Wealth Inequality
Wealth Inequality
Wealth Inequality
Wealth Inequality
Wealth inequality is not just how much a particular nation possesses rather it
concerns how it is shared in the society. Every society has different things that make
them unequal. Inequality, therefore, leads to troubles as various aspects of the society
make life uneven because of views, attitudes, and beliefs. Financial inequality is the
level in which wealth is shared unevenly to members of a particular group. Wealth is
not only the resources received through pay, but all the resources gotten from
employment, investments, state benefits, rent, and royalties. Economic inequality can
be experienced in the pay, wealthy or income. Income is any pay received from
investments, savings, employment, rent, etc. while pay inequality is the disparity
between the pay gotten from employment only. When there is too much economic
inequality, there are high levels of poverty and minimal opportunities for kids to
overcome their parent’s efforts. However, the levels of economic inequality are not
the same in different societies. There is a big gap in wealth ownership in the society
today. There have been a lot of misconceptions about wealth inequality, but the
vicious cycle is a result the society itself. Moreover, despite the high levels of
inequality, it is clear that it leads to recessions and the high levels of unemployment
as far as making it impossible for many people to get jobs. The government should
ensure economic equality among its citizen’s failure to which there should be
powerful activists to compel the state to enhance equal distribution of resources.
The space between the goal and actuality in the modern society is even wider.
America has over the years shown commitment to reaffirm the dream of equality of
its citizens. However, America is one of the countries with the highest levels of
inequality today. Various studies have dismissed the myth that the United States is the
land of opportunities. While many citizens in the US may disagree on the desirability
of inequality of outcomes, there is an almost universal agreement that the unequal
opportunities experienced all over are indefensible. Years back, the US may have
been true to claim that it offers equality, but many of the sweet and promising stories
about America are hoaxing today. According to Lyons evidence from the rich
countries show that lack of opportunity and poverty are highly related to inequality
(2). The two factors are the determinants of economic inequality for many countries.
The few people who have had the opportunity to access resources, therefore, tend to
grab more wealth that other people remain without. This leads to the economic gap
between people hence economic inequality.
When money, opportunities, and efforts are not shared equally among the
people, it is a capitalist system. The capitalists mostly use technology that inherently
leads to concentration of resources. Historically, there have been a lot of
developments in the old capitalist system, but inequality feature is what has remained
constant. The early capitalists in the industrializing nations had terrible working
conditions. The rules governing working hours, child labor, safety and other issues
concerning the employees were poorly and discriminatively implemented. Despite
the unexpected developments such as increased labor incomes during the proletarian
revolution, inequality persisted and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening
(Smith 212). This trend has continued up to date as the gap between the rich and the
poor widens. Lyon suggests that there should be a progressive tax system that would
ensure the wealth pay and other incomes are proportional to the tax (2). It is
important to have strategies that would regulate economic inequality so as to bridge
the gap between the poor and the rich.
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In Russia, the upper class is capable of accessing special schools, shops, and
other luxuries while the commoners are encouraged to enjoy only the basic needs
(Milton and Friedman 15). The inequality experience is prone due to the notion of
equality of opportunity where the rich people exploit the poor. The poor people are
subjected to the living standards they had never dreamt in a capitalist system. The
difference between the rich and the poor is greatest in a capitalist’s system than any
other government. Therefore, the rich continue getting richer, and the poor continue
sinking in poverty thus the gap between the two classes keep on widening.
Most societies exercise inequality in different ways. The notion of the richer is
getting richer while the poor continue getting weaker is not just a cliché rather it has a
theoretical background of wealth concentration. The created wealth tends to end up in
few hands while the rest of the society lacks the resources. Many of these experiences
occur in capitalists system which is a reflection of the whole world. The impacts of
the current inequality are likely to extend to the future generations because the
children begin to be unequal from birth and carry forward in that manner into the
Friedman, Milton, and Rose D. Friedman. Created Equal. Paw Prints, 2008. Print.
Lyons, Tim. "Why does it matter and what should we do about it?" Home Page - Opinion. N.p., Oct. 2015.
Web. 21 Apr. 2017. <https://www.qnmu.org.au/>.
Smith, Adam. "Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer." An Inquiry into the Nature and
Cause of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
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