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Vaal University of Technology
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Tel.: +27 (54) 332 3304
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A Brief Look at the VUT from 1966 to 2007
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1995 : The Vaal Triangle Technikon establishes tw o ad d itiona l
satellite cam p u ses at Up ington called the N orthern Cap e
Satellite Cam p u s, and at Kem p ton Park, called the Eku rhu leni
Satellite Cam p u s.
1996 : Facu lties rep lace the form er schools and d irectors becom e
d eans. The first Masters Degree – Magister Technologiae in
Electrical Engineering is aw ard ed . Tokyo Sexw ale is elected as
the first Chancellor of the Vaal Triangle Technikon . Mr
Au brey Mokad i becam e the first black Rector of the Vaal
Triangle Technikon.
1998 : The 14 500 stu d ent m ark is reached , reflecting the
d em ograp hics of Sou th African society. Black stu d ent
enrolm ent rises to 63,4%. All d iscip lines offer d egree cou rses
w hich can be p u rsu ed from bachelors to d octorate level. The
Gold Field s Fou nd ation‟s Ad m inistration Manager officially
op ens the Gold Field s Library‟s Electronic Classroom .
1999 : The new langu age p olicy, w ith English as the official langu age,
com es into op eration. The first Doctorates are aw ard ed in the
Facu lty of Ap p lied and Com p u ter Sciences and the Facu lty of
Managem ent Sciences. On 30 Ap ril the Vaal Triangle
Technikon op ens its high -voltage laboratory, m aking it a
lead er in the field of electrical engineering, w ith the cap acity to
serve the p ow er cable research need s of the entire Sou th
2001 : A Technology Station for Com p osite Materials is established to
assist the com p osite ind u stry in p rod u ct d evelop m ent and the
u se of state-of-the-art technology.
2002 : A Dep artm ent of Technology Planning and Develop m ent is
established to sp earhead the d rive to m ake greater u se of
technology. Ou r cham p ion athletes Chris H arm se w on a gold
m ed al at the African Cham p ions in Tu nisia and Mbu laeni
Mu lau d zi w on a gold m ed al at the Com m onw ealth gam es in
Manchester. Mbu laeni w as the first black Sou th African ever
to w in a gold m ed al at these cham p ionship s and the first Sou th
African to w in a gold m ed al in the track events in the p ast 44
years. On 6 Sep tem ber the first ever H onorary Doctorate is
aw ard ed to Archbishop Em eritu s Desm ond Tu tu .
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2003 : The Desm ond Tu tu Lectu re Series is institu ted . The inau gu ral
ad d ress is given by Ju d ge Albie Sachs of the Con stitu tional
Cou rt. The second ad d ress in the series is p resented by Clem
Su nter, Chairm an of the Anglo Am erican Chairm an‟s Fu nd .
The acad em ic re-d irection of the institu tion tow ard s becom ing
a u niversity of technology begins.
2004 : Vaal Triangle Technikon officially becom es the “VAAL
UN IVERSITY OF TECH N OLOGY”. The u niversity takes
occu p ation of the p reviou s Vista Cam p u s at Sebokeng,
renam ing it “Ed u city” in the p rocess. Mathew s Phosa, form er
p rem ier of Mp u m u langa and cu rrent Chairp erson of the new
UN ISA Cou ncil, p resented the annu al Desm ond Tu tu Lectu re.
The u niversity p u blishes its first institu tional acad em ic jou rnal
“Sed iba sa Thu to” to serve as a vehicle for you ng and new
acad em ics and researchers to p u blish their w ork.
2005 : Registrations p ass the 17 000 m ark for the first tim e. An
institu tional d elegation of senior m anagers visits fou r lead ing
u niversities of technology abroad to gain m ore know led ge of
this institu tional typ e. A technology su m m it is held to
acqu aint staff w ith the characteristics of a u niversity of
technology. The Institu tes for Su stainable Livelihood , Ap p lied
Electronics and H igh Voltage Stu d ies are established in
N ovem ber. Dr Martin H inou l of the Katolieke Universteit,
Leu ven, Belgiu m p resents the ann u al Desm ond Tu tu Lectu re
2006 : VUT celebrates its 40 anniversary. A new acad em ic stru ctu re
is introd u ced to p rovid e for the final transition of VUT from its
form er technikon stru ctu re to a u niversity of technology
stru ctu re u nd er the banner: Transform ation II – from
Technikon to University.
2007 : VUT ap p oints its first fem ale Vice-Chancellor and Princip al,
Prof Irene Mou tlana.
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General Prospectus
Althou gh the inform ation contained in this Prosp ectu s has been com p iled
as accu rately as p ossible, the Cou ncil and the Senate of the University
accep t no resp onsibility for any errors or om issions. This Prosp ectu s is
ap p licable only to the 2009 acad em ic year.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
To be a d ynam ic centre of Technology, lead ing in quality ed ucation for the Nation.
The Vaal University of Technology is com m itted to the Developm ent of H igher Ed ucation
Teaching and Learning
Comm unity Engagem ent
Technology Transfer and Innovation
Partnerships (through engagem ent, com m unity involvem ent, cooperative ed ucation,
internationalisation, etc.)
Core Mission:
Teaching, Learning Research, Developm ent and key supporting processes and system s
through prod uctive Partnerships.
Financial Securit y :
Maxim ising our financial security to enable VUT to pursue its Vision in an increasingly
com petitive environm ent.
General Prospectus
First Semester
Term 1: 5 January - 3 April
Supplem entary Exam inations : 12 to 15 January
Late Applications : 12 to 16 January
Registration Period - 1 Years (all faculties) : 19 to 23 January
Publication of Supplem entary Results : 22 January
Closing Date for Acad em ic Appeals : 23 January
Closing Date for Financial Concessions : 29 January
Orientation - First Years : 26 to 30 January
Registration Period - Seniors: : 26 to 27 January
Engineering Sciences & H uman Sciences
Registration Period - Seniors: : 28 to 29 January
Accounting, Applied & Com puter Sciences
Late Registrations - All Senior Stud ents : 30 January & 2 February
Registrations - Seniors: Ed ucity : 26 to 30 January
Registration - Com pany Stud ents : Saturd ay, 31 January
Classes Com m ence - 1 Year Stud ents : 26 January
Classes Com m ence - Senior Stud ents : 2 February
CASS Evaluations Com m ence : 16 February
Closing Date - M & D Registrations : 13 March
Closing Date - WIL Registrations : 13 March
Grad uation Cerem onies - Main Cam pus : 17 to 20 March
Grad uation Cerem onies - Delivery Sites : 25 to 27 March
Census Date for First Sem ester : 31 March
(Last day for changes 13/ 03)
General Prospectus
Second Semester
Term 3: 6 July - 23 September
Supplem entary Exam s : 13 to 17 July
Late Application : 6 to 10 July
Registration Period - 1 Years : 13 to 17 July
Publication of Supplem entary Results : 24 July
Closing Date for Acad em ic Appeals : 23 July
Closing Date for Financial Concessions : 24 July
Registration Period - Seniors : 20 to 24 July
Registrations - Com pany Stud ents : Saturd ay, 25 July
Classes Com m ence - 1 Year Stud ents : 20 July
Classes Com m ence - Senior Stud ents : 27 July
CASS Evaluations Com m ence : 11 August
Closing Date - M & D Registrations : 31 August
Closing Date - WIL Registrations : 31 August
Grad uation Cerem onies - Main Cam pus : 9 to 11 Septem ber
Census Date for Second Sem ester : 18 Septem ber
(Last day for changes 31/ 08)
General Prospectus
1. Acad em ic Staff report for d uty on : Sem ester 1 - 14 January
Sem ester 2 - 13 July
Public Holidays:
1 January N ew Years Day
21 March H um an Rights Day
10 April Good Frid ay (Frid ay before Easter Sund ay)
13 April Fam ily Day (Monday after Easter Sund ay)
27 April Freed om Day
1 May Workers Day
16 June Youth Day
9 August N ational Wom en‟s Day
10 August Public H olid ay
24 Septem ber H eritage Day
16 Decem ber Day of Reconciliation
25 Decem ber Christm as Day
26 Decem ber Day of Good w ill
General Prospectus
A3 Governance Structures
A3.1 Council
The Council, constituted in term s of Section 27(4) of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997 (Act 101
of 1997), consists of:
Skosana, VRP (Mr) Chairperson Ed ucation
Maseko, AA (Mr) (Deputy Chairperson) N AFCOC
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
Bekew eni, ZE (Mr) Delivery Sites
Cam ay, P (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Senate
Joubert, MJ (Mr) Academ ic Representative
Khum alo, N S (Rev) Parents
Kolman, T (Mr) N on-Acad em ic Em ployee
Levin, TT (Ms) Ministerial Representative
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Acad em ic
Masiteng, RV (Mr) SRC: Secretary General
Mend onid is, P (Prof) Senate
Moleleki, MJ (Mr) Convocation
Moleli, FM (Ms) Parents
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
N hlapo, N L (Ms) COSATU
N yati, M (Mr) Donors
Phaho, DS (Dr) Donors
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Rad ebe, KG (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Sad iki, KR (MR) SRC: Presid ent
Salanje, GM (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Operations & Logistics
Snyd ers, FE (Ms) Delivery Sites
Thathiah, KV (Prof) Senate
Vacant Municipal Council
Vacant S A Sports Com m ission
Vacant SRC: Secretary General
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Institutional Support
General Prospectus
A3.2 Senate
The Senate, constituted in accord ance w ith Section 28(2) of the H igher Ed ucation Act, 1997
(Act 101 of 1997), consists of:
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Louw , H A (Prof) (Deputy Chairperson) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
Bad enhorst, LA (Mr) H OD: Process Control & Com puter System s
Brits, H J (Dr) Director: Quality Promotion Unit
Cam pbell, H M (Dr) H OD: Ind ustrial Eng & Operations Managem ent
Cilliers, PJ (Mr) Senior HOD: Electrical Engineering
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: Technology Transfer & Innov
Dhurup , M (Prof) H OD: Marketing
Dicks, DA (Prof) Director: EDSU
Drotsky, JG (Mr) H OD: Mechanical Engineering
Du Plooy, GS (Mr) Senior Director: Directorate of Instit Developm ent
Du Preez, BJ (Dr) H OD: H um an Resources Managem ent
Du Toit, FJ (Mr) H OD: Metallurgical Engineering
Ferreira, EP (Ms) H OD: H ealth Science
Fouché, CE (Ms) H OD: Com m unication & Legal Services
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Gaed e, RJ (Prof) H um an Sciences – Visual Arts & Design
Garnett, A (Dr) H OD: Logistics
Gatsheni, B (Prof) Applied & Com puter Sciences – ICT
Gozo, AJ (Ms) Senior Director: Library & Inform ation Services
H euer, EJM (Ms) Director: Learner Support
Johnson, B (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Joubert, T (Ms) (A cting) H OD: Pow er Engineering
Lom bard , A (Ms) H OD: ICT
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied & Com puter
Maphosa, A (Mr) Director: Co-operative Ed ucation
Martin, R (Dr) Cam pus Director: Secunda Cam pus
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering &
Mbongw e, MJ (Mr) H OD: Mathematics
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Baholo, KR (Mr) (Chairperson) N ehaw u
Sad iki, KR (Mr) (Deputy Chairperson) SRC: Presid ent
Du Toit, FJ (Mr) Academ ic Em ployees
Joubert, MJ (Mr) Academ ic Em ployees
Khum alo, N S (Rev) Council
Kwad i, H (Mr) N utesa
Liphoko, LP (Mr) N ehaw u
Louw , H A (Prof) Rectorate
Martins, J (Mr) Academ ic Em ployees
Mod ise, SJ (Prof) Senate
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Em ploym ent Equity Forum
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Rectorate
N aidoo, P (Prof) Rectorate
N aud é, A (Mr) N utesa
N golele, C (Mr) N on-Acad em ic Em ployees
N hlapo, N L (Ms) Council
Rad ebe, J (Mr) N ehaw u
Sehanka, M (Mr) N on-Acad em ic Em ployees
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
Thathiah, KV (Prof) Senate
Thinane, C (Mr) N utesa
Vacant SRC
Vacant SRC
Vacant SRC
Vacant SRC
Zid e, GN (Prof) Rectorate
General Prospectus
A4 Governance Sub-Committees
Skosana, VRP (Mr) (Chairperson) Ed ucation
Maseko, AA (Mr) (Deputy Chairperson) N AFCOC
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Resources & Planning
N hlapo, N L (Ms) COSATU
Phaho, DS (Dr) Donors
Rad ebe, KG (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Salanje, GM (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Audit Committee
Salanje, GM (Mr) (Chairperson) Ministerial Representative
Tsieane, FD (Mr) (Secretary) Executive Director: Finance
Cam ay, P (Mr) Ministerial Representative
External Aud itor
Internal Aud itor
Maseko, AA (Mr) N AFCOC
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal (Ex-Officio)
General Prospectus
Building Committee
Maseko, AA (Mr) (Chairperson) N AFCOC
Booysen, CP (Mr) (Secretary) Senior Director: Projects
Bekew eni, ZE (Mr) Delivery Sites
Joubert, MJ (Mr) Academ ic Representative
Khum alo, N S (Rev) Parents
Moleleki, MJ (Mr) Convocation
Moleli, FM (Ms) Parents
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Sad iki, KR (Mr) SRC: Presid ent
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Operations & Logistics
Skosana, VRP (Mr) Ed ucation
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Finance Committee
Rad ebe, KG (Mr) (Chairperson) Ministerial Representative
Tsieane, FD (Mr) (Secretary) Executive Director: Finance
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Maseko, AA (Mr) N AFCOC
Moleli, FM (Ms) Parents
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
General Prospectus
Phaho, DS (Dr) (Chairperson) Donors
Kasonkola, KW (Mr) (Secretary) Senior Director: H uman Resources
Cam ay, P (Mr) Ministerial Representative
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Senate
Kolman, T (Mr) N on-Acad em ic Em ployees
Maseko, AA (Mr) N AFCOC
Mend onid is, P (Prof) Senate
Moleli, FM (Ms) Parents
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Skosana, VRP (Mr) Ed ucation
Snyd ers, FE (Ms) Delivery Sites
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
General Prospectus
N hlapo, N L (Ms) (Chairperson) COSATU
Seroka, S (Dr) (Secretary) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
Khum alo, N S (Rev) Parents
Levin, TT (Ms) Ministerial Representative
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Maseko, AA (Mr) N AFCOC
Moleli, FM (Ms) Parents
Moutlana, IN (Prof) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Sad iki, KR (Mr) SRC: Presid ent
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Operations & Logistics
Skosana, VRP (Mr) Ed ucation
Snyd ers, FE ( Ms) Delivery Sites
Vacant SRC: Secretary General
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: Technology Transfer Innov
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Johnson, B (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Engin eering & Technology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
General Prospectus
Academic Board
Louw , H A (Prof) (Chairperson) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Ad am s, D (Mr) Academ ic H ead : Upington Delivery Site
Brits, H J (Dr) Director: Quality Promotion Unit
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: Technology Transfer &
Du Plooy, GS (Mr) Senior Director: Directorate Institutional Dev
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Gozo, J (Ms) Senior Director: Library & Inform ation Services
Johnson, B (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Maneschijn, D (Ms) (A cting) Academ ic H ead : Ekurhuleni Delivery Site
Maphosa, A (Mr) Director: Cooperative Ed ucation
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
Sm it, JJAC (Dr) Director: Curriculum Developm ent
Vacant Director: Institutional Planning
Vacant SRC: Acad em ic Officer
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Viljoen, JS (Dr) (A cting) Academ ic H ead : Secunda Delivery Site
General Prospectus
Louw , H A (Prof) (Chairperson) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Scien ces
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Viljoen, AJ (Ms) Senior Assistant Registrar: Assessm ent
Johnson, B (Dr) (Chairperson) Executive Director: Research
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: Technology Transfer &
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Gozo, AJ (Ms) Senior Director: Library & Inform ation Services
Joubert, T (Ms) Institute of H igh Voltage Stud ies
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic (Ex Officio)
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Mend onid is, P (Prof) Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Resources & Planning
(Ex Officio)
Old ewage-Theron, WH (Prof) Institute of Sustainable Livelihoods
Pienaar v Z, HC (Prof) Institute of Applied Electronics
Pillay, M (Prof) Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Pitso, B (Mr) Directorate for Institutional Developm ent
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Mokoena, TD (Dr) (Secretary) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
De Beer, D (Prof) Executive Director: Technology Transfer &
Du Plooy, GS (Prof) Senior Director: Institutional Planning
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Managem ent
Gozo, AJ (Ms) Senior Director: Library & Inform ation Services
Johnson, B (Dr) Executive Director: Research
Kasonkola, KW (Mr) Senior Director: H uman Resou rces
Kem pen, AJ (Dr) Senior Director: Corporate Affairs
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied &
Com puter Sciences
Martin, RL (Mr) Cam pus Ad m inistrator: Secunda
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering &
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Ramasod i, D (Mr) Senior Director: IT Services
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Operations & Logistics
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
Tsieane, FD (Mr) Executive Director: Finance
Vacant Senior Director: Institutional Planning
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: Faculty of H um an Sciences
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Institutional Sup port
General Prospectus
Moutlana, IN (Prof) (Chairperson) Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Fourie d e Wet, L (Prof) Executive Dean: Managem ent Sciences
Kasonkola, KW (Mr) Senior Director: H uman Resources
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mabuza, BR (Prof) Executive Dean: Applied & Com puter Sciences
Masu , LM (Prof) Executive Dean: Engineering & Technology
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
N aidoo, P (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Resources & Planning
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Logistics & Operations
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
Tsieane, FD (Mr) Executive Director: Finance
Vacant Senior Director: Institutional Planning
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Zid e, GN (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Ethics Committee
Zid e, GN (Prof) (Chairperson) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
General Prospectus
Zid e, GN (Prof) (Chairperson) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
H lasho, T (Mr) Director: Stud ent Accom modation & Catering
Koen, B (Mr) Dean: Sports Acad em y
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mokotsi, K (Ms) Manager: Corporate Affairs
N icolaid es, A (Prof) H OD: Tourism & Hospitality Managem ent
Sekolanyane, JEM (Dr) Registrar: Logistics & Operations
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
Zid e, GN (Prof) (Chairperson) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Institutional Support
Kasonkola, KW (Mr) Senior Director: H uman Resources
Louw , H A (Prof) Deputy-Vice Chancellor: Acad em ic
Mokoena, TD (Dr) Registrar: Acad em ic Support
Seroka, S (Dr) Senior Director: Stud ent Support Services
van d er Bank, CM (Prof) Executive Dean: H uman Sciences
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
B2 Academic Staff
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
(a) The Senate may from time to time amend, alter or delete any rule,
w hether a General Rule or a rule relating to a specific module,
course or qualification.
(b) The provisions of these Rules, as applied in particular faculties,
may be restricted in circumstances provided for in the rules of
those faculties as approved under Rule G4.
(c) Except as otherw ise stated or prescribed by the Senate and the
Council, Rules G1 to G33 shall be applicable to every student of
the Vaal University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the
G1 Changes in rules
The University m ay revise, rescind or ad d to its ru les from tim e to tim e,
and any su ch alteration, d eletion or ad d ition shall becom e bind ing
u p on the d ate of p u blication or u p on su ch d ate as m ay be sp ecified by
the Senate, p rovid ed that no change in r u les shall be interp reted so as to
op erate retrosp ectively to the p reju d ice of any cu rrently registered stu d ent.
General Prospectus
G3 Approval of curricula
The Cou ncil, u p on the ap p roval of the Senate after consu ltation w ith the
relevant Facu lty Board s, shall ap p rove the cu rricu la for all qu alifications of
the University.
G4 Faculty rules
Su bject to the p rovisions of the H igher Ed u cation Act, the Statu tes o f
the University, and the follow ing Ru les, the Cou ncil m ay, u p on the
ap p roval of the Senate, m ake or am end ru les for each facu lty relating to:
a) the eligibility of a stu d ent as a cand id ate for any qu alification
and / or m od u le, w hich m ay inclu d e Recognition of Prior Learning
b) the selection p rocess;
c) the p eriod of attend ance;
d) the cu rricu lu m , w ork and other requ irem ents for each qu alification;
e) p rogression and acad em ic exclu sion; and
f) any other m atter relating to the acad em ic fu nct ions of the University.
G5 Application to study
a) Ap p lications to stu d y m u st be m ad e in su ch m anner as
p rescribed , and m u st inclu d e p resentation of the Matricu lation
Certificate/ N ational Senior Certificate w here this is requ ired .
b) An ap p lican t w ho has stu d ied at any other tertiary ed u cation
institu tion m u st, in ad d ition, p resent an acad em ic record and a
certificate of cond u ct from that institu tion, together w ith the
ap p lication.
General Prospectus
G6 Selection requirements
All ap p licants shall p rod u ce evid ence satisfactory to the University of their
com p etence to w ork for the qu alification sou ght. The University m ay
d ecline to ad m it a cand id ate for a qu alification if the cand id ate‟s p reviou s
acad em ic attainm ents are, in its op inion, not su fficiently high to w ar rant
su ch ad m ission.
G9 Registration
a) In ord er to p u rsu e their stu d ies in any sem ester, all stu d ents of
the University shall com p lete the ap p licable registration p roced u re,
thereby affirm ing their accep tance of the ru les of the University.
b) The Senate m ay im p ose cond itions for the registration of any
stu d ent.
General Prospectus
c) On ap p lication to the relevant Facu lty Office, and w ith the ap p roval
of the Senate, a stu d ent‟s registration m ay be su sp end ed for a
sp ecified p eriod of tim e. Su ch stu d ent rem ains su bject t o the ru les
of the University, and m ay retu rn to register before or at exp iry of
the p eriod of su sp ension. The p eriod d u ring w hich registration is
su sp end ed shall not be inclu d ed in any calcu lation tow ard s
the m inim u m and m axim u m p eriod s p rescribed for any qu alification
in term s of Ru le G12, nor for the evalu ation of eligibility for the
aw ard of d egrees cum laude or magna cum laude in term s of Ru les, BT8
and MT17.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
p u blished in the Facu lty H and book and in any other m anner
d eem ed ap p rop riate by the Facu lty.
e) Save as m ay otherw ise be p rovid ed by the Facu lty, for each
m od u le/ cou rse a list of those stu d ents refu sed ad m ission to
exam ination shall be p u blished , in a m anner d eem ed ap p rop riate
by the Facu lty, on or before the last d ay of teaching in each
sem ester.
G18 Examinations
a) An exam ination m ay be w ritten and / or oral, and m ay inclu d e
p ractical w ork.
b) On ap p lication and / or on the recom m end ation of the H ead of
Dep artm ent, w ith the ap p roval of the Senate, a w ritten
exam ination m ay, for a p articu lar stu d ent, be rep laced or
su p p lem ented by an oral exam ination.
General Prospectus
c) The p ortion of the total assessm ent su bject to ind ep end ent
m od eration or external exam ination m od eration, in term s of (a) or
(b) above, shall be at least 50%.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
c) The Cou ncil m ay, w ith the ap p roval of the Senate, refu se
read m ission to a stu d ent w ho fails to satisfy the m inim u m
requ irem ents for read m ission.
d) Su bject to Ru le G31, stu d ents exclu d ed or refu sed re-registration
m ay not be read m itted to the University u ntil they are able to
d em onstrate that they have achieved a level of com p etence
satisfactory to the relevant Facu lty and the Senate.
e) Ru les G30a to G30d are contained in their entirety in the Po licy on
Continu ation of Stu d ies of the University .
G32 Ethics
All acad em ic activities and research in p articu lar, shall com p ly w ith the
relevant University p olicies on ethics and any related requ irem ents as
d eterm ined by the Senate and the Cou ncil.
General Prospectus
N ote: The follow ing Ru le is ad d itional to the p reced ing General Ru les G1 -
CD 1 Applicability
The ru les governing certificates and d ip lom as in any facu lty shall be as
p rescribed by the Senate and the Cou ncil in the H and book of the
ap p licable facu lty.
N ote: The follow ing Ru les are ad d itional to the p reced ing General Ru les
G1 - G33.
BT1 Applicability
The follow ing Ru les, BT2 to BT8 inclu sive, shall b e ap p licable to every
cand id ate for a d egree of BTech.
General Prospectus
BT3 Attendance
a) Every stu d ent for a d egree of BTech shall attend an ap p roved cou rse
of stu d y as a registered stu d ent of the University for a p eriod of at
least tw o sem esters after ad m ission in term s of Ru le BT2.
b) Save by p erm ission of the Senate, all m od u les shall be com p leted at
the University.
BT4 Curriculum
Save by p erm ission of the Senate, the cu rricu lu m for a d egree of BTech
shall inclu d e a p rescribed p roject as one of the m od u les.
General Prospectus
N ote: The follow ing Ru les are ad d itional to the p reced ing General Ru les
G1 - G33.
MT1 Applicability
The follow ing Ru les, MT2 to MT17 inclu sive, shall be ap p licable to every
cand id ate for a d egree of MTech.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
MT6 Curriculum
a) A stu d ent for the d egree of MTech by cou rsew ork shall com p lete all
p rescribed m od u les, at least one of w hich shall be a d issertation
m od u le com p rising research on a p articu lar top ic ap p roved by
Senate, and com p ly w ith su ch other cond itions as m ay be p rescribed
by Senate and the ru les of the Facu lty concerned .
b) The d issertation m od u le shall com p rise 25% to 50% of the total
cred its for the d egree.
c) A stu d ent for the d egree of MTech by research shall be requ ired to
p u rsu e an ap p roved p rogram m e of research on som e su bject falling
w ithin the scop e of the stu d ies rep resented in the University. A
stu d ent shall also com p ly w ith su ch other cond itions as m ay be
p rescribed by Senate and the ru les of the Facu lty concerned .
MT8 Supervision
A Facu lty Board shall, in term s of the p olicies of Senate, ap p oint one or
m ore ap p rop riate su p ervisors, at least one of w hom shall be a m em ber of
the University staff, to ad vise a stu d ent w hose research top ic is ap p roved ,
and the stu d ent shall be requ ired to w ork in su ch association w ith the
su p ervisor or su p ervisors as the Senate m ay d irect.
General Prospectus
MT11 Progression
A stu d ent w ho, after six sem esters as a fu ll-tim e stu d ent or ten sem esters
as a p art-tim e stu d ent, has not com p leted the requ irem ents for the d egree
shall be requ ired to ap p ly for re-registration, w hich w ill only be p erm itted
on receip t of a satisfactory m otivation.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
b) The d egree of MTech by cou rsew ork shall be aw ard ed magna cum
laude if:
(i) the stu d ent p rod u ces a p articu larly ou tstand ing d issertation
and the exam iners recom m end to the Board of the Facu lty that
the d egree be aw ard ed magna cum laude; and
(ii) the stu d ent obtains a w eighted average of 85% or m ore in the
cou rsew ork com p onent of the d egree at the first attem p t and
w ithou t recou rse to su p p lem entary exam inations.
(iii) On the recom m end ation of the exam iners, and in accord ance
w ith ru les of the relevant facu lty, the d egree of Master by
research m ay be aw ard ed cum laude or magna cum laude.
N ote: The follow ing Ru les are ad d itional to the p reced ing General Ru les
G1 - G33.
D T1 Applicability
Excep t as m ay be p rescribed by the Senate in the ru les of any p articu lar
facu lty, the follow ing ru les, DT2 to DT13 inclu sive, shall be ap p licable to
every cand id ate for the d egree of DTech.
General Prospectus
D T3 Periods of registration
A stu d ent registered for the d egree of DTech in any facu lty shall be so
registered for a m inim u m p eriod of fou r sem esters for fu ll-tim e stu d ents or
eight sem esters for p art-tim e stu d ents before the d egree m ay be conferred .
D T4 Curriculum
a) A stu d ent for the d egree of DTech shall be requ ired to p u rsu e an
ap p roved p rogram m e of research on som e su bject falling w ithin the
scop e of the stu d ies rep resented in the University.
b) Su ch p rogram m e shall m ake a d istinct contribu tion to the know led ge
or u nd erstand ing of the su bject and afford evid ence of originality
show n either by the d iscovery of new facts and / or by the exercise of
ind ep end ent critical thinking
c) A stu d ent shall also com p ly w ith su ch other cond itions as m ay be
p rescribed by the Senate and the ru les of the Facu lty concerned .
D T6 Supervision
The Facu lty Board shall ap p oint one or m ore ap p rop riately qu alified
p rom oter, at least one of w hom shall be a m em ber of the University staff,
to ad vise a stu d ent w hose research top ic is ap p roved , and the stu d ent shall
be requ ired to w ork in su ch association w ith the p rom oter or p rom oters as
the Senate m ay d irect.
General Prospectus
D T7 Progression
A stu d ent w ho, after eight sem esters as a fu ll-tim e stu d ent or tw elve
sem esters as a p art-tim e stu d ent, has not com p leted the requ irem ents for
the d egree shall be requ ired to ap p ly for re-registration, w hich w ill only be
p erm itted on receip t of a satisfactory m otivation.
D T8 Submission of thesis
a) Every stu d ent for the d egree of DTech shall be requ ired to su bm it a
thesis em bod ying the resu lts of their research.
b) At least three m on ths before the thesis is to be su bm itted for
exam ination, a stu d ent shall give notice, in w riting, to the Execu tive
Dean of the facu lty concerned of the intention to su bm it su ch thesis
and the title thereof, p rovid ed that, in the event of a stu d ent failing
to su bm it the thesis for exam ination w ithin six m onths thereafter, the
notice w ill lap se and a fu rther notice of intention shall be su bm itted .
D T9 Format of thesis
a) Every thesis su bm itted shall inclu d e a d eclaration to the satisfaction
of the Senate stating that it has not p reviou sly been su bm itted for a
d egree in this or any other u niversity, and that it is the stu d ent's ow n
original w ork.
b) Every thesis su bm itted shall be in su ch form at as p rescribed by the
Senate and the ru les of the relevant Facu lty; p rovid ed that each
thesis shall inclu d e an abstract in English not exceed ing 350 w ord s.
D T11 Examination
a) The Senate shall ap p oint for each thesis three exam iners, at least tw o
of w hom shall be resp onsible for external exam ination.
b) Excep t w ith the p erm ission of the Senate, at least one of the external
exam iners shall be based external to the cou ntry.
General Prospectus
c) Excep t w ith the p erm ission of the Senate, a p rom oter or co -p rom oter
shall not be ap p ointed as an exam iner.
General Prospectus
This p olicy and its ru les and p roced u res rep lace all p reviou s p olicies
and / or circu lars on the ad m ission of stu d ents to stu d y at the VUT. All
p reviou s p olicies, ru les and p roced u res w ill be rend ered obsolete by
this p olicy as ap p roved .
In term s of the stated aim , the objectives of the Ad m issions Policy are
to ensu re that:
a) ap p licants ap p lying for ad m ission w ill not be d iscrim inated
against on the basis of race, colou r, religion, gend er, d isability or
nationality, in accord ance w ith p olicies and regu lar p ractices of the
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
“Senate” m eans the Senate of the VUT, d u ly constitu ted in term s of the
p rovisions of the H igher Ed u cation Act, 1997 (Act 101 of 1997).
“Umalusi” m eans the Cou ncil for Qu ality Assu rance in General and
Further Ed u cation and Training.
General Prospectus
The Ad m issions Policy d ifferentiates betw een ad m ission r equ irem ents
for u nd ergrad u ate qu alifications and requ irem ents for d egree or p ost
grad u ate qu alifications. It fu rther stip u lates ad m issions throu gh
transfer throu gh p rep aratory cou rses; ad m ission of international
stu d ents; re-ad m ission requ irem ents; ap p eals against ad m issions and
registration ru les.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5.6 Re-Admission
All continu ing/ retu rning (senior) stu d ents of th e VUT w ill be requ ired
to re-register each sem ester/ year. Su ch re-registration w ill be d enied
in the follow ing cases:
The Registration Ru les as ou tlined below su p p lem ent and give effect to
the Ad m issions Policy of the Vaal University of Technology and
shou ld therefore be read in conju nction w ith this p olicy. The ru les
shou ld also be read in conju nction w ith the General Ru les for Stu d ents.
General Prospectus
b) Correct su bjects
Su bjects m u st be entered correctly by su bject cod e, and m u st
be p art of the cou rse in w hich the stu d ent is enrolled .
c) Prerequ isites
Stu d ents can only register for su bjects for w hich p rerequ isites
have been m et. Stu d ents w ho register for su bjects for w hich
they d o not fu lfil the necessary p rerequ isites w ill au tom atically
be blocked / d eregistered by the Stu d ent Ad m inistration
Section, u nless su ch registration has been allow ed by the
relevant H oD (or relevant Execu tive Dean). Su ch accep tance
has to be accom p anied by a m otivation from the relevant H oD
or Execu tive Dean.
d ) Du e d ates
All registration cond itions, inclu d ing the p aym ent of fees,
m u st be m et by the sp ecified d u e d ate.
General Prospectus
c) Am ou nts p ayable
The am ou nt p ayable for a p articu lar fee in a p articu lar year is
p u blished in the Sched u le of Fees w hich is obtainable from the
Finance Dep artm ent.
e) Late fees
Stu d ents w ho d o not enrol by the ad vertised last d ate for
registration m u st, if p erm itted to enrol late, p ay a late
registration fee.
General Prospectus
g) Waiver of fees
Fees associated w ith registration w ill not norm ally be w aived .
Excep tions to this can only be allow ed by the Rectorate.
General Prospectus
d ) Su bject qu otas
Stu d ents m ay be p revented from enrolling in p articu lar
cou rse/ m od u le d u e to su bject registration qu otas.
5.8.6 Prerequisites
b) Id entification card s
Issue of cards: Stu d ents enrolling for the first tim e w ith the
VUT w ill be issu ed w ith an id entification card . Stu d ents re-
enrolling w ith the VUT w ill have their id entification card
valid ated as cu rrent for the p eriod of their re-registration.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Stu d ents are requ ired to confirm their registra tion by the
p u blished closing d ate for changes in registration statu s sp ecified
in the Acad em ic Calend ar by checking the inform ation on a form
issu ed by the Stu d ent Ad m inistration Office w hich show s each
stu d ent‟s registration statu s.
a) Corrections to registration
Corrections to registration resu lting from the registration
confirm ation m u st be lod ged w ith the Stu d ent Ad m inistration
Office by the p u blished closing d ate for changes in registration
statu s.
b) Late corrections
Corrections to su bject registration after the p u blished closing
d ate for changes in registration statu s w ill not be entertained .
5.8.10 Re-registration
All continu ing stu d ents are requ ired to re-register each
sem ester/ year by a d ate sp ecified in the Acad em ic Calend ar.
Stu d ents w ho fail to re-register by su ch d ate w ill incu r a late
registration fee.
General Prospectus
a) Ap p lication
Ap p lications to ad d a su bject shou ld be m ad e on the relevant
form available from the Stu d ent Ad m inistration Office.
b) Dead lines
Su bject to a p lace being available in a su bject, registered VUT
stu d ents m ay ad d su bjects to their registration by the final d ate
p u blished for this p u rp ose in the VUT Acad em ic Calend ar.
e) N otification
Stu d ents w ill receive w ritten ad v ice regard ing their
ap p lication from the Stu d ent Ad m inistration Office.
General Prospectus
Closing d ates for registration for each session are p u blished in the
annu al acad em ic calend ar. Excep t throu gh sp ecial p erm ission
from Rectorate, no late registrations w ill be allow ed .
General Prospectus
5.8.15 Classes
Stu d ents are requ ired to p resent them selves for all sched u led
classes and tu torials from the com m encem ent of the annu ally
ad vertised acad em ic p rogram m e.
b) The p olicy d ocu m ent on the Requ irem ents for Ad m ission to Stu d y
at a Technikon (CTP 2002);
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2.1 First year stu d ents w ho have been accep ted for ad m ission at VUT
and w ish to d elay their registration at VUT for a sem ester or a year
m ay requ est d eferred ad m ission by w riting to the Registrar:
Acad em ic Su p p ort. The letter requ esting d eferred ad m ission m u st
ind icate the length of tim e requ ested for d eferral, the reason for
requ esting the d eferral and the p rop osed actions of the stu d ent
d u ring the tim e of the d eferral.
General Prospectus
A w ithd raw al occu rs w hen a stu d ent volu ntarily su sp end s stu d ies
either tem p orarily or p erm anently. A stu d ent w ho d esires t o
w ithd raw from stu d ies is requ ired to d o so form ally, as ou tlined in
this p olicy.
3.1.1 A w ithd raw al from the University ind icates that the stu d ent has no
intention of retu rning to VUT. If the stu d ent d ecid es to retu rn at a
later d ate, the stu d ent m u st ap p ly form ally for read m ission.
3.1.2 Since w ithd raw al from the University has im m ed iate financial
im p lications, stu d ents m u st have an exit interview w ith a
rep resentative of the finance d ep artm ent. Stu d ents are resp onsible
for all tu ition associated w ith cou rse registrations and any other
fees associated w ith the University.
3.1.3 Stu d ents w ho w ithd raw from the University shou ld follow these
p roced u res:
N otify the Execu tive Dean of intention to w ithd raw from the
Meet a rep resentative of the Stu d ent Services Division for an
exit interview .
Withd raw from all classes in accord ance w ith the p olicy for
cou rse w ithd raw als if the stu d ent w ithd raw s from the
University in the m id d le of a sem ester in w hich the stu d ent is
taking classes.
Meet w ith a rep resentative of the Finance Dep artm ent.
Arrange p aym ent for all ou tstand ing fees w ith the Finance
Dep artm ent.
Ord er an official transcrip t.
General Prospectus Withd raw al w ith p erm ission m ay be tem p orary or p erm anent. In both cases the execu tive d ean m u st ap p rove the w ithd raw al and
set cond itions governing su bsequ ent resu m p tion of stu d ies. In both cases, if the stu d ent is not in good acad em ic stand ing, the
stu d ent w ill receive a “Terminat ion” notation on their record s. If
the stu d ent is in good acad em ic stand ing, the stu d ent record w ill
ind icate “Terminat ion w it hout prejudice”. This is to ensu re that
the p eriod of w ithd raw al w ill not be cou nted in d eterm ining the
total u ninterru p ted registration p eriod of the stu d ent. A tem p orary w ithd raw al m ay not be granted m ore than once
d u ring the m axim u m tim e allow ed for co m p letion of the
Program m e. In the case of a p erm anent w ithd raw al, a stu d ent m ay
form ally ap p ly to resu m e the p rogram m e only:
General Prospectus
If they w ere in good acad em ic stand ing w hen the w ithd raw al
took effect,
If the p eriod that lap sed d u ring su ch a w ithd raw al d oes not
exceed eighteen m onths, and
At the d iscretion of the execu tive d ean of the facu lty involved . Official w ithd raw al from a Program m e requ ires ap p roval of the
Execu tive Dean of the facu lty involved . Withd raw al form s are obtainable from the Office of the Registrar:
Acad em ic Su p p ort. Withd raw al from Program m es/ University/ stu d ies w ithou t su ch
p erm ission being sou ght and granted w ill p reju d ice the stu d ent
w ith regard s the Continu ation of Stu d ies p olicy and m ay lead to a
“FAIL” grad e in the cou rses/ m od u les registered for.
Acad em ic stand ing refers to the acad em ic and other cond u ct of the
stu d ent at the University. A good acad em ic stand ing refers to good
acad em ic p erform ance and an accep table behaviou ral cond u ct of
the stu d ent. A stu d ent w ho is not in good acad em ic stand ing is a
stu d ent that has fallen fou l of the Continu ation of Stu d ies p olicy
and / or has had a d iscip linary action taken against him / her.
General Prospectus
3.4.1 Stu d ents w ho fail to m eet the m inim u m acad em ic stand ard s or fail
to m aintain good acad em ic stand ing in term s of the Continu ation
of Stu d ies p olicy m ay be p laced on acad em ic p robation.
3.4.3 Stu d ents p laced on p robation w ill sign a statem ent of cond itions
ap p roved by the Registrar: Acad em ic Su p p ort. If the stu d ent is
u nable to satisfy these cond itions accord ing to the tim eline
allocated , the stu d ent w ill be p laced on com p u lsory p erm anent
w ithd raw al.
General Prospectus
A. Rationale
This p roced u re d ocu m ent seeks to assist stu d ents to ensu re
su ccessfu l p rogression throu gh their stu d ies and to ensu re p rop er
learning su p p ort for stu d ents w ho are not m aking satisfactory
acad em ic p rogress.
The u nd erlying p rincip les to the d ocu m ent inclu d e the fact that a
stu d ent is offered one op p ortu nity at each level to rep eat the level.
A system of w arnings is u sed to alert at-risk stu d ents to take p re-
em p tive corrective actions.
This p roced u re d ocu m ent gives effect to Ru les G30 and G31 in the
General Ru les and p rovisions of p aragrap h 5.6 of the Ad m is sions
Policy of the Vaal University of Technology.
B. Policy
1.1 A first year stu d ent (acad em ic SI or acad em ic year 1) (new stu d ent)
w ho has p assed less than fifty p ercent of the enrolled cred its of the
sem ester (year for year stu d ents), m ay continu e w ith stu d ies in the
p articu lar p rogram m e in the sam e field of stu d y in the su bsequ ent
/ next sem ester / year p rovid ed that:
a. the stu d ent registers on ly for the failed cred its;
b. the stu d ent su bjects him / herself to a com p u lsory acad em ic
and / or cou nselling su p p ort to be d eterm ined by the
Dep artm ent of Learning Su p p ort / Facu lty; and
c. the stu d ent p asses 100% of SI (acad em ic year 1 for year
stu d ents) cred its and su ccessfu lly com p letes the cou nselling /
acad em ic su p p ort p rogram m e at the end of su ch rep eat
sem ester / year.
General Prospectus
1.2 If the stu d ent contem p lated in 1.1 above fails to achieve the
stip u lated cond itions in 1.1(c) ad m ission to the p rogram m e w ill be
d enied . Su ch a stu d ent w ill be referred to the Dep artm ent of
Learning Su p p ort.
1.3 If the stu d ent contem p lated in 1.1 su ccessfu lly com p leted all the
ou tstand ing su bjects / m od u les d u ring the follow ing sem ester /
year, the stu d ent w ill be ad m itted to the next level.
1.4 The stu d ent as contem p lated in 1.1 above w ill sign a com p u lsory
w arning for u nsatisfactory acad em ic p rogress before starting the
second attem p t at the failed cred its referred to in 1.1(a).
2.1 A first year stu d ent (level 1) (new stu d ent) w ho p asses 50% and
above of the enrolled cred its for a sem ester / year m ay register for
the ou tstand ing cred its (su bjects / m od u les com p leted
u nsu ccessfu lly) and the su bjects / m od u les p rescribed for the next
level, p rovid ed that p rerequ isites are ad hered to and su bject /
m od u le com binations can be accom m od ated on the class tim e table
and exam ination tim e table. Su ch stu d ent m u st p ass all the
ou tstand ing m od u les / su bjects from SI / year 1 to continu e w ith
stu d ies.
2.2 If a stu d ent d escribed in 2.1 fails to com p lete the ou tstand ing SI /
year 1 cred its by the end of the historical second sem ester / year,
ad m ission to the p rogram m e w ill be d enied . Su ch a stu d ent w ill
be referred to the Dep artm ent of Learning Su p p ort and 1.1 above,
w ill ap p ly. H ow ever, if the stu d ent su ccessfu lly com p leted all the
ou tstand ing su bjects / m od u les d u ring the follow ing sem ester /
year, the stu d ent w ill be ad m itted to the next level.
General Prospectus
3.1 A senior stu d ent (S2, S3, S4 or year 2 for year stu d ents) w ho fails to
obtain at least 50% of the cred its for the p articu lar level at the end
of the sem ester / year m ay continu e w ith stu d ies in the p articu lar
p rogram m e in the sam e field of stu d y in the su bsequ ent / next
sem ester / year p rovid ed that:
a. the stu d ent registers only for the failed cred its;
b. the stu d ent p asses 100% of the requ ired cred its for the
p articu lar level; and
c. the stu d ent has not alread y signed tw o w arning s for
u nsatisfactory acad em ic p rogress.
3.2 The stu d ent d escribed in 3.1 above fu rther has to sign a w arning
for u nsatisfactory acad em ic p rogress as follow s:
a. if the stu d ent has alread y signed one w arning, the stu d ent w ill
sign a second and final w arning,
b. if a stu d ent has never signed a w arning, the stu d ent w ill sign a
first w arning w hich w ill be accom p anied by com p u lsory
acad em ic or cou nselling su p p ort.
3.3 If the stu d ent d escribed in 3.1 above fails to satisfy the cond itions
as ou tlined in 3.1(b), 3.1(c) and 3.2, the stu d ent w ill not be allow ed
to continu e w ith her / his stu d ies at the University.
4.1 If a senior stu d ent (S2, S3, S4 or year 2 for year stu d ents) has
p assed 50% and above of the enrolled cred its for a sem ester / year,
the stu d ent m ay register for the ou tstand ing su bjects / m od u les
(su bjects / m od u les com p leted u nsu ccessfu lly) and the su bjects
p rescribed for the next level p rovid ed that p rerequ isite s are
ad hered to and su bject / m od u le com binations can be
accom m od ated on the class tim e table and the exam ination tim e
General Prospectus
4.2 If a stu d ent d escribed in 4.1 fails to com p lete t he ou tstand ing
cred its by the end of the historical sem ester, ad m ission to the
p rogram m e w ill be d enied . Su ch a stu d ent w ill be referred to the
Dep artm ent of Learning Su p p ort. H ow ever, if the stu d ent
su ccessfu lly com p leted all the ou tstand ing su bjects / m od u les
d u ring the follow ing sem ester / year, the stu d ent w ill be ad m itted
to the next level.
A senior stu d ent (S5, S6, P1, P2 or year 3 for year stu d ents) w ho
d oes not p ass all of the p rescribed cred its for the p rogram m e
d u ring the sem ester / year of registration w ill be w arned
regard ing the m axim u m p erm issible p eriod s for the existing
qu alifications as ou tlined below . Su ch a stu d ent w ill sign a form al
w arning to this effect.
6. Period of study
General Prospectus
7. A stu d ent w ill be refu sed ad m ission to continu e w ith stu d ies and
resid ential accom m od ation, if fees are overd u e.
9. Ad m ission and the continu ation of stu d ies are su bjected to the
requ irem ents as p rescribed in the p rosp ectu ses of the d ep artm ents
in the facu lties.
10. The accep tance of stu d ents from other institu tions to continu e
stu d ies is su bject to all of the cond itions as contained in this p olicy
inclu d ing cond itions as set ou t in the Ad m issions Policy of the
12. Where excep tional circu m stances p revail, ad -hoc cases w ill be
referred to the Execu tive Deans to be d ealt w ith at their d iscretion
w ithin the fu nd am ental p rincip les of the p olicy.
General Prospectus
1.1 Senate
The official acad em ic bod y constituted in term s of the VUT Act and Statute.
1.2 Senex
The executive comm ittee of Senate.
The exe
1.3 Assessm ent Com m ittee
The com m ittee appointed by the Senate to d eal w ith assessm ent matters .
2.1 All assessm ent regulations and proced ures in connection w ith assessm ent
events shall be approved by Senate.
3.1 The d ate on w hich the assessm ent regulations com e into effect is
d eterm ined by Senate.
3.2 This revised set of regulations and proced ures is effective from January
4.1 Sum m ative assessm ent at the end of a m od ule (A lso see section B - 15).
4.1.1 Main assessm ent events are those events that occur at the com pletion of a
m od ule/ s.
4.1.2 The m ethod of assessm ent as d escribed in 4.1.1 w ill be d eterm ined by the
assessm ent criteria and can includ e a variety of assessm ent m ethod s as
d escribed in the learning guid e for the particular mod ule.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5.2.6 The assessor shall ensure that all question papers and m em oranda clearly
ind icate the marks to be aw ard ed per question and per sub -section as w ell
as the total num ber of marks for the question paper. If question papers are
d ivid ed into sub-sections, the num ber of questions that cand idates should
answ er in each sub-section shall be ind icated just below the head ing of the
In the case of CASS re-assessm ent events and for re-assessm ent events, the
sub-sections should be clearly d istinguishable to afford the cand id ate the
opportunity of com pleting only those sub-sections for w hich the outcom es
have not yet been reached .
5.2.7 The assessor shall set all question papers (exclud ing language question
papers) in English only, except for satellite cam puses, w here papers m ay be
set in (or translated by the Satellite cam puses into) a language as prescribed
by the language policy of the satellite cam pus in question.
5.2.8 The assessor shall carefully consid er the tim e factor involved in answ ering
a question paper.
5.2.9 The assessor shall ensure that the follow ing inform ation appears on the
front page of each question paper
N am e and level of mod ule (e.g. Physics II)
Internal cod e of the subject or m od ule (e.g. APFSA2B)
Instru ctional program m e into w hich the m od ule falls (e.g. N .D.
Chem ical Engineering)
The assessor shall ensu re that a list of all m aterial w hich is perm issible
for the answ ering of the question paper is ind icated on the question
paper, e.g. pocket calculators are allow ed (type of calculator shall be
specified ); graph paper: (type shall be specified ); d raw ing tables, etc.
Should the syllabus prescribe the d evelopm ent of programm es for use
in the assessm ent event, or the use of stand ard program m es in the
assessm ent, the use of a fully program m able calculator should be
clearly ind icated in the list of requirem ents. Should stud ents be
required to supply certain item s them selves, this inform ation shall be
conveyed to the stud ents at least tw o w eeks before the d ate of the
assessm ent.
The assessor shall ensure that instructions are clearly stated to prevent
any m isinterpretation, e.g. "answ er any six questions", or "answ er all the
The assessor shall ensure that append ices or supplem ents to a question
paper e.g. tables, sketches, answ er sheets are ind icated at the beginning
of each question paper w ith clear reference to w hich questions they
General Prospectus
5.3.1 The assessor receives the scripts together w ith the necessary m emoranda
from the assessm ent office and checks the num ber of scripts received and
the assessm ent num bers. The assessor is responsible for the allotm ent of
answ er scripts to the various co-assessors for m arking.
5.3.2 The assessors shall tim eously hold d iscussions and issue instructions to co-
assessors regard ing the interpretation and aw ard ing of marks accord ing to
the m em orand um . The d iscussions should take place as soon as the co -
assessors receive the allotted question papers and m em oranda.
5.3.3 The assessor shall ensure that m arks are aw ard ed accord ing to the m arking
guid e lines/ m em orand um . As far as possible, m arking
guid elines/ m em oranda should m ake provision for a variety of d ifferent
answ ers.
5.3.4 The assessor shall ensure that the m arking by co-assessors is of the sam e
standard as those scripts m arked by the assessors. To achieve this, the
assessor shall check at least 10% (ten percent) of the scripts w hich have
been marked by the co-assessor.
5.3.5 The assessor shall award marks for every section of the question. These
m arks shall be ind icated in the right-hand margin of the answ er script.
5.3.6 The total marks for the question shall be record ed and encircled next to the
question num ber. The total marks for each question shall be re cord ed on
the space provid ed on the back cover of the answ er script.
5.3.7 Should an assessor not award any m arks for a specific question or part
thereof, he/ she shall ind icate that by m eans of a 0 and also record it on the
space provid ed on the back cover of the answ er script.
5.3.8 Should a question not have been answ ered at all, the assessor shall record a
X next to the question num ber on the back cover of the answ er script.
5.3.9 After m arking, the total m ark shall be calculated and record ed on the back
cover of the answ er script. This m ark should now be converted, on the
back cover, to the appropriate exam m ark.
5.3.10 The assessor shall use a red pen.
5.3.11 The assessor shall m ark all the questions that have been answ ered . If a
cand id ate has answ ered m ore than the required num ber of questions, the
assessor shall m ark the requisite num ber of questions as originally
ind icated on the question paper, the choice of w hich at the d iscretion of the
5.3.12 The assessor shall com plete and sign the required report and
m ark/ invigilator‟s list, w hich shall be hand ed in together w ith the answ er
scripts at the assessm ent office.
General Prospectus
5.4.3 The d uties of the co-assessors are the sam e as those of the assessor as
d etailed in 5.3.
5.6 Duties of a mod erator w hen mod erating question papers and m emoranda
5.6.1 The m od erator shall be satisfied that the assessor has strictly abid ed by the
prescribed rules. (See 5.2). The mod erator is ultim ately respo nsible for the
follow ing:
that the stand ard of the questions are acceptable;
that questions cover the entire syllabus;
that the aw ard ing of marks is fair and acceptable;
that the tim e factor has been carefully consid ered ;
that there is no gross repetition from previous assessm ent and test
question papers; and
that the use and standard of language is correct.
5.6.2 The m od erator shall sign both the cover pages of the question paper and
the m emorand um / marking guid elines w hich w ill ind icate that they are
suitable for use.
General Prospectus
5.7.2 Should a m oderator recomm end a mark adjustm ent, it should be clearly
specified and m otivated , e.g. increase/ d ecrease all cand id ates' assessm ent
m arks by X, etc. The ad justm ent should be approved by the Assessm ent
Comm ittee.
5.7.3 The m od erator is responsible for the re-m ark of an answ er script after a
cand id ate's application for a re-mark has been approved by the Assessm ent
5.7.4 The m od erator shall use a green pen to mod erate.
5.7.5 The m od erator shall com plete the prescribed m od erator's report and hand
it in at the assessm ents office together w ith the mod erated answ er scripts.
General Prospectus
6.3 Minutes
6.3.1 Minutes of all d ecisions of the com m ittee shall be kept by the Deputy
Registrar: Assessm ent.
6.4 Operation
6.4.1 The Assessm ent Com m ittee shall m eet at least once at the conclusion of
each main assessm ent session in ord er to d eal w ith m atters w hich have
been referred to them.
6.4.2 During assessm ents sessions, d ay-to-day matters are hand led by the
m anagem ent com m ittee, on the und erstand ing that all d ecisions taken by
the m anagem ent comm ittee will be presented to the Assessm ent
Comm ittee for authorisation and that such d ecisions are add ed to the
m inutes of the Assessm ent Com mittee as append ices.
General Prospectus
7.1 A cand id ate obtains a qualification as soon as he/ she has m et all the
requirem ents, as stipulated in H EQF. Where a work integrated learning
com ponent is prescribed , this should have been successfully com pleted .
7.2 A final year stud ent, w ho only requires one m o d ule to obtain a
qualification, w ill autom atically qualify for a supplem entary assessm ent,
PROVIDED that supplem entary assessm ent is sched uled for the m od ule.
General Prospectus
7.5 M Tech m ay be award ed Cum Laude to the cand id ate in respect of:
Subject and dissertation option: passes all the subjects w ith an average of
75% and passes the d issertation w ith 75%.
Dissertation only: obtains a mark of 75% or m ore.
7.6 D-Tech is not award ed Cum Laude. It is only ind icated that the cand id ate
passed or failed .
8.2 N ot more than 50% of the com pleted qualification's m od ules can be
exem pted in respect of another incom plete qualification.
General Prospectus
9.3 Id entification of, approval of, and correspond ence w ith exam iners:
9.3.1 The proposed exam iners for each thesis/ d issertation shall be id entified by
the relevant acad em ic H ead of Departm ent in consultation with the
supervisor/ prom oter w here feasible, for approval by the Exco of the
Faculty Board (and Senex).
9.3.2 All correspond ence w ith the exam iners shall be d one through the office of
the acad em ic H ead of Departm ent.
General Prospectus
10.2 In the case of illness, a valid m ed ical certificate shall accom pany the
stud ent's request provid ed that the Assessm ents Office reserves the right to
obtain further inform ation to authenticate such illness.
10.3 All special assessm ents shall be w ritten d uring the tim e slots sched uled for
supplem ental events.
10.4 N o special assessm ents shall be granted in lieu of re-assessm ent events.
10.6 Reasons that are unacceptable for ad m ission to a special assessm ent:
Overseas visits/ tours
Sports appointm ents/ engagem ents except w here the cand id ate w ill
represent South Africa
Attendance of m eetings, sym posium s or any other gatherings
Special holiday arrangem ents
Misinterpretation of the assessm ent tim e-table.
General Prospectus
11.2 When granting ad d itional tim e the follow ing proced ures shall be follow ed:
Cand id ates shall apply in w riting to the relevant faculty at least three
w eeks in ad vance.
The Faculty shall return the application, together w ith their
recom m end ation, to the Director of the Bureau for Stud ent Counselling.
The Bureau for Stud ent Counselling should und ertake the necessary
investigation, make its recom m end ation and send all the
d ocum entation to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Acad em ic for the
attention of the Assessm ents Comm ittee.
The Assessm ents Com m ittee, or its d elegate, d ecid es on the length of
the extension and send s all the d ocum entation to the assessm ents office.
The assessm ents office notifies the cand id ate and the relevant Faculty.
Ad d itional tim e is allow ed at the end of the assessm ent session.
In exceptional cases a cand idate m ay be perm itted to take an oral
assessm ent.
12.1 Irregularities
12.1.1 Any stud ent w ho takes into the venue, or has in his/ her possession or has
on his/ her person after the question paper has been hand ed out, any book,
m em orand um , note, sketch, map, film , program mable calculator, non -
perm issible m aterial or any other d ocum ent other than his/ her adm ission
pass, unless authorised by the assessm ent rules or specified by a
requirem ent in a particular question paper.
12.1.2 Any stud ent w ho assists or attempts to assist another cand id ate, obtains or
attem pts to obtain help, or communicates or attem pts to com m unicate w ith
another person other than the invigilator w hile in the assessm ent room .
12.1.3 Any stud ent w ho falsely represents him / herself as being a specific
cand id ate for an assessm ent.
12.1.4 Any stu d ent w ho creates a d isturbance in the assessm ents room or behaves
in an im proper or an unseem ly m anner and refuses to stop such
d isturbance or im proper unseem ly behaviour after he/ she has been
w arned by the invigilator.
12.1.5 Any stud ent w ho d isregard s the instructions of the invigilator concerned
and , after he/ she has been warned by the invigilator, continues to
d isregard such instructions.
13.1 Steps to be taken by the invigilator follow ing an assessm ent irregularity:
13.1.1 The invigilator confiscates the relevant answ er script(s) and all other
unauthorised m aterial.
13.1.2 The invigilator end orses the confiscated answ er script on the outsid e of the
cover w ith the word s “answ er script confiscated at … (tim e).”
General Prospectus
13.1.3 The invigilator supplies the cand id ate w ith a new answ er script and
end orses it on the outsid e of the cover w ith the word s “new answ er script
issued at …. (tim e).”
13.1.4 The invigilator contacts the Assessm ents Officer im m ed iately after an
assessm ent irregularity occurred .
13.1.5 The invigilator ensures the stud ent w ho com m itted the alleged irregularity,
d oes not leave the assessm ent venue until the assessm ent session com es to
an end .
13.1.6 The invigilator ensures that the stud ent w ho com m itted the alleged
irregu larity reports to the Assessm ents Officer.
13.1.7 The invigilator subm its a report and relevant evid ence on the irregularity to
the Assessm ent Officer.
13.1.8 The invigilator confiscates the answ er script of a cand idate w ho, after d ue
w arning, continues causing a d isturbance or persists in contravening any
other assessm ent regulation.
13.1.9 The invigilator expels a cand idate from the assessm ent room w ho, after d ue
w arning, continues causing a d isturbance or persist s in contravening any
assessm ent regulation and see that stud ent reports to the assessm ents
d epartm ent.
13.2 Duties of the Assessm ent Officer follow ing an assessm ent irregularity
13.2.1 The d ate for d isciplinary hearings should be set at the end of the
assessm ent session.
13.2.2 The Assessm ent officer should attend to an assessm ent irregularity as soon
as possible after the irregularity has occurred .
13.2.3 The Assessm ent officer shall ascertain that the correct proced ure has been
follow ed in the hand ling of the irregularity.
13.2.4 The Assessm ent officer/ H ead of Ad m inistration at Satellite Cam puses acts
as the com plainant in the d isciplinary hearings regard ing assessm ent
irregu larities. The com plainant shall ensure that the follow ing tasks are
executed :
13.2.5 The stud ent w ho reports to the Assessm ents Officer in term s of 9.1.6 m ay
freely and voluntarily give a statem ent to the Assessm ents Officer
regard ing the alleged m iscond uct. The stud ent shall be warned in w riting
that such a statem ent may be u sed as evid ence against him/ her and the
stud ent shall sign such a w arning if w illing to m ake a statem ent.
13.2.6 The stud ent shall be inform ed of the charge and the stud ent shall
acknow led ge receipt of the notification of the charge.
13.2.7 The stud ent shall be inform ed of his/ her rights.
13.2.8 The stud ent shall be inform ed of the d ay, tim e and venue of a d isciplinary
hearing to be held and the stud ent shall acknow led ge receipt of the
notification thereof.
13.2.9 The stud ent shall be inform ed that absence from a sched uled d isciplinary
hearing does not prevent a d isciplinary hearing from taking place.
General Prospectus
13.2.10 The stud ent shall be inform ed that he/ she may sit for further assessm ents
in the present assessm ent session but, if found guilty on the charge of
com m itting an irregularity, these further assessm ents w ill be d eclared null
and void.
13.2.11 The Assessm ents Officer shall inform the d isciplinary com m ittee of the d ay,
tim e and venue of a d isciplinary hearing.
13.2.12 The Assessm ents Officer shall arrange for a venue.
13.2.13 The Assessm ents Officer shall arrange for a m inutes clerk/ secretary to
record the proceed ings of the hearing.
13.2.14 The Assessm ents Officer shall report all irregularities to the Assessm ents
Comm ittee.
General Prospectus
14.3 The invigilator shall collect the follow ing from the assessm ents office,
ensuring that sufficient tim e has been allow ed to carry out all the
The sealed envelope containing the question papers for each session for
each particular venue. On collecting the sealed env elope, the invigilator
should be satisfied that the envelope has not been opened or tam pered
w ith. Should any irregularity be suspected , it shall im m ed iately be
brought to the attention of the Assessm ents Officer. The Assessm ents
Officer in conjunction w ith the Assessm ents Com m ittee w ill d ecid e on a
plan of action.
The correct num ber and type of assessm ent answ er scripts and other
m aterial required for each assessm ent.
The invigilator's lists and other control m aterial required .
14.4 Invigilators shall be in the assessm ent room at least 30 m inutes before the
beginning of an assessm ent session.
14.5 Before cand id ates are perm itted to enter the assessm ent room , the
invigilator shall ensure that all cell phones, figures, envelopes, d raw ings,
notes and other m aterial that could possibly be relevant to the particular
m od ule, have been rem oved from the assessm ent room. H e/ she shall also
ensure that no such materials, books or papers are in or on the tables in the
assessm ent room .
14.6 When ad m itting cand id ates to an assessm ent room, invigilators shall
ensure that cand idates are seated far enough aw ay from each other so that
it is not possible for one cand idate to copy the w ork of another, or in any
w ay com m unicate w ith another cand idate. The invigilator sh all be able to
see each cand idate. As far as practically possible, cand id ates should be
seated at least one (1) m eter from each other. In cases w here m ore than one
m od ule are being w ritten in the sam e room the groups shall be d ispersed
so that tw o cand id ates w riting the sam e mod ule are not placed next to one
14.7 Cand id ates shall be seated 15 (fifteen) m inutes before an assessm ent
com m ences, and m ay not leave the assessm ent room w ithin one (1) hour of
the com m encem ent of the assessm ents and also not d uring the last 15
m inutes of the session. Should a cand idate be com pelled to temporarily
leave the assessm ent room for any personal reason, he/ she could only d o
so und er supervision.
14.8 A cand id ate may be perm itted to enter an assessm ent room after
com m encem ent of the assessm ent session und er the follow ing cond itions:
Only d uring the first hour of the relevant assessm ent session.
The cand id ate w ill only be permitted to utilise the rem aining time of
that particular session to answer questions.
General Prospectus
14.9 In ord er to be ad m itted to the assessm ents, each cand idate shall present
his/ her proof of ad m ission to that particular assessm ent as w ell as proof of
id entity to the satisfaction of the invigilator. Proof of id entity should
preferably be an id entity d ocum ent or a stud ent card . A d river's license or
passport is also acceptable. Should a cand idate not have any of the above -
m entioned docum ents, that person w ill only be ad m itted to the assessm ent
on the recom m endation of the Assessm ents Officer, w ho w ill ensure that
the cand idate is id entified .
14.10 Only cand idates registered for a particular assessm ent, the invigilator
concerned , the Assessm ents Officer or persons authorised by the
Assessm ents Office m ay be present in an assessm ents room d uring an
assessm ent. The Assessor and Mod erator w ho are cond ucting an oral
assessm ent or the read er of a speed test m ay also be present for the tim e it
takes to perform their d uties.
14.11 Ad d itions may be ind icated on the invigilator's list by the invigilator.
14.12 All unauthorised persons shall leave the assessm ent room before the
envelope is opened . After cand idates have been seated the invigilator shall
m ake the follow ing announcem ents:
The m od ules w hich are to be exam ined .
Request cand idates not w riting those particular m od ules to leave the
room .
N o cand id ate may have unauthorised m aterial or notes in their
N o cand id ate may leave the assessm ent room w ithin one (1) hour of the
com m encem ent of the assessm ent and also not d uring the last 15
m inutes of the session.
N o assessm ent answ er scripts, used or unused , m ay be rem oved from
the assessm ent room .
Cand id ates may, in no way w hatsoever, com m unicate w ith one
Answ ers should be w ritten w ith a blue or black ink pen or in any
m ed ium as specified in a particular question paper e.g. pencil for
sketches or d raw ings, etc. Should an assessor not allow questions to be
answ ered in pencil, this rule shall clearly be stated in the instructions on
the question paper.
All inform ation should be correctly filled in as instructed on the cover
of the answ er scripts or file.
Should more than one answer script be used , the cover of the final and
any ad d itional answ ering books should be correctly and com pletely
filled in and the ad d itional answer script should be placed insid e the
back cover of the first answ er script.
Any request to com m unicate w ith the invigilator should be ind icated by
raising a hand .
General Prospectus
14.15 Invigilators shall ensure that no d isrup tions are caused and that no
cand id ate attem pts to get assistance from another cand id ate or attem pts to
com m unicate w ith another cand id ate or any other person w ith the
exception of the invigilator/ s.
14.16 Unless otherw ise stated for a particular assessm ent, invigilators shall check
that no cand id ate has in his/ her possession, and for the d uration of the
assessm ent, any books, m emoran d a, notes, charts, maps, figures, photos,
d ocum ents or papers (includ ing blank paper) of any kind , or any aid s
relevant to the mod ule being exam ined except aid s w hich have been
supplied and proof of ad m ission to the assessm ent. Pocket calculators and
other specified aid s may be used unless an instruction forbid d ing their use
appears on the question paper. Papers are to specify clearly w hich aid s to
be used .
14.17 If instructions are not follow ed or if a cand id ate com m its an act w hich is
consid ered to afford an unfair ad vantage, that cand id ate is guilty of an
offence. (See 8).
14.18 All assessm ent aid s and answ er scripts w hich have been hand ed out shall
be collected before a cand idate m ay leave the assessm ent room .
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
15.1 Registration for all assessm ents takes place autom atically w hen a stud ent
registers for a m od ule.
16.1 Functions of Assessm ent Office (see assessm ent stand ard operating
proced ures)
16.1.1 The sched ule for all sum m ative events should reach the assessm ent
office w ithin one m onth after comm encem ent of classes. The finalisation
of sched ules and ad m inistration of the assessm ent function w ill be
cond ucted by the exam ination office.
General Prospectus
17.1 Pass:
A m od ule is passed w hen a cand id ate obtains at least 50% or m ore in
the final m ark, on cond ition that the cand idate firstly m eets the
ad m ission requirem ents of at least 50% in the year/ sem ester m ark,
and finally m eets the sub-m inim um requirem ent of at least 40% in
each paper in the mod ule concerned .
Should a cand id ate obtain 49% as a final m ark it is published as 50%
provid ed the cand id ate m eets the sub-m inim um requirem ents and
the cand idate is regard ed as having passed the mod ule concerned.
17.2 Fail:
A m od ule is failed if a cand idate obtains less than 50% in the final
m ark and does not qualify to pass accord ing to 17.1
Should a cand idate obtain 50% or m ore as a final mark but fails to
m eet the sub m inim um requirem ents of 40% in the assessm ent or
question papers for the mod ule concerned, the cand idate fails, and
the final m ark is published as e.g. "51 FM" w here FM ind icates that
the cand idate has failed to obtain the sub-m inim um in the mod ule
concerned .
General Prospectus
18.1 After approval of the results by the Assessm ents Comm ittee, sched ules
of results are prepared , checked and published . Cand id ates are notified
in w riting of their resu lts, w ith notification of the date on w hich
supplem entary assessm ents w ill be held as w ell as the d ate of
registration for supplem entary assessm ents w here applicable.
19.1 Applications for a re-mark/ checking of assessm ent answ er scripts shall
be m ad e on the prescribed form , and hand ed in, to gether w ith the
required fee, at the assessm ents office. Applica tions for a re-m ark shall
be m ade w ithin one (1) month in the case of Novem ber assessm ents and
fourteen (14) d ays in the case of June assessm ents after the publication
of results.
20.1 Registration for all assessm ents takes place autom atically w hen a stud ent
registers for a m od ule.
21.1 Functions of Assessm en ts Office (see assessm ent stand ard operating
proced ures)
21.1.1 The sched ule for all sum m ative events should reach the assessm ent
office w ithin one m onth after comm encem ent of classes. The finalisation
of sched ules and ad m inistration of the assessm ent fu nction w ill be
cond ucted by the assessm ent office.
21.1.2 A m axim um of three summative events per m od ule can be ad m inistered
by the assessm ent office.
21.1.3 Where a syllabus prescribes for full continuous assessm ent in a m od ule,
sum m ative events are sched uled at the com pletion of learning units. A
cand id ate should obtain a m inim um m ark of 50% for a sum mative event
to pass that mod ule.
General Prospectus
21.1.4 The assessm ent office at the site of d elivery w ill be responsible for
entering the results on ITS. Results from satellite cam puses w ill be
m od erated , returned to the satellite and results entered by their
assessm ent office.
21.1.5 If a cand id ate cannot w rite on a specific d ate, d ue to a religious principle,
w ritten notification should be subm itted to the Depar tm ent Assessm ent
w ithin 5 days after receiving the sched ule. The Departm ent Assessm ent
w ill refer this to the assessor.
22.1 Re-assessm ent can be cond ucted d uring the m ain assessm ent or be
integrated into the m od ule. The re-assessm ent should be cond ucted in
the sem ester of enrolm ent. N o re-assessm ent or supplem entary
assessm ent is perm issible thereafter.
22.2 For a theory mod ule, re-assessm ent could be cond ucted at the end of the
m od ule. Stud ents should be assessed on outcom es not achieved yet.
Sections should be clearly ind icated on the question paper, as SECTION
A, SECTION B or SECTION C. The assessm ent officer should receive a
list ind icating w hich part should be com pleted by a learner. These lists
should be hand ed to the exam ination office by the lecturer.
22.3 All learners w ill start w riting at the start of the session.
22.4 The sam e regulations for invigilation apply as und er Section 16.
22.5 The results of the re-assessm ent w ill rep lace the result of the learning
unit that the stud ent is re-assessed on.
22.5.1 In the case of a special assessm ent the actual m ark obtained by the
cand id ate w ill be the final mark.
General Prospectus
23.2 Pass:
A m od ule is passed w hen a cand id ate obtains at least 50% in all
sum m ative events and an average of at least 50% for the final m ark
that may be com piled from formative and sum m ative events.
Should a cand id ate obtain 49% as a final m ark it is published as 50%
provid ed the cand id ate m eets th e sub-m inim um requirem ents and
the cand idate is regard ed as having passed the mod ule concerned.
23.3 Fail:
A m od ule is failed if a cand idate obtains less than 50% in any
sum m ative event or does not obtain a final average of 50%.
Should a cand idate obtain 50% or m ore as a final mark but fails to
m eet the sub m inim um requirem ents of 50% for all sum m ative
events, the cand idate fails, and the final mark is published as e.g. "51
FM" w here FM ind icates that the cand idate has failed to obtain the
sub-m inim um in the m od ule concerned .
Should a cand id ate fail any unit after re-assessm ent, the stud ent m ust
re-register for the m od ule d uring the next sem ester
23.5.3 Scripts need to be kept at the assessm ent office for a period of three
23.5.4 Unseen scripts m ay be subjected to a re-m ark.
General Prospectus
23.6.1 Applications for a re-mark/ checking of assessm ent answ er scripts shall
be m ad e on the prescribed form , and hand ed in, together w ith the
required fee, at the assessm ents office. Applications for a re -m ark shall
be m ad e w ithin fourteen (14) days after the publication of results.
24.1 N am es of stud ents that qualify for an oral exam , shall be subm itted to
head of the Departm ent.
24.2 The d ate and tim e of the oral exam w ill be sched uled by the head of
Departm ent.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus Question papers are placed w ith the front page, on w hich no question
appears, upperm ost. Once all the cand idates hav e received their
question papers and exam ination answ er scripts, the invigilator gives the
instruction to begin. Invigilators shall ensure that the com m encem ent
tim e correspond s w ith the official tim etable. Should it not be possible to
start at the specified tim e, this should be reported as soon as possible to
the exam inations office staff w ho w ill ad just the tim e on the tim etable to
that of the actual starting tim e of that particular assessm ent session. At the end of the session, invigilators shall check the answ er scripts
against the invigilator's list. Answ er scripts are then hand ed in at the
assessm ent office. A m em ber of staff signs for answ er scripts and
m em orand a received.
26.1 After answ er scrip ts have been m arked by the assessors and have been
m od erated by the mod erators, they become the responsibility of the
assessm ent officer that w ill:
26.1.1 Check that all answ er scripts have been returned .
26.1.2 Check that all answ er scripts have been initialled by the assessor.
26.1.3 Check that all answ er scripts sent to the m oderator have been initialled
by the mod erator.
26.1.4 Check that all exam iners' and mod erators' reports have been correctly
com pleted and signed .
26.1.5 Go through all answ er scripts and check that all answ ers have been
m arked and m arks allocated .
26.1.6 Check that the marks of all sub-d ivisions of questions have been
calculated correctly and carried over to the back page of the answ er
scripts of file/ fold er.
26.1.7 Check ad d itions and calculations on the back page as w ell as their
transfer to the cover page.
26.1.8 Check that year/ sem ester marks have correctly been transferred to the
cover page.
26.1.9 Check that the year m ark and final sum m ative m ark have been correctly
calculated into a final mark.
26.1.10 Check transfer of marks from answ er scripts to invigilator's list.
26.1.11 Ensure that w here the mod erator has recom m end ed an ad justm ent of
m arks, the assessor, H ead of Departm ent and mod erator shall reach
consensus and then subm it to the Dean of the Faculty, w ho w ill in turn
subm it for approval by the assessm ent com m ittee.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Stu d ent behaviou r, both acad em ic and non -acad em ic, is governed by a
sp ecific set of w ritten ru les called the Cod e of Stu d ent Cond u ct.
Each stu d ent is resp onsible and has a d u ty to be acqu ainted w ith all
p rovisions of the Cod e. It is also p resu m ed that every stu d ent, from the
d ate of his/ her initial enrolm ent at the University, has know led ge of the
Cod e, as w ell as, p olicies and p roced u res contained in the Stu d ent H and -
book. All stu d ents are d eem ed to have agreed to the p rovisions contained
in the Cod e and are requ ired to ad here to su ch p rovisions as a cond ition of
their enrolm ent as stu d ents of the University.
General Prospectus
The University fu rther recognises each stu d ent‟s p roced u ral right to d u e
p rocess and the audi alteram partem ru le, w hich inclu d es p rovid ing notice
setting forth the alleged violation(s), and a sp eed y, fair hearing and ap p eal
p rocess, any m em ber of the University com m u nity can initiate accu sation
of an alleged violation.
Definitions p rovid ed elsew here in this Cod e are ap p licable to the Stu d ent
Cod e of Cond u ct in its entirety. Term s not exp ressly d efined in the Stu d ent
Cod e of Cond u ct w ill be interp reted in accord ance w ith the ru le of
interp retation as p rovid ed for by Interp retation of Statu tes Act.
General Prospectus
The Cod e ap p lies to incid ents occu rring on cam p u s and others that occu r
off cam p u s, incid ents that involve stu d ents and inclu d ing those that occu r
at the satellite cam p u ses of the University.
Ju d icial action against any stu d ent com m itting a violation of the Cod e off-
cam p u s w ill be consid ered on a case-by-case basis u p on filing by a
com p lainant of an allegation of an off-cam p u s violation of the Confid ential
Com p laint Lod gem ent Form . The com p lainant m u st obtain the form from
Protection Services and an officer/ investigator m u st assist the com p lainant
to fill the form . After review of the form , the officer at Protection Services
w ill investigate the com p laint and w rite a rep ort to be su bm itted to the
office of the Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training w ho w ill then m ake a
d eterm ination on the ap p rop riateness for a ju d icial action to be initiated .
General Prospectus
The ad op tion of the Stu d ent Cod e of Cond u ct d oes not p r ohibit the
University from ad op ting or m aintaining ad d itional ru les to govern the
cond u ct of stu d ents. Allegations of m iscond u ct u nd er the Stu d ent Cod e of
Cond u ct m ay be com bined w ith allegations arising u nd er other University
ru les.
The Stu d ent Cod e of Cond u ct ap p lies to ind ivid u al stu d ents and to stu d ent
Stu d ents and stu d ent organisations are also su bject to the follow ing ru les:
Ru les ad op ted by the University to govern the control of vehicles and
other m od es of transp ortation on University p rop erty, to and from
University p rem ises;
Ru les relating to stu d ent classroom cond u ct, acad em ic d ishonesty,
acad em ic eligibility, p erform ance and evalu ation;
Ru les governing stu d ent hou sing;
Ru les governing the m aintenance of p u blic ord er;
Ru les governing the cond u ct of stu d ent athletes;
Ru les governing the u se of University com m u nication and com p u ting
resou rces; and
Su ch other ru les as m ay be ad op ted by the University in fu rtherance of
the University and ed u cational goals.
N otw ithstand ing anything con tained herein to the contrary, acts of
acad em ic d ishonesty, d isru p tive stu d ent behaviou r in the classroom , and
ap p eals to sanctions im p osed in each case, are u nd er the ju risd iction of the
H ead of Dep artm ent, Dean of Facu lty and H ead Exam ination Dep artm ent.
The office of the Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training w ill d eterm ine
the com p osition of ju d icial bod ies and cond u ct ap p eal com m ittee and also
d eterm ine w hich w ill be au thorized to hear each case. Stu d ent com p osition
if any w ill be d ep end ent u p on av ailability of trained stu d ents as
recom m end ed by the office of the Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training.
General Prospectus
The ju d icial ad visor w ill d evelop p roced u res for the ad m inistration of the
ju d icial p rogram and p roced u ral ru les for the cond u ct of hearings, w hich
are not inconsistent w ith the p rovisions of the stu d ent cod e. Decisions
m ad e by the ju d icial bod y and / or ju d icial ad visor shall be final, p end ing
the norm al ap p eal p rocess.
A ju d icial bod y m ay be d esignated as arbiter of d isp u tes w ithin the stu d ent
com m u nity in case that, d o not involve a violation of the Cod e. All p arties
m u st agree to the arbitration, and to be bou nd by the d ecision w ith no right
of ap p eal.
Stu d ent cond u ct d iscip line record s are confid ential and w ill be treated as
su ch by all p arties concerned .
The University coop erates fu lly w ith law enforcem ent au thorities.
Violations of the Cod e are also violations of the variou s Acts of Parliam ent,
Provincial legislations and Mu nicip al bylaw s and ord inances, m ay be
referred to the ap p rop riate non University au thority.
The University Protection Services Office w ork closely w ith the local law
enforcem ent au thorities, p articu larly the Vand erbijlp ark, Vereeniging,
Sebokeng, Bop helong, Boip atong and Sharp v ille. The Cam p u s Protection
Services Officers have fu ll p ow ers to arrest search and seizu re on all
University ow ned and op erated p rop erty, and are u su ally the first to
resp ond to calls for p olice services on cam p u s.
With ap p reciation for the trad ition of freed om of sp eech and exp ression on
cam p u s the University fosters tolerance for d iffering view p oints. It is
acknow led ged that p oints of view w ill d iverge and that som e stu d ents w ill
believe it necessary to exp ress them selves b y m eans of p rotest. H ow ever,
the University cannot tolerate d isru p tion to its acad em ic m ission or m eans
of p rotest that interferes w ith the legitim ate rights of others.
General Prospectus
As m em bers of the University com m u nity all stu d ents are gu aranteed
freed om of exp ression, inqu iry and assem bly, the right to form a stu d ent
governm ent, organise grou p s, to join associations in su p p ort of any cau se
or com m on interest, and to p eacefu lly p rotest, p rovid ed that, su ch activity
is cond u cted in a legal m anner, is in accord w ith University regu lations,
and d oes not abrid ge the rights of others.
Stu d ents have the right of fair access to all ed u cational op p ortu nities and
benefits available at the University in an environm ent that is safe, free of
invid iou s harassm ent, d iscrim ination, or intim id ation. Stu d ents have a
right to p rivacy as it is entrenched in the Constitu tion of Sou th Africa Act
108 of 1996.
Stu d ents have the right and resp onsibility to rep ort, in good faith, and
w ithou t fear of retaliation, violations of this cod e, the University Cod e of
Cond u ct and violations of any other p olicy of the University, to
ap p rop riate acad em ic and ad m inistrative officer of the University.
General Prospectus
All stu d ents share the follow ing resp onsibilities:
1. To read , becom e fam iliar w ith and ad here to the cod e, the University‟s
Cod e of Cond u ct, the Acad em ic Cod e of Cond u ct, the Resid ences Cod e
of Cond u ct and the Stu d ent hand -book of the u niversity.
2. To resp ect the p ersonal and p rop erty rights of others and to act in a
resp onsible m anner at all tim es.
3. To p rotect and foster the intellectu al, acad em ic, cu ltu ral, social and
other m issions of the University.
4. To observe the law s of Local, Provincial and N ational governm ent.
Self-d iscip line is an essential elem ent of ind ivid u al learning and
d evelop m ent accord ingly all stu d ents are exp ected to cond u ct them selves
as m atu re, resp onsible citizens of the Rep u blic of Sou th Africa and
m em bers of the University com m u nity in accord ance w ith p u blic law s and
accep ted stand ard of m orality an d d ecency. As su ch all stu d ents are
exp ected to be:
Cou rteou s to fellow stu d ents, facu lty staff m em bers and to the p u blic at
To be honest in his/ her acad em ic w ork and his/ her d ealings w ith others,
obey local, p rovincial and national governm ent.
The follow ing is an illu strative list of the typ es of cond u ct that are
p rohibited by this cod e. It inclu d es not only actu al cond u ct, bu t also
attem p ts to engage in su ch cond u ct. A reasonable su sp icion that a stu d ent
has engaged in su ch p rohibited cond u ct, or attem p ted cond u ct, w ill resu lt
in the im m ed iate consid eration of d iscip linary action u nd er this cod e.
General Prospectus
1. Cau sing or creating a fire or any other cond ition that jeop ard ises the
safety of ind ivid u als on cam p u s and d u ring off-cam p u s activities,
2. Tem p ering w ith safety m easu res or d evices su ch as alarm system s fire
extingu ishers, exit signs em ergency p hone system s sm oke or heat
d etectors, fire hoses secu rity system s locked exterior d oors and the
sp rinkler system s.
3. Failing to conform to safety regu lations, su ch as falsely rep orting an
incid ent, failu re to evacu ate facilities in a tim ely fashion in em ergency
situ ations or in resp onse to fire alarm s, inap p rop riate u se of the alarm
system and sim ilar cond u ct.
4. Falsely rep orting the p resence of a bom b or any other d angerou s
d evice or cond ition.
Possessing, u sing, storing, transp orting firearm s, other w eap ons
exp losives, firew orks, am m u nition or d angerou s chem icals (excep t
au thorised for u se in class or in connection w ith u niversity sp onsored
research or other ap p roved activities).
D iscrimination
Engaging in verbal or p hysical behaviou r d irected at an ind ivid u al or
grou p that accord ing to a p erson of reasonable sensibilities, is likely to
create an intim id ation or d em eaning environm ent that im p ed es the access
of other stu d ents, facu lty and staff to the ed u cational benefit available from
or throu gh the u niversity.
Engaging in verbal, electronic, visu al, w ritten or p hysical behavio u r
d irected at an ind ivid u al or grou p that in the view of a p erson of
reasonable sensibilities is likely to p rovoke or otherw ise resu lt in negative
or inju riou s resp onse or reaction. This behaviou r m ay inclu d e:
1. m aking an exp ressed or im p lied threat affecting another p erson‟s
acad em ic p u rsu its, u niversity em p loym ent, or p articip ation in
activities sp onsored by the u niversity or organisation or grou p related
to the u niversity, or;
General Prospectus
Sexual harassment
Sexu al harassm ent of the institu tion shall be ap p lication.
Any w ilfu l attem p t or threat to inflict inju ry u p on the p erson of another,
w hen cou p led w ith an ap p arent p resent ability to d o so, and any
intentional d isp lay of force su ch as w ou ld give the victim reason to fear
bod ily harm constitu tes as assau lt. An assau lt m ay be com m itted w ithou t
actu ally tou ching or striking or d oing bod ily harm . Self-d efence m ay be a
m itigating factor to this charge, d ep end ing on the circu m stances.
Indecent Assault
Ind ecent assau lt m eans, the u nlaw fu l and intentional assau lt of another
w ith the intention of com m itting an ind ecency. Assau lt in this m atter is not
qu alified by an ind ecent act bu t by the intention of the p erson com m itting
the assau lt to behave ind ecently. This form of assau lt can be com m itted
even thou gh the accu sed d oes not d irect his cond u ct at the victim ‟s p rivate
p arts. What is im p ortant is the accu sed intention, exp ressed by w ord s or
cond u ct, and not the natu re of the act.
An encou nter in w hich p hysical contact occu rs or is threatened betw een
tw o or m ore p ersons w ith w eap ons, blow s or other p ersonal violence a nd
that m ay inclu d e p u shing, shoving and other acts of p hysical abu se. Self-
d efence m ay be a m itigating factor to this charge d ep end ing on the
circu m stances of each case.
General Prospectus
Alcoholic Beverages
Violation of the University‟s alcoholic beverages regu lations a nd
gu id elines, inclu d ing:
1. The sale, service, p ossession and / or consu m p tion of an alcoholic
beverage in acad em ic facu lties, inclu d ing classroom s, stu d ios, theatres,
au d itoria and / or laboratories is p rohibited .
2. Stu d ent organisations m ay not serve alcoh olic beverages at events
w ithou t the exp ress ap p roval of the Senior Director Stu d ent Affairs
regard ing the location and cond itions of p ossession and consu m p tion.
If ap p roved alcoholic beverages m ay not be consu m ed ou tsid e of the
d esignated areas for the ev ent.
3. Stu d ents serving alcoholic beverages at off-cam p u s events m ay not
id entify these events as u niversity sp onsored events.
4. After consu m ing alcoholic beverages stu d ents m u st assu m e fu ll
resp onsibility for their cond u ct as it relates to the need for good
ju d gm ent, d iscretion, m od eration, resp ect for the rights of others and
the legal regu lations of the ju risd ictions involved .
H azing is d efined as cond u ct that cau ses or is intend ed to cau se
p sychological, em otional or p hysical harm to any p erson as a p art of
initiation into or affiliation w ith any cam p u s-based organisation.
General Prospectus
D amage to Property
When a stu d ent know ingly d am ages the p rop erty of anoth er or of the
University w ithou t his/ her/ its consent by d efacing, d eform ing, or
otherw ise d am aging the p rop erty by the u se of p aint or any other sim ilar
su bstance, by the u se of w riting instru m ents, etching tools or sim ilar
d evices, throu gh m eans of fire or exp losives, or throu gh the u se of any
other instru m entality of any kind and m ixtu re.
Unau thorized rem oval, d estru ction or d am age of University p rop erty, or
the p rop erty of another stu d ent, or the p rop erty u nd er University cu stod y
or control.
Possession of stolen item s from a m em ber (s) of the University com m u nity,
or the sale of stolen item s from any sou rce w hatsoever.
Stealing p rop erty and / or services, know ingly p ossessing or transp orting
stolen p rop erty, or im p rop erly converting the p rop erty of a nother for
p ersonal u se.
General Prospectus
Prohibition of incitem ent to com m it a crim e is p u nishable in term s of
section 18(2) of the Riotou s Assem blies Act 17 of 1956 w hich read s as
follow s:
Any p erson w ho… incites, instigates, com m and s or p rocu res any other
p erson to com m it any offence, w hether at com m on law or against a statu te
or statu tory regu lations, shall be gu ilty of an offence and liable on
conviction to the p u nishm ent to w hich a p erson convicted of actu ally
com m itting that offence w ou ld be liable.
This offence is p u nishable in term s of the Corru p tion Act 94 of 1992 section
Prohibition on offer or accep tance of benefit for com m ission of act in
relation to certain p ow ers or d u ties. Any p erson –
1. w ho corru p tly gives or offer or agrees to give benefit of w ha tever
natu re w hich is not legally d u e, to any p erson u p on w hom –
any p ow er has been conferred or w ho has been changed w ith any
d u ty by virtu e of any em p loym ent or the hold ing of any office or
relationship of agency or any law or to anyone else, w ith the
intention to influ ence the p erson u p on w hom su ch p ow er has been
conferred or w ho has been charged w ith su ch d u ty to com m it or
om it to d o any act in relation to su ch p ow er or d u ty; or
any p ow er has been conferred or w ho has been charged w ith any
d u ty by virtu e of any em p loym ent or hold ing of any office or any
relationship of agency or any law and w ho com m itted or om itted
to d o any act constitu ting any excess of su ch p ow er or any neglect
of su ch d u ty, w ith the intention to rew ard the p erson u p on w hom
su ch p ow er has been conferred or w ho has been charged w ith su ch
d u ty becau se he/ she so acted ; or
u p on w hom any p ow er has been conferred or w ho has been
charged w ith any d u ty by virtu e of any em p loym ent or the
hold ing of any p ost or any relationship of agency or an y law and
w ho corru p tly receives or obtains or agrees to receive or attem p ts
to obtain any benefit of w hatever natu re w hich is not legally d u e,
from any p erson, either for him self or herself or for anyone else,
w ith the intention –
General Prospectus
When a p erson u nlaw fu lly and intentionally obtains som e ad vantage,
w hich m ay be of either a p atrim onial or non -p atrim onial natu re, from
another by su bjecting the latter to p ressu re w hich ind u ces him / her to hand
over the ad vantage.
The u nlaw fu l and intentional cau sing of d eath of another hu m an being.
Culpable Homicide
The u nlaw fu l and negligent cau sing of the d eath of another hu m an being.
A p erson havin g u nlaw fu l and intentional sexu al intercou rse w ith a p erson
w ithou t her consent.
Criminal D efamation
Unlaw fu l and intentional p u blication of m atter concerning another w hich
tend s to inju re his/ her rep u tation.
General Prospectus
Theft of a p rop erty by u nlaw fu lly an d intentionally u sing violence or
threats of violence to take the p rop erty or to ind u ce su bm ission to its
The integrity of University acad em ic life and of d egrees and d ip lom as the
University confers is d ep end ent u p on the honesty and sou nd ness of the
teacher-stu d ent learning relationship and , as w ell, that of the evalu ation
p rocess. Cond u ct by any m em ber of the University com m u nity that
ad versely affects this relationship or this p rocess m u st, therefo re, be
consid ered a seriou s offence.
a. N o stu d ent shall, w ith intent to d eceive, rep resent the w ork of another
p erson as his/ her ow n in any acad em ic w riting, essay, thesis, research
rep ort, p roject or assignm ent su bm itted in a cou rse or p rogram o f
stu d y or rep resent as his/ her ow n an entire essay or w ork of another,
w hether the m aterial so rep resented constitu tes a p art or the entirety of
the w ork su bm itted .
b. Up on d em onstration that the stu d ent has rep resented and su bm itted
another p erson‟s w ork as his/ her ow n, it shall be p resu m ed that the
stu d ent intend ed to d eceive; the stu d ent shall bear the bu rd en of
rebu tting this p resu m p tion by evid ence satisfying the p erson or bod y
hearing the case that no su ch intent existed .
c. N o stu d ent shall contribu te any w ork to another stu d ent w ith the
know led ge that the latter m ay su bm it the w ork in p art or w hole as
his/ her ow n. Receip t of p aym ent for w ork contribu ted shall be cau se
for p resu m p tion by evid ence satisfying the p erson or bod y hearing the
case that no su ch intent existed .
General Prospectus
N o stu d ent shall:
a. In the cou rse of an exam ination obtain or attem p t to obtain inform ation
from another stu d ent or u nau thorised sou rce or give or attem p t to give
inform ation to another stu d ent or p ossess, u se or attem p t to u se a ny
u nau thorised m aterial.
b. Rep resent or attem p t to rep resent oneself as another or have or attem p t
to have oneself rep resented by another in the taking of an exam ination,
p rep aration of or p ap er or other sim ilar activity.
c. Su bm it in any cou rse or p rogr am of stu d y, w ithou t both the
know led ge and ap p roval of the p erson to w hom it is su bm itted , all or a
su bstantial p ortion of any acad em ic w riting, essay, thesis, research
rep ort, p roject or assignm ent for w hich cred it has p reviou sly been
obtained or w hich h as been or is being su bm itted in another cou rse or
p rogram of stu d y in the University or elsew here.
d . Su bm it in any cou rse or p rogram of stu d y any acad em ic w riting, essay,
thesis, research rep ort, p roject or assignm ent containing a statem ent of
fact know n by stu d ents to be false or a reference to a sou rce w hich
reference or sou rce has been fabricated .
Confidential material
It shall be an offence know ingly to p rocu re, d istribu te, or receive any
confid ential acad em ic m aterial su ch as p end ing exam inations or laboratory
resu lts from any sou rce w ithou t p rior and exp ress consent of the
instru ctor.
Misrepresentation of facts
It shall be an offence to know ingly m isrep resent m aterial facts to another
for the p u rp ose of gaining ad m ission to the University or obtain ing
acad em ic ad vantage or cred it.
General Prospectus
The p u rp ose of the d iscip lin ary sanctions for violations of the Cod e is to
ed u cate abou t resp onsible behaviou r as m em bers of the University
com m u nity, to m aintain ord er and to p rotect the rights of others.
Stu d ents fou nd gu ilty of violating the Cod e w ill be notified of any sanction
by the d iscip linary chairp erson. There is no set sanction for any p articu lar
offence w ith the excep tion of au tom atic exp u lsion for any felony
conviction. Sanctions w ill be d eterm ined ind ivid u ally and w ill be
consid ered w ith the severity of the offence. Every case w ill be evalu ated on
its ow n m erits.
General Terms
Parents of m inor or d ep end ent stu d ents w ho receive a d iscip linary
sanction shall be notified of that action by the University.
General Prospectus
Stu d ents w ho have not com p letely fu lfilled their sa nctions m ay be allow ed
to p articip ate in general m and atory registration for the su bsequ ent
sem ester if all other financial and acad em ic cond itions have been m et.
H ow ever, their registration w ill be cancelled if they fail to com p ly w ith all
the stip u lations of the sanctions w ithin the tim e lim it set.
Minor Sanctions
Disciplinary warning or Reprimand
A d iscip linary w arning or rep rim and is an official w ritten statem ent of
censu re. It is u sed w hen a stu d ent‟s behaviou r is u naccep table bu t is
consid ered to be m inor and / or u nintend ed . It inclu d es a w arning that
any other violation of the University Cod e for w hich the stu d ent is
fou nd gu ilty w ill resu lt in m ore severe d iscip linary action. The w ritten
statem ent shall be d elivered to the stu d ent and also kep t in the
stu d ent‟s record for a p eriod of six (6) m onths.
Letter of A pology to the A ggrieved Party
A stu d ent m ay be requ ired to w rite a letter of ap ology to the aggrieved
p arty. A d raft cop y of the letter m u st be su bm itted to the SFJT for p rior
ap p roval. This is a d iscretionary sanction.
Requirement to seek counselling
This sanction m ay be im p osed w hen a stu d ent w as fou nd gu ilty of
engaging in d isru p tive or u ncivil behaviou r, in su ch cases the stu d ent
shall be requ ired to p rovid e evid ence to SFJT of attend ance of
cou nselling by a qu alified p rofession in the Stu d ent Cou nselling
d ep artm ent at the u niversity. This is a d iscretionary sanction.
General Prospectus
Research assignment
A stu d ent m ay be requ ired to com p lete a research assignm ent on a
top ic related to the Cod e violation w ithin a sp ecified p eriod of tim e
and to m ake other stu d ents aw are of the seriou sness of the violation.
This is a d iscretionary sanction.
Restitu tion is reim bu rsem ent to com p ensate for the p ersonal inju ry,
p rop erty d am age or m isrep resentation of u niversit y or other p ersonal
p rop erty. It m ay be in the form of m oney or services. This is a
d iscretionary sanction.
M andatory University or community service
A stu d ent m ay be requ ired to p erform w ork assignm ent at the
University or in the local com m u nity. This is a d iscretionary sanction.
Severe Sanctions
Disciplinary probation
A d iscip linary p robation m ay be im p osed for a sp ecified p eriod of
tim e. A stu d ent w ho is u nd er d iscip linary p robation w ill not be
p erm itted to p articip ate in intram u ral, intercollegiate, sp orts, stu d ent
clu bs or organisations. Su ch stu d ent m ay not rep resent the University
in any p u blic fu nction, com p etition or p erform ance, hold office in a
stu d ent organisation or be eligible to join a fraternity or sorority.
Stu d ents receiving scholarship s for any activities enu m erated above
m ay have that scholarship su sp end ed or term inated . Decisions
regard ing scholarship s w ill be m ad e by the office of the Senior Director
Stu d ent Su p p ort Services in consu ltation w ith the Assistant d irector
Stu d ent life and Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training and DVC
Acad em ic w ill m ake the final d ecision.
W ithdrawal from class
Decisions regard ing w ithd raw al from class w ill be m ad e by the office
of the Senior Director Stu d ent Su p p ort Services in consu ltation w ith
the Assistant d irector Stu d ent life and Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and
Training and DVC Acad em ic w ill m ake the final d ecision.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
by the stu d ent to the Office of the Senior Director Stu d ent Su p p ort
Service and forw ard ed to the office of the Registrar before the stu d ent
is read m itted .
University expulsion
Exp u lsion is the m ost severe sanction that the University m ay im p ose.
Exp u lsion is p erm anent d ism issal or sep aration of the stu d ent from the
University. In ad d ition the stu d ent is not eligible for read m ission to the
University and is p erm anently barred from the u niversity ow ned or
op erated p rop erty and from all University -sp onsored events.
Exp u lsions are record ed on the stu d ent‟s p erm anent record (official
transcrip t). Stu d ents exp elled from the University are requ ired to
retu rn any id entification card s, room keys and other u niversity
p rop erty and m u st leave cam p u s im m ed iately u p on notification of
being exp elled . An exp elled stu d ent m ay not retu rn to the cam p u s and
is p erm anently barred from the u niversity ow ned and op erated
bu ild ings or p rop erty and from all University -sp onsored events. If an
exp elled stu d ent retu rns to the cam p u s, he/ she w ill be charged w ith
u nlaw fu l entry and m ay be arrested . An exp elled stu d ent‟s
relationship w ith the University is severed p erm anently.
General Prospectus
the Registrar for a final d ecision. The Registrar shall inform University
officials, inclu d ing the ap p rop riate Acad em ic and Ad m inistrative H ead s.
Initiating a Complaint
A stu d ent w ill becom e involved w ith the ju d icial system as a resu lt of
alleged violations of the com m u nity stand ard s of the University. Su ch
violations w ill be d ocu m ented and a rep ort su bm itted by the Protection
Services official resp onsible for the investigation of the m atter. While m ost
violations occu r on the cam p u s (University p rem ises), the stu d ent
p op u lation, living in the su rrou nd ing com m u nity off-cam p u s, also falls
w ithin the ju risd iction of the University ju d icial system .
Anyone w ho has a grou nd for initiating a com p laint regard ing any
University stu d ent m ay d o so by filling in a form at the offices of
Protection Services the follow ing inform ation:
The nam e of the accu sed ;
A clear statem ent exp laining the natu re and circu m stances of the
com p laint; and
The nam es, ad d resses, and telep hone nu m bers of those filing the
com p laint.
A stu d ent w ho has had a com p laint lod ged against him / her w ill b e called
by the Stu d ent Facilitator: Ju d icial and Training to d iscu ss the com p liant.
At the m eeting, the case m ay be held , d rop p ed , ad ju d icated or referred to
an ap p rop riate Com m ittee as p rovid ed for by the Cod e.
General Prospectus
All qu estions of p roced u re and evid ence that m ay arise d u ring the hearing,
inclu d ing any challenge to p roced u res anted ating the hearing, shall be
resolved by the Chair after consu lting w ith the Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial
and Training.
The Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training is neu tral betw een the p arties.
H is/ her role is to ad vise as to the fair cond u ct of p roceed ings, bu t the
Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and Training shall not p articip ate in the
d ecisions.
A ru ling that a p roced u re in the cod e has been follow ed shall not resu lt in
annu lm ent of the p roceed ings if in the ju d gm ent of the hearing the er ror
d id not cau se p reju d ice to the stu d ent or any p reju d ice that d id resu lt can
be rem ed ied w ithou t cau sing u nd u e d elay in the p roceed ings.
Witnesses shall be called by the Chair of the hearing and heard one at a
tim e. Any m em ber of the Com m ittee, voting or non-voting, m ay su ggest
that a w itness be called or re-called , inclu d ing a w itness not nam ed in the
list of w itnesses. The stu d ent and the stu d ent ad visor shall be allow ed an
op p ortu nity to call w itnesses.
In the case of acad em ic offences, the instru ct or in the cou rse in w hich the
offence took p lace m ay be p resent throu ghou t the hearing, m ay be called
as a w itness and m ay consu lt w ith the d iscip linary officer throu ghou t the
All p arties w ho are p resent throu ghou t the hearing m u st observe the sa m e
ru le of confid entiality as the m em bers of the com m ittee.
All w itnesses shall give their testim ony and evid ence in the p resence of the
accu sed stu d ent, the com p lainant, their ad visors, m em bers of the
com m ittee and the Chair. Any of the aforem entioned p er sons m ay p u t
qu estions to the w itnesses. H ow ever, the Stu d ent Facilitator Ju d icial and
Training m ay not ask qu estions of the p arties or sp eak d u ring the
d isp osition of the case excep t w ith p erm ission of the Chair. The accu sed
stu d ent, com p lainant and their ad visors shall have access to any
d ocu m ents consid ered by the hearing com m ittee as evid ence in the case.
General Prospectus
The accu sed stu d ent and com p lainant shall be given an op p ortu nity to give
evid ence on their behalf, shou ld anyone of them d ecid e to give evid ence,
they w ill be su bject to qu estions from the hearing com m ittee and ad visors.
N o inference m ay be d raw n against the accu sed stu d ent for refu sing to
give evid ence, excep t to the extent that allegation against the accu sed
stu d ent, becau se of his/ her refu sal, stand s u ncontrad icted .
The ru les of evid ence ap p licable in civil and crim inal cou rt p roceed ings
shall not ap p ly to the hearing so long as the evid ence has been obtained in
good faith and by reasonable m eans. Evid ence w hich is not relevant, or is
only rem otely relevant, shall be exclu d ed . All qu estions of the ad m issibility
of evid ence shall be resolved by the Chair after consu lting w ith the Stu d ent
Facilitator Ju d icial and Training.
General Prospectus
Different category u sers and loan p eriod s are set ou t in the Innop ac Loan
Ru les.
Stu d ents m u st retu rn item s ou t on loan before the University closes at the
end of the year. Arrangem ents can be m ad e for p ost-grad u ate stu d ents
and researchers w ho w ant to u se sou rces over the holid ays.
Rem ind ers are sent regu larly to stu d ents and lectu rers. It is im p ortant to
follow -u p rem ind ers on m aterials that have been overd u e for long p eriod s.
Action against library u sers that d id not retu rn borrow ed library m aterial
are ad d ressed in the Innop ac Loan Ru les d ocu m ent.
As no item s are issu ed in the library w ithou t the client‟s stu d ent/ staff
card , the p erson in w hose nam e the item (s) w ere issu ed w ill be held
resp onsible for all item s issu ed to them w ithou t excep tion. Stu d ents
are w arned d u ring orientation to rep ort stolen card s im m ed iately, so
ignorance of this stip u lation cannot be accep ted as an excu se. Staff at
issu ing p oints m u st ensu re that the p erson u sing the card is ind eed the
ow ner of the card .
General Prospectus
i. Client rep orts lost item (s) to the m ain issu e d esk.
ii. Library assistant blocks client on the library system as w ell as on
the ITS system .
iii. User m u st rep lace the lost item (s) in ord er to have his record
u nblocked / cleared .
iv. Staff from the issu e cou nter w ill receive a qu otation from the staff
in the Acqu isitions Section calcu lated as follow s:
a. The rep lacem ent cost of the item + overd u e fines + R100
p rocessing fee p er item ;
b. If any accom p anying m aterial su ch as a CD or a stiffy has b een
lost, the fu ll p rice of the new m ain item (u su ally a book) is
charged (calcu lated as (a) above) becau se the accom p anying
m aterial cannot be p u rchased sep arately;
c. If the item is ou t of p rint, a flat rate of R550 is ap p licable +
overd u e fines;
d . The u ser m ay be given the op tion by the H oD: User Services to
rep lace the lost item by p u rchasing a rep lacem ent cop y of the
exact item and p aying the overd u e fine + R100 p rocessing fee.
Second -hand books w ill only be accep ted if in p ristine
cond ition; and
e. If the item lost can be rep laced by a sim ilar item covering the
sam e su bject m atter w ithou t com p rom ising the stand ard of the
collection in any w ay, the H oD: User Services m ay com e to an
agreem ent w ith the client w hereby the sim ilar item is bou ght
and given to the library. The p rocessing fee is still ap p licable,
as the item has to be p rocessed before becom ing p art of the
library collection.
v. The client is given the qu ote and d etails of the cost cod e into w hich
the p aym ent m u st be m ad e (3004-2043) and m u st p ay in the fu ll
am ou nt at the Finance Dep artm ent.
vi. The receip t m u st be p rod u ced to the staff at the issu e cou nter, w ho
w ill m ake a cop y of the receip t and retu rn the original to the client.
vii. The client m u st be u nblocked / cleared on the Innop ac and ITS
system s. The cop y of the receip t m u st be hand ed to the
General Prospectus
Acqu isitions Dep artm ent. The statu s of the item is changed on
Innop ac to “Lost & Paid ”, the item record is su p p ressed (and the
bibliograp hic record if there is only one item record attached ), and
the title m u st be w ritten off in the Acqu isitions Register.
viii. The su bject librarian concerned m u st be inform ed abou t the
p aym ent to d ecid e w hether the item shou ld be reord ered , or
w hether another item shou ld be p u rchased in its p lace. The
rep lacem ent item m u st cover the sam e su bject field as the lost item .
There is, therefore, a form al agreem ent am ong tertiary institu tions to
rend er a free inter-lend ing service to Masters and Doctoral stu d ents,
acad em ic p ersonnel and researchers from GAELIC libraries.
Costs that are exclu d ed from the agreem ent inclu d e the follow ing:
Telefax cost
Cou rier service
Regu lar p hotocop ies
The requ esting library m u st p ay inter -lend ing tariffs as d eterm ined by the
State Library for the above.
GAELIC libraries u nd ertake to resp ond to any inter -lend ing requ est w ithin
48 hou rs i.e. 2 w orking d ays.
Any other inter-lend ing requ est to or from institu tions other than the
GAELIC libraries, is su bject to the tariff stru ctu re laid d ow n by the State
General Prospectus
User of ILL
All registered BTech, Masters and Doctoral stu d ents, acad em ic p ersonnel
and researchers at Vand erbijlp ark and its Satellite cam p u ses, m ay p lace
u nlim ited requ ests.
Perm ission for an international inter -lend ing requ est m u st be granted by
the p rom oter of the p ost-grad u ate stu d ent or by the head of d ep artm ent of
an acad em ic m em ber of staff. Althou gh the cost is u su ally carried by the
library, d ep artm ents m ay be ap p roached to help in case of d ire need .
N o inter-lend ing requ ests are d one for ju nior/ d ip lom a stu d ents.
Any m aterial not available in the library, m u st be ord ered or requ ested on
inter-library loans.
Fau lty equ ip m ent shou ld be rep orted im m ed iately to H oD: System s.
If borrow ed m aterial is lost or d efaced , the u ser w ill be resp onsible for the
total costs to be d eterm ined by the su p p lying library.
General Prospectus
1. Loose issu es of p eriod icals w ill not be issu ed to any library clients and
m ay not leave the library.
3. On requ est, library staff w ill m ake a p hotocop y of the article for the
client (only staff m em bers, researchers and p ost-grad u ate stu d ents).
The cost of the cop ies w ill be calcu lated at th e cu rrent rate p er p age,
and the facu lty w ill be invoiced at the end of each term .
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
vi. Shou ld a stu d ent have an H IV test u sing the Cam p u s H ealth
Centre or other University facilities, the resu lts w ill rem ain
confid ential betw een the stu d ent and the p erso n au thorised to
give the resu lt;
vii. N o m em ber of staff or stu d ent m ay d isclose the H IV statu s of a
stu d ent w ithou t their w ritten consent; and
viii. The University end eavou rs to p rovid e a learning environm ent
in w hich stu d ents w ith H IV/ AIDS are fu lly accep ted and safe
from p reju d ice and stigm a.
General Prospectus
iv. All d ep artm ents and facu lties w ill be requ ired to consid er how to
achieve integration of H IV/ AIDS into their p rogram m es; and
v. Mechanism s w ill be established to su p p ort H IV/ AIDS research
activities that are innovative, strategic and interd iscip lin ary in
natu re.
General Prospectus
The University shall establish a com m ittee, know n as the H IV/ AIDS
Com m ittee.
General Prospectus
ii. Act in ad visory cap acity to the University and com m u nicate
relevant concerns to the University com m u nity;
iii. Assist in the interp retation of the H IV/ AIDS p olicy;
iv. Establish ap p rop riate exp ert com m ittees w hen a need arises;
v. Ad m inister the AIDS Fu nd and p rep are bu d gets.
9.4 Meetings
i. The H IV/ AIDS Com m ittee shall m eet at least once a m onth;
ii. The Com m ittee secretary shall convene su ch m eetings;
iii. If both the chairp erson and vice-chairp erson are absent from a
m eeting of the com m ittee, the m em bers p resent shall elect one
of the m em bers to p resid e at that m eeting;
iv. The p erson w ho p resid es at a m eeting shall d eterm ine
p roced u re to be follow ed at that m eeting;
General Prospectus
9.5 Sub-Committees
i. The H IV/ AIDS Com m ittee shall have p ow er to establish
ap p rop riate su b-com m ittees and / or task grou p s in ord er to
better carry ou t its objectives, and it m ay co-op t p ersons to
serve on su ch su b-com m ittees or task grou p s;
ii. The Execu tive Com m ittee m ay hold u rgent m eetings and
m ake d ecisions on behalf of the com m ittee w hen a need arises;
iii. The com m ittee shall raise and m anage fu nd s for id entified
p rogram m es throu gh ap p rop riate channels.
General Prospectus
D Faculty Information
D1 Academic D ress
Facult y Colours
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences Buttercup Yellow
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Beetle Green
Faculty of H uman Sciences Union Jack Red
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences Ad onis Blue
N ational Diploma
Black gow n w ith hood in faculty colour, w ith a black m ortarboard
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Ms U Terblanche BSc; BSc H ons; MSc: Microbial Biochem istry III and IV
Biochem istry (N WU)
Ms S Viljoen N D: Biotechnology
General Prospectus
Prof SJ Mod ise H ead of Departm ent BSc; BSc H ons; MSc; PhD:
Chem istry
Ms GR Mokoena Ad m inistrator N3
Dr EB N aid oo Principal Lecturer BSc; BSc H ons; MSc; PhD
PH Barnard Senior Lecturers BSc; Std ; NH D: Analytical
Chem istry
Mr F Kem p MSc; H ED
Depart ment of Informat ion & Communicat ion Technology , Office Management & Technology
Ms A Lom bard H ead of Departm ent N D: FIS; BTech: FIS; MTech: Business Analysis III
Ms SN Nd ila Ad m inistrators N D: OMT
General Prospectus
Ms R van Eck BSc H ons; H ED; MTech: IT Business Analysis II (Mod ule I)
Inform ation System s II
Ms LSM Loubser BSc H ons: TH OD Developm ent Softw are II (Mod ule I)
Softw are Skills I (Mod ule II)
Ms RT Mngom a BSc H ons Developm ent Softw are I (Mod ule II)
Developm ent Softw are II (Mod ule
Ms SV Ribeiro BSc H ons; BTech: IT Softw are Skills I (Mod ule II)
Developm ent Softw are III
Ms FB Moreki Junior Lecturers STD Program m ing I
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Chem istry I • N on-Destructive Testing Theory W1
• Mathem atics I (MT & PT and Ed dy Current Unit 1)
• Physics I • N on-Destructive Testing Practical W1
• Draw ing: Mechanical Engineering (MT & PT and Ed dy Current Unit 1)
• Vocational English A & B • Qualitative Techniques I
• Com puter Skills I ** • Metallurgy I
• Introd uction to N DT • Physics II
General Prospectus
Semester 3 Semester 4
• N on-Destructive Testing Theory W2 • N on-Destructive Testing Theory W3
(RT and Ed d y Current Unit 2) (UT and Ed dy Current Unit 3)
• N on-Destructive Testing Practical W2 • N on-Destructive Testing Practical W3
(RT and Ed d y Current Unit 2) (UT and Ed dy Current Unit 3)
• Com m unication Skills I • Found ry Technology II
• Quality Assurance II • Weld ing Technology II
• Physical Metallurgy I • Entrepreneurial Skills I
• Managem ent for Scientists & Engineers I
Semester 5 Semester 6
• Workplace-Integrated Learning I • Workplace-Integrated Learning II
4. Career Opportunities
A career in non -d estructive testing offers challenging and exciting
opportunities in both the private and pu blic sectors. There is a
continuous d em and for trained non -d estructive testing technicians.
Position on entry level : N DT Assistant
Mid d le level : N DT Technician
Top level : N DT Division Manager
General Prospectus
For learners not qualifying, a six m onth entry level certificate in ICT
(IT Bootcam p) is running, offering m od ules such as Fund am entals of
Program m ing, MS Office, Internet and E-m ail, N um eric-, Life- and
English Com prehension Skills. A 60% pass rate for all m od ules is
required as a m inim um entrance level to the Inform ation Technology
d iplom a.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5. Career Opportunities
Com puterisation of m ost facets of m od ern society creates a m ultitud e
of possibilities. In -service training includ es the d evelopm ent of
prototypes or system s an d / or the supervised support of existing
system s. The typical entry level is that of a Program m er w ith a quick
ad vance to the level of Senior Program m er. Further prom otions are
to the level of System s Analyst, N etw ork Ad m inistrator or Database
Ad m inistrator.
6. Career Status
IT Specialists can acquire m em bership of the Com puter Society of
South Africa.
7. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Inform ation & Com m unication Technology
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Vaal University of Techn ology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Chem istry Theory I (Mod ule 1) • Analytical Chem istry I
• Chem istry Practical I (Mod ule 2) • Inorganic Chem istry II
• Physics I • Analytical Chem istry Practical I
• Mathem atics I • Physical Chem istry II
• English Developm ent I • Organic Chem istry II
• Com puter Skills • English Developm ent II
General Prospectus
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Inorganic Chem istry III • Analytical Chem istry III
• Physical Chem istry III • Analytical Chem istry Practical III
• Organic Chem istry III • Chem ical Quality Assurance
• Analytical Chem istry II • Physics II / Mathem atics II
• Analytical Chem istry Practical II
Semester 5 Semester 6
• Chem ical Process Ind ustries II • Chem ical Ind ustry Practical P1
• Entrepreneurial Skills or
• Ind ustrial Chem ical Analysis • Chem istry Project P2
• Physics II / Mathem atics II
• Chem ical Ind ustry Practical P1
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
A career in Analytical Chem istry offers challenging and exciting
opportunities in both the private and pu blic sectors. There is a
continuous d em and for trained Analytical Technicians.
Entry level: Laboratory Assistant
Mid d le level: Laboratory Technician
Top level: Laboratory Manager
Research opportunities are also available at the University.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Chem istry
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Microbiology I • Microbiology II
• Chem istry I • Biochem istry II
• Physics I • Analytical Chem istry: Biological II
• Calculations & Statistics I • Sanitation
• Vocational English • Safety & H ygiene I
• Basic Com puter Skills
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Microbiology: Biological III • Food Microbiology III
• Disease & Im m une Response II • Analytical Biochem istry III
• Microbial Biochem istry III • Process Technology & Managem ent I
• Ferm entation Technology II • Bio Processing III
• Com m unication Skills • Entrepreneurship
General Prospectus
Semester 5 Semester 6
• Workplace-Integrated Learning • Workplace-Integrated Learning
4. Career Opportunities
A career as a Microbiologist/ Biotechnologist offers challenging and
exciting opportunities in a variety of institutions. There is a d em and
for trained Microbiologists/ Biotechnologists. Job d esignations m ay
vary from Laboratory Assistant at the entry level to Laboratory
Technician at the m id d le level and eventu ally Laboratory Manager at
the top level.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H ealth Sciences
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Anatom y & Physiology I (Mod ule 1) • Anatom y & Physiology I (Mod ule 2)
• Calculations & Statistics • Biochem istry II
• Chem istry I • Im m unology II
• Introd uction to Med ical Technology • Path Physiology II
• Physics I • Basic Com puter Skills
• Vocational English
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Blood Transfusion Technology • Cellular Pathology II
• Cellular Pathology I • Chem ical Pathology II
• Chem ical Pathology I • H aem atology II
• Microbiology I • Microbiology II
• Com m unication Skills
General Prospectus
Semester 5 Semester 6
• Laboratory Practice III • Cellular Pathology III
• Chem ical Pathology III
• H aem atology III
• Microbiology III
• Entrepreneurship
In-service training
Training can be d one in any of the follow ing categories:
Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology, H aem atology,
Im m unology, Blood Transfusion Technology, Chem ical
Pathology, Pharm acology, Rad io-Isotope Technology,
H istopathology Techniques, Cytotechnology, Cytoenetics or
Forensic Med ical Pathology.
A m inim um of six m onths practical training in each of the
follow ing categories: Microbiology, Chem ical Pathology and
H aem atology. This com bination is collectively know n as Clinical
4. Career Opportunities
Med ical Laboratory Technology offers a challenging and exciting
career in both the private and public sectors. There is a continuous
d em and for trained Technologists. Job opportunities exist at the
follow ing institutions: The N ational H ealth Laboratory Services w ith
its m ain branch in Johannesburg and other branches in most of the
large hospitals all over the country, private pathologists w ith
laboratories in various cities and tow n s and forensic laboratories.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H od : Biom ed ical Sciences
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
3. Career Choices
Prim ary H ealthcare Provid er
Com m unity H ealth Service Provid er
H ealth Services Ad m inistrator/ Manager
N urse Researcher
Com m unity Developm ent Coord inator/ Consultant
General Prospectus
4. Enquiries
Enquires m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Biological Sciences
Faculty of Applied & Com puter Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Other subjects:
• Com puter Application Technology >3
• Typing (20 w pm) >3
Total 24
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
BTech (2 years)
It takes tw o years to com plete, subjects rotate biennially. Financial
Accounting I is com pulsory for BTech
Inform ation Ad m inistration IV, Business Ad m inistration IV, Labour
& Im m aterial Law , Office Ad m inistration: Behavioural Aspects,
Research Method ology
3. Career Possibilities
The training that is given specifically em phasises the d evelopm ent of
ad m inistration skills, com puter know led ge, com m unication skills and
call centre skills.
After the qualification has been obtained , you w ill be qualified to
becom e a Litigation Typist, Personal Assistant, Legal Secretary,
Personnel Officer or Ad m inistrative Officer, Inform ation Technologist
or a Data Capturing Officer or an Office Coord inator.
With the required attitud e, skills and abilities you could becom e an
Assistant to Top Managem ent or Supervisor, Private Secretary or an
Ad m inistrative Officer in a com pany.
General Prospectus
4. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Inform ation & Com m unication Technology
Vaal University of Technology/ Ed ucity Cam p us
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Ms CJ Brink BEng
Mr MD Chuene BTech
Mr I Mtholo Junior Lecturer BTech
Mr SA Tsienyane Technicians BTech
Mr L Shoko MSc
Mr A Mansingh BTech
Mr GS Mod ise Laboratory Technicians BTech: Engineering
Ms MM Ram ovha ND
Mr LS Makgati ND
General Prospectus
Mr M Viljoen BTech; N DT
Dr H M Cam pbell H ead of Departm ent BSc; Dip : PA; MBA; MSc;
Ms SM van Zyl Ad m inistrator
Mr R Sukraj Senior Lecturers BTech: Eng. Ind .
General Prospectus
Mr AS Postm a MSc
General Prospectus
Mr MQ Thekiso BTech
Mr H M Langa BTech
Mr DP Motloung N Dip
Mr AT Makhalim a Junior Lecturer BTech
Mr S Sebueng Technician N Dip
Ms I Blignaut
Mr AP Fouché Principle Lecturer MDip Tech
Mr PJ Mitton Senior Lecturers MDip Tech
Mr JB Dlod lo MSc
Mr JB Loubser MTech
Mr R Fitchat Lecturers MSc: Eng
Mr TV Maloka BTech
Mr CJ Claassen MTech
Mr TR Tshikalaha MSc
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
N D ip Semester 1 N D ip Semester 2
Six of the follow ing subjects: Six of the follow ing subjects:
• Mathem atics I* • Mathem atics II*
• Electrical Engineering I* • Electronics I*
• Com m unication Stud ies I (Mod ule1)* • Electrical Engineering II*
• Com puter & Program m ing Skills I* • Com m unication Stud ies I (Mod ule 2)*
• Physics I • Digital System s I
• Process Instrum entation I • Process Instrum entation II
• Mechanics I • Projects I
N D ip Semester 3 N D ip Semester 4
Five of the follow ing subjects: Six of the follow ing subjects:
• Electronics II* • Design Project III*
• Ind ustrial Electronics II • Com m unication Stud ies II*
• Electrical Engineering III • Pow er Electronics III
• Mathem atics III • Electrical Distribution III
• Electrical Machines II • Electrical Protection III
• Control System s II • Electrical Machines III
• Managem ent II • Control System s III
• Projects II • Electronics III
N D ip Semester 5 N D ip Semester 6
• Experiential training P1* • Experiential training P2*
General Prospectus
The follow ing subjects are com pulsory for adm ittance to the governm ent certificate of competency
exam ination:
General Prospectus
5. Career Opportunities
The follow ing are som e of the career opportunities:
Fund am ental pow er engineering d esign and m aintenance
Pow er generation (conventional and alternative energy sources)
Transm ission and d istribution of electrical pow er
Electrical m achines and pow er transform er
Electrical protection and pow er electronics
Illum ination, netw orks, system s, etc.
7. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Pow er Engineering (E109)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
2. Curriculum
N D ip Semester 3 N D ip Semester 4
Five of the follow ing subjects: Five of the follow ing subjects:
• Electronics II * • Design Project III *
• Digital System s II • Com m unication Stud ies II *
• Digital Com m unication II • Electronics III
• Process Instrum entation III • Control System s III
• Mathem atics III • Digital System s III
• Control System s II • Electronic Applications III
• Electronic Measurem ents III • N etw ork System s III
• N etw ork System s II • Pow er Electronics III
• Projects II • Ind ustrial Electronics II
• Softw are Design II • Softw are Design III
• Logic Design III • Operating System s III
General Prospectus
N D ip Semester 5 N D ip Semester 6
• Experiential training P1 • Experiential training P2
N D ip Semester 3 N D ip Semester 4
Five of the follow ing subjects: Five of the follow ing subjects:
• Com m unication Stud ies II • Logic Design III
• N etw ork System s III • Database Principles III
• Electronics II • Softw are Engineering III
• Digital System s III • Operating System s III
• Program m ing III • Entrepreneurship II
• System Analysis II • Digital Process Control II
• Design Project III • Digital Process Control III
• Projects I • Electronics III
• Digital Com m unication II • Mathem atical Applications III
• Operational Research III
General Prospectus
N D ip Semester 5 N D ip Semester 6
• Experiential training P1 * • Experiential training P2 *
General Prospectus
5. Career Opportunities
The follow ing are som e areas of career opportunities:
Fund am ental process/ logic d esign and m aintenance
PLC/ m icro controller/ m icroprocessor: program m ing and
Ind ustrial/ d ata netw orks
SCADA/ d atabase system s
Program m ing applications
7. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Process Control & Com puter System s (T205)
Faculty of Engineering
Vaal University of Tech nology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
2. Curriculum
N D ip Semester 1 N D ip Semester 2
Six of the follow ing subjects: Six of the follow ing subjects:
• Mathem atics I * • Mathem atics II *
• Electrical Engineering I * • Electronics I *
• Com m unication Stud ies I (Mod ule 1) * • Electrical Engineering II *
• Com puter and Program m ing Skills I * • Com m unication Stud ies I (Mod ule 2) *
• Physics I • Digital System s II
• Digital System s I • Projects I
• Process Instrum entation I • Softw are Engineering II
N D ip Semester 3 N D ip Semester 4
Five of the follow ing subjects: Five of the follow ing subjects:
• Electronics II * • Design Project III *
• Digital Com m unication II • Com m unication Stud ies II *
• Electronic Com m unication II • Electronics III
• Mathem atics III • Rad io Engineering III
• Electronic Measurem ents III • Microw ave Com m unication III
• Projects II • Electronic Applications III
• Digital System s III • Television III
• Ind ustrial Electronics II • Pow er Electronics III
N D ip Semester 5 N D ip Semester 6
• Experiential training P1 • Experiential training P2
General Prospectus
* = Com pulsory
General Prospectus
5. Career Opportunities
The follow ing are som e of the career opportunities:
Fund am ental electronic d esign and m aintenance
Microprocessor program m ing and control
Telecom m unication (cell, copper, personal)
Rad io engineering
Microw ave engineering
Satellite com m unication
Television transm ission and reception
7. Enquiries
Ad d ress enquiries to:
H oD: Electronic Engineering (S109)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
This is a 3 year course and consists of:
Four sem ester university attend ance (27 subjects)
Tw o sem esters experiential training in ind ustry w hich should
preferably be d one after the second sem ester of university
attend ance
Semester 1 Semester 2
All the subjects are compulsory • Com m unication Stud ies II
• Com m unication Stud ies I • Surveying: Civil II
• Com puter Skills I • Mathem atics II
• Mathem atics I • Managem ent: Civil I
• Surveying I • Draw ing II
• Draw ing I • Theory of Structures II
• Applied Mechanics I • Construction Method s I
• Construction Materials I
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Com m unication Skills I • Docum entation III
• Managem ent: Civil II • Transportation
• Transportation Engineering III
Engineering II • Geotechnical
• Geotechnical Engineering III
Engineering II • Reinforced Concrete &
• Structural Steel & Masonry Design III
Tim ber Design III • Structural Analysis III
• Structural Analysis II • Water Engineering III
• Water Engineering II
General Prospectus
o H ierarchy of qualifications
The N ational Diplom a is the first level of qu alification (3
years). Beyond that, the follow ing d egree hierarchy exists:
General Prospectus
4. Careers
The follow ing selections of careers are available:
Design Drau ghtsm an, Project Official, Site Agent, Municipal
Technician, Engineering Surveyor, Quan tity Technician, Designer,
Laboratory Technician, Contracts Manager, Project Planner,
Estim ator, Quality Controller or a Geotechnician.
5. Career Opportunities
There is am ple opportunity to attain job satisfaction and attractive
financial rew ard s. Som e past stud ents from this d epartm ent have
senior positions at consulting engineering firm s, construction
com panies, governm ent bod ies, local authorities and ind ustry.
6. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Civil Engineering & Build ing
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Engineering Work-Stud y I • Qualitative Techniques I
• Mechanics I • Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering I
• Prod uction Engineering: Ind ustrial I • Engineering Work-Stud y II
• Com puter Skills I • Prod uction Engineering: Ind ustrial II
• Electrical Engineering I • Manufacturing Relations II
• Mathem atics I • Com m unication Stud ies IB
• Com m unication Stud ies IA
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Mechanical Engineering Drawing I • Engineering Work Stud y III
or • Ind ustrial Accounting III
• Com puter Aid ed Draughting I • Operational Research III
• Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering II • Autom ation III
• Costing II • Ind ustrial Lead ership III
• Facility Layout & Materials & H and ling II
• Com m unication Stud ies II Plus one approved subject on level III from any other
engineering discipline.
• Quality Assurance II
3. Course Structure
A d iplom a w ill be issued on the com pletion of 30 subjects (four
sem esters university ed ucation) and tw o sem esters experiential
training at an approved em ployer. The experiential training, in six
m onth period s, is registered at the University and preferably phased
in after com pletion of at least the second sem ester of university
attend ance.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
5. Job Opportunities
There is a great need for persons w ho are w ell trained in ind ustrial
engineering. Job opportunities abound in all types of m anufacturing
com panies as w ell as service organisations as ad visors, ind ustrial
analysts, prod uction personnel, planning personnel and line
m anagers. Experience has show n that people w ith a qualification in
ind ustrial engineering and a dynam ic personality quickly progress to
m anagem ent level or start their ow n businesses.
7. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Ind ustrial Engineering & Operations Managem ent
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 21
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
4. Job Opportunities
Operations Managem ent offers a challenging and exciting career in
the private sector. The expertise and skills that you w ill achieve find
their optim um application and grow th in the m anufacturing ind ustry,
progressively, as Prod uction Assistant / Prod uction Planner,
Prod uction Sched uler / H ead Planner, Prod uction Superintend ent,
Prod uction Manager and Operations Managem ent.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Ind ustrial Engineering & Prod uction Managem ent
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Mechanics I * • Mechanical Engineering Design II
• Mechanical Engineering Drawing I • Mechanics of Machines II
or • Strength of Materials II
• Com puter Aid ed Draughting I • Fluid Mechanics II
• Com puter & Program m ing Skills IA ** • Com m unication Stud ies IB
• Com m unication Stud ies IA
• Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering I Optional subjects: (at least two):
• Electrical Engineering I • Therm od ynamics II
• Mathem atics I • Electrical Engineering II
• Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering II
* Prerequisite for: • Mathem atics II
• Mechanics of Machines II
• Strength of Materials II
• Fluid Mechanics II
• Therm od ynamics II
Semester3 Semester 4
• Mechanics of Machines III • Theory of Machines III
• Strength of Materials III • Applied Strength of Materials III
• Com puter & Program m ing Skills IB • Com m unication Stud ies IIA
Optional subjects: (at least four) Optional subjects: (at least four)
• Fluid Mechanics III • H yd raulic Machines III
• Therm od ynamics III • Steam Plant III
• Mechanical Engineering Design III • Machine Design III
• Maintenance Engineering I • Maintenance Engineering II
• Electrical Engineering III • Electrical Engineering III
• Electrical Machines II • Electrical Distribution III
• A total of 25 subjects is required .
• A m axim um of 6 subjects m ay be taken from any
other engineering related program m e
General Prospectus
3. Course Structure
N ational Diplom a
Four sem esters u niversity attend ance.
Tw o sem esters. The Vaal University of Technology is not responsible
for provid ing opportunities for w ork integrated learning but w ill
assist stud ents in obtaining such opportunities.
Any sand w ich course structure is acceptable.
This Departm ent offers the follow ing field s of stud y in this
program m e - Design, Maintenance, Electrom echanical.
Med ium of instruction: English
General Prospectus
Course structure
o A d issertation
Doctor Technologiae (DTech)
Ad m ission requirem ents:
o Magister Technologiae, or equivalent qualification
Course d uration
o Minim um form al tim e is tw o years
Course structure
o An ad vanced research project w ith a thesis
General Prospectus
7. Career Opportunities
In any heavy or light m anufacturing ind ustry, e.g. the chem ical
ind ustry, iron and steel m anufacturing ind ustry, m ining ind ustry,
pow er stations, transport services, provincial and govern m ent
services, etc. Technicians are m uch sought after and a career in this
fled is lucrative and rew ard ing.
8. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Departm ent of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Tech nology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Chem istry • Metallurgical Chem istry
• Physics • Physical Metallurgy
• Mathem atics • Practical Metallurgy
• Metallurgy • Mathem atics
• Mechanical Engineering Drawing • Com m unication Stud ies IB
• Com puter Skills
• Com m unication Stud ies IA Optional subjects:
• Strength of Materials
• Mineral Processing
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Quality Control • Physical Metallurgy (PM option)
• Metallurgical Therm od ynam ics • Applied Mineral Processing (EM option)
• Physical Metallurgy (PM option) or Applied
Mineral Processing (EM option) Optional subjects: (four subjects)
• Com m unication Stud ies I • Found ry Technology (PM & EM)
• Corrosion (PM & EM)
Optional subjects: (three subjects) • Quality Control (PM & EM)
• Materials Testing: Metallurgy (PM option) • Chem ical Metallurgy (EM option)
• Extraction of N on-Ferrous Metals (EM • Mechanical Metallurgy (PM option)
option) • Welding Technology (PM option)
• Prod uction of Iron & Steel (PM & EM) • Mechanical Deform ation Technology (PM
• Found ry Technology (PM & EM) option)
• Ferroalloy Technology (PM & EM) • Extraction of N on-Ferrous Metals (EM option)
• Geology (EM option) • Prod uction of Iron & Steel (PM & EM)
• Mechanical Deform ation Technology (PM • H eat & Mass Transfer (PM & EM)
option) • Refractories (PM & EM)
• Chem ical Metallurgy (EM option)
• Refractories (PM & EM)
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
3. Rem arks
The Diplom a program m e consists of 25 cred its, spread over a
m inim um of four sem esters, plus one year at an approved em ployer.
The program m e w ill therefore take a m inim um of 3 years to
com plete.
Ad m ission requirem ents - BTech or equivalent. This is purely a
research qualification. The stud ent should prove that he/ she has
passed an approved course in Research Method ology.
Ad m ission requirem ents - MTech or equivalent. This is purely a
research qualification.
5. Career Opportunities
Many opportunities exist at prim ary prod ucers of both ferrous and
non-ferrous m etals as w ell as in the m anufacturing ind ustry.
6. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Total 24 28 21
Total 24 28 21
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Semester 1 Semester 2
• Chem istry I • Chem ical Engineering Technology II
• Draw ing: Chem ical Engineering I • Engineering Physics II
• Mathem atics I • Inorganic Chem istry II
• Physics I • Mathem atics II
• Com puter Skills I • Organic Chem istry II
• Com m unication Skills (Mod ule 1) • Physical Chem istry II
• Com m unication Skills (Mod ule 2)
Semester 3 Semester 4
• Com m unication Skills II • Chem ical Engineering Technology IIIB
• Chem ical Engineering Technology IIIA • Chem ical Plant IIIB
• Chem ical Plant IIIA • Chem ical Process Design: Principles III
• Chem ical Process Ind ustries II • Managem ent Skills IB
• Managem ent Skills IA • Process Control III
• Therm od ynamics: Chem ical Engineering III • Therm od ynamics: Applied III
General Prospectus
MTech D Tech
Ad m ission requirem ents: Ad m ission requirem ents:
B Tech: Engineering: Chem ical M Tech: Engineering: Chem ical or an equivalent
As this d egree is based on research, all
cand id ates shall, prior to registration subm it As this d egree is based on research only, all
the following: cand id ates shall, prior to registration subm it the
follow ing:
a) Proof of successful com pletion of a course
in Research Method ology a) Proof of previous research experience
b) A research p roject proposal for approval by b) A research proposal for approval by Senate
Senate. Guid elines for research projects are available at
Guid elines for research projects are available the Faculty of Engineering.
at the Faculty of Engineering Duration of course:
Duration of Course: The equivalent to a m inim um of 2 years full-tim e
The equivalent of 1 year full-tim e stud y. stud y.
Course Structure: Course structure:
This instructional program com prises of a An ad vanced qualification that is based on
thesis only, provid ed that the learner has research. It com prises an ad vanced research
alread y passed a course in Research project w ith a d issertation.
Method ology.
4. Career Opportunities
A profession in the field of chem ical engineering offers a challenging
and exciting career in both the private and public sectors. There is a
continuous d em and for trained m anpow er in the field of chem ical
engineering. Job d esignations m ay vary from Prod uction Forem en,
Area Su perintend ents, Line Managers and various others w ithin
several branches of heavy, light and general types of ind ustries w here
the services and expertise of such persons are required .
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Chem ical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Ms CE Fouché H ead of Departm ent TEFL; BA; HED; BA Language & Life Skills
H ons; MPhil
N Mbata Ad m inistrator MD: OMT; BTech:
Mr AM Ikaneng Senior Lecturers BA; LLB Com m ercial Law (Logistics)
Mercantile Law
General Prospectus
Ms A Daya BA; LLB; HD: Tax Law Com m ercial Law (Acc)
Corporate Proced ures
Legal Aspects (IT Skills)
Law of Tourism
Depart ment of Hospit alit y , Tourism and Public Relat ions Management
Prof A N icolaid es H ead of Departm ent DPhil (Uni. Zululand ); Service Excellence
DTec (Uni. Zululand);
MA (Unisa); BA H ons
(Unisa); BA (Unisa);
H ED (JCE/ Wits)
Ms M van d er Westhuizen Ad m inistrator N D: Secretarial -
Office Ad m inistration
Ms SS Duvenage Principal Lecturer MTech: Food & Research Method ology
Consum er Sciences MTech Supervision
BSc: H om e Econom ics
(PU for CH E);
Ms BM Selepe Senior Lecturer MSc: Dietetics (N WU); Culinary Stud ies & N utrition I
B: N utrition (Mod ule 4)
(University of Culinary Stud ies & N utrition III
Lim popo) Food Service Managem ent IV
Food Service Training
General Prospectus
Mrs V Erasm us Lecturers BTec: Food Service Culinary Stud ies & N utrition II
Managem ent (VUT); (Mod ule 1 & 3)
BTech: Post School Professional Cookery III
Ed ucation (VUT);
N H D: Consum er
Guid ance (VTT); N D:
Food & Clothing
Technology (VTT)
General Prospectus
Ms N Du Plessis Junior Lecturer BTEch: Post School Med ia & Public Relations:
Ed ucation (Unisa); Tourism I
BTech: Public Com m unication Science I & IV
Relations Managem ent Med ia Stud ies II
(UJ); N D: Public Public Relations IV
Relations Managem ent
General Prospectus
JM Mathee N H D: Photography
TE Scholtz Lecturers H OD: H om e
Econom ics; H D:
Clothing & Textile
General Prospectus
Prof WH Old ew age-Theron Director BSc H ons; MSc; PhD: Postgrad uate Research
Dietetics; PGDip :
H ospital Dietetics
Ms LJ Dube Ad m inistrator N D: Com m ercial
Ad m in; BTech:
Business Ad m in
Dr AA Egal Research Fellow BSc; MPA; PhD: Public Postgrad uate Research
H ealth N utrition
Dr G Med oua N am a Postd octoral Fellow BSc; MSc: Postgrad uate Research
Biochem istry; PhD:
Food Science
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Life Skills 3
Other Subjects 9
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Third Year
• Experiential Learning
• H ospitality Managem ent III
• H ospitality Financial Managem ent III
• H ospitality Law II
• Culinary Stud ies & N utrition III
• H ospitality Inform ation System s III: Pastel
• Database Application: Fid elio
• Food & Beverage Operations III (T)
• Food & Beverage Operations III (P)
• Professional Cookery III (T)
• Professional Cookery III (P)
General Prospectus
BTech MTech
Food & Beverage Management Food & Beverage Management
• Food Service Managem ent IV Ad m ission requirem ents:
• Ind ustrial Psychology I An appropriate BTech or equivalent qualification
as approved by SAQA, w ith an average pass
• Food Service Training II
percentage of 60% or higher, including a Research
• Mass Catering IV Method ology course, is required . Prospective
• Food IV cand id ates should subm it a curriculum vitae (CV)
to the H ead of Departm ent containing all
• Research Method ology: H ospitality personal particulars, acad emic history (supply
certified copies), acad em ic career, research
experience (if any), other achievem ents and
future expectations and aspirations of the
cand id ate.
Curriculum :
Developm ent of an proposal and com pletion of a
research project and d issertation m eeting the
VUT criteria.
Minim um d uration of tw o years
Course Content:
• Proposal
• Dissertation
D Tech
Food Service Management
Ad m ission requirem ents:
An appropriate MTech, Laureates in Technology or equivalent qualification as approved by SAQA.
As this qualification is based on an ad vanced research project, proof of previous research experience
and com pletion of an instructural offering in Research Method ology are required.
Curriculum :
This program m e com prises an ad vanced research project w ith a thesis.
In thesis stud ents m ust provid e proof of original and creative thinking and problem solving of a
particular problem in the ind ustry to w hich their research applies.
General Prospectus
Minim um d uration of three years
• Thesis
4. Career Opportunities
H ospitals, hotels and other units w here people prepare food in large
quantities e.g. canteens, restaurants, recreation clubs and hostels as
w ell as privately ow ned catering businesses. Training of food service
staff in catering com panies also provid es job opportunities.
5. Enquiries
Enquires m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H ospitality & Tourism
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Other Subjects 9
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Third Year
• Public Relations III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Com m unication Science III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Workplace-Integrated Learning
BTech MTech
Ad m ission requirem ents: Ad m ission requirem ents:
An appropriate N ational Diplom a or An appropriate BTech or equivalent qualification as
equivalent qualification is required. An approved by SAQA, w ith an average pass
average of 60% for the N ational Diplom a is a percentage of 60% or higher, includ ing a Research
pre-requisite for ad m ission. Prospective Method ology course, is required. Prospective
stud ents w ill be subjected to a placem ent test. cand id ates should subm it a curriculum vitae (CV)
to the H ead of Departm ent containing all personal
particulars, acad em ic history (supply certified
Subjects: copies), research experience (if any), other
• Public Relations IV (Mod ule 1 & 2) achievem ents and future expectations and
aspirations of the candid ate.
• Com m unication Science IV (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Med ia Stud ies III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
Course Content:
• Managem ent Practice IV (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Proposal
• Research Method ology (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Dissertations
General Prospectus
Curriculum :
Developm ent of a proposal and com pletion of a
research project and d issertation m eeting the VUT
Minim um d uration of tw o years.
3. Career Opportunities
Can be em ployed as a Pu blic Relations Practitioner by com m erce and
ind ustry, central, provincial and local governm ent, tertiary and other
ed ucational institutions, the m ed ia, ind ustry, public relations
consultancies and non -governm ental organisations.
4. Professional Status
Mem ber of the Institute for Public Relations and Com m unication
Managem ent of South Africa (PRISA).
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H ospitality & Tourism
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Other Subjects 9
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Third Year
• Tourism Developm ent III
• Travel & Tourism Managem ent III
• Travel & Tour Practice III
• Cooperative Ed ucation
BTech MTech
• Tourism Developm ent IV (Mod ule 1 & 2) Ad m ission requirem ents:
• Marketing for Tourism III (Mod ule 1 & 2) An appropriate BTech or equivalent qualification as
approved by SAQA, w ith an average pass
• Ad vanced Strategic Managem ent IV
percentage of 60% or higher, includ ing a Research
(Mod ule 1 & 2) Method ology course, is required. Prospective
• Research Method ology (Mod ule 1 & 2) cand id ates should subm it a curriculum vitae (CV)
to the H ead of Departm ent containing all personal
• Research Method ology Project particulars, acad em ic history (supply certified
copies), acad em ic career, research experience (if
any), other achievem ents and future expectations
and aspirations of the candid ate.
Course Content:
• Proposal
Curriculum :
Developm ent of a proposal and com pletion of a
research project and d issertation m eeting the VUT
Minim um d uration of tw o years.
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Can be em ployed by travel agencies (w holesale and retail), holid ay
accom m od ation/ resorts, transport and travel organisations, publicity
associations in cities and tow ns and tourist inform ation centres.
For further inform ation, prospective stud ents are ad vised to visit the
Co-operative Ed ucation Dep artm ent, w here you w ill also be inform ed
abou t the experiential training program m e.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H ospitality & Tourism
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Other Subjects: 12
• Mathem atics
• Com puter Application Tech
• IT & Com puter Stud ies
• Business Econom ics
• Econom ics
• Business Stud ies
• Language other than English
2. Curriculum
Third Year
• Occupational H ealth & Safety Law III
• Safety Principles and Practice III
• Language & Life Skills I
• Financial Managem en t I
• End User Com puting (prior to 2009 intake only)
General Prospectus
4. Vocational Possibilities
Safety Managem ent offers a challenging and exciting career in both
the private and the public sectors, w ith a grow ing d em and for experts
in this field .
Entry Level: Security Officer (Safety Officer)/ Lass Control Officer
Mid d le Managem ent: Safety and Risk Manger/ Loss Control Manger
Top Managem ent: Prim ary executive level
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Com m unication & Legal Services
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Other Subjects:
Max 3 bonus points for recom m end ed
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
• Professional Practice II
Business practice
• Applied Photography II
Com m ercial
Portraiture, reportage, stud io still-life,
land scape & architecture
• Personal Exploration
• Applied Design
General Prospectus
BTech Degree:
This Degree program m e, after the Diplom a course, consists of
Research Method ology, Th eory of Photography & Applied
Photography Com ponent, w hich is self generated and in line w ith the
norm s of ind ustry.
Masters Degree:
Dissertation and bod y of applied w ork.
The Masters Degree consists of a w ritten thesis investigating a
proposed field of stud y w ithin photographic related field s. The
investigation is of an ad vanced stand ard . Und er norm al
circum stances the stud y w ill take at least 2 years.
Doctorate Degree:
The d octors d egree program m e consists of a w ritten thesis
contributing to the broad er know led ge in the photography field . The
investigation is of an ad vanced stand ard w ith the em phasis on a
contribution to current know ledge m ad e. Und er norm al
circum stances the stud y w ill take 3 years.
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Photographers can be em ployed in various ind ustries or may be self
em ployed as freelance photographers. A freelance photographer
w ould w ork for various clients and w ould photograph a w id e range
of subjects. A ph otographer could be em ployed by the m ed ia,
covering new s events and photographing people, places and events
of public interest both for new spapers, m agazines or television. An
ind ustrial photographer w ould w ork for large organisations and take
photographs that range from ind ustrial interiors, portraits for the
annual report to close-up im ages for m anufacturing faults.
Ed ucational institutions such as universities em ploy photographers to
prepare m aterials for teaching and training purposes, as w ell as for
prom otional w ork. Med ical organisation s, hospital clinics and
training hospitals m ake use of photographic im ages for training and
ed ucation. This type of w ork can includ e m ed ical and scientific
photography, m acro photography and photom icrography as w ell as
m any specialised techniques. The ad vertising ind ustry is one of the
biggest users of photography. Photographs of prod ucts and services
are used in m any ad vertisem ents. Most of this type of w ork is d one
in the stud io w here the lighting can be controlled . Digital im age
m anipulators are highly sought after. With the latest d igital im aging
technology and appropriate com puter softw are the d oor to the w orld
of electronic m ed ia opens w ith m any new and exciting career options
to follow .
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Visual Arts & Design
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Other Subjects: 3
Max 3 bonus points for
recom m end ed subjects
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
Third Year
• Com m unication Design III
• Design Techniques III
• Printm aking
• Illustration & Photography
• History & Theory of Graphic Design III
• Draw ing III
• Professional Practice III
• Theory of Business, Ad vertising & Marketing
BTech MTech
• Theory of Graphic Design IV • Research Method ology
• Com m unication Design IV • Com m unication Design V
• Research Method ology • Acad em ic Paper & Dissertation
4. Career Opportunities
Ad vertising agencies, d esign stud ios, illustrators, DTP, com puter
graphic anim ators, photographic m anipulation, ed itorial d esign,
com m unication d esign, w eb page d esign and interactive d esign,
d esigners, etc.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Visual Arts & Design
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
• Clothing Construction & Raw Materials
• Clothing Construction (Practical)
• Workroom Equipm ent
• Business Practice
• Pattern Construction (Practical)
• Basic Com puter Skills
• Dep artm ent & Physical Recreation
• Fashion Draw ing
• English: Com m unication & Life Skills
4. Career Opportunities
Pattern d esigner and d ressm aker for fashion houses, o w n
d ressm aking business, w orkshops and boutiques and the buyer of
textiles and clothing.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Visual Arts & Design
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Other Subjects: 7
Max 3 bonus points for recom m end ed
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
Please note that m any of the Fine Art courses includ e a significant
technology com ponent up to third year level and w ith further
specialisation in the fourth year, this com ponent includ es hand s-on
training in all the m ajor packages such as Photoshop, Ad obe Prem ier.
4. Career Opportunities
The m ajor career opportunity is to be a practising artist or
craftsperson. Successful practising artists are able to earn a good
incom e from the sale of their w orks. Given the d iversity of the skills
acquired d uring the Fine Art course, the grad uate should be able to
find em ploym ent in ed ucational institutions, m useum s, art galleries,
publishing houses, ad vertising agencies, film com panies and TV
prod uction houses. The grad uate w ould also have acquired sufficient
skills to operate as an entrepreneur and set up his/ her ow n business
or stud io.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Visual Arts & Design
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Other Subjects: 7
Max 3 bonus points for recom m end ed
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
Third Year
• Design Stud ies
Drawing & Illustration III
Creative Design III
• Business Stud ies
Retail Merchandising II
• Applied Clothing Technology
Garm ent Technology III (Theory)
Pattern Technology III
Grad ing
• Theory of Clothing
Clothing Managem ent & Technology III
4. Career Opportunities
Designer, Fashion Stylist for a m agazine/ photographer, sketcher,
visual m erchand iser, buyer or representative for m anufacturers or
retail stores, m erchand iser, em broid ery d esigner, illustrator, layout
artist, junior copyw riter, fabric technician, quality controller, fashion
coord inator/ consultant, costu m e d esigner or fashion buyer.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Visual Art & Design
Faculty of H um an Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Ms A Möller H ead of Departm ent MCom (PU for CH E); System & Project
UTD (PU for CH E); BCom Managem ent IV
H on (PU for CH E); BCom
(PU for CH E)
Ms CK Monareng Ad m inistrator BTech: Business Ad m in;
Ms S Venzke Senior Lecturers Med ; BCom Aud iting II (Mod ule 2)
Ms JEE Ziem erink MCom ; BCom H ons; Managem ent Accounting &
BCom Control IV (Mod ule 2)
Cost & Managem ent
Accounting I
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Dr A Garnett H ead of Departm ent PhD (N WU); MCom (PU Business Managem ent IV
for CH E); BCom H ons
(PU for CH E); BCom (PU
for CH E)
Ms E Leemisa Ad m inistrator N D: Com m ercial Ad m in
Dr RID Pooe Principal Lecturer PhD (Vista); MCom Purchasing Managem ent IV
(Vista); BCom H ons
(Vista); BCom (Vista);
Cred it Manage Bankers
Dr F Venter Senior Lecturer DCom (Pretoria Uni.); Research Method ology I
MCom (Vista); BCom Business Managem ent III
H ons (Vista); BCom (PU
for CH E); BA (PU for
Mr H N Kw adi Lecturers MCom (N WU); BA H ons Econom ics I
(Wits); BA (UWC)
Ms KEG Monaisa MCom (UJ); BCom H ons Business Managem ent I & II
(Unisa); B Com (Uni Bo)
Prof M Dhurup H ead of Departm ent PhD (N WU); MCom Marketing Research IV
(Vista); BCom H ons
(Unisa); BEd (UDW);
Ms FA van Straten Ad m inistrator N D: Exec Secretary (VUT)
Ms MT Victor Lecturers PH ED (UJ); MCom (Uni Personal Selling I
of Rajasthan Jaipur-Ind ia); Marketing II
BCom : (Uni of Rajasthan
Jaipur-Ind ia)
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
Third Year
• Retail Business Managem ent III
• Business Managem en t III
• Shopping Centre Managem ent
• Ind ustrial Relations II
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Retail Business Managem ent offers a challenging and exciting career
in the private sector. There is a great d em and for experts in the retail
business. This qualification also offers the opportunity to start your
ow n business. Career opportunities includ e: Store Manager, Buyer,
Category Manager, Brand Manager, Stock Controller and
Merchand iser.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Marketing & Sport Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Minimum Total 28
2. Curriculum
First Year Second Year
• Sport Managem ent I • Sport Managem ent II
• Sport & Physical Recreation Stud ies I • Sport & Physical Recreation Stud ies II
• Marketing I • Marketing II
• Public Relations I • Practica II
• Practica I • Personal Selling I
• End -User Com puting • Consum er Behaviour I
• English • End -User Com puting
• English
Third Year
• Sport Managem ent III
• Sport & Physical Recreation Stud ies III
• Practica III
• Internship
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Sport m anagem ent offers a challenging and exciting career in both the
private and public sectors. Sport m anagers are regularly required at
governm ent institutions, m etropolitan substructures, ind ustries,
tertiary institutions and sport clubs. As an alternative, cand id ates can
also follow a m arketing career or start their ow n sport enterprises.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Marketing & Sport Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Minimum Total 29
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
BTech: Marketing
Ad m ission requirem ents:
o A com pleted N D: Marketing or equivalent qualification.
o An average of 60% is required .
MTech: Marketing
Ad m ission requirem ents:
o A com pleted BTech: Marketing or equivalent qualification.
o An average of 60% is required .
o Draft proposal should be subm itted for approval before
Registration proced ure:
o Prospective cand id ates m ust m ake an appointm ent w ith the
H oD d etailing the nature and scope of the intend ed research
in ord er to establish the viability and relevancy of their
research focus. Details of registration and the proced ure w ill
then be spelt out to the cand idate. Stud ents w ill be required
to subm it a proposal ou tlining the scope of the stud y in
accord ance to the University guid elines on proposal w riting.
DTech: Marketing
Ad m ission requirem ents:
o A com pleted MTech qualification or equivalent qualification.
o An average of 60% is required .
o Draft proposal should be subm itted for approval before
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Marketing Managem ent offers a challenging and exciting career in
both the private and public sectors. There is a great d em and for
experts w ho can id entify and utilise m arketing opportunities.
Position at entry level: Junior Sales Consultant, Prom otion Officer,
Marketing Researcher and Distribution Controller.
Mid d le Managem ent: Managers in charge of the various m arketing
functions - Brand Manager and ad vertising.
Top Managem ent: Marketing Manager
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Marketing
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
• Official Language
First Level 4
Second Level 3
• Mathematical Science
• Mathematical Literacy 3 or
• Mathematics 3 (+1 bonus)
• Life Orientation 3
• 3 Other Subjects 12
Minimum Total 26
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Personnel Managem ent offers a challenging and exciting career as
organisations in both the private and public sectors are experiencing
in increasing need for people in this field .
Position on entry-level: Job Analyst, Recruitm ent Officer, Personnel
Trainee and Assistant Personnel Officer.
Mid d le Managem ent: Managers in charge of the various functional
branches of personnel m anagem ent.
Top Managem ent or m ajor executive level.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed :
H oD: H um an Resources Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Minimum Total 26
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Labour Relations offers a challenging and exciting career as
organisations and trad e unions in both the private and public sectors
are experiencing an increasing need for experts in this field .
Position on entry level: Assistant Labour Relations Officer
Mid d le Managem ent: Managers in charge of the various functional
branches of labour relations.
Top Managem ent or m ajor executive level.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H um an Resources Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Minimum Total 29
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
3. Career Opportunities
Logistics offers a challenging and exciting career in both the private
and public sectors. There is a continuous d em and for trained
Position on entry-level: Junior Purchaser and Ord er Clerk.
Mid d le Managem ent: Senior Purchaser and Assistant Logistics
Top Managem ent: Logistics Manager and Transport Manager.
4. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Logistics
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
Tel : +27 16 930 5067
Fax : +27 16 930 5042
E-m ail :
Website : w w w
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
• Official Language
First Level 4
Second Level 3
• Mathematical Science
• Mathematical Literacy
• Mathematics 3
• Life Orientation 3
• 3 Other Subjects
Minimum Total 29
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
Third Year
• Financial Accounting III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Taxation II (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Corporate Proced ures II
• Business Statistics
• Managem ent Accounting III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Organisational Managem ent (Mod ule 1 & 2)
3. N ature of Career
Through this course you can fully und erstand the concepts and
principles of accounting and keep abreast of the changes to
international financial reporting stand ard s (IFRS). You w ill also
obtain the necessary skills to prepare and present accounting
inform ation accord ing to general accepted accounting practice to
assist in the d ecision m aking process. Im portant m anagem ent
accounting concep ts that are covered includ e the accounting for a
m anufacturing concern, job ord er and process cost accounting,
d epartm ental accounting, cost-volum e-profit analysis and the m aster
bud get.
4. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed :
H oD: Accountancy
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
• Official Language
First Level 4
Second Level 3
• Mathematical Science
• Mathematical Literacy
• Mathematics 3
• Life Orientation 3
• 3 Other Subjects
Minimum Total 29
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
Third Year
• Financial Accounting III (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Taxation II (Mod ule 1 & 2)
• Statistics II
• Corporate Proced ures II
• Internal Aud iting III
• Business Inform ation System s II
3. N ature of Career
Through this course you can fully und erstand the concepts and
principles of accounting and keep abreast of the changes to
international financial reporting stand ard s (IFRS). You w ill also
obtain the necessary skills to prepare and present accounting
inform ation accord ing to general accepted accounting practice to
assist in the d ecision m aking process. You w ill also gain the
know led ge and skills to d eal w ith accounting and internal control
system s and aud iting issues acquired in the Control of Financial
Inform ation System s and Aud iting courses from the found ation of the
extension an d d evelopm ent thereof in this course.
4. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed :
H oD: Accountancy
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
3. N ature of Career
Through this course you can obtain the necessary skills to prepare
and present accounting inform ation to assist in the d ecision m aking
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Cost Accountant, Financial Manager and Investm ent Ad visor.
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Accountancy
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
• Official Language
First Level 4
Second Level 3
• Mathematical Science
• Mathematical Literacy
• Mathematics 5
• Life Orientation 3
• 3 other subjects
Minimum Total 31
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
5. Career Opportunities
Qualified cand id ates could easily be prom oted from Clerk to
Accountant to Managem ent. People in possession of this qualification
are in d em and in com m erce and ind ustry, the banking sector,
insurance and the public service. They could also head the Electronic
Data Processing Departm ent using their m anagem ent skills and
program m ing know led ge.
General Prospectus
6. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Accountancy
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
• Internal Aud iting IV (Mod ule 3 & 4)
• Financial Accounting IV (Mod ule 7)
• Managem ent Accounting III (Mod ule 4 & 5)
• Financial Managem ent IV (Mod ule 1)
• IS Aud iting (Mod ule 1)
• International Law (Mod ule 1)
• Ad vanced Managem ent Com m unication Skills (Mod ule 2)
• Research Method ology (Module 1)
3. N ature of Career
Through this course you can obtain the necessary skills to perform
basic internal aud iting procedures. Career opportunities are available
in the public and private sector.
4. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: Accountancy
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
General Prospectus
4. Career Opportunities
Training and d evelopm ent offers a challenging and exciting career as
organisations in both the private and public sectors are experiencing
an increasing need for experts in this field .
Position on entry level: Assistant H um an Resource Developer.
Mid d le Managem ent: Managers in charge of the various functions
and branches of training d evelopm ent.
Top Managem ent: Top m anagem ent or m ajor executive level.
General Prospectus
5. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H um an Resources Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
Please note that w hen w anting to apply for these courses, the
follow ing d ocum ents need to be includ ed w ith the application form :
Certified copy of CV and all certificates and d egrees (includ ing
Senior Certificate)
Certified copy of ID/ Passport
General Prospectus
2. Curriculum
BTech MTech
Business Administration Business Administration
Admission Requirements: Admission Requirements:
A com pleted d egree/ diplom a or A com pleted BTech: Business Ad m inistration
equivalent (M + 3) d egree or equivalent.
A m inim um of three years relevant w orking
D uration of course: experience.
2 year
D uration of course:
First Year
• Managem ent Practice IV Subjects:
First Year:
• Financial Accounting Aspects IV
• Strategic Managem ent V
• Prod uction & Purchasing Managem ent
II • Organisational Dynam ics V
• Managem ent Econom ics III • Research Method ology I
• H um an Resources Managem ent II • Entrepreneurship I
Second Year: • Project Managem ent V
• Financial Managem ent IV Second Year:
• Managem ent Accounting Aspects IV • Dissertation
• Marketing Managem ent III
• Managem ent Inform ation System s II
• Labour Relations & Law II
D Tech: Business
Admission Requirements:
A com pleted MTech qualification or equivalent.
A d raft proposal should be subm itted for approval before registration.
• Thesis
General Prospectus
3. Enquiries
Enquiries m ay be ad d ressed to:
H oD: H um an Resource Managem ent
Faculty of Managem ent Sciences
Vaal University of Technology
Private Bag X021
General Prospectus
E Syllabi
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Business Management I
Introd uction businesses, functional d ivision of the enterprise, entrepreneurship,
principles relating to m anagem ent of business, m anagem ent objectives, form ulating
policy, the business w orld and business m anagem ent, general m anagem ent
principles, entrepreneurship, the inform al sector, facilities for the entrepreneur,
conclud ing contracts, taxation, the business plan and financial m anagem ent for the
sm all business.
Business Management II
The prod uction function and financial m anagem ent.
Business Management IV
Strategic m anagem ent and the process and im plem entation thereof. Case stud ies.
Business St udies
The introd uction of m anagem ent as a science, exam ining the operation of the
business enterprise, the interplay betw een the enterprise and its environm ent as
w ell as the critical role of the business enterprise in provid ing for the needs of
Commercial Law I
A brief overview of the South African Law , general principles of the law of contract
w ith special reference to purchase contracts, cred it agreem ents and agency,
insolvency, bills of exchange, lease, com panies, close corporations and the Labour
Relations Act.
General Prospectus
Communicat ion
Business correspond ence, reports m eeting proced ure, oral com m unication, the
m ass m ed ia, language usage, non -verbal com m unication, telephone etiquette,
organisation theory, com m unication techniques and w ritten com m unication.
General Prospectus
Comput er Securit y IV
Principles of com puter security: cryptology, softw are, operating system s,
d atabases, netw orks and pc‟s.
Comput er Skills I
Com puter hard w are, softw are, com puter utilisation, MS-DOS principles and
applications, integrated softw are packages such as w ord processors and
spread sheets and Wind ow s environm ent.
General Prospectus
Corporat e Procedures
Gain know ledge and und erstand ing of the general principles of corporate law and
the proced ures for m eetings.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Digit al Sy st ems I
Introd uction to d igital logic, stored com puter program s, num ber system s and
cod es, logic gates, Bolean algebra, com bined logic, functions of com bined logic and
fault d etection and correction.
Digit al Sy st ems II
Logic fam ilies, Multi-vibrators, sequential logic, analogue and d igital, d isplay units
and m em ory concepts, flip -flop circuits and other m ulti-vibrators, counter, shift
registers, m em ories, interface and d ata transm issions, introd uction to m icro -
processors, integrated -circuit technology, d ata sheets and d isplay units.
Economics I
Micro-econom ics: nature and scope of econom ics, econom ic system s and w orking
econom y, m icro theory: price theory, m arket m echanism , consum er equilibriu m ,
cost and p rice form ations, m arket form s and factors of prod uction .
Macro-econom ics: national incom e, m oney and banking, international trad e and
public finance.
General Prospectus
Elect ronics I
Basic m easurem ents, sem icond uctor theory, d iod es, transistor theory, capacitance,
applied technology, sem i-conductors, rectification, biasing, RC transitions and basic
operational am plifiers.
Elect ronics II
Field -phase transform ers, other sem i-cond uctor apparatus, basic rectification,
single-stage transistor am plifiers, applied technology, operational am plifiers,
biasing, am plifiers, RLC transition and oscillators. Field -effect transistors, other
sem i-cond uctor app aratus, basic rectification, single-stage transistor am plifiers and
applied technology.
General Prospectus
Engineering Management IV
The business environm ent, functions of m anagem ent, d ecision m aking and
problem solving, strategic m anagem ent, sm all business m anagem ent and
international m anagem ent.
The subject has as exit level outcom e that the stud ent m ust be able to com m unicate
clearly and appropriately in a range of business and m arketing context s. The
specific outcom e expects of the stud ent to d em onstrate ad vanced w riting and
presentation skills in all com m unication.
General Prospectus
English I
Com m unication theory, the m ed ia, oral com m unication, language usage, w ritten
com m unication, articles, reports, correspond ence, com prehension, paraphrasing,
sum m arising, expansion, d ocum entation and proced ure at m eetings, language
usage, oral com m unication, the m ed ia and theory of com m unication.
English O nline I
The subject has as exit level outcom e that the stud ent m ust be able to com m unicate
clearly and appropriately in a range of business and m arketing contexts. The
specific outcom e expects the stud ent to d em onstrate ad vanced w riting and
presentation skills in all com m unication.
Ent repreneurship I
Principles of entrepreneurship, explaining entrepreneurs, creativity and
innovation, id entification of opportunities, entrepreneur options, id entification of
supporting sources, feasibility stud ies, m arket research, m arketing plan, financing
and provision of m anpow er, operational and ad m inistrative plan, business plan
and aspects of the law .
Ent repreneurship II
Econom ical business environm ent, entrepreneurship, business types, financial
principles and m arketing.
General Prospectus
Expert Sy st ems IV
Fund am entals of expert system s: problem representation, know led ge acquisition
and valid ation, inferences and uncertainty in know ledge-based system s.
General Prospectus
Financial Management IV
Sources of long-term capital: ord inary share, long-term debt, hybrid financing,
sources of short-term financing, capital structure and leverage, cost of capital,
w orking capital policy, cash m anagem ent, d ebtors m anagem ent, d ivid ed policy,
bud geting, m ergers and failures.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Int ernship
Managem ent of tournam ents/ events. Sport m anager‟s legal responsibility,
clubhouse m anagem ent, planning of tournam ents. Did actical aspects, tuft and
facility m anagem ent, safety m anagem ent and m anagem ent of overseas tours.
Rules and the ad m inistration of specific sports are d one in these three subjects.
An internship of 5 m onths m ust be com pleted . The Vaal University of Technology
w ill provid e assistance to stud ents in secur ing placem ents for experiential training,
but d oes not guarantee su ch p lacem ents. A practical m ark w ill be earned through
com petitive particip ation in a sport of choice, bio kinetic tests, organisational ability
and exposure of 16 sporting cod es w here the rules and elem entary coaching w ill be
taught. For this reason a stud ent m ust be m ed ically fit to participate in sport.
Labour Economics IV
Characteristics of the labour m arket, functioning of the labour m arket, d em and and
supply of labour in South Africa, w ages and prod uctivity, glob alisation,
unem ploym ent, hum an capital, inequalities and d iscrim ination and the institution
of the labour m arket.
General Prospectus
Labour Law
Com m on law contract of service, Labour Relations Act, Workm en‟s Com pensation
Act, Unem ploym ent Insurance Act, Wage Act, Manpow er Training Act, Machinery
and Occupational Safety Act and Basic Cond itions of Em ploym ent Act.
Labour Law I
Com m on law contract of service, Com pensation for Occupational Injuries and
Diseases Act, Wage Act, Skills Developm ent Act, Occupational H ealth and Safety
Act, Basic Cond itions of Em ploym ent Act, Labour Relations Act and Em ploym ent
Equity Act.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Logist ics II
General introd uction to logistics found ations, system and m arket found ation s,
capacity found ations, m ovem ent process and found ations and perform ance
found ations.
Logist ics IV
a. Logistics Mod elling - Transport m od els, w arehouse m odels, custom er
satisfaction and logistics research d esign.
b. Integrated logistical strategy.
General Prospectus
Management of Training I
Psychology of learning, learning pr ocess, theoretical found ation of training and
phases in training design.
Management of Training II
The d evelopm ent phase of training d esign, training m ed ia and presentation skills.
Management of Training I
Psychology of learning, learning process, theoretical found ation of training and
phases in training design.
Management of Training II
Econom ic system s, m acro econom ics, national incom e, m oney and banking,
international trad e, price theory and m arketing m echanism s and the types of
m arkets.
General Prospectus
Market ing I
Influence of the m arketing environm ent of the firm , m arket segm entation, the role
of the consum er, introd uction to m arketing, the m arket, prod uct, price,
d istribution, w holesalers, retail basic principles, m arketing com m unication, the
m arket concept, the Sou th African m arketing environm ent, m arket segm entation
and the m arketing m ix.
Market ing II
Influence of the m arketing environm ent of the firm , m arket segm entation, the role
of the consum er, international m arketing, service m arketing and d irect m arketing.
Market ing IV
Strategic m arketing, m arket opportunity analysis, form ulating m arketing strategies
for specific situations, im p lem entation and control of m arketing strategy,
m arketing plan and trend s affecting the strategic role of m arketing.
General Prospectus
Mechanics I
Static‟s, centre of gravity, friction, d ynam ics, m om entum and im pulse, w ork energy
and pow er and rad ial acceleration.
Media St udies I
Introd uction to the m ass m ed ia in South Africa, background and new s reporting.
Media St udies II
Writing and lay-out of new sletters, d esktop publishing and photography.
General Prospectus
Microprocessors III
Ad vanced m icroprocessors system s. Installation and configuration.
Net w orks IV
Ad vanced netw orking concepts: stand ard s, hard w are, protocols, topology, all
seven layers and practical app lication.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Personnel Management I
Basic concepts, cultural aw areness, personality, ind ivid ual d ifference, aspects of
ind ivid ual behaviour, em otion, frustration, conflict and d efence m echanism s,
stress, m otivation, learning, concept of the role, group d ynam ics, social perception,
alcohol and d rugs, historical d evelopm ent, hum an resources m anagem ent, field s of
stud y, creativity and entrepreneurship. Psychological aspects of ind ivid ual
behaviour and social processes, historical d evelopm ent of personnel m anagem ent,
role and nature of personnel m anagem ent in the RSA and review of operative
Ind ivid ual d ifferences, nature of hum an abilities, perception, learning, m em ory,
personality, frustration and conflict, stress, attitud es, role theory, conform ity,
groups, social perceptions and introd uction to hum an resources m anagem ent.
Personnel Management II
The found ations and challenges of H um an Resource Managem ent, w orkforce
d iversity and regulatory challenges, job analysis, job d esign, em ployee recruitm ent,
em ployee selection, em ployee ind uction, internal staffing, perform ance appraisal
and perform ance m anagem ent, career m anagem ent, com pensation and benefits
and health and safety. Op erative functions of personnel m anagem ent w ith
practical guid elines for m anpow er planning, job analysis, recruitm ent and
selection, ind uction, performance appraisal, com pensation and m aintenance and
safety m anagem ent.
Personal Selling I
Aim of selling, buying and selling proced ures, sales ad m inistration and negotiation
skills. The selling process, sales organisation, com m unication and selling
Phy sics I
H yd rostatics, heat, optics, w ave theory, rad iation physics and electricity.
Pract ia I
Specialisation in ow n sport, exposu re to 8 other sports, bio kinetic test, sports
traum a and life skills.
General Prospectus
Pract ia II
Specialisation in ow n sport, exposure to 8 other sports, bio kinetic test, organising
an event and public speaking.
Pract ia III
Bio kinetic test, presenting a recreation pr ogram , sw im m ing/ lifesaving and job
hunting skills.
Pract ical
Experience of a package in each of the follow ing field s: MS D os com m and s and file
m anagem ent, w ord processing, spread sheets and graphics and record file and
d atabase m anagem ent program s. Use of a specific application package in the
stud ent‟s field of stud y.
General Prospectus
Product ion & Purchasing Management II / Product ion Planning & Cont rol
The organisation – m ission, strategies, objectives and operational tasks,
introd uction to prod uction m an agem ent – activities and responsibilities of
prod uction m anagers, strategic prod uction m anagem ent – SWOT analyses,
prod uction planning, functional prod uction m anagem ent – aggregate planning,
forecasting techniques, prod uctivity, m ake or buy d ecision, value analysers and
value engineering, functions of the prod uction system , m anagem ent problem areas
in prod uction m anagem ent, operational prod uction m anagem ent – prod uction
sched uling, prod uction control and w ork stud y.
Programming I
Program m ing and languages, variables, d ata types and program m e control.
Programming II
Files, linking, subroutines, external functions, recursion, state m achines and
num erical analysis.
Programming III
H ard w are linking, assem bly linking, interrupts, concurrency and resid ent
program m es.
Project s I
Applicable com p uter aid ed d raw ing, ergonom ic and aesthetic d esign principles in
construction, operational proced ures and m aintenance, construction techniques
and d ocum entation.
Project s IV
Stud ent selected ind ustry project: literatu re stud y and application.
General Prospectus
Project Design I
Design, construction, testing and d ocum entation of com plete project in an
applicable field of specialisation.
Project Design II
The d evelopm ent cycle of a project, project stud y, d esign base line and practical
im plem entation of the project.
Project Management IV
Ad vanced project m anagem ent concepts.
Purchasing Management I
Purchasing role in business, relationship w ith other d epar tm ents, proced ures,
form s and record s, basic policies/ planning, organisations, purchasing control,
bud geting and purchasing ethics/ public relations.
General Prospectus
Purchasing Management II
Sourcing quality, quality d eterm ination, right tim e and price and surplus m aterials.
Purchasing Management II
Purchasing capital equipm ent, contract buying, retail buying, engineering and
construction contracting, state and institutional purchasing, international buying,
m ake or buy, negotiations, purchasing research, m easuring purchas ing
m anagem ent and total cost of ow nership.
Purchasing Management IV
Strategic purchasing, evalu ation techniques, staffing, ad vanced negotiation
techniques, project purchasing, buying d ecision m od els, research, purchasing for
sm all businesses, purchasing ad m inistration, supply d ynam ics, system d esign
m od elling, logistics, m anoeuvrability, m arketing and reporting techniques.
Q uant it at iv e Techniques
General statistical calculations, probability, regression and correlation.
Q uant it at iv e Techniques I
Collection and presentation of num erical inform ation, trad e calculations, frequency
d istributions, probability and sam pling and tim e series analysis.
Q uant it at iv e Techniques II
Q uant it at iv e Techniques I or Financial Account ing for Personnel Pract it ioners
Introd uction, the accounting equation, fund am ental accou nting concepts, analysis
and interpretation of: financial statem ent, d ebtors, stock, elem entary taxation,
bud gets and bud getary control, accounting for w ages, cost profit volum e analysis,
com m ercial calculation and d ifferent form s of enterprises.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Risk Management I
The hum an factor in safety, m anaging the environm ent, id entification of risk,
fund am ental principles of risk m anagem ent, risk m anagem ent functions, risk
evaluation and assessm ent and financing risk.
Signal Processing IV
Linear system s and Fourier spectrum analysis, Laplace netw ork analysis and active
Butterw orth and chebychev filter d esign.
General Prospectus
Sport Management I
Business know ledge, m aterials m anagem ent, m anagem ent activities, accounting
aspects, record keeping, form ation of a club and sport ethics.
General Prospectus
Sy st em Soft w are I
Softw are aspects of a personal com pu ter in term s of installing and troubleshooting
various Wind ow s operating system s, and the installation of d rivers for ad d itional
com ponents.
Sy st em Soft w are II
H ard w are aspects of a personal com puter in term s of id entifying, installing and
troubleshooting hard w are com ponents inside the com puter as w ell as peripheral
d evices.
General Prospectus
General Prospectus
Aspects involving the prod uction of vid eos and visual com m unication are stud ied .
The stud ent is introd uced to the usage of the electronic m edia.
W eb Management II
E-com m erce principles and the m anagem ent of a w eb environm ent.
General Prospectus
F1 Important N otes
General Prospectus
F2 Tuition Fees
Fees are charged per sem ester and year program s. (Please refer to
Term s of Paym ent: Tu ition Fees); and
Charges relating to the provision of ad d itional text m aterial e.g.
supplem entary notes, field trips w here applicable w ill be raised
Details of the charges for each m od ule, as w ell as supplem entary charges,
m ay be obtained from the offices of the various faculties, Finance and
Stud ent Ad m inistration.
Semester (6 mths)
Faculty of A pplied & Computer Sciences A mount
Biom ed ical Technology R6,540.00
Biotechnology R6,540.00
Analytical Chem istry R7,140.00
N on-Destructive Testing R7,140.00
Information Technology R7,960.00
Office Managem ent & Technology R8,180.00
General Prospectus
Semester (6 mths)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology A mount
Chem ical Engineering R7,140.00
Electrical Engineering: -
Process Instrum entation R8,720.00
Pow er Engineering R8,720.00
Electronic Com m unications R8,720.00
Civil Engineering R7,960.00
Ind ustrial Engineering R7,960.00
Mechanical Engineering R7,960.00
Metallurgical Engineering R8,830.00
Operations Managem ent R8,610.00
Engineering: Com puter System s R7,960.00
Y ear
Faculty of Human Sciences A mount
Fine Art R12,430.00
Graphic Design R12,910.00
Photography R15,700.00
H ospitality Managem ent R10,680.00
Fashion R12,320.00
Public Relations Managem ent R10,030.00
Tourism Managem ent R10,030.00
Safety Managem ent (Evening Classes 18:00 – 22:00) R7,140.00
General Prospectus
Y ear
Faculty M anagement Sciences A mount
Cost & Managem ent Accounting (3rd Year Level) R10,030.00
Internal Aud iting (3rd Year Level) R10,030.00
N HC: Accountancy R10,030.00
N HC: Financial Inform ation System s R11,450.00
Labour Relations Managem ent R8,720.00
Logistics Managem ent R9,590.00
H um an Resources Managem ent R8,720.00
Marketing R9,590.00
Managem ent of Training R8,720.00
Retail Business Managem ent R9,590.00
Sport Managem ent R8,180.00
Ed ucators: -
Ad vanced Certificate in Ed ucation (ACE) R9,270.00
Post Grad uate Certificate in Ed ucation (PGCE) R9,270.00
Masters in Ed ucation R8,720.00
F3 Residence Fees
Please note that the resid ence fee quoted applies only to the acad em ic
period and does not include t he June and December v acat ion. Stud ents
w ho cannot vacate their room s on the last d ay of the acad em ic calend ar
w ill be lev ied a fee equiv alent to the d aily rate applicable to resid ence
stud ents. Required deposit of R700.00 is pay able before allocat ion of
General Prospectus
Semester Y ear
M ens’ Residences
Sinqobile & Lethabong R6,130.00 R12,260.00
Uhuru, Ubuntu, Dikgalala & Inkwenkw ezi R6,020.00 R12,040.00
Dinaled ing & Khayalethu R6,130.00 R12,260.00
Meropa R5,310.00 R10,620.00
Ladies’ Residences
Boiketlong R6,020.00 R12,040.00
Tsalanang & Lesed ing R6,130.00 R12,260.00
Dinaled ing & Khayalethu R6,130.00 R12,260.00
Khom anani, Kutw anong & Meloding R5,310.00 R10,620.00
Prellex R6,790.00 R13,580.00
Estim ated costs for m eals R6,540.00 R13,080.00
F4 Terms of Payment
Resid ence: first paym ent R1,450.00 R1,450.00
Plus (existing room d eposit)
Tuition fees: first paym ent R1,900.00 R1,900.00
First Minimum Payment R3,350.00 R3,350.00
General Prospectus
(St udent s hav e t o apply for the discount aft er t he account has been paid
up – t he discount w ill t hen only be credit ed on t heir st udent account s)
The balance of the account is payable as follow s (Paym ent Agreem ents): -
First sem ester stud ents:
50% of the account by 28 February
100% of the account by 30 April
Second sem ester stud ents:
50% of the accoun t by 31 August
100% of the account by 30 Septem ber
Year courses:
Four equal paym ents by not later than – 31 March; 31 May; 31 July
and 30 Septem ber
General Prospectus
F5 Methods of Payment
Direct Deposits
Deposits can be m ad e at any ABSA branch
Account num ber – 0530 861 945
Branch cod e – 632005
The name and st udent number must be clearly indicat ed on t he
slip as t he “reference”. A copy of the d eposit slip should be
forw ard ed to the Finance Departm ent, either by faxing to
num ber (016) 950 9106, or subm itting a copy in person.
Cheque deposit s w ill hav e a w ait ing period of 7 (sev en) w orking
day s for clearance
General Prospectus
Cred it Card
We are able to process card paym ents in single paym ent and
bud get facilities. Cred it card d etails m ay be subm itted in w riting
to fax num ber (016) 950 9106 (Stud ent Revenue)
General Prospectus
Please Not e:
Should cond itions of paym ent not be ad hered to, the follow ing policies of
the University shall be enforced : -
N o exam ination results in respect of the stud ent concerned shall be
m ad e know n;
The stud ent, w ho has passed a certificate/ d iplom a or d egree course,
shall not receive ad m ission to a grad uation cerem ony;
The stud ent shall not be ad m itted to any further stud ies;
N o tim etables w ill be d istributed to stud ents w ith outstand ing
balances; and
O nce t he pay ment agreement s hav e expired, t he account w ill be
handed ov er t o t he legal Debt Collect ors
F6 Cancellation Conditions
The VUT is not obliged to grant a pro-rata refund of fees to stud ents w ho
w ithd raw from the University. Such refund m ay, how ever, be granted at
the University‟s sole d iscretion, provid ed the Faculty Dean and the
Financial Departm ent is notified in w riting on the O FFICIAL
W ITHDRAW AL FO RM. Stu d ents w ho w ithd raw from the University
w ithout com pleting a w ithdraw al form w ill rem ain liable for the paym ent
of fees d ue for the entire sem ester of stud y.
Up to 31 March - Sem ester stud ents are liable for pro-rata fees from
registration up to cancellation d ate w het her t hey at t ended classes or
After 31 March - St udent s w ill be held liable for t he t ot al fees
Year stud ents – Discontinuation of stud ies: -
Up to 31 May - Stud ents are liable for pro-rata fees from registration
d ate up to cancellation d ate, w het her t hey at t ended classes or not
After 31 August - Stud ents are liable for th e total fees w het her t hey
at t ended classes or not
General Prospectus
Up to 30 Septem ber - Sem ester stud ents are liable for pro-rata fees
from registration up to cancellation d ate w het her t hey at t ended
classes or not
After 30 Septem ber - Stud ents w ill be held liable for the total fees
w het her t hey at t ended classes or not
Any d eviation form the fixed proced ure m ay be consid ered if proof is
forthcom ing of the follow ing: -
Suspension: Should the Council tem porarily or perm anently d eprive
a stud ent of the rights and privileges he/ she enjoys, or d eny the
stud ent, w hether it be perm anently or tem porarily, further ad m ission,
the stud ent shall forfeit all claim s to reim bursem ent, a d ecr ease or
rem ission of m onies payable or paid to the University.
The stud ent is liable for the fees up to the end of the m onth of w ithd raw al.
General Prospectus
F8 Bursary/Loan Enquiry
We offer a range of Univ ersit y funded bursaries for bot h new and senior
st udent s. (Apply at Financial Aid Office – Finances).
Ext ernal bursaries offered by sponsors and ad m inistered by our section.
Sport bursary enquiries, please contact our Sports Bureau at (016) 950
NSFAS loans are being offered accord ing to the criteria set by N SFAS,
w ho offers loans w ith fair interest rates.
Edu-loan has been approved to offer financial assistance to stud ents on
the cam pus - (016) 950 9948.