Study Scheme & Syllabus of Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
Study Scheme & Syllabus of Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
Study Scheme & Syllabus of Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
Department of Academics
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
First Semester
Course Course Course Title Load Allocations Marks Distribution Total Credits
Code Type L* T* P Internal External Marks
MCOP 101-18 Core Theory Management Principles and 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
Organizational Behaviour
MCOP 102-18 Core Theory Managerial Economics 3 1 0 40 60 100 4
Unit I
Introduction: Definition, nature, scope, importance, Functions of management and
manager, Managerial roles and skills.
Evolution of management thought and Management thinkers: Classical Approach,
Neo Classical Approach, Quantitative approach, Behavioral approach, Systems
approach, Contingency approach. Contributions of F. W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Mary
Parker Follet, Chester Bernard, Max Weber, Peter, F. Drucker, Gilbreths, Henry Gantt,
Abraham Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor. Planning: Importance, types of plans,
and process of planning, business forecasting, MBO: Concept, importance, process,
benefits and limitations.
Unit II
Decision-Making: Importance, types, steps and approaches, Decision Making in
various conditions, Decision tree.
Organizing: Concept and process of organizing, Formal Vs Informal organization,
Organizational structure: Types of Organizational structure, Bases of
Departmentalization. Delegation: concept, importance, factors affecting delegation,
effective delegation, Decentralization and centralization.
Control: Concept, importance, characteristics, process of control, types and techniques
of control.
Unit III
Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, determinants, challenges and opportunities of
OB; Contributing disciplines to the OB. Understanding Individual Behaviour:
Determinants of Individual behaviour, Personality, Perception, Values, Attitudes and
Learning. Motivation: Concept and early theories of Motivation, Applications of
concept of Motivation. Leadership: Concept of Leadership, Theories of Leadership:
Trait theory, Behavioural theories, Transactional and transformational leadership.
Unit IV
Foundations of Group Behavior: Nature & Concept of Group Formation, Stages of
Group formation, Theories of Group Formation, Group properties, Individual VsGroup
decision making, Conflict Management: Definition of Conflict, transitions in Conflict
thought; Functional Vs Dysfunctional Conflict; Conflict Process; Individual & Group
Level Conflict; Organization level Conflict; Conflict Management. Power and Politics
in Organization: Nature & Concepts, Sources & Types of Power, Techniques of
Politics. Organizational Change & Development: Meaning & Definition, Change
Agents, Change Models, Resistance to Change.
Introduction to Managerial Economics: Managerial Economics: Meaning, Nature,
Scope & Relationship with other disciplines, Role of managerial economics in decision
Making, Opportunity Cost Principle, Production Possibility Curve, Incremental
Concept, Scarcity Concept.
Demand: Demand and its Determination: Demand function; Determinants of demand;
Demand elasticity – Price, Income and cross elasticity, Use of elasticity for analyzing
demand, Demand estimation. Demand forecasting, Demand forecasting of new
Indifference Curve Analysis: Meaning, Assumptions, Properties, Consumer
Equilibrium, Importance of Indifference Analysis, Limitations of Indifference Theory.
Production Function : Production function Meaning, Concept of productivity and
technology, Short Run and long run production function, Isoquants; Least cost
combination of inputs, Producer’s equilibrium; Returns to scale; Estimation of
production function. Theory of Cost: Cost Concepts and Determinants of cost, short
run and long run cost theory, Modern Theory of Cost, Relationship between cost and
production function. Revenue Curve: Concept of Revenue, Different Types of
Revenues, concept and shapes of Total Revenue ,Average revenue and marginal
revenue, Relationship between Total Revenue ,Average revenue and marginal revenue,
Elasticity of Demand and Revenue relation.
Market Structure: Market Structure: Meaning, Assumptions and Equilibrium of
Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly: Price and
output determination under collusive oligopoly, Price and output determination under
non-collusive oligopoly, Price leadership model. Supply: Introduction to supply and
supply curves. Pricing: Pricing practices; Commodity Pricing: Economics of
advertisement costs; Types of pricing practices. Factor Pricing: Demand and supply of
factors of production; Collective bargaining, Concept of rent, profit, interest- Rate of
return and interest rates; Real vs. Nominal interest rates. Basic capital theory–Interest
rate and return on capital, Measurement of profit.
Product market: Saving and Investment function, Consumption function, Aggregate
supply and Aggregate demand, Investment multiplier, Foreign trade and budget
multiplier. Money market: Motive for holding money; Liquidity preference, Money
demand, Money market equilibrium. IS-LM Analysis: Derivation of nominal IS-LM
and equilibrium. National Income: Conceptual Framework, Measures of National
Income, Methods of Measurement, Limitations of National Income. Consumption
Function: Meaning, and Nature, Determinants and Measures to Raise Propensity to
Consume. Keynes Psychological Law of Consumption - Meaning, Properties and
Implications, Inflation: Meaning, Types, Theories, Causes, Effects and Control,
Unemployment Trade off, Trade Cycles: Concept and Theories of trade cycles.
Unit I
Introduction to Statistics: Meaning,Definition in singular and plural sense, Features
of statistics,Importance , Functions, Scope and Limitations of Statistics.
Measures of Central Tendency: Mathematical averages including arithmetic mean,
geometric mean and harmonic mean, properties and applications. Positional Averages:
Mode and median (and other partition values including quartiles, deciles and percentile.
Graphic presentation of measures of central tendency.
Measures of Variation: Absolute and relative measures. Range, quartile deviation,
mean deviation, standard deviation and their coefficients. Properties of Standard
Deviation and Variance. Moments Concept, calculation and Significance. Skewness:
Meaning, Measurement using Karl Pearson and Bowley Measures. Concept of
Unit II
Simple Correlation Analysis: Meaning of Correlation:Simple ,multiple and
partial,linear and non linear correlation, correlation and causation ,scatter
diagram,pearson’s correlation coefficient,calculation and properties of coefficient,Rark
Simple Regression Analysis: Meaning of Regression,Principle of least square and
regression analysis,Calculation of regression coefficient,properties of regression
coefficient,Relationship between correlation and regression cpoefficientg.
Theory of Probability: Meaning of Probility, Approaches to the calculation of
probabability.calculation of event probabbilities,Addition and Multiplication Laws of
Probabbility (Proof not required),Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem (Proof
not required).
Unit III
Probabability Distribution: Binomial Distribution, Poission Distribution and Normal
Distribution with threir properties ad applications.
Linear Programming; Formulation of linear programming problems. Solution by
Graphic method and by using Simplex method algorithm including Big-M method.
Business applications of LP. Degeneracy. Duality. Post-optimality analysis.
Game Theory: Two-person zero-sum games. Games of pure strategies and Games of
mixed strategies. Rule of dominance. Graphic solution to games. Business applications.
Unit IV
Transportation: Transportation problem: Initial feasible solution using North-west
Corner Rule; Least Cost Method; and Vogel’s Approximation Method. Testing
optimality using MODI method.
Assignment Problems: Assignment problem: Solution using Hungarian Assignment
Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM: Project networks. Scheduling of projects with
known activity times – Critical path and scheduling of activities.
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
Suggested Readings:
Levin, Richard and David S. Rubin. “Statistics for Management”. 7th Edition,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Render, B. and Stair, R. M. Jr., “Quantitative Analysis for Management”, 7th
Edition, Prentice–Hall of India, New Delhi.
Siegel, Andrew F, Practical Business Statistics. International Edition, 5th
Edition (2001), McGraw Hill Irwin.
Berenson, L.M., Krehbiel, T.C., Vishwanathan, P.K. and Levine, D.M.,
“Business Statistics: A First Course”, 4th Edition (2008), Pearson Education.
Anderson, David R., Dennis J. Sweeney and Thomas A., Williams, An
Introduction to Management Science, South-Western.
Taha, Hamdy A, Operations Research – An Introduction, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Ltd., New Delhi.
Hillier, Frederick S. and Gerald J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations
Research, McGraw Hill India (Pvt) Ltd.
Vohra, N.D., Quantitative Techniques in Management, McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, New Delhi.
Sharma, J. K., Operations Research; Theory and Applications, Macmillan
Indian, New Delhi.
Winston, Wayne L., S. Christian Albright and Mark Broadle, Practical
Management Science, Duxbury – Thompson learning, Australia.
Gupta C B, Gupta V, “An Introduction to Statistical Methods”, 23rd Edition
(1995), Vikas Publications.
MCOP 104-18
Unit I
Accounting: Introduction, history and evolution of accounting thoughts, approaches to
accounting theory, difference between financial accounting, cost accounting and
management accounting. Concepts of Income, Revenue, Expense, Gains and Losses.
Single Entry System vs. Double Entry System. Introduction to Double Account
Accounting Principles: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAPs), their
nature, scope, merits and limitations.
Accounting Policy: Meaning, nature and scope. Accounting and policy for
depreciation of assets; accounting for Inventories.
Unit II
Accounting for Lease and Hire Purchase: Introduction, accounting treatment and
their respective accounting standards. Introduction accounting for derivatives
Contemporary Developments in Accounting: Accounting for Price Level Changes,
Human Resource Accounting, Social Accounting, Forensic accounting, Environmental
Accounting, Accounting for crypto currencies
Unit III
Unit IV
Note: Relevant Case Studies should be discussed in class. The discussion of financial
reporting should be through annual reports of reputed companies in various industries.
Suggested Readings:
1. Scott, W. R., ‘Financial Accounting Theory’ Prentice Hall
2. Wolk, Harry I. and Tearney, M. G., ‘Accounting Theory: A Conceptual and
Institutional Approach’ South-Western College Publications
3. Godfrey, J.; Hodgson, A.; Tarca, A.; Hamilton, J. and Holmes, S. ‘Accounting
Theory’ Wiley Publications.
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
4. Evans, T. G., ‘ Accounting Theory’ South-Western College Publications
5. Porwal, L. S., ‘Accounting Theory’ Tata McGraw Hills.
6. Jawahar Lal, Accounting Theory and Practice’ Himalya Publishing House
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
MCOP 105-18
The Contract Act, 1872: Nature, Essential elements of a valid contract. Offer and
Acceptance, Consideration, Capacities of Parties, Provisions relating to free consent,
Provisions relating to performance and discharge of contract. Breach of contract -
Meaning and remedies. Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee .Surety and Co-surety -
Rights and Liabilities - Discharge of surety from his liability. Creation of Agency -
Classification of Agents - Relationship between Principal and Agent - Agent's authority
- Revocation and Renunciation - Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Agent and Principal -
Termination of Agency .
Sales of Goods Act, 1930: Contract for Sale of Goods - Meaning - Essentials of a
Contract of Sale - Formalities of a Contract of Sale. Conditions and Warranties.
Provisions relating to transfer of property or ownership. Provisions relating to
performance of Contract of Sale - Rights of Unpaid Seller – Rules as to delivery of
The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Negotiable Instruments: Meaning,
Characteristics, Types, Parties - Holder and holder in Due Course. Negotiation and
Types of Endorsements. Dishonor of Negotiable Instrument - Noting and Protest.
Liability of parties on Negotiable Instrument.
The Companies Act, 2013: Company - Definition, Meaning, Features and Types of
companies. Incorporation of a company, Memorandum of Association, Articles of
Association and Prospectus. Directors. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
2000, Competition Act, 2002.
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Definitions of Consumer, Complainant, Goods,
Service, Meaning of Consumer Dispute, Complaint, Unfair Trade Practices, Restrictive
Trade Practices, Rights of Consumers, Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies.
The Information Technology Act, 2000: Digital Signature, Digital Signature
Certificate, Electronic Governance, Electronic Records, Patents Act, Conceptual
understanding of patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs.
Suggested Readings:
1. Akhileshwar Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Aswathappa, K: Legal Environment of Business, Himalaya Publication, Delhi.
3. Adhikiary, M: Economic Environment of Business, sultan Chand & sons, New
4. Ghosh, Biswanath: Economic Environment of Business, Vikas Pub, New Delhi.
5. Raj agrawal and Parag Diwan, Business Environment; Excel Books, New Delhi
6. Sengupta, N.K. Government and Business in India, Vikas Publication New
I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University
Master of Commerce Batch 2018 Onwards
MCOP 106-18
Business Communication:
Unit I:
Introduction: Nature of communication; Myths about communication;
Communication process and stages in communication cycle; Barriers to effective
communication; Formal and informal communication; Communication channels;
Choosing the means of communication, like letters, memos, reports, fax, e-mail,
presentation, telephone and multimedia; Improving the communication; Verbal and
non-verbal communication; Communication and ethics.
Unit II:
Communication for Managers: Importance of communication to managers; Internal
and external audiences in the organization; Planning and creating business managers;
Analysing the problem and defining the purpose; Analysing business communication
situations; Adapting the message to the audience.
Written Communication: Planning, writing and revising business document;
Designing documents; Slides and screens; Polishing the writing; Editing for grammar
and punctuation; Choosing the right word; Revising sentences and paragraphs, letters,
memos, emails and web writing, informative and positive message, negative messages,
persuasive messages; Reports: Types, characteristics of business reports, purpose of
reports; Planning and techniques of writing a report.
Unit III:
Recruitment and Employment Correspondence: Researching job; Job application
letter; Curriculum vitae/ resumes; Employment; Interview; References; Offers of
employment; Job description; Letter of acceptance; Letter of resignation.
Unit IV:
Interpersonal Communication: Listening, working and writing in teams; Planning,
conducting and recording; Meetings; making effective oral presentation; Overcoming
stage fright; Telephonic communication; Conversation and discussion; Public speaking;
Seminar presentation; Conference; Group discussion.
Suggested Readings:
1. Raman and Singh, Business Communication, Oxford University Press, 2006.
Business Communication Today, Bovee, Thill and Chaturvedi, Pearson Education,
Ninth Edition
3. Deborah Britt Roebuck. Improving Business Communication Skills.
4. Lesikar and Flatley. Basic Business Communication. 11th Ed. New Delhi: Tata
5. McGraw-Hill Publishers 2008.
6. Locker, K.O., and Kaczmarek, S.K., Business Communication: Building Critical
Skill, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw- Hill,2002.
7. Bovee, C.L., et al., Business Communication Today, Pearson Education.