BS 812-124 1989

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Testing aggregates —
Part 124: Method for determination of
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

UDC [625.07 + 691.22]:[620.168.2 + 625.042.2]

BS 812-124:1989

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement,

Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee (CAB/-) to
Technical Committee CAB/2, upon which the following bodies were

Aggregate Concrete Block Association County Surveyor’s Society

Association of Consulting Engineers Department of the Environment (Building
Association of Consulting Scientists Research Establishment)

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Association of Lightweight Aggregate Department of the Environment (Property
Manufacturers Services Agency)
Brick Development Association Department of Transport (Highways)
British Aggregate Construction Materials Department of Transport (Transport and Road
Industries Research Laboratory)
British Ceramic Research Ltd. Electricity Supply Industry in England and
British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Wales
Manufacturers’ Association Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
British Geological Sciences Institute of Concrete Technology
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd. Institution of Civil Engineers
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association Institution of Highways and Transportation
British Steel Industry Institution of Structural Engineers
Building Employers’ Confederation Institution of Water and Environmental
Calcium Silicate Brick Association Limited Management (IWEM)
Cement and Concrete Association Mortar Producers Association Limited
Cement Makers’ Federation Sand and Gravel Association Limited
Chartered Institute of Building Society of Chemical Industry
Concrete Society

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Cement, Gypsum,
Aggregates and Quarry Products
Standards Committee, was
published under the authority of
the Board of BSI and comes
into effect on Amendments issued since publication
31 August 1989
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
© BSI 02-1999

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/2
Draft for comment 86/10382 DC

ISBN 0 580 16835 2

BS 812-124:1989


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Principle 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Apparatus 1
6 Setting-up of the self-refrigerated unit 5
7 Operating temperatures and self-refrigerated unit tuning procedures 13
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8 Preliminary testing procedure 14

9 Preparation of test specimens 15
10 Procedure for determination of the frost-heave 17
11 Calculation and expression of results 18
12 Precision 19
13 Test report 20
Appendix A Example of temperature parameter calculations 21
Figure 1 — Main features and dimensions of test chamber 2
Figure 2 — Specimen cradle showing specimen position numbers 3
Figure 3 — Principle of a constant level device to control water supply to
frost-heave specimens 4
Figure 4 — Specimen carrier 6
Figure 5 — Mould and end plugs for the preparation of frost-heave
test specimens 7
Figure 6 — Hand-held tamper 8
Figure 7 — 100 mm tamping foot for vibrating hammer 9
Figure 8 — Specimen extruder 10
Figure 9 — Extrusion cylinder 11
Figure 10 — Extrusion process 12
Table 1 — Minimum mass of test portion for sieve analysis 1
Table 2 — Precision estimates, frost-heave (mm) 19
Table 3 — SRU tuning, temperature recording chart 21
Table 4 — SRU tuning, temperature parameter summary chart 22
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 02-1999 i
BS 812-124:1989


This Part of BS 812, prepared under the direction of the Cement, Gypsum,
Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee, forms part of a general
revision that is being made of the 1975 edition of BS 812. As each of the tests or
collection of related tests, is prepared, it is intended to issue it as a separate
Part of BS 812.
This Part contains the test procedure for the determination of the frost-heave of
aggregates which have been compacted at a pre-determined moisture content and
density. The test was not included in previous editions of BS 812 but has now
been included because there is a need for a test to identify frost-susceptible
aggregates which could otherwise be used in an unbound form in road bases and

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sub-bases at depths likely to experience frost penetration during the life of the
road. The procedure for preparing the test specimens and determining the
frost-heave of an aggregate is substantially the same as that given in TRRL
Supplementary Report 829. However, the consideration of the circumstances in
which a material of a given frost-heave may be used in practice, which is
discussed at length in SR 829, is not dealt with here because it is outside the scope
of BS 812. Guidance on the interpretation of the results should therefore be
sought from the specifying authority.
It is intended that other British Standards should call up BS 812 test methods as
the basis for compliance. Nevertheless, it is not intended that all aggregates will
be subjected regularly to all the listed tests. Other British Standards will call up
only the relevant test methods.
Some of the tests in other Parts of BS 812 are of limited application, and advice
on the use of simple tests is given, for example, when they can be used for a
preliminary sorting of aggregates to see whether more expensive testing is
Reference should be made to BS 812-101 for general guidance on testing
aggregates, precision of test methods and variance arising from sampling errors.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover

ii © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

1 Scope Table 1 — Minimum mass of test portion for

sieve analysis
This Part of BS 812 describes a method for
determining the frost-heave of an aggregate Nominal size of material Minimum mass of test
compacted into cylindrical specimens at a
pre-determined moisture content and density. mm kg
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard 63 50
are listed on the inside back cover.
50 35
2 Definitions 40 15
For the purposes of this Part of BS 812 the 28 5
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definitions in BS 812-101 and BS 812-102 apply.

20 2
3 Principle 14 1
Cylindrical specimens of aggregate compacted at a 10 0.5
predetermined moisture content and density are 6 0.2
placed in a self-refrigerated unit (SRU). This unit is
designed so that the upper surfaces of the specimens 5 0.2
are subjected to freezing air at – 17 °C whilst their 3 0.2
lower ends are allowed access to water maintained
at + 4 °C. This temperature gradient created <3 0.1
through the specimens causes water to be drawn
into the freezing zone and may lead to the formation 5 Apparatus
of ice lenses. These lead to an increase in height of NOTE Except where otherwise specified, the tolerances on
the specimens which is measured at intervals over a dimensions given to two places of decimals is ± 0.1 mm, to one
period of 96 hours. The maximum increase in height decimal place ± 0.5 mm and to the nearest whole
number ± 1 mm.
recorded is defined as the frost-heave of the
aggregate. 5.1 Particle size apparatus. The apparatus for
determining the particle size distribution shall be as
4 Sampling described in clause 5 of BS 812-103:1985.
5.2 Dry density and moisture content relation
4.1 The sample used for the test (the laboratory
apparatus. The apparatus for determining the dry
sample) shall be taken in accordance with clause 5
density/moisture content relation shall be either as
of BS 812-102:1984. Reduce the sample by the
described in BS 5835-1 or in Test 14 of
procedures described in clause 6 of BS 812-102:1984
BS 1377:1975 (see note to 8.2.1).
to produce the following test portions (see note).
a) A minimum of 36 kg, for the preparation of the 5.3 A self-refrigerated unit (SRU)
frost-heave test specimens. 5.3.1 General description. The frost-heave test SRU
b) A minimum mass as given in Table 1 for the shall be a self-contained unit comprising a test
determination of the accompanying particle-size chamber and associated refrigeration and control
distribution. equipment. For convenience of use, none of the
major dimensions shall exceed 2 m, the unit shall be
c) A minimum mass of 50 kg, for the
fitted with castors, and adjustable legs shall be
determination of the moisture content and dry
provided so that the equipment can be levelled.
density at which to prepare the frost-heave test
specimens. 5.3.2 The test chamber
NOTE In many instances additional test portions will be The principal features and dimensions, all of
required for use in other preliminary tests that are often specified which shall be maintained, of the test chamber are
e.g. plasticity of the fines fraction, ten percent fines value etc.
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. It shall consist of a
4.2 Dry each test portion at a temperature chilled tank with smooth stainless-steel sides, into
of 105 ± 5 °C prior to testing. the floor of which is let a stainless-steel water-bath.
NOTE If there is any reason to suspect that oven-drying The sides of the water-bath shall be connected to the
changes the properties of the material it should be air-dried and sides of the tank by a thermally insulating medium
its air-dry moisture content determined as described in clause 7
of BS 812-2:1975. It is essential that the amount of water in the which does not absorb water. A wooden cradle
material be allowed for when calculating the amounts of the capable of holding nine test specimens shall locate
material and water required to prepare the portions for test. centrally over the water-bath. The cooling system
applied to the tank sides shall be above the
specimen cradle.

© BSI 02-1999 1
BS 812-124:1989

Figure 1 — Main features and dimensions of test chamber Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI The test chamber shall be provided with a NOTE The device shown in Figure 3 has been found to be a
hinged lid having a stainless-steel lower surface. simple and convenient method of maintaining a constant level of
water in the apparatus but it is permissible for other means of
The lid shall have nine holes at the same centres as keeping the water level constant to be used if preferred.
the holes in the specimen cradle to allow push-rods A device for gently circulating the water in
(see to be located. These holes shall be not the water-bath to maintain an even temperature
less than 10 mm and not more than 15 mm in distribution (see 7.2.1).
diameter. The water-bath shall be provided with an
overflow tube (see and shall also be fitted
with a separate drain-cock. An interior light shall be
fitted to the underside of the lid.
5.3.3 The refrigeration and control equipment A means of maintaining the water in the
water-bath at a constant level between 8 mm
and 11 mm from the underside of the specimen
cradle (i.e. as close as possible to the tops of the
porous discs). The principle of a suitable device is
illustrated in Figure 3 (see note).

2 © BSI 02-1999
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Figure 2 — Specimen cradle showing specimen position numbers

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BS 812-124:1989

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Figure 3 — Principle of a constant level device to control water supply to
frost-heave specimens An air cooling system, to provide a means of NOTE It is not essential to have a separate cooling system for
cooling the sides of the tank above the specimen the water-bath. A system utilizing heat-loss through the
specimens and additional cooling from the system cooling the air
cradle such that the operating temperatures for the above the specimen cradle, together with a heater mat to limit
air defined in clause 7 can be achieved and the minimum temperature, is acceptable provided that the
maintained. The system shall be capable of reducing operating temperature requirements are met.
the air temperature at the centre of the tank Temperature indicators. At least five
to – 20 ± 2 °C with the normal arrangement of thermocouples complying with the requirements of
specimens (Figure 2) in place (see 7.2.2). It shall be BS 4937-5 in the water-bath and five in the air
possible to achieve these temperatures between 4 h (see note 1) above the specimen cradle together with
and 14 h from the time the system is switched on. a compatible electronic thermometer with a
The system shall be capable of operating at ambient resolution of at least 0.1 °C.
temperatures of 15 °C to 25 °C. A selector switch shall be provided to allow A water-cooling system, to provide a means of thermocouples to be tested in quick succession
cooling the water in the water-bath such that the (see note 2).
operating temperatures for the water defined in NOTE 1 One of these five thermocouples will eventually be
clause 7 can be achieved and maintained. It shall be attached to the Tufnol disc covering the specimen in position 5
possible to achieve these temperatures between 4 h (see 10.1.2).
NOTE 2 If the electronic thermometer is mounted integrally
and 14 h from the time the system is switched on. within the console of the cabinet, it is essential that care be taken
The system shall be capable of operating at ambient to prevent interference from electrical/magnetic components in
temperatures of 15 °C to 25 °C. the cabinet.

4 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989 A rigid detachable metal datum frame, to 5.5 Tared glass flask, at least one of each of the
support the push-rods (Figure 1) which can be following capacities:
positively located above the lid of the test chamber 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 000 mL.
having horizontal bars with holes 6.5 mm diameter
5.6 A mechanical mixer, with a capacity of at
at the same centres as the holes in the specimen
least 20 kg. The mixer shall not cause any
cradle and the test chamber lid. The upper surface
significant degradation of the particles.
of the datum frame shall be not less than 125 mm
and not more than 175 mm above the top of the lid. 5.7 Containers, at least nine, which can be made
airtight, capable of holding 15 kg samples of mixed
5.3.4 Additional equipment for use with the SRU
material. Nine brass rods, 750 mm long and 6.0 mm in 5.8 A steel mould and end-plugs as shown in
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

diameter. These are illustrated in their positions Figure 5.

during the test in Figure 1.
5.9 A hand-held steel tamper, weighing 1 100 g A supply of clean and dry single-sized silica to 1 200 g. A suitable design is shown in Figure 6.
sand from either the 5 mm to 2.36 mm or
the 2.36 mm to 1.18 mm fractions. 5.10 An electric vibrating hammer, having a power
consumption not less than 600 W and operating at a
NOTE About 30 kg is sufficient for one SRU.
frequency between 25 Hz and 45 Hz. The hammer A steel rule complying with the requirements shall be checked at regular intervals using the
of BS 4035 or other suitable means of measuring the procedure given in note 2 to Test 14 of
displacement of the push-rods above the datum BS 1377:1975.
frame, readable and accurate to 0.5 mm.
NOTE The power consumption and frequency requirements are A two-pen chart recorder, to record given as a guide to the type of hammer required.
continuously the air and water temperatures during 5.11 A steel tamper for the vibrating hammer with a
the test. It is recommended that the recorder be circular foot of 100 mm diameter. A suitable design
built into the SRU, although it is not essential that is shown in Figure 7, the shank is a force-fit into the
it should be, provided that access is provided for the disc.
sensors. 5.12 A depth gauge, capable of reading depths up A supply of surgery wool or similar absorbent to 250 mm, readable and accurate to 1 mm.
material. 5.13 A jacking device or other suitable means of Waxed paper sheets, ejecting the compacted specimen from the mould,
approximately 350 mm × 200 mm in size and e.g. a compression testing machine with suitable
suitable adhesive tape. The thickness of the tape means of extension extruders, as illustrated in
should be between 0.1 mm and 0.25 mm and that of Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10.
the waxed paper between 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm. 5.14 Thermometers, complying with the Discs, at least nine, 95.0 mm in requirements of BS 593.
diameter, 5.0 mm thick with a central 5.15 A ventilated oven thermostatically controlled to
recess 10.0 mm diameter and 2.0 mm deep in one maintain a temperature of 105 ± 5 °C.
NOTE Suitable discs (Carp Brand) can be obtained from Tufnol 6 Setting up of the self-refrigerated
Limited, P.O. Box 376, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2TB or 3
James Watt Place, College Milton North, East Kilbride, Scotland. unit Porous ceramic discs, at least nine, 13.0 mm NOTE The following operations should be carried out before the
thick and 101.6 mm in diameter of maximum pore test specimens are prepared.
size 110 µm. 6.1 If necessary, adjust the SRU so that it is level
NOTE Grade P5 discs supplied by Fairey Industrial Ceramics and ensure that the test chamber, including the
Ltd., Fillybrooks, Stone, Staffs, are suitable. water-bath and constant-level device are clean, dry Copper specimen carriers, at least nine, as and at room temperature.
shown in Figure 4. 6.2 Check that the coarse sand for filling the space
5.4 Balances of suitable capacity readable to 0.1 % around the test specimens is clean, dry and at room
of the mass of the test portion. They shall be temperature, and if necessary wash, re-sieve to the
regularly calibrated according to the requirements correct grading, and dry.
of BS 5781. NOTE Because the sand can become contaminated with use it
should periodically be washed and re-sieved to maintain the
NOTE In general two balances will be enough; one of 50 kg
correct grading.
capacity accurate to 25 g and one of 5 kg capacity accurate to 5 g.

© BSI 02-1999 5
BS 812-124:1989

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Figure 4 — Specimen carrier

6.3 Check the operation of all the thermocouples NOTE It is permissible for tap water to be used in place of
and repair or replace any that are broken. distilled or demineralized water but it may in the long run give
rise to problems with the “furring up” of equipment.
NOTE The electronic thermometer should be periodically Approximately 30 L are enough for a complete test.
checked and if necessary calibrated against a calibrated
thermometer (see 5.14).
6.4 Locate the wooden specimen cradle in its
position within the test chamber.
NOTE It is useful at this stage to select the thermocouples from
the water-bath which are to be used at the bottom of the porous
discs, feed them through the respective holes in the cradle and
temporarily secure them to it. This is much easier to do at this
stage than when the bath is full and specimens are in the cradle.
6.5 Fill the constant-level device (CLD) and
water-bath with distilled or demineralized water
at 20 ± 5 °C.

6 © BSI 02-1999
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Figure 5 — Mould and end plugs for the preparation of frost-heave test specimens

© BSI 02-1999 7
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© BSI 02-1999
Figure 6 — Hand-held tamper
BS 812-124:1989

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Figure 7 — 100 mm tamping foot for vibrating hammer

© BSI 02-1999 9
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© BSI 02-1999
Figure 8 — Specimen extruder
BS 812-124:1989

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© BSI 02-1999
Figure 9 — Extrusion cylinder

BS 812-124:1989
BS 812-124:1989

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Figure 10 — Extrusion process
6.6 Check the water-level setting by the following NOTE It should not be necessary to adjust the level of the
procedure. capillary once it has been set up correctly. The actual method
of adjustment will depend on the design of a particular vessel,
a) Open taps F, V and O (Figure 3) of the CLD and but generally either means moving the capillary up or down
close the drain-cock of the water-bath. Place a within the vessel or, if it has a fixed capillary, moving the
vessel itself.
suitable receiver below the overflow-pipe outlet.
e) Close tap O and fill the CLD through the filler
b) Place a specimen carrier in one of the holes in tube. Air will be expelled through the vent pipe.
the wooden cradle.
f) Close taps F and V. Place a second specimen
c) Pour water into the water-bath until the
carrier with a porous disc in place in one of the
bottom lip of the specimen carrier is just covered.
other holes in the cradle.
Check that there is no airlock or blockage in the
pipe connecting the CLD to the water-bath.
d) Adjust the level of the capillary in the CLD if
necessary so that it is about 5 mm above the
present water-level (see note).

12 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

g) Open tap O. Air should bubble through the After 20 h have elapsed switch on the SRU and
capillary tube as water flows into the water-bath. leave it for a further 20 h before any internal
When the bubbling stops adjust the water level in temperature measurements are made. Determine
the bath (see note) so that it is about 1 mm from the length of the initial cooling period (see note 2).
the top of the porous disc, i.e. the surface of the The air and water should reach their operating
disc appears wet but is not covered. If the level is temperatures between 4 h and 14 h from starting
too low, close tap O and raise the level of the the SRU.
capillary slightly. Re-open tap O and allow the NOTE 1 Although cement-bound specimens cannot be used in
water to find its new level (see note). Repeat this tuning tests because they affect the heat transfer characteristics,
process until the required setting has been they may be used for convenience in any preliminary trials to
adjust thermostats.
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NOTE 2 The initial cooling period can be estimated from the

NOTE If the porous disc is covered or water overflows before chart recorder, or a special timing device may be fitted to the SRU
the bubbling stops the capillary is set too high. In this case for the purpose.
close tap O and drain the water out of the bath to its original
level covering the lip of the specimen carrier before adjusting 7.1.2 Determination of mean temperatures
the capillary. Observe the control system of the SRU until
h) When the level has been set, close tap O. Drain the thermostat controlling the air temperature
off water from the bath until the water again just causes the refrigeration to be switched OFF. At this
covers the lip of the specimen carrier. point record in turn the temperatures indicated by
i) Remove the specimen carriers and disc and dry each of the ten thermocouples; all ten should be
them. Top up the CLD (taps V and F open, recorded in not more than 50 s. Continue to record
O closed) if necessary. the temperatures of the ten thermocouples at equal
j) Check that all the taps are closed. intervals until at least 20 sets of readings and three
complete refrigeration cycles (i.e. OFF–ON–OFF–
6.7 Check the water circulating system to ensure ON–OFF–ON–OFF) have been observed (see note).
that it is operating satisfactorily.
NOTE If the refrigeration system completes three cycles in less
6.8 Set the SRU controls to the positions which give than 1 h, continue taking measurements until the first occasion
the correct operating temperatures when the unit is that the refrigeration switches OFF after the hour has elapsed.
eventually switched on (see clause 7). When the measurements for a sampling
period have been completed calculate the following
7 Operating temperatures and values. An example of the calculations is given in
self-refrigerated unit tuning the Appendix A.
procedures a) Calculate for each set of readings the
NOTE Because the temperature at a given point in the test
instantaneous water temperature (IWT), i.e. the
chamber clearly depends on the location, the operating mean of the five thermocouples below the porous
temperatures within the test chamber cannot be specified in discs.
terms of a single point and temperature. Also, the temperature
within the chamber will vary continuously as a result of cycling b) Note the instantaneous water temperature
of the refrigeration system and, possibly, changing ambient range (IWR) for each set of readings.
conditions. Subclause 7.1 gives details of how the temperatures
are to be measured and the SRU tuned to give the required
c) Calculate the mean water temperature (MWT).
values. Subclause 7.2 and 7.3 give the actual values which are to This is the mean of the IWTs from a). Also
be achieved. Subclause 10.3 gives details of the measurements calculate the standard deviation.
normally made during a routine frost-heave test.
d) Calculate for each of the set of readings the
7.1 Tuning procedure instantaneous air temperature (IAT), i.e. the
NOTE This subclause describes the procedure to be followed to mean of the four thermocouples in the air above
check whether the test chamber is correctly tuned. It should not the specimens.
be necessary to follow this procedure before every test, but the
procedure should be carried out periodically or after any major e) Note the instantaneous air range (IAR) for
adjustments to the control system. each set of readings.
7.1.1 Setting up the tuning test. Prepare the SRU f) Calculate the mean air temperature (MAT).
and load as described in 10.1. Use any typical This is the mean of the IATs from d). Also
well-graded granular material for the specimens, calculate the standard deviation.
except for cement-bound specimens (see note 1).
Ensure that all the thermocouples are properly g) Calculate the water temperature mean range
located and working correctly. When the SRU has (WMR). This is the mean of the IWRs found in b).
been prepared and loaded leave it for at least 20 h to h) Calculate the air temperature mean range
allow the initial temperature conditions to become (AMR). This is the mean of the IARs found in e).

© BSI 02-1999 13
BS 812-124:1989

i) Calculate the mean value of the temperature 8 Preliminary testing procedure

below the central Tufnol disc for the sampling
8.1 Particle-size distribution of laboratory
7.1.3 Measurement of variations in mean
temperature. If the first determinations of mean Produce a test sample by the procedures described
temperatures show that the equipment is set to in clause 6 of BS 812-102:1984, of mass not less
operate within the temperature ranges given in 7.2 than 17 kg from the test portion described in 4.1 a).
and 7.3, make repeat measurements following the Determine the particle-size distribution of the test
procedure given in 7.1.2 until six consecutive sample by the method given in 7.2 of
determinations of MAT and MWT have been made. BS 812-103:1985.

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Allow at least 3 h and not more than 20 h to elapse NOTE 1 Before proceeding with further testing, check that the
results do not differ markedly from any other particle-size
between successive determinations. If any mean distribution results that may be available from tests carried out
temperature is outside its specified range, adjust on other portions of the original bulk sample (see note 2 ). If there
the control system accordingly and allow at is a discrepancy a proper representative sample should be
least 20 h to elapse before starting again from 7.1.2. obtained before continuing.
NOTE 2 Confirmation of the grading will normally involve
NOTE Allow at least 20 h to elapse after any alteration to the reference back to the client. It is sometimes the case that the
controls before attempting a sequence of six determinations of laboratory doing the frost-test was also responsible for obtaining
mean temperatures. If several adjustments are needed it may be the bulk sample and preparing laboratory samples. If this is the
necessary to set up a new tuning test. In any case it is essential case a grading corresponding to that obtained for the bulk sample
that the tuning test be completed within 250 h of switching on may be assumed for the laboratory sample without carrying out
the SRU. a duplicate grading test.
7.2 Required temperature values and 8.2 Selection of moisture content and density
tolerances for the test specimens
7.2.1 Mean water temperature. Any mean water 8.2.1 Stage 1. The moisture content and density at
temperature shall be in the range 3.0 °C to 4.5 °C. which test specimens are to be prepared may have
The range of the six successive determinations with been nominated in advance on the basis of earlier
at least 3 h and not more than 20 h between each tests. When this information is not available
determination shall not exceed 0.5 °C. It is essential determine the optimum moisture content and
that the standard deviation of any individual maximum vibrated bulk density by the method
determination of MWT does not exceed 0.3 °C. given in BS 5835-1 and use these values for the
7.2.2 Mean air temperature. Any mean air preparation of the test specimens described in 8.2.2
temperature shall be in the range – 18.0 °C (see note).
to – 16.0 °C. The range of the six successive NOTE For most materials the vibrating hammer compaction
determinations with at least 3 h and not more test described in Test 14 of BS 1377:1985 gives the same values
than 20 h between each determination shall not of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density as those
obtained with the test described in BS 5835-1. This test may
exceed 0.5 °C. The standard deviation of any therefore be used as an alternative if it is known that the type of
individual determination shall not exceed 0.8 °C. material under test gives comparable results for the two test
methods. The primary requirement in choosing a moisture
7.2.3 Temperature mean ranges content and density at which to prepare the specimens is that the Any water temperature mean range shall specimens should be stable. The results of the compaction tests
may therefore have to be adjusted (see
not exceed 0.5 °C.
8.2.2 Stage 2 Any air temperature mean range shall not
exceed 2.7 °C. When the moisture content (w %) and the
dry density (Ôd kg/m3 ) have been determined as
7.3 Temperature below central Tufnol disc
described in 8.2.1, prepare a test frost-heave test
The mean temperature below the central Tufnol specimen as described in to
disc during any sampling period shall be in the Obtain a test sample (having been sieved to
range – 2 °C to – 8 °C (see note). remove material coarser than 37.5 mm) of mass
NOTE In the case of coarse-grained materials poor contact equal to 1.360 ρd (g) from the test portion set aside
between the disc and the specimen may result in the temperature
failing below – 8 °C. This can be avoided by using fine sand to
in 4.1 b) and place it in the mixer.
even out any roughness in the surface of the specimens. Place a flask on the balance. Tare the flask
and weigh out a mass of water equal
to 0.0136 wρd (g) (see note to 6.5). Add the water to the dry material already in
the mixer and thoroughly mix.

14 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989 Use the mixed material to prepare and NOTE 2 The procedure given in this clause provides for mixing
extrude a trial specimen using the procedure all the material for three specimens at once and this is the
preferred method. However, if a small mixer is being used it may
in 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. be necessary to mix the material for each specimen separately. In If immediately after extrusion the specimen this case use a representative mass of 1.360 ρd (g) of material
with 0.0136 wρd (g) of water, and the procedure repeated three
is unstable, i.e. cannot stand on the extruder times for each batch of three specimens.
without collapsing, some adjustment to the dry NOTE 3 The method given assumes that in sub-dividing the
density and/or the moisture content may be material to prepare the individual test specimens no segregation
necessary to achieve a specimen which is occurs and that the particle size distribution of the material in
the individual test specimens remains the same as that of the test
sufficiently stable but at the same time has not been portion. In materials subject to segregation it may be preferable
subjected to such a degree of compaction that undue at this stage to sieve the dried test portion on
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

crushing of the individual particles has occurred. the 37.5 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm and 5 mm test sieves. These size
This has to be achieved systematically by trial and fractions (after rejecting the material retained on the 37.5 mm
sieve) can then be re-combined in the proportions represented by
error until a stable specimen has been made. the grading of the original test portion to produce three When a stable specimen has been prepared individual test samples each having a mass of 1.360 ρd (g). These
test samples are mixed with 0.0136 wρd (g) of water as described
transfer the specimen to a suitable container, break and each used to prepare one frost-heave specimen as described
it up and dry. Determine the particle-size in
distribution of the material in the specimen using 9.2.3 Place a tared flask on the balance and weigh
the procedure described in 7.2 of BS 812-103:1985. out a mass of water (see note to 6.5) equal
NOTE The degree to which crushing of the particles has to 0.0408 wρd (g) (where w is the percentage
occurred during the preparation of the specimen may then be moisture content for the stable trial specimen
assessed. The moisture content value and dry density used to
prepare the stable specimens will be the values to be substituted in 8.2).
for w and rd in clause 9 when mixing and preparing the actual 9.2.4 Add the water to the dry material already in
test specimens.
the mixer and thoroughly mix. Store the mixed
9 Preparation of test specimens material in a sealed container for a minimum period
of 16 h before proceeding with the test.
NOTE The frost-heave test is normally carried out on three
NOTE Because inadequate mixing can give rise to variable test
specimens and because the SRU can accommodate nine, three
results it is important that the water is thoroughly and
different materials are normally tested at a time. The test
adequately mixed with the material. The procedure given
procedure as described is based on measuring the frost-heave of
ensures that this will be so and although it may be unnecessarily
three specimens. Some other specifications may call for more
stringent for granular materials of low-absorbency it is
specimens in which case suitable adjustments should be made to
recommended that all materials should be stored before
the test procedure.
proceeding with the test.
9.1 Test portions 9.2.5 Repeat the procedure described in 9.2.1
9.1.1 Sub-divide the test portion, obtained as to 9.2.4 inclusive until three batches of mixed
described in 4.1 a), by riffling until a representative material have been prepared.
test sample of mass about 15 kg is obtained. Set 9.3 Method for preparing a single test
aside the remainder of the test portion in case it is specimen
needed for repeat tests and use the 15 kg test
NOTE The following method is used when preparing a single
sample to prepare a set of three specimens for specimen of mixed material prepared as described in 9.2.
testing as described in 9.3 (see note 3 to 9.2.2).
9.3.1 Compaction into the mould
9.1.2 Repeat the procedure given in 9.1.1 with the
test portions of the other aggregates to be included Transfer the mixed material prepared as
in this test run. described in 9.2 to the balance until the balance
holds a mass, M, equal to 1/3 of the mass required
9.2 Mixing for one frost-heave specimen, to the nearest 2 g. M is
9.2.1 Sieve the test sample prepared as described calculated from the equation:
in 9.1 to remove material coarser than 37.5 mm. M = 0.00412 ρd (100 + w) (g)
9.2.2 Select a representative mass equal where ρd is the stable-specimen dry density and w is
to 4.08 ρd (g) (where ρd is the dry density in kg/m3 the stable-specimen moisture content determined as
determined for this material as described in 8.2) described in 8.2.
from the sieved material and place it in the mixer.
NOTE 1 The mass includes excess material to allow for
handling losses.

© BSI 02-1999 15
BS 812-124:1989 Carefully transfer the weighed material into NOTE 2 If the end plugs cannot be removed by hand, the mould
the mould, which must be placed over its bottom assembly should be left to stand for 5 min to 10 min before a
further attempt is made. This allows excess moisture which may
(smaller) end plug. Level the material in the mould form a seal around the plugs to drain away. It is important not to
with a suitable spatula. Hold the tamper strike the mould or plugs with a heavy object since this is likely
(see Figure 5) inside the mould with the upper to damage them. If, however, after 10 min standing the plugs still
cannot be removed, gentle tapping with a suitable light (and
surface of its base level with the top of the mould preferably non-metallic) object may be employed e.g. a
then allow it to drop freely under its own weight, rubber-faced mallet. If plugs become persistently difficult to
taking care that the foot is level when it strikes the remove, the mould and plugs should be checked for damage and
material. Repeat this process until 25 drops have their dimensions checked. A mould can become distorted even
during normal use.
been completed. Extrude the specimen from the

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Then compact the material using the vibrating mould; describes an acceptable method
hammer, fitted with the special 100 mm diameter using a compression machine. Other methods
foot, until a depth-gauge reading in the utilizing compression machines or hydraulic-jack
range 183 mm to 189 mm is obtained (see note). extruders can be used if proved effective, provided
NOTE It is advisable to check the level before applying the that their operation is smooth and attention is paid
vibrating hammer to gain an indication of the amount of
compaction needed. Ear defenders should be worn at all times to the rate of strain which should not be excessive.
when the hammer is in use. It is important to hold the hammer If a compression machine is used, place the
in an upright position when compacting material. Use the
depth-gauge to measure the level at the CENTRE of the material
narrow end of the mould over the short extruder and
surface. then place both the mould and the extruder on the Weigh out a second portion of material of platen of the compression machine. Start the
mass M and transfer to the mould, level and extrusion process on the machine and remove the
tamp 25 times as before. Use the vibrating hammer mould and extruder from the machine when the
to compact the material in the mould until a extrusion can proceed no further. Complete the final
depth-gauge reading in the range 133 mm extrusion by hand using the long extruder.
to 139 mm is obtained. NOTE If hand-extrusion proves impossible the following
procedure is recommended when the compression machine has Weigh out a third portion of material mass space of at least 720 mm between the platens. The sample is
M, transfer to the mould, level and tamp 25 times. extruded using a specially designed cylinder which is fitted over
Carefully wipe clean the inside of the mould above the top of the mould. The mould and cylinder are then placed on
the long extruder of the compression machine and extrusion
the tamped material and insert the top plug. Fit completed on the machine. Where the machine has a space
the 145 mm (standard) diameter tamping foot to the of 780 mm between the platens the extrusion may be effected
vibrating hammer and apply the vibrating hammer using the long extruder only. This extruder process is illustrated
in Figure 10.
to the top plug until the specimen is fully compacted
(see note). The specimen may be regarded as fully 9.3.3 Completion
compacted if the overall gap between the mould and Immediately after extrusion, wrap a
the end plugs does not exceed 4 mm. waxed-paper sheet around the curved face of the
NOTE With some granular materials the last layer may not be specimen and secure with adhesive tape (do not
fully compacted after about 1 min application of the hammer. In encircle the specimen with the adhesive tape) so
such cases it may help to invert the mould assembly and apply
the hammer to the bottom plug. Do not apply the hammer to that the lower edge of the paper is in line with the
either end for more than 1 min at a time. With very coarse bottom of the specimen (leaving an upstand of
materials it may be necessary to remove one of the plugs and about 50 mm at the upper face). Place one of the
apply the vibrating hammer directly onto the material surface Tufnol discs, with the recess uppermost, on top of
during this stage.
the specimen.
9.3.2 Extrusion from the mould
Carefully place the specimen on a porous disc and Remove both plugs. position the specimen and porous disc in a copper
NOTE 1 Normally one or two clockwise and anticlockwise specimen carrier (see note). The completed
rotations will loosen the top plug in the mould and allow it to be specimen assembly is then ready to be placed into
lifted off the mould directly. In a similar manner the mould itself
can be lifted from the bottom plug. the test chamber (see 10.1.2).
NOTE Positioning of the copper specimen carrier can be made
easier if the carrier is placed over a cylinder slightly taller than
the carrier and of slightly smaller diameter than the hole in the
bottom of the carrier. The porous disc can then be placed on top
of the cylinder and the carrier lifted gently into place. Thus the
difficult operation of inverting the specimen is avoided. Remove the mould from the extruder and
before re-use clean and dry the mould, both plugs
and extruder.

16 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

10 Procedure for determination of the 10.1.5 When the coarse sand has been placed check
frost-heave the positions of the thermocouples and any control
sensors and then close the lid of the test chamber.
10.1 Loading test specimens into the Locate the datum frames on the SRU, pass the
self-refrigerated unit push-rods through the holes in the frame and
10.1.1 Using mixed material from one of the batches chamber lid and locate in the central recesses of the
previously prepared (9.2) prepare a frost test corresponding Tufnol discs. Start the constant-level
specimen using the method described in 9.3. device by opening the outlet tap, O (Figure 3), to
10.1.2 Place the prepared specimen in one of the allow water to flow into the water-bath and restore
holes in the wooden cradle in the test chamber. If the correct level. The water level is controlled
automatically for the remainder of the test.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

the specimen is to be placed in any of the

positions 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 (Figure 2) locate a 10.1.6 Complete the loading of the SRU within one
thermocouple between the bottom of the porous disc working day. Leave the loaded SRU undisturbed
and the copper specimen carrier before inserting the for 115 ± 5 h from the time that the last specimen
specimen into the cradle. If the specimen is to be was inserted in the cradle before proceeding. Use
located in position 5 (Figure 2) also fix a the chart recorder to monitor the temperatures in
thermocouple to the underside of the Tufnol disc so the test chamber during this period.
that the junction is exposed at the centre of the disc NOTE The temperatures in both the water-bath and the air
and in contact with the upper surface of the test above the specimens should be close to room temperature by the
specimen. end of the period.

10.1.3 Repeat the procedure in 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 10.2 Freezing the specimens and measuring
until three specimens for each of the materials or six frost-heave
specimens for one material and three of another 10.2.1 When 115 ± 5 h have elapsed from the time
material have been prepared and located in the that the last specimen was inserted in the cradle,
cradle. Fill all nine positions. check the push-rods to make sure that they are
10.1.4 When nine specimens have been positioned, correctly located. Use surgery wool or similar
position four thermocouples so that there is one absorbent material to plug the gaps between each
above each of the spots marked x on the floor of the push-rod, and the hole in the test-chamber lid
cradle in Figure 2, at a level 250 mm above the through which it passes. This prevents
plane containing the lower faces of the specimens. condensation, which may form on the rods when the
An acceptable method of achieving this is to attach SRU is cool, from running into the test chamber.
each thermocouple to a 6 mm diameter wooden Take care to avoid dislocating any of the push-rods.
dowel about 300 mm long so that the junction is Do not pack the surgery wool too tightly into the
exposed 205 ± 2 mm from the lower end of the holes.
dowel. The four dowels may then be positioned on 10.2.2 Record the distance between the top of the
the floor of the cradle (see note). Place the coarse rod and the top of the datum for each push-rod to the
sand carefully in the space around the specimens nearest 0.5 mm.
(and around the vertical dowels if these are used) 10.2.3 Record the temperature of each
until the sand is level with the tops of the thermocouple.
specimens. This should leave the waxed paper
10.2.4 Switch on the controls of the SRU to start the
standing approximately 50 mm above the level of
freezing process and note the time. The operating
the sand. Take care to remove any sand particles
temperatures defined in clause 7 should be reached
accidentally split on the Tufnol discs, particularly in
between 4 h and 14 h from switching on and
the recesses.
maintained for the duration of the test.
NOTE It is not usually necessary to provide support for the
dowels, they will be held in position by the coarse sand. However, 10.2.5 Measure the frost-heave after a period
if problems arise rubber tubing can be placed on the dowel ends of 24 ± 2 h from the time of switching on the
which are then pushed onto preset studs on the floor of the cradle. refrigeration by the following procedure.
Care should be taken to ensure that particles of sand do not get
under the dowels thus raising the thermocouples. a) Rotate the push-rods to ensure that they have
not stuck. Check the surgery wool and replace if
b) Record the distance between the top of the rod
and the top of the datum frame for each of the
nine push-rods to the nearest 0.5 mm. Any heave
that has occurred may be obtained by

© BSI 02-1999 17
BS 812-124:1989

10.2.6 Continue to record the frost-heave as 10.4.4 Carefully remove the thermocouples in the
described in 10.2.5 at intervals of 24 ± 2 h until at air above the specimens from above the cradle and
least 96 h have elapsed from the time of switching put on one side.
on the refrigeration. 10.4.5 Remove the coarse sand (a vacuum cleaner
10.3 Monitoring the temperature conditions may be used) and dry and remove any material to
allow re-use of the sand (see note to 6.2). Do not
10.3.1 Employ the procedure described in 10.3.2
re-use the sand until it has returned to room
to 10.3.4 during every test.
NOTE Although it is not necessary to carry out a detailed
tuning check of the SRU before or during every test, it is 10.4.6 Remove the specimens from the cradle,
important to ensure that the equipment continues to operate taking care not to damage any thermocouples as

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

correctly. they are detached. Discard the test specimens and
10.3.2 Record at least daily the temperature at each waxed paper. Clean and dry the Tufnol discs, porous
thermocouple sequentially at intervals not discs and copper specimen carriers. It is important
exceeding 5 s. Calculate the instantaneous water to check that the porous discs have not become
temperature [defined in a)] and blocked, particularly when fine-grained materials
instantaneous air temperature [defined are being tested. If any are found to be inadequately
in d)]. permeable replace for future tests.
10.3.3 If the instantaneous water temperature is 10.4.7 Remove the wooden cradle, allow to return to
outside the range 3.0 °C to 4.5 °C, or if the room temperature and then clean and dry.
instantaneous air temperature is outside the
10.4.8 Leave the SRU with the lid open until the air
range – 18 °C to – 16 °C, then determine the mean
in the test chamber has warmed to above 0 °C.
temperatures in the air and the water by the
Switch off the water-bath controls and completely
method given in 7.2.2 (see note). If the mean water
drain both the bath and the constant-level device.
temperature is outside the range 3.0 °C to 4.5 °C, or Discard the waste water. Defrost the SRU and the
the mean air temperature is outside the test chamber (including the water-bath) and
range – 18 °C to – 16 °C, abandon the test and
thoroughly clean and dry. Do not use the SRU for
retune the SRU.
another test until it has returned to room
NOTE If this procedure has to be followed more than once temperature. Any signs of condensation on the walls
during a test, even though the results are within the required
range, this means that the SRU is operating close to the limits of the chilled tank indicate that this condition has
allowed and it should therefore be re-tuned before the next test. not yet been reached.
In any event the mean temperature should be determined at NOTE Leaving overnight after defrosting and cleaning is
least once during every test. usually adequate.
10.3.4 Inspect the chart recorder at least daily to
check whether any sudden changes in temperature 11 Calculation and expression of
have occurred while the equipment has been results
unattended (e.g. resulting from a power cut). If this
indicates that a sudden change of more than 0.5 °C 11.1 Calculate the frost-heave for each of the nine
in the water or 1 °C in the air of more than an hour’s specimens on each of the four occasions the push-rod
duration has occurred, abandon the test. displacement was recorded during the 96 h freezing
period, to the nearest 0.5 mm, by subtracting the
10.4 Unloading the self-refrigerated unit respective initial rod displacements. If during the
10.4.1 When the freezing of the specimens has been freezing period the heaves of two or more specimens
completed, or it has been decided to abandon the (of the nine in the SRU) fall by more than 1 mm,
test, unload the SRU as described in the regard the test run as invalid. If the test run is
procedure 10.4.2 to 10.4.8 inclusive. invalid do not report the result and re-test all the
10.4.2 Switch off the refrigeration system. materials involved.
NOTE It is advisable to keep the water-bath
circulation/heating system running at this stage to prevent the
water temperature falling too far while it is exposed to the very
cold air in the test chamber.
10.4.3 Remove and discard the surgery wool
stopping the holes in the test-chamber lid. Remove
push-rods and allow to return to room temperature.
Remove the datum frame and open the
test-chamber lid.

18 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

11.2 For each material tested determine for each NOTE If each laboratory had determined the moisture content
specimen the maximum heave observed and density for its own tests it is probable that larger values of
R1, R2 and VL than given in Table 2 would have been obtained.
within 96 h, and calculate the mean of the maxima However, recent research at the Transport and Road Research
to the nearest 0.1 mm. Regard these mean values of Laboratory with two sub-base materials (with mid-range
frost-heave as the frost-heave of the aggregate gradings) has shown that changes in the moisture content and
density of the frost-heave test specimens have little effect on the
under test, subject to the following conditions. values of heave recorded.
a) If all nine specimens of the material under test 12.2 The tests for outliers given in BS 5497-1:1979
have heaves of less than 2.0 mm the results are were applied to the data. All the results from one
suspiciously low. The test should therefore be laboratory were rejected (they had not used the
repeated unless previous experience of the nominated moisture and density in some of their
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

materials under test shows that the results are tests). The results on one test portion from another
consistent with what would be expected. laboratory were rejected, because the range between
b) If the mean heave of the three specimens is less the frost-heave specimens from that test portion
than 18.0 mm, calculate the range was an outlier.
(i.e. highest- lowest) of the heaves of the three 12.3 Definitions of r1, R1, and R2 are given in
specimens. If the range exceeds 6.0 mm repeat clause 2 of BS 812-101:1984. The variabilities which
the test before reporting any result. arise in the sampling and sample reduction
c) If the mean heave of the three specimens operations are apportioned to Vr1 and VS according
is 18.0 mm or greater no further testing is to the definitions of sampling error and sample
required. reduction error given in clause 2 of Part 101:1984.
11.3 When any repeat testing has been completed The variances Vr1, VL and VS are defined by the
calculate the mean heave using the results from all equations given in Table 1 of Part 101:1984. For the
the specimens. frost-heave test, the variance Vr1 contains
contributions from three components:
12 Precision VRuns = variation between runs of the
Table 2 — Precision estimates, frost-heave SRU,
(mm) VTest portions = variation between test portions of
Level Average r1 R1 R2 √Vr1 √VL √VS a laboratory sample;

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
VSpecimens = variation between frost-heave
specimens, from the same test
Flint gravel 13.5 7.0 8.5 9.0 2.5 1.8 1.0 portion, in the same run.
12.1 The precision data given in Table 2 were A “run” consists of the cycle of operations described
determined from an experiment conducted in clause 10.
in 1984/5 involving 19 laboratories. The experiment
When the frost-heave test is carried out as
was designed, and the data analysed following the
suggested in 9.1, using three frost-heave specimens
principles set out in BS 5497-1:1979. The material
prepared from one test-portion, the “test result” is
tested consisted of a 20 tonne lot of flint gravel,
the average over three specimens, and
complying with the grading requirements for a
Type 2 road sub-base. The laboratory samples were Vr1 = VRuns + VTest portions + (VSpecimens/3)
taken according to BS 812-102:1984, all by one This equation was used to calculate Vr1 in Table 2
sampler. Two randomly selected laboratory samples above. Consequently, the precision estimates r1, R1
were sent to each laboratory. The laboratories and R2 may be compared with differences between
produced two test portions (each sufficient for three two test results when the two test results are
frost-heave specimens) from each laboratory sample obtained from different test portions and from
by following the procedure given in 6.4 of different runs, and as averages over three
BS 812-102:1984. All the frost-heave specimens specimens. The following values were obtained in
which were used to obtain the above precision data the experiment:
were prepared at a moisture content and a density
which had been nominated in advance (see note). VRuns = 1.8 mm
VTest Portions = 1.3 mm
VSpecimens = 1.9 mm

This last value was used to calculate the limit

of 6.0 mm given in 11.2 b).

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BS 812-124:1989

12.4 Uses of precision data are described in clause 5

of BS 812-101:1984.

13 Test report
The test report shall affirm that the frost-heave was
determined in accordance with this Part of BS 812
and whether or not a certificate of sampling is
available. if available, a copy of the certificate of
sampling shall be provided. The test report shall
contain the following information.

Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

a) Sample identification.
b) The dry density at which the specimens were
c) The moisture content used to prepare the
d) The particle-size distribution of the test
portion (8.1).
e) The particle-size distribution of the stable test
specimen (
f) The maximum heave observed in 96 h for each
specimen tested including any re-test, to the
nearest 0.5 mm.
g) The mean of results reported under f) above
calculated to the nearest 0.1 mm.

20 © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

Appendix A Example of temperature Table 4 is a chart summarizing all the

parameter calculations determinations made during a complete turning
point. The data from Table 3 corresponds to
Evaluation of the various parameters is facilitated sampling period 3 on this chart.
by the use of specimen charts. Table 3 is a completed
chart for the determination of mean water and air
temperatures. In this example the temperatures
were recorded in sets of ten at 4 min intervals.
Columns are provided for recording instantaneous
temperatures and ranges; the mean temperatures
and standard deviation are recorded at the foot of
each column.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

Table 3 — SRU tuning, temperature recording chart

Water-bath Air Central Tufnol
Thermocouples Thermocouples Thermocouples
Set number W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 A1 A2 A3 A4
1 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.7 0.2 – 19.2 – 16.8 – 19.0 – 16.9 – 18.0 2.4 – 4.4
2 3.8 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 0.2 – 18.7 – 16.5 – 18.6 – 16.5 – 17.6 2.2 – 4.4
3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.2 0.2 – 17.5 – 15.3 – 17.3 – 15.5 – 16.4 2.2 – 3.7
4 3.9 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.9 4.0 0.2 – 17.7 – 15.5 – 17.6 – 15.6 – 16.6 2.2 – 3.8
5 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 0.2 – 18.2 – 15.9 – 18.1 – 16.1 – 17.1 2.3 – 4.0
6 3.8 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 0.2 – 18.6 – 16.3 – 18.5 – 16.4 – 17.5 2.3 – 4.0
7 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 18.8 – 16.5 – 18.7 – 16.7 – 17.7 2.3 – 4.0
8 3.8 3.8 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 0.2 – 18.8 – 16.5 – 18.7 – 16.6 – 17.7 2.3 – 4.3
9 3.9 3.9 4.1 4.0 3.9 4.0 0.2 – 18.0 – 15.8 – 17.8 – 15.9 – 16.9 2.2 – 3.9
10 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.9 4.0 0.2 – 17.6 – 15.4 – 17.4 – 15.5 – 16.5 2.2 – 3.8
11 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 18.0 – 15.8 – 17.9 – 15.9 – 16.9 2.2 – 4.0
12 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 18.5 – 16.2 – 18.4 – 16.4 – 17.4 2.3 – 4.1
13 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.7 0.3 – 18.9 – 16.5 – 18.7 – 16.6 – 17.7 2.4 – 4.1
14 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 19.0 – 16.6 – 18.9 – 16.8 – 17.8 2.4 – 4.3
15 3.8 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.9 0.2 – 18.6 – 16.4 – 18.5 – 16.5 – 17.5 2.2 – 4.4
16 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.0 3.9 4.0 0.3 – 17.5 – 15.3 – 17.3 – 15.4 – 16.4 2.2 – 3.7
17 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.9 0.3 – 17.6 – 15.4 – 17.5 – 15.6 – 16.5 2.2 – 3.8
18 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.6 3.7 0.3 – 18.2 – 15.9 – 18.0 – 16.0 – 17.0 2.3 – 4.0
19 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.8 0.3 – 18.5 – 16.2 – 18.4 – 16.3 – 17.4 2.3 – 4.1
20 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 18.8 – 16.4 – 18.7 – 16.6 – 17.6 2.4 – 4.1
21 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.8 0.2 – 19.1 – 16.7 – 19.0 – 16.9 – 17.9 2.4 – 4.2

MEAN 3.87 0.22 – 17.24 2.28 – 4.05

Standard deviation 0.12 0.53

Freezing Sampling Sampling Time interval Ambient Recorded by

Test started period started between each set temperature
number number of readings
at on at on
3 4 mins 22 °C

© BSI 02-1999 21
BS 812-124:1989
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
Table 4 — SRU tuning, temperature parameter summary chart © BSI 02-1999
BS 812-124:1989

Publications referred to

BS 593, Specification for laboratory thermometers.

BS 812, Testing aggregates.
BS 812-2, Methods for determination of physical properties.
BS 812-101, Guide to sampling and testing aggregates.
BS 812-102, Methods for sampling.
BS 812-103, Method for determination of particle size distribution.
BS 1377, Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes.
BS 4035, Specification for linear measuring instruments for use on building and civil engineering
constructional works. Steel measuring tapes, steel bands and retractable steel pocket rules.
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

BS 4937, International thermocouple reference tables.

BS 4937-5, Copper/copper-nickel thermocouples. Type T.
BS 5497, Precision of test methods.
BS 5497-1, Guide for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility for a standard test method by
inter-laboratory tests.
BS 5781, Measurement and calibration systems.
BS 5835, Recommendations for testing of aggregates.
BS 5835-1, Compactibility test for graded aggregates.
TRRL Supplementary Report 829: Specification for the TRRL frost-heave test (TRRL 1984)1).

1) Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 02-1999
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Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, none, 17-Nov-00, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI

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