Working Near Overhead Line
Working Near Overhead Line
Working Near Overhead Line
Table of Contents
1. Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................................ 3
2. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................................... 3
3. References ......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. About This Guide ................................................................................................................................ 5
4.1. Who does the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 - Working Near Overhead and Underground
Electric Lines and Electricity Entity Requirements apply to? ..................................................................... 5
4.2. Are you working or planning to work near overhead or underground electric lines? ......................... 5
4.2.1 Work near overhead electric lines .................................................................................................... 6
4.2.2 Exclusion Zones ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.2.3 Work near underground electrical lines (underground electrical assets) ......................................... 8
4.3. Obtaining Safety Advice ..................................................................................................................... 8
4.4. Authorised Person and how to become one?..................................................................................... 8
4.5. Contacting Electricity Entity for Safety Advice or Authorised Person Enquiries................................. 9
5. Overhead Electric Lines...................................................................................................................... 9
5.1. Isolation of supply to customer installation to eliminate exclusion zone around LV service line ...... 10
5.2. Operating Plant ................................................................................................................................. 11
5.3. Scaffolding Requirements................................................................................................................. 12
5.4. High Load transport under Overhead Electric Lines ........................................................................ 15
5.5. Additional Details and Fact Sheets on Electricity Entity Requirements ........................................... 15
6. Underground Electrical Assets ......................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Responsibilities When Working in the Vicinity of Electricity Entity Underground Electrical Assets . 16
6.2. Conditions of Supply of Information .................................................................................................. 16
6.3. When Working in the Vicinity of Electricity Entity Underground Electrical Assets, You Must Observe
the Following Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.1 Records .......................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.2 Location of underground electrical assets ..................................................................................... 18
6.3.3 Remote or On-Site Cable Location conducted by Electricity Entity ............................................... 18
6.3.4 Electrical Cables ............................................................................................................................ 19
6.3.5 Separation from Electricity Entity underground electrical assets ................................................... 19
6.4. Additional Details and Fact Sheets on Electricity Entity Requirements ........................................... 20
7. Excavation ........................................................................................................................................ 21
7.1. Excavating near Poles and Stay Wires ............................................................................................ 21
7.1.1 Certified Engineering Assessment ................................................................................................. 22
7.2. Excavating Near Underground Electrical Assets .............................................................................. 23
7.2.1 Excavating Parallel to Underground Electrical Assets ................................................................... 23
7.2.2 Excavating Across Underground Electrical Assets ........................................................................ 23
7.2.3 Heavy Machinery Operation Over Underground Electrical Assets ................................................ 24
7.2.4 Directional Boring Near Underground Electrical Assets ................................................................ 24
7.2.5 Hydro Vac Operation ...................................................................................................................... 24
7.3. Blasting ............................................................................................................................................. 24
8. Reporting Damage Caused to Overhead or Underground Electric Lines ........................................ 24
9. Infrastructure near Electric Lines ...................................................................................................... 25
9.1. Easements and Wayleaves .............................................................................................................. 25
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
This document refers to various standards, guidelines, calculations, legal requirements, technical
details and other information and is not an exhaustive list of all safety matters that need to be
Over time, changes in industry standards and legislative requirements, as well as technological
advances and other factors relevant to the information contained in this document, may affect the
accuracy of the information contained in this document. Whilst care is taken in the preparation of
this material, Energex and Ergon Energy do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the
information. Accordingly, caution should be exercised in relation to the use of the information in this
To the extent permitted by law, Energex and Ergon Energy will not be responsible for any loss,
damage or costs incurred as a result of any errors, omissions or misrepresentations in relation to
the material in this document or for any possible actions ensuing from information contained in the
Copies of the relevant Acts, Regulation and Codes of Practice and any other relevant legislation
can be found on the Queensland Government web site -
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Safety Advice
A written notice identifying the known electrical hazards at a specific site and advising the
control measures required to be implemented by Responsible Person (person responsible for
worksite) to reduce the likelihood of harm to person, plant or vehicle at site.
Safety Observer
A safety observer or “spotter”, for the operation of operating plant, means a person who:
(a) observes the operating plant; and
(b) advises the operator of the operating plant if it is likely that the operating plant will come
within an exclusion zone for the operating plant for an overhead electric line.
This is a person who has undergone specific training and is competent to perform the role in
observing, warning and communicating effectively with the operator of the operating plant.
Untrained Person
For an electrical line, means a person who is not an Authorised Person or an Instructed Person
for the electrical line.
Electrical Safety Regulation 2013: Part 5 - Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 - Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Energex documents:
Form 1227 Application for Safety Advice – Working near Energex exposed live parts
Form 1228 Important Notice – Working near Energex Power Lines Including Overhead
Form 0347 Safety Advice on working near Energex exposed live parts
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
4.1. Who does the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 - Working Near Overhead and
Underground Electric Lines and Electricity Entity Requirements apply to?
A person, worker or Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) at a workplace is
required to comply with the requirements of Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 Part 5 Overhead
and Underground Electric Lines and Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 Working Near
Overhead and Underground Electric Lines to ensure that no person, plant or thing comes within
an unsafe distance (exclusion zone) of an overhead electric line. Compliance with these
regulatory requirements is essential to reduce the risk of electric shock and contact with
Electricity Entity electric lines and other assets which can have deadly consequences.
Examples of work activities where risk of person, plant or equipment coming near or into
contact with overhead electric lines include but are not limited to:
Pruning or felling trees or vegetation near overhead electric lines, including the service
wire into a building;
Carrying out building work, scaffolding or demolition adjacent to overhead electric lines;
Painting fascia, replacing roofing, guttering or external cladding near service line point of
entry to a building;
Operating cranes, tip trucks, cane harvesters, elevated work platforms, fork lifts, grain
augers, excavators, irrigators, etc near overhead electric lines;
Erecting or maintaining advertising signs or billboards near overhead electric lines;
Dam or levee bank construction.
Examples of work activities that could involve risk of damage to underground cables or earthing
systems include but are not limited to:
Digging holes, excavating, sawing, trenching, under boring, sinking bore holes,
earthworks or laying cables, pipes, etc or driving implements into the ground (e.g. star
pickets, fence posts) near where underground cables or earthing systems may be
4.2. Are you working or planning to work near overhead or underground electric lines?
Electrical Safety Regulation Section 68 requires that before carrying out any work at a
workplace where there is a risk of any person, plant or thing encroaching the exclusion zone of
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
overhead electric lines, the person, worker or PCBU is required to ensure that the potential
hazards are identified, a risk assessment conducted and the necessary control measures
implemented to minimise electrical safety risks to ensure the safety of all workers and other
persons at the workplace. The Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 and Electrical Safety Code of
Practice 2010 - Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines detail the Exclusion
Zones that must be maintained.
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Untrained Person
Insulated LV: Consultation with and No exclusion zone No exclusion zone No exclusion zone
verified by AP (Electrical) prescribed prescribed prescribed
No exclusion zone
LV 1000 600
>50 kV up to 66 kV 1400
1000 1000
>66 kV up to 110 kV
>110 up to 132 1200 1200
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9 June 2015 EE BS001405R107 Ver 2
Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
4.5. Contacting Electricity Entity for Safety Advice or Authorised Person Enquiries
By phone
call Electricity Entity on General Enquiries phone number (refer page 3).
By email
Energex: or
Ergon Energy:
Ergon Energy:
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
NOTE: The Authorised Person (Electrical) will not be permitted to replace a blown LV
service fuse(s) after loss of supply to a customer’s installation or to alter the
Electricity Entity overhead LV services. The low voltage pole top service fuse
shall only be removed by use of an approved, in test, insulated telescopic
pole device while standing at ground level and wearing class 00 insulating
gloves. At no time is it permissible for an Authorised Person (Electrical) to
climb or work aloft on the Electricity Entity’s poles
or assets unless approved by the Electricity
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Ensuring operators are aware of the height and reach of their machinery in both stowed
and working positions;
Lowering all machinery to the transport position when relocating;
Providing workers with maps or diagrams showing the location of underground and
overhead electric lines; and
Where possible, directing work away from overhead electric lines not towards them.
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Minimum statutory clearances from nearby overhead electric lines for scaffolding erected with
barriers affixed
Voltage Level Horizontal Distance “A” Vertical Distance “B”
(in m) (in m)
Low voltage conductors 1.5 2.7
Low voltage conductors 0.3 0.6
(insulated) – these distances can
only be applied after the integrity
of the insulation has been
verified by Electricity Entity
Above LV and up to 33 kV 1.5 3.0
Above LV and up to 33 kV Contact Electricity Entity for consultation.
Above 33 kV (uninsulated) Additional requirements may apply for voltage levels above 33 kV,
contact the Electricity Entity for consultation.
NOTE: Dimensions “A” and “B” is between the scaffolding and the closest conductor
of the overhead electric line. Dimension B is also taken from the lowest part of
the mid span sag adjacent to the scaffolding.
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Phone: Energex Contact Centre on 13 12 53 (8am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday)
Ergon Energy:
Phone: (07) 4932 7566 (8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday)
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
Note that the Electricity Entity only provides information on underground electrical assets
it owns. Contact the owner of any privately owned underground electrical assets for
details of their assets located at site.
The Electricity Entity retains copyright of all plans and details provided in connection to
your request.
DBYD plans or other details are provided for the use of the DBYD applicant, its servants,
or agents, for the sole purpose of the applicant’s responsibilities in relation to the
Electricity Entity underground electrical assets and shall not be used for any other
DBYD plans are diagrams only and indicate the presence of Electricity Entity underground
electrical assets in the general vicinity of the geographical area shown. Exact ground
cover and alignments cannot be given with any certainty; as such levels can change over
On receipt of DBYD plans and before commencing excavation work or similar activities
near Electricity Entity’s underground electrical assets, carefully locate this plant first to
avoid damage.
The Electricity Entity, its servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage
caused or occasioned by the use of plans and of details so supplied to the DBYD
applicant, its servants or agents, and the DBYD applicant agrees to indemnify the
Electricity Entity against any claim or demand for any such loss or damage to the DBYD
applicant, its servants, or agents or to any third party.
The constructor is responsible for all damages to the Electricity Entity underground
electrical assets when work commences prior to obtaining DBYD plans, or at any time
after that for failure to follow agreed instructions contained in this document or any other
advice provided by the Electricity Entity.
By undertaking any work, you acknowledge that the Electricity Entity reserves all rights to
recover compensation for loss or damage to the Electricity Entity caused by interference
or damage, including consequential loss and damage to its cable network, or other
Be aware that some underground conduits may contain asbestos. Refer to “Code of
Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in Workplace [NOHSC: 2018
(2005)]” for guidance.
6.3. When Working in the Vicinity of Electricity Entity Underground Electrical Assets,
You Must Observe the Following Conditions
6.3.1 Records
The first step before any excavation commences is to obtain DBYD plans of Electricity Entity
underground electrical assets in the vicinity of the work. For new work, records should be
obtained during the planning and design stage. The records provided by DBYD must be made
available to all relevant work groups on site. Where underground electrical asset information is
transferred to plans for the proposed work, care must be exercised that important detail is not
lost in the process.
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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9 June 2015 EE BS001405R107 Ver 2
Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
100 100 300 300 100
1. These clearances are each Electricity Entity’s minimum requirements, additional separation may be required by
the Service Owner. The greater of the separation requirements shall apply.
2. Where the above tables does not list a separation requirement for a particular underground service type, the
following minimum separation from electricity entity electrical assets shall apply:
LV = 100 mm
HV = 300 mm
3. Compliance with these minimum separation requirements does not guarantee that issues such as Earth
Potential Rise (EPR) and Low Frequency Induction (LFI) are managed, where these issues need to be
managed, advice will need to be sought from an RPEQ Engineer
4. All separation distances are measured from the exterior surface of the conduit / cable not centrelines or inner
wall surfaces.
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
7.1. Excavating near Poles and Stay Wires
The following requirements are to be compiled with to minimise the risk of compromising the
structural integrity of the Electricity Entity poles and stay foundations when excavation or
trenching work is performed nearby that could result in the failure of one or more poles and
grounding of supported electric lines.
Excavation and trenching work undertaken by a person, worker or PCBU in the vicinity of poles
and stay foundations shall:
only be commenced after requirements of Section 6 have been complied with for any
underground electrical assets located within the work site.
upon completion of excavation and site earthworks not restrict the Electricity Entity vehicle
access to pole site for purpose of carrying out maintenance activities.
comply with exclusion zones as detailed in the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 -
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines.
not be attempted:
within 5 m (horizontal distance) of pole stays where the excavation depth is greater
than 250 mm before contacting the Electricity Entity to determine requirements.
within 5 m (horizontal distance) of Electricity Entity poles with earth leads or cables
running down into the ground before contactingthe Electricity Entity to determine
within “Do Not Disturb” zone of pole prior to a certified engineering assessment
having been completed by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland, and
then reviewed and approved by the Electricity Entity before proceeding with work.
Approval by the Electricity Entity shall not relieve the PCBU of its duties to perform
the work in a safe and proper manner and in accordance with all applicable
if the soil is exceedingly wet (saturated) or there is more than minimal wind loading
unless additional pole support is provided in accordance with certified engineering
assessment and approved by Electricity Entity.
when a severe weather event is occurring or expected (e.g. severe weather warning
has been issued by Bureau of Meteorology).
be backfilled as soon as possible (within same day where pole is required to be
supported) soil mechanically compacted in layers of 150 mm and all rock and vegetable
material excluded from the backfill.
be backfilled and pole stabilised before removal of additional support required by a
certified engineering assessment are permitted to be removed.
The PCBU shall be responsible for arrangement and costs of required certified engineering
assessments, approvals by other regulatory bodies (eg councils, Main Roads pipeline owners,
telecomm owns) and installation, maintenance and removal of associated pole support.
Pole support equipment (where required in accordance with certified engineering assessment)
shall be:
only attached and removed by persons approved by the Electricity Entity.
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Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
used to restrain both the pole head and foot to maintain pole stability during nearby
excavation work.
set up and positioned to maximise support effectiveness and minimise impact on traffic,
pedestrian, excavation and machinery at site; and maintain exclusion zone from overhead
lines. If insufficient clearance exists to maintain exclusion zone to pole support equipment,
arrangements may be required for de-energising the electric line.
Ground Line
250 mm
250 mm
Do Not Disturb
Maximum Trench Depth Minimum Distance from pole without pole support
Not more than 0.25 m (250 mm) Can trench or hand dig (where cables and leads exist) right up to pole
1.0 m 1.0 m
1.5 m 1.5 m
2.0 m 2.0 m
2.5 m 2.5 m
3.0 m 3.0 m
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Joint Reference Document between Energex and Ergon Energy
Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
7.3. Blasting
Explosives must not be used within 5 m of cables/conduits, unless an engineering report is
provided indicating that no damage will be sustained. Clearances shall be obtained from the
Electricity Entity for use of explosives in the vicinity of cables/conduits. Contact Electricity Entity
(General Enquiries phone number - refer page 3) for further advice.
The Electricity Entity will accept the level of 25 mm / sec as a peak component particle velocity
upper limit as defined in AS 2187.2 Appendix J for blasting operations in the vicinity of these
power lines.
Electric line insulators and conductors are particularly susceptible to damage from fly rock and
adequate control measure including the use of blast mats shall be used to manage this. Contact
Electricity Entity for consultation and application.
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Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
All work in the vicinity of damaged overhead or underground electric lines shall cease and the
area be made safe and vacated until clearance to continue earthworks has been obtained from
the Electricity Entity. Call Electricity Entity (Emergencies phone number – refer page 3).
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Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
access are granted by Queensland legislation not the easement and so may not be registered
on the property’s title and therefore may not be revealed in a Title Search.
9.1.7 What type of maintenance work does Electricity Entity undertake on easements?
To enable Electricity Entity to construct, maintain, repair and rebuild electric lines on some
properties, access roads and tracks are required on or adjacent to the easement area. As
required, Electricity Entity is able to construct access tracks, retain the right of use of these
tracks and maintain them to a suitable level to permit access for its vehicles. Where gates are
installed within the easement area, an Electricity Entity lock may be required to enable continual
access along the easement corridor.
In addition, periodic vegetation management works are also undertaken by Electricity Entity to
ensure that a specified minimum clearance between vegetation and the electric lines is
Where possible, property owners will be contacted prior to easement maintenance and
vegetation works commencing.
9.1.8 Where consent (Wayleave) to installing Electricity Entity infrastructure has been
Much of Electricity Entity’s above ground electricity network is constructed without easements.
Instead, the consent of the owner of the affected land is obtained and the electrical
infrastructure is installed. Historically this consent has been in the form of a document known as
a Wayleave.
This consent (or Wayleave) is a document evidencing the agreement from a particular owner,
but it is not registered on the title of the land like an easement.
Once consent is obtained from an owner, Queensland legislation (the Electricity Act 1994) says
that the consent of all future owners to the electrical infrastructure is not required.
Queensland legislation grants Electricity Entity rights to access, maintain, repair and replace
electrical assets installed with consent.
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Energex Limited ABN 40 078 849 055 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062
Electricity Entity Requirements:
Working Near Overhead and Underground Electric Lines
9.2. Contact Electricity Entity when planning construction work near electric lines
When planning and before commencement (regardless of whether or not local council approval
is required), it is essential to confirm that the proposed construction work (e.g. building,
structure, sign, crane, scaffold) does not breach the minimum statutory clearance distances that
must be maintained from nearby Electricity Entity overhead or underground electric lines. Refer
Electrical Safety Regulation 2013, Schedule 4 and 5 for information on statutory clearance
distances that must be complied with.
It is extremely dangerous and potentially life threatening to allow anything to come in close
proximity to the conductors of an electric line.
Where it is necessary for an Electricity Entity to relocate electric lines due to statutory clearance
breach caused by construction work performed nearby, the Electricity Entity is entitled to
recover costs from the PCBU, property owner or occupier who caused the breach. Refer
Electrical Safety Regulation 2013, Section 209 Building or adding to structure near electric
Although it is preferred that the area around Electricity Entity electrical assets (including within
an Easement area) is free of development, the following examples provide property owners and
occupiers with an indication of what type of development is acceptable and what is not.
NOTE: Do not assume that your local council approval is sufficient approval for you
to proceed with your work. The local council may not check whether or not
your proposed construction work will comply with the Electricity Entity’s
statutory clearance requirements from nearby overhead electric lines.
The following list of examples is not exhaustive and it may be necessary to contact the
Electricity Entity if doubt exists as to what is permitted around electricity assets.
What is PERMITTED around Electricity Entity What is NOT PERMITTED around Electricity
overhead or underground electric lines Entity overhead or underground electric lines
Erection of fences to a maximum height of 2.4 Build houses, sheds, garages or other large
m is generally acceptable, provided they do not structures. Building of roofed/ unroofed
affect access to, and work on, the poles, electric verandahs, swimming pools and pergolas are
lines and/or cables. Trees, shrubs and plants generally not acceptable.
should be located clear of vehicle access. Note:
Maximum Growth Height of 3 m. Flying kites or model aircraft within the
Clothes hoists and barbecues should be easement.
located clear of the vehicle access way. Note:
Driving fence posts or stakes into ground within
Maximum Height 2.5 m.
easements where there is underground cabling.
Installation of underground utility services, such
as low voltage electricity, gas, telephone and Storing liquids such as petrol, diesel fuel, or any
water, is generally acceptable, subject to flammable or combustible material that will
clearances from Electricity Entity poles and burn.
supporting structures, and underground electric
mains. Installing lighting poles.
Excavating, filling and altering of nearby land Stockpiling soil or garbage within the easement.
may be acceptable but full details need to be
provided to the Electricity Entity for
Planting trees in large quantities that could
create a fire hazard or that grow in excess of
Vehicles, mobile plant and equipment within the approved maximum height of 3 m.
the easement area need to maintain the
minimum statutory clearances distances from Storing or using explosives.
overhead electric lines. Normal farming,
grazing and other agricultural activities can be Residing in or occupying any caravan or mobile
carried out. Take care when ploughing or home within an easement.
operating mobile machinery or irrigation
equipment near Electricity Entity’s equipment. Placing obstructions within the vicinity of of any
Parking of vehicles, trucks, trailers, etc. is Electricity Entity assets (e.g. power pole,
overhead electric line, equipment or pole stay)
normally allowed. Note: Maximum Load and
Aerial Height of 4 m. Barriers of an approved that impede access to or work on these assets.
design (e.g. bollards) may be required to
protect poles from vehicle contact damage.
Heavy vehicle or operating plant crossings may
need a protective concrete cover to ensure
underground cables are not damaged.
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) brochure - "Electricity
and Health", May 2011