Teach Yourself Xhosa - Part2

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t rl Ndingathetha noMnumzana
MayI speakto Mr Thamsanqa?
UThemb Hello, Dvid. Kunjni, lnfoDdi?
UDavid Oo, moo MnumzanaThamsanqa.Ndiphiile, enkosi.Wena?
UThenba Hayi, skona. Ingbautataukhona?
UDavid Ewe. Yima kncinci. Ndiz kumbiza.
After erchanqng pleasonteres, Peer and Ihembd continue their

UThemba Molo Petr NguThembakweli cl. Enkosi ngokufowuna.

Ngeshwbendisendanganisweni iini yoe ! Ndi*utunene
In this Unit you tnitl ledtn hot to.:
umyazowakho sekublwile-
I cornmunicateon the telephone UPeter Ayinnsebenziloo nto. Nyazi ul:ubuxekie!
I mae arangementsto meet,ircluding place ard time UThemba Sizkudibanangabaniixeshangomso?
UPete Kunjni ngo 9.30?
UThemba Kuungile.Phi?
Incoko UPete Phambikwesangoelilu.
UThemb Kulungie, siza hrba lapho ngo-9-30.Sobonana!
PetephonesThembato makearargemenlsto neet at e cricket.
UPeter Sobonara!
UPete Hello, rdingathetha noMnumzana Thamsanqa? Ingba
uthona? Thenext tu)mine'Ihandi phonesJennr.
UNobhala Ndingabuzaukubangubaiofuna ukuthethanaye? UJe y Helol
UPete Ewe, nguPeterMuay lo uthethayo. UThandi Helo, ndingthethanoNkosikaziMuray?
llNobhala Khawubambe njalo, Mnumzana Muray. Ndiza kubona UJeDny Molo Thandi,ndim!
ukubaukhonan phyae-ofisini ya.lche. UTlandi Oo uxolo siandwa sam, k1ngendilichane iliz lklol
UPete Kulungile. Unantonina?
UNobhala Mnumzana Mura ndilusizi, uM umzana Thamsanqa UJeny Awu, ndinon*luhlne kncinci phofu!
atakho okuangok.Usaphumile. UThndi Oo, ndiluzisi. NL:uforrunel kuba rDna noThemba siya
tlPeter Uyzi u&ubauza krfika nini n? kwirest)'u ertsha yezliwaNtu gokullwa ngoMgqibelo.
UNobhla Ndilusizi, khansearsho.Unsathandauhshiya umyalezo? Situna ukunime wena noPeter.Ningeza? Ucinga uhba
UPeter Ewe, uze unxeleleuhba ndituna ukuqhakamshelna naye uzaL:ubaselebhe.ee?
malunganeqakamba yansomso.Mhlawunbiansandiowunela UJenny Oo, ingande loo nto. Benditundngalooresu kwiphepha-
ekhayansokublwa. ndabaryempela-vekiephelieyo.Ndatshondar,rr' i.lr*cwe!
UNobhal Kulunsile Mnumzana Mury. Ndiza L:unxelela. Ngubani Ul:utya kwyo kwndikumbrzaubuntwaDabam. Sasiztya
inombolo yefowuni yako? zonte ezo zinto zkwNtuefana!
UPeter Ngu 531-3767. UThandi Heke, mndikunde uze sidibane noPete noThemb
UNobhala Kunsile,MnunzanMuy. erest)'uemvakomdoweqkamba.
UPeter Nyabela. Bye. UJenny Ungabaundincedie,sithandwa.Sobonana!
uNobhal Bye, MnumznMry.
fhenba retunl, Peters ca that evening.Davd anwrs thephone.
llDavid Dad Munay speaking.

Isigma ! Horo to ...

Cotnmunicate on the telephone uhen you are
mafting e call
N81r _ otheth]]d.
qhamshcld M- N$r_ kw cl.
mlunga.' aboul Ndnglhethno-uztra _, nceda.
ngokhlw i e evedrc bendifunda Ndicela ukutheth oMnumzn
inonbolo nnbe n laru. .i"ke Oo, dolo, khge ntchng ilizwi lakhol
tel cala on this side kbuba []khon rMnrzn _?
bendisendeseiswni I was at a etng ubursana lfthor r.Nko6ikzi
sekuHvjt aldy erding ln Ur indelq rii?
Uogaffed ulialg kwi-ofisi kaMnuturn _
Ndingaw6hiy !/nyalezo?
Ndiz klmfovtrel kwkhoDa.

Communicdte on the telephone ohen you ate

onsroerino the call
Ndithetha |rbai?
Ndingabuz,r8rbni rthef halo?
Ndingarnaelltgubni ofuD ukutheths n}??
Iima kancirci. ndiz kurrbiza-
Ima kancinci, ndiza kul.hangela ukubukhon na-
Ndilusizi d*dkho okwagoku.
Uxakekir, komrye nnxeba. Ugathnd ul:ubamba?
Ndingalhafha nyalezo?
CUTTURE SHOCKPorliomitwos 4nt leoledro o sceneseldom *en in Cop Uklona l,nyilezo?
own whn lh MosizokhCuhu.olGoup o LodyGley in the oslemCope, UngarrshiF nyrlezo?
rsplenddt B i{eposrorol
in thnhodilionolds, looko r,!rof $ lgklotue.
wosrudelysholeredwhnthi3lodyt clllophonercng.
illosion Itlake orongements to ,neet
CopTmd 8/5/l99. Pho:BennyG@)
Courtsy Siza hrdibsn Dgbdirxsh?Phi?
KuqhDi Dgo-g?
Ndiza kudib cre phmbi kwesango
Ndiza ktdibDare phambikweest,r."rrlhlu.
Ndiz ku,t landa ngo-7. 2 Copulatiues toith etnphdtic ptohouns
Uze uncedeulikg ngexsha- nnin kisne ngure (ul,cis') ltis hinl her
Ungafki emvkwexsh! Lis r ngbo (abncedisi) Its then
nsr Itir ll"" G.) nsuwo (u'l,seheD,;, Iis it
Some diomt ret.l,td to ,ire nini It ts Jo, (p.) ytlo ('fowuni) It ir it. etc.
Ixetho lixho!bwe l< ahopbo)yinia. tt's late.
3 lkhona' = 'there' (be present)
{lil. iimehosbeen lqpped up by the dog.)
Lie 'pha'/ 'pho' = 'herr'/ 'lhere' (ci Unit 5J, 'ihora'can be used
xa kumpondo ,(|nkonto very eorly in the moming
{lit.whene hornsof the conleore iustviblel
UsebeDzakhona. Sheworks ther/t th. plce.
xo lbonlu b(,hl in lh oly vening/lwilight
Sizakuba khoDa ngo-9.30. W'l be thee t 9.30.
{lit.en peopleore beoutitul, i.. blmishs o lssobvious!)
It can asob usedwith subject corcord:
ngotweniyvndtq in y vning/ dusk
(lir.ot e fimeor robbitscomouto ir worcnsl Ulhori 4hembs? Is Thmbathe?
Bwe,ukhona- Yes,he (is) therc.
lkhonaifo\runi? Is there a phone?
Ak uhethet gou moy use aomeone' phone Bwq ikhona. Yes,r (is) thee.
Ndingasebendstford yalo, /kosikrzi / MDumzn? Lkhona,siba? Is ther a peD?
Bv,/e,lukhon. Yes,it (is) ther.
Ask uhete the nedrest publ c phone is Ilhona ipsile? Is therc a pencil?
lphi doui ka\yonk-wonkekuftrtshme? Ewq ilhona. Yes,it (is) lhe.

Ask to borrorlo o telephone ditectory

Kukho iphepha? Is therepaper?
Ndifrttra mombolo. Ndingabolkdircctory yako yefo/uni? Ewe, kkho iphephaelfileni. Yes,lherc is pape on the tabe.
Kukho imiyalezo? Ae lhere ressages?
@ Horo it works Ewe, hrlho imiylezo. Yes,the ae messges.

(copulothrc) In the negtive'-khon&' > '-kho' :

I ltlore expressions incorpotqttng'ng:
llkhona Themba? Hayi, dftdko.
'It;t wo lro'... ? = 'NSubani,- ...'?:
llkhon rffebenzi? Hayi, alrkho.
Ngubad qthethalo? Ikhona ifowDi? Hayi, ryikho.
Nrhni 4[una kuthethtr]?? Ikhon rpesile? Hayi, ryiHro.
NguPeterMmy alhethyd? Lkhon rcib.? Hayl alukho.
'Ngubni' wi othe expressions,trnslting'Wht ?:
Xjubani ,kesha? What ir the tim?
Nsubni igam lako? What rir your ?
N$bni ifni yalo? 'WIrt is you surnm?
4 Prepsitions lollowed by 'kwa. 6 Numetols
The foowng Fepositions are usedtreforenor.nsexpressingpace,m You Ie lreadyfamili ruith the umealsl-{ (cf. Unit 6,2):
LmDtWnA omnye icwad qye
aba,ntvn abahir irrcwadi ezit4bin;*
emvs kw- aantwn adthathu iincwadi ezilllattlJt
behind afte abona'n abone iircwedi ezw
mv kvsngoemvakwemini aantwr aahlnu irrcwadi zr'zltlan
emv komthi emv komdlalo adntwnarathdthu iincwili Z,4!ndath
The soud changes causedby 'n' in the adjctivl corcord 'e.i4'-:
gpha ll kwa- *b nrfluences a preceding'n': u+ b > !qb, !+ l> 4, q+b > 1,
outside besides Il+n>!,
ngphsnillel:weresqlr ngaphandlekokuerhisixhos, Numes 6-10 are nors (not djectivalstemsike l-):
uetha nesisurhu
ljrxhenxe: aban an drdtixherxe 7 (lit. which are 7)
iribhozo: dr.rntwn ar!;bhozo 8 (lt. which are 8)
phmbi kw-
,lhob: ttlidnh{s abalithob 9 (it. which re 9)
in foni ,shumi: danhvn ardlishumi l0 (lit. which e 10)
phambi kwerestyu phambi kwesidlo
Numerls fmm 11 owrds re moe complex thn then Englsh
e4uivalents,but luckily for lerners,even Xhosa speesoften use e
phakathi kw- Enslish numenls above10.
t'etween (bt note phkthi bhokisai You misht lie to kow:
phkthi komleko = iDsidere box)
100 ;khulu (dne)
1,000,000 isigi
unde (1'utnotetlala phatrtsi!
Can you work out what 'sozigidi' (oo-) means?
phantsi kwetafile = Sit dow!)
Ordiml numbers 1-10:
phezutwa- -olar.$l^ u tr.rw \ wokuqal^ 1st
on topof (but noteJongaphezulU! isibini &nntrana uribini
phzukwkhabhathini = Lookp!) iritbathu rmtwana 3d
irrhe -4ihathu
'nntw|ra }'z,rin 4th
Note: 'phDtsi kwar and 'phezu kwsrae alsousedin compaatives: trihlanu /rntwara l'e.ihlnu 5
kesha linqbeDgaphezukwenli. Time is morc sccthsn money. rrr'thandathu rmrt! raresithandath 6th
Ndinemali ngaphasi kweyatho! I havelessmoney0ran you! ,rr'xherxe ,/rntwa||ar?,tinxe 7th
iribhozo rrnt\nan }l,eJibhozo 8th
Also followed by 'krva. : 'eckni kwr = 'dr the side of.
,rithoba mntwatralrerr'thoba 9th
irtshmi mntrrratralreJ.shumi lOlh
Nmrals in xpssiom of time 7 '-tri?' = 'rthot', shotened ofln o'loi?'
Expressinge time in Xhos is difficult. Even )os mother tongle Whenthe shoeredfolm of 'ntoni?' = '-ni?' is usdit mslbe suffixed
speakeso1en exFess the time in English. Espeially in informal
conversarion.However,e time is awaysgiven in )osa on e radio,
esDeciIvt newstime. Ufuna ntoni? \|at do yo wnt?
Ufunani? What do you want?
Wenzantoi? What e you doing?
Ngsbtri riesha? oit. Who is e tie?) Wenzani? What re you doing?
Lii txsh? (lit It sayswht thetim?)
Note With e veb '-thi' = 'say' only e shoenedfon is usedas cn
Ng\t-ll2l3l4l5 It's 1 / 2 | 3 | 4 / 5 o'clock. be seenin the fo[owins idiomtic exFessions:
fi,lisimbi yo,tqaa / yerrbini / (1i1.It3 the fist / second/ Lithini ixesh? Wht is e tine?
yer,'ththu / ye.r;ne/ yehlnu. third / fourth / ffh be) Kwenzekeni?/ Bekutheni? Wh hppened?
Ngcbnitxesh? t what lime? Uthei na wena? Whal's matter qrilh you?
Neo-l/ 213 1415. Atll2l3/415o'clock. Ndinsathd? How do I go aboutthis?
Ngentsimbi yotrqla / yeribini / At the ffst / second/
Q How to apply it
yeriththu / yertn / yer;hlnu. thid / fourth / fifth bell.
When it comesto exFessingthe time oe an on the hour the English I Answer the qestions
follns arc used,even in more folm situtions,for example'Ikota past
6'is mrcheasierandqcke to saythn: 'fimuz er,shumilmantlnu (a) UThembulhon? Hayi,
emvkwersimbi yerrlhandafhu' 0it. It is minules which are tr'n which (b) Uza kuba khorango-4? Hayi,
have ffve afte the bl of six); simirly 'Ngehaf past 2' is much easier Uza kubuy kamsinya? Hayi, nmhlnje.
andqcker to saythan 'Ngclaemvakwersimbi yestbii' (it. t past (d) UPeteruse-ofisitri? Huyl, -, -ekhaya.
the side after e b of tro). Ukhonaumyalezo? Huyi,
(0 I*hon ifowu kawoD&e- Hyi,
6 Exprescions such ds'iestlu Vgzakwltu' lli oDte ekrtshane?
Thee e nny expressionslike this in Xhosa,i.e. incorpotinga double Complete e dialoge
possessive,for example'ist),u yezakwaNtu', e fult form of wbich is Hello, (a) (canI speak)noM,Jl'zanarhansnq?
iesryu yg + izinlo + @ + kwaNlu = iresBr fezinto ZakwaNtu o) (/,,, rrrrJ) uxakekile komnye umueba.
(a resturntof things of tradition). However is full forn is contacted Khawubmbenjalo.
to resryuya + 'i' of izinto + z + L:waNtu= iestlu yezwaNtu.
Aer someninutes.
Here ae someothe examplesyou ray comecoss: UMnu msanqa (c) - (s sti bttyr. Ungathanda
Uneli weznidalo sportsedito ukubamba oknye ungathanda(d)
Umei wezopoitiko political editor nessage)'!
Umcebisiwezomlhetho lesal advisor Ewe,(e) (tell hm ttut I wU rt to
UmphlhiswweBngaphandle ministe of forign ffain phone hin asain in the afremoon).
Umphthiswwezenfundo minste of edction Enkosi. Kannandi.
Umphthiswawezolimo ministe of grictture
Abimi bzekhay

Give the dialogue a ttde 5 Rd the conversaiion

UDvid Hullo, nguDad kweli cl. Ndingththanovuyo? UVal Molo Xoliswa.
Ilizwi Bh, uvuyo? Atrklo Vuyo ph.Utun eyiphi inombolo? LXoliswa Molo sisi. Nisaphilaphofu?
uDavid Ndifuna i-6334253. UVl H, siphilile so*e. NyaL:ufo$rmelakubandingaanda
Iizwi Hayi,ndusizi,longu-6334352. ukubuza ukuba sinokudibn na kwaklon. Kunjani
UDavid Khaxuphinde.Yintoni inombolo yefowuni ykho? nsokuyakubukelafi limu?
Ilizwi Ngu-633-4352. Uxolisw Eyiphiifilimu?
LlDavid Owu, uxolo, yinombolo ewrongo. UVal Siryah]ukel^'D.lnp he G n'.
Uxoliswa Neelphi mini?
Read, nderstand nd n$r rthe questions IJVa Ngolwesine?
See how wel you have undentood e dilogue by answedngthe Uxoliswa Hayi, andizi L:b ko ngolwesine. Kunjani ngo-
questionsthat follow: Mgqibeo?
Bodle js lookingor aJobdunDBe bolidys. IJV Hayi, uMgqibeo kaung kum. Uza kuphumele
UMncedisi Molo. kukwaBizo's Takeaway.Ndingalonceda? Uxoisw Kuungie.
uBongie Ngabandinganirmana uNksk. Bizo? lry Utun ndikuphuthumengbniixesh?
UMncedisi Akakho. Usaphumileokwngoku.Ungashiyaumyalezo? Lxolis\ra Ngetsimbiysihanu.
UBongile Kungile. Ndive ukub funa umntr oza hrncedisa UVl Kul!ngile. Sizkubonanake ngecawa.Salakakuhle.
kwishishi lakle. Ndifuna ukwenzisiclo. [Jbuyani? Llxoliswa Knnandi.
UMncdisi Andiqinisekng.
Imagineihat Xoliwsa tels anotherfend abouther cbat with vali
UBongile Ndingphdandifowunenini?
(a) I spoke to Val today.
LMncedisiZamaul:uowm ngentsimbiyesidndau. Khawushiye
(b) We are soins to seea film on Sunday.
igamalako nenomboo.
(c) Canyou conewi us?
UBongile lgamalan nguBongileThansanqa.Unokuntsalelkule
(d) val is soins to fetch ne at 5 o'clock.
UMncedisiMandiliphinde igama. UnguBongile Thamsnq. 6 Say you have
Inombolo ithi 70555. (a) tbee cbildeD.two daushten and a son
UBongile Kulngile. Enkosi. Usalekakuhle. (b) fou nessases
UMncedisi Kannndi. (c) two telephonenumbers
d) five tickets
(a) UBongile ufuna uf:uthethanabani?
e) sia lettes
O) UMsk. Bizo ukhona?
(c) UBongile ushiya o*uphi umyalezo? El 7 Lbten to the dialogue and say whethe the statements
r are correct or not
(d) Uza kuzmaukufowunangeyiphi intsimbit
(a) Thandi is in a hury.
(b) Shehasto so shopping. ves
(c) Shepepffes a party for Friday.
(d) Sheonly invites Nomsaand Sipho.
(e) Nomshasto skSipho tust. ves
176 xHos
- uNtr

8 Engtsh equivalents o newspaper / magazine section
hdings Kumdlalo weqakamba
Use the hedingsi (a) Fo the Chjdren, O) Heal Matte$, (c) At the crcketmatch
Business,(d) Finnce,(e) Spot, (0 Entertainment,(g) For Teenages
ndh) Eduction.
I Ezemidalo 5 Ezolonwbo
2 Ezmpilo Bzabatrana
3 Ezolutsh 7 Ezer'tundo In thi Unit Vou l1'Jill leatn how to:
4 Ezoshishino 8 Ezena
I askaboutpast spoinginvolvementandrespond
9 Complte th questlors I askaboutpsentspoing irvotvement nd respond
(a) Ndietha I askwht someonedoesto kep fit
G') _ otheyo? I sy whatyo do to keepfit
(c) Utuna _? I askwhethe someonehashobbies
(d) Utuna inombolo?
- I saywhat your hobbiesae
(e) _ igmallo?
(0 _ inombooykho ysekhaya?
(h) _ inomboloykho yasemsebeDzini? lncoko
() _ i-detesiyho?
Ding the unchbrekPelerndThembawalk arounde cricket ground
(j) Ndinskwenzel ?
wheesevemni-cicket mtchesareon the go and,amongoer ings,
(k) Ndingkunceda 'l
tk boutthe wy cricket has becomeso popr tboughoutthe whole
() _ inexaki?
(m) Kwenzeke ?
UThemba Kuhe k.uu ukubona umdla kangakaL:wiqakambakule
lO Which verb its? mihla. JongbonkeabaMkhay Ntini basaklulayobedlala
Use these verbs to f ihe spcesconectly (a) bamba,(b) -shiya, iqakmba!
(c) -cothisisa,(d) -phindaand () -faha. tlPeter Inene. Kule mibla naphin apho ujong kion, L:uko
atrakhwentweadlalaiqakmba.wena Thenba"wauidl
1 Uxolo. andivkal:ue, ung- kwhona?
iqakambangentsukuzaklD usesesikolwe?
2 Ungaandauku_ umyezo?
Uemba Ewe, ndandithanda kakulu ukudlala iqakrnba.
3 Ungndi kwi-ofisi kMnu. Bizo?
Ndandingunscini-pali. Ndinsubei kanjlo. Inene,
4 Usxkehlekomnyeumxeba. Ungathadauku ? ndalldi\rll manseno!
5 Uthethangokukrruezkahulu. Unga ? UPeter Nyhani!
tnhernba Wela,InfoDdii, wawudllaeyiphi imidlalo?
UPete Heke. ndandidlal ineney nombhoxo ngeentsukuzm.
Ngelishwa, yophuk ingalo yan ndisdlkwi-under 15.
Emva koko zngendiphindendidembhoxokwkhon.
UThemba Wawudlalndwoni?

lcoud,sy Cricker
BolonoBooo winning lh Wold Clp of Noliods in 199
UPeter Ndandisisilaanafu. Nangon ndandingadlali qakamba (Bono,Morch 199. Phorosby locb Moke ond Southlighl)
ndithanda kaHl kuyibuke gakumbi xa sidlaia
ibhol etlg7wayo?
UThemba Be ndiyazamaukubaekakaathu ngeveki kwaye ndidlala
Utemba Ndandidlalaumbhoxo.
isikhwashi /'"qo. Wena,nondini'
UPeter Kweyiphi indawo?
UPeter MD4 ndithandaukukhwela ibhayisekile kwye ndiyazama
UThemba Ndandiyindodyesibhozo.
nokunyuka intaba ngeecawa. Kodwa ngaranye amaxesha
UPe.e Kunjani ngbhoekhatywayo?Wawuyidlla?
kunzima ukufumana ithuba lokwenza loo nto kuba
UThemba Ewe, ndndi)idlakodwa ndandilhethaumbhoxo.
umsetyeDzna wam wokuzonwabisakrkuchwela.
UPeter Uyyibon phofu indlela umdlalo onanndla ngyo
UThemba Owamkukufota, 4a ke. Kodwa ke, liphi ixesha?
UThemb Unyanisile. Khumbula ukuxlaswa kwdr,rdBhokobhoko Thecncketerscone back on to therteA aer the lunch brcak.
sisizwe sonle ngexesha lomdllo wamnqam! Ngubani uPeter Jonga,abadlalibabuyile; isidlo saseminisiphelile. Umdlalo
ongalibalaukuculwa hrkaTshotsholoza ngeizwi elinye uza kqala nsoL:u.Masibuyeletvizilllo zeul

UPete Inene,ndiqinisekile ukubaul:ucla kwesihlwelekwawanika

UThmb Yho! Ingubani ongalibalaigugu ebuswenibukaMongameli *Alougt Presidet Mardela never played n8by, his interestin e ga@ 8@s
Mandelaenxiba ijezi kaNo. 6 ephetheindebbeyithe qrrr back to his youth. He remembersihe pltrg days of the fome Tmskei
phezulunoFrancoisPienaar* honeld l@der KD Mar@iM w a chcke: 'When he was tekled, the
UPeter NeBafana Bafn yafumana kw enjalo inxaso. spectatorswould call out "help the son of a chief" (Cap. Tws 161311,994.
yaphumelelakwiAfican Cup of Nations. Kanene, wenza Aicle by RoeerFriedm ed By Gool.)
luthamboluni kule mihl ukuzigcinauphille?

Isigama being the fi6t Xhosa-speaking

undllo wDq 6n (gae) oicketer to be slecledto rpreset
rahle \ lorely
ukisw spto Soth Aftica. In 1990e shnny 14
iqamha cijcet ye old was tust spottedby Border
isnweb cod
bsulayo blddins it. still Crickel Developmentofcer
kwawanikamoya give hen the
bedlala plyjlg Malhay Ntini was'discoved'nd
hs not l@ked bek sinc.
nphim everyhr He represetrted BorderU-l5a aginst
wawdlla...? didyplay,..l a toing Englandtem d w
iinlsuku days consideredthe bestfdt bowerthe
usesikolseni yo still being Egish teamhad fced.\\te ar
at shool school Dle Coegehe wd chosen
ndddithdda I loved, ited for Sou'L Anic Ul 9 1otour Englnd
urgcinipali wickeeper whft he playedat the hlowed
Mbethi b{tsnm MCCI He lsotouredAusali with
mangno nnngs
the Dale CoIege toui!8 tem. He
showedthat he wasnol oy a very
nyhanll really!
tentedf6t bowerbut that he wd
intenetya temis m slouchsith the bat scoring102to
mbhoxo .ld to his towDe pefomdce of 5
-ophuka -gby
be bmten
zmee.djphind. I evr again In 1998in hs debutfo SouthAfric
ndawobi? phtposilion?
againstNew Zealdd he took 2
isiEnnf stuEr
ngo.a alough (Suidd! 7:ws 2311111,997
, His inteestitr cricket was
ndmdineadai I didn pay Pictue ThomasTwk Couesy undoubtedytblterd by his ate
mqela aphesheyaov^* teams rer who piyed at clb cricket
ibhota ethrylayo !@cd (it. ball In 199? yog nm from MdinBi, level while his uncle Lrngile
wich is tickd a vilage l5 hn ftom Kirg Willim's Makhulu still plays in the na.ala
< aba = kict) Town ma.le cricketing hjstory by
indodayslbhom 8th han
phofu in facr
nmndla nase power Cultural background
'The unclesgretedeachothertumultuously.Apat from blood linLs
ohundya of iting
isizw nalion
they had other ties. They hd taught at Lovedalelogeer bebre I
wasbom. In family albumsI hadpouedoverpictuesof schings
as the s1affcricket teamin which they had both played.All my fe
the menin my family werecricket mad; wheney 'ooted for Soth
Afiica' in Te Matchesabroadandfor poDcial teamst homend
fo[owed then fortunes in newspapesnd on dio despte the
policy of apartheidin spo.' (Noni Jabam I Ochre People -
Scenesfron a SouthAfrcan lrs, John Mury, London, 1963)
Tshotsholoza Repond to question' obout yout past slmrtng
(onomatopoeic the soundof a stean trin) lnootoement
Tshotsholoza! Ndndidll:
Kwezo ntabaStimelasiphum'eRhodezhiya iqkmb
Wen'uyabalekakwezontab tenety
Wen' uyabalekal rrnbhoxo
Stimelsiphum'eRhodezhiy.' irikdshi
ibhol khrylE]
lThis is often sung by worken to sive each roki
otherencouragemen , henceits adoptionsthe tbhol yonnyzi (netbal)
unofficial anlhem rel AnaBhokobhoko
neededthat little exta someing o win the ngeentsukuza ndilgsestkolwert/ ndilgsyivtsithi.
rugby World Cup in 1995.1 Ndndidll ;r,krhu / tndod yesibhozo/ iphik (wing).

Ask dbout prese t spotn.g inuotuement

'Tshotshooz., a road mender ditty or work-song, is a popul
'hai song' of which thereis a whole repeoire bsedon the theme Uydlala?
of ilway travel. It imiated e soundof stemenginepuing out Udlala ntoi?
of a station [...], and s it gaes spednd settledinto rcgar Ur la phi?
hytbm, the voices combine n four pts acconpniedby Ur la kw"liphi iqea?
temendous thumps of feet stessing be bea: 'STIMela spham' Uqeqeshaphi?
eRHODe-zhIyAl' t... The voices blended togethe exhoing the Uqeqeshva fubni?
enginein the vocative, 'IytN'ryd ,arc,ta', jnflections that paised
the locomotive's mgnificent perormnceon that ttro-thousand Reapond to queations about your p?eaent spotti'|g
nile joumey acossawy wld, od9h mopani oest, gradaons inooloement
of plateux,kaoo, mountains,valeysuntil the costis rcached.' Ndidlala iqakamba / ; tenetya / unbhoxo / ;.ikwashi / ;bhol
(Nori lb\tr, Th? O(hR People) khstlva)o / ihoki / ibhola yonnyazi
"dtdl5li ,ldalo.
ndisadlli ndllo.
\ Horp to ... rdimlo ixsha okudlla rmidl.lo.
Ask ,bout someone's po,st apotting inooloement Ask ta,h.rt someone does to keet fit
Wwudlla y;phi imidlalo geentsuku zakhousserikolvri? Wtrzhthmboluni uhngci uphiltle?(seeUnit 15.6)
nblrdl ey,pt, t drltlo ngeeDtsukuzkhoulqse]fivesithi?
nalsdll ndavoni?
t84 XHOSA UNI ]2

S@y rhdt you do to keep lit

Ndiyablek. rul'
Ndiyaqbha. I swim.
Ndiymba"hamb. I wlk.
Ndn]rka intb/ entabeni. I do mourtin climbing.
NdikhrYlibhyisekie. I cycle.
Ndikhwela rrndhashe. I do horj diDg.
Ndiydatrisa. I do bloom dsncing.
Ndiyaxhentsa- I do traditioDl dcing.

Ask whethet sorneone ho,s hobbies

Un)o imise,zuyol:uzonwabis?

s.oy lauh.|t!@ur hobbies ote

Ndiyachwe. I do woodwok.
Ndiyalot. I do photogrphy. ,ULI!-CULruRLCOPSlha:e SouthAriconPolceSerycmmbors
Ndiya*rthanda r,hrfund. I like rading. spnd moslo eir spor im doncins th lrodilionol woy Theyle
Ndicul tptkwayi. I sing ;n a oi. lrlng lopromoiecultul divrsitywilhin theirsNic
Ndiyathng. I sw.
Nyaith. l:wtesy Cope fnes 17/5/t 99. PctuAlon Toylorl
Ndiyazoba. I pint. lziro zokuhambisa ix6h (pastimes,
NdisebeDzaegadi. I gardn.
Ndiyaztbnd,rt lob. I like fishing.
/ tTV
Ndenzizitya neembiza I do pottery. . utulhulph a ntculo (music) ngeeteyiphunangeCD
ngodongwe. ukuphlphul nomathotholo

Ndiqoelels izitrmp. I colled stamlr. Th wod momthorclo = 'radio' comes from the association
Ndiyalka. I do wving. betwnthe disembodiedvoiceswhich celaiditionalhealenwho
nay hve spiits nanifest in emselves - voices, whisdes, etc.
(regadedsbothrde andsinplar,ada honor ftom e acestols)
Culturul background
Ukuxhentsa ooNotaHorHoto
Unxhentso is a traditional )Ooeadance consisring of hythmic 'onomotfi otfiolo boyezc oe comine
he wil,chdoclos
movements,stmpingfet andvadousgestresaccompniedby the eorly in morninghey qr coming.
singing andclappingof womennd gis. Theyofe coming eory in lh morning
9oye2al' They6r comingl
This danceis peormed by wome and men a. ber ildnking, by
men ai a wedding(lr'ldudo) andby a diviner while divdng.

@ Honr it works llrirr thesecponsyou can seetht e subjectconcods refening to

('f$$scsl/la; U2^ atd 6 aE -c'i -9' ; 'gr spectively.The subject
7 The pattcipia,
doncordsrefemrg to all e othe clssese the sameas the shot oms
The paticipil construction,similar o rhe English verbal -ing' fom 0l'lhe present tenseindicive (cf. Unir 2,2).
(prticiple), usually denotestwo simtnous ctiors. Its use is more
extensivein Xlosa rhan it is in EDglish.As is the casewi rhe pssive 'l'hc pticipial cralso be tanslteds follows.
construclion,you must be familia wi e participil shoutdyou wish Vr'qa ukudlalaibhola He startedto py socce
to ead Xhosa teits. Mny examplescan be found in cprionsunde ekhtywyogseneminyaka tglq the ageof eight.
pho(oglaphsin newsppersandmagzines: esibhozo.
UEarry nocharles Ukhulecnomdltalulu He srew up r4!!L seat
noSekelaMoneamel kumdllo sebbolel'arywdyo.IDteresr in
uPri ce Charles wamkelwa blgngenabribala lendtato. Bncokoebgbukelaiqakamb. They chttedyLils watching
eMz.a si Aftika riNkalumbuso (Hary andChalesandthe Deputy cicket.
fasecautng. (O\\hls anval Pesidententedngihe stadium.)
(coming from l,esotho,hince Sometineshe prticipjl is not traDslted jn Engtish:
Charleswas wecomedby e WazhvDgo-1970cngunmtwana He ws bom in 1970,(bqi!g)
Premieof cuteng.) wesiihu kusapholwabntwana e third chid in a family of
baan. five children.
UPrnce Charles UsekelaMonaameli, Ufotwe gkunyenabnyebadll He wa, photogphedqiag)
encokob noseketaMonsamel ebulsaisihtuele etdtfrkeni beqekle. togethewith oer playersof
nenkoskaziJakhe.(Prince kyakhekt /ibla lenidlalo. ls leam.
CharleschaftiDgwith the (The Depu.y Presidentgeering Noa:rri's infixed betweenthe subjectconcord nd a monosyllabic
DepuryPresidentandhis wife.) the crowd on his anival verb stem,e.g.'-y' = to go to':
l the stdium.)
Ndiqhwlelandisty. I an limping so!!g along.
(BONA, February,1998,p-44) Lr-' is infixed betweenthe SC nd a yowel vrb em, e.g. '-enz :
Xa Maafutwe qlibana ... Amadoda aentse imni Ungalibali ke, CseziBA nj, Don't forget then sheis
uNaoni Canpbe uthe kuibma yonkeqnk'mb.ko inkokli ubmbemibini imisebenzi. doiag he BA while holding
nobaw' Madibakufana )dlrr. (The men danced the down fwo iobs.
'nokanratheIaku kukhanra whole day giving rcspct to t]ei Use o the porttclpal form
knelanga' (When e celebdties leader)
me., Naomi Canpbell sid at (BON, Novmb! 1997,p.2l) Afte the co\iunction 'x' = 'when' / 'wheneve' / 'if' :
to meerwi 'her farher'Madiba x gsitshouthethinyriso. Sayi4g so shetells lhe tluth.
was lke stpping into the =
After the inteogaliv 'kuthni' 'why?' (ct Unit 8.4):
sunshine.) Kutheni engndixelelanga? Why did shenot ol me?
(BONA, Octobe,r97, p.3)
t is usedafte cetinrxiliary vrbs, e.g. 'se- / sel_/ sele_'= 'already':
Ukhona? Is he,/shlhere?
Hi, sel'smile. No, he/shehasa|Itdy left.

And also fte ' soloko' = 'aways':

B4ziinlshoishelil Theywr chompionsl
Wasolokognqwenelaul:udll He lwys wanredto play Belsnzimo olol
ukhuphswono ll wss o lough compiilion.
iqamba njengorluluva cricket like hs older bothr Bc@khor:buhlobophokothi Wd5 iherecomodeieomong

The prcipi fom is also usedfte the adverbof time 'kudl' = long
Kudal psemisha Bekumnondikokhulul
Long go whenhe ws sll
8&yimininmpumelelo doy or our
kv/iqeo lwos o successtul
wyedlldnanqidi. Young,he usedto box- lelhu. tom.
(li. usedto ply tuts)
*Youmoyind 'ub'used instodof 'eb'.
As canbe seenfrom theseexamples,e paticipil occursiD rhepresenL
andpa tenses,bolh positive andnegtve(infx '-gr).

2 The cont rrttous,'ecent past tense From ese exmpesyo can seethat:
1 n the unshadedexamples 'be. is simpy pefixed to the subject
This freqetly usedpast lenseusuay coves ny continued ction or
concords.Howeve,in the shdedexamples\thee e subjed concods
state dring the r.ec?a,pdrr ndis fomed wi '-b' + rhe pticipiI.
consistof vowel only, the subjectcoDcordsand / or 'ber arc slighty
'-be' = ''as'/ 'rvere' is the ecent past tenseof 'ul:uba' = 'to be' (cf. modified.
Uit 10.3):
2 he cotinuos rcent past enseis also u$edto descibean actionor
Ndibe ndidlala(very arely sedin eveydayspech)= I was I playig processtaking place t a ctitr point in time in the e lrast where
shoened to + Bendidlal= I was playing Bnglishwould simpy usee pasttense:
Belldlala njani iqela lkho? How did your teamplay (at the
3 Th contiuous recent p6t tnsis usednot only with verbs but h
copultives, inteogative6, loctives and desciptives as well. These
desqiptives also include stativ vbs:
Stativ verbs Sttive verb
Pnesnttene pst teDs,e
Ndixakekile BeDdixkekil.
I m busy. I was busy.
Sithbthekik- Besithabathektl.
We re impressed.
Beqidlolonioni Howdd rhscrumhol
ploy? Ndingxmil. Bendingxmfu.
Be3!dlolokokuhle Bothscrumholves
ployedwell! I m in a hurry. I wss in hufly.
Bonwbil? abaxasi! Bebonrabile abaxhasi!
The supporters happyl The suppotes*ere bppy!
KI]MD].AIO t 9l

Note: As is lhe casewi e picipial, e two intrxes .J!,and ,-r-' Tlis lenseoften hse connoltionof 'used to', which canbe expressed
asooccm n the continuous rcnt Dsttense. lxplicitly by dding'-Lde':
ari ' with vebs of orc syllble: Ndandi&de ndidlal. = it. I waslong go I plying.
Bebertthini? Wat werc they sfng? Wawudll ntoni gea xesha? \ryhatwercyo! playingt thattime?
-r- with vowel vbs: Ndeslidll iqal(amb. I wss plying cicket.
Ndpding,rngciDi-pali. I was a wicke-keper.
Ubueenznton izoo? Wat were you doing yesteday? What wee you playing at that
Naaidlla ntoni ngelxesha?
The negative of the continuols p tffe s formedbyl time?
infxng 1ngr andchngingthe finl vowel to '-i' with onsonntvebsi Ss!,rdhrumbhoxo. We were playing ugby.
BndilScsebenzi I wsn't working nbErigcin qphilie He used to kephimsef fit by
ngo.:uhmb. walking.
Use -ng- and changethe final vowel o Li' with vowl verbs: They used to keepemselvesfit
Baledgcin beplilile
Bendjlgenzinto rzolo. I rasn't doing an'ing yesterday. ngokublek. by unDng.
Use'-trg- nd suffj"\ '-aDga wi a stave!erb: n&rarnjni umdllo,ombhoxo wlla ms e gameof rugby like
rgelaxesh? at at me?
BendiEggrkeksDg. I wsn't bsy. They ver! interslinggmes.
)bYrnondl inidlalo.
Use '-ng-' wi non-vebalpredicates: Ladledanjni iqel laklo? How did your team ply?
EbenggklouThemba? Wstr't Thembarhere? AJclngilr anqengelaaxesha. The teamswere good at thl time.
Kr}umnnalt ngoko. It ws (very) nce then.
Beluggnzimukhuphiswamoo! Ws'trdiffict comperirion!
As you cn seeftom ese exampes,rb' or '-ye' is oitted excepafor
3 The continuous emote patst tenae Classes 1/14.4.6nd9.
This past tenseusually coves any conrinudction o stt duing the Note As is .he cswi e prticipial nd e cotinous cent pst
temotepast.lt is fequ'ennyusedin biogrphiesandrcpos of pstevents. nse.the infixes '-rf'/ '-r-'also occurin the cotinousmotpast
(ci Units 3.4 and 7.4). ense with verbs of on syllble and vowl vebs respectively,while
It is fomed rvith: SC of motepastaense+ '-be' or 1ye, + rhepaticipil rngar is iDfixed in the necative.
1b' = 'was' / 'wrc' - te ecentpasttenseof 'ukuba' = 'to be'
'-ye': 'went' the ecentpasttenseof 'ukuya' = .to go to' How to appty it
Ndbe ndidala. I usd fo py (long ago).(1r.I ws I playiDg) I Lisien to the Xhosalised English words on tape and lite
Ndtrdidlala. down e English equivalents
Wy edlla. He rYasplang (lons ago)
nayedlala. (b)
Note As is e casewith the continuousrecentpasttense,the full fom is
very arely usdin everydayspeerh. (d)

tg, 5 Spots perncss
You exFess your prefeencesfor ceain spots.Ask sonebody why
h./shepeers certinspolt:
c) (a) Andiandi mbhoxo.Ndi yacingauhba undlonso-ndlongo
2 OkunokwenziwangebhoLa
(/ds) ungabanengozi.
Unokulkab. You cnkick it. wly do yes like rugby?
Unokuyibamba. You cncatch(lold) ir. b) Andjrhndjhqubba. NdiyawoyamaMi.
Unokuyiosa. Wy do ypu ike i.?
Unokuyigqiisela. (c) Ndithndintenetyakkuu-
Unokuyibetha. Youcnhit it. Wy don't taq like t?
Now instruct somebodyro: (d) Ndithnd ukunyuk intaba kkhulu. Indalo (''dtulr) inde
(a) kick il!
Wry don yau like it?
o) ctch (hold) il
(c) tow it! 6 Past hobbies
(d) pssit! Somebodytell' you bou p\l hobbe\ nd yol
(e) hit it!
3 Conplete th questiors wi the appropiate i eogave (a) Ndanditdendithungaka}huu.
() Uqata_ umdllo weqakamb? What did you uset sew?
Kudal_ amaqelanamhlanje? O) Ndandilade ndinia yonke imihl.
(c) NCU_ usompenpe? Wt did yo useto krit?
(d) Ngr_ ophumephambili? (c) Ndandikadendica.
(e) Umdlalo udlw Wat did you useto sing?
(0 Kupbunelele _? (d) NdandilGdendidnisakakhlu.
G) Kuphumelee iqela? Wich dances?
(e) Ndanditadendiloba kakhu.
4 Complste statemenis
(.) Ndi diqakamb. I sti ply cricket- Meeting somebody fo the first time
o) -d141- bhola ilatywyo. I do't play soccer
(c) _ndi_dlal ntenetya. I dotr't ply iennisny You mt someoDefor the fnst time. Ask them thesequestons:
log. (a) Do you like spo1?
(d) pkde dlal intenetya- I used to ply tennis. (b) Which team do yor suppo?
(e) umbhoxo. I neve plyedrugbt (c) Do you wtch spot on TV?
(d) Do you havehobbies?
(e) Do you like music?
Complete ppropriately. (e) UNorsa udla nsokweMa ntoni?
Fil in (he corrent subjci concord to complete rhe folowing () Kutheni Nonsa esesibhedlele?
prticrsaboutpasrsoccerpesonalities: (s) Kue uvuyani etunaukufowunelaunyeni kaNonsa?
(a) UJomo Sono mele ibhola yaseMzanrsi-Aftipheshey. 1O Fill in e appropriate missing elements
(b) Uceorse Thebe___Jindoko yeSANFA.
(a) lryuyani -fuDa ukufownelumyeni -mllobo -ke.
(c) UMbny_dlalelaMookaswallows.
(b) Uvuya funa ukufo\runelainkoskazi-mhlobo -khe.
(d) UKaizer MotunC_ngonnye wabadliabphambili
(c) Uvuyani funa ukfownelaabzali lobo khe.
Read the dialogue and answer th quastions l1 Hobbies and pastime-s
USIPIIO NOWYANI BADIBANA BANCOKOLE Redthefollowing bouthobbisndpastimes.Fill in rheppopite
wods ndphasesfrom [he list:
Usipho Molo. bhuri. Uzfihe phi? Lbuphi? Khnge ndikubone
esha elide. () inabo nobuchue bokweza izinto ngezanda, O) abdal
Uvyani Mfondini, bendiguiainyangayone. imidllo, (c) Luphulphulalubkele, (d) ukuphulaphul4 (e) ubomi
Usipho Awr! Ndiluszi. Llbhetelensoku? bangphande, (0 baphila, ngomculo, (g) ukuqokeela,
Llvuyani Ewe, ndiphilie kwakhona kangangokuba ndiqle (h) nokubukel,(i) baqokelelaand (i) ukufunda.
ukuphange kvakhona namhtnje. Ukle wambona Balho abantuabathnda(1) izinto, umzekeloizitampu.
uNomsakurshanje?(/ec?rt, Baneencwadiekuthiwa zii-albun, apho kukho izitmpu eziniMi
Usipho Hyi. Ndiva ukubausesibhedee. ezikftoyo elabathitri.om all owr the world). Abatuabambaln
Uvuyani Uphethweyintoni? (2) izinto zakudala, Dzekelo (umiturc)
- 'altsha
Usipho Andiqiniseknga.Ingai wabkwingozi (shewas in an okanyeimizobo (pdintirsr).
Baninzi abantuabattanda(3) -. Ngenpela-vekibaryrka
UVuya Aw! Ingozi enja? iintaba. bayableka, baklwela ibhayisekile, baqubha elwandle
USipho Uyazi, Nomsa udl ngokubaleka. okanyeemilanjeniokanyebayalobahba bathandaukutya iindal\zi.
Ebe.,qeqeshelai7ir" O.edrr. Ngoku,
Inkoliso (mort) yabantu (4)
UVuyni Torhwanal Imbaleki enje ul:uqaqamb- (rtu'r d'i ia iijezi, yaluka imilengens yodonsa, iunsa iilolAwe,
iyachwel,yenzaiziry ngodongweokanyeisebenzaegdini.
outstandingathete)Uknesiphi isibhedee?
USipho Andazi. Uninzi (ntry) lwabantu luthand (5) kunomathorholo
UVyani Ndiza kufo*lnel umyeni wakie utumnisa ind drt (6) L:umbona-L:ude imini yonke. (7)
aot) nsesibhedee. - iindb, mculo, imidlalo eqhurys,ayo,(seials, t. plars
whch arc co n ue) iifilim, imidllo enjeneombhoxo,iql(mb,
(a) Uspho udibananabani?
isok njlo, njo.
(b) Ktheni engmbonanga uvuyni ixeshaelide?
(c) Asebenzangaixeshelingknaniuvuyani? Bannzi abantu (8) _, ngkumbi isok, umbhoxo,
(d) AbaNobo bathethangabni? neqkmbezithandwakakulu.

Abnye bntubathanda(9) _

Bathengiincwadi okanye babolekakwiala eencwadi (/m,r, rrd Masit/e kulaa restyu intsha!
Let's go to thst
new restaurant!

ln ths Unit you u)lrl lerrn hol.luto,

I askfo a tbefo the apFopriateDumberin your py
I skfor a pticular table
I askfor menu
KukJb abantu (10) Bacula ekwayarini, badlala I askwht dshesare recommended
iziLna]io (n scal i sttunents) urzekelo ipiyno I excuseyounetf fom de table
bayadanisa. I commenton you food
I askfor the bill

AJter e fficket, Pete and Themb,Jenny and Thandi go to a rccently
openedrcstauantspecising in traditional Xhosfre.
Unphi-weestyu Molwen| Nankelkile kwiziki Ith. Siy^wya
kakhulu ukunibol Ninjni?
UThemba H, siphilengaphandleko.:urnb!
itle yabantuabane?
Umphthi-werestlu Ngokuqinisekjleyo!Ndilandeleni.
UThndi lngbasingafumanaitafilengasefeslileni?
Umphi-werestyu Nantsi. Injani le?
UThndi unsilelsiyabulel.

Umphthi-werestlu Nalu ulublu lokutya.

UThenb Ucebisa sithae ntoni n? Yntoni isipeshali
Umphthi-weestlu Heke,kwizidlo zokuqalasineso ka samnr.
UJenny Ool loo nto indikhumbuzaubuntwanabam efma! Umphthi-wercstyu Ingbanitye kamnndi?
Ndiyasithandakakhulu ieon|d sarnanzl Abblobo Kknh!
Umphathi-weresq'u Nyhani, Nkosikazi! Nisk phi? UJenny NdingaaDda kufunna iresiphi ykho
UJenny Ndluela efamaemd<hoseni. yomnSrrrtr? ub siohlebo?
Umphthi-weresttu Ndwoni? Umphathi-weestyu Ndiza kukucelekumpheki.
UJenny NgaseKomani. UJenny Ndiybyela.
Umphathi-reesqu Oo, andiwaziloo mhtab.Mna ndiHele phesheya Umphathi-weestr' Heke,kunjani ngsimuncumuncu?
kweNciba. Heke, mandibalule Mnphokaqo. Aba obo Enkosi kalulu kodwa sonkesanele!
ttttgqusho, amfrno, mtton stewnol s. Ulhemba Singayifumani-bill ngoku?
UPeter Ndilibele. toDi /r/roloq, kanye? Unphathi-wercstyu
Umphathi-wercsqu Ngumgubowombonaophekiweyo.
LPeter Oo. ewe, Ddiykhumbulangoku.
UJenny Ngowuphilrrrfno wako?
Umphathi-werestyir Sisipinatshinesv,ele.Ndganizselinto yokusela Isigama
eliaaniklethi o yokurya'lKtmjilngontqomboth,
Uftenba MasingcmenizoDl(elSizselenebhotileyewaytni. nokqiisekileyo eriiny
Umphthi NgokuqinisekileyoI cnosmyer
_ <e
The estamntowner comesback wth the open bottle ofwine an.task gumr rcn0mma Mlmom
whethrtheyare rcady to ode. woro yo
Umphai-weestyu Nilungele uL:u-odola?Senilethie? on lhe dtr sid o/
UThemba Hyi,asikbethi.Sisacing. hevond
Umphathi-westyuKungile,ndizakubuyaemvakwexeshana. LLeKi tu!.
UJenny Kanene,Mnurzam, liphi gubi oklambeta?
isimncumuna dsset
Umphlhienrsrlr Ndildndee.ndizakkrboni,.
UJenny Enhosi.Ndixolele knctncr.
Abnye Kulungile. Mirc

WhenJennycomesback thr odet and ater a while their meal aftbes.

Umphahiwerestyu Nakuukutyl
UJenny Mm, kunukmnandi! Kujongeknandikanjatol
Umphathi-werestyu Heke. ndiydembaukub niz konwabelakury

TheJfrnlh the meal


Cultural background
IZN<O 'I am very fond of this sou milk which is know sdtmri amog
e )ftosa peopleandis gedypized asa healthyndnomishing
ULUHLULOKUTYA food-It is very simpeto ml(eandmerelyinvolves letting e milk
slndin e openair ndcrille. It thenbecomesthck ndsour
Izidlo zokuqala Staers nther ke yogu.'
Inkozo zethang ezojiwe Roastedpumpkin pips (Nelso Rolihfalla Mandl,., Lt g walk to Freedom, p.266,
narnandongomane and roastedgounalnuts RndburgMcDonaldPurDe[, 1994)

Isigezenga Steamedgreenmealieballs Some trd'dttlon4.t dshes (lztdlo zakwaNtu)

Isonka samarui Soft reshlysteamedbread Themostpopladi in its numeousfoms,is porddge:ponidgemadeof
soEhm- arrdzimb - (indigenousto Africa) and maize / mealie -
Umphokoqo Crumbly mealiemeal 4mbos- (pl. ii'dmbotra) which was introducedto SouthemAfica via
porridgewith sourmilk WestemandCentralAfica ftom SouthAmeica by Pouguesenagatols.
The word 'ralie' is derived ftom the Potuguese word for sotghu!
Isipheko Esikhulu Main Couse 'milho' (cf. RenataCoetzee,,F,rd,Heinenann,Johannesburg, p. 6).
dubhayi Bean& Melie Stw
th rnealiemalpondge(2,5patsof v!e4I paft of neal)
lmithwane Pumpkin Runner Ste\t
Umngqusho Samp& beans s\r,eetmilk ponidge(l pa gmundgln mealies,6 partsfe swetmilk)
Umffno Spinach& Onion Stew ick meliemeaponidgenixed rith pumpkin(2 pas tral, I pn wate)
Ithanga BoiledPumpkin
comblymeaiemeatpoEidge(4 ps of meal,1-2ps of water)
Ulusu Tlipe wedng / gubel
1 mediumpumpkin,250r neliemea
Umkhupha Ponidgeo Maize & Beans ,r,/lthrxha
widr Meat 5 parispumpki& 2 p1s8Inmeaes
rnffno/ ffiqubel / tstgibane
Isimuncumuncu Dessert
lsaladi yeziqhamo Fruit salad& ice clem LEGIIME DISIIES
ne,ayisikhrim Unngqusho
sanp (crushdmaize)andbenns
Ingrdients Method
! Howto ...
125g beans,soakedovemit Cook the beansand sampfor Ack fot o tdbte ot the dpptopriote nmber in
125g sarp,sokedovemight pp.ox. 3 hous.Bown meat youf pqrty
500 g brisket, cut into cubes and onion. dd sr,pepper lJn lo it^frle y.:tba.tldababni | Lbath^lhl| | abane/ abahlauttl
I onion, chopped and waterm cover ano srrme Singfilman,-tfle ydnt adne?
2 tomatoes,chopped unl ahnostdone.Add orion,
I grenpepper,chopped tontoand geenpepper ABkot a particut4t tabre
salt, pepper,lemonjce to tste and simmertil the ingreents e
Singaltma fl ngarfestilni?
cooked.Mir wiih the &mtrgqusho,
addlemonjuice to taste,her Aak fot d menu
thmugh and seve,
(Retr Coetzee,Fna,p. 159) Sngafun ,lhlu lofrE / r'menl'u?
Sngafumndhlu loftsel?
'Ukrtya L:weuthina mdftos ngumbonaesii siwenzungqusho, Ask who't is tecommended / speciql
isidudu,isona, rarhewr,rywalaukarti abkwazulubathandiayisi tlblula nfoni?
kkhulu. t...1Kwezinye indawo yeDziwangumgubowamazimba.' Ucebisantoni?
(IS. Bongl;IPrrro, MaskewMi e Longman,1977) Ucebissikhthg ntoi na?
Yntoni irrpeslai smhlanie?
ooo0ooo Unertdlo err'sodwnhlaqie?
'This sme ved offeed gzing for our liveslock and yielded
mfro, wild spinach,to ou mothers,in ich vaiery [. . .] Excuse yourself from the table
I do not eremberever bing desperatelyhungry as a child. No. ,Vdtxolelskncinci.
Thee ws alwaysmoe an enoughto eaa.New meliescookedon
tte cob, dry nealiescooked with beans,meliesoasted,mealies Comment on yout food
stampd ad boken into bits, mees cusbed and gound to Kujongeka mnatrdi.
powde! pumpkin as vegetable,pumpkin mixed wi mealie-meal, Kunuks mnndi.
oer squash,eggs.ftuit, sou milk milk fiesh fo.my warm, stmighr Kurmndi.
tom the udder: gadenvegetable,nild vegelable,dmtzmlm, a
hosi of othe delectbe eatables. Such varietv: such rcadv^\d Ask ot the bitl
avaiability.' Sing],ifumnaibill?
(SindiweMgon,ro Mt Chiuen'| Chidn,

S How it works Th. ittlve or neuter inffx '-k-'

Thh infix indicates a state or condition wiout rcfeing to the agent
I Tuo nouns n possessiue teldtionahip in mdny
iJrunirgthatconditionsimil to the passivevoice The English equivalent
uords to do toith ood' haoing meo'ls, etc. wouldbe 'be (do)-ble'o 'cnbe' (done):
bef (it. meat o/cotr) lyvulekle festile? Is this window openbl?
myama Jegush mutton / larnb (lit. met o/shep) Can this window be opened?
chicken(lit. met d/chickn)
lumaneklula inyan? Is metreadily oblinbl?
tryma )hg pork (lit. met o/hog)
l,*zty ,brrselwndle sefood (lit. food o/the sea) "thnda love -ry ea
r'suphurkku -andEa be loved -tYlga be eatn
lsphu )?tuto -andgk lte lovable -ty*a be e-dible
cheese(lit. bed ,fsour milk) -funda read -fuaa need/ want
irido rdkussa bnadstoiL qfealy morfug) -fnd]{a be rad -funl4 be wanted
iridlo sllrcmtui unch (lit. mI o/middy) -ftndeBa be legible -funEa be desirable
iriUo rdgokuhlwa dinner,supp(lit. meal o/e Thce ae a numberof vebal forms e ding in -'ekir?' which corespond
evenig) to Bnglish 'to b' + adjectives(cf. Unft 5.6):
igumbi irkutygla dining rcom (1i.oom o/etiDg Ndiqinisekirr. I m celin.
(i'dlu yol:utyela) @D) Ndixakektle I am busy.
itffle )okutyela Sikhulekile. 'Weae he.
tlphu ltffI rabecloth Kubalulektle It is impott.
atuhlu r.iselo n someinslnces,ves with '-ck (tre)' or 1w. semto be interchngeable:
lhlu lw?wayid Kushiyekaulotya okunizi.
Kushiywekutya okuninzi.
2 Mote about oetbdl extensions
(Much food is left orr.)
The caus.iveinfl\ '-z-' instedof'-is-'(ct Unit 4,6) is usedin rbe ljongeka'< ,.jong' (< 'look') is litealty trasted s 'looked at s':
folowing ves endingin '-la' :
hdtkhumbuz ubu,ran bn. It reminds m" of my childhood. 3 Inlx:s'- ,i1r, netb in the negqtioe = 'not get'
(lit. ii mks me remembe)
sitskhethr: we hven chosenyqt.
Khathaleleirnpilo yakho. Ce fo you helth. Ani\^zi. I don know !9!.
Musa uku.tknathaza. You must not wory Cyorulr. silyt ilng! lingelbhoni. We don't est befoe sunset.
Ndiza L:uphrI3ixeshan. I'm going to est for a while. (t. beforc e sunhasnot y9!t
Zphumze xeshana. Rest (1,ollrel, for a while. gonedown)
ndrleliffrmi ixesha I hverot Jpt found time
'Ukuba dr?LA/t ff you have art yE! bento the I Ark the waiter
n"Mpondomise'1t land of the Mpondomise, (r) rhee you can sit outside
nfrndi, rft,lsndboni eadet you hverot yrg!seen (b) to bing e menu
a.rutMrlkkz: amaue.' bautifulAftican women. (a) wheer you ca ordernow
(4.C. Jordan) (d) wbelheryou canhave red srine
(o) whetheyou ca hvvegetables/ fiuit
$How to apply it Ark the wate for somelhing
Give the negalive (St0t the sentenceoff by saying 'Ndingafunana'J
(a) Ukurya ktnnandi. (u) anotheslice
O) Ndinambia (?rj"]) ur:urya. (b) anotherbeer
(c) IsoDta sinencas. (c) anotherfok
(d) Nthanda inym. (d) notherhle (imel)
Answer th qestion 'Hou, ae !Du?' in tlplcl Xhosa qray (c) notherspoon
(f) notherteaspoon
Rememberthis involves sying somethingalory the lines of '1an (g) nofter plte (ipleyni)
(h) anothecup of tea
Ndiplilile ngaphande (t'eing very hungy).
English equivlents
(b) (bing vey thirst .
(c) (the worD. You know tht 'igurbi okuyela'means'dinrgroom' Cnyou
(d) (the weate4. guesstheEngshequiYaent of:
(e) (too much sudying). (a) igumbilokulala
3 Give lhe opposite description (b) isunbi lol:ultala
(c) rgumbioluodel
Imituno mitsh kaliulu:
(b) i-apiiezimncu(sour): I Match thse Xhosalisei wods with oigital Xhos
Isuphuineqwa kakulu: l ibhladesi ()
(d) Nnda isonkaesimdak: 2 ilantshi (b) uluhlu lokuty
Nilikhetha ukuselaiwayini ebom\,r: 3 idinla (c) indlu yangsese(1i1.houseof pdvcy)
(f) tapilezishushu: imenyu (d) igumbi lokhlrnbea
4 Ask 5 itshizi (e) isidlo sakussa
6 ibhafntr1 (0 isidlo sangokwa
Do you havea table for two? 7 ioyile.hi (s) isido ssemini
(b) Do yo hvea table for tbee?
Do yo havea tble for four?
(d) Do you have a table fo five?

9 You are asked what you would like ,JThndi Ndiza L:wenzaisaladi yeziqhmo.Ndituna ama'apie,
(a) fo brakfast. Say lhat you would like: anapee. ipayim, ii-oreqii, ipesik nebhamna.Ezi
poridg; two slicesof bro.r.1q
(t. dk) bread;a soft-boiled bhananselullaza.Unazoezivuthiweyo?
tJmncedisi Nzzi eziwthiweyo. Mosikzi.
Gthbileyo) eg$ butte ndjn (jn).
UThandi Enkosi. Iivtal zijongekannndi.Zidl mlirit
Urncedisi Zid R7.00 Zimandi zinannzi kkulu. Kunini
(b) fo lunch. Say that you would like:
UThandi Enkosi.Ingnleloo nto. Mm, irDnndikhulu. Ndiphe
cod meat , salad(isaladi), slice of white bead and a slice o enl$lu ley.
Umncedisi Kunjani ngmkhiwanenediliya?
UThan Hayi, Mnuzana. Ezi ziqhamozanele.
Umncedisi Kulungile.
t)r supper. Say that you would like: (a) Kutheni uThndi efunkuengaiziqhamo?
mb,potatoes,vegeabes,fiuit. (b) Uensa eziphi iziqhano?
(c) Zinjani iibhanana?
(d) Injani ivatala
10 List all e vegetbl6 you will need to make the soup (e) Idla mali ivtla?
(0 UThandi akengi ziphi ziqhmo?
Izio zokupheka
50Ogyesuphyenyama I lcomiryiyeembotyizeswekile
ziqhmo rtun iPeE (ana ) Ped
I itoti yesuphuyetumatooknye varala(ii-) vtmon a tprl" vcry rsh
I tsweleelikhulu suphuyemifuno i-apile Gm !!p -ngok$m nYFr
3 iikomityi zeminqae Z ikorDityi yerhasi idiliya (ii) !ap -pht[um rtch
I ikoniryi yeembotyiezintsha intwnayetyuwayegaliki ikhisee (ama) fig shipn rr" vd.r-cheap
I icephelet),uwa 2 iitispuni zepasili i p a . i n d , i r' pnedbpe \u r h $ e r o 'Pc
j, itispuni yepepile 3 iitapile i-orenji (ii-) rgc -dla nalinil msl how much?
I iomiryi yee-errysi ipesik(ii ) peeh -Imdzi juicy

imiuno gtqbl* iimboryiezinhhogre. bons nhsi borley

12 A friend is helping you pepare a meal. Tell he,/him
imingothe corch iilyis pos what to do:
Plesewash Ghmb)e potatoes.
(b) Don rakelhe big porroe.
lale e \rrallone(.
l1 Read the dialogue and answe the quesons PelGchuba)two onions and an apple.
Umncedisi Mlo,ndingakuncedangantoni? (d) Chop Gnqunqa)the onions ande pumpkin.
UThnd Mm, iziqhamo zk1ozijongekazintle. Gate (-tshweza)the crots.
Unncedisi Ztsha /err?, Nkosi^zi, ndiziphuume ngol:wm (f) Washe lettuce (ilelisi) levesndthe tomatos.
nar'lanje ekuseni.Enye into, zitshiphu,liel Bdns someshes (izily).
- uNtr3

I tel
(h) They e n rhe cupboard(ikabhai ) abovethe sin (isinki).
Open tin. Ukutlrenga inpahla nezinto
(i) Openthis one swell. yinto zakrvalItu zesiNtu
(k) PlesesetGlungisa)the table.
13 w'illng n inviation Buyng clothesond tllc'rious
Try to rvrite e ppropriateinvitation that would have elicited rhe
folowins nswe:
At'rican arts and crats
Nosaoandekayo, In thls unit vou |,ir, ,eqtn ho@ to,
Ndiyabulela kkhuu ngecwadi yalo nangol:undmem. I narvel at something
Kuza kubamrndiukuryisido sangokuhlwanawe.Ndiy^zi I discuss size
ukubaungumphekiwenenengalumbi kwizido zkwaNtu.
I askaboutcolour prefeence
SobonanangoMgqibeloke. Undibuliselekubaz baklo. I complimentsomeoneon en ppeaance
Bayezana nabo eklayeni ako ngoMgqibelo? I discussprice
NgolukhuluundoNomvuyo. I saysomethingfs wel
I offer a discount
I askwhat paymeft is acceptabe
I makemore comparisons

Pcter nd Jenny want to by some Xhosa handiofu nd trditional
UJenny yhini! KharMrjongenje zonke ezi zinto zdel linkkho
ezoluiweyo, imilengalenga yodong, iznto zodongwe,
iingobozi nenyeimpbla.Kuza kuba nzim L:ukhethal
UMncedisi Molweni, ndinganinced?
UJenny Inene,ivente ykho de kakhrlul
Ndiyazi, ndiza kuchithim eninzi namhlnjel
UMncedisi Enkosikalul. Nngathandauhrjonga kuqala?
UJenny lngandeloo.
UMncedisi Ndibizeni ukubninna uncedookaye nifuna ukwazi nto.
NE t AFRICANCUISINE.Trodnionol disheswi q modntwisiis
whorporrypeoplsgewhnthq, hne corerinsservices UJenny Klungie, Nkosikzi. Mnq ndingathanda ukuqaa
oi Ubusuku
Be.Aiksl l you ore plonningo rcolAriconpo y, y will brins ngokujongaiilokhwe nemibhnqo.
olongo prqisesinger,songomo, ortistsond q bwnshpbondto dinn. UPete l,o ngumlengalengawodonga phya koluya donga, mhle,
coPefin6,23/10/98. Nkosikzi.
UMncdisi Owphi, nuDza?


UPete Lo ubonisaumfazi otshyinqw.Wenzi\raphi?

UMncedisi Wenziwansbafzibale ndawo.
UPete Yimlini,nltosl(z?
UMncdis Ngelshw le miengalengyodongaidl imli eninzi kule
mib kub klol-u youkwe ngesandl yaye yeyoboya
hngings inobuncinci
beseibhokwe. w -phatbqla
flPeter Ndiyev. portcry eyiphinry2i?
JennJenryesfun thechanqi g moh. (it.hings of clay) owuphi umbaa?
baskcts -lngdsa
Umncedisi Mm! Ufanelekil, Nkosikazi! Inde ka<hululoo lokhwel ed other goods lngma tuzrrc
lyar:ufnelL:unjlonje! sp.nd (also,Rasle) Insd/ ihisa
UJenny Ewe, kodw ngthi inobuncici. Nceda, Nkosikazi, hclp ixabiso
ndiphthelenyeenuu kunale. drcsses erbini
UMncedisi Kuungile, ndiz. kubon.Eyiphi isayizi? s*its amkea
UJnny U36. which onel i[hk
ItMsebeDzi Ungathandaowuphi umbla?
UJenny Yiza nelubheluokanyeebomvu.
izihrbh nzimba je*elery nad rron
me assistantretumsu'ith a bBgersize. ho$ m(h a 1fl znz'we neccn6inbl b*d\
LMncedisi Ngelishwa sinemhlophe nentsundu neluhlaza kuphela niswhalnoney?) khulukd
kwisayizi yakho,Nkosikazi. -d10 co$ n. eat) iinhinbi snaller tads
trboy wol ntsinbi nni? wbat kind f beads
UJenny Kulungile ke, ndiza kuingarisale mtsundu.
ycyoboya it is oi the wool bmqala (of e nect) n4ke
UJenny Heke, indilingana twatr! Ndiza kuyithenga! Idla malid,
lEscyibho$we beins of g@is. ercngalo (of e am) b.eel
Nkosikazi? ezrnqa(of e anN6 r
UMncdisi Ukuba uthengailokwe nonbhinqo nnglihlisa ixbiso.
zizak]rdnaR225 zon .
Ujerny Kungile. Ndizakuzithengazombinikodv'andqinisekang
ukubandinem eyaneleyo.UylarDlclaikhadi?
UL4ncedisi Sukuxlla.Nkosik^zi. Saml(laimali. itsheki nekadi. I Horo o ...
UJeDny Klungile kuba ndisafun ukutheng nzinye iznto
Mqflte, dt sotnething
njengezodongre neengobozi,ngakumbinamaso.
UMncedisi Ursho ul(ui izihombiso-mzimba ezeziwe nseentsimbi. Tyhini! Khawujonge nje zonkeezi zillto znllel
Amasomkulu kunentsimbi,Nkosikazi! Jonga yorte l ,ribl nge,nalal
UJenny Kkade!Nditbele'
UMncedisi Ufuna Dtsimbi zini? Ezomqala okanye ezengalo? Dlscuso sze
Uyazithandazonaezamaqatha? Eliphi isayizi?
UJenny Yho! Zonke zintle kakhuh! Kwakftona kuza L:ubanzima Ngathi inorncinci / inor khul.
kum ukukeal Jongayonke le mibala ngmiball Ndtphthelq eny erikr u L:unle/ ye encci kunak.
tlMncedisi Ktrlunsile, Nkosikazi, Iathaixeshalakho!
214 . UNII4

Aak about colout ptefetence

/How it works
Orphi l'lbl? I Supetlatioe and comlmtison
tltphi tbl?
l0 Unlt 9.4, you werc intoduced to the superltive pmnou:
Comprlfiteit so.|meorre on theit appedtdnce
oycn m|rtu 4lungilelo lhe bsrtperson
UfnelekilaI eloDxshalungilelo th be3t time
lrtl kaklulu1oolokhrve!Iyiuf eakunjaonje! zyor,to / rd\o {ngile}, the best thing / place,etc.

Say something its uetl Anolherway of expressinglhe superltive is by using kun- + emphatic

kurbobonke. He / sheis the most diligent
Oet d discount of them l.
Intle le lokiwe kuzo mke. This is the nicest dressof
Ndingalthlisixbiso. then ll
Ask thdt pdyment is acceptoble You can also expressit with ngphezukws- + -o*e:
Uylamkelikhdi? Nditharda Ie milengalega I like ttesewall haryings best
yodongagaphezukwento of (things).
You calr makecomprisos by using 'kunJ = ' ,,. thn':
lokhwe ebomvuinkul The red dressis bigg thn the
kunlokhwe emlophe.
Loo lokrhwe,.akulu kule. That dessis bigger fhn this.
Iingxowa yakrc ,kulu Your bag is bigge th my bag.
Eyakrhoinkul keym. Youls is bisgr thn mine.
wen unemlienitrzi k|mam. You hvemoe moneythan me
(I do).
UJeDnyunemlienitrzihmoPeier Jennyhasmorc moneylhan Peter.
Uchilha imali ninzi kuraye. Shespendsmoe monythan he
Anolhe way of expressingcompaisonis by using 'ngaphezu kws- =
'molt... ihan':
Ilokhwe entsundurulu Thebow desss mor
trglphezu kweokhwe ebomvu. expe|laive
th|r theed one.
UJennyuchitheimali eninzi Jennyspends morcmoneythn
ngrphz koPeter Peter
\F7|NOY \ O lAt WANU7r!\t! 217

Sahambangphzukweeveki Wtsavelledfor mo thn tdo -ngolananin? hod much?

ezimbini. weeks. ljluna imi engkn ? How much moneydo you need?
You cn souse '-ngcono kuna. = 'bette than': kongangokub(conjunction) so much so that
I,o mgaqongconoknaowo. Thisrcdis better than thl(rcad). Urietha njengomxhosa Shespeasit Qosa) lite a )osa
lsXhoskngngokub so much so tht shetechesit
'njenga. is usedfor an eql comprison's ... s': uyarifundis.
Ilol'lwe eboNu tdulu The rcd dressis as exptrsivas mu
-nln i (adjective)
njengenhophe- Uluna imali eninzi? Do you needm money?
I-oo loklwe idulu njeDgale. Thl dessis as expensiveas this
one). 9 The Xhoso equioolent o Englsh 'both' (ofl
Ixeshalam lhexabso My dmeis sprcciousasyor
Tho correspondingfoms for the lst nd 2nd pson plurl ae:
dengexeshlako- me.
Ixeshalam linexabiso My timeis s3pciouss yous. !oD4btnl both of us
njengelakho. no4bini both of you
Uneal.niDzi riengm. Youhaveasmu moneysme bo4blni both of them
(I do). hc conespondingforIs fo e noun clsses(oboly only e plu
UJennyunonsbnziornin i Jernyhass much work s Pete. re:
yoetibinii4l:lengaenga both cutains
sebenzkakhulu Djengye. Sheworks s mch s he does.
odlrstii atls.ici both eings
To exprcss' few morc' you canuse hy': zozlbitri i:andla both hands
Kufunekandithenge?arc tapho I rcd to buy a few moe gifts. ,orrbini iainto both things
To express's soon s' rkngDgoko' is sed: Note:An expressionoften herdvJhensayinglha you: Ndibambangw
Yiza karrsinyakangalgoko Comeas soonas you can. rozrblni. (lit. I hold with both (hands).)
unalho, Fom the last setof exmplesyou vril seetht theseforms consistof cass
concord+ o + adjectivalconcod+ numelstem-bii:
2 Vaous woyo of *pressing 'much' !- + G. + a- + -bini: sobbini
kkhul (adveb) very / much / vcry much b-+o + ba- + -bini: bo4bini
Ndiyayianda kall. I lik it very much.
Tb cxpress,for exaple,'the thee of us, e four of you, the five of
sqith very / too much / so lhG|', etc., numal stenrsg (adjectiveo reusedin the sameway:
Inencasagqia! It's too decious! the fou of you
sor4lhthu thethee of us nor4ne
kaqka / ktrsko bo4bln efve ofthem o44thandathu e six ofthen
Hayi sukutheakryk! Don talk so much! (abatw^n ) (amooda)
ktrgngoko as mrr as
Thengakangatrgokounakho Buy as much as you can.

lil(ullltNGAtMPArtA 219

4 More posaessioe odlectoea 6 Poccessioe pronouns 'mine', 'you'ls', etc.

ln Unit 2.8, you eamt that e posssiveadjectives of the 1 ard 2nd ponous are fomed by prefxingd-, - or ,- to the
h! Dorrssive
persotrs G. ndpl.), i.e. 'my'; 'o'; 'your' follow the trouns ro whjch p0||$vc sdjectives(cf. Uni2.8):
they rcfe ndconsistof two pris (possessivecocord repesenring'ol (Referig to)
llllrro Yous Ous
' whch chngesaccordingto e noun possessedand a secondelement (rnyr / nbhinqo)
which doesnoi chanse):
tiDrm dbakho ubthu
r'Laya /1:m tmli ]]am ,yom eyam .ryethu (;mrbhinqo)
r,rsebenzilrethn lkhay lethu ,'mli.r'th d[m Phkho elethu (tkdi)
umsebenzirdkho ikhaya ldkho imli ]ho dwl(ho (lz'1l1kadi)
fl<hya lerru imali ]rnu Pskho Qsndla)
The fomtion of possessiveadjectives of the 3rd pr{on (s. and pl.) Pzakho (izndl)
'his'/ 'he' 'its' / 'their' is qte simple wher 'his'/ 'her' 'its' refer ro dym ?ylo eyelhu (;rokhwe)
nounsof Classes1 and 'lheir' efeB to nounsof Clsses22: ezkho ezethu (iilokhrv)

'his/her/its' h lhol'mewayyoucanfom:
,rr,rsbenzi rdkh lkhaya lt]e ufuso bakhe yous (p.)
(rwo* e.g.Motrsik4d) (is hme.g. {/Thelb) (itsfa@e.g.nopopl) rwkhe his / hrs
Kulung kahulu ukufunda Ii is very good to leam 6 More obout deopho.nes liziaekisozltJil
wimi zabanyeartu the languagesof othe people Yotl wee fir introdcedto is distinctivefeatureof the )(hosalanguge
kub ngloondlela becausein tht way ln Unla5. Ideophonesoccul not ony in e spokenbut alsoin the wdtten
umfu uzuzaulw zi a persongainsknowedge lnguage.They canb used) mphsisenensityof colour ard a often
ngemo-ndalo]abo* of thei wav of life olom0opoeicto indcemovemen,action, state,sound.etc. They re
nezithethezabo* nokub andllrei4s$alqs nd what Itrhly rsedritb the verb 'ukuthi' which has no meaningof irs own bu1
bangabantuabluhloboluni na. so of peoplethey are. i|nply marks e mood (i.e- indictive, impeative, subjunctive,
*< emphaticpronoun'ratr' minus 'D' refeing to 'ar.zntu' . Nrtjcipil), tense, person, clss, numbet positive or negtive of the
r ct Unit 9.3. Irdicare.$hile rheideophonecmie' rhemening.
rkuthitr be silent Yithi rrl
Howeve,whenit comesto fomlting the possessivcadjective refering
rkuthi rft{dd djsppe Ilanga ithe rrlrdk !
to nounsof oth clssesit is litde morc chalengingbcauseof the many
possiblecombinarionsof posrssiveconcord andmphatic pmDon. ukuthi irra" calmdown Umoywatil]nakd.
ukuthi t appearsuddeny Kwlhi t ll matu.
Do you remembIe idiom 'I/dlo\, ayisindwangmboko ndla'. (lit. ukutN llart grb wajika rmthi rlrri.
The elephnt is not burdenedby i8 tunk) i.e. No-one eve finds his ukuthir sit down Ndixakeke andinaxesha
narualesponsibilitestoo burdmsome: lol:ulhi
is the possessiveconcod of ',/mboko' (Class3) lie vey stil Lttantlri'.
-yo < mfh'tic Plo|rouo eferdng to 'irn ou' (Class9)
Ideophonssooccur wi othe vebs in which casethe verb rerinsirs rho of mind
original neningwhile e ideophone tunctionsas an dverb:
-bhka nAqo go straight Bhek n8qd endlele. Ndllhe rqal
-ntya ngqo come strit bck Ababqanqa ngqo. be rclieved
-thctha nqqo talk straighout Thethni rlgqo. NtJle qabul
standup straiglt nm nk4ol
riddnapperce / dispperance
-timdaniAi learnquicHy Abantwanabaffrnd nqi.
8qr suddenappeaance
lla )oli fa[ fastas]eep Wall)oli.
Ulhe8ql! He appearcdunery ectedy !
-phjlaqete competelywe Ndiphile q"tu ngoku.
Idophonesalso occul th dsciptives olher than colours:
llongalie rtinakl. me s\ su&lenb disappearcd.
Iziqhmo zlthakrebheI
Iziqhmozitshiphu r?!
He sudnenbappearcdl
r cf. Unit 13.
posltioDsnd diEctios
Someidophonsfunction as adves: z$)i stretchedout
qqttut very / too much lntle qgtr&ae lokhwe! Nabr zl?i! Lie stretchedoutl
Anditll1sa npea. straghtuP
qh only Ndtun iokhve eye 4/t,. Ylmankqol Stnd up strdigtt!
qho continually In\ua ina qro namtlanje.
all t all rd;lldga , phezolo(las night). 'l'ho vividnessof ideophoes is wel illustrated when you comparethe
following two sentences.hey desoibe someoneunning into a hous,
(t is arortb silent.i $obbing a child, nnning ort to a c, getting to it and leaving:
completey I-emeleizele ithi tu ngamnzi. Vabalekawngenaendlwini Wabalekad)t.futudrl endlwini,
(Thebucketis conpktu b tull of wter.) wtha umntwanawaphum ,'ldri umtwatra, gqi phandle,
baekawngenaemotweni ngqe,khatha emotwen|
Anothe{ ideophone for expessing'completely' is 'sict' usedmosrly in
the senseof 'to foget corrplerel)' :
Some ideophones ten fron Sitrdi\ve Mgo's autobio$aphy
Ithe stu.t kum lh^d completelr fogoten.
KubanhtanoBabantwaurBdr" (CapeTown, David Philip, 1995):
Enkosingokurdikhumbza Thnksfor reminding ne,
'uMhla weNkosi yayinsumhla The Day ofthe Lord was a
sendilibefesici. Ih.d complctebrfogoarer.
onocoselelo;uthe l,u yaya caefi day; cored Gtait)
Ideophonescn be usedin many contexts10expss: unglululang koe. rp.26r andorougblyi ar ease.
rmperufe Thina bbeDg^z bya
ange W hd nol err ben)
very warm / excited n&,r kuTsoo-'(p.28) Tsolo.
Lithi/zttu kwelangal 'Ngola weKdsimesiwon' On ChistmsDy every
icy (cold) urmtwanawayenxibaimpa chlld \roe bn$d riew
La rnzi abndc?fel This water is ,.),! yeKrisinesi,intshal/dca ...'(p.75) 'Chstmascloths'.
222 XHOSA- UNIT]4 ul(urHNq-l!4!4-N!z\IQ,YlNIq-24(W1!l!
4!! 223
'Wndithlatr!.pi ubwo Ftherbega rntrrg at
rgonobngelawergxaki what was t e root of my
endandikuyo.'(p. 8) ploblem.
'H ebhu hebhu ttT\embeka. Thembekdo)rb drzed off till
kdgekudalap hekhethe. finly shends o,rt like a cnde
[...] Nbbantwanabaseklaya o'e by orc, oJ,oJ,ol rey
royi, yoyi, )toyi, cun.' (p.236, went until they too ?,'.rdr.
'L ,l/d hm ithamsanqa My excdinggood foune
eljlulu eiam.'(p. 237) beganto dawn on me.
(li.lt bcameclear to Dethe
lcou.syrMoyibuyeCenrre) 09/06/98],
$eat fortune which wasmine.)
Mrch o ihe badwork orcdued bdov core6 or e
Cultural background tirult is morl,ethdsleodtr chongsin desig",
'rdde.col@rcombinotiois. hesdleo beddwo
colours ond
B6adwork lo ftongls hosmeonto o grele. emosis is plfted
Bodworkis oi iniesrolpod of hodrionolNsuni dress.Bsorerhe on lh commercol wlue thonon ih symbolicmeoning.'
inroduclono slossbeods{proboblyhst obioinedrom Portususe llith Aki@n.ktiol cokry la/%l
explorers ondtroderslnoturolmolriolwos usedlondsrillisl:osfihess
shells,seeds,horn,etc.Decooting withbodshoso purpose for beyond
mereonomnrolion ond 'dressingup'. h oho Ae ouword rign o
bhvenpeople,ir ,lolusin'ssociry,
sloionships thiroge goupos
wllos thriluolstorusor spi tuolpowo dworerMessoges woro l.odr or allo o inrsrol porr of rh rrodiriondl hedle'i dre55,
throushtheuseo voriouscolours, colourcombinotions
ond mol'fs,(pcuhob di{e,enr resion3l, \capeArys,Is/01/971
e.g.thesmollrectongulor 'love
lett' (omophi.ol modeby ienosesils to Indicob6ei' love for o

youngghk ondwomenmodebeodworkwitho portcuor
pHow to apply it
weorerin mind,bulolsoor tfiemselvesondoer womn.Highlyp.ized I Completequestions appropiately
temsof beodwokwrhondeddo*n ommotherto dquohter or were
modeby mothersfor doughters. Aport ,om necklocesocelersond Compelethe following qestions'ihicb you might aska shopkeeper
onkletstfieyolsomodeoprons,collors,heodbonds ond belts. hy iling in thenissingobjectconcords:
Nckloces withmonyslingso beods,izidongo, wereusuolly wornby (Lt) Nding_mn phi mcid?
chiesondseniormenon crmoiol occosions. Theboodedcollorworn (b) Nding_fumn phi iingobozi?
by NkonMondeloin is fomouspicturond e onewornby USvic (c) Ndinga_furnn phi imibhinqo?
prcsidnr Al Gor6 when he was grontedte honororymoyorship of (d) Uy_thengis iminqwazi? (dr,t
Crossroods, Cope Townin June 1997, orc colledomolhumbu or (c) Uya-thengj sajzinxibo zakwaNtr?

2 A shop assisiant needs to know'which' ll Yiz ngnphukhethe.

(a) Utuna_ Ndiysithndkkhulu isiombo sale. kodwa inzima ituu
umbala? gqith.Andinuyiphaa.
(b) utun-isafzi?
l Uyithnd njnjIe?
(c) Ufun izonbiso-mzimb?
(d) Utun- A Inde. Ikhaphukhphu.Ndifuna le. Yimlini?
B Yi-R250.00_
(e) Utun- anacici?
A Yhu, idlu kakhuu.Undibiza ixabiso eliqhelekileyo?
3 Read text and answe the queslions ll Kakde.Zonke izin o zidulu hrle mihl.
EZAKWANTU A Ungandibonisale isekoneni. Ndiyyithnd.Ilul kunale.
Nntoni na eynziwengeentsimbi Isihombosayosille kanjalo.
SiziincutshezezakwaMu B Le itshiphu kunaleillzina.
Ndiza kuyithenganale incinaDe.Ulcubandithengezimbini uza
imilengalenga kulihlisa ixabiso kancinci?
yodonga, iimagi ezihonjiswe ngntsimbi,amatsheyini
D Ewe, Nkostazi, nz kuliHisa nee 107a.
zomqla, ezengalo,
ezamaqatha njalo,njalo. Ndiyabela. Athni anarabsozo?
Kuphlasiowunele:Siza kukwnzelazonke izinto ngakumbi B R280.00.Nantoni enye?
zeentsimbiokanveke nqalhandlkweentsimbil Hayi, kulunge.
(a) lvhi kind of texr is it? B Harba kakulle Nkosikzi. Soboanakulo nyakauzayo.
(b) Wht is tle ctiveform of'-ho4!isw'? A Kulungie.
(c) Fill in the coect form of the possessives: (a) Uvelaphi unengi?
ixbiso nopopi: ixabiso _nqw (pl.); (b) Kue zingekloizinxibo zawaNtu?
ixabso ngxowa (c) Umthengiuthengntoni endaweniyezirdbo?
(d) Therere two nounsadoptdfiorn English.What ae they? (d) Umengisi ulhs ixabiso ngepesentiengakanani?
4 Rd the dialogue and answe queslions (e) Urthengi ufun ukubyelanini evenldle yezakvaNtu?
(You might needto const the )osa-Engtish vocabuary.) List the clothes usually worn by men and women
A Moo, Nkosikazi. Uthengiseizinbo zkwNtuna? Usede following wods: () ilokhwe, (b) iikawusi, (c) ibhatyi,
B Hyi, ndilusizi. ziphelile. Ndizirtengisekahlu. Zifunw gqia (d) ibhg.i yemvu,(e) umnqwazi,(D ihemp,(g) iqhina"
kue mihl. (h.)izibansu, (i) ibhlukwe, (j) ibhlarvuzi,0O isuti and () iqhiya.
Uyzi uz kuzifurana kwkhon? I Anba iimpahl eziph
B Ngelishwaandazi.Mhla*mbi kule nyngaizayo.
Andizi kuba ko kule nyangizy. Ndiza kubuyela aphahio
nya uzayo.Andibl ph-
B Uvel phi?
Ndivela eKapa.
B Oo ndiyabon. Mhlawumbi ruho enye into oyinqwenelyo?
Sinazo izihombiso-rnzimbaezihle zakwaNtu. Sikwnzo
Ndifuna iingobozi, enyeenkulunenyeencinci Doko.
2 KuDxitywntoni ngabfzi? I Characrerisepeople by comparing then to certain anitnals
tJseis list ihlosi(leopad),inyosiOee),ingonyana(lion),indlonl
(clcphant),undlebende < indlebe= ear+ de= lonc (donker.
(c) Unenknikun-
(d) Ukhuthelekuna
Buying a skir (c) Unzimakuna-
Fi[ n e nissingeltveconcordsto descibewhatkiDdof ski
lO Change the above compaisong in Exercbe 9 sing
Nfuna umbhinqo_nanbal _ninzi.
(b) Nthand ambala_qqambieyo.
Andithandi mibhinqo_fu tshanegqitha.
(d) Zngendilhengembhinqo_dulu gqith,kodwa andithengi
mibhiDqa_tshiph knjo-Ndithandiimpala zempawu
(-hle;of goodqulity).
ll Read tlre text and aswer the qestions
What gos with what?
Ulindiwe Mabuza nsonye (a) wanabhinqa anempumelelo
Fill in e relve concords:
(b) ebomid. Ungumyili nomttunsi weenpal'laophambili.Ungunnini
(a) Ndicinsa ul:ubaibla\uzi_mophe ihmbkauhle weFashionDessn Stuiio. lgama lkhe laziwa gqitha kwezefshoni
nombhinqo_mnyma okny_l.z a? kweli (c) naphesheya.Nso-r995 (d) wmenyw ukub mele
(b) Ucngukuble okwe _bomvu ihmbakakuhenebhatyi uMzantsi-Aik Kwi'S n Eumpa Fashon Show' ePflis. Abnn
_nasund? baseFmnce baziand gqia iimphl zkh. Ungunlawuti
(c) Ancingi ul:ubezi zihangu_lbheu kho (your) elnqrnnn yeLindi'e Acadent of Faion Dsign. Utundisa
ziyambnebhulukwe pinld! abathungiabkhasayo(who re sI noces t. stil qawling).
Use the comprtiv or superlative and say Ulindiwe ui (e) uyifimene impumeelongerxayabantwanabalhe
ebebesoloko bmlthz.llkloelwa ukuba'Xa ufundisauDntwna-
(a) Ndianda intsmbi zomqlng
utundisaitzwe, xa uryebisibhinq4 utyebisihlabthi.'
L:wazo-onte izombiso-mzimb.
(b) Ndicing ukubale yeyonangobozi_ungileyo. (4, Whatis anoerwod fo ifrhinqa?You old knowiis devation.
(c) Zhle ezi zihlangukun- (b) ebomini is a locative. What is the basicnoun?
(d) L lokrhwe_nde _luhaz njengengcaidulu hrna G) Which wod could yo inset hee?
(d) What tu the aclive of this passivefonn?
-luhlaz njengesibhkabha.
What is e iDfiritive?
(0 Find ihe fou copulstive forms and the thee object concsrds
in the texl

r 5l
'I htr [olow the shofter rcall atul h. e a puncturc!
Iinkathazo zohamho I I l'c1or Nx! Ivii ngebelingagqabhukanga
ukubabenatbe umgaqo
Trauelwoes tjlcnny Kusolokokulula ukuqondaenvakwesiongl
l.tttkil! a passngmotoist stopsto Biveassistance.
tj'nqhubi Molweni, yinoi umonakalo?Ndingninceda?
tjPcle Moo Munzna.Ngathiivili lamgqabhile. Ungandibolek
In this Unit you l,/dittteotn ho to]. ujack?Ngeshwaowan utherlrdka!
tjmqhubi Hyi, ilishwa! Linda unzuzwana.nz kunhupha ja.k
I skfor ndgive diections ebhulhini.Linomoya ivili lolaleliso?
I askbut ad descibe road conditions UPcter Ngethamsanqandilimpompeizolol
I offer someonea lift
Thegooll Sannntun helpsPeter changethe tyrc.
I expessirittion at oneself
! expessgrtitudat someone'sfortuitous arival / pesence UJcnny Kwekhu.tshotshoufrke.Mluj]],zarcl
UPoter Inenel Knbe ke, Mnunzana, ingaba ikona igaji
I sy what is wong with your car
ekutshane? Ndiyoyik ngatti siza h]phelelw petroli
I mae anangementsfo car repairs kmsinyane.Andiyiqondi le nto L:ubandiyizalisezo1oitDk!
Umqhubi Ingabakukho unngxuma etaDtini? Uyazi, yenzekul loo
tr Incoko nto ezindlele zasemaphandlenil Masikngele!

trAfter makingeir prchasesJennyadPeterrcsumeeijomey but gel

lost and sk a pssebyfo diections.
[JPerer Ool ilishwal Uryanisile! lnene, klo umngxunyn
ongange-eyisi! Sizakuthin?
Umqhubi Hayi. rfonni, sukuxhala. Ukuba unyo isepha, ndiza
UPete Molo tata,kunji? kulrrvinsca. Emva koko, ungqhubuye egrji.
Umhanbi Molv/eni. Hayi, ndisatotoba"mfo wam! LjPeter lsajiiL:udekangakanani?
UPeter Ungasinceda,bawo? SilHekile. lngaba le yindlel ey Umqhubi ll:ufuphi,ndilandele.
engcwabmi likasaDdile? trPeter Nangamso,Mn]umzana.Ineneusicedilel
Uanb Hayi, nihambangendlelaengeyiyo Whenther rcach the gnge Perer exprcsseshir grctitude agaih The)
UPeter Sizakuyibambaphi ke ngoku eyiyo? anSe naflEt a d adlrcsses b.fore taking le@e of each other Pter
Ummbi Buyani umva ngalo mgaqo nize ngawo. Nakufika th?narnnges for thepetml tank to be epaired.
kwisiphambuka sokuqala, nilndele indlela ysekoho.
Bmva koko, hamba]trngqo. Emva kwekhilomitha niza tjmkhandi Molo, ndinskuncedangantoni,Mnnzna?
kubonaisalathisoesii 'trAcv'alten kasandile' . tiPeter Molo, Mnulnzna.Ngeishwkukho mngxnyanakwitanki
UPtr Injani indlela?Yindlela yea? yepeoli yam. Ungyiungiskwngoku?
Urambi Hayi.yindlelayegmbile. Enyeinto,ililorgoloo!KuRoenyeindela Unkhandi Eh, nnomsebenziomninzi kodw diza kuzma.
aphangaselorneDe eh.shehmyo.Ngeshwa ayiltrrgnga"
(JPeter Oo ndyabuela.KuzkuththjxesbaelingakananiukweDza
UPeter Enosi kallu, tata, sincedile. Kanene, uya phi, tata? loo nto?
lngabasingalukiwelisa? tjmkhandi Mm, mrndibone,malungneeyueezimbini.
Unanbi layi entosi, ndilinde idombi yam apha.

UPete Ungandixelela,uza kubiza malini 10msebenzi? Atk about and desctibe ,'oad conditiona
Umnandi Kunzima ukutshoknye,Mnumzna.MalunganeR350
ldoni i' t?
LlPete Kungile, Mnunzn. Masiyishiye ke imoto. Sobonn
Isigama Ayituganga.
Yrrleh yetha.
Yi dlel yegrabile.
lrdlela ilisongoolo.
ts dlela ekutshan.
lldlela kude kkhrlu.
Oflet someone a lilt
Exprcss iitqtion qt oneset
n\ qintinlite a milipedesi ku''?
Exptess gt'dtltde at someone'a lortuitous
qfildl/ ptesence
Kyektu, tshotshoike!
mva kresilhongier d venL
isionsa lod bang/ to Say uhat is l1dto.ng @ith vout cdt'
umomkalo tloub / darg
Ingathikukho nmgxum?tki yepetmli.
/moto yam yaphkil.
N Hou to ... /moto yam iingtu Gtuck).
,moto yam d)tqhdthi (won st).
Ask for ond gioe dtrections lmoto ym iluo anarzi.
Igaba leJindlel dy ,l lmoto yam iphlelue J,ptoli.
Sizku)tbmba phi ke tnallelaeya e_ Izibg'ie azkebezi
Uxolo ndineafrklelnjatri e lbheti yemoto yam iflthi.

Elambni ngqo. Make anongements obout cor tepoits

Nihambakwtriphambuk so,hrq.Is, nilndelg irdela ysekunene. Unga)tlngisaks,angoku?
Buynt umva ngalo mgaqo. Kuzkuthatha risha slingrksDsDi uku)tlugis?
Uphtse uffks! (You'e ely thee!) Ungal sala imoto yam? (tow)
Uza kuda malini lo ,Bebend?
Uza L-uxabisrmslini lo ,rsbemi?
232 XHOsA
) Scc Unit 6.3, Unit 6,5 and Unit 7.3 for resion of othe neqive
S Horl it uorks toDstructiors.
7 c,or[dtionot conat 'uctions 'lhe Degtiveinfix -nge-'is usedwith reltive stems:
Simple conditional clause: lvili ltngenamoy (lit. wheet&.rthasno pesswe) = lt ,e
You ae alreadyfamiliar wi e simple conalitionI clus irtroduced idlel .rngeiyo (lii. the od rldt is not il) = rvoDg oad
I ct Unit 11.2- copulveof shoaened emphatic pronolrn.
Sizakonga Gokonga)xesh We'll saveme if we take is
g Hot4, to exptesst 'I orn not', 'you ate not', 'we
ukub sithth10mgqo gavel road.
vegrabie. dte not', 'he / she is not', 'they ate not' + not/
UnfIfiled past condition
The negtiveof de copulativ construction is fomed fiom e negtive
In orderto exprcss'... would (not) hve ..., if ...'you usengb(past 8C + copltive -rg- + a + prelix minus initil vol{l:
lnseof ng- andb) + L:ubfollowed by the pacipil ending i -e:
ntgomqhulti unamava. I am gall an experienceddrive.
Ivili ngebelingsgqabhukng wouliln't hve had punctue rtrsobdqhbi bnva. We e [q]! experienceddrivers,
ukuba bendithatheindlela yeih. if I hd ien the tar road. hrrgornqhbi mbi. You e EE! a bad ilriver.
Ngebeslhlekil ukb We would have got ost if r,ngqdqhubi bnamava. You e !o! experienceddrives.
ubDgrrtonisngindlela. you hdn't shownllJ the wa qhubi ulngileyo.
drr8etn He /she is lot a good divr.
Theseiorms canbe contractedto: arrgqaqhbib.lungileyo. Thy r Iq! good divers.

Ngelingagqabhukangs. . . ']{i'cn replcethe negativeSC in an impersonalstatement:

Ngesilalekil . . . /$tgangaqo ulungile)o. It r's,lot a good road.
,riyanigaqoilungilelo . They drs ,lrt goodroads.
2 Neg.|tioe lo/'ns urith angaj o,'',d'-'nge: rt qcbolile eo. It is no a good idea.
Snrry of wherc '-trgar is sedto folm the negtive: risasibhedlelesikhulu. It ir n"r a big hospitI.
riandlef ilungilelo. tts not agoodo d.
Ifinitive Zama ukutrgqhbiebusuku.Try not to ihive at night.
Subjunctive Ung"rrthai 4/rgaqo wegbile.You shouldnot take e 4 Hola, to exptess 'tt is not me' / 'wu' / 'us', etc.
gravel road.
'ful'- is alsoprefixed to e copulativeof mphatic pmnouns to form lhe
P.ticipid Vr'ahambaengai ndlela yetha.(lit. He left not taking nogtive(ct Uit 11r). Look at ese positivesndnegativesl
the ta road.)
I is me-
Retive Ncedaulungiset bane zzibgesebenzilo.Pleaserepai rhe Asindin. It ie rat me.
ts that ae trot working-
strhi. It tr us-
rtrtthi. It is rot w.
It ir yo (s.).
Itin you G.).
r'ini- It tr yo. (p.) Not: In co[oqal spehe rcgtiv folm of descriptives(adjeclives
,4-rntni. Ir r rot you. (pl.) undelatives)will often be headendingin - ga':
x8ye. ('"qhubi) It ir him / hr. UmE Ettawuu.hlsg. The oad tr na. good.
As gaye. It is no him / he- Imigaqo ayiz]/.tshrg^. The odsare uo new.
xsdbo. (aaqhbi) It ,.rthem. /ndlel alir4bnga. The rod 6 not bad.
Asingaho. It r no them. line| aziu,hary . The rodsa," nat bad-
Ngavto.(ng .lo) It rr it. ,t shush!nga namhlanje. It ir nr hot today.
It rra it, etc. 6 Inteogatine qdjectoe rni?' = 'of ruhat sot / l'1,d?'
ryo. (t dll) It is il etc.
This constructiony be used with rcferenceto new-bom babies and
,4riliyo. t is rr it, elc.
limals to fhd out whetherthev arc male or femle:
5 Negotoe lotms o descfiptioe' Ufun mrrand nni? Inl(wenl(rveokanyeintombazana?
In Unit 8,1, you saw t simply Fefixing the subject concod to the Unda ,lntu 4ni1 handa l'ntu bjril
elative stemfonns the pedicate: Uk1ea rrsbenzi 4ni? Llkheth n,tuno utni?
Ndilusizi, ,moto yam imdak. I am sory, my cr is dity. Utun phepha lini? Ufna maso Usn?
Ukheth riqhamo !rni? Ufuna ztqhmo ini?
To forD the negative,simply pelx the negative subjct cocod: Ukhelha rja ni? Uthand rlngobozi* iini?
Umgqoawub'nri. The od ir Mt wide. Wenza lthmbo* (execise)&ni?
Img qo q'bsnzi. The ods dru not wide. tfthetha t]'wl+ (alcohol)ani?
Indlela alibzi. The oad t ot vide. Ukhetha hdy futi1
rrdlel dzibzi. The oads dr nrt wide. you can see the iritil vowel of the pfix of e noun hs been
Negtive forns of djectival stms (cf. Unit 8.1), however,must inffx ^fl
omitted ndils coresponding adjectivalconcodis Felxed to '-ni' .
the C betweenthe negtive subjt cotrcod ndthe arljectil stem: *Note: the reppeamnce of the consonantassociatedwi nounsof Css
Ungla.to tl,hle. The rod ir good. l0 (z), Clsss 11 (D and Clss 14 ().
Ung qo awuryhle. The road ir rot good. Nole lso: This occrsin the loctive in Clsss10 and 11:
Imigrjo mith.
Imtg]oayDlitsha. The rcdsdr |lot nr, d/l / ar e motrtins
Indl ,"rbi. The oad ir bsd. iirdlela > e4ineleri
lndlela alizrbi. The oad rs n t bd. at plces
findll zirrbi. The rcadsdr bd.
Iinel^ aziah The rcadsdr ,rot bd. iirdonga > ezndogeni
lthiso rincinci. The sign rr s.
rthiso drlqncfuci. The sign |J rot smI. doDgta > eludoigeni
7 Exclamations Rollef
Thee re numberof fteqently sedexclamationsn Xhosawhich add QbuI
:pice ro e language. Heree \omeexamples: Kweku, tshorshofikel
Surpse, astonishmenf
l-i...1/ish! Co away! You tire me out! (Oo / Awu) Nkosi ym! De I-ord!
Nxa! Damnl Yho!/Yhu! Geewhizzl
Nx! Dannl Tyhini! Gosh!
Tyho!TYhu! Goodhevens!
Kwowul ohl
Nakoke! Thee you re!
Mwo! My! / Wonderfull
Comfo Nyhni! Relly!
Ngxesii! l,et me kiss it bttel (to a child) Kazil I wonder!
Compassion Wrrni|rg
I'm sorry! Heyi ... heyi ... heyi (accompanlng gestureof
Yehl Oh dear! (adifuni loo nto) shakingone's finser at a peson)
Torho!/Tohwana Shamel(cf. Anikans 'tog')
Congtulatiols pHow to apply it
HI Hurrah!
Huntshu! Hurl I Match the road sigDs with e English equivalent
Emphtic aflimtio The eqvalentse: () Dangercuscuve, (b) Deadend,(c) Caution,
E-e! Yesl (d) Roadclosed,(e) No ovetaking,(f) Do not enter,(g) Roadworks
Hay kel Sure! ahead,(h) Rodflooded, (i) Energency exit nd (j) Drive caretully.
Hekel vr'e rhenl I Indlla iyaphela
Ngxtshoke! Excellentl / To the point! 2 Indeaivaiwe
Emphatic negtio 3 Indlela iyalmgiswa phambfi
Hyi bo! No wayl 4 Igopheeliyingozi
Hayi khona! Absoutelynot! 5 Qhbakakul e
6 Eyakuphmangesiquphe
Pin 7 Luka
Shu! Ouch! 8 Unganse
Rglt 9 Indlela isqurywe ngamaDzi
OwuI Aasl l0 Ungayigqii enyeimoto
Ngxe! Sorr/l
Hay ilishwa! Oh dear!
2 Ask e condttion o the oad 6 Ask or the neaest
Is the rcad good?Ingba () shop Indawoni kufutshane?
o) Is the rcad sfe? (b) hospital Sindawoni L:ufutshane?
Is it a ta road? (c) police ston Sindawoni kututshane?
(d) Is it a gavel road? (d) phoe Indawoni hrtshane?
(e) Is the oad stll under costructon? (e) docto Undawoni krtshane?
(0 Is the rod leadyopento aafic? Ingaba (f) petol station Indwoni _kufttshane?
L:wizilhuthu? (g) place('dorp') Indawoni _k]tutshane?
You ae lost in a tou,rr and a9k a passerby o dictions 7 Ask somebody
(^) Excaseme sx Couli.vou help ne? I am lost. (a) to give you a lift Unsa
Ufuna ul:uyphi? (b) to help you Tn o , 1
(b) I want to so to a shoa!,laLtuntu Cra|ts. Do rou know i1 (c) 10lend you ajck Ursa 1
Ewe, nyy^zi. Ikufutshanekakulu x aph- Ndiz (d) to showyou the way to
hucacisela indlela. Hambngqo. Ekoned yokuqataujite Gahmstown IIn r , 7
ngasehnene-Uza kudlul ezinyeiiveile. Ekoneni elandetyo E ell the mechanic what's $rong urith you cr
ecalenilsekhoblouza kubonaivenkile yezaKwantu.
Ungandaukubandilokphe? (a) The ghts are not working. Izibane-sebenzi.
(b) The hooteris not working. Uphondo-sebenz|
(c) No. tha k vu. I understandwh?rctolnd the shop,lr r@ (c) The hndhake is not working. lbhreki -sndl -sebenzi.
wr near indeed. First I go strught. then nptu and thenI must (d) The fan belt is blken. ffebelti -seben.
allJefr. (e) The windscrcenwipr is lsil ambi -fesrile
Kulungie. Hambakakuhle. not working. -ngaphmbili -sebenzi
(d) Thankwuyen nuch. six Goodbye. (0 My left rcar lisht is not woking. Isibanesm-ngasemva
Complete e quections sekoHo sebeDzi.
_m phi iiteksi? What can be wrong with you car?
o) _kon iibhasi _J eRini? (a) I havea flt llre. Ndin vi -nsen-moya.
(c) Kuko ibhasi Ja eRhini naDhlanje?
O) My nght font tyre is flat. vili m nsaphambili
(d) _Jhi sikululo _bhasi?
sekunene flethi.
_ma phi ibhasi_Ja esirishid? (c) My car hsboken down. Imoto m aphukile.
(o teksi _nqabile n ku ndawo? (d) My car is stuck. lmoto -m -xingile.
5 Ask (e) My ca won't sta. lmoto -m -qhwithi.
(a) _khona (D It needswte. funa anazi.
(a gaage)endleleni?
(g) It hasrun out ofpetrol.
(b) (a shop)endleleni? -phelelwe __jetroli.
(h) My car batteryis flat. Ibhetri -noto -r -file.
- isilululo smaDolisaenalleleni?
(i) My ca nust be towed. Kutunekimoto -m _tslwe.


t l
lO What has been stolen?
(a) Imolo yan _biwe.
Umzila welifa likaXhosa
(b) ujck m _biwe. nerttaoe tratl
(c) Ii mlolaleliso biwe.
(d) Isipaji (wallet) _rn biwe.
(e) Ingxowa_nkoskazi m _biwe.
11 Rad the dialogu and answe the qestios
A Uxoo, Mnunzna, ungandixelelakuba kuhde kngakana ln this Unit you uill learlr how to:
ukuskaaphaukuy ecala? Kukude kakhulu?
B Hal, akukude.Kukufuphi. I mk boutsolneone'sholiday
A Ziknilomea ezingphi? I sk wherc someonewent
B Ndicinga ukubamunganeekhiornettaezilishumi. I descibetrvel oute
A Ingabaindlel nde? I expessdetit
B Ayimbi gqi, kodwa ayindeknjlo.
A Asiyondlelaye?
B Hyi, singorngaqowea, ngumgqo wegrabile kodw
ngethamsnq awuDinw,ubnzinoko. The Mulmys discusstheir recenttrip with the Thamsanqas.
A Kulunge. Phambikol:uy ecala singaandokubukaidolophu UThemba Belinjani i}etu lenu endftose? Nibe nohamboolumyo?
yakho kancinci. Unokusixeeaphokrklo indwo ekhuseekilc UPeter BelungummaDgaliso nngona besineenkthazo zemoto
yokumisaimoto? ezimbalwa kodwa ngethamsnqa sancedwa ngabantu
B Ewe i1on. Hamba nsqo, kwisiphanbukesilandelayoujike abnobubelesqial
ngasekoho uza kubona ibala lokupaka eikhrlu UThandi Heke, nsesiqhelokunjalo ke emaphandleni.Knene,beniye
elilusehleyo ecaenisekunene. phi kanye?
A Etrkosikkhuu,Mnumzn. UJenny SiluqaleukheDtetholwethu ePddie.ul:ususelakwiitsuku
B Ndlela nde. zm zol:ufunda isixhosa e]'univesid, soloko ndafun
() Unqhubi ufuna ul:uy phj? ukuryelel iindawo zemb yamaxhos eMpuma-Koloni.
(b) Ziililonia ezingaphikuya apho? Knene,ntoni'iPeddie' ngesixosa? Ndilibe.
(c) Injani indlel? UThandi YiNgqushw, wethu!
(d) Yindlel ni? LJJenny Oo, ewe, knene. Heke, siye eNgqushra kub besinrn
(e) Kueni umqhubietunaidawo yokumisaimoto yake? ukubukl mthi wodumo- umthi won4'drlu. Emvkoko,
(0 Utun ukupakaimoto yhe ndawoni? sasing eQonce kwmruzym yeKffrn apho kuko
kon inLith yezinto zkwNn ezid umdl khulu.
Emv L:wemini say kwihay liStv Biko. Sabona
.:wnendwo phowfibw kuyo.
UPete Ngemini endeyo,yekoko ukusinga kuBelekazna:
sihambengokugwegweleza sadlulkuQoboqobosayakutsbo
ngemo-ndalo nzithethe zamtcos ngaloo mxesha.
Niyfundle kanjlo enyeinc\\radiyale tDrawn in Cobun
Ulcnny Ewe, ndthiknenewaqlangayo?
t'hcrDbaNwxfumnk u\zi kJabar'?
Ulunny Hayi, ngelshwaasibnganmpumelelo!
lllhondi Nsingphi emvkoko?
Ultter SahkuBelekazna intsuku ezimbln. Yhol Ubbe
baloo mmndl buqaqambie.Uxoo oulapho! Nol:uzoll
Amahlathi elo zwe neengxangxasiezxhoms'mehlo,
neentaka ezindobo-ntlobo nentsholo y^zo zizinto
ezingmngliso ukuzibon!
Uhcmba Bekhrhel ,' exhukvane kttwe.Pete.wenamniu wendo!
UPotcr Yitsho upbindel yo loo nto sigqibesiilalaphyazonkeezo
uJcnny Indawo elandelayoesityelelakuyo ibiyicutl. Besituna
ukubona ingcwaba likasndile kodwa salablekasncama.
Sai msilandeL:umlondowaknekodlvasaphelelwalixesha-
t)Pcrcr Ngemni elandelyo, sasinga eMtt. Endleleni, sicande
Utenb Oo Amlhrde! Niyzi, kuapho kwaliwa khon elinye ndlelo nhle, iintomo neegshahe gqa gqa Sqr
amdbiamabikwimb yamaxhosa.+ emadambekeniuhdlula koomaQuft, noomaccuw,
UJenny Kakde! Lidabi elo elixelwa kumbongo kJolobe nooDytra. Sinjniukunqq/enelaukuryelelaiQunu apho
' UThthula', * outy\rcmibongo yethu elunivesitbi. w^zlelwHon uNelsonMnde. Ngelishwa,ilaya elo
Uhemb Wonke urmandl low ngasezintabezmathol uzele akhelobuntwnlisekhokodw siseklosonaisikolo sLe.
TiiDda$o lembali ymX'o\a.Kho iirdwo e/ininrr
ezithiywe ngaraklosimRharhbe.
UPeer Unyanisile. Sidlule dam litasndile kwaye sibone
nengcwabalikNgqika endlele eya ?Dikeri.
UPeie EDikeni sibe nomdakakhulu ukuryelelilovedl Colege
nYunivsithi yaseFort Hre apho uNelson Mandel
wayengunftndi k}onkunyenezinyeiintokeli zananllanje.
UJenny Mn4 disand' ukufimdaincwa The OchrcPeople ebhal.ute
nguNoni Jbaru. Ngoko ke bendifunkaihulu uh]ana
urrzi kyise, Pmfes Jbvu, owye ala exesi x
wayenguprofesweelwimi zakwaNtu eFort Hre. ngab
nina nakhenyfunda le ncwadi?
UThadi Ewe. UNotri Jabavu ubhalakkullekulu. atshoububone
ubuhle balo mmandla.Enye into uzoba rnfanekisoonhte
xsep.254for histo.icalcntxt
UThemba Nibe nalo ixeshlokuy elunxwemeni?
lJPeter Kakade!Silale eMzimrubu iinsku zntathu.hdo rph(j
Iinduli ezihlaukuyeunxwemeni, manqugwl
ombona!Inene ;ltilr" Irr ntonbazanakwelol

[nrll'i *oDqNlshu nikwoodree

ihi o / ku hador
.qrc to KI
llllsn bhidden.
i.e bried
r|'ln sIhsa whcrchc
sas buried

V Bulpin

UThemba Hyi, rfov'/eu, utshondaneklwele!

UJenDy Bndlele eyaeMzimrbu sidlule iveDile yngphandle
ykudalael,ibod. Yndif,1umbuza
isincoko sikaJolobe
'Iyenkle Yangaphandle'.Kodwa eyona ndwo ebesirna
UThandi Nibizrva yinroni ecla?
'lir anina hasbon slaghtcid at Xhrksm.
UJeny Besimenywengabhlobobu. ^n
IlThndi Nenzantoni ke apho? huk*an in e Middldilt disnic waskown asa rcsidcntialarcshcrc tie people
UJeDny Sithabathe inxaxheba ebomini beribla ngemihta. Yaye, livcd in dirc polciy dd whcrc Dct rs my. wncl' thercfor, anyonesloushlered
r lEr it wascausefo reioics for all ihe inbabilruis. Th sayjngrvascoined by
ububele esibufumene kubantu balapho buyamangalis. ^,C,
lornn Insquhbo v.hinjaryd (The tvzr, of ,rd n..Jr,6): 'Kwakuxhlwc
Ngorhaty singqonge umlilo siphlaphule iinrsomi
txluksan tDeindawo asakubonansai zini nga(uz$liMina. (Dinsindaro
njngemihayL:udala! wN detd lo seeat lhe lablesseG tumins on Zwefinzna.)
XHOSA- UN]TI uM?lLwltrf4!!{4M!4
gJiprc''o delight
iscoko essay
hill erlw (4ra) be jnvikd dlr,fr,lnngliso !
-ryqong l/rNo haloomrrnda buqqmbileI
unnib 6re lnhlo npho!
inhoni foke tlkurih! Lw'exhuh,ana h)mt
njengenila like days
llh ,( rntonbaena!
yJkudala or old
r{rltfthi elo v neengtargxasiezxhoms'anehlol
,lfl ltkn s?intlobo-ntlobo nenls}l.oloyzn zi.into eaitglrmgliso
t/rtrhole rt,frrmnkrl'nt blphobuyamngalisa.

lEow it works
\ Horo o ...
I How to exptess'aho' /'whom' in retotioe ctauses
Ask about sorneohe's holidag
l,0ok rlt this vese ftom 'Uo EDdimthandyo' a poem by Sanuel
Belinjani tkhetu lakho / lenu? BdwdKune Mqhayi ftom the aj..thologyIndyeboYesihobe.
BDibenohmbo drmyoli?
Ndhlnd' umf' ohlmbatui. I like a feltow r, wes often,
Ask uhete someone ueht Ndithsnd'umf' o/undalrthi, I like a fellow vrto stues often,
Nilllhdnd' umf' olma futhi, I like a fellow vo cultivtesoften,
Ubq/e phi knye? Ndithand'umf' ,guqa furhi, I like a fellow ,'o kneelsol-ten,
D[iJrp kanye? N nko k'umf' endinandal,r.' Thaa'se felow t on I ike.
Nibe nalo txshlohy &nxwme,t?
Nenzantoni ke apho? Nolc e dffdence between'Ndithand'umfo qhlamba futhi.' (I like tte
[m ULq washesoften.) nd 'Nnto k' umf'4diathtrdaJa. '(Tht's the
Say how ond ahere gou went monvt o', I like- (nm))
Silrqale,kheDkethowerh]oe-.../ ka-... rDlo o- ... = lit. felowtet, ...
Bsqifuna ukubukel ... llrc e rcltive concod o- corntsthe noun 'rntfo' to e pedicate!
Emvkoko sasingr-... /,t"-.-. hlomba'of the rclative cluse.
Ngeminidndelalo,yekokousing.r-.../ t -...
Ngemini?lndl], ssirgse-.../ ku-... umf' ?ndimhndrr,= r tehon llike hin
Sihmbr ngokugrgwelezsadlua /,td-.-. ller e ltive concord s- pefixed to '-ndi'' = 't t nt I' introducesthe
Salal r'... / irr-...tiritsukuczimblw. rchtive clusewhich is completedby the object concord '-m: ='him'.
1'dawo elndy, ?sityeleleku)d-ibiyi... llcre a someotherexamplesof reltives clusasl'i object concords
Endlelcni si.nde amadleloahalig. which you hvemet in e Feceding units:
Ningfkayonke into Youcanputverything
enj]iqokeleleyo ,rrd,youhvecollecd(t,
kwezi ngxow. into thesebags.(Unit9)

248 _ U N I ]
Into endingtr'tthandilo The thing ttrat I do not ike (r) ltn,lnDor -!- is infiled in locatives:
kukusebenziiyure ezinzi. is to wok may houIs. (Unir 10) on the hills nd slopes
crir uldni nr-erraambekeri
Enye no al,inqwenel)o? Somerhingeselrra you
Wllh vorhs: secondveb endsin e (ct nit 8.2).
want (it)? (rnit 14)
Conn!tingclauses:yayeor kwye:
Kuogenwasimalayaye Freentance 8nd ree transpo.
,ndi- whoml/tI ?si- whom we / that we (lit. lt is fteely enieredand
kuhnjwa simahla.
o- whom yo / that you (s-) sni- whom you / rt you (pl.)
]r' marks a reltive clause(cf. Unit 6,2).
If he ve is followed by 'r-'/ 'nga ' o 'kur e shofend emphstic
ll gummary of the use o the emphdtlc pronoun
ponou[ is addedin which casethereis no object concord:
nso- ku
Lo nsuPhunlaendisebenza !q/. (Unit 9)
Ndiziboniseindlel ezizako la 4ged ehotele.(Unit 10)
Ab!. p. b.pr. Abc. p. bs. p.
Thumelaiireferensiezintathubantuesinohrqhkanshelna \ao h s ne otxllwirh ne
ku... Unit 10)
2 How to exress 'anybodg', 'a.nythlng', 'any time', ngo ri kurii
'anywhete', etc. 2hd
nabani (na) = otrYodY
Nabani nghxelela apho Anybody can tell you whee e
igaraji iHrona. grgeis. tld ngdye k,,y.
2/2o boaa
raytphin onything
- I
Unokwenznayiphina into. He/shecan do sn)'thing.
naninlna ony tlm
Urgsityelelaini. You can visit us xny time.
npl)i'Iaanyuhee t
Unokupakimoto yko naphi You canpark your car anywhr
aph. here.

3 Summary of the laqys o exptessing'ond'

Wih nous: 'n'- (wi vowel coalescence
taking place,ct Unit 2.9).
aaqugwalaAmasimi ombona huts and raizefields
isikolo ngyunivesii schoolsnd uvesity
iinddi nanxweme the hiIs Dd the coasr

5 Place names t|!'tht olog], elated to od',lnlstrotiue dusons
Many Xhosaplacenmesdedveftom geogrphiclfeaturessuchasivc6, l|tlrti(r, setdement,
village rti (< Afiikns 'aase')
ponds.cliffs, mountins,plantsandevenninlsfoundin a paticuarcN vllldgc idolophr
Lusikisiki takesis pleasantnamefrom the soundof e rcedsrusrlingin i tdoloph (< Afkns 'dorp )
neabymsh,Gonubie (< ,Qunube) fron lhe wild brambleberieshich fllY
gow along the banks of e dver KeislInm, shinng wtcr, l:lrpi|l|l ikomkhulu
Tsitsikammcawter,aredffived fom the Khoi laryuagesasemany rllrlric( tsithili
otherpacenmesreognisableby theh clicks. A numbeof )Cosplacc ltfco,oonslituencY
mes,especialythecities,hvebeenadoptedjom Engli ndAftians: 'nCinCqi
ft8i0n mmandl
I Mqio.citig Izixeko sitrhuru ,photrdo
caleTown ("Kapa)
f,ast London 'Kapa ("Mo.)
,Monti < Aftikds 'mond' i.. the 6 Word adaptations
mou of the Buff!lo Rivcl 'Xhosa has manifested tself s a dynmic, vibrant, Yirile
DDn ,Theku ("Theluu4) < )ftosa 'itheku' = bay luDguageadaptableto, nd developing in hmony with, the
r seeIntroduction
eh,ging p.6
Johannesburg rcoli ("Goli) < Enslish 'sold'
<Aftjas'soud' llo. 0rc numbeof exmplesof is aspectof the Xhosalangugesome
Po Elizbeth iBhayi ('Bhyi) < Xhosalised by d which you havecomeacrossin this book:
Pietemditzburg mcngundlovu = placeof e eephet
(zMgngundlovu) conier degrces, ccp = ukurhweso*idcngc originoltnoning
o'ukulhvrso'= lo.own, put somethingon the heod;orignol
helo iPi)li (ePitoli) < Xhoslised.hetoria'
meoning o'ridongo' = neckloce
o monystrinsso beods
I SomeTolrr$ in Ezinye dolophu
the EsernCp aeMpun-Kooni 'Woye rwerwo tsdangq sembekosobugqioboncwodi
(iD tiltl yiyunivsihi
yoseFo Hor ngowe-l97-1 yokumbulelo
Alice iDite ('Dikeel) < Xnsr' di ke = p@ l
ngokubholo kwokhoisixhoso.'
ButteNo icctrw(ec.uw)
Fo Baufo iBhofolo ("Bhofoo) ( < EnglishBedfor) .apilol ..money= trkunzi - oiginoimonng f';nkunri' = 'd
Grmtown rni(eRhini) bull'.cdtl {iinkomo) hoveolwoysbeonthe centreond prideo
Headtown Nxukhwebe ("Nrukhwebe) Xhosolie, reprsnlins weol ond rspec.Apod from supplyins
Keiskalmahck milk,meotond leoherlor cloihing,ihyPloyo ve.y lmpoionlPorl
"Qoboqobo(&aQoboqobo) In onceshol lociiceond ii bridolpoymnllobolo). In ubonlife
Kins winim Tovn rQonce("QoDce)
Lady Fe tcaladu ("Ceadn) money,'copirol', hoslorgelyreplocedcotileos o symbolo weahh.
Middedrift ,Xesi("Xsi) woy, nood = uDgoqo -
Peddie Ngqushwa ("Nsqushwn) originolmoninganimdl lrack
Po St. Johns &Mzinwbu (eMzinwbu) (t the homeof e hippot ulei, egulolions = ,m;goqo
Qu@Ntowr eKomi(&lKomani) g|tqmmor = imigaqntetho
Some$tEst lNojoli {&4aNojoli) (< iori = English soldiet .onslilulion = imigaqesiseko
Stuueheim ,Cumakal(Cumkla)
teg tTtuaa ("Tina)


I heodqucrrers, depor = iziko - Ilrrtls JAMESRNlSlJOTOB119021976iUlibonilonsonsowq-

oiginolmeoningharth 25 Juloyi nsonyoko w-1902 eNdwe nsoseColo oPho uyise
in centreof ht wyonsumundisi khono. Wofumono imundo yokuqolo Ndwe
pollingbooth = tiko iovoio nnrdtdlolile.Ngo191wolhunyelwoerrhyvoku.Ukususelo
= tiko lolunru I9l9 uundisekwizikolonszikolo.
I l.riciry Ngolo xeshowoyehloonso*Mr.Fr opho kulhehwoisiBhoco,
orignolmeoning lrlHlLrbinesisuukhono.Nsoko k sixhososokhsosibufiothoko.
lighrning lncwodi yokh yokuqoloUZoguloyolunghwo kunenensuS,E.K.
I telephonc ,qhoyi, lmbons i yesi./r'e.Photu,
xa woyngulitsholo
originolmoning n!.lldnkozono, woundo isixhoso silhthwqngomoNgqko
roP omgqubo.(- see nextpose) Nge92 uye eFol Hor Dikeni
Aphowoqeqeshwo kwimundo yobutundisi
wozo wophumelelo neB.A.
librory = ltholq lencwcdi - Ukuruselo ngeloxeshoupoposhe incwodiezininzi-unzekeloUnyezo,
originolmeoningshel in o hur Anovo, Elundinilofhukeldnezinye.ttThuthuloyinbolosonekwizibngo
book, ler = trcvyodi orisinolmeoningthin tlldolobe nsokusbi zofiondo. Ngumbonsomboliso osikhu*rbuzo
lronsporcnl.oot o lhe poisonouc ngoHolonof Trcy.
bulb bup,ol]dretchdr 'tn wodi' ezinyesixhoseni.
Wohloloiincwodiezininzi.Kononiolo ukwosuqulele
Pa9e = ,kho6i - originolmoning Ngo-1952 wothiwo liz ngeMboso kovilokozi* yiYunivesithi
ensheolfiing lo o ftedli cob yolowitwotesrond.Woythweswoisidonso sembkosobugqirho
- ilo - oiginlmeoningrube, rd bonwodi liD.ti.) yiyunivesiliiyoseod Hdr ngow-924
to spudwolthoughwhnsmokins yokumbulelongokubholokwokheisiXhoso.
- omoielondobo we-l Myng197.
= omoielo orembekileyo
wofhrore.o5rr = isonsesemozulu odginolmoning UJolobeokosoyi l(ulit,olwo kwimboli yolwimi lwomoxhosokubo
ulutysbisil rkq, isiAefisowo.
'rionuse'=diviner(<uko = to smelll.
unbongo rbaliso nmtive poen
wlela he edibd
waiwalle he wN wdded
iMbasa kavilakzi* e VilaLdi Medl
9 yoknbulel in&lmqedgement
,o- to trppty t swelte he died
tsayi ne will never
In ihis unit. insied of the usul viety of exercises,you wil tud a
kulilylw beforgolte.
numberof X:hosaexts whereyo cn exercireyour reading ski. Somc ulurybisile neh6 eriched it
English texts are lsoincludedandthesetogether wih rheonesin )osr, watyebisatr4" (dE ldguage)
shouldwhet your ppetiteto leam rnore about Lhos literarue,hisorx ilhlhe sawo md even Xosa
culture and radition- cultu

,lol Bw viatui as tn fi6t blsct lectEr to b appoitdal tho Unilesily of

wllwaresnd. This award,in his tane. h given o scholN sho havemade
rhnificant coLibutions to aficm lmeuages.



Al.lhe bginningo ISth cnrurytt'e wos o greor deol
UNolrrtdo - Noni Jqbovu wosbonon Augusl2O,
l9l9 oMiddledrifiin rhEosrrn CopPovince. At the

I o ishtingbh"eenNsqikd

'he (1778-18291,ond his und dbmb,
rcn ofRhorhobe ondb,orhero Mlowu lNgqiko,s orher),

1782. Ngqika wos only our yeors otd when his o died.
wirhlis fothRharhdb, n o bole ogoinstcbatfi.mbu in
os oi ] d shwo' ienl,o Enslondrnthecoreo Enslish
rindsdnd w6n o schoolin York.H studiesol the
World Wor
o Musicwereinl,uptd
when she ioindlh first
by lheSe.ond
group of women

Ndlombe ereore,artdoi rcgnrfo. Ngqiko. He hondedove. lrlna os semi-skilld wokersond becomeon oxv<cVlene
powerbeloeNgqika eochedhis2Oh SidhdoybU|continued ro ry to . ohcrorindusly. Shemerherhusbond MicholCodburycroseld,o
exrcise powwhichongdNsqiko ose ombirion;rwos io rut; otl llln dlrccrir,whil still ql school.Thiromilieshod rst become
omoxhosa Wifi e helpo dllioncs wifi ol Xhosochrfsondwith o$oclo|6dwhnhrgrondoer, John lengo Jobov, polilicionond
lhe Bohond IhBririsho rheCopeColony,Ngqiko ond Ndtomb loumolisrwho oundedondwos ilsiedil,oof lmvoZahonrsundu,led
wrnsosedin bterboflles. Oneof rhereosons for suchbitierness ond ; d.pololionb fi Houses o Po iomnlto prol,esl ogoinste plicis
hostili,ywos Ngqiko's obducron of th bequritulfiutfiula. one of b b. lmDlemen|ed in Souih Arico.l wos durinq this limethoi h mei
Ndlombe's wivs This od,on rsuhdin widsp,eodrb ion. GrorgeCoob,.rry o tne chocoloteirm ond JoJephcrosield.Nonit
Evenluollypeoc wos esro'ed rhrough on ogreemenrwhereby hurbond's gondfolhrs.
Ndlombe recosn,edNgqiko os his lto-",",, in rt" g,.
bonl o Amolind, ought in tsr8 """i.,Ngqiko wos deeorj by
Ndlqmh butsoono|erthorhe s*ured o ,icrorvo"erhisunctewirhrir 9cenes lrom a Sou Afican lie
helpof e Bitishhops.lc.f.Pnes)
"l hc hum of convesationvas defening.Every buye washelpedto
Dukehis or hI choice by the others standingabout and \r,ho a
rrcke in the usual terrific tones as if addrcssingpeople far off up
nrunlains. From time to time. someonewod tun aside,remove
hh or her pipe at ws as long s you rm from the mouth and
RHATHABE hrdulgein splendidhardjet-like spjt on to e floor boards.You
hM to keep sharylook-out andleap out of the tr'ay.
I Thc Euopensspoke)ftosa, and s locs usualy werc, seemed
KH/\A'UIA IYIlvu NDIIVIB rcluxed,unhured,like thei customers.I pushedmy way tbough
I I nd slood at the counternext to a woman in the act of aDouncg
HINsA llrt shehadt streached'e momentof being boutto buy'. She
xhouted,'Come, Eropean,I am ready for you.'
I Itc shouldes\vere bae, for she hd wound her shawl under he
SARHIU SANDILE unpits nd over the married woman'smodesq,bib in orde to ftee
hcr hands.Shenow lifted themto her hugeturbn.The bassbangles
lon wrist to foreffm glemed.She felt in the folds of e turban,
prlting the fods back nto place all the whie keeping up a
powerful unning conmentaryon the rcasonswhy shehad de.ided
or the goodsshehadpicked in prefercnceto otbe specimensof the
\ume.inrerruprinS it o epear.Come.European.
Then shebegnto untie the knold rag. She took our of ir some
pound and ten-shiling notes. They werc grubby, nd wrapped IVENKILE
roundcoiD5:ha-crown,.lorinq.,hilg,. ,Lxpence,. even
'tickeys' - e tiny silyer tkepenny bits.
'Come, rn! What is the matte wi this European s he
petendingnot to want money?'He every move was u/ched,men
nd women sucking the long pips, eyes glued on he fingers s
sbe fumbled. One man called our after the lst rickey had ben
unwrapped.'Wre a the penniesandhaffpeDnies?'
'Oh, I keep ose in my purse', she said.That in tum ws inside a
twill bag decortdwith black piping andsuspended fom her lvais.
Shecountedout the mone Oneof the Euopeansnow saunteredup
andjoined n the watching.She countedthe money a secondrime,
and a d tine tbough, then paused.She rised her face ro ihe
ceiling and bur out in loud lamet, 'Oh cod, rheseEuropeanse
killing me! Wy do you ki[ me, Eulopean,tking atl my money?'
Curresy:V Bulpin
I leapt back slep for she 'tbrew' her voice ike n actess.rhn
inchesof my ear.You could hve heardhe fom the back row of Nokuboungumhombi okunzimdezilolinizethuukwoziukuboivenkile
theatre,yet the shopkeeperwas only acrossrhe counter.He ws not yiyiphinq kubdibo nsuwonomziuzindluzibolulekileyo
disturbedbut eplied quied blndy, in Xhos, his brown eyes oiiklezweyimii. (p.91Abontu oboNbunduoboninziboyoyiswo
kukubizoomosomoobontuoboMhlophelwoye nongophondle koko
scanringthe moneyspeadout in fronr of him, 'Have you nor comc
bothondoukumnlkosomo lenteoyobo umnluoMhlopheosbenzo
of youl own volition en, to be killed?' phokothikwobo igono elidlongokulondelo izimbozomninilolowo.
(Noni Jbw The Ochft Psol", pages64-5,John Mury, Nsenxoyezi ndowo woumonoukuboobetungubeevenkile bonke
London, 1963) ozildliniphoyo bonomogomoesiNtr.Okuyq bezinselondikokhulu
lintsimbizomehlphokofii kwoboNlsundu ubesokuiMhlopheoke
onxbo zono kwooko kube skulhiwonsuMhlomoneukubizwo
kwqkhe. Umo osisiqlolwonnnsxeba isiq;nsqi sendodono
bensonyoli ukuzizuzelo
ububeerbeseleyo kubizwongokubonsuThondobontu. (p.7O-llj
Mhlowumbiweno ubo kulevonkilekuengwonsemolinsobo bonke
obontuukoniiokuniolo.te venkileifononendowoyentnsiso nsezinye
iindwo.Abonyukuzebothenge kutunekobononsokwobobothensise
kwokumni-vkile. Omnye uzo nomoqondokwokunyenodobo
olubongelo lkubo qnonisnsowo.(p.71)to mz uyvenkile okwonele
okobokuthengwe kuwokuphelo,
kulhensiswe neposiyesili si;phumo
lwokr:woopho.Yntoleyooyo kufikoilncwodiziyimtumbo kwiyyono
CopeTiDes,I813/98 sbelhllwludonsniphoyo. lp.72l Ngophondlekwezi ndowo
zikhokoyiw,ivenkile yongophondle,ivolo nelinye ikrobo
JonMoris {fomAbontul
258 X H OS A

entlolwoniyobontubensinsqileyo ikuyo.lono nendowyembuo, Afid |Bochine or o yo in Eosttondonhe becqmeossistqntediloro

indowo yokubononokwobontuneyokurholulwo kwmyolezoyo LwE tobodu ond editedlnvo Zobontsundu hon l92O-921, durins
kumocolo obengenokufikelelokuwoluloumntv.Evenkileni uyoziukubo lh.lo mon{so lobrm's lie.
uyo kumbononokubo mnye umntuoyo nsokwlocolo. Andhei
nsolutshqlono kbo lu'e lusozi Jkbd oph lungobononokhono ln f927 h wol 7 oddiionostonzoso Nkosi Silelf iAkko ond tn
kusevenkireni.(p 72-731 1939 he publishdh oulobiosrqphy.Amons his wellknown
publicorionsor DonJodu, Inihobe nenibonso ond Inmzo.
(.lJ.R. Jolob, rrdlo, Mtwdtrsond Uniyersiry Prss,
Johdnnesbu.g, t973) h6 dior o 6ontu Bor,q fie officiol orson of ile Aicon Nrionol
Congressnomedhim iMbonsi yeszweJkelele e P@to he Norion.
Ironslotionin keu p. 292 On his elimenlhe wenll,oNhb' oZukoneorBerlin,wherehe died
ln 1945.
KRUNMQHAyt(t875 - 1945)
'ln my finol yedr oi Holdiown,on evenl
occunedthotor mewos likeo cometsheoking
oc.ossile nighisky.owordsfie endo rheyeor, The Telling of Folktales (IJkrenziwa Kweentsomi)
we were inomdot e grso Xhosopoet, Il ws,andis still to someexten! a )ftosa customfor grandmothelsto tel
Krune Mqhdyi, wosgoingto visfie ehool.' thir grandchidnibtsomi - fotktales.Their puposewasto efforce and
lsee poges 3840 in Long Wclk ,o Npport somepoint of fmily discipline o custom.They upheldconduct
Frcdom, McDonoldPunell, 1994, for theull th0l wasfor the good of societyor te wele of e community.
occountof thisnomentouso.cosionin thelife of
th youns NelsonMondela.) Folktalesaways st wi|t: Kwathi kp kalnk ngantrom, (Onc upon a
tlme) while the grandchildrenusualy respondby sayiry Cor;1(HushD.
Thisditoriolin lmvo woswiflenon thoccsio
Colissy:lmvo o rhe cenrenoryo th birrh o ,trnbongi 'Always, howevet thee ws i lestone adul! usua y glandmam4

tKHUru".iiijfff5'il*".,Jlfi:lil; itlingwith us aroundthe fire. To keepus childen awke,shewod

tell iinrrord, the fairy-te of m)osa.

l_!!lrryr(4 i. ",1:1il"; Therc wee taes bol ogles ard giants, abour animals of e
forcsls,geat beasts,d bout itd hopping ceaturesof ihe veld.
*.; yeors
frfrfrhffi,Hspen ptoce
o heGreor o hs uncre
chieNzonzono {o' sixyeo.s
whereneemoineo There werc tles bout imls of the dver huge scale-coveed
*"iffi'ffim epties that coud swallow people nd nimals whole, uing
. :,.ry _*,,ffip obso.bins thhodirionst
d"!rhiir* lhe cuslons no hodirions o the Xl-oio He lhemto deathaslhey drd so.Ad lter on, whenhungry,briry them
listenedorentivlyto the discussionson cusromory p andchew them as cud.
low grosping inlrrcociso legol proredu.o
'he or his chf d,euqe Jryolo There lvere happy tales also; pinces nd pincesss,kings and
wl"ich he would lore' use os he bosis
queens,ad chiefsandchieftinesses: stoiesthat vrelistenedto and
tornowele.He r.eceivedhis ducotion Lovdoleqnd becameo ieocher
nd wlote ltyala Lanowelein l9l ! whil |ocliis ot Macontown.He believed.Stodesthat were told wit sch vivid detil and h such
wos o polifi. wit podu.ins mony boks includinspoerr ploys ond modulationof voic that we childn saw ihem in o mrds and
lived them in our feelings;crying whena little ophanedgirl, on he
wy to her rncleor he gndprentswho would look afte her (this
would-be guadian angel lways ved f, fa awa, fe[ inro rhe lmbangi yokuba imbila isweleamsila
handsof an ogre disguisedas kindly ittle old lady, with designsto Kwthi ke kaloku rgaDtsomi ebtsheniblizwe zonke izilwnyn
hve her for his dinner We oed wjth laughte - e kind of , zingenamsa.Zonke zazonwbiengphndlekokuntani vezilo,
aughtethat leavesyou feeling ,ea in yow be[y, terssteming
dow you fce; honest no-nonsensend nc.decorum lughte -
Ithe ke ngenye imiri yagqiba ukuba zonke
whenever cruel giats and cannibals cme to gdef, usly by
zankelc izipho uhuzezijo4eke zinde kahuu.
nadveendy falling prey to very trpsintendedlor e victims.
Yazimemazonke ukuba zize e"tundleni. Izilo
Oh, no doubt, we wee blood-isty little peopleouselves,but we zaphambanaluvyo ngphardleL:we''|tta.
fet self righteousabout it as long s it was rhe bad, tenibe, crue,
Endaweni yokuya enundleni zona zakhelh
ugly ogre.or somesucb.who rbu, meihis derile.
ul,ublalzigcakameleilarga Zazisonqcna
Someof ihesestoriestold us of the origin of man, otheswerc bout kskhulu kodwa zazili\a zoDaizipho. Ngoko ke, zasela inkat u
nanira phenomena,nd oihes still werc designedto eachus, the ul(ubzize zizamtele izipho ezo. Ikalr zl'a zaya etrhndleni
unwart audience,somesprtof molity. Looking back now, I see apho zonke jzilo zzngene kona.
ceady how irntromi ae a essential and integrl pa of the INgonrams yazibulis yzamtesa iipho
socialistionof e child mongandftosa-' zonl e. Ngdsinle ! dm kel um sila! Noko Le
(Stndiwe Mgona, Io MJ Chilnren's ChAren),Da\'.dPhilip ukuml(ariIo wale\el cmdl kaulu Dameblo
Publishes (PE) Lt4 Cape Tonr 1990 emddla waza ke nsol,o wenT iimpazano
ezlinzi. tJmzekelo, wanilb indlovu, isilo
c$ikhulu kakhulu umsilan omncitranekodwa ramd8, emrcinci
cnjalo, warnnika ums omllulukazi. Iinra# ke znikw imisila
y0zo zadkwa neyeetttita imisila. Zamba zonwabite- Zdla
ekiyeni lembila ezo- Zbnz iinbils ngetheko.
Ilnkawu zaleka zaveza imisia yazo emitsha
rgokuzidla okukulu ztsh zisithi: 'zizipho
,.okumkani ezi.' Zzbon,oz z hi imbilai
'Sinikeni imisil yethu! Ncedni nsnike imisita
ycxhul' Kodwa inkawu zahlek^ zgigithek zalalha isihlomelo
ngaphantsi koboy ernsieni zai: 'Khangelani. Nnlsi
imisa yenu. Adzikhlh^zngngol:uya kuyamkela,s2
ke ina sayihlomela kweyethu.' Zarsho zai shwaka
i"tup". Zqumbakalt iir,tJ" kodwa azabanah"enza
nto. Zsaswele imisila iir'rld kude L:ubenanala oko.
Kodwke, zonqeninjengokozazinjloeburshenibelizwe.
(Note: The prove clos rclated to this inisomi is 'Inh14 raswela
ufisla ryokuJalezela'.)

Why the rcck rabb has no tail Translations of

Onceupon tine vhene world wasyoung (tir. at the newnessof the
lnd) a[ animlsdid not havetis.All wee hppyexceptfor rhe king
of e bests,the l-id,.
S o o o ed y h e d e c i d e d a r l e ni mal s.houl d
re c e i \e p re s e n rss o th l bey l ooL
' houl d
beauft. He invited dll to come lo lus coun. ThL
a n i m K q e re o v e rj o y e d ,l rr md w i l h Jo)' ll goc$withot sayinglht word-fo-word aanslationsfrom one language
e\cept to he rock rabirs . I0 smer arE virtually impossibe.For teral tanslations mnsult the
vo.bularyboxesin eachunit.
Inseadof goingto thegou rheypreferedto bskin tle sun.They were
very azy but hey still wantedto rc.eive eir pesents.Themforcthey Unlt I Gettig cquainted o the aeroplane
askede ,?o ryr to go ad gtrhei presenrs. Thent g.eedand
wento tbecout r'here the a mals weregathercd. "rels il6w0rdess Good day, ladies and gentlemen.Wecome to flight 301
TheLbr gered going to Capeown.
lhem nd gare our rheirpre,enr,.Echon(
receiveda l. lr htpnedar rhis ling wa,
Ihrndi Heo, how are you today?
lrerJyrery old ndhi. eye\.too.uere old
Jonny I m well.
the result at he made mny mistakes. Fo
ndi Oh! Yo spk)ftos well! I am Than Thamsanq.
exmpe.he gvetheekpt arl, very big anima.
lonny I m JenyMuIIay. I am glad to Detyou. How areyou?
a very smlltail bu to thesqrrh?l rvhichis very sm,he gavea hge
lundi (No), I n we[, rhnks.I'm also glad to meetyou.
tail. The morl.eJs were thengiven their raits andwere asogiven rhose
Jonny Do you ive n CpeTo\l'l1,Thandi?
ol herock rabbts.They left happy.They passedby the homeof rhose
lindi Yes,we live n Pinelands-
rock rabbts. T\e rcck tus askedthem abourthe
party. The monre$ ughedand poudly showedotr Joony Oh! I lso ive in Pinends.
l$di Whereexctly?
heir tajsandsid:'Thesearee gifrs ftom the King_'
Jonny Ner ForestDive. where do yo live exctly?
The nck mbbts ple ded saying: 'cive us ou rrs.
11r0ndi Near Pinelads High School.
PleaseCiveus our tails'. But hmonfeJslaughedand
giggledandpoinledto a jonr underthe tur on rhetail: oooOooo
Slowdess Excuse mq ladies and genttemen.Fstenyou seat belf5.
'Look, hereayour tils.You couldn'rbe boeed ro go and
We'[ shoIy be aiving in Cpe Tow. Thtrk you fo
get them yourselves,so we joined hem onto oulsl' Having
choosing Rainbow irlines- I hope we' see each othe
sidsothe rluls disppeaed. The/rcl n rik werc vef
'l cold nor do nyhing_ aginsoon!Welcometo CpeToiI! Goodbye.
ngrybut they So they ae tjllesstill oooOooo
hisda but ey enornearlyaszy asthey.weewhene
lonny Goodbye,Thandi.It was nice to spe to yo.
word wasyoune!
ThMdi we'll seechother again!
That is e end of the story!
(it. The dssiehsno tail bcusehe sen someoneon his behalf, i.e.
do't rely on othersto do youl bidding!)
4 q !4aq!!!
Unit 2 Meeting again at e Murrays' home Tlemba Fine, but you do follow (undentand)we[.
hlol Yes,if one spaksdowry
Jenny Helo,comein'
Thandi Hov, you? Thomba WeI then,I'11atsoty ) speakdowly.
htcr Thanls, becauseI don't spekas wel as Jenny.Shesoge\t
Jeruy We axewel- It's Diceto seeyou agn-
up on frm in e EstemCap.She eamt it at school and
Thandi This is my husband,Thmb.
universiry Shespeak!s wel s a )os-spekingperson- so
Jenny Heo, Themba. I'm very gld to meet you. This is my
much so tht shetachesit now
Themba I'm gad to meet you. fhcmba Tht's lovey! You knoq rhe Dutch sying: 'So veel tule asjj
Pete We are also glad to met you. Welcometo our home.This ka , so yeel nale is jij nun '
Thafs so true!
Thandi Hello, my child. What'syoul nane? Unlt 4 Speaking about work
Dad I am David.
Themb Do you go to school,Dad? ht Te[ me, Themba,what's your line of work?
Dd Yes,I go to Gmv. omba I work for an a ine as a pelsoel manage.
Thandi Wherc re you leming to speak)ftos? htor Oh, (that's) pesonnelnanagrin English?
Dd I'm leaming it t school /(orikazr. 'Tltonta You'rc spot on!
'ht You obviously communicteandwo* we wi people.
Pete Do you havechildrcn?
Themba Yes,we have,a son and daughte. Ttonba Yes, ke to wok wi peoplevery much.You know e )ahosa
Peter Do they go to school? ibm: A peson is a petsoft thrcagh otherpersois.
Themba Yes,ey do. They go to Westerford. htcr You arc so dght!
Jenny ftat about somethingto aljt? Would you pefer tea or fhnba whr's your wok, Pete?
coffee o somethingcold? htor I am a holicultudst at Kirstenbosch.
ThamsanqasWtaieve.Yes, whtever. Thmba Mm, at's intesting!
Peter Vould you like to sit inside or outside? htcr Yes,it's iitestig wo*. It is sucha beaurfulplaceto work at.
Thndi Lt's sit outside.Ifs beutifirl.My I help you Jemy? DoesThandi also wok?
JeDny Thank you Peter and Thmba. You cr chat (in rhe lhcmba Yes,shealso likes to work with people.Sheis doctor
re3ntrlne), Shewoks at the Rd CrossChildren'sHospital.Shegoesthee
Perer Okay! in the momings oDl ln the aftemoonshewoks at a Primary
Halth Cae cic.
Unit 3 Knowing how to speak Xhosa Poter Shetso works very hard then.
fhomba At which shoo1dosJeDnytech?
Themba Peter,you speak)osa well. Tell me, whee did you leam to
spekit so well? &t r Shedoesn'ttechat a school Sheteachesadulrs{,ho wantto leam
to spk)0rcsa-You know,dlere e mnypeoplewho wl|t to
Peter I grew up on a farm near Grhamstown.Then I continuedto
leam to spak)osanoq especia[ybsim$ poPleandstatrof
leam it at school. Unfotuatel I've folgotren a ot. lso, I
how tht I mte a lot of mistakes,but I'm rrying (my best).
Icnba 1Ve[, asey saymBsh: 'Bette late than naerl'
Themb Thaadoesn'tmattet mting misrkes.Whar is importantis that
you try to spea it every day. hter How do you syat i0 )Cos?
Thcmba I don't know. Languagb like that. It is not alivays esy to
Peter You'e ight. You must te[ me ough when I mal(emistakes.
tanslte,especilywhen it comesto idioms.
Unit 5 How do you like yotur colfee? ,lonny The Cpewatheris lile at. One minutethe sunis shining,
Peter Al last! Lefs quench(our) thint! the next (minute)it is raining.
Jenny Sorry fo leing you wait (such)a long rime. We werc Tlxmdi No man, don't exaggerte.And don't complain about the
chatting! I'm se that you must be irsry. CpeweatherlThe ain s better thn doughl. We needmin
Pete Yes,we are very thirsty. We e also hngry. in SouthAfica. t's scarce.
Themba No, that's okay,we wee lso chattitrg. Poter Jenny,you soundlike the cuiengs! They don't like ou
Jenny Thandi, how do you like yo cofree?Do you war nilk and wetherithey complainaboutlhe ain in winter aDdaboute
Thndi Milk only, thals. 'fhe,nb But let's be honest,e weathris beautif in Gautengn
Jenny And you, Themba.do you want coffee wirh milk? winte. lt's dry, it doesn'tmin.
Themba Yes.anks, nd two tespoonsof sug. ThaDdi But the understoms ndighting ihele in sunmel
Jenny Here is e srgar.Help yourselt Jan|y No. let's dmit, evey place has its advantagesand
Peier How aboutsomeckeand sandwiches,Thandi? disadvantges.
Thandi Thnks,Pete.May I havea smltsliceof cake?It lookslovety! Thondi You're ight. For inslace, in Durban,the winer is plesanl,
Indeed,it is delicious.Herc's a slce! but the humidity lherein summeris intolerable.
Thandi Thrs. Mm! This cake is delicious, JeDny,rnay I have the Jonny Yes,it's exactly ile tbt.
ecipe? Pter I hope that th wetherwill be fine is coming weekend
JeDny Sue! Just remind me. Themb,can I lso give you a stice of becsetheeis a big cricket matchat Newlnds.Do you like
cdcket, Themba?
Themba ThanksJennr I ove swetthngsvery much! Themba Very muchl Like MakhyaNtini sayson TV: '1ddn? li
Jenny Peter pleasepssThembihe cake (whe) I pour you coffe. cncket, I loye it!'
Peter Okay.Thand,what aboui nothercup of coffe? Wel, I'm going on Sturdaywi Dd. Woud you and
Thndi No. antc. Onecupof coffer is enoughfo me. your son like to comewi s?
Gosh,the snhasdisappred. It's geningcool now. Shouldn't Themba Yes,I would lite tha. very much.
we go inside? Pcter Ok I' phoneyou on ftiday so hi we can arangewhere
Jeny Yeq it's sudderlygot cold. I am cold.Aren't you cold !oo? and whento meet.
Thandi A tde.
un|t / Jenny at work - 'l,et's spak Xhosa'
Jenny WeI, ler's go inside then! Pete,pleseclosethe door.
oooOooo Jcnny Helo, students!Todyyou re going to speak)ftosa, andI m
Thndi Jeffy, don forget to give me the rccpefor e cke. going to listen! Wlo wntsto stal?
Jenny I hveD'tforyosen.Here it is. ff you Fefer chocotateicing you Mak and We'll sa, Jenny.
can dissolve a spoonof cocoapowder h a spoonof boiling Paul
wte and beatwell into the icing. Mrk I' b the pelrol ttedant,Paul will be the motorist.
Jcnny Al righ, stualents,1k!
Unit 6 Are you warm enougb? At the garoge
Pete Ae you walm enougho shouldI swirch on the hearer? Gooddy,sir.Ho aeyou, today?How cnI hepyo?
Themba No thnks,we don't needa heate..It's not that cold. l\4otorisr Good dzy,Mnunzana. How arc yo]u'l
No, nolhing wrcng. I'm okay despielhe pobems-And you?
Motorist I'm lso fine, thanks. Vfil Oh, isn that Lady Free iD EDgsh?
ShodI fill the tant today? L0dy Gol You're dght. lndeed,you do know Xhosal
Motorist No, giv ne only 50 ands' worth ioday. Vol \Vlee do you ve, lr'*ori,tazi?
AI nsh si. How re the res? Lody In Claemont.where do you liv?
Motorist It serse left ftont lre needs liitle ai. Pleasecheckall Vrl In Kenilwoh, but I wok hee in Claremont.
Ludy I also wok here Claemont. I have a rcstaunt in Fir
Al ight, sn How much an? Avenec^1led'Nineena' (Con in\.
Mobist Pumpthem to 210 all ound. Plesedon't forget to checke Vll ReIy! PehapsI'I visit you dee. Gosh,I nely fogoi, y
nmeis Vat Todd-
No soonersaid an don,sir! Ldy I'm pesedto neet you, V- I m Xosw Silinga.
ooooooo Vrl I'm lsoglad 1omei you, Xoliswa. It ws very nice to tlk to
We[. everyng is okay in front- Shodd t also wipe the you. I hope we'll seeeachoter gin.I'm gong lo tel my

teachea|d the cassaboutyour estauant,Peaps we'l all

That woud be hepful!
We,I've finished,s
I am grtetul. Thnk you. Herc's e money for e perrol-
visit you thee soon.
Xoliswa That would be ice. Coodbye.

Here'sso somethingfor tobacco(tip). ? Vsl GoodbyeXoliswa. I'm sue we'll seeeachother again at the

Thn you. Goodbye,sir.
Goolbye.Mnumzantwe U seeeachoer gdn.
Mk andPu,you've done we[. Congatuiions!
i Jonny
You also did very weil, Val and Sa[y. I'n happy.I'm ver.J
happywith your Fogress! Congratrlations!Now let me wish

Val and
Wel, Val and Slly, let's hearyou convention!
AI dght. ! you a! a pleasanthoday.

Sally Unft 8 Thandi at wort -'I am Dr Thamsanqa'

At ,he supentnrkzt Tlandi Goodmomng,*"rtl.i. He o, my chd. Pleasecomen. I
Val Sory,r'k rifrd.il Did I hwt you? m Dr Thmsnq.
Lady No, it's nothing. Oh! You speak)ftos? Sit down.I{erc's a ch . What's you name,/(o,$ftazi?
I',m trying. Mother I am NoncebaMajola.
l-dy No, you'rc notjust tryng, yo spea il! Wherc do you know Thandi And you, my chid, what'syou name?
Xhosfrcm? Child Lindiwe.
Soy, I didn't understnd.Pesesythat again. handi No, don't cry my child. Don't wory. I won't hut you. Herc's
Lady I said,whee d you lem it? a doll. Do you wat to hold it? Well then,rri&dzi, tell me,
V Oh now I undesandlI ttendXhosaclasses. why hveyou cometo seeus hereat the hospital?
Ldy Who is techingyou? (By whom ae you beingtaught?) Mother It's this littl one,docto
A MIs Murray. She gew up with )ftosa,speakig peope, Thandi Wat is the mtter (with he)?
Moer She corplainig of a bad headache,doctor.Anoer thing,
Ldy I too am fom ma,YhosenL sheis couins. Sheis coushing a lot.
Whereis you home? Thndi How old is she?
Lady In Ccadu. Mother Five, docto.
Thidi Did you bing her nodd to Health Cad? we cn st a waterwisegarden.I'l bing plnts and garden
Motler Yes,hereit is. tools, but I lso waDt you to participt in this exerciseby
Thandi Thr's fine. We[ eD, my child, ow me, whereexacdy is lrying to preparcthe soil at the schoo.
yor hedsore?Can you point to wherc your headis sore? Pupils How cn lve do that.l{t rt{dd?
Ulindivre Il's soeherc. Phum The best way to st is to mak compost.You can sta by
UThandi Is you thoat sore? cotlecling kitchen waste. For insrnce,vegetablepels, egg
Ulitrdiwe No. shells,eves,bonestogee qri grsscuttings,deadflowers,
t[hndi tue yo earssore? feathersnd ash.But don't put in tins, plastic or paper l' sit
tll-indiwe Yes. yoll schoolnext week.We'l choosea suitablespot to make
Lnhandi Is thereary dischagefom he ers,lffrrita.i? compostheap. Unl hen, you can put everlthing you have
UMm Yes.therc is. collectedinto thesebags.Wel then,pupils. I an grarefulro you
Thandi Sincerhenhasyour child beenill, Ms Majola? for listening so auentivey.Hve a nice picnic now bu I ask
Mothe This is the nd d you pease.o kep the gdenclean.Dor't forgerto pick up ll
Thandi Tell me, haveyou given her somethingto allete e pn? youl papesbfore you leave and put em no the rubbish
Molher Yes,I gveher Prdo,bt it didn't heb at . bins. Goodbye.We'n seeachother next week.
Thadi Has she(this child) eve hurt her headbefoe?
Mother No, docto Unit 10 Themba at work - an interview
Thandi ltas sheeve bensick beforc? Themb Good moming, Miss Green.Plesesit down. I'm gld o
Mother No, doctor. seeyou. How re you?
Thatr Itas she(this child) any otherproblens? Miss Gen Cood moming,Mr Thamsanqa.Thnkyou. I'm fine excep
Motler Yes,docror sheis not eatiq well. fo feeling a little rervous.
Thadi Al1 dght, Ms Majola- I would like to examine her rcw. Themba No, Miss Green.don't be nnous. Relaxl It sersar you
Plesundessher andlie he down hreon the bed. speak)ftos well. Tell me, whee do you know it from?
Unit 9 Peter at rlrok at Kistenbosch Miss Green I staed to speak it when I was still sma[ becauseny
parentsworked at a hospiinerKeiskarroek.
Peter Cood tromitrg,pupib. Welcometo KistenboschlMy nameis Thernba Oh, thenyou know the pur Xfiosa! Can yo also wte it?
PeterMurray. This is my collegueMrs PhunlaBongel.We Miss Grcen Yes,M Thmsanq,I emedXhosa at schoolnd so at
both are hoticulturistshee t Kistenbosch.Mrs Bongelwi univelslry.
tell you about the waterwise gardens and e Otech Themba Do you know ny other languagesas well?
Gardeniry Project.This poject war staed to help schoolsto Miss Gen Yes,I speakAfrikans anda little Frenchbut the l1leress.
establishgardensstbe to you area.But frst, I'm going to Themba Vell then,Miss Geen.pleasetef me a little aboutyourselL
tefl you tde aboutKi$tenbosch (itse]t. This garden,famous MissGeen I was bom in 1969 in CapeTol,n.My pents moved to
a[ over the wodd for ils beuty,was foundd in 1913-It is Keiskmm3oekwhen I rvasstil small, theeforeI did the
much acclimedfor its collectionof SouthAfican planrs.Look lower slnddsfom SubA to Std 5 a Keiskmmnoek.
at ese picte's tknat the ChelseaFlowe Show in London Themba W1eedid you do your highe stndds?
whereytr afte yea Kistenboschhaswon many mdals. Miss Gren ,4t bordingschoolin Port Elizbeth.I pssedMalic in
ooooooo 1986. After that I studid for a BA degee at Rhodcs
Phunla We rlea pupis,I'm goitrg to sit you i you schoolso that Univesity in Gramstown.

Themb What werc your majos? Secretay Al dght M Mry. I' tell him. Wi's you telephone
Mss Geen Engshnd)ftosa.
Themba Who taut you )0osa? Peter Ii's 531-3767.
Miss Grcn hofesso Majola. Do you pehapsknow him? Secletary Al dght M Murry.
Thenba Oh, very well!rte studiedtogetherHe is avery bdght mn. Peter Thn you. Goodbye.
Miss Grcen What a teacher! He helped lne a lot. wel, I gduated in Socletary Goodbye,M Mury
1989.I startdto work asa teachel In 1994I s,aspomoted ooo0ooo
andbanevice-prircipal. Dad Dd Murray speaing.
Themba Pleasete[ mq why do you wnt to chngejobsnow? Hello,David.How areyou,my boy?
Miss Green I'm laid many techen ae going to be reirenched. Dvid Oh, hello, Mr Thamsanqa.I'm fine ttaDts.And you?
Besides,I an a 'peoplepelson'. I woud very much ike to No, I'm fine. Is you fther perhapstherc,Dayid?
qiork r.i difrercnt people. And I think I cn mae Yes.Wait moment.I'll call him.
contibutonto yow compny. oooOooo
Themba We en, Miss Gleen, do yo hve questios? Hello.Perer.Tr Thembahere Thas orpbooins.
Miss Geen Yes,M Thmsq.Do you thiD tht I have chanceof Unfounately I war at a meeting the whole day. I got you
being appointed? messagewhenit was aleadylate (evening).
Themba Yes,I think t you have very good chnce! Pcter It doesn'tratter.I know you arc busy.
Miss Gn Wen cnI expectto he whetherI have beensuccessful? Themba Wat time shal we meettomoow?
Themb We'l let you know at the e of next wek. iPeter wlat about9.30?
Miss Geen Thank you very much, Mr Thdnsanqa. That's fine. wlere?
Themba Al dght, Miss Geen.It was nice to meet you. Goodbye. Pcter ln ftont of the man gate.
Miss Ctn Goodbye,Mr Thamsnqa. Okay,we'll be ee ar 9.30. we' seeechoer en.
We'l seeeachother
Unit 11 May I speak to Mr Thamsanqa? oooOooo
Peter Hello, may I spakto Mr Thamsanqa?Is h perhapsee? He ol
Seqetary May I asksiho wod ke to spal<to hm? Than Helo, may I spa to Ms Mury?
Peter Yes,lhis is PeeMury spealing. Helo,Thndi,it's me!
Secretry Plshold on, M Muay. I'l jst ook and seewhetherhe landi Oh, sorry, my dear, I didn't rccognise your voice- lvhafs
b in his ofEce. wmng?
Pete Okay. Oh,I'vejust got litde cold.
oooOooo Oh,I'm soy.I'm phoningyoubecause ThembandI regoing
Seiety M Mury, I'm sory, M Thamsanqais not herc at the tQ that ne\r Xhosarcstarnton Satuday evedng.We would
moment.He went oDt. like to invite you andPeterto join us. Canyou corne?Do you
Do yo know when he'l be back? ink you wi[ be betterby then?
Secetry I'm sory, he didn't say.Vr'odd you like to leave a message? Oh, tht would be lovely. I read about at rcstaurantin the
Ys, plesetel him that I wanted to get in touch wi him paper last weekend. My mou was watering. The
boutthe cicket tomorrow.Peapshe canphoneme at home (desciptionof the) food brought back childhood memoies.
this evening. Vfe usedto eat all ose taditional disheson e frm!
XHOSA llANsLAloNsof DlAtoGULs 275
Thndi Well the& let me fetch you so tht we can meer Peter nd Ftrr Baaru Bafana ilso eot suP{o like at when they won the
Thembafu the cicket game. Afiican Cup of Nations.By e wa what do you do thesedays
JeDny Thanlcyou, my dear We'll seeachother. to keepyouseff f?
llrmba e, I try to run thee times week.andI play squshegady.
Unit 12 At the cricket match And you?
Themba lt's lovely to seeso much interestin cricket thesedays. fttot I cycle, and I try to walk up e mountain on Sundys.But
Look t l thesebudding Mhaya Ntinis plying ccket. sometimesit's difEcult to fid e time becausemy hobby is
Peter Indeed.Whever you look thesedays ere e boys plaing
cdcket. Did you ply cricket when you wee t schoo, Mine is photogphy.But the!oblen is just to find lhe tire |
Themba? Look, the plyeshavecomeback.Lunch is finied. The gme
Thenba Yes, I liked playng cricket very much. I was a wicke- is going to statnow. Lefs go backto ou sats.
kepe batsran.I fci, I openedthe innings!
Pete Rrly! 1 3 IPt's go to that net rstauant
Therba Ad you, mate,which sporlsdid yorr pay? Goodevening.welcome to Zko I'etkr. we ae lery dd
Wel, I played iennis and rgby a shoo. Unfortunately, I to seyou- How re you?
boke my arm when I wa! sdll playing nder 15. After rhr I No, we are flne except that we e hungry! Do you
neverpayedlugby agin. perhapshave tble for four?
Themb What positon did you play? Of cowse! Foow me.
I was a sumhf. Though I didn't play cricket I like ro watc Can we peps hav table nearthe window?
it very much especiallywhen we ply oveffeasteams.Did you Here it is. How is is?
play rugby or socce? Us fine! Thnk you.
Thenb I playedugby. Hee is the menu.
Peter Wat position? W1atdo you recommend?Wht are the specilstoday?
Themba I was 8 mn. w11,to starwith \re have isonkasawtw.
Peler Wht aboutsocce?Did you ply it? Oh! Tht eminds me of my childhood on the farm. I
Themba Yes,I plyed,ii but I peferred gby. rc^tly loved isonkasamanzi.
Peler It is very inteesting how spo1 has the power to ude Is that so,t rr'k ri! Where do you comeiom?
I grew up on fam errdaroreri.
Themba You're right. Rememberthe suppot e whoe countf gave
AnaBhokobhokoat e wod cup finall W1ocn forger how Near Queensto*n-
ererlonesng.Isrrrolar. ! if io oDe!oice. Oh, I donl know that region.I Srewup in Transkei.Well,
Peter Indeed, I'm sule r rhe way rhe cowd iang gave let me asorccommedr?hokaqo, nng.tusho,umfit,,
AnaBhokobhoko e impetus that they needed ro win rhe mutton slew nd triPe.
wold cup! htr I have fogotten,what exctIyis anphtkoqol
Thenba Wowl lvho cod foryei the pride on PresidentMandela,sfce &ruranteur It's cookedmealiemeal.
whenhe wore e No.6jesey andheld e rophy alofr iogerc rtr Oh yes,I rcmmbernow.
with FnoisPieDax. Jrnny How is your nfto (made)?
kr|turant"* It's wi spiIchatrd onion. May I bitg you something

to dnt whit you e decldtrLE.Howabo wn4onboth. Jenny That would b nice.

amaewb o beerl Cl me if you needhelp or you wnt to Imow anything.
Themba Lefs tsteall! We havebroughta bottle of wine. Canyou Jtrny Oka ftor,azt. wod like to sit ookhg at dressesand
openit? skis.
Restauanteu Of coursel Peter That wa hangg on at wau over dee is bautif,
Restauanteu Ae you eady to order? Wich one. si?
Themba No, we haven chosenyet. Pete That onepith e womansnoking a pipe. wlerc wasit made?
Restawnteu Fine, I'l comeback in little while. It was madeby e local women.
Jenny By tbeway, Mnumunu, \'thereis the clokrcom? Petr How much doesit cos! ftrri,tazi?
Restuanteu Folow me, I'll showyou. UDfortunately ese wall hangines cosr lot of money
Jenny Than you. Excuseme for a tde. nowadaysbecusethey e madeby hnd nd are of mohan
The oers Thafs fine. Peter I undestand.
ooooooo oooOooo
Restaanteur gerc's the meall Ool You look \ery smrt, Nkoskazl That dress is very
Jenny MIn, it snellsdeciousl It also looki decious! bautituMt lly suitsyo!
Restauanteur Well then, hope at you' enjoy you meal! Jcnny Yes,bui t's bit small. Hve you got it in a bigger size?
ooooooo I'll ook fo a bigger size.What size?
Restauratrteur Have yo etenwell? Janny 36.
The fiiends Very much so! Vl colou wod you lik?
Jenny I would like to get youl ecip of nngqrrlr' if it is not a Jcnny Yellow o red.
sect? Unounalelywe ody bavewhj.browDatrdgrenin yo
Restauranteu I'11sk e cook fo it.
Jenny I wotd be gateful. Jrnny That's fine,I'11 ty on the brcwn one.
Restauranteu lrlat about(some)desset? oooOooo
The ftiends Thanki very much bul we've a[ had enough(to eao. Jonny It fits me perfecdy.l'll tke it! How much is i?
hemb May we have the bill now? A$istant l-f you buy e ess trd lhe sli I c reducee pice.
Rslurnteur No soonesaid than done! They' cost R225 togeer
Jamy Fine. I'11 buy both but don't have enoughmoney. Do you
Unit 14 Buying clothes and vadous African arts acceptedit cards?
and cafts Dorl wory, ,\r*ort*a,- We ac.ept csh,chquesnd cedit
Jenny Gosh! Pleasejust look ar all thesebeautitul ingsl Woven
That's good, becsI sti[ want to buy other thngs like
mats,wall hangings,potrry basketsandclothing.It's going to pottery basketwe,d especialy ewellery) beds.(dtt dro)
b ilifcult to choose!
Assjrtant Good day,may I help you?
Aistnt Yo me?n'ilttsmb'. 'Amaso' arcbigge tha itutsmbi.
Jenny You shopis rcally very beautifrM how l'm going to spend
lony Of couse!Now I emembr!
a lot of moneytoday!
Arsistntwt sor of bedsdo you want? NecHaces,bmceets?
Do you ke theseanklets?
Assistant ThDs very mrch. Would you like to look oundtust?

Jenny Gosh!Everlahingis very betiful.Again it's going to be very Motorist Pehapsere is hole in the la? You klow' at happens
dif6cult for me to chooselLook t all the coloursl qte es on counarymds.Lel's have a look!
That's OK ?glosr:t.i, tte you timel Poie Oh, havens!You arei8bt. Indeed,ee is a little hole ihe size
of a pa.What are we going ro do now?
Unit 15 Travel woes Motoist No, don't worry. ff you have sonesoapl'll closeit up. Aftet
Good day, rara,how e you? at you will be able to drive to the gaage.
Passerby Good day. No, I m stil tottering aong,my chp. Pcte How ar is the grage?
Can you help us, ,aro? We ae lost. Is his perhapsihe rod Motoist It's neay, fo ow me.
leadngto Sdrdtle\ grave? Pcte Thank yot!. MnunEana You ve rely helpedus
No, you on the wrong road. oooOooo
Peter Werc do w get (on) the right od en? Mcchanic cood d can I help you, sn?
Passeby Tum bck on the rcad you are on now. Wen you comero e Pote Go dy, Mmonaana. Unotnatel thee is a litde hole in
first intersectionfollow e road to the eft. AJter tht, go my ptol rDt. Can you epa it imrnediatey?
straigbt-Aile one kilometre you' seethe sign 'To Sdtld|e's Mechnic Eh, I have lot of work but I'll try.
Pler Oh I ihank you. How long wif it take?
Wh1is the rcad like? Is it a lred oad? M.chanic Mm, let ne see, pehaps two hours.
No, it's a gravelroad.lt is sonthe winding like a milipde I Potr Ca you tel me how much it will cost?
There is another rod to the dght which is shoter. Mochanic It's difficult to te excly.About R350.
Unfortunatelyit is not good. Pctr Fne, Mrumzana..nt'sleve the c. we'llse eachotherlater
Pete Thank you very much,rdtd. By tte way. whereae you going?
Can we give you a lift?
Unft 16 Xhosa heritage tril
Psseby No. thaDhyou, I'm waiting herefor my daughter Thcmba How was you holiday Did you have a pleasant
oooOooo trip? "ncxnosent?
DDn!The tyre woudn't havebust if we hdtkenthe tard P!tc Ir ws wondertul.ough we had som pmblemswith e car
road! bur luckily we wee helpedby somevery kind peope.
Jeny Oneis alwyswise fter an event! I nunol We , it's usu[y ke that in the ruIal ares-But wheeexactly
oooOooo did you go?
Motorist Heo, Wfs the trouble?Can I help you? trolnY We staed o tip in Pddie. Sircmy univnity dyswhen
}te1lo,Mnunza&. My tyrc seemso hveburs.. Cn you lend I ws stdying )osa I've always wanled to sit the
me youl jk? Unfounately mine hasdisppeed. historicl places of e astem Cape. By lhe wy, whai is
Motorist \dt a shel Wait a minute. l'11ger thejck out of my boot. Peddie in )Gos?I've tbgotte.
Has you spregot air? Thndi It's Ngqushwa.
Peter FofiunteyI pumpedit up yesterdy. I!ny Oh, yes, of couse. We[, we went to Peddie becausewe
lenny Tharlc goodness,you arri\ed, Mnmzanal wantedto seelhi fmoust, the white milkwood tree.Afie
Peier hdeed! By the way.is ere a grgenerby?I'm afraid we ae that we headed for King lillim's Tovn to visit the
soongoing to run our cf petol. I cn'r undestandit becauseI Kfrin Museum whee there is a very interesling
filed the tnl yesteday! co ection of Faditional artifcts.In the lemoonwe wet to
StveBiko's house.we also sild his glave.

Peter The folowing da rve went offto Hogsback making a de.our lonny The next placewe visited /sSttteheim. We wantedto see
and pssing though Keiskmmahoh ifito the Amalindr Sandti"'r grave but we got lost nd gve up. We wanted to
region. folow Srndji3 wlk but we hd no lime.
Themba Oh A',ulindcl You know, il was in ihat egion rlat one of the The following dy we hededfor Umtt. Or the wa we cut
bloodiestbttlesin Xhoshistoly ws fought. through beautiful pstues,with cattle nd sheepdotting the
Jemy Of couse! That's the battle thr is descibd in e poen opes,passingtfuough Komga, Butterworth nd Idyuty\r.
Ulhuthula by Jolob, which was one of ow (Fescibed) We wantedto visit Qutru whee Nelson Mndel was bom.
poemsa versay. Unfotuntely,his chidhoodhome is not therc any moe but
Themba The whole region lre| Amathoe Mountains is tu ol his schoolis sl therc.
Xhosa history Thee e nany paceswhich arc nmedafter Did you havetime to go to the coast?
Rhaabe clnefs. Of course!W stayedat Port St Johns fo tbee days.
Peter Yes,we passed.ar./ile's Dam andlso sawlr'gqil.,3 gave on The nnretheel The hills descendingto the coast,e ound
the way to Alice. In Alice lve v/ere very inrercsredto visil huts and e maize fields! Inded, the couDtry is sti[ so
Lovedale College and For! H Univesi8 where Nelson unspoil (it is lifte a young naiden!).
MDdl ws studenttogtherth many orhepresent-day No, you've mdeme quitejealousI
On e way to Umtt, at Libode, we passedby n old county
JenDy I hadjust finshedeading The OchrePeople w'ittenby Noti store.It remindedme ofJolobe's essy henkile yangaphandk.
Jab!. I iheeforc very much wnted to find the housein We actuallywantedto go to Cla.
Middledift wheeher fathe,PmfessoJabavu,lived whenhe lryhataltractedyo to Cala?
was pofesso of Afiican langgesat tro Hre. Have you We werc inted therc by ftiends.
ever ead this book? Wat did you do thee?
Thandi Yes, No Jsblr writes very well so much so that one can lve took p in lhe daily activities.And the kindnesswe found
actually see the beauty of is egion. Sb desibes so thee was so hetwanning. In tbe evenings, we even sat
beautiir[y the way of life ndcustomsof the Xhosapopleo arcundthe fil andslenedto folktaleske davsof old!
that time. Have you also rcad he other book D,'dlrn i,
Jmy Yes,am I not dght in sayingtht tht was he frst book?
Themba Did you fird Jbaru's houseafter I1?
Jey No, unfotunatelywe didn't.
Thndi Where did you hedfor after at?
Peter We stayedat Hogsbact fo a few days.Gol The beatyol
that rgion is breataing. The peace!Atrd e tranqllityl
Te indignousforestsand the waterflls arc qle stuing,
and the many speciesof birds and their singing e just td)
wondeful io expience.
Themba You must have beeDin your elemenl Pete! personof naturu
ar you ale!
Peter You ca sy that again! heeforc we decidedto stay erc
(b)Masihlalephatusi!(c) M6iethe ddiphilg. (e)Hyi, andikhmbuli.
Key to exercises hlxhosa!(d)Msiphunge ikotu! (0 Hayi, ddituni (kuphung)kotu.
(r) Msiphse iti! (t Msiseleto G) Hayi, ddifni 1nzi. (wrer)
lb0ndayo!(s) Mssihlalngphnde! 4 (a) Ncedulhetheisixhos / Ndicela
(h)Msincokole! (i) Masisale! uheheis CDsa.O) Nceduzekelle
, (J)Mssiye / Msmbe. 8 () Bihla; / Ndiceauzekele.(c) Nced! phinde
, rxlp / ePinetmds.(b) gtund4 kwalhoM / Ndiceauphinde
lrlkolweDi.tc) Ilft nda,sikolweni. kwakhona.(d) Nceduzme
nororGd) (q) ilori - lory (r) iteki - Ballala:ePDeldds.9 LalNBUbai kwakhom / Ndcelaume kwakhor.
Unit 1 ti (s) ifmu - fom (t) inali - money lakho?rb) hlalpli? (e) Ncedaundelele / Ndicla
I (a) Molo Thdi. (b) Molo nma- philaqjaainaJrabJe Poss,re dixelee. 5 (a) When was Paidrl
(c) Molo tata.(d) Molo sisi. (e) Molo () NdiDguJohnSmith. Neso Mndeaom? (b) He was
bhu. (f) Molo nkosiku. (g Moo Ut\it 2 NdilalaeKapa.(cl Ndiphila bom or July 18, 1918.(a)Wheredid
tMdE/ mrlrekazi.(h) Molo 10 UJnny:Molo Thdi. he ercw up? (') He sew up in Quru
I (a) Nsubi is:lm akho?/
nkosaze. (i) Molo mtwd'd. t].Irudi: Molo. sisi. it lhe EstemCapePrcvince.
nsubei? O) njdi trdd dje? (a) Wherdid he eo io school?(b) He
C) Mowen mmerc : Ngena. Kunjdi namhldje?
'll'lhenekui. (c.)Uyafrlnda?(d) UfuDdaphi \.
(k) Ndinsu... () Ndyawya ukukw@i. lir Ndisaphila.Utrjdi wena? went to Weslyanschoo-Aie that
usiea istftosa? 2 w&p: vaE;
2 (a) Unjdi (nml'leje)? (b) Ulala : Ndilhona, sisi. Ufum ino he wert to the Unive6ity of Fo Hre.
valXa; {!!0. 3 () Ngl l UThDdr:Iayi.Jemy, /
eKapa?(c) Ndawoni kaye? (a) n1t did he do after.hat? (b) He
(') Kunedi kakhuuurudibu
3 (a) NaDkeelje eKap4 mee ikotu.UJemy:Kuugile. wmked s policeM on the mes
nwo. (c) Hrda phursi. (d) Kujui
nal]ruerckui. (b) Ndiyapbita,e*osi. but he cnied o wirh his aw srudies.
(c) Ndiywy uhlLTui (d) Ndiala ? UThnd:Hayi, sisi. 6 (a) KulhethwisiNgosi,isiBhuu
{e) Hambkakule.4 (a) tuna rgaphande.Lihe Desixhos (b) Kuthedrv istftosa
eKape (e) Bk'lmdi ukulhetha (ukuphuns)
ikofn?O)tuna Ndigtuncedisa?UJemy: isiNgesi nesiBhulu.(c) Kuthethwa
nwe.(0 Bekunnmdi ukdibda (ukuphuns)
iti? (c)tun'ukudibana un8andin(edjsd,
e!*osi. (a) yes isiTswanneriBhulu. (d) Kuthethwa
nwe.(g) SobonanrTakho (d) funauea
noPele? isisuthu nesiBhul.(e) ZoDkeiilwini
klmitry. () Saakakbre.(i) Sadi noThnba? (e)Ufunaukuthetha
kkle. ) Hnb kakne. zihehwaecauteng. (t) Kuthew
isixhosa?(D Utunaulruhlala
(k) Hmbanikkrhle.4 () Uphil isiswat, isiTsonga,isizul, iliNdebe
njni? / unjni n j]ranje? O) t]bah
isphandl? G) Ufunauhtlla
isph3ki?0') Utunukuhnb
nit 3 nesiBhulr. (d hththw iszu
phil (c) Ndwoni knye?5 Nn Ndfirna uke isixhosa- nesiNgesi.(h) KuihelhwaisiTswra,
nsoku?5 (a)Nituna(ukuphunga)
diyvya ukikwzi Jenn Ndingatheth isNgsi? (c) Ndilr nesiBhrlu.(i) KurhethwisiYerd4
ikotu?(b) NiD(ukuphs)i?
6 raowledgeablepersontnevvafli isixhosa. (d) Ndizma isiPedi nesiBhuu.) Kulhew
(c) NifiD ladibM mPete.?
dangeioppotunity/chncetry, slive. isixh6a. (e) Nditheth ist{hosa eMpm-Kooni
(d) Nifia ututheth oThemba?
7 () ibhafrun - blbroornO) ibhedi - karciDcinje. (0 Ndsannd. naseNtshoMKooni. (k) Kulhetwa
(e) NifiD Dluetha isixhosr?
bed (c) ikhabhalhi- cupbod (D NifrDa uhrar nSaphmdle? Ndisaazamakakulu ia isizuu kwazulu Natl eMpmlg
(d) idmw - dawe (e) iwodophu- istftosa. () Nceda nlecoi. () KuthethwaisiTswd
(g) Nifna ukbtalangap[kthi?
wa.drobe(t isheletu- sher (h) Nifna khmba rsohl? 2 () Andiqondi. (b) Nceda eMnt-NtshonanaeMda-Koloni.
G) ibhokisi - box (h) itipoti - teryot 6 (a) Ukretha iti okoy ikofu? bnakhonr-(c) Andilddeli 1m)Kuthethwaisisuthu eFrefslata.
(i) ifolokhwe - fot (D iwoishi - watch Uxolo, ini! 3 () Hyi. 7 (a) Anazulu athea iszulu.
(k) ipersile - pecil (l) irediyo - dio O) Ukhthauhrah ngaphakath (b) Amaswti athethaisiswati.
otarye ngapbdde? (c) Ur'eth . O) t{yi.ndisnhethi
(n) iheji - hdce(n) isaji - cmce (c) Hayi, ndiqondi.(d) Hayi. (c) AmaNdebelaetha isiNdebele.
utdhetha s Cosaokoye isiNg6i? (d) AmaBnutnetbaisiBhulu.
(o) ibhayisikile bicycle (p) imoto -
7 (a) Msinsne!
(e) AmaVDdaathethaisiveda. b6ebenzi beentnpu {alq njlo. 3 (a) nini 4le G) embi
(0 AmaNgesiathethaisiNgesi. (i) UsebeMakwisibhdlee Unit 5 l.' eholilelod) eshushu
(g) AbeTswanabathethaisiTswna. sblwana iRed Crcss.(g) Uya I (o) Iphi iswehle? O) Luphi ubisi? (e) ButusDkuobpbolilcQ.
(h) Abgsuu banethisisulhu. kpikliniki yePimdy HalthCe. (c) Iphi ikeyiki? (d) Liphi icephe? 4 (a) Siz (b) ansarhda
(h) Usebenzeaimpni ycenqwelo- (o) Iphi ikotu? (1)Iphi iti? (s) Iphi (c) SlnMye (d) a sathda
moya. 7 (a) Ndivela e_j (b) NdiNala lspuni? 2 () Nntsi issekile. () hlxhomekete (0 uwrhuz
Unit 4 e_ ngoku: (c) Ndiry_, / Ndi i (b) Nlu ubni. (c) Nant ikeyikl G) luza h,lwa (h) Ndloyik
r (:) aatshala(b) blugnc (c) !!a4i? Ndiy_j (d) Ndisebenza / (d) Nali icee. (e) Ndtsi ikofu. (i) qzi kya [) tuvulhuza gqitha
(d) UlsuDn'ndi (e) !ai? (f) abzii Ndisebenzel E () ndiseboDzqla (0 Nntsiiti- (s) Ndrsi itispuni. (t) Nlza kuya 0) h4/aftth?
(b) iphkela (c) yditundila (d) 3 (a) Ndirqda. (n) ldoyiki (n) Niza kuy
btha? G) Uyinscaphepheyeziryalo
(h) qlgtrtitshatatazi (i) 4a4i? utuDdgla(e) bayath.nda (b)Ndiylu4andl (c) Ndiyaitmd. (o) hrsbush (p) aldithlhzeki /
C) lsixhosa {t) lcliNsesi () bzali 9 (a) Mditudi!lFl O) Mdidibanel (d) NdiJqrthdda. (e) Ndiyaiand. aq,ikhathdki.
(m) ulgumphathi (n) llgugqnha. (c) Masincedilatre| (d) Maskhae! a (a) Yizalise. O) labise. (c) Lszise. 5 Wether forecsl {a) winter
2 u!hi slabha, uqcoci. !Ecu- r0 (a) ndihainbetrsoku (b) ndiye (d) lSsqiise. (e) Zincde.
u!4to!, qloguqt-u!41w. s!!!limi- emebenzini (c) ndisebenzensoku I I (a) Urjani nandje? O) Banjai Mathe sikgele uba irnonlu
!!!ophLhi,qDqeqeshi-uass@i (d) diye esibhodee(e) ndisoduko .ba wana?(c) Urjdi uyoi ydsomo za kuba r.ini n. Liza
lathengisi umthwali (*portq).
ulbbi. 3 () tlhemb
ungqaphi. G) Usipho Dnkn.
(l) ndithee isixhosa yonke iflihl
(g) ndlamle ngekhad.
1l (a) llgebhasi;lge eopleoi (h) !g
l Pikno? (d) Injmi Dkosikaziyko?
(o) Barjei abazalibho? (f) Unjani
umscbeMi?(g) Lnjani izrlo?
Ntlho-Koloni kodwa
(c) Ul-ind unsqaeoqi. eroPleq llgsnolo (c) lgakomsbenzir (h) Injani ikeyek? (i) ZiDji nk kwemini kude kwe nekheph
rdr L oaoho uom,dtui nDgumpharh' /d' lsshishini: lh.ng$,itshi? 6 (a) (Ionti) enze kwimimandlephLlyo
usinoiung,Jur'uri1q ule e-olr\ni 'er alalluru{a: n8mJ. ushq (,bisi)g&bilisi; (umxube) n6ezintbi. Siya phayaeMp-
'., t ngetrlo.U Blgumrtu:Ba)inyokr. pzlmiseeO)1%iikomityi zecasio. KoloDi. Gqaba1natuliphor
usuimi. r, L|lhudeta
uniunculi. rn-ruxori,ua Ulintta: I DAumkhombe: i8!r; 2 iikonityi zeflwi ikomity lift rvrlaa. Iinvul zia
.uD8uquli. (i) tlYuan Ulndow 13 UJenv:Thdi' tbioii 90sn yemajririi 1j4iitisputri kunwenweangasemp'rm ngomo.
unsumihenpn,ri) UIddi Berva lae.iphi i.ibhedtete: &v.nilla eserc: ndel yl*wenzi y kuphelamvkwemini. (kr's
, nlugqirr,n.l 1g,u-* uThan: Ndi.ebe/alsilrbhedlele lmxube !@bi; iitin zekeyitj; just hoveo lokdt ehat th. weather
ogabuukals a: ) Inrombi: -" cuara, \br ulm iRedCo'\' t JeMv: Oo. lplt yc-icing suga;250 sD wll be tonorr'. It wi be overcast
ngulrrl]m.Dgular'^nbulu: wen/umsebeuiomkhrlu l rhen/i $m.jdini; icphelecocoapowde4 and cou v dtizxle in th. W8tem
n g u m ak bulu.( d,5 Lo D Bu n ) as m k h o n si mi d )onl e?U l ho:H avi . lo.ph lmzi. 7 Amqandaiiflaw; Capbut in th. inteior l will be tu
br Ngaba/alibm ((l lDrombijah ndebenaesibhedlele lu:as' lbholholo;iswekile; bisi; imjditri: cou6bnk lour teethchatteratd
(dl | ngutaiorlluqm. le, Lo laphel Em\a twemini ndhebetr l.lcing suga.E ikofi; amMl ikotu; ereh sroe Jauing in thz hi6h reqis
^ Ltri}iniki )ePmary Heal CK
nPuhor trm. rl YinlNlkui vm. obbii ubisi; ubisit ubisi; bisi. a on he noMtails. lve go er to
rt, \cbdrda bm LhrLo UJetrn):Ngmebetrn oima t l(c) 2(d) 3(s) 4(a) 5(e) (h) 7(b) 8(0. the Fastem Cope.S.attere.Icloa^,
npumjenrqm. 6 r.j Lrrl eflm kao U tlddi: \awe useh(oza c@l eith light ruin. Thz run wll
na'eRtub, UhlaleKdDrneoku. lauu Jennj t reMv: \4ilr rtredd towar.lsthe e6t tMmv in
1"1U1. yoni. tr8aphdlegolu Ndtsi ikot Unlt 6 the altemo.) taanusezeo-zntn
d) Uvel "xi'.r"oU","t
eMDl]e Koloni. 'Jntu. nekeyiti. Ndigqibile ekhitshini_ zilmkiw ukubliz kuzola de ilanga
| 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(e) 5(c) 6(t).
(e) Ufunsa;bdtu abafDnaukunda (a) Jemv dd Thr (') aboutthen l,g4zr? //,ono)i eNtshon-Koloni
I r) Ndiyasodol:kuyb!da
ukurhethisIftosa, oosonshishini, work (c) in th litchen (b) Ndifudmel; kutudunele n8omo. Kdti krz kubhudlmoya
() Kuyaphola:kuphole (d) Kuz ongephikodw u kutshongmdda
kunr ngomso;kui km tamhlmje. kututshue Dorxwee gotuhlwa.

EMpum-KooDiliya hul lirhe

gqabaamafu,knti hngakho
Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9
reedudumo nva. (Zr. w"urtul I (a) Uxolo, Ddikwenzaklisilel I amhlo;iindlebe: iingslo, iada; 1 (a) LNkoiiknzi Bonsela
oftc6te6 vi that t e befrne O) Uxolo ngokkuphuamis- iminwerileMe; iinyawoi iiwn; (b) kaRycroft(c) bak4Pet!(d) LaPeter
becohns so ho that the sb wll (c) Ndilusizi. Ddeyii- (d) Urolo, |mazinyo; :mdolo.2 (a) Utrjui (e) taPhua. 2It is th cong or
scth evenhz ti.an hoop@bini in dilibele. (e) Uxoorsokukulindisa umntwda wakho?Usesesibhedele? Nxee.3 Ungquba,imbewu.imii,
tha W6tam CapetMtmw- Werear (f) Uxolo, ndisirherhikkuhle (b) Ndilusizi utub ubhetek'ctnci izixhobo. 4 () Uphi - UnaJe'rnaryu.
therc wi be a slish wind btt it wiI isixhos. 2 (c) 2(a) 3(e) 1(b) 5(d). kupbeta/qhakodw ndonwabileukuba (b) Ziphi - Unza?nnzi. (c) Iphi
be st@qe, nea th. coasttoeanls 3 (.) Yiza a. Kulunsile, ndiyez. usethayakwhona. (c) UrhDi unala! Ntsi. (d) Liphi - Unala?
qnhg. In the Easten Capei vil be O) Ymr! Kulng . diyena. ugqirha?(d) Matjmbe ukubuza Nai. (e) $iphi U&sq? Nasi. (t IPhi
frne with a q scatercd.ku& dnd (c) Yenzid soku. Kirlgile, diza kupbnakamsinye kwakhon. unay!! Na.tsi. (s) Liphi - uala?
therc couLl eten be thundet later') kuyeMa ngohr. 4 / Ew-ndifrp 3 (a) ilu (b) jfiva (c) ibhedi (d) usisi. Nali. (h) Iphi uDyq?Nrsl (i) bhi
6 () Uyakwazi ukulhea isi)cDsa? ipeqoli. / (u-97) Ndifuna u 97l Nced 4 (a)Molo arna.(b) unjoi nnl'leje? - Unys?Ntutsi. C) lJphi Unawq
Hyi, ndikwui ktre isizulu ugaleeu-97. / Hayi, ndipbe!s5o (c) Nusizi Dlaba usesibhdlele NanrD. s 1(t 2(g) 3(O a(c) 5(h) 6(t)
kcDckuphela/ qh.(') Uyalvui d qh!loblnig. / N4zi. / Hayi, uslra. (di Ndinsakurcedangrtoni? 70) 8(e). 6 (a) ezi zinto {b) loo kirv
ukuthethaisiNgsi? Ew. ndisiftnd kodwa ohhangea uav- (e) UD@nncll?(t) Ndithenb/ (c) le mithi (d) oo mjtti (e) ez@
esitolweni. (c) Ursmdicd? / Fka 210./ Ewe. Musa uleliba ndinq*enel ulaba uya krchcha ,thole (D aa heji. 7 (a) e (b) o (c) lo
Kt.d,Ddia khced.Ndilusizi, ukukhgea mzi. ,' gokukhwuleza.(s) S14kaliae, (d) le (e) esi (0 lo {g) le (h) le.
sndinkhoukukunced/ / Eosi. Nai icba. 5 (a) nazablw mma s l(D 2(d) 3(b) 4(c) 5(a) 6(e). I () EyoDa O) Eyonar(c) yeyo
andinkuknceda. (d) Uokuza (b) !@alelw (c) btudukela 6 (c) () (d) (0 (b) (e). (d) Yeyona(e) elon (0 eyona
ngol-wsih? Ndilusizi, (d) Makulel (e) uzaelwa 7 (.)Unesibindi.(b) Unentliziyo 9 (a) -qokeeaO) yahlukanisdi
dinatuz- Ndixakekile gqia (0 ldazaelwa (s) 4lll (h) kkhlu.(c) Bdomqolo kakulu. (c) Faki (d.)-ole (e) ecDe
(e) Ndingakuforuel neonso? Utshti?( lisebenzO Uishatile (d) Unonrlomo.(e) Unesandla. (0 thatha(g) -nkcenkceshee
Kulngil. (D Ndinskuglellanye wea? (k) ldineentombi 8 He/shehd a cold hnd.(b) H/she (h) 'tyaeni (i) -zliseni(j) tye'i
ikomityi yekotu?Hayi, entosi. (l) unsbantwa? (n) linbrnrwda / hs hot hdd. (c) He/sheSivessith a (k) -scineni (l) -fe (m) Khunb'lani
Ikoityi enyeyoeekum. ljlrabutwda (r) isecici eutitul hear.(d) He/sheh.s a white (n) nqabe(o) -zm (p) londoloza
(s) NdingngeM?Ewe, Idicel (o) (lfqneka (p) Mileyithi / he- (e) Eo yo haveheary knees? (q) nkcenkceshelmi(r) -nkcenkceshela
u8eDe. 7 () Nkhea izinto Kleyelii (q) Bekumdi. 6 (a) tlbe 9 ()\My hea is rore- (b) He/shehs (s) nkcenkceshelmi(t) Lumki
ezimddi. O) Ndiletha ikotu nempelavki emmdi eRhini. O) Ulre dVblack het. (c) He./shehs (u) moshi {v) Jitelezdi (w) -scine.
enobisineswekie.(c) NdiHetha neholideerrlrudi. (c) Nditunqwerca pureheart.r0 (a) qbphi ulwimi
iiseDgwitshi.(d) Ndkhethainajiitri impumeloemebenzini wokho. (b) 9z-iphiiiwini (c) nszinyewim
(e) Ndikhe iwayiDi hophe. (d) tlbhale kkuhe.(e) Ute ..- kweEnyeiizwe? (d) aluphi ul*imi? Unit lO
E (1) imyrna (2) iubhelu neKsnesi enyoli mnya' omtsh (e) n8olalphi unyar?(D leEyiphi 1 1(c) 2(b) 3(d) 4(). 2 (a) rhe doush
(3) iuza (4) imhlophe(5) ibonw omdi. (f) On bithdays.At iDydsa? (g) Neqdphi imini? is ealenby o dog. (b) The sol is
weddinss.(On dE occasionof (h) kweli?hi ilizwe? (i) Keylphi beatenby the sun.(c) The chidren
9 'Now we (have)hopefor pace, hesident Mandela'sMiaSe r.' crc idolophu?() kwcliphi isikoo? wereeltered by bid. (d) It w$ gone
Now w (have)hopefor happinas / Machei, fily monbem sg is (k) kwphi ibdga? () kwflp by the cusbm. (e) Ths thing is
hroueh the coninp ol e slllmer songwhich is trditionaly ody sung deprivedof dne. (t The dep of a
i!9 / B@ds sumerhas now poo s flt by a stick. 3 Horcscop:
come.'Fom a summerrtu Egio4 7 (r) 2C) 3(b) 4( ) 5(c) (d) 7(c) 8(e) obituay.4 () Bmcokola e olisini /
9(0 l0(a). E Tide. emseenzini.(b) KakuNe. (c) BaYa
ekhefi baphunge-(d) Ngo/Kuba
uMdy un)selwe ensebeini.
(e) Entlangiswed. Unit I 1 LNom: Nam ndiyaihemb. (c) Uyayibuteh inidao iimabon,
5 I (!) Ndiyiecprionilt; r (a) kako {b) a} kba kho (a) LtThandi:A1. nkosi yu, seyi,s kude?(d) Unemistyez
2 (a) Ndinguryheki; 3 (b) Ndiyinratheti. (c.)akazirb'lya (d) kakho, o'cl@k. Kututa ndkhawlek yokuzolwbisa?(e) Uyawuthdda
() Social worker (nted). o,r $ekhy. (e) wutho () yiho ndiyeeverhleni. Sobontua umcuto?E (a) {rqnele
conwn! s lokasd he semi.e ol 2 (a) ndingaetha(b) Ndilsizi ngoMsqibelornhlwumbi.I-rNomsa: (b) Eycyindoko (c) $r9dalla
@ e4ergeticharI-wotkinspe8on (c) usd,kekile (d) ushiy umyaezo Karmandi. (a) ys (b) ye! (c) no (d) wyepsomye. 9 (a) Usipho
(||ho caa wo hard) ik chia (e) Melee ulaba ndiza kdzama (d) no (e) yes.E 1()2(t) 3G) a(c) ud,bnanovuymi. (b) Ebgnl.
pbte.tiok. A.lriver's tirea.a nd unforvueia kwathoDaerva 5(f) 6(a) 7() 8(d). (c) Ebeguainy8a yonke.
kno\|IedSeo Xhosaa.. essektiaL raomini. 3 Fo exmple. Wrong 9 () nabui? (b) Nsubani (c.)bui? (d) Bdhetha trgoNom. (e) Ud
kpenen.e ia chA caft atut tpeakiw nmber (Inombtoewrongo) (d) eyiphi (e) Nsub8ni (t Irhitri (h) nsokubeka.(0 waw, wophuka
Ehglshand Ahiktuts wel is o 4 {a) Utuna ukuthethanoNksk.Bib. Ilhini (i) Ithini C) ntoni? (t) ngantod? Dnen,. (g) Uuna ukufowunl
a.ltuntaee.Sahry negotiabte (b) Hayi. akako. (c) Uvie ukuba (l) Yintoni (n) oni? 10 I (d) 2(b) 3(e) myei wthe kuba ufun ukufmana
@cordirg to wo, etpeience. Send uNlsk- Bizo utunaumtu oza a()5(c). isibhedlle.10 (a) Uvuydi utuna
,out cv and referencesJth@ lotrmcedisakwirhishini take_Utuna ukufowunelmyeDi qoDhlobo
Peoplevho c@ be htkte.t and the ukweua jsicelo_(d) Uz lozama qae. (b) Uvuymi ufuna
job appli.atato _ Conng date ukufo@ ngentsimbiyesirhdrhu. Unit 12 ukrfomnela tukosiki yotrlobo
'ir -.
(') Receptionirt / secrery s (a) Ndiethe oval narrmje. I (a) iserta - cenhe (t') iaeDi - flt lrake. (c) Uvuyni ufuna
lwed). A welt k bwn gonqe (ptace (') Sira oy Llbea ifilim nsecaw. (c) iayhtu - tlyhlf (d) ihoka - kufomnel bzalibaDobo
that rcpans dsel @rs) t ltukiag (c) Ungaharnbaarhi? (d) Lrval uza h@ker(e) ilothu - lock (f) isikmhafu Iake. 11 1(g) 2(i) 3(e) a(a) 5(d) 6(h)
Jor a ft@p|otii / secrctary.me kondiphuum ngrsimbi yesihtaDu. - scrumhfi(g) ireka / fiont ia
7(c) 8(b)9C) lo(t.
appticanthatt havetheo awng (a) Ndiabanrwanabaaru, (h) isikorc - sco(i) isoka s@ce
skilk: be cohputer liretue; abte t iiDtombi ezilnbid nonyda omye. (j) narikiri rickes.2 (a) Yrkhel
wtue aad send@.o@tr: \|ite and (b) iniyalezo enine (c) iinomboto (b) libdnhel (c) Yiphlel (d) Ysqitbise! Unit 13
awer all lette.r; .ormw.ate with zefowu er'nbini (d) matiki ()Ibethel 3 (a) nini (b) awaphi r ()tlkuq'aar:mdi.
peopte:speakXhosa,Eagtishailt nhlnu (e) iiDcwadiezinrndarhu. (c) trsubdi (d) neubni(e) njui / (b)AdiaDbithi kutya.(c) honkr
Atikaa6 we . ht'e.ience in 7 UThdi: Molo sisi. LtNolnsa:Ewe nSubani(D bei (s) eliphi. dindcasa. (d) Andithmdi nym.
ycrctaiat vot* is atsrequirc.L This k. sisi-
Kurjani? tlThddij Ndikhoa, 4 (a) Ndisdlala(b) Aalidl 2 (a) kokulnba (') kokunxw
ircltu1es:@ennq cals aail srs! ngaphodle trje toebnzi (c) Adisd (d) Ndcndikte (c) tonsebezi (d) kwedlu
enquirks; dealits with vti/r,rs; Unjdi wem? trNons: Ndiphile, slidala (e) (Andi)zsendiwudlalq. (e) kokutu da sqitha. 3 (a) Imituno
\|ing l?ttqs and postine outgoin' enkosi. Uxaketile? UThandi: Ewq 5 () Kutheni wera uwuanda midal kakhdu. (') Ama apile
MiL lookins afier aU s.tatiok,r. Iofmek diye venileni_Sifu umbhoxo?(b) Kuthed wen .mdi. (c) Isuphuayinaqlwa
preparig tueetinSs-F CV I thee uDlugiselela irheko ngoMgqibeo.
ukult'anda?(c) Kuhed we' (konke). (d) Ndnhndnisonka
contactablereferencestr Ul-ubalihe silgeMa ibmyi unSayithandi?(d) Kurheniwn esiDhlophe.(e) iwyini ebomw.
7 (a) sood (b) bad (c) inreelting ngokulw.Singathod& uhrba nire ngokuthandi?6 ia) wawde (0 Iitapile zishushr / ziyoda.
(d) bmve (e) populd (beloved) wenaDosipbo?Sia kumem nrbanye ulhunga/ Wwuthungantoni? 4 (a) Umyo itafile ybntubabid
( engetic (s) howledsebe abahlobo.UNomsa:Eosi (b) Wawukdeunirba/ Wamnitha (b) abaath (c) b (d) bau?
(h) kind (i) lonely C) experjnced Dgokismon.NdigarhaDdaukuza nldri? (c) Wawul.deucla/ 5 (a) Ndiryarara nsphandle?
(k) cal0 (l) diligenr (n) fmous kodw ldiza kuthethaDosiphokuqatr. Wwuculr / ntoni? (d) wamkade (b) Nceda/ Ndicel uziseulhlq
Ndizr lokufoweta ngokuw udnis,yeyiphiiniduiso? lokurya / inenlu. (c) Ndingodoa
okarye ngonso.UThddi: ()wrwuk'de ulobaphi? goku? (d) Ndinsaf,han iwyini
Ndiythmbaukubausipho unot(za. 7 (r Uytryitlndirnidlalo? ebonvu? (e) Ndingatunda imifuno /
(h) tjxhn$ cliphi iqol l iziqhno! Ndingafuman (s) esinye

iilayi ssonks O) obunyeurywala yemoio y ifil. (0 inoto ym

(c) enyefolokhwe (d) enyeinela
L!we. NgothtrdoNoms.
Unit 15 ilsalwe. 10 (a) Inoto yan ibiwe
(e) einyeicephe(t eDyeitispDi I l(b) 2(d) 3(g) 4() sC) 6(D 7(c) 8(t O) Ujck E ubiwe (c) Ivili lin
(g) enyeipleii (h) enyeikonityi yeri. 9(h) 10(e).2 () indlela il8ile? lolleliso Ubiwe (d) Isipaji lan libiwe
7 (a) bed@m O) sinins roon / Unit 14 (b) aymgozi? (c) yindlela yea? (e) Ingxowa yenkosikei ym ibiwe-
rounge(c) srudy.8 () 2(s) 3(D 4{b) (d) yhdlel yeerbile?(e) indela () cala. O) Maluns
1 () Ndsa{,anmna
5(a) 6(d) 7(c). e (a) Ndinsaond iskhiwa(0 indlela sel' inwe m. etilonetha zishumi.(c) Ayinde
(b) NdinCafunara
isidudu,iayi ezibini zsork (c) Ndingayifrmana(d) Uyayid'engisa 3 (a) Uxolo Mnul]la. Unsedincd k nsako. (d) NgUqo wesabile.
esimdaka.qdda elithambileyo. (e) UyazitEnsisa.2 () omphi n?Ndillehle. O) Ndifrna uhya (e) Uneathdda lllbuk idolophu.
ibhotolo nejm. (b) Ndinsanda (b) eyiphi (c) eziphi (d) elphi kwiveile ineu('rdr c'aY (0 Apho kukho indwo ekhuselekileyo
yam ebdayo, isaladi, isilayi (e) awaphi.3 (a) advedismeDr velileni egm lingurrdrt/ C/afs.
$inye $sorka esiDhlophenesiyi (b) urahonbisa(c) liLaopopi; Uyayazi?(c) Hayi enkGi. Ndiyqond
esitryesesonkasmssi (setizi). aphondiyituma khona iveile.
(c) Ndi,ganda inyarnayesusha lEDqawailqDsxow(d) iinasi
< nusG): iitsheyini < chainG). Ngai ikututshd rm. Kuqal ndiz Unit 16
iilapile, imifuno neziqhamo. kuhmbansqo, en% koko rdijike
4 (a) Uel eKpa(b) Zpheite UR JolobwasbomonJry25 1902
l0 itswele elkhlu. imiqthe, (c) Uensa iingobozi ezinbDi ngsekune,emvakoko kutunek at Ind\reened Cla wherhis fathe
iimbotyi ezintsh4 iphizi, iimbo,i (d) Lrrihrisnge-10%(e) Kulo nyaka ndijike nsasekhoho.(d) Enkosi ws a minister He frst wDtto
zeswekile,igaliki, ipasili, iitpile. kalhu, Mnulru. Knndi /
uyo. s I O) (c) (d) (e) (D G) (h) (i) schoob at Indwe md Matatiele.In
u (a) (Kuba) utunar.wnzaisaadi (k): 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) {h) O C) (l). Hnba kakuhe.4 (a) ma 1916he wos senrto St Matthws.
yeziqheo. (b) Ama,apjle,napere, (b) zifthm iibbi eziya (c) ay
(a) ananalaaaaninzi From 191onwdds he taughtat
ipayina,ii-orerji, paika, bhalm (d) liphi is uhlo leEbhasi(e) tr
(b) qaqmbileyo (c) laiturshm diffeent sch@b. At that tire he lived
nevtaa.(c) Ezinye zihlaza ezinye phi ibhasi eya (0 ainqabilekqle.
(d) uduu: ifJhipu; ezintle. ear Mt Frerc wheE the )(Ios
ziwrhiwe. (d) Ivatala imadi s (a) &ona isdaji (t) Ithona
7 (a) gmhlopheianny.@; duhaza diale.h 'isiBhaca' ud 'isiHlubi' and
mamnzikakulu. (e) Idla R?. iventile (c) likhoD. 6 () ivetkile s-
{b) iboDw; cnrsudu (c) zilubhetu Soo ae spoken.Therfor.his
(f) Akthensi mkhiwe rediya. O) isibhedeleei- (c) isikhululo
ztho; epiDki. E () ngaqbg?;zone )ftosr wd weak. His ftst t'ook,
12 (a) Ncedauhlmbntapile. (b) ilungieyo (c) kundj zoe sanaposaes (d) ifowni 9- Uztg"?,, wd extemively coectedby
(b) Mus ukuthaa ape ezikolu,
(d) ind urea; krnayoihla"-. (e)usqnh
o-(t isajie-G) SBK Mqhryi. P@t Lurete-
aa ezi ezincinci. (c) chuba idolophue-. 7 () Ungndikhwesa
9 (a) kuengonyan (b) kmehlosi Howevd, when he ws tecberin
matswee ambini ne,apie(elinye). (c) kunodlebende(d) kunenyosi M? (lr) Unsudincd n? Bhobhorye dd Manaznhe
(d) Nqunqmtswele (Iuye) (c) Unsddibolek ujck?
lred pre )Cosa(lit. which is
rcga. (e) Tshw* ininqae. (d) Unsmdibonisa indlel eya eRhini?
10 ()njengony@ (b) njeryehlosi spoke by the amNgqik).tn 1926he
(f) Hmba nagqabieletisi 8 (a) azbbenzi(b) Usebenzi
(c) njensondlebende(d) njeryenyosi w{t to Fort H in Alice. Therc he
n@tuMto. (g) zsa ezinyeizirya. (c) Ibheki y$rl)dla arisebei
traircd as a miistr and@eived a
(h.)Zisekhbhathiniphezukwesinh. (d) 4isebenzi (e) hlbi sefeste
11 (a) i,kosikzi / Dfazi: fron BA dege.Fom that aimeorwards h
(i) vua itoti. O Vula nale. yegphambili aisebenzi(f) Isibe
unbhinqo 'sht () uboni (c) lizwe pubed my books: Udy.?d
{k) Khasrungiseiafile. 13 Nomwyo sangsenvssekhohloesisebeMi. ('orchl'). ,,@o ('Sl,oris'),
{d) wmemr (e.)ukunhna (0
othndekayo,Ndiryathdal 9 () Ndinevili eudseDl.moya.(b) lvili Etuidin lo Thkela('or nF butks o
ulqikunem kwisidto sDgokuhwa lgoDye; n4gumy; ulgudni;
ulgu amli; bzirhd; uliumene lm lngaphambili!sehDenIleti. the Thukel') nd others-Uftltlla is
neoMgqileo. AsiboDdmga ixesha (c) Imolo yam yaphufle. (d) Inoto
th most ootrtandingmorg Jolob's
elide nsoto ke htnganandi yam ixigile. (e) Inoto yarr p@ns ,spe.iallylus love poens. It is
kumokoa kathoM. Ndirhemba yiqhwii. (0-1tu eMi. a marive poemwhich remindsus ol
(g) lphellwe yiF.o. 0) lbhetri
Heenof Toy. He editedrrny books. goodsto the shopkoeperOnebrings
He also trdslared othds inro Xhosa. eggstogeer wit e sadnews Xhosa-English
In 1952he ws wrdedrhe YiLzi behid whar necessitares eir sle.
rnedby the UniveNity of e
'WilwateNmd. ln 1973he receivd
[...] At this storeir is not enoughthat vocabulary
a onty bqyhg d selliDgakesplce,it
DLt in @tnowledgemenrof his is tsowherethe ni of rhe de
Xhossiting fton th Univsity of comes.Thus yo will fid a pile ol
Fo Ha. Dr Jorobedied on May 16, letten in e ile che6tniled ro rhe
1976.H w neve b forgonenir the wall over therc. [..-] Apat fto e
histoy of the Xhosalnguagebecse poirts aedymeDtionedrhe counny Nouns and verbs arc listed in lphabeticalorder ccoding to the fist
he enned it dd iis cultw. storeills amer gap in rhe lives of letle of the stm, e.g. !.hambo, ,kthamb, ,lwazi,aromi, tsok.
.he peopleof the ea. t is asoa
The County Store gatherirg plcewh@ peopleD@l However,e questionof wherc e division beiwenprefix and sleln in
one tuoe nd whee nessages many Clss 9 d 10 nouns 'presentsan insoubepoblem' (PL H w
Eve if you de a arger ir is no l (ed.)p. xxxv),e.g.:
.tifficut to @ognis a courry stoeir Soingio aeasnot edily accsible e
o viagesbecauseit i3 the disseminated. Ar rhe sioe, yo k ow tngozl: ngozi or ingozi
homestdwitb e mostprominent that you'll meett lasrone prson inc$,adi: tnc'adi o incwdi
who is Soingtht way To say nothi.g :
buildings d which is also
ofth youth bcausethe young people To void possiblecoDfusionbetwenese nonsnd lose that belongto
suroundedby trees.t...1Mey black
peoplar ueary !boutcalling whit aladyeqioy te ctairy oflowing Class5, which alsopref,\ 'i-' Our 'dtur in the ptuml), e Clss9 pfix
thl the storeis the pl&e to met,[...] ttoughoutthis book is 'tn- e.g. t gozi, iticwdi.
@ple by en nami nd tureove,
lhey lik to give the white pBor who Nounswhere 'g or 'k' is insffted fo reasonsof pronncition,e g.:
works amotrgthem a nmin eir
ratr8uge- a num rhat usully refen tngqokelel(< iqokelel)
to the peculriesof il! omer in&{aso(< ,rt!.xh$)
Th@foq you wil find that aI the sted accordingto the stm of th verb fom which they are deived
white shopkeepersin e vilags have The bold numbeNindicate e unit in which the word fist appersor is
)sa names.As spectacl wrenor expained.
very como mong bcksa whire
who dived wariDgem was
sa (iz ) sayiq,idim a spho... khomwuu... 8
imediately clled 'arrr Eprl A
t|vtnlul to sepdtute9 Iwpl'la to breakA
short,chubypenon wotrld em i-iprl (aM-, appte 13
hirtrelf the n0m6of 'ra)l A cEp -^h,jl}'ene be dtuorced7
-sekhobrol" ls
oozing hmn kinalns would be uhakhi (ab-) buaet 4
clle'In@ o thz Pape'. ...1 isa}}iwo (iz ) buit.lins 16 ulva?pM to 8et acqMnted I
Pepsyo my lsre rhat ar rlalahiso ( ) stsr 15 uLrarets to ktov fun 7
slore trdewas coducred wirh moey ut-a'ilka to veave 12 uk||ari to kw lt ktole.lge 3
onl brt rhis is not so. This sroe ak8ndla srenstli,poeer 12 ul to irtb.luce 2
rcsembesa nket plcetu oer btlalo |im-, tu bed a is ',?k a,h e11i sen ent lo
uixlsakelato wl.one li cept 14 ^zi6tt
espects.Fo someto buy g@dsir is
necessrythat they emselvssell ukrhatbe, becow lO

ilhoklsi (t!) ,, r c u'obwo (oo ) pateriat aunt 2

Mbsta (m-) colout S | lrla ,bhokhn (t,-) soar 16
t'|i.ola eknarqyo fotbdu 12 ukuc^to tm$e 16
ihol^ y ontty ?i tu tbd 12 u.ago liitsczs) door 5
i.\,r^ rclisious senice. church6 i,jm (M-) dan 16
-blele be htekteltt hot 6 kuddnhilgto d zriate 8
ltheki (,, ) rulu 15 uku..rs to ask,besJo 3 isid{ g.legree,tucklace 10
tubaleY.i(in-) ahlete,tume, 12 unced-ft*be/i (obo-)job afuic@t ukalajao .larce 12
ituhlsi (iin-) heoti 4 kbhudl ro ,l,D (wind) 6 10 mntso (ni ) .tarce 12
kicela (izt) appitutioa, rcqwst 5
kub|Jla trt@Men 13 bbati (oo-) btoth.t I i.epbe (M-J sp5 nd^:vi ||hercabouts! |
-bblekile b. inponant 3 ibhtkhwe (n:) trcw.rr 14 vkuchacllt to recder I
ukub,mbi to hold onll catch'.5 itlahi boto cat 15 vlachnto aift, hit 4 klehe (iin-) tmph! 12
akabanil to be cou 5 -hi bad, usu 6 -ch rLiIe), prc.!r 10 ukunita'n D.n-o neet (vith) 1
(aro, stadahl (t school)8 ufucb,la to erplain to 10 udli qwlt, 14
tutube (ini-) ligl.,rnng6. tkub:lfie to bt(lowthind 5 -dikidiki tu/..,zm E
ibindi ltrer I
,itbne (i.i ) liSlt 15 ukuchlthto spefld14 rdiliya Super 13
-bini ,ro 5
i.bitfaaa little pnd9
-bttzt vide I
ub\ro (oo ) (h)t) Jath 1 u*uchoph^ to st dowr, perch 7 ktudlto eat 10],t.ost 14
ubawok,zt (oo ) (tu, patemt ,bleldsi (ii-) /4tl4rt 13 -dh goku- ral E

ukubaa to qasgelate 6 ukabolato deca!, tut 9 ukehwdtato do voowot* 12 ukullalMdtqili to bot 12

akubeko put, place, lay 9 kubolekto btnw 1la lsole undlala (itui-\ eaw 6. pla, 12
unl (aba ) ptayet 12
kuciei'fa to thnk catuluttJ 4 ndlalo dqhury!ro rnlal 12
ilrhfn (ii ) bathtuon I !&bonaka td reefr 10 udbro wan'nqn boifls 12
rrbon:s5M td drrrr 4
tibhkabhk 14 ulebola se. eachohet 1 Mcoci (aba \ cteawt 4 iadleko (im) r0
"lP"r" 16
ielo (aM-) pastuft
inbotsi (in ) pe16 itcoko (ilt corvetsatio"; .lialogue I
unhhli (aba-Jwner 4 mboneo (ini ) poeft7 uk!.othdss to speakvet slvly 3 iacl (in-) ,ar, tuad 14
ibhaatt (dtu-\(teat) bet 1 udliwno-rdlebe dten!ry 10
mbonso (ihi ) dhibiti 9
ilthtxi \it) iacket, ct 14 itubotyi (in-) srcei be@s 13 t',rtto sakuss,P4tldrt 13
tuhyisekile / lrrhayisik e () -btlluDgpaiL ror" 8 Mcttli (aba-) sinset 4 iruo sagokuhlwa i/pper 13
iruo saseminil@.n 12
ihhedi (ii-) bed I -bukhli s/ia? E in trtsh'e(iir-, specialist14 izio zakwa{tn lditiotul ale 13
isn}r.lc (izi-) hospitdl 4 ukuhrll to be g&teful7 incva (it ) booh lefter a u*uoko\ato tu (ship) 6
kubtllsel to grcetJtun 8 ucw.rl (oo ) shw a inlo\tt (iin-) etphant4
inl (izin-) ho6e 13
-buthkahkyear 9
Mbhi'qo (ih1r) skitt t4 tnb1re (ini-) otg@isatioh 9 D ill ymgsstotLt 13
iltbillt \aM ) watuk 14 ukuhry^ o so bock, relumnft a idabi(a%a-) b.11tL16 ukuns b p6s bt 15
kubhit!^ o Losev.igh A uktbryela trctum o 12 uftwaho hb I her lthet sste2 itodl(.M') M3
-bttityile hin S uihdewerhu r) rte/ 2
ihtrtatrui (iJ blouse14 Mtun (itui ) .tklton 9 urlaweanyour sstet2 idolophu (ti) ro, ls
iin&tndo spe.rdtles I Blaes14 igi'aji (ii-) satuse I H
udotrg! (iin ) wattl4 Mo (aba-) t'tto|| | bg! (it) pi8, hos 13
irorokhwe (r:i/or r 4hi gca gca gca dofted 16
dova (i) .lrawer 1 brycapllepbeye.ity alo horri cubuI i st 4 ku|t^nbato so, ealk I
(, eltowl ukugcia o look ofu At keep9 ukuhxbana- tgo \9ith 14
iiktuall''m thunler 6 "loidinit
ak!^to takephooeraphs4 uLu.igta -pbik to keepa@le!f 12 u|ahamba ngqo to walk snaish
trdux (i,, ) li l otltoti (aba ) phtosapher4 iigohozi (itu-)baskt 9
ukowrrter)z to phore (Jo/) 6 ukugtoot tbe coa (hMN) 5 ukhsmhftaro contit@ 4
ukuJ.rjiato becotu fawas 9 iow|toi / o[i telephne5 ukugodrkto go hM 4
iTt|rtshi a/e,./, (aneuge)3 igoptre(M-) cune I be rs
[riii (ii-) i.tse s i Eozn.dnget,ac.i.Lt 12 ih,be (arc-) hose 12
ulud:we(izit-, list 9i h.hu 13
ukuttdLels ro mow to 7 ukugqttuL^ to bl,st (of a tyre) 15 iheji (ii-) he.tseI
ekugqiblei 4 16 5 'uk\tttilala to becone wan 6 ukugqb^to d..i.le 13
-htt"l be watu 6 -gqlhile hal)efrsished sonethins 4
ekuphdei kwa- dr rlle o/10 is.dri.7n .-) hater6 irgqi[iba (lr"-) elo, E u',na Gnl) da! 3adate lO
ulltula (inrt streMg ugtqb^ (oo-) docto (r'dictt4 adlita wokuzlv brrhda! 7
Baa Yw- ae | behihd4 ig\tba (aM-J trudintu| hzalzr 4 a'I glv,,i (iia-\ pnjesot 4
enas knenini n the aerun 4 a!tuma|la Ctunlno to s", rd 5 soll, very,too nuch s lor,ke inl evry dq 3
ukumaek^to be obtainable13 ukugqtrht(elt" o Ws (ot) 5 ^ rlvn1
ukuhli to cone
ukuntulla nea-tofnd t abtut 12
ukweta to .lo, Mke 4
ukwrf,lisato hurt 6 ,l abthi 9
ukw.Eet\ to happen5 uku'lu]nElato stu fu4 3 igryefu (aM ) tNyet 4 tr'hr.kro -ord
(ht-) r/adz 9
iartple (i-) aetuptatu | ulJdt (aba') sttdent,papil 4 ubuqtqvetl legalpmesion 3 ukblalto stay,lile, sit I
iatyld, (it) pea li |'risa to teach3 igrabile grdel 15
ukudisisa to readcarefillt 4 !lhamba to waJr E
ins[bo liin-) blqnket6 ir,llmbi sef$t e ri"/J.Eet
F isituo fiinflolo Mjot sabkd rn iwg pre 12 wpel 15
ku|,,D.et^it it tuesrary, nust 3 amutpjsa (inr\ tunsoose 9
-ftmeka) r?.Arary 5 iglmhi (otu-\ tuod 5 6ihlargu (lzi) r/roe 14
rama (i) iam 3
tgumbi lolaDdl rt dt 13 ijathi lelo N (M-) indigdo8
Ian (aba-) youns h@4|
tgmbi r& !h lomge 13
ukai a- o be like 6
*oDbi lotuhlmbel kttc.a 13
ttrhi Iren6 isrribi lokullabedn 13 ble (-ntle) beautiJat2
-f|elekiL! apprcp r ate 9 nt lolphkeh ,ti' l", 5
ig]l'mh lokutyeladftitnon 13 imbo (atu-) secret13
G u}4grg16to ttstate 4 Mhlekazi (aba-) sr t
ranBha(ii ) fumnure12
uttg.Nn @bd-)trsl4tor 4 ul@hlie to rcue, bins dowh 14
ua \aba-) woMh E g! (it) saden 9 ehtoF (aba ) nmd I
iib.ji-) bett ls
uk&Ewegxelcz to Mke o.ltt 16
ig^lelo (Ma-) coitrbutioa lO i"sxaryr ti (ii-t watedtt 16 nobo (iinaloho, kin l / sot / way ltt
uk"zhJst hide owsel l0 iigtto (in-) am I isxargb^ (aw-t shoal.terE ubuhloboie shp 12
ukuthhra tbe batied 16
ihlo (aM-\ tepaI 14
igm (Ma-) tue 2t word ,l,hu ltrt 5
unfrno ||ild spinrch 13 uns^qo (ii ) tudd 15 ulub\tlokuty ftetu 13
uluhfu lqezi'elo baetuEes 13 ke tha3 utukhtpa to takeout (^lso vMir) 15
isLere sol]ta\. prunhg shed^ 9 u|,J,rphlswoMt.h, conpetition 6
ilo\l hocke! 12 i]detile(il) kttle 5 ukuun$el to ptutec lO kediail little chopl I
ilrekt (i,) .z" s .lrrselekile be safe15 'kwerkwe (mkhwenkwe) o:t'1
uhhl'nbfta to ddo'\ decorute14 Xhb'th; (t) cpboad I tlkulnll,dzz to en ourage 14 Dkwwsi (,iir) rtdl 10
iz\omt'iso-nzt[lba j a elery 14 .tttheb b. ilge ln inkvenkva little bo! 1
sil,mbo (i|,-) patem 14 ulrkhal^ to cry .odplan a dqkhyela ibryi*kile to tilc d i&" l2 kwindla aetr (Class t4) \. ,
ukut8Jaza(nga-) to conptdil ukukhwej.^ihtrc to ide a horse 12 kuku (in-) .&ke"r r3
(about) ukulwelis to gtued |lft 15
isiwa]iiso (i-\ usi@t instrunent 12 kJrB (it) wheelbatu|' 9 L
J uku\hallia to repoit (ca) 10 ukul?tlele to be lost 15
inja (izin-) dos ro ljtho (in-) colledion 9
irlJmai c"rror odsuge) 3
kaY,ligeletl@1. .heck7
ukukh''ph to acchtpdt,6 I iklinixl (i'-).ltn 4
kodw , 3
kulzl (-lele) to sLeep7
drJapi./4/urcre odsuse) 3 uk krr^ny^ to shitu 6 tkulsllfA to Mk sM@ lie dovn a
ileTn-, kdet 12 lkotu cofee 2
-khphLphu lislt ddf 4h 5 inkokernGin ) tea.ler 16
Mkhaaro (aba-) rcrice r4 it'kotiso Mjonr, Mnr 12 ahr,'t\bo (in) fivt 4
kujlkt ato samuitt9 ukukbnazek^ to nind, wot! 6 unlI'rbtlki ldrge rtuer 4
injiel: (ir ) msiuer 4 uh.z.klEr[m t wor (owsen E i*omitJt (t:) .,p s
ikhy^ (aM-) hone 2 klardel tololl@ 3
uLujos!*a to tk as 5 uktk\^vJezs to hay l0 'ld.ls!o nett, Jollo||rg 6
fthei cd, 10
*hetu holidar lO j
!f,nketho rnb 16 irkosszs arokbosazma) mr I sph (n:) .lotl' 13
K ukukbetl to choose1i prefet 2 ukula\rala trirc.t, rule 4
tabini trr'.? 6 ,rkosi (dtukhosi) cnefa
bitshi (M-t kitchzn 5 ink$j}i (a%Wosjkt) nadan 1 unla\tJti (aba ) dirccor a
thle! l',ld,n! (exclamtion)6 ijf}n$^re (dtu-) frs 73 ts yi (i?, ) rli.e 5
tkubi ,adt 6 kuY'hr'hlelstcouqh7 tlaibhi (i!) lo
krkhlu erf 1 ukuk\olwa to belevelO skulata 1oMch n5
-Llekele rftap /rrt l0
unuombe (ini ) no 4 Mlqrglengs (,tu) liarstrst
kajztdi c elt/gootibye6 /Iakhombis toprirt E
ikla''lpsti (in-) co".pasy 4
[msi]a(re) !@& srotbr 1 kude/ar ls
-k\.M here,ptesentI kufuphi tr- E4r to 1O
ileth,i lettuce 13
u Lht',,e cold,flu I t/kkho (itr tu 14 -leythi late 7
k\\tt'gile try weu,dll nghtt OK 2 !bah (-libele) tdryet 3
ukukht'jlja to qtu\| tupe!3 kneeli:udlarrolt) tklils to weep/.ry a
kisto atso,6 we x ultli'I. toJam, cahiNae4
-thlu ts
fl*ltkh|| a,o rtle$ E inl nKa rbbish.wdse,Sarbase9 ufti:n (aba-)dtut 4
ukukhttslek^ toJee, be chfoftable }ltnye M- toqetherwith 9 akuliela twait .for 11
uk iats tkep soneonevitins 5
kangnngotuba rd ,&c[ ro 3 (ir,-) s@poIs pIi." uhillng to , on t4
uknia (oo-) cousin2 'lrtkErIo knsa in he tuonin& early 4
if,kthalo diligee 14
iiithulo sbh8i 4 rtop 15 kheni? (+ pacipil) v),?8
unklnuva (ab-) etdar brcthzr2 ;rokhwe (i'-) dzrr 14
ukl&binh to ftnehber1 Mlollt \im) oh A
,ati* (o-) .ou\n2 ukkhvdobuto renitut 5 uk|.ttdoloa tsdve9
tlori. also floli () la.r] I \^ kwini ih the afem@t 4 mrcedisi (dzu) a$i,!rar I ngokuqidsekilqt o .drrary 5
lubhelu }?llar 5 ukuk^ o gaway 6 ieo\wlero enougl, sufr.ien 6
-\rhl9m srcek, blw 6 .nct[ne ffial. little 6
-laa nice,pleasbtl, eeet, ngomnophlo.arci) 9
ukuactphisarcarce $xstye ukffiEqonga tu sn atnd
ukutiik to be arcfut 9
ukulglea tu preparc 9i set the table -ncirnisEa) 10
im-r,ttato war of tiJe 16 ukuctlko'tcha 2
13. rcpait 15 -tgErk,r^ rcunA5: blu a
molo / molweni &"ll, 1 tulncolo (ai) erray 16 .tgobi2 I ngor'bi2 wht/atel 2
uktio{ha tdawSe 9 ^wotrye togethet5 -.tgr iz be ia a hurry 5
moto tii-) (tuotor)cat 1 l,Ndeblc1{dercl" (languag)3 uttg'nlm" (imr) hole 1s
umo! (ini ) |'iall C ar 7 .ndlongo-ndlongo.ora 12 m'lgrMls!4 little hole l5
,jwimi (ii-) tongae,targuse 3 uhdtppa tpunp 7 xndwerdwe (t) azd4 9
-,6u|wa pure, ikhocena 'isior ukunrkaumoya to Bit spirit, i.e.
ukurE to stop,stailt 7 lnerc trltth 5i indee.l5
tmncmDcu d?r.re/r13 trc\e (aM-) Beatlew I ut1tkazi-khya (aba-) husewife4
rmabona-kud ry 12
,"maborwkude ry 12 ta.l''ekzi (atu-) lady I fina ailo. ro (pl.) 2
ur'ttgq'!he eAest sbter 2
imasi (ii ) nas 14
-myo l,et 16
i ,.ani stubbom 14 utuinNa (aba-)rounser bnther2
N Mninl(k,i, (aba-Jo\9ret 4
unakzi (oo-) (hy) nerut ant 4
()wba peps 1r
uakIr (oo-) standnothzr I at- and | |'nh.0o) have2 ,giann! hN much?7
unsako (o-,IaJet s ulinzi Mjortry, tur 12
--.t ! to denotea questioa1 D$kDbi 3
ukab to strctch 14 "qe.t4lt sohtnes 4
ngrtuale an!Q4lt^
umatnme (oc) Mteral uncte2
mam^ (oo-) nother I ryaplaktbi r'rn\de2 to n;rto o so m, etc. 4
@n kvabo hs/|shhen blothe. 2
ukun ttel to listag ryrphal'lti 4futt 7t beorea nli2 hotf? 1
unnIw.thI ny/our bbthet 2 n$phrfttle orfr'd4 2
n"rung na- cokemirs 9 u,ikvewt vu. brother 2
ebanla (nl) Esi 16 nsaphandle kve- utsideof/ enga- la 6 3
nam he t@ / akl / with tue 1 pnesot + nMe 4
l?'i,j'mei lle (imi \ delieht, 'qingabrri(o-) ro ,arer 9
-D's;il how My? 6 /ti.nkcEnkcesbeh
-n mli wet 6; juic! 13 aga- ifl the icinity ol usla \@-t secfttary 4
tmaatyi (oo ) tusistate 4 -tMv.]penme.l15 (i)gathi t) veru 5 urlosadi (oo-) swtd 4
ukuoarhthateajo!, relish 13 ul rycals to t6te 13 toko n a s%ll wa! 3t thovsh 14
,mtshini rot4cheb dgc l4n
-EcoDoGaM-) bette (thar) E noLuba yintoni 2
oomr* okbtni s rutupatents2 ia$$ah (atu-) E@e 15 no.thotholo (oa)
r4dio 12
natqoa abhought6 ngellw wortMely 3 in$mttrla yeo telephire kuftbet 7
ukiryerlato cow n2 . matlainteresting4
ambe (ni ) Mize 13 tanii.r any tire 16 non \raiil (oo-\ tibteian 4
nantsi (tkofu),c/e , iJ 4 genera- be.Me 06 rao!.Nebo l@ \ ftdsu@ 4
imeko (ii-) sitwtio| lO naph;M antwherc 16
i'.la (i) Ini|e r3 ng$qrphe sual"rt 5 /noDsendi (@t 4
tNgei ',sltd! (lmguas) 2 ",4
ukmelato represeat12 a*ewith I qnd !u 7
rme!! r, 4vire (Passivemen}) t1 rgethrsnqalu.hl) 4 unotato-nn (oo-) sociat vorker 4
a!phlua naoantthiS 16
ukcgn^ tu help sn@re 5 ngoLanelktle), ptup"rly 9 lopoat (oo-) pst%n 4
lohlw'mh; peaps 7 ukuancd^to hetpatetc! 5 ngok,lwa n the ewnng 4 alodla^ (o-)butcher4
akues to help son@re with ngokthawulra 9!i.H, 6 uio' enklle (oo ) shopkeepet4
-th ryo b tuprise.I 5 latbi kr',a-between5t its 11 tdtik (hot liquid) Z
,ph,'l)fln ostling 12 "Laptung,
ilrtPhtezi Pat Slere oanguage)3
qk|r (M-, wtittek dti.Iz lO tuhsBbut ('-) nte.re.tida rs rtzphthum talec'
ww'"e (in ) .amt r3 o ukuphiryEla to work 4 isip i (?O nim 3
q'i (M-) frst 12 akualol^ o o.let 1O phte wa 15 ,pilisi (ti) p'118
tlxt't| to chop 13 iripimtll ryt@t 13
h.tsqsr! (no-) urd hut 16 -d, (-) llce4 phanbnkva- d.t 1l (ti)/kt 13
wn ,wui (itu-) hot 14 laphath tMMee, tule 4t t hol.l 'rpled
ipsa (@tu-) potieMn 4
rnq\eela o pt! 7 -okqllrr 11 uptorffi (oo-\ pne{ot 4
abana^k.{retlEtry/l, sbliags2 oknmgoku atpz# 11 }'tphhel to bing Jor 14
abanl^kwe!o!r sblings2 unp\i (dba-) Mse/ 4 tDpDello sk.err 7
abrkw&to hisqet siblngs2 ubffin ife 16 utlph,^;- ba*bevi pt sotre I
Mon,d^ (in-) ttuubk, dMse rs uAld,llnffa (dba) Cabiretniisrzr 10
ukongtlato rue er 4 w@hick tuaiz.por ge 13
Ms"reti (db-, prerle 3 ukuphazaa to Mke nistakes 3 uksq'itla to qurch (thirst) 5
wt (aba-)p.lro 3 MnziGit (ob-) Nre a ukutazs o intempt 4 mqala (ii-) thruat a
abat abaal^laaduhs4
ubtnltt hM.kcetua3 isnnk^ iana3i cheeseli u;i,'ph: (aba-) cook a, ch.l10
vmav{'o. (aba-t chia| -oDkeaL 3 ukuplle|to .one t M .nd 6 anq*aelo (imi-) Pi ws
rb tta\natt\ chi Ahoo.l 17 ork ftaxsh arraF 6 ukuph.elelwao b. usedup
r:oDli (ti) over 5 iqa^ (aM-) ess s
Mnwntra s%nMl uko waba becone happy,happikess6 ieph^ (Md-) papet s sh/qaqitbs to shine6, o thrub A
ukonL^lEla ."joy towthing 13 iplph-ndsba (aM-\ t |pdpet 7 -qaqaithile bght l4i st@nkq 16
lMnmzgm (/Mru.) ..- M.... 10 ulu mwah's t eni@ esel1 iphepha olqhub dtrer3 li.?t.?
unwe(ii-)frnsea ukoItk^ to bredk 12 t0
ulaqeqh to troin 4
ukoytk^ to be {ma f6 -phBlle!^ ovneos 12
ph6ll! wa-ot th thet sdz o13 unqeq.F,bi(aba-) t4iier 4
uebe (inD a phe s. tup phzul p 11 unqeFh\ra (ab-) .nptoree 10
-or e oil T phe',Ikva- ofl top of, abe 5
,r,:dibo (ia) dreri 14 tlqha8mhlsna /4- to cotta.t l0r
P 1 whee?|
,rwme i-) co6r 16 ulapbit be we , be alive 1 el$ -qhatanlhela na-
in'4 ltr^ gtudsr iiqpabl^ clothes14 i.t}ld/,o(aM, pturerb 1o
ufupbilaqete to be conpl.tlt we 5
tip lt $zi \ wattat rs isi.tb.o (izt) liait 13
-\yisik be ght3 isiphoQn-)sift u -qbelekile rctuL 6Ml 14
pakthe(i) p@ket 5
pal'[lftte padimat 4
-rye (atueron) oE s Mphnko\o tueal. tual pordg 13 ahi qh ' hldup 12
ukup!p,6^ to publish j itha (i-) headcoverins M
-Dy(befoe nou) @otl,er s uhtpholato be.otu cool 5
abdayesfue, othe6 4 ipayi (i) pneoppla13
isPe,JiNoth.m Soho3 &uqhoboshaol4ste" I
/nttbikiss dr$orre s inpel^-ve+i (ii-\ \'.ek d6 \ akuq}'rh to connnue3atu dnve 4
ukury to cLn1bl:2 ipe$ie (i.i)".tr.t/l I 4&qhubelaphmb , ?rc8rcsr 7
tkup\l,h|.la to listef, 7
ukryfElw o b. pmtut.tl 10 pere (m-) pqr 13 uqbih; (aba-) dire, 4
ukuphnmto so u7
t'pesbdi rycl 13
uAaphttwreta na@s4 succeed4
-rEtu^ difficuh, h.@r 6 uluphtt'lj trest, rel S uiqhl,4,biststo beatwry wel 4
ub@ir h.@iress 14 ukuziphv,9 to rcst eself 13 ullt\\t|J.s to starl (cor) 15
utun ro becohe stills hobbr fi
tsheietu (ii) 3"f1 Itltr,mpI (ii t stnp 12 ioyiletbr rr& 13
ukuqokelel^to coqect9 tshtshiDi(it )/a., 4 ithuba(tu-).hMe ro
ae.'okel.j.(iia ) co ecnoh7 rirl*ii l@(mdi /rlirturs /to6e 4 It,,pll (iO potao 13 thjolhlr lMMi hose9
qokobhe(M-) sheu9 isbishiDi enprrra.r,ri,B.tol, 4 it!.tmbt bdded .ollared ne.kldce 14
u},,I'(kazi) (aba-) taitoll uktthd^ to senIJza
ukuE nda tu /le6teid 3 ukushiyfato be lefr @er 13 iztththu tadc 15
iqo'x (M ) dasree10 lthuthu lw?ezkuni ad, 9
iqondo olshshu t.tuperuture6 ubuBh! heat6t iaet I
ukaqhhato swh lO ihaka (-th, dsppear5 lnt,'theti (iitu-)jounlist 9 unthwati (abd-)po er4
q[ub (aM-) ben! 7 uretr\N'Bttr (oo-t sraJdtht 1
inq'n (iin-) priwiryl lO
mqtryztki (oba-t stewadzssI Eta (iiit-, eathaapea a
inqr,e|o.rla (ia-) @nplare 1 -sibikb be overcast6 ize stepsA
idko (am-, cu'tm 10 il;pl \itJ teaspoo^5
R i|lra ra. 15 irukohlza vrra 6
uh]ihab6, insa\\eb to takepaft 9 utltF,hla(kazi)(oo ) teachera
stu{,hl^ree, stuns M .lnabttll},ile be inpresse7 ititshata./i) (ii-) teachera
trestSr (i-t restaumt 7 isiD.l (r) bdifls s.h@l l0 t'rnm (ii^ ) batte. .lough 5
ukusigtto heato,16 itharr (atu-r leer(lradi tibnr! rz itrsngaoiso (tt4) nreifu8 10
,sitrti sdt 13 ,hambko (an-) rlapd 16

tnffibo (atu-) boke9 ttrtlngu (pl-)pdir E

mahaja (nr) shtub (s"utl tre) 9
n, I oar sistet 2 Somardl }e idigt, 4 ulflabin^b bve, lik 4 enyeikto a other thins 3
ulo la to sty.reMn 1 /o|tralhlshli (,) dru.,r,'@ 4 tuto ydngl turethins .oA b driak 2
,!ldi (l) rdlad 13 klsombull ,o ralr? 10 /rhmdo lare l3 kutolikt o a$late 4
BoryMp (oc) reJ'eree 4 isi,,Idw^ dd4.lading ll toliki (ii-l transatol I rerprcter4
isnswilshi (t'') ra"dwi.n s flEotoro (@-) nillipede 1s ithng, (M-) pupkif 13 inamhi(iin-) gtl, .laughter I
bans} (M-, entrurce,sdt9 intttha?ia littl. 8i l
rpho (iinL-)JMiU 4 isist sto@h, dbrlawt 8 htfhth.la to takz.lot 4 an@glombt littlz 8i s 1
ulotlirl^ to cone fiw 13
,ku%nt to badc^t 4 usskn (iino 24-hur&a 6
urua6d (aba \ btuadc6ter 4 oti (ti ) ti,a9
ukebenta to work 4 Mtherylsi (oha-\ shopassistdn4
ukushe[td^ to wotkr 4 isti (ii-) r/ 14
Ms.berri (oba-t enptoye. 4 trisutu sdtD olrgrge) 3 rilhee (nr'-) .lrron r e|alFllat phorc sonee I
r'Swti s"a, (language)3 isilh{lhi (z-\ speak r 4
w*bwi (in) vo* 4
isrvekileraSdr 5 u"hatho (in ) law 3 -tth^ krcbhe veryresh 13
4&/sbezistd a? 5 tberipllt (il) tape 12 tuts (aba-) ec. | 2
Akela'inqt'"n u -pdrcipal 10 T/ ^ephN
-tsblle be Mmed 5
akel to dr"k (cldiqvid) 2 i.tsba (n-, rcuntan 4 !tuntnn6' stick3 nrst8tsbtn Qn-)chMpion 12
int^hski hish Mwtain 4 ukttuh^y^ to toke 7
itle (i tdble 13 lsl.ekl(i).h.qk 14
@sarzsla (tn'-) wolrz@mbie inr^L^ (in ) bi..l I (ir) .n,t' 14
ukahiywt be nared 16

v it'E st i (ih ) ptuue a z

-thiph bha rery ch.ap 13 ano\a eperiencelo
!*ltshirash to c/r8e l0 itbr.' (ii-, suppo 12
uku'lhis tbum soMthikg 6 ukra o heat uhl.rstard 3 z*vaN|rt tnditiotul 13
intlhtxo (e'-) rz: 7 utu'3l3l to tell tp3
raa^ls (i-) wotemelof 13 M I unzal^ (aba-) cou'in 2
ut vetto ctu.fton 4 'a liftl. \9hile 13
ukut*r.na to so down (srt) s un:rdc(aba-) rsitor 10 tkltt,'s to be Mio6 lO ukmal3lw, to be bom i!/s 3
Washonalargaw6st3 tu,VendYerdddguage 3 uktdh'sa to su?port 12 ukl,,alwa to be bon 3
ukutwezs to grute 13 ,Dltile (it-) d,op, rroz 1 Ma.n@ba-\ supponer12
i,tllfibi (ih-) sol bead: 14 hettklh rmgaphahdle .ou,utt irtftCo (M-) oa M
ttsimbi ya%qaaha arHet 14 iegoll,ari (aM-, otd wotu E
ialstunhiynel,lobrdcelet14 ivlJl (ana-) vheel, yte 5 uktua to .!ot (tla1ltio@l) 12 is6r} Qn t re^on 1o
iard yonll n.cHd.. 14 i's lolaterln spdrc wheel 15 urtDtso (in-) ia.liti^al dce12 uk@e}.elel^to speakslowly 3
iatsimhi cock ll. be, m ak!.:lingcato .lose up 15 unzekelo (in\ Nmple 6
agef,tsimtti,a- a ... o'.lock 1l ukvrukato wakeup 7 -f,tolieketu deper.t on 6 -rlc + c.opultive/, o/16
rlxhN x/ru (lansuage)r ai- nlsel, youtsel, etc. 5
intsonl (k-) Jothale 16 (M-, herbalist 4 izrko @tu) h.anh 13
isi\hg Tsotugdlaqwge 3 uktatrta asree,ann 6 frxllong
'J]rrere to !.t@iE (nedicany) E unri(itu-) hoMstead16
siT\a^itI3wanaltus@se 3 i*\nbr (dtu-) rost@ce 9 -&ile be stwkls ittiba (z-, d.ep pl in a ver lt)
t6w. (aM") ofloh 13 ukuvl'mtr to aow (fot)ro ukrol.J,Ltoosa'e 13 udia (ini , bod! E
(pssive-ma)'elqr alored 10)
intuaahlobo eafl! sMnt 6 ukt'vlJfmel5mto be in homory 7 peaceipddoa / c6e fte I
xotr'o uat to etch, brits 5
twrre(ukuth) lt peec r14 isiYuio eftiliset 9 ukuzobto pai, rld\) 4
@ntr'e (inr) nixtute 5 M''i (abo-\ arist 4
ukum.z (komra) to bt\, 6 ukuxt];sll to mix vry well4 Muitho (i-) ustratiol 5l
isty^ (-) ttish 12
ukl ryisan n- to rejoice wnhT uazola tftnqtillitr 16
uknza to leak,.lischargeI
M\w (ini-\ saa't 10 vmyat zo (i-) tusdse
-zoudleletyo ewryenc l0
iyatra'dtn (in-) flower 9 w unzrtulvana (aba-\ sm .Icha2
uknyehieatetuch14 intldal (i|t miit, won 8 iztu]I inoldlr.dthzr 5
alzlu zl& (laneuase)3
ukwt t wif, 9i obtain lO
thini! sosh! 14 (ri-) raldrcre 1 unM(ni ) ninute 6
-rvo*e-woeplic 11 umM^ia (in) tuMrt 5
uawate (cIass 14) beeaatcohts t',ryeni (ba-) husbaut 2
ter (aMt ru.ti.iM E iti'l e (M-) cosnta 3
U xl rnr i (aba t dasisret 14 itizwel?'zi(M-, contihe 4
urlse (oo-) hzr I hisathe 16
kussela ho- rD.? 16 tn (<xeha)whte 13 ilNn (M-) rice1r (arsospoket
ulBuela t- ... ukJr /.",ton... ii-) r!'!'r.^,t'y 2
,iabiso eltphantsi low ptce 9 'iutrivcsilhi
(i,:-) Io' 10
l'llze (so) thdt + subjunctiv. 6 'iurc

cup ikonity! (ii)
cusro0 (mr; Nitheth (r.i-)
custoner (dd )
crfin,to be !*luDk "dtherSi
c@pt,to &rmklt bad -bi caetuuyngoonophelo
ccompy, to ,lzkhpht bdket irgobort (,rr) dger gozl
equainted, to gt d1@ ra clebrate,to !zbhiyozg d^8, d^y utu}Ja(idi )
address.del6i (ii,) treautint -ble; beutyrrl certrinly ngokuqinisekileyo daughteriutonbi (ri-)
chan ('z!)
adveise, to frvziss; r?bherge'. be.aute of nged! ya- 'rtulo deep-Mlu; depth!rnzulu
advertisenentiroriro (rz-);!,ribh.ge"l bed ma ihlo (m-)t rhedi (ii) chnge,to I4fJhirtsb! delicious-mnandi / -no6a
@-) bdroon tgumbt lokuhla deped on "xhomekekeku-
dviceicebiso.t Scebiso die, to dhubha (hunDs)
chrk, look t, to ,zlhmgela
aoplErqwdo-nols (iir!); chid "ntwm (4c, difftcut -nzini dificulty rrDzima
r'{opld (,
fraid. to b *oyikt dniqroon lgunbi lokulyelt
bttethnngcoro kn- disoss, to lbotuao ,tuxox
betwoe pht&ahi kwa' dish i.ya (,-)
afrmoo! nya kwemiDt divorc4 b -brutrere
birthday /Dhl wok"lws
cloes (arsosoods,lussage)ttrpahl
blanketrEubo (tF) os ni^ Gnk-)
blE -lulza okwsibhokabhslr; coal rrrhtyi (t, )
aI -onk
o6tipheryone (ae); ,,q!awa (la cold, to feel lgodola down phmti
hoil somethig, to abilisa @lo Mbls (Mi); ibl (lru-)
alsokanjalq kaDaialo dress,to (slso we) )
nina /r,roi dilwny (domestic) bob, to be(ar)utuzr(el)Fa comftom, to ,lrvl "lB
driDk to ksel (cold) rphoga
boy ki'ertwe (amtwekwe) cometo nd,o &phel
nswead nrpendlo (,tr) @onble, t -khululeki" drive licenc tphepb'Gnme)
nswer to tuphetduh competitior flkhpblsno
applicantMeli-nsbenzt (ad,) beldst sqro-,ak!!4 lr,bafe6i complain,.totlkhrlaa
congEtuate,to ,.tlluyisam na-
conserve.to tdondoloza
build, io !*r*h; buider@kht (a ) contctto, /l{qhgmshelam m-
4sistnt mn.disi (ara-) blding dkhiwo (iz-) connue,to a&lbnblr
at ast ekgqiheleDi bus ,bh$i (n:) converstioncoLo (i )
bus slop tisht rebhrsi (r?)
holiday thode; iLhefu (a bMther)
especiayr$kumbi fil aele hone rHtrya; at homekhsys te9 untente (ini-)
een8, in the ngokuNm homssted/nzi (mi')
every -onke; everydayyorlre irltlt hope,hmb (aM,
lette cwdi (i )t ilet (ii )
exmple nzklo (mi) sendem inene (al?4) hospitlthedlel (tzi) lie dom. io &dala pbsrtsi
hot -hshu ght ilrtDne(t.!-)
glfr tnpho (!zt-) hous iadru (izir
exhibitiotr Mboniso (rri) gn t tombi (i-) how? qiani?
give, to eznikt ,*ph
exprinc@&ri experienced how big, ruch? -nglnat?
give a ifr. to u,takhwelise how nrny? -rgapbi? ste4 to /trt'lmela: /&phulaphul
hngly.be lambtle little -nci|rci; -nciDre
so, o (with) lrzh|nba (n, ht, b -enmkllsllz ve, to (= reside)Jalh
go homq to !*!godut hulry, to /&lthwlc loDg-d
hury, b in -ngxamtle long ago kudla
husbdd Myei (ud )
fme 4dumoi fmous, be -dmtlt good Jngl" look aftd, to llgcim
fily lsapho (.rt-) soodbyebmba(ni) / sala{ni) kkl if ukuba
in, to be nxgI looka4to/*ujonsek
famous.bec. !*durn studchild Dzukdwn (ad)
Cranlfatherltatomkhl (ro) iunediaiely kwaraoko
fdt DAokuklawulz smdmothd makhulu (@-) impotnt,it is kubllk!/"
in fiont of ph.mbi kw.- lounge teumbi lokllo
gareh, to be rabuea
faer ltars (dd); fty faer bwo lovely -myoli
ilfo|tiotr /n tzis
injured,be -en"kdisil" luck rth.msnqa; luckily
green-lu r okwengc
gret,to (fo) 4,tub'ril)a i$ide phakalhi kw-
instadof cndarnl yr-
fill, to lz[r eow p d, ukkhuld intGt hdl!; interestinS-nom.lla
find. (get,obtain), to *dum r gust8dwndwe (ii') intesectionrtmbuh ('r)
iroduce, to wszisa ndagq to lphah
had trlrdl (!2, maser Mphthi (aa )
haplEn to !aeDek
fitrisb. to tgqih4 firished -gqibtle
fil @,rio (mi) keep s.o.wailing. io txlindisr mary, to /&shat. mie4 b
lst 'oqali ftrsdy nqeh headdoko (tr); hedche-nentloko key trtashko (tz,i)
fish tlaMi (in-) ne,l dtdlo (,zi)
flas ndw (dn); iflesi (i-) heai ntliziyo (M-) kitche fthitshi (@a; igDbi
flou ngubo ,,frlphckel r8dtcae qr (M )
flower ,rtyatymbo (ift) meath, to &"dibra Da-
tnife ter (ii) n@ting D.lngaDbo (ti,4-)
help, 1l),znced; hp 4c4o @! imoyu; Iltl /ridya
hep onesef.to /razcda ,l 1o% to /b'rl lnowledge lwzi
nessage@ylzo (tni)
help somoe wi something;to lady,lnkoikazi (@Lho6ikzi) mitk rb|3i
fores.(indigemut thlthi 0lo zv)
lngge/lwimi (tt-) mistake,to maka ,&/phram
foget. to e/4liblq lg -thu mome ezuzwona (mi)
hi -phkrmile]r last -okusqibela
fork ifololhwe (i, ) leleJtd, GmvakrYxh nonlh; n@n nylrga (ri )
hod on. to abamba nomlng. in e klasr
hole (@r) leve io tlhamba, l}&mt
fiend (ara-) "dsxDa
motocyclr]riluththu (ii,)
mountrin t'ba (-) point, to ,*"khombise ord /ndlta (ttr'); mgqo (r,4t-) st tion irisbi (r)
police@ lpolisa (4ro) toom lgrunbi (4ru-, sty,bo(= IEside)br;
poce slation tskhululo rtupolis "ela
(rzithululo umpolisa) '4kukna
sti '6- (ndisatund);-se- (entsha)
a|f. "khusdekilgo srop,ro ma; ltnir; ul4yek
nar(to) -kofrIlthi n-
neessay. it is kuturck! ..- prcp@, to rlulrgiss Btoryibli (@); tsoni (ti'-)
pesidert Mongmli (ar)
pice lxbtso (atu, (low eltmrsi) lly, to *thii say s 4trtsho
prcblen irsxaki (,tr-) rchoolirikolo (t-) studert Mtundi (44)
newspprtphepha-adab(aro ) propy Dgokunelekilyo study (for). to kltnd(el)a
nxt (comid -lr[del),a ( ald) Protct to &uthusIa study igumbi lokuftdela
mll, to ltzthcneisa Bucceto *phmella
night rrcuku: z night bu8ku pblic phone!oxUri kworke-wonke
rcPaate,to utwabldt
tlalt Q, suddenlyngaqpe
oe i'rrd'gr (izt-)
nrsioryi(kazi) (4 qustionnbuzo (id) op tvcrkile (ni-)
qckly rgokuldrrrulezr sn ilancr
ofentuthl. .i'd6ha afiani[,i, suppq tridlo sangokuhlwa;rilimls
old -dah srnreiari (r-)
in, lo 44na;/lmetha isalrtbiso (tz)
oy kphela, qha (dow!), to l}rr'|sh (phntsl)
open,io lzlul, be open-!le rady,be (finishd)-gqtbil" ,lil achlc
opportunity ithuba (tru-) receive,to lt/fDara .tjrt Mbbinqo (iai) rabletratrle (it-)
.ky i,ribhatrbhaka tte, lo arthrths: e//that thr
osanisario @btho (r,t,) @ommerd, to ltzcbis4 rtlbalulr tleep (wel), to u*dla (tathle) take out, lo t4khupha
ecove,to &/ch.ch. slowly kide; ryotcoihaJo takepa in, to (&.lhbrlha txhb!
lmall {ci[ci, -rcirane
rcsion unndl (Mi ) tll -de
pain iirtlur8; painfrt -bbhrgu lax. to lkhululka
remmber,ro e*thunla solmhlb taxi iteksi (!)r by ti trgtekl
paperrpheph (am-) so@tins 4n4|rye @dshs
remind, to .t }hmb|n
pssnsd rlmbi (ara) epi, !o !*4lmgis; (car)
"llhnda telephone,to &4fowil(el),
rcply, to 4*4phenddq. tlephoneowuri / tfort; /rmxb
rquost,to rtucle sory, be usizi, soyl xolol ten (ro), ro -xd(eD

eq@srlbi@lo (,zt) r sot (ty!e) ,'lobo i thank to r&/buleh; thdks enkodi
Bemblq to ,*drna Da- rhat (conj) ukbr
pen /siba (iltr6iba) speekslowly, t lrothhbi
phap6bhlawumbti G)rsaba thing uto (-)
restart irstyu (,i-)
retua fum speciaisttrcutlhe (M-)
"zbu}la thirsty -d.niw; thist &nxsno
ride, to ukuthwel (cr.ho6e)
play. to 4*rdlal, !y M. sro (ihi-) time Bb (aM)r o time ngexe8ha
st kwenkwezi (,h-) tired, be -diniwe

togelher(wi) kuy n-. n laworye
ioilet r'tt{Iu ydgs8e; ithoyilethl wch, to (e.s.TV) atrbuEela

too (uch) gqitha way rtdlela (iitr)

town ;dolophu (t-) wathertzului i'ozlu

laditional -zt\raNtu welhf()tgst,qikddo lwtmorulu
tadtio.I fae rzdro utw3Ntu ,'ek ffi ()
traditional healertsqio (amz w@kendiaplyeki ('iD) language
traln dow (do); itseyiri (,
B. nd Skorge, S., Mdri, etheisixhosa, CapeTo\\n, la &. Co.
welcome!w$nkelk t fumkdekL"l
Fffic iztthuh wetcome,to 4fuamker
trnsat,to r&uqb; lhlolikr wel ka[ubre L.Vr'.,Riord!, J., Mthiso, M., Davey, 4.S., Betrtle,S.V
Ir{hl,f;j.g.B. Lunb Self-nstractionCoursein Xhosa,
Institute of Socil andFtoomicl Research,Rhodes
tip dmbo; khDketho
touble .noDrkala (rr,) whateE mkub yinrsni
trcut$ ibhrukhwe (ti) when x'. whetr?ri? 1.,A Xhosa Grurnnar 4 ealn.,CpeTown, I,ongmn,1955.
wh?i? wherebouts?ndwoni? H.W., txn"sd 3rd edn.,Johajmesbulg,Educum,1985.
tm towa&, to !k jika ]gr- white -mhophe 5.C..leana Non(h,adiLwesixhosa lbanga0.ura Aftil. 1992.
ugly -bi Z. 5., Xhosa in Contert - fum Novceto htentEdiate, C^pe
why? kurherd?
derstnd. to ,h/qondal dzya
ualr$s, to */khltr wife i,koditazi (4rkjsilazi)
udortuntely ngelnihw
p phez'rl . wiDdowtfesd (ti-)
wipe, to 4*!sEla
usualyrge|tqhelo wish, to l&llqweneh ,4., Wiss,E.,Mdala, E. andfbhab,S.,Engltrr-Xrrrra
wan unt,i (dbo-rt l'Dbtnqkrc-t CapeTo\ra,OxfodUnjveniryPess.1985.
vy keLhh
vicinity, in e Dga!- , F-.,A Xhosa-EnglshDictioary 2nd edn.,LovedaleMissio
wok &hs.benri (idi) 1918.
vilg ilsE idolophna (-) wk, to !*/s.herzl; ;lphegla
visit, to k tyela: ,/hambels wold rlgi J., A New ConcseXhosa EnglshDicnotary 2d edt, Cape
visito( ardwendwe (ri-) rory, to dfkhrth.zoka ''Town,Longmars,1963.
wory on$4 o utua*hh H.W. (ed.) Thz Grcatcr Dictionary of xhosa vol. 3. Ahce,
wait (for), to 4lllitrda iversity of Fo Hare, 1989.
wte up, to /k uk Sou Aficn Mrlti-Irnsuaqe Dcionary and Phra! Book,T\e
waq to Gtraight) 4*rh{mbe (r8qa) yelow -lEbhelu
wal dorg (tir-) Reader'sDigestAssociation,CapeTown, 1991.
wlrer (ia-) yong -tsh
Literature and Further Reading Index
Bongel,KS-, IPl,rr, CapeTown,M.skewMiler I-ongarl 1t7.
Isb^nt, N.,Ihe OchrePeople,Londoa John Muy, 1963.
Jolobe, J.J.R.,rndyo,Johmesburg,WitwrersndUP, 1973.
Jolobe,J.J.R.(ed),I||dro rert r", Johauresbwg,
Educu! 1970.
Iodaa, A.C., Towa s anAfban Literuturc - Ihe EnerAenceof
Literary Fonn in Xhosa,Bekeley andLos Angeles,U vesiry of
Califomi hess, 1973.
]|,.gora,5., To My ChAenb Ctldren,CapeTown, David phitip, adjctivaconcord.2
1990. adjctives(s ibutiv6) .2 (s pedicales)E.l:
flgotr.a,5., Kabattu)anaBabt' tana Ban, Cape'fown, Dad Phiip,
dje.tival ni? (inteosative) rs.6
1995. ldves 4.7; 6.8
Mndela, N.R.,Irng /alt ro frcedam, Randburg,Pume[, 1994.
MstJ., .W.M., 1.a. nan?alo Etixhosa. CapeTowo, Longman 'md' coecting ctdses 16,3
Sourem Africa (Pty) Lrd, 1954. 'rtrd' comctiry nons2.9t 16.3
Pe;r,1.8., TheHousof P,ula Joharnesb8,RavanPIess,1981. 'and' connctingverbs8.2! 16,3

snybody/ nything/ anytime/ anywhere1.2

ugmnttive lutrr -kzi 4.3
auxiliery ves E 3
-b! (verb 'be') 10.3
boowed wods r . i. (occptions)4.2 (seealso Xosalised wods)
'can': difit waysof expressins'crn'6,

cditiom coDstructons15.1
corjctions kubs, kodw, kub, xa 3J; ukuu 9.6
continousrcntpasttse 122
coptive -ng- 'am / is' ngubari? 2.5; 11.1i u2
copufrive-rg- (.n), l', t-, - 4-1. l!.l:' l'.2

demonstratives4.4; 95
derivation ftom vebs (occupationt 4.2
deroiptivs (allibutives) :i &redictes)E.l
diminutiv suffix -aD10.1

nphatic ponols 3:;93; 11.2
3ta 3t9
enpnac pronom, copulav,ngariv15.4
emphaticpronors, snmry 16.4 tr.. 'and, with' 2.9. 65
na" + abstret Douns.2
smaf 16,3

ftt@ lensq positive ngave6.4 .nr- 'have' with emphatcprcnouns93

.brlho ulru-> -'oku- Grcstivenak-)6.6
heeiV@ = nar ru. eic. 5 lcgativesC tl-... ba3-3;(ar)63
ideophors5; 14. negtive-ga-/-nge- 15.2
idioDs 10,1 !8a- preposito 4,7i .7; 6.E; E.5: 9.3
.Dga- 'may. c' 2.3: 6.6
-ile verbl foms (tunctiodns ar adjcrives)5. .Dt? (<ntoni) .7; after -l ('why') 8.4
mperative (seiNtoctions)
impesnal ku- (eqvatenrto EDSlish.it') 3. 'Dl? 'what sokind' 15.6
infinitive 2.4 14.r
infixes -ga- 2.3r -y- 2.2j 3.7: -ss- 23
irial vowel of nous (omission)4"4 (<-o'kho uku-),nee-alu 6.
i8tucriotrs 1.3: 4.5; 72; 10.4;regarive .5 cass (all) 3.1
isuctions OC 45 prefixes ard stes 3.1; 5
intemgtive adj. -ni? 15. omitting initial vowe 4.4
intemgalives -jsi?, phl? 1.5; 4J; 53 .5
-bi? 2.7 object concords2.6; 5.1; 6.4
phl? E5 4.2
rint? 3.7 tr2
raoni? 3.7; l1.7
k- (wi dvdbs) 6J .1
"ka- 'not yet' 133
-rri Gffx) 4.3
kh- 7.4 paicipi.r 12.r
-tho / -khora 3 ve 10.1
leBona ponouns(equiv.le to Eglish) Ge subj@t/ obje.t concordt
kodwa conjucon 3.7 phi? ('where?')4.E;s.3
k- (impeBonal)3.6 -phi? Cwhich?')8.s
kba conjuction 3.7
l(ub.hrelile + subjctive 4.5 , possessiveadjectives2,8: 14.4
kuftntr + subjundive 4,5 possesive concord52; 14.4
posessives.aominal 52; l1.6i l3.l
kutheDt 8l po$esiv$. noninlClas 1/1a9.1
Posessivepomuns 'mine' etc. 14.5
locative (ko-/kwi-, e-)1, 4.E; 1s.6 pepositiosfoltowed by kw- .4
loatvein, at (tim) .7 pepositions (equivlet lo Engsh)selocatives
loctivl- and -!- 4.2 53; 10.3 pesentrelse positive ad neaaiveL2,3,3, 6.3
prolouns 1.1: 2.1
monosylabicverbs7.1 poper nues 1.2i 10.1

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