Zulu Guide
Zulu Guide
Zulu Guide
Simon Geiger
The explanations above were taken out of a Zulu Dictionary which has been established for medical students, doctors and so on. The words and explanations below were written down by myself. The easiest way in order to learn the click sounds and the whole language is speaking the language with native speakers. The click sounds are marked as bold and underlined in the phonetic transcription. I really hope that you can use this handbook in order to improve your speaking abilities a little bit. Surely youll make a lot of people happy just through speaking their language - even if youre only greeting them with some scraps of Zulu. Please enjoy! Yours faithfully, Simon Geiger simon.geiger@yahoo.de / www.simongeiger.blogspot.com / Harding, South Africa, 28 of November 2007
Simon Geiger
singular (sg)
[pronounciation] [Saubuona] [Sanbonani] [Saubuona baba] [Saubuona ma/mama/auntie] [Saubuona buti/sissi] [Jbo] [Tra] [Pepisa]
translation Hello, Good morning, Are you still alive? Greet an older man Greet an older woman Greet a male/female friend Yeah, Im still fine, Im still alive. No! Sorry!
First Words
Sawubona Sawubona baba sawubona ma/mama/auntie sawubona bhuti/sisi Yebo! Cha! Phephisa!
Similar to our Yeah! But even the most zulu speaking people use the english word Sorry
Unjani? Wena unjani? Ngiyaphila Ngikona Hamba Kahle Sala Kahle Lala Kahle
Ninjani? Nina Ninjani? Siyaphila Sikona Hambani Kahle Salani Kahle Lalani Kahle
[Untschaani] How are you? Hows it? [weena untschaaani] [nina nintschaani] And you? How are you? [Ngi-/Sijapiiiela] [ngi-/sigona] [hamba/ni Gachle] [sala/ni Gachle] [lala/ni Gachle] Im / Were still alive and feeling fine. Im fine / Were fine. I Right. Go well! Stay well! Sleep well! Like Jonas Piiela, hes always fine.
Sala = Stay! You shouldnt say that to a wife, especially not when her husband is near to her.
Sobonana futhi / Sizobona Ubenosuku oluhle! Ngiyabonga kakhulu! Ngubani igama lakho? Ngingu Simon. Igama lami ngu Simon. Uphumaphi?
Siyabonga kakhulu!
[sobonana futi] [sisobona] [ubenosugu oluchle] [ngi-/sijabonga gakuulu] [ngubani igama lako] [ngingu hanjo] [Igama lam(i) ngu frank] ['upuma'pi]
We will see each other again. Have a nice day! Thank you very much. What's your name? I am Hanjo. My name is frank. Where are you from?
Simon Geiger
Siphuma e Jalimani
[ngipuma e tschalmani] [sipuma e tschalmani] [Uchlalapi] [Ngichlala eThekwini] [Sichlala eThekwini] [ngisebensa eharding special school] [shap] [schoor] [motscha] [Angege] [Haibo] [unamanga]
I'm from Germany. / We're from Germany. Where are you living? I'm living in Durban / We're living in Durban. Im / Were working at Harding Special School. I Right, Everything is fine! (slang) Cool! I don't believe you! Wow, that's amazing. You're telling lies! slang word, you can always use it! (no zulu word) slang Too much of everything You can hear it nearly every day. The kids are always saying this, if you show them some "magic".
Sihlala eThekwini.
Ngisebenza eHarding Special Sisebenza eHarding School. Special School. Sharp! / Shoar! Moja! Ai ngeke! Haybo! Unamanga!
I dont understand. Sorry / Excuse me White person(s) Is a kind of swearword. The white Southafricans dont like it, because its an relic of the apartheid system. Inkosi is normally a chief but in this expression its clear, that youre speaking about God.
Small Talk
Kuyashisa kakhulu namhlanje! Lipholile namhlanje! Kuyabanda kakhulu namhlanje! [gujaschissa gakuulu namchlantsche] [lipolile] [gujabanda gakuulu namchlantsche] Its very hot today! Its medium today! Its very cold today! If its not to cold or to hot
Simon Geiger
Ngisikuluma kancane IsiZulu. Ukudla Bekumnandi kakhulu namhlanje! Ilanga libalele! Ngihlinze inkukhu kakhulu izolo! Umlungu uyakwazi ukukhuluma IsiZulu? Cha, akakwazi. Isinkwa siphelile Kuyanetha Ubani Osuzile? Zikhona izilwane ekhaya lakho? Ngizithanda zonke izilwane Inyama imnandi. Ingane Enomoya Omuhle Injani Imfuyo Yakho?
[ngisiguluma kancane isisulu] [ugudla begumnandi gakuulu namchlantsche] [ilanga libalele] [ngichlinse inguku gakuulu isolo] [umlungu ujakwasi ugukuluma Isisulu] [Tra, agakwasi] [isingwa sipelile] [gujaneta] [ubani osusile] [zikona isibwane ekaja lako] [ngisitanda songe isilwane] [injama imnandi] [ingane ennomoja omuchle] [intschani imfujo jacko]
I speak a little bit of Zulu. The foody was very delicious/tasty today. The Sun is shining. Ive slauthered a lot of chicken yesterday. Can the white person speak Zulu? No, he cant.
Just mention that always to the big mamas and they will love you.
The bread is finished. It is raining. Who was farting? To fart = pupsen Hace you got any animals at home? I like all animals. The meat is tasty. This is a very sweet/cute child. How is your cattle doing?
Just ask your opposite unjani and while you are shaking his hand and you also can ask the following stuff That you shouldnt say that to orphans is hopefully clear
[untschani ungosigasi wacko] [sintschani isingane zacko] [unawo umdeni omkulu] Lalelani ! Wozani lapha! [lalela/ni] [wossa/ni lapa] [schescha]
How is your wife doing? How are your children? Do you have a big family? Listen ! Come here! Fast!
Lalela! Woza lapha ! Shesha!
Simon Geiger
Akusheshe lapho! Woza! Phuma! Sukuma! Suka! Yeka lokho! Hlala Phansi! Thula! Linda!! Buya Qaphela! Musa ukuyenza leyonto! Fakela! Geza izandla zakho! Khuluma kancane! Yidla! Ngena! Khipha ulimi! Vala amehlo! Vula amehlo! Yenza engikwenzayo! Ngikhombise kuphi! Phendulwa Yebo noma Cha kuphela! Ngilandele / Landele mina! Fakelani! Wozani! Phumani! Sukumani! Sukani! Yegani lokho! Hlalani Phansi! Thulani! Lindani! Buyani! Qaphelani!
[aguschesche lapho] [wossa/ni] [puma/ni] [suguma/ni] [suga/ni] [jega/ni loko] [chlala/ni pansi] [thula/ni] [linda/ni] [buja/ni] [qapela/ni] [musa ugujensa lejonto] [fagela/ni]
Make it fast! Come! Go Out! Stand up! Go away! Stop that! Sit down! Be Quiet! Wait! Come back ! Be careful / cautious ! Dont do that! Fill in ! Wash your hands! Speak slowly! Eat ! Come in! Stick out your tongue! Close your eyes! Open your eyes! Copy me! Do what I do! Show me where! Please answer yes or no! Follow me! You can have a lot of fun with this expression So often used
Gezani izandla zakho! [gesa/ni isandla sako] Khulumani kancane! Yidlani! [kuluma/ni gancane] [jidla/ni] [ngena] [kipa ulimi] [vala amechlo] [vula amechlo] [jensa engigwensajo] [ngikombise gupi] [pendulwa jebo noma tra gupela] [ngilandele] [landele mina]
Simon Geiger
Usungahamba manje!
Yebo, Ngiyasazi. Kahle kakhulu. Ngiya esitolo. Ngifuna ukudlala Ibhola. Asinayo imoto. Usteffen uyakhala ngoba ulambile. Angi bhemi Ingane elungile Ngiya e Ngiyagoduka / Ngiya ekhaya. Ngizokubuya ngesonto. Ngifanele ngisebenza kakhulu. Ngiyaxolisa, kodwa angiqondi kahle usho ukuthini. Kubuhlungu! Sizokubuya ngesonto. Izingane ezilungile
[jebo, ngijasasi] [gachle gakuulu] [ngija esitolo] [ngifuna ugudlala ibola] [asinajo imoto] [usteffen ujakala ngoba ulambile] [angi bemi] [jinggane elungile] [isingane esilungile] [ngija e] [ngijagoduga] [ngijaekaja] [ngi-/sisogubuja ngesonto] [ngifanele ngisebensa gakuulu] [ngijakolisa, godwa angiqondi kachle uscho ugutini] [gubuchlungu]
Yes, I know. Very Good. Im going to the shop. I want to play soccer. We dont have a car. Steffen is crying because he is hungry. I dont smoke. Thats a nice child. That are nice children! Im going to Im going home. Im / Were coming back on Sunday. I have to work very hard. Im Sorry, but I dont understand what youre saying. It is painful. A tongue wister for us and hamba geil to impress. Like the question, but the voice must go down at the end of the word.
Simon Geiger
Ngiyagula! Ngingudokotela!
[ngi-/sijagula] [ngingudogotela]
Simon Geiger
Yini? Ubani? Nini? Luphi / Kuphi / Uphi ? Kanjani? Imalini? Ngingakuzwa? Obani? [jini] [ubani] [obani] [nini] [lupi] [kupi] [upi] [gantschani] [imalini] [ngingaguswa] Why? / What? Who? When? Where? How? How much? Can I taste it? Just ask this all teachers in the teachersroom and you never will be hungry again in your breaks! Depends
Ubani lona? Uyagula? Ubani umngani wakho? Wenzani? Ukhatele? Uyangizwa? Ufunani? Uhlekani? Kubuhlungu? Kubuhlungu kuphi? Uthini? Ukhalelani? Ngingakusiza? Uzobuya? Uyahamba manje?
[ubani lona] [ujagula] [ubani umngani wako] [wensani] [ukatele] [ujangiswa] [ufunani] [uchlegani] [gubuchlungu] [gubuchlungu gupi] [utini] [ukalelani] [ngingagusisa] [usobuja] [ujahamba mantsche]
Who is this? Are you sick? Who is your friend? What are you doing? Are you tired? Can you understand me? What do you want? Why are you laughing? Is it painful / sore? Where is the pain? What are you saying? Why are you crying? Can I help you? Do you come back? Are you going now?
Simon Geiger
Usaphila (na)? Ulala kamnandi? Ngubani Ofuna amanzi? Luphi Ubisi? Uphi u Steffen? Uyafuna Ukudlala Ibhola? Ubulaphi izolo? / Ubuphi izolo? Uyafuna ukubhukuda? / Uyafuna Ukudada? Uyakwazi ukukhuluma IsiNgisi? Uyasithanda? Uyayithanda? Yini uphatheke kabi? Udaniel ukhoma na? Cha, akekho. Usaphila Ubaba wakho? Wenzeni ngamaholidi? Mingakhi iminyaka yakho? Uvela kuphi? Ngivela e Rhino. Uyakuphi manje? Uphethwe yini? Unayo i?
[usapila (na)] [ulala gamnandi] [ngubani ofuna amansi] [lupi ubisi] [upi u steffen] [ujafuna ugudlala ibola] [ubulapi isolo] [ubupi isolo]
Are you still fine? Did you sleep well? Who wants water? Where is the milk? Where is Steffen? Do you want to play soccer? Where were you yesterday?
[ujafuna ugubuguda] [ujafuna ugudada] Do you want to swim? [ujakwasi ugukuluma isingisi] [Ujasitanda] [Ujajitanda] [jini upatege gabi] [udaniel ukoma na] [usapila ubaba wako] [wenseni ngamaholidi] [mingaki iminjaga jacko] [uwela gupi] [ngiwela eReino] Do you speak English? Do you like it? Do you like us? Why are you sad? Is Daniel there? No, he isnt. Is your father still alive? What did you do in the holidays? A lot of people will just mention their birth year Where are you just coming from? Rhino = biggest and most Im just coming from Rhino. popular supermarket in Harding! Where are you going to, now? Whats the problem? Do you have? How old are you?
Ubukeka umuhle kahulu namhlanje! [ubugega umuchle kakuulu namchlantsche] You look very beautiful today! Maybe you shouldnt say this, if her boyfriend is with
Simon Geiger
her Ngiyakuthanda Umile kahle Khulula! Khamisa! [ngijagutanda] [umile kachle] [kulula] [kamisa] I love/like you. You have a nice shaped body. Strip off / Take your clothes off Open your mouth! But please dont forget to condomize I dont have a single idea how this expression could end up in the flirt corner
Unezinwele ezinhle Ngiyaluthanda uncumolwakho! Ushadile na? Uyafuna ukushadonami? / Ukushada nami? Ngiyakukhumbula! Siyakukhumbula!
[unesinwele esinchle] [ngiyaluthanda uncumolwako] [uschadile na] [ujafuna uguschadonami] [uguschada nami] [ngi-/sijagukumbula]
You have beautiful hair I love your smile. Are you married? Do you want to marry me? If not, you should go on with the question below You should be careful with this offer! A lot of girls would marry you!
I / We missed you!
Muhle Imnandi Kahle Kubi Kabi Kumnyama Komile [muchle] [imnandi [kachle] [gubi] [gabi] [gumnjama] [gomile] Beautiful! Nice / Tasty! Good! Bad! sad Dark dry
suza Hamba Woza [susa] [hamba] [wossa] To fart To go To come Ubani Osuzile?
Simon Geiger
Hlala Hlala Phansi Thula Lala Phuma dla phuza Siza Suka Thi Khuluma Sukuma Cula Chama Funa Funda Cela Yima Linda Qonda Enza Sebenza Gula Godola Lambile
[chlala] [chlala pansi] [tula] [lala] [puma] [ukudla] [pusa] [sisa] [suga] [ti] [kuluma] [suguma] [nula] [tschama] [funa] [funda] [nela] [jima] [linda] [qonda] [ensa] [sebensa] [gula] [godola] [lambile]
To live in To sit down To be quiet To sleep To go out / to come from To eat To drink To help To go away To say To speak To stand up To sing To wee / to pee / to piss To want To learn / read To wish / desire To wait To wait To understand To do To work To be sick To be cold To be hungry
Ngihlala eHarding. Hlala Phansi! Thulani! Lala Kahle! Puhmani! Yidla, Yidla!
Simon Geiger
Khatele Shisa Khumbula Thanda Khala Khatazeke Jabula Bona Azi Zwa Shaya Zama Letha Beka Thenga Bonga Phonza Bamba Yeka Qala Thatha Fuqa / Ipusha Donsa bamba
[katele] [shissa] [kumbula] [tanda] [kala] [katazege] [tschabula] [bona] [asi] [swa] [schaja] [sama] [leta] [bega] [tenga] [bonga] [possa] [bamba] [jega] [qala] [tata] [fuqa / Ipuscha] [donsa] [bamba]
To be hungry To be hot To miss To like, to love To cry To be sad To be happy To see To know To hear To hit / to beat To try To bring To look To buy To thank To throw To hold To let go To start To take To push To pull To grip Thatha iCrayon. Ngiyabonga! Ubukeka Umuhle! Shaya wena! Shaya Frank! Is applied to the weather
Simon Geiger
Unkulunkulu Ikati Ihashe Inja Ipeni Indlu Umuzi Imali Isikhathi Umdlalo umshado imoto Ibhasi Isikolo / escholeni Ibhanoyi Ibhola Ilanga Unontlalonthe [ungulungulu] [igati] [ihasche] [intscha] [ipeni] [indlu] [umusi] [imali] [isikati] [umdlalo] [umschado] [imoto] [ibasi] [isigolo] [eskoleni] [ibanoji] [ibola] [ilanga] [unontlalonte] God Cat Horse Dog Pen House Village Money Time Game wedding car Bus School Airplane Ball Sun Social Worker
Simon Geiger
Izolo Namhlanje Manje Kusasa unyaka Inyanga [isolo] [namchlantsche] [mantsche] [gusassa] [unjaga] [injanga] yesterday today now tomorrow year month Normally they just say [ksassa]!
Umzima Zinyawo Madolo umlenze Ingqada isisu Ingalo Isandla Umunwe Mahlombe Ikhanda Ilinhle izindlebe iKhala izinwele Umthondo Isibumbu Amehlo Izingalo Izandla imilenze [umsima] [sinjawo] [madolo] [umlense] [imilense] [inqada] [isisu] [ingalo] [isingalo] [isandla] [umunwe] [machlombe] [ikanda] [ilinchle] [amechlo] [isindlebe] [ikaka] [isinwele] [umtondo] [isibumbu] Body Foot / feet knee Leg(s) bum, buttocks stomach Arm(s) Hand(s) finger shoulder head Eye(s) Ears Nose hair penis vagina
Simon Geiger
Ubhuti Umtwana Abantwana Umuntu Abantu Umfethu / Bafethu Usisi Umgani Indoda Umfazi Intombazana Umfana Amatombazana Abafana Madoda [ubuti] [umtwana] [abantwana] [umuntu] [abantu] [umfetu] [bafetu] [usisi] [umugani] [in-/madoda] [umfasi] [intom-/abatombasana] [um-/abafana] Brother child children Human being People Aldder, Digger, Brother, Friend Sister Friend Man / men Woman Girl / girls Boy / boys Slang
Itiye Ubisi Ikhofi Phuza Usawoti Ushukela Amahabhula Utamatisi Ikhekhe Izinkwa Inyama [itije] [ubisi] [ikofi] [pusa] [usawoti] [uschugela] [amahabula] [utamatisi] [ikeke] [isingwa] [injama] Tea Milk Coffee Drink Salt Sugar Apples Tomatoes Cake Bread Meat
Simon Geiger