Teach Yourself Xhosa - Part1

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Fo lrR orde oEis: pt%e,cou. r Bmt poinrLld. {a Mi tbn pt. \ b.ngdon.

u^r44 rD. rtep ho ne: / 44i0t ?154O 0a, 4. Fd, . |J , 0t ) J 5 r 0 oI4irna. , d r o F n d o T
9.00-m. VdaJ ro-sarda\.trirh a /a hor m;.s;Cc.trenne
Em Gss: orde6@booL?oinr..o.u k
tu' U S.{ & cedd ordqueri$. p'eM coac,\ rc/Co0Fpom4 pubsh
w*r loubya\fll.. iocot\ad. Ltnob064 ,o?s.L S.A. t;kDt";n
r84,;_a j5oo. Acknowledgements 5
lntuoduciion 6
In"qgHoMed tu,'te a dikh e sur io. !el_gu,.red tem ns _ s, moflhd JO
nlon rcp e \ $ td q dtdt r id e r / d. r r ar , . ar * r t ui0! t ud \ o v e r 2 o 0 r i r t *, n e Ukwazana k-eropleni 20
ner or rdgldg6. !rdt. hobhie..ud oer tcire turie,.
on anaeroplare
Rinsh bnry Catltaguihg in pubtetion Data
ca|aloeuentry l rhis rid is avaiblefion IIE Briish Lihry. 2 t kudtbna k$'khona klray _32
Meetingagint thMurays' home
Librury o Cohgres cataloR cnd NMber O\ tire_
3 Ukwazi ukuthetha isixhosa 44
F^t publishedin uK 199 by HodderEeadineplc, 338EuslonRoad, Knowinghowto speak)<hosa
Londo., inv I 3BH.
F i^ rDub she d'nSt a @b\ M c r . onFm por a, . y pubir h,n a . , 1 2 5 5f owdJ 4 Ukuthetha ngorsebzt_ 58
Unolwood rch'caeo),nnors6O4G97j.U.S a
Tl' T.h Yolrel' nne dd logo se Eebred rde IMIG of Ho,l.tq
& Stogbton Lr.L Uyithnd nJnl lkou yakho? 73
Coptright @ I999 BevneyKnsch md silvia Skrse. How doyoukeyoul coffee?
1, U(: .ishts sened. No parrf is pubtiqtion my bc repm.tced 6 Nifu dmele ngokrraneleyo? 87
or lrnsmittcdi
tu-yb..Jn or_bydl nds. deror. mechical, nciudi pholocopt erding, or Ae youwrmenough?
aDyirr omr on :lordeemd Eie\tsJnen s,nou, pmi\ror in n".,r,i
Dmrre o Hder bme lrr,be copy .sh, | ,.nsi1A a"mq | ,niEd ",rrg idte,
ot, UJenng emsbenzlnl -
^ffir,eMq'd pme!! rep'odu.r,o,,aJ beoDrd.ned.ofr e.prri8h,
L ei(rs agenc\| tuEd.o0 Tomlh I our Roaa,Ld dor $ lpoHl
'Maslthe lslxhosa' 103
' Jennyat work- Lt'sspeak)ftos
/, / \: crlrihl. F.eaeJ. \o pd or r, bool d) berp,Jdu-d. rord,n
\ysG. o d m" nrue'lIn 0) lor. or b\ dnyme\, etecuonjc. a Eje\al
ma hL! 1,pho.o@\
a UThandi emsebozini -
uosw e. qrhl p d oemi'rirn oi vC or.mmrd pubLsh,neCo;IranJ. ins. - 'Ndingugqirha Thamsnq' 116
Thandiat wok- ' n D Thamsnqa'
I?ese by Tenset Linted, Covenry. Enlmd.
Pbd inCrfl Britainror H@dq & s,o;gfro0 Fducdion,t,cd \.sonor I UPeter emsebenzini Kirstenbosch _ 130
HeddmPl! 3Je Eu..m R@d.rnndonvwt JBH bJ cor & \Ivrn
Ld. Rddr Peterat workat Ki$tenbosch

Inpqsion rober 1O 9 4 7 6 5 4 3 2
Ye 2oO42r$3 m02 2@l 2uN 1999

lo UThemba emsebenzlni - udliurano-ndlebe 149 Acknowledgements

Themba at wo* - an intelview
li is impossibto qniiy RlphKsch's pt in helping us to bring ths
l1 Ndi[gathetha noMnumzana Thamsanqa? _ 164 book to ftrion. His inieest, suppo, lechnicldvicendespecilyhis
May I speakto Mr Thansnq? generosityof spint ae wtfiling.
t2 Kmdlalo weqakamba 177 We would also like to thDt Ms TheresSoci fo her help wi pmof
At thecricketmtch readingandfor the mnyusefi sggestonsshemade.
1 3 Msiye kula rqsdnr intsha! 797 We re giefu to the olowing copyight oxnes for pe.mission to
Lt'sgoto thtnewrcstauant! epoducetexts andphotographs:
14 Ukuenga impahla nezinto nto David Philip Pubishesery) Ltd, CpeTow
zkwaNtu zesiNtu Fort HareUniversity,Aice, EasternCape
Buing clotlesandvaiousAfiican as ndcafts JohnMumy, LondoD
'WitwatesandUnivesity hess, Johannsburg
1 5 Iinkathazo zohambo HeinenanDPublishen (Pty) Ltd, Johannesbug
Tlavewoes SundayIndependent,JoharesbE
l6 Umz a welifa llkaxhosa MskewMiler Loneran, CapeTown
)ftosheritagtrit Little, Brown, UK
BducmPublishes,Haffway House
Translaiions o dialogues Bona,Duban
Ke!' to execises
Xhosafnglish vocabulary TV Bulpn, Muizenbeg,CapeTo\In
English-Xhosa vocabula4r 308 lndepenalentNewspapen,Cape Tovrn
Btbliogtaphg 315 Dcpartmentof WaterAffais, Petoria
Index 31',7 United Cricket Boad of Sou Africa, Nothlands,Johannesbug
Maccrcgor Museum,Kimberley
Mayibuye Centre,Univesity of the WestemCape

Loon Cominunictions
FirLdy, CpeTown
& Hone
Introduction IMRODUCTION

It was the Scottish missionary John Bnnie of Lovedale who first

recodede Xho6a languageand poducde fust witten texts using
the Latin alphabet wi e letters c, q, x epresentinge three click
sounds.The clicks ndsoundssuchas '' (pronouncedlike e Aftikaans
initial 'g'in 'goe-d'o the German'ch'in 'nach') restiy ro e influenceof
About Xhosq the Khoi and Str lnguages spoken by the irdigenous herdes and
hunteNof SouthemAfric with whom the vadousXhosa tribeshad erly
Tle word Xhos comesftom thenmeof a legendarychie. In ddion to trdintimateconlct-
Engish andAfrikans,ere are nine ofEcial languagef SouihAfrica.
These nine belong to e Sb-SharanBau o .lintr fmily of This iDfluence is also rcflected in some geogmphical names e.g.
anguages, Keiskamma(gez'$^ter). Anotler manifesttronof this influence is i
lhe coexistenceof slnonyms takenfrom the Khoi lnguage,for example:
Xhosa, Zulu, NdebeleaDdSwti colstitute the Nguni gmup, Soutbem
tyani / tngcs (grss)
Sotho,Pedi (Nohem Sotho)andTswancostitutethe Soo gop.
tmu / ,lgwha (shep)
Venda andTsonga(Shngan)do not belong to eie the Nguni or the
,rrthkthi / igqwia Gocere)
Xhos, PresidentMandel's mother tongue.is the souemmost of the In more rccent yeaff many Engsh and Afikans words have been
nine Afticar languagesnd togethe with Zulu, e most widely spoken 'xlssed' , for example:
lngagein SouthAfica, is spokenby appmxim-arely l8 pe cenrof South irikolo (school)
Afticans, d vast njodry of whom live in e EastemandWestea Cap ibhokisi box)
rtshini (machine)
'... history hs poved that the )Closa languageis one of the Xhos is a heteogeneos andcomplexlanguageoriginting ftom a large
tenaciousyendudngeementsof )ftosa crre for it hasmaintaineda anddivenified goup with manychiefsandclans.Until themid- 1950sthe
firn fooold on SouthemAfrican soil, gowing like an evergreen, Xhos spoken by dtnllccalek nd drzaR.hrhabe (also known as
deep-rooted te,ndhasnnifesteditsef asa dlnmic, vibnt, vhile dn,aNgqikaor Tbhirvoxhosa)' was egariledas standd lelary )ftosg
langugedptbleto, anddevelopingin hmmonyt, the changing - 'is (ho6esithethwangmaNgqikomgqba'- but nowdaysthe
enviotrment in that il spmuts new wods and expressionsro variations of e dilects o the oer groups fuher Dor, nam
accommodte new concptsandctural itemsnd,to arevengreier draMbo o Fingoes, drdThembu, /mdBomvn, atn Mpondo and
extent,horbs and xhosaizesforeign words and terms.This i. did druMpondomise, arc also cceptedin e witten languge.Lile all
oiginaly from te Khoisanlanguages,s extendingard eDrihing langages, everyday colloquial Xhos differs fom that fond in
ts vocbuayandspeechsoundsysiem,ndfor thepasthundredyears 'aumiative' grarDmars.Similady, languageusagoften diffen not oDy
hsbeen doing [so] ftom Dutch andAlrjas and in is centuy from rcgion to rcgion, but also from genention to genemlon, and you
espciayftom English with which e anaxosa cameinro close may encounterthesedifferenceswhen convesingwith )ftosa speakes.
contctthroughthe schoolsthat werc estabshed by the missionies
of variousdenominations,.-'
L,9itrtis used6y Pl in his dictiondy s a vdio ofadh. ln Xhos! irNt denotese
lalguaee or aryine ch@tdistic, e.s. .Lss,cston of th aru Ntu d e ardlsaNt. ir
e &s@ndmis of Nu, ir gn.laryposflitor Patn,H.w (ed.) Thcreater Dictiarr md ,ruRlrhtlE r nmedaner e two brctheE. chf Golk otrd
o/xnda, vol. 3. Alice Univeniry ol Fon Hare, 1989. 'tuGelk!
cniefRhrhhe. Ngqle NasRhan.h's g@dsn.

The book is divided into 1 units which rangefom bsclunctioN rnd

lmguageusagein e initial units to moe vaied ndcompexusagein thc
laterunits.The inclusion of materialIiom )ahosaltertuendmagazies
is aimdat encougingtutter readine.
Echnit consistsof
I a list of tunctions
' t a dialogue(tucoko) E settingout the situationandtunctions
-r \ t-,
aba-\ ,L- l- I a vocabulary(irign) box I wittr atl new words andexpressions
I a 'How to ...'sec[on N which surnmarises andexoandsupone
firnctionsdealt with in the conve$aon
'o;:) I a 'How it wo*s' section l which expla;nstheganmtical stlctues
asthey occur e coDversations andexec1ses
r.tsq,xatq^L- I a 'How to apply it' section E comprising a numbe oi exercisesto
\ f", help you to evaluateyou pro$ess and you bfiry to apply the new
amaRhab;4t6; vocabulryand stucturesyou bavelearnt.
ln e initial uts, useful idiomtic expressionsand phseswhich clop
up in the conversationsare highlighted in a 'Try ro memorise'box. You
o."t',*a{ will ndestandeir grammaticalstructureas you pmgressough the

Cultual information and songs arc included thoughout the couse.

Tr.nsltionsofe dialoguesof each unit nd the key to exercisesre
found fter the last unit followed by a Xhosa-Engish vocabulary, n
About this boolc Englishiftos vocabulary,n index anda bibliogaphy.
Teachyorselfxhosais ]JJ.ended
for all rvhoareinrerestedin leamingoneof
themos.widely spokenAficn anguges
The use of contrasting Erpefces
ir SourhAftjca-
It is aimed. both SouthAfricans andsitos ro SourhAfric. andai ose Oneof the most siking featuresof Xhos is the combinaon of different
who are leming Xhosaftom satcbas well as tosewho would ike to pas of speechinto 'single' wod. Thus e eqvalent of 'I at Jnny'
bush up their existing skills. As s.!ch,it shouldbenef studenrsr high is 'NdrgJe ry'- We hve used contrs.ing t)"efaces to identify e
schoolandunivenity level, as well asthosenvovedin adt education. componebtsof Xho6a wordsnd sentencesasi[ustated herc. In oder to
establishthis usge,theseme usedin 11components of Uits l-3. In
wlrcever possible,the communcativeaspecrof rhe languagehasbeen Units 4 16 contastngtypefaceshve only beenusedin ceain sections
emphsisedwhich hashopefulyesultedin a coursewhich is usefund whee they e useful in explining grmmar.Engshtranslationsare in
practicl. Cutural backgondad infomarion forms an inregpat of the sametypefacesasthe coresponding Xhos, ndtheefoealmo

Worth knowing before embarkng on

K.y to tfi ur. f brpefo.6: ths course
Tofird elamplesconsulttheindex.
Befoe you startthis couse,it would be useful to makeyourselvesaware
Italici: of someof the strilong chaacteisticsof the Xho6alnguage.
I nounpref*s
The lacing of uords
a object concoftls,sbjectconcorlsof \owel yebs
a negativesubjectconcordsaad final -i Oneofe most strildng differcncesbetween)oosa andEngshsentence
constructionsis at Xosa 'laces' wods togeiher whefe English has
a adjectival, relati,e, possessiyeco cords and.sufit'-yo'
mostly sepatewords:
I recenlpast tente su,frxes'-ile' and'-e'
a -ni n instructons NdingrJny
Ilm Jt'ry
a emphaticpronounsprecededby n-, ku-, ng- and followed
by -na Ndiyavuy uku*wzi
I locativeprefircs ardsffixes I an glad to know )o (lit. ... yo know)
a palatalisedforms of hepassive,Iocative ard dimintiye All nouns consst of tr/,o pdtts
I ideophonesar dioms.
Every noun in xhosa consistsof two pas, namely,a prfix and a em.
Bod: The pefix indicates wheer non is singulr o plurl urlike in
a slemsof Douns.verbs.adjectives.relatires Englishwhe, in mostcses,e dditionof t' makesa no.nplur.The
stam cnies th mnfug anddoe. nor chDge:
I interrogatiYs
I po6sssiveadjectiyes mDtu onepeson
abaft peope
I final -e of subjuncive
I negativeinixes Noun stems cn occ with diffeent prefixes thereby ltedng the
I elementswith shortenedemphaticpronounns-, ku-, etc. meaning:
umrrtn onepeson mxho6 a Xrosa peson
Italicised bold: aantu people ?1 axhosa Xhosapeople
a copullttives irint dress,rguage, i$Xho6 Xhosahnguge
I twojtr.ttaltoseil components. customof a?:Ntu
uuntu humankind
Underlining: ,xtu commonhuman rruxho6'Xhosaness'
I addedemphasis.
It is very impotantto be abero idendry is division betweenprefix and
stemasnounsae listed ir aLcdonaes accordingto their stem.
The diuision o nons ino goups o cldsses Wotd otder
Anothe characaerislic of Xhosa, s wiih mosr of rhe indigenous
Questionwords(interrogativtusualyfoory th verb (or predicate):
languagesspokensouthof e Sahr,is the division of nouns into
different gops or noun clsss.The pefix of e noun determinesthe upruLa A|n|r Hor areyou?
(t. You ve how?)
clssto which picula nounbeongs-
blah phi? Whee do you live?
No qtticle (lit. You ve where?)
Unike English, there is no definite (e) o indefinite (a /an) aicte in Similarly, descriptive rvords such s adjecves, nmeas and
)Gosa. Contextinctes whetherthe meaningof, for example,'lant' possessives,areusualyplcedfter the yord they descibe:
is 'rre person'or 'd person'. um\tttomtsha a youg persol
No gender (1. person)r,ro is young)

Lile English Out unlike nny oer languagessuchs Fench,cerman, (lit- person ,, is one)
Itan, etc.)thereae no mascine,feninine or neuternounsin Xhos: my chid (lit. child o/mtne)
( / the gendeman)
Anotherinteestingdiffeece betweenEngshandXhos \od orde is
um^ at Xhos often stas sentenceu/ith the pdicate(ve):
( / the child)
Lible ;zulu nalaje. lr. It is beutitulthe
The equiodtent of English pronouns are called rcsthrtody
subject concods
Subjectconcods (SC) are alwysrtached,i.e. they never srad aloneas and abbrqalons
is the casewith Bnglish ponouns:
Ndil alaeKapa I stayin CapTo\rn E ,u"od"d
c. / soeUnil ...
Verb endings ote the so.meo" al, Wrsons,
singul,t and ptudt SC subiectconcod
(JL oDtclconcorc
Ndiyauya I glad AC odieclivolconcord
Siyaruy We ae glad RC rlo,iveconcord
yawya You G.) ae glad s. singulor
rylyaruya You (p1.)areglad pl. plurol
Uyaruya He/sheis glad odi. odicliv
Byavuy They are glad lit. lilolly
Verb endingsemain the samenot ony for aI pelsons,wbethersingula
or plal, bt asoin all tenses. Prccding on element,e.S.'-no', meonssomething
mustbe otloched
beore. e.s. 'n+, meons
tollowingon element, somlting
Note: he aEd she= -. Note also tone differuc distinsuishes ili sdeof on slement,.9. 'n9r, oeons somhingmuslpecde
- = you (s.) fton - = he / she.

Pronunciation guide I A wo*lnS Sutde to Xhosq pronurrclatlon

t goeswithout saying tht a witte guide ro pronunciationcn at best bwelc
only give an appoximation of sounds.Theefore. to ,tune i' to the
lnguagetry, as much s possible, to listen to moihe-tongue speakes b|ntr Appt9.ximoound
(radio and television are excellent rcsouces) and to the casssttethat
accomDanies t[is book- c Enslish ost lolo l"l..p)
. bpenl Enslish esg lvo)
[! Tone o {closedl Enslish e(i)shr ivcki {week)
Xhosais a tone lDguge.Its rangeof toes makes)flrcsa the bauriI, I Enslish be nini lwhenal
musicalngugetht it is. The Ie tonal distinctionsae: o {openl Enslish lqw izolo (yeedoyl
o {closed) Eslish own nsoku (now)
high'tone falling^ rone towtone. u English rule umntu (person)
Exampesof sometonal pattemsare:
high/ fa ing/low khy
high/hi/low Il Xhosa,two vowels neve follow one anoe wiin a word. Double
bn peop!e
high/low/low zl vowelsoDlyoccur e plrl peffx$, ao- ad ii-:
high/low ml helo oomam (mothes) iiveki (weeks)
low/hieh w Doublevoselsaiooccurin somedemonrtives:
This differencein tonecnchangethe meaningof two words or elemnts loo nto (tht ing) ababntu(lhGe peo,Iovertberel
that are written identicall e.g.:
In wordsadoptedftom English ndAfikaans,vowels areoften seprated
jani? How ae you? (s.) s rrn rhng ti by a h)Then:
jani? How is he/she? tts| intestine ng pumpkin
laopleni (aeroplane) tqf,s (ofEce)
Notwistanding these differences in tone, leamerc should not allow
concemegadng e useof 'the coect tone' ro inlibit ei efios io Xlosa speaers ted not to ponounce the fial vowel of a lvod,
speak,elpciallyar a word ma) bavedjfferenroneparremsin clifferenr especiallywhenthe following word statu wi vowel:
diectsofxhosa. As is e casewilh all languages,the contexawi, in Yiz'apha insteadof Yiz apha(Colnehere)
most cses,hepthe listere to underslndthe intendedmaDins. Uind' ithuba Ulindg iuba! (Wait you chace!)
Enkos'kakhulu nos! kalulu (Mny anls)
@ Stress
The penuliiratesyllbeof most )ftosa wods is erytheed (stressed): co'tso'lons
namhlanie todv ibhotalo builer sinila o Englishin prorunciarjon
SinglecoDsoDanL" are:
um lbo friend kulungile lllight d f g
The penulaimatesyllbe in a sentencesrructure is often lenstheneal h j
beyonde singleword limit:
Whee do yo comeiom?
Hayi, ahkho to. No, thereis nothing bad.
i.e.I'm fine.
The Xhosaconsonnts Followedby .,ri,
b, k, p, t arvery inreresring. (o,4'$onantcombinatbns wrh no Engtish quvalens
(spirted)they ae pronounceds rhey arc in English, i.e. ar is
lJosuicthereare no Englishequivalentsof the following consonant
accompiedby a puff of air:
.ombintionsit might take you a little longerto mastethem:
dl umdlalo (sane, play)
hl hlala Git, stay (as in reside)) (ct Zulu 'Hluhluv'o
se an ' maldngit sound
Howeve,wheney ae not folowed by 'i', ai is dawn ito the morh_ lite'shl')
Compaelhe following: ntl iagnzi (fish)
Dala!(ftite!) El(Count!) dy -dludpza (pour wi rain)
Xlapra! (co with!) ip(Caperown) ry ukuea (to eao (ct 'cape'Aftilaans 'tjie')
Prp,tl @e alert!) ippa (poffidge) t3 iirbpho (familiet ('t'is not aspnated)
T&a!&a!(Take!) ulla (fathe) iRhwuti (Johannesbwg) (< Afiikaans 'soud' = sold:
ct Gauteng(Sotho);
In oder to asceain whiheyou areproDouncirg; sconish'lo')
borbll kokli porpli torth k -Irelekele (shae < ikrele = swod)
you might find it helptul, in the beginning,to hold your hand in fmnt of hI as we as and the dicks e somds takenover ftom e Kloi and
your mothwhenpronouncingtheseconsonants.Ifyon feel a pufiof ai, Sanlanguages.
you wi be pronouncing aspiratedconsonantandvice vesa.
The clicks
m, whennot followed by vowel or e consonantsb / v, is pronounced
asa syllable: The thle cltcks arercpresentedby the lees:
/ !q /nt (person) 3 syllables cqx
/ !q / fu / ndi Gtudent,pupit) 4 syables 'Wen Xhosabecamea wtten languagein the 1800s,thesethreletten
As prr repesentsan sphated'p' and is trot pronouncedtike the Engtish werechosento reprcsentthe thee cick soundsbcausethe etterk coud
'f,similay,trrepese s ar aspiatd't' not English .th' asin .ing'.
Someconsonanlconbinator$ siml to English could be witten kat
(song)pmnouncedlike Englsh cold be wntten kween
ng i|r_goma 'ng'in s14g
could be {ilten aks
sh is_biini (factory) ''in bine
tsh ikibbi (kitchen) 'fth' in ki!Len C - ihe '..hat o p' ck
ntsh inlbhonalanga(west)
'rch'in ileb
This is dentl ck prodcedby pressitrge tip of the togue against
try ulyana (son) 'ny' in ca4fon
e pp hont teh whee thesemet e gum and apidly pu[ing it
ths !!Eu (pitch-blck) 'ts' in i8
awaywith a '.rr-ir8' sound.
Q - t'ne'chompogne cor.,(poppngl cllck Hcfc are somephaseso wo& yo'l come acossiD this coulse,Take
This is a palt dick poducedby pressingthe front pa of the tongu rDcilnote of the implosivesb, t, k, e comotrnt combitions th
against the hrd palte behind th foDt eeth and rapidly pulling ir no Englishquivalentsandthe clicks:
awywith a ?rppig' sound. SoboDna! we'll seeath other!
X - the 'coaredng trorse' clid. Sckmnndrudibn nawe It |9asnice to meetto
Hambkakuhle! Go i)elu
This is a ltel ck producedby plcing the side of the tonge against Namlelekile e(pa Welconeto CapeTown
the uppr side taeth andapidly putling it awaywith a 'clckhg' sond. Sizakufil eKapakamsinyane We' ave h CapeTorn shoftlr
Clicks may alsobe aspirated,i.e. folowed by ''' Klungile AU ight
Molo taa!
cfr -cliacla (erupente) c -cc(be clear) Ndistotoba I'nu,el(I'n stl totunng aong)
q -ql'ub (drive) q -qubh(swim)
Siphi isibhedlele? Wherc| the hosptal?
x -xoxa (discuss) Theplayersarcplsjnq a gan
Abad badlalaundlalo
Remembert 'ci' is not pronouncedlike the English 'ch' rherefore Masihlalengaphandle Izt's sit outsidetoday
'craca'= 'recupete'is not plonouncedlike the Latin Americandancel nanHanje
Non-spited clicks can be precdedby e following consonntsand Mhlawumbi, yonte imihl
consonantcombintions: lntle le ntlnzi It's beautiful, thisfsh
InOein0aohlaz It\ beautillrl, spnnq
Tyala ezi zityalo ehlotyeni Plant theseplants in su ner
Ikomityi enyhphl
c um8a u4edo i4&rtho Nanbi ikofu! He's the cofree!
(help) (doot (expenditue) Ukrelekrele gqith
UhlalaeRhawutini He |tusin Johannsburg
q ugqirha i4gwelo-moya i4ggondo a4oL'4/rza z,ircede Hetp rounetJ
(docto) (aeroplane) (inteligence) (knock) Uchan' ucv,/ethe !
x igralab lqno r4goxo i4Baso Ekugqibleni!
(shoulde) (thnst) (discussion) QhubakuQoboqotn Dirre to Keiskmmahok
Mssiqabuleuxano Let'r quenchthe thirst
+In thesenaslisedvoicelesssounds'k' is not ponounced.
Practisethe q cticks by listening to e frst few lines of the 'C#cSong, Uxolo!
mdefamousby Miiam Mkeb. Ty singngalong:
'IAqirha lendleanguqoraqothwane,
Ebeqabel'egqith' aphauqonAqowne!'

UJenny Oo! Nam ndihlla

Ukwazana kuri-eropleni* UThandi Ndawoni kanye? "Pinelndsl
Gettingacquainted UJenny
Ngas.rFosfDiye. WenauNl ndawo,ii?
Ngas.rPinelandsHigh School.
on an aeroDtane Fot the durution o the flieht Thndi atul Jennj get to kno\e erch other
and agrce to make conact again soon.
Umququzelelikazi Uxolo, /rarcne ndmdnenekazi. Qhobos[ant
dnabhnti. Siz kufika Kp kamsinya.Enkosi
In this Unit yo4n ted'l' ho'u, to, kaklul ngokukheh i-Rainbow Atlines.
'rirt Ndiythemb soboana kwakhona kamsinyne!
I exchangegreetings
Nan*elkrl eKapal Hmbrt kakle!
I welcomea group UJenny Hmb kuhle Thandi. Bekunandi kariulu
I askhow someoneis andespondto being askedhow you ae ukuthetha nawe.
I introduceyourseffnd respondro n inroducrion UThandi Sobonnasisi, bekumndi ukudiban nawel
I askwhere someonelives andespondto being askedwheeyou live
I saygoodbyeto goup andindivduals
l'lgama (Vocabutary,

l! lncoko (Dialoguel
0rquqzelelitzi rtesd6s

@ lln-ai t"-"*qu *d JnnyMray ffe sealednexr to eachother or a eenllnen (direcr ddrcs)

flight ftom Port Elizbeth.The stewardssgretsrhe passengen.
ndiyany, I d.gld
Umququzelelikzi Molwenir annndtruinnkazi! t!li8hl
Nmkelektk tuflight 301 ,y eKsp! -kw ,o, (s.) (objecO
UThndi Molo sisi, qidi nanbtanje?
UJenny Ewesisi,sikhonl ta&urzi to lws ya
llThandi Oo! sitheth kL:uhle,rftos, sisi! a r youG.)
NdirgThtrdi ThmsaDq. 0' -pbilr be *ell,.llve
UJenny NditgzJermy Munay. Nyruya ul:ulwazi, rnl?
Thrdi.Wena,uphil 4iatri? 0 ont? siphil/ we m e[
enosi lhe you
tlThandi Hai. siphiltipenl,osi.Nm.ndilaTy ukut
'ezi, ne too, I ris
Jenny. rl. stay.live (alrc sn)
UJenny h|h IGp, Thnti? cPiDl.nls Pirl .rs
UThandi Ewe, sihl ePelds. lhDo awiknte? wh@ abdb mdy?
gbe- !*/hdPvi.iDiry
*Anglicjsed vesion of the much more picuresqqe.q{elo-moy, (lit. nolo emse ne (lit. pqce)
wago 'lh.lhr
(of e) it. qholBhe, frstn (p.)
!rubhti (sa0 hhs
ltw r^NA(ryE!9!!EM 23
go (pl.)
I An oldcrmono yourgondorhe's
olo noornkhulu I HellogrondoAerl
t A womonof yourmothe's
llolo momol Hello mothe.l
I A wonon o yor:rgrondmoo's
,olo makhulul Hellosrondmo*'erl
Try to memorise
A moidwomono yourogo or younger:
Nomklkill Welcom!(pl.)
Ndiycvuyo ukutu,ozi lolo nkcikaril Hello modon!
I om glod ro know yu ls.l
Ndowoni? Whs obouisexoidvc {c. Arikoonsnevroa
Sobononq We shollseeeocnorner
lekumnondi ukudboro naw twosni ir meet(wh)yous.l An unmoriedlodyor o younggirl:
Eekumnqndi ukurhdho now trwosniceto tolkwirhvou(s.l llolo nko.dzonol Hellomissl(c.Ahikoons
(e libro meoningol i'nkordzono is o linlechietoiness
N Hor, o ...
El(chonge greetings 7 A perlonof opprximolly thesomeoge os youl'ef;
With one per6on: itolo mondini! Hellomy ellowl
(< umo = llowl + r4o; is usdos o rmo otucrion
Molg sisi!
Molg nkosikazil btweenmoleequokl
olo bhslil Hellobrolhel
Wi noae an one person: Molo 5i5il Hlosislr!
MoIlcli ,fl/nen ftrrrlnenekazi ! tolo nhlobo wlml Helomyrindl
I A youngmon:
A gu& to hetp Wu greaapptlprtc''/yi Xhos., olo mfonql Hlloyounsmonl
(A young mon oher ccumcisionis rredlio os umfonq.)
I Anoldrmonof yourfothr's
9 A young sirl lolsodoushte):
tolo lolsl loffcro.ote
Molo nlombil Helloyounglodyl
olo bowol (moEle'pcull Hollomyorhen
Hellosnl (lir.owno l0 A litdegirl:
honesteod/s= utzi / inin) Molo nrombazdno! Hlloliidesirll
Helosirl llit.hondsom
bis one)
lryl, siphilild. No, we ev,/e11.
A lildeboy: (tjf. AlrikaansNe, dit gangoed. No, it's going we )
Molo nkwenkwel Hellolitle boyl
Irlolo nkwenkwcncl Hellolittlboyl poaitivc responsewi[ ol(en lso be qualified by complainl f so s,
olo kwedinit Hellolittlechop! ,9,boul the weaihe,work, fgue,etc.:
(kwdini < irkwenkwe + -d,ntexpresses offcron,iniimocy Ndiphilite ngphnde I'm ftne excpt fo
biweion oldrondyoungs mon,/ boy) kobubushshu. this het.
l2 A childi t Se Unit 7 for othe ways of asking after someone'shealh and
,Vlolomnlwon'om! Hellomy child! Pondng.
+ SculturolbockSound.
Introduce gourse$
NdirgJemy Muy
Welcome a group NdingaNkosikazi Thmsnqa
Namkelekil (lit. You (pl.) are weco) Nole: ,kosilari = lad nadam
Note: Wamklekil (lit. You (s.) ae welcome) g^&o6ikzi + sumame = rs
Ask hot'lu someone is Respond to an inttoduction
Singl Pur.I Ndiyaru)aukaui.
unjarui NDjani?
phil qini? Niphila riani? Ask ahere someone loes
Respnd to beng asked hou gou are Singlr Plurl
hll phi? Nibll phi?
Stngu Plural
Hayi,ndiphilt . Hayi, siphiliie. Respond to being asked whete gou lioe
Nakhora. Sikhor.
Sbguta Ptur
In Xhos, nDike in English, ere is a distinction in forD betweene Ndihlala eKp. Sihla .rKpa.
secondperson si|rgulI and plurl )or' (ct Afrkaansrly;ju ra Ferch
t/i var). It is common prctice in )Gosa to use e plua fom ,Nir Soy goodbye
insteadof the singula form 'D-' when enquiringafter someone heal,
Singular Plual
thercbyshowig an interestin the well beins nor only of th personbeng
Hmba kakuhel Hmbaxt kakuhlel
decty ddressed. but alsoin a1 of the iImere fmily. Similah e
response,more often than not, wi be in the plal forn 'Si-'(= 'n') Sobonna!
eventhoughonly onepesonis espondiry. Nota: Salakkuhlel (s.) Salani k:ubtel (p.) = 'Sty wel' is sidbv the
)Cosaspeaen often prefce'Hayi' (= 'no') whenrespondingposiively pany who i' leavinglo e pr) $ho is.layiog
to the ouestion'How arevo?'j

Cultural background lhc rubtle tems of iraditioDal )oosa etiquette.' The young man didn't
rlicthl 'greetingin an Aflcan cultue is more thanjust uttering the
'Gretmes e the key to allnostever]ing mongXhosaspekes words.' A detailedexplanationof who he ws and whee he camefro
in paicula, and amongAfiicns in geneI. We do not otry get hodbcenexpec.ed.
surpdsedbut also are somewhatdishbed when someonwalks
pstour sayingheo.' Mrdywb goson to Eflect on 'how impont a role t1ural settng
(Chapole, S. Course Notes n Convn.ttonat Xrra. Suner plysin the developmentof our minds.Thoseof us who grew up in urban
INDwhentheinfluenceofwestem culturcswas still miniral, a wherc
School) Deparlrnento Addt Education nd Bxa-Muml Srudies
oldcrly peoplecounselledus a lot, ae fonmte to hvehd acessto e
University of CapeTo\rn, 1988.)
xpcriencesndinsight that have mdeus undestandcetain ingenous
The vaious stagesftom babyhoodto old agee of grearimporrancein plctices.Alough cetainings may not hve madesensethenbecause
)Oosa society.This is milrod in how peope of vaious age groups w6 were young, it is somehowstangely ironic how ey now fit into
addressechother It is imporrntfor us, aslemersof)ftosa, to be aware rl00es we tavel tbough adulthood.'
of this etiqutlewhen geeting)<hosaspeakes.

fr How it works
Molor'Moyeni is usedto geet at any time of day. It is fo os,ed by the
name or title of the psor/s being addessedand is e usa way of
iitiating a conversatioDwi nyorc, inespective of ge. Usually the
penon who is arriving geets rst. Howevet a younger peson should
I The Xhosa equitlolent o Englsh pronouns
atways be the fust to ddress an older peson, whateve e
'1,' 'we', 'you' (s. & pl.)
cicumslnces.The geeting includes qsrionsabour stat of health, Ndt- I
curent ffais, the weathet etc. sr-
- You (s.)
Nl- Yo (p.)
Tho Xhoseqvalentsof Engishpononsneve stnd lon.They are

f f is
thrcforelmown as subjed concods (SC):
Ndlyawya I am glad
Slyavuya We e glad
yavuyar You (s.) e glad?
Nlyavuya? You (p1.)ae glad?

2 Propet nomes
In an article it \e Sundar Indepe dent (23nU199'7, p.lo) enritted
Urban youthdon't labw what it meansto beAlrican. joumst Lungile Yrruwill havenoticedproper nmesareprflxed by r- which is omitted
Mad''wb describesthe puzzlemenrofhis 23-ye-oldnephewwhenhe ln directaddiess:
discovers a hs uban way of Feeting n oder man meets with Jcnny Thandi Molo Jenny / Thndi
indignation. 'He is used to meting and geeting a lor of people in XhoNnfirst namesending in - or -e are not necsssilyfeminine and
Johamesbrg,but no onehs told him before rht meely s^yi11e.Moto, lh0rc e ding in -o re noanecessarilymascine as is e csen many
kunjani nlikho a" (Hi, how arc yota I anrtn ) is tutadequre,
at leastin lorn!|rcclanguages:
aThemba (pomise) (sift) nasculine
"Sipha 6 Some Xhosa equindlents of Engtish ptepositlons
zThembek (tliable) (motheofjoy) feminine
"Nomvuyo Ir Xhosa, ere ae seveal ways in which the equivalent of nslish
3 Gioing instructions prcpositions(,r, ,n, dt ,4 /,rr', etc.) car be expessed,two of which ac
Ging iDstructionsir Xhosais easy.When instructingonepelsonsimply lllurlrated in is unit:
usethe veb stem.* To give instructionsto moe than oDepelson simply Ukwz&4l-empleni. Getting cqinted o4
sufix -rt': the emple,
Singula Plrl hhh 4Kp? Do you sty 14Cpe Town?
Hmba ktuhle! Hambrt kakublel Nmkekil, sKapa! Wlcomeo Cp Townl
Ssl kakule! Salni kal(uhlel Note: The context denotestranslationof the peposition.
Thetha iritrhosa! Ththari r$Xho6! ) SeeUnit 4 for nore examples.
Hlla phntsil Hlalari phartsi!(Sit down!.i
Qhobosh ibhntil Qhoboshnid'xlzbhanti!
+Vebsteff pef 'uu-'= 'to'. andtherebyform the inffnitiv. In )ftoc
Cultural background
theinfiniive is aso nounandasschis stedin dictiores underrhestem. In Xhosasocietya greatdeaof significanceis attachedto lhe ne given
lo ! new-bom baby. The name often eflects the hopes, aspiations,
4 Making stdtements lmotions, spcialqualities,historicleventsardevenamily circumstances
rl lh time of bih, e.g. a boy cafed K\vnel (< t]rnel = to become
The Xhosa statementstht you have come acossso fa have similar
pattemto their English equivlent: lnough) indictesat the family now consideffitsef completel
Nntl occurrencsat e aimeof the bith also influence a choice of
NdirgJeny. I a,n Jetrny.
[umol girl namedNomkhvzl (< dma}hwzi = stas) was pobably
Sihlal ePietrds. We live in Pinelnds.
bom on a clearnit while a gi namedNomyul (< tr"l'uls = rain) was
5 Askt rg questions Dmbrblybom whenit q/asailtins!
As in Engsh,e are two B?es of qestion:The tus. rype requies a lV,"meaning'mothr of is olen prefied to a masculinenmeto form
'yes'/'no' nswer In Xhosaonly intonation distinguisbessratementsand fh bminineequivatentwhile -ka.i I -v,aI -eka aeleminine sutrixes.The
ulx -ir? incale\eer a girl ' or bo) . name.

Utheth trixhosa katuhle. Itoyn Gids Meaning Derivation

Yor speakXhos wel.
tlth titxhN kkuhle(n)? Do yo spek)Dsa well? llDlrc Siphoa?i gift (<rnpho=agift)
To makethis disiinction cleaer,na is often added. l1lwe 1fztpho
Vnyo VIyoka.i gldess, joy (<,uy = to be gld)
The secondtt?e of qestionrcquiresspecific answ. Question wods trynd 1{mvuyo
(termgativet usualy follow the vrb (or pedicta) anddo not occur Mlndla Nordl stcgth (< drmrdh = stnengt)
at the lreginfug ofa question asis e casein English: Xhlyt Nokhay hom (<,khy = home)
Uphila qini? ow ae you? (lil You are Mpl|molelo Nompumelelo success (< ,*rrphumelel =
aive ho?) r, succd)
Jbhla phi? Wher do you s1y? Mhulolo Bulelwa gatitud (<,* bulel = o thank)
+ SeeUnit 2 nd Unit 8 for moe abourinteroatis.

Xol Xoliswu pacifie s.v

o calm do\rn) (s) Welcometo CapeTow]1
Bogi Brywe pisg ladiesandgendemen!
be paied o paise) (b) I an v/e[, thanl you.
Lirl Lindrre (<irdin&= t wit) (c) I am glad to meetyou.
thdo Ihandrwg (< &trzlhsnd= to love) (d) I live in CapeTow.
Thardeka lo,teable (e) It wsnic to talk with you!
Themb Thenb",ta tmst, () It wasnic to meetyou!
ro hop) (g) We sh seeeachothe soonagan!
(h) Coodbyewhenleaving a ftiend.
(i) Ooodbyewhenleang a gmup.
S""S (j) Goodbyewhen a friend is leaving.
tolweni Nonket (k) Goodbyewhen goup is leaving.
Iolwcni nonke, niphilc nioni? Hello oll o you, how ore you? What qredi'|s $ouldlptr ad(io ort dP folbu,iE r,r'E?
Sicophil'cnkod. We ore srllwellthonk you.
Kunioni kuw? How or you? () Sikon.
(b) NdihlaeKpa.
(c) NgaseFoestDive.
Rerrrite the olbbs p.ming in P appopr*rre wod braks
p How to apply it
Greetings and introdctions
Do you recognise the olloufmg Xhosa words rhich are
() How .rould you geet Thandi? In everyday use?
(b) How would you geei a oder ady?
(c) How would you geet an older gentlean?
(d) How would you geet femaefiiend?
(e) How wod you glet maeiend?
(f) How wod you eret marriedlady?
(g) How would you geet gentleman?
Ucten to th following Xhos wods adopied lrom
O) How would you geet an unmarriedlady?
(i) How wold you geer a child?
!? English alld iite do$ ei meanings in orde in
) How would an i hostessgreetpassenges? whlch you hear m.
(k) How would yor introduceyourselfl.) (h) (o)
(l) How would you espondto an intoducrio? (b) (t (p)

Ask one person c)

(a) How arc you? (c) ()
(t') Do you live in CapeTown? (m) (t)
(c) Wheeaboutsexctly? 0)

LJkudibanakr/alona tjDvid Ndi.ifundaestkoltni,Nkosikazi.

l'(k r asksaboutThmba and Thani\ , hl.],Pn.
lnvalVlurray tJPcter Nina, nindntYna?
tJ'Ihemba Ewe sino,,/nya nentombzn.
Meetng agan at the t,Pte Byfunda?*
Murrays'home UThemba
Ewe, bayafund.Bafutrd ewstfford.
Knjni ngokuphunga? Nkhth tti okanye ikofir
In this Unrt you |'/uirt,edtn hou) to: okyeito banil)o yokusela?
OoThmsanqa Nokub yintoni. Ewe, nokubayinton.
I inr guestsinto your home UPete Nifrma rirll ngaphthioknyengaphandl?
I exFess pleasueat meting UThndi Masi alerd ngaphandle.Ll namhlanje! Ndingi{,-
I mkeintoductions(usingkinship temt ncedisa,Jenny?
I skwbat someone'snameis UJenny Entosi sisi- Petr noThemb, ningncokol!
I offe efteshments UPeter KulungilP!
you leaming? i.e. Ae you at schoo?Ae ey leaming?
I sk someonewhat they want to do "Lil. Ae
I sk someonewhat they prefer to do Le.Ae they a school?
I suggestdoing something
I offe help

tr Incoko
tl Thandi ndThembaThamsnqavisit JemyandPeteMury-
UJeny MolwenilNgemai!
UTandi Ewe, ninjani?
UJemy Hyi, silhon. Kumandi kakhu ukuaibonal -n- (< ni ) r,a (object) (pl.)
UThndi Ngnyeni wm, lThemb 10. nthi .nd !r
UJeDny Molo Themba,ndiyaTya kklulu ukut?zi. Lo rgnyeni ,khyri lelh r, ou bome
4ny. we
wam, Pete.
hnteu'm ny.hild
UThmb Ndiyawyukurzi.
UPete Nt siyauy ukunzi.Namklkl ekhayeri lethu! rXlblois'm vh it y Dtnc?
David, .lhnyand Petq'r son, comesin.
L n8lmyn wethu. phl?
Illhandi Molo rrotwn'aln- lijubani igama alo? rIolw,ru (< trolo) d, shml nga-
UDad Ndirgr.Dd. lloth 10sprt Dc.dlsa help sonnsirh
UThemba yatud,*Dd? nla tr for you (pl.) -@koh
UDad Ewe, nditun'l ecov. niar,nte@? do yN naE cldldru? .un8il
UTltandi fund phi ukuthetha trilftosa? adnlsm .lrildM

fry ,o ,,'mors
Offer refreshments
Ncmkeleklc ckhoyeni letftul Wdcometo our homel Kunjni ngokuphnea/neokuse?
Kunicni ngokuphungo? Howoboutsomeihing worm Singula Plural
o drink? ft!re irto yol-uphunga? NiffDa irto yokuphunp?
Nikhelhc inro yokuselq? Do you prfrsomethingcold frlna tuto yokusl? Niltn irto yokusel?
o drik?
Nokubo lnroni Whtvl Atk r.hot someo e dnas/preerc to do
lcrihlolcni ngophokohi / Lr'sstinside/ oubide tun uhlala ngaphkathiokanyensaphandle?
ngophondle khh ukala ngaphakiokanyengaphandle?
hlc nomhloniel l h boutiul
Su ggest doirr g som ethn g
Masincokolq! Masiphungpikotu! MasiNalcngaphande!
N How to ... No: Thesefoms alreadyincorpoatea plul rnker,i.e. -s-' = 's'.
Inite guests Lrto yortr home However the addition of the plural srffix ' ni' can be heardn eveyday
$pchwhen addressinga group.
Sigul Plural
Nge! Ngen,ri! Masihllcntphantsil Maiithetherdirrxhofa' Masihambqi!

Ofer to help t/Jith a actirrity

Express preasure at meetl^g (ogsin) 'pecific
Kumnandi kkhulu uh*bon (L:waknona)(to onepe$on)
KumDandi kakulu ukun;bon (twallona) (to morc thanoneperson) cf. ukunced = to hlp someone by doing somthing for them not
togetherwi em.
Make Intrdctions
JennynoPete,lo ,rgnyeni wam, ,Thmba Cultural bockground
Ndngarazismymi wam, rThemb WhenXhosa speakesmeet fo the fus time, it is customayto find out
cschoers cbn namsby sying:
Ask whd, someone's nome ond surname is
ngu'tri? (o a male) eulri? (1oa female)or
Njubi igd lklo? Khawzibongl / Khwuzithuthel Pleasepaise)rxru?4
Ngubni ,fni yakno?(fani < Anikaans vdn) (Wlatis your snmme?)
clsn s conceptulkinship group. Membss trace their kinship to a
Note: When you can't ecall the name of someone\rhom you've met ^
oommon mle cestor.The nameof this nale ancestoris e clan name
- lstduko - dmembelsareusua[y ca[ed by this name.Mentioning de
Ndiza kuthi urgubni knene?(lit. I am going to saywho areyou, by clon name(s)of someoneyou wish to dr o sing the praises(izibongo)
the wa i.e. just emind me) ol slarling with the min clan namenddencontinuingdr the sub-clan
nmes,is the ultrmate wy of shwngrcspectused mongfamily nd
SeeCtual background.
Tolo,Zulu, Mchenge,Mdbh.a ekdzi
The respons10this is Utuokum htnye! o Ndin turye owo! Amati a1\d 4tr8. Phirnini?
woman of the sameclan namecan never marry as they e consideedto | *SecUnit 3 fo acmpletelist ofnonclsses
nden corresponding
be rclted to one anothe.A wolnan ahvayskeepshe cln nmewhich is
prefixed by Md-. Childrentake then father's claDname- t||hJocaconcords.
Dlamh, Gamb, Iwarhlr, I, Mb.ttjwa, Mnsuni Mp sa, Tlo and t The ptesent tense - ttositi te
Tshawe(oyal cllt Mme) ae but a few of the many clan names. II lh presenttense(aswell asin all otheteses)veb endingsae ihe
Do you know wbich famousSouthAftican hasthe clt neMa.liba2 andfeminine,singulndplrI.
rnc fo ll pelsons,mascutine
Find out the clan nmesof yor Xhosafriends and cquaininces. In lhc prsentttrse verbendsin -. Thesubjectcocord(SC)is lhe
orly indicatorof pesonaodnumt'er-
Ndlyafund I am learing
@ Horo it works Qtyafund We are leaoing
Uyatund Yo are leaming
7 The Xhosa equiootent o Engtlh ?td wrson po''.outrs Nlynnd Yo ae leming
'he', 'she', 'they' yfi]nd He/Sheis learning
You hv aedyleamt how to say 'I' , 'we' nd 'you' (s. & pl.) in Xhosa. Doyafunda They arc leamitrg
ln Engsh,lhe pronounsfo e 3rd peson'h'/ '6he'/ 'it' tell us whethe Thc lnflx -ya-, insertedbetweenSC and ve, ody occursin lhe pesent
the nom we arc referitrg to is mascine,feminine or neuter.This gede tcse po6itive and simply denoiese log fom o this tense.
distinction doesnot est in )ftosa. Insaed,srbject concods ae used. gowover,i an objet (noun)or an dverb (e.g. 'kaljlulu' = ' lomch')
Thsesubjectconcordsae derivd fom noun peffxes ndare stchd
to the verbl fomr, e.g,: lollows e veb, -JB- is usualy omittd. This is l(nown asthebellbEq

U,n\lwg'na yaL.'/,az; Doesthe child (he / she)

ukutheth irixhos? spk )Oosa?(lit. He / shehows Ndinmd kkhulu- I ead lot
fund ]nivsithi? Do you sdy a, he niveNiq,
how to speak l-hosa?)
tund H/shelearnsdt school.
4ntwn b4ltd irixho6. The children (they) em Xhosa. Sitund"rtkot'",li.
|ramranj. we ae studyinglrdy.
Note: The useof bo noun atrd subjectconcordin Xhosa explainswhy Nifunda phi ukulheh lryhr reyou laming to
someXhosa speakes,\rhen speakingEnglish, wil say,for exanple: is (hosa?* spek)<hos?
Bafrrnalakhaya. They tre sbrdyingd, home.
The childrn lley are leming.
Simlly, the fct that '' = 'he' / 'she' explns why some Xhosa Note * '-ya-' is rcver usdin a sentencwith question rvord:
speese inclined to use 'he'/ 'she' intechangebyin English. rantwana batfunda-
Batun& phi? Bailnda a.rikol"eri- BatundkL*ul.
'- = 'he'/ 'she'ha5a higher tonev,/tule'-' = 'you' (s.)is Fonounced
9 fnlfues lngal ='mog','can'and '-s-' = tttt|,
To ensle that you a not misunderstood,you can use the so-called .'ssi havea spcfic meaning:
Unlike tle inix '-y-' '-ger ard
emphatic pmnoun ')r?n' = 's o )' (cf. French 'roi'). asrvell asrhe
subictconcord '-':* Ndigtunceda? MNy I helplo?
Nigncokola- You my cht.
. UNI2
Ndiqngen? My I comein? 1jl! li'm of the object concord jr ftlenticl ro at of the subjct
Sjsphil' entosi. We ae still well, thants. to||od cxccpt whereth subjectconcodis a vowel oDly:
4 The nfnitie t" (SC)> &.r-(oc)
Ney ll verbs in e infinitive, like the forms in the presenttense In lhlt cre-- is insetedto sepmtetwo vos,els.
positive, also end ir 1': trhlolt concordsarc lwyspacddfucty blo the vrb:
ukuthethg ukuph|]|rgs ul:usele Ndiya&lthmda. I love]rta oit. I )ar, love.)
kufiks ukudibans ukuhlala
Po.l lon ol
The e only three exceptions:
Ndlyrbon. I see. Uyarylxa? Do you set44?
uh4zi* to knov Ndiy"ri. I know. Slyabono. Wsee. Uyaoibona? Do you se!{?
ukuthi to sy ttrinir Wt do you sy? Ndlyatundis.I tach. Ndiyafofundisa. I tech ]q4-
ukutsha aosy so tshs. He / shessJasso. {llyqbndis. We tech. Siyaa]fundb. We teach tq4.
Not: '-thi' and ',tsho' never occul witl infix r-yar.
T\'-i-' of -n-, -s-, -ni- is droppdbefoE a vowel veb:
* As it is not possibleto haverwo diffrent vowelsfo[owing one arother
yawhzil Do you know me?
in the smeword in )ftosa, sound change3must take plce,i.e. u > \tr: Do you l(now zr?
uku-+-azi>ulcyazi. I am gld to knor?' i-e.metyr.
5 The Xhosa equivqtet of English'o'n', 'ls', 'ate' NOtc: In the preseni tensepositive -ya- is usualy omitted when some
With nouns bginning th'4: otherword follov,/se ve (pedicate),e.g.:
Ndiyetunda. BIJT Ndind rIEc.
NdjrrglaJeny. I an JeDny.
Lo ,g4nyna wm. This ir my son. Thls i$ also e casewhenee is ar objectconcodinvoved:
Lo t glrqlei wam. This i my husbad. Ndi$,rlfirnd.* BUT Ndiifuniz.rikohent.
Lo ,rg4r4ntvnwm. his ts my cbnd. {'x,- = 'il'refes to rrrxhosa.
Note: Idiomatic exFession: gubdri igama lakho?Wlt 11
yor nme?
(lit. It r who name of yours?) 7 Interrogatioes
Wee 'al', 1i', 'rr' is understood You 0c leE famir with the intenogative -phi? = 'whel?' :
jani? Eor (arc) you? Uhlda phi? Whee do you liv/sty?
Ndilon. I (am)well. 0it. I amher) ulundaphi is ftosa? Wher do you leIn )Gos?
Silon. we (arE)wenoit.Weareher)
Yr)uhuvelso comeacoss4ini? = 'ho*?':
6 The Xhosa equldlent ol Englsh 'me', 'us', 'you' tjphildni? Eow re yo?
(s. and pl.) cdlred object conco,da Ku4oni neokuphunsa? How aboul (someing hoo to ddnk?
word i' bani?= 'who?':
Arolhcr impondnlquesotr
yo" (p1.) N*ubani? Who is it?
Nf,ubani igamahkno? What is yoDrnme?(lit. lt is who ...)

8 Possessioeadject oes -'mg','out', 'gour' (s. & pl.) som kin.hp |/e'|,m' ond rclotonships
In )Olosa,unikein English,pos,sssive
djectivese.g.'my'; 'ou' ; 'your'a Fqtr - bclzoli
etc..rlow rhe noun: molh6r utnorno foler otufq
Lo ngt[]twatta w6fi. This rl my child. (lit. This is child Chlldrcn - Abonlwono
doughler inlombi son unyano
Lo ng,mntwan rakho? tr"/mine)
this your (s.) child? Orondpornt3 - oonowokhulu
Lo rrg nyana .tthu. This is our son. grondmolherrimokhulu grondfother ofqvomkhulu
N$bani igm ldkho? Wat is your name? I Orondchild{renl - Umzukulwono {ob+)
1gmaldmrguDad. My nameis Dad. I Auntu
From ese xmples you can see that Xhosa possssiveadjectives umokozi poternol udod'obowo
consstof tno parts. he fir{t part, e.g. 'lra|Ia-'='o, chg'ngea
accordng1o the noun in question,while the second prt, epresenthg poternol uWomkhulu
'min', 'yours', 'ours', doesnot ch.ange.
utol'o ncinai
e SeUtrif 14,4, for more possessiveadjectives.
9 Na = 'and', 'with'as well os 'haoe', 'has' I toudns - Abozqlo
pqllnt ore brofher ond .itl.r unlzd / t'tr .dld
Beforca noun'na-' ='and' (aswell as'with','lso','even'): slhru ore bothei lkoyisc
molhcrs oe sislert ukoninc
I N1...3 ond Nephws - ,Abofrhona
Manenenamnenekazi.namkelehle eKapal
I Kln.hip l|ns H\,veen siblings
ny / ourb'othet
mtungwE5he e/d 5i5ie (lit. by whomon iokson oolh)
ny / our siblings llit. of our hom)
Ntuna kudjbanaoPete noThenba.(i.e. th Pereand Themba) yourls./pl.)5iHings (lir.ofyouro'n)
When two dissimila vowels folow one anotherin e snewod, to his/ her/ keir siblings lltt. of thei ho,me)
void an iarmonious sound,yet anoer sound chge occuls.
l?olh.., r t on onolhros:
Betweena subjectconcordanda noun '-tra-'= 'hve'. 'hs': unkhuluwo = older broter
Nndntwn? (Do you hlE chidren?) oit. You with chiden?) umnlnowa = younger broher
Ewq siuntwna.(Yes,we hv cMdre.) (tit. We th chiden.) Whcn tolkingsbgqlo rhird pron3,blgther or tigtcl:
ori Ewe, sin,o. * (Yes,we hve "m.) (lit. Yes,we r h /ne'"-) nnakvrcbo lhs/ hr/ thit brorhe
* -o shortenedfolm of emphticpronoun '/,ona' 'as fo rrrfl' . !awobo lhis / het / th ristc,r)
Whentolkins!9 o 2nd prsonobouto:
rhlrr udodeweou your(s./pl.)sisrer
bethrl unn<tLwenu yourbrorher

p How to apply it (0 Do you want to sit outside?

(g) Do you want to sit inside?
Ask re pproprtte qusti,on for e ollowing answers (h) Do you wantgo now?
(a) NdinsuDad. Ask what you gust prefes
(b) Hayi, sikhona-
(c) () Do you pefer te or coe?
Ewe, nditundaecove.
(d) (b) Do you pfer to sit iside or otside?
(c) Do you pefe to speat )osa or English (isNgesix
Complete appropriateb
Suggesl to yor ffend
UThandi: Uphi umyen , JeIny? () Let'sso in!
UJenny: Lo ngumyeni uPeter.
- (b) Let's sit dowtr
UThandi : Lo ngurmtwna
_, Jenny?
(c) Let's speakXhosal
UJenny: Ewq o ngunya _, uDad.
(d) Leth diDt cofree!
Being hospitable () Les dink tea!
(f) Let diDt sonerhingcold!
Invite someotreimo your home:
(g) Let's sit orsidel
o) Expresspleasue at meeiinC:- (h) Let'schat!
(c) Ask him / he to sit down (phantsi):
(i) Lefs sty!
(d) Offe refteshment
- (j) Leth go!
Saygoodbye() someoneleang):
Aak rhere and give the ansurer
Ask a guest what he/she rrants
(a) phi uThadi noThemba?
() Do you wnt coffe? -hlala
(b) -funda phi uhsithetha isixhosa uDavid?
O) Do you $,anttea?
(c) -fimda phi ul$sithetha is Crosa,Dvid?
(c) Do you want to meet(wi) Peter?
(d) -ttlala phi ooThansanqanooMrray?
(d) Do you want to speakwi Themb?
(e) Do you wart to speak)Oosa? Complete the questions and answer them
(0 Do you rvantto sit outside?
(g) (o) Ngu- igm lakho?
Do you want to sit inside?
(h) Do you want go now (nsoku)? O) ala _?
(c) phil namhlanje?
Ask gesb what e!' want
(a) Do you want ) drin cotree? l0 Llden io the dialogue and say whether th statnrots
(b) Do you wnt ) dn e? tc corect or not
(c) Do you waDtto meel (with) Peter? (o) ThandivisitsJenn
(d) Do you wnt to spekwith Themba? (h) Thandi wantsa cool alil.
(e) Do you wnt to spat Xhosa? (o) Thndi wantsto sit side .
(d) Jcnnyaccepts Thandr'shelp.

Ulflr'azi ukuetha isi)rosa lsigama

Knowing how to speak Xhosa

In this Unit Vott will leanr how to: will try

I discussyour abiliry reeardto speakingndunderstndngXhosa

I nal(ecomparisons
I makepolite equests

E Incoko
t=l PetendThembacontinuewi en convesatron.
UThemba Wn Pete! r,theth kakuhle tsixhos! r'd&elelg,
wafurd phi uh]rhtha kL:ulekngak?
UPetei N&|(hulea e8m ngaleRhini. Ndqhub ke ngol:urt-
tund stkol'rnr: Ngelishwa nditibee t to eninzi. Enye
tnto, ndiyzi ukuba ndisphzama kkhulu kodw
UThemba AyinansebeMi 1oonto yol:uphazma.1,to
kukrbairzlmc uku$'thethyonke irrilla! "blulekil)o
yo nust (l. ne6sry)
UPeter Unyanistl?. Kuff|treka rdelelg xa ndiphazms.
UThemba Kulngil, kodw ke ylandela- *Thcrcis no exactequivnti Bngli for 'noko' . It is kind of pleading
UPeter Evre,ul:ubardrtu yacolhisis! l lhe listene'ssympthyandundentanding(cf. Afijans 'na').
UThemba Heke,trn ndizkuzma ul-uzekelela.
UPeter Enkosihrb andithetHkhle njegoJenny.Ns)? wakhulela
zfam eMpuma-Koloni. yn wr,und srikolrdri
rteth njengotn)oc kangangokuba Nloll.hwo ndilibele inio eninzi Unfotunotelyl'ye forgotteno lot
uyartfrDdisa ngoku! lylno.enzi loo nto
Ulhemb Inde loo nto! Uyzi bathi dant base''.olni. 'So vel tale Inlc .bqlul.kileyo kukubo Thimpodonl lhingis thot
sjj kaa so veel nnle sjj ,"a,'(lit. As manylanguagesas utom!
yo can,so much morEareyou a pelson!). Unyonbllc
UPeter Yiny$iso leyo! lnila loo niol hot'slovlyl
Ylnycnlro lcyo

\ Hoar o ... @ How t works

Dlscuss you ablllty |4,ith rcgatd to qteoking dnd 7 Summary of nourrs of Units 7-3
understonding Xhosa To helpyou understandhow nouns ffe groupd accordingto tben prcffx:
Ndiyahezi ukutheth ir (hoc. I how (ow) to spk Xhosa.
Annifu^zi. I do rdt tnow (how). umntu unnrwono nyei umhlobo u'fonc
Uxolo, andiriththi kkuhle. I'm sory, I don spk ,7we[. orqsquzelelik ri umXhos uDhlekri
Ndi.ithetha kancinci nje. I spk ;r just a litde.
Ndisfrnda. I am still laning.
Ndiyzamnoko- I n trytug in sma wy. ototc lnyaa owo urisi ubhuti
Uyqond? Do you undes1nd? umckhulu {sromkhulu uNkolikazi Thon5.nqc
y iva? (tii. Do you hear rr"?) Do you undestnd,r"? uhcndi uJonny lPter ulhdnbc uDovid
Uyardibndel? D you follow ne? oba:
Ndiyaqotrda. I udestnd. oborirv dbonrwond obohlobo oboono
Andi.{t i. I don} urdeslnd.
Ndiqonda kancinci nje. I underst nd a ittle.
Andilndeli katle. I do, ? follov well.
Uxolo, thii? Pdon, rht dq you sy?
Uxolo, thqni? Pdon, wht d!! you sy?
Zkell! / Ncedazekelele! Spekslowyl/Please sTkslony!
Cothisis! / Ncdacothisise! Spckslowylflease spakslordy! i(i4:
Phind L:wakhona. Repet (again)l
Ncedaphindc kwakon. Pleasercpat (again).
Ncedard&eec x Pleasetell ,fl, whenI make ordnonkazi dnoxhoro dnobh.nri
ndiphzm. mistkes.
fintotri le nge.lxhosa? Wht is this in Xhosa?
Ilntoni '...' ngr,Xhos? Wht is '...' in Xos? ,iixhoE t iNgeti ishulu ,szulu ,PhurukGzi is,kolo igomo
Ithethntoni e nto Wht doesthis (rhing) mea in,/ i.
ngertxhos? in Xhos? /D.ol(o,nko5ikon inkorazonc,ikwnkwc inrombozono
lkou ,(opo ircpl.ni inqwelo-moyo ni i.ro cmo
Make cormparisons !ku. / lkwl
ndithetht kkuhletrjtrgoJenny. u*wuto u*ophila ukoluna ukukhrhs u(uhombo
Yenaurtthetha,rixhos njengo1!)Gosa. irlo.elo uludibcnq ukubono ukdhcnda ulophunsc
uluns.no u*ufundo ukun.okolo ukdcodiro uGlo
u*uqord. uk honba u*selelo u*,ekl|. ukltomo
uldh.rho llmk lo ltE ulll{zita ukrcpno

Noun t oupt lkom thestblesyou ll seetht l nouns ae gmupedinlo clss(."t

$cording to their pfix.
Clo.! Prix Srem S.C. Trcnslorion I Th noun classsare nmber'dl-15.
tha Pesonlhe/shel I Classes 1,3,5, 7, 9 and11 resingulanouns.
2 obo. ru bt rh PePte ,hel I Clsses 2,4,6, I and10 thecoespondins pluil ouns.
Io u- Thembo hmbo /lej I Clsses14 and 15 have no plurt.
u Thom.onqo Thdmsnqo{hel I Clsses12 nd 13 no longe cive in )(losa.
- rhenoth sfr/
u nyond e en Ael No hard and fast res enable on to classify a panicd noun into a
u. loliwe theron t, spccific ctsso gmup. Howev a few principles apply Nounsof:
2o oe sipho siphoond co. teyl I Clssr 1 and 2: oly fer to people (but not a nounseIring to
Ihomlonqo ihThomsoiqor reyl peopleareh this class).
b@ the orhn tl
I Clssssla and 2a: include t popr mes, kinship trms, (e.g.
th sonsrheyl
lolire e roins ,/yJ
mothe/s, fe/s, uncle/s,a'tvs, sster/s.hoer/s), somepmfessiols
(e.g- docio/s, social wo*erls, teache/s)and personifrcatioDs(e.9.
3 hfo u the dot / dot ltt)
tin/s. dio/s. machin/s).
hfa i the doys ltheyl
I CLssas3 and 4: many tlees nd ive$; somepas of the bod e.g.
5 ili. zrc {onsyllobhl /i rhe counrryt, leg/s,moulh/s,finger/s, aswell assombstractnouns.(e.g mimce/s,
i gano (wosyllobls
ii thnme|i,
anget contdbution/s,organisation/s, s, maiag/s).
6 onc o' rhecounrri4 /theyJ
I Classes5 nd 6: somepas of the bod (e.9. eye/s,beast/s,kneei/s,
9ono o rh nomes/ieyl
arH/s, bon/s),nounsdescibingpesonlchaacteistics,(e.g-bmve
7 isi- kolo st, ihe school,l/
persoD/s;eloquntspeake/s;skiful peso/s;r/s) andsomeadopld
8 zf th s.hools tyl ftom Englsb/Anians, (e.g.polic, card, wheel,kitchen)
(oko r lt conveBolion t,
Note: Soe no|msof ClsssI nd t havethef plual in Class6, e.g.:
, f.mc 'XhGa ,rdodt (nan) Mkooikzi mkwnkrv iutombazra
to izin ro {onesyllobl) theinss /,i, a'axlo6a d,radodt aekhosikazi a akhwekw o'ltombzra-
i,n .oko {h{o s}loblesl :i rhconv&iions /rlel
ir oho rh ohs heyj I Clssas7 nd 8: all langages,odinl numbers 2 10, (2nd, 3rd,
4th etc.) many implmmts, wods adoptedftom English o Afikans
tt ulu. li lonesyllobl) lF thick 1,,
a twihi (two sylloblesl/E ih rongue/ longlos lt,
tegi ng with 'Egr, !r, 'st!r: e.g. isikolo < lghool, i.tttovlr < dtove,
rrtpi< lpiel [nImr], aswll as may grammticsl tfrms.
lo ri lno'h'l
lhe insud/longuoges lt[e],/ I Clsses9 nd 10: mny niml, noms adoptedftom English nd
Afrikans, (e.g.bDes, car/s,money,bicycl/s,windods, phon/t
ubu ntu I Clss : many abstcl nouD6. Plu: plfix of Class 10 wherc
hombo b wolk/ wolking,, applicle.
sti ku- io l.now/ In@lds it I Clss 14: mainly abstrmtnounsbut alsoothers,(e.9.face,ber,honey,
oio io / rdsrins /,rt winter, night). No pbI.
* J SeeCtual bckgound. I Clss 15: all inftivs which can also tunction asnouns.

2 Emphdt c pt'o.noitns !Dhutrgri kotu. I do'll cotree.

laaoi kphngakofir. I doal 'litrk
wtrt to drink coffee.
Similar to the French 'noi', to', 'lui' , 'mn' , 'w?n', ']dn' is usdfor
enph$s andcontrst, and canbe useds well as,but nevr inad of, PGitirc Negtive
the subjct cocord: Ndiyalrhng. Atdiphlmgi.
Siyaphug. ,4-tphutrgi.
M!la, ndiyamb ngoku. As for ,|1",I am going now
Uyaphngs? ,a&/phrg,?(kotu)
fin, siyahmbangoku.+ As for rr, we re going now
Niyaphuga? ,4rriphrg;?
Wen,phila njani? As fo ]d, how ae yo?
yaphunga. ,aaunsi.
Nin , njJnaboabaatwn.? s fo yru, do yo havechildren?
Byphug. baphutrgi.
Ycn,uPeterwariffDda s fo im, Petet he emt
Ij,xho6 .ikobreni. )osa at schoo. Remember:-ya- only occusin the Fesent tensepositive u/henno object
lsn, xJenny waklela rfma. s fo r"/, JeDryshe gew up on fo[ov,'s th ve.
a farm- As yo can se,when the subjeciconcod consistsof a vowel onl e.g.
As fo irn, the chalen, they - / ; -k- (o -w- in spokenlanguage)is iNeted:
balAlela eKp. g1ewup i, Cape To\rn. o- + - > a&u-/ auu-i a- + - > dz-.
You will sueyrccognise'thin' ftom the rcfrain of 'NKOSI SI(ELEI-: Noie: The ngativefom of: 'Ndyphil'/ 'Ndiphiltl' is Anniphilensa.
IAFRJKA' SeeUnit 7.3
*-r seeCtual background.
4 Remote po'st tenae
Notei The functon of -na' is simply to avoid a one syllable wod to One of e psttensesusedwhen talking aboutpast evenlsand actionsis
which )ahoshas an avesion' However, when the two elementsof the lhe rcmoteor nrativepsttense.The subjectconcordndictesthe
emphatic pronoun are tanspoed, n carrier menig: tens.It is characteisedby a long '-r widr a falling tone:
and n? / with n? / / too, so Ndrkhlel fm.
and )o / yith ]or / )oI/ too, lso SakhIelafm.
Wakhulela* efm.
end r / with r / n lso
afr him, her I vitl him, her
Wk1ubh+ efama.
Nam, ndiya\'ryaukulvazi. Me too, I am pleasedaokow ]|dr. *-+a=, - , + = ,v-.
Bekumnandiukuthethanare It wasnice to tlk with )'rr.
Nat i, siyawya ukunazi. fi/elso,we areplesd!o hrow)au. 5 Polite tequests
The lon used when giving a one wod instruction in Xhosa largely
3 Present tenee negatioe indictese 'softness'or 'svelity' of such instrucon,e.g.:
The negtiveof the pesent tenseis formed by prcfixing 'dr before the Hlla phatrtsi!(s.) Hlni phantsi! (pl.)
subjectconcordnd chngingtte final vowel of e verb '-a' to -i'.lf Howeveris can easily be changedinto pote qust by saying:
noun (object) follows e ve, the initial vowel of the prefix of all
Ncel uhllq phantsi. (lit. I bes you G.) sjt down.)
subsequentnounsis aloppede.g.:
Ndicl rihllq phantsi.
'NcGl caD also be \ad when kiig fo \omething: 'but', 'then'
8 Conjunctions 'bec.luse', 'i', 'th.tt',
Ndicel amrnzi. (lir. I beg for wte) LikeEnglish,)ooshasco4iunctionslo ioin clauss:
Ndicl ikofu.
Ncl ,rto yokusl. Ndilandekauhle I folow well becuseyou re
kuba uycothisis- spekingslowly.
'Nced' (lit. help) is the eqvalent of the Engsh 'pleas' and cn also Ndiyazamakuthethais Iosa m trying to speat Xhosa,
introducea polite request: kodw l-unzin. but it is ilifict.
Nced uhl8lc phantsi. Ndiyaqondukuba umntu I undestndif a peson
Ncedrdnihllc phantsi. yacothisisa. speassowly.
Note The ve following 'Ndicela' and 'Nceda'ends in -e. Ndiyazi ukubs diyph^zam I klow at I mke a lot
r Seealso Unit 4.5. kakulu.
Nceda,ltlungise xa Pleasecor$t m.rwhn
Ndiceh ththc tsNgsi. Plas(you) speLEngsh. ndiphazama.
(lit. I beg (i) you
spekEnglish.) Not:A veb follo\ing 'm' (= 'when', 'whenever') never inffxes rya '-
SeeUt 12.1.
Nced thethc i,Xo6. Plese(you) speak )Cosa.
Ncdzmeul:uththa irto6a. Plese(you) try to speat Xhos.
Ncd cothisis. Plese(you) speak slowly. Cultural bockground
Nceda khumble. Please(yor) ernmbe.
Ncdari nithths tstxho6. Please(you ll) spekXhosa. The concept ol 'Uburrlrr'
6 Impersonal kt - the equiodlent of Engllsh 'it' 'Unt'- conmon hurIan decenc humanism or s defined by the
editor of e S.A. Medical Jomal, ProfessoDaniel Ncayana, in a
Kunjni? How is it? (lit. It is how?) recent editoil, 'ubuntlu', the deepe menitrg of which cannot be
Kufunek ndihambe. It is necessay(drt) I go explinedin one o two sentencesbt which canbe saidto encompssl
li.e.I mustgol e attibutsof caring' for one's fellow human being. Th concePtof
Kulungile. It is all right. ,ntu is aso closely related to the pmverb: 'Umntu ngamntu
Kushushu. It is hot. ngrantu.' (lit- a peson is a l,eson though olhr pople.)
aph. It is spoken@ngishhere).
ProfessorNcayiyexplainsthe meaningof lhis Pove as 'attaininglhe
7 More inteftogatioes totality of bing a tully adjustedenbe of society only though the
suppo, comseling, love, assistance,elter, example, etc., of one's
ln U ts 1 nd 2 you were introduced to the question words 'phi?'; fellow humnbeings'.
'njani?' nd 'bni?'. Two othe interrogativeswhich you will need are
'nini?' = 'when?'nd'ntoni?'= 'wht?':
Whm wee you bom?
Utuna ntoni? What do you want?
Ulhini? Wht do you say?
Not: with the veb atlri'= 'sy', the shoened
fom '-?'(< ntoni?)
Nkosi sikele' iAik, God blessAftica, 2 What qrould you say ,lren l|ou don't ndestand what
Mluphknyisw'uphondolwayo, Lt its hom (i.e. sprit ) rise, Somgone snvs?
Yiva imithandazoyethu, Hear also ou pryen,
Nkosi, sitelea, thina, God blessus,
Luspholwyo, Its (Aftica's) family,
Nkosi, skelel,thi|ra, Godblessus,
Luspholwyo. Its famy.
Yza Moya! Sikelela,Nkosi, sikelela, ComqO Spirit,bacsG{d bless, 3 Answer lhe ollolrlng qusiions in ihe negative
z Moya! Sikelela Nkosi, sikelel, Come'O Spidt blessGodblss, () Uyakwazi ul:thethaisNgesi? Hayr,
Yiza Moya Oyingcwele, Come,O Holy Spiit, (b) Uthethkakle is <hosa? Hayi,
Nkosi, sikelela,tbin, God blessus, (c) Uyaqonda? Hayr,
Lspholwayo. Its family. (d) Uyapht?/ Uphilile? Hyr,
Nkosi, sikelel,thi, God blessus, Uykumbul? Hayr,
Lusapholwayo. Its family. (0 Uftna ikof? Ha,
(8,, Ufuna amanzi? Hayi
he tust verseof NKOSI 'SIKELEL'I-F'RJKA wscomposedin 1897 Convel lhese instuuctions into polite equesis
by Enoch Sontog, a school teche from Klipto.*r, to be sung by
school childen and church choin. It was complted by Smut E. (a) Therhis ftos.
Mqhayi (e seeUnit 16 for moe aboutMqhayi) andlater it wasdoptd O) Zekeel.
by the Aftican National Congessas the closing hyInl at meiings.Oihe (c) Phindakwkhon.
oryanisationsfolowed is pctice ad the song bcameecogniseds (d) Zamks,o.
the people'snational anthem.As its disseminationwas largely ora, thee (e) Ndireele.
are a numbe of versonswhich often vary fmm place io plce and fom Tty to get e gist of the following dialoge
occasionto occsion.It h often sungin a combinarionof )Gos,Zulu and
Sotho,andvesionsof it ae alsosedas the nationlanemsin Zmbia. Theseare e sots of questionsyou wl find useful shouldyou wn(
ZimbabweandTanzni. to know someone'sbiogphicldtils:
(a) Wazlwdni Mongam Nelson Mandela?
How to apply ,t 0)
(a) walulela ph?
1 Say (Yithi) O) Vr'lulelaeQunu eMpuma-Koloni (EastemCapehovince).
(a) I want to spakXhosa. (a) Wftnda phi?
(b) May I speakEngsh? (b) Wykwisikoo samWesile(Wesleyan).Emva koko (after that)
(c) I like to speak)Cosa. wyakufund eyrnivesithiysetrort gre.
(d) I ty to speak)ftosa. () Emv koko wenznton?
(e) I speakonly a little )Gosa. (b) Wasebnz njengepolisalasemgodini(as a minespolicenan)
(0 I am sti[ leamine. kodwa waqhubangokufuDdela(study fo) ubugqwea
(g) I still make a lot of mistal(eswhen spek)<hos. (lesalFofession).
(h) Pleasecoect me.

Use tlre map on de following pag to ans,er tlte questiots.

BesidesEnglish, trNgesi, andAfrikaans, ;r;Bhlu, SouthAftica has

nine otricial languages:Ngui goup: tstxhosa, irizulu, is,Swti,
ir;.{debel; Sotho group: irtsthu, iriPedi (North Sotho),
trtlswna. Other goups: ts,trda, trtbonga (or Shangaan).
Al lagugespefix IJ!: i$Jmni, ,stFrentshi, isi?hutukezi, etc.
() Kuthethwaezii iilwimi kaku
O) Kuthelhwaezii iilwimi kakhu zMpuma-Koloni?
(c) Kuthethwaeziphi iilwimi kakhulu zMnfla-Koloni?
(d) Kuetbwa eziphi iilvdmi kakulu ehyitta?
(e) Kthethweziphi ijlvimi kaklulu ecateng?
(D Kuthethweziphi iilmi kklul en-4pumslng?
(g) Kuthewa eziphi lwimi kklulu -'rczulu-Ntl?
(h) Kuthethwaeziphi iilwimi kakhuu
(i) Kuthethwaeziphi iihvimi kaklu "Mntla-Ntshon?
C) Kthethwarrxhosa kaklu ndawoniMzntsiAfrika?
(k) Kuttethwaizulu kkhulu ndawoni eMzrtsiAfrik?
(l) Kuethwa ;stft$,ana kakulu ndawo eMzrtii Aftika? 1./Vtsha-Kolonl 0slemCap) 6.,G.ut ns (solhoorqord)
2. !tnda-Kolonl (NorthrnCap6) 7.rMnn-iJt3hom (Nonhws PDv nc)
(In) Kutlethwa iSuthu kakuu ndawonieMzntsiAfika? 3.,1wuma-Koloni (Eslrncp) &u^,tn. (Nonhfl Prcvince)
a./Fr.yr.tg (Frestat) 9. t^rpum.l.ng. (Lll.@mingou ol lhe
Complste accordlng to e example sun i.e.the 4l)
Aaaxlo athethrXhosa.
() AaZ\t
(b) rnaSw6
(d) A',aBhulu
(wlE l,besr disppet
(wheE dE snsoesout)

(D mlrNgesi
(h) asthu

kuthclhw nk spotn di"

dvimi lguaee (t. lgue) eztphi ilsiil rhich lnelases?
rwimi lngaes zonkerlwimi a angulges

UPete Naye usebenzaka&hulu!

Ukuthetha ngomsebenzi UThemba Ujermy, ufundisakwesiphi isikolo?
Speakingabout work UPeter Akafundisi sil(olweni. Ufimdisa abantu abadla balntr
ukufunda ukuthea isixhosa. Uyazi, baninzi kakhul
abantu abafuna ukufunda ul:uetha isxhos ngoku
ngkunbi oosomashishininabasebenzibeenkmpani,
abanilGzi-khaya,oosqnhanabongik^zi,njalo njalo.
UThemba Heke,bathini kanenengesiNgesi?'Benr late thtn eve '
In this Utrit ltou ulll leor'a how to: UPeter thi loo ntethonges Gosa?
Ulhemba Andz| Lunjlo kaloku wmi. AkusolokoL:uluul:utolik
I sk wbat someonedosor a living ngahmbi wkufik kwizci.
I saywhat your occupaonis
I ask whercsomeoneworks Islgama
I respondto being askedwheeyou work
I commenton someone'swork

lEl PerendThembdiscuss$o wbne waibns for ienry d Tbandiro
join them wilh lh coffee,cale nd sandlviches.
UPeter NdixeleeThemb4 wenzantoni ngokomsebenzi?
UThemb Ndisebenzelairkanpani yeenqwelo-moyanjengornphatti-
UPeter Oo, ipersonnelmanagerngesNgesina?
UIl,r. Uchon' uaa,ethel+
UPek Uyanrrazike ukusebnzanokutherhkLarlenabntu!
UThemba Bwe, ndiyakuthandakakulu L:usebenzanabantu. Uyazi
isaci sesixhosasithi: Umrht ngumtu ngabantul
UPete Unyanisile!
UThemba Wena,yintoni umsebeDziwaklo, Peter?
UPeter Mna,ndiyingcaphepheyezityoeKistenbosch.
UThemba Mm, yinto enomdlleyo!
UPete Erre. ngumsebnzionomdla.Knnjolaa ndawoyindawo
entle yokuseberza!UThndye uyasebenza?
LlThemba Ewe, nayeuanda kusebenznabntu.Ungugqirha.
UsebeDza hisibhedlele sbntwanaiRed Co6s. Uya khona
L:usasakuphel.Emvkwemini usebenza klvikliki yePrjmary
Heal Cre.

\ Hou o ... I Honr it works

Ask uhdt someone does for o litsing 7 More obout the Xhosa equioalent of Englsh
weDzantoni ngokomsbenzi? 'am', 's', 'ate' ollowed by nouns
Ybtoni,msebenzi \valo? You aeadyknow that .-rrg-'Fefixed to nounsbegirning with '"tn- nd
'&r, (Classes1, 1 and 3 noutrs) expresses'arr', t' (_r seeUnit 2.5):
Say uhqt you" occup.rtlon is
Nding&Jnny. l an le0ny.
Ndgxgqiba Lo nj'4nyan wm. This r'smy son.
Ndizgsomeshishini Uandi ngagqiha. Thandi i a doctor.
Ndirrgnphaihi-bsebDzi Ndirgaayeni lraH'e. I dn her hsbnd.
Ndizgnongikazi uDavid rg4rtundi. Dad ir a ppil / student-
Ndirgrrnikzi-khaya UThembang4aphathi. Thembaiir a mnger.
Ndingqweth Ng4r4sbezionomdla. Ir ir inrerestgwor}.
NdiJrrgcphepheyezitylo (t. n expe in pnts)
NdiJrpeNonnelmanage Similly, 'rgr / !rg- pefixed ro noutrsbeginningwith'aba:,'oo:
Ndisebz rjengon4hsthi weshishini 'anur (Chsses2,2a, and 6 nours J seUni 3.1):
NdisebeDzl,rkmpni Abantv^t ngabafundi. The childen d" ppib.
XgrrThnrsnq aba. Thesedr e Thnsnqs.
Ask where someone aotks {groMurry aba. Theseme the Mrrys.
Usebnzphi? BanK.flngq\iethi. They d/ lawyers.
Uphatrglaphi? < *,,gqreth = to tum upsidedo\rn, to be back to font, i.e. everything
is e oppositeof what it shouldbe.
Respond to being osked where you aotk
To express'am', 'is', 'are' with Class 5 nons pefix 'J-':
lunivBithi Ndirigqweth. lam alw..
rrlhedll uxgqrn. He ir tditiol heler.
Ndisbenzerikolreri Sheir heblist.
e-ofrsni To er?ess'dtr', 'ir', 'ar' wi Classs7 nd8 noursplfix nd 'z-'
eKiNtenbos spectvely:
tr,ishishini lencwdi (publishinghoNe) Sheis the q,ekr of paliment.
Uri,lhethi sepalamente.
frrlshishini lempNa (clothing factory) They ar? spekersof parliament.
Baia'thethi zepalamente.
Comment on aomeone's uotk To expess'art', 1s', 'le'w Clss 9 trons prefix -]. :
Ngnsabenzionomll Ndiingcsphepheyezitylo- Iamahoicultrist.
frrdawo rtle yoh$ebetrza NJri,esonel msnger. I4m a persoDnelranage.
Not: ubba r8,rnphathi / ,igqwetha / yltigcphphyezitylo mens!9
h999!r9a n.anazer/ la\hye/ hoticultist.
2 So'me occttp:tions lnoposi / oonoposi(lit. mother of post)
Iho6e dei/ed ftm veb6 prefir i./rn-andchmgethe firl vowel -a ro +: Dosih/ oanosarha(lit. moth of
ukuphthe to hndle > mphthi mager unoverie / oonovenkjle(lit. mother of
uufudg to study > mfond! srudent shop) shopkeepeA
ukongmele to rule ove > dnongme[ Fsidet ,/somshishini/ oosomashishini(lit. father of
ukuphke to cook > umpheH cook fctodes)
ukuqbube to dive > r,qhubi driver lsompempe/ oo3ompempoit. fther of
uluthutrge to sw > ,""thutrgiGzi) ror (seamstress) the wbisde)
ukuseben?& to work > rrsbenzi worker
Note: usomandla(t. falher ofpowe) The Almighty
(cf. Msbenzi Clss3 = wok)
Nore: ukuhtha to spek > ithethi spete
3 Sufixins'-kaz' to a noun
Tose sdoptad om English or Aikrs prefix .r / .i- or .m-': Co,tr make t lemi',.re
itshl / rritshl(kazi) inkosi chief inlosikari ctuef's wife, lad
ttitshla / ;ttitshal(tzi)
pmfes / ,opr.oesa utitshl ntitshala*zi
/ ooDjirg.Iwzi mongl umongikzi
mjiglwazi umnikzi
/ taiiryalwzi
(< -jig = wve routrd)
Can l'ldicate greatnes of size
(< tlvazi = howledge)
/ oornntyi ilizwe zwekazi continent
'tmIrtyi umthi umthikazi big tree
ijoi / andjoDi (< English Jobnny) sodier^
ipolisa / al'tllpolisa mbokzi lsge river
r'toliki / irtoliki (< Afikaans veolk) intaba inrbakazi highmountain
,lath/ nnbtheli (< -aqla = ro ike to) jomst/s
Con exprcss relato ship
,nblisi / "rbalisi (< -bsa = relre) historian/s
umazi my mothe's ster, i.e, matel aunt
lhose incoporting -nor, a contracrionof.unila wq, = .motheof'or
my father\ brothe! i.e. patemaluncle
the ale eqivalent'-so-', a conraction of .uyile wq-' = .farherof':
l'lobhl / oonobhla(lit. mother of wiring) 4 Omlsslon o the initia, ool|et o the noun
ogadi/ oonogadi(lit. mother of guads) guravs I^ dtect address
moncwadi / rrnoncwadi (lir_mothe of books) ibIariaD/s
nondyebo/ ornondyebo (t_mothe of If you look againat the explamtion of ho/to geet appopritelyin Unil
2, you will sethat all nounsfolovdng 'Molo / Molweni' have lost eir
mongendi / onongendi(lir. mothe of initil vowel:
not marrying) ult^ / uhawo/ Lm nzna / 4rnhlkazi
,montlalo-nde/ oonondo-ntle(1ir.mothr of > Moo !s, bwo, r4nrmzan, Z4htkaai
sood liviDs) irkosikzi / inkosz/ rntombi / ntombazana/j"kwenkwe
> Molo 4ko6ikszi / 4koszan/ 4tombi / 4tombzn/ 4kwDkwe tlNomsa ufund eluvesiihi Nomsstudiesat the univcrsily.
Ate" negatit'e oms Ufundl |rtoi? What is shestudyig for?
alithndt Lotu. Ndisebenznjengomphai. I wok as a manager.
UJennydfdft rndisi dntwan. Ndisebenzslinkampni. I work fo! a company.
Xla igmlakho! bI you nmel
Ater de',,.onstrotues
r'dixIgk. Tl (fo)
)inamsebnziIm Zrto. 're.
Intle loo 4to. '-is-' traisltes 'cause to',
r seeUnit 9.5 for more boutdemonstrtives UPeterutunda is (hos. Peterlr|rs )cos.
Ujetrny ufundisa is (osa. Jeny tachesXhos.
When oetbs end in'-e' instead o '-a' (subjunct oe) (lit. causeso leam)
I lnstuctons preceded b9 an object conco.rd Ndiybona.
,lr'dibonis_. Shor ne. (li. make m" see)
alxelts. Tell tE
&boisc. Show-a!. Hamb! Go!
Hambllal Continl (lit- mke go)
Aer the eryressionshrek (ukuba) = it is necssy(ar) / mst.
kublulek;s (ukuba)= it is impont (rht) rvl'xlel xa ndiphzema. b n e when I make a mistke.
Uxolo ngokphzmi!. Sory for dishrbing /
Kuftnk kubauzmc You mst t.y to speat tuterruptine )or-
ukuteth is osa yonke imihla! Xhosevery dyl
Kublulektle ukubauzame It is importt rht you try
ukuthethisixlos yonle imiN. to spe Xhos every day. Fundi-qba Redcrfullv
Cinsiqia Thinksrsfulb
Cotiia Spek ver-vslowlv
Msithethc isixhosa. Let,s spekXhosa. Qhuqb&ba Bt vrv Yell (SeeUnit 5)
Masihlale ngaphandle- Let's sit outside_ Xubisisa Mix rgry-!E!! (SeeUnit 5)

Ater -cda 'ask', 'rcquest', \a -' usually ndlcotes ec rptocty' e o.ch o ther'
Ndicla uthethe is Cosal I quest you ro spek Xhosa. Sizakubon. We'Il see.
Sizakubone4a > Sobon@a We'll seech oth.
f cf. utrit 35.
More thnoneextensioncnt usedin the sameve: ukubon / is / n /
6 Uetbal extensions '-elJ,'-is-', '-an-' to discusssomeing (lit. showe other):
Another interestingfeatureof )ftosa is e extensionof vebs bv means Masibonisrc nsale ntol Let's discssthatl
of itrfirs,addiog imptjcitpreposirjon or eleDa chatrge
of meaoing. 7 Vo'ious me.tnings o the prcposition 'nga-'
'al-' 'for', 'to'
''o''nstares Indicating pt('ce = 'tn the ocnty of, 'touards', 'near'
rgeRhini trer Gramsrown (cf. n- + - / i- / u- etc. seeUnit 2.9).
ngaleForestDrive in the vicinity of FoesDive
In con'lecon @t r 'phandle', 'phkathi' 8 More dbout the equrore,'t of Engtish prcpostlong
(knoan os locatioes in Xhosa)
Niirn ukuhtalangsphak Do you wnt to sit inside
okanyengaphndle? o outside? You alreadyknow that ) expessthe English ppositions 'at', 'rtr', ro'.
'Jt"n ' plce nmes,you chngethe inial vowl of the prefix to 'e-' :
Indcothrg tme = 'at', 'ln'
Ul l phi? NdlalKpa, 4Pinelands.
ngeli xesha t ths time Ndila <fama-
n8manyeamxesha sontimes(lit. at sometimes) NdhllajMzanlsi Afika-
trgokuhlwa in the evening Uvel phi? Ndivel 4Monti / qcoli / cPitoli / qBhayi.
Ndvela eMpuma-Koloni /<Ntshon-Kooni.
fta slating'b9 knea s ofl', 'ttth'
Eight of the nine Fovinces of Sou fica prefix 'e-. Which one
uhrhambange-ropleni to go by plane doesn? (r seelnp Ut 3)
ul:uhmbngebhasi/ ngemoto to go by bus/ car
ukullwulangekhadi to pay by cad Anoer ve which is alwaysfollowed by the locative form of the noun
is 'ukuya' = 'to go !q' :
Uy phi? Whee ae you going to?
Wrzntoni ngokornsebenzi? What's you line of work? Ndiy eyunivesithi. I m going to uriverrity.
oit. What do you do s fr s Ndiy .,itbhedlele. I m going to hospitI.
wok is concemed?) Ndiy .,khay. I m going (to) home.
Kunjari trgokuphunga? How bout (somethinghot)
to alrint? Not: The verb 'kuy' = 'to go to' is usedwhen a destination,diection
is mentioned-'ljkuhamba' = 'to go' in the sese of leave, depa (also
Fo'mlng d^ aduerb walk) is not sd when dstintion is mentioned:
ngeshwa(,rshwa = 'misfoune') unfortunately Nymb. I m going.
ngethamsanq(iamsnqa ='luck') luckily Ndiy edolophri. I n going to tonn,
With o langudge trorrslat ng 'in' You hve also comeacoss',h,-' expessinC'ar', 'in', 'ot1', 'to', :fun'.
Yintoni leyo ngsiNgesi? Wat is dis i English? Natrelelilerulight 301 oya el(pa.
Uthin ngesixhosa? W1atdo you sayin )ttDsa? Usebenzalulditriki yePrimryHelrt.
Alter 'xosi' = 'tho^ks't 'uxolo' = 'sorry' transtat,,r ,or'
ku- + i- kvi- (< ku- + iuaiki), (< *il- + t-opl).
Enkosi ngenroyone. Thanksfo eve]ing. Note: 'rr is nomrlly used when de noun is fo[owed by a qualifying
Uxolo ngokunlindisa Sory for mking ],o wlt pbrase.
ixeshaelide. so lons.
'brd- asin ',brazul' and 't-ral-nsa' (e sububof CpeTow nncd
ng4-+a-=nga- nga-+i- = nge- ngg-+U-=ngq- after e Xnosa chief ang) is lwys pefixed to proper nams nd
Ddar,e.'a the pl(e o, t1rt[e .esidenceof
Howevet by fI ihe corrnonesrway of exFessngpreposirionsin )os
I Deive e appropriate occupations rom the verbs
is by chaging the bitil vorl of the noun ro .?' ande ffnI vowl of
the noun asfollows: -akh buid
-> -e'd: ikhyq > qkhsycl3li*
le at/in/)o t/toowtutre
-e> -ent ili2rg > elizwc4i n /from/ to e cowttry sing
-i> -iri: msebenzi > emsebenzfu! at/to/fm,nwof, to tke photos
-o> -'rni: irtkola > csktlwc4i at/in/fum/tos]f,l -guqula
-u> -rrni. lThek! > gThel$a4! in/to/froz.,D]utban -l$r a
Bu -u > -int after: - fm
f: ikofu > ekoini rr tte colee -phtba
ph: idolopbu > edoloph,r,i at I in / / to towa -qeqsha
Not: *et\hy > ekyrt whenfollowed by a possessive_ sell(' thenga'= 'buy')
g -thwala
How to apply it parnt,daw
* Whi is the Engishtranslationof is occupation?
I Complte the dialoge
UDavid Uyatund,Bongani? 3 You ae introduced to a numb of people by name
UBongni Ewe, nditundaeweslelford. Wen? nd ocqpaiion. w'ite in English who does what
UDvid Nditund ecrcve. Uyattanda*(a) titshlblo? (t
UBongani Abanye(some)O) _lungile kakhutu,abanyehayi. o) (g)
UDad Udadewenuwenza(c) _? (h)
UBoneani (d) _umfrrndi qunivesii. (d)
lDavid Ufirnda(e) _? u, -_
You are atready able to lntoduce your husband, son
Benzntoni bzi(0 _?
and friend (Ngumgenl r'amloi ngungana warn;
UDvid Utat (g) _ingcaphephe yeznyalo. Usebenza ngumlobo wam, uThandl, etc-). Now induce other
eKintenbosch.Umama(h) _utitshlkazi.
members of you amlb (usapho lwakho)
UBongni Ufimdisa (i) _?
UDavid ufrdisa ) _Xhosa (k) n _Nsesi. you paents Ngabzalibam
Benzantoni (1) zati bako, bona? you childrcn
your gnndchildren
UBongani Utta (m) _umphi, umma(n) _ugqiha. Nm -abazukwana bam
ndifirna ukrba ngugqh.Wena? you wife Yinkosiazi yam
UDvid Andazi. Mhlav,mbi ndiz kuba yinjine. (egineer)
your dughte utombj y4 ulindi. (e)OoThamsaDq bathand
Use e lst of gretingsin Unit 1 to intsoduce: ooMray?
youl fther Ewe, bayathand_a!
9 Say to a riend
your grndfatler
(a) I-et's teacheachothel
you gratrdmolhe
(b) Let's meetl
5 You are inlroduced to someone's reliaiives. Wdte do$"r (c) Lefs help eachote!
rho they are (d) Let's pu together!
(i.e. l,et's buid one anotherl)
o) (0 lO Say that !'ou must
() eo now Kufunekandi
(d) (h)
O) go to wok Kutunekandi
Answe the queslions Kutunekndi
(a) Uvela phi uPete? (d) go to e hospirl Kutunekandi
(e) so home Csoduka) Kutunekandi
O) Uhaaphi ngohr?
(c) Uya phi yonkimihla? (0 spak)ftos every day Kufilnekandi
(d) Uvela phi uJenDy? (d pay by crd Kutunekndi
(e) Utundisa bani? ll Complete appropiately
(t Usebenzaphi uThandi kusasa?
() Ndiya eBhyngomso.
(g) Uya phi emvkwemni?
Uhamba_bhasi? Ha. ndihamb_eopeni.
(h) Usebenzelaban uThemba?
(1') Uand uuhamba empleni?
Say in Xhosa Hayi, ndketha ukuhamba_moio.
(a) Whee you comeftom (c) Wetrzntoni konsebenzi?Ndi_umphathi.
(b) Where you ve now (d) Usebenza shishinilempbl?Hayi, ndisebeDza _-olsi_.
(c) What your occupationis (e) Usebenzana klwa? Ewe, _manye amaxesh.
(d) Whereyou wok (1) Hmbakakute.Slakl]he. Enkosi nto yone.
Fill in the verbal extension for a meaningl ansne 12 Complele the idioms using the corect form of is', 'e'
() Wenauyasebenza? Ba_umthi nexoo. They arq gretfriends.
Ewe, ndisebenz_a inkampaniyekomphyrtha. (lit. They a& trce andesn.)
(b) Inlombi yako uykwaziularpheka? B_inyok nsele. They 4q greatenemies.
Ewe, iphek_a uspho. (lit. They 4e snakeandfrog.)
(c) Uyasitundisixos? U_inyoka. He/sheira treacherousperson.
Ewq Jennyuyadilrnd_a. U_umiombe. He/shei! a very angry person.
(d) UNomsaufundaelrnivesii?
Ewe, ufund-a ubugqweth.

(tit. Helsheir a rhino.)

U_indo\"u. He./sheir a very strongperson Uyithanda njani ikofu
oit. He/shei! an elephant.) yakho?
13 Ltsien io the dialogue and nswe e questions
How do you lke your coee?

In this Unt you l,ir, teon hor to.'
o) What arethey talking about? I apologise
Wherc are they talking? I sayyou ae thisty / hngry
I skglests how they tae en coffee
I ofier reftesbments
I acc.eptand decne
I expressappreciation
I renark on a changein the weather

S Jennyaadhandi anive with rcfresbments.
UPete Ekugqibeleni.Masiqabuleniunxno,
Ujenny Uxolo ngokunilindisa ixesha elide. Besincokola! Ndiqi-
sekiehrba ninxaniwe.
tlPete Ewe, siLxnwekakhulul Silambile knanjo.
UThemba Hayi, L-ulugile,nai besincokola!
UJemy Thandi,uyndnjani ikotu yakho?Utuna ubisi eswekile?
UThandi Ubisi qld, enkosi sisi.
UJenny Wen,Thembufuna ikotu enobisi?
UThemba Ewq eosi neetspuniezimbini zeswekile.
UJenIy Nantsi isweke.Zincde.
UPeter Kunjningekeyiineesengwitstu,Thandi?
UThndi Enkosi Pete. Ndingafumana isilayi esincinci sekeyii?
UPeter Inene,ilnnandi ku. Nasi isilay.
UThn Enl(osi. Mmm! inncas le keyiti. Jeruy, ndingafuman
UJeny Ngokuqinisekleyo,sisi-Undikhumbuze.
Themba,ndingauphaisilyi sekeyiti, nawe?

UThemba Etros| Jenny.Mnq ndizithandakaf,auluizjnto ezimandil

UJenny Petl ncedaugqithiseleuThembaikeyiki ngoku ndigalel
kofu yalo. Ikekienve
UPeter Kuungile. Thandi,kunjani ngenyeikomiryi yekofu?
Hyi entosi. Ikomiryi enyeyekofu ynelekum!
Yhol ilanga lithe shwaka. Kuyaphol ngoku. Sifanele
UJemy Ewe, ngesquphe kuyabanda.Mn, ndiyagodola.Nina? rzBA(o: huqho 1-500oCpokeihi) veicins
suqor ne'2509 ymgnnl okorry
UThndi Ewe, kancinci. 314rtt(1 t/. yekodtv, vecost tuool rbhoioro ethonbile'/o de ibe
UJeDny Kulungile, msingeneni!Perer,nceduvle ucango! tu0n1 (2 tkorwD vesrlolnurE knophukhophu. Ysbdlse
phokothi loomolko nokumphel!
Aic.of"c Th di enndrJcMv aboutthc tccipc. t!\a (3 tttspunt)

Uhand Jenny,ungb utundinika iresiphi yekefki. ,0o ,emogdkt oKA^t ithololo

7nt (lt/,rc spuni\evonitktessenc
UJerny Andilibaanga,sisi. Nntsi.
l.ir ver $!shulwoi.o.hb i
Ukuba ukllea i chocolate icing, ungnyibilikisa icephe fle -, rSoc ohlqh;;mqoid.
pow&r kwic?helananziablayo,uqhuqhisise
kri-icing. nomboo.6hl!-"f. iSilOUrFLlG
Cdk ldr nd.lrcnF ibolnq
wde, dube lomtb
lsigarna ;e!sdo. eEa shhuibi

zl!,1e;qq|,'; *:. , 23...

bhol; omo2f !llio umJ0

iephe (ue) spoon xhe knx fold into egg

qhuqhisisa bqt well weqmda nine
izithato sredienls ungallbisi you sholdn boi ,
amqan.l eggs ,lanisele stil it itrto e balr
indlela yolTen reod (ln. way endeni
ornating / dolng) dingqukuv! yh.n de rcund
i-on i icing engudoqo basicicins
yenre mae dhmbiyo y/tcn is tuft
shsh hot knphaphu lighr ad fluf|y
kwdgaphanbili pe-ht to hmzise uet,
ifilrelvi 18(IC 180cC phalsi bels*r yds
qhuqhandamye beat tosether koonrleko
d qii ab unril thick dd .alonphenl !d on top

Accept .tnd dectire

fry o memoris
Ere, entosi.
Uxolo ngokunilindisc Soy or \pingyouwoiting
ixsho elide H/, enkosi.
sucho lonorime
Zincedgl Helpvo,'se'l Ndingafumnirilal erincinci qrd?
lkomityi nye yekotu yonele One cup of coffeeis enough lkomityi enyeyekofi! yle kum enkosi.
kuml for mel
llongc lirh swokol Thesunhosdi,oppeoredl Expreaa apprecidtion
Ungolibolil Don'rforsetl Kumnndi!
Andilibolongc | hsvenlfogtn| Inencasgqitha!
Imnandi kalhulu!
Hou o ... Ijongeka rrtle le keki!
Apologise Rernatk on d cho,nge in the uedthet

Uxolo! (ngohlirdis esha eltd) Li4ini tzulu? / Injani D"ozulu?(lit. Hoi is e weathe?)
Uxolo! (ngokuilindis ixsh rlide) Ingathi iltre lithe rrwata.
llng lilshonil" (the sw hasgonedown).
Say gou ate thlBty / hungry Liyaphola ngoku.
Ndinxnir. Ndinxnue kalulu. Kuyabanalngesa$rphe.
Ndilmbtl?. Nlambe klulu.

Ask hou someone tdkes ther coee / te.1 ldeopfron* (lzif onckirczwi|
U]tanda njni ikotu / i yaklo? An ideophonc is o port of spechwhich is o chorocteistic ond
Ufura bisi neswekilkoflrd / etiri? disinctivfeotureo Xhoso.Youhoveolrodycomocrosstwo exomples
Uff|na ;kofu enobisi? in lhh book 'ql'ond 'sirwoto'.
Uff|tra ftofu enswekil? ldeophoner ore otenonomotopoeici.e ey suggestthe octionhy
lhok sound,.9. 'dyumpu',similoo lhe English'plop'. buttheymosy
Offet rclrcshtnents describe monnerond ore usdwlerEnglishussodvbs,e.s.:
Knjni gekofir / ngeti? Hqmbo ngqol Go staightolong.
Kuqini gnye ftomityi yelrotu / yeti? ldcophones oreohenintroducdby'ukurhi'whichindicois
Kuini ngokuslarrto bad)r? mood,person,ondclos, butconoko be usedwi otherverbs,e.s.:
Kuqii ngewyini?(wine)
Siphile qetel We or complerelywell.
Ku4ini nsoilwla? (ber/ alcohol)
Ku4ini ngkeyiki? However,becouseidcophonec ore inicionol
in noture,theyore
KuDjad trgeesengwitsbi? oftenmoreeffectrve
Zincgdgl Nlgi ivilil Th whl is tucl< fdtl
Nding./,Iphairrlayi sekeyiki?
r SeeCutual backgound.
Similarly, thereae sevelrXtosa equivalentsfor e English ponoun
ldcophones ore oho usedlomphosis
{e inlensiry
o somcolous: a|d its plural 'rr"nr', which also dependon the noun rcferredto:
t nryotyomboibomvu trwl. Thislower ;s b/ood rcd. I sk fo it (wok). Ndiya4lacela(arzseberzi).
lmilhiluhloza yokol Thetees ore gro* grreen.
linwlzokhzimnyomo I lik n&ar4Glustrations). Ndiyathnda (.!a!zobo).
Hehon is prrcblq.k. I lik i (e nme). Ndiylithand Cm).
linwelezokhzimhloph qhwol Herhoir is snowwhir. I k r@ (the names). Ndiy!.4than& (angm).
r SeeUnit 14.. I like (e Xhosa lnguge). Ndiy.jthanla (&lxos).
Holv do you like (coffe)? Urthanda njani (!kotu)?
How do you ke nLca Uathan& njani
(sandwichsX Gsengritrhi)?
Cultural background Do''? you like (the milk)? landi (abisi)?
I don? lik (wintr). Andibrr.d:(!ba.ik).
sorne tro.dtionot bte@s
I like (tavelling). Ndiyfuthnd (a&!ahamba).
Umqomboir An lcohoc aldt nde fiom msize porridg nd
Fmm th 't glance'tableyou wtl seethat the objct concods hvethe
spmuts which is eft utrtil it ferments.
smefom as the subjectconcordsexceptwherc the subjecrconcod is a
Amrhewu: Non-lcoholic naizemel qd. A small amountis mired vowel ony.In thesecasesthe subjectconcodincorpotesa consonntto
wth flou and sgr (optional). Ii is then put into d rain podge fom the objct cocord. Do you rcmembrwhy? (SeeUnit 2.6):
contineruntil rcady.
Ublyi: Mize porridg madei a eelegged pot- It is cookeduntil e Subi.., .on qds Obict @n rds
botom of the pot js scalded.This scaldedpart is then scrapedoff and ot a glonc
mixed with ponidge andalowed to fement. ndi- I
@ Horr t works
you (s.l
you (pl
you (s.l
you lpt.)
I Mote object conco'.da
In English, e pronouns '&td' nd'her' ae the sm irespective of b.- ev
rvhetheyou arerefening to a student,lawyer or engineer etc.This is not it
so in Xhos where 'him' and'her' are epresentedby ditrerent foms i- hey
li, tt/h/ste .E it / hin / her
wbich changeaccordingto the ro!,l to which ey refer Theseae kown
as object concods nd e derived fom e noun pefixes:
Iemy ttrjtfs hiallvz(e srdent). UJennyuyaz4fimdisa(dlundi). zi.
Shetches,t ?fier (the lyer). Uya[fundis (rgqweth). i: ti- it/hn/her
Sheteer,&!&ar (deengmeer). Uyalrtundis (i,jbeli). hm
lu- it
The plural fom 'r?nr'sohasdiffeent folms i )ftosa: it
Shetechsrkr4 (wokers). Uyaafudisa (aasebenzi). it
Sheteac[Gsrk4 (doctos). Uyal2afndisa@agqirh).
Shetechesrlsr4 oawyrs). Uyatafundisa Gr4agqweth).
Shetaches!LsZ4(engineers). Uyarfunsa Glaiineli).
2 Possessiues Wth the o.doerb'a'ptra' = 'here'
In Engl;sh,possessive ela.ionshp by .'r' or 'r,l ', e_g.
canbe expressed t-ofisi ilapha el(p. The ofiice here ;tl Cap Town.
'the boy'! m' or 'e nam qlthe boy'_
lvl orm su as 'esikolueni', 'e'ofrsn,'emseberuini',
ln )ftosa, orythe 'ol'consrucrion exisis_
The two nouns(,name'ad .tlbhedlele, eKapa, etc. (known as the loctive fom)
'boy') e likd by a possssiveconcord which is chcterisedbv rhe
Ndirkhaya. I am qh.twrc.
U!.-ofisint. He r.!a the office.
his link (rcFesenting 'ol') betweene rwo nounschngsaccoting BalPrikolrPni They ars 4l school.
to the pefx of the fist noun (possessee)
nd influencsrhe pefix of rhe
secondnoun (possessor)resuiingin a sound cltaryc: Note: The Iocative-s- also separatesthe two vowels in:

rrxsebenzid- | lnkmpatri > we ampni nga!-: nga!.Rhini near Grahamsto\rn

(employeeoJ a conpny) nae-:nalTnivsii and llr the univrsity
somshinih4- + inkmpani > wcnkmpni bae : ar.rntu ba!Holsni the peopof (in) Hond
(businessman rf company) 4 Hol to exp'ess 'hee is', 'hee ar''
aba*bez; bq- + inkmpani > ,q4nkmpi* (staff o/a conpny)
oosorshitri,a- + 4nkmpani > ?enkampi* Onceagaine noun clsssystemin )ftosa ncessittes
the useof severl
(bsinessmen o/a company) dien forns wherc only two are usedin English:
umxnbevg- + iqnda > r'eqand (mrture o/egg) N*u JeDny. H is Jntry.
imizohot4- +4b.tntwa\a > :''4dntwa (painringsd/rhe children) Nb dbmtwana. H r the childrctr.
,iesh 14- + iti > ti (tine d/tea i-e. teatime) NDku (or tratrg) H is the phon.
anagsnaq- + 4b(mtwaI > 4tantw (nameso/the children) Nntsi lrnlqmelo-'l',1nxba IIe.e arr the pillows.
isicelo 14- + 4rrseberzi > ra'nsebezi(pplicationo/a job) Nali icephe. Ilere is the sI)oon.
izicelozg- + 4msebezi > zqnsebenzi(pplictionsofiobt Nnga a dceph. Ilere are tbe spoons.
tkomityit4- + itotr > ]akotu (cp o/coffee) Nsi trilayi sekeyiki. IIee is slice of cake.
iiaispuriz4- + isweLile > z4swekil(teaspoonso/suga) Nzi ezrnyeizila. Here re somemoe slices,
uluutt lws' + 4thko > ,wzthko (list o/ingedieDrs) NDtsi .ofu. Hee is the coffee.
ubuait bs' + sbontt > alatu (rhehumanig,o/te people) Nzi (or nanzi) tttispni. Hre e the tespoos,
|/tubhakva l.ra-+ llrcyiki > wsakeyiki* (e bakine o/caket Nl bisi. Hee is the milk.
u}j'te'oziwl$r4- + 4busi > farsi (de making o/honey) Nabu* ,.,si. H! is the hoey.
*tf > -e-.For easeof gonunciation ,w' is omitted bfo .o'. Naku kty. H is the food.
* Nobu is seldomsedasnounsbeloneingto Class14 arenearlyall bsFact.
3 Hou to express'am', /rs','ote'
With iderogative '-phi!' wbete ,am',.s', .are'are nderstood 5 The equr.rlent o Engllsh'myrelf ,'l@u's'el', etc.
Uphi uDavid? lvher (is) Dvid? At last,hercis a casewhercerc is only onefom in )0osa wheeEnglish
Siphi isibhedlele? hsmoe thn one fom!
Whee (is) e hospital?
Iphi i-ofisi yako? Whee (is) you oflc? Ue e objct concold, 'ti: = 'nyself, ,otself , 'ouseb's', etc, is
I ct Uqioi? = lir. You how? (seeUit 2.5). placedimmediatelybeforc e veb:
Ndiyarr'dla.(it.Im eatingmls"l, I am poud of ntret bcgins with an 's' fo[owed by a consonatrqe.g. '6qhoo', 'lice', thcsc
Bayzidl. T\ey pron of thdnsebe'
^e nounsusuallybelongto e 'ir!' class:
Zhcde. HeIp turyelf.
trikolo lqhool ifllyi !-lice
6 E4rtessions ln Xhosa ending in '-le' Allhoughthe majority ofnouns adoptedfrom English orAftikaans belong
These expressionsoften efer to one physicl stte. They arc vel to Classes9 and 10, thereare a numtr of nounsbesides'ibhti' which
forms in )ahosa,but corespondto adjectivesin English: bcloneto Classes 5 and6 andnot to Classes 9 and10:
Ndiphilru. I am well. Namketek l! ./ou'e welcome! ilthitshi d'"dlitrhi(kitchen/s)tkdi dflakdi (card/t
Ndilmbile. I amhungry. Kublulek ft. Ir's impont. iphepha dnrdpheph(paper/t tpolis a//dpolisa (poce)
Kuungile. lt is I ight. Uxakekit? Ae you busy? ttikiti anatikititicketls) rvili az'avili (wheYt
Ndiqinisekile.I'msu. Ndingxmite.I'minahurry. Adopted wods are often used in everyday speechwhile the original
Ulshtlle? Are you nried? Unynisjlu. you'rc right. Xhosawodsareprcferredin the written language,espciallyin titeature,
Jkhrluela/e? Ae you Kupholtta. It is cool. e.8..
leropleni iaqwelo mo) 0it. wagon(of e) aD
rr(hihN rlgmbilof/pheke (lit. room of / fo cooking)
Ndiunrt. I am thirsty. Ndidiiee. I am tired. ilrv ,,r''gubo (flour)
r'fowu ,l,''rxeba (phone)(lit. rope)
7 'Xhosatrsed' u'otds
Not: Wlen English wods reusedin witten or spoken)osa ey must
In Units 1-5 you hve come cmss a number of ,xho6lised' nouns, havea prcfix which is usually 't' (Class9):
i.e. thosenounsadoptedom F'aglieh and/ or Atrilans: ipersonel rger
fun Enelbh rRed Cross Hospitl
ibhotolo butter ,Primry Helth Ca
ibhanti (ana) bnd
rma frn rdolophu do?
@ How to apply it
i/,kamp*ni company tLomityi koppie
tkeiki cke iswekile sriker
kliniki Ask
ikofu coffe (a) wee is the ss?
imqiiri maryarine O) Wee is the milk?
ioisi ofce (c) Wee is the cake?
,esiphi rcipe (d) Were is a spoon?
rse[gvitshi sandwich (e) w'ee is the cotree?
iti tea (0 Whee is the tea?
rtispui teaspoon (g) Where is a teaspoon?
,]mivsithi univesity
As you can see,most of these 'adopredwoIds,belong to Classes9 /10 (a) Here is the sugar.
prefixing t-ft:-. However when e doptednglish or Aikns word (b) Hee is the milk.
(c)Herc is the cke.
(d)Here is spoon. 7 wlit a Itut tn Xhos of e things Thrdi asks Lidhve
(e)Here is the cotree. to buy or her
(f)Herc is the tea. UThandi 'Lindiwe, ndfuna ukubhak ikeyiki nsomso kusasa
(g)Hee is a teaspoon. kodwa ndinaxeshlokulhenga iziko ezifunekayo-
3 Sy that you like 'l' Ndiceuye esuphamketezithenge.Nalu uluhu:'
(a) Ndi-nda (ikeyiki). egcs
(b) Ndi_anda (maqnda). flour
(c) Ndi_thanda (izinto eziInnndi).
(d) Ndi_thnda (iisengwitshi). sug
(e) Ndi_randa (ikofu) enganswekile.(withour sugr)(tir. nor mk
having sugr)
icing sg _
Gtv the tnskcfons replcing the word in brackets
rtith the appopriate ul-indiwe Kungie- Ndiz kukq/enzeoo o.
object concord
(a) zse (iketile, n[ the kertle). I Complet e txt by fflling in
(b) _bilse (amnzi). Use 'amnzi', 'ikofu' nd 'ubisi'.
(c) zse (ubisi). A Ngensisi, uphunlemzuzwn.Ujongekudiniwel
(d) __gqithise (iswkile). Hlt phrtsi. Lixeshaleti oknyeukheth_?
(e) _ncede (youselo. B Enkosi.Nokubayintoni.
(t _vare (ucngo). A Dvid, lyl iketile bilise _
Ask (u.lng -rrjdnl D Kungie,mara.
(a) How Ie you tody? A Natsi . Ugaanda neswekie?
(b) B Galela_ qha,enlosi.
Holv e e children?
(c) How is your husbnd? A David, ncedauzise
(d) How is you vdfe? D Luphi , mam?Luseftijini? ndiluboni &!
(e) How ae your paents? A Oo, ndilibele ukuluttenga !
(D How is work?
(g) phunla rsqred ikerjle *enl
How is the weihe?
a itle shil bilha hoil
(h) How is the cake?
lyila swii.h m zis fetch
(i) How re e sandwiches?
look at the recip Jony gives Thandi
() Cicle tte objecrconcodsind the noun to lvhich they rcfer
(You shouldfind th)

(b) Cicle e possessives


9 Fill in e missing forms

Use: Nifudumele
(a) ndilmbile,(b) kubalulekile,(c) v,/amkelekile,(d) nph ib,
(e) ndingxamile,(0 utshtie,(g) ndinxnwend (h) kuphotile ngokwaneleyo?
Mob, (r) ekhayei lam! Are you tDarmenough?
Uojai nmlnje? 12,
Utuna into yokusela?Ewe, (3) ndi kakul!
Utuninto yokuta kannjao?
Ndiceauze apha.Ungndincedisa? Hyi, ndilusizi, In this U'art Wu uill leam how to:
(5) I askwhethesomeoneis warm enough
Nceduziseijezi yam. Ndiyagodol.(6) ngotn. I discusse weaer
(7) ufowuneuThandi.
I exFess liks / dislkes
(8) uhemb? Ewe, uThandiyinkosikazi
yake. I rcfer to the dysof the week/ mons / sesons

The Murrays and e Thamsnqsmove inside and discusse vaiable

UPeter Nifudunelengokwneleyookanyendilayiteisifudumezi?
UThemba Hayi enkosi,asifirtri siirdrmezi. Atubndi kngako.
UJenny Linjalo izulu lseKapa. Umzuzu ilng liykanya,
UThndi Hayi, uubaxa! Yaye rgakzi ngezulu
laseKapa!Imvul ibbetelekunembalela!Ib ayfna
imrda eMzntsiAfiika. Inqabile.
UPeter Jenny, ufna nabantu abavel ecuteng! Bona, kaloku,
abalithndi izlu lethul Ebusik bhalza ngemvat
UThemba Kodwmsiyivumeniinyad, lihle izulu lasecautengebusilra.
Lomile, ini.
UThandi Kodw iinduduno nemibanephyehotyeni!
UJeuy Hayi, nsivumeniyonle indwoinezinoezilungiteyonezinro
UThan Unynisie!Umzekelo,eThekwioi kumnadi ebusikakodw
ukutumaphoehlotye, lugqthe emgcenll
UJeDry Ewe, kurialo kanyesisi.
UPeer Ndiyaihembukuba liz kub le* ngempetaveki ezayo
kbakrkloukuphisr,/anoolukhrlulweqakmbaeNewlands. f, How to ...
Uyakuthandubukela iqkamba,Themba? Ask @hether someone is uatm enough/cold
UThemb Kalulul sho noMakhya Ntii kwiTv: 'I dont lke
cicket- I lotte it!' Ulrdumele ngokwanelelo?
UPele Heke,ndizL-uynoDd edialweringoMgqibelo.Uyatun Uyagodol?
ukusiklphanonyanawakho? Not: ,-godola' = 'be cold'efers to hunrs while abanda'= 'be cold'
UThemba Ewe, singavuyakakulu. refesoDlyto innimate objets.
LIPeter Kulngie,ndizkukufowunelangolwesihanuukuzesiethe
ngexeshanendawoyol-udibana. Comment otr aatm/hot/pleasont edther
*In 'tiza krbalille' 'i' = 'it' refen to Class5 noun 'tzut' = weae Kushushu! It's hot!
rimini rdel It ii btirl dy!
lsigan llmga ylny. The str is shitrtug.
-tudmee b wm Msiyinneni yei lef s adnir ine tfuh Imga liyqaqamba(L tbrobbing). The sun is shining.
,il.nga yfshisa! The sutr is bunitrg!
-layila switcn on It is intensly hot.
il.nga libalele.
Thereis a dought.
khupha intaaetnanzni!* (t is so hot i) tr tdts t a
rtsh out of the wate!
Ligqatseabhobhorla (It is so hot that) tt rcorrrir
theArican hoopoebift
Kufudumele. It is warm.
Ndifudunrele. I am warm
+ +SeeUt 10.1fo more aboutidioms andplove$s.

msakiahn don'tnplain
Cofinent on cool/cold/ress ptedsant weother
imvna nin (noun) Thloboal,ltnt kufika- Sume doesn'twnt to come.
inpela ve*i zayo ong w@kend Thlobodlivumi ukudelingene. Sulnme is late. (lir. sume
kunembo thd drcught ukhuphis*o ouklu big mch dosri? gee (yet) to com itr.)
inbalela diought
Thlobophelil. Surnme irr come to an end.
Kuyphol. It is becomingcool.
-nqabile be sc
Kupholiia. It is cool.
say so
abavcia wno mne emdlawn to e gG Kuybanrl (phandle)! It is cold (outside)!
bona,kalok sfor rhem ngoMsqibelo or Saiurdt Bekubanrlizolo. It was cod yesterday.
-kapha cconpuy I,mini e,lbi! It is terible dy!
lrhalazanA- conpain aboui rowunela phone(fod Kujongk ngi tmini It looks as if it is going llJ
erdoiycni sumor nAolwosihlanu onFriday iza .:ub,lbil be terible dyl
-nza konoya blowing l nd ku so llat

Izulu inathanb' antaka!* Tbe weatheis the unsetded. Cultural background

oit. ke e intestes of a bid)
Lrlsikartuni kumka. Winr doesn?wnf to go wy.
Andizitnditu iinyng I don' like e dntr Seaans ol lhe yeot
zobika! mlhs at a l lAmoxesho Lonyqko) (lit. timeso ihe yeo4
r *SeUit 10,1 for moe abouridioms andmovebs.
summer tlobo 1<umhlobo= Iriend{i.e.thefrindly
Contment on ro.ing ttteothet sping ,,'rlqkohlc {lil.lh6 poinh o lh 96n gosl
iirwotohlobo {< .rhworo = h*om6 vibl, opp6or
lzulu yezis. Rin is iDminent.oir e weather llil.lh opporonco summi
is bitrging rain) outun lkwindl. (< dlo = *t, i.. rh@so oeling){Clo$ l4l)
Kuyra. It's raining. wint, ubusiko (< -.iko cut, i.. lh cuiingsosonl
NdiciDgaukubkuza kuneth! I think ir is going to raitr!
Ngthi kza kuneth. I looks like ir is going to rain. Itbnths ol the year
Ndithenb ukubaiza kuyek (tinyongoZonyokal
I hope tharit stops ining soon!
kamsinya,rk ,treth! lonlo.y ulonuwori eyomQungu {monrho rheIsmbuki
Sifrmene ,nrul eninzi kutsharje.We've hd a lot of rain rccentlv. s.airl
Nantsi t,lrla! Here'r the aiD! Fbrory utebruwo eyomD'.rmbo lmontfio trerwdling
Iyaglela irnul! It's poing with in! groinl
1lnua iydyudyuzaI It's poning with rain! eyoKwindlc {monrho ile irtt ritt}
ekorhoz'iinpuri {montfio tfie wirhcrins
Comment on @indy/msty/onercdst/dry @eo.thet PUnPkinil
Moy uMeyi ekoCon{bo lmon*o * ccnopur)-
Umoy uyaYuthuzs, rs vry wbdy. ('lit. ir is bowiDg) lune uluni eyeSilimclo lmontho toPlciodcr)
Umoy uybhuall. The nd is bloving had. July ululoyi eyeKholo
Kukho rnkung. Irh misty. Augut uAgoi )Ifiuphq
Kusibekel. It's ovecast. Splmbruseptmbo yomsinrsi
K.tt\ile. I's dry.
Kufumlle. It's humid. Octobe, uokrobho eyeDworho lmonrho rhreEwol
Krzolile. It cl|n. Ndenber uNovmbo qNk ngc
Note: '!nl:ugu nelng'(lit. mist andsrl) is an idiomaticwy of saying, DcmbruDmbo qomo (monrhof rh mimos
mutitudeof peope':'Bekrkho ,nkrurgr netnga',Therewashugecrowd.'
Comflrcnt on thunder/tightntng/ hail 'Sishlslorsen bore yllow
downii Mo Tollondsmollr docies
Mml tindudumo! Listen ro the thundel Noi6: As con b snfrom lho explonolionin brockts,the Xhoso
Joga rmbne! Look r re lightoing! months werenomedoftorplontsor lowerslowerinsin holporticulor
Jonga;sichothol Look ar rhe hait! monlh.Thorisinolnomsof themonrhs oreveryotienusdin liieroture
whillh Anglicised
versionssmo be usdin vydqyspeech
Ask what the temper.ature is by lheyoungrgonsrolion.
Itutoni iqotrdo o,rshushu Wht's the tempemtue today?
nam anje? (lit. degreeof heat)

Poem and songs

I Hon, it works
Inblel Drought
E! 7 The equioalent of English 'eoery', 'all',
'Yoo!Yoo! ohloh!
Siylila, 'the uhole' ='-onke'
Iinkono zethuzifile, Ou catde are ded, Prom the follong list you can se that .-oDl(e' is peceded by the
Iindanri zikhednite. The cttle rddk ar beleft, consonantssociatedwith the noun to which it efes and can pecedeor
e fldsarecrckedlike dy skin. lbllow a noun dependincon emphasis:
lnimago ibhite. The bnbides ae parched, everypeson, veyoc
lziryalo zibunie. The pntsae witheed. dll pesons,vrybody
lzil'n n ziztpalza. The smll wld aninlse like a drl work
rtoDe 4msbezi
brokenup, dispersedmy, ]on&eiln hl oit. all days) everyd^!
Amcebophelile.' We don't know whar ro do. lorjKeiliz, e
(Iit. Planshavecometo an end.) loDketxesh dl e time
(Fmm a poemby c. Soy Mma) dll countries
Imia all times
orkei!ftolo e wlde shool
Irula, im!'ul, Rain, ain, eonkeizrkolo .rll schools
Chapha,chaphll, chltph.t, Splash, sptash,splash, eveyahir'
]oDe lnao
Imanz' iloknwe yam, My alessis wet, zo]izinto drl things
inanz' iloHwe yam, My dressis wet, all m*ind
lonke Ll.ntu
Gqam,Bqum,kyadndllila. Boot'1,booh, ]t is thnndeljt9. onrel,kwinaua
Gqm,gquta k]yaddm3- Boon, boon, it is tht].\de'ne. onl(esik.
Imnz' ilo*lwe yam, My dresss wet. all E food
ko[le uLutya
Imaz' ilokwe yam. My dressis wet.
Remembe:in the cseof noms prefixrDg'rrn-' the associatedconsonant
E! umoy Wind is 'w-' nd i the caseof nounspefixing 'mi' I '' | 'n' | 'n: lhe
Khnibonenank ' umoya! Peaseseehereis e windl associatedconsonnt is 'y-'.
wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Wu! Notei No concordin Ctass6 (arrr-).
Ungen' efesrileni, It comesthorghe window,
Ucim' ibne sam, It puts out my ghr- -onke'csobe usedwith 'si-' = 'we' nd'ni-'= 'you' (p-):
Uyaphumndiyasla, It gosout aDd sray, Yizai apha,oe. All of you come hee.
Undishiyennyameni, It leavesme in the dak.
Zanbe zambe (uzehambe). It shouldgo, it should 2 Adjectioes
Wa! Wu! W! Wu! Wu! Wa! Therc arc only a few so called adjectivesin )cros4 severlof which yo
have a,leadycomeacoss,but they a frequentlyused.They inclrdethe
numels 1 { as well asthe following adjectivalstens:

-nve Onc 8oup includes words referred to in )ftosa grarmar books ns

bini two -hlanu 'rjlstlves',e.g.:
-thathu tbee -thandathu swet.nice
-mnndi -muncu
'hle = beautitul -bi = bd,uCty lul easy,t -nzim difficult, he\y
-d = long, tall, far -frrtlhne : shot usizi sad,sorry -bomru ed
Juphi = neI -tsha = yong,fresh -mhlophe white -myma black
-dl = old, stle -ninzi = mny -ntsudu brown -blow blue
-gphi? = how many? -ncinne = linle luhlz gln* /bluel -ubhl ye[ow
-Lulu = big -Dcinci = small *OkweDgc= as gss.
In )Oosa,adjectivesfoow nounsand to mrk the relationshipbetween tokweribhkbhtkx = as e sky.
noun nd ad.iective,n djectival concod (coresponding to'that', ' Unit 8.1 for more retiv stems.
'which', 'who') is usede.g.:
Oer descnivesare deived fmm vrbs and suf6x -],, when no oe
Il' scbtrziorrkhulu abigjob (lir. ajob rlid is big word follows:
iflryi ermcinci a small slice (lit. a scetlidr is small)
ikomityi ny on cp (lit. a cup tliar is one) -bluleki)o important -ziyo coming
(ct calg lomityi yekofu = anothe cup of coffee) -lndelj''o fo[owing -vel coning fon
iuneilelo good -ya going to
44ntwaa q4nye one child
aba- sb4ntu 4bsdal^ dults (it. od people) Kubulekild. lt's impotnt.
44sbenzi 44khulu big/much work Yinto sbllekilele. It's n imposnt ing.
emi- i4ihl glltid log days (lit. rcri is importnt)
izulu efrle fin weade Yet aDothergoup ses -tr- = 'hve' / 'has' / '' together with an
4214cphe 4z4skhuu bie spoons
drtayi gqncinci a smll sice
-on (inteEsting):.'rsbenziaorrdl (lit. vork that h3intst)
laf.ofo einm?i matry schools
-arnndl (strorg): tdod dnrarndla(t. rr&r who hs stlngth)
leyiki rltle* a beutiful cake
inlo e4ldu great thing The diffeenc betweena4ictives and oth dscipfives is in eir
ezh- / ezn iilispii eai!!ti' t!o easpoons corcord or link ) the noun in de fo owng non clssesonly:
olu- 4bisi 4&tshs frsh mik Adectives Othrdsciptives
oba- atasika ehubi a bd wjnter Css I 4!! tt) qllhle i1ltDtn qnomilla
qkya @&dsl sle food Clss3 qL*henzi gllhle 4r4sebenziqnomdl
* -hl > -tle before an : rnto ealtl;tkeyiki ?AUq. Class4 l^ slL-ihre i4jhl emllandi
-l A coDsonrldfter n is nev spisted. " tr > m befoe b, p, f, v. Class6 q@zwe ql]4hle quz\ e 4mnndi
Although there are only a ew true adjecives in Xhosa, e )Gosa
Class9 !!!ro e io emrndi
Cass10 izi4to ezie laiqro eznnBndi
languages not sho of desciptives.
Note: A rlative concord Drefixedto a veb foms a elative clause:
Ufana nbantuarbayela You ae tk peope4rtq com
eGauteng. from Gauteng-

3 me present tense in the negatioe

Thereis no wod in )C$s corespondingro rhe Engsh 'not, . ku,ttelzlis. I rill dr hurt ),o,r.
I SccUnit 8.
Instead,e ngative folm of the subjecrconcod is used and e verb
ending chnges(cf. Unit 33). Comparethe subjectconcordsof rhe 3d
6 lrrsttuct not to do something
Positiv Negative lt k very easyto instuct someoneot to do something.Simply use
'Muo' followed by the indtive when instucting one personand
- 4L4- UThtrdi a,tathndt ndudumo namibane. 'Mu$ri' when instructingmoe than onepelson:
ba- aba dntu bsecautengrrlithndj izulu laseKapa.
tr- Oe peson Moe thn on peson
s!J!- Urroya wbndt namhlnje.
Mus ukuba. Musri ukbx.
i- 4]L lr"tsebenzi .l}rphelt. (The taskshavenot ended.)
Dotr't exaggete.
li- ali 1langaalikhnyi nmhlanje.
Mus ukukhalaza. Musni ukhz.
a- at4- A1,1anakabi
Doo't comPlil.
si- drt- ifdumezi drtsebenzikakuhle.
Mus ukulibala. Musni ukulibla.
zi- azi- Lrdumezi dz,sebenzika&ulle.
qr- Don't foget.
1- Inrd a)firnt kuma namhlanje.
Musa ku?,tlathaza. Musari uku.,ldtathaza.
21- azi- It rvul d.,Tu[i L:unnarlanje.
lro' t wory (Joutsef).
l- ala- {,'lwndle (rhe sea)albad; nalanje.
bu- abu- Ubusiks ab }'aad' ln pokenlanguagee shoeed forms e preferred:
ku- aku- Uhrty akub^l.dl Skubaxa. Snukubaxa.
Sukkialaza. Snukukllaza.
4 The utute tense
Sukulib. Sanukibala.
In Uit l you cmeacossan exmpleof ihe futue tetNe: Sukuzikath^za. Sanukuzrlathaza.
Sizs kfika eKapakamsy. We wiI aive in CapeTown soon. If you wnt to expressyousef mol 'elegantly' you can say:
As you can seethe future tenseis formed in the following way: Ungakl^zi. Ningkbalazi- Youshouldn'lcompln.
SC + '-z k- (o '-y ku-') + verb stem: Ungaib8. NigalibaE. You shouldn't foget.
Ndizskzm. I'll try. Ungaikazi. Ninga4hathzi. Youshouldn'twor{y.
Ndizku,fufowu|rel. I' phoneyo. -+ SeUnit 15"2.
Ndicingakubaliz kuna. I tlnk ir wiI in.
6 Diffetent woys of e4tressing'cqn'
Note: e position of the objecrconcod.
The shot (contacted) form of the ftur tns is often head in The Englishtsnsla[onsow that thesediffercntwys of expessing
cooquial spechbut cn also be found in witten rexrs: 'crn' renot alwaysintechngeable:
Unokuza?(< Umkho ukuza?) Csn you (.re you bleto) come?
I' se,you'I see,
we, ndinqkuza. Yes,I csn (come).
wobona,nobona,etc, he'll / she'll see,you'l see,etc.
Hayi, andinchza. No, I cn? (come).
Remember:Sobonana. \e'll seemh otber
Ungndinced? Can you help na? ln March ngoMti
Ndingangena? Can (may) comein? In April ngoA)Ie
Uyatrrzi rtherh isDftosa? Cn you (do you klow how to) In May ngoMeYi
tauonr - arrdeshadyak:
7 Mote Xhoea equittatents of the English ehloaJeni* (< ihloho)
ptepositions'in','dt' ,n au$r ekwidl (< *rYindl (Class14lbr
cbusik (< sik)
Times o the day (amoxesha osuk) (usukr Z.t-hour doLyl l|t sPnng 4dkohlz (< idakohlz)
emini ,n daime t 'b' followed dectly by 's' is not easiy ponounceablein Xhos,
?mini ezdqnda l]t middy thccfore 'b' > 'rr'before -ent.
arnalnga/ emvaL:wemini r,r the aftemoon
er,rsuku at t;t E Aduerbs
ezrnzulwtri zobusuku at midnight You havealeadycome acosssomedvebsof time andpace:
lgoatya (< !hatya) at dsk hee
nanhlanje today apha
lgOkubwa (< !/lzhlw) i the evening thee
ngomso lomonov/ pho
'Ngr is also usedwi rtys of the wk - iintsuku zeveki: loike ixesha always onke ama{esha awys
Mondy ,Mrulo (< - a = open) phya over there tui often
on Monday ngoMruo dverbscnbe formed wi ka-:
besdy u-wesibini*
kokuhle well kal:ubi bdly
on Tuesday gol-wesibini
kaulu much kncinci a litte
Wednesday ulwesiththu*
kng so nuch knjlo like this
ngol-wesithathu kmsinya(ne) soon
karrndi nicly
knye once,exacly kabni twice
o Thu$day trgol,wesiD
kn;nzi often
Fiday u]-wesihlatru*
on Friday ngoLwesanu Note:Khlel = Hod on!
Safiday uMgqibelo (< -gqibeta = fii) Advebs cnbe formed ku :
otr Satudy ngoMgqibelo 'vith
kudla long go kuphela ony
Sunday iCtr (c ,cw = church)
on Sunday kunskudal sholy (it. il is not long)
*ci djctirl stms. And dve$s can be fomed with nga-:
ngamsanqa uckily ngesaquphe suddenly
'Ng-' is usedalso with morths of e yr - iilryang zoryek:
ngshwa unfotunately ngkumbi especiy
in which morth? ngeyiphi inyng? ngohklr'deza quickly ngaphakathi inside
in January ngoJan!,rwri ngokweleyo suffciently ngaphandle outside
in Feb{uary ngoFebhu\,ari ngmnye sometimes
t(xl XHOSAUN]T tol
OthesiDclud: tno (d) -ngathand ukunilaph,kodw (e) xhonekekc
Iwhnozulu.Ukuba umoya (l) vuuza gqith,ulwandle
galn onlY
(lr) kulwa. (h) utb ndinsagua ngenxa
ekugqibelei t last qho -r -oyika
yokudlokov kwenqanw
lhyi, (i) -zi kuyaukub(j) -vulhuz Cqitha.
$How to apply it B ([) (l)
"-z kuya ukub -Janea?
I Find lhe contasting word / exprssio Ewc, nn, -oyik mvula.
ll (n) kuy ukuba (o) -shushu gqirha?
clrcose ftom: (a) llarya libalele, O) Liyabardakk]hlu,(c) Lomle, -z
we, -khathaz eki bubshushu.
(d) Kusibekele,(e) umoy uyruuz nd (0 Masihlleelnseni.
1 Lik'huphaindanzi emanzini. ul*rdc sa gla be sick
2 [nga yak]anya. -l$ekeke .a- dependon ngcnn ya becauseof
.lwu nght i.e. rcugh dlolova kwenqana rcllins ofthe ship
3 lyaglelaimuil.
.oyik! hc afid of khalhazeka nn4 wov
4 Kuzolile. /Akutlo moya.
5 Lifirmile.
6 Masihtaleemunzini. (shde) Uete" to the weath epots and sy whi to e
! I
2 Ytrhi r ureae in summe and which to lh wathe in winter
(a) I am cold It is cod. ()
.! (b)
() I am wam. It is warm. Use the ppropriat expression in Xhosa for 'can'
(c) t becomes cool. L is cool- () Cn you speak)<hosa? No,I can oly spea litde Zulu.
(b) Can you speakEngli? Yes,I m leamine it ai school.
(d) It x,l rain tomollow. It won'1rin today- Cn you pleasehelp me? Of cous(kkade),I'l help you.
(d) Can you come on Fddy? I'm soy, I can't help you.
(e) Can I phoneyou toorrow? I'm sory.Icm't coe.Iamioobusy
3 Yi (0 CanI pomyouanothercpof cofiee?No (s, onecIpis enough.
() Ifs nice day- Yimini (9., Can I comein? Yes,pleasecomein.
(b) I n awtu dy Yimini Say what you prefer
(c) It coody. Yimini
(d) It's hot dy. Yimini (!) Someonesys:Ndithdaizinto ezimuncu(sou).
(e) It's a coonig. Bubusutu Sayyou pefer sweetthings.
(b) Someonesays:Ndithada kofu engenbisi+nswekile
Complet ihe dialogue with the appopriate subjec Sayyou plefff coffee with milk andsga.
(c) Somebodysys:Ndithandakeyiki.
A (a) _z kuya eRobben Isand ngolwesibanu, mna Sayyou prefe sndwiches.
nabantwna. (b) gathanda ukrikhapha, wena
nbntwna?(c) nmanyeamatikiti amathathu.
ta) , UNIT
(d) Somebodysays:Ndianda ibho.olo.
Syyou Fefer magaine. UJenny emsebenzini -
(e) Somebodysays:Ndithandiwayini ebom\'r.
Sayyou Fefe white ne.
'Masitethe isiXhosa'
r *SeeUnit 15.2. Jennv ot worK - Let s
E The South Arican flag (indwe yoMzantsi Afrika). Colou
in approptely and nmber the coloF
In thrs Unit you uill leatn hou to:
lubhelu imlophe
I aokhow yo may help someone
iluhlza iluhaz
(okwengca) (okresibhabhaka) I .sk how someoneis in different wys
I rspond in different wys
I know what to saywhen at the gamge
9 Rd this er(cerpt fom a poem by Mtnzana Dana I thant someonein different ways
Fom which climc region s the poet witing? How do you know? I know what to saywhen giving someone tip
Competethe missinglines of the tanslation. I congratulateand expressgood wishes
'Ewe, kambeihobo lifftite Yes,no doubtsummerhasarived lncoko
Ngubo yehlwempu,mhaziyi-lizwe BlaDet of the poor rcnewer [...]
Onol Jenny'sgroupshascomeio the end of its mode. JeDnyputs her
Kalohr nje sinethemblempilo, Now we havehopefor hel
studentstbough thei pcesto seewhethe ey arepoficient enoughto
Koku nje sinethembaoxolo
procedto the next level.
Kloku nje sinethembalokonwaba
Ngokuirka kwemvulazehlobo UJenny Molweni bfundi! Nmhlanje n za kuthetha
Zthembis' isivuno soxolo They Fomse peacefuhvest isixhosa, rnna nalizL:uphulaphul!Ngoobani abatuna
Kub kambeihlobo lifikile.' ukuqala?
UMaknoPaul SizakuqalaJenny.
UMark Mna. ndiza kuba ngumthengisi-petoi.Yena,uPuuz
kuba ngumqhubiwemoto.
UJenny Kullgile. bafundi, thethnil
! Umrhengjsi-peoliMoro mhela7i KunjIil \ding-L-uncednsanroni
Unqhubiwemoto Molo. nnumzana.Kunjni?
Unengisi-petoli Hayi, krko nto. Ndihemba^zo! wen?
Umqhubiwemoto Nam, ndiphilile eosi.
Umthengisi-petroli Nyizalise itanki namhlaje?
HE SA ro5
Hayi, ndiphenge-fiJtyrnd 4analanje. lncoko
Umthengisi-petroli Kuneile mhlekazi.Anjni mavili?
W a:idenrb bumps into a lady with he IJlLe! whi t)ait 8 in th?
Umqhubiwemoto Ingathi ivfi lsel:uenengaphambililifrrna umoya.
rhr(kout queue an a com,ersation ensues.
Khawhangele onkejikelele.
Umthengjsi-petoli Kulungile, mhlekzi.Umoya ungakanani? tiVl'l Uxolo Nkosi(azi!Ndikwenzloisile?
Umqhbi wemoto Vramponpeayeku-210jikelele. Ndicela ungbali lkosikazi Hayi, hkno nto. Oo! uyasiethisixhos?
ukuklangela nmnzine'oyile. tlVrl Ndiyazma noko!
Umengisi-petloli lnkosikaziHayi, akuzamil Uyasitheh!Usazelaphi s Gos?
Aet afew noments. UVAI Uxolo, andivakfle. Khawuphinde-
lnkosikziNditheusitu e phi?
Heke, zonte iznlo zilungile ngaphambi.Ndisle UVal Heke.ndiyaqondangohrl Ndisifundaeksiniyes ahosa.
ne.efestile? lnkosik^zi Uftndiswa nsubani?
Umqhubi wemoto Ungabaudincdie! UVal NguNkosikaziMu.ray. Yenawalulela emaxoseni.
Umthengisi-petofi Heke,ndgqibile, lekazi. lkosik^zi Nam, ndivela emaxlloseni.
Umqhubi-wemoto Ndiybuea. Undincedile. Nantsi imli yepetroli. UVal Liph ilAaya lakio?
Nli ke icuba- lnkosikazi LiseCcadu.
Umlhengisi-petroli Enkosi. uhambe k&uhle,lekazi. UVal Oo Y-dy Fere ngesiNgesileyo?
Umqhubi wemoto Usleka.kuile,nuurzn.Sobonnl Inkosikazi Yo! Unyansle.Uyasaziisixlosa inene!
UJenly Mak noPaulnenzekald e!"ntrr! Wal L aaphi, Nkoskzi?
Uletrny Heke,Val nosaly, masivnieyenuincoko! lnkosikazi Eclaremoni. Wenuphi?
OoVl Kulungie. UVal EKenilwor kodw ndisebenzphaeclaremont.
Isigara nkosikazi Nam ndisebenzapheclaenont.NdneresryueFi Averue
ebia ngegaraelithi'Nn8"ne'.
UVal Inene! Mhlawumbi ndiza kukutyelela apho! Yhoo,
ndiphantsendalibaa,igamlm nguva Todd-
lnkositazi Ndiyavuyakukwazi VI. Ma ndinguxolisw Siing.
UVal Nam ndiyavuya ukukwzi, Xolisw. Bekunnndikkulu
ukuthea nwe. Ndiyathemb ukuba siza kubonna
kwaklona. Ndiza kuxelela utitshallazj wam nekasi ym
ngeestyuyakllo. Mhlavumbi sonke siz kutyeea ires[t
yaklo kamsinyaDel
Uxolisw lngnle loo nto. Val. uhambe kakle.
UVa Uhnbe kkuhlenawe,Xoliswa. Sobonanakwlhona

UJenny Nani neDzekakuhle, Val nosaly! Ndonrvabile!Ndonwbe

gqi ngokuqhubelphambfi kwenu! Ndiyavuyisannani!
Ngoku nndininqweneeleilolide enlandi!
xHosa- uNt7 I SIHE

Some idiomoric exptcisions in response
did I hut you? -tyela visit
wheE do you ndiphets I nedly Ndihlcli.
tios it iion? ined oo nlol mdtelorebr! Sihlcli.
cla$ owbil I n happy
htvhonG ndonsabeeqidD I n very hppy
Ndihqmbonozo. I om going olong vrirh m.
youlaugh? .gokqhhela eiyNpmgEs
Sihombo ndzo. We ore going olong wilfi em.
ihd phaili kvenu (-'lebs t, 'ihgrki =. P|obhr61
- q) ia. E j o n et r i 'h ., . e . Ndikhohlclq ndihombo. ! om 'coughing olong'.
which h qlled consFtuaom Sikhohlelo sihombo. We ore'coughingolong'.
by the mn Mdiqvdell ter re wjsh you
Ndisdrobbo. I om stillioltring olong.
iholide hoiday
Sisororoba. We orc ill loeng olong.
Ndiqhwcllq ndisiyo- I om limping soinsolons.
Siqhwollo sisiyo. We ore limping soins olons.
\ Horu o ... I om hqppy.
Ask how you moy help someone Sonwobile lekhoyo). We ore hoppy (ot homel.
Ndiyo.olhozq. I om going olong slowly.
Ndingiunced ngantoni? Siyo.olhou q. w o.e going olong slowly.
Ask how someone is in diercnt dus kukho nro limbil. The.e i5 nothing (bqd).
to: Akho'nro)
Uphil / Niphil dani?
Uphiltl / Niplile? Kun.edo ntonlukukholozq? whot doesit help b comploin?
Usaphil / Nisaphila? Akuncedi ukukholorcl h doesn'thelp to comploinl
Unjni / Kuqini? / Ninjatri?

Respond to being asleedhow yau ane in dlfe:ent woiys Kno u)hdt to sdy dt the gdtdge
Ndiyaphil. / Siphila kalarleenkosi. Ndingafnmanaipetmti.
Ndiphilre. / Siphilr". Nced,zalisa tfnki.
Ndisphil. / Sisaphil. Nceda]rtzliss.
Ndikhon. / Silhona. Gaela nge-fifty rand qra-
Ung'f.h'ngela i-oyile, an aitz; nanavlli-
ldom.,ri. expressions , ask how someone is Mpompa anavili ngo-l.8.
Uvuko nioni / Nivuko nioni? llit. Howdo your'qke up?) Wampompengo-l .8-
Uvukil i/ Nivukile? {li.Hoveyouwoken up?) Ingathi r'vili lgphmbili / gasemvalihlile kahuu.
Usohleli/ Nisohlli? Aryou stillseofed?
Thdnk in drffercnt .|ys
who o.e noiwll wouldnorbe Entosi kaku (nge"to yonke).
siltiis upl. Vn liac'ile.

UngabundincdiL- Cultural background

+ Seecutual bckground 1lrE 0rc severaidionatic ways of syig thank yo i Xosa whjch
yo[ may cornecloss.
Knou uhat to saryuthen giving someone d tip Nrrrarrro o the tu sayg Ungadirt$'anangomso(lit 'you shodnot
Nali icuba. (it. Hee is tobcco.) h ticd (1odo lhe same)tomorrorv') ws coined by one of the greatest
Nazi iilekese. (it. Here e srveets.) XhA leaches,scholarsand rrites of our time A.C. Jodn whose
Ina tshy. (it. Tae for sonettingto smoke.) to\.|, Ingqumboveminlanra - he Wrutho theAnc?rtorJ,is considered
oneof e finest in )ahosa.
Cotrgratutate and etapress good wishes
Mdz'nethole (ll. femaleanimal and its young, usualy cow nd c11)
i8 lnoer the explntionbeing as folou,s: As mother atwys does
ThatJitl thingsfor her young,ospecia[y whenstill sucHing,e recipientof kind
Ndiyr'yisnanarel I (til. I ejoice
Congrtutions gsturfelse kindnesst hsbeenbestowedis eqivaled only to tht
rith rou) which motherusualy besbws on her young.
Ukvanda kwalwa gumttu*ttthi oit. Increase(of prospedty)is opposed
Maqobokaza/t ptumbi Ii! * Young ldies,well done! by th witch) i.e. thee is only one 'person' (the witch) who rejects the
Siyvuyisnn)re Congratulations klndness,help, etc., shownby one personto anoihewhich has led to an
ngoin}'lrslw kwakio! your pronrotionl Increasein hppinssandprospeity of e personon whom this kindness
Zonwbise!/ Zotrwabiscni! Ejoy jouself / roa^lw|l
Ndii nqwelel,reumllo! . Good luck! (lit. I wish )d,,
success) Nt bat tungazibii/ ngazo.rn mi (lit.I hold wi two /both hands)is
Ubhlq / NibhIg kkuhe! Good luck fo e exams! usuallysidwhen o e pesonreceivessomethingconcetefrom another
(1it.Write well)
Mitri trDndi (yohrzlwa)kulrel Happy Brdy to .y"r!
.lxresmesi myoli / ?mnandi! Happy Ctuistnsl f, Horo it works
Nyak' orntshomnandi! Happy New Yel I Verb stems beginning llllth a ttowel
(ozelengadathamssnql) (fflled wi good luck)
You will hve observedtht most ve stems in ){hos begin wi a
Ndlel ntlel Have a good tip!
consonanl.There ae, howeve! number of verb stemsthat begin wi
Ubc / Nibc nemini emnndi! Have a nic day!
tjlg / Nibg nernpel-vkiendil Have nic weekend!
Ubq / Nibe neholideenmandi! Have nice holidy! -smkela (wecome)
Njao naku'el And e sae to ],ol Ni' + smkelkil"l > Namkelektir! (ni- > n-)
(ir. nd it is like at to )o,r) ' azi (no$ )
*An expssionof Ndiyruya ukuh + szi > Ndiyruy ukui:tszi (-ku- > -kw-)
Faise fo a pelson or pesonswho have completeda
tsk efficiently and qckly. -enza (do, make)
U + enza ntoni? > Wenznton? (u >w,
A ve beginning wi vowel inflences Feceding vowe in one ol l'o
ways, yet anoiher example of a soutrd chIlge occurring.
I to XHOSA- UNIT7 ultNNY{!!9!\Z\1 144!lI!
2 Verb stems with q tdtent 1: thqtbte? dv you ftishd?
tJgqlb? w1enItd you finish
hee ae lso few very frequently used one-syllsble vebs ir Xhosa
hrfundibaphumtl. The studentsliav? left.
containing a so-clled latent i-. This latent i- influences a Feceding
8ophum" ngohkhaweza. They lt1 n a hury
''which chngsto 'e' :
Noo: The folong ftequently sed vebs do Dotfo[ow this ule. They
-(i) (her,feel) Ndiy4 + (Dva > Ndiy4a
I hr,
h vc only on written fom with fone and length d;stinglrishing
lNaweenlong and sho forms:
Nd4 + Ov > Nd4v I had
-(i)za (cone) Ndiya + Oz > Ndiyqz I m coming -libals (fogeo > libele Ndiliblc kwakhona.
Nda+G)z >Ndgz I came I haveforgotten agin.
-(tm (stnd,stop) Ndya + Or > Ndiygm I am stopptug ltls Gleep) > -lele Uele kkul e?
Nda + G)m > Ndgma I stopped Did you sleepwell?
-(i)nba (dig) Ndiya + G)mba > Ndiysmba I m digging -funrsnaGel find) > -fumqne Ufilmerg incwadi?
Nda + (i)b > Ndsmba Idug Did you get e letter / book?
-dibana (meeo > -b c Udibenenini lgThn?
Note: When using vowel and one-syllable verbs to give instructions,
Wen did Youmeet
Fefix ' )- /]!' rcspectively: &ift) Thandi?
Ienza jkofu, nceda! Mak coffe,pease, -phathaGring) > -phethg U}phettr irnli?
l4z' apha Comehere! Did you bing themoney?
llm! Stop!
Rcmembr thercarea numbrof expessions inco{poratinCril' (ci Uit t
llmb! DrCl
Theseexpessionsoften eferdng to one's physical state, e prcset
Iombl Digl (often usedin spokenXhosa)
tens in meing, even though ihey have a p8t tens lbrm and are
lltsho uphindcl Yo cnsy that gi!
rferredto as sttive yerbs i )Oosagrammabooks:
3 Tenses denoting past actio.ns dnd eents Sithbhathekile. we arimpessd.
The nain ways of describingpast actions aDdevnts arc: Ndonwbile. I dnrhappy.
I The recnt psttense To form e Degtiveof the recent pasf tense (ardstative verbs)prefi{
I The remofe psttense the negativSC and suffix ldrga':
I The contiNous /".e" past tense(seeUnit 12.2) Abatundi drdlrhumdr8d. The studentshv nrt goneout.
I The continuous /eaoe pasttense(seUit 12.3). (cnt pst)
Andiphlansa. I !!q ro well. (sbtive)
The recent past te se
+ Seenit 121 for e past tenseof stative ves.
Like e present tense, he recent past tense hs two forrs which
corspondto the long nd sho folm of the prsentiense(ct Uit 2.2). The remote p.tst
The long forr is charctedsedby suffiing -ile' to the verb wheDno This tense is chrcterisedby the long 1a' of the subject concod
other word folows, whle e short form is chracterisedby sufiixing -? (cf. Unit 3.4) andis usedextensivelyin the telling of folktts.
when anotherrvord follows the veb: a SeeUnit 16.
- UNIT7 I$NNYr4sl9E!Z!!L:lll4!1!!M I l3

ndi- > ndzalw ngo'1950 si > szalwango-1950nthi I Match verb and noun to give the apptopdat instruction
u- > VAzawanini? n; > gzalw nid?
u- > Ezalwa ngo-1955 ba > bazalwngo-1955nbo t]*j () iifestile, (b) ioyle nananzi, (c) ipetroli, (d) itnki nd
The subjectconcodsfor Casses3 15 re asfoflows:
I Gaea
u > l{a-
2 Suta
i > J-
3 Mpompa
li- > la-
4 Khngela
a- >a-
J Zisa
si- > s-
- > za- I Glve instuctions
r- > y- (o) Comehere. OK, I'm coming.
zi- >z - (b) stopl OK, I'm stopping.
lu- > lya- (c) Me he tea now. OK. I'l mkei. now.
b- > ba-
I Complete e dialogu between a petol attendant and a
':u- > k!
To orm the ftgative of the rmote pst tenseuseeithe the -dn8a' form
of he ecent pst (e.8. a.tulih9'mhangt:t) Umthengisi-perroli Molo Dkosikazi.NdioghlDceda?
o the xiliary verb -znge
(e.9. (ndi)zsngendihambe.)lit. I nevr went. Umqhubi
Umtengisi-petIoli Ufun eyiphi ipetroli? Uatha u-95 oknye
4 Kha- = '(rrlord you) pleose' u-97?
Khwulindc umzuzwn. Would you pesewi. a moment. Umthengisi-petroli Ndiljzjse4t, itanki?
Kha!ilitrdg uzuzwna- Wodyou(pl.)dse$dr nonenr Umqhubi Hayr,
Kh-+ u- > khyu-. Umengisi-peto Kungile. Ungandiphaizilshixo (keys)?
r cf. Unit 4.5 ve fom enng in -c'. Umqhubi
Umengis;petroli Enosi . Ndigklangela j-oyile?
Umqhubi Hayi,
pHow to apply it Umthengisi-petroli Kulungile.Umoyungakanani?
l Umqhubi
Say sornT when
Umthengisipetoi Amavil ncaphmbiblije kalulu.
(a) you thDkyou may haveht someoneby accident. Ndiwmpompengo-210.Ndisule neefestile?
(b) you haveto intemrpt someone. Umqhubi Ewe.
(c) you ae late. UDtlengisi-petoli Hyi, amanzialungile.Ngqibile nkoskazi.
(d) you forgot someing.
(e) you've kept soneonewiting. Umthenghi-petroli Esi. Hambakakue.
(f) you don't spk)ftosa wl.
5 Complet ihe dtloge Min' emdi kuwe, Thin sobabini sovumelna
Min'enmandi kuwe, Thandi, Sorumelnnwe
Xolisiva and Val meer again. Comperetheir chr by filtng in e
Min'emanahkuwe. Sovumelan
missjngsubjectconcods: ,wmelana = be in hrmony
IJVaI Ndiyakhumhnautheuveaecacadu.(a) zalelwakona? Match tle Eglich sentene wi the correct xlpsa senience
Lxoliswa Hyi, O) _zalelwa kuKomani, kodwa abazai bam () Plesesit down (t. pech) andmakeyouseff comfortable.
(c) fudukel ecacadu ndisemncinci. (d) _kutela (b) Plesercpet,I'm siening(lit. heing).
khona. (c) Peasecomein ad sit dow.
UVal Oo, ndiyabona. (d) Pleasetalk I'm tistening.
UXoliswa Wena(e) _zalelwa eKapa? (e.i Pleasehelp rne hee.
tlval Ewe. (0 _zalelw eFish Hoek, kodwa (g) Iala (0 Pleaseadvise(me).
emrnyeiminyale ecoli- (h) _tsharite, Xoliswa? (g) Pleasecheckoil andthe battery
tlxoliswa Ewe, (i) sebenzaeresqru,mna nomyem wam. (h) Pleasesive ne your phonenumber.
C) _tshatie wena? (i) Pleasewait a few ninutes.
UVal Hayi, andisatshatga.
Sahluken. C) Pleasesive me your addrcss.
L'(oliswa Tool Unabantwna?
1 Khwulindenje imtuzu embalwa.
l'val Ewe, (k) _nentonbi ezimbini. Wena
2 Khv,undikeidilesi yko.
() _ nabantwna?
3 Kwuphind ndive.
UXoiswa Ewe, (m)_nbntwana abthathu,oonyanaabbini
4 Icwundinike inombolo yefowuni yako.
nentombi.Intombi (n) _sencinci.
(o)_funeka 5 Khq.angele i-oyile nebhetri.
lJval ndihambe nsoku. (p)_leyithi.
6 lcvruthethendive.
(q)-nnnd ukuttethnawe.Hambakake, wethu.
7 trGawungeneuNphntsi-
UXoiswa Sobonana.
8 Khawundincedeph.
-tudela 9 Khawundicebise-
torhol shml l0 Khawuchophephaukhuleke.
ndstucici Bhile I sas slil young The poei Soya Mama
dilatshaimga I m no lse mied How would you tnslate 'igama' in the contextir which it is found
sukene we de divored (lit. v e sepdatedfon eachod.)
in e noteson the poet SoyMma whosepoem1rl lela appeasn
Unii 6?
Wish comeone
(a) A nice weekendn cIansrowr. USoyMara ul,boneingakwiali yseNewBrightoneBhyingoma
O) A good holiday. we ll kweyeNkag gonya we-1919- Uq uL:u}bonkalisa
(c) Good uck Guccess)at work. imibongo kwaMye mpheph-ndb. Emv koko wppash
(d) Good uck fo exms. ingqokelelyemibongophaslkweE,aeli.tHAmdQufiube.
(e) Ippy Chistmsnd a happy New yea.
(D Listen to the songsor tape-Can you guessrhe specialoccsions ili(<Afikmsagcf) scltcncnl inibongo poem
-bonaisa mkc appcd ineqokclcla @llection
on which they ae sung?
-tapsha pubiish anaphepia-ndaba newsDapeN
Mi'Emn.ndi Kuwe Tr Sobabini Sovumela tumqunube(tua-) beries
Min' emnandiL:uwe,

UThandi emsebenzini - ll'lhondi Kulungile.Heke,sanalwm,ndibonise,iDtokoibuhlL'ngu

phi kanye? Ungandikhombisn apho ibuhlungu khoDLr
' Ndingugqirha Thamsanqa' indoko?
ULhliwe Ibuhlunsu apha,gqnha.
Thandat work - l,'l'hnndi UbuHurgu uqala?
tJllodiwe Hyi.
I am ur I namsanoa l.)'l'h{ndi Zibublunguiindlebe?
tJLindiwe Ewe.
In this Unlt you l,ll leatn hou to: ll'lhndi U\'lz ezindlebeniuInltwanawakho,Nkoskzi?
I cofort / rcssureby telling someonenot to woy UMma Eq,e,gqih.
I sk what is wmng with someone UThundi Uqenini ukuglaunntwana waho, Nkosikzi?
lJl\4"na Lrsukuwesiathu o.
I sy what is waongwith you
l"J'l'handi Ndixelele,ullhe wamdt into yokudambisiintungu?
I ask someone'sage
UMama Ewe, ndinike iiPnadokodwa azincedit .
I characterisepin Wakhewenzlentokongaphambili,umntwn1l}?
UMama Hayi, gqiha.
tr Incoko
A moe bdngs he snal child who compansof a headchero the
wakhe wagulaklrhulungphambili?
Ha]'r, gqha.
l,,Thandi Ingabunazoezinyeiingxki, o nntwaDa?
hospit. UMarna Ewe gqirha,akakucacelang kuty.
UThndi Molo Nkosikazi. Molo rmtwan ,am. Khningene. UThandi Kulungile, Nkosikazi. Ngoku, ndifna ukumxilonga.
Ndingugqirha Thamsanqa.Hlalani phantsi. Nasi isituto. Khwumlulule uDlaliseaphaebhedini.
Ngubaniigma lalo, Nkosikzi?
LMma NnguNoncebaMajola.
UThndi Wena,mntwan'm.ngubaniigma lakho? .hir
Ngulndiwe. iukulia do cry
UThandi Hay, sukulila rntwn'am. Ungazikhthazi!Andizi lngazithaazi donwory
kukwenzakalisa! Nanku unopopi. Uuna ukumpha? Mdizi kukwenzakalisaI son lhut]',r
Hek, Nkosikazi, ndixelele, nize kusibon ngantoni apha
lJMama Hay, yile ntwazan,gqirha- yonlave mme -bullungu
UThan Itheni?
UMama Iphethweyindoko, gqirha. Enye into ynohlela. klobea
it is this litile one unqala
whal is it?
UThadi Mngaphi iminyaL yahe?
hav hadache iidlebe
UMam M;anu, gqnh. cogn -qd
UIhndi UliphetheHdi eNdlel ya Mpilweni?
UMm Ewe,n. (lii. theyrenow wanika
my her yas?) abisa
Ndineriftrba. (lit. I hve a chft) i.e. I haveest pain.
Ndinengalo. (t. I have an ) i.e. I have a soe m.
Ndinegxalaba. (lit. I have a outdr) i.e. I have a soreshoude.
Ndinomnwe. (lii. I hve tug) i.e. I have a sorefinge.
Ndinernda. (lit. I hve hand) i.e- I have a soe hd.
Ndinomleue. (lit- I have a leg) i.e. I have a soreleg.
Ndinonyawo. (it. I have a foot) i.e. I hve a soe foot.
Ndinozwane. (lit. I have a toe) i-e.
Ndinengqinib. (lit.I have an elborr) i-e. I hve a soe ebow.
\ Horo to ...
sorn iofir.,r. xpressiont incorporalli,'g
Reossute someone
parls o, rc ody
Musa ulu.zr'khthazs,(anzi kulrenzkalis). (lit. to be wnh o liv)
Ungsindi Helshe is brcrve
Sukuzikhthz,(andizi L:u,brenzkatisa). Unentliziyo Helsheis kind (lit. b b wiih o hdrl
Ugtkhthazi, (andizi kutuenzkasa). Unolwr'mi Helsheiso gorripcr ll. b bwh o ronguel
.lnesondlc Helsheis*iltul ll. |o bwiho hondl
Ask what's .Drong with someone Unomlomo He/sheis o big rolkr (l. to bwitho nrolh)
Unantoni na? Helsheis o rhief (lt.tobewifilngfiErs)
Uphethwe Jintoni? Unorqolo Helsheis relioHc (lt-to bth o 3pinl
Ndiphgni iindlebe (lt.giv myouer6)
Ugul )inloni?
Ndkelo ;zondlo (lir.I oskfor hcnds)
Uthl ng rtord ke? (lil.onehnd
/sondlo sihlombo
Sag what is tD"ong uith yo
Andlkucacelangaulvty. Ask hoa old someone s
Ndiyabhi8 G'ln getting thin).
Unernryaka .rn ingaphi (rdl= ge)?
Wone l''lzimba wam ublungu My whole body is sore. Mtn9phi t ryaka yakho?
Ndinentloko. (lit. I have a hed) i.e. I have a hdache. Wzalva nhi?
Ndinentmo. (lit. I hve nck) i.e. I have a soreneck.
Ndineralleb- (t. I hve an r) i.e. Choracteise poin
Ndinonqla. (lit. I have a thmat) i.e. I have a soe throat.
Ndinon qolo. (lir. I have a spbe) i.e. Kuyatshisa. It is bning.
I have a sorebck.
Ndineltso. (lit. I have an eye) i.e. Kuyalm- It s colicky. (lit. i bites)
Ndindr@ho- (lit. I haveeye6)i.e. Kuyqqmba. It s thobbing.
I have soe yes.
Ndinezitryo. (lit. I have tooth) i.e. Kuylb. It s stbbing-
I havetoothache.
Ndinesl$r. (lit. I have a sfomch) i.e. I have sorc stomach,

Song blunrouded-ngqnkuv pointed -tsolo

wide -b zi
Thul thul' thula bhabha
Hush hush hush baby MisceUaneous
(onsinaly a Zul sone) better -bhtele/ -ngcono dark -mdaka
Thul thu' th bhabha. Hush,hush,hushbaby, dep -trzulu hot shDshu
Hush baby, innocent -msulra -dikirtiki
Thu' umm' uzobuya Hush mother.'ill comebck nice -mnndi painftl -buhlungu
in lhe moming, sad usizi 'bukhli
Tha th' thula bhabha, Hush,hush,hush, lr is \ery ea\y o \c reltivesas predjcates.Simply prefi\ lhe reevnl
thul sna, Hush bby, iubici concod to lhe etive stem:
Uzodl' etaben' Shewil crossthe mountin
emalhafeni. Ndiusizi. I amsorry. (lit. I soy)
Kukhw'inkanyezi elokel' Ulusizi?
Thereis a st tht lads
ubba Ibuhlurg indoko? Is (you)headsor?
the father
Emkanyiselaindlel' eziy' ekhaya. Lighting his p coming home. AdJecttoes
SobesiHroaxa bont It srill be thee when they all
betshoyo, Ven adiectivese usedaspedicahs, the adjectrvlconcordmi!s its
Bethi buyelubuye' Sayingetum, retrn, Inltisl vowel is Ffixed to e adjectival stem except in Cass9 nouns
uzkhay. wherethe adjeciivalconco'en: > 'in::
Thula, thu', ul bhabh Be quet, be quet, be qer, baby AC C minus itritil vowel
Ungakh, thula sanq Don't y, be quiet, baby, The cbitd ir bautifrr-
Thula, u' thua, thul' mntwana. Be quiel be quiet, b quiet, cbid The ctiilden are beatifut.
Thua bhbha,thula sana. Be quiet bab be quiet bby. MLhulu u,'rsebenzi. The task ir huge.
M;khulu i,'.isebenzi. The tasksdr huge.
l,ihle izulu. The weatherir beautiful.
@ Hon t l,l.,orks Mahle amanyo. The teethdr beutiftrl.
7 Descriptioes used. ds pt'edic@te ,Sincinci,senaa- The hand tr sm.
Zincinci ,.anda. The handsd/e sm.
Relotues en- I/*ulu ipilisi. The pill ir big.
The mostcommonlyusedeativestemsareose conveyjngideasof tase, Zidrlu iipilisi. The plls dre big.
lxkh$lu sn. The bby tr big.
degesof warmth,heaviness,etc.,andincludeth coloun (cf. Unit 6.2):
Bude ubik. The winter ir long.
uwa. The food ;.rfrsh.
easy lula diffict Not: wlen adjectivesare used pedicvely e prefened word ode
light -luta -nztm seemsto be adjectivefolowed by noun-
expensive -dDl chep -tshiphu
bitter -krar -mnndi
With the lst and 2nd persoN singula and pluml (I, we, you), e
adjectival concods '-m:and '-ba: ae placed betwen the subject
wakhe wenzkaaindoko Did shve hu her hed
concodandthe adjectivastem:
ngphambii? before?
Ndizd. I.m old. Uratsh You ae young. Wkhwagula kakhu WassheeYrvery sick beore'
Siadala. We e old. Ni4tsha. You arc youdg. ngphambili?
+ SeeUnit 15.5for ngative of adjectivesandelatives. \ir'khwmbonngaphambii? Have you ver seenirim befbre'

In oderto express'sll' with descriptivessuchaselarivesandadjectives, r.ele(-l',

often shoftened to "sd / se-'' 'alrcodv'
-!: asopposedto -sr (which is usedth vet is pacedbetweenthe
Skwnele! It's al over!oit.It's ahatlyerowh)
subjectand adjectivalconcods:
Ulentsh. Youare$il! youns. '-soloko' - 'al,a,qys'
Lusc/zncinci usana Thebabyis slill sman. IDttokoisoloko ibuhungu? ls you headlwys soe?
Balclahle bafaz. Thewomenarelll betiIi .
ltbisi ulsrlasha. he mlk is $ill f$h. '-z!g,e'/'-lln.ad$e' - 'neoer'
-Se. can alsobe usedwith other non-verbs: Akrznge waga. Shehsrcver beensick.
(ci nit 7.4)
Ulqseribht|elunmtwana. The child is !]d!! in hospital.
Ulcklotr ugqirh. The docto is slil! herc. ,4Jdizngendatsho. I nve said so.
In the rcgative -!c- Inens no longer'l
Zange sabonna.
Khge atsho. He neYe said so.
Hayi, ugqirha ak!ko. No, the docto is no longer there.
Kh&rge ndbon?ixeshaelide. I haven't seen]o fo long time.
2 Equiualent of'ond' between oerbs '-sozp.'= 'shall' / 'utlll neoer'
n Udt 2.9, you lemt that nours are connectedby 'ns-' : Soy,l'll neve do it aga.
Uxolo, ndisozendiphitrdg.
abazai nabar\ t,d:,a: parentsand children Sozndiselekwahona. I'll nev in] (lcohol)again.
Howeve! when two vebsl fors follow one nothe.e secondve '-phantse'
endsin r9'to ndicteconsequenrilacrion(sequential): - 'nea'
Yhu, nphntsndawa! Oops.I nertyfe
Mklulule untisg Undessher a!!! l;e her down
'dta ngoku- = 'usually', 'reque^try'
lrtuDg zika zimkc? Does the pain come A!!d go?
Udl ngokugl]la ebusika- He/shers fmquently iLliD winle.
Noter iirdngu = physical pajnG) ahvaysin the plrl fom.
4 DiJercnt o saying'lDhy?
3 Equidlent o the English aduetbs 'olreody', '//.ays
WhenThndi askedMs Majola why shehad cometo hospital shesaidi
'dluays','euer','neoer','neatlg','usuallg' Nize L:usibonangantoni aphaesibhedlele?(lit. You hve come to sees
These nglish adverbs ae expressedin Xhos by so called auxiliry for what hee at the hospital?).Hee re threof e sevel other wavs
(helpins) vrbs: of expessing'why?' in )Oosa:

'Kutheni' llcsides this b8ic fom thee is so oDget morc spcclc rr

(prclixing o- / - / e- ), ud the mening 'which Frtic,Id. . l sccDrs ro
Unlike other intengtives'kutheni' iztrodr."r qestion: hc preferred i everyday speech, possibly to disngish belwcen lrc
Kuthni ungndtxeleldSd? Why didn? you t rn ? meanins 'whee?' and 'which?' :
Kutheni ufundisil-losa? Why e you lerning Xosa? Wphi 'rntwna? Which childl
'-eta i' / '-elel'i' (lit. ''.l,hot o?') Awuphi umrrawarral Wich psrtic lar ch dl
Baptri aba'ntwaa? Ithi.n childen?
Us,undclaiisixhosa? Why dq you leam )ftosa?
Abaphi abantwna? ritci childen?
Usrundclcaiisixhosa? Why dd you leam Xhosa? {rphi ,mdlo? Wich bedl
'ngo(ku)ba' Owphi ,'lndlalo? Wich be1
Iphi ,zndllo? li4ricl beds?
Ufundais <hosangoba? Why e you eming)Oosa?
4ipht tnndllo? mich beds?
'-phi?' - 'uhich?' rtthi tldi? Which cad'!
5 Anothet intefl'og.rtiel
Eltphi tkdi? which c?
You arc alreadyfamilia wi '-phi?' = 'rvhere?'rvhichis prefired by the Wtphi amayezal fl/,icmedicins?
u'aphi anayezal wr,icfr medicies?
Uphi mtr? Where (s) tte child? Stphi i.lbhe' l? &ct hospital?
Bphidrdtrtrana? Wherc (ae) e chidren? E$phi tstbhedlele? whch \$pitl1
Ziphi izikolo? IAic* schools?
Ez,phi ;zikolo? I44iict schools?
Wuphi umw^ti' Which chjld? Iphi tpilisi? Whchpinl
Bdlhi d.mtrY$ra? wtcli cldren? 4iphi tpsi? Whih pn
In the so-cIed 'mng' classes,i.e. wheethe subjectconcordconsistsof Ziphi iircwadi? ll4itc& books?
a consonantand a vowel (ba-, li-. si-, zi-, lu-. bu-, ku-) only tone E ,phi iircnadi? mricfr books?
distinguishesthe tro intemgatives: Zphi sib? Whichpit?
Olphi sib? Mich pe?
'vherc?' = high tone 'which?' = low tone K,/phi dr,y? Whichtoodl
where the subject concord consists of a vowel only (in the so-caled Akuphi ukutrI Whchood'l
'wek' classes),'w- or '-yr is prefixed to the subjectconcord: Whenrga- / k- / na- ae prefxed to this folm ia mkesthe 'string' even
Uphi urrndllo? Wher is the bed? longer
l&ehi ,/r,Ddlo? which be' Wazalwa4grlrphi rnyaka?
Iphi irrtrdllo? Wher are the beds? Uy kv?riphi rsibhedlele?
I,phi i/randlalo? whchbe? Ufuna ukutheba!a,u phi ,gqiha?
Aphi a,nayez^? Whr are the mdicines?
Vaphi anayez l I44iict mdicines?
Iphi ircwadi? Whee is the book?
lphi incwadi? Which btr,k?
126 - uNt8

!!How to apply t Wlich of tho folowing )Gos words can replace the 'xhosalisc(l
English wods:
I Give the plurals
(a) umkhune
iliso (b) ubushushu
indlebe (c) unandlalo (lit. t)
ingalo (d) uddewethu
idolo (kee) Read e dialogue
UNokhaya Hi Xolisw.
2 Qesons and esponses
Uxoliswa Molo wethu. Ndiy:ubon uphlile, Nokllaya. Banjani
Yo mee. a ftiend whosechild hasbeenill. In orde to completethe ekaya?
convestion,translateyour questionsandesponsesiDto )rcsa: UNokhaya Oo, um yena akaphingll.
(a, Hov s tour chil.l? ls she stil n hospitl? Uxoliswa Kwenzeleni?
Hayi, ubhetelekancinci, akasekhosibhedlele. uNokhaya Uwile ebesihlaiziteps. Ugqlh umunele esibhedlele
(b, I a sorrr that she is onb a lttk b.ttea bat I a.n glai tha she k,vangoko.
is at hone again. UXoswa Oo, nkosi yam! Ndiluszi klu.
Ndikathazekkklulu kuba akaucceangaukuty. Ubhityile. UNokhya Ewe, waphukaunlenze,usesibhedlelenthetha nje (as
(ct Whatdid the docto sal? I speak).
Undinike iyeza,kodw ngelishwalisebenzi. Uxoisw Ndiyemba ukuba uza kuchcha ngokukawdez.
(d) lztt hopeshewill loon be wUasain. Khawundibuliselekumamawalho.
Hayi, sithembnjo. UXosw EDtosi. Hambak:uhle.
3 Bead e dialogue nd answer the questions
sa lall -apha b@
Uzdwa Moo,Noms.
cbesilna goina down chebd
LINomsa Molo sisi. Uphila njani? pldegrtliomm
ineps sieps thaqndibli&
Uzodwa Hayi, auko nto. Wena?
UNomsa Awn, m, rndipbilnga.
Uzodwa Ar'u, ukangelekugula ngenene.Ugula yintoti?
lnagineyouaresitingNokn) s moein ho.pital.How soudyou:
UNomsa Ndineflu- Intoko ibuhngu.Ndinefiva.
Uzodwa Kufnekugodukeuphumleebhedini.Ubuyie kugqih? (a) greethe (you ffe younger)?
UNomsa Ewe, undiphenyez.Ndiyathembukubaza (b) ask her how sheis tody?
kusebenzngokkwxeza. sayyou e soy tht sheis in hospitalndi11?
UZodwa Nam, ndithembnjo. Ngubni ozakukugcinaekhy? (d) askwhetheyou cnhelp her wih sometting?
UNomsa Usisiuzakundigcn. (e) askwheer sheis in pi?
UZodwa l',ulungile.Ndj)aembuL-uba uzd k!plula tam'in)ne (0 wish her speedyrecovery?
kwaklona. Hanba krkuhe. G) saygoodbye?
UNomsa Entosi. Katrmandi.

bu! gcin! ookate

5 Match the following appopiaily (d) Unentliziyo emhlophe
Use thesepbases:() isifub sibuhlunguphi knye?,(b) Lb uty (H./shehas a kind heal.)
kncinci giirh,(c) ulle phebhedini,(d) x ulohel?, () ndzi (e) UDamadolo anzima?
kukwenzisand (f.)nsi isituto. (A you exhaurted?)
I Hphntsi 4 Kh\iukuue 9 Translate the following
2 Isinrbsbuhlungu
kkhuu 5 Ndicel undibonise (a) Indiziyo ym ibuungu.
3 Wenuybhity Ungziklhzi (b) Unentliziyo emd,/ennyam.
6 Put e sntences in right sequenc (c) Unentliziyoemsulw.
Lifuna kubonaugqnhkuba inesisu. 10 Complte qustions
o) Emva koko uthi: Nnzi iipilisi. Zrye kaththungemimi emva Wen,uthh_phi uwimi ekhay?
Ixhegokzielithie iya ekiniki-
o) Ufunde-ph iilwmi eskolweni?
(c) Ufunde n nye nwimi eyunivesithioknyekw_nye izwe?
(d) Isisu sibhlungkakhuu.
(d) Uketh utheth_phi uwimi?
Heke gqirha, Ndiza kuzitya iipilisi, kodw ngubni oza Ndieee, wzawang phi uny?
kundinika ukutya? (0 Wazalwang pbi inyaga?
(0 Usqirha uyalixilonga. Wazalwans pbi iminj?
tatharh tne ncs @rrair
(h) Wazalelwakw phi ilizwe?
cnvakoh9a fter nels (lil. fter eng / food) kuly iipisi ac pnk (r) Wazalelwakw phi idolophu?
iegokui old wolm 0) Utundekw phi isikolo?
(k) Waphunakw phi ibangaGtandad)?
(t) Utunde kw-phi iyrvesithi?
7 Say
(a) He is bve.
O) Sheis very kind.
(c) They are very reliable.
(d) He is a big tlker.
(e) Sheis very skilf.
8 Give ihe literal meaning or e idiomaic expressions
(He/sheis stingy.)
o) Unesandlaesishushu
(He/sheis generous.)
Unika ngendiziyoetle
(He/sheeives gladly.)

UPeter emsebenzini lBlgama

*i shoD I worn idume ko lone
eKirstenbosch bolb of us ihlab
sardens ubulnc
Peter at work at Krstenbosch which slve waler yasekwa
rhsliojct adeta
w.s saed inkitha yezilyalo
o erbish jonemi nje
In ths Unit gou ntill learn how to: suihble lo naneiso
l^ry otharhve
I intoduce someoneyou work wid air aboui(n. ya^za
I point o singleout h d there) i7inga
I saywhat a placeis fmousfor eachpnpi rinyrka
I encourageenvimnmenaly fiiendly prctices nap ngei,nyaka

I rcquestthat appopriateequettebe obseffed in public plces

I saywhat the bestis

Peter intoduces his colleague Phurta Bongela to group of school
chidren who wil tell them abouttwo vital projetsat Kistenboschis

ItPete Molweni batundi. Narelekile eKxenboschl lgzl-a lm

nguPeierMuay. L nguNkosikaziPhur a Bongela"endisebenz
naye-Sobabinisiziingcaphephezezityalo Ki stenbosch.
UNkosikazi Bongelauza kunixelela ngeegadiezinoondooz'
tlt^zj neoutreach Gadening Pftject. Le nqubo yqw
ukuzesiDcedeizikolo ukusekagdi ezifaneekieyo.
Kodw krqala ndiza kn gqaba-gqaba eeKirstenbosch.
UNkosikzi Bongela uza L:unika urundi ngnnye irnphu
yaseKrstenbosch. Le gadi idume kulo lonke ihablh;
rgobuhle. Yasekwango-1913.lndek kakhuu ngeDxa
flower duti: rodiiiondl haf, Eirn Ndlovu, fom h Doknsberqfoorhi s,
yenl,irhayerir)alo ra"eM/anr'iAJrd. broush o liflle mog c ro tondon's wrld.muschhe Fowe Show ih we[.
Sou Afticol Sets Ki-tenboschexhibirdepicid bianlclrcpresnrrin

Jongai nje lo nfanekiso oawe echelsea Ftowet Show Rmi loi consrvotoryor KlBtenboschos well os a lod tionol heoefs hut, wirll
yaselondon apho lKrstnbosch ya tz lzldtg e21111112i, Ndlvu ln h trodlhono one lwh ch lnpe$ed the Oueen.he 5rondwon o s vol
khonaiminyaka nseminyak. qir mdo o is orrs s 22nd meda in irs22 vo6 o rhe shw

lindlelo ezinrondothu zokulondolozo cmon

:q .'
= DI
I 2
Wulungiseumblabngokufh t
]Yla izityalo ezingafuni
manzi raninzi isivundisoukuzeukwzi s U9
ukuwagcinaamnzi EX
(Preparcthe soil bJ,puttng in \
(Plant plants which do not
compostso tfultit is abk to
,Equire a lot owater)
L:wezityongezintoezigcina Za ule izityalo
ul:utumaernhlabeni- ngokweemirnoz^zo
(Cotet thesoil betueenpLtnts
with naknal thot t ll keepthe (Grouppants accotdirg to
nosture in the soil - for
thefi v,atunngne?ns)
aample, compost)

5 6
$tyale gc kupheapho Nkcenkceshela
kuyiuneko knona ngokufmeekileyokunjalo nje
x kuyimtuneko
(Wlte apptupiateb acco ine
(Plant smss onb whercneee)
to needonly) y-
7 t/
.sP <.
Phuma gtes each pupl a ndp o Kirstenbosch and tk s them on the . sc 'kS P
tour o the gadens staft e with the v,ateniise gaftlen. She asks then to
rcad the infotmation boads th.tt erplai how to esrablish an
,s- g E9
envi rc nmen t.tI J Ie nd watc ty i se I aftlen.
r - - ,(


trnrxooituno legerabePeel!
lheK"shnbcL5 b) *e A.slGAm-"a a d D" B-'(
O o"hB,! <po.oieo trf {okobhc naqa.dxegg shls
' ruqabi e!i
Thej Eo on a tour o the eaens er which Phunla te s thepupils that trtcresikrweyo g.as.ulti.es
shewil be coning to theb schoolshortb to help themestabishthet orrn liril yanbo czilicyo d.ad tloNers
d\ilra tcthc^
UPhunla Heke, bafundi, ndiz kunityelela esikoweni ukze siqale trhrhL seeunj ash (ofNood)

igadi enolondoozomanzi. Mna. ndiz kuzis izityalo

nezixobo zegdi, kodwa ndiirna ukuba nina nithabae
irlxxb kuo msebenzingokuzmakuungisa unba
Abafundi Siyenznjn,loo to, Nkosikazi?
LlPhula Eyon nde ilungileyo kukuqal ngokwenzauDgquba.
Ningq ngokuqokelelaintDlom yekhitshi. Uzekelo,
amxolo ernjfuno. maqokobhemaqanda,amagqbi,
amhambo kunye nengca esikiweyo reenyatyambo
ezifeyo neentsibanouthu hveenhni- Kodwa ningazifati
iitoti, iiplastiki okanyeamapheph.
Ndiz L-nlyelelaesikolwenisenu!:\liveki ezayo.Sizkukheth
indwo efanelekileyosenzemgqubakuyo. De kube ngoko,
ningfaa yonkeinto eniyiqokeleeyokwezi ngxowa.
Heke, bafundi. ndiyanibue ngokumamela ngenymeko
eneaa. Nibe nepilild ernndike nsoku, kodwa ndicea
niyigcine icocekile igdi. Njngalibali ukucho onke
amaphephaphmbi kohrb nihanbe niwalake emigqomeni
yenkunkuma.Hambnikuhle. Sobonanakwiveki ezyo. A iodiiionol heo r or herbolr- {ixhwele)

Exampleso indgenous plrrn s wrh medi.inot popc,rriec

usd n ,rodlionol prd.tice
JHow to ...
Introduce someone gou t1'ork @ith
,si.okolhi umhlqbo Lo nguNkosikazi / Lo nguMnumzana
ndisebnznye./ Sisebenzakunye.
Usedin onicnololqnd posl-nalol Usdos o loxotvebui olsoor Ndinga*wazisa uMosikzi / Mnumzana
odhritis,eczemo,coniunctivitis, ?ndisbenzan),e,
hypedension ond sless Mandiiwazisc uNkosilGzi _ / Mnumzn
umhlonyone endisebenzsn}?,
Africon wornwad Ndingath.nda udibnelrqNkosikazi_ noMnumzan_
One o fie mostwidelyused Anotherplontwidelyusd
odilionolmdicinesin SoulhAico- lo heotorns,wos, oroche Polnt out / sbrgte out
Usedfor hoiinscoughs,clds
Lo ngNkosikaziBongela.
dnd inluenzo,
feve,losso oppil,
Le yqawukuzesincedgizikolo.
Le "kqubo
gadiidumekulo lonkeihlabathi.
ond inteslinol
Lo mfarckisowathawaechelsea FlowerShowyaselondon.
,n.wsdi impepho
hushnon poisonbulb Sqy what o ptace is tenoaned for
Usdds dressing ohercicumcision Usdo, wounddrcssinss, Le gadiidumengor,rN.
ond or teotins boilsond sptic coushs,colds,eve,infctions, Le gadiidumengerxyenkithyer,tylo.rnrr-
wunds,to heotcoms,worls, $eodoche ond menstruol po;n Le gadiidumengnrlronisoyerttylo.
eroche ond toothoche
Encoutdge enl'onmentolty riendlg po.ctices
Iyl atyalo eztngatunt
Idungiser/ tlabangokufakarsiwndbo uf,zeukwriukurdgcin
MoiiJyusedor woundholing, Usedproliicolly
b eliev
hoemooids osthmoond rducpoin
Zahlulg,.itylo ngokufunak\tzoaman.
}'tyalg ;rgckupheaphokurrnfunekokhona.
Nkcenkcshela ngokufnelekilelokunjalonjexa kuJtnfuneko.
lyenzgumgqubangokuqokelel ir?kunkum?khitshrri.
Sd9 uhat the best is
yon8ndlelilngilelo ...
Eyonndtroilutrgield ...
E|o xshlugileld .-.

Requeat thot dpptopiate

a public ploce
etiquette is obseroed in
f Horu t works
I Possessiuesof Class 7a
Ndicel nigcirc igadi icocektle.
Ninglibli ukuchota onke l'n phpha phambi kokuba nihmbe In Unif 5.2, you leamt that pNsessivereltronship in )Cosis expressed
nir.rfkg migqomaiyerkunkum. by meansof a possessiveconcod (eqvlen to Engish 'r or o, for
Closses I 15,e.g.:
ln3benzi wpngcaphpheyezityalo
(< msebenzi)r4' + ingcphephe)
Howeve,wi nounsof Class la, i.e. poper nnmesnd kinship terms,
reltionships,'ka-' is used:
,nsebenzitaPete Petefs job
f you look at the map of Kirsenboschin this Unit you will find de
following xmples:
IBEAFU trKOLONELI BIRD (ColonelBndl! ba)
,HEJI KAVAN RIEBEECK (vn Riebeklhedge)
'lbhaftr' and 'ihji' (possessees)
reCss9 nons.Like nounsof Classes
1,3,4 and6 (un-, in-, and theyeweakclassnouns.
Howevet when the noun possessed blongsto a strongclass,its subject
concord is prefixed to 'ka- . You wil also see an example of this
constructronon te map:
/SANGO IRYCROFI (Rycroft3 entrance/sate)
'/sango' is slong Clss5 noun.

2 The eqialent of Englsh 'eoch'

This is fomed by 'ng- + adjecnlal conco * + '-lrye' (o')l

,rrrfudi ngan nye

lmthi ngrmye
rsrlyalo ngasinye each prt
rrtytyrmbo ngaqye
uudr{eq;lurye each ist
+ *cf. it 8.1.
t40 XHOSA UNI 9 i_.1||ll
3 Emphatic ptonouna teeftng to the srd peson 'ls r.rpholicponoun can also be usedwih preposions'ku ' / ng,
You e ladyfmili wi the emphtic pronours refering 1()rbe Ist Kulungjekuwe? Ewe. kulungile L:m. Nlelg ngare.
nd2ndpersons, i.e., 'mn,' 'drina,' 'ren.' 'rina', (i Uni! 3,2). Xulure! (It is up to )o,/!)
Theponounsfor e 3d peson(Classes
1-15)usullyfoowthe noun 4 Euptldtioe ptonouns + llungileyo' ='the best'
IDcrhlive pronotms are formedby pefxing the elative elements'o-'.
zPete )dna Pete, asfor him
dafundi '|l-', or 'd- (cf. Uit .2) to the emphaticproroun:
bona the pupils. asfor em
rdsebenzi thejob, sfo it ,yen mtu alungil)d the best person
tnisebenzi )dn the jobs, as fo em, dbon dntu a!ngilelo e best people
igq'e lon lhe wyer, s for him / her rwon lalungile)o the best tree
olr]gqweth the lwyers, s lor them ?yona mithi rfungilyo e best es
trithethi the speakr, s fo him / her .,lon xsh lfugileyo the betrttime
r.,thethi zon the speaks,s fo them dwon tLanzi alungilelo e best water
inttheli ]dtr the joumaist, s fo hin / her s8on ritylo lilungileyo the best plant
iirtstheli zona the journaists, sfo them ezona rrtylo itilu|rgilelo the best plants
ndwedwe loia the guest, sfor hi / her eyon ,rto / dawo dungilelo the besf thing / plce
iindwedwe zona e guests,s for them cr,oit ntyatyambo the best flowes
rsika hon okon k"tya "iloDgil]lr,
&alungiley, the best food
ukut]' kona the lbod, s for it suprlative prctrouns can be used with ny descdve to folm e
When the emphticpmnoun is usedwi 'n.= 'have'/ 'wi', the qivalent of the Enslish supeletive:
shoenedfolm (i.e. without 1n') is used: dyondll 4ul
UrJe ,rrncedisi? Do you hve n assistt? owonmbuzo4rzima the most difficult question
Bwe, ndi]4. Yes,I haveon. Noa:The omission of the idti vowe of the noun after a supelative
Hayi, annale. No, I don't hav one. (ond a demonstrative)esuits in changeof the concordof descrprves
Uno drancedisi? Ewe, nnr. Hayi, andinr. hdjctives andrclativet:
Uwo ,rmhlakulo? Ewq ndinawo. Hayi, anditrand. Ung"nntu sltrgileyo. He / sheis a good person.
Unyo rnihlkrlo? Ewq ndin)r. Hyi, andi]z'. Oyn,rntu alungilelo The vry best person
Unlo ,xesh? Ewe, ndinalo. Hyi, andilr. This principle also applieswiih dmonstatives.
Un)ro ananzi| Ewe, ndnauo. Hayi, ann$rr.
Unro irityalo? Ewe, ndnaro. Hayi, ann.o. Yigdi c'del lb a beautifu gden!
Unazo i.dyslo? Ewe, ndinezo- Hayi, ann.o. k gdi lntl iseKap. ?ris beautifu gadeni! in
Un), iCadi? Ewe, ndinaJo. Hayi, andiD}d. CapTown.
Uzo irtyatyalrbo? Evr'e,ndinzo. Hayi, andinaza. To express'it ir / ey arc' befoe a suprlative, prcfix the copulative
Ura'ln .ldwe? 0ist) Ew, ndiDlo. Hayi, andtralo. (cl. Unit 4.1):
Unat ukuty? Eu/e,ndins.o. Hyi, andjnano.
ICyc zezlt,
at!^lo zid^l^ Cycdsar the odest plnts
egadiniyeKilstenbosch. inKirsGnboschgdens.

5 Demonsttotioes tnd tet of demonstrothtes

As is the casein English, when pointing out peopeo objects,therc are

thee sets of dmostrtivs jn )<hosacoespondl,gto 'ths' I 'rhese'a
'thltr'I 'those'a'thatowr thzrc'/ 'thoseoye th.re'. f,ahi
ho nthi
Nons pecededby a ilerosttiv lose eir initil vowl:
Ngubni lo mntu? Wo s /l,ir prson? that thrg
Ngubni loo nntu? Whois ra, person? Not: he tul forms of the demonsaativesof these nouns are lo'o
Ngubani ld, rrntu? Wlrois thatpeion overthere' (Cl0$es I nd 3); lelo (Classes4 a 9) and rdwo (Clss 6). They are
As usu,eachnoun classhasits coespondngforn. It is inteestingto onally usedffer the noun for emphasis:
note rhat the form of e lst st of demonsftives 'this' / 'these'
Yinto enomdl&ta L is an interestinging t4
coespondsto the relative concordsin the 'strong' casses(cf. Unit 6.2)
wilh 'r' addedin the 'weak'classes.
7st set o demonstraties elA xsha that tim
esQ ryalo that pl^ t
eaB iityalo tliors plats
lo mthi tloff thiqs
le mtlni ole hlobo
la Mgq hi obe ltyebi
tir thing okA hy th^t ood
(ct Aphq = thee)
gd set o demonstratloes
aba banttr t re peoplc
eli s rrgo this Ete
dst ritylo ,iir plarl that peson ow thzrc
ezi ityalo ,r?.?plnts rnthi
ez z1lo ,ney thirgs laa mithi thosetees owr thee
olu londolozo-mnzi lr wter consevation nphpha thoseppo|er thrc
ob ,Ltyebi rr esource daiso that pl. over therc
oku ,tdondoloz mnzi /r sng (ol) wter
Note: As is th cse with tbe 2nd set of demonsrtivesn wak
Thesedemonstrativescan be usedbefore e noun, e.g. 0l6sses,erc is a tul form: towd (Classes1 nd 3);r"l,a (Classes4 nd
Zs gadi idumUe (initial vowel of the noun omifted); 9) nd,a1ra (Clss6). LiLe thoseof the 2nd set .hey re nomly sed
alte the noun for emphsis.e.g.ldumilc igdi le (initirl vowel of the rfter th no|m for emphasis.
vithout noun. e.g./-l?idumil?.
abq ban'lt thos pf.opl orter therc
el@ s9ngo
es44 rityalo thit plzttt owr therc lQ How to apply it
ea44 rltyalo those plarr owr therc
those thlngs oyer therc Complete lhe qestions by fflling in e appropriate tink
ol44 ll,dw ( ) Iphi i-ofisi NkosiLzz Bongel?
obss asi that ho'ney oyer therc (b) Liphi isango Rycoft?
oh,aa kutf^ tht ood oyer therc (c) Abafundi Peterbfik nini?
Note: The stong clssesof he 3d position asohve full fosr ddld (d) Umsebenzi Peterunomdna?
(Class2), el,),d (Class5.),srry? (Clss7), e.tld (Clsses8 ad l0). ,/,ryd {c) Intqubo Phu inempumelelo(success)na?
(Class11),o,)l1 (Class14) ndatu}a (Classl5). (Ci 'pharq'= over Give the liteal translation of this idiomatic expession
ere). used to xpess 'hoping in vain'
6 Anothet conjuncton -'krtze' 'in otder to'
'Ukuze' is corjunction tht nust be follorved by a verb ending in -" Nxele, Xhos chii is consideredto be Sou Africa's fist
Gubjunctive) (cf. Unit 4,5 andUnit 8.2): 'tredom frghte'. His attemp 10 dcstoy the nerv settlementof
Le nqubo yqhvukuze Thjs Foject ws staed to hh Gmstown in 1819led to his impisonmenton Robben Islnd.
sincdiscizikolo usek iigadi. e schoolsestablishgardens. n 1820, when trying 1o escapehe drowned but nany of his
Qokeelinkukuna yekhjtshi Cole.ct kitchen waste followeN did not beievelhat be wasdeadandwaitedin vain for hs
ukrze weue umgquba, to rrk compost.
As you can seftom the tsansltions,Xhosausesthis constuctionwhere
Engish simpy usesthe infinitive. However,it is interestingto note ihi Rading nd undestanding
now and again oDecomes acrossexamplesrvherethe iDfntive is used Here is someinfomation bo]utAbalitn B.zeklnla. a conmunity,
whereone rould expectthe subjuncaive: based geeng and food gadening project. Consult e
'Kublulekeklu qInkcnkceshel Xhosa-Englishvocabul y list fo help in ndestandingthis extrct.
ngendlelefneekeyo-' Abalimi Bezekhayayisent^ yegadi
I is very importantla wste in an appropriate yabantu. Lo mbutho wskw
ngo-1982. Injongo ywo (its)
This sen.ence is tken fom Iigadi kukwazisa, ul:unced nol:ucebis
EzinoloDom-mnzi('WatenviseCrdening'), abantu ngezino zone malung
a boche pblished by the Depafnent of nokulima - indela yokulima
WaterAffrs, hetoia. nituno, indlel yokutya imitti
nemithna ngokufaneekileyo.
The brochueand otherscan be obtained,free AbntubasC,peFlbbnokulheg
of charge,from Kislenbosch,whereyou will zonke izirto zegdi ngexabiso
lso have many opportunilies to test you eiphntsi kakhulu kro mbulho.
knowldge of )Gosa by frying to read the Umzekeo_ Ungabon
plnt infomation boads. -
impumeeloyomsebenzilo ezigadid ezininzi.

4 Ask where each gaden implemnt is and answe Complete e lnstucllons
Flll in e missingdemonstrativesto completethe mstucons:
IZIXHOBO ZEGADT: () Bk(ese things)- emsqubeni.
gobozi (iin-) bs*ei isjkeE sokuena pnning shea.s (b, Landa(e!cb)(rjrwbeelbanoul- -
isdha irhrbu ldt (c) yl (thesetrees)- - elanseni.
ihdik! / teti ke ikdi yo<un.dLcesela Rating c (d) 'Iyl (rose tre9 -- emthunzini.
ifoloh*e nhltao spadc (o) Nkcetrtceshel(ose seedlings(izthole)ove tlee)-
igab hoe ikriv whlbamv () Chb{ hedgeo\er erer- -
inhiza(in ) por inele
ipekj pc[ uruts wokchbaigca laM noBer ,, Complt the qestlons
Fill in the missing demonstrtivesto completequestionswhich you
Uphi umrya? Unalq? Ewe, lqcl might ask whenwalking throughKistenbosch:
lvhee's e strig? Do you haveit? Yes,hereitisl ,
* (a) Ibzwa (ca[ed) njani - ntyatyambo?
(a) _Jh unhkulo? Una-? Bwe,_ (b) ubzwa njari - mi?
O) ____trhiimbiza? Ura-? Ewe,_ *
(c) ubizwa njani - mthana(shrub)?
_phi iftiva?
_phi iumbu lmanzi?
? Elve, -
(d) Ibz/njani -
(e) Sibizwanjni _
(e) jsikersokuen? Un ? *' (l) Utizwa njni _
-phi ti mful Gtream)?
---Jhi i-emele? Una_? (s) Ibizw nji - ntka(bird)?
_jhi igaba?
_phi ihaika?
I (h) Ibizw njni _ ndela?

(i) Complte the inomalton

_phi ifolokwe? Una_? Ewe,
O _phi unatshitri U ? Ewe, () - ntytyamboidumileyo yaseMzntsiAfrika yiProtea.
wokuchebaingca? (b) heji ndala yaseKapa yatyalwa nsuvan Riebecck
Malch the instructions ngo-160.
Use e folowing pbrases:(a) manzi,O) inkuntum yekhirshi, (c) IKirsenbosch
- gadi idumileyo yaseMzatsiAfrika.
(c) ingca, (d) urlab ngezinto ezigcina ukufum emabeni, (d) ndawoilungileyole yotvenza ipikiniki.
(e) inkunkumakwimigqomoyentuDl(uma (0 urrhlaba,(g) umdi and -
(h) nagqb. (e) Intlakohlaza xesh lingileyo okutyeea
I Lngis 5 Harik
2 ry^ra (0 Ndzakunicacnela ndleilungieyoyokuondolozs
6 Irndoloza
3 Gquma 7 Qokelela
4 Cheba 8 Faa

9 Use th coect verb forms
Phumgoesto a schoolto shovie pupils how to makecomposrand
UThemba emsebenzini -
how to waterin a waterwisewy.Compelethe infonation shegives udliwano-ndlebe
them by fiing jn the coect verb foms. Consultrhe )flosa-English
vocbuyfor vebs you havenot yel comeacoss: Thembaat work -
Heke, bfirndi ndiybona ukuba () beni oave been
colectng) izinto ezininzi ul:uze siqale ukrvenza umgqub!
an interuiew
Masiwenzeni ke! Kuqala (b)_ Geparare)umtlb ln thts Unit wu r/.ilt ,eant holw to.
nsefolokwe. (c)_ (Put) uhlaza nokutya ol:ud nje
emgquben.Kutuneka ezi zino (d) 'j (de.cay).Ukba (e) I pul n intevieweeat ea-9e
nirt_ (keep) zifumile, uza kuboa ngokukhawulezaumgqba. I u8kquestions asn enployer
Ukubol kuza (0 ku_ (te) ml.mganeeveki ezinrandarhu. I |lk bour your educat;on.ainug.previou\experience
Kufimeka (s) ni',_ (water) kakle ti"q". I {rk for flrnher information
Ngoku ndiirna ukunibonisaindlel efanelekileyoyokutyalimbewu.
Nantsi imbewu yemituno. (h) Masili (plant). Nanzi ibhokisi
ezincioci. (i) Z,_ (fil) ngao laba. O n_ (ptant)
imbewu ez;bhoksini ngolu hlobo (in ris way). (k) Z_ T]lcmbainterviewsn appcan(fo a position in his company.
(keep)iibhokisi ngaphardleoknye izalo ziza kub burhkathaka LJThemb Molo, Nkos^zCeen. Khawungenelale phntsi.
(weak) 0) zi_ (die). Ngoku ndifura ukudbonisa indlela Ndiyr'uyakukubona.Kunjani?
yol:unkcenkceshela iziryalo ngokufnelekileyo. UNksz Geen Molo Mnmzan Tbamsanqa.Enl(osi. Hayi trphilile
(Remembe) bafundi. amanzi (n)_ r'tgphdlekokubanentakal
(scrc)kahhulu eMzantsi Afria- Kufuneka sorte sisoloko (o) si U1emba I{yi, nkoszana,
_ (ry) O) ukrd_ Gave) manzi ngahmbi uusithethakahhle is Orcsa!Ndiaelele,usazelaphi?
ezigdini zethu. Neoku, (q)_ (warer) ezi zithole UNkszcn Ndqala uusithetha ndisetrmcinci kuba baz bam
ngononophelo.Musani (r) uku_ (ware) amagqabi, babsebenza esibhedleleL:ufuphinhlQoboqobo.
G)_ (wate) umba kuphela.(t)_ (be caeful) Oo, ryasazike isixhosa esithew ngamNgqik
(u) ning,?i (dnge) izithole. (v)_ (suround) omgquba!*Uyakwazi nol:usibhala?
izityo ngomgqubaukuze (w)_ (keep)uhrtuma emhabeni. UNkszcrcen Ewe Mnumzana Thamsanqa,ndsifuDdaisixos
thatha nkcnlceshelmi Lunkni Jikelezei UThenb Uyak,'r'aziukuetha nezinyeinwimi?
mosnj khurb!ani -ccnteha tyalen tJNkszceen Ewe, ndiyakw^zi ul:uthe isiBhulu nesiFentshi
zalseni ylukarisa.i ,gcinc Fani kancinci kodwa ke sona.
mqabe -bolc qokelela
UThemba Heke,Mosaz ana,Lawri gqab-gqabng\,rc.
ntcenkeshele -fc "lyaleni gcineni
ugci.e cenkccsheni ,londoloza UNkszGen Ndazalwa ngo-1969 eKpa. Abzi bam bafudukela
kuQoboqobondisemncincingoko (e anabangaphantsi,
ukususel L:u-Sb A ukuya kustd 5, ndawenza
UThemba Amabansaaphakamileyowawenzaphi?
UNksz Geen Esinaleni ngseMonti, iMatriki ndayiphumelela ngo-
1986.Emva koko ndafundelaioondo leBA e!'univesithi
yaseRhodes, eRhii. ncitshiswa bc cur bck. reducc{l
UThernb waad ziphi izifundo eziyindoko? drc nmber
nee.tlobo ndobo difreFnl
UNksz Geen Ndaa isN gesi nesillhosa. jgaeo contribution
UThemba warrufunswa ngubninixhosa?
irhb cnmcc
UNksz NgupofesMajol. Ingbuymazi? ckuphelent! at the end of
UThemba oo, kakulu I SsifundaL:unye,el:relekele.
UNksz Geen onjni urftshaa!wndncedaktnu. Ndazuzisidnsa
sam se-BA ngo-1989.Ndqalaukusebenzanjengotitsha-
lakzi. Ngo-r994 ndnyusetwandabalisekela-inqununu.
UThemba Khwtsho,L:utheniutuna kutshnshumsebeDzi?
uNksz Green Ndinoloyiko L-uzahrncitshisw inani leetitsha.Enye f,How to ...
into, ndingumntu wabtu. Ndithand kkuu Put dn inten)euee at ease
uusebnzneendobo-ngeentlobo zabtu.Yyendicing
uuba ndinganegaeo L:wirpni ykho- Shhl / Khululeka, Nkosikazi (Nkoszna,Mnumzana)
UThemba Heke,Nkosazana.Wena,unayornibuzo?
Ask quesons as an employee
L.,lkszGreen Ewe, MnumzanaThmsanqa.Ucinga uuba ndinethuba
o.lwufumano msebenzi? Watutrdaphi?
UThemba Ewe, ndicingau.:ubaunelhubaelilungileyo kahulul Kwrtphi istkolo?
UNksz Green NdingIindelaukwaziswanini ukubadiph.melele? Kweliphi iyunivesithi?
UThemba Siz kukwazisekuphelenikweveki ezayo. Kutheni fun ukutshintsh lrrsabenzi?
LrNkszGreen EDlosi kakhulu.Ndiyabulela,Mnunzana. Wlndisy r8ubni?
UThemba Klungile NkosazanaGreen. Bekumnandikakhulu Wqeqesh! ngubli?
ukudibananawe.Llhambekal$l e. Wth rztphi a,tundo njcngcztfundoc:iintloko?
UNksz Green Karardi.MnumzanaThamsanqa.
U)'o tntbuzo?
Talk obout yout edccttion, h.aiing, experience
Ndawenz dnlzbng athantsi e_
Ndawenz anabng aphakamilel,o e
Ndaphumelelngo-] 9_ iMtii
Ndatundelaiqondo leBA ngo_
Ndaltndisy ngu_
Ndqeqesh! nerr_
Ndxzuzirialsnga smse-BA
152 X H OS A
Ndsebenzanjeng_ Nolr,j ( l) \Men the agent,i.e. 'e doer of the ction , is menrioned,r is
Ndnyseba ndaba 0$llxcd by the copulative. In these exmples 'aAr is Fefixed to tlc
Ndna,rav Irfindis?nt / ekthelgjseni
/ ekusabezen {gdnl$',rprofGsa'nd'&r,qeqeshi'becuse they blongro rhe 'r 'aod
ngekondpyrha ',x,r- nouncasses Classes1 andla.
Ask lor juthet inotmation ) cl . Uni 4.1 for the copulativesof the orherDounclasses.

Uyatuzi-llrtltheth Ngesi / isrxhos / iriBhulu / zmyetjlwimi? Notc: (2) As is the csein the activevoice,ee is no 1y-'when norher
Uya&xtaziaLaqhub? wordbllowstheve$ (ci Unit 2.2).
Unld tpheph lokuquba? Notonorthy eoturcs o the p.tssiue
Unar irfeesi / acwadi etuncomy,. (lir. a lener praisinglrz)
Wakhe wrcn?lo nsebenzi ngaphambiti? Someves which are lways used in the pssiveinclde:
llakh wasebnznjeng _ ngaphamb? ukukholw
Uyafuazi uh6ebw,a neekhomp]utha? to be tired Ndidinl4e. Ndidinlqe kahulu.
to be thisg, Ndirxani_le. Ndirx4{e kathulu.
@ Horo it works I o Unit 7,3 long andshort form of e ecent pst tense' -ile' l' -e'.
SomeexFessionsincorporatingthe passive are virtually untansatable
7 The passioe inroEnglish,e.g.:
The pssivevoice is a gammticalterm lhat meansexactly qTharit says Kuyanxanwa Gnxanwa= be irsry)
- someng is done to somebody o someing without necessaity
mentioningwho is pefoming the action.The pssivefom is usedmorc
Kuyagodkwa* Ggoduka= go home)
rHoweve, it is intercsting to note tht this constuctionexists n some
extensvelyin everyday)<hosaspehthan it is in English.
otheranguges, e.g.Gernan.
Uyatundis. He / sheteches- (active)
Uyaffrndisys. He / sheis bitrg tught. (passive) '-1r-' can alsobe usedin combinarionwith otherverbal exrensions:
UyaqqGsha. He / sheis lriniDg. (ctiv) Ndarrsdl]!. I was pomoted.
Uyaqeqeshl!. He / sheis being trained. (pssive) (it- I was mde to go up/ar)
As you can see,the pssiveis fomed simply by fusetig .-,-'befoe Kuya kuthethl4.znangomvuzo. Slary is ngotibl.
the fil -a (cf. verbaexlnsionsUrit 4,: (lit. It will be tlkd abourwtb
Uprcfesufrrndis The professois teaching (acrive) a(h other abo\ttthe slay.,
abatund. 'flrc infinitive folm of the passiveis o1enusedin noticesof estriction,
Abafundbafundisl4a The studentsare taught (pssive) rc8tint or forbiddnce:
4g,rpofesa. bi the pofessor A/rgI!]{ Nn enlq
Umqeqeshiuqeqesha \ir. ,,r ro he enrered)
The tainer is taining (acrive) ,4tshyEa ,ly'asmoking (i1-rmr to be snokcd)
,4t rmisv ,Vostopping (it. nor to be stopped)
Abatundi baqeqeshlsa The apprenicesa being (pssiye) t?lpky ,Voprkig (lit. 4ot to be parked)
zgrmqeqeshi. trained hy the Eaine. &rhlaly engceni No sittig on de grss (lit. to be sealod)
,4kltyil4a elyibhi No eting in the ibry (ljt. 'rot
rcr to be eaton)

The p$sive form is rcflectedin somecornmon nous: lhl$ kl;om codwell be saidwhcn conmiseatingwith someonewlr)
beoved(lit. the loved one) 'h il s lo1on eir shoulders'.
employee0it. hired one) Inyath b .va lwabaphamrilt. Fom dle hone's mouth. (1i1.Thc
ll,phathisra butralois sked(amongre) rnst.)
IJkuzaIN, wedt)a nqumlu Onemusthvelamily / kinip
< ukudln ,:'debe 'to intrvierv'(lit. to t ach r/.t ratuL (liL To bebom aloneis o be a
othr's es) stripofreat.)
Note: Consonnt verbs ol on syllable, e.g. -dla > alliwa; -tya > -tyir 'l'hs lstconceptis illustratedby SindiweMagonain an errcerptfrom her
(be eaten)and vorl vbs of two syllbles, e.g. -enziwa= (beendone, utobiogphyToM]'' Ciklrcnt Childrcnl
etc-)hveonly on or iespectiveof whetherthey are followed by an
gento anolherwod. 'The intricatewaysin which reltionips ae dawn anong us make
The pssivefom is asoreflecied in my pmper mesi it lmostimpossiblefo an individual to be destitutein lhe senseof
havingconnetions\tith no ing soul. One could, conceivby,b
uBlelwa (the one who is anLed for) minus parent, or issue: have neither spousenor sibling; bt to b
(he one who has been ejoiced for)
lone,wi no rclative, no on to carefor or to lean on, is virtually
(he on who has been made to be joyfu)
unheardof except in the very rre case of an individua of such
uxolisrva (the one who has been mde o be cn) unbeblend odiousdispositionat no one can stadhim or her
uzolisa (lhe one who has caned) or be movedto pity at the pigbt of such one.'
uBongive (the ore praise hs been given for)
Lindiwe (e one who has been waied for) -r Seeclturl bckground.
ul-iziwe (the one has been siven s gift) Someeuphemisticidiomatic expressionsmean 'to be burid':
uSiphive (the one who has been given s girt)
uSindire (the one wlo has tanscended) uL:ufrhlr Iit. to be hdden
rThndiwe (the one who is oved) ukugodusw lit. to be taksr home
it. to be takn (to the fathers,i.e. ancestors)
Solnefrequentlyusedidiomtic expiessionswi e pssivincludc:
When '-wr occurs with e fo[owing consonants and consonant
Uphere Jtntoni? \4'lt's wrong wi you? combintionscertain phonedc chngestake place. This is to fciitte
(lit. You e uld J wht?) pronunciation:
What's got into you?
Ukhathaz$aJintoni? 'to bury'= ukungcwsa> ukutrgcwr4= to be buid
/tthemb. I've iosl hope.(Lit.deprivedo, Someverbs ftequently usd which in the passivendergo this sound
rtg"nsebnzi- changee:
Jtntoni? How Icky cnI bc? b>tr be finished
-gqia -gqi4v
(lit. tJ rhat m I seen?)
-senzisa -se4zisY be sd
Nny idioms (r.aci) and povrbs (.1' rqhlo) incorpore thc p{sive: bh> j -bhuLel -bhujlv
Indloyu afisindvl ngonboko No one ever finds his nrual 0. be died fo)
vaya. responsibiiies too brdensome. > r) -fu!4 -fu4}ny be found
''l lit. be gone out:
(it. The elephnt is nol weighed -phr!4 -phu4]va
down by is lrunk-)
kuphuar pha 'exit'
l5 X H OS A
mh> nj ha!1lba -haIa lit. be gone: 16lr nbor: In the cseof nonsFefixing'r,1- (Cass3) the associa{cd
kuhqt ngoku rflrfnfur is , ' nd in the case of nouns prefinng 'ini-' | ' | 'in: /
-khur!ula -khu4.lullla berenembered 'r,r 'lhc Issociatedconsonantis'),r-
ph > tsh -k\ttpha -khu&tya be taken out
Nohr No concodin Class6 (dnd-): a4dxhos odw, bu -w- is infixed
Note: This sound change lso occurs in loctives (cf. Unit 4.8 and hiwccn a relative oncod nd 'od'': llr44lurgelo l,nodwa.
Uit 6.7):
hlobo > ehLttleni t The use o/'ukuba' ='to be'
The srme soundcharge occurs\vith diminutive folms which sufx -an. ,n the lnfl'itine
Look at the map of Khsenbosch in Unit 9 where you will find
Sonkcsithand We l ke r, D tucry.
(tt. we all like to De-qilh luck.)
trizia (pool) > rrtzi4r (smll pool)
tchia (pond) > tchi4tr (small pord) ,n ,he luturc
Uz kubgJgrhubel,lungilelo. You vill have a good chnce.
2 Hon to expt'ess 'alone' / 'b9 itsetf' / 'special' /
0it. Yor will be with
'exclusoe' = '-odwa' a goodchance.)
FIom the foms that fo[ow yo cn setht for the ] st and 2DdpesoDs
'-dw'or '-odw'maybe used: ln the remoE post
Ndindedw/ Ndidodwa eklaya. I m lone at home. Ndabeleansarqa. I ws lcky.
Sisedw/ Sisodwekhaya. We re aone at home, (Lit. I vsr_s!!h ck.)
Ae you alone at (your) home? ln the sublurrctio?-
NDedw/ Nnrodw kowenu? Ae yon lone at (your) hone?
Ndinqwenelub ndibg I wish that vrg hcb.
ln e 3rd person, -odra'is precededby the consonntassociatedwirh Dglnamsqa. (lir. I wish that I be \dtth luck.)
the noun to which i efes. exceDtfor Clss 1: Ndinqweneuub D9 I wish at he/shelcls lucky.
He / sheis lone t his / her home. [9rnamsarqa. (t. I wish at hj/she
Bodwa aantwn ekhaya. The childen re slone at home. b wiih luck.)
Ube 4cthamsaqa! cood lckl (lit. Yoube with luck!)
' odya' can lsobe usedas a descriptive(elative) in which caseit means
'speciI.xclusiye' nds thercfoeprefixed by e eltive concord: Note: In the 3rd peson sitrgua, 'he'/ 'she', e subject concod
.hngesfrom '!-' to 'ar GeeExeis 6 of is Unit). Tbis also occurs
Lmseben/; a s?ecial activity withhgr ='cn'/'may'i
intrsebetrzi special activities
tyez elilodwa special medicine ADgsndifowunelngokulw. Eqa!! phoneme is evening.
ama\lngelo exclsiverights (e seeUnit 11)
irizathu r,odrYa specil reason ,n the imperutioe (instructons)
i.z thtr ezizodwa specireasons
l,'Jongo specil pulPose )t!q-!camsaDqaI Goodluckl (lit- 89 rith uckl)
chule obbDdwa specil skills
okubw^ specil food

Not: If a desciptivefollows 'ul(uba' = 'to be' it is ot precededby a l(l Abtl,uwaubgetve y"takd The chiden aJefrighlened.

ltll Krhrntwansesko. ICs doneccordingto custom.

Ndiythembuub uz kubg bheele kamsiny.
Li 1.:
W1en locarivefollou/s 'uL:uba',he ocativepefixes 's-': \c) I nlo Japhelelwa li^esha. This is old fashioned.
Ndisenokubqemsebenzini I could s be t wok Lir.:
ll:) Ubunxuubesizba(deeppool in dver)
h vit a n7odondoloGt]'ck l Look beforeyou epl
Cultural background Li t.i
Quoting idioms and pmvrbs in )ftos is quirtessentialnd much Glve the English quivalent o newspapet / masazln,e
fvouredlvay of epitomising a situationto ive home a point. Thy e columns
often dawn fron animal life or relatedto fables (it udn see Unit 16)
andtheir meaningmay be vadedto st the occsionbut the pplicatjon Okuxelwaiinkwentwezi twt is told by the stas)-
to a specific situationis rarely in doubt. Abakunjwayo oho are remembered)
To quotehofessor SC Satyo (grara NoncwadiLwesDosa ibngae 9 Readtng, undrstanding nd answerlng questiors
ele 10, p. 215) 'Atulula ul:uba utunane udos eyigqba itetho ReadtheconvestionbetweenThembandMary at work andanswer
yakheengakangeasebenzise isci'. (i..It is not esyto find a Xhosa the questionstht fo[ow:
personmishing his / her speechwithout using n idioln..i
UThemba Moo \44ry.uphilnianinlanle':
This wsvividly illustratedin a speechby DeputyPresidenMbek on his UMry Ewe Themba.Sikona $r'en?
budgetvole whenhe sad. 'Ukuthunde. ubhiro.' {To try to do sruch as Uhernba Hyi, nam ndisphilangaphndlekomsebeDzi.Knene'
possblewith limited resources.) (1i. o gendy co'r ong the most uzifihle phi? (Wherc haw you hidden voursef?)
cmaciatedox in oder to eke ou e last tte ese/efon il. Andikubonangaixeshaelide.
UMarv Bendineknefuelinnn 1 had a nice holi.t) nosap]l'o

fl How to apply it Ndixelele ngekhetulaklrc' Msive ekhefi

I Maich th public signs siphunge-
The Englishequivlentsare: (a) No Lttering,(b) Silence,(c) No UMary Kulungite. Aditalifumni esha lohrphung. 1 lr'
DossAowednd(d) No SwimningAIlowed. not yClfoun the nne) Masiye ke.
UThembUnjani umsebenzi waklo? Usawuvuye?Kanene
Auvunyewaxkngenanezinjphl nluselwe, ndiyavuyisananawel Usebenzile!
2 Autheth\\,a UMary Enkosi, kodwa kunzima ngmanyeamaxesha.Linqabile
3 Atuvunyewukuqubh! ixesha.Ndisoloko ndixaekile.
4 Akrngcoliswa UThembNdim lowo rdfl ,Ere). Lnjani uspho?
2 What is the liteal meaning of the idioms and provebs LlMary Sonkesiphitie. Banjai bntwananentosilazi yaklo?
(a) IntLna trive rinjo. Thngs have gone wong
UThembaBasphilanabo-Yho! Jongaixesha! Mandikhawlezise
(Iat ne hw,l okanye ndiza l$phoswa yindngniso.
(Iit. I iI be nissed b the meetinq.)
(bl Unhlaba ubetht'e lildnsa. The soil is very dy.

lJMy Ewe, kfunek nm dihmbe. Sobbini sishiywe I Kuqol ndasebeozakwikhirshi enampani eltulu, kodwr D8(,krl
ixesha. ldlcbcnzaehotele eDlu]. Ndlungisa imenyu. Ndi odola rkulyrl
UThemb Bekumndiuphunganwe.Sobonankwona. ndiqcqeshe ndiphtle abasebenzi bsekhishid.NdiDomdlaebnlwini
tMay Kuungile. Sebenzakuhle. UndibuliselekuThndi rldilckulungisenizidlo. Ndithand ukusebenzkwindawo enondh,
naDanwna. todwa into endirgayiandiyo ngmnye maxeshakusebenzn
UThemba Enkosi-llb nempe-vekiernandi- llyufc ezininzineeshifti.Ezo zinto zindenzandiive ndicinezelekie.
() UThenbnoMy bncokolphi? jiyu
.odok ordc
(b) Baphilnjrni? rhoscthinas
lNiJlo(izi-) na en ztnt
(c) Bya phi uL-uzebancokolekancinci? l o cndiB4/ithandiyo +ht I do ro like cinezcekie hc stessed
(d) UThembuvryisnanoMr} Ktheni?
() UThenb uzaL:uyphi?
5 Who's uho?
Thee peopedescribwht thei wok enis-They ae:
Ndithandukudbananabntunokthethnbo nokubaphulaphu-
a chef (cook) umpheki Ndiandkubhalaananqakungabntunngezintoezenzekaimihl
(b) a joumalist intathei gemibt. Ndenzuphandoryeba am ndilbhale kwiHrcnpyuth
(c) a eceptionst i hote ieceptionist yehoteli ym. Ndisebenzyonte imihla iiyure ezininzL:wanangempela
Match thejob descriptionwith thejob:
-pbulaphula listen inqaku (m ) icle
1 Ininzi into ekutunekandiyeDze!Mandnchazelengonsebenzwm.
Ndisebenz eFmnt-Office. Ndamkel indwendwe x zifita
ndizibonise idlela eziz kuhll ngyo ehotele. Ndisebnz
noosonashishini beli lzwe nabanye mzwe ngokunjao Ndi
nbkhenkethi. Lo msebenzi unobunzim gqith ngamnye Read and undstad
maxesh.Abye abryeleli bathl^za kku, kuftnek ukuba
ndizisombulu kwy zorike izikhzo. Abnye bafuna ukwazi With the help of the vocabularyyo shouldbe able to undestnde
iindwo ezithandwangabhenkethj, imeko yelizwe njao, njalo. following advrisemenrs(iaziso):
Kufneka ukuba ndibanike iingcombolo ezichaekileyo. 6) KUFANWANONTILO-NTLE
Ndisenokub semsebenzini xa abanye abantu belele oknye Unbutho wenuufuna inkonzoyomntuo.o deleloyo
onokusebenza nzimdek khuseeniabantwana.
chaala explain (to) ineto (') tuation Itino ezifu ekdlo karye ngmavd ekgcineni abantu'ma,
ndwendwe(iin ) guest g@nbolo (iin, infontion iphepha lokqh bd oktleaz uhtthetha isixhoss.
sonbulla solle chdekjleyo prse Ukkwaziakihetha nesNcesi nesiBhulukakuhle
kwye d *e... belele shen... m
isikhaluo (i?i ) conpiats asleep KuJ,akuthethwanangmr zo nSokwmava awo omsebenzi
Utkmele iCV neeree,es ezintathuzabantu
ctinokuqhasamshelananubu.w Nai loltu t|-
Ndi unsebenziku- Umhl i'okuyala isicelo ngu-.

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