Soap Recipe Guide
Soap Recipe Guide
Soap Recipe Guide
healthier living from the inside out. Our mission is to create skin care and household products that are
natural and safe. What is natural? We define natural as a combination of Ingredients that come directly
from the Earth without chemicals or additives.
Using our family’s traditional experience and knowledge, we think about the how we can use nature's
bounty to create household products that reflect our mission. As a family-owned small business we work
with farmers all over the world, careful to choose the highest quality, organic, pure and natural plant-
derived ingredients conscientious of environmental impact. To demonstrate transparency, we maintain a
strict standard of testing by respected third-party organizations on all our ingredients
At Whole Naturals, we believe in keeping yourself, your family, and the planet, clean, safe and healthy.
We are so happy that you're here! We are grateful that you've joined the journey!
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions......................................4 Calming Gentle Foaming Baby Wash......................32
Ingredients .............................................................5 Mild Baby Wash....................................................33
Certifications...........................................................6 Magical Shampoo Blend For Hair Loss ...................34
Liquid Hand Soap ..................................................8 DIY Shampoo.......................................................35
All-Purpose Cleaning Spray......................................9 Homemade Foaming Shaving Cream .....................36
Bathroom Cleaner.................................................10 Shampoo For Men ................................................37
Laundry Soap (with Borax)......................................11 Foot Scrub............................................................38
Face Wash ........................................................12 Shaving Cream With Shea Butter............................39
Body Wash...........................................................13 All-Purpose Surface Cleaner...................................40
DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner ..................................14 Floor Cleaner.......................................................41
Soft Scrub-Like Cleaner..........................................15 Eco-Friendly Disinfecting Wipes .............................42
Dish Soap (stove-top method).................................16 Window Cleaning Solution.....................................43
Floor Cleaner (No Vinegar)....................................17 Borax-Free Laundry Detergent.................................44
Whole Naturals Castile Shampoo ..........................18 Toilet Bowl Spray (with Borax).................................45
Granite Cleaner ...................................................19 Neem and Coconut Dog Wash...............................46
Natural Bubble Bath for Toddlers............................20 Non-Toxic Dog Shampoo ......................................47
Castile Shampoo with Coconut Milk.......................21 Sugar Soap Scrub..................................................48
Hand Soap With Aloe Vera ....................................22 Spray for Garden Pests...........................................49
Creamy Honey Bath..............................................23 Fruit & Veggie Wash..............................................50
Castile Soap Body Wash with Honey ......................24 Ant Spray (Not For Plants)......................................51
Coconut Oil Foaming Hand Soap..........................25 Wood, Laminate & Stone Flooring Cleaner..............52
Body Wash With Glycerine.....................................26 Honey Lavender Moisturizing Shave Lotion...............53
Nourishing Body Wash with Coconut Milk...............27 Borax Free Dish Soap............................................54
Body Wash For Dry Skin.........................................28 All Purpose Cleaning Solution - II............................55
Body Wash With Olive Oil.....................................29 Castile Soap Tub Scrub..........................................56
Shea Butter Body Wash For Sensitive Skin ...............30 Top 10 Reasons to Use Whole Naturals Castile Soap....57
Body Wash For Oily Skin........................................31 What Can You Mix with Whole Naturals Castile Soap?.58
Frequently Asked Questions
Did you know?
When you introduce water into a product without a preservative you always run the risk of
introducing bacteria? I recommend making small batches. Discard if it becomes discolored or
smells unpleasant.
Enjoying our Ebook of recipes!!! Have any questions? Drop us a line!
When we created our Whole Naturals® Castile Soap, we knew that we would be including only the finest,
purest and natural ingredients. We source our carrier oils from ethical farmers, distributors and suppliers
who are transparent about their business practices. We understand how important it is for our Whole
Naturals Castile soap to be free of potential allergens! As Allergies and sensitivities are so important to
address, we would like to assure you that our Pure Liquid Castile Soap is not only grain, dairy, and soy
free, it's also gluten-free and vegan! (and cruelty-free - never tested on animals).
Purified Water, Organic Coconut Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Castor Oil,
Organic Argan Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Almond Sweet Oil, Organic
Apricot Kernel Oil, Organic Prickly Pear Oil, Organic USP Vegetable Glycerin (Flaxseed Derived), USDA
Certified Organic Ingredients, Fair Trade Coconut Oil
Certified organic
USDA-certified organic products EWG Verified
are processed according to federal Since 1993, the Environmental Working
guidelines addressing, natural physical, Group is the go-to resource for parents
or biologically based farming methods. and consumers nationwide when it comes
By stating that we're organic we are to choosing better products for their
committed to these methods. health and their homes.
Oregon Tilth Certified Organic provides
certification services for agricultural
producers, product manufacturers, and
other handlers of organic products
Liquid Hand Soap
Hand soap is our most requested recipe! In addition to having a bottle by every sink, I also
put it in my kitchen!
1/2 c. Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/2 c. distilled Water
1 Tbl vitamin E oil (optional) for added moisture!
1 Tbl sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, avocado, or olive oil (optional, for moisturizing)
15 drops tea tree essential oil (optional, for bacteria-fighting properties)
5-10 drops lavender essential oil (optional, for bacteria-fighting properties)
soap dispenser or foaming soap dispenser bottle
To prevent bubbles, add the water first, then Whole Naturals Castile Soap, followed by the
essential oils. Shake. Stir. Pump and wash hands. Rinse with water.
To prevent bubbles, add water first!
All-Purpose Cleaning Spray
Our favorite recipe that will clean nearly every surface and every room in your home! From your bathroom
and kitchen to your sinks, stovetops, even toilets!
2 cups distilled water
2 Tbl liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
15 drops essential of choice, such as: lavender, tea tree, orange, or peppermint
16-ounce reusable spray bottle
Pour the water into the spray bottle. Add Whole Naturals Castile Soap and your favorite essential oils.
Gently shake. Store at room temperature.
Bathroom Cleaner
Instead of buying expensive and cleaners with toxic chemicals, use our Whole Naturals
Castile Soap to easily make an inexpensive, homemade bathroom cleaner spray! One
spray does mutliple jobs!
2 cups warm water
1 Tbl baking soda
2 Tbl Whole Naturals Castile Soap
30 drops tea tree essential oil
20 drops orange essential oil (or lavender)
16-ounce glass spray bottle
Pour the warm water into the bottle, followed by baking soda. Shake to combine. Add the
Whole Naturals Castile Soap and essential oils, gently shaking. Use this spray to clean the
tub, tile, toilet, and sink. Spray the surface, allowing the cleaner to sit for a minute, then
wipe with a damp cloth. Rinse as needed.
Laundry Soap (with Borax)
Borax is a great laundry additive that can whiten and brighten clothes, get rid of odors, and soften hard
water to reduce mineral deposits left behind on fabrics. We have a laundry soap recipe with and without
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda (sodium carbonate) - What is Washing Soda - check out our explanation at the end of
this ebook!
1 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
10-15 drops essential oil (optional)
17 cups water
In a large saucepan, bring 6 cups of water to a slight boil. Once the water begins to boil, turn off the burner
and add the Borax and Washing Soda. Stir to dissolve. In a large bucket (we recommend 2-gallon bucket,
combine the remaining 11 cups of room-temperature water and 1 cup castile Liquid Soap. Add 15 drops
essential oil. Pour the hot Borax mixture from the saucepan into the bucket. Stir the mixture together.
Pour your mixture into desired storage container.
Please note:
As the soap sits, the mixture may form into a gel or the liquid and gel may separate. Simply stir or shake. I
use about 1/8-1/4 a cup of soap per load of laundry. For stains, I apply a small amount of soap directly to
the stain, then wash as normal. The gel will dissolve in the water of the washing machine.
HE Washers Note
You’ll only need 1-2 tablespoons per load in an HE washer.
Face Wash
Whole Naturals Castile Soap, on its own, can leave the skin feeling dry. By adding nourishing
oils, you're adding additional moisturizer (plus a great scent!)
Try customizing the face wash for additional skin benefits.
1/4 cup liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
2 Tbl distilled water or rose hydrosol (rose water) distilled or water
1 Tbl nourishing oil such as: sweet almond, olive, or jojoba
Want even more customization? Add aloe, honey, or a hydrosol (in place of the water).
Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe is used to soothe and calm inflammation. Add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel
to the face wash, or more if desired. Fresh aloe will spoil within a day or two, so we recommend
looking for a store-bought option with a minimal amount of (natural) preservatives.
Honey: Honey is rich in antioxidants and it contains antibacterial properties. Add 1-2
tablespoons of honey to the final soap, and gently shake to combine the Ingredients. NOTE:
Honey will not work effectively in a spray bottle.
Essential Oils: Add 6-12 drops of your favorite skin-friendly essential oil (or a mixture of
nourishing essential oils to your face wash mixture). Combine the oil and soap. Our favorite
options: lavender (sensitive skin and acne-prone skin), tea tree (acne-prone skin), frankincense
(aging skin), geranium (aging skin), or sandalwood (aging skin).
If you find this face wash to be too drying for your skin, add a bit more oil, or dilute with more
Body Wash
1/2 c. rosewater or distilled water
1/3 cup witch hazel (or just more water)
2 Tbl liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1-2 Tbl almond or olive oil (optional for moisturizing)
foaming soap dispenser
Combine all the Ingredients in a foaming soap dispenser, adding the Whole Naturals Castile Soap as the
last ingredient. Gently shake.
DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner
One time use cleaner for one or multiple makeup brushes
Ready for your ONE and ONLY non-tox and natural make up brush cleaner? Use this easy
receipe to remove dirt, grease, and other pore-clogging debris from makeup brushes. Use
1/4 cup water
2 Tbl witch hazel
Generous squirt Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Mix the Ingredients together in a small bowl.
Add the makeup brushes to the mixture. Swish the brushes back and forth in the mixture and
then let them soak for a few minutes. Depending on how long it's been since you've cleaned
them, you will find that your mixture will get dirty quickly! (Isn't it good that you decided to
clean them!) Remove the brushes, and rinse the brushes under fresh, clean water.Let the
brushes rest on a towel to completely dry.
This makeup brush cleaner is designed used for a one-time cleaning. Discard after each use.
Soft Scrub-Like Cleaner
Our soft scrub is an amazing product that works on even the toughest dirt and mildew.
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 Tbl hydrogen peroxide (if you’re storing this scrub for long-term use, don’t use this ingredient)
1 large jar with a tightly fitting lid
In a medium-size bowl, combine baking soda, Whole Naturals Castile Soap and hydrogen peroxide. Stir
until the scrub cleaner is the texture of thick glue.
Spoon the scrub cleaner in a large jar with a tightly fitting lid. The scrub cleaner can be used immediately
and kept at room temperature for several months. This mixture may harden if not in a well-sealed container.
Because of the hydrogen peroxide, your mixture will expand within the first 24 hours. We suggest to leave
2-3 inches at the top of the jar.
Love clean scents? We love using grapefruit, lemon, eucalyptus, or lemongrass for a fresh clean scent in our
Dish Soap (stove-top method)
2 Tbl borax
1 Tbl washing soda (sodium carbonate)
1 1/4 cups water
3/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
15-20 drops peppermint essential oil
15-20 drops tea tree essential oil
Soap dispenser
1/2 Tbl skin-nourishing oil jojoba, almond, olive oil, etc. If you'll be using this soap with bare hands.
In a saucepan, heat water just until it reaches a boiling point. Turn off the heat and add the washing soda
and borax, stirring to dissolve. Let the mixture cool for 3-5 minutes, just until warm, but no longer hot. Add
the Whole Naturals Castile Soap and essential oils to the water mixture. Vigorously whisk the Ingredients
Use a funnel to pour the dish soap into a soap dispenser. The soap may separate after sitting for 24 hours.
If this happens, vigorously shake the soap bottle until the Ingredients are combined.
If the washing soda and borax seem to have clumped and hardened on the bottom of the jar add hot water
to the mixture to loosen it up.
Floor Cleaner (No Vinegar)
This all-purpose recipe is best for SEALED wood floors (and other common household surfaces)
2 gallons hot water
2 tablespoons Whole Naturals Castile Soap (or less)
5 drops pine essential oil or tea tree essential oil, or your preferred essential oil scent
Large Bucket
Add the hot water to a bucket, then the liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap and essential oil. Gently stir the
Ingredients together.
We suggest that you spot test first (a couple of times) before applying any cleaning product to any surface!
We’ve also learned, from some of our own trial and error, that’s important to talk to a floor expert about the
best way to clean a particular floor (what kind of Ingredients/methods to avoid in particular), since there are
so many different types of floor surfaces today.
If you find that this soap leaves a residue, you can tweak the recipe by adding less soap.
Whole Naturals Castile Shampoo
I'm going to wash the dirt right out of my hair!! Our Shampoo recipe is among the top 5
frequently asks for recipes! We love citrus smelling essential oils!
1/4 cup Liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
20-40 drops of essential oils of choice
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp of carrier oils (i.e. avocado oil, olive oil, argan oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil)
Pour all Ingredients into a small bottle, stir well before use.
Our Castile Soap is an organic, natural soap. So there may be some "transition" time as
you move away from your regular commercial shampoo. What does that mean? At the
beginning, you may find that your hair feels stiff, or dry, but don't worry - it takes a while for
all the build-up from commercial shampoos to be washed away.
If you have hard water (or soft water) you may find that you'll need to tweak the ingredients
to get the lather that you love!
If you have color-treated, or chemically treated hair, we would suggest for you to run a
small spot-test.
Granite Cleaner
Ready to clean your granite countertops? Here's your recipe!
1/3 cup rubbing alcohol
5 drops tea tree essential oil (optional)
16-ounce spray bottle
Add all Ingredients, then top off with distilled water and 1/2 teaspoon liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap.
Shake the bottle before each use.
Natural Bubble Bath for Toddlers
This bubble bath recipe is a great way to give kids a fun and natural bubble bath experience!
2 cups Pure Unscented Whole Naturals Castile Soap
2/3 cup of Vegetable Glycerine
2 Tbl of Distilled Water
16 drops (kid-safe essential oils)
Start by measuring out your Whole Naturals Castile Soap and adding it to a large empty bottle (or mason
jar) for storage. Measure the distilled water and vegetable glycerine as well and pour into the bottle with the
measured Whole Naturals Castile Soap. Add 8 drops of Lavender essential oil and 8 drops of Cedarwood
essential oil. Once you have added your essential oils, give a quick shake and it's ready for use! Also can
be store in a dry area for use later. When ready to use, add 1/4 cup to bath at a time to running bath water
until desired bubbles are achieved enjoy.
Avoid using any essential oils in the bath for infants under 3 months and use them sparingly (and diluted)
until 2 years of age. Never add essential oils directly to the bath.
Our favorite essential oil combination scent for toddlers? Lavender and Cedarwood!
Castile Shampoo with Coconut Milk
Looking for a way to nourish your dry hair? Our super nourishing Shampoo is exactly what you'll need!
1/2 cup Whole Naturals liquid Castile soap
1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp jojoba oil
1 tbsp vitamin E oil (optional)
30-40 drops essential oils
Combine all the Ingredients in an old shampoo bottle or jar. Pump soap dispensers and even foaming
dispensers work well for this. You may find that the liquids may separate. Shake before each use.
If you use a foaming dispenser, it also makes a great shaving cream. (You can add some water if you find
that the mixture is too thick)
Hand Soap With Aloe Vera
The more we wash and sanitize our hands, the rougher they become!
Treat your hands to soothing relief with this nourishing DIY aloe vera soap.
1 and 1/2 cups distilled water
1/2 cup ml unscented liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
2 Tbl aloe vera gel
20 drops essential oils (optional)
Whisk the aloe gel with 1 cup of water until well mixed. Gradually add the remaining water and
whisk well. Add the Whole Naturals Castile Soap and stir to combine. Add in essential oils and stir to
combine. Pour into your soap pump bottle (you could a funnel to avoid spillage). Cap the bottle and
shake well to combine. In the first few days, you may find that the liquids separate, so shake well before
each use. Over time, the ingredients will combine permanently and shaking will not be necessary.
Apply one or two pumps of soap to wet hands and lather for 20 seconds. Need to clean those nail
Our favorite essential oil combination for to compliment our Aloe Vera hand soap is lavender & lime!
Creamy Honey Bath
Who doesn't love soaking in a nourishing bath!
1/4 cups sweet almond oil
1/8 cups honey
1/2 c. Whole Naturals Castile Soap
3 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
5 drops essential oil (vanilla or whatever scent you’d like)
Combine all ingredients everything in a small bowl and whisk until the honey is completely incorporated.
Add to your bath water as it’s running. Makes enough for 1 to 2 baths.
Castile Soap Body Wash with Honey
There's something sweetly satisfying to washing with honey - this will not work in a pump
bottle, so keep in a a reusable squeeze-type container
1 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/4 cup raw honey
2 teaspoons jojoba oil (You can also use sweet almond, grapeseed, sesame, or olive oils.)
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
50-60 drops essential oils
Combine in a bottle with a squirt top, shaking to mix. Shake gently before each use. To
use, squirt onto a washcloth, bath pouf, or directly onto your body.
Since this recipe doesn’t contain water, it has shelf-life of about one year.
Coconut Oil Foaming Hand Soap
1 foaming soap dispenser
2 Tbl Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1–2 tsp organic coconut oil
10–15 organic drops essential oils
Pour Whole Naturals Castile Soap and coconut oil into foaming soap bottle. Add essential oils. Fill the rest
of the bottle with water. Screw on the pump top and shake gently to mix the Ingredients together.
We love choosing essential oils with antibacterial properties (and fabulous scents) like lemon,tea tree,
eucalyptus, rosemary, melaleuca, wild orange, lavender or peppermint.
Body Wash With Whole Naturals Castile Soap And
Using Glycerine is a great moisturizer! It traps moisture into the skin leaving your skin soft and
1/2 cup liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil
2 tablespoons glycerine
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon vitamin E oil
20-30 drops essential oil (you can use lemon, orange, or grapefruit oil)
Pour all the Ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Transfer the mixture to a bottle with a pump
dispenser. Shake it well before each use.
Nourishing Homemade Body Wash with Coconut Milk
This soap is gentle enough to use on our children! Add some lavender scent for a relaxing nighttime
1/2 cup full-fat unsweetened coconut milk canned
2/3 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
3 tsp vitamin E oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
2 tsp vegetable glycerine (optional)
Combine all Ingredients in a bottle. Shake and use on a washcloth.
Because this body wash lacks preservatives and contains coconut milk, we suggest you keep it in the
fridge - for up to one week.
Freeze the extra body was in ice cube trays! The glycerine may be left out if you don't have any on hand.
Some options: add nourishing oil, like jojoba, almond, or olive oil.
Body Wash For Dry Skin
2 cups unscented Whole Naturals Castile Soap
3 tablespoons almond oil (you can use sweet almond oil)
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 cup rose water
15-20 drops essential oils (optional)
Pour all the Ingredients into a bottle and shake well.
Lime Juice: 1-2 years.
Rose water: up to 2 weeks (if prepared at home)
Sweet almond: 6-12 months.
We suggest using this body wash within 2 weeks (if you are using homemade rose water). If using
commercially purchased rosewater, up to 6 months.
Body Wash With Olive Oil
When we make this body wash, we loving using a blend of essential oils such as sweet orange, vanilla, and
1/3 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/3 cup raw honey
1/3 cup olive oil
30-60 drops essential oils
Pour all the Ingredients into a bottle.
Make sure you add the essential oils at the end.
Shake well, and it’s ready to use.
This homemade olive oil body wash has a shelf-life of about a year.
Shea Butter Body Wash For Sensitive Skin (Stove-top
The combination of shea butter and our castile soap will make sure that your sensitive skin will
not be irritated!
1/2 cup shea butter
1/2 cup almond oil
1 tsp guar gum (to thicken the body wash)
1 cup liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
10 drops rose essential oil (optional)
Fill a small pot with 2” of water, and bring to a boil. Add shea butter into a mason jar and
place the jar in the pot of water. Allow shea butter to melt, then add in jojoba oil, and mix.
Remove from heat and add in guar gum, Whole Naturals Castile Soap and essential oils. Mix
together until fully incorporated. Pour into a glass mason jar, or other reusable container with a
Body Wash For Oily Skin
If you're prone to oily skin you'll love our nourishing body wash that will keep your skin moist - without
feeling oily!
6 cups distilled water
1/2 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
2 tablespoons neem leaf extract (boil the leaves and then extract the water)
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon bentonite clay
15 drops lavender essential oil
Pour the liquid soap in a bottle and add the other Ingredients. Shake well, and it’s ready to use.
6 months to 1 year
Calming Gentle Foaming Baby Wash
A calming gentle, soothing baby wash made with all-natural Ingredients.
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 Tbl glycerine
1 tsp fractionated coconut oil
8 drops essential oil
10-ounce foaming soap container
Add all the Ingredients to the foaming soap container and top off with water.
Shake before each use to combine the Ingredients.
Lather up a quarter-size amount of body wash and apply to hair and body.
Our favorite combination of baby-safe essential oils? 5 drops lavender and 3 drops roman chamomile!
Keep away from eyes. This baby wash is not tear-proof.
Mild Baby Wash
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 cup Distilled water
Mix all ingredients in a reusable squeeze bottle to give your baby a mild, gentle wash! Keep out of baby's
Keep away from eyes. This baby wash is not tear-proof.
Magical Shampoo Blend For Hair Loss
Although we don't promise that you'll REGROW your hair, changing from commercial grade
shampoos t to organic, natural shampoos may save your hair.
1/4 cup water (can substitute the water for coconut milk)
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (for dry hair, OPTIONAL)
6 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops lavender essential oil
4 drops thyme essential oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil
Add water, Whole Naturals Castile Soap, and jojoba oil to a reusable container. (Use an old
shampoo bottle, foaming soap dispenser, or a mason jar)
Add in essential oils
Thoroughly shake to combine all ingredients.
Although you may notice that this shampoo is thinner than a commercial shampoo. You
will LOVE the lather! If you're prone to dry hair, b sure to follow up with an all-natural
This shampoo will last for a month when stored in an airtight container.
DIY Shampoo
This all-natural shampoo can help restore damaged hair, hydrate your strands, and replenish natural oils.
And best of all - you're getting rid of all the toxins from commercial grade shampoos!
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (optional, especially if you're prone to dry hair)
10-15 drops of essential oils
Add the water, Whole Naturals Castile Soap and jojoba oil to a glass container. (Use an old shampoo
bottle, foaming soap dispenser, or a mason jar). Stir well. Add in essential oils. (My favorite combination:
used wild orange, lime, bergamot and peppermint). Shake thoroughly before using.
Although this shampoo is thinner than the typical shampoo, it lathers up great! If you like a thicker texture,
you could add 1/2 tsp of arrowroot powder.
Homemade Foaming Shaving Cream
Easy to make, a pleasure to use, your skin will feel smooth and nourished!
1/2 c. water (using distilled water will extend its shelf life)
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
2 teaspoons carrier oil
Add all the Ingredients to the foaming soap dispenser. Shake to combine Ingredients.
Shelflife: One month (Keep in an airtight container)
Did you know: You can add an antioxidant like vitamin E antioxidant or rosemary antioxidant to help extend
Shampoo For Men
1/4 cup water (can substitute the water for coconut milk)
1/4 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (for dry hair, OPTIONAL)
Add the water, Whole Naturals Castile Soap, and jojoba oil to a glass container. (Use an old
shampoo bottle, foaming soap dispenser, or a mason jar)
Add in essential oils
Thoroughly mix Ingredients.
You may notice that this recipe yields a thinner shampoo consistency than you may be used to. But,
when you lather up - you'll notice great bubbles! This shampoo will last for a month when stored in an
airtight container.
Foot Scrub
Long day? Feet need pampering? A great foot scrub helps muscles and invigorates feet.
420g magnesium chloride flakes
1 and 1/2 Tbl magnesium oil
3 Tbl organic almond oil
1 tsp Whole Naturals Castile liquid soap
12 drops lavender or peppermint essential oil (or a combination of the two)
Mix the magnesium chloride flakes, magnesium oil and castile together before adding the
essential oils. Store in a jar, using approximately 1 tsp per foot. rinse well after use. Makes 40
Shaving Cream With Shea Butter (Stove-top method)
I love shea butter because of its earthy tones, but clove, cedarwood, wild orange, eucalyptus, are fabulous
combinations that anyone would enjoy!
1/3 cup shea butter
1/3 cup coconut oil
2 Tbl Organic Almond Oil
1 tsp Vitamin E oil
15-20 drops essential oils of your choice
2 Tbl Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Combine shea butter and coconut oil in a pan over low heat. Stir together until melted. Add your choice of
essential oils and stir until combined. Transfer mixture to a mixing bowl and place it in the fridge to cool and
Once the mixture is solid, pull it out and whip with a stand or hand mixer until it becomes light and fluffy.
If your mixture is very cold, you may want to let it get to room temperature to soften just a bit to make the
whipping easier. Add the Whole Naturals Castile Soap and whip up again until everything is combined.
You’ll know it’s ready when the creamy texture is ill be a slightly little less light and fluffy.
Transfer the contents of the bowl into smaller glass jars with tight fitting lids. This shaving cream should last
for a month without separating.
All-Purpose Surface Cleaner
2 cups distilled water
2 Tbl Whole Naturals Castile Soap
15 drops essential oil (lavender, peppermint or orange)
16 oz spray bottle
Pour the water into the spray bottle, use a funnel if needed. Add Whole Naturals Castile Soap and
essential oil. Gently shake the spray bottle before spraying the cleaner on the desired
surface. Spray the cleaner and wipe off the surface with a damp cloth.
May be used on sealed marble or granite.
Floor Cleaner
2 Tbl of Whole Naturals Pure Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 gallon of hot water
Mix 2 Tbl of Whole Naturals Pure Whole Naturals Castile Soap and 1 gallon of hot water in a bucket
to mop your floor.
Eco-Friendly Disinfecting Wipes
1- or 2-ply flannel baby wipes (8” x 8” size) - we make about 20 reusable wipes with this recipe
1 baby wipe container
1 cup warm filtered or distilled water
1 tablespoon Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/2 c. rubbing alcohol
10 drops essential oils (optional)
Reusable baby-wipe container or gallon-sized zipper back
Combine 1 cup warm filtered or distilled water with 1 tablespoon liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap and
1/2 c. rubbing alcohol in a container. Add in your essential oils Fold wipes into container.
These wipes are like magic and don't add to our landfill!! If you find the wipes appear dry, and that liquid
has evaporated, we suggest adding a bit of warm water. And of course, these go into our regular laundry!
We wash our wipes with our regular laundry! A set of 20 seems to get us through about a week’s worth of
regular kitchen cleaning. Happy cleaning!
Window Cleaning Solution
Ready for spring cleaning? Now's your time to get your windows sparkling clean!
2-3 Tbl Whole Naturals Pure Whole Naturals Castile Soap
16 oz water
1/2 cup club soda
Squeegee / Microfiber cloth
Prepare your soap solution in a spray bottle and spray down any lass surface. Use a dry microfiber cloth to
wipe away streaks.
Borax-Free Laundry Detergent
4 cups very hot water
1 cup baking soda
1/3 cup salt
1 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Gallon-sized jug
In a large spouted measuring cup, stir together the hot water and baking soda until the soda is dissolved.
Add the salt and stir until it is dissolved. Add in Whole Naturals Castile Soap and stir gently to combine.
Pour the mixture into the one-gallon jug.
Slowly fill the gallon jug to the top with water. The soap will foam, but just keep filling until you have
mostly liquid. Gently shake before use. Each load uses about 1/3-1/2 c. For top loading washers, add
while filling.
This recipe has NOT been tested with a high-efficiency washers.
Toilet Bowl Spray (with Borax)
You will need:
2 cup Distilled Water – heated to help dissolve the borax
3 Tbl Baking Soda or Borax
1/3 cup Whole Naturals Pure Whole Naturals Castile Soap
20 drops Essential Oils of your choice (I love using Lavender, Bergamot, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme,
Peppermint, Clove, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Lemon.)
To ONE cup of very hot water add 2 tablespoons of borax and stir and smash to dissolve. Once dissolved,
pour the water/borax mixture into a squeeze bottle.
Add the remaining hot water, 1/4 cup of liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap, and 20 drops of tea tree
essential oil. Gently shake to combine.
Squirt the cleaner around the toilet bowl and scrub with a toilet brush. For additional cleaning under the
rim, squirt some of the mixture onto a damp sponge, scrub under the rim, and flush.
Neem and Coconut Dog Wash
1.5 Tbs Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 Tbs of coconut oil
1 gallon of water
3-5 drops of neem oil
Mix all ingredients and store in a squeeze bottle. Shake the bottle gently. Shampoo as needed!
Did you know: coconut oil is known to cure hot spots, skin inflammations, odour problems and yeast
Did you know: Neem oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in removing all the
ticks and fleas and also improves the immunity.
Non-Toxic Dog Shampoo
1/2 c. Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
2 Tbs water
1 Tbs olive oil
5 drops Lavender oil
Put all Ingredients in a mason jar and shake. Wet dog with warm water, pour some shampoo in your hand
and lather dog, scrubbing well. Rinse thoroughly. The amount you use will depend upon the size of dog and
length of hair / fur. Be aware: there are some essential oils that are TOXIC for dogs. Please consult your
veterinarian before using any essential oils for your beloved pets.
Sugar Soap Scrub
1 cup organic coconut sugar
15-20 drops of your favorite essential oils
1/4 cup organic grapeseed or avocado oil
4 Tbl. Whole Naturals Pure-Castile Liquid Soap
1/4 tsp. vitamin E oil (optional as a preservative)
Pour organic coconut sugar into glass or stainless-steel bowl, breaking up any lumps with a whisk or fork.
Alternate adding the oil and the Liquid Soap gradually to the sugar, mixing well after each addition. Stop
when you’ve reached your desired consistency. If you prefer a more liquid scrub, add more oil and soap,
or if you prefer a dryer scrub, add less.
Whole Naturals Castile Soap Spray for Garden Pests
A spray bottle
1 Tbs (0.5 fl oz ) Whole Naturals Castile Soap
16 oz distilled water - using distilled water helps keeps the measurements precise
10 drops peppermint oil
Combine the soap and water in a spray bottle. Spray plants thoroughly. It's important to spray the stems and
locations under the leaves (bugs love to hide!!) I tend to spray in the morning hours, and then again in the
evening. It keeps the unwanted visitors at bay, and they don't come back! (plus it doesn't leave a residue on
the leaves!)
Some plants absorb the scent of essential oils,
Remember: there are many beneficial insects!!
Did you know: You can add a drop or two more Whole Naturals Castile Soap to make a great produce
Fruit & Veggie Wash
1/4 tsp Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1 gallon water
Add Whole Naturals Castile Soap into a large bowl filled with water. Rinse your produce with
clean & clear water.
Ant Spray (Not For Plants)
1/4 cup of Whole Naturals Pure Whole Naturals Castile Soap
5-7 drops of tea tree oil
1 litre of warm water
Pour into a spray bottle, then spray wherever you’ve spotted ants hanging around.
To avoid harming plants, do not spray directly on plants.
Wood, Laminate & Stone Flooring Cleaner
1/2 cup Whole Naturals Castile Saop
3 gallons hot water.
Combine all ingredietns. On wood and laminate, avoid excess water and mop up wet areas.
Honey Lavender Moisturizing Shave Lotion
1/2 c. almond or olive oil
1/3 cup liquid Whole Naturals Castile Soap
1/4 cup raw honey
10 drops lavender essential oil
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
Combine all Ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk until smooth and creamy.
Transfer to a pump or squeeze bottle.
To use: Shake well, then pump or squeeze a liberal amount onto your hands. Lather slightly, then slather
onto skin. Shave as usual, then rinse down the drain.
Borax Free Dish Soap
1/2 cup Whole Naturals liquid castile soap
1/8 cup water
4 drops essential oil scent of choice (I LOVE the fresh citrus smell)
I like mixing everything together and storing it in an old liquid dish soap bottle!
I often get asked, distilled or purified water or tap water? The truth is: water is just water!! However,
when you used distilled water, quantities in the recipe will always stay consistent. At your home, you
may have hard or soft water, more minerals etc. So, you'll find that you may need to tweak each
recipe depending upon how much lather you love!
All Purpose Cleaning Solution - II
Looking for an all-purpose cleaning solution that you'll keep coming back to day after day?
Looking no further!
1 cup distilled water
1 tablespoon Whole Naturals liquid castile soap
10 drops of your favorite essential oil*
You'll find that this solution works great in a spray bottle! Shake before using!
*Or, if you like a combination, you can do 5 + 5. I think that tea tree and lavender essential
oils make a great combination!
Castile Soap Tub Scrub
Adding non-toxic ingredients – such as baking soda, and a bit of salt gives the Castile Soap a
gritty, paste-like texture to help attack soap scum, mold and mildew.
¾ cup baking soda
¼ tsp salt
½ cup Castile soap
1 tablespoon of water
10 drops of essential oil (optional)
I like mixing all the ingredients in a squeeze bottle with a large spout. It’s easy to shake all
the ingredients together, but it’s also easy to squeeze out the cleaning solution. Finally, add
in 10 drops of your favorite essential oil (I LOVE lemon!!)
Added bonus:
This works great as a natural toilet bowl cleaner! I scoop some into the toilet and then
clean as usual with the toilet brush.
Top 10 Reasons to Use Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Versatile: You can make cleaning products, skin care products and pet care products - all with the
same base ingredient!
Inexpensive: For $24.99 for a half-gallon bottle - you're replacing $100's worth of cleaning products!
Concentrated: A little goes a LONG way! For every recipe, you'll dilute Castile Saop to the right quantities.
Non-Toxic: All our ingredients are reconizaable, easy to pronounce and organic!
Skin Safe: Not only safe for surfaces like floors, windows and counterops - it's safe for your skin - from
head to toe!
Dishwashing Soap: Easy to use for hand-washing - without drying your hands!
Veggie Rinse: It's easy to clean veggies with a mild solution of castile soap and water!
Brush Cleaner: From makeup brushes to paintbrushes - your brushes will be clean and debris free!
Safe for all skin types! Whether your skin is sensitive, dry or oily, our Castile Soap is fully customizable
to treat your skin with the TLC it deserves!
Over the years we have received an extraordinary range of questions about making fabulous recipes by adding
household Ingredients and essential oils to create nearly endless possibilities with our Whole Naturals Castile Soap!
But before you get busy with your green self, let me remind you:
Baking soda adds a soft abrasion to the cleaning power of the soap, which makes it a
good scrubber for grimy sinks and laundry. In laundry, it is a whitener and deodorizer. It
Baking Soda also buffers the Whole Naturals Castile Soap, protecting it from acidic substances that
might affect its pH.
Borax is an effective cleaning agent and have beneficial effects when combined with
Whole Naturals Castile Soap. It has a pH of 9.3, similar to that of the soap. It buffers
Borax the Whole Naturals Castile Soap, protecting it from acidic substances that would break it
down, thus helping the cleaning process. It should be kept well away from children and
gloves should be worn when handling it.
Usually, the thought behind adding citric acid to Whole Naturals Castile Soap is to bring
down the pH. However, acid will react with the soap itself and break apart the soap
Citric Acid molecule. You’ll be left with an oily mess.
Epsom salt is not compatible with Whole Naturals Castile Soap. Magnesium sulphate
(Epsom salt) has a slightly low acidic pH, around 6. The Whole Naturals Castile Soap has
Epsom Salt a pH of around 9. Adding the magnesium sulphate reverses the soap and releases the fatty
acid, producing visible flakes of oil.
Essential oils have a lot to add to cleaning solutions both for personal care and for house
Essential Oils care. They can give you a personalized scent and add therapeutic qualities.
Whether you’re looking to thicken the soap or make it smoother , Adding
Glycerine glycerine increases moisturization potential of the soap, but above 2-3% it
decreases foaming properties.
Baking soda adds a soft abrasion to the cleaning power of the soap, which makes it a
good scrubber for grimy sinks and laundry. In laundry, it is a whitener and deodorizer.
Hydrogen It also buffers the Whole Naturals Castile Soap, protecting it from acidic substances
that might affect its pH. Did you know that concentrated hydrogen peroxide (30%
concentration or higher) mixed with with Whole Naturals Castile Soap, releases
Peroxide oxygen? If there is a heat source next to it, it can be explosive. To clean wounds, use
hydrogen peroxide at a maximum of 3% concentration. As it provides no antibacterial
benefit, we do not recommend mixing hydrogen peroxide (any strength with Castile
Salt increases the viscosity of the Whole Naturals Castile Soap. Mixing Whole Naturals
Castile Soap can produce a great exfoliating scrub. Since salt is coarser than sugar, do
Salt not use this on sensitive skin. Great for elbows and feet, though. Did you know: “Salt" is
the result of reacting an acid and a base?
Sugar is a natural humectant, which means that it draws moisture into our skin. You can
Sugar make a lovely scrub by mixing it with Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Vinegar and Whole Naturals Castile Soap are great separately and terrible together.
They’re like the siblings who just can’t leave each other alone! Vinegar un-saponifies
Vinegar soap. It’s not dangerous, just messy, and ruins the cleaning ability of either. We do not
recommend adding vinegar to Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Mixed tocopherols – aka vitamin E – is perfectly fine to mix with Castile – in fact it
Vitamin E can even preserve it to make your mixtures last longer! These are the antioxidants we
use in our soaps. For personal care, vitamin E is usually recommended for anti-aging
(tocopherols) properties. For house care, mixed tocopherols is an antioxidant in DIY solutions.
Did you know: Washing soda is a common ingredient in homemade laundry detergents?
Washing Soda / Washing soda acts as a water softener as well as a powerful scouring agent effectively
cleaning heavily soiled laundry like towels or work clothes. Add sodium carbonate to
Sodium carbonate your hard water, precipitating the calcium carbonate and improving the soap’s cleaning