Energetic Analyses of The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Energetic Analyses of The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Energetic Analyses of The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
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Volume 25 2007
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ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 pp. 39–62 39
This study deals with the energetic analysis of a combined heat and power
(CHP) system installed in Eskisehir City of Turkey. The mass and energy
balance relations are derived and applied to the components of CHP system and
overall CHP system. The performance characteristics of this CHP system are
evaluated in terms of energetic aspects. Considering total output energy, the
total energy efficiencies (electrical and thermal) of gas turbine cycle, heat
recovery steam generator(HRSG), steam cycle and CHP system are 95.3 %,
83.56 %, 76.7 % and 79.3 %, respectively. Based on total useful energy output
(excepting the stack gas, waste boiler loss, condenser line, medium pressure
steam collector energies), the total useful energy efficiencies of gas turbine
cycle, HRSG, steam cycle and CHP system are 82.3 %, 65.2 %, 18.5 % and
40.02 %, respectively.
A development in the search for higher thermal efficiency for conventional power
plant has been the introduction of combined cycle plants (Khaliq and Kaushik, 2004).
The increase of the efficiency of conversion of chemical energy of the fuel is obtained
by the application of a gas-steam cycle (Zaporowski and Szczerbowski, 2003). As a
result, the efficiency of energy production can be increased from current levels that
range from 35 % to 55 % in the conventional power plants, to over 80 % in the
combined heat and power (CHP) systems (Rosen et al., 2005). The CHP system has
already become a well-known and substantial technology for power generation due to
its high efficiency in utilizing energy resources, low environmental emissions, short
duration of construction, low initial investment cost, low operation and maintenance
cost and flexibility of fuel selection, etc. Thus, the CHP systems are more attractive
and quite competitive in power market (Shin et al., 2002).
Corresponding Author. Tel.: +90 222 2393750/3386; fax: +90 222 2393613.
E-mail addresses: h_aras2002@yahoo.com, haras@ogu.edu.tr (H.Aras).
40 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
The successive energy crises have stimulated the study of more efficient ways or the
use of the available energy in fuels (Luz-Siveira et al., 2002). In the last 15 years, the
several CHP systems have been installed by the industrial sectors and government in
Turkey due to increasing in the demand electricity. One of these was installed in
Eskisehir city of Turkey. The installed characteristics of gas turbine and steam turbine
are given in Table 1(EEE, 2006). At ISO conditions (15 ˚C ambient temperature, 60 %
relative humidity, and 101.325 kPa atmospheric pressure); the design electrical output,
heat rate, heat consumption, firing temperature, exhaust temperature and exhaust mass
flow values of gas turbine model PG 6551(B) of this system are 39120 (kW),
11330.7(kJ/kWh), 443483.6(kJ/h), 1104 ˚C (1377.15K), 539 ˚C (812.15K) and 143.26
kg/s with the lower heating value (LHV) of natural gas, respectively (Taylor and
Crabos, 2002).
At local conditions; the measurement data of gas turbine in years 2005 and 2006 are
given Table 2. However, the heat recovery steam generator produces 14.458kg/s, 64.9
high pressure steam and 2.950kg/s,
. .5.5 bar low pressure steam and the power
capacities of steam turbines ( WHPST/ WLPST) are 8378.15 kJ/s and 7501.85 kJ/s. All
utilized power in this system is 450 kJ/s (EEE, 2006). The mean values of
measurement data are used in this study.
The main goals of this study are (I) to determine the thermodynamic equations,
mass and energy balance relations of the CHP system. (II) To analyze the energy
efficiencies of gas turbine cycle, HRSG, steam cycle and CHP system (gas/steam
Power Capacitiy WG1 (MW) 34.2 36.4 35 33.5 34 36.6 34.950
Fuel Pipeline Pressure P2.1 (Bar) 18.5 18.19 18.25 18.28 18.26 18.5 18.330
Combustion Inlet Fuel Pressure P2.2 (Bar) 23.25 23.15 23.18 23.15 22.94 22.96 23.105
Combustion Inlet Fuel Temp. T2.2 (˚C) 24 27 21 32 34 34 28.667
Compressor Inlet Temperature T1 (˚C) 1 6 14 19 16 10 11.000
Compressor Outlet Temperature T2 (˚C) 306 333 344 346 343 337 334.833
Compressor Outlet Pressure P2 (Bar) 9.2 10.16 9.74 9.4 9.53 10.08 9.685
Gas Turbine Outlet Tempereaute T4 (˚C) 561 536 551 536 554 546 547.333
Fuel Flow mf (kg/s) 2.72 2.82 2.79 2.74 2.79 2.96 2.803
42 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
The combustion gases result from the assumed complete reaction of natural gas in
Table 3 with 100% of excess air. After a stoichiometric balance of the combustion, the
mass and the volume compositions are given in Table 4. The gas constant, air/fuel mass
ratio and LHV are 0.2944044kJ/kgK, 42.528 and 44163.431kJ/kg individually. The
stoichiometric balance of this reaction is given following;
The specific heat capacity of air is a function of temperature (Moran and Shapiro,
Specific heat ratio of air and combustion gases (Cohen et al., 1989; Silvera and Tuna,
44 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Temperature of air compressor outlet (Cohen et al., 1989; Silvera and Tuna, 2003);
The enthalpy of air stream (i = 1,2) and the enthalpy of combustion gases
(j = 3,4,4’,5) are calculated from Eqn.(8) and Eqn. (9), respectively (Silvera and Tuna,
2003; Cengel and Boles, 1996);
The air compressor and gas turbine works are obtained [Silvera and Tuna, 2003;
Cengel and Boles, 1996);
The fuel and air flow rates are calculated (Silvera and Tuna, 2003);
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 45
The outlet pressures of combustion chamber and gas turbine, gas side inlet and outlet
pressures of HRSG are;
The pressure ratio of air compressor and gas turbine are calculated from Eqn (19) and
46 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Where E is the rate of net energy transfer in by heat, work and mass (Hepbasli, 2005).
Energy, being subject to a conservation law (neglecting nuclear reactions) can be
neither generated nor consumed. But, a proportion of total energy entering in a non-
adiabatic system is not used by the system effectively. This quantity can be identified
as the “waste energy output or energy loss” resulting from heat or work loss. Eqn. (27)
can be written as following (Ozgener and Hepbasli, 2005);
The energy rate of air and steam (Cengel and Boles, 1996);
After the fuel become from the city distribution pipeline is heated, it is injected in the
combustion chamber of CHP system. The energy rate of injected fuel is calculated
Fuel Line:
48 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 49
The recovered heat flux in the form of steam is calculated (Luz-Silveira et al., 2002);
The useful energy efficiency is obtained from the values of net useful products
(Ozgener et al., 2005: Ozgener and Hepbasli 2005). The medium pressure steam
collector steam produced by this system is not used or sold in order to contenting the
corrosion preventive chemical compounds. The useful energy efficiency of system and
its components may be written as the ratio of total useful energy output (excepting total
waste energy output: stack gas, condenser line, and medium pressure steam collector
steam energy) to total energy input such as;
The electrical efficiency of total output products is calculated from (Zaporowski and
Szczerbowski, 2003; Tuma et al., 1999);
The thermal efficiency of total output products is obtained from (Zaporowski and
Szczerbowski, 2003; Tuma et al., 1999);
The proportion of HRSG energy recovered from the combustion gas energy can passes
through the water/steam. The convert efficiency of HRSG can be defined as the ratio
of the recovered heat by HRSG to the recovered heat flux in the form of steam (Luz-
Silveira et al., 2002);
Van Gool (1997) stated that maximum improvement in the exergy efficiency for a
process or system can be achieved when the exergy loss is minimized. Consequently,
he suggested that it is useful to employ the concept of an exergetic “improvement
potential” when analyzing different processes. Similarly, the maximum improvement
in the energy efficiency for a process can be achieved when the waste energy output or
loss is minimized. The energetic “improvement potential” can be written as following;
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 51
The several thermodynamic parameters such as the fuel depletion rate, relative
irreversibility and productivity lack are supposed to analysis the exergetic performance
evaluation of the thermal system (Xiang et al., 2004; Hepbasli, 2005; Ozgener et al.,
2005). Similarly, these parameters can be used to analysis the energetic performance
evaluation of thermal systems.
The fuel depletion rate can be written the ratio of the energy loss of i’th component
to total energy inputs such as;
The relative loss factor can be defined the ratio of the energy loss of ‘th component to
total waste (loss) energy outputs as;
The productivity lack can be obtained the ratio of the energy loss of ‘th component to
total energy outputs (products) as following;
52 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Table 8. The total energy rates, efficiency and other thermodynamic properties of the gas turbine cycle, HRSG, steam cycle and CHP
system in form of total and useful output products.
. . .
Cycle/Item TEI TEO TWO Efficiency (%) IP ϕ χtotal χuseful δtotal δuseful
(kJ/s) (kJ/s) η1 ηe ηth (kJ/s) (%) (%)a (%)b (%)a (%)b
Gas Turbine Cycle 122132.471 116333.168 5799.303 95.3 28.6 66.6 275.372 4.684 22.079 7.612 5.756 11.409
Gas Turbine Cycle(useful) 122132.471 100559.305 21573.166 82.3 28.6 53.7 3810.628 17.422 82.133 28.317 21.413121.413
HRSG 85815.859 71703.806 14112.054 83.6 —— 83.6 2320.667 11.397 53.727 18.523 14.007 14.007
HRSG(useful) 85815.859 55929.943 29885.917 65.2 —— 65.2 10407.96 24.136 113.780 39.228 29.664 29.664
Steam Cycle 85815.859 65798.857 20017.003 76.7 18.5 58.2 4669.072 16.166 76.208 26.274 19.868 39.380
Steam Cycle(useful) 85815.859 15880 69935.859 18.5 18.5 —— 56994.41 56.48 266.257 91.797 69.416 137.588
CHP Cycle 127015.162 100748.857 26266.305 79.3 40.0 39.3 5431.783 21.212 100 —— 26.071 ——-
CHP Cycle (useful) 127015.162 50830 76185.162 40.0 40.0 —— 45696.74 61.526 ——- 100 ——- 149.882
: When relative loss factor and productivity lack are calculated, the total waste energy and total energy output of CHP system are considered.
: When relative loss factor and productivity lack are calculated, the total waste energy and total energy output of CHP system (useful) are considered.
Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 55
The efficiencies of gas turbine cycle, HRSG, steam cycle and CHP system are
obtained according to total energy outputs and total useful energy outputs and given in
Table 8. Figure 2a and 2b shows an energy flow diagram of gas turbine cycle in the
form of total and useful energy outputs to illustrate the energy balance, noting that loss
of gas turbine to electrical generator shaft(GTEGS), gas turbine to air compressor
shaft(GTMS), combustion chamber(CC), exhaust duct[ED(4-4’)], stack gases of gas
turbine cycle account for 0.584 %, 0.701 %, 1.031 %, 2.432 % and 12.915 % of total
energy input in gas turbine respectively. The remaining 82.3 % are utilized effectively.
Fig 2a. Energy flow diagram of the gas turbine cycle based on the energy input of
gas turbine (considering total products)
Fig 2b. Energy flow diagram of the gas turbine cycle based on the energy input of
gas turbine (considering useful products)
56 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Fig 3a. Energy flow diagram of the HRSG based on the energy input of gas turbine
(considering total products)
Fig 3b. Energy flow diagram of the HRSG based on the energy input of gas turbine
(considering useful products)
Figure 4a shows an energy flow diagram of Steam Cycle in the form of total energy
outputs to illustrate the energy balance, noting that loss of pipeline(14-15), pipeline(7-
8), steam turbine electrical generator shaft (STEGS), medium pressure steam collector
line[MPSC(9-10)] and HRSG boundary, account for 0.0365 %, 0.318 %, 0.573 %,
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 57
5.953 % and 16.445 % of total energy input in HRSG. The total steam cycle efficiency
is 76.674 %. The MPSC steam for process produced by this system is not used or sold
in order to contenting the corrosion preventive chemical compounds. The energies of
MPSC steam, condenser line (12) and stack gas subtract from the total energy
products, the only electrical power energy remains as total useful energy. In this
situation, the total loss of HRSG accounts for 81.469 % of total energy input in HRSG.
The remaining 18.504 % are utilized effectively. The energy flow diagram of Steam
Cycle in form of useful energy is illustrated in Figure 4b.
Fig 4a. Energy flow diagram of the steam cycle based on its energy
input.(considering total products)
Fig 4b. Energy flow diagram of the steam cycle based on its energy input
(considering useful product)
58 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System
Figure 5a shows an energy flow diagram of CHP Cycle in the form of total energy
outputs to illustrate the energy balance, noting that loss of pipeline(14-15), pipeline(7-
8), STEGS, GTEGS, GTMS, CC, ED(4-4’), MPSC(9-10) and HRSG boundary,
account for 0.0246 %, 0.215 %, 0.387 %, 0.562 %, 0.674 %, 0.992 %, 2.338 %, 4.022
% and 11.11 % of total energy input in CHP system. The total CHP cycle efficiency
is 79.31 %. The energies of MPSC process steam, condenser line (12) and stack gases
subtract from the total energy products, the only electrical power energy remains as
total useful energy. In this situation, the total loss of CHP Cycle accounts for 59.98 %
of total energy input in CHP system. The remaining 40.02 % are utilized effectively.
The energy flow diagram of CHP Cycle in form of useful energy is illustrated in Figure
Fig 5a. Energy flow diagram of the CHP cycle based on its energy inputs
(considering total products)
Fig 5b. Energy flow diagram of the CHP cycle based on its energy inputs
(considering useful products)
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 59
This study presents a comprehensive energy analysis of Combined Heat and Power
(CHP) system and its essential such as air compressor, combustion chamber, gas
turbine, HRSG, high and low pressure steam turbines, medium pressure steam
collector ( to process steam), pipe lines and electrical generators. The assessments of
energy analysis are the first law efficiency, electrical efficiency, thermal efficiency,
improvement potential, fuel depletion rate, relative loss and productivity lack factor.
Some specific conclusions can be summarized;
• Considering the total output products, the first law efficiency of CHP system is
79.31 %.
• Considering the total useful output product that is only electrical power, the first
law efficiency of CHP system is 40.02 %. The MPSC steam for process
produced by this system is not used or sold in order to contenting the corrosion
preventive chemical compounds. The reasons of degreasing efficiency, the
energies of stack gas, MPSC and condenser line steam are abstracted from total
energy outputs.
• The values of temperature, pressure, mass and energy rates of the extracted
steam from HPST are 505.85K, 2701kPa, 5.65 kg/s and 15323.535 kg/s
respectively. In the future, a medium pressure steam turbine will be installed to
this system for increasing the efficiency of CHP system.
Greek Letters
0 : Dead/environment state
ac : Air compressor
cc : Combustion chamber
CHE : Chemical
CHP : Combine heat and Power system
ED : Exhaust Duct
f : Fuel
G1 : Gas turbine electrical generator
G2 : Steam turbine electrical generator
gt : Gas turbine
gtc : Gas turbine cycle
GTMS : Gas turbine to air compressor mechanical shaft
GTEGS: : Gas turbine to electrical generator shaft
HPST : High pressure steam turbine
HRSG : Heat recovery steam generator
in : Input
LPST : Low pressure steam turbine
out : Output
RHS : Recovered heat flux in form of steam
RH : Recovered heat
sc : Steam cycle
STEGS : Steam turbine to electrical generator shaft
th : Thermal
ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 25 · Number 1 · 2007 61
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62 Energetic Analyses of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System