Aisha To Latefa
Aisha To Latefa
Aisha To Latefa
Area of Focus:
Name of Observer/Critical Friend:
Implementing and manages learning.
Aisha Ahmed Yahya
Monitoring and assessment.
Learning Outcomes:
Identify the moon phases. Understand the moon phases.
The driving question helped to motivate the It will be better in the engage part to revise the
students to know the information of the lesson. previous lesson the teacher can activate the
Puzzle game is good enough to engage the students students’ prior knowledge so the students can learn
to know what the lesson will be about. the new information easier.
The teacher used objects to model the moon and the I think in the explore part if the teacher incorporate
sun to help the students learn with observing how some questions that develop the students curiosity
it's related to the information.
they will enjoy the lesson more.
The elaborate activity was creative and the students
enjoy it because she used their favorite treat (Oreo) In the last part of the lesson, it will be better if you
to model the phases of the moon. Also, it develops asked few questions to summarize the main points
the students’ fine motor since it's a craft activity. so the students can remember it more.
The teacher modeled the instruction of the activity
so the students know what they are expected to do.
It was good idea to make the students evaluate each
other so they can be aware about their and others
Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague):
Latifa has a great activities ideas that make the students enjoy the lesson and she gives clear instruction.
Bachelor of Education, Primary Education (EPR) EPC3903
Please tick the boxes using the scale with 5 indicating the best possible performance
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning
Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information and
has clear and explicit learning outcomes. ⃝
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. ⃝
Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or
learning styles. ⃝
Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and appropriate
to the level of the learner. ⃝
Formative and/or summative assessment activities are included in the
plan. ⃝
1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning
Please add specific comments about the student teacher’s observed strengths relative to their area of
focus during this session and identify areas in which you feel further development is necessary.
Please share feedback immediately following the observation once the forms
are completed.