Study The Performance of The Combined Gas Turbine-Steam Cycle For Power Generation

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Study the Performance of the Combined Gas Turbine-Steam Cycle for

Power Generation

Article · July 2013


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1 author:

Saba Yassoub
University of Babylon


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Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

Study the Performance of the Combined Gas Turbine-Steam

Cycle for Power Generation
Dr. Saba Yassoub Ahmed
University of Babylon/College of Engineering/Department of Mechanical/Iraq-Babylon

In this research, a theoretical and analytical study of gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle for power
generation was carried out to improve the performance of the thermal power plant.
A thermodynamic analysis of the combined cycle through a typical pattern was done. Appropriate assumptions
were made for two kinds of combined cycles, simple gas turbine-steam turbine and reheat gas turbine-steam
turbine combined cycles, such that the results obtained would closely approximate actual data. Then the
equations of the combined cycle calculations were derived. Four cases were studied to choose the optimum gas
turbine and steam turbine conditions for the combined cycle.
The reheat gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle is better as compared to the simple gas turbine-steam
turbine combined cycle, because the output per unit mass of air flow is significantly improved by 35-41%, and
the efficiency is higher by 4 % for the combined cycle utilizing the reheat gas turbine, which points to potential
cost saving for such a cycle.
It was found that the optimum conditions of the gas turbine cycle in the combined cycle mode occur at the
maximum net work conditions. The efficiency of the waste heat boiler for high exhaust temperature ranges
(maximum ηB= 87%) is comparable to the efficiency of the conventional boilers. The waste heat boiler has the
added advantage of simplicity, therefore this type of combined cycle using waste heat boiler has great promise
for power generation.
Keywords: Combined gas-steam cycle, gas turbine cycle

List of Symbols:
Latin Symbols
Symbol Definition
CL Combustion pressure Loss
Cp Specific heat at Constant pressure (kJ/kg.K)
f Fuel to Air Ratio (kgfuel/kgair)
h Enthalpy (kJ/kg)
L Combustion and Radiation Loss
m Mass flow rate (kg/sec)
P Pressure (Pa)
Q Heat Supplied (KJ/Kg)
rp Pressure Ratio
T Temperature(K)
W Work output (W)
Greek Symbols
∆H25 Calorific Value at 25oC
η Efficiency
1,2,3,4,5,6 The state as shown in Figures(1,2,3,4)
2s,4s,6s Isentropic case for each state
a Air
Add Added
B Boiler
C Compressor
Comb Combined
eg Exhaust gas
g Gas
o Overall
s Steam
sg Stack gases
sup Superheated

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

T Turbine

1. Introduction
Electrical power generation has undergone a revolution since 1990. The gas-steam combined power
plant has come of age and there is the promise of more advanced gas turbine cycles based on aero-derivative
machines. During the 1990s, a suite of computer codes were developed at Cambridge top analyzes advanced
power cycles at a more detailed level than usual. For such calculations, it is most important to handle the
thermodynamics as rigorously as possible (Horlock, J.H.,, 1998, 2000).
In recent past the gas/steam combined cycle based power plants have become popular as these offer
more effective utilization of the fossil fuel energy. These offer higher thermal efficiency as compared to the gas
turbine based plant or the steam turbine based plants in isolation the performance of the gas/steam combined
cycle power plant depends upon the performance of topping and bottoming cycle. Gas turbine is seen to offer
high specific work output if the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) could be increased. Thus, with increased TIT the
performance of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and consecutively the steam turbine improves thereby,
offering improvement in combined cycle performance (Yadav, J.P., Singh,Dr O.,2006).
The literature has often suggested combining two or more thermal cycles within a single power plant. In
all cases the intention was to increase efficiency over that of single cycles. Thermal processes can be combined
in this way whether they operate with the same or with differing working media. However, a combination of
cycles with different working media is more interesting because their advantage can complement one another.
Normally the cycles can be classed as a "topping" and a "bottoming" cycle. The first cycle to which
most of the heat is supplied is called the "topping cycle". The waste heat produces is then utilized in a second
process which operates at a lower temperature level and is therefore referred to as a "bottoming cycle". Up to
the present time , only one combined cycle has found wide acceptance : the combination gas turbine/steam
turbine power plant (Kehlhofer, R., 1997).
An alternative regenerator configuration has been improved by (Dallenback,P.A.,2002) through
improving the efficiency of gas turbine cycle.(Ravi Kumer,,2005) has energy losses in different gas turbine
cycle components. It is observed that the irreversibility in exhaust gases is low which indicates effective
utilization of heat energy, but the specific work output of the turbine decreases.
Generally with increase the turbine inlet temperature the specific work of gas turbine increases. But
increase in the turbine inlet temperature has strict metallurgical limitations in terms of maximum temperature
that the turbine stage could with stand. (Ravi Kumar, N., Sita Rama, A.V., 2005) analyzed the effect of inlet
cooling on heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) performance. It is found that the inlet cooling reduces the
work input of the compressor and increases the mass flow rate of air.
Similarly the efficiency of steam cycle can be improved by increasing the temperature of steam entered
into the steam turbine. The maximum temperature of steam that can be used in steam turbine is considered from
metallurgical point of view of turbine blades. The mass flow rate of steam and steam temperature depends on the
amount of heat available in the gas turbine exhaust. (Ravi Kumar,, 2006) has done performance simulation
of (HRSG) in combined cycle power plant. They discussed the effect of various parameters like pinch point,
approach point, steam pressure, steam temperature, gas flow rate on the performance of the (HRSG).
(Ravi Kumar,, 2007) have been analyzed different heat recovery steam generator configurations of
single pressure and dual pressure. The combined cycle efficiency with different heat recovery steam generator
configurations have been analyzed parametrically by using first law & second law of thermodynamics, it was
observed that in the dual cycle high pressure steam turbine pressure must be high & low pressure steam turbine
pressure must be low for better heat recovery from heat recovery steam generator. (Srinivas, T.,, 2007)
have been analyzed the effect of ‘n’ feed water heaters (flow) on performance of a steam power cycle with a
generalized mathematical formulation. The performance calculations were formulated separately to single f.w.h
and extended to ‘n’ f.w.hs for parametric study. The optimum bled steam temperature ratio is found at 0.4 with
single f.w.h at given working conditions. Similarly the optimum pressure in a steam reheated is obtained at 20–
25% of the boiler pressure irrespective of the number of heaters. The results show that the maximum gain in the
efficiency of cycle is obtaining with the first fwh and the increment diminishes with the addition of the number
of heaters. Also, has been examined the improvements in efficiency with increases in boiler pressure, turbine
inlet temperature and furnace temperature.

2-Calculations of Gas Turbine Cycle

2-1:Calculations of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle
A schematic diagram, Figure (1), represents the simple gas turbine cycle and Figure (2) represent the cycle on
T-S diagram. Air at atmospheric pressure is compressed from state 1 to state 2 by the compressor. Fuel is added

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

in the combustion chamber to increase the temperature at a constant pressure to state 3. The hot gases are then
expanded through the turbine to state 4 (atmospheric pressure).


2 3


Air in
Figure (1): Schematic Flow Diagram of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle.

Qadd 2s 2


Figure (2): T-S Diagram of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle.

2-1-1: Assumption of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle:

Appropriate assumptions have been made for simple gas turbine cycle such that the results obtained will
closely approximate actual data from known gas turbines. The assumptions are:
1- Compressor efficiency =85%.
2- Turbine efficiency=87%.
3- Combustion pressure loss=4 %.
4- Combustion and radiation loss=3%.
5- Air leakage=0.5%.
6- Inlet pressure=101.325 Pa.
7- Exhaust pressure=102.73 Pa
8- Inlet air temperature=15 oC.
9- Calorific value of fuel (CH4)=45500 kJ/kg.
10- At constant A/F ratio set the excess air to 200,300, and 400%.
11- For constant maximum temperature, the excess air set to 400%.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

2-1-2: Analysis of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle:

P2 = rp * P1 …(1)

(γ a − 1)
T2 s = T1 ( rp ) γ a
The actual temperature of air at the end of compression is given by:
( T2 s − T1 )
T2 = T1 + …(3)
Hence work required for compression is obtained by using:
W C = ∫ Cp air dT …(4)
Where the specific heat of air is given by (Yadav,J.H., Singh, O.,2006):
Cp air = ( 28.11 + 0.1967. 10 −2 T + 0.4802.10 −5 T 2 + 1.966.10 −9 T 3 ) / 29.0
Similarly, the pressure after the combustion chamber and the temperature of the combustion can be
calculated as follow:
P3 = P2 ( 1 − CL ) …(5)
While the maximum temperature (temperature of combustion) can be calculated from the energy
( 1 + f )( 1 + m& aL )Cp gas ( T3 − 298 ) + f ( 1 − L )( 1 − m aL )∆H 25 =
( 1 − m aL )Cp air ( T2 − 298 ) + f ( 1 − m aL )Cp fuelir ( T f − 298 )
And after expansion the temperature of the exhaust gas can be calculated as follow:
 γ gas − 1 
 
 γ gas  …(7)
T4 s = T 3 .( 1 / rp )  

In addition, the actual temperature:

T4 = T3 − η T .( T3 − T4 s ) …(8)
Then, the work output from the gas turbine is:
W T = ∫ Cp gas dT …(9)
Where Cpgas is given by (Yadav,J.H., Singh, O.,2006):
Cp gas = 1.8083 − 2.3127.10 −3 T + 4.045.10 −6 T 2 − 1.7363.10 −9 T 3
Hence the net work output is:
W net = WT − W C …(10)
And the gas turbine cycle efficiency is:
η gast turbine = …(11)
Where Qadd is the heat supply to the gas turbine and can be calculated as follows:
Qadd = f ( 1 − L )( 1 − m& aL )∆H …(12)
Or equal to
Qadd = ( 1 + f )( 1 − m& aL )Cp gasT3 − ( 1 − m& aL )Cpair T2 …(13)

2-2: Calculations of the Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle:

The T-S diagram, Figure (3), represents the reheat gas turbine cycle. Air at atmospheric pressure is
compressed by the compressor from state 1 to state 2 as in the previous simple gas turbine where the fuel is
added in the first combustion chamber to increase the temperature at a constant pressure to state 3. the hot gases

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

are then expanded to state 4, where again fuel is added in the second combustion chamber to heat the gases to
state 5 (full reheat). Then, the hot gases are expanded through the second gas turbine to state 6 (atmospheric
pressure). A schematic diagram of the reheat gas turbine represented in Figure (4), where the numbers on the
schematic correspond with the numbers of the T-S diagram. The fuel added to the first combustion chamber is f1
and for the second combustion chamber f2.

3 5

4s 6
2s 6s

Figure (3): T-S Diagram of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.


4 6
2 3 5

G.T. G.T.

Gas Generator
1 Power Turbine
Figure (4): Schematic Diagram of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

2-2-1: Assumption of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle:

In reheat gas turbine cycle, the same assumptions were made for the simple gas turbine cycle, in addition to:
1- The second combustion pressure loss=3%.
2- The isentropic efficiency of the second gas turbine also was equal to =87%.
3- The excess air for the first gas turbine was set to 400 % and 300 % in the second gas turbine for
2-2-2: Analysis of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle:
The properties of points 1,2, and 3 are the same as in the simple cycle.
Notes: the points correspond with the points of Figure (3).
The actual temperature of point 4 is calculation from equation (14) below:
WC = WT 1
Cpair ( T2 − T1 ) = ( 1 − m& aL )( 1 + f 1 )Cp ga ( T3 − T4 )
The isentropic temperature at point 4:
(T3 − T4 )
T4 s = …(15)
The pressure at point 4

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

 γ gas − 1 
 
 γ gas 
T4 s = T 3 .( 1 / rp )  

γ gas …(16)
P3  T3  γ gas − 1
= 
P4  T4 
Then the pressure at point 5 can be calculated as shown below:
P5 = P4 ( 1 − CL2 ) …(17)
Where CL2-Second combustion pressure loss percentage
Since P6 is known from the assumption of the simple gas turbine cycle for P4 then we must find the
ratio of (P5/P6) in order to find the temperature at point 6 as follow:
 γ gas − 1 
 
T5  γ gas  …(18)
= ( P5 / P6 )  
T6 s
Then, the actual temperature at point 6:
T6 = T5 − ηT .( T5 − T6 s ) …(19)
Hence the net work output
W net = WT 1 = ( 1 − m& aL )( 1 + f 1 + f 2 )Cp gas ( T5 − T6 ) …(20)
And the heat supplied is calculated as follow according to mass and energy flow diagram Figure (5b) for the
second combustion chamber:
Q add = ( 1 + f 1 )( 1 − m& aL )Cp gas T3 − ( 1 − m& aL )Cp air T2 + )
(( 1 − m& aL )( 1 + f 1 + f 2 )Cp gas T5 − ( 1 − m& aL )( 1 + f 1 )Cp ga T4

ma h2 ( ma + mf ) h3 (ma+ mf1) h4 (( ma + mf1 ) +m f2 )h5

Combustion Combustion
m f C.V. Chamber m f2 C.V. Chamber

(a) (b)
Figure (5): Mass and Energy Flow Diagram for the First and Second
Combustion Chamber.

2-3: Calculations and Analysis of the combined cycle:

A schematic diagram of the combined cycle is illustrated in Figure (6). The heat available in the
exhaust of the gas turbine is illustrated to generate steam by the boiler and the steam dose work through the
expansion in the steam turbine. The steam turbine is mechanically connected to the generator where the cycle is
a regenerative with three forward flow feed water heaters as shown in the T-S diagram (Figure(7)). The
condensate steam is pumped by the feed water pumps and is heated by feed water heaters which take the bleed
steam from the turbine at defined pressure. Then heat addition takes place in the economizer, evaporator and
superheater. The superheated steam expands through the turbine to generate work and then the cycle is

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

To Stack



Hot Gases
From Simple Gas Turbine
or REheat Gas Turbine P


Figure (6): Schematic Flow Diagram of Steam Cycle.

16 mI
10 Is
9 15
14 II
m II
8 13
12 7

6 IIIs
4 11


Figure (7): T-S Diagram of the Steam Cycle.

2-3-1: Assumptions of the Two Combined Cycle:

Two combined cycles were studied. The first was the simple gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle
and the second was the reheat gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle.
The conditions and assumptions of the two combined cycles are given in table below:
Table (1): The Conditions and Assumptions of the Steam Cycle.
The conditions and assumptions Value used in the combined cycle with
Simple gas turbine Reheat gas turbine
1- feed water temp,oC 121 121
2-initial steam pressure Kpa 4238 5961
3-initial temp,oC 440.5 482.2
4-Condenser pressure, atm 0.05 0.05
5-Steam turbine expansion efficiency % 80 80
6-pressure loss in extraction piping % 5 5
7-Terminal difference for each feed water heater oC 2.78 2.78

2-3-2: Calculations of the Combined Cycles:

The applicable equations used in combined cycle calculations are the heat balance between the exhaust
of the gas turbine and the boiler (Holman, J.P.,2002):

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

mass of steam heg − hsg

= …(22)
mass of air hsup − h fwh
To determine the mass of the bleed steam for example, consider the adiabatic mixing process at the first
feed heater, in which m& I kg of steam of enthalpy hI, mix with (m& s − m& I ) kg of water of enthalpy h , to give

m& S kg of water of enthalpy h10:

m& I ( hI − h8 ) = m& s ( h10 − h8 ) …(23)
Repeated for the second and third feed water heater to find the steam work output:
W S = m& s ( h1 − hI ) + (m& s − m& I )( hI − hII ) + (m& s − m& I − m& II )
( hII − hIII ) + (m& s − m& I − m& II − m& III )( hIII − hc )
The steam efficiency:
ηS = * 100% …(25)

Q S = h1 − hFWH
kg of steam …(26)
Q S per kg of air = Q S *
kg of air

Q S per kg of air
ηB =
  …(27)
 heg − hsg o

 at 15.73 C 

W S per kg of air
ηo =
  …(28)
 heg − hsg o

 at 15.73 C 

ηo = η S * η …(29)

W comb = W S + W net …(30)

W net
Capacity Ratio = …(31)

Qadd for Combined Cycle = Qadd for Gas Turbine Cycle

W comb
η comb = * 100% …(32)
Q add

2-3-3: Steam Generation by Waste heat boiler:

The process of steam generation is given schematically in Figure (8). Water enters the economizer at
121oC on the left side and is heated to the saturation temperature. Then, the water is boiled at a constant
temperature to 100 % quality in the evaporator where after the saturated steam superheated to a certain
predetermined temperature. The gas turbine exhaust gives up its heat to steam/water until the "pinch point" is
reached (with such boilers the pinch point is generally 17 to 28oC for economical designs)(Rice, I.C., 1980). The
pinch point then determines the stack or boiler exit temperature.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

22oC was chosen as a pinch point of the combined cycles calculations, but for the last two cases of
1477K and 1588K in reheat gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle, if the pinch point at the evaporator is kept
the same as for the other cases, the difference between the stack temperature and the feed water temperature (the
pinch point at the economizer) becomes very small in the range of 0 to 8 oC. This would obviously lead to a very
large economizer, which would be uneconomical and therefore not desirable. In order to avoid this, the pinch
point at the economizer was made as 22 oC and for this case the pinch point at evaporator comes to be 34oC and
52oC between the water/ steam circuit and the gas circuit in the waste heat boiler.




Stack Pinch Point



Economizer Evaporator Superheater

Steam Enthalpy

Figure (8): Enthalpy-Temperature Diagram Showing the Process

of Steam Generation.

2-3-4: Anlysis the Optimum Condition of the Simple and Reheat Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Cycle:
To choose the optimum steam conditions and gas turbine conditions of the combined cycle, four cases
are studied.
The cases are
1-Gas turbine conditions at the maximum net work and a certain steam conditions (as in Table (1)) with
assumption that:
Enthalpy increase in economizer=enthalpy increase in feed water heaters
2-The same conditions as in case (1) except the final feed water temperature=121oC.
3-The same conditions as in case (2) except initial steam temperature=371oC.
4-Gas turbine conditions at the maximum cycle efficiency and the same steam conditions as in case (2).
From these four cases, case (2) seems better than the other cases and suitable, because it gives more net
work and more efficiency, so all the combined cycle calculations were done based on the case (2).
The same basis of calculations of the above was followed in the calculations of the reheat gas turbine-
steam turbine combined cycle.

3-Results and Discussion:

3-1: Results of Simple Gas Turbine Cycle:
To give a clear picture of the simple gas turbine cycle, two sets of calculations have been made for
constant A/F ratios and for constant maximum temperatures respectively.
3-1-1: Constant A/F Ratio:
In this set of calculations three different theoretical air percentage were chosen 200%, 300%, and 400%.
Figure (9) shows a plot of the theoretical air percentage versus the maximum temperature (T3) and the
exhaust temperature (T4) for various pressure ratios. It is clear that for a constant theoretical air percentage the
maximum temperature increases when pressure ratio increases, because the outlet compressor temperature
increases. The maximum temperature decreases with the increase of the theoretical air percentage at a constant
pressure ratio, because the amount of the burnt fuel per unit mass of air becomes less and therefore the enthalpy
of the products becomes less, so that the maximum temperature decreases.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

The exhaust temperature decreases when the pressure ratio increases at a constant theoretical air
percentage, because of greater expansion, thus the exhaust temperature behaves opposite to the maximum
temperature with the pressure ratio. For a given pressure ratio, the exhaust temperature decreases as the
theoretical air percentage increases. This behavior is the same as the maximum temperature.
1200 1800

T (K)

T (K)

30 1000

400 800

150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Percentage of Excess Air (%)
Figure(9): Maximum Temperature and Exhaust Temperature Versus
Theoretical Air Percentage.
Figure (10) represents the relationship between the net work and the cycle efficiency as a function of
pressure ratio for various theoretical air percentages. It can be shown that at a constant pressure ratio the cycle
efficiency and the net work increases when the theoretical air percentage decreases, due to high maximum
temperature which is reached when more fuel is burnt.
For a constant theoretical air percentage, cycle efficiency and net work increase with the increase of
pressure ratio. These increases becomes less and less at high-pressure ratios, because more compressor work is

40 30
Cycle Efficiency (%)

35 14






0 200 400 600
Wnet (KJ/Kg)
Figure (10):Cycle Efficiency Versus Net Work.
Figure (11) shows a plot of the exhaust temperature and the outlet compressor temperature (T2) versus
pressure ratio. The outlet compressor temperature increases with the increase of pressure ratio, due to more
compressor work for high pressure ratio and that work makes the outlet compressor temperature increase. It is
clear also that the compressor outlet temperature is independent of the theoretical air percentage.
The figure also shows that for a given pressure ratio, the exhaust temperature increases with the
decrease of the theoretical air percentage, because the maximum temperature is more due to more burnt fuel.
For a given percentage of the theoretical air, the exhaust temperature decreases with the increase of the
pressure ratio, because of greater expansion.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

1200 900

Exit Air Compressor Temperature (K)


Exhaust Gas Temperature (K)

200% 700
900 650
300% 550
600 400
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Pressure Ratio
Figure (11): Exhaust Temperature and Compressor Outlet
Temperature versus PR.
Figure (12) represents the relation between the work ratio and the pressure ratio for various excess air
percentage. For a given theoretical air percentage, the work ratio decreases as pressure ratio increases, due to
more work is needed for the compressor. At a constant pressure ratio, the work ratio increases as the theoretical
air percentage decreases, because more work is produced, due to high maximum cycle temperature.
Excess Air=200%
Excess Air=300%

0.600 Excess Air=400%

Work Ratio




4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Pressure Ratio
Figure (12): Work Ratio versus PR.
3-1-2: Constant Maximum Temperature:
Because the maximum temperature (firing temperature) is very important in the gas turbine cycle, so
another set of calculation has been made for the constant maximum temperature.
Appropriate maximum temperature used in today's and future turbines were selected to know the
performance of the cycle at these temperatures, which are 1144, 1255, 1366, 1477, and 1588 K. in practice, the
maximum temperature is not exceeded 1255 K in today's turbine.
Table (2) gives the optimum pressure ratios at which the net work and the cycle efficiency are
Table (2): Optimum Pressure Ratios for Maximum Cycle
Efficiency and Maximum Net Work.
Max. Temp. Optimum Pressure Ratios for maximum
K Cycle Efficiency Net Work
1144 14 8
1255 18 10
1366 22 12
1477 24 14
1588 30 16

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

Figure (13) shows the relation between the cycle efficiency and the net work as a function of the
pressure ratio for various maximum temperatures. It is clear from the plot that for a given maximum cycle
efficiency is higher than the optimum pressure ratio for maximum net work, because at high pressure ratio the
heat added becomes less which makes the efficiency increase until a certain pressure ratio, then it becomes
decreases, because the net work becomes very small. At a constant pressure ratio the cycle efficiency and the net
work increases as the maximum temperature increases, because greater expansion is possible.
30 28 26
Efficiency Cycle(%)







0 100 200 300 400
Wnet (KJ/Kg)
Figure(13):Cycle Efficiency versus Net Work.

Figure (14) shows the relation between the exhaust temperature and the pressure ratio for various
maximum temperature. The exhaust temperature is an important parameter when dealing with any type of heat
recovery cycle. It is clear that at a constant pressure ratio, the exhaust temperature increases with the increase of
the maximum temperature. At a given maximum temperature, the exhaust temperature decreases as the pressure
ratio increases because of greater expansion.
T=1144 K
1200 T=1255 K
T=1366 K
T=1477 K
Exhaust Temperature (K)

T=1588 K




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Pressure Ratio
Figure (14):Exhaust Temperature versus PR

Figure (15) shows a plot of the work ratio versus the pressure ratio for various maximum temperatures.
It is clear that the work ratio increases as the maximum temperature increases at a constant pressure ratio,
because more net work is produced at high maximum temperatures. At a constant maximum temperature, the
work ratio decreases as the pressure ratio increases, because more work is needed for the compressor.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013




Work Ratio (%)


T=1144 K
20 T=1255 K
T=1366 K
T=1477 K
T=1588 K

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Pressure Ratio
Figure (15):Work Ratio versus PR.

3-2: Results of Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle:

Two sets of calculations have been made for the reheat gas turbine cycle.
3-2-1: Constant A/F Ratio:
In this set of calculations only the 400% of theoretical air was chosen.
Figure(16) shows a plot of the net work versus the pressure ratio. It can be shown that the net work
increases when the pressure ratio increases, because the maximum temperature is increased due to increase of the
outlet compressor temperature, the increases become less and less as the pressure ratio increases, because more
work is needed for compressor.
Also it can be shown on the same Figure(16) that the cycle efficiency increases as the pressure ratio
increase, because more net work is produced, but these increases become less and less, because the net work
becomes less and less as more work is needed for the compressor.
The work ratio decreases as the pressure ratio increases, because more work is needed for the
compressor as shown in Figure (16). The maximum temperature increases as the pressure ratio increases due to
increase of the outlet compressor temperature.
Temperature (K)
350 40 1350

300 Wnet
Thermal Cycle Efficiency (%)

. (K
mp 30
250 Work Ratio Te η (%)
Ma 1200
Wnet (KJ/Kg)

0.44 20
0.40 Work 10
50 0.38

0 0.36 0 900
0 8 16 24 32
Pressure Ratio
Figure (16):Cycle Efficiency, Net Work, work Ratio and
Maximum Temperature versus PR.
While the Figure (17) shows that the exit temperature from the first gas turbine decreases as the
pressure ratio increases, because greater expansion occurs and the exhaust temperature from the second gas
turbine increases as the pressure ratio increases, because the maximum temperature of the second gas turbine
increases as the pressure ratio increases which leads to increase in the exhaust temperature.
On the same Figure, it can be shown that the power turbine expansion ratio (P5/P6) increases as the
pressure ratio increases, because the maximum temperature increases which is the most parameter affecting the
power turbine expansion ratio.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

Temperature T (K)
1050 836 4

Exhaust Temperature T (K)


Pressure Ratio (P /P )


5 6
834 (P5 3


832 2

850 830 1
0 8 16 24 32
Pressure Ratio
Figure (17):T4,T6, and P5/P6 versus PR.
3-2-2: Constant Maximum Temperature:
In the same of the simple gas turbine cycle, the set of calculations from 1144 to 1588 K were used as
the maximum temperature.
Table (3) gives the optimum pressure ratios at which the net work and the cycle efficiency are
Table (3): Optimum Pressure Ratios for Maximum Cycle
Efficiency and Maximum Net Work.
Max. Temp. Optimum Pressure Ratios for maximum
K Cycle Efficiency Net Work
1144 12 12
1255 16 16
1366 20 20
1477 24 24
1588 30 30

Figure (18) shows the relationship between the net work and the pressure ratio for various maximum
temperatures. At a constant maximum temperature, the net work increases when the pressure ratio increases until
a certain value of pressure ratio and then it begins to decreases with the increase of the pressure ratio, because
more work is needed for the compressor. At a constant pressure ratio, the net work increase with the increase of
the maximum temperature due to greater expansion.

T=1588 K
Wnet (KJ/Kg)

T=1477 K
T=1366 K

300 T=1255 K



0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure (18): Net Work versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

Figure (19) shows the relation between the cycle efficiency and the pressure ratios for various
maximum temperatures. At a constant maximum temperature, the cycle efficiency increases when the pressure
ratio increases until a certain value of pressure ratio and then it begins to decreases with the increase of the
pressure ratio, because the net work becomes less. At a constant pressure ratio, the cycle efficiency increases
with the increase of the maximum temperature, because net work becomes more due to greater expansion.
T=1588 K
T=1477 K
T=1366 K
Cycle Efficiency (%)



0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure (19): Cycle Efficiency versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

Figure (20) shows the relation between the exit temperature from the first gas turbine and the pressure
ratio for different maximum temperatures. For a constant pressure ratio, the exit temperature increases as the
maximum temperature increases. At a constant maximum temperature, the exit temperature decreases when the
pressure ratio increases, because greater expansion occurs in the first gas turbine as more work is needed for the


T (K)



800 5K

44 K


0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure (20): T4 versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

Figure (21) shows the relation between the exhaust temperature and the pressure ratio for different
maximum temperatures.
At a constant pressure ratio, the exhaust temperature increases as the maximum temperature increases.
At a constant maximum temperature, the exhaust temperature decreases with the increase of the pressure ratio at
the beginning (low pressure ratio) and then after a certain value of pressure ratio, the exhaust temperature begins
to increase, because at high pressure ratio the compressor needs more work, thus the expansion in the first gas
turbine becomes more and more and consequently the heat addition in the second combustion chamber becomes
more and more which leads to that state. However, the increases in the exhaust temperature are very small after
the pressure ratio of 24.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013

T= 1
1200 477
66 K

T (K)
55 K

1000 T=11
4 4K



0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure (21): T6 versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

Figure (22) shows the relation between the power turbine expansion ratio and the pressure ratio for
different maximum temperatures.
At a constant pressure ratio, the power turbine expansion ratio increases as the maximum temperature
increases, because the exit enthalpy from the first gas turbine increases, so that the exit relative pressure
increases which causes the increase in the pressure of state 5. At a constant maximum temperature, the power
turbine expansion ratio increases when the pressure ratio increases until a certain value of pressure ratio, the
power turbine expansion ratio begins to decreases, because the greater expansion occurs in the first gas turbine
due to more compressor work makes the exit enthalpy becomes less, so that the exit relative pressure becomes
less which leads to the decrease in the pressure of state 5.

5.0 T=1588 K

T=1477 K
(P / P )
5 6


5 5K
44 K

0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure(22): P5/P6 versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

Figure (23) shows the relation between the work ratio and the pressure ratio for various maximum
temperatures. It is the same as in the simple gas turbine cycle.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013



Work Ratio
T=1588 K

66 K
2 55 K


0 8 16 24 32 40
Pressure Ratio
Figure(23): Work Ratio versus PR for Reheat Gas Turbine Cycle.

3-3: Results of the Combined Cycle:

The results of the simple gas turbine-steam turbine and the reheat-steam turbine combined cycles are
given in the same plots to make a comparison between them.
The results are illustrated in Figures (24) to (29). Figure (24) shows the relation between the exhaust
temperature and the maximum temperature for both simple and reheat gas turbine cycle. The exhaust
temperature increases as the maximum temperature increases and it is clear that the exhaust temperature for the
reheat gas turbine is greater than the exhaust temperature for the simple gas turbine, which means that the heat
energy available in the exhaust gases is more in the reheat gas turbine cycle.

Exhaust Temperature (K)



400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (24):Exhaust Temperature versus Max. Temperature.

Figure (25) shows a plot of the stack temperature versus the maximum temperature for both combined
cycles. It is clear that the stack temperature decreases as the maximum temperature increases for both combined
cycles and the stack temperature of the combined cycle with the reheat gas turbine is less than the stack
temperature of the combined cycle with the simple gas turbine at a given maximum temperature, which means
that the heat available is utilized with greater efficiency when it was more.

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013


Stack Temperature (K)




600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (25): Stack Temperature versus Max. Temperature.

Figure (26) shows a plot of the boiler efficiency versus the maximum temperature. When the maximum
temperature increases the boiler efficiency increases in the both combined cycles. The boiler efficiency of the
combined cycle using the reheat gas turbine is greater than the boiler efficiency of the combined cycle using the
simple gas turbine by (10-17) %, because of the lower stack temperature in the combined cycle using reheat gas

Boiler Efficiency (%)



50 Simple

600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (26): Boiler Efficiency versus Max. Temperature.

Figure (27) shows a plot of the overall steam cycle efficiency versus the maximum temperature. The
overall steam cycle efficiency increases when the maximum temperature increases. The overall steam cycle
efficiency of the combined cycle with the reheat gas turbine is greater than the overall steam cycle efficiency of
the combined cycle with the simple gas turbine by (5-10)%, because of the high boiler and steam cycles

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013



Overall Efficiency (%) 30


600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (27): Overall Steam Cycle Efficiency versus Max. Temperature.

Figure (28) shows a plot of the capacity ratio versus the maximum temperature. It is clear that the
capacity ratio increases as the maximum temperature increases, because the gas turbine net work is large due to
high maximum temperature. At a given maximum temperature the capacity ratio of the combined cycle using the
reheat gas turbine is less than the capacity ratio of the combined cycle using the simple gas turbine, because of
the work done by the steam turbine of the combined cycle using the reheat gas turbine is more due to more heat
energy is utilized, which leads to generate more steam and hence more work of steam turbine.

Capacity Ratio



1.20 Reheat

600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (28): Capacity Ratio versus Max. Temperature.

Figure (29) shows a plot of the combined cycle's efficiencies versus the maximum temperature. The
efficiency of the combined cycle using the reheat gas turbine is greater than the efficiency of the combined cycle
using the simple gas turbine by (4)% due to the better utilization of the waste heat in the boiler in the combined
cycle with the reheat gas turbine. It was found from the heat balance for all combined cycles calculations that the
percentages of errors were about 0.91-3.2%, so that the assumptions of the combined cycles seem suitable and

Mathematical Theory and Modeling
ISSN 2224-5804 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0522 (Online)
Vol.3, No.12, 2013


Combined Efficiency (%)




600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Maximum Temperature (K)
Figure (29): Combined Cycle Efficiency versus Max. Temperature.

1- The reheat gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle is better as compared to the simple gas turbine-steam
turbine combined cycle, because the output per unit mass of air flow is significantly improved by (35-41) % ,
and the efficiency is greater by 4% for the combined cycle utilizing the reheat gas turbine, which points to
potential cost saving for such a cycle.
2- It is found from the present investigations that the optimum conditions of the gas turbine cycle in the
combined cycle mode occur at the maximum net work conditions.
3- It is found that the efficiency of the waste heat boiler for high exhaust temperature ranges (maximum
ηB=87%) is quite comparable to the efficiency of the conventional boilers. The waste heat boiler has the added
advantage of simplicity; therefore, this type of combined cycle using waste heat boiler has great promise for
power generation.

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