App Asst Loco Pilot

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The key takeaways from the document are about the organization and working of Indian Railways, basics of electrical and mechanical engineering relevant to locomotives, familiarization with overhead equipment and layouts, and operating instructions and troubleshooting.

The four basic types of fires are classified as: Class A fires involving combustible materials like wood, paper, etc. where water is essential for extinction. Class B fires involving flammable liquids like petroleum. Class C fires involving energized electrical equipment. Class D fires involving combustible metals like sodium, magnesium, etc.

Indian Railways has different levels of organization - at the ministry level, railway board level, zonal level and divisional level. The zonal and divisional levels were described in the document.

Course Material for

App. Asst. Loco Pilot


Electric Traction Training Centre

South Central Railway
App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Sl. Description
Page No.
1 Indian Railways (3 days) 2-10
General Information 3-4
Fire fighting 5-7
First aid 7-10
2 Basics of Elec. And Mech. Engg. (3 days) 11-25
Electrical symbols, electricity, voltage, intensity, resistance, Ohms Law 11-14
Simple Electrical circuits, short circuit 14-16
Electrical Connections 16
Conductors and Insulators, Capacitors, Protective devices 16-18
Battery, ammeters, voltmeters 18-20
DC Motors, AC Motors, Generator / Alternator 20-22
Rectifier, Inverter 22-23
Precautions to be taken with various voltages of Electricity 23-24
Basic Diesel Engine 24-25
3 Familiarization with OHE and Lay outs and working of various
types of loco / sub-system / sub assemblies including SIV, 26-262
Microprocessor and 3- Locomotives
Abbreviations of Loco equipment 26-32
Technical data of various locos 33-34
Locations of equipment (base WAG-5) 35-41
Cut out cocks and Drain cocks in Loco 42-44
Switches, interlocks, MP, Pantograph, Batteries & charger, contactors 45-69
and relays
Study of various OHE components 70-74
Power Circuits feeding power, auxiliary power & control, traction 75-144
power & various control circuits in traction power sub systems
Study of Static Inverter based loco 145-160
Study of Microprocessor based loco 161-175
Study of 3- loco 176-261
Various schedule inspection of loco 262
4 Familiarization with relevant aspects of coaches and wagon for
tackling problems on run
Locomotive Bogies 263-266
Pneumatic system, air & vacuum brake systems 267-297
5 Locomotive operating instructions and trouble shooting 298-333
Duties of ALP as per ACTM, TMs 298-300
Head light, 300-303
Horns not sounding, neutral section duties, negotiating gradient, ACP, 304-306
Fire Extinguishers, safety rules in 25 KV traction, emergency telephone
Loco grounding, use of flasher light, safety equipment 307-308
Various loco checking procedures, stabling of loco in yard, reading of 309-320
loco logbook and making entries
Working the train from rear cab, crew friendly cab locations, MU, 320-333
Precaution to avoid wheel skidding, Auto flasher light, Pneumatic panels
6 Crew Lobby and control office training 334-336

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Indian Railways General Information

At Railway Ministry level and Board level

At Railway Board Level

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At Zonal Level

General Manager

General Manager



At Divisional Level






Running Staff

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Fire fighting
Classification of Fires

For all practical purposes the basic types of fires can be grouped into following four classes:
Class A Fires:
Fires involving combustible materials of organic nature, such as wood, paper, rubber and
many plastics, etc., where the cooling effect of water is essential for extinction of fires.

Class B Fires:
Fires involving flammable liquids. Petroleum products, or the like, where a blanketing effect
is essential.

Class C Fires:
Fires involving flammable gases under pressure including liquefied gases, where it is
necessary to inhibit the burning gas at fast rate with an inert gas, powder or vaporizing liquid
for extinguishments.

Class D Fires:
Fires involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, aluminum, zinc, sodium,
potassium, when the burning metals are reactive to water containing agents, and in certain
cases carbon dioxide, halogenated hydrocarbons and ordinary dry powders. These fires require
special media and techniques to extinguish.

Fire Extinguishers:
The types of extinguishers mentioned below against each class of fire are generally
most suited.
a) Class A Fires - Water expelling type extinguishers.
b) Class B Fires - Foam, dry powder, vaporizing liquid, carbon dioxide extinguishers.
c) Class C Fires - Dry powder and carbon dioxide extinguishers.
d) Class D Fire - Extinguishers designed for expelling special dry chemical powder.

Fire fighting
Fire on a running train is more catastrophic than on a stationary one, since fanning by
winds helps spread the fire to other coaches. Moreover, passengers sometime jump out of a
running train on fire resulting in increased casualties.
In case of fire in running train, every railway staff available on the train or at the site
shall immediately try and stop the train and plunge into action to save lives and property.
Following sources are main causes of fire in trains:
1) Carrying stoves, sigris, gas cylinders, kerosene oil, petrol, fire works etc. in
passenger compartments.
2) Making fire/using fire near paper, wood, petrol or such other inflammable articles.
3) Lighted match sticks, cigarette ends carelessly thrown.
4) Short circuit in electrical wirings.
5) Using naked light during authority taken delivery to the Loco Pilot, shunting of
inflammable loads, sealing of inflammable wagons.
6) Use of open fire, smoking near gas/petrol tank.
All railway staff and passengers should take all possible precautions to avoid
any of the above mistakes so that possibility of fire breaking out can be minimized.

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Action to be taken in case of Fire in Train:

1) First and foremost immediately summon the fire brigade.
2) Secondly, if you smell gas or vapour, or even in case of excessive smoke, hold a
wet cloth loosely over your nose & mouth and breathe through it in as normal a
manner as possible.
In case of fire in a passenger train:
1) In case of, fire pull the Alarm Chain and stop the train immediately.
2) Try and put out the fire before it becomes a big blaze by using either water or
blankets etc.
3) More people expire due to suffocation from smoke rather than due to actual
4) Advice passengers to take a cloth, wet it in their drinking water, and cover their
5) Instruct passengers to go to the other end of the coach which is away from the fire
and if possible cross over to the next coach through the vestibule.
6) Insist that passengers should save themselves first and not to bother about their
luggage which can be retrieved later on.
7) Make sure that no passenger lies down on the floor.
8) After train has stopped, passengers should come down from the coach immediately.
9) Building up confidence of injured passengers by suitable advice is of great
10) Dont panic.
11) Ascertain the type of fire viz. dry, all gaseous, electric and use the right type of
12) Isolate the burning vehicle from other vehicle by uncoupling.
13) Train to be protected by Loco Pilot and guard at both ends according to the
provision of G&SR 6.03.
14) Report it to the nearest station/control/fire station.
In the event of fire on an Electric engine/EMU
1) Loco Pilot shall immediately switch off the circuit (open VCB) and lower the
pantograph. The train shall then be brought to a stop at once.
2) After disconnecting the electric supply to affected circuits, Loco Pilot shall take
necessary action to put out the fire.
3) If fire cannot be extinguished by the above means Loco Pilot shall advice TPC
through emergency telephone to arrange for OHE of the affected section to be
switched off.
4) The Guard and any other staff available shall render all possible assistance to the
Loco Pilot in putting out the fire.
5) Ordinary fire extinguishers or water from a hose pipe shall on no account be used to
extinguish fire on live wire or electrical equipment.
6) If services of fire brigade are required, fire brigade shall not be allowed to
commence operation until all electrical equipments in the vicinity of the fire have
been made dead.

In the event of a fire on a Diesel Engine/DMU stock:

1) The Loco Pilot/Motorman shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and shut
down the engine. The train shall be brought to stop at once.
2) The guard shall give all possible assistance to the Loco Pilot in putting out the fire.

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3) Fire extinguishers of approved type shall be provided on each diesel locomotive and
motor coach of DMU when these are turned out from the home shed. The SSE/CWS
in charge of the shed shall inspect the fire extinguishers and ensure that these are in
good working condition, and not overdue.

When a person is on fire:

1) Approach him holding the nearest available wrap in front of you.
2) Wrap it round him.
3) Lay him flat and smother the flames.
4) He may roll on the floor, smothering the flames.
5) On no account should he rush out in the open air.
6) Call for assistance.

Dry chemical powder type fire extinguisher (DCP):

These types are suitable for tackling petroleum, gas, electrical fire and controlling fires
of textile fibers. Sodium based chemical powder is used on a fire which undergo
chemical reaction.

How to Use:
1) Carry to the place of fire and keep it up right.
2) Remove the safety clip.
3) Strike the knob located in the cap.
4) Sealing disk of the cartridge gets broken and allows carbon dioxide gas to escape to
the main shall and powder is pushed out.
5) Direct the steam of the powder at the base of the flame.
6) For effective result stand at about 1.5 to 2.5 m. near the seat of the fire.
7) Move forward with moving the nozzle rapidly from side to side in sweeping motion.
8) When using on outdoor fires operate from the up wind side for effective spray.

First aid
What is First Aid?
First Aid is the immediate treatment given to the victim of an accident or sudden illness,
before medical help is obtained.

Aims of First Aid:

The main aims of First Aid are:
To preserve life,
To promote recovery,
To prevent the worsening of the victim's condition.

Principles of First Aid:

The First step that a rescuer should take is to examine the victim to know the details of
injuries and their nature. This constitutes the Diagnosis section of First Aid. The next step is to
actually perform the First-Aid measure or man oeuvre that is deemed appropriate. This
constitutes the Treatment section of First Aid. The third step is to arrange for the casualty to be
seen by a qualified doctor or have him shifted to a nearby hospital. This step is in the First Aid
providers jargon known rather disparagingly as Disposal.

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Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation:
Assess the responsiveness of the patient by gently shaking the victim and shouting "Are
you OK"? This precaution will prevent us from injuring during resuscitation someone
who is not truly unconscious.
Ask someone nearby to call for Medical Help.
Move the victim away from any dangerous location, that is, locations close to harmful
gases, fire, etc. Place the victim face up on a firm surface, such as the floor or the
Open the Airway. One very important step in the resuscitation process is to immediately
open the airway. Quite often the tongue may block the passage of air into the air
passages. To open the airway, one hand must be placed on the victim's forehead and
firm, backward pressure with the palm is applied to tilt the head back. If there is a
suspicion of neck injury, the head should not be moved unless it is absolutely necessary
to open the airway. Place the fingers of the other hand just under the chin and lift to
bring the chin forward. If there is material like vomits or any foreign body that appears
to block the air passages it must be removed.
Ascertain whether the patient is breathing: With the airway open, look at the chest for
signs of breathing. Put your ear next to the nose and mouth and listen for breathing.
Feel for the flow of air. If there is no breathing, begin artificial respiration.
Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation: Place one hand on the victim's forehead to pinch the
victim's nose closed. Ensure that your breathing is regular. Take a deep breath and place
your mouth tightly over the victim's mouth. If you wish you may place a thin
handkerchief between your mouth and the victim's mouth. However, do not use a very
thick cloth, as it may be difficult to blow through it. Blow until the victim's chest rises.
Listen for air being passively exhaled. Repeat with breaths at the rate of 12 times per
minute. Children should receive smaller breaths repeated at the rate of 20 times per

Dealing with Bleeding:

Bleeding is one of the commonest causes of death in accidents. It is caused by the
rupture of blood vessels due to the severity of the injury. There are two types of bleeding:
external bleeding which is obvious and apparent and internal bleeding where the bleeding is not
apparent at the outset but may manifest itself later in the form of bleeding from the nose, ear,
lungs or stomach.

Signs and Symptoms of Bleeding:

The patient may feel faint and even collapse.
The skin becomes cold and clammy.
The pulse becomes rapid and weak.
Breathing becomes shallow and the patient may gasp for air and sigh deeply.
Profuse sweating may occur.
Thirst may be prominent.
Identifying the source of bleeding:
Bleeding may occur from the arteries, veins or capillaries or from combinations of the
three. It can be identified by the following characteristics:

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Bleeding from the arteries is bright red and comes out in jets or spurts, which
correspond to the beating of the heart. This kind of bleeding is very dangerous and may
cause death quickly.
Bleeding from the veins is dark in colour and often flows out in a continuous stream.
Bleeding from capillaries is steady, slow ooze. In an acute situation, especially if on the
surface of the body, it is less worrying than an arterial or veinous bleeding.

How to manage External Bleeding?

Bring the sides of the wound together and press firmly.
Place the patient in a comfortable position and raise the injured part (if no bone fracture
is suspected).
If you know the pressure points at the appropriate locations then press on them firmly
for 10-15 minutes.
Apply a clean pad larger than the wound and press it firmly with the palm until the
bleeding lessens and finally stops.
If the bleeding continues, do not remove the original dressing but add more pads.
Finally bandage firmly but not too tightly.
Treat for shock.
Shift the patient to a hospital as soon as possible.

How to manage Internal Bleeding?

1. Lay the patient down with the head low. Raise his legs using pillows.
2. Keep the patient calm and relaxed with reassurance. Do not allow the patient to move.
3. Maintain the body heat with blankets, rugs or coats.
4. Do not give anything to eat.
5. Do not apply hot water bottles or ice bags to the chest or abdomen. This may make
things worse.
6. Arrange for the patient to be shifted to the hospital at the earliest.

How does one identify if a patient is in shock and how should it be managed?
Shock and its Management:
Shock is a condition of collapse, which should be treated as top priority, second only to
attending to obstructed breathing, stoppage of the heart or severe bleeding.

Conditions in which shock is seen

Severe Bleeding: Shock is most often caused due to loss of blood. It may either develop
at once or may be delayed. The blood loss could be either seen externally or could be
internal within a particular organ or system. The greater the loss of blood, the greater
the risk of developing shock. It is important to remember that the slow, steady loss of
blood can produce shock.
Heart Attacks: Obstructed blood supply to the heart and failure of the function of the
heart can produce shock.
Severe burns: Extensive areas of the burnt skin surface can produce shock.
Severe Bacterial Infections: Discharge of toxins produced by the bacteria into the blood
stream can produce shock.
Abdominal Emergencies: A burst appendix, perforated intestine or stomach, intestinal
obstruction, pancreatitis etc, can produce shock.
Excessive Loss of Body Fluids: Diarrhea, vomiting etc. can produce shock.

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Crush Injuries: Injuries following explosions, building collapses etc., can produce
Recognizing Shock:
The patient may feel giddy or faint.
The skin feels cold and clammy.
The face and lips look pale.
The pulse may be rapid and weak.
The patient may complain of blurring of vision.
The patient may vomit.
In the later stages of shock the patient becomes unconscious.
Managing Shock:
Reassure the patient if the patient is conscious.
Place the patient comfortably on his back. Except in cases of injury to the head, chest or
abdomen, lower the head slightly and turn to one side. In case of vomiting, place in
three-quarter back up position.
Loosen tight clothing but do not remove clothing.
Wrap in light bed sheet or a thin rug.
Never use hot water bottles or very warm rugs. Do not rub any part of the body with
Do not administer anything by mouth especially in cases of injuries to the chest or
abdomen, as an operation may be required soon.
If the patient is conscious and there is no injury to the chest or abdomen, give a little
water, hot coffee or tea. Never give any alcoholic drinks.
Transport the patient quickly to the hospital.
Remember that in shock a delay of even a few minutes may mean death. So attend to the
patient as quickly as possible.

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Basics Of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

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Electricity is a form of energy produced by the flow of electrons in a closed circuit

when generator or battery maintains the potential difference.
It is not visible to us, but its effects are felt and realized.

Voltage: The pressure produced by generator for flow of electrons is known as 'voltage' (or)
the potential difference between two points is called 'voltage'. It is measured in volts by
voltmeter and indicated by the letter 'V'. The voltmeter should be connected to the generator in

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Intensity (Current): The flow of electrons in a closed circuit is known as "current". The rate
of flow of current per second in a closed circuit is called "intensity". It is measured by
ammeter, which is connected in series to the circuit. Intensity represented by the letter I ".
Resistance: The opposition offered by a material to the flow of current is called "Resistance".
It varies from metal to metal according to the cross sectional area, length of the conductor and
temperature. Resistance is measured in "Ohms" by Ohmmeter (or) Megger, which should be
connected across the receiver. It is represented by a letter "R".
Ohm's Law: Ohm's law states that in a closed electrical circuit, intensity is directly
proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance provided the
temperature remains constant.
V = I X R ; I = V/R ; R = V/I
V = Voltage
I = Intensity.
R = Resistance.
Factors Affecting Ohm's Law:
If resistance decreases, current increases.
If resistance increases, current decreases.
If length of the conductor increases, the resistance increases.
If cross sectional area of the conductor increases, the resistance reduces.

Basic Electrical Circuits

An electrical circuit is a continuous path from source of energy (generator) to the
receiver and back to the same source. It consists generator, fuse, switch, voltmeter, ammeter,
receiver and its terminals etc.,

Generator: It produces electrical

Fuse: It is a protective device to
the circuit.
Switch : It is a device for opening
and closing the circuit.
Voltmeter: Voltmeter indicates
the amount of electrical pressure
produced by the generator. It is to
be connected across the terminals
of the generator.
mmeter: Ammeter is used to
measure the flow of current and
gives the reading when the circuit
is closed. It is to be connected to
the circuit in series.
Receiver: It receives the current and produces the useful work.
Conductor: It is a metallic path from the generator to receiver and back to the same source
Electrical Circuits can be divided into four types:
Open Circuits,

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Closed Circuit,
Short Circuit,
Earth (or) Leakage Circuit.
Open Circuit: If anyone of the supply wires is disconnected or the fuse is melted or the switch
is opened, current will not flow through the receiver. This type of circuit is called "Open
Closed Circuit: The complete path for flow of electrical current from the source through the
receiver and back to the source is called "Closed Circuit".
Short Circuit: Any Electrical Circuit will have two different levels known as Positive and
Negative levels. From the positive terminal of the generator to the positive terminal of the
receiver is known as "Positive Level" and from negative terminal of the receiver to the negative
terminal of the generator is called "Negative Level". An accidental contact between these two
different levels of circuit is called Short Circuit.
Earth (or) Leakage Circuit:
If any wire of the supply touches the body of an appliance, then it is called "Earth Circuit (or)
Leakage Circuit."

0 to 250 V - Low Tension (L.T)

250 V to 650 V - Medium Tension (M.T)
650 V and above - High Tension (H.T)
Reasons for Short Circuit:
a. Old or damaged insulation.
b. Loose and hanging wires.
c. Contact due to leftover tools.
d. Contact of outside wires.
e. Contact of wires due to water leakage.
f. Placing un-insulated wires very closely without giving safety gap.
g. Due to wrong connections.
h. Constant rubbing of two cables (or) naked conductors touching to the loco body.
Bad Effects of Short Circuits:
a. The receivers are by passed.
b. The intensity in the circuit increases suddenly.
c. Sudden increasing of intensity produces abnormal heat in the Circuit.
d. Due to high temperature the insulations are damaged.
e. Due to high temperature electrical fire can be caused.
f. The life of the generator and receiver are reduced.
g. The increasing of intensity will cause further short circuits and resulting more damages of
the equipments.
Preventive measures to be taken to avoid short circuits:
1. Conductors are to be covered with insulating material such as rubber, cotton and silk
according to the value of current passing in the conductor.
2. Un-insulated wires are to be kept with sufficient gap according to the voltage value.
3. The terminals are to be provided with lugs and fix them firmly.
4. High tension cables are to be insulated.
5. Heating elements are to be secured properly at safest distance.

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6. Every circuit should be fixed with fixed value of intensity.

7. To avoid wrong connections, each terminal of the wire to be numbered.
8. Fuses and miniature circuit breakers are to be provided in the low tension circuits.
9. High Voltage circuit breakers (or) minimum oil circuit breakers are to be provided as
protective devices against over current in high tension circuits.

Electrical Connections:
Electrical Connections can be made in many ways and they are mainly classified as
Series Connection: In this circuit the receivers are connected one after another in the form of a
chain and in turn finally connected to positive and negative terminals of the generator.
Qualities of this connection:
1. The voltage is divided according to the resistance value of each receiver.
2. Intensity remains constant in circuit.
3. Total resistance is equal to - the sum of resistances of all receivers.
i.e., R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ------------
4. A cut in the circuit causes "Total Failure" of circuit.
Parallel Connection: In this circuit the receivers are connected directly to the positive and
negative terminals of the generator.
Qualities of this connection:
1. The voltage remains constant in all receivers.
2. The intensity is divided among the receivers, according to their resistance value.
3. The total resistance of the circuit is calculated by the formula.
i.e., 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + - - - - - -
4. A cut in the branch causes failure of that particular branch only.
Series - Parallel Connection: In this connection the receivers are connected in the form of
series and also in parallel in one circuit. This type of circuit will have behavior of both series
and parallel connections.

Conductors and Insulators

In a conductor, electric current can flow freely, in an insulator it cannot. Metals such as
copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having
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extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them. "Conductor" implies that the
outer electrons of the atoms are loosely bound and free to move through the material. Most
atoms hold on to their electrons tightly and are insulators. In copper, the valence electrons are
essentially free and strongly repel each other.

A device used to store charge in an electrical circuit. A capacitor functions much like a battery,
but charges and discharges much more efficiently (batteries, though, can store much more
A basic capacitor is made up of two conductors separated by an insulator, or dielectric. The
dielectric can be made of paper, plastic, mica, ceramic, glass, a vacuum or nearly any other
nonconductive material. Some capacitors are called electrolytics, meaning that their dielectric
is made up of a thin layer of oxide formed on a aluminum or tantalum foil conductor.

Protective Devices:
It is a device to protect the electrical circuits in the event of any short circuit, over
current, earth fault etc.,
Fuse: Fuse is a device connected in series to the circuit to protect the circuit from damage in
the event of over current.
Limiting tension Battery (LTBA): It is a device to protect the low tension circuit and the
batteries in the event of any accidental contact between high tension or medium tension with
the low tension circuits.

In this device two terminals are placed with a gap of 3mm, one terminal is connected to
the positive level of the battery and the other terminal is grounded through loco body.
Whenever there is an accidental contact between high tension or medium tension with low
tension circuits, intensity increases suddenly. At this time an arc will be formed in the gap of
limiting tension battery (LTBA) terminals, in turn CCBA fuse melts and protects the low
tension circuit.
If the accidental contact remains permanent, the terminals of LTBA get welded together
and causes permanent short circuit in the low tension circuit. This condition leads repeated
melting of fuse CCBA.
The high tension circuit is also earthed and trips main circuit breaker (DJ).
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB): This is a safety device provided in electrical circuits for
the protection of the circuit equipments whenever current exceeds beyond the rated value of
that electrical circuit, the miniature circuit breaker will trip off, so that damages are avoided.
The miniature circuit breaker has three positions.
ON (top)
OFF (bottom)
TRIP (middle).
In case of this circuit breaker trips off, keep in "ON" position.

Minimum Oil Circuit Breakers: This type of circuit breakers are used to open the high
tension circuit. Whenever, there is over current in high tension circuit, this circuit breaker will
trip. These are provided in sub stations and they kept immersed in oil.

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High Voltage Circuit Breakers: This type of circuit breakers are provided in AC Loco for
breaking the high voltage circuit by opening automatically when there is over current or any
abnormality in the circuit.
There are two types of high voltage circuit breakers used in the AC Loco.
1. Air Blast Circuit Breaker.
2. Vacuum Circuit Breaker.


Battery is the source of electrical energy where the chemical energy is converted into
electrical energy due to chemical reaction. It is a combination of two or more cells connected
in series or in parallel or in both series - parallel according to the necessity. The cells are of two
types namely primary cell and secondary cell.
Primary Cell: It is a cell capable of producing 2.2 V max. as a single unit and the electrical
energy is stored in the form of chemical energy. In this type of cell, once the electrical energy
is used, the chemicals will loose their properties and cannot be used further. The primary cell is
capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy and it is not capable of converting
electrical energy into chemical energy through charging. That means once this type of cell is
discharged, it's life will be over. This type of cells are normally used in laboratories.
Secondary Cell: The secondary cell also works as same principle of primary cell and produces
maximum voltage of 22V. The main difference is chemical reaction is in two ways in the
secondary cell. First the electrical energy is converted into chemical energy while charging and
the electrical energy is stored in the form of chemical energy. While discharging the chemical
energy is converted into electrical energy. The life is more and it is about 4 to 5 years. In order
to maintain the cell in good condition the cell should be in the process of charging and
discharging. Due to this process distilled water in the electrolyte evaporates from the cells,
hence the cells require filling up with distilled water.
In our A C Loco lead acid cell batteries are used. The following are the main parts of
the secondary cell.
Container: It is vessel made up of hard rubber in which the electrolyte is filled and electrodes
are placed.
Electrode: The electrodes are of two types. They are
(a) Anode or positive rod is made up with lead oxide (PbO2).
(b) Cathode or negative rod is made up with pure lead (PB).
These two rods are placed in the container without touching each other and their contact is
made through electrolyte.
Electrolyte: It is a combination of distilled water and sulphuric acid (H 2SO4) in the ratio of
8: 1 (approx.). It is called dilute H2SO4. It is filled in the container up to the active plate level
and the electrodes are placed in the electrolyte when the cell is fully charged the density of
liquid will be 1.25.
Terminals: These are the top ends of the anode and the cathode to which the circuit wires are
connected. Anode end is positive and the cathode end is negative.
Connecting Wire: This is the conductor connected to the positive and negative terminals of
the cell through the receiver to complete the circuit. When the two electrodes i.e., anode and
cathode are immersed in dilute H2SO4 (electrolyte) the oxide and lead present in the anode,
hydrogen and sulphur present in the electrolyte will undergo chemical reaction. Due to this

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electrons present in the anode are displaced. When a wire is connected between the two
terminals of anode and cathode to a receiver, the current starts flowing in the circuit. The
potential difference is maintained between anode and cathode due to chemical action. The
current flows from anode to cathode outside the cell and flows from cathode to anode inside the
The maximum voltage that a cell can produce is 2.2 V. The cell should not be used if
its voltage is dropped below 1.8 V, because if the voltage drops below 1.8 V the cell cannot be
Charging is the process adopted to recap the chemical properties of the cell which are
lost due to discharging. The positive terminal is connected to the positive level of the generator
and the negative terminal of the battery is connected to the negative terminal of the generator.
Usage of Battery on AC Loco: There are 10 batteries in the loco. In each battery 5 cells (each
of 2.2 V) are connected in series. Battery boxes are provided on both sides of the loco frame. 5
batteries are provided in each side between two trucks in two battery boxes. Total voltage of
the batteries is 110 V and having amperage of 60 to 70. The battery voltage is used on the loco
for the following purposes.

For working of baby compressor (MCPA) to build up pneumatic Pressure.

For raising of pantograph.
For closing of DJ (de jointer).
For maintaining all control circuits when battery charger fails.
The Loco pilot should check the battery voltage before energising the loco while taking
over charge. For this purpose voltmeter (UBA) is provided which will indicate battery tension
when the switch ZUBA is in ON and HBA is in 1 position. UBA should indicate more than
90 V and the Loco pilot should also check the charging rate of the batteries by the battery
charger, when the loco is energised. For this purpose an ammeter is provided on the battery
charger which should normally indicate 2 to 3 amps and in no case it should indicate more than
7 amps.
Crew should observe smoke or smell from the battery, any leakage of electrolyte due to
crack of the container and also condition of the battery boxes. All these things should be
checked by the Loco pilot and the Asst. Loco pilot at the regular intervals.
Checking methods of the battery:
There should not be any leakage of electrolyte from the battery.
The connecting wires of the batteries should not be slack and to be secured properly.
Battery boxes, covers should be secured properly.
Battery charging rate and battery voltage should be noted at every neutral section or at
certain intervals.
Ensure the terminals of the battery i.e., they should be free from any foreign body in
order to avoid short circuit.

Ammeters / Voltmeters:
Instrument for measuring either direct or alternating electric current, in amperes.
An ammeter can measure a wide range of current values because at high values
only a small portion of the current is directed through the meter mechanism; a
shunt in parallel with the meter carries the major portion.

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A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the electrical potential difference

between two points in an electric circuit. Analog voltmeters move a pointer across
a scale in proportion to the voltage of the circuit; digital voltmeters give a
numerical display of voltage by use of an analog to digital converter.

DC. Motors:
The DC. Motor is a machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
fed by DC. This motor will works on the principle of attraction and repulsion. When the
inductors and armature are energised the magnetic line of forces are created between armature
and inductors. Due to mutual action of poles the armature starts rotating. Since the polarities
of the armature is changing at regular intervals through the commutator, the armature comes in
front of the inductor there by the armature rotates continuously. The rotation of armature is
transmitted through the shaft to the machine which is attached to it.
Advantages of DC. Series Motors:
Its starting torque is more.
Reversal of direction of armature rotation is easy.
Variable voltage can be applied and also variable speeds are possible.
Due to these reasons these type of motors are used in our AC locomotives.
Reversing the Direction of the Motor:
The reverse direction of motor is achieved by changing the direction of flow of current
either in inductors or in the armature.
In our AC Loco the direction of flow of current is changed in the inductors through the
"Reverser". For this purpose in our loco the Reversers will be operated with remote control
operations through MPJ .It is having three positions. They are F, O and R.
For reversing the direction, first loco should be stopped. Then only MPJ should be
operated. If sudden changing of rotation of armature to opposite direction, it results slipped
pinion or damage to the machine parts.

DC Generators:
Generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Generator works on the principle of field and displacement. When a conductor is moved in a
magnetic field, an EMF (Electro Motive Force) is induced in the conductor coils. When the
terminals of the coils are connected to the external circuit, the current starts flowing in the
Working Principle of DC Generator:
When the switch is closed, the flow of DC Current will pass into the inductors and both
inductors will become electro magnets, there by magnetic field is created. By rotating the
armature within the magnetic field, the magnetic lines of forces are cut by moving armature.
By this action, the field and displacement is occurred, hence an EMF is induced in armature
coil. The armature coils are connected by the commutator segments, and this commutator
collects the current from the armature and sends to external circuit through "carbon" brushes in
the form of DC. The output of generator depends upon the flow of current through the
inductors and also speeds of the armature.

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Single phase AC Motor :

The stator coils are connected in series and ended with two terminals. When these type
of stator coils are used for motor, the motor is known as "Single phase (1) AC Motor When
rotors are short circuited, it can be fed by induction it is known as "Single Phase AC Induction
Principal parts of an AC Induction motor:
1. Stator coils
2. Rotor coils
3. Auxiliary Stator coils
4. Contactor
5. Resistance
6. Main shaft
7. Switch
Works on the principle of magnetic impulsion: In this type of motor, the stator coil is fed by
single phase AC supply and rotor coils are fed by induction. When the stator is fed by AC
current a rotating magnetic field changes its direction at regular intervals. Due to this rotating
magnetic field, the emf is induced in the rotor coils. The terminals of the rotor coils are short
circuited there by the induced current close the circuit.
Since the flow of current in the stator coils changes it's direction in every alternation
and produces the rotating magnetic field which is equal in strength with opposite direction.
This can be done by the magnetic impulsion or mechanical impulsion. The strengthening is
done by mounting another set of stator coil which initially arranged, so that the diphase current
strength in the rotor field to become more powerful to overcome opposite direction and causes
the rotor to move. When the rotor gets sufficient speed, it suppresses the starting phase
ARNO: In our AC Loco ARNO is single phase induction Motor while starting and after picks
up rated speed, it works as three phase alternator. Single phase motor requires starting phase.
To give starting phase, current is sent through the Resistance (R 118) there by the rotor starts
rotating. When the rotor gets sufficient speed relay QCVAR is energized, in turn the indication
lamp LSCHBA will be extinguished on the Loco pilot's desk, so that Loco pilot can release
BLRDJ switch. After picking up rated speed, ARNO will work as three phase alternator.
The purpose of ARNO in our AC Locomotive is to convert single phase AC into three
phase AC supply and it feeds all the three phase auxiliary motors.

1. MPH : Transformer oil pump motor.

2. MVRH : Transformer oil cooling blower motor.
3. MVSI1 : Silicon rectifier blower motor No.1.
4. MVSI2 : Silicon rectifier blower motor No.2.
5. MVSL1 : Smoothening reactor blower No.1.
6. MVSL2 : Smoothening reactor blower motor No.2.
7. MCP1 : Main compressor motor No.1.
8. MCP2 : Main compressor motor No.2.
9. MCP3 : Main compressor motor No.3.
10. MPV1 : Vacuum exhauster motor No.1.

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11. MPV2 : Vacuum exhauster motor No.2.

12. MVMT1: Traction motors 1, 2 & 3 blower motor No.1.
13. MVMT2: Traction motors 4, 5 & 6 blower motor No.2.

Three phase AC Motor:

Three sets of stator coils are provided with six terminal connections. Three terminals of
one end are connected to 3-phase alternator; the other three terminals are short circuited with
the motor with the help of star connection. The rotor coils are energised by the induced current
from the rotating magnetic field of stator coils. Since rotor coils are short circuited the induced
current flows in the rotor coils and produces polarity according to the direction of induced
current flow because of 1200 phase difference. Two phases join together at a particular level
and produce stronger magnetic field in one side than the other side. There by rotor is forced to
rotate towards the direction of the stronger magnetic field so the motor starts automatically.
Hence 3 induction motor is a self starting motor.
Starting the 3-Phase (3) Induction Motor:
To start the 3-phase induction motor all the 3-phases of supply should be connected
simultaneously. For this purpose Tri-polar contactors are provided which will close
simultaneously by closing a single switch. The motor should not be kept in working order, if
any one of the 3-phase of supply is not available.
Advantages Of 3 Phase Induction Motor:
1. This is a self starting motor.
2. Its cost is low and maintenance is easy when compared to single phase motor.
3. Its efficiency is high.
4. These motors will occupy less space.

An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to alternating
current electrical energy. Most alternators use a rotating magnetic field but linear alternators
are occasionally used. In principle, any AC electrical generator can be called an alternator, but
usually the word refers to small rotating machines driven by automotive and other internal
combustion engines. Alternators in power stations driven by steam turbines are called turbo-

Converter / Rectifier and Inverter:

A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current
(DC), a process known as rectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of
power supplies and as detectors of radio signals. Rectifiers may be made of solid state diodes,
vacuum tube diodes, mercury arc valves, and other components. A device which performs the
opposite function (converting DC to AC) is known as an inverter.
When only one diode is used to rectify AC (by blocking the negative or positive portion
of the waveform), the difference between the term diode and the term rectifier is merely one of
usage, i.e., the term rectifier describes a diode that is being used to convert AC to DC. Almost
all rectifiers comprise a number of diodes in a specific arrangement for more efficiently
converting AC to DC than is possible with only one diode.

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A full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant
polarity (positive or negative) at its output. Full-wave rectification converts both polarities of
the input waveform to DC (direct current), and is more efficient. However, in a circuit with a
non-center tapped transformer, four diodes are required instead of the one needed for half-wave
rectification. Four rectifiers arranged this way are called a diode bridge or bridge rectifier:

An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current
(DC) to alternating current (AC); the resulting AC can be at any
required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriate
transformers, switching, and control circuits.
Static inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide
range of applications, from small switching power supplies in
computers, to large electric utility high-voltage direct current
applications that transport bulk power. Inverters are commonly used
to supply AC power from DC sources such as solar panels or
The electrical inverter is a high-power electronic oscillator. It
is so named because early mechanical AC to DC converter was made
to work in reverse, and thus was "inverted", to convert DC to AC.
The inverter performs the opposite function of a rectifier.
Inverters are manufactured with diodes, GTOs, IGBTs etc.,
You should make sure that electrical equipment used for a work is safe. Here is a list of actions
that should be taken to ensure this is so:
1. Perform a risk assessment to identify the hazards, the risks arising from those hazards,
and the control measures you should use.
2. Check that the electrical equipment is suitable for the work and way in which it is going
to be used.
3. Check that the electrical equipment is in good condition. The priced HSE booklet
Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment will help you do this.

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4. Check that the equipment is suitable for the electrical supply with which it is going to
be used, and the electrical supply is safe.
5. It is often beneficial to use a Residual Current Device (RCD) between the electrical
supply and the equipment.
6. Make sure that the user of the equipment is trained to use it safely and can keep others
7. Make sure the user knows which personal protective equipment to wear, how to use it,
and make sure they do.

Diesel Engine:
An engine is a generator that produces mechanical force and motion from another form
of energy (eg. a fuel source, compressed gas (eg. air) or electricity). It is also referred to as a
prime mover.
Two types of engines:
1. Internal combustion,
2. External combustion.
An internal-combustion engine that uses the heat of highly compressed air to ignite a
spray of fuel introduced after the start of the compression stroke.

Every engine today runs on FOUR STROKES or FOUR CYCLES- both these terms
mean the same. Here is how the four stroke diesel engine operates.

The four strokes are: INTAKE-COMPRESSION-POWER-EXHAUST. The pistons,

valves and injectors work together in each cylinder in a set sequence over and over.


Intake valves in the cylinder head open allowing pressurized air to enter each cylinder
while the piston is travelling downward.{the pressurized air supply is made possible by the
TURBOCHARGER which pushes air into the intake system giving the diesel engine a boost of
air to keep up with instantaneous injection of fuel}.

When the piston starts to make it's way back upward the valves close which traps the
intake air in the cylinder which allows compression to take place, the HEAT OF
COMPRESSION is reached when the piston reaches the top of the cylinder, the diesel fuel is
then injected into the cylinder at the precise time.

After injection takes place an explosion occurs in the cylinder because of the combination of
heat and atomized diesel fuel. This causes the piston to be forced downward which produces
torque and the horsepower required from a typical diesel engine.

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After the power stroke the piston moves upward once again while the exhaust valves open
allowing the previously ignited gases to escape to the atmosphere out the exhaust system.
As mentioned before each cylinder goes through this exact sequence over and over in a set
firing order. For instance, a 6 cylinder diesel engine has a firing order 1- 5- 3- 6- 2- 4 This is the
order that each cylinder goes by, following the 4 strokes mentioned above. This sequence has been
engineered to allow the diesel engine to run smoothly with no imbalance.

Diesel engine parts:

The core of the engine is the cylinder, with the piston moving up and down inside the
cylinder. In a multi-cylinder engine, the cylinders usually are arranged in one of three ways:
inline, V or flat (also known as horizontally opposed or boxer),
Valves :
The intake and exhaust valves open at the proper time to let in air and fuel and to let out
exhaust. Note that both valves are closed during compression and combustion so that the
combustion chamber is sealed.
A piston is a cylindrical piece of metal that moves up and down inside the cylinder.
Piston rings:
Piston rings provide a sliding seal between the outer edge of the piston and the inner edge of the
cylinder. The rings serve two purposes:
They prevent the fuel/air mixture and exhaust in the combustion chamber from leaking into
the sump during compression and combustion.
They keep oil in the sump from leaking into the combustion area, where it would be burned
and lost.

Connecting rod:
The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. It can rotate at both ends so that
its angle can change as the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates.
Crankshaft :
The crankshaft turns the piston's up and down motion into circular motion just like a
crank on a jack-in-the-box does.
Sump :

The sump surrounds the crankshaft. It contains some amount of oil, which collects in
the bottom of the sump (the oil pan).
Connecting rod:
The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. It can rotate at both ends so
that its angle can change as the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates.
Crankshaft :
The crank shaft turns the piston's up and down motion into circular motion just like a
crank on a jack-in-the-box does.

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Abbreviations Of Locations



General List Of Abbreviations For Locomotive



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& A5-A6

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Technical Data At A Glance Of Goods And Coaching Locos

Goods Conventional Goods 3 Phase Coaching Conventional Coaching 3 Phase
S.No Technical Data
1 Type of traction 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC 25 KV AC
2 Gauge (mm) 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676 1676
3 Wheel dia (new) mm 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092 1092
Length over
4 19974 20394 20562 20562 18974 18974 18162 20562
5 Max. width (mm) 3055 3055 3100 3100 3000 3179 3090 3100
6 Height (panto down) 4162 4162 4255 4255 4235 4232.5 4235 4255
7 Axle Load (T) 19.8 20.5 20.5 22.5 18.05 18.8 13 20.5
8 Total weight (T) 118.8 123 123 135 108.3 112.8 78 123
9 Axle arrangement Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Co-Co Bo-Bo Co-Co
Nose Nose Nose Nose Nose Nose Nose Nose
10 T M suspension
suspension suspension suspension suspension suspension suspension suspension suspension
Dynamic Dynamic Regenerative Regenerative Dynamic Dynamic Regenerative Regenerative
Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic
11 Brakes
No No Parking Parking No No Parking Parking
No No Anti spin Anti spin No No Anti spin Anti spin
Tractive Effort 458 KN (46.7 520 KN 258 KN 322.6 KN
12 33.5 T 42/44 T 22.4 T 30.8 T
(Max.) T) (53 T) (26.3 T) (32.8 T)
260 KN (26.5 325 KN (33.1 160 KN (16.3 180 KN (18.5
13 Braking effort 17.33 T 17.33 T 17.33 T 17.33 T
T) T) T) T)
Max. Speed (in
14 80/100 100 100 100 140 130 160 160
15 Horse Power (hp) 3850 5000 6120 6120 3800 5000 5440 6120
Voltage control Tap Tap Tap
arrangement Changer Changer Changer
17 Transformer Rating 3900 5400 6500 6500 3900 5400 7500 6500
18 TM Voltage (Volts) 750 750 2180 2180 750 750 2180 2180

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19 TM Output 585 KW 630 KW 1156 hp 1157 hp 585 KW 630 KW 1563 hp 1156 hp

20 Gear Ratio 1: 4.1 1:3.6 1:5.1 1:5.1 1:2.8 1:2.5 1:3.6 1:3.6
21 Type of Service Freight Freight Freight Freight Pass Pass Pass Pass
415 V / 415 V / 415 V / 415 V / 415 V / 415 V / 415 V / 415 V /
Power supply to
22 ARNO/ 50 ARNO/ 50 Converter / 0 Converter / 0 ARNO/ 50 ARNO/ 50 Converter / 0 Converter / 0
Hz Hz to 59 Hz to 59 Hz Hz Hz to 59 Hz to 59 Hz
Power Supply to TM
23 750 750 2180 2180 750 750 2180 2180
No. of Power
24 2 RSI 2 RSI 2 SR 2 SR 2 RSI 2 RSI 2 SR 2 SR
6 No. TAO / 6 Nos. 6 Nos. 6 6 Nos. 6 6 Nos. 4 Nos. 6 6 Nos. 6
6 Nos. TAO
Hitachi Hitachi 840 FRA6068 FRA6068 Hitachi 840 FXA7059 FRA6068
770 hp
25 Traction motors 770/840 hp hp 1156 hp 1157 hp hp 1563 hp 1156 hp
3inductio 3inductio 3inductio 3inductio
DC Series DC Series DC Series DC Series
n motors n motors n motors n motors
On Wheel On Wheel On Wheel 1, On Wheel
26 Parking Brakes NO NO NO NO
2,6,7,11 2,6,7,11 4, 5, 8 2,6,7,11
Loco Brakes On Wheel On Wheel On Wheel On Wheel On Wheel On Wheel On Disc On Wheel
(Kg/cm2) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.0 3.5
28 Hotel Load NO NO NO NO NO NO Available NO
29 Hauling in 1 in 200 3810 T 4738 T 5060 T 5500 T
30 Hauling in 1 in 150 3200 T 3977 T 4250 T 4700 T
WAG-9H: The task involved was to increase the starting tractive effort from 460 KN to 520 KN. This was achieved by increasing the adhesive weight of
the locomotive from 123 T to 135 T

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Cab1 - Loco Pilots Desk:
A9 - Automatic vacuum brake or Air brake valve with feed valve
SA9 - Independent air brake with feed valve
MP - Master Controller
MPJ - Reverses operating key
MPS - Shunting contactors operating handle
ZPT - Key for operating pantograph
BL - Box lever key
BL switches- (8 on top row & 8 on bottom row)
Pilot lamps - (10 lamps)
ZQWC- Weight compensation relay switch
BPP - Push button switch for progression
BPR - Push button switch for regression
BPT - Push button switch for testing
SON - Buzzer for over voltage
Horns (LT & HT)

Cut Out Cocks:

A9 inlet Cut Out COC
A9 outlet COC
SA9 inlet COC
SA9 outlet COC
Horn (HT) COC
Horn (LT) COC
Wipers COC
A8 COC (Lead / Trail))
PSA - Pedal switch for operating sander valve
PVEF - Pedal switch for nullifying loco brakes along with train brake
FLCU - Flasher light unit
Speedometer (recorder and/or indicator)

Brake cylinder pressure gauge (Max of 3.5 Kg/cm2)
Brake pipe pressure gauge (Max of 5 Kg/cm2)
Feed Pipe pressure gauge (Max of 6 Kg/cm2)
Main reservoir pressure gauge (Max of 9.5 Kg/cm2)
Vacuum gauge
Air flow indicator

U1 - Voltmeter for TM1
U2 - Voltmeter for TM2
A3 - Ammeter for TM3
UA1 - Line voltmeter/Auxiliary
RS-1 - Handle for operating brake by Assistant Loco Pilot

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Cab1 Left Side Locker:

Limiting valve set at 1.8 Kg/cm2
Electrical VEF and Mechanical VEF
HS4 Pressure gauge with feed valve (Set to 1.4 to 1.7 Kg/cm2)
MU2B valve (Lead / Trail)
F1 selector valve

Cab1 Centre Locker:

VESA1 & VESA2 with COCs - Electro valves for sanders with COCs
VEPT1 - Electro valve for pantograph1
TV -Throttle valve
ZCPA -Switch for auxiliary compressor
MCPA-Motor for auxiliary compressor
CPA DC-CPA's drain COC
SS1 - Safety valve 1(Set to 8 Kg/cm2)
RS with gauge - Reservoir Secondary with pressure gauge
RS DC-RS drain COC
RGCP and its COC - Regulating governor for compressor and its COC.

Cab1 Right Side Locker:

Normally this side locker is empty, but the following safety items will be provided in this
Loco Pilots Tool Box
Portable Telephone Box
Spare vacuum and air hose pipes (BP / FP)
Fire extinguishers (4 numbers)
Transition screw coupling
Ratchet type hand brake
Safety clamp, Wooden wedges (4 numbers)

Motor Chest No.1:

Brake equipment
VA1B valve
Vacuum relief valves (2Nos)
A1 differential valve
IP electrical valve with COC

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VEUL 1, 2 & 3 with COCs
Capacitors bank for MCP 1, 2&3
Vacuum train pipe COC (VTP COC)
GD 8OD filter
Distributor Valve (DV or C3W) with passenger/ freight service COC
Quick release valve (QRV)
VEAD with COC.

HT1 Compartment:
BA1 panel
J1 for 1, 2, 3 Traction motors
SJ 1&2 (Inductive shunt)
9 shunting contactors with their resistances
RF resistances
MVRF (DC Series motor)

HT2 Compartment:
Tap changer (GR)
CGR1, CGR 2 & CGR 3
Roof bushing bar/ HT cable with TFILM
TFP oil conservator with gauge
COWL box with RPS resistances
DJ assembly
RDJ reservoir
RCC panel
A33 terminal
A34 terminal
a0, a1
a3, a4, a5 & a6 terminals
Two GR safety valves on GR drum
TFP explosion door on TFP oil conservator

HT3 Compartment
BA-2 Panel
J2 for 4,5,6 Traction Motors

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Q20, RQ20
QE, QF1, QF2
RU1, RU2, QD2
BA-3 panel
L1 to L6
9 shunting contactors with their resistances
SJ3, SJ4, SJ5 & SJ6
RSI-1 &RSI-2
RCC panel

Motor Chest No.2:

C118 and R118

Cab2 Back Side Panel (TK-2):

Resistances for relays
VS diodes
QTD105, QTD106
VESA3, VESA4 with COCs
VEPT2 with COC
Throttle valve and SPM equipment.

Cab2 Loco Pilots Desk:

All the items are same as in cab 1, except the following changes Meters
A4 - Ammeter for TM4
U5 - Voltmeter for TM5
U6 - Voltmeter for TM6
UA2 - Line voltmeter/Auxiliary

Cab2 Right Side Locker (Relay Panel Or TR):

QV60, BP1DJ, QV61, BP2DJ, QV62
QV63, QV64, Q51
Q45 Q46 QRS
Q49 Q50 Q52
Q100 Q120/121 QWC

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Q48 Q44 Q118

Cab2 Centre Locker (Contactor Panel Or TK1):

C103 C102
C101 C105
C121 C106
C111 C107

Cab2 Left Side Locker (Switch Panel or TB):

Spare fuses rack (35amps-2, 16amps-2, 10amps 2, 6amps-4nos)

Corridor No.2 :
Transformer oil gauge
RDJ drain COC
SMGR pressure gauge
SMGR shaft with digital indicator, pacco switch
Corridor No.1:
HVSI1, HVSI2 on RSI blocks.
RSI1, RSI2 with 32 tell tail fuses.

Loco Right Side towards Cab2 End:

1. Feed valve 6 Kg/cm2 for Feed Pipe with COC

2. Duplex valve for MR equalizing pipe
3. SL1
4. NRV (Non Return Valve), MR3 with drain COC, BA box No.1, Addl. CCBA.
5. NRV, MR4 with drain COC, BA box No.2
6. Centrifugal dirt collector (CDC) with drain COC
7. MR4 COC
8. C2B relay valve, for loco brakes
9. Brake cylinder COC
10. Air flow measuring valve
11. Sander control valve with COC for wheel no 5 & 6
12. Centrifugal Dirt Accumulator drain COC above wheel No.4 (CDA)
13. R1 COC

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Loco Left Side from Cab1 End:

1. Three unloader valves above wheel No.5
2. Three safety valves after un loader valves (Set at 11.5 Kg/cm2)
3. EP board drain COC
4. Centrifugal dirt collector with drain COC
5. C2A relay valve for Brake Pipe
6. Control reservoir drain COC
7. DJ oil separator drain COC
8. MR1, with drain COC
9. Auto drain valve (ADV) with COC
10. Panto pipe line drain COC
11. MR2 with drain COC
12. Air intake COC with Non Return Valve (NRV)
13. SL2
14. Brake cylinder COC

Loco Front Side Cab1 End:

1. MU Electrical jumper cables (3 cables with 3 sockets in either side of cab1front
side), MR equalising pipe and Brake Cylinder equalising pipes with angular
2. Feed Pipe with Angular COC
3. Brake pipe Angular COC
4. Vacuum hose pipe with dummy
5. Marker lights (White and Red )
6. Cattle guard (4 inches away from rail)
7. Rail guard, attached to cattle guard (6 inches away from rail)
8. Two side Buffers
9. Center Buffer with Transition Screw Coupling
10. Head light
11. Flasher light

Loco Front Side Cab2 End:

1. MU Electrical jumper cables (3 cables with 3 sockets in either side of cab1front
side), MR equalizing pipe and Brake Cylinder equalizing pipes with angular
2. Feed Pipe with Angular COC
3. Brake pipe Angular COC
4. Vacuum hose pipe with dummy
5. Marker lights (White and Red )
6. Cattle guard (4 inches away from rail)
7. Rail guard, attached to cattle guard (6 inches away from rail)
8. Two side Buffers
9. Center Buffer with Transition Screw Coupling
10. Head light
11. Flasher light

Locomotive Frame:
1. Two Trucks
2. Main transformer oil tank between two trucks
3. SL Assembly

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4. Rheostat Braking exhauster
5. Four Battery boxes (Two on each side)
6. Four Main Reservoirs (Two on each side)
7. One Control Reservoir(CR)
8. Sixteen sand boxes (Eight on each side)

On Truck:
1. Tri-mount casting with center pivot and two side bearers
2. Equalizing beams (long and short with friction rollers)
3. Helical springs (2 sets of primary and secondary with snubbers)
4. Tie rod and tie bolts (Safety Brackets)
5. Spring carrier brackets
6. Brake rigging (clasp type)
7. Air brake cylinders (4 per truck)
8. Air bellows (3 each truck)
9. Sixteen sand pipes

Under Gearing From Cab1 Side:

1. Cattle guard, Front truck, Traction motors, brake rigging, oil points, gear cases,
Suspension Bearings, wick pads, Suspension Bearing oil sumps lower and upper
(lower is provided with gear driven pump), earthing bush one per axle, Resilient
block Traction motor inspection cover one per each TM.
2. Three after coolers (at the back of the truck) with three NRVs.
3. Control Reservoir
4. MVRF on top of After Coolers
5. C2B relay valve for loco brake (towards corridor No.2)
6. C2A relay valve for Brake Pipe
7. Limiting valve 8 Kg/cm2, for control reservoir (on modification, it is removed)
8. Air Flow Measuring Valve(AMFV)
9. Transformer oil tank with drain plug and seal
10. SL1 and SL2
11. Vacuum Reservoir

Loco Roof:
1. MVRF exhaust, HOM horns
2. Pantographs 1 & 2,
3. Roof Bars,
4. Earthing Bushes,
5. Insulators,
6. ET1 and ET2 (surg arrestors),
7. DJ primary and secondary.

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Cut out Cocks in Loco (WAG-5):

Cab-1 front end
1. BP angle cut-off cock
2. FP angle cut-off cock
3. MR equalizing cut-off cock
4. BC equalizing cut-off cock

Behind cattle guard No.1:

Additional BP angle cut-off cock
(In WAP-4 Locos in side cab-1 by the side of RS with seal)

Loco Left side:

1. ADV-1 cut-out cock
2. ADV-2 cut-out cock
3. Air Drier cut-out-cocks (two green and one red)
(In WAP-4 locos near wheel No.8 on loco right side)
4. Truck-2 bogie isolation cut-out cock
5. SS-2 cut out cock (in some locos)

Cab-2 front end:

1. BP angle cut-off cock
2. FP angle cut-off cock
3. MR equalizing cut-off cock
4. BC equalizing cut-off cock

Behind cattle guard No.2:

1. Additional BP angle cut-off cock
(In WAP-4 Locos in side cab-2 by the side of RS with seal)

Loco Right side:

1. FP feed valve cut-out cock
2. MR-4 cut out cock (In WAP-4 it is called as MR-5 and located in Loco left
3. Truck-1 bogie isolation cut-out cock
4. R-1 cut out cock (In WAG-7 locos near control reservoir, in WAM-4 and
WAP-4 locos in Cab-1 center locker)
5. Air in take cut out cock

1. A-9 inlet and out let cut out cock
2. SA-9 inlet and out let cut out cock
3. Horn HT and Horn LT cut out cock
4. Wiper cut out cock
5. A-8 cut out cock (In WAP-4 without pneumatic panel, it is provided in Cab-2)

Cab-1 Center Locker:

1. RAL cock

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2. VESA-1 and VESA-2 cut out cocks (in WAP-4 locos only one VESA-1 cut
out cock in Cab-1 back panel)
3. SS-1 cut out cock (in some locos)
4. RGCP cut out cock

Cab-1 left side locker:

1. HB-5 cut out cock

Cab-1 back panel:

1. PT-1 cut out cock
2. RGEB-2 cut out cock

Motor Chest-1:
1. Un-loader valve 1, 2 and 3 cut out cocks (In WAP-4 only two un-loader
2. VEAD cut out cock
3. C3W isolation cock
4. IP mechanical cut out cock
5. IP electrical cut out cock
6. A-1 differential valve cut out cock
7. Vacuum train pipe cut out cock

HT-1 compartment:
1. EP-1 cut out cock

HT-2 compartment:
1. QPH cut out cock (in some locos)

HT-3 compartment:
1. EP-2 cut out cock
EP-3 cut out cock (WAG-7 and RB provided WAP-4 locos)

Motor chest-2:
1. C-118 cut out cock (in case of EP contactor)

Cab-2 back panel:

1. PT-2 cut out cock
2. VESA-3 and VESA-4 cut out cocks (in WAP-4 locos only one VESA-2 cut
out cock)

1. A-9 inlet and out let cut out cock
2. SA-9 inlet and out let cut out cock
3. Horn HT and Horn LT cut out cock
4. Wiper cut out cock

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Note: In modified WAP-4 and WAG-7 (after 27200) pneumatic panels are provided. This
pneumatic panel is provided in Motor chest-1 for WAP-4 and in Motor Chest-2
for WAG-7. The following cuts out cocks are provided in pneumatic panel:
RGEB-2 cut out cock
IP electrical and mechanical cut out cocks
A-8 cut out cock
C3W isolation cock
FP feed valve cut out cock

Drain cocks in Loco (WAG-5):

Loco Left side:
Accessories drain cock
CDC-1 drain cock
DJ oil separator drain cock
MR-1 drain cock (In WAP-4 locos on loco right side)
PT pipe line drain cock
MR-2 drain cock (In WAP-4 locos on loco right side)
After cooler drain cock

Loco Right side:

MR-3 drain cock (In WAP-4 locos behind cattle guard 2)
MR-4 drain cock (In WAP-4 locos MR-4 and MR-5 drain cocks on loco left side)
CDC-2 drain cock
Control Reservoir drain cock
EP board drain cock
GR board drain cock
CDA drain cock ( in WAG-7 near control reservoir)

Cab-1 center locker:

RS drain cock
CPA drain cock

Corridor No.2:

RDJ drain cock

Note: 1. In modified locos, before RDJ one strainer with drain cock is provided.
2. Before SMGR pressure regulating valve, one strainer with drain cock is

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Switch is a device, used for closing or opening LT circuit.
The different types of switches provided on the Loco are
a) Knife switch
b) Box Lever switch
c) Rotating switch
d) Push button switch
e) Pedal switch
f) Link switch
KNIFE SWITCH: Knife switch will have two positions ON and OFF. In ON position
it will close the circuit and in OFF position it will open circuit. In our loco, HOBA
(located in Switch panel), HQOP1, and HQOP2 (located in HT3 compartment) are Knife
BOX-LEVER SWITCH: It will have two positions CLOSE and OPEN, and operated
manually by a lever.
BOX-LEVER SWITCH (SPRING LOADED): This switch will have two positions CLOSE and
OPEN. It is a spring loaded switch. Normal position of the switch is OPEN and keeps the
circuit, open. On closing the switch, circuit will be closed. On releasing the hand, it will
come to its normal position.
Eg. : - BLRDJ
ROTATING SWITCH: It has different positions. Each position of the switch closes
individual circuit or circuits. We can operate different circuits by one single switch by
rotating it to different positions. Hence this is also called as programming switch.
with 4 positions 0,1,2,3.
In O Position, Motor and Relay both are isolated.
In 1 Position, Motor and Relay both are in service.
In 2 Position, Relay will be in service, and Motor will be isolated.
In 3 Position, Motor will be in service but Relay will be isolated.
Eg. : - ZPV, HMCS1, HMCS2, with 1,2,3,4, position
ZPV in 1 position, PV2 will be in service.
ZPV in 2 position, PV1 will be in service.
ZPV in 3 position, PV1 will be isolated, PV2 in service.
ZPV in 4 position, PV2 will be isolated, PV1 in service.
HMCS1 in 1 Position, Traction motors 1, 2, 3 will be in service.
HMCS1 in 2 Position, Traction motor 1 will be isolated.
HMCS1 in 3 Position, Traction motor 2 will be isolated.
HMCS1 in 4 Position, Traction motor 3 will be isolated.
HMCS2 in 1 Position, Traction motors 4, 5, 6 will be in service.
HMCS2 in 2 Position, Traction motor 4 will be isolated.
HMCS2 in 3 Position, Traction motor 5 will be isolated.

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HMCS2 in 4 Position, Traction motor 6 will be isolated.
Eg. : HCP is having 8 positions. They are 0-, 1, 2, 3, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/2/3.
HCP in 0 position, MCP1, MCP2, MCP3 will be isolated.
HCP in 1 position, MCP1 will be in service.
HCP in 2 position, MCP2 will be in service.
HCP in 3 position, MCP3 will be in service.
HCP in 1/2 position, MCP1 & MCP2 will be in service.
HCP in 2/3 position, MCP2 & MCP3 will be in service.
HCP in 1/3 position, MCP1 & MCP3 will be in service.
HCP in 1/2/3 position, MCP1, MCP2 & MCP3 will be in service.
LINK SWITCH: To put a circuit in working order, the link switch is provided in the circuit
either side. The link will be fixed in the circuit. The link should be disconnected manually
when there is no power in the circuit.
These switches are to be isolated manually, only after taking the precautions.
These type of switches are provided on the roof of the Loco, to isolate the
Pantograph. They are HPT1 and HPT2.
PUSH BUTTON SWITCH: It is a spring loaded switch and used momentarily either to close
a circuit or to opens a circuit. There are two types of push button switches.
1. Normally Opened
2. Normally Closed
1. Normally Opened: On closing this switch, it closes the circuit and maintains the
circuit in closed condition. When the switch is released the switch will return to normal
position under the spring tension and the circuit is opened.
Eg. : BP2 DJ provided in the relay panel for closing DJ.
BPP Push Button for Progression of GR notches.
BPR Push Button for Regression of GR notches.
BPT Push Button for test LSRSI, LSP.
2. Normally Closed: This switch also looks as in same way as above said switch. But
normal position of this switch will keep the circuit close. When the switch is pressed, it
will open the circuit.
Eg. : BP1DJ provided in Relay Panel (for opening DJ)
PEDAL SWITCH: These types of switches are operated by foot by the virtue of their
location. Hence they are called as Pedal Switch.
Eg. : PVEF for isolating Loco Brakes, while applying formation brake.
PSA for operating sander valve, to effect sand under the wheels on rails.
CAM CONTACT: It is a device, which opens or closes the HT circuit by the help of a cam.
Number of cams will be provided on a single shaft and different circuits can be operated
according to requirement.
DRUM CONTACT: It also serves the purpose of opening or closing the HT circuit. But it is
operated by means of a drum hence it is called as drum contact. The drum is attached to a
handle and the handle will be operated by an electro valve.

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Interlocking means achieving of different operations one after the other in an
automatic successive manner as desired. This is done with the help of different interlocks.
The electrical interlocking is necessary to ensure correct sequence of operation and
automatic energisation of circuit in a proper manner.
Types of Interlocks: There are two types of interlocks used in electrical circuits.
1. Normally closed interlocks.
2. Normally opened interlocks.

1. Normally closed interlocks: These interlocks by the virtue of its normal position,
keeps the circuit in closed position. Such an interlock is called normally closed
interlock. When concerned apparatus comes in to the service, this interlock will open
the concerned circuit. They are shown on the left hand side in case of vertical line and
on the upper side in case of horizontal line of the circuit diagram.


2. Normally opened interlocks: These interlocks by the virtue of its normal position,
keeps the circuit in open position. Such an interlock is called normally open interlock.
They are shown on the right hand side in case of vertical line and on the lower side in
case of horizontal line of the circuit diagram. When concerned apparatus comes in to
the service, this interlock will close the concerned circuit.


Cascade Operation: Mounting of interlocks on different circuits will result in automatic

successive closing or opening of different circuits in a proper sequence. When the
contactor is closed, its normally open interlock will close on the other branch,
automatically. And its normally closed interlocks which opens the other circuit. This
operation of different circuits by handling one switch is called Cascade Operation.
Advantages of Interlocking and Cascade operation:
a. Number of switches can be reduced to a great extent.
b. Time can be minimized to operate different circuits.
c. Space can be minimized on loco, since switches are reduced.
d. Sequence of operations will be maintained automatically.
e. Automatic closing and opening is possible.
f. The burden on the operator is reduced.
Chronometric interlock:
It is an interlock, which closes or opens the control circuits with some delay after
opening of the contactor for which it is attached.
In WAG 5 loco, contactor C-118 is provided with Chronometric interlock. Its
interlock is provided on the control circuit of remote control blower motors, compressors
and exhausters. This interlock is attached to the contactor C-118. It is a contactor for
giving starting phase to ARNO, when the contactor C118 is closed, the chronometric
interlock opens the auxiliaries control circuits. When the contactor C118 is opened, its

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Chronometric interlock will close after 5 seconds on the auxiliaries control circuit. Due to
this arrangement, while closing DJ, though the control switch BLCP, BLPV, BLVMT are
in closed condition, concerned contactors will not close. Hence the ARNO is protected
from overload.

Master Controller (MP):

MP is master controller. It is located on the Loco Pilots desk in both cabs. It is a
Cam operated switch, where a number of cams are mounted on a shaft. On the top end of
the shaft, the wheel if fitted, which is called as MP. By rotating the MP, the shaft rotates
and cam rotates, causing closing and opening of switch contacts.
Thus the MP operates control circuits of Tap Changer (GR) both for Traction as
well as Braking operations. MPs operation in clockwise direction is Traction side and anti
clockwise direction is Braking side. On both sides it will have stable and unstable
On Traction Side :
O Stable position
- Un-stable position
N Stable position
+ Un-stable position
On Braking Side :
P Stable position
- Un-stable position
N Stable position
+ Un-stable position
1. In O position, Traction Power Circuit is set to motoring side, that means CTFs
will be in Traction side (Up direction) and Contactor C-145 remains opened.
2. In P positions, Traction Power circuit is set for Braking by CTFs setting towards
Braking side (Down direction) and C-145 Contactor closes.
3. When MP is moved to 0 position on traction side, the line Contactors will open.
4. When MP is moved to N position, line contactors will close.
5. When MP is moved to + position on either side, one notch Progression takes
6. When MP is moved to -position on either side, one notch Regression take place.
7. When GR on notches, if MP is moved to O, quick Regression takes place
(continuous Regression to O).
8. When GR on notches if MP is moved to P, quick regression takes place to O
9. If MP is moved from P to O, traction power circuit will set towards motoring
side (Up direction) and Contactor C-145 opens
10. During braking, if MP is moved form N to O, quick regression of GR takes

It is a collapsible framework mounted on loco roof. Pantograph is mounted on
four base insulators. This frame is made of several metallic tubes and springs. Ball
bearings are provided for easy movement of articulations and at each joint, flexible shunts
are provided to give continuous flow of current. On the top frame of the pantograph, panto
pan is provided to collect the current from OHE. Panto pan is made up of high carbon
strips, which can be replaced when worn out. Normally the panto is in lowered position by

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the tension of lowering springs provided inside the servomotor. When compressed air is
admitted inside the servomotor, piston is operated and compresses the lowering spring.
The piston rod is attached to the rocker arm and releases actuating rod, thereby the
cam is released and operates the lower articulation drum. When the lower articulation
drum is operated, the lower articulation is raised upwards by the action of rising springs.
The upper articulation, which is connected to the lower articulation at free end, will also
rise by the action of thrust rod. Thereby the upper articulation will rise. The tension of
lower spring is more than the raising spring. So it is necessary to admit the compressed
air inside the servomotor continuously. For lowering the panto, it is enough to exhaust
the compressed air from the servomotor; thereby with the action of lowering spring panto
lowers, which in turn operates the lower articulation rod against the tension of rising
spring, due to this action the lower articulation is pulled down and upper articulation is
also pulled down simultaneously by the action of thrust rod. The admission and
exhausting of compressed air in the servomotor is controlled by electro valves (VEPT1 &
VEPT2), which are remotely controlled by ZPT from Loco Pilots desk. Each loco
consists of two pantoes. These are electrically connected by means of HPT1, HPT2 and
Roof bars. The OHE supply collected by panto is taken to the main transformer through
roof bars, DJ and roof-bushing bar. For isolating the panto PT1 & PT2 cot out COCs are
provided. PT1 cot out COC is provided in Cab1 center locker and PT2 cot out COC is
provided in Cab2 back panel.
The pantograph selector switch (ZPT) has the following positions.

POSITION 0: Both pantos are lowered since two solenoid valves of VEPT-1 and
VEPT-2 are switched off.
POSITION 1: Rear pantograph raises through the energisation of rear VEPT
POSITION 2: Front/ leading pantograph raises through the energisation of
leading VEPT
PRINCIPLE: Basically, compressed air raises the pantograph and lowering springs of
servomotor lower the pantograph. The sole function of air is to cancel the lowering effort
of the springs (servomotor) and it has no direct effect on the pantograph. When the
pantograph is working and the air pressure is maintained in the servomotor, the piston is
kept forward and the articulated system is entirely free to keep panto in raised position
only. Therefore, it absorbs freely all the oscillations of the contact wire. The equipment
lowers by itself when pressure drops below 3 to 3.5 kg/cm. All parts of panto are alive and
used as conductors. The current collection is made on the frame with shunts fitted at all
moving points.
Minimum air pressure to raise panto : 4.5 Kg/cm2
Nominal pressure : 7 Kg/cm2
Raising time : 6 - 10 sec
Lowering time : 10 sec or below
Rated current : 400 Amps
Principle Parts of the Panto:
1. Base Insulator and Frame: The frame is made of light metal and mounted on
four insulators on the loco roof. The panto frame also mounted on the loco roof.
2. Raising springs: Two springs are provided for raising the panto. One end is
connected to the bottom frame and the other end is connected to the horizontal
frame. When panto is in lowered condition, the springs will remain in expanded

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condition, and when the panto is raised the springs will be in compressed
3. Horizontal Spindle: It is solid metallic spindle capable of turning the ball
bearing. The cam is provided at the end of the spindle which connecting
neutralizing rod.

14 17

15 10

13 4
12 2

19 18 5
7 6
17 16 9 8 3
1) Servo motor 2) Rocker arm 3) Actuating rod 4) Actuating rod insulator
5) Cam 6) Panto base frame 7) Resting pad 8) Panto base insulator
9) Lower articulation drum 10) Raising spring 11) Thrust rod 12) Lower articulation tube
13) Ball bearing 14) Flexible shunt 15) Anti balancing rod 16) Transverse rod
17) Shock absorber 18) High carbon strips 19) Panto pan 20) Horn cheek
21) Upper articulation

4. Lower Articulation Rod: It is a metallic tube connected with horizontal spindle

and the other end is connected with the upper articulation through ball bearings.
5. Upper Articulation Rod: This assembly is made with two steel tubes on either
side of the balancing rods. The upper articulation rod is connected to panto pan
and bearing.
6. Thrust Rod: It is a metallic tube connected to the bottom frame and the other end
is connected to the bearing. It is provided to operate the upper articulation during
the lowering and raising the panto.
7. Anti Balancing Rod: It is the rod provided between the bearing and transverse
rod. The purpose of it is to keep the panto pan in horizontal position at all times.
8. Transverse Rod: It is fitted across the upper articulation on top and rotates on
sleeves provided upper articulation. The purpose of this rod is to give the support
to the panto pan.
9. Panto Pan: It is provided on the upper articulation, made out of the light alloy.
Two wearing strips are provided on top surface, which keeps contact with contact
wire. The panto pan is lubricated with graphite grease which acts as lubrication
between wearing strips and contact wire.
10. Actuating Rod: This rod is connected to the panto servomotor with the lower
articulation drum. One end of the cam of the lower articulation, which is having
elongated hole, and other end is connected with rocker arm. An insulator is

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provided to separate the servomotor and panto. The servomotor operates this
actuating rod.
11. Panto Servomotor: It consists of pneumatic control cylinder with piston and
spring inside, fitted separately on the loco roof. The piston provided in the
servomotor is connected through rocker arm. The spring, which is provided inside
the servomotor is, called lowering spring. The compressed air is admitted into
servomotor by energizing VEPT1 & VEPT2, which are remote controlled from
Loco Pilots desk by ZPT key.
12. Panto COC: These are two isolating COCs provided for stopping pneumatic
pressure to the panto. The normal position of COC is open. If any panto is
damaged or air leakage is noticed, the concerned COC can be closed and loco can
work with another panto.
13. Throttle Valve: It is a valve provided to admit or withdraw the air gradually from
the servomotor, thereby the sudden raising and sudden dropping of panto is

Precautions before raising the panto:

1. Loco should be under wired track.
2. Ensure DJ in open condition (indicated by the lamp LSDJ).
Panto can be raised in three ways:
1. With the help of MR pressure more than 6.5 Kg/cm2.
2. With the help of RS pressure more than 6.5 Kg/cm2.
3. If there is no pressure in MR & RS, build up pressure in RS above 6.5
Kg/cm2 with MCPA.

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Raising the Panto with the help of MR Pressure:
If the pressure is more than 6.5 Kg/cm2 in MR, the same pressure can be used for raising
the panto. MR pressure should be checked in Cab1 center locker RS gauge.
1. Normally R1 COC should be in open condition.
2. RAL COC should be in open condition.

3. Ensure UBA showing above 90V. HBA should be on 1 to energise the control
4. Additional CCBA, CCBA and CCPT in good condition.
5. BL key should be unlocked and ensure that red lamp LSDJ is glowing.
6. Operate ZPT from 0 to 1, rear VEPT energises and rear panto raises.
7. Check actual rising of the panto and ensure that it makes proper contact with
contact wire.
Raising the Panto with the help of RS pressure:
Panto can be raised with the help of RS pressure if it is above 6.5Kg/cm2.
When RS pressure is less than 6.5Kg/cm2
Item 1 to 5 mentioned above should be fulfilled.
1. Switch on ZCPA to create RS pressure up to 8 Kg/cm2
2. After building up 8 Kg/cm2, raise panto, close DJ and close BLCP.
Raising the Panto when there is no MR and RS Pressures:
When there is no pressure in the reservoir or insufficient pressure in MR and RS,
panto can be raised by building up the pressure in RS with the help of MCPA.
1. Before rising the panto items 1 to 5 of precautions above should be fulfilled.
2. Start MCPA by closing ZCPA from 0 to 1 position.
3. When pressure is created to 8 Kg/cm2 then stop MCPA.
4. Raise panto and close DJ then start MCP
Note: MCPA should not work for more than 10minutes in DJ open condition.
Reasons for using the rear panto:
1. It gives smooth passage for the panto.
2. It avoids the sparks coming on the Loco Pilots desk
3. In case of any damage to the panto, the damaged panto parts will be thrown-out
on the train.

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4. At the time of entering into the unwired track or any defect is noticed in OHE or
if DJ could not be opened while approaching neutral sections, there is a
possibility for the Loco Pilots to lower the panto which can avoid a failure.
Securing the Damaged Pantograph:
1. Keep ZPT on O
2. Stop the train immediately.
3. Contact TPC through emergency telephone giving the particulars.
4. TRD staff obtains power block.
5. Ground the loco and ensure that OHE is earthed through loco body.
6. Take out ladder and fix it on loco body.
7. Climb on the loco roof and attend to the defect.
8. If it is a damaged pantograph, remove the broken pieces; tie up the projecting and
hanging parts which cannot be removed, with a coir rope. Remove the HPT from
the roof insulator clip and fix in the earthing clip.
9. After completion of work, ensure that no tool is left over on the loco roof.
10. Get down from the loco roof and remove the ladder and secure it
in its place.
11. Remove the earthing poles from the contact wire first and then remove the cable
connections from the loco body.
12. Close the damaged pantograph cut out COCs.
13. Un ground the loco and energise when the power is restored.

Trouble Shooting For Pantograph Not Raising:

1. Ensure HBA is on 1 position.
2. Battery voltage is above 90V.
3. Ensure CCBA & CCPT are in good condition.
4. Ensure ZPT is in 1 or 2 position and ZPT wires are intact.
5. Ensure electrical terminals of VEPT are intact and VEPT is energised.
1. Ensure MR / RS pressure is above 6.5 Kg/cm2 and RAL COC is in open position.
2. Ensure PT 1 & PT 2 COCs are opened.
3. Tap Throttle valve.
1. No mechanical irregularities in panto mechanism.

RS Pressure is not building up:

1. Ensure MCPA is working.
2. Ensure RAL COC is open.
3. Ensure SS1 is not in stuck up position (if malfunctioning, close SS1 COC if
4. Ensure RS pressure gauge is working.
5. Ensure CPA drain COC, RS drain COC, RDJ drain COC, panto pipe line drain
COC and DJ oil separator drain COCs are in close position.
6. Check for any air leakages in pipeline leading to panto and DJ and arrest if

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7. Check CPA intake strainer for any blockage, clean if blocked.
8. Tap NRV work MCPA for 10 minutes and observe SS 1.
9. If still pressure is not creating, close RAL COC and create pressure in panto
and DJ pipelines until SS 1 blows. If pressure is created, raise panto, close DJ
and close BLCP. After creating pressure in MR then switch off MCPA. If
pressure is not creating after closing RAL COC, open RAL COC.
10. If still pressure is not created, close R1 and try. If pressure is created, raise
panto, close DJ and close BLCP. After creating pressure in MR then open R1
11. If still pressure is not creating, place ZPT in HOM and turn to 7 0 clock
position and start MCPA. If successful raise panto, close DJ, immediately start
MCP. Stop MCPA only after MR pressure is raised to 7 Kg/cm2.
If still unsuccessful contact TLC.

10 batteries are provided in the loco. They are of lead acid type. These batteries
are kept in 4 boxes, two boxes on either side attached in under frame. Batteries are to be
counted from cab 2 left side i.e., from HBA switch. Battery box No.1 and 2 will be in cab
2 left side, having two and three batteries respectively. Battery box No. 3 and 4 will be in
cab 2 right side having three and two batteries respectively. Each Battery is having 5 cells
which are connected in series to give an output of 11volts.The maximum Battery voltage
is 110 volts and minimum battery voltage to run AC loco is 90 volts.
1. To create pressure by working MCPA, to raise the pantograph and to close
the DJ initially.
2. To feed the control circuits when CHBA fails.
Protection for the batteries:
1. To protect the positive cable of the Batteries Additional CCBA fuse/MCB
is provided and located in Battery box No.1.
2. Fuse CCBA of 35amps is provided for the protection of batteries.
3. When CCBA melts after energizing the loco, no trouble will be
experienced because the Battery charger (CHBA) is feeding control
circuits. But after tripping DJ, it will cause impossibility to close DJ
4. When CCBA/ADDL.CCBA is fused, the batteries will not be charged.
5. Fuse CCLS is directly connected from the batteries through HBA to
protect the signalling lamp circuit.
6. An intentional bonding is provided in the negative level of batteries
through HOBA. When any fuse is melting repeatedly, replace the fuse by
keeping HOBA in OFF position.
7. LTBA is provided to protect the batteries from any accidental contact of
HT circuit with the LT circuit.
It is a test lamp provided to know the condition of the fuse and also to know the
negative bonding, if any in the circuit.

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Testing of negative bonding:
1. When HOBA is in ON, if a good fuse is kept in the terminals of the ECC, the
lamp LECC will glow brightly.
2. When HOBA is in OFF position, if a good fuse is kept in the terminals of the
ECC, if LECC glows dim when compared to the previous glow, there is no
negative bonding.
3. If the lamp glows with same brightness, negative bonding is existing in the

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CCA (6A)



CCLF1 (6A)
CCLF2 (6A)


CCPT (10A)
2 x 680 O

3 x 3200 O

3 x 3200 O





CCBA (35A)
102 102 CIRCUIT
1 0


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ZPT 1 ZPT 1 U 1
110V DC


V 1


D1 D1
D2 D2

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Battery Charger (CHBA):

1. It is a static device provided in the loco for charging the Batteries and also to feed
the control circuits after energizing the loco.
2. It is located in Motor Chest number 2, towards corridor number 1.
3. It receives 380 volts of AC single phase supply through U & V phases of ARNO
and steps down by a transformer to 110 volts.
4. The AC supply is taken for working of Notch repeater and after converting into DC
it will be utilized for charging the Batteries and also to keep the control circuits in
energize position.
5. An isolating switch HCHBA is provided with 0 & 1 positions. (Normal position is
1). By this isolation switch CHBA can be isolated by keeping in 0 position.
6. A charger ammeter is provided on the body of CHBA, which indicates charging
current. Normally it should be 2 to 3 amps in charging side. But it should not be
more than 7 amps.
7. Relay QV61 is provided to check the working of CHBA. It remains in energized
condition when CHBA is working normal.
8. When CHBA is failed and not working, QV61 will de-energize and closes its N/C
I/L on LSCHBA branch, so that green lamp LSCHBA will glow on the Loco Pilots
9. By keeping the switch HBA on 1 position we can check Battery voltage by
pressing the toggle switch ZUBA, it should show 90V.
10. After energizing the loco, if ZUBA is pressed, the voltage will be 5 to 10 volts more
than the Battery voltage which is CHBA voltage.
11. The charging of Batteries is done through Addl. CCBA, CCBA and HBA.
12. Batteries can not be charged if any one of Addl. CCBA or CCBA is melted or when
HBA is kept on 0 position.
13. The charger ammeter reading, if shows on charging side, indicates CHBA is
14. The charging rate of Batteries to be recorded by Asst. Loco Pilot in the loco log
book, at every neutral section.
Note: A blocking diode (VSCHBA) is provided inside the CHBA to avoid feeding back
of battery supply to QV61. When loco is in de-energized condition, if the diode is
punctured, relay QV61 will energize there by LSCHBA lamp will extinguish,
which gives wrong indication to the Loco Pilot even though CHBA is not
working. When CHBA is not working, QV61 relay will de-energize and closes its
N/C I/L on LSCHBA branch and lamp LSCHBA will glow.


1.Defect is with CHBA or QV61.
2.Keep HBA in 0 (when DJ is in close position). If DJ is tripped, conclude CHBA is
Check input & output fuses / MCBs on CHBA are intact, if tripped reset the
Check the CHBA ammeter. It should show in charging side.
Check the indication lights on CHBA for glowing.
If every thing is good, then isolate CHBA by keeping HCHBA on 0 and Work the
train further as following:
Check and ensure the battery voltage above 90 volts always.
Inform to TLC and section controller.
Work the train for 6hrs in day time and 4hrs in night time.

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Minimize the usage of battery supply by least utilization of MP/EEC, PVEF,
PSA, MPJ, MPS, cab lights / compartment lights etc.,
3.On keeping the HBA in 0 position, if DJ is not tripped, conclude QV61 is
defective. Work the train further ignoring LSCHBA and ensure the working of
CHBA frequently.
4.Make entry in loco log-book and inform to TLC.

Contactor is a device which opens or closes a high tension circuit and it is remote
controlled from Loco Pilots desk.
A Contactor is having a driving mechanism, which consists of Actuating Rod,
Armature, Return Spring, Insulation Axis and Electromagnet.
It is dangerous to operate high tension circuits manually. So, these Contactors are
operated from Loco Pilots desk, remotely.
Remote control:
It consists of low tension circuit with a switch for remote controlling of Contactor
through driving mechanism operated by an electromagnet. In case of single phase
contactor, only one set of fixed and mobile contacts are required and for a three phase
contactor, three sets of mobile contacts and fixed contacts are required.
There are four types of contactors used in AC Loco.
1. Electro Magnetic Contactor.
2. Electro Pneumatic Contactor.
3. Drum Contactor.
4. Cam Contactor.

Electro Magnetic Contactor:

A contactor which is used to open or close the HT circuit with the help of an
electro magnet is called electro magnetic contactor.
When the switch is closed, the coil gets energized by 110 volts supply from
battery and attracts armature. There by the mobile jaw lifts up and contacts the fixed jaw
by means of an axis. Hence the concerned motor gets three phase 380 volts supply from
ARNO. Flexible shunt facilitates the free movement of mobile jaw while opening and
When the switch is opened, the electro magnet de-magnetizes and releases the
armature and the axis returns to original position with the return spring tension. The HT
circuit is isolated from LT circuit by means of an insulator. The arc produced during
opening or closing of contactor is blown out on in arc-chutes by means of blow out coils.
There are two types of EM contactors:
1) Three phase EM contactor: It consists of three mobile jaws and three fixed jaws.
Eg. : 3 contactors: C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C107, C111&C121.
2) 1 contactors: C118 (Only in non-modified locos).
Contactor Purpose
C101 For MCP-1
C102 For MCP-2

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C103 For MCP-3
C105 For MVMT-1
C106 For MVMT-2
C107 For MVRH
C111 For MPV-2
C121 For MPV-1
C118 For giving starting phase to ARNO
EM Contactor:
1. Battery
2. Fuse
3. Switch
4. Electro magnet
5. Connecting wires
6. Axis
7. Armature
8. Insulator
9. Return spring
10. Actuating rod
11. Fixed Jaw
12. Arc-chute
13. Blow out coil
14. Motor
15. ARNO
16. Flexible shunt
17. Mobile Jaw
Main Parts of Contactor Assembly:
1. Battery: Contactor will work with the Battery supply of 110 volts. When the
switch is closed in the control circuit by Loco Pilot from the Loco Pilots desk, the
battery supply is fed to the coil of the contactor and the contactor will be closed.
2. Switch: It is for the opening or closing of control circuit.
3. Electro Magnet: On closing the switch, coil energizes and becomes a magnet
which attracts the armature.
4. Armature: It is fitted on the actuating rod and moves towards the electromagnet,
when the control circuit is closed.
5. Actuating Rod: One end of this rod is fitted to the axis and the other end is
connected to the mobile jaw of the Contactor. Armature also fitted on to this rod.
This actuating rod moves with the movement of the armature when the control
circuit is operated by the switch, as a result it operates the mobile jaw and it closes
the contact.
6. Return Spring: It is fitted to the armature. On account of its tension it will bring
back actuating rod when the control circuit is opened. Since the magnetic
attraction is lost, the mobile jaw will be moved away from the fixed jaw.
7. Axis: It is the point on which one end of the actuating rod is attached for rotating.
8. Insulator: It is provided on the actuating rod to prevent the contact between the
HT and LT circuits.
9. Mobile Jaw: It is provided on one side of Contactor with flexible shunt.
10. Fixed Jaw: It is the other side of the Contactor, which is fixed in the circuit for
closing and opening of HT circuit by the action of mobile jaw.

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11. Flexible Shunt: It is attached to the mobile jaw to facilitate the movement of the
mobile jaw to operate according to the actuating rod for closing and opening the
12. Blow out Coil: It will work in conjunction to blow out the arc, which develops at
the time of opening the circuit.
13. Arc-Chute: It is made by the Asbestos sheet and can with stand high temperature.
The Arc-chute encloses the fixed jaw and the mobile jaw without disturbing the
movement. It prevents the spreading of arc to near by circuits. Arc-chute
comprises of several long compartments to elongate and break the arc. The Arc-
chute should withstand not only the high temperature, but also it should be good
Probable failures in electro magnetic contactor:
LT side:
1. Cut in control circuit.
2. Less Battery voltage.
3. Defective control switch.
4. Fuse blown out.
5. Defective coil.
HT side:
1. Cut in high tension circuit
2. Defective flexible shunt
Wedging Of EM Contactor:
General Instructions:
1. Clear the block section by coasting or with lower notches or stop the train at
convenient place.
2. Build up maximum air pressure in MR & RS, if possible.
3. Trip DJ, lower pantograph, keep HBA on 0.
4. Check flexibility of contactor and ensure that the flexible shunts are intact and
fixed properly.
5. Check the surface of the fixed and mobile contacts for any pit or burnt mark or
globules or welding mark. If necessary, remove the arc chutes for checking.
6. If any abnormality mentioned above is noticed try to clean the contacts with a cloth
or smooth emery sheet.
7. Wedge the contactor with suitable wedge.
8. After wedging ensure all three contacts closed fully.
Note: Do not wedge more than two contactors at a time. Inform to TLC and enter in
loco logbook.
Precautions for Wedging:
A. While wedging C101, C102 or C103:
1. Energise the loco. Check and ensure proper working of SS2.
2. After reaching pressure to 9.5 Kg/cm2 in MR, create sufficient leakage by
opening CDC drain COC to maintain between 8 to 9.5 Kg/cm2.
B. While wedging C107, C105 or C106:
1. After wedging, keep concerned isolating switch (HVRH or HVMT1 or
HVMT2) in '3' position, to maintain path for Q118 initially.

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2. Check the working of concerned blower for every 15 minutes.
Note: If isolating switch is not placed in '3' position, operate Q118 manually
for every closing of DJ.
C. While wedging C111 or C121:
1. After wedging, place ZPV in '3' position if C111 is wedged, place ZPV in '4'
position if C121 is wedged.
2. While controlling the train, apply formation brakes from a longer distance.

Electro Pneumatic Contactor:

If opening and closing of the contactor takes place with the help of the pneumatic
pressure controlled by Electro magnetic valve, it is called as Electro Pneumatic Contactor.

The Driving Mechanism of this contactor consists of servo motor operated by

compressed air and an electro magnetic valve operated remotely from Loco Pilots desk.
When the switch is closed the electro-magnet attracts the plunger, thereby the Electro
Valve gets lifted, causing air flow to enter into servo motor from control reservoir. Air
pressure at bottom of the servomotor piston, lifts movable jaw. The mobile jaw contacts
with fixed jaw causes the closing of contactor.

When the switch is opened in LT circuit, the Electro Magnet demagnetizes and
releases the plunger causing the port to close. The air is exhausted through exhaust post.
As there is no pressure at bottom side of the servomotor, piston gets lowered because of
the return spring tension. The contactor opens by lowering the movable jaw along with
the Servo motor piston. The arc produced is blown out in the arc-chutes by blow-out coil.

Eg: 1. Line contactors L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and L6

2. Shunting contactors
3. Rheostat Brake contactor C 145
4. C 118(in modified locos)

1. Battery
2. Fuse
3. Switch
4. Connecting wires
5. Electro magnet
6. Armature
7. Control reservoir
8. Exhaust port
9. Servomotor
10. Piston
11. Axis
12. Actuating rod
13. Insulator
14. Fixed Jaw
15. Mobile Jaw
16. Flexible shunt
17. Source of supply
18. Receiver 19. Blow out coil 20.Arc chute

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Probable failures in EP contactors:
LT side:
1. Cut in control circuit.
2. Less Battery voltage.
3. Defective control switch.
4. Fuse blown out.
5. Defective coil.
HT side:
1. Cut in high tension circuit
2. Defective flexible shunt
Mechanical side:
1. Mechanical jamming of contactor.
2. Defective driving mechanism.
3. Welded/ melted/pit marks/globules on contacts.
4. Improper closing of contactor.
Pneumatic side:
1. Less/No/Heavy leakage of air pressure
Note: The minimum required pressure for closing of EP contactor is 5
All these contactors are located in HT compartment.
Rated Voltage Main Circuit : 1270 Volts of DC
Rated Voltage Control Circuit : 110 Volts of DC
Rated Current Main Circuit : 1000 Amps
Rated Air Pressure : 9 Kg/cm2.
These Contactors are used for forming the circuit of the Traction motors. Line
Contactors L1 to L6 are used to connect the motors in circuits. These Contactors are
designed to open at off load. Auxiliary interlocks are provided to the Contactors,
wherever necessary. These interlocks ensure the sequence of operations in the different
Drum Contactor:
Drum contactor is closed and opened with the rotation of a Drum. The Drum is
made up of an insulated material. The movable contact is in the form of copper segment,
which is fitted on the drum. These contactors are always operated on no-load; hence arc-
chutes are not required.
Eg: The reversers J1& J2,
CTFs 1,2,3.
From CAB 1 leading direction manual operation handles of J1 & J2 should be upward
when MPJ is moved from 0 to F position.
From CAB 2 leading direction manual operation handles of J1 & J2 should be
downward when MPJ is moved from 0 to F position.

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From CAB 1 reverse direction manual operation handles of J1 & J2 should be
downward when MPJ is moved from 0 to R position.
From CAB 2 reverse direction manual operation handles of J1 & J2 should be
upward when MPJ is moved from 0 to R position.
Note: A locking pin is provided on J1 & J2 to lock in NEUTRAL position,
whenever necessary.
The CTF 1, 2, 3 Drum Contactors are having two positions
(i) Motoring or Traction,
(ii) Braking.
When MP is on motoring side, the CTFs are thrown upwards and when MP is on
Braking side, the CTFs are thrown downwards. For ensuring the position of operation,
manual operating handle is also provided.
Cam Contactor:
Cam contactor is opened or closed by the position of cam with movable contact.
Since the cam is used as Driving Mechanism it is called as Cam Contactor. The cam
contactors can be operated by SMGR or manually with a handle.
While progression or regression of notches any of 3 CGRs should be closed to
avoid intermittent supply. So, minimum one CGR should be in closed position at any
notch. When the roller is in the cavity, the movable jaw gets lowered and CGR gets
opened. When the roller is on projected surface of the cam, the CGR gets closed as the
movable jaw lifts up. By means of an auxiliary contact [cam contact] the GR position is
indicated in Loco Pilots Desk by pilot lamps. Heavy duty arc-chutes are provided with
locking clips on either side, as heavy arcs are formed while opening the CGRs. TFPs gets
supply from TFWR through CGRs. CGR 1,2&3 are located in HT2 compartment.
Sequence of CGRs during notches:
Notch Number CGR1 CGR2 CGR3
and the above sequence is repeated.

Relay is a device, which conveys the information regarding proper working of
apparatus to the operator or may cut off the supply if any abnormality in power circuit.
Relays are of two types. They are:
I. Electrical relays,
II. Mechanical relays.
I. Electrical Relays: The relay, which gives information about any abnormality in the
concerned device in a closed circuit, is called electrical relay. It checks the intensity /
tension in the circuit.

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These are classified as;
a. Current Relays,
b. Voltage Relays,
c. Signalling Relays,
d. Control Relays,
e. Special type of relays .
a. Current Relays: These relays are connected in series to the circuit and remains in de-
energised condition, during the normal working of the circuit. In case of any
abnormality in the circuit, this relay will energise.
In Electric Traction locomotive there are two types of current relays. They are:
i. Over current relays
ii. Differential current relays
i) Over Current Relays: When the current flow is normal in the circuit, this relay
remains de-energised and keeps its normally closed interlock in closed position
along with the circuit. If the current flow is increased beyond the safe working
limit, the relay will energise and opens its N/C I/L in the control circuit, so the
receiver stops working duly tripping DJ or causes auto regression.
In our locomotive, over current relays are: QLM, QLA, QRSI 1, QRSI 2, QE, QF1
& QF2.
a. QLM: It is an over current relay provided in the feeding circuit to protect the
TFWR from the damages of over current, flowing in the circuit. It is connected to
roof bushing bar between DJ and TFWR with a current transformer TFILM (Main
Load Intensity Transformer). The physical location of this relay is in Relay Panel
(TR) on the top row.
Normally, this relay will be in de-energised condition. So, its normally closed
interlock (N/C I/L) on the MTDJ branch of DJ control circuit will be in closed
condition. In the event of over current, this relay gets energised and opens its N/C
I/L on MTDJ branch, there by opening the MTDJ coil circuit, which results in
tripping of DJ and disconnects the supply from the source and thus TFWR is
protected from the effect of over current. Whenever this relay is energised, a red
target will be shown on the face of the relay, which is visible through glass
window, there by indicating that this relay caused tripping of DJ.
Mechanical locking arrangement is provided for this relay only, to keep its
interlock in open position unless it is manually reset.
WAG7/WAP4 - 450 A.
b. QLA: It is an over current relay provided in the auxiliary power circuit. It is
connected on the V phase in series between TFWA and ARNO. This relay will
be in de-energised position normally and its N/C I/L remains closed on the MTDJ
branch of DJ control circuit for providing continuous path to MTDJ branch. This
relay is physically located in relay panel (TR) on the top row.
In the event of over current in the Auxiliary Power Circuit, this relay gets
energised and opens its N/C I/L on the branch of MTDJ resulting in tripping of
DJ, thus isolating source of supply and protecting the auxiliary power circuit from
over current. Whenever this relay is energised, a red target will be shown on the

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face of the relay, which is visible through glass window, there by indicating that
this relay caused tripping of DJ.
WAG7/WAP4 - 2000 A.
c. QRSI 1 & QRSI 2: These are over current relays, for Traction Power Circuit
number 1 and 2, respectively, to protect from over current. They are connected in
the Traction Power Circuit between the respective TFP secondary winding
RSI blocks i.e. relay QRSI 1 is connected between TFP secondary winding 1 and
RSI 1 and QRSI 2 is connected between TFP secondary winding 2 and RSI 2.
RSI 1 feeds traction motors 1, 2 & 3 and RSI 2 feeds Traction motors 4, 5
& 6. These relays are located in relay panel. The normal position of these relays
is de-energise and their N/C I/Ls on MTDJ branch of DJ control circuit will be in
closed position.
When ever over current flows through RSI block (Exceeds 3600 Amps.),
the QRSI relay energises and opens its N/C I/L on MTDJ branch of DJ control
circuit, causing tripping of DJ, thus isolating the source of supply and protecting
and circuit from over current. When any one of these relay is energised, a red
target will be shown on the face of the concerned relay, which is visible through
glass window, there by indicating that this relay caused tripping of DJ.
d. QE: It is an over current relay provided in Rheostat Braking circuit. It will
remain in de-energised condition, normally. During Rheostat Braking, when ever
the draw of current into ATFEX exceeds 900 Amps, this relay gets energised and
causes de-energising of Q 50 by which, auto regression of GR takes place. It is
located in the relay panel.
e. QF1 & QF2: These are over current relays provided in the Rheostat Braking
circuit (QF1 is connected on TM1 and QF2 is connected on TM4). Whenever the
current fed to the RFs exceeds 700 Amps (850A in roof mounted WAP4) the
concerned relay will energise and de-energises Q 50, by which, auto regression of
GR takes place. These two relays are physically located on HT3 compartment.
Differential Current Relay (QD): There are two differential current relays provided in
locos, called as QD1 and QD2. QD1 is connected in Traction Power Circuit number 1,
between TM2 and TM3. QD2 is connected in Traction Power Circuit number 2, between
TM 4 and TM 5.
The physical location of QD1 is BA1 panel of HT1 compartment and QD2 is in
BA2 panel of HT3 compartment. These relays sense the flow of current in the Traction
motors to which they are connected and if there is a difference of flow of current by more
than 160 Amps.(WAG5/WAG7) or 125 Amps (WAM4/WAP4) between the two TMs, to
which the QD is connected, the concerned relay will energise and causes 3 actions
through Q48 relay. They are
1. When QD energises its N/O I/L closes on Q48 relay branch. So, relay Q48 will
energise, there by its N/O I/L will close on Q51 branch. Now, relay Q51 (Auto
Regression relay) will energise, which will cause auto regression of GR.
2. Another N/O I/L will close on relay Q48 branch. So, Q48 will energise and its
N/O I/L will close on VESA coil branch, causes auto Sanding.

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3. Because of Q48 is energised, its another N/O I/L will close on signalling lamp
LSP branch. So, LSP lamp will glow on the Loco Pilots desk for giving
Note: When QD is de-energised, (130 Amps in WAG5/WAG7, 80 Amps in
WAM4/WAP4) Auto Regression will be stopped and LSP extinguishes, but
auto sanding will not be stopped as Q 48 is having time delay of 5 Seconds.
b. Voltage Relays: This relay checks the tension of the source of all the receivers in the
circuit to ensure proper working of equipment. These voltage relays are of 3 types.
They are
i. Over voltage relay,
ii. No or Low voltage relay,
iii. Earth fault relay.
i) Over Voltage Relay (Q20): It is an over voltage relay, which protects the Traction
motors from over voltage. It is connected across RSI 1 block between positive and
negative terminals. When applied voltage to the Traction motors exceeds 865volts.,
this relay gets energised and closes its N/O I/L on auto regression relay Q51 branch
and there by relay Q51 energises, in turn its normally open interlock (Q51 N/O I/L)
closes on regression coil VE2 branch and causes auto regression of GR.
As the GR notches are reduced the voltage also will be reduced. When the
voltage is reduced below 740volts, this relay will de-energise and stops auto regression.
This relay is located in BA3 panel in HT3 compartment.
ii) No or Low Voltage Relay (Q30): This relay provides protection to the auxiliary
power circuit and equipments in the event of No or Low voltage in OHE.
This relay is connected across TFWA between U and V phases. This relay
energises as soon as TFWA is energised and its N/O I/L closes on Q44 branch of DJ
control circuit providing path to the relay Q44.
In case of No or Low voltage in the OHE (17.5 KV or below), this relay will
de-energise and opens its N/O I/L on Q44 branch, there by Q44 will de-energise. As a
result, Q44 N/O I/L will open on MTDJ branch of DJ control circuit and trips DJ, thus
providing protection to the circuit and equipments from possible damages due to No or
Low voltage.
This relay is located in relay panel.
iii) Signalling Relays (QV60, QV61, QV62, QV63 & QV64, Q 48):
These relays are provided for Signalling lamps, which are provided on Loco
Pilots desk on both the cabs. These are called as pilot lamps also. Whenever any
abnormality takes place in any equipment of the loco, concerned signal relay will actuate
through the equipment and that circuit will energise or de-energise, which in turn opens
or closes their interlocks in various branches of signalling lamp circuit. As a result, the
signalling lamp will glow or extinguish and indicates the operator about the effective or
defective equipment.
The particulars of the pilot lamps and their controlling signalling relays are:
1. QV60: LSDJ

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3. QV62: LSGR
4. QV63: LSRSI
5. Q48 : LSP
6. QV64: LSB
iv) Control Relays (Q100, Q50, Q49, Q52, Q51, Q52):
Q100: It is a control relay for auxiliaries control circuit. It energises when the
following condition are fulfilled.
1. CCA fuse in good condition,
2. DJ is in closed condition,
3. C118 is opened and its chronometric interlock closes on auxiliary
If these conditions are fulfilled, relay Q100 energises and closes its N/O I/L on
Compressors, Exhausters and Blowers control circuit, for closing of concerned
contactors, C101, C102, C103 on Compressors control circuit, C 121, C111 on
Exhausters control circuit and C107, C 105, C 106 on Blower control circuit. Without
energising the relay Q100, the above said remote controlled auxiliary motors will not
Supervisory Relay (Q50): This relay will energise only when Traction Power
Circuit is properly set to Traction or Braking side and allows either to Traction
(Motoring) or braking. If the Traction Power Circuit is not properly set, this relay Q50
will not energise and therefore it does not allow braking or motoring operation. When
Q50 is energised it causes relay QV64 to de-energise and LSB lamp will be
extinguished on Loco Pilots desk.
Notch-by notch progression/ regression Relay (Q52): This relay is provided for one
notch progression or regression. Normally, this relay will be in de-energised
condition. It will energise only when graduator is in between notches and opens its
N/C I/Ls on VE1 & VE2 coil branches. When MP is kept in + or - position, only
one notch progression or regression will takes place, by the action of Q 52 relay in
between the notches. When MP is kept in + or - position, relay Q52 will be in
energised condition permanently and further progression or regression will not take
Auto Regression Relay (Q51): This relay will be normally in de-energised condition.
This gets feed from CCPT through 4 relay interlocks (Q48, Q20 & QRS, and PR2).
Whenever any of these relay interlocks closes on Q51 branch, this relay will energise
and its N/O I/Ls are provided on VE2 parallel branch will close and VE2 will get
energise. Hence, auto regression takes place.
v) Protection Relays (Q118, Q44, Q46, QCVAR):
These relays will trip DJ whenever there is any abnormality or non functioning of
any motor or relay or I/L on Q118 branch.
Q118: It is auxiliary protection relay.
Q44: It is GR Half notch protection relay.
Q46: It is GR full notch protection relay.
QCVAR: It is ARNO protection relay.

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f. Special type of relays:
a) Earth fault protection Relays,
b) Time lag Relays,
c) Time delay Relays.
a) Earth fault protection Relays:
Earth fault relays are connected to the power circuit to detect earth fault and
protect the circuit by cutting off the supply by opening DJ. One terminal of the relay coil
is connected to the positive level of the battery and the other terminal is connected to the
negative side of the power circuit.
Whenever there is an earth fault in the power circuit, the battery current will flow
through these relays. These relay coils in the power circuit will now find path to
complete the circuit on the negative side of the battery through earth in the loco. The loco
body is taken as earth for all purposes.
Eg : QOA, QOP 1 & QOP 2.
i) QOA: It is an earth fault protection relay for Auxiliary Power Circuit. This relay will
normally remain in de-energised condition keeping its N/C I/L closed on MTDJ
branch of DJ control circuit. One end is connected to the battery positive and
the other end is connected to the Neutral of ARNO. This relay is located in the
relay panel (TR). In the event of earth fault in the auxiliary power circuit, the
battery current flows through relay coil into the auxiliary power circuit and
enters earth, through loco body, thereby completing the circuit on the negative
side of the battery through HOBA switch, so that this relay energises and opens
its N/C I/L on MTDJ branch and trips DJ. Thus this relay isolates the source of
supply and protects the Auxiliary Power Circuit from earth fault damages.
Whenever this relay is energised, a red target will drop on the face of the relay,
which indicates that this relay caused tripping of DJ.
ii) QOP 1 & QOP2: These are the earth fault relays for Traction Power Circuits. The
relay QOP1 is connected in Traction Power Circuit 1, consisting of RSI 1, SL
1, J 1, Traction motor 1,2 & 3, etc. QOP2 is connected in Traction Power
Circuit 2, consisting of RSI 2, SL 2, J 2, Traction motors 4,5 & 6, etc. These
relays are provided to protect the Traction Power Circuits from earth fault.
These relays normally remain in de-energise condition, keeping their N/C I/L
closed on MTDJ branch of DJ control circuit. When earth fault takes place in
the Power circuit, concerned relay will energise, causing opening of its N/C I/L
on MTDJ branch, to trip DJ, by which Power Circuit is saved from earth fault.
One end of QOP1 is connected to positive level of battery and the other end is
connected to negative level of RSI 1 block. One end of QOP2 is connected to
the positive of battery, and the other and is connected to the negative of RSI 2
block. The physical location of these relays is in relay panel.
In the event of any earth fault in the Traction Power Circuit, the battery supply
flows through QOP relay coil into the Traction Power Circuit through RSI
negative, will find path through loco both through battery negative and HOBA
switch there by the QOP relay gets energised and opens its N/C I/L on MTDJ
branch of DJ control circuit and causes tripping of DJ. Thus the relay is
provided to protect the Traction Power Circuit from earth fault.

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Whenever this relay energises a red target will drop on its face, which indicates
that the relay caused tripping of DJ.
b) Time lag relays (Q 118 & Q 44): These are core temporised relays which retains
residual magnetism. Therefore they dont de-energise immediately after cutting off
supply and they will de-energise only after certain time lag (according to the set time).
The time lag of Q118 is 5 seconds and the time lag for Q44 is 0.6 seconds.
c) Time Delay relays (QTD105 & QTD106): These relays are intended for delayed
closing of circuit. These relays are used for delayed starting of few auxiliary Motors.
There is a cascade operation of 3 auxiliaries (3 phase induction motors) in which
when controlling switch BLVMT is closed, the auxiliaries MVRH, MVMT1 &
MVMT2 start through their respective 3 phase contactors C107, C105 & C106.
If these auxiliaries start at a time, the initial supply drawn by them will cause over
load on ARNO. To avoid over load, the time delay relays QTD105, QTD106 are
introduced in the control circuit, so that after closing of C107, MVRH motor will start
and the relay QTD105 will also energise with a time delay of 8 seconds (from the
time C107 contactor closes), thereby the interlock of relay QTD105 will close on
contactor C105 coil and the contactor closes, thus the time delay of 8 seconds is
ensured between MVRH and MVMT1 motors starting. Similarly C105 interlock
closes on QTD106 coil and QTD106 will energise after a delay of 8seconds and
closes its interlock on C106 branch, hence C106 closes and MVMT2 motor will start
working. Thus a time delay of 8 seconds is maintained between starting of MVMT1
and MVMT2. By this arrangement it is ensured that these blower Motor contactors
closed when BLVMT switch is closed doesnt starts at a time and they will start with
a time interval of 8seconds between each motor starting, thereby overloading on
ARNO is avoided.
Mechanical relays are again classified in two types. They are:
a. Pressure Relays,
b. Circulation Relays
a. Pressure Relays: They are QPH, QPDJ. QPH is the pressure relay provided on
delivery pipe line of MPH. It ensures that the TFP oil is pumped with sufficient
pressure. QPDJ is a pressure relay provided on the pneumatic pipe line of the DJ. It
will ensure that the sufficient pressure is available in the system. Its contact closes
when the pressure is 5.5Kg/cm2, and opens when the pressure is reduced to
4.5Kg/cm2. Unless QPDJ is energised, DJ can not be closed. When QPDJ is de-
energised, its interlock will open on MTDJ branch of the DJ control circuit and trips
b. Circulation Relays: QVSI 1, QVSI 2, QVSL 1, QVSL 2, QVRH, QVMT 1 and
QVMT 2 are the air circulation relays in our locomotive. When the concerned
auxiliary is circulating the air properly, the concerned relay will energise and its
interlock will close on DJ control circuit. If air circulation is poor, that particular relay
will de-energise, and causes tripping of DJ.

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Traction Distribution
INTRODUCTION: Electrical way and works means the traction installation over head
equipments and other connected works are provided on the electrical section of the
railway. Electrical equipments means by any apparatus is used for generation and
transmission or utilisation of electrical energy.
General Arrangement of Power Supply:
The state government supplies 132kv of Ac supply to traction substation, where
132kv supply will be stepped down to 25kv and fed to over head equipment. Each TSS
will supply 38 KMs to 50 KMs. Each TSS will be supplied with two different phases and
will have two step down transformers, one is stand by. Interrupters in section are
operated from remote control centers (TPC). Single-phase 25kv, 50Hz is used for running
of trains.

Feeding post:
It supplies power to OHE for up and down lines and is provided with four
Sectioning and paralleling post:
These posts are situated approximately midway between feeding posts marking
and demarking point of two zones fed from two different phases from adjacent TSS. At
this post a neutral section is provided.
Sub Sectioning and paralleling post:
One or more SSPs can be provided between each FP and adjacent SP depending
upon the distance between them.
Elementary section:
It is a small portion of OHE which can be isolated by manually for maintenance

Section insulator:
It is a device installed in the contact wire for insulating elementary sections from
each other while providing a continuous path for pantograph without break of current.

Height of contact wire:

For regulated OHE is 5.55 mts. from rail level.
The distance between the center of the track to the nearest face of the mast is
called implantation. Normal implantation shall be 2.5mts.

It is the distance between two adjacent masts carrying same OHE. Maximum span
length is 72 mts.

Droppers transfers the load of contact wire to catenary wire and maintains a
correct required profile of the OHE.
It means an electrical connection between two rails or any structure to rail.
Bonding of rails facilitates passage of return current from rail to earth and earth to rail.

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Caution boards:
The following are the various caution boards available on OHE mast / area:
1. Neutral section warning boards,
2. Panto lower / raise boards,
3. 25kv public safety warning boards,
4. Power block working limit boards,
5. Caution unwired turnouts boards,
6. Electric engines stop boards,
7. MRL (maximum rail level),
8. Mast number / kilometer number,
9. Telephone tap direction,
10. Distance between mast and center of the track,
11. 25kv danger board,
12. P/C (Power / Coasting) Boards,
13. Jurisdiction Boards.
Neutral section:
Neutral sections are provided to isolate different phases of power supply in
adjoining overhead equipment fed by adjacent substations which are normally connected
to different phases of supply. Thus neutral section is insulated dead section of OHE which
is used to separate the feed of different substations. The neutral sections maintain
mechanical but not electrical continuity of OHE.
These are three (3) types.
1. PTFE [poly tetra fluoro-ethylene ] : length of 4.8 meters.
2. Conventional type : length of 41 meters.
3. Section insulator type : length differs as per requirement.
Neutral Section Warning Boards:


To supply spark less current, controlled by panto at high speed auto tension device
is provided in OHE. It is essential to maintain tension in contact wire, to avoid damage to
contact wire due to temperature variations.
There are three types of OHE regulations:-
1. Regulated OHE: - If both ends of OHE are provided with ATD, it is called
as regulated OHE.
2. Semi regulated OHE: - If one end of OHE is provided with ATD, it is
called semi- regulated OHE.
3. Un regulated OHE: - If both ends of OHE is not provided with ATD, it is
called un regulated OHE.

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Panto entanglement:
When any broken part of pantograph comes in contact between over head lines or
vice- versa causes panto entanglement.
Panto entanglement causes:
1. OHE defects,
2. Pantograph defects,
3. Track defective,
4. Miscellaneous.
1. OHE defects:
A. Damaged insulators, cantilever tubes, jumpers and droppers,
B. Improper adjustment of OHE at turnouts & curves,
C. If ATD drum is not moving properly,
D. Contact wire defective.
2. Panto defects:
A. Spring box failure,
B. Improper static force of panto on OHE,
C. Missing pins and fasteners of parts,
D. Improper leveling of panto pan.
3. Miscellaneous defects:
A. Storm,
B. Bird hitting,
C. Tree branches / foreign material on OHE/ theft of OHE contact/catenary wire.
Duties of Loco pilot during panto entanglement:
1. When loco pilot comes to know about panto entanglement, immediately he has to
keep ZPT in 0
2. If panto is not lowered and damaging the OHE, stop the train immediately.
3. If panto is fully lowered, coast the train and stop at convenient place.
4. Inform to TPC for arranging of OHE breakdown staff.
Use of flasher light at SP/SSP:
1. Whenever emergency feed is extended, flasher light will glow.
2. If loco pilot noticed glowing of flasher light, immediately keep MP in 0, trip DJ
and lower panto and ensure panto is lowered and coast the train.
3. After passing SP/SSP keep ZPT in 1, close DJ and resume traction.
4. Assistant Loco Pilot should examine the locomotive as if at neutral section.
5. Panto lower and raise boards also may be provided.
6. If the Loco Pilot fails to lower, the pantograph will cause to bridging of two phases.

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Cantilever - parts:

1. Mast fitting for hook insulator.

2. Stay tube insulator
3. Stay tube arm
4. Stay tube sleeve
5. Tube cap
6. Mast bracket fitting
7. Bracket tube insulator
8. Register arm hook
9. Bracket tube
10. Register arm dropper
11. Tube cap
12. Anti wind clamp
13. Register eye piece
14. Drop bracket assembly
15. Steady arm hook
16. Steady arm swivel
17. Steady arm
18. Contact wire
19. Contact wire swivel clip
20. Catenary wire.

Duties of Loco Pilot during OHE break down:

1. Immediately crew should lower pantograph and stop the train.
2. During OHE breakdown, Loco Pilot should inform to TPC for arranging of OHE
break down staff.
3. Mean while he should see that nobody is entering into the dangerous zone.
4. Secure the loco and formation by applying brakes and keeping of sprags and
wedges according to the rules.
1. Do not approach 25 KV limits directly or indirectly within two meters radius.
2. On line before going on the roof of the locomotive, first ensure power block is
obtained by TRD staff and put earthing poles both sides of the locomotive, ground
the loco and then go on the roof of the loco.
3. To carry out roof inspection in the shed always check and confirm that the correct
isolating switch corresponding to the line, where the loco is standing is opened by
electric shunts (ET). Ensure isolation switch is properly opened and blade of the
earthing heal is properly engaged in the clip for earthing the OHE.
4. Ensure loco isolating switch handle is locked with personal padlock and retain the
key in the personal custody.
5. Do not direct any part of the body above roof level of loco while changing the head
light bulb.
6. Do not walk in between track under OHE.
7. Do not project any jet of water or foam towards OHE.
8. Do not touch any conductor lying close to electrified line.
9. Do not stretch hand or any conductor on the OHE from a over bridge.
10. Do not enter into HT compartment until such time, the loco is brought to a stand and

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Feeding Power Circuit:

OHE supply is taken to main transformer by means of panto, roof bars & DJ etc.
The OHE supply from the main transformer can be utilized for different purposes of the
loco operations. From TFWR the supply is stepped down in auxiliary power circuit and is
utilized for auxiliary operations. On the other hand, the supply as per requirement is
rectified as DC and is supplied to traction motors for tractive effort.

Equipment provided in feeding power circuit:

1. Pantographs1&2,
2. HPT1 & 2,
3. Roof bars,
4. ET1 & ET2,
5. DJ assembly,
7. Roof bushing bar / HT cable,
8. HOM,
9. Main transformer,
10. GR.

1. Pantograph: Two Pantographs are provided on the loco roof to collect OHE supply
when raised and DJ is closed. Both pantographs are electrically connected by means
of roof bars (6 fixed+ 2 hand operated).
2. HPT: It is hand operated roof bar. It is an isolation switch for pantograph which
should be kept in earthing clip provided on loco roof when panto is damaged.
3. Roof Bars: Six fixed roof bars are available on loco roof to receive the OHE supply
from panto to transfer to DJ. Cut in Roof bars causes no tension tripping failure. (In
WAP4 locos only four fixed roof bars are available).
4. DJ: It is a special type of EP contactor available on loco roof. It should be closed for
energising TFWR. In case of any abnormality in loco, it trips automatically to avoid
damages to the equipment and to protect the locomotive.
5. QLM: It is an over current relay provided in feeding power circuit. Due to any reason
if feeding power circuit is fed with the supply of 325/450 Amps or above, this relay
energizes and trips DJ.
6. Roof Bushing Bar: It is used to receive the supply from DJ and send to main
transformer. Its normal color is red. This colour should not be discolored especially at
the time of QLM dropping. In place of roof bushing bar a HT cable is provided in
some locos.
7. ET1: It is a surge arrestor located on loco roof to save the loco from surge voltages
when DJ is in open condition. It is having two tips. One end of ET1 is connected to
roof bar and other end is connected to earth (loco body). The gap between two tips is
210 mm.
8. ET2: It is provided to save the loco from surge voltages when DJ is in closed
position. The gap between two tips is 70 to 90 mm (in case of 3900 KVA transformer)
and 105 mm ((in case of 5400 KVA transformer).
Note: On modified locos in place of ET2 gap less surge arrestor is provided.

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RDJ 210mm

CGR A34 a6 TO SL1
70 TO 90MM ET2
3 2 1 RSI1




a1 3600A,865V
T C C C a5
O 32
A T T 1 T 31

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29 4
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4 A 3 A 2 A

C 2 1

K TH 3 3600A,865V
3 a4
2 HO1
a0 1





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9. Main transformer: It is called as auto transformer and it is having 32 taps to get
variable voltages. The transformer is immersed in oil tank for cooling. This oil acts as
insulator as well as cooling between windings and the capacity of oil tank is 2000
Liters. One end of the transformer terminal is connected to roof bushing bar (A33
terminal) and other end is connected to earth through loco body (AO terminal).
Transformer oil in the tank is circulated by MPH and cooled through radiator by
MVRH. A conservator is provided on the top of the oil tank to indicate oil level
present in the transformer tank. It should read above +15 0c (normal mark). An
explosion door is provided on the top of conservator which opens in case of any short
circuit in feeding power circuit. A breather is provided on the conservator for
destroying the vacuum created inside the conservator due to expansion and
contraction of oil. It also consists of silica gel to absorb moisture present in the air
while being allowed into conservator. The transformer oil tank is placed between two
trucks with a drain plug.
10. HOM: It is hand operated earthing switch provided on loco roof and operated from
corridor No1. When this switch is operated main transformer and roof equipments are
connected to earth and also electrical and pneumatic supply to pantographs is cut off
and existing pressure from panto pipe line exhausts.
11. GR: Taps are connected to GR in two rows from auto transformer. Round shaped bus
bars are provided in tap changer assembly by which GR rollers are made to rotate by
the action of SMGR. Bus bar No1 is connected to CGR1 and bus bar No2 is
connected to CGR2 through RGR and CGR3. Bus bars are immersed in GR oil (GR
oil sump capacity is 70 liters at 400C). GR oil is circulated by PHGR. This PHGR
works from 6 to 32 notches. A breather is provided near GR drum for destroying the
vacuum created inside the GR assembly due to expansion and contraction of oil. It
also consists of silica gel to absorb moisture present in the air while being allowed
into GR drum. Two GR safety valves are provided, which will send out the undue
pressures developed in the oil. SMGR is provided to operate GR which can be
remotely operated from Loco Pilot's desk by MP or EEC. If MP / EEC failed, operate
GR manually. An oil gauge is provided on left side of tap changer which should read
between +200c and -200c.
12. RGR: It is a short time resistance, which comes into service when GR is in between
notches. It can with stand the supply for 0.5 seconds and it is connected between
CGR2 and CGR3. The resistance value is 1.61 ohms.
13. RPGR: It is a permanent resistance to GR and connected between two bus bars. It is
provided to make continuous flow of current to traction motors. Its resistance value is
1 lakh ohms.
14. CGRs: CGR 1, 2, 3 are cam contactors provided in the power circuit to make or break
the connections between TFWR and TFP. These contactors are operated by SMGR,
which are remotely operated from Loco Pilot's desk through MP/EEC. These
contactors are having arc chutes. Crew should ensure that the arc chutes are
connected properly. These contactors operate in the following manner:


EVEN NOTCH (0, 2, 4, ) O C C
HALF NOTCH (1/2, 11/2, ) C C O
ODD NOTCH (1, 3, 5, ) C O O
O = open and C = close

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1. Defect/cut in feeding power circuit causes NO TENSION indication.
2. Due to any reason when ever over current flows in feeding power circuit then
QLM relay acts and trips DJ.
When QLM is acted, act as following:
Note: Setting of QLM: HETT 5400 KVA TFR 450 Amps. (WAG 7 & WAP 4)
and HETT 3900 KVA TFR- 325 AMPS (WAG 5).
When QLM acted:
1. The loco pilot should personally check the HT compartment for any smoke,
smell or fire from transformer; tap changer, CGRs1, 2&3 and their arc
chutes, transformer terminals and roof bushings.
2. Check HT compartment for any oil splash from tap changer & transformer.
3. Check the condition of silica gel breather.
4. The loco pilot should personally look for any oil splashes from GR safety
valves, tap changer and explosion door.
5. The loco pilot should check the under frame by getting down from the loco
to see signs of oil leakage or flashes on the motor gear equipments.
6. In case of any abnormality is noticed such as smoke, smell, fire, oil splashes
from any where or signs of flash over on the insulator, roof bushings etc.,
the loco pilot shall not reset the QLM and ask for relief loco.
7. In case no abnormality noticed, the loco pilot shall reset the relay once, and
close DJ duly keeping the assistant loco pilot in the corridor in a position
to observe any abnormality while closing DJ.
8. In case any smell, smoke or fire noticed, the assistant loco pilot shall shout
to the loco pilot immediately to trip DJ and ask for relief loco.
9. In case no abnormality is noticed on re closing DJ, loco pilot shall work the
train duly advising the ALP to check the HT compartments for any
abnormality, for every 15 minutes till the train reaches the destination/
terminal station.
10. Clear remarks should be made in loco log book with particulars like GR
position, TM ammeter and voltmeter readings, OHE voltage, km no. and
time of QLM dropping and inform to TLC.
11. After reaching the destination, the loco pilot shall report all the details
personally to the TLC.
12. The loco will be withdrawn from service and check for any abnormality as
per extent procedure on reaching destination/ terminal station before
offering for service.

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Auxiliary Power Circuit

Main transformer consists of auxiliary winding (TFWA) as its secondary,
provided to feed auxiliaries load. The supply of TFWA is single-phase 380 V22.5%.
ARNO converter is provided to convert the 1 AC to 3 AC to feed auxiliary motors
and other loads
ARNO Converter:
The single-phase supply of 380 volts AC is fed direct to the U and V phases of the
ARNO converter. Since the ARNO Converter is connected to single-phase supply, no
starting torque is developed. For starting the ARNO a split phase starting method has
been employed. The W phase winding is connected to the supply phase U through a
starting resistor R-118(0.4 Ohms) and starting contactor C-118 for a short duration to
start the ARNO. Thus unbalanced three-phase voltage is impressed to each phase winding
of ARNO Converter and the starting torque is developed. The ARNO Converter picks up
speed within 4 seconds. After the ARNO has gained sufficient speed, the phase W is
opened from the starting circuit by starting contactor C-118. If the starting phase fails to
open within 4 seconds after ARNO gained its rated speed, there will be excessive
vibration of the ARNO and causes over heating of the ARNO. An interlock of relay
QCVAR opens C-118 coil circuit, to protect against overheating.
The neutral point 0 of the ARNO is connected to an earth fault relay QOA,
which performs the same function as the relay QOP, in traction power circuit. The relay
QOA trips the circuit breaker (DJ) of the locomotive in the event of an earth fault in the
auxiliary circuit. The switch HQOA and RQOA perform the same functions as the switch
HQOP and resistor RQOP in traction power circuit. In addition, a resistance RPQOA
permanently shunts the relay QOA.
The ARNO converts the single-phase input of 380V into 3-phase output as 380V
22.5%. The ratio of negative sequence voltage to positive sequence voltage is within 5%.
The 3-phase output of the ARNO converter is connected to the auxiliary motors. ARNO
is provided with capacitors bank to absorb any surge voltages produced by it.
UA1 and UA2:
These are the voltmeters to indicate the auxiliary voltage and OHE voltage.
UA1& UA2 are located in cab-1&2 Loco Pilot's desks respectively.
This is a single phase EM contactor provided to connect U phase to W phase
winding through R118 resistance for 2 to 3 sec till ARNO picks up rated speed. The
contactor will be normally in open condition. Before closing DJ, contactor C118 is kept
closed and it is opened automatically by the action of relay QCVAR to suppress the
starting phase to the ARNO.
No or Low Voltage Relay (Q30):
Relay Q-30 is a low or no voltage relay. If the output of single-phase auxiliary
winding voltage drops below 260 V (17.5 KV in OHE), its I/L opens on relay Q44
branch and trips DJ. When the OHE voltage reaches to 15.5 KV (215 V in APC) while
closing DJ, the relay Q30 will energise. It protects the loco equipment from no or low
voltage. Initially this relay energises through Q45 N/O I/L, after releasing BLRDJ path is
maintained through RQ30.

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R 118
C 118 0.40

a1 Q Q45

Q30 UA V
1 2
F HVSI1 HVSI2 HVSL1 HVSL2 HPH C101 C102 C103 C105 C106 C107 C121 C111

a0 U W



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0 1 380 V
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QOA 380 V
RQOA 150
110 V AC NR
32V AC
380 V 16V AC
230 V

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ARNO Protection Relay (QCVAR):
Relay QCVAR is a protection relay for ARNO to ensure proper working. It is
connected across W phase and neutral phase of ARNO. When ARNO picks up its rated
speed and voltage of 155-160 V AC, QCVAR is energised and opens starting phase by
opening the contactor C118, and its N/O I/L closes on Q118 branch and N/C I/L opens
on LSCHBA branch.
Over Current Relay for Auxiliary Power Circuit (QLA):
The Relay QLA is operated by means of the current transformer (TFILA) which
causes the DJ to trip, if the current taken in by the auxiliary transformer exceeds the
setting value of 1400A in case of WAG5 loco and 2000 Amps in WAP4 & WAG7 locos.
Earth Fault Relay for Auxiliary Circuit (QOA):
It is a safety relay for the protection of auxiliary power circuit against earth fault.
If there is any earth fault in auxiliary power circuit, the relay QOA will energise and trips
DJ. The switch HQOA makes it possible to isolate the relay through a resistance RQOA
in order to limit the fault current. One terminal of QOA is connected to ARNO neutral
phase and another terminal is connected to battery positive.
Blower Motor for Silicon Rectifier (MVSI 1&2):
Each rectifier cubicle is provided with one blower, which is driven by the motor
MVSI. The motors of rectifier cubicle are controlled by means of switches HVSI 1 & 2
which are provided on RSI 1 & 2 blocks respectively. The cooling of rectifier is
monitored by the airflow relay QVSI 1 & 2. The interlock of QVSI 1 & 2 are connected
in series with relay Q44. In the event of any MVSI 1 & 2 fails to work, respective air flow
relay QVSI does not pick up and its interlock opens on Q44 branch causing
de-energisation of Q44, which in turn trips DJ. Incase MVSI 1 & 2 are working normal
and QVSI 1 & 2 relays found defective, respective relay can be by-passed through HVSI
1&2 switches. These are direct starting motors along with ARNO. This is an axial flow
motor with 2.2 K.W capacities.
Following are the positions of HVSI switches:
Position 0: - QVSI and MVSI isolated,
Position 1: - QVSI and MVSI in service,
Position 2: - QVSI in service and MVSI isolated,
Position 3: - MVSI in service and QVSI isolated.
Blower Motor for Smoothening Reactor (MVSL 1&2)
These motors (MVSL 1& 2) are used for cooling smoothening reactor 1& 2.
Proper working of motors (MVSL 1 & 2) can be ensured by airflow relays QVSL 1 & 2
The switches HVSL 1 &2 are provided on the TB board for controlling working
of Motors & relays. Whenever any blower does not work, respective relay de-energises
and trips DJ through relay Q118.These are direct starting motors along with ARNO. This
is an axial flow motor with 2.2 K.W capacity. Following are the positions of HVSL
Position 0: - QVSL and MVSL isolated,
Position 1: - QVSL and MVSL in service,

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Position 2: - QVSL in service and MVSL isolated,
Position 3: - MVSL in service and QVSL isolated.
Oil Pump for Circulating of Transformer Oil (MPH):
The purpose of this motor is to drive the oil pump to circulate transformer oil. A
relay QPH is provided to check working of the oil pump. QPH is a pressure relay
provided on the pipeline of the oil circulating system of transformer in the HT2
compartment. When the pump is not working properly, the relay causes tripping of DJ.
HPH is provided on TB board for controlling MPH and QPH .The MPH is a direct
starting motor and starts along with the ARNO.
Following are the positions of HPH switch:
Position 0: - QPH and MPH isolated,
Position 1: - QPH and MPH in service,
Position 2: - QPH in service and MPH isolated,
Position 3: - MPH in service and QPH isolated.
Main Compressors (MCP 1, 2, 3):
The purpose of these compressors is to build up compressed air required for
various purposes in the locomotive. These motors start working through contactors C101,
C102, C103. These contactors can be switched ON by switch BLCP (automatic) or by
BLCPD (direct) on the Loco Pilots' desk.
Main Compressor Governor RGCP is provided to regulate the working of the
compressor by opening and closing the contactors at preset value (closes at 8 Kg/cm2 and
opens at 9.5 Kg/cm2). A direct switch BLCPD is provided to by pass RGCP and to make
compressors to work continuously to build up pressure until Safety valve (SS2) blows at
10.5 Kg/cm2. Compressors can be selected according to requirement through HCP.
Exhausters (MPV 1-2):
The Exhausters MPV 1 & 2 are provided for creating and maintaining Vacuum on
train pipe. These motors starts working through the remote control switch BLPV. When
BLPV is closed, according to ZPV positions, MPV-1 or MPV-2 will work. MPV-1 starts
working by closing C-121 Contactor and MPV-2 by closing C-111 contactor. These
exhausters are provided with oil sumps for lubrication and provided with dipstick to
check the oil level in the sump.
Blower for Cooling Transformer Oil (MVRH):
The transformer oil cooling blower motor is provided for cooling the transformer
oil in the radiator. On closing BLVMT first C-107 contactor closes and MVRH starts
working. There is a relay QVRH to check the proper functioning of this blower. Switch
HVRH is provided on TB board for controlling MVRH and QVRH. Switch HVRH has
four positions same as HVSI.
Blower Motors For Traction motor (MVMT 1-2):
These blower motors (MVMT-1 & 2) are provided to cool the traction motors in
bogie 1 and 2 respectively. MVMT-1 starts working through C-105 contactor and
MVMT-2 starts working through C-106 contactor. The switch BLVMT is common for
starting MVRH, MVMT 1 & 2. The blowers will start one after the other with a time
delay of 8 Sec with the help of QTD 105 and QTD 106. Airflow relays QVMT 1 & 2 are

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provided to check the proper functioning of these blowers. If the blowers are not working
properly, the particular relay interlock will open on Q118 branch of DJ control circuit and
trips the DJ. Switches HVMT 1 & 2 are provided on TB board for controlling MVMT 1
& 2. Switch HVMT 1 & 2 has four positions same as HVSI.
Horse Powers of Three-Phase Ac Induction Motors:

Type of Motor Horse Power Kilo Watts

MPH 4 3
MVSL 1 & 2 3 2.2
MVSI 1 & 2 3 2.2
MVRH 30 22
MVMT 1 & 2 35 26
MCP 1, 2 & 3 14.5 HP( for 1000 LPM )and 10.4(for 1000 LPM) and
27 HP (for 2000 LPM ) 20.5(for 2000 LPM)
MPV 1 &2

When MPH is failed, keep HPH on 0. Ensure MVRH is in working order.
Ensure TFP oil level is not increasing abnormally clear the section with restricted current
rating 750A / 500A.
When relay QPH / MPH / PH is defective Loco Pilot will experience operation
B part I. So, keep HPH on O and take necessary precautions as mentioned above as we
cannot ensure the proper working of MPH.
When MVSL is defective, isolate concerned truck (RSI block) by keeping
respective HVSI, HVMT & HVSL on 0 and work the train with normal current ratings
and 50% of the maximum permissible load.
When relay QVSL / MVSL / VSL is defective Loco Pilot will experience
operation B part I. So, keep concerned HVSL on 3 position work the train further
duly watching the working of MVSL frequently if QVSL is defective.
When MVSI is defective isolate concerned RSI block by keeping respective
HVSI, HVMT & HVSL on 0 and work the train with normal current ratings and 50% of
the maximum permissible load.
When relay QVSI / MVSI / VSI is defective Loco Pilot will experience operation-
I. So, keep concerned HVSI in 3 position work the train further duly watching the
working of MVSI frequently.
Three compressors MCP1, MCP2 & MCP3 are provided and controlled by HCP.
VEAD is provided to drain out moisture from MR1 & MR2 through auto drain valves. If
one CP is failed, Loco Pilot can isolate the same by changing HCP position. If MCP is
burnt, relay QOA will drop. At that time isolate the defective MCP through HCP and

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ensure concerned contactor is opened fully, other wise disconnect and secure the cables of
compressor at terminal box.
Two exhausters MPV1 & MPV2 are provided and controlled by ZPV. This switch
is provided to isolate defective MPV or to select required MPV.
MVRH is provided to cool transformer oil. If MVRH is not working Loco Pilot
will experience DJ tripping through operation-O. When ever MVRH is isolated observe
the restricted current rating of 750/500A duly observing the transformer oil level.
Two ventilation motors MVMT1 and MVMT2 are provided to cool TMs 1, 2, 3 &
4, 5, 6 respectively. If MVMT is failed Loco Pilot will experience DJ tripping through
operation-O. If MVMT is burnt, DJ will trip through QOA. To isolate defective MVMT
keep concerned HVMT on 0 and ensure concerned contactor is opened fully. If
MVMT1/MVMT2 is isolated, isolate concerned RSI block and work the train with 50%
of the maximum permissible load.

Trouble Shooting for QOA acting:

1. Duties of crew in case of QOA dropping (target can be reset):
A. Check the following auxiliary power circuit equipment for any smoke,
burning smell, fire, high temperature or any abnormality.
a0, a1 terminals, RCC panel, ARNO, Q30, RQ30, C118, R118, UA 1,
UA2, QCVAR, MPH, MVSI-1&2, MVSL-1&2, power switches: HPH,
HVSI-1&2, HVSL-1&2, CHBA, , RTPR, cab heaters, TFVT, TFS, EM
contactors: C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C107, C111, C121, remote
controlled motors: MCP 1, 2& 3, MVMT-1&2, MVRH, MPV 1& 2 and
capacitors banks of ARNO and MCPs.
If any thing found abnormal, isolate the equipment, reset the relay and
resume traction.
If every thing is normal, reset the relay target, and resume traction.
B. If QOA drops again after a long interval:
Check auxiliary power circuit for any abnormality.
If every thing is normal, reset the relay target and resume traction.
C. If QOA drops very frequently:
Place HQOA on 0 position,
Resume traction duly observing the auxiliary power circuit equipment
NOTE: If QOA drops while closing DJ, check all auxiliary power circuit equipment
for any abnormality (observe the following instructions)
a) If QOA drops while closing BLCP, check MCPs and C101, C102, C103
for any abnormality. If QOA drops while closing BLVMT, check MVRH,
MVMT 1&2, and contactors C105, C106 & C107 for any abnormality.
b) If QOA drops while closing BLPV check MPV 1&2 and C111 & C121.
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c) If any abnormality is noticed in the above equipment, isolate the defective

equipment and resume traction.
If un-successful contact TLC.
2. Duties of crew in case of QOA dropping (target can not be reset):
a) Check the auxiliary power circuit for any smoke, burning smell, fire or any
abnormality. If any abnormality is found, isolate the equipment and resume
b) If the target does not reset, keep the isolating switches HPH, HVSL 1&2, HVSI
1&2, and CHBA in 0, ZRT and BLRA OFF one by one and try to reset the
c) If the target is reset, isolate the corresponding auxiliary motor and resume
d) If un-successful place HQOA on 0 and resume traction duly observing the
If any auxiliary motor is burnt, place concerned isolating switch on 0 and
ensure its contactor is opened fully.
After isolating any equipment, inform to TLC.
If QOA drops even after placing HQOA on 0, place HOBA in OFF and try.
If un-successful contact TLC.
When HQOA is kept on 0 position, depute assistant Loco Pilot for every 10
min. to watch for any abnormality in auxiliary power circuit equipment. Inform
TLC at next stop and make remark in loco log book.
Check the following auxiliary power circuit equipment for any smoke, burning smell,
fire, high temperature or any abnormality.
a0, a1 terminals, ARNO, Q30, RQ30, C118, R118, UA 1, UA2, QCVAR, MPH,
MVSI-1&2, MVSL-1&2, power switches: HPH, HVSI-1&2, HVSL-1&2, CHBA, ,
RTPR, cab heaters, TFVT, TFS, EM contactors: C101, C102, C103, C105, C106,
C107, C111, C121, remote motors: MCP 1, 2& 3, MVMT-1&2, MVRH, MPV 1& 2.
a) If any abnormality is noticed in any equipment, isolate the same and resume
b) If no abnormality reset QLA, close DJ resume traction and find out QLA
dropping occasions.
c) If QLA acts second time, check Auxiliary power circuit, do not reset the
relay, contact TLC.
d) While closing DJ if QLA acts check Q45 relay for any abnormality.
e) If unsuccessful, contact TLC for advice.

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Auxiliary Control Circuit

This circuit is intended to give 110 volts supply to the auxiliary motor contactor
Q100 Branch:
This is auxiliary controlling relay. After closing DJ, this relay energizes through
CCA fuse, DJ N/O I/L, C118 chronometric I/L and Q 100 N/C I/L. Once Q100 is
energised, N/C self-I/L opens and path is maintained through RQ100. Q100 is having
three N/O I/Ls. One N/O I/L closes on compressors control circuit branch, second N/O
I/L closes on exhausters control circuit branch and third N/O I/L closes on blowers
control circuit branch.
Note: If EP C118 is provided, time delay of 5 seconds is provided in the relay itself and
named as QTD100/QTDX.
Blowers Control Circuit:
After closing BLVMT 1/2, all blower contactors coils get supply through Q100
N/O I/L. First, C107 coil gets supply through HVRH switch closes on 1 or 3 position.
Along with C107, QTD 105 also energizes through VS15 diode. QTD105 relays N/O I/L
closes after 8 seconds on common path of C105, QTD106. C105 contactor closes through
HVMT1 closes on 1 or 3 position. After closing of C105 its N/O I/L closes on its
same path to avoid chattering of contactor, this N/O I/L also is used to give supply to
QTD106 during wedging of C105 contactor (if QTD105 is not energised). Along with
C105, QTD 106 also energizes through VS17 diode. QTD106 relays N/O I/L closes after
8 seconds on C106 coil branch. Third, C106 contactor closes through QTD106 N/O I/L
and HVMT2 close on 1 or 3 position. After closing of C106 its N/O I/L closes on its
same path to avoid chattering of contactor.
Compressors Control Circuit:
After closing BLCP, compressor contactors coils gets supply according to HCP
position through BLCP 1/2, RGCP I/L and Q100 N/O I/L. RGCP is provided to close the
compressor contactors when MR pressure is 8Kg/cm2 or less and to open the compressor
contactors when MR pressure is 9.5Kg/cm2 or more (cut in 8Kg/cm2 cut-out 9.5Kg/cm2).
When pressure reaches to 9.5Kg/cm2, RGCP I/L opens on compressor contactors coils
and closes on VEAD to drain out moisture from MR 1 & 2 through ADV 1& 2. Again
VEAD de energizes at 8Kg/cm2 through RGCP. When compressor contactors are
opened, through N/C I/Ls of C101, C102 & C103 time lag relay Q119 energizes. Through
Q119s N/O I/L, Un-loader valves energize to remove the back up pressure from each CP
delivery pipe. Q119 is also having one N/C I/L on last MCP contactor coil. This interlock
is provided for late start of last MCP after 5 seconds when we select MCP3 along with
any other MCP (parallel to this Q119 N/C I/L HCP switch closes on 3 position is also
provided to start last MCP when it is only selected). To select required No. of MCPs,
switch HCP is provided. This switch is having 8 positions (0, 1, 2, 3, 1/2, 2/3, 1/3 &
1/2/3). Switch BLCPD is provided to bypass RGCP interlock. When this switch is closed,
RGCP interlock bypassed and compressor contactor coils will get continuous supply and
MR pressure creates maximum up to 10.5 Kg/cm2.

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CCA (6A)
DJ (005) QRS2
C 118 1 2 1 2
1 2 3
Q 100 CL ON BR
Q 119 HCP
5 Sec
C 101
Q 100
C 102 CL ON BR


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C 103
App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Q 119

Q 100 QV64 ZPV ZPV

RQ 100
101 629 400 406 407 408 421 292 285

Q 100 Q 119 1 2 3 VEAD C 101 C 102 C 103 VEF( E ) C 111 C 121
5 sec VEUL's (MPV2) (MPV1)

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
CCA (6A)
110V DC
+ VE F R F R
5Sec CCLSA (6A)

ON 1-32
RQ 100 Q 100

Q 100


VS15 C 105 QTD 105 C 106 QTD 106

8" 8"

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8Sec 8Sec

Q 100 C107 QTD 105 C 105 QTD 106 C 106

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material
Exhausters control circuit:
To close MPV contactors C111 or C121, HCP should be on 1 or 2 or 3
position, relay QRS2 should be in energize position, Q100 should be in energize position
and BLPV should be in close position. To select the required MPV, a switch is provided
called as ZPV. This switch is having 4 positions (1, 2, 3 & 4). When ZPV is in 1 or 2
positions and when BLPV & BLQPV are closed, both exhausters works to create vacuum
faster in train pipe. 3 & 4 positions are called isolation positions. When Loco Pilot applies
A9 to emergency, relay QRS de energizes and exhausters also stops working.

When BLQPV closed along

ZPV position When BLPV closed
with BLPV
1 C111 closes MPV2 works C121 also closes

2 C121 closes MPV1 works C111 also closes

Isolation position of MPV1
3 C111 closes MPV2 works
Only C111 closes
Isolation position of MPV2
4 C121 closes MPV1 works
Only C121 closes

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L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
SL1-2 RU1
1 2 3 4 5 6
U1 U2 A3 A4 U5 U6
7 1 9 3 7 1 8 2 9 3
CTF 3-4
4 10
CTF 3-6

12 6

S 13

S 11
S 12

Page 90 of 339
S 41
S 42
S 43

S 21
S 22
S 31
S 33

S 23
S 32
RS 51 S 51
RS 61 S 61
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RS 52 S 52
RS 62 S 62
RS 63 S 63

RS 53 S 53

J1 J2 J2

RS 41

J1 3
RS 42
RS 43

2 J1 1 6

2 J2 1 5

RS 21
RS 23
4 3

RS 22





RS 31

RS 11
RS 33

RS 12
RS 32

RS 13
7 8 9 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12


4 12 12 4 CTF2
HO 1 5 10 6 11 6 11 5 10
13.2K 11 5
Q 20 QD1

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App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Traction Power Circuit

Traction power is intended for giving tractive effort to the loco. The power
according to the requirement is tapped from TFWR is separated by one primary and
two secondary. These traction transformers are called as TFP-1 and TFP-2. From
these traction transformers supply goes to RSI blocks where AC is converted as DC
and is supplied to traction motors through line contactors.
This is the main transformer, which gets energised initially when DJ is closed.
The tap changer is connected to the working taps and the supply is drawn through
the bus bars and CGR contactors to primary winding and then circuit completes
through Auto transformer A0 terminal.
TFP1 & TFP2:
These are secondary transformers having equal capacity in all respects. TFP1
gives supply to RSI-1 and TFP-2 gives supply to RSI-2 blocks. These two
secondary energize automatically when ever the TFP is energised by the tap
changer. a6, a5 are the terminals connecting TFP-1 and a3, a4 are the terminals
connecting TFP-2 with RSI-1 & 2 respectively. These terminals are located in HT2
compartment (in WAG7&WAP4 TFP-1 terminals are a3, a4 and TFP-2 terminals
are a5, a6.
These are over current relays to protect TPC1&2 equipment respectively from
over current. If over current flows in Traction Power Circuit, this relay energizes
and trips DJ.
Setting of QRSI:
HETT 5400 KVA TFR 4000 AMPS (WAG 7 & WAP 4).
HETT 3900 KVA TFR 3600 AMPS(WAG 5).

RSI-1 & RSI-2 :

These are rectifier blocks to convert AC to DC through bunch of diodes. If a
diode is punctured, LSRSI glows on Loco Pilots desk. From RSI -1 supply goes
through SL1 and from RSI - 2 the supply goes through SL2. Motors MVSI1 &
MVSI 2are provided to cool the RSI blocks.
SL-1 & SL-2:
SL1 consists of two windings as SL-1/1 & SL-1/2 to purify pulsating DC
coming out from RSI-1 block. Similarly SL-2 having SL- 2/1 & SL-2/2 to purify
pulsating DC coming out from RSI-2 block. These are cooled by motors MVSL-1
and MVSL-2 respectively.
Line Contactors:
There are six line contactors L1 to L6 to give path to TMs 1 to 6 respectively.
These line contactors are controlled by switches HMCS-1, HMCS-2, HVSI-1,
HVSI-2, HVMT-1 & HVMT-2.

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J-1 & J-2:
These are drum contactors operated by MPJ. J-1 controls direction of flow of
current in TMs1, 2&3. J-2 controls direction of flow of current to TMs 4, 5&6.
Towards cab-1 leading both J1 & J2 operating handles should be in up direction and
in down direction while moving from cab-2 leading.
CTF 1, 2 & 3:
These are the drum contactors operated by MP. These contactors are used for
traction to braking and vice versa. For traction side these contactors handles should
be up side and handles should be downwards for braking.
RPS is a permanent resistance to TM field to absorb leftover AC pulses going to
traction motor fields. These are located in cowl box. RPS resistances are cooled by
QD-1 & QD-2:
These are differential current relays. QD-1 is connected between TM2 & 3 and
QD-2 is connected between TM 4&5. When ever the difference of current is more
than 160Amps(WAG5&WAG7), this relay energise and causes auto regression of
few notches, auto sanding and LSP lamp glows and de-energises at 130Amps of
difference current.
The following are the reasons for QD action:
1. Wet / greasy rails.
2. Slipped pinion.
3. Locked axle.
4. Excess load.
5. Brake binding on formation.
6. Up gradient.
7. Defective QD connected shunting contactor.
8. QD connected line contactor not closed.
9. QD connected traction motor open circuited.
10. Defective track.
** When QD is energised, Loco Pilot should ascertain the reason and take
necessary action.
Q 20:

Q20 is an over voltage relay for the protection of traction power circuit
from over voltage. When ever traction power circuit is fed with more than 865
volts, this relay energizes and regresses few notches automatically.. This relay is
connected across positive and negative levels of RSI 1 out put. When Q 20 is
energised, causes auto regression of GR by closing its N/O I/L on Q 51 branch of
SMGR control circuit and sounding of SON in both cabs(In few locos LSOV also
will glow).

Note: Q20 setting is 865 volts. But TM voltage is restricted to 750 volts.

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Ammeters & Voltmeters:
Ammeters and voltmeters are provided to know the current / voltage given to
traction motors.
U1 U2 A3 A4 U5 U6
Troubles Normally Experienced On Line
1. DJ tripping through QRSI 1/ QRSI 2,
2. DJ tripping through QOP1 / QOP2,
3. Auto regression of GR through QD action,
4. Auto regression through Q20,
5. Auto regression through QE / QF1 /QF2 while using RB,
6. Non closing of all line contactors / any one line contactors,
7. Improper setting of J1 &J2.
Traction motor current ratings:
LOCO Type Of Type Of Starting Current Continuous Max.
TFP TM 2min 10 60min Current Voltage
Amps Amps Amps Amps Volts
WAG 5 HETT TAO 1100 1000 840 750 750
3900 659
WAG 5 HETT HS 1200 1100 840 750 750
3900 15250A
WAG 7 HETT HS 1300 1100 960 900 750
5400 15250A
WAP4/ HETT HS 1250 1150 960 900 750
WAP6 5400 15250A
WAM 4 HETT TAO 1100 1000 840 750 750
6P 3900 659
WAP 1 HETT TAO 1100 1000 840 750 750
3900 659
If QOP1 is energised, check the following items for any abnormality.
1. a5, a6 terminals
2. RSI 1
3. SL 1
4. J1
5. CTF 1, 2, 3
6. L1, L2, L3
7. Shunting contactors & resistances
8. QD1
9. SJ1, SJ2 & SJ3
10. Q20 & RQ20
11. Ammeters and voltmeters
12. Traction motors 1,2,3
13. RCC Panel

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In WAG 5 loco if QOP 1 acts check C145, ATFEX, RB compartment, QE, QF1 &
QF2 additionally.
If any abnormality is noticed, isolate concerned equipment.
If no abnormality is noticed, reset the relay and resume traction.
If QOP1 is energised second time, isolate one by one Traction motor by HMCS1.
If QOP1 is not energizing after isolating particular Traction motor, keep 0concerned
Traction motor in isolated position and work the train further.
If QOP1 is not resetting, check the traction motors for any banding failure. If no
abnormality is noticed, keep HQOP1 in OFF and clear the section. Stop the train in
station, ground the loco, normalize HQOP1, keep J1 in neutral and reset QOP1.If
succeeded, conclude the defect is with TMs and isolate the traction motors both in
positive and negative sides. If not succeeded, inform to TLC. Make an entry in loco

If QOP2 is energised, check the following items for any abnormality

1. a3, a4 terminals
2. RSI 2
3. SL 2
4. J2
5. CTF 1, 2, 3
6. L4, L5, L6
7. Shunting contactors & resistances
8. SJ4, SJ5 & SJ6
9. QD2
10. Ammeters and voltmeters
11. Traction motors 4, 5, 6
12. RCC Panel
13. MVRF
In WAG 7 and WAP 4(with RB) locos if QOP 2 acts check C145, ATFEX, RB
compartment, QE, QF1 & QF2 additionally. In WAG 7 and WAP 4(with RB) locos if
QOP-2 acts during RB check equipments concerned to TPC-1 also.
If any abnormality is noticed, isolate concerned equipment.
If there is no abnormality, reset the relay and resume traction.
If QOP2 is energised second time, isolate one by one traction motor both on
positive and negative sides. If QOP2 is not energizing after isolating particular Traction
motor, keep concerned Traction motor in isolated position and work the train further with
5/6th of maximum permissible sectional load.
If QOP2 is unable to reset, check the Traction motors also for any banding failure.
If no abnormality is noticed, keep HQOP2 in OFF and clear the section. Stop the train in
station, ground the loco normalize HQOP2 keep J2 in neutral and reset QOP2.If
succeeded, conclude the defect is with TMs and isolate the motors both in positive and
negative sides. If not succeeded, inform to TLC keep HQOP2 in OFF and resume
Make an entry in loco logbook

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Projection of poly-glass material from traction motor vent mesh is treated as
banding failure. When it occurs, isolate particular TM and clear the section with speed
restriction of 15 KMPH, contact TLC. If banding failure is noticed at station then
immediately inform to TLC.
Note: Ignoring of banding failure leads to locked axle.
Isolation of Traction motors In Different Locos:
1 HMCS 1 IN 2 J18
2 HMCS 1 IN 3 J 1 10
WAG 5 3 HMCS 1 IN 4 J 1 12
WAG 7 4 HMCS 2 IN 2 J28
WAP 4 5 HMCS 2 IN 3 J 2 10
(With RB) 6 HMCS 2 IN 4 J 2 12
1 HMCS 1 IN 2 J18
2 HMCS 1 IN 3 J 1 -10
WAP 4 3 HMCS 1 IN 4 J 1 6
(W/o RB) 4 HMCS 2 IN 2 J26
5 HMCS 2 IN 3 J 2 10
6 HMCS 2 IN 4 J 2 8

The following items to be checked when QRSI 1 energised.

RSI 1, SL1, J1, CTF1,2,3, a6, a5 terminals, RCC panel, MVRF, Q 20, L1,L2, L3,
TM1,2,3, QD1, SJ1,2,3, Ammeters & Voltmeters with resistances, Shunting contactors
and resistances.
If any abnormality is noticed, isolate concerned equipment. If no abnormality is
noticed reset the relay target and work further.
If QRSI 1 is energising repeatedly or energising at less current, isolate one by one
Traction motors and try. If still energising in all positions of HMCS 1, isolate Truck 1 and
work with 50% of maximum sectional load.
The following items to be checked when QRSI 2 energised
RSI 2, SL2, J2, CTF1,2,3, a3,a4 terminals, RCC panel, L4,L5, L6, TM4,5,6, QD2,
SJ4,5,6, Ammeters & Voltmeters with resistances, Shunting contactors and resistances.
If any abnormality is noticed, isolate concerned equipment. If no abnormality is
noticed, reset the relay target and work further.
If QRSI2 is energising repeatedly or energising at less current, isolate one by one
Traction motors and try. If still energising in all positions of HMCS 2, isolate Truck 2 and
work with 50% of maximum sectional load.

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LSRSI Glowing On Run:
1. Do not bring MP to 0.
2. Note down the readings of Ammeters, Voltmeters, Line voltage, Notch position,
MPS position, Speed and Gradient.
3. Now, bring MP to 0.
4. Take necessary precautions and check the projection of tell-tale fuses.
5. If two fuses are projected in same RSI block, isolate concerned block and work
6. If one fuse is projected in a block (or in each block), remove the trigger fuse and
work further duly not reaching the earlier current ratings.
Make entry in loco logbook and inform to TLC.

Rheostat Braking
It is one type of electrical braking. This can be used in the following

To maintain constant speed on falling down gradients.

To control the speed of the train while approaching signals, speed restriction etc,.
Advantages of RB:
Less wear and tear of brake blocks wheels and track.
Increases the life of bearings.
Easy and safe to run heavy loads over steep gradients.
Principle of RB Working
During application of RB, all the traction motors are disconnected from the power
supply and each resistor tray of DBR unit is connected across the traction motor
armature through CTF contacts.
Simultaneously, the main fields of all the traction motors are connected in series
through CTF contacts, thus making the traction motors to work as generators.
Excitation current to the field windings, which are already connected in series, is fed
from ATFEX that is connected across one of the secondary windings of main
Current in the separately excited fields of each TM may be increased or decreased
by progression/ regression of tap changer through MP depending upon the dynamic
braking effort required to control the speed of the train.
Armatures, which are already in motion, runs in the magnetic field starts generating
Hence all the kinetic energy of the moving masses is converted into electrical
energy generated by traction motors and dissipated in the form of heat energy in the
forced air-cooled braking resistance bank (DBR) by MVRF.
Procedure of Using RB:
Just before using RB, apply A9 to minimum reduction for bunching of the formation.

Keep MP from 0 to P, the following actions take place

a. CTF 1, 2 & 3 set to braking side.
b. C 145 contactor closes and ATFEX comes into service.
c. All line contactors remain in open condition.

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d. LSB SIGNALLING lamp glows and extinguishes.
e. All TM field coils are connected in series through CTF 1, 2 & 3 contacts.
f. All TM armatures are connected to RF resistances through CTF 1, 2 & 3.
Keep MP from P to N in braking side and move to + for progression.
a. The progression of GR causes excitation of magnetic field of each TM.
b. Ensure LSDBR is extinguished below 5 notches (in some locos below 10
c. Then only progress the notches as per requirement and keep GR on same
notch till required speed is achieved.
d. After achieving the required speed, reduce the notches accordingly.
To move to traction side keep MP from N to P and then to 0.
a. Ensure glowing and extinguishing of LSB, which indicates proper setting of
CTF contactors towards traction side and opening of C145.

Working of RB
When notches are progressed in braking side, AC supply from TFP 1 goes to
ATFEX, from there to RSI 1 where rectified to DC and smoothened by SL 1.
Therefore DC current is fed to all TM fields (RSI1 to MF 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 to MF 3 and
back to RSI1) in series.
During RB all the traction motors work as generators.
While progressing notches in braking side the 6 TM fields get excited and
magnetic flux is created.
As the armature is already in motion it cuts the magnetic flux and EMF is
generated in armature.
This generated EMF is fed to RF resistances.
Current in the separately excited fields of each TM may be increased or decreased
by progression / regression of tap changer through MP depending upon the
dynamic braking effort required to control the speed of the train.
Hence kinetic energy of moving train is converted into electrical energy by TMs
and dissipated in the forced air-cooling braking resistance bank.
The retardation force will be developed in the TM armature.
Current generated in the TM armature depends on the braking excitation current
and speed of the train.
RF resistances are cooled by MVRF (DC series motor), which is connected to TM
1 armature out put.
When MVRF is working effectively, LSDBR SIGNALLING lamp extinguishes
through QVRF relay.
Generation of Current & induced EMF during RB is limited to 600 Amps & 325
Protective Equipment in RB:
It is an over current protection relay for excitation. During RB, if excitation current
exceeds 900Amps to ATFEX, this relay will energize and cause auto regression of GR by
de energising Q50 relay. When this relay energizes, a red target drops on the face of the
QF 1 & 2:
These are over current protection relays for generated current. During RB, if
generated current exceeds 700 Amps, this relay will energise and cause auto regression of

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GR by de energising Q50 relay. QF 1 is connected in series with RF 1 and QF 2 is
connected in series with RF 4. When this relay energizes, a red target drops on the face of
the relay.
It is a pressure switch. During RB, if loco brake cylinder pressure exceeds 1Kg/cm2
by any reason, SWC acts and its interlock opens on Q50 relay braking path, there by GR
comes to 0.

In WAG7 and RB provided WAP4 locos RSI 2 out put is connected to all TM fields
in series (RSI 2 to MF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to MF 6 and back to RSI 2).
During RB, ammeters and voltmeters will indicate the amount of current and
voltage generated in TM armatures. During RB, ammeter deviates down wards and
voltmeters deviate upwards.
RB can be operated only when all TMs are in service.
Do not use RB When Q50 relay is wedged.
Do not use RB when MP is not working.
Minimum working limit of DBR is 30 KMPH.
While on RB, if experienced No Tension, BP pressure will drop through IP valve.
LP should bring MP to 0, to avoid further dropping of BP.

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a6 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
8 2
SL1-2 V

1 F 2 3 4 5 6
U1 U2 A3 U5 U6
7 1 9 3 7 1 8 2 9 3
CTF 3-4
4 10 QD1
CTF 3-6
12 6

Page 99 of 339
J1 J1 J2


2 J1 1


6 5 3 6 J2 5

2 J2 1

3 4

App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material


7 8 10
9 10 11 12 7 8 9 11 12

4 12 12 4
RQ20 11 11 CTF2
5 10 6 11 6 CTF2 5 5
13.2K CTF1 CTF3 10
Q 20 QD1
HO 1 QD2 QD2
HO 2

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
-,+,N(TR) GR CL 1-32
L1 L3 L4 L6

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3


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0 1 2 3
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Q 48 RQ 48


L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 Q48

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Line Contactors Control Circuit

The rectified DC from RSI blocks is supplied to TMs through line
contactors. For achieving this, line contactors should be closed. These line contactors
will close, when MP is moved from 0 to N position.
Conditions for closing Line Contactors:
1. CCPT should be in good condition,
2. Unlock the BL,
3. MP to be placed in 'N' position,
4. Relay Q 50 should be in energised position,
5. CTF1, CTF2 and CTF3 should be in running side,
6. HVSI 1, HVMT 1, HVSI 2 & HVMT 2 switches should be in '1' or '3' position,
7. HMCS 1 & HMCS 2 switches should be in 1 position,
8. To close line contactors, control air pressure should be more than 5 Kg/cm2,
9. Both EP COCs should be in open position and EP drain COC in close position.
1. When the above conditions are fulfilled, L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6 coils will get feed
through CCPT, BL I/L, MP IN N, Q 50 N/O I/L, CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 I/Ls
closes in running side, HVSI 1, HVMT 1, HVSI 2 & HVMT 2 switches in '1' or '3'
position and HMCS 1 & HMCS 2 switches in 1 position
2. Once the line contactors are closed the N/O I/Ls of L1, L3, L4 & L6 will close.
Now dual path will be maintained through these I/Ls, GR closes on '1-32' I/L, DJ
N/O I/L, provided on parallel to MP.

Troubles related to Line Contactor Control Circuit

1. Total Loss of Tractive Effort with GR Progression:
When MP is moved from O to N then to + LSGR extinguishes, NR deviates
but ammeters do not deviate and loco will not move. This is due to line contactors not
A) Place HVSI 1 & 2, HVMT 1 &2 on 3 position; if successful resume traction taking
necessary precautions.
B) If un-successful
Open DJ.
Operate BL key 2 or 3 times.
Close DJ and resume traction
C) If un-successful, clean the interlocks of Q50 and try to resume traction.
D) Operate all three CTFS 1 or 2 times manually after taking safety precautions.
E) If EP 1or EP2 COCs are in closed, open the same.
F) If EP drain COC is opened, close the same.
G) If there is any air leakage in the pipelines leading to BA1, BA2 & BA3 panel, try to
arrest the same and resume traction.
H) If un-successful contact TLC.
2. Auto Regression With LSP Glowing:
When MP is moved from 0 to N then to + LSGR extinguished, GR comes to 0 with
LSP glowing.
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1. Train brakes not released or wet rail / oil /greasy substance on the rails.
2. Slipped pinion or locked axle,
3. Any one of the line contactor is opened or any cut in the pair of QD connected TMs.
4 Whenever any shunting contactor is welded in which QD is connected or any
shunting contactor may not be closed.
a) Check for

BP pressure in the gauge

Any brake binding or
Any abnormality on train. If every thing is normal apply sand and try to
resume traction.
Press ZQWC while starting the train.
b) If unsuccessful, take one or two notches and observe both ammeters.
If A3 is not deviating place HMCS1 on 4 and resume traction.
If A4 is not deviating place HMCS2 on 2 and resume traction.
If both ammeters are deviating but U2 is not deviating, place HMCS 1 on 3
and try.
If U5 is not deviating place HMCS2 on 3 position
c) If auto regression takes place while operating MPS then avoid MPS operation.
d) If auto regression takes place due to slipped pinion

Stop the train and apply brakes.

Depute assistant loco pilot to stand near the truck and take one notch.
Observe for any spinning noise or rotation of traction motor pinion.
If any one of the TM pinion rotates or spinning noise is heard, isolate the
corresponding TM and clear the block section with permissible load, other wise
contact TLC.
E) If Auto Regression Takes Place Due To Locked Axle

Detach the loco from the formation.

Depute Assistant Loco Pilot by the side of the loco, to observe moving of wheels.
Move the loco and observe whether all loco wheels are rotating freely.
If any wheel is not rotating request for assistance from TIC.
First notch auto regression with out LSP indicates improper locking of rear
cab BL or defective Q50 N/C I/L, Q51 N/O I/L on VE2 branch.
Lower notches auto regression with LSP indicates QD action due to defective
track, bad weather, defective formation, welded shunting contactors, slipped
pinion and locked axle.
Higher notches auto regression with LSP (after operating MPS) indicates QD
action due to shunting contactors not closing.

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Higher notches auto regression without LSP indicates Q20 action due to over
voltage to TMS or defective Q20.
Auto regression without LSP in various notches indicates QRS2/ ACP/ AFL
action or on notches if DJ trips.
3. Partial Loss Of Tractive Effort
When MP is moved from 0 to N and then to +, GR is moving but tractive
effort is effected and not moving properly (poor engine hauling).
Reason: The line contactor, which is not connected with QD, is not closed.
1. If normal, place HMCS 1&2 on position 1 and resume traction.
2. If HMCS 1&2 are on 1 position, check for any air leakage from

Line contactors
Electro valves and
Pneumatic pipelines. If any air leakage, try to arrest the same and
resume traction.
3. If there is no air leakage or it can not be arrested, trouble shoot as follows

If U 1 does not deviate isolate TM 1.

If U 6 does not deviate isolate TM 4.
Control Circuit Of QWC
QWC relay is provided to reduce the action of QD while starting the train from
yard and on gradients. This relay gets feed from CCPT (10 Amps) fuse. When ZQWC is
pressed, through GR 0-1 I/L, QWC N/C I/L, relay QWC energizes. When QWC is
energised, its N/C I/L open and path is maintained through RQWC. QWC maintains in
energize position even after taking second notch through QWC N/O I/L parallel to GR 0-
1 I/L. When the shunting contactors are closed shunting resistances are added in parallel
to magnetic fields of specified traction motors there by electrical weight transfer takes
In many locos(WAG5,WAG7,WAP1) 18 shunting contactors are provided and
when ZQWC is pressed, S13, S23 & S43 closes during cab2 leading and S33, S53 & S63
closes during cab1 leading. QWC action is up to 10th notch only.

Control Circuit Of Shunting Contactors

For field weakening in modified locos three sets of shunting contactor and
shunting resistances (four set in case of WAP4 locos) are provided for each traction
motor. Field weakening can be achieved by MPS from Loco Pilots desk. MPS can be
operated only when MP is on N. MPS is having 5 positions; those are 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4. But
fourth position works only in WAP4 locomotives.
When MPS is moved to first position, S11, S21, S31, S41, S51 & S61 will close
and RS11, RS21, RS31, RS41,R S51 & RS61 will be connected across to the fields of
traction motors 1 to 6 respectively and speed will increase gradually. When MPS is
moved to 2nd position, S12 to S62 closes and RS12 to RS62 will be connected across the
field of traction motors and speed increases. In the same way when MPS moved to 3rd
position S13 to S63 closes and RS13 to RS63 will be connected across the field of
traction motors.

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FROM 0-10
BL 1 F F R R
GR J1 J2 J1 J2


0 1234 4321 0





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B - ve

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MPS should be operated in the following manner
1. After applying maximum voltage to traction motors i.e., 750 volts.
2. After stabilizing current to traction motors.
3. GR should be in between 20-32 notches.
4. 30 seconds of time gap should be given for each MPS operation.
Control circuit of QRS2:
QRS2 is an emergency relay, provided in relay panel. Whenever BP drops by any
reason, it causes auto regression and stops functioning exhausters in DBC locos.
QRS2 will energise through CCLS, BL I/L, RGEB2 contact closes when the BP
pressure is more than 4.0 KG/CM2, self I/L of QRS2. Hence while running the train,
QRS2 will be in energised condition.
Whenever BP drops to 2.8 KG/CM2 or below by any reason, QRS2 will de
energise through RGEB2 contact. Then QRS2 I/L close on Q51 branch causing auto
regression of GR.
For a DBC loco, QRS2 I/L opens on exhausters control circuit causing C111 or
C121 to de-energise and hence exhausters will stop functioning. At the same time QRS2
N/o I/L on VEF (E) will open causing loco brakes to apply though PVEF is pressed.

Sanders control circuit:

The sanders control circuit energises VESA1 & 2 or VESA3 & 4 according to the
direction of train movement causing sand to apply in case of wheel slip.
When PSA1 is pressed, through CCLS, BL I/L PSA contact, J1F and J2F contacts,
VESA1 & 2 will energise. When PSA2 is pressed, through CCLS, BL I/L PSA contact,
J1R and J2R contacts, VESA 3 & 4 will energise. When these electro valves are
energised, the pressure from MR2 acts on sand ejectors (provided below each sand box)
and sand is dropped along with forced air in between wheels and rails for better grip.
During cab-1 leading sand drops to axle No 1, 2 & 4. During cab-2 leading sand drops to
axle No 6, 5 & 3.
When ever Q48 is energised, automatically concerned electro valve energises
according to the cab leading. But this Q48 I/L is chronometric I/L which allows dropping
of sand even after de-energisation of Q48relay.

Control Circuit Of Reversers, CTFs,C145 & IP (E)

This circuit is provided to operate reversers, CTFs, C145 and IP (E) valve. This
circuit ensures correct preparation of the loco on traction side and on braking side. This
circuit is fed through fuse CCPT (10 Amps).
Reversers J1 & J2:
These are the drum contactors to change the direction of flow of current in traction
motor fields.In cab1, if MPJ1 is put to forward position or in cab2, if MPJ2 is put to
reverse position, through running I/Ls of CTF 1, 2 and 3 and through GR 0 I/L, J1 F
& J2 F electro valves energizes. When J1 F is energised, it allows pneumatic pressure
to operate the drum contactor J1 and its handle goes upwards. Similarly when J2 F is
energised, pneumatic pressure enters to operate the drum contactor J2 and its handle goes

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In cab1, if MPJ1 is put to reverse position or in cab2, if MPJ2 is put to forward
position, through running I/Ls of CTF 1, 2 and 3 and through GR 0 I/L, J1R & J2 R
electro valves energizes. When J1 R is energised, it allows pneumatic pressure to
operate the drum contactor J1 and its handle goes downwards. Similarly when J2 R is
energised, pneumatic pressure enters to operate the drum contactor J2 and its handle goes
CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3:
These are drum contactors identical to reversers J1 & J2. When MP is on traction
side, CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 traction coils energizes through J1 & J2 F I/Ls or through J1
& J2 R I/Ls. During traction, CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 handles are set to upwards.
When MP is kept on P position on braking side, CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 braking
coils energizes through J1 & J2 F I/Ls or through J1 & J2 R I/Ls. During braking,
CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 handles are set to downwards.
Energisation of Q50 Relay on Traction Side:

This is a supervising relay provided to ensure correct preparation for the traction
as well as braking side. When ever cab1 MPJ is kept on F or cab2 MPJ is kept on R
position, J1 & J2 drums set to upward position. When ever cab1 MPJ is kept on R or
cab2 MPJ is kept on F position, J1 & J2 drums set to downward position. Traction side
supply for relay Q50 goes from CCPT fuse and through BL1, MPJ F or MPJ R, J1 F
& J2 F OR J1 R & J2 R, CTF1 (Running), CTF2 (Running), CTF3 (Running), C145
N/C, DJ N/O (now closed), Q50 N/C, GR 0, MP 0 and BL1 interlocks, the circuit
completes for Q50 relay and energizes. When Q50 is energised, its N/C I/L open and
path is maintained to Q50 through RQ50. Q50 N/O I/L closes parallel to GR 0 and MP
0 I/Ls, so the path to Q50 is maintained even after moving MP to N position and GR is
moved away from 0.
When ever Q50 is energised, the following I/Ls will close or open on different
control circuits that are given below.
i. NC interlock opens on QV64 branch in SIGNALLING lamp circuit. Hence
LSB extinguishes.
ii. NO interlock closes parallel to MP 0 and GR 0 interlock on Q50 control
iii. NO interlock closes on line contactors control circuit.
iv. NC interlock opens parallel to RQ50 in Q50 control circuit.
v. NC interlock opens on VE2 coil in tap changer control circuit.
vi. NO interlock closes on VE2 coil in tap changer control circuit.
vii. NO interlock closes on VE1 coil in tap changer control circuit.

Energisation of Q50 relay on braking side:

This relay energizes whenever MP is kept on P position on braking side to

indicate preparation is correct on braking side. To energize Q50 on braking side, CTF1,
CTF2 & CTF3 drum contactors should be thrown to braking side and contactor C145
should close. When ever MP is kept on P position, CTF 1, 2 & 3 running side interlocks
opens on Q50 traction side and at the same time CTF1, CTF2 & CTF3 braking side
interlocks get closed on C145 / Q50 branch. Braking side supply for relay Q50 goes from
CCPT fuse and through GR 0-10 in parallel with QVRF N/O I/L, THRM 1 and
THRM 2 N/C I/Ls, CTF1 (Br), CTF2 (Br), CTF3 (Br), HMCS1 closes on 1 position,
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HMCS2 closes on 1 position, C145 coil energizes. Just above C145 coil, the supply also
goes to Q50 braking side. Now C145 N/C I/L open on Q50 traction path and N/O I/L
closes on Q50 braking path. Then through QE, QF1 & QF2 N/C I/Ls, SWC N/C I/L
(opens at 1Kg/cm2 of BC pressure), C145 N/O I/L, DJ N/O I/L, Q50 N/C I/L, Q50 coil,
GR 0/CTF 1,2 & 3 braking side, MP closes on 0/P and BL I/L, circuit completes and
Q50 energizes on braking side. So signalling lamp LSB glows for a movement and
extinguishes. This indicates preparation for braking side is correct. When Q50 is
energised, its N/C I/L open and path is maintained to Q50 through RQ50. Q50 N/O I/L
closes parallel to GR 0/CTF1, 2 & 3 Br I/Ls and MP 0/P I/Ls, so the path to Q50 is
maintained even after moving MP to N position and GR is moved away from 0.
IP electrical valve:
This is a vigilance electro valve which gets energised in traction side as soon as
battery is switched on. Traction side this valve gets supply from CCPT fuse and through
CTF2 (Running) I/L (parallel with GR 0-10 I/L), CTF2 (Running) I/L (parallel with
Q30 N/O I/L). LP should bring MP to 0, to avoid further dropping of BP.

Q48 Control Circuit

This relay energizes when ever QD1 Or QD2 is energised. When ever this relay
energizes, the following actions will takes place:
a. Few notches auto regression of GR.
b. Auto sanding.
c. Red pilot lamp LSP glows on Loco Pilots desk.
Relay Q48 gets feed through CCPT (10 Amps) fuse, BL interlock, CTF1
(Running), CTF2 (Running), CTF3 (Running) I/Ls, HMCS 1/2, QD1/2 and Q48 N/C
I/Ls. After energisation of Q48 relay, its N/C I/L opens and path is maintained through
RQ48. When Q48 is energised its three other N/O I/Ls closes in three different circuits.

1. N/O I/L of Q48 closes in the branch of Q51 there by Q51 energizes causing
auto regression of GR.
2. N/O I/L of Q48 closes in the sanders control circuit there by VESA1&2 or
VESA3&4 energizes causing auto sanding.
3. N/O I/L of Q48 closes in the branch of LSP control circuit and causes the
lamp LSP to glow.

When ever QD1 is energizes due to the current difference in between TM2 and TM3,
QD1 N/O I/L closes in Q48 branch (below HMCS1). Similarly when ever QD2 is
energizes due to the current difference in between TM4 and TM5, QD2 N/O I/L closes in
Q48 branch (below HMCS2).

Q48 gets energizes when QD1 or QD2 Or both acts only if HMCS1 or HMCS2 is
placed in 1 & 3 position in non modified locos. In modified locos HMCS1 in 1 on 2 OR
HMCS2 is in 1 or 4 positions.

Signalling lamp circuit:

These lamps are provided to indicate the normal and abnormal working of
important equipment in the Loco. The signal lamps are controlled by signal relays.
Glowing of signal lamp indicates the abnormal condition of the apparatus and
extinguishing of lamp indicates the normal working of apparatus. The Pilot Lamp LSOL
and LS group are intended for MU operation of Locomotives. The circuit gets energised

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if HBA is placed on 1 position and BL key is unlocked, provided fuse CCLS and
CCLSA are in good condition. The following Pilot Lamps are provided on the WAG-5
1. LSDJ : It is Red in color and controlled by relay QV60.
2. LSCHBA : It is Green color and controlled by relay QCVAR & QV61
3. LSGR : It is Blue in color and controlled by relay QV62
4. LSRSI : It is White in color and controlled by relay QV63
5. LSB : It is Yellow in color and controlled by relay QV64
6. LSP : It is Red in color and controlled by relay Q48
7. LSAFR : It is Yellow in color and controlled by relay RGAF
8. LSOL : It is Amber in color and controlled by relay QVLSOL of other
9. LS group : It is Red in color and controlled by a group of SIGNALLING
relay inter-locks namely QV60, QV61, QV63 and QV64.
10. LSDBR : It is Red in color and controlled by relay QVRF.
LSDJ: It is provided to indicate the position of main circuit breaker (DJ). The
extinguishing of lamps indicates the DJ in closed condition. The normally closed inter-
lock of the DJ is provided on relay QV60, when DJ is in open condition its normally
closed I/L remains closed on QV60.Thereby the relay gets energise and the relays N/O
I/L closes on LSDJ branch, making the LSDJ lamp will glow. When the DJ is closed
condition its N/C I/L gets opened on QV60 branch. Thereby the relay QV60 de-energises
and its normally open I/L of QV60 gets opened on LSDJ, thereby LSDJ lamp
extinguished. Which indicates the Loco Pilot that DJ is in closed condition.
LSCHBA: It is provided to indicate the condition of CHBA and ARNO. QV61 and
QCVAR N/C I/L provided in LSCHBA branch. When loco is in de-energised condition
relay QV61 and QCVAR remains de-energised and their N/C I/L remains closed on
LSCHBA branch and lamp LSCHBA will low. When DJ closed and ARNO picks up
rated voltage QCVAR gets de-energised and its N/C I/L opens on LSCHBA branch. At
the same time CHBA also comes in service, so that the relay QV61 gets energised and its
normally closed inter-lock opens on LSCHBA branch and the lamp LSCHBA
In the event of the CHBA failure or defect in relay QV61, it causes glowing of
lamp LSCHBA, when loco is in energised condition.
LSGR: It is provided to indicate the position of GR whether it is on notches or O.
When GR is on O, the lamp LSGR glows and when GR is on notches, the lamp
extinguishes. The controlling relay for LSGR is QV62. When GR is on O, the inter-
lock provided on QV62 energises the relay, thereby N/O I/L of the relay closes on LSGR
branch and lamp LSGR glows. When GR is moved away from O position to notches,
the GR I/L opens on LSGR branch and LSGR lamp gets extinguished.
On QV62 branch ASMGR opens in between notches, I/L introduced. Since there
has been several causes of RGR burning, while closing DJ due to false indication of
LSGR glowing without ensuring GR on O notch. This is suspected due to GR interlock
closing on or notch.
LSGR should not glow when GR is in between O and 1 notch for the purpose.
The ASMGR opens on notches interlock is introduced on QV62 branch.

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LSRSI: It is provided to indicate the condition of silicon cells provided in RSI blocks.
As long as RSI block is functioning normal, LSRSI remains extinguished. Whenever
there is abnormality, HRC fuses melt, which in turn projects the tell tale fuses, which
closes the micro switch in relay QV63 branch and the relay energises and closes its
normally open interlock on LSRSI branch, thereby lamp glows.
LSB: It is provided to indicate the Loco Pilot about the correct setting of Traction power
circuit either on Motoring or in Braking side. When it glows it indicates that brake power
circuit is not set properly. When it extinguishes it indicates proper setting of Traction
power circuit. Its controlling relay is QV64, on which an interlock of Q50 is provided.
Whenever requirements of traction power circuit are properly set, Q50 energises and
opens its normally closed I/L on LSB and the LSB will extinguished. When the setting of
Traction power circuit is not proper, Q50 is de-energised thereby closing its N/C I/L on
QV64, thereby energising QV64 and N/O I/L closes on the LSB branch, and LSB glows.
Relay Q50 gets energises only when DJ is closed, MP is in O, GR is in O,
MPJ is either F or R, J1, J2 are properly set in correct position, the CTFs 1,2,3 are
also correctly set according to the MP positions.
LSP: It is provided to indicate the Loco Pilot about the wheel slipping; this is controlled
by relay Q48. Whenever wheel slip takes place it indicates glowing of LSP. Whenever
wheel slip takes place, there will be differential flow of current between the traction
motor, which is sensed by QD connected to them. The relay energises and closes its
interlock on Q48 relay branch thereby the relay Q48 is energised and its interlock closes
on the LSP branch and cause the lamp to glow.
LSOL: It is provided on the loco pilots desk. During MU operation of the locos, when it
glows it indicates that the defect is in other Loco. This lamp is controlled by relay LSOL
of other Loco. Whenever the relay interlock either 1 or all namely QV60, QV61, QV63,
QV64 closes on the branch of QVLSOL, QVLSOL energises through its N/O interlock
will close and extend the signal lamp feed from that Loco to other Loco and causes the
lamp LSOL to glow.
LS Group: It is located on the ceiling of the LPs cab. Whenever defect arises in the
Loco, resulting in energisation of QV60, QV61, QV63, QV64 the interlocks of these
relays closes on the branch of LS group and the lamp LS group glows, thereby indicating
the Loco Pilot that defect is in the loco in which it is glowing in MU operation.
LSAF: This lamp glows when the rate of charging reaches 7 Kg/cm2. They are measured
by Air flow measuring valve. When the BP pipe line is charged, the rate of charging is
sensed by RGAF and closes its contact on LSAFR branch. When the airflow exceeds
7Kg/cm2 the lamp LSAFR glows. When the rate of charging is 6.5Kg/cm2, the governor
opens its contact on LSAFR branch and lamp will extinguished.
In addition to the above whenever there is excess rating of BP pipeline for
maintaining BP pipeline pressure either on account of leakage or otherwise. This
excessive rate of charging is indicated by a needle located in the airflow indicator gauge
on the Loco Pilot cab.
LSDBR: It is a lamp on both cabs of loco, provided for locos having Rheostat Braking
facility. This lamp is controlled by QVRF. This lamp will glow when MP is placed on P
position (Braking side). It extinguishes after the relay QVRF is energised and when
blower motor started circulating sufficient air to cool the RFs. LSRF glows when MP is
placed on P. Since CTFs braking interlocks closes on QVRF, its N/C I/L closed

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condition on LSRF branch than MVRF works normally QVRF energises and its
interlocks open on LSRF branch, so the lamp LSRF extinguish.
All pilot lamps are not glowing:
1. Ensure HBA is closed, Battery voltage is above 90 volts and BL is unlocked. Lock
and unlock BL for two or three and check the pilot lamps. If they are glowing than
resume normal functions.
2. Ensure ZLS is in 1position (if provided).
3. If pilot lamps are not glowing, press BPT and check whether LSP and LSRSI are
glowing. If they are glowing, the other bulbs might have fused out, resume normal
4. If both LSP and LSRSI not glowing, check the pilot lamps in rear cab, if they are
glowing leading cab bulbs might have fused, and resume traction.
5. If the rear cab pilot lamps are not glowing, check CCLS. If it is melted replace the
same as per standard instruction and resume normal function.
6. If all are in good condition, check the A conk connection, below the switch
panel for any disconnections or slack, if any abnormality, affix it and resume
7. If A conk position is normal and fuse CCLS is repeatedly melting even after
placing HOBA in OFF position, place HOBA in ON positions and work
without pilot lamps duly assuming the other visible and audible signs and contact
TLC after clearing the section.
NOTE: If LSAF not glowing check CCLSA fuse, if not successful work with other
1. While closing DJ, release BLRDJ after 4 seconds of UA needle deviation.
2. Keep a good watch on UA needle and notice the auxiliaries to pick up correct
indication of tripping in case of any failure.
3. The deflection of UA needle and notice of auxiliary will only be the check
indication for closing DJ and trouble shooting.
4. Keep a watch on BA voltage, CHBA tension and ammeter of CHBA.
5. Frequently check the tell-tale fuses on the RSI blocks, if any abnormality, any
fuse projects out, take action as required when LSRSI lamps glows.
6. Continue to work up to next locomotive relief point.
7. Whenever MP is placed on O, observe NR to come to O and both ammeter
needle and traction motor voltmeter needles have come to O.
8. Inform TLC at the first normal stop.
9. Make an entry in the log book.

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DJ Control Circuit
DJ control circuit is provided:
1. To give starting phase to ARNO,
2. To protect the loco if any of eight auxiliary motors is not working,
3. To protect the loco if ARNO is not working,
4. To protect RGR,
5. To ensure that GR is on 0 while closing DJ,
6. To protect feeding power circuit from over current and short circuit,
7. To protect auxiliary power circuit from over current and earth fault,
8. To protect traction power circuit from over current and earth fault,
9. It trips DJ, if GR is stuck up on full notches while doing quick regression with
Types of DJ:

1. In DJ, there are two types ABCB and VCB.

2. In VCB there are three types: double interrupter VCB, single interrupter
horizontal VCB and single interrupter vertical VCB.
3. In ABCB DJ control circuit there are six branches (Q118, Q45, Q44, C118,
EFDJ and MTDJ). In ABCB DJ, closing coil is EFDJ and tripping coil is
4. In VCB DJ (double interrupter and single interrupter vertical) control circuit
there are five branches (Q118, Q45, Q44, C118 and MTDJ). In this two
types: closing coil and tripping coil is MTDJ.
5. In single interrupter horizontal VCB there are six branches (Q118, Q45, Q44,
C118, EFDJ and MTDJ) like ABCB. In this DJ closing coil is EFDJ and
tripping coil is MTDJ.


Air Blast circuit breaker consists of two contacts namely primary contact
and secondary contact fitted on the loco roof. The primary contact is provided inside the
horizontal insulator and the secondary contact is provided on the rotating vertical
insulator. The secondary contact insulator is connected through fork and actuating rod to
the piston of the DJ servomotor.
To close DJ, pneumatic pressure is admitted into DJ servomotor on right
hand side (piston rod end). To open DJ, the pneumatic pressure is admitted on left side of
the piston. The air admission is controlled on right hand side by an electro valve coil
EFDJ and on left hand side by an electro valve coil MTDJ. To close DJ, the pneumatic
pressure in RDJ should be above 6.5 kg/cm and to energise the electro valve coils the
battery voltage should be above 90 volts. To close DJ, switch ON BLDJ and press
BLRDJ switch. In the DJ control circuit, first MTDJ coil will energise and closes the
passage of air in to the DJ servomotor left hand side. Later when EFDJ coil is energised,
the air from RDJ through EFDJ valve enters on the right hand side of the piston moving
the piston to left hand side. Along with the piston through its fork and actuating rod the
secondary contact moves along with the insulator touching the fixed contact of the
primary of DJ assembly. Through the primary contact in the insulator and the flexible
shunts the current flows from the secondary contact to the main transformer (TFWR).
After closing of DJ the secondary contact is held in closed position by mechanical locking
through the retaining spring. After closing DJ, on releasing BLRDJ, after opening of

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C118 contactor, the EFDJ coil will be de-energised. Due to which admission of air on to
the right hand side of the DJ servomotor is stopped and at the same time air entered to
close DJ is exhausted through exhaust port. To open DJ, MTDJ coil is to be de energised.
When BLDJ switch is opened or due to any other reason when MTDJ coil is de energised
the air from RDJ finds its way to MTDJ valve into the DJ primary contacts insulator to
push the piston of primary contacts mobile contacts. By this action fixed mobile contacts
of the primary contacts are separated and 100000 ohms resistance is introduced in the
circuit. After 0.04 sec due to action of the retardation valve the air admitted from the
MTDJ valve will enter on left hand side of the piston DJ servomotor and open the
secondary contact. Before opening of the secondary contacts, arc between primary
contacts minimized due to insertion of 1 lakh ohms resistance in the circuit. After opening
of the primary contact, due to spring action the mobile contact will be pushed back and
the air is exhausted. Recently the air blast circuit breakers are replaced by vacuum
circuit breaker because of advantages.

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CCPT (10A)

C 118
(35A) Q 30 Q 45 QVMT1 C105
717 BL2 DJ
cl 1or2 cl 1or2 726
BL 1RDJ BL2 RDJ 0.6 Sec. QVRH C107
HVSI2 731
1 0
(35A) Q45
QLM Q 44
HPH 0.6 Sec.
BA Q118 QOP1
5 Sec.

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'O' QOP2
1 0
App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Q 46
C 105
C 107

C 118

0.6 Sec.
DJ 5 Sec.

Q 44 Q 45 C 118 EFDJ MTDJ Q 118

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Vacuum circuit breakers are replacing the air blast circuit breakers used on
electric locos/EMU's due to following advantages.
1. Less maintenance,
2. Greater safety,
3. Greater reliability,
4. Simplified control,
5. Noiseless operation.
The main switching unit consists of two vacuum interrupters connected in series
and are mounted in the horizontal support insulator. Each interrupter houses a pair of
contacts. The interrupters operating rods are connected to a pneumatic dual piston.
Operating mechanism is mounted in the main cradle between the interrupters, which
closes the contacts by the application of air supply.
The contacts are held normally open by heavy-duty springs. It is fixed to the
spring plate. The relay valve body is bolted to one side of the air cylinder. The control air
pipe and main air pipe, which are made up of special nylon, are routed between the relay
valve and the base of the circuit breaker inside the insulator.
The regulated and filtered air pressure of 5kgs/cm2 is supplied from air reservoir
QPDJ setting is kept at cut in 4.65kgs/cm2 and cut out 4.0kgs/cm2.
When the magnet valve is energised, control air is admitted to the bottom chamber
of the air relay valve and pushes the puppet valve upwards to allow operating air through
main pipeline in to the cylinder via 2mm diameter choke.
The operating air in the cylinder piston moves outwards against the pressure of
springs, thus closing the contacts in those interrupters. Air cylinder has small and large
ports. When the magnetic valve is energized air enters in to the cylinders first the small
port and then at through energised touch with each other by the large port, thus the
contacts are fully closed. When the magnet valve is de-energised the cylinder exhausts to
atmosphere thus causing the piston to accelerate rapidly inwards by the face of springs.

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CCPT (10A)
Q30 Q45 QVMT1 C105
ZPT1 BV C106
cl 1or2 cl 1or2 726
BV C107
HVSI2 731
35 AMPS Q45
HPH 0.6Sec.
BA Q118 QOP1
110V D.C 5Sec. GR HQCVAR

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1 0 Q46
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FULL 733 0-5 C106
C118 DJ

0.6Sec. C118

Q 44 Q45 C118 MTDJ Q 118

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1. Before closing DJ, ensure that loco is on track and under OHE.
2. To close DJ, Add. CCBA, CCBA, CCPT & CCDJ fuses should be in good
3. Keep HBA on 1 position and ensure BA voltage is more than 90 volts.
4. After keeping HBA on 1 position, relay Q118 energizes through contactors
C118, C105, C106 & C107 N/C I/Ls, relays Q44 & Q46 N/C I/Ls and
GR 0 - 5 I/L, Q118 N/O I/L closes on Q44 branch.
5. Start MCPA and create more than 6.5 Kg/cm2 of pressure in RS reservoir.
6. In ABCB loco Pressure relay QPDJ energizes at 5.5 Kg/cm2 and de-energize
at 4.5 Kg/cm2 and its N/O I/L closes on MTDJ branch (In VCB locos QPDJ
energizes at 4.65 Kg/cm2 and de-energises at 4.0 Kg/cm2).
7. Unlock BL key and ensure four pilot lamps are glowing (LSDJ, LSCHBA,
8. Insert ZPT on 0 and move to 1. Now its one I/L closes in panto electrical
control circuit to raise rear panto and another I/L closes on common branch of
Q45, C118, EFDJ and MTDJ (In VCB locos closes on common branch of
Q45, C118 & MTDJ).
9. Ensure panto is raised and touching to contact wire.
10. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ, relay Q45 energizes through CCDJ, BP1DJ
N/C/ I/L, BLDJ N/O/I/L, ZPT I/L (closes on 1 or 2 position), BLRDJ N/O
I/L and through GR 0 I/L.
11. When Q45 is energised one of its N/O I/L closes on Q44 branch, second on
C118 coil branch, third one on Q30 branch in auxiliary power circuit and
fourth one parallel to QLA in auxiliary power circuit.
12. Then Q44 energizes through Q45 N/O I/L, Q118 N/O I/L and ASMGR closes
on 0 and on full notches I/L.
13. When Q44 is energizes, its N/C I/L opens on Q118 branch (Q118 will not de
energize because of 5 seconds time lag) and its N/O I/L closes on common
path of C1118, EFDJ& MTDJ.
14. C118 coil energizes through CCDJ, BP1DJ N/C/ I/L, BLDJ N/O/I/L, ZPT
I/L, Q44 N/O I/L, Q45 N/O/ I/L, QCVAR N/C I/L. C118 contactor closes in
auxiliary power circuit and starting phase gets ready before closing DJ.
15. When C118 contactor is closed its N/C I/L opens on Q118 and N/O I/L closes
on EFDJ branch (In VCB locos closes N/O I/L closes on MTDJ branch).
16. EFDJ energizes through the safety relay N/C I/Ls, C118 N/O I/L, DJ N/C I/L.
Simultaneously MTDJ also energised.
17. When EFDJ is energised air pressure is supplied to DJ servomotor to close
DJ. When MTDJ is energised air pressure is stopped to DJ servomotor to
keep DJ in closed condition (In VCB locos MTDJ energizes through the
safety relay N/C I/Ls, C118 N/O I/L and QPDJ I/L When MTDJ energizes,
pressure enters into puppet valve to lift puppet valve and DJ closes).
18. When DJ is closed LSDJ extinguishes through QV60 relay.
19. After closing DJ, EFDJ de energizes through DJ N/C I/L. Now the existing
pressure in DJ servomotor is exhausted through exhaust port and DJ remains
in closed condition through retaining spring (In VCB locos after closing DJ,
path is maintained through DJ N/O I/L).
20. As the DJ is closed and OHE supply is available TFWR and TFWA
energizes, UA meter needle deviates and Q30 energizes (Q30 energizes at
215 volts of TFWA output) as these are connected to auxiliary power circuit.
Q30s N/O I/L close on Q44 branch.

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21. ARNO initially works as single-phase AC induction motor and after few
seconds works as an alternator. When it produces an out put of 155 volts
QCVAR energizes causing automatic suppression of starting phase by
opening its N/C I/L on C118 coil branch.
22. When C118 contactor is opened, its N/C I/L recloses on Q118 branch and
opens on EFDJ branch (In VCB locos, C118 N/O I/L opens on MTDJ
23. Now ARNO receives single-phase AC supply and produces 3-phase AC
supply. Along with ARNO five direct auxiliary motors will start to avoid no
load working of ARNO and simultaneously their relay I/Ls closes on Q118
and Q44 branches.
24. Along with ARNO five static devices also starts working. One of these is
CHBA. When CHBA starts working, signalling lamp LSCHBA extinguishes
and release BLRDJ.
25. After releasing BLRDJ, relay Q45 de energizes and its N/O I/Ls opens in
different branches.
26. Q44 gets path through Q30 N/O I/L, GR 0 I/L and so on. Simultaneously
Q44 gets supply through QVSI-1 and QVSI-2 also.
27. Now DJ is maintained in closed condition through Q118, Q44 and MTDJ
28. After closing DJ, close BLCP to start MCP.
29. After closing BLVMT and after starting of MVRH, MVMT-1 & MVMT-2,
Q118 gets path through QVMT-1, QVMT-2, & QVRH N/O I/Ls.
30. After taking first notch GR 0 I/L open on Q44 branch and path is
maintained through QVSI-1 and QVSI-2 I/Ls.
31. After taking sixth notch GR 0-5 I/L open on Q118 branch and path is
maintained through C105, C106& C107 N/O I/Ls.
32. From 6th notch to 32 notches there is no change in DJ control circuit.


Whenever DJ is tripped on line prepare the loco as following to pickup correct
abnormal sign.
1. Keep MP on zero.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Ensure LSGR is glowing.
4. Ensure Safety relays are normal.
5. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 open fully.
6. MR / RS pressure above 6.5 Kg/cm2.
7. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
8. Ensure pantograph is raised fully
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe the LSDJ, UA needle, Auxiliaries
sound & LSCHBA.
After extinguishing of LSCHBA, release BLRDJ. If LSCHBA not
extinguishes, release after re glowing of LSDJ.
Pick up the correct abnormal sign as following manner.

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a. Less air pressure in MR or RS
On closing BLDJ and pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ remains
1 ICDJ b. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/ C118/ EFDJ may not energise.
c. Check A conk for any slackness.
a. Derailment/ Accident (reducing of Vacuum / BP
levels in loco)
b. Defect/cut in Feeding Power/ auxiliary power
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA
2 needle not deviated, no auxiliaries sound, LSCHBA not NO TENSION
c. Defect in OHE/ track/ formation
extinguished and after 5.6 seconds LSDJ re-glows
d. Cut in Feeding Power circuit.
e. Foreign body on loco roof
f. No supply in OHE.
a. Less air pressure or QPDJ defective
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ LSDJ flickering A BEGINNING
3 b. Check QOA/ QLA/ QLM for energisation.
c. Cut in MTDJ branch or defective MTDJ coil
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA a. Defective ARNO
4 needle deviated, auxiliary sound may heard LSCHBA not A ENDING b. Defective QCVAR
extinguished after 5.6 seconds LSDJ re glows.
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA Defect in
needle deviated, Auxiliary sound heard, LSCHBA also OPERATION B a. MVSL1/VLS1/ QVSL1
5 extinguished, after releasing BLRDJ, while counting PART-I b. MVSL2/VSL2/ QVSL2
15seconds LSDJ re-glows. c. MPH/PH/QPH
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA Defective Q30
needle deviated, auxiliary sound heard, LSCHBA also
extinguished, on releasing BLRDJ, LSDJ re glows

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Defect in
Close DJ, close BLVMT, while counting 30 seconds
7 LSDJ re-glows. OPERATION O
Defect in
Close DJ, close BLVMT and take one traction notch. a. MVSI1/VSI1/QVSI1
While counting 15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. b. MVSI2/VS2/QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.
a. All contactors not closed
Close DJ, close BLVMT and take six traction notches.
b. Any one of C107 / C105 /C106 not closed
9 While counting 15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. OPERATION II
c. C107, C105&C106 closed but N/O I/Ls
a. Defective QPDJ
b. Slackness of CCDJ /CCPT/CCA
c. Moisture in system
10 DJ trips in various occasions other than above indications. TWAC d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any I/L in the DJ control

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Tripping Failures (VCB)

Before closing DJ, ensure the following:
1. MP on zero, GR is on zero.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Safety relays are normal.
4. Ensure C107, C105 and C106 open fully.
5. MR / RS pressure above 6.5 Kg/cm2.
6. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
7. Ensure pantograph is raised fully.
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe LSDJ, UA needle, Auxiliaries
sound & LSCHBA.
After extinguishing of LSCHBA, release BLRDJ. If LSCHBA not
extinguished, release after re-glowing of LSDJ.
Pick up the correct abnormal sign in the following manner.

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On closing BLDJ and pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ remains a. Less air pressure in RS or MR
glowing b. Less air pressure in VCB unit
c. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/ C118/ MTDJ not energised.
d. Defective C118 N/O I/L
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA 1. Derailment/ Accident (reducing of Vacuum / BP
needle not deviated, no auxiliaries sound, LSCHBA not levels in loco)
extinguished and after 5.6 seconds LSDJ re-glows 2. Cut in Feeding Power Circuit.
2 NO TENSION 3. Defect in feeding power circuit.
4. Defect in OHE/ track/ formation
5. Foreign body on loco roof.
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ LSDJ flickering a. Less air pressure or QPDJ defective
3 A BEGINNING b. Check QOA/ QLA/ QLM for energisation.
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA a. Defective ARNO
4 needle deviated, auxiliary sound may hear LSCHBA not A ENDING b. Defective QCVAR
extinguished after 5.6 seconds LSDJ re glows.
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA Defective DJ N/O I/L
needle deviated, auxiliary sound heard LSCHBA also
extinguished just before releasing BLRDJ, LSDJ re-
glows (LSCHBA flickering)
Defect in
Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA
needle deviated, Auxiliary sound heard, LSCHBA also OPERATION B
5 b. MVSL2/VSL2/ QVSL2
extinguished, after releasing BLRDJ, while counting PART-I
15seconds LSDJ re-glows.

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Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. LSDJ extinguished, UA Defective Q30

needle deviated, auxiliary sound heard, LSCHBA also
extinguished, on releasing BLRDJ, LSDJ re glows
Defect in
Close DJ, close BLVMT, while counting 30 seconds
7 LSDJ re-glows. OPERATION O
Defect in
Close DJ, close BLVMT and take one traction notch. a. MVSI1/VSI1/QVSI1
While counting 15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. b. MVSI2/VS2/QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.
a. All contactors not closed
Close DJ, close BLVMT and take six traction notches.
9 OPERATION II b. Any one of C107 / C105 /C106 not closed
While counting 15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. c. C107, C105&C106 closed but N/O I/Ls defective.
a. Defective QPDJ
b. Slackness of CCDJ /CCPT/CCA
DJ trips in various occasions other than above c. Moisture in system
indications. d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any I/L in the DJ control circuit.

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Tripping Failures - Trouble Shooting:

Safety relays may act at any stage. So before confirming the above failures ensure that
safety relay targets are normal.
No tension may be experienced at any stage even during trouble shooting for other failures.
Do not panic.
Before going to Trouble shoot for the tripping failures switch ON, ZCPA and proceed
Do not leave the train with only loco brake. After stopping the train, both loco and train
brakes should be applied by SA-9 and A-9 and keep them in application position only.
On closing BLDJ and pressing BLRDJ, LSDJ remains glowing.
Less battery voltage
Less air pressure in MR or RS.
Any one of Q118/ Q45/ Q44/ C118/ EFDJ might have not energised (in case of VCB
locos MTDJ coil not energized in place of EFDJ).
Check A conk for any slackness.

Trouble Shooting:
Keep HBA on 1 and press ZUBA. If battery voltmeter (UBA) indicates O, defect is
either with Addl. CCBA or any one of the battery might have open circuited. Replace
Addl. CCBA (in battery box No.1) with a good fuse and try.
a) Finding Open Circuited Battery
1. Operate HBA two or three times and check the battery voltage. If it shows normal
voltage resume traction.
2. If still BA voltage is O, open the cover of battery boxes, check the terminals and
condition of batteries. If any terminal is loose or broken or any battery is found burst
or defective, isolate the defective battery as per the instructions given below and
resume traction.
3. If all battery terminals are intact and there is no abnormality in the battery, connect
positive and negative terminals of each battery with a suitable cable duly keeping
MCPA ON. If MCPA starts while doing so conclude that battery as defective and
isolate the same and resume traction.
4. If UBA indicates 'O' even after doing so, close ZCPA and check the working of
MCPA. If MCPA works normally and able to build up pressure in RS ignore UBA
and resume traction.
5. If MCPA does not work, change Addl. CCBA & CCBA and try. If unsuccessful
contact TLC.

b) UBA indicates normal voltage when HBA is on 1 but shows very less voltage when
ZCPA is switched ON:
1. Open the covers of battery boxes, check the battery terminals and condition of
batteries. If any battery terminal is slack or any battery is defective, isolate the
defective battery as per procedure given below and resume traction.
2. If battery terminal and batteries are found normal, keep HBA and ZCPA on position
1, connect positive and negative terminals of each battery momentarily with a piece
of insulated wire and check the battery voltage each time. If battery voltage reads
normal, when the terminals are touched and MCPA starts working, isolate that
particular battery as per procedure given below and build up pressure with MCPA.
c) Procedure for isolating a defective battery:
1. After confirming the defective battery, keep HBA on O and disconnect the positive
and negative terminals of that battery.
2. Connect the disconnected positive and negative terminals together tightly with a bolt
and nut.
3. Wrap the terminals with insulation tape and ensure that it is not touching with any
part of the loco or battery.
4. Check the battery voltage. If it is normal or above 90V, resume traction. If BA
voltage is less than 90V, contact TLC.
Less air pressure in RS
a. Switch ON MCPA if MCPA is not working;
1. Keep HBA on 1 & unlock BL. If battery voltage reads O, and all pilot lamps are
not glowing renew the Addl. CCBA fuse and try.
2. Switch on ZCPA and check the battery voltage. If it is too low, there may be a partial
dead cell. Isolate the same as per the instructions given in 3.1.1(b) and resume
3. If the battery voltage is above 90 volts, check the fuse CCBA. If it is melted, renew
the fuse and resume traction. If it melts second time, place HOBA in OFF, renew the
fuse and resume traction.
4. If CCBA melts even HOBA in OFF position. Check LTBA, if the colour is changed
remove 003 wire insulate it with tape to avoid touching with loco body clear section
and contact TLC.
5. If CCBA is in good condition operate ZCPA, 2 or 3 times and check MCPA. If
MCPA works, resume traction.
6. If MCPA does not work, check the terminals of ZCPA and MCPA. If any one is
disconnected, connect the same and resume traction.
7. If unsuccessful, contact TLC.
Note: Addl. CCBA is provided in battery box No.1. (Some locos are provided with
Though MCPA is working but RS pressure is not building up:
1. Ensure ZPT is in 'O' and both pantos are in lowered condition.

2. Ensure MCPA is working normal and check RAL COC is opened, if it is closed,
open the same and build up the pressure in RS and resume traction.
3. Check CPA, PANTO, RS, DJ oil separator and RDJ drain COCs, if any one is
opened, close the same and try to build up pressure and resume traction.
4. If still unsuccessful, close R1 COC and try to build up the pressure in RS and
resume traction. Ensure there is no leakage from SS1.
5. If still unsuccessful close RAL COC, build up pressure in panto pipeline and RDJ
till SS1 blows. Keep MCPA working, place ZPT on 1. If panto raises, again allow
SS1 to blow then close DJ and immediately start MCP. After building up 6.5
Kg/cm in MR, stop MCPA, open R1 COC and resume traction.
6. If unsuccessful, open RAL COC, operate HOM and build up air pressure in RS
till SS1 blows. Keeping MCPA working, take out ZPT from HOM, place ZPT on
1, close DJ and immediately start MCP. Stop the MCPA only after the MR
pressure is raised to 7kg/cm and resume traction.
1. Ensure battery voltage is above 90 volts.
2. Ensure the pantograph is in raised condition. If it is lowered, check the fuses CCBA
and CCPT.
3. If one or both fuses are melted, renew the same. If it melts again, place HOBA in
OFF position, renew the fuse and resume traction with precautions.
4. Ensure C118, C105, C106 and C107 are fully opened. If any one is not opened, open
it and check Q118 is energised.
5. Ensure the relays Q44 and Q46 are not in energised condition.
6. Ensure GR is on 'O' (LSGR is glowing).
7. If everything is normal, manually operate Q118.

Manual energisation of Q118

1. Close BLDJ and BLVMT, press Q118 manually and press BP 2DJ.
2. Release BP2DJ after LSDJ, LSCHBA are extinguished and release Q118 after 30
seconds or after starting of all blower motors.
3. If DJ is closed resume traction. For closing DJ every time energise Q118
4. While operating Q118 manually, if any abnormality is noticed, release Q118 and
trouble shoot for the abnormality.
5. If DJ is closed but tripped after releasing Q118, wedge Q118 in energised
condition and work with precautions.
Precautions before & After Wedging Q118
1. Before wedging ensure all EM contactors are opened.
2. After wedging Q118, close DJ and ensure LSCHBA is extinguished, if not
extinguished release BLRDJ after 4 seconds after extinguishing of LSDJ.
3. After closing DJ ensure C118 is fully opened and check the working of
4. Check TFR oil level for any colour change or any abnormal increase.

5. Avoid quick regression of GR.
1. Ensure BLDJ is closed, ZPT is in '1'position, LSGR is glowing, and SMGR drum is in
2. Press BP2DJ instead of BLRDJ for closing DJ and press BP1DJ couple of times to
make proper contact.
3. Check CCDJ, if it is melted, renew the fuse. If it melts second time, put HOBA in 'OFF'
position, renew the fuse and operate Q45 manually.
4. Change ZPT position and try.
5. If once again the fuse is melted, try from rear cab. If unsuccessful, contact TLC.
6. If CCDJ is in good condition, operate GR manually from 0 to 5 notches and back to
0. Then try to close DJ and resume traction.
7. Change ZPT position and try.
Manual energisation of Q45:
1. Keep ZPT on '1', Close BLDJ, Press Q45 and release after 4 seconds of
extinguishing of LSDJ.
2. If DJ closes, resume traction. Every time for closing DJ, operate Q45 manually.
3. If DJ does not close check Q44, C118 and EFDJ.
1. Ensure Q118, Q45 are energised and GR is in O.
2. Operate GR manually 0 to 5 and back to 0 and try to close DJ and resume
3. Clean the interlocks of Q118 and Q44.
4. If unsuccessful, operate Q44 manually.
Manual energisation of Q44
1. Close BLDJ, keep ZPT in 1 position and depute Asst Loco Pilot to watch RGR.
2. Press BP2DJ and press Q44 manually.
3. Release Q44 as soon as DJ is closed and release BP 2DJ after extinguishing of
4. If DJ holds, resume traction. Every time for closing DJ operate Q44 manually.
5. While operating Q44 manually, if any abnormality is noticed, release Q44 and
trouble shoot for the same.
6. While manually operating Q44, if DJ does not close, wedge Q44 and work further
with precautions.
Note: Q44 should not be pressed for more than one second.
Precautions before wedging Q44:
1. Conduct GR efficiency test.
2. Take the permission from TLC for wedging Q44.
3. Wedge the relay with suitable material.

Precautions after wedging Q44:
1. Check the working of all auxiliary motors while on run.
2. Check the OHE voltage frequently and trip DJ when OHE voltage drops below
3. Take all the precautions which have to be taken after wedging Q118.
1. Place HBA on 'O' and check the C118 wire connections (wire Nos. 740 & B315). If
they are disconnected, connect them.
2. If wire connections are normal, check the flexibility of the contactor. If it is not
moving freely, try to rectify it. If unsuccessful contact TLC.
3. Clean the interlocks of QCVAR, Q45 and Q44 and try to close DJ.
4. Try in LT, if successful, loop the wires 726-731 at HOM and take the precautions that
have to be taken for wedging of Q44.
5. If unsuccessful, contact TLC for advice.
Note: C118 should not be operated manually for closing DJ.
EFDJ NOT ENERGISED (MTDJ not energised in VCB loco):
1. Ensure MR/RS pressure is above 6.5 Kg/cm, R1 COC and RAL COC are open,
and C118 wire connections (739 & 733) are intact. Gently tap the safety relays.
2. Buildup air pressures in RS up to 8 Kg/cm or until SS1 blows and close DJ.
3. If DJ does not close, gently tap QPDJ and try to close DJ. If successful work the
4. If DJ does not close, place HQOA on 'O' and try to close DJ. If successful work the
train duly watching the auxiliary power circuit equipment frequently for any
5. If DJ does not close, place HQOP1 & HQOP2 one by one on 'OFF' position and try
to close DJ. If successful, work the train duly watching the concerned traction
power circuit equipment for any abnormality.
6. If not successful place HQOA O, HQOP1 and HQOP2- OFF position and try.
7. If not successful place HOBA also in OFF position and try.
8. In VCB locos, loop the wire no. 733 & 739 of C118 and ensure C118 is opened
after closing of DJ.
Note: After clearing the block section, normalise the switches (HQOA, HQOP1 &
HQOP2) one by one and keep the defective one isolated.
If unsuccessful contact TLC.

Precautions for wedging of other relays
1. Ensure J1, J2 are in proper direction 1. Do not operate MPJ.
according to cab. 2. Should not perform shunting. If it is
2. Ensure CTF1,2,3 are in traction side. required to perform shunting, operate
3. Ensure C145 is opened fully. MPJ ensure J1 & J2 set properly for every
3. Bring MP to 0 when DJ is tripped on
4. Do not operate RB.
1. GR will not regress through Q20 / Q48 (QD) /QRS 2/PR2. Hence ensure correct current
rating, observe LSP, observe BP level.

1. Ensure C118 opened fully. 1. Ensure C118 open fully.
2. Ensure C107, C105, C106 are opened 2. Ensure proper working of MVRH, MVMT1,
fully. MVMT2, MPH, MVSL1, MVSL2 & ARNO
3. Ensure HVRH, HVMT1, HVMT2, frequently.
HPH, HVSL1, HVSL2, HQCVAR in 3. Ensure transformer oil level is normal.
1 position. 4. Observe restricted current rating of 750/500
NOTE: Inform to TLC at next station.

1. Obtain permission from TLC. 1. Ensure C118 is opened fully and no
2. Conduct GR efficiency test and ensure GR abnormality in RGR.
is moving with in the time. ( for 2. Ensure OHE supply is above 17.5 kv
progression 0-32 & regression 32-0 with in and avoid manual operation of GR.
11-13 seconds.) When SMGR pressure is 3. Ensure proper working of auxiliaries
sufficient. provided on Q118 & Q44 branches.
3. Ensure GR drum is on 0. 4. Ensure Q118 in energized position and
4. Ensure Q118 is normal. avoid quick regression of GR.
5. Ensure C118 open fully. 5. Check transformer oil frequently.
6. Ensure HVSI 1 & HVSI 2 are in 1
7. Note down transformer oil level.
NOTE: while closing DJ, depute asst. loco pilot to observe RGR from corridor.

1. When ever loco is having A ending 1. Ensure OHE supply is more than 17.5kv and
trouble should not wedge Q45. proper working of VSI1 & VSI2.
2. Ensure BLDJ open, GR is on 0, ZPT 2. If DJ required to be open for a longer period
on 1 and pantograph is raised. remove wedge of Q45 or keep HBA on o to
3. Ensure Q118 & Q44 working normal. avoid chattering of Q44 & Q118.
4. Close BLDJ for closing of DJ. 3. If DJ is tripped with any reason, open BLDJ
immediately to avoid DJ chattering.

Note: After wedging Q45, relays Q118 & Q44 will chatter till DJ is closed. So, close DJ with
out any delay.

After tripping DJ on line and while trying to close DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter
needle does not deviate, no sound comes from auxiliaries, LSCHBA does not extinguish, and
LSDJ glows again (i.e. DJ trips) after 5.6 seconds.
1. Train formation derailed and infringing with the OHE.
2. OHE supply is earthed through loco roof equipment or through foreign body/Panto
3. Panto not touching to contact wire properly.
4. No supply in OHE.
5. Cut in roof bar towards raised panto.
6. Open circuit in auxiliary or main transformer winding.
1. If BP/Vacuum drops suddenly and followed by no tension, switch ON flasher, stop the
train and check the formation. If any infringement is noticed with adjacent track protect
the train as per GR and SR.
2. If there is no sudden drop of BP/Vacuum, Check for any abnormality in the track ahead
(Adjacent train formation may be infringing the track). If so, stop the train immediately
and act as per GR and SR.
3. Check loco roof for any foreign body or loco roof equipment or cut in roof bar or panto
whether touching to contact wire.
4. If any foreign body is noticed or loco roof equipment is touching to roof or cut in OHE
is noticed immediately stop the train, secure the loco and contact TPC and attend the
5. If panto is not touching to contact wire, try with other panto or trouble shoot for panto
not rising.
6. If everything is normal, try to close DJ.
7. If power is not restored lower the working panto and raise the other panto. Close DJ, if
power is restored work with other panto.
8. If still unsuccessful, check for any flash when other panto is touching to contact wire.

9. If flash is noticed, while raising other panto or closing DJ, lower the panto. Contact
TPC and obtain power block to check for any abnormality on the roof and OHE. If no
flash is noticed when rear panto touches the contact wire and power is restored, resume
10. If still power is not restored, stop at convenient place. Then lower both the pantographs
and contact TPC.
11. If power is restored after 5 minutes clear the section with a speed restriction of 60/30
KMPH when view ahead is clear or view ahead is not clear duly observing the adjacent
line OHE also. If any abnormality is noticed in OHE, stop the train and inform to TPC


While trying to close DJ, LSDJ extinguishes and immediately glows again. (DJ closes
and trips immediately).
1. Short circuit in feeding power circuit.
2. Short circuit in auxiliary power circuit
3. Reducing of pressure after closing DJ or defective QPDJ
4. De energising of MTDJ after closing DJ
5. Defective MTDJ
1. Check the safety relays QLM, QLA and QOA. If any safety relay target is dropped,
troubleshoot for the concerned safety relay.
2. If no relay target is dropped, tap safety relays gently and operate target resetting buttons
physically even though any relay target is not dropped. Close DJ and resume traction
3. Tap QPDJ and check RS pressure and try to close DJ.
4. If unsuccessful, place HQOA on '0' and close DJ. If successful resume traction duly
observing for any abnormality in auxiliary power circuit equipments for every 10
5. If unsuccessful normalise HQOA, place HQOP-1 in "OFF" position as per procedure
and close DJ. If successful resume traction duly observing for any abnormality in the
traction power circuit equipments for every 10 minutes.
6. If unsuccessful normalise HQOP1, place HQOP-2 in "OFF" position as per procedure
and close DJ. If successful resume traction duly observing for any abnormality in the
traction power circuit for every 10 minutes.
7. If still unsuccessful place HOBA in OFF position and try. If successful clear the block
section and contact TLC.
8. If still unsuccessful, contact TLC.


While trying to close DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA needle deviates, LSCHBA does
not extinguish and LSDJ re -glows after 5.6 seconds

1. Defective ARNO
2. Defective QCVAR
1. Check for proper working of ARNO.
2. If ARNO is working properly, place HQCVAR in '0' and close DJ duly releasing BLRDJ
promptly after 4 seconds after deviation of UA needle. Resume traction and note that
LSCHBA will not extinguish. Check the CHBA ammeter and ARNO frequently on run.
Note: Relay Q-45 should not be wedged if the loco is having Operation 'A' Ending
OPERATION 'A' ENDING PART II (In VCB type DJ provided locos only)
While trying to close DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter needle deviates, sound
comes from the auxiliaries and LSCHBA also extinguishes and just before releasing BLRDJ,
LSDJ re -glows.
Defective DJ N/O I/L on MTDJ branch
Loop 733-739 wires at C118 contactor duly taking precautions.
DJ trips after releasing BLRDJ with in 15 seconds
1. MVSL-1 may not be working or defective QVSL-1
2. MVSL-2 may not be working or defective QVSL-2
3. Defective QCVAR N/O interlock
4. MPH may not be working or defective QPH

1. Place HVSL-1 & HVSL-2 on `3' position and HQCVAR & HPH on 0 position and
close DJ.
2. If DJ holds, check the working of MVSL-1 and MVSL-2. If any one of them is not
working, isolate concerned MVSL (keep concerned MVMT & MVSI on 0) and work
onwards with 50% of the maximum load permitted.
3. If MVSL 1 and 2 are working normal, trip DJ, place HVSL-1 on position '1', close DJ
and wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips conclude QVSL-1 is defective place HVSL-1 on '3',
normalize the other switches (i.e.HVSL2, HQCVAR & HPH) and work onwards duly
watching the working of VSL-1 blower.

4. If DJ holds after keeping HVSL1 on 1 position, trip DJ, place HVSL-2 on position '1',
close DJ and wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips, conclude QVSL-2 is defective,
placeHVSL-2 on '3', normalize the other switches(i.e HQCVAR & HPH) and work
onwards duly watching the working of VSL-2 blower
5. If DJ holds after keeping HVSL1&HVSL2 on 1 position, trip DJ; place HQCVAR on
position '1', close DJ and wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips, QCVAR N/O interlock on
Q118 is defective, place HQCVAR on '0', HPH on '1' and work onwards duly watching
6. If DJ holds after keeping HVSL1,HVSL2&HQCVAR on 1 position, conclude defect is
with MPH or HPH keep HPH on 0 position and work further duly observing transformer
oil level, working of VRH and follow current rating of 750 A for 5 min, 500 A
continuous up to next station and contact TLC.
DJ trips immediately after releasing BLRDJ (DJ remains closed as long as BLRDJ is
Defective Q30.
Loop wire no. 700 and 717 at the back of relay Q30, close DJ and resume traction duly
watching UA meter needle and open DJ, when UA meter needle drops below 17.5 KV or on
hearing decreasing noise of auxiliaries. (Or) Wedge relay Q45 in energised condition and work
onwards observing the following precautions.
1. Ensure GR is on 0 before closing DJ.
2. DJ closes as soon as BLDJ is closed. So whenever DJ trips immediately open BLDJ.
3. At neutral section open BLDJ at DJ opening board and close BLDJ only at DJ closing board.
4. After closing DJ ensures OHE voltage is above 17.5 KV. If it drops below 17.5Kv, open DJ
immediately. Check the working of VSI-1 & VSI-2 frequently on run.
DJ trips after closing BLVMT within30 seconds
1. MVRH may not be working or defective QVRH
2. MVMT-1 may not be working or defective QVMT-1
3. MVMT-2 may not be working or defective QVMT-2
1. Place HVRH, HVMT-1 and HVMT-2 on 3 position. Close DJ, close BLVMT and wait
for 30 seconds.

2. If DJ holds, check the working of VRH, VMT-1 and VMT-2. If any blower is not
working, trip DJ isolate the concerned motor and work further.
If MVRH is not working, Place HVRH on '0', ensure C-107 is fully open and work
upto next station with 750 A for 5 minutes and 500A continuous current rating.
Switch ON BLVMT and check C105 & C106 are closed. If they are closed,
clear the block section with in 5 notches or wedge Q118 in energised condition and
clear block section. Ensure the working of MPH.
If MVMT-1 is not working, Place HVMT-1, HVSI-1 and HVSL-1 on '0', ensure C-
105 is fully open and work onwards with 50%of maximum load permitted.
If MVMT-2 is not working, place HVMT-2, HVSI-2 & HVSL-2 on 0, ensure
C106 is fully open and work onwards with 50% of maximum permissible load.
Inform TLC.
3. If all the 3 blowers are working normally with HVRH, HVMT-1 and HVMT-2 on 3
position , clear the block section, trip DJ, place HVRH on '1' close DJ, close BLVMT
and wait for 30 seconds. If DJ trips, QVRH is defective, place HVRH on '3' and other
two switches on '1', work further duly watching VRH blower working frequently.
4. If DJ holds with HVRH on '1', trip DJ, place HVMT-1 on '1', close DJ, close BLVMT
and wait for 30 seconds. If DJ trips, QVMT-1 is defective, place HVMT-1 on '3' and
HVMT-2 on '1' and work further duly watching working of VMT1 frequently.
5. If DJ holds with HVMT-1 on '1', it indicates QVMT-2 is defective, so keep HVMT-2 on
'3' and work further duly watching VMT-2 blower working frequently.
DJ trips within 15 seconds after taking first notch.
1. CCPT melting on first notch
2. Sluggish operation of SMGR
3. MVSI-1 may not be working or defective QVSI-1
4. MVSI-2 may not be working or defective QVSI-2

1. If fuse CCPT melts after taking first notch, renew the fuse and try.
2. If it melts again after taking first notch place HOBA in 'OFF' position and try. If it melts
even with HOBA in 'OFF', renew the fuse and clear the block section with manual
operation of GR.
3. Place HVSI-1 and HVSI-2 on '3', close DJ, close BLVMT, take one traction notch and
wait for 15 seconds.
4. If DJ trips, it indicates sluggish operation of GR, place HVSI-1 and HVSI-2 on '1', close
DJ, keep MP on 'N', take one traction notch with manual control of GR. If successful,
clear the block section with 30KMPH of speed duly watching RGR, and contact TLC.
5. If DJ holds after keeping HVSI-1 and HVSI-2 on '3', check the working of VSI-1 and
VSI-2 physically. If any one is not working isolate the defective MVSI and its concerned
MVSL and MVMT and work further with 50% of the maximum load permitted.

6. If both VSI-1 and VSI-2 blowers are working, work up to next station. Trip DJ, place
HVSI-1 on '1', close DJ, take one traction notch and wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips,
conclude QVSI-1 is defective, place HVSI-1 on '3' and HVSI-2 on '1'. Close DJ and
resume traction duly watching VSI-2 frequently.
7. If DJ holds with HVSI-1 on '1' and HVSI-2 on '3', conclude QVSI-2 is defective. Resume
traction duly watching VSI-2 frequently.
1. All contactors not closed
2. Any one of the contactors of C107/ C105/ C106 not closed
3. C107, C105 & C106 closed but their I/Ls defective.
If all EM contactors are not closed
a) Check CCA fuse.
b) Check for energisation of Q100.
c) Ensure C118 chronometric I/L is good, otherwise, loop wire Nos. 089 100.
d) If still Q100 is not energised, wedge it in energised condition and work with
If any One of the Contactors of C107/ C105/ C106 Not Closed
1. Keep concerned switch in 3 and try.
2. Check QTD 105 and QTD 106 for energisation.
3. If still not closing, check the condition of contactor coil wire connections and
flexibility of contactor.
4. If still unsuccessful, wedge contactor and work with precautions.
5. When C107/ C105/ C106 wedged, keep concerned switch on 3 position to give
initial path to Q 118.
Even after closing C105, C106, C107, but if any N/O I/L is not closed:
1. Keep HVMT 1 & HVMT 2 switches in 3 and close DJ. If still trouble is existing,
conclude C107 N/O I/L is defective, work by wedging Q118 in energise position
with precautions.
2. After keeping HVMT 1 & HVMT 2 switches in 3, if DJ not tripped, clear the
section, normalize one by one switches and find out where the trouble is, keep
concerned switch in 3 and work further with precautions.
If CCA is fused even HOBA in OFF, work the train by wedging of minimum contactors, in
the following manner.
A) Wedge any one of the contactors of C121/C111 with necessary precautions.
B) Wedge any one of the contactors of C101/C102/C103 with necessary
C) Open CDC drain cock slightly to maintain the pressure in the system for


A) Wedge any two of the contactors of C101/C102/C103 with necessary



A) Work the train with 5 notches only.

B) If load/road does not permit, wedge Q118 in energised position and work further
with necessary precautions.
IV. After clearing the section:
A) Trip DJ, normalize HOBA, open all BL switches.
B) Now close DJ. If CCA melts, remove CCLSA and try.
C) If CCA melts, trouble may be in Q100 /Q119/ VEULS. Find out the defective
one and disconnect the positive cable.
D) If CCA does not melt, close BLCP. If CCA melts defect may be in
BLCP/RGCP/VEAD/HCP/C101/C102/C103. Find out the defective one and
disconnect the positive cable.
E) If CCA does not melt, close BLPV. If CCA melts defect may be in
BLPV/ZPV/C111/C121. Find out the defective one and disconnect the positive
F) If CCA does not melt, close BLVMT. If CCA melts defect may be in
BLVMT/HVRH/C107/ QTD105/HVMT1/C105/QTD106/ HVMT2 /C106. Find
out the defective one and disconnect the positive cable.
1. If Q100 wire is disconnected, work the train by wedging Q100 in energise
2. If any contactor coil wire is disconnected, wedge the contactor.
3. If BLCP is defective use BLCPD, if BLVMT is defective, take one traction notch,
ensure starting of blowers and if BLPV is defective, wedge C111 or C121 and
work with single PV.
4. If HCP/ ZPV is defective, change the position.
5. If HVRH / HVMT1 / HVMT2 is defective, change it to 3 position.
6. If QTD 105 / QTD 106 wires are disconnected, wedge the same.
Tripping Without Apparent Cause (TWAC):
1. Renew CCPT, CCDJ, CCA and try
2. Work the train with maximum pressure, always
3. Change ZPT position and try
4. Keep HQOP 1 & HQOP 2 in OFF and HQOA in 0 and try.
5. Increase SMGR pressure for 0.5Kg/cm2 and try
6. Wedge Q118 in energise position and try
7. Wedge Q44 in energise position and try
8. Change the cab and try
9. Operate GR manually and try and contact TLC if failed.

This circuit is having progression coil branch (VE1), regression coil branch (VE2),
Auto regression branch (Q51), notch by notch regression branch (Q52), GR full notch
protection branch (Q46), GR oil pump branch (EVPHGR).
Notch By Notch Progression
When MP is moved from 0 to N and from N to + position, VE 1 will energise through
1. CCPT should be in good condition
2. MP closes on + I/L
3. BL I/L closes when unlocked
4. ZSMS closes on '1' position
5. Q52 N/C I/L
6. Q51 N/C I/L
7. Q50 N/O I/L
8. ZSMGR closes on 6o clock position (Pacco switch should be projected)
9. GR closes on 0-31 I/L
10. SMGR pressure is between 2.5 to 3.5 Kg/cm2
Now VE 1 coil will energise and GR moves from o to 1 notch.
At half notch Relay Q 52 Will energise in the following manner.
1. MP closes on +
2. ASMGR closes in between notches I/L
3. Q52 N/C self I/L
4. Relay Q52 in de energise condition (Closes its N/C I/L)
After energising maintaining path of Q52
1. MP closes on +
2. Q52 N/O I/L
3. Q 46 N/C I/L
4. RQ 52
When Q 52 is energised, its N/C I/L will open on VE 1 coil branch. So, VE 1 de
energizes and further progression is stopped
To take another notch, leave MP (It will move to N position and Q52 de energizes )
Again move MP to + position to take next notch.
Notch by Notch regression:
When MP is kept in - position, VE 2 energizes through
1. CCPT should be in good condition
2. BL I/L
3. MP closes on -
4. ZSMS closes on '1' position
5. Relay Q52 N/C I/L
6. Relay Q51 N/C I/L
7. Relay Q50 N/O I/L

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8. ZSMGR closes on 6o clock position (Pacco switch should be projected)
9. GR closes on 32-1 I/L
10. SMGR pressure is between 2.5 to 3.5 Kg/cm2
Now VE 2 coil energises and GR regresses.
In between notches, Relay Q 52 energizes in the following manner.
1. MP closes on -
2. ASMGR closes in between notches I/L
3. Q52 self I/L (Q 52 N/C I/L)
4. Relay Q51 in de energise condition (Closes its N/C I/L)
After energising maintaining path of Q52
1.MP closes on -
2.Q52 N/O I/L
3.Q 46 N/C I/L
4.RQ 52
When Q 52 is energised, its N/C I/L opens on VE 2 coil branch. So, VE 2 will de
energise and further regression is stopped
To regress another notch, leave MP (It will move to N position and Q52 de energizes)
Again move MP to - position.
Quick Regression Of GR:
For quick regression of GR, keep MP on 0 position, so that VE 2 coil only energizes
permanently as Q 52 will not energise. After coming GR to 0, VE2 de energizes.
Emergency Electrical Control (EEC)
If SMGR cannot be operated with MP then work with EEC operation.
For EEC working
1. Keep ZSMS in 0 position. By which, MP path will cut off and brings BPP / BPR path
into the circuit.
2. Keep MP in N position, to close the line contactors.
3. When BPP is pressed, VE1 coil gets energised and GR progresses only one notch.
4. In between notches Q52 energizes through VS13 diode, ASMGR closes in between
notches I/L and Q52 N/C self I/L.
5. Once Q52 is energized it is maintaining path through VS13 diode, Q52 N/O I/L, Q 46
N/C I/L and RQ 52.
6. To take next notch, releases BPP to deenergise Q 52 and then press BPP.
7. When BPR is pressed, VE2 coil is energised and quick regression takes place. Release
BPR when further regression is not required. (There is no notch by notch regression
facility with EEC operation since Q 52 will not come into service)
8. BPP & BPR are located on the Loco Pilots desk.
Manual Operation of GR:
Whenever SMGR cannot be operated electrically with MP or EEC, it should be operated
manually by ZSMGR handle.
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Conditions to be fulfilled for manual operation of GR
1. MP should be kept on N position to close the line contactors.
2. Q 44 should not be in wedged condition.
3. Rotate the ZSMGR handle from 60 clock to 30 clock position in anticlockwise direction.
Now, the Pacco switch will be pressed, electrical and pneumatic connections to SMGR
will be cut off and also the existing pressure in the SMGR will be exhausted.
4. Remove the ZSMGR handle from 30 clock position.
5. Insert the ZSMGR handle to SMGR shaft at 6 clock position.
6. Communication to be established between the Loco Pilot and Asst. Loco Pilot.
Procedure for doing the manual operation of GR
1. Rotate the ZSMGR handle from 60 clock to 60 clock position in clockwise direction,
within 0.5 second for one notch progression.
2. Rotate the ZSMGR handle from 60 clock to 60 clock position in anticlockwise direction,
within 0.5 second for one notch regression.
Precautions during the manual operation of GR

1. Rotate the ZSMGR handle with in 0.5 second otherwise DJ will trip.
2. Asst. Loco Pilot has to observe the RGR carefully from corridor for any smell / Smoke /
3. During the manual operation of GR, speed should not exceed 30 KMPH.
4. In emergency, Loco Pilot has to trip DJ for controlling / stopping the train.
5. To reclose DJ Asst. Loco Pilot has to bring GR to 0 manually.
6. Asst. Loco Pilot is responsible for doing the manual operation of GR.
Q 46 branch:
For quick regression, when MP kept on 0position Q46 relay energizes through GR
closes on 1-32 I/L, ASMGR opens in between notches I/L, Q 46 N/C self I/L and ZSMGR 6 0
clock I/L, In between notches, Q46 de energizes since ASMGR I/L is opened. During quick
regression with MP, if GR stuck up on full notch, Q46 will energize and trip DJ (after 5.6
seconds) by opening its N/C I/L on Q118 branch. After energising Q 46, N/C self I/L will open
and path will be maintained through RQ 46 on Q46 branch.
Q 51 branch:
Q 51 will energize in the following occasions
1. If BP pressure drops below 2.8 Kg/cm2, QRS 2 will de energise and its N/C I/L will
close on Q 51 branch.
2. If QD 1 or QD 2 is energised, Q 48 will energise and its N/O I/L will close on Q 51
3. If Traction Power Circuit is fed more than 750 Volts, Relay Q 20 will energise and its
N/O I/L will close on Q 51 branch.
4. If Vacuum is dropped with out A9 or BP pressure drops below 4.4 Kg/cm2 is with out
A9, PR 2 will energise and its N/O I/L will close on Q 51 branch.

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EVPHGR branch:
When GR is in between 6 to 32 notches, EVPHGR energizes through GR 6-32 I/L.

Operate MPJ handle from forward to reverse for 2 to 3 times and finally keep it in
required direction. Ensure EP cocs in open position.
Take necessary precautions and check for proper setting of J1 & J2 according to the cab
leading i.e., both J1 & J2 manual operating handles should be in upwards for cab1 leading
and downwards for cab 2 leading.
Ensure CTF1, 2, 3 manual operating handles are in upwards (traction side)
Ensure C145 is open fully.
Clean the interlocks of Q50, Operate Q50 manually and try
Operate BL key 2 or 3 times.
If still un-successful, wedge Q50 in energized position.
A. MPJ should not be operated up to destination.
B. Shunting is prohibited. if required in emergency personally ensure proper setting of
reversers for every operation of MPJ.
C. RB should not be used.
D. When DJ is tripped on notches, keep MP on 0 to bring GR to 0.
Write remarks in loco logbook inform to TLC at first opportunity.


When MP is moved from 0 to N then to + LSGR is not extinguished, Ammeters &
NR are not deviated, loco is not moving and LSB is extinguished.
Reason is VE1 not energized. Check the following
1. Try by EEC operation.
2. Operate ZSMS for 2 or 3 times and try
3. Check Q52. It should be in de-energising position. If Q52 is in energized position, wedge in
de-energized position. Dont keep MP in + for longer period, otherwise quick progression
of GR will take place.
4. Check Q51. It should be in de-energised position. If it is energized,
Check QRS2. If it is de-energised, Check CCLS fuse. If it is fused renew the same (In
some locos QRS2 is having separate fuse called CCQRS2). Observe BP level rectify
the same if reduced. If BP pressure is found normal, ensure RGEB2 COC is open. If
still QRS2 is not energised, wedge QRS2 in energised position and work the train with
precautions. If QRS2 is already energised, clean the interlocks.
Check PR2. If it is energized, observe BP/VAC. levels. If dropped, check the formation
for train parting or BP/VAC hose pipes are given up and rectify the same. If BP/VAC
levels are found normal, wedge PR2 in de energised condition, work the train with
precautions. If PR2 is already de energised, clean its I/Ls and try.
Still Q51 not de energising, contact TLC for advice.

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5. Clean the interlocks of Q50.
6. Ensure ZSMGR handle in 6 oclock position and pacco switch is in lifted condition.
7. Ensure SMGR pressure is 2.5 to 3.5 Kg/cm2 and no leakage in the SMGR pipe line.
8. If still unsuccessful, clear the section by manual operation of GR.
9. Contact TLC for advice.


When MP is moved from 0 to N then to + LSGR extinguished, NR deviated to 1,
GR come to 0, without glowing of LSP.
CAUSES: Rear cab BL not locked properly.
Trouble shooting:
1) Press BPT; ensure LSP glows in any cab.
Trip DJ, lower Panto, lock the BL box in front cab.
Go to the rear cab, operate BL key for 2 to 3 times.
Lock properly and try.
2) Clean Q50 & Q51 I/Ls and try.
3) If unsuccessful, clear the section with manual operation of GR or work from rear cab.
4) If ZSMS is modified, work from rear cab or by manual operation of GR,
5) If ZSMS is not modified,
Wedge Q46 in de energized condition and work onwards with EEC operation.
Inform to TLC at first opportunity.


When MP is moved from 0 to N then to + LSGR extinguished, NR deviated to 1,
GR come to 0, with glowing of LSP.
1. Detach the loco from the formation.
2. Depute assistant loco pilot by the side of the loco, to observe moving of wheels.
3. Take two traction notches, observe the wheels and find out which wheel is not rotating.
4. Contact TLC for arranging of loco breakdown staff.
It can be known through 1st notch auto regression with LSP.
1. Apply SA 9 and ensure application of loco brakes physically.
2. Depute assistant loco pilot to stand near the truck to observe spinning noise or rotation of
traction motor pinion.
3. Take two traction notches and find out for slipped pinion.
4. Isolate concerned traction motor and work further.
5. Inform to TLC at next stopping station.

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1. Depute assistant loco pilot to observe for any abnormal sound from the traction motor,
while moving the loco.
2. If unusual sound is due to hanging part remove or secure the same and work further.
3. If unusual sound is from traction motor, isolate the same and work further.
4. If still unsuccessful, contact TLC.
1. If any smell, smoke or fire is noticed from any traction motor, put out the fire.
2. Isolate concerned traction motor, clear the block section and contact TLC.

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Static Converter is provided in place of ARNO to give constant 415 Volts 5%, 50 Hz,
3 AC supply to all auxiliary motors, and to give 415 volts 1 AC to non-motor loads (static
devices) and to charge the batteries. At present static converters are designed by SIEMENS,
AAL, MEDHA, HIRECT and ABB companies. These static converters are provided in some AC
Advantages of static converter:
1. To give constant 415 V5%, 50 Hz, 3 AC supply to all Aux. motors.
2. To detect single phasing.
3. To detect earth fault.
4. Minimum Maintenance.
5. To avoid failure of Auxiliary motors.
6. High Efficiency.
7. To give the 3 AC supply to MVRF.
8. Life of 3 E.M. contactors increases since operated on OFF load.
9. More reliable.
10. In-built fault management system having storage of faults.
11. Noise less smooth operation.
Equipments removed:
& QTD 106.
New equipment provided:
a) Static converter (Rectifier, Inverter, BA charger and Sine Filter are the parts of SIV)
b) a7, a8 bushings of TFWA are used to get 830 V, 1 AC supply.
c) QTD 101 time delay relay of 5 sec (cab-2 back panel)For delayed starting of compressors.
d) Contactor C-108 (in contactor panel) for 3 AC supply to MVRF.
e) QCON (in relay panel) for checking the functioning of static converter.
f) QSIT (in relay panel) for tripping of DJ whenever static converter trips.
g) CCINV fuse 6 amps (in switch panel) for inverter electronics.
h) LSSIT (on Loco Pilots desk) indication lamp for static converter tripping.
i) QSVM (2 seconds time delay) relay for soft starting of blowers.
j) HRAVT switch (in switch panel) related to cab heaters, cab fans, NR and walkie talkie
k) HSIV switch (in switch panel) for bypassing of earth fault during permanent earth fault.
Indications on SIV panel: Most of the SIV inverters are having the following indications
a) OHE out of range lamp (red colour).
b) Internal fault lamp (red colour).
c) External fault lamp (red colour).
d) SIV ON lamp (green colour).
e) Battery charger ON lamp (green colour).
f) ELD bypass switch.
g) ELD by pass LEDs.

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h) Reset push button switch( in SIEMENS, MEDHA and ABB make)
Procedure for energisation:
1. After examination of the locomotive, keep HBA on 1 position.
2. 110V DC supply is given to static converter.
3. Start MCPA to build up RS pressure to 8 Kg/cm2. Unlock BL key. Keep ZPT in 1 or 2
positions to raise pantograph.
4. Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. After closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes. OHE voltage indicates
in UA meter. Release BLRDJ after UA meter deviation (dont wait for extinguishing of
LSCHBA and auxiliaries sound).
5. Static converter starts functioning approximately 6 to 10 sec after closing of DJ.
6. Converter ON sensor will close on QCON branch after static converter starts functioning.
When QCON energized, LSCHBA lamp extinguishes.
7. Static converter takes 830 V 1 AC supply from TFWA to convert in to 415 V 3 AC
supply and gives to all auxiliary motors.
8. Close BLCP to create pneumatic pressure.
9. Close BLPV if required.
Starting and stopping of Blowers:
1. For starting of blowers, close BLVMT, SIV stops working and all blower contactors closes
in OFF load. Relay QSVM(2 seconds time delay) energises and after 2 seconds SIV
restarts again.
2. For stopping of blowers, after stopping train at station, open BLVMT, SIV stops working
and all blower contactors opens in OFF load. Relay QSVM(2 seconds time delay) de-
energises and after 2 seconds SIV restarts again.
Description of power circuit
1. On switching HBA, 110 V DC will be supplied to static converter for energizing control
2. Close DJ as per given procedure. UA meter deviates and LSCHBA remains glowing.
3. 760 / 830V 1-, AC is being supplied to SIV and converts into 415V, 3 AC to supply
all aux. motors.
4. The static converter is made using a half controlled single phase bridge rectifier at the
input, a DC link filter and a three phase IGBT based PWM inverter with output sine filter
and chopper for saving from DC link over voltage.
5. SIV takes 6-10 sec. to ramp up fully and then QCON relay picks up through sensor of
SIV and LSCHBA will extinguish (CHBA & all auxiliaries start working).
6. In some makes sine filter and battery chargers are provided out side the SIV unit and in
new locos these are provided in SIV unit itself.

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1. Before closing DJ, ensure that loco is on track and under OHE.
2. To close DJ, fuses ADDL CCBA, CCPT& CCDJ should be in good condition.
3. Keep HBA on 1 position and ensure BA voltage is more than 90 volts.
4. After keeping HBA on 1 position, relay Q118 energizes through contactors C105, C106 &
C107 N/C I/Ls, relays Q44 & Q46 N/C I/Ls and GR 0-5 I/L. Q118 N/O I/L closes on Q44
5. Start MCPA and create more than 6.5 Kg/cm2 of pressure in RS reservoir.
6. Pressure relay QPDJ energizes at 5.5 Kg/cm2 in ABCB loco and its N/O I/L closes on
MTDJ branch (In VCB locos QPDJ energizes at 4.65 Kg/cm2).
7. Unlock BL key and ensure four pilot lamps are glowing (LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR & LSB).
8. Insert ZPT on 0 and move to 1. Now its one I/L closes in panto electrical control circuit
to raise rear panto and another I/L closes on common branch of Q45, EFDJ & MTDJ (In
VCB locos closes on common branch of Q45 & MTDJ).
9. Ensure pantograph is raised and touching to contact wire.
10. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ, relay Q45 energizes through CCDJ, BP1DJ N/C/ I/L, BLDJ
N/O/I/L, ZPT I/L (closes on 1 or 2 position), BLRDJ N/O I/L and through GR 0 I/L.
11. When Q45 is energized, one of its N/O I/L closes on Q44 branch, second on EFDJ coil
branch and third one on Q30 branch in auxiliary power circuit.
12. Then Q44 energizes through Q45 N/O I/L, Q118 N/O I/L and ASMGR closes on 0 and on
full notches I/L.
13. When Q44 is energizes its N/C I/L opens on Q118 branch (Q118 will not de energize
because of 5 seconds time lag) and its N/O I/L closes on common path of EFDJ & MTDJ.
14. EFDJ energizes through the safety relay N/C I/Ls, Q45 N/O I/L, DJ N/C I/L.
Simultaneously MTDJ also energized(In VCB locos MTDJ energizes through the safety
relay N/C I/Ls, QCON N/C I/L , Q45 N/O I/L and QPDJ I/L. When MTDJ energizes,
pressure enters into puppet valve to lift puppet valve and DJ closes).
15. When EFDJ is energized air pressure is supplied to DJ servomotor to close DJ. When MTDJ
is energized air pressure is stopped to DJ servomotor to keep DJ in closed condition
16. When DJ is closed LSDJ extinguishes through QV60 relay.
17. After closing DJ, EFDJ de energizes through DJ N/C I/L. Now the existing pressure in DJ
servomotor is exhausted through exhaust port and DJ remains in closed condition through
retaining spring (In VCB locos after closing DJ, path is maintained through DJ N/O I/L).
18. Once DJ is closed and OHE supply is available, TFWR and TFWA energizes, UA meter
needle deviates and release BLRDJ.
19. After releasing BLRDJ, relay Q45 de energizes and its N/O I/Ls opens in different branches.
20. When supply comes to TFWA, relay Q30 energizes (Q30 energizes at 215 volts of TFWA
output), Q30s N/O I/L close on Q44 branch.
21. Now STATIC CONVERTER receives 760 / 830V single-phase AC supply and produces
415V 5% 3-phase AC supply after 6 to 10 seconds. Along with STC five direct auxiliary
motors will start and simultaneously their relay I/Ls closes on Q118 and Q44 branches.
When STC is giving out put, relay QCON energizes through converter ON sensor.
22. When QCON is energized, N/C I/L opens on Q118 branch and path is maintained through
C105, C106, C107 N/C I/Ls, QVSL-1, QVSL-2 and QPH N/O I/Ls.
23. Along with STC static devices also starts working (CHBA, Cab heaters, cab fans and walkie
talkie charger). When CHBA is working, LSCHBA extinguishes.

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24. Q44 gets path through Q30 N/O I/L, GR 0 I/L and so on. Simultaneously Q44 gets supply
through QVSI-1 and QVSI-2 also.
25. Now DJ is maintained in closed condition through Q118, Q44 and MTDJ branches.
26. After closing DJ, close BLCP to start MCPs.
27. After closing BLVMT, Static converter stops working and contactors C105, C106 and C107
closes at a time in OFF load. Relay QSVM energizes in blowers control circuit and through
its N/O I/L, STC again gets control supply and STC restarts again after 2 seconds.
28. After starting of MVRH, MVMT-1 & MVMT-2, Q118 gets path through QVMT-1, QVMT-
2 & QVRH N/O /Ls and so on.
29. After taking first notch GR 0 I/L open on Q44 branch and path is maintained through
QVSI-1 and QVSI-2 I/Ls.
30. After taking sixth notch GR 0-5 I/L open on Q118 branch and path is maintained through
C105, C106 & C107 N/O I/Ls.
31. From 6th notch to 32 notches there is no change in DJ control circuit.
a) Immediately after closing DJ (i.e., after releasing BLRDJ), if BLVMT is closed, on Q118
branch, C105, C106 and C107 N/C interlocks opens. Now path is maintained to Q118 relay
through QCON N/C interlock.
b) When static converter trips, SI trip I/L closes on QSIT branch and QSIT energizes and
opens its N/C I/L on MTDJ branch to trip DJ immediately. LSSIT lamp glows on loco pilot

HRAVT switch positions

Switch position Cab heaters Cab fans Notch repeater Walkie-talkie charger
0 Isolate Isolate Isolate Isolate
1 Working Working Working Working
2 Isolate Working Working Working
3 Isolate Isolate Working Isolate


Before closing DJ, ensure the following:
1. Keep MP on 0.
2. Open all top row BL switches.
3. Ensure GR is on zero (LSGR is glowing).
4. Ensure ZPT on 1 or on 2 position and panto is raised and touching to contact wire.
5. Ensure MR / RS pressure is above 6.5 Kg/cm2. Start MCPA, if pressure is less.
6. Ensure all safety relays are normal.
7. Ensure C107, C105 & C106 contactors are opened fully.
8. Battery voltage is above 90 volts.
Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ and observe LSDJ and UA meter needle. Release BLRDJ
after the deviation of UA meter needle. LSCHBA will extinguish after 6-10 seconds.
Pick up the correct abnormal sign in the following manner.

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S No Indication / operation sign Probable reasons
1 On closing BLDJ and pressing ICDJ a. Less air pressure in RS or MR.
BLRDJ, LSDJ remains glowing b. Less BA voltage.
c. Q118/ Q45/ Q44/MTDJ not energized.
d. Less VCB unit pressure.
e. A conk defective.
f. If QSIT is energized, troubleshoot for
SIV tripping.
g. If unsuccessful, Place HOBA in OFF
and try. If still unsuccessful Keep HBA
in O and try
2 Close BLDJ, press BLRDJ. LSDJ No Tension a) Derailment/ Accident (reducing of
extinguished, UA needle not Vacuum / BP levels in loco)
deviated, no auxiliaries sound, b) Defect in Feeding Power Circuit.
LSCHBA not extinguished and DJ c) Defect in OHE/ track/ formation
trips after releasing BLRDJ. d) Defect in A0 / A33.
(OHE out of range glows on static e) Cut in TFWA.
converter) f) Insufficient rising of panto.
g) Foreign body on loco roof.
h) Cut in roof bars towards raised panto or
touching to loco roof.
3 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ A a. Immediately after closing DJ if QPDJ
LSDJ extinguishes and comes back Beginning becomes defective
immediately. b. Check QSIT or QLM for energisation ( If
QLM is having mechanical locking, after
tripping DJ experiences ICDJ).
4 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. A Ending a. Defective CCINV
LSDJ extinguished, UA meter b. Defective QSVM.
needle deviated, auxiliary sound not c. Defective BLVMT.
heard LSCHBA will not extinguish. d. Defective QV60 N/C I/L.
If auxiliary sound is heard, ignore
LSCHBA and work further and also
Check for glowing of battery
charger ON lamp on STC panel.
5 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. Operation Defect in
LSDJ extinguished, UA meter B a. MVSL1 or QVSL1
needle deviated, Auxiliary sound part-I b. MVSL2 or QVSL2
heard, release BLRDJ and while c. MPH or QPH
counting 15 seconds after
extinguishing of LSCHBA, and
LSDJ re-glows.
6 Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. Operation Defective Q30
LSDJ extinguished, UA meter B
needle deviated and LSDJ re glows part-II
after releasing BLRDJ.
7 Close DJ, close BLVMT, LSCHBA Operation Defect in
glows and extinguishes and now O a. MVRH or QVRH.

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while counting 15 seconds LSDJ b. MVMT1 or QVMT1
re-glows. c. MVMT2 or QVMT2
8 Close DJ, close BLVMT and take Operation Defect in
one traction notch. While counting I a. MVSI1 or QVSI1
15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. b. MVSI2 or QVSI2 or
c. Sluggish operation of GR.
9 Close DJ, close BLVMT and take Operation a) All EM contactors not closed.
six traction notches. While counting II b) Any one of C107 or C105 or C106
15 seconds LSDJ re-glows. contactors are not closed
c) C107 or C105 or C106 N/O I/Ls
10 DJ trips in various occasions other TWAC a. Defective QPDJ
than above indications. b. Slackness of CCDJ or CCPT or CCA
c. Moisture in system
d. Defective SMGR
e. Defective ZPT I/L
f. Momentary defect of any I/L in the DJ
control circuit.


I. ICDJ (While re-closing DJ, LSDJ remains glowing):
1) If Q118, Q45, Q44 are not energized, trouble shooting is same like conventional loco.
2) If EFDJ is not energizing..
a) Check QSIT and glowing of LSSIT.
b) If QSIT is energized, troubleshoot for SIV tripping and other troubleshooting for EFDJ
not energized is same as conventional loco.
c) If unsuccessful, place HOBA in OFF and try,
d) Switch OFF battery, wait for three minutes and try.
e) If unsuccessful contact TLC for advice,
II. NO TENSION (While closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter does not deviate, input
voltage out of range LED glows and DJ trips on releasing BLRDJ).
Trouble shoot for NO TENSION like conventional loco
III. OPERATION A ENDING (DJ closed and converter does not start. i.e. LSCHBA remains
a) Try two times to close DJ and if the converter does not start check CCINV fuse. If melts,
renew the same.
b) If unsuccessful keep HOBA in OFF and try.
c) Ensure QV60 is de-energized after closing DJ. Clean QV60 N/C I/L and try.
d) Change the cab and try.
e) If CCINV is in good condition, ensure QSVM is energized.
f) If QSVM is not energized, Check CCA.
g) If CCA is melted renew the same.
h) If unsuccessful keep HOBA in OFF and try.

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i) If CCA good condition, trip DJ and wedge QSVM [observe precautions].
j) If QSVM energizes and converter does not start.
k) If CCINV and QSVM found normal, Switch OFF battery and wait for three minutes and try.
l) Precautions after wedging QSVM: - BLVMT should be switched on before closing DJ
and BLCP should be switched on after 5 Sec of SIV rams up full voltage. (SIV ON LED
glows or LSCHBA extinguishes )
IV. OPERATION B PART- I (After closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter deviates and
after extinguishing of LSCHBA, DJ trips with in 15 seconds).:
a) Place HVSL-1 & HVSL-2 on 3' and HPH on O. Now close DJ, clear the section duly
ensuring the working of MVSL1, MVSL2 &TFP oil level.
b) If any one of MVSL1 & MVSL2 is not working, isolate MVSL by keeping concerned
HVSL on O (Keep concerned HVMT & HVSI also on O) and work onwards with 50%
of the maximum load permitted.
c) If motors are working, after clearing section, trip DJ, place HVSL-1 on '1', close DJ and
after extinguishing of LSCHBA wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips conclude QVSL-1 is
defective place HVSL-1 on '3', normalize the other switches (i.e.HVSL2 & HPH) and work
onwards duly ensuring the working of VSL-1. Similarly trouble shoot for other MVSL.
V. OPERATION B PART- II (While closing DJ, LSDJ extinguishes, UA meter deviates and
DJ trips on releasing BLRDJ):
Wedge Q45 and work with precautions (Close BLDJ, BLCP and BLVMT)

VI. If SIV is working & LSCHBA glowing on run:

a) SIV will continue to function even if battery charger trips due to any fault.
b) Trip DJ and press RESET button on SIV panel and momentarily switch OFF & switch ON
HBA and try.
c) Check Battery Voltage between 90 to 110Volts.
d) If BA voltage above 90 and CHBA not working, inform TLC and work onwards
e) Minimize the BA load by switching off compartment lights and unnecessary loads by
watching BA voltage frequently.

VII. OPERATION O (After closing DJ and after extinguishing of LSCHBA and after closing
BLVMT, DJ trips with in 15 seconds):

a) Put HVMT 1 & 2 and HVRH on 3 and close DJ and close BLVMT after extinguishing of
b) Ensure the working MVMT-1, MVMT-2 and MVRH. If any one of the blowers are not
working isolate the same and work with precautions.
c) If all the 3 blowers are working normally with HVRH, HVMT-1 and HVMT-2 on 3
position , clear the block section, trip DJ, place HVRH on '1' close DJ, close BLVMT and
wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips, QVRH is defective, place HVRH on '3' and other two
switches on '1', work further duly watching MVRH blower working.
d) If DJ holds with HVRH on '1', trip DJ, place HVMT-1 on '1', close DJ, close BLVMT and
wait for 15 seconds. If DJ trips, QVMT-1 is defective, place HVMT-1 on '3' and HVMT-2
on '1' and work further duly watching working of MVMT1 frequently.

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e) If DJ holds with HVMT-1 on '1', it indicates QVMT-2 is defective, so keep HVMT-2 on '3'
and work further duly watching working of MVMT-2 frequently.
VIII. OPERATION 1 (DJ trips on taking 1ST notch with LSCHBA glowing & no sound from
auxiliary motors):
Check CCINV, if fuse melts trouble shoot for SIV not starting. Remaining trouble shooting is
same as conventional loco.
IX. OPERATION 2 (DJ trips after taking 6th notch within 15 seconds)
a) If BLVMT in ON, check CCA if it melts trouble shoot just like conventional loco except
wedging of contactors.
b) If C107 alone is not closing, ensure CTFs are in traction side .Keep HVRH on 3 and try.
X. If CP contactors alone are not closing:
a) Close BLCPD and try.
b) If unsuccessful, tap QTD101 and try.
c) If unsuccessful clean the interlocks of QCON and wedge QTD101 & try.
d) If unsuccessful try from rear cab.
e) Precautions after wedging QTD 101: BLCP/BLCPD should be switched ON after 5 Sec
of SIV ramping up of full voltage. (SIV ON LED glows or LSCHBA extinguishes)

Static converter control circuit:

1) After closing DJ, Inverter
electronics gets battery supply
a) CCINV 6A fuse.
b) Working cab BL I/L
c) N/C I/L of BLVMT
d) QV60 N/C I/L.
2) After closing BLVMT,
Inverter electronics BA supply
is disconnected then SIV stops
3) After closing BLVMT, relay
QSVM energises in blowers
control circuit.
4) QSVM N/O I/L closes after 2
5) Again SIV starts after 2
6) This arrangement is for OFF
load operation of blower

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Trouble shooting for SIV not picking up:
1) Check CCINV fuse. If it is melted, replace with a new one.
2) Keep BLVMT in open position and check that SIV working or not. If not working, close
BLVMT and check for SIV working.
3) Ensure QSVM energises after closing BLVMT.
4) If QSVM is not energized, Check CCA fuse. If CCA is melted renew the same.
5) Ensure QV60 is de-energized after closing DJ. Clean QV60 N/C I/L and try.
6) Change the cab and try.
7) If unsuccessful keep HOBA in OFF and try.
8) If CCINV and QSVM found normal, Switch OFF battery and wait for three minutes and try.
9) If QSVM is not energized after closing BLVMT, wedge QSVM in energise position and
Precautions after wedging QSVM: - BLVMT should be switched on before closing DJ and
BLCP should be switched on after 5 Sec of SIV rams up full voltage. (SIV ON LED glows or
LSCHBA extinguishes)
Trouble shooting for INTERNAL / EXTERNAL and OHE OUT OF RANGE:
Whenever DJ is tripped i.e. LSDJ glows first and then LSCHBA glows, trouble shoot for
DJ control logic. When LSCHBA glows and extinguishes for 2 times and the causes tripping of
DJ, it means SIV has initiated tripping of DJ. Hence trouble shoot for SIV. While checking SIV
panel, if EXTERNAL FAULT lamp is glowing on panel, trouble shoot as follows.
1. Check the following auxiliary power circuit equipment for any abnormality.
a) MVSI 1 & 2.
b) MVSL 1 & 2
c) MVMT 1 & 2
e) MCP 1, 2, 3 and MPV 1 & 2
f) Cab Heaters, Cab Fans, Walkie Talkie Charger.
2. If any abnormality is noticed, isolate the equipment, reset static converter. Close DJ and
work with necessary precautions.
3. If no abnormality is noticed, keep HRAVT on O position and try to reset static converter.
4. If still unsuccessful, isolate all direct motors and try to reset static converter. If the lamp is
extinguished, normalize one by one switch, find out the defective motor, isolate it and
5. If everything is normal, close BLCP and try. If static converter trips, change the position of
HCP and try.
6. Close BLVMT and try. If static converter trips, isolate the defective blower and work with
7. Close BLPV and try. If static converter trips, isolate the defective exhauster and work with
8. If still unsuccessful, Press ELD by pass switch and Keep HSIV switch on 0. ELD bypass
LED will glow on static converter panel.
9. Inform TLC and train can work up to 45 minutes duly checking the auxiliary power circuit
equipment frequently.

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10. When INTERNAL FAULT LAMP is glowing trouble shoot as if external fault lamp is
11. For both the Internal and External faults if trouble is not rectified, keep HBA on 0 for 3
minutes and normalize HBA and try.
12. If OHE out of range lamp is glowing, trouble shoot for NO tension trouble as
conventional locos. If still unsuccessful, keep HBA on 0 for 3 minutes and normalize
HBA and try.

SIV MAKE Resetting procedure of SIV

SIEMENS Press RESET button provided on SIV panel till LSSIT is extinguished.
AAL Keep HBA on 0 for 3 minutes to reset SIV.
MEDHA Press RESET button provided on SIV panel till LSSIT is extinguished.
ABB Press OK Reset button provided on SIV panel till LSSIT is
HIRECT Keep HBA on 0 for 3 minutes to reset SIV.

1) On run when DJ trips, along with safety relays, check LSSIT lamp also.
2) Do not wedge any electro magnetic contactor.
3) Dont operate any program switches while static converter is functioning. If necessary
operate the switch only after opening of DJ.
4) Whenever SIV unit trips, Static converter will try to restart within 20 sec. for 2 times before
going to permanent shutdown mode (for 3rd tripping).
5) Whenever LSDJ glows first, before LSCHBA, trouble may be with DJ control circuit.
Troubleshoot accordingly.
6) Whenever LSCHBA glows before LSDJ, it indicates static converter has initiated the
7) BA on load test is not possible in SIV locos since HCHBA is not provided.
8) Do not take notches without closing BLVMT, other wise DJ trips after taking 1 st notch or
after taking 6th notch.
9) During on run examination of the loco, ALP should check for SIV panel lamps and also
CHBA voltmeter and ammeter readings.
Signalling lamp control circuit
1) When SIV trips, QSIT energizes and
LSSIT lamp glows on desk
2) QCON interlock is also provided in
3) After the energizing of QCON,
LSCHBA extinguishes.

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110V DC
+ VE





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CTF 1 (TR)




QSVM C107 C105 C106 C145 C108 LSDBR

Different SIV make panels

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Microprocessors are used in Electric locomotives for the purpose of controlling and fault
diagnostic. This fault diagnostic and control system is designed by Advanced Digital Controls,
MEDHA and STESALIT. This system is suitable for all types of Electric locomotives,
including Static converter provided locos.
1. Microprocessor will monitor all the control circuit interlocking system. Hence, the
control circuit with their interlocking system has been eliminated by removing all the
functional/ Operational relays of conventional locos.
2. In each cab, one display unit is provided through which fault is displayed. This feature is
useful for Loco Pilots troubleshooting during online failures, quickly. The stress on Loco
Pilot is reduced.
3. Due to less number of relays and interlocks means higher reliability of this locomotive
and trouble free. In these locos, online failures are recorded. So, this record is useful for
LP and maintenance staff to know the faults occurred in the locomotive and helps them in
rectifying the same. (LP can go through previous troubles).
1) After the power is switched ON to the control unit, SCU (signal conditioning unit) and one of
the CPU cards become active, it checks the healthiness of various sub systems.
2) Any abnormality found is sent to both display units for display.
3) The control unit reads the digital and analog inputs. Also the initial status of certain inputs
e.g. Reverser is checked and BL key is switch ON.
4) The monitoring of input and calculation of out put is done at very high rate to ensure a
prompt action.
5) If any feed back input does not match with the input driving status during running of
locomotive, then also an appropriate message is sent to display units.
6) Faults are stored in non volatile memory.
7) For every normal opening with BLDJ, the stand by CPU card becomes active and active CPU
card becomes stand by.
8) If at any stage active CPU card fails, the other healthy CPU card takes over the message on
display units and logging of fault. Once a CPU card is found faulty the role change over does
not takes place. The system works with only with healthy CPU. If both CPU card fails, loco
will de energize.
9) Micro processor is equipped with real time clock and flash memory to record faults in real
time with fault type.
10) The fault data can be down loaded to a PC / Lap top.
1) On powering up, each display unit checks for communication from control unit. If no
communication is received with in 10 seconds the respective display announces a
communication fail message.
2) The system can continue to work if one or both display units fail.
3) The fault screen on LCD shows Date, Time and loco configuration which was set.
4) The two digit seven segment LED indicator shows the current notch position.

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5) When control unit is unable to find out the current notch position e.g. after power up of any
control unit the tap changer is not at 0, manual operation of GR, etc, the display shows
6) Any fault message received from control unit is announced by displaying of message on
LCD and sounding of hooter (if configured).
7) For messages which requires compulsory acknowledgement, the hooter continues to sound
till acknowledge key is pressed in the cab where BL key is made ON.
8) For other messages and display in the other cab, the hooter stops after 10 seconds irrespective
of type of message.
9) The key board provided on the display unit can be used to get the information and current
working status of the system. There are 8 keys. These are Menu, , , Enter,
ACK, Back light ON/OFF, contrast increase and contrast decrease.

ACK This key is used for acknowledge the fault displayed on the screen.
MENU This key is used for selection of various operations.
CURS UP For moving the cursor up.
CURS DN For moving the cursor down.
ENTR This is the command terminator

Main unit is mounted in relay panel. This unit performs the main task of fault diagnostics
and control and comprises of the following:
1) Digital input cards : 8 Nos.
2) Digital out put cards : 5 Nos.
3) Analog input cards : 1 No.
4) Interface card : 1 No.
5) CPU cards : 2 Nos.
6) Power supply cards : 2 Nos.
1) It is mounted above the main unit.
2) It accepts locomotive HV input of auxiliary supply, ARNO/SI output & TM armature
voltage (of only one TM) through a terminal block and gives digital output to CPU.

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Q20 Q30 Q44 Q45 Q46 Q48
Q49 Q50 Q51 Q52 Q100 Q118
Q119 QV60 QV61 QV62 QV63 QV64
PR2 QSIT, QSVM & QCON (in Static converter provided locos)
Fuse provided newly : CCCPU (6AADC & 2A - MEDHA) some locos only
Fuses removed : CCDJ, CCA, CCLS & CCLSA
BPQD switch provided in both cabs on Loco Pilot's desk for nullifying QD action upto 10 th
HPAR switch is provided in switch panel to isolate AFL in case of mal functioning.

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Flow chart of MENU

Messages displayed during various operations

Operation Message on display
HBA ON Attempting synchronization(For few seconds and
disappears).Waiting for command will appears
Closing BLDJ ZPT/ BV open
ZPT 1 or 2 BLRDJ open
Closing BLRDJ DJ closure attempted for few seconds and disappears
reverser ON 0 will appear (After closing DJ)
Moving MPJ to F or R MP ON 0
Moving MP to N Tr MP on Traction
Moving MP to P Br MP on Braking
Taking notches Position of notch (0-32)indicated by digital NR

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Messages displayed in the display unit when DJ tripped
When DJ tripped on run, the reason for tripping will be displayed on the screen of the
display unit.
1 DJ tripping via QVRH 10 DJ tripping via QRSI 1
2 DJ tripping via QVMT1 11 DJ tripping via QRSI 2
3 DJ tripping via QVMT2 12 DJ tripping via QOP 1
4 DJ tripping via QVSL1 13 DJ tripping via QOP 2
5 DJ tripping via QVSL2 14 DJ tripping via QLM
6 DJ tripping via QPH 15 DJ tripping via QOA
7 DJ tripping via QVSI1 16 DJ tripping via QLA
8 DJ tripping via QVSI2 17 DJ tripping via Q30
9 DJ tripping via GR stuck up in 18 Auto regression via wheel slip
between notches
1. Energisation of this loco is similar to conventional loco.
2. After general checkup, Put HBA on 1, observe LCD display for welcome note.
3. Start MCPA and build up pressure up to 8 Kg/cm2.
4. Unlock BL key and observe LCD display panel for BL key ON.
5. Keep ZPT on 1 or 2 and check for panto to raise and observe LCD display panel for CAB 1
/ CAB 2 panto raised (According to cab and ZPT positions message will appear).
6. Close BLDJ and observe LCD display panel for -BLDJ closed.
7. Press BLRDJ and observe C-118 contactor, DJ for closing and observe LCD display panel
for -DJ closed.
8. SIV ON appears after starting of static converter (in case of SIV locos).
9. MPJ F or R-No message displays.
10. MP on N (Tr / Br) - No message displays.
11. Taking notches Position of notch (0 to 32) indicates by digital notch indicator only.
No Display message Action to be taken by the loco pilot
1. 1There is NO OHE at the time No Tension, Wait for OHE Voltage. Retry to close DJ
of DJ closing If OHE present SC Unit or its connection may be bad.
(BLRDJ pressed) Inform TLC
OHE Power fail while Running, Apply Emergency
2. 2OHE Low/No Tension Confirm really OHE voltage available or not
If OHE is available, SC Unit or its connection may be
Inform TLC
3. 3DJ Tripping due to QOP1 Follow as per TSD.
4. 4DJ Tripping due to QOP2 Follow as per TSD.
5. 5DJ Tripping due to QOA Follow as per TSD.
6. 6DJ Tripping due to QRSI1 Follow as per TSD.

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7. 7DJ Tripping due to QRSI Follow as per TSD.
8. 8DJ Tripping due to QLM Follow as per TSD.
9. 9DJ Tripping due to QLA Follow as per TSD.
10. DJ Tripping due to QVSL1 Check MVSL1, If normal put HVSL1 on 3 resume
11. DJ Tripping due to QVSL2 Check MVSL2, If normal put HVSL2 on 3 resume
12. DJ Tripping due to QVMT1 Check MVMT1, If normal put HVMT1 on 3 resume
13. DJ Tripping due to QVMT2 Check MVMT2, If normal put HVMT2 on 3 resume
14. DJ Tripping due to QVRH Check MVRH, If normal put HVRH on 3 resume
15. DJ Tripping due to QVSI1 Check MVSI1, If normal put HVSI1 on 3 resume
16. DJ Tripping due to QVSI2 Check MVSI2, If normal put HVSI2 on 3 resume
17. DJ Tripping due to QPH Put HPH on 0 & work with restricted current ratings
18. DJ Tripping due to GR Stuck Bring GR to 0 manually and close DJ
up on notches
19. DJ Tripping due to QPDJ Check RS pressure, if less air pressure, start MCPA and
build up pressure
20. QVRF not working Insufficient air flow for DBR Do not use Dynamic
21. Reversers are neither in "F" Set the Reversers manually and resume traction
nor "R"
22. CTFs are neither in "Tr" nor Set the CTFs manually on "Tr" side only and resume
"Br" traction
23. GR not in Zero Bring GR to 0 manually and close DJ
24. Brake applied through IP IP coil de energizes during Dynamic Braking. Do not
use DBR
25. Auto Regression via RGEB If brake not applied, check for leakage
26. Auto Regression via QD Press BPQD / Resume Traction

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27. Auto Regression via TM over Check TM voltage, Bring notch down if Auto regression
voltage not come
28. Braking Fault SWC operated Braking fault SWC operated
Do not use loco brake during DBR
29. Working with one CPU One CPU failure. Note in log book and resume traction
& inform to TLC
30. EEPROM failure working No action by the Loco Pilot
with Default parameters
31. Display Communication fail No action by the Loco Pilot
with other CAB
32. HVMT1 is in position 0 L1 L2 L3 Cut off, Half power available. Find out the
reason and trouble shoot.
33. HVMT2 is in position 0 L4 L5 L6 cut off, Half power available Find out the
reason and trouble shoot.
34. HVSI1 is in position 0 L1 L2 L3 Cut off, Half power available. Find out the
reason and trouble shoot.
35. HVSI2 is in position 0 L4 L5 L6 cut off, Half power available Find out the
reason and trouble shoot.
36. C145 Open HMCS 1/2 not in C145 open in DB mode due to HMCS 1/2 not in. Do not
1 use DBR.
37. DBR overheated or C145 open in DB mode DBR Overheated. Do not use
QF/ QE Operated DBR.
38. DJ Tripped via DJ Feed back Check if DJ is getting closed or not. If not Inform TLC
39. Battery Charger Output Fail Check CHBA working or not. If not working, work as
conventional loco.
40. ICDJ through C106 Feedback Unable to close DJ due toC106 Feedback Fail. Put
Fail HVMT2 on 0. Clear the section and inform TLC
41. ICDJ through C105 Feedback Unable to close DJ due toC105 Feedback Fail. Put
Fail HVMT1 on 0. Clear the section and inform TLC.
42. GR stuck on Notches Bring GR to 0 manually.
43. V965 Channel Fail 965-966 Voltage Measurement channel Failed. De
energise the loco & Inform TLC.
44. Auto - Regression via ACP Auto regression via ACP (Alarm Chain pulling / Train
45. BPAR put in bypass BPAR put in bypass mode
46. BPAR restored BPAR restored
47. ICDJ through QSIT Dropped Follow trouble shooting as per SIV panel fault lamps.
48. OHE Voltage out of Range OHE Voltage out of range, SI unit shut down. Trouble
shoot just like No tension trouble in conventional locos.

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1) It is not necessary to change the position of ZSMS switch for driving the train with MP or
2) Do not change the position of any switch while the loco is in energized condition.
3) While starting Loco Pilot can avoid auto regression due to wheel slipping, by pressing
BPQD up to 10th notch, provided in the Loco Pilots desk.
4) BPQD may be pressed for isolating QD action in case of wheel slipping. If auto
regression is not due to wheel slip but may be due to any traction motor defect, now
trouble shoot for auto regression according to TSD.
5) In case of any safety relay acted, troubleshoot according to TSD.
6) In case of tripping through Airflow relays, Loco Pilot can isolate relay/Blower through
Program switch like conventional loco.
7) If any fault in the loco, the fault message appears on display unit. Based on the fault
message, trouble shoot according to TSD. After trouble shooting press ACK button
provided on display unit. Message will clear from the fault unit screen and it will be
recorded in memory.
8) If unsuccessful, first place HOBA on OFF position and try. If not successful, switch OFF
HBA and wait for three minutes and try to energize the loco.
9) If any electromagnetic contactor is not closing even after trouble shooting according to
TSD then place HOBA in OFF position and try. If again unsuccessful wedge the
contactor and close DJ.
10) If loco is energized condition and display unit in both cab does not working then work up
to destination. If any faults occur identify the same with the help of pilot lamps and
trouble shoot as per TSD.


Main unit not working

1) Pilot lamps will not glow, no message on display unit and loco will not energize. Take
the following actions.
2) Ensure battery voltage is above 90 V
3) Check Add. CCBA, CCBA, CCPT and CCCPU, if any fuse melted, renew the same. If
again melts keep HOBA in OFF and renew the fuse.
4) Place HBA in OFF and wait for three minutes and again try to energize the loco.
5) Still unsuccessful, contact TLC.


1) Check Add. CCBA, CCBA, CCPT & CCCPU. If any fuse melts, renew the same. If
again fuse melts, keep HOBA in OFF and renew the fuse
2) Ensure MR/RS pressure is above 8Kg/cm2.
3) Check safety relay target, if any relay energised, act according to TSD.
4) Ensure BA voltage is above 90 Volts.
5) Ensure all EM contactors are fully open.
6) Operate BP1DJ 2 or 3 times and try.

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7) Ensure GR on 0 and operate GR for few notches and try.
8) Try to close DJ with BP2DJ.
9) Change ZPT position and try.
10) Keep HQOP 1 in OFF, HQOP 2 in OFF, and HOBA in OFF and try.
11) Try from rear cab.
12) Keep HBA on 0, wait for 3 minutes and try to energise the locomotive.
13) In ARNO provided locos check C118 contactor closing or not.


1. If LSB glowing ensure J1, J2, CTF1, CTF-2, CTF-3 and C145 are in proper position.
2. Ensure SMGR pressure is between 2.5 to 3.5 Kgs./cm2.
3. Ensure RGEB 2 COC is in open condition.
4. Try with EEC operation.
5. Ensure ZSMGR handle in 6o clock position and pacco switch is in lifted condition.
6. Ensure HVSI1&2, HVMT1&2 are in either 1 or on 3 position and ensure EP1&EP2
COCs are in open position.
7. Try from rear cab.
8. Keep HOBA in OFF and try.
9. Try to clear the section by manual operation of GR.

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3- Locomotives
Technical Data WAP 5 WAP 7 WAG 9
Type of Service Passenger Passenger Freight
Axle Arrangement Bo-Bo Co-Co Co-Co
Gear Ratio 1:3.65 1:3.6 1:5.133
Gauge 1676 mm 1676 mm 1676 mm
Length over Buffer 18162 mm 20562 mm 20562 mm
Overall Width 3142 mm 3100 mm 3152 mm
Maximum Height with 4255 mm 4255 mm 4255 mm
Pantograph Locked
Wheel Diameter
New 1092 mm 1092 mm 1092 mm
Worn 1016 mm 1016 mm 1016 mm
Total Weight 78 T 123 T 123 T
OHE Voltage
Nominal 25 KV 25 KV 25 KV
Minimum 17.5 KV 17.5 KV 17.5 KV
Maximum 30 KV 30 KV 30 KV
OHE Frequency
Nominal 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Minimum 45 Hz 45 Hz 45 Hz
Maximum 55 Hz 55 Hz 55 Hz
Power Supply to Auxiliary 415 V 10% 415 V 10% 415 V 10%
Frequency 0 to 59 Hz 0 to 59 Hz 0 to 59 Hz
No. of Auxiliary converter Aux. Conv. 1,2,3 Aux. Conv. 1,2,3 Aux. Conv. 1,2,3
Battery Voltage 110 V 110 V 110 V
Power Supply to TMs 2180 V 2180 V 2180 V
No. Of Power Converters 2 2 2
Type of Traction Motor 3 Induction Motor 3 Induction Motors 3 Induction Motor
No. of Traction Motors 4 (6FXA7059) 6 (6FRA6068) 6 (6FRA6068)
Power of TM 1563HP 1156 HP 1156 HP
Tractive Effort 258 KN 322.6 KN 458 KN
Braking Regenerative, Regenerative Regenerative,
Pneumatic, Pneumatic, Pneumatic,
Parking, Parking, Parking,
Anti Spin Anti Spin Anti Spin
Braking Effort 160 KN 182 KN 260 KN
Parking Brakes: Wheel No. 1,4,5 & 8 Wheel No. 2,6,7 & 11 Wheel No. 2,6,7 & 11
Horse Power 5440 HP 6120 HP 6120 HP
Maximum Speed 160 KMPH 130 KMPH 100 KMPH
Main Reservoir 3 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos.
Hotel Load Available Not available Not available
Loco brakes On Disc On Wheel On Wheel
3.5 Kg/cm2 3.5 Kg/cm2 3.5 Kg/cm2

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ALG Drive Control Unit - Drive Inverter and
Line converter Control
ASC Loco pilot Converter Control
ASR Drive Converter
BL Key switch
BLCP Spring-loaded switch for Main compressors
BLDJ Spring-loaded switch for Main circuit breaker
BLHO Spring-loaded switch for Hotel load (not active on WAG-9)
BLPR Switch Headlights
BPCS Illuminated push-button, green for Constant speed control
BPFA Illuminated push-button, yellow for acknowledgement
all fault Messages
BPFL Illuminated push-button, yellow Emergency flashlight
BPPB Illuminated push-button, red for parking brake
BPVG Push-button, green for Vigilance
BPVR Push-button, illuminated yellow for resetting vigilance
BUR Auxiliary Converter
BZ-V-O-F Buzzer for vigilance, over speed and fire
CEL Central Electronics
CSC Constant Speed Control
DDS Diagnostic Data Set
FLG Vehicle Control Unit
GTO Gate Turn Off
HB Cubicle Auxiliary Circuits
HBB Processor
HRA Switch Cab blower/heating
LSAF Indication lamp, red for Train parting
LSCE Indication lamp, amber for over temperature CEL
LSDJ Indication lamp, red for Main Circuit Breaker
LSFI indication lamp, red for Fault message, priority 1
LSHO Indication lamp, yellow Hotel load (Not active on WAG-9)
LSP Indication lamp, yellow for Wheel slipping
LSVW Indication lamp, yellow for Vigilance Warning
MCB Main Circuit Breaker
MCE MICAS-S2 Control Electronics
MEMOTEL Speed Recorder and Indicator
MR Machine Room
MUB Over voltage Protection Unit
NSR Line Converter
PAN Pantograph
PCLH Socket Hand Lamp
PP Pneumatic Panel
SB Cubicle Control Circuits
SLG Converter Control Unit
SR Traction Converter
SS Subsystem
STB Low Voltage Cubicle Control

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TE/BE Tractive/braking effort
UBA Voltmeter Battery Voltage
VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker - Main Circuit Breaker
ZBAN Switch- Banking operation
ZBV Train Bus Administrator
ZLC Switch for Loco pilots cab lighting
ZLDA Switch for Assistant Loco pilots desk Illumination
ZLDD Switch for Loco pilots desk illumination
ZLFR Switch for Marker lights, red
ZLFW Switch for Marker lights, white
ZLH Switch for Socket hand lamp
ZLI Switch for Instrument lighting
ZPRD Switch for Headlights, short beam
ZPT Spring-loaded switch for Pantograph
ZTEL Switch for Max. Traction limitation
ZK DC link
Advanced Technological Features: -
In addition to the provision of latest 3-phase traction drive system; the 3-phase locomotives have
certain improved technical features as compared to the conventional locomotives so being used
on IR. Some major features are listed below.
Digital electronics based real time traction control System: -
To obtain precise control over tractive effort and speed in the normal mode and constant
speed control mode of operation respectively.
Electrical weight transfer control system: -
To automatically reduce the tractive effort in the leading bogie and increase the same in the
trailing bogie to take care of weight transfer effect.
Anti spin protection: -
When the ratio of applied and required tractive effort goes below 0.5, anti spin protection
initiated which reduce the TE and apply loco brakes to stop spinning. (not in use).
On-board fault diagnostics system: -
To eliminate/ elaborate trouble-shooting by engine crew and also to help maintenance staff
to trace faults. The fault diagnostics system provides for automatic isolation of faulty
equipment/ subsystems.
Simulation mode of operation: -
To facilitate a complete functional testing of the locomotive without raising pantograph.
An exclusive harmonic filter circuit: -
To reduce harmonics in the current.

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Static auxiliary converter: -
To supply auxiliary 3-phase motors. The auxiliary converter, depending on then traction
load, operates at an optimum frequency to minimize power consumed by auxiliaries
Electronic speedometer: -
Paperless speed recording system. An over speed alarm system is built in.
Electronic energy meter: -
For information of energy generated and energy consumed
Fire detection and alarm system: -
For the machine room.
Low traction bar arrangement between bogie and body to reduce weight transfer :-
Unidirectional mounting of traction motors to further reduce weight transfer effect.
Ergonomically designed and spacious driving cabs: -
To provide comfort and less stress to crew.
Use of dust filters: -
Pressurized machine room to prevent entry of dust into sensitive equipment in the machine
Electronic brake system: -
For precise and fast control of braking effort, blending between electrical brake and
pneumatic brake on the locomotive.
Triplet pneumatic brake panel:-
To minimize piping and provide single- place location of all pneumatic equipment.
Use of tread brake units: -
To reduce maintenance
Spring loaded parking brake system
Instead of handbrakes, spring loaded parking brakes are provided on this loco, these brakes
can be operated from loco and remain applied without pressure by spring tension.
Over-charge feature in the brake system for quick release of brakes
For faster release of train brakes after recreation, BP is charged to 5.4 kg/ cm2 for short time
with restricted dropping rate to 5.0 Kg/cm2.

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Electronic controlled vigilance system
To keep the engine crew alert Vigilance system is provided, as per this system, engine crew
has to do predetermined task once within 60 seconds, otherwise VCD will apply emergency
Wheel Flange lubrication system: -
To reduce energy consumption and wheel wear. (not in use).
Under-slung compressors: -
To eliminate oil fumes and oil spillage inside the machine room, which is potential cause for
fire hazards.
The merits of 3-phase locomotives over DC-motored locomotives are summarized below.
The size of traction motor for the same output power is much less in case of a 3-phase
induction motor compared to DC motor. Therefore, with the permissible axle load and
available space in a bogie, realization of a much higher-powered loco motive is possible.
Maintenance cost of a 3-phase locomotive is less due to absence of brush-gear/
commutator in the traction motors and switchgears in the power circuit.
Induction motors are very robust. Consequently reliability of a 3-phase locomotive is
The rated power of a DC-motored locomotive reduces beyond the field weakening range.
In case of 3-phase loco motives, full power is available up to the maximum speed.
Overload capabilities in 3-phase locomotives are more Liberal.
Regeneration of power is available in 3-phase locomotives. Regenerative braking effort is
available from the full speed till dead stop. Consequently, the overall efficiency of
operation is higher.
Due to superior drop characteristics of speed Vs. torque and the fact that the motor speed
is limited by the synchronous speed, a much improved adhesion is available in 3-phase
locomotive and thus higher tractive efforts can be realized within permissible axle load
3-phase locomotive operates at near unity power factor throughout the speed range except
at very low speeds.
Due to lesser weight of the traction motors, the un-sprung masses in 3-phase locomotive
are low. This reduces track forces and consequently minimizes wear on rails and
disturbance to track geometry.

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Mechanical features of 3 AC loco
The three axles, three motor Co-Co bogie assemblies, is one of the major parts of the
Locomotive. Two bogie assemblies support the entire weight of the 3-phase locomotive and
provide a means for transmission of the tractive effort to the rails.
The bogies are designed to withstand the stresses and vibrations resulting from normal
rolling stock applications. An important function of the bogie is to absorb and isolate shock
caused by variations in the track bed. The suspension systems minimize the transmission of these
shocks to the locomotive under frame.
The traction motors are suspended in the bogie frame and on the individual axles. The
motors transmit their energy to the driving axles through a gearbox mounted on the driving axle.
The force from the driving axles is transmitted to the contact point between the wheel tread and
the rail. Traction force is in turn is transmitted through the axle journal boxes and wheel set
guide rods to the bogie frame. The traction link connected between the bogie transom and loco
under frame, transmits the tractive forces to the loco body.
Like the tractive effort, braking effort is also transmitted to the bogie frame by the axle
journal boxes and guide rods and from the bogie frame to the locomotive by the traction links.
Isolation and absorption of shock loads and vibration is performed by the primary and
secondary suspension. Movement between the loco body and bogie is smoothly controlled by the
primary and secondary suspension. Although the springs permit free movement in any direction,
lateral buffers and dampers limit the amount and rate of lateral movement. Rebound limit
chains and vertical dampers limit the amount the rate of vertical rebound of the locomotive
loco body.
Yaw (longitudinal) dampers control the loco body pitch rate. Wheel set Guide rods
control the fore and aft movement between the axles and the bogie frame, while the traction link
controls the fore and aft movement between the bogies and the loco body.
Primary suspension, located between the axles and the bogie frame, is provided by twin
coil springs on the axle journal box fore and aft of the axle line. Vertical hydraulic dampers
are used to dampen the rebound rate of the springs. This Flexi coil arrangement permits lateral
movement of the axle. Longitudinal control of the axle, and the transmission of tractive and
braking effort to the bogie frame, is provided by guide rods connected between the axle journal
boxes and bogie frame. Spheribolic rubber bushes in the guide rods allow the axle lateral
movement without undue restriction.
Secondary suspension is also provided by coil springs and vertical hydraulic dampers
located between the bogie frame and the locomotive under frame on each side of the bogie. The
weight of the loco body is carried by the secondary suspension springs. The Flexi Float
arrangement of the secondary suspension allows the loco body to move both laterally and
vertically within certain limits relative to the bogies.

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Bogie layout

1 Sanding box 2 Wheel flange lubrication nozzle

3 Primary suspension damper 4 Secondary suspension yaw damper
5 Wheel flange lubrication reservoir 6 Secondary suspension spring
7 Safety chain 8 Secondary suspension vertical damper
9 Horizontal damper 10 Wheel set guide
11 Bogie frame 12 Sanding box
13 heel set 14 Wheel
15 Brake blocks 16 Brake lever
17 Brake cylinder 18 Brake rod
19 Primary suspension spring 20 Wheel flange
21 Sanding pipe 22 Traction link
23 Anti compounding valve
System Description
Potential transformer
The primary voltage transformer is situated on the loco roof and attached to the
pantograph via the roofline. The primary voltage transformer reduces the catenary voltage,
approximately 25 KV, to 200 volts AC. A resistor is placed across the primary voltage
transformer to provide a reference load. The output signal is used in three ways;
1) Main converter electronics = 4 volt AC
2) Catenary voltmeters on the Loco pilots console = 10 volt DC
3) Minimum voltage relay.
When panto is raised this potential transformer feeds U meter and U meter shows the
OHE supply in Loco pilots cab.
Hence we can check the availability of OHE supply before closing DJ and also idea
of rising of panto. However crew should personally ensure raising of panto and touching to

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Main Transformer
General: 25 KV, 1-phase, AC Supply is taken from OHE catenary/ contact wire through
pantograph, roof equipment and VCB (DJ). The same supply is fed to charge the parallel
induction transformer where it is stepped down to different operating voltage.
The tank is filled with transformer oil:
In order to increase the insulation strength and to dissipate the heat.
A spy glass is provided in each machine room to check the oil level of transformer oil.
There are 3 secondary winding:
a. Convertor secondary winding/Traction winding.(4 Nos.)
b. Aux. Convertor secondary windings.(1 Nos.)
c. Harmonic filter secondary winding.(1 Nos.)

1 Main circuit breaker 2 Potential transformer 3 Pantograph

4 Resistor harmonic filter 5 Surge arrestor 6 Roof line


1 Horn shell (FRONT AND REAR)

2 Flasher light
3 Headlights
4 White Marker light
5 Red Marker light
6 End Cock direct brake (Yellow)
7 End Cock main reservoir (Red)
8 End Cock brake pipe (Green)
9 End Cock feed pipe (White)
10 UIC cable for MU

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Power Circuit (WAG 9, WAP 7 & WAP 5)

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Traction Power Circuit (WAP-5)
Power from the overhead Catenary is directed to the main transformer, mounted on
the locomotive under frame, via the pantograph. The traction circuit is split into two separate
circuits after the main transformer.
The traction converters can conduct current from the Catenary to the traction motors
to provide propulsion, or can act in the opposite manner by conducting, and rectifying,
current from the traction motors to the Catenary. This allows the converter to work in both
traction and braking mode. During braking the traction motors act as generators feeding
power back into the catenary. The traction converters then act to convert the three phases into
single phase for the catenary.
The traction converters provide continuous and automatic control of both speed and
torque of the traction motors according to the Loco pilots demand. The converters are
controlled by the converter control electronics, and the locomotive central electronics.
Three, 3-phase asynchronous traction motors are connected in parallel to each traction
Traction Converter: (SR)
Traction converter converts single-phase 25 KV AC supply into 3 phase AC, with
Variable Voltage (max 2180 V) and frequency (from 65 to 132 Hz) while in traction mode
and feeds it to traction motor group -1
As such there are two traction converters i.e. Traction converter-1 for TM 1-2-3 and
Traction converter-2 for TM 4-5-6 (In case of WAP-5 , traction converter-1 for TM 1-2 and
Traction converter-2 for TM-3-4)
During regenerative braking the traction motors work as a generators and feeds
generated 3-phase supply to Traction converter. This converter now acts in reverse manner
i.e. it converts 3 phase AC supply into single phase AC supply and feeds it to Transformer.
Further main transformer steps up this supply and feeds back to OHE. In this way 3 phase
loco works as a small powerhouse, this generates supply and share the load by feeding it
back to OHE.
SR is cooled by separate oil cooling unit.
The traction converter has three main sub parts:
1) Line Converter 2) Intermediate DC link and 3) Drive converter.
One spy glass is provided on each SR to check the oil level.
Line Converter :( NSR)
The line converter converts the alternating current supplied from the main transformer into
direct current (motoring) and forwards this direct current to the intermediate DC-Link.
However, it is also able to convert direct current from the intermediate DC-Link into
alternating current and to supply this alternating current in turn to the main transformer
(braking). Both functions are activated by the traction converter control electronics.

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DC Link:
The intermediate DC-Link performs two main tasks. It smoothens the direct current that
flows through and, it also performs the storage function, thus covering the peak current
demand of the line converter or of the motor. It works as a electrical buffer between ASR and
Drive Converter- (ASR):
The drive converter converts the direct current from the intermediate DC-Link into three-
phase current for the drive motors (motoring). Conversely, it also converts the three-phase
current generated by the drive motors into direct current for braking. The construction of the
motor inverter valve set is identical to that of the line converter. The complete assembly of
line converter No.1, DC link and drive converter No.1 is termed as TRACTION
CONVERTER NO.1 which in turn converts 1-phase AC supply of main transformer into 3-
phase AC supply with variable voltage and frequency and feeds to the 3-phase traction
Technical Data Of Traction Converter
Coolant oil : SHELL DIALA DX
Input voltage (RMS) : 2 x 1,269 Volt
Input current (RMS) : 2 x 1,142 Amp
Input frequency : 50Hz
DC-Link circuit nominal voltage : 2,800 Volt
Output voltage (line-line voltage, RMS) : 2,180 Volt
Output current (per phase, RMS) : 740 Amp
Output power : 2,105 kW
Out put frequency : 65-132 Hz
Traction Motor:
There are total 6 traction motors provided in WAG-9 / WAP-7 loco. TM 1-2-3 are
mounted in bogie-1 and are fed from traction converter -1 where as TM 4-5-6 are mounted in
bogie -2 and are fed from traction converter -2. In case of WAP-5 there are 4 traction motors
in which, Traction converter-1 feeds to TM-1-2 where as traction converter-2 feeds to TM3-
Unlike conventional WAG-5/7 individual TM cannot be isolated in this loco only group
isolation is possible. For isolation of TM group one rotating switch No. 154 is provided in
SB-1, its normal position is Norm.
In WAP-7 & WAG-9, the traction motor is forcedair cooled and intended for
transverse installation in a 3motor bogie. The power transmission is effected via a spur
wheel gear. In WAP-5 the TM is fully suspended and connected with gear by Hurth coupling
by which power is transmitted.
Traction motor is suspended on axle, by axle cap at one end and on link at another

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To check the oil in gear case one spy glass is provided on gear case.
To monitor the temperature & speed, sensors are provided in the stator assembly.
Technical Data Of Traction Motor:
WAG-9 / WAP-7
Type : 6FRA 6068
Kind of motor : 6 poles/alternating current Asynchronous motor, 3
Cooling : Forced air cooling
Power supply : Current fed converter
Temperature recording : 2 thermal resistance elements installed in a stator tooth
OUTPUT P (KW) : Continuous 850; Maximum 850
VOLTAGE U (V) : Continuous 2180; Maximum 2180
Current Intensity I (A) : Continuous 270; Maximum 370
Frequency (Hz) : Continuous 65; Maximum 132
Type : 6FXA 7059
Kind of motor : 6 poles/alternating current Asynchronous motor, 3
Cooling : Forced air-cooling
Power supply : Current fed converter
Temperature recording : 2 thermal resistance elements installed in a stator tooth
OUTPUT P (KW) : Continuous 850; Maximum 1150
VOLTAGE U (V) : Continuous 2180; Maximum 2180
Current Intensity I (A) : Continuous 370; Maximum 540
Frequency (Hz) : Continuous 65; Maximum80

Auxiliary Converter:
The motors used for the auxiliary circuits are 3-phase squirrel cage motors. The cost of
maintenance is therefore low. There are total 12 auxiliaries run by 3-phase, 415 V AC supply.
This 3-phase 415 V, AC supply is obtained by Auxiliary converter to feed different 3-phase
auxiliaries and one battery charger.
The auxiliary circuits are controlled as required. The traction motor and oil cooling blowers run
only when required. The control electronics adjusts the blower speeds depending on measured
operating temperatures, nominal traction values and speed.
Transformer and traction converter oil pumps work continuously whenever the auxiliary
converters are operating.
Auxiliary converter receives single -Phase AC 1000 volts supply from auxiliary winding of
main transformer.
This single-phase supply is fed to rectifier module auxiliary converter where it converts into
DC supply. This DC supply is fed to DC link to suppress AC pulses in DC.

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The pure DC supply is then fed to inverter module auxiliary converter where it converts DC
supply to 415V, 3-phase AC supply with variable amplitude of voltage and frequency and then
feeds to different 3-phase auxiliaries.
There are three, auxiliary converters which get single phase 1000 volts AC input supply from
common auxiliary winding and feeds 3-phase 415 volt out put to different 12 auxiliaries and
one battery charger.
Auxiliary converter-1 is placed in cubicle called BUR-1 situated in machine room No-1 where
as aux converter No. 2 and 3 are placed in cubicle BUR-2, which is situated in machine room
No. 2

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Auxiliary Power Circuit

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3 phase, 415 volt Auxiliaries
Following 3-phases, 415-volt auxiliaries are provided on this loco, which are fed from
Auxiliary converter No.. 1, 2 and 3.
Auxiliary Location Function MCB
Load on Auxiliary Converter No. 1
To cool transformer and
Oil Cooling Blower- 59.1/1 In
Machine Room-1 SR 1 oil in cooling unit 1
1 (OCB-1) HB 1
by taking air from roof
To cool transformer and
Oil Cooling Blower- 59.1/2
Machine Room-2 SR 2 oil in cooling unit 2
2 (OCB-2) In HB 2
by taking air from roof
Load on Auxiliary Converter No. 2
Machine Room To cool bogie 1 TM 53.1/1
Tr. Motor Blower 1
2 group by forced air In HB 1
Machine Room To cool bogie 2 TM 53.1/2
Tr. Motor Blower 2
1 group by forced air In HB 2
Under Truck To circulate oil from
Transformer oil 62.1/1
Below Machine TFP to Cooling Unit 1 &
pump 1 In HB 1
room 1 back
Under Truck To circulate oil from
Transformer 62.1/2
Below Machine TFP to Cooling Unit 2 &
oil pump 2 In HB 2
room 2 back
To circulate oil from SR
Tr. Converter Machine Room 1 63.1/1
1 to Cooling Unit 1 &
Oil Pump 1 Near SR 1 In HB 1
To circulate oil from SR
Tr. Converter Machine Room 2 63.1/2
2 to Cooling Unit 2 &
Oil Pump 2 Near SR 2 In HB 2
Load on Auxiliary Converter No. 3
Main Compressor Under Truck below 47.1/1
To create MR pressure
1 Machine room-1 In HB 1
Main Compressor Under Truck below 47.1/2
To create MR pressure
2 Machine room 2 In HB-2
To clean dust from air
Scavenging Blower Machine Room 2 55.1/1
filters of TMB 1 &
1 Near TMB 1 In HB 1
To clean dust from air
Scavenging Blower Machine Room 1 55.1/2
filters of TMB 2 &
2 Near TMB 2 In HB 2
Within Auxiliary 110
Battery Charger To charge battery
Converter Cubicle In SB 2

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Load Sharing
Generally all the 3 Auxiliary converters are loaded equally, but in case of failure of
any converter another converter shares its load. In such condition, frequency of auxiliary
Motor drops from 50 Hz to 37Hz.
Load sharing after isolation of any auxiliary converter.
Load on Aux.Conv- Oil cooling blower 1, 2, Tr. Motor blower 1, 2
Aux.Conv-1 2 Scavenging blower 1-2
isolate Load on Aux. MCP 1, 2, Transformer pump 1, 2, Converter
Conv.-3 pump 1, 2, Battery Charger
Load on Aux.Conv- Oil cooling blower 1, 2,Tr. Motor blower 1, 2
Aux.Conv-2 1 Scavenging blower 1, 2
Isolate Load on Aux. MCP 1, 2, Transformer pump 1, 2 Converter
Conv.-3 pump 1, 2, Battery Charger
Load on Aux.Conv- Oil cooling blower 1, 2, Tr. Motor blower 1, 2
Aux.Conv-3 1 Scavenging blower 1, 2
Isolate Load on Aux. MCP 1, 2, Transformer pump 1, 2 Converter
Conv.-2 pump 1, 2, Battery Charger
1. Machine Room blower and scavenging blowers (2+2) are directly supplied and starts as
soon as VCB is closed independent of MCE in driving as well as in cooling
2. The oil pump for transformer and converter works continuously during operation of
3. TM blower and, oil cooling blower and scavenging are run as per requirement.
4. The control electronics adjust the selected stage of measured operating temperature;
nominal traction value and speed range lower - moderate maximum. However, RDSO
has issued instructions for the removal of 24 Hz from BUR1 to minimize OCB failure.
Main Compressor 1 & 2
For starting the main compressor a spring-loaded switch (BLCP) is provided on panel, A
which is having 3 positions.
1. OFF position : For stopping compressors.
2. AUTO Position : Compressor 1 & 2 will work alternately according to cut in and out
3. MAN Position : Compressors work continuously irrespective of MR pressure. This is
spring-loaded position.
Auto Position

1. Air pressure goes below 8 Kg/cm2 : Only one CP starts alternately up 10 Kg/cm2.
2. Air pressure goes below 7.5 Kg/Cm.: Both CPs start till 10 Kg/cm2 of pressure
3. Air pressure goes below 5.6 kg/cm: Low pressure, main reservoir message appears
on the screen with priority-1 fault along with LSFI indication. No TE/BE is possible

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till MR pressure reaches to 6.4 Kg/cm2. Both compressors will start till MR pressure
reaches to 10 Kg/cm2.
4. After getting the start command, compressor starts but it takes 25 seconds to ramp up
and unloading and start actual pumping there after. During this delay, pressure drops
by 1 to 1.5 Kg/cm2. So if we see the gauge cut in cut out setting will be appear as 7 to
10 Kg/cm2 instead of 8 to 10 Kg/cm2.
The auxiliary transformer is located in cubicle-1(HB-1) and supplies following systems with
1-phase power.
This circuit is independent of CE and all these auxiliaries work in Driving as well as cooling
mode and start as soon as VCB closed.
To cool machine room by ducting
Machine Room 54.1/1 In HB-
Machine Room-1 and limit the temperature of control
Blower-1 1
electronics parts below 700C
Machine Room 54.1/2 In HB-
Machine Room-2 -do-
Blower-2 2
Blower for To clean dust from air filters of 56.1/1
Machine Room-1
Machine room Machine Room Blower-1 In HB-1
Blower for To clean dust from air filters of 56.1/2
Machine Room-2
Machine room Machine Room Blower-2 In HB-2
In Both cab. Inside To deliver heat for keeping the cab 69.62
Heater Element
Desk warm In HB-1
Single phase 110 Volts
Crew Fan: 4 Nos. 2 Nos. in Both cabs Crew ventilation
In HB-1
Cab Ventilation One in Both cab To expel heat of heater element into 69.61
Blower- 2 Nos. Inside Desk the cab. In HB-1

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Harmonic Filter:
Line harmonic filter is connected with primary winding of main transformer which
consists of resistances and capacitor. This harmonic filter reduces/suppresses the high
frequency harmonics to avoid disturbances in SIGNALLING.
If the harmonic filter gets bypassed by the system, the speed of the loco / train will be
automatically restricted up maximum 40 KMPH by CE.

1 Contactor filter adaption

2 Contactor filter "ON"/ "OFF"
3 Contactor for discharging resistor

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In 3 phase locos Ni-Cd Battery is used. Each battery contains 3 cells. There are 2
battery boxes provided in the loco under truck (one on each side). Each battery box contains
13 batteries.
There are 26 batteries in the loco. Each cell capacity is 1.4 V,output of batteries is
110V approximately and capacity of battery is 199 A-H. To charge the battery, one battery
charger is provided with circuit breaker No. 110 situated in SB2. Main switch for battery is
112 which is placed in a box provided near battery box No. 2. For control circuit supply 1
MCB No. 112.1 is provided in SB2. To show the battery voltage UBA is provided in either
1. If battery voltage is 92 V for more than 30 seconds, P-2 Fault will appear on the
2. If charging current is reduced by 10 A, P-2 fault will appear on screen.
3. If battery voltage is reduced below 82 V, P-1 message with shutdown of loco will
4. If cab is activated and panto is not raised, CE will switch OFF after 10 minutes
5. Loco CE gets power supply directly from battery and can supply up to maximum 5
6. For machine room light power supply is given directly through MCB 327.4.
Technical Specification:
Cell model : SBL-199
Cell type : Nickel/Cadmium
Number of cells per battery :3
Number of batteries per battery box : 13
Number of battery boxes :2
Total nominal capacity : 199 Ah
Nominal voltage of each cell : 1.4 V
Total battery voltage : 1.4 x 3 x 26 =110 V
Brake System
There are 5 types of brakes available on this loco.
1. Automatic Train Brake (Pneumatic)
2. Direct Brake (Pneumatic)
3. Parking Brake (Spring Loaded)
4. Anti Spin Brake.(Pneumatic)
5. Regeneration Brakes.(Elect)
Note: All the brake system functions are monitored by brake electronics and if there
is any wrong configuration, the brake electronics do protective action along
with P-1 message on screen. One circuit breaker is also provided in SB-2 for
this brake electronics. In case of failure of brake electronics, crew should check
this MCB.

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Automatic Train Brake (A-9)

In both the cabs one

Loco pilots automatic train
brake (A9) is provided for
controlling train speed and for
stopping. The function of the
A9 is to generate a variable
voltage code in accordance with
the position of the controller
handle and to perform a number
of ancillary electrical functions.
A pneumatic valve is
incorporated to provide a
pneumatic emergency brake
function in addition to the
electronically controlled
emergency brake.
This brake is used for
charging and discharging the
B.P. Pressure to apply/release
train brake and also loco brakes
in conjunction working.
This valve has following 6 positions.
This A-9 is remaining active in active cab only. Once the BL key is rotated from D to
OFF, this handle will not function, but its emergency position will act.
Handle position Pressure (Kg/cm2)
Release : 5.4 0.05
Running : 5 0.05
Initial Application : 4.60 0.05
Full Service : 3.35 0.10
Emergency :0
Neutral :0

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Braking: When the handle of the brake controller is placed in apply position the control
circuits will produce the pressure to give the relevant brake pipe pressure.
The brake signal from the brake controller causes the control pressure to fall to the
level demanded by the particular brake code which in turn causes the air from the brake pipe
now enters into atmosphere through E-70 valve. The brake pipe pressure is then held
constant at a reduced level, which corresponds to the particular braking requirement, against
any normal leakage by the self-maintaining feature.
Emergency: When the handle of the brake controller is placed in the EMERGENCY
position one of the cam operated switches within the controller opens to cut off the power
supply to all E.P. valves of E-70, except the Isolate E.P. valve which is already de-
energized. At the same time the pilot valve in the Loco pilots brake controller opens venting
the operating air from above the piston in the emergency exhaust valve located in the Loco
pilots cab. This valve then opens to vent the brake pipe direct to atmosphere at the
emergency rate.
In addition to direct exhaust as all the electrical supply is switched off the Release
and Application E.P. valves are de-energized causing the valve E-70 to lift and therefore
vents the brake pipe to atmosphere. In emergency, brake of 2Kg/cm2 is applied through C3W
valve in to brake cylinders.
Neutral: When the handle of the brake controller is in the Neutral position the cam
operated switches within the controller cut off the power supply to all the E.P. valves (except
Isolate E.P. valve which is already de-energized) as for the Emergency position.

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Release: When the handle of the brake controller is held in the spring loaded Release
position, the Full Bore and Running E.P. valves (of E-70) are energised. In this condition
the system operates as described for the Running condition, except that the Full Bore E.P,
valve is energised. This valve allows a low-pressure overcharge in BP pipe.
Low pressure over charge is achieved by raising the normal brake pipe pressure of 5
Kg/cm2 to a pressure of 5.4 Kg/cm2 and holding this for a limited period after which the
overcharge is arranged to bleed down at a prescribed rate.
The pressure of 5.4 Kg/cm2 in the brake pipe is held for a short period by an electronic
timing device on the low-pressure overcharge circuit board. At the end of this period the
Low Pressure Overcharge release E.P. valve is de-energised in a controlled manner which
thus reduces the pressure in the control reservoir and hence the brake pipe at a predetermined
rate towards a level of 5 Kg/cm2.
Even overcharging up to 5.4 Kg/cm2 for short time and normalized with restricted rate,
there will be no brake binding in load as overcharging feature of DV will prevent DV to
Note: 1. The handle of A-9 can be removed and inserted in neutral position and can be
locked by locking device.
2. If the electronic brake control system fails, a priority-1 message display on the
screen and an emergency brake is triggered.
Direct Brake (SA 9):
The direct brakes are used to apply loco brakes. To apply loco brakes, Loco pilots
direct air Brake Valve (SA-9) is provided in both the cabs. The operation of this system is
almost same as in case of WAG-5/7. But unlike WAG-5/7 there are no Cocks on inlet as well
as outlet pipes of Loco pilots direct air Brake Valve (SA-9). Instead of Cock the EP valves
(pilot valves) are provided which keep the Loco pilots direct air Brake Valve (SA-9) in
service only in active cab automatically.
In WAP5 direct brake applies on wheel disk with the pressure of 5 Kg/cm2 whereas
in WAG-9/WAP-7 it applies on wheel tyre as conventional loco with the pressure of 3.5
Kg/cm2. The brake handle remains active only in active Loco pilot Cab.
As a preventive measure, the handle of Loco pilots direct air Brake Valve in rear cab
should be kept in release position.
Unlike WAG-5/7, separate relay valves are provided for loco brakes through Loco
pilots direct air Brake Valve and loco brakes through conjunction working. So possibility of
total brake failure due to relay valve failure is eliminated.
The Loco pilots direct air Brake Valve has two positions; APPLY and RELEASE
Apply: When the Loco pilots control handle is moved to the brake on position, air from
the main reservoir admits in the out let pipe which (3.5 Kg/cm2 max) is further connected to
braking relay valve 58. This pressure operates the relay valve so relay valve again allow the
MR pressure waiting at its port to the brake cylinders through 2 Nos. of DCVs and bogie
isolating COC. Brake cylinder pressure can be seen in the gauges provided in both the cabs.

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Release: When the Loco pilots control handle is moved towards the release position, it
isolates the main reservoir pressure from the relay valve. Simultaneously, allows the
pressure from the relay valve to escape to atmosphere through its exhaust port. As the
pressure from relay valve get exhausted, relay valve further disconnect the pressure flow
from MR to brake cylinder and simultaneously the pressure of brake cylinder get exhausted
to atmosphere through exhaust of relay valve.
Any desired releasing stage for the brake cylinder pressure may be obtained
according to the position of the Loco pilots control handle.
Start/running interlock (i.e. regression of TE / BE) is initiated when the speed of loco
is above 10 KMPH and BC pressure share in gauge by 0.6 Kg/cm2 and above..
For isolation of brakes of particular bogie, bogie COC is provided. COC for bogie -1 is
provided below machine room -1 above MCP-1 where as COC for bogie -2 is provided
below machine room -2 above MCP-2
Brake cylinder gets supply from following:
1. From SA-9 through C-2 (58) relay valve (3.5 Kg/cm2)
2. From C3W DV in conj. working through C-2(57) relay valve (2.5 Kg/cm2).
3. From Anti spin device (Wheel slip) (0.6 Kg/cm2 to 1.0 Kg/cm2) (not in use).
4. From blending valve (DBR cut off): in proportion (not in use).
To separate these different pressure paths different DCVs are provided in the path.

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Loco Brake system

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Anti Spin Brakes:
The principle of the anti-spin brake is to provide the traction equipment, with means
to obtain a rapid light brake application to the driving wheels. The friction thus generated
between the brake shoes and the tyres immediately absorbs the torque, which is in excess
of the value that can be absorbed by the normal adhesion between the tyre and railhead.
The net result is to prevent any increase of existing wheel slip.
The main advantages are that the slip is prevented or controlled, so avoiding the
possibility of damaging the traction equipment, and at the same time it normally enables the
traction power to be maintained so improving and simplifying the control of the locomotive
when operating under conditions which may cause wheel slip.
The anti-spin brake can give an improved adhesion condition between the rail and
tyre, due to the cleaning effect of the brake shoe when used with On tread braking.
A further important advantage of the anti-slip brake is that its use often enables a
reduction in the use of sanding.
This device is provided on each bogie behind MCP.
The automatic anti - spin protection is initiated as soon as the ratio between effective
tractive/braking effort and requested tractive/braking effort is less than 0.5
As required, one or more of the following actions is/are initiated:

Sanders start
LSP glows
TE/BE difference is reduced by control electronics.
If necessary required braking force is given to wheel by applying loco brakes by
control electronics- you can see that BC needle ups and down. (Which is limited to
0.6 Kg/cm2 to 1.0 Kg/cm2)

If anti spin brakes are not applied at the time of wheel slipping, then wheels will get
off loaded and to avoid further spinning, CE will reduce tractive effort. This will
affect the hauling of load
When train is in motion with speed more than 10 KMPH, Start/Run interlock get
activated if BC pressure rushes above 0.6 Kg/cm2 and TE becomes 0.On run during
anti spin brakes, 0.6 Kg/cm2 to 1.0 Kg/cm2 pressure rushes in brake cylinder.
So as per above, due to this 0.7 Kg/cm2 pressure TE get reduced to 0 affecting
haulage of load.
At present anti-spin brake is not in service.
Brakes through Blending Valve:
If LP is controlling the train through DBR/BE mode and suddenly regenerative
braking gets cut off automatically due to internal fault or VCB tripping, to compensate
regenerative braking, blending valve sends the MR pressure in the brake cylinder in

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proportion. This pressure activates the relay valve (57), further this relay valve allows MR
pressure into BC (See figure of loco brake system) and loco brakes are applied. (not in use).
Proportional loco brakes:
Whenever BP pressure drops below its pre- determined value (i.e.5 Kg/cm2),
distributor valve gets activated and allows MR pressure to activate relay valve (57), further
this relay valve allows MR pressure to rush in brake cylinder (2.5 Kg/cm2). When BP
restores, DV gets balanced and releases the loco brakes accordingly.
Parking Brake
In 3-phase loco, hand brakes are not provided. For parking the loco new type of
brakes are available on this loco, called as parking brake. The great feature of parking brake
is that, it remains applied to indefinite time as per your requirement in absence of air
pressure. Its function is just opposite to that of conventional brakes. i.e. it remain release
when there is 6 Kg/cm2 pressure in parking activator and get applied when pressure
exhausted below 3.8 Kg/cm2 in parking activator. But the brakes are applied through the
same brake block of conventional loco brakes.
Parking brakes are provided on Wheel No.2, 6, 7 & 11 (WAG 9/WAP 7) and on
wheel No. 1, 4, 5 & 8 in WAP 5 loco.
Applying Parking Brake (By any one of the following means)
1. Press push button BPPB (A panel), a red lamp illuminated in it. Due to which 6
Kg/cm2 air in parking activator get exhausted and the PB gauge show 0 Kg/cm2
which indicates the application of P.B. (this is possible only when CE is ON)
2. Press Apply push button on parking brake valve solenoid 30/23, BPPB red lamp will
glow, P.B. pressure gauge show 0 Kg/cm2 and PB get applied. (This is possible when
there is MR / AR pressure in the loco and lamp will glow if CE is ON)
3. When BL key is moved from D to OFF , parking brakes get automatically applied
through control electronics. BPPB will not be illuminated since CE in OFF but Parking
Brake Gauge will show 0 Kg/cm2
Releasing Parking Brake: (By any one of the following means)
1. Press BPPB illuminated red button once red lamp will get extinguished and 6 Kg/cm2
pressure enter in parking activators which can be seen in PB gauge indicating that PB
are released
2. Press Release push button on parking brake solenoid 30, BPPB red lamp will
extinguished, air will be admitted in parking activator and gauge will shown 6
Kg/cm2 pressure
3. Pull parking brake release spindle provided on parking brake cylinder on wheel No.
2, 6, 7 and 11. (For WAP-7/WAG-9) and on wheel No. 1-4-5-8 (for WAP-5 locos.)
4. The lock of PB will open and piston returns to release position due to re-setting
spring. Release sound can be heard.

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If PB are released through manual lever, BPPB will not extinguished in Energized
loco and Loco pilot may get indication of application of PB and throttle will not
respond, in such case press BPPB to release PB even though PB are released
Ensure releasing of PB by physically shaking the brake block.
In dead loco even though there is no air pressure the PB will remain in applied
condition, but once the brakes get released, then PB cannot be applied again until the
loco takes on pressure. So, while shunting the dead loco and stabling there after, this
fact should be kept in mind and loco should be secured properly by wooden wedges
since hand brakes are not provided in the loco.
Locking Of Parking Brakes:

Parking brakes can be locked in applied or in release condition. For this purpose locking
arrangement is provided on release and application plunger of solenoid valve 30.
If plunger is pressed and then rotated, it remains in that condition until unlocked again
by rotating it and taking out the plunger out side.
For locking the parking brake, follow the instructions of the division, if any. Otherwise
dont lock the parking brakes.


Whenever brake control electronics get failed a priority-1 message appears on the screen
with emergency brake application. One circuit breaker is also provided in SB-1, if this circuit
breaker is tripped same symptoms will appear.

Regenerative Braking:

This is an electrical braking system in which brakes are applied on loco without
physical application of brake blocks or brake block failure.

1. Brake block does not apply on wheel so wheel, and brake block wear is eliminated.
2. Reliable braking.
3. Smooth controlling.
4. Energy generated during braking is fed back to OHE i.e. it works just like a small
power station and helps in energy conservation.
5. Braking is available up to 0 KMPH.
6. When throttle is put to BE side, traction motor works as generator and generates 3-
phase, AC supply which is converted into DC supply by Loco pilot converter and fed
to line Converter through DC link. In line converter this DC supply is again
converted into single phase/AC supply in such a way that it induces supply equal to
line voltage in main transformer through converter, which later is fed to OHE through
VCB and pantograph.
At the time of Regenerative braking, the TE / BE meter deviates down ward in
BE mode.

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If the RB fails during braking operation the independent loco brakes
automatically takes over its function in proportion to RB force through blending
Even if the RB and Pneumatic brakes are applied together due to fault in the
system, excessive braking of loco is avoided because the anti spin slides control
system reduces the electrical braking effort.
Can use the regenerative braking from MPS to 0 speed, for stopping.
As train/loco can be stopped by using regenerative braking, there is a possibility
of rolling. To avoid rolling, SA9 to be applied, after stopping.
As already explained, it feeds back energy generated, to OHE during
regeneration. So, use RB as far as possible and generate energy.
Also note the readings at the time of taking over charge and handing over
charge to calculate energy conservation.

Emergency Braking Operation

Emergency brakes will apply through brake electronics when:
1. Response from the Vigilance module,
2. Permitted maximum speed being exceeded,
3. Moving of the automatic train brake handle to position EMERGENCY,
4. Actuation of the emergency brake Cock on the assistant Loco pilots side,
5. Actuation of the emergency stop push button on the panel A,
6. Failure of the electronic brake control system,
7. Train parting.
The emergency stop button is only active in the activated Loco pilots cab.
However its function is not dependent on the speed of the locomotive. When the
emergency stop button is pressed, the VCB opens and the pantograph is lowered
along with BP drop and TE/BE 0.
Emergency braking is actuated directly in all cases and is not controlled by the
MCE. However, the MCE responds to emergency braking by reducing tractive
effort to 0. If an emergency braking operation is triggered in multiple operation, it
is transferred to the slave locomotive also.

Two pantographs are provided on either end of loco. Design of pantograph is same as
other AC locos. For raising and lowering of pantograph one switch ZPT is provided on
panel A having 2 positions, UP and DOWN.
On pressing switch down ward (i.e. position UP) and release - panto will raise.
On pressing switch upward (i.e. position DOWN) and release - panto will lower.
Note: The rear panto will rise automatically.

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Selection of Panto:-
Panto selector switch is provided on Pneumatic Panel in machine Room
Auto : Normal position (only rear panto will raise)
I : Panto of Cab 1 will raise (2 will isolate electrically)
II : Panto of Cab 2 will raise (1 will isolate electrically)
For isolation of both pantos pneumatically, two cocs are provided on Pneumatic Panel
PAN-1 & PAN-2. Normally these COC should be opened (Horizontal). For isolating
particular panto keep that COC on closed position (i.e. Vertical)
One circuit breaker (127.12 Circuit breaker Pantograph, VCB Control) is provided for panto
circuit in SB-1 cubicle.
Key IG-38 is provided on pneumatic panel to control the air pressure to Pantographs.
For air passage to pantographs this key should be kept ON (horizontal)
Auxiliary Compressor: - (MCPA)
The auxiliary compressor is used to raise the pantograph. While the control circuit. is
switched ON, the auxiliary compressor controlled by Pneumatic switch starts automatically
(independent of MCE) till the pressure reaches to 6 Kg/cm2.
Auxiliary compressor has one drain COC on pneumatic panel. Normally this COC should be
horizontal to pipe line (i.e. closed)
Main Reservoir:
For storage of compressed air pressure MRs are provided on this loco. In WAP-7 &
WAG-9 loco, two MRs and one AR is provided in machine Room in vertical manner, (MR2
provided with a safety valve). Capacity of MR is 450 liters. Drain COC is provided below
each MR, which can be operated from machine room. In WAP-5 MRs are located in under
truck and each MR having capacity of 240 liters.
In dead loco AR is charged by BP pressure of Live loco provided that COC 47 should
be in open condition. This AR pressure is utilized for conjunction loco braking and Parking
Memotel (Speedometer)
For indicating the speed of the loco, MEMO-TEL type speedometer is provided in
both the cabs. Speed is indicated by needle as well as LCD screen of SPM.

For Data entry one push button A is provided on SPM

When push button A is pressed repeatedly following parameters will appear (8 digits) in
1. Speed : KMPH
2. Time : HH:MM:SS

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3. Date : DD:MM:YY
4. Distance covered : Km
5. Encoded fault message : --------
Aproximately10 seconds after releasing push button A time or speed is displayed

1. Indication lamp A : Recording function fault

2. Indicator : Speed in km/h
3. Digital display : Date, time, distance covered
speed, fault message
4. Indication lamp B : Fault in MEMOTEL, incorrect
speed indication
5. Interlock : Interlock of cover
6. Push button C : Selection of amendment mode, digital
display (can be locked)
7. RS232 interface : Interface for the Service
Computer (can be locked)
8. Push button B : Alters the digital value (can be locked)
9. Memory Card : Provided inside
10. Push button A : Selection of digital display for
lighting control
Note: Memory Card and interface for Service
Computer are not available in Cab 1.
Functions and Settings
Self Test As soon as power supply is available; the internal functions of the digital display
are checked.
Note: If a fault is detected, lamp B lights up.
Adjustment of Brightness
The brightness of the scale and the light intensity of the digital display can be adapted to suit
the light conditions in the loco pilot's cab.
If push button A is pressed for longer than 2 seconds, brightness rises in linear fashion in
intervals of approx. 8 seconds from 0 to 100% intensity and starts again from 0%.
The selected brightness is displayed on the digital display as a percentage value and, when
push button A is released, the selected brightness value is stored in memory.
Indication Lamps (Indication Lamp A)
1.Lamp A does not light up if:
-All MEMOTEL functions are O.K.
-Lamp B is already lit.
2.Lamp A flashes once every two seconds, if:
- 90% of the long-term storage capacity of the Memory Card is allocated.
3.Lamp A flashes twice every second if:

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- MEMOTEL is being configured.
- Data are being read out or deleted with the help of a service device
- The Memory Card is being configured.
4.Lamp A is lit continuously if:
- 100% of the capacity of the long-term or fault memory is assigned.
- A Memory Card is called for but not installed, or if the card is not accepted.
- A different speed display than the Slave MEMOTEL is connected up.
Indication Lamp B (Lamp B does not light up if)
1. MEMOTEL functions perfectly.
- Service work is being carried out via the serial interface.
2. Lamp B is lit continuously if:
- A fault is detected in the MEMOTEL (EPROM, RAM)
- No configuration, or an invalid configuration, is loaded.
- The speed display (MEMOTEL Master or Slave) is incorrect.
Push Buttons
Push Button A (By pressing push button A)
1. 6 Functions can be displayed on the digital display unit
2. Brightness settings can be performed
Push Button B
With push button B, the value of the selected and flashing digit is changed.
Note: All setting work only by Service Personnel.
Push Button C
1. Activates the amendment mode for the digital display unit.
2. Selects the digit to be amended.
Note: All setting work only by Service Personnel.
Sanding is done automatically on leading wheels when
1. PSA is pressed.
2. Anti spin device activated.
Note: Dont press PSA continuously, but press and release it. Continuous sanding is
not possible, If PSA is pressed continuously for 1 minute, then dead mans
penalty brakes will apply. 10-12 sec pause is required between two operations
of PSA.
Control Electronics [Micas-S2]
All functions of the locomotive are controlled by the control electronics. It takes the
form of bus stations with processors.

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The bus stations communicate with each other via fibre optic Cables which are
resistant to the effects of Electro Magnetic Interference [EMI]. The diagnostic
equipment comprises a diagnosis computer with monitor and keyboard in the Loco
pilots cab. This provides an effective support for the duties of the locomotive Loco
pilot and maintenance personnel.
Active functions with deactivated Loco pilots cab
While the cab deactivated, the following functions remain operative.

1. MEMOTEL functions
2. Catenary voltage display
3. Emergency brake Cock on assistant Loco pilots side
4. Cab and desk lighting
5. Windshield wipers
6. Fault display screen
7. Marker lights switches
8. Cab venting and heating
9. Crew fans
10. Hand lamp socket
Resetting of MCB
Sometimes MCB trips momentarily without any equipment failure. Loco pilots
should reset MCB once.
While resetting ABB make MCB, resetting screw below the respective circuit breaker
turns to horizontal position from initial vertical position. This screw should be turned to
vertical position first and then, MCB should be reset by lifting its handle.
For resetting MG make MCB, handle should be pulled first downward towards
offside and then in upward direction towards on to reset the MCB, otherwise the MCB will
not hold.
If it is needed to trip any MCB, trip it with proper procedure i.e. by rotating screw or
by pressing tripper knob provided on MCB. Dont trip any MCB directly and in VCB closed

Flasher light
1. Automatic flasher light system is provided.
2. One additional flasher light unit is provided in cab at ALP side, ensure that switch
provided on it is at ON.
3. To switch on the flasher rotate the switch provided on panel C.
4. If on line CE gets off and at the same time if flasher is required then, switch ON it in
cooling mode.
5. Note that in panto down condition, CE remains ON only for 10 minutes after that CE
will get off automatically. So, in such cases (like accident), flasher should switch ON in
cooling mode.
6. Note: That flasher glows only when CE is ON or in cooling mode.

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Testing of automatic flasher light:
1. In energize loco, ensure that BP is 5 Kg/cm2 and set the reverser as per requirement.
2. Drop 0.6 to 1.0 Kg/cm2 BP for 1 minute by opening ALPs emergency brake valve or by
opening BP angle COC.
3. Ensure the following indications
ACP message of P-2 will appear on screen.
LSAF will glow.
Buzzer will sound.
BPFL light will flicker.
Flasher light will flicker.
4. Recharge BP by closing BP angle COC or ALPs emergency brake valve, all above
indication will disappear, acknowledge the fault by BPFA.
5. Apply A-9 to minimum reduction and full service and release, auto flasher light should
not glow. If during normal operation of A-9 auto flasher light glows or if it does not glow
during above testing, Inform the TLC, make a remark in loco log book.

KNORR brake in 3 locos

In some WAG 9 locos KNORR type brake system is provided which is different from
conventional brake system of WAG 9 locos. In conventional loco, loco get failed in case of
brake electronics failure. But in this loco, block section can be cleared by 10 KMPH in case
of failure of brake electronics.
Changes in loco:
Pilot lamp panel

One panel of 6 pilot lamps is provided beside panel C which is as under:

1. Exclusive flow: This is a red colored pilot lamp, glows when MR pressure is less.
2. PCR open: This is a red colored pilot lamp, glows when BP pressure is less.
3. PER action: This is a green colored pilot lamp, glows when PTDC (pneumatic time
dependent control) is in service.
4. EAB fail: This is a yellow colored pilot lamp, glows when brake electronics failed and
PTDC in service.
5. P-16 action: This is a green colored pilot lamp, glows when DV is isolated.
6. SIFA cut off: This is a yellow colored pilot lamp, glows when COC 74 is closed.

Changes in auto brakes & direct brakes:

In case of conventional system, automatic train brake and direct brake handles has to be
operated from left to right, but in this system handle has to be operated forward for
application and backward for release like throttle. Both valves are provided on left side of
loco pilot on control stand.

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A. Direct brake: It has two positions: apply and release. One spring loaded clip called ball
ring is provided below the handle. If this ring is pressed and released, synchronized
brakes get released very fast where as brakes get released gradually if PVEF is pressed.
B. Auto brake: Automatic train brake handle can be locked or unlocked in FS (full service)
only position by a key provided in each cab. Non driving cab auto train brake handle to
be is kept on FS locked condition where as in working cab to be kept in run position.
While clearing loco as dead both cab handles are to be kept on FS locked condition. This
handle has following 5 positions.
1. Release: In this position BP pressure is over charged to 5.5 Kg/cm2 and drop down
automatically after some time with restricted flow to 5.0 Kg/cm2. This position is
used for quick charging of BP.
2. Run: This is the normal position on which BP is charged to 5.0 Kg/cm2. At the time
of recharging, BP is overcharged by 0.2 Kg/cm2 at this position for short time.
3. Minimum reduction: BP pressure remains 4.5 Kg/cm2.
4. Full service: BP pressure drops to 3.0 Kg/cm2. The handle can be locked or unlocked
in this position.
5. Emergency: BP drops to 0 Kg/cm2 on this position.
C. Mode switch: One rotating switch called mode switch is provided in each cab below
direct brake valve. This spring loaded switch (similar to MU2B) can be operated by
pressing downward. This switch has following 4 positions.
1. HLPR: While using loco as banker, this switch should be kept at Help position on
this mode in addition to ZBAN at ON.
2. TRL (TRAIL): In non working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on TRL
3. LEAD: In working cab (SU / MU), this switch should be kept on LEAD position and
then BP will be charged 5.0 Kg/cm2.
4. TEST: In this position BP leakage test is done. When this switch is kept on TEST
position, Loco brakes get applied. This switch should be kept on lead position
immediately after testing.
In this loco automatic train brake and direct brakes are governed by brake
electronics. In case of failure of brake electronics train can be worked by maximum of 10
kmph by PTDC. This is provided in each cab near brake handles and has 2 positions:
release and apply. PTDC is having one COC, (provided near horns coc) which should be
in open condition always.
PROCEDURE of clearing block section by using PTDC:
1. Bring throttle to 0
2. Open DJ, Lower the panto and switch OFF CE.
3. Trip the MCB 127.7 (SB 2) and ensure that MCB 127.15 (SB 2) is in ON position.

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4. On Pneumatic panel, Close PB-BUS COC & PER-COS from horizontal to vertical
5. Keep automatic train brake handle of working cab on RUN.
6. Acknowledge the fault by pressing BPFA
7. Switch ON CE, raise Panto and close VCB as per procedure
8. Keep PTDC on release position and ensure that BP is 5.0 Kg/cm2 and BC is 0
9. If BC pressure does not come to 0 then release by distributor valve.
10. To apply / release auto brakes keep PTDC handle to apply or release as per
requirement and clear the block section by 10 KMPH.
Changes in under truck:
BC 1 & BC 2 COCs are not provided in under truck. These COCs are black in color and
provided at the bottom of brake manifold in machine room. Normally these COC should be
vertical (open).
Pneumatic panel is divided into two parts.

Air Brake Manifold.

Auxiliary manifold.
Parts in Air Brake Manifold:
1. PB-BUS (Parking Brake Back Up Switch):
2. This is a black colored switch. Normally this switch should be in horizontal
condition. But in case of PTDC mode or clearing loco as dead, this switch should be
kept closed (Vertical) to release the parking brakes.
3. PER-COS (Pneumatic Equalizing Reservoir Cut Off Switch): This is a black
colored switch. Normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. But in case
of PTDC mode, this switch should be kept vertical.
4. PBR-COS (Parking Brake Reservoir Cut Off Switch): This is a black colored
switch. Normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. Maintenance staff
uses this switch.
5. PB-PDS (Parking Brake Pneumatic Disable switch): This is a black colored switch.
Normally this switch should be in horizontal condition. In case of parking brakes
malfunctioning maintenance staff uses this switch and kept vertical along with
6. SIFA-74 (Vigilance exhaust COC): This is yellow colored COC. Normally this
COC should be kept down ward but while clearing loco as dead this COC should be
kept upward.
7. BC- & BC-2 COCs: These are bogie isolating COCs.
8. DV: Distributor valve
Auxiliary Manifold:
Following COCs are provided on this manifold.
1. WFL: Pressure switch for wheel flange lubrication.

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2. TC1&TC2: Pressure switch for traction converter 1&2
3. KABA KEY: Loco grounding key.
4. FC: Harmonic filter contactor pressure switch.
5. PAN 1 & 2: Pressure switch for Panto 1 & panto 2.
6. VCB: Pressure switch for VCB.
7. VESA 1 & 2: Pressure switches for sanders.
8. 136: Pressure COC for Feed Pipe.
9. 47: Cock for dead loco (Normally closed)
10. Panto selector switch: for selection of panto
Note: For item nos:1 to 8 normal position is Horizontal (open), except item no:9.
Procedure of Cab Changing:
1. Keep Automatic train brake handle in FS and lock it and remove the key out side.
2. Keep the Direct brake handle in release
3. Keep MODE switch in trail position.
4. Open VCB, lower the panto and switch off the CE. Remove the BL key and go to
other cab.
5. In other cab, Unlock Automatic train brake handle and keep it on RUN position.
Operate Mode switch from TRAIL to LEAD.
6. To charge BP, release parking brake and ensure charging of BP pressure.
Energising of loco:
Loco should be energised as conventional 3 phase loco, but ensure following:
1. Automatic train brake handle of working cab should be at RUN and non working cab
should be at FS in locked condition.
2. Mode switch should be kept at LEAD in working cab and at TRAIL in non working cab.
3. Energise the loco as per normal position.
4. Apply SA 9 and ensure 3.5 Kg/cm2 in BC gauge.
5. For charging BP move Automatic train brake handle to FS for 10 seconds and then keep
it to RUN position. BP will be charged by 3.0 Kg/cm2.
6. Ensure that parking brakes are released.
7. Keep Automatic train brake handle from RUN to FS. Wait for 10 seconds, then again
keep it to RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0 Kg/cm2 and BC is 0 Kg/cm2.
8. Every time after recharging BP will overcharge to 5.5 Kg/cm2 at RUN position and then
after some time become normal to 5.0 Kg/cm2.
9. For overcharging BP to 5.4 Kg/cm2, keep Automatic train brake handle to REL position,
if necessary.
10. Keep SA 9 in release, for releasing synchronized loco brakes use Ball Ring for quick
release or use PVEF for normal release.
Parking brake:
1. Whenever parking brakes are applied by CE or manually, every time penalty auto brakes
will be applied along with parking brakes in which BP will drop to 3 Kg/cm2 and loco
brakes up to 2.5 Kg/cm2 with Priority 1 message on screen.

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2. For recharging BP pressure, first release parking brakes and keep Automatic train brake
handle to FS position for 10 seconds, again keep it in RUN position and ensure that BP is
recharged to 5.0 Kg/cm2. Acknowledge the fault and work further.
3. For applying parking brake manually, rotate switch PB-Bus from horizontal to vertical
and for releasing vertical to horizontal.
Vigilance penalty brakes:
In this loco BP pressure is dropped by 3.0 Kg/cm2 (in gauge 2.0 Kg/cm2) on
application of vigilance parking brakes. Do the following for resetting vigilance penalty
1. Keep throttle in 0
2. Wait for at least 2-3 minutes.
3. Keep Automatic train brake handle to FS, press BPVR for acknowledging fault
4. Keep Automatic train brake handle at RUN and ensure that BP is charged to 5.0
Kg/cm2 and loco brakes are released.
5. Acknowledge the fault by BPFA and proceed further after ensuring pressure.
Emergency Brake Actions
Emergency penalty brakes are applied when, emergency push button is
pressed or due to over speeding or due to emergency application by / ALP Emergency
valve, in which BP pressure drops to 0. For releasing this penalty brake, keep
Automatic train brake to Emergency (EMER) for 10 seconds and again keep to RUN
position, BP will charge to 5.0 Kg/cm2 then acknowledge the fault message and work
Service penalty brakes:
Service penalty brakes apply automatically in following condition in which,
BP is dropped to 3.0 Kg/cm2.
1. If BC 1 & BC 2 are isolated in locos LEAD mode.
2. If any one COC of PB-PDS, PB-BUS, PB-R-COS is isolated. If all these switches
are in isolated condition and BPPB is pressed then also penalty brakes will apply.
3. To release service penalty brakes, normalize the above switches, keep Automatic
train brake handle to FS for 10 seconds then again keep to RUN position and
ensure BP to charge at 5.0 Kg/cm2.
Clearing loco as DEAD.
1. Keep the throttle at 0, Open VCB, lower the panto, and remove BL key by switching
OFF of CE.
2. Keep the Automatic train brake handle of both cab in FS and remove the key after
locking it.
3. Keep both Direct brake handle at release and keep MODE switch at TRAIL.
4. Open 47 COC (Dead loco) and close 136 COC (FP) provided on auxiliary manifold.
5. Keep PAN 1 & 2 COCs (Auxiliary manifold) on vertical position.
6. Close 74 SIFA COC (Vigilance) provided on pneumatic manifold by keeping upward.

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7. Switch OFF MCB 112.1 (in SB 2). Drain out MR & AR.
8. Couple the energised loco with dead loco and couple BP/FP pipes and open their angle
9. BC pressure should be 0 and if not then release the distributor valve.
10. For application and releasing of brakes in dead locomotive rotate PB-BUS (air brake
manifold) from horizontal to vertical. Ensure 5 Kg/cm2 pressure in parking brake gauge.
1.No. 70 COC of BP and Solenoid valve No. 30 are not provided in this loco.
2.Before clearing loco as dead ensure that parking brakes are released fully and parking
brake gauge is showing 5 Kg/cm2. Also ensure the same on run.
DOs and DONTs for Loco Pilots while working with 3 Locomotive
1. Acknowledge VCD always within every 60 sec.
2. Do maximum use of regenerative braking, it not only controls the train but also
participates in generating the power.
3. In case of any trouble, as a last step, switch off the CE for 5 minutes.
4. In panto down condition and in CE off condition, to switch on the flasher, use cooling
5. In case of heavy airflow, instead of attending the screen, do the protection of train and
adjacent track.
6. In case of emergency, use emergency stop push button.
7. While de-activatiing the CSC, check the position of throttle, it should not be opposite
to the force.
8. Use throttle gradually.
9. Before regenerative braking, bunch the load.
10. While working dead loco, ensure conjunction working in dead loco.
11. While working dead loco ensure releasing of parking brakes and pneumatic brakes in
dead loco.
12. First note down the fault message and then acknowledge the fault.
13. During failure mode operation, use throttle carefully.
14. Before resetting MCB, first rotate the knob provided on it.
15. Keep the SA-9 handle of rear loco at release.
16. Apply parking brakes when stationary.
17. Instead of continuous operation of sanders, use frequently.
1. Dont operate BL when loco is in motion.
2. Dont believe on U-meter, ensure the panto physically.
3. Dont press PSA continuously.
4. Dont allow any unauthorized person in rear cab, as some functions are remains
active in rear cab.
5. Dont declare the loco FAIL, without switching OFF and ON the control electronics.
6. Dont lower the panto for more than 10 minutes otherwise CE will switch off.
7. Dont forget to acknowledge the fault message.

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8. Dont use CSC in undulating area.
9. Dont isolate VCD unnecessarily.
10. Dont switch off CE in running train.
11. Dont smoke in the loco.
12. Dont use quick release position of A-9 frequently and unnecessarily.
13. If MR pressure is less than 6.4 Kg/cm2, dont operate MPJ.
Protective measures by control electronics:
Initiation of protective measure in dangerous situation is controlled by Control
Electronics. MCE monitors a range of values such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure
and other signals.
Catenary voltage out of range: When catenary voltage drops down below 17.5 KV and
raise above 30.5 KV VCB will open automatically.
Temperature protection: When temp of Transformer exceeds beyond 84 degree C, for
more than 10 sec, VCB will trip.
Primary over Current Protection (QLM): Reason for over current.
1. Disturbance in measurement of primary current.
2. Fault in converter.
3. Short circuit in transformer winding
4. Check machine room for oil flash/smoke/abnormal.
5. Check OCR.78 is in normal.
If any thing is abnormal- fail the loco.
If VCB trips during C mode then check oil level of transformer and converter and check
relay 78. If any thing is abnormal, fail the loco.
Train Parting: Airflow measuring valve is provided in loco. Whenever train gets parted, or
air flow increases and AFMV gets activated, LSAF glows and buzzer sounds. Also message
of ALARM CHAIN PULLING will appear on screen.
Due to uncoupling / parting, BP pressure starts expelling at very fast rate, resulting in
sudden drop in MR pressure which leads to Priority -1 message on screen Low Pressure
Main reservoir.
So, after parting/uncoupling, the Loco pilot will get message of low MR pressure.
So, when ever AFI shoot up with sudden drop in BP pressure, your first duty is to act
as in case load parting / accident (like switching ON of flasher light, protection of adjacent
track, Securing of load / loco, etc.), After asserting that trailing load is OK, then think about
the loco / message.
Fire Alarm: In loco fire detention unit is provided in SB2. There are two smoke detectors
provided to detect the smoke in machine room. Each machine room is equipped with one

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When one detector detects the smoke
1. Buzzer will sound
2. Priority-2 message will appear on screen.
When both detectors detect the smoke
1. Priority-1 message will appear on the screen - Inspect Machine room
2. Throttle T/E, B/E becomes 0
3. Buzzer will sound.
Do the necessary arrangement to extinguish the fire by using suitable fire extinguisher
provided in Cab1/2 and Machine Room 1/2 (Total 4 Nos.)
Resetting Of Fire Alarm:
1. Press Reset button on fire detection equipment provided in Machine Room (SB-2)
2. Press BPFA.
Action to be taken by Loco pilot
1. Inspect the Machine room and take necessary action. In case of fire on loco, use big
fire extinguisher provided in the rack behind asst. Loco pilot in cab. To operate this
fire extinguisher, open the cut out COC and release the gas by rotating adjusting
knob, gas will expel and extinguish the fire at appropriate places in machine room
behind it. In addition to this two numbers of portable fire extinguishers are provided
on the loco which should be used accordingly as per requirement.
2. To reset the FDU, press the white knob provided on it. To acknowledge the fault
press BPFA. Resume normal traction.
Note:- In case of defect in FDU, P-2 fault message will appear on the screen.
After inspecting the machine room, reset the white knob on the FDU. Acknowledge
the fault and keep watch on machine room.
Alarm Chain Pulling:
When airflow increases without initiation of Loco pilot or CE i.e. in case of
ACP/Guards brake applied/leakage in train etc. Following indications appear.
1. Air Flow Indicator needle will deviate.
2. LSAF will glow.
3. Buzzer will sound.
4. BPFA will illuminate with P-2 message.
5. Auto flasher will start.
ACP Indication:
1. Reset the ACP or arrest the leakage.
2. Buzzer will sound continuously until the leakage/ACP is arrested. To stop sounding,
press BPFA. If ACP/leakage is not arrested buzzer will start again.
3. When ACP leakages are reset, all indications will disappear, but for BPFA indication
press it once.

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1 Crew fan 14 Control lever for horn
2 Lamp Loco pilots desk illumination 15 Panel D
3 Pneumatic horn 16 Operation of window
4 Emergency flash light wipers/washers
5 Lamp assistant Loco pilots desk 17 Rotary switch cab heater/fan device
illumination 18 Brake handle direct loco brake
6 Crew fan 19 Brake handle automatic train brake
7 Panel B 20 Foot switch SANDING
8 Control lever for horn 21 Foot switch PVEF for release of
9 Panel A loco brake
10 Reverser 22 Foot switch VIGILANCE
11 TE/BE Throttle 23 Emergency brake Cock
12 Panel C 24 Parking Brake (PB) gauge
13 MEMOTEL 25 Wiper motor
26 Horns cocs(LT/HT), wipers, PTDC coc

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1 UBA Voltmeter Battery voltage

2U Voltmeter Catenary voltage
3 BOGIE 1 TE/BE meter - Traction / braking effort, bogie 1
4 BOGIE 2 TE/BE meter - Traction / braking effort, bogie 2
5 ZBAN Spring loaded switch Banking operation ON / OFF
6 LSDJ Indication lamp, red - Main circuit breaker OFF
7 LSHO Indication lamp, yellow - Hotel load ON (Inactive on WAG9)
8 LSP Indication lamp, yellow - Wheel slipping
9 LSAF Indication lamp, red - Train parting
10 LSVW Indication lamp, yellow - Vigilance warning
11 LSCE Lamp, amber - Over temperature CEL
12 BL Key switch - Activation of Loco pilots cab
13 ZPT Springloaded switch - Raise / Lower Pantograph
14 BLDJ Springloaded switch Main circuit breaker ON / OFF
15 BLCP Springloaded switch - Main compressors, AUTO mode ON / OFF
16 BLHO Springloaded switch - hotel load ON I OFF (Inactive on WAG9)
17 ZTEL Switch - Max. Traction limitation
18 BPCS Illuminated pushbutton green-constant Speed control
19 BPPB Illuminated pushbutton- red - Parking brake
20 BPVR Pushbutton, yellow Resetting vigilance
21 Emergency Stop - button red - Emergency stop

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1 Pressure Brake Cylinder Bogie 1+2
2 Pressure Brake Feed Pipe/Main Reservoir
3 Air Flow Meter
4 Pressure Brake Pipe


1 Screen Display of messages diagnosis

2 LSFI Indication lamp, red - Fault message, priority 1
3 ZLC Switch - Loco pilots cab lighting
4 ZLI Switch - Instrument lighting
5 ZLDD Switch - Loco pilots desk illumination
6 B-Z-V-O-F- Buzzer - Warning signal,3 frequencies
7 BPFA Illuminated push - button, yellow - Acknowledgement all fault messages
8 BLPR Switch - Head Light, Bright
9 ZPRD Switch - Headlights, Dim
10 ZLFW Switch - Marker lights, white
11 ZLFR Switch - Marker lights, red
12 BPFL Illuminated push - button, yellow - Emergency flash light

1. Asst. Loco pilot Desk Lamp

2. Vigilance Ack. push button
3. 110V socket
4. 110 V socket ON/OFF button

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Pneumatic Panel Parts

1 260 Control electronics pneumatic manifold

2 237 Vigilance control equipment
3 Instructions regarding isolating cock position (see Fig.4.18)
4 130.4/1 Pressure switch pantograph 1
5 130.4/2 Pressure switch pantograph 2
6 269.1 Pressure switch emergency brake
7 172.4 Pressure switch auxiliary compressor
8 269.3 Pressure switch parking brake
9 293.2 Isolating cock brake pipe control system (E70)
10 237.3 Isolating cock on emergency brake/vigilance control
11 269.2 Pressure switch direct brake
12 Pneumatic equipment, pantograph and VCB
13 Brake pipe control unit (E70)
14 Pneumatic equipment, parking brake
15 Relay valve, automatic brake
16 Relay valve, direct brake
17 Pneumatic equipment, sanding
18 Distributor, automatic brake
19 Blending unit EBC5
20 Pneumatic equipment, wheel flange lubrication, traction converter,
filter cubicle
21 269.41 Pressure switch, flow indication
22 269.5 Pressure switch, vigilance control
23 269.42 Pressure switch, brake feed pipe
24 129.1 Rotary switch, pantograph selection

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Rear View Of Pneumatic Panel

260 1 Control electronics pneumatic manifold

2 Pneumatic equipment, wheel flange lubrication, traction converter,
filter cubicle
3 Capacity reservoir, distributor
4 Control reservoir, brake pipe control unit (E70)
5 Air reservoir, pantograph and VCB
6 Control reservoir, distributor automatic brake
7 Capacity reservoir, sanding valves

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COC-74 : Emergency exhaust COC (Open)
COC-70 : BP charging COC. (Open)
COC-136 : FP charging COC.(Open)
COC-47 : Dead loco (AR charging) COC (close)
PAN-1 Cock : Panto -1 pneumatic control COC (Open)
PAN-2 Cock : Panto -2 pneumatic control COC (Open)
VCB Cock : VCB (DJ) pneumatic COC (open)
Sand-1&2 Cock : Sander pneumatic control Cock (Open)
Solenoid -30 : Parking brake solenoid valve.
IG-38 : Pneumatic control key.(Open)
E-70 : BP charging valve (like Add C-2 relay valve).
C3W : Distributor valve.

COC 74 70 136 47
Open Open Open Close
Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
DEAD Close Close Close
Open Vertical
( Towed) Vertical Vertical Horizontal
Open Close Close Close
As Banker
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Horizontal
Circuit breakers provided in auxiliary circuits cubicle-1(HB-1)

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Auxiliary Circuits, Cubicle 1 (HB1)
1. 47.2 Contactor, main compressor
2. 47.2A/1 Snubber circuit to item 47.2
3. 52.3/4 Auxiliary contactor to item 52
4. 52.3/5 Auxiliary contactor to item 52
5. 89.5 Earth fault relay 415/110 V
6. 59.1/1 Circuit breaker, oil cooling unit, transformer/converter
7. 55.1/1 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower to traction motor blower
and oil cooling unit
8. 53.1/1 Circuit breaker, traction motor blower
9. 52.A/4 Snubber circuit to item 52
10. 52.A/5 Snubber circuit to item 52
11. 52/4 Contactor auxiliaries
12. 52/5 Contactor auxiliaries
13. 67 Transformer, auxiliary circuits 415/110 V
14. 90.41 Earthing resistor earth fault detection 415/110 V
15. 90.42 Earthing resistor earth fault detection 415/110 V
16. 54.4/1 Capacitor to MR blower motor
17. 69.71 Circuit breaker, crew fan
18. 69.62 Circuit breaker, cab heater
19. 69.61 Circuit breaker, cab ventilation
20. 56.1/1 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower to machine room blower
21. 54.1/1 Circuit breaker, machine room blower
22. 47.1/1 Circuit breaker, main compressor
23. 63.1/1 Circuit breaker oil pump converter
24. 62.1/1 Circuit breaker oil pump transformer
25. 41 Fuse auxiliary 415/110 V.
26 54.2/1 Time relay for MR blower
27. 54.8/1 Capacitor to MR blower

Three phase 415 Volt Auxiliary Circuit breakers

1. 62.1/1 Circuit breaker oil pump transformer
2. 63.1/1 Circuit breaker oil pump converter
3. 47.1/1 Circuit breaker, main compressor
4. 53.1/1 Circuit breaker, traction motor blower
5. 55.1/1 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower for traction motor blower and oil cooling
6. 59.1/1 Circuit breaker, oil cooling unit for transformer/ converter

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Single phase 415 /110 Volt Aux. circuit breakers

1. 54.1/1 Circuit breaker, machine room blower

2. 56.1/1 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower for machine room blower
3. 69.61 Circuit breaker, cab ventilation
4. 69.62 Circuit breaker, cab heater
5. 69.71 Circuit breaker, crew fan

Circuit breakers provided in HB-2

Three phase 415 Volt Aux. circuit breakers

1. 62.1/2 : Circuit breaker oil pump transformer

2. 63.1/2 : Circuit breaker oil pump converter
3. 47.1/2 : Circuit breaker, main compressor
4. 53.1/2 : Circuit breaker, traction motor blower
5. 55.1/2 : Circuit breaker, scavenge blower for traction motor blower and oil cooling
6. 59.1/2 : Circuit breaker, oil cooling unit, transformer/ converter

Single phase 415 /110 Volt Aux. circuit breakers

1. 54.1/2 : Circuit breaker, machine room blower

2. 56.1/2 : Circuit breaker, scavenge blower for machine room blower

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Auxiliary Circuits, Cubicle-2 (HB2)

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Auxiliary Circuits, Cubicle-2 (HB2)
1. 47.2A/2 Snubber circuit to item 47.2
2. 47.2/2 Contactor, main compressor
3. 89.2 Earth fault relay, auxiliary converter
4. 59.1/2 Circuit breaker, oil cooling unit, transformer/converter
5. 55.1/2 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower to traction motor blower
and oil cooling unit
6. 53.1/2 Circuit breaker traction motor blower
7. 90.3/1-2 Earthing resistor earth fault detection auxiliary converter
8. 42.3/2 Current sensor, auxiliary circuits
9. 42.3/1 Current sensor, auxiliary circuits
10. 54.5/2 Capacitor to MR blower motor
11. 56.1/2 Circuit breaker, scavenge blower to machine room blower
12. 54.1/2 Circuit breaker, machine room blower
13. 47.1/2 Circuit breaker, main compressor
14. 63.1/2 Circuit breaker, converter oil pump
15. 62./12 Circuit breaker, transformer oil pump
16. 52.6/1 Auxiliary contactor to item 52.4
17. 52.6/2 Auxiliary contactor to item 52.5
18. 54.2/2 Time relay for MR blower
19. 52.5/1 Contactor oil pumps
20. 52.5/2 Contactor oil pumps
21. 49 Input filter Auxiliary converter
22. 54.8/2 Capacitor to MR Blower (Start up)
23. 52.4/1 Contactor Scavenge Blower
24. 52.4/2 Contactor, Scavenge Blower

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9.10 Control Cubicle - (SB1)

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Control Cubicle- (SB1)
1 152 Rotary switch Failure mode operation
2 154 Rotary switch Bogie cut-out
3 160 Rotary switch Configuration
4 237.1 Rotary switch Vigilance device cut-off
5 179 Key switch Simulation
6 161 Illuminate push-button Configuration
7 381.71 Wire resistor Earthing screen Train bus
8 78.1 Resistor Maximum current relay
9 211.1/1 Thermostat Control electronics
10 78 Relay Maximum current
11 86 Relay Minimum voltage
12 90.7 Resistor Earth fault detection, Control Circuit
13 381.7 Connecting box Train bus
14 126.5A Relay Control electronics "OFF"
15 136.4A Snubber circuit to item 136.4
16 126.7A Snubber circuit to item 126.7
17 136.3A Snubber circuit to item 136.3
18 136.3 Relay Time delay VCB
19 136.4 Contactor Auxiliary contactor VCB
20 126.7/1 Contactor Power supply cab
21 118.4/1 DC/DC Converter
22 218 Contactor Control electronics
23 126 Contactor Control circuits "ON"
24 118.5/1 DC/DC converter
25 118.4/1 DC/DC converter
26 411 Rack Central electronics (CEL1)
27 123.1/1 Blocking diode Illumination test
28 123/7 Blocking diode
29 123/5 Blocking diode
30 123/3 Blocking diode
31 123/1 Blocking diode
32 89.7 Relay earth fault Control circuit
33 127.9/2 Circuit breaker Central electronics
34 127.9/1 Circuit breaker Central electronics
35 127.22/1 Circuit breaker Electronics, auxiliary converter
36 127.2/1 Circuit breaker Monitoring
37 127.11/1 Circuit breaker Power supply Gate Units
38 127.1/1 Circuit breaker Electronics traction converter
39 310.1/1 Circuit breaker Lighting front
40 127.91/1 Circuit breaker Power supply 24V/48V
41 127.12 Circuit breaker Pantograph/VCB Control
42 127.3/1 Circuit breaker Loco pilots cab
43 123/9 Blocking diode Head light
44 338 Contactor Head light

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Miniature Circuit breakers provided in SB-1
1 127.3/1 Circuit breaker Loco pilots cab
2 127.12 Circuit breaker Pantograph, VCB Control
3 127.91/1 Circuit breaker Power supply 24V/48V
4 310.1/1 Circuit breaker Lighting front
5 127.1/1 Circuit breaker Electronics traction converter
6 127.1 1/1 Circuit breaker Power supply Gate Units
7 127.2/1 Circuit breaker Monitoring
8 127.22/1 Circuit breaker Electronics, auxiliary converter
9 127.9/1 Circuit breaker Central electronics
10 127.9/2 Circuit breaker Central electronics
Rotating Switches
11 152 Rotary switch Failure mode operation
12 154 Rotary switch Bogie cut-out
13 160 Rotary switch Configuration
14 2371 Rotary switch Vigilance device cut-off
15 78 Relay Over Current Relay
Miniature Circuit breakers provided in SB-2
1 127.81 Circuit breaker Commissioning 1
2 127.15 Circuit breaker Vigilance control
3 127.7 Circuit breaker Pneumatic panel
4 127.82 Circuit breaker Commissioning 2
5 48.1 Circuit breaker Auxiliary compressor
6 127.3/2 Circuit breaker Loco pilots cab
7 127.91/2 Circuit breaker Power supply 24V/48 V
8 31 0.7/1 Circuit breaker Marker lights
9 310.1/2 Circuit breaker Lighting front
10 310.4 Circuit breaker Lighting machine room
11 127.1/2 Circuit breaker Electronics traction converter
12 127.1 1/2 Circuit breaker Power supply Gate Units
13 127.2/2 Circuit breaker Monitoring
14 127.22/2 Circuit breaker Electronics auxiliary converter
15 127.22/3 Circuit breaker Electronics auxiliary converter
16 127.9/3 Circuit breaker Central electronics
17 127.9/4 Circuit breaker Central electronics
18 127.92 Circuit breaker MEMOTEL speedometer
19 110 Circuit breaker out put battery charger
20 112.1 Circuit breaker control circuit locomotive
21 212 Fire detection equipment

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Control Cubicle - 2 (SB2)

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Control Cubicle - 2 (SB2)

1 110 Circuit Breaker Output battery charger

2 112.1 Circuit Breaker Control circuit locomotive
3 127.81 Circuit Breaker Commissioning 1
4 127.15 Circuit Breaker Vigilance control
5 127.7 Circuit Breaker Pneumatic panel
6 127.82 Circuit Breaker Commissioning 2
7 48.1 Circuit Breaker Auxiliary compressor
8 127.3/2 Circuit Breaker Loco pilot's cab
9 127.91/2 Circuit Breaker Power supply 24V/48 V
10 310.7/1 Circuit Breaker Marker lights
11 310.1/2 Circuit Breaker Lighting front
12 310.4 Circuit Breaker Lighting machine room
13 127.1/2 Circuit Breaker Electronics traction converter
14 127.11/2 Circuit Breaker Power supply Gate Units
15 127.2/2 Circuit Breaker Monitoring
16 211.1/2 Thermostat Control electronics
17 127.22/2 Circuit Breaker Electronics auxiliary converter
18 127.22/3 Circuit Breaker Electronics auxiliary converter
19 127.9/3 Circuit Breaker Central electronics
20 127.9/4 Circuit Breaker Central electronics
21 127.92 Circuit Breaker MEMOTEL speedometer
22 212 Fire detection equipment
23 130.1A Snubber circuit to item 130.1
24 211.A Snubber circuit to item 211
25 126.7A/2 Snubber circuit to item 126.7
26 126.7/2 Contactor Power supply loco pilot's cab
27 126.6 Safety relay Control electronics "ON"
28 211 Relay Temperature control, Electronics
29 130.1 Auxiliary contactor Pantograph
30 118.5/2 DC/DC Converter
31 118.4/2 DC/DC Converter
32 412 Rack Central electronics (CEL2)
33 300.3/2 Auxiliary contactor Wheel flange lubrication
34 300.3/1 Auxiliary contactor Wheel flange lubrication
35 48.2 Contactor Auxiliary compressor
36 123/6 Blocking diodes
37 123/4 Blocking diodes
38 123/2 Blocking diodes
39 123/8 Blocking diodes
40 123.1/2 Blocking diodes Illumination test
41 127.24 Circuit breaker Electronics auxiliary converter
42 338/2 Auxiliary contactor Head light

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152 Rotary switch Failure mode operation
0 - Normal Position Fine control throughout the range
1 - Failure mode Fine control in steps through aux. contacts
When throttle is not responding then Loco pilot can keep this switch from 0 to 1 and
now same throttle will respond, called failure mode operation.
154 Rotary switch Bogie cut-out
NORM : Traction converter-1 & 2 ( All TMs) in service
I : Traction converter-1 (TM 1-2-3 WAG-9/WAP-7) (TM1-2 WAP-5) isolated
II : Traction converter-2 (TM 4-5-6 WAG-9/WAP-7) (TM 3-4 WAP-5) isolated
I+II : Traction converter-1 & 2 ( TM 1-2-3 & 4-5-6 WAG-9/WAP-7)
(TM1-2 & 3-4 WAP-5) isolated
160 Rotary switch Configuration
1 : Normal Normal mode
0 : Shunting (Max Speed 15 KMPH) mode
237.1 Rotary switch Vigilance device cut-off
1 : Normal VCD is in service
0 : VCD is isolated
While attaching engine on train, INCHING MODE feature is newly provided in the three
phase loco. By this, loco will move at a maximum speed of 1.5 KMPH.
Procedure for using inching mode:
1. Keep Throttle in 0
2. Keep Automatic train brake, parking brake in release and Direct brake in applied
3. Press menu, opt for 3. Process information
4. Opt for 3. Motor temp. / Soft ware / Inching
5. Opt for Inching mode The following message will appear on the screen


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6. Now use curser up and curser down keys to modify the set speed. (Min: 0.5 KMPH &
Max: 1.5 KMPH)
7. Now release Direct brake and close ZTEL. Loco will start moving with set speed.
8. To stop the train open ZTEL and apply direct brake.
Throttle need not be operated for inching mode.
After attaching the loco if ZTEL is not opened, train will work only with 1.5
While moving the loco with 1.5 KMPH, if ZTEL is opened due to any reason,
set speed will come back to preset i.e., 0.8 KMPH.
VCD need not acknowledge during inching mode.
Loco Preparation and Inspection
Before commissioning Journey, perform an inspection check of the locomotive and
through the machine room. In particular, check the following items:
In front Of Cab:
1. Ensure that loco is standing on the rail and under the OHE.
2. Ensure that both side MRE, BCE BP, FP hoses are connected properly and their angle
COCs are as per requirement. Also ensure that hoses are not hanging.
3. Ensure that rail guard, cattle guard, do not have any damages.
4 Ensure that CBC having no abnormalities and locking pin is available and provided with
operating handle.
5. Ensure that UIC connector socket is covered.
6. Ensure that Flasher light, marker lights, headlights are glowing properly and their glasses
are clean.
7. Ensure that both look out glasses are clean and wipers are wiping properly.
Below Machine Room No. 1(Cab 1 To Cab 2)
1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand and sanders are working properly.
2. Ensure that additional angle COCs of MRE & BCE are opened.
3. Ensure that Air dryer unit is in service that (D-in open, D- out open & D-off closed)
4. Ensure that all suspension dampers; helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack
5. Guide rod is fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.
6. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement are
7. Wheels are not skidded.
8. Return current bush are connected properly.
9. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.
10. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened.

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11. Ensure oil level in CP is above minimum mark (duly placing BLCP in OFF position) and
also ensure that CP foundation bolts are tightened.
12. Bogie brake -1 COC is in open condition.
13. Battery box cover is locked.
14. Safety chain is intact.
15. BP and FP additional COC are in open condition.
Below Machine Room No. 2
1. Ensure that all sand boxes are filled with dry fine sand and sanders are working properly.
2. Ensure that additional angle COCs of MRE & BCE are opened.
3. Ensure the all suspension dampers, helical springs having no abnormalities like, crack
4. Guide rods are fitted properly and its bolts are tightened.
5. All brake rigging; brake block, brake shoe, sleeve rod, assembly hanger arrangement are
6. Wheels are no skidded.
7. Return current bush are connected properly.
8. Parking brakes cylinders are provided with manual releaser hook.
9. Traction link is fitted properly and their all 6+6 bolts are tightened.
10. Oil level in CP is above minimum mark and also ensure that CP foundation bolts are
11. Bogie brake -2 COC is in open condition.
12. Battery box no:2 and MCB 112 covers are locked properly.
13. Safety chains are intact.
14. BP and FP additional COC are in open condition..
In Cab
1. Cab and look out glasses are clean.
2. All switches are normal, ZBAN-OFF, BLCP-AUTO
3. Emergency exhaust Cocks are normal.
4. Water is filled up in windshield washer unit.
5. Spare hoses, wooden wedges are provided in side locker.
6. Fixed and handy both fire extinguishers are in good condition and filled with gas.
7. Ensure that emergency push button is released.
In Machine Room
1. Control and power Circuit breakers in cubicle SB-1 / SB-2, HB-1 and HB-2 are normal
2. Switches provided in SB-1 are at normal position.
3. Oil level of conv-1/2 and transformer-1/2 are above min mark.
4. All fittings and connections are normal.
5. Outer cover of any power equipment is not opened.
Pneumatic Panel
1. Panto selector switch is at auto position.
2. COC 70,74,136 are in open condition and COC 47 is in close position.
3. COC of panto 1, panto 2, VCB and sanders are in open condition.

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4. Distributor valve is in service.
5. IG 38 Key is inserted and kept ON.
6. CPA drain Cock is in close condition.
7. Parking brake apply/release plungers are not in locked condition.

Energising of Loco:
1. Check the machine room and cubicle HB1/2,SB1/2 and pneumatic panel and ensure
that all Circuit breakers, rotating switches and Cock at Pneumatic Panel are at
Normal position and ensure that key IG-38 is provided on pneumatic panel. Also
ensure that panto selector switch is at normal position.
2. Switch ON compartment light, it ensures closing of MCB 112 of battery.
3. Put battery additional circuit breaker No.112.1 to ON position in cubicle SB-2.
Also ensure that CHBA circuit breaker No. 110 (SB-2) is at ON position.
4. Go in operating cab.
5. Insert A-9 handles at Neutral position and keep it in RUN position by lifting
6. Insert BL key at OFF position and turn it to D position
a. Light of screen (panel-C) and MEMOTEL will get ON.
b. MCPA will start (if pressure is less).
c. UBA will deviate to 110 volts.
d. LSDJ will glow.
All above indications indicates that Control Electronics is get ON.
7. The message Loco is in configuration, please wait will appear on the screen and
self testing is done for 10 seconds.
8. During testing, all pilot lamps will glow and extinguish, Bogies-1 & 2 meter will
deviate both in TE/BE mode and comes to 0.
9. After testing FLG No. 504 will be displayed on the screen. Now press ZPT in
UP mode for raising of rear pantograph and confirm the touching of panto with
contact wire by seeing physically and also U-meter will deviate and indicates OHE
10. No.550 will display on the screen- now press BLDJ for closing VCB and check
LSDJ is extinguished. Now DJ will close, loco will energize and all the auxiliary
motors will start automatically.
11. Ensure that BLCP is at AUTO position.
12. No.570 will appear on the screen.
13. After building of MR pressure to 6.4 Kg/cm2, set Reverser to F/R as per
requirement. (FLG 590 will show on the screen.)
Note: If the reverser is set without confirming the MR pressure above 6.4 Kg/cm2,
P 1 message will be there on screen- indicating wrong operation.
14. Apply loco brakes
Now release the parking brakes
Ensure BP pressure is 5 Kg/cm2
Ensure AFI is at Zero.
15. Now operate throttle in TE direction.

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16. TE /BE meter will deviate in TE side indicating that traction is available. No. 596
will appear on the screen.
17. Check the loco brake power. Release loco brake.
18. Now Loco is ready to work.
Priority -1 message will appear on the screen if: -
1. If Reverser is put on position F or R when MR pressure is below 6.4 Kg/cm2
2. If throttle is operated without releasing parking brakes.
3. If throttle is operated without recharging BP to 5 Kg/cm2.
Information message will appear on the screen:-
1. If throttle is operated before node information No. 590.
Operation of BL Key:
BL key has to be operated to go to the following modes:
4. COOLING MODE : D - Off - C - Off - C
Driving Mode:
This mode is used to drive the loco. To achieve this mode Loco pilot has to:
1. Insert BL key in OFF position.
2. Turn it clockwise from OFF to D
3. By doing so, following indications will confirm the driving mode:
a. LSDJ will glow
b. UBA will show battery voltage.
c. Display screen will activate.
d. MEMOTEL screen will activate.
e. Control electronics will get ON.
Self Hold Mode:
1. Open DJ , lower the pantograph
2. Rotate BL-key from D to OFF: Now control electronics will remain ON for 10
minutes and then it will become OFF automatically. This mode is used while
changing the cab.
Switching Off - Control Electronics:
Loco pilot has to switch off control electronics in many cases like;
a. Making the loco dead.
b. During troubleshooting.
c. For taking the isolated sub system in service.
d. Before resetting circuit breaker or before rotating any switch.

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To switch off the control electronics do the following:
1. Stop the train
2. Open the DJ and lower the pantograph.
3. Operate BL-key from D to Off (wait for 2 sec.)
4. Operate BL-key from Off to C and wait until display screen, LSDJ, and UBA
goes off.
5. It indicates that CE got OFF and now rotate it from C to OFF.

1. CE gets automatically off after 10 minutes if BL-key is rotated from D toOFF (as
explained in self hold mode)
2. CE will get off automatically after 10 minutes in driving mode also, if panto is
remained in lowered position for more than 10 minutes.
3. If the key switch is moved from D to Off without opening VCB and lowering
panto graph, results in automatic shutdown of the loco.
Cooling Mode:

Whenever temperature of control electronics is increases above 70 0 then lamp LSCE glows
on Panel A and throttle will not respond.
1. Try to coast in to station or stop the train at suitable place.
2. Inform SCOR/TLC regarding cooling.
3. Keep the throttle on 0.
4. Keep SA9- in applied condition and A-9 to emergency.
5. Open VCB and lower the pantograph.
6. Switch off CE as per procedure.
7. Put BL key from C to OFF.
8. Again put BL key from off to C and ensure that UBA shows battery voltage and
LSDJ glows, Screen is off - no node information. (Note CE is OFF)
9. Now raise the panto, close the VCB- LSDJ will extinguish and loco will energize in
cooling mode.
10. Machine room blowers & scavenge blowers will start automatically to cool the
machine Room. Ensure working of machine room blowers.
11. When the machine room temperature goes below 70OC then LSCE will extinguish.
12. Now Open the VCB, lower the pantograph.
13. Put BL from C to Off and off to D and energize loco & resume traction.
14. If LSCE is not extinguished for a longer period, energise loco as per procedure and
try. If succeeded, resume traction, and ignore glowing of LSCE, inform to TLC.
Operation of Reverser:
Reverser has following 3 positions.
Position F : Forward
Position O : Neutral
Position R : Reverse
Throttle and reverser are interlocked mechanically.

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1. After creating MR pressure above 6.4 Kg/cm2 and node information No. 570,
2. Move the reverser into desired position.
3. Release the parking brake if applied.
4. Ensure A9 in RUN position & ensure BP 5 Kg/cm2.
5. Check AFI is not deviating.
6. Ensure SA9 handle in Release position.
7. Set the TE/BE throttle to desired position.
8. In order to increase adhesion and to avoid wheel slipping use sanders.
9. Bogies 1 & 2 meters will show in TE side and loco starts moving.
1. Set the TE/BE throttle to - 0 or move towards braking side as per requirement..
2. Move A9 from RUN to Initial Application. If more brake force is required move
the A9 handle to desire position between Initial Application and Full Service &
vice versa gradually.
3. Regenerative Braking is possible up to 0 KMPH.
4. When train stops, apply SA9.
5. Maximum brake force is 260 KN in WAG-9/WAP-7 & 160 KN in WAP-5.
Note: Train brakes can be applied with Regenerating brakes but Loco brake can not
be applied simultaneously with Regenerating brakes.
Operation of Throttle:
TE/BE Throttle
The TE/BE throttle controls traction and the electric braking effort of the locomotive
with an angle transmitter and auxiliary contacts.
The TE/BE throttle has the following three positions:
For Traction
Position 1/3 : 33% Tractive effort
Position 2/3 : 67% Tractive effort
Position TE max : 100% Tractive effort
Position 0 : no tractive / no braking effort
For Regenerative Braking effort
Position 1/3 : 33% braking effort
Position 2/3 : 67% braking effort
Position TE max : 100% braking effort

Note: 1. If TE doesnt increase beyond 300 KN in WAG 9/WAP 7 & 150KN in WAP
5 then check ZTEL (Panel A), which should be in ON,
2. The % tractive/braking effort is indicated on the two-tractive/braking meters
on panel A.

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Failure Mode Operation
This mode allows the locomotive to operate even if the angle transmitter of the
TE/BE throttle is failed.
In this mode, driving and electrical braking are controlled by the auxiliary contacts on
the TE/BE throttle.
Driving in failure mode
Driving in failure mode becomes necessary if the difference between auxiliary
contacts and the absolute value of the angle transmitter is greater than 25% of the full range
because of a defective master controller.
The following steps are initiated with a time delay of 2 sec:
1. Traction is set to 0 by the MCE.
2. A priority 2-fault message is displayed.
3. The Loco pilot must now move the rotary switch 152-Failure Mode Operation in
the (SB1) into position 1. This deactivates the angle transmitter.
Position 0 : Fine control though out the range by angle transmitter.
Position 1 : Fine control in steps though auxiliary contacts.
4. The Loco pilot must move the TE/BE throttle into position 0.
5. The Loco pilot must acknowledge the fault message.
6. The Loco pilot can now select a new TE/BE throttle value carefully.
Loco Brake Testing:
1. Apply loco brakes by SA-9.
2. Ensure that brake cylinders showing 3.5 kg / cm2.
3. Release parking brakes and release A-9.
4. Operate reverser to forward.
5. Move throttle in traction and give 150KN(WAP7/WAG9), 100KN(WAP5).
6. Loco should not move.
Procedure of Cab Changing:
Single Unit
1. Open DJ by pressing BLDJ to OFF.
2. Lower the panto by pressing ZPT to DN.
3. Operate BL key from D to off and remove it.
4. (CE will remain ON for 10)
5. Apply loco brakes by SA-9
6. Move A9 handle to neutral and remove the handle.
7. Release direct brake handle.
8. Go in another cab and energize it in Normal way.
If BL key is taken OFF without opening DJ and lowering panto, loco will be
shutdown as emergency shutdown will initiate on loco.

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During normal driving if BL key is kept OFF, emergency brakes will get applied as
emergency shutdown will initiate on loco.
After moving the key switch BL to position O, the MCE remains active for 10
minutes. The cab changing should take place during this time.
Multiple unit
1. Move key switch BL on master locomotive into position Off and remove the key.
2. Set automatic brake controller to position Neutral
3. Release direct brake
4. Set the brake pipe Cock 70 to the Close Position
5. Change the loco and set the brake pipe Cock 70 to the Open position on this
previous slave loco.
6. Insert key in Loco pilots cab of previous slave loco.
7. Move key switch BL into position D
Note: The change of Loco pilots cab has to take place within this 10 minutes period
otherwise the MCE has to be restarted.
Banking Mode
When it is required to utilize loco as a banker i.e. TE / BE without charging BP, at
that time loco should be operated in banking mode.
1. Trip the VCB and Set switch ZBAN to ON position (Panel A).
2. Close 70 & 136 COCs provided on pneumatic panel.
3. Energise the loco in the normal manner.
4. BP pressure will be drop to 0, but when coupled with master loco, its BP will rush
into BP pipe of this loco which will be seen in the gauge.
Note:During the Set Up, the train Loco pilot receives a priority-2 message that
banking mode is active.
Constant Speed Controller:
This system enables the train to maintain a constant speed automatically and can be
activated at any speed above 5 KMPH by pressing illuminated push button BPCS.
The control electronics and GTO controls the constant speed by giving tractive or
braking effort to the TM as per requirement irrespective of position of throttle (ATDC-Angle
transmission Drive Controller) i.e. TE/BE .
The actions of CSC are cancelled in following conditions.
1. Moving of throttle.
2. Pressing BPCS while CSC is active, lamp will extinguish.
3. Drop in BP by 0.25 Kg/cm2 and above.
4. BC pressure more that 0.6 Kg/cm2.

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CSC is activated only when
1. Speed is more than 5 KMPH.
2. Throttle in either TE or BE side.
3. Train Br. and loco Br. are not applied.
4. BPCS is pressed once, lamp will lit.
1. To minimize oscillation, the CSC should be set during a slow acceleration phase.
2. CSC will maintain the speed only up to max TE / BE. Speed may vary if required TE
/ BE is more than loco capacity. So, in an undulating area the speed may vary +/- 10
KMPH to preset value.
3. So in such areas BPCS should be pressed at the speed with margin of 10 KMPH.
4. Also in some areas where special driving technique is required, CSC may stall the
train. So, in such areas, instead of using CSC, Loco pilot should use his best driving
technique by operation of throttle.
5. Also if CSC is used in very frequent up / down graded region, the loco will trigger for
TE to BE and BE to TE very frequently with heavy amplitude, which is not good as
far as driving technique is concerned.
6. While nullifying CSC ensure that needle position of TE/BE meter and throttle are not
just opposite. If so, first bring the throttle as per needle.
Emergency Stop Push Button
One red colored arrow push button is provided on panel A in such a place that Loco
pilot as well as Asst. Loco pilot can operate it. In normal condition it remains projected out.
In case of an emergency if Loco pilots/Asst. pushes this button, button go inside and remain
pressed and following actions initiated.
1. VCB gets opened,
2. TE/BE comes to 0,
3. Panto lowered,
4. BP drops to 0 and Train/Loco brakes applied,
5. LSFI/BPFA glow with message,
6. Emergency shutdown on the loco appears on screen and train will stop with
emergency brakes.
1. Bring TE/BE throttle to 0.
2. Press emergency stop push button slightly and rotate it clockwise as per arrow
indication on it, the button will come out from pressed condition.
3. Press BPFA and acknowledge the fault and node information will appear.
4. Flasher light will lit.
5. Energise the loco and work the train as per procedure given.

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Automatic Vigilance Control System:
VCD is meant for checking and keeping the Loco pilot alert. It is a safety device. A
foot switch of VCD is provided below Loco pilots desk in each cab, also press button
BPVG is provided on Loco pilots desk on Asst. side.
Loco pilot/Asst. Loco pilot is expected to activate VCD within every 60 seconds
interval by one of the following way.
1. Press VCD Foot switch OR
2. Press BPVG (Green) OR
3. Operate throttle in TE/BE in different of more than 3% OR
4. Operate Sanders.
If one of the above exercises is done, the Loco pilot is considered alert and the 60
seconds cycle get reset.
If none of the above activities are done once within 60 seconds, then buzzer will sound
and LSVW will glow for next 8 seconds.
Within these 8 second acknowledge the VCD by pressing vigilance footswitch or
BPVG, if not acknowledged, VCD will apply penalty with emergency braking (2.5 3.0
Kg/cm2). TE/BE will become 0 & BP pressure will drop 2.5 to 3.0 Kg/cm2.
Note: For VCD, the speed of train should be more than 1.5 KMPH.
Dead Mans Mode:
If VCD Foot switch lies remain pressed for more than 60 second, then the
system will go automatically in Dead Mans mode, & buzzer will sound, if not released
with next 8 second, VCD penalty will be applied with emergency braking. The BP will
drop 2.5 to 3.0 Kg/cm2.
Resetting Of VCD Penalty Brakes:
1. Bring throttle to 0, Apply A-9 to service position, Apply SA-9, Keep reverser on 0.
2. Wait for 160 seconds in WAG-9/WAP-7 and 120 seconds in WAP 5 without switching
ON/OFF of the electronics
3. Press BP-VR to reset VCD, LSVW will extinguish and buzzer will stop.
4. Press and release VCD Foot switch.
5. Press BPFA for acknowledging fault message.
6. MR/BP pressure would come back to normal
7. Resume Normal traction.
Isolation of VCD:
If Loco pilot is acknowledging VCD correctly as per procedure, but till VCD penalty is
applying, it is assumed that VCD is malfunctioning. In such cases stop the train, take safety
measures. VCD can be bypassed by keeping switch No. 237.1 (SB 1) on 0 position. Remark
should be given in log book, TLC is to be informed & proceed carefully.

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Before approaching neutral section:
1. Ensure that MR pressure is between 8.0 to 10 Kg/cm2,
2. Bring TE / BE throttle to 0 gradually before 250M board,
3. At DJ open board, open DJ by BLDJ, LSDJ will glow, Aux. sound will stop, but U
meter will show OHE supply,
4. At actual neutral section location, OHE meter will comes down to 0 and will shoot up
when neutral section over,
5. In PTFE type neutral section, at higher speed, needle will just fluctuate,
6. At DJ close board close VCB (DJ), and resume normal traction.
In case MU operation
The command from the master locomotive to switch the main circuit breaker ON, OFF
also controls the main circuit breaker on the slave loco.
The VCB of the slave loco is switched on after a delay of 0.5 seconds following the switch
on of the master loco. When switching off, there is no delay.
While passing neutral section follow the procedure mentioned for SU, but DJ should be
closed after passing one mast after DJ close board.
LOCO GROUNDING: Loco should be grounded only while climbing loco roof to attend any
trouble on loco body like removing foreign body, securing damaged pantograph etc.
1. Stop the train at convenient place and secure the train.
2. Open VCB and lower pantograph.
3. Rotate IG-38 in anti clockwise direction and extract key.
4. Insert the key in empty socket of HOM box and rotate in clock wise direction.
5. Operate HOM handle by 180 degrees by taking it out from latch.
6. Rotate yellow KABA key in clock wise direction and extract the key and keep in personal

Display Screen

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12.2 Screen Structure

Faults with Priority.1:

1. The action to be taken is entirely clear.
2. The action to be taken must be initiated immediately.
3. A protective action is initiated (VCB OFF)
4. BPFA will glow.
5. LSFI will flicker.
6. Priority 1 message will display.
Faults with Priority-2:
1. The action to be taken is not entirely clear.
2. The action to be taken does not have to be initiated immediately.
3. The faults can be remedied manually by Loco pilot.
4. BPFA will glow.
5. Priority 2 message will appear on screen.
If a fault message appears on the screen, the yellow illuminated push button BPFA
lights up. For priority-1fault, the red indication lampLSFI starts flashing at the same
If a fault message with priority-1 is displayed, a fault message with priority-2 is
suppressed on the screen.
A fault message with priority-2 remains on the screen until it is overwritten by a fault
message with priority-1 or by subsequent fault with priority-2.

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Isolation of Sub System:
A constant priority-1 fault or priority-2 fault which occurs twice within one 30
minutes period causes the appropriate subsystem to be isolated.
If sub-system has been isolated it does not issue any more fault message and signals.
Only LSFI remains glowing.
Acknowledgement of Fault Message:
Priority 1
If a priority-1 fault occurs the fault message must be acknowledged before the loco can
travel further, if the train Loco pilot fails to acknowledge, the protection measures introduced
remain in force. The fault is not remedied.
Fault message can be acknowledge by pressing BPFA, if after acknowledgement LSFI
extinguish then it indicates now loco is normal, but if LSFI glow continuously it indicates
isolation of concerned sub-system.
Priority 2
They are also acknowledged by pressing BPFA. Even if this acknowledgement is not
forthcoming, the locomotive is still able to operate. The fault message still remains visible on
the screen until it is over written by a fault message with priority-1 or by subsequent fault
with priority 2.
Indication and recognition of faults:
Illuminated push button (BPFA):
On occurrence of any fault, the illuminated push button for fault acknowledgement will light
up and fault message will appear on the display. The Loco pilot is required to acknowledge
the fault through the push button. On acknowledgement, the lamp of acknowledgement push
button will go off and the display will be cleared.
Fault status lamp (Red) (LSFI):
In case of priority-1 fault, the fault status lamp will start blinking additionally. On
acknowledgement of fault, the lamp will be off but if there is an isolation of a subsystem
persisting, then the lamp will continue to glow.
Automatic display of diagnosis messages
If a fault occurs that needs to be transmitted to the Loco pilot by means of a diagnosis
message, such message will be displayed immediately. At the same time, the illuminated
push-button for fault acknowledgement will light up.
All diagnostic messages shall be acknowledged by the Loco pilot through the fault
acknowledgement push button (BPFA). On acknowledgement, the lamp of acknowledgement
push button will go off and the display will be cleared.

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In case of priority-1 fault, the fault status lamp (LSFI) will start blinking additionally.
On acknowledgement of fault the lamp will be off but if there is an isolation of a subsystem
persisting, the lamp will continue to glow.
If the Loco pilot fails to acknowledge priority 1 fault, then the loco is shut down.
If the Loco pilot fails to acknowledge faults of priority-2 then the fault message will remain
on the display screen, unless it is overwritten by a fault message of priority-1.
The fault or isolation messages include following information:

Locomotive number on which the fault or the subsystem isolation respectively

Name of subsystem being affected (SSO1 to SS19)
Type of fault /subsystem isolation and related consequences
Instructions to the engine Loco pilot


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By means of keyboard entry, the Loco pilot can display the status of all subsystems of all
locomotives within the train composition. Different display levels furnishing more or less
detailed information are provided:
Survey of all locomotives within the train composition: the status of each individual
locomotive is indicated by a two-digit numerical code.
Survey of all subsystems within one locomotive: the status of individual subsystem is
indicated by a two-digit numerical code.
Browse of Status Messages on Request
All diagnosis messages that appeared at the display since the last activation of the control
system may be repeated on request. In this way, the relieving operating personnel is kept
informed on the status of the vehicle. If the train composition consists of two locomotives,
the Loco pilot can select the locomotive that he wants to process first.
Diagnosis Messages
There are three types of messages displayed on the display unit in the cab:
1. Information messages
2. Fault messages
3. Isolation messages

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Fault & Isolation Message Structure

List of Subsystems
SS01 : Main power
SS02 : Traction Bogie 1
SS03 : Traction Bogie 2
SS04 : Harmonic filter
SS05 : Hotel load
SS06 : Aux Converter 1
SS07 : Aux Converter 2
SS08 : Aux Converter 3
SS09 : Battery System
SS10 : Brake System
SS11 : Auxiliaries HB1
SS12 : Auxiliaries HB2
SS13 : Cab 1
SS14 : Cab 2

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SS15 : Fire detection
SS16 : Speedometer
SS17 : Processor FLG1
SS18 : Processor FLG2
SS19 : Train Bus

List of Isolation Messages

SSO1: Main power
Loco is dead Ask for relief loco
SSO2: traction bogie 1
BOGIE 1 ISOLATED; Only half traction and braking power available
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book.
SSO3: Traction bogie 2
BOGIE 2 ISOLATED; Only half traction and braking power available
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book
SSO4: Harmonic Filter
Inform to TLC regarding reduction of speed to 40 KMPH, make a remark in
the log book
SSO6: Aux. Converter 1
Driving still possible, Max. Ventilation level will be reduced
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book
SSO7: Aux. Converter 2
Driving still possible, Max. Ventilation level will be reduced
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book
SSO8: Aux. Converter 3
Driving still possible, Max. Ventilation level ill be reduced
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book
SS13: Cab 1
CAB 1 ISOLATED Drive from Cab 2 Change to Cab2
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book

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SS14: Cab 2
CAB 2 ISOLATED Drive from Cab 1 Change to cab-1
Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log book
S517: FLG 1
No multiple operations possible, Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log
SS18: FLG 2

No electrical brake power available, Inform to TLC and make a remark in the
log book

SS19: Train bus

Multiple operations not possible, Inform to TLC and make a remark in the log

List of Information Messages

Information 001
SELF HOLD MODE ACTIVE for 10 minutes. MCE will switch off
Change cab or repair train or multiple operations within 10 minutes
Information 002


Deactivate non-driving cab otherwise after 10 minutes. MCE switches off
Information 003
Bring throttle to 0. Then set again Bring TE/BE throttle to 0 and set it again
Information 004
Information 005
Information 006

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Multiple Unit Operation
Multiple operation with two locomotives
In multiple operation a maximum of two locomotives can be operated. Both must be
directly coupled to one another.
While in motion, the front Loco pilots cab is usually activated.
When linking up or in unusual situations, it is also possible to control the locomotives
from another Loco pilots cab.
The train bus configuration for multiple operation is only possible from the Loco
pilots cab at the uncoupled end. A configuration from a rear Loco pilots cab is referred to as
single-unit traction. The train bus automatically checks the configuration:
The leading manned locomotive is called the master locomotive and the trailing is
called the slave locomotive.
The two locomotives are correctly linked together once the mechanical and
pneumatic systems and the UIC cable have been connected.
Commands are transmitted down the UIC cable.

In multiple operation, both the most distant pantographs are raised if pantograph
selector switch in both the locomotives are in position AUTO. The train bus connections
define the free end of each locomotive.
The command from the master locomotive to raise/lower the pantographs also controls the
pantographs on the slave locomotive.
Note: Whenever the simulation key switches on the master and slave locomotives are not in
the same position, the pantograph are not active (fault message).

Main circuit breaker

The command from the master locomotive to switch the main circuit breaker
ON/OFF also control the main circuit breaker on the slave locomotive.
The VCB on the slave locomotives is switched on after a delay of 0.5 seconds following the
switch on of the VCB on the master locomotive. When switching off, there is no delay.
Note: If the VCB on the slave locomotive cannot be closed due to a fault, an appropriate
fault message appears on the screen.

Regenerative brake
During multiple operation, there is a limitation on the regenerative brake on the slave
locomotive. This limitation reduces forces on the loco buffers (prevention of derailing).

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Constant Speed Control (CSC)
During multiple operation, the constant speed control of the slave locomotive is
inactive. The train bus transmits the selected tractive/braking effort from the master
locomotive to the slave locomotive. The master loco performs speed controlling function,
demanding TE/BE on master and slave loco.

Anti-spin protection
The anti-spin protection of the slave locomotive is independent of the master

Compressor control
The compressors are able to operate in three different operating modes. These modes can be
selected with the spring-loaded switch BLCP, (Panel A).
Pos. Off Compressor switched off.
Pos. Auto Automatic pressure monitoring.
Pos. Man Compressor switched on (manual monitoring).
The selected position of the compressor switch is transmitted to the slave locomotive.
In the Main and Off positions, all main compressors in both locomotives are
controlled directly.
In the position Auto, these are the following actions:
1. A main reservoir pressure below 8 Kg/cm2 on the master or slave locomotive
activates a particular compressor on both locomotives. Each locomotive switches
alternately and independently between its two compressors.
2. A main reservoir pressure below 8.5 Kg/cm2 on the master or slave locomotive
activates all compressors on both locomotives at the same time.
3. At a main reservoir pressure below 6.4 Kg/cm2, each locomotive independently
control its compressors.
Parking brake
The multiple unit cannot drive if one of the parking brakes is applied.
Note: An activated parking brake on the master or slave locomotive is indicated in the
activated Loco pilots cab of the master locomotive by the red illuminated push button
Emergency Brake
An emergency brake on the slave locomotive can only be initiated in the following manner:
1. By actuating the brake handle of the automatic train brake to Emergency position.
2. By actuating the emergency brake Cock on the assistant Loco pilots side. If the
pressure switch 269.1 on the master or slave locomotive registers actuation of the

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emergency brake, the ensuing command for emergency braking applies to both
The master for all other emergency braking commands is the master for all other
emergency braking commands is the master locomotive in the double (multiple unit)
Other Brake functions
If the pressure switch (269.6) registers a pressure in the brake cylinder of any bogie,
and if speed exceeds 10 km/h, tractive effort is set to 0.
Note: If the electrical brake on one of two locomotives fails, the electrical brake on the other
locomotive remains functional.
1. Both locomotives must be deactivated. The key switch must be in position 0
2. Couple both locomotives mechanically, pneumatically and connect the UIC cable.
3. Close the isolating Cock on the brake supply line of the slave locomotive.
4. Move the key switch on the slave locomotive into position D and, as soon as the
light test starts, turn back to position 0. The MCE on the slave locomotive is now in
self-hold mode.
5. During the self-hold mode of the slave locomotive, move key switch into position
D on the master locomotive. The control electronics starts to configure the train
6. After the configuration procedure, screen on the display shows the serial numbers of
the master and slave locomotives.

Example: Train configuration

Loco 31001 Loco 31002

1. If configuration proves impossible (or if no locomotive is available)
locomotive number 00000 appears.
2. If more than one Loco pilots cab is activated in both locomotives, one is
shutdown and a corresponding message appears on the displays in both
Starting position:
Master and slave locomotives are available and both are ready.
1. Shut down both locomotives (VCB switched off, pantograph lowered).
2. Remove the UIC cable and disconnect the locomotives pneumatically and
3. Both the locomotives are now ready for setting up as a single locomotive.

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Note: If for any reason the train bus link is interrupted, or if both locomotives are set up
or in motion, the system protection initiates a monitored shut down of the slave
Reaction: The pantograph of the slave locomotive is lowered and a corresponding fault
message appears on the screen of the master locomotive.
Sanding: Sanding on both locos can be initiated by the Loco pilot by pressing the sanding
foot switch on the master loco.
Fire alarm: A fire detection on the slave locomotive initiates an audio signal on the master
In addition, the VCB on the slave locomotive is switched off and a priority 1
fault message appears on the displays of both locomotives.
Trailing mode
Trailing mode means that on the master locomotive in a multiple unit no tractive effort is
available, if both bogies are electrically isolated. The Loco pilots cab of the master
locomotive still controls the slave locomotive.
The status of the master locomotive is as follows:

1. VCB switched off.

2. Pantograph is lowered.
3. Train bus is working correctly.
4. Pneumatic brake system is working correctly.
5. Brakes are controlled from the master locomotive.
6. The TE/BE meters show the values for the slave locomotive.
Note: All equipments on the master locomotive are supplied by the battery and are
functional for a maximum of 5 hours, if battery is fully charged.

Dead Loco Movement

Hauling 3-Phase loco fitted with E-70 brake system as a dead loco.
These locomotives are fitted with electro pneumatic E-70 brake system. These
locomotives in dead condition can be hauled both by locomotive fitted with IRAB-
1/28LAV-1 brake system and locomotive fitted with E-70 brake system.
If these locos are coupled with conventional AC locos as a dead, then direct loco
brake application is not possible by SA-9 since MRE & BCE can not be coupled but if BP is
dropped from live loco, conjunction loco brakes application will take place in dead loco.
A) Hauling dead WAP-5/WAG-9 electric locomotive fitted with E-70 brake pipe
control system in a train.
1. Switch off BLDJ and lower the pantograph of the loco to be sent as dead. Isolate the
pantograph through PAN Cock on pneumatic panel.
2. Switch off CEL as per procedure and switch off the circuit breaker control circuit
locomotive (112.1) in SB2 panel.

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3. Couple the dead loco in the train.
4. Put auto brake controller (A9) in Neutral position in both cabs of dead loco.
5. Put the direct brake controller (SA9) in Release position in both cabs of dead
6. Drain the Main and Aux. reservoirs of dead locomotive completely. After draining out,
close the drain Cock of main reservoir and aux. reservoir.
7. If loco brakes in the dead locomotive have not got released, this can be verified by
observing the BC pressure gauge, then release the same in the following steps.
a. Manual handle of distributor valve at pneumatic panel should be operated
manually to release control pressure. BC pressure shall automatically vent through
D2 relay valve to release loco brakes.
b. In case residual BC pressure remains in brake cylinder line, the BC pressure should
be released through bogie isolating Cock of both bogies. Make bogie-isolating
Cocks in Normal position after releasing the BC pressure
8. In the dead locomotive, ensure isolating Cock position in the pneumatic panel as
follows. (Towed dead):
74 70
47 136
Cock (Emergency/ (E-70
(Dead loco) (Feed Pipe)
Vigilance) Brake pipe)
Position Open Closed Closed Closed
9. Connect BP pipe of the dead loco to the BP pipes of load and open BP angle Cock of
both of loco and load side. The aux. reservoir on dead locomotive will get charged from
BP supply. Check the BP pressure gauge in the cab of dead loco. It should show the
same pressure as that of the load in case of load (In case of locos are to be attached on a
train having twin pipe i.e. both BP and FP then FP of dead locos should also connected
and its angle Cock should be opened.)
10. Lock the parking brakes in applied condition. This procedure is safe to avoid brake
binding and condensation of moisture in the parking brake cylinder. It is as under
a) Apply the parking brakes of dead loco by apply push button.
b) Lock the parking brakes in applied condition.
c) Release the parking brake of the dead loco by manual operation of parking brake
release handle on each of the four parking brake units. For manual brake release, first
turn the release handle slightly clockwise and then pull till a sound of locking
mechanism is heard.
The parking brake units are fitted on the following wheels:


WAP5 1 4 5 8
WAG9 2 6 7 11
d) If some of the parking brake handles are defective and due to this if not possible to
release manually, then release the same by manually pressing the Release Push
Button of the latched solenoid valve No.30 on the pneumatic panel of the dead
11. As parking brakes are locked in applied condition PB gauge will show 0 Kg/cm2.

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12. Double check the release of parking brakes of dead loco by moving the parking brake
unit by hand.
13. Apply auto brakes (A9) in the working locomotive and check that loco brakes on both
the locomotives are getting applied. Then release the auto brake in the working loco and
check that loco brakes are getting released on both the locomotives. Rear locomotive
(WAG-9 / WAP-5 dead) takes about 1 minute to release.
14. As a final check, run the coupled loco for about 500 meters and feel for any abnormal
rise in temperature of wheels of dead loco and also check if at subsequent stop during
15. Remember that in the dead locomotive, the loco brakes take about 1 minute to release
after auto brake application from the live loco. Hence after every auto brake application
and release wait for adequate time (minimum 1 minute) for release of loco brakes in
dead locomotive before resuming traction
16. Escorts accompanied dead locomotive should never put BL key in position D and also
strictly avoid energising the dead locomotive.
a. After reaching the destination, before detaching the working loco,
b. Unlock the application plunger of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30.
c. Press the release button of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30. This will charge
parking brake line by 5 Kg/cm2.
d. Apply parking brakes on dead locomotive by application plunger of parking brake
solenoid valve No. 30.
B) Hauling dead WAP5/WAG-9 locomotive fitted with E 70 brake pipe control system
when attached next to leading working locomotive:
1. Switch off BLDJ and lower the pantograph of the loco to be sent as dead. Isolate the
pantograph through panel isolating Cock on pneumatic panel.
2. Switch off CEL as per procedure and switch off the MCB 112.1 in SB2 panel.
3. Couple the dead loco in rear of the working loco.
4. Put auto brake controller (A9) in Neutral position in both cabs of dead loco.
5. Put the direct brake controller (SA9) in Release position in both cabs of dead
6. Drain the Main and Aux. reservoirs of dead locomotive completely. After draining out,
close the drain Cock of main reservoir and aux. reservoir
7. If loco brake in the dead locomotive has not got released, this can be verified by
observing the BC pressure gauge, then release the same in the following steps.
a. Manual handle of distributor valve at pneumatic panel should be operated
manually to release control pressure. BC pressure shall automatically vent through
D2 relay valve to release loco brakes.
b. In case residual BC pressure remains in brake cylinder line, the BC pressure should
be released through bogie isolating Cock of both bogies. Make bogie-isolating
Cocks in Normal position after releasing the BC pressure
8. In the dead locomotive, ensure isolating Cock position in the pneumatic panel as
follows. (Towed dead):
47 74
136 70
Cock (Dead (Emergency/
(Feed Pipe) (E-70 Brake ipe)
Loco) Vigilance)
Position Open Closed Closed Closed

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9. Connect BP pipe of the dead loco to the BP pipe of working loco and open BP angle
Cock of both the locos. The aux. reservoir on dead locomotive will get charged from
BP supply of the working locomotive. Check the BP pressure gauge in the cab of dead
loco. It should show the same pressure as that of the live locomotive (In case of locos
are to be attached on a train having twin pipe i.e. both BP and FP then FP of both the
locos should also connected and its angle Cock should be opened.)
10. Lock the parking brakes in applied condition. This procedure is safe to avoid brake
binding and condensation of moisture in the parking brake cylinder. It is as under
a. Apply the parking brakes of dead loco by apply push button.
b. Lock the parking brakes in applied condition.
c. Release the parking brake of the dead loco by manual operation of parking brake
release handle on each of the four parking brake units. For manual brake release,
first turn the release handle slightly clockwise and then pull till a sound of locking
mechanism is heard.
The parking brake units are fitted on the following wheels:
WAP 5 1 4 5 8
WAP 7 & WAG 9 2 6 7 11
d. If some of the parking brake handles are defective and due to this if not possible to
release manually, then release the same by manually pressing the Release Push
Button of the latched solenoid valve No.30 on the pneumatic panel of the dead
11. As parking brakes are locked in applied condition PB gauge will show 0 Kg/cm2.
12. Double check the release of parking brakes of dead loco by moving the parking brake
unit by hand.
13. Apply auto brakes (A9) in the working locomotive and check that loco brakes on both
the locomotives are getting applied. Then release the auto brake in the working loco
and check that loco brakes are getting released on both the locomotives. Rear
locomotive (WAG-9 / WAP-5 dead) takes about 60 seconds to release.
14. As a final check, run the coupled loco for about 500 metres and feel for any abnormal
rise in temperature of wheels of dead loco and also check if at subsequent stop during
15. Remember that in the deal locomotive, the loco brakes takes about 60 seconds to
release after auto brake application from the live loco. Hence after every auto brake
application and release wait for adequate time (minimum 1 minute) for release of loco
brakes in dead locomotive before resuming traction
16. Escorts accompanying dead locomotive should never put BL key in position D and
also strictly avoid to energise the dead locomotive.
17. After reaching the destination, before detaching the working loco,
a. Unlock the application plunger of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30.
b. Press the release button of parking brake solenoid valve No. 30. This will charge
parking brake line by 5 Kg/cm2.

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c. Apply parking brakes on dead locomotive by application plunger of parking brake
solenoid valve No. 30.
C) Hauling dead locomotive fitted with IRAB-1/28LAV-1 brake system by WAP-
5/WAG-9 locomotive
1. Set up the IRAB-1/28LAV-1 locomotives for hauling dead in normal condition.
2. Connect BP pipe of the dead loco to the BP pipes of working loco and open BP angle
Cock of both of loco and load side. The aux. reservoir on dead locomotive will get
charged from BP supply. Check the BP pressure gauge in the cab of dead loco. It should
show the same pressure as that of the live locomotive (In case of locos are to be attached
on a train having twin pipe i.e. both BP and FP then FP of both the locos should also
connected and its angle Cock should be opened.)
3. Check the release of parking brakes/hand brakes of dead loco by moving the parking
brake/hand brakes unit by hand and observing the clearance between the brake
blocks/pads and the wheels wheel disc.
4. Apply auto brake (A9) in the working locomotive and check that loco brakes on both the
locomotives are getting applied. Then release the auto brake in the working loco and
check that loco brakes are getting released on both the locomotives.
5. As a final check, run the coupled loco for about 500 meters and feel for any abnormal rise
in temperature of wheels of dead loco and also check if at subsequent stop during
6. After reaching destination, before detaching the working loco, apply parking brake/hand
brake on dead locomotive.

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& WAG-7
1 IA 45 days 3 days Home shed
2 IB 90 days 3 days Home shed
3 IC 135 days 3 days Home shed
4 2 IC 270 days 7 days Home shed
5 AOH 18 months 10 days Home shed
54 months 1 month
6 IOH Home shed
6 lakh Km. whichever is earlier.
9 years 3 months or 12 lakh Km,
7 POH Work shop
whichever is earlier.

1 IA 45 days 3 days Home shed
2 IB 90 days 3 days Home shed
3 IC 135 days 3 days Home shed
4 2 IC 270 days 5 days Home shed
5 AOH 18 months 15 days Home shed
36 months 1 month or6 lakh KMs
6 IOH (4 lakh KM for WAM4) whichever is Home shed
6 years 3 months or12 lakh KMs
7 POH (8 lakh KM for WAM4) whichever is Work shop

WAG-9 WAP-5 / WAP-7
3000 KMs or one trip which
1 Trip Inspection 45 days
ever is later
IA 90 days 90 days
2 IB 180 days 180 days
3 IC 270 days 270 days
4 AOH 18 months 18 months
4 years 6 months or
6 years 6 months or
6 IOH 12 lakh Km. whichever is
12 lakh Km. whichever is earlier.
12 years 6 months or 24 lakh 9 years 6 months or 24 lakh
Km, whichever is earlier. Km, whichever is earlier.

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Bogies in locomotive are provided to permit long length of locomotive body to
negotiate the curves. A small length of bogie is desirable. The length of bogies is decided by
the distance between the centre of extreme wheels of bogie is known as bogie wheelbase.
Bogie wheelbase shall be well proportioned to permit the bogie negotiating the curve and
jerking. The loco has two bogies on which the body is mounted. The distance between the
canters of extreme wheels is known as the total wheelbase.
Bogies Classification: - Bogies are classified on
1. No of axles
2. Type of axle drive
The type of axle drive and no of axles in the bogie is also called the wheel arrangement.
Wheel arrangements are classified as B, Bo and CO.
B: Two axles, axles are mechanically coupled
BO: Two axles, axles are independently driven
CO: Three axles, axles are independently driven
Locomotive always have two or more bogies. So the wheel arrangement of the locomotive is
designed as B-B, BO-BO, CO-CO and BO-BO-BO-BO.
Wheel arrangement of locomotive: - Different types of wheel arrangement are available in
Indian Railway Locomotives are as under:

Wheel Arrangement Locomotive Type

Components: - The bogie of a locomotive is an assembly of following components.
1. Bogies Frame
2. Wheels
3. Axles
4. Springs
5. Axle Boxes
6. Supports For Traction motors
7. Supports For Brake Rigging & Brake Cylinder
8. Friction Dampers/ Snubbers.
Co-Co Tri-mount Bogie
Majority of the locomotives in Indian Railways is provided with this type of bogies. The
bogie consists of single piece cast steel bogie frame carrying the center pivot in the cross
member located towards the end of the locomotive. Center pivot carries 60% of vertical load;

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it receives and transmits tractive and braking forces. The side bearers take the other 40% of
vertical load. The side bearers do not receive or transmit tractive and braking forces. The
frame is supported by four sets of double equalizers extending from the end axles to the
center axle. Full equalization is obtaining by suitable positioning the springs and controlling
their working height. The weight of locomotive body is transferred to the bogie at center
pivot and two side bearers to form a three point supports. This type of bogie is known as Tri-
mount Bogie.
Suspensions near bogie are provided to reduce the vibration. The vibrations are picked
up by the wheel, which is mounted on railway track which if self is shaking up and down due
to irregularities in the surface. The suspension system also balances the vertical loads
between the wheels and provides passenger comfort by reducing vibrations in the vehicle
The suspension between the axle and the bogie frame constitutes the primary suspension. The
suspension between the bogies frame and vehicles body is called secondary suspension.
Suspension, consisting of four groups of helical coil springs. Each group of springs
consists of two nests of one outer and one inner coil. To prevent uncontrolled bouncing effect
of locomotive body, supported on helical coil springs damper is provided as a resisting force.
Types of dampers are:
1. Friction Damper
2. Hydraulic Damper
In Tri-mount bogie friction damper or snubber is provided on four of the inner coils of
each bogie.
Flexi Coil Bogie
This Bogie is provided for WAP1 & WAP4 locomotives. The bogie frame and bogie
BOLSTER of FLEXI COIL bogie MARK-I are of steel cast box type. The locomotive body
weight is transferred to the BOLSTER through a center pivot. The steel castled 'H' type
BOLSTER is supported on the steel castled bogie frame at four corners, by pair of helical
springs placed in spring pockets of main longitudinal member of the bogie frame. The
BOLSTER is located with respect to bogie frame by upright pedestals, which are integral
part of the bogie frame. This arrangement serves to transmit force from BOLSTER to the
bogie frame and vice-versa. Spring loaded snubbing piston two nos. per bogie made of
phenolic material to have high friction between BOLSTER and bogie frame for damping in
both vertical and lateral modes of oscillation are also provided in the above pedestal
arrangement. Lateral stops are also provided on the bolster as well as on the bogie frame to
limit the side movement by flexing action of the springs. The bogie frame is in turn
supported on axles by another set of springs resting on the axle boxes. The load of the
locomotive super structure rests on the center pivot bowel of the bogies. The bowel is fitted
with phenolic oil lubricated vertical and horizontal liners, which provided rotational freedom
between body and bogie in operation.

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This flexi coil bogie has two stage of vertical suspension in which helical springs have
been used on primary and secondary stages. Primary between axle box and bogie frame and
secondary between bogie frame and BOLSTER. The transfer's flexibility between the body
and the bogie has been achieved by the flexi coil action of the helical springs at the
secondary stage. The support of the bolster springs have been placed on wider arm to give
better stability in rolling.
Bolster spring Friction Device:
It consists of a phenolic piston, steel washer and a spring contain with in a cylindrical
housing in the BOLSTER, to have high friction between BOLSTER and bogies frame for
damping in both vertical and lateral modes of oscillation.
Roller Bearing Axle Boxes:
Movable axle journal boxes are mounted in pedestals cast integral with the frame. The
movement of the boxes in the pedestals obtains the lateral play for negotiation over curves
and turnouts. In conventional design of axle boxes, the axle thrust arising from flange rail
reaction is exchanged between the axle and the housing in a rigid manner. To reduce the
effect of the impact a resilient device has been incorporated in the path of the axle thrust. In
end axle boxes, the thrust is made to pass through a conical rubber thrust pad held between
inner outer thrust collars. Middle axle boxes are with floating bearing so as to permit safe
negotiability over sharpest curves and turnouts.
Pneumatic brake system is applied in this bogie. Six brake cylinders per bogies are used to
operate clasp type brake rigging. Each cylinder piston is connected to the brake lever to
actuate the brakes on one wheel only. Actuating adjusting rod at the bottom does the brake
shoe adjustment in service.
Tetra Mount High Adhesion Bogie
This bogie is provided for WAG7 locomotives.
With increasing demand of heavy freight traffic on Indian Railways, a new high
adhesion bogie has been developed by RDSO for high horse power freight locomotive to
achieve higher Tractive effort of 42 tones at start. The bogie exhibits better adhesion
characteristics with reduced weight transfer.
General Arrangement of Bogie:
This a three-axle type bolster less bogies with two-stage suspension, floating pivot
and unidirectional arrangement of axle hung nose suspended traction motors. Bogies frame is
of straight and fabricated box type construction with three transoms to carry nose suspension.
The locomotive body weight is supported on bogie frame through four rubber side
bearers directly mounted on bogie side beams. Shims have been provided below outer side

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bearers to distribute load on side bearers in a 60%: 40% ratio, 60% of load being supported
on side bearers adjacent to and 40% of the load at remaining two side bearers. Center pivot
does not take any vertical load and is used only form transfer of traction and braking forces.
The bogie frame in turn is supported on axles through helical coil springs mounted on
equalizer beams. The equalizing mechanism consists of equalizers hung directly on end axle
boxes and supported on middle axle box through a link and compensating beam arrangement.
The equalizing mechanism enables achievement of equal axle loads on uneven track and
reduces weight transfer at start.
Suspension Arrangement:
The bogies has two-stage suspension with helical coil springs between axle box and
bogies frame in primary stage and side bearers (rubber sand which) between bogies frame and
locomotive body in secondary stage. The lateral stiffness of rubber springs is utilized to provide
lateral guidance at the secondary stage.
Four vertical hydraulic dampers, one with each nest of primary springs & Two lateral
hydraulic dampers are provided in secondary stage to supplement the damping provided by side
bearers both in lateral and rotational modes which prevents nosing at high speed.
Two lateral rubber stops are provided on each bogie on either side of the middle axle to
limit lateral movements. Vertical stops are provided on bogie frame to limit vertical movement
between axle boxes and bogie frame.
Roller Bearing Axle Boxes: -
Movable axle journal boxes are mounted in pedestals or horns, fabricated integral
with the frame. Lateral play for negotiating curves and turnouts is obtained by the movement of
axle boxes in horns. End axle boxes are provided with rubber thrust pads to cushion lateral
thrust, while 10 mm lateral plate is provided on middle axle boxes.

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Pneumatic Circuit:
Storage and Distribution
Initially pressure is created with MCPA to raise panto and to close DJ. To start
MCPA, BA voltage should be more than 90 volts and CCBA should be in good condition.
Keep ZCPA on 1 position, MCPA starts and creates pressure in RS reservoir when RAL
COC is in open position. To create pressure in RS, five drain cocks should be in close
position (CPA d/c, RS d/c, RDJ d/c, DJ oil separator d/c and panto pipe line d/c). MCPA
should not work continuously for more than 10 min. MCPA can create pressure up to
8Kg/cm2 since SS1 safety valve is provided (SS1 set at 8Kg/cm2) between CPA and NRV.
The amount of pressure created in RS can be seen through RS gauge (In WAG7 and WAP4
locos RS gauge is provided in both cabs and named as PR gauge). After creating RS pressure
to 6.5 Kg/cm2, raise panto, close DJ, close BLCP and switch off MCPA. According to HCP
position, MCP starts.
Three compressors (in modified locos only 2 compressors) are provided on the loco to
build up and store the air pressure. In this system 4 main reservoirs, one control reservoir and
one RS reservoir are provided. Either one or more compressors are allowed to work
continuously. Compressors cut in and cut off are maintained by RGCP. On compressors
side, RGCP cuts off at 9.5kg/cm and above and cut in at 8.0 kg/cm and below. When MR
pressure reaches to 9.5 kg/cm, RGCP cut off and compressors stop working.
Each compressor delivery pipe line is connected to the atmosphere by individual un-
loader valve. The function of un-loader valve is controlled by RGCP. After stopping of
compressors, Q119 relay energizes through compressors contactors normally close
interlocks. Un-loader valves energizes through Q119 relay. This valve removes the back
pressure from delivery pipe line of each CP. When there is no back pressure in delivery pipe
line of compressor it starts smoothly so that the life of compressor increases. After restarting
of compressors also, these un-loader valves remains in energize position for another 5
Two auto drain valves are provided in the pneumatic system to drain out the moisture
from MR1 and MR2 automatically at 9.5 kg/cm of MR pressure. ADV-1 is connected to
MR-1 through a cut out cock and ADV-2 is connected to MR-2 through a cut out cock (in
some locos only one ADV is connected to both MR1 and MR2).RGCP interlock closes on
VEAD at 9.5 kg/cm and opens at 8.0 kg/cm. Once VEAD energizes, MR2 pressure (after
air dryer) is admitted to ADV-1 & 2 (through VEAD cut out cock). Now ADV-1 & 2 drains
out the moisture from MR-1 and MR-2 for few seconds.
Compressed air from the compressors is allowed to pass through a separate after
cooler and store in MR1, MR2, MR3 and MR4. On each CP delivery pipe line (between each
compressor and NRV) provided with one individual safety valve is set at 11.0 kg/cm.
NRVs are provided on each CP delivery pipe line to avoid air pressure entering from MR to
CP. A centrifugal dust collector with a drain cock is provided before MR1 for collecting the
moisture and similarly one more is provided after MR4. A safety valve(SS-2) set at 10.5
kg/cm is provided between MR2 & MR3. Two NRVs are provided one in between MR2
and MR3 and another between MR3&4 (In WAP4 locos, five MRs are provided. One NRV

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between MR2 & MR3 and another NRV between MR3 and MR4. Between MR4 & MR5 no
NRV is provided. In WAG5, WAM4 & WAG7 locos MRs counting starts from cab-1 left
side. In WAP4, MRs counting starts from cab-1 right side.
Use of MR1 &MR2:
Air from MR1 & 2 is taken through a duplex valve set at 4.9kg/cm to the MR
equalizing pipe. The purpose of Duplex valve, while energising the loco initially it will not
open still MR pressure reaches the set value 4.9 Kg/cm2. From this air is supplied to sanders,
wipers, F1 selector and also to the feed pipe (FP) through a LV set at 6 kg/ cm. A cutout
cock is provided before the limiting valve, which should be kept closed when feed pipe is not
One heat less twin tower air dryer is also provided between MR2 and MR3 for
supplying dry air to brake system and loco pneumatic / electrical appliances. The air dryer is
having three cut out cocks namely A, B and C. Normally A and B (green color cut out cocks)
are open and C (red color) COC is close position. Air dryer is getting electric supply from
battery or from CHBA. In some locos air dryer is getting electric supply through CCAD fuse
and HAD isolation switch. When ever air dryer is by passed, keep HAD switch on 0
Control reservoir pressure operation
From MR3 air supply is taken to control reservoir. From the control reservoir air
pressure is supplied to the panto servomotor through HOM, VEPT and throttle valve.
Compressed air is also supplied to RDJ for the operation of DJ through DJ oil separator. A
pressure relay QPDJ is provided on DJ pipeline after the DJ oil separator to trip DJ when the
air pressure drops below 4.5 kg/cm in ABCB type DJ locos and 4.0 kg/cm in VCB type DJ
locos. In ABCB locos, QPDJ energizes at 5.5Kg/cm2 and above pressure and de energizes at
4.5 kg/cm and below. In VCB locos, QPDJ energizes at 4.65Kg/cm2 and above pressure and
de energizes at 4.0 kg/cm and below. Control reservoir air is supplied to BA1, BA2 and BA3
for the operations of reversers, CTFs and shunting contactors and line contactors. Through a
branch connection air is taken to a limiting valve which reduces the pressure to 2.5 to
3.5kg/cm for the operation of SMGR.
A dirt accumulator with a drain cock and NRV is provided after the control reservoir
and another NRV is provided before the DJ oil separator. R1 air control cut out cock is
provided after the NRV to avoid the pressure escaping from RS to the control reservoir
whenever on usage.
Usage of MR1 and MR2 Pressure:
MR1 feeds MR2 reservoir and further it passes through air dryer to the following.
a) Through duplex check valve (set at 4.9Kg/cm2) goes to MR equalizing pipe. From MR
equalizing pipe pressure goes to sanders, wipers to feed pipe (through a COC and
6Kg/cm2 feed valve) and also to F1 selector valve port no. 15. In between MR2 and
MR3 equalizing pipe connection is given to air intake COC through NRV.
b) This pressure also charges MR3.

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c) To RGCP for cut in and cut out compressors and VEAD.
d) To VEAD through cut out cock for auto draining of MR1 and MR2 moisture when MR
pressure reaches to 9.5 Kg/cm2.
e) SS2 safety valve is connected after MR2
Usage of MR3 pressure:
Through an NRV this pressure is charged to MR4 and CR.
For charging BP pressure.
Usage of MR4 pressure:
This pressure after passing through CDC and MR4 COC is supplied to
1). Horns.
2). Both cabs A9 inlet.
3). Both cabs SA9 supply.
4). HS4 valve.
5).VA1 release valve
6). MU2B port no. 63.
7). HB5 valve.
8). C2B valve.
9). C3W valve.
10). VEF (E).
11). VEF (M).
a) In WAG7 locos, MR4 pressure is going to both cabs horns, both cabs A9 inlet, Both
cabs SA9 supply, MU2B port no. 63, C2B valve, C3W valve, VEF (E) and VEF (M)
b) In WAP4 locos, MR4 and MR5 pressure is going to equipments like WAG7.
Usage of Control Reservoir Pressure:
This pressure through a CDC is supplied to
a) SMGR operation.
b) Through EP1 COC to BA1 panel.
c) Through EP2 COC to BA2 &3 panels.
d) Through EP3 COC to BA4 panel (WAG7 beyond 27200 and RB provided WAP4
e) Through R1 COC RS reservoir, DJ assembly and panto pipe line.
Usage of Emergency Reservoir (RS) Pressure:
Initially this pressure is used
a) To raise panto.
b) To close DJ.
c) To close C118 (if EP contactor).

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MR Pressure Not Maintaining:
a) Ensure MCPs are working.
b) Close BLCPD and try.
c) Close VEAD COC and close VEUL COCs and try.
d) Increase No. of CPs by HCP and try.
e) Ensure all drain COCs are closed.
f) Tap safety valves gently and ensure no safety valve is struck up in lifted position.
g) Tap NRV and try.
h) Ensure no leakage of air from sanders, wipers, horns & auto drain valves. If so, close
concerned COC
i) Ensure no leakage in the system if found arrest them.
j) Ensure no leakage of BP / FP in formation, if it is air brake train.
k) If twin pipe formation, work with single pipe and try.
l) If still unsuccessful, de energizes the loco, drain out all the pressure from the system,
again energize the loco and try.
m) Isolate air dryer, if provided.
n) If still unsuccessful contact TLC.
CR Pressure not maintaining:
a) Ensure MR pressure is 8 to 9.5Kg/cm2.
b) Ensure MR1, 2 & 3 drain COCs are in closed.
c) Ensure CR drain COC is closed.
d) Tap NRV gently (near pipe line of CR)
e) Ensure no leakage in CR pipeline.
f) If closing of CR drain COC is not possible dummy it with a suitable wooden plug.
Precautions while working with MCPA:
a) Close R1 COC.
b) Clear the section with the available pressure.
c) Keep a watch on battery voltage, which should not run down below 90 volts.
d) After clearing the section, contact TLC.

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13 63 GD80D O/L

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3 53
1 6
11 12




MR SUPPLY 8 to 9.5 kg/cm BP ANGLE
BP PIPE 5 Kg/cm

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
Vacuum Brake In DBC Locos
1. PV1 & PV2 - Vacuum exhausters 1 & 2.
2. Release Valves 1 & 2 - To maintain the vacuum level in the pipe between the
exhausters and VAIB control valve.
3. VAIB control Valve - For creating maintaining & destroying vacuum in the
vacuum train pipe.
4. VA1 Release Valve - For connecting the TP with VA1B control valve to
create vacuum.
5. A9 - Auto Brake valve. To Apply / Release vacuum / air
brake in Train.
6. MU2B - Control valve for MU operation.
7. C2A(BP) - To charge MR3 pressure into BP
8. HS4 Feed Valve - To supply reduced air pressure of 1.4 to 1.7kg/cm to
VA1B control Valve.
9. HB5 - To effect auto regression, when vacuum is dropped
during train parting.
10. RGEB-1 - Pressure Governor to energize PR-2 relay.
11. A1 Differential Valve - To actuate VA1 release valve on trailing loco (in MU
operation) and nullify the action of HB5 valve at the
time of brake release by A9.
12. IP(E) Valve - To operate emergency application valve
13. Emergency Application - To exhaust BP pressure when IP(E) gets de-energised.
Valve(IP(M) valve)
14. RS1 & RS2 - Asst loco pilot emergency brake valve.
15. Control Pipe - To connect A9 with MU2 B and C2A(BP) valve
16. A8 (L & T )Cock - To connect C2RV with BP line
17. VTP cut out cock - Vacuum train pipe COC to isolate train pipe from
VA1B & VA1 release valve.
18. A1 Differential COC - To isolate A1 Differential action
General introduction:
Braking system is very important for controlling the speed of train and also
for stopping train on different occasions. Braking is achieved by mechanical arrangement
connected to the piston of braking cylinder. The brake causes friction against the moving
wheel and thus retarding force develops causing the wheels speed to reduce. Mechanical
braking system is of 2 types, vacuum brake and air brake.
Working principle of vacuum brake system:
The continuity of vacuum in the train formation causes brake blocks to be
away from wheels and thus the brakes are released. This vacuum continuity is achieved by
connecting all vacuum hose pipes from loco to brake van. Vacuum is created by exhausters
provided in the loco.

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a) Conditions for creation of vacuum:
I. Ensure MR pressure 8-9.5 Kg/cm2.
II. Ensure exhauster is working.
III. Ensure both side vacuum hose pipes are on dummy with IR washers.
IV. Ensure BP pressure 5 Kg/cm2 (conditions for BP creation to be full filled).
V. Ensure HS 4 pressure is 1.4 -1.7 Kg/cm2.
VI. Ensure VTP COC is open.
VII. Ensure MU2B is in lead position.
b) Creation of vacuum
I. Close BLPV, single exhauster will start working, if HCP is either 1 or 2 or 3.
II. In VA1B valve top port is connected to BP of 5 Kg/cm2 and bottom port is connected
to HS4 pressure of 1.4 to 1.7 Kg/cm2.
III. When the VA1B valve is pressed downwards & connects the exhauster port (N0 7)
with the train pipe port (6).
IV. Exhausters are connected to train pipe through VA1B valve and VA1 release valve.
V. Since MR4 pressure is sent to MU2B valve to VA1 release valve it gets lifted and
connects the train pipe with VA1B valve.
VI. Since exhauster & train pipes are connected, vacuum is created in train pipe.
VII. When 56cm of vacuum is created in the TP vacuum is also created in the top of the
large diaphragm to port No .2 in VA1B valve which equalizes the pressure, on top &
bottom of valve.
VIII. Now the VA1B valve gets balanced and port No. 6 & 7 gets closed. Also the port no
8 closes against exhaust.
IX. Due to this balancing position of this valve the existing amount of vacuum 56cm is
maintained in the train pipe (TP).
X. When there is any leakage in the train pipe VA1B valve opens between TP &
exhauster and helps to recreate the vacuum to the required level.
c) Application of vacuum
I. Move the A9 handle to application position.
II. MR Supply pipeline is closed and control pipeline is connected to exhaust so that the
control pressure gets reduced.
III. Due to reduction in control pipe pressure C2 relay valve (BP) gets unbalanced and
discharges the BP pressure proportionally through its exhaust pipe so that BP
pressure gets reduced.
IV. When BP pressure is reduced in VA1B, the spool valve moves upwards.
V. This unbalance of valve closes the exhauster port No.7 and connects atmospheric
pressure (port no 8) to the train pipe. Ensure ALP emergency brake valve (RS) is
closed in both cabs.
VI. Atmosphere air passes through GD 80E filter and VA1B valve VA1 release valve and
NRV to the train pipe and destroys the vacuum.

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VII. When required amount of vacuum is destroyed the VA1B valve gets balanced due to
equal pressure and closes the atmosphere port to the train pipe and the vacuum level
is maintained without further reduction.
d) Recreation of vacuum:
I. When A9 handle is kept on release position BP pressure, is recharged to 5kg/cm.
II. VA1B valve moves downwards and closes the atmospheric port and connects the
exhauster with train pipe.
III. So that the vacuum gets recreated in the Train pipe.
IV. After full creation of vacuum (preset amount) the valve gets balanced and again
closes the port between the exhauster and train pipe.
e) Emergency application:
I. Brake pipeline is directly connected to A9 through a branch connection and its port is
kept closed in normal position of A9. When A9 handle is moved to emergency
position a cam dog is provided in A9 which connects the BP with exhaust so that the
BP pressure reduces rapidly. BP is also reduces through C2A (BP) valve.
II. This rapid reduction of BP pressure makes the maximum unbalance of VA1B valve
and atmospheric air rushes very quickly to the TP and destroys the vacuum.
III. If the BP pressure is reduced below 2.8 kg/cm, RGEB2 opens its N/O I/L on QRS2.
Hence QRS2 relay de-energizes and causes auto regression of GR through Q51.
HB5 Valve: When there is a sudden reduction of vacuum either due to parting of train or due
to opening of emergency brake valve (RS), vacuum will be destroyed in the VA1B valve and
it moves downwards with a force. And this action helps to admit the 24 PSI of control air
pressure of HS4 into the HB5 valve and actuates it to admit MR pressure to RGEB-1. RGEB-
1 N/O I/L (closes at 7.5 Kg/cm2 and above and opens at 6.5 Kg/cm2 and below) close on
PR-2 branch in AFL circuit there by auto regression of GR takes place through PR-2 and
Q51. When vacuum is recreated in TP, VA1B valve gets balanced and 24 PSI air supply
connects to exhaust port of VA1B.So that the existing air gets exhausted & HB5 stops the
MR supply to RGEB-1.
A1 DIFFERENTIAL VALVE: This valve is provided with a limiting chamber to help the
recreation of vacuum by the trailing loco during MU operation. When vacuum is recreated by
placing A9 in release position this valve gets actuated due to difference of pressure acting on
top and bottom of the diaphragm. It admits BP pressure to VA1 release valve and to the
bottom of diaphragm of HB5. When VA1 valve is lifted by the pressure, it connects the train
pipe to the exhauster through VA1B valve so that the vacuum is recreated by the trailing loco
exhauster also. After full recreation of vacuum the BP pressure from VA1 release valve is
exhausted through VA1B vent. Now the TP gets disconnected from the exhauster of the
trailing loco.
NOTE: When MU2B is on trail position MR supply cannot be connected to VA1 release
valve through ports 53 & 63.

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Vacuum tests:
Vacuum brake test (in dual brake locos):
Ensure both cab A9 handles release, RS closed, ZPV is in 1 or 2, both side vacuum hose
pipes are on dummy with IR washes.
1. Apply SA9 ensure BC gauge reads 3.5Kg/cm2.
2. Ensure BP is 5Kg/cm2 and HS4 pressure is 1.4 to 1.7Kg/cm2 and MU2B lead position.
3. Ensure HCP is in single CP working position.
4. Close BLPV, C111 or C121 will close according to ZPV. Vacuum will create and needle
will shoot up in gauge close HPV also to start other exhauster to work.
5. Take one notch.
6. Apply A9 to emergency vacuum gauge needle will drops to o. GR will return to
0(through QRS) and also exhausters will stop working.(through QRS).
Vacuum efficiency test:
1. Ensure vacuum is 58 or 56 cm in loco on dummy.
2. Switch off BLPV and destroy vacuum by A9.
3. Disconnect hosepipe from dummy and couple 8mm leak hole test plate.
4. Keep A9 in release position, close BLPV.
5. Vacuum should create 53 cm with in 30 seconds.
6. Repeat the same with other PV also.

No Type of loco Dummy Disc

1 Dual brake 58 53
2 Pure vacuum 56 53
3 Newly commissioned or POH locos 56 53

Vacuum blockage test:

1. Ensure vacuum is 58cm in train pipe.
2. Switch off BLPV and destroy vacuum by A9
3. Remove one side of the vacuum hose pipe from dummy and hold it upwards into
4. Close BLPV vacuum should not create more than 8 cm
5. Repeat the same for other side also
Vacuum leakage test:
1. Ensure both vacuum hosepipes are on dummy with IR washers, both A9 are released and
both RS are closed.
2. Close BLPV, create vacuum.
3. Open BLPV; wait for 30 seconds for stabilizing of vacuum gauge needle.
4. Wait for another 60seconds and note down the vacuum gauge reading again.
5. The difference should not be more than 7cm for loco 5cm for single coach and 13cm for

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Brake power certification:
Formula for calculation of effective brake power percentage of a train is
= Effective Cylinders
Total no. Of cylinders
For certification after creation of vacuum on formation, destroy it with A9, check
brake cylinders for not lifting of pistons such cylinders are defective. Check the brake blocks
for correct binding on wheels. If one truck brake blocks are not touching, treat one cylinder is

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BP 4.9 Kg/cm BP


MU2B 13 C2A RS
FV 3

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BP MR SUPPLY 8 TO 9.5 Kg/cm


ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
Working Of Air Brake System (BP)
a) A9 - Automatic brake valve with feed valve and application
b) MU2B - Control valve for multiple operation.
c) C2 Relay valve (BP) - Valve for admitting air pressure from MR3.
d) MR Supply line - 8 to 9.5 kg/cm MR pressure to connect to both cabs A9.
e) Control pipe - To connect 5 kg/ cm to MU2B & C2 relay valve(BC).
f) BP brake pipe - Connected with train if it is air brake stocks and actuates
g) A9 inlet & outlet - For isolating air supply to A9 in non working cab and supply
COC: air to A9 in working cab.
h) A8 or L&T COC - Lead or Trail cut out cock to cut off BP pressure from C2
relay valve (BP).
i) B.P gauge - To indicate BP pressure.
A9 Positions
1. Release - Charges 5 Kg/cm BP pressure
2. Minimum reduction - 0.4 to 0.6 Kg/cm BP pressure will reduce
3. Full service - 1..2 to 1.6 Kg/cm BP pressure will reduce
4. Over reduction - 2.2 to 2.8 Kg/cm BP pressure will reduce
5. Emergency - 5 Kg/cm BP pressure will reduce.
I. Initial charging of BP pressure:
a) MR pressure is 8 to 9.5Kg/cm2 and MR4 COC in open.
b) A9 I/L & O/L COCS open in working cab and close in non-working cab.
c) Both cabs A9 handles in release position.
d) Both cabs RS in close position.
e) MU2B is in lead position.
f) A-8 COC is in open position.
g) BP pipe to be coupled up to last vehicle, BP angle COCS of all vehicles to be
opened except loco front and last vehicle rear side.
After the conditions mentioned above are fulfilled, MR supply pipe line
pressure is reduced by A9 to 5Kg/cm2 and is charged in control pipeline, This control
pipeline pressure, when MU2B is in lead position (through 3 and 13 ports) acts on C2A
(BP) relay valve. 8 to 9.5 Kg/cm2 of MR3 pressure is available at C2A (BP). But it will
send the same amount of pressure which is acting on it through MU2B i.e. Only 5
Kg/cm2 of pressure will be fed to BP pipe line, provided A8 is in open position, when
BP pressure is 5 Kg/cm2, formation will be in release position.
II. Application:
a) To apply the brakes, keep A9 in application position.

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b) MR supply line is disconnected and connects the control pipe with the exhaust port
provided on A9.
c) Now control pipeline pressure is reduced through A9 feed valve exhaust port.
d) MR supply to the C2A (BP) is closed and the exhaust port of C2A (BP) relay valve
is connected to BP line. So that BP pressure gets reduced proportionally.
e) Hence BP is reduced and brakes will apply on formation.
f) BP pressure is also reduced on loco C3W valve for proportional working.
III. Recreation:
a) To charge BP pressure again, A9 to be brought to release position.
b) Again control pipeline creates to 5Kg/cm2 through A9.
c) 5kg/cm pressure acts on C2A (BP) relay valve.
d) C2A will feed 5Kg/cm2 of BP pressure in BP pipeline.
e) Because of BP is recharged with 5Kg/cm2 of pressure, formation brakes will be
f) When the 5kg/cm pressure is charged in BP line C3W valve comes back on its
seating position and loco proportional working is released.
Emergency Application by A9
a) For emergency application keep the A9 handle on emergency position.
b) Emergency cam provided in A9 valve (opens the direct port) connects the BP line
directly to exhaust port and also BP drops through C2A (BP) since control pipe line
pressure is dropped.
c) During emergency brake application by A9, first P1 pressure switch is acting then
after dropping BP pressure below 4.4 Kg/cm2, P2 pressure switch is acting. Hence
AFL will not come into service.
d) BP pressure reduces rapidly so that the train brakes are applied without any delay.
e) On BP pipe line, RGEB2 is connected through a cut out cock. This RGEB2 I/L opens
when BP pressure is dropped below 2.8 Kg/cm2 and below during destruction and I/L
closes at 4.0 Kg/cm2 and above during recreation of BP pressure.
f) When BP drops below 2.8 Kg/cm2, QRS-2 relay de-energizes and causes auto
regression of GR.
Principle of working / functioning of air brake:
I. Charging Of BP Pressure:
The compressed air from the loco through hose assemblies and cut off angle cocks of
successive wagons, charge brake pipe through out the train length. In individual wagons the
compressed air, after passing through the dirt collector for the filtration, charges the auxiliary
reservoir through DV. During charging the DV also keeps the brake cylinder pressure vented
to atmosphere thus keeping the brake release.
The brake pipes of all coaches / wagons are to be connected with the flexible air
hoses and then to the brake pipe of locomotive. All the angle cocks to be kept in open
position but front angle cock of leading loco and the rear angle cock of brake van, or last
vehicle to be in closed position. Similarly the feed pipes are also to be connected.

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Feed pipe is charged with 6.0Kg/cm2 and brake pipe with 5.0Kg/cm2 air pressure
throughout the length of the train. In the rearmost brake van a minimum feed pipe pressure of
5.8Kg/cm2 and brake pipe pressure of 4.8Kg/cm2 should be recorded. In this condition the
brake cylinder is connected to atmosphere through exhaust port, so that pistons will remain in
release position.
No. of wagons Loco L.V/B.V
Up to 55 wagons 5.0 Kg/cm2 4.8 Kg/cm2
More than 55 wagons 5.0 Kg/cm2 4.7 Kg/cm2
II. Brake application:
For applying the formation brake, Loco pilot operates A9 valve handle to application
position in the loco and reduces the BP pressure in four graduated steps. For BP pressure
corresponding brake cylinder pressure in wagon / coach is as follows.
BP in gauge of loco 0 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.5 4.7 5
BC pressure of wagon /
3.8 3.8 3.7 3.2 3 2.3 1.2 0.4 0
Distributor valve:
It is the most important functional equipment of the air brake system. It senses the
variation in B.P pressure and functions automatically to application as well as release of the
train brakes.
The DV assembly consists of the following.
a) A common pipe bracket.
b) control reservoir
c) D.V with isolating cock and manual release handle.
All Pipe connections to DV are given through common pipe bracket. It remains on the
wagon / coach when D.V is removed for repair and maintenance purpose without disturbing
the pipe connections. The sensitivity of D.V is 0.6 Kg/cm2 in 6 Sec. The insensitivity of DV
is 0.3 Kg/cm2 in 60 Sec.
The D.V isolating cock handle in vertical position indicates that the DV is in working
and if the handle in horizontal position indicates isolated position of DV. A manual release
handle is provided at the bottom of the DV, the brake in a particular wagon / coach can be
released manually by pulling this handle towards any side. Now the air from the control
reservoir will be vented out and subsequently the brake cylinder pressure will be connected
to exhaust through the DV and thus the brake will get released.
III. Brake Release:
When the loco pilot keeps the A9 handle to release position, 5.0Kg/cm2 BP pressure
will be recharged. So the DV will assume normal position and the auxiliary reservoir will be
disconnected from the brake cylinder and brake cylinder pressure will be exhausted out

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through the exhaust port in DV causing the brake cylinder piston drawing inward due to the
action of releasing spring. Thus all the brakes will get released.
Attaching of loco and coupling of air hoses:
The loco pilot should ensure the following before attaching the locomotive to the
a) B.P. Pressure should be 5.0Kg/cm2.
b) The coupling heads or palm ends should have locking pins, grooves and MU washers-
without damage.
c) The palm-ends of the feed pipe and brake pipe are opposite design. So they can not be
coupled together.
d) The F.P palm ends are painted white with letters FP engraved on it.
e) The brake pipe palm ends are painted green with BP engraved on it.
f) Attach the loco on formation and secure the coupling.
g) Couple the air hoses BP to BP and FP to FP and open the cut off angle cock on
formation side first, then on the locomotive.
Checking Brake power
a) Apply brakes by destroying BP.
b) Check all brake cylinders in Wagons and ensure the piston stroke in empty position
are 85mm 10mm. Loaded position stroke are 130mm 10mm.
c) Wagons with inoperative brake cylinders should be marked.
d) The brake blocks of each wagon are touching the wheels.
e) Release the brake and ensure that the brake blocks are away from the Wheel.
Air flow indicator:
It is provided in the locomotive both cabs. It indicates the rate of charging of brake
pipe pressure. It is having two pointers (white and red color). The white needle indicates the
charging rate and red needle is to be adjusted manually by the loco pilot as a reference for the
movement of white needle. The air flow meter will indicate during the following occasions.
a) During normal BP charging (A9 release).
b) In case of any air leakages from BP pipe lines of train / loco.
c) After train parting.
d) After alarm chain pulling,
e) After brake application by guard.
After the loco is attached to formation and the air hoses are coupled up, open the cut
off angular cock of BP and FP in formation as well as in loco. The rate of charging of BP
will be maximum at beginning and as the formation builds up pressure the charging rate also
will come down, finally when the formation is fully charged i.e. when BP pressure is
5.0Kg/cm2 in engine and not less than 4.8 Kg/cm2 in brake van. The charging rate may come
to zero, since the brake application and release entirely depends on the rate of discharging
and charging of BP pressure. The air flow indicator is having a vital role in air brake

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How the air flow meter will indicate:
During initial charging of BP pressure, since the flow rate of brake pipe pressure is
maximum the white needle of the air flow indicator will shoot up to maximum according to
the number of wagons if the external leakage rate is within permissible limit. when the
formation is fully charged the white needle will come down and stabilize at any particular
point according to the rate of external leakage in BP pipe line (if there is no leakage in the
formation the flow indicator needle will come to zero position when the formation is fully
charged with BP pressure). Once the white needle is stabilized the loco pilot should keep the
red needle (reference needle) exactly above the white needle as a reference for complete
charging position of white needle and also for easy identification of any variation in BP
charging rate on run. When the loco pilot applies brake through A9 valve, the BP pressure is
vented out (discharged) so the flow indicator will drop below the reference needle. When the
loco pilot releases A9 the charging rate will increase to maximum so the air flow indicator
also will shoot up. As the BP pressure re-charged in formation the air flow indicator white
needle will come to the stabilized position i.e. under the reference needle. So that the loco
pilot can understand the brakes are fully released. On run if the air flow indicator shoots up
due to the reasons mentioned in the previous page loco pilot to take appropriate actions
Passenger emergency alarm system:
An emergency alarm actuator is fitted on the end wall of each coach and is connected
through a passenger emergency valve to the brake pipe. When a passenger pulls the alarm
chain the actuator operates the passenger emergency valve to connect brake pipe to exhaust
resulting in brake application. The cam-operated limiting switch is provided to signal the
Loco pilot regarding alarm chain pulling; this signal operates a buzzer and also gives a light
indication in the coach. A choke (4mm) hole has been provided in the passenger emergency
alarm actuator of each coach.
The guard of the train can also apply brakes through the brake van valve provided in
the brake van. A choke of 5mm hole has been provided in the guard brake van valve.
Trouble Shooting
Bye-passing wagon / coach when BP iron pipe is broken:
When BP iron pipe is damaged in a wagon work the train as follows.
1. Close BP angle cock in front side of effected wagon and rear side of the good
wagon towards loco.
2. Release the formation of the rear portion, manually.
3. Clear the section carefully.
When BP iron pipe is damaged in a coach
1. Close BP angle cocks in either side of effected coach.
2. Connect BP/FP special made kit between BP and FP hoses in either side of the
3. If no such kit is available connect BP hose of the before coach to FP hose of the
effected coach, by changing their complete hoses. Similarly, connect FP hose
of the effected coach to BP hose of the next coach.

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4. Close FP COC of loco and first coach.
5. Work the train with single pipe.
When FP iron pipe is damaged in a coach
1. Close FP COC of loco and first coach.
2. Work the train with single pipe.
Occasions for isolating DV:
1. DV is malfunctioning.
2. Heavy air leakage from DV or brake cylinder. After isolating DV ensure the brakes are
fully released.
Brake Binding:
In case of brake binding in an air brake formation following checks should be done.
a) Check the BP pressure and ensure it is created 5.0 Kg/cm2 in loco & 4.8 Kg/cm2 in
the brake van.
b) In case of loco change or reversal of locomotive, brake binding may occur for the
entire train due to difference in brake pipe pressure setting in different locomotives.
In such cases all the vehicles in the formation may be released by pulling the manual
release handle provided in DV. Check and arrest the leakage in brake pipe pressure (if
c) Check and ensure the DV isolating handle is kept in vertical position. If any
distributor valve is kept isolated ensure the brakes are in released condition by pulling
the manual release handle.
d) Check the position of the brake cylinder piston whether it is projecting out or drawn
fully inside. If brake cylinder piston is projected outwards check whether the hand
brake is in applied condition, if so release it.
e) If the brake binding is due to the mal-functioning of distributor valve, isolate the DV
by operating DV isolating COC & ensure the brakes are released by pulling the
manual release handle. Gently tap the piston rod to ensure that the piston is not struck
f) If the brake binding is caused due to air trapped in brake cylinder, isolate the DV and
pull the manual release handle to ensure the disconnection of auxiliary reservoir from
brake cylinder and then carefully remove the dummy nut provided at the bottom side
of the brake cylinder to vent out the trapped air. After the air is completely vented out
re-fix dummy nut in position and make necessary remarks in BPC.
g) If the brakes are binding even though the brake cylinder piston is fully released check
load empty box for correct position.
h) In case of coaching stock, drain out the AR duly closing the isolating COC.

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Incase of loco failure:
In case of a vacuum braked train if loco fails or exhauster stops the train brakes will
get apply automatically due to reduction of vacuum by normal leakage. But in air brake train
in such occasions train brakes will not get applied automatically due to normal leakage of air
pressure, because of the insensitivity range of distributor valve. So the Loco pilot should
apply train brakes to emergency position in case of loco failure while working air brake
trains to ensure adequate brake application in the formation. If the train is likely to be
detained ensure hand brakes of the formation also applied to extend of rules.
Trouble shooting when BP is not creating
1. Ensure MR pressure is above 8 Kg/cm2
2. Ensure MR 4 COC is open.
3. Ensure A9 I/L & O/L COCs in working cab are open and close in non-working cab.
4. Ensure RS 1 & 2 are closed
5. Ensure both A 9 handles are in release position.
6. Ensure MU2B is in lead position.
7. Ensure A8 COC is in open position.
8. Tap C2A and try.
9. Operate MU2B for few times and try
10. Change the cab and try.
11. Trip the DJ, drain out the pressure completely, again charge the loco and try.
12. If still unsuccessful, contact TLC.
1. Ensure no leakage of BP pressure at DV/palm ends.
2. Operate QRV of DV.
3. Isolate DV and operate QRV.
4. Slacken the vent plug of brake cylinder carefully.
1. Slacken the SAB and try
2. Disconnect the brake pull rod pin of brake rigging.
3. Ensure no part is hanging. If required secure the hanging part with rope/wire.
1. Operate QRV of DV.
2. Isolate DV and operate QRV.
3. Close brake cylinder COC of each truck.
4. Disconnect / puncture the flexible pipe of the truck. Now pressure will come out
and piston will release. If still unsuccessful release the safety sling by pulling the
latch as the miniature SAB will rotate and brakes will release.
Note: Ensure brake blocks are away from the wheel tyre.

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vent type vent type


Note: Pressure gauges are installed only in guards brake van.

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Air flow indications:
Air Flow indicator is provided to give an indication of air flow rate in the BP of
the train. If any abnormal increasing of air flow in the brake pipe, because of train parting
or loco parting or ACP or heavy leakage in the BP or guard emergency brake application
and bursting of BP hose pipe would give visual indication by deviation of white needle
over red needle. This abnormality is indicated by white needle.
Differences - single pipe & twin pipe:
Single pipe Twin pipe
1 BP pressure is charged not only in BP. One pipe is meant for BP pressure
Pipeline but also in auxiliary reservoir. charging, another one is meant for
auxiliary reservoirs 2 nos.
2 After application and release, for It will not take much time for
recharging it will take time. recharging.
3 Brakes releasing time is more. Brakes releasing time is less.
4 If BP iron pipe is damaged, no If any one pipe is damaged can work
alternative procedure and remaining the train with another pipe by
stock to work with out brake power. conversion.

5 Since FP is not available auxiliary Since FP pressure is 6Kg/cm2,

Reservoir will have 5Kg/cm2. auxiliary reservoir will have 6Kg/cm2
of pressure.
Distributor Valve
Distributor valve is heart of braking system of each wagon / coach. It connects the
brake cylinder to exhaust port when BP of 5 Kg/cm2 is available in the BP pipeline.
When BP is dropped, it allows the auxiliary reservoir pressure to enter into brake cylinder
and causes brakes to apply.
BP pressure over charging:
There is a possibility for over charging of BP pressure in the system. In such a case,
clear the section carefully and stop the train in next station with single application of
a) Close BP angle cut off cock in rear of the locomotive.
b) Change the cab. If BP pressure becomes normal, conclude working cab A9 feed
valve is defective. Work from rear cab with necessary precautions.
c) On changing the cab also if BP pressure is excess, conclude C2A relay valve is
defective. Tap C2A gently and try. If becomes normal, operate A9 for several
times and confirm working normal. If still un-successful, ask for relief engine.
Reasons for brake binding in full train:
1. Defective distributor valve
2. Leakage of pressure at distributor valve

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3. Leakage of pressure from BP palm ends / angle COCs.
4. Wrong setting of SAB
5. Hand brake may be in applied condition.
6. Difference of pressure on loco changing
7. Defective brake rigging i.e., levers jamming against guide brackets.
8. Improper adjustments of end pull rod holes.
9. Brake beam bent or broken.
10. ACP on coach.
Independent Loco Brakes
a) SA9 Independent air brake valve with feed valve & application
b) MU2B Control valve for multiple unit operation.
c) C2 Relay Valve Valve for charging and discharging pressure in loco brake
d) DCV Double check valve for operating direct and proportional
working of loco brakes.
e) MR4 To supply air pressure for both cabs SA9 and also to C2(B)
relay valve for BC
f) F1 Selector Controlling loco brakes during MU operation of rear loco
g) BC Gauge To indicate pressure in loco brake cylinder.
h) Supply and For Isolating air supply in non working cab and for supply in
Apply COC working cab.
i) BC COC To isolate the loco brake cylinders in truck 1 or in truck 2.
SA9 Positions
1. Release - BC pressure 0 Kg/cm
2. Application - BC pressure 3.5 Kg/cm
Application of independent loco brakes:
1. MR pressure should be 8 to 9.5Kg/cm2 and MR4 COC in open.
2. SA9 supply and apply COCs should be open in working cab and close in non-
working cab.
3. Working cab sA9 handle should be in application position.
4. MU2B should be in lead position.
5. Both side BC equalizing pipe COCs should be in closed.
6. Both trucks bogie isolating cut out cocks should n open position.
After the conditions mentioned above are fulfilled, MR pressure is reduced by
SA9 to 3.5Kg/cm2 and is charged in apply pipeline through apply COC. Apply pipeline
pressure, when MU2B is in lead position (through 2 and 20 ports) acts on C2B relay
valve through double check valve. 8 to 9.5 Kg/cm2 of MR4 pressure is available at
C2B, but C2B will send the same amount of pressure which is acting on it by MU2B
i.e. Only 3.5 Kg/cm2 of pressure will be fed to loco brake cylinders provided both

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trucks bogie isolation COCs are in open position. The amount of loco brake cylinder
pressure applied can be seen through both cab BC gauges. In both cab BC gauges, both
needles should show 3.5Kg/cm2
1. To release independent loco brakes, keep SA9 in release position.
2. Supply pipeline gets closed and apply pipeline ports gets connected to exhaust port
of SA9
3. Now apply pipeline pressure is exhausted through SA9 feed valve exhaust port.
4. So, piloting pressure on C2B becomes 0. The existing pressure from loco brake
cylinders & BC equalizing pipe will exhaust through C2B exhaust port.
5. Ensure both cabs BC gauge both needles showing 0.

Proportional Working

A9 Automatic brake valve with feed valve and application

MU2B Control valve for multiple units.
C2 Relay valve (BP) Valve for admitting air pressure from MR3.
C3W valve(DV) Distributor valve for proportional working.
Limiting Valve For regulating air pressure at the out put of C3W valve.
F1 Selector Controlling of rear loco brake during MU operation.
C2 Relay valve(BC) Valve for admitting MR4 pressure.
DCV Double check valve for operating direct & proportional
Brake Cylinders To operate loco brakes.
MR Supply line 8 to 9.5 kg/cm MR pressure to connect to both cabs A9.
Control pipe To connect 5 kg/ cm to MU2B & C2 relay valve (BP).
BP brake pipe Connected with train if it is air brake stocks and actuates
A9 inlet & outlet For isolating air supply to A9 in non working cab and supply
COC: air to A9 in working cab.
A8 or L&T COC Lead or Trail cut out cock to cut off BP pressure from C2
relay valve (BP).
Bogie isolating COC To isolate loco brake cylinders of truck1 or truck2.
B.P gauge To indicate BP pressure.
BC gauge To indicate loco B.C pressure.

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MU2B 20 F1 SEL


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ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
Application of loco brake along with formation brakes is called proportional
working. When BP pressure is dropped, C3W valve senses the dropping of BP
pressure. C3W valve senses when BP drops 0.6Kg/cm2 with in 6 seconds. The
insensitivity of C3W valve is when BP drops 0.3Kg/cm2 with in 60 seconds. When BP
drops in loco, C3W acts and it takes proportionate MR4 pressure and passes via
2.5Kg/cm2 limiting valve or 2.0Kg/cm2 limiting valve and acts on VEF (M). Now VEF
(M) admits MR4 pressure to C2B valve through F1 selector valve and double check
valve. C2B valve now takes MR4 pressure and send to loco brake cylinders when both
trucks bogie isolation COCS are in open position.
To isolate loco brake application by A9, press PVEF. Now VEF (E) energizes
and admits MR4 pressure to VEF (M). Now VEF (M) exhaust port is connected to
C2B. The existing pressure from C2B to VEF (M) becomes 0. When there is no
actuation on C2B, the brake cylinder pipe line is connected to C2B exhaust port there
by the brake cylinder pressure become 0 and brakes are released.
Isolation of Loco Brake When Defective
a) The loco brakes can be isolated by placing C3W isolation handle in isolation
position (towards control reservoir of C3W side). This isolates the loco brake
during proportional working.
b) The direct air brake working can be isolated by closing SA9 Apply or supply
COC in working CAB and opening in rear CAB.
c) One truck loco brakes can be isolated by closing the loco brake cylinder isolation
COC provided on either side of the loco.
d) When both trucks bogie isolation cut out cocks are in closed position, the loco
brakes cant function with independent brake (SA9) or with proportionate brake
e) Whenever the loco pilot does not require loco brakes to act along with the train
brakes he should press PVEF.
Air Brake Tests
This test should be carried out on the single loco, if one loco is utilized for air
brake train. If there are more than one loco, this test is to be conducted on fore most
loco of the multiple units.
1. Keep A9 in emergency position.
2. Start MCPs and build up MR pressure up to 9.5 Kg/cm2.
3. Release A9; build up BP of 5 Kg/cm2.
4. Couple 7.5 mm diameter leak hole special test coupling fabricated to RDSO
design with brake pipe coupling of locomotive. In case of MU trains test coupling
should be fitted with BP pipe of the rear most locomotive
5. Open BP angle COC and note down time.
I. When BPSW is pressed, BP gauge needle should not drop below 4.4kg/cm 2
in 60 seconds.
II. When BPSW is not pressed, BP gauge needle should show between 2.5 to
3.5kg/cm 2.

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Note: For this test required number of MCPs to be kept in service according to
trailing load.
1. Ensure MR pressure is 9.5 Kg/cm2.
2. Ensure BP pressure is 5 Kg/cm2.
3. Bring A9 to minimum reduction position to reach BP pressure to 4.0Kg/cm2.
4. Close A8; wait for 30 seconds to settle the BP gauge needle.
5. Wait for another five minutes and note down the BP pressure reading difference
of pressure should not be more than.
I. For loco: 0.7Kg/cm2 within 5 minutes (0.2Kg/cm2 for one minute).
II. For formation: 1.25Kg/cm2 for 5 min (0.25Kg/cm2 for 1 minute).
6. Release A9 handle.
7. Open A8 (L & T) cut out cock.
1. Ensure MR pressure is 9.5 Kg/cm2.
2. FP pressure is 6 Kg/cm2.
3. Open FP angle COC slightly to reach FP pressure to 5 Kg/cm2.
4. Close feed valve COC and FP angle COC simultaneously. Wait for 30 seconds
note down the FP pressure reading.
5. Wait for another 5 minutes, note down the reading, difference of FP pressure
should not be more than
I. For loco: 0.7Kg/cm2 within 5 minutes (0.2Kg/cm2 for one minute)
II. For formation: 1.25Kg/cm2 for 5 min (0.25Kg/cm2 for 1 minute)
6. Open the FP feed valve cut out cock.
1. Ensure C3W valve isolation cock handle is in service position.
2. Place SA9 in release position.
3. Place A9 in release position and build up 5kg/cm of BP pressure.
4. Place A9 in application position and observe brake cylinder gauge needle rising
according to BP pressure gauge drop.
5. Now press PVEF, brake cylinder gauge needle should come to '0'.
6. Place A9 in emergency position.
7. Brake cylinder gauge needles will shoot up to 1.8kg/cm.
8. Now press PVEF, brake cylinder gauge needles should not drop.
9. During RB, VEF (E) energizes automatically through CTF 1, 2 & 3 Br interlocks.
Hence, During RB at the time of A9 application proportional working is isolated.
It is to be conducted in the following circumstances:
1. While clearing any stabled load from way side station.
2. After completing of power interception
3. After completing of shunting
4. After reversing the loco

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5. After attaching dead loco.
6. Before going to sign fresh BPC
7. During GDR check
8. If train parted, after re-coupling the formation
1. Before going to sign fresh BPC.
2. While clearing any stabled load from way side station.
3. After completing of power interception.
4. After completing of shunting.
5. After reversing the loco.
6. After attaching dead loco on to the formation.
7. During GLP check.
8. If train parted, after recoupling the formation.
9. Locomotive or additional locomotive attached to the rear to fully fitted train.
10. When ever Brake integrity changes on the formation.
11. After completing of power changing. (i.e Traction to Diesel and vice versa)
1) When locomotive other than train locomotive is detached from extreme front of
the train
2) When locomotive is used for complete brake test of the whole train and is not
thereafter detached before starting
3) When locomotive or vehicle is detached from the extreme rear of the train.
1) This test to be conducted with the cooperation of Guard.
2) Create 9.5 kg/cm2 of MR pressure and 5.0 kg/cm2 of BP in the locomotive.
3) Ensure 4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV.
4) Apply A9 automatic brake valve and reduce BP pressure by 1. kg/cm 2 without
5) Confirm from the guard for corresponding reduction of 2 in the BV.
6) Loco pilot has to close A8 Cock ( E70 Cock. In case of 3 phase locos an ignore
fault message).
7) Guard shall open the BV emergency valve and the loco-pilot shall observe the
drop of BP pressure to zero.
8) If the BV is not the last vehicle, Guard shall open the BP angle cock in the rear
side of last vehicle.
9) Loco pilot to ensure dropping of BP pressure completely to 0 and not to raise
BP Pressure
10) Guard has to close the BV emergency valve.

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11) Now the Loco pilot release A-9 ,open A8 coc and Ensure recreation of 5.0
kg/cm2 of BP in the locomotive and4.8 / 4.7 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the BV.
12) For originating trains after turn around examination (where SSE/SE-C&W is
posted): continuity test will be done by the loco-pilot and guard in the presence
of SSE/SE-C&W who shall make endorsement on the reverse of the original BPC.
13) Where SSE/SE-C&W is not posted: loco-pilot and guard will check the continuity
and make endorsement on the reverse of original BPC.

Brake Continuity Test(Coaching Trains)

1. The Loco Pilot must charge the BP to 5 Kg/Cm2 and must confirm from the
Guard that minimum 4.8 Kg/Cm2 in BV .
2. The LP must move the A9 automatic brake valve to reduce BP pressure to 4.0
Kg/Cm2 and must confirm from the Guard that BP pressure in brake van is
reduced by 1.0 Kg/Cm2 (in the range of 3.6 to 4.0). In this condition, train brakes
must also apply.
3. If BP pressure in BV does not show reduction in BP pressure in the range of 3.6
to 4.0 Kg/Cm2, it indicates discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be looked into
be TXR staff.
4. After that, the LP must move A9 automatic brake valve to running position and
check that 5 Kg/Cm2 BP pressure is registered in BP guage in loco and must
confirm from the Guard that minimum 4.8 Kg/Cm2 in BV.
5. After the BP pressure has stabilized in the locomotive, air supply for the BP
should be cut off by closing A-8 COC or E-70 COC (Ignore the message appeared
in 3- locos).
6. Then, the Guard shall immediately open the Emergency brake valve to vent out
the BP by 1.0 Kg/Cm2 and LP should observe that the pressure in the BP guage in
the locomotive is within in the range of 3.6 to 4.0 Kg/Cm2, otherwise it indicates
discontinuity in brake pipe, which must be looked into by TXR staff for
7. After confirmation of continuity, open the A-8 COC/E-70 COC and restore the
BP pressure in the loco/SLR.

GDR Check
GDR check is required in following circumstances
1. At every loading point / un loading point the CC and premium rake BPC shall be
revalidated in the form of GDR check before commencement of journey and
observations will be recorded under the relevant columns of the Brake Power Certificate.
2. When a CC rake is unloaded in a tippler, the BPC revalidated by GDR check by Guard
and Loco Pilot.
3. When the due CC rake is detected in loaded condition, it shall be subjected to GDR
check and pushed to destination. From the point of detection to the nearest TXR points
will move on GDR check.
4. For end to end rakes, if the unloading point is not a TXR point, then the rake will be
cleared with GDR check to the next examination point in the direction of movement.

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5. In case where back loading is done at a non-TXR station, such trains can be moved on
GDR check up to first nominated TXR examination yard in the direction of movement.
Running of trains on GDR check will be permitted only up to first train examination point
i.e., the distance does not exceed maximum 400 Kms.
Post loading examination after loading of the rake should be carried out for all type of stock
by Guard and Loco Pilot, except the trains loaded with steel consignment as steel
consignment after loading is to be done by TXR.
Post tippling examination will have to be done by Guard and Loco Pilot for all type of stock
at various places in SCR and BPC revalidated by GDR check by Guard and Loco Pilot.
GDR Check List: (Post-loading / post tippling and rakes clearing from non-TXR point)
1. Rake integrity is not disturbed by 10 or more than 10 FWUs. Only intensively examined
wagons given fitness by train examining staff may be attached.
2. All CBCs and air hoses are properly coupled and locked.
3. All the angle cocks are in open condition.
4. The last angle cock is in closed condition.
5. Empty / load device handle is in proper position.
6. There are no loose fittings / hanging parts like push pull rod, brake beam, safety brackets,
brake blocks and operating handle etc., which may endanger safe running of the train.
7. There are no broken or displaced springs.
8. There are no displaced elastomeric pads.
9. Hand brakes are released.
10. Doors of wagons are closed and locked and secured.
11. Ensure visually that there is no excessive body bulging which is dangerous.
12. Any symptoms of hot axle like de-colorization of bearing, heavy grease oozing, breakage
of axle box cover plate, end plate etc.,
13. Any other abnormality noticed which may endanger the safety and action taken.
14. Continuity of the brake pipe pressure is confirmed through VHF / Whistle code before
starting the train.
15. Guard and Loco Pilot shall prepare a memo jointly on a plain sheet in triplicate
indicating the brake power and deficiency, if any, and shall append their signatures and
both of them shall retain a copy of the same. Guard should obtain SM/YMs
endorsement on two copies of joint memo and hand over the third for SM/YMs record.
SM/YM will inform the Section controller after making the endorsement on the Joint
Memo and obtain clearance for the train to move.

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Description Tare weight Carrying Gross Load Accommodation

(type of coach) (Tonnes) Capacity (Tonnes) (Seating/Sleeping)
RA 41.3 1 42.3 --
FAC 46.2 1.4 47.6 18/18
ACCW 50 3.7 53.7 46/46
ACCN 52.53 5.12 57.65 64/64
FACCW 50.05 2.4 52.9 10-20/11-20
CZAC 49.20 5.68 54.98 73
FC 40.03 3.12 43.42 39
GS 36.79 7.2 43.99 90
GSCZ 36.90 8.64 45.54 108
GSCN 39.85 5.76 45.61 72/72
SLR 36.92 9.92 46.82 42
LR 35 17 52 Luggage&BV
WCB 40.30 1.92 42.72 22-12/22-24
VPH 32 23 55 --
VPU 31.1 18 49.1 --
NMG 32 10 42 --


Description Tare weight Pay Load Gross Load Floor area

(type of wagon) (Tonnes) (Tonnes) (Tonnes) (Sq.Mts)
BCXT 28.50 52.89 81.30 42.70
BCN 25.507 55.773 81.28 42.67
BCNAHS 20.55 56.73 81.28 39.79
BCNA 24.55 56.73 81.28 -
BOXT 26.33 54.93 81.28 36.50
BOXC 25.10 56.18 81.28 36.50
BOXN 22.47 58.81 81.28 28.87
BOXN 22.47 58.81 81.28 28.87

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Duties of ALP as per ACTM
Duties of Assistant Loco pilots

In addition to the duties laid down in Chapter IV of the General and Subsidiary Rules, the
Assistant Loco pilot shall be responsible for the following-.
I. Cleanliness of the locomotive.
II. During the run ALP shall examine the following items from time to time:
a) Battery / generator voltage.
b) Charging current
c) Transformer oil level and temperature.
d) Oil level in compressors and exhausters (during stoppings)
e) Functioning of blowers and auxiliaries.
f) Target indicator of relays.
III. Assistant Loco pilot shall assist the Loco pilot to enable him to carry out
instructions as detailed in Para 30604 and sub-Para 4 of 30634. ALP shall also
watch out for any unusual smell or abnormalities.
IV. ALP will report to duty with a neat appearance and proper uniform.
V. ALP will perform any other duty assigned to him by the Loco pilot and ATFR.
VI. For Rajdhani Shatabadi/Express or similar high speed trains the functions of
Asst. Loco pilot will be performed by the Co-loco pilot provided to assist the
train loco pilot.
VII. ALP will assist the loco pilot in attending any irregularities on line like ACP,
HPD etc.,
VIII. ALP will ensure draining of cocks to expel moisture whenever the train stops for
more than 15 minutes.
IX. ALP will be responsible for maintaining a log of times and detentions en-route.
X. ALP will exchange signals with loco pilot, station staff and guard of the train as
per instructions laid down in GR and SR.
Cleanliness of Loco

The Assistant Loco pilot is responsible for the cleanliness of the driving desk, cab, look-
out glasses and glass windows during preparation before departure, changing of crew and
inspection on arrival.

Traction Motors
Traction motors used in our loco are of DC series Motors. There are six Traction motors,
one per each axle is provided. Two types of Traction motors are being used in the
locomotive. They are TAO 659 and Hitachi.
Differences between TAO 659 & HITACHI
TAO 659 HS-15250A (HITACHEE)
1 It is DC series motor It is DC series motor
2 continuous out put is 685 KW Continuous out put is 630 KW
3 Starting current is 1100A continuous Starting current 1200 A Continuous

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current 750A current 900 A
4 Maximum Voltage is 750V Maximum Voltage is 750V
5 Speed - 1060 RPM Speed - 895 RMP
6 Number of TMs 6 Number of TMs 6
7 Series field with cumulative field Series field with commutative field poles
8 Insulation - H class Insulation - C class
9 Number of poles: - Main poles - 6 Number of poles: - Main poles - 6
commutating poles - 6 commutating poles - 6
10 Gear ratio - 15:62 Gear ratio - 18:64
11 Gear case capacity at maximum of Gear case capacity at maximum mark of dip
dip stick is 20.2 liters lubricating and stick is 8.5ltrs of cardium compound and at
minimum of 5.2 liters. minimum mark 3.5 liters.
12 Oil lubricating is required Grease lubrication is required for
suspension beaming.
These Traction motors are axle hung nose suspended type and are provided with
grease lubricated roller bearing for armature shaft as well as for suspension bearing for
HITACHI motors.
TAO 659 motors are provided with grease lubricant roller bearings for the
armature shaft and journal bearings for suspension. They are oil lubricated by wicks (felt
pads), with the wick holders which are supplied with oil by an axle driven pump. There
are two oil wicks containers, which are in communication with each other through a
common passage. Any surplus oil of the container will return to the oil sump. Two oil dip
sticks are provided, one on the wick container and the other on the main oil sump in
which the oil pump is fitted.
The oil should be checked on the upper sump (wick container with a dip stick).
The dip stick will have minimum and maximum markings. While checking, it should be
ensured that the oil level is between minimum and maximum marks. The oil level should
be checked immediately after service running. Oil level below the min level (bottom
mark) on the dip stick indicates lack of oil delivery. New oil is to be added through the
dip stick tube on the wick container. The total oil capacity of the lubrication sump is 20.2
liters at max of oil level. The difference between maximum and minimum marks on the
sump dip stick represents a quantity about 5.2lits of oil.
The Traction motor drives the axle through a rigid straight tooth gear. One end of
the armature shaft is shrunk fitted pinion, which is meshed with drive gear fitted to the
axle. There fore, the tooth wheel is required lubrication. These gears are housed in a gear
case and provide lubrication. Top gears cardium compound are poured in to the gear case
and the capacity of gear case is 6 liters at maximum oil level. A dip stick is provided to
measure the oil level with two markings maximum and minimum. The oil should be
between minimum and maximum marks. The distance between minimum and maximum
are corresponds to approximately 3 liters of oil. The current reading of oil level will be
available if checked at least 1 minute after the loco has come to a stop. Fresh oil is
introduced through the dipstick tube. The gear case is fitted to the Traction motor body
with bolts and nuts both horizontally and vertically.

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The armature winding coils are maintained in the slots by providing mounted slot
wedges are laminated fiber glass slot wedges and by poly glass type. A frame of Traction
motor is magnetic steel chamber on the commutator side openings have been provided
for upper air inlets and lower inspection cover. The terminal box is situated on the upper
part of the motor frame, on axle side a removable cover gives access to the connection.
Special provision has been made in design of the motor to ensure that loco operates
satisfactorily on flooded track to a maximum flood level of 200mm above rail level.
These Traction motors are cooled with forced air circulation by a Blower, driven
by AC Three induction motor known as MVMT1 and MVMT2. Traction motors: 1, 2
& 3 are cooled by MVMT1 and Traction motors: 4, 5 & 6 are cooled by MVMT2

Headlight Control Circuit (Twin Beam)

Sl. No Equipment Purpose Location

1 DC-DC Converter Stabilizer for headlight Located in Motor Chest No.1
2 PR1 & PR2 Front and Rear headlights Loco Front side & rear side
3 ZPR/ZRT Head Light Switch Located in Switch panel (ZRT)
4 BLPRF Front headlight switch Located on BL box
5 BLPRR Rear headlight switch Located on BL box
6 BLPRD Head light dimmer switch Located on BL box
Bi-polar switch To keep other unit in Located on DC-DC Converter
8 Spare bulbs As spare for replacement Two with each head light unit

The Twin-beam headlight is introduced to achieve higher illumination at

lower power. The 24 Volts of two Halogen lamps are used in this system for each head
light unit. The DC-DC Converter is used in this system to convert 110Volts of Battery
(DC) to 24Volts DC supply. As it is taking supply from batteries, the headlight will be
available in open condition of DJ also. It consists of two 400W converters. A selectable
switch (Bipolar/Rotating) is provided and located in front of the unit. It gives 24Volts
(400Watts) of power to the twin-beam headlight (2 x 100W) and to the indication panels
(approx. 160W).
The headlight beams are adjusted from individual reflectors to meet at a distance
of 305 meters for long beam and 250meters for short beam.
Whenever headlight is not in use, keep ZPR/ZRT in OFF position.
While operating Bipolar/Rotating switch on DC - DC converter, ensure ZPR/ZRT
switch is in OFF position.
Two fuses are provided on DC-DC converter unit, for each converter one fuse.
Note: On DC-DC converter unit each converter consists of red LED (input supply)
and green LED (output supply). If both LEDs are not glowing, defect with

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fuse/ input supply. If only green LED is not glowing, defect with concerned
Conditions for working of Head light
1. HBA should be in 1 position.
2. Additional CCBA & CCBA fuses should be in good condition.
3. ZRT / ZPR to be switched ON.
4. Fuse on DC-DC converter should be in good condition.
5. Both side Head light bulbs should be in good condition.
Working of front headlight:
From leading cab, to glow front head light
1. Close BLPRF.
2. Open BLPRR & BLPRD switches
3. The supply of 24 volts from Dc-Dc converter will reach to front head light
through BL1 I/L, BLPRD N/C I/L, BLPRF N/O I/L and BLPRR N/C I/L. Now,
the front head light both bulbs Bright filaments (100W) will glow with bright.
4. To dim the front head light, close BLPRD. Now the supply of 24 volts will
reach to the front head light through BL I/L, BLPRD N/O. Now, the front head
light both bulbs Dim filaments (90W) will glow with dim.
From leading cab, to glow rear light
5. Close BLPRR
6. Open BLPRF & BLPRD switches
7. The supply of 24 volts from Dc-Dc converter will reach to rear head light
through BL1 I/L, BLPRD N/C I/L, BLPRF N/C I/L and BLPRR N/O I/L. Now,
the rear head light both bulbs Bright filaments (100W) will glow with bright.
8. It is not possible to dim the rear head light.
Close BLPRR, to test the rear head light.
If rear head light is working,
1. If front side bulb is blown out, renew the same with spare one
2. If still it is not glowing, check the bulb holder for any defect or slack terminals
3. If still unsuccessful, work the train without head light with 40kmph of speed
restriction after ensuring both marker lights are glowing, duly informing to
If rear head light also not working,
4. Ensure ZRT / ZPR is closed
5. If rotating switch is provided on converter unit, change it to other position
6. Change the position of Bipolar switch on DC-DC converter unit

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7. If still headlight is not working, check the fuses provided on converter unit. If any
fuse melts, replace with proper fuse
8. In both converter & RTPR provided locos, change HRTPR position to keep
RTPR in service.
9. If still head light is not working, keep marker lights in ON and work the train
without head light with 40kmph of speed restriction duly informing to
Replacement of Damaged Bulb
Open the back cover from inside the cab, identify the defective bulb.
Pull out the wire loom by holding 3way nylon connector.
Press the bulb holder a little inwards and rotate anti clockwise.
The spring loaded holder will come out. Remove the damaged bulb.
Take the new bulb from the box fitted on the back cover.
The new bulb is to be placed properly in the reflector, matching the notch & small
raised portion on the bulb.
Fix the spring loaded holder and connect back the wire loom.
Note: The glass portion of the Halogen lamp should not be touched by hand, which
may cause cracking during operation. Lamp to be handled from metal portion

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+110V DC


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B 100W 100W 100W 100W B

90W 90W 90W 90W

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
Horns Are Not Sounding
1. Check the air pressure in cab-1 center locker gauge and position of low tone (LT) and
high tone (HT) horns COCs. If the air pressure is less, build up the same. If COCs are
in closed position, open them and resume traction.
2. Try to sound the horns from assistant Loco Pilot side. If they are sounding instruct the
assistant Loco Pilot to sound horns wherever necessary and resume traction.
3. If they are not sounding, try to sound the horns from rear cab by assistant Loco Pilot. If
successful depute the assistant Loco Pilot to sound the horns from rear cab whenever
necessary. After clearing the section contact TLC for advice.
4. If rear cab horns are also not sounding, check the position of MR-4 cut out COC. If it
is closed, open the same check the working of horns and resume traction.
Duties of ALP at Neutral Section (With Single Loco)
1. While approaching neutral section, Assistant Loco pilot should build up 8Kg/cm2
air pressure in RS (BLCPD to be closed).
2. At the time of opening DJ ALP should properly remain in cab-2 and check that
contactors C-105, C-106 and C-107 are opened fully after DJ is opened and give
signal through BPT to the Loco pilot.
3. Check the battery voltage after DJ is tripped.
4. After DJ is closed check the contactors C-105, C-106 and C-107 are closed fully.
5. Check the working of VMT-1, VMT-2, VRH, VSI-1, VSI-2, VSLS, CP-1, CP-2,
CP-3 (if working), PV-1, PV-2 and ARNO.
6. Check the temperature of ARNO, MVMT-1, MVMT-2, MCP-1, MCP-2, MCP-3,
MPV-1 and MPV-2.
7. Check the oil drops in exhauster.
8. Check the transformer and GR oil levels.
9. Check for any abnormality in ARNO chest, motor chest and HT compartments.
10. Check the working of PHGR, drain out moisture from RDJ.
11. Check the working of CHBA and ammeter charging rate.
12. Give signal through BPT to the loco pilot and note the readings in ammeters,
voltmeters, notch repeater, speedometer, vacuum and MR gauges.
13. Look for any abnormality in the rear cab.
14. Check UBA reading.
15. Compare the rear cab readings with leading cab and make necessary remarks in
the pro-forma book as per standing instructions.
16. In case of any abnormality is noticed and if it requires attention at Crew changing
point / trip shed en-route, inform at the first opportunity to the TLC.
Stopping and Starting the Train on Up Gradient
1. Control the train with minimum application of vacuum / BP pressure.
2. Apply sand few meters before stopping the train.
3. Immediately after the train is stopped, apply SA-9 keep A-9 on run or release.
4. When the BP pressure / vacuum is fully recreated on train, there will be a
slightly back pull by the formation.
5. Before restarting, close ZQWC switch.

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6. While restarting ensure full vacuum / BP pressure is recreated, press sander
pedal and take one or two traction notches and release SA-9.
7. When the train is started moving, progress the traction notches without
exceeding the starting current ratings and apply sand to avoid wheel slipping.
8. After starting the train, accelerate the train beyond stalling speed.
9. If the train is not moved even after applying full starting current within 5 to 10
seconds, apply SA-9, bring MP to `0, recreate full vacuum / BP pressure and
check for any brake binding and if everything is normal try to restart the train in
the above said manner.
10. If the train cannot be started, contact TLC/SCOR and follow GR 6.03.

ACP pulled on air brake train (Air flow indicator shoots up suddenly with AFL
indications and train stops)
Apply SA-9 and depute the Assistant Loco Pilot to check the train. Simultaneously Guard
of the train also comes from the brake van. If phone facility is available on the train, the
Loco Pilot should inform the Guard and the train Superintendent to check the ACP along
with the C&W staff available on the train for this purpose. After identifying the ACP
pulled bogie, reason to be ascertained by the Guard or Train Superintendent for pulling of
ACP. Later ACP clappet valve to be reset with the help of ACP resetting key which is
available with C & W staff or Guard of the train.
Once ACP is reset the airflow indicator white needle drops back to the red needle level
and lamp LPAR gets extinguished. The train should be restarted as per the rules.

Note: Whenever clap-pet valve could not be reset or clap-pet valve leaking or any
leakage on ACP pipeline, close the ACP cut out COC duly informing the Guard.
Message should be given to arrange C & W staff to attend at the next TXR point.
Use of Fire Extinguishers
1. Loco Pilot should ensure that four fire extinguishers are provided on the loco
before leaving shed and its locking clip, nozzle and spring valve and seal are
2. Ensure that the hole on the nozzle is clear.
3. Check that the fire extinguisher is not over-due and due for re-filling.
4. DCP fire extinguisher should be used for putting out electrical fire.
5. Read the instructions for using the fire extinguishers before using.
1. Whenever any smoke or fire is noticed on any equipment on loco, Loco Pilot
should take the following actions.
2. Trip DJ, lower panto, open HBA , stop the train and after securing the train,
3. Remove the fire extinguishers from the bracket and take it nearer to the
equipment on fire, cover your nose with a wet cloth.
4. Break the seal and remove the locking clip.

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5. Stand opposite direction to the smoke, press the spring valve and face the nozzle
towards the base of fire (if it is instructed, turn the fire extinguisher upside down).
6. Strike the knob by hand.
7. Direct the jet towards the base of fire with a sweeping action.
8. If the fire is not able to put out with one fire extinguisher, use the other three in
the same way.
9. If the fire is uncontrollable, inform the section controller or station master to
arrange fire engine and observe G & SR 6.03 and 6.10.
10. After putting out fire, discharge the remaining pressure from fire extinguishers.
11. Isolate the affected equipment, inform TLC and work onwards if possible.
Make a remark in the log book regarding fire extinguisher.
Safety Rules Concerning 25 KV AC Traction
1. Do not approach 25 KV limits directly or indirectly within two meters radius.
2. On line before going on the roof of the locomotive, first ensure power block is
obtained by TRD staff and put Earthing poles both sides of the locomotive,
ground the loco and then go on the roof of the loco.
3. To carry out roof inspections in the shed always check and confirm that the
correct isolating switch corresponding to the line, where the loco is standing, is
opened by electric shunts (ET). Ensure isolation switch is properly opened and
blade of the earthing heal is properly engaged in the clip for earthing the OHE.
4. Ensure OHE isolating switch handle is locked with padlock and retain the key in
the personal custody.
5. Do not direct any part of the body above roof level of loco while changing the
head light bulb.
6. Do not walk in between track under OHE.
7. Do not project any jet of water or foam towards OHE.
8. Do not touch any conductor lying close to electrified line.
9. Do not stretch hand or any conductor on the OHE from a over bridge.
10. Do not enter into HT compartment until such time, the loco is brought to a stand
and grounded.
Emergency Telephone
The emergency telephone tap with sockets are provided at every 900 mtrs. in the
section. The location of the nearest telephone tap is indicated on the traction mast by an
arrow and no. of the mast.
How to use Emergency Telephone:
1. Open the emergency telephone tap lid by the key provided for the purpose.
2. Insert the plug of the portable telephone in the emergency telephone tap socket.
3. Press the button on the side of portable telephone and call out TPC in the
following manner a number of times (Hello Emergency) and after TPCs response
give your message.

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Grounding the Loco for entering into HT Compartment
1. Ensure to stop the train at a station or at a convenient place near a gate lodge, or
at a telephone tap or at flag station, and secure the loco & train as per G & SR
2. Build up maximum pressure in MR and RS.
3. Trip DJ, lower panto, ensure both pantoes are lowered fully and LSDJ is
4. Remove ZPT key and insert the same in HOM box at 5 O'clock position and
turn it in clockwise direction (7 O'clock position).
5. Operate HOM handle upwards gently. Sudden lifting may lead in HOM jaws
getting stuck up.
6. Remove two fit-chet keys by turning them in anti-clockwise direction.
7. Keep one key in personal custody and with the other open the HT compartment
8. Attend the repairs in HT compartment.
9. Ensure that no tool left in HT compartment, lock the door and remove the fit-
chet key.
10. Replace both the keys in the BV box and turn them in clockwise direction.
11. Operate HOM handle downwards gently.
12. Turn ZPT key back to 5 O'clock position and remove the ZPT key.
13. Raise the Panto, close DJ and resume traction.
1. Note the time, Kilometer No. of occurrence and nature of damage to panto and
2. Arrange to protect the train as per G & SR 6.03.
3. Contact TPC through emergency telephone tap and ask for OHE staff.
4. After power block is obtained by TRD staff and after earthing the OHE properly
on both sides of loco,
5. Ground the loco.
6. Take out ladder and fix it on loco body.
7. Climb on the loco roof and attend to the defect.
8. If it is a damaged pantograph, remove the broken pieces, tie up the projecting and
hanging parts which cannot be removed, with a coir rope. Remove the HPT from
the roof insulator clip and fix in the earthing clip.
9. After completion of work, ensure that no tool is left over on the loco roof.
10. Get down from the loco roof and remove the ladder and secure it in its place.
11. Remove the earthing poles from the contact wire first and then remove the cables
connections from the loco body.
12. Disconnect the earthing poles and then secure them in their place in HT
13. Close the damaged pantograph cut out cock.
14. Un-ground the loco and energize the loco when the power is restored.

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Flasher light should be used in case of emergency to attract the attention of the
Loco Pilot of a train coming in the opposite direction. Working condition of the flasher
light should be ascertained while taking over charge of the loco at crew changing point /
To put `ON flasher light, switch ZFL should be closed at the working cab.
Ensure that the head light is in `dim condition when the flasher light is put `ON.
Flasher Light is not glowing:
Ensure FL switch is closed and BA voltage is above 85 V. Change the position of
filament and check the glowing of flasher light. If it glows resume traction.
If it does not glow, check the fuse CCFL. If it is fused, replace the fuse as per procedure
and resume traction
If the fuse is in good condition, check the working of rear cab flasher light. If it glows
replace the bulb in leading cab and resume traction.
If rear cab flasher light does not glow, contact TLC
Safety Equipment in the Loco
Safety Fittings 5. Speedometer
1. Cattle guard 6. Horns
2. Rail guard 7. Safety relay
3. Earthing stud with fly nut 8. Wipers
4. CBC locking pin 9. Fuse
5. Safety bracket 10. Pilot lamp
6. Brake assembly hanger pin 11. Air flow indicator
7. Tie bolt 12. ACP buzzer
8. Nose suspension pad pin Safety Items
9. Gear case bolts
10. Brake pull rod 1. Earthing pole and cable
11. Safety chain 2. Field telephone
3. Fire extinguisher
Safety Devices 4. Detonators
1. Brakes 5. Ladder
2. Head light 6. Fusee
3. Flasher light 7. Wooden wedges
4. Marker light 8. Spare coupling and hose pipe

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1. Ensure that the loco is under wired track and secured with hand brake.
2. Read the loco log book and note the repairs, missing fittings etc.
Loco examination on left side:
(This examination is to be started from cab 1 end)
Check the speedometer gear box.
Examine the front truck equalizers, helical springs and bogie frame for any
crack or abnormality.
Check the proper fixation of axle box covers and stay plates.
Check the loco body and bogie securing bolts and safety pins.
Check the air bellows for any damage.
Check the brake cylinder securing bolts, slack adjusters, brake shoes, brake
riggings and safety brackets.
Check the sand pipes alignment with rail and availability of sand in the sand
Check the oil level in load bearer and center pivot oil cups.
Check the condition of three un-loader valves near wheel No.5.
Check the condition of three safety valves after un-loader valves (11 Kg/cm2)
EP drain COC should be in closed condition.
Check the centrifugal dirt collector with drain COC.
Check C2A relay valve.
Check the control reservoir drain COC and also SS2 on wheel No. 5.
Check DJ oil separator drain COC.
Check MR 1 with drain COC.
Check auto drain valve with cut out COC.
Check panto pipe drain COC.
Check the condition of battery boxes and their fixing brackets. Also observe
for any smoke, smell or leakage of electrolyte.
Check MR 2 with drain COC.
Check air intake cut out COC with NRV.
Check SL 2.
Brake cylinder COC.
Check the item mentioned above from 2 to 8 on the rear truck also.
Check the condition of side glasses and micro filters.
Check the loco body and foot steps.
Loco Examination Front Side (Cab 2 end):
Check the condition and position of cattle guard, rail guard and engine
Check the condition of CBC and Transition coupling and locking pin. Secure
the baby coupling in hook on leading side.
Check the condition of marker lights, look out glasses and wind screen wipers.

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Check the condition of B, C, D couplers and their sockets.
Check the condition of head light, flasher light and horns.
Ensure that multiple unit COCs are in closed condition (MR equalizing and
BC apply).
Check the condition of vacuum hose pipe and its proper fixation on dummy
plug with IR washers.
Check the condition of BP and FP hose pipes, their palm ends with rubber
washers and properly secured on the hanger.
BP and FP angle COCs should be in closed position.
Loco Examination Right Side:
(This examination to be started from cab-2 end)

Check the items mentioned for left side examination from 1 to 8 except pulse
Check the sander control.
Check the feed valve 6 kg/ cm2, feed pipe with cut out COC.
Check the duplex valve for MR equalizing pipe.
Check SL 1.
Check NRV, MR3 with drain COC, battery box No.1
Check NRV, MR4 with drain COC, battery box No.2
Check centrifugal dirt collector with drain COC.
Check MR4 cut out COC.
Check C2 relay valve (B) for independent brake.
Check brake cylinder cut out COC.
Check air flow valve (in some locos provided in corridor 2).
Check centrifugal dirt accumulator drain COC above wheel No. 4.
Check R1 cut out COC above wheel No. 4
Loco Examination Front side (Cab 1 end):
Check all the items mentioned for front side examination on cab-2 end except
item 10 which should be between MR-3 and MR-4.
Under Gear Examination (Pit Examination):
(This examination is to be conducted in shed or where examination pit is

Check the CBC inner securing bolts and nuts.

Check vacuum reservoir for any damage.
Check the traction motor inspection covers for any cracks and proper fixation.
Check the condition of traction motor fixing bolts on suspension bearing.
Check the condition of six earthing bushes and their connections.
Check the condition of gear case fixing bolts.
Check the condition of traction motor cables and wooden cleats.
Check the condition of resilient block, its bolts and safety pins.

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Check the oil level in suspension bearing lower and upper sumps and cardium
compound level in gear case and proper fixing of the covers and dipsticks.
Check the condition of suspension bearings cover screws on either ends (four
screws on each cover).
Check the condition of MVRF.
Check the condition of air bellows.
Check for any oil or grease splashes on inner wheel surface.
Check for any oil and cardium compound leakage.
Check the condition of brake shoes, brake riggings, safety brackets and sand
pipes alignment, suspension bearings and grease case securing bolts and nuts.
Check the condition of battery boxes.
Check SL-1 and SL-2 covers any damage or slackness.
Check for any oil leakage from transformer oil tank drain plug and check its
wire seal.
Check the condition of wheel tyres for any skidding mark.
Note: Items 3 to 10 to be checked for each traction motor.
Roof Examination:
This examination is to be conducted on arrival on loco examination
pit after making the OHE dead by operating isolators and grounding
the loco and placing earthing poles on either sides of the loco.
1. Pantograph Examination :
a. Check the condition of wearing strips for any breakage, grooving,
globules, sharp edges and copper deposits.
b. Check the condition of grease on pantograph.
c. Check the proper flexibility of pantograph.
d. Check all springs, pins and flexible shunts.
e. Check the articulation tubes, actuating rod eyelet and raising
springs for any abnormality.
f. Check HPT1 and HPT2 for proper fixation.
g. Check the panto base insulators, servomotor and pipe connection
for any abnormality.
2. Roof Insulators Examination :
a. Check the cleanliness of the roof insulators and for any crack or for
b. Check the condition and position of roof bars.
c. Check the condition of HOM, ET1 and ET2.
3. DJ Assembly Examination:
a. Check the DJ insulators for any abnormality.
b. Check the condition of DJ contacts and flexible shunts and also
check for any oil leakage from roof bushing.

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4. Head light, flasher light and horns examination:
a. Check the condition of head light and flasher light.
b. Check the condition of horns and its pipe line connections.
c. Check for any foreign body on loco roof.
CAB 2 Examination:
Close HBA, switch `ON entrance lamp and cab light.
a. Ensure A-9 and SA-9 handles on release position and RS is in closed
position in non-working cab properly and SA-9 handle in application on
working cab.
b. Keep A-9 inlet, outlet COCs and SA-9 apply and supply COCs open in
working cab and closed in non-working cab. Also ensure horns LT, HT
COCs and wipers COC are in open position.
c. Place MPJ, ZPT and BL keys in their respective positions.
d. Ensure ZUBA on position `1 and check the battery voltage.
e. Ensure all rotating switches on position `1 except ZPV and HCP.
f. Ensure ZRT is in `OFF position and HOBA is in `ON position.
g. Ensure that all fuses are tight in their sockets and spare fuses are intact.
Test the spare fuses in EEC (35A-2Nos., 16A-4Nos., 10A-2 Nos and 6A-
h. Ensure A, B, C conk connections at the bottom of switch panel are
coupled up correctly and switch panel is secured properly.
i. Unlock BL and check that four pilot lamps LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR and
LSB are glowing. Press BPT and check the lamps LSRSI and LSP. Also
check the availability of LSBCR, LSOL, LSAFR, LSVGR and LSGRPT if
j. Check the ammeters, voltmeters, notch repeater and speedometer needles
are on `0.
k. Open contactor panel door and check electromagnetic contactors for any
l. Open right side locker door and check that the safety relays are fixed
properly and the relay targets are not dropped and all the relay seals are
m. Ensure iron and glass shutters are intact.
n. Switch on BLFL or ZFL and check the working of flasher light.
o. Check that fire extinguisher is intact, sealed and not over due for testing.

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0 I 0 I I II



I II 3 1-2 1-3 I II
QV60 QV61 QV62
C103 C102
2 2-3

0 HVRH III 1 0 1-2-3 0 HVSL2 III



QV63 QV64 Q51






Q45 Q46 QRS


C111 C106
Q49 Q50 Q52 HOBA OFF


35 6 6 6



16 16 16 6


6 6 6 6


35 35 16 16 10 10 6 6 6 6



Corridor 1 Examination:
a. Enter from cab-2 to corridor-1 and check that the relays provided on cab-2
back panel are intact.
b. Check the colour of LTBA.
c. Check TFVT and R-118 for any abnormality. On some locos C-118 is
provided above R-118.
d. Ensure CHBA ammeter needle is on `0.
e. Check VMT-2, QVMT-2 and ARNO visually for any abnormality and
ensure earthing shunts on roof and auxiliaries are intact.
f. Check RSI blocks and isolating switches HVSI-2 and HVSI-1 on `1
position and trigger fuses should not be in projected condition.
g. Check visually HT-1, HT-2 and HT-3 for any abnormality.
h. Check the HOM and ensure four fit-chet keys are intact.
i. In motor chest No.1 check MVMT-1, MCP-1, MCP-2, MCP-3, MPV-1
and MPV-2 for any abnormality and vacuum equipments are not having
any abnormality.

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j. Check C3W distributor valve isolating handle and VTP (Vacuum train
pipe) cut out cocks are in open position.
k. Ensure PT-1 cut out cock is in open position.
l. Check VEAD and its cut out cock is open and ladder is provided with its
locking arrangement.
CAB-1 Examination:
a. In cab-1 left side locker check limiting valve 1.8Kg/cm2, electrical VEF,
mechanical VEF, HS4 with feed valve and its gauge, HB5 with cut out
cock, SWC, MU2B in lead position and F1 selector valve.
b. In cab-1 centre locker check MCPA, ZCPA, RGCP with COC, VESA-1
and VESA-2 with COCs, VEPT-1, RS drain COC, CPA drain COC, RS
reservoir and RS pressure gauge and also RAL COC.
c. Switch on ZCPA and ensure proper working of MCPA.
d. In cab-1 right side locker check the hand brake is fully applied, portable
telephone box and tool box are intact, and fire extinguishers are intact.
e. Ensure A-9 and SA-9 handles are on release position and RS is closed
f. Ensure A-9 inlet and outlet COCs and SA-9 apply and supply COCs in
open position, if it is working cab or else close them.
g. Keep A-8 COC in open position.
h. Ensure that four pilot lamps LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR and LSB are
glowing. Press BPT and check the lamps LSRSI and LSP. Also check
the availability of LSBCR, LSOL, LSAF and LSGRPT if provided.
i. Ensure ammeters, voltmeters, notch repeater and speedometer needles
are on `0.
Corridor 2 Examination:
a. Check the oil level in MPV-1, MPV-2. Secure the dip sticks and filling
caps properly. Check oil pump working on SLM type exhauster.
b. Check that the transformer oil level is above 15C.
c. Ensure ZSMGR handle is at 6`O clock position, ZSMS is on position
`1, RDJ drain COC is closed and SMGR drum is on `0.
d. Check the relays QE, QF-1 and QF-2 and the red targets.
e. Check and ensure that there is no abnormality at C-118.
f. Check MVMT-2, ARNO for any abnormality.
g. Ensure PT-2 COC is opened on cab-2 back panel.
h. Check and ensure air flow assembly is intact (for some locos it is
available under the loco).
High Tension Compartment Examination:
Remove ZPT key on `0 position, ensure that both pantographs
are lowered. Insert ZPT key in BV box. Turn it clockwise from 5O
clock to 7O clock position, operate HOM handle upwards and take out
two fit-chet keys. Keep one key in your personal custody and use other
key to open HT compartment door lock.

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A. HT-1 Compartment :
1. Open the door on corridor side.
2. Ensure that two sets of earthing poles with insulators and cables are
intact and secured properly.
3. Ensure EP-1 COC is opened.
4. Ensure shunting contactors arc-chutes are intact and there is no
5. Ensure that reverser J-1 and CTF-1 is not locked and no abnormality.
6. Check for any abnormality in ATFEX and QD-1.
7. Check for any abnormality in RB unit.
1. Check for any abnormality in MPH, QPH, radiator and its pipe line.
2. Check the cowl joint for any abnormality.
3. Ensure MPH inlet and outlet valves are open and securing bolts are
4. Check the terminals of RSI, TFWA and TFWR are intact.
5. Check MVSL-1, MVSL-2. QVSL-1, QVSL-2, tap changer, CGR 1-
2-3 with arc-chutes, RGR, RPGR, SMGR and roof bushing bar for
any abnormality.
6. Check GR oil level in the gauge and it should be between +20 and
7. Ensure that there is no abnormality in PHGR its pipe line, silica gel,
DJ assembly and QPDJ.
1. Ensure HQOP-1 and HQOP-2 in `ON position EP2 COC is opened.
2. Ensure C-145, line and shunting contactors, with their arc-Chutes are
intact and there is no abnormality in QD-2, Q20, shunting contactors
1 to 6, reverser J-2, CTF-2, CTF-3, RSI-2, RSI-1 and RCC panel.

Quick Examination during Short Stoppage En-route

a. Stop the train and apply SA-9 and keep the blowers working.
b. Check the temperature of axle boxes.
c. Check the condition of helical springs, equalizers, tie-rods, stay plates, sand
pipes, brake riggings, speedometer gear case fittings.
d. Check for any oil or cardium compound leakage or air flow from under
gearing and also check the condition of traction motor inspection covers.
e. Check the air flow from VSLs and for any oil leakage from transformer oil
tank and drain plug.
f. Check the condition of air bellows for any leakage.
g. Check the condition of battery boxes and SL covers.
h. Drain out moisture from main reservoirs, centrifugal dirt collector, DJ oil
separator, control reservoir, EP and graduator control board.

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i. Check the cattle guard, rail guard, buffers for any abnormality.
j. Ensure front coupling is secured in the hook and rear coupling is tight and
safety bracket is intact.

Examination during Crew Changing by Loco Pilot

1. Out going Loco pilot should check the working of headlight, flasher light and
temperature of axle boxes (switch `OFF head light and flasher light after
2. Check for any abnormality in the helical springs, equalizers, tie-rods, stay
plates, brake riggings, speedometer gear boxes and bogie frame.
3. Check the condition of air bellows, battery boxes and SL covers.
4. Check for any oil leakage from suspension bearings, transformer oil tank and
drain plug and cardium compound leakage from gear cases.
5. Check for any air leakage from traction motor inspection covers and air
6. Check the Air flow from SLs.
7. Check the cattle guard, rail guard, buffers and CBC fittings for any
8. Ensure that front coupling is secured properly and locking bolt is properly
9. Check the adequate fall of sand on rail under every sand pipe.
10. Get into the cab and check the loco log book and enquire the particulars
regarding any defective apparatus or unusual occurrence from incoming
Loco pilot.
11. Check the vacuum level after closing BLPV and compare it with BPC.
12. Check AFL testing.
13. Check the battery voltage on load by keeping HBA on 1, CHBA on 0 and
ZCPA at ON position ensure MCPA is working and variation in no load and
on load should not more than 2 to 5volts.
14. Check the corridor sidewall glasses for any damage, if noticed it inform to
15. Check for wheel skidding marks on wheel tyre.
A. By Assistant Loco Pilot :
1. Check PV-1, PV-2, CP-1, CP-2 and CP-3 oil level after one minute of opening
of BLPV and BLCP (switch on BLPV and BLCP after checking).
2. Check the transformer and GR oil level.
3. Check the working and temperature of auxiliaries, Arno, CHBA and RTPR.
4. Check the air flow from VSI-1, VSI-2, VRH, VMT-1 and VMT-2.
5. Check for any abnormality in high tension compartment (arc-chutes, CGR,
RGR, C-118).
6. Check the earthing poles, cables in HT compartment and ladder in corridor
7. Drain out the moisture from RDJ and centrifugal dirt accumulator and in RS.
8. Check the position of cut out cocks in leading cab, rear cab, cab-1 centre
locker, side locker, back panel and HT compartment.

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9. Check the position of rotating switches, tightness of fuses in sockets, spare
fuses condition and relay seals.
10. Check the working of flasher light in rear cab.
11. Check the fire extinguishers, tool box, PT box if provided are intact.
12. Check the log book for any missing fittings, repairs and unusual occurrences.
13. Drain out the moisture from main reservoirs, centrifugal dirt collector, DJ oil
separator, panto pipe line, control reservoir, EP and GR board.

Loco Examination on Run

1. Check the corridor sidewall glasses for any damage, if noticed inform to TLC and
make an entry in Logbook.
2. Check any relays/ contactors for packing / wedging and also check the relay
covers with seal. Make a specific entry on these in Logbook.
3. Check the temperature of the bearings of the Auxiliary Motors.
4. Check the transformer and GR oil level for abnormal increase.
5. Check the temperature of the fuses.
6. Check whether DBR is working or not.
7. Check for SPM with clock working and availability of chart. In case any thing is
defective, information should be conveyed to TLC and entry should be made in
the loco logbook.
8. Compare the rear Cab readings with leading Cab reading and remarks on variation
or otherwise should be made in the logbook.
9. Checking of headlight glowing, before getting dark.
10. Whenever Vacuum/ BP suddenly drops to zero, put Flasher light ON duly
switching OFF headlight and check the condition of hose pipes and working of
PVs/ CPs. Find out the reason for dropping of Vacuum/ BP duly securing the
loco/ train.
11. Check CHBA ammeter needle is showing towards charging side.
12. Check for any smoke, smell or abnormality in HT compartment.
13. Check for any dropping of arc-chutes of CGRs and EP contactors.
14. While opening and closing of DJ check relay targets and proper opening and
closing of EM contactors.
15. Whenever train is running without brake van, Loco Pilot should make necessary
remarks in the caution order/BPC to that effect.

Stabling of the Loco in Station Yard

a. Berth the loco at a convenient place (ensure OHE while moving towards
b. Apply SA-9 and hand brake.
c. Build up air pressure up to 8 Kg/cm2 in RS and close RAL COC.
d. Ensure MP is in `0 and open BLDJ, check the glowing of LSDJ.
e. Lower the panto and ensure that it is fully lowered.
f. Remove ZPT, MPJ and BL keys from the sockets.
g. Check the battery voltage and make necessary remarks in loco log book
h. Close window shutters, cab and corridor doors.

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i. Switch `OFF all the lights and fans and open HBA.
j. Drain out moisture and air pressure duly securing the loco with skids and inform

Reading of loco Log Book and Making Entries

A. How to write the log book :
Give the following particulars in the loco log book.
a. Loco No.,
b. Train No.,
c. Load,
d. From & To,
e. Loco Pilots Name,
f. Assistant Loco Pilots Name,
g. Speedometer KM starting & ending, wherever Energy cum speed monitor
system provided, KWH starting, ending & total consumption for the trip.
h. Do not write as refer previous booking in the loco log book,
i. The Loco Pilot must write all the repairs or failure particulars in the loco log
book. Assistant Loco Pilot should not be utilized to write the above mentioned
in the log book.
j. Any previous repair unattended for the last 48 hrs., to be informed to TLC.
k. While working MU or double headed locos mention the above items in the
loco log book. Also mention which loco is leading and which is trailing. In
case of single loco mention which cab is leading.
B. How to write the case of failure or defects in the loco log book :
In case of a failure or defect of the loco on line the Loco Pilot should enter the
following particulars in the loco log book and report the same to TLC on duty.
a. Tripping at KM No.
b. Between stations
c. Time
d. Driving cab
e. Speed
f. Notch No.
g. UA reading
h. Voltmeter reading
i. Ammeter reading
j. Notches of MPS if any
k. MPJ position, mention abnormal sign and page No. referred for tripping in
the TSD.
l. Step 1:
Name of the relay which is showing red indication, (target dropped), TSD
page No. referred.

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Step 2, 3 and 4:
1. Mention the name of operation in which tripping took place.
2. Referred page No.
3. Apparatus handled or isolated.
4. Time resumed traction.
5. Informed TLC from station at: Dt:
6. Total time lost
(While informing TLC furnish loco No., train No., load of the
train, Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots name).
Traction Failure:
1. Nature of defect (total loss or partial loss of tractive effort or slipped pinion or
locked axle or smoke emission or unusual noise from traction motors).
2. Place of occurrence
3. KM No.
4. Time
5. Driving cab
6. Traction motor
7. Referred TSD pages and chapter
8. Apparatus handled or isolated
9. Observed any smoke emission or unusual sound
10. Informed TLC from station
11. Total time loss
If relief is asked for (give details of relief loco arrival and the time when the
block section is cleared).
Miscellaneous Failures:
1. Nature of defect
2. Between stations and KM No.
3. Time
4. Notch No.
5. Cab No.
6. Speed
7. MPJ position
8. Referred TSD page No.
9. Apparatus handled
10. Informed TLC from
11. Total time lost
12. Private No.
Note: Preferably give the break-up on the total time occupied in the block
section or at station.
1. Time taken for TROUBLESHOOTING.
2. Time taken to inform TLC at a station or in block section.

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3. Extra time occupied on run if any due to isolation of equipment on the
loco (RSI or Traction motors, MPH etc.)
Working the Train by Energising the Loco from Rear Cab
1. Follow the instructions given in SR 17.09 in G & SR book for the method
of driving the loco from rear cab.
2. In rear cab:
a. Place ZPT on position '2' and raise the panto.
b. Close DJ, switch on BLPV, BLCP and BLVMT. Keep A-9 in running
position and close inlet and outlet cut out COCs.
c. Close SA-9 supply and apply cut out COCs.
3. In leading cab:
a. Keep A-9 handle in running position and open inlet and outlet cut out
b. Keep SA-9 supply and apply cut out COCKs open to apply loco brakes
when required.
c. The loco shall be operated by the Assistant Loco Pilot from rear cab.
The Loco Pilot will remain in leading cab to control the train as
d. If necessary, the Loco Pilot can operate A-9 to emergency position to
regress GR to '0'.
e. The loco shall be operated by exchange of signals between the Loco
Pilot and assistant Loco Pilot.
f. At neutral section, the assistant Loco Pilot shall trip DJ and lower panto
if necessary.
4. The speed of the train shall not exceed 40 KMPH as per SR 17.09 (12) (6)
if the Loco Pilot is in leading cab.
5. If the Loco Pilot is in trailing cab and the assistant Loco Pilot is in the
leading cab, the speed is restricted to 15 KMPH.
6. The Loco Pilot shall request for assistance at the first opportunity as per
SR 17.09 (12) (e).
7. Enter in the loco logbook stating the place from where TLC has been


1 ATFEX transformer Motor chest No-2
2 C-118 Beside the C-145 in BA-3 panel in HT-3
3 R-118 On top of BA-3 panel in HT-3 compartment
4 CTF-1 BA-1 panel in HT-1 compartment
5 CTF-2 BA-2 panel in HT-3 compartment
6 CTF-3 BA-3 panel in HT-3 compartment
7 C-145 BA-3 panel in HT-3 compartment
8 RB unit (RF resistances, MVRF etc) HT-1 compartment towards corridor No-2
9 HQOP-1 BA-1 panel

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10 HQOP-2 BA-2 panel
11 MCPA, RS, their drain COCs, R-1 Motor chest No-1
12 ZCPA In switch panel (cab-2 panel)
13 RGCP and its COC CAB-1 back panel
14 QFL CAB-2 relay panel
15 Hand brake, wooden wedges, spare CAB-1 floor panel
hoses, etc.
16 Almost all pneumatic equipments are Motor chest No-1
provided in pneumatic cubical.

Multiple Unit Operation

For MU operation, 3 electrical jumpers (One set) are connected between two Locos
besides connecting the pneumatic & vacuum hosepipes. Due to connection of electrical
jumpers, the control circuit feed of one Loco reaches to another Loco therefore same
control circuit operation takes place in both the Locos, though operation is done from
leading Loco. In MU operation, almost all the feed of control circuits of the leading Loco
reaches to the trailing Loco but Q118, Q44 and Q100 get the control supply from its own
Loco. Therefore for closing DJ, HBA should be on '1' position in both Locos. A switch
BLSN is provided on the BL box, which controls the feed to VEPT and MTDJ of trailing
Loco. Its normal position is 'up' (close). On pressing it down, the supply to trailing Loco
VEPT and MTDJ cuts off and the DJ of trailing Loco gets opened and Panto also lowers. It
is important to know that from leading Loco closing of DJ can be done for both Locos
together or separately. Similarly tripping of DJ can be done for both Locos together or of
the rear Loco only. However, DJ of the leading Loco alone cannot be tripped from leading
Loco. It should be kept in mind that if required, DJ can be closed of trailing Loco by
pressing BP2DJ of trailing Loco, but cannot be opened by BP1DJ of the trailing Loco. In
case of emergency the DJ of trailing Loco can be opened by removing CCPT fuse of
trailing Loco, but normally it is to be avoided.
Preparing of MU Locos
Checking of Locos

1. Examine the Locos separately and prepare them individually.

2. After complete checking de-energise the Locos. Attach them one to the other,
preferably with cab 2 on either ends with CBC & pin.
3. Keep HBA of both Locos in '0' position.
4. On one side attach B C D couplers of one Loco to other. On other Loco side
Loco B C D couplers will be kept as spare.
5. Couple up MR and BC equalizing hose pipes and open their angular COCs.
6. Couple BP &FP air hoses and open their angle COCs. If necessary connect
vacuum hose pipe also.
7. Keep A9 I/L & O/L COCs of working cab open condition and remaining cabs
should be in closed position.

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8. Keep SA9 supply & apply COCs of working cab open condition and remaining
cabs should be in closed position.
9. Keep A8 COC Open in leading Loco Close in Trailing Loco.
10. MU2B of leading Loco in LEAD position and in Trailing Loco should be kept in
TRAIL/DEAD position.
11. Keep ZPT, MPJ & BL keys of trailing Loco in the side locker.
12. HBA should be kept on '1' in both the Locos.
13. Start MCPA of both the Locos and ensure RS pressure raises up to 6.5 Kg/cm2.
Note: If CPA of any Loco is defective, then first energise the MU Locos from the
Loco in which CPA is working.
Energising Of MU Locos
1. Unlock the BL in working cab of leading Loco and ensure four pilot lamps
LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR, & LSB glowing.
2. Place ZPT ON '1' and ensure rear pantoes of both the Locos are raised and
touched to OHE.
3. Place BLSN switch at 'ON' position and ensure trailing Loco panto is
4. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ. After UA needle is deviated release
BLRDJ exactly after 4 seconds. LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR & LSB will not
5. Normalise the switch BLSN (i.e., 'OFF' position) and ensure trailing Loco
rear panto is raised and touching to OHE.
6. Now press BLRDJ again and release it after LSDJ & LSCHBA lamps
7. Close BLCP and ensure CPs working according to HCP switch position of
each Loco.
8. Close BLVMT and ensure three blower motors are working in both Locos.
9. Keep MPJ on 'F' or 'R' as required and ensure LSB is extinguished.
10. Move MP from 'N' to '+' and ensure LSGR is extinguished. NR shows one
notch and ammeters are deviating. Then bring back mp to '0'.
** * Now MU Locos are ready to work a train ***
Procedure to locate defective Loco:
While working in MU operation, when DJ trips in 'Leading' or 'Trailing' Loco or
certain faults occurs, it can be detected by LSGROUP lamp provided on cab roof and
LSOL on the Loco Pilot's desk as given below.
In defective Loco - LSGROUP glows and LSOL remains extinguished.
In healthy Loco - LSOL glows and LSGROUP remains extinguishes.
The concerned pilot lamp indicating the fault will also glow in both the Locos
along with LSGROUP/LSOL. Until the fault is rectified, the pilot lamp will continue to
glow in both the Locos.
Therefore, on seeing LSGROUP (along with pilot lamps), we can locate the
defective Loco. If LSGROUP is glowing in leading Loco, then leading Loco is defective

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and if LSOL glows in leading Loco then it means that defect is in trailing Loco (ensure
LSGROUP is in working order).
LSGROUP glows under following 4 circumstances in the Locomotive.
When DJ trips.
CHBA is defective.
Q50 de-energised.
When tell tale fuse melted in RSI block.
The above defects can be rectified/troubleshooted in concerned Loco.
Note: In case of Loco trouble in leading or trailing Loco, the Loco Pilot should first try to
clear the section & then do the trouble shooting of defective Loco. Switch ZLS is
provided in switch panel. When ZLS is switched OFF, SIGNALLING lamps will
not glow. This switch should be kept in OFF position in healthy Loco while
trouble shooting in defective Loco.
SIGNALLING lamp indications in MU Locos


1 Leading Loco energised and LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR, LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR,
trailing Loco de-energised. LSB & LSOL glows. LSB & LSGROUP glows.
2 Leading Loco de-energised LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR, LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR,
and trailing Loco energised. LSB & LSGROUP glows. LSB & LSOL glows.
3 Both Locos de-energised LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR, LSDJ, LSCHBA, LSGR,
LSB & LSGROUP glows. LSB & LSGROUP glows.
4 CHBA failed in leading LSCHBA & LSGROUP LSCHBA & LSOL glows.
Loco glows.
5 CHBA failed in trailing LSCHBA & LSOL glows. LSCHBA & LSGROUP
Loco glows.
6 Reversers not correctly set LSB & LSGROUP glows. LSB & LSOL glows.
in leading Loco
7 Reversers not correctly set LSB & LSOL glows. LSB & LSGROUP glows.
in trailing Loco
8 Tell tale fuse projected in LSRSI & LSGROUP glows LSRSI & LSOL glows
leading Loco
9 Tell tale fuse projected in LSRSI & LSOL glows LSRSI & LSGROUP
trailing Loco glows
Procedure of passing neutral section
At 500 board:
1. Check pressure in MR Gauge, if less, close BLCPD and build up maximum
2. Try to accelerate the train speed before reaching Neutral Section, keeping in
view the caution order in force and maximum speed of the train.
At 250 board:

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1. Bring MP to '0' and Ensure GR has come to '0' by seeing LSGR glowing.
2. Close (down) BLSN switch. Observe LSDJ, LSCHBA& LSB lamp glows in
leading Loco but UA meter needle will not come to '0' and Panto of trailing
Loco lowers. SIGNALLING lamp LSOL glows on Loco Pilot's desk.
At DJ open board:
1. Open BLDJ one mast before of DJ open board and ensure DJ of leading
Loco is tripped by watching UA needle comes to '0'. If not come to '0', lower
Panto by keeping ZPT on '0'.
2. After tripping DJ ensure LSGROUP lamp glows and LSOL lamp
extinguishes in cab.
At DJ close board:
1. At DJ close board Loco Pilot shall close DJ through BLDJ & BLRDJ.
Release BLRDJ after Waiting 4 seconds after UA needle deviation or after
glowing of LSOL.
2. After passing one mast distance, place BLSN in 'ON' (UP) position and wait
for 10 seconds, after ensuring rear Loco panto is raised and touched OHE,
3. Press BLRDJ again and when LSDJ, LSCHBA& LSB have extinguished
4. Observe SIGNALLING lamp LSOL also extinguishes.

Note: While passing Neutral Section Assistant Loco Pilot should check the
leading Loco as per procedure.


1. Driving cab (Which was leading Loco)
Close BLCPD and build up MR pressure to maximum.
Keep A9 in release and SA9 in application position.
Ensure Brake Cylinder pressure is showing 3.5Kg/cm2 and pistons are projected
Do not change any pneumatic cut out cock positions.
Open DJ, switch OFF all auxiliaries, lower pantograph, put MPJ to '0', lock BL
and remove all the keys.
Proceed to another Loco.
Note: On gradient apply hand brakes of Loco if necessary.
2. In other Loco (which was trailing Loco)
Keep SA9 handle in application position and keep A9 in release position. Open
A9 & SA9 inlet and outlet COCs.
Keep MU2B in lead position.
Open A8 COC.
Unlock BL box and raise the pantos close DJ and start auxiliaries.

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Proceed to rear Loco change MU2B to TRAIL position, close A8 COC and
close A9 & SA9 I/L & O/L COCs.
Close cab doors and windows.
Then return to the leading Loco and proceed further.
Important Points on MU
1. Do not wedge any EM contactor or relay (except Q100 and QRS) in trailing Loco.
If necessary, make the trailing Loco dead. Wedging of Q50, Q44 & Q118 is
strictly not permitted in trailing Loco.
2. If HOBA is required to be kept in 'OFF', keep HOBA in OFF position in both the
3. In case of EEC working, both ZSMS switches should be kept on '0' position.
4. If HQCVAR of the front Loco is on '0', never close DJ separately. In such a case,
first open DJ of leading Loco and then press BLRDJ to close DJ together.
5. If CCPT melts in leading Loco, both Locos DJ trips and both Loco pantos lowers.
6. If CCPT melts in trailing Loco, only trailing Loco DJ trips but trailing panto will
not lower.
7. If CCDJ melts in leading Loco, both Locos DJ trips.
8. If CCDJ melts in trailing Loco, DJ will not trip in any Loco thereby no indication.
9. Feed Loco Pilot's data in both Locos SPM(R) and ensure availability of chart.
10. Keep MP on '0' while coasting.
11. Before starting the train, ensure both Loco brakes are released.
12. If Additional CCBA or CCBA melts in any one Loco trouble shoot as single
13. Maximum four Locos only permitted to make as MU Consist.



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Q49 is a synchronizing relay. This will come into service in multiple units only
when notch by notch progression or notch by notch regression takes place with MP or
only during progression with EEC.
After unlocking BL in the leading loco, the feed from leading loco through CCLS
fuse (wire No. 211 of pilot lamp control circuit) goes to rear loco through D coupler
(wire No.18) and reaches up to Q49 N/O I/L. The same feed is also taken through wire
No. 15 of D coupler and is going up to QV62 N/C I/L on Q49 relay branch in rear loco
and the same feed is also taken back through wire No. 16 of D coupler up to QV62 N/C
I/L on Q49 branch in leading loco.
When MP is moved to + in leading loco, in both locos VE1 coil energizes and
GR moves in clock wise direction in both locos. The feed is taken through 079 wire No.
to Q52 of leading loco and also to Q52 of trailing loco to energize at half notch and
further progression is stopped. Once GR is moved away from 0, the relay QV62 gets de
energised and its N/C I/L closes on Q49 branch. When MP is moved back to N
position, the relay Q52 de energizes and its N/C I/L closes on Q49 branch. So on every
full notch (other than 0) and when Q52 is in de energize position, Q49 relay energizes.
While operating MP for notch by notch progression or notch by notch regression
(or during progression with EEC), if in any one loco GR struck up on full notch in that
defective loco Q52 will not energize (since GR not rotating) and Q49 will be in de
energize position. Defective loco Q49 N/O I/L close in between 211 & 079 wire Nos.
The supply from CCLS & BL of leading loco passes via trailing loco Q49 N/O I/L
(already closed) and waits at ASMGR closes on full notch interlock in both MU locos.
While operating MP for next notch progression or for next notch notch regression, both
locos progression or regression coils energizes but in healthy loco Q52 energies at half
notch and in defective loco Q52 will not energize (since GR not rotating). In healthy loco
when Q52 is energised, its N/c I/L opens on Q52 branch and path is maintained through

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RQ52. Normally Q52 de energizes after moving MP back to N position. But in this
case, supply from CCLS & BL of leading loco passes via defective loco Q49 N/O I/L
which is already waiting at ASMGR closes on full notch interlock, makes the Q52 of
healthy loco in energize position permanently even after moving MP to N position.
Further after operating MP to + or to -, neither progression nor regression takes lace.
After keeping MP on 0

In defective loco Q46 energizes and DJ trips after 5.6 seconds.

In healthy loco since Q52 relay is already in energize position, VE2 coil will not
energize immediately. After keeping MP on 0, first Q46 energize and its N/C
I/L open on Q52 branch then Q52 energizes and quick regression takes place in
healthy loco.
NOTE: If auto regression takes place in any one of MU locos, Q49 relay will not
come into service and in this case synchronization is not possible.
1. While taken over charge of loco, check the loco wheels for any skid marks.
2. Ensure all brake blocks are intact.
3. Ensure loco brake power is intact.
4. Before starting the train, release loco brakes.
5. After starting the train if wheel skidding is noticed, try to stop the train before the
signal (starter) and inform to TLC.
6. Check the brake power of the train at first opportunity and make judgment.
7. Advise the assistant loco pilot to check the wheels of rear truck for any wheel
skidding sound. This should be done before reaching next block station. If wheel
skidding is observed, stop at station and inform to TLC.
8. Do not apply SA9 for stopping the formation.
9. Apply SA9 only after complete stopping of the train.
10. While performing shunting, connect BP /VAC pipes to the formation and make
use of formation brakes.
11. When dead loco is attached to the train, isolate C3W valve in dead loco.
12. Check the wheels of dead loco also after stopping of the train.
13. After applying of brakes give sufficient time to release.
14. Before notching up ensure brakes are fully released. Ensure airflow indicator
needle reads preset value as in case of air brake stock.
15. If wheel skidding is experienced on run, work with restricted speed up to the next
station and inform to TLC.
16. During RB don't use loco brakes.
17. When the train is stalled on the gradient, do not try to restart repeatedly to safe
guard wheels as well as rails also.

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close below4.5kg/cm 2
A9 open above4.8kg/cm VA1B

CHOKE 5.5mm 6
11 12
3 13 63 HB5 COC
MR4 12 10 CHOKE

11 13

RELAY cut in 6.5kg/cm RGEB1 NRV
VALVE cut out 7.5kg/cm

Page 331 of 339


close below4.4kg/cm 8 L
A8 COC open above4.7kg/cm 0 T VA1 REL
cut in 2.8kg/cm RGEB2 R
cut out 4.0kg/cm P2




ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway

close below4.5kg/cm 2
A9 open above4.8kg/cm VA1B
11 12
3 13 63 HB5 COC
MR4 12 10 CHOKE

11 13
RELAY cut in 6.5kg/cm RGEB1 NRV
VALVE cut out 7.5kg/cm

close below4.4kg/cm 8 L
A8 COC open above4.7kg/cm 0 T VA1 REL

Page 332 of 339

cut in 2.8kg/cm RGEB2 R
cut out 4.0kg/cm P2




ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway

110V BA +VE
OP 3.0kg/cm OP 4.7kg/cm
CL 4.0kg/cm CL 4.4kg/cm RGAF
TS RGAF P2 open below6.5kg/cm
close above7.5kg/cm


open 4.8kg/cm P1
close 4.5kg/cm FLCU2

Page 333 of 339

SW2 MPJ1/2

1 2
-VE B-

ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway
This is provided for switching on Flasher light automatically during any
emergency situation such as ACP, BP pressure/ Vacuum dropping or during derailment,
etc,. It does not take any responsibility of Loco Pilot in abnormal situation like train
parting, etc,. as given in G&SR. Loco Pilot should keep the manual push button switch
BPSW 1/2 pressed during brake release/ initial charging.
When BP pressure drops below 4.4 Kg/cm2, automatically P2 I/L will close and
Buzzer and Flasher light will work through P2, PR1, SW & QFL I/Ls. At the same time
LED indication will also come in the cab. By energising PR2 relay, circuit will maintain
through PR2 I/L and it's I/L will close on Q51 branch and auto regression of GR will
takes place. If it is Vacuum stock, through HB5 valve RGEB1 will act and it's I/L will
close on AFL circuit and Flasher light will work.
Loco Pilot can isolate Flasher light and Buzzer by pressing SW1/2 provided in the
cab, if required. LEDs will extinguish only after BP pressure recharged to 4.7 Kg/cm2.
Relay PR1 is provided for avoiding AFL when Loco Pilot applying brake through
A9. When BP pressure drops through A9, P1 will actuate at 4.5 Kg/cm2 and PR1 Relay
will energise and it's I/L will open on AFL branch and action of P2 will nullify. When
Loco Pilot again keeping A9 in release position, control pipeline pressure will create
immediately and PR1 will de energise after 60 seconds. Due time lag I/L of PR1, flasher
light will not work even though BP pressure is not creating up to 4.7 Kg/cm2 within 60
Whenever ACP takes place on passenger train, with the action of RGAF,AFL
comes into service, then Loco Pilot shall stop the train immediately when Buzzer sounds
with LED indication comes in the cab. If any abnormality noticed, Loco Pilot has to
protect the train as per rules. Loco Pilot can switch off AFL by SW1/2 if every thing is
normal only.
1. Keep SA 9 in application position.
2. Ensure BC gauge reads 3.5 Kg/cm2
3. Personally ensure that all brake cylinders are applied and brake blocks are
touching to the wheels.
4. Keep HVSI 1&2 and HVMT 1&2 on '0'
a. Take few notches.
b. By pressing TSAFL, Flasher light will glow, GR will come to 0, Buzzer will
sound and LEDs will glow.

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2. WITH A9:
a. Take few notches.
b. Apply A9; there will not be any actions of AFL, other than dropping of BP
c. When A9 brought to emergency, only GR will come to 0.
a. Take few notches.
b. Open RS. Flasher light will glow, GR will come to 0, Buzzer will sound and
LEDs will glow (On opening of BP angle COC also same actions will come).
a. Take few notches.
b. Open RS to 45o or open Vacuum hosepipe. Flasher light will glow, GR will
come to 0, Buzzer will sound and LEDs will glow.

Duties of crew after cattle run over:

If BP is dropped:
1. Put on Flasher Light and find out the reason for BP drop and arrest the
2. Stop the train and Check cattle guard, rail guard, sand pipes, battery boxes
and their covers, SLs, leakage of air from any pipeline, TM inspection
covers and rectify if any abnormality is found.
3. Clear the section, stop the train and check the battery voltage.
4. Inform to TLC with all particulars even though there is no abnormality
and work further.
If BP is not dropped:
1. Stop the train and Check cattle guard, rail guard, sand pipes, battery boxes
and their covers, SLs, leakage of air from any pipeline TM inspection
covers and rectify if any abnormality is found.
2. Clear the block section, stop the train and check BA voltage and work
further duly informing to TLC.
Make entry in the log book with all particulars.

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Main Panel (motor chest1 or motor chest2)

A-8 1" Ball type cut off cock without vent
A-15 1/2" Ball type cut off cock without vent
A-19 Emergency application valve-IP(Mech.)
A-20 Magnet valve -VEF & IP (Elec.) & VEUL
A-21 3/4" Ball type cut off cock without vent
A-24 C3W Distributor valve with Reservoir, isolating cock & filter
A-25 D24B Feed valve set at 6.0 KG/CM2
A-26 Pressure switch (SWC)
A-28 Automatic isolating valve VEF (Mech.)
A-29 C2 Relay air valve-1 (C2B)
A-30 2Lts. Reservoir (Timing chamber-C2A)
A-31 C2 Relay valve with 6 mm choke at exhaust (C2A)
A-33 3/8" Double check valve
A-42 Air flow measuring valve
A-51 Pr. switch for flow indicator (RGAF)
A-57 1/2" BSP Plug
A-61 MU2B valve
A-62 F1 Selector valve
A-63 Pressure reducing valve (2KG/CM2)
A-64 Relay valve Type - R6
B-8 3Lts. Reservoir (Timing chamber-C2B)
B-15 Pressure switch (RGEB2)
B-16 3/8" Ball type cut off cock without vent
C-21 3/8" Air strainer
Auxiliary Panel-1 (Cab1 back panel)
A-20 Magnet valve (VEAD)
A-32 1/2" Ball type cut off cock with vent
C-6 1/2" Ball type cut off cock without vent
C-10 1/2" Air strainer
C-16 Panto magnet valve (VEPT1)
C-17 1/2" Ball type cut off cock with vent
C-21 3/8" Air strainer
C-29 Sanding magnet valve (VESA)
C-31 Compressor governor (RGCP)
Auxiliary Panel-2 (Cab2 back panel)
C-6 1/2" Ball type cut off cock without vent
C-10 1/2" Air strainer
C-16 Panto magnet valve (VEPT2)
C-17 1/2" Ball type cut off cock with vent
C-29 Sanding magnet valve (VESA)

Page 336 of 339 ETTC/BZA/S.C. Railway

App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Working of Lobby
Crew lobby is meant to book the crew i.e. Loco Pilot and Assistant Loco Pilot and Guard
for an ordered train in case of goods working and as per crew link in case of coaching
trains. Crew controller is in-charge for crew lobby in shift system. Chief Crew
Controller is over all in-charge for the running staff of that depot.
According to the train ordering by traffic department, crew will be nominated and
called for on-duty. The call book will be given to the crew in advance. The crew should
report at the crew lobby as per the on-duty time given to them. They have to go through
the various registers meant for them and acknowledge the instructions given to them,
later they have to under go the breath-analyzer test. After passing the breath-analyzer
test, they have to sign on in sign on register.
On arrival of the train prescribed for them, they have to take charge of the train
and have to work up to the destination / next crew changing point. After working the
train and on arriving to the crew lobby, crew has to make their remarks in the registers
provided in crew lobby and has to undergo the breath analyzer test and then they will sign
Now a days, crew booking it self is done with the software supplied by CRIS i.e.
Crew Management System. Touch screen monitors are provided in crew lobby. Every
crew member is given a username & password to enter in to the crew management
system in which he can go through all the above said registers on line and signing on
online after breath-analyzer test.
Various registers maintained in crew lobby.
1. Combined Signing ON and signing OFF register
2. Divisional Caution Order register
3. Safety fly leaf
4. Safety circulars
5. Shed order book (SOB)
7. Abnormality reporting registers
a. Signal defect register
b. Track defect register
c. Loco abnormalities register
8. Late train movement register
9. Staff over due for PME register
10. Staff over due for Technical / G&SR register
11. Staff screened & eligible to work Passenger / Mail Express trains in exigencies
12. Vision test register
13. Turn round timings register for coaching
14. Turn round timings register for goods
15. Crew Controller Diary
16. Learning road due register

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App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

17. Periodical rest register

18. Progressive hours register
19. BPC particulars register
20. Combined Train Report issued register
21. Crew links register
22. Leave & Running roaster register
23. Energy conservation register
Various display boards available at crew lobby
Staff authorized to wear spectacles while on duty board
Section wise speed Restrictions / gradients indication board
Crew nomination for coaching & goods board
Notice Boards of recognized unions
Staff over due for PME / Technical / G&SR refresher courses
Unusual occurrences board

Communication and working of Control

At every Divisional head quarters, each department will be having its control
organization like wise for our department Traction Loco Control office is provided.
All the departments control organizations are kept at one place for effective
Chief Traction Loco Controller will be the head for Traction Loco Control
Organization. In each shift one Dy. Chief Traction Loco controller, one traction loco
controller for crews and one traction loco controller for loco statistics will be
Dy. Chief Traction Loco Controller will be looking after the smooth online loco
movement, attending for any abnormality online duly informing higher officials,
planning of locos to sheds for schedule purpose, nominating of locos for coaching
trains, maintaining liaison with other division Control organization and Zonal Control
Traction Loco controller for crew will be looking after the working hours of the crew
who on line, balancing the crews for outstations as per the daily forecast, planning of
relief crews for online so as to maintain the 10 hrs. Rule implementation.
Traction Loco Controller statistics will maintain loco outage, utilization duly
maintaining each loco running hourly particulars over division. At odd hours,
holding locos of home and foreign railways will be calculated and tallied with other
divisional TLC organization.
Whenever a crew encounters any abnormality or loco failure, they have to contact
control office i.e, SCOR / TLC immediately through the fastest means of
communication i.e., TPC through emergency telephone, Control Phone, through VHF
set to the nearest station master or through personal cell phone.

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App Assistant loco pilots (RRB) course material

Various registers available at TLC Organization

1. CTLC diary
2. Locos shed planning register for various sheds i.e. Main shed, freight shed, trip
shed, MEMU shed.
3. Unusual occurrences register
4. Loco hourly planning register
5. Loco links for coaching (home and foreign railways)
6. Crew links for coaching (home and other divisions
7. Late train movement for all coaching trains register
8. Special trains information register
9. Loco trouble register
10. Signal defects register
11. Track defects register
12. Dead Loco movement register
13. Schedule due particulars for trip and monthly for home and foreign railway locos
14. Locos holding register with home sheds
15. Division wise Outage and utilization register
16. TSDs and working time tables of different divisions connecting to this division
17. Turn round registers for all depots
18. Crew position registers for home and other division crews
19. Crew controller diary
20. AC order register
21. Loco Inspectors movement register
22. SOBs and fly leaf register
23. Crack specials and U turn register.

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