The Extraterrestrial Sourcebook

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THEY are among us, and have been for some time.
Although sightings of UFOs have increased since that fateful crash in Roswell, aliens have been on Earth for
longer than we could have imagined. Witnesses have described three distinct types of aliens—the diminutive
“Greys” with their powerful psychic abilities, the shape-shifting lizardmen that fill conspiracy theories,
and the perfect humanoids.

Although Project Bluebook told the public that UFOs were not real, Aegis knows that for the smokescreen it is.
The reptilian Saurians manipulate their bodies to infiltrate society, becoming emotionless,
authoritarian “Men In Black.” The mind-boggling Greys abduct and experiment,
seeking to hybridize and to control. Those perfect humanoids, dubbed the Atlanteans,
use advanced technology to wield near godlike powers and manipulate humanity from behind the scenes.

Humanity has long considered itself the dominant species on Earth. Faced with three potent alien races,
that position has never been more tenuous. Aegis may well be humanity’s only hope against extinction.

The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook is a supplement for the Conspiracy X 2.0 roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
• Details on the history, culture, biology, psychology, and technology of three distinct alien races.
• Secrets of the Grey abductions, Atlantean nanotech, and the ancient Saurian clans.
• Rules for creating alien Cast Members, including hybrid meta-humans, displaced Atlanteans,
and peaceful Dreamspeakers.
• Powerful alien technology, weapons, equipment, and starships.
• The complete chronology of alien activity on Earth, dating back to 65,000,000 BC and
revealing shocking truths!
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Terra Primate,
CJ Carella’s Witchcraft and other Unisystem games.
Conspiracy X™, X™, artwork,
artwork, text,
text, icons,
icons, characters
characters and
personalities areare copyright
copyright ©2009
©2009 George
George Vasilakos
All Flesh
Flesh Must
Must Be
Be Eaten™,
Eaten™, Armageddon™,
Armageddon™, Terra Terra
Primate™, CJ CJ Carella’s
Carella’s Witchcraft™
Witchcraft™ ©2009
©2009 Eden
Eden $35.00 (US)
Studios, Inc.
Inc. Unisystem™,
Unisystem™, copyright
Published under
copyright ©2009
©2009 C.J.
C.J. Carella
Published under exclusive license.

Produced and
All Rights
Rights Reserved.
and published
published byby Eden
Eden Studios,
Studios, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-891153-09-9
The Extraterrestrial Sourcebook
Conspiracy X – Second Edition (Unisystem)
Producers: M. Alexander Jurkat, George Vasilakos
Line Developer: David F. Chapman
Director: George Vasilakos
Writing and Conversion: David F. Chapman
Additional Original Concepts and Writing: Richard Dakan & Jack Emmert (Atlantean & Saurian); Richard Dakan,
Rick Ernst & M. Alexander Jurkat (Grey)
Unisystem Game Design: C.J. Carella
Original Concepts and Writing: Rick Ernst, Shirley Madewell, and Chris Pallace
Editing: M. Alexander Jurkat
Layout and Graphics: George Vasilakos
Cover Art: C. Brent Ferguson
Interior Art: Steve Bryant, C. Brent Ferguson, Christopher Shy, Robert Taylor, George Vasilakos

Playtesting: Owen Badham, Moritz Botts, Bret Canny, Debbie Chapman, Fred Furtado, Ronsley Gardner, Nick Howlett, Nick Ingham, Derek
Johnston, Tim Maytom, Ols Jonas Petter Olsson, John Snead, Philip Wright
Special Thanks: Jason Edwards (“You like X-Files, have a look at this . . .”), Lucya Szachnowsk (reference material)

Dedication: Debbie Chapman (“Not more aliens!”)

Eden Studios • 6 Dogwood Lane • Loudonville • NY• 12211

Cover art, text, art, icons, personalities, characters, Conspiracy X™, copyright © 2009 George Vasilakos
Unisystem™ copyright © 2009 C.J. Carella.
Published under exclusive license. All rights reserved.
Produced and published by Eden Studios, Inc. under exclusive license.
No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review purposes. Any similarity to characters, situations,
institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) is strictly fictional or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters, and themes of a supernatural
nature. All elements, mystical and supernatural, are fictional and intended for entertainment purposes.
Reader discretion is advised.
Comments and questions can be directed via the Internet at, via e-mail at, or via letter with a self-addressed
stamped envelope.

First Printing, June 2009

Stock EDN5601 ISBN 978-1-891153-09-9
Printed in the Canada (or so we are told)


is one
one ofof the
the more
more insane
insane ramblings
ramblings of of aa
“They are among us”
conspiracy theorist.
theorist. Official
Official government
statements from from world-renowned
world-renowned scientists
scientists claim
claim that
that interstellar
interstellar travel
travel is
is so
so far
far beyond
beyond our
our current
technological capabilities
capabilities that
that itit would
would be
be unfeasible
unfeasible for
for alien
alien visitations
visitations toto be
be occurring.
occurring. Why
Why isis this
so hard
hard to
to believe?
believe? WhyWhy dodo scientists
scientists insist
insist on
on using
using our
our technology
technology level
level as
as the
the benchmark?
benchmark? Surely
itit is
is possible
possible that
that alien
alien races
races could
could bebe more
more advanced
advanced than
than wewe are?
are? AreAre the
the scientists
scientists lying
lying to
to us
us to
hide the the fact
fact that
that three
three alien
alien races
races have
have been
been in
in our
our midst
midst forfor years,
years, secretly
secretly manipulating
manipulating andand exper-
imenting on on humankind?

Extraterrestrial encounters
encounters recorded
recorded throughout
throughout human
human history
history detail
detail aa wide
wide variety
variety of
of creatures.
When thethe potential
potential hoaxes
hoaxes and
and delusions
delusions have
have been
been filtered
filtered out,
out, however,
however, three
three recurring
recurring manifes-
tations are
are revealed.
revealed. These
These races
races have
have been
been classified
classified by
by certain
certain UFOlogists
UFOlogists as as “Greys,”
“Greys,” “Lizardmen,”
and “Nordics.”

Greys are
are the traditional Close
the traditional Close Encounters
Encounters aliens,
aliens, with
with diminutive
diminutive bodies,
bodies, oversized
oversized heads,
heads, and
large black
black eyes.
eyes. The
The Lizardmen
Lizardmen have
have been
been described
described by by conspiracy
conspiracy theorists,
theorists, such
such as
as David
David Icke,
Icke, as
being able
able to
to take
take human
human form
form and
and manipulate
manipulate from
from positions
positions of
of power.
power. The
The Nordics
Nordics are
are idealized
humans—beautiful specimens
specimens too
too perfect
perfect to
to be
be of
of earthly
earthly origin.
origin. The
The races
races behind
behind these
these encounters
are exposed
exposed inin this
this book:
book: the
the Reticulans
Reticulans or
or Greys,
Greys, the
the lizard-like
lizard-like Saurians,
Saurians, and
and the
the seemingly
seemingly flawless

Can there
there really
really be
be three
three competing
competing alien
alien races
races all
all interested
interested in
in our
our own
own world?
world? IfIf so,
so, why?
why? This
book answers these questions and more, providing histories and motivations for each of these races.
answers these questions and more, providing histories and motivations for each of these races.

The world of Conspiracy X is based on historic and contemporary events, persons, and groups. The secret of a good Conspiracy X
campaign is weaving “real” events as seamlessly as possible into the story line so that the players cannot be sure what is true and
what is deception. Heightened paranoia is central to the experience.
When this book, or any other Conspiracy X publication, uses names and details taken from history or contemporary affairs, all such
references are fictional or satirical. Conspiracy X is intended solely as a game and not as a source of the “truth.” Nothing in this
book is intended to degrade or impugn these people or groups, nor does this book purport to reveal true secretive information about
them. In fact, Eden Studios and the authors would like to publicly disclaim any “inside” knowledge and assure any MiBs and Aegis
operatives out there that there is no reason to look into the matter any further. Honest!

Introduction: Briefing: Briefing contains these opening As this reveals the most hidden secrets of the alien races,
remarks as well as a guide to how to use this book. A timeline their backgrounds and motivations, along with their methods
covers the complete history of the alien races to the present. and technology, the book is designed purely for the eyes of the
Species File: Atlantean: The first section covers the most Chronicler. Adventurous Chroniclers may allow some of the
“human” of the alien species, the immortal Atlanteans. This information to fall into the hands of alien Cast Members—Grey
includes a complete history of the race, rules for creating hybrids, Forgotten Atlanteans, or the peace-seeking
Atlantean characters (both as adversaries and as Cast Dreamspeakers. Information available to these characters
Members), and a full list of the highly advanced technology and reveals a great deal of the “conspiracy.” Thus, it is not recom-
nanotechnology they have created. mended for early games in a Chronicle. Experienced
Chroniclers may even consider complete “alien” campaigns,
Species File: Grey: The second section details the most rec- where all of the Cast Members are extraterrestrials. The options
ognizable alien race, the Reticulans or Greys. It includes their are endless.
fascinating evolution, their experiments with hybrids, their biol-
ogy and abilities, the mysterious meta-humans and Blues, rules Each species file covers one of the alien races in detail. Hints
for creating Grey and hybrid characters, and finally, their are provided to demonstrate how much of this information
power-enhancing lenses and psibots. Aegis knows (or, in most cases, doesn’t know), but the final say
is always for the Chronicler. The histories and details provided
Species File: Saurian: The final file discusses possibly the may be altered or discarded completely as the Chronicler sees
greatest threat to mankind, the Saurians. This section details the fit. Hints are given for other alien activity, and Chroniclers
various clans and their violent history, rules for creating Saurian should feel free to create their own.
characters (as adversaries and as Cast Members), and the
Matter/Energy converters, plasma weaponry, and approaching
starships of the Saurian nations.
In each of the species files, new and improved sample
alien characters are presented. These take into account
the new equipment, abilities, backgrounds, and rules
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK presented in this book. As such, the features of these
aliens differ significantly from those presented in the
The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook is essentially three books in Conspiracy X core rulebook.
one. Most of the material presented within these pages was
originally found in the three extraterrestrials books for the orig- Of particular note are the higher Attributes—some
inal Conspiracy X roleplaying game: Atlantis Rising, Exodus and reaching far above human limits. Agents facing such alien
Nemesis. The game stats have been modified and updated to challenges must rethink their tactics if they hope to sur-
the Unisystem, and several adjustments have been made to vive. Charging in with guns blazing is among the least
better present the material. effective, and most dangerous approaches. Chroniclers, or
course, may choose to stick to those presented in the core
rulebook if this seems unbalanced or too dangerous.

1 2 3 4
Six-sided dice (D6s): These are the most common dice
CONVENTIONS available, easily “borrowed” from any number of easily
obtained board games. If D10s are not readily available, D6s
TEXT CONVENTIONS can be used as replacements.
This book has different graphic features that identify the Multipliers are expressed after the dice notation. For exam-
types of information presented. This text is standard text, and it ple, D10 x 4 means roll one ten-sided die and multiply the result
is used for general explanations. by four. This generates a number between four and 40.
This style is used for examples that illustrate specific A number in parentheses after, or in the middle of, the
rules or situations. Novice Chroniclers, those who run notation is the average roll. This number is provided for those
Conspiracy X games, can look to these examples for who want to avoid dice rolling and just want the result. So the
guides on how to play. notation D6 x 4(12) means that players who want to skip
rolling should use the value 12. Some notations cannot pro-
vide set numbers because their results depend on variable
Certain text is set off from the standard text in this factors. For example, D8(4) x Strength is used because the
manner. This is sidebar text and it contains additional, but Strength value to be plugged into that notation will vary
tangential, information or supplemental charts and tables. depending on who is acting.

Other text is set apart in this way. It details Supporting Cast Every roleplaying game faces a decision about third-person
or Adversaries who may be used at the Chronicler’s discretion. pronouns and possessives. While the male reference (he, him,
his) is customarily used for both male and female, there is no
question that it is not entirely inclusive. On the other hand, the
DICE NOTATIONS “he or she” structure is clumsy and unattractive. In an effort to
Dice are used when the outcome of an action in the “split the difference,” this book uses male designations for even
Conspiracy X game is in doubt. The Unisystem relies on four chapters and female designations for odd chapters.
different kinds: ten-sided, eight-sided, six-sided, and four-sided.
Such dice can be found in any good hobby or gaming store, and MEASUREMENTS
in many comic books stores. Dice are denoted by placing a “D” This book primarily uses U.S. measurements (feet, yards,
in front of their numerical value. Thus, a D4 indicates a four- miles, pounds, etc.). Should metric equivalents be needed, the
sided die; a D8 an eight-sided die. following rough conversions can be used: miles can be multi-
plied by 1.5 to get kilometers (instead of 1.609), meters can be
Ten-sided dice (D10): Used for Task/Test resolution and
treated the same as yards (instead of 1.094 yards), pounds can
certain weapon damage, D10s are the most commonly used
be halved to get kilograms (instead of multiplied by 0.4536),
dice. Entire game sessions can come and go without using any
and so on. If a Chronicler feels that more precision is necessary,
dice other than the D10s. They can be replaced in a very rough
she should take the U.S. measurements provided and apply
sense by using two six-sided dice and subtracting two from the
more exact formulas.
roll (treat a result of “0” as a “1”).
Eight- and four-sided dice (D8s and D4s): In the
Unisystem, these dice are used only to determine damage.



Alternate dates based on the Saurian Slavne-Col calendar are presented in parenthesis. Year one of that calendar falls on
65,009,347 B.C. Reckoning before that date bears the suffix T.I.

Hundreds of millions of years ago Life begins on Greyworld. Greys become aware and begin to dominate
their homeworld. Greys discover the psychic properties of Greyworld
250 million B.C. Life begins on Adlan’ns.
65,274,347 B.C. (265,000 T.I.) Saurians develop from pack hunters to sentient tool users.
65,019,347 B.C. (10,000 T.I.) Saurians begin to spread across the Earth.
65,012,847 B.C. (3500 T.I.) Saurians can be found in nearly every region of the planet.
65,009,497 B.C. (150 T.I.) Saurian communities grow into cities.
65,008,997 B.C. (350 T.I.) Plascari discover magnetism.
65,007,647 B.C. (1700) Simple electrical devices are used in nearly every Saurian community.
65,004,565 B.C. (4782) Denulan scientists develop medicinal uses for plants. The Saurian emo-
tion control drug is discovered in the centuries that follow.
65,004,347 B.C. (5000) Saurians begin tattooing.
65,003,847 B.C. (5500) Brinali Monarchy begins long descent into corruption and weakness.
65,003,656 B.C. (5691) Akaarl’s followers establish the Akerangi Dictatorship.
65,003,621 B.C. (5726) The Gna-Tall religion born.
65,003,347 B.C. (6000) Thurn begin moving from the hills to the plains and establish largely
wooden cities. This way of living soon spreads across the globe.
65,003,147 B.C. (6200) Small city in modern-day south China becomes center of Gna-Tall religion
and changes its name to Gna-Tall.
65,002,847 B.C. (6500) Lead by the Thurn, a thriving global economy arises.
65,002,768 B.C. (6579) Radio wave communication begins.
65,002,744 B.C. (6603) The first magnetic hover vehicle takes flight.
65,002,647 B.C. (6700) Wireless communication common in advanced Saurian societies.
65,002,547 B.C. (6800) Magnetic/anti-grav fliers become commonplace.
65,002,500 B.C. (6847) Kath-Yal begin experimenting with plasma.
65,002,367 B.C. (6980) Plasma-driven hover vehicles become commonplace. Brinal engineers
develop plasma weaponry.
65,002,354 B.C. (6993) Numerous communities on the island that would become lower India
bond together to form the Kath-Yal and name a Hegemon.
65,002,347 B.C. (7000) The Century of Warfare commences.
65,002,341 B.C. (7006) The Croll Council of Generals declares an end to their mercenary lifestyle
and begins to build an empire.
65,002,332 B.C. (7015) Oterai expansion results in sweeping reforms and the former pack system
is replaced by representative system.
65,002,324 B.C. (7023) The restructuring of Gna-Tall society is enforced by Hierophant. Gna-Tall
expand evangelistic efforts.
65,002,317 B.C. (7030) The Brinal monarchy collapses; Oterai republican system implemented.
Brinali royal family flees to Te-Mulys.

1 2 3 4
65,002,258 B.C. (7089) The Te-Mulys begin a significant expansion. Former Brinali monarch
deposed again and Oterai republican system instituted in Te-Mulys
65,002,221 B.C. (7126) The Thurn complete their consolidation of coastal plains and forests that
would later become the Himalayan Mountains. The Code of Worth reigns
supreme in Thurn society.
65,002,197 B.C. (7150) Numerous great powers begin to adopt Oterai representative system.
65,001,830 B.C. (7517) Te-Mulys scientists disseminate the secrets of matter/energy transfer tech-
65,001,805 B.C. (7542) The Academy in Thurn is founded.
65,001,803 B.C. (7544) The Kath-Yal develop fusion power plants. Thurn spies steal technology
and sell it to the other great nations. Thurn’s already massive wealth
quadruples in thirty years.
65,001,798 B.C. (7549) Giseuf delivers his first paper on mating rituals and emotions.
65,001,787 B.C. (7560) Sugtva becomes Giseuf’s student.
65,001,778 B.C. (7569) The Thurn release commercially viable matter/energy translation device.
65,001,748 B.C. (7599) Giseuf dies. Artisans flock to the Academy.
65,001,736 B.C. (7611) Sugtva is put on trial and executed. The Academy is closed.
65,001,724 B.C. (7623) The first Dreamspeaker community is formed.
65,001,698 B.C. (7750) Dreamspeaker numbers reach 10,000.
65,001,663 B.C. (7815) Dreamspeaker philosophers and artists are hired as experts by various
Saurian nations.
65,001,658 B.C. (7820) The Dreamspeakers inherit property on Titan.
65,001,593 B.C. (7885) The Dreamspeakers begin secretly building a space ship.
65,001,447 B.C. (7900) Saurians begin to reach into space. The Gna-Tall and Te-Mulys set up
bases on the moon. The Thurn and Oterai establish small scientific out-
posts on Mars.
65,001,424 B.C. (7923) Hierophant Creosa assumes leadership of the Gna-Tall. Gna-Tall evangel-
ist crusade is launched.
65,001,422 B.C. (7925) The Dreamspeakers flee to distant Titan, to wait out the Gna-Tall tyranny.
65,001,414 B.C. (7933) The Cathedral is finished and forms the ultimate symbol of the power and
glory of Creosa and the Gna-Tall religion.
65,001,412 B.C. (7935) Thassum and Dephial succumb to religion pressures and become puppet
states of the Gna-Tall Hierophant.
65,001,407 B.C. (7940) The Quncul monarchy is ousted and the nation converts to Gna-Tall.
65,001,406 B.C. (7941) The Te-Mulys organize secret meeting of Gna-Tall opponents. The Te-
Mulys, Croll, and Gna-Tall begin a war of terror.
65,001,405 B.C. (7942) The Croll, Te-Mulys, Kath-Yal, Brinal, and Oterai form a Coalition against
the Gna-Tall.
65,001,404 B.C. (7943) A diplomatic mission, including representatives from fifteen nations, is
destroyed. Gna-Tall opposition coalesces. The Thurn retaliate and open
hostilities begin. The Great War commences.
65,001,401 B.C. (7946) Warfare and bloodshed escalate as each nation openly declares for one
side or the other. Over the next five years, millions die. Gna-Tall subver-
sives begin to convert their allies into subject states.

65,001,396 B.C. (7951) The Battle for the Moon results in victory for the forces of the Coalition.
Coalition forces and population begin migrating to space.
65,001,394 B.C. (7953) The Coalition joint command moves from the Croll capitol to a lunar
65,001,389 B.C. (7958) Close to a million Coalition Saurians have moved off planet.
65,001,384 B.C. (7963) Thurn scientists design singularity device. The Gateway Generator is cre-
65,001,382 B.C. (7965) The last of the organized Coalition forces on planet are defeated. The
Great War is over. Coalition leaders begin to construct Exodus fleet.
65,001,381 B.C. (7966) The Exodus fleet departs from the asteroid belt. Gna-Tall forces begin
assault on the Coalition moon bases.
65,001,380 B.C. (7967) Fearful of the approaching Gna-Tall fleet, Thurn scientists trigger the
Gateway Generator and create enormous singularity. Colony fleet,
Coalition defenders, and Gna-Tall interceptors fall into a pocket black
hole. Croll fanatics infiltrate the Cathedral and push it out of orbit. The
Cathedral crashes into Earth releasing deadly Thurn devised plague.
Saurian civilization on Earth ends.
5,000,000 B.C. The Pilosi evolve on Earth, giant and peaceful creatures.
3,000,000 B.C. The primordial Sphi’ns evolve as the supreme hunter on the planet
2,000,000 B.C. A smaller subspecies of Sphi’ns adapts to living in the trees and develops
an opposable digit.
1,500,000 B.C. Language slowly develops, followed quickly by small communities. The
Sphi’ns begin to war with one another for control of natural resources
and prestige.
900,000 B.C. The Dyauspa’r, one of the Sphi’ns tribes, begins to successfully conquer
and absorb the other tribes. At the same time, the Dyauspa’r develops the
Cult of the Ns as a tool for governance.
800,000 B.C. The Dyauspa’r leadership cannot control the tribes by mere force alone.
The worship of Ns, the Nameless, is declared the official religion of
750,000 B.C. The War of Unity erupts. In the First Harmonic Concordance, the
Nameless Priests codify as religious dogma the generally tribal divisions.
The Celestial Family system is born.
700,000 B.C. Rapa’lo develops nanotechnology. The Frad’ri and others revolt. The
Nameless Priests bring about a peaceful solution and become the final
arbiters of Adlan’ns society.
500,000 B.C. Ahr’am discovers Greyworld. The Greys learn about tools and begin to
develop lenses. Grey spacecraft are developed and their exploration of
space begins. The Greys alter their form to be more like that of their vis-
itor from Adlan’ns.
250,000 B.C. A nanite disaster renders Adlan’ns uninhabitable. Those from Adlan’ns
with access to spacecraft flee to the stars to find a new home. From this
time to the present, as more worlds are discovered and settled, Adlan’ns
society fragments. Nearly every settled world boasts its own independent
group of Celestials and Nameless Priests.
175,000 B.C. A member of the Anuzca’lipoc clan discovers Earth, and declares herself
the Anuzca’lipoc Celestial. The native Pilosi are quickly, but grudgingly

1 2 3 4
150,000 B.C. Numerous Adlan’ns, including a Nameless Priest generational ship, have
settled on Earth. A complete Celestial court has arisen. Gerishrig’al bio-
genetically engineers Neanderthals.
100,000 B.C. Qwezdaco’al biogenetically engineers homo sapiens.
80,000 B.C. Ea’don establishes the fabled city of Atlantis on an island in the Atlantic
Ocean. Other Atlanteans establish cities on this island, and across the
planet. Atlanteans rule humans as kings and emperors, living with their
60,000 B.C. The Pilosi discover a new and powerful ambient energy emanated by
humans. They begin developing new magic capabilities and rituals.
50,000 B.C. Two Pilosi brothers, both brilliant adepts, establish cities for humans who
turn away from the Atlanteans. One city is founded in the tropical jungle
of north-central of Africa, the other in the Himalayas. The Atlanteans dis-
cover the African city and raze it. The fallen Pilosi become a fused spiri-
tual entity.
25,000 B.C. Pilosi rebels discover orichalcum and its psychic/supernatural powers.
They begin sharing these secrets with humans.
20,000 B.C. Nameless Priests uncover Saurian ruins just off of Antarctica. After some
examination, they are declared unholy and buried in tons of earth and
12,000 B.C. Rapa’lo builds the Sphinx to honor the Atlanteans’ great ancestor, the
fierce Sphi’ns. A human pharaoh would later remove its head and replace
it with his own likeness.
10,000 B.C. A human warrior and former Dyauspa'r thrall, Akki’r, leads a revolt which
begins in the Ea’don city of Tro’don in Asia Minor but quickly spreads to
the hallowed land of Atlantis. Orichalcum and the Pilosi play a large part
in the success of the revolt. In the end, the Atlanteans willfully destroy the
civilization they built with fire, flood and ice. Enormous efforts are
expended securing and suppressing all supplies and knowledge of
orichalcum, as well as any Atlantean artifacts that existed.
5000 B.C. The Atlanteans begin reappearing among humans, this time as distant and
capricious gods. The Atlanteans teach a few human communities some of
the arts of civilization—writing, architecture, etc. Most of the early pan-
theons are based upon the Atlantean Celestial Family. The Atlanteans adopt
simpler, more “Earthbound” names to ease adoption of their theologies.
2800 B.C. Landmaker and several of her clan shun the more overt methods of her
brethren in other areas of the world, and appear as the “Sage Kings” in
China. They begin humankind’s longest and most stable civilization.
2660 B.C. A being arrives on Titan and awakens the Dreamspeakers.
2600 B.C. Dreamspeakers arrive back on Earth.
2500 B.C A renegade Atlantean, operating under the name Gilgamesh, becomes
king of Uruk. Under orders of the Nameless Priests, he is subdued in time
and sentenced to Forgotten status.
2000 B.C. The Nameless Priests and other Atlanteans start several “mystery” reli-
gions that promise a better afterlife—their real intent is to control as many
human worshippers as possible. Greys first notice an annoying back-
ground psychic “Static” on Greyworld.
1500 B.C. A “misunderstanding” between Oceanmaster and Builder results in the
complete annihilation of the Olmec civilization in Central America.


1200 B.C. A minor civil war erupts between Atlantean “gods” in the Mediterranean
area. Civilization in that area falls into a dark age. Static on Greyworld
becomes so strong that it interferes with the Grey psi use, their mental
health, and reproductive capabilities. Greys begin full scale search for the
source of the debilitative Static.
900 B.C. Overlord creates the secret Titanidae in an effort to gather together the
powerful human psychics under one central command.
500 B.C. A number of Dreamspeakers carve out a kingdom in India. They come to
be called the Naga.
100 A.D. Various Atlanteans begin appearing to humans across the world—promis-
ing them occult knowledge in exchange for their fealty. In fact, all of these
humans possess enormous psychic powers or supernatural affinity, which
the Atlanteans hope to tap.
300 A.D. Intent on their efforts to unite large groups of humans under a few reli-
gions (Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, the
soon-to-come Islam, etc.), the Nameless Priests issue a proclamation that
Atlanteans can no longer present themselves as deities to humans, but
must work discretely among humans. This edict is generally, but not uni-
versally, followed.
1200 A.D. A bored Builder teaches the Dogon the art of astronomy. He uses Sirius
as a reference point because it is the closest visible star to Alan’ns’ sun.
1837 A.D. Earthmaker creates Spring Heel Jack in London, England with nanotech-
nology. It marks the first time a human is given any sort of nanite
1859 A.D. The Greys discover Earth and identify it as the source of the Static.
1884 A.D. Aware of popular sentiment in Europe, Overlord arranges the creation of
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Some occult knowledge is
revealed but Overlord finds it hard to police humans who have powers he
cannot duplicate. The Order splinters after less than two decades.
1903 A.D. The first Grey explorers arrive in Earth environs. Close observation of
humans begins, including first human abductions.
1937 A.D. Various Atlanteans make their existence known to a select group of
humans. Sensing a world war is imminent, the Atlanteans seek to take
advantage of the moment. The Atlanteans, however, say that they are
merely an ancient race—they do not mention their extraterrestrial origins.
1938 A.D. The Gna-Tall ships escape singularity. A few Dreamspeakers attempt to
reveal their presence to a news radio correspondent. The panicked
reporter announces that Earth is being invaded by aliens. This becomes
known as the “War of the Worlds” broadcast.
1939 A.D. World War II commences. Over the next several years, Greys realize true
extent of human technological capacity and the speed of technological
1941 A.D. Jonathan Price finds and uses the Ark of the Covenant against Hitler’s
Spear of Destiny.
1942 A.D. The Greys begin breeding humans in captivity.
1945 A.D. The Greys first attempts at psychically breeding the Seepage gene out of
humans—all attempts fail. Humans detonate atomic weapons, throwing the
Greys into near panic. The Greys begin a massive campaign to study
humans and Seepage; abductions and Grey sightings increase dramatically.

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1947 A.D. A Grey scout ship observes missile testing at White Sands base. A human
missile brings down the Grey craft. A Watch splinter group (soon to
become the National Defense Directorate) finds the crash site and recov-
ers the Grey crew. Mary Ellen Reilly and Job establish first Grey/human
communication. The NDD and the Greys form an alliance.
1948 A.D. The NDD shares gene-splicing information with the Greys. Greys quickly
perfect the techniques.
1950 A.D. The first meta-human child is born.
1951 A.D. The first generation of meta-humans is complete. The production of
Alpha meta-humans begins.
1955 A.D. An enormous Grey Base Ship is teleported in and settles off the Pacific
coast of Costa Rico.
1963 A.D. Croll and Kath-Yal warships escape singularity.
1964 A.D. With NDD aid, a Grey coral base is teleported into a cavern near Dulce,
New Mexico.
1965 A.D. Human females impregnated with Alpha meta-human reproductive mate-
rial—the Beta meta-human stage begins.
1966 A.D. Sibyl Systems is incorporated and a complex established in rural
1968 A.D. Erich von Däniken publishes his first book Future Memories (aka Chariots
of the Gods) to cover up the existence of the Atlanteans.
1974 A.D. Grey experiments on dolphin DNA begin at the Base Ship off Costa Rica.
1975 A.D. Dolphin DNA experiments moved to Bermuda Triangle base to hide
development of Blues from NDD. Alpha Blue production begins.
1977 A.D. First Generation meta-humans begin breeding among themselves.
1978 A.D. First group of Omega meta-humans, offspring of the First Generation, are
1982 A.D. Alpha Blues begin breeding with dolphins; Beta Blue production com-
1980 A.D. A second group of Omega meta-humans are born.
1988 A.D. Kath-Yal and Te-Mulys colony ships return to normal space outside solar
1994 A.D. The Greys in the Base Ship off Costa Rico notice Blue Seepage effects.
1995 A.D. The Greys investigate the Bermuda Triangle base and Beta Blues revolt.
1996 A.D. Grey saucer crashes at Varginha, Brazil. Grey pilots are taken to University
of Campinas.
1997 A.D. Phoenix “Lights” appear over Arizona.
2003 A.D. Ruins of a city discovered under the ice of the Antarctic. US Navy does not
disclose finds. NDD instigates Gulf War II under orders from Gna-Tall, to
uncover Croll nest. “Real” Saddam Hussain captured.
2004 A.D. SETI discovers signal from millions of years ago, possibly one of the last
transmissions of the Exodus fleet. SETI researchers attempt to translate.


While the continents were tectonically safe, a number of

ATLANTEAN HISTORY active volcanoes in the ocean continually made and destroyed
the islands connecting the continents. These volcanoes con-
The Nameless created Alan’ns to breed gods. stantly pushed dust into the atmosphere. Heavy ocean winds
—Atlantean proverb dissipated the debris and it formed a protective coating shield-
ing the planet from some of the harshest effects of the ever-
The humanoids that have come to be called “Atlanteans” present illumination.
evolved not on Earth, but on a planet in a solar system out
beyond Sirius. The home planet, which the Atlanteans have
labeled Adlan’ns, was slightly larger than Earth, though the dif-
ference was not great enough to create any appreciable differ- THE SPHI’NS
ence in gravity. Adlan’ns had no moons. Furthermore, because Since inception, our species’ sole reason for being has been
of the planet’s unique placement between its own system’s star conquest.
and a stellar cluster, the planet was bathed in constant daylight. —Ahr’am at the 1056th Harmonic Concordance
Thus, there was no “night” on Adlan’ns—it never got darker
than Earth’s twilight. One Adlan’ns species stood above the rest in its savagery.
Historical records have named these distant ancestors the
Roughly 250 million of Earth’s years ago, life first appeared
Sphi’ns (roughly translated as “guard pets” or “servants of the
on Adlan’ns. The abundance of light and heat caused vast
Nameless”). The Sphi’ns bore a vague physical resemblance to
amounts of life to evolve. Many predatory species developed,
terrestrial wolves, but were far more massive and had shorter
the competition becoming so severe that a number of plant
snouts. Their thick, knotty legs tapered down to four enormous
species developed near sentience. Other life forms had to adapt
talons. Sphi’ns measured 10-feet tall at the shoulder and 13-feet
to this steep competition for survival and nearly every living
long when fully mature.
thing became fiercely violent and deadly.
Unlike Earth canines, the Sphi’ns were not pack animals.
Adlan’ns possessed three enormous continents around its
Also, the Sphi’ns mated only when driven by their biannual
equator; connected by a chain of islands. Two smaller conti-
urge. At that time, the Sphi’ns would gather at a certain location
nents were located closer to the southern and northern ice
and for weeks, the males and females would compete against
caps. Adlan’ns’ surface was roughly 60% water and 40% land.
one another in long, protracted combat rituals. In the end, a
Frequent storms swept across the planet’s surface, although
Sphi’ns would mate with another or be killed. A pregnant
few posed any lasting threat to the environment.

1 2 3 4
female would be accompanied and cared for by the male for chief would be challenged by a younger, stronger individual and
the time of the pregnancy, but no longer. A newborn whelp defeated. So leadership passed from one generation to the next.
would be raised by either its sire or dam, depending on its sex. Slowly but inevitably, the Pr’Adlan’ns created solid, stable com-
Pregnancies were rare and infant mortality high. munities—safe from the deadly predators which prowled the
The Sphi’ns would have remained in the northern plains, their planet. The more successful tribes developed agriculture.
holding numbers steady, had Adlan’ns not endured a long ice From the hundreds of successful tribes, six major Pr’Adlan’ns
age. The ice encroached from the polar ice caps, lowering the peoples arose. Each of these major tribes possessed vastly dif-
temperature of the Sphi’ns territories and killing the local plant ferent cultures—including family structure, religion and even
life. Without the plants, the Sphi’ns’ prey either died or migrated. language. For the most part, the major tribes were content to
A few Sphi’ns, native to the southern reaches of the plains, fight amongst themselves or expand to the detriment of the
developed an extra toe for parting dense foliage to get at prey. minor tribes around them.
These Sphi’ns migrated more deeply into the equatorial jungles.
Most died, but a few hearty ones survived. These An’Sphi’ns
(“new servants of the Nameless”) evolved an opposable digit, THE UNIFICATION
enabling them to climb high into the trees and find new sources Without us, divinity would have remained beyond the Adlan’ns.
of food. The An’Sphi’ns were smaller than their ancestors, but
—Dyauspa’r saying
no less fierce. Like their forefathers, they met infrequently for
their mating rites. One tribe, called the Dyauspa’r (“overlords”), focused its
Over thousands of years, the An’Sphi’ns lost their canine attention on conquest. Strict prohibitions were placed on any
muzzles and assumed a more human-like jaw structure. intra-tribal factionalism. All competitive urges were channeled
Natural selection also favored an increase in the cranial capac- into forming the most powerful military force the planet had
ity, allowing the smarter An’Sphi’ns to thrive in the new envi- seen. Strict succession laws were imposed designed to cull the
ronment. Along with a larger brain, An’Sphi’ns began to devel- best leaders from the central family groups. Over hundreds of
op more complicated hunting practices. They learned the years, the Dyauspa’r trained in the use of swords, spears, and
effectiveness of working in groups. This, and the efforts other weaponry. Far and wide, the Dyauspa’r subjugated minor
required to nurture their young, lead the An’Sphi’ns to band tribes and gave them a choice—join the Dyauspa’r tribe or be
together in small tribes. Communities were formed for propa- killed. Large-scale military tactics were honed and battle plans
gation and protection. were formed to bring the fight to the other major clans.
The opposable digit allowed the An’Sphi’ns to fashion The neighboring Gerishrig’al (“landmakers”) tribe viewed
increasingly advanced tools. Over a period of millions of years, the growth of Dyauspa’r military might with apprehension. The
they began to walk on two legs as much as four. The small Gerishrig’al interests lay in the more peaceful arts of agriculture
bands erected makeshift villages in the treetops and conducted and architecture. They realized that their strong but small forces
occasional raids on other An’Sphi’ns. could not hold off the imminent Dyauspa’r invasion. In a his-
toric summit, the two tribes agreed to coalesce into a single
While the An’Sphi’ns dominated the land, the Leva’ans
unit. While the Gerishrig’al would maintain most of their cus-
(“beast that is not of the Nameless”) thrived in the oceans. The
toms and beliefs, the Dyauspa’r would settle clan law and poli-
Leva’ans devoured anything in their path—the only thing that
cies. Supported by the Gerishrig’al fertile land holdings, the
could stop a Leva’ans was another Leva’ans. These huge ser-
Dyauspa’r could not only field an army, but also support it.
pents, with hard, chitinous shells, normally lived near the ocean
floor, though a few made their way to the surface. The Qwezdaco’al (“builders”) tribe also saw the writing on
the wall. They knew the combined might of the Gerishrig’al and
Dyauspa’r would prove irresistible. Like the Gerishrig’al tribe,
THE EARLY ATLANTEAN the Qwezdaco’al did not pride itself on martial achievements.
Instead, the Qwezdaco’al tribe revolved around the recording
I find it amusing to study the primitive tools of our ancestors. of history and the building of truly magnificent cities. The first
Could their base minds have conceived the divinity to come? water and heating systems, and the great geothermic power
—Anuzca’lipoc at the 2567th Harmonic Concordance plants were created by the Qwezdaco’al.
As the An’Sphi’ns created language, they adopted a name for The large Rapa’lo (“flameriders”) tribe was the only
themselves. That name, however, has been lost in the passage remaining group to hold significant areas of land near the
of time. Today, the proto-Atlantean are called Pr’Adlan’ns Dyauspa’r coalition. Unlike both the Gerishrig’al and
(“early people of the land of the Nameless”). Qwezdaco’al, the Rapa’lo were martially oriented. The
Rapa’lo boasted the finest individual warriors on the planet.
Pr’Adlan’ns villages were usually run by the strongest mem- The Rapa’lo refused to bend before the growing might of
ber, who would cow others into submission. Eventually, an older Dyauspa’r and a bloody war ensued.


The Dyauspa’r’s superior strategy, tactics, and numbers over-

whelmed the fierce Rapa’lo warriors. Even so, the Rapa’lo
would not relent until the last warrior died. Thus, the Rapa’lo It’s a wonder that any Atlantean actually ever lis-
were nearly destroyed. Still, the Dyauspa’r military machine tened to another.
suffered heavy casualties, and after a time, the Dyauspa’r lead- —Rapa’lo to adventurer Jonathan Price, June 1940
ership changed tactics. The few remaining Rapa’lo were hon-
ored for their valor, and granted favored positions as instructors Under Dyauspa’r imposed global peace, Pr’Adlan’ns culture
and advance troops in the Dyauspa’r coalition. The Rapa’lo pas- and technology improved significantly. Once the violent fac-
sion proved to extend far beyond fighting, and many became tionalism between the tribes ceased, the Pr’Adlan’ns focused on
the most skilled and respected of the coalition artists. taming their hostile world and increasing their knowledge of it.
All local lands secure, the Dyauspa’r searched for others to Each tribe carved out an area for itself, into which no other
conquer. It found the mysterious Ahr’am (“stalkers”). Unlike tribe could make a sortie. Any problems or concerns between
other Pr’Adlan’ns, the Ahr’am chose to wander across the con- the tribes were brought to the Dyauspa’r courts. In the end, the
tinents in large groups, living off the land. Seeking to bring all Dyauspa’r clan chief’s word was law. If any tribe member acted
within its domain, the Dyauspa’r armies struggled to engage the against the wishes of the Dyauspa’r, an army could be raised in
Ahr’am in a stand-up fight. The Ahr’am were content with guer- retaliation. Tithes flowed into the Dyauspa’r capital Lumar’a—
rilla tactics—striking lightly guarded holdings and outlying forts, which financed projects such as roads, city walls, libraries, and
and then fading away into the landscape. The Ahr’am were not similar beneficial projects. The able Dyauspa’r bureaucrats
as brave or stubborn as the Rapa’lo, and they recognized that ensured that each tribe received a nearly equitable share of the
the Dyauspa’r were simply too strong for direct combat. After projects. Under Dyauspa’r direction, the Qwezdaco’al were pro-
nearly a century of intermittent warfare, once again the vided the resources to construct great geothermic power plants
Dyauspa’r leadership triumphed. A negotiation team managed supplying a nearly unlimited source of energy and heat.
to bring some of the Ahr’am under Dyauspa’r rule in exchange Gradually, Pr’Adlan’ns society slid into a sort of feudalism
for substantial concessions in autonomy and honor. The whose remnants exist to this day. Most of the populace worked
remaining Ahr’am were hunted by their brethren in service of hard day and night to provide food and protection for their
the Dyauspa’r coalition. immediate families. A chosen few nobles (usually the core
The last major tribe unconquered by the Dyauspa’r was the members of the ruling clan) ruled, reaping the benefits of the
Ea’don (“oceanmasters”). The Ea’don lived on the islands in commoners’ hard work. Each tribal noble held property, usual-
and around the three major equatorial continents. As powerful ly with the blessing of the tribal head. In exchange for this, the
as Dyauspa’r were on land, it was the Ea’don who ruled the sea. noble would convey to his tribal head, as well the Dyauspa’r
Several small Dyauspa’r armadas were crushed shortly after head, a certain amount of raw materials or manufactured
leaving port by vastly more experienced Ea’don warships. goods. Both the individual tribal heads and the Dyauspa’r lead-
Within decades, the Dyauspa’r realized that it could never take ers reserved the right to requisition almost anything upon
the Ea’don’s island fortresses by force. demand. For the most part, the balance between the nobles
and the tribal heads was carefully maintained—neither could
The Ea’don knew that they could repel any assaults aimed at afford to anger the other.
them, but they were suffering from another, more pressing con-
cern. The enormous Leva’ans sea beasts were becoming bold- Over the years, dissidents fled to the hinterlands, trying to
er and bolder with their assaults on Ea’don island settlements. escape Dyauspa’r rule. Some wanted freedom, others wanted
A new, smaller, bipedal Leva’ans species had begun crawling to overturn the entire system. Slowly, these refugees found one
out of the sea and raiding the Ea’don. Although the Ea’dons another in the wilderness and erected a counter culture all their
arrogantly assumed that these sea creatures could not be truly own. They became recognized as the Anuzca’lipoc
sentient, the Leva’ans had learned the basics of weapon-mak- (Adversaries). While this group of enemies became the subject
ing. Further, it seemed the Leva’ans had developed a taste for of many tales—most lurid and horrifying—in fact they were con-
Pr’Adlan’ns flesh. tent with internal bickering and the occasional raid on
Dyauspa’r holdings. The Dyauspa’r soon learned that the
After a number of false starts and near violent negotiations, Anuzca’lipoc were too decentralized for any serious military
the Ea’don agreed to join the Dyauspa’r empire, but only if the operation to succeed against them. They also discovered that
other tribes combined to help the Ea’don fend off the Leva’ans the Anuzca’lipoc were too splintered to agree to a spokesper-
assaults. A veritably holy war was declared on the Leva’ans son with which to mount any kind of diplomatic effort.
and their attacks petered off to almost nothing within a gener-
ation. United at last, the Pr’Adlan’ns entered a new, more As the centuries passed, the Dyauspa’r reign began to exist
prosperous age. more in name than in fact. Increasing numbers of nobles sub-
tlety avoided, or simply ignored Dyauspa’r edicts. The Ea’don,
for instance, refused to pay any sort of taxes to the Dyauspa’r.

1 2 3 4
The Ahr’am continued their nomadic ways, often entering other tribes’
territories. The Rapa’lo had bitter, sometimes violent, academic, and
artistic disputes with the Qwezdaco’al. In all, the tribes at their core
remained too different, too independent.
Roughly 750,000 years ago, the simmering tensions erupted into a
massive conflagration, ironically now called the War of Unity. Armies
marched against one another. Thousands upon thousands of
Pr’Adlan’ns died in battle. Crops went unharvested and starvation
threatened. Disease and pestilence settled in the tribal cities like
insects in a field. Society threatened to fall backwards into barbarity.
Were it not for the Nameless Priests, it would have.

There was once the Nameless—a void beyond emptiness. Yet
the void acquired thought, which begat motion which begat
action which begat being. Where once was nothingness, there
was Creation.
—Nameless Chronicles
Tieras’r was the younger brother to an ancient Dyauspa’r king of the
golden age. He believed that Dyauspa’r rule would never truly be set-
tled unless the populace was somehow united into a common culture.
No doubt Tieras’r had some aims on his brother’s throne—but he felt
that true power was not to be found within the tribal system.
With his brother’s permission, Tieras’r created a state religion.
He carefully synthesized the various beliefs, myths, and rituals of
the tribes. The starting point for this religion lay in a concept
common to all tribes to some degree—the belief in Ns (“the
Nameless”). Nearly every tribe had a legend or tale about
Ns, who supposedly existed before existence. Under
Tieras’r’s new religion, Ns was transformed into the
benevolent creator of all.
According to scripture created in the early centuries
of Dyauspa’r rule, Ns lived for untold eons in perfect
peace and serenity. At some point, its thoughts soon
turned towards “what if there were another.” Thus,
in a bright burst, the universe was created—all of the
planets and stars. But in that flash of light, a shadow was
also created. The shadow, named Dra’ans (“night
against the Nameless”), wanted to overthrow both cre-
ation and Ns, and bring forth nothingness. This foe
skillfully played on Pr’Adlan’ns psychology. Because
night never truly fell on Adlan’ns, all tribes feared and
hated the idea of shadows and darkness. Tieras’r’s
scribes depicted Dra’ans in the form of the aquatic
foes, the Leva’ans. The Nameless Priests co-opted
each of the tribes’ individualized myths by saying
that each tribal god was in fact just one of the
messengers from the Nameless.
In order to combat the forces of Dra’ans,
Ns created seven children who would rule
existence for him. These children, along with


Ns, made up the Celestial Family. Each avatar, known as a to outstrip the authority of even the Dyauspa’r tribe. All tribes
Celestial, became the eponymous founding members of each turned towards the priests for help in disputes, or for drafting
Pr’Adlan’ns tribe, which then became small versions of the new laws. With the outbreak of hostilities, only the Nameless
Celestial Family. Each tribe was given certain special instructions remained sacred.
and notes from the Nameless itself. It was a theology that reaf- Thus it was that during the height of the War of Unity, the
firmed individuality while at the same time stressed unification Nameless Priests came together in what became known as the
under a common belief system. This idea became a blueprint for first Harmonic Concordance to discuss the fate of their people.
a new society. Tieras’r even created a new name for everyone. Any more strife could destroy whatever technology and social
No more would people be known by their tribe, they would all innovations had been gained. Above all else, the Nameless
be called Adlan’ns (“children of the land of the Nameless”). wanted the Adlan’ns to survive.
A Nameless priesthood was established to spread the news The Nameless Priests decided to implement their Celestial
of the state religion and to educate the populace. Long, epic Family blueprint. Up until that point, the Celestial Family
poems were drafted, praising Ns and his creation of the remained more ideal that actuality. The head of each tribe was
Adlan’ns. Daring myths recharacterized the old conflict with the declared a living god—upon death, that role would be assumed
Leva’ans as a struggle against evil itself. Through these tales, the by a duly appointed heir (to be chosen with the advice of the
Nameless Priests created a means for unification—all of these Nameless). Upon ascension, these leaders would assume the
tales stressed the oneness of the Adlan’ns. The poems also name of their tribe as their own, and would use no other. The
became vehicles for teaching a common Adlan’ns dialect—a other members of the family would fill lesser, but important,
blend of all the tribal tongues. The Nameless Priests set up roles within the structure of the Celestial Family. The politics of
schools in every settled area, teaching children these tales and the divine and mortals became one and the same.
the new language. Slowly, this new, priestly language became
the common language. The Nameless Priests set for each family certain responsibil-
ities that mirrored their historic strengths. These roles were not
The Nameless Priests (often called the Nameless themselves) universal for all members of a particular tribe, but they gave
recorded all events, even trivial ones, in a series of vast tomes each tribe a scripted role in society. By parceling out the various
called the Chronicles. Sometimes, the Chronicles were in epic responsibilities for running society, the Nameless Priests man-
verse—other times, in dry prose. As long as the deeds were aged to give every Celestial Family a sense of importance and
recorded and grouped together, the ideal of unity prevailed. It honor. The Chronicles record the following roles.
didn’t matter whether one was a Qwezdaco’al or an Ea’don—a
mention in the Chronicles signified that one was an Adlan’ns Ahr’am: The goddess of the hunt. The Ahr’am protected the
first and foremost. farmers and herders from large predators. The family also
tracked wanted criminals.
Most rituals of the Nameless were held in open air sanctuar-
ies on the tops of mountains. Thousands would make pilgrim- Anuzca’lipoc: The mortal foe of all other Celestials. The
ages to these distant spots to worship their god and reinforce Nameless Priests gave the Anzca'lipoc the responsibility of chal-
their faith. Members from all the different tribes were welcome— lenging and spurring the Adlan’ns race to greater heights. They
all religious rites were conducted under the terms of a strict believed that without controlled competition, the Adlan’ns race
peace. The most sacred areas were the active volcanoes on the would once again turn on itself.
islands between the continents. The Nameless Priests felt that Dyauspa’r: The god of the sky. The Dyauspa’r were given the
these volcanoes revealed the Nameless at work—creating and duty of regulating Adlan’ns society. The Dyauspa’r operated a
destroying at the same time. The smoke and ash between the set of courts as an alternative to local, family jurisdiction.
volcano and the sky connected the mortal world with the heav- Dyauspa’r also made up the backbone of Adlan’ns bureaucracy.
ens. Priests would undergo harrowing experiences to say their Ea’don: The god of the seas. The Ea’don could be found on
prayers on top of these fiery mountains. Some did not survive. boats and ships across Adlan’ns: some were fishermen, some
were traders, a few were even pirates.
Gerishrig’al: The goddess of the land. All the Gerishrig’al, a
THE CELESTIAL FAMILY female-dominated clan, were involved with agriculture—be it a
The Nameless created his children, to guide the universe by large farm or just a small garden. The Gerishrig’al also made up
his will. And so the Family appeared amongst us, to put order the majority of the herdsmen and midwives.
to the chaos.
Qwezdaco’al: The culture god. The Qwezdaco’al not only
—Nameless Chronicles wrote the laws, but also built the structures to house and pro-
tect the Adlan’ns. Some Qwezdaco’al were humble carpenters
Tieras’as, who with the other priests abandoned his family’s
and bricklayers; others ascended to high positions within the
suffix, could not have dreamed how successful his religion
law courts.
would become. Soon, the power of the Nameless Priests began

1 2 3 4
Rapa’lo: The god of the sun and fire. The Rapa’lo became would reap taxes from all of the other families. The Autarch was
the artisans of the Adlan’ns—poets, painters, bards, minstrels, chosen in a competition between each of the Celestials. As a
playwrights, sculptors, etc. They were also designated elite result, the Celestials kept very close tabs on their nobles, fear-
frontline military personnel. ing that any dishonorable act might cost them a chance to hold
In a historic convocation, the Nameless brought the warring the Autarchy.
factions together and decreed their new blueprint for society. Through the position of the Autarch, the Nameless Priests
Not without some effort and force the new compact was adopt- focused the Adlan’ns families on the idea of acquiring honor.
ed and the bloodshed ceased. Perhaps most importantly, this honor did not wholly consist of
violent deeds—in fact, the Nameless Priests valued other accom-
plishments more. The Nameless Priests brilliantly hit upon a
THE FAMILIES AND SOCIETY method to channel Adlan’ns competitiveness into more pro-
ductive goals than killing one another.
We were not born to understand the nobility. We were
born to obey. The Nameless also outlawed the killing of any Adlan’ns
noble. In order to preserve what they felt were the “pure”
—Adlan’ns commoner saying
bloodlines, the Nameless Priests felt that nobles should no
In the Nameless-imposed peace, Adlan’ns society was a longer fight to the death. Instead, an elaborate system of duels
strange conglomeration of free enterprise and hereditary fami- was instituted, so that nobles would fight for honor only, not for
lies. The Nameless Priests divided among the Seven Celestial blood. Any commoner who dared to kill a noble would imme-
Families most of the settled territories. Individual cities and set- diately be executed, along with his family.
tlements tended to belong to a particular family. Within a fami- If any noble defied the Autarch’s rule, the Nameless Priests
ly’s domain, their own laws prevailed. However, Adlan’ns could would condemn him to the ranks of the Forgotten—a powerful
always appeal to the Dyauspa’r courts or the Nameless, so the threat indeed. All Adlan’ns would focus their considerable
families tended to give outsiders a great deal of latitude if they ferocity upon that individual—effectively ostracizing him. These
infringed on some local law. Adlan’ns were not even welcomed by the Anuzca’lipoc.
Adlan’ns families regularly employed outsiders to help them
with affairs. Every city, for instance, hired at least one
Anuzca’lipoc to consult them on security measures. Any city
near water had Ea’don to run its docks. Sometimes, these out-
It was our beginning. But also our end.
siders would be hired for a salary—other times, the outsider
would be married into the family. —Saying attributed to the Frad’ri
Most Adlan’ns commoners lived outside the cities, in the As war no longer brought power or honor, the Celestial
agricultural communes. On these large farms, the Adlan’ns Families turned to new pursuits. Every Celestial concentrated the
would grow the plants and herd the animals necessary for sur- families’ resources into the fields of art and science. Having a
vival. Despite the Nameless edicts, the Seven Celestial Families famous poet or painter in one’s court could reap enormous
subtlety but constantly vied with each other for control of fertile honor in the eyes of Adlan’ns society. New discoveries in science
territories. and technology also spelled great fame, if the invention was
deemed useful. Families frantically erected laboratories and
manufacturing centers, in search of the next great innovation.
THE AUTARCH Despite this new concentration, innovation did not come eas-
And one shall lead us. ily to the Adlan’ns. Although not unimaginative, Adlan’ns as a
whole are not an intuitive race. Small, incremental changes in
—Nameless Priest proverb
existing ideas and devices occurred over the long millennia of
The Nameless Priests convened again, this time in the 2229th Adlan’ns civilization. Bold breaks and seminal ideas came few
Harmonic Concordance. While a general peace had settled for and far between. Thus, Adlan’ns science, technology, and art
generations, it was an uneasy peace. The presence of the varied slowly over the millennia.
Anuzca’lipoc at times united families, but more often than not, Roughly 700,000 years ago, the Rapa’lo patriarch concentrated
the Adlan’ns continued in their age-long internal struggles. his family’s resources exclusively in medical technology. Rapa’lo
The Nameless Priests decided to create the office of the scientists uncovered cures and treatments for a dizzying array of
Autarchy. The Autarch would be decided at every Harmonic diseases and injuries. Soon, Rapa’lo healers were commonplace
Concordance—convened at times when the Nameless saw fit. in the court of nearly every Family. One particular research group
The Autarch would be in charge of several basic services—such studied the feasibility of creating cell-sized machines that could
as the protection of the roads and seaways—and in return repair internal injuries without resorting to surgery.


The Chronicles record that the Rapa’lo Efay’lo achieved one of

those infrequent Adlan’ns breakthroughs and nanotechnology was
born. The tiny machines, called nanites, would enter the bloodstream
and quickly repair damaged tissue. The nanites’ short battery life
meant that they would become non-functional soon after they accom-
plished their task.
The natural Adlan’ns incremental nature then took over. The fami-
lies realized that the short lifespan of the nanites was a major stum-
bling block. All directed their efforts in this area. After a few genera-
tions, it was the Dyauspa’r clan that perfected a nearly endless power
source for the nanites.
The combination of the Rapa’lo nanites and the Dyauspa’r power
source brought immortality to the Adlan’ns. The nanites could be pro-
grammed to repair any damaged cell—rebuilding it until it functioned
perfectly. Any aged or diseased cells would merely be consumed by
the nanites. A few special nanites would produce new cells to replace
the consumed ones. An Adlan’ns with such nanites in his blood would
never age, and could recover from practically any injury.
The Nameless Priests immediately saw that a crisis was at hand.
Where would immortality take the Adlan’ns? Was this in accordance
with the will of Ns? A contentious Harmonic Concordance was com-
menced and lasted nearly a decade. Arguments raged whether nan-
otechnology should be allowed, or whether it should be banned
altogether. A compromise was reached—only the Adlan’ns nobility
would be endowed with nanotechnology. The Celestial heads and
their families would truly become the gods that they considered
themselves. The commoners and even the Nameless Priests would
remain mortal.
Most commoners agreed with the decision because they felt their
nobility truly divine. A few—joining the Forgotten—revolted. These
rebels felt that they had been slighted by the nobility and by the
Nameless Priests. Although the nobility was armed with their new
nanotech, the rebels successfully eluded capture. The planet simply
provided too many hiding places.
Eventually, the Nameless decided to allow these rebels back into
society by creating a new Celestial family for them. The family was
dubbed the Frad’ri (“twins”), after the twin brothers who initiated and
led the revolution. This new family was left to organize itself and
decided that a pair of leaders would be elected from the masses. The
Nameless Priests let the Frad’ri decide how to share the nanotechnol-
ogy. It was to be given only to those deemed fit by a family election.
Once every ten years, the Frad’ri would meet to give two candidates
immortality. Periods of rule were strictly defined so that no group or
clan could control the family for more than a few generations.
When the Nameless Priests’ bartered peace with the Frad’ri, the
true power of Adlan’ns society was again revealed. While the Autarch
was theoretically the head of all the Families, the Nameless were in
fact in charge. For the next several hundred thousand years, the
Nameless Priests set down the rules and laws by which the Adlan’ns
would live.
1 2 3 4
beasts did not even try to hide. Scans of the planet showed no
THE GREYS apparent power sources. Whatever these primitive creatures
In space, the Dra’ans awaits us all. were, Ahr’am thought, they certainly were not intelligent. More
—Adlan’ns proverb scanning showed huge coral reefs, but no artificial creations.
The Adlan’ns simply couldn’t imagine the Greys were psychic
The Adlan’ns had little concern for the heavens. Probes were and had no need for technology.
occasionally sent out to local planetary bodies, but they
brought back images of only dead worlds. The Adlan’ns seldom The Greys could not envision a sentient species that didn’t
considered life elsewhere in the universe. They had neither the possess psychic abilities. Most thought that the spaceship was
means nor the inclination to find it. some strange sort of animal—they were all surprised to see sev-
eral Adlan’ns exit the ship and dive into the waters.
With nanotech immortality, however, space travel became
viable. Although travel would take centuries or longer, the mir- The next moment was to define the direction of both species.
acle of nanotechnology meant that a crew could survive the Ahr’am aimed her particle accelerator rifle, adjusted for under-
journey. Even so, most nobles declined the opportunity. There water usage, and fired at one of the Greys. Her low opinion of
seemed little honor in the stars. the Greys left her careless—she did not account for the Grey’s
underwater maneuverability. At the last moment, the Grey
Ahr’am, however, was thrilled at the idea of traveling to the veered and the shot smashed into nearby coral, splinters strik-
stars. Secretly, she hoped for new prey to hunt; her ancestors ing the Grey. The pain was instantly communicated to all Greys
had long since overcome all of the beasts on Adlan’ns. Her tech- in the area. The Greys banded together and teleported away.
nicians slaved for several decades to build and outfit an inter- The Adlan’ns were shocked to see that the Greys had simply
stellar craft. disappeared. Since that day, neither the Greys nor the Adlan’ns
A byproduct of this work was the perfection of artificial intel- have ever understood each other. Both species seem patholog-
ligence. Ahr’am viewed the prospect of a century-long, or ically driven to try to “answer” the mysteries of the other.
longer, hibernation as anathema. Realizing that anyone travel- The Ahr’am nobles set up a small observation colony to study
ing for such a period of time in a small craft would go insane this new planet. Only Ahr’am personnel, however, were allowed
from boredom, the Ahr’am scientists looked for a method of on the base—no others were welcome on Greyworld. The Ahr’am
entertaining the passenger. A brilliant Nameless Priest, Proth’ns, jealously protected their big “discovery.” Ahr’am knew that it
was asked to join the research team and helped to develop arti- would bring great honor to her when it came time to elect the
ficial intelligence, which could provide an endless number of next Autarch. During this time, the Ahr’am effectively tracked and
artificial environments for someone to search. Essentially, an killed every other species on the planet. The Adlan’ns’ actions
Adlan’ns could “hook in” to the artificial intelligence and it only served to deepen Grey fear and horror. Grey elusiveness
would create a virtual reality in the mind of the user. This sim- only served to frustrate and anger Ahr’am and her kin.
ulated environment would both entertain and keep the
Adlan’ns’ skills honed. An Ahr’am scientist developed a water-born poison that
could hinder the brain functions of a Grey. A few Greys swam
Ahr’am and a handpicked group left their world and family through the toxin and were immediately disoriented. Ahr’am
behind in order to find a new challenge. Most of the other swooped down and fired a quick shot, hoping that the target
Celestials looked hungrily at Ahr’am possessions, thinking that could not disappear as the others had before. The creature died
they would be helpless without their mistress. The Nameless in a telepathic scream. The Greys had never experienced death
Priests lent their authority to the Ahr’am family to keep the bulk like that. Violent death was simply unknown. As they tried to
of their properties intact. While life continued as normal on recover from their shock, the Ahr’am killed more and loaded
Adlan’ns, Ahr’am floated through the vast expanse of space. the corpses on to the ship.
For thousands of years, Ahr’am and her small crew of nobles Ahr’am returned to Adlan’ns and huge celebrations were
wandered through the universe, searching for some sign of life. launched. She exaggerated the Grey’s “ferocity” in order to
For all that time, they found nothing but crude microbes, and a increase her honor at having killed several. All the Adlan’ns
few small plants—nothing worthy of a true hunt. Then, roughly families began sending scout ships out into space, in search of
500,000 years ago, the Ahr’am arrived on Greyworld. new life. Ahr’am, buoyed by her discovery of Greyworld, was
The Adlan’ns’ arrival on the planet sparked enormous inter- soon awarded the Autarchy.
est. The Greys, who resembled Earth’s dolphins slightly, swam Meanwhile, the Greys were reeling. A communal decision
in hundreds towards the landing site. Telepathic messages were was made to find out more about these violent invaders. With
sent. The Greys could not understand why the visitors refused psychic powers, the Greys modified their evolutionary track and
to respond to their telepathic prompts. adopted a bipedal form similar to the Adlan’ns. The Greys nur-
Ahr’am and the others were delighted—finally, they had tured the coral into the form of space ships, so that they could
found something to kill and bring back as a trophy. The stupid take to the stars in search of the Adlan’ns.


Grey and Adlan’ns ships began crossing paths in the dead of faction naturally prepared special “generational” ships for
space. The Adlan’ns ships were neither fast nor maneuverable themselves. The Nameless were not equipped with internal
enough to compete with the Greys. The Reticulans began nanite enhancements. Thus, these ships had to be able to sup-
hijacking Adlan’ns ships and kidnapping their crews. Few man- port a stable population over thousands of years.
aged to survive the probes and dissections to tell their horror Qwezdaco’al released the nanites in a secret family ceremo-
stories to the Adlan’ns. Terrified by these stories, they redou- ny. The small devices spread into the soil. Days passed, but no
bled their efforts to destroy the Greys. The Nameless Priests visible changes occurred. Probes showed that the nanites were
declared the Greys agents of the dreaded Dra’ans. replicating themselves, in order to fulfill the massive task of
reshaping the entire planet. Months passed before the first
signs of the nanites appeared.
DISASTER When the nanites’ efforts did become visible, the
We lost Adlan’ns because of our own faithlessness. Qwezdaco’al were shocked and horrified. The nanites were
—Nameless Priest warning indeed changing Adlan’ns, but not into a paradise. Instead, the
nanites disassembled all material—organic and inorganic—into
As the conflict between the Adlan’ns and the Greys grew, an elemental mud. At first, the mud appeared only in far away
affairs on Adlan’ns were overlooked. Because of the miracle of territories, and few beyond the Qwezdaco’al gave them much
nanotechnology, the nobles no longer needed to concern thought. When it spread to outlying settlements, however, the
themselves with petty things such as food or shelter. Nanites Adlan’ns became worried. Studies showed that nanites were
could create food from anything—rock, dirt, water—and erect a the cause. Eventually, Qwezdaco’al admitted his failure to a
sturdy building in just a few days. The commoners continued to hastily assembled Harmonic Concordance. The damage, how-
labor in their age-old tasks more out of inertia and their own ever, was done. Although the speed of the nanites destruction
needs. A gulf grew between the nobles and commoners. was much quicker than planned, the rogue Nameless Priests
The Qwezdaco’al were the most ambitious and, in their view, were greatly pleased.
the most slighted. First, the Rapa’lo had discovered nanotech- The nanites had multiplied and evolved to the point where
nology, then the Dyauspa’r had perfected it, and lastly Ahr’am they could not be shut off. They would continue breaking down
had returned home with the trophies of an alien beast. everything in their path until Adlan’ns was a dead planet. Most
Qwezdaco’al decided to concentrate his family’s efforts on the Celestials at this point were wandering the cosmos, in search of
planet itself. Qwezdaco’al researchers felt that the nanites could new challenges. The Adlan’ns nobility hastily began building
be reprogrammed to change the entire environment of more space ships so that they could escape. The unfortunate
Adlan’ns into a veritable paradise. Adlan'ns, though lush, commoners labored on continuously, unaware that the end
remained a harsh planet. The nanites could selectively extermi- was near. The nobility felt that it would cause too much strife if
nate the various species hostile to Adlan’ns life. It was a bold the truth was made known, and organized a mammoth cover-
plan—and one that Qwezdaco’al hoped would ensure him the up blaming the Leva’ans. While the families rushed to complete
Autarchy for eons. enough space ships for the nobles, all other efforts were direct-
Unknown to Qwezdaco’al, several secret Nameless Priest ed toward a doomed attempt to stop the creeping destruction.
operatives had infiltrated the their research and development Society crumbled and the most drastic measures, including
facilities. One particular faction of the Nameless Priests felt that wholesale slaughter, were employed to keep control.
the Adlan’ns had grown weak and indolent over time—that they Most of the nobles made their way off planet, leaving nanite
needed a new, greater challenge to spur the species on to new constructs to act in their stead until the end. The Nameless
heights. The Greys proved that the Adlan’ns were not the most Priests who had planned for this disaster boarded huge space-
powerful organism in the universe—these Nameless Priests ships, cunningly hidden in the deepest wastelands. The com-
wanted to correct this oversight. On the recommendation of the moners, however, were quickly consumed by the nanites and
Nameless scientist Proth’ns, the Priests joined the project as sci- mixed into the mud that was now Adlan’ns. 250,000 years ago,
entists and researchers, subtlety altering the programming on Adlan’ns became a dead world.
the nanites to be released into the environment to destroy their
own world. The priests felt that the Adlan’ns would adapt and
evolve to meet this new disaster—perhaps to the point that they
would be a match for the Greys. They programmed the nanites
to render the entire planet uninhabitable; over the course of For a time, we were lost in the halls of Dra’ans.
several generations, the nanites would slowly deconstruct every —Nameless Chronicles
ounce of organic matter. During this time, the priests hoped
that the nobles would construct space fleets and take to the Less than 100,000 Adlan’ns escaped the destruction of their
stars. The unworthy commoners would be left to die. The priest homeworld. Roughly a quarter of these were rogue Nameless
Priests packed into several hundred generational ships. Their

1 2 3 4
ships meandered through the universe, searching for new lowers. The Pilosi, while docile, made very bad slaves. They
planets to settle. Of course, Anuzca’lipoc and his court could not seem to learn the Adlan’ns language—though later
harassed the other families at every turn. Ships came into con- many Adlan’ns suspected that the Pilosi were merely feigning
tact very rarely and messages were received only occasionally. ignorance. In truth, the Pilosi language arose from, and is
No one knew exactly who had survived and who had perished remarkably similar, to the Adlan’ns language.
in the destruction. In effect, Adlan’ns civilization ceased to exist. Roughly 150,000 years ago, Gerishrig’al decided to create a
Individual nobles, however, continued to compile lists of their new species, just as the Ns had created the Adlan’ns. In order
discoveries and deeds—in the hopes that one day a new home- to quickly create a population of “commoners” for the Adlan’ns
world could be established. When a new world, living or dead, nobility, Gerishrig’al spliced Adlan’ns genes with the genes of a
was discovered, the Adlan’ns that found it would reestablish fertile Earth monkey. Gerishrig’al herself had noticed that these
their civilization. Celestials, and even Nameless Priests, were creatures bred more quickly and survived infancy far better
declared from those who landed first or arrived later. In effect, than the Adlan’ns. The result was brutish creatures known
dozens of lesser Adlan’ns societies were founded. In the rare today as Neanderthals. At first, the Neanderthals were excellent
circumstances where natives were encountered, they were slaves—all Neanderthals treated the technologically superior
enslaved or exterminated. Adlan’ns as gods and the nobles encouraged this behavior.
Then an Anuzca’lipoc ship stumbled upon Earth. Although Earth made for a nice, new homeworld, it could not
deliver to the Adlan’ns their long prayed for victory over the
Greys. The Frad’ri scientists who had made it to Earth put forth
THE PILOSI a bold, new idea at the 6934th Harmonic Concordance. They
If only Anuzca’lipoc had destroyed those things when he hypothesized that the Adlan’ns could create a race with powers
got here. similar to the Greys if they spliced Grey DNA material with that
of the existing Neanderthals. Initial sentiment among the other
—Earth’s Ahr’am
Adlan’ns who populated Earth was negative. Introducing Grey
The Anuzca’lipoc who landed on Earth 175,000 years ago genes into Neanderthal DNA might produce something even
found a lush world filled with fantastic beasts. They had seen more vile than the Greys themselves.
nothing of its kind since their days on Adlan’ns. Unlike their A few Qwezdaco’al nobles who had survived the disaster on
homeworld, Earth was relatively benign. It did not hold the Alan’ns arrived on Earth and pleaded with the other Adlan’ns to
same numbers of predators and poisonous plants, nor was it allow them the opportunity to create this new race. The
shaken continually by earthquakes. Qwezdaco’al felt that this would be the best possible way to
The Adlan’ns found Earth occupied by a sentient, albeit it regain a position of honor amongst Earth’s newly formed
backwards, species. These creatures walked on two legs, like Celestial Families. Under the leadership of a newly christened
Adlan’ns, and some stood over seven feet tall. A thick layer of Qwezdaco’al, the very family which had destroyed Adlan’ns
fur covered their bodies, even those who dwelt in the society sought a chance to rebuild it anew.
warmest climates. They built crude shelters to protect them- Shortly thereafter, one of the Nameless Priests’ colony ships
selves from inclement weather. The Anuzca’lipoc guessed that began orbiting Earth. The Nameless Priests decreed that the
their crude grunts and gestures amounted to simple commu- Adlan’ns needed a new weapon against Dra’ans and the Greys
nication. They were viewed as little more than a slave race, and that Qwezdaco’al should proceed in this endeavor.
and treated as such. Although it took millennia and vast resources from all the fam-
On several planets and moons in the solar system, including ilies on Earth, 100,000 years ago, the builder’s experiments
Earth, the Adlan’ns found remnants of an advanced civilization. bore fruit. The combination of Neanderthal and Grey genetic
All sites were long deserted and in complete ruin. Whoever material was a species that become known as homo sapiens.
built these strange artifacts was long gone, most likely dead. Although frailer than their Neanderthal cousins, homo sapi-
After a few centuries of study produced no new evidence, the ens were quick-witted and easily trained. Within a couple of
Anuzca’lipoc abandoned the search. millennia, the Adlan’ns organized the humans into a sem-
blance of Adlan’ns society. Their first task: hunt the
HOMO SAPIENS Neanderthals to extinction.
Cute, aren’t they? Like the Neanderthals, the humans worshiped the Adlan’ns
—Earth’s Ea’don discusses humans in the 7056th Harmonic as their gods. Armed with a host of new human followers, the
Concordance Adlan’ns continued their ancient contests with one another.
Humans, even more so than the Neanderthals, bred very fast.
In time, word of Earth’s bounty spread and other Adlan’ns As a safety feature, Qwezdaco’al severely limited human lifes-
found their way onto the planet. They were pleased at the plan- pans, making them much shorter than a non-nanotech
et’s environment, but still they wanted more. They wanted fol-


enriched Adlan’ns. Neither the Qwezdaco’al nor any other their wildest dreams, but also beyond their worst nightmares.
Adlan’ns wanted humans acquiring illusions of grandeur. Perfect servants but also potential rivals, Adlan’ns history with
The Adlan’ns did not realize humanity’s unique abilities until the humans reveals a dualistic desire: to control and to nurture.
the humans began establishing priesthoods to their Adlan’ns A hastily assembled Harmonic Concordance determined that
lords. A few humans started uttering prophecies about the the humans possessed some of the Greys’ power.
future, which were sometimes hauntingly accurate. Others saw Unfortunately, those powers could not be directly controlled by
signs in the sky and earth that held precognitive messages. the Adlan’ns and they had no way of teaching humans how to
Some humans even began demonstrating physical strength and use their abilities. They helplessly watched as their human cre-
endurance far beyond what their physiology would allow. ations fumbled around trying to control their psychic potential.
The humans also showed flexibility and adaptability which They studied the situation and decided that, if carefully gov-
completely baffled the Adlan’ns. Once a group of humans was erned, they could learn from humans and use that knowledge
sent out to settle some part of the world, away from Adlan’ns against their great nemesis—the Greys. They also reasoned that
direct influence, their culture would evolve over the years. if any humans became too powerful, they could be destroyed
Within a century or less, they would be unrecognizable to their easily enough.
purported Adlan’ns overlords. The humans would begin weav-
ing tales and stories about gods which only dimly resembled
the Adlan’ns. The depth and breadth of human imagination was ATLANTIS
something completely illogical to Adlan’ns sensibilities. I still have not found a city with as many good restaurants
The Adlan’ns were also astonished at the human ability to as Atlantis.
formulate new languages. Although initially taught the Adlan’ns —Recording by an Aegis agent of a conversation with a
tongue, once they settled even a short distance away from the mysterious benefactor
Adlan’ns, they began to lose their grasp of the Adlan’ns lan-
guage within just a few generations. After 100 years, a human As humans started showing signs of psychic abilities, the
tribe would create its own language, possessing just a few scat- Adlan’ns doubled their efforts at forging the human race into
tered bits of the mother tongue. Even today, human scholars warriors. The Ea’don, the most numerous of the Adlan’ns on
have noticed how certain words have global meaning; these are Earth, erected a huge city in the middle of what is now the
the only remnants of the once universal Adlan’ns tongue. Atlantic Ocean. The island boasted a massive citadel, surround-
ed by moats and hills. Ea’don himself took a human bride to
Humans also had a gift for inventing creatures that suppos-
bear him sons to rule his new empire. Ea’don dubbed his island
edly lived in darkest night, or in the deepest wilderness. The
nation “Atlantis”—a name that honored their homeworld but
Adlan’ns smiled at their slaves’ naiveté, but they did not dis-
was easier for the humans to pronounce. The Adlan’ns became
courage such amusing tales. A millennium later, when Ahr’am
known by their wards as “Atlanteans.” Throughout the island,
encountered a massive hundred-handed, one-eyed giant
the Ea’don trained and equipped many human armies to fight
human hiding in a mountain range, all Adlan’ns were stunned.
against the Greys—and other Atlanteans. As always, the
Such a species had never existed on Earth—the creature
Atlanteans struggled for the Autarchy. Although Atlanteans
appeared to be the only one of its kind. Yet such a beast had
were forbidden to kill Atlanteans, no scripture prohibition held
been described in human tales for decades. It was as if the
the same for humans.
humans’ own stories created the monster.
The glory of Atlantis lead the Nameless Priests to name
Finally, humans showed a frightening level of innovation and
Ea’don Autarch at a Harmonic Conference roughly 80,000 years
invention. Adlan’ns always carefully constructed their ideas—
ago. Ea’don proved an able leader, and during this time recre-
one concept firmly established on the shoulders of the previous
ated the lost Adlan’ns society on Earth. Other Atlanteans began
one, all stray thoughts ignored. Human intuition cut through
organizing their own people. Qwezdaco’al founded his own
this process, jumping to completely illogical conclusions, which
nation on an island in the Pacific, called simply Lemura in a not-
every so often would produce monumental breakthroughs. The
so-subtle tweaking of the ancient Dyauspa’r capital’s name.
humans might be far inferior to the Adlan’ns in science, tech-
Most Atlanteans congregated on these two island nations, only
nology and art, but their advancements occurred at a much
occasionally venturing out to the other continents. The new
greater rate.
Celestials recreated their old courts and followers—rekindling
The Adlan’ns natural inclination was to portray themselves as the ancient Atlantean struggle for honor and respect.
deities, and to use their power to cow the humans into submis-
All humans were branded to mark the family that owned
sion. The Adlan’ns decreed that humans should perform hun-
them. A rare few especially loyal humans were able to join the
dreds of different rituals in order to appease them—in this way,
ranks of the Atlantean nobility although refused nanotechnolo-
the humans were indoctrinated into obeying authority. In time,
gy. Instead of using nanites for human needs, the Atlanteans
the Adlan’ns realized that Qwezdaco’al had succeeded beyond
taught the humans the ancient science of geothermics to power

1 2 3 4
their towns and cities. Massive machines were built to tap into the
Earth’s crust and siphon its endless power. Lights brightened the
nights of all human settlements. Ovens cooked goods grown by
human hands and game caught by human effort. Over 50,000 years
ago, an advanced civilization flourished on Earth.

What the humans have dubbed magical weapons are nothing
more than instruments made from orichalcum.
—Nameless Chronicles
Through the ages, the Pilosi struggled under Atlantean dominance,
serving as the most menial of slaves, mostly because they could do
nothing to oppose their master. They viewed the creation of humans
with great sadness. The Pilosi felt a strange bond with the humans—
both were slaves to the Atlanteans, even if the humans were not
entirely aware of the limitations imposed by their overlords.
Some Pilosi rebelled and journeyed far into the wilderness. These
sentients were free to learn, experiment and discuss. They discovered
new abilities that derived from a low-level ambient energy given off
by humans. The rebel Pilosi perfected numerous rituals to form and
shape this energy to do their bidding. This power, which came to be
called “magic,” gave the Pilosi a tool to strike back at the Atlanteans.
Several Pilosi rebels discretely contacted humans in the outlying com-
munities to attempt to win them to the cause of freedom. With time
and much discussion, they began converting these humans to a new
way of thinking.
Roughly 50,000 years ago, two Pilosi brothers brought the study of
magic to new heights. They decided to bring Pilosi and humans
together and establish cities free from the Atlanteans. One brother
founded a city in the heart of the jungles in northern Africa. This was
close to Atlanteans strongholds and flaunted its new power. The
other, more discrete brother established his city in the Himalayan
mountains, far from Atlantean control.
The Atlanteans soon discovered the African city. The rival could not
be tolerated and an army of humans and Atlanteans was dispatched.
A pitched battle was fought. Although the new city had wondrous
magic to help them, the Atlantean-lead numbers and technology
proved superior. The city was razed and all within were killed. Neither
side was aware at the time that the peculiar mix of raw magic and
nanotech debris would caused a blight over the millennia that would
create the world’s largest wasteland—the Sahara Desert. The Pilosi
leaders were captured and tortured to death. Several of their spirits
fused into one immortal entity that has haunted the Atlanteans, and
aided humanity ever since.
As a result of the battle in Africa, the Atlanteans began a program
to exterminate the Pilosi. Most were killed. The remainder escaped
and joined their rebel brethren and their human allies in the most
remote parts of the world. The Pilosi concentrated on keeping their
presence hidden, and the ones who survived developed highly potent
obfuscating and illusory magics.

Some Pilosi even adapted to living underwater, forming their hair

into scales and growing gills. They were the most friendly towards
humans, often offering help and suggestions. These ocean-dwelling
Pilosi spawned legends of mermaids and fishmen among the
humans—such as the Ananaki.
Roughly 25,000 years ago, Pilosi adepts discovered that a very rare
golden-brown metal refracted and amplified mystical energies. Many
centuries passed before enough of this metal could be collected to
fully test its capacities, the Pilosi persisted and began to fashion jew-
elry and other instruments in order to use its magical properties. They
labeled the metal orichalcum. Although the Pilosi were not a warlike
race and thus did not envision orichalcum weapons, their human
allies suffered no such inhibitions. In fact, the metal proved even
more potent in the hands of humans, enhancing both psychic and
mystical powers.
Atlantean hunting parties soon encountered a few enhanced
humans and managed to capture a small number of Orichalcum trin-
kets. The Atlantean learned of its special properties from their own
mystically potent slaves. They dared not let the knowledge of its exis-
tence spread, lest it spark a revolution among the humans.
Meanwhile, the Nameless Priests discovered a city of strange con-
struction on an island just off Antarctica. The site appeared similar to
other sites Atlanteans had found scattered through the solar system—
barren and in ruin. Atlantean scientists renewed their studies of the
sites, keeping them secret from the humans, but once again discovered
little more than that they were millions of years old. Uncertain of its
meaning and fearful of that its knowledge would upset their carefully
constructed world, the Nameless declared the city and all like it unholy.
The Atlanteans used powerful explosives to slide the island into the
Antarctic seas where it remains to this day, waiting to be discovered.

Sing goddess the rage of Peleus’ son . . .
—Homer’s Iliad
Determined to retain his Autarch title, Ea’don built a sister city to
Atlantis on an island closer to the African coast. This new city, Tro’don,
was given to one of his most loyal sons, Pri’don. Although smaller than
even Lemura, the city was intricately built and powered by the latest
in geothermal furnaces. Soon it outshone all other cities except
Atlantis. Pri’don filled his armies with dozens of human sons, born to
a variety of human concubines. No other Atlantean army could rival
the forces of Tro’don.
At this time, the Atlanteans decided to settle the rest of the planet,
in part of feret out the last hiding places of the Pilosi and their magi-
cal protégés. An Ea’don scion and one of Gerishrig’al’s daughters set
out for the steppes of Russia. Gerishrig’al herself and Ahr’am traveled
throughout the Mediterranean basin. Qwezdaco’al and Rapa’lo placed
peoples in the ancient Americas. Dyauspa’r sent colonists to the east-
ern reaches of the Asian continent. The Atlanteans ordered the
humans to build pyramids in several places as remembrances of the
great volcano temples back on Alan’ns.
1 2 3 4
The Atlanteans knew that they could not control these Atlantean power, Atlantis and Lemura, humans began showing
colonies without having some kind of presence. The humans increasing signs of discontent. The Atlanteans realized too late
showed too much independence and unpredictability. Thus, that human psychic power and orichalcum could challenge
they decided to keep these colonies relatively simple—devoid of them. There simply weren’t enough Atlanteans to be every-
any advanced technology. The Atlanteans feared that the where at once. In those dark days, the Atlantean population on
humans would employ such technology against them as soon Earth was decimated.
as they left the established cities. Human technology was The families feared what would happen if the humans
capped roughly at the Bronze Age. In order to keep some sort seized the advanced technology present on their island
of control over the colonies, Atlanteans imbedded legends and citadels. With nanotechnology, the humans would be able to
myths about them within the human religions. wipe them out completely. The Atlanteans gathered for anoth-
In the area he decided to call Gre’ce, Dyauspa’r nurtured er Harmonic Concordance, as ordered by the Nameless Priests.
great human armies. He was exceedingly proud of his human By this time, however, the Nameless Priests were almost entire-
nobles and their powerful hosts. Dyauspa’r began to feel that ly lost to a subtle but advanced state of insanity. Generations of
he was a match for any of the other Atlanteans. He decided to in-breeding and harboring the secret of their actions in
renew his age-old rivalry with Ea’don. He ordered his agents to destroying Adlan’ns had taken its toll. The Nameless Priests
convince a minor noble of Tro’don to demand a royal bride as declared that the Atlanteans had forgotten Ns in their conquest
tribute from the Dyauspa’r colonists. Dyauspa’r then used this of Earth. As punishment for this, Ns demanded the destruction
demand to incite his followers to raise an army and set sail for of all the Atlanteans had built. The priests deposed Ea’don
distant Tro’don. from the Autarchy and put in his place the more subtle Frad’ri.
Unbeknownst to Dyauspa’r, some of his Gre’ks had strong This of course required them to abandon thousands of millen-
connections to the human/Pilosi renegade movement. Many nia of tradition and divide the office of Autarch between two
Gre’ks had become tired of Dyauspa’r’s incessant commands. Atlanteans. In the crisis atmosphere of that Concordance, few
The warriors felt that it was time to seize the day. The Tro’don recognized the insanity of the Nameless edicts, and none
invasion became their excuse to set into motion a plan for rev- dared challenge them.
olution that had been plotted for years. These Gre’ks had been Under Nameless direction, the despairing Atlanteans did the
given advice, magical training and even the rare orichalcum by unthinkable: they destroyed their own creations. They planted
the Pilosi and the renegade humans. The warrior Akki’r led a explosives deep beneath their most advanced settlements in the
massive armada for the island of Tro’don, with an ulterior geothermic power plants and caused titanic explosions that
motive of ending Atlantean rule. ripped them asunder. A scant few humans found refuge in
At first, the invasion was seen as nothing more than an inter- boats or on mountain tops. Most perished in the disaster—never
esting game. The humans struggled with primitive swords and knowing that the Atlanteans had ordered their doom. Ten thou-
spears, while the Atlanteans hovered above the fray with their sand years ago, the great island nations of Lemura and Atlantis
nanotech weapons. The struggle raged back and forth without plunged beneath the waves. The aquatic Pilosi protectively
resolution until Akki’r and other human warriors donned their guard the remnants of these kingdoms, preventing both the
orichalcum weapons and armor. Akki’r strode to the walls of Atlanteans and the humans from finding or scavenging the
Tro’don and tore them down in a massive telekinetic assault. remains. The resulting volcanic upheaval shrouded the planet
Pri’don tried to stop Akki’r—assuming that he could easily in ash and deepened an already encroaching ice age. Still more
defeat the human. Akki’r slaughtered Pri’don and his human humans died. The Atlanteans also destroyed most of the arti-
sons without remorse. The startled Atlanteans attempted to facts they built, and many of the ancient ones that had been
intervene. They found themselves repulsed by Akki’r and other found when they arrived.
human psychics and mages. Tro’don fell in a blazing ruin to
human hands. The Atlanteans realized that their technological
superiority might not be enough to counter the humans’ pow- A NEW PLAN
erful magics. Are you sure this will work?
—Ea’don to the Frad’ri at the 8038th Harmonic Concordance

THE FALL The Atlanteans now realized that they could not control the
humans directly. Humanity was simply too innovative, too inde-
If only these fools could recognize their true gods.
pendent to tolerate Atlantean rule. However, the Nameless
—Dyauspa’r to the 8037th Harmonic Concordance remained convinced that humans were the Atlanteans’ greatest
As word of the stunning defeat at Tro’don was spread by the weapon against the Greys. After consultation with the priests,
renegades, Pilosi, and Anuzca’lipoc, humans across the globe the Frad’ri Autarchs promulgated a new strategy for dealing
began to break away from Atlantean rule. Even in the centers of with humans. Atlanteans were barred from direct rulership over


humans. Instead, the Atlanteans would concentrate on dissem-

inating myths and ideologies that might make the humans
more pliable to Atlantean suggestions. The Atlanteans would Soon, if we continue this blind subservience to the
exercise their superior intellect by subtly manipulating entire Nameless, we creators will not even be allowed to speak with
human civilizations. All aspects of Atlantean society could con- our willful creations.
tinue, including their internal rivalries, but in a much more dis- —Adversary goading his fellow Celestials at the 9187th
creet manner. Harmonic Conference
As the few remaining humans struggled to emerge from the The Nameless Priests watched and learned. They realized
Atlantean imposed cataclysm, the Atlanteans laid plans for that for all its unpredictability, mankind showed a tendency for
dominating human society. Roughly 5000 years ago, mass adherence to certain religions. With the exception of
Atlanteans began to appear in the newly formed human set- Landmaker, the Celestials were not interested in expending the
tlements. These Atlanteans became known as gods, such as administrative energy to create truly enormous faiths/codes of
Zeus and Poseidon, Marduk and Enlil, Quetzacouatl and behavior. Working with Landmaker, the Nameless Priests began
Tezcatlipoca. Over time, the Celestials pushed the boundaries experimenting along those lines by establishing key features of
of the new Nameless edicts and, although not acting as kings the royal religion of the Chou dynasty in roughly 1000 B.C.
and leaders, did exert more and more direct authority over Landmaker allowed this new religion to gain ascendancy over
human societies. The Atlanteans even adopted new family the older nature-based creed she had imposed. Through care-
names among themselves. ful nurturing, the religion would become known as
In the Mediterranean, Landmaker (Gerishrig’al) and Confucianism and would govern the thoughts and behavior of
Flamerider (Rapa’lo) managed to convert the largest human millions for centuries.
populations. A jealous Oceanmaster (Ea’don) urged Overlord As usual with the Atlanteans, even the Nameless Priests had
(Dyauspa’r) to lead his humans down from the Russian varying ideas about the details of massive religious movements.
steppes into what is now Greece, Italy, and Asia Minor. A splin- The increasing insanity prevalent among the priests also con-
ter group, refusing to go against Landmaker, instead migrated tributed to their disunity. As the idea of mass religion became
into India. The Oceanmaster/Overlord invasion was forcible in more popular among Atlanteans, a number were created and
some places, peaceful in others. The old religions established expanded. Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity,
by Landmaker remained, but went dormant. A new, male- and Islam all rose to one degree or another due to the efforts
dominated theology took its place. Indeed, a particularly of various factions of the Nameless Priests or Celestial Families.
bloody conflict between the Atlanteans led to a general col-
lapse of Western civilization around 1200 B.C. Later, Overlord By 300 A.D., a notion began to circulate among the Nameless
formed the Titanidae in an effort to gather human psychics Priests that efforts at promoting mass religions were being
under his influence. undermined by the various Atlanteans who indirectly guided
humans in the guise of godhood. Thus, at the 9187th Harmonic
Similar events occurred across the globe. In China, Conference, the Nameless instructed Atlanteans that they could
Landmaker concentrated her energies and carefully nurtured no longer appear as gods before humans. The conference was
the most stable civilization in human history. In the Americas, highly contentious, but, in the end, the Priests’ edict stood. Of
Builder and Oceanmaster first inspired and then destroyed the course, the edict was not universally followed. So it was that the
Olmecs. Builder and Flamerider returned to found the Mayans, old gods, for the most part, passed into history.
Aztecs, and Incas.
Over centuries, mankind showed the full measure of its
adaptability and creativity as countless religions, philosophies,
and societal structures rose and fell. Throughout, few move-
We risk losing their hearts and minds. Armed with the
ments, ideals, or secret orders remained wholly free from
power of magic, these lost humans will be our downfall.
Atlantean influence or authority. While frustrated by their lack
of direct control, the Atlanteans found themselves safer from —Overlord treatise on mystic control
human unpredictability when acting as deities and distant
Banned from direct interaction as either rulers or gods, the
masters. They also found that the challenges such rule pre-
Atlanteans became ever more devious and manipulative. There
sented were stimulating. Certainly, intrigue and conflict
was no shortage of human institutions that Atlanteans could
between the Celestials and their families became more diffi-
suborn, perpetuate, and expand in their efforts to find tools of
cult because they had to remain discrete. As a result, the sat-
control. The most prevalent by far, however, was the secret
isfaction and honor derived from the success of their plots
society. Such gatherings attracted exactly the kind of elite, ded-
became all the greater.
icated, and ambitious humans that Atlantean puppet masters
adored. The history of secret societies reflects almost perfectly
the dynamics of Atlantean intrigue and human adaptability.

1 2 3 4
The Atlanteans used secret societies for every conceivable pur-
pose. The most delicate and dangerous purpose, however, was the
development and control of magic. The Atlanteans’ relationship with
human magic holds the same ambiguities as their relationship with
humans. The great promise of the power constantly wars against the
great fear it creates. As a race of Psychic Voids, Atlanteans cannot use
any magic, or perceive most supernatural effects. Nonetheless, over
the years, they have come to understand magic’s influence, attrac-
tion, and power. Where there is power, there will be Atlanteans try-
ing to control it. In their continuing efforts to control human magi-
cians and psychics, Atlanteans have inspired countless secret soci-
eties. The Atlantean sponsors use these societies to spread magical
knowledge, thus honing the power, and to attract humans adepts,
thus monitoring and controlling them. Given Atlantean insecurities
about magic, and their penchant for intrigue, their success with
secret mystical societies has been mixed. For every enduring group
like the Titanidae or Freemasons, there are hundreds of societies like
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn that disintegrate in a matter
of a few decades.

If only we could band together and do things my way. Oh, the
wonders that we could create!
—Flamerider rumination
Much of the complex society developed on Adlan’ns, or even during
the height of Atlantean domination on Earth, has collapsed. The
Celestial Families wield only a fraction of the influence they once had.
The current Celestials have all been alive for hundreds of thousands of
years, during which time much of their power has degraded. Many
blame Stalker for the trouble with the Greys and everyone blames the
whole Builder family for the loss of Adlan’ns. The disaster at Tro’don
caused all of the Celestials to lose face. In the past seven millennia, the
relatively few Atlanteans who remain on Earth have taken to pursuing
their own goals, trying to ignore their individual family heads. The
Nameless Priests still command some respect, but have antagonized
most Atlanteans over the years with distasteful and even bizarre edicts.
Harmonic Concordances are becoming rarer and rarer, and the office
of Autarch is now little more than a title with a few ceremonial func-
tions. Indeed, for all their power and immortality, the Atlantean future
on Earth seems bleak. As usual no one is looking at, or taking respon-
sibility for, the big picture.

unknown means that humanity may soon become aware of the

ATLANTEAN CULTURE Atlanteans’ extraterrestrial origins. The scientific mind that
rejected gods and demons (two traditional Atlantean roles)
What does immortality mean? No more regrets about lost now may see them for what they are: alien invaders.
time. Time enough to learn every musical instrument, travel to
every exotic location, try every dish, see every movie, read In the past century, some of the worst dreams of the
every book. The average Atlantean has done it all and needs Atlanteans have come true. The Greys have arrived on Earth.
new challenges to fill the endless hours stretching before him. Grey psychic ability can effectively disrupt Atlantean nanotech-
As a race, Atlanteans do not care for resting on their laurels for nology; a threat the Atlanteans fear above all else. In ages past,
more than a few centuries at a time. They like to do things no the Greys never used this ability to its fullest advantage. Given
one else has ever done. their non-violent nature, they would simply disable an
Atlantean ship and flee. Now they have human allies, men and
Above and beyond that innate restlessness, most Atlanteans women willing to use violence on a disabled Atlantean. The
have developed a personal god complex to one degree or Grey metahuman project bodes ill for Atlanteans on Earth.
another. This psychological tendency is encouraged by their
ancient religion. They strive to be the best in their fields, to have Moreover, the Greys are not the only visitors who have come
others look up to them in awe in wonder. Essentially, the term to Earth. Saurian technology seems to be as advanced as
“egomaniac” applies to almost any Atlantean. Of course, not all Atlantean, although very different. Their numbers are small and
Atlanteans feed their egos in the same way. Some thirst for mil- many Atlanteans feel confident that the threat they pose can be
itary and political conquests, others for philosophical and reli- overcome. Others are not so certain.
gious conversion. Great art, scientific breakthroughs, seminal Finally, there is the issue of the Forgotten. It seems that they
literature, and musical perfection have all been goals sought by have started to organize themselves. They appear to be devel-
Atlanteans at one time. With infinite life spans, it is not uncom- oping into a force to be reckoned with, or at least one that must
mon to see an Atlantean go through many phases in their lives be addressed. Once they realize their true origins, it is unlikely
and pursue many disparate, and even conflicting goals. that they will have charitable feelings towards those who put
Only other Atlanteans can truly appreciate Atlantean affairs. them in their current state.
Short-lived humans are easy to impress, but getting a reaction All of these problems, and the age-old internal conflicts,
out of a jaded immortal requires some real effort. This creates make modern life for any Atlantean a challenging prospect.
tremendous competition between individuals, each trying to Each Atlantean deals with these difficulties in a different way.
outdo the other. Atlanteans seldom work together, since no one There is no unified Atlantean policy towards the Greys. Likewise
likes to share credit for an accomplishment. Those working on there is no alliance to investigate the Saurians, or root out the
similar projects often become rivals and actively try to sabotage Forgotten, or keep human magic or technology in check.
each other’s work. Still, recognition requires contact of some Atlanteans are doing all of these things, but each on their own.
sort between the immortals. Nothing, it appears, seems a powerful enough incentive to drive
the creators of humanity into a unified stance.
Atlanteans are perhaps the most powerful beings on Earth.
Effectively immortal, and wielding awesome tools they should LANGUAGE AND NAMES
be able to do whatever they want. Yet they have not been able The Atlantean language is complex and ritualized. They
to do so, at least not fully. The Atlantean presence on Earth has believe that sounds and even words can be owned, and the
been characterized by so much bickering and senseless com- families have adopted certain of them as their own. Among the
petition that no single one of them has been able to fulfill all of most important are name suffixes. Every Atlantean name sig-
their ambitions. nals the bearer’s family allegiance. All such suffixes begin with
Today the challenges facing the creators of humanity are an apostrophe.
more complex than ever before. The ancient feud between the The Flameriders have taken “lo,” the Stalkers “am,” the
Atlanteans and Pilosi has resulted in the extermination of most Oceanmasters “don,” and the Overlords “r.” Both the Builders
Pilosi. Nonetheless, Pilosi-inspired and self-generated magic and the Landmakers use “al,” which is a source of no small
remains a vital and potent force—a force that Atlanteans try but amount of tension between them. Adversaries are not entirely
seldom succeed in curtailing. consistent but most adopt the suffix “lipoc.” A few buck con-
Further, humans are approaching a level of technology com- vention entirely and have adopted “-amon” or even “-Amon”
parable to the Atlantean. Where once it would have been (dropping the apostrophe and inserting a dash). The Frad’ri do
impossible, a human with the right weapons could actually kill not impose a consistent suffix. The Nameless abandon any fam-
an Atlantean. This remains unlikely, but the possibility worries ily name they may have had, and take the suffix “ns.”
many of the immortals. Human endeavors to understand the

1 2 3 4
terns. When a Nameless reaches the end of his or her natural
NAMELESS PRIESTS life span, the other priests breed until a viable child is born (no
By far the most numerous of the Atlanteans, the Nameless simple accomplishment for the generally infertile Atlanteans).
Priests are one of the two Atlantean groups that can be mean- Once a viable child is created, all others are aborted. When this
ingfully discussed as a group. Millennia of in-breeding, strict rit- child reaches maturity, the elderly priest is put to death. Thus,
ual, detached observation and increasingly ignored authority the number of Nameless in the community remains constant.
have created a group of psychopaths. They rarely suffer the vio-
Another sacred number is 67. No colony is ever to fall below
lent, obviously crazed type of insanity. Instead, they appear lost
that number (66 is considered an evil number). Although
in their own world—veritable prisoners of their own minds. Of
Nameless Priests live just over 300 years, the age of maturity for
all the Atlanteans, the priests most exhibit their nature as Voids.
a Priest is 67. At that point, they are entrusted to perform their
They have refused to immerse themselves in human society or
full duties, whatever those may be.
learn even a modicum of social graces.
Nameless colonies are scattered in the most remote sections
The Nameless Priests’ primary function is, and has always
of the globe. They live simple, unadorned lives hidden from
been, the recording of Atlantean history. With the creation of
human observation. They make full use of Atlantean nanotech
humans, the priests expanded their tasks to include human his-
in all things, except for internal systems. According to scripture,
tory as well. Some Nameless even attempt to record Grey and
the Nameless must remain pure to preserve the Atlantean race.
Saurian events. Still, the growing insane detachment has led
many to abandon their sacred duties, or perform them in a way Over the centuries, the Nameless have noticed the wealth of
that renders the records meaningless. mystical ideals surrounding the Himalayas. Through careful
research and interviewing, the Nameless discovered that no
At one time, the Nameless were more involved in human
Atlantean operates in that area. The priests have moved sever-
and Atlantean affairs. They handed down the edicts that first
al communities to the area to study the situation. These isolat-
removed Atlanteans as rulers, and then as gods, in the affairs of
ed groups of monks live and work and search. Thus far, few
humans. They seeded and monitored a series of massive reli-
have found anything of note. One community, however, has
gious movements that have spread throughout the globe. They
stumbled onto the Pilosi presence. Their detachment has
kept careful track of Atlantean transgressions and considered
caused them to keep this information hidden in order to pursue
the complaints of those wronged, and the punishment of the
their own course of action. They are currently interacting and
wrong-doers. Over time, however, these tasks have been
sharing knowledge with the Pilosi. The development of this ten-
undertaken with less conviction and more peculiarity. To almost
uous Pilosi/Atlantean relationship will no doubt cause great
any human, and many Atlanteans, the current activities of the
repercussions on human, alien, and Pilosi civilization, but its
Nameless are entirely inscrutable.
exact direction is difficult to foretell.
Nameless today are found in small congregations each num-
bering as close as possible to 88. This is a sacred number for the
priests and is found in many of their rituals and behavioral pat-
The second meaningful group of Atlanteans did not form
TYPICAL NAMELESS PRIEST naturally; they were created. Although no less individualized
than non-Nameless Atlanteans, the Forgotten have several
INT 5 PER 4 WIL 4 things in common. Most recently, some of them have become
LP 65 End 47 more organized, recognizing in themselves certain binding
qualities and philosophies, and making plans based on them.
Spd 20 Essence 27
Long ago, the Nameless Priests forbade Atlanteans to kill
Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5,
each other. The Diaspora left few of Ns’ children in its wake,
Psychic Void
and each was considered precious. Yet, punishment for murder
Skills: (add 100 points of other skills to those listed was difficult. With effective immortality granted by nanotech, an
below) Atlantean would have to be imprisoned for centuries to make
Bureaucracy 3, Computers 4, Computer Programming 4, suitable punishment. And that would be just as much a punish-
Electronics 3, Engineering (Nanotech) 4, Guns (Needler) 3, ment for the jailers. Monetary fines are meaningless, as is con-
Humanities (many) 5, Languages (many) 5, Martial Arts 3, fiscating property. Nanotech makes such material concerns
Medicine (several) 3, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot anachronistic. The only way to punish Atlanteans is to take
(Atlantean) 4, Research / Investigation 4, Science away their most precious commodity: their memories.
(Cryptology) 4 Any Atlantean can bring a complaint against one of their fel-
Equipment: Any seed or smart tool lows, but tradition forbids them from acting on their own. The
Nameless Priests are not only the religious leaders of Atlantean


society on Earth, they are also the judges in those rare times when an
Atlantean behaves in some manner that they deem unacceptable. The
priests hear the charges and make a decision, based in large part on
the results of many rituals. If guilt is found, they pass the only sen-
tence—removal of memories. The priests make a complete recording
of the convict’s memories and the only issue is how long the Atlantean
must spend without them. A typical sentence lasts a thousand years.
The offender is stripped of all their nanotech enhancements except for
the most basic systems—those that keep the criminal alive to suffer the
punishment in full. Lastly, all memories are stripped away and the
unwilling amnesiac is tossed into the wilderness.
In ancient times, the punished were left in the wilderness, far from
any human settlements. An outcast could spend centuries without see-
ing a human or Atlantean of any sort, living wild in the forest. Unable
to speak any languages or communicate, human society would shun
them. Eventually they would learn the local language, finding a way
into the company of men. Soon enough, they discovered they were
different. Wounds healed miraculously, bodies never aged or got sick,
the outsiders were extraordinary. Some humans viewed them as the
product of miracles and divine powers, and honored the punished.
Most, however, shunned them or hunted them as demons.
It is the duty of the outcast’s accuser to keep track of the punished.
The Nameless Priests meanwhile remain the custodians of the mem-
ories. When the sentence is complete, the Nameless Priests contact
the original accuser and order him to bring the outcast back into the
fold. The criminal is then returned her memories, hopefully having
learned a valuable lesson.
Unfortunately, the system fails regularly. Whether due to the unex-
pected death of the care-taker Nameless Priest, negligence in the
accuser’s monitoring, or sheer maliciousness or indifference, more
than a few of the punished have been lost. They are the Forgotten.
As the Forgotten retain their basic nanotechnology systems,
including the Memory Preservation System. Thus, the Forgotten
never forgot a face and, over time, come to recognize one other. By
twos and by threes, the outcasts found each other. It took centuries,
but by the early 1600s, over twenty Forgotten kept in constant con-
tact. These immortals began to research their origins, to try and
piece together why it was they could not die. One, a male who went
by the name Prahtma, suggested jokingly that they were simply the
lucky souls that Death had forgotten about. Not knowing how right
he was, they soon adopted the term Forgotten. Every ten years or so,
they would come together to discuss what had been learned, but the
search for their true origins proved impossible. By the 19th Century,
the Forgotten numbered a little more than forty with “ages” ranging
from only a few decades to four thousand years.
This situation remained static until very recently. Each of the
Forgotten had been busy pursuing their own interests. The gatherings
every decade turned into mere social occasions, with research taking
a back seat or being left out entirely. The majority busied themselves
in exploring immortality, not questioning its origins.
A Forgotten living in the United States in the late 1980s under the
name Randolph Winot, changed everything. He had memories dating
1 2 3 4
back to the 14th century, and had always been interested in sci- Randolph returned to his work, his Cell members none the
ence. The penultimate decade of the 20th century found him wiser. The Atlantean, known to them as Leese, had requested
working for a prestigious aerospace company doing research the Cell’s assistance in an operation against some enclave she
on experimental compounds for aircraft hulls. One day, he was was unwilling or unable to suppress. Randolph, now a leader
told that he was being transferred to a special, highly classified within the Cell, demanded that Leese meet them face to face for
project. There were even thinly veiled threats against his life the planning of the mission. After years of cooperation, the
should he ever divulge classified information, but when all the Atlantean decided the conditions were appropriate and com-
security procedures were complete, Randolph was a little dis- plied. Leese arrived at the meeting spot, only to find herself
appointed. His new employers presented him with a twisted attacked by over forty Forgotten. She was soon overwhelmed,
sheet of light, ceramic-looking material, supposedly taken from bound, and disabled using some of the very same technology
the hull of a downed aircraft. she had given to the Aegis Cell. The Forgotten questioned her
Randolph and associates set to work examining the material for months, learning to cut her food supply, causing her to run
and soon discovered that the sheet was entirely self-repairing. out of energy. In the end, she told them everything they want-
Any damage would be repaired in a matter of minutes, just like ed to know before she died.
what happened to Randolph when he suffered damage. The The angriest of the Forgotten wanted their memories back,
parallels between this piece of “aircraft” and his own body but more than that they wanted to hurt their punishers. Others
rekindled his desires to discover more about his origin. saw things differently. They wanted a more peaceful, more for-
Randolph devoted himself fully to his new, secretive employers, giving course of action. The pacifiers argued that the
knowing that they alone could tell him where this link to his Atlanteans should be willing to give back what was lost, rec-
past had come from. ognizing that a mistake had been made and that all punish-
As it turned out, Aegis had recruited Randolph, having no ments had been served.
idea just what they were getting. The strange material was not Those seeking retribution carried the day. It was time to band
from any aircraft or spacecraft. It was a sample provided by an together and strike a blow against their cruel cousins. The paci-
Atlantean who was looking to make an alliance with Aegis. She fiers refused and asked leave to return to the Atlanteans and
offered the material as a sign of Atlantean power and capabili- beg for their memories. Basking in the glow of their latest new-
ties with promises of more should the Aegis Cell prove cooper- found unity, the reckoners allowed the weak to leave.
ative. The Cell leaders soon noticed just how intelligent, insight- Today the two groups of Forgotten have their own plans and
ful, and seemingly loyal Randolph was. Immediately suspecting carry out their own operations. The reckoners consist of 45
something, they put him under constant surveillance, but Forgotten from across the planet (more are constantly assimi-
Randolph was the picture of restraint. Phone taps revealed lated), lead by Randolph. Their primary goal is to build up their
nothing incriminating, nor did his personal computer files, or a power base and influence, using Aegis with two goals in mind.
search of his house. The first is to gain as many potential allies as possible for their
Over the next two years, the Aegis Cell called upon Randolph struggle. One means to that goal is to continually poison Aegis
to do more and more work of a scientific nature. Randolph attitudes towards the Atlanteans. Second, they want as much
played it perfectly, making curious inquiries but not asking too Atlantean nanotech as possible, knowing that Aegis has a bet-
many questions. Meanwhile the Cell continued to expand its ter chance of getting this equipment than most. Although they
alliance with the Atlantean, allowing Randolph access to more are currently focused on manipulating Aegis, they have contin-
Atlantean technology. Randolph was now certain that whoever gency plans for infiltrating the NDD and even approaching their
was responsible for creating the items he was examining was allies, the Greys. Ultimately, the reckoners hope to overthrow
also responsible for him and his fellow Forgotten. the Atlanteans on Earth one by one.
After a particularly deadly encounter with the NDD, the Aegis The eleven pacifiers began looking for a way to make contact
Cell found itself suddenly very short-handed. Randolph seemed with their “jailers.” They appointed as leader one of their old-
a logical choice to help fill the depleted ranks. He was brought est, a woman named Riela, and set about trying to discover all
fully, and sailed through the indoctrination process. Randolph they could about the Atlanteans. Their obvious targets became
learned about three alien races, and most particularly the Aegis and the NDD. In time, Riela managed to contact the
Atlanteans with whom this Cell had a great deal of experience. Nameless Priests. While meaningful negotiations are hindered
He accessed HERMES and finally had the proof he needed and by the Nameless dementia, at least one priest has expressed
could bring it the next ten-year meeting. In 1993, three years regret over the mistakes that had been made. He is trying to
after joining Aegis, Randolph took some personal time and raise the Nameless from their stupor to address the Forgotten
headed off to Milan for the Forgotten gathering. There, with threat. He is trying to get them to agree to restore the memo-
forty-three fellow amnesiacs present he told everything he ries of those who come forward and reveal all they know about
knew. After hours of emotional debate, they came up with a Randolph and his group.
plan in response.



Other than the Nameless and the Forgotten, Atlanteans do not live
in groups. Other than in the most general terms, it is impossible to
discuss typical Atlantean operations or typical Atlantean goals. As
mentioned, Atlanteans are extremely self-sufficient and paranoid.
The best means to delve into Atlantean culture or society is to view
them as they do themselves: isolated units.
The following sections present specific Atlanteans currently active
on Earth. Each has separate goals, methods, and manners of con-
ducting his or her affairs. Still, the individuals discussed can be con-
sidered representative of different groups within Atlantean society at
large. Several other Atlanteans share the same kinds of interests as
those presented here, each in his or her own way.
Each individual discussed includes a stat block revealing his or her
current abilities. Attributes list two numbers—the first with nanotech
additions, the second without. The details of their nanotech internals
are presented later in the chapter (see pp. 48).


When the Atlanteans first created humans, a dispute arose over
what role the humans would play in Atlantean society. They were
designed to be a defense against Grey psychic abilities, but were
they to be limited to the role of living weapons? Azek’al, a member
of the Builder family, was among those who felt that humanity
deserved to be treated with the same respect an Atlantean enjoyed.
After all, humans came from Atlantean genetic material. These
humanitarians’ views did not carry the day, however. Most
Atlanteans feared that if the humans were allowed nanotechnolo-
gy, they might think themselves superior. Governed by Nameless
edict, Azek’al was forced to accept that view.
Still, over the millennia, Azek’al has nurtured feelings for human-
ity. He thinks of them as his children and would have no ill done to
them, though he refuses to interfere in any of mankind’s internal
squabbles. Instead, he looks out for the well-being of humanity as a
whole, protecting human society from other, more malicious
Atlanteans, as well as from supernatural and extraterrestrial threats.
His true purpose, however, is to raise humanity up to the level of the
Atlanteans. Only when humans enjoy the benefits of nanotech will
they be truly safe.
The Nameless have forbidden giving nanotech to humans and
Azek’al risks grave punishment should he simply hand out the tech-
nology. In fact, at the dawn of human existence, he tried just that and
was sentenced to a three thousand year mind-wipe, something he
does not want to go through again. Instead, Azek’al is determined to
help humanity discover the secrets of nanotechnology on their own.
Azel’al has laboriously worked to advance human scientific aware-
ness. The process is slow and has suffered many setbacks. Countless
times a new discovery would be forgotten a generation later because
no one saw the value in it. Only in the last fifty or sixty years has
Azek’al made significant progress.
1 2 3 4
Only two of Azek’al’s most trusted servants know it exists, and
AZEK’AL only Azek’al himself has ever been inside. This basement can
STR 8 (5) DEX 8 (5) CON 5 only be accessed by one of three portals, none of which appear
INT 8 (4) PER 5 WIL 5 to be doors. One looks like the walls of the basement, but is a
nanotech construct that responds only to Azek’al’s DNA and
LP 77 (65) End 59 (49)
Neural Link. A similar secret door in “Louis Michael’s” office
Spd 26 (20) Essence 29 leads to an elevator that descends directly to the sub-basement
Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5, facilities. The third entrance is located some three miles away in
Psychic Void the basement of a small house; it is linked to the building by a
tunnel that includes a special rail transport system. This allows
Skills: (all skills at 3 unless listed below)
Azek’al to escape from the building or enter without being
Bureaucracy 6, Computers 6, Computer Programming 6, observed from the outside.
Demolitions 4, Disguise 5, Dodge 6, Drive (several) 5,
The fortress levels are much like the interior of any
Engineering (Nanotech) 6, Guns (Handgun) 5, Guns
Atlantean ship or installation. Everything from the walls to the
(Needler) 4, Guns (Rifle) 5, Humanities (several) 5,
furniture are nanotech smart items. Extensive security systems
Languages (several) 5, Lock Picking 6, Martial Arts 6,
are in place, including nano-cameras that watch the entire
Medicine (several) 6, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot
building and everything within a half-mile. The master AI mon-
(Atlantean) 6, Research/Investigation 6, Science
itors every phone call and every conversation that takes place
(Nanotechnology) 6, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5
and is constantly aware of every living and nonliving thing in
Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System, Blood the building. At a moment’s notice, the AI can flood any room
Surgeons, Bio-Battery Energy System, Computer with knock-out gas, poison, or a cloud of disassemblers. The
Enhancement, Emergency Nanite Reserve, Hearing facility also includes two industrial grade assemblers which
Enhancements, Improved Digestion, Knowing Touch, Azek’al uses to make anything he might need—from cars to
Memory Augmentation, Memory Preservation System, counterfeit money. For protection, Azek’al has created a squad
Musculature Enhancements, Nanite Recorder, Neural Link, of five Ravagers, all of whom are fiercely loyal to him (as their
Replacement Skeleton, Replacement Skin, Retractable programming dictates). Azek’al is ready for anyone who might
Blades, Toxin Filters, Vision Enhancements try to disrupt his plans.
Plans and Problems: For the first time in almost 11,000
Forward Thought: Human science has advanced to the years things seem to be going Azek’al’s way. With his help,
level where humans are finally capable of understanding nan- humanity is on the verge of breaking through the mortality bar-
otechnology. After centuries in the shadows, Azek’al has taken rier. Once the humans develop nanotechnology, Azek’al plans
a more public stance. He secretly founded the Forward Thought to give it to everyone on the planet. He foresees an end to dis-
Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting nan- ease, starvation, and poverty. Everyone will have everything
otech research and raising public awareness about nanotech- they need, and a new golden age will dawn. At least that’s how
nology. Through Forward Thought, Azek’al has been able to Azek’al imagines things. Unfortunately, consumed by his goal,
influence scientists directly, giving them subtle nudges in the he has lost touch with reality. He has turned a blind eye to some
right directions. The danger of discovery by other Atlanteans is of humanity’s baser faults, like greed and hatred.
greater than ever, so Azek’al is content to take things slow. He Azek’al almost always works through intermediaries—if he
knows that the human discoveries must seem to be their own— were to spread the technology personally his fellow Atlanteans
he simply helps them shave off a few years. would punish him. He has even gone so far as to bring into his
Based in San Jose, California, Forward Thought occupies a confidence several humans, revealing to them his true nature
modest research facility in the heart of Silicon Valley. It employs and explaining his situation. Two are top scientists: Laura
ten full-time research scientists as well as engineers, publicists, Dickinson and Jeremy Lee. They are his closest aides and the
and a staff for publishing the Institute’s quarterly journal (called only humans who know of the existence of Azek’al’s secret
Forward Thought). The research facility also provides lab space base. Likewise, they are the only humans Azek’al has given nan-
and support for visiting scientists, hosts conferences on nan- otech internals, inoculating them with Blood Surgeons and Bio-
otech, and generally supports international cooperation for Battery Systems. Azek’al has even discovered how to design
nanotech research. The president of the Institute is the reclusive these internals specifically for Laura and Jeremy. As a result,
Louis Michaels (actually Azek’al), who runs operations from a they function just as they would for an Atlantean.
suite of offices on the top floor. What he does not realize is that his two trusted associates
The building is also Azek’al’s private fortress. Underneath are have plans of their own. Right now they have something few
two basement levels devoted entirely to Azek’al and his per- others on the planet possess and they would prefer to keep it
sonal plans. Their existence remains a closely guarded secret. that way. Despite all of Azek’al’s dreams of a better tomorrow,


Laura and Jeremy have decided that they would be better served if
they retained an advantage over the rest of humanity. For the
moment, they work with Azek’al in hopes that he will give them
access to more nanotechnology enhancements. If not, they are keen
to gain unlimited access to Azek’al’s secret quarters, but they are
aware of some of Azek’al’s security measures. Thus, the two conspir-
ators bide their time until an opportunity presents itself. When it
does, they will gladly betray their benefactor for personal gain.
Azek’al remains blind to the disloyalty of his trusted allies because
he is too focused on his fellow Atlanteans. Should they discover his
aims, they have the power to destroy his entire operation. In order to
forestall such a fate, Azel’al plans to cultivate new allies—more
humans he can trust. He has heard of Aegis and The National Defense
Directorate and is currently considering an alliance with one or both
of these powerful secret organizations.


The Atlanteans have always been a race aspiring to divine status.
Their practice of godly personification is just one symptom of the
Atlantean need to reach greater heights of personal advancement.
The development of nanotechnology achieved much in this regard.
DNA, genes, molecules, and cells became as building blocks to chil-
dren. To many, the race has reached the pinnacle of evolution—all
powerful, eternal, masters of their very existence. For others, like
Voeth’am, a member of the Stalker clan, the journey towards perfec-
tion continues.
Voeth’am was not always obsessed with eugenics. Like many of
her kind, she has switched passions several times over her long life.
She was one of the most traveled of Atlantean explorers, visiting over
a hundred different star systems. She was also one of the Atlanteans
who visited the homeworld of the Greys. She arrived shortly after
Ahr’am’s famous hunt.
On Greyworld, Voeth’am witnessed wonders that changed her.
Their psychic abilities were unlike anything in Atlantean experience.
At first, confident in her own invincibility, she viewed the Greys with
a kind of detached scientific curiosity. But once she saw the true level
of their power, her curiosity changed to fear and then to jealousy. She
viewed them as blatant evidence that Atlanteans had a long way to go
before they could truly claim to be pinnacles of evolution.
Voeth’am joined her fellows in the abduction and study of the Greys
for medical tests. She took Grey and Atlantean genetic material and
spliced them together in a series of experiments. Although none of the
results were viable, her work was instrumental in the creation of
humanity. Although the resultant humans had only a modicum of the
powers of the Greys, they are a wondrous creation. Voeth’am is a
patient explorer and researcher; she has continued her experiments.
Voeth’am has also tried to develop her own psychic potential,
devising a series of mind expanding exercises, nanite constructs, and
even drugs. None proved effective, however. As the human popula-
tion climbed, she noticed the growing supernatural presence on
Earth. This soon became her abiding passion. She studied Seepage,
magical rituals, Infused, and other supernatural by-products of the
human experiment. She spawned mystic secret societies, and even
1 2 3 4
spent centuries worshiped as a Chinese goddess of magic and
sorcery. At all times, she maintained a cadre of powerful sor- VOETH’AM
cerers in her service. Her frustration at her own inability to work STR 8 (5) DEX 8 (5) CON 5
magic grew over the millennia. INT 9 (5) PER 5 WIL 5
The Breakthrough: Of late, Voeth’am has once again LP 77 (65) End 59 (49)
turned her attention to eugenics, believing that the Atlantean
future lies in mastering the secrets of Grey DNA. In the nine- Spd 26 (20) Essence 30
teenth and early twentieth centuries, she carried out a pro- Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5,
longed series of breeding experiments using her own genetic Psychic Void
material, as well as human and Grey subjects. Recently Skills: (all skills at 3 unless listed below)
Voeth’am became aware of a new kind of human walking on
the planet. Much to her chagrin, the Greys had managed to suc- Acrobatics 5, Bureaucracy 6, Computers 6, Computer
ceed where she had failed. Grey metahumans possessed psy- Programming 6, Demolitions 4, Disguise 5, Dodge 6, Drive
chic abilities far beyond those of most humans. (several) 5, Engineering (Nanotech) 6, Guns (Handgun) 5,
Guns (Needler) 4, Guns (Rifle) 5, Humanities (several) 5,
Her new obsession is recreating these metahumans in her Languages (several) 5, Lock Picking 6, Martial Arts 6,
own laboratory. She wants to become a psychic herself, and is Medicine (several) 6, Myths and Legends (Cryptozoology) 4,
even prepared to give up her own body and transfer her per- Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot (Atlantean) 6,
sonality and nanosystems into a suitable psychic body. To Research/Investigation 6, Science (Genetics) 5, Science
achieve this goal, she needs metahumans, but this has proven (Nanotechnology) 5, Science (Parapsychology) 4, Science
more difficult than she imagined. The Greys and their NDD allies (Toxicology) 5, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5
keep close tabs on most of their creations. The last thing any
Atlantean wants is to tangle with a gestalt of angry Greys and Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System, Blood
their metahuman allies. Finding and abducting those not moni- Surgeons, Bio-Battery Energy System, Computer
tored by the Greys has proven difficult and time-consuming. Enhancement, Emergency Nanite Reserve, Hearing
Enhancements, Improved Digestion, Knowing Touch,
In desperation, Voeth’am has decided to try a truly radical Memory Augmentation, Memory Preservation System,
approach: she is seeking the aid of the Greys themselves. She Musculature Enhancements, Nanite Recorder, Neural Link,
has successfully made contact and opened up negotiations with Replacement Skeleton, Replacement Skin, Toxin Filters,
the metahumans (no Grey will come close to an Atlantean). In Vision Enhancements
exchange for nanotech devices and other resources, Voeth’am
is beginning to earn their trust. This cooperation between the
races marks the beginning of a new, and dangerous era.
Dangerous for Voeth’am as well, since she would face grave
Fundamental to Atlantean psychology is the need for recogni-
reprisals should any Atlantean discover what she is doing. tion. No one exemplifies this need more than Djerl’r, one of the
Until recently, Voeth’am based her experiments in Nepal and most recognition-hungry Overlord family members to walk the
Tibet, preferring the colder climes, isolation, and mystical tradi- Earth. Djerl’r has spent the past ten thousand years living among
tions of the Himalayas. She has since moved to a temporary humans. In the early days, he proclaimed himself their god.
base in Colorado as Grey activity seems to be more common in When his worshippers pleased him, he showered them with gifts
the United States. She maintains a small, heavily defended facil- and mana from heaven, all assembled by nanites. When dis-
itiy deep in the Rocky Mountains—accessible only from the air. pleased, he would release a cloud of nano-created locusts, or
She continues her experiments on human psychics and pre- molecular plagues that killed every first born male child.
pares for the day when she will have a metahuman to experi- In time, Djerl’r began to grow tired of his role as a god. It was
ment on. For this, she is developing a device that will actually too easy; he could garner no real recognition for such mundane
measure the amount of psychic ability an individual possesses. efforts. So Djerl’r abandoned his worshippers and joined the
When completed, it will help her to track down metahumans. ranks of man. Using his Aspect Modification System to give him
Other than hunting for psychics, Voeth’am eschews human the appearance of ageing, Djerl’r became a man like any other
society and thus has no current alias. (in appearance). He set about working his way up from the bot-
Voeth’am represents a terrible threat to national and planetary tom. He would rise to the top of society, becoming a king
security. The exchange of technology between Greys and among men by force of will, arms, or intellect. Then he would
Atlanteans represents the combining of two very powerful capa- drive his “fellow” men to new heights and victories until he
bilities. For humans, both psychic Atlanteans and nanotech- either grew bored or the situation became entirely untenable.
enhanced Greys are concepts better left in the realm of night- At that point, he would simply start over somewhere else.
mares. Should Aegis learn of Voeth’am’s plans, they would be Djerl’r has been king, emperor, pope, chancellor, and general
well advised to do everything they can to halt them immediately. countless times around the planet. Henry II, Innocent III, Qin


Shihuang, Boudica, Philip, Cortes, and Tokugawa are just a few of the
names and faces he has worn in his time.
He made extensive chronicles of his achievements and sent them
to every Atlantean he knew. In spite of themselves, many Atlanteans
could not help but be impressed by Djerl’r’s accomplishments. If
indeed he was doing all of this without the aid of nanotechnology, it
truly was a praiseworthy accomplishment. Still, in time, the jaded
Atlanteans lost interest. They even began to deride Djerl’r for his
pointless little games with the humans.
A New Game: Djerl’r felt their belittlement deeper. Burning from
the chastisement of his peers, Djerl’r set for himself a new, secret goal.
He had more experience than any other in uniting disparate factions,
in carving out kingdoms from chaos. He decided he would become
king of the Atlanteans; first on Earth, and then everywhere else.
The challenge inherent was obvious. Nothing has united the
Atlanteans for tens of thousands of years. Djerl’r realizes this, and
knows he must proceed with care, biding his time. No one can sus-
pect his ultimate goals. One sure way of uniting Atlanteans would be
to openly declare his intentions—they would surely band together to
dispose of him.
Within the last century Djerl’r has started building a network of
alliances with scores of other Atlanteans. He approaches with a
request for aid in some small endeavor. This begins a relationship of
exchanging favors, something nearly unheard of among Atlanteans.
Over time, Djerl’r manipulates the relationship so that he is doing
more for his fellow Atlanteans than they are doing for him, building a
debt of honor between himself and his associates. At the same time,
he gains a reputation for being helpful. If nothing else, he can contact
more Atlanteans than anyone on the planet.
Djerl’r has proven himself a valuable ally, having aided in research-
ing the lost city of Atlantis, fighting the Greys, dealing with the
Forgotten, and studying the Saurians. He has tried to get involved in
every major Atlantean endeavor, showing his concern for other
Atlantean operations but never trying to supersede them. He knows
that when he finally makes his move, the most direct means of rally-
ing his fellows is an outside threat. He currently views either the
Lev’ans, the Greys, or even the mysterious Hunters memorialized on
Easter Island as potential unifying foes.
Meanwhile, Djerl'r has floated the idea of resurrecting an Atlantean
assembly with real power—taking the power of choosing the Autarch
from the Nameless Priests and authority to that position. He is very
careful about suggesting this idea, often tricking his fellow Atlanteans
into thinking that they came up with the idea. He points out the pre-
carious condition of Atlantean society and says that if they are to sur-
vive the coming times, they must become more organized. The hope
is that once such an assembly is established, it will become a tool for
his own power play.
Djerl’r is also gathering significant support from the humans. Djerl’r
is quietly bringing more “human” power upon himself. Currently, he
holds a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and sits on several
important committees. This has given him access to a great deal of
secret information. Using nanospies, he has learned about key
1 2 3 4


Elryn’lo is one of the greatest Flamerider poets and authors.
STR 9 (6) DEX 8 (5) CON 5
She has won almost universal acclaim from her people, a rare
INT 7 (3) PER 4 WIL 5 achievement in Atlantean society. However, since she came to
LP 81 (60) End 62 (53) Earth 20,000 years ago her talents truly began to flourish. With
the creation and continued propagation of the human species,
Spd 26 (20) Essence 28
Elryn’lo found a fertile field to draw inspiration. Humans have a
Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5, great penchant for stories. Unlike Atlanteans, humans have very
Psychic Void poor memories, and very flexible imaginations. This means that
Skills: (all skills at 3 unless listed below) they often retell stories differently from the way they were
heard. Elryn’lo sees great artistic potential in the vagaries of
Acrobatics 4, Bureaucracy 6, Computers 6, Computer
human memory and imagination.
Programming 6, Disguise 5, Dodge 6, Drive (several) 5,
Electronic Surveillance 4, Engineering (Nanotech) 6, Guns Elryn’lo has been the mythmaker and taleteller for countless
(Handgun) 5, Guns (Needler) 4, Humanities (several) 5, societies. She takes on many forms, from a wizened old story-
Languages (several) 5, Lock Picking 6, Martial Arts 6, teller, to a goddess of wisdom and war. In these guises, she tells
Medicine (several) 6, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot her stories or creates events for others to tell stories. In ancient
(Atlantean) 6, Research / Investigation 6, Science times, she created terrifying nanotech creatures and unleashed
(Nanotech) 4, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5 them upon helpless villages. Assuming the form and role of
some hero, she would step in and slay the beast or she would
Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System, Blood
take the form of a god and empower a mortal human to kill the
Surgeons, Bio-Battery Energy System, Computer
creature. She would then move on, returning later to listen to
Enhancement, Emergency Nanite Reserve, Hearing
the local stories and hear how they had changed.
Enhancements, Improved Digestion, Knowing Touch,
Memory Augmentation, Memory Preservation System, With the rebirth of literacy and historical inquiry after the
Musculature Enhancements, Nanite Recorder, Neural Link, sinking of Atlantis, Elryn’lo entered a new phase of her game.
Replacement Skeleton, Replacement Skin, Toxin Filters, She would influence historians themselves, changing human
Vision Enhancements history as it passed down through the generations to the way
she desired. She would invent entire periods of history, create
entire wars. Much of history is based on ancient documents and
Representatives and Senators. He is confident that he could
archeological remains. Creating an “ancient” document using
pass any single bill with a veto proof majority, should the need
nanotechnology requires little effort and it is easy enough for
arise. His followers are busy building support for him across the
her to create whatever story she wanted. The same is true for
country both publicly and covertly. In addition to being popular
archeological sites and ancient inscriptions. The nano-assem-
in the polls, Djerl’r has a secret following of radical militia
blers can be programmed only to use ancient materials and
groups under another identity he uses, Victor DeLancie. He has
recreate the effects of thousands of years of wear and tear. Over
also managed to get spies into both Aegis and the NDD and is
time, she has managed historical records and evidence literally
working on infiltrating the Grey metahuman network.
to reinvent the ancient past. Only Atlanteans who were there
Djerl’r has become one of the most powerful Atlanteans on can say what really happened.
the planet (although few realize it). His political power is
Dead Stones Speak Lies: In the modern age, it has become
matched only by the favors and influence he wields in Atlantean
harder to manipulate the grand story of history. The more that
society. Djerl’r hopes to subvert Aegis and NDD to his cause as
gets published, the more she has to do to change “accepted”
each has, or will soon have, the knowledge and technological
human historical wisdom. Elryn’lo still creates the occasional
capability to destroy individual Atlanteans should the need
rumor that causes a war or a stock market crash, but nothing like
arise. He plans to use the groups as secret weapons against
the world-changing lies she used to tell. Recently however, she
those who oppose him, destroying Atlanteans who stand in his
has found a new forum for her storytelling: fossils. Ancient plants,
way with near complete deniability. He has lead Aegis Cells to
dinosaurs, and even our supposed evolutionary ancestors come
disrupt the lives of those Atlanteans he sees as potential threats.
alive through their unearthed bones. Particularly in the fields of
Djerl’r has even set up Aegis or NDD raids so he could save a
physical anthropology and evolutionary biology, reliance on the
fellow Atlantean and earn that Atlantean’s gratitude.
fossil record is enormous. These entire disciplines have been built
Djerl’r is the only Atlantean in nearly twenty thousand years on fabrications—fossils created within the last century by
who has willingly killed several other Atlanteans. Indeed, he is Elryn’lo’s nanites. They are real fossil material, but they have
the closest thing the Atlanteans have to a serial killer. The years been rearranged on the atomic level into new shapes and molec-
among humans has taught him that life is cheap. He will gladly ular designs. For example, the world-famous Lucy and Java Man
kill anyone who stands in the way of his dream. are nothing more than the inspired imaginings of Elryn’lo.


Over the next hundred years, she plans to draw out the fossil finds
around the world, subtly directing scientists where she wants them to
go. Then, she will unleash another fossil that throws everything into
disarray. Perhaps we will discover that we are really descended from
giant lizard men, or that we came from outer space. Elryn’lo has yet
to decide where humanity came from. She is contemplating produc-
ing evidence that leads scientists to the conclusion that the Earth is in
fact only five or six thousand years old as described in the Judeo-
Christian Bible. She is not quite sure how she will do this, but is
delighted by the challenge it presents.
The only immediate threat to Elryn’lo’s plans is Aegis. They are
already aware of the existence of the Atlanteans and have been
assembling the true history of humanity at an alarming rate. They
could undo a great deal of Elryn’lo’s work. With this in mind, Elryn’lo
plans to work on Aegis itself, to create documents and accounts that
will shake the organization’s hierarchy to its roots. She will lead an
Aegis team to discover the false mask on human history, and then
replace it with a new, more enticing lie. By revealing herself to Aegis
and letting them think they have forced the truth from her, she will
bring new life to her game. Now she just needs to decide what new
story she wishes to tell.

STR 8 (5) DEX 8 (5) CON 4
INT 8 (4) PER 5 WIL 5
LP 73 (61) End 56 (47)
Spd 24 (18) Essence 28
Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5,
Psychic Void
Skills: (all skills at 3 unless listed below)
Acrobatics 4, Bureaucracy 6, Computers 6, Computer
Programming 6, Demolitions 4, Disguise 5, Dodge 6, Drive
(several) 5, Engineering (Nanotech) 6, Fine Arts (many) 4,
Guns (Needler) 4, Guns (Rifle) 5, Humanities (several) 5,
Languages (several) 5, Lock Picking 6, Martial Arts 6, Medicine
(several) 6, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot (Atlantean)
6, Research / Investigation 6, Science (Cryptology) 4, Science
(Forensics) 4, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5
Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System, Blood
Surgeons, Bio-Battery Energy System, Computer
Enhancement, Emergency Nanite Reserve, Hearing
Enhancements, Improved Digestion, Knowing Touch,
Memory Augmentation, Memory Preservation System,
Musculature Enhancements, Nanite Recorder, Neural Link,
Replacement Skeleton, Replacement Skin, Toxin Filters,
Vision Enhancements
1 2 3 4
The Grey/metahuman problem represents a serious threat to the
Atlantean race, and few are as conscious of this as the Landmaker
Lerun’al. A devoutly religious woman back on Adlan’ns, Lerun’al has
always looked at life as a series of moral and philosophical chal-
lenges. Her goal has always been to rise to these challenges. She lives
by a few simple moral precepts. First and foremost, one must always
strive towards understanding the truth. Second, one must respect
what the universe has to tell you. Finally, one’s universe is what one
makes of it.
In her quest for the truth, she became an explorer of the depths of
space. She was among the first Atlanteans to devote significant study
to the Greys. She was both intrigued and frightened by the psychic
powers that every living thing on Greyworld seemed to evince, but
she was deeply opposed the hostile actions against the Greys. She
wanted nothing to do with the senseless killing of these apparently
peaceful creatures.
For thousands of years, this remained her position. She explored
other planets while contemplating great philosophical problems dur-
ing the long voyages, eventually making the journey to Earth, where
her fellow Atlanteans had been busy with their human experiments.
By the time she arrived in 1400 B.C., the human population had
already become substantial. Also, Seepage and supernatural phe-
nomena were more prevalent than ever before. This was something
the universe had never shown Lerun’al and it fascinated her.
After centuries researching supernatural locations, creatures, illu-
sions and phenomena, Lerun’al decided that the most intriguing
aspect was the human ability of precognition. Like most Atlanteans,
Lerun’al understood the concepts behind prophecy but dismissed it as
guess-work. Now she saw that human prophets accurately foretold
the future more often than the laws of probability would allow. She
devoted the next thirty-four hundred years to studying the world’s
prophets, recording them all and closely monitoring world events. She
became deeply involved in human occult practices from astrology to
numerology to casting runes to reading goat entrails and tea leaves.
By the nineteenth century, she had become a walking encyclopedia
of prophecy, with detailed memories about every great precognitive
power from the Delphic Oracle to Nostradamus. In the twentieth cen-
tury, she became a famous self-help guru. Under the name Christine
Shirley, she leads seminars across the globe, teaching about prophe-
cies, and trying to open up the precognitive talent that lies within
every human mind. She records and collates all of her findings from
these precognition experiments, looking for patterns that will lead her
to the future.
The Coming Doom: About fifty years ago, Lerun’al noticed a dis-
turbing trend in the prophecies she so diligently recorded. Most of her
most reliable precognitives were having similar visions, involving
strange unearthly figures, sometimes angelic, sometimes demonic.
The visions were always negative, indicating some sort of dire future
for all of humanity. They varied from the typical apocalyptic visions as
the visionaries universally agreed about some of the details. The
prophets saw mass destruction for humanity—saw mankind becoming

a slave race to demons. Worse of all, the humans who came to played a more sinister alien visitor. The benign beings of Close
serve these terrible overlords would enjoy their lowly positions Encounters and E.T. have been replaced by war-like aliens. She
and never rise up. hopes to build enough ill feeling that when the time of the final
At frst Lerun’al assumed that the “demons” were actually battle arrives the humans will be ready. She also tries desper-
angels. After all, many Atlanteans had assumed such forms in ately to convince her fellow Atlanteans of the profound threat
their lives on Earth. Closer study raised some interesting the Greys represent. Unfortunately, few of them take her seri-
details—the visions focused on over-sized heads, and large ously. If only she knew that the greater threat would come from
eyes. Lerun’al had heard rumors from other Atlanteans that the the Saurians.
Greys had come to Earth but had not given it a thought. Now
she knew the truth. The Greys were the demons of these
visions. The Greys would destroy the world. ATLANTEAN CHARACTERS
Lerun’al has since devoted herself to averting this impending Atlanteans are basically human in their physiology, despite
disaster. She knows that prophecies, while often true, are not their sphinx-link ancestors. All Atlantean characters purchase
necessarily unavoidable. In the last twenty years, Lerun’al has their race and various nanotech systems as Qualities. As the
set her plan in motion. In her guise as a prominent new age creators of the technology, their nanotech is fully reliable
author and researcher, she is trying to gather as many psychics (unlike nanotech systems implanted in humans, see Conspiracy
under her influence as possible. She helps them develop their X, p. 224), keeping the Atlantean effectively immortal and
powers, particularly those with precognitive abilities. She knows immune to disease. Full details of the nanotech systems are
that human psychics can never stand up to Greys, but hopes to presented starting on p. 47.
shape them into a potent weapon when the final battle comes. When creating a Supporting Cast Member or a suitable foil
Meanwhile, she is doing all she can to cast Greys in a nega- for a Cell, the Chronicler should assign most of the available
tive light. Under her influence, the media has increasingly dis- nanotech to the character. It is rare for an Atlantean not to have
most of the systems installed.
Ambitious Chroniclers who wish to include a full strength
LERUN’AL Atlantean in a group (it is rare to have more than one Atlantean
STR 8 (5) DEX 9 (6) CON 4 work together) may allow a player to use the Veteran template
INT 8 (4) PER 6 WIL 5 and purchase the systems he can afford. Consider carefully the
implications of an indestructible being with every skill known
LP 73 (61) End 56 (47)
partaking in an assignment, however. At the very least, some
Spd 26 (20) Essence 30 reason for the Atlantean’s presence in the Cell must be devised.
Qualities & Drawbacks: Atlantean, Hard to Kill 5, If an Atlantean Cast Member is desired, it is recommended
Psychic Void that players be limited to the Forgotten Quality, with their cor-
Skills: (all skills at 3 unless listed below) responding restrictions on nanotech. Still, the Chronicler must
consider issues of game balance. While Forgotten are not as
Bureaucracy 6, Computers 6, Computer Programming 6,
powerful as fully aware and nano-enhanced Atlanteans, they
Demolitions 4, Disguise 5, Dodge 6, Drive (several) 5,
do have the advantage of being basically immune to all but
Engineering (Nanotech) 6, Fine Arts (several) 4, Guns
major damage. These benefits should be offset through the
(Handgun) 5, Guns (Needler) 4, Guns (Rifle) 5, Humanities
Forgotten’s penchant for suffering a number of mental hin-
(several) 5, Languages (several) 5, Lock Picking 6, Martial
drances or illnesses. Also, the Forgotten are walking targets of
Arts 6, Medicine (several) 6, Myths and Legends
arguably the most powerful creatures on Earth. Any relation-
(Cryptozoology) 4, Myths and Legends (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot
ship with a Forgotten is bound to be dangerous for those not
(Atlantean) 6, Research / Investigation 6, Science
enhanced by nanotech. Working Forgotten characters into a
(Nanotech) 4, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5, Trance 5
campaign should be relatively easy, as the Forgotten are look-
Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System, Blood ing for closer ties with Aegis and add an interesting new facet
Surgeons, Bio-Battery Energy System, Computer to a Conspiracy X campaign.
Enhancement, Emergency Nanite Reserve, Hearing
When calculating an Atlantean’s Secondary Attributes, nan-
Enhancements, Improved Digestion, Knowing Touch,
otech increases the effective value of Life Points, Endurance,
Memory Augmentation, Memory Preservation System,
and Speed. Essence is something that nanotech has little effect
Musculature Enhancements, Nanite Recorder, Neural Link,
on, however, and the Essence Pool is calculated from the attrib-
Oxygen Transference System, Replacement Skeleton,
utes prior to nanotech enhancement.
Replacement Skin, Retractable Blades, Toxin Filters, Vision
Enhancements, Wings

1 2 3 4


Achieving any great power or artistic notice in this world requires interacting and living among the humans. Atlanteans sel-
dom wish others to know of their alien nature and so live the life of a human. Simple modifications to the Blood Surgeons
allow them to slow down the healing process when necessary (thus hiding their superhuman healing rate). Aspect modifica-
tion nanites allow them to change their sex, if desired, as well as to slowly alter their features to simulate aging. In time, they
“die” and move on to a new identity.
Through sheer force of personality and tact, Atlanteans have learned to cover the vague feelings of discomfort that humans
feel around Voids. Thus, they can walk among us for decades with none the wiser. In this way, Atlanteans over the centuries
have become some of our greatest warriors, artists, scientists, and politicians.



ATLANTEAN The character was once a full Atlantean. For some forgotten
crime, the character was stripped of all but the basic nanotech
system, and his memories were erased. He was then cast out
This Quality creates non-Forgotten Atlantean character. No
into the world, unaware of his origins, his innate powers, or his
physical benefits are granted, other than the complete reliabili-
ty of any Atlantean-created nanotech. The typical Atlantean’s
high Attributes are the result of specific nanosystems. This Quality includes basic nanotech internals—Bio-Battery
System, Blood Surgeons, Emergency Nanite Reserve, and
Basic nanotech systems provided with this Quality include
Memory Preservation System. Some of the systems are dimin-
Bio-Battery Energy System, Blood Surgeons, Emergency Nanite
ished in power, however (see the individual system descrip-
Reserve, Memory Preservation System, and Neural Link. Other
tions). Other systems can be used by the Forgotten, but these
systems are available at half the cost listed.
must be purchased at full cost, and must be justified from a
The Atlantean Quality comes with a downside though—it ren- story point of view.
ders the character a Psychic Void. No psychic or magical abili-
Like all true Atlanteans, Forgotten are Psychic Voids.
ties are possible.


In addition to the nanotech systems that must be purchased
as separate Qualities, most true Atlanteans have high Resources
The character is the offspring of an Atlantean and a human. and a good level of Influence. By their very nature, they have
The Atlantean parent has left the character to be brought up in one or more of the following Drawbacks: Covetous (any),
human society, occasionally checking on her progress. Failures Emotional Problems (Humorless), Psychological Problems
are seen as a blight on the Atlantean’s family, while successes (Cruelty, Delusions of Grandeur, Paranoia, Prejudice,
makes them proud. For this reason, the character gains a one- Obsession, or Zealot), Secret.
point Adversary (Watched by Atlantean Parent) Drawback.
Forgotten characters usually have the same Drawbacks as
An Atlantean Offspring has a stronger Willpower than most true Atlanteans. In addition to this, the Forgotten should take
humans (all Willpower Tests are treated as Simple). Also, due to some level of Adversary (Atlantean) as a Drawback, and possi-
his genetic mix, Atlantean nanotech is completely reliable, bly Amnesia if their punishment was inflicted recently. This
although any internal systems must be justified with the amnesia could be so extreme that the Forgotten is unable to
Chronicler before they can be purchased, and cost full price. communicate, knowing no language. They often have
Remember, it is nanotech that makes Atlanteans immortal and Flashbacks, gaining glimpses of their past life in dreams or
virtually indestructible. Without these systems, the offspring is familiar circumstances, and a two-point Secret Drawback relat-
mortal. ed to their Forgotten status.
The character may or may not be a Psychic Void (Drawback
may be taken). If she is not, she is watched even more closely
by the Atlantean parent, curious to see if the character provides SKILLS
useful information. With the Atlantean drive to constantly try new things, to learn
everything they can, Supporting Cast characters have almost
every skill at a high level. All have high levels of Science,
Medicine, and Engineer (Nanotechnology).


A Forgotten’s skills are little different from an average Cast Nanite Repair systems remain in close proximity to each other
Member. Forgetting the centuries of skills they have accumulat- (the Memory Preservation System is rarely outside the ENR),
ed, they start with the usual number of points to buy skills. they will find each other, and rebuild the Atlantean from what-
Chroniclers may wish to allocate skills if he prefers to have the ever matter is available in the surroundings.
Cast Member start “freshly” Forgotten, with only base Brawling
or Dodge skills. FIRE
Atlanteans suffer damage from fire just as any other being.
Should an Atlantean suffer enough fire damage to kill them,
KILLING THE IMMORTALS they may well be destroyed completely. This requires that the
Atlanteans do not age and no known diseases harm them. body be kept burning beyond the point where the Atlantean is
Were they to live a life of peace and comfort, remaining away “dead.” Indeed, the entire body, and all its nanite systems,
from dangerous situations, they would indeed live forever. Of would have to be consumed in the conflagration. If an
course, given their nature as meddlers and egotists, Atlanteans Atlantean is “killed” by fire, every Turn that the body remains
seldom live lives bereft of danger. Even so, killing an Atlantean aflame a randomly chosen nanotech system suffers a roll on
is difficult. the Nanotech Malfunction Table (see p. 49) with a modifier
equal to the number of Turns the nanotech (rather than the
Gun shots, knife wounds, even massive blunt force (like a Atlantean) has been burning. This should be done every Turn
steamroller) will merely damage an Atlantean. In a matter of the nanites are subjected to the flames until all nanotech sys-
seconds or minutes, the wounds close, the bones mend, and tems are effectively destroyed.
full functionality is restored. Even when the damage is sufficient
to “kill” an Atlantean, shutting down their nervous system, he is
not really dead. The Blood Surgeons operate independently of SUFFOCATION
the nervous system and the Memory Preservation System pre- This is actually one of the easier ways to neutralize an
vents any permanent brain damage or loss of memory (storing Atlantean. She needs oxygen to survive, and without it, their life
all the memories while the actual brain tissue is repaired). functions cease. An Atlantean can survive without oxygen for a
number of hours equal to her Constitution. During this time, the
Even blowing an Atlantean to pieces does not guarantee Blood Surgeons take oxygen from non-vital cells and even
death. As long as the Blood Surgeons and the Emergency break down those cells, shifting oxygen to vital ones. After that,


Creative Chroniclers may wish to merge the worlds of Conspiracy X and CJ Carella’s WitchCraft or Armageddon. This
requires some rationalization between WitchCraft’s True Immortals (also called Atlanteans) and the alien Atlanteans of
Conspiracy X. Here are a few ideas.
In WitchCraft, True Immortals are being reborn, unaware of their immortal origins. This easily relates to the Forgotten in
Conspiracy X. Instead of being physically reincarnated, the Atlanteans are figuratively “reborn,” without their memories. With
a little rationalization, Chroniclers may adapt the True Immortal’s memories of being reborn with the Atlantean memory-wipe.
True Immortals have heightened physical and mental attributes, regenerate Life Points at a greatly accelerated rate and are
hard to kill. This is explained by supernatural origins in WitchCraft, but could easily be due to nanotechnology. To a recently
“Changed” Immortal, unaware of his origins, this would seem like magic or the supernatural.
True Immortals are resistant to magical attacks and, like Atlanteans, unable to use psychic powers. However, they can learn
Invocations, working magic, while this is unavailable to Atlanteans. Chroniclers may choose which of these to incorporate into
his campaign.
Immortal Special Powers are very different from the nanotech-derived benefits of Atlanteans. There are some similarities
(Thought Ships are basically Atlantean ships controlled by a neural link and Orikalk may reflect techniques of creating
Orichalcum using captured Pilosi), but most of the True Immortal powers are either psychic or magical in nature. Some of this
can be translated into nanotechnology or “super-science.” For example, Crystal Skulls could be devices to receive informa-
tion gained from nanotech manipulation or interpretation of brain patterns. Energy Crystals might be efficient nanotech bat-
teries, powering Essence Wands (which may be Particle Accelerator rifles). Ambrosia may be a backup supply of nanotech-
nology surrounding a supply of Feed, healing those who ingest it before finally shutting down and passing from the system.
In the end, the Chronicler must decide which powers are available to Atlanteans before integrating the games. Note that
Atlanteans with access to any form of magic, in addition to their nanotechnology, could be too powerful a foe for any setting.

1 2 3 4
the Atlantean loses consciousness. If he does not get oxygen technology, from smart clothes to interstellar spacecraft. A
within a further number of hours equal to his Constitution, his nano-computer is a complex arrangement of mechanical
entire body is nearly consumed. The body appears to mummi- switches, like a three-dimensional abacus, but these switches
fy before the viewer’s eyes. The nanotech is unaffected by this are only a couple atoms across. Even though mechanical oper-
death, however, and merely deactivates until a new energy ations are slower than electrical ones, the switch needs only
source is found. move the length of a single atom. This makes the computing
power of these machines thousands of times faster than the
STARVATION most advanced electrical microchip.
The Bio-Energy Battery is one of an Atlantean’s most vulner- Even the most advanced nano-computers can easily fit inside
able systems. Unless a constant source of calories is provided, the cytoplasm of a cell and leave plenty of room for everything
his internal systems shut down as the Bio-Energy Battery runs else (nucleus, mitochondria, and so on). Yet surprisingly, this
out of power (see p. 50). This merely places him in a protective tiny computer has the processing power of a modern human
coma, causing no lasting harm. Of course, a comatose supercomputer. It can hold and process enough information to
Atlantean can be dropped into a furnace or other destructive map a lifeform’s DNA, or hold detailed plans for manufacturing
environment. bricks, apples, televisions, weapons, and starships.
Hordes of nano-assemblers, guided by nano-computers, can
LOSS OF NANOTECH build anything they have the blueprints for, as long as the prop-
With the use of electricity or psychic attacks, an Atlantean’s er atoms are available for reorganization. Turning a pile of dirt
nanotech can be disabled. Once all nanotech systems have into a diamond-hard bunker or a luxury condominium is a sim-
been disrupted, she becomes as vulnerable as a human. ple matter for nano-machines with the right programming. Of
course, the reverse is true: condo to dirt in a few scant hours.
DESTROYING AN EMERGENCY NANITE REPAIR SYSTEM As powerful as these cell-sized computers are, they are not
Electronically frying an ENR is difficult but much easier than the culmination of Atlantean computer technology. If a micro-
destroying the diamond-hard casing. To destroy an ENR physi- scopic computer can hold an entire series of blueprints or
cally, more than 250 points of damage must inflicted on it in genetic patterns, think what that same computer could do if it
one Turn. were the size of a golf ball, a football, or even a pick-up truck.
Some degradation in computing speed does occur beyond the
micro-cellular level. After all, no matter how quick the switches
NANOTECHNOLOGY are, the bigger the processor, the farther that information has
to travel. These larger Atlantean computer systems, while still
Thousands of years ago, the Atlanteans first unlocked the based on nano-switches, also incorporate some more tradition-
secrets of molecular manufacturing, more commonly referred al, electrical mechanisms. Be that as it may, these supercom-
to as nanotechnology. Nanotechnology gave them control of puters have a processing power many times beyond what
the very building blocks of creation. They became as gods. humans can conceive.
Humans have taken only the first tentative steps toward mas-
tering nanotech, exploring the theoretical writings of K. Eric
Drexler and others (rumors of Drexler’s Atlantean connections PROGRAMMED INTELLIGENCE
remain unconfirmed). Nanotechnology postulates the ability to Artificially intelligent computers have been a mainstay of
manipulate individual atoms. This results in the creation of Atlantean technology almost since the birth of nanotechnology
machines the size of molecules, or computers that fit in a single itself. Nanotechnology allowed for the complete understanding
red blood cell. Of course, manipulating atoms is no easy task, and manipulation of the body on an atomic level. This natural-
at least not for ham-handed humans or Atlanteans, even with ly led to a number of important advances in the understanding
special tools. Thus, the first nano-machines are molecular of the Atlanteans’ brain and its mysteries. It did not take long
assemblers—molecular factories that manipulate other atoms before the scientists used this information to recreate the brain,
the way robotic arms help to assemble cars in an auto plant. employing nano-machines instead of neurons. Thus, the artifi-
The successful creation of programmable molecular assembler cially intelligent (AI) computer became a reality.
paved the way for everything that followed.
Soon they became integral to Atlantean society. Monitoring
the trillions of molecular assemblers, cell repairers, nano-com-
puters, and other nano-machines in a single household is rela-
THE NANO-COMPUTER tively easy for a powerful AI. The molecular assemblers became
At the heart of their wondrous devices lies the nano-com- society’s builders, with nano-computers as their foremen.
puter, the innovation that gave rise to everything in Atlantean Overseeing it all, the AIs guide the nano-computers.


AIs are not simply overseers however. They are also tools for Once the Atlantean is targeted (either through touch or
the edification and entertainment of the Atlanteans. The com- Clairvoyance), the nanotech system at risk may be determined.
puting power of an AI combined with the interactive potential Again, a Perception and Clairvoyance Art Task may be used, but
of nanotech clothing allowed for the creation of total immersion this one incurs a –2 penalty (also apply multiple action penal-
virtual reality. An Atlantean covered with interactive nano- ties if this occurs in the same Turn as the touch or initial
machines and plugged into a local AI could experience virtual Clairvoyance Task). If successful, the psychic may choose the
realities entirely indistinguishable from the real world. It allows affected nanotech system, but only if he has experience of nan-
the world-weary immortal to escape into a fantasy world, carry otech and knows one system from another (Science
out research under ideal conditions, or even meet with other (Nanotech)). Otherwise, the target system is determined ran-
Atlanteans from across the universe. All the while, the user’s domly or selected by the Chronicler.
internal nano-machines keep the body healthy, and turn a After the nanotech system at risk is known, the psychic may
steady intravenous drip into life sustaining nutrients. An attempt to disrupt the nanotech, throwing a psychic wrench
Atlantean can remain in a virtual environment for years without into the works. He must succeed at an Intelligence and
any negative side effects, something that became very impor- Telekinesis Art Task. Success means he inflicts one Life Point of
tant with the advent of Atlantean space travel. damage per Telekinesis Strength (–1 due to the Void target) to
the Atlantean (a negligible amount). More importantly, the tar-
geted nanotech system is subject to a roll on the Nanotech
NANOTECH DAMAGE Malfunction Table (see p. 49) with a negative modifier equal to
While remarkable, nanotech is not indestructible. Indeed, it the Telekinesis Strength –1 of the psychic. Regardless of result,
is susceptible to certain electronic, radiation, and psychic dam- the Atlantean is aware that she has been targeted and will take
age. The Chronicler should adjudicate such matters using the steps to avoid the danger (absent special circumstances, the
guidelines detailed below. Atlantean does not notice the Clairvoyance rolls, if any.)


Whenever an unshielded nanotech device, internal or exter- The Nanotech Malfunction Table is used any time a nanotech
nal, is exposed to a pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation, host is struck with an electromagnetic pulse, a Micro-Telekinesis
or EMP, there is a chance that the system will be harmed. The attack, a high charge of electricity, or other high levels of radia-
burst of radiation must be fairly concentrated to harm Atlantean tion. Unless special attention is taken with a psychic attack, the
nanotech. Possible sources include nuclear explosions, light- affected system is chosen randomly. Roll D10, adding all applica-
ning, microwaves, a particle accelerator beam, or even becom- ble modifiers, and consult the table below. The Chronicler should
ing the ground for a power grid. As far as weapons go, only describe only obvious effects, keeping the details of the malfunc-
those designed specifically to give off harmful EMPs damage tion secret until it manifests itself. If not specified, the duration is
Atlantean tech. permanent (or until the host discovers it and gets it fixed).


The psychic ability Telekinesis (see Conspiracy X, p. 192), at Most systems have their own internal repair mechanisms. If
high levels, is also very dangerous to Atlanteans. The psi power so, the times for repair are listed in the Nanotech Malfunction
works against nanotech devices just as it would against any Table. Alternatively, the Blood Surgeons may act to correct the
other form of technology, manipulating it on a microscopic problem, usually in a shorter period of time.
level to cause damage and malfunction. A telekinetic psychic When humans are granted access to nanotech, Chroniclers
can direct an attack even though he cannot physically see the may want to disable the system’s repair mechanisms. This
Atlantean’s internal nanotech, but he must possess a Telekinesis requires them to find an Atlantean or some other nanotech spe-
Art greater than four in order to manipulate the nanotechnolo- cialist in case of malfunction. Such a search could be the basis
gy with any precision. for an entire Chronicle. Under these circumstances, repairs
Generally, a Micro-TK attack requires the psychic to touch require the Engineer (Nanotech) skill and a nanotech tool kit.
the Atlantean. This may be accomplished by a Dexterity and
Martial Arts (Grab)/Brawling Task. The Atlantean, if he’s aware
of the danger, opposes the attack with any defense action. A NANOTECH INTERNALS
psychic who also possesses the Clairvoyance power may target Internal nanotech enhancements function, for the most part,
an Atlantean but his Strength is reduced by one (due to the on one of two basic principals. The first is that molecular
Atlantean's Void nature) when calculating range (see machines repair or modify cellular material. Samples are the
Conspiracy X, p. 191). This requires a Perception and Blood Surgeons and Aspect Modification System. Other sys-
Clairvoyance Art Task. tems, like the Pilot Interface Control System (Neural Link) and

1 2 3 4


–3 or lower All nanotech systems are completely destroyed except the ENR. Roll separately for the ENR system with
same modifiers, plus the modifiers specific to that system. The host takes two Life Points damage per Turn
for D10 x 2(10) Turns. If the ENR survives, it can begin reconstruction, starting with the Blood Surgeons sys-
tem, but that takes D10 x 2(10) days. Subsequent systems each take D10(5) days to be replaced.
–1 or –2 The nanotech system has been destroyed completely and the host loses its benefits. The system’s repair
units cannot be used to restore it. Worse, the destruction causes a chain reaction in another nanite system.
Randomly choose another system. Reroll on this table applying a +4 modifier. The host takes two Life Points
damage per Turn for D10 x 2(10) Turns. If the ENR or Blood Surgeons systems survive, they can repair the
first system in D10 x 2(10) days and the second in D10(5) days.
0 The nanotech system has been destroyed completely and the host loses its benefits. The system’s repair
units cannot be used to restore it. Furthermore, the destruction causes the host’s Blood Surgeons, ENR, or
natural defenses to reject the nanites and expel them from the body. The host takes two Life Points damage
per Turn for D10 x 2(10) Turns. If the ENR or Blood Surgeons systems survive, they can repair the system in
D10 x 2(10) days.
1 The nanotech system has been destroyed completely and the host loses its benefits. The system’s repair
units cannot be used to restore it. A functioning Blood Surgeons or ENR system replaces it in D10 x 2 (10)
2 or 3 The nanotech system needs massive repair. It is off line while the repair systems remove all the nanotech
and replace the system. This takes D10 x 2(10) days. If the host has a functioning Blood Surgeons, this takes
D10(5) days.
4 The system has a major malfunction, typically doing the reverse of its design. Armor fails to protect, sensors
deliver false images, Blood Surgeons cause more injury than they repair. The Chronicler should decide the
effects dependent upon which system malfunctions. The system repairs itself in D10(5) days, or may be
repaired by Blood Surgeons (if not the malfunctioning system) in D10(5) hours.
5 The nanotech system is damaged and does not function. The system repairs itself in D10(5) days, or may be
repaired by Blood Surgeons in D10(5) hours.
6 The nanotech system shuts down for D10(5) hours. After that, it comes back on line with no serious
7 The system has a minor malfunction, and works at a substandard rate. Chroniclers should decide the actu-
al effects depending upon the system that fails (examples include use of the system incurs a –2 penalty, sys-
tem requires twice as much time to operate, or system is reduced to half effectiveness). The system repairs
itself in D10(5) days, or may be repaired by Blood Surgeons in D10(5) hours.
8 Some nanites are destroyed but the system as a whole keeps working. The eliminated nanites are fully
replaced in D10(5) minutes . Until then, Chroniclers should decide the actual effects depending upon the
system that fails (examples include use of the system incurs a –2 penalty, system requires twice as much
time to operate, or system is reduced to half effectiveness).
9 The nanites have been damaged but nothing is evident. After D10(5) Turns or uses (whichever is more
appropriate), reroll on this table with same modifiers.
10 The nanites are undamaged, but fail to operate for D10(5) Turns. After this time, they reactivate with no
serious problems.
11+ The nanites are shaken around but no damage occurs.

Taser +2 Radiation Burst/Plasma Claw –2
Particle Acceleration Rifle –2 Intense Electrical Charge (e.g., high power lines) –3
Micro-Telekinesis –(Strength – 1) EMP Attack –1
Shielded System (useless against Micro-TK) +6 Combat Suit (useless against Micro-TK) +6
Silver Suit (useless against Micro-TK) +4


Bio-Battery Energy System, replace organic material with nanotech

constructs, or insert these constructs into the Atlantean’s body.
With the exception of the Nameless Priests, every Atlantean pos-
sesses some form of internal nanotech enhancement. Atlanteans
often make significant modifications to their bodies by replacing parts
of themselves with nanotechnology. Many Atlanteans are more nano-
machine than biological tissue.
This causes little concern as Atlanteans have little regard for the
physical make-up of their bodies. Atlantean existence centers on their
thoughts and memories. The body itself is merely a shell to carry the
mind. Thus, Atlanteans have no qualms about modifying, improving,
and replacing every aspect of their physical form. Bodies come and
go; thoughts last for all eternity. Some Atlanteans do become
attached to a certain physical appearance and choose to use the
same face and form for centuries. This does not mean that the face
and form have to be the same material for all that time, and if some
improvement can be made, it probably will be. For Atlanteans, image
is most important, not the medium.
Under each system are the degradations suffered in the systems
when they are inserted in human physiologies.
The following four systems are crucial to all nanotech-enhanced
Atlanteans. These changes ensure individual immortality and allow
Atlanteans to interface easily with the rest of their technology.


The Bio-Battery Energy System permeates the entire body, both
following the course of the nervous system and expanding beyond it.
It consists of two separate parts, much like any power plant system.
Throughout the body are specialized molecular machines that con-
vert food, waste chemicals, and waste products into energy. This
energy is fed into the bio-battery network. Storage capacitors can be
found at regular intervals in various locations throughout the system.
These storage devices dole out the energy as the body’s nanotech
systems need it.
Additionally, the system provides energy for Atlantean weapons,
communicators, and other tools via small superconductors in the
Atlantean’s hands. Many Atlanteans also have conductors in their
heads, shoulders, back, legs, and feet in order to power Atlantean
equipment such as VR headgear, protective clothing, and other
devices. The Atlantean body can only provide a certain amount of
energy, so larger devices like vehicles invariably have their own
power sources.
An Atlantean needs to take in a steady supply of nutrients and food
in order to maintain this system. Though Atlanteans use food energy
more efficiently than humans do, they also depend on that energy for
many more things. The average Atlantean must eat at least 3000 calo-
ries per 24-hour period or they start to suffer a power loss. After 24
hours, the Atlantean can no longer spare the energy to power non-
internal devices. After 48 hours, the Atlantean’s internal nanotech
begins to operate at reduced efficiency, although this has no imme-
diate effect. At 72 hours, the Atlantean’s nanotech systems all func-
tion at half their normal efficiency—everything takes twice as long.
1 2 3 4
The 96-hour mark brings an even larger reduction in efficiency, Note that substances like alcohol and drugs are considered for-
with all systems operating at one-quarter effectiveness. After eign toxins and are neutralized. Thus, it is difficult for an
120 hours, the Atlantean slips into a protective coma in which Atlantean to stay drunk for more than an hour unless she drinks
all systems are shut down except for the Bio-Battery and the continuously.
Blood Surgeons. In this state, the Atlantean can keep its body Forgotten: The Blood Surgeons system of a Forgotten works
alive for decades. at full capacity, as a normal Atlantean.
The system produces a number of interesting and useful side Humans: See Conspiracy X (p. 225).
effects. The host can consciously generate a build-up of elec-
tricity to be discharged when a conducting surface is touched.
This discharge is capable of frying any non-shielded electronic
device, like a computer or car starter, or stunning anyone for BLOOD SURGEONS ACCELERATOR
D10 x 2(10) Turns who fails a Difficult Constitution Test. Use of The Stalker Family has developed an advancement on
the system in this way leaves it depleted—it becomes unavail- the Blood Surgeons system. This Accelerator substantially
able for any purpose other than running the minimum systems, decreases healing times but subjects the host to extreme
until the host consumes another 3000 calories of food. stress. Some Stalkers willingly make this trade-off to
Without a Bio-Battery System, it is difficult to power multiple increase their performance during hunts. Once the
nanotech systems. Unless the Bio-Battery is functional, all but Accelerator is engaged, healing occurs at double the nor-
three of the host’s nanotech systems shut down (Replacement mal rate of the Blood Surgeons (2 x Constitution per Turn).
Skin, Replacement Skeleton, and Enhanced Musculature are the After the damage is entirely healed, the Stalker must con-
exceptions). sume 6000 calories in the next hour, or suffer as if his Bio-
Battery had not been replenished in 120 hours. Also, the
Forgotten: This Bio-Battery System is only capable of pow-
Atlantean must roll on the Nanotech Malfunction Table at
ering internal nanotech enhancements; it cannot power
–2 with the Blood Surgeons as the target system. The
Atlantean devices or deliver electrical shocks. Forgotten must
Accelerator does not function without Blood Surgeons.
consume at least 2000 calories a day or suffer decreased nan-
otech performance (double healing times). After 48 hours with-
out food, all nanite systems, except the ENR, become dormant.
Humans: See Conspiracy X (p. 225). EMERGENCY NANITE RESERVE (ENR)
The biggest danger to any Atlantean is some sort of electro-
magnetic attack that disables all internal nanotech systems.
BLOOD SURGEONS Such an attack would effectively render the Atlantean mortal. As
These molecular repair machines circulate throughout the
Atlantean’s blood stream, like super-smart white blood cells. a safeguard, they have developed the Emergency Nanite
Using waste material and stored reserves (from already ingest- Reserve (ENR). This is a malleable spherical implant about the
ed food), the machines quickly repair damage done to the size of a golf ball that rests somewhere deep within the
Atlantean. Every machine includes a nano-computer with com- Atlantean’s body. The reserve is heavily shielded against all
plete atomic plans of the Atlantean’s cellular structure. Thus, manner of electromagnetic assaults. (Note that the special
any kind of damage may be repaired: cuts, bruises, burns, radi- shielding does not protect against psychic attack.) Within the
ation, disease, and perhaps most significantly, aging. reserve rests a collection of dormant Blood Surgeons and
molecular assemblers, as well as a small battery.
Blood Surgeons turn even the most grievous wound into a
memory in a matter of hours. However, the system can be over- Every few seconds, the reserve checks the Atlantean’s blood
loaded if the Atlantean suffers sufficient damage in a short stream for the presence of Blood Surgeons, and to make sure
enough period of time. Other systems come into play in such the Bio-Battery System is operational. In the event that either
circumstances to preserve the Atlantean’s identity. The Blood key system has ceased to function, the ENR releases new
Surgeons heal one Life Point per Turn per level of Constitution. assemblers and Blood Surgeons into the body. These first self-
So an Atlantean with Constitution 4 heals four Life Points per replicate and then restore the Atlantean to full functionality. It
Turn. Endurance Points are also regained, at two points per takes 30 minutes for the Emergency Nanite Reserve to restore
level of Constitution per half hour of sleep, or two points per both the Blood Surgeons and the Bio-Battery network. At this
level of Constitution per hour of rest. point, the time necessary to repair the Atlantean depends on
the damage done. With sufficient source material (equal to
Blood Surgeons also protect the host against toxins of all ultra-rich feed), the entire body can be rebuilt in 12 hours.
sorts. They constantly monitor the body for foreign substances, Lesser damage, of course, takes less time (Chronicler’s discre-
and immediately begin deconstructing that substance, render- tion). The host must then replenish the Bio-Battery and the ENR
ing it harmless (timing is up to Chronicler). Furthermore, no battery by eating. This accounts for the physical body only.
virus or bacteria can long survive the Blood Surgeons “care.” Nanite systems other than the Blood Surgeons and Bio-Battery


are not recreated by the ENR. Memories and skills are restored
by the Memory Preservation System.
The Neural Link pervades the entire Atlantean neural net-
Forgotten: The Forgotten ENR system works to full capaci- work, and runs parallel to the Bio-Battery network. It grants the
ty, just as a normal Atlantean. Atlantean direct control over his nervous system, and more sig-
Humans: When the ENR is triggered, the subject attempts a nificantly, links his nervous system to machines, spaceships,
Simple Willpower Test. Failure results in a malfunction that and AIs. Almost every piece of Atlantean technology is suscep-
should be rolled on the Nanotech Malfunction Table with the tible to the Neural Link.
ENR as the target system. A success results in the ENR working Just as the Bio-Battery System provides energy for Atlantean
normally. tools, the Neural Link provides precise and instant control. No
actual physical link between the Atlantean and the device is
necessary. For example, Atlanteans in or around their space-
MEMORY PRESERVATION SYSTEM craft do not have to physically plug into the ship. Rather the link
In the event that something causes the untimely demise of
an Atlantean, the biggest danger is the attendant loss of mem- simply transmits the user’s thoughts and the ship responds.
ories. The Memory Preservation System records all of an Neural Links generally have a range of one mile.
Atlantean’s memories, has its own discreet power source, and When necessary to control a machine, the Link deploys
is heavily shielded from electromagnetic pulses and other nano-machines that augment the host’s natural abilities. Either
harmful events. When the Atlantean’s body dies, the system Strength, Dexterity, or Perception can be boosted depending on
goes into a dormant state, waiting for a Neural Link to reestab- the specific requirement of the device to be used (Chronicler’s
lish a connection to a body. Once the system is reconnected, the discretion). The device’s nano-computers communicate with
new body has access to all of the stored memories. As long as the host’s Neural Link to determine what augmentation, if any,
the system survives intact, so does the Atlantean. This system is is needed. The system also grants the user the Ambidextrous
usually located inside the host’s ENR. Quality (see Conspiracy X, p. 64).
It is possible for someone else to access a Memory Forgotten: The Neural Link is removed from an Atlantean
Preservation System via a Neural Link, as long as the proper prior to memory wipe. A Neural Link installed in a Forgotten at
access codes are known. Doing so allows the hacker to steal a a later date functions as normal.
lifetime’s knowledge. Humans: A special form of the Neural Link is detailed in the
Forgotten: The Forgotten version of this system is slightly Conspiracy X rule book under the name Pilot Interface Control
downgraded. It essentially grants the Photographic Memory System (see Conspiracy X, p. 225). In the more general form
Quality (see Conspiracy X, p. 74). This system is programmed to explained here, the system works just as it does for an
forget skills that have been learned over time. This inability to Atlantean. Of course, the human must know what the device
retain skill knowledge limits Forgotten to a base of one experi- does and how to manipulate it. The Link provides some aid in
ence point learned per week of skill or training study during this area (Simple Intelligence Test to understand what the Link
Downtime. is telling the host). Side effects are the same as for the Pilot
Humans: The Memory Preservation System is rarely used on Interface Control System.
humans, as without the full complement of nanotechnology,
retaining the user’s memories after their demise is of little use.
It can be an effective method of recording an agent’s death for ENHANCEMENT SYSTEMS
future investigation if the system is accessed by Neural Link, Atlanteans have never been satisfied with the physical limi-
however. tations of their natural bodies. The discovery of nanotechnolo-
If the Memory Preservation System is forced into action, usu- gy allowed them to recreate their physical forms and augment
ally by the death of the human, or severe brain damage, a roll their bodies. Nanotechnology brings the science of prosthetics
on the Nanotech Malfunction Table is required, but safeguards and the possibility of cybernetics to a whole new level. Instead
add a +2 modifier. If there’s no malfunction (result of 8 or high- of simply grafting technology onto the body, the Atlanteans use
er), everything is fine. If a malfunction occurs (result between 2 nanotech to fully integrate the biological and the technological.
and 7), large sections of the memories being corrupted and The surface of every implant and physical enhancement is coat-
unusable. If the human is revived, he receives the Amnesia ed with a layer of assemblers that form biological links to the
Drawback (see Conspiracy X, p. 64). On a roll of 1, the system body of the Atlantean. Thus the implant becomes like just
fails completely, and if revived, the subject returns with no another organ, with attachments to the hosts cardiovascular
memory at all—no skills, no language, just the basic survival and nervous systems, as well as the Bio-Battery and Neural Link
instincts of a child. networks. Blood Surgeons repair any damage to the implant as
if it were a normal body part.

1 2 3 4
Atlantean enhancements are made of a supple yet diamond-tough
weave that bends and moves as the body naturally does.
If present in an Atlantean before he is punished with memory era-
sure, these systems are removed. No Forgotten is equipped with
these systems absent efforts of his own to obtain them. If installed in
a Forgotten, they function normally.
Human versions of each system are discussed. In addition, when-
ever a human being gains a mental enhancement system, she must
immediately take a permanent, mental Drawback of at least two
points (the Chronicler chooses). No points are gained from taking this
Drawback and it remains even if the enhancement is removed.


This system allows its host to modify his physical features at will, just
by concentrating on the desired appearance for a few moments. The
system can produce (or reproduce) skin abnormalities such as blem-
ishes, tattoos, and scars. Within seconds, it can also modify eye color
and skin color, as well as hair length, color, and style, although such
exertion subtracts D6(3) Life Points from the host. The system can
change the host’s facial features by adjusting subcutaneous muscula-
ture and fat deposits. This takes a few minutes, and the process does
D6 x 2(6) points of damage to the host. If the host is willing to lie still
and allow the system to work undisturbed, it can even modify the
host’s height by up to six inches by lengthening or shortening key
bones, although body mass cannot be as easily adjusted. Changes in
height require about ten minutes per inch of modification, and causes
real pain—D10 x 2(10) points of damage.
Normally the maximum change in height is six inches. Atlanteans
with Replacement Skin and a Replacement Skeleton can alter their
size and shape to almost anything that is roughly the same mass and
weight, including animals. Note that the Atlantean does not gain that
animal’s statistics (not that they’re likely to be better than the average
Atlantean). Linked through the Neural Link, the Aspect Modification
System can duplicate precise details from photographs or memories.
Humans: See Conspiracy X (p. 224).

This mental enhancement is simply a nano-computer wired direct-
ly into the Atlantean’s brain. It allows the Atlantean to access any of
their memories and any data relating to the various nano-systems
attached to their Neural Link. Furthermore, it grants the Atlantean
access to the power of supercomputer right in her own head. This
includes mathematical computations and modeling, word processing,
game playing, the creation of graphics, and anything else a comput-
er can do. The computer is even capable of taking in and running
human software applications (if the Atlantean desired that for some
reason). By simply linking into some external peripherals, the
Atlantean can print directly from the brain to the printer, or dial up
their e-mail account with a thought. Of course, interfacing with
human computers (which don’t usually have Neural Link inputs)
requires some special hardware.
The system raises the host’s Intelligence by two (to a maximum of

Humans: The increase in Intelligence is limited by the

human maximum of six. This enhancement causes a mental
Improved hearing allows the Atlantean to amplify sound
Drawback. input (up to twenty times better than normal), to filter out back-
ground noise, and to listen for specific sounds (such as certain
COMPUTER ENHANCEMENT voices in a crowded restaurant). The hearing system automati-
cally tones down overly loud noises unless the user specifically
All Atlanteans possess this enhancement, as without it commands otherwise. This implant modifies all hearing-related
running their many systems would be an overwhelming Perception Tests by +2. It can also monitor radio and cellular
procedure. Due to years of relying on this system, any fail- phone broadcasts, allowing the user to listen in on these fre-
ure requires that the host make an immediate Difficult quencies without chance of detection.
Willpower Test. If that Test is failed impose a –2 penalty to
all actions for D10(5) Turns. Even afterward, the Atlantean Like all nanotech internals, this system takes its orders from
suffers a –1 to all activities, because she must devote a por- the Atlantean’s Neural Link. Without a properly functioning
tion of her concentration to policing her internal systems. Neural Link, Atlantean hosts must pass a Simple Perception Test
Humans do not suffer this penalty until they have five nan- to sort through the nearly overwhelming sound input. Human
otech systems, and then only if Computer Enhancement is systems are usually wired to their biological neural network,
not one of them. and thus Tests are not needed.
Humans: In humans, this implant has a chance of failing
when put under great stress. Anytime the device is exposed to
very loud noises (explosions, heavy weapon gunfire, rock con-
NANITE RECORDER certs), the subject must pass a Simple Constitution Test. Failure
This mental enhancement can reside anywhere in the body
and is linked to the Atlantean’s vision and hearing. It allows an results in a malfunction, roll on the malfunction table with the
Atlantean to record exactly what he sees and hears and play it Hearing Enhancement as the target system.
back at any time. The system can also be modified to record
other sensory stimulation such as smell, touch, and taste. The IMPROVED DIGESTION
Atlantean can turn the system on and off at will and the stan- Given the high caloric intake required by Atlanteans,
dard memory capacity is about 3000 hours. Once the memory digestible food is a priority. The Improved Digestion modification
capacity has been filled, the host must download the informa- replaces the normal stomach acids with a soup of nanites capa-
tion to some external storage device (digital or analogue) in ble of breaking down most anything into usable material. As a
order to allow for new recordings. result, the Atlantean can literally eat and digest anything she can
This device differs from the Memory Augmentation System get down his throat. Even in a desert, the Atlantean will not want
in that the images and audio are recorded in a manner that for energy, although eating sand may not be much fun.
allows them to be exported to other technology. An Atlantean Humans: The nanites break down only organic materials,
cannot print an image he remembers, but he can print an such as plant and animal products. Normally non-digestible
image captured by the visual recorder. Likewise, the image substances such as cellulose (trees) and low-level toxins (poi-
could be transferred to normal videotape or the audio could be sonous mushrooms and some fast food) can be ingested,
played back for others to hear. The main advantage is that it however.
allows the Atlantean to share what they know with others.
Humans: The system works in the same manner in humans, KNOWING TOUCH
although accessing the information on any device other than Stored in microscopic pockets at the tips of the Atlantean’s fin-
simply replaying the video or audio in the person’s head gers, specialized molecular machines can be activated to break
requires a Neural Link. Implantation of this enhancement caus- down a small portion of whatever the Atlantean is touching and
es a mental Drawback. do a complete chemical and atomic analysis, including a full DNA
scan when appropriate. This information is forwarded through
For the human host to recall any information on the Nanite
the Neural Link to the user’s brain. The whole process takes only
Recorder, a Simple Intelligence Test is required. Failure results
a few seconds. Full use of this nanotech requires Memory
in the host’s brain being assaulted by a vast collection of images
Augmentation. Without that system, a Simple Intelligence Test is
and sounds being replayed at once, stunning and confusing
required to understand the information received. The system
him for D6(3) Turns. During such time, he cannot see or hear
modifies all touch-related Perception tests by +2.
any of his surroundings as his senses are replaced completely
with the replaying montage. All attempts to act during this time Humans: A Difficult Intelligence Test is needed to under-
should suffer a –6 penalty on all Tasks and Tests, –8 if the action stand the information conveyed, unless the host is also
is very reliant upon sight or hearing. equipped with the Memory Augmentation System, in which
case a Simple Intelligence Test is required.

1 2 3 4
system prevents water from flooding the Atlantean’s lungs but
MEMORY AUGMENTATION SYSTEM allows oxygen and other useful gasses to seep through.
Since memories are a key aspect of Atlantean individual
identity, one of the first mental enhancements developed was a Humans: The system is not as effective for humans and
system for improving memory storage and retrieval capacity. works as long as the user does not exert himself (thus putting
Memory Augmentation organizes information in the brain higher oxygen demands on his body). Anything more than slow
much more efficiently, using a network of nano-computers that movement causes oxygen depletion. Three Turns after any
resembles the standard biological network, but is far more effi- exertion begins, the user must make a Simple Constitution Test
cient. This system prevents an Atlantean from ever forgetting each Turn with a negative modifier equal to the number of
anything. Further, it is possible to download information or Turns beyond the grace period. Failure means the system shuts
another Atlantean’s memories directly into the Memory down for D10(5) minutes, and the user must make the neces-
Augmentation System, allowing an Atlantean to learn new skills sary Tests to avoid drowning (see Conspiracy X, p. 176).
such as languages in a matter of seconds (provided someone
else has already stored the information in a Memory
Augmentation System). An Atlantean with this system can be
By reinforcing the skeleton with a latticework of diamond
assumed to have any skill desired at level three, and their fibers, the Atlantean becomes highly resistant to damage that
Intelligence is increased by two (to a maximum of nine). would normally break or shatter his bones. The bones are effec-
Humans: In humans, this system grants the Photographic tively impossible to break, with each limb having a Damage
Memory Quality and raises Intelligence by one (to a maximum Capacity of 200. Thanks to the strength of the skeleton, the
of six). This enhancement causes a mental Drawback. bones and especially the ribcage have an Armor Value of D8 x
2(8) at the Chronicler’s discretion (if the Chronicler ascertains
the skeleton may protect the host). The musculature may be
The Memory Preservation, Memory Augmentation,
destroyed with enough damage, but the nanites have an excel-
and Nanite Recorder systems are sometimes installed in
lent framework upon which to rebuild the host.
human pawns to create false memories, whole new identi-
ties, amnesia, and so on. The installation is not always Humans: The Armor Value is ineffective. Further, unless
known or voluntary. Periodically, the Atlanteans download Musculature Enhancements are present, some flexibility is lost,
the information storied via Neural Link, either remotely or and all Dexterity and movement related Tasks and Tests suffer a
in person. –1 penalty. The system also reduces the efficiency of the body’s
bone marrow and thus the human’s natural resistance to dis-
ease. If the human does not have Blood Surgeons, they suffer
from a –1 penalty to all Tests for fighting infection or disease.
Molecular machines placed throughout the Atlanteans mus-
cular system both strengthen the muscles and tendons and
Normal Atlantean skin, like human skin, is rather susceptible
make them much more flexible. The enhancement also to damage. Even with Blood Surgeons, some Atlanteans find the
improves the Atlantean’s reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and risk of physical harm too great. These Atlanteans have their
dexterity as the improved sinews take their orders from the entire skin replaced with an outer layer of tough nano-built fab-
Neural Link, which reacts to stimuli faster than a normal nerv- ric and an inner layer of shock absorbing padding. The fabric is
ous system. This package automatically gives the user Strength a thin carbon weave with its own internal molecular repair sys-
+3 and Dexterity +3 (to a maximum of nine). tem. It provides an AV of (D6 x 2) + 10(16). Furthermore, the
Humans: Inefficiencies in the system decrease performance. padding automatically applies a maximum AV (22) against
The user enjoys only Strength +2 and Dexterity +2, and is limit- blunt damage. The skin also provides the Atlantean with pro-
ed to the human maximum of six. The host may invoke an over- tection from the elements, allowing him to survive in tempera-
drive with a Simple Willpower Test which will last for D10(5) tures as low as –22 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 140
Turns. Success results in Strength and Dexterity automatically degrees F without any ill effects. All this, and the replacement
increasing to seven. This stress causes D4(2) points of damage covering still looks and feels like normal skin.
each Turn until the overdrive runs its course or the host volun- Humans: In humans, the replacement skin works to a lesser
tarily ends it. effect, providing an AV of (D6 x 2) + 5(11) against damage,
whether blunt or not. In extreme environments, the skin can
OXYGEN TRANSFERENCE SYSTEM protect against harsh temperatures, but only as low as 5
An Oxygen Transference System is a fancy name for gills. The degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit. At
Atlantean does not actually sport gills, but rather breathes such extremes, the skin hardens to protect the user, effectively
through his nose and mouth as normal. While activated, the reducing his Dexterity by one.


Hidden within the wrist, fingers, or knuckles of the host are
micro-thin blades that can be deployed or retracted at will. With
molecule-thin edges, these knives are deadly weapons, capable of
cutting through steel. The blades halve the Armor Value of any pro-
tection the target might be wearing. They cause D8(4) x Strength
damage. When deployed, they cause the host one point of dam-
age. The blades are most efficiently used with the Hand Weapon
(Knife) skill.
Humans: As this system causes damage to the host every time
it is deployed, humans without Blood Surgeons are going to suffer
a good deal of pain. The host can have his hand surgically altered
to create deployment holes for the blades. Gloves or bandages
would be required, however, to cover the holes. The Aspect
Modification System may be used to create and repair the deploy-
ment holes (treat like skin color modification).

Blood Surgeons can handle any toxins once they are inside the
host’s body, and the Improved Digestion system covers those that
enter through the gastronomic system. A better solution, however,
stops the toxins before they enter the body. Toxin Filters are micro-
thin barriers in the Atlantean’s nose and throat that screen out all
unwanted airborne substances. These filters can be made perme-
able to any specific gasses and compounds the user commands
(via the Neural Link). They also retract briefly to allow solid food
and drink to pass through. When operational, they completely pro-
tect the Atlantean from any ill effects of smoke, tear gas, poison
gas, and any number of other harmful pollutants in the air. They
offer no protection against contact or injected toxins.
Humans: Any time a human host with the filters breathes in
particularly heavy toxins or non-toxins (smoke from a burning
house, tear gas, poison clouds), the subject must pass a Simple
Constitution Test. Failure results in a malfunction.

By replacing the biological material of the eyes with nanotech
enhancements, Atlanteans achieve significant eyesight improve-
ment. Connected to the owner’s Neural Link, these enhanced eyes
allow Atlanteans to adjust their vision as the situation dictates.
Telescopic vision up to 120 times normal, infrared and ultraviolet
viewing, and night vision are all available. Furthermore, a flash
suppressor dampens bright lights or flashes. The precision of these
enhancements gives a +2 bonus to all Perception Tests. Finally, the
devices are capable of acting as a telescopic sight (see Conspiracy
X, p. 132). Without a Neural Link, switching functions requires a
Turn of concentration and a Simple Willpower Test (the flash sup-
pressor becomes non-operational).
Humans: In humans, this implant has a chance of failing when
put under great stress. Anytime the device is exposed to very
bright lights (flash bombs, staring into the sun, explosions) the
subject must pass a Simple Willpower Test. Failure results in a mal-
1 2 3 4
A pair of diamond-hard, super-light wings are folded into
the Atlantean’s back, and can be deployed at a moment’s
notice, usually spanning around twenty feet. The wings grant a
maximum ceiling of 2000 feet, and a maximum speed of 75 NANOTECH IN CAST MEMBERS
mph. The user may travel no slower than 15 mph, and may Chroniclers may want to make certain Atlantean nanotech
carry up to an additional 330 lbs. of weight. Any flight longer systems available to players during character creation, or
than ten Turns requires a Bio-Battery System. For the duration during the course of a campaign. Obviously, these systems
of any Bio-Battery required flight, Atlantean must consume are not readily available, and their inclusion in a Cast
three times as much food to keep up the energy and stay aloft. Member requires some significant backstory or rationale.
Nanotech wings have a Handling 5. Each system is purchased as a separate Quality. Costs are
Humans: The wings do not fold completely (and thus are halved (round down) for Atlantean characters due to their
noticeable absent heavy clothing), and all performance abilities easy availability, although this reduction does not apply to
are halved. Further, the human must have the Pilot (Hang the Forgotten.
Glider) skill to perform better than a wounded duck. Without a The Chronicler may determine the costs of the systems, or
Bio-Battery System, flights over ten Turns risks overexertion. use the suggestions provided below.
The pilot must pass a Simple Constitution Test every five Turns
of exertion, with a –1 modifier for each Test made. Failure
results in a lost of flight. NANOTECH CHARACTER POINT COST
Bio-Battery Energy System 1
ASSEMBLERS Blood Surgeons 3
The assembler is a box, vat, or other container that contains Emergency Nanite Reserve 2
billions of molecular assemblers, usually suspended in some Memory Preservation System 3
sort of neutral, liquid substance. An artificial intelligence con-
trols the entire device and interfaces with the user’s Neural Neural Link 2
Link. When the user wants something, she simply asks the
assembler to build it. If the AI has the atomic blueprints for the Enhancements
device, it passes the information to the nano-computers con-
trolling the individual molecular assemblers. The assemblers Aspect Modification System 3
then tap into the feed and build the requested item. If the AI Computer Enhancement 4
does not already have a plan for the requested device, it can Hearing Enhancements 3
invent one based on the user’s design parameters. The AI asks
the user a few questions and then generates the atomic blue Improved Digestion 2
prints. If the end product is not to the user’s satisfaction, it is Knowing Touch 3
placed back in the assembler and broken down into its com- Memory Augmentation System 4
ponent parts. The AI then tries a new design.
Musculature Enhancement 5


The feed subsystem of an assembler contains a molecular Oxygen Transference System 3
crystal containing all the basic building blocks necessary for the
Replacement Skeleton 3
assembler to function. Feed is formed of closely packed mole-
cules so carefully arranged that half a cubic inch of feed can be Replacement Skin 4
used to create a cubic yard of finished product. Naturally Retractable Blades 2
enough, when an assembler’s feed subsystem is empty, no
Toxin Filters 2
more product can be made.
Vision Enhancement 3
The feed reserve can be easily replenished by placing almost
any raw material into it. The opening on the feed subsystem is Wings 4
usually about the half the size of the Assembly Chamber. The
subsystem deconstructs the materials placed within, extracts the
proper type and amount of molecules to form the feed, and dis-
cards the rest. One cubic inch of feed substance is produced for
every two cubic yards of ultra-rich source material inserted.



Grade Cubic Yards Examples
Ultra-rich 2 Old growth forest, highly complex machinery (circuit boards)
Rich 4 Light forest, complex machinery (electric or gas engines)
Average 8 Grasses or crops, simple machinery (wind-up toys)
Poor 16 Sand or gravel, metal alloys
Minimal 32 Distilled water, pure elements

Lower grade raw materials result in less feed substance. The

above chart shows the varying grades of raw material, the num-
Most of the devices Atlanteans make require power of some
ber of cubic yards of such material needed to produce one cubic sort, from the molecular assemblers on up. The Atlanteans pri-
inch of ultra-rich feed substance, and illustrative examples. marily use solar power—it is free, omnipresent, and relatively
easy to harness. Every surface of every Atlantean device is a solar
LIFE AND FEED SUBSYSTEMS cell, turning any available light into usable energy with amazing
efficiency. Furthermore, Atlantean devices are extremely energy
Almost all assemblers have a host of fail-safes to prevent efficient, and a little converted solar energy goes a long way.
any living being from being deconstructed into feed.
However, a malicious Atlantean could easily override these
safeguards and use his assembler to recycle his enemies REPAIRS
into more useful products. Such a process is short and very With a diamond-hard shell, and precise clearances, it is very
painful. The poor victim suffers 10 Life Points of damage difficult to get to the insides of any assembled device.
every Turn until he is entirely disassociated. These are par- Sometimes the Atlanteans must send in molecular assemblers
ticularly gruesome wounds, and even if the person is saved to make repairs, but for the most part all Atlantean equipment
before he dies, the wounds take four times as long as to and structures are self-repairing. Molecular assemblers solely
heal. Substantial damage is done to the victim’s skin, mus- devoted to maintenance and repair are located throughout the
cle, and nervous system resulting in permanent crippling structure of each Atlantean item. They “regenerate” D10(5)
of some sort. Damage Capacity points per Turn. If an item suffers great
amounts of damage in a short period of time, Chroniclers may
roll on the Nanotech Malfunction Table and apply the result to
the nanotech repair systems.
THE RESULTS If some catastrophic damage is done to the device, it is sim-
Products designed in an assembler are almost always better ply tossed back into an assembler’s feed subsystem, broken
than those made in a traditional human factory or workshop. down, and remade. In fact, this is what Atlanteans do with all of
First, the number of parts is much smaller since molecular their waste. Nothing ever gets thrown away. To an Atlantean, on
assemblers build from the inside out. Second, the precision of or off planet, recycling is a way of life.
the craftsmanship is unsurpassed as the item’s very molecules
have been aligned. Finally, the item’s strength and durability
are remarkable.
Assemblers come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The fol-
Whenever possible, assemblers use a form of super-hard lowing list categorizes them into four groups. Each has two
carbon (i.e., diamond) when constructing products. As such, it game stats that govern its use. First, the assembler’s Assembly
is extraordinarily difficult to break the product. Treat diamond- Chamber Size limits the size of any product the assembler can
hard objects as having an Armor Value of 50 + 10 per inch, a create (these are standard sizes; in truth, any type of assembler
Damage Capacity of 200 per inch, and a Barrier Value of 120 + can be created at any size). Production Time measures how
20 per inch. Even where diamond-hard substances are imprac- long it takes the assembler to create a single cubic yard of a
tical, the assembler creates the toughest possible substance for basic finished product. Basic finished product is a relatively sim-
the material (the Director should set AV, DC, and BV). ple device like a flashlight or a gun. This base time varies
according to complexity. As the item gets simpler, the time
decreases. As the item gets more complex, the time increases.
The nearby chart details complexity levels, time multipliers, and
illustrative examples.

1 2 3 4
extremely intelligent AI capable of creating new blueprints. The
COMPLEXITY TIME MODIFIERS assembler can create nearly anything imaginable, from feather
pillows to atomic weapons.
Complexity Multiplier Example
Very Simple .25 door, banana
Simple .5 recliner, safe Assembly Chamber Size: 100 CUBIC YARDS
Average 1 flashlight, gun Production Time: 8 MINUTES PER CUBIC YARD
Complex 2 vehicle, computer Where the all-purpose assembler meets the needs of any sin-
Very Complex 4 seed, AI gle Atlantean, an industrial assembler can provide for whole
groups of people. Basically the same as the all-purpose assem-
bler, this unit is much larger. Items such as large vehicles,
spacecraft components, and small homes can be churned out in
DEDICATED ASSEMBLER a relatively short amount of time.
Assembly Chamber Size: 1 OR 2 CUBIC YARDS
Production Time: 1 MINUTE PER CUBIC YARD
The dedicated assembler is both the simplest and most effi- SEEDS
cient. The molecular assemblers, AI, and feed are all designed Seeds are the most versatile and potentially the most dan-
to produce one product, and one product only. These products gerous class of nanotechnology. Whereas assemblers rely on a
are usually something an Atlantean wants relatively often, and dedicated feed of material to build products, the seed simply
in mint condition, such as a newly pressed tuxedo, a silver suit takes advantage of whatever happens to be around. Like a plant
or Beef Wellington. The most prevalent dedicated assemblers seed, the nanotech seed contains all the plans and basic molec-
are feed-creating subsystems found as part of most assemblers. ular assemblers needed to create something much larger than
itself. The difference is that a plant seed takes years to make an
In general, Atlanteans eschew single-item assemblers for
oak tree where a nanotech seed requires less than a day.
the versatility of multi-purpose or all-purpose models.
Atlanteans have been known to give their human allies dedi- Seeds come in different shapes, sizes, and designs, but they
cated assemblers. This grants the human the usefulness of an all have a few basic properties in common. The seed is really
assembler but not the flexibility (and potential power) of a just a container for billions of pre-programmed nano-assem-
more versatile model. blers, in general not much larger than a marble or golf ball
(although they can be literally any size). As long as the device
remains inactive, the molecular assemblers are dormant. Upon
MULTI-ASSEMBLER activation, the seed releases the assemblers into the surround-
ing environment. These nano-machines first use available
PRODUCTION TIME: 2 MINUTES PER CUBIC YARD atoms (in the dirt, air, or wherever) to duplicate themselves,
The multi-assembler or “vending machine” is slightly more increasing their number a hundred-fold or more in moments.
complex. Instead of just one design, it may have a few dozen Once a pre-programmed number of molecular assemblers
different products it can create in short order. About the size have been created, the actual construction process begins.
of a large oven, the vending machine usually specializes in a More local resources are disassembled and reformed into
particular area of equipment such as military gear, household more useful forms. For a human, this is an amazing sight to
furniture, or clothing designs. For example, instead of search- behold. The ground seems to simply melt away. After a few
ing through a closet of clothes, Atlanteans direct their multi- minutes, a motorcycle, plush recliner, or even spacecraft
assembler to produce their day’s outfit while they shower. begins to take form. Once complete, the item rests in a small
Through the Neural Link, the Atlantean can even contribute depression in the ground.
design suggestions.
Most seeds contain some very important safeguards that
prevent them from doing too much harm to the surrounding
ALL-PURPOSE ASSEMBLER environment. Most importantly, the seed molecular assemblers
ASSEMBLY C HAMBER SIZE: 10 CUBIC YARDS are programmed to avoid disassembling Atlanteans. This pro-
PRODUCTION TIME: 4 MINUTES PER CUBIC YARD tects against the embarrassing possibility of accidentally acti-
It is rare to find an Atlantean enclave of any kind without at vating a seed while it rests in a pocket and having it transform
least one of these large assemblers. The all-purpose assembler (very painfully) the owner’s hip into a Particle Accelerator Rifle
meets the daily and special needs of an Atlantean, providing or cellular phone. More generous Atlanteans have also been
almost anything they can dream of in a few minutes. The device known to program their seeds not to disassemble humans.
contains plans for millions of different products and has an Absent such protections, any living thing that finds itself the tar-


get of a seed suffers 10 Life Points of damage every Turn until An Atlantean drops a motorcycle seed in a back alley.
the poor soul is dead or the seed completes its work. On the As listed in the entry description, it takes eight minutes to
plus side, human bodies are a rich source of atoms so the seed construct the bike, and eight cubic yards of the alley will
should finish its work relatively quickly. Once a seed is done, all be destroyed. If he were in a dense jungle instead, the
of the molecular assemblers shut down and become useless bike could be created in two minutes using two cubic
(another safeguard against the seed technology running amok). yards of material. In the desert, 16 minutes and 16 cubic
A seed usually contains the atomic plans for one very specif- yards of material would be necessary.
ic object. This makes them about as easy to use as one can
imagine. Activate the seed, drop it on the ground and a few CREATING SEEDS
moments later it sets to work. Of course, some seeds have more An assembler is needed to create a seed. The basic nano-
options built into them, ranging from choosing a color to spe- machines are included in the finished product, as well as some
cial programs that tailor the product to specific needs (i.e., supply of the rarest ingredients, in case the environment avail-
clothes in a specific size, vehicle seats ergonomically designed able is less than ideal. The amount of feed crystal, and the time
for a certain body, and so on). Atlanteans activate and control needed to produce a seed is calculated by considering the cubic
their seeds via their Neural Links. Other users must employ yard size of the item to be produced. Further, all seeds are very
manual devices, and the seeds must be programmed to recog- complex devices, multiplying production time by four.
nize these triggers. Assume a car is roughly ten cubic yards in size. An
assembler requires five cubic inches of feed to produce
RAW MATERIALS AND TIME such a car. The same amount of feed would be needed to
The exact amount of material the seed consumes varies produce a seed for that car. A multi-assembler would take
according to the size of the final product and the richness of the 20 minutes to produce an average complexity, ten cubic
source materials. Areas like deserts or polar ice caps do not yard sized product. This time is quadrupled (to 80 min-
have the variety of resource atoms that, say, a forest or office utes) given the complexity of the seed.
building might. The poorer the resources, the longer the seed
takes to work and the more material is used. Of course, the
ideal environment for activating a seed would be in an assem-
A nanotech seed may be constructed to create anything.
bler feed reservoir, but that would defeat the purpose of having Players and Chroniclers who wish to design a seed need com-
a seed in the first place. plete four simple steps: define the item to be produced, calcu-
The resource amount and time listed under each seed exam- late the time the seed takes to complete its task, determine the
ple assumes that average grade raw material is available. Each amount of average grade material the seed needs, and set the
increase in grade of raw material halves the time and amount size of the seed.
needed; each decrease in grade of raw materials doubles the The first step is determining what item will be produced. As
amount and time necessary. The chart below shows the differ- nearly anything is possible, including aircraft carriers or space
ent grades, the amount and time multipliers, and illustrative ships, the greatest difficulty is narrowing it down. The player
examples. Of course, these are just general guidelines. The and Chronicler should decide the cubic yardage of the object,
Chronicler may determine that certain seeds work better in cer- and its complexity.
tain environments. For example, a seed that creates a large
The base time it takes a dedicated assembler to produce an
glass dome would work perfectly well in a desert since all it
item is one minute per cubic yard. Assemblers, however, work
really needs is silicon. In that instance, the desert (normally
with ultra-rich feed crystals. Seeds, on the other hand, are
poor) would be considered ultra-rich.
assumed to work with average grade materials, four times less
efficient than feed. Thus, the base production time for a seed is


Grade Multiplier Examples
Ultra-Rich .25 Factory or heavy industrial area, dense forests
Rich .5 Office building, light woods, natural bodies of water, organic life
Average 1 City streets, meadows, planted fields
Poor 2 Deserts, tundra
Minimal 4 Pool of distilled water

1 2 3 4
four minutes per cubic yard. The complexity of the item also
increases or decreases that time (see the Complexity Time
Modifier Table, p. 59).
The amount of average grade material in cubic yards needed
to build the seed is equal to the minutes of time required.
Seed size depends on the size of the finished product. A seed
is usually a sphere with a diameter in inches equal to the half the
number of cubic yards of the item produced. This size relation-
ship is merely what is possible. Generally, a minimum seed size
of one half inch or larger in diameter is imposed to keep it from
getting lost too easily.

A variety of seeds are commonly found among Atlantean pos-
sessions. All nanotech seeds have a few statistics in common. The
first is size, usually the diameter in inches. Second, every seed
has a Completion Time which defines how long it takes the seed
to grow under average conditions (average grade source materi-
al). Third is the size of whatever the seed produces. Finally, the
amount of average grade source material consumed to make the
item is listed. As discussed before, the time and the amount of
matter consumed may vary depending on the grade of the
source material.


All Handling Stats for Atlantean vehicles assume that the
operator has a Neural Link. This link merges the operator’s
nervous system with the vehicle’s controls and greatly
improving responsiveness. Anyone using an Atlantean
vehicle without a Neural Link suffers a –2 decrease in

Like the motorcycle, these seeds could recreate any car in
existence. The stats provided represent the typical Atlantean
ground transport. The final product seats four comfortably with-
in its diamond-hard, aerodynamically sleek form. Solar batteries
provide the power. The battery is good for 75 hours of travel in
pure darkness and recharges in three hours of sunlight.
Weight: 2,500; Speed: 150/75; Acceleration: 40; Range: 5,750;
Toughness: 8; Handling: 7; DC: 500; AV: 60; Crew/Passengers:


A seed’s molecular assemblers are programmed to COMPLETION TIME: 5 SECONDS
make sure that it is possible to get the vehicle or other
large item out of its hole once it is complete. That is to say,
a typical seed leaves a gaping hole in the ground once it SOURCE MATERIAL: 0.08 CUBIC YARDS
has finished its job with the product sitting at the bottom of The combat helmet fits snugly over the user’s entire head,
that hole. For small items, this is not a problem. For a 2,000 automatically adjusting its size and shape for a perfect fit. The
lb. vehicle, this would be inconvenient to say the least. surface of the helmet is entirely smooth, with no perceptible
With this in mind, the seeds are careful to “dig” the hole in opening or breathing vents. In fact, the whole surface of the hel-
such a way as to leave a convenient ramp for getting the met is a network of micro-cameras which project a composite
item out and ready for use. This can be assumed to be true image directly to the user Neural Link. This image allows the
for all vehicles and large items presented in this chapter. wearer to see 360 degrees, making it almost impossible to sur-
prise him. The helmet also includes target tracking, night vision,
infra-red, and even limited X-ray imaging. The helmet can digi-
BARRIER WALL tally enhance images up to a 100 times. A passive sonar system
SIZE: UP TO 10 INCHES (EV UP TO 8) and active radar are also included with a range of roughly one
COMPLETION TIME: 1 MINUTE PER CUBIC YARD mile. The whole system can either be wired directly to the
user’s thoughts (if the person has a Neural Link) or controlled
by voice command. Of course, the head is also protected with-
SOURCE MATERIAL: 1 CUBIC YARD PER CUBIC YARD in a diamond-hard casing (AV 50).
By condensing and reshaping available material, the barrier
wall seed creates a wall of diamond-hard weave four-inches COMBAT SUIT
thick in a matter of moments. This is perfect for sealing off SIZE: 1 INCH (EV —)
doorways, breaches in walls or hulls, and other gaps. COMPLETION TIME: 72 SECONDS
COMPLETION TIME: SEE BELOW The combat suit is the armored equivalent of the Atlantean sil-
ver suit (see p. 65). Instead of figure hugging latex, this “glove”
is covered with flexible plates of diamond-hard armor (AV 50). It
SOURCE MATERIAL: NONE grants protection against radiation (+6 modifier on the Nanotech
Instead of building, this seed deconstructs. The coating often Malfunction Table), and is usable in all hostile environments.
has some sort of adhesive strip that the user attaches to a wall When linked to the combat helm (above) and a Neural Link, the
or other barrier. When triggered, the seed simply disassembles micro-cameras can be used from any part of the body.
the barrier, turning the wall into a coarse dust and making a
hole in moments. These are very handy items and can easily COMM SET
make their way through almost any barrier. The amount of time SIZE: 0.5 INCHES (EV —)
it takes for the breach depends on the substance it is trying to COMPLETION TIME: 40 SECONDS
breach, according to the Breach Chart.


Element Time to Dissolve The comm set resembles a normal cellular phone. In fact, it
1 yard x 1 yard x 1 inch Area is much more powerful, capable of tapping into any of the
Diamond 3 minutes world’s communication satellites and of piggy-backing its signal
along with authorized signals. A complex encryption process
Steel 1 minute
makes the comm set’s calls very difficult to intercept. The user
Rock 30 seconds can call any phone number in the world (free of charge) as well
Wood/Organic 15 seconds as other comm set (assuming the two sets are known to each
other). Like most Atlantean hand held equipment, the comm
Cloth 5 seconds
set operates off the Atlantean’s Bio-Battery System. Many
Atlanteans grant their loyalist human allies these seeds (modi-
fied to use a solar battery).

1 2 3 4
The standard Atlantean computer terminal seriously out- The gas generator uses molecular assemblers to create a
classes your average laptop (which it closely resembles). The harmful substance. The pellet immediately begins turning its
terminal contains the processing power of a supercomputer surroundings into a poisonous gas of some sort. The assem-
and runs any software imaginable. Atlanteans use them prima- blers are programmed to create whatever poison is easiest out
rily when interacting with human computer systems since their of the available resources (they have the atomic plans for hun-
processing needs are handled by their Computer dreds of different toxins). The gas cloud expands at a rate of
Enhancements or AIs. These also make great gifts for loyal one yard every Turn until it reaches a diameter of five yards.
human servants. Those in the cloud without some sort of gas mask suffer the
effects until they leave (or die). Poisons are discussed in
EMERGENCY SHELTER Conspiracy X (see p. 173).
Atlanteans build everything using nanotech, including their
homes and other buildings. The emergency shelter is the sim- SOURCE MATERIAL: 8 CUBIC YARDS
plest of these structures. The seed creates a diamond-hard cube The Atlanteans could program a seed to recreate a vintage
or sphere two-inches think with a single door that can be locked Harley, but most of the time speed is of the essence and thus
from the inside. The walls serve as filters as well as insulation the Atlanteans prefer their own designs. The seed-made motor-
(which is the equivalent of three feet of modern synthetic insu- cycle has a diamond-hard, super-light frame and a powerful
lation) from the elements, allowing only clean, breathable air to solar-powered battery for an engine (it is too large to run off an
enter the shelter. They can even extract oxygen from water if Atlantean’s bio-battery). The cycle handles like a dream. The
necessary. Alternately, the shelter can be entirely sealed, and is battery allows for 50 hours of operation in total darkness and
strong enough to keep out even the vacuum of space. In the lat- recharges to full strength with only three hours exposure to
ter case, however, some reserve oxygen supply is necessary. direct sunlight.
The emergency shelter seed is much larger than usual to enable Weight: 500; Speed: 170/85; Acceleration: 50; Range: 4,250;
it to complete its task is significantly reduced time. Toughness: 6; Handling: 7; DC: 300; AV: 50; Crew/Passengers:
This aircraft resembles a man-made ultra-light except that it SOURCE MATERIAL: 0.0024 CUBIC YARDS
has a powerful engine, an inch-thick diamond-hard hull, and The seed creates one of the most common Atlantean
full environmental protection. It seats one and requires only a weapons, a needler pistol. The needler looks like a small disk
50-yard stretch of road to get airborne. The flyer has a maxi- that can be concealed in the palm of one’s hand. It fires hair-
mum cruising altitude of 33,000 feet. The solar batteries are thin needle projectiles loaded with nanotech machines with a
good for 100 hours of flight time and recharge in four hours. range of 2/5/15/20/30. Twenty needles are contained within the
The cargo hold is only three square yards and cannot carry unit and each causes D8(4) slashing/stabbing damage. The pis-
loads in excess of 220 lbs. tol draws energy from the Atlantean’s Bio-Battery and is fired
Weight: 1,500; Speed: 160/80; Acceleration: 40; Range: using the Guns (Needler) skill.
7,000; Toughness: 6; Handling: 7; DC: 400; AV: 80; An Atlantean may coat their needler projectiles with any of a
Crew/Passengers: 1/0 number of substances. Disassemblers do five Life Points of


damage per Turn until the victim is dead. Blood Surgeons have themselves in the local scenery. These units employ molecular
a chance as stopping them, as would an EMP or electrical dis- assemblers to reform themselves into microscopic cameras and
charge. Alternatively, any sort of poison could be applied. listening devices. Thus a chair might become a camera, a lamp
a listening device, and a desk a signal booster, all without any
OUTPOST discernible change to the item’s appearance. The user can mon-
itor the output from the panel itself, switching views, digitally
enhancing video and audio feeds, and recording it all for pos-
terity. The panel has a range of one mile and the monitoring
PRODUCT SIZE: 10 YARDS X 10 YARDS X 3 YARDS devices can operate indefinitely.
Every builder’s dream, the outpost seed literally creates a SOLAR POWER GENERATOR
building in a matter of hours. These outposts can have virtually SIZE: 1 INCH (EV 0.5)
any floor plan the programmer desires, and can be much larger COMPLETION TIME: 14 MINUTES
than the size listed. The basic outpost is meant to serve as a base PRODUCT SIZE: 1 CUBIC YARD BOX, 5 SQUARE YARD COLLECTOR
of operations for the Atlantean and is entirely self-sufficient. ARRAY(EV 20)
The finished product has the same incredibly tough yet light SOURCE MATERIAL: 14 CUBIC YARDS
walls of the Emergency Shelter. The interior is completely fur-
nished with everything the Atlantean might need including a This seed produces a small power plant that provided
ready-to-program AI, a multi-assembler, furniture, VR equip- enough energy to run a skyscraper. A large but thin (quarter-
ment, communications and security system. The typical layout inch thick) collector array gathers sunlight. The generator con-
consists of a large central room that houses most of the equip- tains a battery capable of storing a full day of energy for that
ment and workspace. Several smaller rooms provide sleeping skyscraper.
and recreation facilities. If the outpost is to be used by humans,
the seed program must be modified to include restroom facili-
ties (unlike humans, Atlanteans produce no waste). SMART TOOLS
Smart tools are standard equipment for Atlanteans. Nearly
PARTICLE ACCELERATOR RIFLE every thing an Atlantean uses has some sort of nanotech com-
SIZE: 0.5 INCHES (EV —) ponent. Unless otherwise stated, all Atlantean equipment has
COMPLETION TIME: 3 SECONDS the ability to respond to commands given via a Neural Link. This
is part of what makes the item “smart.” Smaller items (those
PRODUCT SIZE: 1 YARD X 4 INCHES X 3 INCHES (EV 10) capable of being held in the hands) operate off the Atlantean’s
SOURCE MATERIAL: 0.04 CUBIC YARDS Bio-Battery System. Larger items tend to be solar-powered or
Perfect for smuggling weapons past customs, this seed cre- have some sort of battery.
ates a standard Atlantean Particle Accelerator Rifle (see Some samples of smart tools were presented in the Seeds
Conspiracy X, p. 239). section. Naturally, all of the items below could be grown from
The charged particles also cause severe electrical interfer- seeds.
ence. Any Atlantean hit by a PA Rifle must roll on the Nanotech
Malfunction Table at +2 (choose the internal system randomly), ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
as well as taking any other physical damage. The defining smart tool is the artificially intelligent computer.
It is important to realize that AIs are not truly sentient in the
metaphysical sense of the word. They do not have minds (and
SPY PANEL thus cannot be affected by Telepathy, etc.). An AI, like any com-
puter, simply does what it is programmed to do. This program-
COMPLETION TIME: 8 SECONDS ming is so sophisticated, however, that the AI appears to have
PRODUCT SIZE: 18 INCHES X 10 INCHES BY 4 INCHES (EV 15) a mind of its own.
SOURCE MATERIAL: 0.128 CUBIC YARDS Most Atlanteans prefer not to give an AI too much personal-
The spy panel can be used coordinate all of the tools nan- ity, but this is not always the case. An AI can act just like a nor-
otech offers. Within the panel are a host of nanotech spy mal person, even mimicking emotions if desired. This adapt-
devices, which can be manipulated via Neural Link. These are ability comes in especially handy when AIs are used to control
half-inch spheres capable of flying under their own power. The nanotech creations. However, the main advantage of an AI is its
user sends out a sphere to the desired location, where it breaks ability to both think for itself and learn from its mistakes. This
into hundreds of nano-machines that saturate the area, hiding high level of intelligence allows the AI to theorize, speculate,

1 2 3 4
and even guess when conditions demand it. Likewise, as it
learns its master’s preferences, it can begin to anticipate the
As disassemblers were responsible for the destruction of
Atlantean’s needs and desires. They are the perfect servants— Adlan’ns, most Atlanteans are loathed to travel down this road.
invariably loyal while at the same time independent enough not However, they can prove useful if carefully controlled. When cre-
to bother the master with needless questions. ated, dissemblers are usually subject to strict programming that
A standard AI brain is surprisingly small, about the size of a limits the substances they operate on, and curtails the lifetime of
tennis ball. There is no reason to make them any bigger unless their operation. An Atlantean’s Neural Link or the location’s AI
the Atlantean needs to store massive amounts of data. are usually directed to scrutinize any dissemblers in the area.
An AI is treated like any other character. It has Intelligence 5, One of the few events that might unit a large group of Atlanteans
Perception 5, and Willpower 3. It knows 350 points worth of is rogue or risky experimentation with disassemblers.
skills. This represents their entire memory capacity for skills. If used to attack a living being, these nano-machines simply
Unlike humans, an AI can erase some of its skills and have new eat away at the person, causing a 10 Life Points of damage
ones programmed in. The AI can possess any skills, including every Turn until he no longer exists. Blood Surgeons can stop
physical skills. It can only use physical skills, however, when the attack after a time, but the victim still must pass a Survival
attached to some sort of body. Any physical Attributes it may Test with a –5 modifier to survive the ordeal.
have depend upon attachments. EV varies, usually 1.
BRIEFCASE Atlanteans prize individualized comfort above all. Thus
This resembles a normal, leather briefcase, but under the Atlantean furniture, from command chairs in spacecraft to sofas
leather exterior is a diamond-hard (AV 60, DC 200), self-repair- in recreation rooms, adjusts itself to the needs of the user. This
ing shell. The briefcase is impervious to x-ray scans and has a goes far beyond ergonomically designed furniture and
cohesion application (see p. 67) to prevent disassembling. The adjustable recliners; Atlantean furniture molds to the user’s
case is a sealed box that can create hinges and separate on body. Atlanteans can even direct the furniture’s exact shape
command. It has a DNA scanning pad (p. 67) to prevent unau- using a Neural Link. Not only the size and shape alters to need,
thorized access. Many also have an added security precaution so does the texture of the fabric, the firmness or softness of the
that automatically contacts the Atlantean via a comm set to cushioning, and even the color. EV —.
warn the owner that someone is tampering with the case. EV 2.
CLIMBING CLAWS With all of their advanced technology, Atlanteans have yet to
Climbing claws are simply a pair of gloves and boots that discover a means of actually reading someone’s mind. The
mold to the wearer’s hands and feet. They aid the user in climb- Atlantean lie detector works on a principal very similar to ter-
ing through two separate but complimentary means. First, the restrial polygraphs. The device is an adjustable ring the subject
surface of the gloves and boots can change its coefficient of fric- wears around his head. The ring sends in a number of nano-
tion on command. This alone is usually enough to enable the probes that monitor the subject’s heart rate, brain wave activi-
wearer to climb most surfaces. The gloves and boots can also ty, and nervous system. The result is a lie detector that is almost
form molecule-sharp claws on command, allowing the user to impossible to fool. The device is ninety-nine percent effective
really dig into the surface. With the claws, the climber can move against all human subjects (fails on a roll of one followed by a
over nearly anything, although he does leave a trail of holes in roll of one). It does not work against most Atlanteans since
his wake. This gives a +4 bonus to all Climbing Tasks. If used as Neural Links grant complete control over biological functions.
weapons, the claws are identical to the Retractable Blades inter- EV 0.5.
nal system. EV 1.
CLOTHING A combination tool and weapon, the molecular blade
All Atlantean clothing consists of a fine nanotech weave. Not appears to be a normal knife. When activated, the nano-
only is it comfortable, but it also provides insulation against the machines immediately hone the knife’s edge to the thickness of
elements. The exact cut and fit of Atlantean clothing varies wild- a few molecules. The knife can cut through most anything.
ly and can resemble any human fabric desired. In addition to Since this thin edge is naturally quite fragile, the nano-machines
being stronger and lighter than terrestrial fabric, nanotech are constantly repairing and reshaping the edge. When deacti-
clothing also tends to remain much cleaner. Nano-machines vated, the nano-machines make the blade dull again so that it
keep the clothing in a pristine condition, breaking down and can be stored safely. The knife does D8(4) x Strength damage,
removing any dirt and stains. They even iron out any wrinkles. and halves any effective Armor Value. EV 1.
Obviously, this makes Atlanteans the best dressed beings on the
planet. They would have it no other way. EV —.


Atlanteans often prefer act without showing their hand. They
have developed a number of molecular poisons that are both dead-
ly and untraceable. The basic principal involves injecting molecular
assemblers into the target. These create toxins within the target’s
body, using material from the victim’s stomach, liver, bladder, or
other internal organs. Once the toxin has taken effect, the molecu-
lar machines disassemble the poison molecules and flush them out
of the body. Finally, the nano-machines exit the body, leave the
crime scene, and deactivate. The result is a poison that can imitate
a heart attack, aneurysm, or other natural cause of death without
leaving a trace. Furthermore, the Atlantean can preset a time for the
poison to take effect, killing the target instantly or letting him linger
for weeks. As an added refinement, the poison can be coded to a
specific person’s DNA. Thus the poisoner could lace all food in a
meal with the toxin and no one but the intended victim would suf-
fer any ill effects from eating. The exact details of the poison should
be devised by the Chronicler. The standard poison kills quickly—
Strength 5, causing D10(5) points of damage every Turn. Blood
Surgeons deactivate such poisons after one Turn.

The rail gun is slightly less common than the PA rifle, mostly
because of its larger size. The gun is just over twelve feet in length,
and looks like a massive sniper rifle. The rail gun creates a power-
ful magnetic field that projects long, sharp needle-like projectiles at
supersonic speed. These needles are 4 inches long and 1/12 inch in
diameter. The needle causes D8 x 6(24) damage and ignores all
armor. It is even capable of firing through solid steel walls. An
Atlantean sniper with an infrared or X-ray scope could literally pick
off the crew inside a tank, leaving three tiny holes and three
corpses. The gun requires the Guns (Rail Gun) skill. Ranges
10/75/150/300/500; EV 28.

The Atlantean version of handcuffs, these are much smaller,
stronger, and more versatile. In their neutral state, they appear as
two marble-sized crystalline balls attached by a length of wire. The
wire can be extended and locked up to 3 feet in length. When the
Atlantean wishes to restrain someone, he simply places a ball on one
limb. The ball expands in a fraction of a second into a diamond-hard
(DC 100, Strength 50) ring that surrounds the offending limb. The
other ball can be made to do the same, just like handcuffs. EV —.

Many Atlanteans don their famous “silver suits” when going into
dangerous situations. These outfits are suitable for use in all hostile
environments, including water and space (AV (D8 x 2) + 15(23)).
More importantly, they shield the Atlantean’s interior nanotech
enhancements from damaging radiation and energy pulses. The
suit provides a +4 modification to die rolls on the Nanotech
Malfunction Table against non-psychic electrical attacks. EV —. With
the increasing technology of their enemies, Atlanteans have devel-
oped a more heavily armored combat suit (see p. 69).

1 2 3 4
For added security, many Atlanteans create floors that can
Atlanteans can be as paranoid as the next sentient and do
become restraint devices. Mutable floors look and feel just like
not take kindly to having their property stolen. Most Atlanteans
normal floors and come in an array of styles and colors. Once
employ some sort of nano-security on their homes and space-
activated (perhaps by a monitor network), the nano-machines
craft. Listed below are several examples.
quickly change the floor to something resembling mud. The
intruder’s feet sink into this flooring and, an instant later, it
ANTI-NANITE FILTER becomes hard again, holding the target fast. The intruder’s
In the realm of nanotechnology, the greatest threat comes only options are to blast away at the floor (which is usually sev-
from nanotech devices. An anti-nanite filter looks like a fine eral inches of diamond-hard material and self-repairing), or cut
mist that lies in doorways or around entire buildings. It is actu- off his feet.
ally a cloud of nano-machines programmed to destroy any and
all unregistered nano-machines that try to pass through the fil-
ter. The filter can have two settings. At its lower setting, it pre- SECURITY DOOR
Nanotechnology allows for items that actually change shape
vents all airborne nano-machines (as well as other pollutants)
and function at a moment’s notice. The security door is a three-
from passing. The higher setting attempts to strip away any
inch diamond-hard wall until someone with the appropriate
nano-machines riding on the surface of materials that pass
authorization wishes to open it. The owner gains entry by plac-
through the filter. That setting also affects smart clothing and
ing his hand against the wall and allowing the nanites to check
most Atlantean technology. Any such device remains functional
his DNA, life signs, and/or plug into his Neural Link. Once all
only on a roll of 10 on a D10. This filter has no effect on nan-
these checks have been made, the wall forms hinges, spirals
otech internals but does affect all smart tools. The Atlantean can
open, or simply fades away (depending on the user’s inclina-
instruct the filter to ignore his equipment and the equipment of
tion). Once the owner passes, the door immediately seals once
those he trusts.
again. No locks to pick, no panels to break through, no cutting
off dead hands and placing them against the wall (the check for
COHESION APPLICATION life signs and Neural Link ensures this).
This is a protective layer of molecular machines. Their only
purpose is to prevent other nano-machines from disassem-
bling the surface they protect. The cohesion application effec- USER ID
Most Atlantean equipment features security sensors that per-
tively prevents any normal disassembler from harming the pro-
form a DNA scan of the user before the device will operate. This
tected surface. Seeds can’t draw resources from anything with
allows only authorized individuals to use the protected device
a cohesion application. It is possible to design disassemblers
and guards against unauthorized Neural Link interface. Of
that work against the cohesion application, but this would
course, an Atlantean could direct its Blood Surgeons to dupli-
require very high levels of the Engineer (Nanotech) skill and a
cate a certain DNA to fool a User ID sensor, if they have a sam-
great deal of time.
ple of the correct DNA. Thus, Atlanteans are very careful with
their DNA, and alter it (and the authorized programming of the
GAS GENERATOR security sensors) regularly when possible. The User ID can be
This item is simply a assembler nozzle attached to a feed. It deactivated when an Atlantean wants to operate equipment via
can produce any kind of gas from simple smoke, to knock-out Neural Link. In this case, certain passwords or codes, set by the
gas, to toxic fumes. It is typically used in conjunction with muta- owner, must be transmitted before the device responds to the
ble floors to completely neutralize intruders. If the Atlantean is Neural Link’s commands.
feeling particularly nasty, the gas generator could disperse dis-
assemblers onto the targets.

Internals allow the Atlantean to replace nearly every part of
The monitor network consists of a large number (thousands)
their body with nanotech enhancements. AIs have achieved
of micro-cameras and motion detectors which can be literally
intelligence close to that of a true sentient being. Smart tools
painted on any wall or surface. These devices link to an instal-
repair themselves, automatically adjust to the conditions
lation or spacecraft’s AI or to a comm set. An Atlantean can
around them, and in many ways mimic aspects of living things.
access the data through his Neural Link at any time, and is
It seems only natural that the Atlanteans would find a way to
warned to monitor the area if unscheduled activity occurs. Even
combine these technologies to create a truly artificial life form
when miles away, the Atlantean can stay on top of develop-
based entirely on nanotech parts. These are creations and they
ments at home.
come in as many different forms as Atlanteans can imagine.


They can mimic terrestrial lifeforms perfectly (even humans),

or they can take the form of creatures not of this world.
The basic creation is entirely artificial, with nano-fiber skin,
bones, and muscles. This makes it very resilient. When con-
trolled by an AI, they enjoy the same mental attributes and
skills as a standard AI (including all the skill points). When con-
trolled via Neural Link, the Atlantean supplies the mental
Skills listed for each creation below are standard. This does
not mean that the creation cannot have more skills than those
listed. On the other hand, Atlanteans do not fill their creations’
AIs with unnecessary skills. Creations tend to have one or two
duties, and there is no need to distract them with excess knowl-
edge (a creation rarely has any skill level below three). It is
even possible to “dumb down” a creation, lowering its AIs stats.
This is done more often for personal reasons than practical
ones (many Atlanteans have ego issues with creations that are
too smart).

All creations have the following nanotech internals built

into them:

Bio-Battery Energy System

Blood Surgeons
Emergence Nanite Reserve System
Improved Digestion
Musculature Enhancement
Neural Link
Replacement Skin
Replacement Skeleton
Vision and Hearing Enhancements

Atlanteans like pets as much as humans do (which is to
say some don’t like them at all). The problem with normal
pets is that they die after a few years. For beings who meas-
ure their lifespans in millennia, this is unacceptable. Thus,
Atlanteans have created artificial dogs, cats, and other house-
hold pets (most Atlanteans have lived on Earth so long that
they prefer terrestrial pets to those from their long dead
home world). These pets also serve as guards and spies. The
pet’s Neural Link can communicate directly with the mas-
ter’s, allowing the owner to see what the pet sees and issue
it unspoken commands. Although Pets can be as intelligent
as an Atlantean, many are less so to preserve the Atlantean
feeling of superiority.
1 2 3 4


The ravager is every warmonger’s dream—the Atlantean
attempt at the elusive “perfect warrior.” Even if it is not perfect,
INT 3 PER 4 WIL 3 it is one nasty piece of work. The traditional ravager (as first
DC 100 developed in ancient times to guard Atlantean strongholds)
stands about 10 feet tall. In the dark, it might be mistaken for a
Spd 20
very large, skinny bear. The ravager’s entire body is smooth,
Skills: Brawling 5, Stealth 5, Tracking 5 almost glass-like in appearance. It is bipedal and vaguely
Natural Weapons: Bite D6 x 5(15) humanoid, although on a scale larger than any known human.
Its head is entirely featureless. The hands are slightly too large
AV 50
for the arms, but still capable of very precise manipulations. At
a moment’s notice, the smooth skin suddenly sprouts scores of
four-inch, molecule-sharp spikes. Foot-long molecular blades

Atlanteans have been among humans for a long time now.
They have learned the value of walking unseen, exerting dis-
crete influence over human society and culture. Further, they
are under Nameless Priest edict to do exactly that. The mimic is
one of the key tools for this infiltration. First and foremost, the
mimic’s Aspect Modification System functions more efficiently
than it does in a normal Atlantean. Complete changes of facial
features take only seconds and the mimic can adjust its height,
apparent weight, and other physical characteristics in less than
a minute. These chameleon-like servants possess specially con-
structed nanotech bones and skin that are designed to change
with ease and fluidity. This results in a certain loss of strength
and durability for the mimic (they do not have Enhanced
Musculature or Replacement Skeletons).
The mimic AI is equipped to record and duplicate voices,
speech patterns, and physical mannerisms. This allows the cre-
ation to perfectly mimic a subject once it has had a chance to
study that person. Obviously, the mimic is the perfect spy, capa-
ble of taking any form and replacing anyone. The mimic is even
programmed to age, let its hair and nails grow, tan, fake the
occasional illness, and produce sweat and other waste products
like a normal human. Meanwhile, it can remain in contact with
its Atlantean masters via comm set, recording all it experiences
for their perusal.

DC 100 INT 3 PER 5 WIL 4
Spd 20 DC 150
Skills: Acting 5, Disguise 5, 300 points worth of other Spd 18
skills Skills: Acrobatics 5, Brawling 5, Demolitions 4, Dodge 5,
Nanotech Internals: Aspect Modification System Gun Fu 5, Guns (all) 5, Hand Weapon (all) 5, Martial Arts 5
AV 50 (if needed – though this may be sacrificed for a Natural Weapons: Claws D8 x 6(24), Spikes D8 x 6(24)
more “human” appearance) AV 50


spring forth from the creations’ arms, sharp enough to cut

through steel. Furthermore, the ravager is not limited to close ATLANTEAN STEED
combat. Integrated into each arm is a standard Atlantean parti- STR 9 DEX 6 CON 5
cle accelerator rifle. The ravager is more than capable of firing INT 3 PER 4 WIL 3
both weapons simultaneously, each at a different target without
DC 150
penalty. The ravager is also extremely quick, capable of outrun-
ning many automobiles. Spd 140/65
Acceleration 30
SERVANT Handling 6
Atlanteans love to lord their power over other, lesser crea-
tures. Many dislike labor of any kind. Thus the servant was cre- Skills: 180 points of other skills
ated. Atlanteans have been known to build servants in almost Natural Weapons: Hoof D10 x 10(50)
any shape and size, but for the most part they prefer to have AV 50
human-looking ones. Grown in assemblers, these servants are
usually very attractive, physically perfect human forms. Run by
a powerful AI, a single servant can have all the skills necessary
to perform any number of tasks from serving the master’s
pleasures, to piloting spacecraft, to fighting the master’s ene- STARSHIPS
mies. By equipping them with additional nanotech implants and Atlanteans were traveling the stars long before humanity
tools, an Atlantean can create servants capable of almost any- existed. Still, in the course of that time, little substantive change
thing. The truth of the matter is, there is little real physical dif- has occurred in their spaceship design.
ference between assembler-grown servants and true
Atlanteans. The main difference is that created servants are Atlantean starships rely on a technological advance that is
slaves to their AI brains which are in turn are beholden to the quite apart from the science of nanotechnology—gravity con-
Atlantean masters who program them. trol. Atlantean starships not only possess artificial gravity, but
they actually use gravity to move through space. By emitting a
stream of gravity particles rather than expending rocket fuel,
gravity projection provides many times the thrust of conven-
ATLANTEAN SERVANT tional rocket propulsion and has a nearly limitless period of
usage. The particle stream creates a thin beam of faint blue light
INT 4 PER 4 WIL 2 extending from the bottom or side of the ship (depending of
DC 100 which direction the ship is heading), and thus the ships have
Spd 20 come to be called beamships.

Skills: 250 points worth of skills Space travel for Atlanteans, unlike the Greys, is still limited by
the speed of light. Gravitic stardrives can push a starship at
speeds up to three million miles per hour (1/150th the speed of
light). This means that interstellar travel takes thousands if not
tens of thousands of years. Fortunately for them, Atlantean
immortality grants them all the time they need.
With the dawn of the industrial age, the Atlanteans have had Atlantean starships are a matter of personal taste and come
less use for these artificial beasts of burden. For thousands of in many different shapes and sizes. Most are saucer or spheri-
years, however, the horse was the primary means of locomo- cal in shape because this is aerodynamically sound for use in
tion in the world, and Atlanteans who did not want to draw the atmosphere and yet retains an aesthetic that appeals to
undue attention to themselves were forced to travel via horse- many Atlanteans. There are many exceptions to this trend, and
back. At the same time, they did not want to have to restrict Atlanteans have been known to travel the stars in ships resem-
their movements to the rather unpredictable and slow pace of bling ancient galleys, chariots, and giant metal birds. Whatever
a natural horse. Thus, they created their own, improved model. the shape and size, all Atlantean vessels have a few systems in
The steed looks and feels just like a normal horse. The nano- common.
fiber muscles and piston-like legs, however, allow this horse to Artificial Intelligence: The ship’s artificial intelligence
move at speeds approximating those of a motorcycle. Likewise monitors all of the ship’s systems, controls the hull and mal-
the horse has several built in storage containers that allow the leable interior, keeps track of the ship’s course, monitors and
Atlantean to store high-tech items or seeds without fear of the adjusts the ship’s internal atmosphere, and generally acts as a
local peasants seeing them. companion to the lonely traveler. When traveling for thousands
of years, most Atlanteans immerse themselves in virtual reality

1 2 3 4
worlds where they have the illusion of moving through spaces
larger than their ship and the freedom to do what they want. The
ship’s AI controls these distractions while monitoring the ship’s
status and making sure the immersed Atlantean gets enough
nutrients intravenously. Should anything threaten the Atlantean,
the AI brings him out of his “sleep” and make him aware of the
situation. In instances where this would take too long, the AI may
well integrate the dangerous situation into whatever VR environ-
ment the Atlantean is in, allowing the master of the ship to solve
the problem from his dream state.
Feed Reserve: Every ship has a feed reserve that provides
source material for the ships assemblers. The feed reserve con-
tains a few hundred tons, more than enough to create food,
water, and material for a journey of hundreds or even thousands
of years.
Gravitic Field Generator: This is the core of every Atlantean
ship—the device that makes it fly. The basic drive system is one of
the largest single pieces of Atlantean technology, measuring
about three cubic yards and weighing ten tons. Despite countless
ages of experimentation, the Atlanteans have been unable to
make the device smaller. The field generator provides all the loco-
motion for the ship and protects it during space flight. Traveling
as fast as these ships do, even the tiniest mote of dust colliding
with the hull could cause significant damage. In order to avoid
this, the gravitic field generator creates a gravity bubble around
the ship that deflects debris. This bubble also offers limited pro-
tection against both cannons and missiles providing an AV D10 x
10(50) while the gravitic drive is in operation. The average
Atlantean gravity drive provides a maximum speed of 2500 mph
in atmospheric flight, and much higher in space.
Malleable Interior: As with Atlantean facilities on Earth, the
interiors of Atlantean spacecraft are composed entirely of nano-
materials that are capable of reshaping their forms to suit the
needs of the user. Thus a wall can become a viewscreen, a table
can grow out of the floor, a chair can evolve into a bed, and a bed
turn into a jail cell. The process is very fast, taking usually little
more than a minute to create basic furniture types. For creating
more complicated, individual items, almost every Atlantean ship
also includes one or more assemblers.
Nano-Diamond Hull: The hull of Atlantean craft is a nan-
otech weave of diamond-hard carbon. Nano-assemblers run in a
constant stream through microscopic channels within the hull,
allowing the hull to repair itself almost immediately if it suffers
any damage. Likewise, the assemblers can disassemble and
rebuild the shape and form of the hull, usually for the purposes
of creating doors or windows. Creating a door takes a few sec-
onds; a window even less time. The hull is also a large solar panel,
collecting energy and storing it for the ship’s systems.
Because Atlantean nanotech is susceptible to electromagnetic
interference, the hull is also powerfully shielded against all forms
of cosmic rays and energy waves. Any equipment protected by
the hull of the ship is normally completely shielded from such
interference. The nano-assemblers within the hull itself are only

slightly less protected, and have a +4 modifier when rolling on ordering changes in course, or the creation of doorways with a
the Nanotech Malfunction Table. Several clusters similar to the thought. The ship’s response time is nearly instantaneous, mak-
ENR internal are placed about the hull to address failures in the ing the ship very maneuverable. The interface also allows the
hull nano-machines. The hull is further riddled with nanotech Atlantean to control the interior of the ship as well, from visual
sensors that transmit images, gravity readings, and other data displays to lighting, music, temperature, and even furnishings.
to the pilot of the ship. The visual sensors can magnify images It also allows the Atlantean to access the information from any
up to 10,000 times while the other sensors have a terrestrial of the micro-cameras and other sensors built into the hull of the
range of several thousand miles (although the curvature of the ship.
earth may limit its effective range), and a much greater range in Point Defense Lasers: The typical Atlantean ship is stud-
space. Naturally, the Atlantean hull incorporates advances in ded with tiny lasers for use against incoming missiles. In space
stealth technology beyond those humans possess. Any non- flight, this system is used against larger debris that the gravity
Atlantean sensor suffers a –6 penalty when trying to detect an field may be unable to deflect entirely. If used against humans
Atlantean ship (making it almost impossible for most conven- or incoming missiles, the lasers attack with a skill of five (or the
tional radar). Atlantean’s Guns skill level), and cause D8 x 25(100) points of
The hull is equipped with the same self-repair mechanisms damage. The lasers have a range 20/100/200/400/750.
that other Atlantean equipment enjoys. Separate instances of Additional Features: The above systems form the basic
damage can be repaired simultaneously. components of almost any Atlantean spacecraft. Of course,
Particle Accelerator Cannon: The galaxy is a dangerous individuals add their own modification to these ships, but most
place, and few Atlanteans are willing to travel around unarmed. of these are for aesthetic or personal reasons rather than func-
The main weapon system carried aboard most Atlantean ships tional ones. Many ships incorporate laboratory facilities that are
is a particle accelerator cannon, a larger version of the PA rifle capable of performing complete chemical, atomic, and DNA
described earlier. The PA cannon can be fired by the pilot in any analysis. Ships might also include guest quarters, holding cells,
direction, has range 50/200/500/1000/2000 and does D10 x small scout craft (like the flyers described in the seed section),
50(250) points of damage. and so on. The exact nature of these additions is up to the
Pilot Interface: As mentioned earlier, every aspect of an Chronicler.
Atlantean ship is controlled by the owner’s Neural Link. The
Atlantean can send messages directly to the drive and hull,

1 2 3 4

This Atlantean starship differs from the average saucer-shaped vessel, and reveals something of the range of Atlantean
design possibilities. It belongs to Fol Tyris, a showy Atlantean who enjoys making grand entrances. In these modern days of
cameras and radar, she does not fly the ship very often where it might be seen, but she has been known to take it for a spin
over populated areas just to see what kind of reaction she gets.
The ship itself is shaped like a giant abstract bird—not a sleek bird of prey, but rather a flowing and graceful crane. The hull
is diamond-hard as usual, but has been programmed to shimmer in an ever-changing pattern of colors (although Fol Tyris can
make it stay one color if she chooses). The head of the ship is fully articulated, capable of opening and closing its beak and
even emitting thunderous “squawks.” The head and long beak measure ten yards in length and the tip of the beak can be
sharpened to a molecule sharp point at the pilot’s whim. When so sharpened, it is capable of piercing the hulls of aircraft, cars,
buildings, and other annoyances.
The head also houses twin PA cannons within the bird’s eyes (the eyes are not sensors—like all Atlantean craft the entire
hull is studded with microscopic sensors). The head rests at the end of a fully articulated neck which can either lock in place,
extend below for high speed travel, or move about in a manner identical to a living bird. The neck is 40 yards long and five
yards in diameter. It contains nothing vital to the ship’s operation (the whole neck and head could be blow off and the ship
would still function).
The most impressive aspect of the ship is its wings. These huge supports span 120 yards from tip to tip. They are diamond-
hard and fully articulated, capable of flapping and creating winds up to 50 mph. They do not serve any vital function in the
ship’s flight, however (that is handled by the gravitic drive). The ship has a pair of long retractable legs, 70 yards in length, that
end in fully articulated talons, capable of picking up people, cars, trucks, and other items of interest.
All of the important parts of the ship are within the body, which measures only forty by fifteen yards.
The entire crew compartment is two rooms: one chamber housing the drive and the other the main living areas. The crew
compartment measures 35 yards by 12 yards and has a malleable interior that adjusts to Fol Tyris’ commands. She normally
enters and exits the ship by opening a doorway in the body just above one of the wings and then walking down the wing to
the ground. When the ship is at rest, it folds its legs underneath, its wings against its sides and its neck against the body. Thus,
at rest the ship only takes up a space of about 60 by 30 yards.
Weight: 40,000; Speed: 2500 mph; Acceleration: 200; Range: 5,000; Toughness: 8; Handling: 4; DC: 500 (repairs D10 (5)
per Turn); AV: 50 (hull), D10 x 10(50) (when drive operating); Crew: 1



The Greys communicate telepathically and do not have
If any one human theme may be used to capture the a language as humans understand it. Concepts are trans-
essence of Grey history, the biblical tale of a fall from grace mitted, not words or names. Thus, there is no word for
appears most appropriate. Before the coming of the Atlanteans their race, or for their planet. Since their contact with
and the Seepage, Grey civilization was peaceful and nearly humans, they have accepted certain names for ease when
idyllic. Far removed from this blissful time, Greys now find communicating with us. As a result, their planet has come
themselves threatened by an insidious force that is lowering to be called “Greyworld” (rather than Zeta 2 Reticuli 4).
birthrates, decreasing life expectancy, increasing harmful They accept either the race name of “Greys” (as used by
mutations and slowly destroying minds. The Greys face a Aegis) or Reticulans (as favored by the NDD).
creeping Armageddon, and only recently started to devise
means to avert it.
development. Psychic dominance became the deciding factor in
the survival of Greyworld species. Carnivores that stalk and
ZETA RETICULI AND GREYWORLD overpower prey never developed. Instead, the more powerful
psychic creatures simply commanded the less powerful life
Almost 40 light years from Sol and Earth lies a binary star
forms to present themselves as food.
system called Zeta Reticuli. A number of planets orbit one of the
two stars, Zeta 2 Reticuli. The fourth planet out is known simply
as Greyworld. It is here that the Grey evolved.
Greyworld and Earth have very similar genetic building
blocks, so for a long time evolution followed similar paths. It Given the predominance of psychic lifeforms on Greyworld,
was not until the development of complex, centralized nervous it may seem amazing that only one species made the leap to
systems that Greyworld evolution diverged from our own ter- full sentience. However, the brains of most lifeforms on
restrial patterns. Greyworld evolved toward super-specialization; only those with
the most dominant psychic abilities survived. Lifeforms that sac-
In the course of only a few million years, the more advanced rificed psychic ability for nascent intelligence or a broader
life on Greyworld evolved psychically. It is unique to Greyworld range of abilities rarely survived.
that nearly every living creature has some degree of psychic

1 2 3 4
This evolutionary trend highlights the distinction between psy- Over time, the Greys discovered that certain places were
chic power and sentience. The presence and strength of psychic ideal for the creation of art. These places resonated different-
abilities does not equal mental awareness. For the vast majority ly; the psychic impressions and communications were
of life on Greyworld, psychic powers are merely a matter of stronger, more vibrant. The surroundings were easier to mold
instinct: if a lesser mind comes near, dominate it and consume and manipulate. With some investigation, the Greys discov-
its body. By a lucky combination of natural selection and genet- ered a naturally growing coral common to these regions. This
ics, Greys became both psychically dominant and sentient. substance actually amplified and facilitated the use of their
Other than their powerful domination abilities, early Greys psychic abilities.
discovered that they could manipulate the world around them The Greys began to manipulate the coral at a genetic level,
using telekinesis. More remarkably, Greys found they could creating new strains. Through a long process involving a great
psychically alter themselves from generation to generation, in deal of trial and error, the Greys developed what humans now
effect controlling the course of their own evolution. If the Greys refer to as “lenses.” Lenses are specially designed coral struc-
were ever differentiated into different genders, they long ago tures that are bred to amplify a particular psychic ability. Using
evolved into single sex organisms. Greys simply create embryos lenses, Greys found many new ways to manipulate themselves
within themselves containing whatever DNA they deem impor- and their environment. For example, although there was little
tant, either copying their own genetic structure or making immediate use for it, a Grey could melt and shape rock or
improvements as they see fit. extract and shape metals using a pyrokinesis lens.
The Greys soon learned to work together to combine their With the power available through lenses, Grey art achieved
psychic energy and power. This cooperation formed the basis of new breakthroughs. The performers created amazing spires of
Grey association and culture. Social structures developed cen- coral, rock, and metal, stretching for hundreds of miles though
tered around groups of Greys who closely linked themselves the water and even into the air. These spires included hundreds
psychically. These small groups formed an integrated and cohe- or thousands of lenses amplifying telepathic and telekinetic
sive whole, psychically sharing thoughts, ideas and experiences powers, allowing Greys to literally fly through the structures
at an intimate level unattainable by humans. The small groups with ease, their minds linked with all the other members of the
usually numbered between three to six Greys, and the close- dance. Using pyrokinetic lenses, the Greys could create fantas-
ness and sharing among the members of the group has lead tic light and temperature manifestations.
Earthborn observers to label the group a gestalt. For aeons, the Greys were content. They may have continued
Finally, because psychic abilities are little constrained by in this vein for eternity had it not been for the coming of the
space, telepathy between Greys could be accomplished at any “Others.”
time no matter where they were located. One Grey simply had
to know generally where another was, so it could telepathically
“shout” to attract attention and begin conversation. This
enabled the Greys to share knowledge over large distances, and
Every living being on Greyworld projects psychic energy to
even created a type of global mind or conference when desired.
one degree or another. It was not until the “Others”
In these early days, however, no event or problem arose that
(Atlanteans) came to the homeworld that the Greys even imag-
demanded such a species-wide convergence of minds.
ined that beings could exist without psychic abilities. At first,
most Greys thought that the Atlanteans and their spacecraft
were some sort of meteorological disturbance. They could
PSYCHIC CORAL detect no signs of psychic energy emanating from the beings or
The early Greys looked very little like the beings that visit craft, and assumed they were non-living. Closer examination
Earth today. In truth, enlightenment dawned in Greyworld’s revealed the Atlanteans to be some sort of intelligent, but psy-
seas, among a species resembling terrestrial cetaceans (whales chically dead, lifeform. This psychic absence disturbed the
and dolphins). These creatures gathered in small packs and Greys greatly, and initially they avoided contact with the
lived a fundamentally nomadic existence exploring the planet’s Atlanteans, preferring to study them at a distance.
seas, and reveling in their individual and combined psychic abil- After a period of observation, several Greys became bold
ities. They had no need for nations or governments, and would enough to attempt communication with the Atlanteans. This
gather only on rare occasions, usually only to form large, living proved exceedingly difficult. The Atlanteans simply grew con-
artworks, somewhat like performance art without an audience. fused and irritated whenever a Grey attempted telepathic con-
The artwork developed from a combination of telepathic com- tact. The psychic abilities of the Greys horrified the Atlanteans,
munications, telekinetic and pyrokinetic manipulation, dance- particularly the Grey ability to teleport, which the Atlanteans
like movements and a variety of noises. The sea-borne Greys’ found both amazing and unnerving.
greatest joy was the participation/observation of this shared,
dynamic artform.


es and the Atlantean’s strange devices. Indeed, viewing the

NAMING THE OTHERS tools gave the Greys scores of ideas for new kinds of lenses.
Lens breeding became a highly treasured skill, and many
Initially, the Atlanteans were the only other race the
Grey had experienced. When they arrived, the Grey had strains of coral were developed for specialized psychic use.
no name for intelligent entities other than Grey. They One of the most fascinating tools of the Atlantean was vehi-
were simply thought of as the “Others.” Now, the Grey cles. The Greys soon began experimenting with the creation of
have been exposed to a number of other races, and flying vehicles. After several years of breeding, testing, and tin-
understand that the term Others is simply too broad. To kering, massive new lenses began to take shape. The vehicles
avoid confusion, each alien race is described using the were originally large coral spheres with a water-filled cavity for
designation that humans have given it (Atlantean or the Greys who powered and guided the craft. The first flight of
Saurian). Still, to this day the Greys often refer to the a Grey aircraft proved disastrous as the lens coral was unable
Atlanteans as the Others. to withstand the stress of flight and tore apart at high speeds,
killing all the Greys inside. Fortunately, the Grey community
mind preserved the details of this mistake, and the rest of the
One of the Atlanteans, Ahr’am, became so agitated when species quickly learned from it.
confronted by the Grey abilities that she introduced the Greys
to a previously undreamed phenomenon: violence. On a world Grey efforts to achieve flying craft continued with renewed
where conflicts are resolved through psychic domination, phys- vigor. Stronger strains of coral were developed, and the Greys
ical violence never developed. With one blast from the began to incorporate metal and stone frames into their craft.
Atlantean’s firearm, the surrounding Greys scattered in fear, Most importantly, it was at this time that many Greys began to
and Grey understanding and society changed forever. alter their own evolution to produce humanoid offspring that
resembled the Atlanteans. The Greys changed their craft
The Atlantean’s first visit was not long. Periodically, they designs to suit humanoid passengers, obviating the need to fill
would return, often embarking on hunting missions in which the craft with water. This eliminated several of the most telling
they would abduct one or more Greys. It appeared that the design problems the Greys faced, and soon Grey aircraft lenses
Atlanteans were not above kidnapping to further their study became commonplace.
and understanding of the Greys. This early lesson in inter-
species relations was not lost on the Greys (they would come to
employ a similar technique when they sought knowledge about
the humans). While greatly afraid of the Atlanteans’ strange and SPACE OBSERVATION
dangerous ways, the Greys took the opportunity to study the The arrival of the Atlanteans raised an obvious question:
Atlanteans as much as possible. Where did they come from? Greys were certain they were not
from Greyworld, which left them looking out into space. The
universe outside their oceans had never before been important
TOOLS to the Greys, but now they had an abiding interest in discover-
ing as much as they could about it. They began to develop lens-
As the Greys observed the Atlanteans, they encountered es that heightened clairvoyance, allowing them to remotely
technology. The use of tools by these strange beings was con- view the deepest reaches of space. A devoted gestalt took it
fusing. Technology and industry did not exist on Greyworld. The upon themselves to spend most of their time searching the
Greys developed lenses to aid their psychic abilities, but little heavens for the source of the Atlanteans, but were largely
experimentation was done outside of the group dances. unsuccessful. Approaching the problem differently, they
Computers, space ships, focused wave emitters—devices that devised a daring course of action.
operated under their own power and that were made from
machined parts—were all alien to the Greys. The remote-viewing Greys waited for the next Atlantean visit
to Greyworld and locked onto the ship. They used it as a point of
The range of tools employed by the Atlanteans dumbfounded reference and psychically followed the aliens back to their home
the Greys, and aroused their curiosity almost as much as the world. Although they were successful, the Grey astronomers paid
aliens themselves. At first, the Greys thought that the tools were a heavy price for this knowledge. No Grey had ever had such
simply living beings like the Atlanteans—beings with no innate psy- prolonged exposure to the actions and visions of such alien, non-
chic energy. It was not until a few Greys managed to obtain some psychic creatures. The experience was unpleasant for the Greys,
of their equipment that they realized the devices were non-organ- and although they did not realize it at the time, it would cause
ic. This discovery merely added to the confusion, for the Greys had long-term psychological damage, leading to psychoses of varying
never seen a non-living thing that could function in any way. degrees among most of the observers. To the dismay of all Greys,
After a time, the Greys became somewhat accustomed to the this mental damage appeared to be irreversible. Some of the
concept of the Atlantean’s tools. From there, it was not a signif- psychotic Greys had to be psychically dominated into comas lest
icant leap to comprehend the similarity between the Grey lens- they hurt themselves or others.

1 2 3 4
The remote viewers proved that Greys could view and study the
Atlanteans and other planets from afar. The price to be paid, however,
was deemed too high. The fear of psychosis led to a desire to develop
spacecraft capable of following the Atlanteans into space. The Greys
hypothesized that if they could view the aliens firsthand, they could
avoid the perils of mental breakdown.
As Grey aircraft lenses had already advanced to a remarkable level
of sophistication, it was not hard for the Greys make the leap into
space. Unfortunately, most were developed around telekinetic enhanc-
ing lenses. This allowed for space travel once the problems of vacuum
and life support were mastered, but space travel via telekinesis proved
prohibitively slow.
The Greys had long possessed the ability to teleport, but it was a skill
they seldom exercised. Teleportation is a dangerous process, requiring
a long period of remote viewing if the desired destination was any dis-
tance away. This process can take hours or even days, and requires a
great deal of concentration and effort. For the relatively short distances
of intra-planetary travel, it was unnecessary. Telekinetic lens aircraft
could reach remarkable speeds. However, as Grey teleportation ren-
ders time and distance largely irrelevant, it is the ideal method for
interstellar and intergalactic space travel. The Greys could literally leap
to any space they could remote view first, circumventing the problems
of relativity.
Thus, the Greys developed space travel. They built huge lenses capa-
ble of withstanding the pressures of space, and incorporated lenses for
clairvoyance, telekinesis, and teleportation. Then they ventured into
space, following the Atlanteans to other worlds. For the most part, the
Atlanteans destroyed any Grey ships they came across, so the explor-
ers learned to be careful, watching the Others from afar when at all
For centuries, the two played cat and mouse, with the Greys always
watching the Atlanteans from the periphery. Since the Atlanteans could
not teleport, they spent vast amounts of time traveling between the
stars. The Atlanteans resented the Greys ability to travel instanta-
neously, and their animosity grew even greater.
In response to the Atlanteans destroying Grey craft at every oppor-
tunity, the Greys designed small, fast and nimble scout ships that could
avoid detection more easily. Furthermore, special lenses were devel-
oped that could disrupt Atlantean technology, allowing the Grey and
their craft to escape unmolested when they were spotted.
The Greys also designed ships for abducting Atlanteans, seeking to
hold them in captivity and conduct experiments on them. Introduced to
the practice by the Atlanteans, the Greys felt no moral compunction
about this activity. The Atlanteans proved too powerful in most cir-
cumstances however, and very few were captured. Even those that
were captured presented the Greys with few successes. For years, the
greatest Grey minds worked at dominating Atlanteans but had little
success. It seemed that the Atlantean mind was protected from psychic
manipulation. While Grey efforts to control Atlanteans continued, most
Greys lived in fear of suffering from alien-induced psychosis and
refused to deal with the Atlanteans directly.

As the Grey-Atlantean relations settled into predictable patterns, the
Greys became aware of a new, and deadly threat. Psychic abilities and
phenomenon, like Seepage, are not limited by the constraints of time
and space. Gradually, over the course of centuries, the Greys began to
notice a certain level of “noise” in the psychic landscape. This Static
took the form of an annoying chaotic psychic energy. It steadily grew,
until nearly every living thing on Greyworld was bothered by it to
some extent. The Greys were both intrigued and concerned about this
psychic disturbance.

As with the Others, the Greys had no name for the new phe-
nomena, nor any idea where it came from. When the psychic phe-
nomena we call Seepage reached Greyworld, it manifested to the
Greys as a mass of chaotic white-noise. The Grey terminology for
Seepage is best translated as “Static.”

As time passed, the constant annoying psychic clamor began to

have detrimental effects on the Greys. Some of the more sensitive
Greys found the Static interfered with the daily use of their own psy-
chic abilities. This significantly decreased their quality of life. More
worrisome, the Static began to cause widespread mental illness
among many groups of Greys. Still, the most horrifying aspect of the
coming of the Static was the effect it had on Grey reproduction. The
Static interfered with the Grey self-fertilization process, increasing
the number of stillborn or defective offspring from near zero to well
over a third of all births. This caused panic among all Greys, since it
threatened the viability of the race as a whole. While the psycho-
logical impact alone was quite damaging, if the Static was allowed
to grow it might eventually become impossible for the Greys to
reproduce at all.


Grey remote viewers and explorers set out in search of the source
of the Static. In time, they spied Earth. For whatever reason, this plan-
et was the source of the increasingly dire Static situation. The discov-
ery of Earth in the vastness of the cosmos was a monumental accom-
plishment for the Greys—figuring out what to do next would prove far
more difficult.
A few Greys braved the horrors of the Static and left for Earth,
searching for a way to put an end to the damaging psychic noise. Thus
it was that early in the 20th century, the first Grey explorers arrived in
our solar system. To their consternation, they found they were not the
first visitors to come to Earth. The Atlanteans had already been here.
Indeed, the inhabitants of Earth seemed themselves to be Atlanteans,
except that they almost universally possessed some degenerate form
of psychic ability. It was these degenerate psychics who were the cause
of the Grey’s distress.
1 2 3 4
As more Greys arrived on Earth and more was learned about This second problem is further compounded by the presence
the strange humans, many home world Greys began to fear of violence in human society. Humans have a tendency to try
that the human traits of violence and dissonance would disrupt and kill Greys whenever they can, whether it means shooting
their peaceful existence on Greyworld. It was decided that the down their lenships or blasting them with a shotgun. The Greys
Earth segment of the Grey racial network be “removed” from are just not equipped, mentally or technologically, to respond
the rest of the racial mind by placing them in a “mental quar- in kind. Any attempt to openly subjugate the humans would
antine.” Communication and contact between the Earth explor- have to succeed in one fell swoop or the humans would
ers and Greyworld would be kept to an absolute minimum. respond with overwhelming violence. This meant the Greys had
to work from the shadows, keeping their presence hidden until
they can find a way to overcome the human threat.
The first Grey explorers to come to the human home world
faced an almost overwhelming task. Earth, the source of the WORKING TOWARD SOLUTIONS
hideous Static, was home to billions of intelligent life forms, all Fortunately, the humans have no idea just how much of a
of them radiating disruptive psychic energy. Investigating such threat they pose to the Greys. In fact, few non-Greys have any idea
a large population would have proved a daunting task in itself, that the Seepage produced by humanity is having any ill effect on
but the strange culture and technology of the humans multi- the Greys at all. This is the Greys’ greatest secret, and one they can
plied the difficulty tenfold. never reveal. Unaware of the Greys’ true agenda on Earth — to one
The entire population of Greys on Greyworld seldom exceed- day end the human threat entirely — some humans are more than
ed a few million individuals. Very few were willing to risk psy- willing to deal with the Greys. Thus arose the treaty between the
chic damage by braving the trip to Earth. Thus, Grey explorers National Defense Directorate and the Greys, and similar deals
had to overcome a debilitating manpower shortage. Even a made with other governments and organizations.
heightened rate of reproduction would only be useful in the An alliance with the humans was never seen as a solution to
long run, and it had its dangers as well, as breeding since the the problem of the Static, but simply the best means to achieve
coming of Static had become a real problem. that goal. The alliance with the National Defense Directorate
Even if the resources could be found to fully investigate came only after several years of Grey activity on Earth. The activ-
humans, any potential solutions discovered would still have to ities of the early years — abduction and experimentation on
be implemented. This created the second major problem for humans, establishment of bases of operations, development of
the Greys. Humans are almost all inherently psychic to one anti-human technology — all preceded the NDD treaty.
degree or another. Each and everyone produces Static and thus Nonetheless, the greatest successes in these areas arose only
are threats. Furthermore, human psychic energy is significantly after Greys and humans began working together. Indeed, human
different from the Greys and the have a hard time using their aid has proved of incalculable value to the Greys in their quest
abilities on humans with any precision. The Greys found them- for a solution to the Static problem. In return for small psychic
selves unable to mentally dominate most humans, which left favors, the humans have been amazingly generous with time and
them with having to psychically bludgeon humans—an exhaust- equipment, allowing the Greys to develop completely new lines
ing and less than satisfactory undertaking. Because it takes sev- of research and new programs to combat the human threat.
eral Greys to psychically incapacitate one human, the sheer In sum, Grey activity on Earth preceded any alliance with the
number of humans makes it impossible to bring the whole race NDD. However, a thorough understanding of the history of
under Grey control. Grey actions on Earth starts with the NDD treaty.

The following report is from an Aegis mole inside the the NDD or “Black Book”. This mole has been under cover for seven
years, and files one report a year. The mole was hypnotically prepared and his reports are subliminally triggered by phrases
in the State of the Union address. The agent’s programming results in a peculiar, disjointed style to his reports, but confidence
in his accuracy is high.
“Grey Head Base New Mexico Underground Arboretum? Contrive Assignment Current Assignment Cape Hatteras Grey
Research Team Three Aliens Shadrach Meshach Abednego Psychic Link? Marine Life Experiments Florida? Shark Guard Dogs?
Abduction Rate Seventeen 1995 Distrust Black Book Tension Hybrids Men In Black Firefight Mobile Alliance Dissolution? Black
Book Factions Grey Factions Hybrid Factions Blues? Adversary Incident? When Go Home?”


By the early 1940s, the Greys had been watching Earth for some
time. However, they were no closer to a solution to the Static problem.
During World War II, both the Allied and Axis forces demonstrated
a level of technology previously unseen on Earth. Witnessing the
events of the war in both bewilderment and fear, the Greys scrutinized
this deadly era in humanity’s development. In 1945, the dropping of
the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrated to the
Greys that humans now possessed one of the most destructive and
horrific forces known.
Greys were faced with the reality that humans were a technological-
ly advanced race, exhibiting psychic powers, and capable of an almost
unfathomable amount of destruction. This, coupled with the unabated
danger posed by the growing psychic Static, forced the Greys into a
decision: the time for observation was over. Humanity was a life-threat-
ening problem, virtually impossible to combat without deep insight into
their ways. In response, a massive program was undertaken to accom-
plish the seemingly impossible task of understanding humans.
The program called for the abduction and monitoring of a large
cross section of humans to study technological and societal advance-
ments, and to engage in a full scale analysis, both physiological and
psychic, of Earth’s inhabitants. These tasks were to be done under
careful guard, allowing the humans no opportunity to conduct the
same investigations into Greys. Obtaining military personnel from the
most technologically advanced nations was crucial for gathering cur-
rent information on technological progress. Also, people living in areas
of heavy Static were prime targets for abduction. With these objectives
in mind, the Greys set forth, engaging in a relentless attack on their
own ignorance. Thus, the modern age of UFO sightings began.

In July 1947, a Grey ship conducted several flyovers in New Mexico
observing recent rocket tests at the White Sands Missile Range. The
ship’s main mission was to abduct someone from either the missile
range or the neighboring Roswell Army Air Base. The Greys spent sev-
eral days in the area, scouting out the territory, waiting for the appro-
priate moment to strike.
During one pass over the missile range, the four Grey crew mem-
bers faintly sensed that something was trying to communicate with
them. A decision was made to pause their flight for a moment and
divert some of their psychic energies toward reaching out to respond.
After a moment’s hesitation, the crew felt the telepathic voices of those
they recognized to be humans, but the language was incomprehensi-
ble. The nature of the message was abundantly clear, however: the
contact was one of peace.
While still in a psychic bond with the communicators, a V2 rocket
impacted the Grey ship, breaching the hull and sending it plummeting
toward the Earth. Caught completely by surprise and fully aware of
their impending doom, the crew let out a psychic scream to their Grey
comrades operating in the area. The mental cry sent an awesome psy-
chic backlash through the American psychics, causing severe brain
hemorrhaging. The Greys fared little better.

1 2 3 4
One of the Grey crew lived only a few seconds after the rock- ly allergic, to decomposing Greys. He hoped this would buy
et hit the ship. In a moment of desperation, he sent his mental some time before they turned their attentions to him. He strug-
being into the body of one of the psychic communicators. gled to send a telepathic message to his people.
Panicked, the other three Greys attempted to gain control over A while later, the humans returned in gas masks, sealed up
the ship. The craft hit the ground, killing a second pilot, and the dead body and removed it. The Grey could hear them
then bounced up again. At this point, the two remaining Greys speaking, but he could not understand the language. He was
were finally able to settle themselves, think clearly, and assume tired, weak, and desperately hungry, making it that much hard-
control over their vessel. er to communicate with his human captors. With all of them
Unfortunately, just as they were able to link together and talking and thinking at once, it was nearly impossible to find
begin utilizing their remote viewing to navigate the ship, a anyone receptive enough to telepathically contact. Besides that,
mountain loomed before them. The vessel crashed into the side the Grey was not used to being around so many humans at
of the cliff and plummeted to Earth. One of the Greys went once. The psychic Static surrounding him was throbbing in his
down with the wreckage of the ship. Pinned under twisted head, making it difficult to concentrate.
metal and shattered coral, this Grey hovered near death. The Suddenly, from the corner of the room, the Grey felt some-
other was thrown some distance from the craft out into the one telepathically calling to him. He looked past the chattering
desert night. This last Grey was paralyzed from the impact. goons, and into the green eyes of the woman who showed up
in the wrong place at the right time. She sent her thoughts to
AN UNWANTED RESCUE him, asking if he was hurt or hungry. The Grey was shocked. He
Through the evening, the Greys telepathically consoled each had stumbled upon a human proficient in telepathy. Her com-
other, reminiscing about Greyworld and the dances they shared mand of the discipline was poor and inconsistent, but it was
in their youth. Their only hope was that a rescue team was on strong enough that he could at last communicate with some-
its way. By the midpoint of the next day, they could feel a tele- one. The Grey told her of his injuries, and the need for nutrients
pathic communication from a fellow Grey, but neither was to sustain him.
strong enough to reply. By evening the Grey pinned in the
The woman explained to the others that she and the Grey
wreckage died.
could communicate, at least on a rudimentary level. From that
Almost immediately after his death, the wreckage was dis- point on, both the Grey and the unfortunate woman became
covered, but not by Grey comrades. A human military unit sur- valued prisoners of an organization soon to be known as the
rounded the area. As soon as the living Grey was found, the National Defense Directorate.
humans quickly gathered him onto a covered stretcher, placed
For several months, the Grey endured endless painful exam-
him in a truck, and took him away. All hope for a safe and
inations. However, the most valuable knowledge learned by
friendly rescue was abandoned.
either side was through the relationship that developed
The Grey was brought into an operating room in a hospital. between him and the woman psychic. For a while, she was the
Lying on a gurney next to him was the body of his dead crew- only human around who displayed the ability to project her
mate. He had never been so filled with fear, not even when he thoughts. The NDD then began to bring in others who claimed
flew on a mission to the Atlantean homeworld. The Grey real- to be psychics.
ized that he was now the captive, not the captor, and he could
The Grey could communicate with some of these others, but
easily imagine what was in store for him. He was too weak to
he resisted such conversations. Their intentions never seemed
try to telepathically contact any Greys and even so he had no
as friendly or peaceful as the woman’s. Indeed, it soon became
idea where he was, making rescue impossible.
clear that all the humans around, with exception of the woman,
Several military men entered the room, some holding “dead” were interested only in the power he could bring to them. The
objects that periodically emitted bright flashes. Two men in only reason the woman remained alive was because she was
white coats entered and everyone gathered around his dead the best means to get information out of him. By feeding them
Grey comrade. The conscious Grey could hardly see what was small bits of knowledge from time to time through her, he
going on but it appeared that doctors were preparing for some ensured that she remained alive.
kind of examination.
Over time, the woman taught the Grey the English language.
At this point, a female human walked in the room. The Grey This made communication much easier. The Grey learned that
could feel her shock and distress at the activities occurring in his human friend’s name was Mary Ellen Reilly. Mary Ellen
the room. She tried to step back out into the hall but was learned that Greys do not share the human practice of labeling
grabbed and pushed up to the table. She reluctantly aided the themselves with words. Unable to translate the psychic signa-
doctors in the dissection. As they cut into the Grey corpse, the ture that is unique to each Grey, Mary decided to call him Job.
humans started to gasp and keel over clutching their throats. Learning of the myriad tragedies that befell the biblical Job, the
Everyone quickly exited the room. The conscious Grey then Grey found the name fitting.
realized that humans reacted badly, and perhaps were violent-


Above all, the NDD sought a promise that they would be the
PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE Greys’ only human allies. There would be no future acts of
Over time, the NDD made it clear that it was interested in aggression between the Greys and the Directorate, assuming
entering into a deal with Job and his fellow Greys, with Brigadier the terms of the treaty were not violated by either group.
General Donald McReedy acting as liaison. McReedy tried to win
Job’s confidence by detailing of the events of July 3, 1947.
McReedy explained that the NDD was attempting to make peace- NATIONAL DEFENSE DIRECTORATE OBLIGATIONS
Job considered these terms and agreed they would be met
ful contact psychically with the Grey ship when a rival organiza-
only if the NDD fulfilled certain obligations to the Greys.
tion took matters into their own hands and shot down the vessel.
The General further elaborated, stating that the rival organization The Greys wanted unlimited access to humans for analysis.
was still active and would stop at nothing to annihilate the Grey Specimens would be collected via abductions—the Greys were
presence on Earth. McReedy urged Job to contact his cohort and not interested in humans spoon-feed to them by the NDD—but
establish a treaty between the Greys and the NDD. such activity would be limited and carried out discretely. If it
were necessary for the NDD to aid in these abductions, they
When Job had recovered enough to contact his Grey
would be obligated to do so. The majority of human examina-
brethren psychically, he informed them of the General’s desire
tions would be conducted on Grey ships, but at times the need
for a pact between the groups. A worldwide telepathic confer-
might arise for a land-based lab. In that case, the NDD would
ence among Greys was hastily organized and debate ensued. In
be required to provide it for the Greys.
the end all were convinced, via reason or psychic domination,
that the establishment of an alliance between the Greys and the In the event that the Greys undertook endeavors that could
NDD was necessary. As Job explained, the NDD could not be be made easier by human intervention, the NDD would be
trusted, but an alliance would be best in the long run. The treaty required to assist. Any NDD agent working on a mission set
was to be a tool to reach their original goals — the elimination forth by the Greys would be under Grey command.
of the Static. This alliance was the first breakthrough for Grey The NDD would provide information to the Greys about
objectives on Earth. other government and/or private organizations that would pos-
sibly discover the existence of the Greys and attempt to inter-
fere with their work on Earth. The NDD was charged with pro-
THE TREATY tecting the Greys. If the presence of the Greys was detected by
any individual or organization, and, as a result, a Grey’s life was
On October 31, 1947, Brigadier General McReedy and Job
met at midnight deep within the Grand Canyon. They discussed put in danger, it was the Directorate’s responsibility to retrieve
mutually beneficial terms of the NDD/Grey alliance. the Grey and remedy the situation.
The NDD would assist the Greys in their research into psy-
chic and supernatural phenomenon. Without explaining their
GREY OBLIGATIONS reasons, the Greys sought the Directorate’s full cooperation in
The NDD demanded full cooperation and psychic support
from the Greys during Directorate operations. A Grey involved in their efforts to learn as much as possible about the Static.
a NDD mission must lend only the support requested by the com- The NDD was never to use Greys as test subjects in any alien
mander of the mission and not intervene unless otherwise asked. experimentation they performed.
Grey activity on Earth must be kept extremely low profile.
Their presence on or around Earth should never be made pub- A PACT
lic knowledge. Also, if the Greys learned or knew of the pres- With the concurrence of Brigadier General McReedy and Job,
ence of other extraterrestrial life on or around Earth, they were a pact was born. In the early hours of November 1, 1947, an
obligated to give that information to the NDD. If necessary, alliance between extraterrestrials and humans was forged.
Greys were to aid in keeping their or any others’ existence as When Job returned to his fellow Greys, he assured them that
secret as possible. they had done the right thing. Even though they had just com-
The NDD understood that Job represented a vast number of pleted an alliance with creatures capable of more destruction
Greys, but not all. Thus, the Grey allies would be obligated to than they had ever known, Job and his ruling majority of Greys
keep the Directorate informed on the activities of other Greys if believed the only way to stop the human threat was to become
those activities should in any way endanger the NDD or human- as close to humans as possible. Only through understanding
ity as a whole. humanity would the Greys be able to eliminate it.

Being especially interested in alien technology, the NDD Until the late 1950s, the NDD and the Greys worked closely,
wanted explicit knowledge of Grey technology. The Greys were each group honoring the terms of their covenant. The Greys
to work with a research and development team to establish found themselves working hand-in-hand with NDD research
joint technology that both humans and Greys could understand and development teams. Grey psychic capabilities and human
and use. proficiency with both mechanics and medicine combined to

1 2 3 4
form a startlingly successful new line of hybrid technology. In a short
time manufacturing began on small coral/metal implants that could be
inserted into human subjects. These implants ranged from tracking
devices to ones that allowed for the total mind control of humans.
Initially, the test subjects for the new technology were random people
abducted by the NDD. After the Greys realized the extent of the suc-
cess of the implants, they secretly began performing implantation sur-
gery on a small number of NDD agents. This was the Greys’ first
attempt to gain the upper hand in their relationship with the NDD.
Meanwhile, the NDD greatly benefited from the alien technology.
The psychotronic implant was a favorite of NDD agents as it could
send specific commands directly into a person’s mind. This was espe-
cially useful for erasing someone’s memories when they had seen too
much. The NDD did not realize their own members were also victims
of the same technology.
After 1960, and for the next three decades, the Greys paid little
heed to the treaty. Sections of the NDD were significantly compro-
mised by the aliens, making the Directorate a far more deadly foe for
Aegis than ever before. Several generations of Grey-human hybrids
were bred, and parts of the NDD were overrun with either metahu-
mans or implanted double agents. By the 1990s, it was clear that Job’s
plans for the alliance had been completely successful. The NDD never
imagined that in 1947, when it agreed to a treaty with the extraterres-
trials, things would turn out as they did. As far as the Greys are con-
cerned, on November 1, 1947, the NDD sold itself, and all of humani-
ty, to the Greys.

Greys have been active on earth for almost a century, and in all that
time they have conducted well over 10,000 abductions. This number
does not include those humans captured on the Greys’ behalf by NDD
agents. Abductions are the most high profile of Grey undertakings,
and also the most important. Without live human specimens for test-
ing and breeding, Grey scientists would be no closer to a solution to
the Static problem than they were back on Greyworld.
Nonetheless, there are tremendous risks associated with abduction,
mainly the wide dissemination of the Grey presence on Earth.
Discovery would inevitably create the danger of attack by human
armed forces and the possible death of Grey operatives. Ever since the
massacre at Roswell, the Greys have been on the watch for attack
from any quarter. Violence remains frightening to all Greys, and no
matter how many precautions they take, they fear violence whenever
dealing with humans. This paranoia is aggravated by the fact that the
Greys are unable to predict when humans will resort to violence.

Before the Greys had any permanent bases operating on Earth, all
Grey activities were coordinated from their spacecraft. Every time they
went on an abduction mission, the Greys were risking their only
means of getting home. They would locate a human in some remote
location, fly in and levitate the body into the ship. This usually result-
ed in extremely violent protesting on behalf of the victim, with plenty

of kicking and screaming, all of which were very traumatic for the Grey
crew. They would then isolate the subject in a sealed chamber within
the ship and take off.
The subject was then observed for a period of hours or days
through the use of remote viewing and microscopic viewing lenses.
The inefficacy of Grey psychic abilities on human subjects made the
Greys unwilling to be in the same room as the subject for fear of a
violent outburst. The biochemical processes of the human brain
were closely examined, in an effort to determine the cause of the
Static emanating from them. Eventually, the subject would die of
dehydration and starvation. For a time, the Greys retained the bod-
ies conducting further examinations and experimentations with no
risk of contamination. Post-expiration investigation proved a limited
means, however. It provided little in the way of information about
the Static (other than death was the primary means to end its pro-
duction). Thus, after a while, dead humans were simply discarded.
Once the subject died, research could continue only after another
human was abducted.
Only after several years fully investigating human physiology did
the Greys take the next step of trying to keep their subjects alive in
captivity. This necessitated designing special ships for abducting and
maintaining prisoners. These new abductor ships contained special
chambers that were more hospitable to human life. The Greys cap-
tured humans and kept them in the chambers for months at a time,
experimenting on them with new lenses in the hope of developing a
way to influence human minds.
These trials led to limited success—the development of the amnesia
and paralysis lenses primarily. Unfortunately, neither of these is per-
fect, and humans have been known to suddenly come out of paraly-
sis or later recall lost memories.

Since the Grey-human hybrid program began, almost every Grey
abduction has been aimed at furthering the goal of creating viable
metahumans. Men and women are abducted and taken aboard ships
or back to bases where they are surgically altered. Typically, the Grey
scientists replace the subjects’ reproductive material with hybrid cells.
The Greys usually place implants in the subjects in order to keep track
of them after release. The humans are then reintroduced into society
where it is hoped they will breed and produce hybrid children. The
Greys continue to monitor the abductees, and if they produce any chil-
dren the Greys monitor them as well.
Most of today’s abductions are undertaken by psibots, although a
few are still conducted by NDD agents. The Greys prefer not to risk fly-
ing their ships into areas where they might be shot down. The only
exception is when Greys abduct hybrids that have been living in
human society, or conversely, reintroduce a hybrid that was bred in a
Grey base into human society. The Greys take great care with these
humans, not wanting to cause any physical or mental damage. Since
the Greys are able to dominate metahumans, it is easier to abduct or
insert them safely and ensure that they do not remember any of the
events. It is not even necessary to use the clumsy and possibly harm-
ful amnesia or paralysis lenses.
1 2 3 4
Abductions are likely to continue in ever increasing numbers the ocean off the western shore of Costa Rica. Such a feat
as the Greys attempt to increase the world’s metahuman popu- required the Greys to first create a telekinetic bubble into which
lation. Because of their close association with the NDD, many of the ship would teleport. All matter had to be pushed out of the
the Grey operations have been concentrated within North bubble — if two different molecules try to occupy the same
America, but this is changing. The Greys are particularly inter- space, injury or destruction results. Creating the bubble in
ested in penetrating the dense population centers of Asia, and water took the combined energy of the entire crew, and
there is talk of growing a new base ship and placing it some- although in some places it was not perfectly formed, there was
where in the Indian Ocean. Sibyl Systems, a Grey hybrid-run no substantial damage to the ship.
corporation, has already commenced negotiations with the The Grey base became operational the moment it settled
Chinese government to open a factory in mainland China. upon the sea floor. Grey ships converged from around the
world, joining to it with connecting tunnels to increase the size
of the complex. For the next four years, the base ship served as
THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BASES the center of Grey operations across the world. Coral breeders
For the first few years, Greys were hampered by having to prepared the waters around the base for the growing of lens
live and work in the relatively small spacecraft in which they coral, adding to the original base ship structure and creating
had traveled to Earth. They realized that they would need some new ships. Abductees from around the world were brought to
sort of terrestrial-based center of operations. Traveling back to the base throughout the late fifties, where they were experi-
Greyworld simply involved too much time and energy. Further, mented on in an attempt to solve the Static problem.
it was feared that the Earth-based Greys would somehow be The first base ship remains the facility from which most Grey
corrupted by the Seepage and should therefore be “quaran- ships are launched and where many abductees go before being
tined” away from Greyworld as much as possible. transferred to the Dulce Base. The base ship also oversees the
breeding of most of the lens coral grown on earth, and some of
THE FIRST BASE SHIP the finest breeders are stationed there.
The Greys decided that an especially large craft should be
built, one that could serve as a home and haven for all the
Greys on Earth. The ship would contain extensive research facil-
As the relationship with the NDD evolved, there was pres-
ities and storage areas for captured humans. It took nearly two sure from the human side for the establishment of a permanent
years to breed and grow the first Grey base ship. It incorporat- base at the NDD site in Dulce, New Mexico. The Greys were
ed the most advanced breeds of coral, including the newly growing more and more dependent on human technology for
developed amnesia and paralysis strains. the production of psibots, implants, and scientific equipment
Like most Grey ships, it was grown into the shape of a hol- used in the study of abductees. Since the aquatic base off the
low disk. The interior was divided into hundreds of chambers coast of Costa Rica was not suited for dealing with humans, the
ranging from just a few square yards, to the great hall measur- Greys agreed to set up a base of operations on land. They
ing 100 yards to a side and 25 yards high. Overall, the disk of requested that the NDD blast out a large cave below the New
the ship spanned 350 yards in diameter and was 75 yards thick Mexico desert, in preparation for the arrival of the new base.
at its center. Thousands of coral breeders worked to develop On Greyworld, the breeders set about growing a new core
the ship, making it the most sophisticated lens ever grown. ship, this time suited for the cave in Dulce. Instead of the tradi-
Moving the ship, even with its highly efficient telekinesis and tional disk shape, the new base was grown into the form of a
teleportation lenses, required at least twenty Greys working in cube measuring 300 yards to a side. Inside, the Greys incorpo-
concert. A special team was trained to operate the vessel, rated several new features, including what NDD agents later
undergoing a series of genetic and cellular modifications to called the Arboretum, an enormous room in the center of the
their brains, resulting in an increased ability to cooperate with base recreating a part of the Greyworld ecology. The Greys
each other for purposes of moving the base ship. hoped that this watery sanctuary from the sheer alien-ness of
Unfortunately, this increased ability cost them a great deal of Earth would improve morale and mental stability.
upper brain function and mobility. They essentially became The Dulce Base was also designed to facilitate and expand
vegetables, capable only of feeding themselves, moving the the newly successful Grey-human hybrid program. It was
ship, and responding to the telepathic commands of the rest of formed with a number of breeding and birthing chambers, as
the crew. well as numerous living quarters suitable for humans. To this
By 1955, the ship was ready to leave Greyworld, with a full end, it also incorporated the most advanced strains of micro-
complement of 112 Greys plus the dedicated movement team. scopic viewing and microscopic manipulation lenses.
The next problem that faced the Greys was landing the ship on Moving this huge structure required the creation of another
Earth without being noticed. This involved teleporting the ship team of Greys modified to cooperate in teleporting such a great
directly to the position where they hoped to leave it, an area in mass. Because it was important to teleport the base into a pre-


cise location under the ground, yet another group of Greys

were modified to create the tremendous teleportation bubble.
Again, these Greys sacrificed mobility and higher thought Once the Earthbound Greys realized how serious the situ-
processes in return for the ability to perform extraordinary feats ation was, they knew their stay would be a long one. The solu-
of psychic cooperation. When the time came, the Greys sent tion to the Static problem was going to be neither quick nor
word to the NDD to prepare the chamber. easy. Annihilating the human race wasn’t feasible, so other
solutions had to be explored. Investigation revealed a won-
As agents looked on in awe, the chamber shimmered. There
drous possibility. They discovered that humans could be bred
was a blast of wind as the forming teleportation bubble forced
to emit no Static, and that, in the process, a loyal and capable
the air and debris from the chamber. Even the iron supports
servant resulted. Soon, nearly all resources were devoted to
that had kept the roof of the cave from collapsing were swept
this task.
away by the psychic force. The teleportation was completely
successful this time, and the base settled into place on January
30, 1964. The strain of effecting the delicate operation proved GENETIC STUDIES
too much for many of the Grey crew, however, and only five of Throughout the course of their observations, abductions,
the thirty modified Greys survived. Since then, the NDD and the and experiments, the Greys paid special attention to human
Greys have been constantly expanding the base, adding new genetic makeup and breeding habits. They soon found a close
tunnels and underground chambers, centered around the orig- genetic similarity between the humans and the Atlanteans.
inal coral structure. Although the Greys had only captured a few Atlanteans, the
details of these investigations and autopsies are recorded in the
The Dulce Base is now the center of Grey scientific opera- extraordinary memory of many modern Greys, and later in sev-
tions, containing many of the breeding chambers and labora- eral record systems psibots.
tories for Grey research into human genetics and psychic abil-
ities. It is also where most of the psibots and implants are While the exact details of the tie between humans and
manufactured. Atlanteans remains a mystery to the Greys, much more
important was the difference between the two in relation to
Static. The Atlanteans, despite their “human-like” genetics,
SIBYL SYSTEMS did not produce Static. That suggested to the Greys that a
As the breeding program grew, the Greys decided that a
Static-less version of humans was possible. They set about try-
new base, devoted to the metahuman project should be con-
ing to isolate the differences in Atlantean and human DNA.
structed. Instead of growing the base whole, they decided to
Their next discovery first caused despair, but then came to be
use more conventional, human techniques. Hybrids were
seen as a blessing.
placed in charge of the project, using a combination of NDD
funds and moneys generated during their activities on Earth. Humans, in isolated ways, possessed genetic aspects very
The hybrids bought a large parcel of land in rural Maryland, similar to those of the Greys. This suggested that parallel evo-
less than sixty miles from Washington D.C. They developed the lution of intelligent species necessarily involved psychic abili-
land under the guise of a high-tech research firm called Sibyl ties (a fact supported by later studies on certain Saurians),
Systems, Inc. and further highlighted the “alienness” of the Atlanteans.
How could the Atlanteans have developed intelligence with-
The Sibyl Systems complex covers several hundred acres,
out psychic capacity? Although fascinating, that question
incorporating seven buildings and an extensive underground
would have to wait. In the meantime, the Greys now had a
tunnel system. The complex is in fact a working research facili-
focus for their research. At first dismayed at the presence of
ty, operating on funds from several lucrative government grants
genetic material similar to their own in humans, they took
and contracts. Sibyl Systems employs over a hundred normal
advantage of their knowledge of their own make-up to under-
humans who know nothing of the metahumans or their Grey
stand human DNA.
masters. Several of the buildings are off limits to the human
employees. In these facilities, the breeding program continues Attempts to remove the psychic abilities of humans entire-
and metahumans train and develop their psychic abilities. An ly by eliminating the psychic-related genes were not success-
underground portion of the base houses even more sensitive ful. Although it proved possible to breed such a human, nine
projects and contains a special chamber designed to accom- times out of ten the resulting person had little or no intelli-
modate Grey spacecraft. One large room is kept as near to a gence, and often lived its entire life in a coma. No single part
vacuum as possible in order to aid teleportation into the facili- of the brain seemed responsible for psychic abilities, and
ty. This allows Grey ships to make deliveries of abductees with- removing those abilities required too much manipulation of
out flying anywhere near the government radar installations the nervous tissue.
that surround the D.C. area.

1 2 3 4
Stalled in their efforts, the Greys turned to the NDD. In 1951, the Greys undertook an ambitious breeding program,
Unbeknownst to the Greys, the Directorate had secured a num- fertilizing 100 normal human women with gene-spliced fetuses.
ber of Nazi scientists who were working on an übermensch All the mothers gave birth to healthy children after a normal ges-
project during World War II. These Nazis had been given the tation period. All the children proved to be like the original test
knowledge and technology necessary for gene-splicing by an subject: entirely human looking, vulnerable to Grey psychic abil-
Atlantean sympathetic to their goal. These techniques were ities, and non-producers of Static. The Greys raised these chil-
years beyond anything otherwise available. dren in Grey bases across the planet, using telepathy to social-
Not wanting to reveal their goal of eliminating Static, the ize them. The result is a very odd group of humans indeed, all
Greys concealed their true motive by claiming that they sought of whom have developed their psychic abilities to one degree or
to create a superhuman to fight against the Atlanteans. Hoping another. Labeled the “First Generation,” they were the first batch
that the Greys would produce psychically powerful humans that of thousands of Alpha metahumans—individuals whose genes
the NDD could co-opt, the humans shared their advanced gene- had been altered in the early stages of fetal development.
splicing knowledge with the Greys. The Greys quickly mastered The next step was to breed the First Generation with non-
the techniques. hybrid humans. Unfortunately, because metahumans breed
just as humans do, the Greys had to wait fourteen or fifteen
METAHUMANS years until the First Generation reached full breeding age.
Thus, it was not until 1965 that the Greys began taking semen
In early 1950, the Greys made their first big breakthrough
in what the NDD labeled the “Human Breeding Program.” samples and unfertilized eggs from the First Generation.
Contrary to those attempting to remove the Grey-related During that year, they and their NDD allies abducted several
genes from humans, one gestalt decided to try and splice an hundred fertile women from all walks of life. The Greys
intact Grey psychic DNA strand into a developing human implanted the metahuman eggs in half of the women, and then
embryo. Nine months later on November 4, 1950, a human fertilized the implanted eggs with normal male semen. They
girl was born, healthy, fully developed, and radiating no Static also fertilized the normal human eggs with the metahuman
whatsoever. Even better, the girl had psychic potential and semen samples in the other half of the women abductees. Nine
was entirely vulnerable to Grey psychic energy, including months later, 203 children of these alien unions were born.
domination. A new kind of human had been born—intelligent The metahuman gene proved to be universally dominant.
and capable as any human, non-threatening to Grey civiliza- These were called Beta hybrids, born of Alpha hybrid and nor-
tion and entirely malleable to the Greys’ psychic abilities. The mal human, and they were a complete success.
NDD scientists aiding the project began calling these new
creatures “metahumans.”

Meanwhile, the Greys continued to produce more Alpha metahu-
mans. Instead of raising the children in Grey bases as they did with the
First Generation, the Greys placed these children in human orphan-
ages and foster homes, allowing them to lead something of a normal
human life. The Greys keep a close watch on these Alpha hybrids,
occasionally abducting them and giving them commands psychically.
Since the 1950s, the Alpha metahuman program has produced on
average 200 children per year. In all, over 10,000 Alpha metahumans
are alive and active in the world today. Most of these metahumans live
among humans without arousing any suspicion. They tend to be very
rational and intelligent, if not highly creative.
Since the 1970s, the Greys have been breeding Alpha metahumans
that other humans would find sexually attractive. This is not always
possible, however, as Greys often have a hard time judging human
beauty. Typically, they send out abductor psibots with telepathy lens-
es to try and read possible targets that fall within certain physical
parameters. The telepathy lens also scans the minds of those around
the potential abductee. If they think that the target is an attractive per-
son, the psibot is programmed to abduct the chosen individual. The
goal of this program is to ensure that when the new born metahu-
mans are released back into human society they have a good chance
of breeding and producing as many Beta hybrids as possible. It is too
early to judge how effective this aspect of the program has been.

Once significant metahumans were introduced into society, moni-
toring them become a monumental task. The Greys had foreseen this
to some degree, however, and thus most hybrids were fitted with
implants. Several teams of Greys spend every waking hour monitoring
the metahumans, tuning into their implants and making sure every-
thing is going well. Often they communicate with the metahumans
telepathically through the implant, usually in the form of dreams.
During these dream communications, the Greys send signals meant to
awaken and harness the metahuman’s psychic abilities. During the
process of this sleep training, the Greys also teach the metahumans
how to hide their abilities.
Periodically, the Greys find it necessary to abduct the hybrids for
testing and to ensure that the metahuman is healthy and that any
implants are functioning properly. In some cases, metahumans also
receive extensive psychic training—especially if they show significant
potential. This helps to ensure that the metahumans are in control of
their mental abilities and do not begin releasing any Static. It is impor-
tant that the metahuman’s special nature be kept hidden from the rest
of humanity, and particularly the Atlanteans.
If a metahuman exhibits any signs of illness or injury, the Grey
monitors bring the subject in rather than relying on human hospitals.
Psychic healing is usually more effective, and it eliminates the possi-
bility of a human doctor discovering any implants. Of course, it is not
always possible to abduct metahumans every time they fall ill or have
serious accidents that require immediate medical attention. As soon
as the Grey monitors learn of such a situation, they check to see if any
untoward discoveries have been made by the human doctors. If an
1 2 3 4
implant is discovered, the Greys take appropriate action, either aware and yet harmless to the psychic environment. They learn
notifying the NDD or other metahuman agents, or taking mat- that it is their destiny to replace humanity, and bring about a
ters into their own hands. golden age on Earth, where war and conflict, as on Greyworld,
are unknown. Metahumans are fanatically loyal to the Grey
FURTHER GENERATIONS cause, seeing the Greys as unfortunate victims of a malevolent
and thoughtless human race. Once indoctrination is complete,
As psychically capable as the First are, the Greys efforts to
teach them the secrets of the more closely guarded psychic dis- these metahumans are released back into society where their
ciplines have met with mixed results. A number of the First have gifts and education allow them to secure positions of authority
made some progress in learning Teleportation and Micro-PK. in human society.
Some of the First are able to use one, or in rare cases both, of
these psychic disciplines, but it is always an exhausting endeav- BLUES
or. It is hoped that with additional training and practice they will Early in their terrestrial operations the Greys sought refuge in
some day be able to master these difficult techniques. the seas. There the human presence was smallest and the Greys
In the meantime, the Greys directed the First to interbreed. felt most at home. Indeed, the first base ship rests underwater,
Besides scientific curiosity, the Greys hope such matings pro- and most Earthbound Greys view that as their home.
duce humans with psychic abilities even more like the Greys. In In the water, the Greys discovered a companionable and com-
1977, the First fertilized 20 of their own. With the help of Grey forting species—the cetaceans. Dolphins and whales reminded
scientists, the development of the fetuses was closely moni- the Greys of what they once were, before the coming of the
tored and supported. Additional Grey genes were added to sup- Others and the Static. Even dolphin brain wave patterns were
plement the fetuses’ psychic powers. Three different variations found to be remarkably similar to those of the Greys, with one
were used, each on five of the children. A fourth group of five major exception: dolphins showed no signs of telepathic ability.
was left alone as a control. When the mothers gave birth in
early 1978, the results varied widely. The control group turned
out perfectly healthy, and has proven to hold a very high level
The tremendous success of the Human Breeding Program
of psychic ability. Two of the test groups proved to be com- emboldened the Greys, and they soon plotted another project,
pletely unviable, and only three of the ten children involved sur- one that would bolster their position in Earth’s seas and hope-
vived. The final group appeared to have a great deal of psychic fully create a potent weapon against humans and the
potential, but were also producers of Static. These last were ter- Atlanteans. The Greys decided to attempt with dolphins what
minated soon after birth. had already proven so successful with humans, as they proved
The control group successes, as well as the three viable vari- generally less violent than humans, and did not possess
ants, encouraged the First to proceed with creating a pure strain weapons of any kind.
of metahumans, labeled “Omega” by the few remaining NDD In 1974, the Greys began experimenting with dolphin DNA.
scientists. The breeding program began again in 1980, with The first tests were uniformly successful and soon came the
forty of the First women fertilized by the men. The subsequent time for full scale breeding. Not wanting to share their latest
offspring are all that the First hoped they would be. They have project with the NDD, they moved the whole operation to an
been able to master all psychic abilities (except Domination). At underwater base in the midst of the Bermuda Triangle Locus.
present, only 45 exist but plans call for an expansion of the This base had been established to study the Seepage so preva-
Omega program to other First men and women, and even to lent in the area. The base was large and, given the mental
the Beta men and women. strength necessary to work in such a potent area of Seepage,
few Greys would or could survive there. Thus, there was plenty
METAHUMAN INFILTRATION of room for the new project.
Over the last half a century, many human-oriented metahu- Starting in 1975, the Greys captured large numbers of dolphins
mans have had their true nature revealed to them. The Grey and relocated them to the Bermuda Triangle base. They then bred
monitoring teams note the most promising of those metahu- the dolphins, replacing some of the cetacean’s genetic material
mans imbedded in human society. Although allowed to have a with Grey genes. The initial tests were quite successful, and result-
normal childhood and adolescence, once mature, Grey opera- ed in a group of five dolphins that showed psychic potential
tives bring them in for indoctrination. This involves heavy use of greater than that exhibited by the average metahuman.
Domination and telepathic learning. The metahuman’s psychic Encouraged by these results, the Greys repeated the process,
potential is fully developed and harnessed, and a deep scorn breeding another hundred hybrids, or “First Generation Blues.”
for normal humans is strongly ingrained. They are taught the These Blue Alpha hybrids could communicate with the Greys with
evils of the human race, and its thoughtless destruction of ease, and were just as easy to dominate as metahumans. They
Greyworld and all its children. They are told that they are the produced no Static, and large numbers of them could be created
future of humanity, a new kind of human who is psychically around the world without arousing human suspicions.


Unlike the Human Breeding Project, the Blues were bred to closely
resemble the Greys themselves. Like the metahumans, the dolphin
hybrids were designed to be servitors that would help alleviate the
manpower problem the Greys were experiencing on Earth. In addition,
the Blues could be used as easily replaceable troops in the Greys’
ongoing conflict with the Atlanteans. In this area, the first Blues
excelled, combining the mental power of the Greys with the physical
resilience and fighting ability of terrestrial animals. The Blues also
were also aquatic creatures, which allowed them to function with ease
in the environment most comfortable to Greys.

Combining Blues genetic material with that of normal dolphins was
an important next step in the plan, for it would allow the Blue genetic
pattern to spread quickly and efficiently, without the constant surveil-
lance of the Grey scientists. In moving swiftly to this second step, the
Grey scientists made a tragic mistake: they assumed that the Grey
genes would be dominant in Beta hybrid Blues, as they had proved to
be in the Beta metahumans. The Greys failed to account for the pro-
found effect of the concentrated Seepage in the area.
In 1982, the second stage of the operation began. Blithely confident
in their new creations, and desperate to escape the debilitating effects
of the Bermuda Triangle Locus, the Greys turned the project over to
metahuman scientists. Each Blue bred with a large number of normal
dolphins, keeping the multitudes of offspring all within the confines of
the Bermuda Triangle base complex.
There was little Grey supervision at the base, so no one realized the
tragic problem of the Beta Blues—many produced even more Static
than most humans. There were even several Foci to be found among
the second stage Blues. Worse, the Seepage produced by these Blues
was of a different type or “tone”—vastly more debilitating to Greys.
Not all Beta Blues produced Blue Static, and not all Static-producing
Blues emanated the same amounts. For this reason, the concentration
of Blue Seepage did not reach a critical mass until the latter portion of
1994. Greys first began picking up signs of the new Static as the group
of Beta Blues reached significant numbers. They traced the source of
the Static to the Blues’ facility and a lenship was dispatched to investi-
gate, but the Blue Seepage was too much for them, and the Greys
began telepathically communicating their distress. The Beta hybrids
caught on to the Greys’ panic, and realized that they were the cause.
Fearing what the Greys might do to them, the second stage Blues
revolted. Lead by the Foci and Infused among them, they attacked the
metahumans and First Generation Blues, killing them or driving them
from the base.
The Grey investigators entered the base with a growing sense of
unease and discomfort. The Static level in the base was abnormally
high (something they had been warned about) and this played havoc
with their senses. Still, there was no sign of any metahumans or Blues.
As they explored, the Greys found a number of corpses. They feared
that the Atlanteans or the humans had somehow found the base.
Suddenly, the Greys felt the strange new Static around them grow, and
out of one of the base’s breeding pools jumped a single Beta Blue. She
was a Focus. One of the Greys sent a psychic impression to his com-
1 2 3 4
rades in the base ship. Then a surge of Static overwhelmed feet, and both are proportionally longer than human. Despite
them, permanently burning out their nervous systems, and their small stature, the muscle tissue of Greys is more efficient
throwing them into deep comas. than humans or Atlanteans, and they have a strength that belies
their size. Their skin is more like that of a dolphin, and is more
THE NEW THREAT resistant to puncture and laceration. It is usually gray in color,
but there are rare example of Greys exhibiting other colors. The
The Greys were horrified. Even using the powerful lenses
bred into the base ship, they were unable to dominate the body is entirely hairless, and devoid of sex organs.
rogue Blues. The problem was compounded by the potency of A Grey’s head seems somewhat out of proportion—the face
the Static produced by the Blues, and the large number of Foci has two eyes and a small mouth. Instead of ears, they have a
in the population. It proved difficult to track the second stage sensitive membrane on each side of the head, with no external
Blues using remote viewing, although their general location component. Greys do not rely on sound, and their hearing is
could be determined by the large amounts of Static in the area. rather undeveloped. They can hear noise and differentiate
Not knowing what else to do, the Greys turned to the NDD. direction, but are not very discerning. Their large black eyes are
Despite the dictates of the NDD/Grey treaties, the Greys had almond-shaped and are more sensitive than humans. They see
never informed the Directorate about their dolphin hybrid exper- farther into the ultraviolet spectrum, but the red end of the light
iments. Thus, they fabricated a story to cover their deception. spectrum causes them great discomfort. This accounts for their
The NDD was told that the Blues were a long-standing problem nocturnal tendencies during terrestrial operations. Despite the
brought over from Greyworld. The Greys claimed that the exper- toughness of their skin, it is very sensitive, and Greys have a
iments were intended to make them more docile. Having no rea- superior sense of touch.
son to disbelieve the Greys, the NDD provided them a troop of
agents for the purpose of ridding the Earth of the Blues.
Although it is harder to actually puncture the tougher

GREY BIOLOGY skin of a Grey, they are very sensitive. Thus, no modifiers
apply in combat or for injuries.
This section presents a number of diverse topics detailing the As recorded during the famous alien autopsy after
status of the Greys and their hybrids. It is designed to give Roswell, Greys have been known to give off a noxious and
Chroniclers much of the information necessary to run Greys harmful gas when punctured. Whether this occurs only
and hybrids as allies, or direct adversaries of the Cast Members. when the Grey is killed and decomposing, or merely when
it is injured is unclear. Anyone within a six-foot radius of a
Alternatively, if the Chronicler and players desire a very dif-
Grey when its skin is broken suffers D6(3) Life Points of
ferent experience, the information could be used to generate
damage per Turn. The victim’s eye water and she is able to
Grey or hybrid Cast Members. The small family unit of Greys
do little except cough and stagger out of range. The gas
makes for an ideal group for certain types of players, although
disperses in D6(3) Turns and does not effect Greys.
the players would have to rethink their roleplaying viewpoints
to properly play characters that are totally non-violent. Greys
work through allies or psibots when physical confrontation is
The Grey physical senses are supplemented by a continuing
contemplated, and are simply incapable of hostile physical
low-level telepathic, clairvoyant, and psychometric probing of
action. These restrictions are removed in the case of metahu-
their environment. What they lose in color distinction, smell,
mans or Blues however.
and taste, they gain in touch and psychic impressions.
The Grey mouth is merely a small slit with no teeth or tongue
and is used solely for breathing when out of water. They have
PHYSIOLOGY no vocal cords and are therefore incapable of any aural com-
The Greys most commonly sighted in our solar system bear munication. Greys have no sense of taste as we understand it,
little resemblance to their cetacean ancestors. On Greyworld, but they do experience a similar phenomenon when taking in
the opposite is true: a large number retained their original nutrients through their skin from a suitable liquid medium.
form, something akin to terrestrial dolphins. Other Grey body
In their natural habitat, Greys absorb nutrients constantly
types have been prevalent in the past, and it is entirely possible
from the seas in which they live. It is possible for Greys to
that the Greys may change physically again after prolonged
absorb untreated nutrients from earthly waters, but the alien-
contact with humanity or other species.
ness of the food makes it taste bad, and prolonged exposure
The typical humanoid Grey has a body similar to Atlanteans may even cause a violent physical reaction. The bipedal Greys
and humans, but they tend to be shorter, averaging a little over usually immerse themselves in specially prepared nutrient
four and half feet in height. Each hand has four digits, as do the baths once or twice a day.


With telepathy, there was little need to develop higher com-

munication in the form of speech or writing. With bio-psy-
Both the Alpha and Beta Blues closely resemble the Greys
chokinesis, medicine and genetics are largely unnecessary. With themselves, though subtle differences are apparent upon
telekinesis, most basic machinery becomes irrelevant. The close examination. The skin of the Blues, befitting their name,
Greys view the other races’ use of technology not as an advan- is of a more bluish hue than that of their creators. In addition,
tage, but as a crutch. Grey advanced telepathic and clairvoyant the Blues’ fingers and toes are webbed to facilitate swimming,
senses render violence not only unnecessary but unpleasant as and possess rudimentary claws—an unintentional but essen-
the thoughts and emotions of the victim impact directly on the tially beneficial mutation considering their intended role as
Grey’s brain. combatants.
All Greys, bipedal or not, prefer the water to the land, and Blues are slight of build and typically a little shorter than
spend as much time there as possible. Although warm-blooded, humans, averaging four to five feet tall. Like the Greys, they
Greys are able to take oxygen directly from the water, making have large, black, almond-shaped eyes that see better in the
it possible for them to stay underwater indefinitely. Greys are blue end of the visible light spectrum. Many of the Blues phys-
remarkably graceful and agile in the water, capable of swim- ical traits, however, have been inherited from the dolphin side
ming almost as fast as dolphins. Greys swim just as easily on of their lineage. They are often much stronger than the typical
their backs as face down, and often spin as they travel through Grey, and their physical senses of vision, smell and in particular
water. On the land they are less graceful, even somewhat awk- hearing are not as stunted. When combined with their impres-
ward. All the same, they are capable of quick bursts of speed sive mental abilities, the Blues’ sharp senses make them very
when necessary. difficult to catch unaware.
Greys reproduce asexually. When a Grey decides to repro- Blues reproduce just as Greys, creating an offspring by exud-
duce, it exudes a zygote from some portion of the body. The ing a fully viable zygote from some portion of its body. The
zygote is placed in a vat or pod of nutrients where it grows for zygote is placed in a vessel containing nutrients combining
a year. During that time, the parent Grey psychically implants genetic material, such as dolphin or other Blue, psychically if
skills, training, and disciplines. Thus, after a year incubation necessary. Nurturing takes significant concentration by the par-
period, the offspring Grey emerges from the nutrient bath fully ent Blue, but only lasts one year. The Blue offspring is fully
mature physically and fully knowledgeable mentally. The off- mature and has complete psychic capabilities, although its mas-
spring is an exact genetic clone of its parent, unless its parent tery over psi is rudimentary. Skills must be taught, learning at
psychically modified some of the genes during the gestation roughly the same rate as humans, though their facility with psy-
period. Greys mix traits by combining two zygotes in one nutri- chic abilities is gained much more quickly.
ent pool, and psychically merging the genetic structures.


In the case of loyal metahuman agents, their carefully moni-
Greys are social creatures and tend to spend most of their
tored upbringing, natural intelligence, and psychic abilities
lives in the company of others. Individual Greys are unusual—
make them very competent, and very dangerous. Their cold,
unless some sort of crisis is at hand, a Grey would not stray far
calculating minds learn extremely fast, often plucking knowl-
from its fellows. Greys tend to form very close groups number-
edge directly from their teachers’ minds. Physically, the
ing around five individuals. These groups are often referred to
metahumans are often in excellent shape, as the Greys altered
incorrectly as “families” (no genetic or sexual relationship exists
and improved their growth patterns during fetal development
among the members). This of course does not preclude a
and the early childhood years.
genetic offspring from forming a “family” relationship with its
Many metahumans train heavily in the martial arts and parent and this happens fairly regularly.
weapons use once they are indoctrinated. This is not through
Since the Greys have no language, there is no word to
any suggestion on the part of the Greys. Rather it is the result of
describe their small groupings. The human term “gestalt” is
a curious by-product of the indoctrination process. Many
perhaps best. Greys form such gestalts around the principal of
metahumans come to feel very protective of the Greys.
psychic cooperation. The members of the gestalt tend to be psy-
Otherwise, the skills and training of a metahuman vary as any
chically compatible, making it easier for the group to work
other human.
together as a whole. Naturally, a very tight bond holds the
As for the “lost” metahumans, other than the few with pro- group together. Over the course of ten or fifteen years, a group
nounced Grey features, the majority of metahumans are indis- becomes so close that it is effectively a mass mind. All sense of
tinguishable from humans. Unsupervised metahumans tend individuality is lost and it becomes almost impossible to differ-
toward lighter frames and wiry musculature, and few would be entiate one member from another.
considered stocky. They are generally cerebral in nature, but
the less dedicated ones sometimes bury that in wild hedonism.

1 2 3 4

Webster defines “gestalt” as “a structure, configuration, or

pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomenon so
integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not
derivable from the sum of its parts.”

There is little or no conflict among Greys, and no violence whatso-

ever. To every Grey, it is immediately obvious who is psychically
stronger. These individuals are generally given deference. Further,
there is little reason for Greys to disagree. Over the millennia, Greys
have manipulated their bodies’ evolution to such an extent that they
use nutrients with extraordinary efficiency. Thus, the most common
cause of human conflict — scarcity of resources — does not exist.
Likewise there is no population problem for Greys, since they only
reproduce when they wish to, regardless of sexual desire or breeding
cycles. The lack of reasons for organized conflict among Greys elimi-
nates the need for nations, states, or armies.
Despite the absence of large-scale social structures, Greys often
gather in larger groups for social purposes, most commonly artistic.
Greys do not create static artwork that is meant to be viewed. Rather,
Greys come together in groups in order to form large, living art works.
The pleasure comes from creating, and every Grey is involved in the
artwork in some way. If a human were to view such a display, they
could barely begin to comprehend its beauty or meaning. Even so, the
synchronized movements of so many Greys are amazing to behold.
Greys are also quick to come together in the face of an external
threat. The coming of the Atlanteans was a cause of great concern, and
almost the entire population “assembled” to deal with that problem.
Since these meetings are conducted psychically, there is no need for
all of the Greys to be physically present. Greys around the world and
even in space can participate in the discussion.
Since the beginning of the psychic Static, Grey meetings have grown
more and more common, particularly given the lack of a solution to
the problem. Initially the response was thought to be simple: Grey
explorers would search out the source of the Static and stop it. The
truth of the Static’s origins and the attack on the Grey ship at Roswell
left the Greys in a state of shock. For the first time, the Grey race is
faced with a dangerous and intractable problem — the Static — and it
has caused discord on an unprecedented scale.
As a result, Greys have developed semi-organized factions within
their society, based on disagreements as to what to do about the Static
problem. It is important to understand that Grey factions are nothing
like factions as humans would understand them. They do not fight
among themselves, nor do they necessarily feel any antipathy towards
each other. They simply disagree about the best means for combating
the Static. Each of the factions is strong enough that it cannot be dom-
inated by the other groups. Since this fact is obvious to all Greys, they
do not even attempt such mental conflict.
The development of factions is a new stage in Grey social evolution,
perhaps directly resulting from extensive study of humans and their
divisive nature. The Greys are natural emulators, and many now sub-
scribe to the view that a certain amount of dynamic tension is a useful

The knowledge and skills taught to the First are to be used

GREY (REVISTED) for one purpose, to serve the Greys. The First are the elite body-
STR 2 DEX 3 CON 2 guard and envoys of the Greys on Earth. When dealing with
INT 4 PER 3 WIL 5 their NDD allies, the First are treated with every deference
accorded the Greys, and their word is treated as if it came
LP 26 End 32
directly from the Greys themselves. Furthermore, the First
Spd 10 Essence 79 Generation are leaders among the metahumans. The metahu-
Qualities & Drawbacks: Psychic, Psychological mans who understand and support the Grey cause revere the
Problems (Severe Obsession—non-violence) First, honoring them with almost religious devotion.
Skills: Craft (Lens Breeding) 3, Hypnotism 2, Medicine 5, Outside the First Generation, the remaining metahumans are
Pilot (Grey Saucer) 3, Science (Biology) 2, Stealth 2, divided between those that are still underage and are being
Swimming 6, Systems Operation (Grey Ship) 3, Systems monitored regularly, those that have been “lost” by their over-
Operation (Lenses) 4 lords, and those that have been completely co-opted by the
Greys. The former two groups live as regular humans do, except
Psychic Abilities: All (except Precognition) Strength 3
for those events occasioned by their unique heritage. The last
(Art 3)
group follows a careful plan.
Over the last twenty years, a number of loyal metahumans
spur to racial advancement. The result is that Greys are experi-
have gained important positions within their respective fields,
menting with a variety of tactics in dealing with humans and
usually placed in industrialized countries in areas that Greys see
curtailing the adverse effects of the Static, some of which are
as potential threats. Eventually, the Greys hope to infiltrate
entirely at odds with one another.
world governments at every level, including organizations like
The intimacy of their mind-to-mind contact precluded a need Aegis and the NDD, allowing them to keep ahead of any
for a higher political organization. With their minds merged attempts to act against them.
telepathically, each Grey is aware of the weight of opinion and
Some Greys hope that the Static problem can be bred out of
strength of conviction among its companions. This facilitates
the human race, replacing disruptive humans with submissive
near instant decision-making.
and loyal metahumans. Unfortunately, Grey operations on
Earth are still relatively small, and there are just too many
METAHUMAN SOCIETY humans. It would take millions of Greys abducting and impreg-
There are 54 women and 46 men in the First Generation, all nating hundreds of millions of humans to successfully remake
of them in their mid fifties. Having spent their first fifteen years the human race. Moreover, this monumental operation would
without any human contact, their upbringing could be described have to be accomplished in a desperately short time frame to
as strange. They learned to communicate telepathically before save the Grey race.
they could speak. Indeed, several of the First Generation cannot
speak to this day. Some only picked up language recently, and As a result, the primary task set before the metahuman
their speech patterns are very stilted and formal. agents at present is to ensure that the humans will not react
violently when the Greys make their move. Over the coming
In many ways, the First Generation are more Grey than
human. They have little taste for violence, although they are
physically capable of it. The First’s psychic abilities in some FIRST GENERATION METAHUMANS
cases rival those of less talented aliens. Like the Grey they have
no names, identifying themselves by their psychic imprint. Each INT 4 PER 4 WIL 5
has a number that was given to them when the breeding pro- LP 34 End 37
gram began, and when speaking with humans or metahumans,
Spd 12 Essence 35
they refer to themselves with these numbers. As the First rarely
leave the Grey bases, their inhuman manner does not hinder Qualities & Drawbacks: Metahuman (Drug
their effectiveness. Intolerance, Supernatural Sensitivity)
The First are the Greys’ adjuncts and advisors on Earth. They Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 4, Drive (Auto) 1, Fine Arts
have studied the human race closely, and know a tremendous (pick one) 4, Guns (Handgun) 1, Haggling 4, Humanities
amount about human behavior and society. However, their view (pick one) 4, Instruction 2, Medicine 2, Myths and Legends
of humanity is very detached and scientific. They do not even (UFOlogy) 4, Pilot (Grey Saucer) 2, Questioning 2,
think of themselves as being related to the rest of humanity. Research/Investigation 5, Science (pick one) 5, Swimming 2,
Systems Operation (Psibot) 2
Still, there is little or no physiological difference between the
initial generation of metahumans and the subsequent Alphas, Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance Strength 2 (Art 2),
Betas, and Omegas. Telepathy Strength 3 (Art 2), Telekinesis Strength 2 (Art 2)

1 2 3 4
recruiting any unearthed metahuman, and the ease with which
LOYAL METAHUMANS they are controlled by Grey psychic domination, prompted
STR 2 DEX 3 CON 2 Aegis Prime to recommend such swift and draconian response
INT 4 PER 4 WIL 5 to any cell that discovers a metahuman. The cell is advised to
make every effort to recruit the individual through any means
LP 26 End 32
fair or foul, including coercion, threat or promise. If the metahu-
Spd 10 Essence 29 man remains unreceptive, they are to be immediately terminat-
Qualities & Drawbacks: Metahuman (variable defects) ed without regard for age, gender or any other consideration.
Aegis Prime is well aware that any unaffiliated metahuman only
Skills: Bureaucracy 3, Computers 3, Computer
remains so until she comes to the attention of a Grey, then the
Programming 2, Drive (Auto) 2, Electronic Surveillance 3,
hybrid will become a willing and capable agent of the aliens
First Aid 2, Guns (Handgun) 2, Haggling 3, Humanities
and the NDD. Despite the danger inherent in the inclusion of
(Anthropology) 1, Martial Arts 2, Myths and Legends
metahumans into an Aegis cell, the psychic abilities they pro-
(UFOlogy) 2, Notice 3, Research/Investigation 2, Science
vide are highly desirable and thus the “Recruit or Neutralize”
(pick one) 3, Seduction 2, Smooth Talking 3, Stealth 3,
policy has remained in effect.
Swimming 2
Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance Strength 2 (Art 1)
Telepathy Strength 3 (Art 3)
The surviving First Generation Blues, numbering less than
sixty, have reunited with the Greys. They continue to be
quarter century, more metahumans will become part of absolutely loyal and work tirelessly to undo their tragic mistake.
human society, all of them seeking positions in world govern- Despite their regret and loyalty, many Greys now look on all
ments and military industrial complexes. With their high intel- Blues as dangerous psychotics and covert discrimination has
ligence and the advantages offered by their telepathic abilities, arisen. Some Grey factions even openly advocate the extermi-
it is likely that they will be successful. This hidden, and ever nation of all Blues. In the face of this threat, a small number of
growing infiltration is the Greys’ greatest weapon in the war First Generation Blues have begun to doubt the wisdom of their
against the Static. blind allegiance to the Greys.
The NDD estimates the number of Grey-human hybrids in At present, more than a hundred Beta Blues are holed up in
the American population at between five and seven thousand. the Caribbean base. They consider the base home and have
The Directorate believes that it currently tracks nearly 60 to 80 decided to defend it at all costs. The remaining second stage
percent of the metahumans in existence. This opinion is wildly Blues have scattered with schools of normal dolphins.
optimistic. The Beta Blue Foci are still considered leaders and their
The Greys estimate that nearly seventy thousand metahu- decisions are accorded the status of law. At their urging, the
mans walk unknown among the Earth’s human population. overt Blue Infused and Forsaken have been identified and
Unfortunately for them, the human propensity for reproduction banished. The Foci understand how twisted are the minds of
has surpassed the expectations of the Greys and monitoring these corrupted Blues, and fear their power and influence.
efforts are strained. For every two metahumans constantly Some corrupted Blues attempt to keep their status hidden so
under the watchful eye of their inhuman “parents,” there is one that they can continue to live among their kind. Others have
that has eluded the detection of the Greys. Accordingly, the followed the lead of one of the most powerful of their num-
actual number of humans with strong Grey genes number over ber, the Kraken.
one hundred thousand. Most of these individuals are com- When the Foci convinced their brethren to ostracize the
pletely unaware of their otherworldly heritage, and avoid detec- corrupted, the Kraken vowed to make his own way in the
tion subconsciously. Some are cognizant only that they are world and bring the “spirit of the sea” back with him to crush
unlike other humans in some subtle, but fundamental, way. his enemies. He then disappeared into the Atlantic ocean with
Those that develop their strong psychic abilities keep them hid- a number of Infused and Forsaken. According to legend, the
den, fearful of the stigmata of freakdom. They are also margin- Kraken has established a haven for the corrupted called Ilium.
ally aware that such notoriety would bring unwanted attention. From there, he and his followers work to gather knowledge,
power and allies. Many newly snapped Blues dream of amass-
AEGIS AND METAHUMANS ing power and knowledge, and joining Kraken’s enlightened
at Ilium.
Only over the last fifteen years has Aegis become aware of
metahumans, their exceptional abilities, and their origins. Aegis
Prime reacted to this discovery by implementing a “Recruit or
Neutralize” policy toward psychics. All metahumans are to be
considered allies or enemies. The NDD tactic of monitoring and


Since the Blues’ native language is telepathic, they naturally communicate more through images and concepts than words.
This of course makes direct translation to human languages nearly impossible. Particularly difficult is the human concept of
names, which is unnecessary for telepathic communication. To facilitate interaction with humans and metahumans, names are
generally assigned or chosen by the Blues themselves (the metahumans had other names for them, but no Blue wishes to be
called Gamma 134-23). Most often the Blues pick names from human languages related to water, oceans, or sea-life. Names
of plants, fish, and weather patterns are all common. A number of Blues take a liking to a name chosen by a family member,
prompting them all to take the same name. The Blues leave it to the humans to sort out which “Coral” or “Ray” is intended.

damage they might do. The primary concern is that the

BLUE Atlanteans could find a way to use humanity’s emerging men-
STR 4 DEX 3 CON 3 tal powers and the Static against the Grey race.
INT 3 PER 3 WIL 4 The Greys consider the Saurians as animals, nothing more,
LP 38 End 38 lacking even the minimal insight of the Atlanteans. The Saurians
Spd 12 Essence 35 are an example of a race that has become too overspecialized
to survive. That this “overspecialization” makes them the most
Qualities & Drawbacks: Adversary (Grey) 2, Blue, formidable military power ever encountered does not overly
Emotional Problems (Severe Anger), Natural Weapons concern the Greys. The Saurians cannot destroy what they can-
(claws D4(2) x Strength slashing), Psychic Link not find and thus far the Greys have been successful at avoid-
Skills: Brawling 3, Dodge 4, Notice 3, Stealth 4, ing the lizardmen. The Saurian manipulation of the National
Swimming 6, Tracking 1 Defense Directorate is far more worrisome, for it is interfering
Psychic Abilities: Clairvoyance Strength 2 (Art 2), with Grey studies and use of human subjects, as well as their
Telekinesis Strength 3 (Art 2), Telepathy Strength 3 (Art 3) exploitation of the NDD. The Greys considered creating a Grey-
Saurian hybrid, but the collective opinion deemed it a waste of
effort. Few Greys wished to be part of a project to create such
AEGIS AND BLUES a bestial offspring.
The Blues and their rebellion against the Greys was discov-
ered in 1996 by Aegis. Since that time, several meetings have
occurred between Blue representatives and Aegis cells. While it
is too soon to say that formal relations have been established
between the two groups, discussion of common interests has At present on Greyworld, the Seepage manifests itself as a
progressed. Vast suspicion exists on both sides. Still, the Blues constant psychic background noise, making every waking
are desperate for aid against the twin threat of their creators moment unpleasant. Birth rates are down, and birth defects are
and their NDD allies. Aegis is highly curious about the Blues’ up dramatically. Mental illness among Greys, once extremely
origin and what they can teach it about the Greys. A few Blues rare, is now commonplace. Only the strongest minds can go on
have even begun working with certain Aegis cells. unaffected by the omnipresent Static. Certainly, if the Static con-
tinues to grow as it has, life on Greyworld will become impos-
sible and the race will die out completely.
INTERSPECIES RELATIONS On Earth it is much, much worse. Of the several million Greys
on Greyworld, only a small percentage are strong-willed
The Greys have become aware of the Atlanteans’ program of
enough to serve as operatives on the human home world. It is
self-genetic manipulation through nanotechnology, but regard
difficult for humans to imagine the daily pressure and discom-
their efforts with something approaching amusement. The
fort all Earthbound Greys endure. Living on Earth is like living
Atlanteans’ violent history and their interactions with the Greys
surrounded by constant feedback. It takes supreme concentra-
have shown them to be simply too arbitrary and egocentric,
tion just to perform the simplest operations. Most of the time,
and in the Greys’ view, they are doomed as a race. In the short
the Greys on Earth bear up admirably, but they all know as
term, however, the Earthbound Greys are concerned that the
more humans come into the world, their work will become
Atlanteans located on Earth are expanding their influence,
even harder.
potentially threatening the Greys’ program to eliminate the
Static. In sum, the Greys are of two minds about the Atlanteans.
Over time they can be safely ignored as ultimately self-destruc-
tive, but for the moment must be carefully watched for the

1 2 3 4
The strangest aspect of the Static for the Greys is the group of phe-
nomena humans refer to as the supernatural—spontaneous psychic
occurrences that come from the psychic reservoir that envelops the
planet. The Static itself seems to be attracted to certain individual
humans—the humans call them Foci. Foci actually cause the Static to
pool about themselves, sometimes even drawing large amounts of the
energy into themselves. To the Greys, a Focus is like a whirlpool or tor-
nado in the psychic landscape. The area around the Focus can have
five, ten, even a hundred times the normal level of Static. In the more
extreme cases, this level of Static can instantly knock a Grey uncon-
scious, cause permanent mental damage, or even kill it.
Even more peculiar, an interesting change sometimes comes over
some Foci. Instead of simply attracting Static, they begin to absorb
and channel it. The transformation is often physical as well as mental,
with the human taking on new, and sometimes monstrous physical
aspects. The transformed Focus uses the channeled raw Static as if it
were their own psychic energy. This ability makes them potentially
dangerous, but for the Grey, there are interesting benefits. The trans-
formed Foci produce no Static of their own, and absorb much of it
around them.
How the transformed are able to do this is a mystery to Grey scien-
tists. Abducting specimens for study has proven difficult. The Infused
are even more violent and unpredictable than normal humans.
Combined with their ability to call upon the tremendous reserves of
Static to fuel their abilities, they are extremely dangerous. The Greys
have only succeeded in capturing seven to date. In these instances, lit-
tle could be learned.
Recently some of the First Generation of metahumans laid the
groundwork for a program dedicated to capturing a few trans-
formed and attempting to breed with them. The prospect of a
metahuman that could draw on the Static for its energy has great
appeal, but many Greys seriously doubt how effective such a pro-
gram would be. Although hybrids suffer few of the ill effects of
Seepage, the Greys are still uncomfortable with the idea. For this
reason, the experiments are being carried out only by metahumans
at the Sibyl Systems facility.
A different opinion is prevalent among the more radical and violent
metahumans. They feel that Foci are a grave danger to the Grey; the
havoc one Focus could cause in a Grey base is almost incalculable. The
radical hybrids feel that it is in the best interest of the Greys for all Foci
to be hunted down and killed. Some of these militant metahumans
have formed death squads, starting anti-Foci operations. As many Foci
are quite insane by normal human standards, this has led to a rash of
bizarre murders of the homeless and mentally ill in some cities.

Each Blue contributes as much to the ambient Blue Seepage as hun-
dreds of humans contribute to human Seepage, but even more debil-
itating to Greys is the violent interaction between the two Seepages.

Psychic Seepage, whether generated by a Blue or a human,

is essentially the same phenomenon. The energies radiated by
Telepathic illusions are the most common Blue supernatural
both races are very similar in both behavior and capability, but manifestation. There is little difference between Blue TIs and
the particular qualities that are imparted by the two races are those created by human Seepage, although Blue illusions tend
not at all similar. Seepage is a reflection of the collective sub- to have a decidedly marine slant. Many are drawn from human
conscious of the race as a whole, and the collective subcon- legend and folklore, depicting merfolk, sea monsters, and ghost
scious of the Blue and human races are very different indeed. ships, or more rarely unidentified flying or submarine objects
More information on all sorts of paranormal phenomena can (UFOs and USOs).
be found in the Paranormal Sourcebook. Mirages may conjure up uncharted islands, create blood red
seas, discolored skies, “evil” fogs or even the Leviathan itself.
BLUE POOLS AND LOCI The vortex is perhaps the most common illusion, waylaying
A “normal” Blue Pool or Locus works the same as human sailors by spinning compasses, causing constellations to appear
Pools and Loci (see Conspiracy X, p. 197). Often a high Seepage in strange positions and distorting the apparent distance to
area has a few manifestations linked to it, depending on the reefs, shore or other dangerous obstacles.
particular beliefs and fears of the Blues. For obvious reasons,
such areas are almost always in aquatic or coastal areas. Blue
Pools and Loci tend to appear near areas of Blue research and
Supernatural teleportation, ball lightning, and telekinesis
activity. Only rarely do humans encounter such areas, and so all occur in areas of Blue supernatural power just as they do
few are known. A small number of such sites are close enough in human Pools and Loci. Telekinesis and ball lightning work
to human trade routes or populated coastal areas to attract just as easily below the water’s surface as above (ball light-
human attention. The most notable of these is the Bermuda ning is not actually electrical in nature). Teleportation actually
Triangle, off the south-eastern coast of the U.S. seems to be more common and powerful, as small aircraft
The supernatural manifestations frequently encountered in and even icebergs have been known to teleport into a Blue
areas of heightened Blue Seepage are largely the same as those Pool or Locus.
found in highly supernatural locales created by human Whirlpools are swirling energies of the Seepage that create a
Seepage. A few phenomena are unique to these areas, howev- short-lived but violent cone-shaped current, either above or
er, and many of those common to both take on unique twists. under water, that traps anyone caught within it and holds them

1 2 3 4
helpless until it abates. The disruption of sensitive electronic power from both the human and Blue stock of Seepage
equipment also seems to be very common in areas of increased points in the Pool or Locus. This gives Infused access to twice
Blue Seepage. as much raw power, and makes these dual high Seepage
areas exceptionally dangerous.
BLUE FOCI The following are phenomena commonly associated with
Blue Foci attract and effect the force of Blue Seepage just as mixed human and Blue Seepage areas.
human Foci do for human Seepage (see Conspiracy X, pp. 197-
Freak Storms: Sudden, violent storms form extremely
198). They increase the rate at which supernatural Pool and Loci
quickly, catching all but the most careful observer off-guard.
regenerate Seepage points and are particularly susceptible to
Freak storms can incorporate dark clouds, rain, lighting, radio
supernatural corruption.
interference, fierce winds, fog, or any other component of nat-
The most spectacular effect that Foci have on their sur- ural storms. The key to their supernatural origin is the abrupt-
roundings, however, is that of increasing the chance of sponta- ness of their onset—a freak storm can turn a cloudless, sunny
neous supernatural provocations. A Blue Focus seems to pro- day into a raging thunderstorm with gale force winds in less
voke the supernatural considerably more often than a human than an hour. No meteorologist could predict such a storm
Focus. When trying to resist a supernatural event in her area, a and many find it difficult to accept what is plainly obvious to
Blue suffers a –2 penalty to any Test or Task. On the other hand, others. Freak storms can last anywhere from just a few min-
when trying to create or control a provocation, a Blue Focus utes to several hours and dissipate just as suddenly as they
gains a +2 bonus to the Willpower Test. She also gains a +2 arrive. Conjuring a freak storm requires the Chronicler to
bonus on any Ritual Task but rituals are completely alien to spend five Seepage points from each of the Blue and human
Blues. They only learn such manipulations after lengthy contact Seepage reserves.
with humans.
Mass Jinx: In these twice-damned regions, the widespread
disruption of electronic devices, particularly engines, naviga-
CROSS INVOCATION tional and communications equipment is nearly as common
A human Focus in a Pool or Locus of Blue Seepage finds that an occurrence as freak storms, perhaps more so. It is not
the supernatural manifests just as frequently there as in human uncommon for mass jinx to accompany freak storms or other
Pools and Loci. Still, the supernatural illusions and phenomena manifestations. When a mass jinx manifests, often no warning
that manifest around her are as likely to be tainted by the psy- is given, and absolutely no visible change in atmosphere or
chic subconscious of the Blue as they are of her own. Players environment occurs. Reports most often simply describe that
with human Focus characters may attempt to provoke the all or most of the sensitive equipment suddenly fails, some-
supernatural in a Blue Seepage Pool or Locus. If the provoca- times violently. The Chronicler must spend 10 Seepage points
tion is successfully, though, the Chronicler should determine from the reserves of both Blue and human Seepage, and may
what effect the Blue Seepage has on the manifestation. spend additional points if desired for additional or more
severe effects.
DUAL SEEPAGE AREAS Phantom Islands: Phantom islands are easily the most
In areas that possess an increased level of both human and bizarre manifestation associated with areas of high dual
Blue Seepage, such as the infamous Bermuda Triangle, the Seepage. In these rare areas, the seabed itself rises temporar-
two supernatural forces manifest in ways that are unique. In ily from the ocean floor to break the surface of the water
these areas, strange storms, massive electromagnetic distur- above. This creates a temporary island covered in dying fish,
bances, and greatly exaggerated versions of more “common” seaweed, and often derelict ships or ancient structures from
phenomena are typical. Supernatural manifestations caused the ocean floor. The significance of these islands is still
by Foci and Infused are also affected, sometimes resulting in unknown, but they seem to be connected to specific areas and
bizarre side-effects, even for something as unpredictable as rise periodically, as if in accordance of some strange cycle.
the supernatural. Their appearance in the last fifteen years or so has recently
One characteristic of such damned areas is the power of been used to substantiate or explain legends of lost or disap-
the supernatural activity that manifests there. Anytime the pearing islands, such as Atlantis, Mu, R’yleh and Maria Luxana.
Chronicler decides to activate a supernatural manifestation The islands may remain for hours or days—each seems to be
linked to either the human or Blue Seepage in the Pool or unique in both the frequency of its rising and duration. The
Locus, she may decide to boost the manifestation’s power. creation of the island is highly draining, using 25 Seepage
To do so, she may choose to spend double the usual points from both the Blue and human reserves.
Seepage points for the manifestation, half from the reserves
of Blue Seepage, half from the reserve of human Seepage in
the area. In a similar manner, Infused in these areas have
greater abilities. Any Infused—Blue or human—may draw



For decades, the Bermuda Triangle has been known as a
haunted and dangerous place. It is clearly a significant Locus of
human Seepage. In the last fifteen years or so, the concentration
of Blue Seepage has further exacerbated Bermuda Triangle
manifestations and their power. The unexplained aspect is that
freak storms and mass jinx have been reported in the area long
before Blue Seepage began to pool there.
Could it be that the human Seepage present in the Triangle
knew that it would at some point be joined by a powerful, alien
Seepage? Could it be that the human Seepage, armed with this
precognitive vision, began producing dual Seepage area phe-
nomena decades before the arrival of Blue Seepage? The ram-
ifications of such a theory are horrifying.

Blues are as susceptible to supernatural corruption as humans. As
yet, only predator archetypes have been reported, but legends
describe Kraken as having peculiar messianic aspects. Blue Infused
forms strongly resemble aspects of the fearsome predators of Earth’s
oceans: giant squid, killer whales, octopi, rays, and of course, sharks.
It is unclear how the first Blue was corrupted, although many
Blues blame the torturous experiments of the metahumans and First
Generation Blues.
All of the various powers exhibited by human Infused are avail-
able to Blue Infused. Just as the specifics and appearance of powers
vary from one Infused to another, these powers take on different
aspects when wielded by Blue Infused. Masks often conceal by
changing the coloration of the Predator’s skin and Telekinesis is often
used to create currents to slow fleeing prey or speed an escape, or
to create waterspouts to distract or stun opponents.
A peculiar power that has appeared occasionally among Blue
predators is Fathom, a supernatural attack that seems to crush a vic-
tim with the weight of the ocean depths. The victim need not be
underwater for the power to be effective, but he must be visible to
the predator. A fathom attack is resolved as if the victim is being
drowned and costs the predator five Seepage points to maintain the
attack for two Turns. A fathom attack may be broken by the preda-
tor willingly, or unwillingly if its concentration or view of the victim is
disturbed (by taking damage, for example).

Although supernatural mutation of an Infused’s physical body is
relatively uncommon among human Infused, it is much more fre-
quent in Blues. Almost every Blue Infused begins to develop some
physical mutations soon after it is created. This increased rate of
mutation is due to the Blue’s natural ability to manipulate their own
genetics during reproduction (an ability passed down from their
Grey creators). This innate ability, twisted by the supernatural,
makes physical mutation almost commonplace.
1 2 3 4
The mutations and physical changes that appear are highly Great care must be taken to assure that play balance is
reminiscent of the natural predators of Earth’s seas. Dorsal fins, maintained should a Blue character be allowed to join an Aegis
tentacles, spines, and multiple rows of needle-sharp teeth are cell. Some Chroniclers may wish to prohibit the option entire-
all commonly seen. Even more exotic variations have been ly; others may allow only non-player character Blues to work
reported: glowing luminescent antennae, translucent bodies, with the Cell.
and giant, toothy jaws. On at least one occasion, a predator was A player creating a Blue character begins the game with the
found who could generate powerful electric shocks, like an Talented Character Type, and must purchase the Blue Quality.
electric eel. Some predators also begin to develop traits of Blues do not have access to all the skills that a human charac-
amphibious or coastal creatures, such as powerful legs for ter would. For the most part, however, Blue characters are cre-
jumping or hardened shell-like skin. ated the same way as any.


Just as with humans, Blues who are corrupted but prove There is considerably less variation in Grey Attributes than is
unable to withstand the supernatural forces break before the exhibited by humans. This is largely due to their asexual
transformation is complete, becoming Forsaken. These pitiful, method of reproduction. With only one parent, the only varia-
but dangerous, creatures believe themselves to be fearsome tions are those introduced purposefully through genetic engi-
predators, but are in fact only psychotic shells of their former neering or mutation (a rare occurrence before the advent of
selves. The Forsaken have all the skills and psychic abilities that the Static).
they had before they were corrupted, however and are fre-
quently underestimated. The Forsaken often become devoted Greys tend to be physically smaller and slightly weaker than
minions of the true Infused, perhaps instinctually sensing that humans, although they are considerably stronger than their
these creatures possess a power that they can never achieve. frail frames would suggest. Most Greys possess a Strength
Attribute of two or three, and a typical Dexterity of three.
The physical senses of Greys as a race have slowly begun to
GREY AND HYBRID CHARACTERS atrophy due to their reliance on psi. Nonetheless, the continual
low-level telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychometry that supple-
When creating Grey, metahuman, or Blue characters as allies
ments Grey physical senses leaves most Greys with a
or adversaries, Chroniclers should feel free to define the attrib-
Perception of three. Slightly higher and lower levels are not
utes and skills as necessary without constraint.
uncommon. The poor physical senses do mean that should a
When creating Grey Cast Members, however, the Talented Grey be caught in an area of great psychic interference, such as
Character Type should be employed (see Conspiracy X, p. 31). a Pool or near a Focus who is provoking, any Perception-relat-
Also, the Grey Quality must be purchased. ed Tests or Tasks should be penalized.
Metahuman characters are created just as normal human As one would expect Willpower and Intelligence are the
Cast Members (usually Talented), however, they must purchase Greys’ most developed Attributes. Most Greys have four in
the Metahuman Quality. This reflects their unusual heritage and both, though in recent years many Greys have been born with
a few unique abilities and flaws. substandard (3) Intelligence or Willpower, a fact blamed on the
Given their alien nature, it is recommended that First growing levels of Static. Particularly capable Greys with
Generation metahumans not be used as Cast Members. Such Willpower or Intelligence of five are less common, though a dis-
character can be allies or adversaries, however, and should be proportionate number of these individuals end up on Earth,
created with the same rules and limitations for metahuman due to their remarkable ability to tolerate the debilitating effects
characters in general. The key differences lies in their education of the Seepage.
and unfailing loyalty to their Grey masters. Each of the First Like Greys, metahumans usually have higher mental abilities
have been extensively dominated by the Greys to assure their than average humans. Still, for the most part, metahuman
unquestioning obedience. In exchange for their free will, the Attributes don’t vary significantly from normal human characters.
First were schooled extensively by the Greys in all forms of psy-
Blues’ Attributes are also close to human averages. The typi-
chic ability and the techniques for creating and using the
cal Blue leans toward the slimmer, agile side of the averages
unique Grey technology. They usually have high Strength and
physically and tends to be slightly more stronger willed as well.
Art in all powers except in those barred to Greys. In addition to
These slight differences fall well within the range of abilities that
psychic techniques, the First are granted access to all Grey
comprise a single attribute level, however.
knowledge, from how to nurture and grow psychic lenses, pilot-
ing Grey spacecraft, and how to make, use and program lens-
es, implants, and psibots. The First choose which of these many
skills to specialize in.


metahuman scientists in the research bases—not a good first

QUALITIES AND DRAWBACKS impression at all.
Most of the Qualities and Drawbacks described in
Conspiracy X are inappropriate for Greys. A few, however, such Due to the strength of their Seepage, the Blues’ psi is some-
as Psychological Problems (Cowardice or Recklessness), are as times released in a sudden, uncontrollable burst. In this way,
common among Greys as they are humans. The Chronicler nearly all Blues are Pseudo-Foci for Blue supernatural energy.
should decide which are acceptable. Whenever a Blue fails in an attempt to use its psychic powers,
The most common Quality for a Grey is Psychic Link. The link instead it provokes a supernatural manifestation, as described
is shared by each member of a Grey gestalt. This acts just as a in Blue Foci subsection (see p. 101). Aside from this, normal
Psychic Link between humans, allowing the Greys to target Blues do not affect the Seepage the way a true Focus does.
each other with psychic abilities regardless of location or dis- Non-Focus Blues do not increase the rate at which a Pool or
tance. Among Greys, however, the link has the additional effect Locus regenerates Seepage points, for example.
of allowing the gestalt to share psychic power. Most psychic disciplines function for Blues exactly as they do
Extended periods of psychic contact with alien minds, partic- for humans. In fact, Blues are capable of a few disciplines that
ularly the non-psychic minds of Saurians and Atlanteans, and are impossible for Greys or metahumans, namely precognition,
prolonged exposure to Static has caused the Greys to develop although this is more difficult for a Blue than it is for a human.
more mental psychoses than in the past. Static has also lead to Blues Cognition Strength is effectively at –2 for the purposes of
an increase in Greys born with mental instabilities. The Precognition. This can be counterbalanced through spending
Drawbacks that are most often found are Psychological Essence points in a way similar to Greys (see below).
Problems (Paranoia, Phobia, or Weird Delusion) and
Metahuman Qualities and Drawbacks do not vary markedly 2-POINT PHYSICAL QUALITY
from those of normal human characters. PREREQUISITE: BLUE
Many human Qualities and Drawbacks are available to A very few, very fortunate Blues have managed to retain
Blues, most commonly Psychic Link and Supernatural Focus. some of the abilities of their dolphin ancestors in the form of
Some Qualities and Drawbacks are available exclusively to echolocation. This Blue can use reflected sounds—a chattering
Blues, reflecting the varying genetic strains or powers. sequence of squeaks and clicks—to “see” their surroundings.
Most of the sounds Blues use to echolocate are above the audi-
ble range of humans, though some are certainly noticeable.
2-POINT PHYSICAL DRAWBACK Echolocation allows the Blue to perceive its surroundings to
PREREQUISITE: BLUE QUALITY a distance of 50 yards, even in pitch darkness or blinding light.
In the water, echolocation is much more effective, extending in
A small number of the Blues who possess gills are also afflict- range out to 300 yards. The accuracy of echolocation is such
ed with a birth defect that leaves their lungs atrophied and weak. that the Blue may function without any reduction of ability,
These Blues must rely almost exclusively on gills to breathe as even when relying on that sense alone.
their lungs will only sustain them for a short time. Each hour that
the Blue spends out of water forces it to make a Simple
Constitution Test with a cumulative –1 penalty. If the Blue fails, it GILLS
immediately begins to drown and will soon die unless it is 1-POINT PHYSICAL QUALITY
immersed in water. Note that the Gills Quality is considered part PREREQUISITE: BLUE
of this Drawback and need not be purchased separately. The First Generation Blues and metahumans experimented
with many variations of the Blue form before settling on the
BLUE final “design.” Many of their earlier work turns up from time to
5-POINT PARANORMAL QUALITY time in the Blue population as mutations and recessive traits.
This Quality creates a Beta Blue character that has revolted Gills on the Blue’s ribcage are one of the more frequent muta-
against its Grey masters. It produces Blue Seepage, and has tions. These gills augment, but do not replace the Blue’s normal
huge psychic potential. The Blue automatically gains the Psychic lungs, allowing it to function indefinitely on land or underwater,
Quality, and Telepathy (Strength 1 and Art 1) at no extra cost. as necessity dictates.
The Blue recover Essence at a rate equal to the character’s
Willpower per minute. GREY
Physically, a Blue it is obviously not human, which can cause 10-POINT PARANORMAL QUALITY
problems if trying to operate in the human world. Furthermore, This Quality creates a Reticulan character who has either
for many Blues, their only contact with humans was the traveled from Greyworld to investigate the Static on Earth, or

1 2 3 4
was born in the vicinity of humanity. Such a Grey is relatively inexpe-
rienced and young, but gains an extra five character points to be spent
on psychic powers.
Greys automatically gain the Psychic Quality and have an innate
essence channeling ability that allows them to enhance their psychic
powers by boosting the Strength of the power being used by one for
every two points of Essence spent. Furthermore, Essence used in this
way is regained very quickly, at a rate equal to their Willpower per
minute. With no connection to the Seepage, however, Greys cannot
access the precognition power. Otherwise, Grey psychic abilities work
just like those of humans.
Greys in a gestalt are enormously powerful. Those that know a
power may add their Strengths together to determine the effective-
ness of that power’s use. If a Grey is unfamiliar with the power, it
may add half of the Strength of its weakest power to the gestalt. The
Grey with the highest Art is considered the gestalt leader, and the
Task uses the leader’s Art and the appropriate Attribute. Also, given
their Psychic Link, such power boosting within a gestalt is not
dependent on distance.
The Greys’ superior psychic senses make them particularly vulner-
able to the surge of Static that accompanies manifestations. Anytime
a supernatural manifestation occurs in the presence of a Grey, it suf-
fers lethal damage equal to the number of Seepage points expended
for the manifestation. This makes magicians, Foci, and Infused partic-
ularly fearsome to Greys.
Given the concentration of supernatural power in Pools and Loci,
Greys are loathe to enter such places. A Grey in a Pool or Locus suf-
fers a penalty to all Test and Tasks equal to the Seepage level of the
area. Thus, a Grey in a typical Pool (Seepage level 1) suffers a –1
penalty. Such penalties are doubled for psychic-oriented Tasks, partic-
ularly those aided by psychic lenses.
Greys are fully capable of using psychotrons once taught to do so,
their biochemistry is such that psi drugs have absolutely no beneficial
effect on them at all. In fact, preliminary tests indicate that most psi
drugs developed for humans produce only mild nausea in Greys.
Several joint NDD and Grey research projects are hard at work devel-
oping a psi drug capable of boosting Grey psi.

Exactly how close a Grey (or sensitive metahuman) can be to
a supernatural manifestation without risking damage is left
vague to take into account the unpredictable nature of the
Seepage. The Chronicler must decide what constitutes a Grey’s
“immediate area.” In general, if the character is or could be
affected by the supernatural manifestation, the Grey is likely to
take damage. If the manifestation is a lasting one, the Chronicler
may describe increasing discomfort and pain experienced by the
character as a warning.

Grey-human hybrids have several advantages and disadvantages.
This Quality is required for all metahumans characters.
Grey-human hybrids automatically gain the Psychic Quality at no
extra cost, and Essence is recovered at the same accelerated rate as a
Grey (equal to their Willpower per minute). Metahumans also learn to
use psychic disciplines much more easily than other humans, often
developing them on their own without any tutelage. All metahumans
gain Telepathy Strength 1 and Art 1 for free.
For the most part, metahuman psi abilities work exactly like human
psi, and have the same rules. Like Greys, however, they cannot use
Metahumans do not produce Seepage and are removed from it.
Combined with their psychic potential, this creates several odd con-
flicts. They are psychically active and perfectly capable of sensing
Telepathic Illusions and other supernatural phenomena. They are also
completely vulnerable to the Grey’s psychic Domination, and fully sus-
ceptible to attacks by human psychics. On the other hand, metahu-
mans cannot be corrupted by the supernatural, and are incapable of
using Basic ESP abilities.
During their sleep training, metahumans are taught how to recog-
nize each other, at least at a subconscious level. As a result, they
instinctively know each other when they come into contact. This man-
ifests itself as a series of very positive mental responses to each other.
Metahumans who meet often form close friendships immediately, and
stay in touch with each other no matter where in the world they live.
The Greys discourage any breeding between metahumans, prefer-
ring them to spread the metahuman gene throughout the human pop-
ulation. Therefore, while all metahumans feel very strong ties of friend-
ship towards each other, even the most basic sexual urges are
repressed in those co-opted by the Greys. Of course, rogue metahu-
mans follow whatever code they chose.
Variations in the goals of Grey metahuman projects, as well as a
measure of unpredictability in the interaction between Grey and
human genes, has led to a number of minor defects that crop up irreg-
ularly in the metahuman population. When a player purchases the
Metahuman Quality, she must also pick two Drawbacks from the fol-
lowing list. Neither of these grants the character any extra points.
Drug Intolerance: Metahumans respond poorly to drugs and
chemicals designed to affect the human body. Any attempts to perform
First Aid or give other medical attention suffer a –2 penalty. Any time
this metahuman is given a dosage of drugs or chemicals that have a
noticeable game effect (such as tranquilizers or tear gas), the player
must roll D10. If the result is even, the character suffers only half
strength results (meaning shorter recovery time or penalty); an odd
result means that the character suffers the effects of a double dose.
Psychoactive drugs are particularly dangerous, producing greatly exag-
gerated side effects. If this metahuman takes or is given any psi drugs
(such as those developed by MKULTRA), Chroniclers should add suit-
able side-effects.
1 2 3 4
Grey Features: Usually nothing about a Grey-human in their vicinity. This damage occurs regardless of the source of
hybrid’s appearance distinguishes her from anyone else in a the manifestation—spontaneous provocation in a high-seepage
crowd of humans. Some metahumans, however, exhibit a area, Infused powers, rituals or the presence of a Focus.
stronger than average resemblance to the Greys. These Weak Psi: Some Grey-human hybrids suffer from a condi-
metahumans have grayish, pallid skin that looks sickly, even tion almost completely opposite from the Pseudo-Foci types.
when they are in perfect health. Often they are shorter than The Grey genes that govern psychic control and restraint are
average and some have little or no facial, head, or body hair. too strong in these metahumans. They find it difficult to use
The most striking feature that all such metahumans share is their psychic power without considerable mental exertion. The
their eyes—they are large (though not inhumanly so) and com- Strength of any psychic ability suffers a constant –1 penalty,
pletely black and pupil-less. The whites of their eyes are very although this can be recovered by spending Essence points.
small and almost unnoticeable except under close scrutiny.
Their eyes are also very sensitive to bright light, which along
with the attention they draw, usually prompts the metahuman PURE BLUE
to wear dark glasses during the day.
Although the traits that caused the First Generation Blues to
Noxious Vapor: Much like the Grey, the hybrid gives off a
be considered a success are recessive, they did not die out
noxious odor when her skin is punctured. The metahuman is
entirely in later generations. There exists a small number of
immune to the effects, but everyone in a six-foot radius of her
Blues that do not exhibit any connection to the supernatural
when her skin is broken suffers D6(3) Life Points of damage per
and do not generate Seepage. Also, this Quality can denote a
Turn. Victims can do little except cough and stagger out of
member of the original Alpha generation, one of the few that
range. The gas disperses in D6(3) Turns.
sided with the rebels.
Pseudo-Focus: Some metahumans, while generating no
Pure Blues do not create any Seepage and therefore have no
Seepage normally, periodically release a sudden uncontrolled
aura (Read Aura is ineffective). By the same token these individ-
burst of Static that catalyzes the ambient Seepage into manifes-
uals may not use precognition. The major advantage enjoyed by
tation. These metahumans are essentially pseudo-Foci. Anytime
Pure Blues is the reliability of their psychic abilities. Pure Blues
an attempt to use psychic abilities fails, a supernatural manifes-
never provoke the supernatural if they fail to use a psychic
tation occurs (potentially causing damage to Greys and partic-
power and cannot be corrupted by supernatural forces, though
ularly sensitive metahumans in the area). These metahumans
supernatural manifestations may affect them in other ways.
have no other effect on the overall level of Seepage in the area—
they do not affect the rate that Seepage points are regained, nor
do they add any power to rituals.
Although the manifestations caused by Pseudo-Foci are dan-
gerous to individual Greys, given their insignificant contribution Greys and metahumans are likely to have many of the same
to the overall problem of psychic Static, most Greys view them skills that humans do. In particular, Medicine, Science, and
as a minor glitch in the hybridization project. However, the Research/Investigation are common. Since their arrival on
threat of injury they pose to individual Greys cause many to be Earth, many Greys have studied human techniques of Hypnosis
euthanized as soon as they are detected in Grey research. as a substitute for their natural psychic Domination. In an effort
Therefore, these individuals appear only rarely in the ranks of to decipher the mysteries of Static and the supernatural, a num-
the NDD or Grey operatives. They are most often found at large ber of Grey scientists have also taken up the study of Occult
in human society and usually unaware of their heritage. Knowledge, though they have an exceptionally difficult time
mastering the subject and have met with very limited success in
their endeavors.
Unique among metahumans, the Pseudo-Foci’s basic con-
Of course, no Grey will ever be found possessing any com-
nection to the Seepage makes them vulnerable to supernatural
bat-oriented skill whatsoever. Metahumans and Blues do not
corruption. If corrupted, the character follows the same path to
suffer from that prohibition.
madness that other humans do, during which time she still has
access to her psychic abilities. When a corrupted metahuman Until recently Blues had been raised in isolation under the
finally snaps, she always becomes Infused, never Forsaken. strict control of their masters for specific purposes. Their train-
ing was mandated by the Greys and there was little room for
Supernatural Sensitivity: Supernatural manifestations
personal expression or individual preferences. The Blues were
and the activity of Foci and Infused are accompanied by bursts
taught what the scientists wished them to know and there was
of Static that may cause any metahuman to wince in discomfort.
nothing that could be done about it.
A few hybrids, however, share the Greys’ extreme sensitivity.
These hybrids suffer damage equal to the number of Seepage Even now that the yoke of Grey oppression has been over-
points expended for any manifestation or supernatural power thrown, the Blues have had little contact with humanity. This
has meant that although free to study subjects and skills as they


wish, the only source of instruction is the Grey psibots and the Systems Operation (Lenses): Using psychic lenses is not
metahuman computers that were recovered from liberated quite the same as using innate psychic abilities. For this reason
Grey bases. Understandably this has limited Blue access to Greys and humans alike must undergo a brief training program
many rudimentary human skills. No Blue may begin with any of to use any lens device successfully. Once an individual has been
these skills: Driving, Guns, Occult Knowledge, Ritual, or trained in the use of lenses, however, any lens may be used
Surveillance. with ease. As a psychically capable individual is necessary to
As would be expected, the Greys brought with them a num- operate a lens, this skill is useless for Voids, Psinks, and non-
ber of skills previously unknown on Earth. Most pertain to their psychic aliens.
own particular branches of Science (Grey psychology, biology, Systems Operation (Psibot): Psibots greatly increase the
and zoology). Other skills concern themselves with the creation productivity of individual Greys, reducing the problems caused
and use of Grey psychic lens technology. by the Greys lack of manpower. The range of psibot capabilities
Craft (Lens Breeding): This complex skill involves the prop- also reduces the Greys’ reliance on NDD help. For these rea-
er guiding of the growth and development of the unique strains sons, nearly all Greys working on Earth have some degree of
of psi-focusing coral native to Greyworld into functioning psy- skill in operating these machines.
chic lenses. Lens breeding is a strange mix of gardening, marine
biology, engineering, and sculpture. It is perhaps the most val- PSYCHIC POWERS AND ALIENS
ued and prestigious skill a Grey could possess. Highly skilled Many psychic disciplines rely on the connection and inter-
lens breeders are the most esteemed members of Grey society. face of two separate minds. This connection between minds
is difficult to establish and maintain even when the two enti-
The construction of a psychic lens is resolved as an extended
ties involved are members of the same race. When an indi-
Task (see Conspiracy X, p. 161). Any such endeavors are long-
vidual attempts to contact the mind of an alien, the biological
term projects, and the number of Success Levels required is
differences between the two brains complicate the process
determined by the complexity, size, and power of the desired
even further.
lens. A simple amnesia or levitation lens would require only two
or three, while even a small spacecraft is likely to require at Although Greys and humans both have psychic capacities,
least 12. some abilities, such as Telepathy are considerably less effective
when used across species. Apply a –2 penalty to any attempt to
Engineer (Psibot): Like terrestrial computers and advanced
communicate telepathically between species, though this
electronics, psibots are exceedingly complex devices that are
penalty may be considerably higher if the information to be
much easier to use than to program and create. There are many
communicated is complicated or particularly alien in concept.
more Greys capable of using psibots than of programming
them. Note that this skill does not include the knowledge nec- The Greys have found that use of psychic abilities to control
essary to use the ‘bots effectively and so both skills are gener- humans is difficult. Tasks using the psychic ability domination
ally needed. (see Paranormal Sourcebook) suffer a –5 penalty, and the
resistant human mind can fight off the Grey’s control with a
Piloting (Grey Saucer): The process of controlling Grey
Difficult Willpower Test. Most Greys combat this inadequacy in
craft is fundamentally different from that of their terrestrial
dominating a human subject through the use of lenses.
counterparts, and a great deal of skill is required. In addition to
being skilled, anyone wishing to fly a Grey saucer must be psy- Atlanteans and most Saurians are an entirely different mat-
chic as well. This is not an issue for Greys, but it does means ter. Their lack of psychic ability (and even potential in the case
that of the other races, only humans are capable of piloting of Atlanteans) makes them particularly difficult to contact or
Grey craft. affect via psychic means. Any Grey or human psychic who tar-
gets a Saurian (other than Dreamspeakers) or Atlantean should
Systems Operation (Grey Ship): As spacecraft are the
treat the target as if it was a Psychic Void.
most complex psychic lenses created by the Greys, crews need
to undergo a period of “attunement” (usually several days) to a
particular ship in order to be able to control its higher non-pilot-
ing functions. Basic systems such as those opening and closing
the portals within the ship can be used without this attunement,
but any other systems, including those for navigation, propul-
sion, and defense impose a –3 penalty on all Tasks to those
unattuned. Note that this attunement is specific to a particular
ship and must be completed for any craft on which a Grey, or
anyone else, intends to serve as crew.

1 2 3 4
are pieces of coral and as such are organic in form. Indeed,
GREY TECHNOLOGY each lens is as unique as the living section of coral from which
it was made. Given their preciousness, nearly every lens has a
Human theory maintains that it is unlikely, if not impossible, series of tethers attaching it to its user.
for an aquatic species to develop any level of technology. This
is based on an opinion that fire and the working of metal are Despite the simplicity of their use, operating a lens is not a
essential to the development of higher technology. The Greys natural or intuitive act for a psychic, and they must be trained
show that is far too limited a viewpoint. in the necessary technique. Once a psychic learns to use lens-
es, she may activate any lens, providing she is skilled in the
On Greyworld, being naturally aquatic, Greys do not use fire, proper psychic ability.
nor have they ever created complex tools. Even such basic tools
as the wedge, pulley, and lever are relatively alien to the Greys.
When a Grey needs to shape a piece of rock, it does so through SAMPLE LENSES
A number of different lenses and their effects are discussed
force of will. When it needs to move that rock, telekinesis is the
below. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Players and
obvious choice. If the project is more than one Grey can han-
Chroniclers should feel free to design other types of lenses with
dle, two or more combine their powers to make it happen. For
whatever type of ability they desire. If a specific psychic ability
nearly the entire Grey history, few tasks the Greys needed to
is used, alternatives are given for Chroniclers using Paranormal
perform could not be accomplished through psychic abilities of
Sourcebook and the full list of psychic powers.
one form or another.
Amnesia Lens: This is most commonly used by the Greys
For the many millennia that Greys were purely aquatic
during their abduction operations. This lens boosts the user’s
beings, they roamed the planet at will, exploring, taking in nour-
telepathy (or domination) by +3 Strength and +1 Art if used to
ishment, and creating art. It was only during the great dances
erase the memory of any sentient creature within eyesight. The
that the Greys began to shape the world around them with psy-
target may try to resist with a Difficult Willpower Test. If suc-
chic energy. Often elaborate structures of rock and coral were
cessful, the psychic may wipe a contiguous period of up to two
created as the scene for a Grey dance. It was in shaping the nat-
days from the mind of the target, either up to or starting with
ural psychic coral of Greyworld that the Greys first discovered
the use of the amnesia lens. If the lens operator gains three or
their principal technology—psychic lenses.
more Success Levels, she may replace the lost time with a
“screen” memory to hide the use of the lens. This memory may
be of anything the lens operator wishes, as fantastic or realistic
PSYCHIC LENSES as desired. It seems completely real to the subject.
As the native coral of Greyworld grows, it slowly changes its Unless the telepathy die roll resulted in a 10, the blanked
shape in response to the psychic energy in the environment memories are likely to resurface in the individual’s dreams after
around it. The coral never developed any substantial psychic a few months, though she will probably not realize the source.
defenses because few lifeforms found it palatable. This lack of A skilled hypnotherapist may be able to help the subject
defense makes it very impressionable psychically, and easily remember the lost period of time.
shaped by the dominant Grey minds. The coral also has a curi-
ous property of amplifying psychic power. On Greyworld, this Communication Lens: Although Greys communicate with
amplification seems to work only for Greys, probably because each other effortlessly over any distance via telepathy, commu-
they have the most advanced psychic ability of any being on the nication with non-Greys is much more strenuous, even when
planet. The Greys were quick to see its potential, manipulating physically nearby. The Greys use communication lenses to aid
the coral on a genetic level, creating various strains. in telepathic communion with aliens. The lens boosts the users
telepathy by +4 Strength and +3 Art for telepathic communica-
Lenses are specially designed coral structures that are bred tion with any sentient creature that is either within eyesight, or
to amplify a particular Grey psychic ability. The coral resonates with which the lens operator has some psychic link (tracking
with psychic energy and increases it through its own psychic implant, remote viewing, or the Psychic Link Quality are all
channels. The creation of the lenses led to a breakthrough in viable options). The communication lens does not facilitate
Grey psychic powers. mind-probing, however. The lens also lengthens the amount of
It is important to note that neither lens coral nor lenses emit time communication lasts, with each Success Level providing
or store psychic energy. Lenses merely react to, and affect the five minutes of contact.
psychic energy to which they are exposed. Activating a lens Levitation Lens: Greys use this lens outside their bases or
effect requires some source of psychic energy, be it a Grey, ships as the preferred mode of transportation. While carrying
human, or psychotronic battery. the lens, the operator’s telekinesis is boosted by +2 Strength
Generally, lenses are small objects about the size of a tennis and +2 Art for purposes of self-transportation. The user is also
ball. They are almost always coated with a seamless metallic able to levitate for up to ten minutes at a time. The operator
cover for protection. Despite this metal coating, lenses at heart may not exceed a speed of 10 mph, but is not limited by altitude


at all. The lens continues to levitate its user even if she is ren- lenses changed that. The Greys created lenses capable of tele-
dered unconscious, until the full ten minutes has passed. kinetically drawing all the important nutrients from miles
Microscope Lens: After some time studying human tech- around and concentrating them in one place. Greys set up such
nology, Greys instructed their lens breeders to develop lenses lenses around Greyworld, creating places where a Grey could
that mimic some of the more useful terran devices. One of the quickly take in enough food to last for days or even weeks, and
most successful is the microscope lens installed in the laborato- a number have been transported to secret locations on Earth
ries of Grey and NDD bases and larger ships. These lenses give over the last forty years.
a scientist or doctor the ability to view a subject with unparal- Paralysis Lens: Like the amnesia lens, this lens is also used
leled clarity down to the molecular level. The lenses replace extensively during abductions and other operations, but its
human electron microscopes and can view an object in any effects are much less subtle. The paralysis lens boosts telepathy
condition, even inside a human body. The detail provided by (bio-PK or domination) by +3 Strength and +2 Art for paralyz-
these lenses impart a +3 bonus to any Science or Medicine Task ing a target. It may be concentrated on any sentient target or
that requires microscope use. Microscope lenses can be oper- targets within eyesight. Failing a Difficult Willpower Test to
ated continuously for hours with a successful clairvoyance Art resist, the target immediately ceases all movement, although
Task, making them much more portable than the terrestrial ver- she remains fully conscious and aware. The paralytic effects last
sions that inspired them. for three Turns per level of the Strength of the lens operator’s
Nutrition Lens: One of the first lenses designed addressed relevant psychic power, unless one of the targets is a Psink, in
the feeding problem. Because Greys absorb nutrients from the which case the effects lasts only one Turn per level.
water around them, they had to feed almost constantly in order Smelting Lens: The metals used by Greys in the construc-
to survive. Although the process of feeding is largely uncon- tion of their bases, ships, psibots, and lenses are mined and
scious, the small amount of nutrients available at any time shaped in a unique manner. After locating metal ore via remote
means that Greys seldom have significant reserves of energy. viewing, the Greys use this powerful pyrokinetic lens to melt the
Although efforts had been made to telekinetically draw nutri- ore, causing it to seep out of crevasses in the surrounding
ents together into storage areas fashioned from stone, the stone. It is then molded and shaped with specialized telekinetic
results were less than successful. Only a limited amount of lenses into the desired structure. A psychic using a smelting lens
nutrients could be easily gathered in this way, and the Greys gains +2 Strength and +2 Art to telekinesis (pyrokinesis) for this
used significant mental energy in the process. The discovery of specific purpose. The psychic must concentrate the entire time
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and the lens’ specialization prevents them from being effective since Greys had to move to different parts of the ship to use
on any substance other than metal, alloy, or ore. different lenses. Modern craft have integrated the lenses on a
cellular level, so that any of the lenses can be accessed from
“KILLING” A LENS anywhere on the ship. Breeding such a complex organism
requires months and even years of constant attention by the
Since lenses are made of living coral and are not actually
machines, they cannot be broken like machines. A lens that is finest breeders. Because of the great amount of time and ener-
damaged cannot be “fixed” as humans understand the term. gy required to create them, Grey spacecraft are relatively
Still, it will actually heal itself slowly. uncommon.
Metal coated lenses generally have AV (D8 x 4) + 15(31). The The complex organic makeup of spacecraft lenses means
coral within is a living thing and has Life Points (usually (D10 x that only skilled Greys are able to operate them with any
2) + 10(20)). If the lens suffers more than half of its Life Points degree of proficiency. The crew of a craft must spend several
as damage, any bonuses it provides are halved and Tasks suffer months attuning themselves to the ship before they can oper-
a –2 penalty until it can heal. ate it. It is only after a long period of use that Grey astronauts
come to master all the intricacies of their craft. The result is cer-
A destroyed lens (Life Points reduced to –10 or lower) is
tainly worth the effort, however, as Grey spacecraft are the
inoperable and may never be used again. Short of destruction,
most versatile and powerful craft known.
lenses heal any damage if submersed in a nutrient bath and left
unused. A lens heals at a rate of D4(2) Life Points per day. If a
partially regenerated lens is activated before it has completely FORM AND FUNCTION
recovered, any Life Points recovered are lost. Viewing the ship from the outside, there are no openings,
windows, or even hints of a door. Passage through the metal
sheath is accomplished by psychically manipulating the hull,
LENSES VS. VOIDS AND PSINKS creating a temporary opening which reseals itself after entry or
As with any other psychic ability, Voids and Psinks are exit. Though this method, a Grey can enter the ship from any
difficult to affect with amnesia, paralysis, and other lenses. point. Anyone else must break through the hull.
If a Void or a Psink is targeted by a lens, not only do their The rooms inside the ship are of various size and little obvi-
usual effects apply (see Conspiracy X, p. 75-76), but the ous function. Most are multi-purpose chambers that can be
target can resist with a Simple (rather than a Difficult) manipulated according to the needs of the crew. Since any
Willpower Test. aspect of the lenship can be accessed from anywhere on the
ship, there is no need for a bridge or other control features typ-
ical of other spacecraft. Often one or more chambers are filled
with water for the enjoyment and relaxation of the crew.
SPACECRAFT A number of nutrient bath suites are always available. Since
Grey spacecraft are simply large lenses bred to aid the Grey the Greys power the ship’s movement, the nutrient baths are
operators in psychic space travel. Spacecraft are the crowning the only fuel necessary for even the longest voyage. The nutri-
achievement of modern Grey lens breeding practices. As many ent storage areas are often quite large, surprisingly so given the
as twenty different breeds of lenses are typically incorporated high concentration of nutrients within them. Most ships carry
into the craft, joined together to form a single composite coral enough nutrients to last in excess of three years without
colony with amazing versatility. Almost any Grey lens can be restocking.
incorporated into the craft design, and they usually are. The A variety of lenses are found on Grey craft.
Greys have learned the hard way that it is better to have an
Defensive Systems: The Greys prefer to run from a fight
unnecessary lens rather than lack a lens at a critical moment.
when possible. To this end, the spacecraft lens heightens and
The structure of the ship is typically one large coral colony, focuses telekinetic energy against enemies, immobilizing or
however, even the strongest coral is not up to the rigors of flight deflecting them while the ship escapes. For example, missiles
and space travel. Greys often buttress their craft with metal and enemy craft are stopped in mid-flight or caused to deto-
alloys, and typically a single sealed sheet of metal encompass- nate. Energy weapons pose the greatest threat to Grey craft,
es the entire ship. The interior of the ship is divided into a num- since they are largely unaffected by telekinetic interference.
ber of chambers. Sometimes the interior walls, floor, and ceil- When confronted by energy weapons, the Greys usually
ing are covered with a thin metal cover; sometimes, the living attempt to disrupt the firing mechanism, although this is often
coral is left exposed. more difficult than deflecting missile weapons. Since the Greys
The true genius behind the spacecraft is the integration of have no effective defense against energy waves, they also
the various lenses. Originally, the craft were composed of a have no way of concealing themselves from radar. In fact,
variety of lenses molded together. This proved inefficient, most Grey crews are not even aware when they are being
tracked by a radar system.


A Grey crew member who is aware of an attack on the ship, Navigation: There are no external ports for viewing on
such as an incoming missile may use the ship’s defensive lens- most Grey craft, nor are there sensors of any kind. The crew
es to repel the attack. The Grey gains bonuses of +4 Strength rely entirely upon remote viewing, aided by the powerful
and +4 Art to her telekinesis to either fry the programming of amplifying force of the lens. The crew can view the entire area
such missiles, or to swat them out of the sky. around the ship, making navigation a simple affair. However,
Domination: The ability to dominate others is the key fac- the remote viewing aspect of the lens is most important when
tor in Grey evolutionary success on their own world. preparing for teleportation. The crew must remote view their
Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to dominate beings not destination, examining every detail of the proposed location.
native to Greyworld. Nevertheless, the Greys are so reliant on This is somewhat more difficult than simply viewing the sur-
this discipline that they included it in the breeding of spacecraft. roundings of the ship, but with the aid of the lens, any trained
The capacity proved extremely beneficial when Greys began to crew member can do it.
investigate the source of the dreadful psychic Static. The navigation lens allows any crew member to view the
The latest Grey spacecraft include a combination of amnesia, ship’s immediate surroundings from a point of view any place
paralysis, and domination lenses that increase the Grey’s effec- on the hull. No Task is necessary. The navigation lens also
tiveness against humans. Anyone inside or within a hundred grants a +4 Strength and +4 Art bonus to the Grey’s clairvoy-
yards of a Grey craft may be affected by any of the three lens- ance when teleporting to distant locations.
es. The ship also boosts a Grey’s telepathy (domination) by +3 Propulsion: The spacecraft coral is primarily a powerful
Strength and +2 Art when used on a target inside the craft. magnifier of telekinetic energy, allowing a small crew to move
Doorways: Any portion of the hull will open and close at the craft up to supersonic speeds, or simply hover in place.
any mental command. The lens coral is sufficiently evolved to Because of the nature of telekinetic propulsion, the craft are
recognize any psychic command, regardless of race (although amazingly maneuverable, even beyond the most advanced air-
Voids and Psinks are unable to issue such commands), or craft produced by the Atlanteans.
whether the individual has been psychically “attuned” to the The craft’s propulsion lens allows the Grey pilot to maneu-
ship. This is the only function of a Grey spacecraft that an ver the ship up to its maximum speed through a +15 Strength
intruder who has not been attuned can use, making entry into and +8 Art bonus to telekinesis. However, this excessive boost
Grey craft a simple matter, but hijacking it a tricky proposition. drains the pilot of 15 Essence points per hour. Because of this
Genetic Manipulation: This function is a relatively recent cost, all Grey craft require at least two Greys to provide the
addition to the spacecraft breeding program. In recent years, necessary Essence for maneuvering (one regains its Essence
Grey astronauts and scientists have been engaging in a variety while the other pilots the ship). A Grey pilot must concentrate
of genetic engineering programs on Earth. Although some of on controlling the craft and may not engage in other activities
the work is done with technology borrowed from human while doing so.
allies, the spacecraft lens is an essential part of the process. A Retrieval: The telekinetic powers of the ship lens are also
special kind of remote viewing is used, allowing the crew used for the retrieval of items and creatures from outside the
member to see on a cellular level, and likewise manipulate ship. Often the crew finds it necessary to capture alien subjects
cells through telekinesis. This is very delicate work, and and bring them aboard the ship. The target is simply wrapped
requires extensive training. in a telekinetic field and brought through a temporary opening
Mind Scan: Telepathic communication is the foundation of in the hull of the ship. This is often used in conjunction with the
Grey society, and is easy for all Greys. Reading the minds of domination lens to ensure that the captive is docile.
other races is not as easy, and so most ships have a mind scan- The retrieval lens allows any Grey crew to levitate a person
ning aspect included in their breeding. The lens aids the crew in or object within fifty yards of the hull of the ship. The Grey’s
picking thoughts out of the minds of subjects. Other mind telekinesis is boosted by +3 Strength and +3 Art. In general,
manipulation would then be performed with aspects of the Greys levitate targets slowly to keep them intact (no faster than
domination lens. ten yards per Turn), but they may move them faster if desired.
The mind scan lens allows the crew of the Grey craft to use Teleportation: Teleportation is by far the most difficult of
their telepathic ability over a wide area, similar to the effects of all the psychic phenomena available to the Greys. It requires a
the Alexis psychotron (see Conspiracy X, p. 229). The Grey can great deal of mental energy, and complete knowledge of the
affect an area as large as one mile or as little as ten yards destination. Without the aid of the powerful spacecraft lens,
across, providing the Grey with a boost of +1 Strength and +2 the pilots could not teleport such a large object. Even with the
Art to telepathy (or mind probe). The telepath can then target aid of the lens, it takes hours or even days to effect a success-
the area with general questions. For example, the telepath ful teleportation. However, there is no known limit to how far
could ask “are you a military officer” in order to find potential the craft can be moved, making it the most efficient form of
abductees who fit a particular profile. space travel known.

1 2 3 4
The lens provides +15 Strength and +10 Art to the teleporta-
tion power. Even then, the lens only aids the Greys in teleport-
The abductor class is the workhorse of the Grey fleet. They
ing the ship and its contents, not other external objects. Despite are the most versatile craft available and contain a full comple-
the huge bonus, the difficulty of teleporting the ship requires 50 ment of psychic lenses. The Abductor is used extensively as
Essence points, usually provided from a number of Greys mobile abduction and experimentation platforms and is often
(divide equally between them). used as a temporary base in remote areas.
Tracking: By remote viewing, the crew is able to track the Weight: 20,000; Speed: 2500/1250; Acceleration: 200;
movements of abductees wherever they go. Unfortunately, Range: n/a; Toughness: 4; Handling: 8; LP: 120; AV: 25;
once contact is broken, it is often quite difficult to reestablish Crew/Passengers: 6-8/5-10.
contact. To this end, Greys on Earth have begun to use implants
that are especially tuned to the psychic wavelength of the Lens Complement: Amnesia, Defense, Domination, Genetic
spacecraft lens. The lens is then able to focus on the implant, no Manipulation, Mind Scan, Navigation, Paralysis, Propulsion,
matter where it is. Implants are discussed on p. [?]. Retrieval, Teleportation, Tracking.

The tracking lens is essentially a link to a set of implants that

are tuned to the particular craft. This lens acts as a psychic link CORE/BASE SHIP
The core ship is rarely seen on or above Earth. They are few
to these implants (generally implanted while an abductee is on
in number and extremely costly in both time and resources to
the ship) for the purposes of finding him via Clairvoyance (pro-
grow. These giant craft are used for massive transport opera-
viding a +3 bonus to Art and Strength).
tions and as the central anchor facility for new bases. They con-
tain extensive living quarters and large areas for storage and
SPACECRAFT TYPES laboratories. The size of these ships, however, necessitates the
The following list presents three basic types of Grey space- inclusion of genetically modified “core” Greys who serve as the
craft. Although it takes time, a spacecraft lens may be designed heart of the ship, but are incapable of higher mental functions.
for most any purpose. As a result, Chroniclers can create any Without these entities, no lens on the ship will function.
type of spaceship desired.
Weight: 1,200,000; Speed: 1000/500; Acceleration: 50;
As spacecraft are lenses and technically living organisms, Range: n/a; Toughness: 6; Handling: 4; LP: 300; AV: 40;
their Damage Capacity is represented by Life Points, which can Crew/Passengers: 20/100+.
be healed as their portable equivalent.


Lens Complement: Amnesia, Defense, Domination, Genetic time without recharging. Greys have even discovered how to
Manipulation, Mind Scan, Navigation, Paralysis, Propulsion, psychically program a psychotron so that it knows when and
Retrieval, Teleportation, Tracking. how to employ stored psychic energy. These psychotrons per-
form many of the functions of a regular electronic computer.
SCOUT/OBSERVER SHIP Greys and their NDD cohorts have developed techniques for
The scout/observer class of craft are small, agile vehicles combining lenses and psychotronic batteries with computers.
lacking many of the more complex lens systems such as tele- The result has been an enormous leap in Grey technology.
portation or amnesia. Designed to be easily and quickly grown, Lens/psychotronic devices hold psychic power, amplify that
they are used for a number of basic tasks such as reconnais- power enormously and are programmed to use it effectively.
sance and abductee tracking and identification. These are the Without such devices, the more complex implants and psibots
most common craft grown terrestrially. would never have been possible.
Weight: 10,250; Speed: 3000/1500; Acceleration: 250; Range:
n/a; Toughness: 3; Handling: 10; LP: 80; AV: 20;
Crew/Passengers: 3-4/0-3 IMPLANTS
Lens Complement: Defense, Domination, Mind Scan, Implants come in various sizes depending on their function.
Navigation, Propulsion, Tracking. They range from no larger than the tip of a pencil to the size of
shotgun shell. Consisting of a machined metal covering sur-
rounding a small piece of coral, they are usually tuned to the
PSYCHOTRONS psychic frequency of a specific Grey spacecraft lens, and only
someone using that lens can focus on the implant. Implants are
The alliance with the Directorate gave the Greys access to
usually introduced into the body through earthly scientific
terrestrial technology, including the wondrous psychotron.
means, with the aid of borrowed technology.
Psychotrons are psychic devices capable of being charged with
psychic energy, like a psychic battery. Psychotronic batteries Tracking Implant: The Greys primarily use implants as
attuned by Greys for Grey psychic wavelengths are much more tracking devices that allow remote viewers to home in on the
efficient than those used by humans. Their storage capacity is implant’s host anywhere in the world. This is the simplest and
enormous, and devices using them may run for long periods of easiest kind of implant to manufacture. They are quite small.

1 2 3 4
These devices are attuned to a specific Grey spacecraft lens. ject is fully conscious and aware of her actions, even though she
Anyone using the tracking lens built into that particular ship is is generally powerless to resist them. When a command is acti-
considered to have a Psychic Link (like the Quality) to anyone vated, the implantee must pass a Difficult Willpower Test to
implanted with one of the ship’s tracking implants. resist it. If the Test fails, the implantee must carry out the com-
Monitor Implant: A more complicated version of the track- mand as quickly as possible. If the Test is successful, the
ing implant, the monitor is usually inserted into a bone in the implantee throws off the implant’s dominion and can no longer
subject’s body. About the size of a small bullet, it contains both be affected by it. This has no bearing on the effectiveness of
machined and coral parts. Like tracking implants, monitor later implants, however.
implants are attuned to a specific Grey spacecraft. The monitor Command implants include all monitor implant functions.
enables a Grey to track the subject just like a normal tracking These devices are popular with NDD agents, and are one of the
implant. However, it also allows a remote viewer to tap into the most common devices designed by the Greys for Directorate
host’s surface thoughts and sensory inputs. Individuals using use.
the ships tracking lens to view an implantee via clairvoyance Master Control Implant: These devices allow a Grey to
gain a +1 bonus to the Task, and may also psychically tap into completely take over the subject. Encompassing all the aspects
the senses of the implantee. This allows the monitor to experi- of the monitor implant, the master control allows the Grey to
ence everything the implantee is experiencing—sights, sounds, effectively shut off the host’s mind and control the body them-
smells—just as if the monitor were there. An implantee whose selves. These implants are about the size of a shotgun shell and
senses are being monitored in this manner can notice the psy- contain a very delicate strain of coral bred specifically for mind
chic phenomena with a Difficult Perception Test, but will other- control. The implants are among the latest innovations and are
wise be unaware. still prone to failure.
Tapping into an implantee’s senses is simple for someone To initiate control, the psychic must succeed at a telepathy
with lens training and clairvoyance, but the process leaves the (domination) Art Task resisted by a Simple Willpower Test by
psychic oblivious to her own surroundings. All the psychic’s the target. If the Task fails, so does the attempt to control the
own sensory input is overwhelmed by the implantee’s. implantee. In addition, both suffer damage of D10 x 2(10) Life
Security Implant: A variant of the monitor implant includes Points, and a –2 penalty on all Tasks and Tests for D6(3) hours
a device that administers a powerful neurotoxin to the host. from a severe headache.
This is used both to inspire fear in a knowing subject, and to If control is established, the psychic continues to experience
ensure that there are no security leaks. The neurotoxin dis- all the subject’s sensory input and may now control her actions
charge may be triggered at any time by either a viewer or mon- directly. While in control, the psychic may exploit the
itor. The effect is instantaneous and usually fatal (the subject implantee’s physical body to its fullest extent, but does not have
immediately takes 40 Life Points in poison damage). The quan- access to the target’s mind, and does not gain any of the
tity of toxin in the implant is only sufficient for a single dose, implantee’s memories or skills. Furthermore, if the implantee is
however, so if the victim survives her keepers are unable to hurt, the pain is felt by the psychic (both suffer the damage). If
harm her further. In all other ways, this implant functions as a the implantee loses consciousness, control is immediately lost.
monitor implant. During this time, the implantee blacks out and remembers none
Command Implants: Implants can also be designed to of her actions while controlled.
place specific mental commands in their host. These implants Controlling an implantee is a very draining process for any
contain psychotronic devices that store the energy necessary to psychic and his full attention must be devoted to the task.
implement a preset command of some sort. Command Further, there is a significant risk to both the psychic and the
implants must be programmed using Systems Operation implantee if the psychic stays within the subject mind for too
(Psibot) before implantation, and may include up to five com- long. A controller may safely control an implantee for 10 min-
mands. utes per level of Willpower. After this, Chroniclers may inflict
All commands must be relatively simple. Common examples damage, mental problems, or worse at their discretion.
have the subject immediately moving to a certain location, or
saying a certain phrase. Others include remembering forgotten
information, deactivating a security system, or killing a certain
Given their psychic nature, implants do not require any deli-
person. The commands are at most a single phrase such as cate connections to the human nervous system or other organs.
“Shut off the building’s power,” “Kill Robert Kennedy,” or “Go The devices can be placed nearly anywhere in the body.
to the corner of 34th and Park Ave.” These commands can be Implants are small and made up largely of organic material
triggered at a preset time specified when the implant is pro- (coral) with minimal metal-alloy or other components. These
grammed, or by a psychic who is currently viewing the factors combine to make them relatively easy to implant, but
implantee remotely through the implant. The implanted com- much more difficult to detect and remove.
mands are similar to post-hypnotic suggestions in that the sub-


Inserting a Grey implant is a simple medical procedure. A observer is familiar with implants (Intelligence and Myths and
small incision is made somewhere on the subject’s body and Legends (UFOlogy) Task).
the implant is inserted via a long flexible probe (Dexterity and Removing a Grey implant is a delicate and dangerous proce-
Medicine Task). The process itself takes only a few minutes, but dure, especially if the implant has been inserted in or near the
is often accompanied by other examinations and tests both brain. It requires a hospital operating suite and typically three
physical and psychic in nature that could take up to several hours of careful surgery. Any number of Success Levels
hours. The exact location of the implant is unimportant to its retrieves the implant, but doing so without harming the host
functioning, but recently the nasal cavity and brain have requires at least three Success Levels. Less than optimal equip-
become the most common places. This is due largely to the fact ment or facilities can complicate the matter, as with any sur-
that both Aegis and some UFOlogists have learned how to find gery. An insufficiently successful Medical Task endangers the
Grey implants. This has prompted Greys and the NDD to life of the implantee, who immediately takes 20 Life Points of
choose locations that make removal of the implant hazardous damage (doubled if the implant is in the head).
to the patient.
A normal medical exam does not detect even the largest
implants, although signs of surgery in the form of small incision
scars and perhaps light bruising or discoloration may be
noticed. A simple Perception Test and a few minutes can identi- The NDD worked closely with the Greys in developing
fy scars and discoloration that could indicate implantation, only further implants, most notably the sentinel. This allows the
someone with the Medicine skill is able to differentiate signs of upper echelons of the NDD to keep a close track of their
implantation surgery from mundane cuts and bruises. A full more important agents, terminating them almost instantly
hospital suite with access to X-Ray, MRI, or CAT scan equipment should they be compromised. The sentinel implant is also
is necessary to accurately detect the implant itself (Perception used to provide instant identification allowing access to
and Medicine Task). Even then it may be misidentified as a NDD facilities.
piece of shrapnel, a tumor, or an equipment error unless the

1 2 3 4
the psibot, and enable an operator to monitor or control a psi-
PSIBOTS bot without the psibot having to contact the operator first.
Psibots are an ingenious melding of psychotronic and lens When placed into a psibot control link, the node allows the
technology. A psychotronic battery and computer replaces the operator to monitor, control, or reprogram the psibot.
Grey as a source of power. This allows one Grey to charge
Using a control node or psibot control link requires an oper-
many psibots from one central location and then send them out
ator with the Systems Operation (Psibot) skill. Using a control
to different locations. Psibots come in a wide range of sizes and
node to contact, monitor, or control a psibot is a Willpower and
purposes, from small spyballs to large surveillance and abduc-
Systems Operation (Psibot) Task. To monitor or control multiple
tor craft.
psibots simultaneously adds a –1 for every three psibots con-
The heart of every psibot is a psychotronic battery, which trolled. Unless a psibot is connected to a control link, it may
the NDD manufactures for Grey use. Even the smallest psibot only be recharged by a psychic within view of the ‘bot.
can store enough psychic energy to keep running for weeks on
end. The most complex psibots contain a series of batteries,
providing enough psychic energy to continue operations for a CHARGING PSIBOTS
Psychics fuel psibots with their own Essence, which is then
year or more.
stored in the psychotronic batteries for gradual use. No Task is
Equally important to psibot operation is the computer that needed, just continual concentration by the psychic. Essence is
controls it. This is a separate psychotronic device that a Grey transferred at a rate of 10 points per hour and this creates one
can program by simply giving it telepathic commands. The charge. Once stored, the psibot may channel the charges to any
computer’s primary function is to time and direct the release of of the lenses built into its system, regardless of the discipline or
psychic energy from the battery. This governs functions such as action involved. While normal routine action by the psibot
movement, target acquisition, and the capture of abductees. It depletes charges at a rate detailed in their description, during
usually takes a dedicated computer to control the psibot’s lens- combat or Cast interaction, each lens use depletes one charge.
es and to release energy from the battery, so if there are any
other technological devices incorporated into the design, they
must have their own computer system. The complex and alien
The command structure and “language” used in program-
nature of the computer language needed to run the lenses ming psibots is not terribly different from terrestrial program-
makes this dual computer system necessary. ming languages. Once the Systems Operation (Psibot) skill is
One of the most common features of psibots is the remote learned, the actual process of programming a psibot is very
viewing link. This allows a Grey who is attuned to the psibot simple. The programmer simply concentrates on the ‘bot and
to tap into the remote device wherever it is. The Grey can thinks commands and instructions at it.
either issue new commands or simply monitor the psibot’s All psibots, however, are not equally easy to program.
activities. The psibot can even serve as a conduit for the use Psibots capable of more complex behavior require considerably
of the controlling Grey’s psychic powers without actually see- more skill to program, and take much longer to instruct as well.
ing its target. It is possible for a Grey to recharge the psibot’s The chart below lists various psibots and the difficulty and time
psychotronic battery in this manner. This helps to maximize required to program them.
the abilities of the few Greys who operate in the terrestrial
theater. Skilled Grey operators can easily manipulate several
psibots at once, tapping into all of their remote viewing sys- Psibot Modifier Time Required
tems. Greys controlling or tuning into a psibot do not need to Spyball +2 5 minutes
expend their own mental energy, relying instead on the
power of the psychotronic battery. Security Guard +1 15 minutes
Laborer 0 1 hour
PSIBOT CONTROL LINK Abductor 0 8 hours
The psibot control link is a hybrid psychotron/lens device
Science 0 8 hours
that allows a psibot operator to simultaneously control or mon-
itor several psibots at once and to recharge psibots remotely. Records System –1 24 hours
Control links are rather large devices themselves, and are not
portable, often installed into Grey spacecraft. The device resem-
The process of programming a psibot does not require any
bles a large thin table with a flat horizontal surface. The surface
physical interaction on the part of the programmer (unless the
is marked with from six to twenty-four small conical indenta-
psibot also incorporates terrestrial computers). Instead, the
tions. Each psibot contains a small removable component
programming is done entirely psychically, and only line of sight
called a control node that can be placed into one of the inden-
or a control link is required.
tations on a control link. Control nodes act as psychic links to


This ease of programming renders security a paramount issue, as

any skilled programmer simply needs to see a psibot to disable and
reprogram it. To guard against hostile forces exploiting their psibots,
the Greys have built into their psychotronic brains a security lock. Only
if the proper psychic code is registered will the ‘bot allow itself to be
programmed. This code is not a spoken, written, or key-code, but
rather a mental impulse consisting of particular tones and colors.
These ciphers cannot be effectively reproduced visually or aurally, but
may only be passed along or revealed telepathically. A psychic may
transmit them to another directly or through a records system psibot.
In fact, a base’s records system psibot often contain the programming
codes for all the psibots housed in the base.
In order to attempt to program a psibot whose access cipher is
unknown, a subtle programmer may attempt to reproduce the code
based on experience with codes and programming. This form of psy-
chic hacking requires a Willpower and Systems Operation (Psibot)
Task resisted by the original programmer. Any such hacking attempt
requires ten minutes per skill level of the psibot’s current programmer
and automatically alerts the psibot operator if failed.


Psibots can only be programmed and operated by skilled individu-
als who are psychically capable. The individuals do not have to have
any particular psychic ability, but they must have psychic potential.
This means that Voids, Psinks, and those with no psychic potential can-
not program psibots.
Psinks have an additional, detrimental, effect on nearby psibots.
At the beginning of every minute that a psibot spends in close prox-
imity to a Psink, it loses one charge. This could quickly disable a psi-
bot, particularly if it has already expended some of its power. Several
abductors are known to have crashed, drained of power after
abducting a Psink.

Most of the psibots created by the Greys and the NDD fall into one
of the following general categories. Once again, this is not an exhaus-
tive list. Chroniclers should feel free to create their own species of psi-
bots and use them in their stories. The psibot stats include the ‘bot’s full
charge capacity, the operating duration (from full charge), the armor
rating and damage capacity, and its movement type and abilities.
Spyball: Spyballs are by far the most common psibots produced.
It incorporates lenses for remote viewing and telekinetic movement.
Some models also include a small video camera and microphone for
human use. The telekinetic lens allows the spyball to move at high
speeds, but when it needs to maneuver, such as within buildings, it is
limited to much slower speeds. The remote viewing lens allows a psy-
chic to tune into the area within line of sight of the spyball, as if the
psychic were looking out from the spyball’s location. Spyballs are
used to reconnoiter locations, spy on individuals, and to guard instal-
lations. The device then sends a telepathic pulse to the controlling
psychic, allowing him to tune into the psibot when something inter-
esting is happening.
1 2 3 4
The spyball can be programmed to travel to a specified hoses, and water pumps have all been built into some laborers.
location and then patrol or search the area for anyone fitting Because of this, however, laborers often also require substan-
preset criteria. When a suitable target is found, the ‘bot can be tial electrical energy, usually provided by mundane generators
programmed to either alert the controller or follow the target and batteries.
(or both). Since laborers are often very individual and unique, their
Weight: 2; Diameter: 10 inches; Speed: 180 mph (floating); physical forms vary. There are two general types delineated by
AV: D4(2); DC: 30; Dexterity: 4; Perception: 3; Dodge: 3; Notice their intended use: heavy labor or delicate labor. Heavy labor-
2; Charges: 8; Duration: 8 days ers maintain NDD or Grey bases and are often housed in a thick
Guardian: Greys employ these psibots to guard important metal chassis. They move slowly via treads powered by the
bases and installations from interference by humans or other telekinesis lens. These psibots are able to lift heavy loads with
interlopers. Guardian psibots take a variety of forms, depend- two or more articulated arms (Strength 5) and are often
ing on their assigned area. They are usually quite small. equipped with air or water hoses to clear areas of small debris
and dirt. Many of these heavy labor psibots are also equipped
Two lenses and a single psychotronic battery and comput- with pyrokinesis lenses that function as cutting and welding
er are all that are required for a typical guardian to work. torches to help repair terrestrial equipment.
Whenever a living being comes within a preset distance of the
guardian, the first lens clairvoyantly detects the being. The The second type are those created to assist with research
‘bot then sends out a psychic warning signal, which either and more delicate work often used in labs and during abduc-
directly alerts the controller or another psibot that takes fur- tions. These ‘bots usually look like beachball-sized metal
ther security measures. The second lens is normally a high spheres with a number of lights, sensors, and thin rope-like ten-
power paralysis lens that attacks any intruders, disabling tacles. The limbs of these psibots are equipped with numerous
them until help arrives. human medical devices such as syringes, probes, electrodes,
and vacuums. Movement is accomplished through levitation
As the guardian is a very simple psibot, programming it con- using the telekinesis lens. The TK lens also allows the laborer to
sists only of specifying the maximum distance that it will scan levitate large objects but it may not move, only hover, while
possible targets and its response (either alert the programmer doing so.
or another psibot, activating the amnesia/paralysis lens, or
both). The maximum range a guardian can effectively scan for Weight: Varies; Diameter: Varies; Speed: 30 mph (floating);
targets is 50 yards. When the psibot’s paralysis lens is triggered AV: D6(3); DC: 40; Dexterity: 3; Charges: 20; Duration: 12 days.
all viable targets in scan range are “hit” by the paralysis effect Abductor: The abductor psibot specializes in hunting
(“friendly” or non-applicable targets are ignored), as the paral- down human subjects for a wide variety of reasons. The typi-
ysis lens (see p. [?]). cal abductor resembles a small Grey ship, saucer-shaped and
Weight: 1; Diameter: 4 inches; Speed: None; AV: D4(2); DC: composed of metal wrapped around a coral structure. The
20; Perception: 3; Notice: 2; Charges: 24; Duration: 4 weeks abductors have a single compartment within, used for storing
the abductee. The psychotronic batteries and computers are
Laborer: Grey bases require a lot of maintenance work, built into the hull of the ship; the coral is actually grown
from feeding and cleaning to maintaining the facilities. The around them. This serves to protect the power source and
Greys, an aquatic race by nature, are not used to having to “brain” of the psibot from tampering by outsiders should the
maintain terrestrial facilities. This is where the laborer psibots psibot be shot down or captured. It is impossible to access the
comes in. technical components of the psibot without shattering the
Laborers are typically boxes mounted on treads, equipped lenses they control. Of course, if a Grey needs to access the
with several arms and manipulators. Unlike most other psibots, computer, he uses a doorway lens to telekinetically open a
the laborers incorporate a great deal of traditional human tech- hole in the hull.
nology, interfaced with the programmable lens brain and psy- Abductors are easily the most sophisticated psibot, arising
chotronic battery. Because they incorporate so much terrestrial from the large number of lenses and the complexity of the psy-
technology, laborer psibots are actually among the most com- chotronic brain. The advanced brain can process very involved
plicated of the psibots produced. The laborers incorporate few instructions allowing abductors to function for long periods of
lenses, most often remote viewing and telekinesis. These allow time with very little operator supervision. The abductor carries
Greys to keep track of the ‘bots and for the devices to use with it instructions for dealing with a wide variety of situations,
telekinesis to perform some of their tasks. including attack, capture, death of an abductee, and any num-
Laborers are among the most versatile psibots created by the ber of physical or procedural obstacles to the fulfillment of its
Greys, programmed for a myriad of tasks supporting the main- mission. It is also capable of notifying its operator when a situ-
tenance of bases and their scientific research. The psibot’s flex- ation arises that it cannot deal with, at which time the operator
ibility is largely due to the amount of terrestrial technology that usually takes control directly.
they incorporate: hydraulic limbs, treads, engines, cameras,


Abductors possess incredible speed, rivaling any craft operating in

Earth’s skies. They are also more maneuverable than almost anything
else in the sky, human or alien. All this is accomplished through a pow-
erful telekinesis lens. The psibots cannot teleport on their own, as no
computer is able to make the careful mental preparations required for
teleportation. Only a Grey can instigate teleportation, although some
abductors may have teleportation lenses bred into them that are oper-
ated by a Grey who tunes in via remote viewing.
The abductor’s computer also incorporates a number of self preser-
vation protocols that go into effect should the psibot come under
attack. The telekinesis lens attempts to disable attacking craft and mis-
siles while the psibot makes good its escape. The psibot also sends out
a telepathic distress signal, alerting Grey controllers, allowing them to
take direct control if necessary.
Although a competent pilot itself, at any point the psibot’s controls
can be overridden by the operator. Without human or Grey cargo,
abductors do not have to worry about the effects of high acceleration
and sharp turns on living beings inside. Of course, once a subject has
been abducted, this becomes a concern. The lack of safety features
built into the storage facility can cause serious damage to a live
abductee, during evasive action. Any Turn during which the abductor
conducts high speed evasive maneuvering (such as dodging missiles or
attempting to outrun another spacecraft) results in D10(5) damage to
any occupant. It is not uncommon for an abductee to be killed by the
battering received during a prolonged chase.
The computer system that runs the abductors is among the most
advanced accessible by the NDD. It allows the controller to select spe-
cific characteristics they want in an abductee. The search is conducted
through telepathic, telescopic, and microscopic viewing lenses, or
through clairvoyance lens to link to an implant.
Telekinetic lenses disable any security systems and so on.
Amnesia/paralysis lenses disable the target, allowing the abductor to
take her without any trouble. Using telekinesis, the target is lifted into
the ship and placed into the storage facility.
Weight: 15,000; Diameter: 15 feet; Speed: 3000 mph (flying); AV: D8
x 2(8); DC: 80; Dexterity: 3; Perception: 3; Notice: 2; Piloting: 3;
Charges: 40; Duration: 32 days
Science Psibots: Human medical and scientific techniques have
become an important part of Grey operations. Science or medical psi-
bots perform many of the simpler functions around the Grey lab, often
incorporating telekinesis as their method of movement, allowing them
easy access to take tissue samples, give injections, and monitor sub-
jects. A psibot often includes a microscopic viewing lens to monitor the
vital signs of up to 20 test subjects, sending out a telepathic warning to
attending Greys should the need arise.
The ‘bots are most often spherical, and possess a number of deli-
cate arms or tentacles. The psibot’s limbs are equipped with a wide
variety of terrestrial medical and scientific instruments and Grey lens-
es that allow it to carry out its duties. Science psibots are similar to
some of the more delicate laborer psibots, although science psibots
are capable of more advanced work. A science psibot’s complex psy-

1 2 3 4
chotronic computer “brain” is filled with volumes of scientific data, just as humans use laptop computers. Information can be
data, allowing them to perform many routine tasks. transferred easily to a larger, central psibot. All Greys have been
Weight: 400; Diameter: 2 feet; Speed: 30 mph (floating); AV: encouraged to use these devices as, should the Grey be killed,
D6(3); DC: 40; Dexterity: 3; Medicine: 3; Science (various): 3; the data gathered would not necessarily be lost. Psychic securi-
Charges: 16; Duration: 8 weeks. ty measures protect the data from undesired dissemination.
Large records system psibots are almost exclusively found in
RECORDS SYSTEM Grey bases and their larger spacecraft. In addition to their pri-
mary function for data storage, they are often programmed to
The Greys do not use written language, nor do they have any
way of keeping records except through memory. While the Grey coordinate all of the psibots in a base or ship. Although they
memory is amazing, it is not always efficient for a Grey to cannot program or operate a psibot themselves, they are able
remember everything and pass it on to others telepathically. to monitor and activate the entire stable of psibots as necessary.
Until the treaty with the NDD, however, this is precisely how A large records system psibot is also capable of acting as
information was stored. tutor and instructor. In addition to bringing new base personnel
Now the Greys have psibots specifically designed to store quickly up to date, a records systems psibot can teach both
telepathic information. These are quite simple machines, con- humans and Greys virtually any skill. In this manner, Greys are
sisting of a simple computer, a special telepathic lens, and a taught how to operate psychotrons and other terrestrial tech-
psychotronic battery. The device allows any Grey to store a nology, and humans are trained in the use of lenses and psibot
thought in the lens that can later be retrieved by any other Grey. operation. A records system psibot may teach any number of
individuals any skill programmed into it.
Records system psibots are the Grey’s equivalent of ter-
restrial computers. As such, they range from small Weight: Varies; Diameter: Varies; Speed: None; AV:
portable units carried by D10(5); DC: 40-120;
Grey science teams, to Intelligence: 3;
large systems built Instruction: 3;
into bases or large Skills: Varies;
spaceships. The Charges: 36;
smaller models Duration: 18
are little more weeks
than storage
units, enabling a
Grey to maintain a
large storehouse of


off the east coast of Africa with a long way to go before it

SAURIAN HISTORY smashed against Asia. Australia was attached to Antarctica, far
away from the rest of the world.
Few know that humans were not the first sentient species to
rule the world. Tens of millions of years ago, another species Slowly the hot climate that had ruled the Earth for so long
thrived, building great cities, developing amazing technology, began to cool. The seas began to recede. Flowering plants
amassing vast empires, and exploring space. They unlocked the added to the beauty of the lush landscape dominated by
secrets of the universe and twisted nature to suit their needs. dinosaurs. Among these was a species of bipedal carnivores
Now, sixty-five million years later, the masters of Earth have unidentified by human paleontologists. It was these beings that
returned. For their own reasons, they remain in the shadows,
hiding their existence from mankind. They have chosen a few
human groups to work with, but even these allies do not know
their true origin or their true purpose.
The Saurian calendar is a product of the long dead
Viewing them as aliens like the Greys or Atlanteans, Aegis is Slavne-Col nation that prized trade and traveled over
both right and wrong. Although the Saurians have journeyed to much of the inhabited world. Although the Slavne-Col civ-
Earth from space, Terra is their original home. More important- ilization eventually collapsed, many of its trading partners
ly, Earth is their only home, for they have nowhere else to go. survived and adopted the calendar that was still in use at
the time of the Exodus. The calendar dates from the found-
ing of Jolil, the first city. Year one of the calendar starts
EARTH AS IT WAS 65,009,347 B.C., or about 8,000 years before the Exodus.
In the time of the Saurians, Earth was a very different place. The years before are known as the Time of Ignorance.
North America and Europe were still linked by a land bridge Dates in the Time of Ignorance are counted backwards
that would eventually become Greenland. Africa and Europe from Year One, just as humans do with the B.C. calendar.
were closer together. South America had begun to pull away Throughout the rest of this history, Slavne-Col dating con-
from Africa, but the distance between the two continents was ventions are used, with dates of the Slavne-Col era simply
but a fraction of what it is today. The link between South and having numbers, and dates from the Time of Ignorance
North America had not yet formed; the latter ended just south referred to as T.I. (for example, 233 T.I.).
of modern day Mexico. The Indian subcontinent was an island

1 2 3 4
would make that crucial evolutionary leap from pack hunters to
sentient tool users. Over 65 million years ago, the Saurians
were born. Living in the highlands and mountains, the Saurians quickly
learned to shape and work the rock around them to build walls
to keep out predators, and weapons to kill prey. The leap from
stone to metal took place independently around the world in
DIFFERENTIATION several different locations, offering stronger tools and deadlier
Saurians began life as bipedal carnivores, hunting in packs. weapons. During the long Saurian Iron Age, the properties of
The species evolved, learning to use tools, build shelter, and magnetic ore was discovered by a people called the Plascari.
create social groups. As they fought their way to sentience, Magnetism itself was not particularly useful until one inventive
complex societies were formed. From about 10,000 to 3500 T.I., Plascarian discovered what happens when you spin a magnet
the Saurians spread over the face of the planet, gathering in within a coil of copper: electricity.
small tribes to defend against the predators that shared the
Plascarian experiments with electricity were pursued with
countryside with them. By 3500 T.I., Saurian tribes could be
the kind of fervor and dedication that is a cultural trademark of
found in nearly every region of the planet, although much high-
the Saurians, inventing primitive electric generators and even
er concentrations settled nearest the equator. These groups
chemical batteries. They used these ancient power plants in dis-
hunted in packs, following the game herds as they migrated.
parate tasks from starting fires to electrifying fences and
Being carnivores, the idea of planting and growing crops did
weapons to treating illness. Long before they had learned that
not come until much, much later (long after the founding of
the Earth was round or discovered the arch, column, or gear,
cities). Even then, crops were only used to feed domesticated
the Saurians were experimenting with electricity. Nor was this
herbivores that would in turn feed the Saurians. A steady sup-
discovery limited to the Plascari. When the unfortunate discov-
ply of food was ensured, but Saurians did not develop a taste
erers of electricity were attacked and subdued by a neighboring
for bread as humans did.
tribe, their discovery began to spread. By harnessing geother-
Around the world different groups came together and built mal heat, flowing water, and natural gas as the main sources of
towns that became centers of religious and social life and hubs power, electrical plants soon appeared all over the planet. By
for trade of manufactured goods. These cities grew slowly at the year 1700, simple electrical devices were common, even in
first, as they were located in hilly or mountainous regions. places that had no written language.
Protection from the predatory dinosaurs that scoured the jun-
gles below was more important than growth.
Over the next four and a half thousand years, Saurian cul-
tures around the world grew, developed, peaked, and col-
Another development at this time was the emergence of
lapsed, each leaving their mark on those that succeeded them.
animal husbandry. The raising of animals for meat was the
They discovered the value of trade, the problems of inter-cul-
first priority in many societies, but they soon found that
tural communication, and the horror of war. Having devel-
dinosaurs could be used as beasts of burden and as mounts to
oped in so many disparate lands, Saurian culture was varied,
aid in travel. Harnesses dotted with electrodes and attached to
not only in language and religion, but in world outlook, and
large chemical batteries allowed the owner to administer
fundamental patterns of behavior. Usually the confusion from
shocks to train and control the creatures whenever the beast
the collision of culture resulted in war. Ironically these wars
misbehaved. The Saurians soon learned which were the more
led to more intercultural penetration than any trading could
intelligent beasts and which were only suitable for portage or
have accomplished.
food supplies.
One thing these cultures had in common was a strong
Over the centuries, many species of dinosaur learned the
respect for the land. The Earth of the Saurians was a far more
basics of domestication. The beasts were used in trading cara-
volatile place. Tectonic shifting produced earthquakes on a reg-
vans to carry large amounts of goods over great distances. In
ular basis, natural predators were enormous and fearsome, and
warfare, they carried soldiers into battle, sprinted around
even the foliage offered challenges. Respect for the Earth
enemy concentrations in flanking maneuvers, and were
played an important role in early Saurian religion and philoso-
released on their own to run amok through the enemy lines.
phy. To desecrate or destroy the land was to make it angry. In
Some smaller creatures were trained to act as guards to warn
later years, when the Saurians became industrialized, the
against intruders. In later centuries, the Saurians, particularly
Saurians preferred to harm their environment as little as possi-
the industrious Thurn, would come to use these domesticated
ble with their creations.
animals in experiments and biological tests.


As the Saurians are carnivorous, it wasn’t until their 4th millenni-
um that widespread use of plant-based drugs and medicines
occurred. After writing a book on the feeding and care of domestic
animals, a scientist named Goedral discovered a variety of plants that
alleviated pain, produced hallucinogenic effects, and even helped
cure certain types of sickness. He quickly changed subjects for his
book and published a monumental work on his discoveries. It was
eventually translated into several different languages and expanded
upon by other researchers. Thus, in a few short decades, much of the
civilized world began to use drugs for all sorts of problems.
One of the most common uses was controlling the strong emo-
tional cycles that plagued all Saurians. It was found that certain com-
binations of herbs brewed together produced a leveling effect,
smoothing out the bio-chemical mood swings that had ruled Saurian
existence. The drug left the user slightly foggy in the mind as it also
dulled those emotions that gave the Saurians their clarity of thought
and concentration during times of crisis. However, since most of the
Saurians had settled into an urban existence of some sort by this time,
use of the calming drug spread. Over the centuries, the brew was
refined down to its basic elements and turned into concentrated
serum that could be ingested or injected. The drug is still used to this
day, and most side effects have been eliminated.

Given their carnivorous nature and the lack of plentiful game
in their natural terrain, Saurian tribes had to keep their numbers
as small as possible to prevent starvation. Combined with inter-
tribal wars and regular deaths due to predators and disease, the
Saurian population remained low, even after Saurian technology
advanced. At their height, the greatest of the ancient Slavne-Col
cities had populations no higher than 100,000. At the zenith of
Saurian civilization, the largest Gna-Tall metropolis claimed pop-
ulations under one million. This significantly decreased the
impact of the Saurians on the surrounding terrain and ecosys-
tems, and was consistent with their reverence of the Earth.


Having no need or desire for clothing, Saurians still wished to
make themselves more aesthetically pleasing and to set each individ-
ual apart. From ancient times, the Saurians wore jewelry, usually
made from rocks, crystals, or the bones of dead prey. This lead to dec-
orative piercing, ritual scarification, and branding. Different cultures
or castes underwent certain types of piercing or even electrical brand-
ing to show their place in society. Although racially all Saurians look
similar (there is no wide variation in natural pigmentation or build),
for over 8000 years one nationality could be discerned from another
by the way they decorated their bodies.
With the discovery of medicinal plants came the revolution-
ary discovery of tattooing. Plants were found that could be used
to create dyes that would color the skin for weeks at a time. Earth saw the rise and fall of hundreds of Saurian tribes,
Soon tattoos, using a needle to insert the dye under the skin, clans, and nations over the first 7000 years of their recorded
were added to the Saurian repertoire. This lead to even greater history. These lost civilizations are of little importance, for it was
differentiation among family and cultural groups, with many not until technological evolution had reached the age of indus-
societies tattooing their children at birth to mark their heritage. trialization that the Great Nations of ancient Earth began to
emerge. These Great Nations were defined by their ability to
conquer and control vast amounts of territory, thanks to
advances in military, transportation, and communications tech-
LIVING SPACE nology. The Great Nations brought the Saurians into the Space
By the year 6000, Saurians had powerful metal and electri- Age and the Great War. Ultimately, these nations brought on
cal weapons, animal servants, and drugs and medicines to the Exodus and the great apocalypse that destroyed all of
improve their quality of life. They dreamed of leaving their Saurian society on Earth.
protective hills and mountains, abandoning their stone
citadels for the lusher plains and forests. A few cultures had
long ago made this move, but these were usually low-tech
nomads who lived in constant fear of predators. The techno-
Over the course of their long history, the Saurians have
logically advanced civilizations were now ready to visit the
developed countless languages and alphabets. While the
lowlands on their own terms.
great Thurn traders helped spread certain concepts and
The transfer from the hills to the plains gave rise to a new words, no one Saurian language can be called universal.
Saurian city. The Saurians expanded their use of wood when Thus, there is no common term for Earth, Saurian, or other
they came down from the hills. Not only was it easier to work, ideas. Where a particular idea was labeled by one culture,
but the material was naturally warmer than stone. One of the the text will use that culture's term. Otherwise, a more
first groups to build cities in the plains was the Thurn, a young generic English-language term is used.
nation of innovators and iconoclasts that had recently won its
freedom from an oppressive dictatorship. The Thurn made their
homes among the forests, building their homes into the trees
themselves, living in harmony with nature. Only industrial
buildings were built from stone and metal, and then only when
While the wheel had been invented in ancient times, the
they had to be. These cities were well defended with the latest
Saurians’ mountainous ancestral homelands rendered it nearly
in electrical weaponry. Strung throughout the surrounding for-
useless. Huge domesticated dinosaurs were capable of carrying as
est were electrified wires and snares that would capture or
much as any cart and were much more versatile. That all changed,
drive off any dangerous predators who wandered too close.
however, when one of the Saurians’ oldest technologies — mag-
These defenses were in turn bolstered by specially trained
netism — was applied to the problem of transportation.
guards armed with “lightning guns,” bulky cannon-like
weapons that fired metal spears with conducting wires attached In 6603, the first magnetic hover vehicle took flight. Although
to them. The troops were the finest in the land, for only the best the machine only lifted a few feet off the ground, and took five
were trusted with weapons that could ignite the precious wood- minutes to travel a hundred feet, in the next hundred years, the
en surroundings. technology was refined and copied in all the great centers of
Saurian culture. By 6800 magnetic/anti-grav fliers were com-
By 6500, the Thurn model had spread across the globe.
monplace on the planet, trekking across hostile terrain and sail-
Because much of the Saurian population came to live in more
ing unfriendly waters easily. The idea of traveling a thousand or
accessible regions, trade increased significantly. Over the last
more miles in a single day became the norm, whether the trav-
half of the seventh millennium, a vast trading network linked
elers were engaged in trade or warfare.
the planet, helped by new technological developments such as
self-driven vehicles and electrical communications. Even as the At roughly the same time, Saurian communications
Saurians reached out towards a global society, their cities advanced. They had long been aware of the electromagnetic
remained modest by modern standards. Family groups still signals thrown off by their electronic devices, but they finally
lived in wooden homes, often built into the trees themselves. discovered a use for them. The broadcasting of radio waves
Even centers of government and industry were simple wooden actually pre-dated the discovery of electromagnetic hover vehi-
structures. The average city had a population of no more than cles by a few decades, first appearing in 6579. However, it was
100,000, and even the giant urban centers seldom reached not widely used until half a century later when scientists among
over 500,000. the Oterai first began communicating between outposts. By
6700, wireless communications were a common feature of
every advanced culture on Earth. The task of running and main-


taining long distance communications wires over the rough and Saurian saw an end to most of the killing. In fact, the period
dinosaur-ridden terrain was prohibitively expensive. Instead, lasted long enough that everyone forgot just how nasty things
most nations set up networks of relay towers to convey signals had been.
across long distances. These stations were much easier to main-
tain and defend.
While others around the planet worked with communica- BODY AS CLAY
tions and travel techniques, one race, the Kath-Yal, experiment- Although the practice of bodyshaping became common long
ed with a new and dangerous element: plasma. The Kath-Yal after the Age of Great Nations came into being, it is important to
Hegemon in 6850 saw the great destructive potential of plasma mention it now, before the individual nations are reviewed.
and poured massive funds into research programs. Saurian science had always concentrated on energy fields and
By 6980, plasma-driven hover vehicles were becoming a the relationship between energy and matter. In the early 7500s,
common sight as vehicle manufacturers competed for speed Saurian scientists in the Te-Mulys nation made a startling break-
and efficiency. In the nation of Brinal, a group of engineers through, discovering that it was possible to transform matter into
worked on a way to focus a plasma jet using electromagnetic energy and then back into matter. Although it ultimately cost
fields. The surprising result was that the device could actually them their lives, the scientists disseminated this breakthrough
project a plasma ball over a long distance at high speed. before the Te-Mulys authorities could secure it completely. Soon,
Although useless as a drive, the device’s implications as a scientists everywhere began to explore the implications of this
weapon were obvious. More powerful than the lightning can- new technology. In 7569, a team of Thurn researchers unveiled
nons that had become dominant in advanced military forces, the first commercially viable matter/energy translation device.
plasma weapons were eventually copied and refined to the This amazing technology had profound effects throughout
powerful hand-held and ship-mounted munitions used by Saurian society. Although an energy intensive process, it made
Saurians to this day. it possible to manufacture high-tech items at a fraction of their
former cost. More significant was the dramatic change the tech-
CENTURY OF WARFARE nology brought to the Saurians themselves. The refinement of
The Saurians now had the tools they needed to dream of liv- matter/energy conversion technology allowed each Saurian
ing beyond their small boundaries. The more advanced nations nation to take their particular body alteration or decoration
began preying on their less capable brethren. In the year 7000, practices one step further. Body morphing was first used by the
approximately five hundred distinct Saurian nations covered Croll to rebuild dinosaurs into more useful forms. There were
the Earth. A hundred and fifty years later, twenty large nations many tragic missteps along the way, but after a decade of
controlled ninety percent of the planet and the smaller nations experimentation, the process was refined to the point where it
lived in fear of their larger neighbors. had less than a one percent failure rate (for non-brain modifi-
This became known as the Century of Warfare, and it was cations). Saurians soon began using body morphing en mass.
the first time Saurians began fighting one another on a massive, With body morphing, a Saurian’s natural attributes could
worldwide scale. Many cultures vanished under the feet of con- be molded into new and more useful forms. Soldiers could
quering armies—superior technology laid waste to less have their natural physical state enhanced beyond the levels
advanced peoples and the new masters quashed any remnants produced by even the most rigorous training regimen.
of the primitives. No Saurian nation desired to simply rule over Important castes or classes could be made readily apparent.
the natives of the lands they conquered; they intended to fully In some lands, laws were passed mandating certain body
subdue and integrate them, and they were largely successful. changes for individuals.
It is estimated that the Century of Warfare killed nearly fifty Mating between those with radical new forms gave rise to a
million Saurians, either during battle or through the ethnic greater number of birth defects. As a result, many Saurians
cleansing policies of the conquering nations. In the space of a changed to a more natural form during mating and pregnancy.
century, primitive regions were brought up to speed and outfit- Although this did not seem to alter the higher birth defect per-
ted with the latest in communications, industry, drugs, and centages, the practice continued. Further, the Saurians were
eventually weapons. Once again, the evolution of Saurian soci- altered back immediately after laying their eggs, and the hatch-
ety preserved the natural resources of the Earth. If the whole of ling were transformed into something that only scarcely resem-
Saurian society had grown to maturity in a more natural, organ- bled their original form within a few weeks.
ic manner, instead of having advanced technology thrust upon The process was not a pleasant one. Even the simplest trans-
them, a great deal more environmental degradation would formation took many hours, and resulted in a great deal of
have occurred. pain. Further, brain shape or capacity modifications proved
The two hundred years after the Century of War were a time impossible. Nevertheless, body morphing had become the
of consolidation and détente. While an occasional border skir- norm for most of Earth by the time of the Exodus.
mish, and several cold wars were played out, the average

1 2 3 4

headed a rigid caste system, a way of thinking common among

THE EIGHT Saurian societies that fulfilled the Saurian natural desire for
Of the twenty powers that rose to prominence in the Century safety and security—everyone in their place, doing what was
of Warfare, eight stand out as truly significant to the later course expected of them. A Brinali was born, raised, and died in their
of Saurian history. This is not to belittle the power or impor- particular social place. There was no class movement upward,
tance of the other large nations, but the actions of these eight and only the most drastic circumstances brought a family down.
directly lead to the Exodus.
All that changed when the Century of Warfare began. The
Brinal lower castes endured the worst and soon revolution
AKERANG appeared the least of all evils. As enemies came from every
The Akerang ruled much of the area that would become side, the monarchy collapsed. A new system based on the
California, Mexico, and Central America. The Akerang first Oterai republic arose, but the caste structure was too ingrained.
established themselves as a separate community in 5691 under Now, each caste was given an equal part in the governing of the
the leadership of a charismatic soldier named Akaarl. The orig- state. The members of each caste elected representatives who
inal followers of Akaarl were refugees and nomads uprooted in turn chose the leaders for the entire nation. The system
during a series of minor wars that had raged in the South served the Brinal well up until the time of the Exodus.
American continent for several decades. Akaarl gathered these
lost individuals and lead them north, establishing a community The new Brinali government made sure that everyone had a
in the modern day Yucatan. Dictator Akaarl’s small settlement fair and equal lot in life. The Brinal outlawed any kind of dis-
eventually flourished into a thriving port city. paraging communication or writing that seemed to prejudice
one caste over another. Property and profits now belonged to
Akaarl felt that individuals should be judged on their current the state, which doled them out equally to all. Far from resent-
achievements and contributions rather than their past and fam- ing this authoritarian restriction on rights and freedoms, the
ily. He decreed that his successor would always be chosen by Brinal at large fully supported it. Having lived in a rigid caste
the people at large. In truth, however, he chose his own suc- system for ages, they were not unwilling to work hard and do
cessor as absolute ruler of Akerang, and this was the trend for their part for the greater good. They felt that they had reached
several hundred years. Later a Council of Acts was created to the perfect society and that, as long as no one tried to disrupt
temper the absolute ruler, giving rise to a more balanced form their way of life, they could live peacefully with the rest of the
of government. To the time of the Exodus, Akaarl’s merit-based world. Of course, in the end, that proved a false hope.
philosophy remained strong in the Akerang.
Under the monarchy, Brinali citizens experimented with a
When the Century of Warfare came, the Akerang were wide variety of body morphing, although nothing as radical as
already on the offensive. They had, for several centuries, the Croll or Kath-Yal. Body morphing became part of high fash-
expanded their domain to include much of the southern shore ion for the royals and nobles. Once the new Brinali government
of what would become North America. However, Akerangi gen- assumed power, this trapping of the upper classes was declared
erals were so busy competing with one another for the greater illegal. All castes were allowed to develop their own special form,
share of glory that they failed to work in concert and had a hard based on a central model dictated by the government as a whole.
time holding onto their territory. The basic form varied little from the natural Saurian form.
The Akerang adopted body morphing technology, although
they did not take it to extreme lengths. It become common for
Akerang to morph themselves according to the fashions set by
The mountains of modern Europe were among the most
current leaders. heavily contested regions of the Earth in the early days of
Saurian development. Hundreds of tribes lived in this region,
BRINAL fighting constantly. Over the millennia, the number of different
Based in the heart of the African continent, the Brinal ruled tribes declined but the feuding did not. By the industrial age,
a vast empire that stretched from ocean to ocean. In many fifty different nations or conglomerations held onto small pock-
ways, the Brinal peaked too soon—their empire reached its ets of territory. One of these was Croll, a union of five small
height in the 5500s and slowly became corrupt and weak as the cities in the foothills of what would become southern Europe.
Century of Warfare approached. Even in its decline, however, The Croll prospered by hiring themselves out as mercenaries to
the Brinal remained a vibrant society with a strong economy fight other people’s wars. In return for the latest military tech-
and an inventive and productive scientific community. Indeed, nology and food for their families, the Croll fought fiercely and
it was the latter that saved the Brinal as a race, devising cheap to the death.
and effective plasma weapons when the Brinali army needed At the dawn of the Century of War, the Croll villages had
them most. grown into a large, modern city and several smaller communi-
For centuries, the Brinal were ruled by a powerful, central ties. Slaves, captured during the wars, worked to keep the city
monarchy claiming descendants back to the mythical past. They running while the Croll themselves either trained for war or


lived in luxury off the spoils of battle. It was then that the mitted rulers set aside their differences and ultimately formed a
Council of Generals devised a new vision for the Croll. The time single state; the new Hierophant declared martial law and
had come to shed the role of mercenary and take on the man- mobilized the entire of his people. This combined force was
tle of conqueror. The Croll offensive marked the beginning of indeed powerful and the Gna-Tall soon retook their lost
the Century of War. A hundred years later, the Croll controlled provinces and began to expand, taking over most of modern
all of southern Europe. The Council of Generals wanted to con- day southern China, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. By the
tinue the fight, but the rest of the Croll, masters and slaves alike, end of the Century of Warfare, the Hierophant sat atop a vast
had a different idea. The army was tired of fighting and when empire that appealed to the ingrained Saurian need for safety
the Council called for another conscription, no one came. in numbers.
Instead, they ousted the generals and set up a new government. Every family was expected to contribute to society. The fam-
The new Council of Epors was made up of a group of the most ily leader would assure that the new children were raised
respected Croll in the land. Most, of course, were military lead- according to the needs of the strict caste system. When body
ers, but these were generally more moderate. War became one morphing technology came into existence, the Lord would even
of a number of options, not the first and last. make small alterations to the youth to ensure their body type
Body morphing technology was embraced by the fighting matched their future life’s work. Every family was expected to
Croll, leading them to create a new and better body type. The have at least one member in each caste, thus assuring that
upper torso of the Croll remained much like the normal Saurian every group contributed to every aspect of society. Deviation
form, although its arms were lengthened somewhat, and the from one’s assigned place in society was a grave crime.
overall muscle mass increased. The torso itself was attached to The Hierophant was the absolute ruler of the Gna-Tall.
a four-legged body that averages six feet in length. Each of the Religious tradition maintained that the Hierophant was so
legs was very muscular and ended in sharp claws. The Croll’s enlightened and in touch with the needs and desires of Nature
tail was entirely removed, and all of the skin became much that he or she could actually communicate with the Earth. The
coarser and more damage resistant than the normal Saurian Hierophant ruled from the capitol city of Gna-Tall through a net-
hide. A running Croll could achieve speeds comparable to a rhi- work of governor-priests who controlled the individual territories.
noceros and was just about as hard to stop. This radical new
form stunned more traditional Saurians, but it gave the Croll a The Gna-Tall religion was constantly trying to convert unbe-
clear national bond and served their military creed well. lievers. They gained many converts across the planet, opening
churches and small Gna-Tall enclaves within several countries.
For some foreign governments, this was a threatening move,
GNA-TALL and the Gna-Tall religion was banned. Such actions enraged the
In the jungles of southeast Asia, a small conglomeration of
Hierophant and the priest caste. An offending nation was imme-
Saurian communities were united by a common religion. They
diately declared an enemy of the State and all ties were severed.
worshiped Nature as a primal force and respected it in their
rites and rituals. Founded in 5726, the religion of Gna-Tall Although familiar with body morphing technology, the Gna-
(roughly translated as “Devouring Earth”) taught that the Tall did not make great use of it. The priest class did allow some
Saurians were the rightful stewards of Nature and that it was improvement on the basic Saurian form but they placed restric-
their sacred duty to tend to Nature’s needs. The creed became tions on how much the natural form could be altered. Overall, the
popular and spread to hundreds of small Saurian communities. Gna-Tall retained their basic and natural body forms. The Gna-Tall
The largest was a small city in southern China that came to be generally looked upon those Saurians who made radical changes
the center of the Gna-Tall religion. In 6200, the city officially to their form as disgusting, immoral, and blasphemous.
changed its name to Gna-Tall, erasing all records of the former
name and function of the community. KATH-YAL
The region became a commonwealth of independent states Sixty-five million years ago, an island lay to the east of what
with trade agreements and mutual defense pacts, all based on would become the Indian sub-continent. Saurian settlers from
the common religion. As a group, the various states were an the African main land made the rough sea voyage to the island
economic powerhouse and could trade for advanced technolo- around 2000, building several communities that prospered into
gy from other nations, sharing ideas and making great full-fledged nations. The peoples of this isle shared cultural fea-
advances in the fields of physics and applied engineering. tures such as language, family groupings, and political organi-
zation. The fertile female was the center of the family group and
The Gna-Tall lived in relative peace until the Century of its leader. She would typically have between two and five mates
Warfare began. Although unified, they were independent states who would tend to her and help raise the children after they
and not ready to battle the larger powers. After several states hatched. Once the female’s fertile years were past, she would
were conquered, the remaining Gna-Tall rallied behind their withdraw from the family, and live among other older women,
religious leaders and a series of mutual defense treaties all but serving as an informal, but widely respected, advisory commit-
merged the many into one. A group of charismatic and com- tee for the community.

1 2 3 4
By the year 6700, thirty large family groups had extended Saurians were differentiated based on their pack rather than
their influence over the entire island, effectively forming a noble their place in society. Typical alterations included the addition of
class. When the Century of War arose and the savage Conar horns or crests, modified eyes, changes in skin coloration and
descended on the land, the various communities united against texture, and adjustments to the tail’s length or width. While
the outside threat. In an unusual display of harmony that many of the changes were slight, no Saurian could advance far
proved crucial to their eventual survival, they were able to in Oterai society without a keen eye for pack distinctions. A
agree on a common ruler, a Hegemon. With the added form a heraldry became compulsory education for all.
resources from their weaker neighbors, the Kath-Yal were able
to exterminate the Conar, and even make a foothold for them-
selves on the African continent. They weathered the rest of the
As the Brinal Empire crumbled, some of its provinces were
century and were in a prime position to become a leading swallowed up by greedy neighbors. Others tried to break away
power in the years leading up to the Exodus. and maintain their independence. Te-Mulys was the southern-
The Kath-Yal had always decorated their bodies according to most province of the Brinal Empire, and was one of the last to
the traditions of their individual family groups. Body-morphing break away. The ousted Brinali monarch caste fled to Te-Mulys
allowed them to take this process a step further. At first, modifi- and declared the region an independent, loyalist state.
cations to the basic Saurian form were relatively minor: horns, The Te-Mulys monarchy was no more than a mouthpiece for
crests, clubbed tails, and so on. Later however, as the technolo- the soldier caste that had put them in power. At the very end of
gy advanced, more radical changes were instituted. One of the the Century of War, the Te-Mulys kingdom had taken over sig-
most common was the addition of another pair of arms. These nificant amounts of territory, expanding to the southern tip of
arms were slightly smaller than the normal Saurian limbs, had the continent. The conquerors enslaved all that fell to them and
five fingers instead of three, and were perfect for fine manipula- divided their lands among the families of the soldiers, creating
tion. The larger arms were also altered, becoming more muscu- a group of landed aristocrats. The Te-Mulys had a ruling popu-
lar and powerful at the expense of fine motor control. The four- lation of approximately one million and a slave population at
armed alteration became popular among the Kath-Yal, and by least ten times that.
the time of the Exodus, it was common among the population.
In a bloodless coup, the newly empowered families over-
threw the old Brinali monarchy and established an elective gov-
OTERAI ernment based on the Oterai model. Each family elected repre-
The Oterai had the longest continuous history of any of the sentatives to an assembly that chose the head of state. In order
eight nations involved in the Exodus, stretching back to the to prevent one family from assuming too much power, the term
days when they were a protectorate of the Slavne-Col in the of the Ruler was limited to one year. Furthermore, a member of
first millennium. The first Oterai settlement occupied a small each family had to be elected to the highest office before any
hill in modern day Montana where the people had gathered other family could hold that office again. The Te-Mulys had
for protection against the hostile world. The settlement was formed an egalitarian oligarchy; all the upper classes were
simply a collection of different hunting packs, each composed equal, but the majority of the population remained enslaved.
of a handful of family groups. The first rulers of the Oterai
were those individual Saurian packs who were strong enough Although many Saurian societies kept slaves, none depend-
to command or compel the loyalty of those around them. This ed on them or treated them as poorly as did the Te-Mulys. This
set the tone for future government among the Oterai: the treatment worsened with the development of body morphing
strongest pack would rule, although what defined strongest technology. Slaves became the raw material for creating all
would change with time. manner of specialized workers. The Te-Mulys combined body
morphing with drug and gene therapy to produce new breeds
This evolved into a form of feudalism, with the packs form- of slaves who never experienced an inkling of free will. Within
ing a hierarchy of power and responsibility. From their lands two generations, the slave population could no longer be rec-
near the Rocky Mountains, the Oterai expanded to encompass ognized as Saurian, either physically or mentally. Some had
much of the American heartland, and the newly conquered their legs removed and were turned into simple drones, capa-
Saurians integrated into the existing packs. The Oterai num- ble only of sitting at their station. A class of soldiers were
bers swelled to several million, with each person’s place made entirely pliant to orders while their bodies were tough-
marked in society. ened and protected by the addition of a hard shell carapace.
The new model Oterai government proved popular among Workers had their limbs formed into tools of various sorts,
many other Saurian societies during the Century of Warfare, from shovels to shears to sawblades. When the Exodus came,
with seven other great powers adopting systems similar to the the Te-Mulys took many of their slaves with them, including
Oterai, including the Te-Mulys and the Brinal. specially designed beings that could survive and work better
The Oterai avoided massive alterations to the basic Saurian in low gravity environments.
form, confining their changes to the cosmetic. In Oterai society,


Thurn foreign policy was aggressive but not imperialistic. The

THURN Thurn were satisfied with their physical borders. They sought
For centuries, Thurn was a small trading town in modern day
northern India—at that time a coastland area. The Thurn prized new markets for their goods and new avenues of influence
inventiveness and scientific research was an honored and highly within the governments of other nations. They had a reputation
valued endeavor. They were also great travelers and established as meddlers, but the high quality of their technical and trade
commercial links with other communities throughout central and goods encouraged most countries to put up with their annoy-
southern Asia, the Indian island, and the east coast of Africa. ance. The Thurn kept a small but highly trained and well-
When the Century of Warfare came, the Thurn were armed with equipped army for self-defense purposes. Most of their tax
the latest weapons and equipment, quickly expanding the medi- money was spent funding scientific research, the dividends of
um-sized trading city into the capitol of a vast empire. which fell to the wealthy who controlled the Assembly. The
result was one of the highest technological levels in the world,
Although their society is based around family groups, the particularly in applied biology and theoretical physics.
Thurn were among the first to completely give up natural con-
ception in favor of artificial insemination. Family matches were The Thurn were among the premiere promoters of body
made for purposes of eugenics rather than affection or other morphing technology. They made some basic refinements on
social reasons. Often families were made up of more than two the natural Saurian form that became standard throughout
parents, with genetic material from several different fathers or society. The basic Thurn was bipedal with strong but slender
mothers spliced together to create a better child. arms and legs, each ending in five fingers or toes. The hands
themselves had three normal fingers and two opposing
Personal wealth was very important in Thurn culture, and the thumbs. The normal Saurian tail was refined to a thin, snake-
children inherited from the parents under most circumstances. like appendage, usually 6 feet in length and prehensile. The
For this reason, the child raising process involved a great deal head was smooth and delicate, with none of the bony ridges or
of indoctrination in the responsibilities of their class and pro- horns found in other species. The eyes were forward-looking
fession as well as loyalty to the family. and resembled those of an iguana, but were able to look bi-
The Thurn government was a plutocracy: wealth and assets optically forward or in two distinct directions at once. The skin
dictated who ruled. A ruling Assembly elected a Master of the was quite smooth and usually had enhanced pigmentation
House who acted as the nation’s chief executive. spectrums, allowing the Thurn to communicate with a wide
Representatives to the Assembly were chosen by a weighted array of colors and patterns.
voting system. The Thurn believed that the more a person The Thurn also practiced a great deal of recreational and
owned, the more he had at stake and thus the more votes he temporary body morphing. While the morphing process
should possess. A very strict Code of Worth determined how remained painful, many used it so that they could have wings
many votes an individual could cast based on property, the per- for a month or breathe under water on their next vacation. Any
ceived importance of one’s job, and other forms of wealth. At imaginable form could be found somewhere among the Thurn,
the bottom of the Code were the slaves who got no votes. At the though the fashion conscious Thurn seldom took on a form
upper end were those massively wealthy Thurn who each had characteristic of one of the other Saurian nations.
over fifty thousand votes. A late reform in the Code allowed cor-
porations and coalitions to enter the political arena as well.
1 2 3 4
metal needed to create a station of the size desired by Creosa
APOCALYPSE would have been massive and expensive. Instead the Gna-Tall
By the year 7923, the period of great expansion was remem- engineers came up with another plan.
bered as distant history. After four hundred years of use, body
It took years of labor, a great deal of money (paid for in no
morphing technology was an every day fact of life and the var-
small part by the contributions of converts in foreign lands) and
ious peoples were less and less alike. Although the Saurians
many lives lost, but the Gna-Tall technicians succeeded. Moving
enjoyed the advantages of a global economy, they were mov-
a six-mile oblong asteroid from the asteroid belt to Earth, they
ing further and further from a global society, unwilling to
created a new, smaller moon positioned directly above the
understand their neighbors and trading partners.
equator. The Gna-Tall spent the next ten years hollowing out
Meanwhile, the Saurians began to reach out into the solar miles of tunnels and underground chambers while building
system. Despite their love of the land, low orbit aircraft were landing and hangar facilities on the surface. Soon the great
a common method of traveling great distances, and an exten- Cathedral was finished—the ultimate symbol of the power and
sive satellite network was used for both communications and glory of Creosa and the Gna-Tall religion. Its mere presence
weather. The development of fusion power in the mid-7500s inspired tearful awe in believers, and many visiting nonbeliev-
allowed for cheaper and more reliable spacecraft. Several ers converted on the spot.
nations, primarily the Gna-Tall and the Te-Mulys, set up bases
Although all Saurians had a deep respect for the Earth, the
on the moon for the purposes of mining valuable ores. The
Gna-Tall did not speak for them all. One of the most fervent
Gna-Tall preferred to take resources from space rather than
opponents were the Te-Mulys. The Gna-Tall had declared the
the Earth and the Te-Mulys made the process economical by
Te-Mulys one of the most blasphemous regimes on the planet
using slave labor.
because of the way they treated their slaves. The Te-Mulys
Other nations sent voyages deeper into space. The Thurn responded by outlawing the Gna-Tall religion within their bor-
and Oterai managed to establish small scientific outposts on ders, imposing a penalty of permanent exile for those who vio-
Mars and in the asteroid belt and sent exploratory craft to lated that law. The Gna-Tall refused to honor this law, and con-
Jupiter and Saturn. It was not cost effective to set up permanent tinued to insinuate their missionaries into Te-Mulys territory.
colonies on these outer worlds, however, and few Saurians The Hierophant would not be dissuaded from her policy of con-
found the idea appealing. Earth was far from crowded (the total version, even if it meant making powerful enemies.
Saurian population was about 500 million) and space was a
In 7935, two nations on the Gna-Tall border, the Thassun and
harsh environment. The moon bases supported only a few hun-
the Dephial, succumbed to religious pressures and had their
dred workers and were mostly automated. As yet, no one had
governments overthrown in bloody coups. Although nominally
seen the military value of establishing such bases in space.
independent, the new governments were based on the Gna-Tall
model and pledged loyalty to the Hierophant of the Gna-Tall.
THE DEVOURING EARTH This development worried much of the rest of the world.
The year 7923 marked the ascendance of a new Hierophant Suddenly the Gna-Tall sphere of influence was expanding,
in the nation of Gna-Tall, named Creosa. She was one of the upsetting the delicate balance that had existed since the close
most ambitious Saurians to ever hold the office. While every of the Century of Warfare. In 7940, the large nation of Quncul
Gna-Tall Hierophant claimed to be in contact with the Earth on in North America also converted to the Gna-Tall religion (after
some spiritual level, Creosa seemed to have actual conversa- its monarchy was hacked to death in the streets). This gave the
tions with some Earth spirit on a regular basis. She spent sever- Gna-Tall theocracy a powerful nation on the other side of the
al hours each day holding court during which she would chan- world. As fears grew, the Gna-Tall insurgents continued to rise
nel the Earth spirit under a trance. From Creosa’s translations, in every nation. Many felt that, without concerted action, the
the spirit was angry and ambitious, demanding the highest lev- Gna-Tall would ultimately rule the entire Earth.
els of religious fervor from all. The new Hierophant made even
greater demands on her people. The Gna-Tall would care for all In fact, the Saurian nations overreacted to the Gna-Tall’s
the Earth’s land, not just their own, even if that meant taking the rapid rise. The three powers that had succumbed to the
land away from those who currently lived on it. Devouring Earth were among the least stable on Earth. Even
though the Gna-Tall had missionaries everywhere, most
Creosa’s reign began with a massive increase in Gna-Tall Saurian cultures were just so different from the Gna-Tall that
evangelists in all the nations of the Earth. Naturally, the Gna-Tall beliefs could never take hold with the greater popu-
Proclaimers of the Faith met with very mixed receptions. While lace. However, in the aftermath of the fall of Thassun, Dephial,
some were persecuted, many managed to set up some resident and Quncul, no one was thinking clearly. The Gna-Tall seemed
Gna-Tall communities in other nations, converting millions to to be everywhere.
the faith over the next ten years. It was during this time that
Creosa commissioned the construction of a large orbital facility
that would come to be known as the Cathedral. The amount of


other. Many saw this as an opportunity to once again expand

THE COALITION their influence. Some flocked to the Gna-Tall for religious rea-
In 7941, the Te-Mulys leaders began an extensive diplomatic
campaign against the Gna-Tall advance. They filled the heads of sons, others because they felt that the Gna-Tall were more like-
the other powerful states with alarming facts and figures, many ly to win. The Coalition against the Gna-Tall came to center
of them false or misstated to create panic among the other around seven major members: Akerang, Brinal, Croll, Kath-Yal,
nations. Yet, only one nation, the Croll, was willing to go so far Oterai, Te-Mulys, and the Thurn. Other nations joined but these
as to make a strategic alliance with the Te-Mulys. The rest, while made up the leadership of the Coalition and made all the
frightened, decided to wait and watch. strategic decisions.
The Croll and Te-Mulys then instituted wide-ranging espi- Saurian warfare was somewhat different from modern
onage and propaganda efforts. An international incident result- human warfare. Even though Saurian nations claimed vast
ed when the Te-Mulys Assembly changed the penalty for prac- amounts of territory, there was really very little within that ter-
ticing Gna-Tall religion from exile to death. They rounded up ritory worth fighting for. Most of the land remained untouched,
thousands of Gna-Tall worshippers and executed them in pub- and, since the advent of hover vehicles and flyers, even roads
lic. The Gna-Tall protested vehemently and called upon their were uncommon. Saurian populations were concentrated
loyal followers to punish the blaspheming Te-Mulys. A terrorist almost exclusively in and around cities. Given the long centuries
war erupted between the two states, prompting the Croll Epors of siege warfare and fending off giant predators, these cities
to join their allies in declaring the death of any Gna-Tall wor- were invariably well defended. In the end, war was mostly a
shipper found within Croll boundaries. Soon the terror war struggle of maneuver, trying to catch the enemy while they
spread to states publicly sympathetic to the Croll/Te-Mulys or were out in the open. Sieges still happened and when they did
Gna-Tall causes. they were terrifying. Often the city was leveled; everyone inside
killed or driven off. From 7946 to 7951, the war continued like
Fervent worshippers in other lands began to strike against this, with millions dying but little territory changing hands.
governments not entirely accepting of Gna-Tall beliefs and prac-
tices. For the most part, the Croll and Te-Mulys alliance benefit- The Gna-Tall continued to support the Devouring Earth mis-
ed from the spreading strife. First the Kath-Yal declared the sionaries. Those nations who had allied themselves with the
Gna-Tall anathema, ordering all to leave or face imprisonment. Gna-Tall found that its religion was taking hold within their
The Brinal and Oterai soon issued similar declarations. The five nations at an alarming rate. Already they had given over military
nations formed a powerful Coalition against the Gna-Tall and in command to the Hierophant, and soon they lost domestic influ-
7943, they organized a diplomatic mission to negotiate peace ence as well. By 7951, most of the Gna-Tall’s allies had become
with the Hierophant. The mission consisted of ambassadors its subjects, something that could never have happened if the
from fifteen different nations, including the five members of the Thurn had not started the shooting war. The Coalition was doing
anti-Gna-Tall Coalition. Shortly after entering Gna-Tall air space, much the same thing with its allies. Although they maintained
low orbit military craft launched from the Cathedral and more internal control, entire economies were given over to feed-
destroyed the ambassadorial craft, killing all the diplomats ing the Coalition war machine.
aboard. In fact, the pilots of those ships were operatives of a Space had also became a battleground as both sides fought
fanatic cabal of military leaders within the Coalition who, at for control of the moon’s resources. The Gna-Tall Cathedral
great risk and expense, had stolen the craft and launched the gave them a decided advantage once it was transformed into a
attack without the Hierophant’s or their own government’s military base. The Coalition retained the moon after the Te-
knowledge. While rumors and even some evidence of this espi- Mulys destroyed the Gna-Tall processing facilities. They rein-
onage coup were uncovered, the Te-Mulys propaganda ministry forced their own moon bases and prepared for the long war
successfully countered them. The resulting furor over the death ahead. The problem was getting the valuable lunar supplies
of so many important officials drew the rest of the world into past the Gna-Tall embargo around Earth. Gna-Tall interdictors
the Coalition camp. managed to capture or eliminate more than half of the ship-
The Thurn, greatly angered by the murder of their ambassa- ments between the moon and the Earth, despite the Coalition’s
dor, immediately joined the Coalition and signed mutual program to develop their stealth capacities. Space combat was
defense packs with all of the members. The ink was not even a relatively primitive affair for most of the war. There were no
dry when the Thurn armed forces launched an unsuspected large battleships or military cruisers; neither side had the time,
reprisal against the Gna-Tall, destroying several key religious resources, or inclination to develop such technology.
sites along the Gna-Tall border. By the end of 7951, it became obvious that the balance of
power had shifted to the Gna-Tall. Slowly the Coalition was los-
THE GREAT WAR ing ground and they were using all their forces to defend them-
selves, leaving little for effective counter attacks. As things
The years 7943 to 7945 saw the gradual escalation of what
would become known as the Great War. Neutrality was not an turned bad for them at home, the Coalition turned more and
option, as both sides forced nations to declare for one or the more towards outer space. Beyond Earth’s orbit the Gna-Tall

1 2 3 4

had practically no power, nor did they seem to have much Nearly the entire population was under arms or working to sup-
interest in expanding in that direction. The Thurn, facing heavy port the war machine. For the first time, migrating off-world
losses on Earth, shipped off planet, first to the moon and then seemed a pleasant alternative to living in fear of the plasma
later to bases on Mars and in the asteroid belt. Even military drops and missile barrages. By 7958, close to a million Saurians
manufacturing and training facilities began to move off planet from the Coalition had moved off planet. More than two million
as the Thurn found it harder and harder to defend such targets died trying to make their way through the Gna-Tall orbital
from Gna-Tall attacks. Other nations of the Coalition began to blockade. The colonies on the moon and Mars were filled
follow, and in 7953 the joint command was moved from the beyond capacity and living was hard. Matter/energy conversion
Croll capitol to a jointly maintained lunar base. technology allowed the synthesizing of food, water, and air as
For their part, the Gna-Tall did not attempt to stop the long as there were raw materials, but living in space was a psy-
Coalition forces fleeing the planet. They remained focused on chologically degrading life for the nature-loving Saurians.
the gains they were making on Earth. Their whole way of think- Back on Earth, the Gna-Tall closed in on the last of the
ing centered around the Earth and its needs. They felt that the Coalition strongholds. The Coalition forces had started to fight
Coalition forces could not survive in space for long without con- a scorched earth war, letting their cities burn to the ground
tinued terrestrial support. Once the Gna-Tall managed to secure rather than allowing the Gna-Tall to take any benefit from them.
the rest of the planet, they believed the Great War would effec- Casualties were horrendous in these last years of the terrestrial
tively be over. war. The Gna-Tall and their dominated states lost more than 75
million during the war while the Coalition forces lost well over
FLEEING TO HIGHER GROUND 150 million. Finally, in 7965, the Great War for Earth was essen-
tially over. More than half of the planet’s Saurian population
Out in the darkness of space, the Thurn were working to
ensure that the Gna-Tall assumptions were wrong. Thurn had died during the war and two thirds of the cities had been
astronomers, using powerful orbital telescopes, had identified erased from existence. Out beyond the orbital Cathedral, over
other solar systems and even other planets, including several two million refugees lived in terror of the time when the
that might be capable of supporting life. This was the last great Devouring Earth would turn its attention out towards them.
hope for the Thurn and its fellow Coalition members: find
another planet. However, the nearest possibility was over a
thousand years away using current technology. The Thurn END GAME
searched for an answer to this problem. On Titan, the Thurn had been pushing the boundaries of
More of the Coalition population was making the move into physics. Away from the horrors of terrestrial battle, the Thurn
space as things back on Earth grew grimmer. Aerial bombard- scientists worked on the problem of slower than light space
ment and attacks by orbital satellites had become daily events travel. The Thurn scientists had been aware of phenomena
in the lives of Coalition members, and most of the populations associated with black holes and other super-dense spatial
had already moved underground in the interest of safety. anomalies. Thurn theory held that it was possible for a high


gravity object like a black hole to distort space to the point was effectively destroyed. On the Cathedral, the new Gna-Tall
where time and distance conflated, in effect bringing two dis- interplanetary fleet was nearing completion, ready to make the
parate parts of the universe closer together, at least for a assault on Coalition lunar bases. The Coalition had spent most
moment. The problem was getting back out of the black hole of 7965 hurling pieces of the moon at the Earth, trying to bom-
once you had entered its gravity well. If the Thurn could create bard the Gna-Tall cities. Only a handful of these destructive
a black hole type gravity center which they could turn on and rocks managed to get through the Gna-Tall orbital defense net-
off at will, they could create space/time distortions at will. By work, but they caused massive damage. In early 7966, the
using these distortions properly, they could sidestep the laws of Devouring Earth’s fleet began its assault. The battle for the
physics and travel between the stars. moon was never meant to be won by the Coalition. The defend-
With their advanced study and understanding of particle ers’ orders were simple: hold the enemy at bay as long as pos-
physics, the Thurn scientists were able to do just that. They cre- sible, buy time for the refugee fleet to get away. The 50,000
ated a device that would allow them to fold space, and travel lunar defenders held out for six months, but eventually they
amazing distances in the blink of the eye. The initial discoveries succumbed to overwhelming Gna-Tall force. The moon now
that made this mode of travel a real possibility dated back to scoured clean of unbelievers.
7958, but the Thurn researchers soon discovered that the The Gna-Tall knew that the Coalition was assembling a mas-
process was more complicated than they had originally sive fleet in the asteroid belt, but they did not know its purpose.
thought. The problem came when the Thurn tried to control Before the fall of the moon they had no idea about the Thurn
where that gateway would take them; the gravitational pull of discoveries, or of the plan to colonize other solar systems.
stars, planets, moons and even asteroids all interfered with the Captured Coalition soldiers revealed these facts under torture,
space folding process. and told of the planned Exodus. The Hierophant found the idea
It was not until 7963 that their research revealed the solution troubling. Once the Coalition escaped beyond the solar system,
to this problem. The gateway generator had to be used some- they would have time to grow strong once again and come back
where outside the solar system, where the influence of the solar in force. This could not be allowed. The fleet began to ready
system’s planets and sun would be less prevalent. This meant itself for the strike against Mars and the asteroids.
that a vessel would have to spend a year at full thrust moving Unfortunately for the Gna-Tall, even at top speed Mars was
away from the solar system before the device could be used three months away and it would take an additional month to
effectively. The Thurn immediately got to work, creating a series supply the ships for the voyage.
of unmanned probes to be sent out to the twenty most likely
planets the astronomers had identified as possible colony sites. A DEADLY RACE
Sixteen months later, twelve of them returned. One miracu- In time, the Exodus fleet was ready—military craft were in
lously identified a planet that would support Saurian life. The place for escort during the yearlong journey beyond the solar
time for the Exodus had come. system. Days after the Gna-Tall interception fleet left the
Cathedral, the Exodus began. Four thousand, two hundred and
The council of Coalition leaders met in 7965 to decide what
eight colony ships made the best speed they could out of the
to do. Coalition spies were sending reports that the Gna-Tall
system, carrying over two million Saurians and every piece of
were building a fleet of deep space ships, massing at the
technological and industrial equipment from Mars and the
Cathedral in preparation for an assault on the lunar bases. The
asteroid colonies. Thus began a strange, slow race. The Exodus
Coalition evacuated all but a skeleton crew from the moon, fill-
fleet had a head start, but the Gna-Tall ships were faster. Both
ing the Mars and asteroid facilities beyond capacity. Time was
sides realized that the Gna-Tall would catch up to the Exodus
growing short and they had to act fast.
fleet before it reached the pre-ordained gateway point.
Every able-bodied Saurian set about converting the entire
After eleven months of pursuit, the Gna-Tall approached
Coalition fleet into ships capable of supporting colonists for the
striking distance. The Exodus military escort moved into posi-
duration of the three-year journey. In the asteroid belt,
tion to fend off the attack and buy the colonists whatever time
Coalition engineers set about transforming shapeless rocks into
they could. The Gna-Tall strike force greatly outnumbered the
starships. Using matter/energy conversion devices, they hol-
Exodus defenders and there was no hope of stopping them. The
lowed the asteroids out and sealed the hulls. This proved a
Thurn scientists in charge of the expedition decided that they
quick and efficient way for generating large if unwieldy space-
could not wait for the optimal distance from the solar system to
craft. By the end of 7966, the fleet would be ready to leave:
trigger the device.
4,000 ships, each designed to support between 500 and a thou-
sand Saurians for five years.
On Earth, the Gna-Tall had finished pacifying the remaining KILLING THE DREAM
Although they consolidated their hold on Earth, the Gna-
opposition holdouts. Every living Saurian on the planet had
Tall had not completely cleared the moon of its defenders.
either joined the Gna-Tall religion, was living a tenuous life in
Hidden below the surface, teams of Croll fanatics were ready
hiding, or was dead. The Coalition spy network on the planet

to strike back. Over a year had passed since the pacification of et, this toxic substance fell back to Earth, doing significant envi-
the moon, and the elite Croll warriors infiltrated Gna-Tall soci- ronmental damage. This was nothing compared to its effect on
ety (thanks to a body morphing chamber). From the moon, the Saurians, however. The Thurn concoction was a virulent dis-
they made their way to the Cathedral disguised as priests of ease that only infected Saurians. It had a dormancy period of
the Devouring Earth. The complacency of the Gna-Tall, and the about two weeks, but it was highly contagious from day one. In
fear generated by the Gna-Tall clerics, served the Croll the confused aftermath of the impact, as Saurians gathered
imposters well. together for comfort and safety, they passed the disease from
The Cathedral had ceased to function as a military base one to another. Three weeks later over ninety percent of the
shortly after the Exodus fleet left. The Hierophant knew that Earth’s Saurian population was dead. The disease, a form of
the Coalition would not be returning. The Cathedral was flesh-eating bacteria, ate away at the insides of its victims turn-
meant to serve as a center of faith, not of war. Now that the ing their organs and bones into jelly in a matter of hours once
holy war had all but finished, it was once again opened to the it became active. There were hardly any remains to bury.
faithful. The orbital defense network would protect the planet Those few Saurians who managed to survive were not long
from any final Coalition strikes and the fleet was now based for the world. Transports between the planet and its satellite
from the moon. had already carried the dormant disease into the space
The Croll formulated a plan that took advantage of this lax colonies. In the panic and chaos following the destruction of the
security. Over a period of three weeks, the Croll smuggled sev- Cathedral, no one had time to establish any order. There were
eral tons of material onto the Cathedral under the guise of con- no contingency plans for such a disaster, no shelters, no aid
struction equipment. Canisters were secreted around the network. The Gna-Tall and all their subjects died, leaving in their
Cathedral in carefully determined positions, sealed within the wake a handful of Saurians who were thrown back into the dark
very stone of the station’s walls. When they were ready, the ages within a generation. The climactic changes brought on by
Croll threw off their disguises and revealed concealed weapon- the impact proved less than hospitable to the survivors. They
ry. One hundred Croll soldiers attacked the station security never recovered from the final blow the Croll and Thurn had
guards, taking control of two sections of the Cathedral. While dealt. Within a thousand years the Saurians were gone from
most held off the security teams, the Croll assembled two large Earth, seemingly forever, along with most of the species who
plasma charges and triggered them. The charges acted as short, had lived alongside them.
very powerful thrusters. Each on its own would have been
enough to shift the Cathedral’s orbit. Together, they sent the six
miles of stone plummeting towards the Earth. THE LONG JUMP INTO NIGHT
In space, the Exodus fleet prepared to enable the gateway.
EXTINCTION The Thurn drive system was too large and complicated to be
According to the human calendar, Saurian civilization came split among the ships of the colony fleet. Instead, one gateway
to an end in 65,001,380 B.C. when two events changed history ship would fold space for the entire fleet. Measuring over two
forever. miles in length, the entirety of the vessel was filled with equip-
Near Earth, the Cathedral’s orbit had decayed too much by ment for creating, maintaining, and shutting down the singular-
the time the Gna-Tall soldiers manning the orbital defense grid ity. As the Gna-Tall ships closed in, the gateway ship powered
realized what was happening. The six-mile hunk of rock up its systems. A massive gravitational force would be generat-
descended into the atmosphere with ever increasing speed. It ed, creating the wormhole that would allow the whole Exodus
streaked towards the planet’s surface before the first Gna-Tall fleet to escape.
interceptor was able to launch, impacting only a hundred miles The Gna-Tall and Exodus military craft engaged in combat, a
from the ruins of the Akerangi capitol in what would become quick and deadly affair. Neither side possessed ships that could
the Yucatan. The impact generated immense heat and threw up sustain more than one or two direct hits from a plasma
a huge cloud of dust and debris. The heat caused spontaneous weapon. Although separated by hundreds of miles, with
wildfires to rage across planet. The dust choked out the sun, nowhere to hide and near perfect computer targeting systems,
bringing a period of sunless twilight that lasted for more than the two sides began to lose ships at an alarming rate. Suddenly
three months. Within those particles however was something the Thurn gateway sprung into being and the scientists began
even more sinister. The Croll canisters that had been laced to align the other end of the gate with their destination. Then
throughout the Cathedral released a deadly cloud of biological the unthinkable happened. Perhaps because they were still too
agents into the atmosphere. close to the Sun or perhaps because of some design flaw, the
The toxin the Thurn had created was designed to withstand gateway malfunctioned. The other end failed to open up. The
the awesome heat of the detonation. It was carried up into the Exodus fleet did not travel from one side to the other. Instead,
atmosphere where it soon mixed with other, naturally occurring they were frozen in space and time, locked on the verge of their
chemicals from the explosion to form acid rain. Across the plan- artificial black hole.


slipped out, returning to normal time in 1988. Over the next few
BREAKING FREE moments, more warships would emerge, but they will not
The Exodus Fleet and the Gna-Tall intercept force were emerge until 2024. The bulk of the fleet, including the now
caught in the gravitational well of the collapsed Thurn Gateway. ruined Thurn gateway ship, is due to come out of their prison
Unlike a true black hole, this artificial singularity was not an sometime in the middle of 2063. Once released, all will want to
absolute, inescapable force. Once it became clear that the gate- come home.
way had failed, the ships began to turn around, trying to
escape. Slowly they moved back into regular space. However,
within the quantum irregularity of the singularity, time had
slowed to a snail’s pace. Millions of years passed. Then, the
power supply maintaining the singularity began to fade and die. Unknown by nearly everyone on Earth, the Saurians left one
The disaster had ended—the fleets would soon be free. lasting legacy that survived their jump into the black hole and
annihilation from the planet. The roots of this legacy stretch
For those trapped within the singularity, it seemed as if a lit-
back to the close of the Century of Warfare, around 65,002,000
tle less than two years had passed. Fortunately for all involved,
B.C., when a tentative peace settled across the planet.
the few seconds it took for the gravitational field to collapse
meant that not everyone escaped at the same moment. The During this time, the Thurn began to export their wares to
fleet was stretched over thousands of miles of space, with the every nation, always looking for new markets to exploit. In
Gna-Tall pursuit ships even further away. The field collapsed order to heighten their commercial advantage, they pumped
from the outside in, allowing those furthest away to escape first. money into research and development. The various families
joined their resources and built one huge center for research,
The Gna-Tall escaped some 65 million years after the impact
called simply the Academy.
of the Cathedral on Earth. By the Gregorian calendar, the year
was 1938. Confused by the events, they looked into the great The Thurn recruited the finest scientists and researchers,
black sphere that still held the Exodus fleet and promptly turned hoping that the Academy would keep them on the cutting edge
back home. Less than a second later by their reckoning, the of technology and bring in more profits. The research center
Croll and Kath-Yal warships were also freed. In real time, twen- put the Thurn far ahead of the other nations in terms of status,
ty-five years had passed and it was 1963. A moment later a and much of the Academy’s work was devoted to the develop-
group of colony ships from the Kath-Yal and Te-Mulys also ment and manufacturing of new products that would be export-
ed for the benefit of all.
Some years after it became established, one of the
SAURIAN RELICS Academy’s behavioral scientist, Giseuf, started to theorize
One of the great questions of Saurian history, or rather about areas never considered before academically. He was the
post-Saurian history, is what became of all the remains? first to look closely at Saurian instincts and actions. Before
How is it that an advanced civilization flourished on Earth Giseuf, Saurians of all nations had always believed that Saurian
for thousands of years and yet no record of it remains? behavior was a matter of instinct. They did not have words in
Underground on the moon and, to a lesser extent, their language for “love,” “passion,” “eroticism,” or “friend-
Mars, the remnants of Saurian outposts remain undis- ship.” They merely conceived of all relationships as if they were
turbed. As for Earth, sixty-five million years of change have “habit.” Emotions like sorrow or anger were considered auto-
passed leaving no visible remains of the long gone Saurian matic reactions of the body, similar to breathing or blinking.
cities. Erosion, tectonic shifting, and decay destroyed near- Under Giseuf’s leadership, Thurn behavioral scientists attempt-
ly all the evidence of the Saurian presence. Unlike modern ed to identify the triggers for various instinctual reactions, and
man, the Saurians preferred natural materials, such as then tied them to product manufacture.
wood and stone, for their buildings. The Gna-Tall especial- Saurians at that time, and even now, do not think in terms of
ly had a hatred for metal or plastic structures, thinking “like” or “enjoy.” There was biological necessity and little else.
them disrespectful to the Earth. A majority of the non-Gna- Saurians considered themselves like the dinosaurs—but much
Tall cities were leveled during the Great War, leaving little smarter. Art and literature had never developed beyond rudi-
behind. Buried deep within the Earth, remains of the mentary stages before Giseuf, even though technologically the
Saurians exist. Some humans and several Atlanteans have Saurians were an advanced race.
stumbled across them, but the evidence was misunder- Giseuf’s studies proved that Saurian behavior contained
stood or concealed. The Saurians are as much a mystery things that could not be explained by pure instinct. He discov-
to the Atlanteans as they are to humans, and Atlanteans ered that some males showed a preference for particular
have done all they can to suppress this mystery. Still, in the females during the mating cycle, for no apparent reason. All
next hundred years, no amount of disinformation will con- females are capable of procreation, so no logical reason exist-
tain this secret. ed to desire one over any other. At least, that is what most

1 2 3 4
Saurians thought. Giseuf believed that some sort of interper- Sugtva believed that dreams held the key to the Saurian soul.
sonal force was working between a male and a female that led In dreams, the constraints on behavior loosened and every
particular couples to mate time and time again. Saurian could create his own personal world. Dreams were
In essence, Giseuf discovered that Saurians had emotions. symbols of underlying feelings and passions. Sugtva believed
His work became a lighting rod for debate. Saurian intellectu- that the Saurians had been too conditioned to heed Nature’s
als from around the world flocked to the Academy to hear his call. He proclaimed that each Saurian needed to find his own
latest theories. Soon, many in the Academy turned away from way. Answers could not always be found in instinct or intellect.
the physical sciences towards “softer” studies. Within several Passion was the only true guide.
years, new disciplines such as philosophy, began to sprout from The scientist developed a complicated system of dream
Giseuf’s ideas. interpretation based upon word association. A Saurian would
Although he started a lot of changes, real cultural revolution wake and write down his dreams. A trained dream interpreter
did not begin until after Giseuf’s death. Many Saurians were could analyze this record and make observations. Sugtva
relieved at the passing of Giseuf. His ideas flew in the face of thought that through dreams, a Saurian could understand his
traditional beliefs and assumptions. No one was comforted by mind. Instead of being oblivious to his emotions, a Saurian
these “emotions,” or the repercussions of exploring them too could identify them, and accept them.
closely. Large sections of the scientific community were The publication and debate of Sugtva’s theories caused thou-
engaged in extended rebuttals and countertheories explaining sands of young, impressionable Saurians to began questioning
all of the Saurian “emotions” as nothing more than survival the ancient traditions of their nations. Some even began to turn
instincts. their back on their families, in search of their own lives. This
Among the many who competed to advance Giseuf’s semi- lead to incredible cultural changes that rocked Saurian society.
nal studies was a young rabble-rouser named Sugtva. Unlike his Thousands marched to protest laws and practices that they felt
mentor, Sugtva was not content to identify emotions. He want- oppressed their rights. For the first time in their long history,
ed to nurture and foster them. He felt that the Saurians had to Saurians began to stand up and say “I am.”
embrace their feelings. Sugtva claimed that instinct and intellect Naturally, the Saurian elders were horrified at this turn of
were the tyrants of the Saurian psyche, often sweeping aside events. In time, they began to retaliate. The Thurn closed the
fully “legitimate” emotions. Sugtva preached that emotions Academy and communities across the globe enacted laws
could be cultivated through meditation and contemplation. oppressive to the new movement. Sugtva was put on trial for
Most importantly, emotions were best explored at a time when “crimes against the good of Saurian kind.” The entire process
instinct and intellect were at their lowest ebb—during sleep. was broadcast around the globe, carefully staged to highlight
his “sins.” Instead, the trial provided a platform for his case—his


final words before execution were “A dream can never truly would be blamed and accused of being a saboteur, hooked up
die.” Though the ideas could never be unlearned, records of several matter/energy converters to the sleep machines to
Sugtva doctrine were burned and outspoken followers soon keep the dreamers effectively in an eternal dreamstate. He
shared his fate. boarded an escape shuttle and fled the scene, while the
A few of Sugtva’s disciples survived the purges and ventured Dreamspeakers slept on, unaware that they had been desert-
out into the wilderness. Others heard of this small community, ed to their dreamworlds.
whose members came to call themselves Dreamspeakers, and As the Saurian race perished on Earth, few of those who
over time it grew to include those brave and committed enough knew about the Dreamspeaker community spared it much
to abandon their “pack” lives for emotional freedom. Given thought. In the end, the anonymous technician’s tinkering with
their small numbers and convenience as a means to rid them- the machines succeeded beyond what anyone could have
selves of trouble-makers, few Saurian lords spent much time imagined. For millennia the sleepers survived. None awoke, but
trying to exterminate these thinkers. Thus, the exiles spent their neither did they perish. The automated machines even man-
days hunting and gathering for survival, and their nights argu- aged to restore living conditions to several of the disrupted
ing over theoretical science, theology, and philosophy. Small sleep capsule chambers.
Dreamspeaker communities were established in numerous The accounts of what happened next are muddled. A crea-
regions, isolated from the bulk of Saurian society but able to ture or creatures attacked the Titan base, tearing through the
link up occasionally in the vast unpopulated wilderness. automated defenses and causing extensive damage to certain
Over the generations, the works of some Dreamspeakers areas. Oddly, the beings then broke off and were not heard
came to be honored above all others. These tomes were passed from again. This disruption caused several sleep capsules to
around to various communities and refined over time. Their engage their waking protocols. Three of them were in areas that
authors were called the Forty. The works of these forty scholars had breathable atmospheres. Thus, three lone Dreamspeakers
make up the core of all Dreamspeaker society. Every child was awoke to find their world a very different place. It took some
instructed to read and memorize them. time, but these Dreamspeakers were able to awake others, and
When tensions with the Gna-Tall escalated, the repair their base.
Dreamspeakers’ leaders decided to abandon Earth. A Thurn The newly awoken Dreamspeakers took stock of the situa-
plutocrat, who clandestinely supported their studies, tion and turned their eyes to Earth. Not a single remnant of
bequeathed the Dreamspeakers a base on Titan, one of Saurian population survived. Sixty five million years had
Saturn’s moons. A good portion of the Dreamspeakers secretly passed. Although they did not know it at the time, by human
made their way to Titan and over the years made the base their reckoning, it was 2600 BC.
home. At roughly the same time, several Dreamspeaker scien- The Dreamspeakers quickly realized that, after millions of
tists worked on a device that would extend a Saurian’s sleep years asleep, their chances for further survival were slim. A
time. They hoped this would allow even more in depth explo- hundred were awoken to attempt to repair a ship and return to
ration of the dream world. Excited by the possibilities, many Earth. The remainder were placed back in their capsules and
Dreamspeakers volunteered to be put to sleep for days and left for the others’ return. The chosen hundred cannibalized the
weeks at a time. The experiments proved promising and more Titan base and were able to crash land on Earth in the hinter-
devices were constructed, some designed to keep a dreamer lands of what is now modern day China. For several millennia,
asleep for years. So it was that, on the fateful day when the they slowly rebuilt their numbers. Initial attempts to make con-
Exodus fleet engaged the black hole generator, hundreds of tact with humans succeeded only in creating legends of Chinese
Dreamspeakers were in machine-induced deep sleep. dragons and Indian naga.
With the destruction of the Cathedral and the ensuing As their brethren would thousands of years later, the
silence from Earth, the Dreamspeakers saw little to do except Dreamspeakers resorted to body morphing technology to
spend more and more time within their dreaming, exploring blend in with human society. They found communities living the
their emotions, and developing their own dream-worlds. ideals they had so long studied. Indeed, it seemed that emo-
Many of these became more appealing to the Dreamspeakers tions were humans’ primary motivation. The Dreamspeakers
than the harsh reality of isolation in space. Technicians were decided to work with and aid humans so that one day the entire
charged with looking after the sleepers, but with their newly planet could live in harmony. Although the dream of saving
awoken emotions confusing them, the isolation and paranoia their comrades on Titan survived several generations, in time,
was too much for some. They began to suspect each other as that too passed into legend. More important was the
Gna-Tall spies, and while many of the Dreamspeakers slept, a Dreamspeakers’ survival on Earth.
swift and bloody fight ensued between the handful of para-
noid techs. The conflict resulted in a massive system failure
that vented most of the Dreamspeaker’s atmosphere. The
lone survivor, convinced that when the sleepers woke he

1 2 3 4
The Conspiracy X corebook details only one of the four Saurian
groups active on Earth: the Gna-Tall. The following sections examine
each of the other five in greater depth, paying special attention to
their relations with humans, and each other. The time of the Great
War may be long gone, but it is still fresh in the memories of the
newly returned Saurians and a fearful legend of the Dreamspeakers.
One thing the Croll, Kath-Yal, and Te-Mulys all share is their commu-
nal hatred of the Gna-Tall. However, they agree on little else. The old
resentments and feuds have begun to creep between former mem-
bers of the Coalition. All know that more Saurians are coming, both
from their respective nations and from others. All know that there
will be another war on Earth. The only question is who will fight on
which side.
For now, the Saurians are keeping a very low profile. They fear the
billions of human beings armed with nuclear, biological, and chemi-
cal weapons. Secretly, they are making allies, seeking advantages for
the coming struggle. The Dreamspeakers have the most extensive net-
work, but they are dedicated to maintaining the peace, not overcom-
ing their brethren. The Gna-Tall have forged close ties with the
National Defense Directorate. The Croll have found refuge near their
ancient homeland, and are exploiting possible allies in Eastern Europe
and the Middle East. The Kath-Yal have found help among humans in
the rising nations of Southeast Asia. The Te-Mulys, relative newcom-
ers, have settled once again in Africa. However, all know that the most
valuable allies, and most dangerous foes, are the powers of the North
American, European and Asian continents. All are extending tendrils
into these groups and are in constant competition for influence.
While avoiding all out war, the Saurians take every opportunity to
undermine each other, the humans, and the aliens (Saurians do not
consider themselves aliens—they were on Earth first). Sabotage, assas-
sination, and covert military raids are common. All of the nations have
used body morphing technology to reshape some of their own to look
like humans. Full-out fighting between these “humanized” Saurians is
not uncommon at all, but is usually dismissed as terrorist violence or
government intrigue.

Sample stats and descriptions are given for each of the Saurian
groups, broken down by profession or caste where appropriate.
Men in Black may be generated in each of these instances, except
for Gna-Tall priests who refuse to change their original form. Men
in Black attributes are different, of course, and are listed in paren-
thesis after the natural-form Saurian’s Attributes. Men in Black
also receive different training, and separate parenthetical skills
may be listed.

After they emerged from the singularity with the Kath-Yal, the Croll
were left in reserve at the asteroid belt. They waited, trying in vain to
decipher the meaningless transmissions emanating from their home-
world. Time passed, but no word came from their allies. Since enter-
ing the inner solar system, the Kath-Yal had fallen strangely silent. The
Croll decided to come look for themselves.
The presence of humans with advanced technology and nuclear
weapons was as shocking to the Croll as it had been to the Gna-Tall
and Kath-Yal before them. The Croll fleet consisted of only twenty-one
transports with diminished fighter and shuttle wings. The entire Croll
population numbered just under 7,000 individuals, most of them
either soldiers, crew, or fighter pilots. Faced with a world of billions,
they were dumbfounded.
Like the Kath-Yal before them, the Croll discovered long-range
sensor emanations from the surface of the moon, scanning deep
space in broad sweeps. Although not as confident in their stealth
technology as the Kath-Yal had been, the Croll saw no recourse but
to attempt passage. This time the Gna-Tall’s enemies were not
detected and they broke for the surface of the planet without inci-
dent. They quickly gathered in the Middle East, their traditional
homes. Seeing the land nearly overrun by humans, they plunged
into the Black Sea in the dead of night.
Hidden under the waves, the Croll spent the rest of the 1960s gath-
ering information on these strange “monkey-boys,” learning the local
language (Russian) and how to approach these strange beings.
Unfortunately, pride in their powerful bodies kept the Croll from mor-
phing into human guise. Not surprisingly, first contact with humans
proved disastrous, with humans dead and the Croll confused. Finally,
a few volunteered to undergo the painful transformation into human
form and approached the Russian government as Men in Black.
It took the Croll until 1975 to make meaningful contact with the
Soviets. Never adept at diplomacy, relations progressed very slowly.
Eventually they came to an accord with a highly classified arm of the
Glavnoe Razvedyvatel’noe Upravlenie (GRU), the Soviet military intel-
ligence. The GRU agreed to give the Croll information and aid in
return for advanced technology. The Croll did not reveal their true
identity as “aliens,” rather posing as industrial spies with top secret
American technology. The GRU either accepted the story, or consid-
ered the Croll origins irrelevant. In a single year, the Croll advanced
the Soviet biological warfare program by a hundred years, giving them
weapons that could wipe out a city in hours without damaging a sin-
gle building. They also provided the GRU with some very basic mag-
netic weapons for use in space, a counter to Reagan’s Strategic
Defense Initiative.
In return, the Croll gained a series of military advisers who thought
they were being assigned to help overthrow NATO friendly govern-
ments in the Middle East. These advisors never returned to their bases,
but the Soviet authorities dared not question the Croll and risk losing
the technology pipeline. The Croll basically interrogated the advisers
to death. In this way, they learned about human history and the state
of military readiness in the world, particularly on the nuclear front. In
1 2 3 4
the end, the Croll never took their relationship with the GRU to Since this discovery, the Croll have made the destruction of
the level of the Gna-Tall and the NDD pact. No personal rela- the Gna-Tall on Earth their primary responsibility. Many Croll
tionships were formed; the Croll were simply too distrustful of blame the Gna-Tall for the failure of the Thurn gateway ship
all non-Croll to allow this to happen. and want vengeance for the 65 million years they lost. The
Using the knowledge gained from the Soviets, the Croll Croll have learned that the Gna-Tall are based in the United
expanded their influence. They formed close ties with the gov- States and that they have allied with a group of humans. As a
ernments of Iran and Iraq as well as the more oppressive result, the Croll began a program of infiltrating U.S. military
regimes of the Warsaw Pact. It was with the help of a secret fac- and industrial targets. Their allies in the Soviet Union were
tion within the Iranian government that the Croll finally moved more than willing to support them in this endeavor. This
out of their water bound transports and built a base on land, in proved helpful in the short-term but a disaster over the long
the mountainous region of northern Iran in 1985. The under- haul. Unlike the Gna-Tall, the Croll do not trust humans, nor
ground base was mostly built with Iranian political prisoners do they like to maintain human form for long periods of time.
who were never heard from again. The Iranians knew little These two prejudices have hindered them in many pursuits,
about the base and still do not know its exact location. The Croll not the least of which was keeping track of the NDD and the
built a smaller dummy installation hundreds of miles away Gna-Tall. Still, the Croll do not seem likely to change their
which they showed their Iranian government contacts. ways. In the end, the collapse of the Soviet Union removed
significant access to America. Only in recent years have the
The true Croll base encompasses nine miles of underground Croll rebuilt their network in the United States.
caverns and storage facilities. All entrances are concealed by
natural terrain and protected by powerful energy fields. The Thus, the war between the Croll and Gna-Tall continues, with
only entrances are by air, and guarded by batteries of force the Croll making attacks against the Gna-Tall wherever they can
cannons. Croll fighters and shuttles are equipped with stealth without exposing themselves. They know the Gna-Tall presence
fields that, thus far, have effectively countered human radar on Earth is greater than their own, and the Gna-Tall moon base
and other sensors. The Croll transports were too large to move allows the enemy effective control over near space. The most
into the base, however. They remain at the bottom of the Black successful attacks against Gna-Tall and NDD targets have been
Sea. Almost all the equipment and supplies on board have been carried out with the help of the Kath-Yal and Te-Mulys, although
moved to the land base. The ships were not scrapped though, the Croll remain exceedingly suspicious of these old allies. In
and with some work, they could be restored to operational the near future, the Croll would like to see the whole of the
capacity fairly quickly. The entirety of the Croll fighters and United States come tumbling down, much as the USSR did.
assault shuttles now sortie from the main base in Iran. They feel that this will greatly weaken the Gna-Tall position and
possibly allow the Croll to strike a killing blow.
Although the Croll population on Earth has suffered less
from disease than any of the other three nations, principally
because Croll advanced knowledge of biology, the Croll pop- OLD ALLIES
Continual monitoring programs failed to show any sign of
ulation has dropped since they arrived. Only a few young
the Kath-Yal for many years after the Croll planetfall. The Croll
have been born, most of those after 1985 when the base was
assumed that either the Gna-Tall or the humans had managed
complete. At this time a little over 6,000 Croll live and work
to destroy the Kath-Yal ships. It was only when the Kath-Yal
out of the Iran base. A skeleton crew of 200 still man the trans-
colony ship returned in 1988 that the Croll discovered that Kath-
port fleet in the Black Sea. The Croll also sent a modified
Yal survived on Earth. The Croll scout ship stationed at the sin-
assault shuttle to wait on the edge of the singularity field and
gularity witnessed the return of the Kath-Yal colony ship before
report back about any new escapees. The ship was coated to
it engaged its stealth field. Other Croll sensors were fortunate
appear as a piece of space debris and ordered to employ only
enough to pick up the colony ship as it rendezvoused with a
limited communication transmissions and passive sensors.
group of Kath-Yal corvettes near Mars. Over time, the Croll were
This ship signaled the arrival of the Kath-Yal and Te-Mulys
able to locate Kath-Yal operating out of southeast Asia.
colony ships in 1988.
The Croll sent an emissary to make contact with their long
lost ally. The fact that the Kath-Yal had kept themselves hidden
ENEMY FOUND for so long aroused a great deal of distrust among the Croll
The presence of the moon base concerned the Croll. Once
they knew more, they guessed that the humans were incapable leadership. They could not imagine why the Kath-Yal would do
of maintaining such technology. They sent a few forays there, but such a thing unless they planned some sort of betrayal.
none returned. In each case, the ships would engage their stealth Relations between the two nations were recommenced, but
fields and would never be heard from again. Without knowing they were chilly at best. The Kath-Yal explanation that concern
more, the Croll were unwilling to risk a full-scale assault, instead over their new-found circumstances lead them to maintain
setting up a long distance monitoring program which revealed a radio silence were less than convincing, but the Croll could find
horrifying fact in 1979: the Gna-Tall had survived. no overt sign of betrayal. Furthermore, the Croll and Kath-Yal
now had only one thing in common: the desire to destroy the


Gna-Tall. The two pooled what information they had about the that they are not in a position to take over, especially since Te-
enemy and began to engage in a concerted program of terror Mulys and Kath-Yal colony ships have landed. For now, the
and covert warfare. The Gna-Tall reciprocated in kind. Croll see the monkey boys as an effective distraction to the
In the end, the Croll would rather not have to work with the other nations’ plans.
Kath-Yal. Still, for the time being, the Gna-Tall are the real enemy. The Croll have concentrated their efforts on keeping the
The time will come to take care of the perfidious Kath-Yal. humans as weak as possible, although they have not met with
The Te-Mulys also shared the Croll’s desire to destroy the much success. The Middle East, where the Croll have the most
Gna-Tall, and the Croll have actually established good relation- influence, remains a hot bed of trouble, but the Croll cannot
ship with these old allies. The Te-Mulys have been on Earth a take all the credit for this. Most recently, they had made signif-
relatively short time and are still settling in their new African icant inroads in the militaristic government of Iraq. This was a
home. The two nations have formed a tight bond, a fact that hierarchy they could understand and work with. Unlike many
worries the Kath-Yal. Of course, the Croll are beholden to none other groups in the region, the religious trappings were mini-
but the Croll, and even this relatively stable alliance is not with- mized in Iraq. The Croll work expanding the Iraqi biological
out its tensions and intrigue. weaponry backfired however. They could not control the dicta-
tor in charge, nor his penchant for hinting at his nation’s capac-
ity with weapons of mass destruction. The Gna-Tall fanned the
NEW THREATS U.S. President’s leaning to invade and end this threat “once and
Over the years, the Croll have had occasional sightings of
for all.” While the forces of the U.S. and Iraq battled in full view
spacecraft that did not match any known Saurian configuration.
of the world, behind the scenes Croll and Gna-Tall forces
In 1981, one of these came flying in low over Iran, straying
clashed in the deserts. Several of the biological weapon facili-
uncomfortably close to the Croll base. Thinking it an attack, the
ties and stocks were destroyed in the fighting; the remainder
Croll decided to take no chances. In a flash of force tubes, the
were whisked out of Iraq when the Croll returned to their pri-
vehicle was filled with holes that should have sent it plummet-
mary bases in Iran. Despite their initial defeat, U.S. forces
ing from the sky. Instead, the saucer shaped craft sped on,
remain bogged down in Iraq and the Croll have worked to keep
beginning evasive maneuvers. Fighters pursued and eventually
that conflict simmering. Anything that weakens the U.S. under-
brought the ship down, although two were lost due to unex-
mines Gna-Tall capacities as well. Now, the Croll plan to bolster
plained mechanical failures. A team of Croll soldiers flew to the
Iran’s power in the region, seeing that as the next means to
crash sight in eastern Iraq and recovered the remains. Much to
keep the U.S. occupied.
their shock, the Croll discovered an entirely unknown alien race
within the ship: the Greys. This initial discovery lead to further Befitting their mercenary past, the Croll are very active in the
investigations. However, the Croll never again managed to world’s armies for hire. One of the Croll’s most successful prox-
shoot down one of their ships, and no Croll has encountered a ies is a mercenary company called Executive Decisions. Owned
living Grey. Given the absence of any apparent threat from by a Croll-controlled European conglomerate, the company
these creatures, and other pressing concerns, the Croll essen- bases its operations out of South Africa. Executive Decisions
tially disregard the Greys. works mostly in war-torn Africa to ensure pockets of stability. It
is no coincidence that these pockets tend to be focused near
The Atlanteans are even more of a mystery to the Croll. They
diamond and mineral mines, largely owned by the controlling
only know of these powerful beings from vague hints dropped
by their Kath-Yal allies. No Croll has ever knowingly encoun-
tered one or had any interaction with Atlantean technology. The Croll-influenced mercenary forces are made up mostly of
stories told by Kath-Yal are enough to give the Croll a healthy human soldiers, with the occasional Croll Man in Black adviser.
respect for the Atlanteans and their advanced technology. The Croll sometimes use their own ships to intervene when
Current plans amount to little more than avoiding the immor- matters get desperate, inevitably leading to a Croll victory and
tals as much as possible. the death of any and all witnesses. The Croll plan to use their
mercenary armies, which now total roughly five thousand
troops, to move on governments in Africa and possibly south-
MONKEY BOYS east Asia, destabilizing the Kath-Yal and Te-Mulys positions. The
The Croll care very little for the humans, thinking them little
army also kidnaps human subjects for use as Croll slaves or in
more than grotesque primitives, descendants of an inferior
Croll biological experiments, avoiding exposure of their own
blood line. The Croll want Earth for the Saurians again, and for
ships in abduction operations. The Croll had begun to secretly
the Croll in particular. The only thing that prevents them from
develop similar organizations in the United States, recruiting
releasing a devastating human-specific plague on the planet is
from militia groups and other local extremists, but their efforts
that the humans seem to have some rather potent allies. The
were set back when the FBI heightened their surveillance of
release of such a disease might fail due to the intervention of
such groups after the Oklahoma City bombing.
one of these powers, or even of the Kath-Yal or Te-Mulys. More
importantly, if the humans were wiped out, the Croll are sure

1 2 3 4
ingful dialogue. Some Dreamspeakers would like to know more
CURRENT OPERATIONS about the Pilosi and open communications, but their efforts
For now, the Croll bide their time in their mountain fastness,
waiting to show their hand. They held a great deal of influence have been frustrated by an inability to find them.
within the old Soviet government, much of which was lost when As the first Saurian ships began to land on Earth in the late
the communist regime fell. They spent the nineties trying to 1940s, vague hints began to filter into the Dreamspeaker ranks.
recoup those losses, with less success than they had hoped. The Knowing what to look for, and using more advanced sensors
situation in Russia remained far too chaotic, and its influence than those possessed by the humans, the Dreamspeakers
beyond its borders too limited. The Croll still retain power in the uncovered the Gna-Tall presence. They realized that they could
Middle East, particularly within Iran and Iraq. Stockpiles of Iraqi no longer remain on the sidelines. They had to do everything
chemical and biological weapons remain in Croll bases, await- possible to limit Saurian contact with humans. The
ing a return of a friendlier regime or transference to another Dreamspeakers feared that the humans might start a witch-
power in the region. Either outcome falls in line with the Croll hunt if they realized that the Saurians existed. Thus, a number
policy of promoting as much strife among humans as possible. of Dreamspeakers teams have been established that investigate
and attempt to conceal any event that even vaguely suggested
Saurians. Over time, the Dreamspeakers have learned of the
CROLL WARRIOR (MIB) Croll and Kath-Yal, as well as the Gna-Tall. They have yet to dis-
cover the Te-Mulys due to the extraordinary measures taken to
STR 8 (6) DEX 4 (4) CON 7 (6)
preserve secrecy in that nation, and because their numbers are
INT 4 (4) PER 3 (3) WIL 4 (4)
very few. The Dreamspeakers have no idea where the other
LP 85 (73) End 30 (27) Saurians are coming from. They have no idea that the Exodus
Spd 45 (20) Essence 30 (27) fleet was trapped in a singularity just outside the system.
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), In the 1950s, the Dreamspeakers found it useful to forge gov-
Addiction (Drugs – Focus, Grace, etc.) 3, Hard to Kill 5, ernment documentation and pretend to be covert government
Natural Armor (carapace skin AV D6+6(9); natural form operatives. This practice contributed to stories of government
only), Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x “Men in Black.” Usually dressed in a dark suit with sunglasses,
Strength slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void these Dreamspeakers would appear and disappear before any-
one knew they were present. It was their objective to gather
Skills: (Bureaucracy 2), Brawling 2, Computers 3,
information from any witnesses and react swiftly to any Saurian
Engineer (Saurian) 3, Electronics 4, Guns (Force) 4,
actions which they deemed threatening to the well being of
Language (varies) 2, Pilot (Saurian Craft) 3
Earth and human society.
Of course, the Dreamspeakers realize that other secret gov-
ernment agencies are at work, and some have been influenced
DREAMSPEAKERS by the other Saurians. For the most part, Dreamspeakers resort
Dreamspeakers desire nothing less than total peace. They to using Men in Black guises only in extreme situations.
fervently believe that all races can survive on Earth without con-
Dreamspeakers can be found in every aspect of society. Every
flict or war. Until the twentieth century, the Dreamspeakers
Dreamspeaker, in his human guise, holds down a full time job.
were content to live peacefully alongside mankind. They had no
They are bankers, lawyers, custodians. Mostly, however, they
grand designs of conquest or genocide, merely desiring to pre-
have infiltrated important government agencies, such as the FBI,
serve their traditions and beliefs in a safe environment.
NASA, and Aegis. Dreamspeakers have found that they can sub-
Although the Dreamspeakers could not openly show their true
tly influence events better within these institutions than they can
forms, they still could live without outside interference.
by operating independently of human authorities.
Over the years, some Atlanteans learned about the
The Dreamspeakers today are more concerned with their
Dreamspeakers. A Nameless Priest declared them some new
Saurian brothers than with the Atlanteans or Greys. They wish to
incarnation of the Leva’ans or Infused which should be elimi-
do anything possible to prevent a repeat of the war that con-
nated when possible, and avoided when practical. For the most
sumed the Earth just before their long sleep. The
part, that characterization stuck. The Dreamspeakers encoun-
Dreamspeakers fight this battle on two fronts. First, they attempt
tered the Atlanteans several times over several centuries, but
to educate humans a few at a time by co-opting them into the
they knew little about the Atlanteans true origins, and avoided
Dreamspeaker organization. Second, they act to counter the
them when they could. The Dreamspeakers thought that the
maneuvers of the various Saurian nations they are aware of.
Atlanteans were simply powerful humans.
For their part, the other Saurians know almost nothing about
The Dreamspeakers have had scattered contact with the
the Dreamspeakers. On the rare occasions they meet, the
Pilosi, especially in Asia. As is their nature, neither side has
Dreamspeakers are seen as operatives from one of the other
engaged in any hostilities, but there also has been no mean-


nations. The other Saurians have no idea how widespread the infiltration, and “softening” operations had to be conducted. A
Dreamspeakers are, or how deeply they have integrated them- tiny minority even suggested that war against the humans
selves into human society. The Dreamspeakers work to keep would be impious. They maintained that the humans were the
that ignorance alive. new custodians of the Earth and must be honored as such.
While the Saurians feuded above, WW II ended below. The
detonation of two atomic bombs in Japan shocked the world, as
DREAMSPEAKER (MIB) well as the Gna-Tall. They began to see that these humans were
STR 5 (4) DEX 4 (4) CON 5 (5) more of a threat than previously thought. A few well-placed
INT 3 (3) PER 3 (3) WIL 4 (4) nuclear weapons could wipe out the entire Gna-Tall fleet.
Intelligence was gathered to guess at nuclear might. Within a
LP 65 (61) End 47 (44)
few short years, the human nuclear arsenal was sufficient to
Spd 18 (18) Essence 24 (23) make invasion difficult, if not impossible. Given the limited
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to number of surviving ships and warriors, and the potential for
Kill 5, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength slashing catastrophic environmental repercussions, overt combat opera-
damage; natural form only), Natural Toughness tions ceased to be a viable option.
Skills: Acting 2, Brawling 2, Computers 3, Engineer After much debate and lost time, the Gna-Tall took the rad-
(Saurian) 3, Electronics 4, Mechanic 4, Rituals ical step of choosing a ruler from among their group and ele-
(Dreamspeaker) 4 vated her class from war-tech to leader. Caste elevation was
unprecedented, but they had no choice. This new leader, the
most senior ship’s captain, became Hierophant Kalen. She
quickly assumed the power to reorganize the surviving Gna-
GNA-TALL Tall into new castes as she saw fit. For the most part, the Gna-
Once free of the singularity, the confused and alarmed Gna- Tall remained war-techs, however some were elevated to
Tall fleet tried to signal their government. It did not take long for priests or subleaders and received whatever appropriate
the scientifically trained command staff on board to realize training was available. Those who refused to accept the new
what had happened. Their world, their people were gone, the order were dropped in status. Kalen announced that she
sacred Earth choked with strange creatures. would create further new castes as needed. From 1945 to
1948, the Gna-Tall spent their time reorganizing and preparing
In early 1940, they arrived on the moon, but the bases of
for their return to Earth.
old were long gone. One of the bases was soon rebuilt as a
temporary home, but frequent trips to Earth were necessary
to gather supplies of fresh meat, water, and building materi- HOMECOMING
als. For the next five years, the Gna-Tall carefully studied the Kalen decided to concentrate the Gna-Tall’s efforts on just
humans that had taken over their planet. They made occa- one of the many nation states of Earth. Choosing the United
sional forays into war zones or remote regions, and abducted States as their potential ally made the most sense—Americans
humans to learn more about the new dominant species on developed the first nuclear weapons and assumed a leader-
Earth. From their lunar vantage point, they took a measure of ship position after the war. The Saurians decided to set up a
humanity’s military might. Most were confident that when the series of outposts around the country to learn what they could
time came, reasserting themselves as masters of Earth would of the people’s language and culture. The first bases were sim-
be a relatively simple matter. ply pursuit carriers resting on the bottom of the ocean with
floating antenna arrays to monitor all U.S. broadcasts. After a
At this time just under four thousand Gna-Tall lived on the series of close encounters with humans, and human detection
moon—the entire surviving crew of the pursuit fleet (consisting devices, the Gna-Tall determined that some kind of stealth
of sixteen pursuit cruisers and their interceptors). For the most capabilities were necessary. In the past, the Gna-Tall consid-
part, the Saurians were warrior/technicians, trained since birth ered stealth cowardly and unnecessary. Now, stealth could
to fight and serve in the military. The few religious leaders had not be avoided. After a concentrated effort, the Gna-Tall
all been on the fleet’s flagship, which was destroyed during the devised stealth materials and energy fields that would hide
initial fighting. Thus, the Gna-Tall found themselves without the their ships from radar and sonar.
traditional guidance and leadership that they had come to
depend on. The captains and command staffs of the individual Kalen and her command structure eventually began to feel
cruisers were all of equal or near equal rank and social stand- comfortable with American culture, language, and national
ing, and soon began to arguing among themselves about what strength. In 1953, the Gna-Tall established ground bases in
to do. Some scoffed at the pitiful human weapons and wanted some of the most isolated regions of the country. Small out-
to attack immediately, before the other Saurians broke free. posts sprang up in Maine, West Virginia, Louisiana, Texas,
Other captains said that it was too risky, and further planning, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oregon.

1 2 3 4
Initially, the New Mexico outpost appeared to be the most promis-
ing for the Gna-Tall. It was isolated but near U.S. military bases, eas-
ing the monitoring of technical capacity and military readiness. The
climate was hot enough to be agreeable, and except for a lack of veg-
etation, the area was not unlike some of the more desirable sections
of long-ago Earth for Saurians. Thus, the Gna-Tall began to expand
the New Mexico base first. Coincidentally, the location chosen was
not far from a newly established NDD base.
The Directorate, with access to the best of American military
technology, soon discovered unidentified craft frequenting the area,
flashing on and off radar screens. Suspecting Grey activity, the NDD
questioned their allies, but the Greys refused to confirm or deny
their presence in New Mexico. The Directorate then sent a team of
soldiers and a diplomat to the area to investigate. While the NDD
team wandered around accomplishing very little for several days,
Kalen decided this might be the perfect opportunity to initiate con-
tact with the humans.
As might be expected, the initial encounter did not go well. The
Saurians approached with a white flag (as they had seen on old TV
programs), which the soldiers respected until they could clearly make
out the reptilian being who carried the flag. One of the humans pan-
icked and opened fire. The Saurians quickly killed all but two of the
NDD team with a volley of plasma shots. Luckily, one of the wound-
ed was the NDD diplomat, Colonel Ian Wright. The Saurian patrol
brought Wright and the other survivor back to base as much as tro-
phies as anything else. Kalen, with significant aid by a Saurian lin-
guist, began interrogating the humans. Through sheer personality,
diplomatic talent, and substantial luck, Wright managed to convince
Kalen that he was part of a secret organization interested in estab-
lishing relations with the Saurians, and in keeping their existence
secret. Wright managed to arrange a meeting between his NDD supe-
riors and the Gna-Tall. The Directorate’s “anything-you-want” negoti-
ation strategy brought the two sides to a working alliance.
Unlike the NDD/Grey relationship, no set of written agreements or
treaties embody NDD/Gna-Tall cooperation. The two sides work
together largely on the strength of interpersonal relations between
the Gna-Tall leaders and the upper echelon of the Directorate.
Strangely enough, a peculiar “friendship” has arisen between the
members of these two groups. In any event, the exact parameters of
the NDD/Gna-Tall relationship are fluid and evolving.
As with all working alliances, both sides sought something from
the other. The Saurians desired a permanent safe facility on Earth and
help understanding the humans. The NDD wanted access to
advanced alien technology. As time went on, Kalen and the Gna-Tall
realized that their survival depended on working with the humans,
and the NDD’s hierarchical mode of operating paralleled their own.
Further, the Gna-Tall could stay one step ahead of human detection
technology, and even hinder advances in that area through their con-
tacts in the NDD. The NDD gained the advanced tech they craved, but
the Saurians refused to part with basic scientific knowledge or exact
maintenance procedures. As a result, nearly all NDD advanced or
hybrid tech relies on Saurian technicians to one degree or another.

their secrets. Even so, as long as Aegis doesn’t get in their way,
THE DULCE BASE the Saurians have other, more pressing, concerns.
In 1954, the two sides combined forces and created a single
underground complex near Dulce, New Mexico. The Gna-Tall
provided the energy and tools; the humans provided the labor- THE NON-HUMANS
ers. The Gna-Tall stationed only a few of their own at the base, The Gna-Tall became aware of the NDD/Grey relationship
preferring to keep themselves hidden from the humans, fearing shortly after the two sides began working together, but were
that the humans would discover that they numbered only a few quickly convinced that the Greys were harmless. On the whole,
thousand. While they were happy to allow the NDD to use their the Directorate worked to keep the two alien races apart and
simpler technology, they refused to answer any questions this policy was supported by each side—the Greys found the
about their origins, numbers, or even motivations. Saurians crude, frightening, and overbearing, while the
It was during this early period that the Gna-Tall first consid- Saurians found the Greys puny, meek, and beneath notice. The
ered body morphing technology to resemble humans. The idea Greys were concerned about Seepage, which the Saurians did
was initially repellent to the Gna-Tall, since their religion for- not produce. The Gna-Tall were concerned about their own sur-
bade any drastic manipulation of the body form. Still, the vival and the threat of the other Saurian nations. In these mat-
Hierophant overrode these religious objections, saying that it ters, the Greys were irrelevant.
was necessary for their survival. A few volunteers exchanged The mutual separation proved slightly harder once the NDD
their natural form for human and remained stationed at the convinced the Greys to establish a land base at Dulce. The NDD
Dulce base. The transformation caused severe mental problems had no other facility that could be easily expanded to accom-
in some of the early subjects because of their intense religious modate the Greys. Also, by 1964, Dulce was the center of NDD
upbringing, but eventually they were resolved and the Men in operations. The Directorate wanted to keep the Greys close.
Black program began in earnest. Using some Saurian-provided equipment, the NDD hollowed
Meanwhile, the Gna-Tall maintained their bases in other out a vast chamber as far from the Gna-Tall sections of the com-
parts of the country, hidden from the NDD. Indeed, three new plex as possible. The Greys and Saurians rarely venture near
underground bases were built, using human slave labor each other’s sections of the Dulce base, and the NDD interme-
abducted over the course of a few years. Completed by 1962, diaries work hard to prevent any contact.
the bases were located in rural locations in Northwest Idaho, The Saurians know little of the Atlanteans, and sources with-
southern West Virginia, and southern Louisiana. Each base in the Directorate have not reported on the subject. Some Gna-
could accommodate a thousand Gna-Tall if necessary, though Tall have uncovered evidence that powerful humans are manip-
the majority of the Gna-Tall remained on the dark side of the ulating events behind the scenes, and have access to unusual
moon hidden from prying eyes. technical capacities. This has sparked a closer review of human
technological development, but no Saurian has reason to
believe that a separate alien race exists.
The Directorate kept Aegis’ existence secret until a number of
operations resulted in Men in Black deaths. In time, the UNWANTED COMPANY
Saurians demanded an explanation. Significantly colored by Although the Croll and Kath-Yal warships came out of the
NDD biases, the Gna-Tall learned about Aegis. Subsequent singularity’s field in 1963, the Gna-Tall were not aware of their
Aegis encounters seemed to buttress the NDD’s propaganda. presence until five years later when a Directorate post reported
Because the Gna-Tall are based in the United States, they are a strange new kind of UFO that could only be a Croll fighter.
the Saurian nation Aegis Cells are most likely to encounter. The Their fears at last made real, the Gna-Tall almost went into a
Gna-Tall are a real puzzle for Aegis. Unlike other Saurian panic. They needed to know more about the returning Croll,
groups, the Gna-Tall are not determined to wipe mankind off and whether or not any other Saurians from the Exodus fleet
the planet. However, Aegis does not make distinctions, assum- had made it back. They concentrated all of their efforts on intel-
ing that all Saurians are Gna-Tall. At the same time, the Gna-Tall ligence gathering, while at the same time trying to prevent the
do not understand or trust many humans, and their alliance National Defense Directorate and Aegis from learning more
with the NDD makes them obvious enemies for any Aegis Cell. about their mortal enemy’s existence.
The Gna-Tall have gained a great deal out of their relationship By 1972, the Croll and Kath-Yal had set up their own oper-
with the NDD and are not inclined to betray their closest human ational bases on Earth. They knew about the Gna-Tall and the
contacts. The NDD tries to get the Gna-Tall to act against Aegis Gna-Tall knew about them, but none was strong enough to
whenever possible, even though the Gna-Tall as a whole do not show their hand. The Gna-Tall were desperate to kill the Croll
really care. Of course, the Gna-Tall do not want Aegis (or any- and Kath-Yal before they could grow any stronger, but their
one else) to learn of their true origins, their limited numbers, or fear of revealing their rivals’ existence to the humans, even
the fact that there are other nations of Saurians on Earth. They the NDD, prevented them from asking for help in their strug-
will kill anyone from either group who threatens to uncover gle. This proved to be a mistake. It might have been possible

to destroy the enemy early on if the NDD had been notified. when they ruled the Earth, and yet now they are forced to hide
On their own, the Gna-Tall failed, and the Croll and Kath-Yal or disguise themselves for fear of discovery. Psychologically, the
managed to dig themselves in to the point that only open war second generation is not the most stable group. They have a
could destroy them. The era of covert war between Saurian burning hatred for the other Saurian nations and a healthy fear
nations had begun. of the humans. They are more war-like and aggressive than
their parents, having grown up in a state of siege. This makes
A NEW ANCIENT WAR them willing to go to great lengths to defeat their enemies, but
also makes them prone to deal with problems through violence.
The Gna-Tall are not entirely sure what happened to their
people 65 million years ago, but they have not overlooked the Third generation Gna-Tall seem even less stable, but it is a prob-
fact that the Cathedral is gone and its disappearance coincides lem that the Gna-Tall pretend does not exist. The most recent
with an asteroid strike on Earth and a mass extinction. They sus- generation may be moving away from this mental deteriora-
pect that the Coalition against the Gna-Tall had something to do tion, but it is too early to tell.
with this, but they are still trying to figure out exactly what hap-
pened. In the meantime, with three of their ancient enemies on WHEN IN ROME
the Earth, they are more than happy to take their vengeance A portion of Gna-Tall society believes that Earth has gone on
based on the limited knowledge they do have. The vast major- to create a new dominant life form (humans) and that the Gna-
ity of Gna-Tall operations on Earth today are bent towards Tall should do their best to conform to Nature’s new order.
exterminating the Croll, Kath-Yal, and Te-Mulys. These Gna-Tall were among the first to volunteer for body mor-
The primary weapon in this genocidal program are the Men phing into human form. They are the leaders of the Men in
in Black. These operatives scour the Earth for any sign of alien Black and now spend most of their time among humans, either
activity, hoping to find the clue that will lead them to an enemy acting as liaisons with the NDD or infiltrating human society.
stronghold. Whenever they do find members of the other The use of M/E conversion technology allows the Gna-Tall to lit-
Saurian nations, the first goal is to capture and interrogate them erally print their own money or gold bullion. They then send
if possible, but destroying them causes no one any hardship. out their humanized representatives into the world to buy
whatever influence and power they can. A natural means to this
The Gna-Tall have yet to discover any of their enemy’s main power focuses on the environment; some of the most impor-
staging areas, but have engaged in skirmishes and air and tant environmental lobbyists in Washington are actually funded
space battles around the planet. They are greatly concerned by the Gna-Tall, or are even themselves disguised Gna-Tall.
that the enemy will learn of the Gna-Tall bases and this fear
causes the Gna-Tall to be overly cautious in their attacks. When These humanized Gna-Tall seldom socialize with their
intelligence gathering shifts to combat operations, they far pre- brethren and have even become disgusted with their natural
fer to use lackeys like the NDD (always with a Man in Black or forms. They are still loyal to the Gna-Tall cause and want to
two around to make sure the humans do not learn too much). ensure that their people are safe and their enemies destroyed.
They simply feel that the whole of the Gna-Tall people should
come to accept the new master body type on Earth. All in all,
POPULATION EXPLOSION however, those with this viewpoint remain a decided minority
One of the primary goals of the Gna-Tall on Earth is to
among the Gna-Tall.
increase their numbers as quickly as possible. To this end,
back in 1951 every Gna-Tall on the planet and the moon
underwent a body morphing change that transformed them WE BELONG TO THE EARTH
into fertile females. They were then artificially fertilized and The Gna-Tall still believe that they are the servants of the
laid their eggs. The objective was to get as many new Gna-Tall Earth. However, without any true religious leaders to pass down
ready and trained for the coming war as possible. Between the age-old doctrines, the new generations of Gna-Tall are
deaths due to fighting, and disease (which proved particular- somewhat confused. They have this fundamental respect for
ly troublesome during the first decade back on Earth), much the Earth and Nature but they are unsure of the proper way to
of the first generation that came to Earth is dead. Of the orig- express it. The ritual trappings of the Gna-Tall religion have
inal four thousand, less than a thousand remain. However, the been put aside by the militaristic leaders. Instead, they have
next generation has done well in the new environment, and come to have a rather ferocious hatred for anything harmful to
the total number of Gna-Tall on Earth actually climbed to the environment.
around eight thousand adults and two thousand children in The Gna-Tall are not pleased with what humanity seems to
2005. Disease still proves the major cause of death among be doing to the planet. At the same time, they are not convinced
Saurians on Earth, claiming the lives of twenty percent of the humans should be destroyed as a race, and they have no
Saurians under ten years of age. ability to accomplish that task. Thus, a number of Gna-Tall have
This new generation of Gna-Tall has grown up in a decided- taken it on themselves to curtail human excesses, through acts
ly strange setting. Their parents teach them of the old days of industrial sabotage, the murder of top executives responsible


for environmental damage, and even raids on factories and

processing plants. These are always carried out by Men in
Today the Gna-Tall are a desperate, dispirited people. They
Black, usually in conjunction with some human radical terrorist are fighting to survive disease, operational losses, and psycho-
organization. logical problems. They are aware that at any time, millions of
These operations are a very low priority for the Gna-Tall. their ancient enemies may come pouring out of the sky.
They do not want to risk exposure or waste resources on Everything the Gna-Tall do today is aimed at ensuring their sur-
defending the Earth when they could be fighting the Croll. Many vival, but they have no master plan for victory. They also know
Saurians view this as recreation, a way to vent some anger and that it is very unlikely that their old enemies will ever forgive
do good at the same time. The Gna-Tall leadership allows this them. A few still hope for victory, either over the humans or the
to happen as long as the participants are careful and frugal. other Saurians, but most understand that they will never take
back the Earth from its new masters by themselves. Some feel
that the only way to survive is to ally with one of the greater
SPACE EXPLORATION powers, be it human or Saurian. For the moment, however, the
Since their alliance with the NDD, the Gna-Tall have taken a
special interest in the U.S. aerospace industry. The lunar out- Gna-Tall need not make that decision. The full Exodus fleet has
post remains an important part of Gna-Tall operations on Earth not yet returned. For now, they bide their time and build their
and is seen as their last refuge. It also serves as a deep space strength until the moment of truth arrives.
telescope and radar station for the monitoring of incoming
enemy spacecraft from the Exodus fleet. Keeping this base’s GNA-TALL INDIVIDUALS
existence hidden from space explorers is an important part of Gna-Tall castes are all divided into generations, and specific
Gna-Tall activities on Earth. They infiltrated the Apollo mission character information about caste and generation is given. The
at every level, ensuring the landings were far from Gna-Tall original Gna-Tall were those that emerged from the singularity.
sites. Today the Gna-Tall still have a great deal of influence in Second generation Gna-Talls were born after 1952 and reached
the industry—recent unmanned missions to the moon and Mars adulthood after 1968. Few second generation children were born
have been entirely under Gna-Tall control. The aliens directly after 1965. Third generation Gna-Tall hatched after 1969 and
altered images and data obtained by probes, or sabotaged reached adulthood after 1988. These Gna-Tall ceased being born
independent missions that would expose their presence (such around 1990. The current generation was born around 1989.
as the Beagle 2). Roughly 8,000 Gna-Tall adults exist. Tables under each caste
give the percentage of the total number of adults in each gen-
The Gna-Tall caste system was the heart of their society, but As noted, the psychological stresses experienced by the Gna-
that society is gone. A new caste system, originally developed Tall have lead to numerous mental disorders. The particular
by Hierophant Kalen, mimics the old but has been adjusted for manifestation varies depending on the Saurian’s caste and gen-
their new lifestyles. Society has been divided into eration. Under each caste is a list of generations and common
leaders/ambassadors, war-techs, engineers/scientists, laborers, Drawbacks. The original Gna-Tall do not have these disadvan-
and priests. Since nearly all of them are descended from the tages. Most second generation Gna-Talls have one Drawback
surviving war-techs, there is a decidedly military bent to the from the list. The most severely affected third generation Gna-
entire system. Talls have two or more. The current generation shows fewer
At the top are the leaders/ambassadors, descendants of the mental disorders and suffer only one Drawback.
original starship captains. Although glorified war-techs, they
spend more of their time administrating and relating to oth-
ers, particularly humans. Next come the war-techs them-
selves, who still comprise sixty percent of the Gna-Tall popu-
lation. Below them are the engineer/scientists, who sacrifice
combat prowess for a deeper understanding of technology
and science. Laborers began as disgraced Gna-Tall and now
their descendants form the lowest of the castes, fit for only
menial tasks. Few priests exist, and their authority derives
entirely from the Hierophant and the other commanders.
Compared to the old days, they have little power; they serve
mostly to heighten morale and justify the actions and exis-
tence of the Gna-Tall leadership. A vast body of religious lore
has been lost and the current priests cope with incomplete rit-
uals and spotty doctrine.

1 2 3 4


STR 6 (4) DEX 5 (4) CON 6 (6) INT 5 (5) PER 2 (2) WIL 3 (3)
LP 73 (65) End 50 (44) Spd 22 (20) Essence 27 (24)
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
Skills: (Acting 2), (Bureaucracy 2), Brawling 2, Computers 3, Electronics 2, (Guns (Hand Gun) 3), Guns (Plasma Claw) 3,
Language (English) 3, Martial Arts 3, Pilot (Saurian Craft) 3, Smooth Talking 2, Stealth 2
Generation Number Drawbacks
Original <1% None
Second <1% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur)
Third <1% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur), Psychological Problems
(Severe Prejudice—Other castes, or Severe Zealot)
Current <1% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur)


STR 7 (6) DEX 5 (5) CON 7 (6) INT 4 (4) PER 2 (2) WIL 3 (3)
LP 81 (73) End 56 (50) Spd 24 (22) Essence 28 (26)
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
Skills: Brawling 3, Computers 3, Electronics 4, (Guns (Hand Gun) 3), Guns (Plasma Claw) 3, Language (English) 2, Martial
Arts 3, Pilot (Saurian Craft) 3, Stealth 3, Surveillance 2
Generation Number Drawbacks
Original 12% None
Second 19% Psychological Problems (Severe Cruelty or Severe Paranoia)
Third 39% Psychological Problems (Severe Cruelty, Severe Prejudice—Other castes,
Severe Paranoia, or Severe Recklessness)
Current 52% Psychological Problems (Severe Cruelty or Severe Paranoia)


STR 5 (5) DEX 4 (4) CON 5 (5) INT 5 (5) PER 2 (2) WIL 3 (3)
LP 65 (61) End 44 (41) Spd 24 (22) Essence 24 (23)
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 3, Electronics 4, Engineer (Saurian) 3, Guns (Plasma Claw) 3, Martial Arts 3, Pilot (Saurian) 3,
Research/Investigation 3, Science (varies) 3
Generation Number Drawbacks
Original 2% None
Second 3% Emotional Problems (Detached) or Psychological Problems (Severe Obsession)
Third 7% Emotional Problems (Detached) or Psychological Problems (Severe Obsession or
Severe Paranoia)
Current 17% Emotional Problems (Detached), Psychological Problems (Severe Obsession)



STR 6 (4) DEX 4 (4) CON 6 (5) INT 3 (3) PER 3 (3) WIL 3 (3)
LP 73 (61) End 50 (41) Spd 20 (18) Essence 25 (22)
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 3, Engineer (Saurian) 3, Electronics 4, Mechanic 4
Generation Number Drawbacks
Original 1% None
Second 3% Psychological Problems (Severe Cowardice or Severe Recklessness)
Third 9% Psychological Problems (Severe Cowardice, Severe Recklessness, or Severe Weird
Current 24% Psychological Problems (Severe Cowardice or Severe Recklessness)

LP 61 End 41 Spd 18 Essence 23
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
Skills: Brawling 2, Myth and Legend (Gna-Tall) 3, Occult Knowledge 3, Rituals (Saurian Religious) 3, Science (Ecology) 4,
Trance 2
Generation Number Drawbacks
Original <1% None
First <1% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur)
Second <1% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur), Psychological Problems
(Severe Prejudice—Saurian should not become human, Severe Prejudice—Other
Castes, Severe Prejudice—Other Saurian nations, Severe Prejudice—humans), Zealot
Third 6% Psychological Problems (Severe Delusions of Grandeur)

1 2 3 4
When the Croll and Kath-Yal came out of the singularity field in
1963, both sides were more than a little surprised. By extrapolating
changes in the positions of stars, they were horrified at their findings.
Still fearing a Gna-Tall attack, the small fleet of warships set course for
Earth. It was agreed that since the Kath-Yal ships had better stealth
capabilities they would approach the planet while the Croll waited
near Jupiter.
The forward Kath-Yal warships discovered the Gna-Tall long-range
sensors on the moon but assumed their stealth fields would keep
them hidden. This should have been the case, but by some fluke, a
sharp-sensed Gna-Tall technician caught a glimpse of the passing
ships. His superiors quickly launched an interceptor attack. In the
short and deadly space battle, most of the Kath-Yal broke ranks and
fled, heading for cover on the planet below. The Kath-Yal had been
routed before they even had a chance to get their bearings. The few
humans who glimpsed the space battle had no reasonable explana-
tion for the readings they saw, and no one acted on them.
Those that survived the ambush went to ground all over the plan-
et, hiding as best they could from the various Gna-Tall teams that were
out looking for them. Over the next two years, close to two-thirds of
the Kath-Yal died from disease or violence. All sense of order and cul-
ture disappeared for the Kath-Yal as they focused all their energy on
survival. Even so, the Kath-Yal would not have survived the decade
without the help of Gher, an Atlantean.
Scanning the heavens for signs of Grey activity, Gher stumbled
upon the space conflict between the Gna-Tall and Kath-Yal. From his
ship, Gher cast a cloud of nanotech tracking devices that attached
themselves to a number of Gna-Tall and Kath-Yal spacecraft. He used
these to monitor the course of the battle and the hunt that followed.
A few years of watching the strange lizard men led Gher to conclude
that there was much to be learned from these beings. He correctly dis-
cerned that the Gna-Tall had some sort of relationship with the NDD
and would probably not be open to his overtures of friendship. The
Kath-Yal, however, were desperate, and Gher was probably the only
person alive who actually knew where the different Kath-Yal groups
were hiding.
Upon first contact in 1967, the Kath-Yal were highly suspicious of
Gher and his motives. Still, a show of Atlantean force convinced them
that he could easily have killed them if he wanted them dead. They
were intrigued by his offer to unite the scattered Kath-Yal groups.
Under Gher’s direction, the disparate groups of survivors gathered in
a location where the Atlantean had considerable influence: southeast
Asia. As the war in Vietnam expanded, Gher and his refugee Kath-Yal
used the chaos to cover their activities. They built a base in northern
Thailand, hidden away in the uninhabited jungles. Shrouded in pow-
erful stealth shields, the base offered a secure location to hide from
the searching Gna-Tall. Gher carefully controlled his dealings with the
Kath-Yal, hiding the existence of his nanotechnology while learning as
much as he could, including the secrets of the Kath-Yal stealth and
force fields.

carried 4,000 Kath-Yal, still in their family groups. They would

REBUILDING no longer be a second class Saurian power on the planet. Now,
The Kath-Yal strike force had once numbered two thousand,
but by the late 1960s, it amounted to only four hundred. Of the they would be a force to be reckoned with. A flight of corvettes,
hundreds of corvettes that escaped the singularity, only a few equipped with the new advanced stealth fields, slipped past the
dozen remained. The Kath-Yal lived in fear of discovery by the Gna-Tall sensor posts and met up with the incoming ships, both
Gna-Tall, but they knew that if they could hold out long enough, their own and the one filled with Te-Mulys. The corvettes
more of their people would arrive. Thus, once they were settled warned the ships of approaching Earth and the potential for
in their new home, the Kath-Yal began to rebuild their society. Gna-Tall ambush near the moon.
The Kath-Yal family groups were gone, so the first step was to The two colony ships remained hidden within the asteroid
form new families. belt and they began to shuttle their respective populations
In the meantime, Gher put them to work. He had constructed down to Earth. The Kath-Yal had been carefully probing the
their entire base using nanotechnology, presenting them with a Gna-Tall detection network and knew its weaknesses. This infor-
finished product before they could even thank him for his offer of mation was passed onto the Te-Mulys. The Kath-Yal population
aid. As soon as they had installed their protective fields, the Kath- made it to southeast Asia, settling in a series of bases that Gher
Yal set about repaying their debt to Gher. Gher worked with the had helped to construct. A small crew remained behind on the
few remaining Kath-Yal scientists to perfect their advanced stealth Colony Ark to maintain it and keep it ready in case of emer-
fields for use against human and Atlantean detection devices. The gency. The Kath-Yal also assisted the Te-Mulys in relocating to
intermingling of Saurian and Atlantean technical knowledge pro- southern Africa and setting up a base of operations there.
duced an unexpected bonus. The Kath-Yal scientists developed a It was during this time that the Kath-Yal reestablished contact
prototype field that would render their ships invisible. Although with the Croll. Resentful that the Croll had not helped them
the Kath-Yal attempted to keep this secret, Gher’s nano-devices when they were desperate, great suspicion existed between the
were always watching and listening. Gher in turn let the Kath-Yal two nations and little cooperation arose from the contact. They
believe their secret was safe. He felt it unnecessary to raise Kath- did exchange some knowledge, however, including what they
Yal suspicions about the extent of his surveillance. knew about the Gna-Tall, the Greys, the NDD, and other human
The technological work done, Gher began using the Kath-Yal organizations with alien knowledge.
to carry out his operations against humans, and even other Shortly thereafter, a successful strike against a NDD base
Atlanteans. Given Gher’s hatred of the Greys, he particularly netted the Kath-Yal a deep-cover Aegis mole. Discovered
enjoyed using the Saurians against his psionic enemies. For the accessing her HERMES link, the Aegis agent was kept alive and
next two decades, the Kath-Yal dedicated themselves to hunting thoroughly interrogated. The agent happened to be an expert
down Grey ships and blowing them to pieces. In the end, how- on the Atlanteans and told the Kath-Yal what Aegis knew or sus-
ever, the impact on the Greys was minimal. Grey clairvoyants pected about that race and their nanotechnology. The
were unaffected by the Kath-Yal stealth fields. In total, only Hegemon from the Colony Ark, who had taken over leadership
three Grey ships were destroyed in these years. of the Kath-Yal, was briefed on this new information. Gher soon
During this time, the Kath-Yal learned to travel among arrived, warned by his nano-surveillance, but his attempt to
humans by morphing their bodies. Usual operations involved mollify the Saurians unsuccessful. The Hegemon decided that
the abduction of human psychics for use in Gher’s crusade the Kath-Yal debt had been repaid, and that Gher was a danger
against the Greys. Kath-Yal technicians helped Gher carry out to his people. The encounter turned violent. Gher, seven
his experiments on psychics and in time came to learn a great Saurians, and the Aegis agent were all killed in the melee.
deal about how Seepage and psychic energy work. Gher, of course, was not so easily dispatched. His blood sur-
Under Gher’s tutelage, the Kath-Yal prospered. A new, hope- geons repaired the damage and he rose from the dead. He
ful generation of Kath-Yal was born, bringing their population found the Hegemon and a number of Saurians trying to access
up to just under seven hundred individuals. They managed to his ship. Gher snuck up and opened fire with his needle gun. Not
learn of Gna-Tall operations thanks to missions directed against expecting an attack, none of the Kath-Yal, including the acting
NDD-allied Greys and metahumans. This caused them to fear Hegemon, had their force shields active. They all perished, their
any mission that would take them into the Americas, the heart bodies rapidly disassembled by invasive nanites. Gher went into
of Gna-Tall power on Earth. Although they thirsted for hiding, but he vowed vengeance for the Kath-Yal betrayal.
vengeance, the Kath-Yal knew that they were not ready for The death of the acting Hegemon left the Kath-Yal without a
open conflict with their ancient enemies. leader or named successor. A two-year power struggle ensued
which divided the Kath-Yal into several camps. Finally, in 1993
A SECOND HOMECOMING one of the leaders, a female named Amel born on Earth in 1967,
managed to unite the families. Her ascension to power violated
In 1988, everything changed for the Kath-Yal. The downtrod-
den but hopeful people learned that two Colony Arks had every aspect of Kath-Yal tradition, but she held the support of
escaped the singularity field and were bound for Earth—one the majority of the people, particularly the soldiers.

1 2 3 4
Hegemon Amel is a very charismatic Saurian and commands
a great deal of respect from those who follow her. She repre-
STR 4 (4) DEX 6 (5) CON 5 (4)
sents a new generation of Kath-Yal: those with a sense of pur-
pose. Her goal is nothing less than Kath-Yal supremacy on INT 3 (3) PER 3 (3) WIL 4 (4)
Earth. She reasons that the Kath-Yal knowledge of advanced LP 61 (57) End 44 (41)
stealth, the Greys, psychic powers, and the Atlanteans places Spd 22 (18) Essence 25 (23)
them at an advantage. She has set up teams of scientists to push
Kath-Yal knowledge in these areas, gaining an even greater Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell),
edge in anticipation of arrival of the entire Exodus fleet. Ambidextrous (four-armed natural form), Hard to Kill 5,
Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
The Kath-Yal have also embarked on a extensive program of slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
abducting, enslaving, and training human psychics. To date,
they have close to fifty trained and docile psychics who use Skills: Brawling 2, Bureaucracy 2, Computers 3, Engineer
their powers for Kath-Yal purposes. This number could be far (Saurian) 2, Electronics 4, Guns (Energy) 3, Haggling 2,
higher, however. To date, most of the potential psychic slaves Humanities (Saurian Politics) 3, (Language (varies) 3),
die or go mad during the training process. The more powerful (Martial Arts 3), Pilot (Saurian Craft) 2, Science
psychics seem the most vulnerable to these fates. (Parapsychology) 2, Smooth Talking 2
Hegemon Amel uses her psychics for several purposes. First
and foremost, she focuses their talents on finding and captur-
ing other psychics. Intelligence gathering is also directed at the
Gna-Tall, Croll, and Atlantean outposts on the planet. Amel is KATH-YAL SOLDIER (MIB)
particularly interested in locating and destroying Gher once STR 6 (4) DEX 6 (5) CON 6 (5)
and for all. When the time is right, she plans to use this infor- INT 3 (3) PER 3 (3) WIL 3 (3)
mation to strike out against her rivals and ensure the suprema-
cy of the Kath-Yal on Earth. This psychic program remains a LP 73 (61) End 50 (41)
secret from all other Saurians on Earth. Hegemon Amel has Spd 24 (18) Essence 27 (23)
coordinated with the Te-Mulys on several raids against the Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell),
Gna-Tall based on psychic information, but has not revealed Ambidextrous (four-armed natural form), Hard to Kill 5,
the source of her data. Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
Hegemon Amel is milking her alliance with the Te-Mulys for slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
all it is worth, knowing that when the time comes she and her Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 3, Engineer (Saurian) 3,
people will have to cast them aside as they ascend to greatness. Electronics 2, Guns (Energy) 4, (Guns (Pistol) 3), (Guns
The Croll are of greater concern. They have established solid (Rifle) 2), (Language (varies) 2), (Martial Arts 2), Pilot
strongholds on the Earth, with close ties to some human groups (Saurian Craft) 3, Stealth 3, Surveillance 2
(something the Kath-Yal find abhorrent). While they are still
ostensibly allied with the Croll, Hegemon Amel is prepared to
work against them whenever she can.
The Kath-Yal hold humanity in slight regard; they are viewed
as pawns in the greater game. In the early days of their return, KATH-YAL SCIENTIST (MIB)
they feared humanity and its vast numbers. Now, supplement- STR 5 (4) DEX 6 (5) CON 5 (5)
ed by the population of the Colony Ark, they have a renewed INT 4 (4) PER 3 (3) WIL 4 (4)
sense of purpose. The humans fall in time—they clearly cannot
LP 65 (61) End 47 (44)
stand against the superior technology and intelligence of the
Saurians. While this is probably not true, the Kath-Yal have Spd 22 (20) Essence 27 (25)
come to firmly believe it. What Hegemon Amel and her follow- Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell),
ers do not realize is that their position is not as sure as they Ambidextrous (four-armed natural form), Hard to Kill 5,
think. When the next Kath-Yal Colony Ark arrives, it is unlikely Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
that the families on board will recognize Hegemon Amel’s slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void
authority. Her rise to power came at the expense of Kath-Yal tra-
Skills: Brawling 2, Computers 3, Engineer (Saurian) 3,
dition and customs, not in accordance with them. A new set of
Electronics 4, (Language (varies) 2), Mechanic 4, Pilot
power struggles is sure to ensue. This will no doubt weaken the
(Saurian Craft) 2, Science (varies) 4
Kath-Yal’s seemingly powerful position.


The Te-Mulys are searching for a method to set themselves

TE-MULYS up as masters over the humans. Unlike the Croll or the Kath-Yal
The most recent arrivals on Earth, the Te-Mulys made land- who would simply kill them, the Te-Mulys see great potential in
fall in early 1990. Aided by the Kath-Yal, these Saurians have set the humans as slaves and servants. Wiring up and training five
up operations in southern Africa, although the majority of the billion human slaves is not practical, however, so another
population remains on board the colony ship hiding in the means to master the humans must be found. The Te-Mulys
asteroid belt. They are a cautious people and do not want to leadership has decided that the trick is simply to pick the few
risk their lives needlessly until they are sure there is a safe place humans that are most important and learn to control them.
for them somewhere on Earth. The Te-Mulys nobility would not
This approach merely places the Te-Mulys in the same posi-
even consider coming to Earth unless safety can be assured. As
tion as the world’s other great conspiracies. The difference is
usual, they sent low ranking Te-Mulys and a host of slaves to do
that the Te-Mulys do not know that they have any serious com-
the dirty work.
petition. The Croll and Kath-Yal act with trepidation when deal-
To this day, less than a hundred Te-Mulys overlords are ing with America because they know the Gna-Tall has strong
active on Earth, all of them carefully hidden in secure areas, allies there. The Te-Mulys, by contrast, have marched right in,
never in direct contact with humans. Five times as many slaves using their agents to buy power and influence with almost reck-
work night and day. Nearly all of the slaves brought down to less disregard. This tactic was so unanticipated that it has actu-
Earth have been body morphed to look like humans, but they ally worked.
retain the brain wiring that allows their Te-Mulys masters to
The Te-Mulys now have controlling interests in a number of
control them. The Te-Mulys decided to take it slow, building
American businesses. They have spent the last few years con-
their position while remaining hidden from the Gna-Tall. They
centrating their efforts on buying their way into Wall Street.
are more than willing to let the Croll and Kath-Yal assume the
Using money obtained by matter/energy conversion technolo-
burden of struggle for the moment. The Te-Mulys have always
gy, the Te-Mulys are behind some of the most powerful invest-
been more disposed toward intrigue than fighting. Also, unlike
ing firms in the world. Their ownership and expertise in the
the other two Exodus nations, no Te-Mulys warships have
market gives the Te-Mulys some control over the companies
escaped the singularity field.
they have invested in, and the economy as a whole. Actual con-
The Te-Mulys base of operations is a modified series of trol over specific key projects is less direct, however, as the
caves deep within the deserts of southwest Africa that stretch advanced technology companies all have Aegis, NDD,
over ten miles. Te-Mulys slaves spent two years hollowing and Atlantean, or Gna-Tall infiltrators. All parties are still trying to
shaping the caves before the first master came down to the feel out who’s who and what each wants.
planet. Guarded by a network of passive sensors and hidden
The Te-Mulys have also moved discretely in other areas.
energy projectors, it is nigh impossible for anything to
Using their wealth and influence, they helped precipitate a
approach within a hundred miles of the base unnoticed. The
downturn in several southeast Asian economies. Then the Te-
interior is a series of large chambers designed to recreate the
Mulys started buying interests in those nations and govern-
habitats of their ancient home, including plant and animal life
ments, just as they have in U.S. Over the next few years, the Te-
transported down from the colony ship. Other than the private
Mulys plan to play a major role in helping the area expand, at
caves for each Te-Mulys overlord, the remainder of the facility
the same time gaining tremendous influence among the local
is devoted to command/control areas and training facilities for
corrupt governments. This will allow the Te-Mulys to control the
slaves and dinosaurs. Five different entrances exist, three of
lives of hundreds of millions of humans in the heartland of the
which are known only to the Te-Mulys masters (the slaves who
Kath-Yal, keeping a close watch on their “ally.”
made them were killed). Currently, the cave network can sup-
port about two hundred overlords and their slaves, but it is The Te-Mulys’ southeast Asian operations reveal their
constantly under expansion, with new chambers being added favorite tactics. They bide their time, creeping up behind the
every month. scenes, and gathering information. By keeping their numbers
low, they fool the other Saurians into thinking their position is
weak. When the time comes, they plan to bring overwhelming
THE FUTURE force, whether military, economic, or political, to the exact point
While the Te-Mulys support the Kath-Yal fight against the
Gna-Tall, they dislike the Kath-Yal almost as much as the Gna- that will ensure victory. They are not beyond making a deal with
Tall. They would prefer to be left alone to their own devices, but the Gna-Tall—they suspect that the Gna-Tall do not have the
realize that this is not possible. They need the Kath-Yal because numbers to resist the entire Exodus fleet when it returns.
of their knowledge of the humans and other beings living on Keeping that in mind, they are willing to forgive old grievances
Earth. The price of access to knowledge is that they must occa- if a new accord proves beneficial to them.
sionally help raid or plot against the Gna-Tall. Still, this is easier The Te-Mulys carry out all operations using slaves or human
than gathering the information for themselves. pawns. The Te-Mulys masters have never even been in the same
room as a living human. Other than the risk of disease from the

1 2 3 4
filthy creatures, consorting with them is beneath even the lowest of the
Te-Mulys overlords. The slaves, modified to human form, have very lit-
tle free will of their own, and are little more than mouthpieces for their
masters. Their main responsibilities are to act as liaisons and execute
the nobility’s plans. Humans, who the Te-Mulys have bought and paid
for with enormous sums of cash, do most of the actual work. These
humans, thinking they are working for other humans (the slaves) are
stockbrokers, scientists, and intelligence experts. They are more than
willing to make money and not ask questions.

What the Te-Mulys know about Atlanteans and Greys comes almost
entirely from the little fed to them by the Kath-Yal. They care little
about the Greys or psychic powers, chiefly because they have no first
hand experience with them. The Atlanteans are seen as more of a
threat; they are involved in the same kind of behind the scenes machi-
nations as the Te-Mulys. Should an Atlantean ever approach a master,
their slaves, or their pawns, the Te-Mulys would be happy to open
diplomatic relations. They would also be happy to have a body for a
full autopsy, should that prove possible without undue risk.
Of more interest to the Te-Mulys are Aegis and the NDD. On sever-
al occasions in recent years, the Te-Mulys have found themselves in
direct competition with these two groups for influence within the
United States. They have some knowledge of the Directorate from the
Kath-Yal, and are especially wary because of the ties the Directorate
has with the Gna-Tall. This has kept them from acting too strongly
against the NDD. In the meantime, they have decided to concentrate
on what they view as the weaker group: Aegis.
The Te-Mulys first became aware of Aegis in 1996 when they real-
ized someone was working to counter their effort to gain influence
within the Securities and Exchange Commission. In a rare display of
open power, Te-Mulys warrior slaves moved in on the suspected rival,
kidnapped, and brought him in for questioning. Part of an Aegis cell,
the agent provided the Te-Mulys with a great deal of information
before expiring. The Te-Mulys body morphed a slave to look exactly like
the agent, implanted him with monitoring equipment, and sent him to
contact the remainder of the cell. The slave had some information
around the original agent but not enough to pull off any extended
deception. The cell became suspicious almost immediately, and the
slave barely escaped with his life. The Te-Mulys now strive to learn
more about Aegis and wipe out any cells that conflict with their goals.
Te-Mulys hit teams are always slaves who have been transformed
into human form. They are usually armed with hand-held or shoulder-
mounted energy projectors, pressor beams, and personal force
shields. They sometimes carry human weapons as well, although not
very often. When necessary they bring an attack dinosaur, usually a
beast with a good sense of smell for tracking. Te-Mulys hits are often
messy, bloody affairs, leaving an area that seems to have been raked
by a thousand bolts of lightning. The obvious nature of these attacks
has lead Aegis Prime to suspect that the Saurians were somehow
involved, but since they have no knowledge of the Te-Mulys as yet,
they are having a hard time reconciling their information with what is
known about the Gna-Tall.


STR 7 (6) DEX 3 (4) CON 7 (5)
INT 2 (2) PER 3 (3) WIL 1 (1)
LP 81 (69) End 50 (41)
Spd 20 (18) Essence 23 (21)
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Armor
Value ((D8 x 3) + 10(22); natural form only), Hard to Kill 5,
Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength
slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void, Slave
(under the control of the Te-Mulys overlords)
Skills: Brawling 2, Guns (Energy) 3, Guns (Force) 3,
(Guns (Pistol) 2), Mechanic 1

Te-Mulys slaves share the common form that all Saurians are
born with, although there are often slight modifications. Of all
the Saurian nations, the Te-Mulys probably have the best
understanding of exactly how the Saurian brain works on a
physical level. They have made countless experiments on slaves
and now know exactly which areas of the brain govern which
kinds of behavior.
When making slaves, the Te-Mulys remove certain parts of
the brain. Most slaves become mindless zombies, kept happy
by a constant flow of dopamine-like chemicals. If the brain mor-
phing has adverse affects on the slave’s cognitive processes, no
Te-Mulys master has given it much thought.
For soldiers or slaves who require a higher level of reason-
ing, brain morphing is not generally used. The Te-Mulys implant
a series of electrical devices in the brain. These allow the mas-
ters to administer shocks of pain or jolts of ecstasy to the slave,
or simply knock them unconscious. The owners of a slave are
the only ones who have the transmitters that activate these
implants. These simple training aids, coupled with the fact that
slaves are born into their role, means that the more intelligent
slaves are still fiercely loyal to their cruel masters. They have
never known any other way of thinking.
TE-MULYS SLAVE-AMBASSADOR (MIB) Slaves can have whatever Attributes, Qualities, or skills are
STR 5 (4) DEX 3 (3) CON 6 (5)
necessary for their purpose. Two common builds are discussed
INT 3 (3) PER 3 (3) WIL 1 (1)
LP 69 (61) End 41 (35)
Spd 18 (16) Essence 21 (19) SURROGATE
Qualities & Drawbacks: Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to The Te-Mulys overlords have long employed surrogates
Kill 5, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x when dealing with other nations. Te-Mulys nobles do not like to
Strength slashing damage; natural form only), Psychic Void, expose themselves to outsiders if at all possible. The surrogate
Slave (under the control of the Te-Mulys overlords) is really little more than a walking mouthpiece, controlled by
implanted transmitters, cameras, and microphones. This allows
Skills: Bureaucracy 2, Brawling 2, Computers 3, Engineer their masters to carry out negotiations or espionage without
(Saurian) 3, Guns (Energy) 2, Guns (Force) 2, Language actually being there. The slave itself retains its own mind and
(varies) 3, Pilot (Saurian) 2, Smooth Talking 2, Stealth 3, instincts and is thus capable of acting independently—this is
Surveillance 2 especially important when it comes to avoiding dangerous situ-

ations. The master has no way of actually controlling what the
slave says or does, other than a direct link to the pain/pleasure VELOCIRAPTOR
stimulators wired to the slave’s brain. STR 5-7 DEX 4-7 CON 2-5

Since they arrived on Earth over a decade ago, the Te-Mulys INT 2 (animal) PER 2-4 WIL 2-4
have developed a newer version of the ambassador class slave, LP ((Strength + Constitution) x 4) +15
altering their ambassadors to assume human form. This allows End ((Strength + Constitution + Willpower) x 3) +5
them to deal with the local population without having to under-
go the painful and embarrassing body morphing process. It Spd ((Dexterity + Constitution) x 2) +10
would be highly unusual for any surrogate embedded in Essence (sum of Attributes)
human society to be in non-human form. Qualities & Drawbacks: Armor Value (D8 x 2(8) against
fire/plasma), Natural Weapon (Claw D8(4) x Strength, bite
SOLDIERS D6(3) x (Strength)), Slave (under the control of Te-Mulys
The Te-Mulys masters serve as leaders in the military, occu- overlords)
pying all positions of command. They handle anything involv-
Skills: Brawling 5, Dodge 4, Notice 5, Tracking 4
ing sensitive or secret material. Furthermore, it is the masters
who pilot the combat spacecraft and hover vehicles that once
made up the strong arm of the Te-Mulys armed forces. Slave
soldiers form the majority of the armed forces, simple foot sol- T-REX
STR 10-15 DEX 4-6 CON 4-6
diers with energy projectors and armored bodies. While the Te-
Mulys themselves use personal force shields like the Gna-Tall INT -1 (animal) PER 2-3 WIL 2-5
they do not equip their soldiers with such protection. This is not LP ((Strength + Constitution) x 5) +15
entirely a matter of insensitivity about slave casualties—given
End ((Strength + Constitution + Willpower) x 4) +10
the soldiers’ propensity for leaving their projectors on full blast
for the length of a battle, active force shields are impractical. Spd ((Dexterity + Constitution) x 2) +15
In order to offer their troops some protection in battle, the Essence (sum of Attributes)
Te-Mulys alter their bodies. A network of pouches covers the Qualities & Drawbacks: Armor Value (D8 x 3(12)
entire soldier’s body. Sheets of super hard metal or plastic are against fire/plasma), Natural Weapon (trample D8(4) x
inserted. Thus all soldiers have armored bodies, and whenever Strength, bite D12(6) x (Strength + 1)), Slave (under the con-
some portion of the armor is damaged they can simply remove trol of the Te-Mulys overlords)(under the control of the Te-
the damaged plate, heal the pouch, and place another in its Mulys overlords)
place. The soldiers also have their size and musculature
Skills: Brawling 4, Notice 4, Tracking 3
enhanced beyond Saurian norms, making them more resilient
in combat. There is some loss of agility, but the Te-Mulys rely on
overwhelming numbers rather than dexterous troops. Tyrannosaurus:The Te-Mulys have a great fondness for the
famous T-Rex and brought several of them along on their voy-
age. The T-Rex are smart enough to be trained and big enough
DINOSAURS to make anyone think twice about messing with them. The stan-
The Te-Mulys keep dinosaurs as pets, use them to hunt, and
sometimes race them or engage them in blood sports. Some dard Te-Mulys tyrannosaurus has a toughened hide, resistant to
dinosaurs receive more specialized training and modifications flame and plasma. The beasts are also equipped with a person-
and are used in industrial or even military operations. Other al force shield before being sent into battle, which further pro-
dinosaurs may be employed by Chroniclers with access to the tects them from ranged weapons. The Te-Mulys controlling the
Terra Primate RPG. beast does not have much flexibility with their command. They
can tell the T-Rex which way to move and how fast to go, and
sometimes even who to attack. Other than that the monster
pretty much does as it pleases. The controller always has the
DINOSAUR DEFENSE option of paralyzing the creature at a moment’s notice.
Te-Mulys equip their dinosaur slaves with an inferior field Velociraptor: The velociraptors are used by the Te-Mulys as
generator. In Mode I, the field protects against energy guard beasts and quick, stealthy assault troops. They have
attacks providing an additional AV of (D8 x 2) + 10(16). In come into wider use on Earth, because anyone killed by a rap-
Mode II, the field protects against projectile attacks, provid- tor appears to have been mauled by a large animal, and autop-
ing the same AV as Mode I. There is no Mode III, as the ani- sies lead to few useful clues. Like the T-Rex, the raptors are
mal would not know what to do with levitation capacity. granted tougher skin, and implants that provide personal force
shields. Also like the T-Rex, control over the raptor is tenuous.


Saurians are social beings, living in packs and communally

SAURIAN BIOLOGY caring for the young until they mature. Due to low birth rates
and religious principals honoring their ecosystem, Saurian pop-
The Saurian species has undergone massive physical changes ulations have been relatively small throughout their history.
in its history, but there remains one form from which all the rest
flow. Saurians are descendants of the dinosaurs and are not
truly reptiles. They are warm-blooded. They have tough, leath-
ery hides, long, thick tails, three-fingered hands and toes that COMMUNICATION
end in sharp claws. Saurian skin coloration varies from region to The Saurians are, as a race, very expressive. Long before
region, and they can change their hue at will. The average they developed the capacity for speech and writing, the
Saurian stands a little over seven feet tall when erect, but most Saurians communicated using a variety of non-verbal cues.
Saurians move about with a decided forward lean, their thick Saurian skin can change colors, much like that of a chameleon.
tails serving as a counterbalance. Saurians are strict carnivores, Although the normal skin color varies from individual to indi-
and even in modern times generally only eat raw meat. vidual, it is usually some shade of brown, green, grey, or red.
These shades darken and lighten or even change entirely
Saurian females give birth to newborns surrounded by a soft,
depending on mood and intentions. Furthermore, patterns of
glutinous membrane. They rarely ever give birth to more than
different shades are common, allowing it to express ideas in an
one offspring at a time and most are lucky to reproduce three or
even more refined manner. Initially, this ability was simply a
four times in their lifetime. The membranes are roughly two feet
natural reaction to external stimuli, but as the Saurians evolved,
long and elongated to fit loosely over the Saurian offspring; it
they came to exert conscious control over their pigmentation.
takes about two hours for a newborn to rip free. Those that do
This control is not perfect, however, and they sometimes
not are usually deemed unworthy, and are left to die. The new-
change colors involuntarily when subjected to emotional stress.
born is capable of moving around, feeding, and making noise.
For about three weeks, it is fed regurgitated meat by an adult, Saurians have a very sensitive sense of smell coupled with an
after which it is able to walk upright, eat fresh, solid food and advanced pheromone system. They emit a variety of odors rel-
defend itself. Saurian young grow quickly, and by age three, they ative to their emotional and mental state. Most of these are
are over four feet long and proficient fighters. At twelve years, the undetectable to the human nose, but to a Saurian, these odors
Saurian reaches maturity. Due to the harsh nature of their world are as eloquent as human facial expressions. Unlike the skin pig-
and society, few Saurians survived past the age of sixty. mentation (or human facial expressions), Saurians have a hard

1 2 3 4
time controlling what pheromones they emit. Thus, for many Saurian brain ebb and flow like a tide. This produces a unique
thousands of years, until pheromone controlling drugs were and unstable series of emotional states. At certain times in the
invented, Saurians found it almost impossible to hide their feel- cycle, the Saurian is more prone to one emotion than another.
ings from one another. A Saurian’s predominant emotional state generally lasts a week,
Communication among Saurians also involves a great deal but even that varies among individuals, and the pattern of a
of touching. Even if they hate one another, they typically rub, Saurian’s cycle can alter from time to time.
nuzzle, tap with snouts, limbs, or tails, and even lick, bite, or Cycles are not overbearing emotional states, they simply rep-
smack. To a human observer, this remnant from the ancient resent tendencies. During certain parts of the cycle, a Saurian
days before speech became fully developed is highly bizarre. might be more prone to aggression. This does not mean that he
The Saurians have an entire language of touch that allows is constantly aggressive. As they developed, most Saurian cul-
them to transcend verbal language barriers. Since at least 200 tures found these cycles inconvenient and smoothed them out
different Saurian verbal languages exists, this has proven cru- through drugs and other treatment regimens.
cial over the years. The Saurian Mood Chart can be used to determine random-
When Saurians take on human form (such as the fabled Men ly a given Saurian’s emotional tendency. Although different
in Black), they have much more difficulty communicating. Saurian nations have different body types, Saurians do not alter
Saurians in human bodies remain receptive to Saurian brain structures. Some nations, particularly the Croll, use drugs
pheromones, but they no longer emit them. Likewise, much of that completely block these cycles and therefore do not suffer
the physical conversation translates poorly in human form. Cut from the effects. All others, as well as undrugged Croll, use this
off from nearly half of their language, they have a hard time act- table, even in human form. In general, a specific mood will last
ing natural around their brethren. It takes months to overcome D6 + 4(7) days.
this deficiency and learn to communicate well. Even then, nor- If a stimulus is present that could agitate the current mood
mal Saurians are not comfortable talking to Men in Black. cycle (for example, the presence of an attractive mate, a sus-
tained and heated argument, or a lack of input that leads to
boredom), the Saurian must succeed at a Difficult Willpower
BRAINS AND ATTITUDES Test to avoid succumbing to the mood itself. If the Saurian fails
Although the basic biology of the human and Saurian brain this Test, he is on edge and susceptible to losing control com-
is similar (neurons, electrochemical processes, synapses, etc.), pletely. If the stimulus remains, he must succeed on another
the way the respective brains work has some significant varia- Difficult Willpower Test or lose control and act purely on the
tions. This manifests itself in differing emotional range and instinctual mood.
response to certain stimuli. It also means that Saurian and
human brain sections are shaped and textured differently.
Brainwave patterns are different and drugs and chemicals do SAURIAN MOOD CHART
not have the same effect. While powerful neuro-toxins kill 1-2 Heat: The Saurian feels the need to mate.
either species with impunity, more subtle drugs like hallucino-
genics, anti-depressants, and other substances that alter a sub- 3-4 Torpid: The Saurian’s energy levels are low and
ject’s perception and mental state have disparate effects. he feels lethargic.

Saurians tend to be more pragmatic than humans. Survival, 5-6 Antagonistic: The Saurian is easy to upset with
reproduction, physical pleasure, and pain are primary motiva- violent reactions.
tors. Duty and honor are usually the most abstract concepts 7-8 Genial: The Saurian is energetic and euphoric.
considered by Saurians and these generally derive from fear of 9-10 Balanced: The Saurian is not influenced by
punishment and desire to rise higher in society and receive a extreme moods.
greater share of resources. Religion is mostly centered around
“going with the flow,” rather than imposing racial will on natu-
ral events. For the most part, Saurians do not have large aspi- EMOTIONAL RANGE
As Saurian and human emotions differ so drastically, below
rations or ponder the philosophical. As a result, most Saurians
are some example responses to certain stimuli.
live their lives working in harmony with whatever social order
or natural environment exists around them. The dreamers and Love: Saurians do not love in a romantic way. For Saurians,
innovators, at least those who are not killed or banished for love is stripped down to its bare essentials: the need to procre-
their radical beliefs, usually change society around them. ate, not for the pleasure of the act but as a base survival instinct.
This feeling comes upon Saurians at a certain point in their
emotional cycle. In most Saurian cultures, individuals are
CHEMICAL CYCLES expected to restrain themselves from acting on these impulses,
Every Saurian is subject to a cycle that lasts about three
months, during which the levels of various chemicals in the or at least act discretely. Many Saurians find the entire process
inconvenient and annoying.

Friendship: Saurians do “care” for their friends or relations. flight response, whichever is most practical. For the most part,
They form lasting relationships with each other, from family the Saurian will choose to fight, even if that means running
groups to coworkers, because their brain reinforces a kind of away for the moment to go get a weapon and some allies to
pack mentality, the idea that there is safety in numbers. help. On the other hand, Saurians do not have a death wish.
Saurians feel comfort in familiarity and the subconscious No Saurian is foolish enough to fight when the battle is
knowledge of mutual aid in a crisis. Otherwise, they are not unwinnable (unless ordered to do so by a social superior). In
interested in “bonding” with another. all events, they do not suffer from any of the debilitating self-
Hatred: While antagonism and anger are part of every doubt and hesitancy that humans experience. No Saurian is
Saurian’s emotional cycle, sustained anger, or hatred, is unusu- ever paralyzed by fear.
al unless it serves some social purpose. Outwardly directed
hatred is useful, and reinforced by social mores when it serves
a purpose for those in power. Interclan rivalry and hatred was SAURIAN TOUGHNESS
a large part of the devastating war that nearly destroyed the The disparate physical nature of Saurians manifests itself
Saurian species. Localized hatred between individuals is unpro- strongly in the area of injury and damage. Saurian pain recep-
ductive and so rare as to be nonexistent. tacles are less sensitive than humans’ and their brains respond
The closest parallel to a human’s personal hatred for to pain stimulus less sharply. Further, while a Saurian Man in
Saurians is a sense of focus. When confronted with a setback or Black has human pain receptacles, his brain remains non-
obstacle of some sort, Saurians sometimes become very direct- human. As a result, Saurians in both natural form and human
ed at overcoming this hindrance. They clear away stray form have the Natural Toughness Quality and multiple levels of
thoughts, pumping more blood to the brain and allowing it to Hard to Kill.
focus on the task at hand. This “hatred” never causes Saurians
to lose control. Indeed, the only negative result is that they
often have a hard time focusing on anything but the problem
that faces them. Until that problem is dealt with, it occupies the
Saurian society, both in ancient times and today, is multi-cul-
foremost place in their thoughts. tural. Each nation has its own set of societal norms and expec-
Sorrow: Normally cold and calculating by human stan- tations, and they have all evolved over time. Today, each
dards, Saurians have a real problem with grief. When some- nation’s culture is under radical stresses due to their limited
thing important and tragic occurs, the emotional reaction is numbers, and subversive situation.
often extreme, manifesting most often in confusion. Saurians One common feature of all Saurian societies, however, is a
become aimless. They do not know what to do and find it hard rough equality between the sexes. In the past and today, there
to focus on anything. In time, Saurians get over this state of are simply too few Saurians to degrade half of them and belit-
befuddlement, and return relatively unaffected to their regular tle their contributions. For the most part, Saurian females hold
routine. A Saurian’s initial reaction to tragedy is more debilitat- the same positions and power as males. The deciding features
ing but the emotional harm does not linger over time. (at least within a caste) are skill, talent, politics, and contacts,
Happiness: Saurians do not laugh, or tell jokes, or receive not gender.
joy in the manner humans do. When pleased, a Saurian simply
feels safe and secure, powerful and confident.
Envy and Greed: When Saurians need something, they HUMAN IN APPEARANCE
feels it as an actual physical yearning and hunger inside them. Some of the Saurian nations active on Earth use body mor-
They become anxious and even ill—the greater the perceived phing chambers to create human-looking Saurians. There are
need, the greater the discomfort. For the most part, this simply no limits on the body type a Saurian can assume, but they pre-
focuses the individual on the desire. Unlike humans, Saurians fer large, muscular, male forms unless a specific mission calls
generally do not wish ill on those whose possess their desire. for something else. Hulking men without emotion are an easy
Few Saurians allow their desire to endanger a member of the role for Saurians to play. Only one in a hundred has enough
pack. Further, another Saurian in possession of a desired thing understanding of humanity to try and pass themselves off as a
fully understands the craving, and usually works to satisfy the sultry female or a sensitive scholar.
desire, for the good of the pack. Only where two Saurians
develop a craving for something do tensions arise, and all soci- The body morphed Saurians, for the most part, appear
eties have strict social structures for resolving these disputes. human. A physical examination, X-rays or even full body CAT
Few Saurians would dream of violating a social command or scan would not show any difference. The only major difference
decision in these disputes. is in the brain. Long ago, the Saurians discovered the M/E con-
verters do not work with brain matter. Modification or adjust-
Fear: Just as they do not feel personal hatred, Saurians do ment in that area resulted in death, brain damage or, in the
not feel personal fear. A Saurian’s reaction is a simple fight or

1 2 3 4
best cases, insanity. All human-looking Saurians retain the Although Dreamspeaker children are given human forms
original shape and functioning of their brains. Brain CAT scans, soon after birth, they do not lose touch with their heritage. In
PET-CAT scans or any other instrument that measures brain their tiny schools, Dreamspeakers teach the nestlings Saurian
structure or operations will result in clearly inhuman readings. history and science, alongside more mundane courses such as
For this reason, Saurians try not to leave any casualties behind, languages, arts, or gym. During sacred holidays, the young
in either natural or human form. The Gna-Tall have even assume their true, Saurian forms.
designed a doomsday monitor device to eliminate any unre- Starting on their twelfth birthday, all Dreamspeaker nestlings
coverable bodies (see p. 182). are required to survive on their own in the wild for a period of
one year. They are transformed into their bipedal Saurian
DREAMSPEAKERS shape and sent into the wilderness. No one from any Abaton
For thousands of years, the Dreamspeakers have lived will even speak to the nestling until his year has elapsed. The
among us, literally walking in the same shoes as humans. abilities of hunting and survival are still considered the primary
Because of this long association, the Dreamspeakers mate and skills upon which Dreamspeaker education is built. Though it is
raise their children much as humans do. Dreamspeakers, not specifically said, Dreamspeakers suggest that nestlings find
despite their human appearance, never mate with humans. each other, and work to survive together. This ritual marks the
Strong prohibitions prevent any such union. end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood. Though
Dreamspeakers regularly retreat to one of the several special potentially fatal, the Dreamspeakers feel that such a trial is
communities in the rural parts of the world called Abata. needed to bring out one’s true identity. Recently, some of the
Usually, these are small towns, deep in the wilderness or high Socials’ human children have taken part in this sacred coming
in the mountains. Perhaps weather makes contact with these of age process, although they usually wait until they are sixteen
locations difficult during certain seasons—the rains cut off the or seventeen.
roads, the snow closes down the pass. In these places, the Abata are protected by numbers of Somnists, who have
Dreamspeakers raise their young. assumed their true Saurian forms with numerous combat
In such towns, Dreamspeakers live side by side with human options. Somnists do not live in the Abaton, instead residing in
allies, called Socials. Dreamspeakers often keep their eyes open a secret facility outside of the town or underneath it. Both
for any human who might be receptive to the idea of extrater- Dreamspeakers and Socials are encouraged to communicate
restrials and peaceful coexistence. Usually, some sort of test is and associate with the Somnists—they are just kept out of sight
created in order to gauge the sincerity of this person’s feelings. for fear that an outsider might see them. Somnists are the
If they are deemed open-minded enough, a Dreamspeaker rep- “strike” squads of the Dreamspeakers, forever training and
resentative approaches him and ask if he wishes to join a spe- preparing for missions across the globe.
cial society preparing the world for a new age of interspecies
harmony. Anyone refusing such an offer is usually killed.
The newly initiated Social is brought to an Abaton to live SAURIANS AND SEEPAGE
alongside the Dreamspeakers and their children. All the Saurians are only dimly aware of Seepage and the super-
Dreamspeakers in town are in human forms. The role of the natural. Although Aegis suspects that Saurians are Voids, this
Socials is to “socialize” the Dreamspeaker young for inclusion is not precisely true. Saurians do not produce their own
in human culture. Dreamspeakers have learned painfully over Seepage, and have not had a chance to develop any relation-
the centuries that they can never truly be human. There are ship with Seepage. However, nothing physiologically bars a
always some aspects of life and communication that they forget Saurian from manipulating, sensing, and being affected by
or never realize. Also, humans innovate so much, particularly Seepage. For now, all members of the recently returned
among the young, that no Dreamspeaker can keep up. The role Saurian nations should be treated as Voids. In the future, as
of the Socials is to educate the young Dreamspeakers (called more Saurians arrive, and those on Earth are exposed to
nestlings) as much as possible about the human world. Seepage on a deeper and more sustained level, further
In return for this, Socials are told the history of the Saurian supernatural or psychic capacities may arise. Saurian
Dreamspeakers and the Saurian race in general. The corruption is certainly a worrisome potential.
Dreamspeakers even share knowledge with the Socials about Dreamspeakers are different. They have been present on
the Greys, Atlanteans, Aegis, NDD—whomever the Socials wish Earth long enough to establish some connection to the
to know about. For the Dreamspeakers, Abata are the model for Seepage. Over the years, they have devised ways to manipulate
the future—a place of total species integration. Socials are Seepage energies which they call hypnomancy (see p. 167).
encouraged to bring their families along, especially children, to
join in this exciting experiment.



Adventurous Chroniclers may allow Saurian characters in a cell, or
could play an entire Chronicle based around a pack of Saurians oper-
ating on Earth. This is recommended purely for experienced
Chroniclers, however. If planning on mixing Saurian characters into
an Aegis cell, it is recommended that only Dreamspeakers are used.
If the Chronicler is planning on running a NDD-centered campaign,
Gna-Tall can be added into the team.
Creating a Saurian character is the same as creating a human
Veteran Cast Member (see Conspiracy X, p. 32). The player must pur-
chase the appropriate Racial Quality from the list below. These
Qualities adjust the character’s Attributes (to make them more Saurian)
and provide pre-set Qualities and Drawbacks. As always, players and
Chroniclers should feel free to adjust these guidelines if desired.

Crolls gain a +3 bonus to Strength and Constitution (to a maximum
of 8). As for Qualities, they receive Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill
5, Natural Toughness and Natural Weapons. They must accept
Addiction (Drugs) 3 and Psychic Void Drawbacks. Their drug addic-
tion comes from their dependence on Focus, and other Croll mood
controlling drugs (such as Grace and Perseverance, see p. 179).
In their natural form, Crolls have four legs and a centaur-like body.
This allows them to run faster than a biped. When calculating Speed
for this form, the formula is ((Strength + Constitution) x 2) + 15. Their
incredibly tough hides also provide them with a level of natural cara-
pace armor—AV D6 + 6(9). Finally, the Natural Weapon Quality pro-
vides them with claws that do D6(3) x Strength slashing damage in
natural form only.

As a Dreamspeaker, the character gains +1 to Strength and
Constitution (to a maximum of 7), even if she spends the bulk of her
time in human form. She also has the Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to
Kill 5, and Natural Toughness Qualities. In natural form, she has
Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x Strength slashing damage). Finally,
the Saurian can access the following Pulling Strings: Abata Cache,
Library, and Theriomorph Machine (see p. 166). She is not classed a
Psychic Void, and can use Dreamspeaker specific rituals.


As one of the upper castes of the Gna-Talls, the character auto-
matically gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (to
a maximum of 7). She also gains the Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to
Kill 5, Natural Toughness, and Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x
Strength slashing damage; natural form only) Qualities, as well as the
Psychic Void Drawback. The Gna-Tall should also select suitable
Drawbacks dependent upon her generation (which are not reflected
in the cost of this Quality).
1 2 3 4
(whether Saurian or not), it is assumed that the character is
GNA-TALL (SCIENTIST, LABORER, OR PRIEST) aware of his servitude and is secretly plotting a way to escape.
Members of the less robust Gna-Tall castes gain a +1 bonus
to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (to a maximum of 7). TE-MULYS
They benefit from the Acute Senses (Smell), Hard to Kill 5, 6-POINT RACIAL QUALITY (SOLDIER) OR 3-POINT RACIAL QUALITY
Natural Toughness, and Natural Weapon (claws D6(3) x (AMBASSADOR)
Strength slashing damage) Qualities, but suffer the Psychic Void As a Te-Mulys slave-soldier, the character gains a +3 bonus
Drawback. The Gna-Tall should also select suitable Drawbacks to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, and a –2 penalty to
dependent upon her generation (which are not reflected in the Willpower. A slave-ambassador suffers only a –2 penalty to his
cost of this Quality). Willpower. Te-Mulys have a racial maximum Attribute of seven
and a racial minimum of one. The Saurian has the Acute Senses
(Smell), Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, and Natural Weapon
KATH-YAL (claws D6(3) x Strength slashing damage) Qualities, as well as
the Psychic Void and Slave Drawbacks. As a slave of the Te-
As a Kath-Yal, the character gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity Mulys nobility, the character has no free will and is not recom-
and Constitution (noble), a +1 bonus to Strength and mended for player Cast Members.
Constitution and a +2 bonus to Dexterity (soldier), or a +1
bonus to Constitution and Intelligence and a +2 bonus to
Dexterity (scientist). All Kath-Yal Attributes have a maximum of
seven. Regardless of class, each has the Acute Senses (Smell), SAURIAN SKILLS
Hard to Kill 5, Natural Toughness, and Natural Weapon (claws Saurians use basically the same skills as human. They invari-
D6(3) x Strength slashing damage) Qualities, as well as the ably take Guns (Energy), Guns (Force), or Guns (Plasma)
Psychic Void Drawback. The Kath-Yal, in their natural form, usu- depending upon their nation’s preference, and most have some
ally have a second pair of arms. This grants them the ability in Pilot (Saurian Craft) and Martial Arts. Those that deal
Ambidextrous Quality (not because they can use left and right with humans need some skill in Languages.
hand equally well, rather because they can use both sets of
arms to accomplish an extra action per Turn at no penalty). ADDITIONAL COMBAT MOVES
For the most part, Saurian combat moves are identical to
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (DETACHED) human attacks. In natural form, however, their tail has its own
VARIABLE M ENTAL DRAWBACK combat moves that can be used alone or as part of combos.
Many Gna-Tall have developed a psychological problem that Some Saurians morph vicious horns that can be used in combat.
renders them mentally detached from the world. The are usu- Horn Strike: A Croll with horns who charges does D10(5) x
ally emotionally subdued, and unable to muster passion about Strength damage. All horns are stabbing weapons. Damage:
anything or anyone. This traits makes it difficult for them to D6(3) x Strength (small horns), D8(4) x Strength (large horns).
relate to others, but it also renders them immune to normal Tail Block: This is just like a human Brawling Block move
fears or emotional distress. They receive a bonus equal to the and equally effective.
level of the Drawback when resisting abnormal emotional
stresses (including Fear Tests), although this does not affect
other mental Drawbacks. If this Drawback is permitted to non-
Saurian Cast Members, they may not purchase highly emotion- DEFENSIVE MARTIAL ARTS MOVES
al Qualities or Drawbacks, such as Emotional Problems As mentioned in Conspiracy X (p. 166), any moves can
(Emotional Dependency), Honorable, Psychological Problems be part of a combos. Blocking is standard defensive move,
(Cowardice, Obsession), etc. and just like dodging and parrying, can be incorporated
into a combo. Block and parry use the character’s
SLAVE Dexterity and Martial Arts, Brawling, or Hand Weapon skill.
Dodge uses Dexterity and Dodge skill.
The character is owned, commanded, or controlled by The Block, Parry, and Dodge moves were not included
another. He has little or no free will of his own, and few outside on the Martial Arts moves list (Conspiracy X, p. 166) as
interests. Most of his time is spent pleasing or obeying his mas- most agents are able to perform these moves with their
ter. In the case of a Saurian, this condition is likely accompanied existing skills. Even so, players and Chroniclers should feel
by a reduction of Willpower, and he is unaware of any life out- free to add these moves to the beginning of any combo.
side his bondage. It is not recommended for Cast Members. If
the Chronicler allows this Drawback to a Cast Member


Tail Lash: The tail whips out and strikes at the opponent.
Damage: D4(2) x Strength. If the tail has a spike or club, the
damage is D6(3) x Strength (spikes shift the damage to from
Tail Entangle: The tail can be used to grab an arm, a leg, or
a weapon in the opponent’s hand. A grabbed limb is unusable, All Abata have equipment caches to supplement their great
until the combatant manages to break free. The Saurian may archives of knowledge. A successful Intelligence and
pull the opponent to the ground on the next round with a suc- Bureaucracy Task is required, modified by the Dreamer’s
cessful resisted Simple Strength Test. Influence Quality. A penalty may be applied to that roll depend-
ing on the rarity of the item and the shipping location.
Tail Sweep: Saurians find it easier to sweep using their tail.
If successful, the opponent is rendered prone. Damage: D4(2) The character is loaned one item (weapon or piece of equip-
x Strength. ment) that the Abaton has in its possession. No character may
request more than one object at a time and it must be returned
Tail Smack This is essentially a human martial arts kick attack after the mission is completed (there is no pick-up service).
but with a different part of the body. Damage: D4(2) x Strength. Returning an object in damaged condition or destroyed results
Tail spikes convert this damage to D6(3) x Strength stabbing. in a –1 penalty, permanently, to all further attempts.


Dreamspeaker Abata are invaluable resources, but the char- PREREQUISITE: DREAMSPEAKER AND I NFLUENCE (PARANORMAL)
acter may have to devise a plausible reason for abandoning his Dreamspeakers have access to matter/energy conversion
cell or team during the several days it takes to travel there. devices, which they call theriomorph machines. These
Furthermore, he may have to explain how he obtained certain machines are rare and constantly used. A Dreamspeaker may
pieces of information or equipment. The Chronicler should plan be granted access to a machine depending on the mission
out where the Abata are in the general vicinity of the campaign assigned by their superiors (Chronicler’s discretion). Such time
and keep track of them. The Dreamspeaker organization is requires no Task or Test, but the character may not have much
small, but very arcane. Every bit of information about the com- choice in the results of the conversion. If a character requests
munity is jealously guarded. time in a theriomorph machine for his own purposes, an

1 2 3 4
Intelligence + Smooth Talking Task is required for access (mod- Some of the songs are named after the famous Forty, the
ified by the Dreamer’s Influence Quality). If successful, the scholars and artists whom the Dreamspeakers revere above all
Dreamspeaker can allocate the time granted (D6(3) hours x others. Those songs bearing particular names usually include
Success Levels) to any number of different changes, but only recitations of that person’s work, perhaps an important poem
one may be performed at a time, and the total time spent may or passage from a novel. Some Dreamspeakers report that dur-
not exceed the amount granted. Any manner of change is pos- ing these spells other beings seem to appear in their sleep, on
sible. A repeat visit to the machine within one week’s time the periphery of perception. These shadowy figures sometimes
results in a –3 penalty to the Task. impart guidance or signify their approval to the Dreamspeaker.
A few theorists believe that these shapes are the spirits of the
Forty who have ascended to the next level of consciousness.
MORPHING A CAST MEMBER SAURIAN TO AN MIB There is no library of hypnomancy songs—all teaching comes
When morphing a Cast Member into a Man in Black, from an elder, and no records are allowed. The art of hypno-
their Attributes usually stay the same. The Kath-Yal lose mancy is still a relatively new discipline among the
their Ambidexterity, and the Croll are reduced to bipedal Dreamspeakers. It is only as old as their return to Earth.
running speed, but for the most part, they remain the Dreamspeakers are constantly exploring and defining new lim-
same. If desired, Chroniclers may reduce the character’s its to these powers, and creating new spells. Dreamspeaker
Strength or other physical Attributes while in human form parapsychologists studying hypnomancy are among the most
to avoid the Cast Member’s physical appearance being respected members of the community.
noticeably huge, though the attribute returns to normal Like rituals (see Conspiracy X, p. 198), each song much be
when the MiB returns to natural form. purchased as a separate “skill.” The level of the song many
This is purely for ease of Cast Member Saurians. For never be higher than the Dreamspeaker’s Rituals
Supporting Cast and Adversaries, the MiB equivalents are (Hypnomancy) Skill. The cost to purchase a new song, and to
dictated by the templates provided in their stat blocks. raise the level of learned songs is the same as rituals.

Dreamspeakers have been known to teach humans
HYPNOMANCY hypnomancy. Such humans are invariably highly trusted
Although Saurians do not produce psychic Seepage and thus and form an important part of any Abaton, or infiltration
appear as Voids to humans, this is not precisely true. With operation. Humans must first purchase the Ally
enough time and experimentation (something the Exodus (Dreamspeakers) Quality. Even so, no human has yet been
nations have not had), Saurians may learn to manipulate taught Rituals (Hypnomancy) above level three.
Seepage. The Dreamspeakers have dubbed these powers hyp-
nomancy or dream magic.
Dreamspeaker beliefs concerning sleep and dreams have RITUAL LIST
influenced the Seepage in a way that allows them to perform
several rituals unique to hypnomancy. As with any magical use, APOTROPAIC BARRIER
the Saurian must have the Rituals (Hypnomancy) skill.
Threshold: 5 Range: Caster only
The Dreamspeakers call their spells “songs” because they
are commenced by whispering lyrical phrases over and over Duration: See description Area: 1 target
just before sleep. Because these songs depend upon Seepage, Length: 8 hours
like any other ritual, the Dreamspeaker must be sleeping in a
This song protects the hypnomancer from the effect of any
place with the requisite Seepage point threshold. The casting
rituals or spells directed at him while he is asleep. When the
time is always eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
caster begins this song he must succeed at a Willpower and
Dreamspeakers can only cast one song during an eight-hour
Apotropaic Barrier Task. If successful, the protective barrier is
sleep period. If a Dreamspeaker is interrupted during this
“raised” and the number of Success Levels is the strength of the
process, the song fails.
barrier. When another ritual is targeted at the dreamer, the hyp-
Some songs mention a “target.” In such cases, a nomancer resists the ritual with a Simple Willpower Test with a
Dreamspeaker can reach the target anywhere in the universe. bonus equal to the strength of the barrier. If successful, the rit-
However, the Dreamspeaker must possess a link to the target— ual has no effect on the dreamer. Regardless of whether the
a piece of clothing, a few strands of hair, a fingernail. Song tar- resistance is successful, once targeted by one ritual, the
gets must also be asleep. Apotropaic Barrier ends.



Threshold: 5 Range: Unlimited (with a link) Threshold: 6 Range: Unlimited
Duration: See description Area: 1 target Duration: Time of the ritual Area: 1 target
Length: 8 hours Length: 8 hours
Unless the sleeping target resists with a Difficult Willpower This difficult song can track down, through the “dreamworld”
Test, the hypnomancer pushes the target into a deeper sleep. (the Dreamspeaker’s term for what some have called the astral
Only very loud noises (a bomb), serious physical injury (10 Life plane), the location of anyone close to the hypnomancer. The tar-
Points or more), or sustained shaking can wake the target. Even get cannot be a casual acquaintance; the relationship between the
then, he suffers a –1 penalty to all Tasks and Tests due to grog- two must be a strong one. This does not necessitate love, however—
giness. Further, the target takes every opportunity to go back to the target might even be an arch-enemy. Succeeding at a Willpower
sleep. He sleeps (or desires sleep) for D6 + 8(11) hours. After and Keen of the Lost Ritual Task locates the target at the end of the
this time, he may function as normal. ritual, as the hypnomancer wakes.


Threshold: 8 Range: Caster only Threshold: 8 Range: Caster only
Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target
Length: 8 hours Length: 8 hours
The hypnomancer may direct his energies during sleep Larissa was a famous Dreamspeaker huntress, who mourned the
towards healing. A successful casting heals D10(5) x Success death of her mate for over a decade. With this song, a hypnomancer can
Levels in Life Points during that sleep period. summon up a particular memory in perfect detail. Perhaps a hypno-
mancer was involved in a gun battle earlier in the day, and he cannot
IATRIC ECHO remember the license plate number of a suspicious vehicle involved in
the fight. Through the Lament, he can relive the experience, in slow
Threshold: 10 Range: Unlimited (with a link) motion, so that he can study every detail. This song is exceptionally pow-
erful, and the Chronicler can, on occasion, supply false or misleading
Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target
information as the Seepage counters the hypnomancer’s efforts.
Length: 8 hours
The caster appears in another person’s dream and helps
guide the healing process. This difficult song, if completed,
heals D10(5) x Success Levels of the target’s Life Points during Threshold: 15
the sleep period. Both the hypnomancer and the target must be Range: Unlimited (must have a link)
asleep at the same time for the ritual to work. If the hypno-
mancer opts to absorb half the damage healed, he gains a +3 Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target
bonus on the casting roll. Length: 8 hours
A hypnomancer can insert a false memory into a target’s
KANEER’S FOCUS mind. The Chronicler should apply a modifier to the Task
depending upon the memory being inserted. If the memory is
Threshold: 8 Range: Caster only something that absolutely did not happen and seems com-
Duration: Until next sunrise or sunset pletely implausible, the modifier may be as high as –10. If the
hypnomancer is merely changing a detail or two from an actu-
Area: 1 target Length: 8 hours
al memory, the modifier could even be positive.
Kaneer was a famous philosopher who stressed the impor-
tance of daily meditation. This song allows a hypnomancer to
focus his energies into a particular Attribute or skill until the PASSION’S CALL
next sunset after he awakens. If focused on an Attribute, the Threshold: 7
caster gains a +1 bonus. If focused on a skill, a +2 bonus is
granted. Range: Unlimited (must have a link)
Duration: Until next full moon
Area: 1 target Length: 8 hours

1 2 3 4
Hypnomancers have found that a version of the Saurian’s dream might betray the date of the next NDD assault, or it
passionate mating call may be directed against anyone at any might just relive a childhood fear or enjoyment. The Chronicler
time. Any target so effected responds to the hypnomancer who should decide how much a particular dream reveals.
sent the Call with a great deal of friendliness. The target may
even be open to suggestions by the hypnomancer that he would
never entertain otherwise. The Chronicler should set the limits of
Passion’s Call. The ritual does not amount to mind control. It is
Threshold: 20
essentially just an aphrodisiac administered via a dream.
Range: Unlimited (through link)
PRACECKS’ RECALL Duration: Until next sunrise or sunset
Area: 1 target Length: 8 hours
Threshold: 7 Range: Caster only
Resa was a warrior who perfected his skills to the point
Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target
where battle became a work of art. With this song, a hypno-
Length: 8 hours mancer can send a terrifying nightmare to a target, which
Praceck was a scientist famed for his absentmindedness. This severely hampers their abilities the next day. Anyone stricken
spell helps a hypnomancer to remember where he put a lost by the War Cry performs all Tasks and Tests at –2 until he can
item. As long as the hypnomancer has handled an object at sleep again peacefully for eight hours. If a hypnomancer gains
least once, he can track down its whereabouts through this two or more Success Levels, he may choose the shape and form
song. of the nightmare. If the target later encounters a situation or
object present in the nightmare, he must make a Fear Test (see
Conspiracy X, p. 160).
Range: Unlimited (must have a link)
Threshold: 12
Duration: Permanent Area: 1 target
Range: Unlimited (through link)
Length: 8 hours
Duration: Permanent
More recent Dreamspeaker fables view birds as silent and
Area: 1 target Length: 8 hours
powerful watchers. This has been incorporated into hypno-
mancy by repetitive squawking before sleep. In this manner, a Wanderer was an explorer whose deeds became a series of
caster can observe the dreams of a target for an entire night. epic poems. This song allows a hypnomancer to communicate
Dreams rarely communicate facts or ideas directly. Usually, with a target during sleep. The hypnomancer and the target can
everything is symbolic, and requires a Science (psychology) both communicate and understand with all five senses, and
Task to comprehend the meaning of the dream. Any given remember any conversation with perfect clarity.

time consuming. Less so is the process of transforming one kind

SAURIAN TECHNOLOGY of matter into another. Either way, matter/energy conversion
requires a very delicate machine and an expert operator or
As in all things Saurian, technology varies widely from nation computer programmer. Furthermore, the size of M/E conver-
to nation. The equipment described in the Conspiracy X core- sion systems cannot be decreased. The smallest system ever
book applies only to the Gna-Tall, the nation most frequently designed fits into a 550 cubic foot container and suffers from
investigated by Aegis to date. The other nations have their own severe performance degradation.
distinctive style of invention and scientific application.
Within the M/E converter is a crucible, at least five feet by
Initial sections below addresses technology common to the three feet but often larger, where the conversion takes place. In
four active nations. For example, all Saurian power source tech some industrial systems, the crucible can hold hundreds of
is very similar—by the time of the Great War, every nation on the square yards of material.
planet used fusion reactors. As a rule, Saurian technology uses
power at levels humans would find nearly incomprehensible. The converter can only effect what is inside the crucible. The
machine takes raw energy from its internal fusion reactor and
The remaining sections are specific to each of the four creates/transforms matter in the crucible. This process takes a
Saurian nations. During the Great War, the coalition shared great deal of time. The main cause of the delay is not the tech-
much of its military and scientific research. Thus, the Kath-Yal, nology itself but rather the computers controlling the process.
Croll, and Te-Mulys share certain technological features. The The computers need to constantly track the location of every
Gna-Tall, on the other hand, went down a very different path, subatomic particle in the crucible at every moment. This takes
and have much more distinctive technology. a lot of computing power, even with the superior systems the
Saurians use. The computer’s tools for manipulating energy
and matter are advanced lasers and energy fields. While the
MATTER/ENERGY CONVERTERS computer tracks sub-atomic particles, in practice the manipu-
The development of devices able to transform matter into lating tools only arrange molecules. Thus, any conversion/cre-
energy and back again changed Saurian society forever. As ation results in some looseness at the atomic and subatomic
fusion power provides almost limitless amounts of energy, M/E levels. While a few Saurian scientists are concerned about this
converters can create nearly limitless amounts of matter. The feature, most Saurians hardly give it a second thought.
process of transferring energy into matter is complicated and Certainly, other than an inability to manipulate brain matter, no

1 2 3 4
demonstrable side effects have yet been proven despite wide-
spread and constant M/E converter use.
Item Time
The more complicated the structure of the matter, the longer
it takes to convert. For example, filling the crucible with pure Oxygen, Water 5 minutes/cubic yard
water is relatively simple—one molecule of matter is repeated Gold 1 hour/ounce
over and over again. This can be done in a few minutes. Creating
Shaped Plastic, Steel 5 hours/cubic yard
a fully machined and working plasma claw, with precise moving
parts and a host of different molecules, takes much longer (usu- Piece of Clothing 10 hours/piece of clothing
ally about four days). As a result, the M/E converter never Colt .45 18 hours/gun
replaced large scale manufacturing in Saurian industry. Its main
Plasma Claw 4 days/claw
purpose was to make particularly refined or rare items that were
hard to come by, like luxury goods. Also, it could supply neces- Field Generator 8 days/cubic yard
sities like food, air, and water to those living off planet (the spe- M/E Converter Parts 16 days/cubic yard
cially designed ones that sustained the Dreamspeakers for mil-
lions of years showed how effective they could be).
Converting already existing matter into something else is less
The converters can also be used to convert non-living matter
time consuming. If all of the appropriate matter is placed with-
into more useful forms. For example, a piece of unprocessed
in the crucible and the machine simply rearranges it, the time
iron ore could be made into processed steel. More simply, the
factor is reduced to one quarter (round up) of that given on the
M/E converter could change the color of an item or remove any
table. Larger M/E converters generally take the same amount of
impurities from its surface. Thus, M/E technology became an
time as the smaller ones. The main difference is that larger con-
integral aid to all sorts of high tech industry.
verters have bigger crucibles and can make larger items.
The Saurians on Earth today have very few M/E converters.
Smaller ships do not have the space to carry such devices, nor
would they have a need for one. Only the larger Gna-Tall carri-
All Saurians have access to machinery that will completely
ers and Exodus colony ships had M/E converters on board. For disintegrate an object. This subgroup of dedicated M/E convert-
the most part, these machines are being used to recreate the ers change matter to energy. These machines are much more
parts necessary to make more converters. This is a time con- common than full M/E converters and much less complex. The
suming process, however, and there is no shortage of demand computer component is hardly noticeable, and no manipulator
for use of the converters. laser or field sections are needed. Disintegrators are chiefly
used as waste disposal systems. Like the M/E converter, the dis-
STANDARD M/E CONVERTER integration only occurs within a specific chamber. The
The standard M/E converter rests on a 100 foot square base Disintegrator Times Table shows how long it takes to fully dis-
and stands just over ten feet tall. It weighs three tons. The cru- integrate one cubic yard of a given material.
cible itself is a cylinder seven feet tall and similarly sized in
diameter. Anything that fits within the sealed crucible can be
converted. The device has its own internal power source, good
for twenty years of constant activity.
Substance Time
The nearby M/E Converter Creation Times Table provides
Chroniclers with a guide as to time requirements when it comes Water 1 minute
to creating matter from nothing but energy, providing a guide- Paper 2 minute
line for items not on the list. Wood, flesh, and bone 4 minutes
Plastic 6 minutes
Stone 10 minutes
Steel 20 minutes
Super strong alloys 30 minutes


pain involved in body morphing. The process can take any-

BODY MORPHING CHAMBERS where from an hour for minor cosmetic alterations, to over a
Body morphing is a very specialized application of M/E day for complete body reshaping. The time spent in the cham-
conversion technology and requires extra care on the part of ber includes anesthetizing the host, performing the alter-
the operator. Transferring matter into energy is one thing ations, and then healing the damage. Saurians emerge from
when dealing with inanimate objects. Transferring a living body morphing chambers physically fit, but somewhat men-
body into energy kills it outright. The body morphing chamber tally disoriented. It takes several hours to recover and reorient
never transfers the whole body into energy, but rather modi- the mind to its new physical reality (all action suffer a –4
fies individual pieces one at a time. In early experiments, even penalty during this time).
this scaled down approach proved fatal most of the time, but
There are two basic kinds of operations the chamber per-
later refinements fixed the problem. To this day, the process is
forms: cosmetic and structural. Cosmetic changes adjust the
painful and involves a great deal of trauma to the body. On
outward appearance of the subject. Skin pigments may be
the other hand, Saurians are able to manipulate their body
switched; fat or muscle may be added or taken away; ridges,
structure nearly at will, and receive valuable medical aid in
spikes, and other decorations may be created. Major cosmetic
extreme cases.
changes include altering the entire texture and appearance of
The typical body morphing chamber is not as large as a M/E the individual’s skin and muscles. Structural changes are more
converter because it is not called upon to perform the wide fundamental and involve actually altering the subject’s bones
array of tasks required of converters. The standard chamber and organs. This process can change or add limbs or radically
rests on an eleven foot square base and stands ten feet tall. The redo the subject’s entire design. The creation of “human”
crucible of a body morphing chamber occupies a larger relative Saurians, like the Men in Black, involves total structural change.
share of the machine’s internal space. It is a cylinder at least
During the height of Saurian civilization, only a few experi-
eight feet tall and five feet in circumference. Nations that have
mented with body morphing brain matter. These experiments
larger standard forms have larger chambers. The Te-Mulys
focused on boosting intelligence. They universally failed. The
body morphing chambers are particularly large as a result of
subjects sometimes were simply brain damaged, but most often
their experimentation with altering dinosaur forms.
they wound up dead or lobotomized. Few Saurians want any-
Designing a new body form is a complex process, requiring thing to do with altering their brains, however, even to this day.
computer, laser, and energy field assistance. Once the design
The nearby Body Morphing Time Table describes the time
for the new body is programmed into the machine, the sub-
required for typical body morphing experiences.
ject is anesthetized so it feels only a portion of the horrible

1 2 3 4


Operation Guidelines Time
Minor Cosmetic (skin tone, eye/hair color) 1-2 hours
Major Cosmetic (skin color, adding removing hair, facial features) 2-4 hours
Minor Internal (muscular change, no Attribute change) 3-6 hours
Major Internal (nervous system, additional components) 6-12 hours
Minor External (spikes, small horns, tough skin) 2-6 hours
Major External (tail, carapace armor) 5-11 hours
Minor Structure (lengthen limbs) 5-10 hours
Major Structural (add limbs, prehensile tail, Attribute change) 10-15 hours
Total Conversion (MIB conversion) 20-30 hours


The precise use of body morphing chambers is limited only Acidic Spray: Small sacks implanted near the saliva ducts
by the imagination of the subject, technician, or overlord. emit a powerful acid. This acid is corrosive to metals, but has no
Several examples of changes that may be made to natural or effect on biological material or any other non-metal. The appli-
human form Saurians are suggested. Each change requires a cation covers a six-inch radius and dissolves through metal at
certain number of hours to be completed, and the Saurian must an inch a Turn, with a maximum of three inches dissolved per
have access to a body morphing chamber for that period of application. The venom pouch holds enough for four sprays.
time to affect such a change. As usual, Chroniclers are encour- The acid is replenished one dose every 12 hours.
aged to devise their own modifications. Articulated Legs: The machine can alter the structure of
the legs, improving them somewhat. A Saurian with this alter-
ation tends to walk a little strangely, though not inhumanly (if
BODY MORPHING CHANGES LIST in human form). With these legs, the Saurian makes all
Change Time Dexterity Tests or Tasks with a +2 bonus. The enhanced legs
also make kicks far more potent, Strength is considered one
Acidic Spray 7 hours
level higher for purposes of damage.
Articulated Legs 5 hours
Blinding Venom: Twin sacks in the front of the Saurian’s
Blinding Venom 7 hours mouth produce a powerful, but temporary venom. The charac-
Boney Spikes 5 hours ter can spray the poison up to ten feet away five times a day.
The spray blinds any target caught in its path for one hour,
Chameleon Skin 9 hours
unless medically treated (in which case recovery is only 15 min-
Claws 3 hours utes). The attacker must make a Dexterity and Brawling Test
Eyes—Infrared Spectrum 6 hours with a –4 modifier to determine if the venom strikes the oppo-
nent’s face. If the opponent knows what is coming, they may
Gills 10 hours
attempt to Dodge. If blinded, the target can only find his way
Hallucinogenic Pheromones 8 hours with a successful Perception Test (or Notice Task) with a –5
Hypermetabolism 4 hours penalty (although if he has the Acute Senses Quality, non-visu-
al senses may decrease this penalty). Fighting while blinded is
Skin—Carapace 7 hours
nearly impossible; the Total Darkness modifier is applied
Skin—Carapace Armor 11 hours (Conspiracy X, p. 168).
Skin—Toughened 4 hours Boney Spikes: Small spikes extrude from outside portions
Tail—Small 6 hours of the body (head, shoulders, arms, hips, legs, chest, back). The
spikes, several inches high, inflict D6(3) x Strength stabbing
Tail—Large 8 hours
damage during punches, kicks, head butts, and other applicable
Tail—Spike/Club 3 hours moves. Further, if an opponent lands a hand-to-hand strike
Talons 5 hours against a Saurian who has covered his body in spikes, the oppo-
nent suffers the same damage. If used in human form, any wit-
ness must make a Fear Test.


Chameleon Skin: The Saurian’s skin can slowly change Tail: The Saurian tail is virtually impossible to hide, so no
colors in order to blend in with the environment. The skin Saurian ever sports one while in human form. When in natural
needs several minutes to adjust to the background. The form, however, several changes can be made to make the tail a
Chronicler should set the time depending upon the back- more fearsome melee weapon. A spike or club can be added
ground—a simple wall pattern might take only a minute; a for increased damage. Use of the tail in combat requires specif-
flower bed pattern with a variety of colors might take ten min- ic Martial Arts moves (see p. 166).
utes. The Saurian is for all intents and purposes invisible, as Talons: Sharp, chitinous talons emerge from under the fin-
long as he does not move. Moving requires the skin to reset gernails at will. These talons inflict D6(3) x Strength slashing
its colors. Anyone actually trying to find a still, camouflaged damage.
Saurian makes all Perception Tests at –3. Any search using
scent (such as by a dog), or non-visible light detection (such
as infra-red) does not suffer this penalty. HEALING
Body morphing chambers have become standard equipment
Claws: These claws do not retract and are obvious to any on most large Saurian spacecraft for medical purposes. Serious
observer. MiBs use them only on the most discrete and deadly wounds like burns, broken limbs, or deep cuts are best treated
missions. Larger than talons, they do D8(4) x Strength slashing in a body morphing chamber. In just a few hours time, the
damage and give a +2 bonus to any climbing Tests. machine can erase all signs of serious wounds. Anyone put into
Eyes—Infrared Spectrum: With this alteration, the a body morphing chamber set to heal is automatically stabi-
Saurian can see any object that generates heat. Exceptionally lized. This of course assumes the machine’s computer is pro-
valuable not only at night, but also in battle, where Saurians grammed to heal that individual’s body type. If a Saurian with a
often use very hot plasma weapons. Infra-red sight can follow modified body is put into a chamber that does not recognize
the trace of plasma shots back to their origin much more the body type, it will try to fix the Saurian back to a body type
quickly than sight in the normal visual spectrum (+1 to it knows. If a non-Saurian is put into a chamber that is not pro-
Perception Tests for that purpose). grammed for his body, the machine will probably kill him.
Gills: Gills, implanted in the neck, are noticeable only under- The chamber heals D4(2) points of damage per minute, and
water. The gills extract enough oxygen for the Saurian to replaces missing limbs or removes infection.
breathe underwater. However, he must keep a constant flow of
water through the gills (i.e., he must keep swimming or there
must be some strong current). Otherwise, normal drowning
rules apply (see Conspiracy X, p. 176). ANTI-GRAVITY DEVICES
Hallucinogenic Pheromones: The Saurian can emit a All Saurians have anti-gravity technology, although the name
scent that creates wild hallucinations in humans or Saurians. is not entirely accurate. The technology does not negate gravi-
Any applicable subject within ten feet of the Saurian performs ty. In reality, anti-grav devices create powerful magnetic fields
all actions at a –2 penalty, unless he passes a Difficult that push away from the Earth, allowing objects to float and
Constitution Test. Any human or Saurian suffering from the even fly. Obviously, the farther you are from the Earth, the more
pheromones is also particularly sensitive to hypnotic sugges- powerful the drive must be. Anyone caught under an operating
tions. The character can emit only three doses of the drive experiences an odd tingling and pushing sensation.
pheromone in one 24-hour period. Each dose lasts 30 minutes. Standing under a very powerful drive (like on a ship) would
throw a person to the ground, and perhaps injure him.
Hypermetabolism: The enhanced metabolism gives +1 to
all Perception Tests and the equivalent of the High Metabolism
Quality (see Conspiracy X p.70). ANTI-GRAV TABS
Anti-grav tabs are one of the most common accoutrements
Skin: Hardening the skin allows it to act as body armor and in the Saurian bag of tricks, and all Saurian nations make use of
reduces the effects of combat damage. Toughened skin grants these devices. The typical anti-grav tab is a flat disk about the
AV D6 + 1(4) and can only be discerned as “different” from reg- size of a hockey puck, roughly five inches in diameter, and one
ular skin through close inspection. Carapace skin provides AV inch thick. When activated, the tab exerts a lift force in a set
D6 + 6(9) and is clearly not skin-like. Carapace armor gives direction. The tab is typically placed under an item with the lift
AV(D8 x 3) + 10(22) and takes the form of hard, bony plates force directed towards the ground. Each tab can lift up to 100
covering the surface of the body. Carapace armor creates medi- lbs. approximately ten feet off the ground. Lesser weighs can be
um encumbrance for the Saurian. Carapace skin and armor are lifted higher. The Lift Table shows the maximum height that any
not usually taken in human form unless the MiB plans on wear- given weight can be lifted.
ing heavy clothing or working at night.

1 2 3 4
Weight Max Lift Height These miniature fusion reactors, though incredibly powerful
1-11 lbs. 100 feet by terrestrial standards, are extremely common pieces of
Saurian technology. Each toaster-sized device is capable of
12-55 lbs. 50 feet matching the output of any full-size terrestrial power plant.
56-84 lbs. 25 feet Given the ready supply of such vast quantities of power, most
85-110 lbs. 10 feet Saurian tech is fantastically power hungry. Most large pieces of
Saurian equipment come with a dedicated internal generator,
Of course it is possible to put more than one tab on a single but Saurians usually have a few portable units handy for back-
heavy object. In that case, simply divide the weight by the num- up or supplemental power.
ber of tabs before consulting the Lift Table. Lift Tabs have a
power supply that lasts 12 hours. This can be easily recharged
by any M/E Converter in a matter of minutes.
Anti-grav drives provide lift for Saurian vehicles, but do not
PLASMA propel them. The standard drive is the pulse detonation
engine. The engine uses a small fusion generator to create a
Saurians have had access to plasma technology for centuries series of rapid, controlled explosions of energy. This allows
(if the last 65 million years are discounted). Plasma is super- for both great speed and great maneuverability since most
heated gas that causes severe burn damage, and can melt steel ships can redirect the force in any direction. This would allow
alloys like butter. As a weapon, plasma has to be projected them, in theory, to turn on a dime. Of course, internal stress-
using a magnetic field. The best defense against plasma es must still be accounted for, as well as those exerted on any
weapons is to create an opposing magnetic field that disrupts crew or cargo.
the plasma flow before it reaches its target. Different nations
have found different defenses, although most employ some
sort of force shield.

The plasma weaponry used by most of the Saurian nations employ a ball of super-heated gas held in a temporary shape,
usually a sphere, by magnetic fields. As such, the projectiles from these weapons cause burn damage, rather than the usual
bullet damage. However, the super-hot gasses cause double damage after any armor deductions, just as a bullet. Chroniclers
may decide that the gas may ignite particularly flammable items.
The magnetic fields used in most plasma technology are detrimental to electronic technology. The Saurian use specially
shielded devices, but human technology is prone to damage and malfunction when brought into close proximity with a
Saurian plasma field, or hit by plasma weaponry. In such a case, roll D10 on the table below.

Roll Effect
1 The circuitry overloads and sparks, possibly even bursting into flames. It is beyond repair, and any
stored information is most likely lost (if taken to a Good or better electronics lab, the data may be
recovered 25% of the time).
2-5 The equipment shorts out and shuts down. It can be restarted with a successful Intelligence and
Electronics Task. Failure means it is dead until it can be taken in for repairs at a suitably equipped lab.
6-9 The devise browns-out, momentarily losing its power. It may reboot itself at the Chronicler’s discretion,
or will resume activity as normal.
10 The equipment is unaffected.

The Chronicler may apply other equipment effects as desired, or appropriate to the storyline.
Atlantean Nanotech is also effected by plasma weaponry. In that case, Chroniclers should consult the Nanotech Malfunction
Table (see p. 49).


During the years of rising tensions before the Great War, the
anti-Gna-Tall nations realized the advantage granted their foes
by the Cathedral. Because of its commanding position in low To present the game effects of superior Saurian stealth
orbit, Gna-Tall forces could jeopardize communication lines technology, some discussion of radar and other detection
between the Earth and outposts around the solar system. The devices is necessary. This material supplements that pre-
nations began research into stealth technology that would sented in Conspiracy X (see p. 122).
allow them to pass the Cathedral and any blockading forces Many different types of radar exist. Most devices have
unscathed. a set range, and scan in a narrow “beam” of radio signals,
The Kath-Yal made the greatest advances and were the first that rotates 360 degrees updating the signals as it goes.
to employ a combination of physical and field stealth technolo- The radar sends out signals, which “bounce” off objects,
gy. As their technology evolved, the Kath-Yal shared prior suc- sending signals back, and then analyzes it, depending on
cesses with the Coalition partners, but always kept the cutting- the objects Radar Signature (RS). Small objects, like birds,
edge devices to themselves. Soon, all the Coalition forces had have very little RS, and are ignored. Flocks of birds may be
operational stealth technology. This technology was not perfect, seen, but most advanced types of radar filter these false
and the Gna-Tall were constantly improving their detection readings out. Advanced radar may distinguish between
devices, but for brief evasive maneuvers, the Coalition vehicles different ground units and air units, with analysis on how
could usually operate without being sensed. fast they are and their maneuverability capacity, but it
does not automatically know the specific vehicle or
The Gna-Tall devoted little effort toward stealth. They felt it
whether it is a friend or foe (although combat vehicles
unnecessary for the war effort, which for them was largely an
often broadcast identification signals to properly config-
offensive campaign. Some in the military complex even
ured sensors). Standard radar identification categories
shunned it as unseemly. As a result, Gna-Tall stealth technology
include, but are not limited to: structure, armor, wheeled
lagged behind the others when Saurian civilization fell.
vehicle, artillery, airplane and helicopter. For example, the
The Gna-Tall ships that emerged from the singularity and dis- radar could not tell the difference between a MIG-27 and
covered a very different Earth were hard pressed to keep their an F-15, but it could note the difference between a MIG-
ships undetectable at first. Between the low level of their stealth 27 and a AH-64D Apache Longbow.
technology and their unfamiliarity of human radar systems,
Radar requires a clear line of sight. Therefore, hills,
cloaking was very ineffective, and sightings high. Realizing their
obstacles, and other terrain features can be used as cover,
peril, the Gna-Tall immediately launched a crash program to
providing penalties to the radar technician’s Systems
perfect their stealth capacity to counter the primitive human
Operations Task.
radar systems of that era. In a short time, this was accomplished
and sightings dropped dramatically. After allying with the NDD Each radar facility has quality rating (Poor, Average,
and gaining some measure of infiltration into the U.S. military- Good, Excellent, and Superb) much like other facilities.
industrial complex, the Gna-Tall have worked to stay one step Higher quality radar grants operational bonuses. Two
ahead of cutting-edge human detection technology, and pre- ranges are given for each device: the first for stationary
serve the secrecy of their movements. At the same time, the and shipboard radar array (see Conspiracy X, p. 122), and
Gna-Tall have been leaking information in an effort to improve the second for vehicular radar (see Conspiracy X, p. 122).
human stealth and detection technology for use against the Add-on modules can be purchased to extend range and
other Saurian nations. grant operating modifiers. Most radar units can zoom into
different radar ranges for more detail, but they never
The remaining Saurian nations active today emerged to find
reveal new objects.
much more advanced detection technology, but still remained
ahead of the curve due to better base-line stealth technology. A To use radar effectively, the operator must have the
cat-and-mouse game of technological advancement has since Systems Operations (Radar) skill. The Radar Facility Table
played out between the humans, the Gna-Tall, and the former presents several levels of radar, their modifiers, their
Coalition forces (although the humans for the most part have range, and the RP cost for acquiring them. The Modules
been ignorant of their involvement). The other nations quickly Table details various add-ons that are possible and their
adjusted their devices to account for human technology, and effect on the base radar facility.
jump-started their development teams. While fluctuations Saurian sensors are more sensitive than those used by
occur, the basic ranking of capabilities has remained. The Gna- humans, and have higher modifiers. No poor quality
Tall’s technology is superior to the humans, and slightly inferior Saurian sensors exist.
to that of the Croll and Te-Mulys. The Kath-Yal maintain their
technological edge over all others.

1 2 3 4
Radar Tasks and Modifiers
Most modern radar does not require a Task for anything but the most stealthy and small objects, or when an operator tries to
fix on a particular object. Operators make a Perception and Systems Operation (Radar) Test, applying modifiers for range, size of
object, quality of the radar, stealth technology, and jamming. One radar Task may be made each Turn.


Radar Quality Skill Modifier Basic Range (Stationary/Mobile) RP
Poor –1 30 miles/1 mile 1
Average 0 50 miles/5 miles 2
Good +1 80 miles/10 miles 4
Excellent* +2 140 miles/15 miles 6
Superb* +3 250 miles/25 miles 8

Improvement Range Effect RP
Short Range Scan 30 miles/1 mile +2 to Tasks# +2
Short Range Increase +20 miles/2 miles Increases Range +2
Medium Range Increase +50 miles/8 miles Increases Range +4
Long Range Increase +90 miles/12 miles Increases Range +6
Extreme Range Increase* +150 miles/20 miles Increases Range +8
Focus Module* — +2 to Tasks@ +5

# Only one of these modules can be added to any one radar.

* These modules may only be purchased using RPs generated by Influence (Military or Intelligence).
@ This device allows for a focused scan upon a particular area within the radar range. The area can be no larger than a circle with a radius of
the basic range of the radar’s mobile equivalent. The skill bonus applies only in the focused area. The radar stays on the area, continuously send-
ing radar signals.


Size of Target Modifier
Low Radar Signature
Saurian/humanoid –3
(F-22 Raptor, Stealth Helicopter, Grey Craft) –1
Motorcycle –2
Ground/Sea Stealth Vehicle (Shadow) –2
Jeep –1
Airborne Stealth Vehicle (B2, F117) –3
Sedan 0
Alien Tech Stealth Craft (Aurora)/Gna-Tall Craft –4
Jet Fighter +1
Atlantean Craft/Croll or Te-Mulys Craft –5
Cargo Plane/747 +2
Kath-Yal Craft –6
Colony Ship +5
Especially High Radar Signature
(Transport Plane, Building) +1
Jamming# +1 to +4
Stealth Vehicle Actively Opposing Radar* –1
# Vehicles using jamming technology penalize lock-on Accuracy Tests (see Conspiracy X, p.182) for missiles and other guid-
ed weapons by –1 to –4. The electronic interference, however, makes them easier to spot with radar or sensors.
* “Actively opposing” means that the craft turns the side that has smallest Radar Signature towards the radar. For the B2,
this means flying directly towards it. Saurian craft use a combination of physical and field stealth technology so they are
always “actively opposing” radar (already accounted for the normal Saurian stealth modifier).


Unlike the Gna-Tall, Croll technology tends to be very showy.

SECURITY FIELD The Croll enjoy covering items with intricate designs and met-
The common Saurian security field is in fact two fields oper- alwork, often with images from their history. While they do not
ating adjacent to one another, and is used to block access to a have the Gna-Tall’s obsession with keeping their hands free, the
doorway or other area. Security fields usually replace doors in Croll tend to attach a great deal of equipment to their bodies.
Saurian buildings and spacecraft since the Saurians find it more The large Croll forms can easily carry 400 lbs. of equipment
cost effective to install a small fusion generator than a large without breaking a sweat. Croll often wear harnesses along
metal door. The first field repels physical incursions of all kinds, their backs littered with pouches and various equipment.
including gasses. The second field, which is projected a fraction
away from the first, deflects all manner of energy, including
light if desired (thus making the field opaque). It is usually eas- DEFENSIVE FIELDS
Like all Saurians active on Earth, the Croll use defensive ener-
ier to destroy the frame around the field than to breach the bar-
gy fields rather than armor, although they are not known to have
rier. Given their dedicated generators, most security fields
developed any version of the Gna-Tall alternating field. Because
remain operational even if the main power system in a ship or
of their love for poison weapons and toxic fumes, the Croll have
installation fails.
added an additional setting to their fields. In Mode IV, the field
keeps out all forms of gas, effectively sealing the user in a bubble
of air. Most Croll using filter fields also carry a sealed air supply
CROLL TECHNOLOGY good for five hours of continuous use. The filter field does not
Before the Exodus, the centaur-like Croll were on the fore- offer any protection versus energy weapons or projectile attacks.
front of military technology. Their research was viewed as both
terrifying and morally objectionable by other Saurians. It was a
Croll biological weapon that extinguished the Saurian race on
The standard Croll sidearm is not a plasma weapon, but
Earth, and it was just one of many in the Croll arsenal. They also rather something unique to that nation. Force tubes are 5ft long
used various kinds of drugs, not only to quiet the disruptive cylinders, of which 3ft is hollow. The remainder houses the
Saurian emotional cycles, but also to help them focus, relax, force projection system. The tube is roughly three inches in
and to generally assist them in their daily lives. By the time they diameter, and the exterior is usually a shiny silver or gold color
reach maturity, every Croll is addicted to five to ten different with raised relief decorations covering the entire surface. The
drugs. This too is viewed as unnatural by other Saurians. force tube creates and projects a packet of concentrated mag-

1 2 3 4
fourth dose reverses the benefits, penalizing similar Tests by –1.
Fifth and subsequent doses require the Croll to make a Difficult
Constitution Test to avoid being incapacitated by muscle pains
and sickness for the next half-hour. In humans, one dose of the
drug causes severe hypertension, nosebleeds, and cramping.
Two doses will kill a human in a half-hour.
Perseverance: Saurians may have fewer and duller pain
receptacles than humans, but they are not immune to pain.
Perseverance allows a Croll to completely ignore the effects of
pain while still functioning at a normal level of ability (no stun,
no Consciousness Tests, no penalties for low Life Points). The
painkiller lasts for two hours, and cannot be used more than
once a day. The second dose renders the user torpid and unre-
netic energy. The invisible packet of energy is propelled at
sponsive, as if heavily intoxicated. The third dose knocks her out
incredible speeds. The weapon has amazing penetration power
completely. For a human, one dose is enough to render him
(halve AV of target) and causes the target significant discomfort.
unconscious almost to the point of death. Humans must pass a
The packet also releases a burst of energy upon impact that dis-
Difficult Constitution Test to avoid slipping into a coma that lasts
rupts equipment like a plasma field (see p. 175). Range:
D10 x 3(15) days. On a roll of one on the Constitution Test, the
10/20/50/100/250; Damage: D6 x 10(30); EV: 4.
human dies.


Few Croll can imagine daily life without regular drug inges-
While the force tube may be the Crolls’ favorite sidearm,
tion. The Saurians generally wear an administration pack—a
they prefer more certain means of killing their targets. With the
small disc that attaches anywhere, but is usually placed some-
right poison, no one survives. The poisons usually attack in sev-
where on the torso or the upper arms. The disc contains five
eral different ways simultaneously. While the toxin may not
drug compartments and can be set to administer any of them
work on all of the target’s biological systems, it will undoubted-
at timed intervals or on demand. The pack automatically
ly work on one of them and one is all it takes.
administers the proper dosage based on the user’s weight and
needs (information that the user must program in ahead of Croll poisons vary as widely as their performance drugs, but
time). When not using an administration pack, Croll usually the standard toxin is a fast acting nerve agent, with Strength 10.
store drugs in pills or one-shot, disposable injection devices. Failing to resist such the poison results in the victim taking D10
x 5(25) points of damage per Turn for five Turns.
The Croll use drugs for all the same reasons humans do and
many more. Most Croll drugs will kill or incapacitate a human Those who avoid near instant death from Croll toxins are so
and vice versa. Several drugs that are currently beyond human few and far between that the Croll have not bothered creating
pharmaceutical abilities are listed below. any antidotes. Atlantean Blood Surgeons may do the trick, but
it would be a race against time to heal sufficient damage before
Focus: This drug suppresses the Saurian emotional states,
the host is killed.
allowing them to act calmly and rationally under all circum-
stances. It also helps with concentration, keeping the user from Crolls employ two different toxin delivery systems.
being distracted. Every Croll on Earth is addicted to Focus, and Shard Projector: By far the most common way for deliver-
serious problems arise when they do not get their daily dose. If ing poisons is the Croll shard projector. This device resembles a
a Croll goes more than three days without the drug, he short force tube. It works on the same principal except that
becomes irritable and nasty. After a week, he is prone to violent instead of projecting bolts of magnetic force, it fires frozen
rages, and whenever faced with the slightest provocation must shards of pure contact poison. The shard hits with enough
pass a Difficult Willpower Test to avoid attacking the source of force to tear through normal clothing, or light armor (all armor
annoyance. Breaking the addiction would take months. In is reduced by D8(4)). The shard projector can be fired at one
humans, this drug acts as a powerful narcotic, rendering most target per Turn. Range: 5/10/20/50/100; EV: 2.
unconscious in a matter of minutes.
Grace: This drug heightens the Croll’s reflexes and coordi-
nation, allowing him to move with added grace and dexterity.
One dose lasts for thirty minutes, during which time all
Dexterity- or Perception- related Tasks or Tests gain a +1 bonus.
If taken more than three times in a 24-hour period, the drug
overloads the body, resulting in sluggishness and nausea. The


Croll ship defensive systems create fields that provide AV

(D10 x 5) +15(40) against explosive, energy, projectile, or plas-
ma attacks. Their interference results in a –3 Accuracy on mis-
sile and plasma ball attacks. The fields around a good third of
the ship must be dropped in order to allow the weapons to fire
unimpeded. This defensive vulnerability lasts only a few sec-
onds. The field also disrupts nearby electronics (see p. 175).
Assault Shuttle: The few remaining Croll assault shuttles
Gas Gun: Like most Croll weapons, the gas gun is a tube, are the most versatile of all their available craft. They have wide,
this one extending 7ft. The weapon sprays forth a deadly poi- flat, arrow-shaped hulls, resembling a manta ray, and measure
son up to 20ft away from the user. Obviously, this can be just 120 feet in length, and 50 feet wide. The shuttles do not actual-
as dangerous to the user as it is to any target. The Croll always ly land, but rather hover four feet off the ground when at rest.
use this device in combination with a filter field to protect them The “wings” are actually the troop staging areas and each has
from the poison. The gas gun can produce poison for up to 30 front and back doors that open to allow quick deployment of up
minutes of continuous usage before reloading is necessary. to 20 Croll soldiers. The central hull contains the cargo hold and
Since each Turn of usage produces a 5x20-foot cloud of gas the crew facilities.
extending out from the tip of the weapon, this is more than
enough time to kill a small town’s worth of people. Anyone The assault shuttle is heavily armed and armored, with for-
whose exposed skin comes into contact with the gas suffers ward and rear facing force tube arrays (Range:
immediate poisoning. EV: 7. 100/200/800/1500/2500; Damage: D8 x 15(60) (halve AV)).
Additionally, the shuttle can carry a payload of ten medium
guided missiles (Accuracy 7), with plasma, poison gas, or bio-
CROLL SPACECRAFT logical warheads.
The Croll colony ships remain trapped within the singularity,
leaving only a handful of Croll carriers and fighters active today. Weight: 45,000; Speed: 1000; Acceleration: 140; Range:
Unlike the Gna-Tall, the Croll carriers were not designed origi- Unlimited; Toughness: 5; Handling: 4; DC: 550; AV: 50;
nally as warships, but were converted from cargo ships. Most of Accuracy: 6; Crew/Passengers: 2/20; Cargo: 100,000 lbs.
the true Croll warships were lost in the initial conflict with the Short-Range Fighter: These ships resemble 20-foot long
Gna-tall. The ships that survived were the last line of defense— silver eggs. They are quick and maneuverable, using a pulse
combination fighter carriers and transports. drive similar to that employed by the Gna-Tall. Unlike Gna-Tall
Croll ships are designed for the four-legged Croll body type, interceptors, they have no cargo capacity. Also, they cannot
and as such they do not have much in the way of furniture with- land anywhere but on a Croll transport (or Croll base) since
in them (the Croll always stand, even when sleeping). The inte- they have no landing gear (transports and bases guide them in
riors and exteriors of Croll spacecraft retain the Croll love for using a magnetic field).
intricate designs with historical motifs. All Croll craft incorporate An array of force tubes project from the front, similar to
advanced stealth technology that makes them extremely diffi- those on the assault shuttle.
cult to sense via radar.

1 2 3 4

Weight: 10,000; Speed: 2,000; Acceleration: 170; Range: Unlimited;

Toughness: 3; Handling: 8; DC: 200; AV: 20; Accuracy: 7;
Crew/Passengers: 1/0
Transport: The Croll transports are majestic craft, shaped like del-
icate teardrops over 5000 feet from end to end and 2500 feet in diam-
eter at their largest point. The ships’ decks are oriented so that the thin
tip of the teardrop points “down” and the large, spherical end is “up.”
Since the ships have artificial gravity they can fly in any direction, both
in the atmosphere and in space.
These ships were not designed to land on the surface of a planet
and cannot do so, although they can land in large bodies of water.
Hidden within the decorations that adorn the ships’ exterior are the
various hatches and doorways that give access to weapons ports and
launching bays for smaller craft. Each transport had an initial compli-
ment of fifty short-range fighters and ten assault shuttles. During the
conflict with the Gna-Tall, many of these smaller craft were lost, and no
transport on Earth has a full compliment. The interior of the transport
has quarters for the soldiers, pilots, and crew, and features full med-
ical facilities and a large engineering section for repairing and creating
new equipment (including an industrial M/E conversion device).
Studded around the teardrop hull are ten large force tube arrays,
like those on the assault shuttle, for use against incoming fighters and
other ships. Eight guided missile launchers, like that on the shuttle,
surround the ship, and can be fired in any direction. The supply of
plasma or gas missiles is effectively unlimited.
Weight: n/a; Speed: 800; Acceleration: 70; Range: Unlimited;
Toughness: 8; Handling: 5; DC: 900; AV: 100; Accuracy: 6;
Crew/Passengers: 20/450; Cargo: 500 tons.


monitor’s timer activates. The Gna-Tall can program the

GNA-TALL SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY device’s timer to last from 30 seconds to five minutes. A Saurian
The Gna-Tall engineering philosophy stems directly from may even program his monitor to detonate if a radio or infra-
their religious beliefs—Saurians are meant to live in harmony red beam is triggered by a comrade or superior. The grant of
with nature, not rule over it. Thus, most Gna-Tall technology is such power to a comrade is received as a great honor among
designed to compliment the natural motions of the body. Gna- the Saurians. Note that an active Saurian defensive shield
tall attach items to their body, freeing up their hands and legs scrambles and neutralizes the monitor trigger signal.
as much as possible. Many items are voice- or thought-con-
During the timer’s countdown the monitor builds up a plas-
trolled, significantly easing use.
ma charge. This process takes at least one Turn. The monitor
then releases the plasma and the body and its equipment are
THOUGHT-CONTROL SYSTEMS consumed. Anyone or anything in contact with the Saurian
body when it ignites suffers D10 x 3(15) fire/plasma damage per
Any trained Saurian can use the equipment’s thought-
control systems. Other races cannot since the receptors Turn. In six Turns, nothing is left but a pile of mush and melted
are wired to Saurian brain patterns. A clever technician equipment. A fire may also be started if the body is in contact
could alter the control features if he had a fully equipped with anything flammable. EV: n/a.
electronics workshop and succeeded at an Intelligence +
Electronics Task with a –8 penalty. Such alterations would FIELD GENERATOR
require D10 x 5(25) hours of continuous work. Although rarely seen outside Saurian bases and aircraft, the
field generator is a common piece of equipment for war-techs.
The device includes an internal power source and controls built
The Gna-Tall are also fond of designing their devices to look
into the war-tech’s harness. Like all Saurian equipment, the
like biological rather than manufactured. The items often have
device’s power source is capable of providing effectively inex-
a rough, natural finish to them, the “biological” look coming
haustible power. Only one of the field generator’s three func-
from high quality synthetic rubber and plastics. The Gna-Tall
tions may be active at any given time. Two Turns are required
prefer not to carry large pieces of equipment, finding them not
to switch between the three modes. EV: 3.
only bulky but aesthetically and morally displeasing. Personal
Gna-Tall technology tends to be limited to devices a Saurian can Mode I: This setting generates a powerful magnetic shield
attach to his person quickly and unobtrusively. Large equip- used for defense against plasma attacks, energy weapons, par-
ment contains an internal anti-gravity device that allows it to be ticle beams, and other charged-matter damage. The field
moved easily. extends roughly one yard in all directions from the item pro-
tected and provides AV (D8 x 4) + 15(31) against those weapon
types. The field is non-selective and also prevents the wearer
DOOMSDAY MONITOR from using any plasma, particle, or charged-matter weapons.
The Gna-Tall use this item to keep their presence on Earth a
secret, and to keep casualties from falling into human hands. It Mode II: This setting projects a similar defensive shield
is employed by both natural- and human-form Gna-Tall. effective against small fast-moving projectiles like bullets (same
size, AV, and restrictions). The field has no effect on directed
The monitor appears to be a belt buckle, a watch, a cell
energy weapons (e.g., lasers, plasma), slow moving projectiles,
phone, or something similar and discrete. It monitors the Gna-
close combat attacks, or explosions.
Tall heart rate and other body functions. If these cease, the

With a field generator, Gna-Tall can only choose between protection against energy weapons or protection against projec-
tiles. For most of the time that Gna-Tall have been on modern-day Earth, this two-fold force field has not caused problems.
Most humans use projectiles and most Saurians use energy weapons. With the encroachment of other Saurian nations on
modern Earth, and the increase in incidents with the Dreamspeakers, joint human/Saurian operations are more common. In
response, the Gna-Tall developed a field generator that works against both kinds of attacks. The alternating field quickly flips
back and forth. This means that it offers some protection against all manner of assault, but it does not work as well as its spe-
cialized counterpart. When a projectile or energy weapon is fired at an alternating field, roll a D10. Except on a result of 1–3,
AV (D8 x 4) +15(31) protection is provided. Otherwise, no protection is granted. The field does not protect against close com-
bat attacks or explosions.
The alternating field can be linked to the Gna-Tall’s plasma claw or plasma harness, allowing the war-tech to fire their
weapon while the field is active. However, because of the precise timing involved, plasma weapons can only be fired in Mode
II while the field is in place. The alternating field disrupts nearby electronics, as the normal field generator. EV: 3.

1 2 3 4
Mode III: This anti-gravitational field allows the Gna-Tall to plasma ball is active, the controller may attack any one target
rise 50 yards per Turn, fall at any desired rate, or hover in place. within range, but the plasma ball instantly disperses if it is ever
It is effective within a mile of any body that produces a signifi- more than 30 yards from the controller. Mode I plasma balls
cant gravitational field. Mode III allows no lateral movement, may not be “aimed” like conventional ranged weapons. Range:
and thus is generally used to complement a Gna-Tall’s loping 5/10/15/20/30; Damage: D6 x 8(24) fire/plasma.
gait and natural strength. In Mode III, the Gna-Tall’s Speed is Mode II: This setting fires a fast-moving, straight-line plasma
doubled, minor obstacles and treacherous ground are ignored, ball at long range. The plasma ball takes one Turn to generate,
and Strength is tripled for purposes of jumping and lifting. as with Mode I. A Mode II plasma ball lasts only a single round
Whatever Mode is operational, the field generator creates and but may be aimed. Range: 5/15/30/50/100; Damage: D6 x
strong magnetic currents around its user. These currents disrupt 8(24) fire/plasma.
sensitive electronics to a distance of ten feet away. Any elec- Mode III: In Mode III, the claw generates a small but pow-
tronic device brought into this radius may be damaged at the erful magnetic field that the wearer may use to deflect Mode I
Chronicler’s discretion (see p. 175). and Mode II plasma attacks. To parry incoming plasma shots,
the wearer first must be aware of the attack, and then succeed
FUSION BOMB at a parry/block defensive action (see Conspiracy X, p. 163).
Although the Gna-Tall are not fond of the random destruc- This provides an AV of D8 x 6(24), though if parried successful-
tion caused by area-effect weapons, they do not ignore such ly, the sphere does not automatically dissipate.
weaponry. Gna-Tall fusion bombs are quite small, usually a lit-
tle less than two inches in diameter. Peeling back the outer cov-
ering of the bomb, the user reveals an adhesive surface, allow-
ing the device to be placed against walls. Every bomb has a
timer that the user can set anywhere from one second to five
days. This allows the bombs to be used as grenades in combat
or demolitions. Ground Zero: 5 yards; Damage: D6 x 50(150)
explosive; General Effect: 10 yards; Damage: D6 x 25(75) explo-
sive; Maximum Range: 50 yards; Damage: D6 x 10(30) explo-
sive; EV: 1.
The Gna-Tall also employ grenade launchers—simple tubes
attached to the inside of the forearm. The tubes typically hold
five to ten bombs. Range: 30/50/100/200/350; EV: 2.

The plasma claw remains the perennial favorite among Gna-
Tall war-techs. A standard plasma claw consists of a synthetic
cloth glove or metallic alloy gauntlet that houses a miniature
fusion reactor and powerful magnetic field generator. The reac-
tor superheats gases drawn from the surrounding atmosphere
until they reach plasma temperatures. The super-hot gas is con-
tained within a small magnetic bubble shaped and controlled
by thin metal projections that extend from the fingers of the
glove. These projections double as bladed weapons should the
Saurian be forced into hand-to-hand combat (D6(3) x Strength
+ 1 slashing damage). Once the plasma ball has been generat-
ed, it is launched with a throwing motion and then guided to its
target by the attacker’s hand movements. EV: 2.
Plasma claws are operated using Guns (Plasma Claw) and
have three modes, only one of which can be active at a time. It
takes one full Turn to switch from one mode to another. Plasma
claw balls disrupt unshielded electronics (see p. 175).
Mode I: This setting fires a slow-moving plasma ball that
may be controlled by the attacker. One Turn must be spent gen-
erating the ball, which lasts for three Turns unless it hits some-
thing or the controller disperses it. Each round that a Mode I


Because Saurians make such extensive use of electromag-
netic and subatomic fields, all of their equipment is heavily
shielded against outside interference. Human and Atlantean
technology does not have the level of shielding that Saurian
tech enjoys; the Gna-Tall have put this to their advantage. The
pulser was designed to knock out non-Saurian technology with
a powerful burst of electromagnetic radiation. The device looks
like a small black disk four inches in diameter and half an inch
thick, usually worn like a patch somewhere on the Saurian’s
body. EV: 1.
The device has two modes, and is operated using Dexterity
and Guns (Plasma).
Mode I: The pulser fires a concentrated burst at a single tar-
get, no larger than one square yard. A successful hit means that
the target and any electrical device in very close proximity take
D10 x 2(10) fire/plasma damage and a roll should be made on
the plasma effects table (see p. 175) with a –4 modifier.
PLASMA HARNESS Mode II: The user indiscriminately attacks all electronic
The plasma harness is a larger version of the plasma claw,
designed for use against more resilient targets. The harness fits equipment in her immediate vicinity. This mode is usually used
over the trunk of the typical Gna-Tall’s body, straps crisscross- in desperate situations, or when the war-tech is out to cause as
ing the chest. A foot-diameter, concave-metal disk rests at the much damage as possible to the surroundings. Once activated,
intersection of the straps on the Saurian’s chest. Around the cir- the pulse causes all electronic equipment within ten yards of
cumference of the disk are five sharp metal claws that extend the disk to suffer D10 x 4(20) fire/plasma damage and a roll
six inches forward to focus the plasma. Plasma balls form with- should be made on the plasma effects table (see p. 175) with a
in a magnetic bubble and are shot by a magnetic directing sys- –4 modifier. It takes ten Turns for the disk to recharge after a
tem. Plasma harnesses use Guns (Plasma Harness) and their Mode II discharge.
output disrupts unshielded electronics (see p. 175). EV: 8. Atlantean nanotech hit with such a weapon should roll on
Mode I: This setting fires a slow moving ball of plasma that the Malfunction Table (-2 modifier) (see p. 49). Mode II attacks
the harness wearer can control using thought monitors that are effect all of the Atlantean’s systems at once; Mode I effects
built into the harness. The user must think in very Saurian terms D6(3) systems to be determined by the Chronicler.
as the harness is easily confused, limiting control to left, right,
up, down, forward, and back. A user cannot order the ball to STINGER
follow a specific target. It takes one Turn to generate a plasma All natural-form Gna-Talls retain their strong, lizard-like tails,
ball, which lasts for five Turns. As with the plasma claw, Mode I and are adept at using them in hand-to-hand combat. In
balls cannot be aimed. Range: 10/20/50/100/200; Damage: D8 ancient times, blades or metal weights were added to the ends
x 10(40) fire/plasma. of the tails to make them more deadly. Although modern dis-
Mode II: These plasma balls fly over a greater distance, but tance weapons made tail weapons obsolete, Gna-Talls contin-
the thought-control system does not function. Instead the har- ued to develop such enhancements, reasoning that tail-based
ness directs the ball with as much speed as possible in a straight combat brought them closer to their natural roots. The stinger
line. Mode II balls can be aimed, but not controlled. Range: resembles a spiked cap that fits over the end of the wearer’s
10/30/100/200/300; Damage: D8 x 10(40) fire/plasma. tail. The spike itself is a plasma injection system. The cap
charges (takes two Turns) and holds a bolt of plasma within it
Mode III: The harness projects a complete defensive field
until it is needed. The Gna-Tall then strikes his target with his tail
around the wearer, providing an AV of D8 x 10(40) against plas-
so that the spike punctures some part of the enemy. The stinger
ma attacks. This surrounds the user, so no parry/block defen-
automatically expels the plasma into the target, potentially
sive action is required. However, the bubble that surrounds the
causing massive internal damage (once through armor, the
user is projected in every direction, sometimes scorching the
attack does an additional D6 x 6(18) fire/plasma damage).
Attacking requires a successful Brawling or Martial Arts tail
attack move. Damage: D6(3) x Strength bash (spike), EV: 2.

1 2 3 4
appear biological in nature (even though they are constructed
TORTURE DEVICE of metal and plastic). The interior is kept humid and filled with
The Gna-Tall do not understand human emotions or thought
processes, though they have discovered humans generally have the odors and sounds of the primordial forest. As this nature
a low tolerance for pain. When a Gna-Tall needs information motif is designed primarily for the peace of mind of the crew, it
from a human, he usually tortures the subject to ensure the does not extend to the ship’s exterior. The outer hulls of Gna-
truth. Since Saurians are generally unable to tell when humans Tall spacecraft tend to be unadorned metal.
are lying, they have come to rely on torture in most of their The Gna-Tall use pulse detonation engines to propel their
dealings (except with the NDD, of course). craft through air and space. Lift (when in the atmosphere)
The torture device resembles a five-legged spider. The comes from the engine’s integral anti-gravity system. The hulls
“body” is a rubber-coated sphere about an inch in diameter. of all Gna-Tall craft include advanced stealth technology, mak-
The torturer places the device anywhere on the subject’s ing them difficult to sense with conventional radar.
exposed skin and the legs immediately burrow into the flesh, All Gna-Tall craft are equipped with a generator that fires
linking to the neuro-muscular system. The torturer controls the plasma balls much like those of a plasma claw, but on a much
device with a small remote that allows him to instigate almost larger scale. Mode I plasma balls are treated as medium terres-
any kind of pain imaginable. The subject can be made to feel trial guided missiles, except they have Accuracy 7, maximum
that they are burning, slashed, beaten, even ripped apart. The range of 10 miles, and damage D6 x 25(75)/D6 x 10(30)/D6 x
pain is very real but the damage is not. The torturer can cause 5(15). Mode II plasma balls are fired in a straight line, using
any amount of damage desired, forcing the target to make the Guns (Plasma Generator), to a range of 20 miles doing the
appropriate consciousness Tests. Since the damage is not real, same damage. The plasma generator can fire an unlimited
the subject need not heal from the wounds. Every half-hour of number of balls, and is capable of firing to the rear of the craft.
torture, the subject must make a Simple Willpower Test to keep Only one plasma ball may be fired per Turn, per generator.
from telling the torturers what they want to know. A –1 cumu- Also, all craft are equipped with defensive screens that jam
lative modifier is added for every additional half-hour of tor- opposing missiles or plasma balls (–2 to Accuracy). They also
ture. Removing the torture device simply requires pulling it off provides AV (D10 x 5) + 15(40) against explosive, projectile,
the person, causing D10(5) points of damage. The subject can energy, or plasma attacks. The defensive system is formed by
dislodge it as well, so most Gna-Tall restrain their victims before numerous overlapping fields. Some sections must be dropped
questioning. EV: 1 (including remote). in order to allow the weapons to fire. For Mode II generator
balls, this defensive vulnerability lasts only a few seconds. For
GNA-TALL SPACECRAFT Mode I guided balls, the vulnerability lasts until the ball impacts
The Gna-Tall were never comfortable in space, except on the or is allowed to dissipate. The fields also disrupts nearby elec-
Cathedral. To alleviate this discomfort, Gna-Tall spacecraft are tronics (see p. 175).
designed to emulate Earth’s natural environment. The interiors
Interceptor: The crescent-shaped interceptor is the most
of the craft are lined with synthetic rubber and plastic molded
common of the Saurian spacecraft in operation on Earth, a
to resemble the interior of a forest. Controls and readouts all
hybrid intended for both utility and combat. Although the ship


is fast and maneuverable like a fighter, it is also capable of car- crew members. In the very center of the central hub is a large
rying over a ton of cargo with no reduction in performance. atrium with artificial lighting designed to recreate the climate of
Weight: 30,000; Speed: 2,700; Acceleration: 230; Range: the Gna-Tall homeland. It contains plants and even animals kept
Unlimited; Toughness: 5; Handling: 6; DC: 600; AV: 20; alive for hunting purposes as a form of recreation for the crew.
Accuracy: 7; Cost: n/a; Crew/Passengers: 2/0; Cargo: 2,000 The pursuit cruiser has a battery of twelve plasma genera-
Pursuit Cruiser: The Gna-Tall sent out a flotilla of pursuit tors, mounted on the tips of the twelve launching arms. Each
cruisers in an attempt to destroy the Exodus fleet, and a num- has its own gunner for firing or guiding the plasma balls. The
ber of these ships were caught in the singularity’s grasp. These pursuit carrier uses anti-grav and pulse detonation propulsion
were the first ships to return to Earth and have served as the systems.
bases for Gna-Tall operations in the solar system ever since. The Weight: n/a; Speed: 1000; Acceleration: 150; Range:
pursuit cruisers were originally designed to be bases of opera- Unlimited; Toughness: 8; Handling: 4; DC: 2000; AV: 100;
tion for flights of interceptors. They provide a place for the Accuracy: 7; Crew/Passengers: 15/250; Cargo: 100,000 lbs.
interceptor crews to live during long voyages, facilities for the Scout: The scout is a recent development among the Gna-
repair and maintenance of the interceptors, and command sta- Tall. Designed as a smaller version of the interceptor, it is
tions for the coordination of interceptor activities. The cruisers intended to be fast, maneuverable, and nearly undetectable.
are not particularly well armed since they are not meant to The ship is roughly 20 feet from side to side, and 13 feet from
engage the enemy directly. tip to tail. It has a very low profile, and the single pilot stretch-
The pursuit cruiser has a flat, disc-shaped central hull 750 es out almost horizontally when piloting. There is room for lit-
feet in diameter and 100 feet thick. Twelve 120 feet arms proj- tle more than the pilot and his equipment. Less than 50 scouts
ect out from the central hull, each a cylinder 30 feet in diame- have been built since the Gna-Tall returned to Earth, mainly by
ter. Each arm holds an individual launching bay for four inter- human technicians under Gna-Tall direction. The use of certain
ceptors, making the cruiser’s normal compliment 48 attack human-manufactured components renders this ship, unlike
craft. This system of arms allows the cruiser to launch and other Saurian ships, slightly radioactive. This radioactivity is not
retrieve numerous of interceptors quickly, but it does leave the dangerous but does show up on a Geiger counter.
interceptors exposed while they are docked. The small ship is lightly armed and armored and used main-
The cruisers come equipped with medical facilities (including ly for reconnaissance. A small plasma generator weapon, like
a body morphing chamber) and a repair bay (including a large that on the interceptor, can only be operated in Mode II.
M/E converter). The crews of the interceptors have quarters Weight: 20,000; Speed: 3,000; Acceleration: 250; Range:
adjacent to the launching arms, allowing access to their ships in Unlimited; Toughness: 4; Handling: 7; DC: 250; AV: 20;
just a few minutes. The rest of the ship is given over to the crew Accuracy: 7; Crew/Passengers: 1/0.
and command staff. The ship can also carry 250 Gna-Tall non-

1 2 3 4
The Kath-Yal force suit does not provide the innate lift capac-
The Kath-Yal, like the Te-Mulys, have a large advantage over
ity of the Gna-Tall force shield generator. Instead, the Kath-Yal
the other two Saurian nations on Earth because they have
developed a specialized device that allows their soldiers to actu-
access to an entire colony ship. This ship provides them with a
ally fly. A set of anti-gravity field generators are strapped
full range of industrial and military technology. The Kath-Yal
around the wearer’s legs and smaller set of arms. By moving his
have taken a very pragmatic approach to technology, eschew-
arms and legs, and manipulating the direction of the thrust, the
ing the fancy decorations of the Croll and the subtle utility of
soldier can fly through the air with great dexterity and speed.
the Gna-Tall. The Kath-Yal like to keep things simple: point and
While using the system for flight, the soldier cannot use his
kill, ask and receive. This attitude shows itself in the Kath-Yal
smaller arms for any other purpose. A trooper in hover mode,
military ethic. Battles are about defeating the enemy, not
however, can hover to use weapons like the repeater, but suf-
defending oneself. Weapons are designed to do as much dam-
fers multiple action penalties. The system can support an addi-
age as possible, as quickly as possible. In battle, the Kath-Yal
tional 220 lbs. of equipment without any problem. Using this
employ heavily armored, flying soldiers who use blitzkrieg tac-
device requires the Piloting (PFD) skill.
tics to overwhelm the enemy and move on.
Weight: 10; Speed: 80; Acceleration: 30; Range: Unlimited;
Non-military technology is much the same. The Kath-Yal love
Toughness: 2; Handling: 6; DC: 30; AV: 0; Accuracy: n/a; EV: 4.
voice- or thought-controlled computers and other simple-to-use
items. Machines are usually designed to do one thing and do it
well, cutting down on confusion and the delay that inevitably PLASMA REPEATER
results from too many choices. The standard sidearm for the Kath-Yal, the plasma repeater
has an internal store of plasma that is recharged by drawing in
The other distinctive feature of modern Kath-Yal technology
gas from the surrounding atmosphere. The plasma reservoir
is its four-armed utility. The extra pair of hands allows the Kath-
grants the repeater a much faster rate of fire than the plasma
Yal to carry several items at once, or manipulate a number of
claw or harness, but it projects smaller bursts of plasma and the
different controls on a single machine. Thus, heavy weapons
user cannot control them. The repeater can only be fired using
are designed to be held with two large arms and activated with
one of the variations of automatic fire. Like other Saurian equip-
a third. The Kath-Yal are all adept at doing more than one thing
ment, a repeater burst gives off a powerful magnetic field that
with their extra limbs, from piloting a ship and firing its
disrupts any unshielded electronic equipment (see p. 175) with-
weapons to fixing a broken field generator while laying down
in 30 feet.
suppressing fire. Humans and even other Saurian nations find
it difficult to use Kath-Yal equipment without modification. The plasma repeater is a 15-inch sphere with two handles on
opposite sides. A five-inch concavity breaks the surface of the
sphere midway between the two handles; from there the plas-
FORCE SUIT ma bolts are discharged. Kath-Yal soldiers grip the handles with
Instead of employing the standard shields that are so com-
their two larger arms and direct the concavity using a smaller
mon among other Saurian nations, the Kath-Yal favor a defen-
arm. Range: 10/50/150/500/900; Damage: D8 x 6(24); EV: 6.
sive device closer to our traditional idea of armor. The Kath-Yal
force suit consists of several dozen interconnected plates
draped over the body, resembling scale mail. The plates them- KATH-YAL SPACECRAFT
selves are quite thin and not at all useful as armor. Each of The highly ritualized society of the Kath-Yal renders their
these plates contains a small generator that projects a small ships somewhat more complex than other craft, at least in lay-
but powerful field that repels all manner of attacks. Thus the out and decoration. The religious leaders make sure that every
whole of the Kath-Yal soldier’s body receives protection as long aspect of the design conforms to traditional specifications. If no
as it is covered by the force plates. Many Kath-Yal soldiers have traditional specifications exist, they are more than happy to
their bodies modified to include fasteners for the armor, mak- make up new ones.
ing for a more secure fit. This is especially important for the air- All Kath-Yal spacecraft are equipped with holographic
borne troops. shields, in addition to their more advanced stealth technology,
In Mode I, the force suit provides AV (D10 x 4) + 10(30) pro- sound dampeners, and defensive shields.
tection against energy attacks; Mode II offers the same protec- Holographic Shield: The Kath-Yal realized one important
tion against kinetic attacks. Kath-Yal devices have no Mode III. technological benefit from their relationship with Gher. The
The suit heavily encumbers the wearer. The magnetic fields combination of Saurian and Atlantean technical knowledge
generated by the force suit disrupt sensitive electronics within resulted in a powerful holographic shield. The shield uses an
10 feet (see p. 175). EV: 20. array of cameras to capture images all around the ship. These
images are transferred to designated shield projectors on the
opposite side of the craft. The image projected onto the shield


is a nearly perfect version of what is seen by the cameras. In Each weapon sphere has a battery of five heavy-duty plasma
effect, observers look right through the craft. This creates effec- pulse batteries (Range: 15/200/400/2000/4000; Damage: D10 x
tive invisibility on the part of Kath-Yal craft. 6(30)) and up to five fusion missiles (Range:
The field does not work against non-visible-light detection 50/500/1000/2500/3500; Damage: D10 x 30(150) (1 yard)/D10
equipment (i.e., radar is unaffected by it). Furthermore, the pro- x 15(75) (10 yards)/D10 x 5(25) (20 yards)).
jectors are not seamless—within 100 yards, a shimmering can be The defensive system of the corvette creates fields that jam
seen in the air. Finally, the holographic shield may be used in opposing missiles or plasma balls (-2 to Accuracy), producing a
conjunction with stealth shields, but not defensive shields. The field similar to the Gna-Tall ship defenses. The field provides AV
holographic shield does not disrupt any form of weapon attack, (D10 x 5) + 15(40) against explosive, projectile, energy, or plas-
but use of such weapons alerts outsiders to their location. ma attacks.
Corvette: The Kath-Yal do not have the small one- and two- Weight: 150,000 per sphere; Speed: 800; Acceleration: 120;
man fighters common to other Saurian nations. Instead, they Range: Unlimited; Toughness: 4; Handling: 4; DC: 450; AV: 60;
employ a more versatile corvette class ship. The corvette fea- Accuracy: 4; Crew/Passengers: 3/30 (with transport sphere
tures a spherical, modular architecture. The standard corvette is attached); Cargo: 30 tons (with cargo sphere attached).
composed of three or more interlocked spheres, each connect- Star Spheres: The Kath-Yal star spheres colony ship was
ed by five-foot passageways. The spheres themselves differ in one of the prides of their civilization. While most of the Exodus
size depending on their function, but are usually around 50 feet fleet was made up of converted asteroids, the Kath-Yal created
in diameter. All corvettes have a command sphere that houses specific arks for the flight to another world. This was in large
the flight and navigation controls and facilities for a crew of part due to the influence of the priests who claimed that a fly-
three (pilot, navigator, weapons officer). All corvettes also have ing rock was not a fitting vessel for the noble Kath-Yal. Thus
a drive sphere, which contains the anti-gravity drive, the propul- were born the great star spheres.
sion system, a large fusion plant, and facilities/quarters for one
engineer. The ship can also support up to three additional Each Kath-Yal colony ship was composed of twenty-four
spheres, usually arranged in a star-like structure. interconnected spheres. A central sphere 2,500 feet in diameter
houses the ship’s main drive and power systems as well as stor-
Cargo spheres are holds large enough to transport 30 tons of age facilities and hangars for smaller ships. Radiating out from
equipment and goods at a time. Repair spheres contain parts the central sphere in seemingly random directions are the
and an industrial M/E converter for fixing ships or installations. twenty-four family spheres, each connected by a 100-foot diam-
Medical spheres are mobile hospitals, including a body morph- eter arm. The arms vary in length from 500 to 2,500 feet, ter-
ing chamber. Transport spheres have flight seats and supplies minating in spheres ranging in diameter from 400 to 2,500 feet.
for 30 Kath-Yal. Weapons spheres contain additional weapons The larger spheres are for the more important families and are
and munitions packages. located closer in to the main body of the ship. Lesser families
This system of interlocking spheres allows the Kath-Yal to cus- occupy smaller quarters on the perimeter.
tomize their fleet of corvettes to whatever mission is required. A Each family sphere has its own set of living and recreation
group of three or four ships can land and set up an advanced quarters, a religious center, storage facilities, and live food
base of operations, carry tons of material, or lay waste to a small pens. In the event of an emergency or a breach, each sphere is
city. Changing spheres is a simple process that takes about an a self-contained unit, able to break free from the main body
hour in a properly equipped hangar, or four hours in the field. and still have minimal engines, life support, and power. Every

1 2 3 4
sphere also has its own defensive systems, and a battery of their skin altered to the clan pattern. Equipment has the pattern
plasma pulse guns like those on corvettes. Each sphere has its engraved or painted on to it.
own optical field and stealth capacity, and is crewed by 10 and Otherwise, Te-Mulys technology in general tends to be
designed for 160 passengers. designed along simple, tough principals. With so much of their
As noted, the main body of the ship houses the Kath-Yal’s labor force made up of lobotomized slaves, the equipment
corvette wing. The Star Spheres have bays for 100 corvettes, must be strong enough to take the occasional fall or bang
and are capable of launching or retrieving ten at a time. The against a wall. Thus, most of the equipment has a reinforced
main sphere also has its own defensive systems and ten plasma box look to it.
pulse batteries identical to the ones mounted on the outer
spheres. Additionally it has holographic, stealth, and defensive
field generators like those on the corvettes. Finally the main
The Te-Mulys know that computers practically run human
ship component carriers a salvo of 50 plasma-tipped missiles. society, and have devised several ingenious ways to gather
Due to its rather irregular shape and design, the star spheres information from human machines. One of these is the data
cannot enter a planetary atmosphere. Separate spheres, how- siphon, an inch-wide piece of paper-thin metal, one side of
ever, may individually enter the atmosphere and land safely in which is covered with an adhesive (often the siphons are made
a large enough body of water. The ship can carry up to 4,000 to resemble warning stickers that go on the inside of comput-
Kath-Yal, divided among 24 different family groups. ers). Placing the sticker anywhere within twelve inches of a dig-
ital storage medium allows it to record and transmit every piece
Weight: 150,000 per sphere; Speed: 200; Acceleration: 50;
of data contained on it. Already these siphons are in every com-
Range: Unlimited; Toughness: 8; Handling: 4; DC: 500; AV: 80;
puter in the major Wall Street law firms, trading houses, and
Accuracy: 5; Crew/Passengers: 25/sum of family spheres.
financial offices, providing the Te-Mulys with all the information
they need to manipulate the markets.

TE-MULYS TECHNOLOGY Siphoned data is retrieved by relatively large absorption base

units. These units are usually contained in dark colored vans.
The Te-Mulys colony ship that escaped the singularity in 1988 They must be within 800 feet of the siphon to be downloaded.
contained everything necessary to recreate a version of the Te- The absorption base unit triggers the siphon with a pre-pro-
Mulys homeland, including slaves and trained animals. grammed signal, and the siphon uploads its data in a burst
Te-Mulys technology in general is centered around the use of transmission lasting less than a second. This transmission may
slaves, and the enhancing of slave bodies. They often perma- be stopped by thick rock, metal, or lead, or by TEMPEST shield-
nently attach equipment to a slave in order to have it readily ing. Each siphon has its own personal trigger signal, and these
available. This is not cybernetic equipment since it does not must be used in turn to absorb data. Of course, the whole trans-
actually link into the slave’s neuromuscular system. It is com- fer is governed by computers and numerous siphons may be
mon for the owners of slaves and equipment to anoint them triggered and uploaded in a second.
with their clan patterns and pheromones, or have the color of

The projector itself is a six-inch square cube that mounts direct-

DEFENSIVE FIELD ly onto the user’s shoulder. It is linked to a small eyepiece that
The Te-Mulys use inferior defensive energy fields rather than
armor, as they do not concern themselves overly with the fate allows accurate targeting. The internal fusion reactor gives the
of their slave-warriors. The field has no Mode III, and Modes I device an almost unlimited lifetime, which is especially impor-
(energy protection) and II (kinetic protection) only offer AV D6 tant since Te-Mulys soldiers tend to turn them on in battle and
x 5(15). On the rare occasion when a Te-Mulys noble enters bat- just let them fire non-stop, blasting anything in their path. The
tle, a top of the line model, just like the Gna-Tall version, is used. weapon can be used for automatic fire. It also has an adverse
The Te-Mulys have no version of the alternating field. EV: 3. impact on electronic equipment (see p. 175). Range:
10/50/150/300/500; Damage: D8 x 5(20); EV: 4.

Often disguised to look like a pen, a flashlight, or a lighter,
this item creates a powerful burst of electromagnetic energy
that is keyed to human brainwave patterns. The result is brain
overload and shutdown, effectively rendering the target uncon-
scious. The device has a range of only 15 feet, and usually only
has five charges. A target must pass a Difficult Willpower Test or
fall unconscious for D6 + 3(6) minutes. It is impossible to revive
the target while they are unconscious since their brain is still
adjusting to the attack. Multiple exposures to the device can
cause permanent brain damage. EV: n/a.

Occasionally the masters find it necessary or desirable to dis-
cipline their slaves. For that, they use a pressor beam—a flat,
rectangular device held in the palm of the hand. The device
projects a powerful beam of anti-gravity energy that hits a tar-
get like a physical blow. The beam continues to press against
DOPPELGANGER MASKS the target until the user redirects it or shuts it off. In this way,
Body morphing technology can make anyone look like any-
one else. The usefulness of this cannot be underestimated. Still, troublesome slaves can be held to the ground or against a wall
the process is time consuming, painful, and requires large equip- while restraints are brought to bear. Striking a target with the
ment. It cannot be done at a moment’s notice. To alleviate this beam is a normal ranged attack, using Guns (Pressor Beam).
problem, the Te-Mulys created doppelganger masks. These The weapon does D8 x 2(8) points of damage when it first hits
devices cover the entire head of a human wearer, clinging so a target and usually knocks him back a few feet.
close that they appear for all intents and purposes like real skin. Once the beam is focused on the target, he cannot move in
They are warm to the touch and even sweat, bleed, and simu- any direction except the way the beam is pushing without suc-
late a fake pulse. The mask can be made to look like anyone. ceeding at a Simple Strength Test against the beam’s Strength
More importantly, the wearer can preprogram up to five differ- 10 (not doubled). If successful, the target can move at half
ent faces into a single mask. By simply activating the mask from Speed. Keeping the beam focused on a target requires repeat-
the inside, the wearer can shift the mask’s appearance to any of ed Guns (Pressor Beam) Tasks. Each Turn repeats the damage
the five programmed looks. The process takes about five min- to the victim, slowly crushing him to death. EV: 1.
utes to complete, and can even grow or shorten hair, change
hair color, and create or dispose of facial hair. Standard faces are
composites of normal facial features and generic in nature. Any
The Te-Mulys love to send their minions on information-
attempt to program the masks to fit someone specific requires gathering missions. For their subtle and devious plans to suc-
special Te-Mulys software (which has not been adapted for ceed, they need as much intelligence as they can acquire. To
human computers), and an Intelligence and Disguise Task. further this goal, they have developed some of the most sophis-
ticated spy devices in the world. A single unit is no larger than
ENERGY PROJECTOR the head of a pin and comes in many different colors and
As plasma weapons require some training and intelligence, appearances. The sphere can attach itself to any substance and
the Te-Mulys devised a simple yet deadly energy projector for is almost impossible to remove. It picks up and transmits
use by their lobotomized slaves. The energy projector produces sounds with perfect quality, equal to that of a normal human
raw, destructive electricity, which it focuses towards the target. listening from wherever the device is. Furthermore, a Te-Mulys

1 2 3 4

slave controlling the device can use a hand-held triangulator noble quarters in the middle are the luxurious suites for the Te-
(usually concealed in a mobile phone) to pinpoint the location Mulys overlords. The storage and launching facilities were not
of the device anywhere within 250 miles. These devices operate meant to be used during the voyage, and contain supplies for
via scrambled radio waves and may be jammed or disrupted. the new colony and escorts to ferry the Te-Mulys down to the
surface of their new home. All told, the vehicle houses 5,000
TE-MULYS SPACECRAFT slaves and animals, and 2,000 Te-Mulys nobility.
Given the emergence of their colony ship, the Te-Mulys have The ship itself was never meant to enter combat or a planet’s
a full compliment of spacecraft available to them. They have atmosphere. As such it has almost no maneuverability and no
luxurious accommodations for the true Te-Mulys while the meaningful weaponry. Although capable of tremendous speeds
slaves and animals live in quarters barely suitable for habita- given enough time to accelerate, it cannot escape even a single
tion. As with all Te-Mulys equipment, different sections of the Gna-Tall interceptor unaided.
colony ship and different smaller craft all bear the colors and
The ship has standard defensive screens, providing AV (D10
scents of a particular noble family.
x 5) +15(40) against explosive, projectile, energy, or plasma
Colony Ship: This monstrous ship was carved from an attacks and disrupts missiles and plasma guidance (–2 to
asteroid, and measures just over one and a half miles in length. Accuracy). Furthermore, should something get through the
The stone, composed primarily of nickel and iron ore, has been shield, it still has to deal with the outer rock hull. The thick layer
shaped into a rough cylinder with a diameter of 1,000 feet. The of ore that surrounds the hull is resistant to all but the most
exterior remains rough and is studded with a few metal towers. powerful weapons.
These towers generate protective and stealth fields, and house
Weight: n/a; Speed: 1800; Acceleration: 30; Range:
sensor suites. The hull is about 50 feet thick, and is reinforced
Unlimited; Toughness: 8; Handling: 2; DC: 12,000; AV: 600;
on the inside by two inches of refined steel. This hull provides
Accuracy: 0; Crew/Passengers: 15/7,000+.
protection against the vacuum should part of the rock covering
be blown away. The ship’s artificial gravity system orients the Escorts: The Te-Mulys colony ship carried a contingent of
ship like a tower, with the engines at the bottom and launching small escort craft for shuttling them down to their new home.
bays at the top. These were not meant to be fighting ships and are not well
armed or armored. The real Te-Mulys warships that survived
The interior of the ship is divided into five large sections,
the initial conflict with the Gna-Tall are still caught in the singu-
each composed of fifty levels. Each section is given over to a dif-
larity. The escorts are wedge-shaped vehicles, resembling a
ferent function. At the bottom of the tower, ship’s operations
rounded arrow or spearhead. Some 250 feet in length, these
includes the engines and all the piloting, navigation, and
vehicles are more like jetliners than military craft.
weapons controls as well as crew quarters. Above that, slave
and animal quarters store the slaves, their food, their trainers, Weight: 120,000; Speed: 1800; Acceleration: 120; Range:
and the training facilities. Industrial facilities fill the next several Unlimited; Toughness: 4; Handling: 5; DC: 150; AV: 10;
levels, each devoted to different kinds of manufacturing that Accuracy: 6; Crew/Passengers: 2/50; Cargo: 150 tons.
would have been important in setting up a new colony. The

Abductions 85 Grey / NDD Treaty 84 Plasma Claw 183
Abductor Ship 113 Grey Base Ship 113 Plasma Effects Table 175
Akerang 129 Grey Biology 93 Plasma Harness 184
Altantean Starships 70 Grey Characters 103 Plasma Repeater 187
Anti-Gravity Devices 174 Grey History 76 Pressor Beam 190
Atlantean Characters 44 Grey Scout Ship 113 Psibot 119
Atlantean Culture 32 Grey Society 94 Psibots 117
Atlantean History 16 Hybrid Characters 103 Psychic Coral 77
Atlantean Pet 68 Hybrid Project (Grey) 88 Psychotrons 114
Atlantean Security Systems 67 Hypnomancy 167 Pulling String: Abata Cache 166
Atlantis 26 Implants 114 Pulling String: Theriomorph Machine 166
Azek’al 36 Kath-Yal 130, 153 Pulser 184
Blue Biology 94 Kath-Yal Corvette 188 Quality: Atlantean 45
Blue Foci 101 Kath-Yal Star Spheres 188 Quality: Atlantean Offspring 45
Blue Forsaken 103 Kath-Yal Technology 187 Quality: Blue 104
Blue Infused 102 Lenses 109 Quality: Croll 164
Blue Phenomena 100 Lerun’al 43 Quality: Dreamspeaker 164
Blue Pools & Loci 100 Matter/Energy Converters 170 Quality: Echolocation 104
Blue Seepage 99 Metahuman Biology 94 Quality: Forgotten 45
Blue Society 96 Metahuman Society 96 Quality: Gills 106
Blue Telepathic Illusions 100 Mimic 69 Quality: Gna-Tall (Leader or War-Tech) 164
Body Morphing 172 Mind Stunner 190 Quality: Gna-Tall (Scientist, Leader or Priest)
Body Morphing Table 173 Nameless Priests 33 165
Brinal 129 Nanotech Assemblers 57 Quality: Grey 104
Croll 129, 142 Nanotech Cost Table 57 Quality: Kath-Yal 165
Croll Drugs 179 Nanotech Malfunction Table 49 Quality: Metahuman 106
Croll Force Tube 178 Nanotech Systems Quality: Pure Blue 107
Croll Spacecraft 180 Aspect Modification System 53 Quality: Te-Mulys 165
Croll Technology 178 Bio-Battery Energy System 50 Radar 176
Croll Toxins 179 Blood Surgeons 51 Radar Tables 177
Data Siphon 189 Computer Enhancement 53 Ravager 69
Djerl’r 39 Emergency Nanite Reserve 51 Rituals 167
Doomsday Monitor 182 Hearing Enhancements 54 Roswell 82
Doppelganger Masks 190 Improved Digestion 54 Saurian Biology 160
Drawback: Atrophied Lungs 104 Knowing Touch 54 Saurian History 124
Drawback: Psychological Problems Memory Augmentation System 55 Saurian Mood Chart 161
(Detached) 165 Memory Preservation System 52 Saurian Skills 165
Drawback: Slave 165 Musculature Enhancement 55 Seeds 59
Dreamspeakers 138, 145, 163 Nanite Recorder 54 Servant (Atlantean) 70
Dual Seepage Areas 101 Neural Link 52 Sibyl Systems 88
Dulce Base 87 Replacement Skeleton 55 Smart Tools 64
Elryn’lo 41 Replacement Skin 55 Stealth 176
Energy Projector 190 Retractable Blades 56 Steed 70
Field Generator 182 Toxin Filters 56 Stinger 184
Force Suit 187 Vision Enhancers 56 Te-Mulys 131, 156
Forgotten, The 33 Wings 57 Te-Mulys Colony Ship 191
Fusion Bomb 183 Nanotechnology 47 Te-Mulys Escort 191
Gna-Tall 130, 146 Orichalcum 27 Te-Mulys Technology 189
Gna-Tall Interceptor 185 Oteri 131 Thurn 132
Gna-Tall Pursuit Cruiser 186 Personal Flight Device 187 Timeline of Alien Activity 8-13
Gna-Tall Scout 186 Phoenix 73 True Immortals 46
Gna-Tall Torture Device 185 Pilosi 25 Voeth’am 38

THEY are among us, and have been for some time.
Although sightings of UFOs have increased since that fateful crash in Roswell, aliens have been on Earth for
longer than we could have imagined. Witnesses have described three distinct types of aliens—the diminutive
“Greys” with their powerful psychic abilities, the shape-shifting lizardmen that fill conspiracy theories,
and the perfect humanoids.

Although Project Bluebook told the public that UFOs were not real, Aegis knows that for the smokescreen it is.
The reptilian Saurians manipulate their bodies to infiltrate society, becoming emotionless,
authoritarian “Men In Black.” The mind-boggling Greys abduct and experiment,
seeking to hybridize and to control. Those perfect humanoids, dubbed the Atlanteans,
use advanced technology to wield near godlike powers and manipulate humanity from behind the scenes.

Humanity has long considered itself the dominant species on Earth. Faced with three potent alien races,
that position has never been more tenuous. Aegis may well be humanity’s only hope against extinction.

The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook is a supplement for the Conspiracy X 2.0 roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
• Details on the history, culture, biology, psychology, and technology of three distinct alien races.
• Secrets of the Grey abductions, Atlantean nanotech, and the ancient Saurian clans.
• Rules for creating alien Cast Members, including hybrid meta-humans, displaced Atlanteans,
and peaceful Dreamspeakers.
• Powerful alien technology, weapons, equipment, and starships.
• The complete chronology of alien activity on Earth, dating back to 65,000,000 BC and
revealing shocking truths!
Compatible with All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, Terra Primate,
CJ Carella’s Witchcraft and other Unisystem games.
Conspiracy X™, X™, artwork,
artwork, text,
text, icons,
icons, characters
characters and
personalities areare copyright
copyright ©2009
©2009 George
George Vasilakos
All Flesh
Flesh Must
Must Be
Be Eaten™,
Eaten™, Armageddon™,
Armageddon™, Terra Terra
Primate™, CJ CJ Carella’s
Carella’s Witchcraft™
Witchcraft™ ©2009
©2009 Eden
Eden $35.00 (US)
Studios, Inc.
Inc. Unisystem™,
Unisystem™, copyright
Published under
copyright ©2009
©2009 C.J.
C.J. Carella
Published under exclusive license.

Produced and
All Rights
Rights Reserved.
and published
published byby Eden
Eden Studios,
Studios, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-891153-09-9

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