Weekly Journal - Week 2
Weekly Journal - Week 2
Weekly Journal - Week 2
Journal Entry 2
Week 2
The students had to take two formative assessments, spelling and mental math. I helped my
MST monitoring the students while they are doing their assessments. Also, I cut some of the
students work and hang them up two display boards that are inside the classroom.
I observed how my MST was using transition strategies between activities, since I had to collect
some data for my action research. Also, my MST rearranged the groups based on their abilities,
which turned to be a big change, where the every student changed their placement, and she
assigned me with the green table. Also, there were another work of the students that my MST
wanted to display them inside the classroom, so I helped her by arranging them and hanging
On this day, I had my first observation form my MCT. The lesson that I taught for the
observation was English, which was writing composition sentences based on a picture. After
finishing the lesson, I discussed with my MCT about my lesson and how it went and she gave
feedback, as well as my MST who also gave some feedbacks on my lesson for the day.
I was going to teach on this day, but the student had to take a class picture, and it was during the
lesson that I was going to teach. So, we delayed it to the next week which will be on Sunday.
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Latefa Waheeb Ali Journal Entry H00298281
This week my focus was on teaching as I had an observation during the week. Somehow,
helping and assessing the students and working with different group everyday inside the
classroom, helped me with knowing what and how do I need to teach the students. However,
that wasnt enough as I got a feedback from my MCT telling me that I need to work much more
on building a relationship with the students, as it was shown that I didnt have, lets say that I
wasnt near enough with the students, so my next weeks goal would be, having a good students-
teacher relationship and also, memorizing their names well, so I can call them by their names
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