Level Shifter
Level Shifter
Level Shifter
Abstract—Pseudo-NMOS level-shifters consume large static most HV CMOS technologies. Illustrated in Fig. 1, devices
current making them unsuitable for portable devices imple- (a) and (b) are standard LV NMOS and PMOS transistors,
mented with HV CMOS. Dynamic level-shifters help reduce which can float up to 40 V above the substrate potential, but
power consumption. To reduce on-current to a minimum (sub-
nanoamp), modifications are proposed to existing pseudo-NMOS have a VGS and VDS limited to 5 V. Device (c), (d) and (e)
and dynamic level-shifter circuits. A low power three transistor are the high-voltage MOSFETs with source-drain breakdown
static level-shifter design with a resistive load is also presented. voltage (VBDS ) in excess of 300 V and gate-oxide breakdown
voltage (VBOX ) of 30 V. Device (c) is a floating HV extended
I. I NTRODUCTION drain PMOS (EDPMOS) while devices (d) and (e) are floating
As submicron technologies scale down, supply voltage is and non-floating lateral diffused HV NMOS (LDMOS) tran-
reduced to ensure electric fields across the oxide remain below sistors. Device (f) is a thick-gate-oxide medium voltage PMOS
the breakdown voltage. However, growing demands in indus- (PMOS2) with VBOX ≈ 30 V and VBDS ≈ 15 V. Capable of
tries such as automotive, medical, MEMS, and telecommuni- floating in excess of 300 V when placed in its own well, this
cation has necessitated renewed interest in integrated circuits device serves well as an active load or in current mirrors.
that combine standard low-voltage (LV) digital and mixed
signal circuits with high-voltage (HV) driving capabilities.
In such HV systems, especially for portable devices, strong G G G
constraints are placed on power consumption. Considering
that level-shifters are the key circuits that bridge the different
voltage domains, use of low-power level-shifters becomes (a) 5V NMOS (b) 5V PMOS (c) EDPMOS
very important. Specific examples include cholesteric texture
LCDs [1], which because of their low refresh rates and power
efficiency, make ideal components for portable devices, and G G B G
portable microfluidic systems, which can require high voltage
switching (300 V) at very low currents (< 100 μA) [2].
Though previous publications have introduced the pseudo- (d) LDMOS (e) LDMOS (f ) PMOS2
NMOS level-shifter [3] for static applications and the dynamic (non-floating) (floating)
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1) Circuit 1 - pseudo-NMOS: Presented in [3] and [5], reduced current, and area increases significantly due to the
this circuit adopts a conventional cross-coupled level-shifter larger floating LDMOS transistors.
configuration (Fig. 2). M2 and M3 are used as pull-ups to drive 3) Circuit 3 - 3T resistive load: To reduce power con-
VDN6 and VDN7 to VPP , and to ensure the output EDPMOS sumption even further, a three transistor (3T), full-static level-
is turned completely off or on. To prevent exceeding VBOX shifter using a resistive load is presented. The design and the
when either M6 (VIN high) or M7 (VIN low) are on, and when corresponding simulation results are shown in Fig. 6 and 7.
the HV supply exceeds 30 V, M1 and M4 are used to limit the While a conventional level-shifter may use a PMOS load
voltage drop across VDN6 or VDN7 to VPP − VDD . rather than a resistive one, such a circuit suffers a near
The major drawback of this design is the continuous power threshold drop at the gate of the EDPMOS when M1 is off.
dissipation in both output high and output low due to the fully- Consequently, the output EDPMOS, with a slightly different
on pseudo-NMOS (LDMOS pull-down and PMOS2 pull-up) threshold voltage, is not driven completely off and the output
configuration. From simulation results in Fig. 3, a constant voltage is not an ideal 0 V. By accounting for subthreshold
2.69 mA of current flows through the drain terminal of M6 leakage through M1 and appropriately sizing the resistive load,
or M7 in either case, which at VPP = 300 V results in over the VGS of M2 can be minimized to ensure it remains off.
800 mW of quiescent power! By using the current limit concept introduced in circuit 2 in
2) Circuit 2 - pseudo-NMOS with current limit: To reduce conjunction with a resistive load, a sufficient voltage drop can
the power consumption of circuit 1, a current limit can be be achieved at the gate of the EDPMOS during output high,
enforced by adding the LV current mirror transistors M10 to and the on-current can be controlled and reduced. The LV
M12, and the load transistor M9 (illustrated in Fig. 4). As transistors are sized to allow 451 nA through the drain of M1,
shown in the simulation results of Fig. 5, the current mirror reducing the current draw by half compared to circuit 2, but
transistors are sized to limit their on-current to 970 nA (a factor resulting in an increased propagation delay. For output low, as
of about 2700 reduction from circuit 1). However, the addition M1 is completely off, the power dissipation is very small as it
of the LV transistors requires M6 and M7 to be replaced with is a function only of the (sub-nanoamp) subthreshold leakage.
floating versions. This is because their source, which would Driver
then connect to the drain of the LV transistors, is permanently
connected to the bulk (and hence ground) in their layout. M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Driver VOUT
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
M6 M7 M8
M6 M7 M8 M 11 M 12
Fig. 2. Circuit 1: Pseudo-NMOS level-shifter schematic. Fig. 4. Circuit 2: Pseudo-NMOS with current limit level-shifter schematic.
0 0
0 0
IDN6 2 I DN6
0 0
300 300
295 294
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (us) Time (us)
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4) Circuit 4 - dynamic: In this circuit (adopted from [7]), (rather than also pulsing the strobe signal), thus eliminating
power consumption is reduced through dynamic control of the the additional current draw through M1.
charge on the gate of the output EDPMOS transistor. Fig. 8
and 9 show the circuit and corresponding simulations. IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
A strobe signal, VIN1 , controls the operation of the level- The simulation (across nominal process parameters) and
shifter. When M2 is off and the strobe signal is high, C1 is measured results are presented in Table I and die photos of
discharged and the output EDPMOS is turned off. However, circuits 1, 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 10 and 11 respectively.
if M2 and the strobe are high at the same time, M2 carries a Only simulation results are currently available for circuit 4.
750 μA drain current, causing a 5 V drop across the PMOS2 The circuits were characterized with a 52 pF capacitor in
load transistor M5. When the strobe and VIN2 signal go low, parallel with a 10 MΩ resistor and verified for a HV supply
VGP6 is isolated and the voltage drop is ideally retained. range from 5V to 300 V. Only the 300 V results are presented.
However, because of subthreshold leakage through M5 (and The propagation delay is measured with respect to its input
other sources of leakage), VGP6 must be periodically refreshed crossing VDD /2 and its output crossing VPP /2. For the
to maintain the level-shift operation. dynamic design, the strobe signal operates at 500 Hz with a
Because the majority of power consumption occurs during 0.01 % duty cycle and IVPPQ is the average measured current.
the strobe pulses, low average power dissipation is achieved While circuit 3 offers the lowest power consumption among
by ensuring the duration of the strobe pulse is small (i.e. the static designs, reduced operating frequency limits its use
200 ns). Also, because of already available dynamic control in high speed applications. The higher measured rise time as
of input signals, crowbar current at the output stage can be compared to simulation can be explained by reduced voltage
eliminated by ensuring M3 is off before the EDPMOS turns Driver
on for output high, and turning the EDPMOS on only after
the output stage LDMOS has been turned off for output low. M4 M5
C1 Z1 M6
Though not demonstrated here, crowbar current can also be
eliminated in the static circuits. VGP4_5
To reduce power dissipation further, an improved design VGP6
takes advantage of the Zener diode, Z1. With Z1 designed for
a breakdown voltage of less than 15 V (to prevent VBDS of the M1 M2 M3
PMOS2 M5), M2 now only needs to be pulsed for output high VIN1 VIN2 VIN3
Fig. 8. Circuit 4: Dynamic level-shifter with proposed zener schematic.
VOUT 300
M5 M6
5 VIN1
5 VIN2
5 VIN3
0 0 0
I DN1 300
-10 292
300 300
294 294
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Time (us) Time (us)
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Parameter Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3 Circuit 4
Simulation Measured Simulation Measured Simulation Measured Simulation Units
Rise Time (10%-90%) * 13.0 14.8 15.7 11.9 23.7 105.1 10.25 μs
Fall Time (90%-10%) * 4.72 6.95 7.96 6.73 8.15 5.52 4.74 μs
Slew Rate (rising) 18.4 15.69 15.2 20.1 10.2 2.3 23.6 V /μs
Slew Rate (falling) 50.7 35.4 30.5 39.7 28.9 42.0 53.3 V /μs
Tprop (L – H) 8.08 8.97 22.9 9.44 24.2 61.5 6.2 μs
Tprop (H – L) 2.91 4.06 5.39 4.57 4.97 3.56 3.0 μs
IVP P Q High 2689 2363 1.0 1.6 0.450 0.619 0.044 μA
IVP P Q Low 2689 2338 0.976 1.16 0.002 0.009 0.030 μA
Min VP P 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 V
Source Current (@VOH = 299V) -179.4 -150.3 -182.8 -149.9 -179.1 -149.9 -177.8 μA
Sink Current (@VOL = 1.00V) 401.7 311.5 401.7 353.8 401.7 387.6 401.7 μA
Energy (rising edge) 28.0 4.97 4.80 0.163 μJ
Energy (falling edge) 5.87 4.38 0.049 0.053 μJ
Area of HV components ** 95,188 163,114 122,049 133,653 μm2
Areas of LV components ** 1,326 3,203 1,813 84,716 μm2
* Simulation and actual input rise and fall times are 500 ps and <40 ns respectively. ** Areas are a summation of the individual components.
Fig. 10. Die photo indicating circuits 1 to 2. Fig. 11. Die photo indicating circuit 3.
drop across the gate of the EDPMOS due to process variations ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of the HV resistor in the fabricated device. This work is funded by NSERC and DALSA Semiconduc-
Circuit 4 offers slightly lower power consumption at a tor. The authors are grateful for tools, design kits and IC fabri-
slightly larger cost of HV area compared to circuit 3, however, cation from DALSA semiconductor and CMC Microsystems.
the area consumed by the LV digital logic required to generate The engineering and process staff at DALSA Semiconductor
the timing signals is quite large in this implementation. The have made many technical accommodations for various aspects
higher current consumption in output high (versus output low of the larger project.
as illustrated by IGP6 in Fig. 9) is a result of the large
capacitance seen at the gate of the EDPMOS. Though circuit 2
offers reduced power dissipation from circuit 1, an increase in [1] J. W. Doane, D. K. Yang, Z. Yaniv, Front-lit Flat Panel Display
from Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Textures, Proceedings of the 12th
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a Microfluidic Device with Integrated Optical Waveguides for DNA
Fragment Analysis, Lab on a Chip, vol. 7, pp. 1280–1287.
[3] M. J. Declerq, M. Schubert, F. Clement 5 V-to- 75 V CMOS Output
V. C ONCLUSION Interface Circuits, ISSCC, pp.162-163, Feb. 1993.
[4] J. Doutreloigne, H. De Smet, J. Van den Steen, G. Van Doorselaer, Low-
power High-Voltage CMOS Level-Shifters for Liquid Crystal Display
It was demonstrated that by means of a current-limiting Drivers, The Eleventh International Conference on Microelectronics,
configuration, the power consumption in a pseudo-NMOS pp.213-216, Nov. 1999.
[5] J. F. Richard, B. Lessard and R. Meingan, S. Martel, and Y. Savaria,
level-shifter and a 3T resistive level-shifter could be reduced High Voltage Interfaces for CMOS/DMOS Technologies, Proceedings of
significantly at expense of switching speeds. Dynamic level the IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems, June 2003.
shifters were also examined for lower power consumption [6] DALSA Semiconductor, Component Datasheet for 0.8μm High Voltage
CMOS/DMOS Process, Datasheet: CDS-0077.3, Aug 2005.
capability. The improved dynamic level-shifter offers an ex- [7] Z. Huang and Y. Savaria and M. Sawan, Robust Design of a Dynamically
cellent compromise between performance, area and power at Controlled Low-Power Level-up Shifter Operating up to 300V, 2nd
the cost of additional control logic. Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems, 2004.
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