CJ Carella 7
Abominations lurk in the dark
corners of the world.
Shape-shifters haunt back roads and lonely highways. Immortal
beings walk the streets unnoticed and pursue centuries-old agendas.
Secret societies manipulate world events and decide the fate of mil-
lions. Ancient African cults call on gods and spirits to do their bid-
ding. And those marked with the Taint of the Mad Gods must make a
choice -- serve entities from beyond reality or fight to preserve the
world and their very sanity.
Fear not the monsters, but the beings the monsters fear.
Abominations Codex is a supplement for the WitchCraft roleplaying game.
In it, you will find:
A new Character Type, rules for Ferals, bestial shape-changers, and True Immortals,
reincarnated undying children of a lost civilization
New Associations: the near-invisible Knights Templar, the voodoo-wielding Covenant of Legba,
the shape-shifting Nomads, the immortal Lodge of the Undying, and the desparate, Tainted Mockers
New Metaphysics: The Keys of Solomon, Spirit Patrons, Familiars and Taint Powers, as well as information on
Voodoo Magic and Atlantean Arcana
Background on Elementals, Nature Spirits, Zombies, Fiends, Ethereals and Creatures of Taint
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten™, Armageddon™, and all other Unisystem ™ games.
$20.00 (US)
ISBN 1-891153-42-0
All Artwork
Artwork ©2000
©2000 Eden
Eden Studios,
Studios, Inc.
CJ Carella’s
Carella’s WitchCraft™,
WitchCraft™, Abomination
Abomination Codex™
The Unisystem™,
Unisystem™, specific
specific game
game terms,
terms, icons
and personalities
personalities are
are copyright ©2000 CJ
copyright ©2000 CJ Carella
All Rights
Rights Reserved.
A Word to the Wise Wise One) are portrayed as having some of the beliefs and
principles of real world Wiccans, but are as fantastic as the
The WitchCraft RPG is, first and foremost, a work of fic- Christian-oriented, monster-hunting Sentinels also depicted
tion meant to entertain. A number of facts have been mixed in this game. To learn more about Wicca, go to a local
with a liberal dose of fantasy in these pages, and people library or bookstore; there are plenty of non-fiction books
who seek information, spiritual guidance, or an excuse to on that subject.
do stupid things should look elsewhere. The witches in this
game are as unrealistic as the wizards in Tolkien's tales; Finally, anybody who has problems distinguishing fanta-
none of the secret organizations and conspiracies in this sy from reality and who thinks this or any other game
book are meant to be exact replicas of real world groups. depicts actual occult practices should stay away from this
Having said that, I would like to point out a few real and similar books. They should also stay away from televi-
facts. Wicca is a real world religion, based on ancient folk sion, books of all kind, and most forms of mass media; in
beliefs and practices from Europe. During the Middle Ages fact, they should not leave their homes. Any off-beat soft
and the Reformation, followers of Wicca were persecuted drink commercial may prompt them to jump off a tall build-
by the Christian Churches. Wicca has nothing to do with ing. Parents of minor children should, of course, exercise
Satanism, and is a religion with as much legitimacy (if per- their judgment as to whether this and other roleplaying
haps a less comprehensive organization) as Christianity or games are appropriate for their children. Everyone else, I
Buddhism. The "Wicce" in this book (Wicce is nothing but hope you enjoy this book.
the female form of the ancient Anglo-Saxon word Wicca, or -- Carlos J. Martijena-Carella
C h a p t e r O n e 2
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction ...................................... 4 Chapter Five: Metaphysics.................................... 94
Summary of Chapters .............................................. 10 The Keys of Solomon............................................... 97
Conventions ............................................................... 10 Voodoo Magic......................................................... 100
Greater Invocations................................................ 102
Chapter Two: Rules.................................................. 12 Spirit Patrons......................................................... 104
New Character Type................................................ 14 Madness: Taint Powers........................................ 115
New Associations....................................................... 14 Atlantean Arcana.................................................... 123
New Qualities and Drawbacks............................... 22
New Skills................................................................... 25 Chapter Six: Supernatural.................................... 130
New Weapon.............................................................. 25 Elementals................................................................. 133
Nature Spirits.......................................................... 142
Chapter Three: Inhumans....................................... 26 Zombies..................................................................... 147
Ferals............................................................................ 29 Fiends.......................................................................... 150
True Immortals......................................................... 39 Ethereals................................................................... 152
Creatures of Taint................................................. 156
Chapter Four: Associations.................................... 46
The Knights Templar............................................. 49 Appendix ................................................................... 162
The Covenant of Legba........................................... 60
Nomads -- Children of the Moon........................ 68 Index ............................................................................ 171
The Mockers............................................................. 78
The Lodge of the Undying....................................... 84
The Berserkers.......................................................... 92
3 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Chapter One: Introduction
C h a p t e r O n e 4
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Skopje, Macedonia -- The fighter-bombers flew round-the-clock sortees against numerous military and in-
Northern Serbia
4:45 P.M. Local Time
The facility had been built in a hilly area, accessible only by a narrow road. Its existence was
known only to the local villagers and to the drivers of the supply trucks that came and went with
military regularity. Signs in half a dozen languages trumpeted privacy; tall electrified fences, regular
armed patrols and attack dogs reinforced it. The smoldering corpses of one such patrol were now in
a ditch a hundred yards behind Ismail Hoxha and his men.
Ismail had killed one of the men himself; a burst of 9mm subsonic bullets to the head had seen to
that. The Heckler & Koch MP-5 submachine guns their patron had provided were exquisite
weapons, almost noiseless with their built-in silencers. The weapons, and enough money to keep the
Kosovo Liberation Army operating for a month, had been the payment for this operation. Ismail
and five hand-picked men, all former soldiers of the Yugoslav armed forces, all experienced woods-
men and trackers, had been sent deep into enemy territory.
A quiet Englishman accompanied them -- a man Ismail only knew as Mr. Moorcroft. Dressed
in army fatigues like the rest of the team, his eyes hidden by dark glasses, he could have passed for
a local, although his skin was perhaps a shade too pale. His blonde hair was cropped closely to the
scalp, and his mouth was a thin, humorless slit. He wore a ring with a sword-shaped symbol, or
perhaps a cross.
There had been four men in the patrol detail they had ambushed. Ismail had killed one; the other
three and their two dogs had disappeared in a wave of fire that had consumed them so quickly they
hadn’t had a chance to scream. It was a miracle that none of their ammunition had detonated in the
heat. Moorcroft had claimed he had used a special type of incendiary grenade. That might be so, but
Ismail had never heard of such a weapon. Even white phosphorous did not burn so quickly, and
most of all so quietly, with no sound greater than a strong gust of wind. Was he from the CIA,
and the fire attack some sort of super-weapon?
Perhaps Moorcroft was s hait an, a devil, Ismail told himself as his commandos crept closer to
the target. That didn’t matter, of course. After what the Serbs had done to his family, he would
deal with anyone in order to have his revenge. He had smuggled drugs and acted as a paid assassin
in the past. This, an attack on a facility in Serbian territory, was nothing, even if the man leading
the group could conjure fire like a Djinn of legend.
“Stop,” Moorcroft said softly. He and Ismail had just cleared the top of the hill, covered by a
row of trees that followed the ridgeline. From there, the Kosovar could see the facilty, surrounded
by more wired fences. It wasn’t very impressive, except for the four guard towers: three small build-
ings and a garage. He could see a helipad, but no aircraft.
“Research facility,” Moorcroft said absently. “Pharmaceutical research.” He looked at Ismail.
“In most countries, experimenting on human subjects is against the law. The Serbian government
needs money. And research subjects could always be found among undersirable elements in society.”
5 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Ismail paled. “You mean -- my people . . .”
“And Bosnians and Croats, criminals, homosexuals, the insane . . . About two hundred people a
year, for the last five years. Not a lot, not compared to other things they’ve done, but enough. There
is a mass grave some two hundred yards away from the facility. U.S. satellites spotted it, but we
decided to keep the information quiet. Shine a light on a rat, and the rat simply moves away and
starts over somewhere else. What you have to do --”
“-- is kill the rat,” Ismail finished, clenching his fists. How many innocents inside the plant? At
least several dozen, perhaps a hundred. He nodded, silently condemming them to death.
“Do what you must.”
Moorcroft pulled out a cellular phone and pressed the speed-dial button. “Now it begins,” he
said, and hung up.
Forum: alt.conspiracy.reports
Thread: Re: Corp Human Experiments
mailto: iseeall@skippy.dot _iseeall@skippy.dot_.
>> Oh, give me a break. Corporations aren’t going to risk conducting human
experiments anywhere in the world. Making money is one thing. Risking being
jailed for life is another. <<
Believe what you want. Do you think they would do such experiments in the good
ol’ USA or Europe, where the free press would descend on them like a pack of
hyenas? They don’t have to. What they do is pick some piece of shit country
-- the post-Soviet Eastern Block is perfect; enough technological infrastruc-
ture to support the needed facilities, a need for hard currency, and no short-
age of ruthless people (I ask you, would Molosevic give a ratsass if some non-
Serbs end up dying in some pharmaceutical tests? Don’t think so, either). Some
places in Asia, too, now that their economy has gone to the crapper. Or
Colombia. You rent out some space in the mountains from the drug lords, and
you’re home free.
Anyway, I have some documentation to back this up. E-mail me, and maybe we can
set up some dead drop exchange (for those of you who don’t read spy novels,
a dead drop is a place where one agent hides/"drops" a message or other info,
which is later picked up by his contact. That way you never have to see the
contact (and vice versa). Oh, and don’t bother tracking me through my e-mail.
I’ve taken precautions.
C h a p t e r O n e 6
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
New York City, New York
9:50 a.m.
When the call came, Desmond Hawkins was looking out the window. The view of the city was
spectacular, but almost nobody in the skyscraper ever paused to appreciate it. The rat race was too
intense. You schmooze, you lose. New York City has more wealth per capita than almost any-
where else in the world, and most of it is concentrated in a few blocks of real state. To make it
there, and to stay there, you had no time to concentrate on anything else. Even Hawkins rarely
thought about other things, except at night, and when he dreamt. He had already made it here -- his
net worth was equivalent to the assets of a medium-sized corporation, the rise of his company a
small legend in Wall Street -- and even he rarely had a chance to stop and smell the roses.
The ringing phone snapped him to attention as sharply as a drill sergeant’s command would have.
It was the sound; not the buzz of his secretary’s intercom system, or the shrill ringing of his regu-
lar phone. He had purposefully gotten phones with different rings, and this was a sound he had only
heard once since he started working on the Street. This was his private line, unlisted and unknown
even to the phone company.
He picked it up on the second ring, vaguely aware that he had started to sweat. “Hawkins here.”
The instructions on the other side went on for two or three minutes. He absentmindedly rubbed his
damp forehead. “Understood. The Temple stands.” He hung up. Lay back on his chair for a long
moment. Took a deep breath.
He picked up his regular phone. “Reed? Hawkins here. Good. Listen very carefully. I want you
to start selling the following stock. All of it. Pharmicore. Jakessen and Jakessen. DeKlerk.”
A pause to listen to the slightly shrill voice at the other end. “Don’t care. Screw the SEC. Sell
it all off.” Another pause. “Never mind why. Just do it, or I’ll find someone else who will.”
Hawkins closed his eyes and leaned back. “Sure I can give it to you in writing. I’ll fax it over
right away.”
It was done. The stocks he had liquidated were substantial, and he knew he’d lost no less than
thirty or forty million dollars in the transaction. What mattered was that the sale would cause the
value of those stocks to dip considerably -- enough for the automatic systems that controlled most
transactions on the Street to take notice. The automatic systems would then start selling those
stocks as well, dropping the price even more, which would in turn alert other investors, who would
sell, and the price would drop even more . . . It only takes one mad cow to start a stampeded, and
Hawkins had let a nice handful of cows loose. The Dow would drop a couple hundred points, a
whole host of “experts” would offer up reasons for it -- and no one would know what had happened.
Almost no one. The Enemy would know. How soon? Hawkins was betting his life it would take
them a few hours to find out, a couple more to take action. He needed four hours, five at worst.
One more call to make. The phone rang seven times before his wife picked up, and he almost pan-
icked. He cut off her greeting. “De Molay. Did you hear me? De Molay.” Mrs. Hawkins hung
up without saying a word. The plan was simple enough. Pick up the children from their exclusive
schools. Head for the private plane at its current location -- it flew randomly between half a dozen
airports, and she wouldn’t know the location until she made the call and spoke the password. His
family had a protective detail nearly as good as the U.S. President’s. Better: he knew exactly
where their loyalties lay.
He gave them a three in five chance of being alive by day’s end.
7 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Hawkins opened the combination drawer in his reinforced desk and took out a gun and shoulder
holster. He put them on, put on his sports coat, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and stepped out.
“Cancel all my meetings for this morning,” he told his surprised Executive Assistant. “I’ll be
back by two.” A lie, but maybe a useful lie. They’d detail a team to watch the building, and that
might thin out their resources a little bit. They couldn’t be everywhere at once, could They?
Forum: alt.conspiracy.reports
Thread: Re: Nice Try Asshole (Was Re: Corp Human Experiments)
Author: stbernard@canttrackmenowcanyou.stuff
>>This is my last post under this address. Apparently, one of the three peo-
ple who got my information (or >>maybe all three) tried to get cute and track
me down. Well, shitheads, you almost got me killed. If you >>aren’t working
for them, then you’ll probably get killed pretty soon. Serves you right for
leading them to >>me. And now I have to move, get a new identity, all that
crap. I just hope at least one of you did >>something useful with the info.<<
Northern Serbia
5:03 p.m. local time
The Stealth bomber’s pilot did not like covert missions. “Covert” usually meant your ass was
in the air while you did something you were not supposed to. But orders were orders. He had
flown high and quiet over Serbian territory, and launched the missiles when the signal was given.
He then returned to base in Italy, and promptly forgot everything about the mission.
The missiles struck like the wrath of God. Ismail saw three contrails flash into the compound,
moments before it was consumed by fire. Moorcock put away the small laser designator he had
used to guide the missiles towards the target, and he curtly ordered the group to get moving.
Ismail spared a glance to the burning compound, then shrugged and moved on.
There was a war to fight, and no time to question why some things happened.
C h a p t e r O n e 8
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
API -- The Dow Jones Industrial average dropped decline, following news that several new products
407 points in a sudden flurry of trading. Othere due to be submitted to the FDA for review had hit
exchanges were similarly affected. The selloff pri- "unexpected snags" and would not be available
marily centered around a number of pharmaceuti- until later this year at the earliest. Pharmicore
cal companies. Pharmicore International led the stock suffered a 60% drop in value, and reports in-
Most of the Covenants described in this book are
not commonly known even in occult circles. The
The Abomination Codex describes some of the Knights Templar are perhaps among the most misun-
darker secrets of the world of WitchCraft -- spirit derstood and mysterious organizations in the world of
entities that can grant humans great power, but often WitchCraft. Are they part of the Combine, a heroic
at a terrible price; the horrors of Taint, the spiritual group fighting to protect humankind, or something
opposite of Essence that fuels the Mad Gods and their else altogether? Few know. The Covenant of Legba is
minions; and strange beings like the shape-shifting a large organization of Voodoo practitioners, but to
Ferals or the undying True Immortals. most outsiders they are hard to distinguish from other
Voodoo gatherings. The Nomads never stay any-
Several new Covenants are also detailed. Although where for long, and try to keep a low profile. The
they are not as large or widespread as the ones Mockers avoid contact with other groups, since they
described in the WithCraft main book, they are all are likely to be mistaken for a Mad God cult. And,
influential and destined to play a role in the approach- finally, the Lodge of the Undying is highly secretive
ing Reckoning. They include the Knights Templar, and unwilling to trust outsiders.
secretive descendants of the Crusading order of the
same name; the Covenant of Legba, a Voodoo associ- The Covenants, supernatural species and new
ation locked in a mortal struggle against an ancient Gifted powers in this book may not be appropriate for
foe; the Nomads, wandering Ferals and Gifted who some WitchCraft games. The Templars, for example,
serve two ancient deities; the Mockers, survivors of tend to dominate games where they are included,
encounters with the Mad Gods who devote their since they know so many secrets about the world.
efforts to battling them; and the Lodge of the Some Chroniclers may prefer to use them as shadowy
Undying, a gathering of Immortals seeking to unlock allies or adversaries for the Cast. As always, the
the secrets of their existence. Chronicler should determine what works best for any
WitchCraft group and game.
9 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Summary of Chapters Conventions
Chapter One: Introduction contains these intro-
ductory remarks, and an overview of the entire book.
Text Conventions
Chapter Two: Rules covers new game mechanics This supplement has a number of graphic features
for any WitchCraft game. A new Character Type, the that identify the type of information presented. The
Lesser Supernatural, is presented, as are new text presented here is standard text, and it is used for
Qualities and Drawbacks, skills and equipment. An general explanations.
introductory discussion of several new Covenants is Certain other text is set off from the standard text.
also given. This material is fiction presented to enhance
Chapter Three: Inhumans discusses two new or describe WitchCraft Stories and the
WitchCraft world. For the most part it
appears in this font. On special occasions, the
non-humans that may be used as Cast Members to
C h a p t e r O n e 10
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
avoid dice rolling and just get the result. So the notation D6 x
4(12) means that players who want to skip rolling just use the
value 12. Some notations cannot provide a set number because
their result depends on a variable factor. For example, D8(4) x
Strength is used because the Strength value to be plugged into
that notation will vary depending on who is acting.
Every roleplaying game struggles with the decision about
third person pronouns and possessives. While the male refer-
ence (he, him, his) is customarily used for both male and
female, there is no question that it is not entirely inclusive. On
the other hand, the “he or she” structure is clumsy and unattrac-
tive. In an effort to “split the difference,” this book (and all
books in the WitchCraft line) uses male designations for even
chapters, and female designations for odd chapters.
This book primarily uses U.S. measurements (feet, yards,
miles, pounds, etc.). Metric system equivalents appear in paren-
theses. In the interests of ease of use, the conversions are
rounded relatively arbitrarily. For example, miles are multi-
plied by 1.5 to get kilometers (instead of 1.609), meters are
the equal to yards (instead of 1.094 yards), pounds are
halved to get kilograms (instead of multiplied by
0.4536), and so on. If a Chronicler feels that more pre-
cision is necessary, she should take the U.S. measure-
ments provided and apply more exact formulas.
11 I n t r o d u c t i o n
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Chapter Two: Rules
C h a p t e r T w o 10
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
“Father Ferrelli, is this right?” Michael’s austere face was marred by indecision as he
spoke. “Why are we joining forces with a . . . a heathen?”
“Jose is not a heathen, Michael,” Father Ferrelli said patiently. Jose glared at
Michael, but said nothing. The two of them made an unlikely pair even before accounting
for their religious differences. Michael was six-foot four, had played college football and
might even have had a future as a pro if he had not received the vision from God that
changed his life. Jose looked like a Puerto Rican street thug -- short, wiry, and not well-
dressed. He had a number of colorful tattoos on his arms and chest, symbols of the
Voodoo gods he treasured.
“I can sense strange spirits hovering near him,” Michael said. Ferrelli had sensed them
as well -- ghosts, he thought, although one of them felt entirely too alien to be a mere spirit
of the dead.
“Watch who you call strange, pendejo,” Jose snapped back. “They are my friends. You
two gonna help me, or do I have to go there alone?”
“We’re here to help,” Father Ferrelli said calmly. Michael bit back an angry reply, and
nodded. There might be trouble later, but for now the young Sentinel was willing to defer
to Ferrelli’s judgement.
Satisfied, Jose led the group from the alley behind the crack house. Ferrelli’s own gift
allowed him to sense the thoughts of others, a gift he always prayed he would use wisely.
His senses confirmed what Jose, a practitioner of Santeria, had told them. The house
was more than a place to peddle drugs; it was inhabited by some powerful, malevolent pres-
ence that fed on those who entered it.
For weeks now, the stories of strange disappearances had been growing in number.
Most of the missing were junkies who had apparently gone to make a purchase and never
came back. Even if Jose had not visited him, Ferrelli would have suspected something
was happening. Jose had brought actual evidence, however, and it had been convincing
enough that the priest had called his Sentinel contacts. They had sent an eager young war-
rior to him. Michael had power and conviction, but he hadn’t seen much of the world. He
needed to know that things were not clearly defined in places such as this.
“Orishas, vengance aqui,” Jose muttered. “Legba, ven aqui. Oggun, dame fuerza . . .”
Even Ferrelli’s limited powers could feel the unearthly forces that flowed into the young
Hispanic man. Something materialized briefly behind Jose, and Ferrelli caught a glimpse
of a solemn young boy with a bloody face floating in the air. Michael tensed again, but the
house was occupying most of his attention. Something was stirring in the house, alerted by
the display of power from the three allies. Michael cast his eyes down in prayer, and his
faith made him strong.
The front door of the crack house was solid metal. Jose and Michael charged it
together, and knocked it off its hinges with a loud crash. Ferrelli followed a moment
later, and the three braved the unknown.
11 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
This chapter adds new rules material for incorporating the concepts and elements of Abominations Codex into
a WitchCraft Story or campaign. A new Character Type, several new Associations, a number of new Qualities
and Drawbacks, a new skill and new equipment are introduced.
C h a p t e r T w o 12
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Knights Templar the Combine -- manipulation of the media and the
masses, political assassination, and covert operations.
“I swear, on my soul and my body. To an outsider, the difference between the two would
I swear to stand by the Temple. appear to be minimal -- although no Templar reacts
well to hearing such statements.
I swear on the four corners of the Square.
Attributes: Most Templars are best described as
May the All-Seeing Eye watch over me.
“James Bond” types. Their Attributes should be well
I fear nothing, for I am already dead.” rounded, with good physical and mental scores. Even
-- Oath of the First Baptism Gifted characters are not expected to be weaklings.
“History is a machine; those who control the levers Qualities and Drawbacks: Most Templars have
decide the path it takes. We control some of those an Obligation to their order (see p. 24). Zealots are
levers. A bullet in the night, a corporate takeover, a common. Knights often have good levels in Contacts,
scandal that topples a government; they are our Influence and Status. All Knights have an Adversary
levers. Our Adversary has many more levers than in the Combine, worth at least 2 points (more for
we do. Always remember that, lest you become over- prominent and very active Knights).
confident. Once, we were the greatest power of Skills: Most Templars have a number of combat
Europe; now we slink in the shadows. and espionage skills. Covert operatives know the
Let that be a lesson to all of you.” skills most appropriate to their cover profession.
-- Knight Madeline Van Buren, Metaphysics: The Knights Templar can have
addressing a gathering of Chaplains. Magic, the Sight, or Divine Inspiration, although the
Description: The Knights of the Temple of latter precludes Magic. This is one of the few
Solomon are the mortal enemies of the Combine -- or Covenants where Magicians and the Inspired often
perhaps are a part of the Combine themselves. They work side by side. Additionally, Templars can learn
believe they are the defenders of the world against the the Keys of Solomon (see p. 97), special mystical pat-
quiet tyranny of a secret conspiracy that has con- terns that grant their wielders a number of powers.
spired against humankind for untold centuries. Their Special Abilities: Knights (Gifted or Mundane)
struggle for the fate of humanity predates the official gain either a +1 bonus on any two physical Attributes
founding of the order in the Middle Ages, and con- (this cannot raise Attributes beyond 6 for humans), or
tinued on long after the Knights were supposed to 2 points that can be put into any Social Quality (like
have disappeared. Many Knights lead double lives Resources, Status, Contacts and Influence). Or, if the
and infiltrate organizations ranging from corpora- player so chooses, he can assign 1 point to Attributes
tions and governments to other Covenants. They and 1 point to Social Qualities instead.
gather information and bide their time, but when they
Common Professions: Templars leading a double
are ready, they strike quietly and ruthlessly. Their
life come from all walks of life, but usually work in
weapons range from the manipulation of political
places where they can gather information and wield
events to mystical powers; the Templars study the
influence: lawyers, policemen, politicians, corporate
magical arts, and control the Keys of Solomon, spe-
executives, or members of law enforcement and intel-
cial mystical patterns that grant their wielders a num-
ligence-gathering agencies like the FBI and the CIA.
ber of supernatural powers.
Those working as direct operatives have no employ-
The Knights operate singly or in small groups, ment outside the organization, and in fact have very
rarely revealing themselves to outsiders -- except little in the way of a private life beyond its confines.
when the outsiders are unlikely to live to tell any
tales. They work tirelessly to fight the Combine, and
any Dark Covenant that tries to gain power over the
world. Ironically, the Knights use the same tools as
13 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Roleplaying the Knights Templar: You wanted to
know the truth about the world, and now you do. It
The Covenant of Legba
isn’t pretty. Shadow organizations decide the fates of “We are the bastard children of three continents
millions in secret board meetings, and their disputes and a dozen cultures. Candomble, Santeria, Voodoo
can lead to war, famine and pestilence. Humankind is -- they are all facets of the same crystal. We know
being herded like cattle towards some hideous des- the same gods, even if we call them by different
tiny. You and your fellow Knights are the only thing names or plead to them in different languages.
standing in the way of these plans. Divided, we shall fall. We must forget our differ-
It is not an easy life. You were probably chosen ences, or we are doomed.”
because you have experienced the Combine’s evil -- Michel “Papa Doc” Lefevre, Ph.D.,
first hand. Such encounters are likely to leave scars, King of the New Orleans Gathering
physical and emotional. “There is fear in the streets. Most people, the ones
What drives you to carry on? The cause, of course with nice homes and jobs, they see nothing wrong.
-- the knowledge that you are helping everyone. The Stocks are up, they are making money, they don’t
Knights had a hand in the development of such prin- care. But the homeless, the poor and the insane,
ciples as democracy and equal rights, and the down- they see what is happening. We must remain here, to
fall of monarchy and other tyrannies. The Combine is find our enemies before they grow stronger.”
always at hand to pervert such accomplishments, but -- Gregorio Dos Santos,
perhaps you will live to see the downfall of the con- to the East Coast Gathering
spiracy and the moment of Truth when the peoples of
Description: The Covenant of Legba is the largest
the world realize they’ve been pawns. That day,
gathering of practitioners of Voodoo, the unique
humankind will be free to choose its own destiny.
blend of African mysticism and European magical
There may be other, less lofty reasons, of course. systems that is widespread throughout the Americas.
The risks are many, but you also have power, more Its main concern is the interaction between this world
power than most cops and soldiers and even heads of and the spirit realms. The patron deity of the
state ever wield. Your actions help shape the world. Covenant is Legba, the god of crossroads and the pas-
Sometimes you read some major item on the front sage between worlds. The group’s goal is to act as
pages of the newspaper and smile knowingly, quietly mediators and defenders between gods and men,
congratulating yourself for a job well done. between the living and the dead.
And, although you probably don’t dwell on this The followers of Legba are among the few Gifted
much, once you are in the Templars, you can never who make a living (albeit rarely a very good one) per-
quit. You may retire eventually -- put out to pasture as forming their Craft. In rural areas of Third World
an instructor in some remote facility somewhere -- countries, they are respected and admired as doctors,
but you know that those who try to leave are never councilors, and defenders. The same is true in some
heard from again. ethnic neighborhoods in the cities of developed
nations, where people still remember the old ways.
Attributes: The Legbans favor wit and intelli-
gence over physical prowess.
Qualities and Drawbacks: Legbans tend to have
low or average Resources and Status. In the U.S. and
Europe, they also tend to be members of racial or eth-
nic minorities. Nerves of Steel is not uncommon for
people who routinely speak with deities and traffic
with ghosts. Voodooists in large cities may also have
Contacts with the slums’ seedier inhabitants.
C h a p t e r T w o 14
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Skills: Legbans usually know Occult Knowledge This troubled time has particularly affected your
(Voodoo) or Myth and Legend (Voodoo). Inner city Covenant. The disturbances that are becoming appar-
practitioners are likely to know Streetwise. ent even to the mundane are painfully clear to you.
Metaphysics: The Covenant combines Magic and Gods and spirits are becoming more daring, more
Necromancy; most members are proficient in both frantic. Something is scaring even them. Soon the
areas, although they tend to concentrate most of their crossroads between worlds will become a savage bat-
attention on one of them. Additionally, Legbans often tlefield, and you will stand in the middle of it.
adopt a Spirit Patron (see p. 25). The Second Sight is
not unknown, although not very common. Other
The Nomads
powers are very uncommon; a Legban must have the “Look, we don’t want any trouble. Let us get back
Legban Esoteric Quality (see p. 24) to possess them. on our bikes and we’ll be on our way. No? Okay,
Special Abilities: Legban characters get one free you’re beginning to piss me off. And you wouldn’t
level of Necromancy Skill and one free level of like me when I’m pissed off.”
Increased Essence Pool. -- Karl D’Arcy, Bekter family, moments
Common Professions: Legbans are among the few before the deaths of six Hell’s Angels.
Gifted practitioners who often make a living plying “We are truly free. Most people are bound to the
their wares. Their customers tend to be in poor or land -- to their jobs, mortgages, and paltry lives.
remote areas of the world, or among racial minorities Today, we travel through upstate New York. A month
in the developed world -- “superstitious” peoples who from now, we’ll be in Vegas. A month after that --
pay the Gifted for their labors. Modern Legbans often maybe Mexico, maybe Canada. Our kind was not
join other professions: physicians, lawyers, social meant to be caged in a condo or chained to a desk.
workers, and community activists are fairly common. We must run with the Moon.”
Roleplaying Legban Characters: You believe in -- Gretchen Engels, Machui Family
the Christian’s God. You also worship pagan deities, Description: Ferals are humans whose souls have
and the spirits of your ancestors. Somehow, you are become intertwined with Animal Spirits, particularly
not bothered by the contradictions. The world is full the spirits of predatory creatures. They are the were-
of strange and wonderful things; you’ve seen quite a wolves (and other were-creatures) of legend. For the
few of them. Who are you, then, to judge whose God most part, existence as a Feral is an unmitigated
is stronger, or the “right” one to worship? Better to curse, rendering the victim unable to control the sav-
deal with all of them, get to know them, and then age impulses of their bestial side.
make your decision.
A few manage to gain some measure of indepen-
In the spirit world, you deal with two orders of dence from their curse, either through sheer strength
being: the Voodoo gods, and the spirits of the dead. of will, the use of magical rituals, or the intervention
The gods you work with are not omnipotent or all- of some powerful entity. The Nomads are mostly a
knowing; that One is beyond you and your magicks, gathering of the latter type of Ferals. Founded by a
although you acknowledge His existence. The gods handful of werecreatures during the dawn of history,
you deal with can be petty and fickle, but you can the Ferals made a pact with two ancient Moon deities,
cajole them into doing your bidding, although not gaining control over their animal impulses in return
without risk. Ghosts are easier to work with -- when for a pledge never to settle down permanently among
you have to, you can use brute force -- but they are no humankind. The deal protected both Ferals and any
less complicated. In the physical -- what most people potential human victims, and in time members of the
think of as the “real” -- world, you have to contend Covenant came to relish their wandering existence.
with humans and things that can pass themselves off
as human. It is hard to tell which of the two is the
more dangerous and unpredictable.
15 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Nomads now haunt the highways and back Common Professions: Ferals cannot hold down
roads of the world. They can be found running fairs jobs in a fixed area. Common professions include
and concert tours, driving big rigs, or simply drifting carnival and circus workers, concert roadies, truck-
aimlessly, staying in one place long enough to make ers, and other types of performer or merchant.
some money before moving on. Wherever they go, Roleplaying Nomads: You are set apart from the
the Nomads seek other Ferals, trying to recruit them rest of the human race, even more so than most
into their ranks before their curse consumes them. Gifted. If you are Feral, you have to struggle with
They are also pledged to hunt supernatural beings your bestial side: not an easy task, even with the help
who prey on humans. of the Moon Gods. Even if you aren’t, life on the road
Attributes: Any combination is possible. The prevents you from forging long-lasting relationships
Nomads number both dumb strongmen, frail mystic with strangers. The only people you really get to
types and everything in between. know are your fellow travelers, and it is easy to adopt
Qualities and Drawbacks: Many Nomads have a an “us versus them” mentality, especially when most
negative Social Status (-1 to -3 as “roadies” or outsiders feel some measure of distrust from you.
“carnies,” regarded with distrust by police officers Many Nomads place the well-being personal group
and parents of teenage girls). Resources are rarely or “pack” ahead of everything else (including their
very high, although there are exceptions. own interests, or that of the Covenant as a whole).
Skills: Most Nomads have at least one The reasons for your wandering life vary from case
Pilot/Driving skill. Nomads are also likely to have to case. Many Nomads are born into the life, descen-
Occult Knowledge and Myth and Legend Skills, dants of the original Ferals who founded it. Those
especially those related to Ferals and the Moon Gods. with the Feral curse had no choice but to follow the
nomadic path; the rest of you joined out of loyalty, or
Metaphysics: A large proportion of the Covenant because you were fleeing something, be it the law, or
are Ferals: of those, the majority belong to the Five personal problems, or a past you wished to forget.
Families, Feral bloodlines, each with its own animal
species. Besides Ferals, almost any other type of The times are changing, however. For most of your
Gifted or Supernatural character is possible, as well life, you’ve rarely encountered trouble on the road.
as Mundanes. In their travels, any wanderer who Now, other things are traveling there -- things that
proves himself to the Covenant may be accepted in its hunt humans, or even your kind. Some of you are
ranks. Courage and loyalty are the primary qualities talking in ways unheard of previously. They are say-
of any would-be Nomad. ing that coming events will force the Nomads to
break with tradition, to choose certain ground and to
Special Abilities: All non-Mundane members gain make a stand.
the favor of the Moon Gods, who become the Spirit
Patrons of the characters. Feral members gain the
Boon to control their transformation, enjoying a +2
bonus to all Tests and Tasks related to resisting spon-
taneous transformations, or becoming berserk (this is
cumulative with the benefits of being a Born Feral,
see p. 31). Non-Feral non-Mundanes gain a 2-point
Boon (player’s choice) from their Spirit Patrons.
Mundanes among the Nomads have become hard-
ened to the presence of the supernatural; they gain a
+3 bonus on Fear Tests dealing with supernatural
manifestations (this may be cumulative with the
Nerves of Steel Quality).
C h a p t e r T w o 16
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Mockers newsgroups, and they have an odd, disturbing sense
of humor. Something allowed them to withstand the
“So you want me to give you some pretentious little mind-destroying influence of the Mad Gods -- maybe
speech about what it’s like to be one of us? No thank love for a person or a place, or sheer hatred, or plain
you. Go talk to Doctor Pedro over there; maybe he stubbornness -- and they must always keep that
can help you.” “anchor” firmly in their mind, using it as an amulet to
-- Pauline MacNamara, Mocker ward off the growing madness.
“Oh, it sucks. It hurts and it’s cold and you see Attributes: The most important Attribute is
things out of the corner of your eye that aren’t there, Willpower. Few Mockers have a Willpower lower
except they can see you too, and one day they are than a 3, and most have it at level 4 or higher.
going to come out and get you. But at least we Qualities and Drawbacks: Not surprisingly, a
know. You have no idea of what it’s like, to know the variety of Delusions, Emotional Problems and other
truth. They are out there, in the folds between mental Drawbacks are universal among Covenant
spaces, and they are gnawing through the walls, try- members. Resources and Status tend to be low or at
ing to get through. We keep plugging the holes, even best average. All have powerful Adversaries: servants
though one day a big one is just going to leak of the Mad Gods (usually 2-4 points’ worth), and, for
through. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to put my the particularly unlucky, a Mad God itself (even a
makeup on; I’m hunting monsters in the sewer, and I minor Mad God would be worth no less than 5 points
like to feel pretty when I do it.” as an Adversary).
-- Doctor Pedro, Mocker Skills: Occult Knowledge (the Mad Gods) is held
Description: Most people who become tainted by almost all members. Combat skills are not
with the substance of the Mad Gods die, go hopeless- unknown, but not widespread, either -- to many
ly insane, or become the slave of those entities. A few Mockers, violence is a last resort, as they fear losing
manage to survive with some remnants of their for- control of their Taint. Investigators will have a num-
mer selves intact. Some of those few have banded ber of scholastic and research skills, to better detect
together. They call themselves the Mockers, and may signs of their enemies.
be the most despised, misunderstood and isolated Metaphysics: The majority of Mockers have a
Covenant in the world of WitchCraft. variety of Taint Powers (see p. 120). Some practice
The Mockers are deadly enemies of the Mad Gods. Magic, usually powered with Taint. Any other Gifted
They have intimate knowledge of those alien beings: power is possible; many Mockers also have the
their Essence has been corrupted by them, become Disciplines of the Flesh (see Mystery Codex, p. 164).
something deadly and sinister -- Taint. These dark Special Abilities: Mockers with Taint Powers gain
energies of anti-creation are a constant strain on the one free Anchor level (see p. 118). Other characters,
Mockers’ minds and souls, but they also make them Gifted or Mundane, gain a +2 bonus to all Resisted
strong. The Mockers use the powers of Taint against Tasks or Tests (including Fear Tests) involving the
their makers, fighting to prevent creatures from Mad Gods or their Minions.
beyond reality from securing a foothold in our world. Common Professions: The Mockers have a hard
In the end, it is always a losing battle, for the Taint time holding down regular jobs. A few, especially
cannot be controled forever. The Mockers have little among the untainted, work in academia, unearthing
choice, however. They simply make the most of the the secrets of the Mad Ones through their research.
time they have. Most Tainted Mockers work only to get enough
The typical “Lovecraftian” occult investigator has money to live on; temporary work, or menial, part-
a place among the Mockers, but most members are time jobs are the preferred sources of income. A few
cut from a different cloth. They hold down menial turn to petty crime.
jobs, read tabloids and cruise the weirder Internet
17 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Roleplaying the Mockers: You have seen things
that no mortal should ever experience. Unlike most,
The Lodge of the Undying
you escaped with your life. Your sanity did not sur- “Do you want to live forever? You and I can. The
vive intact, but sanity is overrated, especially in this rest of the world can’t. Not our fault, but do you
world. Your best weapon in this war is a measure of think they’ll be understanding if they ever discover
irreverence and gallows humor. You have learned to us? Keep your nose clean and your mouth shut, and
laugh at the people who go on with their daily lives, you’ll live longer. A lot longer.”
blithely oblivious to the things that lurk not too far -- Dagobert “Dago” Ferrell,
away. Laughing is better than screaming until your to a new Lodge member.
throat bleeds and tearing your eyes out of your head.
“Laugh at my ‘New Age crap’ if you will, but the
When you joined the Mockers, you were able to evidence is clear. We are the reborn children of
share some of your burden with others who under- Atlantis, destroyed millennia ago by the wrath of
stood it. You also made a pledge to seek out more god-like beings. And I fear that this civilization is
manifestations from Beyond, to prevent other beings about to undergo a similar catastrophe. We cannot
like the one who marked you from bursting through stand by and do nothing.”
our world. You are a cancer cell that has chosen to
-- Serena Carroll, 1,200-year old Immortal
fight the growing cancer. Perhaps, one day, you will
be cleansed by your actions. Description: There are many types of immortal in
the world of WitchCraft. Some Gifted humans live
The day of Reckoning is near. Some of you blame
far longer than normal people, with careers that can
yourselves for it; maybe if you had been more dili-
easily span centuries. Undead Vampyres are also
gent, you might have earned another decade or cen-
effectively unaging, although they have other prob-
tury of peace for humankind. Others just smile grim-
lems. True Immortals are a different breed, however,
ly and prepare for the final battle. You have no doubt
people who were born with seemingly eternal life.
that the apocalypse will be fought not between angels
The Lodge of the Undying is a gathering of these
of demons, but between Essence and Taint.
Immortals. For quite some time, it has served as a
semiformal mutual assistance society, a place where
a young Immortal can rub elbows with others of their
ilk and learn the finer points of eternal life.
The Covenant is also concerned with learning the
truth about their kind. Most Immortals have visions
and dreams of their previous lives, glimpses of a glo-
rious past where Immortals ruled a powerful civiliza-
tion, often identified with such mythical lands as
Atlantis and Ultima Thule. The Lodge is trying to dis-
cover the truth about these visions. So far, it has gath-
ered little concrete evidence. Some members have
been able to recreate some “Atlantean” super-sci-
ence, however, and that is very definite proof that
there is something to those dreams.
Attributes: Immortals come from all walks of life,
so any Attribute distribution is possible. Immortal
members also gain a number of bonuses (see p. 42).
C h a p t e r T w o 18
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Qualities and Drawbacks: Almost all members people like you. Most of the time, it is little more than
must have the True Immortal Quality, for obvious a very exclusive social club, but you cannot put so
reasons. However, other long-lived beings and people many ancient and powerful beings in one place for
have on occasion been accepted. For the older very long before sparks start to fly. There is always
Immortals, Age and high levels of Resources are someone with some scheme: maybe an expedition to
standard. Many Immortals have Adversaries (typical- Antarctica looking for ancient artifacts, or an attempt
ly other long-lived people and creatures). Some have to manipulate the world market. Then there are the
accumulated impressive lists of Delusions over the requests for help: Immortals who fell afoul of
years, too. Vampyres or another Covenant. And there is no short-
Skills: Any skill combination is possible, since the age of internal conflicts and petty scores to settle. You
Undying have the time, and usually the resources, to keep busy.
pursue any occupation. Long-lived Immortals should Most of the time, however, the Covenant does not
spend at least some points on archaic skills, to repre- interfere with your main goal: to live your life. With
sent their past accomplishments. Those archaic skills centuries ahead of you, there is so much you can do,
do not have to be at high levels, however (represent- so many things you can try -- learn a new trade, trav-
ing “rusting” through lack of practice). el to exotic lands, become wealthy beyond your
Metaphysics: Immortals cannot have most normal wildest dreams. Sometimes, you have tried to learn
Gifted abilities, but they have their own array of more about what you are, and there the Lodge can be
unique powers (see p. 41-43). The few non- very useful -- it has collected the combined memories
Immortals can have almost any power. and wisdom of hundreds of Immortals over the years,
giving you a chance to study the evidence, compare
Special Abilities: Because of their extensive competing theories, and perhaps contribute your own.
research materials, all members gain one free level of
Occult Knowledge (Immortals). It seems that Immortals are appearing in greater
numbers than ever before. This has been accompa-
Common Professions: Younger Immortals can nied by an upsurge in supernatural activity. Some of
belong to any profession; the older ones tend to have you are growing concerned, and talk about the down-
enough wealth to make a job superfluous, although fall of Atlantis and a new danger is becoming more
others own their own businesses or work as artists or common. In all fairness, however, similar talk was
in similar freelance occupations. common during World War One, and, if the older
Roleplaying a Lodge Member: You have been hands are telling the truth, back during the Black
told you can live for hundreds of years, and never age Death in the Middle Ages. Whether or not this time
a day. That has a way of putting things in perspective. will be any different remains to be seen.
The Lodge offers you a place where you can talk to
19 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
New Qualities and Drawbacks
relationship between the two is cordial, however, the
spirit works willingly and even devoutly for the char-
acter’s interests. Pact Familiars resist control
Familiar attempts with a -3 penalty; this represents the will-
Variable Supernatural Quality ingness of the spirit to take risks or even demean
itself for its friend. If the relationship has become
A familiar is a spirit entity that works side by side strained, however, control attempts are resisted with
with a character. It may be little better than a slave, a +2 bonus! Having a Pact Familiar costs 2 points,
forced into service through magic or other power, or cumulative with all other costs.
it may be a free agent who helps because it wants to.
Familiars can be very useful, working as agents, Free: The Familiar serves of its own free will, and
assistants or bodyguards. On the other hand, they can can come and go as it pleases. It cannot be controlled;
be dangerous, especially when the creature in ques- the character must plead, bribe or otherwise convince
tion is being held against its will or is a malicious the spirit to do anything. Generally, however, a Free
being who delights in tormenting others. Familiar is there because it likes or sympathizes with
the character, so it generally goes along. Free
In game terms, the value of a Familiar depends on Familiars cannot be controlled normally. Having a
its power and reliability. The base cost of a Familiar Free Familiar has a negative value of -5; this is
is equal to the sum of its Primary Attributes, divided applied to the cost of the Familiar, but cannot reduce
by 6 (rounded down), plus the sum of its Vital and its value below 2 points.
Energy Essence, divided by 20 (rounded down). So,
an Elemental with all six Attributes at level 4 (24 lev- Controlling the Familiar
els), and a Vital Essence of 40 and an Energy Essence Most of the time, Familiars subject to control fol-
of 40 (80 Essence total) would have a base cost of 8 low orders without problems. When ordered into dan-
points (24 divided by 6, plus 80 divided by 20). The ger, or forced to perform a task that goes against its
creature also has all the normal abilities of a being of morals or beliefs, the character may have to force a
its class. Special powers add 2 extra points each to Familiar through an act of Will. This is treated as a
the base cost (this may be increased to 3-4 points for Resisted Test, pitting a Simple Willpower Test by the
very powerful abilities at the Chronicler’s discretion). character against a Difficult Willpower Test for the
Relationship with Familiar Familiar. This is modified by the relationship type of
Familiar (see above), as well as by the following.
The cost of the Familiar is modified by the type of
relationship it has with the character. Lengthy and Tedious Task: The Familiar gains a
+1 bonus to resist.
Compelled: The Familiar is bound through magic,
the will of a more powerful Spirit Patron, or some Dangerous Task: This is anything that has a large
other supernatural means. The being follows orders risk of severe injury or worse. The Familiar gains a
to the letter, but resents its “owner” and is likely to try +2 bonus to resist.
to bring about his downfall in any way it can. Repulsive Task: These tasks include any chore
Compelled Familiars resist any command from its that the spirit is naturally loath to perform. This is
master at a -2 penalty. Having a Compelled Familiar resisted with a +1 to +6 bonus, depending on the cir-
costs 2 points, cumulative with all other costs. cumstances. Ordering an animal spirit to destroy a
Pact: Pact Familiars enter into an agreement will- baby animal of its client species, for example, would
ingly. This is usually the case when the spirit and the be resisted with a +6 bonus.
character share a common goal or interest. Pact Suicidal Task: A Task that almost certainly results
Familiars are more like friends or allies than servants. in the spirit’s destruction. The Familiar resists such
They expect to be treated as partners or equals, and commands with a +5 bonus.
will be offended if ordered around. As long as the
C h a p t e r T w o 20
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
If the character fails to control the spirit, he must An Accursed Feral may be able to learn to control
try to regain control as soon as possible, or the link to its urges if he finds a willing teacher and is prepared
the Familiar is lost. This requires either a second to spend a long time battling his inner demons. In
Resisted Test with the same modifiers as before, or game terms, this is costly both in time and experience
the use of a specific power, like the Spirit Mastery points. First, the Drawback must be bought off, and
Invocation or Mindrule. If that second attempt fails, then the value of the Feral Quality must be purchased
the spirit is free to do as it pleases -- flee to its native with experience points (this can be done in “install-
plane, attack its former master, or something else ments” over the course of a game, of course). If the
altogether. The points spent on the Familiar are nor- character was Gifted or Lesser Gifted, and lost his
mally lost. At the Chronicler’s discretion, up to half powers as a result of the transformation, the
the amount may be used to acquire a new Familiar. Chronicler may let the player use the points original-
ly spent on those powers to buy the Feral Quality.
Feral This process takes a minimum of 1 week for every
Variable Supernatural Quality or Drawback level of the Drawback, and requires the character to
spend no less than two hours a day undergoing med-
Ferals are humans whose souls have become inter-
itation or mystical treatment. Missing a day means
twined with an animal spirit. These dual beings have
the process must start over.
many strange abilities, including the power to shift
into a bestial, fluid form. Influence
Most Feral Cast Members are creatures who have 3 points/level Social Quality; Prerequisite: 2 or
managed to exert some measure of control over their more levels of Wealth and Status, in any combina-
transformation. In that case, they must pay for it as a tion desired
Quality; costs for different sub-species of Ferals can The character has powerful connections, and can
be found on pp. 36-37. Players who wish to be Ferals make things happen. Maybe it’s money, maybe it’s
must choose the Lesser Supernatural character type, fame, or maybe his family is wealthy and powerful,
and then purchase this Quality. The Feral Quality but however he does it, the normal rules do not apply
grants certain powers and abilities that are included to him. The character can make or break careers and
in the cost of the Quality, as well as access to certain get away with murder (at the higher levels, literally).
others that must be purchased separately. Further Powerful people return his calls; he may be able to
information on Ferals is included on pp. 29-38. get through to heads of state, and they will listen,
although they may not agree with him.
Characters who are incapable of controlling them-
selves when transformed are Accursed Ferals; this is Either high Wealth or Status, or a combination of
a Drawback with a value equal to 1/3 of the regular the two, is necessary to garner significant levels of
“cost” of the Feral form (rounded up). All Accursed Influence. An Influence level can never exceed one
Ferals have the Moon Slave Vulnerability (see p. 37), half of a character’s combined Wealth and Status. So,
but gain no points from it. Furthermore, when trans- to get Influence 5, a minimum of 10 Status levels, or
formed, Accursed Ferals are under the control of the 6 Wealth and 4 Status levels, or any similar combina-
Chronicler. In fact, the character has only fragmen- tion is needed.
tary memories of what happens while in his bestial The “Home Ground” Advantage: People with
form, and is quite capable of attacking his friends and Influence tend to have more weight in their “local”
loved ones. No Feral powers or bonuses are accessi- turf: their home state, or the city they dwell in. In
ble to the character. In short, it is a real curse, with no those areas, their Influence is considered to be one
redeeming qualities, and which should be rid of as level higher than purchased.
soon as humanly possible (which may turn out to be
impossible, of course).
21 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Level One: Most of the influence is localized: a Murder is trivially easy for people at this level; a con-
city, town or county. Everywhere, though, the charac- venient patsy can always be found, and no investiga-
ter can throw his weight around and get results. He tion even comes close to the real culprit.
knows wealthy and powerful people; if he calls them,
they won’t hang up, and will hear him out, albeit Legban Esoteric
briefly. Examples: medium-sized city mayor, major 2-point Supernatural Quality
functionary of a state or province, or a movie star.
Most members of the Covenant of Legba are famil-
Level Two: The character can fix most legal trou- iar with Necromancy and Magic. A few possess the
bles -- up to minor felonies -- with a few phone calls Second Sight. In order to have access to any other
and by greasing a few palms (this assumes nothing Metaphysics, a Legban character must purchase this
too overt, however). He can call for a press confer- Quality. This represents the difficulty of finding
ence, and will get it. When he calls other important teachers and spirit guides, and perfecting the training
people, they listen; only those with 4 levels of in other Arts. This Quality must be purchased for
Influence or higher feel free to ignore his calls. The each separate esoteric Art desired by the Legban.
character can make or break careers in his area of
influence. Examples: governor of a small state, Obligation
mayor of a large city, A-list movie star or moviemak-
Variable Social Drawback
er, CEO of a large corporation.
Some rights are accompanied by duties. An
Level Three: At this level, the power broker stands
Obligation must be followed to various degrees, and
in the center of a network of favors and obligations
grants a number of points depending on the strictness
like a royal spider. He can literally get away with
of its dictates.
murder, if he isn’t too overt about doing it. Lesser
crimes are routinely glossed over, although, as Minimal: The character is expected to obey the
always, the character has to be careful not to get pub- basic precepts of the organization or creed and not to
licly caught, at least in most democratic countries. betray its members. This is worth no points. All mem-
His influence extends over other powerful people, bers of a Covenant have this Minimal Obligation. In
who exert their own Influence in his behalf, provided some cases, the basic precepts of the organization put
he remembers the favor and reciprocates at a later members in danger (the Sentinels are a good exam-
date. Examples: mayor of one of the top five U.S. ple), but this is usually offset by the bonuses and ben-
cities, governor of a large state, member of Congress efits of membership in the group.
or Parliament, Fortune 500 CEO, the president or Important: The character is expected to routinely
prime minister of a small country. risk himself for the organization, and go above the
Level Four: This worthy can make or break any- basic precepts of the membership. An Important
one; if his connections are right, he could have peo- Obligation is worth 1 point.
ple killed, and get away with it with a minimum of Major: The character is expected to put the wel-
circumspection. Almost nobody refuses to hear a call fare of the organization above his own. He is always
from him, and the only people who can touch him are on call, and does not have time to pursue such activ-
other powerful people (Influence 3+). The character ities as a normal job, or much of a personal life. The
is not quite above the law, but fairly close. Examples: penalties for disobedience or selfishness are severe,
President of a First World nation, multibillionaire. and may include death. This is worth 2 points.
Level Five: At this level, the master manipulator Total: The character is expected to die for the orga-
can exert influence on every level. Most people with nization, if need be. Missions for the organization are
this level of influence are not in the public eye, or, if all extremely hazardous, and the character is con-
they are, are not clearly identified as having it. Major stantly in danger of imprisonment, torture or execu-
Combine agents would have this level of power. tion. This is worth 3 points.
C h a p t e r T w o 22
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Skin-Changer New Skills
Variable Supernatural Quality; Prerequisite:
Spirit Mastery (Type) 4+, Warding 1+ Magic Bolt
Skin-Changers are sorcerers who simulate Feral This Combat Skill is used by magicians or other
powers by magically linking themselves to a spirit. Gifted to “throw” a bolt or blast of energy. It works
Unlike the Feral curse, this process is fully voluntary like any other ranged skill. The specifics of the skill
and under the control of the magician. depend on the mystical effect attempted.
Skin-Changers have certain advantages over “nor-
mal” Ferals, and vice-versa. They are not subject to New Weapon
spontaneous transformation, and they are fully in
control over their bestial shape. On the other hand, Flamethrower
they require the specially treated fur of the animal in This weapon consists of a rifle-sized gun attached
question, so the magician cannot transform quickly or to one or more tanks of incendiary gel. The gel is pro-
without forethought. Finally, none of the Ferals’ spe- pelled out of the gun and ignited, creating a stream of
cial powers (see pp. 33-35) can be acquired. flame. The burning liquid splatters, runs and ignites
The cost of being a Skin-Changer is equal to the any flammable liquid. Flamethrower ranges are
cost of being a Feral of the same species (see pp. 36- 30/40/50/60/65 for modern weapons, and
37). The needed prerequisites must be paid for sepa- 10/20/30/40/50 for WWII-era weapons.
rately. While in bestial form, the character may not Gel may be fired in bursts, and no more than three
use Invocations, although previously performed bursts may be fired in a Turn (each counts as a sepa-
Invocations will remain in effect. rate action). If a burst of flaming gel contacts a per-
Acquiring this Quality after character creation is son, he takes D6(3) points of damage per Turn. The
detailed on p. 32. gel may also be sprayed at one or more targets at
medium range or less by continually depressing the
Spirit Patron trigger. The later expends D6 bursts per Turn; each
Variable Supernatural Quality Success Level in the Dexterity and Guns
(Flamethrower) Task means one burst hits (the firer
A powerful spirit has forged a special bond with the
decides how many hits are allocated to each target in
character. This may provide a number of special pow-
range). Those engulfed in flaming gel (being hit with
ers, but is often balanced with several duties or obliga-
3 or more bursts) take D6 x 2(6) points of damage per
tions. Spirit Patrons are fully described on pp. 104-105.
Turn. Flaming gel is very difficult to extinguish. Each
True Immortal tank contains 10 “bursts” worth of gel.
Flamethrowers are very vulnerable. Those target-
15-point Supernatural Quality
ing the tanks with piercing/slashing/bullet weapon
You cannot die, and are almost impossible to kill. attacks suffer a -2 to the Task, and must overcome an
Players who wish to be Immortals must choose the AV of 6. Still, penetration almost guarantees explo-
Gifted Character Type, and then purchase this sion. Roll D10, only on a 1 or 2 is the wearer safe.
Quality. The True Immortal Quality grants certain Exploding tanks engulf the wearer in flames, and hit
powers and abilities that are included in the cost of all those within 5 yards with a burst. A bulky protec-
the Quality, as well as access to certain others that tive suit is available to modern-day soldiers that
must be purchased separately. Further information on reduces damage from the burning gel to 1 point per
True Immortals is included on pp. 39-45. Turn. Note that U.S. troops are not equiped with
flamethrowers, but those from other countries are.
23 R u l e s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Chapter Three: Inhumans
C h a p t e r T h r e e 24
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
“I dunno about this, Uncle Joseph.”
“You’ll do as yer told, boy,” Joseph Coburn said as he fitted the night vision goggles over
his nephew’s eyes. First time is always the worst, he told himself. He had been out first when
he was thirteen, three years younger than Frankie here, back when that Pope-loving Democrat
was in office. Things had gone to Hell since, even after the Pope-lover had gotten a bullet in
the head, shot by a crazy Commie of all things. Well, the Lord worked in mysterious ways.
“Can you see all right? Good. Now mind your gun.” Frankie had a Ruger 10/22, a little
semi-automatic rifle. It was a wimpy .22, but Frankie was coming along just to watch and
learn, not to make the kill himself. That was going to be left to the men, to Joseph and Lorne
and Bob. Bob’s son Bobby was on leave from the Army, and he’d be along too. Good old
boy; he was going to try for Green Beret next year. As long as their kind served in Army
green, the country might survive the adulterous whoremonger the masses had seen fit to elect
this last time. For now, all Joseph and his kin could do was to try and keep their little corner
of the world clean.
It wasn’t too often that you got two so close together. The ones before that had been, what
four years ago? Three of them at once, two darkie punks and their wetback friend out on a
joyride on a stolen car. Sheriff Hawthorne had picked them up and then called Joseph. Yeah,
four years ago, Joseph had been madder than a wet cat at the last election results -- elected
him twice, by God! -- and he’d been more than ready to vent some steam. And now, two in one
week. First, the black reporter who said he was driving through but was sniffing around. And
two days later, some cousin of his that came looking for him. Sheriff Hawthorne had moved
quickly, though, and the man was now handcuffed in the back seat of his patrol car.
Time for another ‘can shoot.
“All right, chamber a round, then put the safety on,” Joseph told Frankie. “And don’t for-
get to keep your finger off the trigger ‘till yer ready to shoot.” Things Frankie should know by
heart, but people always got nervous their first time.
“Sure thing, Uncle Joseph,” Frankie said. He was a good kid. Not his fault he had been
raised by a woman after his Daddy died. Well, this ‘can shoot would help him become a man.
“Just shootin’ ‘cans, boy,” he said. “Ri-cans, Afri-can Ameri-cans, Mexi-cans.” He
chuckled at his own joke, but Frankie didn’t seem to relax. Too bad for him.
Ahead of them Sheriff Hawthorne was taking the cuffs off the black man. “I’m lettin’ you
go, boy,” he said as the man silently rubbed his chafed wrists. “Go into the woods. You oughta
hit a road half a mile north.” The man remained silent. “Now, git!”
Without a word, the man moved into forest with a careless loping pace that worried Joseph.
This boy seemed to know his way around the woods. His cousin had broken into a desperate
run, slamming into trees and low hanging branches and sobbing in terror and desperation.
This one just rushed forward and after a few seconds Joseph could not pick him up even
with the night goggles.
“Shit!” Joseph hissed. A few yards away, Bob and Bobby broke into a run after the
quarry. Joseph smacked Frankie on the shoulder, making the boy jump. “Let’s mount up
and go, Frankie!”
25 I n h u m n a b s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Joseph and Frankie plunged into the forest. They could see Bob and his kid rushing ahead,
their night vision goggles making them look like alien insects. Joseph still couldn’t see the
black man, but he wasn’t worried. Even if he managed to outrun them, Lorne was high up on
the tallest tree in the woods with a .30-06 sniper rifle.
“I see ‘im!” Bobby’s shout was followed by the dry report of his Uzi carbine. Bobby fired
three shots in quick succession, the flashes glowing eerily in the green light of the low-light
goggles. “I got ‘im! I got ‘im, Pa!” Bobby shouted triumphantly. Joseph felt a vague stab of
disappointment. It had been a short chase.
Bobby started screaming in abject terror.
Joseph and Frankie froze in mid-step. They heard two more shots, pop-pop in the darkness.
Then Bob’s voice. “Bobby! What –” suddenly cut off in mid-sentence. And then silence.
“Uncle Joseph, I’m scared,” Frankie blubbered.
“Shut up,” Joseph said. He scanned the forest, strained to listen. The entire area had gone
completely silent.
“Godalmighty, what is that?” The shout came from far away. Joseph recognized Lorne’s
voice. Then Lorne’s .30-06 roared in the night, once . . . twice . . . three times.
“Come on, Frankie.” Joseph headed towards Lorne’s position, careful to stay out of his
field of fire. Apparently their quarry had been tough enough to take down Bob and Bobby,
which might mean he now had a couple of guns and a shotgun to his name. And that meant . . .
“Uncle Joseph!” Frankie was pointing to his left. Joseph followed the outstretched arm
and found Bobby and Bob. They had been flung aside like broken dolls. The rich smell of
blood and waste filled Joseph’s nose as he examined the bodies. There were pretty torn up, but
their guns were right next to them.
“Get back to the car, Frankie,” Joseph found himself saying. “Get back to the car and drive
yourself home.” Frankie threw his gun away and ran. Joseph couldn’t blame the boy. He
wanted to run himself.
It wouldn’t do any good. Still, Frankie really didn’t deserve to be here.
Lorne fired again. Joseph crept forward, shotgun ready. Something sliced through the air,
and there was a loud, meaty t hoc k sound. Joseph reached a clearing and saw Lorne dangling
limply from his harness on top of the tree. A sharpened branch sprouted from his chest.
Something growled behind Joseph. He whirled around and fired at the onrushing figure. In
the muzzle flashes, what he saw was not human. It still wore scraps of the clothing, but that
was all. Joseph caught a glimpse of striped fur, formidable jaws and flashing claws.
His first shot went wild. The second hit dead on, and he saw flesh and blood splash away
from the impact. Joseph had a brief feeling of triumph, and then he felt a brutal impact.
The world was spinning, spinning. Joseph hit a tree. In the green light of the goggles, he
saw a headless body start to slump to the ground.
Hey, that’s me, he had time to realize, before the darkness claimed him.
C h a p t e r T h r e e 26
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Being part human, part animal spirit, Ferals can
alter their bodies, assuming a bestial shape. This form
This chapter deals with two supernatural races that is not fixed. It actually shifts from one moment to the
inhabit the world of WitchCraft -- the Ferals, super- next, ranging from a mostly human but hair-covered
natural shape-shifters, and the True Immortals, the form to a full animal shape. Usually, the Feral shifts
reborn heirs of the Elder Kingdoms. Using the mate- to the most useful form for the circumstances; this is
rial presented here, each can be played as Cast an instinctive reaction, and it may not always be in
Members. As with other supernatural types, these the best interests of the person. For example, a fright-
characters are powerful and may unbalance a group ened Feral may go on all fours and turn into a full-
of Cast Members, particularly if a Pre-Heroic cam- fledged wolf -- making it impossible to use a weapon,
paign is chosen (see WitchCraft, p. 292). tool or vehicle that might have been enough to deal
with the situation.
Ferals The curse is both transmissible and hereditary.
Once a human turns Feral, her curse is passed down
Ferals are humans whose souls have become from generation to generation. The curse does not
enmeshed with -- some might say infected by -- a strike every child, or even most descendants, but it
beast spirit. They are aberrations, hybrid creatures of will manifest at some point, sometimes generations
spirit and flesh with characteristics of both. They are after the original curse. As long as the offspring of a
the lycanthropes and werewolves of legend, the man- Feral exists, there is a chance their dual nature will
beasts that hunt at night or are driven to madness by manifest itself. Most Ferals living in the world are the
the full moon. Ferals are more than mindless preda- descendants of previous victims. This ratio is begin-
tors, however. Their dual nature gives some of them ning to change, however, as more and more spirits
powers over both animals and spirits. Despite this, pass unbidden into the world and, by chance or
being a Feral is a terrible burden. Often, the victim is design, forge a link with some unfortunate mortal.
unable to repress her urges and emotions; a Feral is
Ferals come in several species. All known Feral
likely to reply to a slight insult with a murderous ram-
“races” are predatory mammals, however. There are
page. To be a Feral is to fear oneself -- or to let go and
no known cases of “cow Ferals,” “snake Ferals” or
become a true monster, viewing the world as a place
“insectoid Ferals.” Some occultists believe that non-
to satisfy one’s instincts, with a complete disregard
predatory spirits lack the individuality and thirst for
for the consequences.
revenge required to afflict humans, and non-mam-
There are three types of Feral: Accursed, mals are too alien and different for such mergings to
Reconciled and Born. Accursed Ferals have been flourish. Semi-human creatures of those species do
“infected” with the curse of lycanthropy; they have exist in the world of WitchCraft, but are created
little or no control over their curse, and usually lead through different mechanisms; they belong to differ-
short, unhappy lives before their rage consumes ent orders of being.
them. Reconciled Ferals have, through some means,
gained a measure of control over their dual nature; Accursed Ferals
they are more likely to survive for a few or even sev-
Becoming a Feral is mostly an involuntary process.
eral years. Born Ferals are the descendants of other
A few occult societies (including the Nomads, see p.
Ferals, whose curse is passed down through the gen-
68) have rituals of initiation by which a person is
erations. This type has a better chance of not being
transformed, but those situations are rare. For the
destroyed by the curse, as their heritage may give
most part, a Feral is created in three ways: by attract-
them some ways to control the change. No Feral is
ing the wrath of an animal spirit, by being critically
likely to lead a normal life, however.
injured by a Feral, or by killing a Feral.
27 I n h u m n a b s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
An enraged animal spirit may infect a particularly regardless of any Survival Test outcomes -- but that
offensive human. This is how “first generation” the character is automatically cursed. The victim is
Ferals are created. Hunting animals is rarely enough transformed into a Feral of the same “species” as her
to warrant the curse; the spirits accept the predator- attacker; typically, the victim will be Accursed Feral,
prey relationship as a fact of life. Pollution, wanton until she finds a way to control the change.
killing, and lack of proper reverence for the creatures It is also possible to become infected if one kills a
one kills may be enough, but only the most extreme Feral, especially if silver, magic or other supernatur-
acts of this nature would attract the wrath of the spir- al means were not used. In such a case, the person
it world. Committing such a crime in a sacred place who delivered the final, killing blow must pass a
(a holy grove in a forest, for example) increases the Simple Willpower Test with a +3 bonus; Gifted char-
likelihood of such a curse. In game terms, the acters, or those using silver or magic, gain a +6
Chronicler should decide whether a character’s sins bonus. On a failure, the victim is cursed, as above,
warrant a curse from the spirits. The spiritual attack with the victim becoming a Feral of the same animal
is most likely when the offense takes place in a Place type as the one she killed.
or on a Day of Power. Like the gods of old, these enti-
ties are often whimsical and unpredictable; a crime After character has become Feral, a small scar
that gets one person cursed may have no effect on appears somewhere on her skin, resembling three
another. Use a Resisted Test, pitting Simple claw marks. Among those who were attacked by a
Willpower Tests of the spirit and the target (in this Feral, the mark appears at the site of the wound.
case, there are no bonuses for being Gifted). Only one The first transformation occurs on the first night in
attempt can be made at a given time. If the spirit which 10 or more ambient Essence points become
loses, it may not attempt to curse the human until available -- midnight during a full moon is the most
another suitable occasion (usually another crime or common such occasion (see Spontaneous
offense) presents itself. Transformation, p. 34). The first time is the most
Those who are transformed as a punishment gain traumatic, and is likely to come as a complete sur-
few benefits from their dual lives. They become prise to victims, especially non-Gifted characters.
Accursed Ferals. The Gifted are more likely to sense the transforma-
tion; a Simple Perception Test reveals that their aura
When a Feral attacks people, the curse may be has been altered. Invocations like Insight immediate-
spread. Merely being bitten by a lycanthrope is insuf- ly reveal the presence of the curse.
ficient, myths and legends notwithstanding. The
injuries must be life-threatening -- enough to send the The Feral Curse cannot be easily removed. Death
victim to the Threshold, a realm between life and usually cleanses the curse from the victim, but then
death (see Mystery Codex, p. 181). At that point, the the soul either enters the cycle of reincarnation or is
animal spirits that hover around Ferals like a meta- transported to one of the Otherworlds. In a few cases,
physical entourage may take the chance to invade the the Feral Mark is so powerful that it actually carries
victim’s soul, and “infect” her with the curse. over to the next life! No commonly known
Invocations have the power to sever the curse. It is
In game terms, this requires the victim to be rumored that some Black Magic rituals will remove
reduced to -10 Life Points or below. If the victim sur- the curse -- but at the price (in addition to whatever
vives, she must pass a Simple Willpower Test; Gifted the Black Magician wants) of passing the curse onto
characters gain a +4 to this Test. If failed, the charac- someone who loves or is loved by the victim.
ter is affected by the curse, and becomes a Feral of
the same species as her attacker. Even if the character While removing the curse is very difficult, helping
fails a Survival Test and dies, at the Chronicler’s dis- reduce its effects is possible. Through the use of
cretion, the invading animal spirit might “save” the Gifted powers, or sheer strength of will, the victim
character in order to afflict her. In that case, the may eventually become Reconciled. This should be a
Chronicler may rule that the character survives lengthy and difficult process, however (see p. 31).
C h a p t e r T h r e e 28
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Soothing the Savage Beast
A number of Gifted and supernatural powers can help a Feral resist the urges of their bestial
side. Described below are some examples; players may no doubt come up with more possibilities.
Invocations: The Affect the Psyche Invocation provides a flat +2 bonus to either resist the
transformation or to resist committing violent acts. The Spirit Mastery Invocation (with the
Nature Spirits specialty) can help the victim control her urges. In game terms, a Spirit Mastery
and Willpower Task, and the expenditure of 3 Essence points, gives the character a bonus to
resist any Feral-related urge equal to the Success Levels of the Focus Task.
Seer Powers: Seers with Mindrule can try to take control of a Feral, but with great difficul-
ty. Ferals resist such attempts with a +5 bonus. Once she is in control, however, the psychic can
try to force the Feral to "stand down" and change back to normal. This requires a Difficult
Willpower Test on the part of the psychic.
Other Supernatural Powers: Vampyres with Manipulate Emotions gain the same benefits of
the Affect the Psyche Invocation. Spirit Patrons (see p. 104) often grant Feral followers the
power to resist their animalistic side.
29 I n h u m n a b s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Not all shape-shifters in the world of WitchCraft are Ferals. There are other animalistic
supernatural species in the world, and, more significantly, some of the Ferals’ abilities can be
duplicated with magic. The distinctions between magicians who can assume bestial shapes and
true Ferals are subtle, but significant. Shamans and sorcerers need special rituals and empow-
ered items, the most important one being the fur of the animal whose shape they intend to
assume. Since the transformation is voluntary and not inborn or imposed from above, the
shape-shifting magician has greater control over herself than most normal Ferals.
Finally, it takes a great deal of time and effort to become a skin-changer. Persuading or forc-
ing an animal spirit to bond with the magician is no easy task, and most magicians who manage
such a feat have little time to master many other Invocations and rituals.
Becoming a Skin-Changer
The magician must have the Spirit Mastery Invocation of the appropriate animal spirit type.
She must also procure the fur of a recently-killed animal and tan and cure it herself (this
requires the Craft Skill Furrier, or defaults to the Survival Skill of the appropriate climate,
with a -3 penalty). Then a lengthy series of rituals is needed, each at least an hour
in length and performed as often as once a week, until the connection
between the spirit and the caster is finally forged.
In game terms, the prerequisite for this ability is Spirit Mastery (Appropriate Spirit) at a
high level. During character creation, use the Skin-Changer Quality (see p. 25). This assumes
the character already went through the process of performing the rituals
and has successfully linked her soul to the animal spirit.
To acquire the skin-changer ability after character creation takes time, a number of rituals,
and the expenditure of both Essence and experience points. The character must also fulfill all
the prerequisites, and must acquire the animal fur -- a tricky proposition if the desired species
is rare or endangered. Then, a series of monthly rituals are in order. Each ritual attempt has a
-4 penalty: this represents the spirit’s resistance. If the magician fails for two rituals in a row,
she must start over, and all accumulated Essence and Success Levels are lost (any saved experi-
ence points aren’t, however). The magician must accumulate a total of 50 Success Levels,
spread over a number of Invocation castings (up to one attempt can be made every month), and
spend a total of 2,000 Essence points, also spread over the rituals. The character’s total
Essence Pool, plus any ambient Essence from Times and Places of Power and ritual magic
can be used on each ritual, but none from group rituals, consecrated vessels, and other sources.
Finally, the character must have enough experience points to pay for the Quality; this cost may
also be spread over time, but must be paid before the final ritual is performed.
Skin-Changers in Action
To transform, the character must put the prepared skin over her naked body, successfully per-
form a Spirit Mastery Invocation, and spend 10 Essence Points. The character then becomes
a Feral-like creature, with all the common powers of their kind, including regeneration,
Attribute bonuses, and the fluid shape-shifting ability. The only major difference is that the
Skin-Changer does not transmit the Curse to others through infection (see pp. 30, 33).
C h a p t e r T h r e e 30
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Life as a Feral Playing Ferals
The life of an Accursed Feral is likely to be short Accursed Ferals are not meant to be used as Cast
and miserable. Unless help is available, the wretch Members, but can make for a challenging roleplaying
suffers from blackouts during which her animal side experience. Even among the two basic types of Feral
runs rampant, possibly killing livestock or people. normally used as characters (Born and Reconciled), a
Given the reckless nature of the beast, it is only a wide range of potential personalities exist. While the
matter of time before someone kills her -- usually, the number is growing, only a few hundred Ferals exist
local community organizes a hunting party to deal worldwide. Thus, it would be fair to say that each of
with the threat (typically believing that the Feral is a them is a unique individual. Their common feature is
mad animal and not a supernatural being), and kills a closer contact with the savage, predatory side that
the Feral. The second most common cause of death exists in all humans. Some are passionate beings, and
among the Accursed is suicide. Only the very lucky are often overpowered by their lusts or impulses.
or strong-willed survive their transformation for Others keep their emotions under very tight rein,
long; those that do become Reconciled. fearful of losing control. For many Ferals, getting rid
With the proper education, most Reconciled and of the curse is the overriding goal of their lives, but a
Born Ferals can learn to control and manage their ani- sizable minority consider their dual nature part of
malistic side, but it is a hard path even for those who who they are, and would not give it up.
have the understanding and support of their families
or allies. The animal side of the Feral affects the char-
Creating Feral Characters
acter even when she is in human form. After the Ferals use the Lesser Supernatural Character Type
transformation, the sufferer becomes less inhibited, (see p. 14), and must purchase one Feral Shape (see
more likely to react without thinking, and more like- pp. 36-37). Otherwise, they are created normally.
ly to follow her instincts. The results vary widely The shape-shifters have two sets of Attributes, one
depending on the circumstances. A Feral may be the for their human form (which is purchased normally),
first to throw a punch during a bar fight -- or she may and another for their bestial form (which is modified
meekly retreat in the face of someone she considers a from the human form based on the shape chosen).
superior or “Alpha male.” As lovers, Ferals can be
fiery and passionate -- or totally selfish. Leading a Common Feral Powers and Vulnerabilities
normal life is hard in the best of circumstances.
All Ferals have a number of common abilities and
As a result, many Ferals find themselves shunning detriments. Some characteristics are determined by
the company of others, preferring to lead lonely lives, their shapes (see pp. 36-37), and others are the result
or to deal only with a select group of people, those of special training or affinities. The abilities listed
few who can understand them. Gifted humans and below vary from the Feral description in Mystery
other “inhumans” are the preferred companions, Codex. Cast Member Ferals should use this material;
since they have secrets of their own and are more Chroniclers may use either for other Ferals.
likely to make allowances for a Feral’s behavior. In
the past, such alliances were rare, since there were Feral’s Curse
few Gifted and even fewer Ferals. They are becoming Ferals can transmit their condition onto others.
more common of late, and mixed bands of Gifted, Being injured by a Feral, or even killing a Feral may
Ferals, Undead and other beings are no longer trigger the transformation. If a person is reduced to -
unique. Usually, these alliances occur when the 10 Life Points or below by a Feral’s claws or bite,
“supernaturals” find some common cause, be it an she must pass a Simple Willpower Test; Gifted char-
enemy that threatens them all, a political cause they acters gain a +4 to this Test. If failed, the character
all espouse, or even a criminal undertaking. is affected by the curse and becomes a Feral of the
same species as her attacker.
31 I n h u m n a b s
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It is also possible to become infected if one kills a Spontaneous Transformation
Feral. The person who delivered the final, killing
blow must pass a Simple Willpower Test with a +3 If enough ambient Essence is available, the Feral
bonus; Gifted characters, and those using silver or transformation may be triggered involuntarily. The
magic, gain a +6 bonus. On a failure, the victim is most dangerous times for a Feral are midnights dur-
cursed, as above, with the victim becoming a Feral of ing a full moon, the Solstices and Equinoxes, and the
the same animal type as the one she killed. evenings of the four major Days of Power (see
Witchcraft, p. 203). During those times, the Feral
Regeneration transforms into lycanthropic form unless she can pass
Ferals in animal form are extremely hard to kill. a Difficult Willpower Test. Every 10 minutes after
Most types of damage suffered are rapidly healed, at that, the character can try to regain control by passing
the rate of 1 point per Constitution level every Turn. a Difficult Willpower Test. During the time of the
In human form, Ferals are relatively normal, except transformation, the spirit animal form is very much in
that they do heal wounds more rapidly than others, control of the creature. The Feral tends to react to
regaining lost Life Points at the rate of 1 per everything with “fight or flight” instincts, and often
Constitution level every hour of rest, or every two ravenously eats any edible substances available -- or
hours of activity. hunts for food otherwise. Friends of the creature usu-
ally have nothing to fear from the Feral even under
Injuries sustained in one form carry over to the these circumstances; the animal mind recognizes and
other, however. If a severely injured Feral transforms usually respects them. Any acquaintance who has
into a human being, the sudden shock to the system is offended or angered the Feral is likely to be attacked
likely to kill her. So, a Feral who suffered 50 points on sight. The animal spirit has little self-restraint and
of damage, and transformed into human form before acts on any urge the character might feel.
regenerating it, transfers the damage to her human
(and far frailer) form. Crippling injuries (like lost Essence released by strong emotions can also cause
limbs or eyes) carry over from bestial to human form, the transformation. This Essence can come from the
but not vice versa. This means that a Feral who is a Feral herself, or anybody within 5 yards (meters)
quadriplegic in human form could be perfectly active from the creature. Fear, anger, lust or pain causes the
in bestial form, but if the creature lost an arm while release of D4(2) to D10(5) Essence points. If that
rampaging in animal shape, the human form would release is combined with a time of power, that might
have that injury when it next transformed. be enough to trigger the transformation, as above.
Essence used in Invocations or Gifted powers is not
Unlike other supernatural creatures, Ferals can be “raw,” however, and it will not trigger the transfor-
killed with conventional weapons. If reduced to -10 mation. An Essence Channeler could trigger the
Life Points or below, Ferals must pass Survival Tests transformation, but would have to do it on purpose.
normally. Killing a Feral can be dangerous, however.
Superhuman Attributes
Ferals gain enhanced physical attributes while in
Ferals are no longer fully human. They lose the their bestial shapes. These increased attributes vary
ability to acquire or use most Gifted powers, includ- from species to species (see pp. 36-37).
ing Magic, Seer abilities, and Necromancy. Spirit
Patrons may allow Ferals to perform magic, howev- The Essence Pool of Ferals is increased by 10
er. A Gifted human who is transformed into a Feral points (use the human form’s attributes to determine
during a game loses most of her powers unless she base Essence). Additional Essence can be purchased
can be cured (a cure is not described in this book; normally (see WitchCraft, p. 87).
finding one should be a quest unto itself). The Life Points are determined normally for the human
Chronicler should allow the character to shift the lost form. The bestial form uses its enhanced attributes
points towards paying for the Feral Quality, however. and the following formula: ((Str + Con) x 5) +50.
C h a p t e r T h r e e 32
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Supernatural Senses assumes a humanoid shape and strikes with clawed
limbs, or even uses a hand weapon if one is available.
Ferals can see spirits, including ghosts, nature spir- This happens so fast that, in game terms, the attribute
its, and Elementals. They can also see through the bonuses are in effect for as long as the transformation
Seemings and Glamours of the Sidhe, and can occurs. In all manifestations, however, the Feral is
“smell” the presence of large amounts of Essence in covered in the fur of the animal shape, and her fea-
people and places, which enables them to uncover tures remain consistently bestial, with sharp teeth,
probable Gifted characters. This ability works even snout instead of nose, and inhumanly-shaped ears.
while in human form; when the character senses
something strange, her nostrils flare up and she invol- Any clothing worn by the Feral is torn apart by the
untarily makes sniffing noises. transformation. Only light, elastic garments can suri-
vive the change.
Transformation Changing into animal form costs 10 Essence
Ferals have the ability to assume a bestial shape, Points. The effect lasts an hour, at the end of which
half-animal and half-human. This shape can change another 10 Essence must be spent to maintain the
instantly, becoming more or less human depending shape. This lost Essence is not regained until after the
on the needs or mood of the lycanthrope. Characters character assumes her human form once again. At
facing a Feral should be struck by the fluid, dream- that point, it is recovered at the normal rate (see
like “morphing” of the creature. A typical werewolf, WitchCraft, p. 154).
for example, may shift from second to second
between the form of a fully animalistic wolf to that of
a vaguely wolf-like human. Attacks that normally drain Essence (like the
The bestial form is not fixed -- it shifts fluidly, Soulfire Invocation) do Life Point damage to Ferals
from fully animal (identical to a large member of the in bestial form. Also, silver has some of the proper-
appropriate species) to humanoid, although fur-cov- ties against Ferals ascribed to it by legend. Silver
ered and with clear animalistic characteristics. The weapons inflict double normal damage (slashing
Feral unconsciously assume whatever shape she weapons inflict triple damage). Silver weapons are
needs instantly. For running, she drops on all fours less effective than normal metal weapons, however;
and turns into a regular animal; for combat, she subtract 3 points from any damage rolled (before the
doubling effect), to a minimum of 1 point of damage.
33 I n h u m n a b s
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Feral Shapes
Listed below are some of the possible Feral
Shapes, with their character point costs and game
stats. In general, any mammal predator can become
the source of a Feral Shape. All forms have the
equivalent of Acute Senses (all senses). The cost of
this ability is included in the shape’s cost.
The character point cost of the Feral Shape can be
paid from the Qualities or Metaphysics Point pools.
A character may only have one such shape.
Bear: This shape covers most common bear types,
from the Black Bear to the Polar Bear. In animal
shape, the character is a huge creature of the appro-
priate breed. Bonuses: +7 to Strength, +1 to
Dexterity, +4 to Constitution, +2 to Perception, +5 to
Speed. Armor Value 3. Natural Attacks: Bite: D4 x
Strength slashing. Claw: D6 x Strength slashing.
Cost: 29 points.
Coyote: This predator and scavenger is also the
living avatar of the trickster deity of some Native
American tribes. Some Ferals adopt that god as a
Spirit Patron (see p. 109). Bonuses: +2 to Strength,
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, +2 to Perception,
+10 to Speed. Armor Value 1. Natural Attacks: Bite:
D4 x Strength slashing, Claws: D4 x Strength slash-
ing. Cost: 21 points.
Hyena: Common in parts of Africa, the Hyena is
a powerful scavenger and predator. Bonuses: +3 to
Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, +1 to
Perception, +10 to Speed. Armor Value 1. Natural
Attacks: Bite: D6 x Strength slashing. Claws: D4 x
Strength slashing. Cost: 23 points.
Jaguar: One of the great hunting cats, the Jaguar
is common in the Americas. Bonuses: +4 to
Strength, +3 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, +1 to
Perception, +10 to Speed. Armor Value 1. Natural
Attacks: Bite: D4 x Strength slashing. Claws: D6 x
Strength slashing. Cost: 24 points.
Lion: The so-called King of Jungle is a prolific
hunter of the African wilderness. Bonuses: +5 to
Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +3 to Constitution, +1 to
Perception, +10 to Speed. Armor Value 1. Natural
Attacks: Bite: D6 x Strength slashing. Claws: D6 x
Strength slashing. Cost: 26 points.
C h a p t e r T h r e e 34
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Tiger: The largest hunting feline on the planet, Inborn Feral
tigers dwell in the Indian sub-continent and parts of
Asia. Bonuses: +6 to Strength, +3 to Dexterity, +4 to 2-point Power
Constitution, +2 to Perception, +10 to Speed. Armor Ferals who gained the curse through their ancestors
Value 1. Natural Attacks: Bite: D6 x Strength slash- have a number of advantages. First, they are less like-
ing. Claws: D6 x Strength slashing. Cost: 30 points. ly to lose control, or to spontaneously transform.
Wolf: One of the most common shapes, at least in Inborn Ferals gain a +2 bonus to resist all such
Western Europe and America, the wolf is a social impulses. This power is a prerequisite for some other
predator that operates in packs, and can be found special abilities.
from Russia to North America. Bonuses: +3 to Moon Slave
Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, +2 to
Perception, +10 to Speed. Armor Value 1. Natural 2-point Vulnerability
Attacks: Bite: D4 x Strength slashing. Claws: D4 x This affliction is most common among Reconciled
Strength slashing. Cost: 22 points. or Cursed Ferals. Moon Slaves are at constant risk of
losing control of themselves when in their Feral
Special Feral Powers and Vulnerabilities Shape. They are also unable to resist the transforma-
These are abilities and disadvantages some Ferals tion when enough ambient Essence is present to trig-
have. Most powers can only be acquired by Born or ger it; the most common such time is midnight during
Reconciled Ferals; the Accursed rarely get a chance the full moon, but also the Solstices and Equinoxes,
to learn any. After character creation, some of these or when the Feral inadvertently enters a Place of
powers can be acquired by paying double the base Power. In game terms, Ferals suffer a -2 penalty to
cost with experience points; they are gained through Willpower Tests to resist the transformation whenev-
mystical revelation, although having a teacher would er they are exposed to enough ambient Essence.
help. Some powers (like Inborn Feral) cannot be Spirit Claws
gained after character creation, for obvious reasons.
2-point Power
In addition to the powers below, Ferals can also
have Spirit Patrons (see p. 104). The Patrons can give Ferals with this ability can harm ethereal beings
them a number of special abilities, including the like ghosts and spirits with their physical attacks.
power to use magic, at the price of owing a measure Each attack using Spirit Claws drains the Feral of 1
of allegiance and servitude to their Patrons. Essence point, whether it strikes the target or not.
35 I n h u m n a b s
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Summon Animal Spirits In Mystery Codex, this ability was
4-point Power triggered by a Task. In the inter-
By calling upon her totemic animal, the Feral can ests of simplicity, the Task has
summon a number of “spirit fragments” to materi- been replaced by a Simple
alize and do her bidding. The Feral must be in her Willpower Test.
bestial form to summon her brethren. The sum-
moning requires a Simple Willpower Test, and the
expenditure of 5 Essence per spirit summoned. The
maximum number of spirits the Feral can summon Feral Sample Character
cannot exceed the Success Level of the Test, A sample Feral character, the Nomad
regardless of how much Essence is available. Some Road Warrior, can be found in
sample summoned spirits can be found below. Chapter Four: Associations, p. 76
C h a p t e r T h r e e 36
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
True Immortals
dreams of strange places and peoples that most are
afflicted with from early childhood. It is not until the
Immortality has been the elusive goal of many event known as the Change, however, that their abil-
humans since time immemorial. Heroes, magicians ities become manifest.
and philosophers have searched for the key to true The Change occurs at some point in every
immortality. The Gifted can attain immortality of a Immortal’s life. It is most common between the per-
sort, greatly reducing the aging process and, for the son’s nineteenth and fortieth birthday, although
most powerful among them, living on for centuries or exceptions have been noted, usually triggered by
even millennia. There are some, however, who need some physical trauma. The person is suddenly struck
neither magic nor mental powers to remain young. by a seizure, and slips into a deep coma lasting sev-
They can live seemingly forever, and are almost eral hours. During that time, the Immortal’s mind is
impossible to kill. The men and women born with flooded with images from a strange land where sci-
this godlike power are known in occult circles as True ence and magic are one, where men fly the sky in
Immortals, beings who do not have to seek ways to flame-covered vessels, fight with swords and beam
cheat Death, but who do so naturally. They are envied weapons, and walk side by side with gods and angels.
and feared by those who know of their existence. For most of them, these images are hard to remember
Many Immortals have found themselves being sub- clearly, and the Immortals only retain fleeting
jected to unspeakable experiments by those seeking glimpses of them.
to discover the secret of eternal life. The budding Immortal then recovers with no
Most Immortals live among humankind, but they apparent changes. After the time of Change, howev-
set themselves apart through a veil of secrecy and er, they heal mortal wounds in a matter of seconds,
lies. A few try to manipulate humankind for their own and they grow no older. Unless they find themselves
ends. Many concentrate on living life to the fullest, in violent times (historically very common, of
spending lifetimes pursuing different goals; they can course), they may not realize this for years or
be explorers, scholars or dilettantes, spending a few decades. In time, however, the Immortal notices that
decades on one pursuit before moving on to the next. she remains unchanged while everyone else does not.
For the most part, they find comfort only among their In the course of the years, some Immortals also dis-
own kind, although their differences are often greater cover a number of unusual abilities -- they may find
than their common traits. Some are incredibly old, themselves capable of bursts of superhuman strength,
but the vast majority of them have been born only in of insights into matters supernatural, or of fits of
the past century -- their increasing numbers yet inspiration and creativity. Some find themselves
another sign of the approaching Reckoning. building strange, wonderful devices out of outlandish
materials. Those who are lucky find another
Being Immortal Immortal, someone who can teach them about them-
The few scholars (most of them Immortals them- selves and their heritage. Historically, most live for
selves) who have managed to study the lives of sev- centuries before they meet someone of their kind.
eral Immortals have found very little in the way of Elder Immortals are more likely to cross the paths
common patterns in their origins or mundane lives. of other occult beings, from magicians and psychics
Immortals come from all racial, social and economic to Ferals and Vampyres. The results of those encoun-
groups, and are born in all parts of the world. Their ters are as varied as the Immortals themselves. Some
early lives are for the most part unremarkable, except forge deep friendships with these fellow outsiders,
perhaps for their good health. Most Immortals never while others have been hunted by supernatural beings
suffer from any disease, even during childhood. or ancient conspiracies -- and vice versa.
Those few that do always recover with uncanny
speed. The only other common trait is the bizarre
37 I n h u m n a b s
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Children of Atlantis assertions, they can point to the Artifacts some
Immortals can produce. These Artifacts are a strange
All Immortals dream of a mythical land where men combination of magic and super-science, ranging
are as powerful as the gods. The name of this land, as from nearly indestructible weapons and armor to
far as most Immortals can remember, is Athal Kanan- strange vessels that can travel in the air or under
thu. When enough Immortals had finally compared water at tremendous speeds. Such creations can hard-
notes, it became clear that these dreams were some ly be the product of common delusions.
sort of ancestral memory from their past lives. The
general consensus in Lodge of the Undying (the Playing Immortals
largest group of Immortals in the world) is that Athal How to play an Immortal often depends on her age.
is the fabled Atlantis, the antediluvian empire of myth Most Immortals are relatively young (less than a cen-
and legend. Outside the Lodge, there are as many tury old), their powers having manifested recently.
opinions as Immortals; the dreams are believed to be They are largely normal people who are just now
anything from delusions to memories of a distant beginning to grapple with the existence of the para-
planet or dimension or the prehistoric past. normal. In that way, they are not very different from
The memories of Athal/Atlantis are fragmentary most beginning WitchCraft characters.
and confused. For one, it appears that the city-state At the other end of the spectrum are the ancient
flourished for hundreds or even thousands of years, Immortals, who have lived for a number of centuries.
and people’s memories come from different periods They can be played as jaded and weary people who
of its history. At some point, the people of Athal, or at have seen it all, or eager people seeking new experi-
least the elite among them, managed to give them- ences. Some may face the modern world, and the speed
selves the gift of immortality. The process appears to of technological development, with confusion and fear.
have transformed them body and soul, and left an Others may revel in it and consider it the best time to be
Essence imprint that manifests itself even through alive since the fall of Atlantis. Their motives may range
reincarnation. The down side is that once an from the base to the noble; some Immortals believe it is
Immortal dies, it takes a very long time for him to their duty to protect their short-lived brethren, while
come back. No Immortal can remember more than others care only for themselves or, at best, for the wel-
one past life, and only as an Atlantean (in game fare of all Immortals, disdaining the rest.
terms, the Old Soul Quality is never available to True
Immortals). Since the city-state has left no archeo- At heart, Immortals are essentially human. They
logical or historical records (as far as anyone knows, lack the obsessive lusts of the Vampyre, the driving
at least), it is hard to know when it stood and fell. fury of the Relentless Dead, or the bestial instincts of
Most Immortal scholars are sure it predates all known the Feral. Like all humans, they can be saints or mon-
historical civilizations, and place its origin and down- sters, or something in between. Their long lives can
fall somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000 B.C.E., give them a greater degree of wisdom, or it may make
possibly towards the end of the last Ice Age. That them unwilling to accept or tolerate change. The
would mean that most Immortals did not reincarnate younger breeds are likely to be somewhat reckless at
for several millennia. first, until they discover that death is not the only
danger out there, and that some things are far worse
Not all Immortals faced with this interpretation of than dying. Although Immortals cannot die by con-
their dreams agree with these conclusions, however. ventional means, they can still feel pain, and they can
They point out that no archeological remains of be imprisoned and brutalized. A widely-spread cau-
Atlantis or any of the great mythical city-states has tionary tale warns of the Immortal who got involved
ever been found. If the remains of dinosaurs millions in a war with the local Mob and found himself
of years old can be found, why not traces of these dumped into the foundation of a building and encased
supposedly colossal cities? True believers counter in concrete. He remains there to this day, alive and
that the powers that destroyed Atlantis sought to helpless like a fly in amber.
eradicate all traces of its existence. As proof for their
C h a p t e r T h r e e 38
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Creating True Immortal Characters
Immortals use the Gifted Character Type. They do
not have to purchase the Gift, but must pay for the
True Immortal Quality (15 points). This Quality
grants them the common True Immortal abilities and
restrictions. Otherwise, character generation is
unchanged. Those with the True Immortal Quality
may also purchase special abilities (see p. 43)
39 I n h u m n a b s
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Supernatural beings can also try to kill the Life Points: 1 point per Constitution level per
Immortal through the Severing, a mystical attack that Turn. So, an Immortal with a Constitution 4 would
cuts the connection between the Immortal’s soul and regenerate 4 Life Points at the end of every Turn.
his body. To attempt the Severing, the Immortal must Endurance Points: 2 points per Constitution level
be reduced to -10 Life Points through wounds or per half-hour of sleep, or 1 point per Constitution
other means. Then the supernatural or Gifted must level per hour of rest.
expend Essence equal to the Immortal’s Essence Pool
(the normal maximum amount, not his current Essence Points: 2 points per Willpower level,
Essence). If enough Essence is spent, a Resisted every minute.
Simple Willpower Test between the Immortal and her Restrictions
attacker must be resolved. The Immortal gains the
bonus from the Hard to Kill Quality, if she has any Immortals cannot acquire most Gifted powers.
levels in it. If the attacker wins, the link is severed, Their souls have been altered somehow; this has
and the Immortal’s soul is cast out, not to be reincar- given them near-eternal life, but at a price. Immortals
nated for thousands of years (this effectively removes cannot gain Essence Channeling; they may learn
the character from most games). If the Immortal Invocations, but have to release Essence through rit-
wins, she lives, and no further Severing attempts can ual magic, a lengthy and difficult task (see
be made on her for 24 hours. WitchCraft, p. 201). Immortals cannot acquire most
other powers, including Necromancy, Miracles, the
Although normal injuries are not likely to kill an Sight, Tao-Chi and the Disciplines of the Flesh.
Immortal, they still inflict pain and unconsciousness.
Immortals are subject to the same shock and uncon- Superhuman Attributes
sciousness rules as normal humans, but they quickly Immortals are somewhat stronger, more graceful
recover from them. An Immortal reduced below 0 and tougher than humans. All True Immortals receive
points will probably be knocked unconscious, but she the following Attribute bonuses: +1 Strength, +1
will awaken as soon as her regeneration powers bring Dexterity, and +1 Constitution. All attributes except
her back to 1 or more Life Points. Intelligence and Perception have an upper limit of 7;
Magic Resistance the other two have the normal human limit of 6.
Immortals resist any Invocation (provided the Unlike normal humans, an Immortal can improve
Invocation allows a Resisted Task or Test), and any an Attribute with experience points up to three levels
supernatural power meant to affect the mind with a above her starting level (see WitchCraft, p. 158).
+2 bonus. Also, Immortals can use Metaphysics Points to
increase Attributes, in the same way that Drawback
Manipulate Essence Points are used (see Witchcraft, p. 71). As always,
Immortals do not need Essence Channeling. They bonuses are added after the player purchases
can spend Essence at whatever rate they wish, pro- Attribute levels.
vided they have enough in store. This Essence expen- As to Secondary Attributes, Endurance and Speed
diture can only be used for Immortal powers, howev- are figured normally, but the following formula deter-
er; they cannot use it to fuel Invocations or other mines the Immortal’s Life Points and Essence Pool:
Gifted powers. Life Points: ((Strength + Constitution) x 5) +15.
Immortals can gain up to 10 levels of Hard to Kill
(see WitchCraft, p. 78), purchased normally.
Immortals regain lost Life, Endurance and Essence
Essence Pool: Sum of Attributes + 25. Immortals
Points much faster than normal humans. Even mortal
can purchase the Increased Essence Pool Quality (see
wounds can be completely healed in less than a
WitchCraft, p. 87) normally.
minute. The regeneration rates are as follows:
C h a p t e r T h r e e 40
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Supernatural Senses Special Powers and Vulnerabilities
An Immortal can, by concentrating, sense the flows These abilities and flaws exist among Ture
of Essence around her, both in things and people. By Immortals, but not everyone has them.
spending one Turn of concentration and passing a
Simple Perception Test, the Immortal can sense the Awareness
presence of magic, the relative strength of a human 3-point Power
being’s Essence pool, and the presence of supernatur-
Immortals with this ability have greatly enhanced
al beings. Other Immortals can be recognized by
supernatural and physical senses. They gain a +2 to
making eye contact, which produces a flash of psy-
all Perception Tasks or Tests. Furthermore, they auto-
chic recognition. An Immortal can also sense the
matically sense the presence of ghosts, spirits and
presence of another of her kind within 30 yards
other invisible entities, and detect Gifted abilities,
(meters) away, but not her exact location or direction.
supernatural beings masquerading as normal humans,
Unaging and all other Immortals in a 100-yard radius. Their
ability to see Essence patterns also allows them to
Immortals stop aging completely at the time of the
sense a person’s emotional state.
Change. This event generally occurs between the
ages of 19 and 40; most Immortals undergo the Battle Boost
Change during their mid- to late twenties. Exceptions
5-point Power
may occur when some traumatic incident earlier in
life awakened the Immortal’s abilities. At worst, such The Battle Boost uses Essence to temporarily aug-
an event may occur when the character was barely a ment the character’s physical Attributes. These
teenager, or even a child. Those Immortals have the increases are balanced out by temporary weakness
Child Vulnerability (see p. 44), and their bodies are when the power elapses, however. Any of the three
permanently frozen at that early age. Immortal physical Attributes (Strength, Dexterity and
Children are not common, and they rarely lead happy Constitution) can be raised at the cost of 2 Essence
or satisfying lives. points per +1 bonus. These bonuses do not affect
Secondary Attributes, except for Speed. The increas-
es last for 1 minute, unless more Essence is spent on
them. When the power expires, the character is weak-
ened; each +1 bonus becomes a -1 penalty to the
same attribute, for a period of one hour. So, if an
Immortal increases her Strength by 3 levels (at the
cost of 6 Essence), she suffers a -3 penalty to her
Strength after the power expires. Essence spent on
the Battle Boost cannot be recovered while the power
is maintained (after that, it is recovered normally).
Attributes cannot be lowered below -1 in this way,
however, so the maximum boost allowable is equal to
the normal Attribute level +1. Characters with a phys-
ical Attribute at -1 are able to move, but find them-
selves unable to perform most physical tasks (walk-
ing very slowly is probably the upper limit, or lifting
small weights). For example, a character with a
Strength of 3 could gain a maximum bonus of +4; her
Strength would become a -1 (barely able to move her-
self) for an hour afterwards.
41 I n h u m n a b s
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Child victim. If she stays a home, the fleeing victim may
jump through her living room’s window, with the
1-, 2-, or 3-point Vulnerability cultists a few steps behind. The “curse” does not
The term Child refers to those Immortals who strike all the time, however; Chroniclers should be
underwent the Change before the age of maturity. careful not to overuse it.
This often occurs when the character suffers a mortal
wound, disease or accident, which triggers the trans- Gaze of Dominion
formation into an Immortal. The unfortunate side 4-point Power
effect is that the character’s biological age is perma- Some Immortals have inherited the ability to
nently frozen from the moment of the Change. A 12- manipulate men’s thoughts. The ancestral memories
year old Immortal girl still looks that age several cen- sometimes recall a Guild of the Eye in ancient Athal,
turies later. She may be stronger or wiser than any made up of Atlanteans who could project their will
adult in the world, but she remains a child in the eyes onto other people. The Gaze requires eye contact, the
of the community and the law. When she fails to grow expenditure of 3 Essence Points, and a Resisted Test.
up, people think she is suffering from some sort of The victim resists with Willpower (Difficult Test for
developmental problem. Medical check-ups reveal Mundanes, Simple Test for others). If the Immortal
something strange in her, and the child may end up wins, she can project one mental command on the
being targeted by the Combine in an attempt to cover victim. Simple commands like “Stop,” “Run away,”
up her existence. Children from earlier eras soon or “Drop your weapon” work best. More complex
learned to hide their identities and regularly move orders, and things that go against the victim’s wishes
from place to place. and interests, are resisted with a +1 to +7 bonus, at
The younger the character’s biological age, the the Chronicler’s discretion.
greater the value of this Vulnerability. Being 17 or 18 Characters who practice this ability may learn a
is no major disadvantage (1 point), since the charac- Gaze Skill. This works as a regular skill, and is pur-
ter can easily pass for someone older -- she might get chased using Skill Points. In the Resisted Test
carded at a bar, but otherwise does not suffer greatly. detailed above, the Immortal uses a Simple
For ages 16-13, the value is greater (2 points); for Willpower Test until the Gaze Skill is greater than the
ages 12 or less, the value is even more (3 points). character’s Willpower. At that point, replace the
Destiny Rider Willpower Test with a Willpower and Gaze Task.
C h a p t e r T h r e e 42
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Shetarri Warrior Spirit Voice
17-point Power 4-point Power
Some True Immortals remember the Shetarri A few Immortals have the ability to project
Warriors, a sub-breed of Immortals transformed by thoughts in a manner similar to the psychic power
the weird science of Athal into deadly warriors. The Mindtalk (see Witchcraft, p. 228). They can also
Shetarri were apparently not very popular, as they “hear” a response thought back at them, but they can-
were only created for a brief period of Athalian histo- not read minds beyond that level. The Spirit Voice
ry, and their kind was exiled from the city centuries costs 1 Essence Point per minute to activate. During
before the Flood. that time, the character can send telepathic messages
When a reincarnated Shetarri undergoes the to anyone in line of sight. For 3 Essence per minute,
Change, her body gradually becomes heavily mus- the character can try to communicate with anybody
cled, until the character appears to be a dedicated she knows, as long as the person is on Earth and not
body builder. The character’s skin also becomes blocked by some sort of Essence barrier, like a Ward
tougher and more resilient than normal. The Shetarri or magical Shielding.
transformation affects the Immortal’s Essence matrix Thought Wall
even more than the norm, however. The character is
unable to learn most Immortal powers (with the 2-point Power
exception of Awareness), and most other Immortals It appears that the people of Athas had to face ene-
and even humans feel an instinctive loathing and dis- mies with psychic powers at some point in their his-
trust towards them. tory, and they protected some of their warriors with a
There are very few Shetarri in existence. The powerful mental shield that rendered them all but
Lodge of the Undying (see p. 84), the most knowl- immune to mental attacks and domination. The
edgeable about these things, puts their number at Thought Wall grants the character a +6 bonus to resist
around twenty worldwide, six of which belong to the all forms of mental attack, from Mindrule to the
Lodge itself. One of the others is making a very good Affect Psyche Invocation to the mental powers of
living as a professional WWF wrestler. Vampyres. This ability is always active, being a part
of the character’s Essence matrix. On the down side,
Shetarri Powers: Shetarri gain +5 to Strength and her presence can be easily detected by psychic and
Constitution (cumulative with the Immortal bonus- other sensitive beings, as the mental shield glows like
es). They also have 25 extra Life Points. Their skin a beacon for those with the right senses.
has an Armor Value 5, cumulative with any other
armor worn. All Shetarri are attracted to weapon
skills of all types, and seek to learn them at the first
available opportunity.
Shetarri Drawbacks: Shetarri have a base Immortal Sample Character
Charisma -2 Drawback, in addition to the other social A sample Immortal character, the
interaction penalties. They also are Cruel (1 point). Immortal Treasure Hunter, can be found in
Shetarri cannot gain any other Special True Immortal Chapter Four: Associations, p. 90
Powers. All other restrictions and abilities are the
same as other Immortals.
43 I n h u m n a b s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Chapter Four: Associations
C h a p t e r F o u r 44
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The telescopic sight’s crosshairs slid gently onto the target. The old man in the business suit
walked confidently out of the building toward the waiting limousine. His four bodyguards -- two
flanking him, the other two positioned unobtrusively down the street -- were alert and well-trained,
but you can’t cover every angle, even if you are a flunky for the Combine. In a city full of skyscrap-
ers, there were just too many places to secret a shooter. A target’s safety lay in unpredictability --
putting a shooter in the right place at the right time is almost impossible if the target is careful.
Almost, of course, is all the difference between another day at the office and this.
Ex hal e. Squ eeze the trigge r. Fol low t hrou g h.
The old man in the business suit stiffened. Blood splattered behind him. The bodyguards were
good -- one had the old man on the floor before the gun’s echoes had died out -- but it didn’t matter,
not with the damage the pre-fragmented bullet had inflicted. The Adversary had access to the best
medical care in the planet, but they couldn’t bring back the dead.
At least, he hoped they couldn’t.
He left the gun behind and calmly headed for the elevator. Down below, car horns were blaring,
and the first screams were starting. When he reached the street, there was a large crowd, and a
nasty traffic jam. The limo was still there, although the body was gone, dragged into the car by the
panicking bodyguards. He knew that the bodyguards’ first impulse would be to get away with the
body, fast, and pretend this public murder had never happened. By doing it on a busy street, he had
ensured that wouldn’t happen. The Adversary would cover it up, no doubt about that, but it would
use up a great deal of time and energy.
Another day in the war was over.
Across the street from the victim, a young woman walked past the gathering crowd, her face
impassive -- apparently, just another bystander, pausing for a second to watch the unfolding drama,
then moving on.
Appearances can be deceiving.
She was careful to hide the strange mixture of satisfaction and chagrin she was feeling. For
nearly sixty years, she had tracked down the man now laying broken a few yards away. The trail
that had started in the ruins of Nazi Germany had ended here, and she had been cheated of the
revenge she had pursued with relentless patience. Decades of investigation, research and danger --
even the Immortal must tread carefully when confronting the group that the dead man belonged to --
and it had been over in an instant, without her playing any part. She laughed inwardly, at herself, at
the wasted time, at the fact that fate and chance respected neither age nor power. She had seen
nations rise and fall; she should have known better.
Her preternatural senses picked up the man walking not too far ahead of her. His aura was power-
ful, his emotions clearly visible in it. He was the one. Powerful, confident and proud of his kill.
She allowed herself a small smile. Deep in her heart, she could not hate this young killer; he surely
had sufficient reasons to kill her quarry. She could not resist sending him a parting gift. Her eyes
focused, and she projected her thoughts forth.
Well d one, youn g man. Ver y well don e.
The killer paused for a moment, and almost gave himself away by looking nervously around.
The seemingly young woman smiled again and went off in another direction. Perhaps the unex-
plained mental message would make the young killer a bit less complacent.
With a shrug, she dismissed six decades of hatred and dedication. The first day of the
rest of her life had just begun.
45 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
This chapter describes five new Associations operating in the world of WitchCraft. Each group's history,
organization, goals and relations with other Covenants is provided, as well as a treatment of their status in the
Armageddon setting. After each write-up, a sample character Archetype for that Covenant has been con-
structed. These Archetypes may be used as is, modified to suit the player, or simply reviewed when creating
another character from scratch.
The largest and most influential is the Order of the Knights Templar, a covert organization locked in a secret
struggle with the Combine. The Templars also comprise one of the most secretive groups in the world of
WitchCraft; most Covenants know little about this organization, and much of what they "know" is wrong. The
Covenant of Legba operates mostly in the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States, where a num-
ber of Voodoo practitioners have grouped together to battle an ancient evil. Although the Legbans do not speak
for all Voodoo practitioners (any more than the Wicce speak for all pagans, or the Sentinels represent all
Christians), they comprise the largest and most cohesive gathering of magical practitioners of that persuation.
The Nomads are the largest Feral Covenant in the Western world; its members travel the land in the service
of two ancient deities. Although Ferals dominate this group, many other wanderers, both Gifted and Mundane,
can be found among their ranks. The Mockers are Tainted humans who battle both the Mad Gods and their
slow descent into total insanity. This is a very small and often misunderstood Covenant; its members con-
stantly risk the wrath of other Gifted in addition to the danger of succumbing to the allure of Taint. Finally,
the Lodge of the Undying is a loosely knit group composed mainly of True Immortals, members of an ancient
human sub-species that cannot die of natural causes. While it is mainly concerned with protecting its mem-
bers and learning more about their mysterious past, the Lodge often finds itself braving the dangers of the
world of WitchCraft.
Some of these Covenants may not be appropriate for all WitchCraft games (granted, that can be said of any
Covenant, including those in the main book). Games of gradual discovery of the supernatural might not work
with a group of Nomads, who live side and side with all manner of freakish beings, for example, while
Templar characters can present some problems for games involving "mixed" groups from different organiza-
tions. The Chronicler should decide which of these Covenants, if any, work for his specific Story, and let his
players know beforehand.
C h a p t e r F o u r 46
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Knights Templar
History remembers the Order of Poor Knights of spying and waiting for the time to take action. They
Christ and the Temple of Solomon as a band of pious wield great mundane and magical power, but rarely
men who founded the first order of warrior monks in use it openly. When they do, however, they strike
the 12th century C.E., not too long after the First with the sudden brutality of their sword-wielding
Crusade. The Knights of the Temple were sworn to forebears, and rarely leave witnesses. They are a ruth-
guard the Holy Land of Jerusalem and Christians less, cunning force; it’s the only way they have sur-
who traveled there. Well-known for their fanaticism vived for untold centuries.
and courage, the Templars fought in many of the bat- As the Reckoning approaches, however, the
tles between Christians and Muslims in the Middle Knights are feeling a premonition of defeat. Their
East, although they failed to prevent the fall of Adversary appears to be winning. Worse, some
Jerusalem -- and eventually of all Christian holdings Knights fear that they have been fighting the wrong
over the next two centuries. As the Order grew, it enemy, and that they have ignored a far greater threat.
came to own ships, and to engage in trade and money
lending. Eventually, the Templar Order became an
international banking and mercantile concern,
wealthy enough to buy and sell kings. At the same
time, rumors of heresy, homosexuality and even
devil-worship started circulating about the Knights.
In 1307, the Order was openly accused of these
crimes, and members throughout Europe were arrest-
ed and put to torture. The Grand Master and several
others were convicted, and died at the stake. In 1313,
the Pope officially disbanded the Order, and the
Templars ceased to exist.
The truth of the matter is far more complex, how-
ever. Not only did the Templar Order exist before the
Crusades, but it remains active to this day. Its secret
war against the Combine has spanned continents and
centuries, and has involved assassinations, economic
chaos, and international conflicts. Its battlegrounds
have included the American and French Revolutions,
the rise of technology, and both world wars. Its deeds
are often identified by wild-eyed conspiracy theo-
rists, although its motives are mostly misunderstood.
It is one of the most powerful Covenants in the world,
but it faces an implacable and far mightier foe.
The Templars’ weapons in this conflict are
far subtler than in the past. Like the Assassins of old
-- with whom they share a historic link -- the Knights
are masters at infiltration and subversion. Their
agents can be found in presidential staffs, corporate
boards, the councils of the Vatican, and inside many
Covenants. There, they play their roles to the hilt,
47 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The official founding date of the Order is 1118, when
The Templar Utopia nine knights banded together to protect pilgrims trav-
The Templars believe that humans are eling to Jerusalem. For several years, the order
essentially good. The world, however, has remained small, a handful of knights and servants with
been set up as an endless struggle for little money or power. Then, with amazing speed, the
survival, a struggle that is ultimately Knights gained momentum, recruiting thousands of
meaningless (for all living things eventual-
ly die) and yet a defining element of our new members and receiving enormous donations of
existing. Thrust into a world where land and money. The sudden acquisition of power and
resources (food, shelter, wealth) are limit- wealth has never been fully explained. Less than two
ed, humans are forced to take from one centuries later, the Knights were disbanded, their pos-
another. The tyranny of governments, sessions seized (although much of their treasure and
the crimes against life and property, and
most other evils result from the fact their huge fleet of ships mysteriously disappeared) and
that most people live in a world where their members imprisoned or executed. The order lived
there is not enough for everyone. on in a number of countries, however. The Portuguese
The solution to this dilemma is manifold. and Spanish Knights of Christ, for example, was a
First, resources must be expanded, and direct descendant, and it produced a number of sailors
used more efficiently. Technology and and explorers that opened Africa and Asia to European
exploration has been a major tool here.
Better plows and cultivation techniques traders. These men may have been influential in
allowed for more food to be cultivated; Columbus’ trip to the Americas as well.
better tools and machines made it easier Initiates to the Order learn a different history, one
to make more of everything, to the point that reaches back three thousand years. The Order of
that a poor family of the 21st century
enjoys luxuries undreamed of a few cen- the Temple of Solomon, the legend claims, dates back
turies ago. This by itself is not enough; to the real King Solomon, the ruler of Israel during the
many rich people, who have more than 10th century B.C.E. Solomon led the golden age of
they could ever use, still crave for more. Israel, reigning over a unified kingdom that traded with
Unfortunately, the instincts humans need the great nation-states of the ancient age. He was also
to survive are not so easily damped, even
after they are no longer needed. a student of matters arcane, who sought to discover the
Humankind must be educated, taught to truth wherever he could, be it in pagan teachings or the
realize that all humans are brothers and practice of magic. As the legend goes, his Great
sisters, equally valuable. Temple was an attempt to directly communicate with
The ideal society will be free from want, God, a place to bring the Metatron -- the voice of God
generous towards others, and dedicated -- to this Earth. At the opening of the Temple, Solomon
to learning and the arts, a place where
individual rights and self-determination had an epiphany. He saw that the world had been
somehow are balanced by feelings of com- enslaved and corrupted by Gods’ wayward servants,
munity and brotherhood. Even to the who had adopted the roles of angels and gods, and who
Templars, however, this perfect world slew and misled humankind at their whim. Only an
seems impossibly far. Many have become enlightened world, united in mind and spirit, would be
cynical, and think that most humans are
too ignorant, lazy or stupid to be helped. able to find God once again.
A few think that maybe a great culling Solomon shared this moment of truth with others,
may be needed before humanity is ready and founded a secret order, a society that sought to set
for change. To them, the Reckoning may aside the differences among men (and, to a lesser
be just what the world needs.
degree, women) to one day create a united world. The
Seraphim, who had assumed the role of God, did not
take this kindly, and the Kingdom of Israel suffered for
C h a p t e r F o u r 48
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
it. Solomon’s order remained small and secretive, The ambitious attempt failed miserably. In the
fleeing the Assyrians, Persians and Romans, suffer- Middle East, all efforts at forging a lasting peace
ing under Pagans, Jews, Christians and Muslims, not between Christian and Muslim were thwarted by
least because of their belief that there was no differ- fanatics on both sides (often within their own Order).
ence between the faiths, lesser or greater. And the servants of those who would enslave
In the 12th century, members of the order inducted humankind eventually discovered the true purpose of
the nine knights who putatively “founded” the the Templars. They struck quickly and almost too
Templar Order, and through them a number of promi- efficiently. The arrests of the Templars of France in
nent members of the Church and nobility. Through a 1307 (on a Friday the 13th, of all days) were all made
combination of conversion, magic, blackmail and on the same day, at the same time (dawn) -- an amaz-
bribery, the Order gained a number of privileges. As ing feat of coordination in an age of low literacy
the Order grew, the true Templars remained hidden, where the most common form of communication was
an order within the order. They let the ignorant horse messenger. The move went off so well because
majority remain fanatically Christian (often culling the Adversary -- the Medieval version of the
the most ignorant among them by letting them die in Combine -- used its own mundane and supernatural
hopeless battles against the Saracen), while quietly resources. Even so, the Knights were not caught
working for the goal of a nation of nations where all wholly unprepared. The Grand Master sacrificed
men were equals. Among their inventions was the himself, but many knights fled or went underground,
first large-scale banking system, which they saw as taking with them much of the wealth. As he faced
the initial step towards an international government. death by the flames, Grand Master Jacques DeMolay
They dealt with Jews, Muslims and those of other cursed the Pope and the King who had destroyed his
faiths, often inducting them into their order. They order, and both died within a year of the execution.
even had a women’s auxiliary branch, little publi-
cized but very active, often gaining the favor of pow-
erful noblewomen and, through them, their husbands
and children.
49 A s s o c o a t i o n s
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Beliefs Unfortunately, the Templars often use their enemies’
means in service of their goals -- media manipulation,
The Templars believe they are warriors in a strug- assassination, and market manipulation. While the
gle for the souls of all men. Their enemy is common- modern-day knights try to minimize the damage they
ly known as the Adversary, or as the Jubelites, named do, they will not let innocent bystanders stop them
after the three Unworthy Craftsmen of Masonic leg- from doing what they think is right. To those who
end, who murdered Hiram Abif, the mythical archi- know of the Covenant (including a number of
tect of the Temple of Solomon. The Adversary is a Templars), this callousness makes the Order no dif-
group (or groups) whose primary goal is to keep ferent from the Combine.
humankind ignorant, divided, and exploited, and to To a lesser degree, the Templars also try to defend
rule from the shadows, manipulating the economies the world from other threats, such as supernatural
and politics of all world nations. They do not control predators and the Mad Gods. They watch other
everything, or even most things; normal human Covenants closely, wary of signs of corruption or
beings can screw things up without any help often Combine infiltration. The bulk of their efforts go
enough. But the Jubelites exert their influence in towards finding Combine activity and stopping it.
many ways. A little nudge here, a discredited presi- Often, however, apparent Combine activity turns out
dential candidate there, a military coup further down to be the work of supernatural beings, Dark
the line, and suddenly a nation’s government has Covenants or even greedy mundanes. This does not
been taken over, subverted, and bent to the stop the Templars from putting a stop to such activi-
Adversary’s will. They make sure that any great ties by the most efficacious means available.
invention is perverted into a deadly weapon, that any
reform movement becomes as bad as the evil it was The signs of the Reckoning seem to be as much of
trying to eliminate, that any new philosophy develops a surprise to the Adversary as to the Templars them-
an ideology strong enough to justify murder or even selves. The last major crisis (in the early part of the
genocide. In short, the Adversary corrupts absolutely. 20th century) saw the Templars and their enemies too
busy in their tug-of-war over world government to
The Templars’ main goal is to counteract those stop the great disasters that afflicted the planet. The
plans. Their influence was enough to allow rise of Nazism and Communism, the plague and
humankind to break free of the endless cycle of mis- world wars that killed nearly a hundred million peo-
ery of the pre-modern era, and to develop technolo- ple, and the narrowly averted rise of a number of Mad
gies that might one day bring forth a golden age. Gods occurred with minimal Templar action or reac-
Even then, however, the Adversary was ready to twist tion. This new crisis, so close after the last, is likely
those achievements to serve its needs, and now it to be worse, and the Templars do not wish to be
embraces technology as another tool to control and caught unprepared. Unfortunately, the Adversary
mislead the masses. seems to have the upper hand; it continues to divide
The ideal Templar world would have one govern- people on the grounds of race, religion and politics,
ment, elected by the people from the people, with and rules over the shattered world with an iron fist, as
equal rights for all. Education would be available fearful people stand on the verge of giving up all
everywhere and religion would be tolerated, but pre- rights in the name of safety.
vented from controlling the lives of unbelievers. In
this world, the human race would be free to forge its
own destiny, for good or ill. The Templars do not
expect this utopia to happen anytime soon, but that is
their goal. Their enemies, whether ruled by the
Combine or not, include those who fear and hate for
no good reason, people who place faith above reason
and good works, and those who seek to rule others.
C h a p t e r F o u r 50
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
World History, Templar Style the Civil War, most presidential assassinations
If one believes the Order’s records, all history and every national crisis were, at the very least,
can be explained as part of the hidden struggle partly caused by the struggle between the two
between the Combine and the Knights Templar, organizations. In many ways, the United States
a struggle in which the Knights have been the represents the Templars’ greatest dreams --
heroic underdogs and champions of humanity. and fears. A nation that embraced liberty as a
Many Templars privately agree that not all fundamental principle, the U.S. seemed the liv-
the claims of the Order can be true, although ing embodiment of the Templar ideal. But it
there must be some truth to their assertions. never came even close to being a utopia: the "free"
The more idealistic (or fanatical) members con- nation was built upon a foundation of slavery and
sider it all to be the gospel truth, however. profiteering. The same nation that wrote a con-
Whether or not any or all the Templar claims stitution and amendments that guaranteed per-
are true is up to the Chronicler, of course. sonal rights also destroyed whole peoples and
Described below are some historical events and stole their land. The Templars might want to
the Templars’ (alleged) role in them. blame the Combine for all of these evils, but
they can find little evidence to support most
The Inquisition and Religious Persecution: such claims. In any case, the U.S. remains a spe-
The Combine infiltrated and corrupted the cial case for the Templars, and the largest con-
Christian Church early in its history, using it as centration of agents and observers from that
a tool to keep humankind ignorant. Illiteracy, Covenant can be found in North America.
ignorance and unquestioning obedience were The Rise of Technology: The Templars see
encouraged, and free thought and inquiry (both technology as the great liberator of humanity, a
in matters scientific and mystical) were perse- force that is greater than magic (although they
cuted. As the Middle Ages came to a close, the wish to find a place for both in the world).
Combine tightened its grip on the Church and Technology can free people from toil, from the
led a wave of persecutions the likes of which had depredations of old age and sickness. It is the
never been seen before. Witches, scientists and great equalizer -- a peasant with a gun can bring
reformers all were targeted by the Combine’s down an expensively trained and equipped knight
puppets, and thousands (some claim, millions) of on horseback. Fighting against the best efforts
people were killed, tortured or exiled. The pub- of the Combine and its agents in the Church and
lic face of the Templar Order, not coincidental- the monarchies of Europe, the Templars helped
ly, was among the first to fall under the wrath introduce a number of inventions, like the print-
of Church and State; they were not the last. ing press, gunpowder and the steam engine.
The French and American Revolutions: The Most of the time, their help was limited to
Masonic connection with those momentous protecting the lives of the (non-Templar) inven-
events is well documented. Several Founding tors. For example, according to Templar
Fathers were Masons, for example, as were the records, no less than six people developed the
leaders of the French Revolution. Many of the movable printing press before Gutenberg -- and
principles espoused by both movements echo all of them died in mysterious accidents that
core beliefs of the Masonic movement. The also destroyed all evidence of their work.
Order worked behind the scenes, helping over- Gutenberg was just the first one who survived
throw the monarchical rule in France -- the site long enough to publicize his findings. When the
of the greatest Templar defeat -- and creating tides of change proved irresistible, the Combine
the first great Republic of the modern era (the adapted, however; it soon used technology to
United States). The Combine quickly rebound- better control the masses. Before, an angry mob
ed, however -- the chaos of the French revolu- could take over a city and overwhelm guards
tion was in no small part due to the Jubelites’ armed with swords. Now, soldiers could sweep
cunning manipulation (and selective murder) of the streets clean of life with massed musketry
the leaders of the movement. and cannon fire. People once forced to work the
The problems of the nascent U.S. were not land as serfs now had to labor in factories or
wholly coincidental, either. The United States face starvation. Technology proved to be a two-
has long been the subject of Templar and edge sword, and the Jubelites wielded it with
Combine conflict. Many Templars believe that great skill.
51 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Organization secret organizations, although they rarely if ever
assume the most visible posts, preferring to work
The Templars are organized in five ranks of behind the scenes. A Templar agent is far more likely
ascending order: Turcopoles, Sergeants, Knights, to be a Senator’s Chief of Staff than a Senator him-
Commanders, Seneschals and the Grand Masters. self, for example, although exceptions do occur.
Non-members who perform services for the Order Within the Knighthood there are three ranks:
are referred to as Turcopoles, borrowing a Crusader Knights of the Sword, Knights of the Lance, and
term for native auxiliaries. Turcopoles are almost Knights of the Grail. Knights of the Sword are the
always normal humans, and for the most part have no most numerous and lowest ranked; they are usually
idea of who their employers or patrons really are, or given missions to perform (some of which may take
even that the Knights Templar exist at all. Many years, or their entire lives, however short they may
Turcopoles are members of mainstream Masonic be). Knights of the Lance are more trusted and expe-
Lodges around the world, who occasionally are asked rienced, and can act on their own initiative. Finally,
to provide some small services or information for the the Knights of the Grail would, to any outsider,
Templars. Others are simply mercenaries, members appear to be the leaders of the Templars. They control
of the local criminal community, or even simple pro- large, powerful organizations (corporations, security
fessionals in diverse fields, ranging from private and consulting agencies, semi-legal government
detectives and doctors to secretaries and construction agencies) that act as fronts for Templar activities, and
workers. They all do their jobs and collect their pay- they issue most of the orders and communications to
checks never knowing who their bosses are. The the rank and file.
Turcopoles number in the tens of thousands. The Seneschals usually assume quiet, unimportant
The Turcopoles’ activities range from the trivial to lifestyles, and control and oversee the actions of their
the dangerous. For one, they often act as couriers and underlings from the shadows. They can be found run-
messengers, or provide transportation or safehouses ning corner stores, or living as hermits in remote
(usually under the cover of being “time shares”) for locations -- locations with discreetly placed satellite
full-fledged members. The more trusted Turcopoles dishes -- or even wandering city streets disguised as
provide a variety of illegal or semi-illegal activities, homeless men and women. They are all surprisingly
such as unrecorded medical services (from first aid to humble, and never enjoy the trappings of wealth, but
plastic surgery), money-laundering, disposing of their power -- mystical and mundane -- is undeniable.
incriminating property (and even, in some cases, bod- The Grand Masters are the overall leaders. Their
ies), and running background and credit checks on identities, numbers and location are a mystery to all
individuals or organizations. A few hundred but the most trusted and powerful Seneschals. In fact,
Turcopoles worldwide are mercenaries or career any Seneschal might be a Grand Master. Nobody
criminals, who can be trusted to commit robberies, really knows the specifics.
acts of intimidation, and the occasional murder.
Each rank above Turcopole has certain minimal
The Sergeants are the rank and file of the organiza- requirements, as detailed in the following paragraphs.
tion, are trained in combat and intelligence-gathering The requirements for Seneschals and Grand Masters
activities and are almost exclusively human, with are far beyond what beginning characters can
varying levels of skill and abilities. Many work achieve, and are not provided.
undercover, or oversee a larger group of Turcopoles.
Sergeants: Two Combat Skills at levels 3+, Two
Knights are the core members of the Templars. Military/Spy Skills at level 3+, an Obligation to the
About half of them are Gifted of varying power lev- Order (3-point Drawback), and at least 2 levels of
els, and the rest are mundane men and women. Contacts. Sergeants are generally mundane -- they
Knights are engaged in many covert activities; many can use the Mundane Character Type, or be created
hold positions of power in a number of public and with more or less points in some areas, depending on
C h a p t e r F o u r 52
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
their specialties. For example, a businessman is less In an emergency, all Knights and Seneschals in the
likely to have 25 points in Attributes than a trained area will gather in a Sanctum, under the strictest level
soldier. As usual, the Chronicler should adjust the of security possible. Such gatherings represent a terri-
Supporting Cast’s attributes as suits the character, ble risk to the Covenant. In the last hundred years,
rather than following Cast Member templates. there have been only a handful of such regional gath-
Knights: Three Combat or Military/Spy Skills at erings worldwide. The one gathering of all Seneschals
levels 3+, and a Key of Solomon or, alternatively, and Grand Masters, held in France in 1944, remains a
Essence Channeling 1+, and at least one Invocation at mystery to those who were not present.
level 2+. In some cases, other Gifted powers may be
substituted. The most common are Magic, Divine
Allies and Enemies
Inspiration and the Second Sight. Mundanes must The Templars know a great deal about the
have Contacts 4+, five Combat/Military/Spy skills at Covenants in the world of WitchCraft (and has even
3+, a professional skill (like Law or Finance) 3+, and infiltrated many of them), but the opposite is not true.
2 levels of Influence, Status or Wealth. Most members of other Covenants know little or
nothing about the Templars, and what they know is
often distorted. In fact, many people who have seen
the Templars in action mistake them for Combine
Knight Colors agents; a number of conspiracy theorists allege the
Knights sometimes wear the tradi- Templars are the true leaders of the Combine.
tional garments of the Order; that
is, white clothing with a red cross. The Wicce: The lack of cohesive organization and
In the modern world, this often goals makes this Covenant hard to infiltrate, so the
means white business suits with a Templars rarely bother. On occasion, they will coop-
red eight-pointed cross pin or other erate with individual Wicce practitioners, especially
decoration. This "uniform" is only those who fall afoul of the Combine.
used when attracting attention is
not a problem -- a secret gathering, The Rosicrucians: The Templars and the
for example. Most of the time, Rosicrucians both claim King Solomon as a member,
Knights prefer to be as unobtrusive although the Templars believe he is the founder of
as possible, and wear whatever will
help them blend among the popula- their Covenant, while the Rosicrucians just consider
tion. During rituals in their secret him a prominent magi-king. Templar agents have
Sanctums (see below), the Knights penetrated the Brotherhood of the Cross -- at least
often wear medieval vestments for two Rosicrucian Tribunes in the U.S. are Templar
ceremonial purposes. moles, although the upper ranks are free of such infil-
tration. The Templars have ambivalent feelings
towards the Rosicrucians, praising their quest for per-
Templar Sanctums sonal enlightenment while decrying their policy of
Although the Templars believe that each member is non-involvement. On occasion, Templars have mas-
an incarnation of the Temple of Solomon, they have queraded as Rosicrucians to strike against the
places where they can gather together and conduct Combine, bringing retribution down on that
ceremonies. These Sanctums are usually hidden Covenant. The Rosicrucians know little about the
inside a larger, mundane building, and are built by Templars, but some have had dealings with them.
Knights and Sergeants, with no help from outsiders. The Sentinels: The Society of Sentinels was either
Common hiding places include warehouses, large founded or increased its membership and activities at
office buildings, and underground facilities. There the same time the Templars became a public organi-
are seven Sanctums in the United States: one in New zation. Some documents and records seem to indi-
York City and one in Washington D.C. -- the others cate the two groups were either working together or
are scattered through the Midwest and West Coast. even were part of the “true” Templar society at
53 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
some point. If that is the case, however, they split up
early in their history. Sentinels often led the persecu-
tion of Templars after the order was outlawed in the
14th century and the Templars are listed as a Dark
Covenant in the records of the Society. For their part,
the Templars have infiltrated the Society to the point
that they know the identities of a few of the members
of the Sentinels’ Assembly (see WitchCraft, p. 177).
They suspect the ultimate leadership of the Sentinels
may have its own secret agenda.
The Cabal of Psyche: The Templars have little
dealings with this Covenant. Recently, however, they
have come across a (thus far unnamed) group of psy-
chics who seems to be bent upon world domination,
and they are trying to determine if a connection
between it and the Cabal of Psyche exists. So far,
Cabal members know little, if anything about the
Templars, considering them (if at all) a faction with-
in the Combine.
Twilight Order and the House of Thanathos:
The Knights care little for the worlds of the dead,
although some among them are adept spirit sum-
moners. The Thanathoi’s quest for immortality (see
Mystery Codex, p. 125) has intrigued a number of
Templars, but so far they have been content to watch.
The Fellowship of Judas: This Undead Covenant
(see Mystery Codex, p. 121) has been fighting the
Combine for nearly two millennia. Unfortunately,
the corporate paranoia prevalent among both the
Iscariots and the Templars has prevented the two
groups from working together with any regularity.
Sometimes, teams from both Covenants run across
the same Combine plot -- and they have ended up
tripping over each other or even in conflict as often
as they have worked together.
Other Covenants: The Templars have few deal-
ings with other groups. Either their sphere of influ-
ence is beyond the scope of the Order (the Storm
Dragons and the Covenant of Legba fall into this cat-
egory), or they are too small or inconsequential to be
worthy of attention.
C h a p t e r F o u r 54
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Templar Stories the Templars are servants of evil, the Sentinels launch
a strike against the character and all his friends and
The Templars have two basic types of Story: the associates -- the other Cast Members, who are not
all-Templar game, where all or most of the characters Templars and do not know of the true identity of their
serve the Order in its war against the Combine, or the friend. When the Sentinels come gunning for them,
infiltration game, where one of the Cast Members is the Cast Member’s true identity may come to light,
a Templar, operating secretly on behalf of his with unexpected consequences. Does the Knight take
Covenant. In the first case, the Knights combine espi- his companions into his confidence, risking the wrath
onage and subversive tactics with their mystical pow- of his true Covenant, or does he attempt to maintain
ers: think La Femme Nikita meets The Craft. the deceit to the last?
Missions include investigation (spotting and discov-
ering the webs of conspiracy and influence woven by
the Combine), strikes (assassinations, commando The Templars in Armageddon
raids, and the like), and infiltration (join the conspir- The Order’s long struggle against the
acy and undermine it from within). Paranoia is the Combine came to a climax in the early
order of the day in those games. 21st century, when the Cult of
Revelations became too large a threat to
In a combined group, a Templar is unlikely to trust be ignored. The Templars have learned
his companions with his true identity; more often that the followers of Leviathan infiltrat-
than not, the Knight will be masquerading as a mem- ed and took over several sections of the
ber of another Covenant (often a Rosicrucian or a Combine. This discovery came too late to
Sentinel). When not fighting the Combine, favorite do them any good -- the Munich
Holocaust took the Order almost com-
targets include any would-be manipulator of world pletely by surprise. Among the dead in
affairs, human or supernatural -- cults, terrorist Munich were several dozen Templar
groups, corrupt politicians, and organized crime. agents who had just arrived in the city to
investigate rumors of a powerful magical
Hidden Agenda: The characters are given an ritual being conducted there. When the
unusual mission -- they must assassinate the leader of Dark Apostle rose from the ashes of the
an environmentalist group. A background check dead city, there was little the Covenant
shows no Combine connection -- if anything, the could do. The Combine in Europe and
leader has been a thorn in the side of several other parts of the world was just as
helpless -- the great enemy of the
Combine-controlled corporations for several years. Templar Order had been brought to its
Then, an unknown man who identifies himself as a knees, only to be replaced by a worse evil.
Templar (and who knows all the right passwords and After a few misguided moves -- including
handshakes) contacts a member of the group and three disastrous assassination attempts
claims that the “hit” is actually a Combine operation, against the Dark Apostle -- the Knights
and that the group has been infiltrated and compro- are carefully considering their next step.
mised by Combine agents. Do the characters carry For the time being, they are quietly lend-
ing support to other groups, and in some
out the assassination, try to learn more, or refuse out- cases are openly collaborating with the
right? Is the mysterious stranger a Templar or a Alliance and the Watchers. The
Combine agent? The answers should be complex and Covenant also works hard at unearthing
convoluted, and difficult to unravel. any signs of Church influence in the
remaining free world. Some Seneschals
Secrets and Lies: A group of radical Sentinels dis- and Grand Masters are even considering
covers a Templar in its midst. Under torture, the opening negotiations with the Combine;
Knight reveals the existence of another agent in the they feel the situation has become so des-
area -- a Cast Member who has infiltrated a group perate that they must cooperate with
their millennia-old enemy.
belonging to a third Covenant (the Wicce or the
Rosicrucians are likely candidates). Convinced that
55 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Templar Agent
Sometimes -- late at night, usually -- you wonder if you made the right decision a few years ago. You chose
the path of revenge, and became a warrior. If the Order had not rescued you, you would have died, just anoth-
er unfortunate accident that nobody would investigate. For ten years, you have served the Order, undergoing
rigorous physical and mental conditioning, and perfecting your mystical abilities. You have seen more death
than the most hardened war veterans; you have experienced betrayal, mind-numbing horror, and worse.
No one could see or do the things you have, and remain unscathed. You have dealt by trying to view things
with cold detachment. Even to other Templars, you come across as grim, cold and unfazeable. What they can-
not see, however, is that you are no longer exclusively loyal to the Order.
Sometimes, normal people cross the Combine in some inadvertent way. Your father was a government offi-
cial who stumbled onto some secret or another -- it was nothing much, a small plot in the sea of conspiracy
you have since discovered -- but it was enough. Your family was destroyed -- your father murdered, your
mother crushed by sorrow and poverty, your sister dead by her own hand at age sixteen. You swore, at the ten-
der age of fifteen, to find those responsible. Armed with a few computer files your father had left behind, and
an inflated regard for your computer hacking abilities, you quickly got yourself in trouble. You were marked
for termination, and only the intervention of a Knight Templar saved your life. Joining the Order was as
inevitable as a drowning man’s grab for a piece of flotsam. Your Gift surfaced during training, a less kind and
gentle version of Marine boot camp.
After a while, however, you started to lose your way. Mission after mission produced no apparent results.
The Knights started to resemble children attempting to halt the tide with a wall of sand. To abandon the strug-
gle was not an option, however. For one, you still hate the Combine, and feel a savage pleasure when destroy-
ing their works. More importantly, nobody quits the Templars without risking the wrath of the entire Order.
Your loyalty is now to your friends, those who risk their lives alongside you. They are the only people you
can count on. Nobody knows this, of course; you have learned never to open your heart to others, and even
your closest allies do not suspect that you will do anything in your power to protect them.
C h a p t e r F o u r 56
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Lesser Gifted
Association Knights Templar
Concept Avenger CHANNELING
C h a p t e r F o u r 58
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Unfortunately, the Blood Brethren also had representatives among the slaves. They used their powers to
abuse and intimidate, often forcing others to do extra work so the witch-doctor could enjoy some leisure
time, or bullying slaves into giving up whatever meager possessions they had. The struggle between the
Legbans and the Blood Brethren raged on, and it does to this day.
In more recent times, the Covenant has spread through America and parts of Europe. Its members come
from all races and walks of life, although it is still a largely African-American organization.
59 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Beliefs The Voodoo gods are usually referred to using the
terms loa and orisha (but a precise differentiation is
To the Legbans, the material and spiritual worlds not always made). The loas are believed to be a dif-
are but two sides of the same coin. Most Legbans ferent order of being from the spirits of the dead.
have the power to see the spirits of the dead, and to They are gods and goddesses, each embodying some
communicate with many “gods.” To the Legbans, aspects of reality. They are powerful and yet limited
death is a different state of existence, and they accept beings who often crave the sensation of walking the
the idea of reincarnation as strongly as they do the Earth while wearing the body of a mortal. Like many
notion of an afterlife away from this world. Both gods, loas can be mischievous and capricious, and
beliefs are true in their eyes, applying to different must be appeased or persuaded before they agree to
people and circumstances. do anything beneficial. Loas are quite capable of
Two types of spirits dominate the Legban belief killing or injuring innocents in a fit of anger, although
system: the spirits of the dead, and the Voodoo gods. some of the more beneficial gods (including Legba,
The spirits of the dead are to be respected and hon- the patron deity of the Covenant) rarely do so. Unlike
ored; ancestral ghosts often remain on this world to the Rosicrucians, who favor rigid control and com-
provide help and advice for their relatives. The exis- pacts, and the Wicce, who prefer to deal with spirits
tence of ghosts on this world is not considered wrong as friends, the Legbans favor bribery and trickery.
or evil. Instead, Legbans believe these spirits have a They will, if necessary, bind a spirit and force it to do
place in the affairs of mortals, and that most of them their bidding, but they prefer to pay for any favors
eventually tire of dwelling on Earth and leave on their they receive. The most prominent loas are described
own, without need of exorcisms or banishing rituals. in Chapter Five: Metaphysics (pp. 111-113).
C h a p t e r F o u r 60
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Legbans see themselves as members of their com- use of its facilities. The older and more experienced
munity, bound to use their gifts for the welfare of that Houngans eventually rise to the level of Doctor (also
community. Their role is in theory no different from known as King or Queen), a title that can only be
that of bakers, carpenters or other skilled workers; granted by a Gathering (see below). Doctors are
they simply offer a wider range of services, from called to mediate disputes within a Temple or
mundane advice and mediation services to protecting between Temples, and can investigate charges of
the victims of curses and supernatural predators. improper conduct or forbidden practices. Their
Covenant members are more likely than most other requests are rarely ignored.
Gifted to actually make a living practicing their craft. The overall leadership is held by the Royal
The restrictions imposed by the Covenant are simple: Gathering, a group that comprises all the Doctors or
never take a life without good reason (such as self- Monarchs of the Covenant. It makes decisions that
defense, or to punish a capital crime); never accept affect all Covenant members, from expelling an
more in payment than your client can afford; do not entire Temple to promulgating a new law or amend-
allow any Gifted or supernatural being to abuse the ment to a law. The Gathering rarely meets; five or six
members of your community; and render hospitality years is a typical span between meetings. There are
and assistance to any Legban who requests it. more frequent Lesser Gatherings, usually restricted to
Organization the leaders of a given region or country, that occur
whenever a Houngan or Doctor calls for it. These
Legbans can most often be found in low-income Lesser Gatherings deal with local problems, the
neighborhoods of large cities, or in rural communi- selection of new Doctors, and so on.
ties, especially in the Third World or the poorer
regions of developed countries. Their membership is Allies and Enemies
largely Hispanic or African-American. Since many Legbans practice their arts relatively
Within the group are four major cultural sub- openly, other Covenants are aware of their existence.
groups: the Spanish Caribbean, the French New More accurately, they are aware of Voodoo practi-
World, the British West Indies, and the Portguese tioners of all kinds, including Legbans, the Blood
colonies. Each group has its own language, terms, Brethrens and the dozens of other small Covenants or
and rituals. For a long time, it would have been fair to Solitaires who make up the majority of Voodooists.
say that there were four different Legban Covenants, The Wicce: The open and eclectic nature of this
one for each region. By the beginning of the 20th Covenant agrees with the Legbans’ own practices.
century, however, the Covenant had managed to There are a number of urban pagans who have incor-
become more coherent, with a central leadership and porated Voodoo rituals into their lore, even as some
some basic rules that applied to all members. Voodooists identify the Wicce Goddess with their
There are few formal ranks within the Covenant. A own Ayida-Wedo (see p. 111). Communication and
Houngan, Mambo (the name for female practitioners) mutual assistance is becoming increasingly common,
or Santero is a full-fledged practitioner, someone who both on the supernatural and mundane fronts.
has spent several years or even decades honing his The Rosicrucians: Contact between the two
skill. They take on students at their own discretion. Covenants is limited. The Rosicrucians are suspi-
Houngans and their students gather at a Temple, a cious of any Covenant that deals with entities that
place where they live and work. Traditionally, one cannot be fully controlled, and frowns on the traf-
Houngan or a Houngan and a Mambo live and rule ficking with the dead routinely performed by Voodoo
over each Temple, and their students remain until practitioners. Racial and social tension also plays a
they are promoted and can found their own Temple. role in this, since most Rosicrucians are white and
In more recent times, this has changed. Now, many upper-class, and most Legbans are not.
practitioners live in the same Temple, or at least make
61 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Sentinels: Having endured persecution from of Undead in their ranks. These beings are anathema
missionaries and inquisitors, the Legbans have little to most Legbans, who consider the living dead to be
love for the Sentinels. The Society tends to lump all at best objects of pity (Zombies, for example), or at
Voodoo practitioners into one group, and ascribes any worst monsters to be destroyed (like Vampyres and
crimes committed by such practitioners to everybody the Relentless Dead). The two Covenants have a
in that group. Clashes are not uncommon. Sentinels tense relationship as a result.
often watch Legbans carefully, ready to step in at the Other Covenants: The Legbans have limited deal-
least provocation. On an individual basis, however, ings with most other Covenants. It numbers few Seers
several Legbans have proven themselves to be hon- among the membership, and thus has little contact
orable and courageous allies, so many Sentinels have with the Cabal of Psyche. In large cities, they often
learned to see past the prejudices that generally dom- encounter such groups as the Storm Dragons and the
inate the Society. Pariahs (see Mystery Codex, pp. 130-141), and will
The Twilight Order and the House of on occasion work with these Covenants. Ferals are
Thanathos: These Necromantic Covenants share considered to be unnatural monsters or victims of a
many common interests with the Legbans. The three deadly curse, which makes relations with the Nomads
groups deal with ghosts and phantasms, and explore a chancy thing at best. And the Legbans know little
the Death Realms. The three groups also compete for about both the Templars and the Undying Lodge.
members -- those with the gift of Necromancy or The Combine: The Legbans are aware of a secret
Mediumship may be approached by all three organization that works behinds the scenes to manip-
Covenants, for example. The Twilight Order is ulate world affairs. The Covenant’s investigation of
viewed with some degree of wariness, especially the such things as the connection between government
more scientific-oriented “ghost hunters,” who are agencies and the drug trade has led them into contact
regarded as ignorant troublemakers. A few Order with the Combine. Unfortunately, the Legbans lack
members have actually studied Voodoo necromancy, the resources to effectively deal with the conspiracy,
however, and have been friendly and respectful and those who try often find themselves in trouble,
enough to become friends. The House of Thanathos from being fined for sacrificing animals to dying in
(see Mystery Codex, pp. 125-129) has a large number mysterious accidents.
C h a p t e r F o u r 62
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Mad Gods: All Legbans consider Taint to be where a small army of zombies is making handcraft-
evil, and those who bear its signs are monsters to be ed products twenty-four hours a day, for no wages.
destroyed or banished from our world. Some Voodoo The owner of the company has found the ultimate
cults (although not the Blood Brethren) have dealt labor force, and is willing to kill hundreds of people
with the Mad Gods from time to time. When they dis- and “recycle” them into undead workers. As far as he
cover them, the Legbans usually concentrate on is concerned, he is doing the world a favor and “turn-
destroying them as soon as possible, and are not ing welfare mothers into model workers.” He is a
afraid to use any resources (including working with powerful Voodoo magician, perhaps affiliated with
other Covenants) to do so. the Red Brethren.
The Inheritance: One of the Cast Member’s
Legban Stories teachers, an old and wise Voodoo “Doctor,” has just
Many settings are possible in this Covenant, from died. A reading of his will is to be held in his home-
exotic places in the Caribbean to the urban jungles of town in Haiti. Upon arriving, the characters discover
the developed world. The interaction between ghosts the death was no accident, and that a group of Voodoo
and humans also plays a role, although the Legbans cultists are attempting to launch a coup d’etat and
are somewhat more likely to take the ghosts’ side have killed the old teacher. To make matters worse,
than, say, the Twilight Order. the Combine has dispatched teams of Men In Black
Corporate Zombies: Renaissance Industries to suppress the attempted coup and perform a gener-
seemed like a great company to work for. It had set al clean-up of Voodooists in the area -- including the
up shop in the slums, and in less than a year, it had Cast Members. The Knights Templar may also send
cleaned up one third of the city, turned a handsome operatives in to try to take advantage of the situation.
profit, and earned its owner a number of city and state The characters find themselves in the middle of a
commendations. Problem is, a lot of the homeless three- or four-way war, far from home and any aid.
and poor in the neighborhood didn’t just get evicted - Maybe the inheritance will be worth the trouble: per-
- they plain disappeared. One or more of the missing haps it is a valuable magical item, or the name of a
people could be friends or relatives of the Cast powerful Spirit Patron, or simply a big suitcase full of
Members. An investigation reveals that Renaissance money. On the other hand, nobody knows where the
Industries’ real production facilities are underground, inheritance is -- was it hidden or stolen?
63 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Legban Speaker to the Dead
You live in a small apartment in a large city. You have no job, and yet you have never received one cent in
public moneys. Every day, you leave a can outside your door, and every day the people of the neighborhood
drop some money in it -- never a lot, but enough to get by. You never lock your door, and yet you have never
been robbed. The neighbors know you, but their greetings are subdued; you are el brujo, the man who can call
ghosts to his aid.
The world of the dead is as real to you as the pavement under your feet and the smog you breathe on the
streets. Since you were a child, you could look into it, and the experience has set you apart from the rest of
the world. In many ways, you are more comfortable dealing with the dead: their wants and needs are more
basic, more primal. You never forget your duties to the living, however. You protect the barrio: there are less
robberies, less drug dealing, less trouble in the area you call your turf, and you work hard to keep it that way.
Your door is always open, although few come to you, only those that need help badly, or think they do. You
do your best to help them, and often a kind word or some pointed advice is all they need. Sometimes, how-
ever, their trouble is of a darker sort -- battered wives, victimized children, ruined families. And some of those
who come to you are the dead themselves, seeking help with unfinished business. Of late, supernatural beings
have started to trespass into your territory, and you can sense that dark times are ahead.
It started when you were a child. You could see things that others could not. Dead things. They spoke to
you, and you spoke back. When your brother died in a car accident, he came back to say goodbye to you.
When you started speaking of what you saw, people responded with unbelieving ridicule. Soon you found
yourself withdrawing into the world only you could see. Your mother (your only living relative) was poor, and
lacked the resources or the sophistication to send you off to a psychologist. That proved to be a blessing,
because she sought help from a local santero who recognized you for what you were. Not a deluded child, but
one of the Gifted, with the ability to speak to the dead.
Your talent was very strong. You were an indifferent student of magic, and instead devoted yourself to the
arts of necromancy. When you were finally made a Houngan, you founded your own Temple in the neigh-
borhood where you grew up. It took a while, but you have earned the respect and even a degree of affection
from the people in the community.
C h a p t e r F o u r 64
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Association The Covenant of Legba
Concept Weird One CHANNELING
C h a p t e r F o u r 66
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Nomads served as scouts and mercenaries
for the Assyrians and the Persians, for Romans
and Greeks. They rode with the Scythians and
Huns, or stood against them. They traded on the
Silk Road and on the shores of Britain. When the
Old World discovered the Americas, many
Nomads traveled there. They were on the early
wagon trains heading West, and worked as cattle
drivers and railroad builders. And they never
stayed in one place for long.
Although they rarely went out of the way to
fight supernatural predators, the mandate of the
Moon Gods could not be ignored. The Nomads
found themselves battling undead monsters in
plague-ravaged Europe, demonic cults in war-torn
Middle East, and servants of the Mad Gods in the
Himalayas. Often, they had to track down and
destroy former members of their Covenant who
had surrendered to their bestial side.
During World War II, many Nomads were clas-
sified as Gypsies and killed by the Nazis; that
period also saw some of the strongest supernatur-
al events since the great plagues that shook the
Middle Ages. Most surviving Nomads fled to
North America, where there was still plenty of
elbow room for a nomadic lifestyle. There still are
many Nomads in Europe, Asia and Africa, how-
ever, from truck drivers plying ancient trade
routes to mercenaries fighting little dirty wars.
The Nomads can look at the world in two very
different ways -- half full, or half empty. On the
one hand, most members are cursed, which means
that they are likely to turn into a dangerous mon-
ster, or their children are. On the other hand, most
Covenant members like traveling through wide
open spaces, seeing new things and people, and
setting themselves somehow apart -- and above --
the common run of mankind.
67 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Organization have to belong to a Family, although over half of
them do. The highest rank in the Covenant belongs to
The Covenant does not have much in the way of a the Heads of the Five Families, who are chosen by
hierarchy. The bulk of the Nomads are considered the previous Heads, and named as their heirs. They
roughly equal and without formal status other than are supposed to be the wisest and most experienced
member of a Family -- although they tend to follow members of the Family in question, and are usually
the lead of the strongest of their immediate group (the chosen from among the Chiefs. More than rank, tra-
equivalent of an “alpha male” in wolves). Groups dition and consensus bind the Covenant. The Nomads
with more than ten Nomads must have a Chief, who are very conservative when it comes to the rules, and
usually owns the business the group works for, or, in those who try to break them are almost always reject-
some cases, is elected by the group. Chiefs do not ed by the entire Covenant.
C h a p t e r F o u r 68
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Roughly one half of the Nomads belong to one (or Some Chiefs may require that the candidate pass
in some cases, two) of the Five Families, bloodlines some form of test, usually of bravery, wisdom or
that can be traced back thousands of years. All mem- strength. This usually happens only when the spon-
bers of these Families are linear descendants from the sors are themselves relatively young and untried, and
five Ferals who achieved a great deal of power and it always is taken to mean that the Chief does not
enlightenment. They lived for centuries, begetting fully trust their judgment in these matters -- a rather
hundreds of children before passing on. These Ferals insulting gesture, in other words. Once the “newbie”
were all present at the first Gathering in the lands of is admitted, there is usually some hazing involved,
Mesopotamia, some 3,000 years ago, and they found- especially in larger groups, like a traveling sideshow.
ed the first Tribe, which some generations later broke Non-family Nomads never rise to the highest ranks
apart and spread through the land. in the Covenant, but other than that their status is
One is born into the Families by either the male or roughly the same as everyone else’s. They share the
the female line; all that matters is that one of the per- secrets and responsibilities of the group, and are
son’s parents belonged to one of the Families. The expected to follow the basic rules and laws of the
only other way to join a Family is by marriage; Covenant. Over time, some of these members have
Family members tend to marry outside the Family, started their own family lines, but they do not have
although they most often choose Nomads (if possible, the same status as the Five Families. Relatives, even
from among those not belonging to one of the Five offspring, need to be invited into the Covenant just as
Families). Adoption occurs, but is very rare, and only any other outsider.
a Feral of the appropriate species is considered. Besides Ferals, who make up about one fourth of
When members of two Families marry (which is dis- the membership of the Covenant, other Gifted or
couraged to prevent inbreeding), a mystical test supernatural members include Magicians,
determines which “lineage” applies to the child. Necromancers (Nannar is a Death God, after all),
Not all Family members are Ferals, and not all Bast, Fey characters (this is particularly true for trav-
Nomad Ferals are Family members. The Families eling shows), several Ghosts and Phantasms, and the
have traditionally more rank and status, however, and odd Undead. The Nomads will accept almost any-
this has often generated some resentment from the body, regardless of their species or powers.
other Nomads. In an internal conflict, Family mem-
bers typically stand with each other against the rest,
and some Nomads put the interests of their particular
Family above those of the Covenant at large.
A little more than half of the members of the
Covenant do not belong to the Five Families. They
are people who have been inducted into the Nomads
for any number of reasons -- fellow wanderers who
have proven their worth or performed a valuable ser-
vice for the Covenant, for example. Ferals are the
preferred candidates for invitation, for obvious rea-
sons, but they are not the only ones. Any Nomad can
sponsor the admission of a new member, but full
acceptance is only possible from a Chief. If a group
of Nomads too small to have a Chief wishes to
“adopt” a new member, they must find the nearest
large group and gain an audience. The candidate is
asked formally why he wishes to join, and given an
impromptu test of the Covenant’s rules and traditions.
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The Five Families
Described below are the Five Families that dominate the Nomad Covenant. Keep in mind that
these Families have married with individuals from hundreds of nations and peoples over the cen-
turies, so there is no longer a clear racial component to them; almost all Families have Caucasian,
Black or Asian members, and all manner of mixed races as well. What remains is the name, the ani-
mal shape Ferals from that Family invariable assume, the basic traditions and skills passed down
over the generations, and the myths associated with them.
The first Bekter was a great hunter, and a Wolf Feral, who hailed from the steppes of what
would one day become Russia. It is said his crime was to slay a she-wolf and her cubs for his amuse-
ment. When he first turned into a wolf, he killed his own mate and children in blind fury. The
Bekter way is to cherish all children, animal and human, and never to permit them to be harmed.
The Bekters are taught the ways of the wilderness. Traditionally, children learn to hunt, track
and shoot; the more hidebound members also teach their offspring the use of the traditional
weapons, like the bow and the spear. Some travel the world and become experienced big game
hunters, although of late fewer of them follow that tradition. Some are skilled animal handlers,
who never have to rely on the brutal methods of normal animal trainers to get results. Others
favor more exotic prey -- Vampyres, evil spirits and other Ferals. Together with the Verken Family
(see below), they are the most accomplished hunters of supernatural predators.
The Bekter’s head is always a Feral, and the current one is a woman, Janelle Bekter. She is the
co-owner of the Walker Carnival & Fair, a traveling show that operates from Canada to South
America, and until recently had her own beast show in it, performing with several wolfhounds that
could do amazing tricks.
Sanjee was a priestess. Her name meant "Enlightened One," and she came from some place in
Asia, where the natives worshipped the spirits of nature. No one knows what she did to deserve
the Feral's curse; some claim she took it upon herself willingly.
Sanjee retained her magical gifts even after her transformation, and she was able to teach her
human children. Her Feral offspring could not follow in her magical footsteps unless they gained
the favor of a deity. The Sanjee Feral form is a Siberian Tiger, proud and magnificent.
This Family values wisdom, nature and magic. In some ways they resemble the Wicce, and have
often married Wicce women and men over the centuries, strengthening that connection. Traveling
Sanjee sometimes imitate the Gypsies, although they have little if any true Romany blood.
The current head of the Sanjee Family is Teresa Gianella-Sanjee. She is not a Feral (although
her sister is), but instead practices magic and necromancy. Gianella-Sanjee dwells mainly in Europe.
Mishatt came from the land of Elam. He was a great warlord who might have one day become
a great king. Unfortunately, he was cursed by a sorcerer and turned into a lion in front of his
troops. The terrified soldiers set upon him with sword and chariot and bow, and Mishatt had to
flee for his life. After centuries of living in the wilderness, he sought out the Moon Gods, and
became a Nomad. His descendants have kept his martial spirit alive. Mishatt children are taught
a number of martial arts, and Ferals (all of them kindred to the now-extinct Middle-Eastern lion)
are encouraged to make the most of their animal powers.
The Mishatt value discipline and courage. Male Family members (and more recently, female as
well), both Feral and Mundane, are encouraged to serve in the military of any nation. There have
been Mishatts among the ranks of the Union Army during the Civil War, and in many of the
Indian Wars; Mishatts fought and died in the World Wars, Korea and Vietnam. If a Family mem-
ber is found guilty of cowardice in the face of the enemy, he is expelled from the Family and his
C h a p t e r F o u r 70
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name is never spoken again. The dishonored person can redeem himself only through some heroic
(and often suicidal) deed. Some members become mercenaries after their discharge.
Colonel Walter Mishatt, U.S. Army (retired) is the current head of the Mishatt Family. An
intelligence specialist, he has connections around the world, and he has been linked to arms smug-
gling and other international incidents. Some Nomad Chiefs suspect Mishatt has used members
of his Family in a number of questionable operations.
The daughter of an African chieftain, Machui was vain and lazy, and used her rank and beauty
to avoid work and responsibility. She enjoyed it when men fought over her, even to the death. One
day, she asked her suitors to bring her a leopard skin as a present; whoever brought her the best
one would win her hand. That night, she was transformed into a leopard, and was chased by the
very men she had enticed.
Grievously wounded, she survived only through her Feral regenerative abilities. Still, she was cast
out by her own father. Machui was forced to travel north, where she was enslaved by the
Egyptians for several years. Ultimately, she escaped and journeyed the cities of the Middle East,
making a living as a thief and prostitute. Her Feral abilities were unpredictable, often not mani-
festing themselves when she needed them, and sometimes transforming her at the worst possible
moment. It wasn’t until she accepted her sins and sought redemption that the worst part of her
curse was over.
The Machui Family values humility and it mocks vanity. The Machui are known to play cruel
jests on men and women who think they are above others because of their looks, wealth or power.
They are trained to understand human nature, which makes them great counselors, seductive
lovers, and effective con men. Members of the Family must help others in any way they can; their
favorite tasks involve using their skills and powers to help the poor and defenseless against the
wealthy and powerful.
Currently, the Machui Family has no leader. The previous Head, Karl Machui, died when his
truck went over a cliff in a mysterious accident. His chosen successor died a day later, shot through
the head, before he even knew he was the new Head. This unprecedented event has the Family reel-
ing. It is likely that a council of all the Machui Chiefs, and possibly the other Family heads, will
be convened at some time. It is rumored that the Machui’s penchant for angering powerful people
(and supernatural beings) is to blame for the current situation.
The man who called himself Verken was a great warrior wandering the woodlands of Northern
Europe. His skill with spear, ax and sword was so great that none dared stand up to him. One day,
however, his enemies hired the best -- a band of skin-changers, the ancestors of the people the
Vikings a millennium later would call the bear-skins, or beserkers (see p. 92). The bear-men came
upon Verken’s hall and slew his warriors. They left Verken alive, and forced him to watch as the
were-bears tortured and killed his wives and children. In a fit of desperation, Verken broke free and
killed one of the bear-men using only his hands. Doing this released the captured bear spirit, which
entered the warrior and turned him into a true Feral. Verken could now turn into a giant bear.
Verken Family members are taught to defend the helpless, and to avenge any crimes committed
against those who cannot avenge themselves. Their favored prey are supernatural beings, especial-
ly other Ferals, Wildings, and similar monsters. Verken are trained in a number of martial arts,
and they are encouraged to develop their strength and endurance.
The current Head, Roger Verken, is known as the Old Mountaineer. He haunts the mountain
regions of the U.S. and Canada, staying in one place for a few months and then moving on, only
coming down from the mountains when he is informed of some worthy adversary. Over 150 years
old, Roger Verken appears to be in his early fifties, and he grows weary of the ways of vengeance.
He can be found only with difficulty, and whoever calls on him should have a very good reason.
71 A s s o c o a t i o n s
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Allies and Enemies Nomad Stories
The Wicce: The Nomads have often encountered Travel is a key element in Nomad Stories. Whether
practitioners of the Old Craft in their travels, and in the Cast Members are truckers, roadies for a major
general have a good relationship with that Covenant. concert tour, Renaissance Fair regulars, or aimless
Many Wicce have married Nomads in the past, and drifters, they are usually on the move. Chroniclers
their children, Feral or Gifted, may travel in Nomad need to be careful not to populate every town and city
caravans if they desire. the characters visit with a small supernatural zoo,
The Rosicrucians, the Cabal of Psyche and the however. Sometimes, the Cast should be confronted
Twilight Order: The Nomads have little contact with with more mundane threats -- money problems, for
these Covenants. Their secretive nature, and the example. Or maybe a group of animal rights activists
Nomads’ transitory stays makes encounters unlikely. breaks into the character’s traveling circus and “lib-
erates” several wild animals that now run wild
The Sentinels and the Storm Dragons: The through the streets. Hunting supernatural predators,
Nomads often hunt supernatural predators, as do the especially Ferals, can also be a dangerous challenge.
Sentinels and the Storm Dragons. Sometimes, the The Cast needs to find their quarry without attracting
Covenants find themselves pursuing the same indi- the attention of the authorities (likely to be suspicious
vidual, perhaps following different trails. The of recently arrived strangers anyway) and any other
Sentinels consider all Ferals to be accursed people, Covenant in the area. For long-term games, the
unintentionally dangerous at best, a deadly threat at Chronicler may wish to play up rivalries or power
worst. The Storm Dragons are somewhat more toler- struggles within the Family structure. While feuds are
ant, but they will be suspicious until convinced of the not common, they do exist (the Bekters and the
Nomads’ purposes. If a group of Nomads realize Machui had a nasty feud during the 1890s, and there
either of those groups are after their quarry, they may is still tension between the two Families).
try to avoid them, or just let them have the “kill.” The
more hot-headed Nomads, on the other hand, view Undead on Wheels: A pack of Vampyre bikers are
the situation as a contest of sorts, and redouble their on a rampage. Their M.O. consists of running people
efforts to beat the haughty monster-hunters. off the road at night (typically truckers); neither the
victims nor their vehicles are ever seen again. The
The Knights Templar and the Combine: Since Undead are careful to cover their tracks. No traces are
the Nomads are forbidden from seeking to rule oth- ever found of the victims, and their vehicles and
ers, they rarely have the chance to become involved cargo are “processed” through a body shop that spe-
in the shadow organizations that vie for control over cializes in such things. The Cast Members may just
world affairs. Dealings with the Combine are very happen to be the next victims of the group (although
limited; occasionally, a Nomad group inadvertently they are more likely to survive the experience), or
derails a Combine plot, and has to deal with some they are on the killer’s trails, possibly because some
form of reprisal. of the missing victims are members of the Covenant.
Other Covenants: Most Covenants are dealt with The hunt may end as a massive fight with the gang,
on a case by case basis. Encounters are likely to be or lead to something more sinister. Perhaps the
brief and localized, and most Covenants have only Vampyres are in the service of something more sinis-
sparse knowledge of a wandering Covenant (often ter -- a cult of Undead servants of a Mad God, bring-
mistaken for Gypsies) with an unusual number of ing in victims for a massive ritual (this might also
shapeshifters in their ranks. attract Mockers investigating the same perpetrators
from a different angle).
C h a p t e r F o u r 72
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Who Killed Karl Machui?: The mysterious death and if so, how have they learned enough about the
of the head of the Machui family and his chosen suc- Nomads to destroy the leadership of an entire family?
cessor has stirred a hornet’s nest of suspicions, accu- Maybe the Mafia has its own supernatural backing.
sations and fear. Was the killing the result of an inter- Another suspect includes a member of the Bekter
nal power struggle, or is someone stalking the entire Family, a long-lived Feral who was involved in the
Covenant? Some possibilities: Karl Machui recently century-old feud between the two clans. Finally,
conducted an elaborate sting operation against a ring some Machui members have started to acquire an
of car thieves, an operation that resulted in the theft interest in the occult arts; mystics of the Sanjee
of a couple of million dollars’ worth of spare parts Family fear that the Machui might have stirred some
from the thieves. The car thieves, unfortunately, had forces better left alone.
Mafia connections -- is organized crime involved,
73 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Nomad Road Warrior
You used to be a hothead, and craved a good fight. Even before your Feral nature was awakened, you
thought you were tough enough to deal with anything. Now you now better, and realize that knowing how to
fight is not enough; one must also know when to fight.
You now are part of the security contingent of Staged Larvae, a Nomad rock band that tours around the
world nine months of the year. Your large size and forbidding expression deters even the most determined
groupies from getting out of hand, and you very rarely have to raise a hand in anger. The band does more than
just play music, of course; sometimes a situation arises where you must use fists, weapons, or your gifts.
Your mother had a fling with a roadie and you were the result. Your early life was a mess, living in a trail-
er littered with empty beer bottles and copies of the Enquirer. A battered TV set was your first friend, baby-
sitter, and teacher. You were always big for your age, and other kids in school saw it as a challenge. When a
couple of them ended up with dislocated (and in one case, broken) limbs, you got in trouble. When you turned
17, you joined the Marines, and for a while things were fine. You didn’t mind the discipline. It helped you
become a warrior, an expert in a variety of weapons, highly motivated and dangerous. Until one night, during
a training exercise, you turned into a bear.
Luckily, you were the only one who realized this. The others just saw a huge bear lumbering around the
camp, and being who they were, they opened fire on it. The bear got away. Later, you crawled back into your
tent, bloodied, naked and dazed. You were discharged for psychiatric reasons two months later, after a second
transformation led to you being found naked on top of a tree, munching on nuts and berries. Somebody at the
base was a Nomad, however, and he realized what you were. You met your new father shortly afterwards, and
were formally inducted into the Verken Family.
For a while, your newfound powers made you think you were invincible. A bloody incident in Montana
taught you otherwise. Lying on the damp earth, trying to hold in your spilling entrails while something big-
ger and badder than you was chased away by your fellow Nomads, you realized that you, too, are mortal.
C h a p t e r F o u r 74
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A s s o c i a t i o n Nomad
S u p e r n a t u r a l
C o n c e p t Warrior CHANNELING
L e s s e r
C h a p t e r F o u r 76
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new members among people exposed to the horrors appearance of minor creatures from Beyond, or, most
of war -- and to the horrors that prowled the battle- often, the activities of human cultists.
fields in the dark. Now, the Mockers are growing cer- Beneath the cynicism and the skewed view of the
tain that another Reckoning is at hand, and this one world, however, the Mockers are a tightly-knit com-
may be worse than anything the Covenant has expe- munity. They all share similar experiences, pain and
rienced in its history. fears, and they try to give comfort to one another,
Beliefs even while pretending they do not care. Unless the
situation is desperate, they will never betray or
The Mockers have experienced things no mortal deceive one another. Most also show some degree of
should. They have learned to live with that trauma, concern towards others -- those who don’t eventually
and now know only one certainty: to allow the Mad become psychopaths and lose their battle with
Gods to win means to suffer even worse horrors. Madness, that is.
Most Mockers fear that even death may prove no
refuge from the torments of the beings from Beyond Organization
-- the ones who do not often end up taking their own There are less than two hundred Mockers in the
lives. Beyond that basic belief, the Mockers have world. Of these, some sixty or seventy operate in
faith only in their own strength, and occasionally the North America, and a similar number in Europe, with
loyalty of their brethren. They all share a cynical, the rest concentrated mainly in the Middle East,
skeptical view of the world. They are often atheistic: North Africa and South America. They operate in
as far as they are concerned, the only god-like entities small groups, rarely more than a handful, or alone,
that exist are monstrous entities with unfathomable although lone Mockers often have contacts with other
goals and desires, who care for humanity even less Covenants in the area. There isn’t much of a leader-
than humans care for bacterial life. Their cynicism ship; older and more experienced Mockers act as
extends to most other things -- politics, social issues, teachers or mentors to the new generation, and their
love and war. Many of them admit that if they did not lead is usually followed.
think doing nothing would just bring about worse
ordeals for them, they would not fight the Mad Gods. A little over one half of the membership are Tainted
humans (see p. 115). The rest are mostly Gifted, with
The Mocker’s symbol is the laughing mask of clas- Disciples of the Flesh (see Mystery Codex, p. 164)
sical theater. A few members go as far as wearing being the most common non-Tainted members. A few
clown make-up when preparing for war. They take magicians, psychics and mediums, survivors of
very few things seriously, the Mad Gods being the encounters with the Mad Gods, round out the group.
only exception. Even then, they try to mask their true Mundane members exist, but their mortality and
feelings by cracking jokes or taking insane chances. insanity rates are very high; most of them rarely last
They can be unpredictable and even violent in their more than a handful of encounters with the Mad
dealings with others, and sometimes extremely cold- Gods. Fortunately, such encounters remain rare.
blooded about such things as innocent bystanders. If
the incarnation of a Mad God appears imminent, a The Covenant’s major source of income is a handful
Mocker will do anything necessary to prevent it. If of foundations bequeathed to them by wealthier
doing so requires him to detonate a nuclear device in Mockers. They provide just enough funds for a few
downtown New York, so be it. Fortunately, this type libraries and research facilities, mostly located in
of situation does not come up often -- in 900 years of Europe and North America, as well as some money for
Mocker history, there have only been a handful of travel expenses, expeditions into remote areas, and so
instances where a major entity seriously threatened to on. Money is often a problem, however. Most Mockers
manifest itself. Most of the time, they deal with tem- hold down temporary and low-paying jobs -- even
porary (but still destructive) manifestations, the those who were professionals or academics are rarely
able to maintain a normal life after their initial expe-
77 A s s o c o a t i o n s
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riences. A few are career criminals, or use their powers absolutely necessary. The Wicce tend to be more toler-
to rob criminals to support themselves. Some literally ant of the Mockers, although they do not trust the
live on the streets. Tainted, and rarely put themselves at their mercy. The
Rosicrucians often regard Mockers as abominations as
Allies and Enemies dangerous as the monsters they hunt, and prefer to keep
contact with them to a bare minimum.
The Cabal of Psyche and the Twilight Order:
Mockers’ Auras There is minimal contact between these groups and
All Gifted humans, and most supernatural the Mockers. The Cabal’s dislike for taking action
beings, can sense auras and thus gain a mea- means they have little to offer to the Mockers. The
sure of someone’s personality and power. Twilight Order concerns itself mostly with the spirits
Tainted beings often stand out; their anti- of the dead, and they interact with the Mockers only
Essence shines like some toxic phosphores-
cence. Some creatures of Taint can hide when a Tainted spirit is involved.
their corruption from prying eyes, however. The Sentinels: The Sentinels have worked with
The Mockers, because of their dual nature the Mockers in the past, but they are as likely to hunt
(being creatures of both Essence and
Taint), and thanks to the Anchors that down a Mocker as to assist him. Tainted humans are
allow them to retain their humanity, are often considered to be Damned, and likely to be
also capable of hiding their nature from beyond redemption. Some of the more humane
others, although with difficulty. Sentinels try to cure the Mockers, and sometimes
In game terms, whenever a Gifted or super- may help them reduce their Madness. Most of the
natural being attempts to “see” a Mocker’s time, contacts are limited and on an emergency basis
Essence matrix, they need to achieve a only. If a Mocker is facing something beyond his
number of Success Levels equal to the
Mocker’s Anchor level. The observer gets power, he seeks help elsewhere, and the Sentinels
a bonus equal to 1/10 of the Mocker’s tend to be well-organized and funded, which makes
Madness Pool (see p. 118, for information them too convenient to ignore. The Sentinels find it
about both the Anchor and the Madness hard to take the Tainted nature of the Mockers, and
Pool). If the Task or Test is not successful their cynical, biting sense of humor, at least for any
enough, they “see” the Mocker as a Gifted
human with unknown abilities, and may length of time.
perhaps get a hint of strangeness about The Knights Templar and the Combine: The
the subject. Attempts to probe further Knights’ secrecy makes them too hard to find, and the
(using Invocations like Insight, or psychic
powers like Mindsight) are resisted by Mockers do not care about their struggle with the
the Mocker with his Willpower and Combine. As far as they are concerned, fighting
Anchor level, unless he is willing to let about who rules humanity is idiotic, like children
his full nature be known. fighting for a toy in the middle of a street while an
oncoming truck bears down on them. Some Mockers
The Wicce and the Rosicrucians: The Mockers think the Combine may be the work of a cult of the
often deal with these Covenants, especially when they Mad Gods, but that sounds too organized and delib-
need assistance to deal with an incursion from Beyond. erate for most of those entities. For its part, the
Mockers often try to establish some sort of “working Combine usually ignores the Mockers, and on a few
relationship” with members of these Covenants, occasions it has covered up their activities.
although their attitudes and worldview often offend The Pariahs: These humans have endured horrible
them. Some Mockers find it more expedient to simply experiences, and thus have some common ground
pass on any information they have to those Covenants, with the Mockers. The two Covenants often share the
and let them do the dirty job, stepping in only if slums and homeless shelters, and some Disciples or
C h a p t e r F o u r 78
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Tainted people actually belong to both groups. The Boy’s Town: The small town of Bridgedale was
Mockers are often called when a Pariah surrenders to nothing special -- until the night a meteorite landed
the lure of darkness and becomes a servant of the next to the local highway as a bus carrying the local
Mad Gods. The two groups have a good working high school football team drove by. The high school-
relationship, although they often make each other a ers stopped and examined the strange rock, and they
tad nervous. even got their pictures on the paper (page one in the
Other Covenants: Since the Mockers are relative- local newspaper, page 12 in the city paper).
ly few and spread out, they try to find out who else is Unfortunately, the meteorite was not a normal rock,
in their local area. They use their skills and powers to and the football players soon discovered they could
spot other Gifted groups (sometimes uncovering make things happen -- and that they were no longer in
Dark Covenants or Mad God Cults along the way), control of their lusts and fears. Soon, bizarre deaths
and attempt to figure out a way to work together -- or began to occur, as some of the boys embraced their
maybe to simply use the other Covenants as tools or powers. Others tried to resist their lure. The Cast
weapons. This occurs on a case-by-case basis. Members can be members of the football team,
Tainted by exposure to the bizarre rock, or Mocker
Mocker Stories investigators arriving to the town -- just in time for
the pep rally from Hell.
Mocker Stories revolve around the hunt for the
Mad Gods, and finding and rescuing those that the
Mad Gods have victimized. The Cast Members spend
their free time (how much depends on their job and
wealth) tracking down any indications of Mad God The Mockers in Armageddon
activity in their area, which, given the small numbers Leviathan is a Mad God, possibly one of
of the Covenant, can be rather large. If a suspicious the most powerful beings of its kind. The
Mockers discovered the existence of the
event is found, the character or characters needs to Church of Revelations, and they actually
investigate it, and see if there is anything to it. foiled some of their plans. The Covenant
Complications are always possible, of course. thinks it was their work that ensured the
Sometimes, the Mockers run into other Covenants U.S. was not taken over during the first
investigating the same situation, or discover a threat stage of Leviathan’s plan.
that has nothing to do with the Mad Gods. Unfortunately, when the Dark Apostle
rose from the ashes of Munich, all
Khaos Theory: A local techno band, Khaos Mockers in Germany, and many of the
Theory, is gaining popularity and looks like it may be ones living in Western Europe were killed
going national any day now. Any Mocker who hears or corrupted outright, their Taint acting
their music, live or otherwise, feels his Taint some- as a conduit to Leviathan, attracting its
power like a metal rod attracts lightning.
how responding to it. Prolonged listening actually
increases a person’s Taint Pool (in game terms, about The surviving Mockers are concentrating
mainly on fighting Leviathan’s minions,
1 Taint point for every 2 hours of listening -- this is while keeping a low profile. With self-
cumulative, although the Taint gained is temporary)! righteous angels walking the Earth, any
Khaos Theory’s CD back copy claims that some of Tainted being risks being killed out of hand.
the lyrics come from some ancient tablets from the The Alliance seems more willing to work
Middle East. Are the songs acting as a powerful sum- with Mockers, but the inevitable personal-
ity conflicts abound.
moning incantation? Can the songs Taint normal
humans, and if so, what will happen when the band
plays in its first large venue (due to occur any day
now)? The Mockers need to find out.
79 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Mocker Cat Burglar
You were a damn good thief, until an encounter with the Beyond left you scarred body and mind. Now you
use your skills -- and a little something the Cult of the Rending Shadows gave you -- to fight the good fight.
You are angry -- at the world that gave you no breaks, at yourself for waiting for breaks instead of doing what
was needed, and at the Mad Gods for destroying what little harmony remained in your life.
Like all Mockers, you are constantly looking for signs of trouble. You remain a criminal, and use your con-
tacts in the streets as your eyes and ears. You are funny, but your jokes and grins have a nasty edge to them,
and it makes people nervous. The nasty scar on the left side of your face doesn’t help, either. Despite the best
efforts of a plastic surgeon, your left cheek looks like it was chewed up and then stabbed with a hot iron. When
asked about it, you smile and say, “Oh, it’s nothing. Something I disagreed with ate me -- tried to, at least.”
You thought your life was tough before. Being poor and smart was no picnic; you knew exactly what you
were missing. Then one day you were caught holding a baggy of pot and ended up doing time behind bars.
It wasn’t fun, but you learned something while you were there. You studied under the best lockpickers, sec-
ond-story men and car thieves in the business (or so they said). When you got out, an ex-con with no
prospects, you had a plan. To get what you deserved, you’d just go ahead and take it.
A couple of high-stakes capers later, you were doing pretty damn well. You had learned your lessons well,
and things were beginning to look up. They were, that is, until you broke into the wrong penthouse. The
wealthy collector you targeted was no normal yuppie with more money than sense. This yuppie specialized in
forbidden books and summoning rituals, all dealing with the Mad God known only as the Rending Shadow.
You neutralized the alarms, entered the empty apartment, and looked in the wrong golden box. Something
screamed as it tore flesh and flowed like water. You don’t quite remember what happened next, although you
dream of it very often. There was a struggle, and your face was hideously scarred -- you can still feel the sen-
sation of liquid shadow teeth tearing at your face -- but you managed to break the box and banish the creature.
You got out as fast as you could, covered in your own blood and nearly dead. You survived, but the owner
of the box was mad as hell, and the cult he had formed was looking for you. Fortunately, the Mockers were
looking for the cult, and they saved you.
C h a p t e r F o u r 80
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Lesser Gifted
Association Mockers
Concept Survivor, Reluctant Hero CHANNELING
C h a p t e r F o u r 82
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Myths of Atlantis
The Lodge of the Undying has tried to build a body of history and science dealing with the
mythical civilization that spawned its race. Unfortunately, it has precious little material to
work with -- the ancestral memories of Immortal members, and the few artifacts Immortal
Makers can cobble together in violation of most physical laws. Not having concrete proof
has not stopped many of the younger and more impressionable members from coming up
with a number of “theories,” often based on little more than a half-forgotten dream
fragment. Described below are a few of the most interesting ones:
Atlantis Was Destroyed by the Seraphim: Many past life memories feature angelic beings
who visited Atlantis and spoke to its rulers as equals. At some point, however, the Seraphim
turned against Atlantis, and caused its destruction, first with a devastating firestorm, and
then with an overwhelming flood, perhaps triggered by melting the great glaciers of the last
Ice Age. The Seraphim were so thorough in their destruction of the ancient civilization that
they left no recognizable traces behind. This works well as an explanation for the lack of
physical evidence of Atlantis, although most Lodge researchers find it unsatisfactory.
Aliens Visited Atlantis: Some Immortals claim that Atlantis hosted embassies from other
worlds, among them a race of pale-skinned humanoids that resemble the popular depiction
of UFO aliens. These aliens had ships that could match the Atlantean Thought Ships,
although they used different methods of propulsion and control. Many Lodge
members dismiss these tales as pure fantasies, however.
Atlantis Was In Another World: This is another proposed explanation for the lack
of archeological remains of Atlantis. The great city and its neighbors were never
on Earth, but existed in a different plane of existence.
The Elder Kingdoms: Based on other ancestral memories, some Lodge scholars claim that
Atlantis did not stand alone, but was merely one (perhaps the greatest one) of several Elder
Kingdoms. Some proposed neighbors of Atlantis include Avalon, the mythical home of the Fey
races, Lemuria, ruled by necromantic kings who had developed their own brand of immortality,
and Ultima-Thule, a place of magic that ultimately became Atlantis’ greatest enemy.
83 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Studying the past is not the only scholarly pursuit
of the group. Many also study Immortal physiology,
the special powers some Immortals have, and try to The Covenant is organized along geographical
find ways to replicate the lost arts and crafts of Athal. lines. The Undying maintain some thirty “Colleges”
Unfortunately, this line of research has produced -- facilities that combine the characteristics of social
even fewer results than the exploration of the past. clubs, libraries, and meeting places. The size and fea-
Immortal physiology appears human. DNA analysis tures of these Colleges vary from place to place.
has revealed nothing unusual (although a few scien- Typically, they include at least three or four guest
tists hope the full mapping of the human genome may rooms for visiting (or hiding) Immortals, live-in facil-
provide more clues). The Immortal regenerative and ities for the Dean of the College and his assistants,
rejuvenation powers cannot be explained through any and a decent library, which in recent times also
biology or molecular biology. Some physicists claim includes several high-power computers with Internet
the process works at the subatomic level, or even at connections (getting some of the older Immortals to
the sub-quark level, which, as one wit once said, use them is often impossible, however). Each College
“means they don’t have a freakin’ clue.” has a Dean, an Immortal who assumes the responsi-
The Covenant also provides a support network for bility to maintain and administer the area. The Deans
Immortals. Any member who needs help (establish- are selected by the Lodge Masters, a group of twelve
ing a new identity after outliving an old one, for Immortals, all of whom participated in the creation of
example) need only make a phone call, and the Lodge the Covenant.
will use its considerable resources to assist him. In Currently, the Lodge maintains twenty-nine
the past, the Lodge has helped cover the tracks of Colleges around the world. Most of them are in the
dozens of Immortals, even engineering a number of West -- five Colleges in the U.S., another six in
prison breaks. Lodge members are expected to help Canada and South America, ten in Europe, one in
any new Immortal they encounter. The first experi- Africa (Egypt), one in the Middle East (Jerusalem),
ence of a young Undying is likely to be traumatic, one in Australia and the rest in Asia.
and ideally a more experienced person should be The Lodge presently has some three hundred and
nearby to provide guidance. fifty “charter” members. Less than one fifth of the
The Lodge has few rules governing the conduct of members are really active in the organization; they
its members, but they are followed very strictly. are the ones who maintain the Colleges, conduct
Immortals found guilty of murder (as opposed to research, and manage the funds of the Covenant.
killing in self-defense), of trying to set themselves up Most charter members are Immortals, but, over the
as rulers or celebrities, or of betraying the Lodge’s years, other beings have been accepted into the ranks
confidences to outsiders, face expulsion from the of the Covenant. Almost all of them are unaging or
Covenant. An expelled member can expect no help long-lived people -- a couple of Magicians (former
whatsoever from the Lodge, and in this age, knowl- Rosicrucians) with large Essence capacities, some
edge of the expulsion is quickly known by everyone. Seers who have learned how to stop the aging
The main reason for those restrictions is more process, and even a couple of Vampyres. To qualify
pragmatic than altruistic. Immortals need their secre- under those circumstances, however, the non-
cy to survive. Wanton killing, self-glorification and Immortal must have performed some great service
publicity threaten their safety by risking discovery. for either the Covenant or an influential Immortal,
Should their existence become publicly known, and the application requires the approval of the
Immortals would be persecuted, haunted, and possi- Lodge Masters themselves.
bly vivisected to discover the secret of their eternal
youth. The worst part is, since there is no scientific
explanation for their powers, an Immortal in that
position would suffer for no good cause.
C h a p t e r F o u r 84
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Secret Masters
One of the most popular Immortal myths is the belief that a remnant of Atlantean civilization
survived the Flood. According to the legend, these Secret Masters escaped destruction by
hiding in some remote or obscure area. Some tales name the Himalayas as a possible hiding place;
others, the North or South Pole, the Amazon Jungle, or the Heart of Africa. The Lodge has
organized a number of expeditions to those areas, looking for answers. Most returned empty-
handed. A few did not return, prompting new rumors and speculation. Perhaps the missing
Immortals encountered the Secret Masters, and were destroyed or recruited by them. No
expedition returned with any concrete proof of the existence of a current Atlantean civilization.
The UFO craze of the 1950s provided more food for thought. Some of the glowing vessels
described by witnesses appeared to resemble Atlantean Thought Ships (see p. 125), which many
had seen in their visions. In some cases, the ships proved to be Thought Ships -- except that
they had been built by Immortals who had “remembered” some of the lost arts of Atlantis. These
Makers had no more knowledge of the Secret Masters than anyone else -- or so they claimed,
the more paranoid Immortals would whisper to each other.
So far, the Secret Masters remain a myth, a tale to excite young Immortals and to make
older ones shake their heads with amusement. A few remain obsessed with the idea, and
they risk their lives (and, sometimes, the veil of secrecy that protects the Immortals)
to try to find these elusive beings.
85 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
In addition to the full members, the Lodge employs The Knights Templar and the Combine: Some
a small army of research assistants, servants, body- Undying have encountered both the Templar Order
guards and security officers, secretaries and so forth. and its mortal enemy. Immortals who try to set them-
Most of them are wholly ignorant of the true nature selves up as rulers of nations and peoples have almost
and purpose of the Lodge, but many know the truth always come to grief at the hands of either or both of
-- they couldn’t perform their duties otherwise. Many these groups. The Lodge Masters realize that if their
of the more loyal servants are given Ambrosia (see p. existence becomes public, the Combine will become
124) as a gift, greatly extending their life spans; sev- the Covenant’s worst enemy, so they do their best to
eral employees are in their late fifties and sixties, but keep a low profile.
look half as old. Other Covenants: Typically, contacts are limited
Allies and Enemies and sporadic. Some Immortals belong to the House of
Thanatos (see Mystery Codex, p. 125), for example,
Although all Lodge Members are required never to and scholars from both groups have on occasion cor-
reveal themselves to humanity, this prohibition does responded, but most members have no idea that the
not fully extend to other Covenants, all of which must other Covenant exists.
also hide from the mundane world. Generally, how-
ever, Immortals prefer not to get involved with these Lodge Stories
groups unless absolutely necessary. Immortal games can span centuries and mix
The Wicce and the Twilight Order: Contacts intrigue and mysticism with straight adventure. In
with these groups have been minimal at best. many cases, however, the Lodge does not play a cen-
The Rosicrucians: This Covenant had some con- tral part in the games. Most Lodge members lead
tacts with the Lodge shortly after its foundation, and their own lives and use the Covenant mainly as a
some Immortals still remember the powerful and social club. Most challenges and dangers come from
somewhat arrogant mages they met. Contacts since outside -- ancient feuds between two Immortals, or
then have been relatively scarce. between an Immortal and a supernatural creature, for
example. Most Lodge-centered games deal with the
The Cabal of Psyche: Some Immortals remember quest for the past -- searching for more information
the Elders of the Cabal, many of whom have lived for about Atlantis, and learning more about its incredible
centuries or even millennia. The Lodge respects the sciences. The Covenant has facilities to allow Makers
Cabal’s power and admires their staunch non-inter- to devise new, wonderful toys. Often, their experi-
ference. The two groups work together once in a ments yield disastrous results.
while, although their interests lie in different areas.
The Rampage: A new Immortal has been found --
The Sentinels: This group is avoided like the but this newest addition to the ranks of the Undying
plague. To most Lodge members, they embody their is a serial killer, a soulless monster who had already
greatest fear, hunters of the supernatural who may committed multiple murders before his Change, and
target Immortals simply because they are different. who now has gone on a terror spree. The Lodge needs
Fortunately, since most Immortals do not prey on to find and stop the killer, lest he be captured by the
human beings, they rarely have reason to fear the authorities and his Immortality discovered.
Sentinels’ wrath.
The UFO Caper: A rash of UFO sightings is
plaguing the Cast Members’ hometown. The vessel in
question appears to be an Atlantean Thought Ship. Is
it a lone Maker playing with his new toy, or a vessel
of the Secret Masters, performing some secret mis-
sion? Whatever it is, the ship has attracted a horde of
Men in Black, and perhaps some Templars to boot.
C h a p t e r F o u r 86
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The Lodge in Armageddon
Some Immortals believe that Leviathan tried to manifest on Earth once before, and that
Atlantis fought its minions in the final war that led to the Flood and the fall of the Elder
Kingdoms. This appears to be borne out by the fact that the Church of Revelations kills any
Immortal it captures, with no exception or hesitation. The Lodge was ill-equipped to fight a
war, however, and it has been basically absorbed by the Alliance -- the surviving
Lodge Masters agreed unanimously to turn in all its documents and artifacts
over to the Alliance, to be used against Leviathan and its minions.
87 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Immortal Treasure Hunter
For a hundred years, you have traveled to exotic locations, visited ancient ruins, and searched for rare and
unique items. Even before you knew you could not die, you had been fascinated by ancient peoples, and had
become an accomplished archeologist just at the dawn of modern archeology. When your Immortality mani-
fested itself, it gave you a new goal -- to discover the sites of prehistoric civilizations, of kingdoms that
dwarfed Egypt and Sumeria both in age and accomplishments.
So far, you have only discovered tantalizing hints of the Elder Kingdoms -- an ancient sculpture of a
Thought Ship in Iraq, fragments of a Crystal Skull inside an Akkadian ceramic vase, a bas-relief that might
represent Atlantis in a Mayan ruin. Some of your other discoveries have been more disturbing than reward-
ing, however -- tales and inscriptions of strange beings from other realities. There are things that even
Immortals fear, and yet you cannot stop looking for more.
You were the younger scion of a British aristocratic family. Since your early childhood, you were fasci-
nated by tales of ancient civilizations, and you soon became an amateur archeologist, digging for the ruins
of Roman forts in your family lands. As soon as you were able, you secured passage to the Middle East,
where the real history was.
Many adventures later, your Change took place, an event you mistook for some exotic disease. Not too long
afterwards, a Kurdish tribesman ran you through with a dagger -- and you didn’t die. Frightened and confused,
you eventually met an old hermit who had lived in the same patch of desert since the times of the Persian
Empire. He taught you a few things about your heritage, and gave you some clues as to where to look for
more. A few years later, you were inducted into the Lodge. You continue to do what you love best, and you
have been doing it for decades.
In recent years, you have discovered a great deal of information about the Mad Gods, inscriptions and draw-
ings that worry and disturb you. Some of your ancestral memories seem to recall a great struggle between the
Atlanteans and vast beings of immense power and unknowable purposes. You feel you are fated to participate
in a new phase of that struggle.
* This character has been created using the Optional Skill Point Generation System (WitchCraft, p. 55). If
using the basic system, 12 skill levels must be dropped.
C h a p t e r F o u r 88
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Association Lodge of the Undying
Concept Daredevil, Seeker of Knowledge CHANNELING
C h a p t e r F o u r 90
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Old Gods were relegated to the status of demons or evil spirits, most
Berserkers were hunted down and killed. Always resented for their bullying
and brutal ways, they found all hands raised against them. The few survivors
retreated into the wilderness of Europe, where the majority eventually died
without passing on their lore. A tiny remnant carried on their traditions,
however, and survived to this day.
The Berserkers have no formal organization whatsoever. Each practitioner
has his own code, students, and lore, although most of them fall into a gener-
al pattern: little magic is known outside the prerequisites for skin-changing,
and strength and combat skills are prized above most other qualities. Some
Berserker groups value honor and respect for life, while others sell their ser-
vices to the highest bidder. Membership is mostly restricted to Gifted
humans; a few Ferals have also joined.
Allies and Enemies
Some Berserker individuals or small groups have been absorbed by the Nomad
Covenant. Beyond that, relationships with other Covenants are determined on
a case-by-case basis. The Sentinels persecute any violent Berserker gang, for
example. A few Wicce Covens with Germanic or Nordic influences also admit
Berserkers into their midst.
The two Feral Shapes commonly known are Wolf and Bear, and usually each
group knows one or other, but not both. Beyond that, and the Invocations
needed to achieve the change, the Berserker lore is very limited. The only
known Invocations are Insight, Shielding, Spirit Mastery (Wolf or Bear
Spirit), and Warding. Other Gifted powers are all but non-existent.
Berserker Characters
Typical Berserker characters are Lesser Gifted, with a handful of Feral and
other Gifted or Supernatural beings thrown in. The more mercenary
Berserker gangs may allow Undead, Fey beings, and other creatures into their
group, provided they are fierce fighters and willing to take risks.
91 A s s o c o a t i o n s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Chapter Five: Metaphysics
C h a p t e r F i v e 92
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Mel Gallouly had become a private investigator at age twenty-one, dropping out of
college to do so. At the time, he had thought it would be an interesting, lively profes-
sion. Ten years later, he was considering abandoning his vocation and finding some-
thing more satisfying -- the Post Office, perhaps.
Most of his job was spent in front of a computer nowadays, checking credit infor-
mation, following up social security numbers, and handling assorted clerical work.
Only occasionally did he take the field, invariably in the employ of a jealous spouse
trying to find proof of infidelity.
This latest case, however, appeared to be everything young Mel had dreamed of. It
had an unnamed, mysterious client who insisted on meeting him in the strangest places
-- an airport parking lot the first time, an abandoned warehouse the next, and now a
motel room way out of town.
It had an even more mysterious subject: Jessica Hanby, an attractive woman in
her thirties who worked as a secretary for a local newspaper. Except that secretaries
rarely had Ph.D.’s in Archeology and Paleontology. It was even rarer for the sec-
retary to live under an assumed name, Jessica Hanby having allegedly died in a freak
car accident six years ago. Something weird was going on.
Mel’s employer had sent him on the trail of one Jennifer Harrison. The P.I. had
soon discovered that Harrison was an alias, her social security number belonged to a
dead woman of that name, and that the current Ms. Harrison had seemingly sprung
out of nowhere six years ago. Clearly a case of someone getting a new set of papers,
using a dead woman’s name and vital stats. The plot thickened.
Mel had gotten “Harrison’s” fingerprints. A contact with the FBI had found
her true identity -- the Hanby persona. Ms. Hanby had a criminal record, a couple of
arrests and one conviction, all from political activism during her college years. Still,
like Harrison, Hanby was supposed to be dead. Definitely a cover-up of some kind
going on here.
The mysterious employer had wanted Mel to dig deeper, and he had. It appeared
that Ms. Hanby had faked her death shortly after a trip to Greenland. Some former
colleagues remembered her babbling about some ancient ruins she had found in
Greenland, which she claimed were millions of years old. Mel was no expert, but
that sounded kind of nutty, and apparently Ms. Hanby’s colleagues agreed.
So now Mel was in front of the motel room, a nice package of pictures, tran-
scripts, letters and other information on the little madwoman. Maybe the mysterious
employer was some relative trying to get her committed.
93 M e t a p h y s i c s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
The quiet, stiff-faced man let Mel in, and listened silently while the detective went
over his information. “And Ms. Hanby/Harrison has few friends,” he concluded.
“She hangs out at a soup kitchen on weekends, so I guess you might count some
bums as friends.”
“Do you have their names?” the man said.
“Well, no. I didn’t think that you cared about some homeless . . .”
“I don’t pay you to think!” the man shouted. “I need names! I need places! You
give me nothing I didn’t already know!”
“Calm down, buddy,” Mel said firmly. He had dreamed of this moment -- the time
when he would Lay Down the Law on an Unreasonable Client. “First, you don’t
yell at me. Second, if you want me to put her under 24-hour surveillance, I’m going
to need some serious cash-ola. Third, I’m going to need more information. What’s
this dame done that you have such a hard-on for her?” Cool -- I even said “dame, ” he
The man was looking at him strangely. “I think,” he said in a very hoarse voice --
he must have strained his vocal cords pretty badly -- “that your usefulness has come
to an end.”
Great, Mel thought. I just got fired. “Hey, why don’t . . .”
Any further words were choked off when the man, moving surprisingly fast,
grabbed Mel by the neck with one hand. His grip was like a metal vise. Mel sput-
tered, flailed at the man uselessly, and was lifted off the ground, still grabbed with
but one hand. He looked at his tormentor, and tried desperately to scream in horror.
His employer had changed. Little writhing limbs were bursting through the skin of
his face. Thin, slimy blood ran down from the openings. “You shouldn’t have made
me angry,” the creature said, its voice utterly inhuman now. “Really, really shouldn’t.”
Mel’s vision started to swim. He was going to pass out any --
The motel door burst open, and there stood Ms. Hanby. “I followed your hound
back to you, Rochester,” she said coldly. She extended her hands, and they grew to
twice normal size. Claws the size of switchblades tore through the tips of her fin-
gers. The mystery employer -- Rochester? -- flung Mel aside like a rag doll and . . .
tried to run away. Ms. Hanby sprang on him, hissing like a cat, and started tearing
pieces of him with her huge claws.
Mel was no fool. As soon as he found an opening, he ran out the door, into his
car, and out of the P.I. business. The incident haunted him for the rest of his days,
but he never told anybody, not even his fellow postal workers.
C h a p t e r F i v e 94
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
This chapter discusses a number of new Gifted powers: the Keys of Solomon, Tainted Powers, and Spirit
Patrons. It also details Voodoo practices, explaining the common lore and knowledge of the school that blends
magic and necromancy.
95 M e t a p h y s i c s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Key of the Dead Key of Life
With this Key, the Templar gains a measure of mas- This Key focuses the character’s Essence into her-
tery over the spirits of the dead, and some resistance self, augmenting her body’s natural healing proper-
against the powers of the undead. Activating the Key ties to supernatural levels. Activating the Key
costs 15 Essence Points. A character protected by the requires the expense of 15 Essence Points. While the
Key has a +3 bonus to all attempts to control and Key is active, however, the character regenerates
summon Ghosts, Phantasms and other spirits of the damage at the rate of 3 Life Points per Turn, and has
dead. Furthermore, the character receives a +2 bonus the equivalent of 5 levels of Hard to Kill (cumulative
to resist any ghostly or undead power that can be with any existing levels of that Quality).
resisted. Spirits of the dead and the undead feel Furthermore, if the character touches a wounded per-
uneasy and uncomfortable in the presence of the pro- son and concentrates on healing him, the victim gains
tected character. They often seek to attack the wield- 1 Life Point per Turn for as long as the healer main-
er if possible, but a -2 penalty is applied to all tains physical contact and the Key remains active.
combat Tasks.
Key of Seraphim
The Elemental Keys The wielder of this Key has great power over
angelic beings (including the Seraphim, Kherubim,
Each of these four keys (Air, Earth, Fire and Water) Qliphonim, Fiends and Ethereals). Angels and
must be acquired separately, but their effects are sim- demons alike have cause to fear a Templar wielding
ilar enough to be listed under one heading. Their this power.
wielders achieve a degree of mastery over the ele-
ment represented by the Key. Activating the Key costs 25 Essence Points. The
wielder gains a +5 bonus to all Tasks or Tests to resist
Activating an Elemental Key costs 15 Essence the powers of the Seraphim, and a similar bonus to
Points. While the Key remains active, the character any Spirit Mastery Task to control or banish them.
gains a +3 bonus to all attempts to control and sum- Furthermore, neither Celestial nor Infernal fire can
mon elementals (the character must have a power or harm the character, and angelic or demonic beings
Invocation that allows such attempts, of course). suffer a -3 penalty to any combat Tasks while fight-
Furthermore, the character takes half damage (or suf- ing the protected character. Finally, the wielder can
fers half the effects) from attacks based on the desig- use her Essence as a weapon against those beings;
nated element, whether natural or supernatural in ori- each Essence Point channeled for that purpose
gin. For example, a character protected by the Key of inflicts D6(3) points of damage to the Seraphim’s
Earth would take half damage from rocks, metals Life and Essence Pools. No aggressive or defensive
(including bullets) or the fists of an earth elemental, Tasks or Tests are needed -- the damage is simply
while one protected by the Key of Water could sur- applied to the target.
vive twice as long underwater, and take half damage
from water or liquid attacks (like acid). Finally, ele- None of the powers of the Key work against any
mentals are loath to attack the protected character, beings other than the Seraphim and their ilk.
and must pass a Simple Willpower Test every Turn Seraphim confronting a wielder usually react in one
they are in a combat situation with her to avoid flee- of three ways: become submissive and appeasing,
ing her presence. flee the scene, or try to slay the character as quickly
and messily as possible.
No Templar is given the knowledge of this Key
until she has achieved the rank of Knight of the Lance
and mastered no less than two other Keys.
C h a p t e r F i v e 96
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Key of the Spirit Key of War
This key affects all nature spirits. Activating the When this Key is activated, at the cost of 20
Key costs 15 Essence Points. The character has a +2 Essence Points, the Templar is infused with tremen-
bonus to all Tasks involved in controlling, summon- dous martial power. Occultists that have seen it in
ing or banishing those spirits, and gains a +1 bonus to action believe it is roughly equivalent to the Strength
resist their powers. Spirits can still attack the wielder of Ten Miracle -- which opens the door to questions
directly, however. as to the origin of both the Key and the Miracle. Are
both -- or neither -- expressions of the Divine, or sim-
ple manifestations of Essence?
In any case, while the Key is active, the wielder
gains +3 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, and +1 to
Constitution (these bonuses incidentally raise the
character’s Life Point pool by 16 points).
Additionally, the character will not be stunned or suf-
fer any wound penalties, and can fight on, no matter
how much damage she has taken, until she fails a
Survival Test (see WitchCraft, p. 150), at which point
she simply expires.
Augmenting Powers
Many Gifted and Supernatural powers increase the beneficiary’s Attributes, often to
superhuman levels. While most characters rarely have access to more than one such power,
it is certainly possible that some will have two or more. This leads to the question of
whether all those attribute bonuses "stack," allowing for insanely high attributes.
Suppose a character somehow ends up with Mindhands, the Solomonic Key of War, and the
Inner Strength Tao-Chi power (see Mystery Codex, p. 173). The player joyfully announces,
"My character activates the Key of War, uses Inner Strength for another +3 Strength,
and adds her Mindhands Strength of 6, so when I punch the cultist, I have a +12 to
my Strength!" This will no doubt disrupt even the most carefully wrought Story.
In most WitchCraft games, augmenting powers should not be allowed to stack their benefits.
Instead, the largest bonus from a single power applies -- in the example above, the character
would get a +6 to her Strength by focusing her Mindhands into her punch. The remaining
augmentations have no effect on Strength level. (If they have other benefits not
related to Strength, those remain applicable.)
On the other hand, if the Chronicler chooses to run a superhero-style game where characters
can have attributes in the teens and twenties, then allowing players to "stack" bonuses
might not be unbalancing. This is entirely a choice for the Chronicler.
All in all, characters in WitchCraft should specialize in a few different abilities, rather than
getting numerous powers at low levels and then trying to mix them together for maximum
benefits. Such rules manipulation goes against the mood of the setting, and against realism;
after all, a student of magic should find it difficult or impossible to master martial art
powers and develop psychic powers at the same time.
97 M e t a p h y s i c s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Voodoo Magic
Voodoo is the magical religion of the Americas, a unique mixture of the beliefs and mysticism of many dif-
ferent cultures. Described below are the common powers and lore exhibited by practitioners. Voodoo is above
all an inclusive mystical system: whenever a practitioner -- a houngan or Santero -- finds something that
works, she will adopt it for her own uses if at all possible. A houngan’s workshop may include crucifixes, pen-
tagrams and athames side by side with the traditional vever drawings, rattles and fetishes.
The description below applies equally to the Covenant of Legba, the Red Path Society, and the hundreds of
independent Voodoo and Santeria mini-Covenants that can be found throughout the Caribbean, parts of the
U.S., Europe, and Western Africa.
Basic Powers
Houngans always have a combination of Magical Like the Wicce, the practitioners of
Invocation and Necromantic abilities. The typical Voodoo in WitchCraft are fictional
beginning practitioner has the following abilities, at creations loosely based in actual
Level 1 or greater. They are normal Invocations and practices. Voodoo, Santeria and
Necromantic powers; they simply represent the basic Candomble are real life religions
knowledge most Voodoo practitioners are expected to with millions of followers. Nothing in
have. Chroniclers may allow exceptions for individual this book, or any other WitchCraft
characters, of course, reflecting either individual choic- product, is intended to belittle or
es, or perhaps rushed or interrupted training. mock such deeply held beliefs.
Warding Invocation
Blessing Invocation
Necromancy Skill
Death Lordship
Death Speech
Thus, a minimum of 12 Metaphysics Points must be spent on the basic Voodoo “lore.”
C h a p t e r F i v e 98
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Voodoo Patron Gods
The Gods of Voodoo (also known by some as “Saints”) are entities of great power. These beings were (and
in some places, still are) worshipped by the peoples of Western Africa. Some of the slaves brought to the
Americas secretly kept worshipping them, often combining their beliefs with Christianity and renaming their
gods after Catholic saints. Most Voodoo rituals and Invocations call upon those deities to a lesser or greater
degree. A few houngans are able to be “adopted” by those gods, acquiring a “patron” god (or saint) or
“guardian angel.” To have a Patron God is a two-way street, however; the character gains a number of spe-
cial abilities, but usually must honor and obey his patron, or risk losing those abilities and even incur the
wrath of his benefactor. The rules of Spirit Patrons can be found later in this chapter (see p. 104).
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Greater Invocations
The following Greater Invocations are generally available only to houngans of the highest levels of mastery.
It would be highly unusual to find them practiced outside the Voodoo tradition.
If the houngan wins, the victim is possessed by the
Mount of the Gods deity for 1 minute per Success Level in the Focus
Task. During that time, the god is in full control of the
Prerequisite: Spirit Mastery (Any Voodoo Deity) victim. Most Voodoo deities spend that time cavort-
This Invocation calls forth one of the deities of the ing and enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, be it danc-
Voodoo pantheon and sends it forth to possess a ing, eating and drinking in prodigious amounts, or
“mount.” Under some circumstances, this can be the engaging in other pursuits. If an inimical entity is
magician himself. First, the magician must summon nearby (Seraphim of both inclinations, the Mad
the god in question; this is resolved as a normal Spirit Gods, the servants or Avatars or most European Old
Mastery Invocation. When the deity has arrived, the Gods, among others), the possessed victim attacks.
magician can direct it toward a person (anybody The possessed victim has +3 to Strength and double
within the caster’s line of vision, including the caster her normal Life Points. She may exhibit other powers
herself). Most Voodoo gods are more than willing to if the gods find it necessary; this is up to the gods (the
manifest themselves in this world – overcoming the Chronicler) and the circumstances. Treat those spe-
will of the mount is a job for the caster, however. cial abilities like Spirit Patron Boons (see below).
While possessed, the mount has no control of her
Become Mount body, and may have little or no recollection of events
The Santero may also call the gods unto herself, that transpired during this experience.
gaining the powers of the mount, while retaining a
measure of self-control. This costs 15 Essence Points,
and lasts for 1 minute per Success Level in the Focus Zombie Mastery
Task. The caster gains the physical bonuses of pos-
session, but remains in control. If the “rider” wishes Prerequisite: Spirit Mastery (Ghost) or
to do something badly enough, the magician may Necromancy/Death Lordship 3
have to struggle for control. This requires a Difficult This Invocation is generally used only by the fol-
Willpower Test every Turn she is being ridden by the lowers of the Red Path (see p. 61), although some of
deity. On a failure, the god is in control and the cast- the more ruthless followers of Legba and many inde-
er becomes another mindless mount. Using this pendents also know it. This is the power to imprison
Invocation in a way that goes against the deity’s inter- the spirit of a dead person and force it back into her
ests is a sure way to make a formidable Adversary. body, creating an undead servant. Not all Zombies are
created in this way; some are the victims of mundane
Create Mount drugs and cruelty, while others are simple spirits
The houngan must spend 10 Essence Points and bound by a ruthless necromancer. The Zombies cre-
win a Resisted Task -- the Focus Task of the magician ated and controlled with this Invocation are the true
versus a Simple Willpower Test by the victim. Gifted Undead Zombie, physically powerful, nearly inde-
and supernatural beings can replace the Willpower structible and able to pass as a normal human for
Test with any powers or Gifts that resist mental dom- short periods of time.
ination, possession, or other similar mental and spiri-
tual attacks; the Shielding Invocation -- in any form -
- automatically causes this Invocation to fail.
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Create Zombie points are necessary. Once it is created, the Asson
provides 2 Essence Points to any Invocation or
To create the Zombie, the magician must have a Necromancy Task, provided it is used for at least 1
bound spirit and access to the spirit’s former body Turn (this involves chanting and rhythmically shak-
(usually, this entails a bout of grave-robbing, ing the Asson). The Asson is completely ineffective
although in some rituals the victim is killed in a with those magicks that require a personal Essence
secure location first). Twenty Essence Points are Pool expenditure.
spent in the ritual that binds the spirit back into the Dance: Voodoo practitioners (and members of
body, and the spirit resists with a Simple Willpower other magical schools) perform ritual dances. These
Test versus the caster’s Invocation and Willpower elaborate movements can be used to gather Essence
Task. If the magician wins, the spirit is returned to the in rituals, although their benefit is slight to characters
flesh, and rises in three hours as an Undead Zombie with Essence Channeling. Such a dance must take no
(see pp. 148-149). The Undead is bound to the caster less than five minutes. At the end of that time, the
for 1 day per Success Level in the Focus Task. At the character can attempt a Dexterity and Fine Arts
end of that time, a new ritual is required, or the (Appropriate Dancing Type) Task. For every level of
Zombie’s soul is released or -- more rarely -- the success, the character gains 1 ambient Essence Point
Zombie becomes independent of its creator. that can be used in a ritual or Invocation. Characters
On a failure, the Essence of the Invocation must be without Essence Channeling also raise 1 point of
Dismissed, or the caster suffers the effects of an 18- their own personal Essence for similar use. This can
Essence Lesser Curse (see Witchcraft, p. 218), or, at be repeated; every additional 5 minutes allows for an
the Chronicler’s discretion, the visitation of an angry additional Task. Every 5 minutes, however, the char-
Ghost or Phantasm (see Mystery Codex, Chapter acter loses D6(3) Endurance Points, which cannot be
Three: Inhumans), who uses the un-Dismissed regained until the character stops and rests -- if the
Essence against the caster. character collapses from exhaustion before perform-
ing a ritual, all the gathered Essence is lost.
Symbols and Items of Power Vevers: A Vever is a Voodoo ritual aid. It consists
Practitioners of Voodoo often use the following of an elaborate drawing or painting made with pow-
Symbols and Items of Powers. ders, paints and oils. Ingredients range from flour to
Animal Sacrifice: Some Voodoo magicians use gunpowder, and the drawings are very elaborate sym-
animal sacrifices in their rituals -- they see nothing bols of the gods and forces of Voodoo. Vevers can be
wrong or barbaric about this, much like a non-vege- drawn on the floor or on walls. They can be used to
tarian sees nothing wrong or barbaric in enjoying a “fix” magic on a location, or even an individual;
juicy steak. Small animals (fowl, goats and the like) sometimes Vevers are drawn over a person’s body
are the usual sacrifices. They are usually killed swift- during a healing (or sacrificial) ritual, for example.
ly as a ritual step. A ritually-killed animal provides In game terms, a Vever requires the Fine Arts
D10(5) Essence Points for an Invocation. Those prac- (Drawing) and the Occult Knowledge (Voodoo)
ticing in the U.S. should note that the authorities take skills. It provides 3 Essence Points for any normal
a dim view of such practices, and will arrest, fine or Invocation, and 10 points for a summoning or ban-
imprison those caught conducting ritual sacrifices. ishment Invocation. Many Vevers include a Circle in
Asson: This mystical rattle is made of a gourd and their design -- those Vevers gain an additional 5 or
filled with snake bones. Building one from scratch 10 Essence Points (see WitchCraft, p. 204).
requires the necessary components, and two days of
ritual preparations. At that time, 2 Success Levels in
an Intelligence and Craft (Woodworking) Task, 3
Success Levels in an Intelligence and Rituals
(Voodoo) Task, and the expenditure of 10 Essence
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Spirit Patrons Gaining a Patron
Forging a relationship with a being of power is not
One of the basic principles of magic is the forging
an easy undertaking. First, a means of contacting the
of a relationship between the magician (or shaman, or
patron is necessary. Magicians with the proper Spirit
witch doctor) and a spiritual entity. These entities
Mastery Invocation have the easiest time making
include such beings as Guardian Angels, the Genius
contact, but magical abilities are not the only path.
of Roman religion, nature spirits, the deities of the
Necromancers can easily contact the dead. Seers may
pagan pantheons and, in the case of Black Magic,
try to make contact telepathically, and so on. In theo-
demons or the Mad Gods. The relationship varies
ry, anybody with the Gift may be able to contact spir-
widely, depending on the goals of the magician and
it beings. In practice, contacting some spirits requires
the entity, and the “terms” of the exchange. Some
specialized knowledge. The name of the spirit is
entities grant power in return for services, or for an
often needed; knowing the True Name of certain enti-
oath of servitude at a later date. Others are content
ties can confer enormous power over them, but
with the worship of the character, or aid the
since those names are rarely known, the
supplicant because she is pursuing an
common or given name of the entity is
agenda that serves the spirit’s purpos-
used. Also, most Patrons only forge
es. The motives of these patrons are
a bond with people who will help
as varied and muddled as those
advance the entity’s agenda in
who forged the bond.
some way. Contacting the spir-
Dealings with spirits can be it is not enough; most entities
treacherous and dangerous. exact some price from the
Some entities cheerfully betray recipient, often a price that is
humans at a moment’s notice. higher than most people are
Many Covenants, the willing to pay.
Rosicrucians among them,
Sometimes, it is the Patron
always prefer to deal from a
who approaches a worthy can-
position of strength, controlling
didate. This person might have
and binding spirits rather than
even been a mundane, normal
“making deals” with them. Among
human until some experience
the worst of the lot are the Fallen
brought her into contact with the
Seraphim, who always seek to corrupt
supernatural. Near-death experiences,
and enslave those who summon them.
a supernatural event (or even witnessing
Still, elementals, spirits of the dead and the Old
such an event), or an act of devotion are situa-
Gods also sometimes take advantage of such dealings
tions that might attract a prospective Patron’s atten-
in unexpected ways. The Mad Gods always exact a ter-
rible price for any boons they confer, and payment is
usually due sooner rather than later. Patrons can offer In game terms, a Spirit Patron is a Supernatural
great power, however, and many Gifted accept the risks Quality, acquired by the expenditure of Quality or
and consequences inherent in such deals. Metaphysics Points. To find the value of the Spirit
Patron, total up the value of the Boons (special pow-
The relationship between a character and a Spirit
ers given by the Patron) and Obligations (the tasks or
Patron is defined by the Boons conferred by the
gifts required to appease the Patron). Obligations
Patron and the Obligations due in return. Boons are
reduce the value, while Boons add to the value. No
special powers: additional Essence, superhuman
matter how many Obligations are taken, however, the
physical abilities, and even magical abilities.
Boons’ cost cannot be reduced below one half their
Obligations range from simple demonstrations of
original cumulative value.
respect to binding oaths of service or sacrifice.
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Spirit Patrons in Your Game
Spirit Patrons, Miracles and
the Creator Spirit Patrons can be abused if the Chronicler does
The most powerful Spirit Patrons not keep a firm rein on the roleplaying aspects of this
available are the Seraphim and the mystical relationship. The players should always
Old Gods. The Creator cannot be a remember that Patrons are not simply a source of
Spirit Patron. In fact, the Inspired powers, but represent serious responsibilities as well.
rarely take Spirit Patrons, and when Spirit Patrons are usually not generous, gullible, or
they do, they are restricted only to
the Seraphim and Ethereal. Even even strictly fair. A slight or offense, real or per-
then, for some reason, any patron- ceived, may cause them to withdraw their favor or
bestowed powers do not work when even to punish the vassal. Gods and spirits can be
an ongoing Inspired Miracle (like petty, unreasonable and vindictive. They are always
Divine Sight or Strength of Ten) is on the look out for their interests -- many Patrons
active. Also, no Obligations that
control the Inspired character’s adopt a “what have you done for me lately” attitude.
behavior can be taken; the Inspired Characters should often have to choose between serv-
must always have free will. ing their best interests and following the dictates of
their Patrons.
Evil or malicious Patrons are not recommended for
Combining Patrons Cast Members, as their goal will be to inflict misery
It is possible to have more than one Patron, but the on the character and those around her. They work
risks increase radically. Unless the two Patrons share best for Adversaries or Supporting Cast, unless a
very similar or identical goals, they will resent the tragic storyline is being developed. Demons and the
divided loyalties of the bonded. Even two gods of the Mad Gods eventually destroy and consume those
same pantheon are unlikely to accept such arrange- who traffic with them; make it clear to the players
ments. For the most part, Boons granted by one that this will be their characters’ ultimate fate if they
Patron do not work while Boons from another Patron follow that path.
are active, but all Obligations remain in effect. If the
two Patrons have a conflict of interest at any time, the
character risks losing one or even both of them.
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Spirit Patrons and Supernatural Creatures
Spirit Patrons are not restricted to Gifted humans, although most
supernatural beings are somewhat restricted as to the types of Patrons
they may have. Outlined below are some of the guidelines for the
supernatural races of WitchCraft and Armageddon.
B a s t : The feline shapeshifters can have any Spirit Patron a human can.
They are favored by the Egyptian pantheon, especially so by the
feline goddess after whom they are named.
V a m p y r e s : The night stalkers can forge bonds with several spirits. Nature
spirits tend to avoid the undead, however. Demons often deal with them, in an
attempt to lead them into final damnation. Some Vampyres, due to their con-
nection with the afterlife, can become the servants of a number of Death
Deities. Ghosts or Phantasms, on the other hand, rarely accept the
Undead as clients, either out of jealousy of their incarnate state, or out
of fear of the Vampyres’ connection to the spirit realms.
R e l e n t l e s s D e a d : Almost no entity accepts Relentless Dead as vassals,
with the exception of a few deities of war and vengeance and the odd
animal spirit. The Chronicler should only allow such bonds to be forged
if the player can come up with a very good reason.
F e r a l s : These shapeshifters can and often acquire Spirit Patrons, anything
from nature spirits (especially of their Animal Totem) to a number of
Old Gods. For example, members of the Nomad Covenant (see p. 68)
enjoy the protection of the Moon Gods. A number of Ferals are able
to perform Invocations thanks to this bond.
T r u e I m m o r t a l s : The reincarnated Atlanteans described in this book are
unable to forge bonds with spirit entities. Their transformation into
supernatural beings has somehow cut them off from the spirit realms.
A r m a g e d d o n : Avatars and Inheritors can have Spirit Patrons. They are usually
limited to their original pantheon, although not necessarily the same god.
Seraphim and Kherubim, and their Fallen counterparts cannot have
Spirit Patrons of any kind. Neither can the Nephelim.
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Boons Life Touch
This healing touch allows the character to cure
These are benefits that Spirit Patrons can provide.
injuries and diseases in herself or others. This Boon
Boons cost character points, which count towards the
heals 2 Life Points for every Essence point spent (the
point total of the Spirit Patron Quality. The list below
maximum amount of Essence that can be spent in 1
mentions some of the most common Boons granted
Turn is equal to the character’s Willpower, unless the
by Patrons. Unlike normal Gifted powers, Boons
character has Essence Channeling at a higher level).
come from an outside source, and they can be
Cost: 3 points.
rescinded, limited or lost much more easily.
Immortality Magicks
The Spirit Patron grants the character the ability to
This misnamed Boon confers near eternal youth,
perform Invocations. In this case, the character does
and may also grant supernatural resistance to injury
not learn the spells or rituals involved, but the knowl-
and incredible recovery powers. It does not shield the
edge is magically granted by her Spirit Patron. This is
character from all harm. The cost of the Boon varies
a powerful Boon, which allows even beings who can-
with the number abilities attached to it, as listed
not learn magic normally (like Ferals) to use
below. So, a boon of Longevity (2 points), Fast
Invocations. In game terms, the value of the Magicks
Regeneration (6 points) and 2 levels of Hard to Kill
is equal to the cost, at character generation, of the
would be worth a total of 10 points.
Invocation and Essence Channeling levels granted by
Longevity: The character’s life span is greatly the Patron. For example, if Insight 2, Soulfire 4 and
increased. Aging progresses at one tenth the normal Essence Channeling 3 were gained, the cost would be
rate. Cost: 2 points. 4, 8 and 6 respectively, for a total of 18 points.
Forever Young: The character’s aging process
stops altogether. Cost: 4 points. Necromancy
Regeneration: The character regains 1 Life Point This Boon gives the character the ability to contact
per Constitution level every minute. Cost: 2 points. and control the dead. This gift is usually granted by
Alternatively, the same amount of Life Points are the Death Gods. The cost of this Boon is equal to the
regenerated every Turn. Cost: 6 points. cost, at character generation, of the levels of the
Necromancy Skill and the Necromancy Powers
Hard to Kill: This Boon works just like the
granted. So, if Necromancy 4 and Death Vessel 2
Quality of the same name (see Witchcraft, p. 78).
were bequeathed, the cost would be 8 and 6 respec-
Boon levels are cumulative with any normal Quality
tively, for a total of 14 points.
levels of Hard to Kill the character has, to a maxi-
mum of 8 levels total. Cost: 1 point per level to a Other Gifted Powers
maximum level of 5.
Most other Gifted abilities are never given out as
Boons. Powers like Tao-Chi, the Disciplines of the
Flesh, Divine Inspiration, the Keys of Solomon and
all Seer Powers are intrinsically human abilities that
are not within the power of outside beings to give or
take away. The only exception is Taint. The Mad
Gods often “reward” their followers with Taint pow-
ers; no other entity will have anything to do with
Taint, of course.
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Power Spirit Speech
One of the most common Boons, Power gives the Through this Boon the Spirit Patron can (and often
character extra Essence that can be used as if it were does) communicate directly with the bonded. It is
part of the character’s Essence Pool. The amount of commonly given by minor and middling Patrons, but
Essence given is available for a day, and does not is very rarely granted by the more powerful ones (like
renew itself until midnight or noon each day (one or most gods, who have better things to do than have
the other); unused Essence is lost. Whether the chats with mere mortals). Remember, even good
renewal occurs during the day or night is usually advice can be given in mysterious or ambiguous
determined by whether the entity is night/moon-ori- terms if the spirit is hostile or malevolent. Also, the
ented or day/sun-aligned, although there are excep- spirit provides information to the best of his knowl-
tions. Use common sense: spirits of the dead and the edge -- it may be flat wrong in some circumstances.
nature spirits of nocturnal animals are night-oriented, If the Spirit Patron can say whatever it pleases, and
while most plant spirits are day-oriented unless oth- only helps the character when it desires, this Boon
erwise specified. costs 1 point. If the Patron usually gives good advice,
The cost of this Boon depends on the amount of this Boon costs 2 points. If the Patron is obligated to
Essence granted. Each 15 Essence Points given by give advice that serves the character’s best interests,
the Spirit Patron costs 1 point. this Boon costs 3 points.
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Obligations Conditional Boons
These Obligations apply directly to all Boons
Outlined below are some of the Obligations com-
granted by the Patron, restricting their use to situa-
monly demanded by Spirit Patrons. These are the
tions where the Patron considers them appropriate.
demands Spirit Patrons make in return for their
Boons. They have a negative point value, just like Limited Portion of the Day: The Boon works
Drawbacks, but they don’t count towards the only at night, or during the day, for example. Cost: -
Drawback limit. The extra points can only be used to 2 points. Something more limiting (1 hour a day, one
“pay off” the point cost of the Boons granted by that day a week, during the Full Moon, and so on) is
Patron. Even if the Obligations are worth more than worth -4 points.
the Boons, the character gains no extra points; fur- Only Works Against Enemies of the Patron: The
thermore, Obligations, no matter how extensive, can- Boon can only used against people, entities or insti-
not reduce the Boon cost below half their value. So, tutions that the Patron hates. Cost: -1 point.
a Spirit Patron that offered 10 points in Boons and -
Only Works in the Service of the Patron: The
10 points in Obligations would still cost 5 points.
Boons can only be used to further the ends of the
Many Spirit Patrons demand no specific Patron. The Chronicler is the final judge as to
Obligation, but withhold or even remove any Boons whether a given course of action is deemed accept-
granted if the character behaves in ways the entities able. Cost: -2 points.
consider offensive or inimical.
Gifts of Kin
Beholden This is a euphemism for the sacrifice of living
At the lesser level, the Beholden character can be beings, animals or humans. The actual creatures and
used by the Spirit Patron as a source of information. rituals involved vary greatly from Patron to Patron.
The deity or entity can see through the character’s Typically, domesticated animals (chickens are a com-
eyes or use any of her other senses to perceive what mon victim) are demanded. Human sacrifice is the
is going on around her. The Beholden can detect this domain of evil entities, including demons and the
intrusion by passing a Difficult Perception Test. If Mad Gods. Cost: -1 point if animals must be sacri-
successful, she knows the entity is using her senses. ficed at least once a month -- the actual animals
Trying to stop the entity requires a Difficult involved, and the frequency of the sacrificial ritual is
Willpower Test at -2. If successful, the contact is sev- determined by the Chronicler. Cost: -2 points if
ered for 1 hour per Success Level. Note that attempt- human sacrifice is demanded.
ing this, whether successful or not, may offend the
Patron and cause the character to lose any Boons Gifts of Kind
granted. Cost: -3 points. This is a material gift of some sort. Food, money,
At the greater level, not only can the Spirit Patron precious metals, even drugs, alcohol and tobacco can
use the character’s senses, it can also seize control be used as gifts. The gifts must be sacrificed
over the character! The Beholden can try to resist by (destroyed) in an offering to the entity. Apparently,
passing a Difficult Willpower Test at -1. If successful, some beings (like Ghosts) can actually make use of
she retains control for 1 hour per Success Level. If gifts sacrificed to them in this manner. If a week goes
she loses, the entity seizes control, and the character’s by without the proper offerings being made, the char-
actions are in the hands of the Chronicler. During that acter loses her Boons unless the Patron is somehow
time, the Beholden is aware of what her body is convinced to give the character some time to make
doing, but she has no control over it. These intrusions amends. Cost: -1 point for every $100 or so that must
are generally brief (no more than an hour), but there be offered to the entity every week.
are always exceptions. Cost: -5 points.
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Gift of the Soul Oath of Duty
This is the classic “Soul Sale” -- the character pays The Spirit Patron demands that the character work
for her powers with her immortal soul. It may seem in furtherance of the spirit’s goals. The entity’s ene-
like a good bargain when the Boons acquired include mies become the character’s enemies, and they must
Immortality, but the few deities evil enough to pursue the same goals. A deity dedicated to Justice
demand such payments have been known to arrange will require that the beneficiary punish the guilty and
things so they can collect a lot sooner than expected. protect the innocent. A demon, on the other hand, will
If the character dies (i.e., a failed Survival Test, demand that the character works towards the corrup-
before any attempt of resuscitation is made), the soul tion of the innocent and the destruction of all ideals
is immediately seized and transported to the Realm of and hope. Note that even if this Obligation is not
the entity in question -- in the case of the Fallen acquired, the character is always expected to act in
Seraphim, a certain hot and uncomfortable place in ways favorable to his Spirit Patron. Cost: -1 point (for
the Death Realms. There, the character is tormented, a duty that takes at least ten hours a week for per-
enslaved or even totally devoured, depending on the form) to -4 points (a highly dangerous duty that con-
predilections of the Patron. Cost: -4 points. sumes most of the character’s time).
Oath of Servitude
Similar to the Oath of Duty, this Obligation implies
that the character will be given orders that must be
obeyed without question. The communication may
come directly (if the character has the Spirit Speech
Boon) or indirectly (in the form of dreams, visions,
getting tomorrow’s paper delivered every morning,
talking animals, and so on). If the character does not
obey the orders, she loses her Boons, and is further
punished in some way. The frequency of those orders
determines the price. Cost: -1 point (once a month), -
2 points (once a week), or -4 points (once a day).
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Common Obligations: Gifts of Kind -- lighting
Spirit Patron Descriptions fires (fire), releasing aromatic substances (air), offer-
A comprehensive list of possible Spirit Patrons ing precious rocks (earth) and performing a libation
would easily fill a entire book or two. Outlined below (ritual pouring on the ground) of expensive drinks
are several Spirit Patrons with a list of possible and and liquid substances (water), Gifts of Kin (sacrifice
restricted Boons and Obligations, and one fully of small animals using the element). Often, the ele-
developed Spirit Patron to serve as a template for the mental demands no specific Obligation.
development of others. Some Spirit Patrons have
their own unique Boons and Obligations. They are
Old Gods
noted in individual entries. In the world of WitchCraft, the pagan gods of old
are entities similar to the Seraphim, who tried to set
Nature Spirits themselves up as the rulers of humankind in ages
Nature spirits usually demand respect and rever- past. Some are benevolent, if paternalistic, while oth-
ence, and those who are blessed by them must try to ers are profoundly selfish or outright evil. Each god
protect Nature from the depredations of mankind. has its own agenda, Aspect, sphere of influence and
Animal spirits tend to favor characters whose behav- power. Described below are a number of Voodoo
ior or traits reflect those of the spirit -- a Bear spirit is gods, and the two Lunar Deities that the Nomad
more likely to forge a bond with a large, hulking Covenant follows. For the sake of Armageddon play-
character, while a Rat spirit will be more receptive to ers, the Aspects of those deities are also given here.
the entreaties of a city-wise, cunning person.
The Voodoo Pantheon
Common Boons: Power, Vigor and Spirit Speech.
Invocations: Cleansing, Communion, Lesser Healing Ayida-Wedo
Special Boons: Summon Animal Spirits (as the Ayida-Wedo is the serpent goddess of wisdom, and
Feral power, see p. 38). the consort of Damballah (see p. 112). Those who
Common Obligations: Conditional Boon (Any), worship her can gain help in the practice of magic,
Oath of Duty (defend nature, 1-2 points). Often no and her advice is not to be despised. She manifests
actual Obligation is demanded, so long as the charac- herself as a glowing serpent, or a beautiful woman.
ter is appropriately reverent. Aspects: Wisdom and Magic.
Common Boons: Spirit Speech (2 or 3), Power,
Elementals Prophecy, Invocations (Any).
Elementals are most often found as Familiars or Common Obligations: Beholden, Gift of Kin
bound servants, but the more powerful of their kind (small animals), Oath of Duty.
can be acquired as Patrons. These beings are very
strict about their dealings with humankind, and they
expect that all promises and agreements be kept to the
Common Boons: Invocations (the appropriate
Elemental Invocation), Power.
Special Boons: The character takes half damage
from attacks from the appropriate element. This is
worth 3 points for Fire and Earth (which applies to all
metals and minerals), and 2 points for air (all gases)
and water (liquid poisons and acids).
109 M e t a p h y s i c s
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Baron Samedi Erzuli
The good Baron is one of the Voodoo Death Gods, Erzuli is a multifaceted deity, representing wom-
often depicted wearing a top hat and white make-up, ankind in its most sensual and brutal aspects. She is a
and given to shouting obscenities and laughing deity of love, and the goddess of scorned women
insanely. A jester as well as a god of the afterlife, the seeking revenge. Passion, both carnal and spiritual, is
Baron is loved by few and feared by most. her domain. She often manifests as a beautiful
Aspects: Death and Trickster. mulatto woman, appearing either in a state of lust, or
anger and madness.
Common Boons: Power, Spirit Speech, Vigor,
Necromancy (all powers). Aspects: Fertility and Vengeance.
Common Obligations: Conditional Boon (only at Common Boons: Vigor, Life Touch, Invocations
nighttime), Gift of Kin, Oath of Servitude. (Affect the Psyche, Lesser Curse, Lesser Healing,
Death Curse).
Special Obligations: Devotees to the Baron must
have a morbid and biting sense of humor; characters Special Boons: Attractiveness, Charisma.
with the Humorless Drawback never gain his favor. Common Obligations: Oath of Servitude.
Common Drawbacks for his followers include Cruel Special Obligations: Erzuli favors those who have
and Clown. been wronged by lovers, people obsessed with
Damballah revenge, and other passionate (and unstable) people.
C h a p t e r F i v e 110
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Oggun The Lunar Gods
This god or war and strength is quick to anger, rash Nannar and Ningal are the male and female
and impulsive. He is often depicted as a bloodied Sumerian gods of the Moon. They are the beacon of
warrior, armed with a sword, machete or other cutting light that guides humankind through periods of dark-
implement -- bladed weapons of all kinds are consid- ness, and they stand watch against the monsters that
ered sacred to this deity. hunt in the night. They were a source of wisdom, as
Aspects: Might and War. well as deities of fertility whose influence dates back
Common Boons: Immortality (mainly to the discovery of agriculture. The consort gods and
Regeneration and Hard to Kill), Vigor. their agenda are described in Chapter Four:
Associations (see p. 68).
Special Boons: Any combat-oriented quality (Fast
Reaction Time, Hard to Kill, Situational Awareness). Aspects: Fertility and Wisdom.
Common Obligations: Beholden, Gift of Common Boons: Life Touch, Power, Invocations
Kin (animals). (Any). They provide a +2 bonus to Ferals wishing to
resist their bestial side.
Special Obligations: Oggun does not accept
weaklings or pacifists in his ranks. His proteges must Special Boons: Charisma and Good Luck.
have a minimum Strength of 3 (before any bonuses), Common Obligations: Oath of Duty (Fight super-
and at least two weapon skills (including one hand- natural predators, 2-3 points).
to-hand weapon) at level 2 or higher. Impulsive char- Special Obligations: None.
acters are also more likely to gain favor with this god.
Spirits of the Dead
Some of the most powerful Ghosts and Phantasms
Shango is the Voodoo god of fire, and also the
can become Spirit Patrons; these beings are much
patron deity of fire and firearms. This fiery god is
more powerful than the typical spirit of the dead,
quick to anger and violence, and often revels in wan-
however. The Ghost and Phantasm character types in
ton destruction. He often appears as an axe-wielding
Mystery Codex are mere shadows of those beings.
warrior, surrounded by a flaming aura.
Ghostly Patrons have refined their powers over mil-
Aspects: Fire and War. lennia, until they can challenge the gods themselves.
Common Boons: Power, Vigor, Invocations Most of them are major players in the Death Realms,
(Elemental Fire). who use their patronage to extend their influence in
the world of the living. People who take such patrons
Special Boons: Any combat-oriented quality (see
risk incurring the wrath of the Grim Reapers and
Oggun, above).
other beings from the Sephiroth of Geburah (see
Common Obligations: Beholden, Gift of Kin Mystery Codex, p. 181).
(animals), Oath of Duty (Never avoid a fight,
Common Boons: Power, Spirit Speech, Vigor.
2-3 points).
Special Boons: None.
Special Obligations: Devotees of Shango should
have at least one combat skill at 2 or above, especial- Common Obligations: Beholden, Gift of Kin,
ly something dealing with fire or explosions, from Oath of Duty, Oath of Servitude.
Guns to Demolitions. Special Obligations: None, but characters are
likely to gain powerful Adversaries.
111 M e t a p h y s i c s
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Seraphim ers. Their job is to deceive and morally destroy as
much of humankind as they can. Their task is often
The Seraphim occasionally recruit worthy mortals depressingly easy, although they sometimes have to
for service in their secret war against the machina- contend with Gifted warriors and avengers, and the
tions of the Fallen. It appears that the Seraphim are minions of their hated rivals, the Seraphim.
usually unable or unwilling to do the “dirty work” Common Boons: Immortality, Life Touch, Power,
themselves, leaving it to lesser versions of them- Vigor, Invocations (Any).
selves (the Kherubim and Ethereals), or, preferably,
devoted (or fanatical) human agents. These agents Special Boons: Any Physical Quality, and Social
must be very religious, monotheistic -- Seraphim Qualities like Influence, Resources, Status and
show a strong preference towards Catholics and Contacts. The Damned can be enormously wealthy
Sunni Muslims, but Protestants, Jews and Shi’ites are and powerful.
also recruited -- and, interestingly enough, Common Obligations: Oath of Duty (to
must not be Divinely Inspired. Servants of damn as many humans as possible), Oath
the Seraphim work in small groups, of Servitude.
each with different agendas and Special Obligations: Only the
goals. Some of these are large most depraved, sadistic and jaded
enough to count as Covenants, and humans play the game of
will be described in future Damnation, or destroying the
WitchCraft sourcebooks. souls of others. By the time they
Common Boons: Immortality have gained most of their
(except Forever Young), Life power, the Damned realize
Touch, Prophecy and Vigor. they lost the game before they
Special Boons: Any Physical started, and their only concern
Quality. Resources, Status and is to forestall the inevitable as
Influence are also granted on long as possible.
occasion, to provide tools in the
battle against agents of corruption.
The Mad Gods
Common Obligations: Oath of The Mad Gods are less of a
Duty (Foil the plans of demons and Patron than an infection, a conta-
their cohorts), Oath of Servitude. gious cancer that eats away at its vic-
tim’s flesh and sanity and replaces it
Special Obligations: Most servants of with a something in its own image.
the Seraphim are Zealots. Becoming the servant of a Mad God means the
Demons eventual loss of anything that makes one human.
Common Boons: Immortality, Vigor, Invocations
The Fallen Seraphim, contrary to popular opinion, (any, but using Taint instead of Essence).
rarely traffic in human souls. The sad, fairly obvious
fact is that anybody who tries to sell his soul to the Special Boons: Taint Powers (see below).
Devil is pretty much damned anyway, so there is no Common Obligations: Beholden.
sense in buying what has been given away for free. Special Obligations: Characters under the influ-
The few truly Damned people who gain any powers ence of the Mad Gods are no longer in control of their
from the Infernal Legion are those who are willing actions. The only imperative that truly matters is
and able to ensure the corruption of others, especial- bringing those beings to this world, and the charac-
ly in great numbers. Their bargain is not for their soul ter’s entire life and efforts are devoted to that end.
(which is forfeit in any case), but for the souls of oth-
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Madness: Taint Powers
The physical and metaphysical worlds of WitchCraft are primarily creations of Essence, much like the phys-
ical universe is primarily composed of matter (as opposed to anti-matter). Angels or demons, good witches or
bad witches, predatory Vampyres or indifferent elementals -- they all have one thing in common: they all are
creatures of Essence.
Taint is something else altogether.
As a force, it is the polar opposite of Essence. Essence creates or transforms. Taint ultimately destroys, or
creates things that cannot survive long in this universe. Taint seems to come from beyond Creation. Some of
the more monotheistic students of the occult scoff at this, believing that if Taint exists, it must have been made
by the Creator, and set apart from our universe for some ineffable reason. To others, this proves that this uni-
verse (both material and spiritual) is but a piece of a larger puzzle, perhaps part of something no one, god or
mortal, can ever really comprehend. A third school of thought believes that at the moment of Creation -- as all
matter emerged out of potentiality during the Big Bang -- there was a struggle between Taint and Essence.
Essence won, and Taint was removed beyond its borders, appearing only as short-lived intrusions that, like
cancers, kill their hosts and die with them.
Whatever its source, the Mad Gods are entities of pure Taint. Their powers are phenomenal, but under nor-
mal circumstances, they are barred from crossing over to our reality. Their lesser creatures make more fre-
quent forays, but they too are not equipped to survive here for long. Then there are the unfortunate humans
who have been corrupted with Taint. Being creatures of Taint and Essence, these transformed men and women
are more durable and reliable tools of the Mad Gods.
The powers listed in this section have a twofold purpose: they can be used by Chroniclers to develop Tainted
Adversaries for her games, or they can be used to create Tainted Cast Members. Only one major Covenant
(the Mockers) has Tainted members in any numbers. Most Covenants view Taint as a disease to be eradicat-
ed. For the most part, they are right. Only the Mockers and a handful others have developed a way to retain
some of their sanity and self-volition intact.
Effects of Taint
Taint is more than “bad” Essence. It is inimical to all reality, twisting both its wielder and the world around
her. A Tainted person’s perceptions are altered; food may become nauseatingly repulsive, and normally pleas-
ant smells might feel unbearably vile -- or vice versa. For most of the afflicted, this goes further, perverting
basic instincts and emotions. Hate and suffering become pleasurable, while love and pleasure turn disgusting
or painful. The worst part is that this is not a direct inversion of senses and feelings -- such a complete rever-
sal would have its own internal logic, and would be easier to handle. Instead, the effects are random. Eating
chocolate could be a repulsive experience one time, a source of overwhelming sexual pleasure the next, and
pure torment the one after that.
The Chronicler should visit those sudden attacks of surreality with some regularity. Often, but not always,
Taint also changes the person’s body. The more Taint the character has, the more likely it is the character’s
body will show outward signs of corruption. Some of the most powerful Taint wielders are no longer even
remotely human, having become living avatars of their masters. They must live in hiding, attended by groups
of fanatical but less deformed followers.
113 M e t a p h y s i c s
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Taint Effects
The list below provides some examples of the surreal consequences of having
Taint in one’s body. Again, at the Chronicler’s discretion, this may vary. Above
all else, Taint effects should be unpredictable and disturbing. Most of these
effects are temporary, lasting from a few minutes to a number of days.
Aural Resonance: The character starts emitting a low, unpleasant buzzing sound.
It is really not at the right pitch to be heard by humans, but animals (dogs espe-
cially) feel pain from it. People instead feel the resonance through their bodies,
which disturbs and annoys them, but they do not fully understand why.
Minor Temporal Distortion: Time warps in slight ways around the character.
This effect covers the character and an area of one yard (meter) around him. If
the roll is even, time runs faster within the "bubble;" on an odd roll, it moves
slower. The distortion is minor, a 20% variation, but enough to be noticeable.
Visual Inversion: The character sees everything in black and white, like a photo-
graph’s negatives. Any Task requiring color perception is unlikely to succeed, and
the character has a -1 penalty to visual Perception Tasks or Tests.
Death Aura: Small animals and plants (insects, potted flowers, and the like) die if
they come within one foot (0.3 meter) of the character.
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Marks of Taint
These marks are likely to occur on characters with more than 30 Taint Points in their
Pool (note that some Tainted humans can reach 100+ Taint Points while still appearing
wholly human). Cast Members can acquire them as Drawbacks (their value counts
toward the character’s Drawback limit). Also, whenever the character gains more
Taint (and she already had 30 or more Taint points in her Pool), the Chronicler may
require a Simple Willpower Test. On a failure, the character gains a Taint Mark.
Taint Marks: These dark signs start appearing on the character’s skin. To the mundane,
they look like colorful tattoos, although looking at them makes the viewer nervous and
uncomfortable. To those with sharper senses, the marks seem to glow with Taint, clearly
identifying the character as someone with a connection to the Mad Gods. Cost: -1 for
a single mark that can be concealed under clothing; -2 for a mark that is harder to
conceal (on the head or face of the sufferer, or covering an extensive area of his body);
-3 for marks that are impossible to conceal (total body tattooing).
Hideousness: The character’s face and body starts looking less and less human, becoming
unattractive at first, and then reaching grotesquely inhuman levels. This is treated as
negative Attractiveness levels, which can go as low as -10.
Tainted Skin: The skin of the Tainted character starts acquiring inhuman traits. Scales,
rough textures, cold, corpse-like complexions -- all this and more is possible. Cost: -1 for
features that are disturbing but not wholly inhuman -- people may think the character has a
skin condition, was burned severely, or owes her condition to some natural event; -3 for some-
thing wholly inhuman that can only be partially hidden by heavy clothing and bad light.
Growths: Unnatural protuberances -- horns, boils, or lumps start appearing on the charac-
ter. Some Tainted are completely covered by these deformities. Cost: -1 for small, easy to
disguise marks; -2 for things that require bulky clothing or hats to hide, -4 for deformities
that prevent the character from showing herself in public.
Tainted Limbs: Tentacles, insectoid legs and other inhuman limbs appear on the
character’s body. Usually, these appendages are useless; they either hang limply or
twitch uncontrollably. Cost: -1 for tiny limbs that appear in one or two clusters on
the character’s body and can be hidden under heavy clothing; -2 for larger limbs that
can only be covered under a trench coat or a cloak; -3 for clearly visible limb clusters
(on the character’s face, or so large they are unmistakable).
Decay: The character’s flesh starts to rot under the Taint’s influence, and she reveals
leprosy-like symptoms. Unlike true leprosy, however, the character retains all her
physical abilities. In time, her appearance eventually becomes utterly monstrous.
Cost: -1 for an unhealthy pallor, noticeable but not wholly inhuman; -3 if the
character’s flesh starts to rot -- noses and ears may fall off; -5 if the character is hideously
disfigured; much of her flesh has sloughed off her bones, and only her Taint keeps her alive.
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This pool can be diminished in some cases. Neither
Anchors psychotherapy nor conventional psychiatric drug treat-
Most people exposed to Taint die, go completely, ments work, but the character may be rid of some of
inescapably insane, or are corrupted beyond redemp- their burden by undergoing what the Mockers call
tion. The Mockers are among the few that somehow Catharsis, a time during which the character gives free
managed to retain a shred of humanity; there are a rein to her darker side, temporarily exhausting it.
few others, but not many. The difference is a power- Catharsis is risky proposition, for both the Tainted
ful desire, obsession or emotion -- an Anchor -- that character and those around them. The Mockers handle
allowed them to resist sinking into insanity. Some this by restraining the character, and using a combina-
possible Anchors are anger, fanaticism, friendship, tion of drugs and mental techniques to temporarily
love, and revenge. As long as that emotion or desire break the character’s self-control. At that point, the
persists, the character has a chance to resist the tidal Tainted one goes berserk, indulging (or attempting to
urges of Taint. indulge) any and all lusts and urges she normally keeps
In game terms, an Anchor is purchased as like a repressed. She may easily harm others while the
Special Skill, and is used with Willpower to resist berserk state lasts, usually D4(2) hours. If this happens,
the negative influences of Taint. The play- she may lose one level of her Anchor skill, at
er must decide what passion or obses- the Chronicler’s discretion. At the end of
sion acts as her character’s Anchor. the Catharsis, the character can
Generally, the characteristic attempt a Willpower and Anchor
involves a Mental Drawback Task. If successful, she loses
worth at least -2 points; possi- D4(2) points of Madness, plus
ble examples include one for every Success Level in
Delusions, Obsessions, and the Task. The Madness Pool
Zealot. In most cases, an can never be reduced below
Anchor and Willpower Task 1/20th of the character’s Taint
is required when the character Pool, however.
uses Taint powers extensively
(more than three uses in the
Effects of Madness
space of a few minutes, for exam- As the character gains in
ple), or whenever indicated under a Madness, her mental faculties
specific Taint Power (see below). On a begin to suffer. When the Madness
failure, the character accumulates at least 1 Pool is higher than double the character’s
Madness Point. Willpower, she gains a 1-point Mental Drawback,
often a Delusion or Obsession, or an enhanced ver-
Madness Pool sion of an existing Mental Drawback. Every time
Tainted characters are always courting insanity. In the Madness level rises to another multiple of
game terms, they have a Madness Pool, a measure of Willpower (Willpower x 3, Willpower x 4, and so
the mental effect of their exposure to the Otherwordly on), the character gains another point worth of
corruption of the Mad Gods. Characters start with a Mental Drawbacks. Finally, when the character’s
Madness Pool equal to 1/20th of their Taint Pool, Madness is greater than Willpower x 20, the char-
rounded down. Additional Madness Points are gained acter is overcome by Taint -- she ceases to be a Cast
in the course of the game, mainly as the result of Member, and becomes a slave of the Mad Gods,
failed Anchor and Willpower Tasks. Other situations, under the Chronicler’s control. The character does
like close encounters with Mad Gods and their min- not gain any Drawback points from these mental
ions, may cause further gains in Madness, typically in problems.
the 1-4 point range.
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Taint Qualities
To gain any of the Taint Powers listed below, the character must have the 5-point Taint Quality and at least
one level of Taint Pool and Taint Channeling. The Tainted automatically gain a number of basic powers --
Tainted Healing, Tainted Shield, and the Unveiling -- and can acquire additional powers.
117 M e t a p h y s i c s
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acter gains a special attack (which may consist of
Taint Powers claws, a striking extra limb, oversized mouth or other
monstrous characteristic of the player’s choice) that
These powers cost 5 character points each during inflicts D6(3) x Strength points of slashing damage.
character creation, or 10 points in the course of a Other than this characteristic, the character remains
game. Most of these powers require no Tasks or nominally human, but people and animals feel
Tests; all the character needs to do is spend the requi- instinctively revolted and fearful around her.
site Taint (limited by their Taint Channeling level),
and the effect takes place.
Devolution With but a glance, some Tainted can infect others.
This has a number of painful mental and physical
The most dangerous power of the Tainted is effects. This power requires a Resisted Simple
Devolution, the ability to temporarily transform one- Willpower Test, or Willpower and the Infection Skill
self into the likeness of the Mad Gods or their servi- (see sidebar). If the Tainted wins, the victim sudden-
tors. The character’s flesh and bone are turned into ly has as much Taint as was spent in the attack.
outer-dimensional matter, unnaturally strong and
resilient. If wounded, the character does not bleed.
Instead, a black, corrosive ichor oozes from any
injuries. The Tainted one’s perceptions are altered, Infection Skill
with the world looking strange and surreal, an alien The Infection Power typically
and hostile place. requires a Simple Willpower Test
All of Nature is arrayed against a Devolved one: to overwhelm the victim’s resis-
animals try to flee or, if cornered, attack recklessly; tance. Some Tainted become prac-
people automatically feel fear and loathing towards ticed with it, and eventually develop
her, for no apparent reason. Eventually, Reality itself a skill at using the power. In game
rejects the Tainted one, causing her to implode vio- terms, this is a normal skill
lently into nothingness. (acquired and developed at normal
Using this power costs 15 Taint Points and auto-
point costs), which does not replace
matically raises the character’s Madness Pool by one
the Simple Willpower Test until
point. The character can safely remain in Devolved
the skill level is higher than the
form for up to one minute (12 Turns). Each Turn after
character’s Willpower. The cost of
that, a successful Anchor and Willpower Task is
the skill is above and beyond the
required, with a cumulative -1 for every Turn spent in
cost of the power.
that form. Failure results in the character gaining
another Madness Point. After more than 2 minutes,
the character must pass a Survival Test every other Being infected with Taint is a hideous experience.
minute, or she is obliterated in an Essence backlash! The victim feels pain, nausea and a generalized feel-
While Devolved, the character gains the following ing of misery comparable to a nasty attack of the flu
bonuses: +4 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity and +4 to (or flying coach on a modern airliner). In game terms,
Constitution (this also increases the character’s Life the target has a -1 penalty for every 5 Taint Points
Points by 32). All physical attacks inflict only half (rounded up) in her system. This penalty applies to
damage (this includes slashing weapons, bullets and any mental Task or Test the victim attempts, includ-
other attacks that normally do double damage; use ing using Magic or other Gifted powers.
the basic damage roll, then halve it). Finally, the char- Furthermore, the victim cannot regain Essence until
the Taint has been purged from her system.
C h a p t e r F i v e 118
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Getting rid of Taint takes some time, but is not dif- ty and the laws of momentum. Used as weapons, the
ficult. Humans eliminate Taint at the same rate they “lightened” objects are not very effective, however.
regain Essence. For example, a character with 4 lev- They do a mere D10(5) points of damage per 1,000
els of Essence Channeling would “metabolize” the pounds (400 kg) of weight. If they can be maneu-
Taint at the rate of 4 points per minute, while a vered to drop on someone, they inflict damage equiv-
Mundane with a Willpower of 4 would shed Taint at alent to Falling Damage (see WitchCraft, p. 143), but
the rate of 4 points per hour. add +1 to the D6 roll for every 250 pounds (100 kg)
of weight. So, a 1,000 pound (400 kg) object dropped
Negaphysics from a 5-yard height would inflict (D6 + 4) x 5(35)
points of damage.
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If the target attracts metal, any small (under 1
lb/0.5 kg) metal object within 10 yards (meters) flies Unveil
towards the target at near-bullet speed. The availabil-
ity of metal objects is up to the Chronicler. This The Tainted can reveal their true nature at will,
power is particularly devastating in hardware stores, radiating their Taint so that its effects touch even
construction sites, and the like, and fairly useless in those who lack supernatural senses, terrifying them.
the middle of a virgin forest. Damage ranges from This unmasking also acts as a psychic shield, protect-
D6(3) points (a few keys and loose change) to D6 x ing the character from any power that affects the
5(15) slashing (a bucket of nails). Creative players senses or the mind. The Unveiling costs 1 Taint Point
may devise other uses for these powers; treat the and lasts 1 minute. While the character is Unveiled,
magnetic force as having an effective Strength of 5 she gains +3 bonus to resist any power that affects,
and an effect radius of 10 yards (meters). attacks or probes her mind, from Mindsight to the
Burn: The character can destroy one electronic Affect the Psyche Invocation. Each time the power is
device with a destructive surge that melts any circuits used, the Tainted must make an Anchor and
or transistors. Any one item within 10 yards (meters) Willpower Task to prevent gaining 1 Madness Point.
of the character can be affected. The Taint causes the This power is anything but unobtrusive. People
item to overheat, and the object may melt or even who see the character’s face while Unveiled are con-
start electrical fires around it. People nearby suffer fronted with fearsome images from their own minds,
D6(3) to D10(5) points of electrical or fire damage. using whatever scares them most. This is their mind’s
Some military or high-tech items have a chance to reaction to seeing something they cannot fully com-
survive the effect. At the Chronicler’s discretion, prehend. The victims must pass a Fear Test with a -1
those objects resist destruction unless the Tainted penalty for every 10 points of Taint in the character’s
character passes a Simple Willpower Test with penal- Taint Pool (use the total size of the Pool, not the cur-
ties of -1 to -5, depending on the level of protection rent number of Taint Points).
or hardening in the system.
Shield: The Tainted character can twist electro-
magnetic forces around her, providing her with some Warpbolt
protection against metal and electrical attacks. This
works like a force field with an AV equal to the char- This is a blast of dark energy that can injure both
acter’s Willpower x 10 against metal and electrical body and soul. The blast does D6(3) points of dam-
attacks. The shield works for only 1 Turn. age for every level of the character’s Willpower, at
the cost of 1 Taint Point. If more Taint is spent, dam-
age is increased at the rate of 1 Multiplier level per 2
Tainted Touch Taint Points spent. The range of the Warpbolt is equal
to 10 yards (meters) plus 5 yards (meters) per
This power allows the character to heal D6(3) Life Willpower level. The attack Task uses Dexterity and
Points for every Taint Point spent. The character can the character’s Magic Bolt Skill (see p. 25). Every
heal herself or other Tainted people or creatures. time this power is used, an Anchor and Willpower
Attempting to heal a normal person with this touch Task must be passed at the end of the fight, or 1
not only does not work, it inflicts 1 Life Point of Madness Point is gained.
damage for every Taint Point spent. In both cases, the
character must touch the subject -- unwilling victims
must be held down (a Resisted Simple Strength Test,
with the victim gaining a +2 bonus) or restrained in
some other manner.
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Atlantean Arcana
The past life memories that many True Immortals
share reveal a place where magic, psychic powers and
This section takes precedence over
technology became a bizarre whole. A few Immortals
the Atlantean Arcana rules found in
have the memories to recreate some of the super-sci-
the First Edition of Armageddon.
ence and alchemy of Athas, and are called Makers. The
scholars of the Lodge of the Undying have come to
refer to the processes as the Atlantean Arcana.
The Arcana use Essence to combine chemicals in ways unknown in conventional chemistry. The process
appears to transform matter at the atomic level, allowing for impossible alloys to exist or to combine unstable
or poisonous compounds into miraculous medicines. Apparently, the process only works for True Immortals,
or involves a psychic process no one else has been able to imitate. A normal human who followed the steps
of an Atlantean formula to the letter would end up with nothing more than a noxious mess.
Described below are a few artifacts that may be created using Atlantean Arcana. Whatever sciences and arts
the Atlanteans had did not include mass-production techniques. Each artifact is a labor of individual craft, and
takes tremendous amounts of time and effort, not to mention very expensive materials. Makers cannot pro-
duce these items casually or in great quantities. With the number of Immortals on the rise, the knowledge for
producing such items is becoming more common, but that has not served to decrease their cost or value.
The cost on the main entry represents the number of character points that must be spent for the Maker to
“remember” the formula (this includes the psychic process that makes it effective). Listed at the end of the
entry are a number of artifacts that can be made with that formula, and the cost for an Immortal to own one
of them. For a Maker to know how to make an item, and also own such an item, both costs must be paid. For
example, knowing how to make Adamant weapons would cost 4 points; owning an Adamant sword costs 3
points; having both knowledge and weapon would cost 7 points. After character creation, the experience point
cost to “remember” Arcana is equal to twice the normal cost.
At the Chronicler’s discretion, non-Maker characters with a good reason for owning one of these artifacts
can acquire them, at double the normal point cost. Immortals belonging to the Undying Lodge are the most
likely candidates. A character with a 3-point or more Immortal Contact (a friend or ally of hers, usually) would
be another. Finding such an object during the course of a game would cost no points, but its previous owner
is sure to object.
Atlantean artifacts are flashy and powerful items; they may not fit many WitchCraft games, and may be
more appropriate for the Armageddon setting. They are still a part of the WitchCraft background, however,
and for that reason they are included in these pages. Players and Chroniclers should remember that these arti-
facts, especially the larger and more obvious ones, are very rare and likely to cause trouble for their owners.
The Combine is a lot more likely to flex its muscles in response to a rash of UFO sightings caused by the Cast
Members, with often lethal consequences.
121 M e t a p h y s i c s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
plier by 3 levels, and halves the Armor Value or
Barrier Value of any target -- except a suit of
Adamant Adamantine armor. So, a character with a Strength of
3 wielding a knife (with a normal damage of D4 x
Knowledge Cost: 4 points Strength) would inflict D4 x 6(12) points of damage.
This legendary metal is extremely hard and If she struck somebody wearing a suit of Class I
resilient, making it perfect for weapons and body Armor (Armor Value of D6 + 7(10)), that armor
armor. Adamant is almost indestructible -- its tensile would protect with only half its value (roll and halve
strength is almost ten times that of the best industrial the result, or just use 5).
steels, and yet is supple and flexible, rather than brit- Adamantine armor has its Armor Value increased
tle. That does not mean Adamantine armor makes its by 1 Multiplier level, plus a flat 5-point bonus. Only
wearer invulnerable -- even if the armor survives armor with metal plates works (a suit of plate or plate
unscathed, a large enough amount of energy (kinetic mail, or Class III or IV armor). So, a Class III vest --
or otherwise) transmits itself through to the body normal Armor Value of (D8 x 3) + 18 (30) -- with the
behind it. addition of Adamant plates has an AV of (D8 x 4) +
Adamant is made of a combination of iron, silver, 23 (39). Armor-piercing attacks do not work against
copper and lead (the ratio is 3, 1, 2 and 4, respective- Adamantine armor (do not divide the Armor Value
ly), mixed in a vat hot enough to melt the lead, and versus those attacks). Furthermore, the armor pro-
then cast into molds. A total of 15 Essence must also tects against supernatural attacks that bypass normal
be spent for every pound (0.5 kg) of Adamant creat- armor (like Soulfire).
ed. A total of 10 pounds (5 kg) of ingredients must be Artifacts: Owning a small weapon (switchblade,
used to produce one pound (0.5 kg) of Adamant. By or arrow- or spearhead) costs 1 point. A medium-
the time the mixture acquires the quicksilver-like sized weapon (large knife, short sword, or axe-head)
sheen of the alloy, nine-tenths of the materials have costs 2 points. A large weapon (broadsword or
mysteriously disappeared. What happens to the rest Katana) costs 3 points. A huge weapon (greatsword,
of the metal -- sublimated, transposed to another halberd and the like) costs 4 points.
dimension, recombined at the sub-atomic level, or A suit of armor costs 2 points for every 10 points of
turned into energy for the recombination -- is a mys- average Armor Value (not counting the Adamantine
tery to everyone, including the Makers themselves. bonuses), rounded down. So, a breast plate (average
Adamant cannot be forged or worked to any great Armor Value of 20) would cost 4 points, while a suit
degree. Instead, it must be molded while still in a liq- of Class IV armor (average Armor Value of 40)
uid or semi-solid state. Edges are naturally razor would cost 8 points.
sharp, which is fortunate, since only an Adamant file
works on such edges, and then with great difficulty.
Armor must be made into plates or scales; chain mail
or other complex types simply do not work. On the
other hand, an Adamant plate added to a bullet-proof Knowledge Cost: 2 points
vest stops all but the heaviest bullets.
This Atlantean substance has passed down through
Making a mold for a simple blade, or a solid plate mythology as the “food of the gods,” said to make
or sheet, requires a Simple Intelligence test (Makers those who ate it immortal. While the claims are not
with this ability retain some basic knowledge of the exactly true, Ambrosia has tremendous curative prop-
craft skills of her previous life). A Craft Skill (the erties, and when eaten by normal humans it revital-
appropriate Weaponsmith or Armorer type) allows izes and rejuvenates them.
the Maker to devise more elaborate weapons and
armor. Any Adamant cutting weapon, from a sword Ambrosia is made by combining the juice of any
or ax to an arrowhead, increases the damage multi- fruit (lemon and oranges are favored, but pineapples,
C h a p t e r F i v e 122
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
cranberries and grapefruits will do, and some Makers
make “Ambrosia cocktails”) with silver, gold and a Atlantean Thought Ship
quantity of Atlantean blood (2 Life Points’ worth is
Knowledge Cost: 20 points; Prerequisites:
enough for a quart, along with 1 ounce each of the
Adamant, Energy Crystals
precious materials). The components are boiled
together while spending Essence (10 Essence for a The ancestors of the Immortals had “flaming char-
quart) for a period of 4 hours (the Essence spent in iots” which they used for transportation or as
this manner cannot be regained until the process is weapons of war. Each Thought Ship was a unique
over). The mixture inexplicably reaches a boil at work of art, and only a few hundred existed even at
around the same temperature as water, and the gold the height of their civilization. These glowing vessels
and silver melt and blend in the mixture. At the end disappeared thousands of years ago, but in more
of the process, a pasty substance remains -- it is edi- recent times a handful of Makers have discovered
ble and delicious. their secrets.
A bar or cake of Ambrosia has tremendous healing Making a Thought Ship requires the knowledge to
properties. Eating it restores D10(5) Life Points or create Adamant and Orikalk. For a true Thought Ship,
Endurance Points. Furthermore, after eating it, nor- powered by harnessing the Essence fields of the
mal Life, Endurance or Essence Point recoveries are Earth itself, Essence Crystals are also needed. The
doubled for a period of 1 hour (or, in the case of mun- secret of the ship is its interface system, however -- a
dane Life Point recovery, one full day). A more inter- connection that links the pilot’s mind to the ship,
esting effect, for the mere mortal, is Ambrosia’s reju- which thus becomes an extension of her, as much
venation effect. Eating one bar or cake stops the under her control as one of her limbs.
aging process, or the advance of any degenerative The “traditional” Thought Ship has the shape of a
disease or condition (like cancer or AIDS) for a full delta wing, with a golden skin. When activated, rip-
D6 + 3(6) months. Unfortunately, after a few decades ples of Essence energy run through it, giving it a
(10 years per Constitution level of the subject), the glowing aura that can be visible even by normal
effect starts wearing off. Each dose starts working for humans. It is believed that some UFO incidents were
D4(2) months for another (10 x Constitution) years, caused by these vessels. Other Makers use more tra-
declining to one dose working for D4(2) weeks, ditional vehicles and aircraft, and replace their con-
D4(2) days, and finally, D4(2) hours! This final situ- trols with their Thought Steering apparatus -- with
ation occurs after (Constitution x 50) years -- a very them, they can fly vessels even if they do not have the
long lifetime. Stopping any doses for a period of ten normal skills to do so.
years restores Ambrosia’s effect, which, if done judi-
A Maker with this knowledge can build any of the
ciously, can extend the subject’s life span even fur-
basic vessel types described below, or the control sys-
ther. A Maker could keep a normal human being alive
tem that can be added to any mundane vehicle. Keep
for a very long time by feeding her Ambrosia -- a
in mind, however, that these ships require years of
couple of Immortals have kept loved ones alive for
work, and are tremendously expensive. Even the
centuries in this manner -- which often makes their
smallest one requires hundreds of pounds of Adamant
eventual decline and death all the more painful.
and Orikalk, which, by their nature, require thou-
Artifacts: Five pre-prepared dose of Ambrosia sands of pounds of silver, gold and other precious,
costs 1 character point. Ambrosia’s healing effects expensive and often toxic materials.
work on humans and non-Undead or ghostly super-
A full Thought Ship has no windows (although
natural creatures. The life-enhancing effects work on
some Makers put them in) and its only controls are
any living human being (or a semi-human like a
two bars of Orikalk placed on the sides of the pilot
Feral), and even on Gifted characters whose aging
seat. When holding on to the sticks, the pilot (who
process is already slower than normal (see
must be an Immortal) is in complete control of the
Witchcraft, p. 208).
ship, which is completely responsive to her
123 M e t a p h y s i c s
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
thoughts. The pilot detects other aircraft at up to 150 A Medium Thought Ship is a larger vessel, about
miles in any direction. Thought Ships can fly at twice the size of the smaller ship, and capable of
speeds of up to Mach 2, and can execute tight turns holding a pilot and a passenger or copilot. A second
(up to 90 degrees) while flying at speeds below Mach set of steering handlebars can be put on the second
1, without any ill effect on its passengers. While the seat, allowing the copilot to fire any weapons in the
vessel is in operation, the pilot is drained of Essence vessel, or to contribute Essence for its operation. The
at the rate of 1 point every 5 minutes (or 12 points per ship has an Armor Value of (D10 x 6) + 30 (60) and
hour); this Essence cannot be regained until the pilot 250 Damage Capacity. To build it requires 600
lands the aircraft and rests. pounds (300 kg) of Adamant, 1,000 pounds (500 kg)
For an additional 2 Essence per 5 minutes of oper- of Orikalk, and 40 Energy Crystals. Building the ship
ation (24 per hour), the ship becomes transparent to takes 4,000 man-hours, and when it is finished 600
all but the most powerful radars, and even then the Essence Points must be invested in it. Cost: 20 points.
radar profile is diffuse and hard to pin down. The ship A Large Thought Ship is the biggest ship ever built
is still visible to the naked eye, however. For an addi- by a known Immortal Maker (only two of them have
tional 2 Essence every five minutes (total of 4 points been made in all the history of the Lodge of the
per 5 minutes), the ship becomes invisible, although Undying). This vessel is about the same size as a pri-
this effect is less certain. About 5% of any group of vate jet aircraft. The ship can seat a pilot, copilot, up
humans can spot the craft, and by drawing attention to three more passengers and about 2,000 pounds of
to it may allow others to see it. cargo. Any passenger can contribute her Essence
Artifacts: A Thought Steering System requires 50 towards the energy costs of the ship. The ship has an
pounds (25 kg) of Orikalk, and the appropriate Armor Value of D10 x 7 + 35 (70) and 500 Damage
Mechanic Skill to mate it with a vehicle (a car or an Capacity. To build it requires 1,500 pounds (750 kg)
aircraft, for instance). The steering system of the of Adamant, one ton (1000 kg) of Orikalk, and 100
vehicle is replaced by two bars just like the ones in Energy Crystals. Building the ship takes 8,000 man-
the Thought Ship. A normal vehicle equipped with hours, and when it is finished 1,500 Essence Points
this system is able to perform far beyond its normal must be invested in it. Cost: 25 points.
limits. Even if the character does not know how to The basic Thought Ships have no weapons sys-
operate the vehicle, using the Thought Steering gives tems. Their advantages lie in their speed and stealth.
her an automatic skill of 3 (if she already knew how Some Makers install conventional weapons on their
to use it, she gains a +3 bonus to all her related vessels, when they can get them. Others build
Driving or Piloting Tasks). Using this system drains weapons using Immortal technology, powered with
the pilot’s Essence at the rate of 1 point every 10 min- Energy Crystals (see below). An energy projector
utes (or 6 points per hour). As when piloting a full inflicts D6 x 20 (60) points of damage, with a range
Thought Ship, this Essence cannot regained while the of 20 miles (30 km). It requires 10 Energy Crystals,
vehicle is operating. Cost: 3 points. 10 pounds (5 kg) of Orikalk and the expenditure of 50
A Small Thought Ship is a single-seat aircraft, Essence Points. Adding one of these weapons raises
slightly bigger than a car. It has an Armor Value of the point cost of the ship by 10 points.
D10 x 5 + 25(50) and 150 Damage Capacity. To build
it requires 300 pounds (150 kg) of Adamant, 500
pounds (250 kg) of Orikalk, and 20 Energy Crystals.
Building the ship takes 2,000 man-hours, and when it
is finished 300 Essence Points must be invested in it.
Cost: 15 points.
C h a p t e r F i v e 124
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Artifacts: Making a Crystal Skull requires 10
Crystal Skull Energy Crystals. The Maker puts them in a box and
spends no less than two hours visualizing the Skull.
Knowledge Cost: 5 points; Prerequisite: Energy
After 30 Essence Points have been spent, a Crystal
Skull -- roughly the size of a human head -- appears
Immortals who know of these devices have mixed in the box.
feelings about them. Are they communication
An Immortal character wielding a Skull can project
devices, torture implements, psychic enhancement
her thoughts telepathically, and hold telepathic con-
tools, weapons, or something else altogether? Makers
versations, at distances of up to 100 miles (150 km)
with the ability to construct them have used the
per level of Willpower. The owner can also launch
Crystal Skulls for all those purposes. Some have
telepathic probes (the range for this is a more modest
come to bad ends, and the more paranoid Immortals
3 yards/meters per level of Willpower) on an unwill-
suspect the Skulls had something to do with that.
ing victim. The wielder must win a Resisted Simple
The Crystal Skull is exactly what its name indi- Willpower Test, but the Skull adds a +4 bonus to this
cates. Some time ago, some mundane occultists came Test. If the victim loses, she is wracked by agony, and
into contact with one, and eventually fashioned their suffers pinprick hemorrhages in her eyes and face,
own copies, largely useless and powerless, but inter- inflicting D6(3) points of damage, and draining the
esting enough to gain them a place in the pantheon of victim of D8(4) Essence Points. Prolonged exposure
paranormal items. The true Skulls, fashioned out of to this experience may inflict permanent brain dam-
Energy Crystals and Orikalk, have powerful telepath- age and Essence loss. An unmodified Survival Test is
ic properties. Any Immortal who holds one in her required for every hour of interrogation under the
hands can project her thoughts over amazing dis- Skull’s power. On a failure, the victim’s Intelligence
tances. The skull can also be used to extract informa- is reduced by 1 level, and she permanently loses 2
tion from an unwilling subject -- an Immortal can Essence Points. Some Invocations and powers may
probe nearby people and tear secrets from their restore these losses, but mundane science will not.
minds, often inflicting severe physical and spiritual
Using a Crystal Skull is not without risks. At the
damage. Whether this is the intended use of the
Chronicler’s discretion, continual use may attract the
Skulls or not remains unknown. Some Immortals
attention of spirit entities who try to use the link
claim that using the Skull as a torture or interrogation
between the Skull and the wielder to cause mischief.
tool is akin to using an electrical appliance to kill
It is also possible that the mysterious Secret Masters
someone in a bathtub -- it works, but that’s not what
can tap into the Skulls and use them to probe, scan or
the designer had in mind for it.
even control their wielders (this works like the
In any case, those who use a Crystal Skull often Beholden Obligation, see p. 109). Owning a Crystal
start experiencing disquieting phenomena. They hear Skull costs 4 points.
voices that seem to have no connection with what
they are doing. Some Makers claim that the Skulls
are alive, inhabited by some spirit or soul that tries to
take over its creator. Other rumors suggest that the
Skulls are used by the Secret Masters (see p. 87) to
observe and dominate their reborn brethren. A couple
of Immortals have turned this paranoia into a person-
al crusade, traveling the world in search for Crystal
Skulls to destroy.
125 M e t a p h y s i c s
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Most Makers lack the skills or the frame of mind to
Energy Crystals perform such works of science; many of them were
born before the rise of technology, or lack the needed
Knowledge Cost: 4 points; Prerequisite: Orikalk skills. Only in the past fifty years or so have Makers
Many students of the occult know that crystals of started to build these hybrid. Only a few dozen
any kind (from diamonds to table salt) are “attrac- Crystal “gadgets” are in circulation worldwide.
tive” to Essence. The Immortals’ civilization took Artifacts: Essence Crystals vary in size and shape,
this knowledge even further, and used specially-treat- but they tend to look like a children’s marble.
ed crystals as power sources. With them, they could Owning an Essence Crystal costs 2 points.
levitate huge buildings, propel their ships and air-
An Energy Wand is a short wand (about 6 inches
craft, and bring light to their golden cities. Makers
long) that channels Essence and can fire blasts of
who remember these techniques can use these crys-
energy. This energy is usually invisible (those who
tals as weapons or to supplement or replace the power
can see Essence view it as a display of brilliant col-
systems in vehicles or machines. The crystals have
ors), but it can blast holes in things, people, or beings
two main shortcomings against conventional energy
of Essence. Some Makers create the wands and then
supply systems, however. For one, they take a great
replace the barrels of normal pistols with them, thus
deal of time and effort to make. More importantly,
making their own “ray guns.” The wands require an
they need to be supplied with Essence on a periodic
Energy Crystal, and one pound (0.5 kg) of Orikalk.
basis, and this Essence must come from an Immortal
The wand is cast, and the Crystal attached to one end.
-- the Essence of normal humans, Gifted or not, will
During the process, the Maker must spend 15
not work, and neither will that of supernatural beings.
Essence Points to effect the change. The result is a
Making the Crystal requires common quartz and wand that naturally stores and fires Essence. The
roughly 6 ounces (170 grams) of Orikalk that has not wand can hold up to 20 Essence Points. This Essence
yet been set into shape. The Orikalk is melted and the must be replenished by an Immortal, or recharged by
quartz is added, as 15 Essence Points are spent. After touching the wand with a charged Energy Crystal --
one hour, the Orikalk is absorbed into the quartz. The the Essence in it flows into the weapon, replenishing
stone can then be cut and polished into any desired it. Each blast from the wand costs 1 Essence Point,
shape or form. and it inflicts 1D6 x 6(18) points of damage, to either
Most Essence Crystals are used to power weapons Life Points, Vital Energy Essence or Damage
like the Energy Wand, or the few Thought Ships that Capacity. Mundane armor does not protect against
remain in existence. Makers with the appropriate this weapon, although suits of Adamant or Orikalk
Science or Mechanic Skill (at level 3 or higher) can will. The blasts have the range of a sub-machine gun
hook Crystals to an engine and use it to provide (see WitchCraft, p. 146). Owning an Energy Wand
power. This requires building a framework of Orikalk costs 4 points.
(1 lb/0.5 kg per Crystal used) and the expenditure of
15 Essence for every Crystal used to provide power.
Electrical, steam and internal combustion engines can
use Crystals instead of their regular systems. One
Crystal powers any of half dozen conventional appli-
ances. A small vehicle (a motorcycle) needs 3
Crystals; a car require 5-7 Crystals depending on the
size. Large, powerful vehicles (trucks, small aircraft)
require no less than 10-15 Crystals.
C h a p t e r F i v e 126
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Used against supernatural beings (Undead, True
Orikalk Immortals, Seraphim and Ferals, for example), any
damage that gets through is subtracted from both the
Knowledge Cost: 4 points Life and Essence Pools of the target.
This mystical metal is a mixture of mercury, gold, Orikalk is somewhat responsive to the desires of
copper and silver, heated and melted together. Its cre- the wielder. Bullets arc their flight paths to compen-
ation requires the expenditure of 15 Essence Points sate for poor aiming, although they cannot shoot
per pound (half kilogram). The materials need to be around corners. Swords shift their balance to allow
mixed in the same proportion (one unit each), and, for faster hits and parries. All Orikalk weapons have
unlike Adamant, no material is lost in the process (1 an inherent +2 bonus to all attack and defense rolls.
pound/0.5 kilogram of each of these four materials They do not have any special damage bonuses.
produces 4 pounds/2 kilograms of Orikalk).
Orikalk armor has the same Armor Value as regu-
The resulting substance has a reddish gold color lar metal armor of the same type. Further, it protects
and is fairly soft and easy to work with. It can be against Essence attacks, and gives its wearer a +2
hammered and worked or made into wires or links. bonus to resist any supernatural power that can be
Some Makers have woven chain mail out of it, for resisted normally.
example. When the final shape is created, another 20
Essence Points per pound (0.5 kg) must be spent to Artifacts: An Orikalk hand weapon (sword, knife
“fix” it; afterwards the material becomes very solid, and so on) costs 3 points, regardless of the size.
at least as hard and resilient as good steel. Orikalk bullets or arrowheads cost 1 point for
Orikalk’s hardness is not its principal quality, how- every 10 missiles.
ever. The metal has a special affinity to Essence. It Orikalk armor costs 1 point for every 10 points of
can block or repel hostile Essence attacks, and it can average Armor Value, rounded up.
block the path of Essence creatures. Ghosts and spir-
its cannot cross an area encircled by Orikalk wire;
Orikalk swords cut both physical and spiritual
beings; the weapons can be made to “bleed” Essence
off living beings. Up to half the damage inflicted by
such a weapon can become Essence drain instead.
Orikalk can also be used to make bullets. These
bullets have all the aforementioned effects, including
the ability to drain Essence as well as inflict damage.
127 M e t a p h y s i c s
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Chapter Six: Supernatural
C h a p t e r S i x 128
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Matt Tyner never knew what hit him.
It was the smell that made him go in. Sickly sweet and sharp, like chewing pennies. It stung the
back of his throat as he passed the house on Federal Street. Damn John Kronk and his smar-
tass mouth. If it weren’t for him, Tyner never would have pulled Community Police duty. Rolling
drunks and crackheads wasn’t exactly what Matt joined the force for. Trash of both kinds, walking
and not, littered the streets of west Detroit deep enough to wade through and foot beats always left
Tyner tighter than when he started. So it was with some resignation that he climbed the steps to the
house and nosed the door open with the muzzle of his gun.
J es us H, he thought. A nother drun k crawl ed in an ’ die d.
Officer Tyner thumbed the switch on his radio. "Forty-two Foot to Dispatch."
"Dispatch. What’s your code forty-two?"
Tyner scanned the hall just inside the doorway, grimacing at the smell. "I got a nine-two-nine.
I’ll need a meat wagon at 1110 Federal."
"Copy forty-two. Patrol thirty-nine responding."
Matt Tyner’s shoes squelched on the floor as he made his way in the door and down the hall.
Feces and filthy syringes mingled in the corners with old newspaper and beer bottles. A room
passed, empty but for heaps of detritus; another holding a rotten mattress and little else. Soot black-
ened one wall and grew thicker as he came to the last door and looked in. The shadows of appli-
ances remained on the walls, but the actual equipment was long missing. Some junky or drunk starv-
ing for heat had peeled away half the wall and burned it right there, leaving the linoleum scorched and
blackened. And there, across the kitchen, at the back of the house -- a stairway leading down.
Tyner scanned the room, his breath coming in shallow gasps as the reek of dead flesh threatened to
overwhelm him. The cabinet doors had been stripped -- fuel for the fire -- most likely. Indecipherable
streaks colored the walls in a revolting variety of brown shades. Tyner shook his head, H ow low
c an people s ink?
It wasn’t until he’d started down the steps that he saw the blood.
Three distinct streaks, just right for fingers, painted the doorframe in crumbling rust-red. The
muzzle of the gun rose as Tyner thumbed his radio again. "Forty-two Foot to Dispatch."
"Dispatch. Go ahead forty-two."
"This might be an eight one seven, Dispatch. What’s thirty-nine’s ETA?"
"Three minutes, forty-two. Stand-by."
A moan rose up the stair, a sickening, rattle of breath following close after it. Officer Tyner
swallowed hard, pushing his dinner of coney dogs and coke back down where it came from.
"Dispatch, victim may be alive. Get that backup here now."
"Copy forty-two. EMT on its way."
Tyner ground his teeth and muttered into the darkness. "You better be Christ come down from the
Cross." Both hands on the butt of his gun, he led with the barrel and edged down the stairs. Ice
poured itself down his spine as he nudged his belt light and saw the rust colored stains painting un-
plastered wallboards. The steps protested his descent, creaking ominously as he made his way down.
The gore thickened as he reached the bottom, spreading over the floor below in a thin, sticky film.
The belt light, trembling in time with the tremors shaking the barrel of his gun, cast a lurid beam
around the room. Tyner’s belly heaved and the nose of the gun dipped as he took in the scene.
129 S u p e r n a t u r a l
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
Bones filled the room in absurdly meticulous
stacks. Bits of meat clung to the bones he could
see and blood covered the floor in a thin skin of
scarlet. Across the room, a shape lay huddled
against the wall in the dark. Tyner’s foot moved
out over the floor, but hesitated inches away from
the bloody concrete. Skin, mottled in the light of
the belt lamp, hung loosely over the figure’s almost
fleshless bones.
Duty overrode disgust. Matt Tyner took the
last step off the stairway and skated across the
floor, rubber-soled shoes sliding precariously
through the blood. He slid to a stop half a yard
from the body. As he spoke, his voice was a
croak. "P-police. You -- you all right?"
The body never moved, but a voice came out of
the darkness at Tyner’s right shoulder. "He’s feel-
in’ no pain . . ." The rasp sent Officer Tyner
reeling, trying desperately to get his gun up between
himself and whomever had spoken, but the blood
slicked floor betrayed him. His legs shot out, send-
ing jolts of pain through his hips and groin. A
wet slap sent the gun spinning into the darkness as
a face thrust into the light of the belt lamp.
White teeth were a bright crescent in a face
flayed raw and bleeding. A hand clamped tight on
Matt’s throat, sticky wet heat shutting off the
officer’s air. The thing smiled at him, its skinless
face leaning close, its reeking breath damp on
Tyner’s skin. Its voice was a grate of old bones
as it spoke to him.
"Just in time. Old Jones was getting’ power-
ful hungry."
Matt Tyner lost all control as the thing’s
tongue slipped past it’s teeth and brushed his skin.
The hand gripping his throat tightened, and he
heard distinctly the thin, wet pop as vertebrae gave
way to the thing’s crushing strength. The last thing
Officer Matt Tyner heard as darkness swam in
to smother his sight was the wet tearing of his
own flesh over the voice of his killer laughing at
its own joke.
"I love the other white meat . . ."
C h a p t e r S i x 130
Jon Predny (order #535571) 7
This chapter focuses on the world of spirits and on the abominations that belong neither to the spirit nor the
material worlds. A variety of spirits are described: elementals, nature spirits, and the manifestations of the
Voodoo deities, or Loas. A new form of Undead, the Zombie, is also depicted. They are followed by Ethereals
and Fiends, spirits of the higher and lower realms of reality, respectively. Finally, some of the creatures and
cults of Taint and the Mad Gods are explored.
and most spirit realms, but they will obey a summon-
er if the payment (in Essence) is high enough.
Sentient manifestations of natural forces, elemen- When summoned, elementals often adopt the fea-
tals have long been the allies, playthings and banes of tures and personality (or some aspects therein) of the
magicians. Occultists are not in agreement about their magician who called them to the world. This might
nature and origins. The Rosicrucians (and some be a deliberate act, or confirmation that elementals
Wicce) believe that the ancestors of these beings were are not truly "real" beings but creations given "life"
created along with the Universe. They were god-like by the magician’s thoughts and will. Some elementals
entities who embodied a specific aspect of reality. have their own individuality, however, and behave
While some of these beings eventually incarnated much like any other independent being, so the matter
themselves into physical forms, like the Fey races or remains open for debate.
the dragons of myth, others remained in purer forms,
representing the three states of matter (solid, gaseous The Elemental Realms
and liquid) and diverse states of energy (fire, electric- The mythical Elemental Realms are said to exist in
ity, and light). A competing theory views elementals the Sephiroth of Binah, which also houses the abode
as a manifestation of humanity’s collective uncon- of the Seraphim and other greater beings. Existence
scious, a reflection of our own minds. in those worlds is both alien and human-like; ele-
Classical Western occult thought only recognized mentals apparently engage in their own form of poli-
four major classes of elementals: earth, air, fire and tics, intrigues and power plays, and in competition
water. Over time, several Covenants have discovered over limited or scarce resources. There are no direct
others, and learned to summon and control them. The Gateways linking Earth to those realms, and it is for-
Rosicrucians are the most accomplished tunate that this is so, for any human who accidental-
Elementalists among the larger Covenants, although ly stumbled into one of those dimensions would not
the Wicce also deal with those entities. survive the experience.
The desires and goals of elementals are relatively
basic. These entities feed on Essence, and those who
manage to eat more than they need to survive slowly
evolve into greater and more powerful forms. They
cannot feed on each other, or even other types of ele-
mentals, but they often fight and kill one another
while competing for the same source of power. Their
realms have their own sources of Essence, and most
of an elementals’ existence is spent in the gathering
of power. The most powerful of their kind appear to
be god-like beings with more complex purposes, but
humans only know of their existence through infer-
ence and rumor. Elementals generally dislike Earth
131 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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The few Gifted who have beheld these realms have
done so while traveling in spirit form, and they speak
Powers Common to Elementals
of awesome sights -- endless seas, palaces made of The following are characteristics of all elemental
ice, fiery towers and rolling waves of flame, and a beings, regardless of type.
living, planet-sized storm system. It has been theo- Spirit Entities: Elementals have all the basic traits
rized that a human visitor’s perception of those of spirit entities (see Witchcraft, p. 258-259). They
realms is not exactly accurate, because his mind is are immaterial, can move at great speeds through
simply unable to fully process the input, and thus it most obstacles, use Spiritus, are invulnerable to phys-
manufactures its own picture of what he is seeing. In ical harm, and are largely unable to affect the physi-
any case, the Realms are not good places to visit; ele- cal world. This changes, of course, whenever they
mentals feed on Essence, and a human soul is a materialize physically (see below). As with all spirits,
tempting target. destroying the physical form of a manifested elemen-
Elementals live mostly in their Realms, and rarely tal does a great deal of damage (D10(5) Vital Essence
venture beyond them of their own free will. The most Points are permanently lost).
common travelers are summoned by magicians; they Physical Manifestation: Summoned elementals
perform whatever tasks are assigned, and usually are spirit entities with no tangible bodies; in this state
return to their homeworld as soon as they are able. A they can affect other spirits (such as ghosts or other
few entities do not depart immediately, however, but elementals), but not physical objects or things. To
instead try to have some fun in the physical world. affect this reality, they must manifest themselves
Once in a while, malicious elementals manage to physically, a process that costs Essence. Elementals
travel to other Realms or Sephiroths on their own, can manifest more easily than most spirits: material-
including Earth, and cause a great deal of trouble izing costs the spirit (or the magician who summoned
before being expelled or destroyed. it) 1 Essence Point for every 5 points of their Vital
Essence, instead of the customary cost of 1 Essence
Other Elemental Beings for every point of Vital Essence (see Witchcraft, p.
Besides the "essential" elementals, there are many 259). This Essence is not regained until the spirit
nature spirits with elemental characteristics. Unlike returns to its natural state or returns to its plane of
elementals, however, these entities dwell on Earth, existence. Furthermore, elementals who materialize
and usually lack self-consciousness and volition, in front of crowds risk being quickly drained of
unless contacted by a shaman or other Gifted human. power. The Crowd Effect also applies to manifested
Also, some Fiends and Ethereals have elemental elementals, unless they can either fool the audience
traits. Some Sephiroth scholars (a small but highly into believing them to be natural phenomena, or by
opinionated group) think all elemental-like beings quickly terrifying them into submission (see
(including so-called "gods" with Elemental Aspects) Witchcraft, p. 200). Like other spirits, a manifested
are members of the same "species," others believe elemental has the equivalent of 1 Life Point per Vital
they are a different order of being, with their own and Energy Essence Point in its Pools.
strengths and weaknesses. Resistant to Damage: Manifested elementals are
What does it all mean, and why should anyone -- highly resistant to some forms of damage, while
say, the Cast Members, example -- care about the dif- remaining seriously vulnerable to others. These are
ferences? The main reason to care is that some ele- noted in their individual entries. Also, damage modi-
mental-like creatures may not have the same vulner- fiers from weapon attacks (e.g., the doubling effect of
abilities or limitations as "classical" elementals. They slashing weapons or bullets) never apply to elemen-
may be harder to bind or summon; specialized tals. Essence attacks (like the Soulfire Invocation)
Invocations (like Spirit Mastery) may not work on inflict Life Point damage to manifested elementals. In
them, or work at a reduced level. In the occult world, spirit form, none of the special powers and vulnera-
there are precious few certainties. bilities apply, and elementals take damage from
C h a p t e r S i x 132
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attacks in the same manner as any spirit (unless the ele-
mental travels to a dimensional realm where all spirits
assume a solid form, in which case they are treated as
manifested beings).
Spiritual Attacks: Even while immaterial, an elemen-
tal can attack a person or other living being, slowly
draining the victim’s soul. The process takes time, but it
eventually kills humans, causes trees to dry up and
decay, and so on. A spiritual attack costs 2 Essence
Points, and inflicts 1 point of Essence damage for every
3 Strength levels of the elemental (rounded up).
Humans brought below 0 Essence Points start suffering
negative consequences, and they risk death if reduced to
-30 Essence Points (see Witchcraft, p. 154). Mundanes
and normal humans feel a sudden stinging sensation (like
a burn or insect bite) on the first attack; subsequent
attacks bring about headaches, sweating, and even fever-
like symptoms. The symptoms vary depending on the ele-
mental involved: they may include fever (fire or light),
weakness (earth), dehydration (fire or water), labored
breathing (air) and uncontrolled tremors (electricity).
Gifted characters sense the elemental’s presence, and
realize they are under attack. If the victim is Gifted, he
can "see" the elemental by passing a Difficult Perception
Test. Other Gifted need the right power (Insight,
Mindheal and Divine Sight, for example) to detect the
spirit, although they automatically sense that the victim’s
problem is metaphysical in nature. Once seen, the spirit
can be attacked or exorcised normally.
Common and Special Abilities: All elementals of a
certain type share a number of commons powers.
Further, individuals of each type can exhibit certain spe-
cial abilities. All common powers, and a sampling of
special powers is given under each entry.
Powers that cost Essence draw from the elemental’s
Energy Essence pool -- they can, in an emergency, draw
on their Vital Essence, but for obvious reasons they only
do so in the most extreme circumstances.
Some Elemental Powers are basically identical to
Invocations, although they represent innate control over
its own nature rather than a learned ability. Elementals
do not have to worry about Dismissing failed
Invocations. In all other respects, however, those powers
can be treated as Invocations for game rule purposes.
133 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Powers Common to Pyros
Elemental Magic: All Fire Elementals can per-
form the Elemental Fire Invocation (WitchCraft, p.
215) with an effective Channeling level equal to their
Willpower, and a Skill equal to their Spiritus level.
Fiery Nature: When manifested physically, Fire
Elementals burn anything they come into contact
with, inflicting 1 point of flame damage for every
Strength level. Flammable objects are ignited.
Resistant to Damage: Normal physical attacks
(bullets, thrown objects, fists) inflict minimal damage
-- equivalent to rolling a 1 on the damage die. For
example, a bullet inflicting D6 x 4 damage points
normally does 4 damage points against the elemental.
Vulnerabilities: Fire Elementals can be damaged
Fire Elementals (Pyros) by water or other smothering materials. A bucketful
of water inflicts D4 x 4(8) points of damage; a fire
These entities are living manifestations of fire
hose does D10 x 5(25) points of damage every Turn;
and heat, and are sometimes referred to as Pyros
a fire extinguisher causes D6 x 10(30) with each
or Salamanders. When they materialize, they
"shot." Also, an elemental trapped in an airtight room
usually appear as a flaming humanoid figure,
or container is destroyed if it uses up all the oxygen;
ranging in size from a foot (0.3 m) to several feet
this takes no more than a minute, modified by the size
high, depending on their power (a rough approx-
of the container and the elemental. Most Pyros faced
imation is one foot of height for every level of
with this possibility return to spirit form.
Strength). They tend to be willful and destruc-
tive; those that assume the features of the human Powers Special to Pyros
who summoned them focus on the caster’s angry
and hateful side. Their natural habitat is fire, and Elemental Bolt: Some physically-manifested ele-
they are happiest when they can move around in mentals can hurl themselves at a target, exploding on
a large bonfire or other source of flame. Air is tol- contact and inflicting a great deal of damage. A sum-
erable, but they never go willingly into water, or moned creature only perform this task once, as the
allow themselves to be taken underground. Their explosion drains the elemental of all its Energy
main vulnerabilities are the same as for any open Essence. The attack is resolved normally (the ele-
flame -- they can be extinguished in many differ- mental’s Dexterity doubled against the victim’s
ent ways. Dexterity and Dodge), but, if dodged, the elemental
does not explode. Generally, it keeps trying until it
Strength: 1-7+ Intelligence: 2-5+
hits the designated target or is destroyed. The damage
Dexterity: 2-5+ Perception: 2-5+
of this attack is great -- D10 x the Strength of the ele-
Constitution: 2-10+ Willpower: 3-6+
mental. These "bolts" have a range of 100 yards
Vital Essence: 15-50+ (meters), and they require a "payment" of no less than
Energy Essence: 10-100+ 20 Essence Points on the part of the summoner to
convince the elemental to deplete its Energy Essence
Life Points (when manifested): 25-150+
in so violent a manner. This summoner’s Essence is
Speed: 10-20+ immediately used by the spirit for Evolution purpos-
Spiritus: 3-6+ es (see Witchcraft, p. 258), and is not regained nor-
mally -- the regeneration rate is 1 point per Essence
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Channeling per week, or 1 point per week for magi-
cians without Channeling.
Fiery Attack: This ability is more frequent among
larger elementals. They can produce a weapon (usu-
ally a sword-like protrusion) that they use to attack
spiritual or physical targets, depending on their cur-
rent shape. The attack inflicts D8(4) x the Strength of
the elemental. In spirit form, this is Essence damage;
in physical form, it is fire damage.
Flight: All Fire Elementals hover over the ground,
but usually never more than a few inches or centime-
ters. Some can actually fly, with a speed of 20 mph
(30 kph) or more. Flying elementals often have fiery
wings or serpentine shapes.
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Powers Special to Sylphs
Lightning Bolt: Some Air Elementals, especially
those who are oriented towards storms and hurri-
canes, can ionize the air and produce electrical dis-
charges. Damage is D8(4) times the elemental’s
Strength, with a range of up to 100 yards (meters). To
attack, the Eelemental uses its Dexterity and Spiritus
Skill; victims may Dodge, but with a -1 penalty, as
the lightning bolt arcs towards them. Armor protects
against this damage with half its value at best: metal
armor does not protect at all!
Storm Makers: Some powerful elementals (com-
bined Primary Attributes of 30 or higher) can climb
the skies and disturb or alter weather patterns. The
maximum area a Sylph can affect is its Success Level
in a Spiritus and Willpower Task, in miles (x 1.5 kilo-
meters). A small modification (precipitate a light
drizzle in a cloudy day) is done at no penalty; a
noticeable change (heavy rain in a lightly overcast
day) incurs a -1 penalty, a major change (a storm out
Earth Elementals (Gnomes) of a clear day) suffers a -3, and a huge change (torna-
does or hurricanes) is at -6 or worse. These changes
The Gnomes of Medieval occult theory, these cost 10 Essence Points for every "step" (i.e., 10 for a
elementals appear as brown humanoids made of small change, 20 for a noticeable change, and so on).
living soil. They tend to be squat but massive, This Essence must come from the elemental.
ranging in size from 2 to 10 feet (1 to 3 meters),
and weighing between 100 pounds and over a ton Powers Common to Gnomes
(50-1000 kilograms). Inhumanly strong and
Elemental Magic: All Gnomes can perform the
resilient, they can be fearsome enemies, although
Elemental Earth Invocation (WitchCraft, p. 214),
they tend to be slow and ponderous. Their per-
with a Skill equal to their Spiritus level and a
sonalities are somewhat cold and calculating, and
Channeling level equal to their Willpower.
they never rush to do anything.
Pummeling: When attacking, Gnomes use ham-
Strength: 3-12+ Intelligence: 2-5+
mer-like fists that inflict D8 x Strength points of dam-
Dexterity: 2-3+ Perception: 2-4+
age. They use Dexterity doubled for those attacks.
Constitution: 4-12+ Willpower: 3-6+
Resistant to Damage: Earth Elementals have an
Vital Essence: 10-50+
Armor Value of 4 points per level of Constitution.
Energy Essence: 10-100+ This armor protects against everything except direct
Life Points (when manifested): 20-150+ Essence attacks. Soaking an Earth Elemental in water
Speed: 5-10+ "softens" it, however; reduce Armor Value by 3
points for every 10 points of water "damage" inflict-
Spiritus: 3-6+ ed on the elemental (use the damage examples under
Fire Elemental, p. 136, but instead of doing actual
damage, the Gnome’s natural armor is reduced). This
weakening lasts for about a minute, depending on the
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weather (half that time in a desert, double it in a damp
area). In the rain, Earth Elementals lose their armor at
the rate of 1 point per Turn under a steady rain (or 2
points per Turn in a monsoon or torrential rain).
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Resistance to Damage: Water Elementals are
highly resistant, but not invulnerable, to physical
attacks. Any kinetic-energy attack (bullets, punches,
hand weapons) does half damage to the creature. Fire
and energy attacks inflict double damage, however.
Water Movement: Elementals move at double
their normal Speed underwater.
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Empower: The elemental may use its Essence to
provide power for an electrical motor. This costs 2
Powers Special to Arcs
Essence Points per minute (which cannot be regained Electro-magnetic Pulse: Only the most powerful
until the Arc stops to rest), and the size of the appli- Electricity Elementals (minimum Strength 6) can
ance or motor is determined by the Strength of the perform this feat. By releasing a powerful EMP
elemental. Any small household appliance (up to a pulse, they can disrupt most electrical devices in an
hair drier) can be empowered by a elemental with area of Strength x 5 feet (0.3 meters). Protected and
Strength 2 or greater; larger appliances (refrigerators, Tempest-hardened systems may survive on a roll of 5
television sets and microwaves) require a Strength of or higher on a D10.
4 or greater; and anything smaller than an industrial Lightning Storm: Powerful elementals can
machine can be powered up by elementals with a unleash true lightning bolts that link the earth with a
Strength of 6. cloud formation. Hitting a specific target requires a
Lightning Bolt: This power is essentially the same Dexterity and Spirtus Task, and a target who is aware
as the special Air Elemental ability of the same name. of the attack can Dodge normally. If the lightning bolt
Damage is D8(4) times the elemental’s Strength, with hits, it inflicts a variable damage number D10(5) x
a range of up to 100 yards (meters). To attack, the ele- D10(5) (an average of 25 points, but ranging from 1
mental uses its Dexterity and Spiritus Skill; victims to 100 points). This attack costs 5 Essence Points.
may Dodge, but with a -1 penalty, as the lightning Magnetic Field: Some Arcs can use their electrical
bolt arcs towards them. Armor protects with half nature to create a powerful magnetic field. This effect
value, or not at all in the case of metal armor. allows the elemental to repulse or attract metal
Resistant to Damage: Elementals take only mini- objects with its natural Strength, at a maximum dis-
mum damage from physical attacks, equivalent to tance of 10 yards (meters) times its Willpower level.
rolling a 1 on the damage die. For example, a bullet The magnetic field can also protect against bullets or
inflicting D6 x 4 points of damage normally does other metallic weapons, offering an Armor Value of 2
only 4 points of damage against the elemental. x Spiritus level over a 2-yard (meter) radius.
Both this power and Electro-magnetic Pulse (see
above), can damage and destroy most forms of elec-
tronic data, such as computer disks and disk drives.
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Nature Spirits
Animists in the world of WitchCraft know a fundamental truth -- all things have spirits associated with
them, and people with the right abilities can communicate, deal with, and to some degree control those spir-
its. Nature spirits are powerful but rarely take an active part in day to day affairs. When "awakened" by a
Gifted character, however, they can and will take action, and the forces they control can behave in strange and
"unnatural" ways if they decide to exert themselves.
Most nature spirits are associated with living beings -- spirits of rocks, rivers and storms exist, but they are
somewhat more aloof and removed, and share more things in common with the "classical" elementals (so
much so that in game terms they are nearly indistinguishable). Animal spirits also tend to be more self-aware
and active than plant spirits, who are either too flighty (in the case of short-lived plants) or slow and ponder-
ous (as with most trees).
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Animal Swarms
A possessed or spirit-driven swarm (or flock, or horde) of animals is too
numerous, and its members too small, to be treated as individuals. In game
terms, a swarm of creatures is considered to be a gigantic creature with
diffuse but lethal attacks. It is very hard to disperse through conventional
means. Possessed swarms behave and attack very differently from a normal
group of these animals, even in the case of creatures (like bees) that, on
occasion, attack people under normal circumstances. Controlled swarms
attack with relentless and suicidal drive, totally uncaring of casualties.
Only after the swarm has taken over 80% casualties does it give up,
as the controlling spirit is unable to control the survivors any longer.
B i r d s : Typical small birds swarm in groups of 20 or more, and can attack
1 person for every 10 birds in the swarm (assuming there are enough people
available). The flock has an effective speed of 30 mph (45 kph), and can cover
a wide area, some 3 square yards (meters) per 10 birds in it. Each victim
suffers D4(2) points of slashing damage per Turn. Furthermore, victims
being swarmed by the birds are at -4 to all actions, since they have to
protect their face and eyes from attacks. Body armor protects only if it
fully covers the wearer (like a full suit of plate armor, riot armor and
SWAT gear). Even when fully protected, however, the target will be
blinded and hindered by the flocking birds. Doors keep birds out, but they
can smash windows in a Turn or two, as members dive recklessly into them.
Cars thus offer only temporary protection. A large enough swarm (60 or
more birds) can also take down aircraft by crashing through windows
or clogging a jet’s turbines.
Attacking the swarm is possible, especially from a distance: consider it to
have 40 Life Points per 20 birds. Hand weapons and fists do no more than
2 points per attack; most firearms inflict the same. Shotguns firing
scattershot (buck and bird shot) inflict full damage. Flamethrowers and the
like also do full damage. So, a 200-bird swarm can attack as many as 20
people at the same time, and it can stand up to 400 points of
damage before being dispersed.
R a t s : Rats have roughly the same attributes as birds, above, except for
their speed (15 mph/24 kph), which is limited to the ground. They can climb
over any wall and find entrances into most buildings with relative ease.
B e e s / W a s p s : Stinging, flying insects come in groups of 100 or more, and
can attack 1 person for every 50 insects. They fly with an effective speed
of 25 mph (40 kph). Victims suffer D4(2) to D10(5) points of damage per
Turn, depending on the strength of their venom (normal bees or wasps are
at the low end of the scale). While being overwhelmed, victims are at -5
to all actions. The swarm can sustain 10 points of damage per 100 insects
in it. Most attacks only inflict 1 point; shotguns do 2 points; flamethrowers
do full damage; a can of insecticide does D10(5) points per spray; a
professional exterminator’s sprayer causes a full D10 x 3(15) per "shot."
Only fully sealed clothing or armor protects against the insects.
Keeping insects out requires airtight seals.
S p i d e r s / A n t s : Treat them as bees/wasps, but they only travel with a speed of
20 mph (30 kph) on the ground, although the critters will climb up walls
and onto ceilings with no problems.
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Pestilence: When angered, a Cockroach Spirit can
Cockroach Spirits infect victims with a nasty disease. The spirit uses
Cockroaches are the ultimate survivors, capa- Willpower and Spiritus, resisted by the victim’s
ble of living in almost any environment. Their Constitution (a Difficult Test for Mundane victims, a
spirits are eternally hungry and driven by Simple one for Gifted or supernatural beings).
instinct. Speaking with these beings is very diffi- Inflicting the curse costs 5 Essence Points per day,
culty; they speak very rapidly and care little for which is not regained until the curse is lifted or bro-
human concerns. Some urban magicians develop ken. On a failure, the victim is afflicted with a debil-
a working relationship with these entities, but itating disease: symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea
this requireS some extremely disgusting habits, and fever. The sufferer loses D6 x 3(6) Life Points
like keeping a good stock of garbage in one’s every day, and will be at -4 to all actions. The dis-
home. On the other hand, they can be formidable ease’s damage cannot be healed normally; mundane
allies -- they are unmatched as spies, and a medical treatment cannot help, and supernatural heal-
swarm of possessed roaches can be lethal. Their ing and regeneration is only 1/5 as effective as nor-
primitive drives, on the other hand, make them mal (so, a Lesser Healing that normally restored 10
ideal candidates for Taint (see p. 115). points of damage would only heal 2 points of disease
Strength: 2-8+ Intelligence: 2-5+ damage). The curse can be broken by a Cleansing
Dexterity: 3-7+ Perception: 3-5+ Invocation, Exorcism miracle, and similar powers.
Constitution: 4-10+ Willpower: 3-5+
Vital Essence: 15-70+ Eagle Spirits
Energy Essence: 10-100+ Proud and powerful, Eagle Spirits have
Life Points (when manifested): 25-170+ befriended magicians and medicine men in many
cultures. They are embodiments of nobility, brav-
Speed: 10-20+
ery and freedom, soaring over the toils and trou-
Spiritus: 3-6+ bles of the mundane world. They are also
hunters, scavengers and thieves, so both warriors
and rogues seek their company. Eagle Spirits
Powers Special to Cockroach Spirits respect strength and courage; those seeking to
Animate: The spirit can animate 10 roaches for summon them must be willing to take risks --
every point of Essence it spends. While controlled, among other things, a Spirit bestowing the Gift of
the bugs can eavesdrop on conversations, scare cus- the Eagle (see below) may require the recipient to
tomers from restaurants, and, in enough numbers, climb to some great height (a skyscraper or
attack as swarms (see the sidebar on p. 143 for full mountaintop preferably) and make a literal leap
rules on swarm attacks). of faith.
Gift of Survival: The ultimate survivors, Roach Strength: 1-10+ Intelligence: 2-7+
Spirits may grant this gift to a person if persuaded or Dexterity: 3-7+ Perception: 5-7+
cajoled to do so. The gift costs 15 Essence Points, and Constitution: 2-10+ Willpower: 3-8+
the recipient gains 5 levels of Hard to Kill (see Vital Essence: 20-80+
WitchCraft, p. 78), cumulative with any existing lev-
els of that Quality. The gift lasts for 5 minutes. Energy Essence: 20-100+
For 50 Essence points, the spirit allows a person Life Points (when manifested): 40-180+
who has recently died (less than an hour) to make a Speed: 30-90+
new Survival Test, with a +3 bonus; all other modi- Spiritus: 4-6+
fiers (such as damage, Hard to Kill bonuses and the
like) also apply. If the Cockroach is taken as a Spirit
Patron, this Boon costs 5 points (see p. 107).
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Powers Special to Eagle Spirits Tree Spirits
Gift of the Eagle: The more powerful Eagle Living symbols of wisdom and strength, the
Spirits can bless a human by transforming him into an tree is venerated by many cultures. It often repre-
eagle for a brief period of time. The transformed sents the universe -- the World Tree of Norse
character is in full control of his new body, and can mythology, and the Tree of Life of the Quabbala
fly with an effective skill of 4. Strength is halved are but two such instances. Dealing with Tree
(rounded up), and Life Points are modified accord- Spirits requires a great deal of patience; to these
ingly (although the transformed character is still long-lived beings, days tick by like hours do for
tougher than a normal Eagle of the same size). Flying humans. Tree Spirits are slow to action or anger,
speed is equal to the character’s normal Speed + 20. but once they get moving, they are very difficult
The Gift of the Eagle costs the spirit or the recipient to stop. These spirits are almost always bound to
10 Essence Points (which are not regained until the an individual tree. When that tree dies, the spirit
recipient returns to normal; the cost can be shared in is greatly weakened (permanently losing one half
any proportion by both the spirit and the recipient), of its Vital and Energy Essence) and soon seeks
and lasts for 1 hour, at which point more Essence to link itself to another tree, usually a young
must be spent. If an Eagle Spirit is taken as a Spirit sapling. The Gifted can temporarily awaken them
Patron, this Boon costs 4 points. and communicate and even control these spirits,
Materialize: Eagle Spirits do not posses living although cooperation is best sought voluntarily.
creatures -- they are unwilling to risk any member of Enslaving a Tree Spirit is dangerous, as its
their species. Instead, they may manifest themselves brethren will seek revenge, and will never forget
as a large or even gigantic bird of prey. In that shape, or forgive.
the spirit can fly at great speeds and attack, inflicting Strength: 5-15+ Intelligence: 2-6+
D4 x Strength slashing damage or D8 x Strength on a Dexterity: 3-5+ Perception: 2-5+
dive attack. Each dive attack requires that the spirit Constitution: 5-10+ Willpower: 3-7+
spend two Turns on a flying "climb" to achieve the Vital Essence: 20-150+
needed height.
Energy Essence: 20-100+
Powers Special to Tree Spirits Life Points (when manifested): 40-300+
Animate: Under extreme circumstances, the spirit Speed: 5-10+
may awaken its tree and make it move, striking out Spiritus: 4-6+
with branches, or, more rarely, even making it walk
for a few steps. This latter action is very damaging to
the tree; making it uproot itself almost invariably Tree Curse: This powerful curse happens rarely,
kills it, an act few Tree Spirits will contemplate when someone commits such atrocities against trees
except under the most dire circumstances. The ani- that he inadvertently awakens one of these typically
mated tree is a fearsome opponent. Its limbs inflict slumbering entities. The Curse costs 75 Essence
D8(4) to D10(5) x Strength points of damage. It can Points, which are not regained until the curse is bro-
create "mouths" that bite for D6(3) to D8(4) x ken or lifted -- in many cases, this takes decades or
Strength points of slashing damage. even centuries. The Spirit uses Willpower and
Spiritus, and is resisted by the victim’s Willpower
Healing: The spirit can perform the Lesser Healing
doubled. If the Spirit wins, the victim feels an irre-
Invocation (see WitchCraft, p. 219) on anyone who is
sistible urge to head for the nearest wooded area and
placed near the tree it is connected to. Tree Spirits
stand in a clearing. There, he turns into a tree. Often,
cannot be coerced into performing this service, but
the “rooting” place is in the area that is due for clear
must be convinced or bribed.
cutting, in which case the victim dies.
143 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Wolf Spirits
Hunter, pack animal, creature of the night, wolves
have a strange relationship with humankind.
Sometime in the distant past, certain wolves and
humans formed a partnership. Formerly, they were
competing hunters who joined forces; now, the
wolves’ descendants are pets and playthings. The
wolves who remained wild and free were hunted
down and forced out, and soon came to fear the
humans and their fire and weapons. Wolf Spirits have
ambivalent feelings towards humanity. They feel
some degree of kinship with humans, but many still
hate them for their crimes. Dealing with these spirits
requires skill and self-confidence. Like real wolves,
these entities see things in terms of ranks and domi-
nance, and a Wolf Spirit either sees itself as a superi-
or or subordinate.
Strength: 1-8+ Intelligence: 2-5+
Dexterity: 4-6+ Perception: 3-6+
Constitution: 2-8+ Willpower: 3-6+
Vital Essence: 10-75+
Energy Essence: 10-100+
Life Points (when manifested): 20-175+
Speed: 20-30+
Spiritus: 3-6+
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Shambling horrors, walking dead, denizens of the
graveyards, zombies are part of human myth and leg-
end. They are also a dangerous part of the WitchCraft
world. Though their origins and natures vary, zom-
bies in all forms are a mockery of life.
145 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Living Zombies
These unfortunates are neither Undead nor Ghosts,
Living Zombies
but people victimized by drugs and torture. Voodoo Strength: 1-5+ Intelligence: 0-2+
societies sometimes do not rely on magical powers Dexterity: 1-4+ Perception: 1-4+
(the concentration of Gifted in Haiti is greater than Constitution: 1-4+ Willpower: 0-2+
normal, but it still is not huge). Many practitioners, Life Points: 18-46
especially those who follow the Red Path, also have
Endurance Points: 11-38
an extensive body of knowledge dealing with drugs
and potions. Essence: 4-21
The most powerful zombie drug, made with the Speed: 4-16
secretions of an exotic puffer fish and other ingredi-
ents, paralyzes a victim to the degree that even
trained doctors pronounce him dead. The poison has Undead Zombies
a Strength of 6, and it can be ingested, inhaled or True Undead Zombies are created through the
injected. If the victim manages to resist, he suffers Zombie Mastery Invocation (see p. 102). They are
partial paralysis: reduce Dexterity, Strength and almost invariably enslaved by their creator, and if
Speed by one half (rounded down) for D4(2) days. If such control is broken, they nearly always abandon
the poison overcomes its target, the victim collapses, their rotting corpse and pass on to the normal Cycle
and his metabolism slows to the point that a heartbeat of Life and Death. On a few occasions, a zombie will
can only be spotted on a Perception and Medicine become independent -- an Undead being forced to
Task with a -8 penalty. The victim is totally self- prey on others for Essence.
aware and conscious, and quite capable of feeling
Strong, hardy and difficult to kill, these beings
pain. As long as neither an autopsy or embalming is
make ideal servants and bodyguards. Of course, only
performed, the victim is alive and well when buried.
the most brutal and heartless Voodoo societies -- and
Dark Voodoo cults often kidnap the victim or steal
similar Dark Covenants from other cultures -- make
the body before either procedure is carried out, and
use of such servants.
perform the burial themselves. The ordeal is devas-
tating. Although the poison slows down the target’s
metabolism, the interment deprives him of oxygen
long enough to inflict damage. If the victim is a Undead Zombies
Voodoo believer, he often becomes convinced that he Strength: 4-7+ Intelligence: 0-4+
is now undead, and bound to his "creator." Dexterity: 1-5+ Perception: 0-4+
Living Zombies have no special powers. Their Constitution: 4-7+ Willpower: 0-4+
Intelligence and Willpower are permanently reduced Life Points: 42-66+
by 2 levels, unless regained magically through the
Endurance Points: Not Applicable
Greater Healing Invocation (Mystery Codex, p. 154)
or other potent Gifted powers. If the Voodoo cultists Essence Points: 9-31+
who "created" the victim have high levels of Speed: 8-14
Intimidation or Smooth Talking, they are usually able
to control the victim. These near-mindless wretches
do almost anything their "masters" demand of them,
although some particularly vile tasks may be resisted
with a Simple Willpower Test.
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Powers Common to Undead Zombies
Attributes: Zombies have the Attributes they had at life, modified as follows: +2 to Strength and
Constitution, -1 to all Mental Attributes. Speed is figured by adding the Zombie’s Dexterity and Constitution,
not doubled.
Regeneration: Zombies regain damage at the rate of 1 Life Point per Constitution level every hour. Severed
limbs must be reattached, however; they cannot grow new ones.
Decomposition: Keeping the zombies from rotting away requires a great deal of Essence; a minimum of 2
Essence Points per day must be consumed to keep the walking corpse in a "fresh" state.
The body still looks -- and smells -- like a day-old corpse, but it does not rot away. Five
Essence Points a day gives a near-full semblance of life; the Undead still looks rather
pale and unhealthy, but not unnaturally so. This Essence is usually provided by the
zombie’s creator. Any character with Essence Channeling can keep a Zombie fed. Left
to their own devices, the Zombie’s only source of sustenance will be eating human
flesh (see Independent Zombies, below).
147 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Fiends are malicious spirit entities -- magicians
Powers Common to Fiends
who summon them can only use them for evil pur- Animal Possession: Animals may be controlled.
poses. These twisted creatures are sometimes found Some Fiends favor pets; others try to take over large
in the service of the Fallen Seraphim, who use them animals. Trying to possess an animal often puts the
as slaves and servants, but they appear to have their Fiend in conflict with the appropriate nature spirit,
own hellish realm, a place of chaos, hatred and strife but Fiends appear to win such encounters with ease.
somewhere in the Sephiroth of Chesed. Like elemen- Possessing an animal costs 15 Essence Points.
tals, they may be reflections of humankind’s own While possessed, the victim’s Strength is unnatu-
thoughts and feelings, or they may be beings from a rally high. In game terms, the possessed animal gains
different level of reality. While not as alien or dan- a bonus equal to 1/3 the Fiend’s natural Strength,
gerous as the Mad Gods and their minions, Fiends are rounded up. The victim can withstand a large amount
mortal enemies of humanity and all living beings. of damage, gaining a Life Point bonus equal to one
Fiends are defined by three things: power, hatred, half the Fiend’s Vital Essence Pool, rounded up.
and hunger. They resent those more powerful than When the Fiend relinquishes control, however, any
they, even as they despise those who are weaker and damage incurred remains. If greater than the animal’s
compete fiercely with their peers. Their only true normal Life Points, this often results in death.
emotions are hatred and fear. They live to destroy, Human Possession: Fiends love to take over some
and the only thing that keeps them in check is the fear helpless human, using him as an agent of chaos and
of those greater than themselves. They also hunger destruction. Possession costs the Fiend 20 Essence
for the Essence of living beings, especially when fla- Points (which cannot be regained until it releases its
vored by pain and suffering. victim) and requires a successful Willpower and
The more mindless of their kind are killing and eat- Spiritus Task, resisted by the victim’s Simple
ing machines that, in their natural state, attack at the Willpower Test. If the Fiend wins, it is in control of
first opportunity. The greatest of their kind are more the victim. Attempts to resist are possible every ten
self-controlled and are capable of foresight and plan- minutes or so, although if the victim fails in four or
ning, but even they lack the skills and subtlety of a more attempts in a row, the Fiend is in control for as
true demon. While the Fallen Seraphim seek to cor- long as a day before further resistance is possible.
rupt, Fiends only want a chance to feast on the life Fiend-possessed humans gain the same bonuses as
force of a living being -- humans or other sentient animal victims (see above).
beings if possible, but any animal, plant or spirit
Machine Possession: In recent times, Fiends have
(including other Fiends) will do in a pinch.
started taking over machines -- vehicles, industrial
For that reason, Fiends can be summoned by magi- equipment, toys, computers, and so on. The creature
cians with relative ease, provided the right is somewhat limited by the structural limitations of
Invocations are known and the right incentive is the equipment, but can sometimes transcend them.
offered. Lesser Fiends are fairly mindless and violent, The Fiend uses Essence to warp and manipulate the
but once they encounter overwhelming force, they machine, allowing it to perform incredible feats.
turn craven and servile. Those who bring them to this Possessing a machine costs 20 Essence Points.
world must never lower their guard, however, for
Plain, brand-new machines cannot be possessed;
Fiends will turn against their "masters" at the very
the target must have some residual Essence, perhaps
first opportunity.
as the result of a death, strong emotions, and the like.
Note that to many occultists, the distinction A toy that belonged to an abused child, or a car
between Fiend and demon is academic at best. involved in a hit and run fatality are two examples of
C h a p t e r S i x 148
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targets ripe for possession. The Fiend can drain the Swarm Possession: Some Fiends have the ability
pain-tinged Essence in the object, inhabit it and use it to infect a large number of creatures with their fero-
to wreak destruction. The degree of control over the cious appetite and relentless hatred. Typically, the
machine increases with time. During the first day of victims of this possession power are small animals
possession, the creature can do very little with the (birds, rats, insects) who then roam around in
machine -- not full control, but, with a little creativi- swarms, attacking humans wherever they go. This
ty, even a minor malfunction can produce nasty works much like the Animate power of nature spirits
results for those around the device. After two or three (see p. 142).
days, the Fiend is able to operate the machine -- vehi-
cles run by themselves, dolls walk and talk, and so
on. After four days, the device can outperform any
normal machine of its kind -- a possessed old wreck
runs faster and better than a mundane racing car.
If the possession continues for over a week,
the Fiend is able to repair the machine,
regenerating any damage at the rate of
5 damage points per Essence Point
Destroying the possessed machine
affects the creature in the same man-
ner as destroying a physical manifes-
tation (see WitchCraft, p. 259).
Physical Manifestation: Fiends
can materialize physically, as long as
they have an outside source of Essence.
This usually requires magic, although on
occasion a large release of Essence may
allow one or more of these creatures to slip
through. Another possibility is to open a
Gateway leading to the creatures’ native world.
Fiends who cross through a Gateway do not need
to spend Essence to remain on Earth. A few cults
would love to open huge gateways to allow hordes of
these creatures to pour through; fortunately, such
links between worlds are extremely rare.
Spirit Powers: Fiends have all normal spirit pow- Strength: 2-10+ Intelligence: 2-7+
ers. They cannot stay on Earth in spirit form for very Dexterity: 3-7+ Perception: 3-7+
long, however. If they are unable to find some form Constitution: 2-10+ Willpower: 3-7+
or anchor (by either materializing physically or Vital Essence: 20-100+
through possession), they start losing Essence (first Energy Essence: 20-100+
Energy, then Vital Essence) at the rate of 5 points per
Life Points (when manifested): 40-200+
hour. This drain cannot be stopped until the spirit
becomes material, takes possession of a living being, Speed: 10-34+
or returns to its plane. Spiritus: 3-6+
149 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Ethereals Ethereals
Ethereals are a varied and odd lot. They are single- Strength: 2-8+ Intelligence: 3-6+
minded servants of a greater supernatural being. A Dexterity: 4-6+ Perception: 3-7+
Grim Reaper (see Mystery Codex, p. 193) is a form of Constitution: 2-8+ Willpower: 3-6+
Death Ethereal, for example. Other Ethereals serve Vital Essence: 20-100+
the Seraphim, the Old Gods, and other powers of the Energy Essence: 20-100+
universe. A few Ethereals are dedicated to a single
Life Points (when manifested): 40-200+
concept or idea, like Justice or Vengeance.
Speed: 20-30+
Powers Common to Ethereals Spiritus: 3-6+
Iron-Willed: An Ethereal cannot be compelled to
act against its nature. It can be destroyed or impris-
oned, but it cannot be forced to obey a third party.
Spirit Mastery only works when the orders or com-
pacts attempted somehow serve the principles
the Ethereal espouses.
Physical Manifestation: Like ele-
mentals, Ethereals can materialize
more easily than normal spirits. To
appear physically, the Ethereal
must spend 1 Essence Point for
every 5 points of its Vital
Essence. This Essence is not
regained until the spirit
returns to its natural state or
to its plane of existence.
Furthermore, Ethereals who
materialize in front of
crowds risk being quickly
drained of power. The
Crowd Effect also applies to
manifested Ethereals, unless
they can either fool the audi-
ence into believing them to be
natural phenomena, or by
quickly terrifying them into sub-
mission (see Witchcraft, p. 200).
Spirit Entities: Ethereals share
all basic spirit abilities, with some
modifications noted below.
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Vengeance Ethereals
Injustice, betrayal, murder: in the world of WitchCraft, these acts sometimes have supernatural
repercussions. Victims may come back from the dead as Relentless Dead or restless spirits, or their
dying emotions sometimes imbue a locality with negative energies. And, sometimes, they attract the
attention of angry spirits of vengeance.
Vengeance Ethereals come in many shapes, from animals to spectral avenging angels. Their goal
is to punish the guilty, if possible in the most appropriate and "poetic" way imaginable. If the vic-
tim of an outrage is still alive, they communicate with him through dreams and visions, trying to
make him the instrument of that vengeance. Vengeance Ethereals sometimes forge a link with a
Relentless Dead or a ghost, giving it aid in settling scores. Some sorcerers also invoke these
Ethereals and send them forth to punish criminals and sinners.
When operating on their own, Vengeance Ethereals rarely attack their targets directly. They pre-
fer to torment them for some time, building up to a final violent climax. Usually, they start with
minor curses, annoying at first, then becoming worrisome and frightening. Each strange episode is
punctuated with flashes and visions of the crimes the target is being punished for. Sometimes, the
spirit briefly assumes the shape of the victim to give the perpetrator a glimpse of the reason why
things are happening to him. Some of these entities care little for right and wrong, and may extend
their activities to the target’s loved ones, who are often innocent of any wrongdoing. Their goal is
to make the perpetrator feel as much pain as he inflicted, and many of these spirits do not hesitate
to do anything that will achieve their purpose.
Sometimes, if the target is powerful enough, the Ethereal manifests physically in this world and
delivers the final blow in person. Generally, however, the Ethereal prefers to manipulate circum-
stances so the criminal becomes the tool of his own destruction.
When working with the actual victim of the crime (living or dead), the spirit may either work
behind the scenes, secretly giving the vengeance-seeker a little help here and there, or it may act as
an overt guide, ally or teacher. When this happens, the victim often becomes consumed by rage,
since the spirit frequently tries to inflame the victim until no scruples or fears restrain him from seek-
ing revenge. This may result in the victim’s life being utterly destroyed, as his quest sets aside all
other considerations, including survival.
These spirits are likely to "befriend" Ghosts, Phantasms, Relentless Dead, Pariahs (see Mystery
Codex), and other former victims. As mentioned above, however, a spirit of vengeance can often do
more harm than good. In any case, these spirits may be used as Familiars and Spirit Patrons by
appropriately motivated characters.
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Possession: The spirit may try to possess somebody and imbue him with some of its strength. This
only works on willing targets, however, and the person is largely in control of his actions. The usual sub-
ject is a living victim of some crime, just as he is confronting his tormentors -- this power does not work
on Spirits or the Undead. While possessed, the subject gains a +2 bonus to both Strength and
Constitution, and the equivalent of Hard to Kill 5 (+15 Life Points). The subject also finds it very diffi-
cult to restrain himself from attacking and killing those who victimized him. Attempts to resist this urge
are made with a -3 penalty.
Possession costs 10 Essence Points; an additional 5 Essence Points must be spent every minute it
remains in possession of the victim.
Strength: 5 Dexterity: 5 Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 5+ Perception: 5 Willpower: 5
Vital Essence: 80 Energy Essence: 100
Life Points (when manifested): 180
Speed: 25 Spiritus: 5
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Angelic Ethereals
The Seraphim have their own spirit servants, which they use as messengers, observers and, on rare occa-
sion, warriors. To most people (both Gifted and Mundane), there is no visible distinction between the two
orders of being -- the Ethereals usually appear as glowing, beautiful humanoids (wings are optional) who
radiate feelings of goodness and well-being. Many people are moved to tears by the mere appearance of
these creatures (Gifted and strong-willed Mundanes are less likely to lose their composure), while sinners
feel fear and shame. Most Christians and Muslims automatically identify these apparitions as angels; other
religions ascribe them a similar beneficial identity.
Angelic Ethereals appear very rarely, but some magicians summon them to provide healing or comfort.
Some Inspired also have the power to call one or more of these beings to fight at their side (see the Call
Ethereal Miracle sidebar).
153 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Creatures of Taint
second outcome is extremely rare, but when it occurs
it releases a dangerous abomination, a creature with
Taint, or anti-Essence, is believed to be a primordial the full powers of a normal spirit, enhanced with the
force from beyond our reality. Its effects are akin to destructive forces of the Mad Gods. Fortunately, the
the ravages of cancer on an organism -- Taint twists, life span of a Tainted creature can be measured in days
deforms and eventually destroys all things it touches. or weeks. Unfortunately, the destruction these beings
All beings of Essence, from the most sadistic Dark can inflict during that time is considerable.
Covenant member to the most saintly Seraphim, con- Tainted spirits are likely nature spirits, elementals
sider Taint to be anathema, for to be infected by it and Fiends. Ethereals always perish if infected.
almost always leads to the loss of one’s identity and
existence. Only the most depraved and insane individ- Powers Common to Tainted Spirits
uals willingly surrender themselves to this force. All Tainted spirits have the normal powers of their
kind. Additionally, they have a number of vulnerabil-
Tainted Spirits ities. First, their Vital and Energy Essence are
Sometimes, a spirit comes into contact with a replaced by Vital and Energy Taint on a one-to-one
Tainted being. These encounters are usually fatal for basis. They may also acquire some Tainted Powers
one or both parties involved, but on occasion a spirit (see p. 120). Finally, they continually suffer from their
survives the ordeal, only to find itself infected with contact with Essence, losing 2 points of Vital Taint
Taint. Two possible results ensue if the spirit cannot every day until they are destroyed. Another being of
somehow rid itself of the Taint: the spirit sickens and Taint may be able to heal this damage; otherwise, this
dies, poisoned by the Taint in its system, or gradually drain cannot be regained, effectively condemning the
transforms into a full-fledged creature of Taint. The spirit to a relatively quick death.
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The Wendigo
Tainted Feral
This monster appears when a Tainted animal spirit comes upon a human in desperate straits. Stranded
and isolated people are the preferred targets, especially those who resort to cannibalism or other loathsome
practices to survive in the wilderness. If the victim gives up its soul for the chance to survive, it becomes
Wendigo -- a Feral-like monster who feeds on human flesh.
These monsters are thankfully very rare. Their name is a Native American term (that has also been
applied to normal Ferals), and Wendigos have been known to appear in the wilderness of North America.
Still, they are just as likely to appear in the jungles of Southeast Asia, the Amazonian Rain Forest, or the
plains of Africa. Whenever someone is tempted to eat human flesh and has given up all hope, driven only
by the will to survive at any cost, this transformation is possible. Only a handful of these beings exist at
any given time, however, and they rarely survive more than a few years before their Taint consumes them
or someone destroys them.
155 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Lle’Khor, the Rending Shadow
Also known in some forbidden texts as the Devouring Darkness, the Undying Night, and the Sun-Eater, this
Mad God has never manifested fully on this world for more than a few hours. According to one account, the
last such appearance was centuries ago, in a Mayan temple compound, summoned by an insane priest. During
that brief appearance, Lle’Khor consumed the entire temple and the surrounding villages, and the general
malaise that followed may have been partially responsible for the decadence and fall of Mayan civilization.
A small cult survived this appearance, hiding from the persecution of both Mayans, Aztecs and later
Christians; it continues trying to bring back its lord (see 160).
When manifested, Lle’Khor appears as a swirling solid darkness, able to flow like a liquid with tremendous
speed. It tends to have a tall and wide center -- a rough sphere some 10 yards (meters) in diameter -- and it
reaches out with pseudopods of pure darkness. Those touched by the shadow matter are both burned and bit
by it, often losing entire limbs in the process, depending on how close they are to the central mass. The Mad
God devours everything organic in its path, leaving only rock and metal behind. Fortunately, it cannot remain
in this reality for very long, at least not unless some special circumstances apply. Sunlight is particularly dam-
aging to the entity, so it rarely lingers for more than a night.
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Minions of the Rending Shadow
These living pockets of darkness are occasionally summoned by the Cult of the Rending Shadow and
used exclusively to commit murder. Shadowlings are almost mindless, and crave living flesh to sur-
vive. They can be controlled only through the use of appropriate rituals, and even then they can only
be directed to attack a specific target, to flee, or to crawl in a containment box (see below). Losing con-
trol (failing 2 Willpower and Spirit Mastery (Shadowling) Tasks in a row is usually fatal: the
Shadowling will attack its summoner on sight.
Shadowlings cannot survive in the open for more than a few hours at a time, and then only at night.
Exposure to sunlight is almost immediately fatal: the creature suffers D6 x 10(30) points of damage
every Turn it is standing in the open during a sunny day. Being indoors or outside on a cloudy day
reduces the damage to D10(5) points. At night, the Life Point loss is a mere 5 points per hour. Only if
the creature is kept in a metal box (made of some heavy element, like lead or gold) can it endure its
existence on Earth without suffering damage.
When released, however, Shadowlings are brutally lethal opponents. They scurry at amazing speed
(Speed 25), are immune to most damage and cause horrific wounds with the merest touch.
157 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Cult of the Rending Shadow Allies and Enemies
The cult has been persecuted in times past by the
This small cult has had many incarnations in ages
Spanish Inquisition in Mexico and by the Sentinels in
past. It has often been completely stamped out, its
the modern day. The Mockers have also clashed with
members hunted down to the last man. Still, all it
it on a number of occasions, especially in the United
takes is one wretch who, driven by despair or mad-
ness, makes contact with the realms beyond to start it
anew. The current cult is perhaps one of the longest- Special Cult Powers
lived such societies, with a lineage that reaches back
High priests (the thirteen leaders) know the
over the best part of the last millennium.
Invocation Spirit Mastery (Shadowling), and a spe-
History cial Invocation designed to summon the Rending
Shadow itself. Both invocations require Taint rather
The cult in its current form appeared in the Mayan
than Essence to work. The latter Invocation can only
city-states. It was persecuted by the political and reli-
be performed during a solar eclipse, and requires the
gious authorities of the time, since not even the
sacrifice, through ritual flaying, of one hundred vic-
bloodthirsty Mayan pantheon would accept the wor-
tims. It has not been attempted since the destruction
ship of a Mad God. A successful summoning resulted
of the Mayan city that acted as the Mad God’s center
in the deaths of thousands and helped bring about the
of worship.
downfall of Mayan civilization. The cult went deep
underground, numbering only a handful of members, Using the Rending Shadow Cult
and for centuries it achieved little. After the Spanish
The cult can make a good recurring enemy, espe-
conquest of Central America, however, the horrors of
cially for games in cities with a large Hispanic popu-
war and plague (which may have killed as many as
lation. Having a particularly enterprising High Priest
nine-tenths of the population) drove many unfortu-
attempt to summon the Lle’Kohr would be a major
nates into the arms of the cult. Now the society has
scenario, as dozens of victims are kidnapped and
over a hundred members worldwide, concentrated
gathered for the climatic ceremony. The more likely
mainly in Mexico and the U.S.
scenario involves the yearly sacrifice, which may
Beliefs eventually lead to the priests and their followers.
As far as the cult is concerned, the Rending Cultist Characters
Shadow is the only true god. This god must be
The typical Cultist is a basically average human
appeased through human sacrifice, and each of the
(13 points in Attributes, 5 for Qualities, up to 10 in
cult’s gatherings will try to find a suitable offering at
Drawbacks, and 15 points in skills). Many are of
least once a year.
Mexican (or, more accurately, Mayan) descent. Their
Organization favored weapon (wielded with a skill of 3-4) is an
obsidian blade (D4(2) x Strength slashing damage,
The group is led by a circle of thirteen priests, each
shatters if it hits any solid armor or an object with an
in control of 5-10 acolytes. Four of the thirteen are in
Armor Value of 4 or higher).
Mexico, another four are in other Central American
countries (including 2 in Guatemala and 1 in
Nicaragua), and three are in the U.S. Most members
are Native Americans of Mayan descent, but in recent
years a sizable minority, including two of the U.S.
priests, belong to other ethnic groups. Many among
the rank and file are recruited from the street gangs of
large cities.
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Jason DeClerk
Rending Shadow High Priest
One of the Thirteen, Jason DeClerk is a powerful Tainted magician, a dangerous opponent even for an
experienced group of Gifted. He is the son of a Nazi officer who emigrated to Guatemala toward the end
of the war. Jason accidentally stumbled onto a cult meeting during his early teens, when he strayed from
his ranch house into the jungle. The cultists would have murdered him, but the High Priest was given a
vision, and welcomed DeClerk into the cult. The child appeared to have tremendous mystical potential
and a lack of morality that fit perfectly with the role of High Priest. He ascended to that position by age
23. Shortly afterwards, he migrated to the U.S., where he has been spreading the worship of the cult for
some time.
DeClerk is totally insane, but is quite adept at hiding his true nature. He has been instrumental in induct-
ing non-Mayans into the cult, which has increased its influence outside Central America. His father’s
fortune has served him well, and he now is a major player in Wall Street. His investments have made
him very wealthy and he uses that money, and the influence it can buy, to hide his crimes.
Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4 Perception: 4 Willpower: 3
Life Points: 38 Endurance Points: 26 Speed: 10
Essence: 18 Taint: 100
Qualities and Drawbacks: The Gift, Taint, Adversary (Mockers, 3 points), Charisma +2, Cruel (3
points), Delusion ("I am the Messiah of the True God"), Hard to Kill (4 levels), Resources +5, Status
+2, Influence +1.
Skills: Acting 4, Bureaucracy 4, Brawling 4, Driving 3, Finance 4, Hand Weapon (Knife) 5, Occult
Knowledge (Tainted Beings) 4, Smooth Talking 3, Streetwise 1.
Powers: Tainted Powers: Tainted Touch, Devolution, Warpbolt.
Invocations (all use Taint instead of Essence): Insight 4, Shielding 4, Spirit Mastery (Shadowling) 5,
Spirit Mastery (Rending Shadow) 4, Warding 4.
159 S u p e r n a t u r a l
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Adversaries: Supporting Cast characters who oppose the Cast Members’ actions. Adversaries are enemies
to be beaten, rivals that provide drama, and opponents that challenge the Cast Members.
Anchor: A measure of a Tainted character’s ability to ward off the effects of madness.
Art: A group of related Metaphysics abilities or Powers. Magic, the Sight, and Tao-Chi are all Arts.
Aspect: An element of a god’s power and identity, which gives it and its beholden the ability to influence
an area of reality. In All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Aspect has an additional meaning: a feature of a zombie.
Atlantean Arcana: A series of processes that allow True Immortal Makers to create powerful artifacts. It
appears to be a combination of super-science and alchemy.
Attribute: A physical or mental trait of a character. There are six Attributes: Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution, Perception, Intelligence, Willpower.
Attribute Test: See Test.
Boon: An advantage provided by a Spirit Patron.
Cast Members: Also known as player-controlled characters or player characters (PCs for short), Cast
Members are characters whose actions, thoughts and responses are controlled by the players, who usually
also create them. In a movie, they are the main roles, each played by a different actor.
Character Concept: The basic motives and focuses of a character’s personality. Character Concepts are
chosen or formed in the initial stages of the character creation process. Examples are Scoundrel and
Character Type: A character’s classification. Currently, there are six Character Types: Gifted, Lesser
Gifted, Mundane, Bast, Spirit and Undead. This number will expand as more WitchCraft supplements are
Chronicler: Also known as a Game Master or Referee, the Chronicler is the player who prepares the
setting, guides the Story, roleplays the Supporting Cast and Adversaries, and makes all the rules decisions.
Difficult Test: A Test in which only one Attribute applies and it is not doubled.
Drawback: A special negative aspect of a character that imposes limitations or hindrances. Drawbacks are
chosen during character creation and provide extra Attribute, Quality, Skill or Metaphysics Points as the
player chooses. No character can take more than 10 points in Drawbacks.
Feral: A subgroup of the Lesser Supernatural Character Type. Ferals are humans whose souls have become
enmeshed with -- some might say infected by -- a beast spirit. They are the lycanthropes and werewolves of
legend, with varying control over their transformations.
Keys of Solomon: These Essence patterns require a spoken mnemonic component to be triggered. They are
not Invocations as they do not require rituals or Channeling.
Lesser Supernatural: A Character Type. Where the Gifted and their ilk remain essentially human, Lesser
Supernatural beings were transformed, or born, as something else. Their souls are different; their supernat-
ural nature closes some doors to them, and opens new ones.
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Level of Success: See Success Levels.
Madness Pool: A measure of the effect of a character’s exposure to the Otherworldly corruption of the Mad
Gods. Characters start with a Madness Pool equal to 1/20th of their Taint Pool.
Malkuth: Also known as Earth, Midgard or the material world, it is the place where anyone who is normal-
ly material dwells.
Metaphysics: Any of a number of supernatural abilities used to manipulate the world. Most use Essence in
some manner.
Obligation: A service or other requirement demanded by a Spirit Patron in exchange for its interest in the
person obligated.
Otherworld: A generic term for Sephiroths and Realms used by non-specialists to refer to regions outside
of Earth.
Outcome Table: Found in WitchCraft, Chapter Four: The Rules, the Outcome Table specifies the Test or
Task results needed to achieve certain Success Levels and the general effects of those Success Levels.
Power: A special positive ability of a character that derives from the Supernatural or Metaphysical and
grants certain capacities or benefits. Powers are purchased during character creation by using Metaphysics
points, or granted when certain Qualities are purchased.
Quality: A special positive aspect of a character that grants abilities or benefits. Qualities are purchased by
expending Quality points during character creation.
Realm: A world, land, region, or place located within a Sephiroth. The Threshold, Twilight World and the
Death Realms are all Realms of the Geburah Sephiroth.
Resisted Tasks or Tests: This rule applies to any situation where somebody or something is trying to per-
form a certain action and somebody or something else is trying to prevent it, as when two or more individu-
als are in some sort of competition. These Tasks or Tests are resolved normally for everyone involved, and
then the results are compared. The character with the highest number of Success Levels wins. Ties go to the
defender, if any. If both sides fail, it means neither won a significant advantage.
Rule of 1: If a natural 1 is rolled or an ace is drawn, roll or draw again and subtract 5 from the new roll. If
the result is greater than 1, consider the final result to be 1. If the result is below 0, use it as a negative mod-
ifier on the Task. If another 1 or ace is rolled/drawn, apply a -5 penalty, and roll/draw again, following the
previous method.
Rule of 10: If a natural 10 is rolled or drawn, roll or draw again, subtract 5 from the new roll and add the
result, if greater than 1, to the total roll. If another 10 is rolled/drawn, add 5 to the result and roll again, fol-
lowing the previous method.
Secondary Attribute: A physical or metaphysical trait of a character calculated from Attributes. There are
four Secondary Attributes: Life Points, Endurance Points, Essence Points, and Speed. For certain Character
Types, some Secondary Attributes are replaced or missing. For example, Spirit characters have Vital
Essence instead of Life Points; Vampyres have no Endurance Points.
Sephiroth: A group of Realms outside or beyond Malkuth or the material world. Kether, Binah, and
Geburah are examples of major Sephiroth.
Simple Test: A Test in which the applicable Attribute is doubled (or two different Attributes added together)
before adding the roll of a D10.
Skill: A learned capability of the character. Skills are purchased during character creation using Skill points.
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Spirit Patron: A spiritual entity that forms a relationship with a human. The Patron sometimes provides
Boons in exchange for Obligations.
Story: Also known as a game or campaign. A series of plot-linked game sessions, like the episodes of a TV
series or soap opera. A good Story is the final result and the ultimate objective of any WitchCraft game.
Success Level: A measure of how well a character performed a successful Task or Test. The higher the Task
result, the higher the level of success. Success Levels are used as a bonus on other Tasks or Tests.
The Outcome Table (see WitchCraft, p. 129) details Success Levels and their effects.
Supporting Cast: Also known as non-player characters (or NPCs). These are all the characters in a Story
who are not Cast Members. These roles are played by the Chronicler.
Taint: The antithesis of Essence. Taint ultimately destroys all it touches, or creates things that cannot sur-
vive long in this universe.
Task: A Task is any activity that requires some training to accomplish, and whose outcome is in doubt.
Tasks are resolved by rolling a ten-sided die (or drawing cards) and adding one of the character’s Skills and
one of his Attributes. The Chronicler determines which Skills and Attributes apply, and applies any modi-
fiers. The result, adding the die roll or card draw to all other modifiers, Skills and Attributes, must be 9 or
higher to indicate success. Results higher than 9 are referenced on the Outcome Table to determine Success
Tests/Attribute Tests: A Test is an activity or situation where the character’s Attribute levels determine the
outcome. Any activity that depends exclusively on the character’s inborn talents (such as raw
strength, pure intelligence and so on) use Tests. Tests can be Simple or Difficult. A Simple Attribute Test
adds the result of a ten-sided die (or the draw of a card) to the appropriate Attribute, doubled, or the sum of
two Attributes. The result, after any modifiers, must be 9 or higher. A Difficult Attribute Test adds the result
of a ten-sided die (or the draw of a card) to the appropriate Attribute, not doubled. Again, the result, after
any modifiers, must be 9 or higher. Results higher than 9 are referenced under the Outcome Table (see
WitchCraft, p. 129) to determine the Success Levels.
Vulnerability: A special negative aspect of a character that derives from the Supernatural or Metaphysical
and creates certain limitations or hindrances. Vulnerabilities are taken during character creation and grant
additional Metaphysics points.
Voodoo Magic: This is a collection of other Arts most often practiced by houngans and Santeros. It is an
eclectic mixture of Invocations, Necromancy and religious trappings.
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Character Creation Table
The following costs are applicable only during character generation. After a campaign has started, the
character improves using the Experience Point Cost Table.
Buying Primary Attributes: Each level of an Attribute costs 1 point until level 5, and 3 points per level
thereafter. Humans can only buy Attributes up to level 6.
Calculating Secondary Attributes: Life Points: ((Constitution + Strength) x 4) + 10. Endurance Points:
((Constitution + Strength + Willpower) x 3) + 5. Speed: (Constitution + Dexterity) x 2. Essence Pool: Add
the character's Primary Attributes together.
Buying Qualities and Acquiring Drawbacks: Qualities have different point costs, which are listed
under each entry. When a Drawback is acquired, the character gains extra points in either the Attributes,
Qualities, Skills or Metaphysics categories. The one limitation is that Drawback Points equal to the new
Attribute level must be spent when raising Attributes with Drawback Points. This is cumulative.
Buying Skills: Regular Skills cost 1 point per level until level 5, and 3 points per level thereafter. Special
skills cost 2 points per level until level 5, and 5 points per level thereafter. Specialties cost 1 point and add
2 to the base skill level.
Buying Invocations: Invocations cost 2 points per level until level 5, and 5 points per level thereafter.
Buying Seer Powers: Seer Powers have a Strength (the raw power of the talent) and Art (the level of skill
in using the power). Strength levels cost 3 points per level until level 5, and 6 points per level thereafter. Art
costs 2 points per level until level 5, and 5 points per level thereafter. Each Seer Power has its own Strength
and Art.
Buying Necromantic Powers: The Necromancy Skill costs 2 points per level until level 5, and 5 points
per level thereafter. Each Necromantic Power costs 3 points per level until level 5, and 6 points per level
Buying Inspired Miracles: Each Inspired Miracle costs 5 points.
Buying Keys of Solomon: Each Key cost 6 points.
Buying Spirit Patrons: Total cost equals the total value of the Boons minus the total reduction due to
Obligations, but can never be reduced to less than half of the total Boon value.
Buying Anchor: Anchor costs 2 points per level until level 5, and 5 points per level thereafter.
Buying Taint Powers: Each Power costs 5 points.
Buying Atlantean Arcana: Varies according to the Arcana (see pp. 123-129).
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Character Type Reference Table
Type Attr Pts Qual/Draw Pts Skill Pts Meta Pts
Gifted 15 10/10 25 30
Traits: Must purchase the Gift Quality (5). Optional Skill Point Generation System: 15.
Lesser Gifted 20 15/10 30 15
Traits: Must purchase the Gift Quality (5). Optional Skill Point Generation System: 20.
Mundane 25 20/10 35 0
Traits: Cannot purchase any Supernatural Qualities or Metaphysics during character creation. Optional
Skill Point Generation System: 25.
Bast 15 10/10 30 25
Common or High Bast Traits: Can purchase High Bast Quality (5); Common Bast Powers. Optional Skill
Point Generation System: 15.
Spirit 20 20/10 20 20
Ghost Traits: Must purchase Ghost Quality (8); No Endurance Points; Common Ghost Powers and
Vulnerabilities; Access to Spiritus and Special Ghost Powers and Vulnerabilities. Optional Skill Point
Generation System: 15.
Phantasm Traits: Must purchase Phantasm Quality (15); +1 Willpower; +10 to Vital and Energy Essence;
No Endurance Points; Incarnate; Common Phantasm Powers and Vulnerabilities; Access to Spiritus and
Special Phantasm Powers and Vulnerabilities. Optional Skill Point Generation System: 15.
Undead 15 15/10 25 25
Vampyre Traits: Must purchase Vampire Quality (15); +3 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution; +20 to
Essence Pool; No Endurance Points; Common Vampyre Powers and Vulnerabilities; Access to Special
Vampyre Powers and Vulnerabilities. Optional Skill Point Generation System: 15.
Relentless Dead Traits: Must purchase Relentless Dead Quality (15); +3 to two of Strength, Dexterity and
Constitution, +4 to the remainder; No Endurance Points; Common Relentless Dead Powers and
Vulnerabilities; Access to Wrath and Special Relentless Dead Powers and Vulnerabilities. Optional Skill Point
Generation System: 15.
Lesser Supernatural 15 15/10 25 25
Feral Traits: Must purchase Feral Quality (varies according to Feral Shape); Cannot purchase most Gifted
Powers, including Invocations, the Sight or Necromancy. Optional Skill Point Generation System: 15.
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Character Association Reference Table
Association Special Features
Cabal of the Psyche One free level of any Seer Strength or Art; limited abilities outside Sight Art
(Gifted); +1 against any mental or Metaphysical attack that can be resisted by
Willpower (Mundane).
Covenant of Legba One free level of Necromancy Skill and one free level of Increased
Essence Pool
Fellowship of Judas (Iscariots) +3 to any Resisted Test or Task against an Inspired Miracle or prayer that
directly affects or restrains a member while performing a task of redemption
(Undead); +2 to any Resisted Test or Task against any Undead effect or Power
House of Thanatos +2 to any Resisted Test or Task against the powers of Ghosts, Phantasms and
other spirits of the Dead.
Knights Templar Gifted or Mundane gain either a +1 bonus on any two physical Attributes
(this cannot raise Attributes beyond 6 for humans), or 2 points that can be
put into any Social Quality (like Resources, Status, Contacts and Influence),
or 1 level of Attributes and 1 point into Social Qualities; must take Adversary
(Combine) 2+ Drawback
Lodge of the Undying One free level of Occult Knowledge (Immortals); must take True
Immortal Quality
Mockers Mockers with Taint Powers gain one free Anchor level (see p. 118). Others
gain a +2 bonus to all resistance Tasks or Tests (including Fear Tests)
involving the Mad Gods or their Minions; must take Adversary (servants
of the Mad Gods, or Mad Gods) 2-5
Nomads Feral members gain the Moon Gods Spirit Patrons and the Boon to control
their transformation (+2 bonus to all Tests and Tasks related to resisting
spontaneous transformations, or becoming berserk). Non-Feral
non-Mundanes gain a 2-point Boon (player’s choice) from their Spirit
Patrons. Mundanes gain a +3 bonus on Fear Tests dealing with supernatural
Pariahs One free level of Anguish (Disciples); +1 to Willpower (non-Disciples).
Rosicrucians +2 on all Invocation Tasks to restrain or banish spirits or supernatural beings;
must take Rituals (Rosicrucian) Skill; limited abilities outside Magic Art.
Sentinels Prayer (all); +2 to all Resisted Tasks/Tests against magical or supernatural
attacks (if Divine Inspiration Quality is possessed).
Solitaires +1 to all Tasks involving one Art (the character’s strong suit).
Storm Dragons +1 to any two of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
Twilight Order +1 to all Tasks involving Necromancy Powers; limited Magic Art abilities.
Wicce +2 on all Invocation Tasks involving defense; -2 to all Dismissal Tasks of
those attacking the Wicce; must take Rituals (Wicce) and Humanities (Wicce
Theology) Skills.
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Quality and Drawback List by Name
Name Cost/Category/Type Page
Accursed Variable Supernatural Drawback 84
Acute/Impaired Senses 2-point Physical Quality or Drawback 72
Addiction Variable Mental Drawback 72
Adversary Variable Social Drawback 73
Age 5 points/level Supernatural Quality 84
Artistic Talent 3-point Mental Quality 74
Attractiveness Variable Physical Quality or Drawback (1 point/level) 74
Charisma Variable Mental Quality or Drawback (1 point/level) 74
Clown 1-point Mental Drawback 75
Contacts Variable Social Quality 75
Covetous 1- to 3-point Mental Drawback 75
Cowardly 1- to 3-point Mental Drawback 76
Cruel 1- or 3-point Mental Drawback 77
Delusions Variable Mental Drawback 77
Divine Inspiration 5-point Supernatural Quality 85
Emotional Problems Variable Mental Drawback 78
Essence Channeling Variable Supernatural Quality 86
Familiar Variable Supernatural Quality 22
Fast Reaction Time 2-point Mental Quality 78
Feral Variable Supernatural Quality or Drawback 23
Gift 5-point Supernatural Quality 86
Good Luck/Bad Luck 3 points/level Supernatural Quality or Drawback 86
Hard to Kill 1 to 5-point Physical Quality 78
High Bast 5-point Supernatural Quality 87
Honorable 1- to 3-point Mental Drawback 79
Humorless 1-point Mental Drawback 79
Increased Essence Pool 1/5-point Supernatural Quality 87
Influence 3-points/level Social Quality 23
Prerequisite: 2 or more levels of Wealth and Status, in any combination.
Lazy 2-point Mental Drawback 79
Legban Esoteric 2-point Supernatural Quality 24
Medium with Magical Training 2-point Supernatural Quality 87
Minority 1-point Social Drawback 80
Multiple Identities 2 points/Identity Social Quality 80
Nerves of Steel 3-point Mental Quality 80
Obligation Variable Social Drawback 24
Obsession 2-point Mental Drawback 80
Old Soul 4 points/level Supernatural Quality 87
Paranoid 2-point Mental Drawback 80
Photographic Memory 2-point Mental Quality 80
Physical Disability Variable Physical Drawback 81
Reckless 2-point Mental Drawback 81
Recurring Nightmares 1-point Mental Drawback 81
Resources Variable Social Quality or Drawback (2 points/level) 82
Rosicrucian Scholar 2-point Supernatural Quality 88
Notations in bold are in this supplement; others are in the WitchCraft Mainbook.
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Quality and Drawback List by Name (cont.)
Name Cost/Category/Type Page
Secret Variable Social Drawback 82
Showoff 2-point Mental Drawback 82
Situational Awareness 2-point Mental Quality 82
Skin-Changer Variable Supernatural Quality 25
Prerequisite: Spirit Mastery (Type) 4+, Warding 1+
Spirit Patron Variable Supernatural Quality 25
Status Variable Social Quality or Drawback (1 point/level) 82
Talentless 2-point Mental Drawback 83
True Immortal 15-point Supernatural Quality 25
Zealot 3-point Mental Drawback 83
Notations in bold are in this supplement; others are in the WitchCraft Mainbook.
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Skill List by Name
Skill Category Cost Type Skill Category Cost Type
Acrobatics Athletic R 90 Mechanic Vehicle R 96
Acting Artistic R 90 Medicine (Type) Medical S 96
Beautician Artistic R 90 Myth and Legend (Type) Scholastic R 96
Brawling Combat R 91 Notice Streetwise R 96
Bureaucracy Scholastic R 91 Occult Knowledge Scholastic S 96
Cheating Streetwise R 91 Pick Pocket Streetwise R 96
Climbing Athletic R 91 Piloting (Type) Vehicle R 96
Computer Hacking Military/Spy R 91 Play Instrument (Type) Artistic R 96
Computer Programming Scholastic R 91 Questioning Streetwise R 97
Computers Scholastic R 91 Research/Investigation Scholastic R 97
Craft (Type) Scholastic R 91 Riding (Type) Vehicle R 97
Dancing (Type) Artistic R 92 Rituals (Type) Scholastic R 97
Demolitions Military/Spy R 92 Running (Type) Athletic R 98
Disguise Military/Spy R 92 Sciences (Type) Scholastic R 98
Dodge Combat R 92 Seduction Streetwise R 98
Driving (Type) Vehicle R 92 Singing Artistic R 98
Electronic Surveillance Military/Spy R 92 Sleight of Hand Artistic R 98
Electronics Scholastic R 92 Smooth Talking Streetwise R 98
Engineer (Type) Scholastic R 92 Snares Outdoor R 98
Escapism Streetwise R 93 Sport (Type) Athletic R 98
Fine Arts (Type) Artistic R 93 Stealth Streetwise R 99
First Aid Medical R 93 Storytelling Streetwise R 99
Gambling Streetwise R 93 Streetwise Streetwise R 99
Guns (Type) Combat R 93 Surveillance Military/Spy R 99
Haggling Streetwise R 93 Survival (Type) Outdoor R 99
Hand Weapon (Type) Combat R 93 Swimming Athletic R 99
Humanities (Type) Scholastic R 94 Tracking Outdoor R 100
Instruction Scholastic R 94 Trance Scholastic S 100
Intimidation Streetwise R 95 Traps Military/Spy R 100
Language (Type) Scholastic R 95 Uncon. Medicine (Type) Medical S 100
Lock Picking (Type) Streetwise R 95 Veterinary Medicine Medical R 100
Magic Bolt Combat R 23 Weight Lifting Athletic R 100
Magic Theory Scholastic R 95 Writing (Type) Scholastic R 100
Martial Arts Combat S 95
Notations in bold are in this supplement; others are in
R: Regular S: Special
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Index Covenant of Legba ...............................16-17, 60-67
Archetypes Allies and Enemies ........................................63-65
Immortal Treasure Hunter .............................90-91 Armageddon .......................................................65
Legban Speaker to the Dead ..........................66-67 Beliefs ............................................................62-63
Mocker Cat Burglar .......................................84-85 History ...........................................................60-61
Nomad Road Warrior .....................................76-77 Legban Speaker to the Dead ..........................66-67
Templar Agent ...............................................58-59 Organization .......................................................63
Associations Roleplaying .........................................................17
Covenant of Legba .............................16-17, 60-67 Special Abilities ..................................................17
Cult of the Rending Shadow ......................160-161 Stories .................................................................65
Knights Templar .................................15-16, 49-59 Creatures of Taint ........................................156-161
Lodge of the Undying .........................20-21, 84-91 Cult of the Rending Shadow ......................160-161
Mockers ..............................................19-20, 78-83 Lle’Khor, the Rending Shadow .........................158
Nomads ..............................................17-18, 68-77 Tainted Spirits ............................................156-157
Atlantean Arcana ........................................123-129 Shadowling .......................................................159
Adamant ....................................................124-125 Elementals ....................................................133-141
Ambrosia ..........................................................124 Air Elementals (Sylphs) .............................137-138
Atlantean Thought Ship .............................125-126 Common Powers .......................................134-135
Crystal Skull .....................................................127 Earth Elementals (Gnomes) .......................138-139
Energy Crystals .................................................128 Electricity Elementals (Arcs) .....................140-141
Orikalk ..............................................................129 Elemental Realms .............................................133
Berserkers ........................................................92-93 Fire Elementals (Pyros) .............................136-137
Boons ............................................................107-108 Other Elemental Beings ....................................134
Immortality .......................................................107 Water Elementals (Undines) ......................139-140
Life Touch .........................................................107 Ethereals ......................................................152-155
Magicks ............................................................107 Angelic Ethereals ..............................................155
Necromancy ......................................................107 Call Ethereal Miracle ........................................154
Other Gifted Powers .........................................107 Common Powers ...............................................152
Power ................................................................108 Vengeance Ethereals ..................................153-154
Prophecy ...........................................................108 Feral Powers/Vulnerabilities ..........................33-38
Qualities ............................................................108 Camouflage .........................................................37
Spirit Speech .....................................................108 Feral’s Curse .......................................................33
Vigor .................................................................108 Inborn Feral .........................................................37
Brotherhood of Blood ...........................................61 Moon Slave .........................................................37
Character Type .....................................................14 Regeneration .......................................................34
Lesser Supernatural .............................................14 Restrictions .........................................................34
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Spirit Claws .........................................................37 Armageddon .......................................................57
Spontaneous Transformation ..............................34 Beliefs .................................................................52
Strength of the Beast ...........................................37 History ...........................................................50-51
Summon Animal Spirits ......................................38 Organization ..................................................54-55
Superhuman Attributes .......................................34 Roleplaying .........................................................16
Supernatural Sense ..............................................35 Special Abilities ..................................................15
Transformation ....................................................35 Stories .................................................................57
Vulnerability .......................................................35 Templar Agent ...............................................58-59
Ferals ................................................................29-38 Templar Sanctums ...............................................55
Accursed Ferals ...................................................29 Lodge of the Undying ...........................20-21, 84-91
Born Ferals ..........................................................31 Allies and Enemies .............................................88
Common Powers ...........................................33-35 Armageddon .......................................................89
Common Vulnerabilities ................................33-35 Beliefs ............................................................85-86
Creating Feral Characters ...................................33 History ................................................................84
Feral Shapes ...................................................36-37 Immortal Treasure Hunter .............................90-91
Life as A Feral .....................................................33 Organization .......................................................86
Playing Ferals .....................................................33 Roleplaying .........................................................21
Reconciled Ferals ................................................31 Special Abilities ..................................................21
Special Powers ...............................................37-38 Stories .................................................................88
Special Vulnerabilities ...................................37-38 Madness: Taint Powers ...............................115-122
Fiends ...........................................................150-151 Anchors .............................................................118
Common Powers .......................................150-151 Effects of Madness ............................................118
Greater Invocations ....................................102-103 Effects of Taint ...........................................115-116
Mount of the Gods ............................................102 Madness Pool ....................................................118
Zombie Mastery .........................................102-103 Marks of Taint ...................................................117
Keys of Solomon ..............................................97-99 Taint Effects ......................................................116
Acquiring Keys ...................................................97 Taint Qualities ...................................................119
Elemental Keys ...................................................98 Taint Powers ..............................................120-122
Key of the Dead ..................................................98 Mockers ................................................19-20, 78-83
Key of Life ..........................................................98 Allies and Enemies ........................................80-81
Key of Seraphim .................................................98 Armageddon .......................................................81
Key of Spirit ........................................................99 Beliefs .................................................................79
Key of War ..........................................................99 History ...........................................................78-79
Using Keys ..........................................................97 Mocker Cat Burglar .......................................82-83
Knights Templar ..................................15-16, 49-59 Organization ..................................................79-80
Allies and Enemies ........................................55-56 Roleplaying .........................................................20
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Special Abilities ..................................................19 Spirit Patron ........................................................25
Stories .................................................................81 True Immortal .....................................................25
Nature Spirits ..............................................142-146 Skills .......................................................................25
Animal Swarms .................................................143 Magic Bolt ..........................................................25
Cockroach Spirits ..............................................144 Spirit Patrons ...............................................104-114
Common Powers ...............................................142 Boons .........................................................107-108
Eagle Spirits ...............................................144-145 Combining Patrons ...........................................105
Tree Spirits ........................................................145 Descriptions ...............................................111-114
Wolf Spirits .......................................................146 Gaining a Patron ...............................................104
Nomads .................................................17-18, 68-77 Obligations ................................................109-110
Allies and Enemies .............................................74 With Supernatural Creatures .............................106
Armageddon .......................................................75 Spirit Patron Descriptions ..........................111-114
Beliefs .................................................................69 Elementals ........................................................111
Five Families .................................................72-73 Demons .............................................................114
History ...........................................................68-69 Lunar Gods .......................................................113
Nomad Road Warrior .....................................76-77 Mad Gods ..........................................................114
Organization ..................................................70-71 Nature Spirits ....................................................111
Roleplaying .........................................................18 Old Gods ...........................................................111
Special Abilities ..................................................18 Voodoo Pantheon .......................................111-113
Stories ............................................................74-75 Seraphim ...........................................................114
Obligations ...................................................109-110 Spirits of the Dead .............................................113
Beholden ...........................................................109 Symbols/Items of Power .....................................103
Conditional Boons ............................................109 Animal Sacrifice ...............................................103
Gifts of Kin .......................................................109 Asson ................................................................103
Gifts of Kind .....................................................109 Dance ................................................................103
Gift of the Soul ..................................................110 Vevers ...............................................................103
Oath of Duty .....................................................110 Taint, see Madness, Creatures of Taint
Oath of Servitude ..............................................110 Taint Qualities .....................................................119
Qualities and Drawbacks ..................................110 Increased Taint Pool ..........................................119
Qualities and Drawbacks ................................22-25 Taint ..................................................................119
Familiar ...............................................................22 Taint Channeling ...............................................119
Feral ....................................................................23 Taint Powers ................................................120-122
Influence .............................................................23 Devolution ........................................................120
Legban Esoteric ..................................................24 Infection ....................................................120-121
Obligation ...........................................................24 Negaphysics ......................................................121
Skin-Changer ................................................25, 32 Negalighting ..............................................121-122
171 A p p e n d i x
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Tainted Touch ....................................................122 Legba ................................................................112
Unveil ...............................................................122 Oggun ...............................................................113
Warpbolt ........................................................... 122 Shango ..............................................................113
True Immortals ................................................39-45 Voodoo Magic ..............................................100-103
Being Immortal ...................................................39 Basic Powers .....................................................100
Children of Atlantis .............................................40 Common Voodoo Lore ......................................100
Common Powers ...........................................41-43 Greater Invocations ...................................102-103
Common Vulnerabilities ................................41-43 Patron Gods .......................................................101
Creating True Immortal Characters .....................41 Symbols/Items of Power ...................................103
Playing Immortals ...............................................40 Weapon ..................................................................25
Special Powers ...............................................43-45 Flamethrower ......................................................25
Special Vulnerabilities ...................................43-45 Zombies ........................................................147-149
True Immortal Powers/Vulnerabilities ..........41-45 Astral Zombies ..................................................147
Ancestral Memories ............................................41 Living Zombies .................................................148
Awareness ...........................................................43 Undead Zombies ........................................148-149
Battle Boost .........................................................43
Child ...................................................................44
Destiny Rider ......................................................44
Gaze of Dominion ...............................................44 Armageddon Notes
Immortality .........................................................41 The Covenant of Legba ..........................................65
Magic Resistance ................................................42 The Lodge of the Undying .....................................89
Maker ..................................................................44 The Mockers ...........................................................81
Manipulate Essence ............................................42 The Nomads ...........................................................75
Regeneration .......................................................42 The Templars ..........................................................57
Restrictions .........................................................42
Shetarri Warrior ..................................................45
Spirit Voice ..........................................................45
Superhuman Attributes .......................................42
Supernatural Senses ............................................43
Thought Wall ......................................................45
Unaging ..............................................................43
Voodoo Pantheon .........................................111-113
Ayida-Wedo ......................................................111
Baron Samedi ....................................................112
Damballah .........................................................112
Erzuli ................................................................112
A p p e n d i x 172
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S u p e r n a t u r a l
L e s s e r