Skincare PDF

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Recipes, Hints & Tips For

Homemade Skin Care

Table of Contents
Welcome 5 Almond & Rose Oil Body Lotion 31
Equipment 6 Coconut Almond Body Lotion 31
Important Notes 7 Eczema Lotion 32
How to Tell Your Skin Type 8 Anti Ageing Mango Butter 32
Face Serum Blends 8 Coconut Body Butter 32
Carrier Oils 9 Shea Butter Crème, Moisturizing 33
Body Butter
Essential Oil Benefits 10, 11 Cocoa Butter for Hands/Nails /Face 1 34
Essential Oils & Carrier Oils for Skin 12 Rosewater & Glycerine Hand Cream 35
Skin Care Ingredients 13, 14 Intensive Overnight Hands 35

How to Distill Water 15 Cuticle Oil 35

Revitalizing Day Cream 17 Nail Conditioning Serum 35
Vitamin Packed Moisturizer 18 Nail Buff 36
Night Time Nourishing Cream 19 Brittle Nail Soak 36
Night Cream 20 Eye Moisturizing Cream 38
Intense Moisturising Cream 21 Aloe Vera Eye Cream 38
Moisturizing Wrinkle Cream 22 Eyelash Thickener Gel 39
Jojoba Moisturizing Cream 22 Eye Make up Remover 39
Facial Toning Cream 23 Dark Circle Eye Cream 39
Wrinkle Prevention Cream 23 Moisturizing Eye Make up Removal 40
Lemon Cleansing Cream 24 Tired Eyes Tonic 40
Rose Cleansing Creams 24 Cucumber Eye Gel 40
Strawberry Dream Cream 25 Jojoba Eye Wrinkle Cream 41
Basic Cold Cream Vanishing For- 25 Regenerative Eye Serum 41
Basic Cold Cream 26 Eye Cleansing Oil 41
Apricot Cold Cream 26 Anti Ageing & Restorative Eye Serum 43
Basic Moisturizer 1 & 2 27 Vitamin E Eye Serum 43
Basic Moisturizer 3 28 Eyelash Serum 43
Moisturizer for Thirsty Skin 28 Vitamin C Serum 44
Begone Stretch Mark Cream 30 Nourishing Facial Serum 44
Moisturizing Cocoa body Butter 30 Acne Serum 44
Table of Contents

Luscious Lip Treatment 46 Cucumber Yoghurt Mask 57

Lip Gloss 46 Oatmeal Mask 57
Moisturizing Lip Balm 46 Simple Face Mask 58
Lemon Lip Balm 47 Oatmeal Yoghurt Mask 58
Lip Plumper 47 Clay Mask 58
Lip Scrub 47 Strawberries & Cream Mask 59
Protective Lip Balm 47 Milk n Honey Mask 59
Lavender Body Scrub Pumpkin Face Mask 59

Banana & Honey Scrub 49 Grapefruit Face Mask 60

Lemon Body Scrub 49 Vitamin E Face Mask 60
Minty Foot Scrub 50 Skin Rejuvenation Mask 60
Oatmeal Scrub 50 Rose Facial Mask 61
Ginger Cellulite Scrub 50 Mint Mask 61
Mango Body Scrub 51 Lemon Tea Mask 61
Creamy Salt Scrub 51 Herbal Baby Oil 63
Apple & Cornflour Scrub 51 No Petroleum Jelly 63
Vanilla Coffee Scrub 52 Shaving Gel 63
Chocolate Honey Oat Scrub 52 No Petroleum Jelly 2 64
Orange Scrub 52 Antiseptic Balm 64
Strawberry Foot Scrub 53 Facial Hair Bleach 64
Honey Almond Scrub 53 Hand Sanitiser/Aftershave Gel 65
Lemony Olive Hand Scrub 53 Lemon Elbow Bleach 65
Dead Skin Cells Scrub 53 Spa Hand & Foot Softener Treat- 65
Anti Wrinkle Moisture Lock Mask 55 Herbal Body Wrap 66
Firming Face & Neck Mask 55 Nipple Ointment 66
Avocado Wrinkle Mask 55 Anti Cellulite Massage Oil 67
Kiwi Face Lift Mask 56 Dark Spot Hand Mask 67
Face Firming Mask 2 56 Bug Off Balm 67
Gram Flour Anti-Wrinkle Mask 56 Broken Capillaries Oil Treatment 68
Honey Carrot Face Mask 57 Pimple Blaster 68

Table of Contents

Diaper Rash Soothing Butter 68 Fennel Cleanser 80

Soothing After Sun Gel 68 Baking Soda Cleanser 81
Green Tea Toner 70 Strawberry Acne Cleanser 81
Lemon Toner 70 Cornstarch & Glycerine Cleanser 81
Lemon Lavender Toner 70 Oatmeal & Yoghurt Cleanser 81
Rosewater Toner 70 Apple Honey Cleanser 82
Witchy Mint Toner 71 Coconut & Vitamin E Cleanser 82
Honey & Lavender Toner 71 Mango Magic Moisturizer 82

Anti Ageing Face Toner 71 Pomegranate Cleanser 82

Acne Toner 72 No Puff Potato Cream 83
Vodka & Watermelon Toner 72 Coconut Face Shine 83
Summertime Refresher Toner 72
Basic Skin Toner 73
ACV Toner 73
Cucumber & Honey Toner 73
Almond Facial Cleanser 75
Chamomile Cleansing Milk 75
Olive Oil & Honey Cleanser 75
Honey Cleanser 76
Cucumber Cleanser 76
Lemon Cleanser 76
Avocado Moisturizer for Acne 77
Avocado Stone Massage 77
Papaya face Peel 77

Natural Face Peel 78

Alpha Hydroxy Acid Wrinkle Peel 78
Facial Peel for Sensitive Skin 78
Smoothing Anti Wrinkle Cream 79
Cucumber Anti Wrinkle Cream 79
Avocado Anti Wrinkle Cream 79
Anti Ageing Cream 80
Kiwi Cleanser 80
Welcome to a wealth of natural home made skin care products.

More and more of us are becoming aware of what we eat in terms of avoiding synthetic
ingredients, so surely the same should apply to our skincare?

Conventional skin care products these days are packed with synthetic materials. Pre-
servatives, emulsifiers, colours and fragrances which can also become carcinogenic,
cause allergies and disrupt hormonal balances. The skin is actually the largest organ of
the human body and absorbs high levels of substances with which it comes into contact .
Remember, anything that is placed on your skin is ultimately absorbed into your blood-

Parabens can be found in commercial moisturizers, shaving gels and cleansing gels and
many other personal care products. A huge percentage of the products you buy for every-
day use contain some form of paraben, so it can be difficult to find products that do not
use them. Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen, which is known to play a role in
the development of breast cancers.

Another common ingredient of store big selling skincare is mineral oil or liquid petroleum.
This is a liquid by-product of the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline and other
petroleum based products from crude oil.

Bring back the natural lustre of your skin by using natural skin care products. Nourish
with fruits, vegetables and natures waxes, oils & butters. Within you will find over 150
recipes for natural skin care.


The great news is—there is no special equipment needed to make your own skin care

Most ingredients are available in the local supermarket/health food store/pharmacy or


Avoid using aluminium, copper, and non-stick pans as they can affect the ingredients
beneficial properties.

 Heatproof glassware or enamel double boiler.

 Wire Whisk

 Measuring Spoons and Cups

 Wooden Spoons

 Clean dark glass bottles and jars with airtight lids

Size Conversions

3 Teaspoons (tsp) = 1 Tablespoon (tbsp)

2 Tablespoons (tbsp) = 1 Ounce (oz)
6 Teaspoons (tsp) =1 Ounce (oz)
1 Millilitre (ml) = ⅓ oz or 2 teaspoons
15 Millilitre (ml) = ½ oz
30 Millilitre = 1 oz or 2 tablespoons
10 Millilitre = 300 drops

Abbreviations: tsp = teaspoon

Tbsp = tablespoon

Important Notes:

 It is critically important that all utensils used in making your skin-

care products are clean and sterilized before use.

 The shelf life of your home made products will be shorter as they
do not contain the preservatives etc that the major cosmetic companies use. It is
good practice to make your batches smaller, ideally to be used within one month.
You can add natural preservatives such as Grapefruit Seed Essential oil and vitamin
e to preserve the life of your products .

 Skincare recipes containing food products are best made to one application yields
or kept in the refrigerator and used within one week.

 Store your products in dark containers or opaque packaging to keep them away
from the harmful effects of sunlight.

 Ensure that when melting ingredients you use a double boiler as beeswax melts at
64C (147F). Beeswax can easily become damaged by localised overheating and if
it ignites can burn more ferociously than any chip pan fire. Beeswax does not boil - it
just gets hotter and hotter until it ignites.

 Anti-oxidants extend the shelf life of your natural homemade beauty products by
reducing the rate of oxidation of your oils. You'll may want to use an antioxidant in
any formulation which contains fragile oils such as sweet almond, avocado, or eve-
ning primrose.

 Please remember that almost no essential oils should be applied undiluted directly
to the skin. They should always be diluted via a carrier oil, cream or liquid.

 Always do a patch test to test for sensitivity when trying a new recipe.

How to tell your skin type

Dry Skin: Dry skin is delicate and thin with a fine texture. Tight and dry especially af-
ter washing, dry skin can become flaky and more susceptible to wrinkles. Fair complex-
ions tend to be dry

Normal Skin: Contains just the right amount of oil and is smooth and supple and not
prone to spots

Oily Skin: Tends to shiny with larger pores. Needs good maintenance to prevent out-
breaks of spots. Is more resistant to sun damage, harsh treatment and wrinkles.

Combination Skin: A combination of skin types. Forehead, nose and chin tend to be
oily, while cheeks are tight and dry

Aging or sun-damaged: This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin
tone -- especially around the cheeks and jaw line - with leathery texture and broken capil-

If you are not sure which skin type you are, try this test before going to bed.

 Wash your face to remove all traces of dirt, oil and make up.
 Do not apply any moisturizer or night cream or any other product that you normally
 Before washing your face next morning, press a piece of tissue paper or brown
wrapping paper to your face, especially chin, nose and forehead (T-Zone).
 If the paper does not show any oily residue, you have dry skin. Normal skin will
show a small amount of oil and oily skin will definitely show a large stain

Suggested Face Serum Blends

Dry Skin Normal Skin Mature Skin Oily Skin

4 drops Lavender 3 drops Geranium 7 drops Frankincense 5 drops Bergamot
15 drops Chamomile 5 drops Lavender 4 drops Geranium 4 drops Cypress
3 drops Rosewood 3 drops Rosewood 15 drops Rose (3%) 3 drops Geranium
4 drops Sandalwood 15 drops Rose (3%) 20 ml Apricot Kernel Oil 20 ml Jojoba
20 ml Apricot Kernel Oil 20 ml Apricot Kernel Oil 5 ml Wheat Germ Oil 5 ml Wheat Germ Oil
5 ml Wheat Germ Oil 5 ml Wheat Germ Oil

Carrier Oils

Almond oil

A cold-pressed oil derived from almonds. It is scentless, free from petroleum residues,
and rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent oil for skin softening and conditioning,
soothing dry, itchy skin, and it makes a delightful massage oil by itself, or with a few
drops of essential oil added. It may also be mixed into lotions, balms and soaps.

Apricot Oil

A rich oil with a light texture. It is well suited to mature or sensitive skin types. Used by
itself, it removes makeup and softens delicate skin around the eyes. It may also be mixed
into lotions and creams.

Avocado oil

A highly therapeutic oil rich in vitamins A, D and E, proteins, lecithin and amino acids.
With its many beneficial healing and regenerating properties, it works well to soothe and
heal scaly skin and scalp.

Calendula oil

Known for its regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. Soothes and heals dry, irri-
tated, itchy skin.

Castor oil

Rich in fatty acids and due to its high viscosity, it is a good skin lubricant. It also acts as
an humectant. Works well combined with other oils found in soaps.

Olive Oil

Attracts moisture and forms a barrier to prevent a loss of moisture while allowing the skin
to breath and function normally.

Jojoba Oil

Natural jojoba oil serves as an excellent moisturizing agent with exceptional spread. The
lubrication properties leave a rich velvety non-oily feel on the skin, while retarding water
loss and enhancing the flexibility and suppleness. A good choice for use with those that
have oily or acne prone skin.

Essential Oils—Benefits

Benzoin: Astringent qualities which tone up muscles and skin

Bergamot: Antiseptic and healing properties. Benefits oily skins

Borage: Cooling effect on skin. Good for acne

Carrot Seed: Improves complexion. Adds tone and elasticity to skin. Beneficial for pre-
mature ageing and wrinkles

Chamomile: An excellent skin cleanser. Good for dry skins, smooths out broken capil-
laries, improving elasticity

Cypress: Beneficial to mature skins

Evening Primrose: Rejuvenate ageing skin. Reduce fine lines & wrinkles. Hydrates dry

Fennel: Cleansing and tonic action for skin. Beneficial to mature skins

Frankincense: Beneficial to ageing skins and helps balance oily conditions

Geranium: Balances sebum and keeps skin supple. Good overall skin cleanser

Juniper: Aids congested and oily skins

Immortelle: Has cell regenerating properties

Lavender: Valuable to all skin types. Promotes growth of new cells and balances se-

Lemon: Brightens pale and dull complexions by removing dead skin cells. Cleansing for
oily skin and smooths out broken capillaries

Myrrh: Powerful skin preservative properties

Neroli: Helps with regeneration of skin cells and improves elasticity. Most beneficial to
dry, sensitive and mature skins

Orange: A good skin tonic. Aids with removal of toxins in congested skins. Also benefi-
cial for dry skins

Palmarosa: Restores water balance and stimulates natural secretion of sebum

Patchouli: Aids tissue regeneration and soothes dry cracked skin

Pomegranate Seed Oil: Recent scientific studies have shown that pomegranate seed
oil helps promote the growth and thickening of the epidermis. This can help revitalize the
skin and resolve fine wrinkles.

Rose: Good for all skin types, particularly for dry & sensitive skin

Rosehip: Intensive skin rehydrator and a great Skin Moisturizer which nourishes your

Rosemary: Helpful for sagging skin as it is a strong astringent

Sandalwood: Gives a softening effect and is good for ageing and dehydrated skins

Tea Tree: Very cleansing. Effective against acne

Ylang Ylang: Has a balancing action on sebum. Effective for both dry and oily skins

Carrier oil for normal skin:
Almond , Hazelnut, Apricot kernel

Essential oils for normal skin:

Chamomile German, Lemon, Geranium, Fennel, Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Neroli,
Frankincense, Palma rosa, Benzoin

Carrier oil for Dry skin:

Almond, Olive oil, Apricot kernel, Soy bean

Essential oils for Dry skin:

Chamomile German, Benzoin, Lavender, Calendula, Sandalwood, Geranium, Patchouli,
Palma rosa, Rose, Rosemary, Neroli

Carrier oil for Oily skin:

Almond, Hazelnut, Apricot kernel, Grape seed

Essential oils for Oily skin:

Roman & German chamomiles Cedar wood, geranium, Clary, lavender, Ylang-ylang,
lemon, peppermint, cypress, calendula infusion, frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, ju-
niper, grapefruit, Lavender, rose.

Carrier oil for Mature Skin, Anti-Aging skin:

Almond, Hazelnut, Apricot kernel

Essential oils for Mature Skin, Anti-Aging skin:

Carrot seed, Citrus, frankincense, galbanum, fennel, geranium, myrrh, patchouli, rose,
Clary, rosewood, sages, cypress, fennel, lavender, neroli, Rose Hip Extract. Grapefruit,

Typical Skin Care Ingredients

Aloe Vera: is useful for preventing the aging of the skin. It nourishes the skin and tissues
with body-loving nutrients such as vitamin E and C.

Grapefruit Seed Extract: Used as a preservative

Vitamin E: Vitamin e products help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, prevent the
appearance of age spots. It helps maintain the skin’s oil balance during the cleansing
process and reduces transepidermal water loss from skin and strengthens the skin’s bar-
rier function. Both anti-ageing and antioxidant.

Lecithin: A naturally occurring antioxidant and emollient

Honey: A antimicrobial and antioxidant which softens skin and adds sweetness to reci-

Witch Hazel: Is a natural astringent which tones skin and is especially good for oily

Aromatic Waters: Are used to treat a variety of skin ailments from acne to burns. A
by product of distilling essential oils

Beeswax: Primarily used as an emulsifier

Cocoa Butter: This fat, which is expressed from the roasted seeds of the cocoa plant,
softens and lubricates the skin. Has a delicious chocolately aroma

Antioxidants: Natural antioxidants include vitamins A,C and E

Borax: Choose a natural source cosmetic grade Sodium Borate that does not contain
surfactants and detergents which are commonly found in commercial Borax products.
Borax acts as an emulsifier, natural preservative and buffering agent for moisturizers,
scrubs and bath salts.

Typical Skin Care Ingredients

Shea Butter: Derived from the vegetable fat of the Karite Tree. It forms a breathable,
water-resistant film and is the leading natural product for moisturizing.

Carrot Seed Oil: Used in many skin care formulas for dry, mature, or wrinkled skin.

Mango Butter: Has beneficial moisturizing properties for lotions and acts as a mild lubri-
cant for the skin, making it an exotic and fun alternative for skincare products .

Anhydrous Lanolin: A soft, waxy material derived from the coating on raw wool.
Used as an emollient and moisturizer

Coconut Oil: Is rich in antioxidant nutrients that penetrate into the underlying tissues
of your skin to prevent and protect against the formation of free radicals

Emulsifying Wax helps keep water and oil mixed.

Glycerine moisturizing and cleans the skin. Vegetable glycerine adds a natural sweet-
ener to any recipe.

Essential Oils: Stimulate the tissue they come into contact with and are used for
therapeutic abilities

How to Distill Water

You can distill water with an ordinary household pot and two pot lids. Boil water in a pot
covered with the first lid. After a while, you'll see that the water in the pot vaporizes, and
condenses on the lid (this is distilled water). Now replace the lid with the second lid, and
turn the first one vertically, so that all condensed water collects at one point, and then
pour it into a cup. Meanwhile, more distilled water condenses on the second pot lid, so
just repeat the above steps again... until you have a full cup.

Distillation will remove from water almost anything, even heavy metals, poisons, bacteria
and viruses. However, it does not remove substances that have boiling points at a lower
temperature than water. Some of these substances are oils, petroleum, alcohol and simi-
lar substances, which in most cases don't mix with water. Also, remember that sub-
stances removed from water remain in the boiler, so you'll need to clean it up every once
in awhile.

Distilled water can be used directly and does not need to be boiled again

Emulsifying Face Cream
Revitalizing Day Cream
Vitamin Packed Moisturizer
Night Time Nourishing Cream
Night Cream
Intense Moisturizing Cream
Moisturizing Wrinkle Cream
Jojoba Moisturizing Cream
Facial Toning Cream
Wrinkle Prevention Cream
Lemon Cleansing Cream
Rose Cleansing Cream
Strawberry Dream Cream
Basic Cold Cream Vanishing Formula
Basic Cold Cream
Apricot Cold Cream
Basic Moisturizing Cream 1
Basic Moisturizing Cream 2
Basic Moisturizer 3
Moisturizer for Thirsty Skin

All Skin Types Revitalizing Day Cream

40 ml Sweet Almond Oil

15g Beeswax

2 tbsp Mineral Water

20 ml Avocado Oil

2 drops Lavender/Lemon essential Oil

1 drop Geranium essential oil

 Gently melt the oils and beeswax in a double boiler.

 Warm the mineral water and slowly add to the oil, stirring constantly to ensure it

 Remove the pan from the heat and stir the cream until it reaches room temperature
(otherwise it will separate)

 Spoon the cream into a clean sterilized jar, place on the lid and shake until it be-
comes completely cool.

Skinspiration Tip: Essential oils need to be kept out of direct sunlight. Creams
containing essential oils are best kept in dark coloured containers or in a dark,
cool cupboard

Vitamin Packed Moisturizer

1 tsp dried Camomile Tea or 1 tbsp fresh Camomile

75 ml Mineral Water
1 tbsp Anhydrous Lanolin
1 tbsp Beeswax
75 ml Almond Oil
1 Vitamin A Capsule
1 Vitamin E Capsule
3 drops of Geranium Oil

 Place camomile and water into a pan and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 10
 Strain the liquid into a clean bowl and leave to cool
 Gently melt the Lanolin and Beeswax in a double boiler
 Slowly whisk in the oils, remove pan from heat and add in 2 tbsp of the Camomile
infusion. Ensure that you beat this in sufficiently
 Pierce the vitamin capsules and squeeze them into mixture
 Keep stirring the mixture until it cools to prevent separation
 Once cool place into a clean and sterilized jar and store in a cool dark place for use
within 60 days

Skinspiration Tip: Vitamin E is an antioxidant which promotes tissue repair and

improves circulation

Night Time Nourishing Cream

2 tbsp Beeswax, grated

1 oz Cocoa Butter
3 tbsp Sesame Oil
1 tbsp Wheat germ Oil
2 tbsp Dried Comfrey
½ tsp Borax
5 tbsp Boiling Water
3 drops of your favourite essential oil (optional)

 Place Comfrey in a small bowl and add boiling water. Cover with a porous cloth and
leave for 2 hours. Strain through doubled muslin (or similar), then add Borax.
 Melt the cocoa butter and beeswax separately and measure the required quantities
into a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
 Blend in sesame and wheat germ oils
 Remove from heat and whilst stirring continuously add the comfrey infusion slowly
 Stir until mixture thickens
 The cream will be a pale brown colour and if you find the smell unpleasant add in 3
drops of your favourite essential oil.
 Spoon cream into a clean and sterilized jar, cover the top with foil before securing
the lid.

Skinspiration Tip: Nourish your skin with natural oils and plant based emollients

Night Cream

3 tbsp Olive Oil

1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
1 tbsp Shea Butter
2 tsp Grated Beeswax
1 tbsp Rose Water
1/4 tsp Lecithin
2 x capsules of Vitamin E
3 drops Chamomile or Lavender essential oil

 Melt oil, butter, and beeswax in heatproof glass measuring cup, over boiling wa-
ter or in microwave. (low heat)

 Remove from heat just before beeswax is completely melted. Add the vitamin E
oil and lecithin and stir in between additions.

 Mix rosewater and aloe together and slowly add to main mixture.

 Continue stirring with a small metal whisk. Once mixture is cooled, add the es-
sential oil and stir.

 Pour into a clean sterilized jar and secure lid

Skinspiration Tip: This cream is especially good during dry or cold weather.
Lecithin is high in vitamin B, which helps to reduce oiliness and the formation of

Intense Moisturising Cream
1 ½ tbsp Beeswax
1 tbsp Emulsifying Wax
2 tbsp Anhydrous Lanolin
5 tsp Avocado Oil
1 tsp Glycerine
6 tbsp Water
2 tbsp Rose water
2 Vitamin E Capsules
1/2 tsp Borax

 Melt the beeswax and emulsifying wax separately then measure them into a
basin over a pan of simmering water.
 Blend in avocado oil and glycerine
 Add the contents of the vitamin E capsules.
 Remove from the heat and stir continuously whilst adding rose water, water
and borax.
 Keep stirring until mixture cools and thickens.
 Transfer to a sterilised screw top jar and cover top of the cream with a circle
of tinfoil.

Skinspiration Tip: This recipe produces a rich heavy cream which is ide-
ally applied before taking a bath or shower, as the steam will help the
skin absorb the cream. Rinse away excess cream with warm water and
then refresh face with cold water.

Moisturizing Wrinkle Cream

1 tbsp Cocoa Butter

2 tbsp Jojoba Oil
1 tbsp Pomegranate Seed Oil
1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel

Melt cocoa butter with the jojoba and pomegranate oils in a double boiler
Allow to cool slightly and add aloe vera

Jojoba Moisturizing Cream

6 tbsp Jojoba Oil

1 tbsp Vitamin E Oil
2 tbsp Grated Beeswax
1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
2 tbsp Rose Water
8 drops Sandalwood essential oil
4 drops Rose essential oil

Melt beeswax, jojoba oil and vitamin E oil in a double boiler

Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature
Mix together aloe vera and rose water, add this to the cooled wax mixture
Place wax mixture into a blender and blend on high until mixture becomes thick and
Apply sandalwood and rose essential oils to mixture and pour into a clean sterilized jar

Skinspiration Tip: Pomegranate Seed Oil exhibits powerful antioxidant proper-

ties. It has the marvellous ability to nurture, moisturize and restore the epider-
mis and also to improve the elasticity of the skin.

Facial Toning Cream

2 tbsp Beeswax (grated)

1/4 cup Anhydrous Lanolin
5 fl oz Almond oil
2tbsp Witch Hazel
2 tbsp Rose Water
Pinch of Borax

 Melt beeswax in a double boiler, then add lanolin.

 Add warmed almond oil to beeswax and lanolin mixture and stir to blend
 In a separate pan, heat witch hazel and rose water and then add pinch of borax.
 Combine all ingredients together and mix thoroughly
 Pour mixture into a clean sterilized container and cover securely

Apply this mixture sparingly to the skin and massage in gently

Wrinkle Prevention Cream

1 tsp powdered Gelatine/Agar

1/4 cup Glycerine
8 oz Anhydrous Lanolin
2 tsp Orange Flower Water
¼ tsp Spirits of Camphor
¼ tsp Benzoin Tincture

 Add ¼ cup of glycerine to flower water and place in a double boiler on a gen-
tle heat
 Next add lanolin to the mixture and stir slowly until thoroughly combined
 Add Spirits of Camphor and Benzoin Tincture and stir to blend
 Remove from heat and beat mixture with an electric mixer until cream is cool
and fluffy consistency.
 Spoon into a clean and sterilized jar and cover tightly.

Apply to face at night massaging into face for between 5-10 mins

Lemon Cleansing Cream

1 tbsp Beeswax, grated

1 ½ tbsp Non Petroleum Jelly
3 tbsp Jojoba Oil, warmed
1 tbsp Witch Hazel
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
Pinch Borax
6 drops Lemon essential oil

 Melt beeswax and non petroleum jelly together in a double boiler

 Add warmed jojoba oil and whisk for 5-10 minutes.
 Mix witch hazel and lemon juice together, warm for 20 seconds in the micro-
wave and add borax, mix until dissolved
 Slowly add this to wax mixture, beating until cool and creamy.
 Add lemon oil and continue beating until completely cool
 Pour into a clean and sterilized jar and secure lid

Rose Cleansing Cream

1 ½ tbsp Grated Beeswax

1 tbsp Emulsifying Wax
4 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil
6 tbsp Rose Water
½ tsp Borax
2 drops Rose essential oil

 Melt waxes and oil together in a double boiler.

 In a separate bowl warm rose water and add borax, stir until completely dis-
 Remove wax mixture from heat and slowly add rosewater mixture, beating
continuously to avoid separation
 As mixtures cools add rose oil, continue to beat until completely cool
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar

Skinspiration Tip: Lemon Juice can irritate sensitive skin. Ensure that you do
a sensitivity test before applying anything new to your skin

Strawberry Dream Cream (oily—normal skin)

½ oz Beeswax
1 ½ oz Almond Oil
1 oz Apricot Kernel Oil
4-5 Large Strawberries
8 drops Benzoin Tincture

 Wash and drain the strawberries and squeeze out the juice through a sieve or
 Heat the beeswax and oils together in a double boiler. Remove from heat
when melted and add strawberry juice
 Beat the mixture until it is light and fluffy
 Add Benzoin and beat until cool to prevent separation

Basic Cold Cream Vanishing Formula

1 oz Jojoba
1 ounce Grape seed oil
1/2 - 1 oz beeswax
2 oz distilled water
1 tsp Glycerine
1 tsp Borax
10 drops essential oil of choice (optional)
40 drops grapefruit seed extract as a preservative

 Combine the oils and beeswax in a double boiler and melt.

 Remove from the heat and pour in the remaining ingredients; mix with an
electric handheld mixer until the cream is thick and creamy.
 .Store in a glass jar with a screw top.

Discard after 6 months (or sooner if mould begins to grow)

Skinspiration Tip: Ensure you have clean and dry fingers when applying your
creams, even dipping a wet finger into your creams can contaminate them!

Basic Cold Cream

¼ cup Distilled water

1 tsp Borax
1 tsp Glycerine
2 tbsp Grated Beeswax
3 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Almond Oil
2 tbsp Avocado Oil
1 tsp Grape Seed Oil
2 tsp Wheat Germ Oil

 Melt wax and combine it with oil in a double boiler.

 In another glass bowl, put water, glycerine, and borax and heat in microwave for
about 45 seconds. Stir.
 Add borax water to wax/oil paste. Beat and whip. You should have a white frothy
 Pour into a clean sterilized container and secure lid once mixture has cooled

Apricot Cold Cream (for dry skin)

2 oz Cocoa Butter
2 oz Beeswax
10 oz Apricot Kernel Oil

 Melt cocoa butter and beeswax together in a double boiler and once
melted beat in apricot oil.
 Remove from heat and mix thoroughly until cool
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar

Skinspiration Tip: The concept of cold cream is quite ancient. Credit for the
invention is usually given to Galen, a second century Greek physician who de-
veloped an emulsion of beeswax, oil, rose petals, and water. The cream was
designed to moisturize and condition the face, and to help remove the harsh
makeup of the period. In some regions, cold cream is called ―cream of Galen‖
or ―Galen's cream‖ in a reference to this; the ―cold‖ in cold cream comes from the cool,
refreshing feeling that it leaves behind.

Basic Moisture Cream 1

2 tbsp Carnauba Wax

1 tbsp Grated Beeswax

1/2 cup Almond Oil

 Place all ingredients in a heavy based pan/double boiler and heat gently and con-
stantly stir. Once mixture has come together place in a clean sterilized jar

Basic Moisturizer 2

1 cup of Avocado or Almond Oil

1/2 cup Beeswax
3 x Vitamin E Capsules
3 drops of favourite essential oil

 Melt oil and beeswax together, remove from heat when melted
 Add vitamin e oil and essential oil and keep stirring until all is combined
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar and secure lid when cool

Skinspiration Tip: A vitamin E capsule added to your carrier oils acts as a natu-
ral preservative

Basic Moisturizer 3

1 cup of Mineral Water

½ oz of Cocoa butter
½ oz Emulsifying Wax
1 oz Jojoba oil
5 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract (a natural preservative)
A few drops of favourite essential oil—optional

 Heat the Jojoba oil, cocoa butter and emulsifying wax together and then add
water and grapefruit seed extract.
 For extra moisture you can add ½ tsp of honey
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar and place lid securely

Moisturizer for Thirsty Skin

⅓ cup Mineral Water

½ tbsp Glycerine
¼ cup Olive Oil
½ tbsp Coconut Oil
½ tbsp Cocoa Butter
½ tbsp Lecithin
⅛ oz Beeswax
2 x Vitamin E capsules

 Melt beeswax, oils and butter together.

 In a dish add glycerine to mineral water
 Remove wax and oil mixture from heat once melted and add vitamin e and
 Using a blender/whisk start to blend the cream whilst slowly adding glycerine
water mixture. Keep blending until mixture becomes fluffy
 Pour into cool sterilized jar and secure lid when cooled

Skinspiration Tip: Beeswax is obtained from the honeycomb of virgin bees.

For the highest quality of beeswax, purchase directly from a local beekeeper

Body & Hand Skinspirations
Begone! Stretch Mark Cream
Moisturizing Cocoa Butter
Almond & Rose Oil Body Lotion
Coconut Almond Body Lotion
Eczema Lotion
Anti Ageing Mango Butter
Coconut Butter
Moisturizing Body Butter
Shea Butter Crème
Cocoa Butter for Hand & Nails
Cocoa Butter for Face & Hand
Rosewater & Glycerine Hand Cream
Intensive Overnight Hands
Cuticle Oil
Nail Conditioning Serum
Nail Buff
Brittle Nail Soak

 Begone! Stretch Mark Cream

1 Vitamin E Capsule
2 tsp Beeswax (grated)
¼ cup of Cocoa Butter
1 tsp Sesame Oil
1 tsp Apricot Kernel Oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

 Pierce Vitamin E capsule and place all the ingredients together, except for
Vanilla Extract, in a heavy based saucepan and gently heat until cocoa
butter and beeswax have melted
 Once mixture is cool place in a clean sterilized container and secure lid

Apply to affected areas daily

Moisturizing Cocoa Body Butter for Dry Skins

½ cup of Cocoa Butter

2 tbsp of Beeswax (grated)
2 tbsp Distilled Water
3 tbsp Sesame Oil
2 tbsp of Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Olive Oil

 Combine beeswax and water and melt in a double boiler over a gentle heat
 Add cocoa butter and stir thoroughly to combine
 Gradually add the coconut, sesame and olive oils
 Place mixture into a clean sterilized container and as it cools it will thicken

Almond & Rose Oil Body Lotion for Normal to Oily Skins

½ cup of Almond Oil

2 tbsp Beeswax (grated)
¼ cup Distilled Water
¼ cup Rosewater
5 drops of Rose essential oil

 Combine beeswax with distilled water and melt gently over a low heat
 When mixture has blended transfer to a blender and blend on a low speed
 While blender is running gradually add almond oil rose water and rose essen-
tial oil
 As the mixture cools down it will thicken in consistency
 Pour into a clean and sterilized jar and use sparingly

Will keep for 4-5 months if kept in a cool place

Coconut Almond Lotion for Dry Skin

¾ cup of Almond Oil

⅓ of Coconut Oil
1 tsp Anhydrous Lanolin
1/2 oz Grated Beeswax
⅔ cup rosewater
⅓ cup Aloe Vera Gel
1 drop of Rose essential oil
1 Vitamin E capsule

 Melt almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax and lanolin over a gentle heat. Leave
to cool
 In a separate bowl mix rosewater, aloe vera and rose oil. Pierce the vitamin e
capsule and add all to the beeswax and lanolin mixture. Whip together to en-
sure it is well blended.
 Store in a clean, sterilized jar with a secure lid


1 tbsp Beeswax
2 oz. Shea Butter
2 tbsp Sweet Almond oil
10 drops German Chamomile
10 drops Lavender
10 drops Vitamin E oil

 Melt ingredients together, in a double boiler, blending thoroughly

 Let cool to about lukewarm, add Essential Oil and then cool completely

Anti Aging Mango Butter

2 tbsp. Beeswax
2 tbsp Mango butter
8 tbsp. Coconut oil
10 drops Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Melt together wax and butter, when melted add oil.

Stir well, allow to cool slightly, then add essential oils.

 Mix completely until smooth. Pour into jar and let harden before securing lid.

Coconut Butter Body Lotion

2 tbsp Grated beeswax

4 oz Cocoa Butter
4 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil
2 tbsp Coconut Oil

 Melt the beeswax and cocoa butter in a double boiler until liquefied.
 Gradually blend in oils. Pour into clean sterilized glass jar.
 Lotion will thicken as it cools.

Moisturizing Body Butter

4 oz Shea Butter
4 oz Jojoba
1 oz Grated Beeswax
3 tsp Sandalwood Oil

 Melt shea butter and beeswax in a double boiler

 Remove from heat and whisk in jojoba oil, then add in sandalwood oil
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar and secure lid when cool

Shea Butter Crème

4 tbsp Shea Butter

2 tbsp Cocoa Butter
4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
A few drops of your favourite essential oil for fragrance

 Melt the cocoa butter in a double boiler over a low heat and when almost melted
add shea butter. Next add olive oil.
 Remove from heat and add a few drops of the essential oil for fragrance.
 Whisk vigorously until the mixture is light and fluffy (you may want to use an electric
hand whisk for this.
 Spoon into a clean sterilized jar

Cocoa Butter Cream for Hand & Nails

2 tbsp Grated Beeswax

2 tbsp Cocoa Butter
4 tbsp Jojoba Oil
1 tbsp Anhydrous Lanolin
20 drops Sandalwood Oil
20 drops Rosemary Oil

 In a double boiler heat together beeswax, cocoa butter, jojoba oil and
lanolin. Once melted, remove from heat and leave to cool
 Add essential oils and stir thoroughly
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar with a secure lid

Store in a cool, dark place for up to 4 months

Cocoa Butter Hand & Face Cream

¼ cup Olive Oil

1 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 oz Cocoa Butter
½ tbsp Liquid Lecithin
⅛ oz Beeswax
2 x Vitamin E capsules
⅓ cup boiled water
½ tbsp glycerine

 Combine oils and waxes together in a double boiler.

 Remove from heat once melted and add vitamin E
 Combine water and glycerine and drizzle in melted oil & wax mixture, stirring
thoroughly to combine
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar and when mixture is cool secure lid

Rosewater & Glycerine Hand Cream

1½ cups Rosewater
⅓ cup Glycerine

Combine all ingredients together and pour into a clean sterilized jar
Apply to hands as needed

Intensive Overnight Hands

½ tsp Avocado Oil

½ tsp Wheat Germ Oil
½ tsp Jojoba Oil
½ tsp Vitamin E
2 tbsp Plain Yoghurt
1 egg yolk

Combine all ingredients together and whisk. Keep in refrigerator until ready to use
Before bed, cover hands generously in mixture and cover with a pair of cotton
gloves. In the morning rinse off the mixture with soap

Cuticle Oil

2 tbsp Jojoba Oil

1 tbsp Wheat Germ Oil
1 tbsp Cocoa Butter

Heat ingredients together in a double boiler over a gentle heat.

Pour into a clean sterilized jar and secure lid tightly
Massage a small amount to the base of the nail and gently push back the cuticles

Nail Conditioning Serum

1 ½ tsp Liquid Vitamin E

1 tsp Almond Oil

Pour both liquids together in a jar. Secure lid and shake well to blend.
Massage a small amount to each nail and gently push back the cuticle

Nail Buff

1 tbsp Almond Oil

1 tsp Baking Soda

Stir ingredients together. Once baking soda has dissolved in oil apply a small amount to
each nail and buff with a chamois buffer

Brittle Nail Soak

1 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
½ cup distilled water, boiled
1 tsp Vitamin E
5 drops of Rose essential oil

Combine honey, aloe vera and boiling distilled water, stir until combined and dis-
solved. Remove from heat and add vitamin e and essential oil.
Soak nails for 10 mins. Then dry hands with a soft towel

Eye Treatment Skinspirations
Eye Moisturizing Cream
Aloe Vera Eye Cream
Eyelash Thickener Gel
Eye Makeup Remover
Dark Circle Eye Cream
Moisturizing Eye Makeup Removal Oil
Tired Eyes Tonic
Cucumber Eye Gel
Jojoba Eye Wrinkle Cream
Regenerative Eye Serum
Eye Cleansing Oil

Eye Moisturizing Cream

1 tbsp Cocoa Butter

1 tbsp Anhydrous Lanolin
1 tsp Wheat Germ Oil
1 drop Rosemary Essential Oil

 Gently melt the cocoa butter and lanolin in a double boiler

 Whisk in wheat germ oil and remove from heat
 Add rosemary oil and stir until cool to prevent separation
 Pour into a clean sterilized jar with a secure lid

Use cream around eye socket and under eye

Aloe Vera Eye Cream Recipe

1 tsp Apricot Kernel oil

1 tsp Grapefruit seed essential oil
1 tsp grated Beeswax
1/2 tsp Aloe Vera gel
1 Vitamin E capsule

 Combine oil and Beeswax in the top of a double boiler.

 Heat until wax has melted; remove from the heat.
 Using a wooden spoon, mix in the aloe gel.
 Allow to cool to lukewarm temp and add essential oil and Vitamin E (pierce the cap-
sule and squeeze out its contents), stir well.
 Pour into a small clean sterilized glass jar. Cool and secure lid.
 Apply nightly before bed.

Eyelash Thickener Gel

1 tbsp Beeswax, grated

5 drops Sweet Almond Oil
2 drops Witch Hazel
1 drop Lemon Essential oil

Heat beeswax in a small bowl over simmering water, when melted add the almond oil
Allow mixture to cool slightly until it begins to solidify, then add witch hazel and essential
Mix well and transfer to a small screw top jar

Apply a small amount with do not apply too much just a bare light coat or eyelashes will
stick together.

Eye Makeup Remover

1 tbsp Castor Oil

1 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Canola Oil

 Blend all ingredients together. Apply with cottonwool to remove make up on and
around eyes

Dark Circle Eye Cream

1 tbsp Anhydrous Lanolin

1 ½ Almond Oil
1 tsp Soybean flour
2 tsp cold Water

 Melt Lanolin on a gentle heat and then add almond oil and stir into a thick
 Remove from the heat and add soybean flour and cold water and stir for 10
 Apply nightly to the under eye area. Wash off with damp cotton wool after 15-
20 minutes

Moisturizing Eye Makeup Removal Oil

100 ml Castor Oil

200 ml Sweet Almond Oil
200 ml Cornflower Water

 Blend almond oil and castor oil together, then add cornflower water.
 Apply a generous amount every night to remove eye makeup and moisturize eye

Tired Eyes Tonic

1 oz Rosewater
8 oz Water
9 Rosebuds

 In a small pan add rosebuds and water and bring to the boil, lower heat and simmer
for 2 minutes until some of the water boils off.
 Strain liquid into a clean jar and refrigerate
 When cool add rosewater.
 Enough for 4-7 eyewashes. Must be used with 3 days

Cucumber Eye Gel

1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel

1 tsp Fresh Cucumber Juice
¼ tsp Cornstarch
1 tbsp Witch Hazel

 Mix together aloe, cucumber and cornstarch.

 Heat until just boiling, about 1 minute in microwave.
 Remove from heat source and stir in witch hazel.
 Stir well and allow the mixture to cool completely. You should have a clear, jelly-like
 Spoon into a small clean jar.
 To use: Dab a small amount under your eyes and be careful not to rub or pull the
delicate skin under your eyes.
 Keep in cool place.

Jojoba Eye Wrinkle Cream Recipe

3 tsp jojoba oil

3 tsp apricot-kernel oil
1 tsp beeswax
5 tsp rose water
1/4 tsp borax
5 drops carrot-seed essential oil

 Put the jojoba oil, apricot-kernel oil and beeswax into a small saucepan and heat the
mixture over a double boiler on very low heat.
 Remove from heat and stir to blend. While that is cooling, in another small sauce-
pan, warm the rose water over very low heat and add the borax; stir until the borax
is dissolved, and remove from heat.
 Allow to cool to medium luke warm temp. Add to borax/rose water in the oil wax
blend. Rapidly stir wax and oils and rose water and borax mixture.
 Allow to cool to room temp then add the carrot-seed essential oil.
 Put the finished eye cream into a clean sterilized container

Regenerative Eye Oil

2 tbsp Jojoba Oil

2 tsp Rosehip Oil

 Combine oils and shake well to combine

 Massage gently into eye area , leave for 20 minutes and blot off any excess with tis-

Eye Cleansing Oil

4 tbsp Almond Oil

1 tbsp Apricot Kernel Oil
1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
3 drops Chamomile essential oil

Pour all oils into a bottle and shake thoroughly to combine

Anti Ageing & Restorative Eye Serum
Vitamin E Eye Serum
Eyelash Serum
Vitamin C Serum
Nourishing Facial Serum
Acne Serum

Anti Aging & Restorative Eye Serum

1 oz Jojoba oil
5 drops Chamomile essential oil
5 drops Rose essential oil

 Combine essential oils with Jojoba oil and store in a glass bottle with a dropper top.
 Apply 1 drop of the oil to your finger and gently smooth the oil beneath your eye and
onto the area just beneath the brow bone.

*Do not apply oil directly to your eyelids.

Vitamin E Eye Serum Recipe

2 tablespoons Hazelnut oil or Grape seed Oil

6 drops Borage seed oil
9 drops Evening primrose oil
6 drops Lavender essential oil
6 drops Carrot essential oil
2 capsule vitamin E

Mix all a glass bottle

 Shake well before each use.
 Take one drop and gently apply to eye area before bedtime.

Eyelash Serum

Equal amounts of:

Pure Coconut Oil

Vitamin E Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

 Use equal amounts of ingredients and mix together.

 Use a mascara wand (or wash out and sterilize an empty mascara bottle and wand)
to apply starting from the root of the eyelash.
 Make sure you do not get any oil in your eyes

Vitamin C Serum

1.5g L-ascorbic Acid

5ml Glycerine
5ml Distilled Water

 Dissolve L-ascorbic acid in the water and then add glycerine.

 Store in a tightly closed bottle
 Lasts approx 2 weeks

Nourishing Facial Serum Recipe

2 tbsp Jojoba Oil

1 ½ tsp Evening Primrose Oil
5 drops Neroli Essential oil
8 drops Geranium essential oil
8 drops Frankincense essential oil
8 drops Carrot Seed essential oil

 Combine the ingredients together in a glass bottle with a dropper.

 Shake for 2 mins
 Use only 1-2 drops of serum for all of face and throat
 Keep stored in a cool dark place

Acne Serum

3 tbsp Jojoba Oil

7 drops Lavender essential oil
8 drops Tea Tree essential oil
3 drops Geranium essential oil
3 drops Vitamin E oil

 Shake all ingredients together in a bottle.

 Apply twice a day to face after cleansing, avoiding eye area

*Please note acne may seem worse before it gets better, but IT does get better!

Lip Skinspirations
Luscious Lip Treatment
Lip Gloss
Moisturizing Lip Balm
Lemon Lip Balm
Lip Plumper
Lip Scrub
Protective Lip Balm

Luscious Lip Treatment

3 tsp Grated Beeswax

3 tsp Avocado Oil
1 tsp Glycerine
1 tsp Lecithin
1/2 tsp Honey
2 x Vitamin E capsules
4 drops Tea Tree essential oil
5 drops Grapefruit essential oil

 Melt beeswax in avocado oil in a double boiler.

 Remove from heat and add vitamin E and lecithin.

 Combine honey and glycerine and then add to mixture. Stir thoroughly to com-
bine. Finally, add essential oils.

Lip Gloss

2 tbsp Coconut Oil

1 tbsp Cocoa Butter
2 tsp Grated Beeswax
10 drops Avocado Oil
Few drops of Vitamin E oil

 Melt coconut oil, cocoa butter and beeswax in a double boiler.

 Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly
 Stir in the avocado oil and vitamin E oil. Pour balm into a clean sterilized container,
seal once mixture has cooled and solidified

Moisturizing Lip Balm

2 tbsp Shea Butter

4 tbsp Olive Oil
2 x Vitamin E Capsules
4 drops of Favourite essential oil

Combine ingredients , except for essential oil and melt in a double boiler. When melted
add your essential oil and pour into clean pots.

Lemon Lip Balm

1 tablespoon Non-Petroleum Jelly

1/2 teaspoon Beeswax, grated
3 drops Lemon Oil

 In a double boiler, heat the non-petroleum jelly and add the beeswax, stirring until
 Remove from the heat and stir in the lemon oil.
 Pour the mixture into a small screw-top jar or metal tin.

Lip Plumper

6 tsp Olive Oil

2 Vitamin E capsule
6 drops Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Pierce vitamin e capsules and combine ingredients together. Also acts as a lip gloss

*Never put Cinnamon Leaf Oil directly on your lips as it will burn

Lip Scrub

Olive Oil or Coconut Oil

Brown Sugar

Pour a little olive oil into a cup and add enough brown sugar to make a paste.
Place onto lips and massage gently with fingertips using circular motion

Protective Lip Balm:

12g beeswax
8g cocoa butter
2 ½ tbsp almond oil
½ tbsp honey

Melt all ingredients in bowl over boiling water.

When melted, pour into little jars and secure lids when cool

Body/Face Scrub
Lavender Body Scrub
Banana & Honey Scrub
Lemon Body Scrub
Minty Foot Scrub
Oatmeal Scrub
Ginger Cellulite Scrub
Mango body Scrub
Creamy Salt Scrub
Apple & Cornflour Scrub
Vanilla Coffee Scrub
Chocolate Honey Oats
Orange Scrub
Strawberry Foot Scrub
Honey Almond Scrub
Lemony Olive Hand Scrub
Dead Skin Cells Scrub

Lavender Body Scrub

½ cup Jojoba Oil

¾ cup White Sugar
1 tsp Vitamin E oil
¼ cup Almond Oil
6 drops Lavender essential oil

 Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Store in a jar away from sunlight
 Use scrub at least once a week

Banana & Honey Scrub

2 cups of ripe mashed banana

1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sugar

 Mix all ingredients together thoroughly and use immediately

Lemon Body Scrub

Juice and grated peel of lemon

2 tbsp honey
5 tbsp raw sugar

 Mix all ingredients together and use immediately

 Scrub entire body and leave on for 10 mins, rinse off in shower

Minty Foot Scrub

Handful of finely chopped mint leaves

1 tbsp Sea Salt
2 drops Peppermint oil
1 tbsp Olive Oil

 Mix all ingredients together and use immediately

 Massage into feet then rinse with cool water

Oatmeal Scrub

2 tbsp Oats
2 tbsp Raw sugar
2 tbsp Aloe Vera gel
1 tsp Lemon juice

 Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy

 Store in a covered jar for up to 3 days

Ginger Cellulite Scrub

2 tbsp Fresh Grated Ginger

2 tbsp Sea Salt

 Mix ingredients together and rub into cellulite affected areas in a circular motion
 Rinse

Mango Body Scrub

1 Mango
½ cup Sugar
1 tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Milk

 Blend mango flesh, sugar, honey and milk together in blender until smooth
 Rub vigorously all over whilst standing in shower/tub and then rinse off with
warm water

Creamy Salt Body Salt

3 tbsp Whipping Cream

1 ½ tbsp Sea Salt

 Heat cream and salt together until thick and creamy. Apply in circular motion
to body and rinse off in shower

Apple & Corn Flour Scrub

2 tbsp Corn Flour

Small amount of Apple Juice (enough to make paste)

 Mix corn flour with apple juice to form a paste. Apply in gentle circular
motion. Rinse with warm water to remove, then cool water to refresh

Chocolate Honey Oats Scrub

1 tbsp Cocoa Powder

1 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp Oatmeal

 Mix cocoa, honey and oatmeal together and gradually add water to form a paste.
 Apply gently in circular motion. Leave for 10 mins before rinsing off

Vanilla Coffee Scrub

¾ cup of Coffee Beans

1 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Vanilla extract
⅓ cup raw sugar
1 tsp Ground Cloves

 Place coffee beans, clove powder and brown sugar in a grinder. Grind
coarsely, then add vanilla extract and oil
 If you would like a runnier consistency add more olive oil
 Any leftover can be kept in a jar

Orange Scrub

½ Orange
4 tbsp Oatmeal

 Squeeze orange juice and use orange pulp and mix into oatmeal
 Use immediately and scrub gently for a few minutes. Rinse off

Strawberry Foot Scrub

10 Fresh Strawberries
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Sea Salt

 Mash strawberries and add oil and salt

 Massage into feet (or hands!). Rinse and then pat dry

Honey Almond Scrub

4 tbsp Almond Meal

2 tbsp Jojoba Oil
4 Tbsp Honey

 Mix together almond meal and jojoba oil, whisk in honey

 Using 1 tsp of mixture to face (add water to this if needed)
 Remaining mixture can be kept in a sealed jar

Lemony Olive Hand Scrub

1 tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Lemon Juice
2 tsp Olive oil

 Mix together ingredients and apply with damp hands. Rinse

Dead Skin Cells Scrub

¼ cup Granulated Sugar

Chopped Fresh Tomato
2 tbsp Yogurt or Sour Cream

 Place the sugar in a small bowl. Add enough fresh chopped tomato to moisten, then
add yogurt.
 Combine and apply to a clean, damp face, using fingertips to gently massage the
formula into skin.
 Allow formula to remain on skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat
Mask Skinspirations
Anti Wrinkle Moisture Lock Mask
Firming Face & Neck Mask
Avocado Wrinkle Mask
Kiwi face Lift Mask
Face Firming Mask 2
Gram Flour Anti Wrinkle Mask
Honey Carrot Mask
Cucumber Yoghurt Mask
Oatmeal Mask
Simple Face Mask
Oatmeal Yoghurt Mask
Clay Mask
Strawberries & cream Mask
Milk n Honey Mask
Pumpkin Face Mask
Grapefruit Face Mask
Vitamin E Face Mask
Skin rejuvenation Mask
Rose Facial Mask
Mint Mask
Lemon Tea Mask

Anti Wrinkle Moisture Lock Mask

2 tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Milk

 Mix ingredients together and smooth over face and leave on face for 10 minutes
 Remove mask and splash face with cool water

Firming Face & Neck Mask

1 tbsp Honey
1 Egg White
1 tsp Glycerine
½ cup Plain Flour

 Whisk together honey, egg white and glycerine together in a bowl

 Gradually add flour mixing until mixture forms a thick paste
 Smooth over face & throat and leave for 10 mins
 Remove mask and splash face with cold water

Avocado Wrinkle Mask

1 ripe Avocado
5 tsp Olive Oil

 Mash avocado flesh and add oil (add extra if needed). Mix well.
 Apply to face and leave for 15 mins
 Remove mask and splash face with cold water

Kiwi Face Lift Mask

1 Ripe Kiwi Fruit, peeled

1 tsp Honey

 Mash kiwi fruit, strain away excess juice.

 Add honey and mix well
 Apply mask and leave for 20 minutes
 Remove mask and splash cold water on face

Face Firming Mask 2

2 Cooked & Mashed Carrots

1 tbsp Rice Flour
1 Egg Yolk

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face

 Leave for 15-20 mins
 Remove mask with warm water and then splash face with cold water

Gram Flour Anti-Wrinkle Mask

1 tbsp (heaped) Gram Flour

1 tsp Heavy Cream
2 tsp Water
Pinch of salt

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face

 Leave for 10 mins and then remove with warm water

Honey Carrot Mask

2 large Carrots
4 ½ tbsp Honey

 Cook carrots then mash

 Add honey and apply gently to face
 Leave for 10 mins and rinse off with cool water

Cucumber Yoghurt Mask

1 tbsp Plain Yoghurt

1 tbsp Cucumber
1 tbsp Fresh Parsley

 Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth

 Apply to face and leave for 15-20 mins
 Remove mask with warm water and then splash face with cold water

Oatmeal Mask

¼ cup Oatmeal
¼ tsp Brown Sugar
1 tsp Honey

 Place oatmeal in a blender and blend to fine consistency.

 Place oatmeal in bowl and add sugar, honey and enough water to form a
 Dampen face with warm water and apply mask.
 Leave on for 15-20 mins. Remove with warm water and then splash face with
cold water
 Remaining mixture can be place in a covered jar in the fridge

Simple Face Mask

2 Egg Whites
2 tbsp Plain Yoghurt

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face

 Rinse with warm water after a few minutes

Oatmeal Yoghurt Mask

1 tbsp finely ground Oatmeal

1 tbsp Plain Yoghurt
1 tsp Honey

 Mix all ingredients together and apply mask to face

 Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water

Clay Mask

2 tbsp 100% Natural Clay Cat Litter

I drop of your favourite essential oil

 Mix the cat litter with water to form a paste and add a few drops of essential oil
 Apply to face and leave for 15 mins
 Remove with warm water
 I find it is best to add ingredients to a blender and then pass through a sieve. This
makes sure there are no sharp bits of undissolved clay

NB: Don’t be alarmed by the Cat Litter, this is the same kind of clay as they use at Spas!!
Save yourself a fortune!
But make sure you buy only the 100% Natural Clay

Strawberries & Cream Mask

¼ cup of fresh Strawberries

¼ cup of Sour Cream or Plain Yoghurt

 Mash together strawberries and sour cream and apply to face for 10-15 mins
 Remove mask and splash face with cold water

Milk ‘n’ Honey Mask

1 tsp Powdered Milk

1 tbsp Honey
1 tsp Aloe Vera Gel
2 drops of favourite essential oil

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face

 Rinse off after 15 mins and splash face with cold water

Pumpkin Face Mask

I cup Pumpkin Puree

1 egg white
1 tsp Honey

 Beat egg whites until soft peaks form , then add pumpkin puree and honey, mixing
 Apply to face and leave for 15 mins
 Remove mask with warm water and then splash face with cold water

Grapefruit Face Mask

1 tsp Grapefruit Juice

1 tsp Sour cream or Plain Yoghurt
1 Egg White

 Beat eggwhite until soft peaks form. Add sour cream and grapefruit juice
 Apply to face and leave for 15 mins
 Remove mask with warm water and splash face with cold water

Vitamin E Mask

1 Capsule Vitamin E
1 medium ripe banana
¼ cup of Whipping Cream

Mix together banana and cream.

 When thoroughly combined, pierce vitamin e capsule and add to mixture.
 Apply mask to face and leave for 15 mins
 Remove mask with a moist towel or warm water

Skin Rejuvenation Mask

Juice of ½ Orange
½ tsp Honey
Juice of 1 lemon

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face using cotton wool
 Leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water

*Not suitable for sensitive skin

Rose Facial Mask

1 Rose
1 tbsp Rose Water
1 tbsp Plain Yoghurt
1 tbsp Plain Honey

 Tear off rose petals and place in water to soak for a few minutes. Then crush in a
 Add honey, rose water and yoghurt to crushed petals. Mix well and use immediately
 Leave on face for 10 mins, then rinse with warm water

Mint Mask

½ Cucumber
1 tsp Cocoa Butter
1 Egg White
Handful of Fresh Mint Leaves

 Roughly chop cucumber and place in blender with mint leaves. Mix to paste
 Add cocoa butter and egg white and beat well
 Apply to face and leave for 10-15 mins
 Rinse off with cold water

Lemon Tea Mask

1 tsp Lemon Juice

1 tsp Strong Brewed tea
1 tbsp Milk Powder
1 Egg White

 Mix egg white until soft peaks form and then mix in remaining ingredients
 Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes
 Remove mask with warm water

Various Skinspirations
Herbal Baby Oil
No Petroleum Jelly
Shaving Gel
No Petroleum Jelly 2
Antiseptic Balm
Facial Hair Bleach
Hand Sanitiser/Aftershave Gel
Lemon Elbow Bleach
Spa Like Hand/Foot Softener Treatment
Herbal Body Wrap
Nipple Ointment
Anti cellulite Massage Oil
Dark Spot Hand Mask
Bug Off Balm
Broken Capillaries Oil Treatment
Pimple Blaster
Diaper Rash Soothing Butter
Soothing After Sun Gel

Herbal Baby Oil

Choose a selection of herbs such as Chamomile & Calendula

Olive Oil

 Fill your jar half full with selected herbs

 Fill the rest of the jar with Olive oil, leave a gap at the top
 Secure lid and date jar
 Place in pantry for 6-8 weeks and make sure to shake gently each day
 At the end of 6-8 weeks, use triple layered cheesecloth to strain away all herb parti-
cles, so you are left with just oil

 Alternatively, place ½ cup of dried herbs in a crock pot and add 2 cups of olive
 Place on lowest setting and leave to infuse for 4 hours.
 Strain oil through triple layered cheesecloth

Make Your Own No Petroleum Jelly

1 oz grated Beeswax
½ cup of Herbal Baby Oil

 Melt ingredients together in a double boiler

 Pour into clean sterilized jar once cool

Shaving Gel

1 cup Aloe Vera Gel

½ tsp Liquid Vitamin E
5 drops Chamomile essential oil
5 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drops Rose essential oil

Combine all ingredients together and whisk to blend

Pour into a clean sterilized jar and secure lid tightly
Use a handful of the gel and smooth on your legs and shave as usual.
Rinse and pat dry with towel

No Petroleum Jelly 2

1 oz Beeswax, grated
¾ cup Sweet Almond Oil

 Melt ingredients together in a double boiler

 Remove from heat and pour into 2 clean, sterilized 4 oz containers
 For a firmer jelly use 1½ oz beeswax or for a very soft jelly use only ½ oz of

Antiseptic Balm

2 oz Grated Beeswax
3 oz Sweet Almond Oil
1 oz Jojoba Oil
20 drops of Wheat germ oil
20 drops of Myrrh
20 drops of Tea Tree Oil

 Melt beeswax together with almond and Jojoba

 Once melted remove from heat and whisk in thoroughly wheat germ, myrrh and tea
tree oil

Facial Hair Bleach

Lemon Juice

 Mix equal quantities of the ingredients to make a paste

 Apply to face and leave for 20 mins before rinsing

*Lemon juice can irritate sensitive skin

Hand Sanitiser/Aftershave Gel

Rubbing Alcohol
Aloe Vera Gel
Few drops of favourite essential oil

 Add equal parts of rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel

 Add a few drops of essential oil and pour into a pump action bottle

Lemon Elbow Bleach

½ cup of Mint Infusion

½ Lemon, squeezed

 Add 1 heaped tsp of dried peppermint to 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to in-
fuse for 10-15 mins. Strain
 Add ½ cup of peppermint infusion to lemon juice and apply liquid on cotton
pads to elbows
 Let it dry and then repeat 3 to 4 times. Do not remove after each application

*This needs to be done weekly to see results

Spa Like Hand/Foot Softener Treatment

4 oz Paraffin Wax
1 oz Olive Oil
20 drops of favourite essential oil
Few drops of Coconut/Olive oil (to coat your hands/feet)
Casserole dish greased with oil
Plastic Sandwich bags

 Melt the paraffin wax, ounce of Olive oil and essential oil in a double boiler
 Once melted carefully pour into a greased casserole dish and wait until a skin forms
on the top of the wax. When this occurs the wax is the right temperature to use
 Prepare your hands or feet with a few drops of coconut/olive oil and dip each hand/
foot into the wax repeatedly until several layers of wax builds up.
 Have someone to help you apply the plastic sandwich bags (or plastic wrap) your
hands and feet.
 Place a bath towel over your hands/feet and relax for 30 minutes
 To remove wax, simply peel off starting at wrist/ankle

Herbal Body Wrap

2 cups of fresh seaweed (or 1 cup of dried seaweed or powdered Kelp)

3 gallons Distilled Water
1 Large Bath Towel
1 Large Plastic Garbage Bag (cut open)
A large plastic bowl or clean sink/tub

Boil water and steep seaweed for 5 minutes

 Pour liquid into a large bowl, tub or sink
 Drop in bath towel and let it absorb liquid
 Wring out the towel and wrap around the body
 Wrap the plastic garbage back around the towel, then lie down and relax
 After 15 mins take off towel and shower. Make sure you use a nice
scented shower gel/soap or bath oil to remove the smell of seaweed

*Ideally you need a person to help with this

Nipple Ointment
This ointment is for use several weeks before breastfeeding to lessen the
chance of cracked/sore nipples

2 tbsp Coconut Oil

1 tbsp Cocoa Butter
2 tsp Honey
2 tbsp Calendula Oil
2 tbsp Distilled Water, warmed
10 drops Starflower or Evening Primrose Oil
2 x Vitamin E Capsules

 Melt together the coconut oil, cocoa butter, honey and calendula oil
 Add warmed distilled water and blend until no water droplets are present
 Pierce vitamin E capsules and add to mixture
 Pour into a clean, sterilized container
 Massage ointment into nipple and surrounding area using gentle circular motions

Anti-Cellulite Massage Oil

4 tbsp Grape seed Oil

2 tbsp Almond Oil
1 tbsp Avocado Oil
1 tsp Wheat Germ Oil
Essential Oils:
20 drops Fennel Oil
15 drops Juniper Oil
10 drops Grapefruit Oil
5 drops Geranium Oil

 Mix together the grape seed, almond, avocado and wheat germ oils. Then add es-
sential oils. Massage into affected areas daily

Dark Spot Hand Mask

2 tsp lemon juice

2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)
2 tsp Powdered Buttermilk

 Combine ingredients thoroughly and apply to hands and leave for 20-30 minutes,
then rinse. Follow with protective hand cream
 Apply twice a week until you start to see a difference

Bug Off Balm (Insect Repellent)

½ oz Beeswax, grated
⅓ oz Cocoa Butter
3½ tbsp Sweet Almond Oil
1 tbsp Citronella Oil

1 tsp Lavender Oil

1½ tsp Tea Tree Oil

 Melt beeswax and cocoa butter together, mixing well to combine

 Remove from heat and leave to cool slightly, then add essential oils

 Pour into a clean, sterilized container and leave to solidify. Store in


Broken Capillaries Oil Treatment

2 tbsp Almond Oil

5 drops Cypress Oil
10 Drops Evening Primrose Oil
10 drops of Geranium Oil
20 drops of Parsley Oil

 Mix all ingredients together in a pump action or bottle to combine

 Apply for 30 minutes before bed and wipe off with excess with a tissue

Pimple Blaster

¼ tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

1 drop Tea Tree essential oil

 Soak a cottonwool ball in the apple cider vinegar and add drop of tea tree oil.
 Dab the cottonwool ball on the pimple and leave overnight

Diaper Rash Soothing Butter

1 ½ oz Shea Butter
3 ½ tbsp Jojoba Oil
2 drops Chamomile Oil
2 drops Lavender Oil

 Blend together shea butter and jojoba in a blender until creamy

 Add essential oils and place in clean sterilized container
 Store in the fridge and apply at diaper change time to sore or dry areas

Soothing Aftersun Gel

5 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel

1 tbsp Glycerine
10 drops Lavender essential oil

 Combine all ingredients together. Apply to sun affected area.

 Can also be used as a moisturizer for oily skin.
 Will keep for 1 month in the fridge

Toner Skinspirations
Green Tea Toner
Lemon Toner
Lemon Lavender Toner
Rosewater Toner
Witchy Mint Toner
Honey & Lavender Toner
Anti Ageing Face Toner
Acne Face Toner
Vodka & Watermelon Toner
Summertime refreshing Toner
Basic Skin Toner
ACV Toner
Cucumber & Honey Toner

Green Tea Toner

5 Green Tea Bags

½ cup chopped Chamomile
2 cups Mineral Water

 Combine all ingredients into a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and
simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
 Apply with a cotton wool ball after cleansing
 Store in fridge for up to a week

Lemon Toner

1/2 cup lemon juice

1 cup distilled water
2/3 cup witch hazel

Combine all ingredients then pour into a clean bottle

 Apply with a clean cotton ball.
 Shake well before using.

Lemon Lavender Toner

3 drops lemon oil

3 drops lavender oil
3 tsp of distilled water

Combine all ingredients together

 Use a soft cotton ball to massage mixture into the skin after cleansing. .

Rosewater Toner

4 tablespoons Rose water

3.5 oz. (100 gm) Glycerine

Mix all ingredients together

You can keep this in the fridge for a few days

Witchy Mint Toner

1 cup Witch hazel

1/4 cup White wine Vinegar
1/4 teaspoon Mint extract
5-6 fresh Mint leaves

 Mix all the ingredients well and apply with cotton pads

Honey & Lavender Toner

¼ tsp Honey
5 tbsp Mineral Water, warmed
4 drops Lavender essential oil
½ tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

 Dissolve the honey in warm water. Add essential oil to apple cider vinegar
 Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months
 Shake well before use

Anti Aging Face Toner Recipe

4 oz Witch Hazel

5 drops Carrot Seed Oil

5 drops Patchouli

 Mix all ingredients together in a plastic bottle

 Apply with cotton wool to face

Acne Face Toner Recipe
4oz Witch Hazel
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

 Mix ingredients well in bottle. Shake before each Use.

 Apply to face with cotton ball after cleansing

Vodka & Watermelon Toner Recipe

2 tbsp fresh watermelon juice

1 tbsp vodka
2 tbsp witch hazel
2 tbsp distilled water

 Strain the watermelon juice to get rid of seeds and fruit pieces. Combine all ingredi-
ents in small bowl and stir well.
 Pour the liquid into clean containers with tight-fitting lids.
 Pour a small amount on a clean cotton pad and apply it to your face.
 Store in fridge between uses to retain freshness.

The toner will keep approximately one week.

Summertime Refreshing Toner

1/2 cup witch hazel

1/4 Green tea
1/4 cup lemon juice
5 drops natural vegetable glycerine
5 drops lavender essential oil

 Shake all ingredients together in a small bottle.

 Just dab some on a cotton ball and gently wipe your face clean

Basic Skin Toner

3 cups Distilled Water

⅓ cup Apple Cider Vinegar

 Combine all ingredients together and pour into a clean bottle. Store in the

ACV Toner
4oz Apple Cider Vinegar
4oz Water
4 bags of Green Tea
1 bag of Chamomile Tea
10-15 drops of Tea Tree oil
10-15 drops of Jojoba oil

 Pour the Apple Cider Vinegar into the container of your choice.
 Heat the water to a boil, set aside and steep the tea bags in it for at least 30 min-
 When cool, remove tea bags and be sure to squeeze them (your own washed fin-
gers work best) to get the trapped bit of tea liquid out. Add to the ACV.
 Add the Tea Tree oil and Jojoba oil. The 10-15 drops is just a basic amount... add
more or less to your liking. Add some drops of Lemon essential oil to remove any
vinegar smell

Cucumber & Honey Toner

1 medium Cucumber, peeled and cubed

2 tsp Honey

 Puree cucumber in a blender.

 Pour the cucumber puree through the sieve and let it stand for 15 minutes for the
juices to drip into the bowl.
 Pour the clear juice into a clean bottle and add honey.
 Apply to face and neck and let air dry for 3-4 minutes
 Store in fridge for up to 1 week

Almond Facial Cleanser
Chamomile Cleansing Milk
Olive Oil & Honey Cleanser
Honey Cleanser
Cucumber Cleanser
Lemon Cleanser
Avocado Moisturizer for Acne
Avocado Stone Massage
Papaya Face Peel
Natural Face Peel
Fruity Alpha Hydroxy Acid Wrinkle Peel
Facial Peel for Sensitive Skin
Smoothing Anti Wrinkle Serum
Avocado Wrinkle Cream
Cucumber Anti Wrinkle Cream
Anti Ageing Cream
Kiwi Cleanser
Fennel Cleanser
Baking Soda Cleanser
Strawberry Acne Cleanser
Cornstarch & Glycerine Cleanser
Oatmeal & Yoghurt Cleanser
Apple Honey Cleanser
Coconut & Vitamin E Cleanser
Mango Magic Moisturizer
Pomegranate Cleanser
No Puff Potato Eye Cream
Coconut Face Shine

Almond Honey Facial Cleanser Recipe, Dry skin

1 tsp almond oil

2 tbsp whole milk
1 tsp honey

 Mix ingredients in a bowl.

 Apply to skin in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes
 Rinse with a warm cloth and water.

Chamomile Cleansing Milk (For Dry and Sensitive Skin)

1/4 cup cream

1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp chamomile flowers, fresh or dried

 Heat all ingredients in top of a double boiler for about 30 minutes, do not allow milk
to boil.
 Turn off heat and let sit for about 2 hours, strain. Pour into a bottle and refrigerate.
 Keeps for 2 weeks.

Olive Oil and Honey Face Cleanser

1 tsp Olive oil,

1 tsp Honey
2 tsp Distilled Water

Combine each of olive oil and honey and mix it with two teaspoons of distilled water.
Apply this mixture evenly on the face and leave on for five minutes.
Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

Honey Cleanser

1½ tbsp Honey
Oatmeal (grind to desired coarseness)

 Mix honey with oatmeal to create a thick paste.

 Gently spread the mixture over your face and rinse with warm water .

Cucumber Face Cleanser

Cucumber Juice

 Puree a chunk of cucumber and extract the juice

 Mix juice with enough milk to cleanse your face
 Apply using cotton wool and then rinse face with warm water

Lemon Cleanser

1 tbsp corn meal

1 tbsp grated lemon zest
2 tbsp finely ground oats
1 tsp distilled water
1 tbsp lemon pulp
2 tbsp plain yogurt

 Mix all ingredients

 Wet your face and then apply rubbing gently in a circular motion.
 Remove with warm damp cloth.
 Mixture can be kept in your refrigerator for a few weeks.

Avocado Moisturizer for Acne/Oily Skin

1 ½ tbsp honey
Juice of ½ lemon
3 tbsp Plain Yoghurt
1 Egg White, whipped

Mix all ingredients together and apply to face and leave fro 15 minutes
Rinse with lukewarm water

Avocado Stone Massage

1 ripe Avocado + stone

 Mash avocado and smooth over face.

 Use the avocado stone to gently massage face in upward circular motion.
 Relax for 10-15 minutes
 Rinse off with warm water

Papaya Face Peel

1 cup of Fresh Pineapple

½ cup Fresh Papaya
1 tbsp Honey

 Puree pineapple and papaya together in a blender.

 Add homey and mix to create a paste.
 Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes
 Rinse off with warm water

Natural Face Peel

1 fresh Pineapple
2 tbsp Oatmeal
1 tbsp Olive Oil

 Peel pineapple and then puree with papaya in a blender

 Add honey and mix to form a paste.
 Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse

Fruity Alpha Hydroxy Acid Wrinkle Peel

1 tbsp Strawberry juice

2 tbsp Orange Juice
1 tbsp Whole Milk

 Mix all ingredients together and apply to face using a soft bristle brush
 Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water
 Moisturize

Facial Peel for Sensitive Skins

1 small Cucumber
2 tsp Green Tea
2 tsp of Chamomile Tea
1 tbsp Aloe Vera Gel

 Peel the cucumber, take out the seeds and cut it in pieces. Put these in a food proc-
essor and mash them well. Strain this through gauze and keep the juice for later

 Boil some water and make 1/2 cup chamomile and 1/2 cup green tea. Let them
stand for a few minutes and then strain them until you have 1/4 cup of each
 Then add the cucumber juice and aloe vera gel and mix it well
 Allow to cool before applying to face
 Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water

Smoothing & Anti Wrinkle Serum

1 tsp Honey
1 tsp Olive Oil
½ tsp Lemon

Combine all ingredients together. Massage gently into skin and leave for 5-10
Rinse off with warm water

Avocado Wrinkle Cream

½ Avocado
5 drops Almond or Olive Oil

Mash avocado together with oil and apply to face.

Massage gently into skin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Rinse off with warm water

Cucumber Anti Wrinkle Cream

½ Cucumber, cubed
1 Egg White
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
½ cup Olive/Wheat Germ or Avocado Oil

Blend cucumber, including peel with all ingredients.

Apply morning and evening and wipe off gently with tissues
Will keep in fridge for 2 –3 days

Anti Ageing Cream

1 oz Glycerine
3 tbsp Honey
3 tbsp Wheat Germ Oil
1 oz Witch Hazel
½ oz Rose Water

 Whisk all ingredients together until combined

 Pour into a clean sterilized container
 Can also be applied to lips and eyes
 Store at room temperature for up to a month

Kiwi Cleanser

1 Kiwi, peeled
2 tbsp Plain Yoghurt
1 tbsp Almond Oil
1 tbsp Honey
1 tbsp Almond Meal

 Puree kiwi in a blender.

 Add all other ingredients to form a thick paste
 Apply to face and rinse with plenty of warm water
 Will keep 2-3 days in the fridge

Fennel Cleanser

2 sprigs Fresh Thyme

2 tsp Fennel Seeds
½ cup water
½ lemon, juiced

Pull thyme leaves from stem and crush fennel seeds

Add water to a pan and bring to the boil, then add thyme and fennel. Add lemon
juice and let steep for 20 minutes.
Strain liquid and pour into bottle and leave to cool
Refrigerate until ready to use

Baking Soda Cleanser

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Plain Yoghurt

 Combine ingredients together and apply to face

 Leave for 2 minutes, then massage gently before rinsing it off with warm water

Strawberry Acne Cleanser

1 strawberry
2 tbsp plain yogurt

 Mash strawberry into yoghurt

 Apply to skin in a circular motion for 2 minutes.
 Rinse with a warm cloth and water.
 Great for oily skin as well.

Cornstarch & Glycerine Cleanser

2 .tbsp Cornstarch
2 tbsp Glycerine
½ cup water

 Mix ingredients until smooth and heat in a small double boiler pan.
 Heat until thick and clear; it will have the consistency of pudding, making sure it
doesn’t boil.
 Cool completely, Use in place of soap to cleanse your skin.

Oatmeal & Yoghurt Cleanser

½ cup oatmeal or cornmeal

2 tbsp of plain yogurt [enough to form a paste]

 Mix ingredients, smooth over entire face avoiding eye area.

 Allow to sit for 10 min and rinse

Apple Honey Cleanser for Acne/Oily skin

1 tbsp Apple Juice

2 tbsp Milk
1 tsp Honey

Mix ingredients in a bowl.

Apply to skin in a circular motion for 2 minutes
Rinse with a warm cloth and water.

Coconut & Vitamin E Eye Cream

1 tbsp Coconut Oil

2 x Vitamin E Capsules

Pierce the vitamin e capsules and add to coconut oil.

Massage gently around eye area in the mornings only

Mango Magic Moisturizer

I tbsp Mango flesh

1 tbsp Greek Yoghurt
1 tsp Oatmeal

Combine all ingredients together.

Apply to face after cleansing. Rinse off with warm water

Pomegranate Cleanser

¼ cup Pomegranate Juice

¼ cup Milk
1 tsp Baking Soda

Combine all ingredients together. Place a small amount on a face cloth and gently
wash your face and neck. Rinse off with warm water

No Puff Potato Eye Cream

1 Potato (raw)
1 tsp Sour Cream/Yoghurt
1 tsp Castor Oil

 Place the potato in a food processor and blend to a liquid puree.

 Take 1 tsp of the potato juice and add to sour cream/yoghurt and oil
 Apply gently to eye area
 Keep in fridge for 4 days

Coconut Face Shine

Coconut Oil
Hand towel
Bowl of hot water

 Spread the coconut oil over your face, massaging gently.

 Take a towel and dip it into the hot water, wring out and place on your face.
 Repeat 4-5 times, then rinse face with warm water
 Next place some rosewater on cotton wool and dab the face, to refresh and ensure
all traces of oil are wiped off


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