Initial Project Questionnaire Agency and Service Name: Contact Information
Initial Project Questionnaire Agency and Service Name: Contact Information
Initial Project Questionnaire Agency and Service Name: Contact Information
Revision History:
Date Sent Date Received
Version to Client from Client Comments
Instructions: The purpose of this form is to allow IOT and the staff to better understand your project.
Please provide as much detailed information about your project as possible.
Business Case
1. What are the goals of this project?
3. How will this service benefit your agency and the public (i.e. cost savings, time savings,
convenience, etc.)?
5. Why has your agency decided to build this online service now? What or who is driving
this project?
7. Who will be using this application? (Please check all that apply)
State or local government Approximate number:
Citizens Approximate number:
Businesses Approximate number:
Other ________________________ Approximate number:
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Revised: July 13, 2006
8. At the appropriate time, will you be able to provide us with contact information for potential users
for the purposes of market research, focus groups, and/or user testing, if necessary ?
Yes No
Market Research
Focus Groups
User Testing
Current Solution
1. Please briefly describe your current business process for this service. Please include information
about the current methods for service requests (phone, fax, email, walk-in), processing time, client
turnaround time, etc.
2. Approximately how many requests do you receive for this service each year?
3. Is use of this service seasonal (i.e. are there periodic filing deadlines, etc.)?
4. How many full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) are allocated to handle these requests?
5. What other internal costs (i.e. printing and mailing, etc.) are associated with the current
business process for this service?
Solution Components
1. Will users search (query) a database for specific results?
Yes No
3. Will users need to login with a username and password for security purposes?
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If yes, please answer these related questions:
If yes, what type of database (i.e. DB2, Oracle, MS SQL, proprietary, other, none)?
3. Is any of the following sensitive personal information collected or stored in the database
or presented to users? (Please check all that apply)
Project Constraints
1. Do you have a specific deadline for this service to be completed? Yes No
2. Will this service require validation based on statutory or administrative requirements (i.e. UCC
filings require validation based on relevant statute)? If yes, what is the relevant statute(s)?
3. Is there existing or pending legislation that would affect this project (i.e. is there a mandate for
providing this information or service electronically)?
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5. Will we need to work with another third party vendor on this project? If so, whom?
Project Stakeholders
Please identify the individuals that will serve in the following roles:
Name Phone Number Email address
Agency Executive Sponsor
Agency Project Lead
Agency Technical Lead
Agency Marketing Lead or
Public Information Officer
II Project Manager
IOT Contact
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Revised: July 13, 2006