The Efficiency Analysis of Different Combined Cycle Power Plants Based On The Impact of Selected Parameters
The Efficiency Analysis of Different Combined Cycle Power Plants Based On The Impact of Selected Parameters
The Efficiency Analysis of Different Combined Cycle Power Plants Based On The Impact of Selected Parameters
The efficiency analysis of different combined cycle power plants based on the
impact of selected parameters
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The reasons why combined cycles are more and more popular and being taken under consideration as one of the main
types of power plants are quite varied. The main reason is efficiency. Nowadays, combined cycle power plants can
achieve more than 60% efficiency what makes them one of the most efficient. It is important due to limitation of
fossil fuels resources as well as environmental protection. Such constrictions are able to decrease CO2, SO2, NOX and
dust production. That makes them suitable for a policy of decreasing global warming which affects people all around
the world. The operation of combined cycle power plant is affected by many factors which are not only related with
construction of a system but also ambient conditions. In present study, three different combined cycles were modeled
in the Gate Cycle software: single-pressure with supplementary firing, dual-pressure and triple-pressure reheat cycle.
Ambient temperature, pressure ratio in the gas part and temperature at the inlet to the gas turbine were investigated as
the most significant factors which affect efficiency and power production in whole system.
Keywords: Combined-cycle power plant, electric power generation, efficiency, power output
1. Introduction
Combined cycle is defined as one system composed of two thermal cycles. In such system efficiency
of both parts is higher than when they work separately [1]. The trend is to achieve the highest possible
inlet temperature to the gas turbine and temperature of outlet gases is the lowest so system losses are
reduced. The most popular system is a system combined of two cycles- gas cycle (Brayton cycle) which
works on higher temperatures and steam cycle (Rankine cycle) which works on lower temperatures. Hot
exhaust gases from Brayton cycle are used to produce hot high-pressure steam in Rankine cycle with a
use of Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) [2], [3]. This combination is a result of application
advantages and elimination disadvantages of both cycles to receive growth in efficiency [4], [5]. The
advantage of Brayton cycle is very high temperature of working medium ranging from 700 to 1650K
while disadvantage is high temperature of exhaust gases [6]. However, Rankine part is characterized by
lower operational temperatures but with problematic process of heat exchange which requires huge
surface and causes extra costs [4].
Currently, there are a lot of different types of combined cycles which are built as new objects or as a
modernization of the old ones. The most popular and efficient types are dual- or triple-pressure cycles. As
it is shown in [7] the optimum gas turbine cycle should be a reheat cycle because not only higher exhaust
gas temperature but also lower wetness of medium (even 5% percentage point decrease). In order to
obtain the highest possible efficiencies of them, it is important to optimize their performances and
operating parameters. Especially, by increasing the turbine inlet temperature in Brayton cycle which can
be achieved by increasing combustion temperature or by applying different technologies of turbine’s
cooling system [8]. However, as it was shown in [9], it is possible to reach overall combined cycle
efficiencies on existing plants only by optimizing HRSG. Because most of manufacturers design their gas
turbines for ISO ambient conditions (temperature 15 ºC, pressure 1.013 bar and 60% relative humidity)
combined cycles are sensitive on change of these conditions [10]. Due to that impact of these parameters
need to be examined how efficiency and power production is changed according to ambient temperature,
pressure and relative humidity [11], [12].
C Compressor
CC Combined cycle
CMB Combustion chamber
CND Of the condensator
CONDEN Condensator
DB Duct burners
ECON Economizer
EVAP Evaporator
EX Turbine in GS
GAS1/2 Air/natural gas
GT Gas turbine
HP High pressure
HRSG Heat recovery steam generator
IP Intermediate pressure
LP Low pressure
MIX Mixer
PP Power plant
ST Steam turbine
SF Supplementary firing
SPHT Super heater
TMX T mixer
WHTR Water heater
1P Single-pressure
2P Dual-pressure
3PR Triple-pressure with reheat
el Refer to electric
βK Pressure ratio
ηel Efficiency
K Kelvin
Nel Net power
T Temperature
T3a Gas turbine inlet temperature
T1a Ambient temperature
The results were obtained in thermodynamic simulation created in Gate Cycle TM software (Table 1).
That software serves as a tool to project power plant cycles. One of its abilities is to model and analyze
combined cycle. Based on its functions, it is possible to analyze and predict effects of ambient conditions
change, fuel type, settings of turbine blades or change in combustion temperature. Thanks to that, during
design process feasible is to compute and check if projected model is correct what can help to prevent
errors and big losses in the future.
2. Assumptions
Fig. 1. Single pressure combined cycle with supplementary firing power plant.
In the single pressure CC shown on Fig. 1, GAS1 is compressed in C and then transported to CMB
where takes part in combustion of GAS2. Exhaust gas is then expanded in EX and through DUCT
delivered to DB where supplementary firing uses rest of oxygen and increase temperature of the gas.
Then the gas is transported through HRSG which is built from economizer, evaporator and superheater.
80 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 2, April 2016
In the economizer the feed water achieve temperature close to its saturation point. In the evaporator,
the medium is evaporated at constant temperature and pressure. The superheater superheats previously
separated stream. Steam which is already expanded in three-stage ST is pumped by PUMP1 to M1 where
is mixed with process water tank MU1 and return condensate MU2. PUMP2 pumps water to deaerator
from which is delivered to EVAP2 to be heated up. Then by PUMP3 is split into temperature controller
and economizer where is heated up again [10], [15].
In dual-pressure (Fig. 2) and triple-pressure with reheat (Fig. 3) CC energy use in HRSG is increased
by adding additional pressure stages. In these cycles high pressure steam come back to HRSG after
expansion in HPST. There it is mixed with steam from intermediate pressure preheater. After that steam
is heated up to the temperature almost equal to the high pressure steam.
The analysis was carried out for ambient temperature 15 oC, pressure 101.353kPa and humidity 0.6.
The aim of present work was to find optimum operative parameters of the whole combined cycle. The
first studied parameter was pressure ratio. In computation, the pressure ratio was ranged from 6 to 30 with
step equal to 1 for single-pressure and dual-pressure and from 6 to 45 for triple-pressure. The second
studied parameter was temperature on the inlet to turbine in GT. The range of temperatures varied from
927 to 1227oC for single-pressure, from 927 to 1327oC for dual-pressure and from 1127 to 1427oC with a
step equal 100oC. Additionally, for single-pressure with supplementary firing CC temperature of SF was
studied. Assumption of difference of 250 oC between exhaust gas from turbine and temperature from SF
was taken. Analyzed temperatures ranged from 527 to 927 oC.
The models for analyze were created in GateCycleTM software. Each system was built from built-in
geometries which represents particular parts of PP connected in proper configuration. All elements’
properties were fixed or based on software settings (Table 1). In this software two modes of design can be
Tien-Dat Hoang et al.: The efficiency analysis of different combined cycle power plants based on the impact of selected...... 81
Design (design phase) - selection of proper elements of the system and setting of physical parameters,
standard values, ways of distribution of geometries and theirs interconnection.
Off-design (simulation phase) – analysis of parameters’ changes and optimization for fixed conditions.
Creation of model and its study is carried out according to the following stages:
Scheme construction- geometries selection and their linkage
Entering data for particular elements
Error correction
Results generation- efficiency, output, ambient conditions [16]
Fig. 4. Relation between electric power efficiency, pressure ratio and gas turbine inlet temperature of 1P.
The results obtained in simulation show big differences regarding efficiency, Net power and pressure
ratio. Fig. 4 shows that by increasing temperature on the inlet to gas turbine, efficiency growth can be
obtained. Also, efficiency depend on pressure ratio what is particularly significant in terms of low values.
It means that the highest efficiency which can be achieved for temperature 1200K is equal 9(efficiency
41.97%) and for 1600K 16(efficiency 51.82%). Growth of gas turbine inlet temperature causes shallow in
that characteristic what shows that optimal pressure ratio should be chosen from higher values.
To check how supplementary firing influences efficiency and Net electric power generation the
analysis was carried out at with different duck burner temperatures. Fig. 5 shows that by increasing SF
temperature efficiency of whole system decreases. Approximately by increasing that temperature by 1K
efficiency decreases by 0.00588% what makes huge differencies when that temperature is rised by bigger
quantities. However, otherwise is with Nel which increases by 0.187MW at 1K what is shown on Fig. 6.
That growth refers only to steam cycle as SF is located after GT but lower exergy use of burned fueal
means lower efficiency.
The same scheme of results like in single-pressure CC were obtained in dual- and triple-pressure
82 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 2, April 2016
reheat CC. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 demonstrate the optimal point for different temperatures on the inlet to gas
turbine and what pressure ratio is the best to receive the highest efficiency.
Fig. 7. Relation between electric power efficiency, pressure ratio and gas turbine inlet temperature of 2P.
Table 2. Power of 1P, 2P, 3PR combined cycle power plant depending on temperature on the inlet to the gas turbine
3PR 2P 1P
Nel NelGT NelST Nel NelGT NelST Nel NelGT NelST
1200 - - - 118,826 93,73484 25,09111 177,61 95,93 81,68
1300 - - - 156,8967 119,4555 37,44117 200,98 118,92 82,06
1400 202,0565 146,5412 55,51539 196,6639 145,6359 51,02797 224,72 142,28 82,44
1500 245,0221 173,8087 71,21343 238,0867 172,2679 65,81883 248,87 166,04 82,83
1600 288,3581 201,5482 86,80984 279,7214 199,3579 80,36346 273,42 190,19 83,23
1700 310,2515 215,598 94,65345 - - - - - -
In the 2P combined cycle there is significant growth of efficiency by increasing inlet temperature to
the gas turbine. From 48.41% for pressure ratio equal 12 it rises to 58.12% for pressure ratio equal 31.
Similarities can be observed in 3PR combined cycle where efficiency grows from 55.34 for 1400K and
pressure ratio 18 to 60.4% for 1700K and pressure ratio equal 35.
The analysis has shown that temperature on the inlet to the gas turbine is very important in optimizing
work of whole combined cycle power plant. Fig. 9 demonstrate how it can influence all cycles studied in
this paper. Previously mentioned ranges of temperature for every cycle point out visible difference
between single-pressure and dual- and triple-pressure reheat combined cycles. It can be noticed that by
increasing that temperature we can receive huge profits in efficiency( 10.65% for dual-pressure) as well
as in power output what shows Table 1. In 3PR cycle temperature on the inlet to the gas turbine plays
important role in increasing efficiency of whole system. With every 1K efficiency increases by 0.02
Tien-Dat Hoang et al.: The efficiency analysis of different combined cycle power plants based on the impact of selected...... 83
percentage points and with 300K difference we rice efficiency by 5.54 percentage points (Fig. 9). The
same is with power output (Table 1) which is increased by 0.43MW with every 1K. The proportion
between power output from GT and ST decreases what is a one of the aims of combined cycles [2].
In current study the ambient conditions were established with temperature equal 15 oC, pressure
101.325kPa and humidity 0.6. Because such conditions are not stable for working power plants and
depend on position, atmospheric conditions and climatic zone the study was carried out with different
ambient temperature ranged rom -20 to 30oC with a step equal 5oC. Table 2 shows that the ambient
temperature rise causes drop in power output. With 1K growth power output decreases by 0.57MW for 1P.
Based on this analysis similar results to 1P can be noticed.
Fig. 8. Relation between electric power efficiency, pressure ratio and gas turbine inlet temperature of 3PR.
Fig. 9. Comparison of impacts of temperature on the inlet to gas turbine on three different cycles: 1P, 2P, 3.
Table 3. Change in power output for 1P, 2P, 3PR combined cycle power plant depending on ambient temperature
303,15 298,15 293,15 288,15 283,15 278,15 273,15 268,15 263,15 258,15 253,15
3PR Nel 243,31 245,37 247,70 250,27 253,00 255,90 258,89 261,96 265,10 268,29 271,56
NelGT 167,01 169,45 172,06 174,80 177,64 180,57 183,57 186,62 189,70 192,82 195,96
NelTG 76,30 75,92 75,64 75,47 75,36 75,32 75,32 75,34 75,40 75,47 75,60
2P Nel 228,30 230,51 232,99 235,69 238,56 241,57 244,70 247,90 251,16 254,47 257,81
NelGT 163,64 166,19 168,91 171,76 174,72 177,76 180,88 184,04 187,24 190,48 193,74
NelTG 64,67 64,32 64,08 63,93 63,84 63,81 63,82 63,86 63,92 63,99 64,07
1P Nel 240,45 242,63 245,04 247,66 250,42 253,32 256,32 259,39 262,52 265,69 268,89
NelGT 157,01 159,47 162,10 164,84 167,70 170,63 173,63 176,68 179,77 182,89 186,02
NelTG 83,44 83,15 82,95 82,81 82,73 82,69 82,69 82,71 82,75 82,80 82,86
84 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 2, April 2016
4. Conclusions
In present study three different cycles were modeled: single-pressure with supplementary firing, dual-
pressure and triple-pressure reheat combined cycles. These analyses allow the following conclusions to be
Based on the pressure ratio characteristic the optimal value for particular temperature can be chosen.
Depending on the temperature value, optimal ratio is different and increases with growth of gas turbine
inlet temperature. The most significant difference occurs in single-pressure with supplementary firing
CC. In dual- and triple reheat cycles that difference is not very significant. For all of them
characteristics are the shallowest around extreme point. Thanks to that specific pressure ratio can be
chosen from wide spectrum of values.
The gas turbine inlet temperature influences both efficiency and power output. Additionally, that
parameter increases share of produced energy from steam part in total power output, because
temperature on the inlet to HRSG increases.
Supplementary firing causes efficiency loses however increases power output. As from
thermodynamic point of view it is a loss of energy but it can be used when cauldron flexibility is
The last analyzed parameter was ambient temperature. The obtained results show that with ambient
temperature growth efficiency and power output decreases.
In order to achieve the highest efficiencies dual- and triple-pressure combined cycles should be used.
These two cycles have significantly higher efficiency than single-pressure combined cycle. It is important
because every growth of efficiency gives additional gaining and significantly cut in greenhouse gases
As present study showed, gas and steam combined cycles are very complex systems what makes them
very sensitive on different parameters. To achieve the highest efficiency and power output some of them
studied in this paper should be fixed. However, it does not contain economic as well as material analyses
which are important in developing new energy technologies, especially combined cycles.
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