The Customer Satisfaction Research of 7-ELEVEn Stores
The Customer Satisfaction Research of 7-ELEVEn Stores
The Customer Satisfaction Research of 7-ELEVEn Stores
Received December 4th, 2012; revised January 6th, 2013; accepted January 18th, 2013
Using the 7-ELEVEn stores in Hong Kong as an example, this paper has studied customer satisfaction from the point of
view of the enterprise. This paper has established a retail enterprise customer satisfaction model based on CCSI models.
The secondary indexes of this customer satisfaction model include the following content: enterprise/brand image, qual-
ity expectations (shopping environment of convenience stores), quality perception (staffs service quality), value per-
ception, customer satisfaction, complaints and loyalty of customers and there are also 18 indexes in third class indica-
tors. With the principal component analysis, it can be found that three important factors were value and overall satisfac-
tion, employee service quality, shopping environment and brand image, besides three satisfaction factors were shopping
environment, the staffs service quality and perceived value. The aim of this paper is to provide reference for the key of
enterprises future work and also for the optimal distribution of resources.
Keywords: Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn; Convenience Store; Satisfaction; Service Quality; Factors Analysis
advantage gives way quickly as competitors scurry to pitality: it provides good customer service; its believed
copy innovations in operations and supply-chain man- the customer is god; they should provide service with
agement, implement similar technology, and mimic in- smile and respect their demands then satisfy them. 4)
store merchandising [7]. Clean sanitation: the shops are kept clean and sanitary,
because the stores environment has an effect on the
2.2. Customer Satisfaction Has Been Studied shopping and make for happy customers (http://www.
Widely finished by this studied).
Churchill and Surprenant believed that consumer satis- 4. Design of Research
faction derived from the results of consumers purchasing
experiences and by using products [8]. Customer satis- 1) By means of collecting the survey samples about
faction has been studied widely. Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn stores and analyzing the con-
Parasuraman, who has studied the impact of service sumers behavior characteristics, the analysis will con-
quality on customer satisfaction, believed service quality tinue with the customer satisfaction and importance. 2)
has an important effect on customer satisfaction [9]. And There is an evaluation for customers about the impor-
the relationship between customer satisfaction and price tance and satisfaction of products and services, through
sensitivity also has been studied. Satisfaction is divided the comprehensive evaluation of the customer about
into economic satisfaction derived from tangible prod- Hong Kong at 7-ELEVEn stores. 3) Using the integration
ucts and social satisfaction provided by service encoun- of CCSI model and service gap model, we have data
ters. That economic satisfaction is negatively associated analysis and SWOT analysis to judge whether the quality
with price sensitivity. However, social satisfaction is po- of service is fit and then find out the areas in need of im-
sitively related to price sensitivity, especially for female provement. 4) At last, the things to do are integrating the
sample data, having a comprehensive evaluation on the
customers and customers with high patronage frequency
service quality and customer satisfaction, and summariz-
[10]. Personal interaction quality has a stronger influence
ing the main points to analyze the relationship between
on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, in turn,
service quality and customer satisfaction, to improve
contributes to customer loyalty; it means the satisfaction
customer satisfaction [12].
has a very strong influence on loyalty [11]. Besides, the
According to the characteristics of retail business in
study also involves the interests of the company, laws
Hong Kong, there is research about 7-ELEVEn stores to
and regulations and so on.
understand the quality of service level and the character-
istics of customer satisfaction, by means of part-time
3. Analysis of 7-ELEVEn in Hong Kong experiences in Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn and the in-depth
In 1981, the first 7-ELEVEn in Hong Kong whose man- interview with store managers. In this research, the CCSI
agement right had been obtained by the Hong Kong milk model has been used to make a questionnaire which has
company started business in happy valley. Just after 30 surveyed the importance and satisfaction of customers
years, in Hong Kong, the number of 7-ELEVEn stores with 21 problems. In addition, it has also analyzed the
has increased to more than 1070 (To early 2012). And in factors of customers with the help of sample analysis in
those stores 24 hours a day are for customer service; at SPSS (Figure 1).
first there only sold drinks and snacks, later the one- Based on the characteristics of population distribution
stop work style convenience services have been pro- and consumers behavior, firstly, the research has inves-
vided, such as charging, payment service, etc., and the tigated the cognitive importance about products in con-
Hot shot Hot selling cooked food has been opened, that venience stores, the customer loyalty and the satisfaction
provides customers with convenient fast food. In addition, of convenience stores service, then it has analyzed the
the Hong Kong 7-ELEVEns also actively participate in reliability, validity and variance, afterwards it can iden-
public welfare activities and organize or support a variety tify the problem and put forward corresponding coun-
of charity activities. termeasure (Figure 2).
Hong Kong 7-ELEVEns management policies are as
follows: 1) Complete ranges of goods, the goods cus- 5. Basic Construction of the Customer
tomers need are readied so that the customers can search Satisfaction Evaluation System
convenience and the search time will be reduced. 2) Combined with the characteristics of Hong Kong 7-
Guarantee of quality and fresh: The staff put fresh goods ELEVEn stores, the investigation model of customer
always and check the goods expiry date regularly every satisfaction has been established whose secondary in-
day to avoid expired food entering into the market and dexes and level 3 indexes are reference to the structure
rights and interests of the consumers are harmed. 3) Hos- design of CCSI model and micro model (Table 1).
The in-depth interview with store managers Sort out and analyze the related literature material
The questionnaire design about customer satisfaction for Hong Kong at 7-eleven stores
Questionnaire survey
Consumers behavior
Find out the problems and put
Satisfaction of convenience stores service forward opinions
Table 1. The customer satisfaction investigation (CCSI) model of Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn stores.
The first level indexes The secondary indexes The level 3 indexes
The overall brand image of convenience stores
Enterprise/brand image
The overall reputation of convenience stores
The traffic convenience of Convenience stores
Quality expectations The comfort of Shopping environment
(shopping environment of convenience store) The diversity of goods
Goods place in order, and easy to search
Staffs dress
Staffs service timely
The customer Quality perception (staffs service quality) Staffs service initiatively
satisfaction indexes Staffs etiquette courtesy in service
Staffs professional level
Commodity price
Value perception
The quality of the goods
Customer satisfaction The overall customer satisfaction
Customers complaints The method and efficiency that employees dealing with complaints
The possibility of customer repeat purchase
Customers loyalty The Customer patience in price changing
The possibility that customer will recommend to others
The five level Likert scale has been used. The ques- 6.1. Statistics of Basic Description
tionnaire includes three parts: the first part is the evalua-
6.1.1. Population Characteristics
tion about the degree of importance and satisfaction in
Male customers accounted for 48.5%, thus the female
various indexes for Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn stores cus-
customer accounted for 51.5%. From this data distribu-
tomers; in this part, there is an evaluation from the en-
tion, it can be found the proportion of men and women
terprise/brand image, quality expectations (shopping en-
consumers in Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn stores are relatively
vironment of convenience stores), quality perception
average. From the age of the structure, customers less
(staffs service quality), value perception and overall
than 20 years old accounted for 14.1%, between 21 to 30
customer satisfaction using the CCSI model as evalua-
years old accounted for 66.8%, 31 to 40 accounts for
tion index. Customers should answer these indexes with
11.1%. Thus on the whole, the customers in Hong Kong
the five level scale of Likert, which is from 1 to 5 and
7-ELEVEn stores are younger. And from the education
respectively mean extraordinary not important (extraor-
of the structure, the ratio of university (college) is 70.2%,
dinary not satisfied), not important (not satisfied), gen-
which in agreement with the result from age structure.
eral, important (satisfied), extraordinary important (ex-
By occupation, the ratios of students and people in the
traordinary satisfied). The second part is the evaluation
proportion is high, respectively is 48.9% and 40.8%.
of customer satisfaction and loyalty; it is mainly about
From the data, it can conclude that students and working
the repeat purchase possibility, the prices bearing ca-
people are the Main consumption group for Hong Kong
pacity and the possibility of recommending others to buy.
7-ELEVEn stores (Table 2).
Only get loyal customers, the enterprise can have profit.
Only by getting loyal customers can the enterprise can
6.1.2. Consumption Behavior Characteristics
have profit. The third part is the population characteris- The proportions of family income below 5000 yuan or
tics, including gender, age, and occupation, etc. Ac- between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan are bigger than others,
cording to the content of each evaluation, it will analyze which are 26.7% and 25.6%. The proportion of average
degree of satisfaction about Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn consumption frequency every month of 1 - 10 times is
stores and find out the problems then put forward opin- biggest with 64.9%, while the proportion of zero time is
ions. only 9.2%, that means customers will consume in Hong
This questionnaire aim at customers who have shopp-
ed in Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn stores. 1) The convenience Table 2. Customers percentage data sheet in population
store surveyed in this research is located in Kowloon characteristics.
Kwun Tong district of Hong Kong, and our targets are
the residents there, so we handed out questionnaires to Items Options Number of people Ratio
those customers who came to shop. 2) We handed out Male 127 48.5%
questionnaires to the students from Hong Kong in Jinan Sex
university, because in Jinan the Hong Kong students Female 135 51.5%
come from different districts, so that the data can be Less than 20 years old 37 14.1%
more comprehensive, but the ratio of students in voca-
tional aspects will be relatively high. 3) At the same time, 21 - 30 years old 175 66.8%
we also took an online questionnaire survey with the help Age 31 - 40 years old 29 11.1%
of questionnaire star which is in highest reputation. By
41 - 50 years old 14 5.3%
distributing this online questionnaire we could collect the
questionnaire more conveniently and let respondents More than 50 years old 7 2.7%
check the results through the network connection. That
Junior high school
greatly increased respondent participation. 23 8.8%
or below
Kong 7-ELEVEn stores. And the proportions of average same product or service, the will have different behavior
consumption amount every month below 50 yuan or be- and reactions (Figure 3). The reasons are as follows: 1)
tween 50 and 100 yuan are bigger than others, which are The customers ageit is closely related to the product
31.1% and 30.5%. For the way customers know Hong in convenience stores, service and price. The overall
Kong 7-ELEVEn stores, passing away occupies a large trend is that the number of customers between 21 and 30
advantage with proportion in 61.5%, which illustrates years old is bigger than others while more than 30 years
that the distribution range of Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn of age is relatively less. 2) Customers occupationit is
stores is wide for the customers to consume (Table 3). bound up with price of convenience store, the quality of
service. The occupation has an effect on consumers con-
6.1.3. Importance and Satisfaction about sumption level and the consumption concept. The bear
Consumption of Customers and accept ability of Students and on-the-job persons in
For the scores about the importance and satisfaction of the price of the convenience store to are higher. 3) The
the indexes in the sample data, four options including the customers family incomeit relates to the convenience
overall brand image of convenience stores, whether stores brand, product diversity, the price and so on. Cus-
goods are placed in order, and easy to search, staffs ini- tomers with high family income are more sensitive to the
tiative in service and staffs professional level have brand of convenience stores. 4) The customers degree of
greatest standard deviations in importance. Besides, other educationthe degree of education is related to the ab-
four options including staffs initiative, etiquette courtesy stract factors like brand and service. A high degree of
in service, staffs professional level and price make education customers pay more attention to the added
greatest standard deviations in satisfaction (Table 4). value of commodities, it means they also pay attention to
Because customers are from different age, occupation, emotional interest in the process of shopping besides
family income groups and so on, when they face the the essence function of goods.
20 - 30 times 9 3.4%
The way knowing Hong Kong 7-ELEVEn Passing away 161 61.5%
Internet 9 3.4%
Others 44 16.8%
Table 4. The customers percentage data sheet in importance and satisfaction for products and services.
Standard deviation
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
recommendation, the proportion of choosing may be greater than 0.80, the presenting natures are good, it
accounts for 32.1% and I dont know accounts for means there is a common factor among the variables and
27.9%, I dont know means customer may recommend the variables are fit for factor analysis.
or not. So far, from the data analysis of the survey, it can The importance value of Bartlett sphericity test is
be concluded that for the most satisfied convenience 1389.692, (the degree of freedom is 105) and the satis-
store, the proportion of 7-ELEVEn accounts for 48.1%, faction value is 1627.260, (the degree of freedom is 105),
the rival 0 k convenience store accounts for 11.5%, the off-diagonal numerical of unit matrix which indicates
28.2% of customers choose no, this is a potential cus- net correlation matrix are zero, the significant probability
tomers category (Table 5). value here is p = 0.000 < 0.05 and the null hypothesis is
refused, namely the hypothesis that net correlation matrix
6.2. Validity Analysis of variables is not unit matrix hypothesis. Accepting the
6.2.1. Correlation Analysis hypothesis that net correlation matrix is unit matrix hy-
The KMO values here (Table 6) are 0.853 and 0.888, the pothesis, it means there is a common factor among the
statistics of importance index and satisfaction index are variables and the variables are fit for factor analysis.
6.2.2. Factor Extraction can also be regarded as factors weighting matrix (name-
When the principal component analysis is used to extract ly factors pattern matrix), the later factor matrix is made
common factor, the preliminary intercommunity estima- by the factor matrix before multiplying by the factor
tors are 1, and if the degree of communality is under 0.2, transformation matrix.
that this item can be deleted. In Table 7 the initial values From Table 8, the following can be seen: the first
of importance and satisfaction are 1, the values of the common factor is contained in 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15
extraction are greater than 0.20, so all of that have no these five problems, the second one is contained in 5, 6,
need to be deleted. 7, 8, 9 and 11, and the third one is contained in 1, 2, 3
Here the Varimax is used to make the orthogonal rota- and 4, that means the correlation between them is large.
tion, and its treated with default method of Kaise nor- In addition, the first common factor can be called value
malizing in the orthogonal rotation which has 3 times and overall satisfaction, the second one is staffs ser-
conversion of iteration. The main purpose of rotation vice quality, and the third one is shopping environment
which has been arranged with the load capacity of factor and brand image.
is arranging the factors load capacity of items in each From Table 9, we also can find that: the first common
common factor. After the rotation, the factors load ca- factor is contained in 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6 these six prob-
pacity which was bigger originally become much bigger, lems, the second one is contained in 7, 8, 8, 10 and11,
while the smaller one get much smaller, and the items and the third one is contained in 12, 13, 14 and 15, that
quadratic sum of load capacity in each common factor means the correlation between them is large. In the same
(intercommunity of item) is the same as before. Because way, the first common factor can be called shopping
here we used is orthogonal rotation, the coefficient in the environment and brand image, the second one is staffs
table can be regarded as correlation coefficient matrix service quality, and the third one is value and overall
about variable and factor, namely factor structure matrix, satisfaction.
value and overall satisfaction Staffs service quality shopping environment and brand image
13) The products price you think after shopping 0.808 0.022 0.238
10) Staffs etiquette courtesy in service 0.717 0.173 0.121
12) The products price you think after shopping 0.686 0.047 0.229
14) The method and efficiency that employees
0.669 0.360 0.088
dealing with complaints
15) The overall satisfaction degree 0.459 0.210 0.441
9) Staffs service initiatively 0.022 0.753 0.059
7) Staffs dress 0.106 0.694 0.139
11) Staffs are professional and can answer
0.362 0.646 0.089
the questions
5) The diversity of goods 0.306 0.597 0.283
6) Goods place in order, and easy to search 0.383 0.561 0.074
8) Staffs service timely 0.384 0.531 0.154
2) The overall reputation of convenience stores 0.114 0.078 0.869
1) The overall brand image of convenience stores 0.076 0.076 0.834
3) The traffic convenience of Convenience stores 0.352 0.043 0.603
4) The comfort of Shopping environment 0.259 0.404 0.514
Eigen value 3.036 2.802 2.544
Analytic variance % 20.238 18.683 16.958
Accumulated analytic variance % 20.238 38.921 55.879
Shopping environment Staffs service quality value sensing
2) The overall reputation of convenience stores 0.776 0.036 0.143
1) The overall brand image of convenience stores 0.730 0.133 0.103
3) The traffic convenience of Convenience stores 0.692 0.168 0.048
4) The comfort of Shopping environment 0.671 0.240 0.173
6) Goods place in order, and easy to search 0.610 0.325 0.153
5) The diversity of goods 0.532 0.366 0.206
9) Staffs service initiatively 0.188 0.833 0.133
8) Staffs service timely 0.200 0.797 0.160
10) Staffs etiquette courtesy in service 0.217 0.682 0.303
11) Staffs are professional and can answer the questions 0.210 0.628 0.439
7) Staffs dress 0.303 0.502 0.267
13) The products price you think after shopping 0.189 0.092 0.749
12) The products price you think after shopping 0.018 0.266 0.740
14) The method and efficiency that employees dealing with complaints 0.110 0.424 0.658
15) The overall satisfaction degree 0.397 0.208 0.638
Eigen value 3.185 3.087 2.477
Analytic variance % 21.230 20.580 16.515
Accumulated analytic variance % 21.230 41.810 58.326