011 - Queen-Empress v. Jogendra Chunder (35-47)

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, gg

own shares. Tlie pTirchase-tnoney, howeverj, came into ttelr 1891

hands; a'iid as administrators they would be boimd to administer 'pejojjath
the same as part of the assets o f the estate; hut whether they do E abab
so or not, it does not aifeot the title of the purchaser. (See in Sfeja
this coniiectlon, West o f England and South Wales District £ank C ooius
y. Miireh (1) and Corser y. OartwrigJit (2). oswami.
W e hold, therefore, that Uma Churn acquii'ed a good title under
Via purchase; and it follows, therefore, that he was entitled to sell
the notes to Mr. Braunfeld. No doubt, before Mr. Braunfeld
obtained his conveyance, the plaintiff gave him notice of his
purchase, but ttiis was after he (Mr. Braunfeld). had entered into
a contract for the purchase with Uma Chiun, and paid a portion
of the'purohase-ttLoney.
Upon these grounds we are of opinion that the plaintifi is not
entitled to succeed in this case; the result being that the appeal
will be disnaissed with costs.
Appeal dismissed. ,
T. A. P.


, Sefore Sir W. Comer Petheram, Knight, Chief Judies.

QUE51N-EMPE.ESS v. JOG-ENDEA CHCTNDEE BOSEaitd oth h es. j^ g g i

Disaffection and, disapprobafion~-Pe>ial Code {A ct X L V of 1860), Au(ju,st 26.

ss. 124A, 500— D
’ efamation.
Tlie terma ‘ disafEeotion ’ arid ‘ disapprobation ’ explained, and seotiofl
124A referred to, and explained to the Jury.

JoGEBBRA OHUN0 BB BosBj Kristo Ohunder Banerjee, BrdjS

]Raj Banerjee, and Arunodoy E oy were' committed for trial at
the Calcutta Sessions by th& Officiating Chief Presidency Magis­
trate as the Proprietor, Editor, Manager, and Printer df ths
Btingobasif a weeHy vernacular newspaper, having a large Tnnfassi]
circulation and having its office at No. 34-1, Colootollah Street.
The accused were ohai’ged under sections 124A and 500 of the
PenalrOode with attempting to excite feelings of disafEeotion to
ihe government established by law in British India, and with

(1) L. E., 23 CL D., 188. (2) I, E.,. ? H. I,., 7S1.,

]ggi defaming the Governmeufc of India by puMisMng certain articles
------------ “ on the 28th of Maxoh, the 16th of May, and the 6th of June
EsiPKEsa 1891. The charges under section 500 were, however, during the
JoGENDEA ai'gTunent at the trial, atruok out.
Chtindee The articles in respect of whioh the above charges were framed
were five in number, and may be shortly Bummarisod as follows:—

“ Our Condition”
“ The English ruler is our lord and master, p,nd can interfere-with
our religion and usages by brute foroe and European civilisation.,
The Hindu ie powerless to resist; but be is superior to your nation
in good morals, in gentle conduct, -and in good education. Hindu
civilisation and the Hindu religion are in danger of beifig des­
“ The Bevealed form of the English Ruler.”

The Englishman stands revealed in Ms true oolcurs. H e has

the rifie and bayonet, and slanders the Hindu the might of
the gun. H ow are we to conciliate him? W e cannot fepsot
mei’cy or justice from him. Our chief fear is that religion will
be destroyed, but the Hindu religion will nevertheless remain

For the undvilised, undisgimedpolicy is good”

“ W e sufler fi’om the ravages of famine, from inundations, from
the oppressive delays of the law courts, from aocidents on steamers
and railways. All these misfortunes have become more prev^ent
with the extension of English rule in India; but our rulers do not '
attempt to remove these troubles or to amehorate our condition.
A ll their compassion is expended in removing the iniaginary
grievances of girl-wives, and in interfermg with our customs. We"
should freely vent our real grievances.”

“ The most important and the first idea of the uncivilised Sindu.^
“ W e are unable to rebel, but we are not of those who say i^,.
would be improper to do so if we could. W e have been coi}.quere| '
by brute force, but we are superior to the English in ethic's ' and
moraUty, in which we hare nothing to learn from them. ^YouJmay
crush the body, but you cannot affect the mind. Others like
VOL. X IX .] C IL C U IT A S IB IE S . 37

Auriingaebe and Kalapahar Iiaye tried before you and failed. You is 9i
should not try and suppress girl-man'iage beeause you won at
Plassey and Assays. It is error and presiimptiou on. your part to I mpbess
attempt to reform oiir morala.” J oqbm-dea
B o sb.
“ Whai is the end to he. ? ”

“ The outlook is a gloomy one. In 50 years death, is certain,

food bas quadrupled in price in tlie last 30 years. The land
is fertile, yet a mountain could be constructed from the bones of
those ■who perished in the Orissa famine alone. Poi'ents liavo
devoured thei>-' cHIclren. Famines must result from high, prices,
and the recent riot at 33enares is to be attributed to this cause.
Eduoa-tion renders people unfit to earn tbeir living by manual
laboui’. ThiTcause of all this is the drain put upon tbecountry
by the British Grovernment which -will never cease until the
country is completely exhausted.”
Other articles were referred to at the trial written subsequently
to the above dates, and up to -within a week of the initiation o f the
prooeediags. These articles were sought to be used in the
oharactor of* fresh evidence to show animus on the part of the
The Officiating Standing Counsel (Mr. Pugh), Mr. Woodrqffe,
Mr. Evans, and Mr. JDunne appeared for. the Crown.
Mr. Jachon, Mr. iV. N. Qfms, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Sinha
appeared for the accused.
Mr. Pugh in opening the case for the prosecution at great length,
first dealt with the topics referred to in, the articles, which liave
been nptioed briefly for the purposes of the present report. And
in connection with the liberty of th.e Press, pointed out that it had
only been interfered with for three years since Lord Metcalfe’s time
(1885), that is to say, in 1857, and from 1878 to ISSI, and continued
as follows:—If the Press are at liberty to hold up the Q-overnment
of a country to public execration as being destroyers aiid persecutors
of the people, as having a settled design to destroy the religion
of the'people, and as being the cause of famines and other oalami-
Ciesf it would be impossible for any G-overnment to exist. That,
araounts*to exciting feelings of disloyalty and disaffection, wHch.

1S91 has found vent in riots at Calcutta, Benares, and elsewheie. I

^ QuEEif- '^'ould refer to tlie remarks of Baron Deasy in the case of Reg. v.
Euphess PigoU (1), in "whicli it was pointed out that the Government had
Jq& endsaa right to protect itself by bringing the newspaper before a Jury.
OiTONDEE newspapers attempt to excite feelings of sedition and no
redress can be obtained from Juries, then some stringent measures
curtailing the liberty of the Press, as had been done in 1878,
would have to be adopted. The case of Ireland is analogous,
to the case here, and Eeg. v. Pigoit (I) is therefore a case in
point. In these articles no attempt at a reasonable discussion
of the Age of Consent Bill is to be found. There is nothing
but vituperation and invective. In one of the articles it is stated
that rebellion was not possible, and the intention here is to^ bring
the people into this frame of m ind;— “ W e would- rebel if wq
could,” which is inconsistent with loyalty to Government. The
intention of the articles in referring to famines and high prices and
charging the Government with persecuting the Hindu religion
is to make the people discontented and dissatisfied. These
■writings must be measured with reference to the oireiimstances
of a country where there ia always danger of riots. I t is always
dangerous to attempt to excite the religious feelings of the people,
and where the Government is compared to the Emperor Aurungzsbe,
one of the most persistent persecutors of the Hindu religian, and
to Kalapahar, whoso name was held in the-greatest abho7»renc9
by Hindus, surely the public peace is imperilled. Again, the
articles are directed to inflame the prejudices of people of the
lower classes by appealing to then’ superstitious feehngs. With
this object the British Government were compared to revolting
characters in the Hindu mythology.
[Mr. Pugh then proceeded to read and comment on the article?
at length, and in addressing the Court upon the history and
construction of section 124A continued as follows]
Seotioii 124A was framed by the Indian Law Commissioners m
1887, the enfranchisement of the Press having taken place in
1835. In 1839 it was proposed to insert the iseotion in the draft
Penal Code. The section was, however, unaccountably omitted
fro^a tlj.0 Ijidifta Penal Code in 1860. In 1870 the present setftion
(1) 11 Cox, Cr. Ca., 60 (61).

beoame law, and from that time to this there Las been no pro- I89l
gecution under the seotion. Praoticaily the offence before the —
Jury is the attempting to exoite, by words intended to be read, Bmphess
feelings of disaffection to the GoTernment, the Expkm iion to the j-oaENnEA
section is intended to cover eyery sort of k ’wfal criticism o f the C^hdeb
measures of the G-o-vernment. Merely to excite disapprobation is
not an offence, but the disapprobation must be compatible 'with a
disposition to support the authority of the Grovernment against
unlawful attempts to subvert or resist that authority. It Is
■impossible to say that these articles are consistent with such
a disposition to render obedience' to and to support the Q-ovemment.
The term ‘ disafflection ’ is a wide one, and. does not necessarily
point to‘ a direct incitement to rebellion or any particular form of
force. The word is used in the State trials for seditious libel
before the Commonwealth, and in Ludlow’s Memoirs as applicable'
to persons discontented with the Grovernment, who did not show
their discontent by overt acts. The meaning is “ to be or cause
to be withc«it affection, attachment, friendship, regard, love,
or' goodwill; to dislike, to have discontent, to dissatisfy, to-
discompose.” -*— Eneyclopmdia, 1845.
In the present case the Jtify must go upon section 124A. The'
law of" England is even stricter than the seotion, and it is laid
dowp in Sir J. Stephen’s Sistory of the Crimiml Lav) (1) that'
th'^ law of !FranGe and Germany, not to speak of that of Russia,
is severer than that of England. A seditious intention b y the
law of England' is an intention not merely to bring into dis­
repute or extoite disaffection against the Government or the
Constitution of the United Eingdom,’but to raise discontent ox
dissatisfaction between different classes of Her Majesty’s subjeots.
In India, apparently, it is not an offence to incite class against
class, and seotion 124A has nothing to do with this subject. The
case of T. Burns and others (2) wfll be relied upon to show
that there must he some direct appeal to arms, hub the g;'uestion
iij that ease was whether there had been any incitement to one
class to use force against another class. , T h at' case, therefore,, and
otjiers of the same Jkind have no application to the present* Then

(ly Ohap 2i, Vol. II,, p. S93.

(2) 16 Cox. Gr. Ca„.855.

1891 the discussions ■wliieli took place in the Oouneil with referenoe to
this seotion and with reference to the Yernaoular Press Acts should
Q,d e b n -
liiPEEsa not be taken into consideration in order to arrive at the meaning
JooE^sDTiA construction of the section. "With regard to the meaning of
Chunbbb « attempt,’ the Jury will have to look to the words which the_
writer of these articles has used to express his intention, and to
the surrounding ciroumsfcances. Stephen’s Digest o f ihe Criminal
Law, articles 91"—i)4. In the case of Reg. v. BurM l (1)
Mr. Justice Best laya down that it is for the Jury to collect the
intention from the paper itself, unless it is explained hy the mode
of publication or by any other circumstanoes. The Jury were to
see whether the words used were likely at that period to excite
dissatisfaction and iiTitation, and if they were likely to induce
sedition, the intention must he presumed to he to excite what the
act was likely to produce. [The remarks of Holrdyd, J.,
at page 135 of the report were also referred to.] The present
case is covered hy the car- of £eff. v. O'Connell (2), which
was held to be a case "of conspiracy, because the .objects were
unlawful. In the case of Btg. v. 8uUmn (3), the duty ^f
the Jury is correctly laid down by Fitzgerald, J., when he ch^irged
the Jury that they should deal with the articles in a 'fa ir and
liberal spirit, not picking out an objectionable sentence he^e or a
Birong word there, or giving undue importance to inflated and
turhid language, but looking at the real intention and spirit of'the
articles (4).
■Witnesses were then called as to the publication of the articles
by the accused, after which Mr. Upans summed up in detail the
evidence for the prosecution.

P ethebam, O.J.— ^I shall direct the Jury as to the meaning of

the section.

Mr Jackson.'—^I submit that it is for the Jury to decide with

regard both to law and fact.

P btheuam, C. j .—I t will be my duty to direct the Jury on

the oonstruotion of the seotion,

(1) 4 B. & Aid,, 96 (131). , (3) 11 Cox. Or. Oa., 44.

(2) 11 CL & F.1 155. (4) 1 1 Cox. Or, Oa„ 50.

Mr. Jachon.-—There is no case to go to a Jury Tinder boo- 1891

tion 124A. The offence nnder that section really consists
in ■writing a seditious liLel, and the publisHng it or causing lnpjiEss
it to be publislied is no oflence ttnder tbe Penal Code. The Jogendha
prosecution admit that they have been unable to disGover who Chcndbb
is the writer of these articles. The only person liable is the
composer of the articles. I f section 124A be read by the side
of section 499, it will he seen that no mention is made of publi­
cation in the former section, and its omission must have been
intentional, as the framers of the law had abeady tha defamation
section before them. In England under Lord Oampbell’s Act tha
publication of the libel itself had to be proved, and a person is
not criminally responsible for the acts of his agents—Jieg, v.
Solhrook awi others (1).
P etheram, O.J.— It appears to me perfectly oleai that there is
a case to go to the Jury. The queBtion turns upon tbs meaning
of section 124A , and Mr. Jackson^s contention is that only the
speaker of tSe -words or the composer of the sentences is liable
Tinder the section. I do not think that contention is borne out by
the word% of the section. The ofience is attempting to exoita
disafieotion by words intended to be read, and I think that who­
ever the composer or the writer might be, by whomsoever the
writiyag. or the printing was composed, the person who used them
for that purpose within the opinion of the Jury was guilty of an
offence under section 124A.

’Mr. Jackson.— ^I would ask to have the point reserved under

ection 26 of the Charter.

^iSCHBRAM, C. J., declined to reserve the point,

Jackson^ in proceeding to address the Jury, referred to the

"Reg. V . Siillivan (2), for the purpose of showing that both
',d the facts were for the consideration of the Jury, it
' ini to determine the whole Question 'of law and fact,
'was a seditions libel or not. H e referred to tha
' ess in India, and proceeded to call the attention
. interpretation which the section had received

„D,, 60. (2) II Cox. Or. Ca., 62,


1891 feom Sir James Stephen, aud others. A.nd on this point con-

Emmess Origmally the section was section 113 of Macaulay’s Penal Code,
JooEifDEA but was for some reason omitted from the Code itself. Sir
J. Stephe% when the matter came to b& coDsideied in the year
1870, re£e%’ed to Sir Barnes Peacock, who on looting at hia notes,
said he thought the section had been omitted by mistake, bat
had no positive recollection (vide Gazette of India, A,TignBt 6th,
1870, Supp. Vol., 1019, 1311). There was on that occasion
a discussion as to section 113, and Sir J. Barnes Peacock proposed
a section which was thought to be too severe, and no corresponding
section was enacted. Sir J. Stephen in introducing the present
section explained what the law of England then was, and stated
that he proposed that section 124A should be pas3fctli5.to law,
because if there were no provision in the law of India, the offence
^ould fall under the common law of England, and would be more
BSTerely punishable; and he most distinctly asserted that there
must be an intention to resist by force or an attempt to escita
resistance by force before' the offence could be brought un(^r ths'
present section. The peculiarity of the law of treason i:g. England
is that it considers every thought of the heart criminal, which
is to be punished as soon as it is manifested by any ofert act,,
but the clause as it stands insists' on a distinction between (disaf­
fection and disapprobation. A person may freely say whaf?>h0
pleases about any Government measure or any public man' as lonp
as it is consistent with a disposition to render obedience to t]i
lawful authority of Grovernment. In connection with this S'ubjeo
Sir J. Stephen has clearly said that the freedom of the pre
would not be curtailed bo long as the principle above' laid
was adhered to. Sir J. Stephen has pointed out that i "
far more violent than the ones which have been made the s
this prosecution had appeared in the English newspapers
and had passed unnoticed. [Mr, Jackson then refer"
Hobhouse’s minutes of the 18th May 1875 and the
1876 in oonneotion with the discussions on the
Act, and also referred to Lord Lytton’s and '
speeches in Council, adopting these as part of ]
the view which those authorities then took

meaiimg of the present section—vide Gazette o f India, Supp. YoL, iggj

1878,^pages 457 to 481.] The interpretation then put upon the
section b y tho$e eompetenfc to do so must he taken as the light E mjpbkss
interpretation. The Jury have a right to take into acoouai the J ogbksba
opinion of such men as Sir J. Stephen, and up to the year 1878
there was but one opinion as to the meaning of the section. "When
tha Yemaoular Press Act was repealed in the year 1882, it waa
again expressly laid down that the freedom of the native press
was to be interfered with only on very special occasions—
ofln d k , Supp. ToL, 1882, page 90.
[Mr. J((ekson then went through tho articles in groat detail,
and argued that they contained no direct iiicitement to rebellion
orothe use of force, and did not exceed the hounds o f legitimata
eritici^5''when allowance was made for the difference between
European and native methods of thought and the conservative
character of the paper. H e also refeiTed to the arguments for
and against the Age of Consent Bill.]
, F etheram, G.J., charged the Jury as follows:—
Tue four accused are charged with an offence under eeotion 124A
of the "Penal Code, and inasmuch as the ofience in (jues-
tion i^ treated and defined b y that section, I have thought ii
desirable that you should have the section ’ itself in your hands
wMlst I explained the law to you, and also whilst it was being
discussed by Mr. Jaclmn. There are really two questions for
you to consider. First, you must clearly understand what it is that
toiS been made into an offence by the section, and when you under­
stand that, you have to consider whether the evidence befose you
proves that such, an ofience has been committed by the prisoners.
Thb section is divided into two parts, and is as follow s;— “ W ho­
ever, by words either spoien or intended to be read, or by signs,
or by visible representation, or otherwise, excites or a,ttempts to '
w i t e feelings of disafleotion to the Qovernment established by
I w in British India, shall he punished with transportation for life
or for any term, to which a fine may be added, or with imprison­
ment for a term which may extend to three, years, to which fine
may be*added, or with fine.”
Sxplamtion.- Such a disapprobation of the measures o f the
Q-ovemment as is compatible with a disposition to render obedience*.

1891 to the laivfiil auiliority of the Goyernmentj and to support the

law M authority of the G-overmnent, against unlawful attempts to
EifPBESs subvert or resist that authority, is not disaffection. Therefore
JoGESBBA. the making of comments on the measures of the Grovemment
Ootndek intention of exciting only this species of disapprobation
is not an offence within this clause.”

Mr. Jackson contended that the words “ disaffection” and “ dis­

approbation ” were synonymous wordjs, and had one and the same
meaning. I f that reasoning were sound, it would be impossible for
any person to be convicted under the section, as every class of
writing wonld be within the explanation. Bixt you, gentlemen of
the Jury, are thoroughly acquainted with the English language,
and must in ow that there is a very wide difference between the
meaning of the two words disaffection and disapprobation. When­
ever the prefix ‘ dis ’ is added to a word, the word formed conveys
an idea the opposite to that conveyed by the word without the
prefix. Disaffection means a feeling contrary to qftootion, in
other words, dislite or hatred. Disftj)prohation means simply
disapproval. It is quite possible to disapprove of a man’s senti­
ments or action and yet to like him. The meaning of the two
words is so distinct that I feel it hardly necessary to tell you that
the contention of Mr. Jackson cannot be sustained. I f a person
uses either spoken or written words calculated to create in the
minda of the parsons to whom they are addressed a disposition not
to obey the lawful authority of the Government, or to subvert or
resist that authority, if and when occasion should arise, and if he'
does so with the intention of creating such a disposition in his
hearers or readers, he will be guilty of the offence of attempting
to excite disaffection within the meaning of the section, though 'no
disturbance is brought about by his words or any feeling of
disaffection, in fact, produced by them. It is sufficient for the
purposes of the section that the words used are calculated to excite
feelings of ill-will against the Government and tu hold it up -to
the hatred and contempt of the people, and that they were used
with the intention to create such feeling. The second qtiestien
for you gentlemen, of the Jury, then, will be whether, .tfpon the_
evidence before you, you think that the articles oixculated by, the-
prisoners were oaloulated to create suoh feelings in the minjJs of

tM r readers, and if bo, wliether tlxey intended to create such feel- iggi
ing their circulation. ' QoEEif-
'Having taken- this esplanntion of the section from me, it now iiiPSEss
rests mth you to decide whether the accused by the words of the Jqoendba.
articles which were intended to he read have been guilty of an Chundeb
attempt to excite disaffection against the Goverument, Ton will
have to hear in mind the class of paper whioh is being prosecuted
and the class of people among whom it circulated, taking into con-
' sideration the articles which have been made the subject of the
indictment and the others which have been put in during the course
of the trialff. Those articles are not addressed to the lowest or most
ignorant mass of the people. You will see from the article
refening to Jute that they were not addressed to the cultivating
classes! I'hey are addressed to people of the respectable middle
class who can read and understand their meaning—more or less the
same class as the writers. You will have to consider, not only the
intent of the person who wrote and disseminated the articles among
the class named, but the probable effect of the language indulged
in. “Then yon will have to consider the relations between the Grov-
ernmenb’ and the people, and having considered the peculiar
position of the Qovernment, and the consequence to it of any well-
organized disaffection, you will have to decide whether there is an
attempt or not to disseminate matter with the intention of exciting
the feelings of the people till they become disaffected. British
India is part of the British Bmpu’e, and is governed like other
•parts of the Empire by persons to whom the power is delegated for
that purpose. There is a great difierence between dealing with
(jovernment in that sense and dealing with any particular adminis­
tration. "Were these articles intended to excite feelings of enmity
against the G overnment, or, on the other hand, were they merely
expressing, though in strong language, disapprobation of certain
Government measures ? You will bear in mind that the question
y§u have to decide has reference to the intention; and,, in fact,
the crime consists of the intention, for ft man might lawfully do
the act without the intention. The evidence of the intent can
only ba gathered from the articles. The ultimate object of thq
writer may be one thing, but if, in attaining that object, he uses,
as the means the exciting'of disaffection against the Gavernnieijt,.

1891 then ibte would be guilty under section X34A. I f you tliink
~Q kew object of procuring the repeal -of tlia
Empkes3 Age of Consent Act, or of increasing the sale of tbeir paper, dis-
JoGENDfiA seminated these articles intending to excite feelings of enmity,
Chtjwdbe you will be bound to find a verdict of guilty. As to tbe evidence
of intent, the articles are tlie only evidence. Tlie cbargea are
baaed on tbe five articles wliioh are tbe subject of tbo indictment.
Other articles have been quite properly put in during the progress
of the trialj but no charges are laid in connection with the latter. ^
They were put in, some by the prosecution and some by the
defence, to prove that their view of the intent of ^he articles
charged was indicated in the others. These articles have been
read and re-read to you gentlemen so frequently that I do act
consider it necessary to discuss them in detail agaiu. will
simply touch, on their bearing on the case, and as to whether they
disclose an intent to cause disaffection or disapprobation only.

[H is Lordship then proceeded to refer to the a^ticl»s and aftet-

wards continued—]

It will be for you to come to a decision on the tone^of these

articles. You must not look to single sentences or isolated
expressions, but tate the articles as a whole, and give them '& full,
free, and generous consideration aa Lord Eitzgerald has said; ajid
even allowing the accused the benefit of a doubt, you will have lo
say whether the articles are fair conlments and merely expressions
of disapprobation, or whether they disclose an attempt to exoita
enmity against the Government.
In leaving the matter to your consideration, gentlemen of th^
Jury, I would ask you, and ask you earnestly, to dismiss from yGuf
minds all questions of prejudice, and look at this matter in as
impartial a spirit as possible. The only question is that of the
intent; you have nothing to do with the policy of the G-ovemment
in instituting this prosecution, or the policy-of the GovGmmenfcin
passing the Consent Act, or what has been called the Gagging
A c t ; you have nothing to do beyond dealing with the evidenpfl
in this case; and if you allow anything else to influence! you in
your decision upon the question before you, you will be failing 1 3 ’
your duty,

Tour opinion should not be influenced b y tte opinions of any 1891

person, kowever eminent. The opinions of many great ,men have "q^jeen-
been quoted to you, and you bave been requested to accept tbose Emseess
opinions as your own in arriying at a coireot decision in this case. Jogendea
I would repeat that you are not to accept the opinion of any one,
be he ever go eminent; if you do so, you would not be doing your
duty; you axe to judge of this case, and give yoiir yerdict only
on the evidence in the case. The only question for you to decide
is, were the articles intended, and were they likely, to cause
disaffection. The defence urge that the ' articles only expressed
disapprobaticm of Government measui’e s; the prosecution say they
were deliberate attempts to incite the people to disaffection. I
have’ now dealt with the whole matter, and having told you what
is the laiv to guide you, I now ask you to consider your verdict on
the evidence before you.

The Jury then retired to consider their verdict. On their return

the Clerk of <ihe Crown asked them if they were agreed upon their

The ]?oi^eman of the Jury stated that the Jury were not agreed,
and that there was no chance of their returning an. unanimous
verdict.' Upon which His Lordship said that he would not tak»
any verdict that was not unanimoufl in this ease.

The Jury were then discharged, the case being ordered to remain
as a remanet for the next Sessions, the accused being enlarged on

Attorney for the prosecution: The Gopernmmt Solicitor, Mi. jS.

L, Upton.

Attorney for the accused: Baboo Ko,lly Nath MUier.

A. A. 0.

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