Chapter 10 - Communication
Chapter 10 - Communication
Chapter 10 - Communication
Give four reasons why an internet search to find relevant information is not always
• Computer might be infected with spyware detecting key presses which slows
Chapter 10 - Communication
• It is a form/type of blog
Chapter 10 - Communication
Ajit has been set homework by her Geography teacher. She has the choice of using
her text book or the internet to find the necessary information.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to Ajit using the text book rather than
Chapter 10 - Communication
the internet.
• No danger of accessing inappropriate information
• Relevant information can be found quite quickly
• Don’t have to worry about having to have internet connectivity/computer/phone
• Book will be less biased/more reliable as teacher has recommended it
• Index makes searching more efficient
• Book has limited amounts of information
• Can be slower to find relevant information than using a search engine
• Books can go out of date quickly/difficult to update a book
• Books don’t have multimedia to help explain information
• Easier to detect plagiarism
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
2015 – 2016 Questions (New Syllabus)
Describe three other features of a website that may indicate that the information
found on it is not likely to be reliable.
• If site has excessive advertising it could be unreliable
• If the advertising is related only to its own products it could be unreliable
• If the date of the last update was a long time ago it is likely to be unreliable
• If it has links to other unreliable sites it could be unreliable
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
2015 – 2016 Questions (New Syllabus)
Describe three other features of a website that may indicate that the information
found on it is not likely to be reliable.
• If site has excessive advertising it could be unreliable
• If the advertising is related only to its own products it could be unreliable
• If the date of the last update was a long time ago it is likely to be unreliable
• If it has links to other unreliable sites it could be unreliable
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
2015 – 2016 Questions (New Syllabus)
FTP is an internet protocol. Explain what is meant by FTP and how it differs from
• File Transfer Protocol/is used to transfer files from one computer to another
• HTTP is used to access the world wide web/web sites
• FTP is used to download from file servers whereas http is used to download from web
• FTP – files are transferred from one device to another and copied into memory
• HTTP transfers the contents of a web page into a browser for viewing.
• FTP upload is used in cases when the file size is very large
• HTTP upload is used for smaller files.
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
2015 – 2016 Questions (New Syllabus)
Information on the internet can sometimes be unreliable. Discuss ways you could
minimise the chance of finding unreliable information when searching the internet.
• Avoid using sites where the information from sites where advertising is related only to
its own products…
• Avoid sites where the date of the last update was a long time ago…
• Avoid using wikis/sites which the user can edit
• Avoid using blogs/sites which are clearly the owner’s point of view/social networking
• Avoid using sites which have grammatical/spelling mistakes
• Use information from sites where responsible bodies have endorsed the site/sites
which have links to other reliable sites/sites which have testimonials
• Use sites where the author’s credentials are good
• Use sites which have .ac… , .gov, .edu as the final part of the URL/only use
government/academic sites
• Ask teachers for advice on a site
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
2015 – 2016 Questions (New Syllabus)
Cc: As well as the recipient this sends a copy of the email to the email addresses
Chapter 10 - Communication
listed after cc
Bcc: bcc is the same as cc except that the recipient is unaware that copies have been
Forward: This sends a message that has been received to another email address
Group: This is a group of email addresses that are given a group name so that the
sender only needs to type in one name to send an email to several recipients at once