TK Communication Manual

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ii Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics Preface

Thank you for purchasing an Autonics product.

Please store this manual in a place where user can find easily, because it contains the
guidance for the product and how to correctly use it.

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. iii

User Manual Guide Autonics

User Manual Guide

This user manual contains information about the product and its proper use, it should be
kept in a place where it will be easy to access.

Please familiarize yourself with the information in this manual before using the

This manual provides detailed information on the product's features. It does not offer
any guarantee concerning matters beyond the scope of this manual.

This manual may not be edited or reproduced in either part or whole without

A user manual is not provided as part of the product package.

Please visit to download a copy.

The manual's content may vary depending on changes to the product's software and
other unforeseen developments within Autonics, therefore, the contents of this
manual is subject to change without prior notice.

iv Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics Communication Protocol

Communication Protocol
TK Series is accepted to Modbus RTU Protocol.

Users should be aware that it does not support a broadcast command.

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. v

Communication Protocol Autonics

vi Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface .............................................................................................................................iii
User Manual Guide ......................................................................................................... iv
Communication Protocol .................................................................................................. v
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... vii

1 Modbus RTU Protocol ................................................................................ 9

1.1 Read Coil Status(Func0101H) ........................................................................... 9

1.2 Read Input Status(Func0202H) ....................................................................... 10
1.3 Read Holding Registers(Func0303H) ............................................................. 11
1.4 Read Input Registers(Func0404H) .................................................................. 12
1.5 Preset Single Registers(Func0606H) .............................................................. 13
1.6 Preset Multiple Registers(Func1610H) ........................................................... 14
1.7 Exception Response-Error Code ....................................................................... 15

2 Modbus Mapping Table ............................................................................ 17

2.1 Read Coils(Func01) / Write Single Coil (Func05) ............................................. 17

2.2 Read Discrete Inputs(Func02)........................................................................... 17
2.3 Read Input Registers(Func04) .......................................................................... 18
2.4 Read Holding Register(Func03) / Write Single Register(Func06) / Write
Multiple Registers(Func16). ........................................................................................... 20
2.4.1 Parameter 0 Setting Group[Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................. 20
2.4.2 Parameter 1 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................ 20
2.4.3 Parameter 2 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................ 21
2.4.4 Parameter 3 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................ 22
2.4.5 Parameter 4 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................ 23
2.4.6 Parameter 5 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W] ............................ 24

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. vii

Table of Contents Autonics

viii Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 1 Modbus RTU Protocol

1 Modbus RTU Protocol

1.1 Read Coil Status(Func0101H)

Read the output of ON/OFF(OX reference, Coil) status in Slave device.

1) Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


2) Response(Slave Side)

Error Check(CRC16)
Slave Address Function Byte Count Data Data Data
Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If read the output status of 10EA within Coil 00001(0000 H)~00010(0009 H) on the Slave
side(Address 17) from the Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 02 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 0A H ## H ## H

If the values of Coil 00008(0007 H)~00001(0000 H) on Slave side are ON-ON-OFF-OFF-

ON-ON-OFF-ON and the values of Coil 00010(0009 H)~00009(0008 H) are OFF-ON.

Response(Slave Side)

Data Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function Byte Count
(00008~00001) (00010~00009) Low High

11 H 01 H 02 H CD H 01 H ## H ## H

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 9

1 Modbus RTU Protocol Autonics

1.2 Read Input Status(Func0202H)

Read the input(1X reference) ON/OFF Status in Slave device.

(1) Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points. Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


(2) Response(Slave Side)

Error Check(CRC16)
Slave Address Function Byte Count Data Data Data
Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If read the input status of 10EA(ON: 1, OFF:0) within 10001(0000 H) ~ 10010(0009 H) on

Slave side(Address 17) from the Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 02 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 0A H ## H ## H

If the values of 10008(0007 H)~10001(0000 H) on the Slave side are ON-ON-OFF-OFF-

ON-ON-OFF-ON and the values of 10010(0009 H)~10009(0008 H) are OFF-ON.

Response(Slave Side)

Data Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function Byte Count
(00008~00001) (00010~00009) Low High

11 H 02 H 02 H CD H 01 H ## H ## H

10 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 1 Modbus RTU Protocol

1.3 Read Holding Registers(Func0303H)

Read the Binary data of Holding Registers(4X reference) in Slave device.

(1) Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


(2) Response(Slave Side)

Data Data Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function Byte Count
High Low High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If read the value of 2EA within Holding Register 40001(0000 H)~40002(0001 H) on Slave
side(Address 17) from the Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 03 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 02 H ## H ## H

If the values of 40001(0000 H) and 40002(0001 H) on Slave side are respectively

555(22B H) and 100(64 H).

Response(Slave Side)

Data Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function Byte Count
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 03 H 04 H 02 H 2B H 00 H 64 H ## H ## H

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 11

1 Modbus RTU Protocol Autonics

1.4 Read Input Registers(Func0404H)

Read the Binary data of Input Registers(3X reference) in Slave device.

(1) Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


(2) Response(Slave Side)

Error Check(CRC16)
Slave Address Function Byte Count Data Data Data
Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If read the value of 2EA within Input Register 30001(0000 H)~30002(0001 H) on Slave
side from the Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 04 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 02 H ## H ## H

If the values of 30001(0000 H) and 30002(0001 H) are respectively 10(A H) and 20(14

Response(Slave Side)

Data Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function Byte Count
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 04 H 04 H 00 H 0A H 00 H 14 H ## H ## H

12 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 1 Modbus RTU Protocol

1.5 Preset Single Registers(Func0606H)

Preset the Binary data of single Holding Registers(4X reference) in Slave device.

(1) Query(Master Side)

Register Address Preset Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


(2) Response(Slave Side)

Register Address Preset Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If write 10(A H) to Holding Register 40001(0000 H) on Slave side(Address 17) from the
Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting Address Preset Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 06 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 0A H ## H ## H

Response(Slave Side)

Starting Address Preset Data Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 06 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 0A H ## H ## H

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 13

1 Modbus RTU Protocol Autonics

1.6 Preset Multiple Registers(Func1610H)

Write consecutively the Binary data of Holding Registers(4X reference) in Slave device.

(1) Query(Master Side)

Starting Error Check

Slave No. of Register Data Data
Function Address Byte Count (CRC16)
High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte

(2) Response(Slave Side)

Starting Address No. of Register Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


If write 10(A H) to both 40001(0000 H) and 40002(0001 H) of Holding Register on Slave

side(Address 17) from the Master side.

Query(Master Side)

Starting No. of Register Error Check

Slave Data Data
Function Address Byte Count (CRC16)
High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High

11 H 10 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 02 H 04 H 00 H 0A H 00 H 0A H ## H ## H

Response(Slave Side)

Starting Address No. of Register Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 10 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 02 H ## H ## H

Please use the Single Register Write function rather than Multi Register Write function if
you use the slave(device) connecting with external devices such as PLC, Graphic Panel,
except in the case of download that presets minimum/maximum or basic value of the
parameter by input type in PC loader program.

14 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 1 Modbus RTU Protocol

1.7 Exception Response-Error Code

If occurs an error, send a response command and transmit each Exception code after
set(1) the highest-level bit of received command(function).

Error Check(CRC16)
Slave Address Function(Command)+80 H Exception Code
Low High

1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte 1Byte


ILLEGAL FUNCTION(Exception Code: 01 H): A command(Function order) that is not


ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS(Exception Code: 02 H): Starting Address of the queried

data is inconsistent with transmittable address from the device

ILLRGAL DATA VALUE(Exception Code: 03 H): Numbers of queried data are

inconsistent with the numbers of transferable data from device

SLAVE DEVICE FAILURE(Exception Code: 04 H): Not properly complete the queried

If read the output status of non-existing coil 01001(03E8 H) [ON: 1, OFF: 0)] on Slave
side(Address 17) from the Master side.

Query (Master Side)

Starting Address No. of Points Error Check(CRC16)

Slave Address Function
High Low High Low Low High

11 H 01 H 03 H E8 H 00 H 01 H ## H ## H

Response (Slave Side)

Error Check(CRC16)
Slave Address Function(Command)+80 H Exception Code
Low High

11 H 81 H 02 H ## H ## H

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 15

1 Modbus RTU Protocol Autonics

16 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 2 Modbus Mapping Table

2 Modbus Mapping Table

2.1 Read Coils(Func01) / Write Single Coil


No(Address) Classification Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

00001(0000) RUN/STOP Control Output Run/Stop 0: RUN 1: STOP - RUN

00002(0001) Auto-Tuning Run Auto-Tuning Run/Stop 0: OFF 0: ON - OFF

00003~00050 Reserved

2.2 Read Discrete Inputs(Func02)

No(Address) Classification Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

10001(0000) Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10002(0001) Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10003(0002) % Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10004(0003) OUT1 Indicator Control Output1 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10005(0004) OUT2 Indicator Control Output2 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10006(0005) AT Indicator Auto Tune Running Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10007(0006) SV1 Indicator Multi SV1 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10008(0007) SV2 Indicator Multi SV2 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10009(0008) SV3 Indicator Multi SV3 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10010(0009) AL1 Indicator Alarm Output1 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10011(000A) AL2 Indicator Alarm Output2 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10012(000B) MAN Indicator Manual Control Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10013(000C) DI-1 input DI-1 Input Status 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10014(000D) DI-2 input DI-2 Input Status 0: OFF 1: ON - -

10015~10050 Reserved

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 17

2 Modbus Mapping Table Autonics

2.3 Read Input Registers(Func04)

No(Address) Classification Setting Range Unit Factory Default Note

30001~30100 Reserved

30101(0064) - Product Serial No. H - -

30102(0065) - Product Serial No. L - -

30103(0066) - Hardware Version - -

30104(0067) - Software Version - -

30105(0068) - Model Name 1 - - TK Product Name

30106(0069) - Model Name 2 - - 4 4-row indicator

Option Output
30107(006A) - Model Name 3 - - 14
Power Type

OUT1 Output
30108(006B) - Model Name 4 - - RR
OUT2 Output

30109(006C) - Model Name 5 - -

30110(006D) - Model Name 6 - -

30111(006E) - Model Name 7 - -

30112(006F) - Model Name 8 - -

30113(0070) - Model Name 9 - -

30114(0071) - Model Name 10 - -

30115(0072) - Reseved - - -

30116(0073) - Reseved - - -

30117(0074) - Reseved - - -

30118(0075) - Coil status Start Address - - 0000

30119(0076) - Coil status Quantity - - 0

30120(0077) - Input status Start Address - - 0000

30121(0078) - Input status Quantity - - 0

30122(0079) - Holding Register Start Address - - 0000

30123(007A) - Holding Register Quantity - - 0

30124(007B) - Input Register Start Address - - 0000

30125(007C) - Input Register Quantity - - 0

30127~30200 - Reserved

18 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 2 Modbus Mapping Table

No(Address) Classification Description Unit Value Note

31001(03E8) PV Present Value -1999 ~ 9999 //- -

31002(03E9) - Decimal point location 0: 0 1: )0 2: )00 3: )000 - -

31003(03EA) - Indicator Unit 0: ?C 1: ?F 2: ?/O 3: OFF - -

31004(03EB) SV SV Setting Value Range from L-SV ~ H-SV //- 0000

31005(03EC) H-MV Heating Side MV 0~1000: H )0~H100 % -

31006(03ED) C-MV Cooling Side MV 0~1000: C )0 ~ C100 % -

Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 0

Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 1

% Indicator Unit Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 2

OUT1 Indicator Control Output 1 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 3

OUT2 Indicator Control Output 2 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 4

AT Indicator Auto-tuning Running Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 5

SV1 Indicator Multi SV1 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 6

SV2 Indicator Multi SV2 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 7

SV3 Indicator Multi SV3 Selecting Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 8

AL1 Indicator Alarm Output 1 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit 9

AL2 Indicator Alarm Output 2 Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit A

MAN Indicator Manual Control Indicator 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit B

DI-I Input DI-1 Input Status 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit C

DI-2 Input DI-2 Input Status 0: OFF 1: ON - - Bit D

31008(03EF) - Heater Current Value Monitoring 0.0 ~ 50.0 - -

Consists of the 31007(03EE) Address bit data.

Bit F Bit E Bit D Bit C Bit B Bit A Bit 9 Bit 8

- - DI-2 Input DI-1 Input MAN Ind. AL2 Ind. AL1 Ind. SV4 Ind.

0 0 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1

1 Byte

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

SV3 Ind. SV2 Ind. AT Ind. OUT2 Ind. OUT1 Ind. % Ind. Ind. Ind.

0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1

1 Byte

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 19

2 Modbus Mapping Table Autonics

2.4 Read Holding Register(Func03) / Write

Single Register(Func06) / Write Multiple

2.4.1 Parameter 0 Setting Group[Func: 03/06/16, RW: R/W]

MV Monitoring/Manual Control Setting Group

No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

40001(0000) SV SV Set Value Range: L-SV~H-SV //- 0

40002(0001) H-MV Heating MV 0~1000 : H )0~H100 % -

40003(0002) C-MV Cooling MV 0~1000 : C )0~C100 % -

40004(0003) - Auto/Manual Control 0: AUTO 1: MAN - AUTO

40005~40050 Reserved

2.4.2 Parameter 1 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW:


No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

40051(0032) R-S Control Output Run/Stop 0: RUN 1: STOP - RUN

0: SV-0 1: SV-1 2: SV-2

40052(0033) SV-N Multi SV No. Selection - SV-0
3 : SV-3
0~500: 0)0~5)0
40053(0034) CT-A Heater Current Value Monitoring A -
(Indicator Range)
40054(0035) AL!L Alarm Output1 Low -limit Set Value 1550

40055(0036) AL!H Alarm Output 1 High-limit Set Value 1550

Deviation Alarm : -F.S ~ F.S
Alarm Output2 Low -limit Setting Absolute Value Alarm: Within the //-
40056(0037) AL@L indicator range 1550

40057(0038) AL@H Alarm Output 2 High-limit Set Value 1550

40058(0039) SV-0 SV-0 Set Value Range from L-SV~H- SV //- 0000

40059(003A) SV-1 SV-1 Set Value Range from L-SV~H- SV //- 0000

40060(003B) SV-2 SV-2 Set Value Range from L-SV~H- SV //- 0000

40061(003C) SV-3 SV-3 Set Value Range from L-SV~H-SV //- 0000

40062~40100 Reserved

20 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 2 Modbus Mapping Table

2.4.3 Parameter 2 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW:


No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

40101(0064) AT Auto Tune Run/Stop 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40102(0065) H-P Heating Proportional Band

1~9999: 00)1~99(9 //% 010.0
40103(0066) C-P Cooling Proportional Band

40104(0067) H-I Heating Integral Time

0~9999: 0000~9999 Sec. 0000
40105(0068) C-I Cooling Integral Time

40106(0069) H-D Heating Derivative Time

0~9999: 0000~9999 Sec. 0000
40107(006A) C-D Cooling Derivative Time
- Proportional Band ~ )0 ~
Dysfunction Band : It may +Proportional Band (Based on smaller proportional
band value)
occur in the course of Digit 0000
40108(006B) DB <ON/OFF ON/OFF Control>
processing Heating-Cooling -999~0999 (H)
`9(9 ~ 99(9 (L)
-9(9~ 09(9 (Analog) %F.S 000.0

Manual Reset, in the

40109(006C) REST 0~1000: 00)0 ~ 10)0 % 05)0
Proportional Control Mode
1~100: 001~100(Temperature H, Analog)
40110(006D) hHYS Heating Hysteresis Digit 002
1~1000: 00)1~10)0(Temperature L)
0~100: 000~100(Temperature H, Analog)
40111(006E) hOST Heating OFF offset Digit 000
0~1000: 00)0~10)0(Temperature L)
1~100: 001~100(Temperature H, Analog)
40112(006F) cHYS Cooling Hysteresis Digit 002
1~1000: 00)1~10)0(Temperature L)
0~100: 000~100(Temperature H, Analog)
40113(0070) cOST Cooling OFF offset Digit 000
0~1000: 00)0~10)0(Temperature L)

00)0~H-MV - )1(Heating or Cooling Control) 000.0

40114(0071) L-MV MV Low-limit Set Value %
`0)0 ~ 00)0 (Heating & Cooling Control) `00.0

L-MV+)1~10)0 (Heating or Cooling Control) 10)0

40115(0072) H-MV MV High-limit Set Value %
00)0~10)0 (Heating & Cooling Control) 10)0
0~999: 000~999(Temperature H, Analog)
40116(0073) RAMU Ramp Up-Change Rate Digit 000
0~9999: 00)0~99(9(Temperature L)
0~999: 000~999(Temperature H, Analog)
40117(0074) RAMD Ramp Down-Change Rate Digit 0000
0~9999: 00)0~99(9(Temperature L)
40118(0075) rUNT Ramp Time Unit 0: SEC 1: MIN 2: HOUR - MIN

40119~40150 Reserved

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 21

2 Modbus Mapping Table Autonics

2.4.4 Parameter 3 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW:


No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

40151(0096) IN-T Input Type See the turn of input specifications - TCk1

40152(0097) UNIT Sensor Temperature Unit 0: ?C 1: ?F - ?C

40153(0098) L-RG Analog Low-limit Input Value Minimum Range~ H-RG - F.S10% Digit 00)0

40154(0099) H-RG Analog High-limit Input Value L-RG+F.S10%~Maximum Range Digit 10)0

40155(009A) DOT Scale Value Decimal Point 0: 0 1: )0 2: )00 3: )000 - )0

40156(009B) L-SC Low Scaling F.S - 00)0

40157(009C) H-SC High Scaling F.S - 10)0

40158(009D) dUNT Display Unit 0: ?C 1: ?F 2: ?/O 3: OFF - ?C

-999~999: -999~0999
40159(009E) IN-B Input Bias Digit 0000
-1999~9999: `9(9~99(9
40160(009F) MAvF Moving Average Filter 1~1200: 00)1~12)0 Sec. 00)1

/ -200
40161(00A0) L-SV SV Low-limit Set Value Input Low-limit Value(L-SC) ~ H-SV-1Digit
%F.S 00)0

/ 1350
40162(00A1) H-SV SV High-limit Set Value L-SV+1Digit ~ Input High-limit Value(H-SC)
%F.S 10)0

Control Output Operation Standard Type 0: HEAT 1: COOL - HEAT

40163(00A2) O-FT Heating &
Mode 0: HEAT 1: COOL 2: H-C - H-C
Cooling Type
Standard Control
0: PID 1: ONOF - PID
40164(00A3) C-MD Temperature Control Type
Heating &Cooling 0: pP 1: Pon 2: OnP
- pP
Control Mode 3: OnON
40165(00A4) ATT Auto-tuning Mode 0: TUN1 1: TUN2 - TUN1

40166(00A5) OUT1 OUT1 Control Output Type 0: SSR 1: CURR - SSR

40167(00A6) O!SR OUT1 SSR Output Type 0: STND 1: CYCL 2: PHAS - STND

40168(00A7) O!MA OUT1 Current Output Range 0: 4-20 1: 0-20 - 4-20

40169(00A8) OUT2 OUT2 Control Output Type 0: SSR 1: CURR - SSR

40170(00A9) O@MA OUT2 Current Output Range 0: 4-20 1: 0-20 - 4-20

40171(00AA) H-T Heating Control Time 1~1200: 00)1~2)0 Sec. 02)0

40172(00AB) C-T Cooling Control Time 1~1200: 00)1~12)0 Sec. 02)0

40173~40200 Reserved

22 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.

Autonics 2 Modbus Mapping Table

2.4.5 Parameter 4 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW:


No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit
0: OFF 1: DVCC 2: ]]DV 3: ]DVC 4: CDV]
40201(00C8) AL-1 Alarm Output1 Operation Mode - DVCC
5: PVCC 6: ]]PV 7: LBA 8: SBA 9: HBA
40202(00C9) AL!T Alarm Output1 Option/Type 0: AL-A 1: AL-B 2: AL-C 3: AL-D - AL-A

1~100: 001~100(Tem. H, Analog)

40203(00CA) A!HY Alarm Output1 Hysteresis Digit 001
1~1000: 00)1~10)0(Tem. L)
40204(00CB) A!N Alarm Output1 NO/NC 0: NO 1: NC - NO

40205(00CC) A!ON Alarm Output1 ON Delay Time 0~3600: 0000 ~ 3600 Sec. 0000

40206(00CD) A!OF Alarm Output1 OFF Delay Time 0~3600: 0000 ~ 3600 Sec. 0000
0: OFF 1: DVCC 2: ]]DV 3: ]DVC 4: CDV]
40207(00CE) AL-2 Alarm Output2 Operation Mode - ]]DV
5: PVCC 6: ]]PV 7: LBA 8: SBA 9: HBA
40208(00CF) AL@T Alarm Output 2 Option/Type 0: AL-A 1: AL-B 2: AL-C 3: AL-D - AL-A

1~100: 001~100(Tem. H, Analog)

40209(00D0) A@HY Alarm Output2 Hysteresis Digit 001
1~1000: 00)1~10)0(Tem. L)
40210(00D1) A@N Alarm Output 2 NO/NC 0: NO 1: NC - NO

40211(00D2) A@ON Alarm Output 2 ON Delay Time 0~3600: 0000~3600 Sec. 0000

40212(00D3) A@OF Alarm Output 2 OFF Delay Time 0~3600: 0000~3600 Sec. 0000

40213(00D4) LBaT LBA Time 0~9999: 0000~9999 Sec. 0000

1~9999: 001~999 (Tem. H) / 008
40214(00D5) LBaS LBA Set 1~9999: 00)1~99(9 (Tem. L) 008.0
1~9999: 0001~9999 (Analog) %F.S 10.00
1~9999: 001~999 (Tem. H) / 003
40215(00D6) LBaB LBA Band 1~9999: 00)1~99(9 (Tem. L) 003.0
1~9999: 0001~9999 (Analog) %F.S 00.20
40216(00D7) AO-M Analog Output Mode 0: PV 1: SV 2: H-MV 3: C-MV - PV

40217(00D8) FS-L PV Transmission OUT low scale F.S -200

40218(00D9) FS-H PV Transmission OUT high scale F.S 1350

40219(00DA) ADRS Unit Address 1~99: 01~99 - 01

40220(00DB) BPS Bit Per Second 0: 24 1: 48 2: 96 3:192 4: 384 X100 bps 96

40221(00DC) PRTY Parity Bit 0: NONE 1: EVEN 2: ODD - NONE

40222(00DD) STP Stop Bit 0: 1 1: 2 Bit 2

40223(00DE) RSW.T Response Waiting Time 5~99: 5~99 Ms 20

40224(00DF) COMW Communication Write 0: EnA 1: DIsA - EnA

40225~40250 Reserved

Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd. 23

2 Modbus Mapping Table Autonics

2.4.6 Parameter 5 Setting Group [Func: 03/06/16, RW:


No(Address) Parameter Description Setting Range Unit Factory Default

40251(00FA) MtSV Multi SV 0: 1 1: 2 2: 4 EA 1

40252(00FB) DI-K Digital Input Key Function 0: STOP 1: AL.RE - STOP

40253(00FC) DI-1 DI-1 Digital Input 0: OFF 1: STOP 2: AlRE 3: MAN - STOP

40254(00FD) DI-2 DI-2 Digital Input 4: MtSV - AlRE

40255(00FE) ItMV Initial Manual MV 0: AUTO 1: PrMV - AUTO

00)0~10)0(Standard Control)
40256(00FF) PrMV Preset Manual MV % 00)0
`0)0~10)0(Heating & Cooling Control)
00)0~10)0(Standard Control)
40257(0100) ErMV Error MV % 00)0
`0)0~10)0(Heating & Cooling Control)
00)0~10)0(Standard Control)
40258(0101) StMV Stop MV % 00)0
`0)0~10)0(Heating & Cooling Control)
40259(0102) StAL Stop Alarm Output 0: CONT 1: OFF - CONT

40260(0103) USER User Level 0: STND 1: HIGH - STND

40261(0104) INIT Parameter Initialization 0: NO 1: YES - NO

40262(0105) LcSV SV Setting Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40263(0106) LcP1 Parameter 1 Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40264(0107) LcP2 Parameter 2 Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40265(0108) LcP3 Parameter 3 Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40266(0109) LcP4 Parameter 4 Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

40267(010A) LcP5 Parameter 5 Group Lock 0: OFF 1: ON - OFF

0000: OFF
40268(010B) PWD Password Setting 0002~9999: Password Setting Range - 0000
(0001:read-only password)
40269~40300 Reserved

24 Copyright Reserved Autonics Co., Ltd.


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