Lecture 5
Lecture 5
Lecture 5
A programming language is a set of written symbols that instructs the computer hardware
to perform specific tasks. Typically, a programming language consists of a vocabulary
and a set of rules (called syntax) that the programmer must learn.
According to the generations of computer the languages also divided:
Machine language is the only programming language that the computer can
understand directly without translation.
It is a language made up of entirely 1s and 0s. There is not, however, one universal
machine language because the language must be written in accordance with the special
characteristics of a given processor.
Machine language is low-level language. Since the programmer must specify every
detail of an operation, a low-level language requires that the programmer have
detailed knowledge of how the computer works.
Assembly languages use mnemonic operation codes and symbolic addresses in place of
1s and 0s to represent the operation codes.
A mnemonic is an alphabetical abbreviation used as memory aid. This means a
programmer can use abbreviation instead of having to remember lengthy binary
instruction codes. For example, it is much easier to remember L for Load, A for Add, B
for Branch, and C for Compare than the binary equivalents i-e different combinations
of 0s and 1s.
Before they can be used by the computer, assembly languages must be translated into
machine language. A language translator program called an assembler does this
conversion. And because it is machine dependent, assembly languages are not easily
converted to run on other types of computers.
Third generation languages, also known as high-level languages, are very much like
everyday text and mathematical formulas in appearance. They are designed to run on a
number of different computers with few or no changes.
To relieve the programmer of the detailed and tedious task of writing programs in
machine language and assembly languages.
To provide programs that can be used on more than one type of machine with very few
To allow the programmer more time to focus on understanding the user’s needs and
designing the software required meeting those needs.
Most high level languages are considered to be procedure-oriented, or Procedural
languages, because the program instructions comprise lists of steps, procedures, that
tell the computer not only what to do but how to do it.
A language translator is required to convert a high-level language program into
machine language. Two types of language translators are used with high level
languages: compilers and interpreters.
BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was designed to be easily
learnt by first-time programmers.
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is used to write programs solving business
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslating) is used for programs solving scientific and
mathematical problems.
C, C++,LISP, Pascal, and Prolog(programming in logic).
Ques: Which statement is valid about interpreter?
A) It translates one instruction at a time
B) Object code is saved for future use
C) Repeated interpretation is not necessary
D) All of above
Ques :Which of the following is most oriented to scientific programming?
d. PL/1
e. RPG
Ques. A compiler is a translating program which
a. Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
b. Translates entire source program into machine language program
c. It is not involved in program’s execution
d. All of above
Ques: Which of the following is machine independence program?
a. High level language
b. Low level language
c. Assembly language
d. Machine language
Ques: Which of the following generations of language will likely include the
languages of the feature?
a. first generation
b. second dgeneration or third generation
c. fourth generation
d. fifth generation