The Institute of Finance Management

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Student Name: Registration NO: Host Organization: Physical Address:


DIRECTOR CRDB BANK PLC P. O. BOX 268, DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA. TEL. +255-22-2117441-7 Mr. REVOCATUS MAZIGO. Mr. HERI NDELINGO 2011, August 09th 2011, September 30th.

Host Supervisors Name: IFM field Supervisors:

I Mhanuka Baraka, I do confirm that this Practical Training report is the result of my own statement made on tasks done during my field work training at the CRDB bank PLC in partial fulfillment of Field work Training. I do also declare that it has not presented to IFM or any other higher learning Institutions. Signature Date...


To my parents, Sarah and Wilson N. Mhanuka, with thankfulness for a childhood filled with love and amusement. And to my lovely wife and son, whose legacy of harmony, solace and with great affection throughout my study and field work training as well.


From field application stage, practical training to report writing and proofreading my sincere appreciation goes to many people who helped me in one way or another and finally come up with this Report. I would like to thank the CRDB Bank PLC management for accepting me to pursue my practical training to their organization. My heartfelt thank also goes to Mr. E. Mtenga Director of Operation Department and his panel where I was attached to. Their charming, teamwork spirit and supports makes me enjoy and learn lots of academic and non-academic matters within working environment. I do appreciate again my trainee mate who we were together for their collaboration and advice. My honest thanks go to Mr. Raphael Julius my field work supervisor and Mr. Heri Ndelingo my report writing supervisor. My list of appreciation could be too long to thank everybody who assisted me in one way or another; however I wish to thank them all and lastly but not least to thank my friends who shared with me either morally or materially.


The curriculum of The Institute of Finance Management (IFM) requires students to be attached to different organization to practice what they have learnt theoretically in class for the whole academic year. The field work practical attachment last for two months. The students are themselves responsible for finding place to be attached to; however the Institute also assists to find some chances. On other hand those who fail to secure place for field work practical, they are assigned to Project task done in lieu of field work attachment. This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the Field work practice done at the Department of Operations-Head office, CRDB Bank PLC Azikiwe Street, Dar es salaam. The practical training commenced on 2011, August 9th to 2011, September 30th. This report is mainly categorized into five main parts: On its introduction it explains historical background of the Organization (CRDB BANK PLC), Mission and Vision statements and Organizational structure of the organization. Work done and the lesson learned is another part of the report that shows the range of activities, duties and what I have gained for the whole practical training session. Literature review explains on what other Authors say about the written document. This is the chapter that cites on the books that give some information and knowledge on the learned document. The analysis part explains the comparison on the topics that were covered during field study. Recommendation and Conclusion, It gives the personal suggestion on what should be done so as to make field training study better , however also for the betterment of IFM goodwill and add benefit to the host organizations. Nevertheless, it should be clear that this report reflects my individual assessment of the programs, and some materials which were collected from different activities that I was doing and observing at organizations offices as well as in the Organization website.

IFM CRDB ICT PC OS HDD RJ-45 TCP/IP V4 IP RAM FTP ATM UB BP IDE SATA PATA Sdat ESD -Institute of Finance Management -CRDB bank -Information and Communication Technology -Personal Computer -Operating System -Hard Disk (Drive) -Ethernet connector -Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Version 4 -Internet Protocol address -Random Access Memory -File Transfer Protocol -Automated Teller Machine -Universal Banking software -Branch Power software -Integrated Device Electronics -serial ATA -Parallel ATA -McAfee Update -Electrostatic Discharge



DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................... iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ v ACRONYMS................................................................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. vii CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.0: THE BACKGROUND OF CRDB BANK PLC.................................................................. 1 1.2: VISION................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3: MISSION ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4: VALUES.............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5: PROMISE ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.6: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE....................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................... 5 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5 2.0: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1: WINDOWS XP INSTALLATION PROCEDURES .......................................................... 6 CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 10 WORK DONE AND LESSON LEARNT.................................................................................... 10 3.0: INTRODUCTION. ............................................................................................................ 10 3.1: COMPUTER DOWNGRADING AND OPERATING SYSTEM (OS) INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.2: INSTALLATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE ...................................................... 11 LESSON LEARNT................................................................................................................... 12 3.3: NETWORKING TASKS................................................................................................... 12 LESSON LEARNT................................................................................................................... 13 3.4: INSTALLATION OF PRINTERS AND TROUBLESHOOTING................................... 14 LESSON LEARNT................................................................................................................... 14 3.5: MAINTANANCE AND REPAIRING HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ..................... 14 LESSON LEARNT................................................................................................................... 15 vii

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................. 16 ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................... 16 4.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 16 4.1 ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................. 19 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................ 19 5.0: CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................. 19 5.1: RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................... 19 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 20


1.0: THE BACKGROUND OF CRDB BANK PLC Land Bank of Tanganyika (LBT). The history of CRDB dates back to 1947 when the Government established the Land Bank of Tanganyika (LBT) with a capital of shs 4million, which was later raised to shs 6million in 1950. The objective of the LBT were firstly, to provide long-term loans not exceeding 70% of the land value or shs 0.3million, with the maturity of up to 30years for financing land acquisition and land development; and secondly, to provide short and medium-term loans with a maturity of up to 15years for financing the acquisition of agricultural machinery and equipment and other inputs, and for cultivation, harvesting, processing and marketing crops and agricultural produce. Loans were to be provided to individuals, cooperative societies and Native Authorities. Agricultural Credit Agency (ACA) Following the independence, and cognizant of the shortcoming of the LBT, the Government established the Agricultural Credit Agency (ACA) in 1961 to replace LBT. The ACA was envisaged to serve as the governments instrument for overall development of the agricultural sector. The ACA was to receive a sum of up to 0.7million annually from the Government to augment its capital funds. Later on the ACA experienced a lot of problems due to various reasons such as lack of staffs qualification, skills and experiences necessary for competent appraisal and evaluation of loan application and projects. Also it faced high cost of administering thousands of small individual loans that led to losses on its loan application. National Development Credit Agency (NDCA). Following the difficulties encountered with the ACA, the Government made a decision to use the cooperative movement as the channel for the distribution of the rural and agricultural credit. To achieve this, the Nation Development Credit Agency (NDCA) was established in 1964 to replace the ACA, and was placed under the nominal control of the Cooperative Union of Tanganyika (CUT). The CUT was by then owning the Cooperative Bank of Tanganyika (CBT), which had been established in 1962. Although the NDCA was controlled by CUT its ownership belonged to the Government. CUT owned the National Cooperative Bank. The objective of the NDCA were to ensure the provision of credit for land development, agricultural production, marketing and processing of agricultural produce, storage and transport, small-scale industries and trades, and cooperative distribution of services. At its establishment in 1964, the NDCAs resources were made up to shs. 31million out of which shs.11.9 worth of assets were, however, written off before 1965. In 1970 the government desired to take-over all the commanding heights of the economy; the National Cooperative bank was amalgamated with the National Bank of Commerce.

Tanzania Rural Development Bank (TRDB). In the appreciation of the experiences gained with the NDCA, the Government decides to deals with the difficulties so far experienced in the provision of credit to agriculture and the rural sector by establishing the strong institution in place of the NDCA. The Tanzania Rural Development Bank (TRDB), whose shares were all owned by the Government, was established in place of the NDCA in May 1971. The objectives of the TRDB were listed in the TRDB act (1971) as: a) to make available long and medium term finance for rural development; b) to provide technical assistance and advice for the purpose of promoting rural development; c) to administer such special funds as may be placed at the disposal of the bank; d) to finance the purchase of agricultural inputs by: I. marking or guaranteeing loans falling within the definition of long, medium and short term finance; II. the purchase and resale of agricultural inputs on credit terms; Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (CRDB). The problem of declining agricultural output eventually stimulated the Government into the reconsidering the issue of the Re-establishment of the Cooperative Unions as well as looking into the issue of a declining flow of credit to agriculture. Therefore the TRDB was reconstructed into the Cooperative and rural Development Bank (CRDB) on July 1st 1984 with 51% of the share reserved to the government and 49% of the shares reserved to Cooperatives. CRDB (1996) Limited. With the approval of the memorandum and Article of Association by the founders annual shareholders meeting in Arusha in April, 1995, the path to privatization of CRDB had now been set. Therefore the Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (CRDB), under Act, 1996 section 3(1) changed the name of the bank to CRDB (1996) Limited. CRDB Bank Limited. In July 1999 the privatized bank changed its name from CRDB (1996) Limited to CRDB Bank Limited for marketing purposes. CRDB has no abbreviation. CRDB Bank PLC. Again in 2007 the bank changed its name from CRDB bank Limited to CRDB Bank PLC for the purpose of preparation for listing the bank in the Capital market (DSM Stock Exchange). In a nutshell the CRDB Bank PLC from 1947 to date has passed through various remarkable historical transformation changes as summarized hereunder; 1. 1947 -Land Bank of Tanganyika -LTB 2. 1961 -Agricultural Credit Agency -ACA 3. 1964 -National development Credit Agency -NDCA 4. 1971 -Tanzania Rural Development Bank -TRDB 5. 1984 -Cooperative and Rural Development Bank -CRDB 6. 1996 -CRDB(1996) Limited -CRDB 2

7. 1999 8. 2007

-CRDB Bank Limited -CRDB Bank PLC


1.2: VISION The leading Bank in Tanzania. To be the leading bank which is customer need driven with competitive returns to shareholders

1.3: MISSION Quality Banking Services To provide the quality and competitive financial services with a strong focus on retail banking and customized corporate and institutional services while ensuring confidence and trust from stakeholder. 1.4: VALUES Accountability Commitment Cost consciousness Courtesy Decisiveness Knowledge Promptness Performance driven Professional integrity Responsiveness

Whenever you visit the CRDB Bank, will aim to give you a delightful experience by always: Serving you with respect, courtesy, polity and with a smile. Treat you fairly and give you utmost attention. Encouraging your suggestions for improvement of our products and services and in turn provide prompt feedback. Giving you complete and accurate information on our products and services. Being ready to serve you in any of our branches countrywide without referring you to your domicile branch.

1.6: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE The Organization structure of the CRDB Bank PLC is made up with different department. The top management being the Board of Directors, Director of Internal Audit, Managing Director and Deputy Managing director. The chart below shows the organization structure from top to bottom.

Figure 1: organization structure


2.0: INTRODUCTION Upon attempting my duties, responsibilities and other assignment during practical training study, theoretical knowledge and skills I acquired in class sessions, various literatures readings and websites were deployed. Generally the success of practical training study is the result of the transformation of those theories from literature readings into real life working environment. My literature review sites windows XP operation system installation steps. PC Downgrading was a special project that involved removing windows 7 and installing windows XP in 400 brand new computers so as to prepare them ready for use before they distribute it upcountry branches. On other hand, Windows Update is a service provided by Microsoft that provides updates for the Microsoft Windows operating system and its installed components including Internet Explorer. An optional feature disables access to Windows Update, enabling instead access to Microsoft Update, an expanded version of the service which provides updates not just for the operating system and Internet Explorer, but also for other Microsoft software running under Windows, such as Microsoft Office, Windows Live applications, and Microsoft Expression Studio ( However Windows downgrade needs rights from Microsoft. For example Downgrade rights for Windows 7 are enduser rights, documented in the Software License Terms that customers accept upon first running Windows software. Windows 7 end user downgrade rights will be available through the sales lifecycle of Windows 7 which is up to two years after the launch date of a new version. On other hand, Computer downgrading refer to the process of uninstall the current (New) OS version and installing old OS version. For instance remove Windows Vista into PC and Installing Windows 2000. Its impact is that the current data drivers, stored data will all get lost and also all current OS set up and disk partition will be reset and leave your computer in an unknown state. The CRDB bank decided to undergo computer downgrading process due to the fact that most of the application software and systems they use are not compatible to windows 7 while the purchased PC are preinstalled with windows 7. Furthermore, Downgrading processes adopted normal operation system installation procedures. My literature review therefore, demonstrates windows XP installation process stepby-step. The CRDB Bank requirement was to install all new PCs with Windows XP with Service Pack (SP3) 32-bit operating system so that they can accommodate all the system and software used by the bank. In case you have to make a new installation of Windows XP (Home or Professional, ultimate etc), you need to be sure that your PC system is able to boot from a CDROM, like the Windows XP installation CD-ROMs. However if the system is not able to boot 5

from CD-ROM, then you to download boot-floppies from the Microsoft Website, that will allow your PC to start from a floppy-disk reboot. 2.1: WINDOWS XP INSTALLATION PROCEDURES Windows XP goes through many steps during its process of installation on the computers hard drive from a CD. Windows XP records several more entries into the event log after this and when the setup is complete, it records this event (which is used as the time at which the Windows XP install process is complete). From the perspective of a user, Windows XP still needs to install the user account which takes a few more minutes Martin, (2003). All versions of windows XP CD are bootable. In order to boot from CD/DVD-ROM you need to set the boot sequence. Then check in your PC-BIOS, that "booting from CD-ROM" is enabled and that the system will first try to boot from CD-ROM, before attempting to boot from hard disk. The following are windows XP installation steps as demonstrated by Helmig. (Apr 2002);Step1. Insert your Windows XP installation CD-ROM and power-on/restart your system. It will show the PC-BIOS startup message, like memory test, memory installed. When you get the message to "press any key to boot from CD...", press any key, if you do not press any key, it will NOT boot from CD-ROM, but boot from hard disk, so that people which "forgot" to take out such bootable CD-ROM's are not getting confused by the CD-ROM installation procedure Once the boot from CD-ROM has started, it will display at the top of the screen "Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration. . ." After a brief delay, the typical Microsoft "blue Installation screen" is displayed, with "Windows Setup" displayed at the top and at the bottom of the screen the information, that "Setup is loading Files" (loading all type of device drivers) Step2. "Setup is starting Windows" will display after a short delay the "Windows XP Professional Setup" or "Windows XP Home Setup" screen. Then select "to set up Windows XP now" and press the ENTER-key. Step3. The "Windows XP Licensing Agreement" is displayed; accept it by pressing the F8-key. Step4. Setup will now display the partitioning of your disk. Display screen will now show a simple Disk Manager, allowing you to create and delete partitions. The following radio button will be displayed; To set up windows XP on the selected item, press ENTER To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C. To delete the selected partition, press D. This step is very important; here we create the partition where Windows will be installed. If you have a brand new unformatted drive the screen will display Unpartitioned space and total hard disk size. In our case at CRDB PCs the drive size was 500GB, that were portioned into two (C: Drive) and (D: Drive) both of equal size i.e. 250GB each. By creating two partitions one store Windows and Applications and the other store data. So in the future if anything goes wrong with 6

Windows installed such as virus or spyware you can re-install Windows on C: drive and our data on D: drive will not be touched. Yet you can choose whatever size partition you like. Press C to create another partition. Step5. The next screen will appear asking for the type of disk formatting to be used. Select Partition 1 (C: Drive) and press Enter. Select the type of disk formatting: FAT or NTFS FAT: possible to access from a DOS-boot floppy, but limited to max. 4 GB with very inefficient file-storage (cluster-size of 64 KB), no Security features NTFS : not accessible from a DOS-boot floppy, but NOT limited in size and using an efficient file-storage with a small cluster-size, able to use File-System Security features. Windows XP requires a lot of disk-space for itself; you should use at least a 4 GB partition and once you decide what file system to use let say NTFS, then navigate to it by using down/up arrows and select it by pressing ENTER. For unformatted drive choose format using NTFS file system while for the hard drive that has been formatted before you can choose quick NTFS format. Step6. A blue screen will appear displaying Please wait while Setup formats the partition. Then Windows will now start formatting drive C: and start copying setup files while showing setup progress in percentage. After the setup has completed copying the files the computer will restart. Leave the XP CD in the drive but this time DO NOT press any key when the message "Press any key to boot from CD" is displayed. In few seconds setup will continue. Windows XP Setup wizard will guide you through the setup process of gathering information about your computer. After the restart, Windows XP starts for the first time with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Then setup will continue copy files and to install devices showing the remaining installation completion time as seen bellow.

Step7. Choose your region and language. Here you can adjust regional settings for example if you install an English version of Windows XP in a different country and the keyboard layout/language is not the same language as your copy of Windows XP, you should use the button "Customize. and configure the proper keyboard, to make sure that you can enter in the following steps of the setup/installation properly the information. Then click next. 7

Step 8. Personalize your system by entering computer name and organization. Then click next. At this step we were assigning PC names according to Department or bank branch it is going to be distributed to. However the Organization name was CRDB Bank Plc Step 9. Enter your product key, 25 characters as it was delivered with your Windows XP CD-ROM. Then click next. Step 10. Define the name for your computer and the password for the Administrator account. Then click next. At CRDB Bank this step were left empty because password and administrator account will be set later using special security application software (Novel client32). Step 11. Check the "Date and Time Settings", date, time and time zone. Then click next. Step 12. For the network setting choose typical and press next. Step 13. Choose workgroup or domain name. If you are not a member of a domain then leave the default settings and press next. Windows will restart again and adjust the display. allowing to check/define/correct the

Step 14. Finally the system will reboot again and present you with a Welcome screen. Click next to continue. Setup will configure then your screen resolution. Step 15. Choose 'help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now' and press next. Step 16. 8

Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If you are connected to a router or LAN then choose: 'Yes, this computer will connect through a local area network or home network'. If you have dial up modem choose: 'No, this computer will connect directly to the internet'. Then click Next. Step 17. Ready to activate Windows. Choose yes if you wish to active Windows over the internet now. Choose no if you want to activate Windows at a later stage. Step 18. Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next. Step 19. You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. Click finish. Step 20. Log in, to your PC for the first time. Windows XP is now completely installed into your PC.

Once the above screen is displayed mean that installation is completed and it is ready for use. What follows is the installation of various driver and application software according to users requirements. The installation process took at least 39 minutes to complete.


3.0: INTRODUCTION. Various tasks were performed during the practical training study in assistance of host supervisor, this chapter addresses those major tasks and activities to which I was assigned to, also the way it was done and how improved my IT technical knowhow.

3.1: COMPUTER DOWNGRADING AND OPERATING SYSTEM (OS) INSTALLATION Computer downgrading is an action of removing the operating system that is more current (New version) to a computer and installing the old version. OS installation refers to setup of operating system platform. Crdb bank bought 400 computers (HP) that comes with Windows7 operating system direct from the manufacturer to be distributed to its branches. The reason for downgrading comes from the fact that most of the application software used by the bank is not compatible to Windows7 but effectively compatible to Windows XP. Such applications software are like Client32 (Novell), Branchpower (BP) and Universal banking (UB). Therefore downgrading task involved removing Windows7 and installing Windows XP operating system. The task of Computer downgrading involved first removing Windows7 (OS) and then installing Windows XP (OS) by inserting CD into CD Rom and then boot the computer. The procedures of OS installation were observed by clicking next and other setup request until the installation is successful completed. Windows XP ServcePack3 (SP3) was installed. This installation procedure was done to every computer for all 400 PCs as a result the downgrading task become tedious and full time repetitively job. To simplify and speedup the task our supervisor (system engineer) taught us Ghosting technology using Symantec utilities software. Using this technology you need to install OS only to one computer and with all needed application softwares. Then we created the image (ghost) from the complete installed PC (Source HDD) and clone to the destination HDD. The ghosting preparation needs one to identifies the following and must be done carefully; Bootable ghost Disk/CD, Source disk (HDD needed to be cloned), Destination


disk (HDD to be clone to) however large HDD and data size, take larger time to copy the image. Here are the steps, Connect the hard disk of a new computer (destination) to completely installed computer (source) as slave disk. Insert Utilities floppy software into floppy disk and connect it to the source computer, then boot the PC using F12 and then change booting sequence so that the computer can boot from floppy disk and continue to respond to the following steps. *Step 1. -Select local>>disk>>to disk *Step2. -Select source disk (HDD to be cloned). >> Usually Disk Drive1 Note: make sure you select the right HDD. -Click ok to proceed *Step 3. -Select destination disk (HDD to be clone to). >> Usually Disk Drive2. -Click ok *step 4. -Details for Destination Disk -Click ok *Step 5. -Proceed with disk cloning. >> Again make sure you select the right HDD -Click Yes to proceed To finishing ghosting -Click Reset computer -Shutdown your PC -Remove source Disk -Try booting from Destination Disk. The advantages of ghosting technology is that PC downgrading or OS and other application software installation takes below ten minutes per PC to complete cloning instead of more than an hour if you do normal installation, so ghosting is economical. 3.2: INSTALLATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE During my field work training I did also the task of installing various banking and non-banking applications software package and antivirus. Banking application software includes Universal Banking (UB), Branchpower (BP), Perpay, Intellectflow and StarOffice. However I did also 11

installations of non-banking application software like Ms Office 2007, GroupWise, client32 (Novell) and McAfee antivirus and its update agent (framePkg.exe, Sdat) and Combofix.

LESSON LEARNT During downgrading task I have learnt various techniques of OS installation, BIOS setup. Sometimes it may happen that when you insert an OS CD the PC fails to boot, one factor that may be reasons for that is the Hard disk to motherboard connection types conflicts with PC version. Solution is to re-set computer BIOS to support connection system SATA to IDE and/or vice versa, with help of function key F10, F12, and F6 depending on the type of the PC. To downgrade Windows7 to Windows XP, we were needed to boot the PC with the help F10 to change from SATA to IDE mode. The important issue is that the OS to be installed must be free from virus. Hard disk partitioning and formatting is another area I have learnt competently. The computer hard disk capacity was 500 GB which were then partitioned into two equal parts that is to form drive C and D. Thereafter Drive D was then formatted using Quick format style. Formatting action prepares the disk to be written on.

3.3: NETWORKING TASKS a) Making Ethernet Cables I was sometime assigned to build an Ethernet cable when there was a new computer that needs to be connected to the network at a new network point. There was a box of bulk of CUT5 Ethernet cable where we usually cut a piece of it and then attach to the RJ-45 connector to the cut ends to the preferred length. Our supervisor trained us two types of Ethernet cable that is Straight Through and Crossover and their uses. We were told to build Straight Through Ethernet cables which are standard cable used for almost all purposes and it allows configuration for longer wire runs. Here are steps to build it: cut into the plastic cover at least 1 inch from the end of the cut cable Unwind and pair of the similar colors. While squeezing the wires between your fingers and straighten them out, cut them straight across the wire. Push the wires into the connector and carefully place the connector into the Ethernet Crimper and pushover down on the handles tightly. The copper tie together tabs on the connector will pierce into each of the eight wires. When you remove the cable from the crimper, the cable is ready to use. Repeat all steps on the other end of the Ethernet cable exactly Make sure to test the cables before installing them. The arrangement of wire when plugging it into RJ45 plug was done in kin manner depending on the type of Ethernet cable you are building. As were mostly dealing with the building of Straight through Ethernet cables hereunder is an arrangement structure for both ends;


white-green green white-orange blue white-blue orange white-brown brown Plug one

The figure below show tools and equipments used to build Ethernet cable;

Figure 2: RJ-45 Crimping tool

Figure 3: Ethernet cable ready for use

Figure 4: bulk Ethernet cable (Cut-5)

Figure 5: Bulk RJ-45 Crimpable connectors

b) IP Subnetting I was trained how to subnet an IP address when the organization encounter shortage of IP address and thereafter assigned to do that task using a computing software called Advanced Subnet Calculator. Also I was assigned various duties to assign IP address to various PCs and joining them to a network domain. c) Configure Windows Active Directory Instructed and the assigned to Configure Windows Active directory and make users login using their unique credential. Also adding users to the active directory was done. LESSON LEARNT I learned the types of Ethernet cable that is Straight Through and Crossover, their uses, how to build and testing it. The most important issue to note is the proper arrangement of wires before plugging it into RJ45 plug and lastly is to test if the cable works properly as it was intended.


Nevertheless, I managed to advance my subnetting knowledge especially the use of subnetting tools. However when I was assigning IP address to PC I learned a proper way of assigning (TCP/IP V4) IPs properties, that is dynamically or statically and also how to set Gateway IP address.

3.4: INSTALLATION OF PRINTERS AND TROUBLESHOOTING I was assigned to various printer installation tasks at Holland, Azikiwe, and Azikiwe Premier Branches. The installations involved networked, shared and local printers. For Network printer, users are allowed to share one printer which is connected to the Network through its IP address where printer setup is done onto users PC to specify which printer to access. Meanwhile I did installation of shared printer which by the way allows networked user to print on it through a computer that is directly connected to that printer. The problem for this style is that if the connected PC is down, then all those who share that printer cannot print. Lastly local printer is a printer that is directly connected to a PC. I did this task to Personal Secretary to Managing Director office. It needs the installation of appropriate printer drivers before connecting Printer to a PC. Printer driver is the software program that enables the computer and the printer to communicate with each other. Lastly after printer installation we were doing print test where we were testing if the printer is operating properly, driver software is installed and working correctly, and if the printer and computer are communicating LESSON LEARNT I learned how the printers installation and setup in various styles is done and how the network cables are installed. Also I learnt the importance of selecting an appropriate printer type during setup. In networked printer wrong setup of printer type may cause a printer to print continuously without paper cut when commanded, while a local printer wont print. 3.5: MAINTANANCE AND REPAIRING HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE I also participated in various task of hardware (PC, Printer) maintenances and repair. The task involved the following; Troubleshooting PC that was not booting and fix it. Troubleshooting and fixing faults to various printers such as Laser Jet 4200, and Laser Jet 1320 Change PC RAMs, Hard Disk and power supplies. Blowing dusts to PCs, Servers, Printers and other related equipment as preventive maintenances. Changing the main body and replacing toners of the printer.


Disk partitioning and formatting. Again I was assigned to repair, remove, activate and automatic update of software for both operating system software and application software. For application software most of update was done though the access of FTP server via command prompt. While for OS was done by insert OS CD like windows XP and windows7. LESSON LEARNT Under this section I have learnt a lot of things and gained more confidence concerning PC maintenance and repair. I have also added values to my PC troubleshooting knowledge learned in class. For instance I was assigned to troubleshoot a PC from CRDB Njombe Branch that was not booting. When you boot it, it just produces certain alarm, through troubleshooting I discovered that the PC main memory (RAM) was removed. I put a new RAM and the PC booted. However I gained knowledge about Windows repair and recovery, in windows Recovery I learned the use of CHKDSK /R command for windows recover


4.0 INTRODUCTION During my whole period of the practical training activities at the CRDB Bank PLC, particularly by considering the work done and activities taken I was capable to analyze the importance and the role played by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Banking Organizations environment. As I was attached to the Department of Operations under Infrastructure and Communication (I&C) Section, I was able to Compare, evaluate and analyze how greater important IT is, in this competitive environment of the Banking industry. Infrastructure and Communication (I&C), Data Center, and Business Support. Data center section deals with all CRDB Bank data repositories, which are Databases maintenance, Servers maintenance, daily banking transaction data backup, and monitoring all bank branches and ATMs if are online or offline. However Business Support Section deals with programming issues, systems implementation, maintenance and technical support to systems and applications software. Data and Network Security policy, antivirus and granting privileges to the system users. The Infrastructure and Communication Section deals with providing clients (PC users) IT technical supports, Networking and Security, hardware maintenance such as PCs, ATM machines, Generators and Satellite Dishes. So its true that an organization can gain competitive advantages over other organizations within the same industry if it will invest and implement strong ICT. In banking environment where time factor to its customer and the bank itself is so crucial, a sound IT should be well implemented to enable organization personnel (eg Bank Teller) to serve their customer on time and also increase their productivity. Its IT that can ensure Banks objective are achieved and cope with the highly changing business environment in technology and other factors, but the IT section ensures that the Organizations prosperity stands for ever only by ensuring the supply of the IT based facility such as Hardware and Software for the survival of the organization. Basically the Department of Operations at CRDB Bank PLC is structured into three (3) Sections namely


4.1 ANALYSIS ICT do provide the technological support that assist in increasing work performance, efficiency, data sharing and security, data storage, networking services and alike. Then there is a need for an organization to implement a sound IT technology and resources in order to overcome the challenges brought by the innovation and the development of ICT and Banking industry as well. In my practical training at CRDB Bank I realized that even though it has implemented strong ICT department but still they are facing some problems like software Compatibility. This is because most of the Application software and system deployed by the Bank are not compatible to Windows7 operating system instead they are compatible to Windows XP. Such application software are like Client32 (Novell), universal Banking (UB), Branchpower, Perpay etc. To solve compatibility problem ICT personnel are forced to downgrade all computers to Windows XP if they are installed with higher Version operating system than Windows XP. Currently most of PCs comes with Windows7 directly from the manufacture; we were forced to downgrade 400 PCs to Windows XP so as to meet Banking application packages compatibility, something which is a very tedious job and it may delay other operational activities as far as time is concerned in banking industry. Furthermore windows XP installation is done perfectly step by step as instructed in literature review. But I noticed, downgraded PC become slow during booting as compared to its preinstalled OS by the PC manufacturer. Centralization style of managing the Operations Department (ICT) done at the CRDB bank head office-Azikiwe is overloaded and need to be decentralized. Decentralization may be done either in Zones or for every bank branch to establishing an ICT section. These will increase performance and instant attending ICT clients especially for upcountry branches whenever the problem occurs. Currently there some work normally in upcountry branches that delays waiting for ICT expert form head office to come and fix those problems. For instance one PC whose power supply is malfunctioning from Tarime Branch need to be transported to Dar es Salaam just to replace power supply. This situation adds organization operation cost, loss of time and on other hand it becomes a threat to the bank in business competitive perspective. Maintenance safety procedures, I realized that the maintenance safety procedures as insisted in literature books are not implemented especially when it comes for the issue of PC maintenance. ESD protection is totally not considered, you can find personnel opening the PC case while it is powered on, or not wearied ESD protection tools. I do advice them implement safety tools and use it properly. 17

Confidence building: Psychologically, the attachments helped to build my confidence and self trust. I was assigned different tasks that involved moving from head office to other branch like Holland branch, Kariakoo branch etc with limited instructions and that required personal decisions. I also built more confidence on interviewing computer users (client) to examine the magnitude and probably sources of the problem that coursed them to seek IT technical support. I analyzed that physical interview gives a technician a clear picture of the problem rather than telephone interview. This is because PC users lack IT knowledge to express themselves on issues coursed their PC to malfunction. Importance of effective communication: I appreciate the importance of effective communication in CRDB Bank. There are effective uses of telephone and e-mail in every office and each department. Well organized system of communication ensures that staffs are timely informed of important matters in the whole organization. Presence of IT help desk assist client to dispatch their problems to a light IT expert and on time. Timely response has enabled not only head office client but also upcountry branches to be served once they call up for any IT problems. Performance Appraisal and Motivations: It is important for an employee to get promoted, for instance from junior to senior staff. There must be clear criterions that are used to value a staff capability and performance so as to qualify for appraisal. Also Motivations for archiving departmental target service plan help stimulate IT personnel to work hard because they will fill that their contribution to Bank success has being recognized. What I analyzed at CRDB IT personnel are not fully recognized because of being perceived as just technical service provider and not business production parse. They forget that business value is being created by proper alignment between business activities with Information system and technology.



5.0: CONCLUSION Information and communication technology (ICT) is becoming a major driving force in all business industries. It is an existing panorama for the information professional to add real value to information and contribute more directly to an organizations quality products and/or services, efficiency, performance and above all to assist strategic decision making. To business industries like Banking which handle large volume and sensitive data, they need to implement a strong ICT department that will enable the organization to gain not only competitive advantages over their competitors but also maintaining goodwill to their customers. It is ICT departments which will advice the Executives which technology, systems, application software, networking and security polices to be implemented. Based on my own experience acquired during my practical training, CRDB Bank has managed to implement proper and strong ICT department (Operations Department). It act as a guidelines to improve the strategic positioning and visibility of information units, enhance client satisfaction, be cost effective, and help to anticipate opportunities and threats. Above all, they work towards securing the prosperous future of the in-house information unit. The big challenges they need to work on it is the system compatibility problems. They should not resist to technological changes but find the best way to move forward as technology is rapidly changing. 5.1: RECOMMENDATIONS Underpinning the practical field training, and adding stakeholder input and confidence, there is a need to enhance and supports career development learning. Student engagement, experience, transitions, and contribution to workplace productivity must benefit both IFM and the host organization. It is valuable to provide a wide spectrum of workplace experiences to facilitate student participation in work related learning; hence curriculum reform and design across the sector (including learning tools and resources availability) should enhance this wider access to career development learning and work related learning as far as ICT industry is concerned. This approach will require increased support for career development learning within the curriculummade possible through curriculum renewal processes, where career development staff are utilized to provide input to the educational reform processes. Related resourcing issues must be addressed. Establishment of on-line field work report Gallery on student IS. This will facilitate easy step by step interaction between students and their supervisors during report writing. However, it will also cut printing cost for first and second assessment draft, that means only final draft will be printed ready for submission. Also it will enable online report storage where it can be referred incase the hard copy get lost.


1. Computer Installation and servicing by Mr D Balasubramanian 2. Johannes Helmig, Articles & Tutorials :: Windows XP, Apr 21, 2002 [As accessed on December 06, 2011] 3. [As accessed on December 06, 2011] 4. [As accessed on November 10, 2011] 5. [As accessed on November 20, 2011] 6. John Martin, (2003), Microsoft TechNet Magazine.


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