CUSAT B.Tech ECE Syllabus For 2000 Admission

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Cochin University P.O, Cochin 682022, Kerala, India


Scheme of Examinations and Syllabus
(2000 Admission)
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Continuity and differentiability of functions of one variable : Rolle’s theorem, Mean value theorem,
Cauchy’s theorem, L’Hospital’s rule for the evaluation of limits of indeterminate forms.
Radius of curvature of plane curves, evolutes.
Theory of algebraic equations: relations between roots and coefficients of an equation,
transformations of equations, Descarte’s rule of signs.
Module II
Functions of more than one variable : partial differentiation , chain rule, Euler’s theorem for
homogeneous function, differentials and their applications in errors and approximations, Jacobians -
Maxima minima of functions of two variables (Proof of the result not required).
Module III
Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions : Standard equations of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola,
their parametric representations, equations of tangents and normals to these curves, simple properties
of these curves, asymptotes of a hyperbola, rectangular hyperbola.
Module IV
Co-ordinate geometry of three dimensions : Direction cosines, planes and straight lines, shortest
distance between two skew lines, sphere, cone, right circular cylinder.
Module V
Definite integrals : Reduction formulae for sinm(x), cosm(x), sinm(x) cosn(x). Applications of definite
integrals in the evaluation of areas, area of surface of revolution, volumes.
Multiple integrals : Evaluation of double and triple integrals, volumes and surface areas of solids
using multiple integrals.

1) Higher Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers
2) Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern
3) Engineering Mathematics Vol I & II S S Shastri, Prentice Hall
4) Differential calculus S Balachandra Rao & C K Shantha, Wiley eastern
5) Calculus and analytic geometry G B Thomas, Addison Wesley
6) Engineering Mathematics Vol I & II Shantinarayan, S Chand & Co
7) Advanced Mathematics for Engineers : S. Narayanan, Manickavachagom Pillai, Dr. G. Ramanaiah
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Convergence and divergence of infinite series : Integral test, comparison test, ratio test, Cauchy’s
root test, Raabe’s test, series of positive and negative terms, concept of absolute convergence,
alternating series, Leibniz test (No proofs for any of the above tests)
Power series : Internal of convergence of power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series of functions,
Leibniz formula for the nth derivative of the product of two functions (No proof) , use of Leibniz
formula for the determination of coefficients of the power series.
Module II
Matrix algebra : concept of rank of matrix, Echelon and normal form, linear systems of algebraic
equations, consistency, Gauss elimination method , homogeneous system of equations, Eigen values
and eigen vectors, Cayley-Hamilton (no proof) , eigen values of Hermitian and skew- Hermitian and
unitary matrices, real quadratic forms, diagonalisation of quadratic forms.
Module III
Ordinary differential equations of second order : linear equations with constant coefficients,
methods of solution of these equations, simultaneous linear differential equations, simple
applications of linear differential equations in engineering problems.
Module IV
Laplace transforms: Linearity property, transforms of elementary functions, Laplace transforms of
derivatives and integrals, differentiation and integration of transforms, convolution theorem (no
proof), use of Laplace transforms in the solution of initial value problems, unit step function,
impulse function - transform of step functions, transforms of periodic functions.
Module V
Vector differential calculus: Scalar and Vector point functions, gradient, divergence and curl, and
their physical meanings.
Vector integral calculus: line, surface and volume integrals, Gauss’s divergence theorem, Stoke’s
theorem (No Proof of these theorem), conservative force fields, scalar potential.

1) Higher Engineering Mathematics: B.S. Grewal
2) Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig
3) Mathematical methods: Potter, Goldberg (Prentice Hall)
4) Matrix theory David Lewis, Allied Publishers
5) Operational Mathematics R V Churchill, McGraw Hill
6) Operational methods for linear systems Kaplan W, Addison Wesley
7) Advanced Mathematics for Engineers: S. Narayanan, Manickavachagom Pillai, Dr. G. Ramanaiah
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Interference of light: Interference on thin films, colours of thin films- Newton’s rings (reflected
system)- determination of wave length and refractive index. Air wedge- diameter of thin wire-
Testing of planeness of surfaces.
Production of x-rays - continuous and characteristic x-rays - Mosley’s law- Diffraction of x-rays-
Bragg’s Law- Bragg’s x-ray spectrometer - Compton effect - Expression for change in wave length.
Module II
Diffraction- Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction-Zone place- plane diffraction grating -
Measurement of wave length- Dispersive power of grating. Resolving power- Raleigh’s criterion-
Resolving power of telescope and grating.
Double refraction- Positive and negative crystals - Nicol prism- Huygens’s theory of double
refraction. Quarter wave and half wave plates. Production and analysis of plane polarized and
circularly polarised light using crystal plates. Optical activity- Fresnel’s theory- specific rotation-
Half shade polarimeter
Module III
Coherence and lasers : Spatial and temporal coherence- coherence length- spontaneous emission -
stimulated emission- population inversion- CW & Pulsed Laser, typical laser systems like Helium-
Neon, Nd, YAG, Ruby, Semi-conductor lasers. Applications of lasers- Principle of holography-
reflection and transmission type-Recording and reconstruction- applications of holography-white
light holograms.
Ultrasonic waves- Production, properties, and application.
Recording and reproduction of sound- Magnetic tape recording- sound recording on cine films.
Module IV
Fibre optics and its applications: general ideas of optical fibre- NA of fibre- step index and graded
index of fibre- multimode and single mode fibre- applications of optical fibre- fibre optic
communication- optical fibre sensors- general ideas of integrated optics.
Module V
Crystallography and lattice planes : Crystallography- space lattice- unit cell- crystal systems- simple
cubic- body centered and face centered cubes. Lattice planes and Miller indices - spacing between
lattice planes- powder method for crystal study.
Dielectrics: types and applications
Superconductivity: Transition temperature- Meissner effect- Isotope effect- Type I and type II. Super
conductors- B.C.S theory (qualitative study)- High temperature superconductivity (General
idea)- Josephson effect- SQUIDS.

1) Modern physics : J.B Rajan
2) Optics and Atomic physics : Sathyaprakash
3) Modern physics : Theraja
4) Solid state physics : Charles Kittel
5) Optical fibre communication : Agarwal
6) Optics : Ajoy Ghatak
7) A text book for Engineering students: S P Nair & K P Jayaprakash
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Water and its treatment : Hard and soft water- Degree of Hardness of Water and its determination-
Methods of softening water- Chemical calculations in softening of water- Water for domestic use-
Boiler feed waters- defects of using Hard water in boilers and the treatments given- Internal and
External conditioning of water- Desalination of water.
Environmental pollution: Pollution of water-Domestic sewage and Industrial wastes- Air pollution-
Causes and control.
Module II
Corrosion: Theories of Corrosion- Factors influencing corrosion- Corrosion control- cathodic
Protective coatings: Metallic coatings -hot dipping, electroplating, metal spraying, cladding
Non-metallic coatings - Properties and functions of ingredients used in Paints- Varnishes, Enamels
and Lacquers- Special paints.
Module III
Electrochemistry : Electrode potentials and Electromotive Force-Nernst’s equation for single
electrode potentials - Measurement of e.m.f and electrode potentials- Standard hydrogen
electrode - E.M.F series of metals- concentration cells- Commercial cells- primary cell like
Simple Voltaic cell, Daniel cell, Laclanche cell and Weston Cadmium cell- secondary cells or
storage cells- Lead -Acid cell and Edisson cell- Fuel cells- Hydrogen -Oxygen fuel cell-
Applications of e.m.f measurements- Determination of PH and potentiometric Titrations.
Module IV
Fuels: Classification - Calorific Value determination of solids, Liquid and Gaseous fuels - Solid
fuels wood, Peat, Lignite, Coal and Coke -Proximate analysis of Coal- Liquid fuels- Petroleum
and its refining- Fractions and their uses- Cracking and Reforming- Petrol Knock and octane
number- Diesel knock and cetane number. Synthetic petrol- Gaseous fuels- Natural Gas, Water
Gas, Producer Gas, Coal Gas, Acetylene - Combustion calculation- Weight/Volume of oxygen/air
Lubrication and lubricants- Theories of friction and Mechanism of lubrication- classification and
properties of lubricants - Production of Lubricating oils- Additives of lubricating oils- Synthetic
lubricants, Greases, Solid Lubricants.
Rocket Propellants- characteristics and composition of Solid and Liquid propellants.
Module V
High Polymers: Classification of High polymers- production of high polymers- general methods-
Some important plastics, their production, properties and uses- Polyethylene PVC, Polystyrene,
Teflon, Acrylics, Nylon, Polyesters, Phenol Formaldehyde Resins, Urea Formaldehyde Resins and
silicones-compounding and moulding of High polymers.
Plastics as engineering materials- Natural rubber- production and properties- Compounding and
Vulcanization of Rubber- Synthetic Rubbers - Buna Rubbers, Butyle Rubbers, Neoprene Thiokols,
Polyurethane and a Silicons Rubbers.

1) Chemistry in Engineering & Technology Volume II : J.C Kuriakose & Rajaram
2) Chemistry of Engineering Mater ials : C V Agarwal
3) Engineering Chemistry : P C Jain & Monika
4) Chemistry of Engineering Materials : L Munroe
5) Chemistry of Engineering Materials : Leighou
6) Chemistry of Engineering Materials : Paul & Salger
7) Chemistry of Engineering Materials : M Uppal
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Concurrent forces in a plane: Principles of statics. Composition and resolution of forces.
Equilibrium of concurrent forces in a plane. Method of projection. Method of moments. Friction.
Parallel forces in a plane: Two parallel forces. General case of parallel forces in a plane. Centre of
parallel forces and centre of gravity. Distributed forces in a plane.
Module II
Properties of areas: Centroids of composite plane figures and curves. Moment of inertia of a plane
figure with respect to an axis in its plane. Polar moment of inertia. Product of inertia. Principal axes.
Mass moment of inertia of material bodies. Product of inertia of material bodies.
Module III
General case of forces in a plane: Composition of forces in a plane. Equilibrium of forces in a plane.
Plane trusses - Method of joints. Method of sections. Plane frames : Method of members. Principle
of virtual work: Equilibrium of ideal systems, stable and unstable equilibrium.

Module IV
Rectilinear translation: Kinematics of rectilinear motion. Differential equation of rectilinear motion.
Motion of a particle acted upon by a constant force, by a force as a function of time and by a force
proportional to displacement. Simple harmonic motion. D'Alembert's principle. Momentum and
impulse. Work and energy, ideal systems, conservation of energy. Impact.
Module V
Curvilinear translation: Kinematics of curvilinear translation. Differential equations of motion.
Motion of a projectile. D'Alembert's principle in curvilinear motion. Moment of momentum. Work
and energy in curvilinear motion.
Module VI
Rotation of a rigid body: Kinematics of rotation. Equation of motion of a rigid body rotating about a
fixed axis. Rotation under the action of a constant moment. Compound pendulum. General case of
moment proportional to the angle of rotation. D'Alemberts principle of rotation. Resultant inertia
force in rotation. Principle of angular momentum in rotation. Energy equation for rotating bodies.

1) Engineering Mechanics - Timoshenko and Young - McGraw Hill Book Company.
2) Mechanics for Engineers (Vol. 1- Statics and Vol.2 -Dynamics) - Beer F. P. & Johnston E. R.
- Tata McGraw Hill.
3) Engineering Mechanics (Vol. 1- Statics and Vol.2 -Dynamics) - Merriam H. L. & Kraige L. G. -
John Wiley and Sons.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to engineering graphics. Drawing instruments and their use. familiarisation with current
Indian Standard Code of Practice for general engineering drawing.
Scales- plain scale, Vernier scale, diagonal scale.
Conic sections- Construction of ellipse, parabola, hyperbola - construction of cycloid, involute,
Archimedean spiral and logarithmic spiral- drawing tangents and normals to these curves.
Module II
Introduction to orthographic projections- plane of projection- principles of first angle and third angle
projections, projection of points in different quadrants.
Orthographic projection of straight lines parallel to one plane and inclined to the other plane- straight
lines inclined to both the planes- true length and inclination of lines with reference planes- traces of
Projection of plane laminae of geometrical shapes in oblique positions.
Module III
Projection of polyhedra and solids of revolution- frustum, projection of solids with axis parallel to
one plane and parallel or perpendicular to other plane - projection of solids with axis inclined to both
the planes- projection of solids on auxiliary planes.
Section of solids by planes inclined to horizontal or vertical planes- true shape of sections.
Module IV
Development of surface of cubes, prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones
Intersection of surfaces- methods of determining lines of intersection - intersection of prism in prism
and cylinder in cylinder.
Module V
Introduction to isometric projection- isometric scales, isometric views- isometric projections of
prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres.
Introduction to perspective projections : visual ray method and vanishing point method- perspective
of circles- perspective views of prisms and pyramids.

1) Engineering Graphics : P.I.Varghese & K.C. John, JET Publishers
2) Elementary engineering drawing: N.D.Bhat, Charotar publishing house
3) Geometric drawing : P.S.Gill , B.D Kataria &sons, Ludhiana
4) Engineering Graphics : P I Varghese, VIP Publishers.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission




Module I
Materials: Cement - varieties and grade of cement and its uses. Steel- types of steel for
reinforcement bars, steel structural sections. Brick- varieties and strength, tests on bricks.
Aggregates- types & requirements of good aggregates. Concrete- grades of concrete as per IS code,
water cement ratio, workability, mixing, batching, placing, compaction and curing.
Module II
Construction: Foundation - foundations types - isolated footing, combined footing, raft, pile & well
foundations, machine foundation. Super structure- walls- brick masonry, English bond and Flemish
bond, Stone masonry, Random rubble masonry. Roofing- Steel trusses, for industrial buildings.
Module III
Surveying: Principles, instruments, ranging and chaining of survey lines, field work, field book,
selection of survey stations, reconnaissance, alignment of main lines,
Levelling: Levelling instruments, different types, temporary adjustments, datum planes, level
surfaces, horizontal surfaces, mean sea level, reduced level of point, booking of fieldnotes, reduction
of levels by height of collimation method.


Module IV
Thermodynamics: thermodynamic systems- open, closed and isolated systems, equilibrium state of a
system, property and state, process, cycle, work, equations of state, critical constants, Joule -
Thomson effect Zeroth law of thermodynamics-concept of temperature, temperature scales. First law
– internal energy, enthalpy, application of first law to closed and open systems. Second law-Kelvin-
Plank and Claussius statements, Carnot Cycle.
Module V
Air standard cycles: Air standard efficiency of Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, Brayton cycle.
Internal Combustion Engines: working of two stroke and four stroke Petrol and Diesel engines,
simple Carburettor, ignition system, fuel pump, fuel injector, cooling system, lubricating system.
Module VI
Generation and utilisation of steam: Properties of steam- saturation temperature, wet, dry and
superheated steam, dryness fraction, enthalpy, specific volume. Boilers- simple vertical boiler,
Cochran boiler, Babcock-Wilcox cross drum water tube boiler, high pressure Benson boiler, boiler
mountings and accessories. Steam turbines- Elementary ideas of simple reaction and impulse
turbines, compounding of turbines.

1) Engineering thermodynamics : P.K. Nag, TMH
2) Engineering thermodynamics : D.B. Splading & E.H. Cole
3) Engineering thermodynamics : Van wylon
4) Thermodynamics : J.P. Holman, McGraw Hill
5) Thermal Engineering: P.L Ballaney
6) Engineering materials : Rangwala
7) Building construction : Punmia
8) A text book of building construction: N.K.R. Murthy
9) A text book of building construction: Sharma & Kaul
10) A text book of building construction: Jha & sinha
11) Surveying & Levelling : T P Kanetkar
12) Surveying & Levelling : Hussain
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Basic principles of Electric circuits: Review of - Ohms law - Definitions of resistance, current,
voltage and power. Series and parallel circuits- constant voltage source and constant current source.
Network Theorems: Kirchhoff’s laws- Network analysis by Maxwell’s circulation currents -
Thevenin’s theorem - superposition theorem - Norton’s theorem - simple illustrative problem on
network theorems.
Module II
Review of electrostatics - Coulomb’s Law, Electric field strength and Electric flux density
capacitance. Magnetic circuits-magnetic fields of a coil-Ampere turns and its calculation - magnetic
flux - flux density - field strengths.
Review of electromagenetic induction - Faraday’s Law- Lenz’s Law - mutually induced emf.
Review of electromagnetic principles - magnetic circuits - magnetic fields of a coil - Ampere turns
calculation - magnetic flux - flux density field strength -
Measuring instruments: Working principle of galvanometer - Ammeter - voltmeter-watt meter -
energy meter.
Module III
AC fundamentals: Generation of alternative voltage and current - equations of sinusoidal voltage
and current - wave form, cycle frequency, time period, amplitude, phase difference r.m.s value,
average value, power factor, form factor - vector diagram using r.m.s values, addition and
subtraction of vectors, sine waves in phase and out of phase, A.C circuits: RC, RL, RLC circuits,
series and parallel current, voltage and power relationships - poly phase circuits :- vector
representations, phase sequence, star and delta connections.


Module IV
Semiconductors: - Energy band diagram - intrinsic, extrinsic - semiconductors, - doping -P N
junction - diodes. Characteristics - current components – Zener diodes.
Rectifiers: - Half wave and full wave rectifier - captive filter - wave forms - ripple factor - regulation
characteristics - Bridge rectifier.
Transistors: - PNP and NPN transistors - theory of operation - Transistor - configurations -
characteristics - comparison.
Module V
Transducers - Definition - Classification - Electrical transducer - Mechanical transducer - Strain
gauge - Transducer for pressure - velocity - vibration - temperature measurements.
Special semiconductor devices - FET - SCR - LED - LCD - V I characteristics - Applications. CRO -
principles operation - measurement of amplitude, frequency and phase.
Module VI
Fundamentals of Communication:- Analog communication - concept of modulation - types - AM -
FM - block - diagram of general communication system - demodulation . Basic concepts of digital
communication - Block diagram only.

1) Electrical Technology : Hughes, ELBS publication
2) Advanced Electrical Technology : H. Cotton, Wheeler Publication.
3) Electronic Devices & Circuits : G.K. Mithal
4) Solid State Electronics Devices :Streetman
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to Computer Organisation: Central Processing Unit, Memory, Input-Output devices.
Secondary storage devices, machine language, assembly language, and high-level language, system
software, operating system, BIOS, DOS, GUI based OS (Windows), Compilers and assemblers,
General introduction to computer networks, LAN, WAN, MAN, INTERNET.
Module II
Introduction to programming in C: Fundamental data types- integer, floating point, and enumerated
data types, Expressions - arithmetic, relational and logic operators, Type conversion- simple and
compound statement, Access to standard library, standard I/O- getchar, putchar, Formatted I/O,
scanf, printf, error handling, line input and output, control structures, selection statement, IF,
Module III
Functions: Declarations and functions, parameter passing mechanism, storage classes-scope,
visibility, and life time of variables, AUTO, EXTERN, STATIC and REGISTER modifiers,
Module IV
Arrays: Single and multi-dimensional arrays, sorting, selection sort, search- linear search and binary
search, Structures and union, pointers and addresses, pointer arrays, function returning pointers,
pointers to function, pointer arithmetic, pointers to structures, array of structures, preprocessor
directive, command line arguments, typedef.
Module V
Introduction to DBMS: Relational, network and hierarchical models (description only), Introduction
to relational algebra and SQL.

1) Computers and common sense: Roger Hunt and John Shelly (PHI)
2) Internet for everyone: Leon & Leon (Leon Tech world, Chennai)
3) Programming in C: B. S. Gotfried (Schaum series, TMH)
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Communication: Introducing communication: Importance of communication. Communication in
primitive societies. Objectives of communication: introduction, information, advice, order,
suggestion, persuasion, education, warning, raising morale, motivation. Mass communication:
written & oral communication, visual communication, audio-visual communication: Role of news
papers, radio, cinema & TV. Principles of communication: clarity, completeness, conciseness,
consideration, courtesy, correctness. Choice of the right word. The art of listening-learning through
listening -body language.
Module II
Types of communication Official and business communication: downward communication, upward
communication, horizontal communication. Comprehension: comprehension of ideas in a passage,
expansion of an idea for a particular purpose. Summarising a passage for official usage,
communicating a given idea to suit different contexts. Report writing- importance of reports,
preparing a report, technical report writing.
Module III
Engineering Economics: Nature and scope of economics, economic decision and technical decision,
wants and utility, demand and supply, elasticity of demand and supply, concept of cost and revenue,
concept of equilibrium and margin. Four factors of production and their peculiarities, Money and
banking- Functions of money, functions of banks, commercial and central banks, monetary policy of
the Reserve Bank of India.
National income - Macroeconomics approach, GNP, NNP, NI, DI, PI methods of calculation of
national income.
Module IV
History of Science & Technology: Science in the ancient world: contributions of ancient
civilizations - Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, and Greek. Renaissance and the intellectual revolution:
Contributions of Descartes, Newton, Darwin, and Einstein. The industrial revolution and its impact
on society.
Module V
Science in the 20th Century: The transportation and communication revolution, Indian science and
Technology in the post-independence period. Achievements in the fields of Agriculture, space, and
atomic energy. Intermediate and appropriate technology. Science & Religion.

1) Essentials of business communication: Rajendra Pal & J S Korlahalli (S Chand & Sons, New
2) Business Communication: Gyani (Jeevandeep Prakashan, Bombay)
3) Industrial economics: R R Barthwalk
4) Economics- An introductory analysis: Paul A Samuelson
5) Science in History: J D Bernal (Penguin Books Ltd)
6) History of Science: W C Dampier (Cambridge University Press)
7) History of Science - History of Technology: Encyclopedia Britanicaa.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


1. Study of OS commands.

2. General introduction to application packages.

3. Programming using C.
Control structures & pointers.
Searching & sorting.

4. Creation and use of databases in a suitable database package.

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission



Fitting Shop.
Sheet Metal Shop
Foundry Shop
Welding Shop
Carpentry Shop
(Preliminary exercises for beginners in all shops. Specific models may be designed by the teachers.)

One lamp controlled by one switch
Series and parallel connections of lamps.
Stair case wiring.
Hospital Wiring.
Godown/Wearhouse wiring.
Fluorescent lamp.
Connection of plug socket.
Different kinds of joints.
Transformer winding.
Soldering practice.
Familiarisation of CRO.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission



Module I
Fourier series and Fourier integrals: Periodic functions, Euler formulae for Fourier coefficients,
functions having arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half range expansions, Fourier
integral, Fourier cosine and sine transformations, linearity property, transform of derivatives,
convolution theorem (no proof). Gamma and Beta functions, error functions - definitions and
simple properties.
Module II
Special functions: Legendre polynomial, Rodrigue's formula- generation function, recurrence
formula for Pn (x), orthogonality. Bessel function, Jn(x)- recurrence formula, general function,
Module III
Partial differential equations: Solutions of equations of the form F(p, q) = 0, F(x,p,q)=0,
F(y,p,q)=0, F(z,p,q)=0, F1(x,p) = F2(y,q), Lagrange’s form Pp+Qq = R.
Vibrating string : one dimensional wave equation, D’Alembert’s solution, solution by the method
of separation of variables. One dimensional heat equation, solution of the equation by the method
of separation of variables, solutions of Laplace’s equation over a rectangular region and a
circular region by the method of separation of variables.
Module IV
Probability and Statistics: Probability distributions: random variables (discrete & continuous),
probability density, mathematical expectation, mean and variance (σ2) of a probability
distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution, uniform
distribution, normal distribution
Curve fitting: method of least squares, correlation and regression, lines of regression.
Module V
Sampling distributions: population and samples, the sampling distribution of the mean (σ
known), the sampling distribution of the mean (σ unknown), the sampling distribution of the
variance, point estimation, interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, null hypotheses and
significance tests, hypothesis concerning one mean, type I and type II errors, hypotheses
concerning two means.
The estimation of variances : Hypotheses concerning one variance - Hypotheses concerning two

Note: Treatment of the topics under Modules IV, V should be oriented towards application of
statistical techniques to problems in real life.

1. Ervin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern
2. Potter, Goldberg : Mathematical Methods, Prentice - Hall
3. Churchill R.V. : Fourier series and Boundary Value Problems - McGraw Hill
4. Irvrin Miller & Freind : Probability and statistics for Engineers , Prentice Hall of India.
5. Bowker and Lieberman : Engineering Statistics Prentice - Hall
6. Kirk - Patrick : Introductory statistics and probability for engineering science and
technology, Prentice -Hall
7. Parzen E : Modern Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Transformers : working principles and elementary theory of an ideal transformer, Constructional
features of single phase transformer, EMF equation, turns ratio, vector diagram, equivalent
circuit, impedance transformation, transformer losses, flux leakage, efficiency, open circuit and
short circuit test, load test. Auto transformer - working principle and saving copper, basic idea of
current transformer and potential transformer, distribution and power transformer, applications ,
standard rating, IS specifications.
Module II
Basic principles of electrical machines: Concepts of motoring and generating action,
DC machines- Main constructional features, principles of operation, types of generators, emf
equation, characteristics , applications, armature reaction and commutation, types of motors,
torque, speed, and power, characteristics, applications, starting losses, and efficiency, speed
control, testing, load test of dc machines.
Module III
AC Machines : Alternator- rotating field, speed and frequency, effect of distribution of winding,
coil span, characteristics, emf equation, losses and efficiency, regulation (emf method only)
,applications, synchronous motor- principle of operation, over excited and under excited,
starting, applications, synchronous capacitor.
Module IV
Induction Motor: Three phase induction motor, principles of operation, constructional features of
squirrel cage and slip ring motors, torque-slip characteristics, starting, speed control, losses and
Single phase induction motor: Principle of operation, types of single phase induction motors
Module V
Generation, transmission & distribution of electrical energy:
Different methods of power generation- thermal, hydro-electric, nuclear, diesel, gas turbine
stations (general idea only), electrical equipments in power stations, concept of bus bar, load
dispatching, methods of transmission, transmission lines, overhead lines and insulators, corona
and skin effect of DC & AC distribution, substation ( elementary idea only)

Electrical Machines : By F.S.Bimbra, Khanna publications.
Advanced Electrical Technology : By H.Cotton, Wheeler publications.
Electrical Machines : Nagarath & Kothari, TMH
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 303 NETWORK ANALYSIS (3 credits)

Module I
Review of basic circuit concepts - Classification of circuits ,passive circuit elements,
characteristics, sources. definition of Graphs, cutsets and loops, true, incidence matrix Node and
Mesh analysis by inspection : Application of graph theoretic methods to formulation of network
equations - Two port networks - Characterisation in terms of hybrid and transmission parameters,
Inter-connection of 2 ports - series, parallel and cascade.
Module II
Signal representation in time domain and frequency domain: Representation of a wave using
Fourier expansion. Characteristics of signals - Unit step function, impulse, ramp functions and
non-sinusoidal signals, Network response in time domain.
Module III
Laplace Transform – Transfer function of linear systems Transients in linear circuits - Initial
conditions - Rise and decay of current in RL circuit - Time constant - RC circuits with –
impressed DC voltage - RL and RC circuits with applied sinusoidal voltage - DC transients in
RLC circuits -Damping.
Module III
Network transmission criteria: Signal distortion in transmission - relationship between bandwidth
and rise time, delay time and network function - Filters: analysis of constant K and M derived
Module IV
Transmission lines: Types, Basic differential equations for V and I , Lumped parameter model,
characteristic Impedance, propagation constant, phase and group velocities; Steady state
response of lines: Relationship between sending end and receiving end parameters, Impedance at
a point, Impedance transformers, standing waves, Standing wave ratio, VSWR.

1) Roy C. choudhary “Network Analysis”
2) Pottie & Fitch ,”Theory of network and linear systems”, Asian Publishing House
3) Van Valkinburg ,”Network Analysis” Indian Publishing House
4) Rider ,”Network Lines and Fields”
5) C A Demoor and E J Kah ,”Basic Circuit Theory”
6) Ruston and Burdogen ,”Electronic Network, Functions , Filters, Analysis”
7) N C Gupta , J W Daylogi ,”Circuit Analysis”
8) Sudhakar “Circuits &Networks Analysis & Synthesis” TMH
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Number system and codes : Binary , Octal, and Hexa-decimal number systems - Binary
arithmetic, Binary coded Decimal , Excess - 3 code GrayCode Error detection and correction -
Boolean algebra -Minimization of Boolean function using Karnaugh Map and Quine - McClusky
methods – Formation of switching functions from word statements , realisation using NAND,
NOR & X - OR Gates . Combinational circuits- multiplexer demultiplexer decoder encoder
Module II
Sequential circuits : Flip-flops - RS , JK & T & D flip- flops , shift registers - counters -
Asynchronous and synchronous counters , Up-Down counter, Modulo counter, Ring counter,
Johnson counter - sequence generators - Analysis of sequential circuits - state table and diagrams
Module III
Arithmetic circuits : Half adder, Full adder , Subtractor, Serial and parallel addition - Carry look
ahead adder - Binary multiplication and division - Multivibrators - Monostable and astable
multivibrators using discrete gates.
Module IV
Memories – Static and Dynamic, ROM, RAM, EPROM, Flash Memory, Programmable logic
array, devices - Basic ideas - PLD architecture - PAL and PLA
Module V
Logic families: DCTL, RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS - Tri-state logic - specification and
transfer characteristics of basic TTL - Standard logic levels - Current and voltage parameters -
fan in and fanout - Propagation delay, noise consideration- interfacing of CMOS to TTL and
interfacing of TTL to CMOS.

References :
1) Taub & Schilling, “Digital Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill
2) Samuel C Lee , ”Digital Circuits and Logic Design”, Prentice Hall
3) A P Malvino ,”Digital Computer Electronics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
4) Morris & Miller, “Design with TTL Integrated Circuit”, Mc Graw Hill
5) Peatman , ”Digital Hardware Design”, Mc Graw Hill
6) Ronald J Tocci , “Digital Systems, Principles and Applications “, Prentice Hall
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Band theory of solids - conductors, semiconductors and insulators - energy band diagram. -
Semiconductor materials and their properties: elemental semiconductors- the energy band model
of semiconductors. valance band model of semiconductor equilibrium concentration of electrons
and holes- the fermi level and energy distribution of carriers inside the bands- temperature
dependence of carrier concentration inside the bands. - Carrier transport in semiconductors - drift
of carriers in electric fields, carrier flow by diffusion - constancy of fermi level across junction,
Excess carriers in semiconductors - injection of excess carriers - recombination of excess carriers
– continuity equation - current flow equation.
Module II
PN junction- Abrupt PN junction - energy band diagram - barrier potential, biasing PN junction,
excess carrier calculation - current components diffusion - drift - boundary conditions for long
and short diodes - PN junction characteristics - calculation of diffusion – depletion layer
capacitance - simple model - principle of Zener and Avalanche diodes - photodiodes -LDR -
tunnel diode and PIN diode -varactor diode.
Module III
Bipolar junction transistors - NPN, PNP types , Basic structures - biasing - mechanism of carrier
flow - current components in transistors boundary conditions in active region - solution for short
base width – base width modulation - Transistor configurations - Characteristics - current
amplification factors - relations between alpha & beta - comparison Ebbers - Moll model - Field
effect transistors: JFET - basic structures - principle of operation - Characteristics and current
equation - basic principles of phototransistors - UJT, characteristics.
Module IV
MOSFET - semiconductor surfaces - C - V characteristics - the Si - SiO2 System - basic
structures and operating principles - current equation - V-I characteristics - simple model -
CMOS. Compound semiconductor - semiconductor heterojunctions - V-I characteristics - real
heterojunctions - frequency limitation of transistor - transit time effect - heterojunction bipolar
Module V
DC power supplies - power transformers - rectification - half wave , full wave, bridge –
expression for ripple factor, efficiency, comparison, diode ratings. filters - capacitor - inductor
LC filters- use of bleeder resistor - voltage multipliers - dual power supplies - simple voltage
regulator. Series regulators - IC regulators.

Text Books:-
1) Streetman , “Solid State Electronics Devices”, Pearson Education, (Module I to IV)
2) Ramanan,” Functional Electronics” (Module V)

1) “Electronic Devices “, Learning Material Series, ISTE, New Delhi 1997
2) Electronic Devices & Circuits, Millman & Halkias
3} Solid state electronics IV th edition, George B Rutkowski, Mc Graw Hill
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


1. Study of - Multimeter, Signal generators, CRO etc. and measurement of electrical quantities

2. Testing of Passive and Active components - Resistors, Capacitors, inductors , Transformers ,

diodes, Transistors, etc.

3. Characteristics of Active devices

i) Forward and reverse characteristics of a diode - measurement of forward resistance
ii) Common base characteristics of a transistor - measurement of current gain, input
resistance and output resistance, maximum ratings of the transistor.
iii) Common emitter characteristics of a transistor - measurement of current gain, input
resistance and output resistance, relation between and study of the effect of leakage
current, maximum ratings of the transistor.
iv) Common source characteristics of a JFET - measurement of transconductance gm and
drain to source resistance rds, use of FET as voltage variable resistor (VVR).

4. Rectifying circuits
i) HW rectifier
ii) FW rectifier
iii) FW Bridge rectifier
iv) Filter circuits - Capacitor filter, inductor filter and Pi section filter
( Measurement of ripple factor, maximum ratings of the devices )

5. Clipping and clamping circuits using diodes / transistors

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Compulsory experiments
1. (a) Preliminary study of AC and DC Power supplies in the laboratory.
(b) Study of instruments and their mode of use
2. Open circuit characteristics of
(a) Self excited generator
(b) Separately excited generator.
3. Load characteristic of compound generator
4. Load characteristic of shunt generator
5. Study of face plate starter and starting of DC motors
6. Load characteristics of DC series motor.
7. Swinburn’s test
8. Polarity and transformation ratio test on single phase transfer.
9. O.C & SC test on single phase transformer - equivalent circuit
10. Load rest on single phase transformer.
11. Study of starting methods of squirrel cage and slip ring induction motor.
12. Load test on slip ring induction motor and study of characteristics.

Optional Experiments
1. Study of single-phase motors.
2. Load test of DC shunt motor.
3. Poly phase connection of single phase transformer.
4. Load test on squirrel cage induction motor
5. Study of alternators.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Complex Analytic functions and conformal mapping : curves and regions in the complex plane,
complex functions, limit, derivative, analytic function, Cauchy - Riemann equations, elementary
complex functions such as powers, exponential function, logarithmic, trigonometric and
hyperbolic functions.
Conformal mapping: Linear fractional transformations, mapping by elementary functions like ez,
sin(z), cos(z), sinh(z), and cosh(z), Schwarz - Christoffel transformation.
Module II
Complex integration: Line integral, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula,
Taylor's series, Laurent's series, residue theorem, evaluation of real integrals using integration
around unit circle, around the semicircle, integrating contours having poles, on the real axis.
Module III
Numerical Analysis : Errors in numerical computations, sources of errors, significant digits.
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: bisection method, Regula-Falsi
method, Newton - Raphson method, method of iteration, rates of convergence of these method,
Solution of linear system of algebraic equations: exact methods, Gauss elimination method,
iteration methods, Gauss-Jacobi method.
Polynomial interpolation : Lagrange interpolation polynomial, divided differences, Newton’s
divided differences interpolation polynomial.
Module IV
Finite differences: Operators and Newton’s forward and backward differences interpolation
polynomials, central differences, Stirlings central differences interpolation polynomial.
Numerical differentiation: Formulae for derivatives in the case of equally spaced points.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules, compounded rules, errors of
interpolation and integration formulae. Gauss quadrature formulae (No derivation for 2-point and
3-point formulae)
Module V
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Taylor series method, Euler’s method,
modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta formulae, 4th order formula,
Solution of linear difference equations with constant coefficients: Numerical solution of
boundary value problems, methods of finite differences, finite differences methods for solving
Laplace’s equation in a rectangular region, finite differences methods for solving the wave
equation and heat equation.

1. Ervin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern
2. S.S.Sastry : Introductory Method of Numerical Analysis, Prentice -Hall of India
3. Ralph G. Stanton : Numerical Methods for Science and Engg., Prentice - Hall of India
4. S.D.Conte and Carl de Boor : Elementary Numerical Analysis Analograthmic approach -
McGraw Hill
5. M.K.Jani, S.R.K Iyengar and R.K. Jain : Numerical Methods for scientific and
Engineering Computations. Wiley Eastern.
6. P.Kandaswamy K.Thilagavathy : Numerical Mehtods , S.Chand & Co. K.Gunavathy
7. E.V.Krishnamurthy, S.K.Sen : Numerical Algorithms, Affiliated East West.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Small Signal amplifiers : Units of gain, low, frequency equivalent circuits - r-parameters , h
parameters - CE amplifier - Biasing techniques - stabilization of operating point - Methods of
coupling - D.C coupled amplifier - CE RC coupled amplifier - concept of load lines- loading
effect at the input and output - emitter follower as Buffer stage-Boot strapping - frequency
response of RC coupled amplifier -- frequency analysis of R C coupled amplifier - lower cut-off
frequency – upper cut-off frequency - 3 dB bandwidth - Frequency response of DC coupled
Module II
FET Amplifier : RC coupled common source amplifier - expression for gain - frequency
response - comparison with BJT - FET as a voltage variable - resistor. Multistage Amplifier :
Negative and positive feedback - Different types of negative feedback amplifier - voltage shunt-
voltage series - current shunt - current series .
Module III
Power amplifier -classification - class A , class B, Class AB Class C and class D - Transformer
coupled class Power amplifier – Transformer less class AB push-pull Power amplifier -
complementary symmetry power amplifier - Harmonic distortion in Power amplifiers –
Transistor rating -Heat sinks Oscillators - Principle of sinusoidal oscillators - Bark Hausen
criteria – RC oscillators - phase shift wienbridge - LC oscillators - Hartley, Colpitts -clapp
Module IV
Pulse circuits - pulse characteristics - Pulse shaping using RC circuits - Differentiating and
integrating circuits - clipping and clamping circuits using diodes and transistors - Transistor as a
switch sweep circuits - Transistor sweep circuits - voltage and current sweep - Miller sweep
circuit - Bootstrap sweep circuit - UJT relaxation oscillator. Multivibrators using transistors -
astable - monostable and bistable operation
Module V
High frequency amplifier - Tuned amplifier - coupled circuit, unilateralisation of transistor, Q
factor, single tuned, double tuned and stagger tuned amplifier (analysis not required) - Wide
band amplifier: Gain-bandwidth trade off . Wide band transistor configuration cascade emitter
coupled - broad banding, bandwidth trade-off, wide band transistor configuration with negative
feedback, frequency compensation - low frequency RC compensation, High frequency
compensation (analysis not required)

1) Millman & Halkias , ”Electronic Devices & Circuits”
2) Bapat K N , ”Electronic Devices & Circuits”
3) Ramanan,” Functional Electronics”
4) Millman & Taub, “Pulse Digital and Switching Waveforms”
3) Allan Mottorshed, ” Electronic Devices & Circuits”
4) Millman & Halkias , ”Integrated Electronics”
5) Boylestead & Neshelsky ,”Electronic Devices & Circuits
6) Schilling & Belove “Electronic Circuits ,Discrete & Integrated” TMH
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Integrated Circuits-Analog, Digital, Hybrid – Introduction to operational amplifiers – Basic
differential amplifier - dual input balanced output and unbalanced output- Internal block
schematic of OpAmp - Biasing used in IC- Constant current source- Current mirror. Circuits:
Active Load –Level Shifters- Power amplifier stages. power supply requirements. ideal Op-amp
parameters - transfer curve - equivalent circuit- analysis of Open loop gain –input and output
impedance – Frequency response, compensation. slew rate and its effect, typical 741 datasheet.
Module II
Input bias current –offset - drift - compensating networks CMRR, SVRR, finite gain bandwidth
and its effect in OpAmp circuits performance. Open loop configurations OpAmp in closed loop
configuration: Different feedback configurations- Voltage series feedback and voltage shunt
feedback - concept of virtual ground- voltage follower - V/I converters, I/V converters and its
applications - Differential amplifiers with one OpAmp and 3 OpAmps- Use of offset minimizing
resistor (Rom) and its design. Instrumentation amplifier IC and its application
Module III
OpAmp applications- Summer- Subtractor- Log amplifier- Antilog amplifier- Integrator and
differentiator Comparators: zero crossing- using voltage reference- regenerative (Schmitt trigger)
comparators, window detector application – OpAmp as comparators - Astable and monostable
multivibrators- Triangular and saw tooth wave generators- - RC phase shift and Wien bridge
oscillators-Sample and hold circuit- Peak detector circuit. Precision rectifiers, Voltage
regulators-723 (block diagram, typical low voltage regulator circuit), 78XX, 79XX, 317.
Module IV
Filters : Transfer functions – LPF ,HPF,BPF, BRF Approximation methods –Butter worth –
Chebyshev -Active Filters - I order and II order filters, Quality factor –Design- Gyrator-
Negative Impendence Converter-Filter using Simulated Inductance –Universal Active Filters –
All Pass filters. Switched Capacitive Filters
Module V
Specialized ICs and applications: 555 timers – Functional block diagram- Astable multivibrator,
monostable multivibrator and its applications. 566 VCO chip- Phase locked loop-Mathematical
block diagram Derivation of capture rage, lock range and pull in time capture and lock range-
565 PLL - PLL applications: Frequency multiplication and division- AM demodulation- FM
detection- FSK demodulation Analog multiplier circuits and applications. ADC and DAC –
performance specification –weighted, R-2R; successive approximation, flash, integrating.

1. OpAmp and Linear Integrated circuits : R F Coughlin - Pearson Education/PHI
2. Design with operational Amplifiers Analog Ics :Sargio Franko-2nd Edition McGraw Hill
3. Microelectronics : Millman & Grabel, TMH

1) Op-amps and Linear integrated Circuits: Gaykwad : PHI
2) Integrated circuits : K R Botkar
3) Analog Integrated Citcuits: Gray John Wiely 2nd edition
4) Micro Electronics Horstian PHI 3rd edition
5) Microelectronic circuit Sedra & Smith Oxford 3rd edition
6) OpAmps and Linear Integrated Circuits: D A Bell, second Edition, PHI
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to computer architecture and organization : Architecture trends of
Microprocessors, efficiency versus performance, Introduction to CISC processor architecture,
instruction set and addressing, RISC architecture; Memory organization, allocation and
management; hierarchical memory structure and virtual memory; cache memory, Operating
system concepts & architectural support - CPU organization – Control Unit, registers and ALU-
Components of ALU and ALU organization - Control unit- sequencing of control signals -hard
wired control and microprogrammed control –Overview of machine language and assembly
language programming _ overview of one pass and two pass assemblers ,compilers, editors,
debuggers, emulators, simulators etc.
Module II
Introduction to 8-bit microprocessor: Microcomputers and microprocessors, 8/16/32/64-bit
microprocessor families; Internal architecture of Intel 8085 microprocessor: Block diagram,
Registers, Internal Bus Organisation, Functional details of pins, Control signals, Concept of
external Address / Data bus multiplexing, Demultiplexing, Interrupt features, Serial
communication feature, DMA support
Module III
Assembly Language Programming: 8085 instruction set : Instructions , Classifications,
Addressing modes, - Stack Pointer and stack organization ,programming examples (Arithmetic
functions , BCD functions, Sorting, Bit/String Manipulations, Subroutines(use of stack ),
Interrupt related and I/O related). - I/O mapped I/O, and memory mapped I/O techniques.
Module IV
Instruction Timing and Interrupts : Timing Diagrams (of various instructions): T- state, Machine
Cycle (Opcode fetch, Read /Write, Interrupt Acknowledge, Bus Idle, etc., Instruction cycle.
Programming examples dealing with delay routines, counters etc. Interrupts: -types (h/w and
s/w), Maskable /Non maskable, their organization, timing, branch address – priority, Polling
Module V
Interfacing concepts and devices: Memory interface: Concept of memory chip/chips interface to
8085 Microprocessor with appropriate examples -Address space- Address decoding
Programmable interfacing devices:- Programmable peripheral interface(Intel 8255),
Programmable timer interface (Intel 8253/54), Programmable display /Keyboard interface(Intel
8279), Programmable serial communication interface (Intel 8251)-( their architecture, register
organization, initialization , hardware and software interface to 8085).

Text Books:
1) Goankar ,”Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Applications “, John Wiley
2) Hamacher C V, “ Computer Organisation - 3rd Edition” , Mc.Graw Hill., NewYork ,1990

References :
1) Pal Chaudhary P, “Computer Organisation and Design” , Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1995
2) Bartee T C, “Digital Computer Fundamentals”, Mc.Graw Hill, New York, 1977
3) Hayes J P , “Computer Organisation and Architecture - 2nd Edition”, Mc Graw Hill
4) Tanenbaum A S , “Structured Computer Organisation - 3rd Edition”, Prentice Hall
5) Douglas V Hall , “Microprocessors & Interfacing to 8085 Introduction to”, Tata Mc GrawHill
6) Ghose Sridhar , “Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists“
7) Lance A Leventhal, “Introduction to Microprocessors” Prentice Hall
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction - communication process, source of information, channels, Noise - System noise
sources, Noise & feedback, Noise figure - Electromagnetic Spectra. base band and pass band
signals, Modulation process - need, band width requirements-frequency spectra of non-sinusoidal
signals. Analogue vs Digital communication, Continuous and discrete spectra - band pass
Module II
Modulation: amplitude modulation, and angle modulation Basic principles, Mathematical
relationships. frequency modulation and phase modulation - Basic principles, Mathematical
relationships. Comparison between amplitude modulation, and angle modulation spectral
analysis of different modulators.
Module III
Modulators- Amplitude modulator, suppressed carrier DSB modulator - Balanced modulator –
SSB modulator - Filter method, phase shift method & Third method - ISB modulators Vestigial
side band modulator, Frequency modulator - Direct & indirect method - narrow band FM. Phase
modulator Spectral analysis of these modulators Transmitters - AM transmitter, low level and
high level SSB transmitter -, pilot carrier - FM transmitter - narrow band and wide band , FM
stereo transmitter.
Module IV
Receiver :- Sensitivity , selectivity , signal to noise ratio .Demodulators-diode detector-FM
detectors- phase detector-ratio detector- Foster-Siely discriminator-, AM receiver-( Block level
treatment ) -TRF receiver, super heterodyne receiver, , Double super heterodyne receiver - SSB
receiver, communication receiver, AGC circuitry , FM receiver - FM stereo receiver (block
level) Carrier thresholding. Capture effect.
Module V
Introduction to wire communication - telephony-telegraphy. Telephone traffic, traffic variation,
switching and signalling system, type of signalling (pulse, multifrequency, voice freq. , common
channel signalling , outband signalling). Switching network, basic analog switching systems,
routing calls.

References :
1) George Kennedy, “ Electronic communication systems”, McGraw hill
2) Taub and Schilling, “ Principles of communication systems”, Mc Graw Hill
3) Martin S Roden “Analog and digital Communication systems”
4) Sol Lepatine , “ Electronic communication”
5) Dennis Roody and John Coolen, “Electronic communication”, Prentice Hall
6) J Dunlop & D G Smith , “Telecommunication Enineering ” .
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


1. Transfer characteristics and specifications of TTL and MOS gate

2. Design of half adder and full adder using NAND gates.
3. Set up R-S & JK flip flops using NAND Gates
4. Code converters - Binary to Gray and gray to Binary using mode control.
5. Asynchronous UP / DOWN counter using JK Flip flops
6. Design and realisation of sequence generators.
7. Study of shift registers and design of Johnson and Ring counter using it.
8. Binary addition and subtraction (a) 1's complement (b) 2's complement
9. Study of IC counters 7490, 7492, 7493 and 74192.
10. Astable and monostable multi- vibrators circuit using 555
11. ADC at least one method.
12. Study of MUX & DeMUX Circuits and ICs
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


I Study of RC and RLC circuits - Frequency responses, pulse response, Filter characteristics,

II Differentiating circuit and integrating circuit Biasing of Active devices

i) Voltage biasing, current biasing and Feedback biasing of BJT
ii) Biasing of JFET

III Amplifying circuits

(i) Simple common emitter amplifier configuration - gain and bandwidth.
(ii)Common source amplifier
Functions of each component, gain measurement, frequency responses

IV Feedback amplifier circuits - Current series and voltage shunt - gain and bandwidth.

V Oscillators - RC phase shift. Wein Bridge

VI Multivibrators - astable, bistable, monostable.

VII Sweep circuits - Simple transistor sweep, bootstrap sweep.

VIII Series Voltage Regulator using transistors.

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction: Overview of vector analysis. orthogonal co-ordinate systems- rectangular,
cylindrical, spherical transformations, Flux, circulation open and closed surface Divergence,
gradient, curl, stokes theorem. Static Electric Field: Coulomb's law, superposition, scalar
potential, moment method, gradient, electric field, electric flux, Gauss's law for electric flux,
capacitance of sphere, concentric sphere, coaxial cable and two wire transmission line. Energy
stored in a charged capacitor.
Module II
Static Electric Field - Dielectric homogeneity, linearity, isotropy, permittivity, electric dipole,
polarization, boundary relations, divergence of the flux density, Laplacian Field Mapping
Laplace equation, uniqueness theorem, Poisson's equation .Static Magnetic Field - Ferromagnetic
Materials, magnetic dipole, permeability, hysteresis, The Static Magnetic Field of Steady
Electric Currents, magnetic flux, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Gauss's law for magnetic flux,
boundary conditions, inductance of a coaxial cable , two wire transmission line , energy stored in
a magnetic field- Magnetic vector potential .
Module III
Time varying Electric and Magnetic Fields - Faraday’s law, Stokes's theorem, self and mutual
inductance, eddy current, displacement current. Maxwell's Equations integral & differential form
-General solution of wave equation in free space - uniform plane waves - TEM waves -relation
between electric and magnetic fields, phase velocity and group velocity - Plane waves in a lossy
medium. Skin depth, propagation constants and intrinsic impendence - Time harmonic fields -
solutions of wave equations.
Module IV
Poynting theorem – real and complex Poynting vector – interpretation - application of pointing
theorem - power flow in transmission lines, uniform plane waves. Wave polarization, Reflection
of plane waves at plane boundaries - normal and oblique incidence – refraction - transmission -
snells law -critical angle -Brewster angle -total internal reflection - evanescent wave concept.
Guided waves –TE,TM,TEM waves, Velocity of propagation ,attenuation-wave impedance.
Module V
Transmission lines: analogy between circuit theory & EM theory. Uniform transmission line - V
I solution - characteristic impedance. Terminated uniform transmission line- VSWR -
impendence matching quarter wave and half wave length transformer, stub matching -single stub
matching, double stub matching and tuning - pulses on a transmission line- smith chart –
Impedance matching using Smith Chart. Transmission line transformers. Waveguides:
rectangular wave guide- modes of wave propagation- TEmn, TMmn waves, cut off wavelengths,
derivation - dominant modes - Cylindrical Wave guides.

1. Field & Waves Cheng, Pearson Education (LPE)
2. Electromagnetic waves and fields, Jordan and Balmain PHI

1) W. H. Hayt ,”Engineering Electromagnetic”, Mc Graw Hill
2) J. D. Kraus ,”Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill
3) Electromagnetism, Parmani K, PHI
4) Fundamentals Electromagnetism Guru Thomson
5) K. P. Harrington ,”Introduction to Electromagnetic Engineering”, McGraw Hill
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

6) Edminister, ”Electromagnetics”, Schaum series

7) Elements of Electromagnetics Saddique ,Oxford press
8) S Ramo ,W Whignary, “Fields and Waves in Communication “, Wiley
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Organisation : Concept of organisation, characteristics of organisation, elements of organisation,
organisational structure, organisation charts, Types of organisation- formal line, military or
scalar organisation, functional organisation, line & staff organisation, project organisation,
matrix organisation, authority and responsibility, span of control, delegation of authority.
Industrial ownership: Types of ownership- single ownership, partnership, joint stock company,
cooperative societies, public sector, private sector, scientific management- review of different
schools of thoughts.
Module II
Personal Management: Recruitment and training, labour turnover, operator training, suggestion
Industrial safety: working conditions, environmental factors, psychological attitude to work and
working conditions, fatigue, accidents and hazards.
Wages and Incentives: feature of wages, time and piece rate, different incentive plans, profit
sharing, job evaluation and merit rating, factors of comparison and point rating.
Industrial relations: industrial disputes, collective bargaining, trade unions, workers’
participation in management, labour welfare.
Module III
Marketing Management: Concept of marketing VS sales approach, consumer behaviour and
demand concept, buying motives, influence of income level, product design, new product
distribution, pricing decisions, major price policy considerations, pricing methods and tools,
break even analysis and marginal costing in pricing, sales promotion, marketing research, test
marketing, marketing of services, advertising management- types of advertising, choice of
media, economic and psychological factors in advertising.
Module IV
Finance Management : Tasks, evolution of corporate management, long term financing, equity,
preference and debenture capitals, term loans, dividends and share valuation, legal aspects of
dividends, short term financing, working capital influencing factors, cash budgeting, terms of
liquidity, management of receivable and inventories, budgets and budgetary control-objectives of
budgeting, classification, ratio analysis.
Module V
Management accounting: Fundamentals of book keeping, journalising, ledger accounts,
subdivision of journal, cash book, banking transactions, trial balance, preparation of trading,
profit and loss account, and balance sheet, adjustments.

1. Industrial Organisation and Management : Bethel, McGraw Hill
2. Principles of Industrial Management : Kootnz & Donnel
3. Financial Management : Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Operation Management : Fabricky et al, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Hand Book of MBO : Reddin & Ryan, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Industrial finance of India : SK Basu
7. First steps in book keeping : J B Batliboi
8. Management accounting : Hingrani & Bemnath.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Architecture 16-bit microprocessors: Intel 8086 Architecture –Memory address space and data
organization – Segment registers and memory segmentation –I/O address space- Addressing
modes –Comparison of 8086 and 8088. Basic 8086/8088 configuration – Minimum Mode-
Maximum mode-System timing - Bus interface. Interrupts and interrupt priority management.
Module II
Intel 8086 programming: 8086 Instruction set. Program development tools: editor, assembler,
linker, locator, debugger and emulator. Assembly level programming with DEBUG and MASM-
MS DOS Functions and BIOS Calls –programming examples using 8086.
Module III
Architecture of 32-bit Microprocessors: Intel 80386 Architecture –Special 80386 Registers –
Memory management – interrupts and exceptions – management of tasks –Real, protected and
virtual 8086 mode- Introduction to 80486 microprocessor –Architecture – Comparison with
80386 processor.
Module IV
Advanced Microprocessors: Introduction to Pentium and Pentium pro architectures: RISC
concepts –BUS operation –Super scalar architecture –Pipelining –Branch prediction –Instruction
and data caches – FPU –Comparison of Pentium and Pentium pro architecture. Introduction to
Pentium II, Pentium III and Pentium 4 processors. RISC Architecture : Properties of RISC
Systems Comparison with CISC architecture.
Module V
Introduction to micro controllers - comparison with microprocessors – Study of micro controller
(MCS 51 family- 8051) - Architecture, instruction set, addressing modes and programming -
Comparison of various families of 8bit micro controllers. System design techniques – interfacing
of LCD, ADC, sensors, stepper motor, keyboard and DAC using microcontrollers.
Communication standards - serial –RS 232, parallel-IEEE 488, USB, AGP.

Texts :
1. Barry B.Brey, "The INTEL Microprocessors - 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486
Pentium and Pentium pro processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4 - Architecture,
Programming and interfacing" Prentice Hall of India , 6 Ed, 2003.
2. Kenneth Ayala “ The 8051 Microcontroller” West Publishing Company.
3. Mazidi “ The 8051 Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems” Pearson Education.

1) A.K.Ray &K.M.Bhurchandi “Advanced Microprocessors and peripherals”,1st edition-TMH
2) YU-Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson,” Microprocessor System , Architecture Programming &
3) Kenneth Hintz & Daniel Tabak “Microcontroller architecture implementation and
programming” , Mc Graw Hill
4) Douglas V Hall,” Microprocessors & Interfacing-Programming and Hardware” TMH
5) Avtar Singh , “ The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors programming, Interfacing, Software,
Hardware and Applications” PHI
6) Intel User’s manual for 8086, 80386 & 80486, Pentium & Pentium pro
7) “Microprocessor Systems”, Learning Material Series, ISTE, NewDelhi,1997
8) John B. Peatman, "Design with microcontrollers" McGraw Hill, Singapore,
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
General measurement system: Static characteristics -, accuracy, precision, linearity, hysteresis,
threshold, dynamic range, calibration., standards. Errors – measurement of errors, error
Dynamic characteristics: -Transfer function-first and second order instruments- first and second
order response –dynamic errors and dynamic compensation .Loading effect. Signals and noise in
measurement system:-deterministic and random signals –noise sources- methods of reducing
noise and interference. Reliability, choice and economics of measurement system.
Module II
Transducers and sensors: Transducers- sensors- active and passive, analog and digital
transducers. review of transducers for pressure, velocity, vibration, torque, temperature. LVDT,
piezo electric transducers. Impedance measurement:- dc bridges for low, medium and high
resistance-ac bridges for capacitance and inductance . Sources of error in bridge circuits,
precautions. Vector impedance meter, digital impedance meter. Multimeters :- Principles of
analog multimeter- digital multimeter (dual slope integrations)
Module III
Signal generators:- AF and RF generators- Function generator- sweep frequency generator-
Frequency synthesizers. Signal analyzers:- Wave analyzer –spectrum analyzer. Frequency and
time measurement. Display instruments:-alphanumeric displays, Digital storage oscilloscope,
sampling oscilloscope. Recording instruments:- self balancing system, strip chart recorders, x-y-

Industrial Instrumentation
Module I
Temperature measurements:- RTD, Thermocouples-different types. Radiation thermometer,
Optical pyrometer. Pressure measurements: Elastic type pressure gauges. Measurement of low
pressure- McLeod gauge, Ionization gauge, solid state pressure transducers.
Flow measurements:- Head type flow meters, mass flow meters. Electromagnetic flow meter,
laser-Doppler anemometer, Ultra sound flow meters.
Module II
Analytical Instruments:- Gas Analysis, Chromatography, Mass spectrometer. Basic concepts of
programmable logic controllers. Data Acquisition System:- signal conditioning , multiplexing
and demultiplexing, telemetry-block diagram, characteristics and different types. Power plant
Instrumentation: Basic schematic of a power plant.

1) Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques- W.D. Cooper
2) Principles of Measurement Systems- Bulentley, 3rd edition Pearson education
3) Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement- Joseph J. Carr, 3rd edition
4) Principles of Industrial Instrumentation –D. Patranabis
5) Instrumentation Devices and Systems - C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sharma
6) Mechanical Measurements -Beckwith, Marangoni, 5th edition, Pearson education
7) Transducers and Instrumentation- D.V.S. Murty
8) Industrial Instrumentation AL Sutllo & Jerry D Faulk.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Power transistors - Design of high power amplifier - Transistor as a switch - Parallel operation of
transistor - Power MOSFET - Operating principles - Structure and characteristics. Thyristors-
Classification & Constructional Details. SCR - Working principle - turn on, turn off and V - I
characteristics - gate characteristics, and rating: Series and parallel operation of SCR - TRIAC -
characteristics, modes of operation, Trigger circuits - magnetic & solid state, half- wave and full-
wave operation .
Module II
Single phase controlled rectifiers - half-wave, full- wave, half-controlled and fully controlled –
typical waveforms with R, RL, RL with diode and RL with voltage source - voltage and current
equation for half- wave controlled rectifier. Three phase half-wave and full-wave controlled
rectifier with R load, waveforms. DC motor speed control - various schemes – multi quardrant
operation - simple circuits for speed control of series, PM and separately excited motors.
Module III
Commutation schemes -(different classes) waveforms - single-phase invertors - series, parallel
and bridge -PWM invertor - square wave and sin wave output. Chopper circuits using SCR
transistor (detailed analysis not required ) - Jones Chopper. A.C Motor speed control - various
schemes - electronic control of speed of induction motors and synchronous motors .
Module IV
Static switches - Timer circuits - Flasher circuits . Switching regulators - Basic concepts and
analysis and design of Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and derived converters . UPS - Characteristics -
Configuration - application - battery selection, charging circuits. Thyristor protection - over
current, over voltage, di/dt , dv/dt, gate protection , RFI minimization, Thyristor mounting and
heat transfer.
Module V
Principle, characteristics and application of induction heating and dielectric heating - Ultrasonic -
characteristics - application in non-destructive testing - application of power electronics in

1) Power Electronics Rashid ,Pearson Education /PHI
2) Modern Power Electronics And AC Drives B K Bose ,Pearson Education
3) Introduction to Power Electronics D W Hart ,Pearson Education.
4) Mohan Undeland Robbins,” Power Electronics”, - Converters application and design” , WE
5) “Power Electronics J Michanel Javob Vikas Thomsan Pub
6) P C Sen, ” Power Electronics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
7) Singh & Khanchandani “Power Electronics” Tata Mc Graw Hill.
8) “Power Electronics Asghar M syed PHI
9) Power Electronics N Mohan John Wiely
10) The art of Electronics Hays Cambridge
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

CS/ EB/ EC/ EE / EI/ 506 MICROPROCESSOR LAB (2 credits)

Part A (Compulsory)
1. Study of a typical microprocessor trainer kit and its operation
2. Simple programming examples using 8085 instructions set. To understand the use of various
instructions and addressing modes - Monitor routines.
3. Interfacing and programming of 8255. (examples: traffic light control, burglar alarm, stop
4. Interfacing and programming of 8253/ 8254.
5. Interfacing and programming of 8279.

Part B*
1. A/D and D/A converter interface
2. Stepper motor interface
3. Display interface
4. Programming of different types of EPROM 2716, 2732 etc.

(* At least two topics from part B has to be covered.)

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


PART A (Compulsory)
I Linear circuits
Circuits using OP- Amps - Inverting & non inverting amplifiers , Summing Amplifier,
Differential Amplifier, Instrumentation Amplifier, Integrators & Differentiators , Measurements
of offset voltage and its compensation .Precision rectifiers
II Circuits using op-amps for waveform generation.
i) Astable, monostable multivibrators .
ii) Wein bridge oscillator
iii) Triangular, square wave form generators.
III Second order Active RC filters
High pass, low pass
IV Voltage regulators using 723 with short circuit protection..

PART B (*)
1. Characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, MOSFET
2. Trigger circuits for full wave/halfwave fully controlled / half controlled thyristor circuits.
3. Study of phase control rectifier - Resistive load, inductive load, effect of free wheeling
4. Study of motor speed control.
5. Study of UPS / SMPS

* Atleast two topics from part B has to be covered.

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Review of LTI systems, Z transforms, Discrete Fourier series, Discrete Time Fourier Transform
and their properties - Fast Fourier Transform Decimation in time FFT algorithms - decimation in
frequency FFT algorithms - FFT algorithms for N a composite number, Block convolution,
Discrete Hilbert transform– Other discrete transforms -Discrete Cosine transform-Walsh
transform –Hadmard transform – Wavelet transforms.
Module II
2-D signal processing: Signals and systems – properties - separability –periodicity – convolution
–stability – Difference equation – stability theorems –shank’s – Huang’s – DeCarlo – Strintzis
theorem. Z transform – properties –.Fourier transform – properties .
Module III
Introduction to digital filter design – specifications- FIR Digital Filters - Realizations - direct -
cascade - lattice forms - hardware implementation - FIR filter design using Fourier series –
window functions - frequency sampling technique- Finite word length effects in FIR filter
design- Applications of FIR filters.
Module IV
IIR Digital Filters - Realizations - Direct - Cascade - Parallel forms - hardware implementation -
Analog filter approximations - Butterworth and chebychev approximations – Transformation
techniques-The method of mapping of differentials - impulse invariant transformation - Bilinear
transformation - Matched Z transform technique - Finite word length effects in IIR filter design
effects due to truncation and rounding- limit cycles- Applications of IIR filters
Module V
General purpose digital signal processors – architecture- TMS320C54X fixed point processor-
TMS320C4X floating-point processor, DSP563X Motorola processors-ADSP21XXX SHARC
processor-Applications of Digital signal processing (Only brief description required

1) Oppenheim & Ronald W Schafer,” Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson education
2) Andreas Antoniou , “Digital Filters Analysis & Design”, Prentice Hall India
3) R Rabiner & B. Gold , “Theory & Application of Digital Signal processing”, Prentice Hall
4) Andreas Antoniou , “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall India
5) John G Proakis & Dimitris G Manolakis ,”Digital Signal Processing“,Pearson education
6) Sanjit K.Mithra , , “Digital Signal Processing”, Tata Mc –Graw Hill.
7) Emmanuel C. Ifeachor & Barni W.Jerris,”Digital Signal Processing (a practical approach”,
Pearson education
8) Charles S.Williams,”Designing digital filters”,PHI
9) JAE S.Lim, Alan V.Oppenheim, “Advanced topics in signal processing”, Prentice Hall
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Radiation – Potential functions - Retarded potential. The Short
dipole – short current element - near and far fields. Loop antenna. Basic antenna parameters -
radiated power - radiation resistance - radiation efficiency - radiation pattern - effective aperture
area - antenna beam width - directivity - gain – of dipole, half wave dipole, folded dipole and
Module II
Antenna arrays - Broad side - end fire arrays. Radiation pattern of two point, n- point and half
wave dipole sources , multiplication of patterns- binomial array. Coupling effects and mutual
impedance - parasitic elements - Yagi-Uda antenna. Microwave antennas - rectangular aperture –
circular aperture - horn antenna - reflector antennas - corner, parabolic reflectors - helical
antennas – micro strip patch antennas. - reciprocity - Transmit – receive system. Effects of
ground on antenna performance- grounded antennas- effects of antenna height.
Module III
Antennas. Measurements - Gain - Radiation pattern- SWR-radiation resistance.
Propagation of radio waves - ground waves - Reflection of radio waves by surface of the earth.
Space wave propagation – considerations in space wave propagation- atmospheric effects.
Ionosphere and its effects on radio waves –mechanism of ionosphere propagation- refraction and
reflection of sky waves by ionosphere – ray paths – skip distance – maximum usable frequency -
vertical and oblique incidence - fading of signals – selective fading – diversity reception. Duct
Module IV
Introduction to RADAR – RADAR range equation – pulse RADAR- applications of RADAR –
accuracy and resolution – Doppler effect to find velocity – pulse repetition frequency –
unambiguous range and velocity – factors affecting the performance of RADAR – RADAR
detection theory – designing thresholds – correlation and matched filter – Kalman filters (basic
concepts only) - detection using multiple observation. Designing RADAR waveforms -
bandwidth and pulse duration range - Doppler accuracy - pulse compression – FM chirp.
Module V
RADAR transmitters (Frequency generation, power amplifiers and duplexers), Receivers.
RADAR displays – synthetic and Raw displays - RADAR antennas – CW RADAR –
applications – CW RADAR with non zero IF – FM CW RADAR – FM CW Altimeter – MTI
and pulse Doppler RADAR – Tracking RADAR – Sequential lobing and conical scanning -
helical scanning - monopulse tracking - SAR. Electronic counter measures – main beam
jamming – side lobe jamming – passive ECM.

References :
1) Principles of RADAR, Second Edition, J C TOOAY PHI
2) UNDER Standing RADAR systems – Simon Kinsley & S Quegan Scitech
3) Introduction to RADAR Systems – Skolnik MGH
4) Antennas - J D Krauss MGH
5) Antennas for all applications - J D Krauss TMH
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Entropy and Loss-less Source Coding: Entropy, Entropy of discrete random variables- Joint,
conditional and relative entropy- Chain rule for entropy, Mutual information and conditional
mutual information, Relative entropy and mutual Information Lossless source coding- Discrete
Memory-less sources, Uniquely decodable codes- Instantaneous codes- Kraft's inequality –
Average codeword length, Optimal codes- Huffman coding, Arithmetic Coding, Lempel-Ziv
Coding, Shannon's Source Coding Theorem.
Module II
Channel Capacity and Coding Theorem: Channel Capacity- Discrete memory-less channels
(DMC) and channel transition probabilities, Capacity computation for simple channels-
Shannon's Channel Coding Theorem, Converse of Channel Coding Theorem
Continuous Sources and Channels: Differential Entropy- Mutual information- Waveform
channels- Gaussian channels- Shannon-Hartley Theorem, Shannon limit, efficiency of digital
modulation schemes-power limited and bandwidth limited systems.
Module III
Coding - linear block codes-generator matrices-parity check matrices-encoder-syndrome and
error correction-minimum distance-error correction and error detection capabilities-
BCH codes-description-coding & decoding -Reed Solomon codes-coding & decoding cyclic
codes-coding and decoding.
Module IV
Convolutional codes-encoder -state diagram-distance properties-maximum likelihood decoding-
Viterbi decoding- sequential decoding interleaved convolutional codes-Turbo coding- coding &
decoding -Trellis coding- coding & decoding- Low-Density Parity check (LDPC) codes.

1. Signals & systems –Openheim & Wilsky PHI/Pearson Education
2. Communication Systems –Simon Haykin John Wiely
3. Communication Systems Engineering – Proakis & Salehi LPEA

1. John P Proakis, Digital Communication, McGrawHi1l
2. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory
3. Shu Lin and Daniel-. J. Costello Jr, Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and applications
4. Richard B wells, Applied Coding and Information Theory
5. J C Moreira, Essentials of Error Control Coding
6. Bernard Sk1ar, Digital Communication Fundamentals and applications
7. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and analog Communication Systems, Oxford University Press
B. Ranjan Bose, information Theory, Coding and Cryptography
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Principles of Digital Data transmission: Sampling theorem – Sampling of Band pass and low
pass (with proof). Pulse modulation –PAM- PPM,- PWM . Multiplexing – TDM, FDM. Uniform
and nonuniform quantisation. PCM, DPCM , delta & adaptive delta modulation. Calculation of
quantisation noise. Noise in PCM and Delta modulation.
Module II
Base band data transmission: - Base band binary data transmission system- Inter symbol
interference- Nyquist pulse shaping criteria– line coding, pulse shaping, scrambling techniques,
regenerative repeaters. Eye diagram. Equalization- Adaptive equalization.
Detection of error probability: Gaussian probability function- properties- error function
complementary error function. - BPSK, QPSK, DPSK, QASK, BFSK, MSK, M-ary
Module III
Information theory – Discrete messages, concept of amount of information, entropy , information
rate. Source coding- Kraft inequality Shannon - Fano and Huffman coding. Shannon’s theorem,
Channel capacity, Types of channels, Symmetric channels, Binary Symmetric Channel. capacity
of Gaussian channel: Trade-off between band width and signal to noise ratio, Capacity of a
channel with infinite band width, Optimum modulation system. Use of orthogonal signal to
attain Shannon ‘s limit. Efficiency of orthogonal signal transmission.
Module IV
Codes for error detection and correction:- Parity check coding, Linear block codes, Error
detecting and correcting capabilities, Generator and Parity check matrices, Syndrome decoding,
Hamming codes, Encoding and decoding of systematic and unsystematic codes. Cyclic codes:-
Generator polynomial, Generator and Parity check matrices, Encoding of cyclic codes,
Syndrome computation and error detection, Decoding of cyclic codes. Convolutional codes:-
Encoding. decoding of convolutional codes: State, Tree and Trellis diagrams, Maximum
likelihood -Viterbi algorithm, Sequential decoding Burst error correction -Interleaving
techniques - Block and convolutional interleaving, Coding and interleaving applied to CD
recording - ARQ:- Types of ARQ, Performance of ARQ. Comparison of coded & uncoded
Module V
Vector representation of waveforms: G-S procedure. Coherent and Non-coherent detection.
Optimum receiver for AWGN – correlation receiver and M F receiver. Estimation Theory- Bayes
estimation- MAP, MLE Application of Estimation theory in communication: Binary shift keying
and frequency shift keying- probability of error. Performance of Binary schemes. Error

1. B.P.Lathi :Modern Digital and Analog communication system .Oxford Press, 3rd edition
2. Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications: Bernard Sklar

1) Principles of Communication R. E.Ziemer/W H Tranter Fifth Edition John Wiley
2) Wayne Tomasi : Morden Electronic communication Systems. Person Education /PHI
3) John G Proakis : Digital Communication. MGH
4) Digital Communication Techniques Simon ,Hindey Lindsey PHI
5) Communication Systems: Simon Haykin, John Wiley & Sons. Pvt. Ltd.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

6) Principles of Communication Systems: Ta ub & Schilling, Tata McGraw-Hill

7) Digital and Analog Communication System: K Sam Shanmugam. John Weily
8) Communication Systems Engineering: Proakis, Pearson Education.
9) Digital & Analog Communication System- Leon W Couch, Pearson Education/PHI.
10) Introduction to statistical Signal Processing With Applications M D Srinath,P K.Rajasekaran,
R E. Viswnathan, PHI
11) Analog and Digital Communications. M S Roden
12) Digital modulation and coding. Wilson, Pearson Education
13) Applied coding and information Theory for engineers, Wells, Pearson education.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Basic idea of control systems and their classification - differential equations of systems - linear
approximation - Laplace transform and transfer function of linear system - Model of physical
system (Electrical, mechanical and electromechanical)- block diagram - signal flow graph -
Mason’s gain formula.
Module II
Time domain analysis - Representation of deterministic signals - First order system response – S-
plane root location and transient response - impulse and step response of second order systems -
performance - characteristics in the time domain - effects of derivative and integral control –
steady state response - error constant - generalised definition of error coefficients - concepts of
stability - Routh - Hurwitz criterion.
Module III
Frequency domain analysis - frequency response - Bode plot, Polar plot, Nicol's chart - closed
loop frequency response and frequency domain performance characteristics. Stability in
frequency domain. Nyquist criterion.
Module IV
Root locus method - basic theory and properties of root loci - procedure for the construction of
root loci - complete root locus diagram. Design and compensation of feedback control system :-
approaches to compensation - cascade compensation networks and their design in the frequency
domain - simple design in S-plane.
Module VI
State variable methods :- introduction to state variable concepts - state variable description of
linear dynamic systems - representation in matrix forms - block diagram and signal flow graph
representation of state equations - Transfer matrix from state equations - transition matrix –
general solution for linear time invariant state equations. Control system components :- Error
detectors , servomotor, tachogenerator, servo amplifier, magnetic amplifier, rotating amplifier -
Basic principles of adaptive control systems.

1) Ogata K, “ Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall/Pearson
2) Dorf Morden Communication Systems ,Pearson Education
3) Franklin Feedback Control Systems, Pearson Education
4) Kuo B. C , “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall
5) Nagoor Kani :Control Systems, R B P
6) Ogata Discrete Time Control Systems ,Pearson Education
7) Nagarath & Gopal, “ Control System Engineering”, Wiley Eastern
8) Control Engineerng Ramkayan, Vikas Pub
9) Control Theory M N Bandyopadhyaya ,PHI
10) Control Theory Glad , Vikas Thomson Pub
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


PART A (compulsory)
1. Active Filters Band Pass, Band reject ( IInd order Butterworth )
2 Amplitude modulation - Collector modulation - measurement of modulation Index.
3. Frequency modulation using FET and VCO - Frequency deviation
4. IF amplifier - Frequency response
1. AM Demodulator and Delayed AGC
2. F. M. Demodulator and Frequency synthesizing using PLL
3. Frequency Converter ( Mixer )
4. Time division multiplexing

PART B (*)
1. PAM modulator and demodulator
2. PWM modulator and Demodulator
3. PPM modulator and Demodulator.

* Atleast two topics from part B has to be covered

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 607 MINOR PROJECT (2 credits)

Each batch of (max of 5) students shall design, develop and realize an electronic product. Basic
elements of product design must be considered. Electronic part must be an Analog or Digital
system covered up to VI semester. Student has to submit a project report at the stipulated time.
Product must be demonstrated.

Guidelines for evaluation:

Attendance and Regularity 15 Marks
Work knowledge and Involvement 60 Marks
Overall quality of work 15 Marks
Level of completion and demonstration 35 Marks
Project Report 25 Marks

External projects are not encouraged

B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to microwaves - microwave frequency range , significance of microwave frequency
range - applications of microwaves . Microwave passive components - Wave guides. Cavity
resonators - rectangular and circular cavities - Q factor- Coupling two cavities. Scattering matrix
-Concept of N port scattering matrix representation- Properties of S matrix- S matrix formulation
of two-port junction. Microwave junctions - Tee junctions -Magic Tee - Rat race - Corners -
bends and twists - Directional couplers - two hole directional couplers- S matrix of microwave
Ferrites - important microwave properties and applications – Termination - Gyrator- Isolator-
Circulator- Phase changer- Attenuator.
Module II
Microwave semiconductor devices- operation - characteristics and application of BJTs and FETs
-Principles of tunnel diodes - Varacter and Step recovery diodes - Transferred Electron Devices -
Gunn diode- Avalanche Transit time devices- IMPATT and TRAPATT devices. Parametric
devices - Principles of operation - applications of parametric amplifier. Microwave monolithic
integrated circuit (MMIC) - Materials and fabrication techniques
Module III
Microwave tubes- High frequency limitations - Principle of operation of Multicavity Klystron,
Reflex Klystron, Traveling Wave Tube, Magnetron. Microwave measurements: Measurement of
power, wavelength, impedance , SWR, attenuation , Q and Phase shift . Network Analysers,
Anechoic chambers. Microwave safety measures.
Module IV
Microwave network analysis: Behavior of Wire, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors at high
frequencies. Impedance concept - matrix representation - Y, Z and S parameters. Solution using
Smith Chart - Matching networks - The impedance matching of networks using LC networks -
single stub and double stub tuners. Transient transmission line analysis and applications. PCB
Design Criteria for microwave Circuits. Microwave filters(Basic concepts only)
Module V
Microwave amplifiers : theory- amplifier classes-efficiency -dynamic range. Negative resistance
amplifiers - LNA . Gunn diode as Oscillator, amplifier. PIN diode -switches - phase shifters.
Mixers: theory- mixer diodes and matching - single-ended and balanced diode mixers- FET
mixers. Detectors.

1) Samuel Y Liao , “Microwave Devices & Circuits” Prentice Hall India
2) Reich , “Microwave Techniques” East West Press
3) K. C Gupta , “Microwaves”- Wiley Eastern
4) R. Chatterjee ,”Elements of Microwave Engineering”- East West Press
5) Collin, “Foundations for microwave engineering”, Mc Graw Hill
6) Microwave Engineering Pozar Wiley
7) RF Design Ludvirg PEA
8) RF & Microwave Electroinics Illusrated. M.M.Radmanesn PEA
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to combinational modules and modular networks. Standard combinational modules
design of arithmetic modules. Implementation of combinational systems with ROM's and PLA's .
Comparison with other approaches. Implementation of multimodule combinational systems-
decoder networks, Mux trees, demux network, encoder network. shifter network and barrel
Module II
Introduction to digital systems. Synchronous and asynchronous- state diagram, state names,
mealy and moor machines binary description. Time behavior of synchronous sequential systems.
Minimisation of number of states Specification of various types of sequential system
Module III
Canonical implementation- analysis and synthesis of networks in the canonical implementation.
Flip flop modules and networks. Modular sequential networks
Module IV
Standard sequential modules-Registers - shift register - counters - RAM - content addressable
memories and programmable sequential arrays ( PSA ) - Design of sequential systems with small
number of standard modules - state register and combinational networks - use of ROMs in
sequential networks - Counter and combinational networks - RAM and combinational networks -
SR and combinational networks.
Module V
Multimodule implementation of sequential systems - Multimodule registers - Shift registers and
RAMs - Multimodule counters - Sequential arrays - Introduction to hardware / Firmware

Text Book:
1) Milos D Ercegovac, Tomas Lang, “Digital systems and hardware / firmware algorithm”, John

1) William I Fletcher, “An engineering approach to Digital Design”, Prentice Hall
2) Zvi Kohavi “Switching and Finite automata Theory”, TMH
3) Hayes, “Digital system Design and Microprocessors” Mc Graw Hill
4) John B Peatman, “ Digital Hard Ware Design”, Mc Graw Hill
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I From Requirement to Product

Definitions of Science, Engineering, and Technology- Engineering design as real-life problem
solving- Requirement analysis of Electronic products- Formulation of product requirement
specifications and target specifications. The design process- Computer Aided Design- Product
conceptualization- Product architecture- Product synthesis- Design analysis- Portable Electronic
Design Factors. Product Life Cycle, Representation of development tasks using standard tools
showing timing and dependencies.
Module II Electronic Product Design
Various dimensions of Electronic Product Design- Industrial design and Engineering design-
DFx methodologies in product design- Quality by design analysis- Sketches and Engineering
drawing of Electronic products. Aesthetics and Ergonomics- Inputs, control and display
interface. Electronic interconnection and Packaging of components, Integrated circuits, Printed
circuits and Functional products- Cables and connectors- Design Engineering and Test
Documentation – Component Specification/ Bill of materials.
Module III Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment
Heat generation and modes of heat transfer in Electronic products- Selection of Power
Semiconductor Devices based on thermal considerations- Selection/Design of Heat Sinks-
Factors affecting the design of heat sinks and its cooling effectiveness- Assembly of heat sink
components - Electrical analogue of thermal circuits- Enclosure design and thermal
considerations- Design guidelines for Ventilations- Forced cooling- Heat pipes for electronic
cooling applications- Cooling of power intensive ICs- Thermal Considerations PCB design.
Module IV Electromagnetic Interference and Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electric Field Interference, Magnetic Field Interference, Conducted noise etc. in Electronic
Equipment- Sources of EMI, inter and intra system EMI- Noise performance of passive
components-Cabling, Shielding and Grounding - Cables, Connectors, components and
equipments for interference suppression/minimization- Intrinsic noise sources and their
management- EMI standards and Regulations- PCB design guidelines for EM compatibility.
Module V Electronic Design Automation Tools
PCB design process- Design rules for analog, digital, high-frequency, power-electronic and MW
PCBs. Introduction to PC based Electronic Design Automation Tools: Schematic Capture,
Circuit Simulation, Layout Design etc. Features of such packages with reference to popular EDA
tools such as Orcad- Designing PCBs for manufacturability- Design considerations for power
efficiency. Introduction to SPICE simulation of circuits- Circuit description- Modeling of active
and passive circuit elements. Circuit analysis- DC, AC, Transient and Parametric analysis.

1. Product Design & Development- Karl T. Ulrich & Steven D. Eppinger, MGH.
2. Product Design & Manufacturing- John R. Lindberg, PHI.
3. Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment- Monogram by CEDT, IISc. Bangalore.
4. PCB Design & Technology- Waller C. Bosshart, TMH
5. Noise Reduction Techniques in electronic systems- Henry W. Ott.
6. Electronic Product Design for Automated Manufacturing- Richard Stillwell
7. Spice for circuits & Electronics using Pspice- Mohammed H. Rasheed, PHI
8. Printed Circuits Handbook- Clyde F. Coombs, Jr., MGH
9. Product Design and Manufacturing- A.K. Chitale & R.C. Gupta
10. Portable Electronics Product Design and Development – Bert Haskell, MGH
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Object –Encapsulation – Class- Class Structure- Implementation of a class- Persistance-Object
identity-Inheritance-overriding-Polymorphism-abstract class-Multiple Inheritance-Repeated
Inheritance-Object Oriented Design Process.
Module II
C++ Class - class scope – constructor – creating an object or an instance – destructor- copy
constructor – The dot operator - this pointer - pointer to an object- Array- Composite class
definition- constructor for composite object- destructor for composite object- access control for
component object –Special C++ Features.
Module III
Static Member – friends to a class – pointers- Derived Class – copy constructor under
derivation - virtual function - Multiple Inheritance Repeated inheritance.
Module IV
Operator Function Definition – Arithmetic operator- Logical operator-Relational operator –
Operator [ ] – operator ( ) –Assignment operator – Dereferencing operator- Extraction operator
–Insertion operator –Conversion operator.
Module V
Class Template Definition –Template Class instantiation – Template Class Specialisation –
Function Templates – Template Class Static member – Multiple Template Parameters.

Text Book:
1) Object Orientation Through C++ , Parimala N, Macmillian India Ltd.

1) Programming in C++, Balaguruswamy.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Nature of light – Basic optical laws-optical fiber-ray analysis- wave propagation in dielectric
slab wave guide- mode theory of optical fibers- multi mode fibers – single mode – graded index
fiber – NA- Fiber materials –Fabrication- Specifications of a typical optical fiber- reading a data
sheets -attenuation Characteristics- dispersion various types and its effects on bandwidth-
dispersion shifted fiber –polarization maintaining fiber.
Module II
Optical sources- direct & indirect band gap materials- LED structure-quantum efficiency -
modulation. Laser diodes-rate equations-diode structure-single mode laser-modulation and
temperature effects- quantum cascade lasers- modal Partition and reflection noise. Photo
detectors: PIN, APD, Photodetector noise-response time-structure of detectors receiver units.
Module III
Light coupling to optical fiber- fiber splices effect of misalignment on signal transmission- fiber
to fiber coupling- optical fiber couplers -Coherent detection –comparisons -Transceivers for fiber
optic communication preamplifier type- optical receiver performance calculation - noise effect
on system performance –receiver modules.
Module IV
Components for Fiber optic Networks- Couplers/Splitters- -semiconductor optical amplifier
bandwidth of SOPA- Polarization dependent gain –noise-erbium doped fiber amplifiers- WD
multiplexes / demultiplexers- Filters- isolator-circulators-Optical switches-wavelength
converters- Fiber gratings-tunable sources –tunable filters.
Module V
Optical networks- Basic networks-sonnet/ SDH-wavelength routed networks -Nonlinear effects
on network performance-performance of various systems (WDM –DWDM+ SOA) - Optical
CDMA solutions- Ultra high capacity networks.

1. Optical Fiber Communication: Gred Keiser Mc Graw Hill Third edition
2. Optical communication components & Systems : J H Franz Narosa Publication
3. Fiber Optic Technology D K Mynbaev & LL Scheiner Pearson Education Asia
3. Optical Fiber Communication and applications S C Gupta PHI
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EB/EC/EI 705 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (Elective II) (3 credits)

Module I
Digital image fundamentals: representation - elements of visual perception - simple image
formation model - Image sampling and quantization - basic relationships between pixels –
imaging geometry. Review of matrix theory results: Row and column ordering - Toeplitz,
Circulant and Block matrices. Review of Image transforms: 2D-DFT, FFT, Walsh , Hadamard ,
Haar, DCT and Wavelet transforms.
Module II
Image enhancement: Spatial domain methods: point processing - intensity transformations,
histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging; Spatial filtering- smoothing filters,
sharpening filters. Frequency domain methods: low pass filtering, high pass filtering,
homomorphic filtering. Generation of spatial masks from frequency domain specifications.
Module III
Image restoration: Degradation model - Diagonalization of circulant and Block circulant
matrices - Algebraic approaches - Inverse filtering - Wiener filter - Constrained Least squares
restoration - Interactive restoration - Geometric transformations. Fundamentals of Colour image
processing: colour models - RGB, CMY, YIQ, HIS - Pseudo color image processing - intensity
slicing, gray level to color transformation.
Module IV
Image compression: fundamentals- redundancy: coding, inter pixel, psychovisual, fidelity
criteria, Models, Elements of information theory, Error free compression- variable length, bit
plane, lossless predictive, Lossy compression- lossy predictive, transform coding. Fundamentals
of JPEG, MPEG, Fractals.
Module V
Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities - point, line and edge and combined detection ;
Edge linking and boundary description - local and global processing using Hough transform –
Thresholding - Region oriented segmentation - basic formulation, region growing by pixel
aggregation, region splitting and merging - Use of motion in segmentation. Fundamentals of
Representation and Description.

1) Gonzalez and Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
2) Anil K. Jain “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, 2003.
3) Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly “The Data compression Book”, 2nd edition, bpb Publications.
4) Pratt William K.,”Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley & sons
5) Chanda & Majumdar, “Digital Image Processing and Analysis” , PHI.
6) M.Sonka,V. Hlavac, R. Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision”, Vikas
Publishing House
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Fundamentals of ANN – Biological prototype – Neural Network Concepts, Definitions -
Functions – single layer and multilayer networks. Training ANNs – perceptrons – Exclusive OR
problem – Linear seperability – storage efficiency – perceptron learning - perceptron training
algorithms – Hebbian learning rule - Delta rule – Kohonen learning law – problem with the
perceptron training algorithm.
Module II
The back propagation Neural network – Architecture of the back propagation Network –
Training algorithm – network configurations – Back propagation error surfaces – Back
propagation learning laws – Network paralysis _ Local minima – temporal instability
Module III
Counter propagation Networks – Architecture of the counter propagation network – Kohonen
layer –Training the Kohonen layer – pre-processing the input vectors – initialising the weight
vectors –Statistical properties. Training the Grossberg layer- Feed forward counter propagation
Neural Networks – Applications.
Module IV
Statistical methods – simulated annealing – Bloltzman Training – Cauchy training -artificial
specific heat methods. Application to general non-linear optimisation problems – back
propagation and Cauchy training.
Module V
Hopfield net – stability – Associative memory – statistical Hopfield networks – Applications –
ART NETWORKS – GENETIC ALGORITHMS –Bi-directional Associative memories-
retrieving stored information . Encoding the association – continuous BAMS

1) Linus Fe, Neural Network in Computer Intelligence , McGrawHill
2) Philip D.Wasserman, Neural Computing(Theory and Practice)
3) Robert Hecht-Nilson, Neuro Computing
4) James A.Anderson, An Introduction to Neural Networks
5) Jack M. Zureda, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


1. Introduction to IBM/PC and its DEBUG program commands
- Examining and modifying the contents of the memory
- Assembling 8086 instructions with the ASSEMBLER commands
- Executing 8086 instructions and programs with the Trace and GO
- Debugging a program
2. Assembly language program development using IBM/PC Macro assembler
- Creating an Assembler source file
- Assembling source program with MASM
- The link program - creating a RUN module
- Typical programming examples.
3. Study of typical16-bitt trainer kit and its operation.
4.Interfacing Experiments with micro controllers

PART B (*)
1. Concept of interfacing the 16 bit trainer kit with IBM/PC and down loading the program
developed in IBM PC using MASM
2. Familiarization of using an In Circuit Emulator for 8086/8086 based systems.
3. Familiarization of using typical ADD on cards for IBM PC and their applications
- ADC cards
- Multifunction I/O cards
- Data acquisition cards
- Thermo couple input cards
- OPTO I/O card
4. Familiarization of using a Logic Analyzer for trouble shooting digital systems.
5. Interfacing Experiments with micro controllers.
* At least 3 topics have to be covered.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 707 COMMUNICATION LAB - II (2 credits)

1. Digital Modulation and Demodulation Schemes (at least two schemes).
2. Optical fiber Communication (Analog and Digital , 2 Experiments).
3. Microwave Communication (2 Experiments)
4. Digital Signal Processing using DSP trainer kit (at least 2 Experiments.)

(At least 2 Experiments)
1. DSP using software tools
2. Communication system simulation using software tools
3. DAS using Microprocessors.
4. Experiments on Computer communication
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 708 SEMINAR (2 credits)

Each student shall individually prepare and submit a seminar report on a topic of current
relevance on stipulated time. Few panels consisting of three teachers (internal) each should
evaluate the seminar report and the presentation. Marks should be distributed considering report
writing, presentation, technical content, depth of knowledge, brevity and references and their
participation in seminar. The time allotted for presentation is 30 minutes.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 801/EI 804E AUDIO AND VIDEO SYSTEMS (3 credits)

Module I
Audio Engineering: Audio frequency range – loudness ––pitch - decibel - sound pick up devices
microphones –types condenser –carbon –piezo electric - direction pattern – parameters of
microphone: - frequency range- sensitivity - impedance-noise. Sound reproduction devices: loud
speaker- typical specifications Production of speech signal: - Simple view of speech production –
spectrogram Acoustics of speech production. Uniform tube model- discrete time model –vocal
fold /Vocal tract interaction Characteristics of hearing ––acuity threshold and masking of
Module II
Speech coding and Compression:- companding- adaptive quantization - differential and residual
quantization –Vector quantization. Frequency domain coding : Subband coding . Model based
coding: linear predictive coding –VQ LPC coder. MPEG : Block diagram of audio encoder
decoder. Recording of sound: recording media- magnetic – optical storage systems Coding and
decoding applied to CD.
Module III
Video Engineering : Elements of Television system:- Basic block schematic of television
transmitter and receiver, camera , picture tube, Scanning, human factor consideration, flicker,
interlaced scanning, number of scanning lines, Horizontal and vertical resolution, maximum
video frequency, resolution and bandwidth, Composite video signal - vertical and horizontal
Television camera: - Working principle of CCD- its working - Color television camera: block
schematic explanation Modulation -Positive and negative modulation and its comparison, high
level and low level modulation and its comparison. vestigial side band transmission.
Transmission of sound signal.
Module IV
Colour Television: Compatibility consideration, Color response of human eye, Three color
theory, additive mixing of colors, chromaticity diagram, Luminance and chrominance, color
difference signal and its generation, Frequency interleaving and Colour burst signal Colour TV
picture tubes :CRT, LCD and plasma displays. Monochrome and colour reception: Detailed
block schematic -Block schematic explanation Basic colour television systems: PAL and NTSC -
Block schematic explanation.
Module V
Video coding and video compression: Demand for video compression- video image
representation. quantization of image data intraframe compression techniques; DPCM - DCT
based transform coding - Motion compensation –H. 261 video conference coding standard -
MEPEG video compression. Digital audio broadcasting- Block schematic explanation-Audio
compression and source encoding – HDTV: pixel transmission rate – video compression.

1. Multi Media Communication Fred Halsal, Pearson Education
2. Basic Television Engineering: Bernad Grob, Mc Graw Hill.
3. Monochrome and colour television: R R Gulati, Wiley Eastern
4. Discrete time Speech Signal Processing :Thomas Quatieri, Pearson Education
5. Digital Communication, B Salkar, Pearson Education
6.The Electronics Hand Book, J C Whitaker, IEEE press
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 802 VLSI SYSTEMS DESIGN (3 credits)

Module I
Introduction to Microelectronics - Monolithic and hybrid integrated circuits - Bipolar and MOS
technology - Fabrication of active and passive components, bonding, packaging. Concept of SSI,
LSI, VLSI. Introduction to thick film and thin film technology - resistors, capacitors - VLSI
process integration - fundamental considerations in IC processing - NMOS IC technology -
CMOS IC technology - BiCMOS IC technology. - GaAs technology. Ion implantation in IC
Module II
The MOS device - (n - channel & p- channel) - capacitance of MOS structure - accumulation,
depletion and inversion, threshold voltage, current equations - characteristics, channel pinch-off.
Second order MOS device effects : short-channel effect, narrow width effect, sub-threshold
current, device saturation characteristics. The basic inverter using MOS-circuit - current
equations - pull up_pull down ratios- Alternate forms of pull up
Module III
Basic circuit concepts- sheet resistance, area capacitance, inverter delays - effect of loading –
basic NAND, NOR circuit - super buffers - pull up and pull down characteristics. The CMOS
inverter characteristics – NAND, NOR circuits using CMOS. Layout design of static MOS
circuits – Layout rules - general principles & steps of lay-out design - use of stick diagrams -
design rules - effects of scaling down.
Module IV
General considerations in subsystem design - Layout examples of NAND, NOR, registers –
pass_transistors in implementing a circuit. Logic design of MOS networks - combinational
circuits -clocked sequential circuit - drivers for bus lines - dynamic RAM - Forming arrays of
RAM. Implementation approaches-custom circuit design, cell based design, array based design.
Module V
Timing issues in VLSI system design: timing classification- synchronous timing basics – skew
and jitter- latch based clocking- self timed circuit design - self timed logic, completion signal
generation, self timed signaling–synchronizers and arbiters, clock generation and
synchronization-synchronous versus asynchronous design.

1) Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian , “Basic VLSI Design”, PH
2) Millman and Grabel ”Microelectronics”, TMH.
3) Jan M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic“Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design
perspective ”, 2/e, PHI.
4) Thomas E. Dillinger , “VLSI Engineering “, PH International editions.
5) S M Sze, “ VLSI Technology”
6) Weste and Eshraghian,“Principles of CMOS VLSI Design,A Systems Perspective”,2/e,
Pearson Education.
7) Mead & Conway , “Introduction to VLSI System Design”.
8) Fabricius, “ Introduction to VLSI Design”.
9) Charles H Roth Jr – “Fundamentals of Logic Design” 4 Ed, Jaico Publishers, 2002.
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Introduction to Computer Network and Physical Layer Types of Networks: Broadcast and Point-
to-point- LAN-MAN-WAN- Wireless networks. Layered Architecture and Reference Models:
Layered architecture- OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model –Internet Protocol Stack –
Network Entities in Layers- Connection oriented and Connection less services, Examples of
networks: Novell Netware, Arpanet, and Internet. Examples of Data Communication Services:
X.25 Networks, Frame relay, Broad band ISDN and ATM. Physical Layer: Transmission media-
Narrow band ISDN: Services-Architecture- Interface , Broad band ISDN and ATM- Virtual
Circuits versus Circuit Switching –Transmission in ATM networks. FDDI.
Module II
Link Layer and Local Area Networks Data link layer: Service provided by data link layer-Error
detection and correction Techniques-Elementary data link layer protocols - Sliding Window
protocols - Data link layer in HDLC, Internet and ATM . Multiple Access protocols: Channel
partitioning protocols: TDM-FDM-Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) .Random Access
protocols : ALOHACSMA and CSMA/CD . Local area Network: LAN addresses- Address
Resolution Protocol-Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. Ethernet: Ethernet Technologies-
IEEE standards- Hubs-Bridges and Switches.
Module -III
Network Layer and Routing: Network Service model – Datagram and Virtual circuit service-
Routing principles-Link state routing-distant vector routing-hierarchical routing-multicast
routing-IGMP Internet Protocol (IP): IPv4 addressing-routing and forwarding datagram-
datagram format-datagram fragmentation- ICMP- DHCP- Network Address Translators (NATs)-
IPv6 packet format-transition from IPv4 to IPv6-Mobile IP. Routing in the Internet: Intra
Autonomous System Routing : RIP and OSPF-Inter Autonomous System Routing : BGP –
Network layer in ATM.
Module IV
Transport Layer: Transport Layer Services-Relationship between Transport Layer and Network
Layer-Transport Layer in Internet-Multiplexing and De multiplexing. Connectionless Transport:
UDP-Segment structure-Checksum Connection Oriented Transport: TCP-TCP connection-TCP
Segment Structure-Round trip Time estimation and Time out-Reliable Data transfer-Flow
control-TCP connection Management. Congestion Control: Causes and costs of congestion-
Approaches to congestion control- TCP congestion control: Fairness-TCP delay modeling. ATM
ABR congestion control. ATM AAL Layer protocols.
Module V
Application Layer and Network Security: Application Layer Protocols - WWW and HTTP-File
Transfer Protocol: FTP Commands and Replies – Domain Name System (DNS)- SMTP -
SNMP- multimedia. Remote Procedure Call. Security in Computer Networks: Principles of
Cryptography-Symmetric key-Public key-authentication protocols -Digital Signatures –
Firewalls. Security in different Layers: Secure E-mail- SSL – IP security.

1. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking – A Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet, 2/e, Pearson Education ,2003
2. S. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson education ,2002
3. F. Halsall, Data Communication, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison Wesley,
4. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks , 4/e, Pearson education, 2003
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

5. Behrouz A. Fourouzan ,Data Communications and Networking, 2/e Tat McGrawhill,2000

6. Leon-Garcia and I. Widjaja, Communication Network s, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000
7. Bertsekas and Gallagar , Data Networks, 2/e, PHI, 1992
8. Douglas Comer and David L. Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. I, II, and III,Prentice
Hall, New York, 1990
9. Richard Stevens. W, TCP/IP Utilities - Vol. I, The protocols, Addison Wesley, 1994
10. Sidnie Feit, TCP/IP, Architecture, Protocols and implementation, McGraw-Hill, New York,
11. Uyless Black, Computer Networks - Protocols, Standards and Interfaces, Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi, 1994
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Optical communication: Fibre optics- optical modulation – optical source LED Semiconductor
Laser diodes- optical detectors Photodiode – Pin diode –APD transmitter and receiver design -
basic principles of design of fibre optic communication system –digital modulation methods
Effect of noise Performance and budget- Link power and Rise time.
Module II
Microwave communication: Basic principles of microwave links - Microwave relay system –
choice of frequency - line of sight and over the horizon systems - modulation methods - block
schematics of terminal transmitters and receivers - microwave repeaters - microwave antennas –
propagation characteristics - basic principles of design of a microwave link.
Module III
Satellite communication: Orbit of communication satellite -Satellite Constellation - Orbital
parameters, Orbital perturbations, Geo stationary orbits, Low Earth and Medium orbits.
Frequency selection RF links – Propagation characteristics - modulation methods –coding-
multiple access space craft- antennas - transponders – inter satellite link - link power budget -
earth station . Interference. Satellite Systems: Geo stationary systems, Distress and safety
systems, Navigation Systems, direct sound broadcast system, Direct television broadcast system.
Module IV
Spread spectrum communication: General concepts, frequency hopping, the frequency hopping
transmitter, the frequency hopping receiver, time hopping, Antijam consideration. CDMA.
Telemetry and Remote sensing: Telemetry definition, different types, Applications, Image
characteristics, contrast ratio, spatial resolution, resolving power, brightness, tones etc.
Remote sensing system: Framing systems, scanning systems, characteristics of aerial
photographs, spatial and ground resolution, relief displacement etc. IR detection and imaging
technology - characteristics of IR images, Application of remote sensing.
Module V
Wireless communication system: The cellular concepts Major propagation mechanisms, path
loss models, shadowing models. Small-Scale fading and Multipath fading, performance of some
modulation techniques in fading channels.
Modulation techniques for wireless communication: Analog, Digital Modulation, and spread
spectrum modulation. Equalization, Diversity, and Channel Coding Diversity techniques,
Multiple access techniques for wireless communications FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA
Wireless system and Standards AMPS, Global System for mobile (GSM), CDMA

References :
1) Optical Fiber communication, Palis, Pearson Education
2) Optical Fiber Communication B Gupta second edition PHI
3) Wireless digital communications; Principles and practice. T.S.Rappaport.
4) Mobile Communications; Schiller Pearson Education, first edition
5) “Satellite Communication”, Dennis Roddy PHI
6) Satellite Communication System Engineering W L Prichard Pearson Education.
7) Introduction to wireless and mobile systems A Grarwal & An Zeng Vikas Tomson
8) Analog and digital Communication B P Lathi Oxford
9) Remote Sensing - Principle And Interpretation Flyod F Sabins W H Freeman & C New York
10) Principles of Telemetry, Patranabis , Tata McGrawHill
11) Mobile satellite Communication, D . Muples and M Rchharia, Pearson Education
12) Wireless digital communications, K.Feher, PHI, New Delhi,1995
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission


Module I
Overview of Embedded Systems:- Embedded System, Categories of Embedded
System, Requirements of Embedded Systems, Challenges and Issues in Embedded Software
Development, Applications of Embedded Systems in Consumer Electronics, Control System,
Biomedical Systems, Handheld computers, Communication devices.
Module II
Embedded Hardware & Software Development Environment:- Hardware Architecture, Micro-
Controller Architecture, Communication Interface Standards, Embedded System Development
Process, Embedded Operating systems, Types of Embedded Operating systems.
Module III
8Bit microcontrollers:– Architecture on chip peripherals instruction set/programming of Intel
MCS51 family (8-bit ) microcontroller, Interfacing of 8051 with LCD, ADC, sensors, stepper
motor, key board, DAC, memory
Module IV
Real Time & Database Applications:- Real-Time Embedded Software Development, Sending a
Message over a Serial Link, Simulation of a Process Control System, Controlling an Appliance
from the RTLinux System, Embedded Database Applications using examples like Salary Survey,
Energy Meter Readings.
Module V
Microchip PIC16 family:– PIC16F873 processor – features – architecture – memory
organization –register file map – I/O ports – PORTA - PORTB – PORTC – Data EEPROM and
flash program
memory – Asynchronous serial port – SPI mode – I2C mode.

1.Programming for Embedded Systems- Dreamtech Software Team, Wiley Dreamtech
2. The 8051 micro controllers , M A Mazidi& Mazidi, Pearson Education
3. Design with PIC micro-controllers: John B Peatman, Pearson Education

1) Fundamentals of Embedded Software where C and Assembly Meet – Daniel W Lewis.
2) DS101374: National Semiconductor reference manual.
3) Embedded / RealTime systems: Concepts, Design and programming, Dreamtech
Software Team, Wiley Dreamtech
4) 1187D: Atmel semiconductor reference manual.
5) Atmel semiconductor web site –
6) DS30292B: Microchip reference manual.
7) Microchip semiconductor web site –
8) National semiconductor web site –
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 806 PROJECT WORK (2 credits)

The project work commencing from the VIIth semester shall be completed and project report shall be
submitted by each student by the end of the VIIIth semester. There will be an internal examination of
the project that includes demonstration and oral examination of the project work. The evaluation
panel shall be consisting of at least three faculty members including the project guide as appointed by
Head of the department
B.Tech Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering Syllabus for 2000 Admission

EC 807 VIVA-VOCE (2 credits)

Each student is required to appear for a viva-voce examination, and he/she has to bring his/her
seminar report and project report. The evaluation panel should contain at least one External and
Two internal examiners appointed by the university. There can be more than one panel in case
the number of students is large.

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