Landwind LWC Lis Transfer Protocol
Landwind LWC Lis Transfer Protocol
Landwind LWC Lis Transfer Protocol
2. External protocol
Message type used in this module:
ORU – Unsolicited Observation Message (Event R01) : When the external system is
sending messages, it will download the test results from the operating software
and transfer the test results with initiative.
ORM - general order message (event O01): When the external system is sending
messages, it is used for sending sample request instruction to analyzer.
System Information
Sample_Type (样本类型):
For LWC400 and new UI: SERUM( 血 清 ), PLASMA( 血 浆 ), URINE( 尿 液 ), CSF( 脑 脊 液 ) are
displayed in English.
For old UI: Sample types are displayed in the language of system.