District Cooling
District Cooling
District Cooling
he hydraulic calculation and system simulation of solved using multivariable Newton-Raphson method. The
two (2) district cooling distribution network linearized equations revealed that coefficient matrices formed
models with and without secondary lines are between the two networks were different from each other which
presented in which the theoretical system pressure suggested that different decomposition algorithms must be used
drop, system flow rate and flow rate requirements to ensure that solution vectors are properly determined.
in each energy transfer station were determined considering a Distribution networks with and without secondary lines showed
temperature difference set-point of 9°C. Variable primary flow that Jacobian matrix can be solved using singular-value
of chilled water pumping arrangement was used to improve decomposition and LU decomposition methods, respectively.
energy usage and to eliminate the need for a separate distribution The results of system simulation defined the coordinates of
pump in the network. system characteristic curve which indicated the best efficiency
points during selected part load and full load conditions.
Pipe sizing and friction factor identification were necessary
to determine the frictional coefficients of distribution network An optimization technique such as exhaustive search
components. Implicit Colebrook-White equation was used to method was used to determine the piping network design criteria
determine the pipe friction factor. The method of least squares that could give minimum overall costs of construction and
and Cholesky decomposition method were also adopted to maintenance of piping system. Numerical results show that
derive new set of pump characteristic curve considering that distribution network with secondary lines yields minimum
pumps are modulated at its best efficiency points. The governing overall costs as compared with piping network without
equations consisted of mass conservation and energy equations secondary line considering that nominated loads, pipe lengths
in the form of pump characteristic curve and distribution and fittings, normalized annual demand factor and costs
network characteristics. The system of nonlinear equations was parameters associated with components of objective function are
held constant.
Prior to chilled water pumping system simulation, pipe Energy Equations due to Pipe Friction. The energy
sizing and friction factor identification were necessary to equations due to pipe friction were derived based on the
determine the frictional coefficients of distribution network
configuration of distribution network from central cooling plant Enthalpy Balance at Return Line. The enthalpy balance
to respective energy transfer station of each building which can was neglected because chilled-water supply temperature (Ts) and
be generally expressed as temperature difference set point (δT) were held constant
throughout the network at 4.5 C and 9°C, respectively.
Eq. 3 Evaluating the enthalpy balance of return line at the junction
before entering the district cooling plant reduced the equation to
mass conservation.
where, i indicates the number of pipe components and j the
number of ETS in the distribution network. The notations ci and
ωi denote the frictional coefficients of each pipe components and Eq. 4
flow rate along the distribution network, respectively. The
friction factor denoted by f is a function of Reynolds number and
pipe relative roughness. The frictional coefficient can be
expressed in terms of friction factor and a ratio of pipe length
and pipe diameter. These parameters are given by
The above equations require that the following conditions
Eq. 3a are satisfied.
Eq. 3b
Eq. 5b Eq. 9c
Eq. 5c
Numerical Methods
Eq. 10
Eq. 7
Simplifying the above parameters, the new functional where, pk(Q) is a theoretical pump curve which is a
relations yield polynomial function of flow rate with an exponential index,
Eq. 11
Eq. 8a
Eq. 8b
Eq. 8c
Eq. 17
Eq. 13
Eq. 18
Eq. 20
Figure 6. Best efficiency points at part load and full load conditions for DNModel-01_12
The method of identifying the piping design criteria of 4. The results of system simulation defined the coordinates
district cooling distribution network was developed. To of system characteristic curve which indicated the best
determine the piping design criteria involved three (3) research efficiency points during selected part load and full load
areas namely; friction factor identification, chilled water conditions.
pumping system simulation, and optimization. In this study, two
(2) distribution networks models with and without secondary 5. At full load, distribution network DNModel-01_12
lines and total pipe length of approximately 5.2 km. were used as required higher pump head of 28.3 m as compared with
benchmarks for fluid flow analysis. Both networks had twelve distribution network DNModel-03_12 which was only
(12) energy transfer stations with total nominated load of 21.7 m.
24,000-ton of refrigeration and diversity factor of 80%. Main
results are summarized as follows: 6. Optimization results using exhaustive search method
Figure 11. Optimization based on annual cost pattern method for DNModel-03_12
suggest that piping network design criteria for components of objective function as listed in Tab 1, Tab. 2, Tab.
distribution network DNModel-01_12 without 3 and Tab. 5, respectively will be used.
secondary line have velocity limits at primary line of
3.0 m/s and at plot take-off of 1.75 m/s considering a NOMENCLATURE
pressure drop limit of 100 Pa/m.
µ absolute viscosity
7. Furthermore, the piping network design criteria for Ts chilled-water supply temperature
distribution network DNModel-03_12 with secondary
lines had velocity limits at primary line of 2.7 m/s, at δs correction vector
secondary line of 3.0 m/s and at plot take-off of 1.9 m/s
considering a pressure drop limit of 100 Pa/m. dm elemental mass
dv elemental volume
The piping network design criteria discussed in item nos. 6
and 7 can only be achieved provided that input parameters such ds elemental surface
as nominated cooling loads, pipe lengths, normalized annual
power load demand factor and interest rates associated with c frictional coefficient
g gravity torque
J Jacobian matrix
unit vector
ρ mass density
q velocity field
LC nominated cooling load
vu.l. velocity upper limit
D pipe diameter
ω volume flow rate
L pipe length
ε /D pipe relative roughness
cv control volume
PHE plate-type heat exchanger
i indicates the number of pipe components
PTO plot take-off
j refers to the number of ETS in the distribution network
δp1 pressure drop due to pump curve
k number of data points
δpj pressure drop due to piping configuration
l number of pump curve coefficients
δpl.v. pressure drop limiting value
ii number of functional relations to be zeroed in MNR
η pump efficiency
jj number of independent variables in MNR
pump head
kk number of velocity limits