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Case Summary


Student Name: Moana Age: 8
Grade: 2 Date: 1/31/18
Tutor: Alison Roberts
Word Lists (WRI) Reading Rate Comprehension
Reading (WRC)

Difficu Tim Untim WRC ORA SILE % questions answered

lty ed ed (% L NT correctly
Level Tim Total read WP WPM
â ed %age correc M OR SILE LISTENI
%a tly) AL NT NG

100 100

Prepri Prepri
mer 1 mer

Prepri 100 100 Prepri

mer mer
2/3 2/3

Primer 100 100 Primer

1st 95 100 1st 98 101( 67(

N) N)

2nd 70 85 2nd 96 88(N 103(N 62( 88(N)

) ) N)
85(E 38(
) E)

3rd 50 55 3rd 92 70(N 38(4

) 4 w/
4th 35 60 4th 85 33(N 38(5
) 0 w/

5th 5th

6th 6th



Spelling Writing Affective Measures Comments

WTW Inventory: Strengths Weaknesses Affect for Reading: ·
Primary Spelling · Her · Her
Raw %ile
Inventory voice is writing does Moana is a
Score: 43/ 56 evident in not have a Academic 29 51 very active
Feature Points = her writing. clear child. She
77% · She beginning or Recreatio 26 25 has trouble
11/ 26 Words sounds out ending. n sitting still
Correct = 42% words as · Word and
Total 55 38
Stage she writes. choice is not working on
Placement: Early · She deliberate. one task
Within Word referenced · She The results for for more
Pattern (still using her pre- does not affective reading than a few
but confusing writing web have a lot of are interesting minutes.
common long when she stamina because she · She
vowel patterns, was unsure when expresses a strong is
-ck endings, what to writing. dislike for any type confident
overuses VC-e write. She did not of reading in school is her
patterns but · She and an extremely reading
go back to
correctly uses did some positive attitude for abilities
edit, revise,
digraphs, blends, self- reading at home and
or without during our
and short vowels) correction considers
prompting. conversations.
Examples of as she herself a
Confusions: wrote. strong
Common Long She knows reader. She
Vowels: what the has
· ROBE/rob conventions strategies
· WATE/wait she uses
are even
· when she
though she
does not
DREM/dream forgot some. know a
· word, such
COCHE/coach sounding it
Other Vowels: out and
· tapping it.
She thinks
CHOUD/chewed that good
· readers
have to
read a lot.
· She
is very
Inflected Endings
in Disney
and books

Other Assessments and/or Anecdotal Notes:

Moana is instructional at 2nd and 3rd grade levels. However, she needs
additional supports, such as teacher guidance and pre-taught vocabulary,
to be successful with 3rd grade level texts. She struggles with
comprehension. When her reading level is independent, her
comprehension is instructional. When her reading level is instructional, her
comprehension is frustration level (with the exception of the silent narrative

Instructional Goals:
Word Fluency Comprehension & Writing
Knowledge Vocabulary
Goals: Goals: Goals: Goals:
ü Learn more ü Pause at periods ü Find answers to ü Think about
common long and read words in explicit comprehension what words would
vowel patterns more meaningful questions in the text best support the
(a-e, ai, o-e, oa, groups ü Practice meaning she is
u-e, oo, etc.) ü Track reading understanding implicit trying to convey.
with finger or messages in books ü Plan out
Recommended pointer when at beginnings and
supporting higher levels to Recommended ending
activities: keep from skipping supporting activities:
· Word lines · QAR Recommended
hunts · DR-TA’s supporting
· Word Recommended · Graphic activities:
sorts, speed supporting organizers (story · Look at
sorts, blind activities: maps) mentor texts that
sorts, writing · Reader’s · Think aloud are quality word
sorts Theatre and models for choice examples
· Letter · Separating comprehension and try to write
tiles sentences into strategies her own
meaning chunks (summarizing, · Shades of
· Poetry for inferring, monitoring) meaning (WTW p.
expression and 226)
phrasing · Look at
· Repeated previous pieces
reading of writing to add
· Choral clear beginnings
reading and endings
· Written
responses to
· Graphic

Long-Range Plan
Long Range Instructional Planning Guide

Tutor’s Name: Alison Roberts

Student(s) Name(s):Moana
Age: 8
Grade: 2nd

Instructional Reader Stage: (circle one) Transitional Intermediate Advanced

Independent reading level: 1st

Instructional reading level(s): 2nd and 3rd
If a range, optimal instructional reading level for intervention: 2nd
Frustrational reading level: 4th

Notes on reading: She often skips lines and words. She has trouble with comprehension in
passages. She does not know strategies for looking back when reading. She does not have a
lot of stamina. She does not read with any intonation; her pauses are when she runs out of

Word Study Stage: Early Within Word Begin instruction with which features: Common
Long Vowels (Long A Patterns)

Focus instruction on (select 1 main area): (circle one) Fluency Word Knowledge

What Essential Question will guide our lesson sequence?

· What can my school do to help the environment?

What primary comprehension strategy will we work with to develop independence?

We will do a lot of work with summarizing. Summarizing will help her understand how to find
important information from the text and synthesize it.

What writing genre and/or focus will we include in our studies?

Persuasive writing and planning writing.

Instructional Goals from the Case Summary Sheet(s)

Fluency Word Comprehension Writing
ü Pause at periods ü Learn more ü Find answers to ü Think about what
and read words in common long explicit comprehension words would best
more meaningful vowel patterns (a- questions in the text support the
groups e, ai, o-e, oa, u-e, ü Practice meaning she is
ü Track reading oo, etc.) understanding implicit trying to convey.
with finger or pointer messages in books ü Plan out
when at higher beginnings and
levels to keep from ending
skipping lines

Lesson Reading for Word Comprehension Writing

Fluency Knowledge ___30__ minutes __15___
__15___ __15___ minutes
minutes minutes
1 Text title: There General Introduce & Task:
Was An Old Lady feature: Explore Social Write in
Who Swallowed Short/long a Justice Topics – response to
a Fly patterns Select one to article why they
Text source: Sort pursue think it is
NIH categories: Read an article on important.
Text level: 400- Short a, a-e, ai the selected topic-
500L DRTA Skill focus:
OR Activity: Plan out writing
Text title: The -Introduce the before draft.
Boy in the Box concept of
Text source: word sorting
RAZ (she has
Text level: M never done
sorts before)
Skill focus: -Guided
Reading with practice
expression, -Speed sort
pausing in -Blind writing
appropriate sort check

Activity: Model
reading, choral
2 Text title: Our General Text title: Big Task: Write to
School Play feature: Long Questions: How persuade that
Text source: a patterns Can Kids Help the kids can help
Reading AZ Sort Planet the environment
Text level: L categories: a- Text source:
e, ay, ai Newsela
Skill focus: Text level: 460L Skill focus:
Appropriate word Activity: Organizing
groupings and -Guided Content focus: thoughts during
expression practice Global prewriting
-Writing sort Warming/Why
Activity: -Blind sort Should We Work to
Repeated check Help the
reading Environment

Skill focus: Main


3 Text title: The General Text title: Where Task: Write to

Great Snifferoo feature: Long We Get Energy persuade to try
Text source: e Text source: different energy
Reading AZ Sort Reading AZ sources
Text level: L categories: e, Text level: K
ea, ee
Skill focus: Content focus: Skill focus:
Appropriate word Activity: Conserving energy Organizing
groupings and -Guided thoughts during
not skipping practice Skill focus: Main drafting and
words -Word hunt idea/summarizing revise
-Blind sort
Activity: check
reading and
tracking along
4 Text title: A General Text title: Earth’s Task: Write to
poem student feature: Long Water convince
selected from I’m e Text source: someone why
All Right Sort Reading Az we need to
Text source: categories: Text level: K conserve/take
Reading AZ ee, e, ea care of water
Text level: L Content focus:
Activity: Importance of water
Skill focus: -Guided Skill focus:
Expression and practice Skill focus: Main Organize
tracking -Word Study idea, inferencing writing, word
Uno choice
Activity: Track -Blind sort
with finger first check
time and without
for repeated

5 Text title: A General Text title: Pizza Task: Write to

poem student feature: and Plastic: What persuade
selected from I’m Short/Long i Can Be Recycled someone how
All Right Sort Text source: they can help
Text source: categories: i- Newsela by recycling
Reading AZ e, y, i Text level: 400L
Text level: L
Activity: Content focus: Skill focus:
Skill focus: -Guided Recycling Organize
Grouping and practice writing, word
expression -Speed sort Skill focus: choice
-Blind sort Inferencing, finding
Activity: Choral check answers in text
reading and
6 Text title: Candy General Text title: Landon’s Task: Write to
Text source: feature: Pumpkins someone at the
(note Reading AZ Short/Long o Text source: school (teacher,
progress Text level: L Sort Reading AZ principal, school
monitoring to categories: o, Text level: P board, etc.)
include here) Skill focus: o-e, oa about how the
Tracking, Content focus: school can
expression, Activity: Recycling, make changes
groupings -Guided composting, to help the
practice gardening environment
Activity: -Writing sort
Repeated -Blind sort Skill focus: Finding
reading check answers in text, Skill focus:
inferencing Word choice,

7 Fluency rating on Spelling WRI Writing

(wrap-up) WRC inventory WRC
SOL ELA skill SOLs: ELA skill ELA skill SOLs: ELA skill
Connections 2.1 The student SOLs: 2.9 The student will SOLs:
will demonstrate 2.5 The read and
an understanding student will demonstrate 2.12 The
of oral language use phonetic comprehension of student will
structure. b) strategies nonfiction texts. a) write stories,
Create and when reading Preview the letters, and
participate in oral and spelling. selection using text simple
dramatic a) Use features. b) Make explanations. a)
activities. knowledge of and confirm Generate ideas
consonants, predictions about before writing.
2.8 The student consonant the main idea. c) b) Organize
will read and blends, and Use prior and writing to
demonstrate consonant background include a
comprehension digraphs to knowledge as beginning,
of fictional texts. decode and context for new middle, and end
j) Read and spell words. learning. d) Set for narrative
reread familiar b) Use purpose for reading. and expository
stories, poems, knowledge of e) Ask and answer writing. c)
and passages short, long, questions about Expand writing
with fluency, and r- what is read. f) to include
accuracy, and controlled Locate information descriptive
meaningful vowel patterns to answer detail. d) Revise
expression. to decode and questions. g) writing for
spell words. Identify the main clarity.
idea. h) Read and
reread familiar
passages with
fluency, accuracy,
and meaningful

Content SOLs:
2.5 The student will
investigate and
understand that
living things are part
of a system. Key
concepts include a)
living organisms are
interdependent with
their living and
surroundings; b) an
Lesson #1


Date(s): 2/19/18 Topic: Picking a topic for comprehension, Content

introduction to word study Area(s)
This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

To be picked during this session. Options:
-What can my school do to help the environment?
-Are animals important in my life?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...
The idea that kids can make a difference that impacts their community and the world.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in…. writing about how kids can make a difference.
Successful performance will be measured by...the ideas the students come sup with of how
kids can make a difference.

Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For

: 45


Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

Read the chosen poem with appropriate pauses and Instructional Task(s): When
expression. reading, Moana was unable to
group words by meaning and
read in a monotone voice. I want
her to notice the difference
between reading with expression
and monotone. I also want her to
practice pausing, which these
poems will help her do.

Choice Aspect: The student will choose between There Text(s) Chosen by Student
Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly and The Boy in (note title AND level)*:
the Box. There Was An Old Lady Who
Swallowed A Fly: 400-500L

The Boy in the Box: M

She did well reading There Was

An Old Lady, so I gave her the
option of moving to the next task
or reading The Boy in the Box
too. She decided to read both.

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

● First, we will discuss reading with emotion. I will say example sentences with and
without emotion and she will pick the one she thinks shows what is going on better.
We will talk about how this is important in reading too.
● I will begin reading the poem she chooses. I will pauses after reading the first few lines
to point out where I used emotion and where I paused.
● We will read the next few lines together.
● She will then read the rest by herself. I will stop her if needed to point out places to
pause or use emotion.
● At the end, we will discuss why it is important to use emotion and pause.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

Prosody Performance Today*:
She seemed confused by how
Prosody Ranking(s) the emotion in your voice could
make a difference at first, but
Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing. seemed to understand more as
She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady. she started trying and we read
together. She did much better
Lesson 2 with pauses. She was able to
identify good places to pause
Lesson 3
and was able to apply my
Lesson 4 suggestions.
Lesson 5

Lesson 6

*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Sample Progress Monitoring Charts

(depending on focus of your objectives)

Prosody Rate/Accuracy

Prosody Ranking(s) WPM (cold reads) # of Errors

Lesson 1 Lesson 1

Lesson 2 Lesson 2

Lesson 3 Lesson 3

Lesson 4 Lesson 4

Lesson 5 Lesson 5
Lesson 6 Lesson 6

Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

Expand knowledge of common long vowel patterns and solidify Sort/Instructional Task(s):
differences between short and long vowel sounds. On the spelling inventory, she
showed knowledge of VCe, with
some overuse of the silent e with a
short vowel word. She did not use
any other common long vowel
patterns, so this short will contrast
VCe(know) with VV(unknown) and
review short vowel(known). There
are more words than I would usually
use in today’s sort because she has
never done a sort before, so I want
her to become familiar with how all
the words follow a pattern and see
many examples.

Sort: What will the student learn

about English orthography
cap lake rain
from this sort?
The student will learn that the
last wave wait long a sound can be made by
combinations other than a-e.
plan late nail

sat tape gain

flat bake fail

tax base pail

sale sail

shade plain

Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Discuss how we can put words in categories based on the sounds and letter
combinations they have.
2. Have her read each word. Discuss homophones and unknown meanings.
3. Show her the headers. Ask her what sound the a makes in cap, what sound the a-e
make in lake, and what sound the ai makes in rain.
4. Sort 2 words in each category, doing a think aloud to explain how I thought about what
vowel sound I hear helps me figure out what category and looking at the spelling can
help me find which long a category.
1. Have her sort the remaining words.
2. Prompt her to read each word and explain why she is putting it in the category.
3. Have her read over each column once finished sorting. Ask what sound is the same
and what letter(s) are the same.
Check & Reflect:
1. Explain that she is going to resort the words as fast as she can. Tell her to read each
word as she sorts it. (I think this will help her become more familiar with the sorting
2. If she makes mistakes, go over them and try to have her figure out which word does
not fit with the others in the category/where it should go.
3. Have her sort it again. Explain that it is ok if she doesn't beat her previous time
because she is still practicing.
4. Go over what the words have that sounds and looks the same.
Blind Sort:
1. Read off about 2 words from each category. Have her point to the header they would
go under.
2. If she makes any errors, go over what the errors were and think about what they
should go under.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
She picked up on how to sort the
Sort Features % Correct words quickly. She was able to
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort improve her time on the speed
Lesson 1 Short a, a-e, ai 71%
sort the second time and did not
make any errors. On the blind
Lesson 2 sort she made two errors. She
confused an ai word as being an
Lesson 3
a-e word. She also thought one
Lesson 4 of the ai words was a short a;
when we talked about it after, the
Lesson 5 knew it was long a and where it
Lesson 6

She refers to short a as down a.

*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Comprehension (not really sure how to fit picking a topic into this
format, so my lesson is the parts in the green boxes)
Today’s Comprehension Objective: **If extra time after picking a topic, have her read the article
Pick a topic to explore for the rest of the lessons. or parts of the article if short on time.
Are animals important in my life? Title of Text: Oregon kids offer their advice for saving the
How can my school help the environment? polar bears

Reading Level of Text: 400L

Text Structure Narrative

After reading the page(s), discuss what these kids did to help
the environment and if it gave her any ideas.

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s)

Justification: Look at pictures of animals, both in nature and with
(How does this strategy help the student harvest the people. Prompt her to talk about what she knows about
content understanding from this text?) these animals and how they are important to her life.
Discuss how we could look at how different animals can
important to her in different ways.

Show her this video on the environment

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn8R_XqjjI0). Record
video before tutoring so it is accessible without internet.
Ask her to think about how she and her school could
impact the environment. Discuss how this could be
something we look at and we could find ways for her
school to help the environment.

This will help give the student ownership over the topic we
explore over the next few weeks.

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary

Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.):

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition):

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective):
Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.):

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?

Reflection on Student Performance Today:

She liked both topics, but was more interested in the environment. We had time to read the first page of the article. She
did well with reading. She did lose her place once. She was excited that other kids had found a way that people listened
and loved the art.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

Organize thoughts before writing. Instructional Task(s):
During the writing sample, she had
trouble organizing her thoughts and
never planned out what to write. I
wanted to start talking her through
the process today and helping her
talk through her thoughts before

Instructional Task:
Talk about what the video/pictures made her think of and how the article on the polar bear
changed her thinking about kids making a difference. Transition this to having her think about
ways she and other kids like her can make a difference in the environment. Have her create a
pre-writing based on this information. Then write a draft based on this prewriting. Encourage
her to use the ides we talked about and to start with the big idea we discussed.

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This moves her closer to the EQ by having her think of herself as able to make a difference
instead of as a powerless kid. It will help her begin thinking of things she wants to change and
help her realize she has the power to make a change.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated?
This will occur after the comprehension. There was not a comprehension assessment today
because we were picking a topic. Her writing performance will be evaluated using the 6 traits
rubric with a focus on organization.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

She did well thinking about ideas, but struggled as soon as asked to write any of it down. She
became very distracted and struggled to write more than a word before losing her train of
thought. Her prewriting became as source of confusion as she began to write her draft. I
would like to have her use an organizer next week. I would rate her organization as a 2. She
struggled to write the two sentences she did and could not remember what the main idea was
long enough to write an introduction or conclusion.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Lesson #2


Date(s): 2/25/18 Topic: Global Warming Overview Content

This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

What can my school do to help the environment?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...
what global warming is and how we can help prevent releasing extra CO2.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in…. Writing about how we can help the planet.
Successful performance will be measured by...the ideas of how we can help the planet
relating back to the article.

Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For

: 45


Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

Read the chosen passage with appropriate word groupings and Instructional Task(s):
expression. She struggles with grouping words
together, often reading the end of
one sentence with the beginning of
another, with causes confusion.
Working on when to pause/group
words and reading it with feeling
should improve her comprehension
and fluency.

Choice Aspect: The student will choose between Let’s Text(s) Chosen by Student
Play Tag and Our School Play. (note title AND level)*:
Let’s Play Tag (level L)

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

Ask if she remembers what we talked about last week with fluency. Ask her about when to
pause and why it is important. Ask her how she knows what emotion to show and why it is

Have her select a passage to read. Have her read it aloud, reminding her to not read
everything in one breath. After she has read it once, explain that reading it again can help her
because she now knows all of the words and can focus on the pauses and emotion. Have her
read it again.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart cold read prosody or rate data) Performance Today*:
She did much better today. She
*Will not copy into this box so it is below was looking for cues, such as
punctuation and what was
happening in the passage, to
help her with expression. She
paused at appropriate places.
Her reading was still halted when
she struggled with words.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Prosody Ranking(s)

Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing.

She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady.

Lesson 2 3/4 She was responsive to what was

going on, raised her voice for questions,
and made it excited for exclamation
marks. She paused at periods/commas.
She read in groups of 3-4 words.

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6
Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

Expand knowledge of common long vowel patterns. Sort/Instructional Task(s):
Last week, we worked on short vs.
long a with a-e and ai. She did well
with the difference between short
and long, so this week will just focus
on the long a patterns (a-e, ai, ay).

Sort: What will the student learn

about English orthography
from this sort?
The student will learn that a-e, ai,
and ay can make the long a. She
will also learn that there are
exceptions to these patterns.

Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Have her read all of the words and go over any she struggles with. Provide definitions
for unknown words and homophones (expected words: train, stage, mail).
2. Show her the headers (same, mail, day) and talk about what vowel sound is heard and
what letters work together to make the sounds in each words. Show her the star and
explain that words that do not follow the patterns/sounds we expect will go under the
star as oddballs.
3. Sort the first two words in each of the long a patterns, explaining as I go why I am
putting them in the categories (ex: I hear a long a and it has ‘ai’ like mail).
1. Have her complete the rest of the sort. As she sorts, have her read the words and
explain why she is putting them in the categories.
2. Her her read down the columns and explain what she hears that is the same and what
letter patterns are the same. Look at where the long a sound is in the words.
3. Shuffle the cards and have her sort them again.
Check & Reflect:
1. Give her a piece of paper. Call out the headers and have her write them across the
paper, putting a star for the oddball. If any of the headers are misspelled, talk about
them and correct before moving on.
2. Call out 2 words from each category. Have her write the words under the correct
3. Go over any words that are misspelled. Have her try to figure out where it could go
instead of telling.
Blind Sort:
1. Put the header cards out. Call out two words from each long a category one from
oddball and have her point to the header it would go under.
2. Go over any errors after doing all the words.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
She was very confident from the
Sort Features % Correct start. When I was modeling, she
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort was chiming in to help me find
Lesson 1 Short a, a-e, ai 71%
where to put the words. She did
well with the initial sort. She was
Lesson 2 A-e, ai, ay 100% initially confused by the oddballs
but did well with them. She liked
Lesson 3
the writing sort and was able to
Lesson 4 spell all the words correctly. She
was able to put all the words in
Lesson 5 the right place for the blind sort.
Lesson 6

*Sections completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Comprehension Objective: Title of Text: Big Questions: How Can Kids Help The Planet?
Understand what global warming is and how we can Reading Level of Text: 460L
help prevent releasing extra CO2. Text Structure (e.g., narrative, chronological, problem-solution,
etc.): Narrative

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s) (e.g., think-alouds, semantic feature
Main idea analysis, QAR): Think alouds
(How does this strategy help the student harvest the Justification:
content understanding from this text?) (How does this task help the student harvest the content
This helps the student by making her think about the understanding from this text? AND, how are you being
main idea of the passage as a whole but also the responsive to assessment data and progress monitoring of
main idea of different sections. This will have her student performance?)
synthesize meaning from each section which she will This will help show the student that we can go back in the
then be able to combine to create a greater meaning. passage to help find answers. It will help prepare her for QAR.
This is responsive to assessment data/progress monitoring
because she struggles to find big ideas from the text and this
will model that for her.

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary
preview): Talk about the article we read a little of the previous week. Discuss what we talked about after
watching the video last week. Look at the pictures in this week’s article and guess how they will connect.
Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.): Pronounce and discuss meanings; try to find
connections and discuss

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition):
● Planet (paragraphs 1/2/3/4/7/9): large objects that move around stars (ex: like earth travels around
the sun, and Jupiter goes around the sun, and Mars goes around the sun)
● Global (paragraph 2): all around the world
● Global Warming (paragraph 2): when it warms up all around the world because of trapped gases
● Carbon Dioxide (paragraph 2/4/6): a gas that is in the atmosphere; we create carbon dioxide and
breathe it out

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective): When you are reading, I wanted you to be
thinking about what each section is about. Think about if you wanted to tell someone what it was about in
one sentence.

Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:
● End of Paragraph 1
○ What do you think this might be about based on the first paragraph?
● End of P3
○ What do you think it means by carbon footprint? Does it really mean your feet?
○ Why is a big carbon footprint bad?
○ What happens when there is a lot of carbon dioxide in the air? Where does it say this in the
○ What was this section all about?
● End of P5
○ What do you think the authors are encouraging people to do? Why? Where does it say this in
this text?
○ What was this section all about?
● End of P6
○ What do you think the authors are encouraging people to do? Why? Where does it say this in
this text?
○ What was this section all about?
● End of P7
○ What do you think it means by ‘throwaway planet’? What helped you figure it out?
○ What does it mean by bottles breaking down?
○ What is this section all about?
● End of P9
○ What is this section about?
○ Why do they ask you those questions? What do they want you to do? Where does it say this?

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.): See Writing Section

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?

Reflection on Student Performance Today:

(Be sure to comment on how independent the student was and what supports were needed for success. Reflect back
on before, during, and after. Address student self-monitoring, stamina, and engagement. Address evaluation of the
Comprehension Objective.)

She was engaged in the pre-reading and was very excited to make connections and find the words while reading.

She was not very independent with the reading and discussion. She needed frequent reminders to show her where she
was in the passage. When we were discussing, I was doing a lot of modeling and prompting to help her find answers in
the passage. She would often ask what she was looking for as soon as she started reading because she had forgotten.
However, towards the end, she was able to find some answers by herself and answer some questions without looking
so this is progress.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

Organize thoughts during prewriting and use prewriting to help Instructional Task(s):
form ideas during writing the draft. During her past writing, she had
trouble organizing her thoughts and
had trouble going from prewriting to
draft. Today, we are going to use on
organizer to help her organizer her
thoughts as we discuss the article
and use it to help her write her draft.
The organizer will have a section for
her opinion/introductory statement, 3
boxes her supporting details, and a
box for a conclusion.

Instructional Task:
● What do you think the authors of this article were trying to convince you? What is the
big idea that the whole article is about? Do you agree? Today, you are going to write
about this. Here is a box where you are going to write the main idea. This is going to
be the first sentence of your writing.
● Now, I want you to pick 3 things that help support this. Look back at the text. You can
write one thing in each box.
● A conclusion helps remind the reader what they read about and what you are trying to
convince them of.
● You already wrote your first sentence. Copy that over. Now you are going to turn the 3
supporting things into sentences to help convince your reader of the first sentence. At
the end, you put your conclusion sentence.

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This moves the student closer to answering the EQ by thinking about the big picture of the
environment. It prepares her to look at the supporting ideas in detail over the next few weeks.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated?
The comprehension assessments occurs in the writing section. Performance will be evaluated
by looking at the ideas from the article that are used to support her writing.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

She did well with the writing/comprehension assessment. She was a little confused a first to
think about the big ideas in the passage, but was able to figure it out after a little prompting.
After she was figured out one supporting statement, she was able to think of many. She
struggled with the concept of a concluding sentence at first, but was able to sum up her
thoughts and what she learned in the article well. I was very impressed by her focus and
stamina when doing this; she did much better than during the reading/discussion part and was
very engaged.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Lesson #3


Date(s): 3/5/18 Topic: Energy and energy conservation Content

This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

What can my school do to help the environment?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...where energy can come from and why we should
conserve it.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in….discussion and writing about how the book’s ideas
about energy relate to the environment. Successful performance will be measured by...the
statement she creates about how to help the environment and the reasons she uses to back
up her statement (from the book).
(This should be unique to each lesson.)

Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For

: 45


Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will read with appropriate word grouping and will Instructional Task(s):
not skip words/lines. The student has been making
progress with reading with
expression and grouping words, but
is struggling with skipping
words/line, which causes word
groupings to become odd. So this
week we will focus on tracking when
reading and making good word

Choice Aspect: The student will choose between The Text(s) Chosen by Student
Great Snifferoo and Our School Play. (note title AND level)*:
Our School Play
Level L

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

1. Have the student select which text to read (one new and one they did not select last
week but were still very interested in).
2. Discuss why it is important to read every word/line and what happens if you do not
(loss of understanding).
3. Ask if she remember why we read words in groups and what in the text helps us find
where to pause. Reminder her not to read until she runs out of breath and her stomach
4. Have her read the text the first time through with pointing to help her remember to read
every word. After she is done, talk about how she did with grouping with words.
5. Have her read the text again. Remind her to work on grouping and pay attention to any
changes that she has implemented after discussion.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart cold read prosody or rate data) Performance Today*:
Sorry, I can’t get it to appear here without changing this entire She seemed very distracted and
section and deleting the purple text so it is below. struggled to engage, especially
at the beginning of the lesson.
She was very distracted and
would stop in the middle of
reading to tell me something
unrelated, check on the class, or
make connections to words in the
text. She was doing better
tracking, but this disrupted her
fluency some. She noticed when
she was skipping words or
reading them wrong, so she self-
corrected and repeated words
often. While this did disrupt her
fluency, it was much better for
reading every word and tracking.
When she read it though the
second time, her word groupings
were much better, she read with
a lot of expression, and she
tracked very well.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Prosody Ranking(s)

Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing.

She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady.

Lesson 2 3/4 She was responsive to what was

going on, raised her voice for questions,
and made it excited for exclamation
marks. She paused at periods/commas.
She read in groups of 3-4 words.

Lesson 3 2 She was reading in groups of 2-4

words, used a lot of repetitions and self-
corrections, was expressive sometimes,
and used some appropriate word

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will expand knowledge of common long vowel Sort/Instructional Task(s):
patterns She seems to have a good grasp of
long vs. short vowel sounds now
and has done well with common
long a patterns, so I am moving right
into long e vowel patterns.

Sort: What will the student learn

about English orthography
from this sort?
she peel mean
The student will learn about ways
to make long vowel sounds other
me week weak than VCe.

we weed team

he speed deal

keep beach


Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Have her read all of the words and go over any she struggles with. Provide definitions
for unknown words and homophones (expected words: week vs. weak).
2. Show her the headers (she, peel, mean) and talk about what vowel sound is heard
and what letters work together to make the sounds in each words.
3. Sort the first two words in each of the long e patterns, explaining as I go why I am
putting them in the categories (ex: I hear a long e and it is one e at the end of the word
so it goes under she).
1. Have her complete the rest of the sort. As she sorts, have her read the words and
explain why she is putting them in the categories.
2. Her her read down the columns and explain what she hears that is the same and what
letter patterns are the same.
Check & Reflect:
1. Give her The Bee and the Flea. Explain that she is going to be looking for long e
2. Have read read the book aloud. When she finds a long e word, either find its word card
or create a word card for it if it is a new word and sort the new card into the correct
category (have an oddball category for long e words that do not fit into the categories
for this week).
3. Go over the new words that have been added to the columns and why they are placed
where they are.
Blind Sort:
1. Put the header cards out. Call out two words from each long a category one and have
her point to the header it would go under.
2. Go over any errors after doing all the words.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
She did very well with the sort.
Sort Features % Correct When I started to do the
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort introduction, she started chiming
Lesson 1 Short a, a-e, ai 71%
with with where she thought
words would go. When doing the
Lesson 2 A-e, ay, ai 100% word hunt, she was very excited.
We did not finish the book
Lesson 3 Long e, ee, ea 100% because the discussion about
where words should go took a
Lesson 4
while. She liked finding the new
Lesson 5 words and did a great job
thinking analytically about where
Lesson 6
they should go. On the blind sort,
she was confident and was able
to figure out where all of the
words should go. She is enjoying
sorting the words and thinks it is
like a game.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Comprehension Objective: Title of Text: Where We Get Energy

Understanding where energy can come from Reading Level of Text: K
and why we should conserve it. Text Structure (e.g., narrative, chronological, problem-solution,
etc.): Narrative

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s) (e.g., think-alouds, semantic feature
Main idea/summarizing analysis, QAR): Think aloud and QAR
(How does this strategy help the student harvest the Justification:
content understanding from this text?) (How does this task help the student harvest the content
This helps the student find what each section of the understanding from this text? AND, how are you being
text is about, which helps build to her being able to responsive to assessment data and progress monitoring of
figure out the main idea of the whole text. student performance?)
This will help the student look make and gain meaning from the
text. Because comprehension is such a struggle for her, QAR
will allow her to identify what type of question it is so she can
look and in the text, activate background knowledge, and find
the answers. Last time, she did well when we did think alouds
and found answers; I think building on this experience by
making it more concrete with QAR will help her realize what
gaps she has in her knowledge that need to be repaired and
what she does know. This week, I will just introduce Right
There and Think and Search Questions, with other types added
in future lessons when she is comfortable with these two types.
I think will help with realizing the main idea because it will help
her look at the details in the text and show her how she can
look back to find information. It will help her think about the
information found it smaller sections so she can build this
information to think about the message as a whole.
This will be modeled using the book from the word work

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary
Questions to activate prior knowledge: What do you think energy is? What makes the lights work? What
helps heat the school? What gives the computers power?

Needed knowledge if not already know: We need energy for electrical things like lights, computers, and cars.
Some things may be connected to a source where they get the energy (like an outlet) or other things may
have batteries that give them power over time (like video games).

Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.): Pronounce and discuss meaning

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition): definitions from the book glossary
● Energy (p.4-8, 10, 11-17): power that helps us do work and run our bodies and machines
● Electricity (p. 8-9, 11-13, 15): a form of energy we use to run lights, computers, and machines
● Fuel (p. 9): any material used to make energy in the form of heat or power
● Generator (p. 9-14): a machine that turns motion into electricity
● Solar cells (p. 15) : cells used to turn sunlight into electricity

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective):
● Explain that there are different types of questions. Write ‘right there’ and ‘search and think’ on a
whiteboard. Explain that right there questions can be found right in a sentence of the story but search
and think questions require you to look at more than one sentence and think about the ideas to
combine them.
● Use ‘The Bee and the Flea’ from the word work to demonstrate the different kind of questions.
○ Who lives in a field near the sea? (right there)
○ Who does this story tell you about? (search and think)
● Explain that the same types of questions will be asked when reading the new book and see will have
to identify which type of question it is. Explain how talking about these questions and practicing
finding important information will help her understand what the book is all about and how answers
she finds in the text can be used to support her writing about the text.

Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:
● For each of these questions, she will be asked to identify if it is a Right There or a Think and Search
question (model how to tell if it is right there or search and think for the first few questions). These
stopping points have been selected at points that are after key information is stated and before new
information is provided. The points were selected at the end of pages to not disrupt the flow of her
reading and because many of the paragraphs about the pages end after delivering key information.
Last time, she was having trouble with the idea of having a text be helpful when answering questions.
My hope is that QAR will help her focus on what is being asked and how she can best respond.
● End of page 5:
○ What do we use energy for?
○ What is this section all about?
● End of page 7:
○ How do you get energy?
○ How do animals get energy?
○ What do most cars get energy from?
● End of page 9:
○ What is electricity?
○ How does the energy from the generators get used?
○ What is this section all about?
● End of page 11:
○ How is the coal used to make electricity?
○ What is this section all about?
○ Why is this not as good for the earth?
● End of page 13:
○ How can we get energy from the wind?
○ HOw can we get energy from the water?
● End of page 14:
○ What is this section about?
○ How do we get energy from the earth?
● End of page 15:
○ What are solar cells?
○ Why is this better for the earth?
● End of page 17:
○ What is this section all about?
○ Why is it important not to waste energy?
○ What resources are better to use?

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.): See writing instruction

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?
Reflection on Student Performance Today:
(Be sure to comment on how independent the student was and what supports were needed for success. Reflect back
on before, during, and after. Address student self-monitoring, stamina, and engagement. Address evaluation of the
Comprehension Objective.)
She was not very interested in the ‘right there’ vs. ‘search and think’ questions at first, but became very excited about it
as we started reading the book. She did well with learning the vocabulary and was making lots of connections that
helped enhance the meaning.

During the reading, she was engaged at times but struggled to focus. She would start to read silently but would end up
reading aloud quickly, but this helped her focus, so I had her continue to read aloud. This was a longer book, but she
did well. She actually became more focused as we went along and she became interested in the material. She quickly
picked up on how to use the different kinds of questions and was even creating her own questions. While her
comprehension was still low, I am seeing improvements. She was able to get most of the right there questions without
assistance. For the think and search questions, she was reading bits of the text instead of using her own words and
needed some guidance. This is still a big improvement over the past few weeks. She was actively looking for answers,
not starting at the beginning of the page each time, and using information from different sentences. She still needs to
work on this skill, especially with think and search questions, but I am seeing growth.

The comprehension assessment was in the writing section. Reflection is in the writing section.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

Organizing thoughts during drafting and revise Instructional Task(s):
Moana has been getting better at
organizing her thoughts before
writing. This week, we will work on
continuing this organization during
drafting, which she has struggled
with. We will use the same organizer
as last week, which she responded
well to. We will work on carrying the
organization she creates during
prewriting into drafts. We will also
begin to look at how drafts can be
revised to make improvements.

Instructional Task:
Her task will be to write to persuade someone how they can help wither not waste energy
or use better energy sources.
● Discuss the text. Ask her how what we read relates to helping the environment.
● Use her answer to help her form a topic to persuade. Fill this in the opinion box of
the organizer.
● Discuss how she needs reasons to back up her opinion. Have her use the book to
help her find reasons that support her opinion.
● Have her think of a concluding statement.
● Have her use the organizer as a reference as she writes this in her draft.
● After she has written the draft, read it aloud to her so she can hear how it sounds.
Ask her what she could add to make her argument stronger.

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This moves the student closer to answering the EQ by letting them look at a big picture idea
(what energy is, how to make electricity, different kinds of energy resources) and allows her to
apply them to the idea of how to help the environment. This lets her look at how energy is
used impacts the environment, which will get her thinking about what her school in particular
can do to make a change.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated?
The comprehension assessment occurs during the writing section. She is evaluated by her
ability to connect what was read to how to help the environment (in a way related to
electricity). She will be evaluated based on her statement of how to help and the ability to use
the book to find reasons that support her statement.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

I was worried that she would not be able to figure out how this relates to the environment
because she has struggled so much with finding meaning in the book, but she did it! It took
some time and discussion, but she was able to come to a conclusion and make a statement to
convince someone of by herself. She was also able to come up with reasons and used the
book without prompting, which is great progress.

She did a great job thinking about her argument and organizing it during prewriting. During
drafting, she began to lose the focus she gained during the end of the book. She was very
anxious about recess, which was causing her to have trouble thinking about the task. She did
an okay job writing her draft, but I have seen her work better. I believe the problem was mostly

Today, I started to introduce revision, which she is unfamiliar with. She changed one word that
was wrong, added information to clarify, and added a title. While these were little details, they
did a lot to improve the ideas in the writing.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.
Lesson #4


Date(s): 3/12/18 and 3/13/28 Topic: Water and our environment Content
This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

What can my school do to help the environment?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...
How water is essential to our lives and what we can do to conserve water.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in identifying main ideas of the book and applying to her
life Successful performance will be measured by completing a graphic organizer of the main
idea in the book and sections while explaining connections to own life.

Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For

: 60


Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will read with expression during repeated readings, Instructional Task(s):
track accurately during repeated readings, and make Moana is getting better at grouping
appropriate word groupings. words and expression. When she is
using expression, her groupings are
much better. I want her to continue
to work on this through repeated
readings. I also want her to work on
tracking words when she reads,
which will help her fluency by not
having her lose her place as often,
which should help improve her
expression and groupings as well.
The support of using her finger the
first time and not the second will
help her improve her confidence and

Choice Aspect: The student will select a poem from the Text(s) Chosen by Student
collection of poems ‘I’m All Right.’ (note title AND level)*:
The student chose the poem “It’s
Not Fair” which is level L.

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

-Talk about why reading with expression is important. Have her say a sentence with
expression and without.
-Talk about what markings help her know where to group words and to take her time when
reading instead of rushing.
-Have her select a poem from the book.
-Have her read the poem, tracking with her finger.
-Talk about where she did well with expression and groupings and how she could improve.
-Have her read it again, trying to track with her eyes instead of her finger while still using good
expression and fluency. Discuss how she did.
-Read the text a final time, working on good groupings and expression.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart cold read prosody or rate data) Performance Today*:
Please see chart right below this section because it will not copy She did much better today. She
here. was very reflective about the
emotion in the poem. She used
more expression each time.

When she was tracking well, she

was doing much better about
grouping words. It sounded like a
real conversation and had
meaning. She did well with self-
correcting as well.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Prosody Ranking(s)

Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing.

She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady.

Lesson 2 3/4 She was responsive to what was

going on, raised her voice for questions,
and made it excited for exclamation
marks. She paused at periods/commas.
She read in groups of 3-4 words.

Lesson 3 2 She was reading in groups of 2-4

words, used a lot of repetitions and self-
corrections, was expressive sometimes,
and used some appropriate word

Lesson 4 4. She was grouping words

appropriately and used more expression
each time she read the poem.

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will expand their knowledge of long vowel patterns, Sort/Instructional Task(s):
including long e patterns. Moana did well with learning ee, ea,
and open e last week. I had
expected her to need more time with
these, but she did very well so I am
going forward. This will expand on
that by reviewing ea, showing
exceptions to ea, introducing e-e
and ie, and showing an exception to
ie. I am having her do a writing sort
because it was something she
enjoyed and it helped her focus on
the words, which is something she
has been struggling with.

Sort: What will the student learn

Beak Eve Thief *
about English orthography
from this sort?
Bead Scene Chief Head The student will learn that the
long e sound can be made by
Neat Theme Grief Dead different combinations of letters,
but will learn that there are
Seal Scheme Field Great exceptions to these patterns.

Piece Friend


Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Have her read all of the words and go over any she struggles with. Provide definitions
for unknown words and homophones (expected words: brief, scheme, seal, eve).
2. Show her the headers (beak, eve, thief, oddball) and talk about what vowel sound is
heard and what letters work together to make the sounds in each words.
3. Sort the first two words in each of the long e patterns, explaining as I go why I am
putting them in the categories (ex: I hear a long e and there is an e, then a consonant,
then another e so it goes under eve).
1. Have her complete the rest of the sort. As she sorts, have her read the words and
explain why she is putting them in the categories.
2. Her her read down the columns and explain what she hears that is the same and what
letter patterns are the same.
Check & Reflect:
1. I will have her write the headers across a piece of paper, including a star for oddball. I
will check to make sure they are all correctly spelled and go over any errors.
2. I will call out two words for each category and have her write the word under the
correct header.
3. After she has finished, I will show her any errors and see if she can fix them without
being told how.
4. We will discuss what each group of words has that is the same.
Blind Sort:
3. Put the header cards out. Call out two words from each long a category one and have
her point to the header it would go under.
4. Go over any errors after doing all the words.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
She did well with this sort. She
Sort Features % Correct really enjoys sorting and is
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort engaged with the task. She
Lesson 1 Ai, a-e, short a 71%
enjoyed learning new words that
she had heard but could not
Lesson 2 A-e, ai, ay 100% define and did a good job making
connections between the words
Lesson 3 Ee, ea, open e 100%
and her life. The writing sort
Lesson 4 E-e, ea, ie 100% really helped her focus and she
thought critically about the words.
Lesson 5 She is doing much better with
Lesson 6
oddballs now. She automatically
looks at words that she can’t sort
for what sounds/looks different
than the other words and is able
to express it. On the blind sort,
she was able to get every word
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Comprehension Objective: Title of Text: Earth’s Water

Understand how water is essential to our lives and Reading Level of Text: K
what we can do to conserve water. Text Structure (e.g., narrative, chronological, problem-solution,
etc.): Narrative

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s) (e.g., think-alouds, semantic feature
main idea, supporting details, summarizing analysis, QAR): QAR, think aloud
This will help the student find what the text is about Justification:
and details to support their ideas. This helps her find (How does this task help the student harvest the content
what sections are about to build to a bigger picture understanding from this text? AND, how are you being
and understand what big ideas are in the text. I had responsive to assessment data and progress monitoring of
planned on moving on to inferencing, but she is still student performance?)
working on summarizing and finding main ideas, so I QAR helps the student harvest content by helping her think
will continue to work on these skills as the gains about what she needs to do to answer a question and how the
confidence. book can be used. I had planned on doing all four types of
questions this week, but I am going to stay with the two from
last week (right there, search and think). While she has made a
lot of progress in being able to answer questions and support
her thinking with the text, she is still weaker in these areas. I
would like to just work on these types of questions to give her
additional practice. Using QAR will help her with main idea
because it helps her realize that some things (like the
supporting details) might be things she can read right from the
book but other things (like the main idea) need to be thought
about and information needs to be gathered from multiple
places to compose.
Think alouds help her see what I do when I am answering a
question. I have used think alouds over the past several
sessions to show her what I do when I am answering
questions. This time, the focus will be on her conducting her
own think aloud. I want her to talk through what needs to be
done to find answers. I also want her to think about what she
has read and how to answer questions she thinks of herself as
she reads.
This will be modeled before reading the text using the fluency

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary
I want her to connect the text to her life, so we will begin with a series of questions designed to activate her
prior knowledge and create connections to her life.
● How do you use water?
● How have you used water today?
● Do you need water?
● Do animals needs water?
● Will we always have enough water?
● Can we drink any water we see? What about water from a puddle? Or the ocean?

Needed knowledge: Water is essential to humans and animals. Not all water is drinkable (salt water or
polluted water).

Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.): Pronounce, discuss meaning, predict how the book
will use the word

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition):
● Polluted(p. 15): made dirty or harmful
● Precipitation (p. 13): water that falls to the ground, such as hail, sleet, rain, or snow
● Evaporation (p. 12): water changes from a liquid to a gas because of energy from the sun
● Condensation (p. 13): water changes from a gas to a liquid because it cools down
● Water vapor (p. 10, 13): what we call water when it is a gas

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective): Remember the two types of questions we
talked about last week? Right there and search and think questions. Do you remember what they are? (If
she does not, give a reminder and example.) Can you use the poem we read from I’m All Right to think of
one of each kind of question? (If unable, give examples and give a think aloud about how she knew what
kind of question it was.) Discuss what main idea is (already knows concept from class but struggles to find.)

Talk about how the questions we answer as we go will help us think about the main idea of each section and
that will help us think about the main idea as a whole. Give examples of possible sections and whole main
ideas (such as sections on fish, dolphins, and whales with a main idea of ‘there are many types of ocean
animals’). Show her the ‘Where We Get Energy’ book from the previous week. Show her a main idea,
sections, and supporting details graphic organizer that was filled out based on this book (complete before
meeting). Explain how you looked for the main idea of sections in the book and found details in the section to
support this. Explain how you used these sections and details to help come up with the main idea of the
whole book. Explain that she will be creating her own organizer like this after reading.

Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:
● These stopping points are after key information has been introduced so it can be discussed. They are
at points that will not disrupt the flow of reading. Last time, she did better with trying to use the book
as a resource. My hope is that she will take more risks and try answers other than reading straight
out of the book this time.
● End of page 6
○ What is this section all about?
○ Where is water found?
○ What are the two types of water this section talks about
● End of p. 7
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
○ What is the most common state of water?
○ How does water move?
● End of p. 9
○ What do people do with ice?
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
○ Where do we find a lot of frozen water? Why?
● End of p. 10
○ What is water vapor?
○ Where is water water?
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
○ What is the main idea of this section? (p. 7-10)
● End of p. 11
○ How does water change?
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
● End of p. 13
○ How does water evaporate?
○ Where does water evaporate from?
○ What are clouds made of?
○ How does precipitation happen?
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
○ What is the main idea of this section (p. 11-13)
● End of p. 15
○ Summarize what this part is all about.
○ Why is water important?
○ How do we take care of Earth’s water?
○ What is polluted water?
○ What is the main idea of this section? (p. 14-15)

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.):
Show the student the main idea graphic organizer that was filled in for the book the week before. Go over
how you looked at the sections and found supporting details. Have the student complete the main idea
graphic organizer on the current book. This will help the student organize their thoughts, and will be used as
support when completing the writing activity. Provide support as needed, but try to allow the student to find
details and main ideas by themselves. Encourage the student to think about how they would describe the
section or book to someone using just a few words.

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?
This task moves the student closer to answering the EQ by having her think about the importance of water in
our lives and what can happen to water. She will use her thoughts composed during the after reading
instruction to inform her thinking during the writing activity.

Reflection on Student Performance Today:

(Be sure to comment on how independent the student was and what supports were needed for success. Reflect back
on before, during, and after. Address student self-monitoring, stamina, and engagement. Address evaluation of the
Comprehension Objective.)

Before reading, she did well with thinking of her experiences with water and how she thought it might relate to what we
would read. She was very engaged. She had some knowledge of the target words and was able to make good
predictions about how the words would be used in the book. She remembered the two types of questions, but needed a
review of which was which. During the reading, she did well. She was not fully engaged, but she stayed on topic more
than she has in the past. As she read and she became fatigued, she began to vocalize some without even being aware
of it. She did a good job answering questions and was a lot more independent. She explained how she found her
answers and was more aware of how she learned the information (ex: finding sentences, relating to pictures/headings)
than she has in the past. When she came to a word she could not pronounce, she used strategies and asked when that
did not work instead of just moving on after one attempt as she has in the past; this happened rarely as she was mostly
able to recognize or figure out the words herself. She was a little confused by the main idea organizer when she first
saw my example, but began to be excited by it after the explanation. She needed some support during filling in the
details for the first section, but after I prompted her to open the book and look for what supported her idea, she was very
receptive. Not all of what she wrote was grammatically correct and could have been misinterpreted by someone who
did not hear her discussion that accompanied the writing, but I was very pleased with her independence with thinking of
main ideas, finding supporting details, and looking back to the book for help. This is something she would not have
been capable of a few weeks ago.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will organize thoughts before writing and during Instructional Task(s):
writing. The student will work to add details that support her Moana is getting much better at
points. organizing her writing. She is
thinking about what she wants to
write before she starts her draft.
She is using prewriting as a
guide instead of something to
copy. Now, I want her to work on
organizing her writing to include
details that support the main idea
of her writing. I have decided to
include this as a focus because
she thinks of many examples and
will say them but often forgets to
add them.

Instructional Task:

I want her to see how you can write down examples before you begin writing and can change
them later if you think of something different. I will have an prewriting organizer I already
completed (because of time) based on the book we read last week since it was teh example
for the reading task. I model how I use the prewriting organizer to help me think of what I want
to put on my draft, how to include examples, and that I am not always writing the same thing
as I wrote on the prewriting page. As I write my draft, I will do a think-aloud to explain what I
am doing and why.

I will have her complete her prewriting organizer with the prompt of why water is important or
why we need to keep water safe. I will prompt her to use her book or main idea organizer to
help her think of ideas as she writes. When she writes her draft, I will encourage her to think
about how she can best support her ideas with examples and reasons.

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This instructional task moves her closer to answering the EQ by having her take the
information she has learned about water and apply it to her life/actions and the environment.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated? The comprehension assessment
was mainly in the after reading work, but was extended into the writing section as well.
Performance will be evaluated by her using ideas from the book connected to her own life to
talk about why water is important.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

She really understood the point of today’s reading and how it related to her life. She was able
to give examples, both from the book and connections she made to her own life. She thought
of examples that supported her reasoning and thought of a conclusion by herself, a thing
which has been a big struggled for her. She thought out what she wanted to say and did a
good job expressing herself. When she did her draft, she combined her first point with her
opening reason so a reader might not be sure what she was talking about right away and
there were some convention errors. However, this is the strongest writing she has done so far.
She was very fatigued by the end of it, so I did not have her revise her writing today (this will
be done later if we have extra time one day). She was more engaged with the writing than she
has been and had a lot of voice in the writing. She understood the point of the lesson clearly.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Lesson #5


Date(s): 4-8 and 4-10 Topic: Recycling Content

This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

What can my school do to help the environment?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...
How recycling helps the environment and how to recycle.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in using what was learned to write to convince someone to
recycle. Successful performance will be measured by taking at least two ideas from the text to
use as reasons/support for why we recycle and how.
(This should be unique to each lesson.)

Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For

: 60

Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will read with expression during repeated readings, Instructional Task(s):
track accurately during repeated readings, and make Moana has been improving with her
appropriate word groupings. tracking abilities and groupings, but
still needs supports. For this
reading, we are going to choral read
the first time so she has support with
when to pause. As we read the first
time, I will have her track with her
finger. Doing this for the first reading
will give her support as she
becomes familiar with the text.As
rereads, I will have her read it by
herself. To gradually decrease the
support, I will have her point for the
first read without me and not point
for the next.

Choice Aspect: The student will choose between The Text(s) Chosen by Student
Jumping Bean and How to Make Pizza. (note title AND level)*:
How to Make Pizza Level I

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

-Tell her that we are going to read the text together for the first time so she can hear where I
pause and group words.
-Choral read the text the first time through. Have her track with her finger as we read.
-Discuss how the reading went. Ask her what she noticed about where we paused.
-Explain that reading texts again will help her read the words with good pauses and
expression. Have her read it aloud by herself. Allow her to track with her finger for this
-Have her read it a third time. Have her try to read it without finger pointing this time.
-Ask her what difference she noticed from the first reading to the last. Ask her if she think
rereading could help her in class.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart cold read prosody or rate data) Performance Today*:
Please see chart below She did well today. She is
understanding the benefit of
repeated readings and enjoys
seeing how she improves. She
was able to track the poem well.
The first time reading by herself,
she made a few errors or skipped
words, but she realized her finger
was not matching the word she
was saying and self corrected.
When she read the next time,
she did much better. She is
grouping automatically now. Her
reading is more like speech and
she is beginning to use
expression from the first time
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Prosody Ranking(s)

Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing.

She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady.

Lesson 2 3/4 She was responsive to what was

going on, raised her voice for questions,
and made it excited for exclamation
marks. She paused at periods/commas.
She read in groups of 3-4 words.

Lesson 3 2 She was reading in groups of 2-4

words, used a lot of repetitions and self-
corrections, was expressive sometimes,
and used some appropriate word

Lesson 4 4. She was grouping words

appropriately and used more expression
each time she read the poem.

Lesson 5 4. She was tracking the words well ,

using good groupings, and using
expression. The biggest interruption of
her reading was making self-corrections.

Lesson 6

Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will expand their knowledge of long vowel patterns, Sort/Instructional Task(s):
including long i patterns. The student has been doing well
with the previous long vowel
patterns taught. She has been
picking up the patterns quickly and
is actively noticing oddballs in the
words and in reading. She seems to
have mastered long e, so we will
move on to long i pattern words,
which seems to be something she
does not use other than i-e. I am
including a few short i words as
review because I noticed her
confusing a few short/long i words in

Sort: What will the student learn

about English orthography
from this sort?
From this sort, the student will
reinforce the difference between
the short and long i sounds and
will learn of another way to
create the long i sound.

Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Go through the word cards with the student. If she does not know how to read a word,
help her sound it out and practice it again after reading the rest of the cards. Explain
the meaning of unknown words (expected words: buy vs bye, vine)
2. Set up the headers and point out what sound the i makes in ‘dish’ and the i-e in ‘hike,’
and the y in ‘try.’ Explain that the star will be for words that do not follow the patterns
with their spellings or sounds.
3. Sort the first two cards in each category. As you sort, explain why it goes into the
category (ex: the i-e in wife make the same long i sound as the i-e in hike). When
using oddballs, point out the differences in the sounds/spellings.
1. Have the student sort the remaining words. As she sorts, have her do a think aloud of
where the words go. Prompt her by asking her why the word goes there and what it
has that is the same as the header.
2. If any errors are made, correct them as they are made and explain why the word does
not match the header. Have her try to figure out where it should go and why. Explain if
she cannot.
3. Have the student read each category. After she read the category, have her say what
letter patterns and sounds as the same. Repeat with the the two categories.
4. Have her read the oddballs and explain what is different about them.
Check & Reflect:
1. Explain that she is going to try to sort the words again, but sort them as fast as she
can this time. Leave the headers out, but take away and shuffle the rest of the word
2. Have her sort the words, timing her as she sorts. If there are errors, wait until she has
finished sorting to point them out. Have her try to figure out where the word should go
and why; if she is unable, explain where it should go and why.
3. Have her read the categories and say what is the same in each category.
4. Leave the headers and shuffle the rest of the words. Repeat steps 2 and 3. See if she
has beat her time. Explain that it is okay if she did not because she is learning.
Blind Sort:
1. Leave the headers out and collect the rest of the words. Call out 2 words from each
category including oddball. Have her point the the header the word should go under.
Record which words she correctly identifies and which words she is struggling with.
2. If she gets any words wrong, go over the word after finishing calling the rest of the
words. Ask her again where the word should go to see if she just made a mistake. If
she still does not know where the word goes, talk through the sounds and letters in the
words. Show her the word card and help her find where it should go.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
She did well on this sort. She
Sort Features % Correct was initially confused by the ‘y’
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort but quickly picked up the pattern.
Lesson 1 Ai, a-e, short a 71%
Having her say her thinking as
she sorts seems to be helping
Lesson 2 A-e, ai, ay 100% her think of how the words are
alike and different. She was
Lesson 3 Ee, ea, open e 100%
pointing out patterns she noticed
Lesson 4 E-e, ea, ie 100% even when not asked. She was a
little confused by ‘buy’ and ‘bye’
Lesson 5 Short i, i-e, y 100% with how the letters made the
Lesson 6
long i sound and why they should
not go under ‘y’ but was able to
figure it out when I asked her to
compare the spellings of the rest
of the words in the ‘y’ category to
those. The speed sort worked
well. As she worked, I could hear
her whispering about the patterns
that matched. I think repeating
the words a lot helped her
remember the pattern. When
doing the blind sort, she was able
to sort all the words correctly
without hesitation.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Comprehension Objective: Title of Text: Pizza and Plastic: What Can Be Recycled
How recycling helps the environment and how to Reading Level of Text: 400L
recycle. Text Structure (e.g., narrative, chronological, problem-solution,
etc.): Narrative

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s) (e.g., think-alouds, semantic feature
Inferences analysis, QAR): QAR
When I first starting working with Moana, she Justification:
struggled to find an answer explicitly stated in a text. (How does this task help the student harvest the content
She has made major improvements in finding understanding from this text? AND, how are you being
answers that are explicitly stated and that she has to responsive to assessment data and progress monitoring of
find by combining information. Now that she has
made gains in finding information stated, she needs student performance?)
to work on thinking about answers that are not This week, we will work on all four QAR types (right there, think
explicitly stated. Inferencing will help her reach the and search, author and me, and on my own) with a focus on
comprehension goal by helping her understand what author and me. This is a good strategy to build inferencing skills
the author is trying to convey but does not state. because it requires her to think about how she will get to her
answer. Through our work with right there and think and search
questions the last few sessions, we have touched on
inferenced but have not done much work on them because she
needed help with explicit comprehension. Using QAR will help
her realize that there are different types of questions. Knowing
this will help her find answers in the text and build her
understanding of how the author shares information. Doing this
is responsive to progress monitoring because she has been
doing well with explicit comprehension and is ready to build on
it to understand implicit comprehension.

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary
Ask student what recycling is. Ask her what kind of things can be recycled. Show student a bottle. Ask them
if they think it could be recycled and how they could find out if it could recycled. Ask student where they think
recycling goes and what happens to it.

Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.): Show words and pronounce. Discuss meaning and
create connections to her life and how she might be able to use these words in and out of school.

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition):
● Recycle (paragraph 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14): to use something again
● Guidelines (paragraph 14): rules that show you how to do something
● Recycling center (paragraph 2, 4): a place where recycling is taken to be cleaned, sorted, and reused

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective):
Remember the two types of questions we have been working on? Right there and search and think.
Remember, right there questions are said right in a sentence. Search and think questions make you put
information from different sentences together to come up with an answer. We are going to look at two new
types of questions today. (Provide QAR organizer as reference.) One type of question is author and me. To
answer these questions, you have to combine what the author has told you and what you already know. The
next type of question is on my own. For these questions, you use what you already know to answer the
question. Before we read the article, we are going to practice these new types of questions using the reading
from fluency.
Ask the questions that go with the fluency choice. Provide fluency choice to look back at. After asking each question,
have her answer and identify which type of question it was and how she knew. If she struggles with a type of question,
ask another of the same type and do a think aloud to explain how you figured out which it is and figured out the answer.
Questions if How to make pizza was chosen for fluency
● What to you do first? (right there)
● Have you ever made pizza? (on my own)
● What are the steps for making pizza? (search and think)
● What could be another title? (author and me)
Questions if The Jumping Bean was chosen for fluency
● What is his pet? (right there)
● Why did the author write this story? (author and me)
● Why doesn’t he need to feed it? (search and think)
● Have you ever seen a bean jump? (on my own)

As we read today, you will stop at the red stars like usual. When we get there, we will discuss what you have read. I am
going to ask you questions, and you are going to answer them and figure out which type of question it is like we just did.

Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:
● End of paragraph 1
○ Predict what this article is going to be about
○ Why do you think the author wrote this article?
○ Why is recycling good?
● End of paragraph 3
○ Who decides what is recycled?
○ Why do you think the author shared where to find this information?
○ Have you ever looked the the town’s website?
● End of paragraph 5
○ What do you think the grocery store could use bags for?
○ What will most towns not accept?
○ What could be another title for this section?
○ Why do you think it is important to recycle the bags even if the town won’t?
○ Can you summarize what this section is about?
● End of paragraph 7
○ Why does the author share information about cleaning recyclables?
○ Why do recycling centers need things to be clean?
○ Have you ever seen someone clean something before recycling it?
● End of paragraph 8
○ Where can you check to see if styrofoam can be recycled?
○ Why do some cities not recycle styrofoam?
○ Why does it being expensive matter?
● End of paragraph 9
○ Why aren’t most pizza boxes recycled?
○ Do you agree that recycling pizza boxes might be a problem?
● End of paragraph 10
○ Have you ever seen those shapes and numbers?
○ Predict what those number could mean.
● End of paragraph 12
○ What does the number tell you?
○ What do the shapes mean?
○ What do you think about the numbers and shapes?
○ Do you think you could look and see the numbers and shapes at home?
○ Could your school do this?
● End of paragraph 15
○ Why do you think the author wrote this article?
○ Do you think the author supports recycling?
○ What could be another title for this article?

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.):
In Writing Section

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?

Reflection on Student Performance Today:

(Be sure to comment on how independent the student was and what supports were needed for success. Reflect back
on before, during, and after. Address student self-monitoring, stamina, and engagement. Address evaluation of the
Comprehension Objective.)

While doing this reading, the student was mostly independent. She main support that was needed was to remind her to
look back at the book when she could not think of an answer; she was trying to answer all of the questions like they
were ‘own your own’ questions and did not connect all of them to the text initially. She also needed support during the
first few questions of each type to help her figure out what type of question it is. I saw an improvement while she was
reading this week. She was much more focused. She has shown good stamina before, but today she was able to
maintain her stamina throughout the entire book. She was also very engaged; when she did bring up a story during the
reading, it was related to what was happening in the article and helped her understand what was happening. She also
did better with her self-monitoring; several times when she skipped a line or misread a word, she caught herself, said
‘this doesn’t make sense,’ and went back. She still needs to work on self-monitoring, but she is noticing errors more and
more. I think she understood the comprehension objective. During our discussion as we read, she was bringing up how
recycling helps the environment and how we can recycle.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will organize thoughts before writing and during Instructional Task(s):
writing. The student will work to add details that support her Moana has been making big
points. After writing, the student will revise her writing to make improvements with organizing her
sure it conveys her thoughts and makes sense. writing. She has also been getting
better at adding details that support
her thoughts. I’ve noticed that she
does not always write the words she
intends to or mixes up which details
goes with which thought. I want her
to practice reading her writing aloud
after she has written to check that
she wrote what she meant to and
someone else can understand it.

Instructional Task:
● Ask Moana what her opinion on recycling is now that she has read this article. Tell her
that she is going to write to convince someone of her opinion.
● Before writing, have the student prewrite out her main opinion, big thoughts, and
important examples. Have a graphic organizer available to help her if she wants. (I do
not want her to feel that she has to use it now that she is understanding text structure
more, but I do not want to take it away if she likes the support of it to organize her
thought.) Make sure she references the reading to provide support of how to recycle
and why. If she has not, prompt her to look at the article and see what she can use to
help convince someone to recycle.
● Have her write her argument for recycling. Remind her to use her prewriting to guide
her, but make sure she knows she can add or change things as she goes.
● After she has written, have her read it out loud. Prompt her to think about whether it
says what she wants it to say and someone could understand it. If she is missing large
errors, try to direct her to them without telling her how to fix it. (ex: Your first line says
“You should do it to help the planet.’ If I’m reading your writing and hadn’t just read that
book, what might I be confused about? What is ‘it’? How can you change it to make it
clearer?) Have her correct her writing on the same page so it does not feel like extra
work to rewrite. Encourage her to cross things out and add arrows when needed; tell
her how that shows that she is thinking hard to make her writing strong but if she was
going to give this to someone she would rewrite it.

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This task moves her closer to answering the EQ by having her think critically about the role of
recycling. This writing makes her form an opinion on whether people should recycle or not,
why they should recycle, and how to recycle. This shows her the impact people can have by
recycling or not and will be able to be transferred to see the impact her school could have
through recycling or similar acts.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated?
Comprehension assessment occurs during the writing. Comprehension is evaluated by her
applying what she has learned about recycling to an argument for recycling. She will be
evaluated by taking at least two ideas from the text to use as support in her writing. Her
writing performance will be evaluated by her talking/writing out ideas before moving on to her
draft, using ideas from her prewriting in her draft, and thinking about what details best support
her ideas.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

She did not do as well with writing initially as she has in the past. All the focus she has when
she was reading disappeared and she did not display much stamina. She had a lot of trouble
with prewriting. She kept on writing ideas related to littering, which could be connected to
recycling but she was not seeing the connection. We discussed recycling and she was able to
give me several strong ideas, but she lost focus as she continued prewriting and focused on
littering. We ran out of time at this point and continued later in the week. When she came
back, she was much more focused. While she did want to talk about littering, she was
connecting it recycling and using information that she had read and we had discussed. She
added more ideas to her prewriting and was able to make her ideas cohesive. When she
moved on to her draft, she did much better. She still is confusing her first sentence/title some,
but was able to think of how to change her sentence when I read it back to her. She wrote the
rest fluently and was able to make it cohesive. She was correcting spelling and grammar
mistakes as she went by herself. After she finished, I read it to her and we discussed how
revision could make a good paper even better. She agreed that it could be better and wanted
to add more of what she had learned at the end. She added details from her reading that
supported her points and added voice to her paper through questioning. She tried to imitate
some of the style from the article we had read when she was not sure how to say what she
wanted, and it worked very well. She definitely met the comprehension objective. She was
able to link what we had read about to real life and is forming her own beliefs about recycling.
She is already thinking of how her school can help the environment without being prompted
and is using information from her readings more and more.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Lesson #6


Date(s): 4-16-18, 4-17-18 Topic: Gardening, recycling, composting Content

This ELA
2.5 The
student will
that living
things are
part of a
system. Key
include a)
ent with their
living and
s; b) an
food, water,
shelter or
cover, and
space; c)
change over
time due to

Topic Essential Question:

What can my school do to help the environment?

Comprehension Objective: As a result of (not just as part of) this lesson, the learner will be
able to demonstrate an understanding of...how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle in daily life.

Comprehension Assessment: The learners ability to demonstrate the above

understanding(s) will be evidenced in a discussion of what reduce, reuse, and recycle means.
Successful performance will be measured by the student discussing how she does/could use
the 3 R’s in her life by giving an example of each.
Minutes For Fluency: 15 Minutes For Word Knowledge: 15 Minutes For
: 90


Today’s Fluency Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will read with expression, make appropriate word Instructional Task(s):
groupings, and track accurate. I have noticed repeated readings
with tracking the first time to make a
difference. She has read more
fluently and more accurately when
doing this. I have even noticed her
applying this during the
comprehension reading and telling
me how she uses it in class to help
when she is confused. I want to
reinforce this and for her to do it
automatically so she can start to
read more without finger pointing at

Choice Aspect: The student will choose between Text(s) Chosen by Student
Clarence’s Show and The Sun Bear. (note title AND level)*: The Sun
Bear Level I

Instructional Task with Chosen Text(s):

● Ask the student to tell you what in the text helps you know when to pause. Ask the
student to tell you what in the text helps you know what expression to use. Ask the
student why it helps to read more than once.
● Have the student read the text aloud while tracking with her finger. After she has read,
go over any areas where she struggled with expression, reading fluently, groupings, or
● Have the student read the text again without tracking with her finger. After she reads
go over any areas where she struggled with expression, reading fluently, groupings, or
● Repeat previous step.
● Ask the student about what was different from the first time reading to the last. Ask
them why it was different. Ask them how they could create these same improvements
when they are reading in class.

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

See chart below Performance Today*:
When we were doing the fluency,
there were teachers doing walk
throughs near where we were
working. She kept on becoming
distracted looking at them and
would lose her place and
struggled to get back in the
reading. When she was more
focused, she was reading with
expression, tracking, and
grouping well. If it hadn’t been for
the distractions, I think her
prosody would have been a 4. I
am seeing improvements. She is
pointing out words groupings
without prompting and noticing
when she has lost her place or is
not reading fluently.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

Prosody Ranking(s)

Lesson 1 3. She did much better with pausing.

She used some expression, especially
with There Was An Old Lady.

Lesson 2 3/4 She was responsive to what was

going on, raised her voice for questions,
and made it excited for exclamation
marks. She paused at periods/commas.
She read in groups of 3-4 words.

Lesson 3 2 She was reading in groups of 2-4

words, used a lot of repetitions and self-
corrections, was expressive sometimes,
and used some appropriate word

Lesson 4 4. She was grouping words

appropriately and used more expression
each time she read the poem.

Lesson 5 4. She was tracking the words well ,

using good groupings, and using
expression. The biggest interruption of
her reading was making self-corrections.

Lesson 6 3. She made appropriate groupings

most of the time, used some expression,
and tracked accurately most of the time.

Word Knowledge

Today’s Word Knowledge Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will expand their knowledge of long vowel patterns, Sort/Instructional Task(s):
including long o patterns. The student has been doing well
with the sorts. On the previous sort,
she was able to correctly identify all
of the long i words and we covered
the most commonly seen patterns,
so we will move on to long o
patterns which her spelling inventory
showed was an area of need. I
chose to include short o as a review
because she confused long and
short o on the spelling inventory.

Sort: What will the student learn

about English orthography
from this sort?
The student will learn that two
vowels can work together to form
one sound and will learn how to
create the long o sound.

Sort Instruction (Provide the steps for each section)

Teacher-led Sort Introduction:
1. Show the student all of the words. Make sure she can read each word; if not, go over
how to say the words and what letters make what sounds. Ask the student about the
meaning of the words (expected words: soak, slope) and discuss if she does not know
the meaning.
2. Show the student the headers. Sound them out and discuss the vowel sounds are (the
o is lock makes the short o sound, the o-e makes the long o sound, the oa makes the
long o sound). Discuss that the star is for words that do not follow the same sound and
spelling patterns.
3. Sort the first words in each category. As you sort, do a think aloud to explain why it
goes there (ex: in boat the oa make the long o sound just like the oa in road make the
long o sound).
1. Have the student sort the rest of the words. As she sorts, have her conduct a think
aloud as you did for what letter and sound patterns are present and justify why it goes
in that category.
2. If she makes errors as she sorts, discuss the error as it is made. Ask her what vowel
patterns and vowel sounds are present. Ask her if it matches the same spelling and
sound pattern as the category she sorted it under. Have her try to find the category
that matches the same spelling and sound. Help as needed.
3. Have her read the words in the first category. Have her say what spelling and sound
patterns are in all of the words. Repeat for the rest of the columns.
Check & Reflect:
1. Give the student a paper. Call out the headers and have her write them across the
page. Correct any errors in headers as they are made since this is the basis for the
rest of the activity. Have her draw a star for the oddballs.
2. Call out 2-3 words from each category. Have her write the word under the correct
header and explain why it should go in that category.
3. After she has written all of the words, go over any errors. Show her the correct spelling
on the word card and have her move the card to the right category. Discuss why it
goes there and have her write it in the right spot.
4. Have the student identify what is the same in each category (spelling and sound).
Blind Sort:
1. Place the headers and oddball star in front of the student. Call out 2 words from each
category. Have the student point to the header that word would go under. Record any
words that the student has trouble with. Discuss these words after calling the rest of
the words.
1. Give the student a paper with numbered spots for spelling. Remind the student that
this is just to see what she knows and to try her best to sound out the word even if she
is not sure how to spell it.
2. Call out the following words, which follow short vowel patterns and long vowel patterns
that we have learned: made, peek, hive, hug, stone, great, leap, piece, dry, main, goat,
and rod. Say each word, use it in a sentence to clarify meaning, and say the word

Progress Monitoring*: Reflection on Student

(Notes and chart of blind sort data) Performance Today:
The student did very well with
Sort Features % Correct today’s sorting. She was not as
(e.g., short a, ai, ay) on Blind Sort engaged this time. Normally, she
Lesson 1 Short a, ai, a-e 71%
loves to sort the words, but she
was not very interested today.
Lesson 2 Ai, ay, a-e 100% The writing sort, which she has
loved in the past, was frustrating
Lesson 3 Ee, ea, open e 100%
to her even though she was able
Lesson 4 E-e ee, ea 100% to get all of the words correct.
She was able to do a very good
Lesson 5 Short i, i-e, y 100% think aloud for all of the words
Lesson 6 Short o, o-e, oa 100%
and could identify the
letter/sound patterns quickly. She
starting taking over the think
aloud from the first word and was
able to see all the patterns. She
enjoyed working with the
oddballs and liked seeing how
they worked.

On the assessment, she

misspelled GRATE/great,
LEEP/leap, MANE/main, and
GOTE/goat. I can see that she is
now able to clearly distinguish
between short and long vowel
sounds and makes sure to create
a marking for the long vowel
even if she is not sure which
pattern to use. After we had
finished, she was able to identify
that she had spelled great wrong
and told me the correct spelling.
She is applying vowel team
patterns that she was not before
and is considering other patterns
even when she does use the
VCe pattern.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Comprehension Objective: Title of Text: Landon’s Pumpkins

The student will understand how we can reduce, Reading Level of Text: M
reuse, and recycle in daily life. Text Structure (e.g., narrative, chronological, problem-solution,
etc.): Narrative

Strategy Focus (e.g., determining importance): Instructional Task(s) (e.g., think-alouds, semantic feature
Summarizing, inferring analysis, QAR): QAR, think alouds
(How does this strategy help the student harvest the Justification:
content understanding from this text?) This helps the (How does this task help the student harvest the content
student harvest content by allowing her to think about understanding from this text? AND, how are you being
the big picture of the text. It also helps her responsive to assessment data and progress monitoring of
understand the things that are not explicitly stated but student performance?)
are critical for complete understanding of the text. We have been working with QAR for a few weeks now. I have
noticed a big difference in how she thinks about questions and
whether she can find the answer directly in the text or if she
needs to use her background knowledge to help her. I have
also noticed that figuring out what kind of question it is is a
motivator for her; she is extremely excited to try to figure it out
and is much more engaged. I will continue to use this strategy
with a focus on questions that need to be inferred so she is
realizing that she is combining what the text says with her
knowledge. When she has been thinking about the type of
questions, her answers are much more in depth and she is
carefully considering how to get information from the text
instead of just saying the first thing that comes to mind.
Think alouds are helpful when she is struggling to put together
information. I have modeled a lot of think alouds for her, and
she is using them by herself now. When she is struggling to
think of an answer or summary, I prompt her to conduct a think
aloud. I have noticed that prompting her to talk through her
thoughts as she answers the questions helps her stay focused
and improves her ability to look back at the text.

Before Reading Instruction

Hook (Pre-reading activity to activate/provide prior knowledge and spark interest -may incorporate vocabulary
preview): The book we are going to read today is called Landon’s Pumpkins. I want you to think about what
we have been talking about with recycling and reusing and reducing. What is your prediction for how those
topics will come up in this book?

Needed background knowledge: what reducing, reusing, and recycling are

Vocabulary Preview (How will you preview words if it’s not part of the Hook activity? e.g., word mapping, examine
orthography, simply pronounce and discuss meaning, etc.): Discuss meaning and think of connections to book

Target Words (note words, location in text, and include kid-friendly definition):
● Compost (page 7, 13): food and plants that break down and are added to soil to help plants grow
● Landfill (page 7): where trash goes after we throw it away
● Harvest (page 4, 12): the time of year when plants are ready to be gathered or the plants that are

During Reading Instruction

Introduction/Modeling of what the student will do DURING reading (this work should prepare the student for
the after reading task and work toward the Comprehension Objective):
● Today, we are going to work on the same types of questions we have been practicing. Do you
remember the 4 types? What are they and what do they mean?
● I want you to look at the story we read for fluency. Can you think of a questions about this story? Try
to think of a question for each type.
● When you are reading, you are going to use these same types of questions. When we are reading,
the author does not always tell you everything. Sometimes, you have to figure out what is going on
even when the author does not tell you. This is called inferencing. You have been doing it without
even knowing it. You make inferences a lot when you answer author and me questions.

Instructional readers are working on developing independence with silent reading, so you will use
the Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) format of reading sections for a purpose and then
stopping to think about what was read to help student actively work their way through a text. List the
stopping points and note the target content to address with the during reading task at each stopping
point with attention to how it connects to the Comprehension Objective:
During reading, complete a 100’s chart running record to find accuracy, WPM, and fluency.
● End of page 5:
○ What happened last Halloween?
○ Who is Chad?
● End of page 6:
○ Why does Landon want to plant pumpkins?
○ What does Landon need to plant them? Why?
● End of page 7:
○ Why is he talking about the landfill?
○ What does the compost do?
○ What are they mixing the compost with?
● End of page 9:
○ What does Landon see growing?
○ Why does frost matter?
○ Why does Landon need to protect his plants?
● End of page 11:
○ What are the bottles for?
○ Why is his dad happy to see him reusing things?
○ Why does he only use the top of the bottles?
○ What could the small green balls be?
● End of page 13:
○ What does Landon do with the pumpkins?
○ Why did Landon cut off the tops?
○ Why would he put it in the compost bin?
○ Why doesn’t Landon need to buy more seeds next year?
● End of page 15:
○ What does Landon do with the extra pumpkin seeds?
○ How does Landon use the three R’s?
○ How did Landon feel about his pumpkins?
○ Why was each better than the one before?

After Reading Instruction

After Reading Task (What will the student do after reading to work with the information gained during reading? If the
After Reading Task is also the Writing Instruction, note that here. Do not write out the same activity here and in the
writing section.):
After reading, we will discuss the reading before moving on to the writing, which is where she will answer the
● What does it mean to reduce? Reuse? Recycle?
● How did Landon reduce? Reuse? Recycle?
● Why do you think landon used the three R’s?
● How can you or do you reduce/reuse/recycle?
● Why should people use the three R’s?

If the After Reading Task is not the Writing Instruction, how does the After Reading task move the
student closer to answering the EQ?
This moves the student closer to answering the EQ by having her think critically about reducing, reusing, and
recycling. In addition, it has her thinking about how the three R’s impact her life, which will be helpful when
she moves to looking at the school as a whole.

Reflection on Student Performance Today:

(Be sure to comment on how independent the student was and what supports were needed for success. Reflect back
on before, during, and after. Address student self-monitoring, stamina, and engagement. Address evaluation of the
Comprehension Objective.)
She did very well with this book. She was nervous at first because she saw me completing the 100’s chart. She was
able to get 95% accuracy. While I was doing the 100’s chart, her WPM was only 33 because when she was unsure
what a word was she kept on retrying and rereading; other than the long time she spent on those words, she read
fluently. After, I put away the 100’s chart, she began to read more normally and relaxed. She was very engaged with this
book; she enjoyed that it was teaching her but it also told a story. Her stamina was pretty good during the reading; she
began to tire, slow, and lose focus but only at the second to last page. She self-monitoring was great. She was realizing
when she was unable to read a word. When she said the incorrect function word, she realized and went back to correct.
When she didn’t understand, she went back and reread. She had a lot of background knowledge going into this text, so
she was fairly independent. The biggest support she needed was encouragement that it was okay to make a mistake
and help when her attention wandered. She met the comprehension objective. Before I even asked her, she was
making connections to her own life. She was able to think of many ways she can reduce, reuse, and recycle.
*Section completed during or after the lesson.


Today’s Writing Objective: Justification For Today’s

The student will plan out writing, go back to writing to revise and Instructional Task(s):
edit, will add supporting details, and will think about the word She has made a lot of progress with
choice to make her writing clear. planning her writing. She is
understanding that you can plan out
writing and then use it as a guide for
drafting but make changes along the
way. She needs to continue
practicing this. I have introduced the
ideas of revision and editing to her.
She was hesitant at first but made
good revisions last time; I want her
to continue to work on going back
and looking over her writing. I
starting having her work on adding
supporting details after I noticed this
missing in her writing; she needs to
continue to work on this to help
make her writing stronger and more
cohesive. N her writing, she has
been using vague wording such as
‘it’ and ‘they’ without identifying what
she is talking about first. We have
been working on the idea that the
reader does not know what she is
thinking and what she has discussed
during prewriting so she needs to
pick words that make her thoughts

Instructional Task:
For today’s writing, the student will answer the EQ. Her task is to write to a person of her
choosing (teacher, principal, etc.) about how her school can make changes to help the
environment. She will begin by prewriting. I will give the the articles and books we have read
for her to reference and help her remember all of the topics we have covered. First, she will
prewrite to get her ideas down about how the school can make changes and will decide who
to write to. When prewriting, she will consider supporting ideas for the changes. Then, she will
create a draft letter to the person she has chosen. After she has completed her draft, she will
revise to make sure she has made her ideas clear, chosen the words she wants, and has
details that support her changes. Then, she will edit her draft to check for spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation. Once she has completed her writing, she will deliver it to the
person she wrote it to (if that person is in the school).

How does this instructional task move the student closer to answering the EQ?
This task will have the student answer the EQ by having them write a letter about the changes
the school should make and why the school should make the changes.

Does the Comprehension Assessment occur in the After reading work or in the Writing
section or both? AND How was performance evaluated? During the after reading work
because the writing was a focused on the bigger picture of the school rather than on just
reducing, reusing, and recycling through gardening. Performance was evaluated by her using
ideas from the book and applying them to her own life. I looked her her to apply this for each
of the three R’s and use background from the book to support her.

Reflection on Student Performance Today*:

She was so excited to do this writing. Normally, she become tired after writing a few
sentences but today she was energetic throughout writing three and a half pages! She did a
good job with her prewriting. She looked back at the text and had lots of ideas. We talked
through her ideas and I asked questions to help her think about details, like “why should your
teacher do this?” She made notes to help her remember when she did the draft and
numbered and organized her thoughts to think out how she would write her letter. She
decided to write it to her teacher. She started with writing Dear Mrs. ___,. It took her a few
minutes to think of an opening sentence, but she turned her one thought into a full paragraph
with the details she added. As she wrote, she needed some reminders to add details and to
tell more. She is still having trouble with assuming the reader knows everything that she does,
but she is making improvements. I asked her probing questions or pointed out what she had
told me during prewriting to help her stay focused with the topic. She went back and changed
words to make her writing clear and checked her spelling and capitalization at the end. She
was able to identify most without help. The end result was a clear, organized piece with lots of
voice and an opening and closing. She was thrilled to give it to her teacher. She made her
teacher read it right then and there and told me that she “had her fingers and toes crossed”
during the reading hoping her teacher would like it. It was great to see her so excited about
writing, which she was so reluctant toward in the beginning.
*Sections completed during or after the lesson.

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