African Healthcare Setting VHF PDF
African Healthcare Setting VHF PDF
African Healthcare Setting VHF PDF
Illustrations by:
Division of Media and Training Services, Public Health Program Practice Office (CDC)
The material in this manual is in the public domain. It may be used and reprinted without permission. The
source should be acknowledged. Suggested citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World
Health Organization. Infection Control for Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers in the African Health Care Setting.
Atlanta, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998: 1-198.
Infection Control
December 1998
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Center for Infectious Diseases,
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Special Pathogens Branch, WHO Collaborating
Centre for Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers
The contributions of the following organizations to the preparation and review of this
document are gratefully acknowledged:
Introduction 1
Objectives 5
Precautions 12
Reused 15
2.3 Alert Health Facility Staff about Specific Risk for VHF
Transmission 25
Room 36
Burning 78
Education 101
8.2 Meet with Community Leaders and Assess the Current Situation 106
Actions 109
Staff 117
Patients 145
Products 161
Remover 163
Annex 10 Sample Job-Aids and Posters for Use in the Health Facility 165
References 193
Index 197
Figure List
African countries (shaded areas) where viral haemorrhagic fevers have been
documented in the past
Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers: An Overview
Typically, during the course of a VHF, the blood vessels and many
organ systems are damaged. VHFs are often accompanied by
bleeding, reflecting the widespread presence of the virus
throughout the patient’s body. As a result, the blood, urine,
vomitus, pus, stool, semen and saliva from the VHF patient are
infectious. This is why VHFs pose a serious risk to caregivers in
the health care setting and in the community.
Precautions NonHealth
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Fig. 1. The number of infected health care workers declined after barrier nursing practices
were begun during the Ebola haemorrhagic fever outbreak at Kikwit, 1995. One case
resulted from an inappropriate use of barrier nursing practices.
1 Khan AS et al. The Reemergence of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Journal of Infectious Diseases, in press,
The information in this manual will help health facility staff to:
4. Make advance preparations for implementing VHF Isolation
The manual can also be used for planning and carrying out
in-service training aimed at strengthening VHF Isolation
Precautions. It can be accompanied by workshop activities, in
which participants discuss and practice the recommendations
made in this manual.
Section 1 Use Standard Precautions with All Patients describes how to establish
routine precautions for infection control. The section emphasizes the
importance of using Standard Precautions consistently, especially
handwashing before and after examining patients with fever.
Section 2 Identify Suspected Cases of VHF lists common signs and symptoms of
VHF and the immediate precautions to take when a VHF is suspected.
Section 3 Isolate the Patient lists recommended supplies and describes how to set
up an isolation area. It includes checklists that can be used in an
emergency situation and practical suggestions for alternate equipment
when recommended items are not available.
Section 4 Wear Protective Clothing describes the protective clothing that should be
worn when VHF is present in the health facility. It also provides
information about selecting appropriate items when recommended
clothing is not available.
Section 5 Disinfect Reusable Supplies and Equipment describes the use of VHF
Isolation Precautions during patient care and when disinfecting and
cleaning contaminated surfaces, supplies and equipment. This section
also presents recommended first aid for accidental exposures.
Section 7 Use Safe Burial Practices describes how to prepare bodies of deceased
VHF patients safely for burial and how to prevent disease transmission
through contact with the deceased patient.
The Annexes provide additional details about specific topics described in the manual.
Changing room
room Area next to isolation ward where health workers dress in protective
Cleaning Removal of any soiling or other material on equipment or surfaces
Contamination Presence of infectious agent in blood and other body fluids, on body
surfaces and medical equipment, clothing and supplies. Contact with
contaminated body fluids or items is a risk for disease transmission.
Disinfection Elimination of most microorganisms from a surface, making it safe for
reuse. “Sterilization” means eliminating all microorganisms.
Health facility
facility Any hospital, health centre or clinic with inpatient facilities. Also any
facility providing emergency or first-service care.
Isolation area/ward
area/ward The area in the health facility used for housing suspected VHF
Protective clothing
clothing Masks, gloves, gowns, eyeglasses, caps, aprons, and boots. Provides
protection against splashes or spills of infectious material when
examining suspected VHF cases or handling infectious waste and
Sharps container
container Puncture-resistant container for collecting used needles and syringes.
Standard Precautions
Precautions Practices for limiting or preventing disease transmission in the health
care setting.
Sterilization Elimination of all microorganisms (viral, bacteria, and fungal) through
heat, using an autoclave or steam sterilizer, or other appropriate
VHF Coordinator
Coordinator Designated health officer who coordinates infection control and
outbreak response, and provides liaison with the community and other
agencies involved in outbreak control.
VHF Isolation Barrier nursing and other infection control practices for preventing
Precautions contact between VHF infectious body fluids and non-infected persons.
Section 1
Use Standard Precautions with
All Patients
Section 1 Use Standard Precautions with All Patients
Health workers throughout the world are aware of the risks for
transmitting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis
viruses in the health care setting. Many use precautions (such as
wearing gloves) for preventing contact with infected blood.
• Mucous membranes.
3 This manual describes the Isolation Precautions to use when a patient is known to have or suspected of
having a VHF. Annex 1 describes other precautions for various modes of disease transmission.
Section 1
For health facility staff who work in such areas, establish at least:
Handwashing before and after contact with a patient who has fever
should be a routine practice in the health facility — even when
VHF is not present. Washing hands with soap and water
eliminates microorganisms from the skin and hands. This provides
some protection against transmission of VHF and other diseases.
Use Standard Precautions with All Patients
3. Use clean water to rinse both hands and then the forearms.
If running water is not available, pour clean water from a
bucket over the soapy hands and forearms. The rinse water
should drain into
another bucket.
Section 1
Section 1
Section 1
Section 2
Identify Suspected Cases of VHF
Section 2 Identify Suspected Cases of VHF
Most patients who present with fever do not have a VHF. Their
fever is more often caused by malaria, typhoid fever, dysentery,
severe bacterial infection or other fever-producing illnesses usually
seen in the area.
The health worker probably will not suspect a VHF until more
severe signs develop and the patient does not respond to
recommended treatment for other illnesses.
Section 2
If no response to
antimalarial and
antibiotic treatment
Suspect a VHF
Begin VHF Isolation Precautions
Section 2
Record here the case definitions for VHFs that have been reported
in your area:
4 Annex 2 provides more information about VHFs seen in the area of your health facility.
Identify Suspected Cases of VHF
• Refer the patient to the isolation area and take the necessary
steps to begin VHF Isolation Precautions (See Section 3).
Section 2
Explain how VHF transmission can occur in the health facility and
the risks to health facility staff.5 Remind the staff that VHF is a
highly infectious disease. They must use VHF Isolation
Precautions whenever they have contact with the VHF patient, the
patient’s blood or other body fluids, or contaminated supplies and
5 The chart on page 4 of the Introduction summarizes the risk of VHF transmission in the health care
Identify Suspected Cases of VHF
Telephone Samples
Contact Information to
Agency and/or Fax to
Person Report
Number Collect
Section 2
Ask the patient (or a family member who can answer for the
Use the answers to identify others who had contact with the
patient. Provide them with information about VHF and when to
seek care.
Section 3
Isolate the Patient
• Select a site for the VHF isolation area and set up:
Section 3 Isolate The Patient
• Any area that can be separated from the rest of the health
facility (TB rooms, isolation ward for infectious diseases,
private or semiprivate rooms).
Section 3
Restrict access. Tie a rope or line around the area outside the
window to restrict the area and prevent entry through the window.
Make use of the available space and design of the health facility to
arrange the isolation area. The diagram below shows an ideal
arrangement for an isolation area. The next page shows examples
for a single patient’s room and for a ward with several patients.
Patient’s room
Changing room
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5
Bedside Storage
table shelf Hooks
Bed Storage
shelf Hooks
Bed Bed Bed
Changing room
Section 3
6 VHF viruses are lipid enveloped, and this feature makes them sensitive to destruction by detergent
Bedding for each bed -- at least 1 blanket and a bottom sheet. If necessary, the
patient or the patient's family can bring the bedding from home.
One thermometer, one stethoscope, and one blood-pressure cuff per patient.
Keep them in the isolation area for reuse with the same patient.
If there is not enough equipment to supply one each of these items per patient,
assign one piece of equipment for use only with the patients in the isolation area.
Large wall clock with a second hand for measuring respiration rates and pulse.
Screens or other barriers to place around the VHF patients' beds. This will
prevent patient-to-patient transmission through spills or splashes of infectious
body fluids or from aerosol routes.
If screens are not available, stretch ropes or lines from one end of the patient
area to the other. Hang sheets from the ropes.
Disinfection station with buckets, sprayer, bleach solutions, soap and water,
mop, and a supply of one-use towels. It is preferable to dispose of gloves after
each use. However, the reuse of gloves in many health facilities is a common
practice. Disinfect gloved hands between patients if there are not enough gloves
for health care workers to dispose of after each patient.
Section 3
Boot sprayer for disinfecting the boots before leaving the patient’s room.
Roll of plastic tape for taping cuffs and trousers of protective clothing.
Handwashing station with bucket, soap, soap dish, clean water, and supply of
one-use towels.
• Discarded gloves
Covered shelf (or plastic bags which can be closed) to store disinfected boots
The checklists at the end of this section can be used to gather supplies for the isolation
Set up changing rooms near the work areas for other health facility
staff who will handle laboratory specimens and who will clean
launder, or dispose of contaminated items. They will also need to
wear protective clothing during any contact they have with body
fluids or VHF-contaminated items.
Section 3
Provide the guard with the list of authorized persons and a sign-in
sheet. The guard can record who comes into the isolation area
and note the time of entry and departure.
13.6.98 Dr. Nsango 10:15 11:30
Nurse Intensive
13.6.98 10:00 11:30
Bandari Care
Nurse Intensive
13.6.98 11:00 13:30
Ninakazi Care
13.6.98 Madunda member 11:15
Isolate the Patient
Talk with family members and explain why the patient is being
isolated. Tell them about the risk of transmission for VHF and why
protective clothing is needed. Answer any questions they have.
Make sure there is a changing room for family members to use that
is separate from the changing room for health care workers.
Provide a set of protective clothing for the family members to wear
in the isolation room. At a minimum, make sure that the family
members wear at least a pair of gloves.
Section 3
• A handwashing station.
Section 3
Section 4
Wear Protective Clothing
Section 4 Wear Protective Clothing
Section 4
Wear Protective Clothing
Assign those staff who are entering the isolation area their own
pairs of boots. Staff members will be responsible for storing their
boots in a covered shelf or in a plastic sack between each use.
Section 4
• Open at the back and close with ties at the neck and waist.
front back
Plastic Aprons: Wear a plastic apron over the outer gown. The
apron prevents contact with infectious body fluids that may soak
through protective clothing when the
patient bleeds, coughs or vomits.
• Nurses
• Laboratory staff
• Cleaning staff
• Have ties at the waist that reach around and tie at the back.
Thick gloves: These are worn over an inner pair of thin or latex
gloves. They are worn to clean spills, launder reusable protective
clothing and patient bedding, handle disposable waste, and
conduct autopsies and burial preparations.
If gloves are not available, use plastic bags to cover the hands.
Section 4
Mask: Masks protect the health care worker's face from contact
with blood or droplets of infectious body fluids. Use masks that
cover the mouth and nose. Use a HEPA-filter or other biosafety
mask, a surgical mask, or a cotton mask made locally.
Do not touch the mask after it has been put on. The mask
may become contaminated once it is touched. To avoid
the necessity for touching the mask, make sure it fits
comfortably before entering the patient’s room.
Wear Protective Clothing
Head covering: A head covering or cap protects the hair and head
against splashes from the patient's vomit, blood, or other body
Section 4
Make sure the changing room (and the changing area for cleaning
and other staff) contains a supply of protective clothing. Section
3.4 describes how to set up a changing room.
Section 4
of gloves is worn,
cuff or gown.
This is especially
important if the
gown is being
• Place arms
through the
9. Put on the mask. Tie it at the back of the neck and towards
the top of the head.
Section 4
Remember! Make sure the mask, head cover and eyewear fit
comfortably. Once gloved hands have touched a patient, do not
touch the mask, headcover and eyewear.
Outer gloves and boots are likely to have the most contact with
infectious body fluids during patient care.
• Use a sprayer
containing 1:100
bleach solution to
spray boots
worker to pour
1:100 bleach
Fig. 35. Disinfecting the boots
solution over the
Section 4
• Pull the edge of the glove back over the gloved hand
so that the glove turns inside out as it is being pulled
After disinfecting the boots and removing the outer gloves, go into
the changing room.
Section 4
• If eyewear is heavily
soiled, wash the
eyeglasses in soapy
water and wipe them
clean. Store them in a
drawer or shelf with
the clean supply of
Fig. 40. Removing the eyewear
• A HEPA-filter or other
biosafety mask can be
reused by the same
health care worker as
long as it is not soiled.
If the HEPA-filter or
other biosafety mask is
soiled, discard it in a
bucket for disposal of Fig. 42. Removing the mask
contaminated waste.
Wear Protective Clothing
Section 4
11. Wash hands with soap and clean water before leaving the
changing room.
When gloves are in limited supply, use one pair of gloves only.
Modify the order for removing protective clothing as follows:
Section 4
Section 5
• Prepare disinfectants.
Section 5 Disinfect Reusable Supplies and Equipment
Section 5
— Surfaces
— Medical equipment
— Patient bedding
7 The recommendations in this section assume ordinary bleach solution has a 5% chlorine concentration.
Annex 8 contains a table describing quantities to use when preparing chlorine solutions from other
chlorine products.
• Clean water
Section 5
9 parts water
9 parts water
1:10 1:100
Disinfect Reusable Supplies and Equipment
Section 5
• Large bucket
4. Make sure the soap is well mixed with the water so there
are suds. Pour into pan or bucket for use in cleaning (see
Section 3.3).
3. Dip the gloved hands into the 1:100 bleach solution for 1
4. Dry the gloved hands with a one-use (or paper) towel, or let
the gloved hands air-dry.
Section 5
In the isolation room, each time health care workers wash their
hands between patients, they should also disinfect thermometers
and stethoscopes they have used to examine the patient.
Section 5
Section 5
10 Favero, MS, and Bond, WW. Sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsis in the hospital. In: Murray PR ed.
Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Washinton, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology. pp. 183-200,
Set aside a special part of the laundry or cleaning area for laundry
from suspected VHF patients. Make sure health facility staff who
handle contaminated laundry wear protective clothing, including
thick gloves as the second pair of gloves.
Place a sprayer or pan with 1:100 bleach solution at the exit of the
patient's room. Change the pan often. Steps for disinfecting boots
are described in Section 4.4.
Section 5
1. If the plastic sheeting becomes soiled during its use with the
same patient, remove liquid or solid waste with absorbent
towels. Discard them in the container for collecting
infectious waste for burning. Then, wash the plastic
sheeting with 1:100 bleach solution.
2. Flood the soiled area with soapy water and rinse with clean
Section 5
Section 6
Dispose of Waste Safely
Section 6 Dispose of Waste Safely
• Non-reusable gloves
• Used disinfectants.
Section 6
— Laboratory supplies.
Note: All staff who are likely to handle infectious material should
know and use VHF Isolation Precautions. Reinforce with all health
facility staff the importance of handling infectious waste safely.
• Train and supervise the staff who carry out waste disposal.
Section 6
• 220-litre (55-gallon)
• Hammer
2. Cut open the drum by removing the top in one piece. Save
the top cutaway piece.
Section 6
7. Use the top piece of the drum that was cut away in step 2
to make the platform. It will rest on the crossed rods and
hold the infectious material to be burned. The platform
also lets air come in from the bottom of the drum so that
the temperatures at the bottom are high enough to
completely burn the material.
9. Cut away half of the bottom of the drum (which is now the
top of the incinerator and is facing up). Attach the wire
loops to the cutaway half. Attach another loop for a handle
to open the trap door. Items to be burned will be put in the
incinerator through this door.
10. Place the platform you made in Step 7 inside the drum on
top of the rods. Replace the incinerator if, as a result of the
heat, large holes appear in the sides.
metal rods
1. Place the infectious waste inside the top of the drum. Soak
the waste in one litre of fuel.
3. Watch the fire and frequently mix the waste with the metal
bars to be sure all of the waste is burned.
4. When the fire has gone out, empty the ashes into a pit.
Section 6
1. Locate the pit far from the normal traffic flow of the health
4. When the fire has gone out, if any waste remains, repeat
the steps for burning.
5. When no waste remains and the fire goes out, cover the
ashes with soil.
Tie a rope around the disposal area. Hang warning signs from the
rope that tell people this is a dangerous area. Also station a guard
to prevent unauthorized access to the disposal area.
Section 6
Section 7
Section 7 Use Safe Burial Practices
2. Spray the body and the area around it with 1:10 bleach
Section 7
2. Any health facility staff who must touch or carry the body
during transport should wear the same protective clothing
as is worn in the isolation area. Note: The driver does not
need to wear protective clothing if there is no contact
with the body.
Use Safe Burial Practices
2. Rinse the interior of the vehicle where the body was carried
with 1:10 bleach solution.
4. Rinse well with clean water and let the vehicle air-dry. Be
sure to rinse well because the solution is corrosive to the
Section 7
Section 8
Section 8
• Local governments
• Businesses
• Schools
• Service organizations
Record the information on a chart such as the one below. Use it for planning and refer
to it when VHF cases occur.
Section 8
Mobilize Community Resources and Conduct Community Education
Section 8
For example, the custom in the community may be to visit the sick
when they are at home. Plan a message about limiting visitors.
Also include information about how diseases are transmitted. This
will help the community understand why they must change their
customary practice.
Section 8
• Door-to-door campaigns
• Radio messages
Mobilize Community Resources and Conduct Community Education
Section 8
Section 9
• Identify and train key staff who will work with VHF cases.
• Inform all health facility staff about VHFs and the risks
associated with them.
Section 9
• Do all staff wash their hands after contact with each patient,
especially new patients with fever?
Assess the need for training your health staff to suspect a VHF. For
• Has an area been selected for VHF isolation that meets the
criteria described in Section 3.1?
Section 9
• Have the health care workers who will have access to the
isolation area if a VHF case is suspected been identified?
While all health facility staff should know and use Standard
Precautions consistently, identify the health care workers
who must also know how and when to use VHF Isolation
The VHF Coordinator should also meet with each group to explain
the risk of health facility transmission and the training schedules
and to answer any questions they have.
Make Advance Preparations to Use VHF Isolation Precautions
• Each virus causes a different disease, but all attack the small
blood vessels that carry blood through the body.
11 Annex 14 contains a suggested agenda for training during in-service meetings. It can be adapted by
individual health facilities.
12 See Annex 2 for more information about VHFs reported in your area.
Section 9
• Use protective clothing for all staff who have contact with
VHF patients or their body fluids.
Then, when a VHF case is suspected, the committee can meet and
take action to mobilize resources and carry out community
Section 9
Use the checklist at the end of this section to assess which supplies
are already available in the health facility. If these supplies are
available, can they be set aside for use when VHF Isolation
Precautions are needed? If they are not available, could they be
borrowed from another service if an outbreak occurred?
For example, assess the present system for waste disposal. Find
out what is needed to carry out safe waste disposal when a VHF
case is suspected. Ask health facility staff to prepare an incinerator
(if none is available) so it is ready in advance. Let health facility
staff practice using it before cases occur.
The checklist that starts on the next page lists the necessary items
and recommended quantities. Use it to assess whether an item is
available. Also list what needs to be done to be prepared for VHF
Isolation Precautions.
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Source of clean water prepared as needed
Bucket or pan for use with handwashing 1 for each location in the health facility where
handwashing is required
Sharps containers 1 for each location where sharp instruments are used
Pans with soapy water to collect needles 1 for each location where sharp instruments are used
and syringes to be cleaned and
disinfected for reuse
Pans with full-strength bleach 1 for cleaning area
Clean and disinfected jar for storing 1 for each patient isolation area
disinfected needles and syringes
* This is a recommended minimum level of Standard Precautions for use with all patients regardless of their infectious status.
VHF Isolation Precautions Supplies: Patient Isolation
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Bed 1 per patient
Large wall clock with a second hand 1 per patient isolation room
VHF Isolation Precautions Supplies: Patient Isolation
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
One-use towels 1 roll per patient per week or stay
Screens (or sheets hung from ropes or enough length to go around isolation area
lines) placed between VHF patients’ beds
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Scrub suits 1 - 2 reusable scrub suits per health staff
Plastic aprons 1 reusable apron for each health staff who needs one
3 disposable aprons per health staff per week
Thin gloves 3 dozen disposable pairs per health staff per week
HEPA-filter or other bio-safety mask 1 - 2 per health staff who needs one
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Covered shelf for storing disinfected 1 outside the changing room
* All health facility staff -- including cleaning, waste disposal, and laundry staff -- who handle, disinfect or clean VHF-contaminated supplies and equipment should wear the same
protective clothing as health care workers who provide direct patient care.
VHF Isolation Precautions Supplies: Disinfection
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Supplies for preparing disinfectants
Plastic bucket with lid or cover for 1
preparing 1:10 bleach solution
Containers for preparing 1:100 bleach 1 large container or several small ones
Pan or bucket with 1:10 bleach solution 1 per each disinfection station
Pan or bucket with 1:100 bleach solution 1 per each disinfection station
Pan with soapy water for collecting used 1 per patient isolation area
needles and syringes
VHF Isolation Precautions Supplies: Disinfection
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Sprayer, bucket or shallow pan with 1 for the disinfection station in patient room
1:100 bleach solution for disinfecting
Sprayer, 1:100 bleach solution, clean 1 per each disinfection station
water for disinfecting spills on floor or
Mop 1 per each disinfection station
Buckets with 1:100 bleach solution 2 - 3 (10 - 30 litres of bleach solution is needed daily)
Buckets with soapy water 2 - 3 (10 - 30 litres of soapy water is needed daily)
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Containers with 1:100 bleach solution for 1 per patient isolation area
collecting infectious waste
Pit or incinerator for burning infectious 1 per facility, pit should be 2 meters deep
Rope to make barrier around the waste enough length to go around the waste disposal site
disposal site
* If no incinerator is available, make one from an empty 220-litre (55-gallon) oil or fuel drum.
VHF Isolation Precautions Supplies: Safe Burial Practices
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Available Obtain Ready for Use
Supply of 1:10 bleach solution prepared as needed
Sprayer 1
Recommended Item Recommended Amount Amount Amount to Local Adaptations Tick if Item is
Standard Precautions aim to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the health
care setting, even when the source of infection is not known. Standard
Precautions are designed for use with all patients who present in the health care
setting and apply to:
• Blood and most body fluids whether or not they contain blood
• Broken skin
• Mucous membranes.
To reduce the risk of disease transmission in the health care setting, use the
following Standard Precautions.
1. Wash hands immediately with soap and water before and after examining
patients and after any contact with blood, body fluids and contaminated
items — whether or not gloves were worn. Soaps containing an
antimicrobial agent are recommended.
2. Wear clean, ordinary thin gloves anytime there is contact with blood, body
fluids, mucous membrane, and broken skin. Change gloves between tasks
or procedures on the same patient. Before going to another patient,
remove gloves promptly and wash hands immediately, and then put on
new gloves.
3. Wear a mask, protective eyewear and gown during any patient-care activity
when splashes or sprays of body fluids are likely. Remove the soiled gown
as soon as possible and wash hands.
4. Handle needles and other sharp instruments safely. Do not recap needles.
Make sure contaminated equipment is not reused with another patient until
it has been cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized properly. Dispose of
non-reusable needles, syringes, and other sharp patient-care instruments in
puncture-resistant containers.
6. Clean and disinfect soiled linens and launder them safely. Avoid direct
contact with items soiled with blood and body fluids.
13 Adapted from Garner JS, Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for Isolation
Precautions In Hospitals, January 1996. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Service, US
Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Georgia.
Annex 1
8. Minimize the use of invasive procedures to avoid the potential for injury
and accidental exposure. Use oral rather than injectable medications
whenever possible.
When a specific diagnosis is made, find out how the disease is transmitted. Use
precautions according to the transmission risk.
• If airborne transmission:
3. Limit movement of the patient from the room to other areas. Place a
surgical mask on the patient who must be moved.
• If droplet transmission:
• If contact transmission:
2. Wear gloves during contact with patient and with infectious body
fluids or contaminated items. Reinforce handwashing throughout
the health facility.
ANNEX 2 Specific Features of VHFs14
Dengue HF, Dengue All Tropic and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Increased world-wide distribution of the mosquito and the movement of dengue
Shock Syndrome subtropical Regions Mosquito-human-mosquito viruses in travellers is increasing the areas that are becoming infected.
(DHF/DSS) maintenance. Transmission occurs
with the frequent geographic
transport of viruses by travellers.
Note: The reservoir rodent is very common in Africa and the disease is a major
cause of severe febrile illness in West Africa.
14 Peters CJ, Zaki SR, Rollin PE. Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Chapter 10 in Atlas of Infectious Diseases, vol 8, vol ed Robert Fekety, book ed GL Mandell. Philadelphia:
Churchill Livingstone. 1997: pp10.1-10.26.
Geographical and epidemiological characteristics of VHFs
Crimean Congo HF 3-12 days 15% - 30% Most severe bleeding and ecchymoses (a purplish patch caused by blood
coming from a vessel into the skin) of all the HF.
Disease haemorrhage Thrombo leukocyte rash icterus 3 renal pulmonary tremor4, encephalo deafness eye lesions
cytopenia1 count 2 disease disease dysarthria5 pathy6
History of Viral
Haemorrhagic Fevers Major Signs and Symptoms Transmission Route
Seen in Your Area
*Place outside the changing room if the changing room is too small
Annex 3
10. Sprayer, 1:100 bleach solution, clear water, and mop for
disinfecting spills on floor and walls
12. Screens (or sheets hung from ropes or lines) placed between
VHF patients’ beds
Use the grid on the next page to draw the layout of an isolation area in your own
health facility. Be sure to include:
• Changing room for health care workers to use for changing clothes
• Changing area for cleaning staff who handle VHF-contaminated waste but
who do not do direct patient-care activities.
Annex 3
When a VHF is suspected, develop a case definition based on the VHF that has
occurred. Use it to identify new cases during the outbreak. For example, the
current case definition for suspecting Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) is:
Anyone living or deceased with:
• Contact with a suspected case of EHF AND
• A history of fever, with or without signs of bleeding.
Anyone living or deceased with a history of fever AND 3 of the following symptoms:
• Headache
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Diarrhoea
• Weakness or severe fatigue
• Abdominal pain
• Generalized muscle or joint pain
• Difficulty swallowing
• Difficulty breathing
• Hiccups
Any unexplained death in an area with suspected cases of EHF.
Annex 4
3. Set up a temporary area that is separate from the rest of the facility where
febrile patients can wait to be seen by a health care worker. Also use this
area for patients who have been seen by a health care worker and who are
waiting to go to the isolation area.
4. Identify a family liaison person from the health facility staff who can spend
time with families to answer questions, provide information about the VHF
and its transmission. If family members help provide care when relatives
are in hospital, make sure they know how to use protective clothing when
they are with the patient in the isolation area. Help families with
arrangements for cooking, washing and sleeping.
5. Designate a separate building or ward for placing patients with the same
disease together in a single isolation area. Select and isolate a toilet or
latrine for disposal of disinfected patient waste and other liquid waste.
6. Restrict access to the building or ward set aside as the isolation area. Set
up walkways from the temporary area to the isolation area by tying ropes
along the walkway and hanging plastic sheets from them.
7. Prepare a list of health facility staff authorized to enter the isolation area.
Station a guard at the entry to the isolation area, and provide the guard
with the list of authorized persons. The guard will use the list to limit
access to the isolation area to authorized health facility staff and, if
necessary, the caregiving family member.
8. Provide the guard with a sign-in sheet for recording who goes into the
isolation area and the time of entry and departure.
10. Obtain additional patient supplies. Make sure each patient has a bed and
mattress or sleeping mat. Designate medical equipment for use with each
VHF patient (for example, a thermometer, a stethoscope, and a
blood-pressure cuff for each patient). If there are not enough items
available to provide one per patient, be sure to clean and disinfect the
items before use with the next patient.
11. Make sure schedules are carried out as planned for collecting, transporting
and burning infectious waste daily. Make sure that burning is supervised
and that security of the burning site is maintained.
Annex 4
Elastic ¾ meter
Annex 5
20 cm
(7.5 inches)
108 cm
(42 inches)
148 to 158 cm
(58 to 62 inches)
46 cm (18-inch) loop
or 2 long ties
25 - 30 cm
(10 to 12 inches)
41 cm
(16 inches)
66 to 71 cm
Annex 5
1. Cut 4 pieces of
cotton cloth to the
size shown.
20 cm 28 to 30 cm
2. Cut 1 piece from a (11 to 12 inches)
(8 inches)
different colour.
Use it as the inside
of the mask.
4. Sew on ties.
Requirements Made from cotton cloth, cotton blend, or disposable fabric. The requirements
are the same for both disposable and reusable gowns.
— Open at the back with ties at the neck, waist and middle of the back.
— If only large size is available, larger size can be cut and altered to fit
smaller people.
If elasticized or ribbed cuffs are not available, attach thumb hooks to the end
of the gown's sleeves. The thumb hooks can then be covered with the long
wrist-sleeve of the gloves.
Requirements Aprons are worn if there is risk of direct exposure to body fluids. The aprons
are worn by physicians, nurses, corpse carriers, and cleaners. The
requirements for the apron are the same for disposable or reusable models.
Aprons should have the following requirements:
— Rubber or plastic apron with hooks or ties around the neck and with ties at
the back.
— Made from disposable plastic or heavy plastic which can be disinfected for
— Able to fit over gown.
Annex 6
Requirements To prevent contamination of hair and head from patient's vomit or blood:
— Use disposable caps.
— If disposable caps are not available, use cotton caps that can be
laundered and reused.
Requirements Worn to protect mouth and nose from splashes or droplets of patient's body
— Lightweight
— Easy to use
3. Dust-mist masks
4. Surgical masks only protect from droplets splashed in the face. They
are not HEPA rated.
Quantity HEPA mask _______ Biosafety mask _______ Dust-mist mask _______
Thin gloves
Requirements Thin gloves to permit fine motor function. They can be surgical glove quality
but do not need to be sterile.
— Must reach well above the wrist, preferably 10 to 15 cm (4" to 6") long,
measuring from the wrist up along the arm.
Thick gloves
Requirements Thick gloves for handling bodies, disinfection, and disposal of infectious
— Should be made from neoprene or other thick rubber material.
— Must reach well above the wrist, preferably about 30 cm (12”), measuring
from wrist up along the arm.
Boots or overboots
Requirements The requirements are the same for both latex overboots which can stretch over
street shoes, and regular rubber boots
— Provide several sizes to meet size requirements of anyone who might use
them (for example, obtain pairs of boots in sizes medium, and large).
Overboots are preferable to regular boots. They take up less space, fewer
sizes are needed, and they are less expensive.
Quantity Total number of pairs of overboots _______ (medium _____ large _____)
Total number of pairs of rubber boots ______ (medium _____ large _____)
Protective eyewear
— Should have ties extending from ear holders that can be tied around the
back of the head so glasses will not fall off when health care worker leans
over patient.
Annex 6
Sprayers: backpack style with hose to use for cleaning and disinfecting spills,
rinsing boots, and other decontamination procedures.
Waterproof mattresses
Front lamps: to fit over the physician's head to provide light when physician is
examining patients.
Kerosene lamps
Body bags
The Standard Precautions and VHF Isolation Precautions described in this manual
recommend using a source of clean water. In an emergency situation, health
facility staff may not have access to clean running water. For example, if the
power supply is cut off, water cannot be pumped to the health facility. Other
sources of water could be contaminated.
This Annex describes how to use household bleach to disinfect water when clean
running water is not available in the health facility.
Adding a small amount of full strength household bleach to water will disinfect it
enough so that it can be safely used for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.15
1. Locate several containers for storing the disinfected water. They should
• A spigot, if possible.
An example of a water
2. Make available:
3. Clean and disinfect the containers. To disinfect the containers, wash them
with soap and water, or rinse them with 1:100 bleach solution.
4. Collect water from the available source (for example, a river, stream, or
well used by the village).
15 World Health Organisation: Cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases control -- technical cards on
environmental sanitation. Document WHO/EMC/DIS/97.6. Geneva: 1997.
Annex 7
5. Place the water into the disinfected containers, and add 3 drops of full
strength household bleach per litre of water.
Let the water stand for 30 minutes. This water is now safe to drink and to
use for preparing meals. Clearly label the containers so that the health
facility staff will know that the water is for drinking and is available for use.
Use a marking pen to write DRINKING WATER on the container, or put a sign
on it that says DRINKING WATER.
— Handwashing stations in
3. Find a spoon, cup or bleach bottle cap that can be used to measure the
required amount of bleach. Count the number of drops that the measuring
spoon, cup or bottle cap will hold.
Example: 75 drops of bleach = 1 teaspoon
4. Use the measuring spoon or cup to measure the amount of bleach each
time the large quantity of water is disinfected.
Annex 7
The disinfectants recommended in this manual are made with household bleach.
This table describes how to make 1:10 and 1:100 chlorine solutions from other
chlorine products.
Annex 8
• Plastic tape.
1. Gather several plastic bottles and boxes made from cardboard or other
sturdy, burnable material.
2. Tape the sides and lid of the cardboard box together so the top side is
3. Draw a circle on the top of the box that is the same diameter as the plastic
Annex 9
33 cm
(13 inches) 19 cm
(8 inches)
52 cm
(21 inches)
7 Put on the
3 Put on the
first pair of
8 Put on a
4 Put on the
outer gown.
9 Put on the
Steps for Taking Off Protective Clothing
6 Disinfect the
gloved hands. 12 Wash hands with
soap and clean
Steps for Building an Incinerator
8 Pierce a series of
holes on the side
of the drum and
3 Hammer the edges of the drum so they above the crossed
are not sharp. rods to improve
the draw of the
4 Cut 3 half-moon
openings just 9 Cut away half of
above the top end the top. Attach the
of the drum. wire loops to the
cutaway half to
make a trap door.
Attach another
loop for a handle
to open the trap
Always wear protective clothing when handling specimens from suspected VHF
cases. Label all tubes carefully with name, date of collection and hospital
number. Provide a patient summary or fill out a clinical signs and symptoms form
(Annex 12). Contact your district officer for special instructions about collecting
and shipping specimens.
Annex 11
*** Whole blood or tissue is preferred, although serum or plasma may provide
**** Use both ice packs and dry ice to provide best results. If dry ice or ice
packs are not available, sample may be shipped at room temperature and
still provide valid results in most cases.
Ebola virus can be detected in fatal cases from a skin specimen using an
immunohistochemistry test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) Infectious Diseases Pathology Activity. The skin specimen is
fixed in formalin which kills the virus. The specimen is no longer infectious once
it is placed in formalin and the outside of the vial has been decontaminated. This
vial can be shipped by mail or hand carried to the lab without risk. Results are
available within a week after the specimen arrives at the CDC.
CDC provides Skin Biopsy Kits for the collection of skin samples in formalin. If
these are available in your area, follow the simple instructions that are provided in
the kit. An example of the instructions is on the following pages.
If a kit is not available, the biopsy can still be collected and sent for diagnosis to:
Annex 12
Check the list of equipment and make sure everything is in place before beginning.
Shipping Instructions:
Be sure to fill out the forms with the name of the patient on each page. Number the vial and put
the number on the form. This is very important, especially if you have more than one specimen to
send. Use a pencil to write on the lid of the vial.
The formalin- and chaotrope-fixed specimens are not infectious. The vial can be sent by
normal mail or carried on a plane without risk to the carrier.
Put the forms and the vial containing the specimen into the mailing tube. Close the lid tightly and
seal with tape if available. Put the label on the tube and send it to CDC by the post office. It can
be mailed in your country or if someone carries it to the United States, it can be placed in any
U.S. mailbox.
4. Take the equipment to the work 11. Wearing the interior gloves, pour
site. Label vials with patient name excess bleach solution out at the base
and date. Open the vials of of the incinerator (without pouring out
formalin and chaotrope.* Open the equipment). Empty equipment from
instruments: the scissors and the bucket by dumping directly into the
tweezers. Arrange them for use incinerator. Remove interior gloves
near the body. and place them in the incinerator.
Using caution, light the incinerator.
5. Gently turn the head of 12. Wash your hands with soap
the cadaver to expose the and water. The specimen is not
side of the neck. infectious after it is placed in
formalin and chaotrope, and the
outside of the vial is disinfected.
7. From the piece of skin, cut a smaller sample 14. Place the vials and the
(about the size of a rice grain) and place it in the patient forms in the mailing
chaotrope. See example sample size. Close the tube and send to CDC
cap tightly to prevent leaks. Atlanta. Do not freeze the
* Chaotrope is a skin irritant and may be harmful if swallowed or splashed in the eye. Use caution when handling open containers of chaotrope.
In case of contact on skin, wash with soap and water. In case of contact in eyes, flush with water or saline. Get medical attention immediately.
For safety data about formalin, see label on container.
Hemorrhagic Fever Surveillance Form
Vial Number:
Contact address (Important: to receive results, give a very specific contact address):
Telephone/Fax number:
Profession or occupation:
Date of first symptoms: Date of admittance:
Date of death: Date of biopsy:
If patient was not hospitalized, who cared for the patient?
If the patient was hospitalized, use the table attached to mark the
symptoms you observed and any other important observations.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms Form
Name of Patient:
Symptoms (Check each one Date of appearance:
Extreme weakness after
Sore Throat
Loss of appetite
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Chest pain
Rapid respiration
Recent loss of hearing
Burning sensations of the skin
Bleeding, specify below: Date of appearance:
Black or bloody vomit
Black or bloody stool
Skin or puncture site
Other bleeding: (specify)
Other Observations:(specify)
Selection criteria for testing of suspected
viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF)
Patient’s last name, first name:
When to obtain a skin biopsy sample for testing:
The patient had the following symptoms within 2 weeks preceding death:
Fever and
Diarrhea and
The patient failed to respond to treatment with no definitive diagnosis and died
with at least 3 of the following:
Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing
Red eyes
Skin eruptions
Burning sensation of the skin
Bleeding: nose, mouth, urine, stools (black or bloody), or vomit (black
or bloody)
Rapid respiration
Patient reports another similar death in the family within last 10 days*
* Measures should be taken to put the family and contacts under surveillance.
Obtain a skin biopsy sample , following the instructions given in this document.
Examples of posters or
haemorrhagic fevers
Never touch urine, blood, vomit from a patient
with fever.
Wash spills with bleach solution or soap and water.
Training in skills is most effective if health staff receive information, see examples,
and have an opportunity to practice the skills they are learning. Make sure that
training sessions for each topic include relevant examples and opportunities for
meaningful practice.
Conduct training sessions in small groups with each category of health worker.
• Give examples of the skills you would like the health staff to use. For
example, demonstrate the steps for handwashing as you explain aloud
what you are doing.
• Provide the materials and supplies that health staff need to practice the
skill. For example, provide two buckets of clean water, soap and clean,
one-use towels. Ask health workers one at a time to practice washing their
hands. Ask for feedback from the rest of the group about what was done
well and where improvement is needed.
• Provide feedback to the health staff and answer questions. Conclude the
training by summarizing the steps presented in the session. Provide a
job-aid or handout to tape on a wall to remind health facility staff about the
skills they learned in the session.
• Routinely monitor supplies and equipment to make sure that the supplies
for doing the desired skill are available. During supervisory visits, be sure
to acknowledge when you see health staff using the skills well. When
problems occur, find out what has caused them, and take steps to solve
them so that health staff can continue to use the practices consistently.
Annex 14
August 1. Sites for Isolation Area (Patient Room and Changing Room); Security Barriers
2. Planning to Set Up an Isolation Area
October 1. Selecting and Training Caregiving Family Members: VHF, Protective Clothing
Annex 15
Representative or
Organization Leader and Human Available Task
Expertise Contacted?
or Group Locating Resources Equipment Assigned
Annex 16
GERMANY Philipps-University
Institute of Virology
Robert-Koch-Str. 17
D-35037 Marburg, Germany
Telephone: 49-6421-28-6253
Fax: 49-6421-28-8962
Annex 16
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Gear JS, Cassel GA, Gear AJ, Trappler B, Clausen L, Myers AM, Kew MC,
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Johnson KM. African hemorrhagic fevers caused by Marburg and Ebola viruses.
In: Evans AS, ed. Viral Infections of Humans, Epidemiology and Control. New
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Oxford University Press. pp. 159-175, 1991
Peters CJ, Zaki SR, and PE Rollin. Viral hemorrhagic fevers. In: Fekety R, vol. ed.
Mandell GL, book ed. Atlas of Infectious Diseases, vol 8. Philadelphia: Churchill
Livingstone. 10.1-10.26, 1997
Sanchez A, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE, Peters CJ, Nichol ST, Khan AS, and BWJ Mahy.
Reemergence of Ebola virus in Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases: 1: 96-97,
Patient Management
Peters CJ, Johnson ED, and KT McKee Jr. Filoviruses and management of patients
with viral hemorrhagic fevers. In: Belshe RB, ed. Textbook of Human Virology.
St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. pp. 699-712, 1991
McCoy CB, Rivers JE, McCoy HV, Shapshak P, Weatherby NL, Chitwood DD,
Page JB, Inciard JA, and DC McBride. Compliance to bleach disinfection
protocols among injecting drug users in Miami. Journal of Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndromes: 7: 773-776, 1994
Watters JK. Historical perspective on the use of bleach in HIV/AIDS prevention.
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes: 7: 743-746, 1994
Watters JK, Jones TS, Shapeshak P, McCoy CB, Flynn N, Gleghorn A, and
D Vlahov. Household bleach as disinfectant for use by injecting drug users (letter:
comment). Lancet: 342: 742-743, 1993
Baudon D. Virus Ebola et fièvre jaune: les leçons à tirer des épidémies.
Médecine Tropicale: 55: 133-134, 1995
World Health Organization. Une flambée de fièvre de la vallée du Rift en Afrique
105-109, 1998
Supplies 34-36
Diagnostic testing
Posters 26, 165-169, 181-184
Order for putting on clothing 53-56
141-142, 161
Purchasing protective clothing 153-155
Apron 48-49
Boots 47
Bedding 80-81
Eyewear 52
Bedpan 76
Gloves 46, 49-50
Boots 57, 79
Head cover 51-52
Gloved hands 73
Mask 50-51
Gloves, reusable 74
Scrub suit 46
Infectious waste 78
Laundry 79
Disposable 15-16
Handwashing 12-13, 116, 133
Reusable 15
Minimum level for your health facility 12
Patient’s utensils 76
Disposal of sharp instruments 14-16, 133
Spills 77-78
Precautions 133-134
What to disinfect 67
Epidemiology 135-136
General 3, 119
Burial 97
Reporting 27
Suspecting 21-23
Glossary 8
Transmission 3, 4, 120
Purpose 31
Waste disposal
Incinerator 86
Items to be disposed of 85
Methods 85-86
Pit 92
Selecting site 89
Security 93