Instructions For Typesetting Manuscripts Using Msword
Instructions For Typesetting Manuscripts Using Msword
Instructions For Typesetting Manuscripts Using Msword
University Department, University Name, Address
City, State ZIP/Zone, Country‡
Group, Laboratory, Address
City, State ZIP/Zone, Country
The abstract should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the paper. It should not contain
any references or displayed equations. Typeset the abstract in 10 pt Times Roman with interline space
of 12 pt, making an indentation of 1.6 cm on the left and right margins.
For the title, try not to use more than three lines. Typeset the title in 15 pt Times Roman, uppercase and boldface.
Typeset names in 11 pt Times Roman, uppercase. Use the footnote to indicate the present or permanent address of the author.
State completely without abbreviations, the affiliation and mailing address, including country. Typeset in 11 pt Times italics.
2 Author’s Name
Sociable A18 A5 Willing to adapt to or accept new/
2 different ideas/ situations
Critical A17 A6 Aggressive
Risk taking A13 A10 Principled
A12 A11 Individual's
Instinctive Investigative
Fig. 2. If the caption is less than one line then it is centered. Long captions are justified manually.
MSWord functionality to achieve the desired result, Table 1. This is the caption for the table. If the
caption is less than one line then it is centered.
look up the various entries under Frames in the on-line
Long captions are justified to the table width
MSWord Help. manually.
Previously published material must be
accompanied by written permission from the author 3 4 8 10
and publisher. 3 1200 2000 2500 3000
NC 5 2000 2200 2700 3400
7. Tables 8 2500 2700 16000 22000
10 3000 3400 22000 28000
Tables should be inserted in the text as close to the
point of reference as possible. Some space should be Tables should be numbered sequentially in the text
left above and below the table. in Arabic numerals. Captions are to be centralized
Table 2. This is the caption for the table. If the caption is less than one line then it is
centered. Long captions are justified to the table width manually.
Footnotes should be typeset in 8 pt Times Roman at the bottom
of the page.