Problems and Future Prospects in Marketing of Kota Doria
Problems and Future Prospects in Marketing of Kota Doria
Problems and Future Prospects in Marketing of Kota Doria
The handloom sector is the largest economic activity The world handloom derives its meaning from the
after agriculture providing direct and indirect process of operation by hand of a country made
employment to more than 30 lakhs weavers. The wooden structure called loom. The handloom sector
handloom industries are environment friendly, energy plays a very important role in India’s economy. It is a
saving form of artistry among the textile sector with part of our culture and heritage and one of the largest
thee outcome of sustainable textile products. Indian economic activities after agriculture having the
handloom products are as different and varied as our capacity of absorbing a greater number of man
cultures and languages. There may be many powers.
similarities in different styles, but then each handloom
products are distinct from the other, has a mark of it its The textile cottage industry includes cotton, silk,
own. This difference is in styles patterns or motifs bleaching, dying, finishing, hosiery, lace, embroidery,
used, ground fabric and yarns used. Each unique silk reeling and silk twisting. It is the main
m source of
combination of weaves, motifs, patterns and colors livelihood of the people who absolutely depend on it.
conveys the historical experiences of the people who
make and use it. Presently the handloom weavers are facing an uphill
task for their survival because of unfavorable and
This study underlines the dynamics mics of handloom pathetic attitudes of the government as well as
product at Kaithun and in the adjacent areas of globalization and changing socio-economic
Kaithun of Kota district in Rajasthan
Rajasthan-Which is conditions. Moreover, there are so many issues which
renowned in the field of weaving Kota Doria saree. In are impeding the development of the sector so it is
the present study, we have analyzed the emerging highly needful to develop a wider understanding of its
problems in marketing of Kota Doria sari of Kaithun multi-disciplinary
disciplinary perspective which is now more
in Kota district. The study is based on both the necessary in the present day circumstances
circumstance of
primary and secondary data sources. The study result globalization and environmental degradation
reveals that the situation of the weavers of Kota Doria particularly in relation to the development of
sari was pathetic and distressing due to illiteracy, handloom sector.
financial constraints, health problemslems and poor
government support. Kota Doria:: Kota Doria is a world fame saree of
Kota. The saree got the name because it belongs to
Keywords: Handloom, Weavers, Kota Doria, Kota. It is famous for its light weight and simplicity.
Financial Constraints The saree is very comfortable to wear in summer
season (there are almost 9 to 10 months when Indian
face hot days).
ys). That is why Kota Doria is always in
demand in whole India. Doria fabric was basically
weaved in Mysore, Karnataka state. Shree Kishore
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regarding , age, occupation, educational qualification, were analyzed by using simple bar diagrams, pie
health problem, marketing, catalogues, raw material diagrams on the bases of age wise, educational
etc. qualification, size of the family, income, assets owned
major health aliment, no. of workers , awareness of
Analysis and interpretation of data: The data were various schemes and relationship between the
collected from 40 satisfied random sample production and sales.
respondents by supplying the questionnaire. The data
According to, aforesaid table it is clear that 7.5% weavers belong to the age group between 15-25, 45% of the
weaving community come in the age group between 26-35, 22.5%of the weavers come in the age group
between 36-45, 20% of the weavers come in the age group between 46-55 and 5% of the weaving respondents
come in the age group between 56-65.
From the above table it is clear that educational qualification of 7.5% weavers are illiterate, 52.5% weavers are
educated up to secondary level, 17.5% up to senior secondary level, 22.5% graduation / post-graduation
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From the above table it is obvious that in the marketing 50% master weavers are engaged, 2.5% weavers are in
the field of designing, 7.5% in marketing and designing, 22.5% in marketing and weaving 17.5%weavers are in
field of marketing designing and weaving.
From the above study and table it is obvious that 50% of the weavers have bunker identity card and remaining
of the weavers do not have this card.
From the above table it is clear that 42.5% people associated in weaving have physical aliment, 2.5% do not
have any physical trouble whereas remaining 55% are not directly indulged in the task of weaving and they are
in the field of marketing or designing. So they do not have any physical aliment because of weaving.
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From the above table it is clear that 35% weavers are associated with CFC, KDFC co-operative society
remaining 57.5% weavers are not associated with any society, 7.5% remaining weavers did not respond.
The above table says that 100% of the respondents take 7 days to produce one plain saree, 85% of the
respondents produce butidaar saree in 7- 15 days while remaining 15% respondents takes 15-20 days to
produce butidaar saree. 57.5 % of the respondents takes 15-20 days according to the designs to produce an
Allover Kota Doria saree while 42.5% of the respondents takes 20-25 days to produce All over sarees. 70% of
the respondents take 20-25 days to produce skirt-border Kota Doria saree while 30% of the respondents take
more than 20-25 days to produce skirt-border Kota Doria saree.
87.5% of the respondents have not taken any training to use new technology in weaving Kota Doria saree but
12.5% of the respondents affirmed of having training in using new technology in the weaving of Kota Doria
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70% of the respondents affirmed that there was increase in the sale where as 30% of the respondents negated
the increase in sale of Kota Doria saree.
85% of the respondents face big loss due to unsold stock of Kota Doria saree and 15% do not believe so.
62.5% of the customers come directly to Kaithun to purchase Kota Doria products where as 37.5% do not go to
Kaithun for the purchase.
100% of the weavers of Kota Doria sarees do not have any catalogue.
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From the above table it is apparent that the marketing of the weavers is diversified in many places in India as it
is shown in the table. It is also to be noted that many single respondent have given multiple answers for single
question that’s why percentage is more than 100.
10% of the respondents find demand as the basis of their marketing, 5% of the respondents believe it to be the
occasion, 10% of the respondents think season is the basis of their marketing but 75% of the respondents find
that the main basis of their marketing is demand occasion as well as season.
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From the above table it is clear that 7.5% respondents promote Kota Doria saree through fair, exhibitions, 2.5%
through newspaper and 15% promote Kota Doria saree through Celebs ,7.5% other sources to promote Kota
Doria saree and the remaining 67.5% of the respondents do not promote Kota Doria sarees.
From the above table it is clear that 80% of the respondents market and sell their products door to door, 17.5%
of the respondents market their products on online website, 30% market and sell through Kota Doria retailing
shops and 10% respondents market and sell their products in fairs and exhibitions.
42.5% respondents take part in fashion shows where as 55% of the respondents do not take any
participation.55% respondents participate in exhibitions where as 42.5% of them do not, 22.5% of the
respondents take part in national / international fairs where as 75% do not take part, 47.5% of the respondents
take part in the melas (local) where as 50% of the respondents do not participate in the melas.
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95% customers opt to pay cash payments while buying Kota Doria products. While 2.5% of customers opt to
pay by using their credit card , 12.5% use internet banking while buying Kota Doria products, 7.5% customer
use E-wallet for buying Kota Doria products 27.5% customers use other means ( cheque etc.) for buying Kota
Doria products.
The above table shows that the 12.5% respondents felt the problem of transportation, 25% of them felt the
problem of delay in production, 10% of them felt the problem of limited stock and there were 57.5% of the
respondents who felt some other problems like damage saree and product theft.
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32.5% of the respondents feel that the ways of packaging affects the sale of product but 67.5% of them believe
that the way of packaging does not affect the sale of product.
The aforesaid table shows 2.5% of respondents believe that it is the quality of material that fixes the price of
products, 30% of respondents believe that it is the amount of work that fixes the price, 40% of respondents
believe that it is the use of zari that fixes the price, 52.5% believe all these factors is responsible of fixing the
price of the products.
17.5% respondents have link with online shopping apps and 82.5% respondents do not have any link.
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10 % of the respondents find charges of labor responsible for the lesser margin of Kota Doria, 5% of them think
the expensiveness of raw material is responsible, 2.5% of the respondents hold that the transportation charges
are responsible for a lesser margin in the sale of Kota Doria saree, 30% of them believe that manufacturing
process is costly but 55% of them stress all the above mentioned factors are responsible for the lesser margin in
sale of Kota Doria.
100% respondents believe that Power loom is their real competitor, 47.5% of them also believed other
handloom sarees responsible for the competition, 12.5% of them hold that designer’s fancy sarees are also
putting up competition and 2.5% of the respondents believes other causes for the real competition.
2.5% of the respondents strongly disagree that the traditional way of marketing affects the sale of their
products, 2.5% of the respondents disagree that the traditional way of marketing affects the sale of their
products, 5% of them have no opinion regarding this, 40% of the respondents do agree that the traditional way
of marketing affects the sale where as 50% of them strongly agree that the traditional way of marketing affects
the sale.
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2.5% of the respondents strongly disagree that with the adaptation of new technologies it will increase the sale,
2.5% of them disagree to this concept, 5% of them have no opinion regarding it where as 55% of the
respondents agree that the demand and sale will increase with the adaptation of new technologies and 35% of
the respondents strongly
ly agree that if they adopt new technologies their sale increase
Do you agree that one of the reason of lesser
sale is that your work is not easily
approachable to the customer
10% of the respondents disagree that one of the reasons lesser sale of their product is that they are not able to
take their product to the customers, 25% of them have no opinion regretting this where as 65% of the
respondents agree that one of the reasons of lesser sale is that their product is not easily approachable to the
customer and 22.5% strongly agree to this concept
40% of the respondents strongly disagree that they do not prefer online shopping and 37.5% of that disagree to
this concept. 15% of the respondents have no opinion regarding this, 5% of them agree to this concept of online
shopping and 2.5% of the respondent strongly agree to this.
20%of the respondents agree that when they frequently show saree to the customer it gets damaged and 80% of
them strongly agree to this concept.
77.5% customers demand for new product other than Kota Doria saree where as 22.5% customers do not
demand for new products other than Kota Doria sarees.
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17.5% of the customers prefer powerloom products Very few people are associated with CFC (common
because of their availability, 80% of them consider facility center) which is a kind of a marketing
cost as the main reason behind it, 65% of the committee situated at Kaithun but ironically the
weavers are not educated and they are unaware of the
customer prefer powerloom products because of their
latest trends of marketing. Their standard of
unawareness, 25% of them prefer it because of its fast understanding the latest technologies is meager and
processing and 7.5% of the customers prefer it they are unable to get latest information about their
because of a cataloguing. business. Of course some of the weavers are apt and
skilled but they are unable to earn enough income to
Noted Be: The responses are sometimes more than keep their body and soul together, thus because of the
100%. It is so because a different group of lack of funds they are not able to send their children
for good school and ultimately their children are also
respondents are indulged in two or three department
compelled to start their family business of weaving.
of the response. So the vicious circle of lower living standard goes on
incessantly and the weavers of Kota Doria saree
Major findings and suggestions: This study remain poor throughout their lives.
underlines the major findings of the studies and
suggestion for improving the marketing & financial Also, it is surprising that the weavers of Kota Doria
condition of Kota Doria weavers at Kaithun in district saree are not aware about from where the raw material
is brought and its price. The weavers of Kota Doria
of Kota Rajasthan. However, in due course of time
saree are not aware of marketing because marketing is
there have been numerous unfavorable factors which done by the master weavers only. Thus, the weavers
led to the decline of this product Kota Doria. The are unaware of market and selling price of incase if
decline of native enterprise, the unavailability and weavers prepare Kota Doria products without any
rising cost of raw material and cut throat competition order they do not get right value and even
from power loom are the other important factors shopkeepers or retailers do not support them. The
weavers urge to choose something different or other
which brought a fall in Kota Doria product.
than weaving they cannot do this because of want of
There are various problems which the people living in money or training or knowledge or other profession.
Kaithun are facing. There is no source of income for So their financial condition does not permit them to
them other than weaving of Kota Doria products. improve their life style.
Most of the people living in Kaithun are in the same
occupation and their income is not enough to start any Health issues- Unhygienic livelihood and poor
other profession. That’s why they have to face so sanitary conditions prevailing at Kaithun, lead to
unhealthy life. So it’s the duty of government to
many health problems during their task of weaving.
arrange health camps for the betterment and good
More over there is no ‘Bunkar card’ issued for the health of the residences of Kaithun. Physical checkup
weavers in Kaithun because of which they face as well as eye camps should be started from time to
numerous problems. This is very useful for the time. At the same time proper training should be
weavers as this is required in fashion shows, given to weavers to work in healthier conditions to
exhibitions and fairs. These weavers use traditional accomplish their work well in time.
types of marketing. They do not want to adopt new
Exploitation of mediators –The master weaver and
ways of marketing. They are not aware of the seasonal
retail shopkeeper play the role of mediators among the
demand in Kaithun. Though Kota Doria product has weavers and customers and have lion’s share. The
acquired international fame but Kaithun is not into mediators earn the maximum profit and the weavers
any exporters, boutiques and companies. They are get wages. In this way the weavers of Kota Doria
selling Kota Doria products from door to door or/ and saree are dependent on the master weavers and the
retail shops. shopkeepers for orders and thus mediators exploit the
poor weavers of Kota Doria saree.
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