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Some of the key takeaways from the document include binary systems, hexadecimal, ASCII codes, and MAC addresses.

Some main uses of hexadecimal include being easier to work with than binary, using it when developing software to trace errors, and representing colors in HTML code.

The main components of a MAC address are that it is usually 48 bits made up of six groups of hexadecimal digits, with the first half being the manufacturer ID and the second half being the device serial number.

Cambridge IGCSE Computer

Science Workbook Answers

1 Binary systems and NN NN NN DD DD DD or

hexadecimal where the first half (NN NN NN) is the
identity number of the manufacturer of the
1 a 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 device and the second half (DD DD DD)
b A5 [3 marks] is the serial number of the device. [2 marks]
ii Since it is much easier to work with:
2 a 118
b 95
rather than: 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
c AC4 1101011111100
d 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 [6 marks] hexadecimal is often used when developing
3 a 800 16 = 12800 MB new software or when trying to trace errors
22800 in programs.
b = 12.5 GB [4 marks]
1024 A program developer can look at each of the
4 a i 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 hexadecimal codes (as shown in Figure 1.7
ii 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 [2 marks] of the textbook) and determine where the
error lies. The value on the far left shows
b i 86
the memory location so that it is possible to
ii 118 [2 marks] find out exactly where in memory the fault
c i 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 occurs. [2 marks]
ii 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 [2 marks] iii HTML code is often used to represent
d Lower case is always 32 higher than colours of text on the computer screen. The
the upper case letter. Place a 1-bit in values change to represent different colours.
position 32 in the upper case binary The different intensity of the three primary
ASCII code to get the lower case colours (red, green and blue) is determined
binary ASCII code. [2 marks] by its hexadecimal value. For example:
5 a # FF 00 00 represents primary colour red
# 00 FF 00 represents primary colour green
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
# 00 00 FF represents primary colour blue
 [1 mark] [2 marks]
b i b www.H&Sstudybooks.co.uk [3 marks]

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 a AF01 [2 marks]
b 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0000 0 0 0 1 [2 marks]
[2 marks]
8 a A
 MAC address is usually made up of 48 bits
ii 128 + 4 = 1 3 2 [1 mark] which are shown as six groups of hexadecimal
c i R = 27 r = 108 ( R value by 4) digits (although 64-bit addresses are also known):
ii M = 22 m = 88 ( M value by 4) [4 marks] NN NN NN DD DD DD or
6 a i A MAC address is usually made up of NN:NN:NN:DD:DD:DD
48 bits which are shown as six groups where the first half (NN NN NN) is the
of hexadecimal digits (although 64-bit identity number of the manufacturer of the
addresses are also known): device and the second half (DD DD DD) is
the serial number of the device. [2 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

b Any two of: 11 a i

certain software used on mainframe Number X D OUTPUT
systems need all the MAC addresses of 220 220 128
devices to fall into a strict format; because 92 1
of this, it may be necessary to change the 28 64 1
MAC address of some devices to ensure
4 32 0
they follow the correct format
it may be necessary to bypass a MAC 12 16 1
address filter on a router or a firewall; only
4 8 1
MAC addresses with a certain format are
0 4 1
allowed through, otherwise the devices will
2 2 0
be blocked if their MAC address does not
adhere to the correct format
1 1 0
to get past certain types of network restrictions
it may be necessary to emulate unrestricted
0.5 end
MAC addresses; hence it may require the
MAC address to be changed on certain devices [4 marks]
connected to the network. [2 marks] ii
9 a paint levels low Number X D OUTPUT
spray gun switched off 73 73 128
yellow paint chosen. [3 marks] 55
b 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 [3 marks] 73 0
c i system totally switched off 9 64 1

ii error message [2 marks] 23 32 0

10 9

10 7 16 0
1 8 1
What is the denary value of the 3 4 0
hexadecimal digit E?
1 2 0
What is the denary value of the
binary number 14 1
0 1 1
0.5 end
If the download speed for broadband
is 64 megabits per second, how long [4 marks]
would it take to download a 96 16
megabyte file (in seconds)? b Converts denary numbers into 8-bit binary
numbers. [1 mark]
If 2x = 1 terabyte (TB), what is the 12 a i #FF 80 00
value of x?
ii #B1 89 04 [2 marks]
b HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) is
What is the hexadecimal value of
the denary number 50?
28 used when writing and developing web
pages. HTML is not a programming language
but is simply a mark-up language. A mark-
How many bits are there in two up language is used in the processing,
bytes of data? definition and presentation of text (for
example, specifying the colour ofthe text).
HTML uses <tags> which are used to bracket a
piece of code; for example, <td> starts a standard
cell in an HTML table, and </td> ends it. Whatever
[6 marks] is between the two tags has been defined. [3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

c i 80 megabit/sec = 10 MB/sec Method 2

10 = 65 seconds [2 marks] This method involves successive division by 16. The
remainders are then read from BOTTOM to TOP to
ii 16 megabit/sec = 2 MB/sec
give the hexadecimal value. Again using 2004, we get:
30 15 = 450 MB
450 = 225 seconds [2 marks] 16 2004 read the remainder from
2 top to bottom to get the
13 16 125 remainder: 4
hexadecimal number:
hypertext the contents of the computer memory 16 7 remainder: 13
mark-up are output to a screen or printer; this 0 remainder: 7 7D4 (D = 13)
language enables a software developer to locate
(HTML) errors
[7 marks]

this is used to develop web pages; it is
used in the processing, definition and 2 Communication and
number system presentation of text (e.g. the
specification of a text colour)
internet technologies
value, written in hexadecimal, which is 1 a simplex, serial data transmission [2 marks]
used to uniquely identify a device on the
memory dump
network; it is often written in the form: b full duplex, parallel data transmission[2 marks]
NN-NN-NN-DD-DD-DD c half duplex, serial data transmission [2 marks]
2 a use of start bit
media access number system which uses the values use of stop bit
control 0 to 9 and the letters A to F to
(MAC) address represent digits data is between these two bits
known as control bits [2 marks]

also identified as a URL such as:

b continuous stream of data
web address
www.books.com timing signals sent using computers
internal clock
[5 marks]
allows data to be synchronised
14 a 9: 1 0 0 1 receiver counts number of bits and
6: 0 1 1 0 [2 marks] then reassembles them into the
b 85 correct bytes of data [3 marks]
705 [4 marks] c much faster data transmission rate
c 9999 [1 mark] than asynchronous
d 65535 [2 marks] if the timing is not accurate, data will be
e For example, representing each digit on a out of synch [2 marks]
calculator or on a display board such as a 3 a universal serial bus [1 mark]
digital clock. [1 mark] b
15 The first method is a type of iterative process and Statement about USB connections True ()
the second method involves repetitive division. All the wires in a USB connector are used
in data transmission
Method 1 The maximum cable length in a USB
connection is 2 metres
Consider the conversion of the denary number,
Devices plugged into the computer using
2004, into hexadecimal. This method involves the USB connection are automatically
placing hexadecimal digits in the appropriate detected
position so that the total equates to 2004: The USB connection has become the
industry standard for most computers
256 16 1 The user will always be prompted to
download a device driver when the device
7 D 4 (Note: D = 13) is plugged in to the computer
A quick check shows that: (7 256) + (13 16) + [5 marks]
(4 1) gives 2004.
c Any two of: printer, mouse, blue tooth transmitter/
receiver, camera, external hard drive,  [2 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

4 a i
3 Logic gates and logic
iii [3 marks] circuits
b They detect corrupted bits following data
transmission.[1 mark] 1 a OR gate
c i bit number = 4 b NAND gate
byte number = 6 [2 marks] c XOR gate [3 marks]
ii column 4 (bit 4) has odd parity (five 1-bits) 2
row 6 (byte 6) has odd parity (five 1-bits) A B C X
0 0 0 0
where they intersect gives the incorrect
0 0 1 0
bit[3 marks]
0 1 0 0
iii 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 [1 mark] 0 1 1 1
iv two bits interchanged (e.g. 1100 1100 1 0 0 1
became 1010 1100) 1 0 1 1
several bits incorrect but parity stays the same 1 1 0 0
(e.g. 1001 1001 became 1111 1001) [2 marks] 1 1 1 1 [4 marks]
v any description of ARQ, Checksum or Echo
Check for 2 marks [2 marks] 3 a (A=1 AND B=1) OR (B=NOT 1 OR C=1)

Companies that provide the user with Internet Service (a.b) + ( b + c) [3 marks]
access to the internet; a monthly fee is Provider (ISP) b
usually charged for this service
A unique address that identifies the Internet Protocol A
location of a device which is connected to (IP) Address B
the internet
A unique address that identifies the device Media Access
that is connected to the internet Control (MAC)
A set of rules that must be obeyed when Hypertext
transferring files across the internet Transfer Protocol
Software that allows a user to display a Web browser
web page on their computer screen; they
translate the HTML from the website
[5 marks] [4 marks]
6 a Structure
4 a
essential part of HTML document

which includes semantics
0 0 0
and structural mark-up 0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1 [2 marks]
style of the document
how document will look after translation
b OR gate [1 mark]
css file [3 marks] c less expensive
b https or the green padlock [1 mark] faster development time [1 mark]
7 a A [1 mark] 5 a
b <h1>, <h3>, <p>, <td> etc. (any two) [2 marks] A B C X
c Use of, for example, </h1> [1 mark] 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
d 1st two digits or letters = intensity of red 0 1 0 0
2nd two digits or letters = intensity of green 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
3rd two digits or letters = intensity of blue
1 0 1 1
[1 mark] 1 1 0 0
e Hex(adecimal) [1 mark] 1 1 1 1 [4 marks]

b Input C only [1 mark]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

6 a c

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[4 marks] [4 marks]

9 a ( (A=1 AND B=1) OR (A=NOT 1 AND C=1))
b AND gate [2 marks] OR (B=NOT 1 AND C=1)
7 a (A=1 AND B=NOT 1) AND (B=1 OR C=1) ((A AND B) OR (NOT A AND C)) OR
+ (b.c)
(a.b). (b + c) [3 marks] (a.b + a.c)
b A


[7 marks]
[4 marks]

8 a ( (T=NOT 1 AND A=1) OR (T=1 AND P=1)) b

OR (A=NOT 1 AND P=1) A B C X

((NOT T AND A) OR (T AND P)) OR (NOT 0 0 0 0

A AND P) 0 0 1 1

(T.A + T.P) + (A.P) [3 marks] 0 1 0 0

b 0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
A 1 1 1 1
[4 marks]

0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
P 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
[7 marks]
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
[4 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

4 Operating systems and 3 a address (bus)

data (bus)
computer architecture control (bus) [3 marks]
b memory address register (MAR)
1 l user interface memory data register (MDR)
l multitasking arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
l multiprogramming program counter (PC)
l batch processing current instruction register (CIR) [3 marks]
l error handling c i MAR:
l load/run applications
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
l manage user accounts [2 marks]
l file utilities (copy, save, etc.)
l processor management 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
l memory management
ii MAR:
l real-time processing
l interrupt handling 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
l security (log on, passwords, etc.) MDR:
l inputoutput control [6 marks]
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 [2 marks]
2 a hardware e.g. printer out of paper
user e.g. press <BREAK> key
iii 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 [1 mark]
software e.g. cant find .exe file [3 marks]
b a temporary memory [1 mark]

Any data to No
be sent to 4

Yes 1


All data No Contents of MAR are then copied and placed in the CIR
sent to 5


6 5

Interrupt signal is
sent to request
more data to be
sent to printer 3

[5 marks]
[6 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

5 a simple tasks e.g. press button on a touchscreen c Manager (any two of)
tasks do not change [2 marks] l easier/faster method of changing item prices
b oven, microwave oven, washing machine, l better, more up-to-date sales information
freezer, etc. [1 mark]
l no need to price each item therefore saves

5 Input and output l

allows for automatic stock control
reduces risk of theft of items.
devices Customer (any two of)
l faster checkout/shorter queues at checkout
1 passport data is scanned
l reduces errors in adding up final bill/fewer
l photograph in passport is scanned
pricing errors
l digital camera also photographs the passenger
l customer gets an itemised bill
l key items (such as width of nose)
l cost savings can be passed on to the
l from scanned passport photograph
l are compared to digital camera image
l better tracking of sell by dates. [4 marks]
l if there is a match, passenger has been
correctly identified. [4 marks] 3 a Quick Response (code) [1 mark]
Any two of:
2 CCD charge couple device
b huge amount of data can be stored
l consists of a number of integrated circuits on a
silicon structure l no need to manually enter web address/URL
l made up of thousands of light-sensitive l simply scan QR code from magazine,
elements (pixels). advert, etc. [2 marks]
CT computed tomography c read QR code using mobile phone/tablet
l uses X-rays to split up solid object into thin
slices l QR App on phone/tablet reads and
interprets QR image
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
l website automatically opens once the QR
l uses radio wave frequencies to split up a solid
code is interpreted
object into thin slices. [6 marks]
l other QR codes may contain information
3 a A: 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
such as historic buildings, etc. [3 marks]
B: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
C: 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 [3 marks] 4 keyboard
b keypad to input number of items bought/ l mouse/touchscreen
key in weights/key in barcode number if l microphone
barcode failed to scan correctly l (2D) scanner
l magnetic stripe reader to read customers
l interactive whiteboard. [5 marks]
credit/debit card
5 a thermal bubble
l weighing machine to weigh fresh goods
l resistors create localised heat which makes
l touchscreen to select items such as fruit/
ink vaporise
make other selections
l tiny ink bubbles form which expand and some
l barcode reader/scanner to input/read
ink is ejected from print head onto paper
barcode on an item
l when a bubble collapses, a vacuum is created
l contactless screen to allow payment by

contactless debit cards l vacuum allows fresh ink to be drawn into

print head.
l screen/monitor to show cost of item
bought/final bill/item description piezoelectric
l speaker/beeper makes beeping sound l crystal located at rear of ink reservoir
if barcode scans OK or if barcode fails l for each nozzle
to scan l crystal given a charge which makes it
l printer to output itemised bill [8 marks] vibrate

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

vibration forces ink to be ejected on to paper

l l solid object made from powdered plastic
or metal
l at the same time, more ink is drawn in for
further printing. [3 marks] l object built up layer by layer (using
one of the methods in part a). [3 marks]
b advantages
c for making prosthetic limbs
l can take larger paper sizes such as A3
l allows precision reconstructive surgery
l more versatile; can print on T-shirts, paper,
(e.g. facial reconstruction)
CD/DVDs and so on
l aerospace, e.g. wings
l produces better colour images, e.g. for
photos. l fashion and art, e.g. sculptures,
dresses, etc. [3 marks]
7 a LEDs reach max brightness instantly
l slow at printing repeated copies
l LEDs have a whiter light making colours
l expensive ink
more vivid
l runs out of ink quickly (not suitable for
l LEDs produce brighter light that improves
large print jobs)
colour definition
l has small paper tray. [2 marks]
l LEDs allow for thinner and lighter screens
l LEDs last almost indefinitely
Steps Order
l LEDs consume little power and therefore
The printer driver checks whether the chosen 3
printer is ready to print the document produce less heat. [3 marks]
Once the printer buffer is empty, the printer sends 9 b i organic light emitting diode [1 mark]
an interrupt to the processor requesting more data
to be sent; this action continues until the whole Any two of:
document is printed
ii very flexible; can bend screen in an arc
A sheet of paper is fed into the printer body; if no 5 or even fold it up into small package
paper is available or the paper is jammed, an error
message is sent to the computer very bright (good picture definition)
At the end of each full pass of the print head, the 7 does not need any back lighting unlike
paper is advanced slightly to allow the next line to be
printed LCD screens; OLEDs produce own light
The printer driver ensures that the data is in a 2 uses very little power
format that the chosen printer can process
very large field of view; nearly 180
Data is sent to the printer and is stored in a 4
temporary memory, known as the printer buffer very lightweight; OLED layers can bemade
Data from the document is first of all sent to the 1 from plastic rather than glass.
printer driver [2 marks]
As a sheet of paper is fed through the printer, the 6 8
print head moves from side to side printing text/
image in the four colours Sensor Application
The whole process is continued until the printer 8 temperature central heating system
buffer is empty chemical processes (monitor or control)
greenhouse temperatures
[8 marks]
fire alarm systems
6 a Additive object in printer is built up layer light switching street lights off and on automatically
by layer controlling/monitoring light levels in a
Direct 3D printing uses inkjet technology
switching vehicle headlights on/off automatically
where print head moves left to right and up pollution monitoring (check on turbidity of water)
and down to produce layers of the solid object infrared automatically turn on/off a vehicles
Binder 3D printing this method uses two
l windscreen wipers
passes for each layer; first pass sprays dry burglar alarm/intruder detection system
powder and on second pass, sprays a binder automatic doors at a hotel/supermarket
parking sensors on a vehicle
(type of glue) to form a solid layer. [3 marks]
magnetic cell phones
b use 3D scanner to scan an image of the part field
CD/DVD players
or use a blueprint, if available
anti-lock braking system on cars
image sent to software that prepares it for
l security systems
3D printing
[4 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

9 owner activates alarm by keying in PIN/code 2 a l RAM is volatile; ROM is non-volatile

l pressure sensor detects intruder stepping on l RAM can be written to/read; ROM can
pressure pad/change in pressure if door or only be read and not altered
window opened l RAM stores data/files/part of OS currently
l pressure sensor constantly sends data to the in use; ROM stores the bootstrap, BIOS.
microprocessor [3 marks]
l acoustic sensor detects noise such as breaking b
glass from a window or footsteps
Needs to be constantly refreshed
l acoustic sensor constantly sends data to the to retain the data
l if data from sensors is analogue in nature, it is
DRAM Consumes the least power of the
converted to digital using an ADC two types of RAM
l microprocessor compares sensor readings with
those pre-set values stored in memory Makes use of flip flops to hold
l if pressure sensor reading > pre-set value, bits of memory
microprocessor sends signal to actuator
Used in computers where high
l to operate buzzer/switch on security light SRAM speed processing is needed; e.g.,
l if acoustic sensor reading > pre-set value, memory cache

microprocessor sends signal to actuator

Has the higher storage capacity of
l to operate buzzer/switch on security light the two types of RAM
l buzzer continues to sound/security light stays
on until reset by owner [5 marks]
l if readings are within acceptable limits, then 3 a Real: e.g. 3.16
no action is taken
Integer: e.g. 5
l monitoring continues until owner deactivates
Currency: e.g. $15.40 [3 marks]
system by keying in PIN/code. [7 marks]
b i 41 [1 mark]
ii 12 s3s y4 3 loss5 w4ld use 5 memory [2 marks]

6 Memory and data iii 27 [1 mark]

iv can get original sentence back if the
storage code is known [1 mark]
4 a
Primary Secondary Off-line
RAM Fixed hard-disk drive DVD-RAM
MP3 file Uses compression technology to (HDD)
ROM Blu-ray disc
reduce the size of an image Fixed solid-state drive Flash memory/memory
(SSD) stick (pen drive)
Uses compression technology to Removable HDD
BMP file reduce the size of a music file
by up to 90% [6 marks]

File compression algorithm that b more reliable; no moving parts to wear out
MIDI file reduces file size by eliminating
l much lighter in weight
unnecessary bits of data
l does not have to get up to speed before
A raw bitmap image that has reading/writing
jpeg image
not yet been compressed
l less power used so less heat generated
l very thin since no mechanical moving parts
Communication protocol that
file format
allows electronic musical instru- l data access is faster than magnetic media.
ments to interact with each other
[3 marks]
[5 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

5 a 4 1 P
 rograms written in a high-level programming
Optical Use red Use blue Use two Use one Track Track language are easier for a programmer to read
media lasers lasers poly- poly- pitch pitch and understand as the language used is closer
to read/ to read/ carbonate carbonate < 1m > 1m
write write layers layer to English.
2 Programs written in a high-level
programming language are easier for a
programmer to debug during development.
3 Development time is faster for a programmer
when programs are written in a high-level
Blu-ray programming language.
4 It is easier for a programmer to maintain a
[3 marks] program written by another programmer when
b l blue laser means pits and bumps can be it is written in a high-level language. [4 marks]
much smaller increasing storage 5 a M
 achine code is the binary language that a
l uses single polycarbonate disk removing risk computer uses.
of birefringence (light refraction) b Assembly language is a low-level programming
l comes with automatic secure encryption language that requires translation before it can
system be used by a computer. [2 marks]
l easier to manufacture since only uses one 6 1 P
 rogrammers can write programs that make
polycarbonate disk. [3 marks] use of special hardware.
6 l now store music in MP3 format/movies in MP4 2 Programmers can write programs that make
format on smartphones/tablets, etc. use of special machine-dependent instructions.
l use of cloud to store movies and music files 3 Programmers can write program code that does
not take up much space in primary memory.
l use of streaming of music and videos from the
internet 4 Programmers can write program code that
performs a task very quickly. [4 marks]
l transfer of files now done using solid-state
devices. [4 marks] 7 a HLL
Sum := FirstNumber + SecondNumber
7 High- and low-level b LLL

languages LDA FirstNumber

ADD SecondNumber
1  program is a list of instructions that enable
acomputer to perform a specific task. [2 marks]
c Hexadecimal
2 a H
 igh-level programming languages are portable
as they can be used on different types of computer 1 12
or with different operating systems.
4 13
b High-level programming languages are problem
0 1A
solving as when using this type of programming
language a solution to a problem can be set out d Binary
in a way that is understandable to human beings 0001 00010010
as well as a computer.
0100 00010011
c Translation has to take place before a program
written in a high-level programming language 0000 00011010 [4 marks]
can be used by a computer as computers work 8 a A translator is a program that turns a program
in machine code. [3 marks] written in a programming language, either
3 1 Visual Basic high-level or low-level into a form that can be
2 Python used by a computer. [2 marks]
3 Pascal b 1 Assembler
4 Java, etc. (there are many other correct answers) 2 Compiler
 [4 marks] 3 Interpreter [3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

c 1 An assembler is a computer program that 11 An IDE is an Interactive/Integrated Development

translates a program written in a low-level Environment; it usually includes a source code editor,
language into a machine code program. build automation tools and a debugger. [2 marks]
2 A compiler is a computer program that 12 a 1 More memory is required during
translates a program written in a high-level compilation because the machine code
language into a machine code program. program is held in main memory as well as
3 An interpreter is a computer program that the high-level language program.
directly executes instructions written in a 2 Errors take longer to find as the whole
high-level programming language, without program need to be edited and recompiled
previously compiling them into a machine after every error.
code program. [6 marks] 3 Programs take longer to develop as the
9 a A
 syntax error is where a program statement program needs to be restarted from the
does not obey the rules of the programming beginning when an error is found rather
language. A program cannot be translated if it than continuing from where the error was
contains syntax errors. [2 marks] once it has been corrected. [3 marks]
b A logic error is where the program does not do b 1 Less memory is required when the program
what the programmer wanted it to do. Logic is run because the compiler is not held in
errors are found when a program is being run. main memory just the compiled program.
 [2 marks] 2 Program does not need to be re-compiled
c When a compiler finds a syntax error, no every time it is used unlike an interpreted
translated program is produced. The error is program.
added to a list of all the errors in the whole 3 Program executes faster as statements are
program, which is produced at the end of the not re-translated every time. [3 marks]
attempted translation. [2 marks]
d When an interpreter finds a syntax error the
programmer is alerted to the place in the
program where the error was found. The error 8 Security and ethics
is then corrected by the programmer and the
interpretation continues until the next error is 1
found or the task is completed. [2 marks]
legitimate-looking email sent out to a
10 hacking user, as soon as they click on the link in
the email, they are sent to a fake website
One low-level language statement is
usually translated into one machine act of locating and using wireless
code instruction. viruses internet connections illegally; requires a
mobile device, wireless network card and
an antenna to pick up wireless signals
Translates a high-level language Compiler
program into machine code.
act of gaining illegal access to a
phishing computer system
Assembled programs can be used
without this. software that gathers information by
pharming monitoring key presses on a users
computer; the key presses are sent back
No executable file of machine code to the person who sent the software
is produced.
malicious code installed on a users hard
Executes a high-level language drive or on a web server; the code will
Interpreter war driving
redirect the user to a fake website
program a statement at a time.
without their knowledge

Compiled programs are used

program or program code that can
without this. replicate/copy itself with the intention of
deleting or corrupting files or to cause a
computer malfunction
Translates a low-level language Assembler
program into machine code.

One high-level language statement

[6 marks]
can be translated into several
machine code instructions.

[8 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

2 a generated every time user visits a website

l they collect key information/preferences

about the user Users web browser sends a message so that it can connect
with the required website secured by SSL
l can carry out user tracking, e.g. when

customer bought X they also bought Y

l they form an anonymous user profile.

[3 marks]
b examines traffic to/from users computer
l checks whether incoming/outgoing data

meets given criteria

l if criteria failed, traffic is blocked and user

warned 4
l logs all in/out traffic

l can keep a list of acceptable websites or

undesirable websites
l can help to prevent viruses or hacking 1
l warns user if software on their system tries

to access external sources (e.g. automatic

upgrades). [3 marks]
c l back up files on a regular basis
l save data regularly

l use passwords and user ids to restrict access

[4 marks]
l use UPS to prevent power loss and reduce

risk of data corruption 4 a

use parallel systems as back-ups
correct training procedures to reduce
l key
incorrect operation of equipment (e.g.
correct shut-down procedures). [3 marks] Encryption Cypher
algorithm (3) text (1)
3 a l SSL: secure sockets layer
TLS: transport layer security
l Plain text
type of protocol when communicating on a

network, e.g. internet [3 marks]

SSL/TLS encrypts data
b i h
 ashing algorithm takes message or key and
use of https and the green padlock to
translates it into a string of characters usually
indicate secure websites. [3 marks] shown in hex; makes message/key nearly
b l TLS can be extended with newer impossible to read if intercepted illegally
authentication methods ii encryption algorithm converts message using
uses session caching (can resume an
l encryption key into meaningless text; same
existing TLS session) key is used to decrypt the message
separates the handshaking process from the
l iii
MD4 system example of hashing algorithm that
record protocol. [2 marks] generates 128-bit string (32 hex digits) whenever
a value is run through it [3 marks]
c gives more combinations

l 128 bits gives 1038 combinations; 56 bits

gives 1016 combinations
l greater number of bits then greater security
since harder to crack
l greater the key size, greater the security of
the encryption system. [2 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

5 a l attempt to prevent users from accessing

part of a network
9 Problem-solving and
can affect network or individual users
l design
can prevent user from accessing emails,

websites or online services 1 A computer system is made up of

can be done by flooding the network with
l l hardware
useless traffic l software
or by the attacker flooding the users
l data
email account with spam. [2 marks]
l communications
b l use an up-to-date virus checker
l people. [5 marks]
use a firewall to restrict traffic
2 The breaking down of a computer system into its
apply email filters.
l [2 marks]
sub-systems, then breaking the sub-systems into
c l network performance slows down smaller sub-systems until each sub-system is a
inability to access certain websites
l single action. [3 marks]
large volumes of spam in the inbox. [2 marks]
6 l unique 10- or 12-digit code supplied to customer
l key in random digits/characters from the off/snooze
PIN and/or password
l use of TAN; device where card is inserted and
an eight-digit code is generated that changes
every time the device is used
use of drop-down boxes to enter digits/ Set alarm to
l Stop sound Cancel alarm
sound later
characters from PIN or password; this is an
attempt to defeat spyware/key logging software
[3 marks]
l personal questions such as mothers maiden
name, phone numbers, etc. 4 Description: A routine that has been written and
tested that is already compiled and ready for use
l not allowed to use browser navigation buttons
by other programmers.
when logged in to banks website; this prevents
users using the same computer from accessing Example: The Save as DLL in windows. [3 marks]
web pages from a previous user. [5 marks] 5 a A
 n algorithm is a set of steps to complete a
7 task.[2 marks]
Description Term b 1 flowchart
Set of principles set out to (computer) ethics 2 pseudocode [2 marks]
regulate the use of computers and
computer systems 6 Normal test data data that are accepted and
The taking of another persons plagiarism used to prove that a program works correctly.
idea or work and claiming it as
their own work without any Abnormal/erroneous test data data that are rejected
acknowledgement to the originator by a program, usually with an error message.
Software a user can download freeware Extreme test data data that are the largest and
from the internet free of charge;
once downloaded, there are no smallest values accepted by a program.
fees when using it; however, it is Boundary test data data used to establish where
subject to copyright laws
the boundary is; for example, at an upper bound
Software that users are allowed shareware
to try out free of charge for a trial the highest value accepted and the lowest value
period; at the end of the trial period, rejected. [6 marks]
users will be requested to pay a fee
if they want to continue using it 7 Explanation: All the items of data required to
Users have freedom to run, copy, free software work through the section of program being tested.
change or adapt this software
without the need to seek Example: A routine that found the average
permission; the software is not
protected by copyright but there
temperature for a week, where readings were
are still some restrictions taken daily, would require seven items of test data,
e.g. 12, 13, 11, 12, 14, 13, 13. [3 marks]
[5 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

8 a V
 alidation is an automated check that data is c 1127 18 = 1 4 + 1 3 + 2 2 + 7 1
reasonable, whereas verification is a human 18 = 1 remainder 7

check that the data has no mistakes that 11
occurred while being entered. [2 marks] check digit is 4 = 11 7 [2 marks]
b 1 Range check 47857 89 = 4 5 + 7 4 + 8 3 + 5 2 + 7 1
2 Type check [2 marks] 89 = 8 remainder 1
c 1 Double entry. check digit is x as 10 = 11 1 [2 marks]
2 On-screen check. [2 marks] 12 a M
 arks must be between zero and 100
9 Range check: Checks that values are within inclusive.[2 marks]
a lower and an upper bound; for example, b minus one [1 mark]
percentage marks for an examination must be c
greater than or equal to zero and less than or
Sum Reject Mark Output
equal to one hundred. [3 marks]
0 0
Format check: Checks that characters conform to 17 17
a given pattern; for example, the code to identify 52 35
a teaching group could be XXXnn, where XXX 76 24
are the teachers initials and nn is a two-digit
1 5
number. [3 marks]
76 0
10 143 67
The number of pupils in a class 225 82
Range check
is a whole number.
322 97
A persons name only contains 2 21
Length check
alphanumeric characters.
367 45
Check that a code contains two 390 23
Type check
letters followed by three numbers.
1 390 2

A name field is not left blank. Character check

[4 marks]
d Actions are not repeated unnecessarily,
Numbers are in the range 10 to 20 Format check there are no unnecessary processes but the
algorithm needs to reject any non-numeric
A password must contain exactly values. [3 marks]
Presence check
10 characters.

[5 marks]
11 a A
 check digit is the final digit in a code that is
calculated using the other digits. [2 marks]
b 9780 7487 8296 3
Stage 1 49 = 9 + 8 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 9
Stage 2 78 = (7 + 0 + 4 + 7 + 2 + 6) 3
Stage 3 127 gives remainder 7
Stage 4 check digit is 3 = 10 7
Correct [3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

10 Pseudocode and flowcharts

1 Age = 21
Name = Richard
Value = 36
Sum = 57
Flag = False [5 marks]


IF Age = 10
THEN PRINT 'Selected'
IF Age = 20
THEN PRINT 'Selected'
IF Age = 10
THEN PRINT 'Selected'
IF Age = 20
THEN PRINT 'Selected'
ENDIF[3 marks]
10: PRINT 'Selected'
20: PRINT 'Selected'
ENDCASE[3 marks]
b i Total 0
FOR Count 1 TO 10
INPUT Number
Total Total + Number
Next Count
Print Total[6 marks]
ii Total 0
INPUT Number
WHILE number <> 1
Total Total + Number

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

INPUT Number
Print Total[6 marks]
iii Total 0
INPUT Number
Total Total + Number
UNTIL Total > 20
Print Total[6 marks]
READ[2 marks]
PRINT[2 marks]
5 IF StockLevel < 10
THEN PRINT 'Reorder'
ENDIF[2 marks]
6 a Total 0
CountPositive 0
FOR Count 1 TO 20
INPUT Number
IF Number > 0
Total Total + Number
CountPositive CountPositive + 1
NEXT Count
Average Total/CountPositive
PRINT 'Average of the Positive numbers is ', Average [7 marks]
b Put the input statement in a Repeat Until loop that rejects any
number less than zero. [2 marks]

WHILE ... DO ... ENDWHILE Conditional

Sum Num1 + Num2



PRINT Goodbye Assignment

IF ... THEN ... END IF

FOR ... TO ... NEXT Input/Output

 [7 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016





 [3 marks]

9 a

Sum 0
Pos 0
Count 0


is Num > Yes Sum Sum + Num

0? Pos Pos + 1


Count Count + 1

No is Count =


Average Sum / Pos


 [7 marks]

b Change the first test to >= 0 and <= 100, check if Count = 30.[3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

11 Programming concepts

Only two values TRUE and FALSE Integer

A single character Real

A whole number Boolean

A number with a fractional part String

Several characters Char

 [4 marks]
2 A variable should be used when the value will change while the program
is running; for example, a counter will change. Count Count + 1
A constant should be used when the value will not change while
the program is running; for example, the highest mark that could
be awarded for an exam will not change. This could be declared as
a constant const TopMark = 100; (JavaScript) or declared by
assignment ConstTopMark =100 (Python).
Note: You should answer this in the context of the programming
language you have been taught. [4 marks]
3 a Average Mark, variable changes when new marks have been
b Number of months in a year, constant, always has the same value.
c Number of pupils in a class, constant or variable, need more
information to decide. [6 marks]
4 a i Number = int (0)
Count = int (0)
Sum = int (0)
for Count in range (1, 9):
Number = int(input( "Enter a Whole Number: "))
Sum = Sum + Number
print ("Sum of eight numbers is ", Sum)OUTPUT.

<TITLE> 4 (a) (i)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
var Number = 0;
var Count = 0;
var Sum = 0;
Number = window.prompt('Enter whole number ', '');
Number = parseInt (Number);
Sum = Sum + Number;

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

Count = Count + 1
while (Count < 8);
document.write('Sum of eight numbers is ', Sum)
Note: You should answer this in the context of the
programminglanguage you have been taught. Above are
examples only. There are many correct answers. [6 marks]
ii Number = int (0)
Sum = int (0)
Number = int(input( "Enter a Whole Number: "))
while Number != 1:
Sum = Sum + Number
Number = int(input( "Enter a Whole Number: "))
print("Sum ofthenumbers is ",Sum)

<TITLE> 4 (a) (ii) </TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
var Number = 0;
var Count = 0;
var Sum = 0;
Number = window.prompt ('Enter whole number ', '');
Number = parseInt (Number);
Sum = Sum + Number;
while (Number != 1);
document.write('Sum of the numbers is ', Sum + 1)
Note: You should answer this in the context of the
programminglanguage you have been taught. Above are
examples only. There are many correct answers. [6 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

iii Number = int (0)

Sum = int (0)
Number = int(input( "Enter a Whole Number: "))
while (Sum + Number) <= 10:
Sum = Sum + Number
Number = int(input("Enter a Whole Number: "))
print("Sum of the numbers is ", Sum)

<TITLE> Question 4 (a) (iii)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
var Number = 0;
var Count = 0;
var Sum = 0;
Number = window.prompt ('Enter whole number ', '');
Number = parseInt (Number);
Sum = Sum + Number;
while (Sum < 10);
document.write('Sum of the numbers is ', Sum Number)
Note: You should answer this in the context of the
programming language you have been taught. Above are
examples only. There are many correct answers. [6 marks]
b i 2, 4, 3, 1, 10, 3, 2, 1
ii 4, 9, 3, 1
iii 2, 3, 7
Note: These are examples only. There are many correct
answers.[3 marks]
c Need to change declarations to real and use float/parseFloat
for input. [2 marks]
5 a Number = int (0)
Sum = int (0)
NegCount = int (0)
Count = int(0)
Average = float (0)
for Count in range (1, 11):

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

Number = int(input( "Enter a Negative Number: "))

if Number < 0 :
Sum = Sum + Number
NegCount = NegCount + 1
Average = Sum / NegCount
print ("Average of the negative numbers is ", Average)

<TITLE>Question 5
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
var Number = 0;
var Count = 0;
var Sum = 0;
var NegCount = 0;
var Average = 0.0;
for (var Count = 1; Count <= 10; Count = Count + 1)
Number = window.prompt('Enter a negative number ', '');
Number = parseInt (Number);
if (Number < 0)
Sum = Sum + Number;
NegCount = NegCount + 1
Average = Sum / NegCount;
document.write('Average of negative numbers is ', Average)
Note: You should answer this in the context of the programming
language you have been taught. Above are examples only. There
are many correct answers. [7 marks]
b Put the input statement inside a WHILE loop that rejects positive
numbers.[2 marks]
c 1, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Note: These are examples only. There are many correct
answers.[1 mark]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

12 Data structures: arrays and

usingpre-release material
1 Name the name identifying the array
Size the number of elements in the array
Element each item in an array is called an element
Index the index number identifies the position of an element in the array
Type all elements in an array have the same data type
Dimension the organisational structure of the array: 1D is a list; 2D is
a table [6 marks]
2 An array is used to store items of the same type so that the data can be
manipulated easily; for example, a list of marks can be searched to find
thehighest mark. [3 marks]
3 a StudentName = []
var StudentName = new Array (30);
b StudentMarkTest1 = array.array ("i", range (200))
var StudentMarkTes
t1 = new Array (200);
c Enrolled = []
var Enrolled = new Boolean (20); [3 marks]
4 a i import array
ConstNoDays = int(8)
Enquiries = array.array ("i", range (ConstNoDays))
Counter = int(0)
for Counter in range (1, ConstNoDays):
Enquiries[Counter] = int(input("Please Enter number of enquiries "))
for Counter in range (1, ConstNoDays):
print ("Day ", Counter, " Enquiries ", Enquiries [Counter])


<TITLE> Chapter 12 Question 4 (a)(i)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
const NoDays = 7;
var Enquiries = new Array (NoDays + 1);
for (var Counter = 1; Counter <= NoDays; Counter = Counter + 1)
Enquiries[Counter] = parseInt(window.prompt('Enter number of enquiries', ''));

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

for (var Counter = 1; Counter <= NoDays; Counter = Counter + 1)

document.write('Day '+ Counter, ' has '+ Enquiries[Counter] + ' enquiries.' + '<br>')
Note: You should answer this in the context of the
programming language you have been taught. Above are
examples only. There are many correct answers. [6 marks]
ii import array
ConstNoDays = int(8)
Most = 0
Least = 1000
MostDay = 0
LeastDay = 0
Enquiries = array.array ("i", range (ConstNoDays))
Counter = int(0)
for Counter in range (1, ConstNoDays):
Enquiries[Counter] = int(input("Please Enter number of enquiries "))
if Most < Enquiries[Counter]:
Most = Enquiries[Counter]
MostDay = Counter
if Least > Enquiries[Counter]:
Least = Enquiries[Counter]
LeastDay = Counter
print ("Day ", LeastDay, " has the least number of enquiries ", Least)
print ("Day ", MostDay, " has the most number of enquiries ", Most)

<TITLE> Chapter 12 Question 4 (a)(ii)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
const NoDays = 7;
var Most = 0;
var Least = 1000;
var MostDay = 0;
var LeastDay = 0;
var Enquiries = new Array (NoDays + 1);

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

for (var Counter = 1; Counter <= NoDays; Counter = Counter + 1)

Enquiries[Counter] = parseInt (window.prompt('Enter number of enquiries ', ''));
if (Most < Enquiries[Counter])
Most = Enquiries[Counter];
MostDay = Counter
if (Least > Enquiries[Counter])
Least = Enquiries[Counter];
LeastDay = Counter
document.write('Day '+ MostDay, ' has most enquiries '+ Most + '<br>');
document.write('Day '+ LeastDay, 'has least enquiries ' + Least + '<br>')
Note: You should answer this in the context of the
programming language you have been taught. Above are
examples only. There are many correct answers.[6 marks]
iii import array
ConstNoDays = int(8)
Most = 0
Least = 1000
MostDay = 0
LeastDay = 0
Total = 0
Average = 0
Enquiries = array.array ("i", range (ConstNoDays))
Counter = int(0)
for Counter in range (1, ConstNoDays):
Enquiries[Counter] = int(input("Please Enter number of enquiries "))
Total = Total + Enquiries[Counter]
Average = Total/7
print ("Total ", Total)
print ("Average ", Average)

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

<TITLE> Chapter 12 Question 4 (a)(iii)</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
const NoDays = 7;
var Total = 0;
var Average = 0.0;
var Enquiries = new Array (NoDays + 1);
for (var Counter = 1; Counter <= NoDays; Counter = Counter + 1)
Enquiries[Counter] = parseInt(window.prompt('Enter number of enquiries ', ''));
Total = Total + Enquiries[Counter]
Average = Total/NoDays;
document.write('Total ' + Total, '<br>');
document.write('Average ' + Average, '<br>')
Note: You should answer this in the context of the programming
language you have been taught. Above are examples only. There are
many correct answers. [6 marks]
b 2, 4, 3, 1, 10, 3, 2,
Note: Above are examples only. There are many correct
answers.[1 mark]
Note: The answers to questions 5, 6, 7 and 8 will depend upon the pre-release
material that you are using. This changes for every exam.

1 1 No duplication of data
2 Changes need only be made once
3 No inconsistency of data, everyone sees and uses the
same data [3 marks]
2 Table a set of related data elements stored in rows and columns.
Record the data contained in a table about a single item.
Field a single unit of data in a record containing one specific piece
of information.
Primary key a field in a record where the data held is unique for
each record stored. [4 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

3 a TextBookName Text
Author Text
Copies Integer/Number
Subject Text [5 marks]
b i TextBookName, Author, Subject*
ii ISBN, Copies, Subject* [2 marks]
*could appear in either but not both
c ISBN, unique for each identified text [2 marks]
d Copies, range check between 1 and 50*
ISBN, check digit
(Subject, select from list) [4 marks]
*any suitable number
Field: Subject Copies TextBookName



Criteria: = History >= 30


4 a
No of
Field: Head office Code



Criteria: < 30 = Americas

[3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Compueter Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

Field: Number in stock Items ordered Item code



Criteria: <[Re-order level] = Yes

[3 marks]

5 a
Name of
Field: Profits (billion $) Share price ($)



Criteria: > 8

or: < 50
[3 marks]

Price of item Value of stock
Field: Item code
($) ($)



Criteria: >2

or: >300
[3 marks]

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Workbook David Watson and Helen Williams 2016

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