Persons Pat Ado
Persons Pat Ado
Persons Pat Ado
Not enough to state that child’s DNA profile ACTION TO CLAIM LEGITIMACY
matches that of putative father. Right of action for legitimacy devolving upon
Complete match between DNA profile of child child is of personal character and generally
and DNA profile of putative father does not pertains exclusively to him.
necessarily establish paternity
Only child may exercise it any time during life
(LUCAS v. LUCAS) time
EXCEPTIONS: Transmitted to heirs
- Issuance of DNA testing order remains 1. Dies during minority/
2. While insane/
discretionary upon court. Court may, consider
3. After action has already been instituted
whether there is absolute necessity for DNA
ART 173 Action instituted by child shall survive not
withstanding death either or both parties
(1) ACTION TO CLAIM LEGITIMACY MAY BE May exercise it either against presumed
BROUGHT BY parents or his/her heirs. (Code v. Abaya)
Petition to establish filiation is an action in THIS CODE ON SUPPORT;
rem. It involves status of person (3) ENTITLED TO LEGITIME AND OTHER
An in rem proceeding is validated essentially SUCCESSIONAL RIGHTS GRANTED
through publication. BY THEM BY CIVIL CODE
Publication is notice to whole world that
proceeding has for its object to bar indefinitely
all who might be minded to make an objection
of any sort to the right sought to be
Service of summons or notice is made to
defendant, it is not for purpose of vesting
court with jurisdiction but merely satisfying
due process requirements
Lack of summons may be excused where it s
determined that the adverse party had in fact,
Greatest and preferential sum of rights is
given to legitimate child. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN
ART 175
RIGHT TO Has his/her Has his/her
FILE whole lifetime to lifetime to file ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN MAY
ACTION file action to action to claim ESTABLISH THEIR ILLEGITIMATE
claim legitimacy illegitimacy only FILIATION IN SAME WAY AND ON THE
regardless of if he/she uses
what type of proof under 1st
proof he has as paragraph of CHILDREN.
provided for in Art 172.
could only bring
action during
RIGHT TO heirs transmissible to
FILE heirs
RIGHT TO In direct line of Only up to his
SUPPORT from any of and his/her Art 175 contemplates situation where child
ascendants and grandchildren born outside valid marriage or inside void
descendants in as provided in
accordance with Art 195(2) & (3) marriage, except those provided for in Art 54
priority set by of family code, seeks to claim his or her
law as provided illegitimate status.
by Art 195 &
Art 54: children conceived or born before
LEGTIME ALL Only ½ of judgment of annulment or absolute nullity of
legitime of marriage under Art 36 has become final and
legitimate child. executor shall be considered legitimate.
SURNAME Bear surname Surname of
Children conceived or born of subsequent
of father mother
marriage under Art 53 shall likewise be
INHERIT AB Yes from No such right legitimate.
INTESTATO legitimate Art 53: without complying with art 52
children and
relatives of Art 52: Partition and distribution of properties
father or mother and delivery of children’s presumptive
legitimes recorded in appropriate civil registry
and registries of property
DRAW UNDERSTANDING INHERITANCE If a philandering husband has a concubine, a
BY INTESTATO (page 686)
child of such concubine will surely be
illegitimate. Said illegitimate child may file an
action to claim his or her illegitimate status
against philandering husband.
However if concubine herself has her own
spouse, said child cannot file action to claim
illegitimate status although latter is in fact his
natural father.
RATIONALE: law declares that child
conceived or born inside valid marriage is
legitimate. It is up to concubine’s spouse to - Court will stress that it was only Isaac
file case to impugn legitimacy of child. Mendoza who testified on this question of
To allow child to file action to claim illegitimate pedigree and he did not cite Casimor’s father.
status would in effect allow him to impugn - His testimony was that he was informed by his
legitimate status with respect to concubine father, Hipolito who was Casimiro’s brother
and her spouse. and Brigida Mendoza, Casimiro’s own mother
Only concubine’s spouse and his heirs in that Teopista was Casimiro’s illegitimate
special cases are given legal standing to file daughter.
an action to impugn legitimacy. (Art 170 and - Such acts or declaration may be received in
171) evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule
If concubine’s legal spouse is successful in because : “it is the best the nature of the case
impugning the legitimate status of child, and admits and because greater evils are
obtains a court decision that child is not his, apprehended from the rejection of such proof
only then can said child claim his illegitimate than from its admission.
status. - Nevertheless, precisely because of its nature
Said child can do so only in accordance with as hearsay evidence, there are certain
law using appropriate proofs of filiation and safeguards against its abuse.
within prescriptive period. - Fracisco enumerates ( the following requisites
must be complied with before an act or
PROOFS declaration regarding pedigree may be
Same proofs as provided in Art 172 for admitted in evidence:
legitimate children may be used by illegitimate 1. Declarant is dead or unable to testify
children in proving filiation. 2. Pedree must be in issue
Explanation in Art 173 is applicable to Art 174 3. Declarant must be a relative of person
Judicial testimony which has not been whose pedigree is in issue
rebutted and in fact not disputed by alleged 4. Declaration must be made before
father is sufficient to prove paternity controversy
5. Relationship between declarant and
Mendoza v. CA person whose pedigree is in question
ust be shown by evidence other than
- Illegitimate child is allowed to establish his
such declaration.
claimed filiation by any other means allowed
- Declaration were made before complaint was
by rules of court
filed by Teopista and before the controversy
- Such evidence may consist of his baptismal
arose between her and Casimiro Family.
certificate, judicial admission, family bible, in
- Relationship between declarants and
which his name has been entered, common
Casimiro’s consisting of extrajudicial partition
reputation, respecting his pedigree, admission
of estate of Florencio Mendoza in which
by silence, testimony of witnesses and other
Casimiro is mentioned as one of heirs.
kinds of proof admissible uunder Rule 130 of
- Said declaration was not refuted. Casimiro
would have done this by deposition if he were
- TC conceded that “defendant’s parents as
too old and weak to testify at trial of case.
well as plaintiff himself, told Gaudencio
- Court holds that by virtue of declarations,
Mendoza and Isaac Mendoza that Teopista is
Teopsita Toring Tunacao has proved that she
daughter of defendant.
is entitled to be recognized as such.
- Rule 130, Sec 39: Act or declaration of
- Court gives effect to policy of Civil Code and
pedigree: may be received in evidence where
Family Code to liberalize the rule on
it occurred before the controversy and
investigation of paternity of illegitimate
relationship between two persons is shown by
children without prejudice to his own defenses
evidence other than such act or declaration.
, including evidence now obtainable through in effect, a family’s joint statement of its belief
facilities of modern medicine and technology. as to the pedigree of a person.
Proof of illegitimate filiation must be clear and
convincing. (VERCELES v. POSADA)
Thus if birth of illegitimate child is way beyond
- Admitted love letters of petitioner in is own
9 months from approximate time of
handwriting ad using alias and declaring that
conception resulting from alleged sexual
should respondent become pregnant, he will
intercourse, it can negate any claim of filiation.
have no regret and that they should rejoice in
(CONSTANNTINO V. MENDEZ) responsibility qualifies as a private
handwritten instrument that can establish
- Filiation of an alleged illegitimate child not filiation.
sufficiently proven.
- Amelita’s testimony on cross examination that (SALAS v. MATUSALEM)
she had sexual intercourse with Ivan in Manila
- Birth certificate unsigned by father,
in 1st or 2nd week of November 1974, is
handwritten notes without statemet of alleged
inconsistent with her response that she could
father of any admission of his paternity, mere
not remember the date of their last sexual
proof of support or visits to child, pictures of
intercourse in November 1974
mother and child, together with the father
- Sexual contact on abovementioned date is
were not deemed as “overwhelming evidence,
crucial point that it was not even established
documentary and testimonial, enough to
on direct examination as she merely testified
prove filiation.”
that she had sexual intercourse with Ivan in
months of September, October, and PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
November 1974. If falls under 1st paragraph of Art 172: whole
- Michael Constantino, a full-term baby was life time to bring action
born on August 3, 1975. If proofs are under those mentioned in 2nd
- Conception must have taken place about 267 paragraph: during lifetime of alleged parent.
days before August 3,1975. Thus, in an action for partition brought by an
- While Amelita testified that she had sexual illegitimate child after death of alleged father
contact with Ivan on November, nevertheless, and prior to effectively of FC, the issue on his
said testimony is contradicted by her own illegitimate status had to be answered
evidence, the letter dated feb 11, 1975 collaterally.
addressed to Ivan requesting for a His ground was his alleged continuous
conference, prepared by her own counsel to possession of the status of an illegitimate
who she must have confided attendant child.
circumstances of her pregnancy. SC: illegitimate child invokes such ground, he
- Child was conceived on October. could only file case to claim illegitimate status
- Burden of proof is on Amelita to establish at any time prior to death of alleged father
affirmative allegation that Ivan is the father of
SC: dismiss action for partition as alleged
her son.
illegitimate child cannot any more prove
(JISON V. CA) filiation as he is barred from doing so under
2nd par. Of Art 173. *(Tayag v. CA)
- Private letters and notes were presented to However it must be pointed out that a party
prove filiation must be allowed to adduce proof of
- SC: do not fall under phrase “and the like” illegitimacy to be able to know whether he or
- Using “ejusdem generis: limited to objects she falls under 1st par of Art 172 or 2nd par
which are commonly known as family thereof.
possessions or those articles which represent
Illegitimate child shall be under parental
- Death of putative father is not bar to action authority of mother
commenced during lifetime by one claiming to
be his illegitimae child. (BRIONES V. MIGUEL)
- Proper remedy is to appoint legal
representative of deceased pursuant to Sec - Parental authority over an illegitimate child is
16, Rule 3, 1997 rules of civil procedure. solely given to the mother.
- Father is not given parental authority
ART 176 notwithstanding recognition that child is his
- RATIONALE: It might turn out that alleged
ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN SHALL USE putative father is not the real natural father,
SURNAME AND SHALL BE UNDER hence, to prevent person from exercising
PARENTAL AUTHORITY OF – MOTHER AND parental authority over child who might not be
USE SURNAME OF FATHER (IF) THEIR - Person lives exclusively with his legitimate
FILIATION HAS BEEN EXPRESSLY family got hold of his illegitimate son from
RECOGNIZED BY FATHER [THROUGH mother who obviously was not living with said
REGISTER, OR WHEN AN ADMISSION IN - Illegitimate son under parental authority of
PUBLIC DOCUMENT OR PRIVATE mother who, as consequence of such
HANDWRITTEN INSTRUMENT IS MADE BY authority is entitled to have custody of him.
FATHER] - In case paternity is certan, but father was not
cohabitating with mother
PROVIDED--- FATHER HAS THE RIGHT TO Briones ruling – quite strict and does not give
INSTITUTE ACTION BEFORE THE REGULAR any chance for an illegitimate father to have
COURTS TO PROVE NON-FILIATION DURING parental authority over illegtimate child.
HIS LIFE TIME Strict application disregards provision in Art
211 of FC “father and mother shall jointly
exercise parental authority over the person of
their common children. In case of
disagreement, father’s decision shall prevail
RIGHTS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILD unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.”
Even illegitimate children are given substantial Once parental authority is vested, it cannot be
rights under law. waived unless adoption, guardianship and
Interest of child is paramount, even if such surrender to a children’s home or orphan
child is the result of illicit relationship. institution
(Weber v. AETNA) condemnation on the Parental authority can be terminated in
head of infant is illogical and unjust. accordance with legal grounds in FC
Obviously, no child is responsible for his birth If therefore father lives together with
and penalizing illegitimate child is an illegitimate child, whom he said father admits
ineffectual as well aas unjust way of deterring as his, and child’s mother, parental authority
parent (Weber v. AETNA) all be exercised by both father and mother.
Under PH laws, though illegitimate child is (LIVES TOGETHER WITH SON AND MOM)
given rights under law, it is not equal or the
same with that of a legitimate child. SURNAME
Surname of mother shall be used. WHO--- AT TIME OF CONCEPTION OF
However, illegitimate child may use surname FORMER WERE NOT DISQUALIFIED BY ANY
of father --- if their filiation has been expressly IMPEDIMENT TO MARRY EACH OTHER
recognized b father through record of birth
appearing in civil register, or when admission OR WERE SO DISQUALIFIED ONLY BECAUSE
in a public document or private handwritten EITHER OR BOTH OF THEM WERE BELOW 18
instrument is made by father. MAY BE LEGITIMATED.
Nevertheles, father has right to institute action
before regular courts to prove non-filiation
during his lifetime. ART 178
ART 179
ART 180
Legitimation is purely a statutory creation.
Requirements of law must be mandatorily
complied with.
However, laws providing for the process of
legitimation are remedial in character inded
for the benefit and protection of the innocent
offspring and therefore may be appied
retrospectively and must be liberally
1.) Parents do not suffer any legal
impediment or disqualified to marry
ART 177 because either/both are 18 years of
age at time of conception of child by
WEDLOCK OF PARENTS 2.) Child has been conceived and born
outside a valid marriage.
3.) Parents subsequently enter into valid Unlike adoption where the relationship
marriage. created is only that of parent and child,
- Annulment of voidable marriage shall not legitimation creates for the legitimated child
affect legitimation. the total and full extent of the blood
Process of legitimation is made a lot simpler relationship existing within family to include all
in family code and its amendments. descendants and ascendants and collateral
Change favors those who have conceived and relatives
born prior to effectively of FC and are qualified
under FC but who under CC cannot be ART 181
This is clearly for benefit of child and in
accordance with his or her paramount
However while legitimating statute adopted
after birth of an illegitimate child, may have
the effect of legitimating child, it may not affect BENEFIT OF DESCENDANTS
property rights which have already vested. - LEGITIMATION OF CHILDREN WHO DIED
Like kunwari natransmit na sa legitimate, nga SHALL BENEFIT THEIR ASCENDANTS.
nga ka na lang bes, at least diba? Legitimate - Rationale: To give children what they should
ka na? Hayaa na ang mana. have enjoyed during lifetime of father or
Generally, legitimation cannot occur if either mother.
or both of parents, at time of conception of - In this way, the transmission of their property
child, are disqualified by an impediment to to strangers is prevented. (Goyena)
marry each other. Hence if a child were - In the illegitimate direct line, great-grant
conceived and born of parents related within parents are not obliged to support great
4th civil degree of consanguinity (ground to grandchildren.
nullify) whether without marriage or under void - If Maria has an illegitimate child (pedro)
marriage, said child will never be legitimated. conceived and born at time when she and
However if legal impediment only (age) jose her boyfriend was capacitated to amarry
legitimation is allowed. and pedro has legitimate child named Miguel
It has been held that an adulterous children who in trun has a legitimate child by name of
cannot be legitimated. To do so will destroy Juan.
rationale of legitimation and sanctitu of - Maria not obliged to support Juan because
marriage. It will be unfair to legitimate children Maria’s obligation only extends to grandson
in terms of succession rights, will be Miguel.
scandalous specially if parents marry years - IF AFTER DEATH OF PEDRO, MARIA GOT
after birth of child. (Abadilla v. Tabiliran) VALIDLY MARRIED TO JOSE, WHO WAS
Children of bigamous marriages cannot be
Pedro is thereby legitimated after death. (besh
legitimated (De Santos v. Angeles)
may apo ka na sa tuhod, tiyaka ka pa
nagpakasa, #LoveWins
Retroacts to child’s birth.
- Maria is now oblighed to support Juan.
Enjoy same rights as legitimate children
Unlike adoption where extent of filial ART 182
relationship is defined by law, -- legitimation
puts legitimated child completely and fully in LEGITIMATION MAY BE IMPUGNED ONLY BY
equal footing with children born in lawful THOSE WHO ARE PREJUDICED IN THEIR
RIGHTS WITHIN 5 YEARS FORM TIME THEIR Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be
CAUSE OF ACTION ACCRUES. known as the "Domestic Adoption Act of
R.A 8552
(c) It shall also be a State policy to:
POLICIES ON DOMESTIC ADOPTION OF (i) Safeguard the biological parent(s) from
FILIPINO CHILDREN AND FOR OTHER making hurried decisions to relinquish his/her
PURPOSES” parental authority over his/her child;
(b) "A child legally available for adoption" (j) "Simulation of birth" is the tampering of the
refers to a child who has been voluntarily or civil registry making it appear in the birth
involuntarily committed to the Department or records that a certain child was born to a
to a duly licensed and accredited child-placing person who is not his/her biological mother,
or child-caring agency, freed of the parental causing such child to lose his/her true identity
authority of his/her biological parent(s) or and status.
guardian or adopter(s) in case of rescission of
FOR WHO? Ends when DSWD issues Certification that
1.) Natural parents child is available for adoption governed by:
2.) Adopter R.A 9523
3.) Adoptee
Republic Act No. 9523 March 12, 2009
Ensure that parties are well prepared,
psychologically, emotionally and legally to
enter to a new phase of their lives with a very
significant impact not only on themselves but AN ACT REQUIRING CERTIFICATION OF THE
Section 5. Location of Unknown Parent(s). – It "CHILD LEGALLY AVAILABLE FOR
shall be the duty of the Department or the ADOPTION" AS A PREREQUISITE FOR
child-placing or child-caring agency which has ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS, AMENDING FOR
custody of the child to exert all efforts to THIS PURPOSE CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF
locate his/her unknown biological parent(s). If REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8552, OTHERWISE
such efforts fail, the child shall be registered KNOWN AS THE DOMESTIC ADOPTION ACT
as a foundling and subsequently be the OF 1998, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8043,
subject of legal proceedings where he/she OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE INTER-
shall be declared abandoned. COUNTRY ADOPTION ACT OF 1995,
Natural and Biological parents: always given
preference in custody of their own children
Before adoption can proceed, law requires
that child’s parents, if unknown must be
located and that all reasonable means were
exhausted to look for them Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
If such efforts fail, child shall be registered as Representatives of the Philippines in
a foundling and subsequently be the subject Congress assembled::
of legal proceeding where he/she shall be
declared abandoned.
Example: Announcement in radio, television
Section 1. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby
declared the policy of the State that alternative
protection and assistance shall be afforded to
every child who is abandoned, surrendered, or
Section 6. Support Services. – The Department neglected. In this regard, the State shall
shall develop a pre-adoption program which extend such assistance in the most
expeditious manner in the interest of full period of three (3) continuous months. Neglect
emotional and social development of the may occur in two (2) ways:
abandoned, surrendered, or neglected child.
Section 10. Penalty. – The penalty of One
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Two ELIGIBILITY
hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) shall
be imposed on any person, institution, or
Section 7. Who May Adopt. – The following (ii) one who seeks to adopt the legitimate
may adopt: son/daughter of his/her Filipino spouse; or
(a) Any Filipino citizen of legal age, in (iii) one who is married to a Filipino citizen and
possession of full civil capacity and legal seeks to adopt jointly with his/her spouse a
rights, of good moral character, has not been relative within the fourth (4th) degree of
convicted of any crime involving moral consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino
turpitude, emotionally and psychologically spouse; or
capable of caring for children, at least sixteen
(16) years older than the adoptee, and who is
in a position to support and care for his/her
(c) The guardian with respect to the ward after
children in keeping with the means of the
the termination of the guardianship and
family. The requirement of sixteen (16) year
clearance of his/her financial accountabilities.
difference between the age of the adopter and
adoptee may be waived when the adopter is
the biological parent of the adoptee, or is the
spouse of the adoptee's parent; Husband and wife shall jointly adopt, except in
the following cases:
Section 9. Whose Consent is Necessary to the - Statement subscribed and sworn before a
Adoption. – After being properly counseled notary pubic by natural parents of child sought
and informed of his/her right to give or to be adopted wherein they expressed their
withhold his/her approval of the adoption, the conformity to adoption of minor child by
written consent of the following to the petitioner was correctly admitted as evidence
adoption is hereby required: in an adoption proceeding
- Although no testimonial evidence identifying
signatures on said statement have been
introduced by petitioner.
(a) The adoptee, if ten (10) years of age or
- Because such evidence was duly
authenticated by other evidence on record
strongly indicating that it is what it purports to
(b) The biological parent(s) of the child, if - What is only needed under court procedures
known, or the legal guardian, or the proper is that written consent be attached to
government instrumentality which has legal petitions.
custody of the child;
Santos v. Aranzanso
- Adoptee and his/her biological parent(s) had
left will law on testamentary succession shall
Adopted and adoptee does not have the right
- :refers to situation where decedent left a will
of representation in law of succession
to govern disposition of his/her after his/her
(Mariategui v. CA)
Representation is a right created by fiction of
- Diba, through will, one is given the permission
law, by virtue of which, the representative is
to control disposition of his/her properties
raised to the place and degree of persons
subject to the limitations provided for by law…
represented and acquires right which latter
to take effect after his/her death [like: law with
would have if he were living or he could have
regard to legitme]
inherited (Art 970 CC)
- Adoptee is a compulsory heir of testator.
Representative is called to succession by law
- Preterition is applicable to adopted children
and not by person represented.
vis-avis the adopter’s last will and testament
- Preterition : omission of compulsory heir in incapacitated his/her guardian or
direct line in testator’s will. --- “annuls the counsel
institution of heirs in a will, but the devises Over 18 not Can file without
and legacies shall be valid insofar as they are incapacitated assistance (capable
for all acts of civil life)
not inofficious. (Art 853 CC)
Contemplates situation where adoption
- Considering that all legal ties are severed
decree is valid up to time of termination.
between adoptee and his biological parents,
If adoption decree is void, it can be assailed in
the latter shall not inherit anything by way of
a direct proceeding by any interested party
such as biological parent whose consent was
- However, if there is still a free-portion left on
not obtained.
estate of decedent adoptee, he/she can give
same to his/her parents via stipulation in last MALTREATMENT
will and testament. Repeated physical and verbal maltreatment
by adopter(s) despite having undergone
counseling is a ground for rescission.
ARTICLE VI Adopted is entitled to have wholesome family
RESCISSION OF ADOPTION He/she is entitled to be moved from
destructive environment induced or created by
Section 26. Repealing Clause. – Any law,
presidential decree or issuance, executive
order, letter of instruction, administrative
Section 23. Adoption Resource and order, rule, or regulation contrary to, or
Referral Office. – There shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act
established an Adoption Resources and is hereby repealed, modified, or amended
Referral Office under the Department with accordingly.
the following functions: (a) monitor the
existence, number, and flow of children
legally available for adoption and
Section 27. Separability Clause. – If any
prospective adopter(s) so as to facilitate
provision of this Act is held invalid or
their matching; (b) maintain a nationwide
unconstitutional, the other provisions not
information and educational campaign on
affected thereby shall remain valid and
domestic adoption; (c) keep records of
adoption proceedings; (d) generate
resources to help child-caring and child-
placing agencies and foster homes
maintain viability; and (e) do policy Section 28. Effectivity Clause. – This Act
research in collaboration with the shall take effect fifteen (15) days following
Intercountry Adoption Board and other its complete publication in any newspaper
concerned agencies. The office shall be of general circulation or in the Official
manned by adoption experts from the Gazette.
public and private sectors.
Socio-legal process of adopting a Filipino
(a) Inter-country adoption refers to the
socio-legal process of adopting a Filipino
child by a foreigner or a Filipino citizen
1.) Foreign National
permanently residing abroad where the
2.) Filipino Citizen permanently residing
petition is filed, the supervised trial
custody is undertaken, and the decree of
where petition for adoption is
adoption is issued outside the Philippines.
supervised trial custody is (b) Child means a person below fifteen
undertaken (15) years of age unless sooner
and decree of adoption is issued emancipated by law.
in foreign country where applicant
resides (c) Department refers to the Department
of Social Welfare and Development of the
Republic of the Philippines.
Acts punishable under this Article are deemed Sec. 19. Appropriations. — The amount of Five
committed by a syndicate if carried out by a million pesos (P5,000,000) is hereby
group of three (3) or more persons conspiring appropriated from the proceeds of the Lotto
and/or confederating with one another in for the initial operations of the Board and
carrying out any of the unlawful acts defined subsequently the appropriations of the same
under this Article.Penalties as are herein shall be included in the General
provided shall be in addition to any other Appropriations Act for the year following its
penalties which may be imposed for the same enactment.
acts punishable under other laws, ordinances,
executive orders, and proclamations.
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration, In this case, the amount of monthly support
asserting that petitioner is not entitled to spousal pendente lite for petitioner and her two children
support considering that she does not maintain for was determined after due hearing and submission
herself a separate dwelling from their children and of documentary evidence by the parties. Although
respondent has continued to support the family for the amount fixed by the trial court was reduced on
their sustenance and well-being in accordance appeal, it is clear that the monthly support
with family’s social and financial standing. CA pendente lite of P115,000.00 ordered by the CA
rendered its Decision, finding merit in was intended primarily for the sustenance of
respondent’s contention that the trial court gravely petitioner and her children, e.g., food, clothing,
abused its discretion in granting P250,000.00 salaries of drivers and house helpers, and other
monthly support to petitioner without evidence to household expenses. Petitioner’s testimony also
prove his actual income. mentioned the cost of regular therapy for her
scoliosis and vitamins/medicines.
As to the financial capacity of the respondent, it is
Whether certain expenses already incurred by the beyond doubt that he can solely provide for the
respondent may be deducted from the total subsistence, education, transportation,
support in arrears owing to petitioner and her health/medical needs and recreational activities of
children? his
Support pendente lite may be claimed in Art. 204. The person obliged to give support
accordance with the Rules of Court. shall have the option to fulfill the obligation
either by paying the allowance fixed, or by
Payment shall be made within the first five receiving and maintaining in the family
days of each corresponding month or when dwelling the person who has a right to receive
the recipient dies; his heirs shall not be support. The latter alternative cannot be
obliged to return what he has received in availed of in case there is a moral or legal
advance. obstacle thereto
Payment of amount for support start only from Right to elect the manner in which this support
time support has been judicially or extra- shall be given is a right conferred by law upon
judicially demanded. (Sy v. CA) the person whose duty it is to give such
Support does include what is necessary for support.
the education, clothing of person entitled Right is not absolute as to prevent cases
thereto. being considered wherein either because this
BUT support must be demanded and right to it right would be opposed to exercise of a
established before it becomes payable preferential right or because of existence of
Right of support does it arise from mere fact if some justifiable cause morally opposed to
relationship even from the relationship of removal of party enjoying the maintenance of
parents and children right of selection must thereby be restricted
IT ARISES from imperative necessity without (U.S v. Alvir)
which it cannot be demanded and law (Gaitia v. Campos Rueda)
presumes that such necessity does not exist - Wife who was forced to leave conjugal abode
unless support is demanded. by husband without fault on her part, may
Need for support cannot be presumed. maintain an action against husband for
separate maintenance when she has no other QUASI-CONTRACT
remedy Resulting relationship between stranger and
- Notwithstanding provision of law giving person persons obliged to give support under Art 206
who is obliged to furnish support the option to and 207 is a quasi-contract
satisfy it either b paying fixed pension or Art 2142 CC provides that quasi-contract is a
receiving and maintaining in is home one juridical relation which arises from certain
having right to same lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts to the end
(Mangonon v. CA) that one shall be unjustly enriched or
- SC rejected choice of one giving support benefited at expense of another (Lacson
(grandfather) in accordance with hierarchy to v.Lacson)
take custody of grandchildren while they were Whoever advances the support shall be
in good terms prior to the filing of suit for entitled to be reimbursed unless grantor gives
support pendent lite it as an act of liberality or without intending to
- Relationship of grandfather to grandchildren be reimbursed.
already turned sour during pendency of suit. However, requirements under Art 206 for a
stranger to be reimbursed must be present.
Art. 205. The right to receive support under (Ramirez and De Marcaidea v. Redfern 1925 )
this Title as well as any money or property - Spouse who obtained a sum of money on
obtained as such support shall not be levied different occasins from her sister and where
upon on attachment or execution. sister and her husband sued husband of said
spouse for reimbursement
- SC HELD: for one to recover
1.) Alleged and prove : support has been
Anything obtained by way of support
furnished a dependent of one bound to
necessarily implies provisions made for the
give support but who fails to do so
survival and well being of recipient
2.) Support was supplied by stranger
It cannot be attached nor be subject of
3.) Support was given without knowledge of
person charged with duty.
However, in case contractual support or that
- Negative qualification is when support was
given by will, the excess in amount beyond
given without expectation of recovering it.
the required for legal support shall be subject
- It may be conceded that Mr. and Mrs.
to levy or attachment or execution.
Ramirez did not support Mrs. Redfern with
Art. 206. When, without the knowledge of the money out of charity.
person obliged to give support, it is given by a - Third requisite of law is also taken out of
stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim consideration since Mr. Redfern is first to
the same from the former, unless it appears acknowledge that money was anded to his
that he gave it without intention of being wife by Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez without his
reimbursed. knowledge.
- Court believes however that there is a failure
Art. 207. When the person obliged to support of proof as to first essential and possibly the
another unjustly refuses or fails to give 2nd essential of law.
support when urgently needed by the latter, - POINT OF INTEREST HOWEVER
any third person may furnish support to the o Wife accepted assistance from another when
needy individual, with right of reimbursement it is not shown that she had ever made any
from the person obliged to give support. This complaint to her husband or any of its agents
Article shall particularly apply when the father with regard to her allowance.
or mother of a child under the age of majority o Testimony of husband : Uncontradicted that
unjustly refuses to support or fails to give he hadgiven his English agent instructions to
support to the child when urgently needed. furnish wife with any reasonable sum she
needed bearing in mind his financial condition Contractual support is one which is entered
but she never took advantage of offer. into by parties usually with reciprocal duties
o Reason for decreasing allowance was his and obligations
precarious financial situation in 1921 and Not mandated by law
1922. In case of contractual support and given by
o HUSBAND SHOULD BE GIVEN will, excess in amount beyond required for
OPPORTUNITY TO RENDER NEEDFUL legal support shall be subject to levy on
ASSSTANCE. attachment or execution
If situation occurred under FC, it could be Only contractual support and not support
proven owever that loan given to wife given in a will is subject to adjustment
redounded to benefit of famly, CPG/ACP whenever modification is necessary due to
may be held liable pursuant to Art 94 and changes of circumstances manifestly beyond
121 of FC contemplation of parties.
Basis of contractual support -- agreement
ART 207 Requisites
Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. Urgent need to be supported on part of
Art. 209. Pursuant to the natural right and duty
2. Person obliged to give support
of parents over the person and property of
unjustly refuses or fails to give
their unemancipated children, parental
authority and responsibility shall include the
3. Third person furnishes support to
caring for and rearing them for civic
needy individual
consciousness and efficiency and the
If all present, then third person shall have right
development of their moral, mental and
to reimbursement
physical character and well-being.
Phrase “when urgently needed” refers ot only
to failure to give support but unjust refusal
Art 207 particularly applies when father or
Natural affection between parents and
mother of chld under age of majority unjustly
offspring has always been recognized and
refuses to give support to child urgently in
inherent natural right.
It is cardinal that custody, care and nurture of
Art. 208. In case of contractual support or that
child reside first in parents whose primary
given by will, the excess in amount beyond
function and freedom include preparation for
that required for legal support shall be subject
obligations the state can neither supply nor
to levy on attachment or execution.
Furthermore, contractual support shall be
subject to adjustment whenever modification
Right and duty of parents under law of nature
is necessary due to changes of circumstances
as well as common law and statutes of many
manifestly beyond the contemplation of the
states to protect their children, care for them
in sicknes and in health and to do whatever
may be necessary for their care, maintenance
SUPPORT and preservation.
Legal support is that which is mandated by Except as modified by legislation relating to
law to be given and that which is provided in domestic affairs, family as remained a self-
Art 194. governing entity under discipline of parents
Supremacy of mother and father in their own GROUNDS
home as regards control of their children is Art. 228. Parental authority terminates
generally recognized. (1) Upon the death of the parents;
(Cang v. CA) (2) Upon the death of the child; or
- Parental authority involves a mass of rights (3) Upon emancipation of the child.
Art. 229. Unless subsequently revived by a final
and obligations which law grants for purpose
judgment, parental authority also terminates:
of children’s physical preservation and (1) Upon adoption of the child;
development as well as cultivation of their (2) Upon appointment of a general guardian;
parental authority (3) Upon judicial declaration of abandonment of
the child in a case filed for the purpose;
- There is no power but a task ; no complex (4) Upon final judgment of a competent court
rights but a sum of duties; no sovereignty but divesting the party concerned of parental
a sacred trust for welfare of minor. authority; or
(5) Upon judicial declaration of absence or
incapacity of the person exercising parental
Art. 210. Parental authority and responsibility authority
may not be renounced or transferred except in Art. 230. Parental authority is suspended upon
the cases authorized by law. conviction of the parent or the person exercising
the same of a crime which carries with it the
RENUNCIATION AND TRANSFER OF penalty of civil interdiction. The authority is
PARENTAL AUTHORITY automatically reinstated upon service of the
Upbringing of children is a sacred duty penalty or upon pardon or amnesty of the
entrusted to parents offender.
Cannot be renounced, transferred except in Art. 231. The court in an action filed for the
purpose in a related case may also suspend
cases authorized by law. parental authority if the parent or the person
(Santos v. CA) exercising the same:
- father not shown to be unfit took away son (1) Treats the child with excessive harshness or
from custody of grandparents through deceit,
(2) Gives the child corrupting orders, counsel or
false pretentions and trickery example;
- SC: Father has rightful custody of child (3) Compels the child to beg; or
- Right attached to parental authority, being (4) Subjects the child or allows him to be
subjected to acts of lasciviousness.
purely personal The grounds enumerated above are deemed to
- Law that allows a waiver of parental authority include cases which have resulted from culpable
only in cases of adoption, guardianship and negligence of the parent or the person
surrender to children’s home or an orphan exercising parental authority.
If the degree of seriousness so warrants, or the
institution welfare of the child so demands, the court shall
- When parent entrusts custody of minor to deprive the guilty party of parental authority or
another what is given is merely temporary adopt such other measures as may be proper
under the circumstances.
custody and does not constitute as
The suspension or deprivation may be revoked
renunciation of parental authority. and the parental authority revived in a case filed
- Even if definite renunciation is manifest, law for the purpose or in the same proceeding if the
still disallows same. court finds that the cause therefor has ceased
and will not be repeated
- Only in case of parent’s death, absence or Art. 232. If the person exercising parental
unsuitability may substitute parental authority authority has subjected the child or allowed him
be exercised by surviving parents. to be subjected to sexual abuse, such person
- Fact that father faied to financially support shall be permanently deprived by the court of
such authority
child for 3 years is not sufficient reason to
strip him of custody.
However. Parental authority can be
terminated for causes in accordan with FC
Duty of care, not necessarily dependent upon
custody .
Art. 211. The father and the mother shall or under a vod marriage not falling
jointly exercise parental authority over the under Art 36 and 53.
persons of their common children. In case Art 176 provides that illegitimate children shall
of disagreement, the father's decision be under parental authority of mother.
shall prevail, unless there is a judicial Hence unlike Art 211, it follows that Art 176
order to the contrary. providing that illegitimate children shall be
Children shall always observe respect and under parental authority only applies in 2
reverence towards their parents and are cases
obliged to obey them as long as the 1.) Paternity of Child unknown or in doubt
children are under parental authority 2.) Paternity certain father not living with
mother and child.
JOINT PARENTAL AUTHORITY Once parental authority is vested, it cannot be
- Parents are equally bound to ensure the waived except in cases of adoption,
wholesome upbringing of children. guardianship and surrender to a children’s
- Prior to effectively of FC, when there were still home or an orphan institution.
various classes of illegitimate children, SC in May be terminated in accordance with legal
(Dempsey v. RTC) ruled that joint parental grounds provided in FC (separation)
authority must be exercised by father and PREFERENTIAL CHPICE OF FATHER
mother of an acknowledged natural child Father and mother exercise joint parental
which one of the classifications of illegitimate authority over persons of their common
child. children
- In such case paternity is not doubted In case of conflict between parents decision of
- The SC said : New FC promulgated as E.O father prevails
209 erases any distinction between legitimate Presumed that the decision of father is for
or adopted and acknowledges illegitimate children’s best interest
children insofar as parental authority is Does not mean that mother’s decision not for
concerned. best interest
- In view of foregoing observation, the following However if both decision of father and mother
observation, it is clear that Art 211 on joint has merit and to be able to prevent a void that
parental authority applies to both legitimate might be detrimental to children’s welfare, the
and illegitimate decision of father as head of family is given
- Art 211 uses phrase “common children” which preference
does not distinguish Binding force of decision of father in case of
- Change in FC therefore is quite significant conflict is highlighted by law itself when it
and indeed reflects the prevailing sentiment provides that only court could alter it.
that illegitimate children must likewise be the Basis for altering decision of father must
concern of state and must be accorded rights however rest on substantial important and
and privileges which though not exactly serious grounds for paramount interest of
equaling those of legitimate child, should at children; otherwise court may unduly supplant
least approximate the same. the parental prerogative of father and
- In case of disagreement between father and ultimately negate primary duty of parents in
mother, father’s decision shall prevail unless upbringing their own children.
there is a judicial order to the contrary.
2 REQUISIETES FOR ART 211 TO APPLY Observe respect and reverence towards their
1. Father is certain parents and are obliged to obey them as long
2. Illegitimate children are living with as children are under parental authority.
father and the mother who are
Art 357 of CC of 1950 still effectively provide
cohabiting without benefit if marriage
that every child shall obey and honor
parents/guardian; respect grandparents, old Court may appoint another person to be
relatives and persons holding substitute guardian if clearly shown that by reason of
parental authority, exert utmost of his/her remarriage, surviving parent cannot undertake
education and training and cooperate with the necessary devotion, care and loyalty concern
family in all matters that make good of the toward children
same. Art. 213. In case of separation of the parents,
RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHILDREN UNDER PD parental authority shall be exercised by the
603/ CHILD AND WELFARE CODE parent designated by the Court. The Court
ART 4 shall take into account all relevant
1. Strive to lead an upright and virtuous life considerations, especially the choice of the
2. Love respect and obey his parents and child over seven years of age, unless the
cooperate with them in strengthening of parent chosen is unfit.
3. Extend to his brothers and sisters his SEPARATION
love, thoughtfulness and helpfulness and Parental authority shall be given to any of
endeavor with them to keep family parents who may be designated by court in
harmonious and united case of parents have separated from each
4. Exert utmost effort to develop other
potentialities for service, in order that he Although court may designate parental
may become an asset to himself/society authority on one parent, does not mean that
5. Respect not only his elders but also parental authority of the other is necessarily
customs and traditions of our people, terminated or suspended.
memory of our heroes, duly constituted Terminated only if court so decrees on basis
authorities, laws of country and principles of causes for termination or suspension
and institutions of democracy (Cang v. CA)
6. Participate actively in civic affairs and - Legal separation case, parties agreed that
promotion of general welfare custody of children shall be awarded to
7. Help in observance of individual human innocent party who was the mother
rights, the strengthening of freedom - Mother later decided to have arrangement
everywhere, fostering of cooperation where later decided to have children adopted
among nations without consent of father
Art. 212. In case of absence or death of either - SC ruled: Consent of father must still be
parent, the parent present shall continue obtained considering that legal separation
exercising parental authority. The remarriage decree did not necessarily terminate parental
of the surviving parent shall not affect the authority of father.
parental authority over the children, unless the - 213: only exercise of parental aythority given
court appoints another person to be the to mother. Hence mother shall have right to
guardian of the person or property of the children’s earnigs and services and right to
children direct their activities and make decisions
regarding their care and control, education,
REMARRIAGE OF PARENTS health and religion.
Death of one of parents will not terminate - Such delegation however did not excuse
parental authority of surviving parent over mother from obtaining children considering
children that he still had in him parental authority over
Upon remarriage, surviving parent, likewise said children
New spouse, by virtue of marriage does not Parents are never deprived of custody and
automatically possess parental authority care of children except for cause.
unless such new spouse adopts the children
(Sangla-Eslao) Right is an inherent one, CA reversed and set aside the decision
which is not created by state or decisions of rendered by the lower court. It questioned
courts, but derives from nature of parental the propriety of the habeas corpus in this
relationship case.
In custody cases, right of parents are not in
issue. - ISSUE:Whether or not habeas corpus is
The child’s best interest which constitutes are the proper remedy to regain custody of the
cardinal principle and paramount minor.
consideration, in custody cases, it is not a
principle to be placed upon balance of scales - RULING:
but rather it is the measure by which all else is Yes. SC upheld the decision of the trial
to be decided. court.
When spouses separated, court shall take into
account all relevant considerations especially - The writ of habeas corpus extends to all
the choice of child over 7 years of age, unless cases of illegal confinement or detention
parent chosen is unfit. by which any person is deprived of his
However such choice is not determinative of liberty, or by the rightful custody of any
issue of custody, because while choice may person withheld from the persons entitled
be in favor of parent, court may sill thereto. The writ of habeas corpus is the
nevertheless award custody to other parent or proper legal remedy to enable parents to
even 3rd person if the paramount interest of regain the custody of a minor child even if
child so dictates. the latter be in the custody of a third
However, if child has made a choice and there person of his own free will. It must be
is no showing that the selected parent is in stressed out that in habeas corpus
anyway unfit to have custody, court shall proceeding, the question of identity is
make award to such parent (David v. CA) relevant and material, subject to the usual
CUSTODY HEARINGS presumption, including those as identity of
- Now governed by Rule on Custody of Minors the person.
and Writ of Habeas Corpus in relation to - The trial court was correct in its judgment
custody of minors based on the evidence established by the
- Habeas corpus availed to secure custody of parents and by the witness who is the
child in case parents are separated from each brother of the late common-law husband
other. of Angelita. Furthermore, there are no
- Writ of Habeas Corpus is also a proper clinical records, log book or discharge
remedy to enable parents to regain custody of from the clinic where John Thomas was
minor daughter even though latter be in allegedly born were presented. Strong
custody of 3rd person evidence directly proves that Thomas
(Tijing v CA) Lopez, Angela's "husband", was not
- G.R. No. 125901, March 8, 2001 [Habeas capable of siring a child. Moreover, his
Corpus] first marriage produced no offspring even
- FACTS: after almost 15 years of living together
- Edgardo and Bienvenida Tijing filed a with his legal wife. His 14 year affair with
petition for habeas corpus in order to Angelita also bore no offspring.
recover their youngest child, Edgardo Jr., - The birth certificate of John Thomas Lopez
whom they did not see for 4 years. Trial were attended by irregularities. It was filed
court granted the petition and ordered by Thomas Lopez, the alleged father.
Angelita Diamante to immediately release Under Sec. 4, Act No. 3753 (Civil Register
the child, now named John Thomas D. Law), the attending physician or midwife in
Lopez, and turn him over to his parents. attendance of the birth should cause the
registration of such birth. Only in default Until exceptional cases arise, where parents
of the physician or midwife, can the parent are dead or when they are unfit.
register the birth of his child. Certificate MATERNAL PREFERNCE
must be filed with the LCR within 30 days Universally recognized that mother is the
after the birth. The status of Thomas and natural custodian of her young. (Cooke v.
Angelita on the birth certificate were typed Cooke)
in as legally married, which is false Law favors mother of she is fit and proper
because Angelita herself had admitted that person
she is a "common-law wife. Advantage and benefit of mother’s love and
- Trial court also observed several times devotion for which there is no substitute
that when the child and Bienvenida were (Peavey v. Peavey)
both in court, the two had strong Generally, love, solitude and devotion of
similarities in their faces. Resemblance mother cannot be replaced by another ad is
between a minor and his alleged parent is worth more to child in tender years than all
competent and material evidence to other things combined (Horst v. Mclain)
establish parentage. Lastly, the spouses Art 363 CC: “no child under 7 yearsof age
presented clinical records and testimony shall be separated from mother unless courts
of the midwife who attended Bienvenida's finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.
childbirth. General rule is recommended in order to
5 considerations: John Lopez is actually avoid any tragedy where mother has seen her
missing son baby torn away from her. The exception
allowd by rule has to be for compelling
reasons for the good of child; those cases
must indee b erare as in cases of adultery,
penalty of imprisonment and relatie diviorce
decree will ordinarily be sufficient punishment
for her. Moreover, effect upon baby who is as
yet unable to understand situation. Lacson v.
San Jose-Lacson)
Espiritu v. CA
Natural parents who are o good character and
who can reasonably provide for child are
Reynaldo Espiritu and Teresita Masanding
ordinarily entitled to custody as against all
began to maintain a common law relationship
of husband while in US. Teresita works as a
Right of custody accorded to parents still
nurse while Reynaldo was sent by his
springs from exercise of parental authority.
Parents entitled to custody of their children as empolyer, National Steel Corporation, to
Pittsburgh for a temporary post. They begot a
against foster or prospective adoptive parents.
child in 1986 named Rosalind. After a year,
Applies also in case against other relatives.
they went back to the Philippines for a brief
“every court recognizes deep and enduring
vacation when they also got married.
affection which parents have for their children
and her willingness to make sacrifices and Subsequently, they had a second child named
Reginald. In 1990, they decided to separate.
endure hardships in interest which a stranger
Reynaldo pleaded for second chance but
would not consider. No court would deprive
instead of Teresita granting it, she left
parent of his child simply because someone
Reynaldo and the children and went back to
else might give it
California. Reynaldo brought the children in
the Philippines and left them with his sister. What constitutes as compelling reason mus
When Teresita returned in the Philippines be clearly shown by positive and clear
sometime in 1992, he filed a petition for a writ evidence of unfitness of mother and it is
of habeas corpus against Reynaldo and his determination must be left to sound judgment
sister to gain custody of the children. of courts.
It must be shown that her condistion in life or
ISSUE: WON the custody of the 2 children he character and habits are such that
should be awarded to the mother. provision of child’s ordinary comfort ad
contentment or for its intellectual or moral
HELD: development cannot be reasonably expected
at mother’s hand. (Earnst v. Earnst)
In cases of care, custody, education and (David v. CA) shown that father was well-off
property of children, the latter’s welfare shall compared to mother but latter can
be the paramount concern and that even a nevertheless decently support her children,
child under 7 years of age may be ordered to SC still awarded children to mother.
be separated from the mother for compelling (Pablo Gualberto v. Gualberto) mere fact that
reasons. The presumption that the mother is mother is a lesbian is not enough justification
the best custodian for a child under seven to remove child from her custody
years of age is strong but not conclusive. At (Castelo v. Estacio) where mother filed a
the time the judgment was rendered, the 2 habeas corpus to get custody of children
children were both over 7 years of age. The below 7 years of age from father and where it
choice of the child to whom she preferred to was positively and clearly shown that mother
stay must be considered. It is evident in the can hardly attend to said children; that she
records submitted that Rosalind chose to stay desired to have children adopted by her aunt;
with his father/aunt. She was found of used prohibited drugs; lived in house only one
suffering from emotional shock caused by her room without partition or toilet facilities
mother’s infidelity. Furthermore, there was infested by mosquitoes,, father who had
nothing in the records to show that Reynaldo custody of child lied in well-furnished
is unfit well in fact he has been trying his best surroundings with paternal grand parents who
to give the children the kind of attention and was shown to have taken care of children;
care which their mother is not in the position when she took child, they ended up getting
to extend. On the other hand, the mother’s seek without being checked by doctor CA
conviction for the crime of bigamy and her ruled that situation clearly sowed compelling
illicit relationship had already caused reasons.
emotional disturbances and personality (Cooke v. Cooke) Child’s best interest is the
conflicts at least with the daughter. cardinal principle in determining right between
parents as to custody and any presumption of
EXCEPTION TO MATERNAL PREVERENCE maternal preference is to be resorted only in
Maternal preference is not an absolute rule. rare situations which all other considerations
It is intended to be a tie breaker in those rare are equal.
instances when parental authority are so CUSTODY GRANTED TO OTHERS
equally balanced between litigants that resort Custody may even be awarded to persons
to preference if necessary. who are strangers o family if such award
Art 213 specifically provides that if courts would best serve paramount interest of child
determine that there are compelling reasons (Balatbat v. Balatbat)
existing to deprive mother of custody of child, Absence of any kinship between child and
then an order depriving the mother of custody Cabangbangs alone cannot serve to bar lower
may be validly issued (Pablo-Gualberto v court from awarding her custody to them
It appears that both parents are improper REASON FOR FILIAL PRIVILEGE
persons to entrust care, custody and control o - Foster family unity and tranquility
child , court may either designate paternal or - Absence of this article does violence to most
maternal grandparents of child, oldest brother sacred
or sister or som reputable discreet persons - No descendant shall be compelled,in criminal
(Chua v. Cabangbang) case to testify against parents or
JUDGMENT - Privilege is solely addressed to descendant
- Always open to adjustments as the witness.
circumstances relevant to matter may demand - He/she may not testify against his/her parents
in light of inflexible criterion namely, the or grandparents in criminal case. If
paramount interest of children (Unson III v. descendant does not want to do so he/she
Navarro) may not be compelled.
- Res judicata rule does not apply - However there is an exception –when the
(Luna v. IAC) testimony is indispensible in crime against
- Child manifested that she would kill herself is descendant or by one parent against the
she were delivered to her natural parents other.
instead of letting her stay with grandparents - Based on recognition that once crime is
- SC rued in its subsequent decision of lower committed against the descendant or by one
court, which it previously revised when it parent against the other sanctity and
affirmed decision of CA awarding child to tranquility of family as well as marriage may
natural parents should been maintained. be destroyed
Art. 214. In case of death, absence or
unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental MATERNAL PRIVILEGE
authority shall be exercised by the surviving - Corollary to filial privilege is the marital
grandparent. In case several survive, the one privilege.
designated by the court, taking into account - Husband or wife during marriage cannot be
the same consideration mentioned in the examined without consent of other to any
preceding article, shall exercise the authority. communications received in confidence
except in civil case by one against the other or
SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL ATHORITY OF crim case crime committed against the other
GRANDPARENTS or latter’s direct descendants or ascendants
In absence/incapacity of parents, grandparent (Sec 24a of Rule 130 ROC)
are the most natural, suitable and logical - Reason: belief that husand and wife are
persons to exercise parental authority considered one person. Courts are
Hence grandparents have legal preference in reluctant to sanction any rule tending to
matter of substitute parental authority promote domestic dissension
(Mimkon v. Ford)
- A very special relationship often arises and
continues between grandparents and