. 31

This is Caitanya Mahprabhu's blessings that every one of

us should become a sdhu and preach Ka consciousness.
As far as Ka consciousness is concerned, we have got new
and sufficient number of books, and if we read them care-
fully and reproduce the purports in our own language, that is
perfect preaching. 32

There is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply de-

scribe them sincerely to anyone, he will buy. That art you
204 The Nectar of Book Distribution

must develop, not the art of lying. Convince them to give by

your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking. That is a
more mature stage of the development of Ka conscious-
ness. 33

I am convinced that if you simply glorify Ka and our

books in the best descriptive manner, anyone and everyone,
no matter even an atheist or otherwise, can be convinced
to purchase. 34

Jadur Dev Ds: I like to give myself a challenge. Prabhupda wrote to

Karandhara years ago and told him to give the devotees challenging new
experiences to enliven them. I try to say new things to new people each
time. When I'm talking with people, I'll open Bhagavad-gt or "rmad-
Bhgavatam to a verse at random and read it aloud. Sometimes the verse
doesn't appear to have anything to do with what's going on at the airport,
but I try to purport the verse to connect it to their lives, their work and
their nature. Then they can see how the philosophy relates to them. The
other day I met a man and asked him what he does. He was a bank teller.
I said, Oh, great! That's exactly what this book is about. When you're at
work, so much money comes in and goes out, but you don't get elated when
the money comes in and you don't get upset when it goes out. You're satis-
fied with your salary. And you know that if you do get attached, you'll be
in a lot of trouble with the police. So you don't even bother. Similarly, this
book teaches you that no matter what happiness and distress you get in life,
you can always be equipoised because you are getting your salary" from
the Supreme, that is, your relationship with Him. From your relationship
with Him, you get a much higher pleasure than you get from the ups and
downs of material life." On another day I met a punk college student study-
ing math. I said, Did you ever hear of this equation? One plus one equals
one, and one minus one equals one. If you add everything to God, you still
have just God, and if you subtract everything from Him, He remains com-
plete. You believe in God, right?" We talked about it, and he happily took
two books.

Navna-nrada Dsa: I use a straightforward style directly centered on the

books. You explain what you want, what the books are you mention the
Sanskrit and other things. People over forty, most business people or edu-
cated people, know about Sanskrit and appreciate it. Of course, they see
that there is some idealism involved. It's obvious. We're young, and we
work to spread these Indian classics and study them ourselves. You can
The Mass Distribution of Books 205

mention the temple or preaching center or farm, whatever fits your presen-
tation. I always say that the address is in the book. Sometimes I give my
name. You cannot say we're pure Indian monks descending from the Hima-
layan mountains, and we selected this shopping center, and here we are giv-
ing out the highest Sanskrit classics in your language. They won't take it, es-
pecially because they see us everywhere. They may even think that we are
hiding something by such explanations. I also mention sometimes that our
books have nothing to do with religion. They're universal. This the peo-
ple can understand easily, because we are bhakti-yoga teachers. We teach
everybody Christians, Hindus, Jews, even nonreligionists and people
know that everybody goes to the yoga schools. The idea of some sect or cult
doesn't enter their mind. When they see that it's Hare Ka, they naturally
conclude that, after all, Hare Ka is bona fide, they know what they're
doing. It's open and clear: They sell books for a fair price, and they study
and teach the wisdom of these Sanskrit books.

Indranlamai Dev Ds: I have a basic mantra that I tell everyone; it

varies slightly from person to person. I say things like, Bhagavad-gt is an
episode in a huge history five thousand years old. It has transcended time.
It's studied in universities all over the world. Two dynasties are disputing
the throne. The best warrior, Arjuna, sees some of his friends and relatives
on the opposing side and becomes overwhelmed and decides not to fight.
So, the charioteer, Ka, encourages him to perform his duty. It's very pro-
found. It is the book of metaphysics. They also discuss yoga and meditation.
Now don't worry, it's not standing-on-your-head yoga. It's the internal pro-
cess that encourages us to look into our hearts and bring out our natural
spiritual qualities. This is the science of self-realization. They also talk about
karma and reincarnation what goes around comes around. You may have
good or bad karma, and this book tells you how to stop it altogether by
spiritualizing your activities, thoughts, and words. It teaches how to achieve
self-satisfaction by elevating the consciousness to higher dimensions in life
than sleeping, eating, working, and paying the rent. It teaches the science
of the soul that we are not the body and when we realize this, then
the miseries of disease, old age, and death won't affect us anymore. It talks
about how we should see the soul in the heart of all, not discriminate be-
cause of what color skin we have, what nation we're from, or what our so-
cial status is. There are so many wonderful things, but if I tell you about the
whole book, you'll miss your flight. If there is one book you should read
before you die, this is the one. One more thing, and I'll let you go." I show
them my badge and say, I'm a volunteer, and we also do food distribu-
tion, education, and counseling, so we're asking for a donation to increase
206 The Nectar of Book Distribution

our projects and cover the cost of the books. Please help us today." I smile
as sweetly as I can. If they give a large donation, I give them more books.
All along as I'm presenting the book I'm enthusiastic and expressive that
helps capture their attention. I also smile a lot, because everyone is attrac-
ted to someone who's happy. Smiling from the heart is a great way to at-
tract them and conquer their doubts.

Haripda Dsa: To hippies I say that drugs and alcohol bring you pleasure
now and suffering later; true happiness comes from inner peace with God
but we're free to degrade or elevate ourselves. Regarding distributing to
women, older ladies are less passionate and better established financially
than young ladies. I approach them not for material profit but to engage
them in devotional service before they leave their bodies. With young wo-
men you must be strict and authoritative; frivolity is dangerous and makes
you lose concentration and mental power. To office directors and profes-
sionals I have distributed many sets in the street. They like praise and app-
reciation I tell them that they are elegant and healthy looking and that
they will like our books because they have good taste. I present the books in
more detail. I mention the purpose of human life and speak about history,
art, culture, philosophy, or yoga, because some subject always attracts their
interest. Professionals like to be told, You are always busy, which causes
stress, and these books will help you relax and find inner peace, which mo-
ney can't buy." To elderly people I say, This book is dedicated to you
our later years are meant for inquiry about God and our destination after
we leave the body." The elderly like it if you tell them they're youthful or
that they look ten years younger than they really are. They always agree
to take a book. You have to be loving with them and encourage them, and
they are very grateful. Some people say, I already have a lot of books that
I don't read." And I reply, You don't read them because they bore you.
Those books have nothing to do with your self-satisfaction. They deal with
irrelevant, temporary subjects that go out of style. But a good book is one
that is always relevant and can give you something and doesn't make you

Gta-govinda Ds: Before I was initiated I heard a devotee say that "r-
mad-Bhgavatam is as brilliant as the sun. Then I said it on sakrtana:
This book is as brilliant as the sun," and suddenly I started to distribute
a lot of books. So we have to say something about the books. This is an im-
portant point. It can be just one or two lines. You take these books home,
and your house becomes a holy place." Just read a line of this book, and
your life will be successful." This knowledge is confidential. It's five thou-
The Mass Distribution of Books 207

sand years old." These books are an encyclopedia of the universe. They
describe the creation, the heavenly and hellish planets, reincarnation, kar-
ma, and various types of yoga." The hairs of your body will stand on end
when you read this book. You can find all the answers to all the questions
that you can think of." This book is the medicine for all kind of diseases."
I don't use the same lines all the time I can't list them all. Once, I met
someone, and no matter how I explained the books to him, he hesitated. I
said, Ka explains in Bhagavad-gt that your mind can be your greatest
enemy or your best friend. Now you are letting your mind drag you down.
It's all up to you." Then he decided to take a book.

Rohisuta Dsa: Be careful with the word yoga. Don't make them think
that they're buying a book of yoga exercises. That's the only understand-
ing they have of yoga. We have to tell them our book is about bhakti-yoga,
a practical form of yoga that we can introduce in our day-to-day life. The
same holds true if you mention Gandhi. Don't say the book is about Gandhi
or Gandhi's wisdom. If you think it's good to mention Gandhi, you have to
say clearly that this was a book Gandhi liked and read a lot.

Jhnav Dev Ds (USA): I tell people the book is about heightened con-
sciousness. It teaches us how to understand who we are beyond our body
and mind. We are the soul within the body effulgent, blissful, eternal.
This book teaches us how to win freedom from suffering, envy, greed, anger,
and fear of death that's the unlimited potential each of us has. It teaches
yoga, or linking with God. So by reading this book you can understand who
God is and how to develop your relationship with Him. That's real yoga.
You can experience God's presence in your heart every day if you want.
Bhagavad-gt is a great book. It describes how we can understand this
world and not be bewildered by it. I tell the story of Ka and Arjuna or, if
it's the Bhgavatam, the story of Mahrja Parkit. I like to preach directly.
Sometimes I read a verse from Bhagavad-gt, and they love it. Sometimes
I tell people I'm doing a survey, and this is the question: If you are not
your body or mind, who are you?" You'd be amazed at the answers people
give. They really get into it. That's another nice way to preach to people
ask them questions, engage them! They like being asked questions. If it's a
foreigner, you can keep it simple. This book is a gift from America to your
country for the sake of peace, prosperity, and friendship." I always tell them
my name, and then I ask them, What do you do? Where are you from?"
Or I try to guess. Doing the New York airport I can pretty much figure
out where any person is from. And they're amazed. You're from Nigeria,
aren't you?" How did you know?" Well, I have extra-sensory perception"
208 The Nectar of Book Distribution

or Because you are famous." Then we laugh, and they're charmed by any-
thing witty we can say.

Jva Dsa: I usually say this is a book describing a culture based on self-
realization, and I always ask if they've heard of yoga, meditation, and things
like that, just to get them thinking. And I go a bit deeper when I say that
the books explain there was one advanced society in the world thousands
of years ago. I say something and then get back to involving the people. All
the questions we ask serve a purpose: giving them a book, holding their at-
tention, and getting them to agree with us all the way to the end when they
naturally agree to take the book. That's the point the book distributor has
to take them to.

Sarvtm Dsa: Some of the hardest people to sell to are the Born Again
Christians, who are pests. In the Bible Belt we have plenty of them coming
by the bus-loads and telling us how wrong we are. With others, like young
hip people, I'm direct I frankly criticize materialism and tell them this
is real education. I ask housewives when they last read a good nonfiction
book. Most never read one; at least it's hard for a housewife to remember
the last time she did. So I recommend this one to read. Regarding old peo-
ple, Prabhupda said that old dogs can't learn new tricks. So we can't con-
vince them with philosophy. But we can win their hearts with a personal
touch. America is depersonalized, and people are polite but cold to each
other. They don't even know who they are or what they want, what to speak
of revealing their minds to others or hearing from others confidentially. So
we try to behave like the sons they never had and try to listen to whatever
they say, and sympathize, and get them to take a book from us.

Ya"od-dulla Dsa: Distributing to old people can be enlivening. I dis-

tributed Prabhupda-llmta for quite some time, and whenever I met old
people, I showed them the cover and said, This is the biography of one of
the most famous persons in our time, and he was an old person. Others told
him he was an old man, but he'd say, `No, I'm not old! It's my body that
is old. I feel like a young man.'" And every old person who wasn't senile
could get the message. They were touched that someone understood their
real nature, and they gladly took the books. One shouldn't think old people
are useless, that they don't have any money or don't have a brain. If we try
to be compassionate, Ka can send many old people with a lot of lakm.
Regarding businessmen, they just think, Who is the better businessman
me or you?" He'll buy if you are really straightforward and convince him.
Be tough. You have to come along with a heavy, clear, crisp sentence and
The Mass Distribution of Books 209

knock him out of his sophisticated bubble. Businessmen think everything is

under their control. You can tell him the book shows more than just how
to become a better businessman. It can show him how to put his whole life
together, including business.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: Many people are interested in alternatives, or they

can see that the modern way of living is not satisfying. You can say, Many
people are frustrated despite our material comforts. So you can understand
there must be something more to life. That's what these books are all
about self-satisfaction, happiness that doesn't depend on externals."

Flattering people
We know that he is a fool, but we have to present it in
a different way. We shall say, There is nobody as learned
as you." In this way just make him puffed up and then say
humbly, My only request is that whatever you have learned,
please forget it. Now try to understand Lord Caitanya Mah-
prabhu. That's all." This is a different way of saying, What-
ever you have learned is all rubbish." We simply say, Kindly
forget. Now turn your attention to Caitanya Mahprabhu."
He will not be angry. If he turns his attention to Caitanya
Mahprabhu, then naturally he will forget all rubbish things.
That is the way Prabhodnanda Sarasvat taught us. 35

Harike"a Swami: If you want somebody to listen to you, talk about him. It
doesn't matter what you say, but if you talk about him, he's listening like
anything. That is the nature of material life. We love hearing and speaking
about ourselves.

Haripda Dsa: I always ask, What do you do?" Sometimes I even guess
the answer. For example, if I say, Are you a nurse?" she'll say, Oh, you
think I look like a nurse?" and feel flattered, because people have the idea
that nurses are always young and pretty. And if she says, No, I'm not a
nurse, I'm cleaning," then I say, Oh, that is also needed. You can't make
machines clean; you need people to do it. So you're doing important work.
Machines cannot go into the corners." If somebody says he's a butcher, for-
merly I'd have said this is sinful and he'll get heavy reactions, but now I
say, Really, you're slaughtering animals? Isn't that horrible? I could never
kill an animal." I try to get him to speak about it in a friendly way. With
everyone I try to be a friend and try to give the feeling that I can appreciate
what they're doing.
210 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Navna-nrada Dsa: Flattery and jokes make people laugh and feel good
and break the ice. Sometimes you have to send some jokes across the ta-
ble that they can catch and that they think are funny. Lightening the atmo-
sphere disposes them towards our message and makes them inclined to give
in to our desire, which is to give them these books. Devotees should always
be alert to make a point in a spontaneous, humorous way, because that's
what people appreciate a lot. If devotees flatter, they have do it with matu-
rity and not sound artificial or mocking. Flattery comes from the lips; praise
comes from the heart. A devotee can sincerely praise someone because he
knows all their admirable qualities come from Ka. And because a dev-
otee is nonenvious, he can always appreciate everyone for what he is a
spark of Ka's splendor. A devotee can take nectar from a pot of poison,
gold from a filthy place, and find good qualities even when they are insig-
nificant. A devotee ignores the bad and always sees the good. Such praise
reminds the conditioned soul that he is meant for something great and glo-
rious devotional service. And that's exactly what the devotee is offering
them, a wonderful opportunity to engage in devotional service.

Handling special situations

Lord Caitanya's desire was that this chanting of the holy
names be spread to every town and village on the face of
the globe, and now His desire is being fulfilled. That is to
your credit as sincere servants of the Lord. It is always the
difficulty with the karms that they have no time for at-
tending spiritual functions or gatherings. ukadeva Gosvm
analyzes the situation of the karms as sleeping and indulg-
ing in sex in the night and in the daytime working hard
Where is money? Where is money?" and when they have
got money, accumulating household paraphernalia and other
things. Anyway, by the mercy of Lord Caitanya even such
materially absorbed persons can be extricated from their en-
tanglement in my by contact with offenseless chanting of
the Lord's holy names the Hare Ka mantra. If you vi-
brate these transcendental sounds everywhere continually, it
will pierce their ears and enter their hearts, and then their
natural attraction for Ka will be revived. So do not care
for the temporary excuses of the unwilling and unfortunate
persons, you simply carry forward our program of distribut-
ing sakrtana, prasdam and literatures, and the effect will
take place. 36
The Mass Distribution of Books 211

(a) Countering excuses

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: During the Battle of Kuruketra Arjuna shot down
arrows before they struck him. We must also do this. When people on the
street say something negative, it is like they're firing arrows at us, arrows
of anger or envy and other things. Our arrows should be made of knowl-
edge, and they are obtained by reading attentively. It's nice to make a point
from what you read. Sometimes educated big-shots say, No time," and we
should fire back: You'll never have time. But time runs out!" Strong words
may give them a realization. They think they are the controllers, but they
are controlled by time, a manifestation of Ka.

Question: Certain types of people have standard reactions. Can you re-
member some and how to reply to them?
Rohisuta Dsa: Someone may say, I don't read." It doesn't matter. It is
not a book to read all at once like a novel. It is a book of wisdom, and you
can read it whenever you want and however much you want. And there is
no need to read it from beginning to end. Just read one page or one line,
and it will give you a lot of inspiration." Or I say: When you are bored or
troubles and anxieties are on your mind, you need something philosophi-
cal to give you inspiration, inner strength, and peace of mind." Sometimes
I challenge, When did you last read a book like this?" In school." Then
I joke, It's time you start to read again; otherwise you'll forget how."
Question: And if they say, I'm just not interested"?
Rohisuta: Then let them go. Or try again: No master ever fell from the
sky." Or, How can you be interested in the book if you've never read it?
It's great wisdom, and we're distributing these books to make them known.
Why don't you take one?" I keep it simple. A few words but full de-
termination. You may tap them on the shoulder and laugh, but you don't
take their excuses seriously. You don't get entangled in their mind. Some-
one might think I am aggressive, but it's not an imposing or nasty kind of
insistence. It's a friendly, personal exchange, and the people like it. They're
in bliss. They see you're determined yet detached something they aren't.
People look out for ideals. They like seeing someone determined and con-
vinced about what he's doing.
Question: What if someone says, I already have one of your books."
Rohisuta: That happens often, and we see that many people take more.
You answer, Really? That's nice. You know which one you have? Is it the
Bhagavad-gt?" I try to identify the book by the cover, and I ask him if he
read it. He'll probably say he read a few pages. Then ask him how he liked
it. And he'll probably say it was interesting. Then you can tell him to go on
212 The Nectar of Book Distribution

reading. Say, I know from personal experience that you cannot understand
everything at once, but the more we try, the more we will understand." If
someone says he read the book but didn't understand it, I ask him what he
didn't understand, and then I open a book especially when I'm going door
to door. Can you show me the books you have?" I ask. Then I take one
of their books and read some lines or a paragraph. Sometimes I even con-
tinue reading, and they see that it's not difficult after all. It's important that
devotees do this, especially when they meet someone who has the books
and is willing to listen. And often you can convince them to take one or two
books more. Sometimes when people on the street are nice, I ask them for
their address and say, Then I can send you an invitation." If they hesitate,
say that we have public programs and you can send them some information
about them.
Question: But what about people who have a book but don't want any
Rohisuta: Then we can give them brochures or invitation cards. I don't
push them. You can immediately feel how much they can take. I always
try to give them something an invitation or a pamphlet at least a nice

(b) Distributing to families

Families, like couples, are units and often make decisions together. It's
a fatal mistake not to involve both partners. At one point you will hear that
irreversible pronouncement, We don't need any," from the disapproving
partner. Therefore you have to involve everyone in the transaction or at
least defuse any negativity. That same attachment which is the cause of ma-
terial bondage can also be the cause for liberation. Although family attach-
ment is generally the greatest knot binding someone to the material world,
by the mercy of r Caitanya Mahprabhu book distributors can transform
everything for Ka's service. Here are two stories that illustrate (1) how
Ka changed a situation unexpectedly through other family members and
(2) how He mercifully used family attachment to force an unwilling mem-
ber to surrender.

Navna-nrada Dsa: During the 1990 December marathon I went to the

Geneva airport on one of the Christmas holidays when everything was
closed. By Ka's arrangement the books and sets went out like any-
thing. For example, I went to a van, and there were four persons inside
a grandmother, mother, father, and child. Usually such a situation is use-
The Mass Distribution of Books 213

less. The man was uninterested I'm not into reading" so I handed the
books to his wife. She and the other lady suddenly became interested. I had
only a few books, two Ka books and a Second Canto. They said, The
Bhagavad-gt ! We know this. And you say you have the Vedas. Please go
and get them" (the "rmad-Bhgavatam set). So I went to the van to get the
set. I gave both ladies Bhagavad-gt and showed them the set. The grand-
mother said, Wonderful! No problem. I'll take the set." And then the
daughter said, No, no! Impossible! It's already bought. I'm buying it. This
is my set." Then the grandmother said, I'm taking it. Now is not the time
to bargain." I told them I'd bring them a second set, and the mother said,
Fine, I'll pay for both sets." And she paid cash for about thirty books.

Vijaya Dsa: I was distributing to a family, and the wife really wanted the
book. She was into self-realization. But the husband wanted them to be on
their way. The wife then walked away upset because her husband wouldn't
buy the book. At this point their daughter looked up at her father and said,
I hate you." Then the man decided to give a donation, and he took the
book to his wife. It's wise to be cordial to all the family members, even ba-
bies, and make them as favorable as possible. Unless you can satisfy them,
the other family members will probably object at some point. One spouse
won't be interested, or the parents won't approve, or the children will de-
mand attention. In order to successfully give them the book, you have to be
the star of the show and keep their attention.

(c) Applying psychology

Pur#rav Dsa: In some cases, to cut through another person's mental plat-
form, it's good to be a little forceful and authoritative. Once, I met a man in
a parking lot, and he was going, Oh, I don't know. Maybe, but . . ." In Fin-
land the people are often wishy-washy. Then Ka inspired me to be heavy:
Look, you take this book! Understand? And give me a donation." Then
he simply surrendered and wasn't at all disturbed by it. But if one is dealing
with a proud intellectual person, then it's good to take a humble position,
present the book in a cool, unexcited way and just request him to give a do-
nation. There is some use to these psychological angles, but the main thing
really is being spiritually surrendered. That is what finally inspires people
to take the book. One other psychological technique I use sometimes when
I meet an innocent person who cannot get it together to take the book is:
I'll give it to you free." I know he won't accept it for free, and he promptly
says, No, no, I can't take it for free. I have to give you something."
214 The Nectar of Book Distribution

(d) Accepting donations from people who don't want many books
Harinmnanda Dsa: If someone gives a good donation, he gets more
books. But there are also people who give big donations enthusiastically
but don't want ten books or a set; they simply want one or two or three.
Then one has to use his discrimination. I can't force him to take the set."
Sometimes it is better to give them only one or two. They don't want more.
In such cases it's not the amount of books that counts but their interest.
One book $opaniad or Bhagavad-gt is enough to make the person
Ka conscious or make him join the movement. One can't be attached to
a big score and force the person to take the whole set. We should simply
say thanks, and later on, upon meeting some young people who don't have
as much money but who show sincere interest, we can give them the books

(e) Guarding against book snatchers

Caku Dsa: If someone immediately grabs the books, be on guard. Nor-
mally people have doubts about taking the books. Those who quickly take
the books may have something in mind: He's saying these books are for
free." You have to react quick. If you haven't let the books out of your hand
and someone is grabbing them, you can pull the books back. If a book-
snatcher sits in his car, I go in front of his car and note his number. Usually
he gives the books back immediately. Or he says, I'll turn you in to the po-
lice." No problem, I have a license," you can say. Even if you don't have
it, he believes you if you're convincing and cool, and he knows that what
he's doing is wrong. Anyway, if someone steals a book, don't be disturbed.
Just let him go. Becoming disturbed is useless. Then this person is not steal-
ing two books, he's stealing fifty, because we lose the mood of distributing.
Maybe by a fight we will get back two big books, but afterward we'll be so
disturbed that we'll need a break. We should be careful not to disturb our
day by such incidents.

4.7 Learning from past mistakes

Regarding the question you raised about traveling sakr-
tana parties and selling books: Yes, we want money. Selling
books is the real preaching. Who can speak better than the
books? At least whoever buys, he will look over. If you have
to sell books, do it by hook or by crook. The real preaching
is selling books. 37
The Mass Distribution of Books 215

I am especially encouraged by your increasing the distribu-

tion of books. That is our primary business, to sell these
transcendental literatures profusely all over the world. And
the methods you have introduced for distributing the books
are very much liked by me and approved fully. Whatever we
have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We
shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. 38

In the history of the world, especially the Western countries,

there is no record of selling so many religious books daily. It
is unique in the history. Our men are doing good that peo-
ple do not see. They are so blind. But the end justifies the
means. We have to give them even if they do not want it.
That is our duty. 39

These quotations will be put into context in the next section (4.8). In
these very same letters and in many other letters Prabhupda clearly ex-
plained what he really meant. But devotees in the past sold many books by
hook or by crook," and justified it by saying the end justifies the means."
That phase of book distribution is analyzed here to teach an important les-
son so that in the future the same mistake isn't repeated.

Misconceptions that sneaked in

Jadur Dev Ds: Within the history of ISKCON's book distribution,
somehow or other, during a certain period some deviation took place
like it's said happened in Bhagavad-gt: The science as it is appears to be
lost." Gradually we began hiding Ka more and more. And Ka seemed
to have said, Well, if you want to hide Me from people, I'll also be hidden
from you." In one sense He also hid from us. And now we see that the more
we bring Him out again, the more He is manifest to us also. The more we
present Ka, the more we get the benefit of His association.

Prahldnanda Swami: Seeing what went on at the airports, I sensed we

were going to have problems. The people wouldn't tolerate it year after
year. And Ka didn't appreciate it. You may say it was for Ka. Yes,
partly for Ka, and partly due to an intense competition. The idea was
you could do whatever you wanted as long as you got a big result. We con-
vinced ourselves that Ka would protect us no matter what we did, even
if we did the wrong thing. But I think Ka protects us by giving us the in-
telligence to do the right thing. And if Ka gives us the intelligence how
216 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to do the right thing and we refuse it, then we are no longer under Ka's
protection. We want people to be attracted to Prabhupda's books and his
devotees, but back then we were inexperienced, and our tactics alienated
people. The preaching didn't have the full or permanent effect that we're
looking for.

Harike"a Swami: The greatest mistake made in book distribution was al-
lowing the evolution of change-up techniques and other deviations. Those
techniques utterly destroyed book distribution. Books ought to be distrib-
uted on their merits, not by trickery. [One change-up involved asking some-
one to let you change one of his big bills as a favor to help you get rid
of some small bills; then giving back less cash and asking him to donate the
rest. Other change-ups confused and deceived people about the amounts of
money they had given as a payment for books.]

Vijaya Dsa: We made some big mistakes the change-ups, the stickers,
the paintings. These mistakes really hurt our Society. So we should learn
from our mistakes. We should present Ka consciousness in the pure way
rla Prabhupda tried to teach us.

The end justifies the means but where does it end?

A book distributor, like a doctor in an emergency, is entrusted with a
grave responsibility saving the lives of fallen souls and if he becomes
negligent and continually misrepresents ISKCON by presenting Prabhu-
pda's books in a unfavorable, unfriendly way, like a quack, he's liable for
malpractice and subject to reprobation. It should have been self-evident.
But book distribution went through a phase during which, in the name of
quantity, the quality of the distribution became second class or disregarded
altogether, as evidenced by the old ISKCON slogan By hook or by crook,
distribute the book!" With the sacrifice of quality, honesty, and purity, the
quantity of distribution did not remain steady. The resultant bad publicity
and the public reaction to underhanded fund-raising and preaching efforts
proved repeatedly that quantity must always be accompanied by quality.
And that was exactly the desire and order of rla Prabhupda regarding
the way we distribute books. From quality comes real quantity results
that are solid and ever expanding. The quantity achieved by a passionate,
fruitive mentality ultimately burned out the distributors and the public, as
illustrated by the following two accounts:

In the early 1980s American devotees collected money by selling various

items (patently labeled sakrtana) and distributing free magazines in their
The Mass Distribution of Books 217

spare time as many as possible in the shortest amount of time. So one

devotee had the idea of putting magazines on the windshields of parked
cars at a shopping mall, and he once distributed a thousand in an hour. Un-
fortunately, that day it rained just after he did this, and the whole parking
lot became paved with wet pictures of Prabhupda and Ka, covered with
mud and tire tracks."

`By hook or by crook, get out the book' and `The end justifies the means'
were the battle cries as we daily went out to hit up the karms in the '70s at
the Chicago airport. Those slogans were our authorizations for any behav-
ior we chose under the name of sakrtana. They were taken to supersede
all other instructions and were grossly misunderstood and misused. But our
methods had the noteworthy effect that after each day of distribution, many
books were found in garbage bins and other places, abandoned by dissatis-
fied, angry people. How did we know our customers were dissatisfied and
not merely disinterested? We knew, because many of them came back to
tell us. But we were so insensitive and sanctimonious that we never con-
sidered changing our ways. Too bad, brother, you took the book. All sales
are final." In many sales organizations the motto is The customer is always
right." But for us it was The distributor is always right." Provided he sold
a book, who cared about the ignorant, sinful karms? Any other considera-
tions were considered sentimental. Devotees were glorified for being ruth-
less instead of compassionate. Devotees were nicknamed Shark, Barracu-
da, and Piranha in appreciation of their prowess and styles of distribution.
Of course, someone may have bought a book and thrown it away, but
someone else would find it; so everything's cool, right? But people who
find discarded books aren't the prime focus of our book distribution. Can
we act irresponsibly, as if the initial recipients aren't our primary concern?
The facts are that our badly distributing books agitated people, and if we
blow away the smoke screen of speculation about what later happened to
discarded books, we'll realize and admit and feel sorry that offenses were
committed in the name of distributing books."

If someone preaches and behaves well with everyone (Prabhupda said

inducing" them to take books), then the person leaves with a good im-
pression. The good impression left by a devotee is an eternal, positive as-
set. That favorable impression of associating with a devotee makes it likely
that a person will perform more devotional service in his lifetime, and he'll
more readily take a book at the next opportunity. That we experience again
and again. Conversely, how often have we painfully experienced that some
book distributor was irresponsible, and although a person may have taken a
218 The Nectar of Book Distribution

book, he now feels anger, disdain, or repulsion? The book distributor, who
was supposed to be the bearer of light and truth, became instead (at least
for the time being) the cause of the person's aversion to Ka conscious-
ness, which will probably follow him for the rest of his life.
We have to decide upon the end before we can choose the means. Book
distribution is the means to the end: becoming Ka conscious ourselves
and making others Ka conscious. We must constantly examine ourselves
to see whether or not our propagation of Ka consciousness includes
substantial book distribution and our book scores reflect sufficient Ka
consciousness. Quantity and quality: if both are there, that pleases rla
Prabhupda the most. It takes Ka consciousness to spread Ka con-
sciousness. There is no higher end.

Don't leave negative impressions

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Distributing books in the streets, malls, and parking
lots is a successful, blissful way of doing of sakrtana because we meet lots
of people who couldn't be reached as quickly by going door to door. We're
sure there will always be people to meet in rapid succession. We distribute
huge quantities of books and meet enormous numbers of people. And the
streets test our mercy and compassion. But one danger we have to be aware
of is that when people are walking down the street, they are generally in a
hurry. In airports, they are in a hurry. Generally materialists are always in
a hurry when they leave their homes or offices. So we devotees have to use
an aggressive approach to get their attention, and I have seen many times
that some new or inexperienced devotees who weren't convinced of what
they were doing accidentally created negative situations. Prabhupda was
disturbed when devotees burned out people. Put yourself in the position
of the person you approach, for example, on a parking lot. What are you
doing? You approach a person sitting in his car and knock on his window.
It's unusual, to say the least. Then your blissful face appears in his window,
and as soon as he opens it, you hand books through the window in front of
his face, and he has to take them. It's fun for us, but let's not forget the con-
ditioned soul. To them, we may be intruders. Even without your desiring it,
people may become agitated by the aggressive approach. If a devotee isn't
careful in dealing with people, they may get the wrong impression of what
we're doing. On the street we can achieve our biggest results, but we have
to invest the greatest awareness and care. If both are there, the results and
good impressions, then r Caitanya is most pleased.
Once I was going to my bank, and I saw a devotee distributing in front
of the bank, so I sat down and observed him. He went to one car where
The Mass Distribution of Books 219

two gentlemen were sitting dressed in black suits and nice ties, and he tried
to give them books. They were talking, and they flatly refused. Apparently
this devotee was rather annoyed that nobody had taken any books for some
time, and he told them, You must be from the Mafia." Then he saw me,
walked up to me, and repeated, Those guys are from the Mafia." Then I
went into the bank, and suddenly one of the men from the car approached
me and asked, Do you know that guy selling books? You can tell him he
can keep his insults to himself. I am the director of this bank." Then I had
to try to make excuses. I explained that the devotee didn't mean it he felt
frustrated, because no one was buying from him. Sometimes such people
understand, if we meet them at a time when they are ready to listen; but
most of the time they become fried and remain burnt out for life, which is
sad and tragic, because they came in contact with the sakrtana movement
but were turned off by our behavior.

Beware of offending the conditioned souls

Maidhra Dsa: I was somehow never able to be pushy with the people on
the street. Germany, where I distributed, is a place where any aggressive
way of distributing books really doesn't pay off. In the early days of sakr-
tana there were such techniques, but they caused lots of trouble finally to
the devotees. One time the sakrtana was even divided into two groups:
Nsiha League, the heavy ones, and the Govinda League, the soft ones.
But finally this division collapsed, and ultimately what remained was only
the Eternal Servant of Ka League. In the long term all mundane passion
fails, and when it's finished, the only thing that is left is the mercy of guru
and Ka.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Prabhupda once wrote a letter telling a devotee

something like this: If by your aggressive method you agitate a person,
and he walks away and doesn't take a book, then you are a nonsense and
a failure. I am doing almost all my book distribution door to door of-
fices, industrial plants, lawyers, and doctors. Only once or twice a year I
distribute in the street. I've been confronted many times by people feeling
mistreated by our quick method of selling books. We call it the sell-and-
run method. I have seen many Godbrothers and Godsisters leave the mis-
sion of book distribution. It's a tragedy. One reason for the tragedy is that
they weren't extremely careful. If you agitate people, you are displeasing
the spiritual master, and your determination decreases to go on sakrtana.
Sometimes devotees say, I don't want to go on sakrtana anymore. It's
too heavy." But it's too heavy only when our methods are wrong. We aren't
220 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nice to people, and we treat them like dirt. Then our consciousness also be-
comes like dirt, and we can no longer go on sakrtana because we see dirt
everywhere. All our inspiration becomes dirty. The spiritual master wants
people, including us, to appreciate rla Prabhupda and his movement and
his books. If we can achieve that, we will taste nectar and enjoy unlimited

Why not apologize?

Jhnav Dev Ds: We have to guard against the mentality, They're de-
mons, we're devotees. They're in my, we're not, and we're going to save
them." We really need to cultivate a more open, honest, and compassionate
mood. When I meet people who put down the devotees, sometimes I have
to admit, You're right. Some of our distributors with a lot of enthusiasm
but not enough proper training went out and made mistakes." I can't hide
that, and I can't lie. But I also assure them we've learned our lesson, and
I let them know we're sorry. Those things don't change the purity of our
philosophy. We have to be human and personal and see people in a more
loving way for book distribution to improve. Here in America I know a lot
of devotees who don't distribute books because they're afraid of the com-
ments and reactions of the public. We don't have to defend ourselves as if
we were always right we weren't right. Sometimes we have to acknowl-
edge our mistakes. That will convince people of our honesty and will defi-
nitely change public opinion. If we simultaneously improve our public re-
lations and continue book distribution, then more American devotees will
be inclined to distribute Prabhupda's books and not be as intimidated or
fearful to meet people and hear what they think or say about devotees.

The role of managers

Indranlamai Dev Ds: Even though devotees desired to please rla
Prabhupda in the past, and that's praiseworthy, they used many methods
that turned a lot of people off. The animosity thus created made it impossi-
ble to distribute in some places, and for years not much book distribution
went on in America. Now it's reviving, and we're experiencing that the
ground is fertile, people are receptive, and lots of seeds are being planted. I
don't meet that many people who had bad experiences, but when I do, they
appreciate how much more mature and sensitive devotees have become to
the public, and how their approach is more straightforward and without
pressure. They leave with a good impression, and sometimes they even de-
cide to take a second look, and they buy a book. A few problems still slow
The Mass Distribution of Books 221

down book distribution in America. One is that different leaders have vary-
ing opinions about what is important for preaching. There's no unified ef-
fort to make book distribution the priority. Another problem is that success
in book distribution comes from having faith in the spiritual master and fol-
lowing his instructions, and the faith barometer here still needs to rise, but
devotees are improving and going through a healing process. It's gradually
getting better again here in America, as temples put new devotees into
book distribution and become sakrtana-oriented.

The call to purity and responsibility

Nirgua Dsa: A book distributor should be determined to get out as many
books as he can and convince as many people as he can, even if they show
no interest, because sometimes, by his expertise, by the mercy of Ka, by
his determination, by his surrender and sincerity, he can get many people
to take a book who would normally not show the slightest interest. Gener-
ally people aren't interested in the book, but we see that the books make
devotees whether the persons are interested or not, even whether they read
them or not, as long as they take the books with them. The books are out
there making devotees. Of course, we don't want to be seen as ruffians or
hustlers. Devotees should be mature ladies and gentlemen and exhibit the
good qualities that are found in a devotee: humility, tolerance, determina-
tion, and honesty. By exhibiting the qualities of a devotee, we won't fall
into the crazy things that went on in the '70s and '80s that gave us a bad
reputation. If we are simply out there, humbly but methodically trying to
spread this movement with great determination, then we will be respected.
Sakrtana devotees have been told many times, I don't believe in what
you are doing and what you say, but I admire your determination and your
endeavor and sacrifice." We have to have many devotees out there distrib-
uting books. If devotees are trained properly, and the book distribution
and sakrtana are being monitored by the leaders of the movement, then
we can present the proper image of ourselves as sincere, religious persons
endeavoring to enlighten people and to relieve humanity of ignorance and

Harike"a Swami: Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a taste of love for the

Supreme Personality of Godhead? Then we wouldn't need the sakrtana
leader and many outside forces convincing us to go out. We would simply
be completely and independently motivated to follow the order and please
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not only would we be distributing
books everywhere, preaching everywhere, but we'd also love Ka. And
222 The Nectar of Book Distribution

then after somebody met us on the street, he'd say, I met a lover of Ka,
and he gave me a book."
On the plane from Los Angeles some people talked with us, and ulti-
mately what they said is, We don't like you guys." We are everywhere, and
everybody knows about us, and the books are everywhere, but somehow or
other we have to change that Oh, no! The Hare Ka people!" to Hey!
They're here! We like them!" We have to make this change. When we start
preaching to people, they ask, What is your goal?" And we say, To deve-
lop love of God." And they wonder, What's the connection between that
and what you're doing?" Then we have to explain about the books. They
say, O.K. That's the books, but what about you?" So we have to become
pure lovers of Ka. There is no way around it. The Ka consciousness
movement is firmly entrenched here in America, and no one can break us.
The sakrtana will go on, we'll be inspired, we'll continue because we want
to love Ka. But we have to become pure lovers of Ka so that people
will welcome us into their homes and lives. Because we are loving Ka,
they will love us that is the principle. We will be able to continue our acti-
vities to spread Ka consciousness, there's no doubt about it. It will go on,
and we will expand. But we have to become lovers of Ka. Then automa-
tically we will expand more and more. We simply must do one thing only,
and that is surrender to Ka, love Ka, and follow the order of Ka.
Then Ka will make everything happen perfectly. Ka has a plan, and
the only reason that plan is not being carried out is because I am getting in
the way, because I don't love Ka and see His plan. I can't hear the Super-
soul telling me how to act, and I can't hear the spiritual master saying, If
you do it like this, it will work nicely."
When we surrender to Ka, everything will work perfectly. Moves will
be made that no one can understand. Money will come, and no one will
know how it came. Devotees will come, and no one will understand from
where. And book distribution will increase unlimitedly. It is simply a func-
tion of our surrender to Ka and nothing more. (From a class in New
York in December, 1978)

4.8 What !rla Prabhupda really said

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.37 p: r Caitanya Mahprabhu was an ideal
crya. An crya is an ideal teacher who knows the purpose of the
revealed scriptures, behaves exactly according to their injunctions, and
teaches his students to adopt these principles also. As an ideal crya, r
The Mass Distribution of Books 223

Caitanya Mahprabhu devised ways to capture all kinds of atheists and

materialists. Every crya has a specific means of propagating his spiritual
movement with the aim of bringing men to Ka consciousness. Therefore,
the method of one crya may be different from that of another, but the
ultimate goal is never neglected. rla Rpa Gosvm recommends:

yena tena prakrea mana ke nive$ayet

sarve vidhi-niedh syur etayor eva kikar

An crya should devise a means by which people may somehow or other

come to Ka consciousness. First they should become Ka conscious,
and all the prescribed rules and regulations may later gradually be intro-
duced. In our Ka consciousness movement we follow this policy of Lord
r Caitanya Mahprabhu.

On cheating"
As for the meaning of the word cheating, there are only
three things to be known: Ka is the supreme enjoyer, the
supreme proprietor of everything, and the supreme friend of
everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowl-
edge of these three facts. So if one is always acting upon
these three facts, knowing Ka to be the supreme propri-
etor, enjoyer, and friend, then he is truly honest, and if one
is not acting in this knowledge, then he is always cheating or
being dishonest. So if you apply this to your techniques for
selling literature, then you will understand the meaning of
the word cheating. 40

rla Prabhupda upheld a system of values completely different from

the West's. For example, by the standards he represented, drinking black
tea is a vice. But in America, when Prabhupda arrived, drinking alcohol,
smoking cigarettes, consuming drugs were advertised throughout society by
films, art, and music.
Preaching, as Prabhupda knew it in India, meant appearing as a s-
dhu and speaking directly about Ka and the $stras. In rla Bhakti-
siddhnta's Gauiya Maha, devotees preached openly, and they sold books
when the opportunity arose. Faced with the immense task of broadcasting
Ka consciousness world-wide, rla Prabhupda had to adjust the means
of preaching. rla Prabhupda, by adopting amazing preaching strategies,
224 The Nectar of Book Distribution

acted as a perfect r#pnuga and genius yukta-vairg. He understood the

essence of the parampar's desire saving the fallen souls. Thus he en-
gaged imperfect people (both his young disciples and the fallen souls) in a
perfect activity, the sakrtana-yaja. His disciples' selling books in the air-
ports in Western clothes and not necessarily speaking directly about Ka
consciousness was one of those adjustments he made. Prabhupda men-
tioned a few times that the end justifies the means" and that selling books
should be done by hook or by crook." By that Prabhupda simply referred
to the devotees' stressing material topics (e.g., vegetarianism, health, world
problems, or stories) over the spiritual contents of the books (renounc-
ing and surrendering). That sort of camouflage served as both hook" and
crook": what the devotees said caught someone's interest, and what they
didn't say prevented the person from becoming put off by the news of
radical spiritual transformation. For a traditional Vaiava preacher, such
compromises are already a form of lying or cheating, but according to
Western business standards, they were nothing but common sales tactics far
removed from moral and legal transgressions. rla Prabhupda illustrated
this by the analogy of a mother's cheating" her child by promising him a
sweet if he would take his medicine, but not delivering the sweet. That is
tactics. But that is not cheating," he explains in the following conversation:

Devotee: We've been trying more and more, rla Prabhupda, to make our
techniques of distribution more honest and straightforward not to cheat
as much as in the past.
Prabhupda: No. The thing is that Ka's service is so sublime that even if
we cheat, we are not culprits. But because we have to deal with the worldly
man, we have to go according to their rules and regulations on cheating.
Otherwise, a devotee of Ka never cheats. He never cheats at whatever
he does. Just like a mother says to her child, My dear child, if you take this
medicine, I will give you this lugloo." The child is diseased. He will not be
able to digest the lugloo, but the mother sometimes cheats him, and when
he takes the medicine, the lugloo is not delivered. Similarly, sometimes we
have to say so many things very pleasing to him, but our business is getting
him to take this medicine. That is a tactic, but that is not cheating. If the
mother helps the child in drinking medicine and then afterwards she does
not supply the lugloo, that is not cheating. Some way or other that is the
instruction of Rpa Gosvm yena tena prakrea mana ke nive$ayet:
somehow or other, let everyone be Ka conscious. There is no question of
vidhi-niedh. Sarve vidhi-niedh syur etayor eva kikar: the other rules
and regulations will act as servants, but the main business is to bring one
to Ka consciousness. That is the main business. We are not meant for
The Mass Distribution of Books 225

cheating anyone. We have no business cheating. But to lead one to Ka

consciousness we may say something sometimes. So that is not cheating. 41

Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami: Heard a tape where rla Prabhupda says your
spiritual master is stressing book distribution by any means, the end justi-
fies the means. When the father lies to the son to get him to take medicine,
a big moralist may object that the father is cheating the son. But actually
he is benefiting him somehow get him to take the medicine. So it is with
book distribution. If you don't follow the spiritual master's order because
you are a big moralist and do not like that they are pushing sales, then you
make as if you are greater than the spiritual master. He laughed and appre-
ciated how Tripurri Mahrja sells a book by saying, when a lady asks, Is
this about the power shortage? Yes, it is." A big moralist may object, but
the devotee is thinking: let me give her a book on Ka. (From ISKCON
in the 1970s, p. 240)

Guru-kp: rla Prabhupda, some of our men, when they sell our books,
sometimes have to say things in order to get people to take the books. So
that's actually not misleading?
Prabhupda: No, that is not misleading. Let him take, some way or other.
Why do you think this was done by Lord Buddha? Because the atheist class,
they did not believe in God: There is no God." So Buddha said, Yes,
there is no God. You are right. But what I say, you accept." Yes, sir." But
he's God. Ke$ava dhta-buddha-$arra jaya jagad$a hare we know that
Lord Buddha is Ka. But he says, No, no there is no God." Yes, you
are right. But what I say, you accept." Yes, sir, we shall do that." 42

What you think is bad, that becomes good when applied to

Ka. Just like Ka advised Yudhihira Mahrja, You
go to Drocrya and tell him that his son is dead" be-
cause Drocrya would not die unless he heard that, unless
he got the shock of his son's death. His son was living. Dro-
crya would not believe anybody. Yudhihira was truth-
ful Dharmarja Yudhihira. So Ka asked him, You go
and tell this lie: Your son is dead." But Yudhihira Mahrja
hesitated and said, I've never spoken lies. How can I say
that?" So this was a mistake by Yudhihira Mahrja, be-
cause the so-called truthfulness or untruthfulness of this rel-
ative world is not applicable to Ka. Ka has got a plan;
if we execute the plan of Ka, that is the highest truth. But
we should not imitate unless we are actually ordered to do
226 The Nectar of Book Distribution

such a thing just like Ka was personally asking. So un-

less we are ordered by Ka or Ka's representative, we
cannot violate the morality of this world. That is not possi-
ble. 43

Obviously, rla Prabhupda's understanding of cheating" and lying

for Ka" was pragmatic and innocent, and had nothing to do with the
misinterpretations of his Western disciples.

By hook or by crook" in context

Regarding the question about traveling sakrtana parties
and selling books: Yes, we want money. Selling books is the
real preaching. Who can speak better than the books? At
least whoever buys, he will look over. If you have to sell
books, do it by hook or by crook. The real preaching is sell-
ing books. You should know the tactic how to sell without
irritating. What will your three-minute lecture do? But if he
reads one page, his life may be turned. We don't want to irri-
tate anyone however. If he goes away by your aggressive tac-
tics, then you are nonsense, and it is your failure. Neither you
could sell a book, neither he would remain. But if he buys a
book, that is the real successful preaching. That is the certifi-
cate of my Guru Mahrja. If someone, a brahmacr, would
sell a one-paise magazine, if one of our brahmacrs would
go and sell a few copies, he would be very, very glad and say,
Oh, you are so nice!" So distribution of literature is our real
preaching. Now, if you cannot handle the matter nicely, that
is your fault. But the success of your preaching will be sub-
stantiated by how many books are sold. Anything you want
to sell, you have to canvass a little. So he gives some money
for the service of Ka, that is his good luck, and he gets the
chance to read some transcendental knowledge. But if you
only irritate, and he goes away, that is your less intelligence.
The fact is that we have to adopt the same tactics as ordi-
nary salesmen adopt, but the difference is we do it for the sa-
tisfaction of Ka, and they do it for sense gratification. Ac-
tually we have experienced that sometimes out of sentiment
someone gives to ISKCON and then laments and wants it
back, but that does not mean we should give it back. Our
policy is that his money, which would have been used for
The Mass Distribution of Books 227

purchasing cigarettes, liquor, sex literature, and meat, will

give him the opportunity to gradually become purified. So if
by tactics we save that money from being spent on cigarette
packets, that is good. If we can take some money and give
some literature, that is a good service. So far irritation is con-
cerned, a child is also irritated when he is given instructions,
but that does not mean that we should stop. Invite them to
our feast, that is a better indication.
So if the sakrtana parties in Satsvarpa's zone are ir-
ritating the public while selling so many books, that is one
thing, but by their selling books they are doing the greatest
service. What will your one hour of preaching do? They will
hear and go away. But if they have one book at home, they
will read it, their friends will read, and some solid work is
done. So the art is to sell many, many books and not to irri-
tate the public. So you may instruct all the others how to do
this successfully. 44

The end justifies the means" in context

I am especially encouraged by your increasing the distribu-
tion of books. That is our primary business, to sell these
transcendental literatures profusely all over the world. And
the methods which you have introduced for distributing the
books are very much liked by me and approved fully. What-
ever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is
nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means.
But at the same time, we must avoid irritating anyone or dis-
appointing anyone later by cheating them or telling big lies
which become detected. Your program for approaching busi-
nessmen in their offices is especially liked by me. Now tax
your brain to create programs for engaging wider and wider
classes of population in Ka consciousness. 45

They are forgetting the aim of life. Somehow or other we

have to give them the real thing. Why should this one man [a
journalist writing about book distribution in the airports] be
envious? In the history of the world, especially the Western
countries, there is no record of selling so many religious
books daily. It is unique in the history. Our men are doing
good that they do not see. They are so blind. But the end
228 The Nectar of Book Distribution

justifies the means. We have to give them even if they do

not want it. That is our duty. Actually what is our aim? Our
aim is to create men of ideal character. And if our men are
distributing books on this account, they are doing the best
service to the society. Because someone has said something
in the airport, that is not very important. What we are doing,
that they must see: see their sacrifice, what is behind their
life, how they are living, how they have sacrificed everything
for the welfare of society. In our society there is no distinc-
tion between black or white, Hindu or Muslim. Every living
being is welcome to take to this cult and make his life a suc-
cessful affair. 46

Instructions on quality, quantity, and honesty

In one sense everything depends on one's level of Ka consciousness,
for no one can be benevolent without being Ka conscious, and if one is
Ka conscious, then he can use anything in Ka's service. Until that ad-
vanced stage is reached, it's better to use restrained tactics when distribut-
ing books. Not everyone is able to catch a big fish without becoming wet,
as Prabhupda cautioned his disciples about telling lies. His conclusion was
that it's better to develop goodness and honesty; otherwise we will degrade
ourselves and ruin our public image, too:

We may take money for Ka using any method beg, bor-

row or steal but a more advanced understanding of the
Ka consciousness process is that telling the truth in a very
palatable way is the most successful system. Your mention-
ing Bangladesh and our feeding refugees of course, we are
sometimes feeding the local inhabitants, up to a thousand
persons on some occasions, but there is no organized pro-
gram of feeding the refugees at Mypur; in fact, so far I
have seen, all the refugees from Nadia District have gone
back to Bangladesh, and there are no more refugee camps.
So it will not be the truth to say that to people, but I have no
objection if they give more hearing such a thing. Let them
say; who will check us? We may tell any damn thing to in-
duce people to give us money on Ka's behalf, that is not
the point. The point is that by saying lies, the less advanced,
neophyte devotees may become entangled or disturbed in
their minds by it. Of course, by their collecting more money
The Mass Distribution of Books 229

and giving it to Ka, He will relieve them of all the anxiety

of telling lies. But not everyone is able to catch the big fish
without themselves becoming wet. 47

As for this making up some story for collecting money or

selling a book, of course we may do anything for Ka, but
that is supposed to be reserved for very advanced experts in
Ka consciousness they know how to catch the big fish
without themselves getting wet. So it is not very much advis-
able to tell lies just to sell a book. If we simply stick to de-
scribing how wonderful Ka is, then whatever we may lie
or exaggerate, that will not be a lie. But other things, lies,
they will not help us to train ourselves in truthfulness. Lie to
some, not to others, that is not a good philosophy. Rather the
brhmaas are always truthful, even to their enemies. There
is sufficient merit in our books that if you simply describe
them sincerely to anyone, they will buy. That art you must
develop, not the art of lying. Convince them to give by your
preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking that is the
more mature stage of the development of Ka conscious-
ness. 48

I am convinced that if you simply glorify Ka and our

books in the best descriptive manner, then anyone and ev-
eryone even an atheist or otherwise can be convinced to
purchase. Of course, that is a great art and not everyone can
do it, but gradually by practicing preaching in this way, striv-
ing to so much present a wonderful picture of our books to
the people, gradually you will master the trick how to do it.
Being the senior devotee there, you may give the younger
students all good instruction and advice how to do this, but
not for any reason shall we decrease the book sales and col-
lection monthly over some small lying about Bangladesh or
other things. 49

Regarding dishonest means being used, I have never ad-

vised or taught anyone like that. That is not my idea. This
record distribution has caused havoc. It should be stopped
immediately. I have also asked Hasadta to stop it. Book
distribution is our real business. If we give them a record,
they simply hear some magical sounds and take it for sense
230 The Nectar of Book Distribution

gratification, but if they receive one of our books and read

even one page, they get eternally benefited. Therefore I am
stressing this book distribution, not other things. Stop record
selling completely. This is my order. 50

If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get

him to take the book, he'll take it. Why should we adopt un-
fair means? We should not do anything which will create a
bad impression or make us unpopular. People are after these
books. They are hankering for them. We don't need to use
a cheating method. I never had to use any cheating method
when I first began. I simply presented the real thing. Basi-
cally, and practically speaking, everything that is done sin-
cerely for Ka's satisfaction is perfect. But we have to be
very, very careful in our dealings with others so that they
will not take the wrong view. Just like the gops. They left
their homes in the dead of night to go and meet this young
boy Ka for kissing and embracing. To the ordinary per-
son, this is sinful, but to the devotee, it is worshipable and it
is considered the highest form of devotion even by Lord Cai-
tanya, who was Himself a very strict sannys. Therefore we
are very careful not to discuss this rsa-ll in the presence
of ordinary men because they will only misunderstand and
commit offenses. While dealing with the ordinary men, we
must spread this movement in such a way that they will not
misunderstand us and take offense. Try to sell as many of my
books as possible to your best ability. 51

My general request is that you all distribute as many books

as possible and at the same time be very careful in your deal-
ings with others so that they may not become irritated with
us. Your book-sale statistics are astounding. I am so much
pleased. Please continue distributing such nice quantities and
try to encourage others more and more. You are sincere,
so Ka will give you all intelligence, strength, and every-
thing else you may need to distribute millions and millions
of books. I have written letters to Rmevara and Rpnuga
in regard to the recent controversies about book distribution
methods to be used by our men. You may refer to those let-
ters if you like. 52
The Mass Distribution of Books 231

Regarding the controversy about book distribution tech-

niques, you are right. Our occupation must be honest. Ev-
eryone should adore our members as honest. If we do some-
thing which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the
public in favor of our movement, that is not good. Some-
how or other we should not become unpopular in the public
eye. These dishonest methods must be stopped. It is hamper-
ing our reputation all over the world. Money collected for
feeding people in India should be collected under the name
ISKCON Food Relief. Not any other name. And every far-
thing of that money must be sent to India; or better yet, buy
food grains there and ship them here, and we will distribute.
But every farthing collected for that purpose must be used
for that purpose. 53

Why is it that money that has been collected on behalf of

ISKCON Food Relief has not been sent to India? Where is
that money? This is not good. If you are not intending to
send for food distribution, then do not collect in the name
of food relief. Whatever is collected for food distribution in
India must be sent as soon as it is collected, to India. 54

First impressions are lasting"

In all our dealings we should be above suspicion. They say
first impressions are lasting. If someone feels cheated by our
men because they are using dubious methods of distribution
and collecting money, our purity may be doubted and repu-
tation spoiled. 55

Do everything conscientiously and my blessings are always

with you. However, don't create any awkward situation that
may be criticized. Caesar's wife must be above criticism. Up
to now, I have got a respectable situation. I wish that all my
disciples will have a similar respectable position in society.
That will keep my name good. Like father, like son. 56

Stop disturbing, but don't stop distributing

Hari-"auri Dsa: When you were saying, Go out and distribute books pro-
fusely," one group was going out and distributing, and they had various
232 The Nectar of Book Distribution

means of doing it. Some were not so good, but still the books were going
out. Then part of the group split away. They were saying, You're disturb-
ing the public by these methods of book distribution. We don't want that."
This is what happened in Australia at the temple in Brisbane. They became
very much opposed to the sakrtana methods, and as a result they gave up
the sakrtana program altogether and then went to live on farms. They left
the temple, and the temple was finished. They were saying, We're still fol-
lowing Prabhupda's instructions." But they were saying that the devotees
distributing the books were not following instructions.
Prabhupda: His Divine Grace has said You distribute books," so why do
you say that?
Hari-"auri: Well, their idea was that because the public is sometimes be-
coming disturbed by the book distribution, it's not being done correctly. So
it should be stopped.
Prabhupda: The public may be disturbed, but we are following our own
course of action. It is not obligatory. We are requesting you, Take this
book." That is not obligatory. If you like, you can take. If you don't like,
don't take."
Hari-"auri: So their idea was that we should build some public relations to
try to spread Ka consciousness give a good impression, and then peo-
ple will come.
Prabhupda: Then you are dictated by the public, not by the dictation of
your spiritual master. The spiritual master has ordered you to distribute
books; you shall do that. That is obedience. Now, the public may take or
not take, that is the public's option. But my duty is because the spiritual
master has said I must try my best. The spiritual master has not said that
`You must sell so many books daily; otherwise I will reject you." He has
not said that. So everyone may try his best, that's all. The public may take
or not take, it doesn't matter. And if you want to please the public, the pub-
lic says, You dance naked, and I will be very happy with you." So I'll have
to do that. Then what is the use of taking a spiritual master? The public
they have got their whims how to become pleased. Are we to follow all
these things? We have to follow our instruction of the spiritual master. Why
manufacture? The public will be pleased like this." The public may or may
not give you what can you do?
Hari-"auri: Our success is in the spiritual master's pleasure, not the public's
Prabhupda: Yes, that is bhakti. Otherwise, why does Ka say, sarva-
dharmn parityajya m eka $araa vraja: You haven't got to please
so many religious instructions; you simply please Me."
The Mass Distribution of Books 233

Siddha-svar#pa: I don't think the devotees who formed a faction and left
the temple were against book distribution. It had a little bit to do with
some of the devotees using very, very forceful tactics and trying to give peo-
ple books and take their money, and people were becoming very offended.
That is not what you want.
Hari-"auri: That's all right. But don't give up the book distribution.
Siddha-svar#pa: Yes.
Hari-"auri: The ones who were distributing the books went on and distrib-
uted more books, became more expert, so that the public was not so much
disturbed, and still they're distributing books. But those people who formed
a faction and went off are not distributing books even now, two or three
years later. So it was simply a question of fault-finding more than an earnest
desire to please the spiritual master.
Prabhupda: Yes. 57
Other Forms of Distributing
!rla Prabhupda's Books
I am so glad to note that your sakrtana program is improving and that you
are preaching directly from Bhagavad-gt As It Is. ravaa krtanam
this is the process. It is beneficial for the reciter as well as the hearer. Also,
book distribution is a very important program, and you should give much at-
tention to developing it. If anyone simply reads our Ka book, TLC, NOD,
and Bhagavad-gt As It Is, he is sure to become a Ka conscious person.
So somehow or other, either through the schools or colleges, libraries, life
membership program or ordinary sales, we must push on this literature dis-
tribution program. It is so important, and a most valuable service to Ka." 1

5.1 !rla Prabhupda on selling sets to universities

Besides the mass distribution of books, which creates an auspicious at-
mosphere furthering all preaching programs, rla Prabhupda emphasized
placing his books systematically in the hands of the learned sections of soci-
ety. When he heard of the success of the BBT Library Party and other cam-
pus preachers, rla Prabhupda became greatly pleased.

I am so glad to learn that you are having nice success in

placing my books in the libraries and in schools and col-
leges. That is very much to my satisfaction, so please con-
tinue your program of placing these Ka consciousness lit-
eratures in all the libraries and schools and colleges. I am
sure this will revolutionize the thinking of the thoughtful
men of your country as well as the students and professors,
and the ultimate end will be to save the world from the
clutches of material illusory activities, which are now causing
havoc everywhere. 2

236 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Our literatures are unique in the world, and we want to in-

troduce our philosophy in learned circles, so your report of
library distribution is good news for me. Keep trying to place
my books in auspicious places such as libraries, universities,
and clubs, and someday the world will realize and appreciate
these transcendental literatures. 3

It is very good news that you are introducing courses in

Ka consciousness in the universities and yoga institutes.
As you know, this is the only real yoga bhakti-yoga and
it is the only practical means for God realization in this age.
So you are doing the greatest good for your countrymen and
the world at large by introducing this sublime movement for
regaining our lost position as eternal servants of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, Ka. 4

Your report on the temple activities in your zone is very en-

couraging. In all those centers you should especially empha-
size the book distribution program in schools, colleges, and
libraries. That is a most important program, so tax your brain
how to increase it more and more, and Ka will surely help
you. 5

It is so much encouraging to hear how you are introducing

this Ka consciousness movement in the schools and col-
leges there. This is an especially ideal opportunity for dis-
tributing our books also, so you should make all serious en-
deavors in this connection. These books are so potent that
anyone who reads them is sure to become Ka conscious.
So it is a very valuable service to distribute our books. 6

I am very pleased that your preaching work is going on

nicely. That is the test, that you are making devotees. Es-
pecially I want this school and college program. If only the
intelligent class of men understands our Ka philosophy,
then our mission is successful. So try to attract these students
with profuse prasdam and nice philosophy, and they will ap-
preciate more and more. Slow but sure that is our motto,
and class, not mass. So never mind that some other Chris-
tian movements are getting many followers. The competi-
tion is beneficial for us. Everything is beneficial for Ka
Other Forms of Distributing Books 237

consciousness if it is utilized properly. That is the art. Any-

thing without substance will not last, so just demonstrate sin-
cerely that we have got solid ground beneath us, not that we
have only some sentiment, that's all. Many fanatical spiritual
movements have come and gone; but without the flawless
philosophy of Ka, they cannot stand. Therefore I want es-
pecially that my books and literature should be distributed
profusely. This is our substance real philosophical infor-
mation, not some weak sentiments. So try for this, to give
all men this Ka philosophy, and many real devotees will
come with us back to home, back to Godhead. 7

It is very encouraging to learn that you are preaching in the

schools. If you do this nicely, then you will have no end
to your success because these students can understand our
Ka philosophy and become convinced by it more easily
than others. So if they join you, then our movement will
grow like anything. 8

I think your proposal for seriously organizing the college

programs is first class. If this program is conducted in the
proper fashion it can be our biggest book distribution outlet,
I am convinced of this. You are an advanced devotee, and
you should use your intelligence to convince the professors
that they should use my books in the colleges. This will be
the greatest service. 9

It is very encouraging that many professors have purchased

books for themselves and are considering ordering them for
their students. I very much like this program of the standing
orders. Try to increase it to fifty thousand such orders from
the libraries. . . . Regarding the remark that distributing a
book to a professor is one hundred times better than to a or-
dinary man, I never said that. I said it was very important. 10

Regarding sending books free to libraries: The system you

can adopt is to send the books and tell them to look them
over for one week. If they do not like the book, they should
send it back at our cost. If they like it and want it, then they
can send the money to us. But we cannot give books away
free to anyone. They must be paid for. 11
238 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I am in due receipt of the list of standing orders thus far re-

ceived. The library party is doing very nicely. It is nectar to
my ears to hear the list of schools that are taking our stand-
ing order. 12

5.2 The history of set distribution

rla Prabhupda himself started set distribution in India. He translat-
ed, produced, and published three volumes of the First Canto of Srimad
Bhagwatam" and placed sets of those books in Indian libraries. He also vis-
ited politicians and industrialists and maintained his publishing by the sales.
In 1965, rla Prabhupda traveled to New York on the Jaladuta. He
had few possessions, but two hundred three-volume sets of Srimad Bhag-
watam." The only money he had when he arrived in New York on Septem-
ber 19th was forty rupees and twenty dollars that the captain of the ship
had paid for a three-volume set.
In America, one of his main initial goals was selling Srimad Bhagwa-
tam" sets to bookstores and interested people. Later, when ISKCON be-
came well established, Prabhupda concentrated on translating and em-
powered his disciples to sell his books world-wide. The devotees began
set distribution in California in late 1971. Dressed in dhotis, they sold the
three-volume Ka book door to door. Later book distribution exploded
on the streets and in the airports, and naturally the program of set distri-
bution declined. But in 1974 Hdaynanda Goswami began sending brah-
macrs to universities in New England to sell sets and standing orders of
rla Prabhupda's books to the professors and libraries, and from the out-
set they met with great success.
Then in 1975, rla Prabhupda astounded the world with a master-
piece, most of which was produced and published by the BBT in Los Ange-
les in only two months: the seventeen-volume "r Caitanya-caritmta. His
achievement challenged book distributors to find methods of selling sets.
The BBT Library Party formed, and by 1977 it had succeeded in obtaining
standing orders from most college and university libraries and numerous
professors throughout North America.
Encouraged by its success, the Library Party branched out to Europe,
Australasia, and India. Guided and inspired by a flow of nectarean letters
from rla Prabhupda, the Library Party expanded to include hard-work-
ing and efficient devotees in other countries. They obtained standing orders
in Europe, for example, from many universities in Great Britain, France,
Benelux, Germany, Switzerland, and especially Yugoslavia. They also went
to Czechoslovakia, Poland, and even Moscow. At that time they were li-
Other Forms of Distributing Books 239

mited to distributing books in English and therefore had to concentrate

on universities practically their only customers for sets in English. Since
then, fifteen years have passed, and now the BBT produces books and com-
plete sets in many languages. Set distribution is becoming relevant again. In
every town and village there's at least one library, and if devotees make in-
telligent plans it should be possible to place a set of Prabhupda's books in
every local library.
The devotees have tried several methods of selling sets of books. An in-
spiring description of the methods they've developed in different parts of
the world follows.

5.3 Methods of set distribution

R"pnuga Dsa: I once asked a visitor at the Washington temple how many
devotees he thought we had, and he said he couldn't even guess. I said,
Take a guess." He said, Well, I think maybe two million." I laughed and
said, Three thousand. Just see the potency of Hare Ka. You're thinking
we're two million, and we're only a handful." People think we're millions
because of our books.
Prabhupda: Push book distribution. Then our movement is successful. All
Americans should have at least one set of books. That is not very difficult
for them, to purchase one set of books. But it will be a good asset for them
if they keep them and sometimes see them. Any line they read, they will get
transcendental knowledge.
Devotee: One wealthy man in Atlanta invited us to his home, and we held
a nice program. We distributed prasdam and had bhajana and krtana.
Afterward he bought a set of books for a hundred dollars.
Prabhupda: Yes. For an American gentleman one hundred dollars is noth-
ing. 13
I have heard you're making plans for a very large order of
my books from the BBT to be sold door to door like en-
cyclopedias. If you can do this, it will revolutionize our book
distribution and afford greater spreading of Ka conscious-
ness than any book distribution thus far. I want that every
respectable person has a full set of Bhgavatams and Cai-
tanya-caritmtas in his home. 14

The BBT Library Party

The Library Party started the important mission of selling complete sets
of rla Prabhupda's books. They concentrated on academia (universities,
240 The Nectar of Book Distribution

libraries, and professors) and obtained many favorable book reviews and
standing orders. A standing order consisted of all of rla Prabhupda's
available books and a subscription to the forthcoming volumes of the then
incomplete "rmad-Bhgavatam.
The devotees wore first-class suits and wigs, carried briefcases and busi-
ness cards, used customized order forms and special color catalogs, and
offered professional business terms of payment and delivery.
As the campus sales representatives of BBT, the world's largest pub-
lisher of books on Indian philosophy, culture, and religion, they first met
the person in charge of purchasing books for the library. Devotees would
obtain from him or her the forms that professors were required to submit
when recommending that the library purchase books. Only then would they
go to the professors. Acquisitions librarians often have the authority to or-
der books themselves; therefore meeting them first was important. Even if
the professors didn't order or recommend, the librarians could purchase.
So it would have been psychologically awkward to approach the professors
without contacting the librarian and then surprising him with recommenda-
tions collected without his knowledge.
Often the professors ordered BBT standing orders for themselves and
on behalf of their departments requested the library to acquire its own
set by signing the library's recommendation form. Their recommendations
did not automatically mean the library would purchase the set, but usu-
ally the libraries depended on professors' recommendations. To sell BBT
books, professors were approached in the departments of religion, philoso-
phy, history, Sanskrit, and South Asian studies, and the more recommenda-
tions there were from any department, the better the chances were that the
library would place an order.
Generally two devotees went to the same campus for a couple of days,
split up, and visited all the professors who might be interested. Then they
put all the forms and recommendations together and returned to see the
They were not selling books on the spot. Rather, they persuaded profes-
sors and libraries to sign contracts or simply to process the requests. Down
payments were made when the orders were approved. The BBT offices in
Los Angeles and Geneva handled the paperwork in North America and
Europe, which included weekly field reports, and these offices mailed the
initial shipments of books and the regular installments.
The Library Party made a cultural presentation of the books equipped
with appreciations written by Humboldt, Schopenhauer, Emerson, Tho-
reau, Einstein, Gandhi, and contemporary academicians. But mainly it was
pure preaching glorification of the "rmad-Bhgavatam, the cream of all
Other Forms of Distributing Books 241

Vedic literatures." Often devotees had to argue that Vysadeva compiled

the Vedas or the Vedas are represented by Bhagavad-gt and "rmad-Bhg-
avatam. Many lively discussions took place during special speaking engage-
ments in front of college students, when the professors invited a speaker
from the BBT's Center for Vedic Studies to their classes. Out of neces-
sity came BBT's own book on Indology, Readings in Vedic Literature The
Tradition Speaks for Itself, by Satsvarpa Dsa Gosvm. The Library Party
members and BBT representatives also began attending scholarly conven-
tions and book fairs, which reinforced their good reputation and successful
Financially the Library Party required BBT investments because it was
not receiving cash payments and had to meet the expenses of long-dis-
tance travel, but funds were also collected by ISKCON devotees traveling
with the Library Party. Nowadays, set distribution can be conducted locally,
which reduces the cost and allows closer networking with schools, universi-
ties, and libraries.

Contract sales
Contract sales, developed in Australia in the early 1980s, were a type of
standing order. Devotees obtained lists of people to call on from the sakr-
tana devotees and Friends of Lord Ka, or by using telephone directories
and targeting, for example, all the doctors. Devotees made appointments
and dressed in respectable business clothes. The set of fifty-four books in
English was sold for an extremely high price. The contract sale included a
down payment, and books were mailed weekly. The program lacked flexi-
bility inasmuch as it's bad business practice to lower your price, once you
have demanded a high price. Not only will a particular customer find it sus-
pect, but when he hears from his neighbor that he had to pay more than
him, he will feel let down. So people had to pay that expensive price, or
they didn't get the books. Anyone buying the set appreciated it, but many
people were excluded from the beginning by the high price.

Follow-up programs
In the follow-up program, books were not sent later against a down pay-
ment but were simply sold on the spot for cash only. This program was de-
veloped in Italy. The book distributors would collect the names and addres-
ses of interested people. Another preacher would visit them with a whole
set, sometimes after phoning first, or occasionally dropping by and saying,
I got your address from my friend who met you." Because the devotees in
this program usually dressed in devotee clothing, they sometimes sold Ra-
242 The Nectar of Book Distribution

jasthani paintings and devotee-made grape juice and other paraphernalia,

either together with the set or when they visited their customers again later

Single books and sets combined

During the 1983 December marathon, two Swiss devotees, Puruot-
tama Dsa and nanda-vardhana Dsa, devised a record-breaking method
of book distribution. They carried stacks of books, which included a set of
twelve "rmad-Bhgavatams, and tried giving out seven books to each per-
son they met on a parking lot. When people take that many books, it's con-
venient if their cars are nearby. (The stack method is described in Ch. 4.)
When someone gave a large donation, he received a full set. nanda-
vardhana was the first devotee in ISKCON to sell a full set (forty books)
on the street for cash. (Later the purchaser became a devotee Bla Ka
Dsa.) Because this was an experimental program designed to gain expe-
rience in distributing many books to one person all at once, the devotees
didn't stress a fixed price. Records were set: Puruottama dsa sold five
hundred books, including ten Bhgavatam sets, in one day.
This all proved to be an historic breakthrough. After placing first and
second during the first two weeks of the marathon, these two devotees
taught their method to young Harinmnanda Dsa. The following week
he broke Puruottama's record by selling 512 books in one day, and he won
the marathon, even while improving the average donation given for those
large numbers of books.
Using the Swiss model, devotees now give sets everywhere to interested
people making large donations and willing to take many books. To create
the idea of buying many books, devotees must carry them. People see the
entire set, not just one or two books. One advantage of this method is the
flexibility a person has in choosing how many books to take one, two,
five, a small set, or a full set.

Selling sets door to door

Going door to door and office to office in Austria, Jaya Gurudeva Dsa,
Haribolnanda Dsa, and Caku Dsa developed this program. Haribol-
nanda was the most successful set distributor. He set records ten to fif-
teen "rmad-Bhgavatam sets a day. Carrying a boxed set, he often visited
doctors, physiotherapists, and masseurs, either dropping in or phoning for
an appointment. Later these devotees switched from offering a set or noth-
ing to the flexible Swiss model of giving out sets or single books in a variety
of combinations.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 243

The nmahaa model

This model is based on cultivating sympathizers and friends, life mem-
bers, and former members of ISKCON. With friendly cultivation, they can
be inspired to buy sets for their friends and their friends' friends, what to
speak of their own. acnandana Swami pioneered this program in Ger-
many over the past fifteen years and proved that the nmahaa model
produces many friends, supporters, donors, and bhaktas, and that new cen-
ters develop around the nmahaa core groups. It's an unlimited field for
new preachers and preaching programs, especially during marathons, when
large numbers of books and sets are distributed through these outlets.

5.4 Distributing door to door

Visiting private offices, shops, and homes

I am so glad to hear that you are beginning door-to-door sa-
krtana. This door-to-door sakrtana is the mission of Lord
Caitanya. Even if there is a language barrier, this door-to-
door sakrtana will fulfill your mission, and you can intro-
duce our literatures to the higher circles as you have done by
presenting Ka book to the prime minister. 15

We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all

classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to be-
come Ka conscious, they are so nice. You should distrib-
ute the books to schools, colleges, libraries, bookstores and
wherever else you can imagine they will be received. Also
continue your program of door-to-door sakrtana. That is
certainly Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu's movement, and He
will bestow upon you all blessings. 16

You have complete capacity to spread this Ka conscious-

ness movement. That is a fact. So work enthusiastically and
with patience, and your attempt will be successful by the
grace of Ka. And continue this door-to-door program. It
is very nice. Lord Nitynanda used to do that; Haridsa h-
kura used to do that; all of Lord Caitanya's close associates
used to do that. So we must follow in their footprints. 17
244 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Haribolnanda Dsa (Austria): I was distributing in a little town and had

a whole cart of books. I struggled the whole morning and couldn't give
out more than three or four books. I thought, I have to take a break."
I still had books in my hands when suddenly a man walked by and looked
at the books. He asked, What is this? They look like books about India.
I'm really interested in yoga, but, sorry, I have to go to my office now." I
told him, No problem, I can come and see you in five minutes. You'll be
there?" I gave him the books I had a set of "rmad-Bhgavatams and
he carried them to his office at the bank where he worked. Meanwhile, I
dug out a set of Caitanya-caritmtas and then went to see him. He took all
the books for a good donation. Then he volunteered to phone a friend also
interested in yoga. I told him to do that and said I'd return in one hour and
find out about the meeting. He arranged a meeting for that evening, and by
Ka's mercy his friend also took a full set. This was instructive: Why not
ask those buying our books to supply us addresses and recommendations
and build a network of friends and supporters?

Harinmnanda Dsa: Shopkeepers are sometimes stingy because so many

people pass by selling things, but they are willing to buy if they see some-
thing useful. Before entering, one has to make sure that not many people
are in the shop, and best is when nobody is there. If I see that the situation
is not favorable, I go to the next shops and return later. Usually just one or
two people work in the shop, the owner or a manager, and if they're busy,
you can't just take over the situation. But when you approach them at the
right moment, they are always disposed to take a few books. At least they
always have some money, so there is a good opportunity. They are pretty
open-minded and businesslike. So they can appreciate a straightforward
presentation by someone inspired to present his ideas and philosophy.

Navna-nrada Dsa: During the marathon I was dropped at a shopping

center with a full cart of books. After an hour I was thrown out of the lot
and had to take a taxi to the next city. Although the day started tough, in
the evening I had only one set left and some time remaining. I didn't want
to give the books out one by one, but altogether, as a set. I saw an interna-
tional hotel frequented by VIPs in fancy cars and went there and presented
the set to two or three people, but nobody took interest. Then I met a mid-
dle-aged man driving a Maserati sports car, and he told me he was a sur-
geon. The doctor happened to be slightly drunk. He admitted it to me. He
told me that dealing with diseased and lamenting people all day made him
drink a little in the evening; otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand seeing
Other Forms of Distributing Books 245

people anymore. I thought, Here's one of those guys who likes to talk and
will tell you the story of his whole life, but he's not interested in the books."
But I just got right to the books and put the set on his car. This changed
him somehow or other, and he became more personal and explained to me
that he had studied a lot and heard of Sanskrit and read some Upaniads
and parts of the Vedas. He really liked it that I was a straightforward monk
who traveled all over the country and presented books of wisdom to peo-
ple. I'll take one book," he said, and gave a big donation. Wondering how
I could give him the set, I tried saying, You and your family should have
the whole encyclopedia. You cannot have a dictionary from A to M, miss-
ing N to Z. It would be ridiculous for me to sell you something incomplete
like that." But that didn't convince him. Coaxing him, I told him, You've
paid enough. These books are yours. You can keep them. If you give a lit-
tle more, then that will be a donation for our work." That got him, because
he really liked it that I was a traveling monk talking all day about spiri-
tual knowledge to materialists and nasty people. He liked meditation and
practiced it himself. He opened his briefcase and gladly gave a much bigger
donation. So my day ended successfully.
But we have to understand that some people will want to give a good
donation for only one or two books and will be disturbed if we give them
a whole set for the same price, even though their donation pays for the
set. We can push them, and they will surely give more, and they will have
the set. But they won't feel happy afterward, and they might even send the
books back. By the mercy of the spiritual master and r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu, book distributors have some special power, but it should not be
misused to overpower people for the sake of our personal results or to show
them that we're superior or more clever. It always falls back on us. They will
bring the books back or change their minds as soon as we think, Now he
takes. Now I convinced him. By my expertise and cleverness it was done."

Maidhra Dsa: Going door to door is the traditional style of preaching.

In Caitanya-caritmta Prabhupda writes that devotees are preaching and
selling books going door to door. I was wondering about it, because I had
hardly ever done it except for three months in Germany. There were times
when we had a lot of trouble with the police, and that's why we went door
to door for three months. We went to the villages, and our distribution de-
clined severely only one third as much as usual. Meeting people in their
homes must be completely free from economic pressure. But even though
the results appear diminished in the beginning, from that platform one can
launch an entire preaching strategy. Once a devotee is in the home of some-
246 The Nectar of Book Distribution

one really interested, he can immediately plan how to cultivate and engage
him further. On the street this is much more difficult to do. Of course, one
trouble is that the people often aren't home. But in Sweden at four o'clock
in the afternoon almost everyone is home, and in Switzerland the devotees
go door to door most of the time, and their results are excellent. In other
countries it is undeveloped, and in the long run it will be a powerful form
of book distribution. Going door to door, we cannot run around like we
do on the street meeting thousands of people. We are forced to depend on
Ka, to pray to Ka while ringing the doorbell. We don't know who will
open the door. So it shows another aspect of book distribution, and I think
it would be helpful if devotees also learned this method.

Distributing in offices
Your program for approaching businessmen in their offices
is especially liked by me. 18

Navna-nrada Dsa: In street distribution everything goes quick. People

take a few books and donate, but in industries and large offices, you need
a more sophisticated presentation. You sit and talk to the boss, convincing
him to buy ten, twenty, or thirty books, telling him about the kind of books
you have, who you are, and what you want. To avoid wasting time, you al-
ways have to be sure you're speaking to the right person the owner, the
boss, or the cashier who can authorize expenditures even if the boss is not
there. Generally you meet three types of bosses: (1) he wants the books for
himself and will probably pay a good price, so you have to respect that; (2)
he takes many books for his employees, so you discount the books; and (3)
he simply wants to donate to your cause, and according to the amount he
gives, you give him a few books. You can give a receipt, too. If no respon-
sible person is there, you can try to sell books to the secretary or telephone
operator or someone in charge. Ka only wants to see our sincere desire,
and He will send appreciative persons. Avoid double-talk or tricks, but at
the same time be fearless and sure of what you're doing. They like that. If
a secretary asks you whether you want to sell something, you shouldn't be
afraid to say no, just to get to the boss. Then present things straight. When
you tell the boss what these books would cost in the stores and that you're
offering them at a low price to industries and offices, he'll like it because
they're used to getting things cheaper than the people who have to go to
shops. Be friendly, tell some good jokes, but stick to the point of getting
him to take the books.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 247

And even if they throw us out, we can live with that. We should never
insist too much or agitate people, because if he doesn't take the books now,
he'll take them later. In Switzerland we come by every year or every second
year. And if we've left a good impression, next time they will take books
for sure. We should always work in combination with the Supersoul. He's
ready to inspire these people. When it's not possible to see a responsible
person, you have to pass by another time or make an appointment with him.
Or you just leave it up to Ka, and they will get the books in another way.
We must have that faith that maybe it is not our turn to give him the mercy.
Maybe Ka has some other plan. We cannot be attached and invest too
much time for appointments. Never become discouraged in this process of
sakrtana, even though sometimes no books go out. For example, today
for one hour I could not get to one of these bosses. Everybody threw me
out, or they had the books already, but still I went on and on until I found
someone to take books. I met a boss who had taken five books two years
ago, but this time he didn't want any. Still he allowed me to see the cashier,
who took some for the business. He took ten books for all the workers, and
he felt inspired. Ka will always send people who like what we're doing.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: We have some basic lines, but you can't always speak
the same way with everyone. One thing I never say when entering an office
is, Excuse me" or Sorry to disturb you." You have to be more dominant.
Usually it is a line of someone who is fearful or unsure about what he's do-
ing, and people in the office get the feeling that you want something from
them. First you should say, Hello. I am so-and-so from such-and-such."
You identify yourself. If you say, Excuse me, I'm a Hare Ka monk,"
many people will ask you to leave. They don't know what the Hare Ka
movement is.
When you enter a factory, the best trick is knowing the name of the boss.
The receptionist will never tell you; rather, she immediately recognizes that
you aren't invited. So I walk around outside the factory building to see if a
worker is outside, and I ask him: Is the boss's office in this building? Is the
boss here? Do you know him?" Workers are talkative and like to impress
others, so they gladly tell you everything. When I finally meet the secretary,
I may bluff to make her think I'm important or that I know the boss and
he's expecting me, but in this way I stand a good chance of meeting him.
I sometimes say, I have a delivery for the director . . . Mr. . . . what's his
name?" That's another simple trick. You have to be a little bold and astute.
This is wanted. We cannot miss the boss just because one lady at the recep-
tion counter wants to stop us.
248 The Nectar of Book Distribution

People may say we're encouraging our members to be dishonest, but

that isn't the case. We use a gentleman's trick to fulfill our duty. The vic-
tim may feel outwitted, but he cannot in all honesty feel cheated. If we get
to the boss, he's often impressed by our clever determination, because he
never meets salesmen like that they're all brushed off by the receptionists
and secretaries, who admittedly may be offended by our method. What can
be done? Their business is to keep out solicitors, and our business is getting
in. They think they have the best interest of their employer in mind, but
the devotee has his higher interest at heart. Secretaries are also notorious
for lying about the whereabouts and availability of their boss. It is simply a
matter of who is more determined to execute his service more successfully.
In business it's an unspoken truth that you have to be a little tricky. A dev-
otee's business is to deliver the highest truth, and generally he will be truth-
ful. But according to the circumstances, one may have to use some smart or
clever means to deliver the truth. Actually, the sakrtana devotees report
that it's fun to be tricky a transcendental adventure. Mundane moralists
may not accept this point, but they're bad candidates for becoming tran-
scendentalists anyway.

Gaurga-premnanda Dsa (Holland): I'm Mr. Prema, and I have some-

thing to give the director." What is it?" It's a personal gift. Don't worry
about it." I don't let them know any more than they absolutely have to. I
say, He knows I'm coming." In Dutch the words for appointment" and
I came to deliver something" are more or less the same. When I'm asked
whether or not I have an appointment, I correct them: I came to deliver
something," and they usually accept it. But when they don't, I say that we
phoned all the companies in this industrial area, and this one is on our list
of those who told us to come; I just don't know who it was, but here I am,
the order carrier. Then they can't find any fault in me. In this way I get in.
If the boss is in a meeting and comes out to meet me, I say, I won't take
much of your time. We visit all the companies and phoned a few here, and
this one is on our list. If you are too busy I will come back, but I can show
you quickly what we're doing." And I make an appointment if he looks in-
terested; if he's not I give him a prasdam sweet and say good-bye. If he's
just in his office, and if there's no meeting or phone call, I sell the books im-
mediately. But if he gives you an appointment, that's also nice. Then he will
have time for you, and he knows you're coming. Still one has to ascertain
whether it's worth coming back or whether he's asking you back later to
get rid of you. What qualifies him is that he listens. When he lets me speak,
I know he's interested. I even ask a friendly question: Do you really want
me to come back? Do you like these books?" I see how they react. When
Other Forms of Distributing Books 249

they give me their card, I give them a sweet. If he takes the sweet and eats
it, I know he's a good contact. In this way I make useful appointments, with
a good success rate.

5.5 Industries
Now tax your brain to create programs for engaging wider
and wider classes of the population in Ka conscious-
ness. 19

In the former Soviet Union a special distribution method is engaging

wider and wider classes of the population," even unfortunate #$dras work-
ing in heavy industries or the mines of Siberia and the Ural Mountains.
Astounding results have been achieved. During the 1992 Prabhupda mar-
athon Anirdeya-vapu Dsa distributed eight thousand books in one week
and several times distributed more than one thousand books a day new
daily and weekly world records. We spoke to him by phone:

Anirde#ya-vapu Dsa: We visit factories and industries, gather the work-

ers, and explain to some twenty or thirty people at once what these books
are. In a short time we manage to meet a lot of people. We have a special
payment system. They put their names on a list that mentions what books
they took and how much they owe, and they sign, stating that they want the
authorities of the factory or mine to hold back that money from their wa-
ges. It can even be done in rates over two or three months. The advantage
is that the person doesn't feel the expense. He doesn't give money perso-
nally, he just signs. But the factory immediately advances the entire amount
to us. As soon as the money is transferred, we deliver the books, and they
distribute them among those who are on the list.
Caller: We heard you live in the mines.
Anirde#ya-vapu: Factually, it is so, because mine workers have four six-hour
shifts. They start at six o'clock in the morning, change at twelve and so on.
Devotees can meet them only during their shifts. We are there practically
twenty-four hours a day. We stay one or two days in one mine and then
move on to another.
Caller: Where are you now?
Anirde#ya-vapu: I am in Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
Caller: Do you have a center where you keep books?
Anirde#ya-vapu: We rent a flat and store our books in the Culture House.
Caller: How are the temples supporting book distribution?
250 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Anirde#ya-vapu: Almost every temple here has enough books by the mercy
of the BBT. Now many devotees are traveling to far distant places. In our
case, a group of five devotees came from Moscow to Kazakhstan. The dev-
otee in charge of sakrtana in the temple sends a large number of books,
maybe twenty tons of books, by train. When devotees reach a city, they
usually rent a place to live that's big enough to hold the books. From those
bases the sakrtana devotees go out to different places all around. In the
group are a couple of book distributors, a driver, a book packer, and other
helpers. If they run out of books, they get more from their temples by
train or by plane if it's urgent. Sometimes up to one ton of books is sent by

5.6 Book tables

Sarvtm Dsa: Sometimes I do book tables with dioramas, and many peo-
ple are fascinated by them. You preach about the diorama. For example,
with the Changing Bodies diorama you might say, Do you see any con-
nection between our changing bodies in this life and again at the time
of death?" Because you're preaching from Bhagavad-gt, it's easy to sell

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: One effective technique that we haven't gotten into
is the way devotees distribute a lot of books in India by setting up book
tables. Then you just wait, and people come. It's ideal. The people come
to you and take books. No misunderstanding is possible. But, of course, it's
Kali-yuga and not everybody will stop, and that's why this method will not
produce huge scores. But in Europe we could use it to engage older devo-
tees or those with health problems or devotees who'd like to try another
style of book distribution.

Anirde#ya-vapu Dsa: After the CIS opened, book tables were our main
method of distribution because the country was poor, not many things were
for sale, and people were eagerly buying whatever they thought was ex-
traordinary. People just lined up to get our books. Hundreds of books could
be sold at a table, and we had many tables in Moscow and other cities.
That's how we did big in the beginning. Now the country is becoming more
Westernized and more Western commodities are available, and everything
is commercialized. Book tables don't work as well anymore. Formerly when
many books were distributed in the underground, the average people and
even poor people had the opportunity to get at least one or two books. Rich
people didn't use the underground. But now they're getting the books, too.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 251

5.7 Harinma sakrtana by bus or padaytr

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 7.82: Upon seeing the chanting and danc-
ing of Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu, Lord Nitynanda predicted that later
there would be dancing and chanting in every village.
Purport: This prediction of r Nitynanda Prabhu is applicable not only in
India but also all over the world. That is now happening by His grace. The
members of the International Society for Ka Consciousness are now
traveling from one village to another in the Western countries and are even
carrying the Deity with them. These devotees distribute various literatures
all over the world. We hope that these devotees who are preaching the mes-
sage of r Caitanya Mahprabhu will very seriously follow strictly in His
footsteps. If they follow the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds
daily, their endeavor to preach the cult of r Caitanya Mahprabhu will
certainly be successful.

In the 1970s in the U.S.A. the Rdh-Dmodara party at its height con-
sisted of six buses, twenty vans, and 150 members who competed with and
defeated all other temples in book distribution. It also preached powerfully
and attracted new bhaktas. A similar smaller program has formed in North
America Krishnafest a traveling party of men. In Germany the Spiri-
tual Skyliner bus uses the same method. The world-wide Padaytr is tra-
veling sakrtana in its original form. Rdh-Dmodara and other groups
simply exchanged the bullock carts for buses. Wherever Lord Caitanya's
sakrtana parties arrive, they attract many people, and a lot of books can
be distributed to curious readers, who will always remember the extra-
ordinary scene where they purchased the book. As shown by the following
statements of rla Prabhupda (in chronological order), this program can
be developed unlimitedly according to time, place, and circumstance.

The moving sakrtana party was programmed long, long

ago, even when I was in India. When there was talk about
preaching among our Godbrothers, I used to say to my God-
brothers that when I would begin preaching I would take
two trucks, one for the sakrtana party and one for carrying
requisites, and I would go from village to village throughout
the whole world preaching Lord Caitanya's message. So the
time has come as per my dream, and by the grace of Ka
you are carrying on this program. Please therefore organize
this moving sakrtana party as you are already doing from
one school or college to another. If we can rightly impress the
252 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Ka consciousness idea in some intelligent student's heart,

it will be of great service. 20

The traveling sakrtana and teaching in the schools and col-

leges which you are organizing are excellent proposals, and
I think that they are the best programs for pushing on Lord
Caitanya's movement: simply traveling and preaching and
infiltrating the schools where young boys and girls are inter-
ested to learn something which will satisfy them. In both ac-
tivities you may distribute many of our literatures, and that
will please me very much. 21

I am very much joyful to hear that you are enjoying your

preaching activities there in America. Actually, this is our
real business: preaching, chanting, distributing prasdam and
book distribution. This book distribution is especially an im-
portant program, and it is first-class preaching work. So I en-
courage you to work with all the senior men there in Amer-
ica and encourage them to distribute more and more of this
transcendental literature. . . . If the facility for serving the
Deities is not there, then we should not be discouraged. That
is real detachment. When Caitanya Mahprabhu was touring
all over India He did not bring the Deities with Him. So in
our traveling and preaching, Deity worship is not essential,
but if it is done nicely it can be a very attractive aspect of our
preaching work. 22

Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling, with built-in

shower, kitchen and other things, is approved by me. But you
should try to get new, because the old ones are always need-
ing repair. We have seen by practical experience. 23

When I hear about the sakrtana buses moving all over the
world, then I think that we are becoming a gigantic guerilla
warfare movement fighting with my. This traveling in bus-
es is the best means to drive away my and establish Ka
consciousness all over the world. After all, the whole world
is the property of Ka, but temporarily it is being illegally
occupied by my's agents. Flood them with krtana and
books, these are the best weapons, and increase the number
of buses that will be your success. 24
Other Forms of Distributing Books 253

I was extremely pleased to hear your report from your travel-

ing buses. It sounds as if your program is very, very wonder-
ful, and I am very encouraged to hear that such a program is
coming along so nicely. I am glad that you have understood
the importance of my books. Therefore I am stressing it so
much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one
page, then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal
benefit. Or if he hands it over to his friend, and he reads one
page the same result is there. So continue these festivals con-
stantly and make them all Ka conscious. Overflood the
whole country by this preaching work. Let the whole United
States become Vaiavas, then everyone else in the world
will follow. That is my real ambition. Therefore your pro-
gram is very glorious. This is really preaching. 25

I am very glad to see that you are enthusiastically pushing

forward with this preaching work and the young Indians are
coming forward to join our sakrtana party. It is very en-
couraging to me. Anyone who has life, he can preach so go
on very enthusiastically and there will be all facility given by
Lord Ka. . . . When I return to India, I shall surely try to
travel with your buses. It is a very nice program, and I want
to see it go on very enthusiastically. 26

Oxen can be used for driving carts and preaching village to

village. What is the question of killing them? Here in India
our Lokantha Mahrja has successfully organized such a
program, and it is a great success. He has traveled all over
India, and everywhere they distribute books and prasdam
and perform krtana, village to village. Each night they stop
at a different village. We can introduce many millions of such
carts all over the world. 27

5.8 Magazine distribution

Each center should take the responsibility of contributing
some money towards the publication of Back to Godhead,
instead of depending upon each center for selling Back to
Godhead. For example, if a center contributes $100, we send
them copies at cost price to the amount, and it doesn't mat-
ter whether they sell it or not. But we must have the monthly
254 The Nectar of Book Distribution

contribution. The copies which are not sold may be distrib-

uted free to schools, libraries, and influential gentlemen.
This will greatly further our propaganda, and I am thinking
in these terms. 28

BTG is my life and soul. Please therefore try to distribute as

many BTGs as possible. I started this magazine in 1947 in my
householder life. I was spending Rs. 300 to 400 at the time
($300 to $400 in U.S. exchange), and I was distributing this
magazine without any consideration of how much I was get-
ting in return. Practically the whole money was spent with-
out any return. But ten years after, from 1954 to 1959, the
struggle was very hard because at that time I had no money,
and I was alone editing, publishing, and securing money for
publication. So it was a great struggle. My ambition was that
I would publish BTG in huge quantity so that people may
understand the transcendental blessings of Lord Caitanya.
Now, since I have come to your country, I have entrusted the
matter to my beloved American boys and girls, and I wish
to see that this magazine is published and distributed in the
American way like Reader's Digest, Life, etc. published in
millions and distributed all over the world. Actually the po-
sition of BTG should be more important than any mundane
magazine because it contains the quintessence of human ne-
cessities. 29

The BTG No. 12 is nice. In India the biggest circulated spir-

itual magazine is Kalyana printed by Gita Press at 95,000,
so you have far surpassed them. Thank you, the magazine is
very nice. 30

Jaydvaita Swami: When rla Prabhupda first met his spiritual master,
rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, in 1922, rla Bhaktisiddhnta
suggested that rla Prabhupda spread the teachings of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu in the English language. Shortly before passing away from this
world, rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura again gave rla Prabhu-
pda this same instruction that whatever rla Prabhupda had learned
from him he should now teach in English, for this would benefit both him
and those who would hear him. It was in pursuance of this order that rla
Prabhupda, in 1944, started Back to Godhead magazine.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 255

rla Prabhupda personally wrote the articles for the magazine, edited
and typed the manuscripts, raised the funds to publish the magazine fort-
nightly, checked the galley proofs, and personally distributed copies hand
to hand. As he later wrote to one disciple, This paper is the beginning of
my spiritual life."
In 1966, after coming to the United States, rla Prabhupda directed
his first disciples at 26 Second Avenue in New York City to spend practically
all the money in their small treasury to purchase two second-hand mimeo-
graph machines. With these machines, rla Prabhupda continued to pub-
lish Back to Godhead. The first American edition appeared in 1966. Under
rla Prabhupda's direction, Back to Godhead later appeared in French,
German, Spanish, Italian, Hindi, Bengali, and other languages.
The publishing and distribution of Back to Godhead is one aspect of
the eternal devotional service rendered by rla Prabhupda to his spiri-
tual master for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. rla Prabhupda's
followers have the opportunity to assist him in this service, following in the
parampar system.
One can take part in the mission of Back to Godhead by reading the
magazine, by working on the magazine staff, by contributing to the mag-
azine through writing, photography, and art, or finally by distributing the
rla Prabhupda, of course, set the ideal example of writing about
Ka, and this example we are meant to follow. You must all find time
to write some articles for publishing in Back to Godhead," he wrote to
Yamun Ds (March 2, 1970). That is culture."
In another letter, rla Prabhupda explained, Actually, if we are en-
gaged in writing and speaking on behalf of Ka, this is the best process
for advancing in Ka consciousness. Such activity forces us to think very
clearly on the subject matter in order to speak or write on it to convince
others. So I think that you should develop your ability for writing and spend
some time writing articles for Back to Godhead." (letter to Raadhr Dsa,
May 21, 1972)
By writing regularly, what you read will become realized," Prabhupda
said in another letter (January 6, 1972). As much as possible read, chant,
and preach. This is our life and soul."
rla Prabhupda wrote to Girirja Dsa (August 12, 1971), Writing
articles means to express oneself how he is understanding the whole philos-
ophy. So this writing is necessary for everyone."
And again, to Satsvarpa Dsa (January 11, 1971), I want all our stu-
dents to write articles for our transcendental magazine."
256 The Nectar of Book Distribution

rla Prabhupda intended that BTG play a powerful central role in the
spreading of Ka consciousness. BTG must be improved to the fullest
extent," he said, because it is the backbone of our society." (letter to Raya-
rma Dsa, March 23, 1968)
rla Prabhupda said that this would always be so, and he gave a sim-
ple reason why. This Back to Godhead will always remain the backbone of
our Society, because the more the magazine is popular the more [the] Soci-
ety becomes popular." (letter to Rayarma Dsa, January 30, 1967)
rla Prabhupda therefore directed the BBT trustees, I cannot stress
this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead
nicely, for it is one of the most important aspects of our society." (letter
to the trustees, February 17, 1973) Some years ago, a survey conducted by
Amita Dsa for the BBT in Great Britain found that although the form of
Ka conscious literature by far most widely distributed in the British Isles
had been small books, the publication that had outstripped all others in
bringing devotees to the movement was BTG.
Publishers distribute magazines mainly in two ways by subscription
and by single-copy sales. (Single-copy sales" refers to sales at stores, mar-
kets, and newsstands, at people's doorsteps, or anywhere else people can
buy copies one by one. Though the publisher sells the copies in bulk, the
final customer buys copies one at a time. Hence the name single-copy
Some magazines are distributed only by single-copy sales. An example
is TV Guide (circulation: 7,226,000). Other magazines are distributed only
by subscription (within America), like National Geographic (circulation:
9,921,000). Most magazines are distributed both ways.
When rla Prabhupda began Back to Godhead in India, he distrib-
uted the magazine both by enlisting subscribers and by approaching people
to purchase copies one by one. In "rla Prabhupda-llmta, His Holiness
Satsvarpa Dsa Goswami tells how rla Prabhupda sold Back to God-
head in New Delhi offices and tea stalls and nearly collapsed in the heat
of the summer while personally delivering copies to various addresses. As
rla Prabhupda later wrote, I had no money, and alone I was editing,
publishing, and securing money for publication. So it was a great struggle.
My ambition was that I would publish BTG in huge quantity so that people
may understand [the] transcendental blessings of Lord Caitanya." (letter to
Guru Dsa, April 16, 1970)
When Back to Godhead began in America, at first it was distributed
only at the temple, at Lower East Side shops, at occasional public krtanas,
and by devotees as they moved about here and there. Later, when chanting
parties became the main form of preaching, distribution of BTG became a
Other Forms of Distributing Books 257

natural part of the program. As the parties flourished, so did the distribu-
tion of BTG.
Any gentleman will give a quarter," rla Prabhupda had said. So
when the devotees with the krtana party asked people for donations, any-
one who gave twenty-five cents received a BTG.
But although BTGs were getting distributed, rla Prabhupda's large
books were not. Soon, therefore, rla Prabhupda began emphasizing the
importance of big books. And once devotees discovered ways to get the
books out, big book distribution took off. Distributing big books became
ISKCON's most important way of preaching.
Chanting on the streets and distributing books were both important,
rla Prabhupda said. But the distribution of books was the greater kr-
tana." The chanting party might be heard for a few blocks, but through
book distribution the message of Ka could spread all over the world.
Along with large books, devotees profusely gave out medium-sized
books, small books, and BTGs. Gradually, however, though distribution
of big books kept climbing, sales of BTG began sliding. Later, a surge in
small-book distribution further eroded the sales of BTG. In the beginning,
BTG had practically been our only sakrtana publication. But now we had
strong competitors ourselves. Our own books, big and small, were taking
over from BTG.
At this point we'd do well to ask ourselves what role BTG is supposed
to play. When rla Prabhupda said that BTG would always remain the
backbone" of ISKCON, what did he mean? Is BTG basically another kind
of book smaller, perhaps more colorful or does it have some unique
capabilities of its own?
Books and periodicals are fundamentally different. And, yes, BTG has
a unique contribution to make. How so?
We might compare books and magazines to earth and water. The earth
is solid, steady, always the same. Pick up your foot, and when you put it back
down, the earth is still right where it was. Water, in contrast, flows, moves,
and changes. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus pointed out, You can't
step into the same stream twice." And so it is with books and magazines.
Books stand the same for eternity. Magazines move with the times.
rla Prabhupda's books are rock solid. They give us the steady basis of
our philosophy, true and the same for all time. Back to Godhead, however,
is always changing. Each issue differs from all the ones that came before it,
and all the ones to come next.
In Back to Godhead, ideas grow and develop. Readers and writers inter-
act. Ka's eternal message speaks directly to the events and ideas of the
258 The Nectar of Book Distribution

In BTG, the movement moves.

The books tell us how Lord Ka's philosophy applies forever. Back to
Godhead shows us how it applies right now.
But books and magazines differ in another way that's perhaps even
more important. When you receive a book, you get it once, but when you
receive a magazine a periodical you can get it periodically. Books are a
powerful one-time encounter. Magazines are a series of encounters.
If we're like most people, we typically read any given book once or
maybe twice or three times in our life. Perhaps, as with reference books or
scripture, we'll consult the book from time to time. But magazines we read
regularly, again and again and again.
Each issue that comes to me is new. Each issue gives me new informa-
tion, or tells me things in a new way. Each issue shows me something I
haven't seen before.
To regard Back to Godhead, therefore, simply as another book small-
er, perhaps more colorful is to miss the point, to miss what a magazine is
all about. Yet there's still another feature of a magazine that may be more
important still. And to use Back to Godhead to full effectiveness, we ought
to take this into account: In a way a book never can, magazines provide on-
going contact an ongoing relationship between the publisher and the
When a person shows interest in Ka consciousness, you want to cul-
tivate that interest. You want to take that spark and fan it into a flame, and
then fan the flame into a fire. But to cultivate that interest, to fan that spark
and that flame, you have to keep at it. And so, first of all, you have to know
who's got it.
Selling a book doesn't tell you that. Okay, maybe sometimes it does.
You may sometimes write down someone's name, and from time to time
you might even write someone a letter, or call, or send a temple flier. But
not usually. Not systematically. Not regularly or reliably.
But those people are your best customers. They're your best prospects
for Ka consciousness.
Who are the best customers for any product? The people who are al-
ready buying it.
Who are the best people for buying more of our books, buying full sets,
supporting the movement, becoming devotees?
The people already finding knowledge and realization in our books.
And what do we do to collect the names of such people and cultivate
Most often, virtually nothing.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 259

This is a tragedy.
In America, the biggest days of huge book distribution went by, we dis-
tributed millions of books, and we had no idea who was reading them or
how to get in touch with those people again. What a terrible waste!
The best way to get someone's name and cultivate that person is
through the magazine Back to Godhead.
Through BTG we can bring people Ka's message again and again.
Through BTG we can awaken them, train them, and enliven them in devo-
tional service.
As we spread the Hare Ka movement through our magazine and
our books, BTG provides the way for us to stay in touch with our read-
ers. Through BTG we can motivate these people, mobilize them, and bring
them together into a broad, strong worldwide community of spiritually en-
lightened souls.
As rla Prabhupda wrote to me personally (November 18, 1972),
These books and magazines are our most important propaganda weapons
to defeat the ignorance of my's army, and the more we produce such lit-
erature and sell them profusely all over the world, the more we shall deliv-
er the world from the suicide course."
For the conditioned souls, it's Back to Godhead or back to endless birth
and death. And so rla Prabhupda said, BTG is my life and soul. Please
therefore try to distribute BTG as many as it is possible. . . . I wish to see
that this magazine is published and distributed in the American way like
Reader's Digest, Life, etc., published in millions and distributed all over the
world. Actually the position of BTG should be more important than any
mundane magazine because it contains the quintessence of all necessities."
(letter to Guru Dsa, April 16, 1970)
As mentioned before, rla Prabhupda said that BTG was the begin-
ning of his spiritual life. And therefore distribution of BTG is dear to rla
Prabhupda's heart. I consider sale of BTG so valuable because in the be-
ginning I worked for BTG day and night, alone in India. I still remember
the hardship for pushing on this BTG. In the beginning, when I was house-
holder, I did not care if somebody paid or not paid; I used to distribute lib-
erally. But when I left my household life and I was living alone, sometimes
in Vndvana and sometimes in Delhi, or sometimes traveling for pushing
on BTG, they were very hard days. Therefore, when BTG will be published
not in hundreds of thousands but in millions, that will give me great solace."
(letter to Madhudvia)
In conclusion: We want to distribute as many issues of BTG as possi-
ble, so the more you can print and distribute, the more my Guru Mahrja
260 The Nectar of Book Distribution

will be pleased to see His Great Dream being fulfilled." (letter to Brahm-
nanda, July 16, 1969)

Rohisuta Dsa: In the beginning of the movement rla Prabhupda

stressed the distribution of Back to Godhead magazine. Of course, when
the devotees began distributing big books, that became the priority. We
know that in India one gentleman told rla Prabhupda that it's better
to produce books because people keep books, but they may throw maga-
zines away. If people subscribe, that's another thing. This means they like
the magazine, they keep it, and they are contacted and inspired regularly
to read the books. But for regular distribution Prabhupda said books are
most important. But still magazines can be distributed, especially by new
devotees who want to learn how to distribute transcendental literature.
They can get a taste for sakrtana this way. Or temple devotees who go out
only for a short time can distribute magazines and invitations. But I've seen
that devotees who distribute books cannot concentrate on magazines even
from the practical point of view because they already carry many books.
Generally we should not give out magazines free, otherwise people may
throw them away. People should always give something so that they value
it. At least they have to pay for the paper and the printing.
Sakrtana is for everyone full-time devotees, part-time devotees,
even Friends of Lord Ka. Devotees living with their families can go out
with magazines or books one or two hours every evening after work if they
are really determined. One can go out part-time, even while holding a job,
if he's convinced. We should be convinced. We have the supreme religion,
devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Llvatra Dsa: Here in Italy book and magazine distribution go hand in

hand. Every book distributor carries Italian BTGs in his bag and gives them
out. Usually the more expert devotees present books first, then they also
give a magazine. Those distributing only magazines are few. Sometimes the
magazine can be used as a first approach to giving a book. We also give ma-
gazines if the donation is too small to cover the cost of a book. There have
been special times during marathons when many devotees concentrated on
doing many subscriptions, and each devotee averaged ten to fifteen sub-
scriptions a day.

5.9 Mail order

I am very pleased that you have taken over responsibility
for our ISKCON Books mail order department. I consider it
Other Forms of Distributing Books 261

one of the most important posts in our society, so you must

be very diligent to perform this immense work very nicely. I
especially want that my books and literatures should be dis-
tributed profusely, but as far as I understand this is not being
done very perfectly. So I want that all my students very vig-
orously try for this book distribution. Do not hesitate to use
your American and European brains to increase it that is
Ka's special gift to you, now use it. Any activity that will
please Ka should be accepted favorably, this is our guid-
ing principle. Now apply it in this way, by doing everything
and anything for spreading this Ka conscious literature,
and this is really pleasing to Ka, know it for certain. Es-
pecially you must always be eager to supply all our branches
all over the world with whatever literature they require, not
that they must pay and then get books like in an ordinary
mundane business. It is not that they shall not pay for books,
but that payment must come gradually and in regular install-
ments. We have to be prompt and gracious in this business
of mail-order books, and I am very encouraged that you are
enthusiastic to do everything required for increasing in this
way. 31

General strategy of a mail order service

Amita Dsa (UK): Through a systematic mail order and correspondence
development, thousands of books can be distributed, people can be cultivat-
ed, and devotees can be made. Here in the U.K. I think we have ISKCON's
largest, most successful mail order operation. But there's no reason why
any country could not have the same thing to follow up all the publishing
and distribution activities. The addresses of temples are listed in the books
we distribute, and interested people can write to a temple. But what is the
systematic development of that response?
In England we send to those who write to us a sixty-four-page cata-
log offering all the BBT publications and cookbooks, music books, litera-
ture, and science books written by Vaiavas throughout ISKCON. There
is more available in English than in other languages, but in other countries
there are people who speak English or some other language. We can also
offer books for children, videos, audio cassettes, incense, altar parapher-
nalia, posters, yurvedic items, japa beads, neck beads, kurtas and other
things. The principal activity is not commercial but preaching. Because the
resources of our Society are limited it makes sense to have a strong cor-
262 The Nectar of Book Distribution

respondence and mail order service in each language. Of course, temples

would have full access to all names and addresses for cultivation or festi-
val preaching. If we can get all the contacts on a computer, promote items
to them, and cultivate them spiritually, that will give us a strong congrega-
tion. Membership and fund-raising drives can be organized, accompanied
by newsletters, Vaiava calendars, and correspondence. But the most im-
portant thing is having the required system, resources, and inventory to fol-
low up on the feedback resulting from this churning ocean of possibilities.
Setting up a mail order service starts with a devotee who ideally has sa-
krtana and preaching experience and a stable nature. Such a responsible
and philosophically aware person (male or female) could develop a power-
ful extension of the preaching by correspondence (invitations, information
about new publications, BTG subscribers). This person can also remain in
contact with nice people met by the book distributors and can cooperate
with the preachers by arranging home programs. These are just some ideas
how we can take further advantage of our widespread book distribution.

Nsihadeva Dsa: In Switzerland our mail order service printed a busi-

ness reply card that the book distributors give along with the books. This
idea came up because often we could see that people who gave us their
addresses were difficult to contact afterward. People become skeptical if
they buy a book and then are contacted by a preacher, who for them is just
another person they don't know. Some devotees were suggesting that the
book distributors themselves contact these people again, but this proved to
be too big a distraction from book distribution. Now we have the card, and
people can request information: Please inform me about new publications,
programs (festivals, lectures); please send your catalog or contact me. Giv-
ing out the card is no entanglement for the book distributors, and the an-
swers we get provide addresses of people who are sincerely interested in
Ka consciousness.

Further aspects of mail order

I thank you very much for so seriously helping me fulfill the
order of Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat to distribute Ka con-
sciousness literature to the whole world. What strength our
movement has now got is due in large part to the enthusiasm
we have had to distribute our literature profusely through-
out the world. . . . You have got a very important duty to see
that all the branches are kept fully stocked with all my books.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 263

And I know that we are getting many mail orders daily, so

you must see that these orders are all filled promptly. If we
take the public's money and then delay too long in filling the
orders, this will give us a bad reputation. So be very consci-
entious and hard working and Ka will give you the ability
to do everything nicely. 32

I am very much pleased to hear that our mail order depart-

ment for books and BTGs is increasing steadily. You now
have a good American brain by Ka's grace, so the more
you go on thinking of ways to increase in this way, the more
Ka will understand that you are sincere to serve Him as a
dearmost friend by preaching His message of Bhagavad-gt,
and the more He will attract you to come back home, back
to Godhead. 33

Amita Dsa: Prabhupda emphasizes in these letters that mail order is im-
portant and that it should fill orders promptly and increase book distri-
bution. Prabhupda regarded mail order as an essential part of book dist-
ribution. Every language should have its own mail order; otherwise we're
limiting the potential of our customers and readers to follow up their inter-
est. Naturally people are engaged in their work and family lives, and it's up
to us to go to them instead of waiting for them to come to us. The more fa-
cility we give them to approach Ka, the more they will take advantage of
it. But if we're too slow in dealing with them or we're not trying to expand
their interest, then they'll simply lose that interest and go elsewhere.
Question: How do you find customers?
Amita: Sakrtana devotees hand out large quantities of books all the time,
and in the books we try to perfect the response mechanisms. At the front
of the book we invite correspondence, and at the back we advertise BBT
books. Lately we've used six pages specifically to promote books, and we've
added a fourteen-page section to describe ISKCON's Vaiava history; the
Hare Ka life; how our philosophy is for everyone and can be practiced
at home; how to chant Hare Ka, set up an altar, and offer food; what
the regulative principles are; how to render service; and how to study our
books and associate with devotees. We include two pages on the member-
ship program and invite the reader to stay in touch" and become a mem-
ber of ISKCON. We explain the membership: For a fixed annual fee they
get a Vaiava calendar, a subscription to Back to Godhead, and a local
newsletter, plus they receive discounts when they purchase from us. From
264 The Nectar of Book Distribution

these books we now average about forty replies a month from new readers
with an interest in membership.
Question: Do sakrtana devotees bring you addresses? Do you advertise?
Amita: Yes, we do, a little, but next year we intend to advertise much more
in magazines that have readers who are more likely to appreciate our phi-
losophy vegetarians, yoga students, esoterics, and animal rights people.
From a Gallup Poll survey that I sponsored two years ago it is clear that at
least 3% of the adults in Britain really want more information on the Hare
Ka movement. In response to that I'm placing a general advertisement
asking people who want information to write to us. The sakrtana devo-
tees' collecting addresses generally has not worked, but it can work with the
cooperation of the temple and sakrtana devotees. Important here is qual-
ity, not quantity. I remember times in Italy when they had sixty thousand
names and addresses on the computer but did nothing because it would
have cost too much and used too much manpower. We continually weed
out inactive customers after giving them a final opportunity to stay on our
mailing list.
Question: What do you do with the addresses of new people?
Amita: New addresses go into our computer. After one month we always
send a follow-up letter and ask people whether they're still interested and
what they thought of the books they originally purchased. We send a mini-
mum of three mailings to our customers annually promoting new items, of-
fering sales, and reminding them of the importance of the spiritual side of
Question: What about loaning your list for other purposes?
Amita: We protect customers from devotees who want to exploit them. By
exploit" I include pushing them to buy a set of books, asking for dona-
tions, and engaging them in service. If a temple president requests a list,
then after checking on the purpose, we provide it, because personal associ-
ation is always going to be more productive than correspondence.
Question: How do you handle the large amount of work mailing, book-
keeping, and so on?
Amita: With a lot of hard work there's no substitute. And the best thing is
to have stable, enthusiastic devotees. Voluntary labor is guaranteed to fail.
You have to pay people and provide a stable situation that they can com-
mit themselves to. This is a perfect engagement for devotees especially
ghasthas who need income. You can maintain yourself by helping with a
preaching activity and developing the congregation. Another requirement
is training. We should not be afraid to take training in bookkeeping, com-
puter operation, and debt control. With such training anything is possible.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 265

Successful advertising
Sannysa Dsa (CIS): Many devotees wonder how Moscow's mail order
division managed to compete with the world's biggest temples in 1991 and
'92. It was mainly due to advertising in newspapers and magazines, on
TV and radio, and with posters in the metro and on the streets. Posters
were put up in Moscow and a few other cities. It started with one Bhagavad-
gt advertisement in a main newspaper. We averaged five hundred letters
a day, sometimes two thousand. Now it's about one hundred. Also, in our
books we have our addresses and telephone numbers for people who want
to order more books. Now we don't advertise as much as before. We set up
a mail order department by giving a group of four or five mtjs an office
flat, computers, and other things. When they got letters, someone entered
the addresses in the computer. Then they sent a price list advertising all the
books in Russian, which said that if you are interested, you should send
your money first by a post-transfer system and then you will receive what
you ordered. This was the only reasonable method given our situation.

5.10 Follow-up or contact" sakrtana

Your program of door-to-door sakrtana is very encourag-
ing. The more men understand the importance of our move-
ment, the more they will invite us to their homes and clubs,
because Ka consciousness is a life-giving ambrosia. So in-
crease this program more and more, and we shall be able to
distribute all our books, which is even more important than
membership. Of course, if we can do both at the same time,
that is best. 34

Cultivating the people we meet

Harike#a Swami: The way to keep the sakrtana movement going is to al-
ways bring new devotees into the sakrtana mission. Therefore the sakr-
tana devotees must cooperate with the preachers. If you meet somebody
nice, a young person not yet entangled in family and home life, get his ad-
dress. And make sure that the preachers contact the person and gradual-
ly develop his Ka consciousness so that he will want to join the temple.
The sakrtana men have to cooperate even though it takes five minutes
out of their distribution. It's worth it in the long run. See every person as
a potential devotee and gradually develop devotees so that more and more
266 The Nectar of Book Distribution

sakrtana can go on. This is essential, and everyone should be praying all
the time for more devotees.

!acnandana Swami: The preachers are existing in the dust of the sakrtana
devotees, and therefore I'd like to convey the following thought. Devotees
in Germany developed the following strategy: Whenever they met some-
body interested, they suggest, If you read the book, then please write to
me and tell me how you liked it." The person will remember that: The
person who sold me the book wants to know what I think of it." Then
there's a good possibility of some further contact. To facilitate this contact,
we give out cards with our names on them because sometimes it's too awk-
ward and time consuming to ask for their name and address. So you give
them yours either a temple invitation card or a personal card with name,
address, and telephone number. In this way, they get the impression that
they met a modern and practical person. Whenever someone writes to you,
you can write back, or a preacher can write the letter, and you can sign it.
In this letter you can discuss further possibilities of staying in contact. If a
book distributor meets someone, it's not good if a different preacher imme-
diately goes to see him. But with this method, the people will be cultivated,
and the preacher can be introduced with minimum entanglement for the
book distributors. By using such a system of follow-up letters we can sift
out those people who are really interested in being visited by the preachers.

Rohisuta Dsa: You meet many people, and not everyone says, You're
nice. Give me all the books you have." You meet many materialistic and de-
moniac people, and that leaves impressions on your mind. If you're weak,
the consciousness of the materialists can influence you. Many devotees can't
take the pressure. So they should not give up the sakrtana mission, but
they should not do the front-line work. That's only for the stalwart fighters.
Only the stalwarts should go out every day on the street. The others can do
the follow-up work and visit the nice people and sell them sets. All of our
programs must include the books. Make sure that people get the books, or
that they get more books, or if they have them all already, that they start to
read them seriously.

Not everyone will live in our temples

Your home-to-home preaching is very good. The important
thing is to make arrangements that they hear and chant. That
will make your preaching successful. Once they begin chant-
Other Forms of Distributing Books 267

ing, then automatically they will want to follow the rules and
regulations, attend rati, and take prasdam. 35

Jayapatka Swami: rla Prabhupda's books are the basis, and will con-
tinue to be, but Prabhupda's vision wasn't just that there would be a
few devotees practicing Ka consciousness. He wanted Lord Caitanya's
movement spread in every town and village, and he wanted it to become
the world culture. In this regard, I remember an incident that took place in
1970. rla Prabhupda had called me to Los Angeles just before he sent
me to India. We were on a morning walk, and he was chanting japa. But
suddenly he stopped and said to me, Don't think that everybody is going
to live in our temples." Pointing to a church, he explained that just as there
are many churches and communities, there will also be many ISKCON tem-
ples and communities. People will come to the temples on weekends or for
some functions, but they will practice Ka consciousness in their homes.
He didn't say anything more. He just kept chanting japa and walked on.
(From a class in Mypur on March 7, 1985)

Citraka Dsa (Italy): I couldn't continue going out and facing the difficulties
on book distribution, and I switched to the follow-up method of sakrtana.
But from practical experience I see that it is directly connected to book dis-
tribution. Mainly we visit people who received more than three of Prabhu-
pda's books. The book distributors had collected their addresses, but they
hadn't been contacted, so Durgama and I decided to go and visit them. We
tried convincing them to complete their set and cultivated them to increase
their interest. At the least we established a good relationship, thanked them
for buying the books, and found out whether there was any way for us to
help them come closer to Ka. People said that reading the books pre-
sented some difficulties, and therefore we gave them inspiration to read.
We also encouraged them to be favorable and arrange gatherings of family
members and friends, and we would cook prasdam, chant, and explain the
philosophy. Don't forget, their buying books had been their only contact
with us. This engagement is easy for any older devotees with experience on
book distribution. You don't have to undergo bodily or mental austerity. It's
inspiring, and the book distributors are also inspired because they see that
their addresses are taken care of. It's connected to Prabhupda's desire,
because it encourages people to read his books, and therefore I think it's a
natural development for devotees coming off book distribution. It's a long-
range program. Sometimes we don't get donations or immediate results, but
many fruits will grow in the future. Like any preaching program, the goal is
268 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to bring people to the platform of Ka consciousness. Most of them won't

come to our temples to become devotees. We have to try to transform their
homes. Eventually we set up altars, offer food to Ka, get them to chant,
and elevate them to the platform of wanting to follow regulative principles.
We then tell them that another step is giving donations for Ka conscious
Initially, if they have only three or four books and we want to go there to
give them a set, then we don't call them, we simply go. And when we intro-
duce ourselves and develop a nice relationship, then we see how much we
can sell them. Establishing a lasting relationship is always our first priority.
Although on book distribution the first priority is giving them the books, in
this program you want to develop lasting personal relationships. If you give
them the feeling that you've come again simply to sell them something, you
risk ruining everything. Our long-term plan is to get them to take a set of
Prabhupda's books. Later we call them. We revive the relationship. Here
in Italy we have printed some letter with nice expressions of gratitude. Most
devotees send such people some cards for Christmas, birthdays or other oc-
casions. In this way we maintain nice, personal relationships. Then it be-
comes like a nmahaa program, and you see how you can engage every-
one. Many nice people come forward, willing to do service or support us,
or they invite friends and other people to a feast in their town, and thus the
local Friends of Lord Ka get to meet.
So this is another dimension of life-long book distribution. The older
devotees, instead of getting involved with the administration or becoming
involved in disputes with leaders and feeling dissatisfied, can engage in
this type of program and have ample opportunities to be Ka conscious.
Preaching solves all problems. Otherwise they give up sakrtana and think
the perfection is to get a desk and a position. But that is not necessarily
the sign of spiritual advancement. Advancement depends on chanting and
hearing. The program of visiting favorable people interested in Ka con-
sciousness offers us many opportunities to increase our preaching. And it's
easy. It can help many devotees, especially older devotees, retain the taste
of preaching.

How many people can we reach?

!acnandana Swami: We can clearly realize that book distribution is the
basis, especially we preachers depending on the addresses collected by the
front-line distributors. Wide-scale book distribution spiritualizes the blood-
stream of society by injecting increasing doses of books into the system.
Other Forms of Distributing Books 269

That will change the values of large groups of people and provide the nec-
essary basis on which we can build our preaching. The sakrtana devotees
know that our duty as a movement is not over when we give out books. Of
course, the book distributors should be fixed in their service and should not
become entangled by cultivating people. But there should be some devo-
tees, usually older devotees, who do it. They will further cultivate the peo-
ple, give them more books, inspire them to read and to distribute books
to their friends, and take care of the bhaktas so that the sakrtana groups
will get new men and women. This program increases the enthusiasm of the
book distributors, because we can present them with the fruits of their work
and they can be assured that their contacts are well taken care of.
The book distributors can simply continue with book distribution, the
most important front-line preaching. They should always be convinced that
directly distributing rla Prabhupda's books is the most important and
the most powerful preaching. If preachers visit favorable people and sell
them the set by preaching about the books, that is certainly powerful, and
it has to be done. But how many people can we reach like that? Only a few.
With that kind of preaching alone, we could never have a real impact on
society. Therefore book distribution should never be criticized as a super-
ficial or quick-business method of preaching. It is the most direct, most
personal, and by far the most effective preaching. You engage a person
in substantial devotional service. The transcendental distribution of rla
Prabhupda's books is reaching the world and will change the world. We
can judge by the results; by how many people are getting the books. Hari-
nmnanda was telling me that he was distributing directly in front of the
parliament building in Berne. He could talk to many parliament members
openly about Ka consciousness, and they all took books and were paying
for them. The preachers who had tried to meet these parliament members
by writing to them for an appointment received no response or only a nega-
tive response. But Harinmnanda was meeting them, giving them books,
and getting a good price for the books they took. It was not just a quick
handing over of a free Bhagavad-gt as a P.R. gift at a public event, which
they immediately forget about because they meet thousands of people and
always get free books.
The book distributors make themselves dependent on the Supersoul,
so it is by the will of the Supersoul that they meet important people. They
simply act as instruments. Therefore the book distributors are empowered
to give them rla Prabhupda's books, which is the best introduction to
Ka consciousness. Imagine what trouble it would be for us to meet such
people by appointment. And, after all, we aren't interested only in VIPs.
270 The Nectar of Book Distribution

We want to reach everyone influential as well as ordinary citizens. Every

day the book distributors meet so many more people than the preachers
all kinds of people we would never reach otherwise. In other words, a book
distributor has many powerful preaching engagements each day, and each
meeting leads to the point of a person's taking a book by rla Prabhupda.
So the preachers should never lose the vision of book distribution as the
topmost feature of preaching.

5.11 Bringing books to the top ranks

Getting top-ranking men to read my books is real preaching"

The best process for selling books is to get them reviewed
by various important papers. There are hundreds and thou-
sands of influential papers in your country, and if the books
are reviewed, they will be quickly sold. 36

The methods you have adopted to approach reviewers and

convince them to review our books how much has this at-
tempt been successful? Reviewing is the only way for push-
ing on any publication. 37

Now you and all of your men are experienced in distributing

books to the libraries. If you can get our books placed in the
public libraries it will be a great victory. Do whatever you
think best to make this possible. Yes, the reviews you are
getting are very important. Many times I am showing them
to influential gentlemen. 38

I was very pleased to see how you are getting top-ranking

men to read my books. That is real preaching. If all the gov-
ernment officers at least purchase some of our books, it will
be a great credit. So do it very nicely. 39

Getting the support of everyone, not just a select few"

As for your ideas about influencing the leaders of society,
yes, that must be done. But political power is not in their
hands factually speaking. It is the common people who elect
Other Forms of Distributing Books 271

the leaders of your country. Therefore we must get the sup-

port of the common men. What good is the support of a
handful of so-called leaders of society? But if leaders of so-
ciety can be influenced to preach on our behalf and can help
us to spread Ka consciousness in some practical way, that
is the best service. But simply supporting, that will not help
us. The support of the mass of people will help us. But the
mass of people takes direction from their leaders, so if the
leaders of society can be persuaded of our beneficial work-
ing for the human welfare, and if they help us somehow to
spread what they have learned from us to the people in gen-
eral, that is the point to be considered. By going out for sa-
krtana and selling books to the citizens at large, we are grad-
ually getting the support of everyone, not just a select few. I
have heard that during the last presidential election the op-
posite party to Mr. Nixon was supported by most of the so-
called intelligent class of men of your country, but still, what
could they do? Mr. Nixon had the support of the common
men, therefore he was successful. So we must get the support
of the mass of men, and if the leading men can be induced by
you to preach on our behalf, then you will be able to speed
up the process and actually that is a very great service for
Ka. Spending so much time with upper-class citizens to
get funds must be judged on this idea, whether their appre-
ciating our movement will have any practical effect in terms
of widespread spreading of Ka consciousness and preach-
ing to the mass of men. The program you have mentioned of
approaching the professors to introduce our books in their
classrooms is the right idea. In that way, if the leading class,
just like the professors, can be induced to preach on our be-
half introducing the books to their students is one form of
preaching if they will do like that, then spending time with
them is very, very desirable and effective. 40

Devotee: rla Prabhupda, in several places in the First Canto of "rmad-

Bhgavatam you say we have to get the leaders to take to Ka conscious-
ness then . . .
Prabhupda: Others will follow.
Devotee: . . . the mass will follow. But when Balavanta Prabhu was running
for office you were saying it would be very difficult to get our present-day
272 The Nectar of Book Distribution

leaders to take to Ka consciousness. I'd just like to understand further

whether the masses or the leaders are important.
Prabhupda: No, we are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can
convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That
is the idea. Some way or other we are doing Ka's service. Either you get
the masses or the leader, it doesn't matter. Your service is recognized. 41
Book Distribution
As a Lifetime Mission
By disseminating our Ka conscious propaganda anywhere and every-
where, by selling books, by making publicity in newspapers and on tele-
vision there are so many ways to spread Ka conscious information
and you may know it that by utilizing our energy in this way to give every-
one access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real understanding of the desire
to serve humanity. Understanding is one thing and the practical application
of that understanding is another. But being engaged as devotees of Ka
in the practical work of spreading Ka consciousness is already the high-
est realization. That's all right, that is our real mission, to deliver the world
by preaching Ka's message to others, but an even higher realization, the
highest realization, is to save oneself." 1

6.1 What does lifetime" mean?

The sakrtana movement will expand, continuing so long as
we are sincere. When I came in the beginning, I began to ex-
pand it, and it is now going on, and there is no question of it
stopping. Therefore go on with your lifetime plan-making se-
cure in distributing books. There is no cessation. This move-
ment is eternal. 2

Who really distributes books for a lifetime?

Question: Only a few leaders and sannyss go out regularly to distribute
books, and it seems that all of those who really made it in Ka conscious-
ness are managers or preachers. Won't this discourage book distributors
from continuing for a lifetime?

274 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Harike!a Swami: The term lifetime book distributor might inspire a lot of
devotees, but it isn't a completely practical concept if we judge by the pre-
vious examples of book distributors. I think it means: once a book distribu-
tor, always a book distributor. Once one has a taste for this highest service,
he always wants to be connected to it in one form or another. The connec-
tion will vary in different devotees' lives. In my life I continue in the mission
not directly by distributing books but by inspiring book production in all
the languages of the world and inspiring book distribution wherever I can. I
also counsel book distributors and constantly write them letters of encour-
agement (mainly in response to their letters). I also manage in such a way
that book distribution remains the highest priority, and I encourage others
to do the same. That's how I engage in lifetime book distribution although
I do not go out on the street.
When a book distributor ages, he has more difficulty going out. In one's
later thirties, the body starts to tire, and distribution naturally diminishes.
Devotees also change somewhat mentally and realize that they can serve
the mission by preaching and creating other book distributors or by manag-
ing in such a way that book distribution increases. Those who are success-
ful managers are successful because they can encourage book distribution.
So if a sakrtana devotee becomes a temple president, he will still engage
in book distribution by training devotees to distribute books and by taking
part in the marathons and the regular sakrtana. His sakrtana vision en-
courages everyone to engage in the sakrtana mission. This is as impor-
tant as the book distribution itself. Perhaps the sakrtana devotees do not
appreciate the efforts of the former distributors who are now temple pres-
idents, but these presidents do great service keeping the book distribution
going and perpetuating it. All temples should be managed by former sakr-
tana devotees or devotees full of the sakrtana spirit. Otherwise the tem-
ples will never emphasize book distribution, and it will be dull. Sakrtana
gives life, and a temple president should see to it that the life of the mis-
sion of Lord Caitanya is always present in his temple. The senior sakrtana
devotees will naturally take up managing roles or some other responsible
service in their older age. This keeps the mission alive and doesn't contra-
dict the notion of lifetime book distribution. Actually, this is the more prac-
tical understanding of lifetime book distribution, and it should be discussed
among the devotees. Managers should consider these points and under-
stand how they are part of the foundation of the sakrtana movement. The
preachers are also important for the sakrtana movement because they
bring new men into the sakrtana mission. And the gurus especially should
give their disciples the mission to engage in sakrtana for their whole lives
in one form or another.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 275

Staying connected to book distribution

You are a very expert book distributor, so I do not want you
to give it up altogether. If you like, you can also do some
painting, but you should still distribute books two days out
of the week (at least). Always strictly follow all the rules and
regulations, rising early, attending magala-rati and classes,
and without fail chanting sixteen rounds daily. This will make
you strong in Ka consciousness, which is the most essen-
tial thing. Always be engaged twenty-four hours a day in the
service of Ka and be happy. 2

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: Some book distributors will stop. But, for
example, in Brazil, which is so successful, many of our leaders are former
sakrtana champions. We naturally trained devotees who were book dist-
ributors to become leaders and organize book distribution. Rather than see
it as a falldown or copping out, I saw it as an advancement.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: A devotee who distributes books for many years be-
comes a qualified devotee, and at some point when a qualified devotee is
needed to fill a post, he's the obvious choice. Not that the sakrtana devo-
tees are necessarily falling away from book distribution by their own desire,
but they're becoming qualified and out of necessity they assume manage-
rial roles. If they keep the sakrtana mission within their sights as the main
mission in life, then they don't have to be on the street giving out books to
be called sakrtana devotees.

Vi!vadeva Dsa (Germany): I did full-time book distribution from March of

1979 until August 1985. Then another service was assigned to me. As tem-
ple president in Heidelberg, I consider it my main duty to organize book
distribution in cooperation with the sakrtana leaders. I see to it that new
devotees are trained to distribute books, and I offer the facility for book
distribution to everyone.

Premrava Dsa: What counts is the order of the spiritual master, and he
gives different orders to different devotees. But it's a pity if those who stop
sakrtana give up their connection altogether. Such devotees and those
who have never gone on sakrtana may become a burden on the sakr-
tana devotees, who feel the lack of sakrtana spirit in the temple. That has
to be changed by preaching and by devotees setting an example of remain-
ing connected with book distribution.
276 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Maidhra Dsa: Ka gives us power, intelligence, and bliss. But what

are we going to do with them? That's our choice, and many tests will come.
The most important thing to learn is how to share the bliss, because if we
don't share it, we'll lose it. That principle applies to any kind of preach-
ing, not only book distribution, and it especially means helping the youn-
ger devotees come up. For that, one has to invest time, and then one will
not be as big anymore, and others will become big. In other words, one has
to be free of envy. Older devotees should be advanced at seeing themselves
as the menial servants of the new devotees desiring to take up sakrtana.
That's what gives me the highest taste. It's blissful seeing someone start to
distribute a lot of books. Teaching new devotees by accompanying them on
sakrtana takes a lot of energy, and one will not be on top anymore, but
in any case one will have to slow down at one point anyhow. This is the
test, and if we don't have the taste for helping others, we will just turn away
from Ka: What? You won't give me a reward for my austerities? Then
I'm not going to serve You anymore." Therefore when book distributors
get tired, they need a strong program for preaching that includes chanting
parties and Sunday Feast programs. There must be a strong connection be-
tween book distribution and preaching. Preaching is the natural conclusion.
Why are we going out to distribute books? To preach, to persuade people
to become Ka conscious, and to give them knowledge. So naturally a
book distributor can also preach. If not, he's a stereotyped book distribu-
tor, grown up in only one way like a tree that has a single big branch and
weak roots a storm will make him collapse. A thorough understanding of
sakrtana is better. It's a very broad mission. It's philosophy, it's purifica-
tion, it's preaching, it's engaging others. It all has to be there.

What it takes to continue for a lifetime

Only a few devotees may continue doing book distribution for their
whole lifetime, and therefore the above statements gave a broader under-
standing of lifetime book distribution. However, lifetime book distribution
also means doing it for an entire lifetime, and the following statements de-
scribe the determination required for lifetime book distribution. Book dis-
tribution is most pleasing to rla Prabhupda, and that's one reason to
continue. It's the most demanding service, and those who do it need special
inspiration and support.

Prahldnanda Swami: When I was first distributing in the airport years

ago, it was heavy. Sometimes even fights broke out, and I thought I'd prob-
ably get smashed or killed. Eventually I thought, Maybe I will get killed.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 277

So what? I shouldn't worry about it so much, because I'm going to die any-
way. And the best place to get killed is on sakrtana." So my anxiety went
away, and I was able to concentrate more on what I was doing. In Ka
consciousness we're often given practical tests of our surrender, and we
must analyze: What's taking place here? Am I this body and mind? Am
I really Ka's servant? Am I going to take a risk for Ka and sacrifice
something for Him?" When Ka sees we're sincere, He gives us the intel-
ligence to see things more clearly and helps us directly realize we're differ-
ent from the body. Whatever happens to the body isn't going to affect me.
I'll be transcendental. But I should use the body to please Ka, and then
everything becomes as good as Vaikuha.

Rohisuta Dsa: A sakrtana devotee may or may not do big, but he

should always stay on sakrtana. We should count the number of years,
not the number of books. We should make sakrtana our life's mission. We
have to become satisfied simply distributing books. Our inspiration must
not depend on the big results we get, because one day we won't be number
one any more, and that will be a big test. Will we continue? Or say, What's
the use? Better I do something else." You don't have to tell a fish to stay in
the water; he likes it. So we have to feel at home distributing books. A real
sakrtana devotee isn't always looking at his watch.

Maidhra Dsa: I remember the different stages of consciousness I went

through on book distribution. In the beginning I distributed books in a
pretty desperate way, because it was like swimming in an ocean full of
sharks, and sometimes I'd even cry out loudly, Hare Ka!" Somehow
people never got disturbed, and I learned to depend on the holy name.
Now, engaging in managerial service, I miss that helpless dependence. I
tend to be proud and take chanting for granted. Sakrtana was so nice be-
cause it forced me to chant. Whenever I go out now, I don't feel that anxiety
anymore. I'm engaged with so many things that sakrtana has become a
source of relief for me. Again and again, whenever I go out, I always re-
member that Prabhupda is nondifferent from book distribution, because
it's easy to remember Prabhupda on the street. I cannot say I remember
Ka all the time for sure not. But one thing I can say boldly: it's easy to
remember Prabhupda while distributing on the street. And somehow or
other by his mercy it's also easy to chant the holy name while distributing

Harike!a Swami: After a marathon we feel exhausted and take a little rest
to recover our strength. Sometimes a neophyte thinks that rest is my: I
278 The Nectar of Book Distribution

shall never rest. I'll die on the battlefield." And then they do! What is the
use of that? It's no use dying on the battlefield. Better to stay alive and
fight. We have to take care of our bodies. Eat properly, sleep properly. And
read rla Prabhupda's books to absorb the philosophy and develop spiri-
tual understanding so that we can go back to Godhead without deviation.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: It's necessary to enjoy sakrtana; otherwise you'll

seek some other enjoyment a position, an office, a secretary, a car, a wife
and kid, money and business. If you experience joy on sakrtana, you will
not exchange it for anything. Someone may tell you, Look, man, you have
to think of your future. You need money, and you don't even live in a pro-
per place." But you will never consider such proposals seriously. You won't
be interested. You'll remain fixed and go on, because you like distributing
Prabhupda's books and being used by Ka in this way.

Vijaya Dsa: My most ecstatic moments in Ka consciousness have been

on book distribution. I've made a vow to continue book distribution as
long as my body allows, because I know, by Ka's mercy, that the teach-
ings rla Prabhupda gave us are the Absolute Truth and only through this
knowledge can people be satisfied in life.

Caku Dsa: I try to do book distribution on a day-to-day basis. Who can

say he'll go out for the rest of his life and not want to do anything else?
That would mean someone is a pure devotee. Therefore I pray to continue
on a day-to-day basis, and in that way I hope I can do it my whole life. If I
can do it next week, then I'll be happy. And then I'll be happy to make it to
the week after that, and so on and so on, for a whole lifetime.

"aii Dev Ds: Who knows how much longer we can do it? Who knows
how much longer we'll live? Maybe we think, Oh, for a lifetime that
means until I'm seventy or eighty." But who knows? A lifetime could also
mean that there is just a short time left. That's why I find it much more re-
alistic to make plans on a daily basis, to work on my Ka consciousness
every day a bit more, to develop the awareness that every day could be
my last. I'm not on that level, but the examples like Mahrja Parkit are
there. I go on seeing what Ka has in store.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: Many devotees burned out because they neglected to

cultivate the attitude of giving instead of taking. We're meant to give peo-
ple the mercy of Ka. When we forget that, book distribution becomes
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 279

mechanical or superficial, and we lose our taste. We can't allow ourselves

to stagnate, otherwise we'll lose our spiritual understanding of book distri-
bution and won't be able to go out. I know from experience that whenever
there's some slackening of enthusiasm, then I have to find some means to
get into it again. Once I just started distributing cookies along with the
books, and I became completely detached and understood again the point
of giving instead of taking. People took either books or cookies or both.
Everything was personal and blissful, and I could directly say to people that
I was Ka's devotee, because the cookies were labeled and included in-
vitation cards. Sometimes we're afraid, or we don't dare admit who we are:
We're from The International Society for Kri I mean, we're from a farm
around the corner, and we collect money for children in India. By the way,
we give a book to whoever donates." So the point is that whenever we have
problems distributing books, Ka wants to show us something. Then we
have to find out what it is, and usually it's a defect in our attitude. When we
cultivate a proper attitude, we can go on for a long time.

Ya!od-dulla Dsa: Book distribution is not a means of pumping out

books, it's a means of purification. Sometimes the mode of passion contam-
inates us and makes us think we have to do big. Ka may fulfill our desire
for some time, but then Ka will take the big result away. And if we're
just into doing big, we won't be as inspired anymore. But if we realize we're
preaching to please our spiritual master, then we'll stick it out no matter
what. In that way, we'll always be inspired to go out and connect the con-
ditioned souls to Ka. We'll never be dissatisfied even if our bodies are
breaking down or the results are small. Our bodies will break down anyway,
so better they break down while we do sakrtana, because there we get the
most mercy. With every step we take on sakrtana, we'll be more quickly
recognized by Ka. There will never be any loss. Even if the results aren't
there, purification and mercy will be.

Harinmnanda Dsa: The more one goes out and distributes, the more
one gets the nectarean realization that each book is a ll of Ka. Ka
is present in the form of "rmad-Bhgavatam in Kali-yuga, and He is saving
the conditioned souls in that form. One is fortunate to witness it and to be
the one carrying Him around and giving Him to others. I pray that I can
continue, and even if I can't, then my only desire is that I can help and in-
spire those devotees who do that service. I'd like to hear about those devo-
tees and serve those devotees. I'd like everyone to have the opportunity of
diving deeper and deeper into the nectarean ocean of book distribution.
280 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Capacity and quantity

I am very pleased to hear that you are putting your full en-
ergy into distributing books and magazines very widely all
over Canada. It is not so much the numbers of books sold,
it is the sincerity which Ka appreciates, and I am encour-
aged by your determined enthusiasm to increase in every re-
spect. 3

A devotee who wants to distribute books for a long time or a lifetime

must not be attached to his results. In answering the question, Why can't
everyone do big? Everyone we asked and even those who do big said
that steadiness is more important than big results. A steady devotee will
naturally distribute a considerable quantity of books over the years.

Harinmnanda Dsa: rla Prabhupda said that everybody should learn

to distribute his books. When the spiritual master says that everybody
should learn, that means it's possible for everybody to learn. But for sure
not everybody will be able to distribute the same amount of books or dist-
ribute them throughout his life on the front lines. That isn't possible. I can-
not imagine that. I think it's possible only for one devotee in a thousand,
maybe not even that. We see this from the past. As far as I am concerned,
I can understand that the spiritual master is praying to Lord Ka and
Lord Caitanya to arrange for his disciples to distribute books. That's the
only explanation why I'm distributing many books. I cannot see that I have
any special qualities. Obviously, it's due only to the causeless mercy of the
spiritual master. I can feel that he simply meditates with full consciousness,
with heart and soul, only on this. He is praying to Ka that the fallen con-
ditioned souls will get the books of rla Prabhupda and that his disciples
are able to distribute the books. By the mercy and the association of the
devotees, we are trying to satisfy the spiritual master and serve him, and
therefore we're distributing books. But to distribute books for a lifetime is
possible only for a few devotees, and from what I've seen, only a few can
distribute a huge number of books. The reason for that I don't know. But
something else has to be understood: for some devotees, distributing less
than five hundred books a week is complete my, while for other devo-
tees, distributing one or two hundred books means that their consciousness,
body, mind, intelligence, and words have been engaged properly with no
room for my. There are different capacities. It's not correct to say that
everybody who doesn't distribute many books is in my. Rather, every-
body according to his capacity is able to distribute books or is able to learn
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 281

how to distribute more books. This is the desire of rla Prabhupda that
every serious student of the Ka consciousness movement study his books
and learn to present them to others, whether at a book table, to guests in
the temple, at homes, by mail, and at the airport or on the street. It will be
different for every individual. Everybody has the capacity to give books to
conditioned souls. But you have to learn the art.

"aii Dev Ds: Everyone should do as much as he can, like the example
of the spider and the big monkey in Rmacandra's army. The Lord accepts
everyone's service. The point is not how much one distributes, because
some have bigger capacities, provided one is giving 100% to Ka. Maybe
we have the same desire as someone else to distribute books and satisfy our
spiritual master, but still we don't distribute the same amount as another
devotee because the difference may be one of millions of lifetimes. But
that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. If you give 100%, then Ka is 100%
pleased. On that level it's equal. But we should always think we don't do
enough too much energy for my and not enough for Ka. We should
always look for challenges. For example, sometimes we hear that mtjs
cannot distribute as many books because they are weak and their bodies
aren't made for sakrtana, what to speak of their minds, but my experience
has been that if we have the desire, we can transcend the conditions of a
weak body. Ka reciprocates.

Gta-govinda Ds: It is up to Ka how many books we distribute. Some-

one may be engaged by Ka to distribute a lot, and someone else not as
much. If we're engaged in the service with love and devotion, with pure
motivation, then both the quality and quantity will increase. Ka always
wants to give everyone His power, but we can't take it, because as soon
as we are empowered by Him, we get puffed up. Ka is protecting us so
that we don't become puffed-up and leave ISKCON. He can give unlimited
power to a Ka conscious devotee to distribute many books or to inspire
others to distribute many books.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: I was traveling with a devotee who had said in a lec-
ture that you can judge a person's Ka consciousness by how many books
he distributes. So I asked him, Can you please explain then how it is
that acnandana Swami was going out all day and distributing only a few
books? You must be more Ka conscious than he is." The mentality that
Ka consciousness can be measured by numbers is an improper under-
standing. Ka consciousness is measured by how much one develops love
for God, and that's something we can't measure in numbers of books. Time
282 The Nectar of Book Distribution

is showing us this. Maybe one reason that some sakrtana devotees fall
away is that they think, Devotees who don't do as big as me must be in
my." This attitude is an offense that I'm really afraid of committing be-
cause I know it would mean inevitably the end of my book distribution.

Responsibility to "rla Prabhupda

Don't spoil it. Now it is up to you, my senior men. I may part
from you. My health is not good. I am an old man. It is not
surprising. Now you GBC, young boys, you are expert. You
have intelligence. So don't spoil it. Let the movement go for-
ward more. You have a lot of nice places. . . . And even if I
go, what is the harm? I have given my ideas and directions in
my books. Just you have to see to it. I think I have done my
part, is it not? 5

I am very pleased by your attitude to surrender yourself

completely by engaging cent percent in Ka's service.
Somehow or other always to be thinking about Ka, that
is the goal of the Ka consciousness process. So now you
please help me spread this information all over this planet,
especially by helping to distribute my books and literatures,
as many as possible. Then you will get the credit, and know
it for certain that very soon you will go back to home, back
to Godhead. 6

Nirgua Dsa: It's Prabhupda's order. Therefore we should do it if we're

really sincere disciples. In the beginning many of us run through the lots
and the streets selling books, but if we can't go on like that for many years,
there are so many other methods: preaching centers, scheduled talks, librar-
ies, school programs, festivals, and programs at churches and organizations.
We can sell books anywhere and everywhere. It's simply a matter of desire,
training, broadmindedness, and patience. Prabhupda did it, and we can do
it following in his footsteps.

Tapas Dsa: Prabhupda wanted everyone to have a set of his books, and
many conditioned souls don't have even one book. There's enough for us
to do for a lifetime. Prabhupda once said that until one is forty-five, he's
considered a young man he said that when he was eighty. We're young
and energetic. If we don't distribute books in some way, we'll have a diffi-
cult time; giving up book distribution doesn't mean getting an easier life
that's an illusion.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 283

We're weak in Kali-yuga, and the shelter that we get on book distri-
bution is Lord Caitanya's mercy and protection. It's like a bubble that He
puts around us while we distribute, and the people we distribute to are also
in that bubble, and thus they forget the Kali-yuga around them during the
time we meet them. If we have that understanding, we'll feel, I need book
distribution and the mercy and purification it offers. The people also need
it." We'll get a special taste for going out: Yes, temple life is very nice, but
going together with other devotees on sakrtana is special nectar." We can
feel Ka's presence clearly. We experience Vaikuha on the parking lots.
Ka easily manifests on book distribution, more so than in the temple.
This reciprocation with Ka will make us very eager to go out all the time
to help people and to reciprocate with Ka ourselves.
We'll have to slow down at one point, but we will never quit the book
distribution camp. We can train new devotees and share our experience.
rla Prabhupda organized the book distribution mission in such a wonder-
ful way. We can completely dive into planning how to fulfill Prabhupda's
mission. There's no limit to applying our desires and intelligence and minds
and bodies to giving everyone more and more books.

6.2 Book distribution is a constant challenge

I can well appreciate how things are going on nicely in your
center. I am very glad to hear all the good news, especially
that you want to sell books more and more. That is the best
preaching work; each book sold means there is some prac-
tical effect of preaching, there is some tangible progress. So
try to sell as many books as possible in your country, and in
this way, so long you remain active but not for your personal
sense gratification, so long you remain active only satisfying
Ka's senses, then this movement will be successful with-
out any doubt. As soon as someone wants to satisfy his own
senses, then he fails at everything. We are the only move-
ment in the world which is preaching the real fact, or secret
to success, and outside our movement everything else will
fail. So try to convince people to join us and be successful in
their life. 7

Every day means new surrender

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: One may either go out or do another ser-
vice, but he should not give up his connection to sakrtana. And that is a
284 The Nectar of Book Distribution

question of surrender. When devotees are young, they like to travel around,
sleep in the van, and do book distribution, but when they grow older, they
become concerned with security, money, and settling down. So as one gets
older, he has to surrender again. He has a middle-age crisis and has to sur-
render again to Ka. That's spiritual life many times coming to a point
where we again have to surrender and again give up sense gratification. Just
like impurity accumulates on the teeth once a year you go to a dentist
and have it removed. So, as we practice devotional service, material desires
will come, and periodically we have to clean our house. Not that you say, I
surrendered to Ka in 1972." That's nice. But did you surrender in 1973?
'74? 1987? It's a surrendering process. That's how rla Prabhupda speaks
of it, a surrendering process. (From a class in Zurich on July 20, 1987)

Rohisuta Dsa: Every day is a new day of surrender. Surrendering once

is not enough. Every day requires new surrender. You can distribute two
hundred books one day, but the next day you have to surrender again. You
should not think you are the master, you did it yesterday, you'll do the same
today. It's not a mechanical process. By surrendering we can see that it is
really Ka who distributes the books. But we can become empowered in-
struments if we are free from desires for name, fame, glory, or distinction.
We should never think, I am the doer. I can do it every day." Every day is
a new day, and we have to be humble and feel helpless. A child is always
helpless and dependent on the father and mother. Similarly, we have to de-
pend on the mercy of the spiritual master and Ka. Otherwise we have to
suffer because of forgetting Ka. And then while suffering, we start think-
ing, I want to do something else. I have to leave book distribution." But
we don't need to change our service, we need to change our attitude. Then
we will always find a way to stay connected to book distribution.

Maidhra Dsa: The deepest impetus for me to continue distributing

books is that I always felt completely protected on the street. I felt more
protected there than anywhere else. I realized that what I was doing pleased
rla Prabhupda. That I knew for sure. I wasn't too sure about my relation-
ship to Ka. This I knew from the books, but it seemed far away. But very
soon I started to understand that book distribution is something Prabhu-
pda really likes. Just by my going on the street and distributing books, sud-
denly it was easy to remember Prabhupda and Ka. It was mysterious.
As soon as I started to distribute books, the Hare Ka mantra became
easy to remember. And later it became more obvious to me that I received
immense spiritual help on the street.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 285

On sakrtana there is no other choice than to surrender. That is forced

surrender, and it makes life easy, because as far as we're concerned, we're
hesitant to surrender. But on sakrtana there's no choice. It's like walk-
ing on a rope over a lake full of crocodiles one doesn't consider taking
a swim. One just looks at the crocodiles, and that's enough. This deep real-
ization about the actual nature of my is Ka's mercy, and thus surren-
der becomes easier or at least more natural.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: Sakrtana forms our personality. It teaches us how

to fix ourselves in Ka consciousness, beginning with chanting. If you
have to face a big challenge during the day, like going out on book distri-
bution, then you will endeavor to hear your rounds better in the morning.
On book distribution you quickly understand that without chanting noth-
ing will happen, and that forces you to concentrate more. Also, while you
are out, you're forced to concentrate as you go from person to person, hour
after hour, day after day. This is definitely forming your personality. Sakr-
tana is like a mirror, and it does not mean only that you distribute books.
You have to cook, learn the treasury work, and live closely with others and
learn about psychology. You always know where you're at. You see the
people react, you see how much you have to improve, you always have to
be alert. Ka shows you when you are in my. In this way you're forced
to cultivate your inner Ka consciousness and control your motivation,
and you have unlimited opportunities to fix your mind on Ka. Ka is
personally training you, Ka is correcting you, and you can experience
Ka's presence. You are personally dealing with all the parts and parcels
of Ka. In this way you learn that you're a person, not your body, and that
these people are not their bodies we're all spirit souls. If we sincerely en-
deavor on sakrtana, Ka will give us this realization.

Taking shelter in book distribution

"rmad-Bhgavatam 5.1.19 p: A devotee is never affected by material in-
fluences. The devotees in the Ka consciousness movement are preach-
ing all over the world in accordance with the order of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu. They have to meet many karms, but by the mercy of r Caitanya
Mahprabhu, they are unaffected by material influences. He has blessed
them, as described in Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya 7.129: kabhu n bdhibe
tomra viaya-taraga, punarapi ei hi pbe mora saga. A sincere devo-
tee who engages in the service of Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu by preach-
ing His cult all over the world will never be affected by viaya-taraga,
286 The Nectar of Book Distribution

material influences. On the contrary, in due course of time he will return

to the lotus feet of Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu and will thus have per-
petual association with Him.

Maidhra Dsa: I have a strong feeling that Ka is taking care of me

just because I went on the street to distribute books as much as I could.
I had plenty of opportunities to go off the line of devotional service, but
somehow Ka never allowed me to do that. Whenever, even emotional-
ly, I was going in the wrong direction, I got the right advice from the right
person always, and I got straightened out again and again. Definitely there
was protection. So I can trace it back to book distribution, which is the real,
supreme shelter. It is so dear to rla Prabhupda.

Gaur Dev Ds: Ka is certainly going to engage you if you're really

ready. Why wouldn't He? Do you think Ka isn't going use you if you're
trying to be pure and free of impediments, if you're out there with enthu-
siasm and determination? If He doesn't engage you as much as you want,
then you must look deep in your heart and see what Ka is trying to
make you see. Fruitive desire? Attachment to honor and fame? Pride? You
really have to get into it and see what it is. What is your motivation? And
then you can easily see why Ka is doing what He's doing. The problem
is that we're deceptive. We cheat ourselves, and we cheat everybody else.
We're cheating ourselves, because we have so little idea who we really are;
we're in illusion about ourselves and our eternal identity as the servant of
Ka. It's a deep thing. We just have to work on it every day when you
go on sakrtana, when you chant japa, when you perform every devotional
activity. See yourself accurately and be honest with yourself. You need the
help of the devotees. The association of devotees is invaluable because with
the help of Godbrothers and Godsisters and the deep friendships that one
forms, one has a kind of mirror to get some feedback. We always want guid-
ance. Any sincere devotee always wants to be reprimanded and guided and
corrected and shown in any way possible how he's not digging deep enough
into his heart and getting out all the weeds. We want not only to be pure
instruments and to do unlimited service in terms of sakrtana and preach-
ing, but also to be qualified to join Ka, which is what Ka really wants.
Even beyond our preaching, Ka wants us to become His pure devotees.
Preaching is the process He's given us to develop love for Him. That's how
I see it. The preaching is the process Lord Caitanya arranged to purify us,
and in the process we purify others, and they're going to purify others, and
so on. Ultimately the goal is to love Ka. And then Ka can play with
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 287

us and dance with us and have fun with us. Right now, we're just a drag, you
know? He cannot even be around us very much in one sense. He's always
with us in our hearts, but we can't really reciprocate that much with Him
because we're slow and dull.

Stopping full-time book distribution

Vi!vadeva Dsa: Someone may give up book distribution because of phys-
ical problems, other desires, or the practical necessity to do a specific ser-
vice. As long as a devotee continues serving the spiritual master's mission,
he or she is still a sakrtana devotee, a part of the sakrtana movement.
We're individuals, and not everyone can distribute books, at least not on
the street. There are different reasons for that different capacities, servic-
es, and desires, or maybe it's even Ka's plan, who knows?

Premrava Dsa: I distributed books full-time for eight years and part-
time for two. Now I hardly go out. It's the situation I'm in. But I judge the
perfection of what I do by whether or not I can somehow serve the sa-
krtana mission. Maybe I can join it again without all the different anarthas
that make it difficult to continue for a whole lifetime. One reason I stopped
is that I had been quite fanatical. I went like a madman all those years, not
considering the winter cold or my bodily maintenance in general, until my
body was finished and going out was difficult. I'd lie in the sakrtana van
trying to gather some energy to go out, but the periods in the van became
longer and longer. When not properly engaged, the mind starts to speculate
and become lusty, and in that way my takes over.

Maidhra Dsa: Lifetime plans for book distribution this statement of

rla Prabhupda is a great, great challenge. And for me it's like making
lifetime plans to remain Ka conscious. They're the same, because it's not
possible to keep distributing books without developing mature Ka con-
sciousness. We can follow the regulative principles and chant Hare Ka,
but to maintain our determination to distribute books we must become free
of the fruitive attachments that ruin our broad preaching vision. We'll face
hard times when only small results come out of our preaching. But that is
also part of our lifetime plan for book distribution. Our bodies will have
problems, or we'll change $ramas. But the challenge is still to find ways to
distribute books despite the impediments and entanglements. It's all part
of our war on my. Our lives are very, very short but from the material
point of view, there's plenty of time to fall into my.
288 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Premrava Dsa: I like seeing the book distribution mission as nondiffe-

rent from Lord Ka and Lord Caitanya, a completely transcendental af-
fair totally free from any material contamination. But we have to purify
ourselves of many contaminations before we reach the perfection of book
distribution. Impurities may sometimes lead us to the point of stopping
book distribution. Of course, the most effective purification is book distri-
bution itself, but not everyone can immediately distribute books in full sur-
render. Someone may stop book distribution, but if he continues serving the
mission (like me) in the association of devotees, I would see him as being
simply in a period of purification, gaining the spiritual strength to finally go
back out on sakrtana again.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: If we are rude or impertinent, we'll agitate people,

and the reaction may be that they become angry. Who cares?" you may
say. But any conditioned soul is part and parcel of Ka, and if you cheat
him or mistreat him and he becomes angry, and Ka is dissatisfied, you'll
gradually lose your taste for book distribution or even spiritual life. It will
affect you because you turned him off. He lost an opportunity to begin
Ka consciousness because of you. That can very well be a reason why
devotees lose their taste for sakrtana. Sometimes that reason is underesti-

Bhadbhnu Dsa: There's never a point when you don't have to surrender
to Ka anymore. One day we will realize that Ka consciousness means
to surrender. By reminding us of this, Ka is churning the nectar. But first
the poison comes out. We are swimming around in our poisonous lakes
like Kliya, and Ka is dancing on our hoods until we surrender. Ka is
dancing and pounding our minds until we understand we're not the mind.
The mind may be inspired or not, but we have to do our service anyway.
We know it's nectar because we experience it. We know, At this point I
experienced nectar, and I was convinced that book distribution is the best
thing for me and everyone else." So we have to strive for these nectarean
experiences and realizations and then imprint them deeply on our mind. In
that way we can pass all the tests that come to us, and they come in all the
services, not only in book distribution.

6.3 Overcoming problems in spiritual life

Engaging in devotional service means declaring war on my, and it es-
pecially applies to book distribution. Book distributors leave the shelter of
the temple and confront my on the front lines. They go out five or six
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 289

days a week alone for hours and have to confront my in many forms:
sense objects, internal weaknesses, and danger from opposing elements.
Becoming more and more fixed in book distribution is a constant chal-
lenge. Taking up the challenge means making quick advancement and do-
ing the most powerful preaching. Therefore one has to be prepared to face
seductions and hard tests. When Hanumn jumped to Lak, many obsta-
cles presented themselves to stop him. Hanumn defeated them gloriously,
but as far as the book distributors are concerned, there's a casualty rate.
Therefore it's important to discuss the dangers to be avoided.

The Nectar of Instruction, 2: One's devotional service is spoiled when he

becomes too entangled in the following six activities: (1) eating more than
necessary or collecting more funds than required, (2) overendeavoring for
mundane things that are very difficult to obtain, (3) talking unnecessarily
about mundane subject matters, (4) practicing the scriptural rules and reg-
ulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spir-
itual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures
and working independently or whimsically, (5) associating with worldly-
minded persons who are not interested in Ka consciousness, and (6)
being greedy for mundane achievements.

False ego and a fruitive mentality

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.5.31: The senses are certainly products of the mode
of passion in false ego, and therefore philosophical speculative knowledge
and fruitive activities are predominantly products of the mode of passion.
Purport: The chief function of the false ego is godlessness. When a person
forgets his constitutional position as an eternally subordinate part and par-
cel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wants to be happy indepen-
dently, he functions mainly in two ways. He first attempts to act fruitively
for personal gain or sense gratification, and after attempting such fruitive
activities for a considerable time, when he is frustrated he becomes a phi-
losophical speculator and thinks himself to be on the same level as God.
This false idea of becoming one with the Lord is the last snare of the il-
lusory energy, which traps a living entity into the bondage of forgetfulness
under the spell of false ego.

A book distributor experiences the influence of false ego in the form

of a fruitive mentality, or attachment to the results of his endeavors. In the
case of success, pride arises, and in the case of failure, frustration, and an-
ger. Under its influence he thinks himself to be on the same level as God,"
290 The Nectar of Book Distribution

an independent enjoyer, controller, master, and recipient of service. There-

fore, one of the first lessons a book distributor learns is to be free of frui-
tive attachments. He must fight for the sake of fighting, without consider-
ing happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat" (Bg. 2.38). Book
distributors must be detached from the results, big or small. They shouldn't
be detached from doing big (out of indifference, lethargy or lack of surren-
der), nor should they be attached to doing big (out of pride), only to be
frustrated if the results don't come. Both are symptoms of the same menta-
lity: fruitive attachment.
Ka explains the proper attitude: You have the right to perform your
prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Never con-
sider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be at-
tached to not doing your duty" (Bg. 2.47). A book distributor should be at-
tached to doing his service as well as possible; that will naturally bring good
results, increased endeavors, and, most importantly, happiness and real self-
satisfaction. Pride or frustration are signs of material motivation, whereas
increased surrender and humility are signs of spiritual motivation.

Harike!a Swami: Prabhupda wanted his disciples to distribute millions of

books, but he wanted them to do it for their whole lives, not like comets
streaking through the air running around without really understanding
what is going on. One cannot distribute books thinking of big results alone.
One can do that for some time. We have personally seen that the motive to
be on top of the charts is inspiring, but it doesn't last. One must have trans-
cendental knowledge, vidy. If it's simply done for fruitive results, the re-
sults will gradually diminish. Or we may maintain big results, but our idea
will be, I can also get big results in the material world. Why do I need
Ka consciousness?" Therefore we've been losing some devotees through
the years. Prabhupda told us not to be attached to mundane fame, profit,
or distinction. Even if nobody knows what you do, or nobody cares, what's
the difference? The spiritual master and Ka know. We may somehow
or other distribute by a material arrangement, but that will ultimately go
down, down, down, and we will lose so many men. In 1970, when there were
450 devotees in this movement, Prabhupda announced that we now have
enough men and we should teach them to become first-class Vaiavas.
First class" means titikava kruik suhda sarva-dehinm ajta-$atra-
va $nt sdhava sdhu-bh%a. The symptoms of a devotee are that
he is tolerant, merciful, and friendly to all. He is peaceful, he abides by the
scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime. (From a class in Mypur
on March 22, 1982)
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 291

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa (Germany): There are always traps. One may

think, I'm advanced because I've distributed books for many years." That
attitude checks his progress. He'll lose his eagerness to surrender and at-
tain the transcendental platform. Without great eagerness it isn't possible
to make spiritual progress. But a devotee with transcendental eagerness
turns to Ka and thinks of himself as helpless and devoid of good quali-
ties. When he sees that he has a lot of bad qualities, then he can really ap-
proach Ka. We book distributors always have to depend completely on
Ka and our spiritual master, and it is our duty to perform our service
with great eagerness. Otherwise, we'll fall back. If we depend on our spiri-
tual master, who is an ocean of mercy, then we can cultivate the proper at-
titude. But when we think we're advanced because we know many verses
or have distributed many books, then we're unnecessarily complicating our
lives. When we understand that all the books we distribute are distributed
by the mercy of the spiritual master, then everything becomes easy, and
we're thankful just for being allowed to engage in devotional service.

Navna-nrada Dsa: We shouldn't try to force Ka or blackmail Him:

If You don't give me the same results You gave the other devotees, de-
spite my hard endeavors, then I will endeavor only half as much, and that
will be the standard of my book distribution for the future." Then again if
someone feels satisfied by going out for five hours and distributing fifty or
one hundred books, but after that enjoys himself although he could distrib-
ute more, Ka will not like his attitude. It will cause him many problems.
Such a devotee will be corrected, and that may be painful. It's much better
to correct oneself from the beginning. We hear the lectures of our spiritual
master and other devotees, we read the books, we see good examples, so
we can easily find out where we must start the correction.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: During rla Prabhupda's vysa-p%j marathon there

was one public holiday, and I was distributing on the parking lot of a tourist
site. It was really tough in the afternoon hardly anyone was taking books.
One guy told me he didn't like my books because his sister is into yoga and
meditation. I asked sarcastically whether she is still alive, and he said we
were lazy guys and didn't want to work. I became angry and told him that
carrying fifteen books around in the heat isn't exactly a holiday. But he said
I had never worked a day in my life and that I was lucky I was wearing my
hat or the straw would start coming out of my head. And you're lucky I'm a
monk, I said, or I'd break every tooth in your head. I was really angry. But
then I realized I was a fool to waste time with this idiot and walked off. I
292 The Nectar of Book Distribution

was disturbed and thought I'd have to read a little to calm down. I kept re-
peating to myself, You've never worked a day in your life. You don't know
what hard work is." But then, amid the outrage, I realized that was my
spiritual master speaking to me. That person was purposefully targeting my
false ego. I was used to people criticizing the books, but this guy was going
at me. He was sent to kick me, to snap me out of illusion. When I realized
that, I became blissful and continued with new life. In the next half hour
I distributed ten books. Then the police came and threw me out, called by
the man because of my wrong behavior, no doubt.

Ya!od-dulla Dsa: The only thing blocking us from getting Ka's mercy
is ourselves. We either surrender to Ka and let Ka control us, or we
surrender to my and let my manipulate us. We have experience that
if we're on sakrtana and don't feel surrendered, then my immediately
starts taking us over. She says, Look in the store window." And we look.
Then we start spacing out, and we have no potency to accomplish anything.
We are actually puppets in Ka's hands that is the essence of Ka
consciousness. It's not a cheap platform. It requires constant, sincere en-
deavor. The puppet master moves the puppet according to his will, and the
puppet is connected by hooks to the strings that are pulled by the master.
But to the untrained eye, it appears as if the puppet moves on his own. We
have to be hooked up with Ka through the orders of the spiritual master.
If we want to continue performing sakrtana, we must learn how to do this
steadily. We must give up all our ideas for selfish independence, which is an
illusion anyway.

Vijaya Dsa: Sometimes we become attached to the results. We want to do

big, and then what happens is our consciousness switches from Ka con-
sciousness, or pleasing Ka, to getting a big result. Immediately the non-
devotees we're approaching see in our faces that we want something from
them. Therefore a sakrtana devotee must develop a sincere desire to
please Ka, and in this way all the obstacles that my presents are over-

Self-centeredness is a subtle form of my. Since time immemorial
we've thought of ourselves first. Our plans, pleasures, and enjoyment have
always been the center, and our mental ideas have been the guidelines of
our activities. The living entity is supposed to think of Ka (man-man),
but he refuses to do so because he came to the material world to forget
Ka. Taking up Ka consciousness means changing the mind's deep-
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 293

seated desires. But even after joining the devotees, the living entity has a
hard time giving up his self-centeredness. The mind continues its egocentric
meditations in another fashion: Nobody will believe that I'm the best or
extraordinary, as I once convinced myself when I was in material life. Ac-
tually, even then I was deluded because no one believed me anyhow. I'm
really weak. I'll never be able to become fixed in Ka consciousness, what
to speak of distributing books and becoming a spiritually attractive person
or an empowered instrument. I will never make it. What shall I do?" In this
way an immature devotee is tricked again by his old enemy, the mind. His
thoughts revolve around himself once again, and still he forgets Ka. A
devotee must transcend his egocentric mentality by his endeavors to reach
the spiritual platform, free from hankering and lamentation. A mature book
distributor doesn't succumb to it because he meditates on what he can do
to fulfill the mission of his spiritual master. Being fixed in this way, he re-
mains detached from success or failure. But an immature devotee will be
overjoyed by success and depressed by failure, and thus fall victim to medi-
tating upon himself as the doer. Ahakra literally means I [aham] am the
doer [kra]."

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: I once asked Bhaktibhaa Mahrja a question

about my feeling defeated or discouraged sometimes, and he said that was
because of a self-centered mentality. He compared it with driving a car
one doesn't look simply at his hands on the steering wheel or only a few
meters ahead, but he looks ahead the whole distance. So we always have
to focus on the goal. If we come to a slump in our devotional service and
we all have our ups and downs and highs and lows if we get into one of
those lows, then we should look to the future and keep our broader vision
of Ka consciousness, not just look at our problems and see with our tiny
mental speculations.

Discouragement due to bad propaganda

Challenges always arise, and they must be answered. But as long as
the devotees are following the principles of Ka consciousness, behav-
ing properly, and preaching straightforwardly, they have nothing to worry
about because Ka will give them protection. A book distributor never
arouses the public's displeasure by misbehavior or fraud, and when there is
a protest in the media against the Hare Ka movement, justified or not,
he is not discouraged by the bad publicity.

Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami: Prabhupda heard of negative news articles.

He said they were a good sign; it shows they are feeling pressure from us. I
294 The Nectar of Book Distribution

said, you mean we shouldn't worry about bad publicity? Why worry about
news articles, he said. The day will come when they will fire on you. You
have to be prepared for it. . . . Someone asked me what I thought at the
time when Prabhupda said this. I remember that I was shocked to hear it.
It was over my head, and yet I accepted that it might actually come to that
one day. I was worrying about bad publicity and the inconvenience it might
cause me, but Prabhupda was ready to face death on behalf of Ka. Did
I think it would not come to that? But the essence of the meeting in which
Prabhupda predicted that we would be fired on was not to prepare us for
battle with the news media; he had called us together to talk about the bliss
of chanting the holy names. (From ISKCON in the 1970s, pp. 206, 192 3)

"rla Prabhupda-llmta, 218, 224: This is the beauty of Vndvana," said

Prabhupda. When Ka entered the Yamun to fight with Kliya, it was
not at all good news for mother Yaod, Nanda, the friends, and family. Not
at all. Their life was lost. But still Ka was the center. This is Vndvana.
In everything Ka is the center. So our situation is just like that. They are
making bad propaganda against Ka this is the opposition but I am
happy that Ka is the center. This is the beauty of our movement. Al-
though we are put into some difficulty, yet the center is Ka. . . . Even
when there is difficulty, we have to do this as Ka's business. Let the dogs
bark on. We don't care. If we remain sincere to Ka, that is our victory.
The external result is not so important. We have to act according to the di-
rection of Ka. Of course, we want to see good results, but even if there is
no good result, we don't mind. We must be sincere to Ka, that we have
done our best without cheating. That is our duty. As servants, we shall not
cheat the master result or no result. The devotee is not sorry if there is no
result: `Never mind.' Caitanya Mahprabhu says, `I have brought to Bena-
res the hari-nma, but here they are all myvds. So if it is not accepted,
all right. I shall take it back.' But we must do our best canvassing work:
`Please take it.' That is our mission."

Maidhra Dsa: I had many, many encounters with demons and the po-
lice. During one particular time in Germany we sometimes ended up in a
police station three or four times a day. The police were taking our pictures
and fingerprints. In those days the Hare Ka movement was considered
a criminal organization in Germany. Still we kept on distributing, and we
preached in the police stations, saying that The only thing you can take
from us is our fingerprints, but how do you know they are really us?" And
we found that some policemen were interested. I wouldn't like to go into
detail about what people were able to do once they were brainwashed by
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 295

the newspapers or media, but we experienced times that were nondifferent

from the Jewish persecution. Our cars got kicked and demolished. We got
spat upon, kicked, and beaten all those things were going on. Those were
heavy times. Nowadays that's all over, and we can see that such things were
temporary. Finally Ka is always with His devotees. Prabhupda said that
everyone was thinking Germany is finished, but Ka said, No, let it inc-
rease." After our temple got raided by the police, a few months after that,
we had the biggest book distribution we ever had in Germany. We got a
wonderful letter from rla Prabhupda [May 16, 1977 see Ch. 1, Sec. 3]
that shows that as long as we have the books, nothing can happen to us.
Amazingly enough, even though our movement was persecuted in a severe
way, the demons in Germany never touched the books. The psychology of
a demon is that he will never read such books, and therefore he thinks no
one else is going to read them either. And that's good. That gives us the
peace to keep on distributing these books. So I consider this part of Ka's
plan. He covers their vision and gives us time to distribute books. The time
may come when they try to collect them and burn them. But it will be too
late, because there are too many out there. So I think we should use the
time and thankfully appreciate the peace we have for book distribution.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: The more books we distribute, the better the atmo-
sphere becomes. I remember in the beginning it was very heavy to distrib-
ute. I was almost convinced that I was part of a sect, and I was always
paranoid on the street. I was afraid of the police. Whenever I saw some-
thing green, like a tree, I was immediately reminded of a police uniform.
But the more books we distributed, the better it became. Nowadays we can
tell everyone that we are from Hare Ka. Or they ask, Are you from
Hare Ka?" in a skeptical way, but we answer, Yes, Hare Ka, do you
know it? Have you been to India?" This completely exposes them, and they
change simply by our positive attitude. Or sometimes they come and say,
Ah ha! This is Hare Ka. I have read about you in the newspaper." Of
course, you know it was a bad article, but you're not impressed, and you
immediately reply with innocent enthusiasm, You read about us? Was it
good?" And they change, because they cannot remember what they read.
And they take books because of our positive attitude.

Mental rebellion
Maidhra Dsa: I was going out with Rohisuta, and he had a slogan:
Einfach weitermachen Just keep on going! The situation of standing on
the street is sometimes horrible. The weather is bad. The people are nasty.
296 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Or the body isn't in proper condition. We analyzed the situation every day,
and it was always the same the threefold miseries so there was no use
getting hung up in the mind's frustrations and rebellions. The mind always
wants to back out: It's too much going out every day! Let's go to India,
or let's go to the temple." To conquer the mind we introduced this man-
tra: Anyway, let's keep going!" The real taste for sakrtana is somewhere
beyond that platform, beyond the bodily and mental platforms. It's on the
platform of a devotee fully surrendering to the order of his spiritual master.
Completely! As rla Prabhupda says in explaining the Hare Ka mah-
mantra, it's like the cry of the little child for its mother. There's no specific
mystical thing in distributing Prabhupda's books. It's actually the cry of a
child for his mother. Prabhupda gave us this shelter, sakrtana, and if we
fully take it, we will easily realize that it is a very pleasant and safe position.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Whenever difficulties come, a book distributor must

continue. This expression, einfach weitermachen just continue has a
deep meaning, considering what it takes until you are on the platform of
steady devotion, surrender, simplicity, and determination.

Nirgua Dsa: My throws up many obstacles. As it's said in the Fourth

Canto, the greatest obstacle to self-realization is considering other subject
matters more important. In other words, I shouldn't think that my marriage
situation or living quarters or how everyone treats me or whether or not
I'm satisfied in temple life is more important than sakrtana. These things
commonly come up. Or one may think, Well, because I'm not doing big,
I'm just useless. I might as well not even go out." But if two or three times
as many devotees would go out, each of them selling just a few books, it
would increase the sum total. Everyone is important. We want to do as
much sakrtana as possible. But there should be training. The mind is the
greatest obstacle. One would rather do something else because one is think-
ing it's not important. Or one may want to take it easy. These are the mind's

Nsihadeva Dsa: The main difficulty is the mind's unlimited specula-

tions. The danger is that one might listen to his mind instead of fixing it
on Ka and book distribution. The mind always wants to tell us that we
are the most fallen and unable to do sakrtana or that we are the best.
These two extremes are there, so we have to find a balance. Sakrtana is
the best activity that there is, but we are not the best distributor Ka is.
As long as we think we're the doer, we cannot distribute anything, and all
the power goes away. But if you remember Ka and always try to make
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 297

yourself dependent on Ka, always pray to Ka, then the books start to
go out. But if you want to be the doer, if you want to think you're learned
and intelligent that you know all the tricks to distribute the books then
you'll fail. And you'll lose your taste. So that is the greatest danger. When
things go well, we must understand that it's simply the mercy of guru and
Ka. And when things go bad, that's my defect, my incapability to sur-
render. The mind has to be trained to think like that.

Sarvtm Dsa: As long as the body is fit, I don't see any impediment for
going on book distribution. The mind may always give trouble, but we
should treat the mind like we treat a dog train it to obey.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: If you want to distribute a lot, you must hear a lot.
How you chant rounds in the morning determines how the rest of the day
will go. If you manage to control the mind and chant well, then you can con-
trol the mind the rest of the day. But if you space out, then you'll be spaced
out and uninspired the rest of the day.

Gta-govinda Ds: When my mind is weak, the tendency is for my thoughts

to become worse and worse. I start to recall bad memories. The best thing is
to take shelter of the holy name of Ka. If I am not together enough to do
that, I just keep distributing books. Distributing is also a form of chanting.
No matter what my mind says, no matter how difficult it is, I just keep dis-
tributing. Then Ka will make arrangements for my thoughts to improve.
Book distribution is the best medicine for everything. But if I'm so weak
and depressed that I can't keep distributing, I return to the temple and read
the books. rla Prabhupda's books are the best association. They can en-
liven us and straighten us out. When our mind is weak, we cannot fight on
the front lines. The power to fight against my comes from strictly follow-
ing the regulative principles and the guru's orders and instructions. We can't
go on for many years without faith in Ka's movement and the guru's or-
ders. Not only sakrtana devotee" but devotee" in general means having
faith in guru and Ka, and when a devotee has that faith and distributes
books year after year, it means there must be some taste of love of Ka.

Tapas Dsa: One has to go beyond the mental platform. Don't ask your
mind whether you want to give up the mental platform. Then you're en-
tering a vicious circle, and you'll be the loser. Of course, you have to im-
prove your hearing. But if you're out in the street on the mental plat-
form, you just have to go on anyway, and that can be painful because you
are getting kicked in the face all the time by the karms. They not only
298 The Nectar of Book Distribution

reject us, but they also give us good kicks and really laugh at us. Pain or
pleasure mtr-spar$s tu kaunteya $toa-sukha-dukha-d we have
to be tolerant. If it's cold in the morning, you still take a bath. So if you're
on the street and you're not flying in ecstasy, you still have to distribute
books. It's the order of the spiritual master, and if you take shelter in his
order, you become purified. Many times when you go on anyway, suddenly
you are purified after some time or at the end of the day. The mental bar-
riers are gone. Mym et taranti te: Ka takes away the influence of
the material energy. But for that, you have to continue; that is the sign of
surrender. If it's so unbearable that you can no longer continue, you'll pro-
bably have to take some days off to chant more or to take shelter of the
devotees. Do something else but don't let the anarthas rot.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: There's a danger point when my really gets you,
and then you should go to the devotees and ask them what to do. Some
devotees at that point close themselves up, and therefore they later leave
the service because they have so many difficulties stored up within them.
At a certain point my overpowers them. Rpa Gosvm has given us this
principle revealing one's mind in confidence and inquiring confidential-
ly. One has to be humble enough to reveal one's mind, and the other devo-
tees must be sensitive enough to see who's having problems. Love and trust
must be there. The sakrtana movement is standing on this basis, and this
spiritual atmosphere will attract many, many new souls.

Sex is animalistic. It is not love but lust. Sex means the mu-
tual satisfaction of senses, and that is lust. All this lust is tak-
ing place in the name of love, and out of illusion people mis-
take this lust for love. Real love says, People are suffering
from a lack of Ka consciousness. Let us do something for
them so they can understand the value of life." 8

You have mentioned the women wearing karm clothes and

going into sex movies and bars late at night for collecting.
This kind of canvassing should be immediately stopped. 9

They are being misled. They are lusty, and they are demons.
Our movement is against this. It is really para-upakra, to
help people, and you will be recognized by Ka. Simply go
on working for this movement. Take all strategic points for
fighting. There is a declaration of war by us against my.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 299

No, not actually my, she is a servant of Ka. She would

relinquish her grip on everyone, but because they remain de-
mons she cannot. That's her duty. Actually, we are fighting
not with my but with the demons. 10

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: While distributing shop to shop, I would come

across sex shops and bars, and to my surprise I could sell books in those
places, sometimes even quite a few. But the problem was that those places
left contaminating impressions on my mind. Fortunately, I told my sakrta-
na leader, who brought me to my senses in time by analyzing the situation
and in a friendly way advising me not to go to such places even if I might
sell many books there. It is necessary to stay in the association of devotees
and open one's heart to them so they can help us. Not that we just super-
ficially do service and inwardly sink into my. If it's a serious problem we
should consult the spiritual master, not think we will disturb him because
he's saddened if anyone falls down without even asking for help. It is fool-
ishness to think we can overcome my without the help of the devotees
and the spiritual master.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: Desires can't be extinguished. One may suppress de-

sires, but they always come up again. Therefore desires have to be re-
directed. One can conquer material desire by always helping others and
inspiring them in Ka consciousness. If you just think of giving Ka
consciousness, that desire will overflood all other desires. The pleasure of
seeing people take to Ka consciousness surpasses material pleasure. At
such moments you don't think of any nonsense. Book distribution fully sa-
tisfies the mind. Other people become happy because you have given them
a book. This is our real relationship, soul to soul.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Why do sakrtana devotees, after going out for

many years and experiencing a taste for book distribution, still think of giv-
ing it up?
Harike!a Swami: Usually lust is the main enemy of the book distributor. Be-
cause the living entity has a lusty desire, he is in the material world. When
you distribute books, you're in my's kingdom. My reigns supreme in
the streets of the cities. There are so many forms of my. If you're not
very careful, your dormant lusty desires develop again. You have to be very
determined to avoid them. If one makes a vow to be a book distributor his
whole life, but my says, Hey, come and enjoy with me," then he says,
No, because I really want to do this for a long time." And if one is not
fixed in his determination, when my says, Hey, come and enjoy with
300 The Nectar of Book Distribution

me," he thinks, Well, why not?" And after thinking like that for a while,
he may drop out of the book distribution mission. You can analyze each
and every bad quality lust, anger, greed, madness, envy, and illusion
and show how each one is an enemy of the book distributor. Or sometimes
book distributors get entangled in temple politics. That also weakens their
determination to distribute books. The material world is very dangerous. A
small thing can hook you and pull you along. Therefore one has to be very,
very careful. (From a class in Zurich on August 28th, 1991)

Haripda Dsa: Sense objects are the biggest distraction, especially the
form of the opposite sex. To counteract this, one has to withdraw the sens-
es, just as a turtle withdraws its legs and arms and head. If he strictly fol-
lows rla Prabhupda's instructions and remembers Ka, there is no risk.
If we sincerely follow everything exactly, then we're protected. The biggest
obstacle is the mind, which has the tendency to make its own plans and
dwell on the sense objects. Then we become attached, and the greatest dan-
ger arises. Therefore the Gt (3.43) advises us to steady the mind by delib-
erate spiritual intelligence.

Guru-caraa Dsa: In Italy generally the people are favorable, and I don't
see many risks from the outside. Of course, the material world is never
nice, and there's always the danger of being allured by sense objects. That's
the risk a book distributor takes. While distributing in town you'll see
many girls, and because sakrtana devotees are enthusiastic, effulgent, and
friendly, people like to hear from them. Sometimes a devotee meets a girl,
and she'll like his association. If a devotee is not strong, he'll become en-
chanted and agitated. But if he sincerely wants to satisfy his spiritual mas-
ter, Ka will give him the spiritual strength. The same danger is there for
the mtjs. We must be quick to respond when we meet someone we feel
attracted to. It's better to go away. The main thing on sakrtana is to main-
tain Ka consciousness. If we allow our consciousness to become contam-
inated by material desires, then even book distribution, the most ecstatic
activity, turns into hellish suffering. It's so easy to become influenced by
my, and if we are not careful, we will become attracted or even fall down.

Yadunandana Dsa: Once someone asked rla Prabhupda why sakr-

tana devotees fall down. rla Prabhupda answered that his disciples never
fall down while they're doing sakrtana; they fall down when they stop do-
ing sakrtana. So book distribution is a safe spiritual position. But one has
to be careful to remain aloof from my. In the "rmad-Bhgavatam rla
Prabhupda says that rla ukadeva Goswami, although a liberated soul,
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 301

was very vigilant that the illusory energy never cover him. It's important
to be cautious, especially when dealing with the opposite sex. Many times
Ka will test us, and all of a sudden my appears in the form of the
opposite sex to try to attract the mind of a devotee. We think, Well, the
women stop easier and give bigger donations than the men," or something
like that. But I have seen that when I stopped approaching women, my re-
sults remained the same or sometimes got better, and at the end I was feel-
ing much lighter and stronger and much more satisfied.

Bhagavad-gt 2.1 p, 2 p, 7 p: Arjuna wanted Ka to kill the demon of mis-
understanding that had overtaken him in the discharge of his duty. . . . de-
viation from duty does not help one in the progress of spiritual life, . . . the
complete system of material activities is a source of perplexity for everyone.
In every step there is perplexity, and therefore it behooves one to approach
a bona fide spiritual master who can give proper guidance for executing the
purpose of life. . . . A person with a bona fide spiritual master is supposed to
know everything. One should not, therefore, remain in material perplexities
but should approach a spiritual master. . . . Although he could understand
that his duty to fight was awaiting him, still, on account of miserly weak-
ness, he could not discharge his duties. He is therefore asking Lord Ka,
the supreme spiritual master, to make a definite solution. He offers himself
to Ka as a disciple. He wants to stop friendly talks. Talks between the
master and the disciple are serious.

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.80 p: r Caitanya Mahprabhu, as an ideal

teacher, shows us how a disciple should deal with his spiritual master.
Whenever there is a doubt regarding any point, he should refer the mat-
ter to his spiritual master for clarification. . . . Thus in any condition, even
when liberated, we should never think ourselves independent of the spiri-
tual master, but must refer to him as soon as there is some doubt regarding
our progressive spiritual life.

Accepting glorification
Taml Krishna Goswami: If a devotee is glorified, he understands that glory
as Ka's arrangement. If we perform sakrtana, we always know that the
result is the work and mercy of our Guru Mahrja. It is by his order that
we have been engaged in Ka's service and by his inspiration that we
gain the strength to perform the service. A Vaiava never takes the cre-
dit himself amnin mnadena. Sdhu-bh%aam: a sdhu is decorated
302 The Nectar of Book Distribution

with wonderful qualities like tolerance, compassion, and friendliness to all.

These qualities are bestowed by Ka and His representatives. We never
think we can attain these on our own strength. Someone who thinks of him-
self as opulent or great doesn't feel grateful to anyone else. But someone
who knows he is poor and fallen is in a mood to feel grateful to others. He
realizes that whatever he has is the mercy of others, the mercy of Ka,
and the mercy of Vaiavas. (From a class in Zurich on August 23, 1989)

Harike!a Swami: Anybody with a sense of Ka consciousness in his heart

will glorify the sakrtana devotees, but it's the sakrtana devotees' respon-
sibility to understand that all this glorification is for their service, not for
them. If somebody says, Oh, you are doing wonderfully," it's because you
are doing a wonderful service. The service is glorious, and you just happen
to be doing it. Therefore you are being glorified. Somebody else will do it if
you don't, and then he will be glorified. These books are so wonderful that
anything connected with them reading them, distributing them, produc-
ing them makes one glorious. It is the books' credit, not one's own credit.

Maidhra Dsa: Ka says, Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are

strung on a thread." Similarly, sakrtana rests on faith. If we lose it, we
loose our enthusiasm and start having doubts: What will I get out of do-
ing this activity for many years?" Therefore we have to develop sufficient
knowledge to understand the value of book distribution. Otherwise we lose
our enthusiasm. For example, I was number one for about five years, but
then I fell ill, and I was no longer on the top. If you're no longer number
one, the devotees don't relate to you as they did before. And I saw others
become number one. I was forced to renew my inspiration and motivation
to go on sakrtana.

Question: All of ISKCON looks at you and Navna-nrada. You are glori-
fied wherever you go, and at the same time you have to realize you aren't
the doer. How do you handle that?
Harinmnanda Dsa: You have to see that Ka is always number one.
When all the sakrtana scores are read, it's the total of books that's in-
teresting. The total number is what the Deities have distributed that week.
So They are number one. And there is the spiritual master and guru-
parampar, so your individual place is not that important. It doesn't mat-
ter whether you win or lose, it's how you've played the game. One must be
careful to play fair and not break any rules and get kicked out of the game.
That is actually important. Our motivation should be to do our best, and
this will satisfy guru, Ka, us, and everyone else. We will not become con-
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 303

taminated by the consciousness that we're the ones who did it. If you have
once distributed a few hundred books a day, you know it didn't come from
your strength. If you've once distributed a lot of books, then you under-
stand it can't be done by any material means. There is only one method
depending on Ka, surrendering to Ka. And one has to give the credit
to guru, Ka, the devotees, and the people who take the books.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Ka has a very big plan, and Prabhupda has a very
big plan, and their plans will be fulfilled. Ka and rla Prabhupda just
want some devotees who will play roles in their plans. You can be involved,
I can be involved we can all play a role. It depends on our desire. Accord-
ing to our capacities, we'll have different results. What counts is not the re-
sults, but that everybody gives 100%. Results vary because there are diffe-
rent capacities. For someone, distributing five hundred books a week may
be big. For Harinmnanda or me in a marathon, one thousand or even
two thousand books in a week is my. We should just accept whatever
role we get from Ka, without being morose or envious or puffed-up, and
we should perform our service to Ka as perfectly as possible. We may
be number one or number 201, but in any case we should always feel that
we're in the same army under the same general, rla Prabhupda. We are
just trying to win this big war. So many battles have been won. And some-
times small fights may be lost. But there is no loss, because in the long run
we're going to finish off this whole materialistic society. Under the weight of
Prabhupda's books, it will crumble to its knees. That's what rla Prabhu-
pda predicted, and that is our conviction.

Other services: diversity or diversion?

What about doing other services in addition to book distribution? Many
book distributors desire to round out their lives and deepen their dedica-
tion to the sakrtana mission. In that sense, diversity doesn't need to be
included in this section dealing with spiritual problems. But book distribu-
tors know that diversion from their main mission may manifest from initial
diversification. They feel there is no devotional experience missing in the
book distribution service. If someone is fully engaged in it or desires to be
so, he should carefully distinguish between diversity and diversion.

Harike!a Swami: A book distributor needs to know the art of distributing

books and, to a certain extent, how to clean and cook and how to manage
money. If later, unfortunately, he has to give up book distribution, he can
quickly learn the art of any service, because his mind is purified and he can
304 The Nectar of Book Distribution

easily dedicate himself to any service required. I have seen many examples
of sakrtana men and women learning other devotional arts within a short
time and doing them well. Therefore there is no need to learn anything
other than sakrtana while one is immersed in the mission.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Somebody who is a brahmacr book distributor

should renounce all other plans and just concentrate on distributing books.
Other devotees can conduct the other preaching programs.

Vijaya Dsa: As for the importance of getting into other areas such as bha-
jan, cooking, and Deity worship, this is an individual thing. If a sakrtana
devotee feels he'd like those services, that's perfectly all right, but he should
not be pressured into them. Sakrtana devotees should have a schedule
that doesn't interfere with book distribution. If they want, they can do an
rati sometimes, but mainly they should just concentrate on distributing
rla Prabhupda's books.

Sarvtm Dsa: A devotee should know how to cook, how to preach (that
includes giving class and distributing books), how to lead krtan (sing and
play instruments), and how to manage. To manage is simple you make
more money than you spend. To cook, you cook palatable dishes with devo-
tion and good ingredients that Ka will accept. To sing, you have to carry
a tune, and somehow or other you can play karatlas or mdaga or har-
monium or just clap your hands. And to preach, you have to be prepared.
A book distributor has to preach, because some people dare to open the
books when you sell them and sometimes ask you questions. You have to
have read the books and be ready for questions. A preacher can and should
perform all other activities. Preaching is the most important. Preaching is
the essence of this movement. Therefore one should be interested in learn-
ing all the other skills. A preacher is a leader, and eventually he may be in
charge of some other program. He should know how to manage a place,
keep it clean, cook good prasdam, and chant for the Deities. A book dist-
ributor should take advantage of doing some of these other services when
the opportunities arise.

Caku Dsa: One should know how to do bhajan, worship the Deity, and
cook. All these things are important for rounding out devotional life for
making it bloom more fully. But I am quite a crook. I hardly know how to
play karatlas or how to cook, what to speak of worshiping the Deity. I feel
that I lack experience, and I want to increase my knowledge and abilities.
Book distribution is an ecstatic service, the big thing, but when you add
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 305

Deity worship, cooking, and bhajan, your devotional service as a book dist-
ributor becomes even more attractive. It's like adding whipped cream and a
cherry to ice cream. That's the way I understand these other services. And
I want to know how to do them, too, but somehow I'm missing them. On
the weekends, if one has time, I think one can take part in these services.
Even if we don't do them every week, just to be able to do them is impor-
tant. And getting the association of the devotees who are devoted in these
fields is also important.

Maidhra Dsa: We can see that some book distributors get tired after
some years. They also like to preach. They want to be more involved in the
Sunday Feast and other programs. They should be given the opportunity to
do so. And they should always understand that book distribution is noth-
ing but preaching. Preaching means book distribution. These two things are
completely interrelated. Sundays shouldn't be used by sakrtana devotees
just to eat the feast and then go back on the road to fulfill quotas. This is
a narrow-minded vision of sakrtana. Book distributors should be encour-
aged and even pushed to take part in preaching so that they learn how to
express the philosophy to guests. Even then and there they can distribute
books. It requires a more mature understanding of book distribution and
preaching. A preacher should always be fired up to distribute a book, and
a book distributor should always be fired up to preach.

6.4 Psychological dimensions of book distribution

"rmad-Bhgavatam 4.21.33 p: Anyone can become successful in devotional
service provided he displays no duplicity. It is explained here that one must
be very frank and open-minded (amyina). To be situated in a lower sta-
tus of life is not a disqualification for success in devotional service. The only
qualification is that whether one is a brhmaa, katriya, vai$ya or $%dra, he
must be open, frank and free from reservations. Then, by performing his
particular occupational duty under the guidance of a proper spiritual mas-
ter, he can achieve the highest success in life.

Considering the individual's needs

There is no question of leaving our society. One may think
like that, but I cannot allow you to leave. That is my in-
spiration. I am always thinking of those who have left the
society. Especially for you there is no question of leaving.
Stay in Melbourne and preach with steady determination. I
306 The Nectar of Book Distribution

am glad to learn that you are in steady correspondence with

Karandhara and am sure he will give you all good direction.
So don't be agitated by anyone's so-called demand, but stick
to your preaching work, husband and wife, chanting and fol-
lowing the regulative principles. Don't be agitated by trifling
things. Remain steady and go on with preaching work. Ka
will help you in every way. I am so pleased with you that you
have done so nicely in the service of the Lord to your best
capacity. That is required. It is not that everyone should be
equally expert. But the thing that is needed is that we should
be serious and sincere in our engagement. Nobody can ade-
quately serve Ka because Ka is unlimited. But Ka
is so kind. Ka accepts even a small leaf or flower offered
to Him by the poorest man in the world. Ka accepts such
a thing. Ka is so opulent that He is not even slightly be-
nefited by any presentation, but He is so kind and merciful
that He accepts a little bit of leaf or flower or water from
His devotees, and because a devotee comes to Him with
such love and affection He becomes very much satisfied. As
a father is always sorry for the son who is out of home, simi-
larly Ka is not very happy on account of so many bewil-
dered fallen souls in the material world. He therefore comes
personally to ask them to surrender again to Him. But the
conditioned soul is so much illusioned that it is very hard to
make him surrender to Ka. Therefore each and every one
of us, if we can give service to Ka by making another man
surrender to Ka, then He will very much appreciate that
service, and that is our gain. Try to follow this principle and
preach vigorously to your best capacity, and everything will
be all right. Don't worry. 11

These ISKCON branches are like the oases in a vast des-

ert. In the desert there is no water, but occasionally if one
is fortunate he may come in contact with an oasis, and he is
saved. Similarly, in this material world we are drying up due
to a lack of spiritual knowledge. Our ISKCON centers are
meant to give relief to the dried-up conditioned souls search-
ing after the nectar of joyful life. 12

Various reasons can lead devotees to stop full-time book distribution,

and they shouldn't be condemned for that. After all, many devotees stopped
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 307

book distribution, and the majority of ISKCON's members aren't book dis-
tributors. In the sakrtana mission many needs must be considered col-
lective needs (diverse duties have to be discharged) and individual needs
(desires, conditioning, phases in one's life). Personalism within a society
harmonizes collective and individual needs. A society cares for its mem-
bers, and the members voluntarily sacrifice for the society. Personalism es-
pecially applies to ISKCON, Lord Caitanya's sakrtana movement, which
propagates the congregational glorification of the Supreme Personality of

Maidhra Dsa: Every sakrtana devotee has ups and downs. This hap-
pens to everyone. Sometimes periods of difficulties and reduced results last
a year or more. So there should be good arrangements to help such devo-
tees. My understanding of the temple's purpose is that it's a place to train
young devotees and it's also a shelter for sakrtana devotees needing the
facility to recharge and find some balance, maybe by engaging in p%j or
reading and so on. They must feel protection by getting the full support of
the temple management. This, of course, implies that the temple managers
must not put financial pressure on the sakrtana devotees and make the re-
lationship difficult. Expert management means properly taking care of the
sakrtana devotees, not torturing them with heavy economic demands. We
want to expand, but we cannot expand at the cost of a sakrtana devotee,
who is, after all, a person. Sakrtana devotees are people who dedicate
everything for years to book distribution, and sometimes they get hurt by
my. Therefore, there should be scientific treatment to reinforce or prop-
erly situate them. I consider this important because I've seen such devotees
suffer a lot.

Nirgua Dsa: Every devotee should be satisfied. Of course, everyone

should learn to be satisfied with what is easily available, and we should eas-
ily make everything available that is required for rounding out an individ-
ual's character and expression of devotion to Ka. Some devotee may be
completely satisfied by simply distributing books, and he may perfect that
service so much that he can greatly inspire and teach hundreds and thou-
sands of other book distributors. Another devotee may need to do a few
other things, or he may be fully satisfied in what he's already doing. If his
particular absorption and service suffice to make him a well-rounded dev-
otee in terms of personal qualifications and devotional attributes, then that
should be enough diversity. It's an individual consideration. No opportunity
should be denied a devotee if he needs to or wants to serve Ka nicely in
a particular way. Of course, we should emphasize book distribution, but as
308 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda said, this movement runs on two tracks, bhgavata-mrga and

pcartrik-vidhi, or preaching and Deity worship. Both have to be there,
and that spiritual variety is the beauty of our movement.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Sometimes a devotee is weak-minded, and when he

is confronted by Mydev, he immediately goes berserk. Then there are
devotees who don't care about my and are fixed on Ka like real
katriyas, they just go out and fight for Ka. So one should consider one's
personality and not try to be somebody one is not. These things need to be
discussed, and the temple president and the sakrtana leader must have an
eye for them. They have to detect when a devotee starts having problems.

Being properly situated

"rmad-Bhgavatam 8.2.30 p: In the fighting between the elephant and the
crocodile, the difference was that although the elephant was extremely
powerful, he was in a foreign place, in the water. During one thousand
years of fighting, he could not get any food, and under the circumstances
his bodily strength diminished, and because his bodily strength diminished,
his mind also became weak and his senses less powerful. The crocodile,
however, being an animal of the water, had no difficulties. He was getting
food and was therefore getting mental strength and sensual encouragement.
Thus while the elephant became reduced in strength, the crocodile became
more and more powerful. Now, from this we may take the lesson that in
our fight with my we should not be in a position in which our strength,
enthusiasm, and senses will be unable to fight vigorously. Our Ka con-
sciousness movement has actually declared war against the illusory energy,
in which all the living entities are rotting in a false understanding of civiliza-
tion. The soldiers in this Ka consciousness movement must always pos-
sess physical strength, enthusiasm, and sensual power. To keep themselves
fit, they must therefore place themselves in a normal condition of life. What
constitutes a normal condition will not be the same for everyone, and there-
fore there are divisions of var$rama brhmaa, katriya, vai$ya, $%dra,
brahmacarya, ghastha, vnaprastha and sannysa.

Maidhra Dsa: Those who are able to remain brahmacrs and distribute
books are the most fortunate people on the planet. Few persons will do it,
and they should get everyone's full support and encouragement. If a person
has a sincere desire and is trying hard, we should encourage him as much as
possible and try to follow his example.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 309

Vijaya Dsa: A big obstacle is the form of the opposite sex. One can easily
be deviated from sakrtana. I know many good sakrtana devotees who
were completely devoted to book distribution and then became attracted to
ghastha life, and their preaching practically stopped. Only a few married
devotees here in America still distribute books. So if one wants to remain
a book distributor, if at all possible one should remain brahmacr. It be-
comes difficult for a householder because he has to take on many respon-
sibilities, but a brahmacr has a simple life. He just goes out and preaches,
comes back, takes some prasdam, and enjoys the association of devotees.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Definitely devotees who sell books are facing dan-
gerous situations. They are going into the den of the lion. Of the six factors
that destroy devotional service, one is jana-saga, association with worldly
people. On sakrtana we cannot avoid worldly association. All the people
we meet are simply attracted to sense gratification, and the epitome of sense
gratification is sex. Therefore when devotees associate with worldly people,
they may become infected with desires for sex or sense gratification. If this
happens, it's a dangerous situation. But we should not forget that by their
taking that risk, they get the special mercy and protection of Lord Caitanya
Mahprabhu. He keeps their desires for spreading Ka consciousness in-
tact, despite the contaminating and dirty things coming from the materialis-
tic world and the materialistic mind. A sakrtana devotee may become
contaminated especially if he's not inspired or happy to sell books. As
soon as there's some frustrating circumstance on sakrtana, such a devo-
tee tends to weaken and take the association of the karms. One has to
pray to Ka to counteract these influences. And one should always try to
be happy on sakrtana. That means learning to be detached from the re-
sult just being happy to preach about Ka. And it also means chanting
and hearing properly and reading rla Prabhupda's books and maybe re-
membering verses during the day. Devotees who have difficulty remaining
brahmacrs should not cheat themselves and others but should accept the
ghastha-$rama and continue going on sakrtana. One shouldn't plan to
marry in order to retire from sakrtana. Rather, one should be determined
that by making this one adjustment, it will strengthen his situation and en-
able him to go on with sakrtana.

Householder life also provides facilities for book distribution. Because

householders form a large part of ISKCON's membership, they should
especially be encouraged to do book distribution or support it. Book distri-
bution by householders is elaborated upon in Chapter Eight, Section Five.
310 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Social pressure
Don't try to become big fast. That is not possible. Go
slowly. 13

Vi!vadeva Dsa: If someone goes out simply on the basis of social pressure,
he'll never experience the higher taste necessary for steady book distri-
bution. Someone lazy may be pushed to go on sakrtana, but then he must
be further trained and cared for so that he can surrender to it and taste the
nectar. But each case is different. Some devotees have to have changes
maybe two weeks of p%j, then two weeks of book distribution. It is a great
art to see who can be pushed how far and who needs to be offered another
service. But I would never push someone out on sakrtana by force or
social pressure.

Caku Dsa: Prabhupda is quoted in Just As I Have Shown You as say-

ing, My Guru Mahrja pushed me, I am pushing you, and you are push-
ing others. It is like a train." So there's nothing wrong with being pushed.
On our own we'd never have gone out to distribute books. But the pushing
has to be a natural inspiration. Just like in the beginning when we got a lot
of mercy in advance everything was new, and we saw everything as nec-
tar. That initial enthusiasm was not our own asset, but was Lord Nity-
nanda's special mercy. Otherwise we'd never have joined, what to speak
of going out to distribute books. We were pushed to surrender more, but
we didn't perceive it as a push, because it was nectar. But after some time
Ka wants to see more. It's our turn, so to speak. We have to develop
our own maturity, which means recognizing and overcoming our anarthas.
So we're confronted again with our own conditioning. Then what are we
going to do? The worst thing is to suppress our problems hide them and
not counteract them. Then we may continue artificially in response to so-
cial pressure, but it will not last, and the problems will show up again in
one form or another. This state is critical. The devotees shouldn't be forced
by social pressure. Rather, the leaders should recognize the hidden prob-
lems of a devotee and talk with him. If he keeps up a show of book distri-
bution, thinking, If I admit my problems with book distribution, I will be
criticized or ridiculed," at some point he'll just stop anyway out of frust-
ration, or he'll bloop. In the beginning, despite the enthusiasm we display,
our motivations are mixed, our understanding is immature, and often we do
things based upon the desire for recognition or in response to social pres-
sure. But at some point these things won't suffice or won't even be there
anymore. In my case, no one is pushing me anymore. My mind tells me,
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 311

You've done your part, you've distributed books for almost ten years, and
you've done big." Nobody would be surprised if I expressed a desire to do
something else, to slow down or even to get married. In fact, they expect
that I will. So the external push is no longer there. That means the push
has to come from within. I have to change gears. Ka is challenging me to
deepen my motivation. If you deepen your motivation, you go into deeper
waters, into the ocean of Ka consciousness. If you do that in your ser-
vice of book distribution, you open up a completely new experience. Then
you distribute simply out of a desire to please your spiritual master. You
have no plans for yourself. You're convinced and satisfied, and distribut-
ing books becomes natural. The people can feel the depth of your Ka
consciousness. They're impressed by your silent conviction and bliss. On
this platform, you simply present Ka. And if you present Ka, Ka
is present. Then you experience book distribution in a completely different
context. It becomes dynamic, like a bird's flying in the air, knowing how to
use the wind to be carried by the currents. Then flying is no big deal, even
if there are cross-currents. It's simply natural, and the same is true of book
distribution. You don't need external pressures any more. So the point was
social pressure. ISKCON is emphasizing book distribution, and you may
call that social pressure. But it should never be the kind of social pressure
that leads to suppression of problems or doubts. It should simply be a push
that induces us to work on ourselves, to purify our motives, and to deepen
our conviction. But I wouldn't call that social pressure. It's inspiration, a
challenge, the voice of surrender.

The highest ideal and the gradual process of reaching it

A person reading rla Prabhupda's books and living in the association
of devotees soon learns about the perfect ideal of bhakti-yoga, full surren-
der in unmotivated devotion. If a devotee tries to achieve the perfect stan-
dard without sufficient realization, either because of social or self-imposed
pressure to live up to the perfect ideal, he may end up with psychological
problems. Imitation can cause frustration or identity problems and lead to
doubts or falldown. Devotees encountering their material desires and per-
sonal needs are advised to reveal them in confidence to a devotee they
trust. But a devotee may not dare to admit his problems to others or even to
himself, and as history has unfortunately shown, he may suddenly give up
his service and leave. Everything or nothing" isn't the philosophy of Ka
consciousness. Ka says that there are different options for engaging in
devotional service. A devotee must find out where he stands and what it
means for him to be properly situated. Once satisfied and convinced about
312 The Nectar of Book Distribution

his own situation, he will be strong enough to take up challenges, pass tests,
and continue for a lifetime without deviating from the principles of devo-
tional service.

Premrava Dsa: In Bhagavad-gt (12.8), Ka says that full absorption

in Him is the best. We can apply this instruction to book distribution, be-
cause book distribution is nondifferent from Ka. That would mean that
the highest platform would be just to fix our minds upon Him (or book
distribution) and engage all our intelligence in Him (or book distribution).
In the next verse Ka says, If you cannot fix your mind upon Me with-
out deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. And in
this way develop a desire to attain Me." In the purport rla Prabhupda
says that by the process of sdhana-bhakti one ultimately reaches the stage
of attachment to Ka. Does this mean we should all sit down and chant
Hare Ka and wait until we're paramahasas before we go out and dis-
tribute books? Certainly not. Distributing books is also one of the prin-
ciples we follow to attain attachment for Ka and His mission. We want to
come to the highest stage of absorption in book distribution, because in the
long run that will result in the most books being distributed. We get there
by following the process of sdhana-bhakti. Thus the practical advice for
devotees who cannot maintain full-time book distribution is to continue the
process of sdhana-bhakti in some other service where he can find a steady
position. In the Ka consciousness movement all activities are connected
to the distribution of rla Prabhupda's books. Sometimes we forget that,
and in our minds we become separated from book distribution. But we
should remember that our goal is to distribute books, and we should con-
tinue our service in that consciousness. Maintaining this understanding is
important, and therefore anything that keeps our consciousness connected
to book distribution should be accepted. A list of a few simple things to do
might include: associating with the sakrtana devotees when they're in the
temple, serving the sakrtana devotees prasdam, baking bread for them,
washing their laundry and cars, appreciating their wonderful service, consi-
dering oneself their servant, distributing books once a week or during the
marathon, preaching about book distribution, and praying to Ka that He
will bless us to distribute books. If we follow the principle of maintaining
a connection to the book distribution mission in our service, then whatever
we do has the right perspective, and we will find ourselves as happy as a
person can be without going out to distribute books.

Navna-nrada Dsa: rla Prabhupda called book distribution our most

important activity. For preaching it is most effective, and for our spiritual
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 313

life it opens unlimited possibilities of surrender. Therefore it is good if devo-

tees who join the movement learn the art of book distribution. This chal-
lenge is healthy. We can understand what the goal is and what we are sup-
posed to strive for. Not everyone will remain in this demanding service, but
if we have done it, we can always do it again, and we will continually bene-
fit from the experience. It will be much easier to see our connection to the
book distribution mission. Without that experience, how can we ever know
what book distribution is or why Prabhupda stressed it so much or why it
is most pleasing to him? So, if a devotee first strives for the highest, he will
understand his own position much better. Then he can naturally direct his
devotional service towards this goal and make sure that he is reaching it
by the end of his lifetime. Some people may say that our movement has a
tough and narrow standard that there are only basic temple activities and
book distribution. But that's not a fact. Everyone can engage in devotional
service according to his capacities and abilities. Prabhupda picked us up
from our fallen position, and he showed us the entire way up to the per-
fection of surrender. Prabhupda revealed the highest platform of spiritual
life, but at the same time he said that we cannot expect everyone to come
up to this standard immediately. Thus he built a house in which the whole
world can live. Still there must be some determined sakrtana devotees.
And devotees who join ISKCON should learn this most important activity
and perform it at least for some time. Of course, they should not be forced
by social pressure to continue. Book distribution is voluntary. You cannot
force anybody to do it. If those devotees who go out are happy and con-
vinced, then they will naturally attract young devotees to book distribution.
This tendency should be furthered by instruction and by management.

Var#rama: individual and collective progress

Bhagavad-gt 8.28 p: One has to study the Vedas under the guidance of the
spiritual master and undergo many austerities and penances while living
under his care. A brahmacr has to live in the home of the spiritual mas-
ter just like a servant, and he must beg alms from door to door and bring
them to the spiritual master. . . . After the student studies the Vedas under
the master for a period from five to twenty years, he may become a man
of perfect character. Study of the Vedas is not meant for the recreation of
armchair speculators, but for the formation of character. After this training,
the brahmacr is allowed to enter into household life and marry. When he
is a householder, he has to perform many sacrifices so that he may achieve
further enlightenment. He must also give charity according to the country,
time and candidate, discriminating among charity in goodness, in passion
314 The Nectar of Book Distribution

and in ignorance, as described in Bhagavad-gt. . . . By carrying out the

orders of brahmacarya, householder life, vnaprastha and finally sannysa,
one becomes elevated to the perfectional stage of life.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: In Vedic society it was a brahmacr's duty to collect

alms for the spiritual master. Then after offering guru-dakia, most brah-
macrs got married. Obviously there are parallels to book distribution, al-
though becoming a ghastha does not necessarily mean stopping book dist-
ribution. But the principle is there: as a brahmacr, one has to be trained to
become austere and humble. Going from door to door is a perfect method
to develop these qualities. As for book distribution, it's a transcendental
activity that's not limited to a certain vara or $rama. For example, gha-
sthas are supposed to give in charity, and one can give nothing better to the
conditioned souls than rla Prabhupda's books. In Vedic times only a few
brahmacrs became sannyss right away. Nowadays we also see that only a
few devotees remain on traveling sakrtana as brahmacrs. If you remain
fixed in book distribution, it's as good as sannysa. So we can compare full-
time book distribution to the brahmacr's training or military service. In
this way we can understand why not many devotees do it for ten or twenty
years. If the proper brahmacarya is there, then there will also be strong g-
hasthas who continue book distribution.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: If we cultivate the sakrtana spirit of cooperation

between all the departments of our temples, as in a var$rama society, then
more new people will be attracted, and there will be more book distributors
and also more devotees to engage in all the other services. Such a powerful
team is inspiring to everyone, even newcomers and visitors. It's also practi-
cal: we want to build Mypur, and for this we need for a strong BBT, which
can be strong only if book distribution is going on dynamically world-wide.
There are many other things that need to be done to realize that project. If
there is the proper basis surrender to rla Prabhupda's desire for book
distribution and the resulting purified consciousness of sakrtana then
there will always be enough participants in book distribution and the other

6.5 Sdhu-saga
Bhagavad-gt 18.78: Wherever there is Ka, the master of all mystics, and
wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be
opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality.
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 315

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 4.79 p: If the preachers in our Ka con-

sciousness movement are sincere devotees of Ka, Ka will always be
with them because He is very kind and favorable to all His devotees. Just as
Arjuna and Ka were victorious in the Battle of Kuruketra, this Ka
consciousness movement will surely emerge victorious if we but remain sin-
cere devotees of the Lord and serve the Lord according to the advice of
predecessors (the six Gosvms and other devotees of the Lord). As Narot-
tama dsa hkura has stated: tdera caraa sevi bhakta-sane vsa, jana-
me janame haya ei abhila. The Ka consciousness devotees must always
desire to remain in the society of devotees. Bhakta-sane vsa: they cannot
go outside the Ka conscious society or the movement. Within the society
we must try to serve the predecessors by preaching Caitanya Mahprabhu's
cult and spreading His name and fame all over the world. If we attempt this
seriously within the society, it will be successfully done. There is no ques-
tion of estimating how this will happen in the mundane sense. But without
a doubt, it happens by the grace of Ka.

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 22.83: The root cause of devotional ser-

vice to Lord Ka is association with advanced devotees. Even when one's
dormant love for Ka, awakens, association with devotees is still most

Association with devotees as the life of spiritual life

On the authority of Lord Caitanya and my spiritual master,
I am requesting my disciples to always stay in the associa-
tion of devotees and to propagate the sakrtana movement
all over the world, so that others may also get a chance also
to become liberated from the material condition. Prahlda
Mahrja prayed, I am not satisfied to go back to the king-
dom of God alone, but I must bring back with me all these
poor fools who have no alternative ultimately than to sur-
render to You." This form of worship, called goannandi,
is superior to the bhajannandi, or the holy man who lives
alone in meditation on the Lord within the heart. This is the
estimation of the scripture. 14

The very definition of sakrtana makes evident the importance of s-

dhu-saga. To perform sakrtana one has to be in the association (sa-
ga) of devotees; otherwise there is no question of congregational chanting.
(The syllable sa- is contained in saga and sakrtana). While at all times,
316 The Nectar of Book Distribution

in all the $stras, the association of devotees is stressed as the key factor
in spiritual progress, this is especially true in Kali-yuga because sakrtana
is the yuga-dharma. Therefore it's to be expected that my tries to attack
the devotees on this level. If she manages to infiltrate and cause dissension
among devotees and lure devotees away from the association of devotees,
then these illusioned devotees may stop sakrtana (chanting and preach-
ing). Sakrtana devotees always stress that they owe their steady inspira-
tion to association with devotees. Thus association has to be sought out and

Gaur Dev Ds: If you keep reading the books and you're really trying to
associate with the other devotees, you begin to realize that when you think
you're the greatest or you're the queen of the sakrtana party or whatever
it is, you can't have any friends, because you're superior to everybody. You
don't have anything to learn from anybody. So what's the point of associat-
ing with anybody, anyway? Life becomes miserable, because the real nec-
tarean confidential experience of Ka consciousness is associating with
devotees in a loving mood of being a humble servant. And to do that you
have to understand that you are Ka's humble servant.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Between the devotees there should be a real attitude
of helping each other. A sakrtana leader, for example, should not bring
another devotee to a place which he himself doesn't like or tries to avoid.
Once I had an interesting experience. I was on sakrtana with Ujjvala-
nlamai. One day it started to rain and snow, and I saw that Ujjvala had
left his winter shoes in the car. I thought of Ujjvala standing in the park-
ing lot without his winter shoes, and I was distributing in a warm under-
ground parking lot. So I drove to him and gave him his shoes, although it
took me two hours back and forth. And then this amazing thing happened.
I distributed sixty books in one hour. I had a lot of power. And I had the
realization that nobody is as dear to Ka as the book distributors, and we
should simply try to be their servants. We should always try to help them
and give them the feeling that we are here for them. Often it requires only
a little thing. Somebody may bake some bread if there's no bread, although
it may take all night. All these services and exchanges of genuine spiritual
love are pleasing to Ka. rla Prabhupda said that our love for him will
be shown by how we cooperate. This doesn't refer only to his disciples but
to all the members of the Ka consciousness movement. All of us in this
movement love rla Prabhupda. We worship and dress his m%rti and read
and distribute his books. The proof of how we worship Prabhupda is how
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 317

much we cooperate within the sakrtana movement. Sometimes it's better

to consider the results secondary and give more stress to pleasing the Vai-
avas. One should try to encourage Vaiavas by speaking nice words of
appreciation to them, or we should take our time to speak with a devotee
if he has some problems. We should go to them, not wait until they come
to us. Maybe we will wait too long. We should remember the point that no
one is more dear to Ka than those who preach His devotional service to
the devotees.

Navna-nrada Dsa: For sakrtana devotees especially it's important to

chant together and have krtana like mad to purify all of the material con-
tamination that's come into their hearts during the week or is there from
previous bad activities. We have to become purified. Just bathe every day
in the holy name, just bathe the eyes in the divine form of the Deity and
bathe the ears in the holy name and purify the tongue and the whole body
through prasdam. In this way we will remain fit for the biggest austerity
of all, to push on book distribution. Spiritual austerity doesn't mean to fast
unnecessarily and then be unable to go out.

Nsihadeva Dsa: It's ecstatic to be in the association of the sakrtana

devotees. It's said that the most wonderful thing in Ka consciousness is
association. So what we need is the association of devotees. By having krta-
na together and taking prasdam together we can blissfully spread the sa-
krtana movement. These activities are the perfection of life. One doesn't
have to become a great personality, he just has to be thankful to be with the
devotees and engaged in spreading the sakrtana movement. There are no
persons in the material world like the devotees. You realize this if you asso-
ciate with the book distributors. Chanting and dancing in krtana with them
is really ecstatic, and it gives you the proper understanding, because some-
times you may not really understand how fortunate you are to be engaged
in book distribution. You have to enjoy their association. If you have the
mercy of the devotees, then everything becomes easy.

Preaching: giving our association, not taking theirs

People interested in materialistic life are called asat. r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu was asked, What is the behavior of a
Vaiava?" He said: asat-saga tyga, ei vaiava cra. He
said, first of all, a Vaiava's business is to avoid the company
of asat those with materialistic interests. This is a very im-
318 The Nectar of Book Distribution

portant thing. We have established this Ka consciousness

society to avoid the asat-saga. Of course, we are preaching
Ka consciousness among the people who are interested
in material subject matters, but we are not associating with
them. We are associating with Ka, because we don't talk
about anything except Ka. We are not interested in their
business. Everyone is interested in his own business, and
similarly, we are interested in our own business, Ka con-
sciousness. Even if we go to a materialistic person, we can-
vass, Kindly become our member. Kindly read this book.
Purchase this book." We are not going to them to take part
in their activities, we are trying to bring them into our ac-
tivities. So, asat-saga tyga, ei vaiava cra. A Vaiava
should always be careful not to intermingle not to take up
their ideas and thoughts. No. That is vaiava cra. Why
they should be avoided? Who is asat? Asat means those very
much attached to sense gratification, and the culmination of
sense gratification is sex life. Those who are too attached to
sex life, str-sag, and ka-abhakta, nondevotees, they are
asat. Those actually serious to make advancement in spiri-
tual life should avoid asat. Asat-saga tyga ei vaiava cra
asat str-sag ka abhakta ra. So if we discriminate like
this, then we shall be advancing. 15

The only difficulty is the fighting"

Now we are getting literature published all over the world. I
just received very nice books in Swedish and also Italian, and
our Bhagavad-gt is being prepared in Dutch. And also our
literatures are being received very nicely. Our Bhagavad-gt
in French language is being received very enthusiastically by
the people, libraries, and schools. All other reports are also
very good. Taml Krishna is also distributing many big books
and also magazines and holding many college engagements.
Here in India the government is beginning to give our men
facility to remain here. I am in Bombay, and I am supervising
the construction of our temple here. It is a very large project.
The temple is larger than our Vndvana temple. We are try-
ing to get it done as quickly as possible. I have just received
a report from Mukunda in London that the Encyclopedia
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 319

Britannica wants to carry my biography article in their pub-

lication. So this is all welcome news. So I am very pleased by
all of the progress, how you boys and girls are working very
sincerely to push on this movement of r Caitanya Mah-
prabhu. The only difficulty is the fighting that is going on.
Why there should be fighting in our society? This is not a
good sign. I hope this meets you in good health. 16

Everything should be done cooperatively. Ours" and

yours" are material conceptions and have no place in our
Ka consciousness movement. If the members of our
movement are unable to cooperate it will be very difficult to
spread the mission of Lord Caitanya. 17

Now all of you work cooperatively. I was very pleased to

see how you were working so hard last year to distribute so
many books. There is no instance of religious books of phi-
losophy being distributed in such magnitude in history. Now
go on enthusiastically and increase this book distribution un-
limitedly. 18

Your love for me will be shown by how much you cooperate

to keep this institution together after I am gone. 19

6.6 Spiritual life for a lifetime

Mm anusmara yudhya ca. Ka never said, Simply fight"
or Simply chant," because in the material world that is not
possible. Therefore chanting must be there, but at the same
time, you have to work to continue this movement. The
movement requires energy. We are printing so many books
to spread this knowledge. They must be distributed. Home
to home, place to place, man to man this literature must
go there. If one takes a book, at least some day he'll read
it: Let me see what this book is I have purchased the other
day." And if he reads one line his life will be successful
if he reads one line only carefully. This is such literature.
So therefore I am giving book distribution so much stress.
Somehow or other small book or big book if it is given
to somebody, he'll read it some day, and he'll derive eter-
320 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nal benefit. Sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya tryate mahato

bhayt. 20

Importance of sdhana
The Nectar of Devotion, p. 21: There are certain prescribed methods for
employing our senses and mind in such a way that our dormant conscious-
ness for loving Ka will be invoked, as much as a child, with a little prac-
tice, can begin to walk. . . . When we wish to develop our innate capacity
for devotional service, there are certain processes which, by our accepting
and executing them, will cause that dormant capacity to be invoked. Such
practice is called sdhana-bhakti. . . . which means to offer magala-rati in
the morning, to refrain from certain material activities, to offer obeisances
to the spiritual master and to follow many other rules and regulations.

Please continue to distribute our books. That is a very im-

portant business. Your idea for film distribution is also good,
so do it nicely in cooperation with the GBC. I am very much
anxious that at the same time as you carry out all these
outside activities, you are maintaining a strict schedule of
temple activities. Regular activities such as attendance of
rati, chanting of rounds, and study of literatures in the class
will keep you fit for effective preaching work in the outer
field. Our standard of purity must be kept, otherwise there
will be a loss of spiritual strength and subsequent falldown.
Every one of you should be thoroughly convinced of the po-
wer of the Hare Ka mantra to protect you in all circum-
stances and chant accordingly at all times without offence.
Then advancement will be swift, and you will gradually come
to see everything clearly so that you may act for the pleasure
of the Lord without uncertainty. 21

Taml Krishna Goswami: You have to be enlivened. One who has life can
preach," rla Bhaktisiddhnta said. If you're not enlivened, then you don't
have any reason to preach. It's impossible not to be enlivened if you take
a full dose of Ka consciousness every day that's the morning program.
The morning program is scientifically arranged so that every single thing
you need in your spiritual life is contained in it. It is exactly in pursuance
of rla Rpa Goswami's instructions. Our Gauya-Vaiava cryas have
made the morning program, and you'll see that everything necessary for the
performance of spiritual life is contained in it. So if you miss tulas-p%j, if
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 321

you miss offering obeisances to the Vaiavas, or you miss guru-p%j, then
something will go wrong. If you miss those programs, it's like having an un-
balanced diet, which causes diseases like rickets or scurvy.

Nirgua Dsa: Although sakrtana is nectar, not everyone spontaneously

tastes it. It's easy to be affected by the modes of nature because we have to
deal with materialistic people, what to speak of all the other material influ-
ences confronting us. But our steadily performing regular sdhana will give
us strength, determination, sense control, and whatever we need for our
service. The temple program bolsters our book distribution. This is the way
to become inspired to think of Ka throughout the day. And book distri-
bution encourages us in our sdhana as well. For instance, when we read a
book after going out on sakrtana, it is much more relishable.

Vijaya Dsa: I owe all my success to good sdhana. I wake up at 2:30 A.M.
and chant my rounds. I usually read Bhgavatam for about an hour before
guru-p%j. I attend the whole morning program. Then I also read from the
Bhagavad-gt and study verses before sakrtana. That charges the batter-
ies for going out and approaching the nondevotees. By good sdhana one
becomes strong in Ka consciousness and empowered to distribute the

Rohisuta Dsa: Some book distributors think it's only the rules and regu-
lations that make them strong. They follow everything fanatically, getting
up before everyone, taking a cold shower, and other things, but afterward
they aren't inspired to go out. Rather, they are wiped out and can't concen-
trate. Yet sometimes you've chanted bad rounds or had to take extra rest,
and you think you're completely in my, but you know that you must go
out to distribute books. You expect the worst, but because you feel humble
and dependent, the mercy comes, the books go out, and you meet nice
people all day. So the rules aren't everything. We're always dependent on
Ka's causeless mercy. Nevertheless we have to try our best. Sometimes
we may not be regulated, but that doesn't mean that we give up regulation
and say it goes better without regulation I will always get the mercy,
and I can distribute more books if I cut out the sdhana." No. We must
always endeavor to do our best to follow the rules and regulations. Don't
become lazy. Otherwise we think, Now I'm a book distributor I can neg-
lect everything and get the mercy of Lord Caitanya. Prabhupda said that
book distribution is the most important activity; therefore I don't have to
improve my sdhana." For sure, in due course of time, we will lose power,
and then as soon as a test comes, we are finished. Sometimes a devotee will
322 The Nectar of Book Distribution

have to make compromises for the sake of book distribution. But if he does
that day after day, it becomes a bad habit. Then he'll meet difficulties. De-
mons will come, weakness will manifest, material desires will rise. There-
fore we need shelter, and there is only one shelter the mission and the
instructions of rla Prabhupda, which include both sdhana and preach-

Proper chanting and hearing

The secret of preaching work is that one must keep him-
self fit and spiritually strong by always maintaining the high-
est standard of purity in Ka consciousness. Our process
is simple and practically experimented everywhere. Simply
by vibrating sixteen rounds of the Hare Ka mah-mantra
daily one advances to the stage of sadcra, or good habits,
and when he is pure in consciousness by devotional service,
he advances to the stage of ecstatic love of Ka. We should
always pray to Lord Caitanya simply to be engaged in His
confidential service by chanting the Hare Ka mantra al-
ways. That will purify us and give the strength needed to in-
fuse others with Ka consciousness. 22

Svavsa Dsa: During a dar$ana with rla Prabhupda in the Atlanta tem-
ple we asked, How can we increase our devotion and our desire to distrib-
ute more books?" We were sitting there eagerly awaiting some special for-
mula to expand our book distribution. rla Prabhupda sat there and didn't
even look at us. He was looking above us, and we kept waiting. Finally he
said, If you want to increase book distribution, if you really want, I have
only one recommendation." We were holding our breath. He wouldn't say it
immediately. Then he looked at us and said, If you want to increase, then
you must chant your rounds uninterrupted. After beginning your chanting,
you do not stop until you finish." rla Prabhupda said that this is the key
for increasing book distribution, because if you win that fight, you will win
all day. If you lose and let your mind carry you to another thing, it's obvious
you will have a difficult day.

Maidhra Dsa: I've never experienced such intense hearing as I have

among the sakrtana devotees, because they chant and read with the idea
of going out and facing my. Therefore they prepare themselves by chant-
ing and reading with concentration. Of course, if one isn't facing such a
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 323

challenge, one may take chanting and reading seriously, too. If one is intel-
ligent, he can understand that my is everywhere and it's better to surren-
der now. But usually whenever the circumstances are comfortable, we tend
to take it easy. On sakrtana we're forced to become sincere because we
face the realities of material nature.

Tapas Dsa: For a book distributor, proper hearing and chanting is most es-
sential. If you're not hearing the holy names, it's like you're inviting Ka,
but you're somewhere else when He comes. You can feel it. If you neglect
the holy names, then people neglect you.

Caku Dsa: There's no material secret for success on sakrtana. The se-
cret is to hear your rounds. But this can be done only when you are con-
vinced about serving your spiritual master, because it takes a lot of sur-
render to hear. The mind is addicted to speculation and jumps from one
thought to another, and you have to force your mind. If you hear your
rounds, your sakrtana improves, because you become spiritually enliv-
ened. You become natural. You get off the mental platform. And if you
don't hear your rounds, obviously you're on the mental platform. And be-
cause the people you meet are also on the mental platform, there will sim-
ply be a fight on the mental platform. But if you are spiritually enlivened,
then you'll be able to reach the heart and the soul, and the soul wants Ka
consciousness. Then people will take the books. They will look for reasons
to take the books even if there are no material reasons. The Paramtm
will give them a reason, and they'll accept it. We need this deep vision to
avoid seeing people as dirty, sinful karms or animals or just good enough
to help us get good results. I personally try to see people as future devo-
tees, the only difference between us and them being the knowledge in rla
Prabhupda's books. If that person begins reading these books, he'll be a
more sincere devotee than me. Why not? It is just a difference of time and

Daily reading Prabhupda's books

It has been brought to my attention that some of my stu-
dents are not studying. I do not know if this applies to you
or the devotees under your care, but I must stress again that
we must have our classes one hour in the morning and one
hour in the evening and the devotees must also chant regu-
larly their sixteen rounds and follow the principles. The rest
324 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of the time they may go on distribution of my books. So I

hope you will do the needful in this regard. 23

In order to remain steadily fixed in Ka consciousness

there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Other-
wise it will become only sentiment. Whenever you find time
please read my books. Shortly we shall be introducing the
system of examinations for those students who are ready
for second initiation as well as sannysa. According to the
degree, devotees will be expected to read and assimilate our
different books. Our first business is this book distribution.
There is no need of any other business. If this book distribu-
tion is managed properly, pushed on with great enthusiasm
and determination, and at the same time if our men keep
spiritually strong, then the whole world will become Ka
conscious. 24

I am pleased to hear that you are chanting sixteen rounds

daily and reading my books regularly and following the four
rules. In my books the philosophy of Ka consciousness is
explained fully so if there is anything which you do not un-
derstand, then you simply have to read again and again. By
reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you, and by
this process your spiritual life will develop. Ka conscious-
ness is not a hackneyed thing, but it is something which is our
natural and original consciousness. Presently our conscious-
ness is clouded just like a mirror becomes covered with dust.
So the cleansing process is this chanting and hearing and do-
ing some service and trying to please the spiritual master.
By this process our consciousness becomes clear, and we are
able to understand everything. 25

As far as studying my books is concerned, I have already

given the order. One hour in the morning class and one hour
in the evening, and if there is extra time during the day it
may be used for studying but we cannot expect everyone to
be studious. If someone has a desire to distribute books all
day he may do this, but he must always follow the princi-
ples of rising early, chanting sixteen rounds, and so on. Just
as some rich men have no inclination for studying, but still
open many schools for others to study at, like this, all of my
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 325

students may not be inclined to study, but they are very much
eager to give others the opportunity to read my books, and
this should not be discouraged. All programs must go on, but
it is a fact that this book distribution program is very, very
important. It is real preaching work. 26

Devotee: On sakrtana I read only a little. When I read, maybe for half an
hour, the mind says, Now you have to go out and distribute again." Is this
due to passion or compassion?
Harike!a Swami: It takes the mode of goodness to sit down and read the
books. When one is influenced by passion, he thinks, Reading is nice, but
I have to do something." That's not bad in one respect, because by reading
rla Prabhupda's books you realize you have to do something. But you
should understand that unless you read the books, you will not be fixed at
the lotus feet of Ka. Therefore you should always want to read in order
to remain situated in the service of His lotus feet with full knowledge. That
is very important. Many devotees have left Ka consciousness because of
insufficient knowledge. They just did not read the books enough to become
purified of all doubts. If you read these books, how can you have doubts?
These books are wonderful. Everything is there that we need to know. So
please read. And when the mode of passion screams at you, Get out!" just
say, Wait a minute, please. Now we're reading. Calm down and listen."
(From a class in Zurich on July 10, 1991)

Caku Dsa: I read two hours a day. We always have a program in the morn-
ing. We sing the prayers, have a class, take prasdam, and go out as early
as possible, the earlier the better, from about 9:00 to l2:30. Then we take
a break, take prasdam, and read. By four o'clock or so, we go out again,
until seven, then we count the lakm, and again there is time for reading.
Reading in the evening is nice because the day is done, and the mind is
more peaceful, so you can concentrate. It's a simple program. Simple living,
high thinking.

Not that we are simply meant for selling books"

Without becoming a learned scholar, nobody can become
a brhmaa. We are also giving our student a position as
brhmaa, but if he remains a fool number one then we are
misusing our attempt. He should be a very learned scho-
lar. That should be the aim. And there is no difficulty be-
coming a learned scholar because we have got so many
326 The Nectar of Book Distribution

books. You simply read and digest what we are speaking.

Not that we are simply meant for selling books. We are read-
ing. We must read. Then our position as brhmaa will be
fulfilled. Because brhmaas are teachers. Anyone who can
teach, he is a brhmaa. So unless you read thoroughly, what
you are going to speak to the world? How you can become
a brhmaa and paita? . . . First of all, one must know
what Ka is. That is explained by Ka Himself in the
Bhagavad-gt. And when he understands Ka, then he
can hear further about Ka. The books are there, "rmad-
Bhgavatam and Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Cai-
tanya. We are teaching the science of Ka. Caitanya Mah-
prabhu said, yei ka-tattva-vett sei guru haya: anyone who
knows the science of Ka can become guru. That is our
mission. That is not my mission; that is Caitanya Mah-
prabhu's mission. So it doesn't matter you Europeans,
Americans; although not born in a brhmaa family, it
doesn't matter. If you try to understand the science of Ka,
and if you behave properly, you can teach about Ka all
over your country, all over the world. That is my mission.
And that is approved by Caitanya Mahprabhu. Try to
understand the science of Ka. Then you will be able to
preach nicely and people will be benefited. 27

Simply take a little trouble to understand Ka that tapa-

sya is required to read Ka's instruction, Bhagavad-gt
and "rmad-Bhgavatam, and try to understand Ka. It is
not painful. It is very pleasing, but we avoid it. We think it is
painful. Ah! Who is going to read the books? We are meant
for selling books, not for reading books." This is not good.
We should read also. That is tapasya. Don't think that our
books are simply meant for selling. No. They are meant for
reading also. If we read regularly, at least two hours, three
hours, that is tapasya, tapo divyam. 28

6.7 Bhgavata-mrga and pcartrika-vidhi

"rmad-Bhgavatam 4.13.3 p: There are two different ways of approaching
the Supreme Lord. One is called bhgavata-mrga, or the way of "rmad-
Bhgavatam, and the other is called pcartrika-vidhi. Pcartrika-vidhi
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 327

is the method of temple worship, and bhgavata-vidhi is the system of nine

processes which begin with hearing and chanting. The Ka conscious
movement accepts both processes simultaneously and thus enables one to
make steady progress on the path of realization of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead. This pcartrika procedure was first introduced by the great
sage Nrada.

Running on parallel lines

"rmad-Bhgavatam 6.3.26 p: Especially in this age of Kali, sakrtana alone
is sufficient. If the members of our temples in the different parts of the
world simply continue sakrtana before the Deity, especially before r
Caitanya Mahprabhu, they will remain perfect. There is no need of any
other performances. Nevertheless, to keep oneself clean in habits and mind,
Deity worship and other regulative principles are required. rla Jva Go-
svm says that although sakrtana is sufficient for the perfection of life,
the arcana, or worship of the Deity in the temple, must continue in order
that the devotees may stay clean and pure. rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat
hkura therefore recommended that one follow both processes simulta-
neously. We strictly follow his principle of performing Deity worship and
sakrtana along parallel lines. This we should continue.

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.165 p: For preaching, construction of temples

is also necessary. The Gosvms not only engaged in writing books but also
constructed temples because both are needed for preaching work. r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu wanted the cult of His sakrtana movement to spread
all over the world. Now that the International Society for Ka Conscious-
ness has taken up this task of preaching the cult of Lord Caitanya, its mem-
bers should not only construct temples in every town and village of the
globe but also distribute books which have already been written and further
increase the number of books. Both distribution of books and construction
of temples must continue side by side in parallel lines.

We should follow two important lines, namely the pca-

rtrik-vidhi and bhgavata-mrga. The bhgavata-mrga is
preaching work and sakrtana, and the pcartrik-vidhi is
temple worship of the Deities. The temple worship will keep
us sanctified, and when we preach in sanctified, pure heart,
the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to
follow the two parallel lines simultaneously for successful
execution of devotional service. 29
328 The Nectar of Book Distribution

As I have already said many times, we have to maintain two

parallel lines, namely, the path of "rmad-Bhgavatam and
the path of pcartrik. "rmad-Bhgavatam is the path for
paramahasas, and the pcartra path is for the neophytes.
So the temple worship is necessary for the beginners so that
by following the regulative principles such devotees become
more and more purified and thus gradually come to the plat-
form of understanding "rmad-Bhgavatam. So we shall al-
ways keep these principles in view and maintain our centers
on this standard. 30

In your country hundreds of temples like this should be

opened town to town, village to village. I am very pleased.
Another temple opened, another book published that is
the success of this movement. Without book distribution, the
temple worship standard will also diminish. Therefore both
of them should go side by side. 31

Bhgavata-mrga is more important"

Book distribution is bhgavata-mrga, and temple worship is
pcartrik-vidhi. Both are important for cultivating Vai-
avism. But comparatively speaking bhgavata-mrga is
more important than pcartrik-vidhi. As far as possible
both should go on in parallel lines, but still bhgavata-mrga
is more important than the other. 32

"rmad-Bhgavatam 7.14.39 p-40 p: r Caitanya Mahprabhu set a practical

example in that He did not establish any temples or Deities, but He pro-
fusely introduced the sakrtana movement. Therefore Ka consciousness
preachers should give more stress to the sakrtana movement, especial-
ly by distributing transcendental literature more and more. This helps the
sakrtana movement. Whenever there is a possibility to worship the Deity,
we may establish many centers, but generally we should give more stress to
the distribution of transcendental literature, for this will be more effective
in converting people to Ka consciousness.
[Nrada Muni said,] Sometimes a neophyte devotee offers all the par-
aphernalia for worshiping the Lord, and he factually worships the Lord as
the Deity, but because he is envious of the authorized devotees of Lord
Viu, the Lord is never satisfied with his devotional service."
Book Distribution as a Lifetime Mission 329

Deity worship is especially meant for purifying the neophyte devotees.

Actually, however, preaching is more important. In Bhagavad-gt (18.69)
it is said, na ca tasmn manuyeu ka$cin me priya-kttama: if one wants
to be recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he must preach
the glories of the Lord. One who worships the Deity must therefore be ex-
tremely respectful to preachers; otherwise simply worshiping the Deity will
keep one in the lower stage of devotion.

Balanced life
Sakrtana and distributing BTG and our other literatures is
the field work of this movement. Temple worship is second-
ary. People are invited to come to the temple to see the be-
havior of the devotees specifically in the matter of purifica-
tion. There are two kinds of purification methods, external
and internal. In our Ka consciousness movement, Deity
worship helps to keep us externally purified, and sakrtana
helps to keep us internally purified. So as far as possible we
shall execute both of these processes simultaneously. And by
your exemplary character, the general mass of people will
be benefited. Our hearts in the material condition are filled
with all dirty things, and this Ka consciousness movement
is the cleansing process. 33

Book distributors must be encouraged and given both moral and prac-
tical support, individually and collectively. Temples, for example, can adjust
their programs during marathons to facilitate the book distributors' leaving
early. Sometimes book distributors don't follow the full temple program (in
order to get enough sleep or to gain some distribution hours). Although
this is not the ideal example for the temple devotees, they still should
appreciate how book distributors are dedicating their lives to the most im-
portant and demanding service. Although performance of sakrtana (and
book distribution in particular) is bhgavata-mrga, which is the more im-
portant line, rla Prabhupda says in The Nectar of Devotion that even
someone on the spontaneous platform should execute the regulative prin-
ciples of devotional service. The idea is that he should always continue
to act as a neophyte devotee as long as the material body is there" (p.
126). In order to be elevated to the stage of ecstatic love, one should exe-
cute devotional service rigidly in the association of devotees so that there
will be certainty in raising oneself to that ecstatic position" (p. 132). The
330 The Nectar of Book Distribution

conclusion is that a sakrtana devotee must consider himself like any other
devotee, a neophyte in great need of following the full sdhana program.
Devotees, as r%pnugas, are advised to practice spiritual life on two paral-
lel tracks, and all of them should practice both. Doing that means we fulfill
Prabhupda's desire that all devotees know the art of distributing books.
Sakrtana devotees are expected to take part as much as possible in the
temple programs, and temple devotees are expected to take part in book
distribution. In this way, the temple devotees will be able to understand
and appreciate the sakrtana service, and the sakrtana devotees will be
able to understand and appreciate the temple service. If unity of purpose
is cultivated in this reciprocal way, then there will be no misunderstanding.
Each devotee should cultivate both lines of devotional service. Devotees
are expected not only to preach and distribute books but also to study the
books, perform krtana, and worship Deities in the temple. That will pro-
mote balanced spiritual life and internal and external purity. Lifetime book
distribution means a lifetime of devotional service: lifetime chanting, life-
time association, and a lifetime of preaching. Saving oneself is devotional
service, the most important devotional service:

Our real mission is to deliver the world by preaching Ka's

message to others, but an even higher realization, the highest
realization, is to save oneself. I hope this meets you in good
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 34


The Western Side of the Nectar Ocean of Book Distribution

I want all my students to try very vigorously for book distribution.

Do not hesitate to use your American and European brains to increase
that is Ka's special gift to you, now use it.
Any activity which will please Ka should be accepted favorably
this is our guiding principle. Now apply it in this way,
by doing everything and anything for spreading Ka conscious literature.
This is really pleasing to Ka, know it for certain. 1
rla Prabhupda
Introduction to Part Three
rla Prabhupda wanted book distribution to increase in quantity and
quality. Parts One and Two focused on a philosophical understanding of
book distribution, personal qualities needed for success and endurance,
and methods of distribution. Part Three is about organizing and expanding
book distribution: practical management (providing facility and strategy),
training (implementing the preaching spirit), and manpower (engaging ev-
eryone possible).
To guide ISKCON in accomplishing all these purposes, rla Prabhu-
pda said that utility is the principle: Anything that can be utilized in
advancing Ka consciousness and devotional service should be accept-
ed. For instance, we are using many machines for the advancement of our
present Ka consciousness movement, machines like typewriters, dictat-
ing machines, tape recorders, microphones and airplanes. Sometimes peo-
ple ask us, `Why are you utilizing material products if you condemn the
advancement of material civilization?' But actually we do not condemn.
We simply ask people to do whatever they are doing in Ka conscious-
ness. This is the same principle on which, in Bhagavad-gt, Ka advised
Arjuna to utilize his fighting abilities in devotional service." (The Nectar of
Devotion, Ch. 14)
Managing includes finding ways to establish book distribution under
any circumstances; legalizing it; organizing the temple's departments co-
operatively; and making book distribution the economic basis of a temple.
Those are the topics of Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight deals with three main strategies of book distribution:
temple devotees distributing books (at Sunday feasts and various pro-
grams); traveling sakrtana (full dedication to book distribution); and dis-
tribution by ghasthas living outside the temple. This chapter also describes
how all book distributors benefit from regular sakrtana meetings, strong
spiritual standards, and the maintenance of health.
Chapter Nine discusses marathons that's when all available man-
power distributes books. Everyone should have practical experience dis-
tributing books, including new devotees; therefore this chapter also men-
tions training book distributors, although that is a main topic of Part Four.

Managing and
Supporting Book Distribution
We have no other business than to make people happy. By book distribu-
tion your country will become happy and prosperous. No cheating, no poli-
tics, no personal ambition, not a tinge of personal sense gratification this is
our mission. There are no such things in the Ka consciousness movement.
Our only ambition is to live among the devotees and execute the mission of
our predecessors, Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu and Lord Ka. You are re-
sponding. Your responding means America is responding. If one-fourth of
America becomes Vaiavas, the whole world will change. Ka has given
you all facilities good land, education, fabulous prestige. Take this oppor-
tunity. This is our ambition. I went to America with this ambition, that the
American people would take this Ka consciousness movement. My Guru
Mahrja is not here physically, but in every action he is there. So I am not
going to die. You are my bodies. By your words, book distribution will dou-
ble." ("rla Prabhupda quoted in Distribute Books, Distribute Books, Dis-
tribute Books, p. 108)

7.1 Prabhupda's books can be distributed everywhere

Please offer all the devotees my blessings. Their enthusiasm
for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only
will I be pleased, but my Guru Mahrja will also be pleased,
and they will all be blessed. This is very good news. Pthivte
che yata nagardi-grma sarvatra pracra haibe mora nma:
this is the way of preaching, to spread the news of Ka in
every town and village all over the world. Thank you very
much. 2

338 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Temples, books, and chanting in every town and village

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 7.165 p: r Caitanya Mahprabhu wanted the
cult of His sakrtana movement to spread all over the world. Now that
the International Society for Ka Consciousness has taken up this task of
preaching the cult of Lord Caitanya, its members should not only construct
temples in every town and village of the globe but also distribute books
which have already been written and further increase the number of books.

Your program for extending your sakrtana party activities

to the nearby towns and cities and universities is very wel-
come. I have received similar good reports of such extend-
ed sakrtana party tours or trips from many other centers in
Europe as well as America. Lord Caitanya's desire was that
this chanting of the holy names be spread to every town and
village on the face of the globe, and now His desire is be-
ing fulfilled. That is to your credit as sincere servants of the
Lord. 3

Maidhra Dsa: Book distribution can go on even under the most op-
pressive circumstances, as it did in Russia or other East European coun-
tries. Everywhere, somehow or other, we can find ways to distribute books.
Of course, there are some Asian, African, and South American countries
where people don't have much money, but they appreciate our books, so
things just have to be adjusted accordingly.

Vijaya Dsa: In Australia there was a lot of difficulty with book distribu-
tion, and for many years the devotees couldn't distribute there, but now
they are distributing books there. Books can be distributed everywhere be-
cause Ka wants this to be done. We may think that in one place it can't
be done, but that simply means we have to surrender and depend on Ka.
Ka will help us. It is simply a question of sincerity of desire.

Daynidhi Dsa (Italy): Some places may have tremendous financial prob-
lems, but still book distribution cannot be neglected. It is a matter of faith,
yet faith is something practical, and we apply it in our daily activities. This
means we should take the order of the spiritual master and use our intelli-
gence to find the way to fulfill his order. If people aren't able or inclined
to take the books on the street, then we should try other ways to give
them books festivals, conferences, or other programs. The basis of all our
preaching is book production and book distribution. We should use our in-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 339

telligence to distribute books when we preach. Maybe not right away

maybe the situation will be difficult at first for different reasons but we
should work it out and use our brains to find ways to print and distribute
books. We cannot neglect this order of the spiritual master. Otherwise our
spiritual lives cannot be successful.

Llvatra Dsa: Books can be distributed everywhere, because everywhere

there are souls who are candidates for receiving Ka's message through
authorized books. From my sakrtana experience I can see that in some
places you feel the burden of karma more heavily, and if you want to get
some results there, you have to pray to guru and Ka more intensely. I
don't agree with those who say there are places where distributing books
is impossible. I think it depends on the consciousness of the distributors. If
the devotees have strong traits of purity and humility, if they're surrendered
to guru and Ka, and if they're expert in dealing with people, it's impossi-
ble not to distribute books. Even in the most difficult areas Ka will send
them some souls ready to take the books. Ka is always rewarding serious
distributors willing to spread Ka consciousness.

Navna-nrada Dsa: The point is to go out and be everywhere. People are

especially struck with wonder if they meet a devotee in one place and then
meet another devotee or the same devotee later in a completely different
place. Always the same books wherever they go! What to speak of meet-
ing the same devotee! I recently met people in the Geneva airport coming
back from holidays, and afterwards I met them in their office during busi-
ness hours and then again in their town when they were shopping. When
people meet you two or three times, they buy books just because they think
it's mystical to meet this funny guy wherever they go. It looks like you're
everywhere. When you do more and more years of sakrtana in the same
area, many people say, I bought a book from you five or six years ago."
When they see the devotees every year passing out books in a nice, steady
manner, they become convinced that it's something more than simply peo-
ple running around and peddling their products. Recently, I met a man who
had just been in Russia for twenty days. He is a sales agent and lives in Ge-
neva. His company produces ships and tankers in Russia and sells them in
Geneva on the international market. He said, Bhagavad-gt, of course, I
know it. I bought it in Russia two weeks ago." I said, Wonderful! Those
must have been my Russian friends selling books just outside the Metro
station." He became amazed to hear that I knew what was going on in Rus-
sia. He just bought the Gt in Moscow, then he comes over to Geneva, and
340 The Nectar of Book Distribution

here we are with the same books. Many people travel all over the world
and see us everywhere, and ultimately all of them will buy our books. We
simply have to be out there to meet them.

Where there's a will, there's a way

"rla Prabhupda-llmta, Vol. 6, pp. 248 9: rla Prabhupda," Satsva-
rpa asked one evening, you have been speaking of how Ka conscious-
ness would rise to power in the United States, and I find it hard to have that
vision, since now it is just the opposite." It is true," said rla Prabhupda,
but now it has only taken its roots. You have to water and protect it, then
you will get fruit. You have to give it protection. People must hear about us
by our books, and we have to talk about the books." So it is not that it will
happen overnight?" No," said rla Prabhupda. Gradually it will grow.
The seed is there. Now protect it by introducing more and more books in
every house."

Harike!a Swami: Where there's a will, there's a way. Local devotees from
any area on this planet can figure out ways and means to distribute books.
They can understand the mentality of the people and preach to them nicely
to accept the books. Wherever the sakrtana spirit exists, book distribu-
tion can thrive. It is simply a question of desire and consciousness. The ex-
ample of the Soviet devotees printing and distributing books despite the
severest forms of persecution shows that it's always possible. Everyone
should understand that it's possible to distribute books in every situation.
One simply has to find out the ways and means to do it. I think that all the
changes in East Europe and the USSR came about because Ka saw that
the seeds of a great sakrtana mission were planted and He wanted it to
increase. So if one just tries to increase book distribution, he'll attract the
attention of Ka, who will make some changes in the area to increase the
distribution even more. One cannot say how long he will have to wait for
the Lord to act. But be certain that Ka wants the book distribution to
increase more than we want it to. After all, it is the primary means of libe-
ration for people. Ka is eager to see the conditioned souls liberated, and
therefore He'll help us if we're sincere and devote our lives to His mission.

Book distribution must be cultivated

Harike!a Swami: Book distribution is something that has to be cultivated
because it's new to our tradition. In Vaiava history there has never been
mass distribution of books. Hearing and chanting about Ka have gone
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 341

on since time immemorial, and therefore devotees can easily perform these
activities. In the beginning of ISKCON everyone easily did traditional ac-
tivities like that washing the dishes, taking prasdam, offering to the De-
ity, chanting in krtanas, and even preaching on the street without any dif-
ficulty. It was simple to get devotees engaged in these activities. But book
distribution was different. It had to develop in a special atmosphere among
a special group of devotees. They had to protect their creepers of book
distribution carefully, because nobody even knew about book distribution.
Therefore cultivating book distribution took a lot of effort, and they con-
stantly had to pull up weeds that would have stopped it or deviated it or
replaced it by some offshoot like making money. Book distribution means
bringing Ka consciousness to all the people of the world, and that's why
we have to cultivate it. We find that it's the perfection of the preaching mis-
sion. rla Prabhupda's words go in the hands of the conditioned souls and
change their lives. Therefore we emphasize it so much. All other services
are fine and wonderful. If you sit in the temple and eat prasdam, that's
good for you, but it may not help anyone else. rla Prabhupda said there's
no better way to preach Ka consciousness than through book distribu-
tion. So we're eager to cultivate this Ka conscious process. It gives the
greatest benefit to the people of the world. Don't be disturbed because I am
a gardener who is eager to cultivate the garden of book distribution. You're
not disturbed when someone cultivates the garden of temple cleaning, for
instance. Why be disturbed when someone cultivates the garden of book
distribution? Just surrender to it and be happy. (From a class in Zurich on
August 28, 1991)

7.2 Harmony between devotees

Because I am stressing one thing (book distribution) espe-
cially, does that mean that everything else is not important?
No. Everything must go on. Please consult with your temple
president or your GBC for direction as to what is your best
engagement. 4

!rla Prabhupda on cooperation

I am especially happy to hear from you about the huge dis-
tribution of books in the Canadian zone. That is the most
auspicious sign. You are making good progress, that I can
understand. As soon as I see that there are such increased
342 The Nectar of Book Distribution

book distribution figures, I take that to mean that all other

programs are successful as well. 5

In your country hundreds of temples like this should be

opened, town to town, village to village. I am very pleased.
Another temple opened, another book published that is
the success of this movement. Without book distribution the
temple worship standard will also diminish. Therefore both
of them should go side by side. 6

Have sakrtana. All Europeans, Americans, Africans

United Nations under Caitanya Mahprabhu's flag. Do ev-
erything just as I have shown you. It is possible. You try, un-
der the protection of Caitanya Mahprabhu, and things will
be successful. 7

Don't you see that this printing is my life? Then do it; other-
wise you are killing me. If you don't arrange this, then you
are half killing me. Either kill me full or give me peace.
How do you expect me to have any peace if you don't or-
ganize this? I want to immediately spread Ka conscious-
ness everywhere. Our unique contribution is Deity worship
and the large-scale distribution of India's cultural tradition.
This is the Ka consciousness movement. If you love me
you will not fight stay united. (Prabhupda quoted in Dis-
tribute Books, Distribute Books, Distribute Books, p. 108)

Creating a team spirit

Many things have been said about book distribution being the main,
front-line work of our movement and everything else being meant to sup-
port it. But some of the book distributors we interviewed said that in prac-
tice managerial support isn't always there. This chapter explains what it
means to support book distribution morally, philosophically, and manage-
rially; and how temples should rely financially on book distribution.

Jhnav Dev Ds: I'd like to see more encouragement and inspiration
from the temple authorities here in America and see more facility given
to book distributors. For example, it would be nice not having such a hard
time getting books, prasdam, and vehicles. I'm not expecting someone to
do my laundry or serve me hand and foot. But sometimes I spend an hour
and half getting things together. So I'd say more support and assistance is
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 343

needed. And I'd like to get more of a philosophical or devotional under-

standing of book distribution. Not just It's the best. It's important. We
need lakm. Do big!" When seasoned book distributors give classes, I de-
rive great inspiration. Understanding how book distribution is a wonderful
way to cleanse the heart, and seeing it as an internal process that connects
us to the mood of Lord Caitanya and the six Gosvms and the spiritual
master, would help me feel less isolated and more empowered to be part of
this movement. That's what makes the Mypur festival so wonderful. All
the devotees get together and discuss book distribution. We need to get to-
gether more often in this spirit and deepen our realizations.

Maidhra Dsa: The temple devotees should feel that book distribution is
something they should try out, too, once a week or during marathons. There
shouldn't be a split temple devotees and sakrtana devotees. I'd never
encourage sakrtana devotees to develop an elitist spirit. Once I heard a
statement, A p#jr is the devotee who eats all the mah-prasdam." I've
always opposed such attitudes. From the beginning as a sakrtana devo-
tee, I always greatly appreciated the p#jrs because I knew they were
doing a service I could never could do. Aaratha Prabhu, for example,
really inspired me, but he hardly ever went on book distribution. Just by his
devoted p#j he always showed me, This is the Ka you are distributing
the books for." It became obvious because of his service, and that's what I
needed. Similarly, we may shout for half an hour, Sakrtana, k jaya! " but
that doesn't inspire me as much as a devotee giving a class and explaining
to me, for example, some realizations about how to protect myself from the
modes of material nature. That is something I can apply on the street. The
sakrtana devotees should always try to deepen their motivation.

Caku Dsa: We book distributors perform a service that takes all of our
concentration, but we shouldn't become narrow-minded. We should have a
broad appreciation for the other services going on in the temple and for ev-
erything going on in ISKCON. If we lack appreciation, we'll lose the mercy
of the other devotees and thereby lose our ability to go on sakrtana. We
live by the mercy of the other devotees; in many regards, we're depending
on the mercy and service of others.

Pur"rav Dsa: Everything in Ka consciousness is a source of inspira-

tion for book distribution. Of course, the most important aspect is the or-
der of the spiritual master, or the mission of the previous cryas. Also,
when the book distributors return to the temple on the weekends and the
Deities are dressed nicely, that's inspiring. Good prasdam is inspiring, and
344 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nice association is inspiring. When there's a nice atmosphere in the temple,

and everyone is fully engaged, that's most inspiring. If the sakrtana car is
kept clean, when someone bakes bread for us to take on sakrtana, if we
are being looked after nicely by the authorities, it's inspiring. It obliges us
book distributors to be sincere in our service, and it convinces us to bring
others to Ka consciousness.

Taml Krishna Goswami: If you are a p#jr, you can meditate on all the
sakrtana devotees. You have other meditations on the Deity His ser-
vice and His pastimes but you should also constantly pray to the Dei-
ties to empower the sakrtana devotees to distribute Their mercy. Just as
Nsihnanda Brahmacr built a road made of jewels on which Lord Cai-
tanya could travel, you can meditate on making many paths for the sakr-
tana devotees and on how the Deities will reach out to the people the sa-
krtana devotees meet. (From a class in Zurich on December 4, 1991)

Bhakti Charu Swami: We should always try to please other devotees. If we

please the devotees, Ka becomes pleased. Sometimes we think that we
have to please only the big devotees and that small devotees aren't impor-
tant. That's a mistaken concept. All devotees are dear to Ka. Often we
see that a father is more concerned about his little children than his grown
sons. That's why we always have to be concerned about all the devotees and
try to serve them as much as possible. The society of devotees is a sweet so-
ciety. The affection is flowing from the senior devotees to the junior devo-
tees, and respect rises spontaneously from the junior devotees to the senior
devotees. Everyone is wonderfully related to each other through bonds of
love, in the forms of affection and respect. Everyone is connected through
love and trust. In a letter to Upendra, rla Prabhupda wrote, Now all my
disciples must work combinedly to spread the sakrtana movement. If you
cannot work together, then my work is stopped. Our Society is like one big
family, and our relationships should be based on love and trust. Now we
have to give up the fighting spirit and use our intelligence to push ahead"
[August 6, 1970]. So we, the members of ISKCON, must have that spirit.
Then people will automatically become attracted, and ISKCON will spread
its influence more and more throughout the world. (From a class in Zurich)

Serving the sakrtana devotees

In the var$rama system the brhmaas were the most important and
revered class, because their main contribution was giving scriptural advice
and preaching. rla Prabhupda wanted to train his disciples to be brh-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 345

maas, and he gave them the best form of preaching distributing his
books. It follows that book distribution should always be given priority and
book distributors should receive all necessary facilities. But they should not
demand them.

Rohisuta Dsa: Sometimes sakrtana devotees tend to become arrogant

towards other devotees. But this is wrong. Taking part in the sakrtana
movement means fighting a war on my. The book distributors are the
front-line soldiers, but they cannot succeed without backing. They need
prasdam, supplies of books, and a properly maintained temple. Without
that support, the soldiers cannot live or fight for a long time. And without
the sakrtana devotees, the temple devotees cannot live long either. When
there's a war, but no soldiers on the front, then the enemy can enter at any
time and finish you off. ISKCON has many nice buildings, but without book
distribution, my comes in and takes over. Therefore pride is never good.
When you're inattentive in a battle, you get hit. There's a saying: the lull
before the storm. As soon as we take it easy whatever we do, sakrtana
or any duty there's a chance my will attack.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: If book distributors feel mistreated, they won't be in-
spired to go out. The temple presidents and managers and everyone else in
the temple should be careful how they deal with the book distributors. If
the book distributors feel unwanted, it will discourage them, and any dis-
couragement can weaken them to the point that when they go out, they
lose vigilance and then my strikes them. It's a war on my, and the main
soldiers should be taken care of by the other devotees. If devotees aren't
educated by the authorities how to respect the book distributors, then book
distributors will soon become rare, and the temple will suffer. Some book
distributors are exceptions they don't need anyone's inspiration except
their guru's to go on and on and on. But that doesn't change the principle.
On the contrary, such special devotees should be especially supported and

Jva Dsa: Every devotee in the temple or anywhere else who cannot al-
ways be on sakrtana should seek out the association of the sakrtana
devotees for togetherness and to serve them or cook for them. That's
how one becomes infected with the desire to do sakrtana. It was always
most fascinating for me to see how the book distributors remained deter-
mined in their service and made advancement. That's why I always want to
go out, because I don't want to miss any opportunity to associate with the
sakrtana devotees.
346 The Nectar of Book Distribution

#aii Dev Ds: Td api suncena: one should never consider oneself
better than others. One should show respect to others without expecting
respect in return. Krtanya sad hari: that attitude is the basis of krtana
and sakrtana. Then powerful cooperation is possible. For example, during
marathons, girls from the kitchen help us make stacks of books or cook for
us in the morning and go shopping. They do all the entangling work that
would take a lot of our time away from distributing books. It's inspiring,
and it creates wonderful relationships between devotees. Then there won't
be any misunderstandings.

Guru-!akti Dsa (Switzerland): When the sakrtana devotees return to the

temple on the weekends, they should not be segregated. Everybody should
be able to get their association and become inspired in devotional service.
The sakrtana devotees are inspiring persons. When they come to the tem-
ple, everyone should associate with them. Of course, it's nice to give them
their own rooms where they can sleep and read in peace. But they shouldn't
isolate themselves. They should give their association freely so that others
become inspired to go on sakrtana. It's nice if they receive the mah-
prasdam. Someone might wash their clothes or their cars. Those things
show appreciation. The younger devotees especially should enjoy serving
the sakrtana devotees and feel they're getting special mercy.

Taml Krishna Goswami: You may not feel like serving other devotees. You
may feel it's artificial. Should you continue anyway? Yes. It's just like a sick
person's not wanting to take medicine, but knowing it's good for him, so
he keeps taking it, and someday he feels better. If you serve the Vaiavas,
one day it will come naturally. Then you'll realize that it's their mercy and
their blessings that help you advance. Just imagine if you were the only
devotee here in Zurich. Suppose that for one year no devotees were in
Zurich and you had to stay here alone, and then, after a year, the devotees
came. Wouldn't you feel like serving them? Yes. And you'd say, Without
all of you I almost died. Now please let me serve you." Sometimes we take
the association of devotees for granted. But how difficult it is to become
Ka conscious when we're alone! As soon as we're with devotees, we
get strength. They help us so shouldn't we serve them to reciprocate with
them? (From a class in Zurich on August 22, 1989)

Special treatment for book distributors

Sometimes devotees are promised a plate of mah-pras-
dam for the biggest distributor. There is no harm. Actual-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 347

ly one should try to serve Ka to his or her full capacity

without thought of reward service is itself the reward. But
this takes time to actually realize, and until that platform is
achieved some pressure or inducement is required. 8

Harike!a Swami: All devotees are dear to the Lord because they engage
in His devotional service, but the sakrtana devotees are especially dear
because they instruct people to surrender to Ka. Sakrtana devotees
should be specially cared for, because they support the temple economi-
cally and spiritually. The temple president should give them the best para-
phernalia, and the cooks should be extra careful to make the prasdam so
nice that the sakrtana devotees will be inspired to go out and increase
their distribution. Of course, everyone will benefit from the nice prasdam,
because the devotees are eating it together. But if the cooks think that the
prasdam they're preparing will help the sakrtana devotees, their ele-
vated consciousness will make their cooking nicer. The cooks will also feel
more a part of the sakrtana mission. Now, one might argue that the tem-
ple cannot supply good prasdam to all the devotees only the sakrtana
devotees because the temple is poor. If that's true, it makes sense to give
better prasdam to the sakrtana devotees, because they support the tem-
ple. But if the cause of poverty is the poor performance of the sakrtana
devotees, then it might be good to have the sakrtana devotees eat the
same poor prasdam as everyone else so that they understand they have to
distribute more to support the temple.

Sarvtm Dsa: Special prasdam? Why not? This is our only sense gratifi-
cation, practically speaking, so there should be special prasdam for those
who go out. When I stay back, I fast or eat simply. But after I go out, I feel
encouraged by having a nice meal when I come back. Sakrtana devotees
should be encouraged in that way.

7.3 Temple and sakrtana organization

It engladdens me to see our literature very widely distribut-
ed. This was the subject matter of my Guru Mahrja's satis-
faction. He liked distributing books more than constructing
temples. He personally advised me to print books if I have
got some money. So by his mercy we are printing books and
constructing temples as well. Although in the beginning we
had no such opportunity, still I brought some books from
348 The Nectar of Book Distribution

India, and that was the foundation stone of our Ka con-

sciousness movement. So I want all our centers to give very
much importance to the matter of book distribution. 9

Each temple independent

Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient.
That was my plan from the very beginning. Why you are
thinking otherwise? . . . Do not think in this way of big cor-
poration, big credits, centralization these are all nonsense
proposals. The only thing I wanted was that book printing
and distribution should be centralized, . . . Otherwise, man-
agement, everything, should be done locally by local men.
Accounts must be kept, things must be in order and lawfully
done, but that should be each temple's concern, not yours.
The Ka consciousness movement is for training men to
be independently thoughtful and competent in all depart-
ments of knowledge and all types of action not for mak-
ing bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the whole thing
will be spoiled. There must always be individual striving and
work and responsibility competitive spirit not that one
shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others, and they
do nothing but beg from you, and you provide. No. Never
mind there may be botheration to register each center. Take
a tax certificate for each and become separate corporations
in each state. That will train the men how to do these things,
and they shall develop reliability and responsibility, that is
the point. 10

Regarding several smaller temples being dependent upon

the central temple of Washington, D.C., that is up to you to
decide, but so far I am concerned, I have not got much stock
in such centralized management or organization. I never
wanted that any of my temples shall be dependent upon the
other temples. Rather, our main business is to train men to
be self-sufficient and competent in many ways to carry on the
preaching work, not to make them into specialists or to min-
imize their responsibility by centralizing everything. If each
center must rely upon its own strength to stand, that will be a
better training ground for the devotees. We must learn how
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 349

to perform all varieties of engagements in Ka's service,

not that we shall expect anyone else to act for us and thus
avoid something ourselves. But for reasons of spreading the
Ka consciousness movement, we may sometimes central-
ize, just like the books and money for BBT . . . if that were
left for each temple to manage, there would be great diffi-
culty and the books would neither get printed nor be paid
for nor distributed widely. So in that case, centralized man-
agement is preferable. But in the case of new temples, it is
better if they have to struggle a little while to establish them-
selves in their cities. Devotees become familiar with the local
city officials and leading citizens, and elicit support from all
quarters of the city, like that, otherwise these things will be
neglected, and there will be false dependency upon the out-
side supplies. This will deteriorate everything. The purpose
of our Ka consciousness movement is to create first-class
servants of Ka. That means they know how to do every-
thing. I am especially encouraged by your increasing the dis-
tribution of books. That is our primary business, to sell these
transcendental literatures profusely all over the world. 11

Temple management
The sakrtana movement is based on a decentralized management
scheme. rla Prabhupda set up a simple, straightforward system: a GBC
representative, the temple president, temple commander, and treasurer. In
a large temple a secretary can assist with the office work, correspondence,
and legal work. The Governing Body Commissioner is the ultimate au-
thority, but usually supervises only major decisions (choosing the president,
buying new property, and other things). His main duties are supervising the
temples and inspiring the devotees to take part in the sakrtana mission.
The president is the main manager, or if he is more intellectually inclined,
he can manage in cooperation with the temple commander or a temple
committee. The temple president is in charge of all the heads of the depart-
ments. He's responsible for their cooperation. Above all, a temple presi-
dent should push the book distribution far and wide. For this purpose there
is also a sakrtana leader, who sees that all the book distributors regularly
go out, distribute books systematically, pay for the books, follow the spiri-
tual programs, and maintain their health. He's responsible for the daily re-
quirements of the distributors and must make sure they're happily engaged.
350 The Nectar of Book Distribution

He informs the president of the activities and results of the department and
confers with him about manpower and direction. The book distributors go
out in small groups assembled by the sakrtana leader, and thus there have
to be group leaders who perform duties similar to the sakrtana leader's
on a smaller scale.

Harike!a Swami: All temple presidents should make it their top priority to
distribute Prabhupda's books, and all the devotees in the temple should
keep book distribution their top priority. If everybody is dedicated to sa-
krtana, management becomes easy. Books are the life and soul of this
movement, both economically and spiritually. The basic managerial princi-
ple is that everyone who can distribute books, should go out; and whoever
can't, should do everything else there is to do in the temple. The p#jr
and cook and cleaner should be those who cannot do full-time book distri-
bution. Or they should perform their services so quickly that they are also
able to perform sakrtana. In 1974, I was put in charge of the kitchen of
the New York temple for some time. We arranged the temple schedule in
such a way that everyone ate a large meal in the morning and then went on
sakrtana throughout the day. We also prepared box lunches for the sa-
krtana devotees. In this way we had to cook lunch only for the Deities and
later prepare a fruit offering for Them. So one or two cooks stayed back to
take care of the Deities. The other devotees working in the kitchen chanted
their rounds right after the morning offering at eight o'clock, and by eleven
they would take their book bags and enter the subways of New York City.
Although generally only eight kitchen devotees went out, we'd defeat the
rest of the temple departments on book distribution. This is practical proof
that having other services doesn't necessarily stop devotees from going out
on sakrtana. If they want to distribute, they can. In summary, everything
has to get done, but the most important thing to do is book distribution. Or-
ganize the temple around the book distribution requirements, and it will be
a fired-up temple, and everyone will be happy. That's not to say there won't
be problems, but the problems will be minimized and easier to solve.

Inventory and bookkeeping

The best thing will be to keep a daily count of your stock and
how many magazines and books were sold. Then regularly,
on Sunday of each week, the sales proceeds may be totaled
for issuing a check in the amount owed to my book fund
and the Back to Godhead accounts. Then each Monday the
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 351

check may be sent to Los Angeles. So you do this regularly,

and it will be very nice. 12

Harike!a Swami: Every temple is responsible for paying the BBT immedi-
ately after the books are received and sold. In some BBT areas the tem-
ples are responsible to pay within thirty to sixty days after receiving books.
If a temple doesn't pay its bill on time, it acquires what is known as a bad
debt, or a debt not covered by a stock of books. Temples must keep inven-
tories, and then they can pay the BBT properly. When books are taken out
of the storehouse, the number of books should be noted in a log, and then
it should be ascertained later that the books are paid for by the distribu-
tors who took them. One has to keep the book distribution results and re-
cords properly, because those are the most important records of the temple
treasury. All the income is made through sakrtana. So the temple presi-
dent should always know what's happening in the sakrtana department.
A proper account of the sakrtana results should be done each week. [See
the sample forms.] On the basis of that accounting, the BBT must be paid
each week or at least twice a month. For example, if a devotee has dis-
tributed one hundred Bhagavad-gts and two hundred Bhgavatams, the
accountant should record that result and multiply the prices of the books
times the numbers of books sold. He does this for all the book distributors
and calculates the amount that has to be paid to the BBT that week.
Sometimes books get lost or damaged, or the sakrtana devotees give
an improper account of the numbers of books they sold. That's why the in-
ventory is important. One knows how many books were received from the
BBT and how many were sold on sakrtana. The numbers of books in the
warehouse should be the same as the numbers of books received minus the
numbers of books distributed. In fact, that's rarely the situation because
of loss and damage or devotees not counting properly, so the temple must
periodically pay the BBT for the missing books. That's best done once a
month, otherwise a temple falls too far behind.
No temple president can be said to be doing his job unless he pays his
BBT bills regularly and on time. Not paying the BBT regularly is sufficient
grounds for removal of a temple president, according to rla Prabhupda.
Going into debt with the BBT is easy to do. Simply don't pay the BBT
for a few weeks, and then the temple is in debt. Cakya Paita said that
three things must be extinguished immediately, otherwise they will destroy
one fire, debt, and disease. Debt is considered as dangerous as fire. Debts
to the BBT can ruin a temple. The BBT is rla Prabhupda's heart, and
the lakm is his blood. When a temple is in debt to the BBT, it is suck-
352 The Nectar of Book Distribution

ing Prabhupda's blood. The temple president must carefully determine

whether he has the money for the expenditures being made. If one doesn't
have the money, he cannot spend it! This is a simple yet extremely impor-
tant and often overlooked point, because, at least in the West, it's easy to
get bank loans or credit cards and to manipulate financing and other things.
This type of spending leads to carelessness. One can spend much more than
he makes, if he is not careful, and soon he will find himself bankrupt. Debt
greatly burdens the temple devotees. They lose spiritual enthusiasm if the
temple is in debt, and the management has to push them to collect more.
Devotees should be able to feel confident that the managers will prevent
the temple from going into debt. When they see debts increasing, they lose
faith in the management. Therefore the temple president should make it his
first rule never to spend money that he doesn't have and go into debt for
any reason. This will keep the temple financially strong and the devotees
happy. Such devotees may not have many material things in the temple, but
at least they won't have debts, so they can be spiritually satisfied.

7.4 How to deal with civil authorities

I am very pleased to learn that you have come out success-
ful in stopping the police from arresting our men and stop-
ping our sakrtana activities. Your sakrtana program, the
report of the Lord Caitanya festival, and the very nice news-
paper article that you have sent are all indications of your
sincerity in trying to make full efforts to push on Lord Cai-
tanya's sakrtana movement. 13

Legalizing book distribution

The newspaper story, Ka Followers Freed from Police
Harassment," is testimony of the great victory won by Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu in Chicago. 14

The District Court has given us the permission for as long as

the country lasts." . . . So Ka has given you the chance to
spread Ka consciousness as long as your country lasts. So
try to sell the same quantity of books every day that you are
now selling, and that will encourage me. And you can offer
your heartiest thanks to the justice because he has given us
such a great facility. By the grace of Ka, may your coun-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 353

try last forever, and may the justice also live a long time, and
may you go on selling books. That is my desire. In the be-
ginning we have to face awkward situations, but if we stick
to our principles and continue to preach, things will come
around in our favor. Stick to our principles and be humble
even if there is provocation, then things will become success-
ful. That is the instruction of Lord Caitanya. 15

I am very much obliged to you and your government that

both the people and the government of America do not put
any hindrances on our distributing books. This kindness of
your nation will cause the blessings of Lord Caitanya to be
showered upon it, and the higher section of American peo-
ple will all become Ka conscious. So many books they are
reading, so will there not be any effect? 16

The temple president may apply to legalize places for the distributors
himself or depute another devotee to do it. One expert devotee or friendly
lawyer can find ways to facilitate book distribution. First, the legal possibil-
ities should be looked into selling books door to door or other forms of
business permission. With such a permission one can also try selling books
on the streets, even though that's not one of the areas stipulated in the per-
mit. In lawbooks the distribution of religious books is rarely defined clearly.
So civil authorities have a difficult time saying our book distribution is ille-
gal. If we behave correctly, then we may not have a confrontation. But if we
do have to fight police accusations and fines, then the authorities will have
a hard time pinpointing our doing business for profit. We're not cheating,
because our behavior is good and our prices are fair. The prices we charge,
although they include profits for us, are far lower than ordinary book pric-
es. We base our selling prices only on production costs (which are unusually
low) because the BBT workers and the book distributors aren't paid.
When devotees approach police chiefs, mayors, and politicians, it's a
wonderful opportunity to explain what we want and what Ka conscious-
ness is. It's part of their job to listen to us when we want to legalize dist-
ribution or protest unfair restrictions and fines. The devotees must impress
upon them that book distribution is not a business. It is religious preaching,
our exercise of freedom of religion. We talk to people about God, yoga,
meditation, reincarnation, vegetarianism, and other things that are consti-
tuents of Hinduism." If people are interested and want a book about these
ideas, and they voluntarily agree to give a donation, who can call that a
354 The Nectar of Book Distribution

business? But even if the authorities are inimical to book distribution, then
the devotees will distribute under the protection of the supreme autocrat,
r Ka. Even countries in West Europe forbid peddling on the street,
but the devotees there still distribute books on the street, and if the police
come, the devotees preach and explain the non-businesslike nature of our
activity. They never have serious problems. Because Ka wants the books
distributed, He is just waiting to reciprocate with devotees who step for-
ward to do it. That's been the practical experience of many devotees.

Official accounting
Harike!a Swami: The temple must account for all its financial transactions
with the outside world. Most countries require societies to keep accounts.
Some countries may not check these accounts often, some not at all, and
others frequently. It is best that each temple keep clear records according
to the recognized accounting systems accepted by the government. Keep
track of all the money coming into the temple treasury by keeping income
records, and then keep track of all the funds that leave the treasury by keep-
ing vouchers and receipts. Hand over all the income and expense informa-
tion to a certified public accountant who will do the bookkeeping in an ac-
ceptable format. Of course, if a devotee can be trained and perform the job
in a manner acceptable to the government, that will save money. Profes-
sional accountants are paid something for each entry that they make in the
account books. It's important that the temple president learn the best way
to present the accounts considering the taxation laws of the country. Some
countries accept ISKCON as a tax-free religious organization, whereas oth-
ers consider ISKCON a business. If taxes have to be paid, arrange the tem-
ple books in the most advantageous manner to reduce the tax bill. It's natu-
ral that every organization will account in such a way as to legally minimize
its taxes. There are legal means to declare deductions and get reductions.
Aside from the official need of a bookkeeping system, the president needs
to know exactly how much money is in the temple treasury each day. If he
doesn't know how much money he has and how much more is expected
to come in, how can he determine what to spend? The accounting system
should enable him to understand what is available at any moment on de-
mand. Therefore the temple treasurer must know how much money is in the
bank and how much is being held in cash. Furthermore, he should know the
bills and the expenses being incurred and when they have to be paid. Then
he can present a report to the president. Every temple president should get
such a report weekly and also when he's considering making a major ex-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 355

penditure. Major reports are made monthly for the GBC or regional coun-
cils, and yearly statements are made for the GBC, the regional councils and
the government. These statements should include all income and expenses
as well as a comprehensive list of debts, if there are any.

Dealing with the police

I understand that you are feeling some inconvenience due to
police interruption, but we have to make the best of a bad
bargain. There is a Sanskrit proverb, sati shatyam samacha-
rit, and it means if somebody is cunning, we must also be-
come cunning. With a cunning person we must not be a sim-
pleton. Ka conscious devotees are expected to be very
intelligent, so we have to work very intelligently to prove
our advancement in Ka consciousness. I think you should
keep a table by the sakrtana party, a table with a charity
box and our books and literatures for sale. You go on with
your work as usual, and when the police come you say you
are not canvassing. You have simply kept a table, and who-
ever wishes to purchase may do so. This is called sati sha-
tyam samacharit. 17

Gta-govinda Ds: Most of our sakrtana spots here in Japan aren't legal-
ized, so we get kicked out quite often. The police and station managers kick
us out just as a matter of duty. They get mad artificially, not really. Some-
times I meet them when they aren't on the job, and they're friendly to me.
Then I preach to them about Ka consciousness, and they're interested.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: There have been countless situations when the
police called me in and asked me questions. This was troublesome for the
mind when I was new, and I was always afraid. But now it has become a
normal routine. I tell the police we're propagating principles that are in the
interest of the police. So normally I don't have any problems with the po-
lice. I've experienced that demons and the police come when I'm in my
or nasty to people or attached to the result. Ka is sending them.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: When I am picked up by a policeman, I start to preach

to him. The main problem in the world today, the reason there's so much
crime, is a lack of God consciousness. We're on your side. When people
are God conscious, they don't commit crimes. Do you believe in God?" By
356 The Nectar of Book Distribution

preaching the straight philosophy of Ka consciousness we help police-

men understand we're not businessmen. If they're religious, they feel bad
about disturbing you. And if they're not, they won't be able to stand your
preaching and then will just want to get rid of you.

Vijaya Dsa: Ordinarily we don't have any trouble with the police because
we are in the airport legally. We always try to be perfect gentlemen, and
generally there are no problems.

Devotee: rla Prabhupda, at the airports the authorities aren't familiar

with us, and they see us distributing books, and they don't like what we're
doing. They get angry, but they're thinking of Ka all day. We often won-
der how they benefit even though they maintain an envious attitude.
Prabhupda: They say, Here is the Ka man." So they utter the name of
Ka. That's good for them.
Devotee: If they become friendly after a while, then they may stop and lis-
ten to us.
Prabhupda: Yes, because they chanted Ka: Here is the Ka man.
Here is the rascal Ka man." [Laughter]
Tripurri: One policeman always harassed the devotees, and once I saw
him in a corner reading $opaniad and trying to understand it. They know
that we have some knowledge; they're just envious of our success. But they
don't want to admit that they want to know. Actually everyone wants to
know about Ka.
Prabhupda: So he read that $opaniad?
Tripurri: Yes. He tried to understand. Now he doesn't harass us as much.
Prabhupda: Here everyone is a demon. Everyone. Demon means they are
busy for sense gratification. That is a demon. And devotee means he has no
sense gratification. He is busy only to satisfy Ka. That is a devotee. Any-
way, if you serve Ka sincerely, Ka is with you. You will never fall into
danger. 18

Dealing with customers' complaints

I think the article about the book distribution at the airport
is indirectly an advertisement. People will come to know
about our books and our movement. Here in Bombay they
also have the complaint that we are a nuisance. What can be
done? The writer of the article calls us Hare Kas. He calls
us this over and over again. He does not know that by doing
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 357

this he is chanting the holy name and will be benefited. . . .

They say that you are all my disciples. So the guru is not on
the scene. He has fled away and nobody knows where he is,
but the Ka consciousness program is going on. That was
also going on during the time of Lord Caitanya. In South In-
dia He used to travel, and in a village He would meet some
man and induce him to chant, and the man would become a
devotee, and Lord Caitanya would go away, but still the man
would continue to chant. So I am not personally present, but
still things are going on and increasing. The books are selling,
and we are expanding. This book distribution is the bhad-
mdaga, the greater preaching. Anyway, you have replied
properly to the article that this may have been some isolated
incident. 19

When people want to give back books

We have experienced that sometimes out of sentiment some-
one gives to ISKCON and then laments and wants his money
back, but that does not mean we should give it back. Our
policy is that his money, which would have been used for
purchasing cigarettes, liquor, sex literature, and meat, will
give him the opportunity to gradually become purified. So if
by tactics we save that money from being spent on cigarette
packets, that is good. If we can take some money and give
some literature, that is a good service. As far as irritation is
concerned, a child is also irritated when he is given instruc-
tions, but that does not mean that we should stop. Invite
them to our feast, that is a better indication. 20

Navna-nrada Dsa: When you're on a parking lot passing out a lot of

books, don't create a big scene, especially in small places where even one
person who becomes agitated can mess up everything by telling everybody
about it. When somebody wants to give back a book, don't argue with him.
If you see that the person is less intelligent and just wants his money back
and that's all he cares about, then give him his money. Check the book to
make sure it's not mutilated and give him his money. You can even apolo-
gize and wish him a good day, and then he'll be pacified. People can make
a big scene, cursing, throwing books on the ground, calling the police, and
making a lot of trouble. We should be aware that we'll come back to the
358 The Nectar of Book Distribution

spot. If we burn out people every time we go there, people will begin to
hate us. But when they see that we're well-behaved, cultured, and friendly
to everyone whether or not they take books, sooner or later they'll also
take books.
Now, if someone returning a book is just being influenced by a spouse
or a relative or by mental concoction, try to convince him. Speak about
what the books say and remind him of the low cost. They have to under-
stand what great fortune it is for them to get these books.
While going from door to door, we meet people who say, I already got
cheated. Once I bought these books." And they bring two or three books to
the door and want to give them back, sometimes even without demanding
any money. But when a devotee takes the time to open the book and ex-
plain it, the people are persuaded differently and want to keep the books.
They tell us that they weren't informed about the books somebody just
sold them and demanded some money. Then they promise to read them.
A book distributor needs sensitivity when dealing with people who want to
give back books or people who have already have been contacted. Ka
will send many such persons. For instance, I recently met a person I met five
weeks ago, who had bought five books. He was ecstatic to meet me again,
like meeting a good old friend. He immediately bought a full set of rla
Prabhupda's books. And he said how glad he was to meet me again be-
cause previously he hadn't had enough time his girlfriend was with him.
So that's the situation. We will meet the same people again and again all
those frustrated people who feel cheated or all those nice people who feel
inspired. It all depends upon our sensitivity towards them.

Complaints by phone or mail

Because the temples' addresses are mentioned in the books, people
sometimes call or write with complaints. But Switzerland, for example,
which has the world's highest BBT book rate per capita, receives back not
more than twenty books a year. During month-long marathons only a few
people call or write to complain, and most of them can be pacified and
begin to appreciate the books they got. The devotees receiving complaints
have to be helpful, sensitive, understanding, and apologetic. The most im-
portant thing is to calm people down. Explain the situation: Many people
sell these books. If you want to know who sold you a book, I'll look into
the matter. Please give me your number and address. Then the person can
call you back or write to you." Usually people calm down or withdraw their
complaints because they don't want to give their numbers and addresses.
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 359

Defend the books and the movement while simultaneously understanding

their complaints, which usually have to do with a misunderstanding or with
the misbehavior of a distributor. You can say: We're grateful that peo-
ple inform us about misunderstandings and misbehavior. It helps us adjust
our presentations." That way they will place less blame on the Hare Ka
devotees and understand that it was the fault of an individual. From our
side, I sincerely apologize. But as far as the book is concerned, it's really
good. You know, these are ancient books from India. Have you heard of
Sanskrit? It's great that you bought one. We want to reach people person-
ally. That's one reason we distribute them on the street or door to door.
The bookstores would price them too high and can't appreciate them any-
way they're mostly interested in profit, aren't they? They want to carry
the best-sellers. So why don't you read the book?" Do it all in such a way
that it's easy for the caller to change his mind without having to admit he
was hot-tempered or superficial. Treat the call as if it were simply an in-
quiry for more information. Give your name and say, Whenever you have
a question, I'm here to help." The point is that we need not immediately
entertain their complaints and arrange to return their money. Of course, we
don't mind giving it back, but we prefer that they change their minds and
keep the books. In case they still want to return the book and receive a re-
fund, have them mail it to the temple and give their bank account number
and address. Be cooperative. For us, it's just preaching. For them it's an en-
tanglement, and they might decide just to keep the book.

7.5 Temple economics based on book distribution

I am very encouraged by the report of how nicely our books
are being distributed. This is our main business all over the
world. If you give full attention to this, there will never be
any shortage of funds. 21

There is no need of accumulating more wealth. You can get

more wealth and also spend more wealth. This is brahmin-
ism. Get and spend, but not to spoil and squander. This ex-
ample should be shown to others. 22

How temples began to rely on book distribution

Here the sakrtana party headed by Jaynanda and Taml
Krishna is doing very nice. They are selling daily an average
360 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of one hundred copies of Back to Godhead. So try immedi-

ately to get copies of Back to Godhead from New York and
try to sell them in large quantities. . . . Krtana plus distri-
bution of our books and literature is the basic principle of
our success. Even if we do not have our own temple it does
not matter, but if we can hold krtana twenty-four hours and
distribute our publications, that is our great success. 23

Now the price is going to be fixed at fifty cents, so I have

asked Taml to contribute to me $750 against delivery of
5,000 copies of Back to Godhead. By selling only 1,500 cop-
ies at fifty cents, they cover the whole $750. The balance
3,500 copies left for distribution may be used either for profit
or distributed free. In neither case are we losers. 24

Prahldnanda Swami: In Buffalo I was the treasurer, with no income ex-

cept whatever little money Rpnuga was earning and giving. I was a stu-
dent, and my parents were giving me some money. Because we didn't have
enough to run the temple, Rpnuga asked us to get summer jobs. But I
was reading letters from Prabhupda encouraging us to go on harinma sa-
krtana. I thought we could at least try it. So we went downtown to chant,
and it was the first harinma we ever did. Some devotees went around with
conchshells and asked people for donations. Then we went back and count-
ed the money $27. It was a lot of money at that time, but we still didn't
think we could support the temple. Anyway, we continued going on hari-
nma downtown. Then we heard about the Allentown Arts Festival and
decided to go there and chant. Bhagavn had a guitar, and he led the hari-
nma. I and another devotee collected money in conchshells. People were
throwing in quarter after quarter. After two days we had collected enough
that we started to believe we could support the temple just by handing out
magazines and collecting donations. We did that for years, and that's all we
did. Everything was simple and ecstatic.

Book distribution is the safest economic basis

Do not depend on outside help. For financial support de-
pend on Ka. That is preaching success. People's appreci-
ation will be practical when they help you financially also.
We are maintaining our huge establishment by selling books.
That is wanted. In foreign countries they are distributing
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 361

huge quantities of books. Money is needed that you have

to collect. You can't expect money from outside. That is not
successful preaching. 25

The temples must pay the cost of printing. Then they may
sell for whatever price they like. 26

In the six-day book distribution, the eastern zone was first.

This is our most important work. All the leaders should tax
their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have al-
ways said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our
needs will be met. 27

Harike!a Swami: Many temples today are maintained simply by book

distribution, and they're the proof that it's possible. But to do that a suf-
ficient number of devotees are needed. Therefore the bhakta program is
essential. The more emphasis placed on the bhakta program, the more
successful the sakrtana mission will be. We must make new devotees
and bring them out on sakrtana. When there are enough devotees in
the temple and on sakrtana, we can easily maintain the temple by book
distribution. This is what Prabhupda wanted, so there is no doubt that it
can be done. It is simply a question of preaching and management. Good
management maintains the temple on books alone. A good manager under-
stands that you cannot spend what you don't have and avoids all Kali-yuga
credit-spending schemes. He puts a hold on all expenses that are beyond
the income provided by book distribution. I have seen that when a temple
is dedicated to the book distribution mission, outside people start donating
things required by the devotees. We should just distribute the books, de-
pend on Ka, and increase the opulence of the temple only when some-
one donates for it or the book distribution makes it affordable. And we
should avoid increasing the monthly overhead because that creates a great
burden on the temple economy and the book distributors. We should live
simply. It's not good for book distributors to feel the burden of maintain-
ing the temple and be unable to concentrate on just giving out the books
without encumbrances. If they start to think of money as most important,
they might develop a fruitive mentality. We're not distributing books just to
maintain the temples. We are distributing books because rla Prabhupda
said that there is no better way to preach Ka consciousness. And to en-
courage the managers he said that it's also a great means of financing the
temples. By doing the topmost preaching work, you can also finance the
362 The Nectar of Book Distribution

temples. Book distribution both propagates and maintains the preaching

mission. What other financial activity can claim the same?

Sarvtm Dsa: There's no other way, no other way, no other way than
book distribution to maintain our temples we're cursed that way. This
is the pastime of Lakm-Nryaa. We give Nryaa to the people, and
they give us Lakm. But when we sell other things, then we are dealing
with my. Not yogamy; mahmy. We're taking from my, and my
happens to be a loanshark. So whatever we take, we have to pay back many
times over. As a matter of fact, my will always say it's not enough, and
the temple organization will become complicated. So the best way to main-
tain a temple is by preaching, and the best preaching is book distribution.
Actually, honestly speaking, I distribute books because I don't know any
other way to make money, and I don't want to know any other way. This
keeps me very happy. It's a service I enjoy very much, and I know that the
parampar is happy that I think that way.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: If you stick to book distribution, you really start to
value the books. You sell them, read them, live by them, and worship them
morning and evening by reciting from them. The Bhgavatam becomes
your life and soul. Therefore rla Prabhupda stressed book distribution
over every other preaching activity. So we should stick to the example of
rla Prabhupda: he started, expanded, and maintained his movement just
by selling books.

Daynidhi Dsa: Preaching means making devotees. And the basis of the
preaching is the production and distribution of Prabhupda's books. On
this simple basis, you can manage a temple in a nice, lasting way. The finan-
cial situation of the temple is automatically maintained as a by-product of
the spiritual atmosphere. Sometimes a temple is started, and in the begin-
ning everyone is enthusiastic to preach. But the most important thing is to
be able to maintain the standard of the temple over the long run. For main-
tenance you have to base everything on spiritual principles, because mat-
ter is temporary and spirit is eternal. So that aspect of eternity in our man-
agement is based on books, preaching, and spiritual principles. Through
preaching a temple can also be maintained financially, although it may not
necessarily be a direct thing. In other words, book distribution is part of the
sakrtana-yaja, the yaja for this age, and as a result of that yaja, every-
thing will come. There should be sufficient money for the temple and ade-
quate facilities for the devotees. If book distribution is going on, it should
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 363

be understood that corollary activities will also bring in money, as a reward

for our carrying out the book distribution as the main priority. It seems that
as long as books are going out, somehow or other, some department or ar-
rangement will also bring in money.

Llvatra Dsa: Our temple, Villa Vndvana in Florence, is a big, five-

hundred-year-old structure, and it has many needs. And we have many ser-
vices that absorb a lot of energy three sets of Deities and a big kitchen
for the many devotees. Ninety-percent of all this is financed by the sakr-
tana devotees. Because of those circumstances, the big books are sold at
a higher price than twice the BBT cost. We could distribute more books
if the temple was more economically autonomous. Various endeavors are
made in this direction, such as distributing cheaper medium books. Those
who aren't regular distributors use paraphernalia, such as prints of Ka.
The temple has a restaurant and a shop, and devotees are also developing
pottery and cloth activities. Agriculture produces olive oil and, we hope,
other products. We have many Friends of Lord Ka, but they don't con-
tribute substantially or continually. All these facilities are the fruits of book
distribution, and we have to develop them to relieve the book distributors'
financial burden.

Jva Dsa: If the sakrtana-yaja is properly performed, Ka is pleased.

Therefore it's said that from book distribution everything else will come.
We can see that practically. From book distribution we get so many con-
tacts, and they are providing us many things. For example, in Norway the
devotees were looking for a farm or a restaurant but continued simply dis-
tributing books without collecting separately to save money for such pro-
jects. Suddenly a nice girl who is wealthy became interested in Ka con-
sciousness, and now they have a huge restaurant in the center of Oslo,
which is probably the best run ISKCON restaurant in Europe. On our farm
in Germany, the paraphernalia distributors contribute, but they have so
many expenses that not much is left for the farm. The biggest contributions
come from the book distributors. Prabhupda desired that books be the
basis even financially and again and again we can see how Ka re-
sponds to the devotees' serious attempts to distribute Prabhupda's books.

Harike!a Swami: Nobody has ever gotten on the case of any temple for dis-
tributing books. And the money from distributing books has never become
a target of the tax authorities or the government people as long it has been
collected in a fairly decent manner. Straightforward book distribution has
364 The Nectar of Book Distribution

never disturbed anybody anywhere in the world, because it's understood

we're selling our books as part of our religion. Money made that way is se-
cure, because it's untouchable and usually tax-exempt.

We will always have customers"

I am very glad to know that your sales of our books are very
good and improving more. It is natural that such distribu-
tion of literatures should increase as the people hear more
about our Ka consciousness movement. Distribution of
our books is our major propaganda program. 28

The book sales are very encouraging increasing, increas-

ing. It is very good news. Thank you, I want this. . . . A book
sold becomes a permanent matter for enjoyment. We read
the scriptures again and again, and it is still fresh. When there
is time, I go on reading my own books. 29

I have faith in your words that next year the figures will be
far beyond what they were last year. It is the nature of the
spiritual energy it is always increasing if we just apply our
energy. 30

The rumor that within a few years there will be police re-
pression and people will have no more money to buy books
and sakrtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told
you that is a rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that.
Rather, the sakrtana movement will expand, continuing so
long as we are sincere. . . . This movement is eternal. 31

I am very pleased with your activities. Now continue and in-

crease. Everyone will want our books. We will always have
customers. This is Caitanya Mahprabhu's mercy. 32

The results show that there is no limit to our book distribu-

tion. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. 33

Preach and the money will come

My Guru Mahrja used to say, Don't worry about money.
Do something nice for Ka and money will come." So we
should always be thinking how to distribute the message of
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 365

Ka, and surely he will give us facility. Even an ordinary

man, if he wants publicity, then he gives so much money
for the propaganda work. Similarly, Ka is not poor. He
can supply any amount for the devotees who are engaged in
broadcasting his glories. 34

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: We shouldn't think that we just have to go

out and make money and the preaching will happen automatically. No. You
go out and preach, and the money will come automatically. The important
thing is don't decide to buy something and then stop book distribution to
collect for it. Our principle is to go out and preach, and whatever Ka
sends we spend. That's how we can tell what Ka wants us to have. The
problems start if we don't want what Ka wants us to have. We decide
ourselves what Ka wants us to have, and then everyone gets burdened.
But the actual challenge is not to tell the devotees to get more donations
because we have bills to pay, but to encourage them to learn how to be
powerful preachers. It's a spiritual challenge for the devotees to learn how
to persuade people, learn how to take rla Prabhupda's books seriously,
and get others to take them seriously. This has nothing to do with material
pressure. So if we say that we distribute books because Prabhupda said so,
then why not also do it in the way he said to do it? If Prabhupda's state-
ment is authoritative, then the way to do it is also authoritative. Prabhu-
pda said to distribute books on their merit. People should give a donation
as an indication of their respect for what we are giving them. Therefore the
books should not be given away cheaply or along with some paraphernalia,
because Prabhupda said that is nonsense. rla Prabhupda said, What
is this nonsense give-away?" People should understand this is a valuable
thing and show their sincerity by giving a donation. You have to get a cer-
tain price for the book, but basically you are just going out and distributing
books, with no ulterior motives for collecting lakm.
The system Prabhupda gave us just going out to preach and sell
books meant that the more books we distributed, the more money we
had. So the impetus or incentive was always to distribute more and more
books. But what started to happen was we began using a new, sophistica-
ted system in which we didn't get more money by doing more books; we
got less money by doing more books; so the tendency was to give out less
books. That's exactly what started to happen. Therefore it's absolutely ne-
cessary to stick to Prabhupda's system, namely, the more books, the more
money. And not the less books, the more money. We have to understand
the brilliance of Prabhupda's system. It's essential to get a certain dona-
tion for each book, because that automatically guarantees, the more books,
366 The Nectar of Book Distribution

the more lakm. Then the manager is thinking, I need more lakm. I've
got to distribute more books. I've got to get more devotees out there. I've
got to call on the reserves and the veterans, and new bhaktas need to be
trained. I've got to get more books out. I've got to get a certain price for
these books." And that's exactly what Prabhupda wanted.

Deal adequately with all facilities offered by the Lord"

If devotees want to live from the profits of book distribution alone, they
must manage the finances carefully, their living standards must be adjust-
ed, and whatever Ka provides has to be dealt with adequately," as rla
Prabhupda said in the following letter:

It is my firm conviction that this Ka consciousness move-

ment of Lord Caitanya will be successful in all parts of the
world if our students kindly continue in their enthusiastic en-
deavors to distribute this message freely to all persons. Our
movement is now appreciated all over the world, and it is
gradually coming to the attention of the important leaders of
the society, so it is incumbent upon us to keep our spiritual
strength by rigidly following the regulative principles; then
we can deal adequately with all facilities offered by the Lord
for expediting His holy mission. I am confident that all our
sincere, intelligent, young devotees like your good self will
carry this program to a fruitful conclusion, namely the deliv-
ery of the holy name to all the fallen souls suffering in va-
rieties of conditional misery and material happiness. Please
execute your program for distribution of literatures and sa-
krtana, therefore, with increased vigor, and may Ka bless
your sincere efforts to serve Him faithfully. 35

This sakrtana party and our book department are very,

very important. They are our right and left hands, so ev-
erything should be done very carefully and in remembrance
that this is Ka's business that we are executing. Because
we are doing Ka's business does not mean that we should
be less careful, but it means we should be much more careful
than someone who is performing activities simply for sense
gratification. So instruct the boys in that way. 36

rla Prabhupda said that the best policy is to use money to print
books. He warned that if ISKCON accumulates money, it might be taxed.
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 367

Print books and sell and spend. Follow this policy and distribute these
books. That is our main preaching. Somehow or other we must take our
books door to door and distribute them. Then our preaching will be suc-
cessful." (From "rla Prabhupda-llmta, Vol. 6, p. 216)

7.6 ISKCON and the BBT

I am not very much enthusiastic to publish our books by
some publication house, including Macmillan and Co. As far
as I know, the Ramakrishna Mission has its own publication
organization; the Aravinda Asrama has its own publication
organization; the Theosophical Society has its own arrange-
ment; the Bible Society has its own arrangement; Ravindra-
natha Thakura group has their own arrangement. So why
ISKCON should fail to have its own organization? 37

Print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure.

By printing these books of our Ka conscious philosophy
in so many different languages we can actually inject our
movement into the masses of persons all over the world, es-
pecially there in the Western countries, and we can literally
turn whole nations into Ka conscious nations. 38

What is the BBT?

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust account will be used to pub-
lish my books and literature and to establish temples
throughout the world. Specifically three temples are to be es-
tablished, one each in Mypur, Vndvana, and Jaganntha
Pur. 39

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is a world-wide publisher of Ka con-

scious books. It aims to produce and distribute the books of rla Prabhu-
pda in all the languages of the world. The BBT also produces new trans-
lations of Vedic writings as well as literature in pursuance of the Vedic
version. To accomplish its goal of book production, the BBT must con-
tinually fill the needs of its customers, the ISKCON temples, which require
books for their book distribution. That is ISKCON's top priority, because
the BBT's ability to produce books depends on the funds received from the
temples. Keeping all of rla Prabhupda's books in print is also an essen-
tial part of the BBT's function. He wrote his books for the next ten thou-
sand years, and therefore the BBT must ensure that rla Prabhupda's
368 The Nectar of Book Distribution

books stay in print. Another aim of the BBT is to help in funding large
Ka conscious projects throughout the world and in the holy dhmas of
India. The BBT was founded in March of 1972 in India and in May of that
year in the United States. (Based on The BBT Handbook: An Explanation
of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, compiled by the BBT Trustees, 1987)

ISKCON and the BBT separate entities

rla Prabhupda was concerned that printing and distributing books
and establishing and maintaining temples should go on without impeding
one another. He considered it inappropriate to combine ISKCON's day-to-
day temple management and book sales with the corporate workings of the
BBT's book production and international temple construction. Concerned
that the BBT be protected from any faults arising in the localized manage-
ment of ISKCON, rla Prabhupda completely separated ISKCON and
the BBT.

I cannot at any cost risk BBT if ISKCON goes into liquida-

tion. Why risk the BBT by amalgamating it into ISKCON?
Therefore I want to keep BBT separate. 40

The BBT and ISKCON are different organizations. Both spread Ka

consciousness, but there is an important difference between them. The
BBT manufactures and supplies Ka conscious books, and ISKCON dist-
ributes them. The BBT is a corporate trust, centralized for maximum effi-
ciency in book production. The BBT is run by trustees and divided into
some half dozen divisions that manage its affairs in different parts of the
world. The trustees meet once or twice a year to decide on goals and poli-
cies. ISKCON works under the supervision of the GBC body and is decent-
ralized and locally incorporated and managed. rla Prabhupda wanted
each center to be legally and financially independent. (Based on The BBT

The BBT protects !rla Prabhupda's copyrights

The BBT holds all the copyrights to rla Prabhupda's books by the or-
der of rla Prabhupda himself. When rla Prabhupda created the trust,
he expressly endowed it with the power of his copyrights by renouncing his
rights in favor of the trust. The BBT is dedicated to preserving the copy-
rights of rla Prabhupda's books and will warn, and if necessary attack,
anyone who dares to usurp them by printing without permission in writing.
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 369

Once, it came to rla Prabhupda's attention that some ISKCON centers

had used BBT materials for their own book production. rla Prabhupda
immediately wrote a letter to the GBC members and ordered a stop to this
practice. He clearly established that the BBT is the only authorized printer
of his books or spoken words or book illustrations.

Now that our ISKCON is growing into a huge, world-wide

organization, it has come to my attention that sometimes
centers are printing my literature, taking a collection, and
spending all outside the jurisdiction of the Bhaktivedanta
Book Trust. This must not go on. I specifically formed the
BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all liter-
ature containing my teachings, writings, and lectures. In this
way the collections are to be divided, fifty percent for print-
ing new books and fifty percent for construction of temples.
The BBT can authorize a center to print, as in the case of for-
eign translations, with the agreement that when the foreign
printing becomes financially solvent the center will pay roy-
alties to the BBT. But all printing of ISKCON literature must
be by the BBT or under its sanction and approval. If tem-
ples print independently, it will be at the cost of the books I
am myself printing and could eventually cause the financial
ruin of the BBT, meaning that I could not order new books
from the printer or have sufficient funds for construction of
temple projects. I trust this is now clear and you will all do
the needful. If you have any questions in this matter you can
write me directly or consult with the GBC representative. 41

BBT, a transcendental collection agency

If you simply push on this one activity of distributing my
books, your all success will be there. I have hatched this
transcendental plot" for getting money by selling my books,
and if we stick only to this plan and use our brain for selling
books, there will easily be sufficient money. I have recently
informed the GBC to allow each temple to keep 25% of the
money they collect from direct book and magazine sales for
temple maintenance and send 75% to the book fund. Sup-
posing you can sell $800 worth of literature a week (retail
price). Will not $200 weekly be sufficient for food and rent?
370 The Nectar of Book Distribution

If not, increase book sales, or, until things are adjusted in this
way, supplement in other ways, but try to avoid too much
business as this distracts us from our real mission. If Ka
sees that we are very active to spread information about
Him He is the master of the goddess of fortune He will
give everything! 42

The distribution of Ka trilogies in New York is wonder-

ful. I have read the report given in the Sakrtana Newslet-
ter. But one thing is whether they have collected enough to
cover all the costs. I have heard that despite all this distribu-
tion, now there is a big debt to the book fund. The GBC has
to manage so expertly that there will not be debts. This debt
to the book fund must be cleared immediately, if possible by
the Mypur meeting. Now we require so much money for
the temple projects in India, but if the temples do not pay
their book bills from where will I get the money? 43

The BBT fills an important gap in ISKCON's organization: a central

body capable of collecting funds from all its members for the good of all.
The BBT is not in any way a government or superstructure of ISKCON,
but it functions as a type of collection agency through its pricing structure,
enabling it to construct large projects which could never be financed by the
decentralized ISKCON temples. (Based on The BBT Handbook)

Harike!a Swami: ISKCON as an organization is ill-equipped to handle

large projects. Indeed, most temples have a hard time maintaining and can't
be expected to contribute to projects outside their jurisdiction. Therefore
rla Prabhupda ingeniously arranged for the BBT to act as a transcenden-
tal collection agency and create large projects with BBT profits. Still, BBT
is a nonprofit organization, because no individual profits. Funds are spent
on precisely defined, purely spiritual goals. Of course, the BBT is sensitive
to its customers, the ISKCON temples, and naturally supplies books at low
prices that are profitable to the temples. It's able to do this because the
devotees work without salaries.

More books at a lower price"

Regarding Macmillan: For our missionary work, we want to
distribute more books and at a lower price. If they want to
increase the price, then terminate the agreement. 44
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 371

Somehow or other, we shall overflood the market with Ka

conscious literature. That will create our prestige, and being
cheap distribution, many people will learn our philosophy. 45

Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold gild-

ing on the Bhgavatams, I have already advised that simply
to make them fashionable and increase the price may ham-
per the sales. Rather decrease the price. 46

Yes, try to reduce the expenditures more and more. It is only

with great difficulty upon all our book distributors that BBT
gets its funds. So those who are responsible should be very
frugal to see that not one penny is unnecessarily spent. 47

The price formula: double the BBT price

My books are selling all over the world to universities, li-
braries, and learned professors, and the public is also receiv-
ing my books with great respect. . . . We spend 50% for the
maintenance of our different temples all over the world, and
50% we spend for reprinting my books. I do not take any
royalty or any profit out of it. 48

50% should go each to the temple fund and to my book

fund. 49

Regarding money collected, do not keep this money. Im-

mediately spend it on printing books. Perhaps we may re-
quire money for building purposes. This should be strictly
followed: 50% for printing and 50% for building. 50

Whenever rla Prabhupda stated the means by which ISKCON re-

ceives income, or is supported, he would say that we are selling our books.
(In the early '70s he also mentioned the incense business.) His formula
was based on a 50/50 principle. The books are sold to temples at twice the
BBT cost, and half of the book distributors' collection goes to BBT and
half to the temple. The BBT also follows a 50/50 principle; rla Prabhu-
pda wanted 50% of the BBT's income used to print books and 50% used
for temple construction. BBT charges twice the cost of production (printing
and the maintenance costs of its production facilities and staff). The tem-
ples meet the obligation to send 50% of the profits to the BBT (and to keep
372 The Nectar of Book Distribution

50%) by selling the books at twice the BBT price or for whatever price
they like," but at least, or ideally, double the BBT price.

The temples must pay the cost of printing. Then they may
sell for whatever price they like. 51

Harike!a Swami: Prabhupda established some simple yet sublime prin-

ciples of temple management. One important, basic principle governs the
economics of the temple. Prabhupda said that half the temple income from
books should pay for books and the other half may be spent for mainte-
nance and expansion. If followed, this principle makes economic problems
disappear. Following the principle is easy. First, make book distribution the
sole economic scheme. Ghasthas living outside can devise other schemes
if they wish, but the temple devotees should make money only from book
distribution. If book distribution is the sole means of income, and they sell
the books for the right price, twice the BBT price, then they can use half
the money for books and half for the temple. The price might be adjusted
by the local GBC if the books must go out as fast as possible or the people
haven't got enough money to pay for them, but the temple will have some
economic troubles because of this and will have to adjust. If a temple mana-
ges to live on the basis of book distribution by the 50/50 principle, however,
then more and more devotees can be induced to sell more and more books
because nobody needs to do anything else to bring in money. The BBT
will become bigger and bigger, the projects in India will advance more and
more, and Lord Caitanya, Bhaktivinoda hkura, and rla Prabhupda
will be very pleased because Prabhupda wanted the projects like Mypur
to be built through book distribution. He said that if we keep doubling book
distribution every year, we will have enough funds to build a big temple in

Rohisuta Dsa: The distributors must understand the value of the books,
then the people will also understand their value. You can't be attached to
the money or the results. If you depend on Ka without attachment, then
people will gladly take books and give good donations. When you think that
nobody wants the books, you'll project that idea to the person you meet. If
you walk up to someone thinking, I have to sell this book, but I know you
don't want it, so I'll give it to you for any price; just give something, just give
anything, please," then the person will think, Why should I buy anything
from this fool? The book isn't worth much, so I'll give as little as possible
and get away with it. Or I won't even take the book."
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 373

Harinmnanda Dsa: If a distributor understands and presents the book

as the most valuable thing, the people won't mind paying a proper price. In
the bookstores such wonderful books would cost five or six times the BBT
price. If we're convinced about the value of rla Prabhupda's books, we
won't hesitate asking the right price. Even if we ask for double the BBT
price, people will wonder how we can sell these books for such a low price.
But if we are not convinced, or if we subtly think that there's something
wrong with book distribution, or if we think we are part of a sect or cult,
then people will be suspicious. Then if you say how cheap the books are,
they will think you've stolen them and now you want to get rid of them at
any price. So it's by rla Prabhupda's mercy, and because devotees aren't
greedy, that we sell the books at such a reasonable and attractive price.

Caku Dsa: The double-the-BBT-price formula is a mercy formula. It en-

ables us to live by book distribution, and the prices are kept as low as pos-
sible so that everyone gets a chance to buy a book. It also enables us, as
Prabhupda said, to double our results. The maximum number of devotees
can distribute books because there's no need for paraphernalia distribution.
And the more books we print and distribute, the cheaper the production
costs will be. There is enough merit in these books to attract people to buy
them. Selling books for double the BBT price doesn't mean that the results
will go down. That's a material conception, and we should throw it out
the sooner the better. There are many devotees who get this price, and they
have even better results than when the books were sold cheaper at times in
the past.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: A nice meditation during book distribution is that

the BBT money will build the Mypur temple and city. Because the My-
pur project is financed mainly by BBT funds, we must distribute a lot of
books to fulfill the huge, transcendental plans. We can meditate that every
book distributed will buy a brick in Mypur.

7.7 The dangers of immoderate financial management

Yes, incense distribution has been very helpful in many cen-
ters for maintaining financially, but we are not businessmen.
So producing candles for distribution is not at all necessary.
We do not want to increase factories. We want to increase
Ka consciousness, and this can best be done by distribut-
374 The Nectar of Book Distribution

ing our books and preaching. So in that way you can make
your program. 52

Books are the best paraphernalia

Use your valuable time and energy to distribute our maga-
zines and books. That is real propaganda work. The house-
holders can earn their livelihood by distributing our books
also. 53

Prahldnanda Swami: Regarding financing a temple, you have to see what

is practical. But generally practical means you have to cut the overhead:
reduce the telephone calls, the use of vehicles, the maintenance expenses,
and then it's more practical. Get more support from others; make people
permanent donors. We have to see that our activities are purifying us more
and more. If devotees are satisfied by their services, then we'll get more
devotees joining, who can also go out on sakrtana. Then maintenance be-
comes easier. If it is impractical at the beginning, then it's not necessary that
everyone give up all paraphernalia. But paraphernalia isn't the solution.
Devotees becomes discouraged because paraphernalia distribution doesn't
enliven them in devotional service. It doesn't give them sufficient impetus to
become pure devotees of Ka. And there are other problems. One is that
you often have to sell to women, which means inspiring them to buy, and
that may mean many things. That kind of association with women doesn't
strengthen our spiritual consciousness. It becomes difficult to remain brah-
macr, and therefore the men become householders. Then they stop col-
lecting full-time for the temple, and thus the temple's income decreases,
and the other devotees have to collect more, and the temple becomes even
more dependent on paraphernalia.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Lord Nitynanda went door to door to instruct the
people about Ka, and if we employ the same method to make money
without even mentioning Ka, it's a misuse of the word sakrtana. We
justify it as ajta-sukti, but I think that's a feeble excuse for our inability
to base a temple on books as rla Prabhupda wanted. rla Prabhupda
never opposed business, but we can't engage the sakrtana movement in
business. It is the Vaiava's duty to preach about Ka. If we burn out
people by the wrong distribution methods, then we should not blame the
books or book distribution: We give people the books, and they don't like
them. They're not intellectually inclined. Why don't we give them things
they like and take their money and expand the Ka consciousness move-
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 375

ment in this way?" This idea became prominent after rla Prabhupda left,
and obviously it wasn't approved by Lord Caitanya.

Maidhra Dsa: Marathons undertaken for economic reasons discourage

devotees. We should manage to do without disaster marathons," or save-
the-temples campaigns." If paraphernalia sales facilitate book distribution,
I have nothing against them. But a temple running simply on parapherna-
lia is like a desert. Sometimes our selling paraphernalia to survive seems
to be a necessity we're living in a society that doesn't care for our main-
tenance. In Vedic society Vaiavas were supported by governments, but
in our modern society, we're happy if the governments don't take our mo-
ney and don't persecute us. So sometimes we have to go out and collect to
keep the center together. We have to face that reality, but everything must
be connected to book distribution. In other words, the goal is to minimize
paraphernalia sales. Opulent temples with a lot of income, where book
distribution is collapsing, tend to make devotees materialistic, which leads
to a lot of problems and eventually to a decrease in income. The beauty of
book distribution is that it always forces us to keep to a simple standard of
personalism and austerity. These are the spiritual assets we have to maintain
if we want to continue distributing books. But if it's just a matter of staying
alive and keeping a center going, then what can we do? Then parapherna-
lia may be required for some time.

Rohisuta Dsa: When you're surrendered to Ka and have a taste for

sakrtana, sometimes you may also sell paraphernalia. Gaur once said that
she gets the same feeling whether she sells books or paraphernalia. I also
did it once. I distributed candles during a marathon. It was the same spirit
as book distribution. But the big difference was that a candle is only a lump
of wax. Over a long period of time if you do paraphernalia for years and
years it ruins you. You break down. A surrendered devotee can always
do the needful for some time. But he knows that his real duty is distributing
Prabhupda's transcendental books. A sakrtana devotee can do anything
because he is a blissful, surrendered devotee. But he always knows that his
real service is chanting Hare Ka and going back to Godhead, and he dis-
tributes books so that others may do the same. (From a class in Belgium on
September 3, 1987)

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Maintaining a temple or preaching center is a strug-

gle. So you can struggle selling books or paraphernalia, but struggle you
must. The difference is that the struggle of distributing Prabhupda's books
is ecstatic, but with paraphernalia it's simply a drag. No one becomes
376 The Nectar of Book Distribution

inspired. Everyone becomes polluted by associating with materialists.

There's no opportunity for preaching. And when one becomes well-off, he
become lax and develops a tendency to fight with others. I just heard a
conversation in which Prabhupda says, As soon as they get money, they
immediately start quarreling," referring to his disciples. We risk becoming
attached to money. Envy and competition arise, and disagreement about
how to spend the money. In Kali-yuga there's quarreling and hoarding of
gold, or money in general, as explained in the First Canto. By selling books,
the cash flow might be less, but one will be more careful with lakm. In the
beginning it may be a great struggle, but if one just sticks to the principle,
year after year, then somehow or other one will get used to maintaining
with books, and everything will become easier in the course of time. I've
seen it.

Harike!a Swami: It's rare that paraphernalia increases book distribution.

If one distributes straight books, in the beginning he may not do so well.
But if he continues developing his sakrtana skills in the association of
advanced sakrtana devotees, his results will definitely increase. But if he
uses a crutch, such as saying he's collecting for drug addicts, or if he uses
paraphernalia and gives out some books only when there's some profit,
then he's going to be a weak distributor and will never be able to sell the
books on their merits. The books are the most perfect product. If one learns
to present them philosophically and can tactfully describe them in a rele-
vant manner to various types of people, then he will be successful. But if
he's attached to a mantra invoking people's sense of charity, or selling par-
aphernalia and giving out books as gifts, then he's not presenting the books
as they are. That's not what rla Prabhupda had in mind. He wanted his
books sold on their merits and people to pay what they're worth.

Expanding beyond our means

Harike!a Swami: Expanding the Ka consciousness movement is one of
our aims. We want to expand the preaching and build temples all over the
world. But often when a president or temple council decides to expand, it's
far beyond the capacity of the temple finances. That's one of the most se-
rious problems the temple managers can get into. If the managers are im-
mature in spiritual realization, they equate the temple's opulence with their
success. Sometimes a temple president will even compete with other pres-
idents to increase his temple's opulence. Such competition isn't transcen-
dental. Real success means increased preaching, more devotees joining, and
more books distributed, not necessarily increased material opulence.
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 377

Guru-caraa Dsa: Now we have some big temples with big expenses. We
grew too fast, and it has become too heavy to maintain. We cannot give
them up, but we have to readjust by solving the problems and planning for
the future. We cannot continue collecting for day-to-day expenses without
any long-term plans.

The paraphernalia trap

Harike!a Swami: When the temple managers have fallen into the trap of
over-expanding the facilities, when they have expanded far beyond the ca-
pacity of the devotees' ability to maintain by selling books, then they have
to create some form of income that yields a high return for a small out-
lay. That's what gave rise to paraphernalia distribution. ISKCON leaders
induced the devotees to sell paintings, rugs, T-shirts, and bumper stickers
to raise funds for over-expanded facilities. Some temple presidents justi-
fiably argued that they inherited the large overhead from the previous ad-
ministration. Although they used paraphernalia sincerely, it was still an ar-
tificial support system similar to the methodology in materialistic society.
Prabhupda wanted his temples maintained by book distribution, for that
would best expand the preaching of the Ka consciousness movement,
and at the same time it was the safest means of creating economic stability.
Paraphernalia went a long way towards ruining book distribution in parts
of the world. Whereas books on Ka consciousness were hard to sell to
opulent Westerners, material goods such as paintings were in high demand
and easy to sell. Besides, one can purchase such items wholesale in Asia and
make a fantastic profit. Thus temples became opulent on the basis of mate-
rial goods, and larger temple buildings were purchased. It seemed that now
things would be easy to manage. But what happened was that the temples
became trapped. Because the temple artificially expanded, it needed to
continue selling paraphernalia to meet its expenses. It didn't really produce
extra income to expand the preaching. As the income from paraphernalia
increased, so did the expenses, and the net profit remained the same. The
devotees doing paraphernalia needed breaks from the hard grind of col-
lecting, and that caused breaks in the flow of income. The collectors grew
spiritually weak by wearing karm clothes, never speaking about Ka,
and staying out at night to visit people's homes. They gradually gave up
the essence of spiritual life, the preaching mission, and considered mainte-
nance of their ghastha $ramas (because they all got married) the goal of
spiritual life. Some left Ka consciousness completely, and some took up
the same paraphernalia business in their material life. Others retired to an
inactive life in the temple. Furthermore, people are going to look at this
378 The Nectar of Book Distribution

and laugh at us: They are supposed to be spiritual, but they engage in all
sorts of paraphernalia sales just to make money."
The net result was that book distribution became almost nonexistent.
The devotees lost the strength to present themselves as devotees and sell
books to the public. Thus instead of being a panacea, it turned out to be
a great disaster. The basic principles of Ka conscious preaching changed
to money-collecting, and temples withered away for lack of enthusiasm and
devotees. Ka does not want to send new, sincere devotees to temples
where material economic development is the dominant daily activity. Those
who joined may have been attracted to maintaining bodily comforts and
material opulence. Such people sometimes come to ISKCON to solve their
economic problems. This is not at all the satisfactory or proper execution
of spiritual life. We want devotees to join who are eager to develop their
love of God and serve Him through the sakrtana mission of Lord Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu. So the paraphernalia trap has to be avoided by all tem-
ple presidents who are sincerely interested in prosecuting and preaching
spiritual life. This does not apply to householders maintaining their fami-
lies. rla Prabhupda authorized an incense business called Spiritual Sky
Incense for the sake of the householders' maintenance. It is not forbidden
for a householder to produce and sell paraphernalia. Still, the best means
of support for a householder is through the distribution of Prabhupda's
books. He may take a commission and support himself nicely.

Business should support the preaching

Rme!vara: Sometimes ghasthas join us, but they aren't strong enough to
do sakrtana, so we encourage them to do business and give some money.
Prabhupda: That Ka is saying, sva-karma: All right, be engaged in
your occupational duty."
Rme!vara: If some ghasthas would do some business, it would take a lit-
tle pressure off the brahmacrs, and they could pass out more books. Now
the overhead is high in certain temples like New York and L.A.
Prabhupda: Are they willing to work?
Rme!vara: I think so, if we encourage them.
Prabhupda: Then why not?
Rme!vara: We can start some businesses. Just like Spiritual Sky was start-
Prabhupda: So you can do business. Why don't you start with this tooth-
paste? It is very effective. I am using it personally. Toothpaste is a very com-
mon thing. It is used by cent percent persons. Simply they should like it.
Managing and Supporting Book Distribution 379

Rme!vara: The taste is all right? In America everything is based on the

Prabhupda: Yes. Everywhere. The taste can be very nice, sweetened.
There is salt, and you can add honey also. Naturally salty and sweet, plus
some ingredients like peppermint, wintergreen, and camphor will make it
tasty. These ingredients are very nice. We can also produce some ordinary
medications: skin disease ointment, some cough mixture. I have got experi-
ence in all these things. The ghasthas can do the business. You cannot ex-
pect everyone to be brahminically qualified. We are neither brhmaa nor
do we belong to any sect, but for Ka's satisfaction, we can do anything.
Because we are doing some business, we are not vai$yas. Nanda Mahrja
was an agriculturist. That does not mean he was a vai$ya. But professional-
ly, externally, he looked like a vai$ya.
Rme!vara: I see that in Los Angeles. Not everyone can follow every pro-
gram. So I'm always telling them, to encourage them, that even something
is better than nothing. Do whatever you can.
Prabhupda: Yes, they should be encouraged. They must give some service
to the institution by making money that is hard-earned money. 54

Pur"rav Dsa: If there has to be business, it should be the kind of busi-

ness in which one doesn't have to associate with karms in the wrong way.
The best business is prasdam business. People become purified. Prasdam
business is unlimited; that is another great advantage. How many paintings
can somebody buy? But prasdam you eat again and again. So that's a good
way of making business if one cannot maintain himself by book distribution.
Prasdam business, obviously, is also a part of the sakrtana mission.

Prahldnanda Swami: I found that the more we tried to increase book dis-
tribution, the fewer economic problems we had. It seems that the economic
problems came when the devotees weren't sufficiently absorbed in preach-
ing. By selling paraphernalia and expanding the opulence of a temple, the
devotees won't feel encouraged and satisfied. Trying to satisfy someone
with material arrangements is the same as decorating the cage of a bird
and not feeding it. If devotees expand materially instead of spiritually, so
many problems arise. Whatever money we collect is simply used to solve
the problems that we have created by collecting the money.

I want that our literatures be profusely distributed, so if you

can assist me in this way by your Spiritual Sky business, I am
greatly satisfied. 55
380 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Regarding the society's leaders emphasizing business, you

should understand what the meaning of business is. Business
means to help the preaching. Preaching needs financial help,
otherwise, we have no need for business. So far as I under-
stand, our book business is sufficient to support our move-
ment. I do not want the managing to be at the expense of
preaching. A manager must also be a preacher, otherwise
who will want to follow him? 56

As far as your engagement is concerned I think it is most

appropriate for you to consult with the GBC men. But one
thing that everyone should understand is that I am not as
interested in selling incense as I am in selling books. Distri-
bution of my books is the most important thing. These other
things such as selling incense and records are not as impor-
tant as this. If Spiritual Sky is a separate concern, then what
is the need of our own men who are capable preachers to be
engaged in that way? I want that my books be distributed
in huge quantities, and thus we will be able to thoroughly
convince the majority of the population especially there in
America. But finances are also needed. Therefore for further
direction you please contact the GBC men, and they will give
you consultation. The more one preaches, the more expert
he becomes and the more he is able to convince others. 57
Sakrtana Strategies
Preaching is our real business, preaching and distributing books. If your
preaching work is strong, then your management of temple affairs will also
become automatically very strong. Just like if the head wills it, the hand will
move. Preaching is like the head of our Ka consciousness society. If the
head is removed, the whole body dies. Managing is the hands, which work
nicely if the head is healthy. If the hands are removed, the body will not die,
but it will be crippled. So preaching is more important than management, but
both must be there if the whole body is to operate nicely." 1

8.1 Preaching and book distribution from the temple

Your report of temple activities in your zone is very much en-
couraging. In all those centers you should especially empha-
size the book distribution program. . . . That is our most im-
portant program, so tax your brain how to increase it more
and more, and Ka will surely help you. 2

!rla Prabhupda on the temple's purpose

Actually, we have opened our centers to facilitate the spread-
ing of our literatures to as many people as possible, so please
give emphasis to this program and try and introduce my
books into all the schools, colleges, libraries, and book-
stores. 3

In this material world, we are drying up for lack of spiritual

knowledge. Our ISKCON centers are meant to give relief
to the dried-up conditioned souls searching after the nectar
of joyful life. So I request you and all other members of

382 The Nectar of Book Distribution

ISKCON to flood the world with Ka conscious centers

and realize the prediction of Caitanya Mahprabhu: My
name will be known in every town and village. 4

My only point is that simultaneously we must increase our

literature production and build Mypur temple. But it is
not that we have to stop everything else for one thing. The
art of managing is to do all things at once in a nice manner.
And the guiding principle is to do whatever is practical for
preaching Ka consciousness and at the same time main-
tain our high standards of routine Ka conscious practices
for making progress on the spiritual path. 5

The temple as a base for book distribution

Temples are bases in the war on my: shelters for devotee residents be-
coming surcharged with spiritual energy; places where new devotees join to
be trained; and spiritual embassies relieving conditioned souls from my's
clutches. Temples inspire everyone. Inspiration is fundamental for the cul-
tivation of spiritual life, and when inspiration matures, it manifests as the
desire to attract others to Ka. Therefore, in fulfilling the meaning of the
temple as a preaching base, we follow various strategies: inviting people to
preaching programs both at the temple and outside the temple and going
to people and giving them Ka consciousness in the form of books, home
programs, and so on.
Preaching programs should not be underestimated, especially the Sun-
day Feasts and public classes. The Sunday Feast is a tradition in ISKCON
temples, and public lectures have been a Vaiava tradition since time
immemorial. Both are ideal occasions for book distribution because the
people attending are interested. Even a critical guest must agree to take
a book if he seriously wants to find out about Ka consciousness. But
the majority of people visiting temples or attending public programs are fa-
vorable. Wherever many people assemble for a Ka conscious purpose,
many books can be distributed. If devotees are trained in book distribution,
they will never miss such optimum opportunities for distributing rla
Prabhupda's books. As it is a rule that no guest should leave the temple
without getting prasdam, we should see that no guest leaves the temple or
a public program without being offered books. Of course, guests shouldn't
be harassed, but devotees receiving guests should be in a preaching mood
and think of giving them books. Then we will be amazed how many more
Sakrtana Strategies 383

books can be distributed at Sunday Feasts and special festivals like Janm-
am and Gaura-prim.

Harinma chanting parties

Go on singing ka-krtana. That is our program. Caitanya
Mahprabhu used to go out chanting. He never spoke phi-
losophy in public, only among higher circles. The chanting is
very effective. Let them chant along with tambura and m-
daga played very rhythmically. Perform this musical dem-
onstration and sell books as far as possible and serve feasts.
Then everything will be successful. 6

Harike!a Swami: Every temple should organize and maintain chanting par-
ties in public. They're the best way to show people the eternal dharma of
harinma krtana. Although book distribution is the most important way to
preach Ka consciousness, other forms of preaching are also important.
Prabhupda said that all such programs are indispensable for spreading
Ka consciousness. Chanting in public is good for the chanters. It gives
them a taste of the spiritual bliss of chanting the holy names. We really taste
the nectar by chanting on a crowded street in a noisy city. We immediately
feel transcendental to the havoc, beyond the modes of nature, secure and
protected. Everyone should experience chanting in public firsthand, espe-
cially new devotees, who should learn how to chant the holy name in pub-
lic. Also, old devotees should go out regularly to avoid becoming stale. This
chanting, when regularly performed, gives life to the temple and wonder-
fully unites the temple devotees with devotees living in different parts of
the city.
Every chanting party should be organized nicely: devotees dressed pro-
perly and dancing in some uniform manner. That will attract people more
than if everyone dances his own way. Prabhupda wanted the devotees to
dance in a uniform way and taught them to do the swami step with their
hands raised. Also, the melodies should be bona fide, sweet, and melodious,
and the karatlas and mdagas should be played in time. It's always nice
to hold mah-harinma krtana on the best day of the week in your city
Saturday or Sunday when the most people are on the streets and when
the sakrtana devotees are able to take part. When all the devotees get to-
gether and chant, it becomes powerful. The sakrtana devotees bring a spe-
cial power into the krtana that might be lacking during the week, because
they've been doing the most important yaja all week. While chanting, it's
384 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nice to give out small sweets or cookies because prasdam always wins over
the crowd. We can also distribute books and magazines quite nicely to the
people listening to the chanting. A good way to preach to them is to stop
the krtana and give a short talk every twenty minutes. It should be a lively
talk and should hold their attention for a few minutes. People appreciate
lectures by a devotee who's good at the art of lecturing on the street. When
the devotees chant on the street, they should avoid upsetting store keepers
by stopping in front of one business for too long. They can stop in front of
monuments or plazas for as long as they like. If possible, procure a permit
to chant. It's often called a parade or demonstration permit. Then no one
can stop the chanting. This is especially important for large scale sakrtana
in which hundreds of devotees take part.

You should try now to obtain permission for chanting on the

streets. This will greatly enhance your activities there in ev-
ery respect. Sakrtana is our very life and soul, so try to take
permission from the authorities as soon as possible. 7

Public programs and festivals

Your reports of the devotional progress in San Diego are
very convincing; this combination of book distribution and
public festivals is very good for bringing the people to an at-
traction for Ka consciousness. Go on holding as many fes-
tivals as possible. 8

Regarding the festival programs, you should not stop be-

cause they are not economical. You can earn from book sell-
ing and then spend for the festivals. The festivals are very
good for attracting the people. Then you can easily inject the
Ka conscious poison into them. 9

Large festivals attract the general mass of people and introduce them
to the culture of Ka consciousness. When the people see an organized
festival in a public place, they recognize that Ka consciousness is legiti-
mate. Festivals also provide a good opportunity to distribute rla Prabhu-
pda's books. Recently, the most impressive public programs in Eastern
Europe have been the performances of the Gaurga Bhajan Band led by
Harikea Swami, Bhaktivaibhava Swami, and acnandana Swami, which
attracted thousands of spectators to big halls (with a high point in Moscow
of 32,000 people in July 1992) and where many books were sold. People are
impressed by such events, and when they buy books, their good first im-
Sakrtana Strategies 385

pression will later be reinforced, and they will gain a lasting respect for the
devotees and rla Prabhupda's books. With this same approach, smaller
Hare Ka festivals can also be effective. Devotees simply need to print
nice looking posters inviting everyone to an evening of Ka consciousness
and rent a hall. Usually an admission fee covers the costs. Even if a pro-
gram is simply done, people will appreciate it, because Ka consciousness
has so much to offer.

Preaching in higher circles

Selling sets of books to universities was already mentioned in Chapter
Five. Preaching to the educated class of men is another important feature
of a temple's preaching.

I am very, very pleased with your program to infiltrate the

schools and colleges, especially by introducing our books and
classes in Ka yoga. I say one thing: If you can somehow or
other turn all of these students and hippies, or even a portion
of them, to Ka consciousness, then this movement will
sweep across the world and save it from the present-day pre-
carious condition when everything has become so much de-
graded. . . . Now push very tactfully this program of reaching
and convincing the student class with our books and philos-
ophy, and that will be your success of life, and for that Ka
will very quickly reveal Himself face to face, you may know
it for certain. 10

Because there is close proximity of many students, the im-

portant thing to give them is our books and literature. They
are interested in getting knowledge, but the materialistic
knowledge will lead them astray from the real goal of their
intelligence, and all of their credits in education will add up
only to so many zeros. 11

I like this idea of distributing books and preaching. That is

Lord Caitanya's plan, and because you are doing it so nicely
you are already making the greatest contribution, so what
need is there for some special instruction from me? But if
you want, I must give, because you are serving Ka so
nicely. So in that case my request to you is that you enter into
the universities and colleges wherever possible and preach
there with a view to recruiting some first-class devotees for
386 The Nectar of Book Distribution

helping me manage and push on this movement all over the

world. Overall there is a shortage of first-class, experienced
men to manage things just to the highest standard, as you are
doing. Therefore I am calling upon you big leaders to push
this idea forward, namely, to attract some educated men to
join us. The idea is that they will agree to join us only if we
conduct ourselves intelligently by the preaching approach.
The secret will be to engage them as they like to be engaged.
That is, suppose I have got some education: I am a business
student, or I have some skill or talent; I am a typist or mu-
sician or something like that, so I will like to utilize these
things for Ka only if I am encouraged in a certain way,
very tactfully, and I must not be discouraged by too much
forcing me at first to accept everything like shaving the head,
rising very early, and going for street sakrtana. No, let me
come gradually, let me also study Ka consciousness and
see how it is practical and sublime. Gradually I may get some
taste for these other things and agree to do them voluntarily
and intelligently. We are not dogmatic or like an army camp.
No. We are servants of Ka. That means that because we
understand Ka is our protector under all circumstances,
we have no more anxiety, so we become very liberal and tol-
erate seeing others' sinful activities. We see them as innocent
victims of my, and we try to help them understand the real
position of life. You know this art, how to attract and engage
men, so aim at the top class of men and give them every op-
portunity and facility to become convinced of our philoso-
phy and engage themselves to their satisfaction. That will be
the best contribution. Now spread this idea also to the other
leaders. 12

Now I want that we shall recruit more and more our men
among the intelligent class of men. Because they are a lit-
tle educated or they have got some wealth or fame or abil-
ity, they will be sometimes a little puffed up, but that is all
right, they deserve it. Now we shall have to learn the art how
to approach such higher classes of men and attract them to
apply themselves to this Ka consciousness process of self-
realization. That requires much tact, and we shall have to
expect to meet all challenges by sharp minds. But if we re-
main always absorbed in remembering Lord Caitanya, how
Sakrtana Strategies 387

He converted so many intelligent men, even sitting for days

and nights to hear them speak without Himself speaking any-
thing, and if we remember how Ka was so much patient
to explain everything to Arjuna, even Arjuna was speaking
like a fool, in this way, being always tolerant of others and
appreciating their points of view, it will be an easy matter for
us to convince them gradually to join us. 13

I think your proposal for seriously organizing the college

programs is first class. If this program is conducted in the
proper fashion it can be our biggest book distribution outlet.
I am convinced of this. 14

Without being God conscious you cannot expect perfection

in the human society. It is said in the #stra that if a person
is God conscious, then all good qualities manifest in his per-
son, but without being God conscious no material quality can
make anyone a respected gentleman. Therefore it is essen-
tial to teach God consciousness in every school, college, and
university to revive man's dormant God consciousness. 15

Preaching to the congregation

A congregation is a group of people interested enough in Ka con-
sciousness to associate with ISKCON but living at home maintaining them-
selves. This group is important for the long-term growth of a temple. Such
people sometimes join the movement or open centers in their homes, but
even when they just remain at home and read rla Prabhupda's books and
sometimes visit the temple or attend a festival, they can be engaged in ser-
vice now and then, and all of them are potential donors. Also, they can in-
vite people to their homes for programs when traveling preachers come by.
Their names should be on a mailing list, and they should be regularly con-
tacted. When ISKCON has a special project and needs some help, it's the
congregational members who generally help the most. During marathons,
the congregational members can take boxes of books and distribute them
to friends, relatives, and others. Members are best cultivated by groups of
traveling preachers. Each group of preachers can work in a demarcated
area and cultivate all the members and meet new people by holding regular

The temple center is started just to present an example to

the neighboring residents how they can make a small temple
388 The Nectar of Book Distribution

in each and every home. It is not necessary that hundreds

and thousands of people live in our temples, but if we can
make effective propaganda, then the neighboring residents
and householders will be inclined to be initiated and follow
the modes of temple life. So you encourage the visitors, boys
and girls, as well as married couples, to understand the value
of life and how they can peacefully and happily live if they
follow the routine worship method in the temple and estab-
lish this in their home to be happy in all respects. The Ka
consciousness movement is actually an attempt to make all
people happy generally. And becoming liberated in this life
from material contamination, they'll thus be eligible to enter
into the kingdom of God after quitting this body. 16

I am very glad you are getting many private home krtana

engagements. That is very encouraging. If each home adopts
our method, they will be happy. There is no sectarian con-
sideration. Everyone should be interested in God. The more
one understands about God, the more he becomes wise and
ultimately he achieves the goal of his life. 17

We want every house to be a temple, not that our place

should be the only place for the people to come. No. This
should be the process: that they learn at our place, then es-
tablish the same thing at home. 18

Your home-to-home preaching is very good. The important

thing is to make arrangements that they hear and chant. That
will make your preaching successful. Once they begin chant-
ing, then automatically they will want to follow the rules and
regulations, attend rati, take prasdam, and so on. 19

Introduce this into every home, and that will help them, and
if they read our books, then finished no more material
life. 20

8.2 Going out with books

In this section stress is given to the temple devotees going out with rla
Prabhupda's books to meet people, without waiting until they come to us.
If this is done, the temple will have visitors, and the congregation will grow.
Sakrtana Strategies 389

Book distributors are the devotees who meet the most people. They invite
favorable people to the temple and can invite even people who don't take
books as a sign of friendship and detachment. Anyone who isn't inimical
can be invited, and he'll appreciate this gesture. He may not visit the tem-
ple, but we may meet him again, and at one point he may take a book. Our
continuous sympathy will eventually touch people's hearts, and then they
may even visit the temple, but now with a favorable opinion due to our pa-
tience and friendliness. In this way, book distribution will bring many guests
to the temple and increase the preaching spirit of the temple devotees, who
will gladly present books to the guests. In other words, in order to take care
of guests, there need to be guests, and they come if they are invited by the
devotees who go out.

Rohisuta Dsa: If people come to the temple, sell them books. Sometimes
you can approach them as you would on sakrtana. And even in front of
the temple is a special place to sell books. I've sold many books just out-
side the temple. This is a temple, you know? A Hare Ka temple. We're
monks practicing yoga and meditation. You can come in and have a look."
And if they say, No time," I say, That's all right; at least take some books
on meditation." They feel the nice atmosphere of the temple. The devotees
should profit from these opportunities.

Harike!a Swami: If you can relate nicely with people on the street, then you
should have no problem with visitors in the temple. They're much more im-
portant than people you meet on the street because they've actually set foot
in Ka's temple. Therefore they are coming much closer to Ka con-
sciousness. So preach to them with great enthusiasm. Show them around,
answer questions, give them prasdam. Be very aware that people visiting
the temple aren't ordinary.

Three stages that many devotees go through are: going out from the
temple with books full-time or part-time, distributing books on traveling
sakrtana, and distributing books while living outside as ghasthas. Travel-
ing sakrtana and book distribution by ghasthas will be mentioned in sec-
tions 8.4 6. Most things said in this book are directly applicable to temple-
based book distribution, but a few additional points will be discussed here
before going on to the two other subjects.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: Devotees going out from the temple have to avoid
becoming entangled and diverted. There's the telephone, the office, your
mail, politics, watching videos, devotees talking long into the evening, and
390 The Nectar of Book Distribution

visiting devotees. Whenever I distribute from the temple, my results go

down. That's not the temple's fault, but my tendency to be diverted.
Therefore traveling sakrtana has many advantages. Everything is concen-
trated and uncomplicated. You have the books, the van, and one-pointed
determination. I don't mean to say that everyone should go traveling, but
those who like to should. Some devotees want to go out from the temple
and have a steady program, including morning and evening classes. But
there's a special nectar in traveling and distributing rla Prabhupda's
books throughout the country. You also have a morning program, but it's
molded around book distribution.

Vijaya Dsa: The idea that the temple is my is certainly my. I've lived
in a temple and distributed books for more than fifteen years. There's no
difficulty as long as a devotee living in the temple is sincerely trying to serve
Ka by distributing Prabhupda's books or performing another service.
Many nice devotees have done Deity worship at the temple for many, many
years, and they are a great inspiration for me.

Harike!a Swami: Both city sakrtana and traveling sakrtana are good,
and both expand the preaching. City sakrtana is usually done where there
are many sakrtana spots accessible by public transportation. But travel-
ing not only distributes the mercy more widely, it also increases the distri-
bution results. The only problem with traveling sakrtana is that one must
maintain vans and rent hotel rooms. This is costly even if managed proper-
ly. Therefore, it may not always be possible to have traveling parties. But if
it can be arranged, it's a wonderful way to spread the mercy far and wide.

Rohisuta Dsa: Ideally each temple should have at least one traveling
sakrtana group, with a core of constant members, but also offering other
devotees the facility to join sporadically. In this way there's variety for the
book distributors, and in the temple the pure preaching spirit is maintained.

8.3 Traveling sakrtana

I note that you have got a nice van. Why not have some trav-
eling sakrtana parties in the surrounding countryside dis-
tributing our literature in new places? 21

Regarding your contemplating opening new centers, I have

felt the pulse of your country, and that is that wherever we
Sakrtana Strategies 391

open a small branch, it will develop. So now you have to

train our men so that the possibility for opening centers will
be good. As soon as you have the qualified men, then you
can open a small branch. But the traveling part is most im-
portant, even more so than the new centers. The traveling
sakrtana party must go on. 22

Traveling sakrtana pleased !rla Prabhupda

Simply go on in this way, stopping in every village and city
of England and Scotland or other places like Ireland. Simply
stop for some time, distribute books, hold a sakrtana pro-
cession, answer questions, distribute some leaflets or small
information freely, distribute prasdam wherever possible
at least some small thing, and if there is genuine interest be-
ing shown, then request the townspeople to arrange some en-
gagements for speaking in their schools or someone's home
or a hall. In this way remain always without anxiety for des-
tination and comfortable situations, always relying only on
the mercy of Ka for your plan. Just go on preaching His
message and selling His books wherever there is interest. . . .
I can understand that it is not an easy matter to travel ex-
tensively over long periods of time without proper food and
rest, and sometimes it must be very cold there also, but still,
because you are getting so much spiritual enjoyment from it,
it seems like play to you. That is the advanced stage of spir-
itual life, never attained by even the greatest yogs and so-
called jns. Let any man see our devotees working hard
for Ka, then let anyone say that they are not better than
millions of so-called yogs and transcendentalists. That is my
challenge. Because you are rightly understanding through
your personal realization this philosophy of Ka conscious-
ness, therefore in such a short time you have surpassed all
the stages of yoga to come to the highest point of surrender-
ing to Ka. That I can very much appreciate. Thank you
very much for helping me in this way. 23

You are the real representatives of Lord Caitanya. Without

caring for any stable home, without any thought of personal
gain, you are traveling and distributing Ka consciousness
392 The Nectar of Book Distribution

everywhere you go. I am very grateful to both of you for as-

sisting me so energetically. And I pray to Ka that you both
live for at least one hundred years so that you may spread
Ka consciousness to the full extent. 24

It is good that the Berlin party is traveling. To be stagnant is

not good. Just like I am an old man, but I am always travel-
ing. 25

Advantages of traveling sakrtana

"akara-paita Dsa: There's an old saying, A rolling stone gathers no
moss." For a brahmacr, traveling periodically is a good way to maintain
simplicity, detachment, and austerity. It's good if the temple program allows
the men to travel. Traveling is a wonderful, enlivening experience, because
the devotees depend exclusively on Ka for everything: distribution spots,
places to sleep, and whatever is needed. But if a brahmacr has intense and
regulated sdhana, then the temple provides the best facility for increased
book distribution. Sometimes devotees say the temple is my, but how
can it be, if the book distributor arranges his sdhana around going out?
My can be anywhere, even on traveling sakrtana if one isn't firmly de-
termined to serve Ka. The real point is one's spiritual absorption. One
can be fixed anywhere.

Jva Dsa: The temple provides shelter and security. That's why there may
not be much pressure to surrender. But when devotees leave the temple
for traveling sakrtana, there's no shelter other than their service, book
distribution, and no scope or facility for one's determination to become
many-branched. Therefore traveling sakrtana is recommended to expe-
rience single-minded concentration on book distribution.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Going traveling is best for most book distributors,

as there's no other engagement and they can fix the mind. After the morn-
ing program, everything is clear: We're doing book distribution that's
all." But for some devotees, one should first see that they remain devotees.
So for them, it's good to stay in the temple because it makes them attached
to Ka. We should see in which circumstances a devotee feels better and
accomplishes more.

Navna-nrada Dsa: In all the three worlds there are no better books than
rla Prabhupda's; there is no better service than book distribution; there
Sakrtana Strategies 393

is no bigger adventure than traveling sakrtana; and there's no better as-

sociation than that of the sakrtana devotees engaged in the mission of the
spiritual master. If we're convinced of that, then we won't look elsewhere
for adventure, happiness, or other engagements.

Premrava Dsa: Traveling sakrtana is an extremely regulated program,

and that's the best atmosphere for book distribution. It means a simple life
completely fixed on Ka and book distribution. The more regulated the
program is, the less one has to think about. You can forget the material
world and just think about Ka and Prabhupda's books. Especially if
you aren't the sakrtana leader, this program is like Vaikuha; there's no
anxiety, because you don't have to worry about anything. In the beginning
I didn't even know the name of the town. I didn't care. I just had a place to
distribute, and I didn't care about anything except distributing and reading
rla Prabhupda's books. For my first six years I did nothing but traveling
sakrtana, and it has left a lasting impression on my life.

"aii Dev Ds: There are many advantages. It's much easier to be fixed
in your service; you can develop deep relationships with the other devo-
tees you travel with; you meet many nice people; and you continually gain
a more mature understanding of Ka consciousness (otherwise you won't
have the power to continue going on traveling sakrtana). At the same
time, you always have to face my, but you lose your taste for my be-
cause of seeing how people are suffering. Very often they frankly admit it.
And traveling from town to town and visiting temples is a Ka conscious
adventure. Everyone likes to travel and experience freedom and adventure.
In this way you can fulfill your dreams in a Ka conscious way.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: Whenever you return to the temple it's always more
ecstatic than before you left, because you get to see the Deities again after
a period of separation, and your appreciation for the Deities and the tem-
ple and the devotees increases a lot. Being out in the street the whole day
or the whole week and seeing so many materialistic people not at all in-
terested in spiritual life, you really gain appreciation for devotees, because
they're so rare. Where else can you find people who are sincerely surren-
dering their lives to Ka's service?

Nsihadeva Dsa: Often we don't know where we'll sleep. We just drive
out of town to park the van, and we sleep inside or outside the van. Some
nights we stay next to a public swimming pool, and early in the morning we
394 The Nectar of Book Distribution

jump over the fence and take our bath there. Just for the facility to take an
ice-cold shower without disturbance, you become grateful to Ka.

Harike!a Swami: Suppose we advertised: Salesman wanted. Sell books

that nobody wants. No salary. Live in a van. Eat cold food and get up early
in the morning." Ordinary people couldn't conceive of doing these auster-
ities. But after you're a devotee for a while, you start thinking that living
in a van is wonderful. Taking a shower under weird conditions somehow
becomes fun. You acquire a taste for austerity, and that taste is nectar. But
even though it's wonderful, the temple president should make sure that the
sakrtana devotees don't become estranged from the temple. Sometimes
a traveling party develops a separatist attitude and travels throughout the
country independent of any temple. Therefore the temple president and
sakrtana leader should be on guard against that.

Rohisuta Dsa: Our real home is the street, and on the street our shelter
is rla Prabhupda's books. A sakrtana devotee while taking prasdam
in the van sees many people running around on the streets shopping or
looking for enjoyment, and he always feels, I have to finish up. People are
out there, and I have to give them the books." While traveling, you feel the
real bliss. You become more and more determined, and you don't build on
artificial foundations that come and go. In Norway and Finland and other
places, the devotees cannot return to the temple every Sunday because
the distances are too great. They stay out for a month or more. In Nor-
way and Finland they go to the temple only when there's a special festival
like Janmam. They stay out seven days a week for months in camping
grounds. Whenever you get together with these devotees, you become in-
spired. They're so simple. You don't encounter politics or prajalpa, whereas
in the temple you may. But when you're traveling and completely depend-
ing on Ka and rla Prabhupda, you are under their direct shelter and
protection. What more do you want?

8.4 The practical side of traveling sakrtana

I am very joyful to hear that you are enjoying your preaching
activities there in America. Actually this is our real business:
preaching, chanting, and distributing prasdam and books.
Book distribution is especially an important program, and it
is first-class preaching work. So I encourage you to work with
Sakrtana Strategies 395

all the senior men there in America and encourage them to

distribute more and more of this transcendental literature. 26

Don't be attached to facilities

Rohisuta Dsa: You shouldn't think you can't go out unless you have a
van and good facilities; or that unless everyone in the temple respects, en-
courages, and inspires you, you won't go out; or that you have to get the
mah-prasdam to remain inspired, and you need a private room. That's
all material. We have to go out always, in all situations, with or without en-
couragement. Then we'll get the real taste. A sakrtana devotee must be
determined. He should just take the books and go. His enthusiasm doesn't
depend on a van. If there's no car, it doesn't mean he stays back and does
nothing. He may go by foot, bus, or tram. For example, in Yugoslavia the
devotees don't have cars. They walk or take buses and trains, and they dis-
tribute a lot of books. They get a lot of special mercy by making that special
endeavor. I remember being alone for one year, in 1979 or 1980, in Zurich.
I was distributing without a vehicle, and there was no temple, only a small
flat. In the beginning my mind was flipping out. But I was just going out
every day, and I got the same results I would have with a car. So the results
don' depend on the car or the facility. The only thing we have to manage is
to get the books, but then we go out. Naturally, without books it's a little
difficult. Can you imagine one day no more books? That's a nightmare.
Actually, there were times when no books were available. Guru-gaurga
Prabhu told me that in Switzerland in the beginning they didn't have any
books, but still they distributed books. They just went to the people and
said, We want to print Bhagavad-gt, and you can order it now and pay
now, and then we will deliver it to you as soon as it is printed." And people
agreed. In this way book distribution got started in Switzerland, with no fa-
cilities, not even books.

Groups and division of duties

Now maintain your status quo. You are in a very good po-
sition. To manage a sakrtana party nicely is more precious
than all other activities. That is the verdict of Bhagavad-gt
and the mission of Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu. 27

Bhadbhnu Dsa: For a karm, it is unimaginable how people with com-

pletely different mentalities can live together in a van. But the devotees are
inspired. They think, Well, that's individuality. There is always something
396 The Nectar of Book Distribution

happening." It works because everybody has the same goal in mind. To-
gether you try to spread this movement and accomplish something for the
pleasure of the spiritual master. If you have this goal in mind, then you can
understand that only in the association of the devotees can we find such in-

Jva Dsa: A sakrtana party must be a nice crew. The younger devotees
should respect the older devotees and try to help them distribute more
books. A leader has to set a good example by distributing more than the
others and by teaching his Ka conscious realizations. If he can do both,
that's ideal. In this way the younger devotees can learn from the older devo-
tees, and the older devotees can take care of the younger devotees. Mutual
respect must be there. This is essential when sharing such a small space like
a sakrtana van.

Guru-caraa Dsa: The sakrtana leader must be a sensitive person. It's

difficult to get the best from everybody. Some devotees you cannot push, so
you just encourage them. But others you can push: Come on, get yourself
together. This is your duty. Do it!" In my case I thought it was nice being
pushed. Without the sakrtana leader's push, I think the distribution and
the purification would have been less.

Harinmnanda Dsa: There must be a system within the sakrtana group;

otherwise all the activities will take so much time that you'll never get out
early. The group leader, an experienced sakrtana devotee, can function as
a source of inspiration and instruction in the group. He is responsible for
everything, but he can delegate responsibilities. One devotee has to guard
the lakm and carefully do the bookkeeping and report the results at the
end of the week to the temple devotee assigned to compiling the score sheet
and paying the BBT for books. Cleaning the van and cooking must also
be managed, and there has to be a condensed yet full morning program.
Everything should be there the songs, guru-p$j, and a class. Not even
during the marathons should these programs be given up; otherwise we be-
come influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance. We save time in
the wrong place. Hearing and chanting is the way we get Ka's mercy and
inspiration. The group leader and all the other devotees in the group are
responsible for keeping this spirit and maintaining these standards.

Harike!a Swami: Every temple needs vehicles. But devotees have a bad re-
putation when it comes to taking care of them. They tend to think that be-
Sakrtana Strategies 397

cause the cars don't belong to them they belong to Ka somebody

else will look after them. This careless attitude leads to the damage and
destruction of many ISKCON vehicles. So the temple president should
preach to all the devotees that the cars belonging to Ka are meant for
everyone's use and must be properly maintained by everyone. But prac-
tically speaking it's best to assign one devotee the service of looking af-
ter the temple's vehicles. That helps assure their regular maintenance. The
temple president must make sure that the assigned devotee gets the main-
tenance work done; otherwise the cars will be destroyed, and it will be an
enormous waste of Ka's valuable lakm. The temple president should
also see that all the cars are registered and have passed the required inspec-
tions. He should make sure that when the devotees use the cars, they have
the proper papers with them in case there's a check by the police. Also,
the temple president should insure all the cars. There's nothing as certain
as a devotee's smashing a car at some time or another. So accident and col-
lision insurance are needed on each and every vehicle. It doesn't matter if
the insurance costs a lot. It's well worth it in the long run. Some insurance
companies in the West do not like insuring our cars because they know that
they will lose money on us.
Every car should be regularly maintained. The oil should be changed
every 5,000 kms; then there's a good chance that the engine will last a
long time. The water in the radiator should be checked periodically and re-
placed. Put in anti-freeze to protect the engine. Check the water in the bat-
tery regularly and make sure it is kept up to the mark. The vehicles should
be regularly cleaned inside and out. Dirty cars mean the heart is dirty.
These vehicles belong to Ka and should be kept as clean as the temple
paraphernalia. Tires should be checked. When the rubber is worn out, buy
new tires. Don't try to save money by risking the lives of the devotees. To
make tires last longer, experts say that every 10,000 kms they should be ro-
tated to even out the wear and tear on them. If the tires are not radials,
they're rotated by switching the front left tire with the rear right tire, and
the front right tire with the rear left tire. Then, next time, switching the rear
tires with each other and the front tires with each other. Then, next time,
the front left with the rear right and so on. Radial tires rotate differently.
Radials must always remain on the same side of the car that they were ini-
tially installed on. They are simply rotated front to back and vice versa.
One must drive carefully, otherwise he risks smashing the car. When
devotees are in the car and the car is smashed, the driver is guilty of harm-
ing Vaiavas, and that's a greatly sinful act. Most accidents are caused by
inattention and poor judgement and can be avoided by the driver's paying
attention and using common sense. Don't let poor drivers drive. One should
398 The Nectar of Book Distribution

never drive late at night. After midnight, no one can be expected to drive
properly. rla Prabhupda banned all night-driving in ISKCON because
many devotees were killed driving late at night. Devotees do not sleep
enough to drive through the night. If one knows that he has to drive a long
distance, then he should take extra rest so that he can stay awake for the
drive. If one is even slightly drowsy while driving, he should pull over to the
side of the road and take a nap, even if it means being late. It's more impor-
tant to get to one's destination late than not to arrive at all. If one smashes
the car or himself, he'll neither get there on time nor be able to serve Ka
nicely. The sakrtana leaders should carefully ascertain whether the devo-
tees are properly taking care of their vehicles. They should see that every
car is serviced regularly, kept clean, and not missing lights. Every temple
president should realize that the vehicles will last for a relatively short time
and have to be replaced. Therefore he should save money for purchasing
new vehicles; otherwise he'll have a big bill and not know how to pay it. So
save and be happy!

Sakrtana schedule
One thing is that all the students on the party must strictly
follow the rules and regulations. Cleanliness is most essen-
tial, rising early, taking bath, etc. It is not that because we
are traveling we can neglect our routine work and become
irregular in our habits. No. We must make every effort to re-
main regulated and clean. This is the solid basis for our work.
When our routine work, like chanting, reading books, and
Deity worship are very nice, then our preaching will have ef-
fect. That is the secret. 28

As far as studying my books is concerned, I have already

given the order: one hour in the morning class and one hour
in the evening; and if there is extra time during the day it
may be used for studying, but we cannot expect everyone to
be studious. If someone has a desire to distribute books all
day, he may do this, but he must always follow the principles
of rising early, chanting sixteen rounds, and so on. 29

Rohisuta Dsa: Regulation is best: going out at 9 or 9:30 and distributing

until noon or 1 P.M., then taking a break. You can read, take prasdam; per-
haps you need a little rest before going out again or before reading. Usu-
Sakrtana Strategies 399

ally you take prasdam last, then you go out from around 3 or 4 until 7
or 7:30. While going door to door in residential areas, we distribute until 2
P.M. because many people are home for lunch. Then we take a break until
4:30 or 5. Then with full concentration we work during the evening hours,
because that's when most people are home. Book distributors should not
stay out late at night. They can stop around 7 or 7:30. If you're a preacher
with a late-night program, that's different. Therefore my recommendation
is that book distributors should not make preaching programs at night.
They should fix themselves on distributing books. The preachers can do the
preaching. In this way the book distributors can fix themselves on one type
of preaching. You have to concentrate on something if you want to perfect
that activity.

Caku Dsa: The best medicine for all kinds of problems is reading rla
Prabhupda's books two hours a day. In this way we can actually absorb
the philosophy, and when we go out, we should take the philosophy with us
and remember it, because the philosophy is nondifferent from Ka. If we
take the philosophy with us, we are Ka conscious. If we go out and for-
get the philosophy, what's the use of going out? It's better to stay back a lit-
tle longer and increase your Ka consciousness by reading Prabhupda's
books. We want to present Ka consciousness, so we have to be Ka

Choosing where to distribute

Just go on preaching Ka's message and selling His books,
wherever there is interest. We shall not waste time if there is
no interest or if the people are unfriendly. There are so many
places to go. 30

If the sakrtana parties in Satsvarpa's zone are irritating

the public for selling many books, that is one thing, but by
their selling books they are doing the greatest service. What
will your one hour of preaching do? They will hear and go
away, but if they have one book at home, they will read it,
their friends will read it, and some solid work is done. So the
art is to sell many, many books and not to irritate the pub-
lic. You may instruct all the others how to do this successful-
ly. That is sannysa. That is GBC. There are so many places
to go, so why there should be business competition between
400 The Nectar of Book Distribution

sakrtana parties in New York? This problem should be ad-

justed between the GBC men. 31

Regarding our traveling parties, I have received some com-

plaints from London and other places, so I have given
Dhanajaya this policy, that if any party comes from outside,
they must work under the direct supervision and instruction
of the local management, not that they shall remain a sepa-
rate competitor. I want to sell as many books as possible, that
is the main thing. Selling books is the best preaching work.
But so there may not be any complaint, your traveling par-
ties must cooperate with the local temple officers. And that
means your parties shall operate wherever they are allocat-
ed; shall sell only books, not collect without selling books;
and that, above the wholesale price of the book, at least 50%
of any profit must be given to the local temple. Ultimately,
it shall be up to the local temple president whether the pres-
ence of your party is favorable or not. Everything is consid-
ered, and if he agrees, you may stay, otherwise if he judges it
is unfavorable at the time, he may order you to go out. But
just to avoid these things, it's better to arrange in advance
with the GBC men concerned. Ours is a cooperative move-
ment, with Ka and the advancement of Ka's move-
ment at the center, and we must continue to sell as many
books as possible. But discuss everything among yourselves
and do it nicely without irritating anyone, that is the art. 32

Our main business is to distribute books, either here or there,

it doesn't matter. So if there is a transcendental competition
for increasing the sale of books, that is good. If he buys
one book his life may be turned. That is the best preaching
work. But everything must be done in the spirit of coopera-
tion, without any irritation. If one party wants to travel into
another zone, that's all right, but there must be prior agree-
ment between the GBC men and mutual consent. If by go-
ing there, the book sales will be increased, what is the harm?
But supposing there is any harm, that is to be judged by the
local president, and if he has good reason to think that an-
other party will be unfavorable to his temple's operations,
then he may order them to leave, that's all. So local temple
Sakrtana Strategies 401

officers should be the final judge to allow or disallow anyone

from outside to sell books there. And if some outside party
comes, they must sell books only, no collecting without sell-
ing books. They must live in the local temple and not sep-
arately, and they must follow faithfully the instructions and
directions of the local president. They can purchase books
from the temple at the regular wholesale price and sell, and
whatever profit there is above the wholesale price they must
give at least 50% to the local temple out of good will. That
will be nice. So we shall not think that this is my zone, that is
his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nations are think-
ing, and then there is war, no. Lord Caitanya has given us the
task to spread His message all over the world, and any pro-
cess useful for facilitating this business, that we shall glad-
ly adopt, never mind his zone or my zone, that is a material
designation. But we shall always do everything in a coopera-
tive spirit and avoid any fighting among us. That is the Vai-
ava attitude, because Lord Caitanya has advised us to al-
ways offer all respects to others, especially to the devotees of
the Lord. 33

Deities on traveling sakrtana

To install Deities in a moving vehicle is not very good. There
is always the danger of Their falling and breaking. Sudma
already has experience of this. Why is Deity worship being
introduced? It should not be introduced because it is very
difficult to maintain the standard under such circumstances.
If you have pictures of Guru-Gaurga that is sufficient. You
are wondering if you did the right thing by giving the Deities
to Sudma, so the answer is no. The Deities may be brought
back and worshiped in the temple as before. The idea of
traveling sakrtana is to distribute books not to do Deity
worship. It is very difficult to maintain the standard of De-
ity worship in the temple, so how will it be maintained in a
truck? . . . Neglectful Deity worship means offense. 34

My sanction for the Deities in the touring van is still there.

But I have heard that sometimes the Deity falls down, so
these things are objectionable. Touring and book distribu-
402 The Nectar of Book Distribution

tion, side by side, is the main business. The general public

will not be very much interested to see the Deity. It is our
personal business. When you contact with the mass of peo-
ple, sakrtana is the main business. 35

You should not take Rdh-Ka traveling. Better you take

Gaura-Niti. For serving Gaura-Niti there is no offense,
but if Rdh-Ka are there, and there is some discrepancy,
then there is great offense, and this should be avoided. 36

8.5 Book distribution by ghasthas living outside

Thank you very much for your endeavors in book distribu-
tion. Please offer your good wife my blessings for her service
in this connection. Our preaching work will be measured by
the quantity of books we distribute, so continue ever-increas-
ingly. 37

The preaching potential

Both of you are very good souls constantly engaged in the
service of the Lord. One who has got a helpful wife at home
does not need to accept sannysa. If required, both you and
your husband can preach Ka consciousness. We are con-
cerned more for Ka consciousness, and if that work is ex-
ecuted more nicely by the cooperation of husband and wife,
there is no necessity of thinking of the wife as an impediment
to Ka consciousness. 38

Regarding the tour of North Dakota, this is a nice proposal.

So if it is practical, it will be very nice for you and your wife.
The only thing you have to do is rent a station wagon, so you
can travel, sleep, and cook there. Keep with you four or five
pairs of cymbals, one harmonium, and one mdaga. One of
you play the harmonium, one of you play the mdaga, and
some persons in the audience can play the karatlas. In this
way you can perform nice krtana. 39

Ghasthas should not live completely independent. That will

be a future danger. I want ideal ghasthas like Bhaktivinoda
Sakrtana Strategies 403

hkura. There are many. I was a ghastha also. There was

Deity worship; everything nice. I was publishing Back to
Godhead as a ghastha. So the aim of Ka consciousness
was there. I could not leave family life because of certain
circumstances. That is a different thing. But one must be in
touch with devotional service, as in the temple. If you live
near the temple, it's easier, or in the temple. But if he re-
mains aloof, that is dangerous. 40

The ghastha-#rama entails taking on financial responsibilities and

other entanglements to maintain one's household. All ghasthas admit this,
and it is clearly analyzed in the #stras. How can one mold his life in the
ghastha-#rama so that it becomes an #rama, a place of shelter, based on

Harike!a Swami: Householder couples will perform many activities togeth-

er. But a devotee greatly determined to serve the Lord will never associ-
ate with a spouse simply to engage in sense gratification. They will work
together for the pleasure of the Lord. When the husband and wife have
this determination, they become a most powerful team for spreading Ka
consciousness. People, especially in the West, are more attracted to the ex-
ample of Ka conscious householders than to the example of sannyss,
because sannysa life is foreign or remote to them. A husband and wife are
meant to preach from their home or to make their house a preaching cen-
ter, a base for the assault on my. (From The Ka Conscious Handbook)

Practically speaking, in all missionary religions the married people do

most of the preaching, organizing, recruiting, and bill paying. In ISKCON,
somehow or other, this potential hasn't yet been realized; in many cases
marriage ended both devotees' engagements in preaching. But rather than
condemn the ghastha-#rama and discourage householders, the preaching
potential of this #rama should be pointed out.

Harike!a Swami: Husband and wife can definitely distribute together.

That's a very good team. Sometimes husband and wife can also travel to-
gether and distribute books. (From a class in Kiev on August 9, 1990)

Antaraga-!akti Dsa (Germany): Ghasthas can open a preaching center

or engage in book distribution going out from their apartment. A Vedic
wife is called yaja-patn, the husband's assistant in performing yaja. So
404 The Nectar of Book Distribution

the wife can be the sakrtana-yaja-patn and inspire her husband to dis-
tribute books and relieve him from as much entanglement as possible. The
husband can continue traveling with the temple devotees either full-time or
during marathons, and sometimes he can go out with his wife for a change,
to inspire her. But familiarity breeds contempt, and this will cause prob-
lems. To keep up the preaching in married life, what's required are compat-
ible personalities and a strong desire to preach.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: Dna, charity, is one of the ghastha's main duties. How
can the ghastha-dharma be better fulfilled than by book distribution, which
is the highest form of charity? From this point of view, we can say that book
distribution is especially the ghastha's duty. At least those who distributed
books before getting married should continue doing so in some form or an-

Llvatra Dsa: In our temple we have a number of ghastha men dis-

tributing books daily. They had good sakrtana training as brahmacrs,
and thus they kept on distributing books. A ghastha who does sakrtana
should arrange his family life simply, live in an unpretentious home, and
have modest needs. He should follow a good spiritual standard and not be
eager for great material comfort. By regular book distribution he can earn
enough to maintain a Vaiava family. Many times these ghasthas go out
with their wives. They go door to door or to shops. Sometimes they make
appointments, and sometimes they also use paraphernalia. Four of these
ghasthas are among the best book distributors in Italy.

Antaraga-!akti Dsa: From 1979 to 1987 I was a brahmacr on traveling

sakrtana. Then I married, but I continued distributing books. Sometimes I
go out with my wife. This is a big challenge to my, because her most pow-
erful weapon is the illusion of sex life. Men and women become attached to
sense objects, and then the whole mechanism begins to work: from lust frus-
tration arises, then anger and further degradation. So if we try to perform
book distribution as householders, my tries to stop us in every way. But
book distribution gives us the best shelter and protection. Sometimes we go
shop to shop in the morning. My wife wears a sr. The people don't mind.
But I prefer karm clothes. After our lunch break, we rush to a shopping
center or a parking lot for one or two hours. Then in the late afternoon we
go door to door in dhot and sr. Variety is the spice of life. But the point
of our enjoyment is to gratify the senses of Ka through our service. And
when the husband has that intention, the wife likes to assist him, and she's
willing to help distribute books.
Sakrtana Strategies 405

Vi!vadeva Dsa: By distributing books, ghasthas meet many interested

people they can further cultivate. Their program may even include pra-
sdam distribution, like catering, which earns a lot. Couples can combine
preaching and earning. There are always birthday or wedding celebrations,
some decent parties, and a few concerts where the famous, delicious Ka
food is much appreciated. Imagine how many contacts can come from such
engagements. This form of preaching in social circles is an exclusive
privilege of ghasthas.

Guru-!akti Dsa: Sometimes preachers forget that the brahmacrs in their

audience may be future ghasthas. Unbalanced, counterproductive preach-
ing creates problems in devotees' lives. Thus a brahmacr thinking of en-
tering the ghastha-#rama may have trouble admitting it. Someone who
remains a brahmacr through social pressure or out of contempt for the
ghastha-#rama, rather than out of conviction and mature detachment, will
be an unqualified brahmacr and an unqualified ghastha. He may fade
away and get married outside the temple or enter the ghastha-#rama re-
morsefully, which creates tension between a husband and wife. Preaching
shouldn't be directed against the ghastha-#rama but against the anarthas,
beginning with breaking the regulative principles. History has shown that
not even the basic principles can be followed if there's no higher taste
being derived from absorption in preaching. Each #rama has advantages,
therefore the advantages of the ghastha-#rama shouldn't be denied or rid-
iculed but clearly pointed out for the benefit of those who will enter that
#rama. This is important for ISKCON's future and for preaching to the
congregation. The ghastha-#rama's disadvantages seem obvious and are
naturally experienced by householders, and they should be clearly pointed
out. Yet simultaneously the positive features must also be defined and culti-
vated; otherwise we will spoil the potential for exemplary ghasthas engag-
ing in preaching and book distribution.

Regarding the departments not contributing to the temple,
this is not a very satisfactory situation. The method of con-
tributing should be that those who are not married should
contribute all their income to the temple, and those who are
married should contribute 50%. 41

Householders can sell books and get 15% commission on the

net income. The retail discount schedule will be as follows:
406 The Nectar of Book Distribution

1 2books, 33%;3 24books, 40%;25 99books, 42%; and 100

books and over, 50% (wholesale rate). 42

Harike!a Swami: Prabhupda said that book distribution is the best busi-
ness. He even said that our householders could maintain themselves by
distributing books and take a commission, 15% or whatever is required by
them to maintain themselves. Of course, that was in Prabhupda's time. To-
day it is more like 50%. In this way they have a personal income and aren't
dependent on the temple. They give money to the temple, and they support
the BBT. It's the best occupational duty for every householder in the move-
ment. And it's the way all householders can have their own places, do a lot
of preaching, and be very satisfied in Ka consciousness.

Pur#rav Dsa: I think ghasthas should learn how to distribute books, for
book distribution is a good way of having an income. If a ghastha or a
ghastha couple can do a hundred books a week at double the BBT price,
or even less, maybe fifty or sixty books a week, that's sufficient to maintain
the family, provided one is satisfied with the necessities of life. Considering
that, it's a good idea that everyone learns how to distribute books in the
beginning, because many devotees become ghasthas, and then they will be
able to maintain themselves by book distribution, even if they don't distri-
bute that many books.

Nsihadeva Dsa: In many places in rla Prabhupda's books it's men-

tioned that householders should give in charity. Reading this, I always think
of book distribution. The system Prabhupda set up is so nice that most of
what you earn, factually 75%, can be used directly to spread Ka con-
sciousness. You use 50% of your income to buy the books from the BBT.
Then you can give 25% to the temple and thus help spread Ka con-
sciousness locally. And 25% you can keep for maintenance. It's a nice for-
mula. So many people are benefited: not only the people you give books,
but also the projects that the BBT supports (especially Mypur) and the
local temple.

8.6 Distributing books and prasdam

Maidhra Dsa: In Gteborg we conducted a test. The devotees had the
idea of giving out prasdam along with books. It seemed to be needed be-
cause we had distributed for more than three years in the same town. We
started baking cookies and giving them out while distributing books, and it
Sakrtana Strategies 407

proved to be a nice experience. Some people didn't take a book, but got a
cookie anyway, and people were surprised to see that we weren't attached
to results. The book distributors met people who got cookies one day and
took books the next. Giving out prasdam is something helpful and pow-
erful provided the devotees are mature enough and don't get carried away
simply distributing cookies.

Caku Dsa: Once I tried distributing sweets along with books, but for me
it didn't work. Prasdam distribution should be done separately in large
quantities by devotees concentrating completely on that service. I like to
concentrate on distributing books.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Sometimes one sees wonderful reactions from peo-

ple who get prasdam. Whenever I have prasdam with me and meet nice
people who buy books, I give them prasdam and induce them to eat it on
the spot. While they accept the prasdam, I try to meditate on the power of
Ka's prasdam, and with that conviction, faith, and meditation, I can go
on to present the whole set. Sometimes people miraculously and suddenly
change their minds and decide to take the whole set. I met a nice, well-
to-do businessman who took three or four books. I gave him a cookie. He
walked away, and I had to go back to the van to get more books. Then I
saw at a distance how this man took one bite of the cookie, put the rest on
a ledge of a wall, walked about twenty meters, stopped, and then returned
to the place where he left the cookie and ate the other half. It was ecstatic
observing this scene and seeing how prasdam works.

Sarvtm Dsa: Prasdam is powerful, and people never forget it, whether
they get it from a book distributor or Food For Life or whatever. Once
some devotees in Texas needed a bank loan. They didn't know whether to
dress as devotees or karms, and deciding to depend on Ka, they dressed
as devotees. Entering the bank, they asked to talk to a loan officer. A young
man led them to a door marked Director, and there sat the director behind
his desk, inviting them to sit down and explain what they needed. Well, we
need a loan, but we don't have any credit." That's all right," the director
said. But we need $50,000 to $100,000." That's fine. I can approve that."
So the devotees were skeptical and asked him why he agreed so easily. He
said, I was a poor student at the University of Florida in Gainesville, and
you served lunch every day at the plaza on campus. I came and ate your
prasdam every single day. It was my only meal practically speaking, and
you guys saved my life. Thanks to prasdam I finished my studies, and now
408 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I'm the bank president. I'm just reciprocating with you for what you did for

Vijaya Dsa: Prasdam and book distribution go well together. In Miami

we were distributing cookies to all the airport workers and developing
many good relationships. For instance, one of the responsible men in the
airport passed by and noticed me and said, You know, we're going to have
a meeting in about five days, and I was wondering if you could supply us
with some of your cookies to start it off." When the meeting started, I went
in and distributed cookies to all the managers at the airport. That was really
nice and important for our public relations. Giving out prasdam along with
the books creates a good image for our book distribution.

8.7 Which books to distribute

Tripurri: Sometimes devotees ask, What's the best book to distribute?"
We're thinking that all of them are absolute, and it doesn't matter.
Prabhupda: Yes. It is just like a sugar doll. Anywhere you touch, it is sweet.
When I read the books, I open anywhere. Any book I take, and anywhere
I open, I read.
Devotee: It's sometimes hard for me to understand Caitanya-caritmta,
and I have the feeling that the karms will open the book, look into it, and
become offended because they won't be able to understand hardly a word
of it.
Prabhupda: No, Caitanya-caritmta is not meant for an ordinary person.
Bhagavad-gt, #opaniad and other things.
Tripurri: Ka book?
Prabhupda: Ka. They will read it as a story book. The Ka trilogy is
selling very nice?
Tripurri: Yes. The Nectar of Devotion also.
Prabhupda: Nectar of Devotion is very nice.
Devotee: And %rmad-Bhgavatams. They're attracted to %rmad-Bhgava-
Tripurri: Many of the karms appreciate the Fourth Canto, Part Four, the
story of King Purajana. They understand that.
Devotee: There are many psychologists at the airport. I would attract them
by giving them that particular volume dealing with the psychology of the
conditioned self.
Prabhupda: Yes, it is very nice. Purajana, his city, his gates, various man-
Sakrtana Strategies 409

Devotee: Sometimes we are encouraged because people come back to us

and say, I've got this volume, and I'd like to have the first part," or I'd
like to have the Second Canto."
Prabhupda: Sometimes they come and demand?
Tripurri: More books, yes.
Prabhupda: That is good. 43

Every book is meant for everyone"

Regarding The Nectar of Instruction, why not distribute it to
the common men? Every book is meant for everyone, but es-
pecially for the devotees. Please try to print a large number
so that it can be distributed just like %r #opaniad. 44

I am so much enthused to understand how nicely you are dis-

tributing our books. Actually these two books, Ka book
and Nectar of Devotion, are revolutionary to your country.
Not only your country, but all over the world. Nobody has
any clear idea of God. In hopelessness they declare that God
is dead. So these books will supply a clear idea of God. Not
only that, but I'm sure that anyone who reads Ka book
in two parts, Nectar of Devotion, and if possible Teachings of
Lord Caitanya, cannot go away from becoming a devotee of
Ka. So try to push our books, especially Bhagavad-gt As
It Is, TLC, Ka, and NOD, backed by a regular supply of
our magazines and regular performance of sakrtana. 45

In my heart I want that Ka book in small or large form

should be distributed in every home where there are En-
glish-speaking people. That is the immediate important busi-
ness how to distribute these books all over the world . . .
quickly distribute all books as soon as they are received. 46

This book-selling is the real preaching of our cult, especially

when you sell Caitanya-caritmta and %rmad-Bhgavatam.
They will understand what we mean by reading our books. 47

Variety according to time, place, and circumstance

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll, Concluding Words: After rla Bhaktisid-
dhnta Sarasvat hkura passed away, I started the fortnightly magazine
410 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Back to Godhead sometime in 1944 and tried to spread the cult of r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu through this magazine. After I took sannysa, a well-
wishing friend suggested that I write books instead of magazines. Maga-
zines, he said, might be thrown away, but books remain perpetually.

Generally, the book distributors we interviewed concentrate on the dis-

tribution of big and mah-big books, though not exclusively. For them, car-
rying small books, BTGs or magazines in the local language may be imprac-
tical because they're busy carrying a big stack of books. Besides, they can
distribute a big book to almost anyone anyway. But small books and mag-
azines are suitable for other devotees, especially beginners, who sell only a
few big books a day.

Navna-nrada Dsa: We should distribute rla Prabhupda's books, not

only cookbooks or small books like Coming Back. These smaller books add
spice to the distribution and provide variety for people taking a lot of books
or for those who already have them. The devotees should learn to distrib-
ute the big books. At first, a devotee may like distributing a certain book,
but to increase our distribution we should learn the art of giving more than
one book to a person. When we distribute mostly small or medium books,
the donations will remain small. But by our presenting the mah-big books
people are willing to give big donations. Many people are interested in our
books and willing to pay the proper price. So usually I try to sell at least
two hardbound books or more, and then I offer a small book or brochure
as a gift, which I clearly point out is the introduction to the other books. I
also show people which books they should read first. If someone takes sev-
eral books we shouldn't mind taking our time to explain how to proceed in
reading the books. It just takes a couple of minutes and leaves a nice im-
pression. For people who want to give just a few coins, a small book is the
solution. Don't give people only big books or nothing. But also don't give
only small books or nothing. We should give people a chance to buy big
books and make big donations. Of course, in some countries of Asia, Afri-
ca, and South and Latin America, small books are much more practical and
successful. A good physician knows how to administer medicine perfectly;
the dose should not be too big or too small.

Jhnav Dev Ds: People become devotees by reading Prabhupda's

books and by becoming attached to the association of devotees. For me,
having a relationship with somebody is more important than just giving him
a book. I'd rather give someone a small book than a big book if I feel that
Sakrtana Strategies 411

that's all he's ready for. A lot of Americans don't like to read big books.
Sometimes I meet people who received Bhagavad-gt or a Bhgavatam but
didn't understand it and gave up on it. They might have understood a small
book. So I give a big book, but I always have a small book ready. And I try
to give them both. I say, If you start with the small book, you will under-
stand the big book easier."

Harinmnanda Dsa: Following the instruction of rla Prabhupda, the

BBT wants to translate and print all the books of rla Prabhupda in ev-
ery language. That means the sakrtana devotees will distribute different
books at different times, depending on what's printed. In this way a great
variety of books will become available as the various BBTs grow strong
and gradually produce the entire set in all languages. Of course, a certain
number of each book will be kept aside so that full sets are readily avail-
able over a long period of time. When all of rla Prabhupda's books are
produced in a certain language, then the introductory books can be print-
ed again in big quantities. For example, in German we have all the books
translated, and we have some introductory big books for mass distribution,
which are printed in huge quantities. The larger the press run, the lower
the book price. But the people pay the usual price, and thus we can also
give the mah-big books along with the big books for a relatively cheap
price. With this system there's not a big price difference between big and
mah-big books, and therefore it's also possible to mass-distribute the more
expensive mah-big books, the Bhagavad-gt and %rmad-Bhgavatam. In
this way many people get more than one book. For example, if a person
takes five books, this means he gets two or three introductory books like
Science of Self-realization, Life comes from Life, the Prabhupda-llmta,
or Ka books, and one or two mah-big books. In other words, when the
BBT is strong, we can have up to ten mass-distribution books, including
Bhagavad-gt and %rmad-Bhgavatam, First and Second Cantos.

Caku Dsa: The main thing is distributing the mah-big books, Bhagavad-
gt and %rmad-Bhgavatam. The Bhgavatam is especially meant to create
a revolution in the godless existence of a misguided society. The Bhg-
avatam is the literary incarnation of Ka and nondifferent from Him. Of
course, not everyone will immediately understand these mah-big books,
so I start by putting two books in people's hands, a mah-big and a big or
medium book. I emphasize the mah-big book, and I present the big book
(like Science of Self-Realization or A Second Chance) as the introductory
book. I concentrate on giving people at least two books. Our distribution
412 The Nectar of Book Distribution

contains a big variety of books, including brochures and invitation cards.

But we experience different types of tastes by distributing different types of
literature. If you want to become a transcendental sense-gratifier, then dis-
tribute %rmad-Bhgavatam.

!rla Prabhupda on small books, leaflets, and pamphlets

I am especially pleased by your proposal of producing many
small leaflets and pamphlets to distribute widely to the pub-
lic. Karandhara has initiated this program, and his small
pamphlets are very, very nice and to the standard, so you
may also do that. 48

You are correct that leaflets destined to be thrown on the

ground should not contain pictures of Ka and Jaganntha.
Such leaflets may only be hung up for people to see. 49

This quote by the head of the religion department of Ober-

lin is very important: I think the best feature of the Hare
Ka movement is that it is providing scholars with author-
ized translations of the rarest books on ka-bhakti." This
should be printed in a pamphlet. Also, the fact should be
published that at Colorado Springs Library their eight vol-
umes of the Bhgavatam have been taken out seven times in
the past year. You print a poster, big type, and put the quo-
tation by the Oberlin professor. You can title it: How Our
Books Are Being Received. This will be a good advertise-
ment for our books. 50

The quote book, The Krishna Consciousness Movement is

Authorized," is very important. From each city find out the
important persons' names and post it. You can send it to
important members of the government, businessmen, enter-
tainers, sportsmen, and others. Another device is that you
can address it to Any Respectable Gentleman, Post Of-
fice..., City..., State...." The postman will then deliver it to
some respectable gentleman. Everyone who gets it will think:
I am a most respectable gentleman because he has given
it to me." The best thing is to get the mailing list of some
big magazine like Time or Life and post it to those people.
Sakrtana Strategies 413

I think the post office can give a concessionary rate for huge
postings. 51

Regarding Krishna Consciousness Is Authorized," . . . re-

gardless of the response, we should distribute this book indis-
criminately to selected persons as I have already indicated:
renowned businessmen, medical men, government officials,
scientists. Your new membership publication should be in-
cluded with Krishna Consciousness Is Authorized" in any
mass mailing. 52

Wherever you deliver your lectures to students, try to intro-

duce at least our small books. If the students purchase these
cheaper, smaller books they will get a permanent impression
of Ka consciousness. 53

This conversation [between Dhadyumna and Professor

Verdu from the University of Kansas] can be published as
a small pamphlet similar to the one published originally as
The Vedic Way." You can also include some book reviews
from important professors and an advertisement for Cai-
tanya-caritmta. . . . It should be printed so that the temples
can give it to persons who offer small donations, even too
small for a BTG. 54

8.8 Sakrtana meetings

%rmad-Bhgavatam 3.25.25: In the association of pure devotees, discussion
of the pastimes and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is
very pleasing and satisfying to the ear and the heart. By cultivating such
knowledge one gradually becomes advanced on the path of liberation, and
thereafter he is freed, and his attraction becomes fixed. Then real devotion
and devotional service begin.

Regular meetings
%rmad-Bhgavatam 3.29.17 p: For a devotee, there is no point in making
friendships with ordinary persons; he should make friendship with other
devotees so that by discussing among themselves, they may elevate one
another on the path of spiritual understanding. This is called ia-gohi.
414 The Nectar of Book Distribution

In Bhagavad-gt there is reference to bodhayanta parasparam, discuss-

ing among themselves." Generally pure devotees use their valuable time in
chanting and discussing various activities of Lord Ka or Lord Caitanya
among themselves. There are innumerable books, such as the Puras, Ma-
hbhrata, Bhgavatam, Bhagavad-gt, and Upaniads, that contain count-
less subjects for discussion among two devotees or more. Friendship should
be cemented between persons with mutual interests and understanding.

Harinmnanda Dsa: A most important factor for creating a sakrtana

spirit within a temple is the regular sakrtana meeting. Ideally every week-
end the devotees should meet in a group, have a small bhajan, read the
week's results and discuss sakrtana topics. Tell some lls and get fired
up for the next week. This has to go on. Furthermore, every few months
there should be bigger meetings of sakrtana devotees from other cities,
the entire country, or nearby countries. On Nsiha-caturda, for example,
we have such a meeting on the German farm attended by sakrtana
devotees from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and sometimes even Scandi-
navia, England, or Italy. Another good opportunity for a sakrtana festi-
val is after the Prabhupda Marathon. And once a year, the devotees meet
in Mypur to get the required association and inspiration to continue
book distribution the next year. These different kinds of inspiration must
be there; otherwise it will be difficult for many devotees to continue book
distribution, especially if they live in a temple where the sakrtana spirit is
not yet prevalent. That spirit has to be created. But it doesn't come over-
night. It must be cultivated, and for that purpose regular sakrtana meet-
ings are really essential.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Many things need to be heard again and again, and
therefore we must have sakrtana meetings once every Sunday or at least
twice a month. We must remind ourselves all the time about all the points
concerning book distribution to avoid falling into the traps of thinking:
I'm the doer and the enjoyer, and I'm supposed get some profit and adora-
tion out of these activities," or There are more important things to do," or
Let's just give out the books and not worry about how we distribute them,"
or Something is wrong with book distribution." These are some traps to
avoid; otherwise our minds will have a chance to victimize us. Of course,
the only things we can interrupt are our own devotional service, progress,
and engagement in book distribution. Book distribution itself can never be
stopped. But if we are inattentive or foolish, we may stop ourselves, and we
will regret it later. So it's just a question of keeping oneself in the right asso-
Sakrtana Strategies 415

ciation. Regular sakrtana meetings give us the opportunity to discuss the

pitfalls, protect ourselves, and emphasize the sources of inspiration. In that
way we will always keep the right spirit. By associating with the sakrtana
devotees, serving them, becoming a book distributor yourself, and satisfy-
ing the topmost sakrtana devotee, the spiritual master, we will become
joyful performing this most wonderful activity of distributing rla Prabhu-
pda's books.

Rohisuta Dsa: Prabhupda wanted big sakrtana meetings, which are

an opportunity for all the experts to meet and speak about their realiza-
tions of book distribution. Sometimes we cannot speak about sakrtana all
the time, although we'd like to, but today we have a book distribution day.
At least once a year, one day, we can speak about books, about sakrtana
only, and not fear that someone might not like it.

!rla Prabhupda on sakrtana newsletters and reports

I am in due receipt of your letter and the Sakrtana News-
letter, and I thank you very much for it. You can continue
sending me these newsletters as you publish them weekly. It
is this sakrtana that is the life and soul of our movement. 55

I have read this week's newsletter, and I like it very much.

You are doing very nice service. I have got all blessings upon
you, and I am ordering all temples to send you regular news.
You may send them a copy of this, my letter, . . . It is very
nice, and a great service to our cause. But everyone should
read it, otherwise what is the use? 56

I am in due receipt of your weekly Sakrtana Newsletter.

I am always happy to hear of increasing book sales. These
reports are very encouraging to me. Our real business is to
print and distribute books. By doing this business you are all
becoming recognized by Ka. Please try to continue work-
ing so nicely for Ka, following the rules and regulations,
chanting sixteen rounds, and studying my books, and you
will finish your business in the material world in this life and
enter into the spiritual world to live with Ka eternally. 57

This regular reporting is very encouraging for every one of

our devotees, and I have faith in your words that next year
416 The Nectar of Book Distribution

the figures will be far beyond what they were last year. It is
the nature of the spiritual energy; it is always increasing if we
just apply our energy. 58

I am in due receipt of your Sakrtana Newsletter. These sta-

tistics are very nice. I like very much receiving the report of
my book sales. I think it also gives encouragement to the
devotees who distribute the books. 59

Suggestions for sakrtana meetings

Have regularly scheduled meetings and prepare them.
Get devotees involved. Let everyone take part in discussions. Sakrtana
meetings shouldn't be one-way communications. Ask different devotees to
lead the meetings.
Discuss realizations and experiences and find out what devotees need to
hear and talk about.
Don't be afraid to examine motivation, enthusiasm, conviction, and tech-
niques: Am I convinced I am Ka's servant? Why preach? Why distribute
books? How can I become attached to preaching? Why take so much trou-
ble to give Ka consciousness to others?
Discuss the glories of distributing books.
Read relevant passages from rla Prabhupda's books.
Include rla Prabhupda's letters and lectures or excerpts of special inter-
est from previous cryas and present ISKCON leaders.
Bring out all the doubts, common difficulties, and problematic situations.
Create a positive, happy mood by being positive rather than negative and
grave. Gravity may appear dogmatic and turn devotees off. Everyone
should be encouraged to distribute books somehow or other that's the
mood. And the purpose of the sakrtana meetings is to encourage all devo-
tees to distribute as much as they can.
Encourage all forms of book distribution traveling, book tables, home
programs, preaching to guests, mass book distribution, library and college
preaching, FOLK distribution. Heavy, pushy statements or quotes can be
used sparingly, like chilies, to create enough heat to activate the digestion.
The more devotees derive positive inspiration from sakrtana meetings,
the more they will want to have them.
Sakrtana Strategies 417

8.9 Maintaining health

This body belongs to Ka, and therefore we must always
keep it in a healthy condition to the best of our ability. But if
due to some past sinful activities we are suffering some bod-
ily miseries, we should not become discouraged. Devotional
service must continue under all circumstances. This material
body is actually a bad bargain because it is prone to suffer,
but we must make the best use of this bad bargain. That
means to always be engaged in the service of Ka without
fail. 60

Dealing with disease

Keep your health in good condition and work very hard for
Ka. That is our motto of life. 61

Harike!a Swami: Sometimes sakrtana devotees and sakrtana leaders are

extremely austere. When they fall ill, they don't think that they require spe-
cial attention, and they go on serving despite their illness. This is not good
from two points of view. The first is that the illness may increase when one
doesn't take care of himself, or the disease may become a chronic condition
that cannot be easily cured later. The second is that when one neglects his
own illnesses he tends to be callous toward the diseases of others. He thinks,
I wouldn't care if that were happening to me, so why should we waste time
treating it?" That attitude is impersonal and will create trouble for others.
So one should take care of both himself and others. But sometimes devo-
tees become overly concerned with their bodies. Although we must take
care of the body, we know that the problems we face are a product of our
past sins and there's not much we can do about them sometimes. After re-
peated attempts to cure ourselves, if we find it is impossible or extremely
difficult, we should give up the endeavor and simply depend on the mercy
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Knowing how much to endeavor
for good health requires a lot of maturity. If the temple president possesses
that maturity he can nicely take care of the devotees in the temple accord-
ing to their needs. The temple leaders should try to acquire that experience
and maturity.
Devotee: Sometimes I am unable to go out on book distribution because of
sickness or weak-mindedness. What should I do in that situation?
Harike!a Swami: It may be just your foolishness in not taking care of your-
self. Sometimes we are labeled as our own worst enemy. Overeating or not
418 The Nectar of Book Distribution

being clean are two good ways to get sick and break down. Being in anxiety
is another way to break down. Another way is having karma strike you. So
if it is due to overeating, eat less. If it is due to uncleanliness, clean up. If it
is due to anxiety, calm down. If it is due to your karma, chant Hare Ka.
Figure out the cause, attack it directly, and engage yourself in service again
as soon as you can. (From a class in Zurich on August 28, 1991)

Taking rest
If you are feeling tired, you may take rest. Your body is very
valuable. It is dedicated to Ka, so you must take care of
the body very carefully. 62

Rohisuta Dsa: Sometimes one simply has to take a nap during the day,
because too little rest disturbs the intelligence. We should rest enough to
be able to concentrate and feel fresh. When you feel foggy, you shouldn't
artificially push on. People will see you and think, Who's this nervous guy
stumbling and yawning?" So you have to know when to take your break,
maybe after two or three hours of distribution in the morning. But not after
one hour; then you have to fight and really push on. At noon you can take
a little rest, about fifteen or thirty minutes maximum. Otherwise it will go
too far one or two hours. It becomes like a delirium full of heavy dreams,
and it will take a lot of energy to get yourself together again. So make it
a point: twenty or thirty minutes of rest, then read, take prasdam, and go
out again with full power.

Harike!a Swami: Taking a nap may be good if you are tired, but if you are
just in my, taking a nap is the worst thing because it throws you further
into the mode of ignorance. If you're really tired, then taking a nap is enliv-
ening. Book distributors may require seven or eight hours of rest. Prabhu-
pda authorized that in the early days of book distribution because of the
heavy physical activity required in this service. They are allowed to take
more rest, so they shouldn't feel bad about that. Sakrtana devotees should
have enough physical strength to do their service throughout the day. But
they shouldn't stay up late and get up late. They should go to sleep early
and get up at the regular time after getting the proper amount of sleep.
That's better for Ka consciousness and creates good habits that can be
maintained. If one develops bad habits, they tend to remain even when one
is not doing sakrtana.

Maidhra Dsa: In the beginning I was scared to take rest because I

thought I would forget Ka and wake up and be a demon. Of course, we
Sakrtana Strategies 419

have to be practical on sakrtana. When a devotee is just tired, he shouldn't

mind taking a nap; otherwise the mind becomes weak. Then my can influ-
ence him easily and agitate his mind or make him envious of the karms. If
you're tired, just take a little rest and then go out again.

Caku Dsa: Devotees have different bodily constitutions. On a particular

day, one sakrtana devotee may take rest at ten o'clock, whereas for an-
other it's better to go to sleep at eight o'clock, otherwise he'll still be tired
and won't be able to chant and hear his rounds nicely. For him it may be
better to sleep longer and chant his rounds attentively. In that way he'll
get the benefit of chanting and become spiritually enlivened to distribute
books. If you take more rest you may have a few hours less to distribute,
but if your extra rest was not my but simply a need of the body, then in
those fewer hours you can distribute more books because you've chanted
good rounds. We're not machines, and we're each different. Sakrtana is
tough on the body. You have to work a lot, you have to carry around many
books, and you're always traveling around, sleeping in the van, tolerating
heat and cold. After some time you begin to feel worn down, and different
bodies react differently. So if temple devotees happen to see a sakrtana
devotee taking a little extra rest, they shouldn't forget these points.

Regarding the temple management, one man can be left be-
hind to take care of the Deity, while the others go out. And
you can come home at night and take prasdam sumptuous-
ly. Once eating sumptuously is enough to maintain body and
soul together. In the daytime you may not take, and at night
you can take. As a matter of fact, a devotee may take only
once in a day either in the day or night, and whenever you
eat, you must first offer. But I do not mean you should ne-
glect temple life. Do not misunderstand this. But one man
can remain, and as far as the other devotees are concerned,
they can eat once in the day or night, after having krtana,
then take six hours of sound sleep, and this will maintain
their health properly. 63

Harike!a Swami: Sakrtana devotees have to eat properly. They shouldn't

eat just cold yogurt and peanuts that they throw down their throats. They
should cook properly. Every sakrtana vehicle should have a little stove
and a pressure cooker. Then they can cook kichari with vegetables. The
temple devotees should make bread and give it to them each weekend or
420 The Nectar of Book Distribution

mail it to them so that they always have some fresh bread. The devotees
should never have to eat karm bread, because bread made by karms is full
of karma and will destroy the enthusiasm for sakrtana. Food prepared by
karms makes one's mind wicked. Therefore when the sakrtana devotees
return to the temple on the weekends, they should fill up their hearts with
krtana and devotional association and fill up their vans with enough food
supplies to last them a week. Of course, they shouldn't eat so well that it
becomes a sense-gratification party. That's happened in the past. The devo-
tees ate so well that they just fell asleep and never got out the door after
eating. There must be a balance. They must eat enough to get strength, and
then they should go out. They shouldn't hang around in the van, but should
get out the door and burn off those calories.

Back problems
Vijaya Dsa: Book bags can certainly harm a devotee's back. My back got
really messed up carrying a book bag. Now I carry one book with me.
Devotees should be concerned about their health because we want to go on
distributing books for many, many years.

Premrava Dsa: I was using a book bag during the first two or three
years, and now I can carry one or two books. I had to stop, because my
back doesn't work anymore.

Nirgua Dsa: When I work a parking lot, I use a buggy. I roll a personal
shopping cart around, which holds the box or bag of books. I also use big
paper grocery bags, doubled or tripled, filled with books, and I alternate the
arms I carry that in. In this way I'm just holding the books in my arms and
I don't have a bag dragging down one of my shoulders. You can also have
a source of books next to you, locked some place on the street, and carry
a small book bag or just carry small books in your pockets and big books in
your hands.

Rohisuta Dsa: In the beginning I had big book bags. I used to carry
around fifty or sixty books. But you can't go on for long like that, other-
wise your back will be finished. Soon we found better methods. The easiest
method is driving the van right to the spot and distributing from the van.
We also have two-wheeled carts like the shopping carts women use for gro-
ceries. We got in touch with the producer of such carts and chose the most
solid models, which can carry a hundred or a hundred and fifty books. They
Sakrtana Strategies 421

are expensive, about $300, but ideal for devotees who do big but can't dis-
tribute right from the van. You have a big quantity of books with you, but
you're free to move.

Transcending the body

This body is called the temple of diseases. As long as there
is no disease it is wonderful, but when there is disease it is
not wonderful. So this is the temple of disease. Of course,
you are all very kind upon me. Whenever I am slightly indis-
posed, you become concerned, and I thank you very much
for such anxiety. But as far as I am concerned, I always wish
only to expedite my mission of life to spread Ka con-
sciousness in the Western part of the world. 64

I may live or die. In either case I am with Ka. I asked

Ka to give me enthusiasm to continue up to death. A sol-
dier should die fighting on the battlefield. 65

Sakrtana warriors ask themselves, What's the use of investing a lot

of time on the body, whose duration can be finished any day? Why should I
be attached to dying healthy? Better to live a short life full of intense book
distribution than a long, cozy life without real absorption." For materialists
and even neophyte devotees this detached transcendental vision of sacri-
ficing the body in the fire of the sakrtana-yaja is distant, inconceivable,
even frightening. But it is purifying to hear of pure souls sacrificing their
bodies for the supreme cause of devotional service.

"acnandana Swami: The history of the sage Dadhci shows us how to sur-
render the body wholeheartedly to the mission of book distribution. In a
fight against the demons, the demigods asked the sage for his bones. Acting
upon the advice of Lord Nryaa, the demigods approached Dadhci and
explained that his bones were needed to constuct Indra's thunderbolt wea-
pon. Prabhupda says in his purport: For a devotee there is no difference
between living and dying because in this life a devotee engages in devo-
tional service, and after giving up his body, he engages in the same activity
in the spiritual world. His devotional service is never hindered" [6.9.55 p].
But Dadhci joked with the demigods. He said, Come on! The body is the
dearest thing, so how can you ask me for my bones? Don't you think this is
too much to ask?" Then the demigods said to him that a sober person will
422 The Nectar of Book Distribution

always work for the welfare of others. And soon Dadhci revealed his mind:
Just to hear from you about religious principles, I refused to offer my body
at your request. Although my body is extremely dear to me, I must give it
up for your better purposes because I know it will leave me today or tomor-
row. One who has no compassion for humanity in its suffering and does not
sacrifice his impermanent body for the higher causes of religious principles
or eternal glory is certainly pitied even by the immovable beings" [6.10.7 8].
So with body and bones, we should surrender to this eternal mission.
The eternally liberated souls also do sakrtana in the spiritual world by
praising the glories of Ka. Complete dedication to Ka means learning
to surrender body and bones in His service. This dedication is the qualifi-
cation for going back home, back to Godhead, and we can accept it as the
challenge of our human existence. Therefore rla Prabhupda continues:
The Ka consciousness movement needs many exalted, learned persons
who will sacrifice their lives to revive God consciousness throughout the
world. We therefore invite all men and women advanced in knowledge
to join the Ka consciousness movement and sacrifice their lives for the
great cause of reviving the God consciousness of human society. . . . Instead
of wasting one's life for temporary bodily comforts, one should always be
prepared to give up one's life for better causes. After all, the body will be
destroyed. Therefore one should sacrifice it for the glory of distributing re-
ligious principles throughout the world" [6.10.6 8 p]. (From a class at the
marathon festival in Zurich on January 1, 1991)

Interviewer: When you go out and distribute and your body is giving you
trouble, how do you tolerate it?
Harinmnanda Dsa: Is anybody not suffering from adhytmika-kle#a
[suffering caused by the body]?
Interviewer: Some people more than others.
Harinmnanda Dsa: Actually my back is finished. On Janmam I was
cooking for three or four hours, and I could hardly stay on my legs, be-
cause my back hurt a lot. Also, I cannot sleep on my back, and even lying
on my side is painful. But when I have a stack of books in my arms, then
my back is straight, and it's supported by the stack, so by Ka's arrange-
ment it isn't heavy for the back. Of course, I can't take forty books at once.
That's too many. There's a limit. You have to take care of the body. Sleep
in a good place, eat properly, and care for your health. But in Kali-yuga,
the body is bad. If you think only of your body, you will forget the mission.
If you want to wait for perfect health, you will never go out because there is
always something wrong with the body. If I thought of my back, I could sell
Sakrtana Strategies 423

only corn flakes. Now my spiritual master has instructed me to spare my

health and adjust my schedule accordingly. I always try to meditate on rla
Prabhupda. What problems do we have in comparison with him? Prabhu-
pda was elderly, and he had to tolerate so many pains and diseases, but still
he worked hard and traveled all over the world. What's our austerity? Now
we're young, and we should invest our youthful energy fully in Ka's ser-
vice. If we don't use it for Ka, what are we using it for?

Harike!a Swami: The only problem is you have to go to sleep at night. Isn't
that a problem? All day long you're absorbed in the ecstasy of book distri-
bution, but finally you have to go sleep. You have to go to sleep, and you
want to go to sleep, but when you wake up, it will be miserable. There
you'll be, sunk in ignorance, and you'll have to somehow or other drag
yourself out of your sleeping bag, throw cold water all over yourself, wake
the body up and again absorb yourself in Ka consciousness. Sometimes
people say we don't sleep enough, but any devotee can say that sleeping is
the worst part of the day. You have to wake up, and your condition is mis-
erable, because you have to dissipate the clouds of illusion and depression
that covered you when you were sleeping. It's best to jump up and imme-
diately attack the material energy by calling, Hare Ka! Hare Ka!
Ka Ka! Hare Hare!" Then the clouds of illusion start being blown
away. One goes to magala-rati, and again the spiritual energy erupts like
a volcano and pours nectar over everybody. So the point is to connect with
spiritual service and thus directly counterattack the material energy by us-
ing it in Ka's service. (From a class in Germany on December 31, 1982)

Rohisuta Dsa: You may have a healthy body, but what's the use of it if
you don't engage it in the sakrtana mission? Bodily strength is meant for
engagement in Ka's service, especially the distribution of rla Prabhu-
pda's books, which requires a lot of strength. But sometimes we see that
precisely those who are strong don't like to distribute books. Therefore, a
good body, as Queen Kunt says, can become a hindrance in Ka con-
sciousness. Every sakrtana devotee has this realization: In this material
world there is nothing good or bad; it's all bad because everything is sub-
ject to birth, old age, disease, and death. In other ages transcendentalists
entered the samdhi of nirjana bhajana or yoga trance in solitary places
in mountains. Nowadays we have the sakrtana samdhi of distributing
Prabhupda's books. Someone who is really in samdhi distributing books
feels no material pains. Although he may have a bad body, he doesn't mind
because he knows that in the end the body gets worse and worse anyway.
424 The Nectar of Book Distribution

It's an illusion to think the body will become better. Others are sacrificing
their bodies in the fire of lust and sense gratification, and their bodies be-
come burned out.
Carrying Prabhupda's books is a burden of love. A sakrtana devo-
tee who accepts that burden becomes protected by Lord Caitanya Him-
self. He becomes a brhmaa and mahtm. We should not be kpaas,
misers hoarding our bodily strength for ourselves. A brhmaa is merci-
ful. He takes a burden of love, and he distributes it everywhere. It is not
easy. It can be really heavy and difficult, but a sakrtana devotee accepts
it as a sacrifice. We have to sacrifice our body anyway. So why not do it
for the sakrtana-yaja? We will never be the loser. The more we give
our energy to Ka's service, the more energy we get. Ka is bhakta-
vatsala. He wants to help the devotees become more and more energetic.
This is described by Rpa Gosvm h yasya harer dsye karma ma-
nas gir: someone who sacrifices his body, mind, intelligence, and words
in the sakrtana movement is a liberated person although he has a mate-
rial body. A devotee who goes on distributing books year after year must
be receiving the direct mercy of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. Still the fact re-
mains that we have to carry these books; otherwise how will they be distri-
buted? They don't fly. Ka wants to see our endeavor, our sacrifice. Then
Ka becomes pleased, and by His pleasure we get ka-#akti. If there is
no one making this sacrifice, how can the younger devotees join and want
to help? But if they see the sacrifice of the sakrtana devotees, then many
will come forward to help: Why are you taking such a heavy burden? Give
some of it to me." That is actually the meaning of the sakrtana movement.
We should take the burden from the spiritual master. If we make such an
endeavor together, Ka will definitely send more and more devotees
hundreds and thousands. Thus more and more books will be distributed.

Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami (From Obstacles on the Path of Devotional Ser-

vice, pp. 62 65): The most shocking thing for any devotee, and a book dis-
tributor in particular, is to not be able to perform his service because of ill-
ness. At first, you do not want to accept it. You keep trying to act normal,
but the material nature forces you to the floor, and you have to submit. As
you lie in your sickbed, you worry that perhaps you are not actually sick;
maybe you are a malingerer; maybe you are not being sincere enough. You
have to deal with your physical illness and not feel guilty about it. . . . The ill
person has to accept the fact that he may be losing his popularity. The book
distributor who becomes ill is no longer praised daily for his record-break-
ing feats. People begin to forget about you. You no longer feel the satisfac-
tion that you are doing something worthwhile in Lord Caitanya's mission.
Sakrtana Strategies 425

Of course, the truth goes deeper than this, and yet a diseased person some-
times suffers disappointments because of these changes in his life. You are
out of the mainstream of the sakrtana movement. Everything continues.
The marathon continues, but you are sidelined. You are being humbled.
My list of things to do
falls to the side.
All I do is rest.
But one cry to Ka
is worth a hundred steps
of marching in pride.

Question: It seems as though when we try to give more to Ka than we

have, He enables us to do so. This is wonderful. But I have seen many
devotees burn to a crisp giving more than they had after some years. It
seems that steady service would be better. Yet when we surrender, Ka
gives more power. It must be dangerous to hold back instead of giving
everything to Ka. I have bodily problems now because of giving more
than I had for five years, but I don't want to give up book distribution.
What is the solution?
Harike!a Swami: One should pace himself if he wants to succeed in service
throughout his life. This should be done something like a long-distance run-
ner. For the majority of the distance, he paces himself to run swiftly and
steadily, neither jumping ahead nor falling behind. Then just before the
end, he starts increasing steadily, till he's flying at the finish line. Similarly,
a devotee should pace himself as best he can and keep up a steady pace.
How to do this is an individual decision. It isn't possible for an outsider to
fix your amount of service and enthusiasm. You have to do it responsibly
on your own, so that you succeed in serving Ka throughout your life.
I think this is the first time in history that so many religious books have
sold so popularly. Four thousand books in one day is a unique figure. Keep
distributing as many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure. We
must make a large propaganda program for Ka consciousness by distrib-
uting these books everywhere, all over the world." 1

9.1 Every devotee should experience book distribution

You are setting a very good example in that you yourself are
going with the traveling party. The Vedic concept of the com-
mander is that he must be in front in the fight, not that he
sits back behind the lines. 2

Once a week and during marathons

Rohisuta Dsa: Everyone should go out at least sometime. Many religious
people are enthusiastic to distribute their literature, so what to speak of us,
who have Ka's absolute knowledge in the form of rla Prabhupda's
books. Our book distribution benefits not only the people but also us. Even
if devotees go out and distribute only a few books, they get such a necta-
rean taste for Ka consciousness and so much preaching spirit that they
will do whatever they do otherwise with much more enthusiasm. Reading,
chanting, serving, and associating with other devotees all become more in-
tense and ecstatic if we connect ourselves with book distribution.

Gaur Dev Ds: Going out on sakrtana is the process for killing the
deep-rooted enjoying spirit in the heart. Therefore book distribution is cru-
cial because without it, devotees will never understand the process of giv-
ing everything to Ka, and the purification will be much slower. If all
the devotees could take up just a little book distribution, they'd benefit so
much. I'm convinced of it. Prabhupda said everybody should learn the art

428 The Nectar of Book Distribution

of book distribution, and I can see why he said that. I think we should real-
ly strongly encourage everybody to do that. All the older devotees who dis-
tributed books but now have other services should take it up again one day
a week and help the younger devotees, because without that help the youn-
ger devotees will never learn it. That's what we're here for. That's our job.
That's part of our service to Prabhupda, to purify the whole society. We're
not talking about just getting some results. Now we're talking about helping
people become pure devotees, really serious first-class devotees who have
a chance to go home, back to Godhead, in this lifetime.

Pur!rav Dsa: Maybe it's better to go out one week a month than one
day a week because one has more opportunities to get into it. If one goes
out for only a few hours once a week, it may be difficult to get into the
mood of book distribution. But if one goes out for a week, then the first
day may be difficult, but the next day one is already in the mood and can
build up his expertise. Of course, one cannot force everyone to go out. We
have devotees who become too disturbed if they have to go out or who just
don't know how to behave and deal with the public. Other devotees are
physically weak or have some important service like p"j or organizing fes-
tivals and book production. But the general understanding is that everyone
should know how to distribute books. It's a good principle and healthy for
the temple atmosphere.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: By going out regularly a devotee experiences

fighting my face to face and tastes the nectar of book distribution and
encounters the problems involved. By this direct preaching he sees where
he's at. Living and doing service in the temple, we may forget how much
we are in my and what our position is. But when we go out, we can
immediately see our anarthas and consciously begin to counteract them.
Book distribution is purifying; you can experience instant purification just
by going out and surrendering to the sakrtana-yaja. Regular book distri-
bution straightens one out. It's like the basic training in an army; everybody
needs basic training and afterwards may perform other services. So every-
body should experience book distribution because we're a sakrtana army.
It makes the sakrtana army strong if devotees in all departments have suf-
ficient sakrtana experience and can thus cooperate to push on sakrtana.

Navna-nrada Dsa: At least during the December marathon and even

once a week everybody should go out and distribute rla Prabhupda's
books to get the higher taste of book distribution and witness for himself
how people need the books, want the books, and appreciate the books.
Marathons 429

Jva Dsa: On sakrtana you are immediately confronted with your own
reflection you see people's reactions to you. If you're materially attached,
you'll get corresponding reactions. People will reject you, or troubles will
arrive. And if you're pure in heart, people tend to take books more easily,
and you don't even know how it happens. In either case, it's good for all the
devotees to experience book distribution. Then they don't forget how peo-
ple are suffering and struggling in the material world. Therefore every dev-
otee should be given the opportunity to go out. And if anyone is hesitant,
he should see by our example that book distribution is ecstatic and joyful.
Nothing compares to the joy of giving Prabhupda's books to a conditioned
soul. If we know how pleased the spiritual master is and how the spirit soul
gains from the book, we'll love to go out. Even if we distribute only one
book, it's worth going out. That one book starts a person's spiritual life, and
it doesn't matter to that person if it was the only book you distributed that
day. Even if you distribute nothing, people benefit just by seeing or touch-
ing a book, what to speak of buying and reading one. In any case, at least
you learn to appreciate this service.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Saying that everyone should go out regularly doesn't

mean all the devotees have to go to the Berlin shopping street and do bat-
tle in the land of passion. It means that for every type of person there's
some method of book distribution. A timid person may go out with a little
book table. Someone else might travel with the book distributors and do
the cooking or cleaning. Our farm devotees pile up the stacks of books for
us to reduce our work when we return on the weekends. And if some devo-
tees aren't disposed toward book distribution, they can perform harinma
or distribute magazines. All devotees can be engaged in the book distribu-
tion mission and feel part of it. That can develop when we work together to
whatever capacity we can.

Harike"a Swami: We have the once-a-week program, but sometimes devo-

tees find excuses not to do it. Those who do it find that it's blissful and
useful. Everybody who comes up in Ka consciousness from the ages of
eighteen to twenty should distribute books for two years and get some ba-
sic sakrtana experience, like going to the army.

Book distribution part of a devotee's training

Harike"a Swami: Book distribution will benefit the new devotees in many
ways. They will become enlivened, ecstatic, and regulated in sleeping and
rising. They'll be able to chant properly and will associate with sakrtana
430 The Nectar of Book Distribution

devotees. Those devotees being trained in book distribution will become

strong in spiritual life. If all the devotees have a connection with book dis-
tribution, they become strong together. They will also become interested in
reading the books, because they distribute them.

Maidhra Dsa: Book distribution is the best training one can get in Ka
consciousness. New devotees can do it without waiting for initiation (unlike
cooking or work on the altar). It is a most wonderful austerity, and it gives
a spiritual taste. I never had as much time for reading rla Prabhupda's
books as I had on sakrtana. We were reading two or three hours a day
in our sakrtana van. Plus you get the blissful association of inspired devo-
tees. So it is the best introduction to Ka consciousness, provided you are
given some personal care.

Jva Dsa: Book distribution is the best training because it gives us the
most intense experience of Ka consciousness. Book distribution teaches
us what Ka consciousness is all about. In the bhakta program we learn
the basics of Ka consciousness and hear about book distribution, and
then we have to do it. We learn the principle of accepting a spiritual master
and following his instruction to preach. So what does that mean? We hear
that book distribution is the best preaching, so we follow his instruction and
try it. Not everyone succeeds in continuing book distribution, but at least
by trying it he will have a deep appreciation for it no matter what service
he does later. He will know what it means to go out six to ten hours a day,
and he can bring that consciousness to any service and perform it nicely. So
book distribution has to be there as the basic training. Everyone should try
it for one or two years. Then he will never give up his relationship to the
sakrtana mission, and he will go out again during the marathons or once
a week or whenever.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Sometimes we hear the accusation that a sakrtana

devotee is rough, unpolished, and misbehaved. But then how is it that he
can distribute thousands of books to cultured people, common people, and
students? Actually, when you are out on sakrtana you have to become
the most sensitive, tolerant, polite, and refined person there is, especially
the most humble person, because some people just walk over your face,
and you have to accept that. Sakrtana is the best school for developing
the twenty-six qualities of a devotee. Therefore everyone joining ISKCON
should go on traveling sakrtana for at least one or two years to get some
experience and good training. In this way devotees will learn how to preach.
Marathons 431

Not that they think, Sakrtana is for just a few young devotees, the pas-
sionate ones who like to run around and talk to everybody." We should
guard against such misconceptions and go out ourselves. One will soon
learn how to present this most important knowledge in an interesting, in-
dividual way and be able to convince all kinds of people to appreciate and
buy our books.

Sarvtm Dsa: Before you even try doing any service, you should try full-
time book distribution. Then your real, spiritual tendencies will show up,
not just your material tendencies, and later you will be able to perform any
service in a much more peaceful state of mind.

Jhnav Dev Ds: There are many nice ways to serve Ka, but book
distribution is most effective in a devotee's life. I know it made a huge dif-
ference in my life. At one point I got kidnapped, and my abductors tried to
deprogram me. Honestly, I wonder if I'd have managed to pull through that
experience if I hadn't been going out full-time on book distribution. I had
been a devotee only a year when they snatched me, but because I had been
doing book distribution for a few months, I was fixed up and somehow able
to defeat the whole brainwashing trip they threw at me. I don't know if I'd
have been as strong without that training in book distribution. I am very
grateful for that.

Daynidhi Dsa: In the first few years of spiritual life we need good training
brahmacr training, preacher training, and especially book distribution
training, just as Prabhupda requested. The value of book distribution in
our lives cannot be overestimated, because this is the service that brings
us very close to Prabhupda. Printing and distributing books was Prabhu-
pda's very life and his most important service to his spiritual master. Of
course, if we preach such things we should ourselves try to do them. Leaders
should preach to the devotees this way but shouldn't force every devotee to
do book distribution. Some will be able to, others not. But we should have
clear minds about these points and set the example, and then devotees will
follow. That doesn't mean everybody will become a book distributor, but
there will be a good spirit of cooperation, and everything will go on nicely.

9.2 The importance of everyone going out

Regarding the temple management, one man can be left be-
hind to take care of the Deity while the others go out. 3
432 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Why it's important for one's spiritual life

My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broad-
casting the glories of Lord Ka's lotus feet, and thus my
Guru Mahrja will be pleased upon you. Certainly my Guru
Mahrja will bestow his blessings a thousand times more
than me, and that is my satisfaction. . . . Everyone should go
with the sakrtana party as soon as possible. 4

Nirgua Dsa: The reason I distribute books is because Prabhupda want-

ed it. That's what I was taught when I entered the movement, and that's
what most devotees did. I was brought up in that mood, and I kept it
even though now practically no one distributes books in some places. Be-
cause the training was there, I continued, and because Prabhupda wanted
it more than anything. Also, it's the best way to stay out of my. Some-
times many entanglements and unfortunate exchanges among the devotees
become disturbing. The best thing one can do in such a situation is to go
on sakrtana. Book distribution will cure all the my because it's also the
greatest nectar. What really keeps me going is I'm greedy for bliss. Sakr-
tana elevates me off the material platform. It is the best way to overcome
material desires, doubts, and fears, and to achieve the nectar for which we
are always anxious.

#akara-paita Dsa: It's a good opportunity to prove our faith in our

spiritual master. We can prove we're loyal disciples ready to make sacrifices
for his pleasure.

Guru-"akti Dsa: $rmad-Bhgavatam describes that Mahrja Parkit pre-

pared for death by listening to ukadeva Gosvm. I had a realization about
this while I was out during the marathon. All temple presidents know how
difficult it is to leave everything behind and just stand on the street and for-
get everything you usually have to do. I realized that it can be compared to
Mahrja Parkit's situation. He had to leave everything suddenly. So it is
just as if death comes. I had to ask myself, Will I be able to fix my mind
on Ka? Am I ready to do it?" And I realized that I am far from ready,
because sakrtana means full concentration on the lotus feet of Ka and
the spiritual master. The results we get are just the by-products of our ab-
sorption in Ka. Living in the temple is like going to school, and at the
end of the year there is a test the marathon. As soon as we go out on the
street to distribute books, we are able to check how far we've advanced in
Ka consciousness
Marathons 433

Ya"od-dulla Dsa: Those who don't take part in the Prabhupda mara-
thon are missing the most ecstatic opportunities of their Ka conscious
lives. Even if there's some struggling, the strength you gain from it will last
throughout the year. Who said spiritual life would be easy anyway? At least
we can realize that we have to make much more advancement, and that
makes us humble, pure, and ecstatic.

Caku Dsa: The marathon mood has to be cultivated. It's not just once a
year then we forget about it. Sakrtana is the yaja of the age. There's a
direct connection between chanting rounds and distributing books. Every-
one who goes out on marathons realizes that when he does his most intense
book distribution, then he chants his best rounds. That's the realization we
have to get from marathons. They give us spiritual strength, and we begin
to long for marathon situations that intensify our Ka consciousness.

Why it's important for ISKCON

Maidhra Dsa: Performing the Prabhupda marathon is a high point for
each temple, and everyone should concentrate on distributing books. That
solves all problems, which are mostly mental, because everyone unites in
the endeavor to please rla Prabhupda.

Rohisuta Dsa: Sometimes we tend to become complacent in our spiri-

tual lives. We perform our services routinely and think that's all we can do
or all we want to do. So we may lose our broader vision of the preaching
mission and forget that there are higher levels of Ka conscious bliss and
nectar. Therefore we need extraordinary situations that push us beyond our
self-imposed limits. That special push is the marathon. Regular book dis-
tributors must intensify their meditation and try to distribute more books in
a more fully absorbed way. Other devotees who don't go out regularly get
to leave their responsibilities and dive into the nectar ocean of book distri-
bution. We all learn to appreciate the same goal, and thus united we can
understand that all services are important. Whatever service is assigned to
us is meant to be a contribution to the sakrtana mission.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Marathons are important for the BBT because

extraordinary numbers of books are distributed. rla Prabhupda wanted
us to double book distribution each year. That also doubles the lakm go-
ing to Mypur. So at least during the marathons we should double our reg-
ular results.
434 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Harinmnanda Dsa: To go out alone on sakrtana is quite difficult. You

have to push yourself. You have to overcome many mental and practical
obstacles and do everything alone. Therefore sakrtana devotees go out in
groups. Devotees help and inspire each other. So just imagine if everyone in
the yatra goes out. What an intense atmosphere! That happens during the
December marathon. Those who don't go out perform the services of three
or four people in the temple. Sakrtana-yaja is the yuga-dharma, and
the more intensely it is performed, the more the yaja-purua, Lord Cai-
tanya, is pleased. During the marathon our meditations intensify. The tem-
ple devotees meditate on the devotees distributing books, and the distrib-
utors meditate on each other and on the devotees staying back worshiping
the yaja-purua on the altar. By the combined efforts of all the devotees,
Lord Caitanya becomes pleased, because sakrtana means a combined ef-
fort to glorify the Lord. By Lord Caitanya's mercy miracles can happen. All
the devotees distribute more than usual in this intense period of the year.
People buy books from whatever devotee they meet. Even a new, inexpe-
rienced devotee can distribute fifty to one hundred books a day. Formerly,
such results were sensational, but now even a new bhakta can do it on his
first marathon. This is due to the purified atmosphere built up through the
many marathons that have been performed over the last twenty years.

9.3 Marathons mean extra endeavor

Some day people will come to understand what valuable
knowledge they have received. It is transcendental literature.
Nobody can challenge it. It is done so nicely, without any
spot, the spotless Pura. Please continue like this to print
books in all the languages for the benefit of suffering, misdi-
rected humanity. 4

Maidhra Dsa: Once a year we make a concentrated effort to distribute

rla Prabhupda's books. We focus on this. If you focus the sun's rays
through a magnifying glass and direct them towards a dry object, the in-
tense heat creates a blaze. Similarly, we focus the sakrtana-yaja through
the magnifying glass of the marathon, and that invokes the Lord's presence
most effectively in this age.

Rohisuta Dsa: Marathon means single-minded determination, no other

desire than to please Prabhupda by distributing huge quantities of his
books. When Advaita crya and Haridsa hkura were petitioning the
Lord to descend, they weren't going to try for a few days and then quit.
Marathons 435

No. They were determined Lord Caitanya must come!" They were com-
pletely fixed in their understanding and determination. When the devotees
are determined to do something wonderful for the pleasure of guru and
Ka, they become empowered. We realize that we are helpless and de-
pendent on the Lord to accomplish something extraordinary in the mara-
thon. We have no strength, power, or devotion. But we have one thing
our desire. That every living entity has. When one's desire is directed to
Lord Caitanya's devotional service, the Lord becomes inclined to His dev-
otee and grants him all the required potencies.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: After being in Ka consciousness for some time we

tend to become content with the way we practice spiritual life. Well, I'm
living in the temple and doing my service." The mode of goodness settles
in. We follow our own program. We take Ka consciousness as an ordi-
nary affair. But Ka arranges to show us that everything is not all right.
No one can be happy unless the Supreme Lord is satisfied. And the Lord
is always in anxiety over the ignorant living entities rotting in the material
world. Therefore we cannot be happy unless we show compassion for the
suffering conditioned souls. How can we have peace of mind without caring
for them? That's why Ka created the marathon. For content, compla-
cent devotees it may be a disturbance to go out and meet the conditioned
souls. But it's not only for the benefit of the conditioned souls, it's also for
our benefit. If we go out during the marathon, we witness the miracles of
Lord Caitanya. In one sense, we still have doubts. We don't really appreci-
ate the mercy. To become really convinced we need additional experiences
of Ka's internal energy. The marathon provides the best opportunity for
everyone to get the highest realizations and have the most intense experi-
ences of the year. It reconfirms our faith in Ka's internal energy. It is the
greatest effort to push on the Ka consciousness movement. Therefore
we put everything else aside, minimize other programs, and channel every-
thing into the marathon effort of spreading Ka consciousness through
transcendental book distribution.

Vijaya Dsa: We try to go out longer and distribute more. It doesn't mean
pushing the people. It means pushing ourselves.

Harinmnanda Dsa: From the beginning of ISKCON's book distribution

era, when the devotees performed the marathon for only two or three days,
it was obvious that this special endeavor was most pleasing to rla Prabhu-
pda. And because the devotees pleased rla Prabhupda and Ka so
much, they became increasingly empowered. Within a few years Ka
436 The Nectar of Book Distribution

consciousness spread around the world by rla Prabhupda's mercy. He

was always on a marathon. Therefore we should follow his example and get
his blessings. That's how devotees become miraculously empowered and
not only the devotees but also the people who get the books. Normally they
wouldn't be attracted to transcendental knowledge or be interested in spiri-
tual life, but during the marathon even the most unlikely creatures suddenly
buy rla Prabhupda's books. It's rla Prabhupda's miracle. Through his
transcendental arrangement, once a year, the devotees all over the world
are intensely meditating on book distribution, and people are affected by
the intense, purified atmosphere that's created, and consciously or uncons-
ciously they tune in, and Lord Caitanya takes over the scene. But it starts
with the devotees' sincere desire to make the special endeavor.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Cakya Paita says that even the slightest fraction
of time cannot be purchased back with millions of dollars. Therefore even a
moment lost without absorption in Ka must be calculated as the greatest
loss in life (SB 3.10.11). So we cannot afford to space-out on book distribu-
tion. Every second is most valuable. Don't waste your life. Serve guru and
Ka!" that's the mood during the marathon.

Sarvtm Dsa: Marathon actually means running 42 kms. The people run-
ning marathons train long and hard every day and sometimes run even
longer distances to overcome fatigue and lack of breath and endurance. So
we should train for our marathon our whole life by distributing as many
books as possible, and we should know that our time is measured. Death
is the finish line, and that will be the final measure of how well we did the

Pur!rav Dsa: The marathon is important for devotees who otherwise

don't go out. It's their chance to set aside normal duties and taste the real
nectar of Ka consciousness, preaching and distributing rla Prabhu-
pda's books. For devotees distributing books year round, marathons are
their opportunity to surrender more. Sometimes we become complacent
and think, I do forty or fifty books a day." The marathon forces us to
surrender more. So it's beneficial for all the devotees. Nothing purifies the
temple atmosphere and enlivens the devotees as much as a good marathon
that everyone takes part in.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: Marathon means making a special endeavor for the
spiritual master. Our strength is limited. We cannot go out for ten hours
Marathons 437

each day of the year. But in the marathon we can concentrate our energy
and go out ten hours a day for a few weeks. We produce an extraordinary
result for the pleasure of the spiritual master. We don't waste time or en-
ergy. And by our special endeavor to please the spiritual master we realize
the strength is coming from him. Every day during the marathon there's a
tough period usually around noon. So I sit down and listen to part of a lec-
ture by my spiritual master, only five or ten minutes, even during the mara-
thon, and that gives me the strength to go out for many hours more.

Caku Dsa: A marathon is the best time to get the higher taste of book
distribution. To get more books out, we have to increase our desire to do
that. And to increase our desire, we need to intensify our chanting. There-
fore the marathon forces us to be more intense in our Ka consciousness.
By social arrangement we voluntarily force ourselves to transcend our usual
pace in devotional service and become more intense. Thus we increase our
book distribution and get a higher taste for Ka consciousness.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: Marathons are a special chance to make more ad-
vancement in a short time. As it's said in the Bhgavatam, What is the use
of a long life if there is no spiritual consciousness?" During a marathon we
can make more advancement than we can in years of lazy consciousness.
In a marathon everyone becomes intense: Let me give as much energy as
I can to Ka." We don't give my a chance. As soon as my comes we
say, No, forget it! I want to serve Ka now."

Premrava Dsa: Some may say a marathon means forcing, pushing, and
burning out the devotees. It should mean stepping out of the daily routine.
I've had no bad experiences. But if the word marathon is used all the time,
it loses its importance. Of course, we should be on a marathon all the time,
but when we speak of marathon, we really mean the special endeavor to
distribute rla Prabhupda's books. If every week a marathon is declared
for some special reason like a cleaning marathon or a lakm marathon
devotees might become fed up, and when the real marathon comes, it won't
seem as intense. Aside from that, the marathon is an extremely nice op-
portunity to surrender to Ka. We have no other idea than distributing
books, and by our endeavor we become powerfully determined: vyavasy-
tmik buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana.

Navna-nrada Dsa: If we'd always remember what rla Prabhupda said

about book distribution and how much it pleases him, how much he feels
438 The Nectar of Book Distribution

indebted to devotees who take up this mission, then we'd understand more
and more the importance of the book distribution. Time is short. We
shouldn't delay. Otherwise it will be too late. We'll have an old body be-
fore we know it and be incapable of the strenuous activity of book distribu-
tion. Economic crises or wars or other difficulties will present themselves.
Therefore we should take the opportunity now while we're young and have
enough books and good facilities to distribute the mercy to everyone; and
at least during the marathon everyone should try it.

Jva Dsa: Always try to increase, because the mercy of the books is unlim-
ited. Find ways to increase the quality and the quantity of your distribution.
Don't think that what we're doing is good enough. It's important to try to
increase because the spiritual energy is nandmbudhi-vardhanam, ever-in-
creasing. We can't say, That's enough," because Ka's potencies are un-
limited. We must try to realize that.

Harike"a Swami: Everybody has his service, obligations, duty, and mis-
sion everybody knows what has to be done. Now it's a question of doing
it, and I'm sure that will be no problem: we have many mahraths here.
And so many mahrathins ! New category mahrathins. Formerly there
was no such thing, but now we have so many. Now you have to use your
great personalities. What's the use of standing around being a great perso-
nality? You have to do something. Now is the time to do it and do it well
and do it better and become happy. Why is it that everybody's happy du-
ring the marathon? It's because we're surrendering to Ka, finally. After
ten months of not surrendering, we're finally surrendering and becoming
blissful. And then my returns on January 1st. We think, Enough surren-
der," and everything's finished. But I remember one year in Germany. We
did better in January than in December. Usually everybody thinks, Now
it's hopeless; there's no way; it's impractical bah!" But that year we for-
got to think that way, and everything went better. That is spiritual energy,
and everything else is material. So we request everyone to kindly take the
marathon seriously, then all perfection will come. We guarantee it. It's a no-
money-back guarantee, because you're not paying anything. But just go out
and try it, and you will be amazed what happens. (From a class in Switzer-
land on October 23, 1984)

9.4 Competition
If there is a transcendental competition for increasing the
sale of books, that is good. If a person buys one book, his life
Marathons 439

may be turned. That is the best preaching work. But every-

thing must be done in the spirit of cooperation, without any
irritation. 6

!rla Prabhupda on transcendental competition

You state that you will be the largest distributor of BTG
in the world. This statement is very pleasing to me because
more than anything I want that my students should distrib-
ute my books and literatures profusely all over the world,
and this should be our foremost concern, how to do it prop-
erly. But one thing, now you must try very hard to live up to
your promise of becoming the largest distributor. 7

Competition and a profiteering spirit are always there in the

living entity. It is not that they can be artificially removed in
some manner. Factually we saw in Russia that by their re-
moving competition and the profit-calculation from society,
the people were not at all happy. So we shall not expect that
we are any different. The only difference is that our profit
is for Ka's pleasure and our competition is how to please
Ka more than someone else. Even among the gops there
is a competition to please Ka, and there is envy also. But
this envy is not material, it is transcendental. They are think-
ing, Oh, she has done something more wonderful than me.
That is very nice. But now let me do something even more
wonderful." Like that. So I am pleased that you desire a
competition with your Godbrothers to spread the Ka con-
sciousness movement all over the world. 8

I am greatly pleased to hear from you that you have in-

creased the book selling five times more in the Chicago cen-
ter. That is very good news to me. Yes, there must always be
competition. That gives life. That cannot be separated from
life. Santana dharma means the strong will utilize the en-
ergy of the weak, the weak must serve the strong. That we
see everywhere, is it not? Who can deny it? So that compet-
itive spirit makes us strong, otherwise it is a society of weak
men only, and what is the good of such a society? But if you
ask anyone, Are you weak or strong?" he must answer that
he is weak he cannot control even his toothache, what to
speak of his death. Therefore, in fact, it is a society of weak
440 The Nectar of Book Distribution

men. Everyone is weak before Durg Dev, or the material

energy. If you see her picture, the foolish materialist is being
held by the claws of her tiger carrier, while she pierces him to
death with her trident weapon. She has ten arms, each with
a weapon. She is so strong, but we are so weak that simply
by being pierced with her trident the three-fold miseries
the foolish materialists are all defeated. And before Ka,
Durg Dev is very weak Ka is the controller of Durg.
So Ka is the strongest sattva sattvavatm aham: I am
the strength of the strong." Therefore being weak it is
the eternal occupational duty of the living entity to surren-
der to Ka, that's all. In surrendering to Ka, if every-
one does it, still the brhmaas will be served by the lower
castes, the kings will be served by vai%yas and %"dras, the vai-
%yas will be served by the %"dras, and the %"dras will serve all
higher castes. There is still utilizing the weak by the strong.
But feeling themselves always very much weak in compari-
son to Ka, the whole society serves the strongest, there-
fore there will be no envy of the stronger by the weaker class
of men. So perfect society, or Vedic society, does not elimi-
nate competition competition, stronger and weaker, must
be there but it eliminates envy, because everyone is weak
before Ka. Is that clear?
Regarding your other question, Should we become de-
tached from the results of our activities, or should we sim-
ply become attached to the lotus feet of Ka?" the answer
is that both of these philosophies are right. One should not
be attached to his personal achievement. But if one is at-
tached in order to please his spiritual master, then it is all
right: unattached to my benefit, attached to Ka's bene-
fit. Ka consciousness means attachment for Ka and de-
tachment from personal benefit, that's all. But in any case, if
there is a fight amongst yourselves over these things book
distribution, competition you should not develop ill-feel-
ing. That depends on the persons. If ill-feeling is there, then
stop it, and all together chant Hare Ka. Those who are
behind should eulogize those who are advanced. If you be-
come envious, that is material. Attachment, detachment
these things are natural. If you become attached to some-
thing, you become detached from the other thing. So we can
estimate our advancement in this way. This is the test. In the
Marathons 441

Ka consciousness movement there is no question of en-

viousness, hatred, things like that. Material life means ha-
tred for Ka and desire for matter. So we have to convert
ourselves. When one becomes Ka conscious, actually, he
does not even hate material things because he becomes ex-
pert in using everything for Ka. Ka consciousness is
so nice. We do not hate anything material because we have
learned from our disciplic succession how to utilize material
things for Ka's service. Actually, bhakti means realization
of the Supreme, and this means increasing attachment for
Him and reforming of detachment, or hating material name
and fame. 9

Sometimes we may differ, but Ka is the center. Just like in

Vrindaban, there is Rdhr's party and there is Candr-
val's party. Ka is the center of both parties. So even
there is competition between the parties, but they coincide
in Ka. 10

The transcendental competition is nice. If Jayatrtha Prabhu

defeats Taml Krishna Mahrja, then Taml will have heart
failure. Go on selling books. My Guru Mahrja was very
much anxious about selling books and preaching, so you are
pleasing him by this flood of books all over the world. Thank
you. 11

In competition in the material world one thinks, My com-

petitor can do so much, how can I bring him down?" In the
spiritual world there is appreciation: He has done so nicely,
I could not do as well." 12

!rla Prabhupda himself took part in competitions

It is Lord Caitanya's blessing upon you that you are exe-
cuting His order, pthivte che yata nagardi grma sarva-
tra pracra haibe mora nma. You are doing this very nice-
ly. I heard that the western zone distributed more than your
Rdh-Dmodara traveling sakrtana parties. Is there a
competition between you and Jayatrtha Prabhu? That is
nice. The BBT says that they are publishing at the speed of
my translating and that you will distribute at the pace of their
publishing. That's nice. But still I am ahead in my translation
442 The Nectar of Book Distribution

work. They now owe me the Sixth Canto of $rmad-Bhga-

vatam. I am working on the Seventh Canto already. 13

I have been receiving so many reports about how [you] my

disciples in the San Francisco temple cannot be surpassed by
anyone in distributing my books. Sometimes you are selling
as many as seventy Ka books daily. So if this is true then
certainly when I return to the U.S., I must come and stay
in your temple. By distributing my books profusely you are
giving me great encouragement to translate. And you are all
helping me to fulfill the order which Guru Mahrja gave
me. So I am so much grateful to you, and I am sure Ka
will bless you a million times over for doing this work. 14

I am in an especially cheerful mood to hear that our books

and literatures are now being widely increased, but I don't
think you will be able to approach near to the large amount
of books being distributed by our California centers, espe-
cially in San Francisco. But if you can, then I shall certainly
come there to Detroit and live there and translate there. I
want to go and stay wherever they are selling the most books.
But I do not think that anyone will become better than San
Francisco. 15

With pleasure I have noted that you are rivaling the West
Coast centers in the matter of selling books. But I do not
think that anyone can do better than they are doing. But you
may try very hard, and if you are sincere enough then you
may be the biggest distributor of my books, and then I shall
surely come to your Cleveland center to live there in that
new house. When Ka sees that His devotee is sincere,
there is nothing He cannot do to help that sincere devotee to
advance towards Him. So I am engladdened to understand
from your words that you are serving Ka very sincerely,
and you may know it for certain that in this way you shall
very soon go back home, back to Godhead. 16

Realizations about competition

Harike"a Swami: It doesn't matter whether someone is capable of doing
ten thousand books a day and another person can do only ten. That's not
Marathons 443

the point. The point is that one has gone out taken his valuable time and
tried to distribute some books to the fallen souls. If someone has even tried
to do that, Ka is pleased with him. Then he is glorious. Ka is pleased
with all His devotees. Not everybody can be number one. Only one man
can be number one. And it is difficult. It's a lot of work. There is a tran-
scendental competition. It's just as glorious to come in number two, num-
ber three, and number four. This is all glorious in the eyes of the Lord and
the spiritual master, and he accepts us all equally for the wonderful service
that has been done. (From a class in Zurich on December 31, 1989)

Gta-govinda Ds: rla Prabhupda said, Our competition is how to

please Ka more than someone else. There must always be competition.
That gives life. That cannot be separated from life. The perfect society
doesn't eliminate competition, but it eliminates envy, because everyone is
weak before Ka." Competition is the thing that pulls me up from the
mental platform to the spiritual platform. When I'm on the mental platform
and I listen to my mind saying things like My body is so tired," or Time
goes so slow," or There are no people here," then the competitive spirit
makes me forget all those things and elevates me to the platform where I
can just keep chanting the Hare Ka mantra while I go from person to

Pur!rav Dsa: Usually we aren't purely motivated to do sakrtana simply

for Ka's pleasure and the pleasure of the spiritual master. Devotees who
derive their sole inspiration from those sources are rare. And even they cul-
tivate the competitive spirit, so what to speak of us. Competition is impor-
tant. It pushes the devotees to exert themselves, and ultimately Ka is the
winner anyway, because sakrtana is glorification of Him. Ka is always
number one.

Navna-nrada Dsa: Prabhupda said we have to have competition, other-

wise we become lazy. During the Prabhupda marathon, when everyone is
trying to do big, one is forced to surrender more. When one is forced to sur-
render more to Ka, he automatically thinks of Ka more intensely and
begs Ka more sincerely for His mercy. Thus Ka naturally becomes the
center. If we try to do something extraordinary, we have to absorb ourselves
by praying to Ka for the intelligence and His mercy to do it. Ka says,
ye yath m prapadyante ts tathaiva bhajmy aham. Ka will give us
intelligence. We should pray to do a thousand books a day. That seems im-
possible, but if we sincerely try and pray, then maybe we will start to do five
hundred books a day, and that certainly pleases the spiritual master.
444 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Harinmnanda Dsa: From the very beginning I always wanted to know

how much the other devotees distributed. For example, I wanted to know
how much the leader distributed when he was out the first week, how much
after a half year, and how much after one year. I was impressed by these
Vaiavas and wanted to follow in their footsteps. I would tell myself, If
they can do it, why shouldn't I be able to do it?" I had heard that the most
fallen have the greatest claim to the mercy of Gaura-Niti. So I thought,
Why shouldn't I take the opportunity?"

Jhnav Dev Ds: Prabhupda said transcendental competition," and I

think that is nice, but only to a degree. I know that I competed with the
men; for a time I just wanted to do bigger than any of the brahmacrs. I
really thrived on that. But I could see how it was contaminating, and it was
such a pathetic reason to go out. Competition should be there, but along
with the proper preaching of the philosophy so that the devotees never get
carried away by it. I have a competitive nature, so I can easily get carried
away. There can be negative effects attachment, frustration, discourage-
ment. Devotees have to understand that the competition is just a way to en-
courage everyone.

Caku Dsa: No one is forced to take part in the competition. If somebody

cannot stand competition, he must not compete. He can just do his distri-
bution and not compare himself with others. But for most devotees it's an
inspiring factor. For example, most devotees are eager to see the sakrtana
list every weekend and look up their positions and the position of the tem-
ple. As far as I can see, it's inspiring. And in the World Sakrtana News-
letter we can see how the whole ISKCON world competes. More and more
temples report their results, and it's exciting and contagious. If the mood
weren't spiritual, then not so many temples would take part. They'd say,
It's material, and we're spiritual. We don't want to give our results." But
no, it's transcendental, ever-increasing bliss.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: If one would say, We don't have to read the re-
sults because the competition is material," that would be artificial. It re-
quires spiritual vision. One shouldn't be afraid to compete in Ka's ser-
vice, because competition exists on the spiritual plane, too, but in a pure,
pleasant form meant to please Ka. And for pleasing Ka you can nev-
er do enough. His service is ever-increasing. Therefore we shouldn't arti-
ficially avoid competition or think it will become material. If we see it as
material, Ka will help us purify our material conception of competition.
Marathons 445

A transcendental competition is a wonderful way to purify such a material


Tapas Dsa: Sakrtana isn't an ordinary activity. Therefore the competition

in the marathon isn't mundane. It's not competing for a place in the mate-
rial world. There's no question that a marathon is mundane; otherwise how
is it that everyone feels purified afterward? The purification is the reward
and the real success.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: We should be concerned with how much we're doing

and not just be impersonal. Well, it is all up to Ka. It has nothing to
do with me." We are monitoring our performance of the service so that we
strive to do it better. But everybody has his style. Not everybody is com-
petitive. Take me, for example. I just compete with myself, because when
I compete against others, I become attached, envious, and offensive. But
those with a good spirit become really fired up.

A case history of a marathon competition

Prior to the 1989 Prabhupda Marathon, the North European BBT
printed a newspaper called The Marathon Tribune, with photos of rla
Prabhupda and the book distributors and statements by rla Prabhupda
and the sakrtana leaders about their preparations and goals. One state-
ment was a short article entitled A Bold Declaration":
There is no chance of the Swiss yatra's taking home the vic-
tory of this year's marathon competition again," says Viva-
deva Dsa, temple president in Heidelberg. We will mobi-
lize all possible and impossible forces and all moving and
nonmoving distributors to get back the trophy."

Responding to this statement, Harinmnanda sent the following letter

to the German sakrtana meeting held just before the marathon:
For your information, Switzerland will have thirty devotees
out distributing. That means we are planning to double the
results of our vysa-p"j marathon in October. This will be
the biggest marathon in history. O sakrtana warriors of
Germany, you seem to have forgotten your territorial di-
mensions. Your ketra is ten times bigger than the Swiss and
has ten times more inhabitants (GDR not included). That
446 The Nectar of Book Distribution

means ten times as many books should be distributed there.

That's your responsibility. Admittedly, in this marathon you
are only sixty devotees, but you have ten times the bigger
battlefield, where hardly anybody knows these books. All
over the world the Germans are famous as the best experts,
fanatics, and fighters. And this is also expected of you in this
marathon. That means you have to DOUBLE us. [Until this
point, while this letter was read at the meeting, the German
sakrtana devotees were laughing. Now, no more laughter.]
It is very important that Germany blooms completely. Ger-
many is the country in Europe that the whole world is watch-
ing and by which the whole world will become inspired. The
Swiss are not taken seriously because the Swiss are special,"
they say. When the German book distribution blasts the bor-
ders, then the other yatras will have no excuse. Therefore
you have to be conscious that you have the greatest respon-
sibility. No one within the three worlds will be able to stop
the overwhelming advance of Germany's book distribution:
no king, no law, no police, no demon, no rakasa, nothing
and nobody, only the devotees themselves. So we hope that
as a start, you will at least win the BATTLE of December,
because this year you lost the WAR long ago [referring to
both yatras' total yearly scores].

Vi"vadeva Dsa: It helps if the top book distributor in the world sends a
letter and hurls a challenge that would make any self-respecting katriya's
blood boil in rage. And it was nothing but a reminder to meet the actu-
al challenge to double it. Interestingly enough, after this indirect blessing,
Germany increased drastically and defeated Switzerland in the December
marathon, never to be defeated again by Switzerland in December.

9.5 Quotas
Now it is up to all of you how to manage. If you cannot in-
crease what I have given you, you should at least maintain
it. 17

I very much like this program of the standing orders. Try to

increase it up to fifty thousand such orders from the librar-
ies. 18
Marathons 447

Harike"a Swami: One should perform sakrtana without fruitive desires.

Sometimes the temple authorities think that by giving the devotees quotas,
it will increase or maintain their level of distribution. But all results are
up to Ka, and despite their having a big quota, they will not be able to
fulfill it without Ka's sanction. Therefore quotas are often counterpro-
ductive. They make the devotees fruitive. Devotees think they have to per-
form in a certain manner for their devotional service to be acceptable. I've
heard statements like Don't return to the temple if you don't do five hun-
dred books this week." That isn't Ka conscious. One should distribute
as much as he can and depend on Ka for the results. It's also a quota
to do as much as you can but it's a natural quota that doesn't create any
pain in the heart of the distributor nor disappoint him at not reaching the
goal. One shouldn't think, I must do so many books this week, otherwise
I'm a failure." One should simply think, I'm Ka's eternal servant. In
this lifetime my service is distributing as many of these wonderful books as
I can. Let me fully depend on the Lord's mercy and pray to the lotus feet
of my spiritual master that I can become completely attached to fulfilling
his mission to distribute the books." Then he will gradually increase his
distribution naturally and become happy automatically.

Maidhra Dsa: Rohisuta and I used to assign ourselves the quota to

empty the sakrtana van each week. One Saturday we were both sick, and
we had almost given up hopes of emptying the van because there were
many books left. Anyway, we started about 7 A.M. when the first people
were coming through the train station. And we had only about half a day,
because we had to drive back to the temple. So we were depending com-
pletely on Ka. We went to the people in a spiritually desperate way, like
begging or praying. Hello. Please stop." I will never forget that day. The
people had tears in their eyes. Somehow they were overwhelmed. They
were giving donations with tears, saying, Of course, what can I give you?"
It was a completely mysterious thing. In five hours we distributed as many
books as we usually distributed in a day, about a hundred books. We had
many realizations. Wow, it's working. Maybe we will really do it." Then
the false ego started puffing itself up, and we had to ring the bell: Don't
get puffed up, you fool, you'll mess up everything. Cool down! Depend
on Ka. Finally, for the first time in your whole life, you've managed
to depend a little bit more on Ka. Just go on and struggle to keep this
humble attitude and understand really in the depth of your heart how Ka
is the supreme controller." That was one of the most relishable sakrtana
days I ever had, because I was completely happy. The emptier you are of
448 The Nectar of Book Distribution

material desires, the fuller you can be with spiritual desires. It's propor-

Rohisuta Dsa: I used to tell people, Today we are distributing one hun-
dred of these books." But at that time I had never distributed a hundred
books, maybe fifty or seventy. But I continued to say, We're giving out a
hundred books." In this way, the day came when I could distribute a hun-
dred books. So we have to have faith in Ka. We have to try and try
our best. Maybe you will need several years, but you can train yourself to
fix your concentration from twenty to thirty to forty, and so it goes. Don't
become puffed-up when you reach fifty and think, Now I'm big." Oth-
erwise you will start to decrease. None of the top book distributors ever
think, Now I'm big enough. Now that's good enough." If you feel satis-
fied with thinking, Yesterday I did fifty books, and today I'll just take it
as it comes," then you'll be back at twenty. Think, Fifty yesterday, today
a hundred. Now I can go higher and higher." In this way you are always
in the proper mood to become steady. That's how Harinmnanda does it.
He distributes from sixty to a hundred and twenty books a day. He never
wants to come back to the car until he's distributed sixty or seventy books.
But he's dependent on Ka. He doesn't speak about the numbers. It's his
quota for him. He doesn't make propaganda. You have to be humble, but
inside you have to meditate on the service of Ka and depend on Ka.
It is not that an authority will tell you, Now you have to do fifty books a
day." It doesn't work like that. It comes through your own realization and
Ka's mercy.

Vijaya Dsa: I set a daily quota for myself. Maybe I'm limiting myself, but
that's how I do it. I'll go out with a certain number of books to distribute,
but if I spend a long time trying to do those books, and it is not possible,
then I don't mind stopping, because we have to take care of our bodies and
go on for a long time. So the consideration of a quota should not be more
important than our health. I've heard stories of devotees going on till 11
P.M. doing their quotas and burning themselves out. We have to be practical
and realistic. We shouldn't let the quota override our Ka consciousness.
If we're simply meditating on doing our quota and we forget Ka, that's
not good. We judge by the results. If we can distribute many books with a
quota and be Ka conscious, that's fine. It's different for each individual.

Harike"a Swami: Do as much as you can. I never saw rla Prabhupda

give a quota. He gave the quota as many as you can" and even more.
That is definitely possible in the marathon. So we expect everything. We
Marathons 449

expect more and more and more. We have to do more than last year. That
is our quota. Double it! Everything has to increase. The spiritual energy
acts by increasing. If we're increasing all the time, then we know the spiri-
tual energy is acting. Sometimes we give only 50% of our capacity in a day.
That's not good. We should give 100% of our capacity. Don't think that
we will be the loser if we give 100%. Ka will carry what we lack and
preserve what we have. He will preserve our strength, and He will give us
more strength when we have to overcome material obstacles to continue
the sakrtana mission. So we should never hold anything back.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Quotas can be helpful if they are given by an

advanced, detached devotee. For example, the bhakta leader can tell new
distributors, You have the potential to distribute fifty books." Then they
can work on it; otherwise they'd become complacent with distributing
books. The leader knows that they have to learn to endeavor more. With-
out a quota they might not do that. But with a quota they'll endeavor a lot,
maybe even coming up to sixty books just to prove that they can do more
than fifty. Or you can give yourself a quota and work on that, sometimes
going out one extra hour to make it. If you don't become attached, it can be
a nice spiritual challenge.

Yadunandana Dsa: It's important to have a goal in mind. Meditate on

how many books you want to distribute, not as an attachment but as a goal.
If you're thinking you have to distribute, say, fifty books, something more
than you usually do, then with this in mind, and meditating on pleasing
rla Prabhupda and Lord Caitanya, it becomes much easier to engage the

Rohisuta Dsa: We have to be steady and perform uncontaminated ser-

vice. That will satisfy the spirit soul. Otherwise we'll hanker and lament
about results, and we'll never be satisfied. Maybe you've fixed your mind
on fifty, but you have forty-nine. Then you must find somebody to give one
book, and you become attached. You'll run around for an hour to find the
person. Normally you do two or three books in five or ten minutes maxi-
mum, but now you need one hour because you are attached to a result. The
mind always wants round numbers. There is an example of this in $rmad-
Bhgavatam. Pthu Mahrja wanted to perform one hundred a%vamedha
sacrifices, but Indra, famous for his one hundred a%vamedhas, stole the sac-
rificial horse, and a big fight started. Lord Viu appeared in the sacrifi-
cial arena and pacified Pthu Mahrja, who then remained satisfied with
ninety-nine sacrifices. Similarly, we shouldn't be attached to numbers. We
450 The Nectar of Book Distribution

should perform our duty to satisfy Ka. When Ka is satisfied, what

more do we want? Ka is satisfied with ninety-nine, too, not only with
one hundred.

Nirgua Dsa: After all that I've seen I must say that quotas tend to make
a devotee materialistic. The figure becomes the only thing that counts. Of
course, in another sense, we need certain quotas. Prabhupda's quota was
to deliver the world, and the quota he assigned his GBC men was to deliver
their countries. Our quotas should be big in those respects. To become pure
devotees, to exhibit all the qualities of a devotee, to become perfect in our
behavior and pure in heart these are the actual quotas.

Navna-nrada Dsa: If you have your quota in mind Oh, it would be

nice if I could do fifty books today" then you're lucky to arrive at thirty
or forty. And you slow down. But if you have in mind, I want to distribute
a hundred books today," then you'll work hard for it, and if you really work
hard, one day you'll do it. Then you have to stick to it. You have to push
yourself continuously until it gets to be your standard. Then Ka will send
many people who take many books. The point is not that you give every-
body you meet one book, but that you give anybody as many books as pos-
sible if he's interested. In this way we can get into distributing many books,
and that is inspiring for the distributors. That makes them detached. But if
we are used to giving out only one or two books, then if there is a person
who is nice and would take a lot of books or even the set, we will give him
only two books. We will not even think of going to the van to get the other
books. Therefore not many people will be inspired to take many books, or
we won't recognize them, and we'll be satisfied giving one or two books:
Oh, nice, he took two books two more books on my list." That is the
platform of attachment. To fulfill your quotas or to go beyond them, you
have to be detached. But the first point is to have the books with you, and
then you must have the desire to distribute them. The rest is under Ka's

Quotas as stepping-stones to extraordinary feats

Prabhupda never assigned personal quotas, but to temples he some-
times assigned quotas of books and BTGs. A personal quota seems to be an
individual consideration. Devotees usually prefer self-assigned quotas, not
quotas give by an authority who wants certain results. However, devotees
aren't indifferent to results. They want to offer their best possible results
to Ka. rla Prabhupda gave them the guideline of increasing and dou-
Marathons 451

bling book distribution, or at least maintaining it. The quota in that sense is
distributing more than the previous year or not less. Other possibilities are
having a personal weekly quota, a quota for a sakrtana group, and even
a temple quota, so that everyone understands that each contribution is ap-
preciated and needed.
But during marathons, when sakrtana ecstasy takes over, naturally
and spontaneously one tries to do more and more and go beyond one's
limits. Then quotas become more important because they force a devo-
tee to surrender to the mercy of guru and Ka. Without their mercy
by depending on our own strength we'd never meet our marathon quo-
tas. Competition and quotas help make impossible things possible. Take
for example the December marathon in 1990, which was summarized in the
World Sakrtana Newsletter as follows:

Harinmnanda: His biggest year ever. And his biggest day:

last year 903 books, this year 904 books. Before the last week
of the marathon he counted how much he had done for the
year and compared it to last year's total, 55,800 books. With
one week still to go, he had roughly equaled last year's to-
tal. But he wanted to break 60,000 books for the year, and
to do that he needed to distribute 4,200 books in one week,
an unprecedented amount to begin with, and he had to do
it the week after Christmas, which by mundane calculations
isn't one of the biggest weeks of the year. It has two holi-
days, the 25th and 26th; in Europe, on the 26th, everything is
also closed. But he did it. He candidly expressed that it was
only by the special grace and blessings of the Vaiavas that
such spectacular results were made possible. We might add:
and by his incredible desire and determination to serve rla
Prabhupda and his spiritual master, Harikea Mahrja.
Rohisuta: Biggest marathon record for a Prabhupda dis-
ciple. Biggest record day as well, 504 books in one day. In
1977, rla Prabhupda awarded Rohisuta his silver kara-
tlas for distributing 522 books in one week. This year, thir-
teen years later, Rohisuta did almost that many books in
one day. Prabhupda said to make lifetime plans to distribute
his books and that book distribution would not decrease but
increase. Here's a rare example of a realized, dedicated, and
faithful soul seventeen years out distributing books and
still going strong.
452 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Harinmnanda Dsa: What is the secret of distributing more and more

books, leaving ordinary limits behind and just going into dimensions of
madness? After distributing 2,000 books a week, who can think of doubling
it? It cannot be done alone. Even if one has the desire, it doesn't work. It
only works when the Vaiavas want it, and they actually suggested this
quota. Only by the special grace and blessings of all the assembled Vai-
avas does such a thing become possible when one understands that the
Vaiavas will be very satisfied if I can do it and totally happy and in ecsta-
sy. In this way, one can understand every day, Actually, I have nothing to
do with all of this. It is only through the mercy and the blessings of all the
Vaiavas, through their common endeavor and common desire alone, that
these books are being distributed. I am just allowed to be the instrument."
With this attitude, under special circumstances, one can get such spectacu-
lar results if one is favored by fortune. Now hearing the marathon results,
I just want to say that I don't have anything to do with this result. Every-
thing is simply due to guru and Ka and all the Vaiavas. When I think
of what it takes to concentrate completely on this service, to have every-
thing one needs, the support and inspiration, I understand it needs every-
one in the yatra: the spiritual master and his wonderful Godbrothers, won-
derful temple presidents, and all the other devotees who do their different
services. And only through this proper harmony with the goal to distribute
as many books as possible individually and collectively can such things hap-
pen. Millions of books can be distributed. Only in this way is it possible
but then, as I could witness in this marathon, it is possible. (From his talk
at the marathon festival on January 1, 1991) [He comments further on his
record in Ch. 11, Sec. 3.]

9.6 How to organize marathons

When and how often?

Gta-govinda Ds: We're having three marathons a year: (1) Janmam/
rla Prabhupda's vysa-p"j marathon (two weeks in July); (2) ISKCON
guru marathon (two weeks in October); (3) Prabhupda marathon (four
weeks in December). Physically everybody is different, and we all have our
limits. But our consciousness can be absorbed all the time. That is possible.
We want to be absorbed in guru and Ka at every moment. That's the
sign of health. Otherwise we are spiritually sick. The marathons wake us up
to spiritual reality.
Marathons 453

Navna-nrada Dsa: We have five marathons: the Prabhupda marathon,

the Gaura-prim marathon, Nsiha-caturda marathon, the Janm-
am marathon, and a vysa-p"j marathon. We've arranged the marathons
for the vysa-p"js of ISKCON gurus as one marathon because separate
marathons are difficult to do alone and are impractical managerially. A
common marathon creates a powerful spirit of cooperation, because we
need the strength of all the devotees working together. For many devotees,
a marathon means the time when they just go out and distribute books and
let everything else wait. And for regular book distributors, it means deep-
ening their meditation, intensifying their dedication, and really increasing
their distribution.

Jva Dsa: We have marathons regularly, not spontaneously. I've experi-

enced that if you want to do big during a non-marathon time, it depends on
your own capacity. But during marathons, the atmosphere is so strong that
it brings everybody up. Everyone eager to take part in the marathon can go
out and do incredible things and realize, This isn't my power. It's because
of the team spirit arranged by Lord Caitanya's mercy." Having regular mar-
athons is important because the special situations force us to do more than

Daynidhi Dsa: The Christmas marathon was observed by rla Prabhu-

pda himself, so certainly we should do it also. On special occasions like
rla Prabhupda's appearance or disappearance days, we should go on a
marathon at least for a week. For any important day we should have a short
marathon because the best worship we can offer Ka and rla Prabhu-
pda is to become Ka conscious ourselves and to make others Ka
conscious. Therefore we should always look for opportunities for mara-
thons, both to become Ka conscious ourselves and to help others be-
come Ka conscious.

Rohisuta Dsa: We have different marathons. From the strategic point

of view that's good because it means you can build up more and more.
From marathon to marathon it becomes more and more intense. During
the Janmam marathon, normally we don't go out longer. We increase
the endeavor and the desire to distribute Prabhupda's books, then by
Ka's and Prabhupda's mercy, more books can go out. In the guru mar-
athon, we don't go out much longer, but the mood and the competition be-
come more intense. But the marathon on which we go out longer, and more
devotees go out, is the mah-marathon, the Prabhupda marathon in De-
454 The Nectar of Book Distribution

cember. Normally you go out seven or eight hours, but in December you
go out as much as ten or twelve hours. In Russia during the last days of the
marathon, some devotees went out for eighteen hours. They even went to
the midnight Masses and distributed books when people came out of the
churches. In December there are no limits.

How to create the marathon mood

Yes, try to encourage book distribution as much as possible.
Books are the basis of our movement. Whatever apprecia-
tion we are getting on account of our books is because we are
following the path chalked out by exalted devotees. We are
not writing something whimsical. As for devotees being hes-
itant to distribute books on account of pressure, sometimes
pressure is required, especially when one is not so advanced.
Of course, it has to be applied properly, otherwise there may
be some bad taste. But spontaneous service can be expected
only from advanced devotees. Just like a child by pressure
goes to school and is made to read. Then after some time he
wants to read, even without pressure. . . . But this takes time
to actually realize and until that platform is achieved some
pressure or inducement is required. 19

Harike"a Swami: We've seen practically that a well-organized marathon is

created before the marathon starts. A marathon that is organized during the
marathon is a badly managed marathon. To organize a marathon means to
create the parties properly, to inform all the devotees well in advance that
there will be a marathon and that they are involved, to pick out the places
where everyone will go, to give them vans in proper running order, to give
them a stock of books and supplies and arrange to replenish them from
various points, and to collect scores and lakm. All these things must be or-
ganized before the marathon starts. Otherwise there will be confusion, and
nothing is worse than confusion to make a marathon a real flop.
The most important item is getting everyone out. One keeps back only
those few souls absolutely required for running the Deity services and
preaches to them that their austerity is to work as hard as five or ten devo-
tees and thereby allow others to go out. Now, devotees who are not used
to marathons sometimes feel shy or scared to go out. The thought of meet-
ing people on the street sometimes scares them to death, and they would
rather do anything else than go out. Of course, this is due to the ignorant
condition of the mind alone, for when those devotees go out, 80% of the
Marathons 455

time they become completely ecstatic within a few days. But the manager
has to make their conversion into sakrtana devotees as painless as pos-
sible, so he starts preparing the devotees at least a month in advance by
dropping statements in class and elsewhere, like Isn't it wonderful that the
marathon will begin next month? Everyone will be going out, you know."
Also, one has to make a list that mentions exactly who is going out, and
one has to post it clearly at least two weeks in advance for all to see. Giv-
ing the devotees clear information about what is going to happen is the best
way to keep devotees enthused and satisfied. The worst thing is to spring
something on devotees in the morning announcements and expect them all
to surrender. That is the stupidest kind of management there is, and anyone
who does that deserves the chaos that follows. Every devotee has plans for
what he'll do on a given day, and sometimes his plans are made weeks in ad-
vance. If the temple president says, Now we are all going to do this today,"
and gives no one a chance to explain why that's impossible, then he's a fool
number one, without any respect for people. A clever manager will plan
everything out a week in advance and post the activities of the next week
(starting from Monday) on the bulletin board the previous Wednesday so
that all devotees can plan accordingly how they will surrender. A marathon
is a perfect example of that. Warn them nicely, prepare them nicely, and
help them to surrender. Sometimes make funny comments as if you were
also a little worried about having to go out and face people on the street,
and in this way they loosen up a bit.
The more marathon information that is posted on the board as soon as
it is ready, the better the marathon is. Suppose you are organizing a van or
whatever that some nonmarathon party is using beforehand for something
else. Best is to have a meeting with all the relevant parties and leaders three
weeks before the marathon and work out all the details as to members, ve-
hicles, and supplies. This should be posted for all to see. The effect of this
is that everyone gets the point that The marathon is serious, the managers
are already planning it, and I cannot escape." Another point is that in case
there is some objection to the plan, or some sharp soul sees some fault, it
can be corrected before everyone goes out. Getting the battle plan perfect
before going into battle is the best policy, because lives depend on it. Write
down all the duties of those who will stay back, create a temporary autho-
rity to run the minimal affairs left to run, create a backup for that tempo-
rary authority in case he falls into my alone in the temple, and teach all
of them exactly what they have to do. Post this. Let everyone know who
is in charge of what during the marathon and who they should go to and
what they should expect from those persons and what they should not ex-
pect (such as a lot of money for anything). Order all required supplies long
456 The Nectar of Book Distribution

in advance. Have a supply in stock before departure and also have a mid-
marathon refill if required. Have stocks of books, food, and supplies waiting
at depots around the country and distribute like mad. If you organize every-
thing like this, then there's absolutely no need for the temple managers to
remain behind during a marathon. In fact, it is my if the temple mana-
gers remain behind. In fact, the temple managers should beat everyone else
in the marathon, then everyone will understand their superior spiritual po-
Prabhupda said that the best manager is the best preacher. He who is
the most potent devotee is best suited to lead others. He can never tolerate
sitting around watching the walls as the others are out getting the bliss. It
is simply a question of proper management before the marathon. If this is
done, there are no problems. But there may be something from the karm
world that requires the manager be reached by the temporary authorities.
Therefore each manager should always be accessible by telephone or a
beeper in emergencies. But the normal appointments should be put off till
after the marathon. Usually there's little that can't be put off by a phone
call to some other date.

9.7 Marathon Meditations

That so many people are purchasing our literature in Los
Angeles indicates that it is being advertised: Oh, I have got
a very nice book." Then their acquaintances want the book
also. The book distribution in Los Angeles during the six-day
period is transcendental samdhi. The devotees are working
in trance, not on the material platform. No common man can
work so hard; it is not possible. Working without sleep means
no death. Sleeping is a dead condition. Jv jgo, jv jgo, gau-
racnda bole kota nidr jo my-pi%cra kole. Your book
distribution is really intoxication. 20

Taml Krishna Goswami: We should pray in a humble mood. We begin by

praying to our spiritual master and then to his spiritual master and all the
gurus in disciplic succession. We should begin our sakrtana-yaja each
day this month with fervent prayers at their lotus feet. And then we will
pray to Nitynanda Prabhu and to Caitanya Mahprabhu and ultimately
to Rdh and Ka: All of You, please use me. I am a puppet. Make me
dance in Your hands so that You become satisfied by this wonderful day of
sakrtana." That is our prayer, that the sakrtana will be pleasing to guru
Marathons 457

and Gaurga and all the Vaiavas. (From a class in Zurich on December
3, 1991)

Harike"a Swami: The emotional ecstasy of rla Prabhupda is manifest in

the purports of his books, and when people just slightly open their minds
and begin to read Prabhupda's words, then his great mercy enters their
hearts and makes a gradual change. Therefore rla Prabhupda's repre-
sentatives try to display the same mood as rla Prabhupda the tran-
scendental mood of printing his books in every language, never being sa-
tisfied, not even being able to sleep at night unless the books go out. In
1976, Prabhupda said to me, I have many bank accounts full of lakm.
You empty every single account, and you fill up every temple with books.
And then the devotees will have no place to live. In order to get a place
to live they will have to distribute all the books. And then you just fill up
the temples again." He was serious. He even started making plans to do
that. He wanted all his money spent. So we just print the books and fill up
the warehouses. We have competitions. The BBT devotees are happy only
when the warehouses are full of books, and the distributors are happy only
when the warehouses are empty. It is a transcendental competition one
side filling up, the other side emptying out. And this gives great pleasure
to rla Prabhupda. rla Prabhupda is pleased when we are just printing
and distributing his books in all the different languages. That is his mission.
That's why he descended into the world, just to perform this most ecstatic
mission. (From a class in Mypur on March 22, 1982)

Rohisuta Dsa: The secret of success during the marathon is to go out

as early as possible and to put in extra energy. Nothing happens without
the endeavor of the individual devotee. Marathon means to make a special
endeavor to please Ka. This I learned in the beginning in Maidhra
Prabhu's sakrtana school in Germany. When I was traveling with him in
'75/'76, we cultivated that spirit. We concentrated on going out on the street
by eight o'clock in the morning. Usually the most books went out between
eight and eleven o'clock. At that time the people are still a little fresh and in
goodness. By noon passion takes over. If you're out early, you meet people
you'd otherwise never meet. It's a completely different city. And by eleven
o'clock you are already in such an inspired mood that you're no longer in-
fluenced by the modes later in the day.
When I returned to the Geneva temple after being in Germany for two
years, there was another mood. There was a long program, a long lecture,
and we went out late. Immediately my results went down by ten, fifteen, or
458 The Nectar of Book Distribution

twenty books. Rarely someone distributed thirty books. Then after some
time, I went back to my old program of getting up early, chanting all the
rounds, reading, taking simple prasdam, and going out by eight o'clock.
And naturally the results doubled. From sixty books a day I built up to
one hundred books a day, and soon I distributed more than five hundred
books a week. Then rla Prabhupda wrote a letter to Maidhra Prabhu
and me, quoting the verse ye yath m prapadyante. So the other devo-
tees started to follow. If you make a special endeavor to preach the glories
of Ka, Ka reciprocates. You have a good result, the spiritual master
is pleased, and you're in ecstasy. Therefore it is needed that some devotees
step forward, set an example, set the pace, create the spirit, and others will

Caku Dsa: Usually I go out five or six hours a day. There are other devo-
tees who go out eight hours. If you are strong you can do that. But during
the marathons, especially during the Prabhupda marathon, I put in up to
ten hours a day. Then I even start transcending my sdhana. At the be-
ginning of the marathon, I still read. Usually I read two hours a day, but
in the course of the marathon it becomes less. In the evening, I just drop
over tired, and then in the morning I get up, chant my rounds. I'm not cool
enough to read anymore. I have to go out. It comes naturally. But it has to
be natural. You don't say, Now I won't read anymore because I want to do
big, and for that I need more distribution time." You don't even know that
you don't read anymore. You just forget about everything. You chant, eat,
distribute, and sleep. Nothing else. Maybe you read a verse or a page, but
it's completely satisfying. In this mood, from a few words of rla Prabhu-
pda, you can absorb the inspiration to go out long hours. You don't even
think about anything else. You just float. All of a sudden at the end of the
marathon I realize it was a completely spontaneous program.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: We should concentrate on book distribution and not

make any other plans. We can die any day. Suppose you know that you will
die in three days. Would you make big plans? No. We'd take shelter in our
service, and that is exactly what we are supposed to do. We should take
shelter in book distribution, very humbly, because life is short. Sometimes
we are sitting in our palanquin like Rahgaa handing down the books to
people in a puffed-up way. Or we are even sleeping in our palanquin just
like during the December marathon one afternoon, I was taking a nap on
the front seat of my van. All of a sudden, someone was knocking at the win-
dow. I leaped up, but it wasn't the police. It was a man I recognized because
Marathons 459

he was very well dressed. He was working in a fashion shop, and I had sold
him a book. He was knocking and signaling me to turn down the window. I
did, and then he told me, Hey, man, you have a very important mission to
distribute these books. You cannot sleep like that. Look at all these people.
You have to give them your books." In this way Ka told me not to waste
any time.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Sometimes we think, We don't want to distribute

in a place where many books have been distributed." We prefer going to a
place where the people don't know our books. But when I go to those plac-
es, I often find it difficult to distribute, even though the people don't know
the books. If we go to places where they are already purified by the books,
we see that it's better. They say, We already have so many of these books."
But if we are detached, we can give them more books. It's amazing to see
how all the people who have already received many books again take new
books. Book distribution is nandmbudhi-vardhanam.

Tapas Dsa: A marathon doesn't mean that we become attached to the re-
sults. As soon as we are no longer attached but distribute books in Ka
consciousness, then automatically we get results. In the evening we count
the books, and we find that many books were distributed, and we're amazed
that Ka was so merciful to us. It's because we've forgotten the results.
Otherwise, if we count our results every half hour, we become attached to
distributing a certain number: This hour I have to do at least ten." And
sure enough, you won't distribute ten. Then we become agitated, angry, im-
patient, or lose enthusiasm and check our watch every five minutes: Three
more hours to go when can I stop?" Especially during the marathons,
when we want to surpass our average limits of the year, we go out in a help-
less, surrendered mood, and then we are surprised about each book that
goes out, and we understand it is only by Ka's mercy that we can distri-
bute the books.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: Even if it becomes difficult when we are out, we

have to continue anyway. That must be our conviction when we want to
do sakrtana for a long time. We must be ready to accept the difficulties
for the sake of our spiritual master's pleasure and Ka's pleasure. Prob-
lems and mental suffering will come, there's no question. It's a war, and at
one point we will be wounded. So we have to be prepared. We can't think,
We'll go out, and everything will be calm and sweet," because at one point
we'll become tired. Or no books will go out, and the mind will flip out. Or
460 The Nectar of Book Distribution

lust, anger, and ignorance will influence us. We have to be prepared. That
means we must already have the determination to continue for the pleasure
of the spiritual master. We may make a short break to read or chant or lis-
ten to a lecture, but it's simply to prepare ourselves to go out again as soon
as possible.

Antaraga-"akti Dsa: The Prabhupda marathon is meant to please rla

Prabhupda. What pleases the spiritual master most is that we make his
mission our mission. When we accept that as our life and soul, then rla
Prabhupda and our spiritual master are pleased and grant their disciples a
lot of taste. The mission is broad and unlimited, but from time to time the
spiritual master express certain desires how to accomplish the mission. That
leads to the book distribution marathons. The spiritual master sees all liv-
ing entities as part and parcel of Ka, as Ka's eternal servants, and he
wants us to approach them. Therefore the more devotees that go out, the
more conditioned souls we reach.

Anirde"ya-vapu Dsa: We see that it always becomes easier to distribute

books. Why does it become easier? Because Ka is more and more eager
to appear. He always reciprocates with the endeavors of the devotees who
want to distribute His books. Thus the world is seeing how the ISKCON
devotees, year after year, are producing and distributing an increasing num-
ber of books. Yad yad hi dharmasya: nowadays Ka appears through
the books of rla Prabhupda.


The Northern Side of the Nectar Ocean of Book Distribution

By chance or by prediction, as you think,

I was taken to Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura by one of my friends.
I did not want to go there, but he forcibly took me there. Yes.
And Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura ordered me,
`You preach the cult of Caitanya Mahprabhu in the English language.
This is very much essential.'" 1
rla Prabhupda
Introduction to Part Four
Books are the basis, purity is the force, and utility is the principle
of what? To accomplish what? rla Prabhupda founded ISKCON and
stressed book distribution to preach: The essence of the Vedic culture is
the message of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. Lord Caitanya instructed: yre
dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade"a/ mra jya guru ha tra' ei de"a (Cc.
Madhya 7.128). One should simply instruct everyone he meets regarding
the principles of ka-kath, as expressed in Bhagavad-gt As It Is and
$rmad-Bhgavatam" (Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 12.73 p).
Preaching is the essence of ISKCON and of its rescuing the world from
godlessness. Only for that reason devotees strive to increase book distribu-
tion. Book distribution is preaching, it should not be thought of as done
for money. It is executed as a preaching purpose. With these guidelines in
mind, try to distribute as many books as possible." 2
ISKCON's duty is teaching mankind, and especially its members, about
the basis, the force, the principle, and the essence of spiritual life. As de-
scribed in Chapter Ten, the cultivation of the preaching spirit begins with
the proper bhakta training, which depends in its turn on the mood of the
temple and the leaders. Usually people don't join ISKCON to distribute
rla Prabhupda's books. Their enthusiasm has to be channeled towards
book distribution. If temples are organized around preaching, naturally
many new friends, members, and bhaktas will be attracted. Furthermore,
Chapter Ten also describes how new devotees are trained to join the book
distributors, thus taking up the fight with their minds and the dualities of
material nature.
But book distribution is not only a struggle. The more a devotee sur-
renders to it and transcends the mental platform, the more he or she can be
empowered, as described in Chapter Eleven. The testimony of empowered
devotees will give everyone an insight into the higher, nectarean dimensions
of book distribution, where impossible things become possible and people
change directly in front of one's eyes because of the direct presence of r
r Gaura-Niti. Such devotees, blessing the earth with their service, cannot
go unnoticed. People will become more and more aware of the power and
impact of Lord Caitanya's sakrtana movement, which will illuminate the
next ten thousand years a Vedic prediction that has started to come true.
That is the topic of Chapter Twelve, A World Revolution Through Book

Training New Book Distributors
I am very glad to hear that you are taking so many steps to improve things
and spread Ka consciousness more and more to the citizens at large. The
main thing is to somehow or other create first-quality preachers on Ka's
behalf. So many boys and girls are simply wasting their time in many frivo-
lous ways, but if we are sincere and serious to attract them to Ka's fold,
very easily we shall be able to persuade them to join us. That means simply
let them get a taste of something higher than their present-day sense pleasure.
Of course, that will not be so easily done, but it will be your credit for doing
it." 3

10.1 Importance of the mood in the temple

I was very glad to see that your temple is now among the
big leaders in book distribution. This is a sure sign of spir-
itual strength, for where there is preaching there must be
life. Please go on increasing the book distribution more and
more. You are working in the right direction. 4

The sakrtana spirit

Harike!a Swami: The results aren't necessarily the barometer of the qual-
ity of a temple. A temple may be operating under restrictions due to exter-
nal circumstances, and the results of book distribution may be diminished.
Rather, it is the sakrtana spirit that is the real indication of spiritual health
in a temple. Without it, a temple is dead. But with the sakrtana spirit,
there is great life and hope that we will make a change in the rotten ma-
terial world.

Maidhra Dsa: We have seen again and again that when there is a fired-
up sakrtana spirit, there are no problems. Of course, we may face eco-
nomic problems or problems from the demons. But if the sakrtana is fired

468 The Nectar of Book Distribution

up, there's no danger, because when the devotees are internally strong, ex-
ternally nothing can harm them.

Rohisuta Dsa: When there's a healthy preaching spirit in the temple,

only sincere people will be attracted, and those who join will be enlivened
because they see how simple and ecstatic Ka consciousness can be. But
if a temple has no ecstatic sakrtana meetings and no krtanas that can go
on for hours, that will create more and more doubts and moroseness, and
nobody will join in that situation. When I joined, people were joining be-
cause the atmosphere was simple, austere, and ecstatic. We would be wait-
ing for the weekends, when the sakrtana devotees came back from book
distribution. They were so brilliant, with effulgent smiles, and their enthu-
siasm infected us. By their association we quickly developed the desire to
go out. We wanted to become like them. There was no envy or doubt about
the priority. So that mood has to be there. We often speak about var"ra-
ma-dharma, but it starts with the brhmaas. A brhmaa preaches and dis-
tributes books and teaches others how to read the books. There's no ques-
tion of var"rama-dharma if there are no Vaiava brhmaas distributing
books and preaching.

The sign of a healthy temple is people joining

You have to create devotees by your preaching work and
train them according to your needs. 5

Sarvtm Dsa: I started distributing books in Brazil in 1980 after staying in

the temple for a few days. I asked what was the fastest way to become puri-
fied, and the devotees told me the magic word, sakrtana. They said, Get
a bag and fill it with books and go distribute them. Who can preach bet-
ter than Prabhupda?" That made sense, and I did it right away. I still had
long hair and a beard, but I put on a pair of white yog pants and a white
shirt and went to a supermarket. I distributed books for several hours, and
I thought it was great.

Harinmnanda Dsa: When I entered the temple in 1982, I joined the

bhakta program run by Ujjvala-nlamai. I saw the sakrtana devotees go-
ing out in the morning and returning in the evening, and I heard their lec-
tures. By training and association I became eager to take up book distribu-
tion. I became totally inspired by Rohisuta and Guru-akti. They were
doing big every day, and they distributed several hundred books every
week. I wanted to learn from them. I'd almost force myself into their asso-
ciation. I desired to become like them, successful in spiritual life and active
Training New Book Distributors 469

for the pleasure of Ka. After one month of bhakta training I started to
go out with the sakrtana devotees. For the first few months I was distrib-
uting records made by my spiritual master. I felt quite satisfied being able to
go out and do something substantial for Ka. After two or three months
I got the opportunity to go out with books for a day with Rohisuta, who
arranged for all the bhaktas to go out on Prabhupda's disappearance day.
Rohisuta prepared a stack of books for mefourteen big books and one
thick mah-big book on the bottom of the stack, a Seventh Canto. I hadn't
read this book yet, so I didn't know what to say. Rohisuta said, Anyway,
just walk up to people and show them the books. The $rmad-Bhgavatam
is special. You don't need to say anything. It speaks for itself." And it was
a fact. That day I distributed thirty-five books. I still remember itthe first
person I met took a book. It was in a restaurant. I simply went up to the
lady in charge, who was sitting there at a table with her son. He was about
twenty-five years old and immediately took an interest. He looked at the
books, saw the Bhgavatam, and removed the plastic. I thought, Oh, no.
Now he will see all the Sanskrit and the picture of Lord Nsihadeva."
He saw itand was inspired. Yes, this one looks interesting. This one I'll
take." He paid for it, and I was completely astonished how simple it was.
The whole day went more or less like that.

Navna-nrada Dsa: When I was twelve, I moved into an international

boarding school. I had a schoolmate who visited the Hare Ka temple
in Zurich and liked it immediately. He bought Bhagavad-gt and started
chanting. He related everything to me, and it sounded a little strange to me.
But there were some books about Ka consciousness in the library, and
I started to read the First Canto with fascination. I counted on each page
how many times the words transcendental, spiritual, or Ka appeared
all far-out words and names I had never heard before. I was fourteen years
old. My friend explained that even though I may not understand the books,
if I just went on reading, I'd understand more. During the next vacation we
went to visit the temple on a Sunday, and I felt enlivened and inspired. I
started to chant Hare Ka and follow a vegetarian diet. I became friends
with certain devotees, and I phoned them and exchanged letters with them.
In school I began to study the books intensely, and the books convinced me
to chant sixteen rounds every day and follow the principles. I'd learn "lo-
kas in the ten-minute breaks between classes. And during vacations I'd visit
the devotees and take part in their festivals. I also attended the sakrtana
meetings on Sundays. I became more and more inspired to join the move-
ment. Then the 1984 Christmas marathon was approaching, and the temple
atmosphere intensified. The sakrtana devotees invited me to come on tra-
470 The Nectar of Book Distribution

veling sakrtana and learn the art of book distribution. So I wanted to join
the marathon and discontinue school, which lasted until February. My mo-
ther wasn't against Ka consciousness, but she felt I should at least finish
my last school year, although I had already fulfilled my quota for school.
But at some point it became too much for her, because it's not easy to have
somebody at home who practices full-time Ka consciousness and boy-
cotts the family's materialistic activities. So at one point my mother just let
me go, and I was very happy. The devotees had given me a list of all the
things one needs for traveling sakrtana: a suitcase, clothes, shoes, winter
jacket, and so on. Because my birthday is in December, I collected those
items from my parents and relatives as birthday gifts in advance. Then I
went to the temple. It was a Tuesday, so I stayed in the temple until the
weekend. Then on Sunday I was picked up by a sakrtana party, and I left
for traveling sakrtana. Thus from my own experience I know how impor-
tant it is for devotees to get the taste for sakrtana and book distribution
right from the beginning so that they can take it up immediately and en-
thusiastically, while everything is fresh and exciting.

Harike!a Swami: How do bhaktas come to the temple? They come through
preaching programs. Therefore many preaching programs should be ar-
ranged. One or two expert preachers can go around and attract people to
visit the temple. The whole purpose of preaching programs is to make new
devotees. And when new devotees are around, we should gradually bring
them out on sakrtana. When the sakrtana party increases, we can have
really successful sakrtana. Therefore the sakrtana devotees have to co-
operate with the preachers. If you meet someone who looks nice I don't
mean an old housewife with a bag of groceries, I mean a seventeen- to
twenty-five-year-old who isn't entangled yet with a family, house, job, and
all of that get that person's address and make sure the preachers contact
him or her. The sakrtana devotees have to cooperate and collect addresses
even though it takes five minutes out of their distribution. It's worth it in
the long run. One has to see every person as a potential devotee and grad-
ually develop the base of devotees so that more and more sakrtana can
go on. This is essential, and everyone should be praying all the time to the
Lord to increase the number of devotees.

10.2 Importance of the leaders' mood

The future of the Ka consciousness movement is very
bright as long as the managers remain vigilant that sixteen
rounds are being chanted by everyone without fail and the
Training New Book Distributors 471

devotees are all rising before four in the morning to attend

magala-rati. Our leaders shall be careful not to kill the
spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spon-
taneous and voluntary. They should always try to generate
some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that
they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the
art of management: to draw out a spontaneous loving spirit
of sacrificing some energy for Ka. But where are so many
expert managers? All of us should become expert managers
and preachers. We should not be very much after comforts
and become complacent or self-contented. There must be al-
ways some tapasya, strictly observing the regulative princi-
ples. The Ka consciousness movement must always be a
challenge, a great achievement to be gained by the voluntary
desire to do it, and that will keep it healthy. So you big man-
agers now try more and more to train up some competent
preachers and managers like yourselves. 6

Pushing the priority

The most important aspect of our preaching is krtana. In-
duce the people to chant, that is the only thing. Then ev-
erything else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and
books both are required. Distributing the books will make
devotees. To make a devotee means to make someone puri-
fied. Reading the books will purify the intelligence. A puri-
fied heart and mind means Ka consciousness. 7

Harike!a Swami: The most important way to increase book distribution

throughout the world is to make new devotees who can be sent on sakr-
tana. This can be done only by increasing the preaching in the temples and
gearing it toward making new devotees. The temples must be fit places for
new devotees to enter. We need a preaching spirit in the temple, along with
an attitude on the part of the existing devotees that's congenial for the de-
velopment of the new devotees' spiritual lives. For example, a new devotee
must be groomed to accept a spiritual master as a guide. If there is no inter-
est in a temple in the principle of spiritual master, then new devotees will
not be trained to accept a mission in their life. Furthermore, those acting as
spiritual masters should instill within their disciples the mission to spread
the Ka consciousness movement through the distribution of books. If
each and every spiritual leader, from guru to temple manager, preaches the
472 The Nectar of Book Distribution

message of book distribution, then we stand a chance of reestablishing book

distribution as the basis of ISKCON. If the leaders of the movement have
the pure desire to increase book distribution, then surely Ka will send
more devotees to help fulfill that desire. The increase of book distribution
is based on desire, as is everything within this creation. If all the devotees
sincerely want to increase the distribution of books, then Ka will recipro-
cate. But if we are satisfied merely maintaining our temples and ourselves,
then why should Ka send more devotees?

Svavsa Dsa: What impresses me most in North Europe is the relation-

ship between gurus and disciples. It's ecstatic. In America there have been
many problems, and that may be one of the reasons why book distribution
is not big there anymore. The guru disciple relationship is most important.
When Prabhupda was present, we knew what Prabhupda wanted, and
we became completely absorbed in book distribution day and night. I can
see the same thing here. The relationship between gurus and disciples is so
good that it generates a lot of enthusiasm, sincerity, and desire and many
phenomenal things are being accomplished. (From a class in Zurich on June
6, 1992)

10.3 Example is better than precept

I am very glad to note that you are seeing that the devotees
are maintaining the devotional practices. This is the secret of
success. Therefore I am stressing it. And if you also stress it
and show yourself as an ideal Vaiava, then you are my rep-
resentative in fullness. We are not after titles and designa-
tions. Lord Caitanya made it a principle that we must teach
by personal example. This is what I have tried to do. So if
all of you, my disciples, do this, then the future of our move-
ment will be glorious. 8

Continue to go out on sakrtana. Example is better than

precept. 9

Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 3.21: Unless one practices devotional service

himself, he cannot teach it to others. This conclusion is indeed confirmed
throughout the Gt and Bhgavatam.

Harike!a Swami: We have to create an atmosphere in which the book dis-

tribution mission is seen as very, very important. From the material point
Training New Book Distributors 473

of view no one wants to go out and sell books. It's physically strenuous and
sometimes difficult. Therefore it's not pleasant from the material point of
view. And this is an important consideration, because unless one is Ka
conscious, he'll want to do things according to his material inclinations
more than anything else. Thus leaders have to learn to inspire the devotees
to go out. But that isn't easy if the atmosphere or mood in the temples or
zones goes against that. Then the potential book distributors might think,
Why should we struggle to go out and distribute books when we can also
lay back and do something according to our inclinations?" It's no one's in-
clination to go out and distribute books. Therefore we have to create an at-
mosphere in which everyone can understand with his transcendental intel-
ligence that book distribution is the most important mission. That has to be
understood as the primary purpose of the Ka consciousness movement.

Maidhra Dsa: Book distribution should be based on the understanding

that our books are the highest contribution to human society. Spreading
Ka consciousness should be based on book distribution. Other kinds of
preaching are important, but distributing books is the foundation of our
preaching. A devotee can reflect, I joined by reading a book by rla
Prabhupda. Someone distributed that book, and I read it. Similarly, oth-
ers can also become devotees by reading Prabhupda's books." Encourag-
ing someone to distribute books requires lots of preaching, and setting an
example is absolutely necessary. Sometimes I've had five, six or even seven
bhaktas in the van. New devotees are usually fearful of going out. That's
natural. But if they see the leader doing it, and he's blissful, their fear sub-
sides, and they'll try it, too. Therefore, it is valuable to have devotees who
set the example, who not only preach and manage sakrtana and analyze
sakrtana but who also do sakrtana.

Navna-nrada Dsa: By Ka's grace, you can increase. Even if at some

time your quantity may not increase anymore, then you have to inspire
others to distribute many books. But there's never a real need to change
your service, because the best way to keep the right mood is by distributing
books. You shouldn't think that if you've distributed books for four or five
years, then you're meant to become something superior like the sakrtana
leader or temple president. We have the wonderful example of Harinm-
nanda. He is the sakrtana leader, manager, and inspiration all in one
person. And he goes out every day at least five or six hours. Usually the
different sakrtana services are performed by various devotees, so they
should all try to go out as much as possible, because only then can they
have the proper understanding of what is to be done and what kind of
474 The Nectar of Book Distribution

support and preaching the sakrtana devotees need. Only a general who is
out there fighting on the front lines can be taken seriously by the soldiers.

Jva Dsa: Book distribution must be supported by encouragement from

the temple authorities. In places where book distribution is not in good
shape, the temple atmosphere is unbalanced. I saw that recently while vis-
iting a big temple. No one waited for the sakrtana devotees on the week-
end. The sakrtana devotees don't have big meetings, and their results are
insignificant in proportion to the great size of the temple and the size of the
area where they preach. Of course, there are historical reasons. Anyway,
book distribution should be encouraged by the temple authorities. Every
temple should see book distribution as its priority. In the bhakta program,
sakrtana and book distribution should be included. Then the devotee has
to decide which service to do. If he likes sakrtana, he should definitely go
on sakrtana. And if he doesn't like it, he should do it anyway for a while,
a year or two, to get deeper realizations of Ka consciousness and also to
gain respect for those who do the service of book distribution. In this way
the temple maintains a good spiritual balance. Everyone should have the
understanding that sakrtana is the best means to spread Ka conscious-
ness. This is what rla Prabhupda stressed in his letters and lectures again
and again.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Book distributors have to be protected from distrac-

tions. Those who can do book distribution should be given full support. Ev-
eryone else can do everything else.

Rohisuta Dsa: rla Prabhupda said that we should send our best men
to different places to train up other devotees. So if in a temple there are no
devotees setting the example of book distribution, the leaders should invite
someone to come and preach about sakrtana. They can stay there a few
weeks, and then maybe some devotees will step forward to form a sakr-
tana party. That gives a temple life and spirit. Therefore in every temple
new sakrtana devotees should be trained up. We should find those who
are ready to go out, even though in the beginning there may be only two or
three. That's enough. If they are fired up, they will inspire others. The more
that devotees go out regularly, the more readily financial problems can be
solved, guests will come, and bhaktas will join. The temple will always be
full of people who were contacted by the book distributors. If you cannot
find a devotee to come to your place, then you should go to a place where
such devotees can be found. This should be the determination of a temple
leader to establish book distribution as the main priority in his temple.
Training New Book Distributors 475

10.4 The bhakta program

There is no doubt about it: To distribute books is our most
important activity. The temple is not a place for eating and
sleeping, but a base from which we send out our soldiers to
fight with my. `Fight with my' means to drop thousand
and millions of books into the laps of the conditioned souls.
Just like during war time the bombs are raining from the sky
like anything. . . . I like your program of sending out your
best book distributors to teach the others. That is the actual
process of Ka consciousness to train others. Continue
this program so that in the future every devotee in our move-
ment will know the art of distributing books. 10

Ka consciousness is not sentimental or impersonal

Our movement is a declaration of war against my, that you
can understand very well, so we have to recruit many fight-
ing soldiers do it vigorously. 11

A widespread misunderstanding of spiritual life is that it means love,

peace, harmony, and meditation in relaxing postures at a secluded camp
near a river or lake in the country or mountains and that everyone has to
find his own way to God, so no one should impose his view on others or try
to convert them, because that's artificial and causes dissension and dishar-
mony. Newcomers to ISKCON may expect that Ka consciousness will
correspond to their impersonal ideal of a divine cosmic consciousness, but
they soon realize that Prabhupda's temples aren't places for eating, sleep-
ing, and impersonal meditation. They hear the clanging of weapons and the
striding of soldiers, and they realize that joining Ka's camp means a dec-
laration of war on my. Peace and harmony are illusions without Ka
consciousness, empty promises my makes to sentimentalists. In ISKCON
new bhaktas meet the topmost transcendentalists, who are finished with
material compromises, who want to cut the attachments of false ego, and
who want to save as many others as possible. What!" the new recruits say.
We have to go out again to meet materialists, to confront the sense ob-
jects, to confront all the agitations we wanted to flee from?" Many fears
may arise, and to some, sakrtana will appear as the nightmare of a hor-
ror test," like that in some boy scout troops when a newcomer has to spend
a night alone in a cemetery to be accepted as a member.
476 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Sometimes young devotees are afraid to go on sa-

krtana because they've heard threatening descriptions like It makes you
or breaks you," which they understand to mean that either you make it a
grand success or you'll never be accepted as a devotee. Sakrtana should
never be presented like that. Sakrtana is not a terrible austerity that one
must go through to join a cult". New devotees should be given a positive
impression that sakrtana is a nice service that every devotee can try to
do. It's inspiring, a way to become Ka conscious, and it's something that
pleases rla Prabhupda the most.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Sometimes new devotees say, I don't have the skill
to sell books. I can't just walk up to people on the street and sell them Hare
Ka books. It's impossible for me. It's not my nature to preach and con-
vert others." But whoever reads and understands rla Prabhupda's books
will become eager to give the books to others. Every devotee can taste the
nectar of the books, and he should be completely convinced that the books
are the only hope for the whole world for the people in Kali-yuga and for
him. Furthermore, there is the instruction of the spiritual master to go out
and distribute the books. Therefore, following the instruction and his own
conviction, a devotee goes out and works hard to sell books to please his
guru and Ka. It's not as difficult as it may sound. But if we try to distrib-
ute Prabhupda's books in an indirect way, without direct preaching, then
it becomes difficult. Every book is a struggle, a big fight.
However, Ka gives one intelligence and the association of experi-
enced devotees, and in this way one learns to distribute books on a spiritual
platform. It's a practical experience. Distributing rla Prabhupda's books
in a direct way is much more satisfying and powerful, because Ka is sa-
tisfied and the people who get the books are satisfied. It's pleasing to Ka
and the spiritual master, and thus we get more and more taste to accept the

Proper training
You mention you like to speak now very often, but the first
business should be to preach to the devotees. It is better to
maintain a devotee than to try to convince others to become
devotees. . . . Your first job should be to make sure that every
one of the devotees in your zone of management is reading
our books regularly and discussing the subject matter seri-
ously from different angles of seeing and that they are some-
how or other absorbing the knowledge of the philosophy of
Training New Book Distributors 477

Ka consciousness. If they are fully educated in our phi-

losophy and if they can get all of the knowledge and study it
from every viewpoint, then very easily they will perform ta-
pasya or renunciation and that will be their advancement in
Ka consciousness. . . . Don't be too much concerned for
the time being with nondevotees. Now we must fix up the
devotees we have in the knowledge of Ka consciousness.
Then we will succeed. What good are many, many devotees
if none of them are knowledgeable? 12

If new men are coming, they may not be expected imme-

diately to take to our regulative principles cent percent.
Therefore we should not be too anxious to induce them to
live in the temple. Anyone who lives in the temple must ag-
ree to follow the rules and regulations without fail. So if
some new men move in with us they may become discou-
raged if they are forced in this way. Therefore let them live
outside and become gradually convinced in the class why
they should accept some austerity. Then they will live with
us out of their own accord and follow everything nicely. It
is very difficult to give up very quickly as many bad ha-
bits as you have in your country, so educate them gradually,
first with chanting, and do not be so much anxious to count
up so many numbers of new devotees such devotees go
away later being too early forced. I want to see a few sin-
cere devotees, not many false devotees or pretenders. So
my point is that the regulative principles must be followed
by everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles, and they
again think of sex and become restless, and so many prob-
lems are there. There is some symptom of missing the point.
The point is to be engaged in doing something for Ka,
never mind what is that job, but being so engaged in doing
something very much satisfying to the devotee that he re-
mains always enthusiastic. He will automatically follow the
regulative principles because they are part of his occupa-
tional duty by applying them practically as his occupa-
tional duty, he realizes the happy result of following the
regulative principles. 13

Daynidhi Dsa: Some pressure is always there, either from Ka or from

the material nature. As leaders we should be able to pressure and push
478 The Nectar of Book Distribution

devotees in ways they'll accept. Each devotee is an individual, and we have

to be expert in pushing a devotee in a spiritual way. Sometimes we cannot
push immediately; we cannot send a devotee on sakrtana, so we should
be tolerant, wait, and be really careful to understand that he needs to chant
better, to relax and study, or to change his service. But we have to push in
a spiritual, attentive, careful way. A push is always there so better to be
pushed by Ka.

Harike!a Swami: Devotees have to be purified, and one becomes purified

by austerity. That's why new devotees do things that aren't their propensi-
ty. Whose propensity is it to wash pots? We all did it because it's purifying.
We had 120 people in the temple, and I had to wash all the pots. This was
in fact very purifying, washing pots and listening to tapes by rla Prabhu-
pda. After some time, of course, you do something else, but first you have
to be purified. Not that you walk in the door of the temple, and you do
exactly the same thing you were doing as a karm. You'll have a hard time
becoming purified, and in fact you may fall down because you have a ma-
terial conception of what you're doing. Material conceptions have to be
overcome. Therefore we learn to surrender to washing pots and other ser-
vices like book distribution.

Preparation for sakrtana

Please continue to use your intelligence to find out how to
distribute my books more and more. I am especially pleased
to learn that you are introducing my books as textbooks in
the colleges. We especially have to try to attract the educat-
ed young men and women in your country so that in the fu-
ture there will be many strong leaders to keep our Ka
consciousness movement strong. 14

Maidhra Dsa: I joined the German yatra when there was nothing but
sakrtana. I walked in the door, and because I was an artist the devotees
said I could go to an art school, become a great artist, and paint for Ka.
But just as a matter of trying it out, the next day they put me in a sakr-
tana van. The first day I shaved, and the next day I was in the van. That's
how it was in those days. And they had a slogan that I wouldn't like to
recommend to anyone: sakrtana makes you or breaks you. Many people
got broken. I somehow or other survived. There was no bhakta program, so
on my second day I ended up on the street in a dhot, with a shaved head
and a stack of magazines. That's how I started, and I continued for twelve
years without interruption. I had difficult times in between because devo-
Training New Book Distributors 479

tees weren't that good at helping me or preaching to me, nor did we have
a deep philosophical understanding. In the beginning everything was quite
sentimental. But when I got initiated by rla Prabhupda in person, every-
thing became clear. Just by seeing Prabhupda for the first time, I could un-
derstand: Going out and distributing his books that's what Prabhupda
likes most. And in this way I am not going to give him any trouble and he
doesn't have to worry about me." Nowadays, of course, I'd completely op-
pose the type of introduction that I had to sakrtana. It is better for a new
sakrtana candidate to go out when he is mature enough. In those days
there was no other choice. In one sense I was lucky I didn't have another
service. All of us we simply talked about sakrtana and Prabhupda.

Harike!a Swami: To increase the sakrtana movement we must always be

on the alert to make new devotees. But that doesn't mean new devotees
should go out on sakrtana immediately after joining. Those who join the
temple must undergo a period of purification and training in devotional life.
When they are qualified as devotees and trained in the spiritual principles,
then the temple president should consider sending them out on book distri-
bution. The temple president should see that new devotees receive regular
training in all areas of devotional life. The bhakta program must train devo-
tees to follow the temple program, to chant and hear, to study the basic
philosophy, to keep the temple clean, and, above all, to understand that the
main mission of ISKCON is to preach Ka consciousness by printing and
distributing the books of rla Prabhupda. If the bhaktas are continually
pointed in that direction, they will learn the goals of our movement and the
mission of rla Prabhupda. This should be preached in the temple class-
es, in special bhakta classes, and in individual instruction. If the traveling
preachers occasionally preach about the importance of book distribution,
all the temple devotees will gradually learn to take up the mission them-

Rohisuta Dsa: New devotees should stay in the temple at least for two or
three months to get trained up in Ka consciousness. The best sakrtana
devotees are those who have been trained in the temple. The devotees who
immediately go out in the beginning may do big initially, but they often go
down again like shooting stars because they don't have a strong philosophi-
cal understanding of Ka consciousness. Therefore training in the temple
is necessary. The bhakta leader has to see when a new devotee is ready. At
first, a new devotee can go out one day a week with other devotees, and
when he becomes stronger and gets a taste for sakrtana, he can go out
with a regular book distribution party.
480 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Guru-!akti Dsa: rla Prabhupda told us to double book distribution ev-

ery year. With the available manpower, that can be done perhaps once or
twice. Therefore not only the book distribution must be doubled but al-
so the number of devotees. If we make plans to double book distribution,
doubling the number of devotees has to be included. When the number of
devotees is doubled, the number of books distributed is doubled. And in
this way the number of devotees will be doubled again. If we try to double
it, rla Prabhupda will not only give his blessings, but double his blessings
and double his benedictions.

Nsihadeva Dsa: A new devotee should stay in the temple for some time
to learn Vaiava culture and etiquette. He should be given the opportunity
to develop the desire to preach Ka consciousness. When he develops the
desire on his own, then when difficulties come, he will feel strong and be
able to maintain his desire. When I joined, I was only fifteen. If I had been
forced to go on sakrtana, I wouldn't be in the movement any more. First
I stayed in the temple for several months and did services such as cleaning
the temple and helping in the BBT. At the same time I heard the devotees
and my spiritual master preach about book distribution, and thus I devel-
oped the strong desire to distribute rla Prabhupda's books. I was never
completely satisfied in the temple. Something was always missing. At first I
didn't know what it was. But when I saw the sakrtana devotees returning
on the weekends, I noticed that they had the connection with Ka's mis-
sion that I wanted. They were really happy. So I developed the strong de-
sire to do that service, and I prayed to the Deities every day to be allowed
to go out with a sakrtana party.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: I remember Schloss Rettershof when all the sakrta-

na devotees returned on Saturday evenings their roaring krtanas some-
times lasted till midnight. Harikea Swami, Bhaktivaibhava Swami, ac-
nandana Swami, Rma-raddh and others were there. We bhaktas would
stand on the veranda, drooling with the desire to be part of the krtana, but
the bhakta leader, Bhaktibhaa Swami, would say, Time for bed it's
nine o'clock." We wanted to get the nectar, and we were frustrated when
we couldn't. Then one bhakta got to go on sakrtana, and we all wanted to
sneak out the door also, but our bhakta leader would close it and say, No,
no, you stay here." In this way our desire was cultivated.
What convinces you? Nectar. Pratyakvagama dharmyam [Bg. 9.2].
rla Prabhupda writes, If one engages not only in hearing but in trying
to broadcast the message of devotional activities as well, . . . he gradually
feels spiritual progress." And the sakrtana devotees display that progress.
Training New Book Distributors 481

It's a direct experience, and you can invite bhakta candidates to visit the
temple and get that experience. It so much depends on the bhakta leader.

10.5 Points to know before going out

Book distribution is a transcendental activity and not just a salesman's
art or an innate ability. rla Prabhupda said that every devotee could
learn the art of book distribution. He said that to distribute books we have
to adopt the same tactics as ordinary salesmen adopt, but the difference is
that we do it for the satisfaction of Ka, and they do it for sense gratifica-
tion." 15 If by learning such tactics one can increase book distribution, then
avoiding them is false renunciation. Book distribution is a transcendental
activity based on pure desire and surrender. Part of that surrender is learn-
ing some tactics, because they are effective and will increase the quality
and quantity of book distribution as desired by rla Prabhupda, and new
devotees should be systematically introduced to this transcendental art.

Basic book distribution techniques

Chapters Four and Five explained many features of sakrtana psy-
chology and techniques. Many things must be learned by practice, but this
doesn't mean that devotees should start distributing books without any the-
oretical introduction. General points are summarized here.
Attitude To give people books and ask for some money in return, you
must be convinced about what you are doing and be enthusiastic. If you
have no doubts about Prabhupda's books, you can convince others.
Approach Take command of the situation, but take control in a detached
way. You're there for a purpose. Put the books in their hands and tell them
what you want. While inducing them to buy the books, be sensitive to their
feelings and reactions.
Concentration If your mind isn't working for you, it's working against
you. Therefore while talking to a person, fix your mind and his mind on the
books. That means presenting the books on his level of understanding and
elevating his interest. Don't let his concentration wander off.
Make friends You don't sell a product, you sell yourself. This universal
principle of salesmanship applies especially to devotees. Devotional service
can be distributed only by devotees. To get people interested in the books,
you've got to get them interested in you, and they become interested in you
when you're interested in them. Once they like you, they'll naturally be in-
clined to accept what you have to offer them.
482 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Getting people's attention Introduce yourself and the books. Ask ques-
tions. No one minds answering relevant questions, and everyone likes to
talk about himself. Ask questions that can be answered yes. If you ask a
person whether or not he likes to read and he says no, then it will be dif-
ficult to reverse the negative energy and save the sale. Don't be afraid to
ask, Have you ever heard of Ka?" or to mention topics related to our
books reincarnation, karma, and so on.
Communication Words are meant for people; look at them when you
speak. Suppose you're selling a book to a man and you're looking at him,
but you forget about his wife. If she says no, there's nothing you can do
about it.
Speaking Talk like a real person. Be natural. Vary your volume, pitch,
and rate of speaking. People don't want to hear a robot. If you are a lit-
tle nervous, you tend to speak quickly. So slow down at the beginning. Say
what you mean, and mean what you say. Avoid going over a person's head.
Don't use ISKCON slang or preach like a tape recorder, which can't dis-
criminate who's listening. A window lets in light but doesn't draw atten-
tion to itself, so be transparent; let Ka come through, according to your
knowledge and realization.
Representing ISKCON The book distributors are the most prominent
representatives of ISKCON within society. ISKCON's reputation depends
to a large extent on the behavior of its book distributors. The impression
people have of you is what they will think of ISKCON. Don't cheat. Don't
be arrogant. You're not a businessman nor a worker driven by the pressure
of a quota. If people already have books and have questions, take your time
to answer them.
Association To ensure the most effective development of your book dis-
tribution, guidance from experienced devotees is indispensable. In the be-
ginning it's sufficient just to imitate the senior distributors or do as they in-
struct until you develop your own style. You have to act according to the
instructions to realize them. Activities performed in full knowledge [j-
na] strengthen one's advancement in real knowledge [vijna]" (Bg. 5.2 p).

Basic sales psychology

Harike!a Swami: Every distributor should know basic sales techniques.
They have to learn them by practical experience because in every country
people will present themselves in a specific manner. With some experience
a distributor will be able to keep a person's attention. He has to figure out
Training New Book Distributors 483

more or less what the person does by guessing or by questioning What

do you do? Where do you come from?" That forces a person to relate to
you. But questions can also annoy a person, because he doesn't have any
particular commitment to the situation he's run into. If you can guess a per-
son's occupation, then he becomes amazed. A book distributor with good
intuition or good at physiognomy will understand what a person does by
how he dresses or the way he looks. At least one can understand whether
someone works in a factory, an office, or is a well-paid big shot. A book dis-
tributor develops a second sense for it, and when he gets better and better
at it, he can understand a person's mind and mood. At least if he under-
stands the mood, then he can say things that the person relates to. A devo-
tee has to see from the other person's point of view. If the weather's enjoy-
able and people are in a good mood, you can say to someone, It's really
nice out, isn't it?" You don't say, Lousy day, isn't it?" because he's not go-
ing to relate to that. For him, today is fine, and for a karm, if it's fine one
day, it's fine forever. You capture his mood, and he reciprocates with you
But sometimes you have to be real straightforward with somebody and
dive directly into the business. People like it if you're businesslike when
they're in a hurry. So you have to adjust. Don't start asking questions. Jump
into selling the book, and the person will appreciate that. If you're standing
in the rain or it's very cold, don't get into a long discourse about the books,
because the person simply wants to move on. It takes a little common sense
and a lot of experience. You must discriminate intelligently and judge situ-
ations according to the time, place, and circumstance.

10.6 Joining a sakrtana party

Every one should go with the sakrtana party as soon as
possible. 16

The first days on sakrtana

Maidhra Dsa: During my first year on sakrtana I hardly had time to
go to the lecture, even on Sunday, because I was helping in the kitchen. Go-
ing to a lecture was a big experience. The traveling parties were really wild.
There were no lectures and hardly any time to chant my japa. I was the
driver, and I chanted while driving. Starting at four o'clock in the morning,
I had to drive one or two hundred miles to the day's distribution spots, and
when we arrived, everyone was well rested and had finished his rounds. But
484 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I'd collapse behind the wheel, and I was supposed to go out. After half a
year we got a bhakta leader. He was a mellow devotee, not pushy, and he'd
ask me, Where do you want to distribute?" and we'd go there. He had a
big altar, and we made nice offerings. That was such a new experience that
soon I doubled my book distribution. And I was so satisfied and happy I
couldn't believe it. Sometimes in the summer we went to a lake to swim. By
such experiences I learned that the most important thing is taking care of
new devotees. Of course, we should not support their sentimental attitudes
too much. But in the beginning those are the only attitudes they have, and
sentimentalism is better than impersonalism. It's something to start with.

Navna-nrada Dsa: At one point the new sakrtana devotees have to go

out for the first time. The devotees training the newcomers should be very
easy on them. They should explain to them what they have to say, tell them
where to go, and even go out with them to give them an opportunity to
hear and listen and see how to distribute books to people. After the prepa-
ration, they have to start themselves. You have to throw them in the water,
so to speak, but you can stay nearby to help them if the need arises. And
also later, you may have to take the time to preach to them or encourage
them before they go out. Older sakrtana devotees must have sensitivity.
Sometimes a devotee may need to read or take a nap before going out, or
he'll need some form of inspiration like listening to a tape or having a per-
sonal conversation. One shouldn't just throw them out of the van and say,
OK, see you at eight tonight. So long." Because sometimes it's tough out-
side. The devotees have to feel comfortable in the association of other sa-
krtana devotees so that they can develop their faith in book distribution
and their taste for the service. We don't go out simply to suffer. We perform
the activity for the welfare of the people, and we relish the wonderful taste
of Ka consciousness that is found only by staying out and distributing
rla Prabhupda's books. In this way even young devotees will be inspired
to accept the challenge of book distribution. Although they will know that
success won't come overnight, they'll see that there's a good future in this

Indranlamai Dev Ds: After ten years of selling paintings, it took me

some time to adjust to book distribution. I was good at making up excuses
not to go out. I'd daydream about what I'd like to do to become spiritu-
ally happy. Then one day while reading Servant of the Servant, by Taml
Krishna Goswami, my spiritual master, I read a passage that struck me:
If my disciples actually love me, then let them engage in distributing rla
Prabhupda's books profusely. Thus they will keep me always as the leader
Training New Book Distributors 485

of the sakrtana party, the service which rla Prabhupda preferred for
me above all others. . . . If they will help me in this way, rla Prabhupda
will certainly bestow his unlimited blessings upon us all." Then I realized
it wasn't a question of whether or not I liked doing it. The point was to
do what most pleased my spiritual master and his spiritual master. And
the more I did book distribution, the more I realized it was a pure service.
There's no material motivation for sense gratification. Our hearts become
enriched with an understanding of what it means to be the servant of a ser-
vant. I have no special qualification. People reject me as often as they do
any other distributor. Christians try to convert me, and demons attack me.
But I hold tightly to the instructions of my spiritual master as my protective
shield, and I keep shooting the arrows of transcendental knowledge that
rla Prabhupda left us in the form of his books. I fervently pray that I hit
the target people's hearts. I also pray that the compassion of my spiritual
master manifests in my words and overcomes people's fears and illusions
and that they will appreciate and understand this message of love of God.

Gta-govinda Ds: In the beginning I had to go out by myself because there

were hardly any mtjs in the temple. I didn't know what to say to people,
but somehow or other I could go out every day. When my mind was weak,
rla Prabhupda gave me his association. By reading the Llmta, I re-
alized how merciful he was, and I felt my fearfulness go away completely.
Thus I was able to get up and go out again. And at other times the senior
devotees enlivened me. At the same time I tried to help as much as possi-
ble in the temple. By serving devotees I received the mercy that helped me
to go out every day. And by hearing the $rmad-Bhgavatam class regularly
and reading rla Prabhupda's books every day, I gradually fixed my mind
on distributing books.

"aii Dev Ds: When you first start to distribute books it's like a game.
You go out to see how people will react and what they'll say and what kind
of people you'll meet. Sometimes it gets tough, and the mind can't take it
anymore. Sometimes I had to go to the car, and I'd sit down and cry, or else
I read a little.

Guru-caraa Dsa: I remember the first time I went out. I was quite afraid
and embarrassed to meet people. I felt sure that book distribution wasn't
my service. Still I did it, and eventually, whenever I was distributing, I was
in ecstasy. But every morning it was difficult to get out. I thought, Yes, it
was enlivening, but that was yesterday. I'm sure this isn't my natural ser-
vice I'm too shy to meet people." Yet by doing it, I started to find plea-
486 The Nectar of Book Distribution

sure and satisfaction in it. There was a natural change in me. Now I like
it. I really feel happy when people take books, and I sometimes visit them
and find that some read the books. Now I don't feel that it's difficult to go
out and preach. I like it. Sometimes I can go almost naturally. I don't have
to fight much with my mind. Now I don't even mind going out by myself.
When most of the devotees go to the Mypur festival and the remaining
devotees are fully engaged, there's nobody to push me to go out, but I still
like to go out.

Distributing books with older book distributors

Maidhra Dsa: Distributing books is ecstatic, but my greatest ecstasy is
distributing with a younger devotee and seeing how a bewildered, doubt-
ful newcomer turns into a completely determined sakrtana devotee. I see
how sakrtana is Lord Caitanya's mercy, and it gives me great confidence
in the process. On sakrtana you can observe how it works.

Caku Dsa: I got to know Ka consciousness and the devotees while

traveling through India. In Vndvana I got a book by rla Prabhupda
for the first time. After returning from India, I joined the temple, and after
some weeks I began to distribute books. At that time there were only two or
three devotees on traveling sakrtana in Austria, and they introduced me
to the art of book distribution. They always spoke about Harinmnanda,
and they mentioned that he'd soon visit Austria to travel with us for a week.
I was curious to see how he distributed so many books, because I liked book
distribution and also wanted to distribute more. When he came, I brought
him to all the places where I used to distribute, and he distributed three or
four times the number of books that I did. It was the first time I realized
that book distribution is transcendental. It doesn't depend on the place, but
on my consciousness. After a week of association with Harinmnanda, I
doubled my results and gained great faith in book distribution.

Jhnav Dev Ds: I distributed books for the first time with another bhak-
tin, and she took me to Kennedy airport. We wore Western clothes, and
we distributed small and medium books. I pretty much copied her. I wasn't
afraid of the people. Then Jadur came to New York to train women in
book distribution. I followed her around for seven or eight hours a day for
quite a few days in a row. I watched every move she made and listened to
every word she said. She was personal in her approach and wouldn't always
say the same thing. I'd watch her for an hour, then go practice what I had
learned. And I'd mess up, say the wrong thing, or forget what to say. So I'd
go back and watch her again, and I began to develop a technique. In the
Training New Book Distributors 487

beginning I copied her like a robot, but it really worked. In a short time ev-
erything became more natural for me. Jadur preached to me philosoph-
ically and wasn't much concerned with big results, although she did more
than all of us. She was detached, and she'd preach to me in that mood. She
really trained me well. I got a real taste and loved it from the beginning.

Tapas Dsa: The most difficult thing is to get out on the street. Every day it
is the same kind of experience, especially for new devotees. My somehow
or other tries to stop you from going out. When you are in the sakrtana
van, you feel, Oh, I'm very tired. Maybe I should take rest. Or maybe I
should chant more rounds or read a bit. Maybe I should take prasdam."
The mind is trying to cheat you. On the mental platform sakrtana be-
comes as difficult as rising in the morning the longer you wait, the more
difficult it becomes. It's said that one conquers sleep by rising. The same
thing applies if one wants to do sakrtana. One simply goes out and does
it. Determination is the only thing we need, and we get it by associating
with determined devotees who take us out on sakrtana.

Navna-nrada Dsa: One way of introducing new devotees to book distri-

bution is to engage them as servants of experienced book distributors. Es-
pecially during marathons they can help by driving, shopping, cooking, and
preparing the book stacks. Or going door to door with the book distribu-
tors that's the way I began sakrtana, and it helped me a lot.

10.7 Lessons to improve the distribution

Never quit
Nsihadeva Dsa: When difficulties arise, a book distributor must contin-
ue. Rohisuta used to tell us again and again, Just continue no matter
what." If you never give up, you overcome all difficulties.

Quantity rests upon quality

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Once, the devotees asked rla Prabhupda whether
they should be concerned about how fast they chanted japa. Prabhupda
said that at first they shouldn't worry about speed and should just do it
nicely; then, as they practiced, naturally and automatically the speed would
increase. So this principle also applies to book distribution. In the beginning
the stress should always be on quality. That doesn't exclude quantity. There
are examples of distributors doing a large quantity of books qualitatively
488 The Nectar of Book Distribution

well from the beginning. Even if big results don't manifest initially, they will
come, provided the distributor gets a solid foundation and does not give up
his service when the first test comes.

Avoid indifference it's a battle of wills

Harike!a Swami: Sometimes devotees may think, We'll go out and distrib-
ute books, and if Ka wants, the people will take them. Otherwise, what
can we do?" So they just say, You want a book?" And the person says,
No." And they think, Ka doesn't want him to take a book. Next per-
son." This is an impersonal attitude. A book distributor has to have a strong
desire because the people don't want anything except sense gratification.
Therefore one's desire has to be stronger than the materialist's desire for
sense gratification. The materialists may say no, but a devotee doesn't ac-
cept that. He gives them reasons to take the book, and he strongly wants
them to have it. Then the Supersoul may tell them, Look how strong his
desire is. Even though you're not interested, how can you refuse him? His
reasons are good. Take the book." That's the way to convince others. De-
termination must be there, not that the book distributor just thinks, It's
up to Ka." It is up to Ka, but Ka is waiting for a devotee's desire
to manifest. Then Ka will help his desire become realized. The devotee
has to endeavor. And if he desires and endeavors, Ka will reward him. A
devotee should try his best, and he shouldn't be disappointed if after doing
his best it didn't work. (From a class in Zurich on August 13, 1990)

Harinmnanda Dsa: When I go out on sakrtana I cannot meditate on
Ka in an artificial way or visualize the form of Ka in front of me.
When I take fifteen or twenty books on my arm, then I see only the condi-
tioned souls. I know it will be like a battle. I know what my duty is just to
contact the people in such an attractive way that they will find no good rea-
son not to take the books. That's my meditation on sakrtana. We should
carefully avoid a sentimental understanding of book distribution or else our
so-called enthusiasm will not last, because the karms won't be sentimental
with us.

Avoid small talk

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Sometimes people want you to listen to their philos-
ophy or life story. Or they want to know things about you. When I meet
someone from Australia, I'm asked how I came to Germany from Austral-
Training New Book Distributors 489

ia. He doesn't really want to know about the books. He's simply looking
into my life as a form of sense gratification. This is a test of my because
it's an opportunity to speak about myself. Of course, we have to talk about
such things sometimes, but we ought to avoid falling into the trap of grati-
fying our senses by thinking, I'm interesting, and my life is important and
worth hearing about."

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: One kind of useless person is the myvd who has
his own books and philosophy. If you meet one and argue with him, it con-
taminates you. Recently, I spoke to one for forty-five minutes, and for sev-
eral days after I was struggling like anything. That happened when I was
doing bigger than ever before, but this guy finished me off because I was
foolish enough to bother to argue with him. We should be potent enough to
directly confront people like that with the books or avoid the conversation.

Be concise
Bhaktavatsala Dsa: I met a man who had heard about Bhagavad-gt, and
he took one and gave a nice donation. Then I decided to tell him more
about the book, but my speech did nothing but remind him that he's a
Christian. Soon we had an argument and then he wanted his money back,
and I had to give in, taking it as a lesson not to talk so much.

Don't talk over people's heads

Bhadbhnu Dsa: If our minds are uncontrolled, we confuse the urge to
speak with preaching. We talk and talk, and even if it is Ka conscious
philosophy, it turns people off because it is egocentric. We like hearing our
voice, or we're attached to an instant conversion. Lord Caitanya showed
the perfect example when He preached to Srvabhauma Bhacrya. He
listened for seven days. Of course, Srvabhauma was a big fish, and Lord
Caitanya wanted to catch him. The Lord spoke only when Srvabhauma
showed some interest and asked, Why aren't You saying anything?" If
there's no interest, what's the use of preaching? We give them the books,
which are nondifferent from Lord Caitanya, and the books are very patient.
They wait even longer than seven days.

Be aggressive, but . . .
Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Streets, parking lots, shopping centers, and airports
are places where people are under pressure. They want to get to the next
490 The Nectar of Book Distribution

place quick, quick, quick. So when they meet a inexperienced devotee

eager to sell a book, they might misunderstand that he wants to cheat them.
How dare he stop me to sell something?" Or How dare he knock on
my car window while I'm sitting in my car." We are quite aggressive, and
that's required. There's nothing wrong with that. Prabhupda said that if
he hadn't been aggressive, we wouldn't have turned to Ka consciousness.
But we have to be intelligently aggressive and must avoid agitating people.
Prabhupda said that if by our aggression we make people angry and they
walk away without a book, then we're a nonsense. So we have to learn to
be aggressive and humorous and detached and friendly all at the same time.
It's especially difficult for young devotees. They tend to be attached to the
results because at the end of the week everyone glorifies their good results.
And if they don't bring in big results, they fear that other devotees might
think they were in my. We should be eager to please the devotees by our
sincere endeavors, but not at the expense of burning people out. An aggres-
sive way of distributing books isn't the method, anyway, to get good results
in the long run.

Let Ka help
Jhnav Dev Ds: As I started to develop the art of distributing books,
I retained what Jadur taught me. I had a foundation on which I could
build using my personality and life experiences and I'd meet people on
their level. Spontaneously I'd always find things to say. I tried to be my-
self. Ka is the source of remembrance and forgetfulness. He gave me the
power to say things I didn't even know I knew. And sometimes He took
away what I thought I knew, depending on my consciousness.

Every person is an individual

Navna-nrada Dsa: The intelligence has to be alert like anything. Who
am I dealing with? Does he already have books? Did he read something?
Does he like the books or not? Does he feel bad about the way he got
the books?" We should be friendly and emphasize the value of the books,
try to pacify the person if he got upset the last time, even apologize, and
we shouldn't foolishly push anyone to buy more books. Only then, if at all,
can we expect him to take another book. Start a dialogue. Find out what
interests he has. History? Culture? Psychology? It doesn't require making
a speech. Rather, we have to be sensitive. Every person is different. We
can't start a conversation by asking artificial, useless questions. Book distri-
bution isn't mechanical. We have to be absorbed in the service, then a few
Training New Book Distributors 491

words are enough to touch the soul. If we just try to find a way to give the
nectar to people, Ka gives all facility, all knowledge, and all strength to
be straightforward, and then we immediately see what kind of explanation
a person needs. We cannot force people to take books in their hands with-
out making a nice approach. We have to gain their confidence. If they feel
they're being forced by someone, they'll never accept anything.

Be personal
Caku Dsa: It's important to deal with an individual personally, not like a
machine: You put in the mantra, shake him up a bit, then the money comes
out and you have one more book point. That's not the way. We have to be
personal. By being personal, we see the nature of a person. If we deal with
someone according to his nature, he'll feel inspired to give in to our desire
that he take the books. And by seeing his nature we also see how far he
can be engaged whether he can take only one book or all the books. If
devotees are personal in dealing with people, the people will also feel fa-
miliar with the devotees and have a higher appreciation for them and the
books they get. And seeing the books in their homes, they will remember
the devotees' instruction that they should read the books.

10.8 Dealing with weakness

What is this alone? A Vaiava is never alone. When I first
came to the United States I was seemingly alone for one year.
But I never felt alone. I always felt the presence of my Guru
Mahrja. I was cooking, I was printing books, I was selling
books everything seemingly alone. But I did not lose my
determination. Actually you should know this: You are never
alone. 17

Harike!a Swami: Sometimes devotees feel weak on book distribution, and

during the day they think, I can't go on. It's too difficult. I don't have any
strength left. What shall I do?" Sometimes they go to sleep, sometimes they
sit down to read, sometimes they eat prasdam, and sometimes they just go
crazy. In such a situation I advise: First, stop and get yourself to some place
where you can just chant Hare Ka on your beads and sit down or walk
up and down and chant rounds until you get your head together. There is
nothing better than chanting Hare Ka to get your head together. Some-
times we just have to chant a lot of rounds in one day. Then after you chant
a lot, you're ready to read a bit. So you sit down to read. And when you're
492 The Nectar of Book Distribution

finished with that, then you may have enough strength to go back out and
face the cruel material world again. But when you feel, Here I am facing
the cruel material world, and I'm doing all right, but I am gradually wea-
kening again," then you can try the technique of chanting between persons.
As you approach people, you can chant. Of course, you don't do it within
earshot of the person. But in between people you can chant. What is more
powerful for a sakrtana devotee than the holy name of the Lord? It is an
important technique to just chant more. There is no better technique.
The sakrtana devotees should take care of themselves physically and
spiritually. They have to eat properly and get enough sleep. During the
day they can take a break to finish their rounds, and they have to read
rla Prabhupda's books to keep themselves Ka conscious. I've been
requesting our sakrtana devotees to read two hours a day because they
have to learn the books. If they simply sell them, sell them, sell them, and
never read them, it's not good. Prabhupda told me in South Africa, They
think the books are just for selling, but actually I have made them for read-
ing. They should read the books, not just sell the books." The point is that
the books are especially meant to help us develop Ka consciousness. So
if one falls into my during the day, he should chant more and read a little
and then get himself back on his feet and immediately strike back at my
again. Don't let my get the upper hand. But if you become so weak that
you can't go on, then go back to the temple and tell the president. Then
get some other service, maybe harinma or helping in the kitchen or doing
some Deity worship. Don't worry, it's not bad. Every warrior on the battle-
field becomes a little weak and needs to return to the camp for a rest. After
a short period the sakrtana spirit will well up, and you will want to go out
again. The other devotees should understand this and give you support.

10.9 Dealing with hostile people

Rohisuta Dsa: As Lord Caitanya says, td api suncena taror iva sahi-
un, amnin mnadena krtanya sad hari: only when we're tolerant
and humble can we perform krtana and sakrtana, chanting the holy name
and giving it to others. We have to give respect to others. That's a heavy
thing for most people in Kali-yuga to accept; even for devotees it's hard
to follow. It's much easier to be a demigod or a katriya, because they can
immediately kill anyone who's against Ka and religious principles. But
devotees cannot kill anyone. Lord Caitanya's and Lord Nitynanda's mis-
sion is to kill people's demoniac mentalities. Therefore we cannot chastise
them. When someone says something against you, the best way to kill them
is to ignore them. If our consciousness is pure and detached, we won't even
Training New Book Distributors 493

meet such people because we'll be working on a completely different level

and be attracting only nice people. But when we do meet such people, we
don't become agitated or angry or entangled in useless arguments. We al-
ways find ways to get rid of them and continue with a pure consciousness.

Maidhra Dsa: We had many encounters with demons because they're

common in Germany. In a dangerous situation we can realize how Ka
protects us and gives us intelligence and prowess. The demons I knew con-
sidered me brainwashed anyway, so I didn't mind acting in an even cra-
zier way than they expected. That came as a shock for them, and they
preferred running away from the crazy" Ka guy before he goes com-
pletely nuts." Sometimes I bowed down in front of them and opened their
shoes or produced a strange sound. The demons were perplexed and panic-
stricken: He's mad or epileptic. Who knows what he's going to do next!"
But that type of behavior is only for the full-time demons. One evening af-
ter dark a man pulled out a revolver instead of money and pointed it at me.
But I just put my finger in the hole and said, Pull the trigger, friend, and
you'll get yourself in trouble. The whole thing will shoot back at you." He
started to laugh, and me, too. Then he put the gun back in his pocket.

Pur#rav Dsa: If people become offensive or ask stupid questions just to

entangle me, I take the book back and end the whole thing. They want
to waste our time, and we have to be clever enough to get away with-
out offending them. That's especially true of Christians and so-called reli-
gious people who seem interested and ask questions but only want to make
the point that Jesus is the only way. Talking with such people pollutes our
consciousness. But when they ask relevant questions and are sincere to hear
something, we can speak with them, especially after they've bought a book.
Generally they're not on the level of grasping philosophical points, and we
should say no more than required to give them a book.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: In Dresden I met a young lady who was curious, but
hesitant to buy a book. I was explaining the Ka books when suddenly
a woman passed by and said, I don't know much about Ka conscious-
ness, but I got that book yesterday. It's really good, and you should buy
it." Ka's mercy! The young lady was just opening her purse when a man
came over and said, Be careful! He's from a dangerous sect!" The young
lady listened as he started to explain. I realized it was out of my control. I
was astonished at the unusual situation that Ka had arranged. I said to
her, Well, you can believe me or him. Do what you want." The man con-
tinued, Don't take the books." Soon the girl became annoyed with his ha-
494 The Nectar of Book Distribution

rangue and said, I don't have to do what you say. I do what I want. I'll take
this book."

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Sometimes people ask, Is this from a sect?" One

way of responding to this programmed doubt is to ignore it and explain that
the books are ancient India's most famous books of wisdom. If people are
really heavy and insist, No, this is from a sect," then I defend the books: I
know the German culture is nice, but it's not the only culture in the world;
just because it's not from Germany doesn't mean it's from a sect." I re-
peat that the books are from the most ancient culture of the world. Have
you heard about Sanskrit?" Or sometimes I pretend not to know what sect
means, and then they have to try to explain it or shut up. So that opens
some new ground for preaching and clarifying their misunderstandings.

Ya!od-dulla Dsa: Once a bhakta in my group was being harassed by

a Christian who followed him and disrupted his book distribution. So our
Bhakta Johann finally got fed up, went up to the guy right in front of all the
people, and began to chant loud into the demon's face: Hare Ka, Hare
Ka, Ka Ka, Hare Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma,
Hare Hare. The so-called Christian started screaming, No, no, no! Stop,
stop!" He began to flee, and Johann followed him, chanting the holy name.
The man screamed as if he were being violently attacked and ran off, never
to return.

"aii Dev Ds: Don't agitate a demon. Don't agitate anyone. Demons are
agitated in any case. It doesn't matter what you do or say or how nice you
are to them. If you notice a demon, try to go out of his way. And don't dis-
tribute in front of city bookstores, because often the store owners will be-
come envious and call the police. Keep moving, like a bee looking for nec-
tar, and never waste time in dry situations.

10.10 First realizations of a higher taste

Rohisuta Dsa: If a sakrtana devotee fears going out, this is a sign that
he's weak in Ka consciousness. Fear exists only on the surface. In the
nectar of Ka consciousness, there is no fear. Fear comes from attachment
to the body, from thinking, I'm the enjoyer and controller." You're afraid
of seeing your attachments frustrated or losing your sense gratification. But
if you have nothing but Ka and Ka's books to distribute, what can
people take from you? Why do you have anything to fear? They can only
take a book from you. This is no reason for fear. They can't steal anything
Training New Book Distributors 495

better than a Ka conscious book. That is perfection for a thief. You

should fear only a falldown. My you have to fear, and that fear brings you
to Ka. Even if you give up the body on book distribution, it's no reason
for fear. Lord Caitanya Himself will bring you back. Or you may become
sick, but Lord Caitanya will protect you. Gaur passed away in Vndvana
after distributing books for many years, and Lord Caitanya protected her
from all anxiety. She was chanting and reading in Vndvana, and she left
her body chanting Hare Ka. You could not have a better situation for
leaving your body. So a book distributor need not fear anything because his
life is in the hands of Ka. And Ka cares for you, don't worry. Ka
even takes care of your body.

Prahldnanda Swami: When I started to distribute books, five of us devo-

tees did sakrtana every day. I drove them to their spots and dropped them
off, and then I'd go out myself. But immediately my would hit me: Oh,
my dear sir, you are tired. You can't go out now. And the people are nasty.
You should take some rest, and you will feel better. Then you can go out."
I thought like that, and I took rest, but then I'd wake up sweating, tired,
anxious, and still not ready to go out. Every day my did the same thing
to me, so I started to analyze the situation: When I feel the mode of igno-
rance rising, I think I will get relief by taking rest, but actually the result is
always more anxiety." So then I decided that as soon as I had dropped ev-
eryone off, I'd just fly out of the van and start distributing books with full
determination. As soon as I did that, the modes of nature disappeared, and
it was like a different world.

Indradyumna Swami: One winter in Paris we wanted to prepare a big pro-

gram for Prabhupda, so we printed thousands of pamphlets called On
Chanting Hare Ka. We wanted to distribute all of them in the Metros,
and we started a marathon, going into the Metro early, about 7:30 A.M.,
before it became light outside. We'd stay there all day, eat our lunch on
the benches, and come out in the evening at 8 P.M. Day after day, week af-
ter week, for about a month and a half, we didn't even see the sun. When
Prabhupda came we had his dar"ana. I was a neophyte, and I wanted to
complain to my spiritual master. When Prabhupda asked if there were any
questions, I raised my hand and asked, It's difficult going into the Metros
all day. We don't even see the sun." Prabhupda interrupted me by asking,
When did I ever say that preaching was easy?" So I began to understand
that all the discomforts and austerities are like nothing when they're meant
to please the spiritual master and Ka. Sometimes we lose sight of that
goal. If we make a nice arrangement, if our devotional service goes on in
496 The Nectar of Book Distribution

nice circumstances, then we think we are doing well in devotional service.

But where does our real pleasure come from? What is the Vaiava's hap-
piness? Even at much risk, at much pain, his real happiness is when he sees
another person take to devotional service.

Gaur Dev Ds: The first time I distributed a lot of books, I was at the
New Jersey airport. A thick fog grounded all the planes and kept the mil-
itary men there all day. So I wandered around with my Ka books in a
state of what was for a neophyte devotee some kind of ecstasy. Somehow I
wasn't feeling any special pride or an ambition to distribute a lot of books.
What I felt was awe at Ka's potency. I was simply awed by how Ka
could arrange for the books to go out. And it just went on all day long. I
distributed seventy books that day, which was the biggest that we had ever
done in New York at that time.

Jadur Dev Ds: Sometimes you really want to do sakrtana, but when
you get out, you don't have a strong desire to go through all the austerities
and difficulties. Then you should desire to have the desire. Prabhupda said
to pray to Ka for whatever you want. The living entity is totally unable
to achieve anything on his own. He can do something only by the grace of
the Lord. So even if you don't have a desire, then you just go through with
it as a duty, and the desire comes if you simultaneously pray for it. It's like
when you're almost drowned and the lifeguard administers artificial res-
piration. It's artificial, but because the breathing is somehow going on, it
eventually returns and becomes natural again. Similarly, in the scriptures it
is said that acts performed in knowledge strengthen knowledge. I may not
have the knowledge, but if I act like a person in knowledge would act, then
knowledge comes. Enthusiasm comes. A lot of times when I used to do
sakrtana as a younger devotee and I didn't feel enthusiastic, I'd smile and
put on a big show of enthusiasm: Hi there! What's your name? How are
you?" And it soon became natural, because Ka saw that I was trying. I
knew intellectually that it was the right thing to do. By personal experience
we know, and therefore we do it, even if initially we do it by force, by habit,
by duty, or just fake it. At least intellectually we have to understand what is
right that the person should get a book and I should help him. If I can't
do it naturally, I have to do it somehow.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: At a certain point I gave up the idea that some day
I would become a big sakrtana star, especially when I got the chance to
travel with Harinmnanda. And when I gave up that idea, I felt my sa-
Training New Book Distributors 497

krtana drastically improve. I decided that I should just dedicate myself to

going out every day and doing what I can. Immediately I felt relieved and
free from many mental attachments and fears.

"acnandana Swami: During the marathon even our professional" actor

and social critic, Bhakta Cedric, went out on book distribution for the first
time, with some reservations, we have to admit. But he came back com-
pletely blissful. What's the matter with you, Bhakta Cedric?" we asked.
What has happened? Tell us what kind of miracle happened!" And he
said, Someone came up to me and asked, `Do you know Rohisuta?' I
didn't know what to say; maybe he wanted to give the book back, and I
would have to return the money. So I hesitated and said, `I've heard of him.
I know him from a distance.' Then the man replied, `Wonderful. He sold me
the Bhagavad-gt yesterday, and I couldn't stop reading it. I want ten more
copies to give to my friends.'" Bhakta Cedric could hardly believe it. Com-
pletely in bliss, he went back to the car and got the ten books. So even the
skeptic Cedric distributed eighty books that day. (From a class in Zurich on
January 1, 1991)

10.11 Becoming steady

Let our philosophy be challenged by anyone, and we shall
defeat them. I want that you distribute our books very
widely, as many as possible, then people will get the right
information. We show people by the results: so many centers,
happy devotees, big books, strong conviction like that. Let
people judge who is better by the results. 18

Purifying our motivation

Guru-caraa Dsa: I was never a star, but I tried to be steady. If we con-
tinue to go out, a nice result accumulates in the course of time even though
the daily results aren't that big. Whenever my results went down, I under-
stood that I had done something wrong; maybe I had offended a devotee or
I was too attached to the results.. At that point I tried to concentrate more
on chanting and reading. I wanted to be careful. What helped me a lot was
chanting. For a sakrtana devotee it's important to chant his rounds all
together before 7 A.M. if possible, or at least before going out. Chanting
and reading when you aren't tired, with a clear mind, is really the most im-
portant thing, because it gives us the strength to remain steady.
498 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Rohisuta Dsa: Sometimes new devotees think, I want to perform the

supreme service. Therefore I have to become a book distributor. At least
I have to become a preacher or a BBT devotee. Everything else is second,
third, or fourth class, and that's too low for me." But that's the wrong mo-
tivation. We shouldn't perform sakrtana because we want to belong to an
elite. Still, sakrtana is so nice that even if we have that motive, we'll be
purified by all kinds of tests. We should never question why Ka always
tests us and gives us such a hard time. Tests are meant for our purification.
Ka doesn't like to make it easy because He knows us. If He makes it
easy, we'll be inclined to enjoy and forget Him. So He gives us a hard time,
but even hard times are nice times if we surrender to Ka. (From a class
in Zurich on August 7, 1991)

Maidhra Dsa: It's like driving a car. You can't drive safely if you're
watching your feet on the pedals or looking only two meters ahead. You
must look at the whole stretch of road ahead, and then all the short-term
dangers are included, and you can easily deal with them. To reach your des-
tination you must never lose sight of it. You know what the goal is, and de-
spite discouragements and difficulties, you don't become distracted.

Harinmnanda Dsa: I've often seen new bhaktas distributing more and
more books until they realized, If we continue like this, we will end up as
book distributors our whole lives." On that basis, unfortunately, they deci-
ded to give up book distribution. But sakrtana is the most important ser-
vice one can do for the spiritual master and Ka. That firm faith has to be
instilled into the hearts of the new devotees, beginning from their bhakta
training and continuing throughout their first months in the temple. Other-
wise new devotees will never be willing or able to take part wholeheartedly
in book distribution.

Tests are Ka's mercy

Rohisuta Dsa: Tests are Ka's mercy because He wants us to become
free from the clutches of my. Therefore He doesn't allow any spot of ma-
terialistic desire to remain. So when Ka gives us a hard time, that means
we're getting Ka's favor. We've seen many times that if we go on at a
crucial point when we're about to break, and pray to Ka to be allowed
to continue our book distribution for the pleasure of our spiritual master,
then Ka will suddenly send a nice person who buys the whole set or ten
books and gives us a big donation. Then we're in ecstasy. Then we're run-
ning to the next person, almost ready to embrace him, and he also takes
five books. And somebody else takes a few books. Then we become puffed
Training New Book Distributors 499

up and forget our position. We think we have become an incarnation, and

we become attached to the fruits of our activity. So Ka will again change
the scene and make us struggle. We may think we know the tricks how to
do it, but this time we go on for two hours without doing anything. Some-
times devotees have a hard time for days or even weeks. But we have to be
willing to go on despite bad results. That means we have real compassion
and understand why we're going out. We're not going out for our sense gra-
tification. We perform our service because our spiritual master told us to do
it. We have to stick to our duties despite our liking or disliking them. When
we pass the tests, then we can enter new dimensions of spiritual life.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: When I started to distribute books, I had an expe-

rience that increased my faith in Ka and book distribution. I was trying
to distribute books near a post office, and after two hours of not selling one
book, I said to myself, I can't do it anymore." It was about 12:30, and I
made the plan that if I didn't distribute a book before one o'clock, I'd stop
distributing books for the rest of my life. At one o'clock, I distributed one
book. Then another. And then another and another. And after one hour
I had distributed almost twenty books. For a new bhakta that's a lot of
books. From that experience I could understand that Ka is the supreme
controller and, if He wants, I can distribute a lot of books but I'm so in-
experienced and unqualified that He cannot use me as a tool. That was a
great realization.

Sarvtm Dsa: There are many tricks that my can use to stop your sa-
krtana. For example, you may have a Bhagavad-gt in your hand for an
hour, and nobody will take it, and then the mind will say, That's enough
I can't take it any longer. I can't be humbled like this." But that's simply
a trick. My will never give you a test you cannot pass, because she is
Ka's devotee. You are meant to pass all her tests, and as Queen Kunt
said tests are a great aid in remembering Ka.

Overcoming dualities and fighting the mind

Bhagavad-gt 8.7 p: Yoga practice is meditation on the Supersoul within;
similarly, by chanting Hare Ka one fixes his mind always on the Supreme
Lord. The mind is fickle, and therefore it is necessary to engage the mind
by force to think of Ka.

Prahldnanda Swami: Sometimes I would be in anxiety because people

wouldn't take any books. Then I'd sit down and read, but I couldn't under-
stand what I was reading. So I'd read the same thing over and over again
500 The Nectar of Book Distribution

until I finally understood what it said: Everyone is Ka's servant, and we

are meant to please Him. So what was there to worry about? I'd go out with
new enthusiasm. Sakrtana became nectar again. As soon as I controlled
my mind and understood the philosophy of Ka consciousness, I became
free from anxiety, and many people reciprocated accordingly. Even if some
people didn't reciprocate, it didn't matter as long as I remained detached
from the results.

Gaur Dev Ds: Somehow people recognize our purity. Their reactions
are a response to our purity. A devotee may not talk to them about Ka,
or God, right away. So I don't mean purity in the sense that we are directly
preaching, but just that our friendliness is unmotivated. We're not hustling
them for anything. If we aren't fruitive and don't think of them in terms
of lakm points or book points, that really gets communicated to them
on some level. We keep our minds fixed on that platform by being de-
termined. I don't mean passionately determined, pushy; I mean sensitively
determined to concentrate our whole self on the person for a few minutes
and try to grasp what the soul of the person is going through, what kind of
ego he has, and what's preventing him from taking the book. It comes from
constant practice. Ka rewards us with the intelligence and intuitive real-
ization. But you definitely have to practice. You have to go out and try. You
have to show Ka that you want it. And it requires a lot of austerity on
the part of a devotee. It's an austere service in that sense. But the taste is
so deep. Once you begin to taste it and gradually you do you become
steadier and steadier if you remain steady in your attempt to get it.

Jadur Dev Ds: How do you avoid becoming angry when people are
mean? Well, when you ask a baby, Do you like Prabhupda? Do you like
krtana?" usually he says no. But you don't get mad at him. You keep of-
fering him Prabhupda and krtana and Ka. You know that he doesn't
know what he's talking about because he's a baby, and babies never give
any good reason for anything. Another example Prabhupda gave is that a
doctor doesn't take a patient's delirious kicking and cursing personally. The
doctor just goes on with his serious business of helping the patient.

Realizing your dependence on guru and Ka

Maidhra Dsa: Sakrtana forces us to surrender. At least we should be
surrendered enough that we never stop our devotional service. Even with
some doubts and difficulties, we have to keep going. The real taste for sa-
krtana is beyond the mental and bodily platforms. The sincere disciple is
Training New Book Distributors 501

fully surrendered to the order of his spiritual master. As rla Prabhupda

explained about chanting, it's like the cry of the little child for its moth-
er. There's no mystical power involved in distributing Prabhupda's books.
It's like a child's cry for his mother. Prabhupda gave us the shelter of sa-
krtana, and if we fully take it, we will easily realize that it's a pleasant, safe

Gaur Dev Ds: I had an unforgettable experience with rla Prabhupda.

I was painting for his books. I had just had an operation that made it im-
possible for me to go out on sakrtana, and Ka was letting me work on
some paintings. I knew that sooner or later I was going have to deal with
Prabhupda on the issue of book distribution. I knew I hadn't gotten off
the hook. I had already distributed 108 books and pleased Prabhupda with
that score, and I had already done well on sakrtana again and again. I had
a taste, but I just had the idea I wanted to be a book artist, and I couldn't
get it out of my mind. It was like wanting to get married. It was a totally
material idea, and Ka let me do it for a while. Then Prabhupda came
to Los Angeles and held a dar"ana for the older artists and some managers.
I wasn't invited, but because I knew the person that was Prabhupda's sec-
retary pretty well, he let me sneak in. I snuck into Prabhupda's bedroom,
to the side of the dar"ana room. I was sitting almost next to Prabhupda, so
I was closer than a lot of the devotees. I could watch his expressions care-
fully. The devotees were presenting their different preaching programs to
Prabhupda one by one. I remember a big preaching program they were do-
ing on college campuses and a newspaper they had printed. He leaned back
on his pillows, looking very tired, and just nodded. Then they described how
hard the artists worked, and he also nodded to acknowledge that. Finally,
they presented what was going on in book distribution, and the minute the
words book distribution were mentioned, Prabhupda sat up as straight as
an arrow, put his elbows on his desk and his chin in his hands, and smiled
from ear to ear. All of a sudden he looked just like a boy. It was a totally
different thing, and it went to my heart. Hearing the reports, Prabhupda
beamed and smiled and experienced ecstasy, because he clearly knew what
Ka wanted so much that many books have to be distributed to the
conditioned souls. And I realized that Prabhupda had me. Now I'd never
forget that the thing dearest to his heart was book distribution. Whatever
anybody would say could never change my realization after that.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: We have to remember the words of our spiritual

master. We can understand that when the spiritual master emphasizes an
activity so much, it must be the most important activity even if we don't un-
502 The Nectar of Book Distribution

derstand it completely. Whenever I go on the street and really concentrate, I

feel fully connected to my spiritual master, and it's blissful. Of course, it can
sometimes be a struggle. People are nasty and mean, and the mind creates
troubles. But I know that if I just go on, I will get a breakthrough. Some-
times you go around for several hours doing almost nothing. At that point,
one alternative is to give up and sit down to read. But I've experienced
many times that if I decided to pray to Ka and just continued trying to
please my spiritual master, some nice person almost always came along and
bought a lot of books, and from that point on it became easy. It's like reach-
ing a barrier; you have to surrender. If you do, everything changes, and you
get a clear vision again.

Nsihadeva Dsa: Every day is a fight. Book distribution is a hard auste-

rity for the body and the mind, but the bliss that you experience is so great
that you gladly accept all these things: no results, people slamming the door,
the mind freaking out, and so on. Those things happen because we're still
too impure to be used as instruments by the spiritual master. But at least
theoretically we know, I'm not doing this for my sense gratification, but
for the pleasure of the spiritual master." And we're taking the vow: I want
to satisfy my spiritual master. I may have so many doubts, I may be such
a blockhead, but by his mercy I want to continue my service of distributing
books and thus become purified." Thus we go out again and again, despite
setbacks and discouragements. And we like to suffer a little bit for the spiri-
tual master. We understand well that by Ka's grace the difficulties we
face will purify us.

Ka trains the devotees on sakrtana

Jadur Dev Ds: Determination is required because people repeatedly
say no. When this happens to me, it just makes me smile because I can see
that I'm not the controller, and that gives me a feeling of real relief. Ka
can give us a totally zero day if He wants to. If we surrender to Ka's
supremacy, we lose our anxiety. In the beginning when there was a total
No!" the whole time, I would be in a little anxiety. But then I realized that
if Ka wants to do something like that He can. And He knows what He's
doing. After having that realization I became happier and could continue
to distribute with freedom and detachment: What's the use of anxiety?
Ka can do with me whatever He wants." And people could feel my state
of consciousness. All of a sudden they took the books, and the tide turned.
Or even if the tide doesn't turn, we just keep going until Ka wants to
turn it.
Training New Book Distributors 503

Maidhra Dsa: Sometimes Ka uses the people to encourage us or rec-

tify our behavior. A few times when I was spacing out on the street, some-
one in the middle of the crowd patted me on the shoulder and said, Keep
going, keep going." I always took it as Ka's advice. Or someone would
come up to me and say, Why are you speaking in such a low voice?" Or
Don't speak that fast. I can't understand anything you're saying." At first
the false ego protests, What do these karms know?" But then I'd adjust:
Maybe he is right. I'm speaking too fast." These things happen during
sakrtana. There are so many signs that Ka gives us through the kar-
ms. Then sakrtana becomes fun, because one begins to experience that
everything is under Ka's control, and that's really exciting to see. I won-
der what Ka is going to do next. We cannot control Ka, so we don't
know what He is going to do next. Therefore the exciting thing is to disco-
ver Ka on the street, and we will see that He acts in wonderful ways.

Tapas Dsa: Sakrtana is a school. Lord Caitanya is teaching us on the

street. There are many experiences during the day that are clearly His ar-
rangements. We should remember the details of those personal exchanges
between the Lord and us. I find it helpful to write them down in the eve-
ning. We can feel Lord Caitanya's presence more fully on the street than in
the temple. Sometimes it is amazing how His presence can be felt. I like to
remember the incidents, and I write them down.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Once, while distributing in Belgium, I had a hard

time. I was completely uninspired, I didn't want to go out, and when I did
go out, I couldn't distribute many books. So I was praying to Ka to help
me. After another tough day, I was dragging myself through the streets. I
presented the books to one guy who said he would take a book and asked
me whether I could change five thousand francs. I said yes and started to
count the money. Then this guy just grabbed the money and started to run.
Of course, I didn't want to let him get off like that, and I tried to stop him.
Then the guy took out an electric rod and hit me, and two other guys came
to help him. But while they were beating me down, I clearly understood
that it was Ka's arrangement. After that, I had to take a week off. I had
a light brain concussion, and during the first three days I could hardly drink
water without vomiting. Ka arranged a week off for me just to correct
me. Although physically I was suffering, my mind was peaceful, and soon
the desire to go out sincerely manifested again. That was just two weeks be-
fore the December marathon. The marathon went well, thanks to the spe-
cial lesson Ka gave me. Unfortunately, the lesson cost some money, but
it was very obliging to see that Ka considers the training of a devotee
504 The Nectar of Book Distribution

more important than the loss of some francs or a reduction in the number
of books being distributed because I couldn't go out for one week.

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: Ka is often teaching us on the street. Once I was

distributing in front of a train station, and one man reacted angrily when
I approached him. He went into the train station and came out again, but
I didn't recognize him and asked him a second time to take a book. He
flipped out, grabbed two books, and started walking away with them. I
ran behind him and asked him to return the books. Many policemen were
around that evening because there was a big football game in town. So
we approached a policeman, and the man angrily related his version of
the story. He said I was pushy, imposing, and bothering a lot of people. I
showed them my permit and said that the man should give back my books.
He said, Arrest her." But the policeman didn't want to get involved. He
told the man to return the books, and he told me, Just continue, but be
nicer to people." I understood that Ka was talking through that man.
I had been attached and pushy. So I continued, and suddenly everything
went well again. Soon after that one dirty-looking man came by. Just for
fun I approached him and showed him the books. He was interested in In-
dia, and he took many books. He told me he sells houses surprise! I gave
him our invitation card, and I heard later that he phoned the center the next
day and then visited us and gave a good donation. He left his address and
showed interest in supporting us further. In this way we experience extreme
situations within short periods of time. Ka is teaching us to become de-

Navna-nrada Dsa: When you begin to do big, it can be like sense gratifi-
cation. You think that you're really expert in manipulating people because
everybody takes books and does what you say. But as soon as this enjoying
mood comes up, Ka immediately takes the results away. Sometimes the
devotees glorify you, and even the karms come up to you to offer you well-
paying jobs as a salesman. When my begins to test you, you have to be
cautious not to forget that it's only Ka's qualities that make you attrac-
tive. If you can simply be the medium manifesting Ka's will, then you're
attractive. But if you become proud and think you're the one doing those
things, then Ka immediately takes your results away, and the struggle
starts anew. This is also a feature of Ka's direct reciprocation with you.
The process of purification is strong on sakrtana. As soon as you become
proud or puffed up, Ka sends somebody to smash you, and in this way
Ka protects you from further deviation. But you have to be humble
enough to take His tough lessons.
The Stage of Determined,
Successful Book Distribution
kali-klera dharma ka-nma-sakrtana
ka-!akti vin nahe tra pravartana

The fundamental religious system in the age of Kali is the chanting of the
holy name of Ka. Unless empowered by Ka, one cannot propagate
the sakrtana movement." (Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 7.11)

11.1 Transcending the mental platform

Bhagavad-gt 6.18: When the yog, by practice of yoga, disciplines his men-
tal activities and becomes situated in transcendence devoid of all material
desires he is said to be well established in yoga.

From intelligence to action

Bhagavad-gt 6.25 26: Gradually, step by step, one should become situated
in trance by means of intelligence sustained by full conviction, and thus the
mind should be fixed on the self alone and should think of nothing else.
From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature,
one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the

Harike!a Swami: A devotee is simply desiring Ka's satisfaction, and

therefore he doesn't have to waste any time with the mind. He is not think-
ing all day, Shall I do this, or shall I do that?" Ka just tells him, Do
this." That's all. Such a person, fully guided by Ka, is successful in his
activities. Everybody else thinks that he is intelligent, but he just awaits in-
dications from Ka and acts in that way. He'll never think he's intelligent.

506 The Nectar of Book Distribution

But because he simply thinks, I'll do whatever Ka wants," he's the most
intelligent. Real intelligence means you act only in full surrender to Ka.
ln fact, intelligence is measured by the degree that you can surrender to
Ka. The more you surrender to Ka's desire, the more intelligent you
are. The really intelligent person is he who simply surrenders. Such a sur-
rendered soul's speaking, acting, and book distribution all become em-

Maidhra Dsa: To become steady, dedicated book distributors, we re-

quire knowledge. Sentiments will not help us much. Sentiments are there,
but they have to be based on knowledge. That is the most important in-
gredient on sakrtana, and that knowledge is what the sakrtana devotees
naturally get. We find that many sakrtana devotees aren't big scholars in
the material sense. They cannot express themselves in sophisticated rheto-
ric. But they clearly know what they want, and they've made up their minds
to get it. Vyavasytmik buddhir ekeha. Their hearts are in the right place,
and that makes everything else less important.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: After a lecture somebody asked rla Prabhupda,

How can I control my mind while chanting?" Prabhupda replied, What?
Control your mind? Don't control your mind. Just listen. Just hear." If one
concentrates on hearing, the question of controlling the mind doesn't even
come up. The mind is automatically controlled. Similarly, on sakrtana, if
we're fully absorbed in distributing books, going from one person to the
next, then we've already fixed our intelligence, and the mind doesn't even
get a say in anything that's going on. If we are fully fixed on service, the
mind is automatically controlled.

Gta-govinda Ds: In the morning, when we start distributing, it may be a

little hard. In fact, distributing each book seems like a big struggle. But as
soon as we transcend the mental platform, arguments are no longer needed.
People just come and take the books. We see at a certain point how Lord
Caitanya takes over and does everything. We simply have to be out there
to meet all the people, and on that level we forget about results. Nothing is
as disturbing as the mind counting the books while they go out. We may be
attached to a quota, but we'll never reach it in this way. Even if we distrib-
ute the quota of books, we aren't really satisfied because it was done out of
attachment. But if we can transcend the mental platform, books start to fly
out of our hands, and in the evening we're completely happy because we've
had a purely transcendental experience.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 507

Navna-nrada Dsa: As soon as you step out of the van, you cannot allow
yourself to think of sense enjoyment. You must be fixed on what you're do-
ing because the people you meet are also fixed on what they're doing. If
you aren't fixed on your mission, it won't be possible for you to stop them
for a few minutes and talk to them about deep philosophical matters, what
to speak of giving them a book a book stands for authority, information,
knowledge and at the end making them pay for it. For street distribution,
you have to be absorbed in the nectar of Ka consciousness on all levels.
Otherwise you will run out of strength. On your own, you don't have any
strength. You can keep up the standard of determined book distribution
only by staying firmly connected with the spiritual master's order. Then you
get mercy, inspiration, and intelligence. Otherwise you'll stand there like
many other spaced-out people who just look in shop windows, or those sec-
tarian people who hang around the train stations or on the streets waiting
for other spaced-out people to convert. If you approach people and you're
timid and imposing at the same time, then you'll always have problems.
You'll attract Christian fanatics or demoniac troublemakers, and the police
will become suspicious of you and check you out. But when you're straight-
forward and convinced, you can easily separate nectar from poison, and the
demons will avoid you. Even if a troublemaker shows up, Ka will give
you all the intelligence and power you need to cool the person down or get
rid of him.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: Don't meditate too long on a person who bought

many books. Put it out of the mind and try to find the next person who still
doesn't have any books. Otherwise you'll get hung up on that one success,
and you'll think, I am the doer," and then you'll become attached to the

Vijaya Dsa: Reading Bhagavad-gt means worshiping Ka with one's

intelligence, and when one's intelligence is purified and focused on Ka's
instructions, it easily transcends the mind's influence. By reading the Gt
every day before I go out, I stay fixed on distributing books. Our intelli-
gence and experience tell us that distributing books is the right thing to do,
so we do it without discussion with the mind.

Distributing without mental discrimination

Bhagavad-gt 6.8 9: A person is said to be established in self-realization
and is called a yog when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowl-
508 The Nectar of Book Distribution

edge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-

controlled. He sees everything whether if be pebbles, stones or gold as
the same. A person is considered still further advanced when he regards
honest well-wishers, affectionate benefactors, the neutral, mediators, the
envious, friends and enemies, the pious and the sinners all with an equal

Maidhra Dsa: People can feel our state of mind. They know whether
we take them seriously as persons or see them just as karms. They appre-
ciate our personal approach on the spiritual level. That's precisely the pure
power that rla Prabhupda manifested. He made us feel that we were
nice devotees, even though we weren't. He gave us the faith that we were
the right persons for Ka. And therefore we all felt appreciated and in-
spired and immediately became useful. Prabhupda, of course, knew of the
contaminations and horrible qualities we had, but he didn't take them too
seriously. He fanned the sparks of good qualities not sentimentally, but
practically. He always pulled the best out of us. That's a principle we have
to apply on sakrtana. We can try to take the best out of every person we
approach. Everyone has nice, useful qualities, unless he's a demon.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Once during a December marathon I had a hard

time. For several hours I couldn't distribute much. But suddenly the atmo-
sphere on the parking lot changed, and in the next two hours I distributed
more than a hundred mah-big "rmad-Bhgavatams. A tall, elderly man
watched me the whole time. I thought it better not to approach him. I al-
ways deliberately circled around him. But as time went on and the parking
lot became emptier I decided there'd be no loss in asking him, too, because
it was too late to spoil anything. With a new stack of books I tried to ap-
proach him with all humility but at the same time with all determination. I
was surprised how gently he reacted. He seemed surprised and pleased and
even honored that I finally came to him. He showed great interest. It wasn't
necessary for me to say much. He had been waiting there to buy all the dif-
ferent books I had on my arm, about fifteen books, including the "rmad-
Bhgavatam set. He gave a good donation, and I said, Wait a moment. I
can complete your encyclopedia." I gave him a prospectus on both sets to
keep his mind engaged, and I ran back to the van to get the Caitanya-carit-
mta set also. When I returned, he decided to take the Caitanya-caritmta
set, and he gave another good donation. Then I asked him, Don't you want
to put the books in your car?" The whole time about two hours that
he'd been standing there, he'd been leaning against a car. But this isn't my
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 509

car," he said. My car is parked 400m away in another parking lot." Then I
realized that this man had stood there just to buy the books and, idiot that
I was, I allowed him to wait two hours before I understood that he was a fit
candidate for getting the books. So how can we judge a person according to
his external appearance? Sometimes we think a person is a fit candidate be-
cause he arrives in a Mercedes and looks sophisticated and interested, but
then he reveals himself to be envious and inimical. And sometimes it's ex-
actly the opposite, like in this case. I thought the guy was useless, suspicious
of me, and likely to call the police. And then precisely that type of person
will get the mercy.

Bhadbhnu Dsa: Every person has many disqualifications. So why should

we even start to make distinctions? Once, I went out at 6 A.M. to distri-
bute in front of a hospital, and a fat old woman arrived and put up her
booth to sell sausages. I talked to her, and she immediately showed interest.
Oh, yes, wonderful books, and so early in the morning!" she exclaimed.
We talked for some time, and she emptied her heart. She talked about her
son, who had been a big man in the communist secret police in former East
Germany. Now after the big change in Germany he didn't know what to do.
He was reading a lot, but only Marx and Engels. She became so inspired
that she took the whole set for her son and herself.

Navna-nrada Dsa: A sakrtana devotee should never become mental

about a place. Every sakrtana devotee has a sakrtana leader or a group
leader who tells him where to go and in what spots to distribute. The leader
has to decide where to go in the morning and in what places to distri-
bute that day. Sometimes it happens that a devotee must change his spot.
For example, you change when somebody was going around collecting for
some welfare work just a half hour before. Then it may be better to go
somewhere else. But the best thing generally is to stay at a place and keep
distributing. Once you fall to the mental platform, you'll want to change
places again and again, and it usually never becomes better, because the
mind always follows you. So you just become more and more defeated. You
start to listen to the mind's hopeless tape" Hopeless. Hopeless. It's all
hopeless." The mental tape player has to be smashed. If you want to con-
tinue sakrtana, you have to become situated on the platform of steady in-
telligence and firm, fixed-up faith. We have received the spiritual master's
instruction, and we have to act directly from the platform of intelligence.
We don't ask the mind whether or not it feels inspired. Bypassing the mind
is the secret of success on sakrtana.
510 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Maidhra Dsa: We can distribute anywhere, if we want. We shouldn't

make mental distinctions: I like this place and not that place. That place is
burnt out because many books have been distributed there already." I have
a funny story in this connection. When I traveled with Rohisuta, we were
really fanatics. We started distributing books while chanting our rounds.
We slept in our van in the woods. In the morning we went on japa walks
in separate directions and took some books with us. Sometimes I'd meet a
farmer in a field at six o'clock, and he had a Bhagavad-gt lying on his trac-
tor. He had already met Rohisuta. Even in the winter we slept in the van.
That was the standard in those days. We had no heating, and the only place
to take a shower was in a motel on the highway. So in the morning we took
showers in turn between the truck drivers. Then we chanted our rounds in
front of the toilets because it was too cold outside. We always had a box
of books with us, and as we chanted our rounds, sometimes a bus load of
people arrived to use the toilets, and they were always curious about us.
They saw these two strange fellows chanting Hare Ka, and when they
were standing there next to us, we started selling them Bhagavad-gts. I
don't recommend this as a standard, but it was pretty ecstatic. Sometimes
after we parked in some parking lot in the middle of the woods for the
night, Rohisuta would ask me how many books I had distributed that day.
Seventy-one." Then he would slowly get out of his sleeping bag, grab two
books, and disappear for half an hour. When he came back from the woods,
he'd smile big and say, Seventy-two!" And I was defeated. I don't know
where he distributed those books in the woods, but he did. Anyway, on that
platform sakrtana really starts to be fun. Actually, sakrtana is not a big
austerity. We can have a lot of fun once we want to do it wholeheartedly.

Satisfaction in service
Bhagavad-gt 6.21 23: Situated in boundless transcendental happiness, re-
alized through transcendental senses, one never departs from the truth, and
upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such
a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This
indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from material contact.

Harinmnanda Dsa: One secret is we have to become determined to go

back to the spiritual world and have firm faith in this goal. Where do we
get that determination, strength, and inspiration? We don't have to look far
for it. It's right there in the books we carry and distribute every day. They
are the source of all faith, strength, and inspiration. That's where the power
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 511

comes from. Everything is there. We simply have to understand the power

and influence of these books. Reading the books, we will understand that
Ka consciousness goes very deep, and we will understand the eternity,
knowledge, and bliss of the books. That gives us the strength. And when
we understand this, we will understand that the books are nondifferent
from Ka. Ka appears in the form of these books, and therefore we
are carrying Ka and giving Ka to people. When we realize that, we
are already back home, together with Ka. (From a talk at the marathon
festival in Zurich on January 1, 1991)

Navna-nrada Dsa: You have to invest your energy somewhere. If you

aren't putting 100% of your energy into your service, then you need an ad-
ditional engagement to use the rest of your energy. A brahmacr engages
l00% in his service and collapses in the evening until he wakes up for ma-
gala rati. A brahmacr can do a lot of service for his spiritual master be-
cause he doesn't divert his energy into other activities. That's needed for
book distribution. By always hearing and speaking about book distribution,
reading the books, and associating with sakrtana devotees, we can make
the sakrtana mission our life and soul and get the higher taste for book
distribution. Then there's no scope for thinking of anything else. Even
while dreaming, we are somewhere in a shopping center passing out books.
In this way you can go on distributing books day and night.

Rohisuta Dsa: I joined in Amsterdam, and from the beginning the

sakrtana devotees attracted me most. Several weeks passed before the
temple president dared to send me on sakrtana for the first time. At that
time we were distributing records because there were hardly any books in
Dutch. After some time I returned to Switzerland, where I did some door-
to-door distribution, and then, by Ka's arrangement, in 1975 I went to
Germany, where I met Maidhra. He was already legendary. He was a
real fanatic. Sometimes he was so sick that Harikea Mahrja had to lock
him in his room to keep him from going out. But Maidhra would suffer
unbearable separation from sakrtana, and he'd go through the window,
without anyone knowing and without eating. He took his van and went out
alone to distribute books until he broke down, then he returned and went
back into his room through the window. Sick or healthy, he always went
on book distribution. He was my first sakrtana guru. He gave me the
taste of not desiring anything except pleasing the spiritual master by book
distribution. That's the simple secret of book distribution. You have to as-
sociate with advanced sakrtana devotees who have the taste for going out
512 The Nectar of Book Distribution

and distributing rla Prabhupda's books. Through their association you

can become inspired and empowered.

You're never alone

Bhagavad-gt 6.29 32: A true yog observes Me in all beings and also sees
every being in Me. Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Su-
preme Lord, everywhere. For one who sees Me everywhere and sees ev-
erything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me. Such a yog, who
engages in the worshipful service of the Supersoul, knowing that I and the
Supersoul are one, remains always in Me in all circumstances. He is a per-
fect yog who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all
beings, in both their happiness and distress, O Arjuna!

If you actually remain with sakrtana, that means you are

with Ka. Abhinnatvn nma-nmino: Ka is not dif-
ferent from Ka's book, Ka's words, Ka's name,
Ka's fame, Ka's glory, and Ka's entourage. Every-
thing in relationship with Ka is Ka. If you have that
perfect knowledge, then you are living with Ka always.
You are already in Vaikuha. 1

Harinmnanda Dsa: By going on book distribution year after year, one

can realize his intimate connection with Ka more and more. By the
mercy of the guru and Ka, as soon as one goes out and surrenders to
book distribution, Ka's presence is so closely felt that there's no room
for any my or speculation. All confusion, illusion, laziness, and tiredness
disappear. It's my experience that the longer I'm out, the more addicted I
become. In the evening I don't want to leave the battlefield. And the longer
one is out on the street, the more one can realize that it's Ka distribut-
ing the books. I hope that one day I will realize 100% that Ka alone
controls everything and nothing can happen without Ka's sanction. We
understand this theoretically, but we also want to realize it through prac-
tical experience. And it is a fact that we can get the most realizations on
sakrtana. By executing the order of my spiritual master, I feel Ka's
presence. When the spiritual master is present on the vyssana lecturing
about Ka, everything becomes clear beyond any doubt, and the way
back home, back to Godhead, is open in front of us, and we realize that
actually Ka isn't that far away. And when the spiritual master goes away,
one wants to keep up that spirit and clarity of mind. At least in my case the
best way to do that is by going on book distribution.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 513

Harike!a Swami: As wind whips through the alleys and catches pieces of
paper here and there, the last horizontal rays of the sun wash down the
street. The sakrtana devotee on the street adjusts his cap or tightens his
belt, preparing to meet the material nature head on in a ferocious battle,
just as Ka adjusted His belt before battling Arisura in Vndvana.
What comparison is there between the transcendental realm of Gokula
Vndvana and the streets of Berlin, Stockholm, or Moscow? We can-
not find any similarity by seeing with material eyes. But if we understand
with the heart of a sakrtana devotee, we can feel spiritual energy surg-
ing through us as we move down the street, guided by the Lord within the
heart. Because of the devotee's connection with the Lord, the streets be-
come a blissful place, although they are dark and disturbed. The devotee
isn't at all in anxiety because he's connected to the source of all power and
potency, Ka. What more can I say? Just be satisfied in yourselves, know-
ing well that you're engaged in the most important service for millions of
suffering people in this world. Do not be fooled by any ideas born of self-
interest. The means to please Ka is sakrtana. Our strength is born of
our conviction that the sakrtana mission is topmost. Perform that mis-
sion with enthusiasm, intelligence, conviction, and determination, and clear
out the piles of material problems crowding into your consciousness by the
influence of my. (From a message to the sakrtana devotees on Decem-
ber 12, 1992)

11.2 Beyond attachment and false ego

Ka was Arjuna's most intimate friend. He could have
brought victory to Arjuna without any endeavor by Arjuna;
but neither was that principle advised by Ka, nor did
Arjuna follow it. As a military man Arjuna fought his best,
but the victory was brought to him by Ka. Similarly, we
should endeavor to the best of our capacity, and victory will
come from Ka. We should never sit idly and ask Ka to
do everything. That is the teaching of Bhagavad-gt: yudhya
ca mm anusmara. So ordinarily we have to try our best to
achieve something, and by Ka's grace, all of a sudden we
see everything is there. This sort of help from Ka is tran-
scendental happiness. Our principle should be, therefore,
that we should work for the mission with great enthusiasm,
with certainty of its success, and patiently follow the regu-
lative principles and associate with pure devotees and work,
514 The Nectar of Book Distribution

being completely in Ka consciousness. That will make us

happy and successful. 2

Please distribute books" the spiritual master's order

There is no literature throughout the universe like "rmad-
Bhgavatam. There is no comparison. There is no competi-
tion. Every word is for the good of human society every
word, each and every word. Therefore we stress so much the
book distribution. Somehow or other, if a book goes in some-
one's hand, he will be benefited. At least he will see, Oh,
they have taken so much price. Let me see what is there."
If he reads one !loka, his life will be successful one !loka,
one word. This is such a nice thing. Therefore we are stress-
ing so much, Please distribute books, distribute books, dis-
tribute books." A greater mdaga. We are chanting, playing
our mdaga; it is heard within this room or a little more. But
this mdaga will go home to home, country to country. 3

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 16.64: The devotees of Lord Caitanya

must preach Ka consciousness in every village and town in the world.
That will satisfy the Lord. It is not that one should act whimsically for his
own personal satisfaction. This order comes down through the parampar
system, and the spiritual master presents these orders to the disciple so that
he can spread the message of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. It is the duty of
every disciple to carry out the order of the bona fide spiritual master and
spread Lord Caitanya's message all over the world.

Endeavoring to fulfill the order, although we are powerless

If you feel at all indebted to me then you should preach vig-
orously like me. 4

Kual Dsa (Vndvana): Everything depends on the mercy of guru and

Ka, but still the disciple must exert himself. The jva can be compared to
a man fallen into a well and the guru to one who throws him a rope. The
man down there cannot come out on his own. He needs mercy. Mercy is
given by the guru who throws him the rope. Now suppose the disciple begs,
O my guru! Kindly come down here and put my hand around the rope.
I'm waiting for your mercy." This has nothing to do with humility. That's
foolishness. Vaiavas don't become inactive and wait for everything to be
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 515

accomplished by God's mercy. Yet they know well that they are completely
dependent on Ka, and they pray to Ka for help. So endeavor and de-
pendence together lead to the result. God helps those who help themselves.
rla Prabhupda gave a nice example. The child has a propensity to walk,
but he will fall down and sometimes hurt himself; still the child doesn't give
up the walking process. What kind of useless child would do that? The pro-
pensity to walk is there, so he falls down a thousand times and gets up a
thousand times. And the excited adults see the struggling child and come to
his aid. So if we don't try to advance in Ka consciousness, what can the
Vaiavas and spiritual master do? Will they force us? No, they simply look
for somebody else more eager, that's all. The person who makes an effort
gets the mercy. But don't think that just by talking about the effort and en-
deavoring in the mode of passion it will work. No. Your sincere prayer must
be there. We pray for Ka's mercy, and we endeavor. It all starts with
hearing. If you don't hear, how will you act? To the degree we are hearing
without the intervention of the mind, to that degree Ka consciousness
hits us in the heart, and to that extent we respond with the willingness to
serve. (From a class in Berlin on August 19, 1992)

Harike!a Swami: If you endeavor to get a result, that pleases the spiritual
master. And when you actually get the result, that also pleases him. So you
should go on trying. Ka says, karmay evdhikras te m phaleu kad-
cana: you have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but not a right to
enjoy the results. So go on trying hard to fulfill the mission of the spiritual
master. This endeavor pleases him. And then by the mercy of Ka you
will succeed. So both are pleasing the endeavour and the success. The
spiritual master doesn't really expect that you will try hard and accomplish
nothing. He expects that you will go out, try hard, and accomplish some-
thing. Naturally. And even if you can't do much despite trying hard, still he
appreciates the sincerity. (From a class in Zurich on August 31, 1991)

Harinmnanda Dsa: Everything is dependent on Ka, but this has to be

properly understood. Ka is a person, the Supreme Person. He may send
people who gladly take the books, or He may send nasty people to smash
our false egos. But through the endeavor of a devotee, the Supersoul may
arrange that even an uninterested person becomes interested. Sometimes
we see it clearly when two different devotees approach the same person.
Once during a marathon I was together in the same street with Maal-
bhadra, who is now the head p#jr in Zurich. I had the "rmad-Bhgava-
tam set of twelve volumes on my arm and Bhagavad-gt and other books
516 The Nectar of Book Distribution

altogether more than twenty books. I approached a person, and he was in a

hurry. I have no time. I have to run to the barber shop and get a hair cut."
But somehow or other he started to listen. He became increasingly inter-
ested and took the set and the other books. I thanked him, and then, as he
walked away, I realized that Maal-bhadra was standing nearby watching
me with amazement. He said, That was the same person I approached five
minutes ago, but he just ignored me. And you sold him the entire set!" So
we cannot say that it's always Ka sending the people to take the books
and it doesn't depend on our endeavor. That is clearly illustrated here.

Navna-nrada Dsa: A small result can also be considered the mercy of the
Lord because it's part of our purification. We can't do big every day, other-
wise we'd become puffed up and intolerable for the other devotees. There-
fore Ka mercifully smashes our false ego, which induces us to think of
ourselves as controllers and enjoyers. We have to be thankful when the
Lord sends difficulties that look like defeat people insulting us, throwing
us out, and refusing to take books. A devotee appreciates even such a situ-
ation because he knows that it is purifying him of pride and false ego. The
possibility of making this kind of advancement wouldn't be there if every-
thing always went well and everybody took books.

Realizing that Ka is the controller

Who God is can be summed up in only five words: Ka is
the supreme controller. If you become convinced of this and
preach it enthusiastically, success is assured, and you will be
doing the greatest service for all living entities. So continue
more and more to serve Ka, and He will help you. 5

Bhagavad-gt 11.34 p: Every plan is made by the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, but He is so kind and merciful to His devotees that He wants
to give the credit to His devotees who carry out His plan according to
His desire. Life should therefore move in such a way that everyone acts
in Ka consciousness and understands the Supreme Personality of God-
head through the medium of a spiritual master. The plans of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead are understood by His mercy, and the plans of the
devotees are as good as His plans. One should follow such plans and be vic-
torious in the struggle for existence.

Harike!a Swami: Just pray to Ka and try. We are helpless. This is the
first thing we have to understand. Without You, my Lord, I am nothing.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 517

Unless You help me, unless You inspire me and direct me, I can get noth-
ing accomplished." One who prays to Ka like that can do anything. That
is not an idle boast. It's a fact. Ka, I have no strength. But let me be a
receptacle of Your energy. I promise that all day long I will do nothing but
spread Your mission." Until you surrender to Ka fully, my is going to
give you trouble. Therefore if you want to become a big success, you have
to become very humble and surrender totally to Ka so that Ka's en-
ergy completely protects you. There is no way to succeed in the material
world unless one fully throws himself at the shelter of the lotus feet of the
Lord. Unless one does that there's no possibility of success, happiness, or

Caku Dsa: Many devotees think you have to push the karms to accept
the books. But that is not true. The only way to distribute a lot of books is
to distribute on the level of Ka consciousness. If you distribute on the
Ka conscious level then everything becomes easy and natural, because
on that level you've understood that you aren't the doer, and everyone is in
bliss. Therefore I say it's easier to distribute many books than a few books.

Vijaya Dsa: While approaching a conditioned soul, the devotee must med-
itate on the Supersoul within the heart of the person. Then he becomes
transcendental to the material surroundings. People can feel it, and they be-
come receptive to Ka consciousness. The face is the index of the mind.
If a devotee meditates in that way, his face and mind will reflect his tran-
scendental situation, and it will be easy for him to exchange with the condi-
tioned souls give them books and receive donations.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Going out with a stack of books is like taking off in an
airplane. Below, the ground is dark. We fly into the clouds disoriented. But
we keep climbing. Through meditation on the mission of the spiritual mas-
ter, we go above the clouds, and there the sun is shining. It is warm, bright,
comfortable, and beautiful. We must be determined to stay up and go from
one person to another, as humble as a straw in the street and more toler-
ant than a tree. We must control the senses, and not think that because the
books are going out we are great. We're only instruments of the mercy of
guru and Ka. We're not even that surrendered. We've simply slackened
our hold on my for a minute.

Anirde!ya-vapu Dsa: It is Ka's strong desire that the books are distrib-
uted, and there is a direct relation between His desire and our desire. When
they are the same, miracles start happening. Many books go out. Everyone
518 The Nectar of Book Distribution

takes sets of books. We know only that it's Ka distributing the books,
not us.

When Ka begins to drive His devotee's chariot

"rmad-Bhgavatam 4.12.43: The myvd philosophers aspire to become
one with the Supreme Lord, but a devotee surpasses that position. Not only
does a devotee become one in quality with the Supreme Lord, but he some-
times becomes the father, mother or master of the Lord. Arjuna, by his de-
votional service, made Lord Ka his chariot driver; he ordered the Lord,
Put my chariot here," and the Lord executed his order. These are some
examples of how a devotee can acquire the exalted position of conquering
the unconquerable.

A devotee is meant to surrender to Ka. By a voluntary decision he

allows Ka to take the reins of his chariot. The devotee has to prove his
surrender by following Ka's instructions and engaging in His service,
just like Arjuna. Arjuna engaged all his energy in fighting because Ka
wanted him to, and he became the battle's hero. But again and again situ-
ations came up that clearly showed who was actually in control. Arjuna's
protection and victory depended on Ka alone. Therefore Arjuna sur-
rendered to Ka and fought for the sake of fighting. Similarly, Ka can
take over the reins of any devotee's chariot, and then wherever the devotee
goes, he will experience miracles. For one who has conquered the mind,
the Supersoul is already reached" (Bg. 6.7). He will be in the right place at
the right time and say the right thing to each person. It becomes obvious
that it is all Ka's arrangement, and seeing Ka's omnipresent mercy,
the devotee surrenders even more.

Caku Dsa: During the marathon I approached a young man standing at

the Bankomat getting money. I talked to him, but he argued and said he
wasn't interested. He didn't read books about philosophy and India. I told
him, So give a present to someone." He said, I don't know anyone in-
terested in such books." I told him, Give yourself a present. Tomorrow is
your birthday anyway." He felt completely shocked because it was true. I
don't know why I said it. Flabbergasted as he was, he forgot that he wasn't
interested. Suddenly he was open to Ka consciousness, and I showed
him one book after another, and he took the whole set.

Harinmnanda Dsa: By Ka's grace everything is possible. Lord Cai-

tanya can make all the arrangements for countless persons to get the mercy
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 519

even though they seem unqualified. The same goes for us. Sometimes we
think we're too fallen to distribute books. But it's Lord Caitanya's desire
that they get rla Prabhupda's books. Therefore we can pray to Him,
Please give the mercy to me, too, to be able to go on with my service and
be an instrument in Your hands and distribute books to the conditioned
souls. Please intensify my desire to distribute books." Then, by the ar-
rangement of rla Prabhupda, one can witness many souls getting Ka's
mercy within the shortest time.

P"ra-tattva Dsa (Belgium): During a marathon, after quite a big day, not
many people were on the street in the evening, and I was looking for more
people. I saw many cars outside a hotel, and many people going inside. So
I entered the building with a stack of books. As I walked through a corri-
dor I saw someone from the hotel staff coming my way, and to avoid being
checked I opened a door to disappear. But it was the door to a big hall,
where many people were standing at a long table playing a bingo game.
The door I had entered happened to be located near the person who was
announcing the numbers of the winners. I went up to him, and he asked me
if I had brought the prizes. I quickly presented the books, and he bought all
of them and used them as prizes. When I asked him what sort of meeting it
was, I found out it was a meeting of the butchers in the area.
Jaya Gopla had a similar thing take place. He saw people entering
the back of a theater. He went in, opened some doors, and found himself
backstage. A man said, There you are! We've been waiting for you." The
man then brought him on stage and opened the curtain. Jaya Gopla was
now standing in front of an audience of parents and children at a Christmas
show. So he shook off his confusion and started his presentation. The show
was good, and he distributed a full box of books directly from the stage.

Rohisuta Dsa: Once, nobody wanted to take books. It was really heavy,
and my mind was completely frustrated. Usually one would just take a
break, but somehow or other I spontaneously changed my approach. I ap-
proached people whistling in a special manner, and the whole situation
changed, and everyone took books. In one hour I distributed all the books
I had. Sometimes you have to do something far out. Otherwise the mind
works like a machine. Everything becomes ritualistic, whatever you say.
Please take the book and give a donation." Then people ask, What are
you saying?" And we become angry: Don't you even understand your
own language?" There's no spiritual power. Our words don't penetrate the
hearts of the conditioned souls. Sometimes, by Ka's mercy, everyone
520 The Nectar of Book Distribution

takes books. But when you try the same thing the next day, nobody takes
them. The same words, the same smile, the same books but those exter-
nal things aren't what make people take books.

Maidhra Dsa: I remember one devotee who'd just stand on the corner
and wave people down. Out of the masses of people floating by, he just
picked some out. It was special. We have to be fearless and convinced, be-
cause people will reflect our consciousness. If we think they're going to take
books, then they think, We have to take them." Another devotee used
to have the attitude that everyone should have a book. He'd run around
asking, Do you have a book? No? Well, here's your book!" People were
saying, Yes, sure! How much do you want? Thanks for the book." Peo-
ple were practically coming up to him saying, Excuse me, I don't have
a book." That shows what kind of power Ka consciousness has. If you
think, What is this, you don't have a book?" then people can't help but
take the book. People will come right up to you. And you know it's only
Ka's mercy. That's what makes sakrtana relishable. You're a person
guided by the Supreme Person, afloat in an ocean of persons, and you can
approach people as persons. And they begin to tell you personal things.
It's difficult to get people to that platform because people are drowning
in an ocean of impersonalism. The lives of the karms are just empty ex-
changes of sense objects. Even the relationships between parents and chil-
dren are cruel and impersonal. Even the closest relatives don't know each
other, because they don't know the real identity of the self. But we devotees
know. It's like we know them all. Hello, you're a spirit soul, part and par-
cel of Ka." And people respond because naturally they don't like to be
impersonal. They love to be personal. But they have all sorts of defense sys-
tems that a devotee has to break through. Therefore you sometimes have
to act a little transcendental" just to break through the Kali-yuga craziness
and approach the soul, which is covered by many layers of impurities.
Once, for example, in Heidelberg, a tourist town, all the well-to-do
people were parading down the street as proudly as could be. To break
through the facade was difficult. They didn't even look at me. So I tried the
German way: HELLO! FOR YOU!" Immediately everyone was on my
case. An ocean of demons rose in front of me. I went back to the car, and
when I saw the little offering bell, I had an idea. I went back to the street
and rang the bell. People were going, Huh?" It created a spontaneous
sound reflex. They just stopped and started listening to me. No one asked
why I was ringing a bell. That's the people's material consciousness. They
just go to the shopping street and respond to sound, form, and lights. Ad-
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 521

vertising is arranged like that. Drink this!" Smoke that!" It's crazy, insult-
ing, and unreasonable. In Germany they have one advertisement now that
shows smokers stating, I don't care. I love smoking." That's finally what
it comes down to: not caring. That is the demoniac philosophy penetrating
the whole society. That's what we're facing on sakrtana, and it takes a lot
of transcendental strength to cut through that wall of illusion.

11.3 How to become empowered

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 2.3 15: In His incarnation as r Caitanya
Mahprabhu, Lord r Ka descended to deliver all the living beings in
the three worlds, from Brahmaloka down to Ptlaloka. He caused their de-
liverance in three ways. The Lord delivered the fallen souls in some places
by meeting them directly (skt-dar!ana), in other places by empowering
a pure devotee (ve!a), and in still other places by appearing before some-
one Himself (virbhva). r Caitanya Mahprabhu delivered almost all
the fallen souls by directly meeting them. He delivered others by entering
the body of Nakula Brahmacr and by appearing before Nsihnanda
Brahmacr. I shall deliver the fallen souls." This statement characterizes
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When r Caitanya Mahprabhu was
personally present, anyone in the world who met Him even once was fully
satisfied and became spiritually advanced. Every year, devotees from Ben-
gal would go to Jaganntha Pur to meet r Caitanya Mahprabhu, and
after the meeting they would return to Bengal. Similarly, people who went
to Jaganntha Pur from various provinces of India were fully satisfied after
seeing the lotus feet of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. People from all over the
universe . . . would go there in the forms of human beings. Having seen
the Lord, they all became Vaiavas. Thus they danced and chanted the
Hare Ka mantra in ecstatic love of Godhead. Thus by direct meetings,
r Caitanya Mahprabhu delivered the three worlds. Some people, how-
ever, could not go and were entangled in material activities. To deliver peo-
ple in regions throughout the universe who could not meet Him, r Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu personally entered the bodies of pure devotees. Thus
He empowered living beings [His pure devotees] by manifesting in them so
much of His own devotion that people in all other countries became devo-
tees by seeing them. In this way r Caitanya Mahprabhu delivered the
entire three worlds, not only by His personal presence but also by empow-
ering others. . . .

Purport (Antya 2.14): As stated in Caitanya-caritmta (Antya 7.11):

522 The Nectar of Book Distribution

kali-klera dharma ka-nma-sakrtana

ka-!akti vin nahe tra pravartana

Unless one is empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, r Cai-

tanya Mahprabhu, one cannot spread the holy names of the Hare Ka
mah-mantra throughout the world. Persons who do so are empowered.
Therefore they are sometimes called ve!a-avatras, or incarnations, for
they are endowed with the power of r Caitanya Mahprabhu.

How Lord Brahm became empowered

A classic example of a living entity's becoming empowered by the Su-
preme Personality of Godhead is Lord Brahm, the head of our samprad-
ya. It's instructive for sakrtana devotees to analyze the phases of his spir-
itual development. At first Brahm was confused about his position and
duties. He tried to understand them on his own strength until he got the
Lord's merciful instruction to undergo tapasya, or renunciation. But there
were no sense objects created yet, so what was Brahm supposed to re-
nounce? His independent attitude. Book distributors know how painful it
is to try be independently successful, without surrendering to Ka. There-
fore . . . even the greatest of all living beings, namely Brahmj, admits,"
as rla Prabhupda writes, that the best thing for us is to surrender unto
the Supreme Lord. Therefore only those persons with a very poor fund
of knowledge claim that they themselves are lords of all that they survey.
. . . The living entity, by his constitutional position, is not independent. He
must surrender, either unto the Lord or unto material nature. . . . We must
be ready to undergo the prescribed devotional duties, following the path
shown by the predecessors in the disciplic succession from Brahm, Nrada
and similar authorities. . . . No one can know the Lord by any puffed-up
material process of challenge, but the humble devotee can please the Lord
by his earnest devotional activities. Thus the Lord reveals Himself propor-
tionately before the devotee." (SB 2.6.36 p,38 p)

(a) Brahm's confusion

Brahm, born out of the lotus flower, could not see the world, although he
was situated in the whorl. He therefore circumambulated all of space, and
while moving his eyes in all directions he achieved four heads in terms of
the four directions. Lord Brahm, situated in that lotus, could not perfectly
understand the creation, the lotus or himself. At the end of the millennium
the air of devastation began to move the water and the lotus in great circu-
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 523

lar waves. Lord Brahm, in his ignorance, contemplated: Who am I that am

situated on the top of this lotus? Wherefrom has it sprouted? There must
be something downwards, and that from which this lotus has grown must
be within the water." (SB 3.8.16 18)

Beginning from Brahm down to this age, the living entities are struggling
with the forces of material nature. . . . Such control of the material energy,
however, can be most successfully carried out if one is a soul surrendered
unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and carries out His order in the
spirit of loving transcendental service." (SB 3.10.6 p)

(b) Brahm attempts to resolve his confusion

Lord Brahm, thus contemplating, entered the water through the channel
of the stem of the lotus. But in spite of entering the stem and going nearer
to the navel of Viu, he could not trace out the root." (SB 3.8.19)

If anyone desires to seek perfect knowledge of everything, he must seek

the mercy of the Lord, and there is no other means. To seek knowledge on
the strength of one's personal attempt is a sheer waste of time." (SB 2.9.5 p)

(c) The invisible Lord speaks to Brahm

Lord Brahm, the first spiritual master, supreme in the universe, could not
trace out the source of his lotus seat, and while thinking of creating the ma-
terial world, he could not understand the proper direction for such creative
work, nor could he find out the process for such creation. While thus en-
gaged in thinking, in the water, Brahmj heard twice from nearby two syl-
lables joined together . . . [tapa, tapa]." (SB 2.9.5 6)

(d) Brahm surrenders

. . . Lord Brahm heard this transcendental vibration from the sky, and he
accepted it as divine. . . ." (SB 2.9.8)

Being unable to achieve the desired destination, Brahm retired from such
searching and came back again to the top of the lotus. Thus, controlling all
objectives, he concentrated his mind on the Supreme Lord. " (SB 3.8.21)

Controlling the senses means engaging them in the transcendental service

of the Lord. The Lord's order descends in disciplic succession through the
524 The Nectar of Book Distribution

bona fide spiritual master, and thus execution of the order of the bona fide
spiritual master is factual control of the senses. Such execution of penance
in full faith and sincerity made Brahmj so powerful that he became the
creator of the universe." (SB 2.9.8 p)

(e) Brahm's penance: renouncing his false independence

. . . Thus he concentrated his mind and senses, and the penances he exe-
cuted were a great lesson for the living entities. . . ." (SB 2.9.8)

To cease from personal sense endeavors and to concentrate on the su-

preme cause is a sign of self-surrender, and when self-surrender is present,
that is a sure sign of devotional service." (SB 3.8.21 p)

At the end of Brahm's one hundred years, when his meditation was com-
plete, he developed the required knowledge, and as a result he could see in
his heart the Supreme within himself, whom he could not see before with
the greatest endeavor." (SB 3.8.22)

The disciple must be ready to execute the order of the bona fide spiritual
master as Lord Brahm executed the instruction of his spiritual master, the
Lord Himself. Following the order of the bona fide spiritual master is the
only duty of the disciple, and this completely faithful execution of the order
of the bona fide spiritual master is the secret of success." (SB 2.9.8 p)

Ka asks that one always be mindful of Him, always be His devotee, . . .

give up all other engagements and fully surrender unto the Lord without
hesitation. And the Lord will give such a devotee all protection. These are
the secrets of attaining the highest perfectional stage. Lord Brahm exactly
followed these principles without any superiority complex, and thus he at-
tained the highest perfectional stage of experiencing the abode of the Lord
and the Lord Himself with all His paraphernalia." (SB 2.9.22 p)

(f) The Lord is pleased by Brahm's surrender

O sinless Brahm, you may know from Me that it was I who first ordered
you to undergo penance when you were perplexed in your duty. Such pen-
ance is My heart and soul, and therefore penance and I are nondifferent. I
create this cosmos by such penance, I maintain it by the same energy, and
I withdraw it all by the same energy. Therefore the potential power is pen-
ance only." (SB 2.9.23 24)
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 525

The penance by which one can see the Personality of Godhead face to face
is to be understood as devotional service to the Lord and nothing else be-
cause only by discharging devotional service in transcendental love can one
approach the Lord. Such penance is the internal potency of the Lord and is
nondifferent from Him. Such acts of internal potency are exhibited by non-
attachment for material enjoyment." (SB 2.9.23 p)

The Personality of Godhead, being very much pleased with Lord Brahm
because of his nondeceptive penance in bhakti-yoga, presented His eternal
and transcendental form before Brahm. And that is the objective goal for
purifying the conditioned soul." (SB 2.9.4)

Anyone preaching the mission of the Lord in the line of the Brahm-sam-
pradya is always dear to the Lord, and the Lord, being satisfied with such
a preacher of the authorized bhakti cult, shakes hands with him in great
satisfaction." (SB 2.9.19 p)

(g) Brahm's eligibility for receiving the Lord's energy

The Lord saw that Brahm was very anxious about the planning and con-
struction of the different planetary systems and was depressed upon seeing
the devastating water. He could understand the intention of Brahm, and
thus He spoke in deep, thoughtful words, removing all the illusion that had
arisen: O Brahm, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anx-
ious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has
already been granted before." (SB 3.9.27 29)

Any person authorized by either the Lord or by His bona fide representa-
tive is already blessed, as is the work entrusted to him. Of course, the per-
son entrusted with such a responsibility should always be aware of his inca-
pability and must always look for the mercy of the Lord for the successful
execution of his duty. One should not be puffed up because he is entrusted
with certain executive work. Fortunate is he who is so entrusted, and if he
is fixed in the sense of being subordinate to the will of the Supreme, he is
sure to come out successful in the discharge of his work." (SB 3.9.29 p)

(h) Brahm is guaranteed the power to render his service

O Brahm, when you are absorbed in devotional service, you will see Me
in you and throughout the universe, and you will see that you yourself, the
526 The Nectar of Book Distribution

universe and the living entities are all in Me. You will see Me in all living en-
tities as well as all over the universe, just as fire is situated in wood. Only in
that state of transcendental vision will you be able to be free from all kinds
of illusion. . . . Since you have desired to increase the population innumera-
bly and expand your varieties of service, you shall never be deprived in this
matter because My causeless mercy upon you will always increase for all
time. . . . O Brahm, the prayers that you have chanted praising the glories
of My transcendental activities, the penances that you have undertaken to
understand Me, and your firm faith in Me all these are to be considered
My causeless mercy. . . . I grant you all benedictions in your desire to glorify
all the planets by your activities. Any human being who prays like Brahm,
and who thus worships Me, shall very soon be blessed with the fulfillment
of all his desires, for I am the Lord of all benediction." (SB 3.9.31 32, 34,
38 40)

Agreeing to become Ka's instrument

The verdict of the !stras is that bhagavad-bhakti does not
depend on any kind of material qualification. Simply you
have to become very sincere and serious. That is the only
price. Rpa Gosvm also recommended like that: tatra lau-
lyam ekala m#lyam. Rpa Gosvm says, You purchase at
any price." But what is that price? Tatra laulyam ekala m#-
lyam. Laulyam, eagerness, that is the price. That is the only
qualification. You must be very, very eager to see the lotus
feet of Ka in this very life. You must be very eager to talk
with Ka in this very life. But not to become sahajiy
by service . . . te satata-yuktn bhajatm. Bhajatm
means in service. You must find out always some opportunity
how to render service to Ka. That is the qualification. 6

Taml Krishna Goswami: During the marathon it may happen that some
devotees feel not yet empowered, although everything is here the books,
the devotees, the preaching about the marathon, the Deities, everything.
So what to do? They can pray. Ka says that all prayers to Him will be
answered if the person prays sincerely. They can pray to the empowered
devotees for their help and blessings. They can pray to the Deities and to
the books. They can try harder, and then they will become empowered. Ac-
tually, they are already empowered. It is simply that some persons realize it
more than others. But the order and thus the power are already given. With
the order comes the power to fulfill the order. The order has been coming
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 527

down in disciplic succession. So how can we say that someone isn't empow-
ered? We can say only that they are not conscious of that empowerment. If
they associate with those who are conscious of the empowerment, then they
will become empowered. (From a class in Zurich on December 4, 1991)

Rohisuta Dsa: One should always think, I am not empowered, I am

useless. But still I'll try my best." As soon as the books are going out and
we think we're empowered and we become elated, then we become at-
tached. We think, Now I'm in bliss. Everything is going well, and I'm flying
in ecstasy. I'm empowered." We must never forget that we're instruments.
We're just trying to give our best and forget ourselves. It's most important
that we don't think of ourselves, but think of Lord Caitanya and His mis-
sion to give mercy to everyone. Then Lord Caitanya can use us as His in-
struments. An instrument can never think it's special, because it lies around
uselessly unless it's used. And when it's used, that's the glory of the user,
not the instrument. But in our case, our willingness is an additional factor.
We have to want to be an instrument of the Lord. It is in our interest that
we take part in the yaja. It is for our purification. We become more and
more purified not only us but also the people. Prabhupda said in a let-
ter that the more books you distribute, the more you are purified and make
advancement. That's why everyone shines with effulgence after the mara-
thon. (From a talk in Zurich at the marathon festival on January 1, 1991)

Navna-nrada Dsa: By Lord Caitanya's mercy we get a taste of the nectar

of book distribution when we surrender to the spiritual master and Ka.
Throwing our hands in the air, we say, Ka, whatever You like You can
do with me. You can kick me, or You can embrace me. I will go on no mat-
ter what, and I will distribute books until my last breath. I want to give the
books to people even when I'm old and grey and then die on the battle-
field." That determination can be developed. But we don't go around and
tell everybody about it. That commitment to the spiritual master's mission
is made within oneself when one understands he has nothing better to do
in the Ka consciousness movement than to distribute rla Prabhupda's
books. And then he resolves to go on doing that whether he achieves big or
small results. Sticking to his service like that, the devotee will get many re-
alizations. And thus he will not only distribute books nicely but also preach
nicely and be able to inspire other devotees in book distribution. In this
way he gets the spiritual master's mercy.

Vijaya Dsa: The way to become empowered is to get the mercy of Ka.
Only someone who has Ka's mercy can go out and distribute rla
528 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda's books. And we can receive that mercy by following the pro-
gram that rla Prabhupda set up for us. We must do whatever helps us to
go out day after day. By that endeavor alone we'll draw Ka's attention to
us, and if He likes He will invest some energy in us. We cannot demand that
reward, but we have to try to deserve it by following the instructions every
day. rla Prabhupda once said that following the rules and regulations is
our only technique. That is an important hint, which is further explained in
Bhagavad-gt (10.10): To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me
with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." If one
wants to become empowered by Ka dadmi buddhi-yogam he has
to be always engaged and has to serve Ka with love. Always engaged"
means regularly, every day. A book distributor proves his sincerity and love
by molding his life so that he always goes out, and Ka invests His ener-
gies in such a devotee.

Harinmnanda Dsa: Devotees who go on year after year get more and
more mercy, and thus they become very satisfied, pure, expert, and deter-
mined. When such devotees walk around with a stack of books, the people
who see them are naturally attracted, because it is the nature of the soul to
look for Ka, and in this moment people somehow feel that the sakrtana
devotees deliver Ka.

Tapas Dsa: The only thing you need is the desire to distribute rla Prabhu-
pda's books. Lord Caitanya will provide everything else. Your desire has
to be so strong that it overrides all other desires. For example, while chant-
ing Hare Ka, you have to concentrate: If I don't hear, I won't be able to
serve my spiritual master. So I must push away distracting thoughts." Sim-
ilarly, when my lures you away from book distribution, you also have to
push away those thoughts. Desire is the basis of every action. We get the
desire to distribute books by reflecting on the desire of rla Prabhupda,
who perfectly understood the desire of Lord Caitanya, the most merciful
Supreme Personality of Godhead. The members of Prabhupda's move-
ment have to do whatever is necessary to fulfill Prabhupda's desires
whatever, at any cost. We must have that determination to remain on

Bhadbhnu Dsa: Empowerment starts with determination. We have to

give up material sense gratification. Of course, the mind is so tricky that
it tries every possible trick to cheat us. We shouldn't trust the mind. We
should trust the order of the spiritual master. His instructions shouldn't be
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 529

filtered through the dirty mind. They should be accepted without mental
speculation. From morning to evening we just continue. We don't become
agitated or impatient if people say nasty things. Harinmnanda once met
a man who reacted furiously, but Harinmnanda waited until the guy lost
his breath. Then he cooled down, and Harinmnanda sold a full set to him.
Sometimes frustrated people scream at devotees, but if you remain humble
and wait until their depressed mind is relieved by their tirade, they will start
to feel bad. Then it's your turn to preach. We have to practice patience. Pa-
tience also comes by turning off sense gratification.

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: Prabhupda liked to quote Vivantha Cakravart

hkura's commentary to the verse, vyavasytmik buddhir ekeha kuru-
nandana. He explained that one becomes empowered by making the mis-
sion of the spiritual master one's life and soul. I can't claim to be an em-
powered devotee, but I've noticed that when I'm steady in my service, I've
been able to achieve results that amazed me. The only thing on my mind at
those times was book distribution. I wasn't thinking about myself or what
others would think of my results. By those glimpses I can understand that
the way to become empowered is to surrender oneself fully to the mission
of the spiritual master.

Harike!a Swami: While arriving in America on board the Jaladuta, rla

Prabhupda wrote, You are Yogevara, the supreme master of mystic po-
wers. Your causeless mercy can make everything possible. The conditioned
souls have come under the control of Your illusory energy, and therefore, if
You like, they can also be released from that illusion. I wish that You may
deliver them. Therefore, I'm begging for Your mercy so that I can become
Your instrument. I am powerless on my own. I am like a puppet in Your
hands. Please make me dance, make me dance as You like." Every em-
powered preacher must develop this mood and mentality of surrendering
totally to the control of the Supreme Lord. He just surrenders to Ka and
requests Ka to use him as He likes. Then his preaching becomes very
powerful, because he is not maintaining any personal attachment. As long
as one thinks of himself as the doer in any preaching activity, then usually
the preaching is not very potent, because it is something calculated from the
material platform. But if one simply depends on Ka for intelligence and
knowledge, Ka will inspire him to say the right thing. When he meets
somebody, the words will pour out of his mouth. He may not even be sure
it's the right thing to say, but it turns out to be exactly what a person needs
to hear. People tell the devotees, I've had a problem for so long, and
530 The Nectar of Book Distribution

you've given me an answer. Thank you." It doesn't happen because we're

psychologists. It comes because we're surrendered to Ka's lotus feet and
we've understood that Ka is the doer. Ka can inspire the person in
just the right way by the words we speak. We can learn to grab the hearts
of others by simply throwing ourselves in Ka's arms and praying, Now
I am going to make an endeavor for Your satisfaction. Please use me as
Your instrument, because it is only by Your mercy that anything will suc-
ceed." By our surrender the Supersoul will help us distribute, and He's the
best distributor. When we allow Him to help us, everything will be perfect.
If we just act as Ka's representatives, there's no question of whether or
not the people want the books. The Lord in their heart tells them, You
want this book." But if we miss the connection to the Supersoul and the
help He's willing to give us, everything becomes an uphill struggle, and we
never really know for sure what to say or do.

Depend on the mercy of guru and Ka

"rmad-Bhgavatam 3.9.38 p: When a living entity desires to serve the Lord
in transcendental loving service, the Lord helps the devotee in so many
ways as the caitya-guru, or the spiritual master within, and thus the devotee
can perform many wonderful activities beyond material estimation. Such
spiritual perfection is not limited by material qualifications but is developed
by dint of one's sincere endeavor to render transcendental service. Volun-
tary endeavor is the only qualification for spiritual perfection.

Rohisuta Dsa: There were times when we thought distributing even one
book was difficult. We had a book entitled Ka, The Supreme Personality
of Godhead, and we thought it would be impossible to sell a book with such
a title. Moreover, we used to distribute only magazines and small books,
and this was a hard cover book. But somehow we started selling these big
books. Later we tried to sell two books at once. Then in l977, we sold a
boxed set of three Ka books. It worked. Why? Because the devotees
wanted it. Then in 1983 we said, Why only three? Why not seven? Why
only 500 books a week? Why not 500 books a day?" From there it expan-
ded more and more, because the spiritual energy isn't limited. In a letter
Maidhra and I received from rla Prabhupda, he congratulated us for
our scores of 521 and 522 books in a week. Now some devotees distribute
that many books in a day. From the point of five hundred books a day, we
can understand that no material !akti can help anymore. You just helplessly
depend on Ka. You must become an instrument, then the impossible be-
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 531

comes possible. Then you are hooked up like a dancing puppet. Therefore
a devotee distributing five hundred or one thousand books a day is simply
dancing. He is directly under the influence of the spiritual energy. He is not
thinking of the result anymore, just big stacks of books, and the devotee
takes them without attachment and distributes them fearlessly.

Prahldnanda Swami: In 1971 I went to Dallas, where I did sakrtana ev-

ery day with a group of brahmacrs. Unfortunately, the other brahmacrs
gradually fell into my one after the other, and by 1972 I was the only one
left doing sakrtana every day. I wasn't always inspired, but I felt I had to
do it because I wanted to become Ka conscious. Despite my fears and
anxieties I decided to continue. Once, I went downtown alone, and I expe-
rienced for the first time how ecstatic sakrtana really is. I looked around,
and suddenly everyone looked like they came from Vaikuha. It was like I
was in the spiritual world. Everyone I approached took a book immediate-
ly. Everyone was nice. We were all like friends. I couldn't believe I was in
Dallas. I was there for a couple of hours, and everyone stopped and happi-
ly accepted rla Prabhupda's books. Everyone was happy. Then gradual-
ly everything changed, but I never again felt the same anxiety about doing
book distribution because I realized that wherever we serve Ka, that is
Vaikuha. In my I was dreaming up another reality, but it is Vaikuha,
and everyone is Ka's servant. Ka is always there with His devotee.
My simply covers our vision.

Gaur Dev Ds: If we go out on book distribution we get an intense ex-

perience of the presence of Lord Caitanya, Ka, and our spiritual master.
It's unavoidable. We experience their presence on sakrtana because we
constantly feel them empowering us. We are also praying to them, and we
are seeing how they reciprocate with us. The changes the conditioned souls
go through in a matter of seconds are amazing and mystical. It has nothing
to do with any potency we have. We can see that immediately. Therefore it
increases our faith and our realization unlimitedly, the deeper we get into

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: On sakrtana I can realize that the spiritual mas-
ter always meditates on his disciples. He is guiding and training us. I expe-
rience that myself, and it gives me great faith. In the morning I always chant
in front of a picture of my spiritual master. It isn't that the spiritual master
has to be there personally. By following the instruction of the spiritual mas-
ter, I'm deeply connected with him. I can feel the exchange personally, and
532 The Nectar of Book Distribution

it gives me great faith and strength. In this way I can go through all difficult
situations. When I come back to the van in the evening, after endeavoring
the whole day to distribute rla Prabhupda's books, the feeling is incon-
ceivable. I cannot describe it. It is such a satisfaction, such a deep exchange.
The spiritual master is manifest in my mind, especially during the marathon.
That realization obliges me, and it gives me the strength to go out again and

Jva Dsa: The relationship between the spiritual master and the disciple is
confidential. Especially the way it functions on sakrtana is confidential.
You have to go out and do sakrtana to experience it. Then you'll know
what I mean. You're riding on the waves of the nectar ocean of book dis-
tribution by the mercy of the spiritual master. You don't know yourself how
it's going on, just that it is going on. The books are flying out, and you know
clearly that you aren't the doer. It's a spontaneous platform that you cannot
reduce to any formula except surrender.

Seeing people change in front of you

The book distribution in Los Angeles during the six-day pe-
riod is transcendental samdhi. The devotees are working in
trance, not on the material platform. . . . Your book distribu-
tion is really intoxication. 7

Maidhra Dsa: If you say to people, This is the Bhgavata Pura, and
it tells you how to love God and go back to the spiritual world," people
here in Sweden and Germany will simply laugh at you. But I've seen devo-
tees develop ways of saying those kinds of things so that people could ac-
cept them. It's a subtle thing that lasts only a few seconds. If you're floating
in the nectar of book distribution, connected with Ka, you don't see kar-
ms or enemies. You realize, All the people are nice they're my friends,"
because spiritually that's a fact. Spiritually, we're all friends.

Jhnav Dev Ds: The nectar of book distribution is to see people change
right before my eyes from a state of misery, anxiety, and distress to one
of peace and happiness simply because they received one of rla Prabhu-
pda's books. For me the nectar is making a difference in their lives by giv-
ing them a book of knowledge that they never had before the knowledge
how to become free from material miseries. It's the greatest gift anybody
can receive.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 533

Nsihadeva Dasa: When a devotee is empowered, he can transform peo-

ple and places, and when I meditate on such a devotee I can feel an immedi-
ate change within my heart as well. For example, whenever my enthusiasm
to distribute books slackens, I meditate on Guru-akti, my first sakrtana
leader, who impressed me so much by his temperament, determination, and
distribution style. In marathons, while others were on the streets, he went
up to the small villages in the Alps. There Guru-akti, in a dhoti, distributed
100 to 150 big and maha-big books a day, defeating practically everybody
else in the world. He was intense, starting with chanting and the morning
program. He knew that he was the first devotee to go to these remote places
and it would be many years before other devotees would return. For these
people, who were mostly quite oldthe younger generation was leaving
this was the only chance to get Lord Caitanya's mercy in this lifetime. So
when Guru-akti entered such a village of maybe three to five hundred in-
habitants, he was loudly singing Hare Krsna and Govinda Jaya Jaya to pu-
rify the atmosphere, and he was determined to give everybody he met some
books. With his spiritual !akti (and Sicilian charm) he was melting people's
hearts. Sometimes he would even get down on his knees to beg grandmoth-
ers to please take the books for their eternal benefit. People were so over-
whelmed that some were actually crying and giving huge donations. When
he left the village, the place wasn't the same anymore. Everyone had be-
come blessed. And when I went to these places years later, people still re-
membered him and showed us the books they got from him.

Anirde!ya-vapu Dsa: Book distribution depends on your inner condition.

If you aren't surrendered to Ka, you can hardly induce anyone else to
surrender to Ka. The most important thing is that you should desire to
please the spiritual master. When you become attached to the results, then
whenever some weakness appears, you have to undergo an unnecessary
struggle. You think, I have to distribute such and such number of books. If
I distribute that quantity, the devotees will glorify me, and if not, they will
say I don't know what." That attitude is painful. But if you desire only to
please the spiritual master, then of course you feel good. Ka takes over,
just like now in the marathon [1992], it's inconceivable, it's special surren-
der. I simply try to become a madman.

The ecstasy of unlimited book distribution

The Nectar of Devotion (Ch. 37): Ecstatic love for Ka, which is known as
anubhva, is symptomized by . . . engagement in a particular type of service,
534 The Nectar of Book Distribution

as exemplified by Druka, a servant of Ka who used to fan Ka with a

cmara, a bunch of hair. When he was engaged in such service, he was filled
with ecstatic love, and the symptoms of ecstatic love became manifest in his
body. But Druka was so serious about his service that he checked all of
these manifestations of ecstatic love and considered them hindrances to his
engagement. He did not care very much for these manifestations, although
they automatically developed.

An empowered servant is the pure servant of an empowered master.

The empowered master is an empowered servant of his master, and in this
way there is an uninterrupted link to r Ka, the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, the reservoir of all power. So the empowered book distribu-
tor embodies the desire of the entire parampar. He has made the desire of
guru and Ka to deliver the fallen souls his life and soul, and he has tran-
scended selfish considerations. He wants to serve his guru, that's all. Such a
purified book distributor brightly reflects the desire of guru and Ka. He
radiates a spiritual vibration, and the people pick up on it. Suddenly they
change on the spot. They had no plan to buy books, especially not seven to
thirty books, but still they take them. And not just one person a day, but
one after the other agrees to take the books. Because of the devotee's pure
desire, the people also start desiring the books, not so much because of the
books themselves but because the devotee wants it.
That pure desire is instilled by the devotee's spiritual master. In recip-
rocation with such desire, the Supersoul gives up His neutral position and
takes the devotee's side. He tells people, Yes, take the books. They aren't
expensive. It's no loss to you. They're really beautiful, and just see how
much this devotee wants you to have them. How pleased he will be if you
take the books that he wants to give you. Take them. Why not?"
The people think, Why not? It's blissful. I've spent my money many
times for silly things. Let me take them. It would be mean to disappoint this
nice person." They may not consciously think like that, but that is their mo-
tive or feeling. So to please the devotee, they take the books. Therefore it's
said that they don't buy the books, they buy the devotee.
On this spiritual platform the impossible becomes possible. Even un-
qualified, disinterested people start buying rla Prabhupda's books. And
they're happy seeing the devotee happy. They desire the same thing he de-
sires. All souls are servants of Ka, and serving Ka is the bliss they've
been hankering for since time immemorial. These people are the living
proof of this, as they take a stack of books, overwhelmed with ecstasy,
laughter, and warm emotions. They sincerely thank the devotee and hope
to meet him again.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 535

But the empowered book distributor doesn't allow himself to be carried

away by the ecstasy at the cost of stopping his service. Just like Druka, he
considers ecstasy a distraction, and controlling it, he simply approaches the
next person. Will the Lord and the spiritual master hesitate to pour unlim-
ited mercy upon such a surrendered devotee? Who can imagine how dear
such a devotee is to them? The empowered devotees confirm that only on
the platform of such surrendered service does book distribution really start.
Sama sarveu bh#teu mad-bhakti labhate parm: one who is equally dis-
posed toward every living entity attains pure devotional service unto Ka
(Bg. 18.55).
When devotees meet those same people years later, they say they still
remember the fun and are happy to have the books. Even if they haven't
read the books, they have received causeless mercy. Their buying the books
wasn't their karma, and it wasn't their conscious desire. But they bought
them and thus started their spiritual life in a powerful way. Although it may
take another lifetime before they fully accept the mercy of Lord Caitanya,
that's nothing compared to the countless lifetimes that were ahead of them
because of their karma. Now, suddenly, the awakening of their love of God
has become irrevocable.

Harinmnanda Dsa: [Speaking about the day he distributed 904 mah-

big and big books] All the devotees were desiring so much that I could at-
tain this impossible quota of 4,200 books in one week. It meant the madness
of trying to distribute an average of seven hundred books for six days. It
was the week after Christmas, when the people are frustrated and become
stingy again. Because of further holidays that week, many shops remained
closed. At that point I knew that if it would happen, it would have noth-
ing to do with me. I'd just go out a sufficient amount of time with enough
books. The rest was up to Ka. So 500, 600, and 700 books started to go
out. But it still wasn't enough to meet the quota. So I had to try harder.
Somehow I returned to the place I had distributed six hundred books three
days before. That was another madness, because it's a small town in the
mountains with about ten thousand inhabitants. I started at eight o'clock
in the morning. I distributed on the parking lot in front of the post office,
where many people also walk by. The first hour was hellish. Envious peo-
ple were looking out the office windows or standing nearby and watching.
It was a poisonous atmosphere. Hardly any books went out. I didn't know
what troubles they were planning to make. They clearly recognized me as
the same guy who was there three days before, making a big business for
some guru's sect. That place is completely Catholic, and the Maharishi Yogi
had lived nearby for about ten years. So the Swiss aborigines were allergic
536 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to sects, especially Indian, non-Christian ones. After almost one hour of in-
tense struggle against these subtle obstacles I even considered leaving
I said, Anyway, just forget these envious people. Distribute as if they were
not here. Depend on Ka. Just surrender and forget your fears."
Then suddenly the vibrations changed. The atmosphere became as aus-
picious as Dhruva Mahrja's battle when he took out his arrow to dissi-
pate the illusory weapons of the opposing Yakas. All of a sudden every-
one started to take books: fat housewives, bearded mountaineers who came
down only once a month, sophisticated businessmen, young people, old
people who hardly knew there was a country called India beyond their val-
ley, and people who had taken stacks of books three days ago. If they didn't
take more books, they blessed me to have a nice day. Everyone was part of
the plan. But it had started so heavy. What can one think at such a moment?
One just becomes smaller than the smallest, thanking Ka, thanking the
spiritual master, thanking all the Vaiavas, thanking everyone for allowing
him to serve Ka in a useful way. By myself I would be completely useless
and unqualified. And I understand that the only way to repay a fraction of
my debt is to continue without deviation and pride. I just deliver the books,
and see people want them. They are waiting for us to make a delivery,
and they gladly agree to take it. Why not? The books are wonderful. That
they can feel. And Ka wants them to take the books. So the only prob-
lem is us, with our mental conceptions and self-imposed limitations. We're
the only obstacle interrupting Lord Caitanya's stream of mercy. I could see
how I am conditioned in that way. I realized it that day. If I had surrendered
more, and earlier, that day, it would have easily been possible to distribute
more than a thousand books. But there were people I missed or people who
could have taken more books than I gave them. Thus I understand that my
only way of becoming useful is to continue distributing books.

Navna-nrada Dsa: One must guard against getting carried away by ec-
static feelings. Sometimes a devotee's eyes get a little shiny and moist, but
in that mood you cannot approach the materialists to sell books. When the
books are flying, it's really ecstatic, but then you don't even have time to get
carried away by ecstasy. You understand that serving Ka is much higher
than enjoying the spiritual ecstasy. If you allow yourself to be overwhelmed
by emotions or become loose with people, the ecstasy stops or becomes
mental, or a demon might appear and throw you out of the place. There-
fore a devotee always has the attitude: I'm doing nothing. I'm just trying
to please my spiritual master here." Of course ecstasy is there, but it has to
manifest in the proper place and circumstance. The ecstasy can fully mani-
fest when we come together on weekends or festival days and have krtana.
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 537

11.4 Sakrtana meditations

Harer nma harer nma harer nmaiva kevalam. We have no
new discovery. We don't manufacture. This is our process:
We simply follow the predecessors' instruction, that's all.
Our movement is very easy because we haven't got to manu-
facture something. We simply repeat the words and the inst-
ruction given by the predecessor. Ka instructed Brahm,
Brahm instructed Nrada, Nrada instructed Vysadeva,
Vysadeva instructed Madhvcrya, then Mdhavendra Pu-
r, vara Pur, r Caitanya Mahprabhu, then the six Go-
svms, then rnivsa crya, Kavirja Gosvm, Narot-
tama dsa hkura, Vivantha Cakravart, Jaganntha dsa
Bbj, Bhaktivinoda hkura, Gaurakiora Dsa Bbj,
Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat, and we are doing the same thing.
There is no difference. That is the specific procedure of the
Ka consciousness movement. We are receiving the trans-
cendental knowledge through guru-parampar succession.
So we simply have to take instruction from the guru, and if
we execute it heart and soul, that is success. That is practical.
I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy
my guru. That's all. My Guru Mahrja asked me, If you
get some money, print books." There was a private meeting.
Some of my important Godbrothers were also there. It was
at Rdh-kua. Guru Mahrja said to me, Since we have
gotten the Baghbazar marble temple, there has been much
dissension. And everyone thinks who will occupy this or that
room. I wish therefore to sell the temple and the marble and
print some books." Yes. So I took this up from his mouth,
that he is very fond of books. And he told me personally that
if I got some money, to print books. Therefore I am stress-
ing on this point. Where is book? Where is book? Where
is book? So kindly help me. This is my request. Print many
books in many languages and distribute them throughout the
whole world. Then the Ka consciousness movement will
automatically increase. 8

Rohisuta Dsa: If Ka, by His mercy, is empowering you to distribute

many books, then you're in the fire of sakrtana, and that fire takes over
like wildfire, rla Prabhupda said. The fire element exists within every-
thing. Everything can turn into fire. Steel can melt. Even stone can melt
538 The Nectar of Book Distribution

into lava. So the stone-hearted and steel-framed hearts of the materialists

can become molten in contact with the sakrtana fire. By the fire of a dev-
otee's enthusiasm, their fire can be brought out, and people will behave like
devotees and appreciate Prabhupda's books. Ka is within the heart of
everyone, and He can fan the fire. So if we are sincere, Ka will help us,
and people will step forward to perform devotional service. That can hap-
pen within an instant. Every book distributor has experienced it. Towards
the end of the day it's hard to stop because you're in the sakrtana fire,
and that fire is expanding like wildfire. The more people you set on fire, the
more you burn in the fire of enthusiasm and ecstasy. Suddenly nobody can
resist anymore. Then we get a taste of what Lord Caitanya meant by saying
nandmbudhi-vardhanam . . . para vijayate !r-ka-sakrtanam.

Nsihadeva Dsa: Every soul has the desire to do a perfect activity. Per-
fect activity" means serving Ka, especially giving Ka to others. On
book distribution, we get a chance to perform the perfect activity. The non-
devotees have no access to perfection, and even we neophytes are help-
less. Unless we have Ka, we cannot give Ka to others. That's why we
depend completely on the mercy of the spiritual master, who engages us
in book distribution. By distributing rla Prabhupda's books, which are
nondifferent from Ka, imperfect people (both those buying and those
selling) can engage in a perfect activity. The experience of giving Ka to
the conditioned souls is new every day. It is most encouraging and moving.
You see other spirit souls become happy because they feel they have done
something perfect that will benefit them forever. They've wasted millions
of lifetimes committing so many sinful activities that caused them endless
suffering. And now, by the mercy of rla Prabhupda, they actively engage
in devotional service. This simple action looks like any normal business, but
it brings a new hope into their lives. After billions of years, now their path
back to Godhead is open. It is the most important moment in the material
existence of a conditioned soul. We should always have that vision.

Harinmnanda Dsa: My only meditation on sakrtana is trying to pres-

ent the books nicely and convince everyone I meet to take them. What-
ever doubts or fears they have, I try to destroy. In that way we can engage
the body, mind, and intelligence in book distribution and give everything
to Ka just like Arjuna did on the battlefield of Kuruketra. After Ka
spoke Bhagavad-gt, Arjuna didn't enter a yogic samdhi. He executed his
duty and fought and killed millions of soldiers. At least in my case, that's
the mood. When I leave the van I feel like I'm on a battlefield, and I simply
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 539

execute my duty. I fight for the sake of fighting. Whether or not a person
takes a book I go on to the next person. I don't want to lose a second. I don't
want to space out. And when acting like this, there is no time to speculate
or think of my. In this way I spend my days, from morning to night, inter-
rupted only by two or three hours for reading and taking prasdam. When
the evening comes, I am completely addicted. I don't want to stop. I want to
continue. I don't look at my watch and hope for the end of the day. Just the
opposite. When I look at my watch and see that it's seven o'clock, I think,
Oh no, I have to stop." By the causeless mercy of Ka and the spiritual
master, we can get that vision, and then sakrtana is very, very enlivening
and never boring.

Jadur Dev Ds: One nice form of meditation is to think of songs we

sing in the temple. Those songs are perfect meditations and prayers, and
they apply to sakrtana. We pray, Right now I am suffering due to serv-
ing matter. O my Lord, please lift me up into the spiritual atmosphere and
let me serve You, which is the only useful purpose of my life." That is the
meaning of the mah-mantra, and it is the conclusion of all the prayers
of the cryas. Then there are songs describing Lord Caitanya's dancing
in Navadvpa and His calling out to the people to wake up. Wake up,
sleeping souls! Why are you sleeping on the lap of the witch my? I am
your only friend. Except for Me, you have no other friend. I am bringing
you the mah-mantra, the only medicine that will cure your illusion." Also,
we can meditate on the verses from Caitanya-caritmta about the Paca-
tattva, which state that simply by remembering the Paca-tattva everything
becomes easy, and when we forget Them, then even easy things become
difficult. Not only are They the Absolute Truth, but They are manifest
in this age, and They are even more magnanimous than Ka, because
They unconditionally distribute love of God. And the song Parama Karu-
" says that Lord Caitanya and Lord Nitynanda are supremely merciful.
They made the animals dance and the stones melt; therefore, stone-hearted
men will be melted by Lord Caitanya's and Lord Nitynanda's merciful
sakrtana movement. All those songs and verses are perfectly applicable
prayers to help us remember the Lord and call out to Him on sakrtana.

Tapas Dsa: We're never alone on the street. It's Ka's desire that all
the embodied souls be enlightened and return back to Godhead. That de-
sire manifests through the parampar. Thus the mission of saving the fallen
souls has come down to us. It is most mercifully manifested in the activity of
book distribution. When we distribute books, all the great cryas inspire
540 The Nectar of Book Distribution

and protect us. The more remote and fallen a place is, the more we can
try to invoke their presence. Here in Norway, we travel to the last villages
before the Arctic region. Lord Caitanya's mercy is inconceivable. Whoever
thought that such isolated people would get Lord Caitanya's mercy? What
kind and brilliant arrangements rla Prabhupda has made!

Haripda Dsa: Any service, even the most insignificant service a person
does to please Ka, will have eternal benefits. And buying a book is not
an insignificant service. Therefore I meditate on the words of Prahlda
Mahrja: Without Ka consciousness one cannot be happy." There is
no hope for people nowadays other than rla Prabhupda's books and the
association of devotees. I meditate on the great responsibility of being a
devotee. Here in Spain there are a hundred devotees and forty million in-
habitants. So the spiritual lives of forty million people depend on our ef-
forts to distribute Ka consciousness. And it's no easy task, and there's
no time to lose. That makes one sincere.

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: I usually pray to Lord Caitanya to empower me

so that I can do some service that pleases my spiritual master. I also pray
a lot to get the mercy of other Vaiavas so that I can please them and not
offend them by my passionate behavior. I pray to the Lord so that I don't
aggravate people, and I ask Him to help us spread the Ka consciousness
movement all over the world so that many new persons start to appreciate
it and also become book distributors. And I pray to Lord Nsihadeva to
protect us from the demon of our own mind and the materialistic demons
trying to stop us. And especially when I become puffed up, I try to remem-
ber Him with new concentration. So I have experienced that prayer is a
good meditation.

Nirgua Dsa: I am a servant of Lord Caitanya, a servant of Lord Caitanya,

a servant of Lord Caitanya's servant. My mission, like that of a katriya, is
to go out armed with rla Prabhupda's books and use them as weapons
against Kali to rescue as many conditioned souls as possible.

Maidhra Dsa: Our meditations and ecstasies shouldn't be sentimental,

because sentiment comes and goes. It's better to understand from a phil-
osophical point of view that book distribution is good both for us and the
world. Prabhupda used to say that preaching is good both for the preacher
and those he preaches to. So that's a practical understanding. One shouldn't
go on sakrtana and look for ecstasy just to feel good. It's better that one
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 541

understands rationally and philosophically why sakrtana is good for him

and for others. Book distribution is the best preaching because it gives the
pure and complete message. We may not be complete, but the books are.
We may say things wrong, but the books never say anything wrong. There-
fore delivering a book is the best preaching, and our perfection is saying
whatever is needed to deliver the book.

Gta-govinda Ds: The highest meditation is to concentrate on the Hare

Ka mah-mantra. If our minds are fixed on Ka, we can chant the
mantra from the heart and always depend on Ka. Only in such a condi-
tion can we concentrate our attention on the conditioned soul. With an im-
pure mind it's difficult to chant. Even if we chant externally, our minds can
be somewhere else that has nothing to do with meditation. In such a men-
tal state we can't concentrate on the conditioned souls. My mind isn't al-
ways fixed, and I can't always meditate on the Hare Ka mantra. Most of
the time my mind isn't fixed, but somehow or other, by the mercy of guru
and Ka, I am distributing books. I try to organize my schedule in such
a way that every activity is connected with book distribution and based on
the temple program. We have to hear the transcendental knowledge. Then
our minds don't think of anything else. If we are always hearing from the
proper source, we get the power to go out again.

Haridsa hkura Dsa: While on sakrtana I try to fix my mind on chant-

ing and distributing books. I simply go from person to person and try to
convince them and refute their arguments. That keeps my mind nicely en-
gaged. I try not to think too much while distributing books. Thinking means
listening to the mind, and thus one falls to the mental platform. The think-
ing has to be done before going out. We have to remember why we're do-
ing this. I pray to my spiritual master and Ka to empower me and give
me shelter and not let me deviate or think of sense gratification or anything
else. In that way I'm setting up my mind, and then I go out. In Bhagavad-
gt we see how Arjuna resolved all of his doubts. He surrendered to Ka,
and Ka cleared up everything. Arjuna regained his determination. He
circumambulated Ka three times, and then he started fighting. While
fighting he didn't think too much, he just fought, because on the battlefield
one has to have very fixed concentration. The same thing applies while dis-
tributing books. If the mind is concentrated, we have all the power we need
to act. But if we think too much and allow the mind to wander, we lose de-
termination. Therefore I don't speculate or think too much while distribut-
ing. I just keep the mind engaged in what I am doing at the moment.
542 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Caku Dsa: My meditation is that I want to give out the books I'm carry-
ing. Usually I have stacks of about twenty books, and my meditation is a
prayer to the spiritual master to find the people who will take them. Book
distribution means distributing books, so that's what I'm trying to do.

Sarvtm Dsa: The most important service is just the thing you're doing.
When you chant your rounds, you chant your rounds; when you read, you
read; and when you distribute, you distribute books. You concentrate on
connecting all the people with Ka. That's a book distributor's business.
Whomever he meets, he connects him with Ka. If the book distributor
is serious about his service, then he'll do everything else with more focused
concentration chanting, reading, or taking prasdam. He always thinks,
Now Ka is giving me the inspiration I need to go out again." In this way,
everything becomes meaningful in a devotee's life, and he never wastes

Guru-caraa Dsa: If we're Ka conscious, then whatever we say is meant

to connect the conditioned soul with Ka. In this sense, our mantra on the
street is nondifferent from the mah-mantra. We may speak about many
things to inspire the people to take the books or look at them, but it's still
a form of chanting. Thus we can expand our chanting throughout the day.
It's sakrtana, chanting for the eternal benefit of all the people we meet.

Jhnav Dev Ds: I pray to Ka over and over again to give me some
compassion for the conditioned souls. Only by having compassion for them
will I be qualified to become a devotee. One of the main qualities of a devo-
tee is compassion so much so that he suffers seeing other living entities

Jva Dsa: We are all desparately trying to get the mercy of the Lord, but
we can't expect to get the Lord's compassion if we don't show compassion
to His parts and parcels. By developing a perspective of spiritual equality
we can easily relate to the people we meet on the street.

#aii Dev Ds: One good way to keep the mind engaged while doing sa-
krtana is to learn verses and repeat them during the day. Similarly, while
taking prasdam in the morning, we listen to classes, and I try to keep one
special point in mind. The same applies to reading. I try to memorize some
points and then meditate on them. But the most important thing is to chant,
because it's not that easy to fix the mind on a special meditation while go-
ing from person to person. It takes a lot of experience. After a while, a dev-
The Stage of Determined, Successful Book Distribution 543

otee can start to meditate even while speaking to a person. He meditates on

how the Paramtm will inspire the person from within his heart. But that
can't be done artificially. It takes deeper and deeper realizations, which one
will get by absorbing himself in book distribution.

Harike!a Swami: Things are breaking down everywhere, and the dream of a
better decade after the fall of communism is dissipating quickly. Economies
are stagnant, social life is becoming more and more complex, and hatred
between people is increasing rapidly. War is commonplace and has even re-
turned to Europe in what was Yugoslavia. Indians are rioting over pseudo-
religious issues created by politicians to increase their prestige. AIDS is
rampant, and there's no cure in sight. All in all, there's no peace, and even
devotees are feeling the pinch. Considering the world's situation and the
situation in ISKCON, I can understand that there's no hope for the world
unless we distribute the books of rla Prabhupda far and wide. People in
the West are too crazy to listen peacefully to a lecture on Ka conscious-
ness. Indeed, they will not even come. Some may hear, and that's nice,
yet the masses miss the opportunity because they are unfortunate. But you
great souls you sakrtana heroes you go out every day and give these
people great hope. You don't care for your own comforts, and despite per-
sonal difficulties, you're dedicated to bringing the books of rla Prabhu-
pda to every door in the world and putting them in every hand on all the
streets of the world. Never in history has there been such a movement to
spread Ka consciousness throughout the world in so short a time. You
are part of history in the making. You are making this movement known in
Europe, where people are dull, ignorant, foolish, envious, and vicious. If we
examine people, we find hardly one person with any good qualities, but ev-
ery now and then we meet such a person who requires only a little push and
then he can become inspired to surrender to Ka. It's the possibility of
such a meeting that inspires you to go on with the book distribution. Seeing
the results before your eyes inspires you to continue releasing the rays of
mercy over the darkened skies of Europe. May you always be successful in
your attempts to open people's darkened eyes and awaken them from their
long sleep on the lap of my. (From a message to the sakrtana devotees
on December 12, 1992)

I am very much encouraged by hearing from you that the

distribution of books and literatures in Vancouver has in-
creased greatly. I am getting the same report from all places
in the world, wherever we are working, and this is extremely
pleasing to me. I never thought this Ka consciousness
544 The Nectar of Book Distribution

movement would be so successful. Actually the whole thing

rests upon these books. There is no such literature anywhere
in the world as our books. So go on selling more and more
books and magazines, that is our main business. Thank you
very much for helping me in this way. 9
A World Revolution
Through Book Distribution
Please print as many books as possible this is my real pleasure. By print-
ing the books of our Ka consciousness philosophy in many different lan-
guages, we can actually inject our movement into the masses of people all
over the world, especially there in the Western countries, and we can literally
turn whole nations into Ka conscious nations." 1

12.1 Prominent within the next ten thousand years"

In the present epoch people talk about a turning point" in history, the
new age," and an age of Aquarius. rla Prabhupda also talked about an
imminent change in the world's history, and being tri-kla-ja (knower of
past, present, and future), he clearly pointed out what that means to the
amazement of his disciples and guests alike: the predominance of Ka
consciousness during the next ten thousand years.

Caitanya-caritmta, Antya-ll 3.50 p: It is said that the Ka consciousness

movement will be prominent within the next ten thousand years, but after
that people will all become mlecchas and yavanas. Thus at the end of the
yuga, Ka will appear as the Kalki avatra and kill them without consid-

!rla Prabhupda: Kalki's nature is described in the Bhgavatam. He will

come just like a prince, with royal dress, sword, and on horseback, sim-
ply killing no preaching. All rascals killed. No more preaching. [Laughs]
That is the last. There will be no brain to understand God. They will be so
dull. It requires a brain to understand God.
Allen Ginsberg: Do you think of this in terms of an historical event that will
occur in the lifetime of your disciples?

546 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda: No. This will happen at least 400,000 years after. At that time
my disciples will be with Ka.
Devotees: Haribol!
Prabhupda: And those who will not follow them will see the fun, how they
are being killed. [Laughter]
Ginsberg: Will people still be chanting Hare Ka in 400,000 years?
Prabhupda: No. Hare Ka will be finished within ten thousand years.
There will be no more Hare Ka.
Ginsberg: So what will be left?
Prabhupda: Nothing. Left will be that I'll kill you and eat you and you
shall kill me. That will be left. There will be no grain, no milk, no sugar,
no fruit. So I have to eat you, and you will have to eat me. Full facility for
meat-eating. [Laughter]
Ginsberg: But you see it actually as an historical thing of ten thousand years
for the chanting and then the diminishing of the chanting?
Prabhupda: Yes.
Ginsberg: Well then, do you think more people will chant Hare Ka or
Prabhupda: Oh, yes, more people. Now it will increase. People will take
advantage of this for ten thousand years.
Ginsberg: And then?
Prabhupda: Then it will diminish.
Ginsberg: So this is like the last rope, the last gasp.
Prabhupda: [Laughs] Yes. So the sooner we take shelter of Ka con-
sciousness, the better.
Ginsberg: Well then, according to Vedic theory, when did this yuga begin?
Prabhupda: Kali-yuga began five thousand years ago. The duration of the
Kali-yuga is 432,000 years. Out of that, we have passed five thousand years.
There is a balance of 427,000 years. Out of that, ten thousand years is
Ginsberg: Where is all this?
Prabhupda: Vedic literature Padma Pura; Puras.
Ginsberg: Well then, within this period of ten thousand years, only those
who hear Ka's name and worship Ka by chanting can attain moka.
Prabhupda: Yes. Krtand eva kasya mukta-saga para vrajet. That
is stated in the #rmad-Bhgavatam. They become immediately liberated
and go back to home, back to Godhead.
Ginsberg: And everybody else gets involved deeper and deeper in the yuga.
Prabhupda: Yes, yes, yes. So if anyone believes in the $stras, they should
take to this Ka consciousness. That is intelligence, to take advantage of
the authorized scriptures. 2
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 547

* * *

Dr. Arnold Toynbee: With more people in politics in India, are they able to
keep the Vedic ideal?
Prabhupda: No, no, they have given it up. The politicians say, These
books are useless. Throw them in the water." They say like that publicly.
They are not interested. Everywhere there is more or less the same mental-
ity. But I have begun this movement with my European and American dis-
ciples. It is our duty on behalf of Ka to push on this movement. So we
are doing it, and we are getting a response. It is not without response. It will
increase. That is also stated that for ten thousand years the Ka con-
sciousness movement will increase. Yes. Within ten thousand years if they
become Ka conscious, then life is successful. After ten thousand years,
the gloomy picture of Kali-yuga will come. Still there is time. Ten thousand
years is not a small period. 3

* * *

Rme"vara: rla Prabhupda, you said that this movement will go on un-
impeded for ten thousand years.
Prabhupda: Yes, provided we keep it uncontaminated. You should take
this opportunity.
Rme"vara: After ten years we have gotten so many devotees and so many
houses that I can't imagine how big this movement will be after ten thou-
sand years.
Prabhupda: Yes. You'll get the government.
Rme"vara: The whole world will be delivered?
Prabhupda: Yad yad carati $rehas. America will be the best people
will follow. They are already following skyscraper building, that's all. All
the nations of the world are aspiring to have skyscraper buildings.
Rme"vara: All the instructions for the future how to run the govern-
ment everything is explained in your books.
Prabhupda: Yes. I think like that. [Laughs] Is there mention the slaugh-
terhouse must be stopped?
Rme"vara: You've given all the major policies for the future government,
the Ka conscious government.
Prabhupda: Let us hope. 4

* * *
548 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda: Two things paritrya sdh%n vin$ya ca duktm: as

the dukta will be reduced, the sdhu will increase. Or, as the sdhu will
increase, the dukta will decrease.
Rme"vara: This conflict will be global. It will affect the whole world.
Prabhupda: Oh, yes. That doesn't matter.
Hari-"auri: We're already in every country.
Prabhupda: Yes. That is the Kuruketra fight.
Rme"vara: So this conflict will take place.
Prabhupda: Support Yudhihira Mahrja and kill Duryodhana. This is
Rme"vara: It seems our movement has to grow much more before this will
take place . . .
Prabhupda: It will grow. It is growing. Simply our workers should be very
sincere and strict, and it will it grow. Nobody can check. That's a fact.
Rme"vara: . . . because after such a conflict the whole world will . . .
Prabhupda: Conflict is already there. Just like they're opposing.
Rme"vara: But I mean the actual destruction of their culture.
Prabhupda: Now they are trying to destroy us. And we are trying to de-
stroy them. The conflict is already there. And this is now a psychological
fight. And then there will be actual fight. And we must take part in that
Rme"vara: We will be the only ones who have any vision what to do after
the war.
Prabhupda: Yes. We have got clear vision. We are not putting any theory.
We are always presenting facts, and that is materializing.
Hari-"auri: Is our goal to reestablish Vedic principles in society at large?
Prabhupda: Yes. That will be Satya-yuga. Again the Vedic principles will
be established after finishing this Kali-yuga. And that is Satya-yuga. That is
going on. Just like after summer, there is winter. After winter, there is sum-
Rme"vara: But this is extraordinary: Lord Caitanya's movement, the ten
thousand years of His movement, is a special exception for the Kali-yuga.
Prabhupda: Special for this millennium. But the thing is going on like that,
Rme"vara: But in general, first it gets more and more degraded. Then it's
all finished.
Prabhupda: Yes. Unless there is degradation, there's no question of im-
provement. So this is going on. This is nature's way, bh%tv bh%tv pralya-
te: appearance and disappearance. 5

* * *
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 549

Girirja: Your Divine Grace has said that an auspicious atmosphere is be-
ing created all over the world because of the sakrtana movement. So is it
not possible that at least for the time being things will improve?
Prabhupda: Oh, yes, improve. Not for the time being for ten thousand
Girirja: Yes. Out of 427,000 years I was taking that ten thousand as the
time being.
Prabhupda: It is nothing short.
Taml Krishna: rla Prabhupda, where is the mention of these ten thou-
sand years?
Prabhupda: That I have heard. Maybe in the Bhgavatam. Such a nice
thing. Alone in this world I am struggling, and the so-called intelligent per-
sons they will not come. They have business. Why? If it is actually ben-
eficial to the human society, why should I try alone? I will go on trying as
long as I live. There will be no checking. 6

12.2 On the threshold of the Golden Age

You propose to induce the American people to surrender
to Lord Caitanya by expansion of book distribution. That is
wanted. When you come to that, that is success. Then you
can take charge of the government. And as soon as in Amer-
ica the Ka conscious boys are in power, the whole world
will be changed. The idea is to bring under control all the
atheistic classes of men. There are two ways of bringing the
opposition under control. One is by logic and philosophy, the
other is by force. That was done by Bharata Mahrja when
he was king of this planet. 7

#rmad-Bhgavatam 9.10.54: When Lord Rmacandra, the Supreme Per-

sonality of Godhead, was the king of this world, all bodily and mental suf-
fering, disease, old age, bereavement, lamentation, distress, fear and fatigue
were completely absent. There was even no death for those who did not
want it.
Purport: All these facilities existed because of Lord Rmacandra's presence
as the king of the entire world. A similar situation could be introduced im-
mediately, even in this age called Kali, the worst of all ages. It is said, kali-
kle nma-r%pe ka-avatra: Ka descends in this Kali-yuga in the form
of His holy name Hare Ka, Hare Rma. If we chant offenselessly,
Rma and Ka are still present in this age. The kingdom of Rma was
550 The Nectar of Book Distribution

immensely popular and beneficial, and the spreading of this Hare Ka

movement can immediately introduce a similar situation, even in this Kali-

The only hope is this Hare Ka movement"

#rmad-Bhgavatam 10.3.22: O my Lord, proprietor of all creation, You
have now appeared in my house, desiring to protect this world. I am sure
that You will kill all the armies that are moving all over the world under
the leadership of politicians who are dressed as katriya rulers but who are
factually demons. They must be killed by You for the protection of the in-
nocent public.
Purport: Ka appears in this world for two purposes, paritrya sdh%-
n vin$ya ca duktm: to protect the innocent, religious devotees of
the Lord and to annihilate all the uneducated, uncultured asuras, who un-
necessarily bark like dogs and fight among themselves for political power.
It is said, kali-kle nma-r%pe ka-avatra: the Hare Ka movement is
also an incarnation of Ka in the form of the holy name (nma-r%pe). Ev-
ery one of us who is actually afraid of the asuric rulers and politicians must
welcome this incarnation of Ka: Hare Ka, Hare Ka, Ka Ka,
Hare Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rma, Rma Rma, Hare Hare. Then we
will surely be protected from the harassment of asuric rulers. At the pres-
ent moment these rulers are so powerful that by hook or by crook they cap-
ture the highest posts in government and harass countless numbers of peo-
ple on the plea of national security or some emergency. Then again, one
asura defeats another asura, but the public continues to suffer. Therefore
the entire world is in a precarious condition, and the only hope is this Hare
Ka movement. Lord Nsihadeva appeared when Prahlda was exces-
sively harassed by his asuric father. Because of such asuric fathers that is,
the ruling politicians it is very difficult to press forward the Hare Ka
movement, but because Ka has now appeared in His holy name through
this movement, we can hope that these asuric fathers will be annihilated
and the kingdom of God established all over the world. The entire world is
now full of many asuras in the guise of politicians, gurus, sdhus, yogs and
incarnations, and they are misleading the general public away from Ka
consciousness, which can offer true benefit to human society.

Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 4.79: The Ka consciousness movement

has spread all over the world within a very short time (within five years),
and mundane people are very astonished at this. However, by the grace of
Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu, we understand that everything is possible
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 551

by the grace of Ka. Why does Ka have to take five years? In five days
He can spread His name and fame all over the world like wildfire. Those
who have faith and devotion to Ka can understand that these things hap-
pen so wonderfully by the grace of r Caitanya Mahprabhu. We are sim-
ply the instruments.

Niti Canda Goswami: Lord Caitanya appeared to distribute love of Ka,

but it isn't meant simply for a few devotees. If the devotees are satisfied
staying in the temple and chanting Hare Ka, how will the fallen souls
be delivered? Therefore already in Navadvpa, Lord Caitanya stressed the
need of devotees going out. rla Vndvana Dsa hkura says in Cai-
tanya-bhgavata, prn ache yar sei hetu prachar: One who has life can
preach." So those who have understood the purpose of Lord Caitanya's ap-
pearance cannot simply sit down, they must go out. Lord Caitanya Himself
sent out Nitynanda Prabhu and hkura Haridsa (Caitanya-bhgavata,
Madhya-ll 13.8 10, 16):

$una $una nitynanda, $una haridsa

sarvatra mra j karaha prak$a:

Hear, hear, Nitynanda! Hear Haridsa! Go everywhere and make My or-

der known."

prati ghare ghare giy kara ei bhik

bolo ka, bhaja ka, kara ka $ik

Go from house to house and request or beg everyone to chant `Ka,'

worship Ka, and follow Ka's teachings."

ih ba-i ra n balib balib

dina-avasne si' mre kahib

Only this don't say or ask anything more. Then at the end of the day,
come to Me and give a report about what you have done."

j pi' dui jane bule ghare ghare

bolo ka, go ka, bhajaha kere

Having the order, both of them went from house to house, requesting the
people to chant `Ka,' sing `Ka,' and worship Ka."

From these statements we can understand that our sakrtana move-

ment is authorized. Sometimes neophyte devotees think our movement
552 The Nectar of Book Distribution

is a commercial enterprise: As soon as we join, they send us out with

big truckloads of books. And in the evening, the sakrtana leader wants
to know what we have done." So don't feel bad it is authorized by r
Caitanya Mahprabhu. Nitynanda Prabhu is the personification of mercy
and the original spiritual master, and Haridsa hkura is the nmcrya.
They are teaching everyone by their personal example how to distribute
Lord Caitanya's mercy. They went everywhere in Navadvpa and requested
everyone to chant Hare Ka and mold his life into Ka consciousness.
They boldly approached even Jagi and Mdhi, the most fallen persons,
and delivered them. So we are following their example. On the direct order
of Lord Caitanya, sakrtana devotees go door to door and city to city al-
though the people are fallen and their background is bad. The people have
no time to sit down and listen to us; therefore we give them books. The
sakrtana devotees represent Nitynanda Prabhu and Haridsa hkura.
They give up physical comforts and are on the road distributing the mercy
with fearlessness and determination. They are doing the same service as
Nitynanda and Haridsa, so Lord Caitanya will especially bless them. Be-
cause of such elevated sakrtana devotees, nothing can stop this move-
ment it will simply grow by the mercy of Nitynanda Prabhu.

Ka consciousness is the highest consciousness

Satsvar#pa Mahrja: This is Bhakta Doug. He was a personal secretary of
Maharishi for two years. He traveled all over with him. And one day Maha-
rishi said, If you really want to know the highest truth, it's Ka con-
sciousness." So then he left and joined our temple.
!rla Prabhupda: Maharishi said that?
Doug: Yes, he did say that. It took me a while to make the transition with
Ka's mercy.
Devotee: Maharishi must have read one of your books, Prabhupda. One
time we were in Orlando, Florida, at the Kundalini Yoga festival, and
Maharishi came out. We were chanting and distributing prasdam and some
BTGs, and he took a BTG and gave a dollar donation. He patted us on the
head and said, You boys keep chanting the holy names of God."
Prabhupda: When were you with Maharishi?
Doug: I joined the Maharishi in 1969, and at that time I was living in Wash-
ington, D.C. His national director came and gave a lecture, and he said that
they needed help because they didn't have a center there. So I organized
the movement out of my parents' house. . . . Later on, I started to be with
Maharishi for long periods, and I took his courses and did extensive medita-
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 553

tions. . . . But when I was with Maharishi, I noticed that a lot of his potency
and charisma seemed to diminish over the years. It seemed to me he'd get
more and more depressed if people weren't actually reaching the states that
he talked of. It seemed like he wasn't satisfied with the advancement people
were making. And certainly he wasn't answering all the questions, because
all that time I was asking him, What is the highest truth?" And when he
talked about God I would say, Who is God?" And we'd ask him, Who
is Ka?" and What about the Ka conscious movement?" But his re-
ply was word jugglery. He'd kind of evade our questions, but those ques-
tions kept coming up. Somehow he kept us from going into too much detail
about it. But once I didn't see him for a few days. I was in the mountains
with him and some other people. He was doing some work on the Brahma-
s%tras. When he came out, he was in a very solemn mood. We asked him
what truths he had realized from the Brahma-s%tras. And he said, Ka
consciousness is the highest state of consciousness." So I left shortly after
that. I feel that I could have been chanting all those years.
Prabhupda: What is his age?
Doug: His age? He's sixty-eight.
Prabhupda: Old man.
Doug: Balavanta suggested that I write him a letter and ask him to have
a meeting with you. Maybe some conciliation could be made and he could
propagate Ka consciousness also, because he has many followers. I think
he must have some sincerity.
Prabhupda: Instead of asking him to preach, you preach. He has already
enunciated a type of formula, and it is very difficult for him to change it. 8

12.3 Our movement cannot be stopped

Try to distribute as many books as possible. I can understand
your concern about the deterioration of the civilization. Yes,
the city will be a more dangerous place as Kali-yuga ad-
vances. The modern civilization is so corrupt, and as more
and more sinful activities are committed, the people will be
forced to face more troubles by nature's order. Our business,
however, is simply to take shelter of the Hare Ka mah-
mantra and pray to the holy name to give us protection. We
shall be unaffected by all that will happen. Ka will provide
us with working facilities. Be assured of this, that the devo-
tees will be protected by the holy name. Others will have to
suffer in the days that are coming. 9
554 The Nectar of Book Distribution

An historical example
#rla Prabhupda-llmta Vol. 6, p. 259: The sannyss began telling rla
Prabhupda about how a military dictatorship had taken over in Argentina
and had officially banned the Ka consciousness movement. Twenty thou-
sand dollars' worth of books had been seized, and devotees had been arres-
ted. Many other persons were being regularly arrested or shot in the streets.
. . . rla Prabhupda said, So this will give impetus to Ka conscious-
ness yad yad hi dharmasya glni. Don't be disappointed. Ka will
act through His movement and kill them, these demons. How it will be
done, that you cannot know now, but it will be done. Let us remain true
soldiers. That's all. And suppose you die in the fight? Fight means with
vow, with determination either to gain victory or die. Because it is a fight
against my. Why you shall be afraid of being killed? When there is a
fight, one must know that Either I am going to be killed or gain victory."
Jva v mara v. Those who are devotees, either they live or die, it's the
same thing. While they live they are serving Ka. When they die they will
serve Ka. Jva v mara v. Tyaktv deha punar janma naiti mm eti. He
goes to Ka. So what is the loss? We are working for Ka, and if we die
we go to Ka. What is the loss?"

Rohisuta Dsa: The demons hate our book distribution. They declare war
on it and try to stop it. But they cannot stop it. Already so many books are
out in society. They may even try to find all these books and burn them, but
they will never find all of them. There is a nice story from Argentina. When
there was a change of the government in the 1970s, the leaders confisca-
ted all the devotees' books. Everyone thought, The books are lost. They
burned the books." But now the government has changed, and things are
more favorable again. The new government held an auction to sell all the
confiscated goods. And there were all these books from ten years before.
But no one was interested. Finally one man came forward who thought, I
can make a good business with these books." So he bought them for a small
sum and then tried to sell them, but no one wanted them. Later the man
encountered a sakrtana devotee, who tried to sell him a book, and the
man said, Oh, these books! I have them already." Really one or two?"
No, I have thousands." Then he told the whole story and showed the devo-
tee all the books. I cannot sell them. What shall I do? You can buy them
if you like." So the devotee informed Bhaktibhaa Mahrja, who went
to see all the books. But he remained cool. The man asked, Would you
like to take these books?" Well, maybe," Mahrja said. I have to think
about it. I don't know." Then the man became desperate and said, Please,
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 555

please, just take the books. Give whatever you like. I can't stand them any-
more." So Mahrja had to pay only a small amount of money for them.
And what's more, because the books had been confiscated by the govern-
ment before having been paid for, the devotees got all the books practically
for free. And that happened right during the marathon when they were run-
ning short of books. (From a class in Belgium on September 3, 1987)

Our humble methods will save us and the world

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: We can use everything for Ka. We can use
the most sophisticated things for Ka. But we should not forget that ulti-
mately it is the simple processes that rla Prabhupda directly gave us that
will save the world. It is rla Prabhupda's strategy, it is rla Prabhupda's
vision his order that will save the world. rla Prabhupda is the savior
of the Western countries, and because the Western countries are important
for now, at least for a few more years, that includes the rest of the countries
also. So it is by simple, humble devotion that the world will be saved. I was
in rla Prabhupda's room once in 1972, and the GBC of New York pro-
posed that rla Prabhupda come to New York and the devotees would
rent a very nice house for him on Long Island, which is a prestigious area.
They were going to bring highly placed and sophisticated people to rla
Prabhupda. rla Prabhupda's comment was, No. Actually Lord Cai-
tanya came to save the unsophisticated. The sophisticated people will never
be saved." So it is amazing to see how humble Vaiavas, the vast majority
of whom we don't even know by name, simply go out, live in vans, go door
to door, go out on the streets, and approach people one by one with great
faith in rla Prabhupda and Lord Caitanya. Actually, all the American
temples were purchased by this process. Therefore we should just get right
back to the basics. Devotees can be the most sophisticated, but the heart of
this movement will always be these humble, loving processes of carrying out
exactly what rla Prabhupda wanted: approaching people, seeing them
as spirit souls, giving them rla Prabhupda's books, giving them Ka's
name, and giving them prasdam. These humble processes will always be
the salvation of the world. That is the way the world will be saved.

We succeed against all odds

Taml Krishna Goswami: rla Prabhupda translates vimanyava as with-
out anger (one must distribute Ka consciousness to persons who are
hostile without becoming angry at them)" [SB 5.5.2]. Prabhupda said that
we have to expect opposition. He said that opposition is arranged by Ka
556 The Nectar of Book Distribution

to promote the Ka consciousness movement. He gave the example that

as long as Ka was in Vndvana, very few persons knew about Him,
but when Ka went on the battlefield, and particularly the battlefield of
Kuruketra, everyone in the world took note. Ka arranges opposition to
glorify the preachers. So all over the world we find difficulties.
When we started the sakrtana movement, one woman, who looked
just like a witch, used to disturb our harinma party. We would sit on the
sidewalk and chant, and she would walk up in her high heels and try to kick
the spike of her high heel into the mdaga. People would stand around to
see what we were going to do, and we had to swerve to the side with the
drum, but we didn't retaliate. If someone approaches and harasses you, you
just have to deal with him, but not react, not become angry.
Then the police passed an ordinance. They thought we were obstructing
traffic. So they said, Now you can't sit on the sidewalk. You have to stand.
And the magazine distributors can't stand in the middle of the sidewalk.
You have to stand with one foot against the wall." So we would stand with
one foot always touching the wall and lean out as far as we could to stop
the people walking by and give them BTGs. So this is the kind of thing that
goes on all the time.
In another case I heard about today, in Sarajevo, the devotees were stor-
ing many books, and because the books were not distributed fast enough,
what happened? People broke into the storehouse, took the books, and
used them as fuel.
Sometimes people are so bewildered that they want to humiliate the
devotees. When I was preaching in India, we were distributing sets of
books. We went to a person who owned a big theater, and he said, It is
so hot that I think you need to cool off. You should take this bottle of soda
and pour it on your heads." We said we were all right, that his theater was
nice and cool. But he insisted: No, no. I will take a set of books only if you
pour this bottle of soda on your heads." So we did it. We went over to the
sink, poured the soda over our heads, then we gave the man a pen, made
him fill out a check, gave him Prabhupda's books, and left. Maybe it was
humiliating, but we thought it didn't matter. Why? Because we had the mis-
sion of our spiritual master at heart. We poured soda on our heads not for
that man's satisfaction, but for Prabhupda's satisfaction. With that type of
meditation a devotee can be very tolerant. If you are always thinking on
your terms, then you will react.
It is not an easy thing to preach in this age, but it is so special an activity.
rla Prabhupda in his final days took the greatest hope in the sakrtana
reports. When the reports arrived, he would just sit and hear them. It was
amazing, because he was so ill that he practically could not deal with any-
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 557

thing very much, but he had me read every single word and figure. There
were a lot of details how many big books, how many small books, from
this temple and that temple, each distributor and it sometimes took an
hour and a half. He listened as if he were hearing the Tenth Canto. In other
words, to Prabhupda it was samdhi, because he got the order to distrib-
ute books from his spiritual master. Prabhupda was seeing the fulfillment
of his spiritual master's words.
In the same way, when a sakrtana devotee goes out, he has to take
shelter of his spiritual master, the Vaiavas, and Ka. Prabhupda wrote
in his prayer on the Jaladuta, Make me dance, make me dance, make me
dance." The sakrtana devotee prays like that: Make me speak, and make
my hands and legs move, and make my brain work in such a way that people
will take these books." What can be more satisfying then going out at the
beginning of the day with a van full of books and then seeing at the end of
the day that the van is empty? You know the atmosphere has changed. The
books are out there, going their own way.
Every one of the books has somebody's name on it, because the books
are Ka and Ka is within everyone's heart. It's as if people had beep-
ers, and when the time comes for them to get a book, their hearts start
beeping: I need a book I need a book I need Ka I am ready
I am ready." And then we put out the books. Lord Caitanya is Himself the
book, and He is right there on the receiving side, and He connects the per-
son and the book.
It happens like that. It is not some mysterious phenomenon. It is under-
standable. Ka is directing the sakrtana movement. Prabhupda said
that. He said that as far as the people who join our movement are con-
cerned, generally we don't get the materially successful people, because
they have no reason to join. He said we get the failures. He said to me first,
Don't mind this statement. Don't feel bad about what I am going to say.
But generally we get the failures, because if someone is successful there is
no reason for him to join." Then someone asked him, How does the move-
ment go on if it is all made up of failures?" And Prabhupda said, This
proves that Ka is in this movement." We are successful against all odds,
which means that Ka Himself is in charge. (From a lecture in Zurich on
July 31, 1993)

`Hare Ka' has become a household phrase"

Now they are feeling the weight of this movement. Formerly
they thought, These people come and go," but now they see
we are staying. Now we have set fire. It will go on. It cannot
558 The Nectar of Book Distribution

be stopped. You can bring big, big fire brigades, but the fire
will act. The brainwash" books are already there. Even if
they stop it externally, internally it will go on. Our first-class
campaign is book distribution. Go house to house. The real
fighting is now. Ka will give you all protection. So chant
Hare Ka and fight. 10

By book distribution the Ka consciousness movement becomes

firmly rooted. In the letter just quoted, rla Prabhupda said that it was too
late for anyone to stop our movement too many books were already dist-
ributed and that was in 1976. Simply by book distribution and chanting
the holy names, Ka consciousness was spread around the world. Back in
1973 the BBT could state in its introduction to the first volumes of Caitanya-
caritmta: `Hare Ka' has become a household phrase in cities, towns
and villages throughout the world, fulfilling a prophecy made almost five
hundred years ago by Lord r Caitanya Mahprabhu." Book distribution
is preparing the field for many new dimensions in the growth of the Ka
consciousness movement. There may not be so many devotees, but because
of book distribution people get an impression that there must be millions
of us:

Devotee: Everyone knows about Ka now. In the United States they

didn't know before, but when they see this little picture on the book, they
all know that it's Ka. We hand them the book, and they say, Oh, that's
Ka." It's so successful that everyone has learned about Ka.
Prabhupda: Oh, as soon as they see the picture, they understand it is
Devotee: Sometimes, rla Prabhupda, people travel from one airport to
another. They'll get a book in Chicago, and then they'll come to Atlanta,
and we'll approach them to give them another book. They ask, How many
of you are there in the world?" Because everywhere they go, they are get-
ting books. So they think that there must be millions of us. 11

12.4 A change of consciousness

We are walking in this nice park, but at any time there can
be revolution. It can all be fire. They do not know. They are
dull. Although Ka gives a plain example baby becomes
boy is there any example of a baby remaining permanently
a baby? Therefore our only hope is to distribute books so
that someday the people will understand that they are not
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 559

this body. And the day will come when these books will be
appreciated as very valuable. 12

The change begins subtly

Question: How does book distribution change the world? Where are the
Harike"a Swami: Relative to the number of people in the world we haven't
distributed that many books. But we have distributed quite a lot of books,
and there are quite a few results. Even in a demonic place like Germany
(where we have distributed a lot of books) people are gradually changing.
We go out and do programs, and we find that people are receptive to all
our concepts. People formerly wouldn't accept reincarnation, vegetarian-
ism, and karma. All these basic sub-religious principles people accept with-
out difficulty nowadays. We see that trend in America especially. So there
are places just crying for preaching, and we simply have to go there and do
the programs. The people there are prime candidates for Ka conscious-
ness. Just go there and preach, and you'll find all the fruits of book distribu-
tion. People have been reading the books, and they've begun to like Ka
consciousness. Some big people in the entertainment industry have become
devotees because they read Prabhupda's books. Even political figures and
big men in all walks of life are reading Prabhupda's books. But they don't
come right out and say, I read Prabhupda's books. I believe in this too."
You have to go out there and get them. And then they get inspired and
come forward and support you in one way or another. So the books are al-
ready changing the world, but we just haven't realized it because we are not
meeting people day to day. Wherever we do that, we find the people are re-
spectful nowadays, especially when we do programs.
Question: But how much can that change in attitude be attributed to us?
Harike"a Swami: About 90% can be attributed to us, because there is no-
body else giving anyone transcendental knowledge. Not to us to Prabhu-
pda. His books have been behind the scenes preaching all these years.
People may not like us because we have funny clothes and hair styles,
but they like the books because the books are innocent. They just sit on
the shelf and radiate their spiritual energy. And when people walk by, the
books say, Come here, read this." So some day, somebody walks by, picks
up the book, and realizes, Hey, this is nice."
Question: The doubt that we are not having any results is likely to cripple
our enthusiasm.
Harike"a Swami: What kind of results do we accept as results? If we think
the results should be bigger, more opulent buildings and thousands of young
560 The Nectar of Book Distribution

people running around the temple, we'll be discouraged. I don't think those
are the right results. Rather, the result is that we are creating a massive
change of consciousness in the people in general. A whole revolution in
consciousness is going on. Of course, the demons are also getting stronger,
and they control the media. But there's a large consensus that I've lived
before I had this body," a mentality that didn't exist before. Therefore gra-
dually people will stop acting sinfully, as we introduce them to the facts of
karma. The meat industry is having a hard time because people are giving
up eating meat.
Question: That could also be because so much research is being done on
heart disease and cancer.
Harike"a Swami: But that is also because of piety, because people knew
that before. But now some doctors have decided, We're going to prove
that meat-eating is unhealthy." They got on a mission. It's all working in
a subtle way. The books out there are emanating spiritual energy and caus-
ing a gradual, subtle change in society. And someday we will find out more
and more about the people who read our books. It's not that everyone who
reads a book is going to run to the temple. It doesn't work like that.
Question: As you travel, what signs do you see of book distribution work-
Harike"a Swami: It's not like that. It's subtle. You just have more and more
people out there who agree with what you're saying. And that is the effect
of book distribution, until finally an enormous number of people have the
same idea. Then you've got success. It's a subtle thing. Gradually people
just agree.

Global changes
The populace is suffering from agnosticism. The rascals are
suffering, but they do not know why. One ambition I have is
that I want to drive away agnosticism from the world. 13

As more and more people are realizing, radical changes of conscious-

ness are needed if humanity's imperiled course is to change. We know that
Ka consciousness is the main force for such a change, and in any field
where there are pioneers looking for new courses for humanity, they are
bound to become more aware of the revolutionary nature of rla Prabhu-
pda's books. Most of the established scholars and professionals, however,
are glued to outdated paradigms. But innovations are not established by
converting the old establishment; it just dies off or is left in the dust of
innovators. So today's leaders aren't necessarily the leaders of tomorrow.
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 561

As sociologists have observed, revolutionary changes often are initiated

by outsiders, whose pioneering feats and formulas prove successful and
change the world. For example, in the watch industry, Switzerland led the
world until 1968; it covered 90% of the world market. But when some of its
own technicians developed a type of digital watch with batteries, the lead-
ing Swiss watchmakers flatly refused to develop it and clung to watches
with springs and hands and faces. Texas Instruments and the Japanese just
looked at the digital watch, and the rest is history. The Swiss watch industry
was defeated and within a few years had to release fifty thousand workers.
Therefore in periods of paradigm shifts, everyone has a big chance.
So here is another dynamic dimension to book distribution. It has the
potential to shape the next generation. Our books reach all types of peo-
ple. The leading people are influential, and that makes them attractive to
preach to, but who knows how long they will remain leaders if they can't
give up their outdated, materialistic paradigms? So with our books we ap-
proach not only them but also the masses, and among them are many in-
genious and capable people. They may get their turn to lead in the future.
Maybe they don't know it yet, and we don't know them. But if they read
Prabhupda's books and become big successes, they bring into their fields
what they gained from Prabhupda's books; it has become a part of their
world-view. So through widespread book distribution a big universe of in-
terested people is created, and if materially brilliant devotees emerge, they
can influence the masses to read Prabhupda's books. (Based on a seminar
by rdhara Swami)

It starts with a small percentage

Gradually, we shall replace the literatures which are cur-
rently popular with our own style of transcendental litera-
ture. I have tried it: any page you open, that is wonderful
reading matter. My ambition is to spread these books far and
wide all over the world so that everyone shall read at least
one of our books, and that will change his life. If only 1%
become devotees, that will change the world. 14

Bhagavad-gt 14.17 p: Because people have no education in actual knowl-

edge, they become irresponsible. To stop this irresponsibility, education for
developing the mode of goodness of the people in general must be there.
When they are actually educated in the mode of goodness, they will be-
come sober, in full knowledge of things as they are. Then people will be
happy and prosperous. Even if the majority of the people aren't happy and
562 The Nectar of Book Distribution

prosperous, if a certain percentage of the population develops Ka con-

sciousness and becomes situated in the mode of goodness, then there is the
possibility for peace and prosperity all over the world.

!acnandana Swami: The chanting and preaching of the Vaiavas has a

great influence that will gradually be felt world-wide. When people get
Prabhupda's books and chant Hare Ka, then transcendental sound
chanted or written enters the ether, surrounds the globe, and influences
everything. We already feel it. People become vegetarians, or they renew
their moral standards, or they accept recincarnation. Thus a good basis for
social reform is built.
Of course, one may ask how these changes are related to book
distribution, because many people advocate vegetarianism and moral prin-
ciples. Yes, but it's not by chance that such people step forward. The book
distribution purifies the atmosphere, and thus people start propagating
these principles. Although they aren't connected with our movement, they
aren't outside Lord Caitanya's plan. One result of book distribution is that
they are moving according to Lord Caitanya's plan by propagating prin-
ciples that prepare the ground for our preaching. The devotees have other
duties than preaching moral principles. That preaching can be done by
others, but the propagation of the holy name and the distribution of rla
Prabhupda's books, which will save the world, can be done only by Ka
conscious devotees. Therefore we always have to stress book distribution,
because that service nobody can do for us, and we don't expect it, either.
That's why we do it as our foremost duty and why Prabhupda pushed it.

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: Sometimes we tend to view everyone outside of

ISKCON as fools, rascals, and two-legged animals. But most devotees are
still out there, and we should pray and hope they join us. It is perhaps not so
much that they aren't ready to join, as that we aren't well enough prepared
to reach them. Of course, we can mention so many disqualifications of the
karms, but a self-critical attitude is healthy and not completely unjusti-
fied. Therefore we have to go out to distribute rla Prabhupda's books
to reach those people, because one point is clear: we have not distributed
enough books.

It takes spiritual strength

Navna-nrada Dsa: One famous German terrorist said, If you actually
understand how much the materialistic society stinks, then you have only
two ways to go: you either become a terrorist or a monk." For a lack of
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 563

spiritual knowledge, he became a terrorist. But what's the use of fighting

demons with their own demonic weapons? A much more powerful weapon
is required, which works on a higher level. That's spiritual sound vibration.
The demons know that everything is started subtly by sound vibration, and
they've firmly established their sound vibration in every home in the form
of TV, radio, video, and CD. Similarly, we have to establish our sets in each
and every home not TV sets but sets of books. When our set distribution
is as widespread as their TV networks it will create a completely new
society. In the Ninth Canto, Prabhupda writes that Lord Rma's soldiers
recruited in the jungle did not have proper equipment with which to fight
the soldiers of Rvaa, for Rvaa's soldiers were equipped with wea-
pons of modern warfare, whereas the monkeys could only throw stones,
mountain peaks, and trees. Only Lord Rma and Lakmaa shot some ar-
rows. There are two kinds of strength daiva and purukra. Daiva re-
fers to the strength achieved from transcendence, and purukra refers to
the strength organized by one's own intelligence and power. Transcenden-
tal power is always superior to the power of the materialist. Depending on
the mercy of the Supreme Lord, we must fight our enemies even though we
may not be equipped with all the facilities of modern technology.

The example of the CIS

Nirajana Swami: Regarding global changes in the near future, who are we
to speculate about Lord Caitanya's plan? In #rmad-Bhgavatam (1.9.16),
Bhma says, No one can know the plan of the Lord. Even though great
philosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered." rla Prabhupda
comments, Since time immemorial no one, including such demigods as
iva and Brahm, could ascertain the real plan of the Lord. So what can we
understand about it?" Still, authorized sources inform us that the Supreme
Lord has a great plan to save the fallen souls: kirta-h%ndhra-pulinda
pulka$ umbh, Yavana, members of the Khasa races and even others
addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of
the Lord, for He is the supreme power" (SB 2.4.18). The purport to that
verse is still being written. In the CIS rla Prabhupda is expanding Lord
Ka's glories to every town and village. His books are changing people's
hearts, kindling new hope, and breaking the barriers that stood here for so
long. rla Prabhupda's potency to transform people's lives is overwhelm-
ing, and often I find my bodily movements suspended while I'm watch-
ing the transcendental ll unfold around me. Prabhupda and his books
are igniting a spiritual revolution here. The people have known revolutions
before, but this one is of a much different nature. It is, as Nrada Muni said,
564 The Nectar of Book Distribution

a revolution in the impious lives of this misdirected civilization, and rla

Prabhupda is its commander in chief. He leads the battles, armed with
the sword of transcendental knowledge, and releases one by one those who
have been held captive birth after birth. rla Bhaktivinoda hkura pre-
dicted that this revolution would start from Russia and Prussia. For those
who would doubt these claims, remember what Gopntha crya told the
disciples of Srvabhauma Bhacrya he said that the statements of the
authorized cryas are themselves real proof. Thus we have presented their
statements as evidence. But for those who want more, then consider the
following letter written by a seventeen-year-old boy from Byelorussia:
Dear BBT Publishers,
I was told that you stopped printing the books that give the people
an understanding of another, invisible world, an understanding we need so
much in this world of relativity. I am living in a village. My elder brother
has a kind of mental disease. I have also a mother, one younger brother, and
a younger sister. My mother is ill, and she is working like anything to feed
her children. I am working as a locksmith, and I have no way to buy your
books or to have a teacher or master in this science. I can hardly leave my
village. Actually nobody needs books on the culture and art of India. Who
needs their culture? But the books you have been printing instruct the peo-
ple about a bona fide path, better than the way it is done by other religions.
Recently, I tried to order these books on Vedic science, and I came to know
that they are not in print anymore. I cannot borrow books like Bhagavad-
gt and The Science of Self-Realization and copy them. I don't have enough
time and strength for that. I don't have a phenomenal memory either, so I
can't learn them by heart. So, dear publishers, I am appealing to you, I beg
you. The spiritual condition of our country is very low. Please don't stop
printing such books, because they give light to the people, and most people
will agree with that.
In another letter a Siberian woman writes:
I live in a remote part of the country, but God didn't forget this place,
because your books were distributed here. I've read #rmad-Bhgavatam,
and it was like a shock for me. I was overwhelmed with joy, knowledge, and
spiritual satisfaction, and it was wonderful. But very soon I realized that
people didn't understand me. And now I'm practically alone. I've bought
all the books. In my opinion, among all these books #rmad-Bhgavatam is
the best. I've started to follow the regulative principles, and everybody is
wondering how it is possible not to eat sausage and drink alcohol. I'm sadly
smiling at this instead of giving them an answer. Please send me the address
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 565

of at least one person I mean the master of Ka consciousness. Thank

you for giving out the most confidential knowledge of God and His love.

Anirde"ya-vapu Dsa: From practical experience one becomes convinced

that people are changing. In every town and village from Siberia to
Vladivostok there are devotees. Ka is nondifferent from His books,
and if the books are distributed, Ka will be everywhere. Wherever Ka
is, there is prosperity and victory. Many people have a good attitude
towards us. They have seen us and heard about us. The most interesting
thing is that in every place, even the smallest place, there is some devotee,
and he is looking for others. For example, I met one young man who told
me, I've already chanted for one year what else can I do?" Maybe not
everyone is determined to give up everything and move into a temple, but
there are many such devotees, just because the books are out there in the
society. Prabhupda is preaching everywhere.

Revolution in the land of dharma

What is the difference if a bulldog thinks, I am a bulldog,"
and a man thinks, I am American," or I am brhmaa"?
What is the difference? The real thing is knowledge. So don't
keep this knowledge locked up in India's books. But spread
it. My only request is the leaders of India should now come
forward and join this movement and take advantage of doing
good to the whole world. 15

Gopla Krishna Goswami: The secret of success is unknown to people in

general, and therefore rla Vysadeva, being compassionate toward the
poor souls in the material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given
us the #rmad-Bhgavatam. . . . If we do not care about Bhagavad-gt and
#rmad-Bhgavatam, we do not know what the next body will be. But if
one adheres to these two literatures Bhagavad-gt and #rmad-Bhg-
avatam one is sure to obtain the association of Ka in the next life.
Therefore, distribution of #rmad-Bhgavatam all over the world is a great
welfare activity for theologians, philosophers, transcendentalists and yogs
as well as for people in general." (SB 10.12.7 11 p)
Everybody knows how important book distribution is, in terms of pleas-
ing Prabhupda and the other Vaiava cryas. rla Prabhupda once
said, Our business is simply book distribution." This means that book
distribution is the most important preaching activity of ISKCON, and rla
566 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Prabhupda has emphasized this fact again and again. Countries in North
America and Europe churned up a massive book distribution spirit in the
early 1970s. Ironically, in India, the land of dharma, there was no mass
distribution of rla Prabhupda's books until 1977. The first large-scale
distribution of rla Prabhupda's books was in February 1977, at the
Kumbha-mela in Allahabad.
From 1972 to 1975, most of the BBT books in India were imported.
Book distribution was largely confined to giving out English books to life
In 1975, BBT India printed its first book, #rmad-Bhgavatam, First
Canto, Part One. In 1976, Gargamuni came to India with twenty devotees
and a fleet of six Mercedes buses. They traveled all over India selling Bhg-
avatam sets and other books to libraries. At this time there were no hard-
cover books in Hindi, Gujarati, or Marathi. Even the small books were not
distributed on a large scale.
It was at this time that most of Prabhupda's books were translated into
Hindi and the other regional languages of India. rla Prabhupda attached
great importance to this service, and every time I would go to see him, he
would ask me, Where is book? Where is book?"
In 1976 we inserted a full-page advertisement in The Illustrated Weekly
of India, at that time the most influential, widely read weekly magazine
in India. The advertisement was meant to promote sales of Bhagavad-gt
through mail order, and it had a catchy heading. Through this campaign we
sold about one thousand Bhagavad-gts. But the books were sold at double
the price of street distribution so that the cost of the advertisement could
be recovered.
Also in 1976, we came out with a Diwali gift scheme. In India during the
Diwali festival, businessmen give gifts to their important clients and even
to their employees. Our scheme promoted giving the Gt as a Diwali gift.
The Gts were even gift-wrapped.
At the Kumbha-mela in 1977, rla Prabhupda wanted us to distribute
as many books as possible. Accordingly, I had printed 100,000 copies of
Ka, the Reservoir of Pleasure, and we distributed 80,000 of these books.
The books were priced at Rs.1/- each. We were distributing about 12,000
books every day, a phenomenon unheard of in India at that time. Later,
when I met rla Prabhupda in Bhubaneswar in March, 1977, he told me
that the scope for book distribution in India was very big. He was extremely
pleased that devotees had distributed 80,000 books in less than a week.
Inspired by the grand success at the Kumbha-mela, several devotees
started distributing small books in Hindi. The Bombay temple had a small
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 567

group of traveling devotees distributing books all over Maharashtra. Sev-

eral devotees also began distributing books from book tables.
Later we got many books translated into Hindi and Gujarati. After that,
book distribution scores picked up everywhere. At that time (and even to-
day) book distribution was done mainly along the following lines:
(1) Book tables: Devotees would load books into a van and go to busy
places in the city railway stations and bus terminals and park the van.
They would then set up an attractive display of books and paraphernalia
incense, laminations, beads, and other items. They'd use a loudspeaker or
megaphone and make announcements or play krtanas to attract crowds.
(2) Book bags: Individual devotees would carry a big load of books in
their shoulder bags, from house to house and shop to shop, and sell them.
(3) Traveling parties: Bombay first purchased a few buses, which were
modified so that the devotees could cook prasdam, store books, and take
rest inside them, and sell books from the rear of the bus. The buses even
had Deities at the back. These mobile temples traveled all over the country,
and the devotees performed krtanas and ratis, held lectures, and set up
book tables. Soon Ahmedabad also purchased a few buses and started
distributing books along the same lines. Now many temples are success-
fully sending out devotees in these buses and distributing large numbers of
Unfortunately, in India, where the per capita income is so low, street
distribution has not been so profitable. Books have to be subsidized to in-
crease sales. People tend to buy paraphernalia incense, laminations, mu-
sic cassettes, T shirts, and other things. The sale of those items helps sub-
sidize the book distribution. In Bombay, for example, the book stall in the
temple courtyard makes a huge profit from the sale of paraphernalia. But
the profit is used to subsidize the sale of books.
There is also stiff competition from other publishers, such as Gita Press
in Gorakhpur. The Gita Press books are heavily subsidized and priced very
low. Although the quality of their printing and paper is low, many people
go in for their books because of their low prices.
Unlike in the West and Russia, where book distribution is a major
source of income for the temples, Indian temples depend more on member-
ships and straight donations. This is perhaps one reason why book distribu-
tion is not as prevalent in India as it is in Russia or Europe.
India started participating in the international book distribution mara-
thons in 1982 or 1983. For two years Bombay won the marathon in India.
After that, an intense competitive spirit developed, with temples like My-
pur and Bombay trying to outdo one another.
568 The Nectar of Book Distribution

In the big temples like Bombay, for instance, virtually all other activities
come to a halt during the Christmas marathons. We now call them the Gt-
jayant marathons, because Lord Ka spoke the Bhagavad-gt in Decem-
ber. In Bombay even membership programs are halted during the mara-
thon period. Only a team of p%jrs stay in the temple, while every devotee
is out in the streets trying to fulfill a big quota.
In 1990, Bombay came out with a unique distribution program called
the Laka Gt Pracara Sakalpa. The devotees promised Prabhupda that
they would distribute 100,000 Gts as part of the marathon.
This was done by straight book distribution on the streets, by traveling
sakrtana parties, and, most importantly, by sponsorship programs.
Sponsorship of Gts meant that a wealthy individual would buy a few
hundred Gts or pay a part of its price and distribute all of them free or at
a discount. Sponsorships were of the following types:
(1) 100% sponsorship: A person paid the total price of the Gt and
the books would be distributed on his behalf to schools, colleges, and the
needy. No lakm would be recovered from the person actually getting the
book, because the books were already paid for.
(2) Subsidized distribution: A person paid part of the cost of the Gt.
The rest of the cost would be recovered from the person buying the book.
(3) Employer to employee distribution: Industrialists and employers
were approached to distribute Gts to all their employees. Normally, half
the price of the Gt is borne by the employer, while the employee agrees
to pay the other half. The employer also advances the employees' half and
deducts it on a monthly basis from his salary.
A massive campaign was launched to procure sponsorships for the
Gts. Bombay's Bhma (computer) department exploded with a gigantic
mail-out campaign, wooing all its life members, donors, and patrons. Devo-
tees were given quotas for getting sponsorships and would personally con-
tact all their congregational members and friends to enlist their support for
a sponsorship.
Bombay's initiative and success caused Delhi and other temples to fol-
low in its footsteps from 1991 on. Now most other temples in India have
started similar programs.
India is the land of Ka and Rma. Everybody has heard of Ka,
and many people have heard of Lord Caitanya. Most people believe in the
existence of the soul and respect the Vedic literature. In spite of all this, very
few people understand that Lord Ka is the Supreme Personality of God-
head. They blindly perform demigod worship out of sentiment or else be-
come staunch myvds. Book distribution is the only hope for these peo-
ple because rla Prabhupda's association alone will change their hearts.
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 569

India faces tremendous problems materially also. The list is endless:

terrorism, riots, floods, drought, communal carnage . . . Recently there was
even a proposal to open five hundred mini-slaughterhouses all over Bom-
bay so that more cows could be killed. All these problems can be solved
only by more book distribution and harinma.
The future of book distribution lies in making Indian devotees more
aware of the importance of this transcendental activity. All the temples
in India have realized that the sponsorship program has a great potential
for increasing book distribution. We are also planning to promote Prabhu-
pda's books as a gift item. We have recently printed two thousand sets of
the English #rmad-Bhgavatam, which match the quality of the Western
printing. Ten Cantos of the Hindi #rmad-Bhgavatam have been transla-
ted and printed. Some cantos of the Bengali, Oriya, and Gujarati editions
have also been printed. Caitanya-caritmta has also been translated and
printed in Gujarati. All the temples are increasing their scores. Mypur
topped this year's list of temples that increased their scores. We are also
coming out with a newsletter called Bhad Mdaga, to infuse competition
and encourage and inspire all the Indian temples. The feedback we have re-
ceived so far is encouraging. Bombay, which at one time had the maximum
number of devotees doing street distribution, is now concentrating more on
sponsorships. The future seems quite bright. Book distribution will soon es-
tablish the supremacy of Lord Ka and revolutionize the land of dharma.

The mass of people can become enlightened from within

#rmad-Bhgavatam 4.29.46 p: A pure devotee of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead is always thinking of how fallen, conditioned souls can be de-
livered. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, influenced by the merciful
devotees' attempt to deliver fallen souls, enlightens the people in general
from within by His causeless mercy.

Harinmnanda Dsa: As devotees we should simply try to become deter-

mined to reach the highest perfection in life. That means to be 100% occu-
pied in devotional service. If we aren't yet occupied in devotional service,
we should now make a complete commitment. And we should pray for the
mercy of the spiritual master and Ka that we never fall down. Then, in
no time, Ka will be so satisfied by the endeavor of the devotees that
millions and millions of conditioned souls will receive Ka consciousness.
Ka appears in the form of the #rmad-Bhgavatam to start a revolution
in the godless Kali-yuga civilization. He will simply kill the demonic men-
tality of all the contaminated, materialistic people. Now in Kali-yuga, so
570 The Nectar of Book Distribution

much propaganda is being spread everything except the knowledge how

to go back to Godhead. Materialistic propaganda to live a sinful life is
spread everywhere, and they tell you that when you become frustrated and
disappointed, when things don't go the way you like, then you should drink
alcohol and without restriction surrender to the sex drive. People become
bound up more and more in the materialistic conception of life, and mad-
ness increases in the forms of useless wars and pollution of the food, air,
and water. There's no end to such problems nowadays, and that's why we
see many people becoming dissatisfied with simply being encouraged by
the leaders to produce and consume. People see that their so-called teach-
ers and leaders cannot give them any real shelter or solution, and they are
becoming more doubtful about the whole materialistic show. For people
who are beginning to wake up, rla Prabhupda's books are especially
relevant. They can see that there must be something higher in life than
simply chasing around like animals. One might think that it is very difficult
to spread Ka consciousness in a society where people are so possessed
by the ghost of sense gratification, but the devotees, especially the book
distributors, must understand that this is actually a good time to distribute
books. We should not be discouraged or think that people will not read the
books. They will become fed up with this society, especially when their suf-
fering increases. Then we must face the question: How many people did we
reach with our books? How many actually got them? Or will they say, No-
body ever came to me with these books. No one told me!" Actually, this
is the worst criticism for a book distributor, and that's why we don't want
to waste one day of distribution, because that means so many hundreds of
people missed. There are so many people on this planet, so we still have
mountains of books to distribute.

Caku Dsa: Kali-yuga is like wintertime, when everything is frozen. We

see the workers throwing salt on the frozen streets. Similarly, we have to
throw salt to melt the cold hearts of the materialists. The salt we throw is
Prabhupda's books. Therefore nobody should think his endeavor is unim-
portant, because every book is melting a heart somewhere. Thus the soci-
ety becomes saturated. Our motivation has to be to throw a lot of salt, and
then we will see the society changed.

Trai Dsa: We have to preach more about the books, not just ask for dona-
tions. People want solutions to their problems, and we can boldly declare
we have solutions. The more we realize that, the more convinced we will be
to give people books; and the more convinced we are, the more people will
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 571

ask us, Where is that book that I heard about from my friends? It helped
them solve their problems. Let me also have one."

Unifying the world under Ka's banner

When people are eager for Ka consciousness, it is our
duty to go and enlighten them. Lord Caitanya wanted this
mission spread all over the globe. Now you are kindly help-
ing to fulfill His transcendental desire. I am very anxious to
see this movement have centers in all the important cities of
all the seven continents. That will serve the purpose of uni-
fying the entire world under the banner of the Ka con-
sciousness movement within a very short time. 16

The entire human society is losing its faith in God, so much

so that some of them are declaring God is dead, and some
of them in frustration are manufacturing -isms under differ-
ent names. This state of affairs in the world is not very sa-
tisfactory, at least for the advanced and civilized human soci-
ety. It is essential therefore that scientific God consciousness,
which we are preaching under the name of Ka conscious-
ness, should be broadcast very widely. 17

Indranlamai Dev Ds: rla Prabhupda said that if we distribute books

we can change the world. How that will be done in detail, we don't know,
but if a war can be prevented, it is because of the devotees chanting, preach-
ing, and distributing books. There may be indirect causes, but the ultimate,
direct cause is preaching. Preaching creates auspiciousness. When we dis-
tribute many books, we give everyone opportunities to make spiritual ad-
vancement. Lord Caitanya predicted that His name would spread to every
town and village. We understand that by our following Prabhupda's order,
Ka will use us and empower us to do extraordinary things. Twenty-five
years ago no devotee conceived of distributing even one big book. Now
in Europe individual devotees distribute a hundred and more big books a
day. Once Ka empowers His devotees, things that seem impossible can
happen. Prabhupda's instructions culminated in a plan to make the whole
world Ka conscious. If together we faithfully carry out his instructions, it
will be like taking a direct flight of empowerment. On the way there will be
storms of confrontation and opposition, but that will unite and strengthen
572 The Nectar of Book Distribution

12.5 Appreciating what we are part of

Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami: rla Prabhupda said we have done only 1%
of our work. It is all in #rmad-Bhgavatam. Now we have to demonstrate
it. ISKCON is like the appearance of the Varha incarnation who sprang
from Brahm's nostril in a small size and suddenly grew to half the size
of the universe. Brahman means bigger than the biggest and still becoming
bigger. (From ISKCON in the 1970s, p. 30)

Kavicandra Swami: Those of a demoniac nature don't want to hear good

advice. But that is just a small minority. The majority belongs to those who
are innocent in one sense. They follow whoever is in charge, and they don't
mind accepting good advice. We can see it practically. People are happy to
get the Bhagavad-gt and an opportunity to associate with devotees. There
are many such people in the world, but they are just lost in the Kali-yuga,
which is an ocean of faults. But like a fisherman, Lord Caitanya will pull
them out of that ocean with His prema-mah-jala, the net of love of God-
head. In India you can see how they use these big nets, and they are al-
ways full of fish. The fish just swim in, not realizing anything, and then the
fisherman pulls the net out. Similarly Lord Caitanya has thrown His net all
around the planet in the form of the ISKCON movement, and the books
being distributed. People are swimming in the ocean like bewildered, ig-
norant fish, desperately looking for some sense gratification. And while
they're wandering around like that, they just get caught up by Lord Cai-
tanya's net, although they don't realize it. Lord Caitanya, who is supremely
merciful, has made this great arrangement to rescue everyone and let him
read the #rmad-Bhgavatam, which is the topmost literature, even among
spiritual literatures. It is the spotless Pura.

Rohisuta Dsa: Once I sold books to a lady who analyzes the character of
a person just by seeing his signature. I didn't know that, but later I met her
again, and she was completely moved. She made me open a Bhagavad-gt
and pointed to Prabhupda's signature (in the German books his signature
appears after the Foreword). She said, I've never seen such a signature.
The man who signs like this is so powerful that he can influence the whole
world." So even common people are starting to understand rla Prabhu-
pda's unique greatness.

Jayapatka Swami: In the Caitanya-magala, by Locana Dsa hkura, it is

explained that Nrada Muni visited Goloka Vndvana and met Lord Cai-
tanya Mahprabhu. Nrada found Lord Caitanya being served on one side
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 573

by rmat Rdhr and Her associates and on the other side by Ruk-
mi and her Dvrak female companions. When Lord Caitanya learned
of Nrada's anxiety for the conditioned souls in the universe of the four-
headed Brahm, the Lord called all His female companions around and de-
clared that He was going to descend into the material world and personally
flood it with love of God. Even the dogs and other animals would get the
mercy, what to speak of human beings. Lord Caitanya mentioned that He
would personally preach and distribute love of God, but even those places
where He would not personally preach would also be inundated, because
He would send His senpati-bhakta (commanding general devotee") to
preach His sakrtana movement in remote places of the world, inundate
them with love of Godhead, and deliver the remaining sinful persons.
Doesn't rla Prabhupda fit the description of the senpati-bhakta re-
ferred to by Lord Caitanya? This description gives us a deeper appreciation
for the unique position that rla Prabhupda holds in our disciplic succes-
sion. His Divine Grace rla Prabhupda was not a coincidence but was part
of the great plan of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu to flood the world with
love of God by the transcendental chanting of Hare Ka. Prabhupda vi-
sited all the remote places of the world and went to the fallen souls of those
places to deliver them by giving them the nectar of Ka consciousness, so
what to speak of his books. Prabhupda is specifically empowered by Lord
Caitanya to lead the modern world back to Godhead.

Gta-govinda Ds: Book distribution purifies the distributors, the people,

and the whole world. It is by the books that the darkness of Kali-yuga can
be dissipated. People are always looking for happiness, but they are just
marching toward hell, completely bound by the miseries of material life. It
seems that they are enjoying life from the material point of view, but actu-
ally they are drowning in an ocean of the darkest ignorance. Therefore we
distribute books. Even though I don't have compassion like a great soul, I
want to take part in a great soul's mission.

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: A revolution can take place through the dis-
tribution of books because books give information. We don't want to make
a violent revolution but a revolution of values, so that people again know
what is important and what is not important. rla Prabhupda's books con-
tain the best information, and we act on that basis as a movement. Devotees
are doing so many things festivals, prasdam distribution, preaching pro-
grams, Deity worship but book distribution is just like the engine making
the vehicle go. By our distributing Prabhupda's books, countries are being
saved. We can see how the world would be in a much worse situation if it
574 The Nectar of Book Distribution

weren't for our sakrtana parties. Prabhupda's books are meant to make
a revolution, but above all the books are there for the devotees to purify
their own existence. If a devotee is not personally advancing he will always
need external signs to keep his faith, but actually he should be fully satis-
fied with his own advancement, then he will go out to preach with a spirit
of giving. A devotee has to conduct a revolution in his heart, then naturally
he will want to help others making this transformation within their hearts.
Therefore, book distribution is beneficial for everyone. It is Ka's plan
that Prabhupda revealed to us, to spread the mercy of the Lord and His
pure devotee through books. Book distributors must know how much they
are pleasing Prabhupda, and that should be their pleasure.

Dhanurdhara Swami: Sometimes devotees question where all the results

of our book distribution are. But rla Prabhupda instructed us not to be
concerned with mundane calculations. He told us, I follow my Guru Mah-
rja blindly. I do not know the result." But then later he admitted, Ac-
tually, I have been surprised beyond my expectations." So we cannot pre-
dict Ka's plan or arrangement. We must simply execute his order. Ours
is not to wonder why; ours is just to do or die. The propagation of Ka
consciousness is directly under Ka's control. It is Ka who makes the
arrangements to spread Ka consciousness. We can simply be instruments
in His service. Book distribution is not under our control. It is being orches-
trated by Ka. It is inconceivable and inestimable. Therefore, if we never
give up distributing books, this will be most pleasing to rla Prabhupda,
Ka, and the entire parampar.

Satsvar#pa Dsa Goswami: The faith that Prabhupda's books will bring
about a cultural revolution, starting with our cooperative endeavor to dis-
tribute his books, is not blind faith but is based on positive experience. rla
Prabhupda said that he was prepared to distribute books on blind faith in
the order of rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura, but we fortunately
have much evidence that this process works. Many people come to Ka
consciousness after reading one of rla Prabhupda's books. I recall the
revolution which took place within me when I read Easy Journey to Other
Planets in 1966. To acknowledge the power of Prabhupda's books is one
thing, but it's quite another to go to the front lines and distribute the books
amid public apathy and hostility. That makes the book distributors very
dear to rla Prabhupda and Lord Ka. They are rla Prabhupda's dar-
ing soldiers. They get rejected dozens of times within an hour, and they look
deeply inward for the strength to go on. rla Prabhupda writes in a pur-
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 575

port (Bg. 11.55): Why such risk? Because Ka's devotees want to spread
Ka consciousness, and it is difficult. . . . Now, we can imagine how mer-
ciful Ka is to those engaged in His service, risking everything for Him.
Therefore it is certain that such persons must reach the supreme planet
after leaving the body." The compassion required to preach door to door
and distribute books is one of the main symptoms of a sdhu described in
#rmad-Bhgavatam 3.25.21 kruik. In his purport to that verse, rla
Prabhupda writes, He is not satisfied with his own liberation. He always
thinks about others. He is the most compassionate personality towards all
fallen souls." Book distribution will never go out of style, although its form
may change as civilization changes. For as long as there are sincere follo-
wers of Prabhupda, there will be enthusiastic book distribution. And for as
long as devotees distribute books, the peaceful cultural revolution of Ka
consciousness will grow and become the flood of good fortune predicted for
Kali-yuga, a golden age of ten thousand years. Once, I asked rla Prabhu-
pda whether or not this golden age would take place. I said, Sometimes
you say that only a few people will take to Ka consciousness, as Ka
said: manuy sahasreu. But this morning in your lecture you said that
hundreds and then thousands and then millions of people will take to it.
Which is it? Will only a few take or many?" Prabhupda replied, It de-
pends on your preaching." So it depends on us. And the book distributors
act in this spirit and call on Ka's mercy to descend on everyone.

We can explain what God is"

Christianity is now declining . . . because they have no clear
idea of God; people are not satisfied with them. But we can
explain what God is, so people are appreciating more and
more our movement. If you all strictly follow the principles
and chant sixteen rounds, your spiritual strength will be en-
sured, and our movement will become increasingly promi-
nent. 18

The Christians have spread their teachings all over the world,
and they have only one book. So we have got already forty
big books published in English; therefore, if we distribute as
you are distributing we cannot even imagine the result. 19

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: In one Austrian village I met a lady who said, Oh,
I already have two or three of these books, and I like them very much." So
576 The Nectar of Book Distribution

I said, Why don't you take the whole set? Why have only two or three of
them?" She took the set and said that I should also visit her uncle who lived
nearby. He was an old man and had many shelves full of books. Therefore
he said, Well, if my niece bought the whole set, I will take just one or two
books." And he bought two books. The next day I was distributing in the
neighboring village. A young man bought the set, and he told me, I know
the old man who bought the two books from you yesterday. Just this morn-
ing I visited him, and he told me about these books and asked me to send
the book seller back to him if I happened to meet him." Ka is really far
out. So I went back to the old man, who received me with open arms. Oh!
Come in. Come in." I followed him into his office. On his desk was the Fifth
Canto opened to the middle. He had read half of it during the night, he told
me, and then he said, These are the best books I've ever read. The best
books! All this Christian junk is useless." And that was the part of Aust-
ria which is super-Catholic! He said, Your books are what is needed. As
long as people are after sense gratification, the world will go to hell." He
used the words sense gratification" from our books. So we simply have to
distribute rla Prabhupda's books, and the people will wake up. By Lord
Caitanya's mercy, people aren't as foolish as the demons would like them
to be. By the Lord's arrangement, suddenly many people all over the world
will start to read Prabhupda's books, and then just imagine what will hap-

Book distributors are transcendental teachers and soldiers

Prabhaviu Swami: Lord Caitanya defined His mission in these words: I
order every man within this universe to accept the Ka consciousness
movement, and distribute it everywhere" (Cc., di-ll 9.34). rla Prabhu-
pda said that serving Ka in Kali-yuga means serving the sakrtana
movement. Now we are witnessing a world-wide explosion of Ka con-
sciousness. In fact, we are so fortunate that we are actively taking part
in it. Traveling from country to country, one meets many wonderful devo-
tees enthusiastically engaged in pushing forward the sakrtana movement.
Although many services have to be done to spread the movement, rla
Prabhupda gave special stress to book distribution. It is the most effective
means to enlighten the conditioned souls about Ka, because the books
are nondifferent from Ka.

ida bhgavata nma pura brahma-sammitam

uttama-$loka-carita cakra bhagavn i
ni$reyasya lokasya dhanya svasty-ayana mahat
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 577

The #rmad-Bhgavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and it is com-

piled by rla Vysadeva, who is the incarnation of God. It is meant for the
ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all-blissful, and all per-
fect." (SB 1.3.40)
If a conditioned soul receives a book, he takes Ka home with him,
and thus his friends and relatives also get a chance to associate with the
Lord through His divine instructions. In this way, even though the devotees
are not personally present, the books themselves continue the preaching.
I first came across Bhagavad-gt As It Is in a friend's apartment. He had
never opened the book, but I read it from cover to cover and became con-
vinced to join ISKCON. rla Prabhupda often quoted the verse spoken
by Lord Caitanya to the brhmaa Kurma to emphasize the importance of
preaching and to encourage everyone to take part in preaching activities:

yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade$a

mra jya guru ha tra' ei de$a

Instruct everyone to follow the orders of Lord r Ka as they are given

in Bhagavad-gt and #rmad-Bhgavatam. In this way become a spiritual
master and try to liberate everyone in the land" (Cc., Madhya-ll 7.128).
What better way to follow this instruction than to convince people to take
the Bhagavad-gt and #rmad-Bhgavatam?
In Hyderabad in 1976, while I was a book distributor in the BBT Lib-
rary Party, rla Prabhupda was speaking to me, and he cited the same
verse as follows, Yre dekha, tre kaha `ka'-upade$a. Bas. You become
a guru. Actually, you are doing the guru's work: `Here is a message from
Ka. Please take it.' Simple. Yre dekha whomever you meet. Tre kaha
`ka'-upade$a either you speak personally or give him a book." So the
point is that the book distributor is doing the guru's work. This means not
only that he is representing his spiritual master and all the previous cryas,
but it also means that he is acting as guru by giving Ka to others. That is,
after all, the secret of the parampar to transmit to others what one has
heard from his spiritual master in its pure, unadulterated form, and thus the
same transcendental potency remains. Distribution of rla Prabhupda's
books is clearly the most effective means of doing this.
rla Prabhupda also told me once that the book distributors are like
soldiers on the front line of a battle. Because such soldiers have to take the
greatest risk, they are accorded the most credit and glorification. So book
distribution is the most glorious service to go out day after day and week
after week and release thousands and millions of transcendental bombs.
That is possible only for empowered devotees. So how do we become
578 The Nectar of Book Distribution

empowered? We do that by developing individual purity and full faith in

guru and Ka. The empowered book distributor is linked to the power-
house of Ka by the parampar system, and he gets their full blessings
because he is continuing their work. The cryas have written about Ka
to bless the world and uplift the fallen souls, and the book distributor is the
via medium through which their instructions reach those fallen souls.
To be successful, the book distributor must give up all other desires and
focus his intelligence, mind, and senses in the execution of his service. Thus
he permits Ka and the cryas to act through him to convince others to
take transcendental literature. In this way, by the dedication and determi-
nation of such sincere devotees, the Ka conscious revolution is rapidly
gaining momentum.
This is particularly evident in the countries of the former Soviet Union,
especially Russia. There, with great enthusiasm, perseverance, fearlessness,
and faith, many mahraths are going out daily on sakrtana all over that
vast country, like a team of highly trained commandos. They are expert
in convincing the conditioned to souls to surrender and accept books. Not
only one book, but sets of ten or fifteen books; and not only one set, but
often hundreds of sets at a time. As more books are translated, the sets
get bigger, and still the distributors convince people to take them, because
there is no limit to this transcendental activity. In this way, the country is
being flooded with millions of rla Prabhupda's books, and year by year
thousands of interested people are starting to chant Hare Ka and follow
the regulative principles. Gradually an army of Vaiavas is manifesting.
This is a particularly exciting stage in the world-wide development of the
ISKCON movement. Russia itself is a dull, uninteresting place, where peo-
ple are really suffering from the miseries of material life. Against this drab
background, the liveliness of the devotees and their enthusiasm for book
distribution strike a really sharp contrast. In this situation one can espe-
cially appreciate the words of Kadsa Kavirja Gosvm:

ei kali-kle ra nhi kona dharma

vaiava, vaiava-$stra, ei kahe marma

In this age of Kali, there are no genuine religious principles. There are
only the Vaiava devotees, and the Vaiava devotional scriptures. This is
the sum and substance of everything" (Cc., Madhya-ll 9.362). So we must
carry on this transcendental mission until the whole world is inundated with
love of Ka. In Moscow a devotee asked Harikea Mahrja what will
happen when everyone in the world has a Bhagavad-gt. He replied that we
A World Revolution Through Book Distribution 579

should then convince everyone to take the #rmad-Bhgavatam and then

the Caitanya-caritmta, and in this way, when everyone has all the books
of rla Prabhupda, we will have a huge krtana, and the whole planet will
float right back to the spiritual sky. This is the mission given to us by Lord
Caitanya to transform the planet into a spiritual realm where everyone is
ecstatically engaged in devotional service.

ataeva saba phala deha' yre tre

khiy ha-uk loka ajara amare

Distribute this Ka consciousness movement all over the world. Let peo-
ple eat these fruits, and ultimately become free from old age and death"
(Cc., di-ll 9.39).
So let us work together to achieve this transcendental goal by unlimit-
ed distribution of rla Prabhupda's books, and let us especially offer our
obeisances, encouragement, and praise to those transcendental soldiers and
gurus the ISKCON book distributors.

Concluding words
When I was alone in your New York, I was thinking, Who
will listen to me in this horrible, sinful place? All right, I
shall stay a little longer. At least I can distribute a few of my
books, that is something." But Ka was all along preparing
something I could not see, and He brought you to me, one
by one, sincere American boys and girls, to be trained up for
doing the work of Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu. Now I can
see that it is a miracle. Otherwise, your city of New York,
one single old man, with only a few books to sell for barely
getting eatables, how he can survive, what to speak of intro-
ducing a God conscious movement for saving humankind?
That is Ka's miracle. 20

I may stay or go, but in my books I will live forever. If book

distribution increases, I will be living for centuries. 21

This is a new historical renaissance. Historians will note this

period, how the world was changed. 22

Disciples of !rla Prabhupda (GBCs, sannyss)

Bhakti Charu Swami: GBC member

Dhanurdhara Swami: gurukula headmaster in Vndvana

Gopla Krishna Goswami: GBC member; BBT trustee

Harike"a Swami: GBC member; BBT trustee; world monitor of book pro-
duction and distribution

Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami: GBC member

Indradyumna Swami: traveling preacher

Jaydvaita Swami: BBT trustee; editor of Back to Godhead

Jayapatka Swami: GBC member

Kavicandra Swami: GBC member

Nirajana Swami: GBC member

Niti Canda Goswami: traveling preacher

Prabhaviu Swami: GBC member

Prahldnanda Swami: GBC member

Rohisuta Dsa: GBC member; distributing books since 1974; world

champion in 1976; sakrtana leader in Switzerland from 1980 to 1987

!acnandana Swami: traveling preacher

Satsvar$pa Dsa Goswami: traveling preacher; leader of the BBT library

party in America in the mid-1970s

!ivarma Swami: GBC member

Taml Krishna Goswami: GBC member; leader of the Rdh-Dmodara

traveling sakrtana party in the 1970s

582 The Nectar of Book Distribution

(Other disciples of rla Prabhupda)

Amita Dsa: in charge of the BBL mail order division, U.K.

Citraka Dsa: distributing in Italy since 1974; congregational preaching

Daynidhi Dsa: distributing books in Italy since 1975; runs a preaching

center in Genova

Gaur Dev Ds: one of the leading sakrtana mtjs in America since
1972; passed away in Vndvana in 1986

Jadur Dev Ds: BBT artist; trains book distributors

Jaya Gurudeva Dsa: world champion in 1977; number-one distributor in

Switzerland from 19771979; number one in Austria from 19801985; now
translating rla Prabhupda's books into Czech

Kual Dsa: working on a translation of the a Sandarbhas

Maidhra Dsa: distributing books in Germany and Sweden since 1972;

trains sakrtana devotees; runs a center and restaurant in Stockholm

Nirantara Dsa: editor of the North American Sakrtana Newsletter

Nirgua Dsa: distributing books since 1975; traveling sakrtana from

19761985; a leading book distributor in the U.S.A.; trains book distributors

!akara-paita Dsa: distributing books in America since 1974

Svavsa Dsa: BBT trustee; temple president in Los Angeles for many

Trai Dsa: distributing books since 1971; in charge of sakrtana in Italy

from 19801986; runs a preaching center in Palermo

Granddisciples of !rla Prabhupda

Anirde"ya-vapu Dsa: distributing books in the C.I.S. since 1991; world

champion in 1992

Antaraga-"akti Dsa: distributing books in Germany since 1979; the

sakrtana leader in Germany from 19881990
Contributors 583

Bhgavata-dharma Dsa: distributing books in Germany since 1987; trains

sakrtana bhaktas in Germany

Bhaktavatsala Dsa: distributing books in Germany since 1988; one of the

sakrtana leaders in Germany since 1990

Bhadbhnu Dsa: distributing books in Germany since 1979; pioneering

book distribution in Iceland since 1986

Caku Dsa: distributing books since 1985; sakrtana leader in Austria

since 1986

Gaurga-premnanda Dsa: distributing books since 1980; top distributor

in Benelux

Gta-govinda Ds: distributing books in Japan since 1982; one of the

world's leading mtj book distributors

Guru-caraa Dsa: distributing books in Italy since 1982; president of the

temple in Vicenza

Guru-"akti Dsa: distributing books since 1977; one of the world's top
distributors from 19791983; president of the temple in Zurich

Haribolnanda Dsa: pioneer of set distribution in Austria; passed away in

1988 (car crash)

Haridsa hkura Dsa: distributing books in Austria since 1986

Harinmnanda Dsa: distributing books since 1982; world champion from

19831990; sakrtana leader in Switzerland since 1986

Haripda Dsa: distributing books since 1983; top book distributor in Spain;
trains sakrtana devotees in Spain and Latin America

Indranlamai Dev Ds: distributing books since 1991; the number-one

sakrtana mtj in the U.S.A. in 1991 and 1992

Jhnav Dev Ds: distributing books in America since 1989; trains book

Jva Dsa: distributing books since 1985 in Germany; number one in

Germany from 19901992; maintains his family by book distribution
584 The Nectar of Book Distribution

Kalpavsin Dev Ds: distributing books in Germany since 1989; one of

the world's leading mtj book distributors

Llvatra Dsa: distributing books since 1978; one of Italy's leading book
distributors; sakrtana leader at Villa Vndvana

Navna-nrada Dsa: distributing books in Switzerland since 1985; number

two in the world from 19861990; world champion in 1991

Nsihadeva Dsa: distributing books in Switzerland since 1982; maintains

his family by book distribution

Premrava Dsa: distributing books in Sweden since 1982; the world

champion in 1982; temple president in Gotenburg for three years

P$ra-tattva Dsa: distributing books in Benelux since 1978; president of

the temple in Antwerp

Pur$rav Dsa: distributing books in Finland since 1985

!aii Dev Ds: distributing books in Germany since 1987; number-one

sakrtana mtj in Germany in 1989 and 1990

Sannysa Dsa: BBT manager in the C.I.S.

Sarvtm Dsa: distributing books in Brazil, Chile, and the U.S.A. since
1980; runs the Tallahassee preaching center

Tapas Dsa: distributing books in Norway since 1982; a leading distributor

in Scandinavia

Ujjvala-nlamai Dsa: distributed books in Germany and Switzerland

beginning in 1977; now involved in the Mypur project

Vijaya Dsa: distributing books since December 1978; number one in North
America since 1985

Vi"vadeva Dsa: distributing books since 1979; president of the temple in

Heidelberg since 1985

Yadunandana Dsa: distributing books in Spain since 1979; now regional

secretary in Spain

Ya"od-dulla Dsa: distributing books in Sweden since 1979


Chapter One
1. January 20, 1972, to Maal-bhadra
2. December 28, 1971, to Yogevara
3. January 11, 1976, to Krtirja
4. August 3, 1973, to Rmevara
5. August 3, 1973, to Rmevara
6. June 11, 1969, Lecture
7. April 18, 1970, to Bahulva
8. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
9. May 21, 1972, to Nirajana
10. Quotation 28 in Just As I Have Shown You (Mypur, 1986)
11. October 23, 1974, to Taml Krishna Goswami
12. December 31, 1974, to Pacadravia
13. October 24, 1974, to rutadeva
14. May 25, 1974, from Brahmnanda to Rmevara
15. June 21, 1976, Conversation
16. May 17, l971, to Karandhara
17. July 12, 1969, to Jaya Gopla
18. November 18, 1972, to Jaydvaita
19. November 23, 1976, to Balavanta
20. September 20, 1972, Lecture
21. July 30, 1975, to Jagaddhtr and other ladies
22. August 21, 1975, to Rdhballabha
23. May 8, 1974, to Govinda
24. January 5, 1976, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
25. May 9, 1974, to Rmevara
26. June 22, 1973, to Makhanlal
27. May 4, 1976, to Purajana
28. February 20, 1968, to Brahmnanda
29. March 5, 1971, to Jananivsa
30. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
31. November 5, 1972, to Bhagavn
32. August 28, 1973, to Prahldnanda
33. Quotation 19 in Just As I Have Shown You
34. December 26, 1971, to Cyavana
35. August 3, 1973, to Rmevara
36. July 11, 1976, to Gopla-Ka
37. December 19, 1974, to Vipini
38. November 7, 1974, to rj
39. April 7, 1974, to Ajita
40. September 1, 1975, to Rmevara and Co.
41. April 15, 1973, to the L.A. devotees
42. December 18, 1970, to Bhagavn
43. January 20, 1972, to Maal-bhadra
44. January 11, 1972, to Bhagavn
45. March 4, 1973, to Trai
46. November 14, 1975, to Rmevara
47. December 17, 1971, to Jagada
48. May 2, 1972, to Karandhara
49. January 5, 1973, to Jagada
50. October 31, 1974, to Amogha

586 The Nectar of Book Distribution

51. October 11, 1974, to Rmevara

52. December 17, 1971, to Jagada
53. July 27, 1973, to Taml Krishna Goswami
54. April 22, 1971, to John Milner
55. December 17, 1971, to Nitynanda
56. December 28, 1971, to Girirja
57. December 1, 1968, to Gurudsa
58. March 5, 1971, to Vmanadeva
59. November 28, 1970, to Jagada
60. April 22, 1971, to John Milner
61. July 12, 1969, to Jaya Gopla
62. January 11, 1976, to Krtirja
63. October 11, 1974, to Rmevara
64. January 11, 1976, to Krtirja
65. June 16, 1972, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
66. November 2, 1972, to Bhttm and Keava
67. January 16, 1975, to Jyotigaevara
68. September 8, 1974, to rutadeva
69. June 28, 1974, to Pacadravia and Akaynanda
70. October 27, 1976, to Maidhra and Rohisuta
71. January 19, 1975, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
72. June 9, 1974, to Nandalal
73. October 9, 1971, to Karandhara
74. January 11, 1976, to Rpnuga
75. July 15, 1972, to Amogha
76. November 17, 1971, to rdama
77. October 6, 1973, to Karandhara
78. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
79. January 9, 1976, to Tua Ka

Chapter Two
1. October 9, 1971, to Upendra
2. July 9, 1970, to Jagada
3. !r Harinma Cintmai, by rla Bhaktivinoda hkura,
trans. by r Sarvabhvana Dsa Adhikr (Bhaktivedanta Books, Bombay)
4. January 9, 1973, to Rmevara
5. March 2, 1975, Conversation
6. April 22, 1973, Lecture
7. January 18, 1974, Morning walk
8. August 26, 1975, to Jaganntha Sta
9. October 1, 1974, to Hasadta
10. May 19, 1976, to the Governing Body Commissioners
11. December 12, 1967, to Brahmnanda
12. November 27, 1971, to Lalit Kumr and Jmbavat
13. February 14, 1973, to Rmevara
14. November 24, 1971, to Locana
15. November 22, 1971, to Hirayagarbha
16. December 18, 1975, to Taml Krishna Goswami
17. November 27, 1975, to Rmevara
18. December 12, 1971, to ivnanda
19. December 3, 1971, to Dmodara
20. November 23, 1972, to Kurureha
Footnotes 587

21. December 6, 1974, Lecture

22. October 31, 1974, to Hdaynanda Dsa Goswami
23. April 17, 1970, to Jayapatka
24. June 16, 1972, to Madhudvia
25. June 13, 1972, to Bhrgava
26. November 5, 1972, to Sudma
27. February 21, 1972, to Bhaktadsa
28. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
29. June 26, 1975, Morning walk
30. May 17, 1977, Arrival speech
31. March 23, 1977, Lecture
32. November 28, 1970, to Jagada
33. May 4, 1976, to Purajana
34. August 21, 1972, Lecture
35. October 19, 1974, to Rpnuga
36. r ikaka, by r Caitanya Mahprabhu, with commentaries
trans. by r Sarvabhvana Dsa Adhikr (Harmonist Publications, Bombay)
37. December 7, 1973, Lecture
38. January 6, 1969, Lecture
39. June 9, 1974, to Nandulal
40. April 26, 1976, Morning walk
41. December 17, 1971, to r Galim
42. July 14, 1976, Newspaper interview
43. November 18, 1972, to Jaydvaita
44. October 21, 1974, to Taml Krishna Goswami
45. December 21, 1974, to Rmevara
46. !rla Prabhupda-llmta, Volume 6, by Satsvarpa Dsa Goswami
(BBT, 1983), p. 223.
47. September 27, 1968, to Devnanda

Chapter Three
1. March 26, 1976, Lecture
2. November 24, 1974, Lecture
3. February 18, 1969, Lecture
4. January 19, 1974, Conversation
5. January 9, 1973, to Rmevara
6. August 24, 1971, Lecture
7. April 18, 1970, to Bahulva
8. June 22, 1973, to Makhanlal
9. February 12, 1969, Lecture
10. February 15, 1971, Lecture
11. November 14, 1975, to Rmevara
12. August 14, 1976, to Rmevara and Rdhvallabha
13. October 15, 1974, to Subalads
14. November 18, 1971, to Badrinryaa
15. February 2, 1975, to Lokamagala
16. December 4, 1975, to Gargamuni
17. July 31, 1976, to Hdaynanda Mahrja
18. May 9, 1974, to Rmevara
19. November 27, 1975, to Rmevara
20. April 7, 1974, to Ajita
21. January 4, 1976, to Hdaynanda Mahrja
588 The Nectar of Book Distribution

22. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda

23. October 3, 1975, Morning walk
24. July 7, 1969, to Govinda
25. May 8, 1968, Lecture
26. October 12, 1973, to Hasadta
27. February 22, 1970, to Bali Mardan
28. December 25, 1972, to r Govinda
29. February 14, 1973, to Rmevara
30. August 26, 1975, to Jaganntha Sta
31. January 9, 1973, to Rmevara
32. March 2, 1975, Conversation
33. May 19, 1975, to rutadeva
34. December 11, 1975, to Uttamaloka
35. November 16, 1970, to Bandhr
36. May 22, 1975, to Gaea

Chapter Four
1. December 28, 1971, to Yogevara
2. November 13, 1970, to Trthapda
3. March 4, 1973, to Trai
4. March 20, 1970, to Brahmnanda
5. January 21, 1971, to r Govinda
6. November 20, 1971, to r Galim
7. December 3, 1971, to Dmodara
8. May 9, 1974, to Rmevara
9. August 13, 1974, to Rmevara
10. November 14, 1974, to Rmevara
11. December 19, 1974, to Vipini
12 December 21, 1974, to Rmevara and the L.A. devotees
13. January 16, 1975, to Tripurri
14. September 26, 1975, to Kurureha
15. January 3, 1976, to Rmevara
16. January 11, 1976, to Rpnuga
17. July 30, 1975, to Jagaddhtr and other ladies
18. May 28, 1975, to Krtirja
19. December 31, 1972, to Bali Mardan
20. February 14, 1973, to Rpnuga
21. July 23, 1973, to Jagada
22. October 12, 1973, to Rmevara
23. August 7, 1973, to Madhudvia
24. June 25, 1974, to Jagada
25. February 16, 1976, to atadhanya
26. May 29, 1977, Conversation
27. June 4, 1976 to rdhara
28. January 18, 1976, to Rmevara
29. March 2, 1975, Conversation
30. September 30, 1979, to Bali Mardan
31. March 25, 1971, to ukadeva
32. November 9, 1975, to Tripurri
33. December 25, 1972, to r Govinda
34. December 31, 1972, to Bali Mardan
35. March 2, 1975, Conversation
Footnotes 589

36. November 16, 1970, to Bandhr

37. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
38. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
39. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
40. May 2, 1972, to Bhakta Dsa
41. March 2, 1975, Conversation
42. May 3, 1976, Morning walk
43. May 6 and June 5, 1973, Lecture
44. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
45. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
46. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
47. December 31, 1972, to Bali Mardan
48. December 25, 1972, to r Govinda
49. December 31, 1972, to Bali Mardan
50. January 6, 1975, to Ajita
51. January 1, 1975, to Rmevara
52. January 16, 1975, to Tripurri
53. January 9, 1975, to Rpnuga
54. January 17, 1975, to Rpnuga
55. October 15, 1976, to Krtannanda
56. July 11, 1976, to Caitya Guru
57. May 3, 1975, Conversation

Chapter Five
1. March 5, 1971, to Vmanadeva
2. September 13, 1970, to Karandhara
3. December 18, 1970, to Bhagavn
4. January 10, 1971, to Dmodara
5. April 11, 1971, to Jagada
6. April 22, 1971, to John Milner
7. November 27, 1971, to Lalit Kumr and Jmbavat
8. December 17, 1971, to Nitynanda
9. February 14, 1973, to Rpnuga
10. August 8, 1974, to Satsvarpa Dsa Goswami
11. May 28, 1975, to Krtirja
12. June 6, 1976, to Amogha
13. March 2, 1975, Conversation
14. January 24, 1977, to Alex, Bob, and others
15. February 16, 1971, to Upendra
16. March 25, 1971, to abhadeva
17. September 2, 1971, to Jagada
18. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
19. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
20. April 27, 1970, to Rpnuga
21. February 5, 1972, to Jagada
22. February 16, 1973, to Sudma
23. May 10, 1973, to Hdaynanda Goswami
24. August 28, 1973, to Bahudak
25. December 28, 1974, to Taml Krishna Goswami
26. June 12, 1976, to Lokantha Swami
27. March 16, 1977, to Nitynanda
28. February 15, 1969, to Rayarma
590 The Nectar of Book Distribution

29. April 16, 1970, to Gurudsa

30. November 27, 1975, to Rmevara
31. November 27, 1971, to Krtirja
32. January 2, 1972, to Krtirja
33. February 28, 1972, to Krtirja
34. April 11, 1971, to Bhagavn
35. January 9, 1976, to Tua Ka
36. June 7, 1968, to Gargamuni
37. September 22, 1969, to Gargamuni
38. January 5, 1976, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
39. June 18, 1976, to Tejyas
40. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
41. March 2, 1975, Conversation

Chapter Six
1. January 9, 1973, to Rmevara
2. May 8, 1974, to Govinda
3. February 3, 1975, to Gaur
4. February 5, 1972, to Jagada
5. Quotation 12 in Just As I Have Shown You
6. November 23, 1971, to Mahmy
7. November 23, 1972, to Kurureha
8. Dialectic Spiritualism, (Prabhupda Books, 1985), p. 300
9. November 21, 1975, to Nalinknta
10. ISKCON in the 1970s, p. 322
11. October 9, 1971, to Upendra
12. December 18, 1970, to Bhagavn
13. January 11, 1976, to Krtirja
14. June 25, 1974, to Yadunandana
15. November 25, 1974, Lecture
16. November 13, 1975, to Gargamuni
17. January 5, 1976, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
18. May 5, 1976, to the Rdh-Dmodara party
19. February 5, 1975, Lecture
20. Quotation 3 in Just As I Have Shown You
21. January 10, 1971, to Dmodara
22. January 12, 1971, to Vaikunantha
23. February 4, 1973, to Rmevara
24. January 5, 1976, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
25. November 22, 1974, to Bahurpa
26. February 14, 1973, to Rpnuga
27. June 1, 1975, Lecture
28. October 3, 1976, Lecture
29. March 15, 1970, to Gurudsa
30. May 8, 1970, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
31. December 28, 1976, to Kurureha
32. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
33. December 15, 1969, to Cidnanda
34. January 9, 1973, to Rmevara

Chapter Seven
1. November 27, 1971, to Krtirja
Footnotes 591

2. July 31, 1976, to Hdaynanda Goswami

3. November 16, 1970, to Bandhr
4. January 16, 1975, to Jyotigaevara
5. January 5, 1973, to Jagada
6. December 28, 1976, to Kurureha
7. Quotation 32 in Just As I Have Shown You
8. January 9, 1976, to Tua Ka
9. September 27, 1973, to Karandhara
10. December 22, 1972, to Karandhara
11. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
12. June 29, 1970, to Hasadta
13. April 7, 1973, to r Govinda
14. May 8, 1974, to r Govinda
15. September 26, 1975, to Kurureha
16. November 9, 1975, to Tripurri
17. June 8, 1969, to Hasadta
18. March 2, 1975, Conversation
19. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
20. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
21. October 6, 1973, to Mukunda
22. September 26, 1975, to Kurureha
23. October 1, 1968, to Mukunda
24. February 20, 1969, to Mukunda
25. December 14, 1976, to Lokantha
26. January 3, 1976, to Rmevara
27. January 11, 1976, to Rpnuga
28. July 1, 1970, to Tuls
29. October 1, 1974, to Hasadta
30. May 9, 1974, to Rmevara
31. May 8, 1974, to r Govinda
32. November 20, 1975, to Ghanayma
33. January 18, 1976, to Rmevara
34. November 30, 1970 (in Distribute Books . . . , p. 91)
35. January 10, 1971, to Dmodara
36. July 16, 1969, to Brahmnanda
37. September 22, 1969, to Gargamuni
38. December 21, 1974, to Hdaynanda Goswami
39. July 29, 1979, to the BBT trustees
40. December 8, 1974, to Hasadta
41. March 14, 1974, to all ISKCON centers
42. November 15, 1971, to Lalit Kumr
43. January 11, 1976, to Rpnuga
44. August 13, 1974, to Rmevara
45. March 20, 1970 to Brahmnanda
46. January 12, 1976, to Rmevara
47. April 6, 1977, to Rdhvallabha
48. July 26, 1975, to Dnantha
49. November 15, 1970, to Jayapatka
50. August 13, 1974, to Rmevara
51. January 3, 1976, to Rmevara
52. April 22, 1971, to John Milner
53. July 13, 1971, to r Govinda
54. January 13, 1977, Conversation
55. December 9, 1971, to Jayatrtha
592 The Nectar of Book Distribution

56. August 13, 1974, to Taml Krishna Goswami

57. December 19, 1974, to Vipini

Chapter Eight
1. December 8, 1971, to Patita Uddharaa
2. April 11, 1971, to Jagada
3. January 4, 1972, to Vmanadeva and Indir
4. December 18, 1970, to Bhagavn
5. February 20, 1972, to Rudra and Rdhik
6. October 28, 1976, to Harikea
7. September 7, 1969, to Jagada
8. June 5, 1974, to Nsiha Caitanya
9. October 12, 1972, to Hasadta
10. February 22, 1972, to Rpnuga
11. June 16, 1972, to Tribhuvantha
12. December 13, 1972, to ukadeva
13. December 13, 1972, to Balavanta
14. February 14, 1973, to Rpnuga
15. November 20, 1974, to Professor Judah
16. June 1, 1969, to Taml Krishna
17. March 24, 1971, to Bhagavn
18. April 14, 1972, to Bhvnanda
19. January 9, 1976, to Tua Ka
20. April 6, 1976, to Ka Knt
21. November 15, 1971, to Lalit Kumr
22. July 23, 1973, to Jagada
23. January 3, 1973, to Prabhaviu
24. January 4, 1972, to Hanumn and Amogha
25. October 12, 1973, to Hasadta
26. February 16, 1973, to Sudma
27. November 13, 1975, to Taml Krishna Goswami
28. December 12, 1971, to Krtnanda
29. February 14, 1973, to Rpnuga
30. January 3, 1973, to Prabhaviu
31. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan
32. November 2, 1972, to Bhuttm and Keava
33. November 18, 1972, to Jagada
34. August 15, 1973, to Jagada
35. September 4, 1973, to Sudma
36. March 23, 1973, to Sudma
37. December 11, 1973, to Makhanlal
38. October 29, 1967, to Kadev
39. June 17, 1969, to Hasadta
40. Quotation 20 in Just As I Have Shown You
41. February 17, 1969, to Brahmnanda
42. July 7, 1971, to Bhagavn
43. March 2, 1975, Conversation
44. February 6, 1976, to Rmevara
45. November 28, 1970, to Jagada
46. May 17, 1971, to Karandhara
47. November 12, 1974, to Tripurri
48. January 11, 1972, to Bhagavn
49. February 14, 1969, to Jayapatka
50. November 14, 1975, to Rmevara
Footnotes 593

51. January 12, 1976, to Rmevara

52. February 6, 1976, to Rmevara
53. January 27, 1976, to Rebatnandan
54. January 30, 1976, to Rmevara
55. September 8, 1974, to rutadeva
56. August 11, 1975, to rutadeva
57. May 19, 1975, to rutadeva
58. May 9, 1974, to Rmevara
59. October 24, 1974, to rutadeva
60. April 19, 1975, to Viruha
61. March 6, 1969, to Rayarma
62. August 12, 1971, to Girirja
63. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
64. May 27, 1969, to Mukunda
65. Quotation 11 in Just As I Have Shown You

Chapter Nine
1. December 21, 1974, to Rmevara
2. July 23, 1973, to Jagada
3. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
4. April 20, 1973, to the L.A. devotees
5. May 4, 1976, to Purajana
6. November 18, 1972, to Jagada
7. November 17, 1971, to rdma
8. December 9, 1971, to Jayatrtha
9. December 25, 1972, to r Govinda
10. December 6, 1974, to r Govinda
11. January 3, 1976, to Rmevara
12. January 18, 1976, to Rmevara
13. November 13, 1975, to Taml Krishna Goswami
14. January 1, 1972, to Keava
15. January 11, 1972, to Bhagavn
16. January 20, 1972, to r Govinda
17. August 26, 1975, to Jaganntha Sta
18. August 8, 1974, to Satsvarpa Dsa Goswami
19. January 9, 1976, to Tua Ka
20. January 12, 1976, to Rmevara

Chapter Ten
1. March 2, 1975, Lecture
2. July 23, 1973, to Kurureha
3. January 9, 1973, to Dmodara
4. January 9, 1976, to Abhirma
5. December 14, 1976, to Lokantha
6. September 27, 1973, to Karandhara
7. January 11, 1976, to Krtirja
8. October 31, 1974, to Hdaynanda Goswami
9. January 11, 1976, to Bahudak
10. August 3, 1973, to Rmevara
11. May 3, 1970, to Llvat
12. June 16, 1972, to Satsvarpa Mahrja
13. December 22, 1972, to Karandhara
14. April 7, 1973, to Govinda
594 The Nectar of Book Distribution

15. September 30, 1972, to Bali Mardan

16. April 15, 1973, to the L.A. devotees
17. December 27, 1974, to Trivikrama Swami
18. November 22, 1971, to Hirayagarbha

Chapter Eleven
1. January 19, 1974, Lecture
2. February 20, 1968, to Brahmnanda
3. January 5, 1974, Lecture
4. August 14, 1976, to the L.A. devotees
5. May 5, 1972, to Dnavr
6. March 13, 1974, Lecture
7. January 12, 1976, to Rmevara
8. June 20, 1975, Arrival address
9. January 5, 1973 (in Distribute Books . . . , p. 95)

Chapter Twelve
1. December 21, 1974, to Hdaynanda Goswami
2. May 13, 1969, Conversation
3. July 22, 1973, Conversation
4. June 11, 1976, Morning walk
5. January 21, 1977, Conversation
6. April 5, 1977, Conversation
7. December 20, 1976, to Taml Krishna Goswami
8. March 2, 1975, Conversation
9. July 23, 1973, to Kurureha
10. October 30, 1976, to Taml Krishna Goswami
11. March 2, 1975, Conversation
12. ISKCON in the 1970s, p.136
13. Quotation 30 in Just As I Have Shown You
14. May 2, 1972, to Karandhara
15. March 23, 1977, Lecture
16. January 12, 1971, to Vaikuhantha
17. March 14, 1969, to Malcolm F. Miller
18. January 10, 1976, to Vivakarma
19. December 18, 1975, to Taml Krishna Goswami
20. December 23, 1973 (in Distribute Books . . . , pp. 96 97)
21. Quotation 22 in Just As I Have Shown You
22. Distribute Books . . . , p. 109

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