Chakra Handout Revised
Chakra Handout Revised
Chakra Handout Revised
We take our bodies to be solid. The surface of our skin is largely impenetrable,
our bones are solid and our entire physical structure takes up space. This not
withstanding, we also know that our bodies are comprised of energy; heat, nervous
tension and the feeling that sometimes we just need to move are all ways in which our
bodies express themselves energetically.
Since the early 20th century, when Einstein published his famous equation,
E=mc2, we have increasingly come to understand that matter and energy are essentially
the same. Matter--the solid stuff of which chairs and our bodies are made--is simply
another form of energy--the radiation emanating from the burner on the stove and from
the sun. The differences we see and feel are differences of state, not of kind. Just as ice,
water and steam are the same substance (a combination of hydrogen and oxygen), so too
are matter and energy essentially the same because they're both manifestations of
subatomic particles.
In addition to Einstein's equation, two other theories of modern physics are
helpful in understanding the chakras. One is called the "uncertainty principle."
Developed by Werner Heisenberg, this theory, in its simplest form, states that the
subatomic bits of which the universe is comprised exist both in a particle and a wave
state, but not simultaneously. Manifesting as discreet units called "quanta," these tiny
building blocks of both matter and energy have probable--rather than fixed--locations
relative to one another. The 2nd theory that's relevant to our understanding of chakras is
the superstring theory, which dates from the 1970s. This theory states "the fundamental
constituents of reality are strings of extremely small scale which vibrate at specific
resonant frequencies. Thus, any particle should be thought of as a tiny vibrating object,
rather than as a point. This object can vibrate in different modes (just like a guitar string
can produce different notes), with every mode appearing as a different particle (i.e.
electron, photon). Strings can split and combine, which would appear as particles
emitting and absorbing other particles." (
And so all of life-- as well as the universe that it inhabits--exists as a kind of
energetic soup. Portions of this soup gel. The various gels have specific but non-
identical densities and disparate properties. Our sensory organs are adapted to perceive
only a fraction of the infinite "gels" that comprise the known and unknown surround.
Nonetheless, we have the potential to experience other dimensions within the universal
energy field that is our home and within ourselves. Asana and meditation are some of the
tools by which we do this.
The chakras--literally wheels--are energy vortices that, though largely hidden
from our sensory organs, can be accessed through yoga and meditation. We don't see
them; a biopsy won't reveal them. But we can nonetheless feel them, and we can learn to
recognize their functioning within our lives.
I. The Koshas
point between the eyebrows is the command center and place of inner vision. At the
crown, sahasrara, brings dissolution of individuality and communication with the
Each of the chakras vibrates (or spins) at a particular frequency; the greatest
vibration occurs at the top of the head and the lowest at the base of the spine. It's said
that cosmic vibrations enter at the crown chakra and are "stopped down" at each of the
major wheels until they reach the base. The chakras therefore slow down and speed up
vibrations as energy flows up and down.
III. Nadis
Nadis are channels through which subtle energy flows. This energy is commonly
called prana, although this word is both a generic term for the life-force and a specific
name for one of the 5 vayus, or movements of energy within the physical body.
Although traditions say that there are 72,000 nadis within each of us, there are only 3 that
are significant to our discussion. The sushumna, the central channel, begins at the
muldahara chakra and ends at the crown, the sahasrara. According to some Tantric texts,
this channel "pierces" the palette and, shortly thereafter, splits into 2 channels: one travels
through the ajna chakra enroute to the crown and the other is directed to a point just
inside the back of the skull, known as the bindu point. Kundalini energy, when
awakened, flows through the sushumna nadi.
Generally speaking, the sushumna is closed. Energy flows instead through two
other nadis, the ida and pingala. The pingala begins at the base of the spine, moves right
and begins a coiled ascent around the spinal column and the sushumna to end at the right
nostril. It carries sun, male, vital, muscular energy into the organism. The ida begins at
the base of the spine, moves left and coils around the spinal column and the sushumna
nadi to end at the left nostril. It caries moon, female, nurturing, visual, emotional,
meditative energy. The functioning of the ida and pingala can be balanced and
harmonized through pranayama. When kundalini is aroused, it travels up the sushumna.
At such times the energy flow in the ida and pingala ceases. Since all nadis except the
central channel are time bound, its opening allows a person to experience eternity as well
as non-duality.
There are many ways to work with the chakras. The two primary methods follow.
The first and most traditional is to use various techniques to awaken kundalini from it
slumber at the base of the spine, unblock the energetic knots inherent to the chakra
system (known as granthis) and move the energy through the central channel to effect a
blissful union of the individual consciousness (jiva) with the Divine (atman). The other
method, a more contemporary psychological approach, is to balance the chakras so that a
person can experience psycho-spiritual integration, wholeness, and a productive, happy
life. These methods, while seemingly at odds, can be complementary.
IV. Granthis
Muldahara Chakra
heavy, stable, dense
lam/lang & o (nose)
base of spine, perineum,
adrenals, legs, feet, bones, bowel
foundation, structure, security, prosperity, life force energy
elimination, ejaculation
o study of scriptures
o steady, even, bass rhythms
o standing poses
o forward bends, restoratives
o lengthening exhale
o cultivation of stillness
o protein consumption
o mula bandha
o time in woods/nature
o visualization
o bij mantra
o toning
Svadhishthana Chakra
dwelling place of self
liquid, soft, cool, oily
vam/vang, oooo (as in cool)
sacral plexus, urogenital system
sensation, feeling mind, sensuality, sexuality, creativity
o cultivation of companionship
o honesty, loyalty
o melodic, flowing, surging rhythms
o vinyasa, kriyas, joint & circular movements
o lower ab and adductor work, hip openers, pelvic rocking
o time near water
o full abdominal breathing
o adequate hydration
o visualization
o bij mantra
o toning
Manipura Chakra
many-jeweled city
hot, sharp, light, dry, subtle
ram/rang, ah (as in father)
solar plexus, digestive organs
sense of self/ego/personality
personal will, manifestation
hunches and gut feelings
liver, spleen, gall bladder ailments
chronic fatigue, hypertension
worry, anxiety, contentment,
activity, power, self-esteem, shame, self-image, courage, clarity, ability to
ideation, classification, judgment
Anahata Chakra
mobile, light, subtle
yam/yang, ay (play)
heart, lungs, thymus, arms, hands, circulatory system
self-love, love of others, compassion, self-acceptance
o cultivate self-lessness
o compassion
o melodic, variable, inspirational, trenscendent music & rhythms
o backbends and heart openers
o shoulders openers & twists
o nadi sodhana pranayama
o walk in the wind/mountains
o practice gratitude
o self-less service
o sattvic foods
o visualization
o bij mantra
o toning
Vishuddha Chakra
space, ether
clear, light, subtle, soft, immeasurable
ham/hang, ee (seed)
throat, thyroid, parathyroid,
respiratory system
commmuniation, self-expression, truthfulness
o focused listening
o chanting
o silence
o awareness of space
o shoulderstand & cycle, fish
o lion, neck rolls
o jalandhara bandha
o mantra
o automatic writing
o prayer, music, song
o visualization
o bij mantra/toning
Ajna Chakra
command place
mahat/supreme element
spacious, light, subtle
Aum, mmmmmmm
brow, pineal gland, CNS
higher intuition & universal vision, archetypal awareness
light, luminescence
self-purpose, understanding
reasoning w/o prejudice
transcendent bliss
o prayer
o meditative, sattvic, internal rhythms
o viparita karani, headstand, rabbit, shoulderstand,
o eye exercises
o internal flame & 3rd eye gazing
o dream work
o color & light therapy
o mathematics
o visual arts
o visualization
o bij mantra
o toning
Sahasrara Chakra
thousand petaled lotus
ctta-cosmic consciousness
subtle, light
no mantra/ham-sa (I AM THAT AM)
crown of head, CNS
cerebral cortex, pituitary gland
ultimate connection w/source
union w/divine
transcendent bliss
withdrawal of senses
CNS malfunctions
cranial tumors
alienation, confusion
non-attachment to self
non-identification w/personality
rasa, divine absorption
awakening of the light body
o detachment
o silence, complete stillness
o headstand
o retention of breath after exhale
o self-observation & examination
o fasting
o time-outs
o ritual
o spending time under stars
Chakra Bibliography
Brennan, Barbara A. Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy
Field. New York: Bantam, 1987. Classic and comprehensive. Contains
diagnostic charts of chakra imbalances.
Judith, Anodea, PhD. Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System. St. Paul,
MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2000. THE classic guide. Based on her work
w/numerous clients.
Judith, Anodea, PhD. Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System
as a Path to Health. New York: Celestial Arts, 1996, 2004. A heartfelt,
comprehensive psychological discussion of the chakra system. Describes
developmental stages and characteristics of imbalanced energy in each chakra.
Judith, Anodea, PhD. Chakra Balancing. Boulder: Sounds True, 2003. CD and text.
Distilled from her larger volume, this presents a beginner's guide to imbalances
and techniques for balancing the chakras.
Motoyama, Hiroshi, PhD, PhD. Awakening of the Chakras and Emancipation. Tokyo:
Human Science Press, 2003. Lots of scientific data; includes some meridian
information. Slightly different slant.
Paulson, Genevieve Lewis. Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual. St. Paul,
MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1997. Contains numerous practices for healing.
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