Method Statement For Piling Work (Edited)

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The document outlines safety procedures and requirements for piling works including attending safety briefings, complying with health and safety regulations, and ensuring workers are aware of hazards.

Workers must attend safety briefings, comply with health and safety regulations, and safe work procedures. Risk assessments must also be conducted.

The objectives are to set up piling equipment, store and drive spun piles for the Ban Merbok project while following safety standards.

Main Contractor






a) All piling workers including the qualified welders shall attend the work safety and
health induction briefing prior to the commencement of work.
b) All safe work procedure and risk assessment shall be briefed to the piling workers
including the qualified welders during the safety induction course.
c) All will comply with this method statement and the requirements of the Health and
Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant health and safety legislation, together with
any specific site rules as where applicable, the requirements from contractor's safety
policy and construction phase health and safety plan.


1) The piling works described here is for the setting up of piling equipment, storing and
driving of spun pile, that will required to be carried out for Ban Merbok project's.
2) Ensure that spun piling works is performed with conformity to the Workplace Safety
and Health Act; its regulations, any relevant code of practices as well as current safe
and health work procedures.
3) Ensure that all workmen involved in the spun piling works are aware of this safe and
health procedure and recognized the possible hazards in the established risk
assessment report before and during the course of the carrying out the piling works.


1) As where required, piling works shall be carried out at other proposed location, shall
there be any, in the future, upon the agreement of the Superitending Officer (S.O)
2) Piling equipments and the operators shall be qualified for the works, their equipment
certificates shall be submitted to the S.O, prior to works.
3) All the procedure involved in the piling works shall be in accordance to the procedures
described here in location and operation of piling, delivery and storing of the pile
must be planned by the supervisor.


Site Engineer, Site Agent, Site Supervisor & Land Surveyor.

Approved 300mm diameter G80 Precast Spun Pile (9m and 6m) will be used as stated in Consultant’s
Construction drawing. The pile will be visually inspected for out-of- straightness and defects such as
broken, cracks, etc.


Storage : Spun piles G80 diameter 300 working load 30 tons and test load is 60
tons for piling to set
Handling : Unloading spun piles in construction site by using moble crane


a.       Hydraulic hammer
b.      Dolly
c.       Welding equipment and generator set
d.      Piling machine
e.      Mobile crane
f.        Survey equipment


PDA Test - Abbreviation for Pile Dynamic Analysis Test. Use to determine :-
◦ evaluation of driven pile capacity
◦ measurement of hammer energy delivered to the piles
◦ determined if pile damage has occurred
◦ measurement of pile stress during driving

Pile to Length - Piling works will operating based on certain length of pile (6m and 12m) until achieve
maximum length of pile into the soil based on soil properties.

Pile to Set - Piling works will be continuously going on until achieve "Set", which was calculated
earlier by using Hiley's Formula.


(1) Liaison
Liaise and cooperate with appropriate authorities, clients and his representatives
regarding adjoining property and check whether approval to commence work has
been obtained. Do not trespass on adjoining property.

(2) Locating existing drains and services.

Locate the positions and levels of the existing drains and services indicated on
drawings. Seek instructions on the method for dealing with those, which are likely
to be affected.

(3) Locating cables, pipes and services.

Mark location of all underground cables and pipes with signboards, indicating
their type eg. Water, gas, electricity, telephone, TV cable and etc. Check on their
depth with the relevant parties. Where any overhear cables exist, install restricts
headroom indicators.

(4) Site Clearance.

The clearance at site shall include surface vegetation clearance, stripping,
stockpiling of topsoil and disposal of rubbish and spoil.

5) Protection and prevention

Before piling work commences, check that the all spun piles, machinery or any
following items related to piling works have been securely protected from anyone.


(1) Piling Setting out

Every pile position is pre-surveyed by licensed surveyor for site dermacation, bed level, invert
level and etc. all the surveys will be submitted to SO for approval

(2) Construction of Temporary Cofferdam

Contractor will construct a proper cofferdam by using 300mm x 9m loang sheet pile on the

Sheetpiling cofferdams shall be provided within the watercourse and in excess of 1.5 metres
in depth.

Sheetpiling cofferdams shall be as water tight as is necessary for the proper performance of
the work that must be done inside them

Sheetpiling cofferdams shall be designed and constructed to the elevations shown on the
Drawings or identified in the Special Provisions

Sheetpiling shall be driven to a depth below the bottom of the excavation to preclude the
possibility of a blow-up from the bottom of the excavation

Pumping from the interior of the cofferdam shall be done in such a way as to preclude the
possibility of the flow of water through work area

(3) Piling installation

Step 1

Guidelines for piling works shall conforms with the standard requirements
outlined in the Checklist For Piling and the required specifications provided
in the Contract.

Step 2
Each pile shall be clearly marked with red ink at 300mm intervals along its length to enable
the driving blows to be recorded at every 300mm depth of pile penetration.

Step 3

Installation of piles will be carried out using Hydraulic Hammer or equivalent piling machine
and started in borrowpit area followed by riverside

Step 4

All pile head shall be flat and right angles to the axis of the pile. Hard wood will used in the
metal helmet above the pile head to avoid damage during hard driving.

Step 5

Piles shall be driven in such a manner as to ensure that no damage and minimum
disturbance is caused to previously driven piles adjacent position.

Step 6

Driving of the pile shall be continuous without interruption. Hydraulic hammers are to be
used to drive each pile to the length of 12m or to be set for 30m to provide the required load
carrying capacity as pre-determined. Water level tool used for to measure the pile planted in
a vertical 90 degree.


For this calculation, Hiley Formula will be used to compute the estimated SET for each type
of pile:

Hiley formula :

P = (Q*H)/(S+0.5e) x (Q + (n2 * q)/(Q+q)

Ultimate bearing capacity P = 60 tons

Mass of Hammer Q= 3.0 tons
Drop of Hammer H= 0.50 m
Safety Factor f = 2.0 working load of pile
Pile Working Load L = 30 tons
Weight of pile q = 3.54 tons (30m)

Coefficient of Restitution n = 0.25

Temporary Compression e = 12mm (assumed)

SET OF PILE PER BLOW, S = 2.21mm or 22mm per 10 blows

The actual SET values will be recomputed at site based on the variable parameters of actual
pile length installed and the actual temporary compression recorded.
The final set of a pile shall be recorded either as the penetration in millimetres per 10 blows
or as the number of blows required to produce a penetration of required set depth

Step 7

For Raked piles, piling machine will be set according to the inclination of 1:4

Step 8

The pre-determined weight, type , and the height of fall of the hydraulic hammer to be used
and the final set to which the pile shall be driven, shall be strictly observed and shall be to
the approval of the Engineer.

Step 9

The driving data number of blows must be recorded by Site Supervisor and
finally to be checked and signed by SO representative

Step 10

On every authorization of the Piling Record the data is to be summarized

and then be submitted to the Superintending Officer and Consultant.

(3)  Tolerance

The pile shall not be out of plumb more than 1 in 75 and shall not be daviate more than
75mm from the intended position on plan from its correct location of cut off level

(4)  Verticality control

When the starter pile is pitched in position, the verticality of pile shall be checked either with
a spirit level or plumb bulb. The plumb bulbs are placed at a minimum distance of 10m from
the pile and at right angle to each other. Once the pile is in vertical position, drive the pile for
one or two meter and then check the verticality again before proceed with the piling works.
For group pile, the pile position can always be checked with the adjacent pile during pile

(5) Termination criteria

Termination criteria of these driven piles will follow exactly as per stated in the approved
construction drawing. Each set termination of pile will be inspected and recorded by site
supervisor and approved by SO representative

(6) Jointing of piles

Full fillet weld will be carried out for jointing of piles and will be carried out by experience
welder. Once welding works has been completed for each joint, layers of oxide paint coating
will be applied to avoid occurring of corrosion to the joints that may cause any failure in the
future. The paint will be ensured completely dry prior re-driving of pile is continued. The
verticality of pile extension will be checked and shall be to the satisfaction of the SO
representative during the jointing works.
Full fillet weld will be carried out for jointing of piles and will be carried out by experience
welder. Once welding works has been completed for each joint, layers of oxide paint coating
will be applied to avoid occurring of corrosion to the joints that may cause any failure in the
future. The paint will be ensured completely dry prior re-driving of pile is continued. The
verticality of pile extension will be checked and shall be to the satisfaction of the SO
representative during the jointing works.

Welding work Oxide coating sprayed

(7) Pile Testing

Pile Dynamic Analysis (PDA) test will also be carried out to two numbers of piles in every
new Tidal Control Gate three weeks after priliminary piles driven. The selection of piles for
PDA testing will be done by the contractor and will be approved SO representative.

Testing can be conducted on piles by means of a heavy impact at the pile head. The impact is
often provided by a suitable drop weight and the response is measured in terms of force and
acceleration close to the pile head.

The exposed length of pile has to be at least 1.5 diameter or 1.0 m whichever is greater
above the penetration level for pile instrumentation.

The pile head will be protected for the impact by means of steel casing if considered
necessary to protect the pile top being damaged.

A guide frame will be positioned onto the pile. The frame is used to guide the drop weight
under the fall. If the pile driving hammer is used this frame would not be necessary.

3 nos. of 6 mm diameter holes are drilled on two opposite sides of the pile for attachment of
gauges at 1.5 diameters (or width) below the pile top. Two pairs of force transducer and
accelerometer are bolted onto the pile using wall plugs.
Gauge Attachement in two oppsite side



During testing, the transducers will be connected to the Pile Driving Analyzer and its
associated storage computer equipment via a main 19-wire cable (up to 50m long).

A piling hammer can be used to induce a driving force on to the pile. The drop weight is
positioned and drop onto the pile under controlled height (a minimum of two impact
records). Dynamic measurement of force and velocity will be collected by gauges attached to
the pile. This data will be processed by the PDA to give immediate visual and permanent
record onsite.

Each blow monitored by the PDA will be displayed on the built-in LCD screen/ oscilloscope in
the form of force and velocity traces for immediate data quality control and computation.
The PDA will also provide onsite results such as: -
a. Mobilized static load capacity based on the CASE method
b. Pile Integrity – location and extent of damage
c. Pile Stresses – maximum compression forces at pile top/ toe
d. Hammer Performance – maximum energy transferred to the pile

The transducers and accelerometers will be dismantled at the end of the testing. PDA
data will be transferred and stored in a disk for subsequent report and analysis.
The transducers and accelerometers will be dismantled at the end of the testing. PDA
data will be transferred and stored in a disk for subsequent report and analysis.

(8) Cutting and Stripping Pile Head

When a pile has been driven to the required set of depth and after load test has been carried
out, the head of the pile shall be cut off to the level specified or shown in the Drawings

Care shall be taken to avoid cracking or otherwise damaging the rest of the pile. Any cracked
or defective concrete shall be cut away and made good with new concrete properly bounded
to the old.


A full time safety coordinator shall be stationed at the site throughout the works to
ensure that the safety rules been adhered by the sub-contractor and to identify
likely hazard which may arise during the implementation of construction activity.

Safety rules at site shall be as followed:

1) Apply ‘Permit To Work (PTW)’ before work executed

2) Ensure workers wear personal protective equipment (PPE) during construction


3) Ensure worker use the correct tools in a safety manner.

4) Ensure that all temporary signage are placed in correct manner.

5) No personal allowed standing near the piles location during execution of piling

6) Refer proper drawing to ensure there is no underlying cable or pipe before

piling work started.

7) Construction work must be supervised at least by Supervisor.



Contract No.:
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estimated SET for each type

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measured in terms of force and

0 m whichever is greater

el casing if considered

ed to guide the drop weight

uld not be necessary.

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rs of force transducer and

Contract No.:

riving Analyzer and its

ble (up to 50m long).

e pile. The drop weight is

minimum of two impact
ollected by gauges attached to
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-in LCD screen/ oscilloscope in

y control and computation.

the pile

t the end of the testing. PDA

nt report and analysis.
after load test has been carried
or shown in the Drawings

he rest of the pile. Any cracked

ew concrete properly bounded

the works to


on of piling


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